#it’s hard to find the motivation to draw with everything going on right now 😔
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the-seraphim-weep · 27 days ago
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A screenshot study I didn’t feel like finishing
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aerequets · 3 months ago
Ur art is such an inspiration and motivation for me, as a fellow artist. I’ve been following ur stuff for a bit now and I was wondering how you decided to draw loid, yor, and anya the way you do. I say this bc I really want to start making my own fan arts, but i struggle to take this anime style and have these character read as [insert character] without it being in a “anime style.”
And I guess this applies to any character you want take from a media, and translate it into your style. Bc i don’t necessarily think ur art style is considered “anime” i kinda just see it as an abstraction ig. But even if it is, it isn’t in the style of anime show is yk? Yet the characters read as who they’re supposed to be.
And I think a while back you u mentioned that you were struggling on decided how to draw loid. ig i wanna know How did you come to the decision that “yes, this looks correct and I wanna draw him like this.”
Is it finding defining feature and proportions? Just messing around until you figure something out? And I assume you make a character sheet to keep it consistent?
Like i literally go to art school but cant draw anything without a reference photo and it killing me 😔💀💀
Sorry for the yapp i’m just down bad rn and really love ur work. Please help be get out of the reference photo trap😭
Also sorry if this reads weird and has errors i’m sleep deprived and can’t bring myself to go back and reread
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i will try my best to answer below, but i dont think it is anything profound or super secret lmao
so i think that artists get really caught up with finding/establishing a style when they are first starting out. i say this because i was no different. to me it was like 'oh if i have a style then i am a Real artist instead of just a copier'
but like, i think that order is backwards. like the more that you draw things you enjoy, the more those drawings will become your own and in your 'style' if that makes sense. heavy emphasis on the quantity here. you just gotta go really at it. and the best way to do this is through sheer quantity tbh.
however at the same time, i dont really agree with the whole 'draw x things per day every day' thing cuz sometimes thats just hard man. i mean you mentioned you were in art school so you're probably drawing every day anyways, but for a hobbyist or fanartist (me lol) its mostly based on whether u feel like drawing or not. Which is why its rlly cool when you have a show/book/movie/anything you're really into which makes you want to draw more! it becomes something fun rather than a chore.
so basically, dont view a style as something you have to develop right away, or turn drawing into a chore, because that will be very counteractive trust me.
another important thing i wanted to mention, you said "reference photo trap" but ITS NOT A TRAP! USE REFERENCES!!! REFERENCES ARE IMPORTANT AND GOOD (i am assuming you already know this, but using references is not the same as tracing. just to make it clear)
this is another thing common with newer artists (and of course how i used to be), where you feel like you have to draw 'from your mind' for it to be an indicator of any skill. NOT TRUE!! you need to use references to get better!
lastly, to answer your question (as best i can lol) there was never any point when i decided 'yes this is it' when drawing. you just draw and draw and keep changing and growing. it is a little of everything you said (defining features, proportions, messing around) but it is also just drawing a lot and having fun! :D oh and i definitely do not have a character sheet. i am not anywhere near that organized LMAO
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1-hug-man · 7 years ago
To Steven: Nice people and animals.
To Garnet: To find someone who loves me for me.
To Amethyst: I think I’m above-average.
To Pearl: I know obsessions are unhealthy, but it’s probably when I’m trying to be friends with everyone.
To Rose Quartz: My mother’s heart and my father’s humor.
To Greg: My parents. (Btw my dad’s name is Greg)
To Connie: Where to start?! Right now, probably My Hero Academia. I love Deku, he’s so cute and cool!
To Lion: Money or glitter. That way I can make someone’s day no matter what.
To Sadie: It’s ok. Due to my insecure nature, I feel like they don’t really like me all that much.
To Lars: My looks, my relationships with people, my love life, my car, my finances, my art skills, the Steven Universe hiatuses…
To Ronaldo: I’m not really sure a “favorite” can be pinpointed? But, I guess that the 9/11 attack was organized by our government.
To Lapis: I once had a dream that I was a water bender!
To Peridot: One day I woke up late for work, got there, and they had me working in the cold. It was a construction job, I built walls. So I didn’t bring enough food with me, and it had just rained the night before so the clay under the building area was really mucky and gross. I ripped a hole in waterproof boots because the weight of the clay on my boots tore the material. Then it was toward the end of the day and it started raining, so I thought that we’d go home early. But my boss made us stay until the end and we got soaked. The foreman also made us clean up the site that they had thrown their garbage around in, because they didn’t bother putting it in the trash bag. Then I couldn’t wear my clothes home so I drove home in my underwear.
To Jasper: Someone being an asshole to me.
To Dewey: Meh.
To Onion: Hm… I suppose if it’s anything, I’d copy a bunch of different things. Like, for instance, I’d copy myself once, my Playstation 4 and television twice, the money I have in the bank 6 times, my car thrice, etc.
To Cookie Cat: Blue Sky’s organic soda Green Tea flavor. I miss it.
To Dogcopter: Howl’s Moving Castle
To Ruby: one of my ex-friends was a terrible human being. He was a liar, he was motivated but for the wrong reasons, he was a fuck boy, he was a very angry and energetic person, he was manipulative and violent, and he was immature and irresponsible. Whereas I always try to tell the truth, I’m not really motivated and I can be lazy at times, I’m a hardworker, I’m a calm, patient, and happy-go-lucky in nature, I’m usually submissive and timid, and I’m very mature and responsible for people my age.
To Sapphire: My quirkiness and my personality. I wear my heart on my sleeve most of the time.
To Opal: The end of Teen Titans Go.
To Sugilite: I went drag racing with my old civic and the engine exploded.
To Alexandrite: A fun dad that teaches his kids lots of things.
To Malachite: My ex gf would rely on me for everything and blame me when I wanted to do what I wanted to do. She would blame me for not defending her in front of my friends even though they were right. All she wanted was sex and money and to be taken care of without any work on her part. It was really exhausting.
To Rainbow Quartz: My art skills, usually. Playing music, drawing things, and entertaining people.
To Stevonnie: Humor and video games. I don’t really have a best friend though, so it’s hard to pinpoint which people are my “best friend”.
To Centipeedle: Yes, I helped a turtle cross a road, a snake was also in the middle of the road, and I tried to help a bird that got hit by a car, but it died in my arms… 😢.
To Sour Cream: Lychee! A lot of people don’t know about me, but I’m really sweet!
To Jenny: Meat. I can’t just choose one type of meat!
To Peedee: When I was in college, when i was living with my remarried Grandfather, he betrayed me by not treating me like family.
To Jamie: Helped me lose my virginity. 😔
To Buck:
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To Mr. Smiley: My favorite donut is a cake donut with strawberry frosting and rainbow sprinkles!
To Kofi: My favorite desk chair that my parents bought for me was smashed by my drunken roommate for no reason.
To Nanefua: The same as I am now but with more money and and more knowledge! Basically an awesome person!
To Kevin: A truck driver who was obstinate about Trump being a good President. Ugh…
To Frybo: An 80s horror movie with a slime monster than dissolved people. I still have nightmares.
To Purple Puma: Prismo Moon! A man that defeats crime with his wacky attitude and unpredictable nature! I can use the power of the universe to make people happy!
To Tiger Millionaire: LOXMYTH. Orville Vance was an ordinary locksmith when suddenly he released the wrong lock and became Loxmyth! He went to a house a his usual run. Someone can’t get a chest open that they found. It had strange markings on it, but it was “just another job”, he thought. As soon as he opened it, it was dark inside. Then suddenly, the man behind him laughed and pushed him inside! It was a pit. It seemed bottomless. He felt like he’d been falling for hours, but then a voice spoke. “Who are you?”, it said in a small childlike manner. Orville was curious and replied, “My name is Orville. I was pushed in here. Who are you?” The voice uttered, “We have no name. We only know the darkness. We’ve been here for as long as we can remember… but we can’t get out.”
“Am I going to die?”
“We aren’t sure yet.”
This made Orville nervous. What do they want with me, thought the locksmith. The voice then spoke in earnest.
“We’ve been waiting for someone. Someone with key to our freedom.”
“Well, I am a locksmith. But this seems out if my skill range.”
A light appeared and related to Orville their plea.
“We have power. Power to make and power to unmake. We must leave at all costs. The universe is in grave danger! We are tired of waiting and you seem like you could be the one. So, here.”
The light reformed into what looked like a padlock. It gently floated toward Orville.
“Touch this and you will be able to help us.”
“How to I know this isn’t a trap?”
“Do you really have any other options at this point?”, the light replied.
He reached out and grasped the light and it flowed into him. It felt like pressure, like when you dive too deeply into a pool. But it also felt powerful… very powerful.
“How do I use this power your giving me?”
The voice now echoed in his mind…
“We don’t remember. It’s been so long since we’ve had a champion. I suppose you’ll have to learn for yourself.”
Orville sighed. “Well, I suppose I better figure out how to get out here first.”
To Cat Fingers: Laziness.
To Archimicharus:
Cayde-6 (Destiny 2)
Roxas (Kingdom Hearts)
Deku (Boku no Hero Academia)
Sanji (One Piece)
Impulse (DC Universe)
Steven Universe
Peridot (Steven Universe)
Connie (Steven Universe)
Hatter (The Looking Glass Wars)
To Dave Guy: My driving skills.
To Mr. Queasy: I once had really bad Strep throat every year for 3 years annually.
To Tiny Floating Whale: All of my problems.
To Crying Breakfast Friends: Steven Universe and Connie getting back together.
Steven Universe ask prompts~
Steven: What makes you starry-eyed? Garnet: What are your relationship goals? Amethyst: How do you compare to people’s expectations of you? Pearl: What’s been your lifelong obsession? Rose Quartz: What traits from your parents do you see in yourself? Greg: The most supportive person in your life just now? Connie: A series you’re super passionate about? Lion: If you had infinite pockets, what would you carry with you at all times? Sadie: What’s your relationship with your workmates like? Lars: Name a few of your insecurities. Ronaldo: Favourite conspiracy theory? Lapis Lazuli: Which element would you control? Peridot: Describe a day where everything went wrong. Jasper: What brings out a mean streak in you? Mayor Dewey: What’s your position on the political compass? Onion: If you could replicate anything 100 times, what would you make copies of? Cookie Cat: Do you miss any discontinued products? Dogcopter: Ever enjoyed a movie adaption of a book you like? Ruby: Describe a person who would be the polar opposite to yourself. Sapphire: Your trademark feature that people recognise you by? Opal: Something you’ve been anticipating for a long time? Sugilite: The most reckless thing you’ve ever done? Alexandrite: What do you think you’d be like/are like as a parent? Malochite: A toxic relationship you’ve been in? Rainbow Quartz: Something you love to show off? Stevonnie: What do you and your best friend totally bond over? Centipeedle: Have you ever helped/rescued a wild animal in trouble? Sour Cream: Invent a new food-related nickname for yourself. Jenny: Favourite pizza topping? Peedee: The moment you realized you weren’t a kid anymore? Jamie: The most romantic thing someone’s done for you? Buck Dewey: Share the last picture that made you laugh. Mr Smiley: Favourite type of donut? Kofi: Ever had an item special to you that got broken? Nanefua: What do you think you’ll be like when you’re much older? Kevin: Last person who made you uncomfortable? Frybo: The scariest thing you’ve ever seen? Purple Puma: What would your alter ego be? Tiger Millionaire: Describe the backstory for a character you’ve created. Cat Fingers: What’s something you have too much of? Archimicarus: Top 10 fav fictional characters? Dave Guy: Something totally average about yourself? Mr Queasy: What’s the sickest you’ve ever been? Tiny Floating Whale: If you could poof anything into existence right now, what would it be? Crying Breakfast Friends: Last time you cried watching a tv show/movie?
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