#it’s gonna take me a minute to get the hang of this site again
timberlakefan96 · 1 year
Welp, I need *something* to doomscroll, and all other social media platforms suck now, so I guess this is it.
Have a digimon I doodled today
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Fandom can do a little gatekeeping. As a treat.
So I finally decided to archive-lock my fics on AO3 last night. I’ve been considering it since the AI scrape last year, but the tipping point was this whole lore.fm debacle, coupled with some thoughts I’ve been thinking regarding Fandom These Days in general and Fandom As A Community in particular. So I wanna explain why I waited so long, why I locked my stuff up now, and why I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m a-okay with making it harder for people to see my stories.
Lurkers really are great, tho
I’m a chronic lurker, and have been since I started hanging out on the internet as a teen in the 00s. These days it’s just cuz I don’t feel a need to socialize very often, but back then it was because I was shy and knew I was socially awkward. Even if I made an account, I’d spend months lurking on message boards or forums or Livejournals, watching other people interact and getting a feel for that particular community’s culture and etiquette before I finally started interacting myself. And y’know, that approach saved me a lot of embarrassment. Over the course of my lurking on any site, there was always some other person who’d clearly joined up five minutes after learning the place existed, barged in without a care for their behavior, and committed so many social faux pas that all the other users were immediately annoyed with them at best. I learned a lot observing those incidents. Lurk More is Rule 33 of the internet for very good reason.
Lurking isn’t bad or weird or creepy. It’s perfectly normal. I love lurking. It’s hard for me to not lurk - socializing takes a lot of energy out of me, even via text. (Heck it took 12 hours for me to write this post, I wish I was kidding--) Occasionally I’ll manage longer bouts of interaction - a few weeks posting here, almost a year chatting in a discord there - but I’m always gonna end up going radio silent for months at some point. I used to feel bad about it, but I’ve long since made peace with the fact that it’s just the way my brain works. I’m a chronic lurker, and in the long term nothing is going to change that.
The thing with being a chronic lurker is that you have to accept that you are not actually seen as part of the community you are lurking in. That’s not to say that lurkers are unimportant - lurkers actually are important, and they make up a large proportion of any online community - but it’s simple cause and effect. You may think of it as “your community”, but if you’ve never said a word, how is the community supposed to know you exist? If I lurked on someone’s LJ, and then that person suddenly friendslocked their blog, I knew that I had two choices: Either accept that I would never be able to read their posts again, or reach out to them and ask if I could be added to their friends list with the full understanding that I was a rando they might not decide to trust. I usually went with the first option, because my invisibility as a lurker was more important to me than talking to strangers on the internet.
Lurking is like sitting on a park bench, quietly people-watching and eavesdropping on the conversations other people are having around you. You’re in the park, but you’re not actively participating in anything happening there. You can see and hear things that you become very interested in! But if you don’t introduce yourself and become part of the conversation, you won’t be able to keep listening to it when those people walk away. When fandom migrated away from Livejournal, people moved to new platforms alongside their friends, but lurkers were often left behind. No one knew they existed, so they weren’t told where everyone else was going. To be seen as part of a fandom community, you need to submit to the mortifying ordeal of being known, etc. etc.
There’s nothing wrong with lurking. There can actually be benefits to lurking, both for the lurkers and the communities they lurk in. It’s just another way to be in a fandom. But if that is how you exist in fandom--and remember, I say this as someone who often does exist that way in fandom--you need to remember that you’re on the outside looking in, and the curtains can always close.
I’ve always been super sympathetic to lurkers, because I am one. I know there’s a lot of people like me who just don’t socialize often. I know there’s plenty of reasons why someone might not make an account on the internet - maybe they’re nervous, maybe they’re young and their parents don’t allow them to, maybe they’re in a bad situation where someone is monitoring their activity, maybe they can only access the internet from public computer terminals. Heck, I’ve never even logged into AO3 on my phone--if I’m away from my computer I just read what’s publicly available. 
I know I have people lurking on my fics. I know my fics probably mean a lot to someone I don’t even know exists. I know this because there are plenty of fics I love whose writers don’t know I exist.
I love my commenters personally; I love my lurkers as an abstract concept. I know they’re there and I wish them well, and if they ever de-lurk I love them all the more.
So up until last year I never considered archive-locking my fic, because I get it. The AI scraping was upsetting, but I still hesitated because I was thinking of lurkers and guests and remembering what it felt like to be 15 and wondering if it’d be worth letting a stranger on the internet know I existed and asking to be added to their friends list just so I could reread a funny post they made once.
But the internet has changed a lot since the 00s, and fandom has changed with it. I’ve read some things and been doing some thinking about fandom-as-community over the last few years, and reading through the lore.fm drama made me decide that it’s time for me to set some boundaries.
I still love my lurkers, and I feel bad about leaving any guest commenters behind, especially if they’re in a situation where they can’t make an account for some reason. But from here on out, even my lurkers are going to have to do the bare minimum to read my fics--make an AO3 account.
Should we gatekeep fandom?
I’ve seen a few people ask this question, usually rhetorically, sometimes as a joke, always with a bit of seriousness. And I think…yeah, maybe we should. Except wait, no, not like that--
A decade ago, when people talked about fandom gatekeeping and why it was bad to do, it intersected with a lot of other things, mainly feminism and classism. The prevalent image of fandom gatekeeping was, like, a man learning that a woman likes Star Wars and haughtily demanding, “Oh, yeah? Well if you’re REALLY a fan, name ten EU novels” to belittle and dismiss her, expecting that a “real fan” would have the money and time to be familiar with the EU, and ignoring the fact that male movie-only fans were still considered fans. The thing being gatekept was the very definition of “being a fan” and people’s right to describe themselves as one.
That’s not what I mean when I say maybe fandom should gatekeep more. Anyone can call themselves a fan if they like something, that’s fine. But when it comes to the ability to enjoy the fanworks produced by the fandom community…that might be something worth gatekeeping.
See, back in the 00s, it was perfectly common for people to just…not go on the internet. Surfing the web was a thing, but it was just, like, a fun pastime. Not everyone did it. It wasn’t until the rise of social media that going online became a thing everyone and their grandmother did every day. Back then, going on the internet was just…a hobby.
So one of the first gates online fandom ever had was the simple fact that the entire world wasn’t here yet.
The entire world is here now. That gate has been demolished.
And it’s a lot easier to find us now. Even scattered across platforms, fandom is so centralized these days. It isn’t a network of dedicated webshrines and forums that you can only find via webrings anymore, it’s right there on all the big social media sites. AO3 didn’t set out to be the main fanfic website, but that’s definitely what it’s become. It’s easy for people to find us--and that includes people who don’t care about the community, and just want “content.”
Transformative fandom doesn’t like it when people see our fanworks as “content”. “Content” is a pretty broad term, but when fandom uses it we’re usually referring to creative works that are churned out by content creators to be consumed by an audience as quickly as possible as often as possible so that the content creator can generate revenue. This not-so-new normal has caused a massive shift in how people who are new to fandom view fanworks--instead of seeing fic or art as something a fellow fan made and shared with you, they see fanworks as products to be consumed.
Transformative fandom has, in general, always been a gift economy. We put time and effort into creating fanworks that we share with our fellow fans for free. We do this so we don’t get sued, but fandom as a whole actually gets a lot out of the gift economy. Offer your community a story, and in return you can get comments, build friendships, or inspire other people to write things that you might want to read. Readers are given the gift of free stories to read and enjoy, and while lurking is fine, they have the choice to engage with the writer and other readers by leaving comments or making reclists to help build the community.
And look, don’t get me wrong. People have never engaged with fanfic as much as fan writers wish they would. There has always been “no one comments anymore” wank. There have always been people who only comment to say “MORE!” or otherwise demand or guilt trip writers into posting the next chapter. But fandom has always agreed that those commenters are rude and annoying, and as those commenters navigate fandom they have the chance to learn proper community etiquette.
However, now it seems that a lot of the people who are consuming fanworks aren’t actually in the community. 
I won’t say “they aren’t real fans” because that’s silly; there’s lots of ways to be a fan. But there seem to be a lot of fans now who have no interest in fandom as a community, or in adhering to community etiquette, or in respecting the gift economy. They consume our fics, but they don’t appreciate fan labor. They want our “content”, but they don’t respect our control over our creations.
And even worse--they see us as a resource. We share our work for free, as a gift, but all they see is an open-source content farm waiting to be tapped into. We shared it for free, so clearly they can do whatever they want with it. Why should we care if they feed our work into AI training datasets, or copy/paste our unfinished stories into ChatGPT to get an ending, or charge people for an unnecessary third-party AO3 app, or sell fanbindings on etsy for a profit without the author’s permission, or turn our stories into poor imitations of podfics to be posted on other platforms without giving us credit or asking our consent, while also using it to lure in people they can datascrape for their Forbes 30 Under 30 company? 
And sure, people have been doing shady things with other people’s fanworks since forever. Art theft and reposting has always been a big problem. Fanfic is harder to flat-out repost, but I’ve heard of unauthorized fic translations getting posted without crediting the original author. Once in…I think the 2010s? I read a post by a woman who had gone to some sort of local bookselling event, only to find that the man selling “his” novel had actually self-published her fanfic. (Wish I could find that one again, I don’t even remember where I read it.)
But aside from that third example, the thing is…as awful as fanart/writing theft is, back in the day, the main thing a thief would gain from it was clout. Clout that should rightfully go to the creators who gifted their work in the first place, yeah, but still. Just clout. People will do a lot of hurtful things for clout, but fandom clout means nothing outside of fandom. Fandom clout is not enough to incentivize the sort of wide-scale pillaging we’re seeing from community outsiders today.
Money, on the other hand… Well, fandom’s just a giant, untapped content farm, isn’t it? Think of how much revenue all that content could generate.
Lurkers are a normal and even beneficial part of any online community. Maybe one day they’ll de-lurk and easily slide into place beside their fellow fans because they already know the etiquette. Maybe they’re active in another community, and they can spread information from the community they lurk in to the community they’re active in. At the very least, they silently observe, and even if they’re not active community members, they understand the community.
Fans who see fanworks as “content” don’t belong in the same category as lurkers. They’re tourists. 
While reading through the initial Reddit thread on the lore.fm situation, I found this comment:
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[ID: Reddit User Cabbitowo says: ... So in anime fandoms we have a word called tourist and essentially it means a fan of a few anime and doesn't care about anime tropes and actively criticizes them. This is kind of how fandoms on tiktok feel. They're touring fanfics and fanart and actively criticizes tropes that have been in the fandom since the 60s. They want to be in a fandom but they don't want to engage in fandom 
OP totallymandy responds: Just entered back into Reddit after a long day to see this most recent reply. And as a fellow anime fan this making me laugh so much since it’s true! But it sorta hurts too when the reality sets in. Modern fandom is so entitled and bratty and you’d think it’s the minors only but that’s not even true, my age-mates and older seem to be like that. They want to eat their cake and complain all whilst bringing nothing to the potluck… :/ END ID]
“Tourist” is an apt name for this sort of fan. They don’t want to be part of our community, and they don’t have to be in order to come into our spaces and consume our work. Even if they don’t steal our work themselves, they feel so entitled to it that they’re fine with ignoring our wishes and letting other people take it to make AI “podfics” for them to listen to (there are a lot of comments on lore.fm’s shutdown announcement video from people telling them to just ignore the writers and do it anyway). They’ll use AI to generate an ending to an unfinished fic because they don’t care about seeing “the ending this writer would have given to the story they were telling”, they just want “an ending”. For these tourist fans, the ends justify the means, and their end goal is content for them to consume, with no care for the community that created it for them in the first place.
I don’t think this is confined to a specific age group. This isn’t “13-year-olds on Wattpad” or “Zoomers on TikTok” or whatever pointless generation war we’re in now. This is coming from people who are new to fandom, whose main experience with creative works on the internet is this new content culture and who don’t understand fandom as a community. That description can be true of someone from any age group.
It’s so easy to find fandom these days. It is, in fact, too easy. Newcomers face no hurdles or challenges that would encourage them to lurk and observe a bit before engaging, and it’s easy for people who would otherwise move on and leave us alone to start making trouble. From tourist fans to content entrepreneurs to random people who just want to gawk, it’s so easy for people who don’t care about the fandom community to reap all of its fruits. 
So when I say maybe fandom should start gatekeeping a bit, I’m referring to the fact that we barely even have a gate anymore. Everyone is on the internet now; the entire world can find us, and they don’t need to bother learning community etiquette when they do. Before, we were protected by the fact that fandom was considered weird and most people didn’t look at it twice. Now, fandom is pretty mainstream. People who never would’ve bothered with it before are now comfortable strolling in like they own the place. They have no regard for the fandom community, they don’t understand it, and they don’t want to. They want to treat it just like the rest of the content they consume online.
And then they’re surprised when those of us who understand fandom culture get upset. Fanworks have existed far longer than the algorithmic internet’s content. Fanworks existed long before the internet. We’ve lived like this for ages and we like it.
So if someone can’t be bothered to respect fandom as a community, I don’t see why I should give them easy access to my fics.
Think of it like a garden gate
When I interact with commenters on my fic, I have this sense of hospitality.
The comment section is my front porch. The fic is my garden. I created my garden because I really wanted to, and I’m proud of it, and I’m happy to share it with other people. 
Lots of people enjoy looking at my garden. Many walk through without saying anything. Some stop to leave kudos. Some recommend my garden to their friends. And some people take the time to stop by my front porch and let me know what a beautiful garden it is and how much they’ve enjoyed it. 
Any fic writer can tell you that getting comments is an incredible feeling. I always try to answer all my comments. I don’t always manage it, but my fics’ comment sections are the one place that I manage to consistently socialize in fandom. When I respond to a comment, it feels like I’m pouring out a glass of lemonade to share with this lovely commenter on my front porch, a thank you for their thank you. We take a moment to admire my garden together, and then I see them out. The next time they drop by, I recognize them and am happy to pour another glass of lemonade.
My garden has always been open and easy to access. No fences, no walls. You just have to know where to find it. Fandom in general was once protected by its own obscurity, an out-of-the-way town that showed up on maps but was usually ignored.
But now there’s a highway that makes it easy to get to, and we have all these out-of-towner tourists coming in to gawk and steal our lawn ornaments and wonder if they can use the place to make themselves some money.
I don’t care to have those types trampling over my garden and eating all my vegetables and digging up my flowers to repot and sell, so I’ve put up a wall. It has a gate that visitors can get through if they just take the time to open it.
Admittedly, it’s a small obstacle. But when I share my fics, I share them as a gift with my fellow fans, the ones who understand that fandom is a community, even if they’re lurkers. As for tourist fans and entrepreneurs who see fic as content, who have no qualms ignoring the writer’s wishes, who refuse to respect or understand the fandom community…well, they’re not the people I mean to share my fic with, so I have no issues locking them out. If they want access to my stories, they’ll have to do the bare minimum to become a community member and join the AO3 invite queue.
And y’know, I’ve said a lot about fandom and community here, and I just want to say, I hope it’s not intimidating. When I was younger, talk about The Fandom Community made me feel insecure, and I didn’t think I’d ever manage to be active enough in fandom spaces to be counted as A Member Of The Community. But you don’t have to be a social butterfly to participate in fandom. I’ll always and forever be a chronic lurker, I reblog more than I post, I rarely manage to comment on fic, and I go radio silent for months at a time--but I write and post fanfiction. That’s my contribution.
Do you write, draw, vid, gif, or otherwise create? Congrats, you're a community member.
Do you leave comments? Congrats, you're a community member.
Do you curate reclists? Congrats, you're a community member.
Do you maintain a fandom blog or fuckyeah blog? Congrats, you're a community member.
Do you provide a space for other fans to convene in? Congrats, you're a community member.
Do you regularly send asks (off anon so people know who you are)? Congrats, you're a community member.
Do you have fandom friends who you interact with? Congrats, you're a community member.
There’s lots of ways to be a fan. Just make sure to respect and appreciate your fellow fans and the work they put in for you to enjoy and the gift economy fandom culture that keeps this community going.
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mymindcreatedthis · 3 months
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Sexy Roommate 18+
Alessia Russo x Reader
Word count: 3,468
Warning: Smut, Dirty Talk, Reader gets seduced by Lessi, Daddy kink, unprotected sex, blow job, multiple Creampies, Squirting, Spanking, pussy slapping, clit teasing, R doming Lessi, Lessi receiving, Lessi touching herself, Positions: Missionary, Doggy, laying on side, riding.
*Y/n's pov*
It was Saturday the first week of Arsenal Alessia and I roommates and share an apartment all the girls have been super welcoming and nice to me. I was rudely woke. Up by my alarm this morning, I roll over and turn it off. Me and Lessi share a room since the apartment we had only had one bedroom with two twin beds in it.
"Mm why do you have an alarm Y/n it's Saturday." Alessia says in a sexy raspy morning voice.
"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you up. I had trouble sleeping so I set an alarm so I can go to the gym." I say.
Alessia rolls over . "It's okay." She says.
Her shirt lifts up exposing her ripped, toned abs. I bite my lip as my eyes explore her abs, Lessi smirks and catches me staring at her abs.
"See anything you like?" Alessia teases.
I blush darkly, I cough and clear my throat and look away. Alessia smirks and sits up. Alessia takes off her shirt and tosses it to the side, leaving her in only her sports bra and shorts.
Alessia’s sports bra was riding up a bit so the bottom of her boobs were hanging out at the bottom of her sports bra.
"See something you like?" She asks again as she massages her boobs.
I bite my lip and blush darkly. "Mmm fuck baby, your tits and Abs are amazing." I mutter out unable to look away from the site in front of me.
I cough and clear my throat. "Erm. Well I'm go-gonna go down to the gym and get a work out in. Are there any plans for today?" I say.
Alessia giggles. "You're so cute, to answer your question not that I know of. I mean some of the girls are talking about going out but nothing has been finalized." Alessia says.
I nod. "Okay I'll be back in a bit."
Alessia smiles and nods. I put my shoes on and leave the room and head down to the gym. I get to the gym and start stretching and start weight lifting. While I'm working out Katie McCabe comes into the gym.
Katie smiles and greets me. "Hey Y/n."
I smile and greet her. "Hey Katie."
Katie and I lift weights together, she's a goof gym buddy. Somehow me and her get on the topic of this morning and what Alessia did to me.
"She took off her shirt to show off her abs and sports bra?" Katie asks.
I nod. "Yeah I swear, she was doing it on purpose to tease me."
Katie stops and thinks for a moment. "I moan it's definitely possible."
"Seriously McCabe what do you think?" I ask her.
"You really want to know what?" Katie asks getting serious.
I nod, "yeah I really want to know."
Katie nods and racks the weight once she finishes her set. "She really likes you Y/n. Last camp all she did was talk about you."
"Really? What did she say about me?" I ask curious.
Katie smirks and nods. "She really has the hots for you."
I raise a brow and look at her confused as she says this. "Has the hots for me?"
"Yes has the hots for you....." Katie trails off for a minute debating if she wants to say the next part. "I caught her touching herself to a picture of you." Katie says as she trails her finger down my abs.
"Should've seen her." Katie says teasing me, she lowers her hand and rubs my bulge. "Her fingers deep inside her moaning your name." Katie says seductively.
I moan and bite my lip. Katie smirks and looks at me. "I ate her out right there." Katie sucks.
I moan and look at her, I was getting turned on from her dirty talk. "I fucked her with my strap on too."
I moan at her words. "Fuck Katie, stop teasing." I say getting turned on and sexually frustrated.
Katie giggles and walks away. "Go get balls deep in your roommate." Katie says seductively.
I blush darkly as she makes this comment. "S-Shut up."
"Let me know when you are down with her." Katie smirks, she looks down at my bulge. "I want some of that dick next."
I blush and nod. "Y-Yeah, I'll let you know."
Katie winks at me and leaves the gym. I bite my lip and check out her ass as she leaves. I finish working out and head back up to my room.
I get to the room, I unlock the room I come into the room and I'm met with the site of a naked Alessia. I blush darkly as I close the door behind me.
I turn back to face her. "W-What are you doing?" I blush darkly at the site in front of me.
"Mmm fuck thinking about you." She moans out as she massages her boobs and slowly fingers herself.
I bite my lip and watch as she pleasures herself. "Come here baby, I need you inside me." Alessia moans.
I bite my lip and walk over to the bed. She spreads her legs and rubs her folds with her fingers. "See something you like baby?" She asks rubbing her folds.
I blush darkly and nod my mouth hanging open.
"Mm I can see your bulge baby. Yours fighting the urge to put it in me aren't you?" Alessia says seductively.
I moan, fuck I was really fighting my urge to fuck her right there. God she looked so fuckable, I felt myself getting hard at the sight.
Alessia smirks, she gets up and sexily crawls towards me on the bed. She lays one her stomach when she gets to me, I bite my lip and moan as she kisses and rubs my bulge.
I moan and lean my head back, Alessia slides my shorts and boxers down, my dick spring out once it's freed from its confinement.
Alessia giggles and measure my dick with her forearm. "You're huge baby."
"T-Thanks." I say blushing darkly at her compliment.
I take my shorts and boxers off and toss them off to the side. I take off my shirt and bra and toss them to the side. I smirk and lay Alessia down in Missonary.
I smile and kiss her.
Alessia smiles and kisses back. My tip rubs against her folds and pokes her inner thigh as I make out with her.
"Mmm put it back in baby." Alessia says seductively she bites her lip and watches as I slide my dick back inside her pussy.
"Mm so wet and warm." I moan.
Alessia giggles and kisses me. "Mmm I love your dick and cum deep inside me." Alessia says.
I smile and rest my head against hers and look deep into her eyes as I slowly thrust in and out of her. Alessia moans and wraps her legs around my waist holding me close leg trapping me so I can't pull out.
"Mmm fuck." I moan loudly in pleasure.
Alessia smirks and looks deep into my eyes. "Mm plant your seed deep inside me, ugh fuck make me your personal cum dump." Alessia moans loudly in pleasure.
"Yeah slut? You want my load deep inside you?" I ask teasing her.
"Yes, fill me up..... Fill me up." Alessia begs.
My dick slips and falls out of her. "Put it back in, put it back in." Alessia begs.
I quickly slide my dick back inside her. "Yes daddy, right there." Alessia moans in pleasure.
"Mm fuck." I moan as I feel her walls clench around my dick.
"Mmm I'm gonna squirt." Alessia Moans.
I smirk, I go at an angle and pound her g spot. Alessia screams in pleasure and squirts like crazy, her legs shake and buckle in pleasure as she squirts. I smirk and pound her g spot faster and faster.
My balls slap against her skin as our moans fill the room. I moan as I feel myself getting close to cumming. "Alessia baby.... I'm close." I moan.
"Yes cum in me, cum in me." Alessia moans in pleasure.
Creampie #1:
I can't take it anymore, I bust my load deep inside her. Alessia moans and cums all over my dick. We both moan as I continue to shoot ropes of thick sticky cum inside her and fill her up.
"Mm fuck, so much cum." Alessia moans.
I moan as I continue to cum inside her coming down from my high. I help Alessia ride out her high, once we both come down from our highs I slowly pull out of her.
Cum oozes out of her, thick cum glazes her folds and oozes onto the bed. Alessia smiles and gets up. She moves to the middle of the bed and gets on all fours. Cum oozes and drips onto the bed.
"Still got enough cum left for one more round?" Alessia asks seductively and shakes her ass. I smirk and nod and move behind her.
I grab her ass and squeeze it a bit, Alessia moans quietly as I squeeze her ass. I smirk and spank her ass, Alessia moans in pleasure. "Mm yes spank my ass daddy. Please ugh spank my ass." Alessia moans.
I smirk and spank her ass. "Like this?" I question.
"Yes just like that." Alessia moans in pleasure. I smirk and slide my dick back inside her cum filled pussy. Cum immediately coats my dick.
"Mm so wet and warm." I moan in pleasure.
Alessia giggles and moans. "Mmm fuck."
I place my hand on her hip and pull her hair with my other hand. Alessia moans as I do this, I moan and slowly thrust in and out of her.
We both moan in pleasure. "F-Faster."
I thrust in and out of her faster and faster. My balls slap against her skin as our moans fill the room. We will probably be ambushed by the team tomorrow but fuck it.
"Fuck...Fuck....Fuck." Alessia moans out with each thrust.
I moan, I dig my nails in her ass as I pound her g spot from behind. We both moan in pleasure as I go at an angle, and pound her g spot. Alessia screams in pleasure and squirts like crazy again.
I moan, I don't think I can last much longer. I become a moaning mess as I feel her walls clench around my length letting me know she was close.
"Mm fuck." I moan.
I moan, I thrust into her faster and harder. My balls slap against her skin as our more fill the room.
"Fuck yes, give me your load." Alessia moans.
I moan loudly in pleasure, I slap her ass. Alessia giggles and moans. "Mmm fuck." Alessia moans.
"Mm fuck baby I don't think I can last much longer." I moan.
"Don't you dare pull out." Alessia moans.
"You're getting every load and every last drop." I moan in pleasure.
"Mmm yes please. I've been a good girl daddy, please make me your cum dump." Alessia moans out.
I moan and dig my nails into her ass as I pound her faster and harder. I moan as I feel that all to familiar feeling in my balls.
Creampie #2:
I can't take it anymore, I bust my load deep inside her. Alessia moans and cums all over my dick. We both moan as I shoot ropes of thick sticky cum inside her painting her walls white.
I help Alessia ride out her high, once we both come down from our highs I slowly pull out of her. Thick cum oozes out of her pussy and coats her folds and drips down her thighs and onto my dick and onto the bed.
"Mm fuck." Alessia moans as my cum continues to ooze inside her and leak out. I giggle and kiss her lovingly and deeply.
We both lay there panting and trying to catch our breathes. "Fuck you are amazing in bed." Alessia pants out.
I giggle and kiss her. "Mmm so are you." I smile and look into her eyes. Alessia smiles and scoots back to her ass to me. She lifts her ass cheek up a bit.
I smirk, I slide my dick back inside her. I moan and rest my head against hers.I reach up and pull her hair. Alessia moans as I pull her hair. "Such a good girl." I tease her.
"Mmm fuck all for you. Mmm you can free use me the rest of the week. Make me your personal cum dump." Alessia moans. I smirk and look into her eyes full of lust and hunger.
"Yeah I bet you would love that. Huh slut?" I tease her.
"Mm yes I would love it so much. Fuck me whener you want and shoot your massive loads in me." Alessia moans.
I smirk. "I like the sound of that." I moan as I lift her leg a bit and hold it up a bit as I thrust into her faster.
Alessia moans and looks deep into my eyes "I've been such a naught girl. Mm fuck." Alessia moans out seductively.
I moan and thrust in and out of her faster and faster, my balls slap against her skin as our moans fill the room. Alessia moans she looks me deep in the eyes as I continue to fuck her brains out.
"Fuck....Fuck.....Fuck." Alessia squeaks out with each thrust.
Alessia’s mouth hangs open her eyes roll to the back of her head as I continue to pound her pussy going faster and faster.
Alessia screams in pleasure as I pound her g spot. "Ahh I'm gonna squirt again." Alessia screams in pleasure.
I smirk, I hold her leg up and thrust into her faster and harder. Her boobs bounce up and down as I continue to fuck her. I reach down and run her clit with my thumb. Alessia’s legs lean against mine.
"Oh fuck." Alessia shouts as she squirts like crazy all over the bed and sheets I smirk and kiss her neck and gently slap her pussy Alessia moans and shudders as I do this.
I smirk and moan in her ear, I wrap my arm around her waist and continue to hold her Leg up as I thrust in and out of her harder and faster.
"Mmm fuck, it feels so good." Alessia cries out in pleasure.
I moan in pleasure and keep going. I moan as I feel myself getting close to cumming. "Ahh I'm close."
"Me too." Alessia moans.
I moan in pleasure, my breathing gets heavier letting her know that I'm close to cumming
"Yes, cum in me. Cum in me." Alessia moans begging as I feel that all to familiar feeling in my balls.
"Alessia baby I'm gon-" I try to warn her in time but I'm unable too.
Creampie #3:
I moan in pleasure. I can't take it anymore, I bust my load deep inside her. Alessia moans and cums all over my dick. We both moan as I shoot ropes of thick cum inside her painting her walls white.
"Mm fuck there's so much cum." Alessia moans in pleasure.
I moan and lean in and kiss her. I moan in the kiss as the last of my cum oozes inside her. "Mmm fuck you're such a naughty girl."
Alessia giggles. "Sorry baby, I really wanted you to fuck me."
I smirk. "I know, Katie told me what happened how she caught you touching yourself to a pic of me and how you were moaning my name and how she ate you out and fucked you."
Alessia blushes darkly in embarrassment and hides her face in my neck. I smirk and pick her up. She giggles and squeals. I push the tip of my dick in her and slowly sinks down her down on my dick we both moan as she takes my length deep inside her tight pussy.
"Mmm fuck. You're really deep in there." Alessia moans.
I rest my head against hers and look deep into her eyes. "So wet and tight." I moan. "I'm gonna destroy your tight pussy slut."
"Yeah daddy?" Alessia moans.
"Yeah slut. I'm gonna destroy your pussy and pump you full of cum. I'm gonna drain my balls in you." I moan as I slowly slide her up and down on my dick.
"Mmm I'm your cum slut daddy." Alessia moans.
"Mmm you're my cum dumpster slut." I moan as I move her up and down on my dick faster and faster.
"Mmm please daddy turn me into your cum dumpster." Alessia moans in pleasure as I move her up and down on my dick a bit harder and faster than before.
"Mmm so fucking good. I don't think I can last to much longer baby. You have amazing grip." I moan in pleasure.
"Mmm fuck yes give me your load." Alessia moans in pleasure.
"Yeah your a slut for daddy's cum you want daddy's cum deep inside your tight pussy?" I ask seductively as I slide her up and down on my dick faster and faster than before.
The only sounds in the room was the tv in the background and our moans and my balls slapping against her skin.
"Mmmm fuck daddy I'm close. Ahhh I'm squirting I'm squirting." Alessia moans I feel her shake and buckle against me as she squirts all over my dicks,thighs and all over the ground.
"Let go baby. Cum for daddy." I say seductively.
*Alessia’s pov*
Holy fuck this felt amazing. Y/n was balls deep inside me. God I was so close to cumming and it's only been 10 minutes.
"Let go baby. Cum for daddy." Y/n nips my ear and whispers. Her words made me weak. She was so sexy when she was a Dom
She's really deep in there. Mmmm she feels so fucking good balls deep inside me.
I moan in pleasure as my walls clench around her, I was close to cumming. I couldn't take it anymore, I moan and throw my head back. My eyes roll to the back of my head.
I can't take it anymore and cum all over her dick. Some of my cum drips down her dick.
Me cumming sends Y/n over the edge. Y/n busts her load deep inside me. I gasp and moan as she fills me up with her load.
"Oh my g-god." I moan as she shoots thick ropes of sticky cum deep inside me. I sigh in pleasure as I feel her warm juices oozing inside me.
Y/n Cutely moans in my ear and nips in my ear. Fuck shes still unloading her massive seed deep inside me.
"Mmm fuck, give me all your cum." I moan and dig my nails in her back as she comes down from her high. Cum still oozing inside me.
I moan. "Mmm use your dick and stuff your cum inside me no cum better drip out of my pussy." I sexily moan.
*Y/n's pov*
Creampie #4:
I feel Alessia cum all over me, her cumming sends me over the edge. I unload my massive load deep inside her pussy.
We both moan as I stuff her full with my seed. Alessia moans and throws her head back her eyes roll to the back of her head as I fill her up with my cum.
"Mmm fuck give me all your cum." Alessia moans in pleasure. She digs her nails in my back as I continue to unload my massive seed deep in her pussy.
I moan. Alessia moans and looks me deep in the eyes.
"Mmm use your dick and stuff your cum inside me no cum better drip out of my pussy." Alessia sexily moans.
I do as she requests I use my dick as a plug and stuff my cum deep inside her making sure no cum drips out.
"Mmm such a cum slut." I moan.
"Heheh, all for you daddy." Alessia whispers and nips my ear.
We both moan I hold her close to me, I kiss her neck and gently rub her back as I hold her in my arms. "Was that okay baby?" I ask her.
Alessia smiles and nods. "It was perfect baby. Trust me, I wanted to. I'm on a pill." Alessia cuddles me.
I smile. "Mmm your so beautiful baby." I rub her back.
We get tired, I lay her down on my bed. I slowly pull her off my dick. We both moan as my dick falls limp once I'm out of her. Cum pours out of her and drips onto the floor. I lay her on my bed, I pull the blanket over us. I hold her close to me, cuddling her and we end up falling asleep.
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switchbladedreamz · 4 months
Eating Me Alive
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Pairing: The Ghoul/Cooper Howard x Reader
(use of y/n? No, not bc I hate her just no name mentions. Plot? What plot? Mention of pipboy, reader is former vault dweller ((i just needed a reason to explain the flashlight)) )
Requested?: nah
Summary: 🔞‼️cunnilingus in an abandoned bar. Thats it. Lol. Cooper eats you like you're the last pack of Miraluke Cakes in the entire wasteland.
It was a day like any other. Scouring around Megaton searching for food and medicine to restock and trade for caps. Today we went further and found a new corner of town. What was also new was the fire breathing ant colony a mere 30 feet from the bar. Looks like they over took a rundown construction site. Cooper pulled us into some building and barricaded the door. "Them fuckers are a pain in the ass to deal with and I don't know about you but I'm not feelin very fireproof right now. We'll wait them out here. Wherever the fuck "here", is." I look around but can't see anything. I turn the flashlight on on my pipboy. I turn and turn, checking all directions until i get a feel for the place. "Huh. It's a bar. I'm gonna look around and make sure this is the only door."
"Okay, there is a back door. I tried to open it and got it a crack, there's a bunch of rubble on the other side. I guess from the building beside us. The little windows in the bathroom are broken but too small for even a baby ant to get through. So I think we'll be safe here waiting out that swarm". Strong hands capture my waist. Warm brown eyes like Sunset Sarsaparilla catch the breath in my throat like a fish on a hook. "Have I told you how sexy you are when you take charge like that?" "Where's this coming from Coop? You already get drunk in the five minutes I was gone?" I laugh him off, not thinking anything of it. Firm glove-covered hands lift me off my feet. My hands fly to Cooper's shoulders. "WHA- what are you doing?!" No answer. Only a thud and sudden stability. Cooper sat me on the edge of a pool table. Must've been nearby. My arms twine themselves around the nape of his neck, his hat falling off in the rush of limbs. Cooper's lips are like burlap pillows against my own mouth. Heat bubbles underneath the surface of my flesh as hot breath, light opened mouth kisses drag down the skin of my throat. A soft whimper escapes when his hips force their way between my thighs. Denim and the curve of his hardening cock press flush against my sex, my legs can't find purchase around his torso fast enough. Cooper pulls away, his brown eyes curious and analytical as he stares at my panting form below him. "well shit you must be made outta sugar an puddin' with how sweet you are. let's see how sweet you taste down here baby." The Ghoul punctuates his statement with a smooth roll of his hips into my core. "okay" I mumble out, mind whirling swirling with butterflies and lust. "Okay? that's all you got to say?" his eyes harden slightly, analytical again. He nods to himself, confirming my consent with himself internally. Coop sticks the tips of his middle fingers in his mouth, yellowed teeth slightly catching on the leather enough that when he pulls his wrists- the gloves pop off. "Be a good bunny and keep your hands above your head". "Okay Coop". The smirk he flashes makes my knees weak and my stomach stir. Cooper's large hand covers my chest, he presses down until i lie on my back. He gives me a nod and small "atta girl" before busying himself with undressing me.
Sand-textured hands caress up, down, slowly up the back of my thighs, a gentle hand grasps each ankle. Cooper stretches my legs to his shoulders, then his hands bury under my hips before lifting my lower body. My ass is hanging off this dusty pool table, Cooper takes advantage of this position. He takes a deep breath, kissing the seam of lips. The wet muscle is warm and thick, familiar and strong as the point of his tongue splits my lips. Warm electricity blooms in my thighs, striking my core. Cooper's tongue rolls in circles against my slick hole, he inches the muscle inside. I can feel him inside me, the tongue twisting and writhing like a man crazed speaking in tongues. My back arches, my weight shifting to my shoulders as my feet press into the ghoul cowboy's back. Cooper takes this opportunity to change his focus. Flat and broad his tongue takes its time licking as he pulls away. And up. up. up. up. Right there. I gasp, he chuckles at me. The movement almost makes my foot slip. The Ghoul's lips draw tight around my clit as he sucks. The world behind my closed eyes swirl, his tongue flicks fast over the small pearl. My thighs close over my lover's ears. "Baby please don't stop" I plead. My eyes close tight, still keeping my hands above my head. Without stopping Cooper lays me back on the table, his hands hook in the crook of my knees. Pushing my knees to my chest his own chest covers my lower half, my feet dangling midway down his back. Furiously shaking his head side to side, his assault blissfully continues. My nipples ache with pleasure, desiring to be touched. My fingers twitch eager to quell the burn in my breasts. Ecstacy's fingers dip into the river of blood that is my veins, lighting my body on fire. The bottom of my feet tingle and my thighs quiver. My breath catches, so close to bursting the dam. I can practically feel the proud smirk tattooed on my pussy while Cooper eats me alive. (Sexually.) The balls of my feet plant into Cooper's shoulder blades, my body squirms and thrashes beneath his frame. My breath catches in my chest as the dam bursts. Cooper's blunt fingertips dig into the thigh meat below my knees as my thrashing body throws itself against his face, that damn wicked tongue, riding my orgasm out like a plasma bullet from a plasma pistol. My breath is shallow and shaky like my vision. Sweat is pouring from every orifice I could possibly have. Cooper untangles himself from me gently. I can feel his irradiated warm brown gaze watching me. Thinking he can hide the cautious look in his eyes with pride. Like he's expecting I'll shatter into dust before I can catch my breath. Once I have I bend forward and grab my pants from the floor. Its a fight to get them up my sweaty thighs but once they cover my ass and are buttoned and zipped I put my boots back on. Cooper is waiting for me on his back laying to one side of the pool table. A knife gripped in his right hand, he uses the tip to clean the dirt from under his nails. "C'mere doll." He says as I crawl my way next to him. He sheaths his dagger then spreads his arm. Opening up my favorite spot just for me.
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tieronecrush · 1 year
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hot & heavy
chapter twelve: sunshine baby
neighbor!joel x f!reader
series masterlist
series rating: E (18+ MDNI)
series summary:
over the course of three summers, joel miller becomes woven into your life. the first summer is spent falling for him; nannying his daughter and sneaking around with him in a burning love affair. you know how you feel about joel, he isn’t so sure about how it all is gonna work. the second summer is brief. a month spent at home after graduation and before you move to boston for your dream job. one look at you, one time hearing your voice, and joel is hooked again. he pines over you for that month, but you think — how is long distance of over a thousand miles going to work for a single dad? the third summer, you return home burnt out and pride bruised from your post-grad life. you need time to feel at home again, like your complete self, so you’ve come back home with no return ticket booked. it’s only a matter of time before joel seeks you out, slowly spending more time with you. without an inevitable end to the summer looming over you both, what chances are you willing to take?
word count: 6.7k
warnings: NO OUTBREAK (don’t need to worry about the mushies), no use of y/n, inexperienced reader, age gap (joel is 30/31, reader is 22), canon-divergent (sarah is 7 y/o), nanny au, pet names (sweetheart, darling, sweet girl, mariposa, etc.), feeling familial and self-pressure, established relationship, spanish cause joel is latino, oral (m receiving), dirty talkkk king joel miller, soft joel, possessive joel, mentions of depression and symptoms, struggling with self, discussion of parenting, angst, arguing, i'm sorry </3
a/n: everyone go give @northernbluess all the love for always helping me with beta-ing AND cause we are gonna be writing a fic together :)))) more info on her monthly recap posted the other day xx love ya bestie! y'all enjoy this chapter (i have a feeling it will be RIP to my notifs)
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Mid-week, your usual nanny family lets you know that they won’t need you for the day and to take the day off. With no other plans, you decide to visit Joel at his work site for the day to bring him lunch. You throw something together and head out from the neighborhood, calling him on speakerphone. It rings a few times before the line clicks and his voice projects from the small speakers on your cell phone.
“Hi, Mari baby. What’s going on? Is something wrong? You never call when you’re working.” Joel’s side of the line is filled with background noise, men shouting, and construction sounds of hammers, saws, and machinery.
“Hey, J. Nothing’s wrong, I actually have the day off. Kristie called this morning after you left to say she was staying home for the day so I’ve got nothing to do,” you hold up your phone as you come to a stoplight, “So I thought I would come to visit you for a little bit. I made you some lunch. Where are you at today?”
Joel’s smile is evident throughout his response, his voice getting louder to be heard over all the noise, “We’re at the Maple Avenue site. Right at the corner of Lake St. Not too far from home, so I guess I’ll see you soon?”
“I will see you in, like, ten minutes. Already on my way.” The two of you make a bit more conversation before Joel has to hang up, saying that he has to go tell someone ‘how to correctly install a support beam’.
“Alright, gotta go, sweetheart. Love you.”
“Love you too, J. See you soon.”
Exactly ten minutes later, you’re pulling up outside of the work site, confronted with the vague shape of a house with the framing up. You grab the cooler bag from your passenger side and climb out of the car, crossing the road and walking up to the younger of the two Miller brothers that you see standing in front of a table of plans and chatting with an employee.
Tommy looks up and grins when he sees you, clapping the other guy on the back to grab his attention, “Look who it is! Y’know, George, you better tell the guys that they better thank this woman right here — she’s the one who’s made Joel less insufferable.”
With a roll of your eyes, you stride up to Tommy and give him a hug in greeting before stretching out your hand to introduce yourself to George. He excuses himself to get back to his task at hand, leaving you with Tommy and waiting for Joel.
“So what d’ya bring me, sis? If you bring a treat, better have enough to share with the class.” He grins mischievously and reaches for the cooler in your hand.
“Eh, none of that, Tommy! If you ask nicely, I’ll give you the food I so graciously brought for you.” You smile and set the bag on the makeshift table of folding saw horses and a plank of composite. Unzipping the bag, you pull out the extra food you made for Tommy and pass it over, laughing when he pulls you in for a squeezing hug.
“God bless you, Posey, I was gonna have to have a gas station lunch today with the amount of shit we have to get done.”
“Quit squeezin’ the shit out of my girl, Tommy.” Joel’s voice fills your ears and you laugh when Tommy pulls away, happily picking up his sandwich and unwrapping it to take a large bite out of it.
“Hey, just thanking her for feeding me, too. Also, this is good as fuck.” He points to the food in his hand while Joel sidles up next to you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and kissing the top of your head.
“You’re welcome, Tommy,” you reply, grinning before turning to your side while Joel gently squeezes your shoulder. “Do you have some time for lunch now? Or should I wait around for a bit?”
Joel shakes his head and smiles, leaning down to press a chaste kiss on your lips, “I’ll make time for you whenever, darlin’. Think everyone can survive for a bit without me.”
“Y’all are too much. I’ve never seen my brother like this, Posey. Please continue to keep him happy cause he’s a much better boss these days.” Tommy laughs loudly when Joel shoots him a look of annoyance, the younger Miller turning to head into the framed home to check in on the rest of the work being done. Joel picks up the cooler bag from the table and takes your hand, nodding toward the street.
“C’mon, Mari, we can eat in the truck bed. Probably better than a construction site.”
The two of you sit on the edge of the truck bed, eat, and chat about the day. Joel mentions how much work he has left for the day, clearly stressed about getting enough done before he has to leave to get Sarah. You offer to pick her up from camp and bring her home, planning to make dinner so Joel can stay longer to get some extra tasks checked off his to-do list before the weekend.
After finishing up your meal, the two of you walk back up to the site, Joel taking you on a tour through the bones of the house. He explains the vision for each room and the finishes he’s going to propose to the family building it. You follow along with him, smiling at his enthusiasm as he gestures about bay windows and oak flooring.
When the two of you are standing alone in what will at one point become a bedroom with a view of the tree-lined backyard, Joel pauses and turns to you. Taking your hands in his, he looks down at them as he laces your fingers together before meeting your eyes with a tender smile.
“Y’know, I could build somethin’ like this for us one day. We could find a piece of land we love, maybe a little bit further out of the city to get some more space. Really make it our own…”
A squeeze of his hands reassures him in the moment, matching his sweet smile with your own, “That sounds wonderful, J. But I have to say, I like our house now.”
Your smile grows wider when Joel’s does, his brown eyes catching the midday sunlight and creases at their outer corners deepening along with his dimple. He pulls you into a tighter embrace, kissing you gently before nudging his nose against yours.
“Te amo, mi Mariposa.”
“I love you too, J.”
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Music is playing from the CD player when Joel walks through the door later than he usually does. His shoulders are tense, his back is aching, and all he wants to do is sink down onto the couch and relax with you and Sarah. Toeing off his work boots and tossing his keys onto the entryway table, he bites back a smile hearing the slight commotion that is you cooking — some of that noise contributed by Sarah messing around with everything, too. 
The next song clicks over on the tracklist, the beginning notes of ‘Sara’ by Fleetwood Mac, a favorite in the Miller home since his little girl was born. He remembers singing it to her when she was an infant, letting her dance on his toes when she was younger. It’s been a while since he heard it, and walking to the doorway into the kitchen, a wide grin stretches across his face. The deep, dull ache in his muscles lightens at the sight of you dancing with Sarah, singing all of the words to her and her singing along with what she knows.
“Said Sara, you're the poet in my heart…Never change, never stop…” your voice carries over the stereo, Sarah’s popping in on the last two lines. Joel stands to the side, crossing his arms over his chest as he watches the two of you twirl around the island. At one moment, you catch his eyes and beam brightly at him, waving him closer and reaching out a hand for him to join.
He does just that, scooping up Sarah with a grunt to hold her in his arms while you rest a hand on his shoulder and one on Sarah’s back. The three of you move and sing together, the butterfly in Joel’s chest rapidly pounding its wings and bouncing against his rib cage.
This is all that matters, this is what he envisions for his future. Small moments like this, altogether, his girls — and maybe another baby or two.
A simple life.
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The next couple of weeks are packed with nights spent between all three of you, weaving your unit tighter together. Board game night with Sorry and Monopoly, and a sore loser Joel who insisted that the official rules be read aloud, even in the instance that his own daughter was the game winner — only just pushing him out of the top spot.
There was another evening spent at the arcade and bowling alley, a rainy day that washed beyond sunset. All of you ran from the truck into the building, shaking off the droplets before weaving your way through the games until the bag of quarters you and Sarah had gathered dwindled completely. A round of bowling was played, Joel being ‘generous’ (his words) to allow the bumpers to be put up for Sarah…and you.
The latest evening, Friday night, was spent alone with Joel while Sarah was at a sleepover. Your parents were out of town with friends for the weekend, and Chris was out with some college buddies who were visiting Austin, leaving the house free for you. Joel came over, crawling into bed with you after another long day at work, and the two of you languidly spent the evening shifting between random conversations, lying together quietly, running ghostly touches over each other until the tension snapped. Intermittently, the air between the two of you would heat up, leading gentle touches to be filled with more pressure and building up until the room was filled with breathy moans and begging.
Joel unravels you once with his hands, another with his mouth; the third time he reaches for you, soft and low pleadings to fill you up, you flip him around onto his back. Trailing kisses down his bare torso, you stop at his waistband and peel away the cotton of his boxers from his sweat-sheened skin. A long sigh deflates his chest when you take him into your mouth, his precum and your saliva mixing in slick as you work your head up and down at a steady pace. He’s propped against your headboard, pillows shifted behind him, and a mesmerized, open-mouthed, and heavy-breathed look on his face as he watches you. His voice hits your ears in your focus on his pleasure, the things he’s compelled to say flooding between your legs all over again.
“Fuck, Mari…”
“Tu puta boca perfecta…(Your perfect fucking mouth…)”
“Such a good girl, a perfect fucking girl. Bet you love this, don’t you, mi zorrita? Love sucking my cock and makin’ me feel so good.”
“Gonna come — oh fuck, sweet girl, gonna let me come down your throat? Let me see you swallow it all, Mari baby?”
Your name leaves his lips in a breathless moan, his come shooting in thick ropes and spilling onto your tongue as he finishes. Lifting your head off of him, you show off the pool of it on your tongue before swallowing it and giggling as he quickly pulls you up for a sloppy kiss.
At the stroke of midnight, the two of you are treading water in your pool, only illuminated by the bulb string lights running across the pool deck. The water is warm from the sunlight simmering over it all day, the perfect bath temperature surrounding your bare bodies as you mess around. Evading Joel’s arms, teasing him as you swim away before he corners you, a satisfied smirk on his face when he stalks up to you and towers over you, tilting your head back with a dripping wet hand. He leans down to kiss you deeply, stealing the air from your lungs with its delicate intensity.
The light bounces off the surface of the water, reflecting in his eyes as you hold his gaze and silence falls over the two of you for a handful of heartbeats.
He speaks in a hushed voice as if any louder would shatter the moment, “M’gonna marry you. Gonna give you whatever kind of life you want — a house, babies, I’d move across the world with you if you wanted. Middle of nowhere. Whatever you want, Mari.”
A smile grows on your face, droplets littering your face as you match his volume, “The only life I want is one with yours.”
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It’s morning on a Saturday and you’re rushing around the kitchen, sloshing coffee in your half-full mug and waiting for your toast to pop out. You have only about twenty minutes until you had promised to meet Joel and Sarah at his truck in his driveway, the time counting pressuring you, especially considering you’re still wearing your pajamas and have a bad case of bedhead.
There’s a brief moment to breathe as you take your finished toast out of the toaster and stand in front of the island to butter it, reaching for the jam as your mom walks in from the living room. You glance up at her before continuing your task, passing her a greeting that she returns while refilling her coffee mug.
“Oh, sweetie, I’ve been meaning to ask you about something.” Your mom turns toward you, leaning back against the counter. Your stomach flips at the statement, nerves at the ready to start to hear something along the lines of ‘So you and Joel…’ But that doesn’t come; instead, your mom continues with a different line of questioning. “You know Sherri’s son that was about a year older than you all throughout school?”
“Um, yeah, I think so. Isn’t his name Ollie?”
“Well, he goes by Oliver now, according to his mother, but yeah that’s him.”
Another look is exchanged when you glance up at her, picking up a piece of your quick breakfast and taking a bite. You speak with a mouthful, “Okay, so what about Oliver?”
There’s a look that your mother has given you over the years of being her daughter. It’s a smile, but not any old smile that she gives out willy-nilly. No, this is a smile for specific situations. When she really wants you to hear her out, to do what she’s suggesting — if you can even call it that. Most of the times she’s used it on you, it’s left you no choice but to follow through on what she wanted.
The look on her face is exactly that right now.
Along with that persuasive face, she stands from her place at the counter, striding over to you and resting a hand on your shoulder while she looks you in the eyes.
“Well, sweetie, you have been home for nearly the entire summer and I haven’t seen you with anyone but your college friends a couple of times or Joel and Sarah. And I mean, they’re lovely people, but you probably shouldn’t be spending your entire free time with a nearly ten-year-old girl and her dad…”
Inside, you find yourself flipping straight to anger, ready to defend those two with your life, to defend your actions by telling your mother everything. How Joel isn’t only Sarah’s dad, how he’s the man you’re in love with and have been in love with for the last few years. How Sarah isn’t your ten-year-old next-door neighbor, how she isn’t only a little girl you nannied for a summer. She’s a light in your life, a wonderful addition that you’ve received on top of your love for Joel. Sarah’s become like — like a daughter to you.
All of these words die in your throat, fearing the outcome — disappointment, possibly resentment from Joel, and confusion and likely anger from your parents for keeping such a secret. Instead, you continue to listen to your mother’s request.
“I was talking to Sherri about you, and she said that Oliver moved back from Chicago to Austin this summer, about a month ago, and he’s been looking for some people his age to hang out with — is that what y’all young people call it now? Basically, she said he’s been looking for a girlfriend. I thought, knowing he’s a sweet boy, that maybe you would be interested in meeting up with him?”
“Uh—um, I don’t—” you ramble, feeling your cheeks heat up in the scramble for a legitimate excuse.
“I mean, you don’t have to say anything now. But I got his number from Sherri so I’ve got it if you want to reach out to him. She said she chatted to Ollie—I mean, Oliver, and he said he remembered you and would absolutely be interested in gettin’ reacquainted.”
That same smile paints your mom’s face, tilting you in the direction of simply agreeing to get her to stop. But then your mind flashes you an image of Joel, laying next to him a few nights ago in bed with his boyish grin, giddy like a schoolgirl when you casually said ‘I love you’ to him before going to sleep. That is what you’re thinking of when you address your mother again, a smile of your own on your face from imagining your man.
“I’ll think about it, Mom,” you say, a flat out lie to appease her. You finish up your breakfast and down the rest of your now lukewarm coffee, rushing around her to the basement door leading to your studio. The answer is enough to satiate your mother, her returning with her filled coffee mug to the living room and leaving you to finish your mad dash to get ready for the day.
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“Sorry, sorry, sorry! I woke up late and then I was trying to eat breakfast quick and my mom came in and was trying to talk to me and I still had to get ready—” you ramble as you rush across your yard to Joel’s driveway where he is awaiting next to his truck with Sarah already seatbelted in the back row. Joel holds his hands up and laughs, interrupting your train of explanation.
“Woah, woah, slow down, Mariposa. You’re like a minute late, we’ll still make it on time.” He nods to the truck, leading you around to the passenger side and opening the door for you, lending a hand for you to get up. While Joel rounds the front of the car again, you turn around in your seat after belting yourself in, smiling at Sarah.
“Hey, sweet pea. Excited about your softball game?”
“Hi, Posey! I’m excited, but also I know that Daddy’s gonna get annoyed about something the umpire does or the other team, so I’m sure he’ll get yelled at again.” Your head snaps to Joel when he climbs in, guilt all over his face as he cringes. The engine rumbles to life as it turns over, and the three of you start the drive across town to the tournament fields. 
You shake your head and roll your eyes, turning back to Sarah. “Don’t worry about him today, I’ll keep him in line so y’all can have one game without him gettin’ too competitive for you all. You just have fun with your teammates and do your best.”
“Hey, I always want her to jus’ do her best. And I want the other team and the umps to do their best and not make poor calls or crappy plays.”
Sarah laughs at your playful back and forth, the two of you resigning the conversation to listen to the radio. Joel reaches across to take your hand in his, resting them both in your lap while the breeze from the open windows blows your hair around.
Before you know it, Joel is pulling into a parking spot at a park district site, the screams and laughter of children melding with the clink of metal bats and soft thuds of softballs landing in leather gloves. It pulls you back to your childhood, endless summer weekends spent across the state of Texas for your younger brother’s baseball tournaments.
Sarah whips off her seatbelt and scurries out of the car, running across the grass to meet her teammates at the dugout of their assigned field. Joel chuckles to himself and shakes his head, cutting the engine and turning to you.
“Ready to witness some riveting sportsmanship?”
“Well, from what Sarah said, I think I’ll have to keep an eye on you for your sportsmanship. Are you really one of those dads?” You lift an eyebrow, a smirk held back on your face.
With a shake of your head, you reach over and pat his thigh, warning him, “Be a good boy, and we’ll get some ice cream after. Deal?”
His thigh tenses under your touch, a quiet puff of a sigh leaving his parted lips. He shakes himself out of the daze, licking his lips and holding your eyes, “Do I get something else if I’m a good boy?”
“Maybe…” You throw his response back at him, peeling your hand from his leg with a satisfied smirk, and climb out of the truck to follow him toward the bleachers. Joel makes a detour to drop Sarah’s bag at the dugout, wishing her luck while you send her a wave from the seating area.
Climbing up a few rows, you shoot a friendly smile to the other parents there, all of them giving you a curious look. Settling on the bench, you rest your hands on either side of you, gripping the bleacher out of anxiety. The sun is beating down on you this afternoon, but it is nothing compared to the scorching stares you can feel from everyone around you, especially the mothers. A cool relief only comes when Joel makes his way over, stopping halfway up to you to chat with a couple that greet him cheerfully. You watch the umpires prepare the field, popping the rubber bases into place. The next moment, you hear your name called, following the sound to see Joel waving you over with a grin.
Carefully climbing down, Joel reaches out a hand when you’re close, helping you down to stand on the aluminum beam in front of him.
Introducing you to the couple seated in front of you, you share a smile with them while Joel’s hand rests on your waist, “This is Adam and Maria, they’re the parents of Sarah’s friend, Katie. Adam and Maria, this is my partner…”
You tune out the rest of the quick introduction when Joel uses your name, feeling a flip of your stomach when he drops the title so nonchalantly. You haven’t heard him say anything but ‘girlfriend’ in a lighthearted manner to Sarah or Tommy, and this feels way different. The word is definite, solid, and much more committed than the flippant terminology.
Getting out of your distraction, you make light small talk with Adam and Maria before Joel excuses the two of you as the game is about to start. He follows you up to the same spot you were holding before, sitting down next to you and tuning into the game immediately. Nothing more is said about how he introduced you, the tiny, one-word difference saying much more to you than any explanation could.
As Sarah’s team takes the field, Joel raises his hands and claps loudly, calling out encouragement, “Let’s go, Comets! Y’all got this!”
Sarah’s positioned at third base, with an ideal view of her from where you’re at on the bleachers. The game’s start is delayed from a change in the other team’s lineup being sorted, the pause in the fanfare causing Joel to turn to you and wrap his arm around your lower back. Wordlessly, he leans in for a chaste kiss, smiling sweetly when he pulls away and pushes his sunglasses back down on his nose.
“Didn’t get to give you a kiss when I first saw you.”
Instead of responding, you lean into his side when the umps break from the circle with the two head coaches and both of your focuses turn to the field with the first batter up.
It’s a fairly standard game until the top of the fifth inning. The field umpire called a batter safe at third after Sarah tagged her first, Joel standing up immediately and gesturing wildly as he yelled toward the field.
“What are you blind, ump? She clearly landed the tag before number twelve’s foot was on the bag. I could see it clear as day from here and I’m way older than you are, kid!”
The umpire crosses his arms, giving Joel a warning look as he strides over. Sarah stands at her base, shifting her weight back and forth uncomfortably as the girl running the bases gives her a glare. You can tell Sarah’s turning into herself, the unwanted attention making her second-guess in the moment. Every young girl has been there before, and it makes your stomach turn knowing the feeling she’s having.
“Sir, I’d appreciate it if you keep your thoughts to yourself and take them up with the head coach at the end of the game. We’re all trying to play a fun and fair game, and I’m calling everything how I see it.” The umpire stands at the fence in front of the bleachers, projecting his voice up to Joel. He can’t be any older than nineteen years old, likely a college kid with a summer job. And definitely not one that pays enough to fight with a man like Joel.
“Calling ‘em how you ‘em? You really must not have great eyesight then, son, ‘cause that was a horrible call. I’ve got reading glasses in my car, d’you think you need ‘em?” The last line gets a few laughs from surrounding parents, and one glance over to Sarah again and you see her talking to her coach, shoulders slumped and arms limp. Her face tells you she’s asking for something, a gesture toward her father standing on the bleachers.
“Sir, if you keep this up, I’m going to have to eject you from the field area.”
Reaching up next to you, you wrap your fingers around Joel’s wrist and tug harshly enough to draw his attention. One look into his eyes with a subtle glare — invisible to most bystanders but communicating everything it needs to in the moment to Joel. He resigns with a sigh, waving his hand up in understanding as he takes his seat again.
Speaking only loud enough for him to hear, you give him a playful pinch and roll your eyes, “We’re leavin’ if you pull shit like that again, ‘cause you’re mortifying your daughter and it’s not a good look to be kicked out of your kid’s little league softball game, J.”
He rolls his eyes in return, the reprimand getting him riled up again, “But that was such a bullshit call, Mari. I couldn’t let the ump—“
“You can and you will. Sarah’s here to have fun, and you’re here to watch her have fun. If she gets serious about wanting to play softball and wants to join a league outside of the park district, have at it arguing with umpires and coaches. Cause you’ll be surrounded with other parents doin’ the same shit.”
“And how d’you know that?”
“I was a witness to the dramas of travel baseball for, like, seven years of my life. Dragged to tournaments for Chris every weekend over the summer. And saw plenty of dads like you.”
Joel laughs and shakes his head, leaning closer to speak low in your ear, “Sweetheart, I don’t think there’s a dad out there who’s like me…At least I hope there isn’t, ‘cause then what’s my appeal to you?”
You snort out a quiet laugh, shoving him away lightly before jesting, “Convenience. Barely had to walk fifty feet to find a hot dad. Didn’t need to prowl the baseball games anymore.”
“Convenience? Is that all it was?” He fakes shock and disappointment, a slow shake of his head until he breaks out into a cheeky grin, “Should’ve moved sooner.”
“Well, not that much earlier, manther.”
“Manther? Enlighten me, Mari.” Joel gives you a curious stare while his arm makes its way around your back again, resting at your lower side next to your ass.
“The male equivalent of a cougar. You’re a manther.” Beaming up at him, you laugh as he pinches your side, acting offended all the while he presses a kiss to the side of your head.
“Only for you, Mari baby, only for you.”
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The Comets, Sarah’s team, won the game 6-4. To celebrate, the team agreed to meet at the Tastee-Freez nearby to hang out and get some ice cream. The drive there was filled with Sarah and Joel recapping her plays, and a strong scold from the younger Miller about the older’s argument. You kept to yourself, smiling along with the jokes shot between them, sitting back to admire the two of them.
You never could have expected this kind of life with them when you saw their small family moving in from your front living room window. 
Joel reaches over, takes your hand, and links your fingers together with a soft squeeze. When you turn to him, attention focusing away the road in front of you while the truck rolls to a stop at the red light, Joel meets your eyes with a tender look. His mouth lifts at the corners, pursing his lips as he brings your hands up to kiss the back of yours. The small gesture and the glint in his eyes fill your chest with a warm rush of syrupy ooze, enough heat to spread to the rest of your body and between your ribs, and leave you with tingling nerves.
The parking lot is packed when you arrive, Joel opting to park along the side of the road in the mix of grass and gravel. Hopping out of the car, Joel is quick to get around and take your hand again, pressing his lips to the top of your head as the pair of you walk behind Sarah up to the snaking line filled with her teammates and their families.
“Remember our first date here?” Joel inquires, tilting his head with a growing smile.
Chuckling, you nod and reciprocate his smile, “How could I forget? You got a butterscotch-dipped cone, weirdo.”
“Hey, if I remember correctly, you’re the one who polished off my cone and I took yours. So quit knockin’ the butterscotch dip, Mari,” Joel’s voice is dripping with nostalgia, the date you two had two years ago feeling like a lifetime ago. While the line moves forward, you lean back against his chest, and his hands find your sides, skating up and down along the fabric of your sundress. In front of you, you reach out and rest your hands on Sarah’s shoulders, smiling when she leans back into your touch. Her tiny frame sways drowsily in your arms, one of your hands reaching up to play with her curls gently.
“Feelin’ tired, Sare Bear?” Your chin tucks into your neck to look down at her and she looks up, nodding slowly and stretching her arms in front of her. Reaching your arms around her shoulders, you hold her comfortably against her chest, the three of you in a tight-knit row in line. “Well, you’ll get a sugar high from the ice cream and then you can crash at home after you hang with your friends. You just give us the word and we’ll head home, yeah?”
Joel orders for the three of you at the front of the line, refusing your offer to pay and shooing you off to find a spot to sit. Sarah eyes a table of her friends and you nudge her side, nodding and telling her to go sit with them, “I’ll survive with your dad myself, I promise.”
Sarah giggles and jogs off, leaving you to find a spot at a small table for you and Joel. He drops off Sarah’s sundae to her before he makes his way over to you, handing off your chocolate-dipped twist while he keeps his butterscotch cone. It’s always easy conversation for the two of you, discussing plans for the next morning about when to leave to take Sarah to the aquarium and what to do for dinner when you’re home.
Things are simple. Reminiscing on old memories while making new ones, watching Sarah laugh and smile with her friends.
“So, what are you gonna do when she’s a teenager?” You inquire, taking your attention away from Sarah’s posse and focusing back on Joel.
“What am I gonna do? I think you mean what are we gonna do? I’m gonna need all the help I can get, and well, you’re the one who’s been a teenage girl before.” He gestures to your cone with his, and you reach it out to switch with him. Continuing to snack on his vanilla and butterscotch, the two of you talk about what you were like as a teenager and what you think Sarah will be like.
Before you know it, your cones are completely gone and you’re left with a pile of sticky paper napkins. Sarah walks over, plopping down next to Joel on the bench of the picnic table. The three of you chat for a bit longer before heading back to the car, en route to home for the evening.
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Sarah’s tucked upstairs in bed, Joel’s sock-covered feet bouncing down the stairs that you hear from your place in the kitchen, finishing up your wipe-down from cleaning up dinner. Joel plops down on the couch as you walk back into the living room, greeting you with a sleepy smile and an arm-lifted to invite you in.
Happily, you cuddle into his side, giggling quietly as he pepper kisses across your profile while you flick on the TV. Mindlessly channel searching, you’re reminded of the conversation with your mother from this morning, and remember how you wanted to tell Joel all about it.
Sitting up and turning to him, you laugh quietly as you start to recollect, “Guess what I forgot to tell you this morning?”
“Hm, what, baby?” Joel answers, trailing his fingers along the bare skin exposed from your camisole.
“My mom came into the kitchen as I was makin’ breakfast and she told me about this kid, well, I guess he’s not a kid anymore, but anyways, this kid from high school that was a year older than me and is my mom’s friend’s son. And she was saying how good he’s doing, how he just moved back here from Chicago and is looking for people to hang out with, and then she gave me this look — oh my god, if you could see this look she does, it’s like she’ll completely shatter if you don’t do what she’s asking of you — and she tells me that she got his number. For me,” you guffaw, shaking your head before continuing, “And I mean, that look, I just couldn’t say no and so I told her I would think about it—”
“You would think about it?” Joel interrupts, sitting up straighter and brow knitting together as his voice grows half a decibel louder.
You squirm in your seat, cringing at the harshness in his voice and inching away to look him in the eyes, “Um, yeah. I mean I couldn’t just come right out and say ‘no’, she would ask me a million questions why.”
“Okay? And?” Joel removes his arm from around your shoulder and tilts his head in disbelief, exhaling out a laugh as he shakes his head.
“And what, Joel? Was I just supposed to tell my mother about us?”
“Well, no, but you could have said somethin’, Mari. That’s not very fair to me—”
“What would you have wanted me to say? You aren’t ready, Joel, or at least that’s what you said, and I have been more than willing to wait but I know my mom and I know she would have picked up on something if I said no.”
“What am I supposed to think when you’re telling me this, too? Like it’s some joke, ‘Ha ha. Isn’t so great and funny my mom tried to set me up with some other guy?’ That’s not funny to me.”
“Oh my god, are you serious right now? It’s not like we’re a joke to me, I just thought it would have been a little bit of a chuckle for us. I don’t want anyone else, Joel, and I thought you would have known that by now. If anything, I should be the one feeling some type of way about having to lie to my mom about my relationship status cause you don’t want to tell them yet.”
“I’m sorry I don’t have the capacity to deal with your parents right now, I’ve got my own business to run and my daughter to take care of and you've got your own shit—”
“Don’t. Don’t even start with that, Joel. You’ve had the same business and daughter for the last two years and you’re still not ready when I’ve fully committed myself to you and been as vulnerable as I possibly can with you. I am trying really fucking hard to get better for you, going to therapy and possibly starting medication. I don’t know what else would make you feel ready. Us being married? We kind of need to tell them before that point. And also, you seem more than ready to tell everyone else in the world. Your daughter knows, your brother knows, random parents at Sarah’s softball game know. Why can’t I share you with the people in my life?”
Joel groans and leans his head back, reaching his hands up to press the heels of his palms against his eyes. You can’t help but roll your eyes, standing up and crossing your arms over your chest as you look down at him on the couch. After a moment of silence, he drops his hands and opens his eyes, looking up at you with a dead stare.
“I can’t do this anymore. Not right now.”
“And when are we supposed to do it?”
“I don’t know, Mari! I. Don’t. Know. But I do know that I can’t do it right now, and I don’t want to do all this right now.”
“Oh, so everything in our relationship is operating on the basis of ‘when you’re ready’.”
“Quit bein’ ugly, this isn’t like us.”
“It doesn’t feel like it right now. I don’t know what else you need to be ready to be fully a part of my life, Joel. We're always going to have shit going on, life is never going to get to a perfect place.”
“Mariposa, I love you, but I don’t want to do this right now. I’m going to bed.” Joel shakes his head to himself again, pushing up from the couch and rounding the coffee table. He brushes against you, hand bracing on your side while he gets past you and heads up the stairs, leaving you in the dark.
Only the glow of the television illuminates the room, tightness in your chest as you glance around the otherwise empty room. Tears fill your eyes, a trembling hand reaching for the remote to turn off the screen and the sound, punishing yourself in the lonely silence for a few minutes before tiptoeing up the stairs. At his open doorway, you tentatively linger within the threshold, Joel’s form slumped on his side but adjusting its position and breathing unsteady — still awake.
Without a sound, he sees you standing there before he lifts the covers, a normally welcoming invitation with a smile and a ‘C’mere, Mari baby.’ Instead, you walk on eggshells to the bed, slipping under the covers before he drops them on top of you, his arm tucking against his side. When you open your mouth to speak, he rolls over, back facing you. As you fall asleep, you study his broad shoulders and the curls at the nape of his neck, itching to reach out and touch him, show him your care, tell him about your love. Apologize for everything, promise to continue the seemingly endless wait until he’s ready. But you tell yourself you have to stand your ground on this and just discuss everything later like he wants.
Later. Always later.
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@beskarandblasters @undrthelights @swiftispunk @joelsversion @asirenbyanyothername @ellenmunn @ja-ehyun @sw33tp1xie @marisemonteiroo @brunetteeras @bongsrconfusing @addictedtotlou @angie2274 @pedrostories @pedroholic @theelishad @johnwatsn @elissaaa @felicityofbakerstreet @atinylittlepain @northernbluess @cannolighost @casa-boiardi @wannab-urs @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @fishingforpike @msjarvis @walkintotheriveranddisappear @sugadolly @yazsos @peppesgirl @pastawench @brittmb115 @anoverwhelmingdin @spishsstuff @wolfbook87 @mswarriorbabe80 @harriedandharassed @decemberdolly @laiisleitte @fierce-bab @vickie5446 @tbniarq @vee-bees-blog @thereaperisabitch @spidermanfrog @belliezz @joelsflannel @cartoon-garbage04 @bianqueee04 @nostalxgic @xyzstar @cumberpegg
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hwayangyeon · 1 year
can you pls make a pt 3 for ex bf actor hee?? in this part, heeseung takes y/n on a date then ask her out and then all smut again🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
pt.3 of the met gala fic // pt.1 & pt.2
NSFW ex bf actor heeseung x actress reader // heeseung asks you on a date so he can rightfully call you his girlfriend and you end up fucking again // teasing, fingering, kinda public (school)(no one's there but them), consensual // 1.3k words
disclaimer: i'm not sure how grade works in different countries. heeseung mentions him and reader fucking when they were still in high school, they were 18 at that time
you: [link]
you: can you stop mentioning me in your interviews?? what's wrong with you?
heeseung: oh so i can't mention my girlfriend now? 🤨
you: i'm not your girlfriend
heeseung: ah, right
heeseung: be ready at 8. i'm asking you out on a date
heeseung: since you wanted me to so bad
you: i didn't and i still don't
heeseung: yeah
heeseung: do you still have that dress i fucked you in on that 12th grade field trip?*
heeseung: wear it
heeseung: see you at 8
it's not like you actually wanted him to ask you out, right? you wanted him to give up on you, right?
it's not easy to go on dates when you're this famous. no movie dates unless you want people to interrupt your seance every two minutes asking for autographs. no picnic dates unless you want the world to see you eating from every perspective possible. do you remember that one paparazzi who hid under the water when you were hanging out with your friend by the lake? you thought heeseung wouldn't bother.
it would be good for you to go out, though. your new role is stressing you out, it's the first time you were given so little time to prepare for it.
but it's not like you're gonna relax with heeseung. knowing him he would be the one to contact paparazzi and tell them about your plans, so then he can send you articles from all major gossip sites obsessing about your cute date. wait, why are you getting ready?
you left your apartment looking for heeseung's manager's car or a taxi. why is there a fucking school bus?
heeseung: get in
what the fuck? you hesitantly walked to the bus and waited for the doors to open. is he even licensed to drive this?
"where are we going?" you ask as you enter the vehicle. that's pretty smart of him, no one would suspect two celebrities going on a date together in a school bus.
"you'll see."
"our old high school?" you stand in front of the familiar entrance, "how do we get in?"
heeseung shows you a set of keys. wow, he's actually prepared.
you decide to leave the lights off, to not make your visit any more suspicious. is it considered breaking in if you have the keys?
it's fine though, you know the school's layout like your own pocket and the moon is shining bright, lighting up the hallways.
you peek through different classrooms, sharing mutual stories and talking about teachers.
but it was getting harder for heeseung to focus. he couldn't keep his eyes off of you, he loves the way that dress looks on you.
"you wore it," he stood close to you while you were looking at the chalkboard.
"didn't have anything else to wear," you turned around and caressed his cheek, seeing his lustful eyes.
he pushed you against the wall, his body slamming into yours like a magnet, not giving you a chance to breathe. he cups your face and kisses you deeply as if he hasn't seen you in ages.
his right hand travels down, stopping for a moment to grab your throat. he loves how soft your skin feels under his touch. then it moves to the side, his index finger pulls down the strap of your dress, exposing your breast.
"i wanted to do that when you wore it for the first time."
"at school? pervert."
"isn't it why you sat next to me in chemistry class? i noticed how you were trying to make it fall off your shoulder, don't lie," he bit your lower lip, "it barely covered the hickey i had left on your thigh."
"shut up," you broke the kiss.
"it was in this classroom," he continued as his hand hid under your dress, playing with the hem of your underwear, "i bet this is what you were imagining back then; me fucking you against the wall the second everyone leaves the room," he whispered into your ear. it's embarrassing how wet you get from just his words. you can't get used to the filth.
he wasted no more time and pulled your panties down, making them fall to your ankles. his fingers disappeared between your folds, drowning in your juices. this little action made you breathe harder already, you had to grab the back of his neck to stand still.
your quiet moans are not enough for him, he wants you to come, here in this classroom. he shoves his fingers inside you without a warning, causing you to gasp both from shock and pleasure. his digits know what to do to bring out the most vulnerable side of you. he twirls them, presses on your sweet spot, all while moving them in and out, filling the whole room with wet sounds.
"fuck, hee," your voice cracks, "are you sure we're alone?" a brief moment of consciousness makes you question the situation. if anyone takes a picture of you right now, your career is basically over. but why does it make you clench on his fingers so hard?
"the janitor gave me the only keys," his voice so soft, making you forget all your worries. honestly, you love when he talks, "i also told him he could watch," he gently grabbed your jaw, tilted your head to the side, and showed you the camera hanging under the ceiling.
"what the fuck, heeseung?!" your whole life flashed before your eyes. a cold shiver moved down your spine contrasting with the amount of heat you felt just a second before.
"i'm joking! i'm joking!" he laughed nervously seeing the panic in your eyes. fucking lee heeseung.
you slowly looked back at the camera and noticed that there was no red diode on it. it's off. fucking. lee. heeseung.
"do you want me to continue..?" he reminded you of what you were doing and the fact that his fingers are still inside you and the palm of his hand is still brushing against your swollen core.
"shut. up," you hid your head in the crook of his neck to avoid his eyes, signaling to him that he can continue as you were not going anywhere. not after how close he had gotten you to your release.
it took him only a few seconds to have you worked up again, your temperature and pulse rising instantly. he loves how easily your body gives up to him. it's kinda embarrassing, the way he makes you stop caring whether that camera is really shut off or not, all you care about is how close you are.
"principal park would be so disappointed in you," he tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear, "hearing his favorite student beg for another guy to make her cum,"
that's the last thing you hear before a ringing sound in your ears, your orgasm causing your senses to go crazy. you fall to heeseung's chest, having trouble standing on your own.
you look up to see him smiling, peacefully. it's a pretty intimate moment, after which he puts his fingers into his mouth, licking the liquid you left on them, smirking rather teasingly.
"oh fuck off," you pushed him away and started fixing your clothes.
later you were sitting in the middle of the schoolyard on a blanket that heeseung prepared. it was getting a little chilly so he gave you his jacket. this place brings back so many memories. you were dating basically since the first grade of high school.
"why did the janitor give you the keys?" you asked. heeseung was laying down on his side of the blanket, playing with the ends of your hair.
"because i come here often."
"you do?"
"yeah," he smiled, "i teach the kids how to play basketball. you should come too."
"yeah," it somehow warmed your heart. you laid down next to him, "maybe i should."
after hotel.
pt.3 of the met gala fic // pt.1 & pt.2
taglist: @yeonjuns-sock
287 notes · View notes
octuscle · 11 months
Goddamn dude you’re two for two, I’d fucking kiss you if Boss wouldn’t have my ass for it. He says I’m all hisSNDNFIDDN
Shit sorry, hard to type while I’ve got a weapon of mass destruction up my asSKSHFDBD
Okayokay shit I’ll make this quick ‘fore he breaks my phone. He doesn’t like it when my attention ain’t on him. I know you’re probably sick of all my requests but I really need this one from you man. I don’t want Boss to be my boss anymore. Or, not just my boss. I…I-uhh wannaAJSFHRI
AAAH FUCK okay I want ‘im to be my husband. Lock him down so I can always be his and he’ll be mine and all that sweet shit. Call me a romantic, or a whore I don’t care. My problem is, apparently our situation is “unethical”. Yeah he’s Big BoOPSNXD
Fuck! He’s Big Boss to me and all the guys under me but even he’s got assholes in charge of him and they’re already breathing down his neck for all the private meetings with me. But I don’t wanna leave this job. I love the guys, I love leading them and working with ‘em, they’re like family. So is there a way you can make boss above all those dickheads in suits above him? Or maybe just persuade them or make them more understanding of our—oh shit, am I gonna say this? Of our lovVEGEIDHHK
CHRISTONABIKE alright fuck it dude I’m sending this shit as is, just please help me out again, I swear I’ll do anything you ask for it. FUCK yes sir I’m putting it down I’m putting it down—-
This is a sequel to this asks here:
Dude, like I always say: Never fuck the company! That's why my supervisor always makes me a muscular employee at KFC when he has a craving for my cock. But that has not been the question at all.
It didn't take long for word of your affair to spread all the way to the board. And it only takes afew hours that you have an appointment with the CEO and the head of HR. To relieve the stress, you had another quick fuck in the bathroom. Now your suits sit reasonably well over your muscular bodies again, the wide open shirts show a lot of your hairy chest! You look great, unlike the two fat guys sitting across from you in the conference room. They've certainly never seen the inside of a gym or stood in the mud of a construction site in their work boots.
Head of HR begins his speech. "It has come to our attention, Jack, that you are having a sexual relationship with one of your co-workers and are doing so in the workplace." Your boss or daddy raises his hand, asks to interrupt for a moment, puts one hand in the inside pocket of his jacket, pulls out a ring, takes your hand, puts the ring on it and says "Just to clarify, this is not just a co-worker but also my fiancé." You can't help but stick your tongue down his throat. For a brief moment you forget about the two assholes in the room. But when you end the kiss and look back at the CEO and Head of HR, they both look changed. Most noticeably, their stern expressions have given way to an almost cheeky grin. And somehow there's the shadow of a beard on their flabby chins. And the facial features are starting to become less flabby.
"So Jack and Mike," the CEO begins. "You know that diversity is extremely important in the company. We think it's great that the two of you as a couple set such a great example of an open and colorful society." You grin. Your fiancé and you tend to wear black. Black suit and black shirt at the office, black leather at night. Colorful? Well… The head of HR continues: "We know it's not really your job, but could you imagine being the faces of our new recruiting campaign? Both take off their jackets and hang them over the backs of the conference chairs. Fuck, they spend every free minute in the gym. You secretly stroke Jack's bulge under the table.
The CEO is no longer so discreet. He stands up and sketches the campaign schedule on the flipchart with one hand. And has the other in his sweatpants. And his colleague is also kneading his bulge. The two of them are barely older than you. Certainly a few years younger than your fiancé Jack. The head of HR turns to you, looks you in the eye and licks his lips. The CEO leaves the flipchart and goes to Jack, stands behind him, runs his hand down his unbuttoned shirt and starts playing with Jack's nipple. A few seconds later, the Head of HR has lowered the blinds and dimmed the lights via the building control app.
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After an intense interaction, Peter and Steven have given you the rest of the day off. You should celebrate your engagement. And the two of them have a lot planned for the rest of the day anyway.
Pic of your CEO and head of HR found @maxx-magnum
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Hello! I have come asking for you to info-dump about the the modern human au. I full of brain rot of them (especially after the last thing you posted about them, damn) Maybe you can tell us a bit more Sally!!
lucky for you, i've been full of that good ol brainrot As Well! thoughts! feelings! ideas! i got em!
so since we're already on the subject of the Crash Arc, allow me to expand on it for a moment before i get to Sally Thinkings! if you've read the snippet, you may have noticed the extent of Wally's injuries was not listed yet. well! he got messed up with a capital F! since it's fiction and i'm god in this scenario, i'm veering slightly away from realistic damage, immediate & lasting. bc lets be real. if i stuck to "this is as realistic as i can make it", then Wally would be aaaaaabsolutely fucked. it was a bad crash in a very unsafe vehicle at high speeds. like - this is what happened. a drunk driver hit Home going 70 down the freeway. swerve, fishtail, tumble down a (small, shallow, really its more like a glorified ditch) ravine with trees and rocks and shit on it. absolute miracle that Wally didn't die in the crash, let alone during the solid half hour (slightly longer) he was trapped in Home before someone noticed the crash site and called emergency personnel. Wally "hanging up" on Barnaby was actually the impact jarring him so he slipped and hit the end call button. but yeah without going into technicalities and detail, Wally has some lasting damage in his dominant hand. It takes extensive physical therapy for him to be able to paint/draw again at the same level he had been at. the hematoma hadn't done a lot of brain damage that wouldn't resolve itself with time. in my mind, when Wally wakes up in the hospital, for a few days he's very confused and his memory is shot. he'll wake up, interact, then go to sleep, but when he wakes up again its like waking up for the first time again. he just can't retain memories for a bit. he's got some severe brain fog. his mood is also kinda fucked with - he's uncharacteristically irritable with low patience, etc. these are all things that clear up with time, but in my mind Wally has chronic migraines going forward. bad ones! and there are days where it's harder fr him to concentrate. and yk. a teeny bit of chronic pain where his shin bone was pinned back together and where his hand was essentially crushed. but other than that he's fine going forward! good days and bad days!
but enough about that! You Want To Hear About Sally!
i imagine that she becomes quite successful in the theater industry. i'm not too familiar with it myself, so i'm gonna be uh. Vague about it? but she starts her own theater troupe - it's a bit of a commute from home base to the town she works in, where the theater is located in, but she makes it work! of the group, she's probably away more than any of them. working on shows, traveling to work on other ones - i like to think she's been on Broadway! she probably has had opportunities to do tv/movie acting, but idk... i feel like Sally would be like "nah. live shows or nothing". maybe at some point she takes up voice acting gigs, as long as she can do them from home. she probably has her own little room-turned-VA-studio thing. idk how that works either! it seems right! but yes Howdy's store's automated messages and advertisements are in Sally's voice. she's probably picked up a temporarily modeling gig here and there.
so Sally is very very busy. Poppy is supportive. everyone is, and they all love to help out when they can - and reel Sally in when the "stardom" starts to get to her head. they do their best to acclimate to occasionally getting jumpscared by her voice in a grocery store or in. idk. fashion shoots. victoria's secret billboards. that last one was a joke! maybe. i think she would.
i also like to imagine Sally like... getting some sort of award and then spending a solid five minutes naming her friends, thanking them with specificity, and then plugging their own stuff. they probably have a rotation for who accompanies her as her plus one for events and parties she may or may not be invited to. she's not like... a Big celebrity but! she's Known and Liked! she has Connections! i like to imagine her and Wally looking dapper as fuck at a Venue...
so the friend group typically stays together, with Sally going off to do her Things the most. she makes sure to schedule time to be with her friends and girlfriend/wife/Poppy between work and gigs and etc. she somehow finds a balance with Ease. or apparent ease... someone get this girl a vacation...
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fearlessbythebeach · 28 days
I’m gonna post this to tumblr and then when I get that ao3 site soon it will be better. I wrote this with myself as Cat in mind and through her mind but I really put her through a lot, yikes.
Blame the Mistletoe
Cat woke up with a killer hangover. For a few blissful minutes, she didn’t know what happened last night, but soon it came rushing back to her like a swarm of angry crows. There was no way she was going to survive this.
Apparently, her drunk ass thought mistletoe meant publicly groping her assistant was suddenly okay. She might as well die now before facing a far more painful death. Whatever would happen, whoever put the mistletoe up at the Catco Christmas party would be fired immediately. Or killed.
The fireball whiskey was her own fault. Who was she, an overenthusiastic frat boy? But she had to drink it, or else something would happen with Kara, she thought, she wouldn’t be able to keep her feelings in. They’d been way too strong lately so she needed the alcohol to be even stronger. Obviously keeping her feelings in had gone really well.
When she first realized how much drinking would overpower her feelings, she decided she would stay put at the table like a smart person until it was time to go. That way she could still make an appearance and see Kara (secretly her favorite part) but still act reasonable, and responsible. She’d still be normal.
No one brought any good drinks to the party, it was just a simple office party, and Cat didn’t want to bring anything that made her seem like an alcoholic. That’s how she ended up downing cups of the liquid red hot candy drink.
But everything was so fun over where Kara was, and it was sooo boring at this table, and these disgusting smart men sat down there (oh why did Cat hire them when they slurped their drinks? Were they that good at their jobs?)
“Hey warthog men,” Cat slurred. “You’re fired.” Then she sauntered off, leaving the now bewildered men behind.
There was this icky guy hanging out with Kara. Telling her all about his next book or whatever. An adventure novel or something Cat used to think was cool but now seemed annoying, gross, nerdy. Probably because he was taking Kara away from her but Cat didn’t care right now.
“Hey conehead lookalike, you’re fired!” she yelled in his ear. He yelped and she snickered.
“Hey, Miss Grant,” said Kara, and put her arm around her.
“Oh thanks darling, I was falling over,” she said and tripped over Kara’s feet. Kara quickly picked her up.
“I’m going to take you home,” said Kara.
“But there’s mistletoe,” protested Cat. “And that means I get to kiss you under it and it’ll seem completely normal!”
“Well I-well I-“ stuttered a speechless Kara. Stuttered was one word for it. Her mouth flopped around like a fish with no direction.
Cat had no time for this. She wriggled free from Kara’s arms, not before giving her a kiss on the nose, and had her follow her to the mistletoe.
“Now you can hold me again,” said Cat and then she admitted, “I always want you to hold me.”
She has to let it all happen now or else it never would, Cat thought. She had to feel exactly how she felt, as much as possible. She first squeezed Kara’s breast. Sooo good. She was swaying a bit again so she grabbed onto her shoulders and was about to kiss her on the lips but then the alcohol came up in her throat and she burped in her face.
“Okay let me try that again,” she said and Kara stood up again, holding her.
“No,” she said. “You’re too drunk.” She gave her the softest kiss on the forehead.
“If you want to, you can-“ said Kara, sounding kiiind of like she was saying you can kiss me later, but Cat didn’t know for sure, because she passed out.
So there it was. The stupid, stupid end. And all the people at catco definitely saw her. But she couldn’t take long to process that whole thing. She had to be the stupid boss of this stupid company, not knowing if that girl was someone she could kiss, feelings not lessened or contained at all.
Cat blamed the mistletoe.
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pupintransit · 7 months
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Fun little update about my gender affirming surgery- I didn't die!
I'm writing this on March 7, one day after my discharge from the recovery house at GRS Montréal. My flight home from Quebec isn't until Saturday so the hubby and i are hanging out in a hotel until then. I'll start by saying that the staff at GRS Montréal are all complete angels 🧡 I won't get into the weeds of the physical sensations of my recovery, but suffice to say I had a very taxing aftercare. I felt very supported and looked after during my time there even with all the setbacks i experienced.
Now, something that i have alluded to before in my write ups is that the trans communities and friends i have were very diligent to remind people not to romanticize the surgery. They're right to! The morning after my surgery the nerves in my genitals started to reactivate, and they were pissed about it. 11/10 pain for at least 15 minutes, which was when the oxycodone kicked in. Before that the worst pain i'd had experienced was scabies. Not anymore it's not! If you take nothing else from this post please do not fuck around if you're gonna do something like this. Listen to your body and ask for help when you need it, because i gaurentee you that you will need it.
I left site with pain meds to last a few days and very strict aftercare instructions, which i have been following to the letter. My surgeon requires four dilations a day for the first month, which if you include the cleaning up and air drying afterward can take upwards of two hours. Essentially i'm working an eight hour day cut up into four split shifts. To be honest i thought it'd be overwhelming, but after two days in a hotel to get used to everything it's not as bad as i was expecting. I feel like i have enough time in between sessions to relax, eat, go for a little walk, all that fun stuff. Not much time for day trips of course, but i can resume those soon enough. Frankly what i want to do more than go out for an evening is sleep on my side again...
The first time i really took stock of my new genitalia was midday after the external packing came off. I was looking in a mirror. I was purple and swollen (still am) but all the shapes i wanted to see were there. My automatic response was "Yeah, this is fine." Nothing euphoric, nothing like coming home again or whatever, just acceptance. And i think that's all i needed it to be? Nothing is hanging down there anymore. No stringy hairs to trim, no weird wrinkly foreskin, no random erection that won't go away. Just my pussy.
I'm not done healing yet. Shit still hurts quite a bit, i gotta sleep on a towel lest my bedsheets get ruined, and when i douche the water still runs a little red with gunk. That ain't gonna end for a while and it suuuuuucks, but the shapes i want to see on my body are still there so to me it is worth the hassle.
I do still go through phases of regret though, usually when my pain gets a little too much to bear or when my mood really dips. "Did i really need this? This wasn't worth all this pain, i hate feeling this way." What i try to remember is that i was in my right mind when i made and committed to this decision, and i'm simply not when overwhelmed with pain. When that pain subsides, so too does the regret.
And then i see my shapes again.
This was profoundly difficult and easily the worst i have ever felt physically, but i have no regrets. I can't wait to see myself once i'm fully healed and ready to go. I'll be the me i've always wanted to be 🧡
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undertheopensky · 11 months
Under The Weather
Whumptober Day 13: “I don’t feel so good.”
Characters: Four, Hyrule, everyone is there
Trigger warnings: Vomiting, indistinct illness
Important note: I usually headcanon Warriors as the main medic (thanks for that bokettochild) but for some reason today Hyrule insisted on running the show. Maybe he decided he wasn’t getting enough screentime.
Read on Ao3!
Four belches into his hand, hiding it behind his teacup. Probably a court manners thing. Hyrule had never gotten the hang of those, but several of his companions were close enough to nobility that they had to know things like that. Four’s been doing it all lunch, though, and Hyrule’s wondering if there’s something in Wild’s stew that doesn’t agree with him. It wouldn’t be the first time they’ve discovered dietary restrictions the hard way.
Four belches again, then abruptly throws up, and Hyrule realises he’s been retching the whole time.
“For fuck’s sake, Four.” He rounds the embers of the fire as Warriors and Wind scramble away from Four and the puddle of sick next to him – he’d only mostly avoided getting it on himself. “You’re supposed to tell us when you’re not feeling well. What are your symptoms?”
“I don’t know,” Four snaps, “I don’t feel sick, I just feel – wrong.” He retches again, but there’s nothing left to come up.
“So you’re nauseous, but you don’t feel sick.” Hyrule gives him a doubtful look.
“Kinda yeah,” says Four. “My stomach feels like a rock. Throwing up was just as much of a surprise to me as to you.”
“Interesting.” Hyrule takes a few minutes to look Four over. He’s pale and clammy, with a pinched look around his eyes that’s very telling of just how uncomfortable he is. He’s also barely touched his lunch, a meat and rice combination that everyone is usually all over, sticking mostly to his tea. “Any body aches? Chills? Wounds you forgot to tell us about?”
Four shakes his head with a snort. “Nothing. Just - wrong in the stomach.” He scowls into the remains of his tea. “It’s fine. I can keep going.”
“Uh huh.” Hyrule glances at the rest of the group. “Any arguments against making camp here?”
“It’s not like we’ve got anywhere to be,” Legend says dryly, and it’s about the kindest thing he could have said.
As a group, they don’t tend to hang around in one place very long. Places to go, monsters to kill, intel to gather, supplies to source; they’re constantly on the move, and staying put for any length of time has to rankle. But no one, not even prickly Legend, is going to say so to Four, who’s never complained about their pace, and had been half-throwing up all morning before Hyrule caught him. They were only intending to stop here for lunch, not spend the night, but they’ll make do. It’s not that bad a site.
At Hyrule’s insistence Four changes out of his soiled leggings into his clean pair, then sits against a tree with his book to rest. Everyone else sets about making camp. Twilight heads off to find a river - after battling a small horde of miniblins and a hinox this morning, several people are in need of a bath, and pretty much everyone needs to do laundry. Warriors at least will have a meltdown if he doesn’t get the blood out of his scarf. Wind, who is expert at dodging the little bastard’s tridents and thus doesn’t need to wash his own blood out of his tunics or repair many small holes, triumphantly flops down next to Four.
“Hey! I know you’re probably not feeling well so I’m not gonna bother you, I’m just gonna go through my pictograph collection, and if you need anything I can fetch it for you!”
Four gives a distracted hum, already absorbed in his book.
Wind wasn’t lying - he does like to go through his collection now and then, touch the memories they hold, reorganise and rearrange them and consider which ones to keep in his easy-access pictobook and which ones to store in the safebox. But they’re also fantastic distractions, and Four looks like he could use some distracting, when the dry text of his book gets too much.
Wind flips through his pictures of Aryll and Gran, hesitates over Tetra and her crew, then gets into his current run of Chain-related pictographs. Sometime they’re just nice, like Wild sleeping curled up beside Wolfie in almost the exact same position, but some are hilarious. Like this one of Sky passed out sitting up, while Wind and Wild takes turns balancing sticks on his head and snapping pictures.
He giggles and holds this one out to show Four. “Hey, hey, Four, you remember this?”
Four glances up, and huffs amusement through his nose. Wind grins, proud of himself for pulling the small noise out of the reserved smithy, and goes hunting for the photo of Wars getting knocked into a river by the fish he’d hauled out of the water. He knows it’s in here somewhere.
Wild has stirred up the fire again and is using the opportunity to do… something with the cookpot (Wind’s not game to call it food but it doesn’t look like elixirs are happening either, and decides he doesn’t want to know). Legend and Warriors are sitting together, mending miniblin tears and presumably gossiping, from the snickers. Time is writing in his notebook, Sky is carving a stick into a spoon to replace the one that had gone missing, and Hyrule had gone with Twilight to help deal with the Laundry Monster.
They’re all enjoying the break.
Everyone, save for Four, who goes progressively greyer and quieter as the afternoon fades.
Wind is careful not to push him; when Four glances at the latest photo and just gives a weak smile, he knows the distraction has worn out its usefulness and sorts through the rest without showing off any more.
By the time Hyrule and Twilight come back with the next load of clean laundry for Legend to dry off, Four’s given up on even the pretence of reading. He’s just staring blankly off into space, book still in his lap. Doesn’t even blink when Twilight pretends to drop Legend’s undertunic in the dirt and Legend yells at him for it.
Wind nudges him. “Four, you feeling okay?”
Four rubs a hand over his eyes, then his mouth. “Sorry. ‘M fine. Just… tired.” He blinks hazily, staring down at the pages of his book and clearly reading nothing.
Then Wild calls Wind over, demanding help with the soup, since apparently he’s doing real food now. Four shoos him off silently. Any other day, he would be taking the opportunity to read in peace. Today, he just leans back against the tree and closes his eyes.
When dinner is ready (soup!!! Not as good as Gran’s but Wild’s soup is still good!) Wind volunteers to ferry it over to Four. “Hey, Four! Dinner’s here!” he cheers, and is unsurprised but still disappointed when Four grimaces and refuses. “Are you sure? Do you really feel that bad? Should I get Hyrule?”
“Don’ feel good, but I’ll be alright.” Four waves a hand at Wind, eyes still closed. “Just a stomach bug or somethin’. Prob’ly be right as rain in the morning.”
Wind hums dubiously, but takes back the bowl.
By silent consensus, Four is left off the watchlist. He needs rest, not interrupted sleep and the simmering stress of a midnight shift. If Four notices, he doesn’t comment. He’s too busy gathering his strength to lay out his bedroll properly to take any notice of the others glancing at him in worry.
Four goes to lie down - then hurls himself back up, with such force that he nearly makes it to his feet.
Everyone startles. “Four, what’s wrong?” Sky asks.
Four looks nearly as shocked as they are. “I don’t – I don’t know,” he stammers. “I – I went to lie down and I just – as soon as I lay down it was just a bolt of panic like – like I knew I was going to die if I didn’t get back up right now.”
Hyrule goes grim. That kind of bodily response suggests there’s something more at play here than an upset stomach.
This time Hyrule doesn’t just look him over. He lays his hands on Four’s back and sends his magic creeping through him.
There’s a difference between the active rush of the Life Spell and a light touch of healing; this is the latter, more an exploration than an attack. Four had taken a potion after this morning’s fight, and that should have healed up all the minor wounds and not left anything for infection to take hold. Hyrule is checking for leaks, more than expecting to find something major wrong.
He’s surprised to find nothing at all, though. The faint echoes of bruises, long-healed. Phantom images of stab wounds, flesh flickering with the memory of blood and pain. But nothing real. Nothing he can fix.
Four glances over his shoulder. “Well?”
“I’m not finding anything,” Hyrule admits with a sigh. Reluctantly, he pulls his hands away. He feels inadequate, leaving a job unfinished - but there’s nothing he can really do, when it seems Four is just sick. Potions and fairies and Hyrule’s magic are amazing resources, but they have costs and limitations. They can’t replace lost blood, or grow back missing body parts. And they can’t cure illness, no matter the cause.
He just has to hope it’s a stomach bug, and Four will sleep it off uneventfully.
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okaydoll1301 · 5 months
2. Curiosities and Money
Catherine started scouring the sites, trying to find inspiration. Her usual sources were pulling flat since they were just as busy as her. Hobbies always made it to the wayside, especially when money wasn't flowing. She chewed the inside of her cheek, beginning to pull at the corner of her lips.
A frown began to form as she typed something new. She needed a reference for this one and she wasn't looking to ask Miles to help her out this time. She'd begun seeing the usual signs of his stress. He holed up in his office more, the gray under his eyes was returning, and his nails were bitten short. With him out of their apartment for the morning she moved to the living room, laptop in one hand as she flopped on the couch. She opened it back up and set about looking again. Except when she started scrolling, she began to notice the pictures on the sides. Perfect poses.
Bewitching. Beckoning.
Curiosity got the best of her and she clicked. A website for a company called WRU pulled up and she frowned again. She'd overheard Miles talking about them. She hadn't meant to overhear, but when his voice carried over from his conversations in the kitchen to her bedroom, how could she not listen? It wasn't like they hid much from each other anyways. Suppose that's what happens when you basically grow up together, and they'd gotten unhealthily attached to each other. Or maybe that was just her. Her heart ached when she thought about it so she refocused on the site.
It almost presented like an adoption agency and they played their words that way too, but something about it felt unsettling, like it was a kind of unwitting servitude. Her hand had slowly found it's way to her throat, playing with the small bell she kept there to calm her. Who the hell would do this? Guilt hit her as something gnawed at her stomach, knowing the answer to it. But it wasn't something she'd voice. This felt wrong. All wrong. Wrong, sick, twisted. Sinful.
She felt her stomach lurch and she sat up, closing her laptop with a slam. Her feet found solid ground before she could stop herself and she had made her way to the restroom, retching into the toilet before the sound of Miles' returning could be heard through the ringing in her ears.
"Cat?" His voice was panicked as he ran into her room and found her vomiting, knees on the cold tile floor. "What's wrong?"
Nothing. She just shook her head before she retched again. Her hand held the bell still, not wanting to associate this with the calming little mantra she'd made for herself. But his hands found her hair anyways as he held it back, his body already molding to the back of hers as she braced herself on the toilet seat. Her cheeks were speckling with broken blood vessels and her stomach and throat stung from the strain. But even when her stomach emptied of food acid came up. It burned. Her stomach was aching. Her mouth tasted of bile and she wanted to gag again when there was nothing else to throw up.
"It's gonna be ok. We're home, ok? No one else is here. They're not here anymore," Miles soothed. His voice had always been like a balm, reaching her in the deepest depths.
She nodded, movements less robotic as she knelt for a while. He reached out and flushed the toilet, slowly bringing her to her feet so he could help her rinse her mouth and brush her teeth. Her eyes were glazed as he lifted her chin and checked her teeth. All he did was sigh before bringing her close and she melted in return.
"Sorry," It was the only word she managed to murmur while burying herself in his arms.
"I don’t know why you insist on apologizing. When have you ever left me hanging when I needed it?" He leaned over and kissed the top of her head, wondering if either of them would ever really be able to get through a week without an episode. For now, he was happy to hold her close. Later he would remind her everything was fine.
Minutes later she rubbed at her face before settling back down. Then without taking away her arms she'd rewrapped around his waist she looked up at him and grinned. If he didn't know her any better he would assume she was just fine with those big round eyes looking up at him, "I'm good."
Miles frowned as he nodded tersely, but didn't push it. How could he when he felt her tensing just so she wouldn't shake? When she released him he walked to the kitchen, a casual walk as undid his tie and button up so he could lay them across the back of one of the stools. His hand tousled his hair, undoing the clean business style he'd fashioned it into this morning, causing his hair to spill just over his eyes and all over the place in a chaotic disarray.
It may have seen like an odd arrangement, as Catherine herself simply went back to the couch and opened her laptop again while he put a quick snack together for her. But they'd been doing this so long it was automatic. He turned on the blender after he tossed in some fruits, looking over at her on the laptop. He'd noticed her losing weight lately and now she was eerily quiet, causing an unsettling concern to creep through his chest. She was too absorbed in whatever was on the laptop as she shifted and he caught a glimpse of the screen. WRU. It was in cool blue letters, trying so hard to evoke an ethical, trustworthy company image. Something he was sure was a facade as all corporations did. He felt the twinge he'd had when he'd first saw the ads, but tried to shake it off as he poured the smoothie into two cups.
A quick swing around the kitchen island and he sat next to her on the couch. She immediately snapped the laptop shut with a deer in the headlights stare. For a moment everything on her froze until she saw the smoothie and smiled happily as if she hadn't just been looking at such a thing.
Maybe she hadn't reacted that way over the site. Maybe something else had triggered it. But her unfocused gaze as she took the cup told him he had to be honest with himself. Miles hadn't told her he was helping with some of their advertising. She couldn't find out, no matter how good the money.
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Wow! So many updates to process! I have therapy tomorrow thankfully
We are moved into the new place! I LOVE itttt! Still have so much unpacking to do. Made our first meal last night. Bow tie pasta with veggies and ground chicken. The kitchen is beautiful. I have so much room to cook and places to store my excessive amount of cookware 😁
I don’t have an opinion on the new job yet. Been doing your typical HR training. Today is the first day I’ve gotten to shadow. This Job makes much more sense to me than the hospital job and I’m feeling good about it. The coworkers are nice, but when the boss is out, boy oh boy do I hear the drama. My take away? Keep my head down and trust no one. That’s okay though. It fits with my new identity of not letting work be my identity. I think I’ll like the job overall
I’m learning that my ADD does not like sitting at a desk. I mean, obviously, but I am getting extremely agitated by the lack of movement. I didn’t realize how much I moved during the day. I do a lot of sitting on my phone in my off time, but not a lot of sitting in one spot. The adderall is very helpful with focus. Im not getting side tracked, but omg movement. I have lots of fidget toys now and am getting a standing desk thing for my keyboard.
My job is minutes away from my mother in laws and she has offered for me to hang at her place for lunch. So that is super helpful with breaking up my day. She and M’s grandmom will be here on Friday’s, so I’m gonna use that as an opportunity to connect with them more. I’ll see if we can plan lunches together 😌 there’s a little sadness in that as I used to visit my own mom on lunch breaks, being happy that I can do that with my husbands mom, but knowing my mom wouldn’t do this if places were swapped. Im really happy and excited that I’ve been building this bond with my mother in law, sad that my mom is missing out on building a relationship with my husband.
Speaking of which, M was promoted last week! I may have said this already. Only one promotion. Today his boss pulled him aside to chat. He wants to recommend M for higher positions in the future. They’re expanding into other states and areas and he wants M to open his own store or become a training manager for new sites! So they’ll start his training for that in his current role so when the opportunity comes, he’ll be able to do it asap. Very exciting! I know he’s wanted so many years to become a cop, but the matter of fact is that he excels in leadership and management. I think this is going to be really good for him
He was emailed yesterday about a hiring orientation for an out of state police academy he applied to. We don’t know if that means he’s hired or if it’s just another application step. He said he’s leaning towards Turning it down as he’s already being offered so much growth in his current job. I feel this is a good thought process, but I don’t want to sway him one way or another. We talked a lot about it yesterday and we’re both conflicted about having to move again and me starting a new job again. My job could potentially transfer to that state and there will always be other apartments. But we really need stability for a little bit. We’re both conflicted.
Anyway, overall, things are going really well and I’m excited about the present 😊
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iztarshi · 2 years
Febuwhump Day 1 - Touchstarved
Fandom: Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
It takes April longer than she’d like to admit to realise she’s being wound up. Lately she’s joined a World Wildlife Fund group at college and for once she’s actually kind of fitting in. She’d been excited and then Leo had said, “So, they like animals? Not trees?” and ten minutes later it seems kind of logical that they might be behind the herbicide because if they like animals they… hate plants?
“Okay, none a that made any sense at all,” she says, as if she hadn’t been ranting along.
“But are you sure?” he asks. “It’s you so if you’re getting along with them they’ve got to be yokai in disguise or a secret society or robots or something.”
April flicks his forehead and she’d do worse if he wasn’t sitting propped up against a stack of pillows wearing more bandages than a mummy. “Quit bein’ a jerk. I know you’re bored, but you don’t gotta insult my new friends.” He grimaces, hands fluttering. “I can tell Splintz if you need more pain meds, but you still gotta quit it.”
“I’m not in pain. I just. Ugh.” He wraps his arms around himself and then uncurls again. “Sorry, Apes. Your new friends sound cool.” He makes big, shiny eyes at her which is fine. The line between ‘genuine apology’ and ‘overwhelming guilt’ is a bit of a fine one right now, and this lands on the right side of it. Yes, Leo will knock it off, no, he won’t mope about it for days.
“Uh huh,” she says. “They are cool. And if you’re good I’ll give you more gossip.”
“Thank you, I am dying of boredom here.”
He probably is, he’s fidgety as hell today, and it’s good that his energy is back but it’s got to be torture for him to stay in bed like a good, well-behaved patient.
“Knew that’s what’s wrong with you.”
“Yeah, that and I need a hug.” He flicks a grin at her quickly. “I am not used to going this long without being lavished in affection by my adoring fans.”
“Aw, baby. Hugs have been banned?” Not that she’d considered hugging him when he’s held together by bandages and staples. She guesses they’ve all been being careful of him and for Leo, who likes to spend as much of his time as possible hanging off people, that’s got to be pretty lonely.
“Yeah, well, Mikey tried and Raph told him not to with this whole situation and I don’t wanna argue with Raph or make him think I’m not taking this seriously or trying to get better or whatever he’d worry about ‘cause you know he’s still worrying about me and even if he’s not really angry-angry I would still way rather -”
April moves to sit beside him on the bed, cutting off a sentence that didn’t seem likely to find an ending anytime soon.
“I don’t think he’s gonna get that mad,” she says. “And if he does he’ll have to go through me.”
April holds her arms out and Leo gives her a bright, wobbly grin, before scooping her into his own arms. She does try to be careful, he might need a hug but she doesn’t want to dislodge bits of his shell even if she’s pretty sure they’re healing together by this point. Not and waste all the time she and Donnie spent looking up what to do for broken turtle shells on pet sites.
Leo is only as careful with her as the turtles usually are, which means remembering she has a spine, not a shell, and is also lacking whatever super-strength lets them lug those huge shells around at high speed all day. She hopes he’s not doing anything terrible to his fractured arm holding onto her this tight.
“Better?” she asks.
“Yeah.” He chuckles. “It’s like cuddling a teddy bear. You’re so small and soft and fluffy, with big round ears.” He nuzzles one of her buns.
“You better not be getting snot in my hair,” she warns him.
“Who, me? I’m not crying.”
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snappedsky · 1 year
Borderlands: Skies the Ultimate Treasure Hunter
Skies, Gaige, and the Vault Hunters arrive to the Lodge.
*Links to previous and next chapters in reblog*
Guns, Love, and Tentacles Part 2
Gaige the ex-Vault Hunter stands next to her robot companion, Deathtrap. She glares at Skies suspiciously. “Hey, Skies. Hammerlock warned me you were coming.”
“Heh, oh yeah?” Skies mutters, “wish he had warned me.”
“You know this lass?” Zane asks as he and the other Vault Hunters stand next to her.
“Yeah,” she replies, “guys, this is Gaige. She was one of the Vault Hunters who uh...took down Jack.”
“Oooh, so you guys got history history,” Amara remarks.
“Juicy,” FL4K comments.
“Hammerlock told me about you guys too,” Gaige smiles, “we go way back. He’s kinda my favourite. I’m the wedding planner.”
“Anyway, we are late!” she booms, “let’s get a move on. The brochure says there is a ‘charming gondola’ that should get us up to the Lodge. Come on! Let’s walk-and-talk.”
Gaige leads the way through the tundra, shooting at any wildlife that get in their way. Skies keeps to the back of group, hanging her head.
“You alright?” Moze asks, patting her shoulder.
“Ah, yeah,” Skies smiles awkwardly. “Just a little...awkward for me. I haven’t seen Gaige in years. If I had known she was gonna be here, I...”
“Ah, come on,” she scoffs, “it’s not like you to be scared. This is a good thing. You can reconcile with her.”
“Yeah, I guess. She probably doesn’t hate me as much Maya did, at least, and I almost had drinks with her.”
They come out onto a cliff with a closer view of the giant monster corpse and everyone takes a second to admire it.
“Man, that is one giant freaking tentacle monster,” Gaige comments, “I mean, it was in the brochure and everything but, oof...the pictures did not do it justice.”
They soon arrive to the gondola and head up the stairs to the top. “Here’s the gondola!” she exclaims, “heh heh, not quite charming but I’ll give it a...rustic? Let’s see if we can get it going.” She pulls a lever on the control panel but nothing happens. “Ugh, the motor’s fried. I’m gonna have to improvise some repairs. See? Planning only gets you so far.”
“Those wires must lead to a power source,” Skies adds, “let’s just see where they go.”
“We’ll see where they go,” Moze says, stopping Skies from leaving the platform.
“Aye, you two have some catching up to do,” Zane adds.
“Ah, w-wait- don’t-!” Skies tries to insist but the Vault Hunters run off giggling, leaving Skies alone with Gaige. They glance at each other and Skies awkwardly clears her throat.
They both wait at the gondola platform, awkwardly silent for a few minutes when Gaige says, “so...what do you think of Hammerlock and Wainwright? Weird pair, right? Hammerlock’s all ‘dashing headlong into danger’ and Wainwright’s all ‘books and glasses of old brown stuff’.”
“You know how hard it was to find a venue they agreed on?” she continues, “but I think I freaking CRUSHED IT! The last thing they wanted was a tourist trap and this place isn’t even on most review sites! Or maps.”
“Heh, yeah,” Skies chuckles, “they are uh...pretty different. But I think that’s why they work. I mean, I don’t know dick about romance, but I’ve seen them together and they seem to...I don’t know...complete each other?”
“Heh heh, you’ve gotten pretty sappy huh?” Gaige remarks.
“Psh, yeah right,” she scoffs.
They both chuckle and sigh.
“You know, when Hammerlock told me you were invited, I have to admit, I wasn’t...sure about it,” Gaige says, “but now that we’re here...it’s good to see you again.”
“Yeah?” Skies smiles. “It’s uh...good to see you too.”
They smile at each other as the Vault Hunters return, coming up the steps.
“Mission accomplished,” Amara states.
“Nice,” Gaige replies, “I think we’re almost good to go back here. Let’s get a move on- we are late!”
She digs around in the engine of the gondola, plugging things in or pulling things out. “Almost...got it...just one more tweak, annnnd...ha! There we go!”
A mechanical whirring starts up and Gaige leads the way to the gondola. “Let’s move! To the party!”
She flips the switch and everyone steps onto the carriage. The door closes behind them and it carries them up into the mountains, closer and closer to the giant monster corpse and soon they arrive to a large, wooden chalet built directly underneath it.
“Hmm, charming,” Skies comments as they walk along the deck to the front door, the word ‘LODGE’ over top of it.
Gaige throws open the doors. “Hey-hey! Vault Hunter delivery- and treasure hunter! Where my grooms at?”
Hammerlock and Claptrap are sitting in comfortable chairs in front of a crackling fireplace. They both stand up as the group walks in.
“Gaige!” Hammerlock chimes, “wonderful, wonderful!”
“Ah, very good, very good” a man behind the bar purrs with a voice that could curdle milk. “More guests for the...big event.” A pale man with a thin moustache, small glasses, and eyes blacker than coal faces everyone with a sinister smile. “Welcome! Welcome to the Lodge.”
Skies and the Vault Hunters glance at each other and approach the bar. “So, be honest, bro,” Skies says, “you’re definitely gonna like try to sacrifice us to some elder god, maybe the one this lodge is built under?”
“Oh, no, no, no,” the man replies, “I am Mancubus Bloodtooth...host and proprietor of The Lodge. Please, please, enjoy your stay. I am always available, should you find yourself in need of...hospitality.”
“Okay...” she mutters, unconvinced, but goes over to the fireplace.
“Skies, so happy you could come!” Hammerlock chimes, squeezing Skies’ hand.
“I’m happy you invited me!” she replies, “I’ve never been invited to a wedding before.”
“You are the first guests to arrive,” he says then side-eyes Claptrap. “At least, the first ones INVITED...”
Claptrap laughs. “Oh, Hammerlock, you’re such a kidder! You know I wouldn’t miss this for anything!”
Hammerlock groans with annoyance.
“Uh, Claptrap!” Gaige says quickly, “I have a super-duper important wedding planner mission for you. I need you to find a...um the Pearl of Ineffable Knowledge. Can you do that for me? The whole wedding depends on it!”
“Minion!” Claptrap gasps, “you want me...to save the whole wedding? You picked the right guy!”
He quickly rolls out of the room and Hammerlock heaves a sigh of relief. “Oh, thank goodness.”
“I am not going to let anything spoil your big day, Hammerlock,” Gaige says reassuringly. “Wait, where’s Wainwright?”
“Oh, Winny’s been such a nervous mess,” he replies, “I’ve tried to get him to relax, but he insists on dashing about, making sure everything is perfect.”
“But,” he continues, “the party must continue! Thank you for trekking all the way out to this frigid wilderness! Winny will be back soon and all will be well. Yes, yes, this will be a celebration to remember!”
“Okay, wedding planner powers activate!” Gaige exclaims, “we need party decorations, stat! Vault Hunters, I’m thinking balloons.”
The Vault Hunters nod and begin putting up balloons all over the Lodge.
“Want me to do anything, Gaige?” Skies asks.
“Nah, Skies, you ain’t a Vault Hunter,” she replies, “this is a holiday for you, right? So holiday it up!” “Sweet,” she grins and sits in a chair in front of the fire, stretching out.
She doesn’t relax long however before a private call comes through her ECHO communicator from Wainwright. “Skies. I have a favour to ask. Meet me in town. And don’t tell Alistair where you’re going- just make up an excuse.”
“Let’s get the night started with a good hunting tale!” Hammerlock declares, “gather round, whilst I recall the time I defeated the Heresian Slitherjaw armed with nothing but a rotten banana!”
“Oh, man, you know I love a good hunting story, Hammerlock,” Skies replies, “but I...feel the call of treasure c-uh c-calling to me...and you know if you don’t answer the call of treasure, they don’t call back. So I’m just gonna go...answer the call...”
“Oh! But you’ve only just arrived,” Hammerlock sighs, “no matter. The banana can wait. And if you see Winny out there, do tell him to come in from the cold.”
“You got it,” Skies grins and hurries over to the side door. But she gets there to find Mancubus blocking it.
“Valued guest,” he says, “I could not help but overhear your plan. I must caution you against entering the town tonight.”
“Why?” she asks suspiciously, “harder to sacrifice me when I’m not in your lodge?”
“You see, the people of this town are all...afflicted in their own ways,” he explains, “some might say...cursed. You might encounter some strange behaviour.”
“Can’t be stranger than this,” Skies mutters and clears her throat. “But I have encountered some curses in my time as a treasure hunter and I do prefer to avoid them. Still, I gotta do a favour for the groom so I’ll just take some back-up. Kiddos!”
The Vault Hunters stop tying up all the balloons and hurry dutifully to Skies’ side.
“Ah, you have a responsibility to assist,” Mancubus nods, “I understand. Do return soon. The Lodge will miss you.”
He steps away from the door and Skies and the Vault Hunters exit out onto the deck and head for the gondola to take them to the town of Cursehaven.
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pwblogarchive · 2 months
October 2005
October 5, 2005
there is no beef. just seitan. just getting rattled over nothing. get down with the sickness.
just too much make up and no hearts just egos on the sleeves over here in fall out boy land.
the new panic record hypes itself, so i will shut my damn mouth.
"a kid who tells on another kid is a dead kid".
- petey
October 7, 2005
wow. now way too many updates. i wanted to apologize to everyone at the 9:30 club show in d.c. originally we were supposed to play a show called "shantytown" but the county it was supposed to take place in said that it couldn't happen at the last minute- due to noise regulations or something- we were not given that information. so instead, immediatly following the 9:30 club show we rushed over to a studio and played a small show we had promised we would do. we are sorry to skip out on anyone waiting outside.
some things that dont get enough attention or thanks, so google them:
plain white t's
lifetime (the band we would not exist without)
jason tate
equal studio
the stereo
armor for sleep
rob dobi
fueled by ramen
rob hitt
keep on loving/hating.
- petey
October 7, 2005
back on the saddle. i am not crazy or dead or whatever i keep being imed. i am super happy with this tour. been haning with panic at the disco a ton. me and patrick have been writing a bunch of new songs already. the first song we have written so far is called: "you can't spell star without A & R". the band has gotten really tight as friends again. joe is playing video games until his eyes fall out. patrick sits in the back and makes weird smells and amazing songs. andrew hurley is attatched to his sidekickm, i don't think he can breathe without it. and i am just watching it all go down. our bus driver got us a bunch of new bootleg movies. so we watched flightplan. my review would be: dont watch this movie ever. all the otherbands on this tour have been so good to hang out with------ me and nick are working on a new website thats gonna make your little brains get all warm and fuzzy if we put it together right. i haven't updated in forever. so i just want to thank you for always sticking around. and by you- i mean anyone who still even bothers looking around this site or letting us hit your bedroom speakers.
you couldn't be wrong. because i dreamt you alive.
i was just thinking about the summer. and my favorite moment was playing the gorge in washington- cool after dark. just past the bruised sky. you singing the words. a phone call home to the best. forever.
on the message board leave a thread about your favorite moment of the summer.
October 11, 2005
just cause you can.
take your shyness pills.
put it all on the line.
every single time.
just when you thought i couldn't get anymore flamboyant.
i got a new vest and some shoes with teddy bears on them.
new october fall songs are gonna suprise you.
wait for it. wait for it.
- petey
10/11/05 Q&A
Peter, i think you need to have more respect for the other members of the band, like Patrick, i dont think he smells…and fob would be no where without him, or the rest of the guys! so please dont talk about him like that, it makes my heart hurt! thanks, love you guys!
hahahaha. if you knew patrick you wouldnt say that. that kid is my best friend but not cause he smells like roses. cause he is just the best. dont worry about it. we’ll be friends long after this thing is over.
Pete, would you and Patrick be friends if Fall Out Boy never existed?
we would have to be friends. cause i dreamt him.
October 12, 2005
new york city you are so amazing. jay z. william beckett. unreal. i will do a real update later.
i want to let you in on a secret, we are having a decaydance showcase wednesday night.
panic at the disco is playing tonight at the knitting factory with labelmates in octoberfall-
early show. there are still tickets left.
come dance yourself to life.
October 15, 2005
happy sweetest day.
tour is pretty much the only place i feel at home.
for your pretty eyes:
dirty, korean tom cruise and me crash jay-z's 40/40 club
put your ideas in our body, put your body in our ideas: clandestine.buzznet.com
you're nobody until somebody loves you, at least that's half true.
October 19, 2005
how much do we love you for making us number one on TRL. i don't even know what to say --- we always say it - but i feel like we dont say it enough.
people asked about the shirts we were wearing on fuse and trl - we got them up pretty cheap over at friendsorenemies.com - also there is a little video from the hush sound over there to introduce you to our silly little friends.
you love me but you don't even like me.
forget what you heard. brains are sexy.
October 24, 2005
Sunlight. Like the end of the world. In flashes but not mellow. We swim in schools. Down to the bottom. Down forever. I'm always clearing my throat but I've never got a thing to say. The opposite of a fever. The opposite of perfection. It's only you when I go to sleep and when I wake up...
I know that's a strange way of telling you that I know I'm supposed to love you.
I love this tour. Keep s(w)inging.
October 24, 2005
if you are coming to the irvine show on halloween, we expect you to be dressed up. we will be. and we will be having some contests and what not during intermission.
also, check out the new decaydance myspace at myspace.com/decaydancerecords. it's run by our friend adam from fueled by ramen (who also takes care of our myspace page at myspace.com/falloutboy). adam is the programmer who controls the robots in fall out boy's brain. obey him, because we do.
October 24, 2005
its funny the way you grovel when there are no microphones or camera flashes in sight. - take a stand. it makes me laugh. dot coms refresh for the drama.
- petey
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