#it’s like im glad because now i can like also truly be like ‘yay that’s my best friend!!’
deityofhearts · 24 days
I think I just inherently am worried that I am a bad and unlovable person and am kinda waiting for everyone to realize that
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oh-no-its-bird · 20 days
Obkk modern au where where Kakashi and Obito are online friends who have never seen eachothers faces. It's a years long friendship (and mutual silent crush) where they've helped eachother through what was truly the darkest parts of eachothers lives.
But irl they also happen to know eachother from childhood due to having gone to the same schools and shared the same classes, and they fucking DESPISE the other. You can not stick them in a room without someone starting a fight.
When they interact irl, play into specifically the early dynamics of obkk, with kind of superficially happy/dumb Obito and a "follow the rules to the letter" grumpy overachiever Kakashi
But when they're online, play more into the older obkk dynamic.
Where Obito shows that he has a pretty big mean streak/humor and a serious talent for playing dumb; where he overlays his happier side irl for just social reasons.
While Kakashi shows he's actually super lazy and imperfect with most other factors of his life outside of work/school (and ofc downplays his actual work ethic when it comes to work/school, framing himself as doing bare minimum when he should really do more (bc he genuinley believes that)) and has a pretty wicked sense of humor himself, a love of over-romantic, fluffy porn, and a habit of using endless "cute" emotocons
Kk: Did my proposal today, it was so bad... I really slacked off this time on it. I was so nervous they'd tell me no (。﹏。")
Kk: I guess the other presentations must have been pretty bad too because they picked mine anyways? I feel so lucky (╥﹏╥)
Ob: it's ok even if you tried your best!! Im proud you were able to do even as much as you did.
Ob: I'm glad you got it, at least one of us won their proposal today. That jackass had a fucking 30 slide detailed slide with 6 DIFFERENT PIE CHARTS and a scheduled water break inbetween. Fucking kissass
Kk: nooo im sorry ( •̯́ ^ •̯̀)
Ob: it's whatever. Just glad you got the thing :)
Ob: want me to kill your boss tho.
Kk: lol
Kk: I'll help hide the body ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
And then one day Obito does some sort of very mean prank on Kakashi. And it goes uhh. Badly.
I mean, badly for Kakashi. Obito thinks it went great!
That is till he gets home and finds his best friend for a decade, and crush for even past that decade, texting him about a very specific mean prank that got pulled on them.
Wait. No. Wait. WAIT. FUCK.
So like. Obito is a bit conflicted now. He doesn't know what to really do here??? Like. What if it ruins everything with his best friend??? But also hey best friend why the FUCK are you such a BITCH.
But also also, suddenly Obito is recontextualizing SO many of their interactions— from Kakashi suffering the devistating loss of his father when he was especially annoying, to explanations of why he reacted certain ways. And oh my god Obito is... also a kind of a bitch???
Obito has NO idea what to do and is just swinging so violently back and forth on what are really his only two options.
And sometimes he's like gleefully feeling vindictive bc after arguing with irl Kakashi, online Kakashi is ranting about "that same asshole again" at work, so Obito is like "I KNEW it was getting to u, haha you're NOT better than me after all!!!"
But then later he feels kinda bad about it bc like. Aw wait no he actually might have genuinley hurt the person he loves. And also he doesn't want to lose getting to see the real Kakashi, a mix of both of his masks, by fucking this up and choosing wrong.
Anyways Kakashi finally somehow figures it out on his own, they fight, they make up, they make out.
The end yay happy ending
There's an alternate universe where neither of them every found out about eachother and continued to be friends online and hate eachother to escalating degrees offline. But one day they start to slowly shift in dynamics. Irl they get closer and online they get so much angrier and more distant. Till we've swapped and now online they just have this GIANT fallout but offline they're actually in love now. And this continues till they're about to get married/no longer on speaking terms with eachother. And so on their wedding day they reach out again online but ONLY to hate on eachother like "oooo fuck you I'm so happy rn I just got MARRIED."
"Oh yeah you bitch??? So did I. And my husbands better than anything your ugly ass could ever pull"
"OH YEAH????"
And then they very sharply turn and take simultaneous photos of eachothers furious faces and then angrily, instinctivley press send.
And then they stop. And then they have a moment of dead silence.
And then they begin to have an actual, physical fist fight in front of the uncut wedding cake with ALL of their friends and families watching. And the photographers with their very ready cameras.
There was a lot of cake.
Yeah that was ah uhh. Interesting
The good news at least is now they have a photo of them fist fighting like they want to kill eachother while covered in wedding cake in a frame that says "happy marriage <3" on it, and they like to joke about it (to many, many peoples horror)
The end yay happy ending x2
If I were to write this fr I think I'd legally have to write both versions bc both are excellent
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HELLO AGAIN EVERYONE my tummy aches but im being brave about it and im going to fight the pain with the power of love and friendship (aka im going to thank you for the christmas tree messages)
okay let me be emotional for a moment...
because of the current circumstances at home, this Christmas was very different and much lonelier for me. i did my best not to get the blues and i think it was okay for the most part! now looking back at it, without a doubt, the highlight of my Christmas this year was reading the tree messages. it was very late in the night, i had just finished reading Napo's story event route and i saved the best part for desert, barely containing my excitement to finally read the messages. and i expected just a row of "merry christmas"-es 😭 you know, because, i did that? i kept mine all short and i was just shouting some wishes at you.... BUT NO, YOU OUTDID YOURSELVES IN TURN! WHAT WAS THAT! i was right there sobbing in my bed being all "?????" .... i seriously didn't expect 1) to have so many because i did the tree very last minute 2) to receive such sweet messages...
and then i realized, was my Christmas really all that lonely? because, just 3-4 years ago, i didn't know any of you here. before that i never was more than a lurker in online spaces so... i think that's when i had truly lonely christmases, not now. thank you for being here. i don't deserve you... no im sorry if you hate it when i say that, pretend that i didnt say it ( i lowkey think that) (im sorry im in my low self esteem era these past months)
thank you person called Bread, thank you Lorei for being the first sob of my sob session, it's all YOUR fault that i got so emotional oh my god im totally dm-ing you after this, thank you irl bestie who not only left me a sweet personal message but also roleplayed my faves for me because i screamed (you heard it), thank you kat for your three messages that made me feel all kind of emotions (im touched that youre willing to write this even if i feel like im going to hate it), THANK YOU NINNI HUGS BACK!, thank you Ally i know it was you. using roy to threaten me with a good time.... smh... MERRY CRIMMY SCUM!!!!, YAY TO YOU TOO, SOLACE!! Thank you aqua, you're right, he's good to me 🥺 just as chev is to you, i believe! THANK YOU DREW im still thinking about it. Thank you Fang, I could say the same and you know it 🥺, THANK YOU DEVON!! Thank you so much Ana, I too hope the same, I'm glad I became your mutual! 🥹 Same goes to you too, Oliver! I'm just always so happy to see new faces around, truth is im a little bit shy with interactions at first because i feel annoying... so thank you for becoming my moot! 🙇🏻‍♀️💗 Thank you, sweet Julie 🥹 THANK YOY MYARA, I CRIED A LITTLE! right back at ya, i think that you're an irreplaceable part of our little space and im just so glad to be here and see everything you do and share with us! hope your 2024 is full of joy both on here and irl ❤ Thank you mimi, i feel the same and you better not forget that! Thank you Michelle, love you too!!! THANK YOU, NAMI! Thank you, Impromptu!!!!! Thank you Nori!!!!!!!!! And thank you sui you're so right as ever. nods.
i think thats all im so sorry if i forgot anyone ALSO im so sorry for doing this. i tried to keep my responses vague in case you wanted these to be extra private... i initially was going to dm all of you but. that was because i thought there were going to be like 10 of you!!! again im sorry. love you all so much im an emotional wreck
i hope you had a good time these past few days and i hope we can all look forward to a great 2024 together 🥺 i'd be nowhere without you
@lorei-writes @yanderepuck @claviscollections @yarnnerdally @scummy-writes @aquagirl1978 @ikemendrew @fang-and-feather @devonares @bicayaya @olivermorningstar @queengiuliettafirstlady @keithsandwich @mimi-but-main @xbalayage @namine-somebodies-nobody @the12thnightproject @mcwentfandomtraveling @leonscape
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hiiiii nessa i like hanging out in ur ask box it’s comfy in here ! bought this record for $4 the other day at a bookshop :) me and charlie did a deep dive to find it and turns out this version is not on discogs (the american release is 😮‍💨) anyway how are u i forgot to ask ! also did u end up having work? ur probably finishing work if u did and then gym soooooo if u see this like tomorrow then thats cool too. i think a lot about ask boxes as a concept and how theyre so good for me to say hi into. i also like phone numbers but theyre not the same 🤠 ive been listening to welcome to nightvale and thinking about the long monologues cecil does. he kind of talks like he uses tumblr…… like he’s the original girlblogger :^) i just ate delicious curry on a wrap and i’m looking at my empty coffee mug from this morning thinking about coffee and how good it is. the powerpuff girls decal is rubbing off because i microwave it when it says do not microwave. any day now it could explode. actually ill show u a photo of it too. email voice see attached ! im listening to lil nas x right now i love lil nas x so much :) sorry i dont text more i like hearing from u the days just blur together so easily……. oh also u dont have to answer every single one of these thoughts theres a lot here 💗
omg hiiiiiii paris v v happy to have you in my inbox i'm glad it's comfy in here ! <3 what a cool record omg i love that for you <3 i'm sure i've asked you before, but i have a weird memory so: do you have a record player? i still haven't bought a cd player..... i am pretty good ! i think i'm going to try and watch gentlemen prefer blondes tonight because i have a lecture on it tomorrow so that might be fun ! how are you !! i did not end up having work, but i did end up asking my manager if he needed me to come in and he said no but "tomorrow's gonna be fucked so we'll have fun then" which is slightly terrifying, but i'm somewhat insane and am kind of looking forward to it as well (i'm intrigued mostly because i know why it's fucked and i am looking forward to seeing how the Dilemma is going to be solved) & i was in fact at the gym when you sent this :^) ask boxes are so good for saying hi into i agree <3 i need to get back onto welcome to nightvale.... i say this every time you bring it up but i promise i will do it sometime! i have been thinking that i need to get back into history podcasts, i miss them, do you have any recommendations? + back to your point, LOVE a good long monologue, sometimes you just need to stream of consciousness-it fr !!! yay for delicious curry on a wrap that sounds lovely <3 as does coffee <3 i love your powerpuff girls mug it's so fun!! i hope it doesn't explode lkdjnfgb & woo for lil nas x ! i don't actually listen to much of him perhaps i need to listen to him more.... i'm listening to girls can tell by spoon rn...... don't apologise for not texting it's okay ! my number is always there it's all good <3 and i am also not the best texter.......... it is so difficult to keep track of time truly </33 i hope your night is going well !!
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caseythebunnyboy · 2 years
Hi, I hope you're doing well when you see this! Just wanted to say thank you for existing haha. I found your blog when you just started and it was sort of an interesting thing. I'd really really started questioning and recognizing things about myself a few months before and your blog just popped up on my feed one day. I never followed until just now, I kinda just lurked and came back every few days or so (this literally sounds so creepy im so sorry) and each time i saw your posts I'd be like "damn well we think the same". I'm also poc too and I don't see many poc trans guys so you're sort of a role model. I'm not able to get any sort of gender affirming items or care so I kinda just live vicariously through your posts haha. Still figuring myself out but your blog has been very helpful for me, so thank you!
hello, anon! i also hope youre doing well, and thank you! 💜💜 the fact that youve been here since the beginning and ive made such an impression that you still stayed means alot to me. nothing wrong with questioning yourself either, if i helped you in any capacity to find who you are, or helped make you feel more comfortable with yourself then thats extremely touching. cant believe a blog i originally made just to horny post is actually helping people, but im happy about that! definitely not complaining! 🐇
(rest under the cut! have a lot to say but taking up dashboard space makes me nervous)
its not creepy at all, actually! ive noticed a pattern of some of my anons sending me an ask, saying theyre sorry if they come off as creepy, when nothing in their ask even made me slightly uncomfortable. i thank you for being considerate of my feelings, but i assure you i dont find you creepy, no need to worry about that! 💜 side note, being relatable to other people is actually something i find great joy in, because it lets me know im not alone in how i think and act! it gives me comfort 😊
and that poc part hit me pretty hard. i rarely ever see other queer poc, which genuinely does make me feel isolated in the community sometimes, knowing im not white like a majority of other queer people are. its hard, especially when youre not exactly the most common type of poc either. i had almost no other people to look up to that were also like me, so it truly does mean alot that i can be the person other poc look up to instead. for that, i thank you.
if it makes you feel any better, im pre-everything! the country i currently live in has almost no gender affirming care, mainly because my country is LARGELY religious. luckily, there is a high chance ill be moving out soon to a place with better access to trans healthcare, which makes me excited! but if that comforts you that ive also had no medical treatmemts yet, then yay! another thing we have in common hehe 💜
nothing wrong with still trying to untangle things either, im so glad i could help in any capacity, and if you have any questions then please feel free to send me another ask! 😊 i also wouldnt mind you becoming one of my emoji anons, id really like that, actually! so, if you wanna be one, then id love to reserve an emoji for you 💜 thats all, i hope you have a great day, and that maybe ill hear back from you! 💜
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onlyplatonicirl · 2 years
very very good chapter yippee yippeee tcoti my biggest special interest yay hurray huzzah
but in all seriousness the newest chapter was fantastic, all the characters are so well writte, despite condemning what error has done i can sympathise with him so well in this chapter and now throughout the entire story, he is a being who exists outside of reality unable to properly integrate into it because its just not in his nature, his body rejects its very existence and his mind is completely shattered (even more so after what the council did lmao), he seems so hopless in these last few chapters focusing on him, all he wants is to just get to his little void and curl up on a nice comfy bean bag and then fucking die
the way youve characterised ink is also incredibly interesting, he isnt this paragon of moral superiority but he also isnt a naughty no good bad man >:(( , he really truly is just such a uniquely neutral blank slate of a person (or monster ig), he doesnt seem to have any motivations outside of what he deems to be moral but his sense of morality is somewhat twisted by his desires and is doomed to forever be selfish because it only ever serves to suit himself and the current emotional palette hes experiencing, he cannot truly feel in same way others do so hes always running off of what his id tells him, what does he need in that moment to survive? what does he want in this moment to make him feel good? hes a pleasure seeker through and through, so long as his desires dont conflict with the relationships hes already established he'll go for that goal and he wont stop until hes got locked between his teeth through hell or high weather, doesnt matter if it conflicts with his moral compass, who needs one when no ones looking?
dream is also another really fantastic character in this fic, truth be told im usually not the biggest fan of him, a lot of his characterisation, like ink, lacks nuance, hes either a happy go lucky naive ball of energy, or this rude burnt and backstabbed cigar smoking loner, but dream in this seems to be a lot more nuanced, hes had bad past experiences and he does what he believes is right, every character in this story has these sets of moral principles and not all of them align, which is really interesting when you put them all in one room (the council) and force them to try and agree upon one major decision, the results of which will literally affect the entirety of the multiverse, dream believes in a great good otherwise known as utilitarianism - making choices which will maximise the happiness of everyone involved - and right enough killing or otherwise disposing of error would be the most utilitarian option, but he cannot shake the fact that murder is wrong despite how much he hates him and everything hes done
needles to say i am excited for the next chapters, i want to see these three relationship evolve (or devolve), and from the looks of it, dream corruption arc 👀👀????? he may not go the path of his brother, but hot damn that boy is gonna be pissed off at the world and the people who live in it and i cannot wait to see him tell them all whats what
glad to have you back in the writing biz
Ink is a TRUE NEUTRAL and has his own interests in mind. That being said however, when he has a normal emotional palette he does genuinely care for the people important in his life, such as Dream and Error. He’s mildly pissed off at Error and more pissed off at Dream, but he does care. It may be shallow but it begs the question - is it anymore shallow compared to people with souls?
Dream is at his core a good person, and he was opposed the murder. He’s happy and kind, but he’s also not an idiot, and after going through everything he’s been through he’s more an in his right to be pissed beyond belief
And Error, well, you nailed EXACTLY what I was going for
I really wanted this story to be something that people could have discussions about, arguing in favor of and against characters and their actions. I’ve seen people get in ARGUEMENTS over alchemy and whether or not he’s in his right to do what he did. And I love it
THANK U SOOOO SO MUCH FOR THIS!!! I absolutely adore hearing people’s takes on characterization and what they think will happen. They’re all so complex and I ADORE them for it
The closest character we can get to “evil because I love being evil” is like - Nightmare and Killer probably, but we already know enough about their characterization outside of TCOTI to where I don’t really have to say anything lol
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justalilguyoops · 3 months
tysm for ur reply about suf em!!! and what u said in the tag ahhh i get it so bad suf had so so much amazing work it’s really just impossible to answer a question like what’s ur fav………….??? i LOVE illinoise too and the lyrics of casimir pulaski day omg :((((((((( (and i just wanna say that i also spell the album name as illinoise with the e idc idc illinoise just makes much more sense than illinois)
and omg there’s a playlist for wipip?!?!?!?!? i failed……. as president of wipip fan club………. so you’re tired being in it is crazy ha ha im going to reread and cry more yay!!! jk THANK U so much em for always having a playlist for ur work really i remembered i was listening to impossible soul when i was reading the ending chapters of wipip and was bawling my eyes out with the last part of that song like “boy we can do much more together” wipip is just so beautiful ahhh after watching saltburn i literally felt like i got trapped there w this sad sad sad story and sad ollie and fully d3ad but also in a way also sad felix (rip) but wipip is like it got me out of that maze (the way that it literally got burned down in ur story like YES)……………………. ok i will stop now tysm ily lilguybabie!!
apologies for taking a lil bit to respond ; ; of course of course!!!! sufjan just really pops off and I feel like he has SO much music that usually gets overlooked? Granted, of course, I don't like it ALL but i do feel like other albums and songs deserve attention too ; ;
when casimir pulaski day comes on i just get so like introspective and have to sit down and listen to it it's just so,,,, hng. the mandolin. the lyrics. it just makes my heart ACHE! and HAHAHA yes!! Illinoise makes more sense AND that's how it's spelled on the cover art!!! sufjan!!! which is it!!!
YES I love making playlists for my fics <3 it really helps with these longer fics, just because it really immerses me in the ~vibe~ and the circumstances of the relationship!! and !!!! I'm so glad that you enjoy my silly lil fics ; ; truly it is such an honor to hear these words and you're gonna make me BLUSH! I am constantly surprised and delighted that ppl seem to enjoy my work and the imposter syndrome fr fr goes hard but!!! i am always so touched to hear that my work seems to resonate with ppl ; ; i truly miss writing WIPIP but i am so proud of it and love it dearly <333 so glad to have released you and them from the maze!!!!! I LOVE YOU TOO <333333
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angeltism · 9 months
honestly i also kinda feel that way about my gender currently like. its just Me. my gender is just being Myself. aside from that it just feels like an empty space but thats not relevant SHAJHDJSH but for now my gender around you is just one truly in love individual hehe
OH MY GOD YEAH wait YOU ACTUALLY DO THE SAME THING I DO EVERYTIME I EAT FRIED CHICKEN FHSJEHSJEHWH it takes me like one hour to finish eating like. three pieces. because of how much of that time goes on just taking out the meat HSJAHSJS honestly its a lengthy process but good lord it is worth every second of it (also im lowkey really entertained when doing it. even with other foods. i remember very clearly these many times i would put a bunch of grapes with seeds on a bowl and then just. eat the top of the grape and take out the seeds and then peel them. i did it for like two hours each time and i never got bored JHSJSHSH) oh yeah chocolate is always my go to sweets option even if i dont get to eat it that often for health reasons.. the times i do eat it though? magnificent i say! OH OH UH i cant say i hate any of those options in particular? big fan of all of them honestly But if i had to pick it would probably be milk chocolate!
- 💌 anon
honestly that's like 100% real , i'm kinda the same (masc? fem? neu? sometimes all of them . sometimes none . sometimes literally the most confusing xeno shit ever . but always 100% moi no matter what !) . . . and uur flattering me again . squishes uu in a bone crushing hug . uu are loveletter anon and uu are awesome no matter the gender honestly ( . i mean this genuinely in a friendly way but also in the bi with a gender preference of "whoever i like at the moment" y'knowww . ^_^)
and OMG YEAHHH TWINNING . . . . ugh i just cannawt handle meat on the bone . so literally same i spend wayy too much time trying to get the meat off of the bone n making sure it doesn't really have any weird texture bits (like . . . cartilage ick . my sensory issues cannawt) . and omg that grape thing is so silly <3 i try my best to get seedless bc seeds can be kinda icky sometimes for me . . . but taking the seeds out sounds silly n weirdly fun actually ?
and oooo yeah everything in moderation i suppose,, i'm glad uu still get to enjoy it though , even in small amounts !! and oo reasonable , i purrsonally have to eat white chocolate in super small amounts at a time cuz it's reaaally sweet n i can kinda have sensitive teeth so . but ugh milk chocolate is sooo good yumyumyum .
also . no need to answer if uu don't wanna but are there by any chance irls or media appearances of uurs that share a source with me . . . just curiousies . esp if like . pj.sk ou somethin else i'm rlly into (star rail , genshin , even just vocal synths in general cuz i'm like 4 of them teehee)
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tojikai · 2 years
I think a friendly reminder for a lot of readers is to know their place as readers. Criticism is inevitable, but when you go as far as to sending multiple hate threads about the author thats where a reader should back up. Authors are merely sharing their creative hobby and showing their talent, if readers do not like ehat they read then they can simply move on.
What I hate is when readers get so angry because they aren't getting what they want. If readers become so demanding to change stories or make this and that happen...Maybe write your own stories.
Authors aren't here to please what you want. Authors aren't driven by readers ideas (this is not to say authors dont take ideas into consideration), but authors have their own source of ideas and creativity. Don't get mad just because yours wasn't picked.
Again, if you want to complain so much.
Write your own stories.
To Kai,
I feel that your fics and heavy angst but also takes a lot of thinking to fully understand each characters personalitoes and actions. And that is what I love about your writing. Your writing isn't just "oh yay lets go hqppy ending now", it is truly well written. Every character has flaws and struggles. Even Y/N has clearly shown her own flaws and I love that. It really puts readers into different perspectives to think of.
hiii thank you so much for this !! criticism will always be there, especially here in social media where the posts are public !! it's to be expected that not everyone will like your works. but hate is different than criticism :(( it's ok to feel frustrated but please don't send hate to the writer bc it's can be very disheartening :(( anywayyy I'm really grateful for you nonnie !! im glad that u understand and enjoy my stories as well 🥺💕 i hope u're doing great !!
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anonil88 · 3 years
The White Lotus (season finale)
I'm sad this is the last time hearing this theme song but I'm so glad that is only a "for now". It got picked ip for season 2 with new cast members and characters slated for next season. I think this intro is extended and I absolutely love it also I really would but all of these faux wallpaper designs.
As always spoilers below.
He's still sleeping on the beach wowwww. At least he made new friends, i love that for Quinn.
Yay we get to actually see him canoeing.
Girl, leave! Leave the ring and an address for the divorce papers.
Oooo the girls are fighting. Olivia has put things together I think.
Ew but at least their marriage is good....for now maybe until they go home. But I do hope for a while. Do married ppl really not be taking off their nightgowns for sex?
Is he dead? Is he the.... oh no he alive my bad. At least he is still there but I honestly think he has cancer or something. I think she is also wary.
Mushy af, both girls are disgusted. Even Paula who I'm thinking is going to try to stay on the island. Which I'm like um girl you're a mainlander....hmmmm
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Paula knows they are over dramatizing the story but also feels guilty for getting Kai in trouble. He probably won't be seen again or briefly but once they leave I guess he will be okay. Maybe.
Rachel if your ass does not listen to Belinda.
Aw Quinn. I wonder if he can stay honestly it would be super beneficial for him. But also I'm having the same issue with Paula staying which is they are main landers in territory that native Hawaiians don't want non Hawaiian citizens to be and im like ehhhhhh
Shane did not just say that on the phone and also he did not say that he just mistold the story that they mistold. Yea he doesn't need a gun.
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LEAVE HIM. But I do get she was all infatuated and "in love" and she saw him for who he really was on this trip. Which is a...... jackass. I wonder how many times this has actually happened to married couples on honeymoons. They realize on the honeymoon that the person they married is awful or that they are awful together.
He did not listen to her at all and is completely selfish. She never hid herself, but you did and are an absolute child to insult her. If he really loved her and did not view her as a trophy wife he would respect her feelings more. Not even more but at all because he doesn't respect them now and he never showed he truly respected them before. A literal man baby my God.
Fuck, Kai got caught or maybe he turned himself in. Paula really could end up an accessory to robbery with an intent to harm. Maybe we are now seeing that the plan wasn't so smart at all.
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Tanya is giving me those vibes of the friend that only is around when they are having guy troubles or family issues. They never reciprocate emotions though. Slater's mom has got it going on and the ultimate milf icon turned down a younger man for stability. That is nice.
This is super pretty but I do really hope Quinn's parents even if they don't let him stay start respecting his interest and joy for nature.
Is Paula pregnant?!?!? I'm pretty sure there was no protection used. Olivia really doesn't understand reciprocity at all.
Oh damn she discarded the necklace, I wonder if he maybe told her he didn't want a child or that he was turning himself in.
She really has been sobbing this entire time oh my God, Rachel is actually a good person because how the heck she ever saw the good in this man is beyond me.
I fucking hate Shane, he really is getting Armond fired. Really hoping he doesn't spiral but I have a feeling he will. Omg I hope he doesn't die, but honestly leaving this job could be the best thing to happen to him, IF he stayed sober.
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Paula got caught and kind of tried to spin it there for a second but I'm glad she is telling Olivia straight. Olivia bet not rat her out but honestly she had to be told the truth even though it fucking hurts and stings because reality hurts sometimes. When the rose glasses get ripped from you its scary , but she honestly deserved it.
Fuck, I'm hoping Tanya and Belinda's friendship ends on a good note but I think it won't. Yea it didn't and that is a fat ass stack of money but it isn't what she wanted. She wanted her own clinic which its kinda like fucked that she was kinda using Tanya for her money but its also messed up for Tanya to just ghost her once a man came along. This situation could have been so much more messy.
I keep thinking Dillon is going to die. Oh fuck Armond is high as a fucking kite. He said his last dinner and I'm really afraid he is going to die.
Paula is still at dinner with them, wow.
WHY DOES SHE KEEP SAYING I'M SORRY, MY GOD. He is the type to beat his wife and then blame it on his wife i fucking swear.
Olivia fell back into her families blissful rose colored glasses so fucking fast. That is how fake white woke people really are in real life, a lot of people are too chicken shit or too comfortable to openly call everyone in their family out. Maybe Olivia will get there but she's gonna have to do a lot more than read theory. She is going to need to apply it because for now she is a phony weak "ally".
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The relief she should feel at him leaving is great.
Oh fuck another employee is getting high too, what if Hutch dies because I've never seen him before.
Yea this man is sick has to be. Bro, her mother just died.
OMFG is she finna end herself, please God no. This is too much tension.
This is an absolute rager, how wild would it be if they were just moving him to a different resort. Oh no, now several more workers are there
That parallel between Shane and Armondo is wild.
It's about to happen? I really hope this man rounds one off across Shane's jaw.
Will they or won't they be friends after they get home? I don't know.
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Oh god, I hope he doesn't kill Rachel thinking its Shane. He should take a shit in his bag though.
Being arm candy is only nice when you want to be it, other than that it feels shallow. Belinda please tell her to leave this man before he puts his hands on her. Fuck, I do get being that tired though.
Yes! Take a shit! Take a shit! How did they get those fake steamers to fall so realistically, my guess is CGI. Omg he can smell the shit lmfao, he deserves it but I hope he doesn't hurt this man.
Oh FUCK no no no and its gonna look like self defense. UGH GOD and of course he dies in the pineapple suite, of fucking course he never got to escape that God forsaken place.
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How the hell is Shane being hailed as a hero, he stabbed someone for taking a shit in his luggage.
Aw Quinn, sweet boy.
She let go of her mom finally, but for a man who will eventually pass and denying herself of her friend Belinda.
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R.I.P Armond you truly deserved better than that piece of shit man ruining your life.
Noooooo don't turn into a woman version of Nicole's husband but without love. NOoooo I hate that so many women minimize themselves for a man like come the fuck on.
To the Shane's and Nate Jacob's of the world I hate you.
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Back to being friends again but something has changed there.
He's isolated again but maybe he will just run away. Yep go on Quinn make your own roots.
And Belinda has to do this song and pony with a whole new cast of tourists ew. I hope Natasha Rothwell does come back though for season 2.
Aw Quinn.
Really good finale like really good.
Watching the talk back after and it makes me wonder how many of these white actors are as in tune with this conversation of whiteness and privilege that is at the center of this shows message as the writer and some of the other cast members. Hmmm anyway, really excited for season 2 which is only like a few weeks into the early early development stage what a lovely show to have fallen into. It started off slow but it did so in a way that made the world building develop in a way that once the action and anxiety rose the viewer is fully existing or moving in a space that feels familiar. Temporary but familiar and while I'm sure on a 2nd watch I can see all the things I did not like, but after that finale I'm very content and entertained. Armond as a character will forever be remembered for this and I love that.....which btw according to Twitter is an inaccurate way to rim.
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
LEMME JUST SAY the number of times you've made me cry with your fics isn't even funny anymore...
And "Jason talk dirty to me" is the best way to start a fic, I said what I said.
Don't we all hate zoom meetings? I know I sure do and I have class in 5 and a half hours (i woke up at 1 am...don't even question it). Technically i was gonna try and go back to sleep when I remembered HOLY SHIT LBAF FUCK SLEEP I CAN STAY UP
Patrick...I never really knew the guy well but Aline is grieving LEAVE ME ALONE TO CRY
Lexi wrinkled her nose at the name. “I have a message for you.”
“You love me more than mom?” Jace asked.
but seriously though...do silent brothers wear clothing under their robes...?
“I’m not a child!” Lexi protested.
You are seven years old, brother Enoch pointed out. He had been there to place the protection charms after the twins had been born.
If Jace didn’t know any better he’d say the silent brother was sassing her.
But Lexi was a Herondale.
“I’m 49 in dog years!” Lexi huffed.
You are not a dog, Alexandra.
“Daddy said I can be anything I want to be,” Lexi stuck out her tongue. “I’m a dog. A very old dog. Woof!”
Brother Enoch turned to him as if to say, ‘control your Herondale spawn’.
Jace knew many children had been orphaned by the war with the cohort - like Diego’s daughter, who had been adopted from the Chennai Institute.
This part scared me because for a second I was like "IS DIEGO DEAD??????" before I read on and my mind caught on.
ok on to my second favorite character right after Lexi
I just wanna squeezes David into a bear hug ill protect him from now.
Max stamped his foot on the ground, because he liked to be theatrical about everything
Im sure we all know where he gets it from...
“Shall we go check on the little miscreants?”
“Max and Rafe aren’t that bad,” Jace replied faithfully.
“I was talking about your girls,” Magnus grinned. “My boys are literal angels.”
“One of them is a warlock,” Jace pointed out. “With demon blood.”
“You know your family descended from Tessa, right?” Magnus asked. “Your children have demon blood too.”
“Yikes, no wonder people want us gone,” Jace chuckled and Magnus chuckled with him.
“Did you know there is a trick to find out if kids are really sleeping?”
“A magic trick?” Jace asked.
“Yes,” Magnus winked. “You see…When kids are asleep, really asleep, they put up right hand. Only parents know of this secret.”
Rafael and Selena remained still, his little celery still snoring gently.
Max’s hand slowly went up and Lexi’s followed.
A bark of laughter escaped Jace, and Magnus shushed him.
“Miscreants!” Jace whispered.
“I told you so!” Magnus chuckled.
“I know of another secret. I heard the Consul has a new punishment for kids who lie,” Jace said. “They apparently have to eat Izzy’s food.”
The hands flopped back into bed immediately and Magnus covered his mouth to control his laughter.
“Damn, I would have gladly punched you in the face, Herondale. Next time, ask for volunteers.”
Damn bestie-
“This is ridiculous! I didn’t do anything!” Albert yelled and looked at the brother Enoch. “You saw what they did, right?”
I’m a silent brother, Albert. I can’t see. Surely you know that.
Exactly you blind fuck.
we got Jace and alec brotp bonding leave me alone to cry in a corner. the fact that shadowhunters don't have laws protecting children like wtf is wrong with you people
“Alexandra,” his parabatai interrupted. “Shouldn’t you be in bed?” “Shouldn’t you be in Los Angeles?” Lexi countered.
“Max is awake?” Magnus was alert now.
“And Max is hungry!!!” the boy walked into the room.
Live footage of me every morning (or evening. or night. depends on my sleep schedule)
“Oh my god, who is this?” Max yelled and jumped straight into the bed, right next to David. “Are you a shadowhunter? Where are you from? Your eyes are so blue! My daddy has blue eyes too! Wait, I also have blue eyes! We both have blue eyes!”
“Yay!” Lexi yelled. “You could pretend to be my other twin.”
“Then you would be triplets,” Alec mumbled quietly. “Not twins.”
Oh shush
“Our people are not going to like this, Alec,” Jace pointed out.
“Well, that’s too bad,” Alec said unapologetically. “I’m the Consul.”
I really hope Albert does have to come crawling back and have his marks stripped.
“Is that...Is that a stubble?” Jace asked when something prickled his cheek.
"Are you growing a beard?" Jace inquired sceptically.
“Gross. I don’t like it,” Jace complained.
“Too bad. Cause I do.”
“I’m going to tell Magnus to shave it off while you are asleep,” Jace muttered.
“Jokes on you. He likes it too.”
Jace weren't you starting to grow a beard in TDA as well-
no, but I'm with Jace on this one.
“So, I heard an interesting story from Magnus when I came in,” his wife said, coming out of her bathroom, wiping her face with a towel. “You adopted a kid, I hear? Your parabatai is really rubbing off on you, huh?”
It's the alec affect bestie.
“He only said there is a child at the institute who needs my help. At first, I thought he was talking about you.”
Jace trying to find David a new last name was so goddamn sweet I'm crying in a corner. And David choosing to keep his name as a reminder that he survived??? TEARS
Selena had learned Spanish so she can talk to Rafael. Then she had learned French just because she could.
Oh to be good at languages...
“It means darling,” Jace corrected and then beamed. “But wait! It also means cabbage! David, you are going to be my little cabbage.”
Lexi, Selena, and Clary groaned in unison.
“You’ll have to deal with this, David,” Clary said apologetically, not letting go of the boy. “Lexi is Lettuce. Selena is Celery and I’m Carrot.”
That was so long wtf-
and I guess I don't truly understand what it's like to be a child abuse victim but to all those who can hurt a child and not feel anything...I hope they fucking pay for what they do. All those kids who survive are so goddamn strong but why the fuck does one have to go through so much shit and people be like "oh you came out stronger" sure bitch but they didn't deserve this shit in the first place. i might be saying it wrong but we seriously need more strict laws against this kind of shit.
damn, I curse a lot. SEE YA ON FRIDAY BYE
Me scrolling through this entire liveblog like:
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Thank you so much. It made my day! I love reading reactions!!! (lol you know that)
I am so glad you like the first chapter. And I curse a lot too so issokay ;)
And thank you for that last point. It's what we need more of in this world - empathy and understanding x.
And we definitely need better laws - but these laws also need to be implemented correctly - without judgment and with efficiency.
We have a long way to go just like the shadowhunters oof.
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symphonyofthewrite · 3 years
Saw your post, getting stuff off your chest, I just wanted to say that I haven't seen the thing with the kids mentioned by anyone and it really stood out to me, I feel what you mean to some extent, because for me it was a stronger reaction, albeit you probably won't feel the same and that's, obviously, perfectly fine. I have an instant recoil these days whenever a character is around kids for like one second and everyone instantly goes "THEY LITERALLY ADOPTED THEM/THAT'S THEIR CHILD/THEY'RE A PARENT"... genuinely sick of it, and I went white as a sheet when I heard it, I wanted to pluck my eyes out. I don't know if it's an American thing but English speaking fandoms (well, those teeming with fancops that is) seem like they cannot process adult looking characters being in any near proximity to childlike characters without automatically imposing parenthood and family dynamics and it's becoming distressing to me. I feel like Alucard needed to process his trauma and learn to trust and be whole again, he's young himself too, why he needed to be a "father figure" all of a sudden is beyond me.
Thank you so much for the ask!! I don’t get many asks so it makes me happy when I can talk meta with people 💛💛 (Sorry I’m a bit late in answering.)
Funnily enough I actually do agree with you. I didn’t have quite so strong a reaction, but I definitely had a very similar one when I first hear it.
My feelings were and are a bit mixed. I was saying in my other post that I would have preferred that I got to actually see this interaction; see the kids run by him and call him father, and him smile when no ones looking. I still think that would have been a better, more touching way to do the scene, and would have had more chance of me liking it (though I probably still would have felt very weird about it). (I think it especially would have been better because it would show that Alucard himself liked it, not that Greta was forcing the role on him.) I know that it was meant to be something touching, and pretty much everyone seems to like it (and I have seen some cute posts about it), so I just tried to like it too, and focus on the fact that all they were really trying to say was he was having a nice relationship with the kids, and that was indeed sweet.
But yeah, when I heard Greta say “I heard some of them calling you father” for me it was less a reaction of horror, and more a “HUH??!!”moment. When I heard it I was like “Alucard...you agree with this???!! This is how you see yourself??!!” I almost expected Alucard to refute it and say he didn’t see himself as a father to them. Like I seriously do not see Alucard as anything remotely close to a father figure, and it felt weird and wrong to me.
Like when I saw him interacting with the kids the first time, I didn’t think “oh he’s a father figure to them.” I just thought “yay, Alucard’s playing with some kids, and getting out of his bubble!!” I didn’t have any thoughts as to what his relationship role was with them, I just thought that first interaction was lovely.
And if I saw him interacting with the kids again, I still wouldn’t go “father figure” I’d just be like “yay, Alucard’s playing with the kids again, how sweet!!”
Sometimes the relationship doesn’t need a role or a label, ya know?
And I thought it was especially strange because…he literally just met them?? Like how can they possibly start calling him father when he’s played with them once or twice? Regardless of Alucard’s side or things, what group of kids would randomly call a nice man they just met ‘father’? Is...Is this a normal thing??
Anyways, back to Alucard’s side of things, Sypha’s line about Alucard being a teenager trapped an adults body has always been something that stuck with me and shaped how I view Alucard. I definitely view him as internally much younger than he looks. No matter how much I might hate them for what they did to him, I think Sumi and Take are about the age he actually is, and their relationship with him made sense to me. He’s still a kid—or at least young—he still needs his parents in his life, really. (That’s part of why I didn’t like that Drac and Lisa don’t go to him at the end. I personally don’t think Alucard really got closure, and in my mind I think he still very much needed them, and that would have been the perfect ending to his story in my mind, where everything comes full circle; He was forced to lose his parents and grow up too early, and only when he’s started to truly grow up does he get them back.) So yeah, I really don’t see him like a father at all. One of my main focuses in my Castlevania fanfiction is his relationship with Dracula, so I very much see him as the son, not as the dad, even when Drac isn’t around.
(Sidenote, come to think of it, I think this is another reason why Greta x Alucard is a nope from me. She’s very much an adult, so I just see a discrepancy between them that makes me feel weird about them being in a romantic relationship. If we need a label I feel like she fits as an older sister for him, guiding him and giving him support. Him unloading all his problems on her within just meeting her makes more sense if he’s like a younger brother who needs to cry to his sister. I felt weird about it in a romantic context when it was so fast. I mean I know he was desperate to talk to someone, and I probably would have done the same, but still).
“I feel like Alucard needed to process his trauma and learn to trust and be whole again, he's young himself too, why he needed to be a "father figure" all of a sudden is beyond me”
I was honestly really hoping they’d go in depth into him dealing with his trauma, and how he’s still hurting from the wounds of it, and how he needs to heal. I thought that’s what his S4 arc would be about. I don’t think they gave him the chance to really process and work through everything that happened. (Again, I don’t think him just unloading all his problems on a nice stranger is truly working through his trauma. I would have much rather watched him struggle to trust her, and him telling her about his trauma happen later, and be difficult for him, and a deep, heartfelt moment).
Like I was saying in my other post, I think if they framed his arc in how he dealt with the town collectively, I think that would have fit better, and been more touching and satisfying. I would have liked to see him struggling to trust humans, and then see as time progressed how several different people in the town liked him and meant him no harm, and how he realized he could trust them, and that he liked them too. It wasn’t that he had a bad romantic partner and needed a new one. He believed he needed to be punished for killing his father, and in his deep loneliness he let these kids into his house and heart, and they turned on him because he was half vampire. That’s something pretty deeply ingrained, and not something a new romance just fixes by existing. He needed to work through that in a much deeper way.
I know this is gonna be a very unpopular opinion, and it's totally cool if you disagree, but in a weird way... I sort of disliked Alucard’s ending. Don’t get me wrong, Im glad he’s happy, and I’d certainly prefer it to him just getting more trauma like last season (*shudders*), and I don’t think him opening up his castle (and his heart) to humanity is a bad way to end his story, certainly not. I think that fits. And my heart did melt a bit at the "I'm weirdly happy" scene. But, where everyone else is like “*sobbing* happy endings for all our faves” ...I see the creators of the show trying to wrap everything up in a neat little bow, and while that’s certainly not all bad, I don’t love every aspect of that. Theres a time and place for that, but a show based on video games, for which there’s more content in these storylines isn’t one of them in my mind.
Sometimes some of the sadness needs to linger. At the very least, let it linger at the beginning of the season so you can work through it in a powerful way, you know? It may have been tough to see Alucard be more closed off, but I think it would have been more satisfying to see him open up his heart and go back to his old self if we saw his trauma leave lingering effects at the beginning.
To me it didn’t feel like a satisfying arc, it felt like the fairytale ending of “oh look he’s not apprehensive about humanity even after what happened! Oh look he got the girl! And the Castle’s a happy place now! Look he’s not sad anymore! He’s even a father figure to these kids! He’s totally moved on!” And all those things can be awesome when done properly, and when they have depth to them. But they didn’t work through the trauma to get there, so it felt surface level to me, and too fast. I really liked that first episode, and how we saw the two sides of him—one that's become more closed off, and the other that still buries the human despite his comments—and I also really liked the first interaction with the kids, and thought that was one of the few interactions that had depth to it and fit with his arc well. Having it go beyond “they’re helping him learn to like and trust humanity again, and displaying who he really is inside” ended up detracting from the power of his relationship with them in my mind.
Having played SOTN, I think an ingrained loneliness and sadness are, in a way, a key part of Alucard’s character. That sounds really sad and awful out loud but…there are some people that just have a sadness or a loneliness to them, and that's not entirely bad. Here’s the thing…it can make them that much more beautiful. The fact that they still fight for good, even when they see all the dark, those moments when they find true friends, despite how alone they are, those moments when they are happy, are so much more powerful. They just are always a bit…separate from other people. One of my favorite lines in anything is the line "We are connected by our darkness, not by our light" in Pandora Hearts. I think it's a line that fits Alucard well, and it’s always something that’s drawn me personally to him. Don't get me wrong, I don’t think Alucard’s all dark and sad and lonely, he’s definitely got a bright side to him too, of course he does. But I also don't think he ever is able to fully accept the vampire side of himself, and I find that interesting, and worth exploring. Personally I was honestly hoping for the show makers to come up with a bittersweet reason for why he went to sleep for 300 years, (and I thought that's why they set things up with Sumi and Taka that he’d have something against his vampire nature). Personally it felt like they were trying to say “oh he’s all better now, he’ll never be sad or lonely again” and while that’s nice I suppose…for me it sort of…stops feeling like Alucard, in a way? I don't know if I'm explaining it right, or if that sounds terrible...😅
Anyways, back to the topic at hand. I do agree that’s very common of fandom that people are like “boom! Just add water! Instant father figure!” and I don’t love it either. Sometimes it can be cute if it truly fits, but it doesn’t fit every relationship between an adult-looking character and a kid character, and shouldn't be the first place people go to. In the same way every relationship doesn’t have to be romantic, not every relationship has to be parental/familial either. Sometimes it feels like fandom culture isn't really okay to have some characters just be good friends. A good friendship can be more wonderful than a romance sometimes.
If we have to put a label on it, I think he seemed like a nice older brother figure to them? I think that fits who he is in my mind. But father? Nope. Not for me. And again, I don’t think it needs a label.
Thanks again for sending me this ask!! It was nice to get the chance to work through some more of my feelings here too. Sorry if I went too overboard. And I hope I don’t sound too terribly negative, it really was a great season, and I definitely liked some parts of his arc, just not all of it.
If you or anyone else reading would like to discuss with me more, be my guest!! 💕
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lifeofashieldagent · 3 years
1- is this the new marvel studios intro or is this loki related cause I love this?? Ok it's definitely the show
2- that was such a good intro
3- I was JUST thinking there better not be a jumpscare. screw you, miss minutes.
4- so it is he who remains. I haven't read the comics but I've definitely watched a lot of theory videos.
5- loki saying no to this offer is gonna be the biggest character development ever
6- everything is so beautiful??
7- so he's one of those cheerful villains. cool.
8- mobius I love you. now prune her.
9- she was a school teacher. that's cool. now prune her.
10- I can feel loki and sylvie's frustration through the screen
11- wow ravonna is really brainwashed by this whole thing. it's sad. now prune her.
12- so he started the whole mess
13- I'm loving this presentation
14- stifling order or cataclysmic chaos. I choose b thank you very much
15- "we're all villains here" I love this conversation. but also. there are 17 mins left. where is the action.
16- the space and timeline outside his room is so beautiful
17- I wish they at least changed sets for some reason. this seems too long an episode and too short an episode at the same time.
18- yes action thank you finally
19- um loki holding someone back using magic is very hot
20- Sylvie does have trust issues. If tom hiddleston told me to trust him in THAT voice, I would cry, and also trust him
21- ahh this is so good
22- um no. I wasn't sure how I feel about them till now, but the kiss made it clear to me that I don't really ship them. I like their chemistry A LOT, but eh, not into it romantically. just not enough build up. also I had a feeling she was tricking him. glad I was right.
22- he who remainsed
23- daamn the timeline went whoosh
24- hii mobius and hii b 15 . I love you two so much.
25- tom hiddleston is such a good actor. this zoom in was so intense.
26- Sylvie tricked him so now he's looking for the actual love of his life - mobius
27- what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck he can't forget loki no why what how what why no screw this
28- that's the END? you're gonna end THE SHOW with mobius not remembering loki??
29- marvel better announce another surprise episode cause this feels like a penultimate episode. or it definitely means we're getting season 2. which I'm very happy about. but I'm still not happy with this.
30- ok final thoughts for now- Loki is definitely the best show out of the Disney plus shows, BUT the finale was not as good as the first 5 episodes of the show. Too much exposition followed by not enough action and then a very frustrating cliff hanger. Well I am ok with the cliff hanger. It's supposed to be emotion inducing. But the other parts were still, not very "epic finale"-y.
Is there a post credits scene? I think so.
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artreider · 3 years
Daughter is down for the night, let's see if internet will allow me to watch and live blog the next episode.
Travis is so hurt and that just hurts me. I'm glad we are getting his backstory with Michael.
Okay so if Michael died in 2016 and it was 2009 at the start of the episode, then they were together for at least six years. So travis has been a firefighter at least 11 years at this point in the series. So what station was he at, and how did he and Michael meet. Im just curious because theo calls his buddy michael probie and then doesnt say travis name. Travis tells him name and instead of calling probie as well making me believe he had been either a firefighter for a bit longer than Michael or he is from a different station, because surely if they were all at the same station he would call him by name or maybe travis is from a different shift at the station.
I love this episode but it still left me with questions.
Also so i didnt even make it five minutes in, thanks internet let's restart it.
Also are they all in the same academy class because it sounds like it.
I'm not okay with travic being not a dynamic duo at the start, i love their friendship.
Hey look the captain has returned lol, also this sushi conversation i have had with my coworker. Leftover sushibis just wrong, fight me on this. Im glad maya agrees. Also i agree with sulluvan its from the grocery store, i dont eat my sushi from anywhere but a restaurant thats gross, and making it day old is worse.
Of course travis agrees with the sushi talk, they are truly two peas in a pod. Im surprised vic didnt ask to stay at maya and carina's for a few days.
I like theo and jack this episode.
Vic looks tripped out by travis showing her his scars lmao. Travis and this scar analogy is fantastic and makes me giggle, so dramatic.
I still dont know how i feel about these two drug addicts.
First commercial and i just want to add that the sushi scene i love, the family feel is wonderful.
Michael and travis are so cute. Also how long was theo a captain before michael died?
Listening to libby you can tell how troubled travis is by the look on his face. Its like he's thinking what if something were to happen to Hughes and we weren't in a good place.
Im glad jack came to talk to theo. It's good for them both.
Emmett you cutie. Im glad he is speaking truths to travis.
This proposal is so cute, the double proposal makes me so happy.
Travis needs to become a dad, he so wanted that future with Michael.
Its so cute that theo was there for the proposal and his best friends. Who stood up for travis at the wedding and who married michael and travis? Im headcanoning theo marrying them.
I totally get travis's feelings about theo in light of Michael's death but with how involved he was with the two i wish travis had found some way to heal with his friend sooner.
Vic trying to discuss Emmett, oh i love you.
This scene by the trees is so tough.
I bet they had so much fun shooting this even if it was difficult material.
So travis is in a apartment instead of his house with michael, howd that happen.
The things they are saying to each other are so hard. Everyone grieves differently.
Okay how long was theo a firefighter before he became captain. They were possibly in the academy in 2009, he was training for lt in 2010 and in 2012 he was put up for captain. So it seems he was on the fast track like maya. Okay he was only at lt for 6 months with may he a bit longer than maya.
Though she definitely made better decisions as captain. Also i love that ripley put up for it and ripley is who told maya to become lt and that she'd be a good captain.
Theo's joke about dying in a fire is just wrong.
Theo did make a bad call like travis worried but his being green should be a reason to find forgiveness for him.
Im glad michael stood uo for his friend. Also travis asked if it was a good idea theo being michaels captain, not ours. That further leads me to believe that travis was at a different station. I really cant shake the thought that he was at station 19 by this point for the simple fact of capt hererra saying he hand picked all of them.
Its nice that travis is finally talking to vic about his anger and sadness over michael, his grief and apologizing for his comments about ripley.
Okay so based off the past episodes for the characters, gibson and miller have been at the station longer than andy and maya and it appears travis has been as well. So that just has me questioning how long hughes has been, did we get dates when we learned how she became a firefighter, i cant remember.
Who notified travis that Michael was gone? He wasn't on scene otherwise he'd already have seen theo.
Theo was so good to own up to his mistake to the higher ups and travis.
The house vs apartment thing bothers me about station 19. Like maya's apartment always felt like a house and then we see its an apartment. Travis lived in a house with Michael and now has an apartment filled with Michael's things. Then Jack had an apartment or something in season 3 and now lives with martha and co. Then vic is basically homelessx had an apartment then jumped from friends homes. I dunno why i bothers me so, i guess it just feels so inconsistent, i dunno if that makes sense.
Ugh the ruiz and Gibson scene here is so good for them once again and im glad it helped marcus. Im sad marcus wont be a part of jacks life anymore.
Theo why did you decide to talk to vic about ripley? Not that it was a bad talk just curious what sparked it.
Travis im so proud of you, this talk here is so important for your healing. Vic i love your joke. Yay my travic is healing.
Okay so hughes was probie in 2016 after michael died. Ugh i need to know more about travis time at station 19 before during or after whatever michael died. Also when did andy and maya graduate im blanking on the year.
Travic's first scene at the station together is so lovely.
Ugh travis's phone call is so rough.
So travis cant vacation very well either, no wonder he told maya to enjoy her trip with carina in sesson 3.
The station 19 actors are so phenomenal. Such a wonderfully acted episode.
So as im sure my followers and anyone else reading this has gathered, i decided to do this live blog as one whole thing since the anon was upset by my previous posts. If you hate this and think i should go back to the other way let me know or if i should take their suggestion and creatr my own tag let me know. Basically if you are interested in my live blog please let me know what you think.
The anon has been weighing on me leading me to almost not want to finish my live blog of the series.
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thirsthourdemon · 4 years
could i request how wakatoshi and goshiki would take care of a drunk s/o who gets really affectionate when they're drunk?
Getting all affection and getting wasted 🥃
Includes: Ushijima and Goshiki
Warnings: Curse words? A few implications of smut but not really anything too extreme and mentions of drinking/alcohol
A/N: Do you know how happy I am to recieve an actualy request?! I cried the moment I saw the notifications like YA’LL HAVE NO IDEA HOW IN LOVE I GET WHEN SOMEONE REQUESTS SOMETHING LIKE THIS anyways- I hope you enjoy~
-You come home wasted after you downed a whole entire bottle to prove a point
-Mama didnt raise no bitch thats why 😤
-Ushijima knew you were drunk because you used the doorbell. I know this might sound weird but
-Note #4 of Y/N’s quirks: She does not use the doorbell because she hardly remembers they even have one. She mostly knocks.
-Unless you’re drunk, in this case you were
-Toshi opens the door to see you pouting like a little kid and hugging the biggest size of cheetos one can get
-You clinged onto those cheetos the whole night but once you saw toshi you just dropped them
-“Toshi~ Toshi! TOSHIII!!!” Whining as he allows you to just fall onto his arms.
-This was fine 🙂
-Note #5 of Y/N’s quirks: She pukes when she’s drunk
-There you both were. Ushijima just carrying you up after you puked at the bushes by your door! Aha ha
-Bringing you inside he was patient on the inside but in reality he barely saw you on this level of drunkenness so what does he do?
-He calls tendou
-On the phone with tendou be like:
-“hello tendou I need you-“ “Toshi! I love you so much!!! We’re going to make a farm together and get cows! Im going to bake apple pies and...”
-he fell in love the moment you said you’d make a farm with him
-He simple like that ❤️
-“Is Y/N drunk? Ho ho ho~” the voice from the other side teases
-As the red head narrates what to do on speaker phone all he could hear from the other sides were
-“NO! TOSHI!!! You didnt say I love you back! Say it! I love you!”
-“I love you too, Y/N. Please put these pajama pants on now”
-“Yehey!!! Toshi said I love you too~” booping his nose and proceeded to kiss him
-“Im happy that out of all of the people out there~ Toshi-kun chose m-“
-You’re out.
-Falling asleep in his arms he tried cradling you like a baby
-Going to bed he comes down to your forehead and kisses your forehead
-“Im glad you chose me too” he hums
-Both of you fall asleep like that...forgetting that tendou was on speaker phone and voice recording everything to make fun of both of you.
-I truly believe he would date someone who he respects so much that he would not even turn down an offer to go drinking
-But I also believe that he will come home one day seeing you in your study already finishing half a bottle of something pretty sweet but pretty strong as well
-He admires you and he respects how head strong you were
-Though he could only blush as you just start mommy-ing him
-“Tsutomu my little ace~ how about you give mommy a hug no?”
-He kept on blushing and he knew how to take care of you because you even gave him a little note before you started drinking.
-A mommy’s gotta be prepared
-“Little ace~ Look at you! You’re so adorable and I just want to eat you up” You were cupping his face with your small hands
-Goshiki.exe has stopped working
-First of all little ace was only something you called him when he was being extra good, okay?
-He felt like he deserved that right now though 😤
-You broke the damn boy and he was just so happy!
-These compliments were really making look like a tomato
-“Y-Y/N-S...San! I-I think we should get you ready for bed!”
-You kiss him and compliment him the whole night as he was blushing furiously
-Steam out of his ears literally!
-“Y/N-san, we’ll have to change your top soon!”
-The sight of you in nothing but a wet white dress shirt was driving him mad however!
-He was still worried that you’d get a cold so he tried to talk you into wearing some sleepwear.
-“I-I promise tha-t...I...ughhmm...I’ll cuddle you! Once you get dressed and kiss your f-forehead!”
-“Eh? YAY!!! TSUTOMU! Tsutomu! Tsutomu!”
-Once you changed you just tackle him and purr
-You both ended up sleeping on the couch because you both fell asleep when he was giving you his little promises ✨
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hyunjinspark · 3 years
jade…. oh my gosh…. that was INCREDIBLE. absolutely painful, don’t get me wrong, but you are truly such a good writer im in awe at your talent 🥺 but now for my (extremely long, go get a snack bby 🤪) review of *shudders* chapter 54…
so i know it makes sense for the beginning to start where the last chapter ended off on but there was just something so powerful with how this chapter started ;-; maybe it was the extreme angst right away lol but i LOVED the attention to detail you have with scenes like these!! especially for these types of emotions, when she drops the whisk, it gets on her dress, not realizing whats going on around her, and on top of all that the changing of the clothes….. i hated that cause ew angst so sad but that was SUCH a good part!! cause i feel like just that one difference of the outfit says A LOT about how shes feeling! and especially cause it was just jeans and a shirt 😭😭 not even a skirt!! extremely relatable though i feel like when something horrible happens to me i dont want to be in anything but an extremely oversized hoodie to drown myself in
moving on from that, her interaction with jisung was so devastating :( i know its not his fault cause he had no idea what just happened but wow that mustve been so hard to listen to :,,((( and her giving one word answers and then quickly saying “i need to go check on the cake” and leaving instead of actually responding to his comment about hyunjin :,,(((( like i said, this is so fucking sad and breaking my heart but god DAMN you write angst so well!!!!!! the way you can so deeply express these emotions with such small details?????? the talent!!!
yikes alright listen wooyoung youre great and all but wtf even was that interaction 😬 no words, moving on 😬😬😬
her not checking her phone at all for hours!! another detail i loved cause it’s so realistic! and then the way you transitioned into that memory was really nice too, too bad that was the only “good” part of the chapter where they’re happy together 😭
ok ok ok. FINALLY. THE PAST! there were so many emotions i was feeling during this but one thing i especially liked was the way you formatted it and how it was frequently cut because this was over the span of SEVERAL days/months so i think it was interesting having different snippets of different days, and their progression of enemies to…… :// well we know where that ultimately went but im glad that you didn’t rush any of it because sometimes i feel like two characters hate each other, they have one good experience together, and then theyre in love like yay for that but???? 🤨🤨🤨 how we get there so fast bestie??? however considering youre the certified Queen of Slowburn this is as expected 🥰
now,,,,,, getting to the end,,,,,,, ;-; for the last flashback scene im assuming that was one big dressing room for all of the performers? but didnt y/n also have her own dressing room?? or am i trippin lol anyways, my heart fucking SANK when she saw hyunjin kissing seojun ☹️☹️☹️☹️ and yeah i could assume things didnt work out for them in high school obviously but i thought it wouldve been cause of another misunderstanding or lack of communication, i mean the kiss they shared earlier!! hyunjin???? HELLO???? what was that then????? homeboy was just horny ig >:,( i was genuinely shocked that he was kissing seojun tho, like i feel like it made sense for him to be saying all that stuff cause again denial 🤪🤪 or he just didnt want to tell seojun the truth but no????? i guess not????? that ending scene was a federal crime
HOWEVER,,,,, OH MY GOODDDD JADE??????? HOW are you so good at writing?????? when it finally went back to the present and you closed it off with: ““I’m okay” You had said, because it was nobody’s fault but your own. You went to bed knowing just one thing, for sure. No matter what happened, no matter when or where you were…. Hyunjin would never want you.” SPEECHLESS. LITERALLY SPEECHLESS. (but also not because BOY DO I HAVE SOME WORDS ABOUT THIS WHOLE THING) this ending was SO POWERFUL!!!! im not joking you really do amaze me with your writing capabilities! and im so grateful that youre continuing to share it with all of us 🥺
ok i think ill stop it here, yay!! you made it to the end of this unnecessarily long review!! 🥳🥳🥳 sorry it took a bit to actually send im actually writing this in a note and then copy and pasting it cause there was so much i needed to say dkjgjwjxejj
i hope youre having an amazing day and are happy and healthy! 💜💜💜💜💜💜
- 💜
ahhh thank you so much !!!! i am so happy you liked it.
i thought a lot about how to begin this chapter but i feel like this moment was too important to skip over, and i wanted to show the direct consequence of her conversation with him. im so glad you liked the details, since those were the best ways i could convey her emotions and how she was feeling.
the outfit change i also completely relate to as a person, it can say a lot about what someone is feeling and especially her since she was waiting so long for this party and for that specific dress for him.
i am so glad you liked the angst during the party, it was hard to write but i tried to write it in snippets of what's going around her, since she's so zoned out herself and has no concrete grip on the party and the people around her at the moment.
as for the past, i definitely was worried writing it since i need to show basically the plot of an entire story within one chapter (enemies to lovers, but then back to enemies) that was hard but that's why i chose to do so many time skips and i think it works well that way because these things can't happen so fast.
yes there is a common dressing room lol, but a separate one for the girls and guys, which is why mrs. park asks hyunjin why he's in yns room.
im so glad you loved the ending, it was the first thing i wrote and ahh, it broke my heart but i loved it.
thank you so much for loving it, for all your sweet words, compliment and analysis. i appreciate it a lot.
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