#it’s the little things that aren’t meant to mean much but actually really do <333
yoichichi · 4 months
sometimes being trans is an endless battle to appear overly welcoming and loveable in an effort to be accepted n other times it’s your roommate putting pink and blue beads behind the new leaves that haven’t unfurled yet on your favorite plant because she doesn’t have any white ones
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colgatebluemintygel · 2 years
hi hi soooo i’ve been meaning to send an ask about the most recent chapter of on another ocean because i went insane!!!! like all your characterisations are so so good and i think we glossed over the whole peter in love with sirius thing?? i would like to go back to that and actually maybe read something from peter’s pov i am like. so obsessed with this idea your MIND!! and this icon berlin peter it’s just!!! i need 2 read him and fabian getting together too im sooo here for peter to have his moment being pined over actually. and literally i KNOW r/s finally fuck in this chapter but i am so captivated by all the other moving parts and relationship dynamics!! but rest assured i was yelling when sirius made remus jealous on purpose i love that trope so much!!!! all that tension finally resolved only for it to come crashing down with the friends who fuck speech <3 can’t wait for that to backfire so bad <3 anyway just love your fic so much can’t wait for the next update :-))
omg hiiii!! welcome!!! would you like a seat? here have some tea!! <333
peter oh peterrrrrrr i am so fascinated by this guy! and by his dynamic with the rest of the guys! i really empathise with him, i think. high school friendship groups can be amazing, but they can still be soo incredibly stifling. even if they’re great and even if you all still get along, it can be hard to move on and to not get stuck in your ways. and that’s just something i especially see in peter, particularly as he’s kind of always defined as the “extra” or like the fourth guy always trailing around after the others. like he's always defined in relation to other people, rather than who he is as his own person. and like. i just think that would be so incredibly hard on him identity-wise. like how do you form your own identity that isn’t dependent on other people? especially when you know that's how everyone sees you. i imagine that's how you'd also start to see yourself. and like even if the other guys aren’t actively mean to him (in the way that it's implied they were in canon), i still think that would be really difficult to navigate. so i said!! what about an edgy icon peter! in berlin!!! buzzcut and an eyebrow piercing!
i find peter/sirius such an intriguing dynamic because there's this feeling that sirius just isn't ever even an option for peter. like it's totally off the cards for him (which honestly makes me really want to write a peter/sirius fic. i've genuinely been thinking about it!!!) like we kind of also get that with r/s in the sense that remus is this chewed up pencil of a man who somehow bags this guy who is.... basically a prince (although OFC they have a whole lot of other stuff going on too!). but with peter it's kinda taken to the next level. and i think nobody thinks that more than peter yknow? like i think he knows it's absolutely hopeless, but even so in oao i think a teeny tiny part of him still hoped. especially since he's moved to berlin and has found his own identity. i think he would have been soooooo excited to see sirius, and, most importantly, for sirius to see him! and for sirius to see that he's maybe worth knowing. maybe even romantically! but unfortunately ...... 99% of sirius's brain capacity has been taken up by a certain knobbly kneed chewed up pencil man! bad timing :-\\
also YES peter deserves to be pined after !!!!! fabian was always kind of meant to be a double of sirius (tho he is 100% still his own person too) and then the further i got into it the more i was like… what if the situation between peter and fabian was also kind of a double of r/s!! what if!!! but with differences!!! and then peter’s unrequited love for sirius entered the chat and it became this bonkers love square situation! but yes i have soooo many thoughts and feelings about fabian/peter and am definitely planning on doing a lil extra peter pov oneshot of them after r/s leave!!! i just keep imagining the fallout now that it's just the two of them again in their little flat together (well. ft mary! but she basically lives at her gf's). so much has happened! and now there's all this sudden space again that's not taken up by those other silly boys and their drama!
anywho i am very sad to be leaving them behind in the next chap :-( although they will return :-) BUT !! i am also excited because DORLENE!!!! who will also have their own plot line n everything !! woohoo!
also..... ahhhhh! thank you again!!!! i am just so/ happy and flattered to have you here!! have said it before but... i love your work! both yours and wolfpants' fics were largely responsible in inspiring me to start writing again! hehe <3
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hysenie · 3 years
can i request R13 with eric? thank you!!
hey! thank you so so much for requesting<333 i made this a bit fluffy w some humor ?? idk if this is what u expected but i really hope u like it:D
에릭손 — R13 ; “you said to be honest stop hitting me!”
wc: ~1k (i tried to keep it short lmao sry)
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You were sitting on the floor of the living room, playing truth or dare with your friends. It was Eric's turn. He picked truth.
“Let's go with the typical, shall we?” Juyeon started, giving everyone a quick glance. The smug look on his face not a good sign. “Eric, do you like anyone at the moment? If so, who?”
Your ears perked up at the question. It wasn't a secret for anyone that you liked Eric, not even for him —though you didn't know that—. It was especially hard to miss with the way your smile seemed to brighten and your mood seemed to lift when he was around. Some of your friends encouraged you to go for it.
Not like it worked, because you never did.
“That's two questions!” Eric quickly defended while pointing at Juyeon, who just shrugged.
Eric nervously cleared his throat and touched the tip of his nose with the side of his finger.
Oh, he's definitely lying.
Your leg started bouncing almost involuntarily. The thought of Eric liking someone else dreading at the back of your mind.
“And I call bullshit!” Haknyeon called out instantly, following with a loud mocking laugh. “Damn, you really like someone? Who is it?”
Sunwoo glanced at his friend as all eyes were on him, including yours. This didn't let you notice how Sunwoo constantly shifted his gaze between Eric and you, a playful but barely noticeable smirk on his features.
He looked down before everyone started shouting and poking fun of Eric.
“Yah, okay, shut up!” Jaehyun spoke up, returning the focus to the guy sitting in front of you. “Tell us the truth, who is it? Do we know them?”
The guys started hyping Eric up so he would speak, except for Sunwoo and you who remained quiet. You pursed your lips as Eric took a deep breath, feeling everyone's eyes piercing through him.
A deafening silence stood in the room when Eric locked eyes with you.
Too many seconds must have passed, because everybody noticed the atmosphere and you felt more eyes slowly stick to you.
“What?” You muttered, breaking eye contact with Eric. And even though you could read the room and gather what all of this meant, you chose not to. For your own mental sanity.
“Wait a damn min— Holy shit! Eric? You like...?” Haknyeon's jaw dropped as he pointed at you. In return, you shamelessly opened your eyes in surprise and let out a laugh in disbelief. Trying to suppress the undying feeling of anxiety running through your body.
“No way,”
Eric and you said simultaneously which caused you both to stare at each other. The others just watched the situation unfold in delight, throwing in some whistles and teasing remarks.
The attention and well, the situation in general, made your eyebrows furrow.
What the hell was Eric doing?
Trying to get an answer, the first thing to cross your head was to stand up. So you did, impulsively grabbing Eric's wrist and taking him upstairs, ignoring the boys' screams and the smile Sunwoo was giving you both.
Of course he knew.
Once in the hallway, you waited for Eric to explain himself, watching him stand with all the weight on one leg as he hoped it would conceal the bundle of nerves burning in his stomach.
As you noticed him avoiding your eyes and not having intentions of speaking first, you did.
“Why?” Confused, he looked at you with furrowed brows. “Why did you do that?”
“What do you mean 'why did I do that'?”
“Why me? You could've chosen any other person for your little game or lie or whatever that was, just why,” You quickly babbled, only stopping to look at him in the eye. “Why me? Who told you? Was it Changmin? That little bastard...”
Eric's palms were sweating. Technically, he hadn't properly confessed yet. And yes, although he made it pretty clear, he was running away from actually saying the words out loud.
“What? No! I don't get it... I like you. That's it. What's the matter? Oh and, no, Changmin didn't say anything. You aren't the most subtle person, you know?” A teasing smile played on his lips and you whined. Eric was actually getting on your nerves, making your lip quiver a bit, heart clenching.
“Drop the act already! We're alone, nobody is pressuring you. Just... be honest with me.”
“And exactly because it's only the two of us that I'm getting the courage to say this. Why won't you believe me?” You could tell Eric was getting frustrated but so were you.
“Goddamn, okay...” You whispered, rubbing your hands all over your face and barely containing the little patience you had left. “Let's do this. I'll test you, okay? I'm gonna ask you again and I want your answer to be completely sincere. Be honest.” You warned him.
Eric sighed but nodded regardless.
“Look at me.” You deadpanned, laying your palms down on Eric's shoulders and he stiffled a laugh.
“What are you? A lie detector?” He let out a giggle but turned serious as he saw you didn't budge. Finally meeting your eyes, he decided to play along.
“Do you like me?”
“For real?”
“Yes.” His answers were quick, making you raise an eyebrow.
“Are you sure?”
“Did you eat the last piece of cheesecake?”
“Eric!” Your façade fell instantly and you pulled away from him. The faint smile on his face was annoyingly endearing. “That was my. last. piece. of cheesecake.” With each word you punctuated, a light punch was delivered to his arm.
He squirmed and covered his arm with his hand, laughter spilling from his lips as he thought how adorable you looked in that moment.
“You said to be honest! Stop hitting me!” Your frown dissipated and was replaced with a big smile.
You both felt like little kids, giggling and enjoying yourselves as Eric ran down the stairs with you hot on his heels.
Stopping your small race when you approached the circle again, you nudged Eric's shoulder, both with the biggest smiles on your faces.
“So...? What happened between you two?” Sunwoo spoke up for the first time, trying to hide a grin and failing miserably.
“Eric ate my cheesecake!”
“I confessed.” You looked at each other, Eric with an eyebrow raised but both still beaming gracefully.
“Ah, right. And he likes me back.”
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thank you again😭 this was my first req so i was kinda nervous but i enjoyed writing it <3
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diredove · 4 years
Hello!!! May I request Staff x Reader scenarios or headcanons whichever you feel like doing where the reader gets very flustered and bashful at flirtation and compliments towards them? 👉👈😚
You bet! Thanks for my first ask! <333
This is pretty long since it includes everyone, so most of it is under the cut! Let’s see how I do, hehe
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Dire Crowley 
- He gets a major ego boost out of it, your blush can only mean that his charm is still as all-encompassing as it was in his youth!
- He's going to act (very poorly) like he's apologetic about making you shy, but his apology is buried under him having a big head about it
-"Ah, am I too bold for you? I can't help that I am not only kind, but also debonair! It is a curse!"
- Also just because he apologizes for being bold doesn't mean he's going to stop! Now that he knows how much he effects you he's going to flirt with you at every chance and revel in the flush on your face
- "How cute, I've once again put you under my spell! Will you ever recover?"
- You can say goodbye to the days you could walk freely on campus, because now you never know when Dire is going to catch sight of you and yell out some super specific compliment at you even as you try to run
- No seriously, he pops out when you least expect him with the cheesiest lines on the tip of his tongue, if you weren't so busy being embarrassed for yourself you'd be embarrassed for him
- But it's okay, everyone else side eyes him for you, because it's actually painful how proud Dire is of himself whenever you can't meet his eyes
- The man is on cloud nine having an adorable being like you at his whim alright, you really need to understand how big his chest is puffed up because of you
- If you actually asked him to stop, let's be honest, he wouldn't listen at first. Dire is someone who needs it drilled into his head to get the picture and just one scolding isn't enough for him to give up his new favorite pass time
- If you truly mean it, he'll sulk about it and lament the loss of your rosy cheeks dramatically, but he'll back off if you don't budge
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Divus Crewel
- Not surprised in the slightest, but highly amused.
- "Precious." Is his first thought, seeing you wring your hands in front of yourself
- Well, of course you're flustered by him, he flusters everyone. However, if it's you, he's less bored and much more playful
- Since he's always making some innuendo or being flirty already, he makes it a point to turn it up to 11 when he's with you. He wants you to know you're special
- "If I lined up every precious puppy in the world, you'd still win best on show."
- He's more sincere with his compliments, and purposely dotes on you more than anyone else so you get the hint he likes your flushing face better than all the others he's seen
- And poor you, Divus is trying to make his intentions known but for you he's just turning up the heat until you can barely speak to him
- At least before you could calm yourself down by saying "He's like that with everyone" but then he goes and says things to you that he most definitely doesn't say to everyone!
- If you tell him off, he will obey. It is never his intention to cause you discomfort, and if his advances aren't returned he's not the type to pursue someone unwilling. That's just plain uncouth.
- If you make your stance clear Divus will go in the opposite direction, making a point to be professional and polite with you to avoid coming off as disrespectful of your rejection.
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- He stops in his tracks and stares. Wait, hold on, you're flustered? By him? Surely you've got the suitors lining up where you're from, right?
- "You're flustered over little ol' me? Well now I'm embarrassed, having flattered a an evening star like you!"
- If you attempt to deflect or downplay yourself, Sam's not having any of it. In fact, now he's just offended because you're trying to convince him he's blind and you aren't the prettiest thing to walk the earth
- Sam is definitely the type to call out your shyness, not to be mean, but to give you some confidence!
- Because, seriously, you're flustered? You should be getting bigger and better compliments than his left and right! Why, have you seen yourself?
- It's too late to try and hide your face from him, no no no, Sam is going to remedy this right now!
- Sam is the best at showing off the good qualities of his products, he could sell a bottle of water to an ocean if he wanted, and now he's putting all that energy into convincing you you're the cat's meow!
- "Look at those eyes, that smile, that sweet demeanor! You can't find that just anywhere, I'll tell you what folks!"
- Every time you buy something now, it comes with a compliment and if you try to reject it he's going on another spiel about your beauty until you get it through your head that you're a dime
- Unlike the others, he is directly against stopping his campaign. He wants you to be confident and sure of yourself, so he's less likely to back off
- He probably wouldn't stop until he got some sort of sign he got through to you, like asking you call yourself gorgeous and tell him your good qualities. If you can manage that, it'll satisfy him enough to stop waxing poetic about you. For now
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Ashton Vargas
- He won't ever admit it, but he was shocked. Ashton's a confident guy, but he knows he doesn't have a good track record when it comes to romance.
- He hides it under his bravado, but he's over the moon that you're so receptive to his compliments
- "Oh, you embarrassed? Yeah, I have that effect on people!"
- Inside he's squealing at the idea of you thinking he's worth blushing over
- You being shy over him complimenting you gives Ashton confidence to woo you in other areas, if you like his flirting then you'll totally like his flexing and showing off too, right?
- He acts like a whole fool whenever you're around, he's like a schoolboy shouting "Look at me!!" the moment he sees you
- He could be eating lunch one minute, then you come in and suddenly he's decided to bench press the table. Oh no, you just thought you saw him drinking from his water bottle, he was actually pouring it over his face and shoulders because he's just so hot from his work out!
- He doesn't care who's around, which makes you even more embarrassed because everyone looks at you two and now everyone is looking to see your reaction
- Everyone is sick of him and wondering why you put up with his shenanigans, honestly.
- If it gets too much for you, Ashton will probably take it harder than others. Ah, so it was too good to be true after all, huh?
- He won't let it show to you though, he'll laugh it off and treat you just as well as he treats everyone else. He's past his teenage days of anger at rejection, he's a big boy now.
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Mozus Trein
- What do you mean, you're embarrassed? He's mortified!
- He sees your blush and thinks he majorly overstepped, and quickly tries to reassure you that he didn't mean to be so forward
- "M-My dear, I assure you I meant no disrespect! I am not that kind of man, truly!"
- Which in turn makes you want to assure it not his fault at all and you fluster too easily, and now both of you are apologizing in circles
- From that moment on, Mozus basically flees every time you're in the vicinity, he's tarnished your image of him and he can never show his face again
- Don't be fooled, he wishes he still had that bold streak he used to. He could have gone about things much differently and really swept you off your feet!
- But his delivery was all off and he's too old for all this now, he could never charm someone as lovely as you with how rusty he is at romance
- Eventually he'll get over his shame and talk to you as though it never happened, do not bring it up he will cry, but he chooses his words much more carefully from now on to avoid further embarrassment
- He does try to compliment you after regaining his courage, if only to prove to you that he's not always that awkward, but it's always aborted and you never get the chance to flush over it
- You won't have to worry about teasing with Mozus, you'll just have to worry about the fact that one of you shy fawns is going to have to make the first move at some point and neither of you are keen on the idea
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rotshop · 3 years
get prankt this isn't an angst fic lol ,,
ANYWAY ,, i realized earlier that i could've just been calling 'auditor reader' employer reader this whole time and then i had a funny silly goofy little idea and now we r here,,,lol,,, ill proof read this later but i did this in one go no breaks so . help.
I might continue this later so!! consider this a sort of 'introduction' if u will,,
note ; auditor uses he / she / they pronouns in this bc ive decided im just going to push my propaganda onto all of you <333 also Hank uses he / they / xe
tw ; dissociation, dereality, some light body horror
Bloody Management
"This is out of your jurisdiction. You've wasted enough time here," you seethed dryly, staring down at the shorter being. "You've made no progress and have only proved your operation to be a strain on our relations and resources."
"Out of MY jurisdiction? YOU'VE never even been there before! You think you can just storm in and suddenly kick me out of my own work?" Auditor shot back, hands slamming down on the mahogany desk in front of her.
"Yes, actually, I do," you snapped, eyes narrowing. "I think you're forgetting just who you're speaking to. You've let this drag on for far too long and your ego has grown in tandem with its pointlessness."
Sighing, you leaned back in your chair, pinching the bridge of your nose as you continued. "Look, I understand. You put effort and thought into this little pet project of yours, but the results have all proven zilch. You fucked up, that's fine, but you can't keep meddling with this reality in hopes something will suddenly work again! All you're doing is tearing and poking holes the rest of us will have to deal with later."
"If you just gave me a little more time I could-"
"We've been giving you time. We've given you more time than we've ever given any project like yours," you gave a desperate look, "It's over. You tried and we tried, there's nothing that can be done. If you just worked with us then we could help you."
There was a long silence as they faltered, hands falling into their lap as their gaze followed, landing on the floor.
"And what happens to my Nevada?"
"We'll try and clean it up again. Return it to..some sort of normalcy," you hummed, "Though, with some of those tears in the fabric it'll take a bit longer than anticipated. That..clown, is proving to be rather difficult."
You paused, grin finding it's way onto your face.
"It's been tricky, if you will."
"Not the time."
You gave a 'tsk' in response, shrugging lightly, "I don't regret it."
"You'll be going back to our depths, effective immediately. While this project was a failure, we're still curious to see if there's anything else that can be done in a different time and place."
"And what about you? Are you going to sit all pretty in this fake office for the rest of eternity?" She questioned sarcastically, eyes dragging up to meet yours.
"God, I wish. I mean, seriously, you have no idea how nice it is to have some peace and quiet after dealing with that fuckin' office."
With a dry snicker and -presumably- an eye roll, they finally stood accepting their defeat.
"I presume I'll be seeing you?"
"If your little posse doesn't cause me too much trouble, yes."
"Have fun with that, I do hope it's as grueling as possible," he hummed, turning and striding towards the door to nothing.
"Thanks, was nice seeing you too."
The door peering to the void shuts soundlessly.
"Was the pun really that bad?.."
"What do you mean they're just neutral suddenly? It's not like they all just suddenly unionized or sum' shit! There's gotta be something going on," Deimos groaned, irritation dragging onto him and clinging desperately.
"Well- What do you want me to say! I'm just as confused as you are," Sanford huffed back over comms, making a vague gesture with no audience.
Hank stood in the other room, staring down at the few agents that were on their knees with their hands held tight behind their heads. They'd made no attempt to attack Sanford and xem, simply staring in a bit of surprise when the two'd busted in. It'd completely thrown the raid off, leaving them both in a state of stunned confusion. The agent that they'd asked about the sudden change in demeanor just gave some shaky shrug, stammering out that they'd all received an order to not attack under any circumstances from some unknown contact. 'They really just listen to anyone then?..'
It was hard to believe, hard to find any reason or meaning in that lead to any conclusive endings. Which, had lead to a small dispute going nowhere and fast. Hank only picked up on little parts of it, the words being muffled and distorted through the wall. Xe didn't really have much interest in getting a clearer reading of it though, it didn't sound like it meant much.
"Look, I'm just going to try and look for any documents or actual recordings of this apparent 'ghost order,' alright?..." A pause. "Deimos? Are you there? Shit- Of course the line dies now of all times."
The line wasn't dead. It was somewhere else, some-when else.
The ground felt cold.
No, was it warm?
Wait- No no no, it wasn't warm..
Was it even the ground?
Did it even matter?
Deimos could fuzzily recall it. Arguing with Sanford over the line. The points he made exactly didn't seem to ring through the fog of confusion and numb in his mind. Something about the Auditor, the agents, blah bla..something.
He'd been making to say something else when he'd seen it, something off in the corner of his eye. It wasn't anything huge, if you asked him he wouldn't even be able to tell you what it was. There was something wrong, but there wasn't. The ground was cold, but it was warm.
Something was wrong.
Everything is fine.
He'd turned around, looking around for whatever in his vision wasn't right.
That's rude to say, you know.
He'd never found it, something reaching from the depths to grab him.
You're making me sound awfully cruel.
With a groan, he picked himself up off the ground to observe his surroundings. White and black stretched infinitely around him, the 'ground' underneath him was the deepest of not-color while the 'sky' was its blinding twin. A building stood in front of him, a mix of ivory and ink twisted to form its structure. The door faced him, standing tall and straight as a soldier in spite of how tilted and off the world felt.
Before he could even really register it, something was pulling him up off the floor. There were no hands or strings physically attached, nothing sticking from him to drag into the infinite beyond his comprehension, no no. It was something quiet, a ghost or a whisper in his mind that pulled him through the ocean and to shore. The door grew larger- closer. His mind grew blanker. His hand twisted the knob.
Color flooded into his vision finally, the room in front of him coated in it graciously. The floors were a velvet carpeting, a wine red that felt of lavish and glitzy. The walls were lined in bookshelves, each filled to the brim with titles somewhere between poetry and latin white noise where imagination fell. At the head of the room stood a desk, polished mahogany standing tall and still, frozen indefinitely in time. Behind it, you.
Once again, he was pulled forward. Each step fell in front of the other, unsure of weight behind them and noise that followed suite. He felt half there. Half of a man and half of a void. It was..something.
Not pleasant, not bad.
The ground wasn't cold, wasn't warm.
It just was.
He finds himself meeting your gaze as he plops down into one of the seats in front of you. He finds his neck straining and bowing under phantom limbs that aren't there. He finds his eyes training on yours which stare back pointedly, finds himself between hot and cold. He finds himself sitting down before you as he watches from the window.
There's no window in the room.
"You must be so confused."
Your voice is in front of him, right? That's where you are, so your voice should be coming from there. It isn't though. It's around him somewhere. Even as you tilt your head to the side the noise of your own voice doesn't seem to follow it.
"Don't think too much on this all, alright?"
You mutter something. 'These grunts really weren't made for this- to be here. I'm surprised he even woke up.'
Someone nods in agreement.
"Wh..who are you?"
Is that his voice? It is. It has to be, it fell from his own mouth. He barely even felt it move. Is it his mouth? It has to be.
You pause for a moment, seemingly caught off guard. He doesn't know if its because he spoke or because of what he asked. Nobody clarifies.
"Why don't you call me [name]? That'll be easiest for you. I do apologize for dragging you here rather than appearing there," you hum, leaning forward on your desk. "I just wanted to make sure we had the utmost privacy."
I wanted to make sure you wouldn't be able to forget.
"Now, Deimos," is that his name? "I need to tell you something, I have to work on restoring things for you, so I can't deliver this message to everyone myself in the most..effective of ways. You won't mind filling your friends in for me, right?"
He doesn't answer. He can't. His tongue is lead and his mouth is stuck shut, if he opens it will surely be left that way for the rest of infinity- for the rest of this place, this time. Someone says yes in his voice.
"Good. Now, try to listen carefully..."
He wakes up on sand. He's sitting up quickly, stilted as his mind finds his body. His tongue is lighter, teeth separated once more as his jaws are their own entities again. The cliff is still under him, wind passing by him peacefully. The horizon stretches infinite.
The ground is warm, there's no mistaking it.
"Deimos? Are you there?"
He pauses briefly.
"I need to tell you guys something."
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missorgana · 3 years
call me what you want
pairing: bucky barnes/sam wilson
fandom: marvel cinematic universe
rating: general
word count: 2741
warning: alcohol, swearing
summary: Bucky thinks he quite likes Sam calling him nicknames, but he likes his smile more. (more tfatws canon compliant fluff.. just because!)
(look at me, once again ignoring exams to write stupid fluff instead. anyways! don’t have much to say but hope u enjoy!! <333 missing them already)
read on ao3
Bucky doesn’t realise just how long he’s been looking at Sam until the man glances over and calls him Buck.
When he thinks about it, his eyes never leave him. Not after those staring contests of theirs, which he’ll admit to himself and no one else that he’s the most responsible for. Not when Sam turns his back to him, focus returning to the mission and Joaquín and Redwing.
He’d roll his eyes at the nickname, but that would mean looking away from Sam, and losing eye contact with Sam.
“Don’t call me that,” he says instead, hopefully conveying his disagreement with a tight-lipped look. He considers smiling. Seems inappropriate.
The other man does smile, “Why not? It’s what Steve called you.”
Sam’s smile looks right. Feels right. Bucky’s had people smile at him before, sure, plenty, but it hasn’t ever felt exactly like this. He’s not sure what it means, though, so he pushes it the furthest way back into his consciousness.
“He knew me longer,” Bucky explains, pretending like it matters, “And Steve had a plan.”
The shorter man seems like he’s holding in a laugh, a smug one. That suggests he knows the obvious lie when he hears it. 
Bucky can see the gap between his teeth.
If he turns his own lips into a smile when Sam turns away again, the man currently preparing to jump out the chute doesn’t need to know. If he spots it and gives him a funny look, he doesn’t need to know the reason behind the smile. Bucky knows.
Because Sam’s always calling him a  cyborg, Bucky fumbles for some sort of retaliation. His name’s too short to make fun of, he contemplates. Damn him.
“I can see the gears turning,” the shorter man laughs, hard and out of breath. Bucky still can’t stop looking at him, for some reason. He bends over a bit when he laughs, picking up a faster pace than himself. Bucky makes sure to catch up.
His comeback ends up being, “Sure you can, birdman.”
He can tell the other man feigns offence, raised brows and nose scrunching at the edges. Sam smiles so easily. Bucky wonders what that’s like.
“Oh, I see how it is,” the man next to him speaks up, eyes dancing easily over the open, practically deserted field they’re surrounded by. There’s a car buzzing faintly a fair amount of miles away, Sam wouldn’t notice but he does, super soldier senses and all, “For the record, that movie’s not too bad.”
Bucky kicks a rock and some dirt to the side. The rock’s weird looking, all sharp edges, almost like spikes. Yet it’s so small. He decides to look at Sam instead, “What movie?”
A honk lets them know they’re not alone. He thinks this might be what disappointment feels like, because the other man stops himself after “I-” and shakes his head instead, causing Bucky’s brows to furrow and right hand to twitch and something sinking inside his stomach, “Nevermind.”
He has to remember to google that later.
Bucky doesn’t really care that Karli told Sam to come alone, because Sam also knows that he’ll be coming with him, no matter the protest.
He’s got a hunch Sam also knows that he was lying, again, reattaching his vibranium arm and gaining the senses back and pretending not to be all that shocked.
“You okay?” the man asks and he answers, “I’m fine.”
Of course. It’s fine. Kind of annoying, how Sam looks at him with a worried glance, trying to hide it but failing miserably. Bucky doesn’t look away when their eyes meet. The shorter man blinks, slowly, like a question.
And he always gestures for Sam to go first.
So he does, too, on the Wilsons’ boat, when he’s tightened near every damn screw and lifted every imaginable thing like it’s nothing, and yet the other man still refuses to ask for help. He accepts it when Bucky decides to put a cool hand on his hip, though.
Sam stills. He himself doesn’t move till the man in front of him does. Seconds seem like years.
“Alright, show-off, don’t overwork yourself,” he tells Bucky, laughing without much of the familiar smugness. The dimples in his cheeks are deeper now, wide eyes. Bucky expects Sam to be looking at his left arm, but his gaze is resting somewhere under his chin. His throat, above his chest.
He thinks he’s getting the hang of this nickname thing, “Sure thing, Sammy.”
And the other man throws a towel at him in response. “Sammy? What are you, five?”
Sam’s sweatshirt has a small hole in it. Near his hip, a tiny thread poking out. The fabric slides up when he raises his arm, revealing a sliver of his stomach. He imagines his skin to be soft, like his arm. It seems the man notices his fixated stare on the spot, looking for whatever the subject of his attention, wiping his forehead in the hem.
Bucky shrugs, “Give or take a hundred years.”
He understands why Sam’s chuckle doesn’t reach his brown eyes at that. What he doesn’t understand is his pupils, significantly dilated. Stupid serum advancement, stupid awareness.
A spot of sunlight touches the other man’s face, and he squints, covering himself with a hand, moving out of Bucky’s sight.
This is how he realises he’s still holding a grip on the now tightened pipe, harder than he thought. He’ll make sure to fix the bending he caused before Sam notices.
Sam is a good dancer. Not that Bucky’s an expert on it or anything, far from it, but he’s not tripping over his own feet or cursing or slinging his sister around like a ragdoll.
His nephews are jumping around them, too, a couple of their neighbours in a slow dance, another reaching out and offering Bucky a beer, which he accepts. The serum doesn’t allow him to be affected much, unless he deliberately seeks being unsensibly drunk, but he likes the bitter taste, regardless.
Sarah straightens her brother’s arm and rolls her eyes in the direction of himself.
Sam turns his head about a millisecond later, winking before spinning her around. It’s smooth as hell, despite not breaking eye contact with Bucky. 
"Come on, Buckaroo!" the shorter man raises his voice, nickname just plain awful, "Get up here."
Bucky decides to shake his head as a reply, he's always preferred observing, really. Besides, he thinks he might be too quick on his feet. Too spinny, urging to not stand still.
Sam doesn't drag him up. He didn't expect him to, but it still surprised him, for some reason. The shorter man looks severely gentle with his hands on the small of Sarah's back, not surprising.
He gets a shake of the man's head and a shimmy of his shoulders. "Man, you're no fun."
Bucky huffs, “Whatever you say, darling.” Sam blinks in disbelief at the name. Sarah snaps him out to carry on with the dance. He likes having the man’s attention, he thinks.
He considers hiding his smile behind the rim of the glass. But really, there’s no need to, and he doesn’t feel like it.
The other man always grins as opposed to simply smiling. It grows just an inch when he notices Bucky smiling back, and there’s these tiny, sensitive hairs standing up on the back of his neck, he feels it immediately. Blood rushing to his face. Maybe it’s just the alcohol.
Just about every window in their house is open, his t-shirt sticks ever so slightly to his lower back with sweat, and a moth is fluttering around the lamp in the corner. It’s comical, tiny wings and body staying so close to that light, not really doing anything.
Eventually it’ll die, he guesses. Well, it has to, of course. But when the living room thins out and the light dies and everything turns quiet, it’ll simply wander around, lost, until that warm glow returns.
That stupid bug bathes in the light like it’s the only thing in life that matters. Bucky feels a sudden urge to look at Sam again, and the other man isn’t looking at him anymore, but it doesn't matter, his presence is enough.
Actually, he thinks he might fear looking away from Sam. Scared he’ll miss something, anything. A look or a smile or a joke or a movement. Some warmth radiating off of him, because the man has so much that he doesn’t even mind giving away a little to his surroundings. 
Bucky’s quite like the moth, in that sense.
Now, Bucky didn’t plan on kissing Sam today.
He’d been planning on it, or he wanted to  ask , but most times it was like the certain moment faded too quickly and he felt guilty for not doing anything about it.
When he woke up to AJ and Cass playing with the shield and the man cooking breakfast in a tank top, Bucky wondered if he should do it, then. It felt weird to try with both his nephews and sister in the kitchen though. He also sort of wished he had gone for it on the lower deck of the boat. Maybe Sam would think it was inappropriate when they were working.
When they circulated around each other the last few days, training, talking, Bucky gaining a deeper understanding for the other man and finding a way to convey an apology that sounds  right, it feels like they’re more of a team.
Connected. Stronger, maybe. Sam doesn’t need his super soldier strength at all, though, but it being wanted anyway, that makes him want to smile more. As much as the shorter man, maybe, if he’s capable.
Bucky decides the next time, the next moment, it’ll come, like all the other moments he’s been discovering and making him sort of breathless. In a good way.
“Thanks for the help,” Sam tells him, instead of a goodbye, “It meant a lot.”
Usually, these sentimental moments they keep having will be ended by the other man lightening the mood, so to speak. Not breaking it, just making it airy and familiar. His stupid jokes that aren’t even stupid, or annoying, anymore, they just remind Bucky of something like safety. He hasn’t asked, and Sam hasn’t said, but he feels like he’ll be there if he falls down. He’d do the same for him.
The man doesn’t joke around, now, despite himself attempting to muster the same smugness, “Of course.” He feels like it sounds more sarcastic than he intended. 
He quite likes that boat. Likes the people on it more. One particular person.
Bucky really thinks that’s the end of their conversation, their own way of saying  see you around  , but instead a voice catches him when he turns around, “I’m just telling the truth, baby.”
Naturally, he turns back, but now Sam’s got his back turned.
Funny, how they keep going back and forth like that. Watching, even when the other isn’t looking. He knows he’s been doing that a lot, there’s no denying it.
A feeling in his hand, the way it twitches, makes Bucky feel like this might be a new moment.
He doesn’t really wait for a reaction before following. Like the moth. Meant to follow. When Sam stops, he stops. Then, reaches over the shield in the man’s grasp and lets his fingers touch the nape of Sam’s neck.
Bucky half-expects him to push him away, but the shorter man kisses him back immediately, and  that makes him want to smile. So he does.
It’s short, close-mouthed, the softest experience he’s ever had. Soft lips, stubble meeting, even if the shield pokes his stomach, doesn’t matter.
When Bucky draws back, Sam’s grinning like an idiot.
He also lifts an expectant eyebrow, like he’s waiting for him to explain himself. Maybe say some romantic bullshit, but he’s scared the words will fail him. Too focused on the other man’s Adam's apple when he swallows, too busy counting his eyelashes, so he doesn’t forget.
Bucky doesn’t want to forget anything about Sam, ever, for the life of him.
He adjusts the bag on his shoulder, before giving the man one last smile. Sam looks weirdly proud of him. “It’s for luck.”
Bucky guesses a kiss is the sort of thing you talk about, but the mission at hand doesn’t allow much talking. He manages to hear Sam’s speech, grab every word and hide it within him and completely pretend he didn’t. The other man knows his bullshitting, again.
“Great job, Cap,” he tries to smile, showing his teeth, like Sam. The man next to him eyes him curiously, for the first time since Bucky met him, looking endearingly shy.
He still laughs, sounding almost like a song Bucky’s trying to remember, “It’s Cap now?”
And given Sharon’s wound, he can’t stick around, but the text he receives about a  party  at the Wilsons, a cookout, that doesn’t surprise him, actually. Doesn’t surprise him that he’d go to Louisiana in a heartbeat and pick up the cake Sarah asked for, even if it slides around in the carseat and doesn’t look all that appetizing when he arrives.
The Wilson siblings roll their eyes at him. They both smile. Sam looks like the sun.
Bucky’s so busy being overrun with kids staring at his left arm that he doesn’t notice Sam slipping out of the group. If it makes him panic just a little not knowing where he was, well, that’s nobody’s business but his own.
The shorter man hasn’t gone far though. He’s looking out at the water, the sunset.
It’s pretty. Looks prettier when Sam stands there.
He knows, he  knows he’s not damn good with communication. The other man told him so himself. But he can’t stop trying, even if it feels like he’ll swallow his tongue.
Sam doesn’t acknowledge him when he comes up behind him, not at first, but Bucky thinks about his easy smile and red shirt and the lines in his palm and the ghost of his lips on his when he says the first feeling that comes to mind.
“I hate everyone else in the world, but you.”
It makes the other man chuckle and turn his face towards him. When he smiles hard, really, really hard, his warm eyes crinkle at the corners.
There’s a small birthmark on Sam’s throat, he notices. And one on his earlobe.
“Really?” he asks, as if it’s up for discussion.
Then that smugness returns like a charm with the comment, “So you like me more than Steve?”
And he would be annoyed, but his own smile is kind of preventing that feeling to surface. “I hate Steve,” he answers, with a certainty that surprises them both. Sam’s tugging at the hem of his shirt.
Then, “You liked Natasha, though,” and Bucky wants to roll his eyes so goddamn badly, which is clearly what the other man was looking for. He thinks he finds him adorable. The pink hue of the sky touches his being so perfectly. Hazy eyes, teeth nearly gleaming in the light.
“No, I mean what I said,” and Bucky knows what’s coming, of course he does, “But you can’t not like Rhodey, I mean...”
Sam is so fucking ridiculous. He doesn’t ever want him to stop making him smile like this.
“Sam, please, I’m trying to-” but Bucky doesn’t quite get to finish that sentence. Not because the other man interrupts him, at least not with his lips, which he wouldn’t complain about, or his words, but because both of Sam’s hands come up to cradle his face in the most tender fashion. He thinks he might be going crazy.
So he just looks at the man for a minute. Contemplating how loud his beauty is, how much love is in his eyes and how it’s somehow directed at himself. It feels overwhelmingly peaceful.
And Bucky feels Sam’s breath on his cheeks before they connect their lips again. Long overdue. His tongue tastes like coffee and butterscotch.
When they pull apart, the shorter man bumps their noses together. Bucky quite gladly could stay like this forever.
Then Sam asks, an unspoken conclusion, but voices the question regardless, because, well. He’s pretty sure they both need it, “You plan on sticking around?”
This smiling thing is kind of straining Bucky’s jaw. He’ll get used to it.
“Don’t even need to ask, sweetheart.”
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moonlit-mizukage · 4 years
Chapter Fifteen: 1am Joyride
Summary: Y/l/n Y/n, a third year at Sakura High School, is just a girl with a bad attitude towards anyone outside her small circle. When y/n’s younger sister starts first year, she gains a lot of attention. Unfortunately for everyone in school, the Y/l/n household has one rule, No dating till y/n does. Some people become just desperate enough to pay the leader of the “Monsters”, the trouble making group on campus, to date y/n. What will happen when she finds out? (All characters aged up to third year unless otherwise stated)
TW: Swearing, mentions of violence, implied past abuse, parents not loving their children, abandonment, foster care, jail, death 
AN: THIS CHAP IS A BACK STORY SO IF YOU ARE UNCOMFY I WILL POST A SMALL LINE FROM THEN END OF THISON THE NEXT ONE AS WELL!!! Sorry as well for not updating lots. Yeah girl has been dissociating so much and losing days. I blinked and now its friday at almost 3am. My  even closes as well on the 21st so if you want to participate please check out this Prompt list!!
Word Count: 1.2K
I heard the rev of Tendou’s motorbike outside my window. I grabbed my jacket and Climbed out my open window.  I took the lightest steps I could around and passed Mei’s window. I grabbed the tree and started to climb down. I walked up to Tendou. 
“You look hot when you are angry babe.” 
“Gross, let’s just get out of here.” I grabbed the helmet from his hands as I climbed on the back. 
We rode down the rural neighbourhoods of the city. I never felt more relaxed than I did in that moment, my arms wrapped around him, the wind blowing on my body  as we rode off. I wanted this moment to last. We soon stopped as Tendou reached for his helmet. 
“This is my thinking spot. It’s usually quiet this time of night.” I took my helmet off and stepped off the bike. 
“I didn’t expect you to be of all people to need a thinking spot. Though you just Monster listed them.” 
“Unfortunately there's things the Monsters can’t always help with.” The atmosphere around him seemed to change to somewhat of a depressing vibe. 
“I really liked being on the bike. I didn’t even notice we ended up going up a hill to this lookout point.” 
“I knew you’d be distracted once you got to touch me.” He said with a wink as he pulled me into his arms. Our lips almost touched as he whispered. “Everytime I see you, you get more beautiful.” 
“Gross.” I whispered back as we both went in for a kiss..
Tendou’s phone startled us as he pulled away.
“What is it?” He asked as he answered the phone. A few minutes of silence passed. 
“No, I am at the lookout point. Can’t he just lie like he always does?” A deep sigh came from him as he heard the response. 
“Just give him my special stash and tell him to give it to her only if she won't come back. Shes a fucking bitch anyways. No one is at a loss by this. What’s a few couple hundred to get a forever problem solved?” Tendou laughed at whoever was on the other side of the phone and hung up.
“Sorry Y/n. Monster shit never stops when Teru”s one time hook ups won’t stop coming back.” 
“I don’t understand why you covered his ass. He’s going to act like a pig. He should deal with it on his own.” I slapped a hand over my mouth “I didn’t mean to say that out loud.” 
“I know you aren’t the only one who sees it that way but Teru and Mad have been here for me always. We used to be little brats back in our elementary days too. Teru was actually a Quiet little devil at first. I do admit we definitely have opposite opinions on girls' purpose. He did watch his mom go through boys every other day some new guy railing her in the kitchen when he got home from school. His mom told him if the sex isn’t an 10 then they are not worth it” 
“How would he even know what a 10 is?’’ 
“I think he just does it to feel some kind of connection to a girl. In hope’s to find ‘The one’, he just wants to be loved and accepted by someone. He knows he's got us but he’s never felt loved by his mom, doesn’t even know who his dad is.” 
“I had no idea, I feel terrible now” I said back to him. He pulled me closer to him again as he rested on the rail. 
“He’s honestly such a good guy. All four of them are. Mad gets in a lot of fights because that's all he knew his entire childhood from his 3 older brothers used to fight him. His dad was about the same in that sense too. The reason he always punches instead of thinks before he acts is that is what he's been taught. He moved out of his house at 16 after we got some income and met the other two. Started to raise some hell in our school you know?” 
“It makes sense why he always tries to fight everyone then.”I said back.
“Hanamaki though is a rich kid whose parents would rather pretend he doesn’t exist. He lived with his grandma on the other side of Tokyo till she passed away in the last year of middle school. Now they buy him whatever he wants while they live who knows where in the world. Him and Matsukawa have been friends since elementary though, Matsun even followed him to Highschool cause he got expelled the last day of school for setting a classroom on fire smoking too close to some curtains. Matsukawa though also didn’t have a good upbringing. His mom left him at 2 years old outside a random house with a note saying she never wanted him. It took 4 years for him to find his father, by then the kid already had some damage because of the system. His dad worked too much to see it for himself though. That just made his choice to move in with Maki much easier for him. That's how we all kinda met though, our broken homes.” Tendou finished, as he turned away and looked out at the view. 
“What’s your story Satori?” I asked him. 
“My father’s in jail, my mother is dead.” 
“Holy shit, I am so sorry Satori.” 
“I spent most of my childhood jumping from foster home to foster home. I was a demon spawn though. Always making sure they would move me around. Getting my nickname Guess Monster cause no one knew what I would do next. I live with my grandma now.” He said.
“I am sorry I always called you the second biggest asshole on earth. I had no idea.” He just laughed knowing I meant Oikawa as number one. 
 “And how about you y/n? What’s your story?”
“Um, my mom left us for a guy in Paris when I was young. I was basically raising Mei as my child, with my father being a doctor he's usually never home. Well till I started dipping on her for Oikawa. Now she hates my guts and my father spoils her so much cause he feels bad about missing out so much.” 
“Wait Oikawa? I thought you always hated him” He said. I began to explain to him the same story I had told Mei earlier the night. “I always knew he was a piece of shit.” 
“If only Mei did. That’s why we fought too.” Tendou pulled me in closer again. He smiled at me as he gave his signature smile. 
“It’s nice to have someone to trust outside of my circle again.” He pulled me into a passionate kiss….
The night continued for a bit longer as he brought me back home once again. I got off his bike and looked down at him as he took his helmet off and stood up. 
“Yes Y/n?”
“You were right, I did fall for you.” With that I placed a passionate kiss on his lips again. I pulled away and turned around to begin to climb back into my house...
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kodzukenscorner · 4 years
Tendo, Oikawa, and Tsukishima comforting their S/O
anon asked: uhm hiii 👉👈 i've been feeling really down and insecure lately and i was curious if u could write some hcs for tendou, oikawa, and tsukki comforting an s/o (or crush) who feels unlovable?? it's okay if you dont want to tho!! either way thank you and i love your writing 🥺
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a/n: hope you’re feeling better babe, and know that you’re incredible and definitely very lovable <333
wc: 1,006
✶   ✶   ✶   ✶   ✶
Tendo absolutely loves you but sometimes with his goofball ways, he doesn’t show it as clearly
He likes to tease you and make you smile but lately he’s noticed his teasing only seems to put you in a sour mood
Sometimes you get angry at him and tell him to leave you alone but he knows you aren’t actually angry with him
But this time, you’re not even angry, just really...sad?
He has no idea what he’s done wrong and is now walking around you very carefully
“Is...everything okay?” 
He asks you in a surprisingly timid voice
You look at him and just shrug, not really sure how to tell him that you’ve been feeling insecure lately
“Do you...ever wish you were dating someone that wasn’t me?” 
Tendo just blinks at you and you can’t bring yourself to look into his eyes
“Why would I ever think about that when I have you?” He said so plainly like it was the most obvious thing in the world
Those words made your heart flutter and you looked at him with soft eyes and a light smile
He could tell when you looked at him exactly what you had been feeling and he didn’t say anything else
Instead he just wrapped his arms around you brought your face to his chest
You managed to hug him back and just buried your face in his shirt
“I really do love you, ya know? I won’t tease you when you’re feeling down like this okay? Just tell me”
You pulled away slightly to flash him a bigger smile than before and he gave you a cat like grin in return
He suddenly jumped up and said he had a great idea to cheer you up
He started singing a completely random song that he made up right on the spot and you started cackling
It was ridiculous but all of his lyrics were about how much he loved you and he even had a little dance to go along with it
Your heart swelled as you realized just how much he meant to you
And how much you meant to him
Oikawa is constantly showering you in love and attention 
But sometimes his not so small fan club gets the best of you and you can’t help but feel insecure
There are so many attractive people who are constantly bringing him gifts and snacks and you wouldn’t be surprised if he liked one of them more than you
So lately you’ve been feeling down and certainly have not been acting the same as you normally do
This definitely does not go unnoticed by Oikawa who is so used to seeing you smile
And when he playfully flirts with you like he always does, there’s almost no reaction out of you
He is definitely concerned and approaches you with obvious worry etched across his face
“Baby...do you maybe...want to break up with me”
You almost fall out of your seat hearing that
“You’ve been ignoring me lately and I just got worried” He said, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck
“No! Of course not!” You immediately find the right words to get Oikawa’s face to relax
He immediately tackles you into a bear hug and breathes in your scent deeply
You can’t help but smile and hug him back
“So what’s the problem? Something been bothering you?”
You bite your lip unsure of what to say
“Well...I thought you wanted to break up with me”
He looks at you, his eyes as wide as saucers
But then he started laughing and you just stared at him, waiting for him to say something
“So we both thought the same thing?”
He kept laughing and holding you close and it was so infectious you started giggling too
When he finally calmed down he stroked your hair and looked you in the eyes, his own filled with immense affection
“I love you and you love me. So there’s nothing for either of us to worry about, right?”
You nodded and pecked his lips
It really was hard to feel unloved around Oikawa
Tsuki is not the best at stating his affection but he’s a lot better at showing it through his actions
But that means he’s also not great at comforting people when they’re feeling down
He’s noticed you’ve been quiet and more reserved and just generally not acting like yourself
And this was all very concerning for him so he was thinking of the best way to help cheer you up
He didn’t trust himself to rely solely on his words so he set up a romantic date for the both of you
He invited you over to his place where he had set up a pillow fort filled with your favorite snacks and drinks
He had also set up some of your favorite movies and invited you to come lie down with him
You were honestly so surprised, he’s never done something like this before but you were not about to look a gift horse in the mouth
You happily climbed into the little fort he had made and nestled into the many blankets surrounding you
You soon found yourself wrapped up in his arms, head resting on his chest with your favorite movie playing in the background
You were almost lulled to sleep by how comfortable you felt when Tsuki finally spoke up
“I know you haven’t been feeling great lately and well...you know you can always come to me”
You picked your head up so you could look at him and he was blushing 
You really couldn’t believe he had done all of this to cheer you up
Seriously how lucky could you have gotten?
“Thank you Kei...I’ve just been feeling kind of insecure lately”
He cupped your cheek with his hand and brushed the pad of his thumb across it
“I love you, I know I don’t say it enough but I’m so lucky to have you”
He really took the words right out of your mouth
475 notes · View notes
Thoughts on the new extra? I know some people might think he tian was forcing himself on mo. but he was just teasing him and getting payback and it's part of character to push boundaries. tianshan don't have the "fluff" dynamic like zhanyi. if mo really hated that he would have reacted the same way like the first kiss. Maybe he tian wanted to actually kiss mo with the way he was touching his lips but he's afraid of the reaction. Mo might have some more dreams about he tian after that😅😂
 Hello, dear anon! 
Before getting any further, I’m using the translation by @1154lizz​ for this answer. Thank you for your speedy hard work for the fandom! 🙏
It sure seems like the fandom is being divided by the latest special chapter. Considering that Tianshan has always done that, I’m not really surprised but I do hope the conversation stays civil.
I also want to remind anyone reading this that the following is merely my own opinion on the update. I am not trying to tell anyone how to interpret or feel about the special. Everyone is entitled to their own take on it, and I don’t think neither side of the argument is inherently right or wrong. Even though I’m a Tianshan shipper, I don’t think people who feel uncomfortable with the pairing can’t make valid points. And just because we might disagree, it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t respect each other’s points of view.
Overall (drink up!), I have touched upon the subjects of Tianshan’s physical moments and if I think they are toxic/abusive:
What if HT kissed MGS again? (on the lips)
Is Tianshan toxic?
Is Tianshan toxic, vol. 2?
Intimate Tianshan moments I wish will happen
What Tianshan sex would be like in the future?
Those are probably something worth checking out to have a better understanding of where I’m coming from regarding these topics.
Now, let’s finally get to your ask!
“Thoughts on the new extra?”
To be honest, my initial reaction to the panels before knowing what was going on was “yikes 😬”. Especially, the first panels. I was a bit disappointed and put off that it seemed like we were going somewhat backward. So, I can understand why people might have been upset about the update. I think being taken aback and uncomfortable is a fair olive branch that can be extended even if you might disagree. It didn’t look good to me at first, either.
Then I read the English translation and got a better sense of what was going on. I got a proper context for the panels, and it started to look different (ch. 333):
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So, MGS had accidentally kicked HT in the balls when HT scared the living bazooka out of him. And now HT was seeking revenge by making MGS “massage them”.
If you put the panels that admittedly didn’t look good in that context, they pretty much fall in line with the previous time HT’s balls were accidentally abused by MGS (ch 298):
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HT took revenge by pushing MGS down and trying to “feel” MGS down there, most probably to return the favor. To me, this is the kind of juvenile humor that is well established in the comic already, and HT asking MGS to “massage them” was in that category. That kind of humor isn’t for everyone but I think it’s the type that is very typical to 19 Days.
Admittedly, the two panels have two very different environments and vibes which is why I also felt somewhat uncomfortable about the latest one. HT trying to feel MGS up after the accidental slap has a more playful atmosphere while HT pulling MGS’s hand towards his crotch in a dim bedroom comes across very differently. But in general, after reading the translation, the bedroom scene fit that whole revenge type of teasing already familiar in the comic.
Another thing that shifted in nature to me was the “forcing himself on MGS”. As I said, at first it did look like yikes to me. Then I read the translations and three things changed.
First of all, it became the kind of hot I personally enjoy in Tianshan dynamics (ch. 333):
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As I said in one of my earlier answers about what I think Tianshan sex will be like in the future, I see them having some “spice” that stems from their push and pull dynamics. HT being physically in charge and having his usual pushy demeanor. And MGS would consent but also be his usual defiant self and kind of “if you want it, then you gotta take it” that I think fits his character.
I do admit that HT pulling MGS’s hand forcefully like that and MGS not being on the same page wasn’t exactly the kind of spice I meant but in general, I liked HT’s dominance and the hint of danger. That “I dare” by HT sent little shivers down my back and was just how I wanted it. Now, all we need to add to that is MGS getting more comfortable.
Secondly, another thing besides spice in my earlier post was “sugar” and “teasing” (or “seasoning” as @19elaine​ better put it). I think both of them were present in the special chapter, too (ch. 333):
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HT was teasing and messing with MGS. He was looking for revenge in the way he knew would be the most “efficient” in the sense that it makes MGS regret kicking him for sure. But HT’s form of revenge also had sexual innuendos which I think is a big part of Tianshan’s interactions. Teasing and bullying not only pushes the boundaries in a titillating way but also upholds the sexual tension undertones between them.
The last panels also gave me vibes of “sugar”. I think when HT said he “can’t help it” (bullying MGS), he was teasing MGS but also being honest and vulnerable under the surface. I think he wanted to kiss MGS and show him that kind of affection but settled for something that wouldn’t cross big lines that MGS wasn’t ready to cross yet. But HT does want that kind of physical intimacy and affection, and on some level, it’s difficult for him to try and be patient. He doesn’t want them to have to them (aka to take them for his own pleasure) but rather because that’s what he craves for in a relationship.
Thirdly, I think this chapter showed that HT knows when to back off (ch. 333):
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As I have said many times before, the seeming power imbalance in Tianshan is usually what comes across at first glance. But when you take a deeper look, I think MGS holds quite a lot of power and control in their relationship. HT pushes and bullies him for sure, but he would never want to knowingly hurt MGS or traumatize him.
For example, in that situation, I would have found it out of character if HT had French kissed MGS instead of the little “chus”. MGS wouldn’t have been ready for something like that, and it would have crossed lines in a bad way similar to when HT kissed him for the first time. That’s not how HT wants it with MGS because it would go against everything he’s trying to achieve in life. He’s not going to break the trust he has gained and hurt MGS the same way people like him have always done.
I also agree that if MGS had been against HT getting physical in the same way as when HT kissed him for the first time, he would have reacted in a similar way. He would have had a much stronger reaction. I do think MGS was still uncomfortable in that situation but...I think the vibe was vastly different. He wasn’t resisting with all his might. To me, it looked like MGS was bothered but also trusted HT. He was trusting that HT wouldn’t hurt him and knew where the line “truly” went for him.
Don’t get me wrong, I fully understand if “know when to back off” sounds problematic to some. That grey area isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. And I’m not telling anyone to feel differently about it if it goes against their heart. It’s just that I see that delicate balance being an essential part of the Tianshan dynamics both now and in the future.
On top of all that, I think there is also the cultural context to be taken into consideration. 19 Days is a work of the “boys love” genre and part of the conventions and tropes that come with that. I think Tianshan dynamics is a good example of the trope of a pushy, devilish “seme” who wants to bully and fluster his tsundere “uke”. Now, before anyone comes at me, that’s just how I see it based on the hundreds of works of BL (Japanese, Korean, and Chinese titles) that I have read. I think 19 Days is one of the very few BLs that has a lot of Western fans as well who aren’t perhaps that familiar with BL or comfortable with it. And sometimes those two different literal cultures clash. And there’s nothing wrong with that, but I would say this chapter was one of those times. (I realize I’m making big generalizations here. This is just my gut feeling.)
To summarize, I was taken aback by the panels at first but after I got a better understanding of what was really going on, I saw it all differently and that it followed the kind of tone Tianshan and the comic have always had. However, I don’t believe in trying to dictate how people should feel about the chapter. I can see where people who were uncomfortable are coming from.
Thank you for your question, dear anon!
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sukirichi · 3 years
this is from an ask i received. i copy pasted and replied here as a text post since i can’t put “read more” on anon asks and it’s quite long hehehe. to the anon who sent me this, i give you loads of my love, thank you so much for everything !!
[ the ask ]
hi lovely,
i just read earned it and i have a couple things i’d like to say to you if you don’t mind. before i start, i completely understand if you don’t want to share this ask or even read at all which is fair. but if you do decide to read it, i know that one person such as me cannot change the decisions a writer had made such as discontinuing a series but i hope that this allows you some sense of peace or happiness towards your creation and end of earned it. i’m actually writing this is my notes before i send it to you so that’s how you know i truly mean it. buckle up baby!
i’d like to start with this; i just read and finished all the remaining chapters of earned it. i don’t know how to say this without sounding arrogant or cocky which truly isn’t my intention here, i promise so i’ll just say it as is. i swear to ever loving god, i’ve scoured the entirety of tumblr, ao3, fanfiction.net, wattpad, everything and anything, and it still isn’t very often that i find works like these, far and few between dare i say. ive looked through almost everything i could get my hands on to read in the jjk fandom and dear god, do you manage to keep on surprising me. i’ve read majority if not all your works along with following you on ao3 and tumblr, and i must say. i truly am so fucking impressed. completely and absolutely fucking floored if you will. the amount of plot twists and pure emotion you managed to put into this is only something i can dream of ever creating.
i cannot lie, it truly my hearts to think that people gave you so much shit over this to which ended in you deciding to discontinue along with your lack of interest which at least, is understandable unlike the hate. i literally cannot comprehend how people would be unhappy with the outcome so far after reading it since it was beyond fucking magnificent in my eyes. it kept me on my toes the entire time whilst never managing to bore me once and as someone with adhd, thats fucking hard to do, i’ll admit it. props to you. and as much as i want to grovel and beg for crumbs, something, anything to know about how it ends, i know that that will most likely accomplish nothing to both you and i so decided to just say this.
thank you for writing this. thank you for not only writing it but dealing with the experience of unwanted and negative criticism to the point you had to stop and discontinue it whilst also being generous and amazing enough to keep it up so other people could still read it. i really hope your proud of earned it and how it turned out so far, because if i were you, i’d be so bloody fucking proud i wouldn’t know what to do with myself.
my friends often tell me i overstep my boundaries and i really hope i aren’t doing that with this but i just really, truly, wanted to express my genuine appreciation and thanks towards your writing and towards you as a writer that puts out content, not to mention for free!!!!, for people like me. i also don’t want to seem as if i’m glorifying earned above all your other works, because that’s not what i mean. your writing is just… just fucking chefs kiss. sorry, my brains starting to run out of words at this point but oh my god. thank you for letting me experience the experience of earned it even though there was no proper end. i’d rather have that than nothing at all. and maybe i misread this entire thing, maybe you are goddamn proud of your work, which you fuckinf should be considering the pure quality it is. once again, chefs kiss!!
i just… i don’t know what to say anymore. your writing, quite literally, has made me completely fucking breathless in a good way of course. anyways, i hope this wasn’t too much of a ramble and at least managed to make you smile or something. have a lovely day sweetheart!!!! <333 :*)
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you really made me speechless with this one, you have no idea. I’ve lost count of the times I’ve reread this and teared up a little bit because you know… I’m so shocked like I really have no idea what I did to receive such a sweet message because I’m just writing silly fanfics when I’m feeling it yknow? Or at least that’s what it seems like because it turns out I have a huge impact on others and I’m able to make people happy like I’ll never EVER get used to that feeling and I mean that in a good way !! Like I’m in a constant state of disbelief that people are this affected by my content and I’m just… 
I’m so thankful truly PLEASE can I give you a hug I’m so happy sobs sobs sobs
also baby, thank you sm for this again AAAAHH. I’m not sure if you really mean ‘Earned It’ the mafia! gojo series or ‘Reckless’ the CEO gojo series though ?? Both are discontinued but Earned It was discontinued bcos my dumbass killed Naoya there and he was my favorite so I lost the motivation and it was all my fault SOBBSSS. as for Reckless though, yeah I’d say it was mostly the hate I got for it that demotivated me into continuing it :// but if this ask is meant for Earned It, then yes thank you so much for the kind words as well, though I didn’t really receive hate for it so no worries !!
and aaah anon im…I’m at a loss for words lmao but the part where you said where you would be proud if you wrote it, that’s really…LIKE IDK it just hit me bcos oftentimes I look at something I poured my heart into, but then I’d have days where I’d be like YIKES that wasn’t a good one. its so easy to forget the effort we put into something when we’re affected by external factors. and yeah even though I really don’t want to continue either series anymore, thank you for leaving me the important note of being proud of myself <33 
although the series (earned it) wasn’t really something I’d properly executed and planned for, I do remember being passionate over it and feeling truly excited to update. even if it didn’t end out the way I wanted it to, it’s still something I poured my heart on and that’s magnificent on its own, so I’ll be prouder of myself from now on <33
no worries bb you are not overstepping any boundaries at all !! believe me when I say this ask truly do means a lot to me – more than you’ll ever know. messages like these are what keeps me going, as feedback is important to writers, but most of all it’s the genuine support and sincerity that gets to me. 
I’m truly humbled and grateful right now. thank you for this again and again and again.
THIS MADE ME MORE THAN SMILE !! there’s a lot of things I’m struggling with even if I don’t publicly express it, but messages like these will always have a special place in my heart. I’m sincerely grateful for everything, and I’ll continue writing here and sharing my works!! It’s supportive people like you that make these moments worthwhile. I’ll never forget this message anon AAAAH I LOVE YOU SO MUCH THANK YOU THANK YOU YOU HAVE AN EVEN BETTER DAY OR NIGHT, you have me weak in the knees for this
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send-allmyloving · 4 years
Could you write some Akutagawa Ryunosuke fluff? Like what being his girlfriend would be like?
Of course!
Akutagawa relationship headcanon 
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- To be honest, the only way you’d ever be able to truly interact with him is if you were in the mafia, so let’s say you were in the mafia!
- You took on the secretary position in the mafia hierarchy, so you often saw off Akutagawa on missions and met with him for briefings.
- Babie Aku here would never voice it, but he honestly thought you were the prettiest thing he’d ever seen!
- The first time he saw you, he stuttered. That’s right folks, the great Akutagawa Ryunosuke stuttered!!
- Eventually after frequent meetings with you over the span of a few months, Aku mustered up the courage to ask you to go out with him <3
- It went a little something like this:
“Akutagawa-san... why aren’t you saying anything?”
“Are you sick? You look really pale right now--”
- anyways hes a dumbass but hes gonna be the best boy 4 u owo
- This poor boy literally doesn’t know what he’s doing
- He’s never experienced romantic attraction until now, so as you can expect he’s having an internal battle on who the hell he’s supposed to ask
- Eventually he settles on Chuuya, the master of being suave lmao
- With his help, he at least sort of has a clue on wtf to do when he’s with you
- The first couple months of dating he was struggling really hard to at least display some physical form of affection
- When you saw him nervously shaking while gripping your hand you had to reassure him that he didn’t have to force himself to be so touchy
- And that’s when Aku realized how much you meant to him; you genuinely cared about him and wanted him to feel comfortable when with you, you didn’t force him to do something he didn’t want
- For the time being he just wanted to hold pinkies with you, nothing more
- But let’s be honest, this boy is literally touchstarved, at that point he just wasn’t used to the idea of physical affection
- So eventually he decided that he was okay with you touching him
- It sort of started with him shuffling over to sit next to you while you were on your phone, and he just suddenly put his chin on your shoulder and started pouting at you
“...Aku? What’s up sweetie?”
“Pats. Now.”
- Literally deadpanned that part LMAO
- He loves loves LOVES when you pat his head or pet his hair
- He likes lying on your lap while you play with his hair, it’s really soothing
- Also loves back rubs uwu
- Likes forehead kissies too, his eyes light up when u do that so pls always give him a forehead kissy thank u
- He’s really scared of baths so you have to be understanding with him on that part
- You have to call Chuuya to help him clean himself bc he’s just not ready to be that vulnerable around you
- But maybe 5-6 months into the relationship he starts letting his guard down around you and building up his trust with you (being his gf requires patience, he has a lot of trauma)
- You’ll encourage him to start to relax when he’s in the bath while you clean him
- He especially likes when you’re scrubbing his back or putting shampoo in his hair because it’s like when you’re giving him back rubs or hair pets
- He’s like a puppy tbh
- At this point he’s definitely okay with hand holding
- That’s sort of like his go-to when comforting you
- If you’re feeling sad or crying he’ll just hold both of your hands while his thumbs rub the back of your hands until you feel better <333
- When he’s feeling sad he tends to hide mask his emotions with his tsundere vibe and you have to talk to him about not bottling up his emotions bc that’s his bad habit >:((
- When he cries it’s heartbreaking, but not to worry bc a back rub and a kiss on the head does wonders to make him feel better!!
- You tell him it’s okay to share his insecurities with you bc love requires trust!
- He’ll start warming up to that idea slowly, and he’ll start getting used to venting to you
- Maybe a year or so into your relationship he finally gets used to full on cuddling and kisses
- NO PDA though, he absolutely hates PDA, he doesn’t like looking vulnerable to others.
- When you’re out on a date, the most you’ll get is holding hands, and if you’re lucky a peck on the cheek
- Speaking of dates, he likes going to places with fewer people, such as the theater, private karaoke rooms, and small cafes. By the way, he’s surprisingly good at singing when you go on a karaoke date, and he’s always up for doing some stupid songs if it means it’ll make you smile <3
- When you’re alone together he likes giving you back hugs
- Sleepy babie Aku waking up to you preparing breakfast and giving u a sleepy backhug in his pajamas :(((
- He likes letting you lay on him while you guys are relaxing on the couch, playing with your hair and occasionally giving you a kiss on the head, talking about whatever you want
- Sometimes if he’s in a good mood he’ll cup your cheeks and give you a kiss on the forehead and nose, grin, and walk away and you just smile bc hes the most adorable thing in this fucking universe
- You lead the kisses bc he’s not used to that stuff, and you make sure to be really gentle bc this guy has been hurt way too many times, he’s rlly scared
- The best way to ease him into a kiss is by running your fingers through his hair and massaging his scalp, and he’ll easily lean into your touch
- Pepper his face with some little kisses and slowly, slowly guide his lips to yours
- Kissing and makeout seshes are really soft, those are intimate times where you pour out your love and trust for each other
- Loves having you on his lap while kissing, he gets to hold you close to him and he feels stronger with you in his arms, he feels like he’s protecting you and that way he doesn’t feel so bad when you’re always caring for him
- He also loves laying side by side with you when cuddling; he loves being cradled in your arms while you look lovingly into his eyes and stroke his cheek and hair before pressing a little kiss to his nose followed by a really soft “I love you”
- That’s when he smiles softly and buries his face into your neck bc he’s so so in love with you im actually crying help me pls
- When you sleep, he is the little spoon. No I do not take constructive criticism
- Sing him a lullaby, press a goodnight kiss to his neck and wrap your arms around him and he is off to dreamland
- I’m pretty sure he has nightmares often, so when you wake up to him shaking in a panic the best thing to do is gently touch his hair so you don’t scare him
- If you touch his hair he’ll know it’s you, that’s his comfort spot
- Hugs you so tight when he sees you’re there with him
- Back rubs and soft words of comfort will stop him from trembling and crying so much from his nightmares, he’ll be so familiar with your touch at this point that it’s like you’re his safe haven (you are)
- He’ll fall back asleep with his face buried in your chest and your hands stroking through his hair bc he feels really safe that way
- If anyone tries to hurt you he would literally kill them, no one and i mean no one hurts his lover and gets away with it
- Super protective of you when it comes to Port Mafia things
- He can’t bear to lose you, you mean the world to him
- He might not express it often verbally, but he really loves and cares for you
- Being his girlfriend is a delicate task and you have to really care for him, but boy is it worth it bc his love for you is so strong
thx for reading! i think this was pretty long but aku’s character has a lot of struggles and self-doubt, so it would be hard for him to ease into a romantic relationship so easily. Hope this was to your liking!!
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sunshinesukuna · 4 years
lemon detergent
pairing: tsukishima x reader
tw: fighting, injuries (bruises), light swearing
wc: 1.7k
genre: angst to fluff
ayyy catch me plagiarizig my own work. eh, miya atsumu can rot anyways. im sorry if this is bad, i haven’t given you guys writing for over a week and my people-pleasing ass rushed to give you guys some content ahhhhh. éñÿwâÿś, enjoy <333
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Three strikes and you’re out. For each of you, so technically that was six strikes, but the two of you never debated the technicalities of it. Not like you had time to, with a hectic schedule as third-year students and athletes. Him chucking volleyballs into the air, and you chucking yourself up in the air in the wondrous sport known as cheerleading.
He’s already waiting for you in your usual spot behind the gym. God forbid anyone see the two of you together unless it was a life-or-death situation. Hinata would grow at least a feet before that would ever happen. At least that was easy when you were dating someone like him. Being in different classes, different teams, houses on the opposite sides of town. You wondered when you would actually be close to him both emotionally, and physically.
Now that you’re closer, you can smell him for real. The tang of lemon detergent that his mom loves and clean sweat can only mean it’s Tsukishima. You stand in front of him wordlessly, eyes expectant for something. Well, something other than the forlorn look in his eyes that he’s giving you. 
“I don’t think I can come to your house after school tomorrow,” he says. There it is. You were totally expecting that this would come at some point during the year, but you didn’t expect it to come this soon. You’re still disappointed anyways. 
“It’s the third time you’ve bailed out on me this week alone, Kei,” you complain. He puts a finger to his lips at the sound of your quickly rising voice. “I barely see you at school outside of the gym!” 
“And I told you, I’m practicing. It’s not like I’m cheating or anything.” Certainly feels like you are, you want to say. But it’s best if you keep those words in the back of your head.
“For what? Nationals aren’t for two more months!” He breaks eye contact with you, opting to stare at the tree at the edge of the road. 
"Practice makes perfect.” 
“But you shouldn’t overwork yourself this much! Even I take breaks from cheerleading every now and then to come to support you at your games!” 
“(Y/N), I think you’re misjudging how important the Interhigh is to Karasuno. If we lose—”
“I know how important the match is, Kei. But there’s a difference between giving it your all and giving it too much.” You pause, taking a long breath. “Even cheerleaders don’t break our backs trying to reach new heights.”
Tsukishima sighs before putting his hands back into his pocket. He furrows his eyebrows.
“What would you know about it? Cheerleading isn’t a real sport anyway.”
Words cut deep like knives. Tsukishima’s don’t. They hit you like a bag of bricks all at once. 
The pang in your chest isn’t just from his words, it’s from his indifference. His eyes giving you that blank stare as he brushes off everything important to you. His hands staying still in his pockets as he talks to you, like you’re not even worthy of his attention. 
And thus the standoff begins. 
First is the lunch line. You think waiting for food while hungry is hard? Try waiting for food when you’re hungry and have Tsukishima Kei looming over behind you. You’re about to plant your feet down in the floor when you’re finished, waiting for him to finish up, but you remember that you have no one to wait for.
So you briskly pick up your tray and move to a table where you spot some of your friends from cheer sitting. His eyes twitch at your figure walking so easily away from him. But it’s not like you would notice.  
Second is the hallway. Your heart clenches a bit when you spot Yamaguchi around the corner, because you know who’s going to be next to him. You can already smell the lemon detergent from here. 
His eyes burn through his glasses when you walk by. The usual glance and smile is thrown out in exchange for… nothing. Your eyes look straight forward at the end of the hall, where your classroom is. Frustration rolls off of him in waves so intense you can practically smell them, like a disruption in his lemon detergent-scented aura.
No matter, that means it’s working, right? He’ll fess up sooner enough.
But what was it again? Three strikes and you’re out.  The third strike comes later at practice.
You really should have thought this out even further. The damaged piping in the gym the cheerleading team usually used meant that they had to share with someone. And who else to share a gym with than the Karasuno Men’s Volleyball Team?
So here you are, stuck at one side of the gym while you can feel Tsukishima’s eyes on you from the other side. The routine starts off well. The first stunts all hit, with none of the same wobblings that was there in the first few weeks of learning it. 
And there it was. The throw was already crooked from the beginning. If you couldn’t reach the other flyer’s hand, then you were done for. In a last attempt to save the pyramid, you flung out your legs, trying to land on your feet.
Bad move. 
Your knee landed on something— but it wasn’t your teammates’ hands that were ready to catch you. A spike of pain shot up your foot. Suddenly the world was a blur as skin-coloured blobs that could only be your teammates rushed to help you. The lights above were reduced to sparkles that were just too bright. 
The buzzing in your ears was enough to block out the sounds coming in, but you could hear snippets of conversation here and there. 
“Was that (Y/N)?” 
“She landed on her knee!” 
“It looks bruised….”
On your knee, eh. So that was why the fire was all concentrated on your patella. The sweat on your hands wouldn’t let you regain your balance. You slump down with your back to the floor, hands over your face to block out what little pain you could, but the faucet of liquid fire trickled down your knee to no end. 
“May I help?” someone asked in a low baritone voice. You assumed that your coach said yes because you felt yourself being lifted in the air off the mat. The nape of your neck was wet, either from your sweat or this person’s. 
This person was strong too. They walked briskly and easily across the halls of Karasuno, even with a body in their hands. But their heart rate was abnormally fast. They probably had been exercising. 
You dare to open your eyes. All you see are pools of purple and white, obscured by the residual tears in your eyes. It could be anyone. But as your senses focused, hints olive and green came into the image. Your sense of smell was also starting to refocus as well. Lemon detergent, deodorant, and rubber.
Lemon detergent…
You opened your eyes as widely as you could. It was Tsukishima. Face unmoving and eyes showing no sign of emotion, but anyone could feel a sense of emergency with his rushed steps and the way he clicked his tongue anytime anyone stood in his way. 
The scent of sharp disinfectants replaced the lemon detergent as you were put down on a soft bed. You winced at the new position you were put in, your weight crashing down on your lower body yet again.
“It hurts...” you squeak out, every word another rope squeezing your chest flush out of air. 
“It does. It hurts like a bitch, doesn’t it?”
That’s enough to set your heart at ease, if only a little. No sappy words to shoo away the pain by pretending it isn’t real, just a concise confirmation that what you’re feeling is real. And somehow, that’s just enough.
Tsukishima works quickly and quietly, adjusting the ice packs where needed. Whenever you wince or gasp in pain, he’s quick to rub a long, lanky finger over the purple parts of the bruise that doesn’t have ice covering it. It still hurts like a bitch, but at least the pain is only physical.
The emotional ones are just beginning to heal. 
The 10 by 10 room is sealed — door locked, windows bolted — but it still feels like the two of you are in front of a gargantuan stage, packed to the brim with people watching you. Or is it just because the only audience you have are one another?
“I’m sorry for saying cheerleading wasn’t a sport,” he mutters. Your hearing has started to sharpen again by now. 
“I’m sorry for brushing off your advice, and belittling something you love,” he says again, Tsukishima’s tone much clearer now. His words ring like a gong in your head.
The throbbing in your knee seems to lessen with every word he says. The longer he talks, the more the fire in your feet seem to subside. Were those his words going to your head, or the gentle massages he was giving your knees as he talked?
“You don’t have to accept my apology. I can wait until you do. But… I know I did something wrong. And I intend to fix it.” 
“I’ll accept your apology,” you say. On several conditions.” 
His head perks up, eager to hear what you’ll have him do in order to restore things back to the way they were. Scratch that, in order to make things better. Like hell he’ll ignore you again if it leads to something like this.
“What are they?” Tsukishima.
“I know you’re practicing really hard and all that, but can you spend some more time with me?” you ask. “You don’t have to spend that much time, just… enough so it actually feels like we’re dating?”
“Weren’t we already?” 
“You know what I mean.”
Tsukishima takes a long breath. He stays silent for a long time, the only noise in the room the sound of ice against ice as he moves to take another icepack for your knee. 
“Alright. Anything else?”
The idea you have is silly. But it couldn’t hurt to give it a try. What’s the worse that could happen?
“Buy me some of the detergent you use.” 
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So Logan is a fae hunter/researcher currently studying fairy circles, Virgil is a college student whose final is to successfully interact with a fairy circle, Roman is a hopeless romantic who loves the idea of a fairy circle meet-cute, and Patton is just a poor fae prince who just doesn't know what to do with the strange humans who walked into his fairy circle (somehow at the same time). Do with information what you will -pineapple
I wrote this in like two days- y’all proud of me :333
Also gaze upon my amazing title: Three Guys and a Fae Chilling in a Fairy Ring because They’re All Gay (Ao3)Pairings: Implied eventual romantic LAMP, royality (for the sake that Roman is HELLA gay and a huge himbo, the precious idiotic boi, @notveryglittery come look at your son be stupid and gay for Patton)Warnings: Fae universe, fae!Patton being a little creepy at times though they always mean well... they just aren’t super great with humans ajdhcbsdjc, like one line of self-deprecation, a lot of not-very-smart decision making
    Logan had gotten there first.
    Normally, he wouldn’t care about such childish matters. Who got there first, who had proper ‘dibs,’ the like. He wasn’t five, and as such he refused to behave like a toddler. He could make compromises, take turns, play fair. It wasn’t difficult.
    Right now, however, he found himself in the extremely delicate position in which there was really only one shot for things to go right- for things to go at all, really. It was vital that he do what he needed to do, and that he did it before anyone else could interfere.
    Which, in theory, should have been no problem at all. He was in the middle of a woods that was nearly devoid of all human life, the only footpaths in it near the edges of it. Here, deep within the heart of the forest, there was barely a sign that humans even existed, that there was any more world outside of flora and fauna. No one should have been in the woods at the same time as him, much less in the same spot.
    And yet, just as he had finished taking measurements of the circle of bright green sprouts that seemed surprisingly lively given the forest was on the cusp of winter and all around were dead leaves and broken twigs, someone had shown up. Not only had they stumbled right into the same spot as him, they were there on the same business as him.
    Well. Close to the same, anyways.
    “Dude, come on, I need this.”
    “Do not ‘dude’ me. There are plenty of other rings in the forest.”
    “Yeah, but I already found this one. You don’t have to hog it.”
    “I found this one first.”
    “Oh, wow, so special. Now, can I use the damn ring and get this over with? I have a maths final tomorrow I need to study for.”
    Logan huffed, crossing his arms. He was currently standing between the ring and the college student- who had introduced himself as Virgil- who apparently needed to interact with a fae as part of his senior final in ‘myths and magics.’ Logan knew the assignment (he had taken the same class just two years ago, after all), so he wasn’t completely surprised to learn of Virgil’s reason to be out there.
    The problem came in the fact that Virgil refused to find another ring to get his credits in. The fae were notoriously shifty, sly creatures. It was possible that whichever fae came to this ring would be willing to entertain two humans right after each other… but it was also possible the fae would suspect a trick and leave after only talking to one of them.
    Logan had been preparing for this chance to study the fae closer, ask them a few questions, and etc. for a while now, and now that he was here, he didn’t feel particularly inclined to once more reschedule. He didn’t want to go through all his measuring and tests of the ring again, either, which meant he was going to stick with this one, thank you very much.
    “Why don’t you just come back tomorrow? Or later?”
    “Did you not hear me say ‘maths final’?” Virgil asked, annoyed. “I have to study later, and this thing is due tomorrow anyways.”
    “Then why didn’t you handle it sooner?!”
    “I’m lazy. Sue me. Most of the time, fae circles aren’t being claimed by some uptight self-important nerd.”
    Before Logan could respond to that, likely with a snap of his own, there was the sound of rustling and crunching leaves. Both Logan and Virgil looked towards the noise, and after a moment someone walked into their sight, having up until then been hidden by the trees. He was dressed up, wearing pressed black slacks, a white button-up, and a velvet red jacket. He was also carrying a bouquet of roses and a jar of honey.
    The well-dressed man was smiling to himself, looking very self-assured, though the grin dropped when he saw Logan and Virgil. “Who are you?” He asked, glancing between the two of them.
    “Virgil. Stressed and depressed college student just trying to finish my homework.”
    “Logan. I’m a scientist studying the fae, and I got here first.” He glared at Virgil as he stressed the ‘first.’
    “O-kay then.” Roman said, clearly confused by the two’s distaste for each other. “I’m Roman.”
    “Yeah, hi, great to meet you.” Virgil deadpanned, turning from Logan to stare down Roman. “Why are you here? Come to seduce the fae?”
    Roman straightened up at that, tilting his chin up as his grin returned and he said, “Why, yes, actually.”
    Logan turned to look at Roman now, expression quickly shifting into one of disbelief. “You’re not serious.”
    “I’m more serious than Maleficent's curse upon the princess Aurora.” Roman answered, sounding miffed at the thought that he was joking. “Why else would I have come in such glory?”
    “Got lost on your way to the wannabe princes convention?” Virgil suggested, eliciting an offended gasp from Roman.
    “Bold words from a rejected My Chemical Romance member.” Roman snapped back.
    Logan pinched the bridge of his nose. “Would you two mind taking this elsewhere? I have work to do.”
    “Nice try, pocket protector, but I ain’t letting this ring out of my sight.” Virgil said, once more looking at the researcher. “I need to do my final and I am NOT letting you mess that up just because you got here first or whatever.”
    “If you hadn’t put off your work this long, we wouldn’t be in this situation.” Logan replied. “It’s not my responsibility to let you waste all of my day’s work just because you couldn’t be bothered to come here a week earlier.”
    “Wait- you guys both need this ring, too?” Roman asked, roses and honey jar drooping as he lowered his hands. “Cause I kinda need it to reach my new sweetheart…”
    “You haven’t even met them yet.” Virgil pointed out.
    “I’m too charming to be turned down.” Roman replied defensively before awkwardly looking to the side. “Plus it’s a fae, they tend to like taking random humans away forever, so I feel like my chances here are pretty good.”
    “Uh huh.” Virgil said. “Well, doesn’t matter. You can’t use this ring, because I need it.”
    “So do I!” Logan exclaimed. “And I was here first!”
    “Girls, girls, you’re both pretty.” Roman said, stepping around the circle so that he could stand between Logan and Virgil. “Seriously. If this thing with the fae don’t work, hit me up. One of you. Both of you. I am single and very ready to mingle.”
    “Are you going to find a point any time soon?” Logan questioned.
    “Why can’t we just share the circle?” Roman asked. When he was met with stares of bewilderment and annoyance, he explained, “It’s a decently sized ring, so it can definitely hold all of us, and it’ll give us all a chance to talk with a fae without risking them running off before we all get a turn.”
    “That’s…” Logan paused, thinking before he finished, albeit reluctantly, “not an entirely awful idea.”
    “I mean… I just need to interact with the fae.” Virgil said slowly. “And this would be interacting.”
    “And I could still ask all my questions.” Logan added.
    “And when you two are done, I can seduce and woo them!” Roman enthused. “And then they’ll take me away to fairyland, or we’ll just talk into the night, or something, but whatever happens they’ll be so focused on me you two can make a get-away!”
    Logan frowned. “You really are set on being more or less kidnapped by a close to all-powerful being, huh?”
    “It’s not kidnapping if I let them take me away.” Roman corrected. “Plus, fae are hella pretty, and I am hella in need of a partner as lovely as me.”
    “And yet you said you’d date one of us.” Virgil said, smiling cynically.
    “That’s because you, dearest killjoy, are absolutely exquisite.”
    “I was trying to say you’re ugly.”
    Roman gasped in offense while Logan furrowed his brow. “You know that, by saying that, you have called myself and yourself ugly as well?”
    Virgil finger-gunned at Logan. “Yep.”
    Having gotten over his indignation, Roman glared at Virgil. “Just for that, I’m going to woo you so hard within six months you’ll be too busy thinking about our wedding to insult yourself OR our other fiancé, the nerd.”
    Logan blinked at Roman. “You’ve known us for less than five minutes.”
    “You’re pretty and I’m gay. This was bound to happen sooner or later, so I just decided to make it sooner.” Roman said by way of explanation. “Now, who’s ready to summon a being so powerful they could force us to dance until our feet fell off just by knowing our name?!”
    “When you put it like that, I want to say never.” Virgil responded, taking a step away from Roman before he sighed and continued, “Though I guess if I don’t want four years of college to go to waste…”
    “I am ready as soon as you two are.” Logan said curtly. This wasn’t the best of circumstances, being forced to ‘share’ the fae he’d be talking to, but it was better than having to either fight for the right to go first or go another day.
    “Great!” Roman moved away from the two as he spoke, coming to stand across from them, at the edge of the circle. He gestured at them. “Spread yourselves out a bit, make an even circle here.”
    Begrudgingly, Logan and Virgil did as they were told, shifting so that all three of them were roughly the same distance away from each other, all standing right at the edge of the fairy ring. Once they were positioned, the group looked around at each other.
    “Count of three?” Roman suggested and, being met with no objections, began, “One… two… three!”
    Roman hopped into the circle on the three while Logan and Virgil simply stepped in. They stood in place for a moment, completely silent, waiting for something to happen.
    “Maybe it doesn’t work with more than one?” Logan suggested after the silence had stretched, in his opinion, too long without any sign of unearthly life.
    “Don’t tell me we still have to fight over who…” Virgil trailed off as he looked down, finally noticing that the sprouts were swaying to a nonexistent breeze. “Alright, that’s weird.”
    Logan looked down at Virgil’s comment. “If I had to hazard a guess, I’d say that the ring still functions with three people.” Logan commented.
    “I think I second that.” Roman said, though his voice was more awed than it really should be over some strangely moving plants. Logan looked back up, going to ask Roman if he had seen something else, when the question was answered for him.
    Because swirling in the exact middle of the circle was a mini-tornado. It was picking up the leaves directly around it, but it never picked up any of the leaves just outside of the ring. As the three of them watched, the tornado went faster and faster until it was impossible to see into or through it. Then, suddenly, the tornado fell apart, the wind blowing outwards and forcing the three humans to look away.
    When they turned back, their group was one of four.
    Standing where the tornado had been was a being that easily had a foot over all of them, likely more. While they seemed proportionate, all their limbs were slightly too long, making them look simultaneously lanky and terrifying. Their skin was pale to the point it might have been worrying were it not for the fact that it glowed, very slightly, like the first rays of morning sun. Their long hair, which gleamed like gold, was pulled into multiple braids that fell over their shoulders and were littered with forget-me-nots. Complemented by bright blue eyes, a dazzling smile, and pristine, flowing white robes, their overall appearance was ethereal.
    They were facing Logan at the moment, carefully looking him over. “Hello there!” They greeted, their voice high-pitched, making their words sound like they had been spoken by the ringing of silver bells.
    For the briefest moment, Logan suddenly had the urge to forego his entire experiment, his entire reason for being there, to simply tell the fae his name and disappear into their world forever. He had to shake his head to refocus himself, shifting his gaze from the fae’s eyes to their chin.
    “Hello.” He replied mildly, wanting neither to antagonize the fae or to react overly positive to them. 
    They didn’t reply for a moment, still just looking Logan over. When Logan started to shift in place, uncomfortable, they finally spoke with, “Oh, I apologize. All this staring must be weird. I just haven’t had someone so powerful in my ring before. Did you know your presence carries the weight of three people?”
    Logan cleared his throat. “That may be because there are three people in this ring at the moment.”
    “Just uh… look to your side? Or behind you?”
    The fae frowned, clearly confused, but they still turned around. They quietly gasped as they were met by the faces of both Virgil and Roman, the former waving awkwardly while the latter put on his most charming smile. “Oh. There are… three of you?”
    “We all needed the ring.” Virgil explained, looking down at his foot as he kicked lightly at some leaves. “So we figured we’d just all use it at once.”
    The fae nodded slowly. “Interesting.”
    “Is that a good interesting, or a bad interesting?” Logan asked. The fae turned back to look at him, once more grinning.
    “Good interesting!” They said happily. “I haven’t had any sort of interesting in decades. This is great!”
    “Oh. Good, then.” Logan said.
    The fae nodded before their eyes widened. “Oh! I almost forgot!” They said, quickly looking all around the circle before asking, smile growing, “Can I have your names?”
    “You may call me leaf.” Virgil said.
    “And you may call me branch.” Logan followed. It was, after all, more or less rule number one of interacting with the fae: don’t even give them a nickname to work with. The more random of a name you could give them for yourself, the less power they held over you.
    Likely because following that rule required some basic common sense, however, Roman answered the fae with, “You may call me however you wish, though many know me by Roman.”
    Roman ignored the appalled expressions Logan and Virgil directed at him as the fae turned towards him. They were giggling, their skin seemingly glowing brighter. “Someone’s a charmer.”
    “I think that must be you, my dear, given how your mere appearance already has me charmed.” Roman responded, his words smooth and his tone elegant. “Might I have a name to call such an enchanting beauty by? Or would you prefer I stick to one of your many others- sweetheart, sunshine, thief of my heart?”
    The fae giggled again, clearly enamored with Roman. “You may call me all of those and more.” They said cheerily. “As to my name, you may have it as well… so long as your friends will tell me theirs.”
    “We have already told you what you may call us by.” Logan said, tugging at his sleeve uncomfortably. 
    “Yes, but those clearly aren’t your names.” The fae said, turning from Roman to face Logan and Virgil. “I may know little of human naming conventions, but I am certain they don’t name children ‘leaf’ or ‘branch.’”
    “Yeah… uh, you’ll forgive us, but I don’t think that’s really a good idea.” Virgil spoke up, immediately looking away when the fae’s attention focused on him. “No offense, but there’s kinda a power imbalance here already, and I don’t think giving you our names is going to help even it out much.”
    “But that’s the thing! You don’t have to actually give me your names! Just tell me them!” The fae said excitedly. “I promise not to use them harmfully against you. I just want to be able to call you by them properly.”
    Logan pursed his lips and glanced over at Virgil. On one hand, offering a fae your name, even if you didn’t truly give it to them, was a horrible idea. Even the littlest bit of power traded over was dangerous. On the other hand, name or no, angering a fae never turned out well. Especially when you were in their ring.
    Finally, Logan haltingly said, “You may call me Logan.” It was a stupid thing to do, he knew, but he was trying to pick the best of two evils.
    “And you may call me Virgil.” Virgil followed after Logan, shooting him a look that very clearly said, ‘if this goes horribly, it’s on you.’
    “Roman, Logan, and Virgil.” The fae said, as if they were trying out the words, ignoring the slight grimace the three of them made when their name was spoken. Even if it was weak, there was power in those names. “You all have wonderful names.”
    “Not as wonderful as yours is, I’m sure.” Roman said, once more smiling like he owned the whole world.
    “You flatter me so.” The fae said, clearly very pleased with the flattery. “I fear that none of you could actually say my true name, but you may call me Patton instead.”
    “Patton.” Roman said, testing the name, before once more breaking out in a grin almost big enough to break his face. “I was right. Your name is wonderful- though, I fear, not nearly as wonderful as you yourself are.”
    Patton clapped their hands together, squeezing them together as they smiled even brighter at Roman. “Oh, I really must keep you.”
    “So long as you remain more beautiful than a meadow of freshly bloomed flowers, I shall be more than happy to be kept.” Roman returned smoothly.
    Patton didn’t respond to that, but they did take a step closer to Roman, lowering themself so that they were on eye-level with Roman. Their smile was still wide, and Roman was fairly certain their cheeks hadn’t always been dusted a rosy pink. They did nothing but stare at Roman, but Roman felt the stare was an adoring one, and was more than happy to do little more than smile adoringly back.
    Realizing that the fae was ready to completely write him and Virgil off, Logan lightly cleared his throat. “If you don’t mind, ah, Patton, I have a few questions for you?”
    Without altering their position, Patton turned their head to look at Logan, looking confused and slightly suspicious. “Questions?”
    “Just about average fae life and the such.” Logan said, hurriedly adding (for fear the fae would take his questions as a threat), “I’m simply curious as to the inner workings of your species, you see.”
    “Oh.” Patton said in understanding. They didn’t respond immediately, clearly thinking about it, before they smiled once more and said, “I’ve got it!”
    “Got… what?” Logan asked, perplexed. “The answer to a question I haven’t asked yet?”
    “No, silly. I know the easiest way to get what everyone wants!” Patton answered. “You can all come home with me!”
    “Sounds like an absolutely perfect plan to me.” Roman said without missing a beat, once more recalling Patton’s attention to himself. “Though any plan involving you and me is perfect.”
    “Yeah, although maybe not a plan involving us.” Virgil said, glancing at the sides of the fairy circle as if he were just realizing how little space there was with four beings within it. “I’m sure fairyland’s great and all, but I doubt it’s very human-friendly.”
    “Well, it isn’t if you’re not careful.” Patton acknowledged. “But as long as you’ve got someone watching out for you, you’ll be fine! And I’ll be there to look over you! So everything will be fine!”
    “Says a fae.” Logan pointed out. “Respectfully, going to fairyland is dangerous for humans, with or without fae protection. I’d rather just ask my questions here and be on my way.”
    “But think of all the questions you could answer, the things you could learn, the experiences you could have… that has to be worth more than a few flat answers on dry paper?” Patton reasoned, moving away from Roman (who pouted the moment Patton shifted their focus) to stand in front of Logan.
    Logan forced himself to keep his gaze away from Patton’s eyes. “It’s dangerous. And I have studies here.”
    “Studies you can conduct better when you’re right at the source.” Patton said. They gently placed one of their hands against Logan’s cheek, though they didn’t try to force him to look them in the eye, which Logan appreciated. “And the greatest discoveries always come with a bit of danger.”
    “I-” Logan paused, considering what Patton had said, before slowly admitting, “You have a point…”
    “I’m surrounded by human idiots.” Virgil mumbled as Logan looked down from Patton, still pondering.
    Patton turned to Virgil at his words, coming over to him. “I take it you have a great interest in remaining in the mortal world?”
    Virgil shrugged. “Not really. I just know that going to fairyland is, like, one of the stupidest decisions a person can make. No offense.”
    “None taken.” Patton responded. “But don’t tell me you have nothing you’re looking to avoid? Nothing you’d like to escape? To be free of?”
    “I mean, it’d be pretty rad to skip out on my maths final tomorrow because I mysteriously vanished off the face of the earth.” Virgil said. “But I also know that most people who go to fairyland never come back, and as sucky as tests are, they’re better than being dead and/or tortured for eternity.”
    “Maybe so.” Patton conceded. “But there’s something I don’t think you understand.”
    The fae once more bent down so that they could look Virgil directly in his eyes. For the first time since they had appeared, their expression was completely serious, and even the light radiating off of them had dimmed.
    “If you choose to come with me to fairyland, I promise you, no one will dare to so much as look at you funny without facing severe consequences.” Patton pledged, voice deadly serious. “You- all of you- would be my guests. If anyone should bring purposeful harm to you, I swear that they shall never regret anything more.”
    Virgil swallowed after Patton finished speaking, looking slightly paler than he had been a moment ago. “You’re really serious about this, huh?”
    “Of course.” Patton said, tone still solemn. “I do not take infractions against my guests lightly.”
    “And how can you be so sure a fae won’t ignore what you say?” Logan asked skeptically. “Fae are powerful, even against their own. And the majority of them rather enjoy… eh, toying with humans. What if they refuse to listen to you?”
    “Most fae don’t consider it wise to cross their prince.” Patton answered as they stood once more and returned to the center of the circle. “And if they decide to anyways, I assure you, I am plenty powerful enough to take care of them.”
    “Oh my Athena. I’m in love with a prince.” Roman said, voice hushed as in awe. “A strong prince. A beautiful, ethereal, strong, magical fae prince.”
    Patton’s smile returned as they stepped away from Virgil, returning to the middle of the circle and turning back towards Roman. “I suppose it’s a good thing, then, that a beautiful, ethereal, strong, magical fae prince is also in love with you.”
    Roman’s face quickly coloured red at Patton’s words. “Marry me?”
    Patton giggled. “Moving a little fast there, don’t you think, honey?”
    “I’m gay, impatient, and you just called me a petname after saying you loved me too.” Roman pointed out, face even redder. “I’m pretty sure the only next gay-logical step is marriage.”
    “I’m touched.” Patton said, only smiling brighter. “But I think we should still take it at least a little slow, don’t you? Wouldn’t want to miss out on all those- ah, what do you humans call it- young love moments?”
    “You can call them whatever you please as long as you also call me yours.” Roman said, prompting Patton to squeeze their cheeks and let out a small, short squeal. Roman grinned at that before he said, “Oh! I almost forgot!” He raised his hands, pushing the bouquet of roses and honey towards Patton. “I bring you gifts! To celebrate not only our young love, but also your perfect beauty.”
    “Gifts? Aw, sweetheart, you didn’t have to.” Patton said as they looked at Roman’s offerings. “After all, you are the only gift I need.”
    “I swear Patton if you don’t take me home right now I’m just going to collapse on this forest floor.” Roman said, looking like the poster child for ‘dying of gay,’ with how red his face was and adoring his expression was. “I swear, I will die of pure beauty.”
    “Then how did you survive seeing your reflection?”
    Roman wasn’t able to respond to that one, though he did try, mouth moving even as the only sounds that came out were more or less strangled shrieks.
    “You broke him.” Logan commented idly.
    “That I did!” Patton said cheerily. “Guess I really should get him home now, huh.”
    Patton nodded. “Well then. Guess you’re out of considering time.” Patton turned to look at Logan and Virgil. “Coming?”
    Neither responded at first. After all, neither of them were idiots. They knew it was dangerous to go ‘home’ with a fae, even one who giggled too much and swore to them no harm would befall them. Fairyland was dangerous. Fae were dangerous. Saying yes was dangerous.
    But at the same time… it was a tempting offer. It offered discovery and excitement and freedom. If Roman continued acting like, well… Roman, it would likely offer something sweeter, something closer too. And as dangerous as it was to trust any word of a fae, Patton had seemed nothing less than deadly serious when they promised to keep them safe if they came with them.
    “Danger for the sake of discovery and the acquiring of new knowledge is acceptable danger.” Logan finally said, slowly nodding. “If you truly don’t mind having me… I’d be glad to come with you to fairyland.”
    “Of course I don’t mind.” Patton reassured him before looking towards Virgil. “And you?”
    “I mean… if the nerd’s going to do it I might as well… or whatever…” Virgil answered, kicking once more at the leaves.
    “So that’s a yes?”
    “...Yeah, it’s a yes.” Virgil said, looking back up. “Gets me out of finals, right?”
    “If that’s how you want to think of it!” Patton said. “Oh, this’ll be so much fun! I can’t wait to get to know you all.”
    “I’m certain the same applies for all of us.”
    “Almost all of us!”
    “All of us minus Virgil.” Logan corrected. “Now, how do we get to fairyland?”
    “I’ll take you.” Patton said before they extended their hands towards each of them. “Just make sure to hold on.”
    “What about me?” Roman whined, face slightly less flushed than it had been earlier, his words now actually coming out as words. “You only have two hands…”
    Patton smiled softly at Roman. “Do you think you’ll mind if you have to hug me all the way to fairyland?”
    Before Patton had even finished their sentence, Roman was wrapped around their chest, his grip tight as he easily nuzzled his head against their shoulder. “Mind hugging you? Darling, don’t be absurd- it’s my pleasure.”
    Patton chuckled. “Perfect.” He looked from Roman to Logan and Virgil. “Ready?”
    Logan took a breath before he nodded, taking the hand Patton had offered him. “Completely.”
    Virgil took a moment longer, and a couple extra breaths as well before he more or less shoved his hand into Patton’s. “Not at all, but I’m never ready for anything so… this is as good as it’s going to get.”
    Patton didn’t say anything else, instead simply smiling as they gripped Logan’s and Virgil’s hands.
    The whirlwind from earlier started up again, this time not simply surrounding Patton but also the three mortals the fae had so quickly bonded with. As it sped up, the world outside of them disappeared, blocked out by the quickly moving winds.
    Preoccupied by holding Patton and being gay, Roman didn’t notice as Logan and Virgil once more exchanged glances, worry about what they had just agreed to sinking in again. There were a lot of pros to what they were doing… but there were also just as many cons, ones with even more severe consequences.
    Despite all the wind, it was easy for Virgil to raise his arm, offering Logan his free hand. He also half-smiled, clearly feeling awkward, but the offered hand remained.
    Logan returned the smile as he took Virgil’s hand.
    Maybe what they were doing was dangerous. Maybe what they were doing was stupid. Maybe they should have more thoroughly thought this whole thing out before they said yes. They were facing a lot of maybes.
    But they did have three things they could know for certain: firstly, they had made their choice, and they were stuck with it now, for better or worse.
Secondly, they were the only ones with any functioning brain cells. And that might not be that much, especially against a powerful fae prince, but it was something.
Thirdly, they weren’t alone in this. They had each other. Even if Patton turned malicious, or Roman refused to ever use common sense, they would still have each other.
And they might not have known it right then, but that was everything.
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certainmiraclefun · 3 years
When arriving on the scene of a fire, emergency crews have to make quick, on-the-spot decisions for approaching the situation. Arguably, one of the most crucial determinations that needs to be made is which hose lines are best suited for the circumstances. Fire severity, type of property, amount of required hose, and suppression tactics are all factors that influence what size and type of hose should be used. Choose correctly; the blaze has a better chance of being contained. Get it wrong; the situation can take a turn for the worse. Two essential hoses operated by firefighters are attack and supply hoses. In this article, the BullDog Hose team highlights why hose size matters when approaching a fire.
Attack Lines
Attack hoses, such as BullDog’s Hi-Combat II®, Firepower II™, Ultima™, and Fireguard™, are designed to tackle fires in their beginning stages and offer flexible approaches to different types of fires. The most common attack line sizes that fire departments deploy are 1.75 inches and 2.5 inches. Both sizes have pros and cons, depending on the situation at hand. Deciding to work with one format over the other can dictate the effectiveness of the initial suppression efforts. Smaller diameter hoses require much higher pressure to move lower volumes of water.
When working with the 1.75-inch hose, it is most useful for taking on residential and vehicle fires. This hose size is much lighter and more maneuverable than the 2.5-inch line. A more compact design makes it easier for firefighters to move the line through hallways, stairwells, and small rooms. Generally, this hose can be operated by two to three firefighters and can deliver water around 140 to 200 gallons per minute (gpm). So this is the desired hose to utilize when suppressing smaller fires. Being relatively easier to manage, 1.75-inch hoses tend to be a ‘catch-all’ when first responding to a fire. If attempting to tackle larger blazes, the 2.5-inch attack hose should be fielded.
A 2.5-inch hose line is the best choice when responding to more significant commercial buildings and exterior fires. With the ability to deliver high volumes of water at 200 to 300 gpm, this hose can take on more of the fire load than the smaller 1.75-inch attack line. The 2.5-inch hose can be more challenging to control in smaller spaces and is commonly handled by three to four firefighters.
Supply Lines
Keeping the attack lines charged and operating at their best efficiency all depends on the supply hoses. These hoses, like BullDog’s Hi-Vol® and Hi-Vol TPU™, can be found in sizes ranging from 3 to 6 inches in diameter. The bigger supply lines move high volumes of water from hydrants and fire engines to the attack lines. With the larger diameter, supply hoses can carry more water at lower pressures. Relocating supply lines can be difficult once the water begins flowing.
Fire fighting is one of the professions that keeps our nation thriving. But, fire departments around America have to select the best hoses every year. Budgets might change and the seasons grow warmer, but safety is of utmost importance. However, not every fire hose works the same due to the fires they have to fight. So, let’s learn about the big differences between municipal and industrial fire hoses.
Municipal Fire Hoses
Municipal Fire Hoses are designed for fire fighting that requires kink resistance and critical water flow. Being lightweight is key, as these hoses often have to deal with shifting terrain and various on-the-job changes. While older and more standard municipal fire hoses are maximized for normal wear and tear, what about the specialty hoses?
There are a variety of municipal fire hoses on the market to solve any problem your fire department or town might be facing. Need hoses to be more cost conscious, solutions are available. What about municipal hoses needed to reach high rise or raised angle structures? There are fire hoses for that as well.
Pumping to high-rise buildings in cities vs. rural settings is also a concern faced by these same municipal fire hoses. Depending on the structures you protect, you will need to consult with your hose supplier to find out which one works the best for you.
Industrial Fire Hoses
Industrial Fire Hoses pack a little more punch than the typical municipal fire hose. They feature far superior heat and abrasion resistance. Plus, they tend to be able to support issues concerning oil, fuel and chemicals far greater than the typical municipal fire hose. The industrial fire hoses tend to be flexible and lightweight as well.
These fire hoses also tend to be optimized to be maintenance free. While that doesn’t mean you won’t have to take care of industrial fire hoses, it means maintenance demands will be fewer. The practical uses of the industrial fire hoses remain the same in theory. You’re going to transfer liquid, washdown areas and generally solve problems.
However, municipal fire fighting hose belong to the typical mental image you have day-to-day fire fighting. Meanwhile, industrial fire hoses are used on air strips, military bases, heavy industrial factories and related business areas.
What kind of fire fighting hose are you going to need?
As time marches on deeper into the year and your budget deadline grows close, you will have to address your fire fighting needs. No one wants to be the person that reaches for a fire hose only not have it be suited for the purpose at hand. Whether you’re outfitting your local rural fire department or keeping an auto plant safe, you must know the differences between municipal and industrial fire hoses.
Is there really a best fire fighting hose?
Well, it depends on the environment and overall purpose. Industrial forestry fire hose can fight all sorts of fires started by various things, but they do this in fixed environments.
Municipal fire hoses save towns money. They also are ready to suction water out of unusual water resources. Then, there is the method of actual dispersing the fire.
A municipal fire hose extinguishes a fire with limited structural damage and loss of life. The industrial fire fighting hose keeps fire from accelerating. Stopping the acceleration means it doesn’t spread to other structures that might combust in a short amount of time. The power in an industrial fire hose will keep a plane from exploding, but it also can punch holes in an unstable wall during a house fire.
In the end, the best fire hose is determined by the purpose and the individual. Keep reading and visiting Bulldog Hose to learn more about the world of fire fighting hose.
Fire hoses are constantly in demand in our ever-changing world. But, if you’re trying to meet a municipal budget, where do you turn? Your friends at BullDog Hose have been helping fire departments around the US and Canada discover their perfect work balance. Finding the needs to meet safety with the durable hoses that would break a fire department’s budget.
Big Hoses that don’t break the bank
When people think of fire hoses, their background changes their opinion of them. Older veteran firefighters remember the thick monstrous hoses of the 1970s that made high-rises difficult to navigate. While most fire houses have gotten rid of those bulky behemoths, what are they doing in 2021?
The answer is simple for many fire fighters and fire departments around the US and Canada. They’re struggling with big hoses from a bygone era that aren’t getting the job done. Couplings are worn or a little off. If that wasn’t enough, the same fire fighters are having to keep up with changing fire fighting standards.
What is the right size hose for fire fighting and attack?
Fire fighting and fire attack have several unique demands. First, they have to be able to be used and save lives. Second, the fire fighting hose costs can’t break the Department’s budget. Finally, they have to be perfectly adapted to fit and attack fires in the most accurate way.
The idea of big fire needs big water is traditionally heard in fire fighting. That has lead to the majority of fire departments purchasing larger hoses ala something with a 2 1/2 inch handline. While this standard was applied for years without any consideration towards fire fighting needs, the National Fire Academy found a formula to help you pick the best hose.
Length x Width / 3  x Rate of Involvement
So, let’s say you have a 25 foot length of hose and the width of a building is 40 feet that is 25% on fire.
25 x 40 = 1,000 square feet
1,000 divided by 3 is 333.3
333 x .25 = 83.25 gallons per minute.
The benefits of knowing the right size suction hose formula
The NFA formula allows fire departments to measure and understand what they need on the fly. While this is helpful for online and in-person shopping, these modern mathematic applications help your Fire Department save money. Times are tough and budgets aren’t what they used to be, but every municipality and bigger city needs fire fighting materials.
BullDog Hose has Fire Hoses for Sale
At BullDog Hose, we have many fire hoses for sale. But, which is best for you? While we’ve discussed the need to keep an eye for the best fit, provided a formula to figure out your needs and guided you in your journey…what’s next?
Examine our Top 5 hoses for Fire Departments
Attack Fire Hoses
Hi-Combat II
Supply Line Fire Hoses
General Fire Hoses
While browsing the marine hose for Sale, don’t forget to look at the Fireguards
Fireguards are a very aggressive fire hose meant for interior attack. Too often, we see Fire Departments only concentrating on their immediate needs for external fires. The special weave and flexibility of the Fire Guard aids transport and helps for specialized fire fighting. During the summer, public fire fighting statements have shown that that fireguards can assist with waterside related fire needs.
Don’t forget to check out the fire nozzles. Do you need a fog nozzle or a smoothbore nozzle?
Smoothbore nozzles have an open path from coupling to nozzle tip. If you want to create different kinds of streaming patterns, you’re going to want a fog nozzle. The traditional firefighter will find what they need with a smoothbore nozzle. However, there is an added benefit to having the ability to apply different kinds of pressure depending on what a situation needs.
You have a choice in purchasing municipal fire hose, make sure you pick the best with BullDog Hose.
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The Platform, personal film review Skip or Stream? Stream!! 8.5/10 This film’s premiere on Netflix perfectly coincides with the time it’s more relevant— these months going on with the pandemic. Prescript— It’s not some film you can watch with snacks on. At least I lost my appetite. The Platform is a sci-fi/thriller concept/metaphor film (like parasite but as open as Darren Aronofsky’s Mother! when it comes to story telling, it goes beyond imagination to get the message across). Only this time, it’s satirized. It’s about the separation of classes, the rampant inequality of our modern life. Through its metaphors, the film introduces the floors as people’s classes. A tray of food is provided for all but it comes from the top, all the way down where of course, the masses at the late bottom of the building has no more food left because people on the upper floors consumed every bit of it. What they’re only left with is each other and hunger, which ultimately leads to violence. What’s interesting here is how the film tells us that there is more than enough food (say money, land, rights) to go around down to the lower floors, but overconsumption easily rules people when they know everything has a deadline (monthly switching of random floors). The pace was not as speedy as Uncut Gems but it took all the time it needed to get the feelings right in your skin. I just panted a bit on the change of mood it brought me though— humor, disgust, terror, relief (sometimes?), and back to terror, and most especially, hopelessness. The finale was left open. Even when it was conclusive that they somehow succeeded— it didn’t really show what actually happened. I think ultimately because in reality, we aren’t there yet. They didn’t show how because there was nothing to show. But what I got about the child being the message was because, people (even the admins) didn’t believe there could possibly be a 16 y.o. below anywhere in the platform - esp someone that was alive and well-fed in the bottom most floor. That it was even possible for that kid to be alive (and innocent and uncorrupt) amidst all the chaos and everybody believing they need violence to survive. And what they did with the child wasn’t shown in the ending, because that’s what we’re supposed to really solve. The film embodies the current class differences and if there was a solution to this, we would’ve figured it out already. But there’s not (hence not shown). And up to date, we’re still jammed (with the pandemic coming into picture, the hoarding, the VIP testings— this is apropos now more than ever). The ending was put there not for us to understand or interpret, but so WE could actually think of a solution, so we could search for that little girl in this cruel society, and only then we would be able to satisfy the closing of the film. It wasn’t a closing with meaning, it was blank “how” we needed to answer ourselves.
Deep diving to the story— you can skip this if you’re not in for SPOILERS. The protagonist, Goreng volunteered to be imprisoned inside a vertical tower with 333 floors (it’s not easy to imagine since it’s architecturally impossible in the real world), where the only source of food is coming from a platform— some sort of block of cement coming from floor 0 down to floor 333 (funny how x2 per pax is 666). The platform is packed with delicious cuisine (which were specifically favorites of the people who came/brought in as prisoners— yes, I said came in because there were actually volunteers that wanted in so they could get something in return, like a diploma). Once a day it lowers through the layers of the tower allowing the inmates of each floor (2 pax each level) to get their fill. You get the point— those at the top get to stuff their cheeks with as much food as they can, and those at the bottom left with shattered glasses and empty bowls and plates. But the interesting thing here is, every month, the inmates are drugged and taken to a new floor, randomly picked. First month you could be starving at the bottom, and the next month— who knows, you could be the ones stepping on freshly baked cakes— worst is if you belong to 100+ floors down, where there’s absolutely no food left. So with each floor having 2 inmates and nothing to eat, what do we make of that? It���s a complete transparency of the current situation (I’d say in our country but it’s all over the world ESP today)— those at the top has nothing to worry about, while the bottom tenants eat each other alive. And the fact that everything has a deadline forcing each individual to take as much as they can, while it’s there. Sounds familiar? (Toilet paper, masks, alcohol, ring any bells?) Eventually, Goreng, being an idealist, wanted to destroy the way the system works by giving everyone only the part of the food they need. It was revealed by one of his floormates that the food was actually enough for all floors even when it doesn’t seem like it. And that’s only because people at the top couldn’t stop their greed about consuming so much more than they need, leaving people below starving and violent. Baharat, his floormate is also an idealist and wanted to climb to top most floor by asking the tenants above them to grab his rope. It gets complicated when they even started asking him a lot of things including who his God is (religion conflicts) and said they’d help him and instead, shits on his face when he tries to climb. Realizing they don’t have a chance at the people above, Goreng and Baharat decided they could work together into Goreng’s original goal, feeding everyone fairly by getting into the platform (with very good intentions) as it descends each floor. They were also planning to go up with it to send a message, like a rebellion as it ascends every after it reaches all the floors. This starts off okay but ultimately becomes gore when they start to see floors where people have already engaged in murder and cannibalism for survival’s sake. This stains their innocence and leads them to kill other tenants off for survival as well. There’s this one character— mother, who was seemingly looking for her lost boy by going down the platform every once in a while, but dies in the latter part of the film. The child however, who turns out to be a girl btw, meets Goreng in the end, at the 333rd floor. It’s unclear how and why the child is down there esp when one of the tenants specifically said they weren’t letting 16 years old and under in the facility. It seems that the mother’s repeated descent on the platform wasn’t an attempt to find her child, but to ensure the food reached the bottom floor to feed and protect her child by keeping her there. When they realized she was the one they should send up as a clear message (not sure about this but I think is— she’s the message that there doesn’t have to be violence? Because she was pure? Unharmed, innocent, and even healthy, despite being at the last floor. And something that nobody believes is possible— both the fact that there’s a child in a facility and that her being there without violence to survive, that’s why she was the right message?) like in real life? She was the symbol that we don’t all have to be like this to each other to survive, I wasn’t sure if they were talking about hope but I think (and hope) so? And it was also then I realized, it’s on us to understand and figure out how to get her? How to get “the message” across and change the system? Hence, why it was open ended and what happened wasn’t shown at the end, because there was no really knowing what happened to something that isn’t happening yet— irl. It was the shoe’s way of shoeing its audience that hey, this is possible if only we all cooperate. There doesn’t have to be violence and dead bodies, if we learn to give we can beat the system. And not showing how the system took her in the end is a hint that we haven’t gotten there yet, and that’s for us to figure out. Also my take on the mother was pretty much how I see it in Mother! movie— she was really mother earth preserving hope. And with people’s greed and selfishness, she was eventually murdered brutally. And in our case, she is being treated that way now, sadly. We’re all almost like Goreng, who finds out how the system works and tries to fight it but is being hopelessly corrupted in the process. Those at the top never even consider giving up excesses and just know how to take and take as much, and the bottom masses are too busy surviving to even consider reason— no matter what that meant. If this isn’t the greatest interpretation of how the world works, I don’t know what is.
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bitnotgood28 · 4 years
Thank you @hometothecanyonmoon for tagging me!!
1) When did you become a Louie?
Embarrassingly late. I’d say around mid-April 2020, since that’s around the time I learned about Larry and joined the 1D fandom. I focused mostly on Louis and Harry and whatever they got up to, so during that I just noticed little quirks and started to pick up on their personalities. Harry is sweet and dorky and I adore him, but I love Louis’ wit and his sarcasm and his compassion, basically his character in general. Afterwards, I learned that Louis has recently released LT1, so I downloaded the entire album to give it a listen and have not stopped listening since. His whole album is a blessing, all of his music is so meaningful and touching; you’ve heard his songs and lyrics, yeah?
2) Why did you become a Louie?
Multiple reasons, the two main ones being his music and his personality. I’m not greatly interested in the type of music that’s mostly being released at present (no offense meant), and Louis’ voice is just incredibly unique, something I really like in artists. Everything that he’s written has been sincere and expressive, like a touch of rawness in them, especially when he sings. There’s just so much emotion behind every word and note, and his voice!! It has the sweetest rasp to it and his voice has gotten stronger and more powerful over the years, yet it can still be soft and light like during the bridge in Defenceless. He is also such a sweetheart, treating everyone kindly and with understanding unless he thinks they’re undeserving of it. The way he socialize with children and animals makes my heart melt, he looks so happy and excited during those interactions with his crinkling eyes and his smile-goodness, he is truly God’s gift.
3) One thing that drew you in specifically?
Easily his charisma and satire. His humor and jokes always stood out to me during interviews, his quips are just hilarious, that sweet boy. He draws attention to himself and leaves an imprint on you, and you get attached to him and his personality and his cheekbones-essentially his entire being. I was also kind of irritated with the amount of lines he and Niall were given compared to the other boys, so I paid more mind to the two of them (along with Harry) at the beginning. I think it’s also because I tend to notice those who aren’t as noticed or not quite under the spotlight-is that they proper description? Anyway, between Louis and Niall I wound up taking more of a liking to Louis with his sass and his cheek and his eyelashes. Man, is he even real? He’s so sweet and genuine, he’s endured so much and has continued to stand strong after each blow; it’s as heartbreaking as it’s inspiring. I just want to wrap him in a blanket and take him far away from all the cruelty present in the world, maybe feed him some tacos and stroke his hair until he falls asleep. He can still joke around and enjoy life while also doing his job and doing it brilliantly, might I add. I feel like he’d be a wonderful best friend to have, empathetic and supportive, someone you’d be able to stir up chaos with but also who’d keep your moral compass pointing in the right direction. Honestly, I’m quite certain that God created him with the thought of sunshine and sunflowers in His head.
4) Favorite song on Walls?
Oo, that’s difficult. I love Always You, its tempo and it’s tune are just really lively and upbeat. I’ve also got a special place in my heart for the lyrics of Fearless (God, that second verse and chorus and first verse - the whole song), Defenceless (“I come running to you like a moth into a flame,”? “I’m too tired to be tough, just wanna be loved by you,”???), Only For the Brave (“It’s a church of burnt romances and I’m too far gone to pray,” “All the lonely shadow dances from the cradle to the grave,” this song is so lyrically poetic and I love every second of it), and Two of Us (the bridge.. God it’s so melancholy yet somewhat hopeful[?]). Kill My Mind also has this great indie rock sound to it, I’d gladly listen to it for hours. I.. am realizing that this absolutely does not answer the question, but I hope you now understand how good Louis’ songs are and how much I love them <333
5) Who would you want Louis to collab with?
Okay, I took a bit of time on this and I think one would be Alessia Cara. I’d really like to hear how they would sound together, considering how unique and distinctive both of their voices are individually, and how the music they produced would mesh with each other. Another would probably be Ed Sheeran, lyrically I think they’d be quite powerful like Louis and Alessia, but I’m not sure how they’d sound as a unit. It’d be interesting to hear though, I’m sure. Last is Harry, and if you’ve heard edits and that duet in the chorus of Truly, Madly, Deeply, you know what I’m talking about and you know how good they sound together.
6) Favorite Hairstyle?
Peaky blinders is one, he looked like a sweet little hedgehog during that time. Cinnamon swirl is also high on the list. He looked like actual royalty (I mean when doesn’t he, but this is god tier princely) and everything was right in the world. He was just- the living embodiment of delicate. His messy quiff and messy fringe back in 2013-2014 were just.. so attractive? Those hairstyles also make me miss seeing his full face :((
7) Back to You, Just Hold On, or Miss You?
(where is the Just Like You option)
I love the lyrics and meaning behind Just Hold On, it’s all really hopeful and motivating. The whole song was really well done, Louis and Steve Aoki did such a good job. Miss You also has a great sound to it, and you can really hear his accent throughout the whole song (fook, luv, anova, need I go on). I also love the bit of violin (I think it’s a violin) they added in the second pre-chorus and final chorus? It adds kind of like a lighter factor to the heavy guitar and drums already present in the song, and some sort of assurance that everything will be okay (I’m bad at describing things I’m sorry akdjsjdj). Back to You, God the notes they hit during that song.. beautiful (“We don’t know how to make it stop,” and “I love it, I hate it and I can’t take it,”). Can I also just say that Louis and Bebe both looked really, really attractive during that music video? Like damn please hold back on the extra chili, it’s already hot in here.
8) Louis in suits or sweaters?
Louis in suits is just.. all his assets (ha) are accentuated and he looks so sharp and beautiful, his shoulders just a bit broader, and his curves more defined. Then when he wears blue suits, his eyes are just that much more blue. Louis in sweaters, on the other hand: sunflowers incarnate, sunshine and kittens, a soft heated blanket with socked feet and a fireplace while snow falls softly outside the window. He looks so, so warm and huggable and sweet with his sweater paws- imagine being his friend and being able to cuddle him? Just snuggle and chat about what he’s got prepared for LT2, maybe watch a horror movie. God truly has His favorites. In conclusion: Louis in sweaters.
9) Favorite tattoo?
I think the compass was really well made, like the shading and the contours make it look almost lifelike. Then it points to HOME, which I think is so sweet and personal, like he already knows what ‘home’ is to him and he’s sure that that’s where he’d want to go back to, every time without a doubt. I also like the “It Is What It Is” tattoo, it’s written elegantly, kind of like a Ballantines font and it’s definitely an eye-catcher, displayed on his chest. The stag one also isn’t bad, its right eye is just a bit more bugged out than the other. It makes it a lil more special though, it’s easily identifiable as Louis’ tattoo because of that and the antlers are sort of majestic.
10) Favorite Louis photo (currently)?
I am going to pretend I read that as ‘photos’ because I am an indecisive little shit :))
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(HELLOOOO HE LOOK LIKE THE SWEETEST HEDGEHOG // He is just- in his element, he is living up there)
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(He makes the tousled hair look so good what the hell // Does this need elaboration, I mean, his smile literally powers everything on earth, and the crinkles by his eyes, and his sweater, and his lil canines, and-)
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(Please God he is. Ethereal. Stunning. Perfect. In both photos, his eyes are just. Bright. And the cinnamon swirl, I- I’ve ascended to a higher plane of existence. He’s just so beautiful. Gorgeous really.)
11) Random extra?
When one is given the opportunity to express their love for Louis Tomlinson’s accent, one must accept.
His accent is like. Familiar, a bit like home (no, I’m not English), and I love that he’s been able to keep it even after years of living abroad. He has one of those accents where you can tell it’s present even when he sings, and when he uses endearments, God, it’s just so charming and sweet. It’s also really strong and distinctive, you can tell who he is by the first syllable or word he says. It’s a part of who he is and I love it so much and I love him so much, Jesus Christ akjskjd
I had fun being able to talk about Louis in this, there’s so much to him and every bit of it is another ray of sunshine <333
I tag @adorelou-28, @makethebestofwhatyouget, @28-oops-hi, and anyone else who wants to do this, no compulsions :))
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