#it’s nearly 10pm and i’m drinking starbucks while reading it
moonlightdancer26 · 2 years
Remus getting killed by aurors so Hermione and Snape could hug and have an angsty moment.
You know, maybe Rowling isn’t the most sadistic creature on earth.
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ggukkiedae · 4 years
Hiiii! I’ve been seeing all your fluffy posts and I am a melted puddle of soft right now. 🤧 With this, may I request for a Yoonmi & Jungkook best friend scenario where the boys would direct either of the two to each other when one of them is down/struggling? Like could it be a mix of a little angst & a fluffy & soft reunion of some sorts? 🥺
It’s okay if you’re not able to write this though 😅 I understand that you probably have other requests / scenarios 😅 Regardless, I really enjoy your works! 🤗🤗
nooooo i will write it! i’m working on all my requests, i’m just slower now than back then because of uni and because i’m helping organize an outreach right now 🤧 but here it is! thank you so much for reading and supporting my works!
this is set in 2019 during bts’s break
other requests are in the works, so if anyone sent one i haven’t done, it’s just in progress i promise 🥺
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Jungkook was in a slump, and he hated it. Nothing creative was appearing in his head like usual. He wanted to write. He wanted to produce. He wanted to draw for god’s sake, but he had absolutely no ideas or motivation. The whole of Bangtan knew this.
Well, all except Yoonmi who had been caught up on their break working on a webdrama. Yoonmi was still working despite them being on a hiatus. She was still somehow everywhere at once. That’s why Yoongi asked Jungkook to pick Yoonmi up from her schedule under the excuse that he was going fishing with Seokjin.
“You could use the bonding time,” Yoongi had told the younger boy. “You’ll benefit from it, trust me. Besides, it’s a way to get a distraction from your slump, right?”
That’s how Jungkook found himself in the driver’s seat of his car, fingers tapping against the steering wheel while he waited for his best friend. Truth be told, it had been a while since they did something together, just the two of them. She was busy with the webdrama, and she was out frequently trying to spend some time with a few friends she barely saw on a usual basis. Maybe Yoongi was right, they did need to spend some time together.
A small smile grew on his face when he saw her approaching, but it immediately became a look of worry once he saw how her face dropped after turning away from one of the staff. He turned in the driver’s seat as she got in the car then closed her eyes with a deep sigh.
“Long day?” Jungkook asked her.
“Oh, you have no idea,” Yoonmi sank in her seat. “We filmed at the beach today, but we didn’t even get to play around that much. We’re going back on Monday.”
Yoonmi seemed older than she really was with how tired she was. Jungkook didn’t like that. She was only nineteen! He wanted her to relax and enjoy her time before it all moved by her too quickly.
He made a decision at that moment.
“Oppa, where are we going?” Yoonmi asked the moment she saw Jungkook take the exit that didn’t lead back to their dorm.
“You’re stressed out,” Jungkook began, “and you’re boyfriend is in Dubai, so I’m taking you on a date to help you relax. Tell Mark we’re going on an adventure.”
Yoonmi rolled her eyes at that but broke into a smile. She pulled out her phone and texted Mark, letting him know that Jungkook was taking her out on another best friend date.
“It’s been a while since we’ve had one of these adventures,” she mentioned.
“We’ve all just gotten way too busy,” Jungkook shook his head. “Want food? We can drive through that Starbucks over there.”
“Yes, please!”
Nearly thirty minutes later, the two Bangtan maknaes find themselves at the base of Banpo bridge, some dinner and drinks from Starbucks between them, and their feet dangling just above the water from where they sat. Well, her feet. Jungkook’s shoes would have been drenched if he put his legs down like she did. It was already 10pm, so the last rainbow lights show was over and there were barely any people there.
“This is nice,”Yoonmi grinned at Jungkook. “Thanks for taking me here.”
“Even if you didn’t get to see the rainbow lights?”
“It’s still fun even if we didn’t see the rainbow lights,” she laughed before putting a mischievous smile on her face. Jungkook raised an eyebrow at that.
Yoonmi innocently smiled at Jungkook while reaching down as if to feel the water in her hands. Then she proceeded to splash Jungkook and run away.
“Yah!” Jungkook looked at her retreating figure appalled, but he quickly stood up and ran after her.
Her squeals echoed throughout the area mixing with the sounds of both of their laughter. The few people that were there turned to look at the two youths who were running around having fun. Though it was easy to recognize the two of them as BTS’s maknaes, no one did anything to approach the two. At that moment, they were just two people enjoying their youth like what most teenagers and young adults do.
Jungkook eventually caught her and threw her over his shoulder to bring them back to their dinner.
“That’s enough running for you today,” he heaved while putting her down. She laughed.
“I haven’t felt like a kid in so long. That was fun.”
Jungkook frowned at that while opening her pasta for her. But Yoonmi was still a kid. How could she not feel like a kid? Then again, he himself never got to do things normal kids his age did while growing up. It was like he lost time.
“You are a kid,” he told her. Yoonmi looked at him with a sad smile.
“I think I grew up a little bit too fast,” she shrugged. “Doesn’t it feel like we live in a different world sometimes? We keep running forward, while other people our age find the time to hang back and enjoy the view.”
“We’re gonna find that time,” Jungkook reassured her. There was a bit of a comfortable silence between them when Jungkook gasped and pulled out his phone, quickly typing things down. Yoonmi looked at him curiously.
“What are you doing?”
“Song idea just now! For the first time in a while! I have to write it down before it’s lost.”
As Jungkook was typing out the words coming into his mind, he snuck a glance at his best friend. She had a calm smile on her face while she stared at the moon and ate her pasta. Jungkook smiled and returned to his typing. Yoongi was right. Spending some time together did them both good.
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