#and yea it’s snamione
moonlightdancer26 · 2 years
Remus getting killed by aurors so Hermione and Snape could hug and have an angsty moment.
You know, maybe Rowling isn’t the most sadistic creature on earth.
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sevmione-otp · 4 years
Yea, Though I Walk
Author: Aurette
Description: After the final battle, everyone has their demons to wrestle...
Review: This is a Hermione healer/Snape patient fic for the most part, with a very supernatural twist to it. If you’re interested in a fic dealing with demons (and a slight mythology vibe) and a happy ending (although not perfect) then this fic is for you. It has very different plot points than any other fic I’ve read like it.
Read Yea, Though I Walk
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Gahhh, HELLO! *screams and runs in circles*
Can I just say that Unintentional Inveiglement is A-MA-ZING!!!!! Like...dear god...and that smut...you have NO idea how many cold showers I’ve had to take after reading your smut scenes, and I’m not even a third of the way into the fic yet! Your Snape feels so canon to me, and that whole dangerous and dark, yet just sliiiiiightly a biiiiit fluffy (but you’ll blink if you miss it) at times persona is just... *fans self* Part of me wants to do nothing but binge the fic, but I also don’t want it to be over so I’m trying realllll hard to take my time and read just a few chapters a day. 
I sincerely apologize that I’ve only posted one big chapter review so far on FFnet (I’m alreynolds13 on there). I read on my phone and idk why the stupid site doesn’t let me leave reviews on mobile. I need to sit down on my laptop and take the time to review more, because you so deserve it! As someone who also is only able to post new chapters for her long fic maybe a couple times a year, no pressure on updates, because I totally get it. And your writing is so worth the wait!
Oh, and I also read Talk Dirty To Me and I think I blacked out at one point, it was so hot.
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lily-mj-fae · 7 years
Prompts Snamione. Satan probably sent you sad one. So maybe a happy one like Snape asking Hermione to marry him.
You are a lovely anon. And yea, satan sent me a pretty sad one, since they wanted Severus to be suffering from dementia and that’s sad.
So now take fluffy, totally cliché engagement.
Severus sat by the Christmas tree, holding a small wrapped box on his hand. Everyone had gone to bed, and he felt so at odds in the burrow. 
He had debated to great extent if he should propose to her in front of everyone. He knew that they were all important to her, and she might enjoy being able to share it with her closest friends. It also didn’t hurt that Ron would likely be fuming. But what if she said no? Could he handle the rejection? No, he couldn’t, especially if it were so public. 
Footsteps sounded on the stairs and he pocketed the box. Hermione’s soft face appeared with a concerned look as her curls fell forward. “Are you okay, Love?”
She made her way over and sat down next to him, leaning her head against his shoulder.
“I’m fine. You should go back up to bed.”
“I can’t sleep without you there,” she murmured. “It’s too cold.”
He chuckled, his tension fading a little as he turned to kiss the top of her head. “I’ll be up soon, Dear.”
“I’m sorry I pushed that we stay-”
“Don’t be. I might not be terribly comfortable, but seeing you happy is more than worth it.”
She sat up straight to look at him. “Is everything okay? You’ve seemed a little distant all day.”
“Yes, everything is fine.”
“Then why are you sitting in front of the tree? If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were waiting for Santa.”
Severus scoffed. “I’m mostly certainly not waiting for that fairytale.”
“Well, I know you don’t care for holidays, so what has you sitting down here alone?”
Then he had a moment of realization. The setting was intimate; The Christmas tree lights lit up the dark living room with a soft glow, no one else was around, and yet it was still Christmas, the clock having struck midnight only moments before.
“Hermione, could I give you one of your presents now?”
she smiled and cocked her head at him. “Oh?”
“Could I?”
“I certainly wouldn’t object.”
He reached into his pocket and pulled out the small present, handing it to her to unwrap. She did so, delicately, and he smirked at her little quirk.
His heart almost stopped as she removed the paper to find the small box and moved to open it. But her gasp, and the hand that covered his mouth, might have stunned him into silence.
“Hermione, I realize I don’t have much to offer you, but I do love you, more than anything. I could think of no one better to spend the rest of my life with, if you’d-”
Her lips were against his in a fierce kiss, her arms wrapped around his neck. He wrapped his own arms around her, pulling her close until she was sitting in his lap.
She pulled away, resting her forehead against his, a smile plastered on her face. “Yes. My answer is undoubtedly yes.”
“Are you-”
“Don’t even start questioning me, Severus. Or you’ll ruin this perfectly perfect moment. Now put this ring on my finger,” she demanded as she handed the box to him.
“You’re a very demanding witch, aren't you?” he teased as he grabbed her hand and the ring from the box, before sliding it onto her delicate finger.
“I love you, Severus.”
“I love you, Hermione.”
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Hey Ash! Can you please recommend me a few good slow burn fics that's like 100k? It doesn't matter which fandom :) thanks!
Okay, so I went through my bookmarks and such all over my laptop, because it actually was reminding me of older slow burns I loved and now I want to re read some of them. A lot of these are well over 100k. When I go for slow burns, I don’t play around lol. I also tend to prefer reading ships with 2 canon characters for slow burns, rather than OC characters, but that’s just a personal preference, so that’s why these are mainly ships. Enjoy!
Forward to a Time Past by Unbridled Brunette (~270k words, Buffy/Spike) This is a time travel slow burn, if you’re into that pairing. It’s AMAZING! Buffy goes back in time to Victorian London, when Spike is the still human, very shy, very virginal William. It’s brilliant. And it was the first fic that had me all in with the idea of an inexperienced man who is “taught” by the woman. It has that Pride & Prejudice vibe, where it’s scandalous to even touch bare hands, let alone make love to someone when unmarried, and I’m such a sucker for that. I remember being upset when I finished this story, because I knew I wouldn’t find a Spike/Buffy slow burn that I loved this much ever again…and I haven’t. 
You Know Better by @xteenwolfwritingsx (~77k words, Peter Hale/OC, Teen Wolf) This is hands down the best long Peter fic I have ever read! As I said, I don’t typically go for OC/you characters for longer fics, but this OC was so relatable and well-written, and I remember reading the first chapter of this and having to put my phone down, because I was just like, “Holy shit, I’m gonna become so obsessed with this story”. And I am. I read it twice in two weeks. I haven’t read the newest couple of chapters, purely because I know the author said that it’s going to be finished soon, so I’m waiting until it’s completed so I can go back and read it a third time from the beginning and take it all in, start to finish. The premise is that the OC/you asks Peter to teach her how to fight, so she’s not just the helpless human of the group. And oh boy…Peter as a fighting instructor…god…yea…it’s hot. I was about to scream waiting for them to finally rip each other’s clothes off, and god it was so worth the wait when they did! If you’re at all into Peter, read this! 
Your Hands Can Heal, Your Hands Can Bruise by blackestnight10 (~430k words, Daryl Dixon/OC) Sadly, this is not a completed story. And honestly, I don’t remember a lot of details about it, but it was the first long Walking Dead fic I ever read. It’s Daryl with an OC character, and the two things I do remember is that the OC kicked ass and yet was also likeable and intriguing, and that it was a torturous slow burn. I mean, it’s realistic to Daryl, because I don’t see him as someone who jumps in bed with anyone, so the author stayed really in canon with his character. And I stayed up late many a night devouring it. 
Spiced Molasses by MonDieu666 (~140k words, Daryl/Beth) - This one is a fantastic AU slow burn. Beth’s parents are assassinated, and she and her two siblings have to be put into protective custody in separate locations. Rick calls in Daryl, the irritable lone ranger agent, to watch Beth. Cue one of my favorite tropes: them stuck unwillingly in a tiny apartment together, at first not liking each other, where they dance around each other until finally giving in to their desires. It’s a fabulous story!
18 Miles Out by MonDieu666 (~190k words, Daryl/Beth) - I’ll admit that I don’t remember a whole lot of details on this one…but I DO remember that I wrote down which chapters the smut is in and kept it handy, because I went back countless times to re read those chapters, since they were so sexy. This author is fabulous for her longer Bethyl fics (she wrote the previous one and this next one, as well). 
Damaged Heroes by MonDieu666  (~135k words, Daryl/Beth) - I’m also struggling to remember the details of this one. I think I get this story and 18 Miles Out mixed up a lot, and it’s been years since I read them, but they were both fabulous and worth a read.
I’ll Be Yours for a Song by dynamicsymmetry (~380k words, Daryl/Beth) This is a breathtakingly beautiful AU fic. In the first chapter, Daryl drives down a country road and finds Beth walking, soaking wet, in the rain. He debates on if he should stop and offer her a ride, and when he does, it kick starts a romance that is just…ugh, so good. I will admit that I didn’t get the entire way through it (it’s a pretty long fic) because I kept getting side tracked by other fics, but it’s one that I still, even over a year later, keep open on a Safari tab on my phone, and I want to go back and re read it from the beginning at some point…maybe that’ll be my goal for the beginning of 2018. This author writes Daryl and Beth exactly how I picture they would be together. The hesitation, the fear of falling in love, the hurdles of their age difference (Beth is still in high school at the beginning of it, altho I believe she’s 18). It’s just magical. 
Howl by dynamicsymmetry (~383k words and still being written, Daryl/Beth) This is another story that I need to catch up on, because I’ve gotten way behind on it. It’s another AU, this time with Rick and the gang being werewolf shapeshifters, and Beth being…well…I don’t want to spoil the surprise, because that’s part of the mystery, is her discovering who she is and how she stumbles upon werewolf Daryl in the beginning. This fic hit some kinks I didn’t even realize I had…and I’m not ashamed to admit that I still have some fanart saved on my phone based off this fic, of Daryl in werewolf form banging human Beth XD
Eden by obsessmuch (~265k words, Hermione Granger/Lucius Malfoy) Sooo this story is FUCKED UP! I mean seriously, it is not for the faint of heart. I don’t think I’ve ever read a more angst-ridden fic in my entire life…but holy shit, I loved it. This is not a fluffy romantic type of slow burn, ohhh no. This is Lucius at his most vicious. He tortures the fuck outta Hermione in the beginning, and you hate him with a fiery passion, the same way Hermione does. And yet, this Stockholm-Syndrome type obsession starts between them, and forms into a fucked up version of love. Also, the ending…oh my god, I still sometimes sit and think about the ending. If you’re at all intrigued by the idea of a dark as hell fic that’ll chew you up and spit you back out with all the feels, give this one a chance. But don’t say that I didn’t warn you ;)
Chasing the Sun by Loten (490k words, Hermione/Snape) This was my first fandom ship, over a decade ago, and I just started diving back into it a few months ago, so I have a ton of long fics to catch up on. However, Loten currently is, and I think quite likely will always be, my favorite Snamione author. Both this fic and the next one on the list by her are my immediate recommendations for someone wanting to try out this pairing. She dives into the psychology of Snape in a way that is just…perfect. I don’t know how anyone can question them being together as a couple after reading both her long fics. The slow burn in this is slow…reallll slow, but holy fuck is the smut worth the wait. But it makes sense, because it starts out when Hermione is 15 or 16, I think (there’s zero romance or even physical awareness of each other until she’s 17, though, since that’s the Wizarding age of consent). It’s more a journey of their interactions together, and it’s honestly a beautiful story. It sticks to canon in the beginning, then goes off the rails, but in a way that I really enjoyed. It was Snape getting the part in the war and taking down Voldemort that he deserved, in my opinion. Loten also includes Crookshanks in her stories, and I really wish more Snamione authors would do this. The scenes with Crookshanks and Snape added so much humor and fluff to the story, both this one and the next fic. 
Post Tenebras, Lux by Loten (~310k words, Hermione/Snape) So, where the last fic was how Hermione and Snape would come together while she was still at school and during the war, this fic takes a look at how they would get together 10 years after the war is over. Snape has disappeared, most people think he died in the Shrieking Shack, even tho a body was never found…until Hermione literally runs into him one day, 10 years later, and it kicks start their interactions. Since the war is over in this fic, it is 100% character driven, and focuses solely on the development of the relationship of these two. If you need swash buckling action and a grand, dramatic plot like taking down Voldemort in a fic, this isn’t for you. But I LOVED it. It’s not as slow a burn as Loten’s other fic, but it delves into the post-war traumas and psychology of both Snape and Hermione in a way that had me hooked from the very beginning. It spans years of their relationship, and how they would develop not just from meeting to falling in love (like where most fics then stop) but beyond and throughout their entire lives. And, like Loten’s other fic, it gave Snape the true love and happy ending that I believe he deserves, and it had me grinning like a fool the rest of the day after I finished it. 
Pet Project by Caeria (~340k words, Hermione/Snape) This is quite the epic slow burn…I mean, when I say it’s slow, it’s SLOW (literally 95% of it is the slow burn). It had me so captivated, and I loved Hermione’s personal “mission” to try and show Snape that he had someone on his side..without him realizing someone was actually trying to be on his side. They were both so in character, especially while they were at Hogwarts. This is another one where she starts out as a student, but it’s once again not romantic or sexual until she’s at least 17. The part where she makes him magical sheets is a scene that will always stick out in my memory. As is the scene where they sit together on the staircase of Grimmauld Place. 
Okay, I’m gonna stop now. Those are the main ones I found when scouring my google sheets, laptop bookmarks, and bookmarks on sites like ao3 and FF. 
If anyone reads any of these and wants to discuss them, PLEASE feel free to message me! I LOVE discussing fics, especially slow burn fics that give me all the feels, so that I can squeal with someone else over the feels. 
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