#it’s cold war over here i walked into the room she was in to hang my coat and she said ‘hi’ to me expectantly and i said hi in the same tone
dreaminterlude · 2 years
my roommate, who threw me an attitude yesterday because i wanted to use the bathroom for 15 minutes to take a shower when she wanted to use the bathroom in 30 minutes, wants to have a normal conversation with me today? bitch i will take that grudge to my grave
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bonniebird · 5 months
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Aemond Targaryen x Fem!Reader
Requested by Anon
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Request: Anonymous asked: Hey B! Can I please get an Aemond Targ imagines. Aemond has a crush on a highborn lady that lives in the keep or in kingslanding but his cousin from essos arrives and starts stealing her attention from him. Aemond x fem reader plz. Jodie Cormer and Viserys dany's brother for the face claims please.
You watched quietly from one of the landings of the large castle halls as everyone rushed around. Nobody seemed to notice you today. It wasn’t strange for highborn lords or ladies to look at you as if they had no idea why you were standing near them. Ordinarily, if you passed the king you would curtsey, perfectly, and he would smile and nod to you, sometimes asking how Helena was. You would answer most loyaly, a staunch defender of all Helena did. 
But today no one stopped to greet you or ask after the princess. It felt strange that no one wanted to hear what you had to say about Helena. That was, after all, why you were there. Your father had set his ambition upon residing in the Red Keep at the king's service. But having achieved his goal, he found that he wanted to return home. Your mother, who hated Kings Landing, had been more than happy to leave. But you had managed to befriend the princess. She was a few years older than you but you were both quieter and gentler than those that typically lived in the city. The pair of you had started a shy friendship and soon, finding yourself invited to her side at every occasion you found yourself following her around during feasts and dances. 
The two of you became so attached that she threw a fit when you left with your family. So much so that gold cloaks were sent to fetch you from the Kingsroad as your family began their return home. Helena had greeted you at the gates of the keep as if you had just returned from war and it was quickly agreed that you would be taken under the care of House Hightower and stay at the keep with Helena. 
Footsteps behind you and rushed talking broke you out of your thoughts. Blinking a few times you turned and found the Queen whispering to one of her maids, gesturing for them to leave her. 
“What is happening?” You asked as she approached. The cold sternness on the queen's face left as she looked at you and smiled, reaching for you. She wrapped arms with you and the two of you walked the halls together.
“The king has relatives from Essos arriving. He is… beginning to worry the keep is not grand enough.” She sighed in a tone of voice that made it clear Alicent thought the fuss was ridiculous.
“But… He is the king. Why should he care what someone else thinks?” You asked and she scoffed and smiled.
“Exactly what I said. According to my father, there has always been some sort of contest between the king and his… cousin… uncle. I think his cousin. Though with these Targaryen marrying customs…” Before she could finish she trailed off. The two of you had walked towards the entrance of the keep where a group of people were hanging Targaryen banners. Aemond was walking towards the two of you, dragging Aegon behind him so quickly that Aegon’s feet skittered over the smooth floor as he helplessly tried to find his footing.
“There you are!” Alicent said as she dropped your arm and went over to greet them.
“Why do I have to be here? I hate him.” Aegon grumbled. He gave you an uncomfortable grin which fell from his face when Alicent scolded him, pulling him away towards his rooms. No doubt hoping to sober him up before the ship from Essos arrived.
“Who is it that everyone is so upset about?” You asked Aemond. He had taken a moment to answer a question for one of Alicent’s maids. Nodding to her she scurried away as he turned to you.
“My cousin's father.” Aemond said stiffly. While Aemond turned away to instruct a group of men, carrying a statue on which was the correct corridor to take, you went over all the Targaryen’s you could name and tried to figure out just which relative it could be. Finding the list too complicated to keep track of, you nodded slowly and fell into step with Aemond as he began to walk down the long corridor away from the stairs. 
“We are to greet them at the docks this afternoon.” You muttered as you recalled Helena informing you of the trip to the docks over breakfast. Aemond grumbled to himself and he sighed.
“I had hoped he would come by himself. He’s bringing his son. The eldest one.” Aemond said as he stopped at a window and glared out towards the sea.
“You do not get along?” You asked. Aemond sighed and said nothing as a boat came into view in the distance. A maid called you away before you could talk anymore and ushered you to Helena’s rooms. Alicent entered a few moments later with dresses for both of you. Helena’s was a light grey velvet with pale green adornments stitched over the back, down the sleeves and around the neckline in a style that the princess favoured. Your own was similar though less grand than the princesses. Once Aliencet had approved of you both the three of you trekked through the halls to a small carriage. 
“Why he could not dock at the private docks…” Alicent grumbled to herself as she wafted herself with a green hand fan. Helena reached for your hand and squeezed it encouragingly.
The carriage ride was short however the three of you were left in the carriage while it was secured and the heat began to build. When the door finally opened the breeze was bracing. Cole helped Helena and the queen out, walking away and leaving Aemond to quickly hurry over and help you down the step out of the carriage. 
“This must be your young wife!” You heard a loud booming voice over the crowd that had gathered to see the king and the visitor. Looming over the crowd you could see a huge ship, larger than even the ships Lord Corlys would travel in.
When Helena became nervous and looked for you to link arms with someone tugged you forward and away from Aemond who had managed to hide the both of you from sight behind three lords each taller and wider than the last.
“I hope we can leave soon.” Helena whispered to you as her arm twisted with yours and she clutched your hand.
“With such a grand feast prepared I can not imagine we will be here long.” You said quietly as you turned away from the procession that passed. One of the white-haired young men stopped and looked at you both. Helena groaned under her breath as he began to come closer. Her grip on your arm tightened and she looked at him with such a stern expression it was a wonder he had the courage to come closer.
“Cousin.” He drawled out sweetly. Helena said nothing but bowed her head slightly in a jerked nod. His eyes flicked to you and then he did a double take as he smiled. “You… you are new.”
“It is a pleasure to meet you, my lord.” You said quietly and dropped a little in a small curtsy. Helena’s grip on your arm refused to loosen and when you rose again you could see several of Cole’s men over the boy's shoulder. They looked rather worried.
“I wish to get out of this heat.” Alicent’s voice called out over the crowd. Helena took this as an opportunity to yank you backwards as she moved towards the carriage. You crashed into Aemond who kept you steady. He gave you a look that you imagined was an attempt at encouragement before seeming to realise he was still holding you by your shoulders and letting you go so that Helena could continue her retreat.
“Ridiculous performance.” Alicent complained as she joined the two of you in the carriage. Cole slammed the door shut and shouted for the queen’s guard to escort the carriage back to the keep. She looked over at the both of you and reached across the carriage to touch your forehead. “We shall be resting today. I do not care what that beast of a man wants. We’ve been out in this heat too long.”
It quickly became obvious why everyone was on edge about the Targaryen’s for Essos. The father, Maehagor Targaryen, was a foul man, rude, lude and greedy. He seemed to be in constant competition with the king, so much so that Daemon was sent for at the request of Viserys who, to you had always seemed rather gentle and kind, had lost his temper one evening due to Maehagor’s comments about bedding Alicent. Daemon responded with a letter refusing to appear until Maehagor returned to Essos. Alicent refused to be alone with him due to his constant remarks towards her and she barely tolerated him during group dinners.
Luckily you didn't have to put up with Maehagor. You did however have to deal with his son, Daelon. At first, he had seemed rather charming and you didn’t mind helping entertain him as he joined you and Helena for walks in the Keep gardens or warm afternoons lazed in the cool shade. But once Aegon and Aemond joined the group things changed rather quickly. It seemed that Daelon took after his father in more than just looks. He out drank Aegon and antagonised Aemond so that they argued every time they saw each other. 
 It was early evening and everyone had reached their limits with the guests. Helena had retreated to her rooms claiming that she needed to rest. The queen had vanished into her rooms as well leaving you with little to do. 
“Aemond?” You asked gently as you found him. He was sitting alone in the courtyard looking up at the Weirwood tree. He glanced towards you and, upon seeing it was you, made little effort to move on the bench he occupied.
“I needed a moment's peace.” He muttered. You walked closer and sat, forcing him to scoot over on the seat.
“Why does your father not send them home? Everyone is so unhappy.” You asked and he huffed. There was a tense pause before Aemond answered bitterly.
“My father does not think enough of me to share such decisions.” He stood and then stopped as someone walked to the entrance of the courtyard. Daelon spread his arms wide as he sauntered over to the two of you.
“Cousin… Are you joining us for the meal this evening.” Daelon immediately turned his attention from Aemond to you. You felt Aemond step closer and his stare fixed on Daelon who seemed unphased.
“I… have been invited by her grace, the queen.” You said hesitantly. He smiled and reached out, squeezing your face between his fingers. You winced and tried to pull away but his grip squeezed until Aemond intervened. 
“You know perhaps I shall ask my father to have the king give you to me. You will like Essos.” He grinned as he let Aemond pull his hand from your face, turned on his heels and left as quickly as he arrived. You stared after him and blinked a few times.
“Are you alright?” Aemond asked without looking at you. Aemond had always been rather kind to you so it surprised you when you found yourself unable to find words without letting out a small sob and nodding instead. He looked worried as you turned and fled to find Helena.
Dinner quickly approached. Despite her best efforts and objections, Helena couldn’t stop you from being herded down to the dining hall. “Mother! Grandfather! What he said was upsetting, you cannot expect (Y/N) to join us!” She whined, having given up on all else but their sheer devotion to her.
“Helena I am sorry…” Alicent started. Finding nothing new from her mother Helena whipped her attention solely to her grandfather who seemed rather startled by the girl's ferocity, gentle and nurturing as it was, it was still quite the challenge.
“I have tried to have (Y/N) sit between you and Aemond or next to your mother. I can make no promises though.” Otto admitted. This for the moment placated Helena. She took up your hand and clutched it tightly as everyone filed into the room. You felt the Queen’s nervous grip on your shoulder as she squeezed before letting you go as she moved to be greeted, taking her seat beside the king. Helena rushed you all to your seats, which was met with no objection from Aegon as he liked to be bearishly drunk before even setting eyes on Daelon. Seeing silvery hair from the corner of your eye as you sat beside Helena you turned with a smile to thank Aemond for coming to your rescue in the courtyard only to find Daelon. He had slouched down into Aemond’s seat seconds before Aemond couldsit. Judging from the clutch Otto had on Aemond’s wrist and the way he pulled Aemond’s hand from the back of the chair, Otto had prevented Aemond from tipping Daelon onto the floor.
“We meet again.” Daelon said. His voice was smooth and charming though it had a tone to it that made you tingle unpleasantly. Making you feel rather like a rabbit who had just realised its companion was a wolf. Your smile became so strange and twisted that even the king glanced at you with a frown. You found that even with your best effort. You could not improve the grimace on your face.
Having spent a long time as Helena’s most adored guest at the Red Keep you had endured a great many awkward dinners. Though the Targaryen house enjoyed celebrating their triumphs, you were never actually sure if any of them liked each other. This dinner, however, made all of the ones before seem like casual, even joyous occasions.
It began with everyone sitting. After Daelon has stolen Aemond’s seat Otto guided Aemond to sit opposite his mother, he then took up a place at the end of the table leaving a large space beside Aegon on the other side of the king intended for Maehagor. 
Maehagor, in a moment of great wisdom or madness, decided to squeeze on the corner of the table between Otto and the queen instead.
There were three courses to the meal. During the first Maehagor called Otto an old fool and said that it was his turn to be the hand which was met with a round of awkward laughter. During the second round, the queen accidentally stabbed Maehagor’s leg with her fork when he scooted his chair too close for her liking. At the same time Helena, having been helpfully passing you sauce in a hot serving dish, dropped it on Daelon’s lap which caused him to let go of your hand, which he had taken up and refused to let go of, despite a polite request from you and a rather rude comment from Aegon, hop up from his chair and shout before hurrying out of the room. The final course was never actually served. In fact, the maid that brought it to the table was sent right around the room and back out like an animal on a race track. The poor woman seemed rather glad to flee the room. You were all excused by Alicent who was trying to mediate a fight between the king and Maehagor who began shouting at each other so loudly that Cole had to come in and escort Maehagor out. 
Having had enough for the evening you slowly made your way to your rooms. The air in the corridors was cool, a light breeze followed you through the halls. The faint sounds of the last birds settling for the night filled the air and you found yourself smiling as you dawdled to enjoy the moment a little while longer. You stopped when you heard low talking. Leaning closer towards the corridor that opened up into a balcony, overlooking one of the courtyards you listened carefully after glancing around to make sure no one would catch you.
“I won't let you.” Aemond’s voice came out sharp and clear.
“Let me. Your father will do anything for us to return to Essos.” You cringed at the sound of Daelon’s voice. Aemond scoffed and there was some shuffling. Curiously you crept round the corner and peaked down into the courtyard. You could see Aemond stepping closer to Daelon in a threatening manner.
“Why not find yourself some girl in Flea Bottom?” Aemond’s tone was harsh as if he were holding himself back. You couldn’t see Daelon’s face but you could see his shoulders move as he laughed.
“You see it is not the girl I want. It’s revenge. The moment I set eyes on the two of you I could see it. So I'm going to steal her away from you.” Daelon’s words were sharp and spat out at Aemond who was stirred to anger before you could wonder who they were talking about. Daelon flinched as Aemond swung at him and Cole rushed across the courtyard. 
“You will do no such thing!” Aemond shouted as he escaped Cole to dive for Daelon who had laughed as he practically danced his way out of Aemond’s reach. 
“I’ll take all the girls I want. That (Y/N). A fine treat for myself when I return to Essos.” Daelon said wickedly. You felt panic prick you and for a moment you froze.
Had you been foolish enough to believe that your friendship with Helena, that your mother’s friendship with the queen would protect you from the desires of the dragons? Cole glanced up at you as you jumped back to avoid being seen. You weren’t sure if he saw you or if he stopped Aemond from swinging again. You had already turned to flee as your mind swam with fear. The king wouldn’t really send you to Essos. Not when he went to such great lengths to negotiate with your family to have you stay. But he was the king. Had your father led when he said he’d negotiated? Had the king demanded your presence and it was given? If so… would you be able to find a way to avoid being sent off?
The fear of your own thoughts had your breath angrily clawing at your throat as a painful tight feeling built up. Hurrying past the door to your rooms you continued to Helena’s.
When you reached her rooms you burst in and flung yourself down on one of her bench seats. 
She fussed while you tearfully tried to explain what was said. Alicent was fetched by one of the maids who, unable to decipher your sobbed distress, were convinced something dreadful must have happened. You faintly heard Cole’s voice as the tear-blurred figure of Alicent hurried towards you, hugging you tightly to her chest as you blubbed and sniffed.
“Mother? What happened.” Helena asked after a few moments when she realised that you were too upset to find words that could give her any sense of what you’d gone through.
“From what Cole has explained to me… Daelon has threatened to take (Y/N) back to Essos with him.” Alicent explained which started you crying again. Helena gasped and clung to you. Alicent had warned you both during the carriage ride home of what she heard Daelon did to his women in Essos. All were dreadful, so much so that Alicent had only informed you of the list of tragic and terrible summing everything else up with a simple warning. 
When she had managed to calm and settle you Alicent stormed from the rooms. She made her way to the King’s quarters, knowing Viserys and her father were still in a deep discussion on what to do if Maehagor decided to stay in Westeros. She threw the doors open, startling everyone who looked overly nervous. When she saw Aemond she understood why.
“Alicent.” Otto said as he gestured to Aemond. His tone was pleading.
“That is not sufficient!” Aemond bellowed and for a moment she feared that the boy might strike his own father. Alicent raised an eyebrow and stepped forward.
“Aemond. Calm yourself.” She cooed but she shook her off. His breath was hard and heavy, his hair tangled and messy. There was a smudge of blood running down from his nose and a wild look in his eye.
“No! He has admitted what he plans to do! (Y/N) has served our house well. Does that not earn her protection from being sold off to stop someone annoying you?” Aemond barked out. He glared at his father who looked as if he himself thought Aemond might lash out. Viserys eventually held his hands up.
“If she agrees then…” Viserys said and glanced at Otto. Alicent scoffed and shook her head as she gripped Aemond’s arm, pulling him back so she could take a turn to unleash her own fury.
“Agrees? She weeps in your daughter's arms for fear of being shipped off across the seas to some dreadful monstrous boy because of a petty rivalry that the two of you have with your kin.” Alicent glared at Viserys and then at Aemond whose expression softened.
“What would you have me do?” Viserys asked as if he was at his wit's end. Alicent sighed. She had told Viserys several times what he needed to do.
“Summon them! You know how he feels about Daemon. Demand his presence and Rhaenys’ too. She will keep him in line. We all know Maehagor is afraid of her.” Alicent was stern as she spoke and Otto did his best to agree with her. He had suggested something similar days ago as had most of the council. “You are the king and you let this man come here and torment your keep.” With that Alicent left, storming from the room with a fury that seemed more ferocious than the fire Viserys was sat before. Aemond hesitated and followed her.
“Mother.” He muttered as he hurried to catch up with her.
“You will need to defend her.” Alicent said as she stopped. She had her back to Aemond and he stopped a few paces behind her, hesitant to approach.
“(Y/N)... I…” Aemond started to say but she turned, gripping him by the shoulders.
“Maehagor is the kind of man who will do anything. You know he has been trying to interfere with your father's rule since it began. He is so shameless he had no choice but to retreat to Essos. His son is worse. (Y/N) is strong and brave. But she is gentle-hearted and sheltered. I swore to her mother I would take care of her. Seven help me if that beast of a man takes her.” Alicent spoke in a harsh tone he hadn’t heard for many years. She was almost as furious as she had been the night he lost his eye. It made his stomach turn with nerves.
“Daelon. He said he wants revenge.” Aemond said nervously. She frowned at him and let him go. For a moment, just one, there was a glint of fury in her eyes as if she were accusing him of a great many wrongs. All the ills man had caused her, Helena and you were thrust at him with that look and he withered under the glare.
“Revenge for what?” She asked.
“There… there was a tourney. The one I was in after Rhaenyra left Kingslanding. The one for Aegon’s name day.” He muttered and stared down at the floor. She said nothing and even without looking up he could feel her anger burning into him. “I ignored Cole’s advice to let Daelon win and… humiliated him.”
“A tourney… I have sworn to defend that girl as if she is my own and she may be snatched from our protection because of a tourney contest between boys!” Alicent’s tone was sharp and Aemond shrank back as if he had been struck. She said nothing more to him, her dress storming around her, whipping the fabric into a furious sea of soft swishing sounds as she furiously walked away. 
Alicent’s fury remained. So much so that when Daemon and Rhaenyra arrived with their brood of wildlings they had given Aemond sympathetic looks and mildly friendly gestures when they greeted the travellers. 
You had been summoned to dinner by the king. He had sent Otto himself to invite you along with his word as king that you would be safe. When you walked down the hall two bluish figures seemed to float out of the semi-dark corridors around you and fell into step on either side of you. 
The Velaryon twins. Stony guards at your side that didn’t budge and were so stern in their defence even Daelon kept his distance. Jace hurried forward to help you to your seat and he sat on one side with Baela and Luke sat with Rhaena on the other. Rhaenyra sat with Alicent talking quietly while Daemon watched Maehagor from across the table with a neutral look that made him all the more menacing. Rhaenys sat beside the king while the rest of the family scattered around the table. Helena was opposite you and gave you a hopeful smile. You returned one to her and she beamed in relief.
“Thank you.” You said quietly into the air before you. Baela reached over and gently squeezed your arm for just a moment before reaching for her cup while Rhaena smiled to herself and nodded. The meal was consumed with awkward silence. Broken only by murmurs between Otto and Corlys at one end of the table and Rhaenyra and Alicent at the other.
When the meal was finished Daemon loudly dismissed ‘the youngsters’. No one objected though Maehagor clearly wanted to. Luke and Jace rushed to sweep up Daelon in conversation and stopped his approach as Helena joined her Velaryon cousins in hurrying from the room with you.
“I am sorry you were so upset.” Helena said to you as you stopped by her door. She kissed your cheek and hugged you tightly.
“It is alright Helena. It wasn’t your doing. I am grateful for…” You trailed off and smiled awkwardly. You weren’t as close with the twins as you were with Helena and you weren’t sure if thanking them for their aid would offend them. After all, they seemed like the sort to think defending anyone from the likes of Daelon was part of their duty. Baela, sensing your dilemma cleared her throat before saying.
“Well, Daelon is a beast, more so than Aegon and all who come across him deserve protection of their own.” She spat out Daelon’s name as if it disgusted her to say it. Rhaena shyly agreed with her sister and said their goodbyes to Helena who hurried off into her room to see her children to bed. Aemond approached you shortly after. Baela and Rhaena waited to see if you wanted to speak with him before relinquishing your safety to him.
“I hope you find good rest.” Rhaena said cheerfully to you while Baela and Aemond stared at each other until Rhaena pulled her sister away.
“I am sorry.” Aemond said awkwardly. You frowned then sighed.
“That your cousin is a beast?” You asked and he chuckled then, quickly, looked rather guilty. He shuffled and fiddled mindlessly with the dragon fastings on his shirt. He walked with you down the corridor, the short distance from Helena’s door to yours.
“He would not be so fixated on you if it were not for me.” He stopped outside your door and gave you a rather shameful look. 
“Your mother said why he was doing this. Because of the tourney. She was very angry about it but mostly because of Daelon.” You explained and he winced. You reached out for his hand but he pulled away slightly. “It is not your fault he can not let that go.”
“That is one reason he is interested.” He said quietly and his hands dropped down by his side. You waited, wanting him to go on and explain but Aemond’s mouth was firmly shut and he simply gestured to your door. Realising that for tonight at least there would be nothing more from Aemond you retreated to your rooms. 
“Oh sweet (Y/N)! I am so in love with you that my cousin plans to kidnap you in vengeance for a childhood slight.” Aegon sang out loudly as your door shut and cackled as Aemond turned on him and wrestled him away from your door, his hand over his brother’s mouth as Aegon continued.
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angeliicheartt · 8 months
war is over / r. black
regulus black x fem!muggleborn!reader
word count — 0.6k
summary: regulus and you escape grimmauld place to the potters
authors note & warnings: walburga and orion, from my old account, so the writings a bit eh
you knew it was a bad idea staying at the black house for winter break.
walburga and orion weren’t supposed to come home–but of course they had to come back from france a week early.
you hid in regulus’s wardrobe as you heard screaming downstairs — mostly from walburga and regulus. you clutched your knees to your chest as your hands covered your ears. tears streamed down your cheeks as you heard spells being cast. you heard pounding footsteps as regulus burst into the room and ripped open the wardrobe doors.
“reg–” you sobbed.
“come on.” regulus grabbed one of your hands and pulled you up and out of the wardrobe. holding on tight to your hand you felt him and yourself apparate.
you tried to piece together where he was going but you couldn’t–all you could do was hang onto him.
you had stopped moving — you and regulus stood in front of a warm, lit-up house.
“regulus..?” he ignored you as he — still holding your hand — walked up to the door and knocked. you two stood in silence as you heard a warm, motherly voice yell ‘coming!’
it was around 9 at night — freezing cold, and once the door opened you felt a fire’s warmth bleeding out into the frozen air.
“hello dears — i’m so sorry, who— who are you?” no malice was behind the voice, only concern as to why two teenagers were standing outside this woman's doorstep.
“regulus black, ma’am, and this is (y/n).” regulus’s voice cracked slightly as he looked at the woman. “ah.. yes darling — please, both of you, come in.”
you two had been seated on a red couch by the fire — hot cocoa in both of your hands. regulus had explained that they were at the potters to you — where sirius had stayed for the past few years.
“what are you doing here, sweetheart?” mrs. potter had asked regulus has she sat down in a chair across from him.
“my parents — they found out (y/n) was a muggleborn and threatened to kill her..” regulus told the woman–not looking at you–as if he was ashamed and it was his fault.
you wrapped your hand around his and leaned your face into the crevice of his neck.
“well.. you can stay as long as you need, love —we’ll need to get a room prepared, i’ll go up and do that now.” the woman smiled at the two of you and left the room.
you kissed regulus’s neck–knowing it calmed him. he turned his head and kissed the crown of your head.
you heard stumbling coming from the stairs and then you felt regulus’s body tighten — you peered up to see sirius and james staring at you two — mouths gaping.
“sirius— i—“
“what did they do to you?” anger and concern filled sirius’s voice. sirius walked over to the two of you and crouched down— hugging regulus’s shoulders, one hand cradling his head.
you had backed away from regulus and looked over to james — who gave a small, awkward wave which you returned.
euphemia came back downstairs–smiling at the two brothers. she went over — rubbing sirius’s back.
“alright, sirius, im sure regulus and (y/n) are exhausted. i’ve set up a room for the two of you — james can show you, it's just the spare bedroom down the hall from yours, james.”
james nodded — sirius let go of his brother and the three of you got up and followed james. you hung on to regulus’s arm as he followed the two older boys.
once you got to the room james stopped and turned. regulus nodded in thanks and went in, shutting the door behind you two.
once he did he turned to face you. he held your head in his hands and kissed your forehead.
“i’m sorry, my love, we shouldn’t have gone to my house for break — i should have listened to you.” his voice broke as one of your hands went over his.
“reg.. its alright.” you kissed his cheek and he sighed. you two changed into some pajamas euphemia had put out on the dresser and got into the warm bed. the two of you tangled in each other.
taglist — @wildieflower @diqldrunk @masivechaos @imabee-oralizard @garfieldsladybird
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johnwickb1tsch · 2 months
andar conmigo ~ part 14
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gif by omg-imagine
A Walk in the Clouds/Don John crossover outline/fic- Paul Sutton x fem!Reader x Don John triangle ~ You grow up at Las Nubes vineyard, and have to go home to your dying father. You take your fake new husband, Sgt Paul Sutton, with you...Your old flame don John does not like this at all. Warnings: violence, fire! chapter map
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After Juan’s goons drag you away, it is Anjélica who slips from the chaos and entreats every man she finds at the fiesta wearing a uniform to come to Paul’s aid. By the time she is done the Sheriff has a mob of angry vets outside his jail, demanding the soldier’s release. 
Don Juan’s money was good, but it didn’t seem worth getting lynched over. 
When Paul roars up to Las Nubes in a Willy’s Jeep filled to bursting with fellow veterans, night has fallen, and the flames have just begun to lick out of don Juan’s bedroom window. The few workers who remained home from the fiesta are frantically shouting and passing buckets of water, fighting like hell to keep the rest of the buildings and the fields from burning. 
The house is already a lost cause. 
There is a rumble of thunder in the distance, a late summer storm too far, too late. 
Paul leaps from the Jeep before it has even stopped, running for the house. He knows you are in there, and that you need him. 
Some of Juan’s toughs emerge to meet the Jeep filled with interlopers, and Paul’s brothers in arms surge to meet them head on.
Paul bursts into the house, rushing down the hall on long legs, towards the flames.
Don Juan’s bedroom door is locked. Paul throws himself at it. It takes one, two, three tries before the heavy old wood gives. The burst of heat from the room sends him back a step, before he charges inside. 
His heart falls as he sees you laying there on the floor, crumpled and bloody as a flower crushed under foot, and for a heartbreaking moment he is certain you are dead. 
“Y/n?” he pleads, diving to his knees beside you, gathering you in his arms. 
He’s never been so relieved in his life, as when you stir in his grasp, your question of “Paul?” barely audible over the roar of the flames. 
“I’m getting you out of here.” He adjusts his hold so he can carry you out–and you see the ominous shadow in the doorway. Juan has returned, and he is holding an ornate saber that has been hanging in the hallway for longer than the two of you have been alive combined.  
“Paul–look out!” You try to warn him, but your voice is so weak. Maybe he sees the fear in your eyes, for he ducks just in time for the blade to slice just over his head. 
“You’re just in time for the barbecue!” hisses Juan, slashing again. 
Paul tries to evade, but doesn’t quite. The blade clips his arm, blood spurting. Though enraged, Juan is no swordsman. Before he can swing the heavy sword around to strike again Paul tackles him to the floor, wrestling for the blade. 
An old, familiar fury fills Paul, that consuming savagery from his war days slipped from its cage, and he wants to tear this horrible man to pieces with his bare hands for what he’s done to you.
They fight viciously, rolling, cursing, hitting and biting.
“You dishonored my house!” snarls Juan. “I will kill you both!”
The heat from the fire is scalding. You feel as though your skin will melt right from your bones, and you try to roll away from the growing flames.    
In the end Paul is victorious, pounding Juan’s hand on the floor until he must let go. The soldier throws away the fancy sword into the flames on the far wall. The room is a furnace now, and the fire is spreading out the window, up the house. You all need to go now, but Juan still will not quit, rendered mad by the desire for vengeance.
Desperate to get to you, Paul punches Juan in the jaw, hard enough to knock him out cold. 
“Paul?” you cry out, coughing on smoke. 
The decision is easy for him, to leave Juan behind to the flames, when he scoops you up and barrels into the hallway to make your escape from the burning house. As he passes through the door part of the grand old hacienda collapses behind him.  
He carries you away from the blaze as far as he can before his legs give out beneath him. “Y/n?” He cradles your head in his hands,desperate for you to answer him. Tears make sooty tracks down his cheeks. You both look like you rolled in a coal bin. 
“Paul?” Your eyes open to slits, and you cough violently. 
Are you alive?
For a moment you’re certain that if Paul is here before you–you’ve died, and this is your version of heaven. 
“Thank God,” he sobs, clutching you to him. 
Maybe you’re not dead. 
How marvelous it is, to breathe fresh air, and be cradled in this man’s strong arms again. 
Maybe you should start going to church again, because when the heavens open up and the rain falls down, it feels like a special blessing from above. You sit like that in Paul’s arms for you don’t know how long, soaking wet but warmed by his body sheltering yours. 
“I thought I lost you. Jesus Christ, I thought he’d killed you.” Paul’s words are a low litany in your hair. 
“I’m fine now,” you assure him, your voice rough from smoke inhalation.  
You absolutely are not fine, but you’re alive, and right now, that’s something. 
Even better, in your eyes, Paul is alive, and that’s the greatest miracle of all. 
You tilt your head in question, and without a word Paul answers with his lips on yours, a life-giving kiss that soothes the inferno in your soul as surely as the rain outside.
You sit together in a sodden pile, watching the house burn, before the rain starts to damper the flames. Too late for don Juan, you both are certain. On whose head lays the blame? Yours, for starting the fire? Paul’s, for leaving him? Or Juan’s himself, for being the man he was? 
You are too numb to suss it out, and Paul gingerly loads you into the Jeep to take you to the doctor in town, certain you both have worn out your welcome at Las Nubes.
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*divider by animatedglittergraphics
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causenessus · 5 months
new grounds
part 0.7. OFF TO WAR . . . 1.7.2024
PLAYING IN THE CAFE . . . how was your day? by mellow fellow & clairo
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she slings off her bag, hanging it on a wall hook before she goes out to wash her hands. she’s tempted to splash her face with cold water too but then she’d just look like more of a mess. it was a struggle to even walk here, and it did nothing to wake her up.
she wishes she could be laying in her bed, or wrapped in a blanket on the couch next to keiji like they had originally planned for today, but this is for yachi, she reminds herself. at least one of them will be enjoying themselves today. 
kageyama arrived a little earlier than her and is currently taking an order from a customer. she overhears something about a matcha latte and starts on it ahead of time. a warm drink sounds nice right now, she’ll make one for herself afterwards.
once the customer is done paying, kageyama turns around and looks startled to see her already making the order, or perhaps it’s because she’s currently zoning out as she slowly whisks the powder.
he takes the milk she steamed in a pitcher out of the steam wand, mumbling a thank you as he works next to her.
that’s new. but she’s not complaining, it brings her back to reality and she hums in response, pouring the matcha into a mug he placed on the counter before he pours in the milk. he steps away to place the drink on the counter and call it out while she gets started on a chai for herself.
by the time he returns, she's standing with her back against the counter, sipping on her own drink and staring off again.
he stops, unsure what to do with himself. the place is almost empty, and there’s nothing for them to do. this is the time to talk to her, and he knows what his friends would say in this moment.
he opts for leaning against the counter like her, leaving space between them. “how come you picked up today? you sound like you’ve been absolutely exhausted lately,” he asks. he knows a little bit about why, but he wants to hear it from her.
she takes a moment to respond and he almost thinks she’s not going to. he can feel his neck start to warm as he waits patiently, “i am exhausted, god…and it’s not even over. i’m in the middle of rehearsals everyday monday through saturday, but yachi needed someone to cover her today so she could go to some art thing and i wanted her to go. she’s been wanting this forever.” she doesn't speak with the nicest tone, but it's the one her mind defaulted to, unsure if it should be on the defense or not.
he doesn't know what to say next. he didn't think that far. he was so focused on just starting to talk to her. he tries to let the words come naturally, “she should have just called off then. i could have handled today by myself.” it comes off a little bit more egoistic than he meant and he kicks himself. “just so that you could have taken off today, too.”
she blinks, looking a little surprised but a small smile makes it way onto her face, “that's sweet. i did actually think of doing that, you know, but i didn't want to leave you alone.”
he wants her to elaborate. it feels like there’s an underlying meaning to her words. but she says nothing else yet it still makes his face warm a little more. he's saved by the bell chime of the door and returns back to the register.
it's slow inside the cafe, but she spends her time wiping down counters and cleaning equipment and miraculously the night goes by quicker than she expected. it's time for them to close before she knows it, but she's more than happy to lock the door.
as she clocks out, kageyama comes out of the staff room with his bag. she makes a comment while he waits, “that night went by fast, didn't it?”
she sees his head slightly tilt out of the corner of her eye, “maybe for you, you fell asleep.”
her heart almost drops into her stomach and she turns towards him in shock, “what? when? did you wake me up?” her face is red in embarrassment.
“you went back to grab something from the back and i came back there and you had fallen asleep on the ladder,” he answers, as calm as ever.
she covers her face with both of her hands, “oh my god i don't even remember that at all.”
he smiles instinctually when she covers her face. maybe he's on the verge of laughing or maybe she looks cute. 
the thought reverberates through his head but he tries to brush off how shocked he is at himself, “it's fine. like i said, i can handle today. you're tired anyway.”
“i still can't help but feel bad, though,” she mumbles, turning back to the tablet she's at to finish clocking out.
“it's okay, will you get home alright though?” he asks, absent-mindedly watching the screen she's using.
she doesn't respond and he looks at her. her eyes are closed again before a second later they open and she rubs a hand across her face. she finishes clocking out before she looks at him and steps to the side, seeming to remember where she is.
“sorry, did you say something?” she responds and that settles it.
“i'm walking you home,” he says, using the screen to clock himself out. he has no idea where this confidence is coming from. on the inside he feels more nervous than he ever has before. his hands are shaking and he can feel his heart beating rapidly. it takes everything in him not to look at her for a reaction.
“what? you don't have to do that. i'm fine,” her gaze is locked on him, staring at the side of his face while he concentrates on what’s in front of him.
“you just fell asleep again,” he says, talking as if the matter has already been decided.
she feels so out of it, maybe it has been settled for her already and maybe that's best for her. “i…”
“i know you're capable of taking care of yourself but it's because you're so unaware of everything around you right now,” he turns off the tablet, walking towards her and stopping in front of her.
she looks up at him and her head is spinning. her legs feel like they want to give out and she has no idea what's overcome her, “okay.”
they leave in silence, making sure the door of the cafe is locked behind them, but it's better that way.
both of them are swimming in their thoughts, though it feels better being with each other. she's glad he's there because he's right, she doesn't even notice a person behind them trying to get by. he has to tug her in front of him so that they can pass by.
her dorm is a short distance away from the cafe and they reach it soon enough. he walks her inside, making sure she gets to her actual room before he stops.
“thank you for walking me back,” she mumbles, eyes averted towards the floor.
“yeah.” his hands are stuffed in his pocket and he's looking at the beige wall next to him. he's stiff, all of his confidence left behind on the walk here. 
then before he knows it her door is creaking open and she's waving at him before she closes the door.
he stays there for a second longer, the only sound being the faint buzzing from a fluorescent light above. he doesn't know why he's still standing here. did he expect anything else to happen?
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extras <3
y/n also stayed on her side of the door, just standing there and thinking until hearing kageyama walk away shook her out of it
y/n and keiji's movie night got cancelled so instead bo and keiji had one
it was mainly a disney movie marathon and they didn't even finish coco. bo started crying like halfway through and it was already late by that time
tangled is their favorite movie
bo wanted to make an aesthetic tweet so they stole candles from yn and yachi's dorm and then he waited for the lantern scene to take a picture <3
y/n needed more napkins and almost fell asleep in the cooler too until she realized she was in the wrong place
kageyama wanted to wake her up but at the same time if she just fell asleep on a ladder he thought she must have been really tired
y/n started vague tweeting on her main because she needed to get her feelings out to more than three people and told herself "i'll just delete them in the morning" not thinking about what she was tweeting or who would really see it
kageyama did not even realize yachi passed him in the hallway
again, the freeloaders take their bets very seriously and hinata had so much hope in kageyama he also decided he was going to drop out of anatomy and phys. if things went well for kags
taglist: @ncitygreen @lvrlamp @cherrypieyourface @mimi3lover @lees-chaotic-brain @frootloopscos @0moonii @cr4yolaas @eggyrocks @pinkiscool @httpakkeiji @localgaytrainwreck @lunaviee @kitty-m30w @lixie-phoria @aliruuiz @tartfrappe @corvid007 @iluv-ace @yvjitadori @k8nicole @ryeyeyer (form to be added to taglist! <3)
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carrlyn-stan · 9 months
'You've Won...'
Luke Castellan x Fem!Hades reader
Summary|| Holly's got two things down cold, that is her ability to jump through space and to beat everyone at cards. Until she can't
Warnings|| Fluff
Word Count|| 1.7 K
A/N: this is the first ever thing I have written on here, but I'm trying to write a long form fanfiction with the same characters. Would that actually be appealing?
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"I don't think you're ever going to win a round," Holly smiled as she grabbed the cards from Luke's hand. She shuffled them back together and dealt them out again.
"Why do you have to be so good at card games?" Luke smiled at Holly as she flipped over her card.
"Mines higher," Holly smiled. Something about the way Holly smiled lit up his heart. Holly took the card from underneath Luke's fingers. She set the pair aside before drawing another card from her hand. They both flipped over second cards. Holly looked up at Luke from her cards.
"I flip over three more, right?" He asked the girl. She shook her head and giggled.
"You have played war with me over a dozen times. How do you not know how to play?" Holly smiled. She placed three cards on the table face down.
"Everyone plays differently, my cabin plays differently," Luke laughed, following Holly's lead. They both flipped over a card at the same time. "Now what?" Luke questioned.
"Thee higher gets all three, no matter what," Holly stacked up her cards, passing them to Luke. "Good job, finally got a stack."
Luke smiled taking the cards from Holly. He pulled another card from his pile and they both flipped their cards over. Holly threw her hands into the air.
"I guess my luck's changing!" Luke took her card.
"I guess it is," Holly frowned. In the distance, they could hear the conch for capture the flag. "You better go get your cabin," Holly took his cards. Luke nodded before Holly disappeared.
Holly put the cards back into the box as she walked through the halls of the big house. She stepped up the first stair from the kitchen to the hallways upstairs. She tossed the cards onto a small shelf next to the stairs. She wandered up to her bedroom.
Entering the doorway she grabbed her armour from beside the frame. She knew as one of the camp directors that maybe she shouldn't join the game. But there was something about watching all these other campers around her age run around and attack each other with swords that made her feel left out. Yes, Holly got to hang out with the campers during the day and at meals, but something about the thought of not joining in hurt her more.
She wasn't your normal Camp Half Blood camper, she was the one single person who had been here the longest (apart from Mr.D and Chiron). She put her chest plate and helmet on. She looked over to the other side of the room in her mirror. She let out a small laugh when she flexed her muscles. She immediately appeared out at the battle grounds. She stood next to the other 'adults' on one of the higher up cliffs.
"You seem happy today," Mr.D looked at the bouncy girl.
"Quite the opposite, actually. I played a round of war with a friend. And by the time the conch rang out, I had lost," Holly giggled, stunned.
"You lost at cards?" Mr.D stared at the girl. He had known the girl for a long time, and raised the girl to play cards. He was shook.
"I really lost at cards," Holly mumbled, once more the conch sounded.
Chiron went over the rules as usual. "And to make today better, Holly will be transferred from red to blue, not to give them an advantage though. Olympus above knows Holly is a nuisance."
Holly snaps her head over at Chiron, appearing next to Chiron.
"I am not a nuisance!" she gasped, standing up straighter again. She then decided to leave the cliff, appearing next to the heads of blue. She heard a kid behind her gasp. A slow smirk crawled up onto her lips as she looked toward Luke. "We'll make a great team again."
Luke looked back at Holly, "lets win this thing!" he laughed, "Get the big house a win for once."
Another conch blew again as each team dispersed to hide their flag.
"What's my role?" Holly asked as she kept up with Luke.
"Try to distract the other team. You know most of their moves already, you got it," Luke smiled at Holly. She nodded and disappeared up into the trees.
"Got it captain!" She smiled holding onto the trunk of the tree.
Once the conch blew the third time, the game was on. Holly disappeared from her tree to one above Clarisse. She watched the Ares girl trudge through the treed path, with her trio behind. Every few meters Holly went to another, closer tree. She watched and calculated every move the girl was making. She appeared a few trees farther down and jumped out of the tree.
Clarisse held her spear up at Holly as they walked to her part of the path.
"Whoa, whoa! Pump the hate breaks, man!" Holly laughed as she held her hands up in surrender. 'I'm not here to attack."
Clarisse threw her spear at Holly. Holly jumped over to the right a little. Holly grinned as she pried the spear out of the ground. She held it in her hand feeling the weight.
"Be a shame if I threw this off the cliff, right?" Holly asked, spinning it around.
"Careful!" Clarisse yelled, lunging for her spear.
"A gift from daddy? Must have a lot of value then?" Holly smiled as she handed the spear back to Clarisse. "I'm not a child of Ares, unlike you, I'm not cruel."
"Yeah, but we all know you can be," Clarisse hugged the spear closer.
"I'm not all I am cracked up to be," Holly smirked as she disappeared from the path.
Holly appeared a few feet behind Luke on another path. She slowly ran up behind him and shouted in his year. He turned around and held his sword to Holly's chestplate.
"It's less scary when you do that and I'm on the other team. Oh and Clarisse is heading toward the flag," Holly frowned, moving the blade away from her chest.
"Yeah, a'right," Luke retracted the blade. Holly smiled as Luke turned away. She took the boy and disappeared farther into the forest. "Jeez Holly!"
"I haven't had the chance to congratulate," Holly smiled.
"Congratulate me for what?" Luke asked, he knew very well what the response was.
"For winning at cards! You're the only person to ever beat me at a game of cards," Holly patted his shoulder.
"Why thank you, you played a good game Holls," Luke laughed.
"I'd like to challenge you to another game after the bonfire," she smiled up at the boy.
"I guess I will, I'd love to have the honour to beat you a second time," Holly smirked putting her hand on the boy's face. She began to slowly pull him closer. Holly liked her thumb and rubbed a bit of dirt off Luke's face.
"I'll see you there," Holly smirked before disappearing once more, leaving Luke lost in the forest.
Holly pulled her sweater closer to her body as the chilled wind picked up as the bonfire was a blaze. She sat listening to the Apollo cabin sing and arsenal of songs.
A smile grew on Holly's face as they started to sing her favourite song. The song was once used to close out the fire. Holly closed her eyes and reflected on the day. Reflection was common with this song, many of the older campers joined in on the reflection.
Her smile grew bigger as she remembered her she finally won a flag for the big house. She loved how her laugh echoed across the camp as Luke thanked her, thanked her for finally having her on their side.
"You know, I'm a fool for you. You've got me wrapped around your finger, do you have to let it linger..."
As the cabins song finished, Holly turned around, and stood off her log. She began to walk back over to the big house. When the fire light stopped lighting the area around her, Holly jumped to the footsteps of the big house.
She walked up to the door and began to open it. She stopped as she heard laughter from the sun porch. She left the door and walked over to the glass housing. She ran a finger under her glasses and rubbed the sleep starting to form out of her eyes. She yawned and sat at the table with Chiron and Mr. D.
"Well there's the girl who finally lost a game of cards," Mr. D patted the girl's shoulder. She rubbed her eyes again and yawned.
"Holly lost a game of cards?" Chiron asked. Mr. D nodded.
"I didn't want to lose. I've already challenged him to a redo round," Holly yawned a third time. "I'm going to go head to bed, see you in the morning."
"Goodnight, Holly," Chiron laid down another card.
"Night Holls, sleep well," Mr. D side hugged the girl. Holly kissed the man who raised her on the head.
"Night, D," Holly smiled as she walked off back into the house.
"As much as you treat her like your daughter, Hades will come to claim her on her eighteenth birthday,' Chiron noted.
"I know, and she knows that too."
"Her eighteenth birthday is in eight days, eight days till she has to leave her life behind."
"I've raised her as my child, blood isn't the only thing that makes family, experience does too. If she wants to go to the underworld, I'll support. If she doesn't, I'll help fight to keep her here."
"if your so sure," Chiron eluded.
"And I am."
Holly placed a record onto the turntable on the table in the center of her two chairs. She moved the tone arm to the first just before the first song. She pulled off her pair of jeans and pulled on a pair of pajama pants. She took the sweater of and threw it into the bottom of the closet. She pulled her blankets back as music started to echo through the walls of her room. She took her glasses off and set them on the nightstand.
She crashed onto her mattress.
just as she was about to pass out she heard something crash against the window. She appeared in front of the window. She saw Luke pick up another small pebble. She jumped in front of her friend wave.
"Wow, Holls, you move like a ghost," Luke laughed.
"Fitting, seeing as I am the daughter of Hades and Persephone," Holly smiled grabbing the boys hand and appearing in her room again.
"What're you spinning tonight?" Luke asked.
"Fleetwood Mac's greatest hits," Holly grabbed her glasses again. Luke looked at Holly and smiled. "What do you want to play tonight?"
"How about..." Luke dragged on, "Crazy eights?"
"Yeah," Holly agreed, grabbing a deck of cards. She sat on her bed and patted at a spot next to her. Luke sat down next to the girl. She dealt him five cards and flipped one over. "Go."
Luke placed down a card, and it went back and forth for a while. Luke placed another eight.
"Spade," Luke said. Holly looked down at the cards, and began to pick up three cards.
"How is that your last card?" Holly asked. Looking at her several unusable cards.
"It just is, sunshine," Holly's heart fluttered up in heat. Luke rarely ever called her that, and if he did, it was only ever in private. Holly felt her face go warm. Luke laid down his last card. "I. Win," he smiled.
Holly collected her cards and put them back into the box. She tossed the box onto the floor and leaned into Luke's ear.
"You are so very lucky," Holly whispered.
"I'd be lucky if you let me..."
"Kiss you? Is that what you were going to say?" Holly smirked leaning in front of Luke.
"How'd you know?" Luke laughed.
"Because you can," Holly smiled. Luke leaned in and pressed his lips into Holly's. She moved closer to the boy and kissed him back. Luke tilted his head, deepening the kiss. Holly wrapped her arms around the boys neck, trying to pull him closer.
When they finally broke apart, Holly murmured against Luke's lips, "I like you."
"Really?" Luke asked with a smile.
"I really, really, really like you," Holly whispered.
"Well I really, really, really, really like you too," Luke leaned back in for another kiss, just as the record scratched and came to a stop.
"Well that's inconvenient," Holly disappeared for a second, to flip the record to side b.
"I kind of want to get back to where we were before I have to get back to the cabin."
"Absolutely agree" Holly smiled appearing back in front of Luke.
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my-corneroftheworld · 2 years
Child without love
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Summary: Namor finds a marine biologist with the powers to control water and deep knowledge of the sea and is intrigued.
Word count: 1,2k
Tags: Smut in later chapters (no minors allowed), "water-bender" reader x Namor after the events from Wakanda forever, possessive Namor, mutant reader, talk of climate change, asphyxiation, the deep sea being a bit scary, war, violence, harsh language, Wakanda forever spoilers, the usage of y/n, angst, afab reader
Ps. Thank you for all the support!!! I will try to release the chapters weekly from now on. :) As usual, I accept any constructive criticisms in the comments
Chapter 2
At first, I felt cold then I felt a searing pain in my head. When I opened my eyes I was greeted by strings of fluorescent lights hanging from a cave ceiling. Glow worms? I looked around seeing that I was in a tent-like structure made out of rope nets. As soon as I sat up, trying to regain any kind of information as to how I got here. Then it hit me. That man knocked me out! The nerve! Another pulse of that searing pain came over me. I hissed and brought my hand up to my head as a result. Gosh, it hurts. If I get a life-altering concussion then I am suing. Although I am not sure how you sue a possible undercover mutant agent.
I looked around and suddenly realized that I'm not in my swimsuit. In fact, I am in an intricately embroidered brown dress with green accents which means someone changed me whiles I was unconscious. Panic creeps up in me. What is going on?! Before I can think any further I hear a shy voice call out.
I quickly turn around and I see this light blue-skinned girl with a mask over her mouth. She called out again in what I would assume is her language. She walked closer to me and looked at me with her soft brown eyes and then at the bowl of fruits she was holding. She reached out and called once more.
"Is this for me?" I ask while motioning the food to me. She pushes the bowl to me once more. I hesitantly grab a yellow fruit and examine it. It may be poisonous but what can do I? I don't know where I am or if I can find my way home and I'm so hungry. I take a bite. It was tangy and sweet. I kinda liked it. She put the bowl next to me and said something then motioned towards the exit and began walking. I watched her until she stopped and looked at me.
"You want me to follow you?" I asked motioning toward the exit. She said something and waited so I followed her. The cave was gorgeous and surrounded by little vibrant pools of water. She walked me to a little cabin. Once there she opened the curtain entrance to the cabin and waited. Assuming she wanted me to go inside, I went in and she left.
The first thing I noticed was the murals on the walls. It was beautifully painted and upon further inspection, I realized it looked Mayan-inspired though I can't say I'm an expert. Come to think of it, his earrings and jewelry remind me a lot of the ones on these figures in the murals. I noticed a small table filled with more fruits, a bed, and baskets as well as a big ceramic vase. I looked at each of the murals and saw how they portrayed different stories. I was so invested that I nearly stepped foot in a bowl of paint. When I looked up at the mural in front of me, I saw a Mayan warrior fighting a big panther. It seems to be the latest in the collection.
"Do you like it?"
I knew that voice. I turned and saw him. He had more clothes than last time, wearing what seemed to be a shawl. "I do," I answered. "Though I wonder. Did you really kidnap me so that you can show off your room?" He chuckled a little. "No...no I have more important matters to discuss than paintings. Please sit." He motioned to the chair closest to me. I sat down.
"I have watched you for quite some time now." He hands me a glass, I accept it and hesitantly drink. Taste like some kind of tea. " I know of your frustrations with your line of work, constantly being pushed aside for a "quick buck" as you put it." He looked up at me and continued.
"I also know that the only thing that seems to calm you is the sea, the currents' pull is something you greatly appreciate. I believe this is our common interest." He takes a sip of his tea and I find my eyes lingering on his lips. "I fear the leaders of the surface are hoping to take my home's resources and my ally may not be willing to take the necessary actions to protect it. That's where you come in. If we can develop your powers more, it could be the asset we need to keep the leaders of your world from further plundering and polluting our seas."
Wait what does he mean by "leaders of the surface"? Are we not in a cave somewhere? I feel my heartbeat rising. We're underwater. How deep? As if on cue I realize that the nausea and discomfort I've been feeling were not from the hit but from under water pressure. "Who are you? And what is this place?" I ask. He leans back on this chair and takes a deep breath before answering.
"I go by many names. My people call me Auh Ku'kulkan but my enemies call me Namor... As for where we are" He stands up and walks to my side of the table till he's right next to me and staring me down. I kept eye contact. I wish I could say it was because of fear to look away but something was telling me that that was not the only reason. His eyes were drawing me in and I felt a need to follow. "We are in an underwater cave closest to my home, Talokan." He turns away and looks towards the murals. "We have stayed hidden for centuries. Away from those who seek to exploit us and what we have. But recent events have forced us to consider revealing ourselves." He begins to walk back to his seat. "Of course now that you know this I cannot let you leave regardless of your personal wishes." with that he sat down.
"What happens if I refuse to help you?" I asked.
"You will remain here till you die. If you try to escape you will be killed." He said bluntly and took a bite of one of the fruits by the table. My shoulders sank. Is this all real? A fish man and an underwater civilization at the brink of war with the world above and he's asking for me to choose between living as his soldier or imprisonment? This is too much to take in. Seeing my internal struggle he takes my hand in his. "I am not asking of anything that you will regret but I understand that you may need time to process the idea. I will give you a day." He calls out in another language and the blue-skinned woman comes in. They converse and then he turns to me and says.
"This is Zyanya. She will be your caretaker and show you where you will stay." He then motions for me to go which I do. Zyanya brings me back to the tent but this time it's covered in big tapestries so you can no longer see the worms from inside. I move towards the bed and begin to take off my jewelry. Reality starts to set in. How am I going to leave? Will I ever be able to see my friends again? I begin to tear up until finally, I break down and cry like I've never done before. I feel Zyanyas hand rubbing my back. Am I ever going to be free from this?
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sjsmith56 · 27 days
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I Won’t Watch You Die
Summary: AU one shot. Bucky and Steve, caught during a bank robbery are given the opportunity to become part of a special unit for the Strategic Scientific Reserve, formed to fight HYDRA. Bucky’s wife is happy they aren’t in jail but she has her own fears of what could happen to her husband.
Length: 7.1 K
Characters: Bucky Barnes, named OFC, Steve Rogers. Brief cameo by General Phillips, Dr. Erskine, Agent Peggy Carter, Bruce Banner and Sam Wilson.
Warnings: Minors DNI - brief scene containing mild sexual content which may be unsuitable for underage readers. OFC worrying about Bucky, OFC seeming a little bitchy due to stress, economic circumstances making life difficult for working class, heartbreak.
Author notes: This AU is set in the early 1940s, after the United States have entered the war.  The Depression lasted longer in this universe, affecting many more people, including Bucky's family who lost their house when his dad was injured at the shipyard.  After getting laid off himself, Bucky and Steve turned to bank robbery, hoping to use the money to help as many families as possible in their neighbourhood survive until the war economy takes root.  Steve's mother is still alive but is not doing well.  The opening scenes are inspired by the film Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.  The dialogue (marked with *) in the bedroom disrobing scene is taken from the film and was written by William Goldman.  The title is also a line from the movie but is used in a different context here.
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Brooklyn, spring 1943
It had been a long ride on the subway back to Brooklyn and the young teacher was tired.  Etta stayed at the school to finish marking assignments, not wanting to bring them home over spring break.  By the time she got to her stop the sun was almost set and it looked like there might be a late spring snowstorm.  Drawing her thin coat around her, Etta exited the car at the elevated station and stepped carefully down the stairs exiting out the gate at the bottom.  The wind came up, biting through her clothing, even as she wrapped her arms around her, trying to protect her gloveless hands from the elements.  There was nothing she could do about the bare legs, having torn her last pair of stockings the week before.  With rationing because of the war limiting the supply she hoped that warmer spring weather would come soon.
Finally reaching the row of brownstones that had been converted from single family homes to flats, she went up the stone steps, then in through the front door, stopping to open her mailbox and collect her mail.  Quickly, she flipped through them, grimacing at the number of bills there were.  The afternoon newspaper was also there, and she briefly read the headline about the latest bank robbery, blamed on two local men she knew well.  Folding it back up she tucked the mail and paper under her arm and went up the three flights of stairs to her one-bedroom flat, unlocking the door and closing it then turning on the kitchen light.  The bundle of papers was placed on the kitchen table.  Her coat came off, followed by her shoes, then she slipped her cold feet into her slippers left by the door.  It was chilly in the flat, and she opened the coal fireplace in the parlour, tossing several pieces into the burner, then a few lit matches, hoping it would catch.  As she walked towards her bedroom she unbuttoned her sweater, taking it off in the room lit from the light spilling in from the kitchen.  Hanging it up in the wardrobe she turned around, startled to see a man sitting in a chair beside her bed.  His face was obscured but he was big, based on the shadowy outline of his figure.
"Keep going teacher lady*," said the man, glancing at a gun on the table beside him, then focusing his eyes on her.  "It's okay, don't mind me.  Keep on going.*"
She froze until he turned on the bedside lamp, picked up the gun and held it.  Slowly, she undid the buttons on her dress, and slipped it off over her shoulders, letting it drop onto the floor.  A loud breath escaped through his nostrils as he gazed hungrily upon her in her slip.
"Let down your hair*," he ordered.
She undid the pins that held her hair up and it fell loosely around her shoulders.
"Shake your head*," was his next command, letting out an almost obscene sound at the sight of her doing that.  "Uhh*."
He gestured with the hand that had the gun in it, towards her slip, wordlessly suggesting it come off.  The dark-haired woman didn't move fast enough, and he cocked the gun.  Slipping those straps off she let them slide off her shoulders, then stepped out of the slip, before holding it against her bare chest.  He uncocked the gun and stood up, leaving it on the table beside the chair.  Pulling his suspenders down, he stepped slowly towards her, keeping his blue eyes focused on hers.  Taking the slip in his hands, he tossed it aside, and gently placed his hands on her ribcage before sliding them up to cup her soft, round breasts in the dim light that came through the doorway.
"You know what I wish?*" she asked before he did anything else.
"What?*" he smirked.
"That for once, you'd get here on time*," she answered, emotionally, throwing her arms around him and kissing him, frantically.  "Where the hell have you been, Bucky?"
"I'm sorry, baby," he whispered, as her hands unbuttoned his shirt, almost ripping it off his body.  "We got here as soon as we could."
She stiffened when she heard the word "we."
"Steve?" she asked.  "Where is he?"
"He made himself scarce so we could be alone," answered Bucky, leading her over to the brass bed, covered in the quilt her grandmother made.
Pulling back the quilt he laid her down in the crisp, white bedsheets, unable to take his eyes off her.  He quickly undressed, eager to join Etta in bed after not being with her for so long.
"I missed you," he whispered as he buried his face in her neck, taking in the smell of Ivory soap that she used for bathing.  "You smell so good."
"You don't," she retorted.  "When was the last time you had a bath?"
He shrugged, then raised his head so he could look at her face.  "We haven't exactly been living in the best accommodations, sweetheart.  Haven't eaten since yesterday, either."
"You gave it all away again, didn't you?" asked Etta, looking carefully at him.  "Bucky, you have to keep a little to survive.  What about Steve's medicines?"
"I keep enough for those," he answered.  "But people aren't doin' well and with the war and rationing, it's hard.  I can't keep money when I know there's a family that hasn't eaten in two days because their daddy got hurt on the docks.  It's what happened to my dad, and they lost the house.  I can manage."
She wanted to cry at how this man she loved so much had turned to robbing banks and passing on the money to people in need, hardly keeping any for himself.  A tear must have escaped because Bucky kissed her cheek gently.
"I should be mad at you," she whispered.  "Putting yourself in this kind of trouble for people you barely know."
"But you love me, don't you?" 
"You wish."
His lopsided smile made her heart flip, then he pressed himself into her, making her whimper.
"Say it," he murmured.  "Please."
It took several more attempts of him kissing Etta before she relented.
"I love you," she answered, looking up at him, as she accepted the full weight of his muscular body on hers.
"Damn, I love you," he groaned as he thrust into her. 
For the next half hour, there was no banter or talking about his profession.  He just wanted to touch her and feel her body react to his, bringing both to the brink of bliss before he pulled out early, not wanting to add a pregnancy that would get Etta fired from her job.  Immediately, he helped her come, knowing she needed it.  Taking a handkerchief out of his trouser pockets, he cleaned her up, then slid his arm under her head, kissing her on her temple.  They laid like that for a while, until she sat up a little, to look out the window behind the head of the bed.  With a sigh, she waved at someone outside, then she put her slip on and robe over top of it.
"I'm letting Steve in," she said.  "He looks miserable out there.  I'll start boiling water for you two to have a bath.  Then you change into clean clothes so I can wash those ones.  In the meantime, make yourself useful and start something up for supper.  I have some pork chops that you can fry up and leftover potatoes.  There might still be a good onion as well."
Bucky sat up and grabbed her hand as she came around from her side of the bed, kissing it.
"You're too good for me, Etta."
"I know," she smiled, then she cupped his face with the hand.  "You're too handsome to say no to."
After unlocking her door and leaving it slightly ajar, she looked for her biggest pot and filled it with water, then placed it on the biggest burner of the gas stove in the kitchen, turning it up high.  She heard the door open and went to the hallway.
"Thanks, Etta," said Steve, Bucky's best friend, as he took his wet shoes off and unwound the scarf from around his neck.  "I tried to sit in a diner with a nickel coffee, but they told me unless I ordered some food I couldn't stay.  There was a lineup of soldiers and sailors waiting to get in.  I guess a bunch are shipping out tomorrow."
"Yeah, they're shipping out every day," she answered.  "Go sit by the fireplace in the parlour and warm up.  I've put some water on to boil for you and Bucky to have a bath.  He's going to start supper, if you want to help him.  I'll get the washtub ready."
"Etta?" She stopped to look at the thin, sickly man, his eyes seeming too big for his face.  "Have you seen my ma?"
She thought for a moment, as if she was trying to word things right. 
"Yes.  She's in the parish poor house but she doesn't look good.  I don't think she's going to last much longer, Steve.  She said not to try to see her.  If you do, they'll arrest you."
He swallowed and nodded his head, looking ashamed for a moment.  She squeezed his shoulder then left to pull the washtub out from where it was positioned in the pantry.  A pantry that had barely any food in it.  When she returned to the kitchen, a fully dressed Bucky had the pork chops on and was chopping the onion and potatoes up.  He took over when Etta tried to lift the big pot, carrying it to the pantry and pouring it into the tub.  Then he filled it up again and put it on the burner for the next one.  Four pots would give him enough to have a shallow bath.  Etta could pour a smaller pot of warm water over his head to rinse after he washed his hair.  Then he would help Steve as he was too shy to have Etta see him naked.  Finally, they would start another batch of water boiling to wash their clothes.  Privately, Bucky was afraid they would fall apart in the harsh laundry soap as it had been a while since either he or Steve changed them.  Another pot of boiling water was poured into the washtub before the meal was ready and they sat down together. 
Etta took only a small amount of food, giving Bucky the bigger portion and Steve more than hers.  Both men ate hungrily, and she opened the ice box, finding the cake that one of her students brought her earlier that week, a boiled raisin cake.  She cut a generous piece for each man, then sat back and watched them eat.  Steve couldn't finish his, pushing it towards her, so she obliged him and ate the rest.  Unable to afford coffee, they drank water.  Bucky pushed his chair back and patted his stomach.
"Etta, that was excellent," he said.  "A feast fit for a king."
"You cooked most of it," she replied drily, then stood up to take the dishes to the sink. 
Bucky pulled her into his lap and wrapped his arms around her, kissing her neck until she laughed.  Winking at Steve, he tickled her a little until she almost screamed and pulled herself away from him.  She went to the bathroom to relieve herself, then stood in front of the sink, looking at herself before she washed her hands in the cold water.  A slight knock got her attention, and she opened the door to Bucky.
"You okay, sweetheart?" he asked.  "Did I hurt you?"
"No, I'm fine," she smiled.  "I had to go, that's all."
"The water's ready for me to have my bath," he said.  "Do you want some hot water in the sink to clean yourself up?"
She nodded, and he kissed her, then left her there, coming back with a smaller pot of hot water from the washtub, pouring it into the sink.  Returning to her bedroom, she got her nightgown and brought it back.  Then she gave herself a sponge bath, cleaning what she could before drying off and putting her nightgown, then her robe on.  Emptying the sink, she rinsed it with cold water.  The sound of Bucky singing That Old Black Magic reached her ears and she came out to the kitchen where Steve was cleaning up, using a smaller pot to heat water for the dishes. 
"Thanks, Steve," she said.
"Least I could do.  We did eat your food."
Bucky was singing again, and they smiled at each other.  When the water in the bigger pot was warm, she took some of it, carrying the water to the pantry where Bucky sat in the bath water, cleaning his armpits. 
"Have you washed your hair yet?" she asked.
"Not yet," he said, squeezing the washcloth over his head, then scrubbing it with the Ivory Soap bar. 
He squeezed his eyes shut as he did then nodded his head.  Etta slowly poured the clean water over him, rinsing off the lather as Bucky ran his hands through his hair.  When the last of the water was poured, he wiped his face with his hands, then gingerly opened his eyes before smiling at her.
"Hi darling.  I smell better now."
She looked at the dirty water in the tub and shook her head at how filthy it was. 
"Try not to spill any on the floor when you hook up the hose to drain it.  Make sure you rinse it before putting clean water in."
He saluted and she returned to the kitchen to top up the water that was taken from the big pot.  Steve was drying the dishes and putting them into the cupboard, standing on his tiptoes to reach the one shelf.  Bucky came out wrapped in a towel and kissed Etta on his way to the bedroom, to change into clean clothes that they left with her.  He brought Steve's clean clothes and a towel with him, placing them in the pantry room.  As they waited for the water to boil in the big pot, he glanced at Etta's mail and flipped through the envelopes, frowning, as he opened them.
"Sweetheart, this one is marked final notice," he said, holding up a bill from the electrical company. 
"They raised the rates," she replied.  "I managed at the old rates, but I fell behind with the new ones.  I figured if I could push it towards summer before they turn off the electricity I can manage with candles for a while.  I can save up enough to pay the difference."
"What about the cancellation fees and the hookup fees?" he asked, visibly upset.  "They're nickel and diming people into losing their power now.  Where does it stop?"
"Don't yell at me," she answered.  "It's been hard managing.  I've been giving your ma money to tide them over.  My own mother isn't doing well.  I'm doing the best I can."
"Sweetheart, I'm not angry at you," he said soothingly, wrapping his arms around her, as Steve left to give them privacy.  "I'm just angry that people are hurting, and they keep adding costs onto everything.  What will they do when everyone is either homeless or in the poor house?  It can't go on like this.  Why isn't the government helping people more instead of putting us into a war across the ocean?"
"You know why," she stated.  "They have to stop Hitler, Bucky.  If they don't, he'll be here next."
"I know," he answered, shaking his head.  "It just gets to me."
The water on the stove was almost boiling and Bucky carried it to the washtub, then set another pot of water to boil.  Nothing more was said about the bills but when Etta went into the bedroom, he pulled Steve aside.
"We need to hit another bank," he said.  "She's stretched too thin, and I don't want her to lose her flat because she's been helping my family while I haven't been around.  I wish I knew about this sooner."
"She's a good woman," replied Steve.  "You should marry her."
"I plan to."  The dark-haired man ran his hand through his thick hair.  "One more bank job to help her and our families then that's it.  I'll enlist in the army.  It pays well and should be enough to help her and my parents out.  They can afford a three-bedroom apartment with steam heat and hot water on army pay, and live together.  With my pay and hers they'll do alright.  Maybe you can get on at a grocer's and take over this place.  You might be able to bring your ma to live with you."
"Sounds like a plan."  Steve looked to the bedroom.  "You should go to her.  I'll call you when the water is hot."
Bucky entered the bedroom to find Etta lying on top of the bed.  By the quiet sniffles he heard she was crying.  Sliding next to her, he rubbed her arm and kissed her shoulder. 
"I'm sorry," he whispered.  "I should have realized you've been taking care of our folks while we've been away.  You're a good woman Etta and I'm a better man because of you."
She rolled towards him, wiping her eyes.
"It's hard managing three sets of parents," she murmured.  "They worry about you."
"I know."  He cleared his throat.  "I'm going to enlist in the army, then I want us to get married.  With my army pay and your teacher pay, you can afford a better apartment; one big enough for you and my parents and sister.  Steve will try to get a job as more fellas are getting shipped out.  He can take over this flat and maybe bring his ma to live with him."
"Don't go getting all romantic on me, Barnes," grinned Etta, then her face became serious.  "You'd do that?"
He nodded.  "For you, anything.  I'll go tomorrow and look into it.  Will you marry me?"
"Yes, I will."  He kissed her, drawing her close into his body, inhaling the scent of Ivory Soap on both of them, thinking he never smelled anything so good as that.
Steve called from the kitchen that the water was hot enough and he left her in the bed, going out to put it in the washtub.  One more pot should do it, since Steve was a smaller guy, and he would need some cold water in there because of his health.  A little while later as Bucky sat reading the paper while Steve bathed, he thought about his decision, knowing it was the right one.  All they needed now was the right bank for this last robbery.  With enough money to get a good apartment for everyone, he'd be ready to serve his country.  What could go wrong?
Six months later
It was warm at the docks, as Bucky and Etta were saying their goodbyes.  So much had changed since he decided on that one last bank job.  When he and Steve didn't even get the chance to pull their guns out, he knew something was wrong.  It was like the police already knew their plans as they streamed out of the bank's offices with their guns drawn and trained on the pair.  Ordered to surrender or be shot down, both men complied.  After they were cuffed and placed into the paddy wagon, they weren't even taken to the precinct.  Instead, they were taken to Fort Hamilton, the army base at the south end of Brooklyn.  There, they joined five other men in the stockade, until a man in an army uniform introduced himself and his companions when they entered the room, Colonel Phillips, a Dr. Erskine, and a British woman, Agent Carter with the Strategic Scientific Reserve, or SSR.
As she read the name and offence committed by each man in that cell from a file folder she carried in her hands, Bucky realized that they had been under surveillance for a long time.  Each man, Dugan, Dernier, Falsworth, Jones, and Morita, had skills that the SSR wanted to utilize.  When she got to Bucky, the Colonel looked him up and down.
"Well, he looks fit at least.  What skills does he bring to this unit?"
The woman smiled.  "He regularly wins prizes at the shooting galleries at Coney Island and Rockaway Beach.  Those rifles are rigged but he manages to quickly assess how they have been adjusted and can instantly change his aim.  I thought he could be the marksman for the group."
How did they know he always cleaned up at those shooting galleries?  How long had they been watching him?  The Colonel grunted then moved on to look at Steve.
"How old are you son?"
"23," he answered.  "What do you want of us?"
"I chose young Steven," said Dr. Erskine, his thick German accent surprising all of them.  "He is 4F, but that hasn't stopped him from trying to enlist five times at five different recruiting stations under five different names."
Steve felt his cheeks go hot, as Bucky glared at him.  The younger man's desire to enlist had been a source of contention between the two men for some time.  Erskine continued.
"I think he is the perfect subject for the project.  He's not already a killer; the fact the guns these two used were unloaded and they've never hurt anyone during their robberies proves it.  He tries to help people, as shown by them sharing the stolen money with people in dire need, and he has an artistic soul.  All of them an indication of a good man, limited only by his physical disabilities."
The Colonel grunted then nodded his head and stood tall in front of the cell. 
"You all have a chance to serve your countries, gentlemen, and I do mean your country for I know two of you are not citizens here.  You will be part of a special commando unit in the Strategic Scientific Reserve.  You're going to undergo six months of training, then we're going to send you on a special mission to fight a special type of Nazi."
"What if we say no?" asked Bucky.
"Then you go back to the police and wend your way through the criminal justice system.  In your case, even though your guns were unloaded, it's still considered armed robbery.  With the number of successful heists you pulled off, you're looking at life imprisonment."
The seven men looked at each other then all verbally agreed to join the special unit.  They really didn't have much choice.
In the six months since then much had changed for all of them as they underwent a gruelling training regimen that turned them all into exceptional soldiers.  Except Steve, who only trained with them sometimes and even then wasn't expected to achieve what they did physically.  He was undergoing some different training that he was sworn to secrecy about, even from the others, admitting it was a special project that was expected to change the shape of warfare forever.  While the others were being sent to Europe to be imbedded with a regiment, Steve would be staying behind for a time before he joined them.  Today was the day that Bucky and the others were shipping out.
Allowed to marry Etta on one of his leaves, Bucky learned on his honeymoon that his father got a desk job at the shipyards, and his family were moved to a newer three-bedroom apartment with steam heat and running hot water, with a real bathroom.  Steve's ma was moved to a nice sanitarium to live out her final days in a place that was bright and warm.  Etta and Bucky were offered a newer two-bedroom apartment in a nice area of Brooklyn, with all the amenities.  During their honeymoon they rarely stepped foot out of that apartment. 
He smiled at the memory of that week, then looked at his wife again, as they stood outside the gate where thousands of soldiers had lined up to board a former cruise ship that would take them to England.  Bucky felt a pang in his heart at leaving her behind.
"I'll miss you," he murmured, holding her close enough to place his lips near her ear.  "I'll write you as much as I can."
Etta smiled at him, even though inside her fears were clawing at her.  "I'll miss you too and I'll write you twice as much.  Promise me you'll be careful."
"I promise," he answered.  "When I get back, we'll start a family."
Their kiss was long, tender, and noticed by others, who guessed they were newlyweds.  Then Bucky picked up his duffel bag and checked in at the gate.  He only went a short way when Etta called out to him.
"Hey Sergeant!"  He turned back to look at her.  "Do your duty, soldier."
"Yes ma'am!"
He saluted then joined the line, watched by Etta until she lost sight of him in that sea of green.  She returned to her comfortable apartment, wondering what type of work Bucky had to do for them to warrant this kind of luxury.  What had he promised them so that she and his family were taken care of so well?
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Two weeks later, she received a visitor at her apartment.  A strong knock drew her out of the kitchen, and she opened the door to a tall, blond, muscular man in an army uniform, who smiled at her as if they knew each other.  It took her a moment to realize it was Steve and she fainted.  When she came to, she was on the couch in her living room, with a cold, damp washcloth on her forehead.  Taking it off, she sat up to face the man, who sat in the armchair across from the couch.
"Yeah, it's me," he replied.  "Before you ask, I can't tell you how I look this way.  It's a national secret."
"Okay," she breathed.  "Will you look like this forever?"
He smiled and nodded.  "It's permanent."  His face became serious.  "I'm here on official business.  Normally, the army sends out a telegram."  Immediately, Etta could hear her heartbeat in her ears as she thought of all those fears about Bucky.  "I found out this morning and received permission to give you the news directly.  I already saw his parents.  Bucky's MIA.  In fact, the whole unit is.  They were imbedded with the 107th regiment and were sent with a couple of companies on a mission.  200 men left, less than 50 returned."
"No, he just got there.  Why would they send them out so soon?"
"That's just the way it was."  He looked at his hands.  "Did Bucky ever tell you about the commando unit and who they were training to fight?" She shook her head.  "It's a special division of Nazis called HYDRA.  They're worse than the SS and are up to some scary things.  It's likely they were captured by this division.  They're no longer where the battle was and quite frankly, they're having trouble finding where the prisoners have been taken.  I'm going over by aircraft tomorrow with our command team to take over the search for them.  I promise that I'll do all I can to find Bucky.  With my rank, I can send my own telegrams, and I'll send one to you and to Bucky's parents as soon as I can."
"Your rank?" She looked at him, puzzled.  Just a few weeks ago he was a small, sickly man who had health issues that could kill him at any moment.  "What are you?"
"A captain, but not just any captain.  I can't tell you anymore than that.  Just know, that I can do things other men can't."  He stood up.  "I better go now.  I still need my rest, just like any other guy."
She walked him to the door and on impulse, hugged him, surprised to find that he was very warm; the heat from his body radiating through his uniform.  It was all so strange and seemed to be happening so fast.
For the next month, Etta tried to keep to a routine.  With it being summer, she was off work, but she regularly visited Sarah Rogers at the sanitarium, and her in-laws, the Barnes at their apartment.  She walked, read the newspapers voraciously for any word of the war, and slept poorly each night, consumed with dreams of Bucky in pain.  Then one day, a knock at the door brought her a telegram and she opened it to read that Bucky, and the special unit he was in, had been rescued.  There were no other details other than it would all be in the news within a day or so.  That was when she found out that Steve Rogers was Captain America, the allies first super soldier, the result of a scientific experiment that gifted him with perfect health, great strength, and incredible stamina to fight against the Nazis.  Single-handedly, he broke into a secret base, released the prisoners, including his own captured unit, then together destroyed the base, dealing a significant blow against the enemy.  It was heady stuff, and the public ate it up.  Just as they ate up the future exploits of Captain America and the Howling Commandos, the name given to that special unit.  Over the next year much was written about them, and they were on the newsreels all the time. 
Etta didn't care much for all that, as it just reinforced her fears for Bucky's safety.  Instead, she lived for his letters, filled with love for her.  She wrote back just as much; filling her letters with dried flowers from the window boxes of their apartment, drops of her perfume, and even small slivers of Ivory Soap that she shaved off and placed in the envelope, hoping that he would notice the smell and think of them, when he was still on the run. 
Her fears slowly subsided until just after Christmas 1944, when she woke up screaming one morning from a dream that seemed all too real: a dream of Bucky falling.  The next morning when she received Steve's telegram, she thought she would die.  At Bucky's funeral with an empty coffin, she and his mother numbly received the folded flag, neither of them in a state to feel anything else.  Just a few weeks later, when the newspapers reported the death of Captain America, she thought she had died and gone to hell.  At his funeral, she received the flag on behalf of his mother, who was too ill to attend.  After giving it to her in the sanitarium she wasn't surprised when Sarah Rogers died a day later, clutching the flag that represented her only child.  It was all too much for the young woman and she took a leave of absence from her teaching job, sitting alone in her apartment, not eating or drinking; not wanting to live in a world without Bucky.
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"Etta," said a voice, a familiar voice but one that shouldn't even exist anymore. 
She opened her eyes and screamed, before a hand was placed gently on her mouth, then removed.
He was older, and wearing a blue suit of some kind, like the one he wore as Captain America, but it was different. 
"Yeah, it's me.  Get dressed.  We don't have much time."
"You're dead."
"No, it was thought I was but it's too hard to explain and will take too long.  Do you trust me?"  She nodded.  "Just get dressed.  Wear trousers. I'll wait in the living room."
Quickly, she rose and put some clothes on, then brushed her hair and came out to see him standing in front of the window.  He turned around quickly and smiled at her, then took something out of his pocket.
"Put this on."  He slipped a strange device on her hand, then took her other hand in his.  "Ready?"
"Wait, where are you taking me?"
"To Bucky," he smiled, then pressed a button on the device.
She held her breath as some sort of suit grew out of the device, encasing her body so quickly that she couldn't believe it.  Then there was a flash, darkness, then another flash and the suit disappeared as quickly as it was created.  She was outside, amongst a group of trees, near a lake.  A man with long hair and a beard turned swiftly around, his eyes exactly like Bucky's.
"Etta," he whispered, then enclosed her in a noticeably warm hug, his face pressed into her hair.  "It worked."
She pulled away and looked at this man with Bucky's eyes and voice. 
"I don't understand," she stammered.  "You died.  Both of you died.  You left me alone but you're here, wherever this is and you're alive.  Is this heaven?"
"Upstate New York," said another voice and she looked towards it only to be startled by the appearance of a green skinned giant wearing glasses.  "It's okay.  I won't hurt you.  I'm Bruce and you're very much in upstate New York.  It's 2023 and you've come through time."
It was all too much for Etta and for the second time in her life, she fainted, aware only of someone saying to catch her before she fell.  When she woke up, it was on a blanket, next to the lake she remembered seeing on her arrival.  The sun was peeking through the trees with a slight breeze making the remaining gold and orange leaves rustle.  It was autumn, she realized.  It had been winter in New York when Steve appeared in the apartment.  Three men sat nearby, talking quietly, then one turned around.
"Your wife is awake, Bucky," he said, standing up and approaching her.  "Hi, I'm Sam.  I’m a friend of Steve and Bucky.  How do you feel?"
"Confused," she admitted.  "What the green man said about it being 2023.  Is that true?"
"Yeah," he smiled.  "Kind of overwhelming, isn't it?  These two didn't help matters but Steve really didn't have the time to explain.  Bucky should have at least cut his hair and shaved for you so that he was more of a familiar face."  His face grew serious, and he glanced back at where Steve and Bucky stood, giving her some space.  "Steve had to go back in time to fulfill a promise made.  Bucky asked if someone could be brought forward.  He's been through a lot and well, he thought if you were here with him, it would make it easier for him to adjust.  It won't be easy for you as there's almost 80 years of life for you to catch up on but together, I think you can do it, and you won't be alone.  There's a few of us here that will help you both." 
Acknowledging his words, Etta began to stand, accepting Sam's help up, then he walked away, followed by Steve, leaving her and Bucky alone.  She studied her husband’s face, seeing lines on it that hadn't been there before.  He wore black, which he never wore before and he had gloves on, which was strange because it wasn't cold. 
"Come, sit," he said, gesturing to a bench that overlooked the lake.  "There's so much to tell you."
"Start with why you aren't dead." 
He smiled.  Etta always was blunt.  It was one of the things he missed about her.
"Everyone thought I was, as I fell a long way.  But they didn't know that when I was a prisoner of HYDRA for that month when I was MIA that they did something to me that changed me.  They were trying to turn me into a super soldier like Steve.  I survived the fall, but HYDRA found me and took me back to their lab to finish the job.  They didn't just turn me into a super soldier, they erased Bucky Barnes, and turned me into a killer, a weapon to do their bidding.  It took them years because I fought them as hard as I could but, in the end, they made me into someone called the Winter Soldier.  I killed many people for them, Etta.  They kept me alive, freezing me then unfreezing when they wanted me to kill.  It's why I haven't aged much."
She gazed steadily at him, seeing the regret that was engraved on his face and in his eyes.  Yes, he had been a killer, but he wasn't anymore.  Somehow, he got away. 
"Why is Steve still alive?"
"He didn't die either, but no one knew that.  He deliberately crashed that plane full of bombs in the Arctic then he was frozen in the ice but the serum he got that changed him into a super soldier kept him alive, just enough that when he was found in 2011, they were able to thaw him, and he woke up.  He became Captain America in the 21st century and fought against HYDRA again, as they never really went away because what I did helped them to become dangerous again."
Etta didn't have to say it, but she did, wanting a straight answer. She was always smart at reading between the lines. It was something Bucky loved about her.
"They sent you after him, didn't they?"
Bucky nodded.  "I was sent to kill him and that's when he found out I was still alive.  He called me by my name and there wasn't a big flash of understanding or anything like that but more like an unraveling of all that they did to me.  It took some time, and I was sent to kill him again and I almost did.  I swear, I wanted to bash his face in and shut him up because he kept calling me Bucky.  Then I saw him in my mind, as he was then.  The little guy, who was always sick, his face bloody from being beaten up, and me coming to help him.  That was the beginning, and I didn't kill him.  He and his new team were able to stop HYDRA, and I went underground until he found me again and we ended up in the biggest fight of our life against someone more dangerous than HYDRA had ever been.  They needed time travel to do it and when some things had to go back to their time, I asked about bringing you forward."
She was full of questions and rattled them off one after another.
"Why not your parents or Rebecca?  Why me?  I'm not sure I can live in a future where everything is so strange.  I mean a real green giant and time travel.  What else has changed in all those years?  If I don't fit in, can I go back?"
"It was better my parents didn't find out what I became.  Rebecca's still alive and I couldn't bring her younger version forward.  It had to be you.  You're my wife."  He swallowed and his eyes became glassy as he looked out over the lake.  When he spoke again, his voice was wavering.  "You died, Etta.  Steve found your grave; you were buried next to my empty coffin.  Your date of death was February 5, 1945.  He looked up in the newspapers how you died ... you killed yourself."  The tears began falling down his cheek.  "I can't send you back because I won't watch you die, Etta.  Please, stay here in the future with me.  Don't make me face life without you, not when we can be together again."
He reached into his pocket for a handkerchief, wiping his eyes.  Noticing the gloves on his hands again, Etta took his one hand in hers. 
"Why are you wearing gloves on a warm day?  What aren't you telling me?"
He swallowed noticeably again, then took the glove off his right hand.  It looked normal and she caressed it, then interlaced her fingers with his.  With her right hand she reached for his left and tugged on the glove.  When it came off a metal hand was revealed, black with gold markings.  She looked up at him for an explanation.
"I lost my arm in the fall and HYDRA gave me a new one, a monstrous thing that was used to deliver death and destruction.  It was eventually destroyed and a kind king in a country with incredible technology designed a new one.  It's still metal but I can feel with it, and it's meant to be as close to a real arm as possible.  It wasn't designed to hurt or kill.  I'll show you all of it when we're alone, but it is different and may take some getting used to.  It's why I can't go back."
They sat without talking for some time, but she didn't pull her hand out of his. 
"What do they do for work in the 21st century?"
"A lot of the same.  I'll be part of Steve's team, called the Avengers.  They kind of protect the whole world from evil."
"No more bank robberies?"
Bucky smirked.  "No more bank robberies."
"I should still be mad at you," she whispered.  "Putting yourself in this kind of trouble for people you barely know."
"But you love me, don't you?" 
"You wish."
His lopsided smile made her heart flip like it always did, then he pressed his lips onto hers, making her whimper.
"Say it," he murmured.  "Please."
It took several more attempts of him kissing Etta before she relented.
"I love you," she answered.  "I'll stay."
"I love you, too," he cried, kissing her all over her face before he grasped it in his hands.  "We'll have a nice place to live, and we can start a family, if you want.  I know I'm older now but inside I'm still the young man you married at City Hall."  His eyes searched her face.  "We just have to find Steve a girlfriend."
"I heard that," said Steve, still talking to Sam a fair distance away.  "I can find my own girl."
"Yeah, you've been in this century how long and you're still single," answered Bucky, standing up and pulling Etta with him.  "Face it, you need our help."
As the two men bantered back and forth, Etta made eye contact with Sam, who grinned at her.  Apparently, Steve was just as hopeless with romance now, as he had been in the 1940s.  She wasn't sure how well she would adjust but having her husband and his best friend back in her life was better than good.  It just felt right, as if it were how it always was and would always be.
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Ghost Of Men: Call Of Duty Fanfic Prequel Part2
Simon 'Ghost' RileyOCWife
Trigger Warning: War, Vilence, PTSD Mention Child Abuse, Anxiety
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Here's part 2.
It took a bit, here it is. I wanted to make sure that it was good before posting. I will start part 3 as soon as I can. This had been one favorites stories to work and thanks again for the likes and all the likes.
So once again thank you all taking the time to this and enjoy.
It had been a cold mislabel morning the rain was still coming with mixed of snow, in his. Ghost sat his desk that sat in the far corner of the room. It was a fairly large with black tile flooring plain weight walls, and large windows that sat was next to the desk, two old looking filing cabinets on the other side of the room where the only door way. Ghost sat his desk looking over some paper that Kyle did ask him to sigh before heading to John. He was looking through the pages making sure that paperwork he was about reach for his phone that on right side right to his phone. His eyes looked over to it and stair at it for a moment. He was about to reach it, then paused. "Now hold, Simon. Ya texted about 30 minutes ago. She's fine. So she's fine." He sit back his chair taking a few deep breaths. "She's fine. The baby's fine. There both fine." He picked up the pen and began writing down a few things. He spent 20 minutes doing that then his eyes landed on the phone again. He drops the pen and began reaching for his phone the stops. He began taking a few deep breaths. "Steady on, Ghost. Jus' relax." he thought to himself. "She's fine. The baby's fine. They're both fine. Okay? There's no reason to worry." He once again picked the pen and began working again, and after another 15 minutes. He leans against his chair and looked up the ceiling. "It's fine. They're gonna be fine. It won't be like last time..." As soon as he thought crossed his mind went back to the haunting night on Christmas Eve. He saw the bodies of his mom, his brother Tommy is own wife and son... Then saw Ellie getting shot the sound of gun fire clean as bell that ring is mind then his eyes snapped open. Ghost stood up breathing his heavy, and looking around his desk and grabbing his phone and began calling Ellie. After a phone rings she picked up: "Hey, sweetheart. What's going on?"
He felt his heart felt a lot more has soon as he heard her voice. "Nothin', Lovie. D-Doin' some paperwork." Hiding the shakiness of his voice. "Meetin' went on longer than I thought." "I figured." said Ellie. "I been watching HunterxHunter and I can't believe how good it is. I just fine Heaven's Arena arch. Tell Kyle he's good great taste." "Heh. Copy that." said Ghost. Then heard the door of his office being knocked. Ghost looked up at the door and said: "Ellie, I'm sorry but gonna have to call ya back." 'That's fine. Love you. Tell everyone I said hi." "Sure thing. Love y." said Ghost, hanging up his phone then called out:"... It's open." The door open and Kyle Gaz Garrick pop his head. "Is this bad time, Sir?" "Heh. Not at all, Kyle." said Ghost, with an amused tone. "Yar not Johnny. C'mon in." Kyle walked into the door and closed the door behind, and walked over the desk. "Luka ask me give this to you." He held up a vanilla folder. "Jus' put on my desk." said Ghost, as picked up the paper that he was working and put them in green that was laid open and put the papers in it. "By the way, Kyle, your timin’ is in impeccable as always." said Ghost, closing the green fold. "Got the paperwork ya ask me to look is done." "Oh, great." said Kyle, as he took the green folder for him. "Thanks doin’ that for me. You save my sink, L.T." Ghost nods. 'I heard your wife wasn't feeling to well. How is she?" Kyle asked. "She's doin' fine. Just a some bad mornin’ sickness and headaches, Gaz. Another she’s doin’ grand.” said Ghost, reaching for his mug and saw it was empty. "By the way she's been enjoyin' HunterxHunter. She just the Heaven's Arena, the YorkNewCity arc. The best one." "Yep. Not as good as the Chimera Ant arc." said Kyle. "Bloody hell. I know, mate. That arc is a fuckin' masterpiece. I love YorkNewCity more." said Ghost. "And Kurapika in an absolute legend." "... Okay, yeah, you make a good point.” "Heh. Anyway, how about we both get a cuppa, yeah?" "Sure. I could use, sir." Ghost stood up from his chair and he and Kyle walked of the office and began making their down the hallway. "Have you told Ellie about up coming mission?" asked Kyle. "...Not yet. Plan to when I get home." said Ghost. Kyle then looked at him, he knew that his Lieutenant was man of words and didn't like to talk about himself that much, Kyle then clears his throat. "I was wonder, Ghost, do you wanna go to the pub with me and Soap after work?" asked Kyle. "Sorry. Can't." "Oh. You sure? Seems like ages since all went all hung out together." "I know. But I did promises the missus I would be home after work." "... Alight, mate." It was huge room with blur flooring, and had about up too 20 tables that was spread out across the, with chair that were pulled in. With large glass windows that looked in the took up most the walls. The rain had stopped and the was thick fog was began covering haft the training grounds. There were few fellow solders that were sitting scatted around. Some were talking, playing a few bored games or read books.
In the far of the mess hall was sitting alone was Luka who reading a book he had his glasses on.
Just then his phone was ringing, and he looked up and saw he got a text. He reached for it and check to see who texted him.
(Text From Kyle)
*wanna coffee? ☕️🙂*
Luka then began texting and sent it.
(Text Sent)
*that would be nice*
Just then an arm came out no where in from Luka pulling a plain white mug of coffee in front of him.
"Here ya go, mate~." said Kyle, with beaming grin.
"AGH!" Luka jumps and looks up to right and there stood Kyle who laughing at him. As Ghost pulled a chair and sat down.
"... Jeez, Kyle. You scared the hell out me." Luka snapped.
"Sorry. But it was his idea." said Kyle, looking over Ghost.
Luka turned his head to him and glared.
"Wow. You suck."
"Need to be more alert, Lu." Ghost amused, as he took a sip of his tea.
"He's not wrong." said Kyle sitting next to Luka. "How's goin'?"
"It was rather pleasant..." Luka said, closing his book and placing it the table. "... But then you two jerks came here to annoy me."
"Just showin' how much we respect you." said Kyle.
Luka looked at him for a moment, and nods. "Fair enough. Anyway thank you for the coffee, Kyle."
He picked up and took a sip and asked: "How was the meeting?"
Kyle's face fell and lean against his chair. "Too. Fuckin'. Long." Then he grits his teeth. "Hearin’ Green's voice makes my ears bleed."
Ghost lets out low agreeable grunt.
"Yep. He's a jerk." Luka said. "But what about the mission you guys have to on in next few weeks."
Kyle was taking a sip of his coffee and then eyes widen, then looked at Ghost was staring at his mug of tea.
Luka sat there looking from to the other.
"... U-Um... Guys? Is there something wrong?"
Kyle looked him then at Ghost who asked: "Ya should let Price fill ya in."
Luka felt his anxiety.
"... H-How... bad is the next mission?"
"... To say, Luka." Kyle said. "It's... a very dodgy."
"Sergeant Garrick." said Ghost in a low voice.
Kyle felt his body tense up when he spoke, then fell silent.
As the 3 men sat there, Johnny came walking over he was about to say something when saw that they looked tense.
"Creepin' Mary and Joseph. What's got ya lot all gloomy?"
"Hm? Oh, hey Soap." said Kyle, with wave.
"Hello, Soap." said Luka.
"Luka." Johnny said, looking at him fondly and ben over and have him a bear hug.
Luka catch of grade, laughs a little began patting his back upper.
Ghost looked from mug watched them.
His teammates...
His brothers...
He watched for a moment, then said began reaching into his breast packet.
"Well, since you muppets are here. Attention."
The looked at him as he slide something onto the table in front of them. The 3 men looked at the ultrasound.
Ghost there looking at them.
"Since you lot are gonna be uncles I want you ya to know we're expectin’ a lit' baby girl." He said, leaning against his chair arms crossed.
The 3 men looked at him in shocked for a few moments and Johnny began grinning and said: "YES!!! I FUCKIN' BLOODY CALLED IT! I KNEW IT WAS GONNA BE A GRIL!!" Then looks Kyle. "YA OWE ME AND REST OF THE LADS DRINK, GARRICK!"
"... Damn it..." Kyle groans, rolling his watching at Johnny giving a smug look. "I was thought the baby was gonna be a boy."
"Hahah. Like I told ya months ago: Intuition."
"You're a git."
"Aye! A Git who's gettin' free drink~!"
Luka sat there watching with a disapproval annoyance and shook his head, turn to face with a smile."That's wonderful to hear, Ghost. I'm very ha---." He felt his stop a chill run his as Ghost at there across the table a dark ominous expression in his eyes as he looking at Johnny and Kyle. "... You. Muppets. Made. A. Bet. On. Gender. Of. My. Kid?" said Ghost in a low voice.
As soon as they both heard him speak Both Johnny and Kyle felt their body tense up as they both sense an overwhelming sense of ominous doom coming over them.
Then month cleaned their throats, both put a mature adult act.
"That's great news." said Kyle. "Very happy for you and Ellie."
"Aye. A blessing for sure, L.T." said Johnny.
Ghost just him both his famous haunted 'Ghost' look. His dark brown eyes, then picked his mug of tea taking a sip.
"My heart almost stop..." Luka thought. "I... I forgot how terrifyin’ he can be..." Kyle thought. "... How can be so bloody scary...!?" Johnny thought.
Just then someone was walking over to them, a woman who looked looked to be in her mid two 20's, slightly tall, with short blondish hair tan skin. She was wearing a light green scrubs black and white sneakers and white doctors coat. Rebecca Jose was making over and said in a slight southern accent "Mornin' y'all." Both Johnny and Kyle jump a little and looked. As soon as Kyle saw he felt his face heat a little and his hearting a little faster. "O-Oh! D-Doc." he said, with a smile. "H-Hi. aftermoon?" "Hi, Gaz. How are you?" the woman said, giving him a sweet smile. "Well. Very well. Heh." said Kyle, shyly. The rest of the men looked over and Luka said: "Hello, Becca." "Good afternoon, lass." said Johnny. Ghost nods and took a sip of tea. "What' going on here? You 4 up to something?" Rebecca said "Not really. Just waffling about."said Kyle. "That's good to see. I think y'all could some down time, been workin' yourself to death." Then Rebecca looked over at Ghost. "Speakin' of death. Hey, big guy," Ghost looked up her. "I order the medicine you ask, it's in my office." Ghost nods and stood up he picked up ultrasound and his mug of tea. "I'll see ya lot in tick. That will be." "Roger, pops." said Kyle. "Take it easy, da." said Johnny. Both Luka and Rebecca both tried not laugh has Ghost gave them a look, and walked pass them. As soon he left Luka stood up himself. "I get back to work myself." He picked his mug and book. "I'll see ya two later, okay?" "Right. Ya coming with us too the pub, yeah?" said Kyle. "I'll stop by." said Luka, walking away, living the two younger men at the table. Kyle looked over Johnny who looked to be deep in thought. "Something on your mind, mate?" Johnny looked at him and thought. "Nah. Nothin' really Thinkin' about babies for L.T. and Ellie's girl. I was thinkin' Bridget or Abby." "Heh. I think that's up to both them.” said Kyle, with small laugh. Then thought to himself. "... All though, I think Sara or Ester." "Ooooh, Ester is a grand name, lad." said Johnny. "I like Josephine. We get call Jojo!" The two kept on talking Ghost had fellowed Rebecca to her office. It was like Ghost's but slight larger a still desk in the far corer two ver large book shelves, a pulled out cot that far life corer of the room, with small bedside table and lap on. Ghost looked the cot and said: "See ya added table." "Heh. Yeah." Rebecca said, picking small white bag that was on her desk and walked over the him. "I think it makes the office way more cozy.." She held up the bag to her him. "Here's the meds for Ellie." "Thanks, Doc." Ghost tokk the bag. "How's her headaches? Any better?" "Yeah. She said so at least. She did have wake up in the middle of the nigh' got sick." said Ghost. "Not sure what the bloody fuck she ate. This mornin' she put peanut butter on her eggs. ... I-Is that normal?" "Oh, yeah." said Rebecca. "Sometimes pregnancy make women eat some crazy shit. It's out there, for sure and gross. But normal." Ghost just looks and just hums. "Ooookay... Well, thanks again. Doc." "Pff. You don't have to thank me." said Rebecca, she then walked reached for her phone and pulled out. "Let's see... I think Ellie's next appointment is---." "March 2nd. 10:20 am." said Ghost. Rebecca looked at him a bit shocked. "... Really?" "Roger." "... Did have written down on your phone." "Negative, Jus' got a good remember." "... Uh... Huh..." Rebecca than thought. "... That's... oddly cool." Ghost was about to walk out when Rebecca said: "I gotta say Ghost you got this whole dad thing nail." He dead and looked down flooring. He... wasn't sure say but said: "... Still tryin' to learnin', Doc." "Hump. Well, you're doin great I think." He didn't say anything again just. "... Thanks again." And he walked out the office, closing the door behind him. He thought about what Rebecca had said to him. Was she being honest with him? Or what she mocking him in somewhere?
He looked down at the small bag in his hand before makig his away down the hallway.
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breakfastteatime · 1 year
Today's request is for @serena-darrin, who chose 'Are you okay?' (¬‿¬)
Sometimes, Cal wonders if the Force is punishing him, because of all the cabins he had to walk into on the entire Venator they’re scrapping, he’s stepped into a long-dead Jedi’s bedroom. It’s dark, the power long since cut, and yet that doesn’t stop Cal from seeing the single bunk identical to his own, a desk covered in study materials and the training tools, and a robe hanging over a locker. All of them are markers of a life torn away.
And now Cal’s got to gather it all up and throw it away.
The echoes in here hum and sing, voices bleeding into the present. He’s not getting through this without smashing into the past. It’s too loud, too demanding. First things first though. Cal sticks his head into the hallway. Good, no one’s coming. He blocks the door with the trash can anyway. Better safe than sorry.
He goes through the room carefully, tossing the training aids he wouldn’t be able to use anymore away, feeling the determination and pride clinging to them. His body wants to move with the memories, feel the satisfaction of perfecting a new skill. He still remembers how easily it all came to him compared to the others in his clan…
It hadn’t helped at all in the end. All that studying. All that training. For what? Master Tapal’s dead and the Jedi are gone.
Cal makes good progress, tossing the past into the trash. He knows this was a Padawan’s room, although she’d been far older than him and preparing for knighthood. Her life slips through his mind in a wash of emotion and chatter. She was so sure she’d pass the Trials, so excited for the end of the war and a return to peace. Cal throws away her mementos: a holoimage of her and her master with their troop, a carving depicting a bird Cal’s never seen before, a selection of pressed flowers, more clothing several sizes too large for him along with space for arms he doesn’t have… It’s all useless now. Anyone seen wearing it would probably be shot dead on sight.
The dead Padawan’s datapad lights up when Cal touches it, a half-finished message popping up. ‘Be back on Coruscant soon, according to Master Day. Can’t wait to see you! Maybe we’ll head to the lower levels and –’ Cal tosses the datapad into the trash. It doesn’t matter. None of it matters. She’s dead. Her friend is dead. Their masters are dead. All the Jedi, except for Cal it seems, are dead.
Cal’s deep in the storage locker when he feels something unexpected buried under a pile of wrinkled robes. His hand slides under cloth, fingers closing around something cold. Metallic. Wrapped in leather.
“Master, I think it’s time.”
Master Day looks up at her, brown eyes crinkling with a smile. Not so long ago, it would have been the other way around, but she’s had a growth spurt and all the aches and pains have paid off. She is taller than her beloved master, and it is time for another change.
“My lightsaber hilts are simply too small. It is affecting my performance. With your permission, I would like to spend some time redesigning them.”
“Of course, Padawan. After all, I can hardly enjoy beating you in sparring if your lightsabers are so small they fall from your hand, and you burn yourself on the blades.”
She is nowhere near Master Day’s level, and such a thing will not be happening anytime soon. But someday, maybe… “Master, when I beat you at sparring, you will have to petition the Council to knight me on the spot.”
Master Day’s laughter is rich and full. “Young one, if you are still a Padawan by then, you will be the oldest to have ever lived.”
Cal breaks free of the memory. He can feel himself smiling, heart swelling with love and joy that do not belong to him. They fade steadily, leaving him in the dark with a pair of hilts that no longer house kyber crystals and the Jedi who built it long gone.
He tosses them in the trash and pretends it doesn’t tear something out of him to do so.
By the end of his shift, the cabin is empty, ready to be stripped tomorrow. Cal pushes his trash cart outside. Cold rain pelts him as he tips its contents into the ever-hungry Maw. He trudges back, ready to catch the train. Prauf’s there, and he waves him over. Cal joins him.
“Hey Cal.”
“Hi, Prauf.”
Prauf stares at him. “Are you okay?”
Cal shakes himself. Nothing can be done. The past is the past, and he must accept that. “Yeah, I’m fine.” He makes himself smile. “Long day.”
“Hah, ain’t it always!” Prauf pats him on the back. “C’mon, let me buy you a non-alcoholic beverage of your choice at the Rust Bucket.”
“Feeling flush?” Cal asks as the train pulls onto the platform.
“I wish! Nah, you look like you could use it.”
Cal blinks back a sudden rush of tears. “Yeah, okay. Thanks, Prauf.”
“Attaboy. No booze though. I’m not dragging your drunken ass back home.”
“No booze,” Cal says, even though a few hours of oblivion sound pretty sweet. “You got it.”
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eadanga · 5 months
The Royal Romance Chapter 8 Part 3
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Hana sighs as she sets down her coco “I can’t believe the things Olivia says sometimes poor Drake”
Maxwells nods “Yeah he usually doesn’t let Olivia get under his skin like that”
“Well I hope he’s alright I saw him go outside but it’s not a good idea to be out there right now I heard there’s a storm brewing tonight what can he be thinking”
Riley looks outside and sees the sky getting dark and the clouds moving He shouldn’t be out there I’m gonna go get him before he freezes to death she stands “There’s only one way to find out”
Hana looks at her shocked “You mean you’re thinking of following him?”
Riley heads towards the door “He shouldn’t be out there alone besides I’m not gonna sleep well if he dies of hypothermia and I didn’t stop him” MC grabs her boots then heads to get her coat
Liam walks down the hall as Olivia wraps her arm around his “…So this is piece is over 100 years old my great great great grandfather brought it back from a war he fought and was victorious”
Liam plasters on a grin “Wow fastinating tell me more always love hearing about your history Olivia” Liam looks away as Olivia continues 40th time she’s told me that story Out of the corner of his eye he spots Riley walking down the hall he smiles Damn she’s beautiful even as she walks He notices her lacing up her boots and putting on her coat What’s she doing? There’s blizzard coming why is she getting dressed to walk outside? I really hope she’s gonna be ok then again she’s a strong woman she can handle anything but still
He snaps out of his thoughts and sees Olivia looking at him “Yes Olivia”
“Are you ok?”
“Fine just a little tired from all the skiing and skating if you’ll excuse me Olivia” He bows “I think I’m gonna go rest up”
“Oh ok I’ll see you at the ball then”
“Of course” He walks away as he sighs Forgive me for that lie Olivia but I need to know if she’s ok He looks around Now if I remember the room with the best view is here He enters a room and walks to the balcony he pulls out a pair of binoculars and spots her heading towards someone Is that Drake? What’s he doing out in this storm? They could die of the cold I hope they’re not gonna be out there for long
Riley trudges through the snow and spots Drake in a clearing in the woods “Hey Drake”
He turns around “What are you doing out here?”
“I saw you going off alone in the dark with a storm coming and I wanted to see what you were doing”
Drake raises an eyebrow “So you’re keeping tabs on me?”
“Even you have to admit it’s a little suspicious to be out here taking care of something right now”
“I want to be mad at this but I really can’t maybe I’m even a little impressed”
“What did you come out here to do exactly?”
“If you really want to know you’ll have to trust me”
“Well ok now tell me”
“Here I’ll make it easier for you” He shoves her down on the ground MC falls back sputtering
“What the hell?! What was” She looks up and sees the most star filled sky with shooting stars flying across the sky “Drake…”
He falls back next to her “Yes my lady?”
“This is amazing but no excuse knocking me over” She light punches him
Drake chuckles “Sorry about that you looked pretty tough thought you could handle it”
Rikey raises an eyebrow “You think I’m tough”
“Pretty tough for a noble girl I mean”
“I’m no real noble you know that”
Drakes sighs “Yeah I do”
Riley smiles “Looks like were just in time to see this before the storm hits”
“Yeah I didn’t want to miss it we grew up around royals my dad used to do security for Liam and his brother and my sister and I were allowed to hang out with them Liam and I ended up being really close even though I didn’t have the lineage to merit it” He sighs “Savannah on the other hand got along with everyone she loved living at the palace when we were kids but it got harder when she got older”
“What happened?”
“She…” Drake trails off “It was hard on her I guess she couldn’t take it after what happened with…” He clenches his jaw “I failed her I couldn’t protect her from this place” He sighs “Sorry I guess I’m not ready to talk about it this is the most I’ve talked about it in a year”
“Really?” Riley grins “Does that mean we’re friends?”
Drake scoffs “Friends? I wouldn’t go that far Brooks”
Riley rolls her eyes “Should we call it non enemies then?”
Drake shrugs “I guess I can’t really stop you”
Riley grins “Nope”
They look at the sky a little bit longer till snowflakes start to come down then Drake sighs
“We should head back it’ll be quite a scandal if I let one of the Prince’s suitors freeze to death on my watch”
Riley stands and brushes herself off “Let’s head back shall we”
Drake stands and brushes himself off “Of course”
Liam watches and they both head back to the chateau he smiles Glad they’re heading back but they were out there a long time and the snow was starting I hope they don’t get sick or anything still wonder what they were doing out there in this weather I worry about them especially Riley.
As Riley and Drake walk inside they’re met by Hana running up to them
“There you are!”
“You’re up late”
“I couldn’t sleep with you and Drake out there in the storm”
Riley gives her a small smile “I’m sorry we kept you up”
Hana grins “Oh I’m just glad you came in before it really started coming down you must be freezing Drake dressed like that”
Drake nods “Yeah I’m gonna go change goodnight ladies” Drake waves as he heads to his room
Hana turns to Riley “I guess we should get some sleep too the Cordornian Waltz is tomorrow after all and we need a good nights sleep to pull it off successfully”
Riley sighs “I don’t think any amount of sleep is gonna improve my chances”
“What do you mean?”
“As Drake mentioned earlier I can’t waltz”
Hana looks at her shocked “Oh dear it is late but I can’t show you if you wanted to”
Riley nods Please teach me”
Hana grins “Lovely let’s go to my room”
Riley follows Hana up the stairs to her room as Hana pushes the furniture aside for dancing she smiles “I appreciate you helping me with this”
Hana smiles “It’s the least I can do after you cheered me up at the masquerade and sorry I didn’t think to ask if you knew it it’s good you have Drake looking out for you”
MC nods “Yeah” She grins “Alright the Cordornian Waltz how hard is it gonna be”
“Depends do you consider yourself a good dancer”
MC smiles “I dance like an angel did take some dance lessons but it wasn’t ballroom dancing”
Hana grins “Oh then this shouldn’t be a problem if you have a good sense of rhythm you shouldn’t have problems picking it up now the Cordornian Waltz is a choreographed dance with specific steps I’ll put on some music and be the prince and well start” Hana plays some music then turns to MC and bows “Ahem Lady MC”
MC giggles “Prince Liam”
Hana laughs “Now let’s get into position put your left hand on my shoulder” She starts guiding her in the steps “This is the box step it’s the most basic movements” They spend the night learn the moves of the Cordornian waltz “And that’s the Cordornian Waltz”
MC grins “I think I got it now you’re a good teacher ice skating waltzing how are you so good at these things”
“My parents have been pushing me to learn all the courtly and social arts since I was very young”
“You must have had no free time”
“Between school dance music and etiquette lessons my schedule was very full my parents excepted a lot” She sighs “They were devastated when they didn’t have any sons so they put all they’re hopes in me everyday of my life has been grooming me to bring fame and fortune to my family by winning some prince or nobles hand for all the good it’s done me after my last engagement”
“If you don’t mind if I ask what happened with your last engagement?”
“Peter was an English nobleman he was well off had an ancestral title and home all the things my parents wanted for our family we’d spend many long afternoons horseback riding and sailing her was very kind it would have been perfect”
Hana sighs “But the simple truth was I didn’t love him so when he proposed I knew I had to accept for my parents I tried my best but he became suspicious at our engagement party a month before our wedding he cornered me he asked me if this is what I wanted even though I told him what he wanted to hear I couldn’t hold back the tears he knew me well he knew I was miserable and he was good enough not to make a big deal of it but ugly rumors started to fly about why we separated especially since he got married to another woman shortly after”
MC places her hand on her shoulder “Well let people talk they have their own opinions only you know the truth”
Hana nods “Yeah and now I’m competing for the Prince but it’s not all bad my parents have been pressuring me to spend time with you”
“Why me?”
“Oh you got a special connection to the prince and if I get close to you I can get closer to the prince”
“You’re parents have strategies”
“Yeah but I want you to know I do like spending time with you MC”
MC smiles “Me too Hana it’s good to have a friend here”
Hana grins “It’s funny even though we’re still technically competing against each other we can be friends” They laugh before being startled by the clock striking midnight Hana sighs “We should head to bed”
MC nods “Yeah I’ll talk to you tomorrow”
Hana smiles “Good night MC”
Tags: @mfackenthal @the-soot-sprite @princess-geek @gkittylove99 @indiacater @twinkleallnight @iaminlovewithtrr
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softguarnere · 1 year
I'm really happy right now because like i said i really love reading your works and i wasn't going to ask another writer if they can write an imagine for me 🥺 I'm an engineering student so can you write something like reader is a mechanical engineer in army and let's say there is a problem with weapons in Easy company so she is tasked with controlling and fixing the weapons. While there she hears the rumors about what Speirs did to Nazi POW's and begins to fear and disgust him because she is still a bit of humanist and this bothers Speirs because he has started to have feelings for the reader. I really like angsts with happy endings. I hope writing this is not a problem for you. Please don't force yourself and take care of yourself 💖🙏 (Also sorry for my shitty english i'm not a native speaker)
If You Strip Away the Myth From the Man
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Ron Speirs x reader
A/N: Confession: I live in constant fear that I'm writing Speirs wrong. This was such a fun prompt, and I hope that I did it justice. (And don't worry about your English, Anon! It's very good, and I would be a hypocrite if I complained.) I hope you're also taking care of yourself, and I hope you like this 💕🕊️ This title comes from Heaven On Their Minds from Jesus Christ Superstar
(This is written for the fictional depiction from the show -- no disrespect to the real life veterans!)
Warnings: language, mentions of war
Rumors, you’re starting to realize, move faster than anything else in the army. If orders and supplies could move as fast as rumors do, then maybe the war would have been over by Christmas the way that everyone kept claiming that it would be. Then you wouldn’t have spent those terribly cold days in Bastogne, freezing in the cold earth in between running from different locations, trying to adjust and fix various weapons whenever the army ordered you to do so.
But if not for that, then you wouldn’t have been brought here – to Easy Company in Haguenau.
It’s not the first time that you’ve visited this particular company. You’ve linked up with them before, briefly exchanged pleasantries with the men while you fix whatever problems they might be having with their weapons. Some of their faces have become recognizable, but their names have eluded you.
Until now.
With the end of the war so close at hand – allegedly; it’s all being said by the same people who claimed that the war would be over by Christmas – the army isn’t willing to risk anything going awry. That’s why they’ve assigned a munitions expert to every company for the foreseeable future. Which is fine by you. At least now you won’t be running to and fro with no clear sense of what might happen next. It seems to be fine with the men of Easy Company, too, seeing as they welcome you with open arms . . . And they certainly waste no time in letting you in on the company’s history and hearsay. Especially, it would seem, when it regards their new Captain.
“He wasn’t in charge the last time I paid you guys a visit,” you remark, nodding to the tall man walking by with purposeful strides.
“Who, Speirs?” One of the men – Sisk, you’re pretty sure by this point – clarifies. He lowers his voice, even though the captain in question is already out of earshot, having disappeared into one of the tattered building’s other rooms. “Yeah, if there’s one thing we like to do around here, it’s cycle through captains.”
The last person you can remember being in charge of Easy was Winters. He seemed like a fine man, and the men all seemed to like him. That was back in Holland. God, it feels like forever ago now. You tell Skinny as much.
He laughs. “You’re behind on the times. There were more after Winters. But Speirs has been one of the best we’ve had since him.”
“Yeah, especially after Dike,” another man – Liebgott – adds.
The funny guy – Luz, you remember – laughs. “There’s someone who set the bar real low.” Then, in a serious voice that you’ve rarely heard him use, “Speirs really has been good.”
The rest of the men who are hanging out in the supply room nod in agreement.
“Yeah, and he seems to like us really well. Doesn’t have to worry about keeping us in line,” someone else snickers. The men all laugh at that.
Okay, so there’s a joke there, you think. One that you’re not privy to. And the men must realize it too, because their smiles fall when they notice that you’re not laughing along with them.
“You haven’t heard?” Skinny asks. “The stories about Speirs, I mean.”
Rumors? Or stories? Either way, you haven’t heard much about Easy’s new captain, other than that he’s new and, apparently, there are stories about him. You shake your head.
Luz whistles. “Well then, (Y/L/N), you’ve got some catching up to do.”
. . .
One of the good things about your job is that you mostly stay around privates and NCOs. Officers only come to you if they have a question, and that’s a rarity. You don’t mind the officers of Easy. From what you’ve seen, they’re wonderful leaders. However, after hearing the stories about Speirs in the week or so since you’ve joined the company, you’re glad of an excuse not to be around him – a goal that is becoming harder by the day.
Speirs has been spending more time than usual among the privates and the NCOs. No one else seems to mind, if they notice, but your heart turns to a block of ice every time that you see him enter the room. For God’s sake, this man is a murderer, and they’re letting him walk around free? It’s one of the stranger things that you’ve experienced since joining up.
Maybe it’s because of what he did at Foy. Running headfirst into danger to link two companies and then running back? It doesn’t even seem possible. That newest story seems to be what the men of Easy Company are most focused on. Impressive, yes, but you can’t think of it without also thinking of the stories of the POWs he mowed down in cold blood, after offering them cigarettes, of all things.
If there’s one thing you’ve learned since the war started, it’s that seeing combat makes some people lose their humanity and their morals. You’ve been lucky enough to hold onto yours. Even though sometimes it feels like your grip is slipping or that you’re holding on so tight that the effort makes your fingers ache, at least you’ve retained your decency. And you won’t let it go now.
“Morning, Captain Speirs!” McClung calls out as the captain enters the room for breakfast.
The captain nods his greetings to the other men, who keep talking as if nothing has happened. They used to fall silent when he walked into a room, as if the sound of their amiability would set him off. Now they continue on as if any of the other men have walked into the room. Sometimes they even try to invite him into a joke.
You, though, cannot forget the stories that you’ve heard. There is still goodness in the world, even if people like Captain Speirs cannot handle knowing that. When he takes a seat a few people down on the other side of the table, you avert your eyes and engross yourself in a story that Heffron is telling instead of acknowledging the presence that you cannot help feel is always keeping an eye on you.
Paranoia, you tell yourself, is a hell of a thing.
. . .
Laughter is the first thing that Speirs notices when he approaches the basement where all the men are having their breakfast. It doesn’t stop when he enters the room this time, like he’s snuffing out a flame. Some of the men even nod to him in greeting when he shows up in the mornings. For all the rumors that trail behind him – he’s aware of them; rumors always have a way of reaching their subject – it would seem that his men have either elected to ignore them or have forgiven his supposed sins.
Well, the men have, anyway. The new munitions expert, (Y/L/N), doesn’t seem to care much for him. He’s assuming that’s because of the rumors. It has to be. Any time that he enters a room, she used to make the same frightened look that all the men were constantly giving him after the jump into France. Now she won’t even look at him most of the time. When she does, it’s only to glance at him before looking away again, like she’s disgusted by his presence.
Speirs didn’t join the military to make friends. No, when he was drafted he knew that he needed to perform his duty to his country. The rumors that have begun to cling to him are a side effect of turning into a soldier. Gossip never bothered him very much. And neither did the scared looks people gave him.
Until now. For some reason it bothers him that you won’t even so much as look in his direction. Sometimes he even finds himself wondering what he can do to change that.
Today he greets his men, takes his breakfast – er, what bland food is passable enough that they’ve started calling it breakfast – and turns to find a seat among the others. Before he can question his own intentions, he moves with long, quick strides to the seat across from you.
“Morning, Cap,” several of the men greet him.
“Morning,” he replies, trying to ignore the way that you freeze at the sound of his voice and the way that your eyes go wide when you look up at him. His stomach drops. This is like being fifteen and getting rejected by the girl that he likes all over again. Something about it is nerve-racking and devastating all at once.
Maybe he should have brushed off all those rumors back when he had the chance – back before they clung to him so tightly that the myth became inseparable from the man.
. . .
The day after the patrol is atypical. Sleep eludes most everyone, despite the events of the night. Those who can catch a few moments of rest. Everyone else tries to stay out of their way, careful not to make too much noise. It’s unusual to see the men of Easy Company so subdued, their moods somber and their voices quiet.
The deck of cards you managed to nick while Luz wasn’t looking are a comforting weight in your hand as you walk the halls of the skeletal building. Heffron always seems to be up for a game of cards. And if not him, then surely someone else will be willing to play, eager to distract themselves after the events of the night.
“ – did all you could,” a voice in a room up the hallway from you is saying. It’s familiar, but its tone is . . . gentle and . . . reassuring.
Slowly, you inch forward, wanting to see if the voice really does belong to him – if he really is capable of being so soothing – but not wanting to interrupt the conversation. Or worse, make it seem like you’re eavesdropping. (Which, technically, is exactly what you’re trying to do. No one else needs to know that, though.)
The disheartened voice of Doc Roe answers. Funny, you’ve never heard his voice sound so dispirited. Somehow, the roles in the conversation have been flipped.
“We still lost a man,” Roe says. “Is there any way we can get more supplies? I know they’re hard to come by right now, but I don’t feel prepared.”
A beat of silence follows. You’re by the doorway now. Carefully, you peek around to see Roe and Speirs in the room. Roe looks upset and Speirs looks inscrutable, as usual. You watch as he thinks for a moment before he reaches out and claps Roe on the shoulder.
“I’ll see what I can do,” he assures the medic. “But Doc, you did all you could. Remember that.”
Roe nods. “Thank you, Captain.”
Quietly, you move back from the doorway as their meeting ends and footsteps approach. Thankfully it’s Doc who exits the room, and he closes the door behind him. He’s still for a moment and lets out a sigh. You don’t move, but he turns to you anyway and offers a small smile as he starts down the hall in your direction.
“You know,” he says as he passes you. “Captain Speirs is really an understandin’ guy underneath all that toughness.”
Then he continues down the hall, leaving you standing there, alone, considering what you just overheard: something soft and unexpected – much different from the Speirs you know . . . or think you know.
. . .
Rules are a fickle thing. They probably exist in Austria in some form or another. Yet no one seems to know what they are, and those who hint that they do don’t seem too keen to follow them. The mountainous landscape quickly becomes a place of fun and fraternization. Not to mention any of the other activities that the army would surely frown upon. Like the looting.
“I’ll trade you,” Perconte entices you for the hundredth time.
“Perco, what do you need with another watch?”
The Italian smiles. “Just startin’ a collection, (Y/N). And I intend for it to be the best in the whole army.”
“Uh huh. But you want this watch why?”
Maybe it’s the heat of the spring afternoon, but it looks like a shade of pink tinges Perconte’s cheeks. He scratches the back of his neck and shrugs. “All I have are men’s watches. And that one – “ he nods to the one on your wrist. “ – is exactly what I got in mind for a certain girl back home.”
“Awe, Perco. Who’d have guessed that the war would turn you so sentimental?”
“Shut up.”
The watch you brought from home was broken during basic training on an obstacle course. Your second one got scratched up at some point after the Allied Invasion, and continued to get worse until one day you looked down and realized that you couldn’t tell the time on it. You only kept it on because its familiar weight was somewhat of a comfort. Now, in Austria, with so much finery everywhere, it wasn’t hard to find a new one. Still, it’s not exactly anything special – just a slim but study leather band holding a beautiful gold watch face. It’s practical, if not a little hard to read the small numbers.
Maybe Perconte isn’t the only one that the war has turned all sentimental. It’s sweet that he’s thinking of someone back home that he wants to impress. Besides, you can always find a new watch.
It unclasps easily and you hand it over to him, watching his smile grow. “I hope she likes it.”
“Gee, thanks (Y/N)! You’re a lifesaver!” He thumps you on the shoulder before taking off with the watch, whistling while he goes. You watch him, smiling to yourself. Home is on the horizon. All anyone can do is hope for someone as thoughtful as Perconte to have remembered them fondly enough to give them a token of their affection.
“He’s in a good mood.”
You freeze as you register the presence by your side. Like Hades and his Helm of Darkness, Speirs has materialized out of nowhere. When did he get here?
“Yes, Sir. He is.”
“Say,” Speirs says casually. “You wouldn’t happen to have the time, would you?”
What an odd question. You turn to face him, only to find an unfamiliar expression on his face. He wants you to answer, even though it seems like he knows exactly what answer to expect from you.
“No, Sir. I just gave my watch to Perconte.”
“Oh. That’s inconvenient.”
“I suppose it is.”
Speirs digs in his pocket. “Well, no one should walk around not knowing what time it is. How about you take this one?”
In his hand, when he extends it to you, is a beautiful silver watch. A bit bigger than the one you just gave away, and definitely flashier. Diamonds encrust the watch’s face like a crown on a monarch. The silver band looks more delicate than the leather one you’ve grown used to in the past few days, but it’s undeniably beautiful.
For some reason, you nod. You extend your own hand to receive the watch.
“Here,” Speirs says. “Allow me.” His voice rises slightly at the end, like it’s a question. He pauses, once again waiting for your answer. When you nod, he takes your hand and carefully fastens the watch onto your wrist. You’re standing so close that all you can do is pray that he doesn’t notice the way that his fingers ghosting over your wrist makes your breath hitch in your throat. He’s unexpectedly gentle. You never would have imagined that his hands – which have wielded such unbridled violence, so you’ve heard – could be so soft.
“There,” he says when he’s done. He smiles as you turn your wrist, admiring the gift. “It’s beautiful. Silver suites you.”
Anything that you might have hoped to say, even a thank you, gets lost in the haze of his unexpected words. How can this man who stands before you be the same one who mowed down POWs in cold blood, or who shot his own sergeant? And why is he showing such kindness to you?
Finally, you manage to clear your throat. “Thank you, Captain Speirs. You’re very kind.”
He nods, smiling in a way that you’ve never seen before. He turns to go, but you step forward to stop him.
It’s strange, the way that things have of unexpectedly falling into place while we watch on, helpless to stop our own actions. Yet something about this Speirs is so . . . different from everything you’ve heard.
But not what you’ve seen, you think, remembering the conversation you caught him having with Doc Roe. Maybe you should find out more about this version of Speirs before he slips away.
“Captain,” you say with a pounding heart. “I was just about to go find something to eat. I was wondering . . . I was wondering if you might like to join me?”
Speirs’ smile grows. “I would like that very much.”
Before either of you can change your mind, you begin walking down the Austrian streets together. You’ve been with Easy Company for a while now and have grown close with most of the men. It’s high time that you got to know your Captain; the real version of him – not the one that everyone else introduced you to.
“So,” you begin. “Where are you from?”
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tobyili · 5 months
Hitman mafia! Dazai x ada! male reader
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TW # ★ yandere dazai!, murder mentioned, splitting apart, angst, death— ;
A/N ᰔ ; This was specifically to made on February 20th but I got lazy lol, and also my dog was in my way and kept licking my phone so pls if any mistakes blame on my dog.
Dazai was a well known killer in the town of Yokohama, well more of a killer for you. He loves you so dearly he couldn’t kill you but if anybody touched you one bit, let’s just say, he’ll have a talk with them. But of course you never know! He could be joking or not let’s hope he is due to so much people talking to you due to your popularity in the town. You were handsome, smart, and mostly sexy and that’s what caught people the most. But for Dazai, it was your voice, your energy, and your personality.
“So I guess I finally get to meet you again… Dazai” you glared at him with a serious stare of madness due the killing and destruction he has done to the people who haven’t even hurt the organization, but you know what they say, he is a Hitman and will hit on people for you, “I missed you darling, why did you leave me?” He asked surprisingly, you guys were in a relationship before. Let’s just say it was “Lovely” in his way. “You beated my friend’s face, and killed her..” you started to point the gun at him voluntarily about to shoot with no hesitation but he stopped you an said “But darling she was touching you and you know I couldn’t allow that? Would I?” He said grinning at you very, he knows you probably can’t shoot him, that would be murder and war would start for murder of a Hitman of PM.
He loved you so much, he couldn’t just let you. Go.
“You’re fucking crazy…” Glaring at him once more about to cry, he looked at you with a soft expression. And walked away, but when he almost left “I love you ( reader )” he says walking away.
You thought to yourself. Did he really love me tho?. You started to walk back to your house and took a shower. You couldn’t keep your mind off Dazai.. and what he said, after your shower you kept thinking about Dazai over over and over again.. You just can’t stop thinking about his face, his body. Wait no what, why you thinking of him anyway..? Gosh just stop being a dumb asshole and go to bed you thought but.. He was in your mind and you couldn’t let him go so. You went to the alleyway yall used to hang in when y’all were a couple, surprisedly he was there.
“Dazai, why you here huh?” You asked.
“Wondering same thing.. what you doing here?”
Dazai glared at you, it wasn’t — a mean glare. It was an insane glare. Its was clear that he was trying to do something, you guys stared at each other for a long time like he wanted to do something but— well didn’t he know you had a gun up and ready to shoot— the matter of time of hesitation you had was at 100%, you didn’t wanna hurt him. You just wanted it over with. Soon as you shot the soon he was gone in mist dark air in midnight quiet like a room empty, you in panic and look around and didn’t look get out of stance.
There he was.
With a knife and a bloody hole in his arm.You hurt him. He falls in the snow near two rocks almost banging his head on them but failed, you ran to him and lifted him up in your arms. “DAZAI PLEASE WAKE UP” you cried, but well known he was dead. In the cold snowy night.
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Shoot Him in the Leg
Pairing: Steve x Reader, Bucky x daughter!Reader
Part 22 of Looking for the Captain
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Neither man spoke as you left the room. What was there to say? Right now, they were in limbo. Nat and Bruce were the only other two that knew about you taking Plan B a couple weeks ago, and Bucky hadn’t said anything about it to either since. Part of him wondered if he should have called and spoke to Nat while he was at the store that morning. She had helped him before, after all. It was too late now, so he would just have to deal with whatever happened. 
“You know I gotta ask, right? You’re gonna be there for them if she has your kid, aren’t you?” Bucky glanced at Steve. “You’re not gonna pull away because you’re a superhero or anything?” While he was pretty sure he knew that Steve would never do that, his instincts as a father made him ask. 
Steve stared at him. “Of course I’d be there, but I wouldn’t be able to stop being the Captain. It’s my job. What else can I possibly do?” Being Captain America was literally his life. He wished he didn’t have to fight, but how could he walk away when he could still help keep people safe?
He shrugged. “You like art. Be an artist. I’m sure people would pay good money for a piece of art by Steve Rogers. Or hell, I’m sure Stark could put you through school. Especially since she dropped out. Can find another way to fight for the little guys where you aren’t putting yourself in danger.” He suggested it like it was nothing as he put a box of pasta away. 
“You just want me to hang up the shield?” He asked, wanting to make sure he was hearing that correctly. “We don’t even know if she actually is pregnant. Like she said, it could be stress.” That’s what he was truly hoping it was. As much as Steve had always wanted a family, he felt that he wasn’t ready, and felt it was too soon in your relationship. The pair of you had just started dating. 
“Judging by the look on your face, you’re more committed to your shield than you are to her. Funny, you’d choose her if I told you to pick. Fine. I get that. However, I’m guessing that’s not the same reaction you’d have if you had to choose between her and being the Captain.” He crossed his arms over his chest. 
“I’m here, aren’t I? I didn’t stay behind to help the others. I didn’t say she should stay here herself so I could keep being the Captain. I didn’t even bring my shield or uniform.” He defended himself. “And being the Captain is the only constant I’ve had since I woke up. Hell, since the war. It’s not something I can just shut off.” 
Shaking his head, he sighed. “You’re telling me if things had gone differently, that you wouldn’t have hung up the shield for some dame back in the day? That had you found someone you’d still be the Captain. You wouldn’t have found some other job?” 
“That’s entirely different, and you damn well know it.” He shot back, getting annoyed. “This is the one connection I have to back then.” 
“Funny. I thought you had me, too.” He said sadly. 
“The only reason I have you now is because someone is after Y/N. If that never happened, there’s no telling when I’d see you again.” His tone was just as sad. “Let’s just get the cold stuff put away and go check on her.” He didn’t want to keep talking about this. 
Before Bucky could reply, the landline rang. He quickly went and lifted the receiver to his ear. “Stark?” Who else would be calling. 
“We’ve got a location. Sending a helicopter for you and Rogers.” Tony told him quickly. 
“How long?” He asked, heart hammering in his chest. 
“Be there in about an hour. Do you have your gear?” 
“No. Have Nat grab it. She knows where it is. Steve’s gear is at the tower, too.” He explained. “Is anyone going to come stay with Y/N? I’m not comfortable her being here alone.” As much as he wanted to go after the people responsible, he wouldn’t leave you vulnerable, either. 
“Barton. He volunteered, figuring you and Rogers would both want to go after these people. He’s packed a bag like a little girl for a sleepover.” He chuckled lightly. 
He ran a hand through his hair and let out a breath. “Alright. I’ll fill them in. Thanks, Stark.” 
With that, the men hung up. “What’s going on? We’re leaving?” Steve asked, confused. 
Bucky nodded. “They’ve got the location. They’re sending a helicopter for us and Barton is staying with Y/N.” He explained.
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You couldn’t hear the guys outside the bathroom door, so you assumed they stayed downstairs. You were sitting on the side of the tub, the test on the sink. It said to wait 3 minutes, so you didn’t want to stare at it the entire time. Although, you were sure it had been longer than 3 minutes at this point. You just couldn’t bring yourself to look at the result. 
Finally, you heard noises outside the door before there was a knock. Getting up, you went to answer the door. “Stark is sending a helicopter for us. They have the location.” Bucky told you instantly. 
“Seriously? It’s almost over?!” You let yourself be hopeful. 
“Barton is gonna come keep you company while me and Stevie go.” He went on. “We’ll be leaving in about an hour.” 
Nodding, you chewed on your lip. “I’m not going to look at the test, then.” You told them. 
Steve furrowed his brows. “Why?” 
“If it’s positive? You two will have that on your mind when you need to be focusing on coming home safe. If it’s negative, awesome. You wouldn’t have to worry about it.” You explained. “I think I’d rather wait to find out now.” 
They could understand that. They would be distracted. “In that case, want to go play a couple card games before we have to go?” Bucky asked, hopeful. 
You smiled at that. “Sure.” You agreed, making your way to head downstairs. You’d deal with the test later. 
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You’d hugged both men goodbye, and told them to come home safe. Of course you were worried about them rushing off to fight. You just hoped that it was a quick thing, and that you’d get a call that night or the next morning that it was over with. 
Clint had brought some clothes, his gear, and was hoping to help distract you while the other two were off. He planned to crash on the couch, leaving Bucky’s camp set up for him. “Have you eaten?” You asked him once you shut the front door. 
“I haven’t, but I can wait until dinner. We can just snack or something for now.” He thought maybe you wanted to eat as a comfort thing, which he couldn’t blame you. 
“How does chips and dip sound?” You offered. “And we have beer, soda, water, milk, and juice.” 
“I’ll have a soda. Sprite if you have it. Movie while we snack?” He motioned to the TV and stack of DVDs. “Pick whatever you’d like, and I’ll be right back. Bathroom upstairs?” He pointed. 
You nodded. “Yeah, it’s the only open door.” It wasn’t until he was all the way up the stairs, and you were stepping into the kitchen, that the fact that there was a pregnancy test sitting on the bathroom sink hit you. “Shit.” You groaned. There was literally no way to make it so he didn’t see that. 
“So, looks like we’re gonna have a tiny Cap around, huh?” Clint asked gently as he walked in. 
This was not how you expected to get your answer. You couldn’t help but tear up. “Guess so.” You managed. 
“Hey, I get it if you’re scared.” He assured you. “But I hope you know we’ll all be there for you guys. How did the other two take it?” 
“They don’t know yet.” You sniffed. “I guess while I was taking the test…Tony called to say they were going after the people that are after me. So, I told them I wasn’t going to look at the test, because if it was positive they’d have that on their minds the whole time. I’d rather them focus on coming home safe.” 
Clint sagged. “You didn’t even know.” He noted. “I’m sorry.” 
You shook your head. “Don’t be. I meant to throw it away after they left, but I spaced out.” You handed him a Sprite. “I don’t know what I want to do.” 
“With the kid?” 
“Yeah. I was thinking about it earlier when Dad was at the store.” You dumped some chips into a bowl. “I know there’s adoption, and abortion. I know those are options.” You shrugged. “I don’t think I would be able to do either of those, though. But, I don’t know if Steve even wants kids.” 
He looked confused. “Why do you say that? He seems like he’d be a natural.” 
“He’s Captain America, for one. Do you think that and kids would go together well? And it’s never something I’ve heard him talk about.” You popped a chip in your mouth before moving to the fridge to get out the dip. “What if he freaks out hearing I’m pregnant and decides that’s really not what he wants? All he told me when we talked about it was that he wouldn’t be mad.” 
Clint felt for you. “Out of all of us, I would think he’d be the biggest family man.” He assured you. “White picket fence and all that.” He was clearly trying to ease your mind. 
Shrugging a shoulder, you let out a breath as you spooned some dip into a smaller bowl. “Guess only time will tell how he reacts.” You were honestly worried about it. More now than when it was just a possibility. “And I just have to hope that he doesn’t panic and want out.” 
He didn’t know what to say, as there was nothing that could help you feel more positive. “How about if he tries to run I shoot him in the leg with an arrow?” He joked. 
You couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle. “Yeah, that would make it a lot more difficult on him.” You noted. “Make it easier for Dad to catch him.”
“About that, you’re calling him ‘dad’ now? That’s awesome!” He smiled. “When did that happen?” 
“A day or two after he got here, I think? It just…slipped out.” You explained. “I’d been in my feels about everything and I went to say goodnight. Without even thinking I called him ‘dad’, and it stuck.” Picking up the chips and dip, you turned to him. “Can you grab me a bottle of water and I’ll go find something funny for us to watch?” 
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@vicmc624 @hisredheadedgoddess28 @otterlycanadian
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cljordan-imperium · 1 year
Heaven & Arthur Visit The LaVeaus
@call-sign-shark CELEBRATES 1K
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This is part 1 of Heaven & Arthur visiting Mel and her family because I'm cutting it off at 2680 words. LOL
Modern AU
@call-sign-shark's OC Heaven and her husband Arthur Shelby travel to Louisiana to visit some military men Arthur served under and with in the military. But it is Heaven that gets the biggest surprise of the visit.
“We leave in an hour to pick up Arthur and his wife, Heaven, from the airport,” Cade entered the kitchen to let Mel know.  He dropped a kiss on the top of her head, then looked around at Mama Marie, Dontanion and Francios.  “You two, behave.” He pointed at the brothers with a serious expression.  Arthur was suffering from PTSD from the Gulf and the last thing anyone needed was the two LaVeau brothers being assholes and causing him to have some kind of attack.
“One wandering ancestor and we will forever be doubted.” Dontantion smirked and winked at his sister, as his shoulders raised. “One wandering ancestor who wandered in on my friend who was getting dressed for her wedding and gave her a death prophecy.” Mel rolled her eyes as Cade took a seat next to her and planted a kiss on her cheek this time.  “You are lucky she did not stroke out.” Casting a look over to her mother, “can you please make these two behave, mama?”
“Boys, do not make me resurrect your fathers.”  The smile she gave her sons made everyone’s blood run cold.  As loving and warm as Marie was, no one ever forgot she was also the scariest person currently walking the planet. Only Rasputin may have ever topped her, and she had far outlived him.
“Yes, mama.” Francois replied before putting a strong elbow into his younger brother’s side.  Even at over one hundred and fourty, Dontanion sometimes did not act a day over 16.   “No ancestors scaring Cade’s friend, or his lovely wife.” The look in his eye was serious.  Even if the death prophecy HAD come to pass, and they HAD hated Mel’s friend, and it HAD been hilarious at the time, causing a brave soldier still bearing the mental wounds of war further trauma would not be something they would partake in.  
“Please, he was over in the Gulf with me and some of the guys on the team.  He was under Alexander.  Has some bad PTSD, seeing spirits that he would think were hallucinations from there might just send him…” Cade raised his brows and tilted his head, he didn’t need to finish, both brothers were nodding.  “His wife, I don’t know much about but he says she is an angel and shy.  Her name’s Heaven.  She seems to have dont him a lot of good, he seems to be healing more.  Figured she and Mel would be the ones hanging out, maybe with Mama Marie too.”  He winked over at the woman who was like a second mother to him and who could make anyone feel welcome and loved.
“Of course, any of your friends are welcome here.”  Love and warmth emanated from Marie.  While she had immense powers, which she did not hesitate to use to protect those she loved; she was, at her heart, a mother.  All of Mel’s friends had been adopted as surrogate children.  None were turned away if they needed a mother figure, that was just Marie and the time she came from.
“Thank you, mama.” Love radiated off of Melania too as her gaze alternated around the other four in the room at the time, before her attention turned to Cade.  “When do the others get here?  I know Alexander got in last night and is still passed out in his room.”  
“Tomorrow.”  Cade answered, picking her hand up off of the table and kissing the back where there was a scar that lay across running from just below where her pinky met her hand to the crease of her wrist.  The last evidence of the whole ordeal involving Ambrose and Adama.  Even though it was long ago, it still made his heart clench and sometimes made him want to ask Marie to bring the assholes back so they could kill them again. “So you girls will have twenty-four hours before testosterone rules the house.”  He winked at her, banishing thoughts of the past.
“Lovely.  Just remember, Archibald can contain you all if you get out of line.”  The whole room erupted in laughter at the threat of having her pet albino alligator snack on people.  Not that he hadn’t been used as nature’s body disposal device before when required, but not on people they liked.
Louis Armstrong Airport in Kenner was a bustle of activity as Mel sat on Cade’s lap down on the first floor by the baggage claim.  It seemed the easiest place for Arthur and Heaven to find them.  Although, from what Arthur had told Cade over the phone, Heaven shouldn’t be too hard to spot with snow white hair and skin just as fair.  A statement that had apparently gotten Cade promptly cussed out for mentioning she should fit in with the aforementioned alligator in the swamp.  Mel had a feeling that her fiance was lucky he’d been on the other side of the ocean from Arthur at the time.  
They watched as the flight from Heathrow Airport flipped over from “On Time” to “Landed”.  It still amazed Mel that they had direct flights, and for no more money, not that money mattered to her family…with Ambrose and Nic “missing”, she had complete control over Meirs Enterprises Worldwide, which meant more money than she cared to think about.  For friends of Cade, money was NOT an option anyway. 
About 20 minutes later, Mel felt it, somewhere near was a powerful witch.  Her hand went instinctively to Cade’s, their fingers interlacing.  The signature was not one she recognized, the magic different, old world like her mother and brothers’.  Her eyes scanned the crowd as people descended from the second floor on the escalators. She could more than stand on her own, but after the past events, having Cade there without her family was not something she was altogether comfortable with.  If whomever possessed the magic was hostile, it could get ugly fast if they sensed her as well.  Not since Adama had she faced down a threat, and that…she closed her eyes and swallowed before the thought fully materialized.
“Do I need my gun, or is this something of the invisible sort, babe?” Cade’s chin rested on her shoulder as he spoke just loud enough for her to hear.  He knew her signs well enough.  When she was tense, it was never a good one.
“Shooting them is as good as dropping a house on them, I guess.  A lot easier when inside too.” She tried not to let her nerves show with some humor, but she was anything but lighthearted with the situation.  As they sat there waiting for Arthur and Heaven, she did not stop scanning everyone coming in their direction.   It was that scanning that produced what would be the biggest shock of the day, the revelation that the witch was Arthur’s wife.  “You are definitely NOT shooting the witch.”
Cade chuckled, having no clue what had suddenly changed the beauty on his lap’s mind.  “And that would be because….”
Mel stood as the pair approached them, “you must be Heaven,” she greeted the tiny woman with a bright smile and offered hand.  There was no way that Heaven couldn’t sense her as well, but seemed to completely not notice.  She then remembered that Cade had mentioned that Heaven was originally from France, and since Louisiana is a bilingual state, she had an idea to make the woman feel even more welcome. “Bienvenue en Louisiane où dans le bayou, les sorcières sont vénérées. Je crois que vous et ma famille vous entendrez très bien. Ma mère est une grande prêtresse du vaudou. (Welcome to Louisiana where in the bayou, the witches are revered. I believe that you and my family will get along very well. My mother is a high priestess of Voodoo.)” 
Heaven’s eyes widened at her words, clearly not having expected them. “Comment le saviez-vous?  (How did you know?)”  The woman looked absolutely confused, which was when Mel remembered she still had the talisman on that Dontanion had given her when they were hunting Adama that cloaked her magic.
“Parfois, une sorcière en connaît une autre. J'ai aussi deux frères sorciers à la maison. C’est en quelque sorte une affaire de famille. (Sometimes a witch just knows another one.  I have two warlock brothers at home too.  It kind of runs in the family.)”  Mel gave the woman a wink and then turned to Arthur and Cade who were both looking at her with rather confused expressions.
“What, can’t one girl fluent in French welcome another?  Do you know how often I get to use that?” She smiled, Cade giving her a look that said he knew better and she’d have to explain once  that they were alone. “You must be Arthur.”  She extended her hand to him, “it is such a pleasure to meet any friend of Cade’s.  You both are now family, that is how it works here.  We will spend a couple of days out on the Plantation, and a couple here in the Garden District.  My mother has been up since dawn cooking, so we best not keep her waiting too long.  Mama Marie is not one to be kept waiting.”  Mel laughed.
Cade knew his fiance better than that.  Those were far too many words for just a polite hello, and he did recognize enough to know that she’d found her witch.  But, he was a good boy and would say nothing.  Things normally worked out more in his favor that way.  “You’re discussing how to bankrupt us in the French Quarter aren’t you?” A brow rose and he nudged Arthur with an elbow. “I hope you brought all your plastic, bro, my girl can shop!”
Arthur for his part either missed what the exchange was about or was so entranced by his bride he gave not one fuck.  He did, however, growl at Cade’s remark, which told the fellow soldier that he probably had experienced a similar shopping excursion to the one Mel had more than once put him through.  Although, to bankrupt them, Mel would have to literally buy the entire French Quarter, as in the land it was sitting on and all the buildings.
"Can you not behave for two minutes?"  Mel’s brow rose as she looked between the two men, Cade trying not to laugh and Arthur about taken aback at her words.  “No growling.”  She raised both brows and looked pointedly at the Brit.  Heaven giggled next to her, which just had Arthur rolling his eyes. “Now, you boys do the heavy lifting of getting the luggage, Miss Heaven and I are going to go get the car from the garage and bring it around.  And you two can ride in the back.”  She dropped a kiss on Cade’s cheek with a big grin and a wink over to Heaven.  She already liked the striking and beautiful woman.  Wait till her family laid eyes on her!
From the airport, to River Road, Mel gave a guided tour to their guests of the historical context of each and every plantation along the road.  Her mother had been alive for the building of many, although she did not share that quite yet.  For Heaven, it might not have surprised her, for Arthur, he might have tried to exit the vehicle while at 60MPH.  The latter was more her concern.
Finally they arrived at Vita Pacis Plantation (Life of Serenity).  It had been renamed after Ambrose’s death, her mother choosing the name for what this now represented to them all.  It was a place of peace, of respite from the life they lived in Baton Rouge and New Orleans, from the missions they went on collecting artifacts around the globe.  It was to this estate, to the buildings that rested upon the land and had for over 300 years, that Mel and her friends returned to find peace and to be at peace.  It would be on this estate where she would marry Cade in six months.  
As they drove up the red brick drive, live oaks arching over it with their green leaves and the dangling spanish moss providing shade, she heard Heaven gasp as she got her first view of the grand plantation house mansion.  It was impressive with white limestone exterior and grecian columns that rose three stories, the floor to ceiling french doors that served as windows to the rooms were framed with dark red hurricane shutters.  It created an impressive picture when famed with the arch of the live oaks over the drive.  Just the guest house had four bedrooms and was a sight, but the grand mansion was something out of a movie.  Lovingly preserved by the Meirs family, and now the LaVeaus, it was a piece out of time and history.  The dark stains of the past that it held could never be erased, but they would be made up for over time.  Now it stood for the LaVeau legacy, and that was a strong, vibrant, and proud legacy.
Mel knew that when she had opened the wrought iron gates of the drive, it had alerted those within the guardhouse and the mansion of their arrival.  No one got onto or off of the property without being noticed.  If you tried to come on secretly, there were things seen and unseen that would greet you.  You had better hope the former got to you before the latter did.  So, when Mel pulled the large black SUV around to the back of the mansion, it was of little surprise that her mother stood flanked by her brothers, waiting to greet their guests.  She could not wait till they discovered the surprise that lay in store.
Once the car was stopped, and everyone was out, Mel led Arthur and Heaven over to her family while Cade unloaded the luggage from the back.  She could tell that all three of them immediately recognized in Heaven what she had and the adoring smile her mother cast on Heaven warmed her heart.  Marie was known for taking in anyone needing a mother and love, and it was clear she was already looking that way at Heaven, no matter if she had family back home or not.  
Marie was the first to speak, stepping forward and taking both of Heaven’s hands in her own. “Salve, fili mi, maiores te ad nos perduxerunt. Hic semper domum habebis. (Welcome, my child, it seems the ancestors have lead you to us.  Here you will always have a home.)” Then she leaned forward and placed a soft kiss in the middle of Heaven’s forehead.
Arthur tensed and Mel leaned over, “my mother adopts anyone she feels needs love.  She sensed that in Heaven and has welcomed her to always see this as a home.”  She kept her voice low as to not embarrass Heaven who was now tightly embracing Marie and she swore she saw a tear on the porcelain skin of her cheek. “You too Arthur, Vita Pacis means Life of Serenity.  Any friend of Cade’s is family here, where the mind can find peace when one needs.” With a soft and warm smile on her face, her eyes gently closed as she inclined her head.  
The stoic man just inclined his head in return before turning back to the scene where both Francois and Dontanion were further introducing themselves to his wife, who seemed to be taking everything in stride.  As dwarfed as the beauty was by her gruff husband, she looked absolutely tiny next to Mel’s brothers who were both well over six feet in height and broad shouldered.  “See, I told you this trip would be good for you.”  Cade finally made it up to them and clapped Arthur on the shoulder.  “And Mama Marie and the spooky bunch has adopted another stray.  I guess we’re brothers now, Arthur.  Wait till you taste her food!  We may never get you back to England.”  They all laughed as they began to head in to see exactly how big of a feast Marie HAD prepared.
@call-sign-shark @raincoffeeandfandoms @saltysupercomputer @blind-the-winds @sunset-a-story @touloserlautrec @aziz-reads @toribookworm22 @outpost51 @late-to-the-fandom @writingmaidenwarrior @spookyceph
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justmultifandom · 9 months
Kidge winter event
Day 1: Ice skating
Every large city during the Christmas period begins to wake up from the cold and sad autumn, just as the yellow and orange leaves fade away, all the streets are filled with a warm atmosphere of joy and lights. In the evening the shop windows, streets and decorations light up while families, couples, teenagers and children stroll with packages in hand and smiles on their faces. New York was covered in snow, and everyone seemed so happy and carefree at the idea of celebrating the first Christmas after the end of the war. One couple in particular, however, were trying to keep a low profile, dodging other people and walking with some haste, and when they arrived at the closed gate of a public park, one took the large duffle bag off his shoulders and gave it to the figure smaller next to him.
“Keith, I swear to God if we end up in prison for any of your stupid shit that you didn't do in your teenage years I'm going to stop hanging out with you!” the girl growled, looking around to make sure they weren't seen.
“You sound so legal, but I'm not the one who illegally signed up to a military space base, Katie”: he sneered, climbing over the fence and landing on his feet on the other side. She tossed him the duffle bag, which fell to the ground with a silent clang on the snow.
“Yes, but that's not why Shiro invited us here…”: she grumbled, taking one last look around before climbing over and following him. Shiro, after declaring that he was engaged to Curtis, bought a large penthouse in the center of New York, which now housed all the paladins including Coran and Romelle. According to him it was a way to meet again and maintain the bond as long as possible after the departure of the lions.
“Okay, but honestly, what are we doing here?”: she asked, adjusting her scarf and shivering at the gust of wind.
He nodded.
“But what if you don't even know how to skate?!”: she laughed.
“Indeed, but at least everyone will think that we went to the legal track, and not on a frozen lake…”: he smirked, holding her hand and dragging her through the light snow-covered bush up to a point where the snow left room for a flat ice field.
“You're smart, you know?”: Pidge smiled, looking him in the eyes: “You gave everyone a false lead so Lance and Romelle won't know where we are…”
“Do you see that sometimes I think?”: he smiled, sitting down on the snow and taking two pairs of ice skates out of his bag. As soon as they had them at their feet, she began to move to gain confidence by doing a few laps around the perimeter from the pond, while Keith remained sitting next to her watching her move with all that elegance.
“Are you going to stay here and watch me from behind all night or will you come here with me?”: she laughed, approaching slowly.
“The view from here is very beautiful…”: he smiled, standing up and trying to gain balance. As she had said he didn't know how to skate; How could he have learned in the middle of the desert? She helped him, pulling him up gently, then intertwining their fingers. Pidge continued to guide him, showing him how to bend his knees and move his feet. After years of war in which he was leader, Keith finally let himself be carried away by someone else's orders and advice.
When he was finally able to skate slowly without that attention, they remained with their hands clasped as they were transported by the cold mist into their immense solitude. She let out a gasp when he surprised her by whirling around almost knocking them both over, wrapping his arms around her hips as he pulled her into a passionate kiss.
There they were alone: just two hot bodies making fiery sparks, ready to explode. They were alone there. There they could just screw it all and show themselves for what they were. They had wasted too much time hiding their love from the whole world.
“You have no idea how long I've waited for this…”: she smiled, her cheeks and nose slightly pink from the cold.
“Me too…”: he replied, dragging her into another kiss. They remained there for many moments warming themselves with their bodies pressed next to each other's, exchanging fiery kisses. They were interrupted only by the sight of blue and red flashes shining in the night and reflecting off the ice and snow.
“I saw them climbing over here!”: they heard a man grumble: “It must be those usual thugs who deface the walls!”
“I think we have to run now…”: Keith whispered, taking her hand and letting her accompany him to the shore.
“I can't believe that if they reach us I'll end up in prison because of Keith Kogane!”: she snorted in amusement, quickly taking off her ice skates and putting her boots back on.
“Hey, you two!”: shouted a stout and chubby looking man in a uniform. They both laughed as they stood up, starting to run away.
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