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Extended Alternate Twiniverse!
Many years ago now I was a tiny au artist I had the idea "Hey, what if my AU but OTHER AUs?" It started with Bad Prediction Nora, since that was a pretty logical step! And obviously I had to do the White Diamond Nora using Earl instead of CGPearl, I mean, how could I not? Duh, right?
I always loved those designs, I don't know why. But they stuck with me. And some years later it happened again. I don't know why but I saw the Walk the Line comic and its sad old wet paper bag of a Steven and I just had to give him a Nora, too. And so Faerie of the Monster Line was created and the Alternate Twiniverse was officially born. It had gone from just a couple fun sketches to something recognisable. And the important thing to know about Walk the Line is... there's more lines. I was invested at this point... and with the backing of a very rabid fan named Nova I kept going.
So then came the idea... I already had Druid's Nora. I was halfway there. Next we needed Sven's Nora, named Noma Moss Universe. A daughter of not a Pearl, but a Spinel! And let me be frank, her design was fire. They all were. But none so much as the fifth entry into the Alternate Twiniverse...
Fate. A fusion of Faerie and Noma named Nova Universe after that megafan because I wouldn't have gotten there without him and it just made sense. I LOVE Fate's design. I can't tell you how much I love her design. She has some sort of control/cosmic entwinement with the mind butterflies in SU. Nugget and I both imagined her being able to move in a butterfly cloud like in Mindful Education where a bunch of the butterflies turn into one BIG butterfly. She can also use them like the canon Gem communicators.
So then there were five. Five Noras- well, three Noras, a Noma, and a Nova. And I adore them, I love them so much, they are so special to me. But something was missing...
A final piece...
So this piece is introducing the latest entry into the Extended Alternate Twiniverse: The Nora from Nova's own Astra AU. In this unfathomably far future she exists as an entity within a necklace that this Steven wears. Is she alive? Can she communicate? Is the spirit within it truly Nora or only a small piece of her? Only Astra knows.
I extend eternal gratitude to @nugatorysheep @thechekhov @jigokuhana & @wilted3sunflowers and @novantinuum for bringing their amazing worlds to our fandom and for inspiring me to grow Twiniverse every day.
Beneath the cut I'll include the reference sheets from the ones that have them. Astra's doesn't because... that's all there is of her, and Noma has 2 (ignore Star, Moss is the correct name). Enjoy!
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Odette and Clare with bodyguard reader hired by Carmilla to protect them only ending As something more.
Twin Tempations

Carmilla accepted nothing but the best.
Especially when it came to her daughters.
You went through several 'trails' and tribulations before Carmilla gave you the job, the woman instilling the deepest sense of duty and dedication into you before you even met the girls.
Clara was... unimpressed.
She worked besides her mother for decades, and put simply, her standards were exceptionally high so, well, she wasn't impressed.
She understood why you were hired.
Her mother hoped plenty of individuals for similar roles.
She just didn't agree with the decision.
Odette... didn't really care.
Yes, it was slightly demeaning that their mother felt the need to hire another bodyguard, but honestly, so long as you didn't get to big for your boots and get in the way, she wasn't all that bothered.
And so, after the greeting and usual back and forth, Clara being sure to let you know she doesn't think all that highly of you, you just acknowledging it, the girl unsure how to respond to your neutral exchange.
Your major duty was to follow the pair around as they handled various jobs for Carmilla.
From weapons shipments, to collecting stray angelic steel. Your duty being to stay by their side as they carried their duties out.
You of course, just followed them around, doing as you were told, usually resulting in you carrying around the bulk of materials for them.
Loose weapons, crates, baggage and just anything they couldn't be bothered to carry.
You would of course, do your duty as a bodyguard.
Or at least you'd try.
As while your presence alone would deter many creeps and sleeze bags that may have wished to prey on the pair of attractive young ladies, well, put bluntly, Clara wouldn't pass up on any chance to mark you 'redundant'.
And while her comments were almost constant, you'd just shrug it off, ignoring her snide comments while keeping up your professionalism, doing as you were told so long as they didn't do anything to actively endanger themselves.
You'd often find yourself helping in business, whether it be pulling a cart of munitions or simply holding the clipboard. Though even then, Clara was always adamant on checking it herself, determined to not let you 'screw it up'.
And well, despite her hostility, you fell into a routine.
You'd follow them around, helping with whatever job they'd been given.
And when not on the clock you'd train, working yourself hard, or oddly enough, find yourself hanging around Carmilla herself.
Now granted, Odette and Clara would both spend much of their time around her too, unless they were on a job, but when in Carmilla's 'Sanctuary', you'd often find yourself shadowing the woman, waiting for the girls to be sent out on a task.
Now your relationship with the girls would be... rocky... at best.
At least in the beginning.
Clara, as mentioned, was fairly bull headed, the woman a capable fighter in her own right, the demoness always sure to let you know she didn't need you.
She'd challenge you to countless duels, you always refusing to raise your hand to her.
You could take her snide and snippy comments. They were literally nothing compared to what Carmilla would do to you if she discovered you accidentally hurt her daughter while sparing.
And well, she really didn't respect you, seeing you as just another mindless goon sent to watch them work.
Odette on the other hand, was more hospitable.
Now she wasn't exactly your best friend, but she certainly wasn't hostile, the two of you able to hold a conversation without it turning into a one sided snide comment competition.
She didn't really see the need for you, especially with Clara at her side, but she honestly wasn't apposed to more security on their runs.
You'd actually discuss the business on many occasions, the young lady impressed with how much you knew on weapons design and angelic steel. Your mind far more of a steel blade as a posed to the dull hammer Clara propagated.
You'd of course wield those very weapons, so your knowledge was quite intimate in many regards.
Still, having the discipline and drive to use such weapons was nothing to scoff at, the weapons as much a danger to the weilder then it's potential target.
Your little tuff with Clara would come to ahead just after an extermination.
You'd be out collecting angelic steel.
Why would the daughters of one of the most powerful overlords in Hell personally be out collecting handfuls of steel, especially considering she'd have hundreds of souls under her control?
Clara mostly.
She loved field work. And Odette was always happy to get some work done, especially with her sister.
And well, you were kind of stuck with them.
But It'd be as you grabbed some steel, trying to lighten Clara's load, ya know, doing your job and caring for them that Clara would snap at you, telling you off that she could do it herself.
She'd go on, telling you she could more than protect herself and her sister, she didn't need some chump off the street to do what she'd been doing for years.
Odette would attempt to step in and defend you, but Clara wouldn't have it, screaming at you before storming off, breathing hard as she ignored her sisters calls.
With a sigh, you simply told Odette to finish up while you went after her.
Clara would be be marching away angrily, steps heavy as she marched down a decrepit street, the girl muttering and snarling to herself, about you, why do they even need you?! Why would mother give some random such a job?! Doesn't her mother know she's more then enough?!
She hated you. Hated how orderly. How polite. How disciplined you were. How Odette and even her MOTHER seemed to like you!
She hated you!
It was as she finally calmed down that she realised she was lost.
And with a sigh, she'd start walking around, trying to centre herself.
She'd quickly find herself in a decrepit alleyway, the girl freezing as a group of Sinners waltzed up to her.
Clara would tell them to fuck off as they cat called her, and despite her attempts to walk away, she'd find herself surrounded.
She didn't panic of course after all, she had... she... had... her weapons...
It was then that she realised that in her anger she'd thrown her weapon to the floor, leaving her defenceless.
And suddenly she understood why having a dedicated body guard may be a good thing.
She was no such pushovwr even without her weapons, but there were a Lot of them, the girl not sure how many of them she could take before they overwhelmed her.
And it was just as a man was about to reach her, a sinister smirk smeered across his face that his head would explode.
And before she could quite process it, you were suddenly before the girl, and you... you were magnificent.
You, quite literally, cut your way through the Sinners.
You putting those skills, and weapons, to good use as you cut and shot your way through the crowd, their numbers rapidly shrinking.
Rip and Tear!
It'd be as you went one on one with an especially large demon made a go at Clara that you'd be forced to jump in, defending the girl, but having your hand cut off for your effort.
Even with one hand missing, you still cut down the rest of the fucks before turning to her, checking on her
Clara would snap at you for asking if she was alright as your bloody stump dripped to the floor.
You'd tell her that didn't matter, you were her bodyguard. She was your priority. You didn't matter so long as she was alright.
She could see how genuine you were. How dedicated you were to her and your job.
And she felt... awful.
After a few moments, she'd apologise. Telling you how sorry she was for treating you so poorly, promising it would never happen again.
And much to her surprise, you just smiled, laughing actually before you reached out, gently brushing her hair back.
You telling her you appreciate it.
It wasn't necessary, but you really did appreciate it.
Clara would blush at that before laughing it off, punching your shoulder, telling you you should get back, you agreeing as you gripped your stump.
After that you and Clara were on much better terms, you two getting very close over the following days.
In fact Carmilla herself would notice how close you and Clara got over the next few months, even dualling on many occasions, the young lady learning more then a few tricks from you.
Of course you and Carmilla still spent time together, you often shadowing her in her day to day whenever you weren't out working with the girls or spending time with Clara.
But as you grew closer to Clara, you'd also strengthen your relationship with Odette. You'd accompany her on expeditions, works and research works.
And while you were always friendly, it never really breached a professional arrangement.
That was until one particular resource shipment.
You were supposed to pick up some very important materials from a new supplier.
Unfortunately this supplier was a stupid piece for shit, and tried to just gun you down and take the money.
Of course, you wouldn't allow her to fall to any harm.
Though unfortunately for you, the bastards who betrayed you happened to have one of Carmillas very own carbines, attempting to take out Carmillas daughter.
Of course you didn't let that happen, acting as a human shield, taking the bullet as you protected the girl, recieving a ruthless gut wound, and since it was an angellic bullet it did serious damage, you struggling to protect the girl as you git her the fuck out of there.
You sluggishly picking off several goons before you managed to get her out, the two of you stranded for several hours, Odette doing her best to dress your wound, the two of you sharing a surprisingly light hearted moment before you managed to contact Carmilla and get a pick up.
Now Carmilla would be slightly erked at the turn of events, she would understand that the situation was out of your control.
And given your harsh wound protecting her daughter the woman would spend a small fortune tending to you.
Clara especially defending you, not that she really needed too, but it was nice to see the girl warm to you.
Carmilla caught off guard by Odettes rather harsh defence of you, the girls almost zelous defence of you clearly inspired by your selfless act, the girl actually hostile towards her mother for the very first time.
A first for both women.
So after backing off, you and Odette would enter a new balance in your relationship.
A balance that would rapidly become lopsided as Odette and Clara would begin vying for your attention.
Clara through sparing, the two of you dueling or debating your choice in weapons.
While Odette would talk shop, the two of you discussing weapons development, or just having a casual chat on Carmillas business empire.
It really didn't matter what you were talking about, so long as the two of you were close and chatting they were happy.
The three of you getting closer and closer, you and Clara bonding over your mutual combat experience, while your wit and intellect rapidly sharpened with Clara.
Funnily enough, despite the clashes in personality and Claras usually blunt personality, it would be Odette who confessed first.
The studios girl admitting that she was infatuated with you, the girl asking to perhaps become more.
You'd of course take a day to think.
Though having time to think wasnt a luxury you were granted as the second Clara found out about her sisters confession, the girl would confess herself, the headstrong young lady confessing as she pretty much pinned you down mid duel.
Of course she only pinned you down because you let her, the girl rather blunt as she told you you meant a great deal to her and... and she wanted you.
And that's how you found yourself pinned between two headstrong daughters of one of the most prominent Overlords on Pride.
You were of course split between the two, you not wanting to hurt either, but knowing that choosing one would devastate the other.
But funnily enough, the decision would also be yanked from your hands.
The two would discover the others confession, tearing at each other.
Funnily enough, having to step in to divide the two would result in them demanding you choose.
And so, you snapped, scolding the two, stopping the sisters from fighting, demanding they settle down or else you won't choose either of them.
And funnily enough, they did settle down, the power shifting drastically into your favour in a shocking display of power.
The girl's would take up a new stance, both doing their best to seduce you, though in rapidly different manners.
Odette doing so by leaning heavily into the simple yet affectionate way you interacted, relishing the time you spent together, Odette far more playful, not missing a chance to seduce you. Though even then, she couldn't help but be the adorable dork you held so fondly.
Clara on the other hand was faaaaar more physical.
It actually being during a rather rough sparing session that she'd sweep you off your feet, pinning you down, the girl all smiles as she rather seductively demanded you choose her or her sister.
It'd be after a week of the two fighting for you, constantly arguing and snapping at the other that you'd finally snap, telling them you'd date them both, and that's how it'd be.
And much to your surprise, they agreed.
And that's... well, that's how you ended up as both the bodyguard and the S/O of the two daughters of Carmilla Carmine.
It actually worked out surprisingly well.
You spending time with each of them in their own element.
You and Clara duelling, sparing and enjoying each other physically.
While enjoying Odettes intellect in person, the two of you having many a 'stimulating' conversation, the girl not at all hesitant to tell you she wanted you.
You'd do your best to keep this new dynamic under wraps, not wanting Carmilla to discover your new relationship with not just one, but both of her daughters.
As even if you and Carmilla held a level of mutual respect, that was not a fun prospect on your part.
And keeping up your usual relationship with the woman, the two of you speaking after a job, or even duelling, the Matriarch of her slice of Hell going out of her way to see your consistency, as well as testing your skills.
Your dynamic with the girls would, oddly enough, develope smoothly.
You and Clara bonding and developing in the field, you and the young lady often competing in a playful manner, playing off each other strengths, more then happy to compete with each other's strengths, even if you openly placed her safety over your own.
While you would happily go toe to toe with the feisty Clara, you and Odette happily played off each other, the young woman easily, almost scarily, able to set the scene to dominate you, easily getting you beneath her as she showed off that cunning intelligence.
Your relationships would steadily grow more and more intimate, Clara and Odette having their own, and yet powerful hold over you, both women happy to tease and draw you in, and always dominating you, yet never taking the power from you, happy to make it so you were in control, yet never more then when you were a simple bodyguard.
You'd find yourself in more and more intimate situations with the pair, both Clara and Odette demanding a certain style of... smooching~
You'd end up in a very compromising situation after a particularly stressful mission, you single-handedly defending Odette from a gang of hoodlums.
And dragging you back home, the girl giving Carmilla a hasty debrief on what happened before she'd drag you to her room for a quick 'discussion', the girl instead tying your arms behind you, rather aggressively smooching you as you lay back in one of her chairs, the girl sat on your lap as she unleashed her less then subtlely pent up arousal upon you.
And it'd be as she shoved her tongue down your throat, hands gliding over your form, that Carmilla would knock on the door, asking to speak with Odette.
Of course the girl would freak, hurriedly shoving your clothes into your hands before all but forcing you out through a hidden exit.
You'd stumble from her room, stumbling into the hallway just around the corner from her room as you desperately slid your pants on.
Just managing to get dressed, you stumble along, hopping as you furiously buttoned up your shirt. And reaching further down the Hall, intent on putting space between you and Odettes room.
Only to stumble upon a monolith of a demon.
The tall, slender, green and black demon overlord staring down at your for several moments before a wicked, almost wicked, smirk crossed his face.
He'd release a sinister chuckle, the man sighing softly as he placed a hand on your shoulder.
"Oh... young love. Sweet as wine, bitter as... well, a wine."
The ancient overlord giggled, the man gently combing your hair back before simply turning, waltzing away, leaving you a shocked, terrified lil demon, you hurriedly scurrying off the second Zestial was out of frame.
Of course, running off to the other daughter, Clara was just as bad. And finding you in only your tight, form fitting, crotch hugging pants.
Clara finding that very interesting~
The two of you hanging in her room.
And by 'haning' I mean she also strapped you to a chair, though this time the young lady had cuffs for it.
Why did she just have a chair and cuffs prepared for you?
That's not important.
But you would grow closer and closer to the pair, though Carmilla seemed intent on breaking up any chance you had to go past a uh, certain barrier.
But it wouldn't be until one sparring match, Carmilla wanting to do a 'live practice', i.e. the two of you using actual angelic weapons in a serious duel, the two of you going at it.
You'd hold nothing back, the woman leaving several nicks and shallow cuts on your body.
While that would be a major fuck up for most, considering Carmillas skills and your own extensive training, you considered yourself more then capable.
It'd be as you fought her off yet again, that the Matriarch would pi you to the wall, her angelic steel heels dangerously close to your throat as she stared you down.
And with a stern gaze the woman would tell you bluntly, she knew.
You'd freeze, able to use the moment to throw her off.
She'd stare you down, telling you bluntly that she knows your having relations with her daughters.
You'd stay there for a long moment before sighing.
You knew if she wanted to kill you she would have already, so, you went clean.
You told her that you didn't know how, or why, but the woman's daughters took an intimate interest in you.
You didn't know how you were blessed to earn their affection but you were, and while you completely understood the woman's trepidation towards you, you swore you'd never do anything to harm them.
Those girls were your very life.
Your reasons to exist.
And while they liked to act like it were a game, you took it seriously.
You loved them, as strange of a dynamic as it was, the two girls meant the world to you, and while you'd gladly give your life for them you'd ask the Matriarch to spare you.
Not for your sake, but for the girls.
Knowing full well if the woman simply killed you it'd not only break their heart but destroy her relationship with the girls.
Carmilla showed no expression, staring you down for several moments before humming.
She'd let you off with a cold stare, telling you while she wasn't fond of her daughters competing for the same person, let alone that person being their supposed bodyguard, she respected your grit, admiring your willingness to hold true to your duty and serve her daughters equally, despite the emotional ties.
She'd tell you she'd respect herr daughter choice in partner, but put bluntly, if you hurt either of them, she'd neuter you like a dog.
And with that terrifying note, you begun an oddly intimate relationship dynamic with the girls.
While initially the dynamic consisted of the two girls competing over you, it quickly morphed into an oddly intimate threeway dynamic, both girls acknowledging you as their natural partner, the two reaching a truce as they both pursued you.
And with Carmillas unspoken blessing, your dynamic bloomed into a surprisingly soft and intimate relationship, the three of you becoming an adoring, intimate trio, finding ahealthy balance and loving each other warmly.
You, Odette and Clara all bound into a loving, warm and deeply intimate relationship, the three of you holding a deeply loving bond as the sisters mutually agreed to pursue you.
An odd dynamic to be sure, but no doubt an equally loving and intimate one.
#headcanon#x reader#hazbin hotel#hazbin hotel headcanon#hazbin hotel x reader#odette x reader#clara x reader#hazbin hotel odette#hazbin hotel clara
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Since I've drawn Gourmand quite a few times as of recently, I realized I wanted to get a bit clearer on his volumes. Specifically, I wanted to know each of the separate parts of his body and a clearer reference for the flow of it all. So, since I'm realizing I quite enjoy making visual note pages working out the particularities of characters' designs, I spent some time yesterday making this ref for him! Feel free to use it as well, if you'd like!
Also, since it's been on my mind recently, there are some longer thoughts of mine on character design down below!
After doing the iterator silhouettes, I'm realizing that, in addition to shape language, there's another element I find important which I'm going to call "shape rhythm" for now. Rather than the basic shapes a character is made of, the rhythm refers to how those shapes flow into each other to guide the viewer's eye along the character. I've said before that I enjoy pleasing shapes, so by extent I enjoy when a character has a nice, pleasing rhythm where all of their features flow into each other really neatly!
There's also this other term I use called "weight distribution", that I think is useful too! It's basically where the mass of a character is focused and what it might show or symbolize. I also wanna specify it doesn't necessarily have to be actual, heavy mass too; I'm more so using "weight" to describe the size of things and how much volume they appear to have. For example, if a character wore a big, baggy jacket and had thinner legs, I'd say the "weight" is focused in their upper body, even if the jacket itself isn't literally heavy and their actual upper body underneath is also thin.
Even characters with more extreme body mass, like Gourmand (or Five Pebbles, as I imagine him), could still have the majority of their weight centered at a specific point. This could show what feature that character uses most often, what they think is their most valuable asset (both literally and in terms of what that feature may represent), or perhaps what the people around them notice about them first. Alternatively, you could also hint at a character's internal traits through what parts of their body don't have a lot of mass or emphasis, and perhaps show what they use very little or what is ignored about them. I think what isn't very prominent in a character design could show just as much about who they are as what is very obvious and noticeable about them.
Playing with the distribution of weight and combining it with how each feature guides the viewer's eye to another I believe can be used to make more pleasing character designs, since these elements together can imply a natural flow of energy from one point to another that can be pretty cool to look at, if you ask me! And then again, I just love how it can be used symbolically too, showing what's significant both through what is and isn't given lots of emphasis!
Now, technically, both of these could be considered sub-categories or elements of shape language. Regardless, I wanted to talk about them because I've recently come to the discovery that they can be quite influential in-and-of themselves, and I think they go beyond the general explanations of shape language I've heard so far, to the point they deserve their own terms. I at least am definitely gonna be using them going forward!
If you read all of this, thank you for checking out these ideas! What are your thoughts on these concepts?
#art#artwork#artists on tumbr#tips#art tips#drawing#sketch#sketches#digital#digital art#design#character#character design#concept art#fanart#rain world#slugcat#rw slugcat#gourmand#rw gourmand#quetzalli draws#quetzalli's thoughts
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hello! feel free to ignore me if this is slightly outside the boundaries of this account, but i'm a tabletop roleplaying game (ttrpg) designer looking for opinions on mechanics for disability in games.
my game specifically covers a lot of themes that, while not about disability, would make me feel remiss to not include some explicit mention of how physically/mentally disabled characters fit into the greater picture of the game. it has a specific focus on telling stories of diverse characters, for one, and on fighting the unfair capitalist systems that harm these marginalized groups.
my issue lies in how, exactly, to both treat this topic respectfully and make the characters not feel out of place or unbalanced. i've considered several options, and was curious to hear from a physically disabled perspective how to proceed (i am mentally ill & neurodivergent, but to my knowledge not physically disabled).
option one: mention that disabled characters of all kinds are encouraged, and talk about roleplaying them or provide resources for how to handle them respectfully, but don't apply any specific rules with hard mechanics or numbers to them. this option is least likely to be inadvertently misconstrued or written poorly on my part, but may make disability feel like a "flavour" side note.
option two: provide examples for some common disabilities on the mechanical effects (such as a low vision character rolling less dice on rolls to notice visual details) without any "counteracting" mechanics. this one gives mechanical weight to disability, so it feels less like an afterthought, but may discourage people from playing disabled characters as they would be more likely to fail than other characters.
option three: the above, but with mechanical incentives for roleplaying in a way that acknowledges the character's disability. a "benefit", but less "giving a blind character echolocation" and more "gain XP for showing your characters disability and any aids they use" (similar mechanics exist for following your character's goals/personality traits). this would make disabled characters be more on par mechanically with other characters, but i fear it may come across as... viewing disabled characters as not worth it without some sort of benefit, i suppose?
apologies for the long rambling message, but i'd love to hear which of these options (or another suggestion) you'd be happiest to see in a game written by someone who isn't physically disabled! this is far from the focus of my game, but it's still an important part of the greater theme that i'd love to be able to get right. thanks! (similarly, if there are any groups not covered in the "underrepresented but common disabilities" post from your FAQ that you'd want to see in a game, i'd also be happy to hear those!)
First things first, thank you so much for thinking about this! This isn't something that most TTRGs consider and, as a massive nerd who plays DND, Pathfinder, and other tabletop games, this has always been a big pet peeve of mine since making a disabled character is always unnecessarily hard to do with the game mechanics and rarely works out well.
Most of the time, I have to talk to my GM about how to make it work in their game and, unfortunately, I'm often told they won't allow it because it's "too much trouble".
This is all just to say, I really love the idea here and the fact that you're actually thinking about these things and wanting to do well by them is great!
Now, taking a look at the options:
Option One
One of the unfortunate things that I see a lot is people that are too scared to get something wrong with representation (Or social justice on a broader scale) that they don't try to do it at all. With this current era of cancel culture and people's reactions to what they deem 'offensive', it's understandable to be a bit apprehensive but if you're approaching the subject from a place of respect and you're receptive to learning and improving, most people will appreciate the effort.
While this option does sidestep the main issue you've identified, I do think it sidesteps the attempt at making disability part of your game as well. You can encourage people to make disabled characters all you want but without any real content for them in the game, it won't do much.
If you do go with this option, I'd strongly suggest including some information on the culture of your world and how it relates to disability, both to provide more substance to the content and to give players a bit to go off of when making a disabled character.
Option Two
I like this option much more than the first one, though I do agree that it may discourage people from choosing to play a disabled character.
Within the game mechanics, I think it makes a lot of sense to have these kinds of effects but I would encourage you to include more variety with it. Disability isn't 'one size fits all' and two disabled people can have different needs, strengths, and experiences -- even if they have the exact same disability. Instead, I'd suggest going for a slightly different model that includes more choices.
For example, a character with low vision may:
- Roll lower on perception checks involving vision
- Have disadvantage with ranged weapons/attacks
- Have lower rolls/less success in dim lighting
Do you see where I'm going with this?
Having more options for how the character's disability affects them allows players to make a choice for how they want to play the character while also encouraging them to think more about how their character's disability might affect them and impact their life.
The examples given are all reflections of how blindness can affect somebody. Blind spots or blurry vision can make it more difficult to notice certain visual changes, severe nearsightedness can make it difficult to aim/focus on things that are far away, night blindness can make it difficult to see in the dark or in dim lighting, etc. That being said, there are dozens of other ways to go about this (Though I'd advise sticking to five options per disability at most to avoid overwhelming people).
Option Three
Personally, I like this one and the second option the most. Although I understand where your concerns are coming from, it feels less like it's implying that disabled characters have to be 'worth it' and more like it's just balancing it out.
Like with the second option, I'd suggest going for more of a choice model here where the player can pick what 'benefit' (For lack of better word) that their character has -- or even to choose no benefit at all.
Many physically disabled people develop our own skills or tools to compensate for where we struggle, whether this is an intentional decision or just something that happens.
For example, my boyfriend is paralyzed from the waist down and uses a wheelchair full time. As a result, he has kick-ass upper body strength from it.
Similarly, many deaf and hard of hearing people are more observant when it comes to visual cues and many blind people are more sensitive to other senses (Though, of course, the whole 'super senses' thing is a myth).
While this isn't true of all disabilities or all disabled people in general, it is something worth considering.
That being said, if you do decide to implement this option, make sure that the benefit makes sense for the disability or is related in some way and isn't just something random being tacked on -- that would make it seem more like a 'disabled characters need to be worthwhile' thing.
As a few extra notes:
If you go with the second or third option, I'd suggest separating the different stat effects into different types of disabilities. You don't need to go too into specifics with it but something like 'low vision/blindness/vision loss', 'deafness/hearing loss', 'limited mobility', and 'chronic illness' would work. While disabilities are more nuanced than this in real life, setting it up this way would keep it pretty simple and allow players to tweak the mechanics slightly for their own characters.
If you go with the first option, I'd probably avoid discussing how to roleplay disabled characters. Because roleplay and character development is much more open than stats and game mechanics are, showing one or two 'proper' ways to play a disabled character is more likely to reinforce stereotypes, dismiss certain experiences that disabled people have, or just come across as more of a 'lecture' than anything. The same goes for including information on what to avoid. I'd stick to providing information about your world and how disabilities are seen in them instead of giving instructions here.
I'd suggest including ways for players to bypass the mechanics of disability if they'd like to, even if their character is disabled. That would allow for a bit more freedom with how they portray their character and would also ensure that they aren't being 'penalized' (For lack of a better term) with their stats for playing a disabled character. As a bit of an example of what I mean: A character in DND could have been a criminal growing up without necessarily taking the Criminal/Spy background.
In general, I think as long as you're approaching this respectfully (Which you are!) and reaching out to physically disabled people for their input (Which you are!), you don't have to worry too much about misrepresenting it.
~ Mod Icarus
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Spring will come
Original prompts by @ stmarchmm Crossposted to AO3
Day 01: Courting Rituals Summary: It seems you have a secret admirer
For the seventh time that week you found an, admittedly small, pie on your designated desk in Viktor’s lab.
It had found its way to the center of your workspace, right over the sketches you had been working on the prior day. This time the filling was blueberry and cream cheese. Weird, usually you received the strawberry and white chocolate pie in the morning, and the blueberry one in the afternoon.
You pulled off the ribbon and, as always, it smelled divine.
The pastry came inside a pink little paper box decorated with a big red ribbon and the bakery’s signature ornate design. Kind of flashy, but beautiful nonetheless.
The first time it happened, you thought one of Jayce’s secret admirers had left it there for him to find. You took a few steps closer to inspect the item and noticed a small card attached to the box with a twine string.
It read only your name. No signature, no name, no return address.
The second time it happened —that same day in the afternoon may you add— you noticed the only difference, aside from the filling, was the note attached to it. In the evening the note would have a heart drawn with blue ink and nothing more, almost as if expecting you to know it was yours.
This continued for the next two days. You tried arriving early at the lab, but your attempts had been proven futile for the pastry was always there with no trace of the person who delivered it.
It’s not that you don’t appreciate it, really, you are actually very thankful for the gesture as it had saved you from going hungry when your schedule didn’t allow you leisure time to go for a bite at the school’s cafeteria… but who’s leaving the small pastries there?
They were clearly there for you, yet you were not sure of the intention behind it.
So far you had ruled out any of your friends in school, the students you would tutor from time to time, and any gifts from people who wanted your favor regarding the new gallery you were working on.
If not any of them, who?
“Hey, Eda!” Jayce called over to you from the doorway “Huh. What’s got you moping?”
“I’m not-” You started, but his knowing gaze got through your defenses “Ok, you got me…” You raised the little box for him to see.
“I have been getting these” You shook it gently for emphasis “for the past few days and… I don’t know… They are a little…”
He seemed to react to that statement “Huh... Did you not like the strawberry filling or…?”
“Oh, no. No, it’s not that. I actually love them, they are very thoughtful gifts. I’ve always liked both blueberries and strawberries.” You noticed a slight change in his posture at that, but you continued “It’s just that I just have no clue on who’s sending them or why. I would at least like to say thank you, if anything”
“What do you mean ‘blueberries’?” He tried to sound nonchalant, but you knew better. Jayce was hiding something. You eyed him for a second, but thought nothing of it.
You opted to keep his reaction in mind for the time being.
“Oh, well, yeah. In the mornings I usually get the strawberry pies, and then, in the evenings I get the blueberry ones. Weirdly enough I got the blueberry one early today, I think there may have been a mix up…” You thought for a moment “I’m sure my sugar levels are off the roof, but they are just too delicious to ignore, specially when I’m hungry”
His serious expression did not change before speaking again “I see. I uh… have to go. I’ll see you later” Jayce made a rush for the hallway, not even bothering to look back.
Now alone with your thoughts you were left with only one question: how did he know about the strawberry filling before you even mentioned it?
The day came and went in a rush. You had only managed to push out one floor plan of the general layout of the new and improved Hexgate design before lunchtime. You sighed when the prospect of having to stay after hours again for the complete master plan came to your mind.
Only a few more weeks before Progress Day and, with that, the first real step towards Hextech being a reality.
The three of you were hard at work. You were in charge of the entirety of the building and surrounding areas, at least on a preliminary level. Jayce was still deciphering some of the more complicated runes and their effects, a key piece to make the nucleus work as anticipated.
Meanwhile Viktor should be working on a few other things to make that same nucleus more stable. Namely, working on the capsule that would contain and send direct commands to it.
A crash and the subsequent mutterings in a foreign language probed you right. He must be getting tired, the last time you saw him leave his workstation was early in the morning, most likely to get another kettle full of coffee “for maximum efficiency” during work hours.
You took a final glance at the drawings and structural plans spread on your desk and decided to check up on him, if only to take your mind off things for a moment.
As you approached his side, you noticed Viktor correcting his posture, quickly straightening his back and putting his work aside for a moment.
“Hey Vik—” Before you could muster up a cordial greeting or to ask what he was working on, he immediately welcomed you “Eda, what a wonderful surprise seeing you here. The pleasure is all mine, yes, yes. What can I do for you?” You didn’t miss him grabbing something off the side of his table and putting it aside.
“Uhmm… I was actually here to check up on y— on how things are going around here, haha” You did your best to disguise your concern about his health habits. Thankfully he paid no mind to your slip up and he promptly turned to show you how his latest advancement was going.
His excitement was somewhat contagious as you found yourself fascinated by both his work and his way of explaining the intricacies of it.
You spent a few minutes talking about the advances towards the final design of the Hexgates and how many square meters would be needed to fit the entirety of the mechanism he and Jayce were working on. It was bigger than any of you had expected at first.
The first sketches depicted a small nucleus the size of a train motor (if that can even be called small), but more recent schemes show that you’d need to build a whole tower to fit every component needed to meet the city’s minimum requirements. There would be a lot to work on for the next few years, to say the least.
That is if you managed to win the Innovators Competition, and the process of design, and getting sponsors, and finding workers experienced enough to work with the technology, and—
Viktor noticed your sudden change in demeanor then.
“Is everything alright?”
“Yeah, I just have a lot in my mind” You sunk on the seat he had grabbed for you while he was explaining the rune-code system he had managed to crack that same day.
“Would some food help you with that? I hear you spiraling into madness all the time until you get a bite of the pies” You chuckled at that “I guess someone is prone to ‘hangry-ness’, don’t you think?”
That last bit caught your attention.
“How do you know about the pies? Did Jayce tell you?”
“Something like that. He told me you seemed… intrigued by their sudden appearance, but did not elaborate further. Are you not satisfied with them?”
“No, it’s not that. I… I’m gonna be honest, Vik” He seemed to be even more attentive to you after that “I don’t think whoever is leaving those pies understands what they mean… to us” You gave him a knowing gaze which he didn’t quite return.
“What they mean to… us?”
“Y’know, us Zaunites” You pressed your hand to your chest, emphasizing your words.
“Ah” Something seemed to click for him “Did you think those gifts were merely that? Favors?”
“I’ve learned the hard way that Piltovian culture is very different from ours, Viktor, Courtesy, especially, is different for them. At first I thought someone wanted something from me, but the note had only my name written on it. No ‘Thank you, miss duMarquis’ or ‘You have been invited to…’, y’know?”
You took out the last note, the fourth heart drawn in blue ink you had received that week, and you extended it for him to see it with his own two eyes.
Common Piltovian courtesy insisted on giving small, yet expensive, gifts to ask for favors or to thank someone for their help. Some other times those same gifts came as a form of invitation to certain events. However, in Zaun, gift-giving had a very different connotation. Elaborate or expensive gifts were only given under two conditions: between packmates or courting rituals.
The first few times you had been given gifts by Salo you had been horrified, then you came to find he had only meant to welcome you into your new home.
Viktor kept eyeing the note, lost in thought, when Jayce entered the room once more.
“Oh, are we having a meeting? Let me grab some—”
“Actually, Jayce, I’m just telling Viktor about the pie debacle. I have to get to the bottom of it”
“Maybe debacle is just a tiny bit of a strong word for that, don’t you think?”
“No I— Jayce, I… uhmm. I don’t think you get the importance of them. It’s fine, I just need to find who’s leaving them there”
“They clearly say your name, Eda. They are yours!”
“No, they can’t. No one’s asking anything from me with them. They have to be someone else’s”
“Eda, they are gifts. Why don’t you just accept them—”
“Because I swear if I continue getting more of these pies I will start believing someone is actually trying to court me!” You stood up, surprising them both.
While no tears threatened to fall off your eyes, your voice still cracked.
It had been really hard for you to adapt to Piltovian mannerisms, but you managed to do it at the cost of your omega’s sensitivity. Many unrequited advances taught you to stick to what was normal for the people here.
Gifts held close to no significance to them, when they meant the world to you.
“Would that be wrong?” Viktor’s voice cut through the silence after being quiet during your exchange.
Even if you didn’t trust your voice, you answered back “I don’t want to be let down again” A sad smile appeared on your face “Besides, I’m busy, and I already have some— I… I don’t think I could reciprocate the feelings for this person. I have you guys to take care of. The Hexgates won’t build themselves I— We have a lot of work ahead of us!”
You cleared your throat and made your way to the door, on the way noting no pie had magically showed up on your desk even as the sky turned dark.
As expected, too good to be true.
“You say you have enough with the two of us, but would you pursue this ‘person’ if given the chance?” Jayce’s voice startled you. How did you not notice him following after you?
“I’m not sure Jayce, I…” Then everything fell in place. Why Jayce knew what the filling was, why Viktor hid something as soon as you got near him, and most importantly why there were two different kinds of pies in the first place “Wait a second. Are you two courting me?”
“In his defence,” Viktor spoke from his desk, not too far away “I came up with the idea. I heard you missed the pies Jericho made. I thought them a good enough alternative. Besides, sending Jayce down there would have cost us millions in scams”
“Hey! I told you I know how to bargain it’s you who won’t let me—”
You couldn’t help but laugh audibly at that. They stopped arguing to join you, seeing the absurdity of it all.
After your hollering died down, Jayce spoke again.
“So… is that a yes or…?”
Viktor glanced at you, expecting an answer too.
“That’s a stop giving me any more trouble, I’m already behind schedule” You finally relaxed, now sure you had no other prospects to worry about.
The pair tried to appear unaffected, of course they would try to hide their disappointment “Of course, sorry” Jayce started walking back to his own desk and Viktor started putting on his protective gear when you interrupted their moping.
“... but we can get back to this discussion as soon as we submit this project”
Their happiness was just as palpable as their previous sulking.
You all got back to work and, to your excitement, the night ended up going better than expected. You even got to go back to your dorm room an hour earlier than expected.
It seemed almost as if your two partners had a new reason to work harder.
“Viktor, I will actually murder you if you don’t tell me where you bought these” You took one last bit out of the strawberry pie, which had now arrived on schedule.
“I don’t think you will be pleased to know. It’s better if you don’t”
“C’mon, it’s not like you went out of your way to get them with Jericho and then made them pass for another bakery’s so no one would scam Jayce”
“...” Viktor remained silent, opting to take a sip of his coffee.
You left it at that. A warm feeling spread through your chest knowing what they were capable of for you.
You really needed to teach Jayce how to haggle, though.
#viktor arcane#a/b/o dynamics#jayce talis#jayce x reader#viktor x reader#reader insert#pekkwrites#omegaverse
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Power Couple
CHAPTER 5 - Rooftop Parley

Concept: AU of how Sylus & you (reader) met. Both are leaders of large factions in the N109 Zone, Onychinus (Sylus) and Himitsu (you). They have been cutting into your territory over the past few weeks, so you decided an introduction is required. You laid the trap and Sylus walked right into it. But this is just the beginning...
Your head pounds as you finally wake up. You remember feeling like you were floating before everything went dark. Your eyes flutter open and you gasp. The sky above you is shining with millions of stars. The dark blue and purple swirls come into focus before the city lights bleed into the darkness in your peripherals. You sit up quickly, grabbing your head. You feel a hand at your back and feel your senses snap to attention.
“Easy kitten…” Sylus’ voice is low and calm.
You finally take in your surroundings. You’re on a rooftop, plush patio furniture surrounds you. Twinkling lights hanging from the metal fencing. A small garden sits to the right and a fire pit to the left. It looks like a suburban backyard, but you know you have to be on one of the highest roofs in the zone to see the stars clearly. You finally swing your legs off the couch you were laid on to face Sylus sitting on the coffee table in front of you.
“Where the hell did you take me?” Trying to control the panic in your voice unsuccessfully.
“White & Co.” You remember the name. White & Co is owned by Raymond White, a prominent lawyer and businessman in the zone. It makes sense why he was so quick to turn you down for a partnership, he was already associated with Onychinus.
You sit back and cross your legs, attempting to look confident. You’re not dead, so that’s a good sign. But you are not sure what Sylus’ motive is. And you don’t want to let your guard down.
Sylus walks over to a chair opposite you and sits, mirroring you as he crosses his legs. His eyes scan your face and soften when he reaches your lips. You’re not sure if he meant for you to see him do this or if he even cares. You smirk regardless and cross your arms. It takes you a moment to realize you are wearing a coat that is not yours. You glance down and see the familiar red swirl against the black fabric. It is far too big for you, but the night air is chilly and you’re on a rooftop. You look up to see Sylus is now wearing a smirk as well.
“What’s your angle?” You finally find the courage to face the problem at hand, leaning forward.
“My angle?” Sylus feigns ignorance.
“I lock you in a cage, somehow you break yourself out - which I am still confused about because the design is foolproof - and now I am the one kidnapped by you and we are… sitting on a cozy little rooftop with a garden and fire pit. What is your angle Sylus?” The words spill out of your mouth quickly as frustration and fear start to take over.
“I thought we’d try this whole introduction again. And this time, no cages or collars. But if it puts you at ease, I am happy to put the collar back on?” He’s already teasing you.
“Fine.” You sit up straight, clear your throat and glide your hand in front of your face dramatically putting on a confident smile before reaching out your hand to Sylus. “Hi! I’m Y/N.”
Sylus chuckles, but he matches your energy. He sits forward, his elbows on his knees, he stares at you for a moment before extending his hand to you. “Sylus. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Y/N.”
His palm is cool to the touch and you hope he doesn’t notice how your hand shakes slightly when he doesn’t let go of your hand. You feel a sense of peace, almost a warmth spreading from his touch. Are you resonating with him? Before you can figure it out, he lets go of your hand. And try your best not to dwell on that feeling, disappointment.
“I’m impressed. The only intel I could get on the Himitsu boss is the name Dorian and his reputation is not impressive.”
“Well, the only intel I could gather on you is that you collect guns. Oh and that your name alone makes people paranoid.”
“So why do you hide behind Dorian? Why be his puppet-master when you could take center stage?” You can’t tell if his eyes are glowing from the moonlight or from something… else.
“It’s simple really. I’m a woman. No one would take me seriously. They take Dorian seriously.”
“I take you seriously.” His smirk is gone, his tone serious. You avoid his gaze now.
“I like the shadows. They keep me safe.” You lean back, letting the umbrella above you to block the moonlight from your face.
“Not always, kitten.” The umbrella is pushed back suddenly. When you look back, the familiar black and red mist is retreating from its base. You turn back to Sylus, his eyes full of mirth.
“Why don’t you tell me about your evol? I’ve never seen anything quite like it. Must be rare.”
“That’s one word for it. Let’s call it… a kind of energy. Keeps things simple.” His smile doesn’t hide the hint of sadness in his eyes.
“Okay. Well, your energy isn’t affected by suppression beacons. Seems like it might not be an evol at all.” Sylus stands and moves closer to you. He sits on the coffee table once again and lifts his hand.
“Resonate with me. Maybe you’ll have your answer.” There’s no smile, no sadness, no fear. The next move is yours.
“How do you know I have the resonance evol?” Your evol has never fit in one category. It’s also never been stable or dependable. Sylus doesn’t answer. His hand remains in front of you.
You take a breath and lift your hand to meet his. Your hands touch, he laces your fingers together and you feel that warmth once more. Sylus closes his eyes while yours remains fixed to his face. Sylus rotates his wrist, pulling your hand closer to his chest. The movement takes you by surprise, your other hand finds itself on Sylus’ knee in an attempt to prevent falling forward. He opens his eyes to glance at your hand on his knee, but says nothing. And you don’t move your hand. When his eyes meet yours again, you feel as though you are lost. Or maybe floating? Even though you feel weightless, you still feel a pull. Something magnetic. Your heartbeat pounds in your ears and it feels as though you are trying to breathe underwater. You finally close your eyes, your senses overwhelmed. And then… Sylus releases your hand. Your eyes open quickly and you realize just how close you are to him.
“I… What was that? I’ve resonated with plenty of people before, but it wasn’t like that.” You’re breathless and frustrated. The experience didn’t make any sense to you. What does it all mean?
“Maybe that means we’re unique.”
“You make it sound special.”
“It is.” Sylus’ voice is still serious, his gaze still locked on you.
“Why?” You whisper.
“Seems like everything about you is special, kitten. Not just your evol.” His smirk has returned, but you can tell he isn’t joking when he says that.
You realize your hand is still on his knee. His thumb gently strokes your hand, you didn’t expect it to make you feel so calm. You know you should pull your hands back, but you indulge yourself another minute of closeness.
“What do you want, Sylus?” You repeat your earlier question, your tone much less defensive.
“I’m looking for a protocore. It doesn’t appear special, so it’s often discarded.”
“Which is why you’ve been attacking my transports.” Finally, the puzzle pieces make sense.
“Seems your clients are fiercely loyal to you. Or they’re just afraid of what you’ll do if they break their contract.”
“You haven’t found what you’re looking for.” Sylus raises an eyebrow. “You wouldn’t have attacked the transport yesterday if you had.”
“No, I haven’t found it. It’s possible there’s another buyer.”
“Ahh, so you’re planning to sell it? You’re looking for a diamond amongst countless discarded protocores?”
“No sweetie, I am the buyer.”
“So you’re looking for a rare protocore and I am the only one with access to mass quantities of discarded protocores from the city. Interesting.”
“How about we make a deal? That way I don’t have to keep coming after your shipments and making things… tense, with your clients.” He closes his fingers around your hand, his thumb still stroking your palm.
You’re about to make a deal and you’re holding hands with a potential business partner. This is definitely unprofessional. Not that you care.
“What do you propose then?”
“We split the zone, straight down the middle. I control the industrial zone and the docks. You control the business sector and all roads connecting to the outer cities. But there is one place that is neutral. You bring your shipment there, I do my search and then it’s on the way to its original destination.”
You let your gaze fall to your hand, gently being caressed by Sylus. Your mind is working overtime to stay focused. Sylus places his other hand on your wrist. He traces small circles on your skin, one of his fingers pressed to feel your pulse. You’ve used this trick yourself. You don’t pull away. If he wants to play, you’ll play.
Sylus continues. “You help me find the protocore and Onychinus stops pursuing business in your territory. Himitsu returns the favor. It’s a fair deal.”
“So I just help you find this mysterious protocore and all I get is peace and what sounds like ‘permission’ to continue controlling the territory I’ve held for years? You call that fair?” You place your free hand on top of his and drag your nails gently down his fingers. You see goosebumps rise on his skin. The game is on.
“What if I told you the protocore I am looking for could answer some of those questions you had before? When we tried to resonate?” You tilt your head and continue grazing his hand lightly.
“Would I even have access to this protocore once you find it? How can I guarantee you won’t disappear?”
“I won’t disappear.” Sylus answers quickly. He is leaning closer to you now, demanding your attention. “And yes, you’d have access.” While this isn’t concrete, for some reason, you believe him.
“Where would this neutral zone be?” The deal is good, for now. Once Himitsu is ready to expand it might prove to be a problem, but after the past few weeks that won’t be for a while.
“I have a house. The property lines sit perfectly between our territories. It also has an underground garage, perfect for a secure search.”
“Okay. So how do we make it official?”
“We shake on it.” He turns your hand, waiting for you to initiate the shake. You comply. The deal is done. He doesn’t let go of your hand. “Oh and one more thing…”
“No no no, you can’t add something to the deal once we’ve already shaken on it.”
“Dinner.” One word, but you look as if he spoke a different language.
“W-what?” You stutter.
“Dinner. We meet at the house, I complete the search but before we split ways, we have dinner.”
You stare at him and search your brain for any reason to say no, but come up short. Why not?
“Fine.” He is the one to shake your hand now. He releases your hand and stands, turning to face the low humming light of the zone beneath you.
“Saturday the 20th. Would 5pm work?” You wrap your arms around yourself, pulling Sylus’ coat around you further.
“It works.”
“I’ll send you the address and give you a call the day before. My number is in the burner phone. Check the pocket of my jacket.” You reach your hand in and pull out the phone. You open the contacts and see one. You press the call button. A phone rings near you. Sylus pulls a phone out of his pocket and shows you the screen.
“Kitten? Really?” You try to mask your amusement but it doesn’t work. You let out a small laugh.
“Do you prefer ‘kitten’ or ‘sweetie’?” He moves to stand in front of you now.
“How about just my name?” You take a step forward.
“Y/N.” He says in a low rumble. He takes a step forward as well. Your breath catches, he said it that way on purpose.
Before you can think what may happen next you hear a loud CAW and a black crow swoops down and lands on Sylus’ shoulder. You stare at the creature. It has mechanical features and glowing eyes. You blink rapidly, yeah, the bird is definitely staring at you.
“This is Mephisto.” The bird responds with another loud CAW. Sylus shushes the bird. “He said hello.” You squint at the bird.
“Right. Sounded like it.” And then it dawns on you. “He’s how you knew which route the convoy was taking? And reported you being taken?” Sylus smiles.
“I’ll talk to you soon, kitten.” He turns and walks to the elevator doors. “You can return my jacket when I see you next.” Throwing a small smile over his shoulder before disappearing from sight.
What have you gotten yourself into?
Chapter 1: https://shorturl.at/Bx95C Chapter 2: https://shorturl.at/3PwTi Chapter 3: https://shorturl.at/a7xnF Chapter 4: https://shorturl.at/fKYgX Chapter 5: https://shorturl.at/7YtTh
Tag List (comment if you wanna be added!): @trishiepo0
#alternate universe#angst and fluff#eventual smut#love and deepspace#minor violence#slow burn#mafia trope#sylus (love and deepspace)#sylus smut#sylus x mc#lnds sylus#lads sylus#qin che#love and deepspace sylus#l&ds sylus
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Old Faces, New Lies, And A Name That Haunts {Transcendence!Wesker x Fem!Reader}
"Transcendence is a theme in the Resident Evil video game series that involves the idea of transcending human limitations and achieving immortality. Albert Wesker and his sister Alex Wesker are both characters in the series who seek transcendence."
Chris had been acting strange lately. He had been disconnected, colder and a bit more… Malicious in his words and actions. Y/N had picked up on it immediately; How could she not? Not only had she known the man for about 10 or 11 years now, but being a marksman required a lot of attention to detail. As she pondered these inner musings, her gaze fell to an old, folded and ratty looking photograph pinned to her mini-fridge via magnet… A photo from her first day in S.T.A.R.S. She stood among the Alpha team with her trusty rifle, designed by Captain Albert Wesker himself. Said man stood behind her in the photo, a hand on her shoulder. Y/N’s relationship with the captain had been an odd one to say the least. He had an… interest in the young rookie, and he took a chance on her by letting her join as their marksman. Where he would chew out Chris for mistakes, he would correct and make gentle recommendations to Y/N. It had gained her a bit of a teasing nickname from her team and a strange swirling in her stomach… Well, of course, until he betrayed the team and sold them out to Umbrella for data… Since then, she had pushed the feelings down and locked them up in a mental pandora’s box so as to never consider them again. Shaking her head, she picked up the photo and stared at it for a moment, reminiscing the times she had with the team. ‘Maybe… Maybe this is the reminder Chris needs to snap back into reality…’ Y/N thinks to herself as she taps the photo against the countertop. Pushing off the counter and photo in hand, she strides out the door hoping her little intervention will work…
Wesker tapped his pen. It was far too small in his hands. Or maybe his hands were too big. He had lost track and quite honestly didn’t care enough to figure it out. A quick glance at the mirror hung on the wall by the door reminded him of just why he didn’t care… The visage of Chris Redfield stared back, hatred burning in his eyes. Somehow, some way, Albert Wesker now inhabited the body of Chris Redfield. He couldn’t remember how it happened, just that he was swimming in darkness and could feel the heat of magma seeping through the cocoon that the Uroboros had formed around him; He opened his eyes and suddenly he was in the body of his biggest adversary… A man he once perhaps considered a friend, Christopher Redfield. Wesker–or ‘Chris’s’ lips quirk into a deep frown as he recalls the sudden realization he had come to when he awoke. ‘Curse this body… It’s inadequate for my… needs.’ He thinks to himself as the rhythmic tapping ceased. Keeping up the facade of Chris Redfield, running the BSAA, managing cases and training agents was grating on Wesker. He was tiring of the charade but knew he had to keep it up. Who knows what would happen if he was found out before figuring out a way to get back to his body, or at least out of this one. He shuddered, not because he was scared, not even because he was cold, but because he wasn’t in control-and it unnerved him. His thoughts are scattered by a sharp knock on the door. A knock he believes to recognize. Rolling his shoulders back, he takes a deep breath through his nose. ‘Showtime.’ He thinks to himself.
Y/N peeked her head into Chris’s office. She’s dressed in comfortable clothes, jeans and a jumper. A break from the attire that the facility is accustomed to receiving her in. “It’s your day off, Y/N. You aren’t supposed to be here.” Chris’s voice says with Wesker’s dismissive and clipped tone. Y/N ignores the words and saunters in, a smile on her lips. “Hello to you too, Redfield…” She chirps back playfully. “Guess what I have that I forgot about~” She sing-songs. Wesker raises an eyebrow at her and folds his fingers, resting his lips against them. “I don’t have time for games, Y/N. I’m bu-” Before he can finish speaking, she lets the photograph fall onto his desk, comically rotating to face him perfectly. Chris’s eyes dart to the aging image and he feels his blood run cold. The memory… The reminder of what he once was, the body he used to inhabit, the man he used to be, it felt like salt being rubbed into an open wound. He felt a maelstrom of emotions. Anger, bitterness, resentment, melancholy, and even a flicker of regret… With shaky hands, he picks up the image and runs his-or really Chris’s fingers over it. “... Wh… Where did you find this?” He almost whispers out. Y/N steps over, standing on the opposite side of the desk and laughs softly. “It’s on my mini-fridge in my bathroom. Y’know, the one that holds all my products? I totally forgot I had it pinned there.” She starts. “Look how young we were!” Y/N leans in slightly, her arms resting on the desk, and gestures toward the photograph. “You even smiled in this one! Remember that? The Captain had just chewed us out for breaking formation, but after he left, you couldn’t stop laughing about how I tripped over my own rifle trying to regroup.” Wesker forces a tight smile that doesn’t quite reach Chris’s eyes. “Oh! Do you remember the time that you crashed a squad car into the entrance of the precinct’s garage? Wesker was so mad!” Wesker feels Chris’s emotions come rushing to the surface, vivid and defiant against his mental dominance. Wesker fights to suppress them, gripping the photograph tighter than he intended. Y/N’s eyes narrow slightly, her playful smile dimming as she notices his hand trembling. “Hey… You okay, Chris? You look like you’ve seen a ghost or something.” Wesker exhales slowly, schooling his expression into something more neutral. “I just… hadn’t expected to see this. It’s been years.” He places the photograph back on the desk carefully, as though it might shatter under his touch. “You’re right… We were young. Naïve, even.” His tone shifts, colder now, tinged with something Y/N can’t quite place. She tilts her head and studies him. “You know… You’ve been acting… Really weird lately… Is everything ok?” She asks, her tone soft and betraying the level of concern that she holds for the man she believes to be her longtime friend. “You’re starting to act like-” “Like what?” Wesker barks out and glares at her. He’s struggling to suppress Chris’s influence and hadn’t intended to let his true emotions slip through. A crack in his carefully formulated facade. Y/N flinches at the barked tone and blinks at him, her body rigid and stance recoiled. Her eyes suddenly narrow, the look she took when practicing her skills as a marksman. The details and tiny actions of Wesker, under the guise of Chris rush back to her and almost weave together into a finished picture… The short attitude, the colder responses, the drastic shift in behavior… A sudden interest in Transcendence… Y/N pales for a moment, before setting her face in a cold glare. “... Like Wesker…” She whispers.
Y/N’s accusation stuns Wesker for a split second. “Wesker,” he repeats, voice low and dangerous. “That’s quite the accusation.” The air in the room feels like its been sucked out and pressed down on Y/N at the same time. She feigns a shaky smile and steps back, her hands raised in mock surrender. “Wesker,” she repeats, letting out a nervous laugh. “That’s… ridiculous, right? I mean, you’re not him. You can’t be.” He narrows his eyes, scanning her face for deception. “What are you implying, Y/N?” “I’m just saying,” she stammers, inching toward the door, “it’s been a stressful few months, and you’ve been under a lot of pressure. Maybe I’m just overthinking things. Sorry for bringing up bad memories.” Wesker relaxes slightly, his smirk returning. “Perhaps you should take your own advice and get some rest.” Y/N nods quickly, backing out of the office. The moment she’s out of sight, she sprints to her own office and locks the door. Grabbing her phone, she frantically swipes through her contacts until she finds the number she intends to call. As soon as Jill Valentine answers the phone, Y/N blurts out her thoughts.
“Something’s wrong with Chris. I think Wesker’s back.”
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currently vibrating at a frequency that could shatter glass bc of your new caleb fic. like oh my god i need to be held so bad bc the YEARNING OH MY GOD. you are so so good at writing the tension (sexual and not) between these two characters. reader’s longing is so clearly an aching wound that’s been festering for far too long and caleb is both treating it and also making it worse. i loved the bits where we got to see in his head especially at the end where u told us that the meeting was no random coincidence but instead a test of the reader’s reaction. that’s so good, reader’s feelings felt so visceral and the way that they pretty much only say caleb’s name as the entirety of their dialogue is the perfect touch. i loved the unveiling of caleb’s mechanical augmentation and how tender it was and the mention of caleb’s blush. it shows how reader’s feelings still have the capacity to surprise him or lay bare his own want for her even as he is carefully trying to control every aspect of their reunion. i’ve never read the little prince but the references were so cool and tbh everything u sprinkled it from their childhood was so well placed. the nightmares that reader has had and how caleb comforted them, how they were both longing for more but never crossed the line. it’s so delicious and if im honest every mention of caleb’s body had me wound up bc his design is so attractive but the way that the reader described him was practically body worship it was so good. thank u for mentioning his happy trail and his hairy arms i needed that 😭 this line was probably my favorite bc the (un)subtle dominance and possessiveness of the first half had me gripped by the neck i swear: “resting your clasped hands on his big thigh as he drives one-handed, relaxed.” it’s so domestic but clashes so hard with the actual context of the scene. i love how they settle into these rhythms with each other bc they know each other so intimately even tho they’ve never crossed that romantic/sexual line. and god when the fic switched to caleb’s perspective at the end and he was ignoring how hard he was i literally shoved my fist in my mouth. the restraint!!! the longing!!! the want!!!! i feel insane. and of course the finger in the mouth made my brain short circuit. it’s so lifestyle dom of caleb, and the mention of choking reader lightly just to bruise her for others to see and for them both to enjoy. i need to be locked up in a cage and released only on january 22nd bc idk how im gonna wait patiently for caleb now. (last thing is that the mention of the choking/hand on her throat really crystallized for me what caleb’s favorite position probably is but let me not say right now or i might blow up) but thank u thank u thank u for this fic. every day i wish infold was on here ready to hire u to write out the lore for sylus and now i have u to thank for wonderful and intriguing caleb characterization
Okay so I've read this comment multiple times, especially now as I'm polishing the second part and am having serious doubts about whether it will ever see the light of day because it's A Lot, and I think will be a turn off for a lot of people because it backtracks in time to their growing up together. So thank you for all the kind things you point out about part 1, it's really encouraging because i have been putting in so much thought into this version of the calebmc character dynamics with what we now know about him. he's clearly manipulative, possessive, two-faced, dangerous, suffered from guilt for so long about how much he wanted her, his feelings for her, which caused him emotional turmoil, shame and self-recrimination before he died, but because he's a main LI and this is a romance game, I firmly believe he genuinely loves and cares for mc. like all the LIs, the writers will play up his possessive, protective, 'villain' quirks in the memories but never have him cross the line into truly toxic territory. More under the cut because this became a novel.
So I want to take these characteristics and really want to explore the relationship dynamics and how deeply these two would have affected each other from the moment they met/were brought under the same roof. I love your description of 'reader’s longing is so clearly an aching wound that’s been festering for far too long and caleb is both treating it and also making it worse.," because that's exactly how I imagine it for her throughout her youth and then during his death. and it's clear from the PVs of Caleb that he has felt the same, lamenting how he had to 'endure, day after day, suffocating." with teenage emotions, that house was probably a powder keg of high-key feelings and they never let themselves act on them. that's amazing to me.
Because he knows MC inside and out, I imagine him being much more assertive in interacting with her (kind of what you described as a lifestyle dom, even though I think BDSM terms can sometimes be so limiting when discussing human relationships). but like, for example, to contrast with sylus (who is embodiment of love, he is not lying when he says that no love is purer than his), he always is so careful to make sure he has mc's consent, that mc is with him of their own free will, that he's not coercing mc, mc is choosing to be with him, actively. he made such a shit first impression with mc, and just wants to love them, to be loved in return, and he is so patient and calculating and plotting to ensure that he does it in a way that mc will respond positively to. he's begging for mc to notice him while being terrified of fucking up again imo. But i imagine that with caleb, caleb already knows mc in this life, he knows what she wants, he likely feels like he already has mc's consent and just acts. he's likely stubborn and obnoxious insisting that he knows best. he's not offering quid pro quo, transactional exchanges like sylus; doesn't feel the need to negotiate, because he's already put in the time, he's always been protecting and loving mc and present in a way that sylus has been unable to be until he kidnaps mc like the heartbroken dragon he is. i think caleb probably draws so much self worth from already knowing, anticipating, and providing for mc, trying to 'create a world where it's just the two of us,' definitely likes being the only one (in his mind) that can give mc what she wants/needs. whereas with sylus it's easy to write him as the green flag he has always been, trying to write caleb's brand of possessive, mask-wearing possibly-brought-up-to-kill mc but fell in love with her instead, in a romantic way, without crossing into abusive, toxic territory, presents an interesting challenge for me right now.
in any case, i'm trying to challenge my anxiety here big time, because caleb is already controversial due to the 'childhood friend/adopted brother' schism in the translations and the fandom, and because it's clear that he's two-faced and manipulative, and you have to consider their childhood when thinking about their current relationship, and with the way online culture is these days it kind of feels like a mine field wanting to dig into their story and give it context that infold will likely not give us because, well, they still haven't done that for mc at all and everything she's been through, and still haven't done it for the first few days with sylus. so I appreciate this message, esp. since people follow me for my sylus stuff and i'm shoveling unreleased obsessive caleb fic at them while letting sylus simmer. i also appreciate the comments/tags people have left on the fic itself. it's reassuring that there are people out there who like complicated, nuanced relationships in their fanfic (which I try to write with varying success), especially with caleb and his divisive place in the fandom. So thank you so much, i'm glad you enjoyed this fic.
and finally: he's not even out yet, my take on him currently could be wildly OOC and people should point and laugh at me and maybe throw things at me too once he's out and he's nothing like i'm predicting lmao. if you're caged till the 22nd, i'm right there with you, 8 days uuuuuuugh
#sara answers#i've been walking around with an essay in my head comparing and contrasting caleb and sylus#so here's an unasked for excerpt sorry
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Timelines are delicate things, aren't they? The smallest thing can cause immeasurable changes between worlds. The details of a plan, the location of a room... People call it the Butterfly Effect, I suppose.
There's a place people go when their worlds give up on them. When the universe doesn't want them anymore, when the timelines trickle out and die, but the people are just a little too stubborn to give up. It's not the best place, it's not the worst place. Whether or not it's better than death is up to you. The important part is that they're surviving.
And.. They have internet connection?
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All of them are called Emmet, of course, but that would get confusing quickly. Instead, they rely on nicknames:
◈ Em, what you would call the 'canon Emmet'. His universe has some differences from the original. Nothing that really changes anything.
✲ Spark, from a world where magic is very much real. His magic grew out of control and he ended up creating the void to contain himself. Not that he remembers it.
≜ Threes, or simply Three, a cyborg who lost a chunk of their body when the Kragle exploded. Sometimes it's a good thing when the plan doesn't work first time.
□ Buddy, a man who was stuck on the dust planet Undar for... Well, time doesn't matter anymore. He's the kind of guy who lives in the wall. Literally.
⊡ Rex, an immortal superhero. Or, well, he would be, if he'd gotten the opportunity to grow up. He's currently stuck in an adult body, though it should be fixable once they're out of here.
⩙ Nightshade, grumpyboy.
⨳ Cleric, the designated party healer from a Dungeons and Dragons campaign that was never finished. He's never had to quite think for himself before, quite literally.
⛯ Snowball, Spark's 'big brother' (Rex) and primary caretaker.
⑄ Chip, a sentient spaceship computer, now stuck in a small harddrive.
※ Void, both the place they're in and guard of it. It's overprotective and hates not being in control, but on the inside, it's really just a scared kid who wants to experience the outside world.
ᗢ Brick, a therapy cat, who's been forcibly adopted by Buddy. He loves hugs, headpats, and ear scratches. Sometimes he gets turned into a human, but don't worry about it.
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No NSFW, shippy, or suggestive anything
Rude asks are ok, but please be aware that they'll be rude back, and I might just end up ignoring you if it goes too far
Any of the characters are availble to answer asks! Some are more talkative than others, so if you want a specific character to answer something, please say so!
Canon, AU, OC, OOC, magic anon, and even other media asks are all welcome! Just don't break the story ^_^
My DMs are open
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A couple of extra bits that I want to specify
Buddy's tag isn't messed up! I chose the missing character symbol on purpose :)
The art in this blog is done in FireAlpaca, and the funky font used in these posts is Pagga from Ascii Art Archive
Everyone on this blog will lie, and cheat, and decieve you. Except for me. You can trust me.
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Em | Spark | Threes | Buddy | Rex | Brick | Nightshade | Cleric | Snowball | Chip | Void
(Old Tags: Em, Buddy, Nightshade)
Art | Writing
Queue | Reblogs | Muse Prompts
In Character Answers | Semi-OOC Answers | Out Of Character Answers
Reference images
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Zone of Truth (Round 1) | Zone of Truth (Round 2)
Brick Becomes a Human
Spark McFreakin Dies
#the emmetverse#emmetverse au#the lego movie#the lego movie au#rp blog#lego movie rp#tlm#tlm rp blog#roleplay blog
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Ichi the Witch ch.12 thoughts
[Badger, Badger, Badger, Badger...]
(Topics: speculation - narrative progression)
I blame @wickedsick for making me think that Kindake was going to challenge the Death for Death concept; I might never have even considered that angle on my own, and now my previously non-existent expectations have been dashed. Thanks, Wick, you lovely clown you
But seriously, I do think that's an angle that Nishi is going to need to tackle sooner or later, but now just wasn't the time, I guess. Given how it's been established that Togeice's plan is to prevent Ichi from hunting wholesale, I think it's safe to say that the intention isn't to put Ichi in a hopeless situation
Spoke Too Soon
From a narrative perspective, it might actually have been better for Ichi to have the deck stacked against him. If Kindake was a bad matchup for Ichi philosophically and Togeice was a bad matchup competitively, then Ichi would be overcoming both internal and external challenges that would force him to grow as a person
Instead, he's quite literally hunting a mushroom, when he's apparently an expert at mushroom hunting, against a woman with no sense of direction. Togeice is clearly at a tremendous disadvantage based on the necessary skillset, so while her own skills may still prove surprisingly challenging for Ichi, we're going into this challenge with the expectation that it's going to be a breeze for Ichi
That is what actually worries me most. There has to be some kind of twist or surprise that makes this more of an obstacle for Ichi to overcome, but while it would be easy enough to have Togeice simply prove to be more of a threat than she's so far let on, again, I don't think it would make sense to have Togeice actually win the contest
For the sake of making Ichi experience failure without being so disproportionately punished, I think the best option is for this contest to end in a draw, possibly forcing Ichi to still go to school but under more relaxed circumstances than Togeice intends. He might even willingly go to school because of how he fails, but that's speculation for later
For now, I'm more interested in what's going to cause him to fail, and I think Nishi has telegraphed her intentions quite clearly
White They Spotted
Ichi's ability to sense ill intent has been well documented by this point, so for Ichi to have so much confidence that he's basically just ignoring Togeice but to suddenly have his attention stolen by this random stranger, this is obviously someone dangerous
Togeice established that the only legal outcome for this challenge is for either her or Ichi to acquire Kindake, but she meant that neither of their respective teams could interfere. She clearly has no expectation that a third party could interfere, and Ichi's flashback in this chapter showed him taking out a competing predator that was too distracted with its prey to notice him: we're being told directly that the two of them are going to be too caught up with each other to keep this third dog from running off with the bone
As I said, this would be a big enough blow to Ichi's ego that he could learn just how little experience and understanding of magic he has and motivate him to go to school without giving Togeice grounds to rob Ichi of his freedom. A best of both world's scenario, I would say
Most of the responses I've seen have taken this character to be another male Witch, which was definitely my first thought, but it's difficult to tell with Shirozaki's art style if they're just androgynous at the moment. This could easily be a woman, so I'm not going to worry about the implications of that right now
The more immediately interesting implication to me, though, is this character's outfit. Not only are they dressed more like an Eastern monk, they also have what look to be deer-hooved boots. These design choices bring to mind Minakata, who comes from an island to the east and wears a deer skull. I think it's safe to say that this person is from the same nation as Minakata, and may even have a direct connection to him
Again, it's too early to speculate on what that connection is, but I'm getting the feeling that the recurring deer imagery is symbolic of this nation's equivalent to Mantinel that I projected last week. Maybe they'll be villains, maybe they'll be allies, maybe they'll justifiably challenge Mantinel's position and prompt Ichi to go against them. I don't expect these answers any time soon, but I'm looking forward to getting them sooner or later!
Until next time, let's enjoy life!
#ichi the witch#madan no ichi#fouryearsandananime#4y1a reviews#thank god i didn't have a ton to say on this one - i was able to get it done shockingly quickly
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I disdain all glittering gold // Siren!Kafka x reader
A/N:: This is late but I did write this in Mermay and I love mommy kafka ❤️
You were painting by the lake that led out to the ocean and switching between your muse and the canvas in front of you, adjusting your headphones so you could hear the music better. Something caught your eye splashing around in the deep water, you took off your headphones and put your brush down. “What was that-”
Another splash could be heard and you whipped your head around to try to catch what was making that noise, only to see a fin dipping into the water. “Is that a… no- no it couldn’t be.” It was probably just a big fish that came in from the ocean and your mind was pushing magical impossible reasons because it was tired from not getting enough sleep. You turned your back to the lake and headed up the your easel, not noticing the top of a head peaking out above the surface and the wet purple hair flowing on top of the water.
Before you knew it, you were back to outlining the lake and trees when a voice shook you out of your stupor, “You know, you must be pretty bold to turn your back to a siren.” You shot up and locked eyes with a women who was completely bare except for her long hair covering both her breasts and waist deep in the lake. “or stupid.” There was no one when you got here, you swore it. Even going so far as to call out in case you were intruding because you wanted to paint alone- wait.
“Did you just say siren?” Your brush already discarded on the rock you were sitting on and stepping closer to the shore, more curious than anything although the only rumors of sirens being deadly creatures. She chuckled in a deep suave voice and dove under the water, creating waves that rippled on the surface as you scoured the water for her.
A drop of water was flicked to your cheek and you glanced to your right to see her resting her head on her arms against a boulder that was taller than you with several outward perches. “Well, well it looks like you aren’t entirely clueless. But I have to say I’m hurt you only just noticed me, sweetheart.” Her pale pink and magenta eyes luring you in closer and closer, flicking some water on your face again with her fingers and laughing at your shocked expression.
Your mind was reeling for many reasons but the main one being how long had she been watching you. Who was she? Why show herself? What-”I can tell you have many questions, little human.” She smoothly said and lifted her tail out of the water, letting fall back into it with a slap. “Since I’m feeling nice today I’ll answer two questions and that’s all. I’m sure you know how we sirens are around those who we want?”
The woman’s lips smirked, revealing a sharper set of teeth than any normal person would have and pushing her arms together to make her chest more emphasized. You blushed and looked away, finding yourself more interested in her tail which resembled a tigerfish like design. “Alright. uh- What’s your name?” Pretty sure it didn’t hold any power over her like it did to fae but you wanted to know her name. “Well hm, fine but only if I get to know yours~” You nodded and carefully got closer, sitting down next to the rock.
She hummed thoughtfully and gave you a once over before laughing coyly. “Kafka, darling~” Kafka laid her cheek in her hand and flicked her tail around in anticipation for your name reveal. “Name. My name is Name.” The siren eyed your face and waved her finger towards her, silently asking you to come closer and humming a song you didn’t recognise. Her voice was beautiful. Ignoring her wasn’t possible and you didn’t want to in the first place.
“Come to me, Name. Come here.” You didn’t register your clothes getting wet or the cold temperature of the lake swallowing you whole. “That’s a good obedient human. Hm, you’re much too precious to let go so I think I’ll keep you.” Kafka softly chuckled at your dazed state and swept you into her arms, guiding you deeper and deeper into the lake. Why did you come here in the first place again?
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Question: How would you draw Frieza Race species, as Penguins?
Hear me out, Frieza Race (or Frost Demons) but with more Penguin attributes.
I know they’re suppose to be Lizard like. Although there could a lot of potential with this concept.
Like they look the same, but from a distance. Like their skin looks smooth far away.
Except up close, thats a feathery Arctic coat on their body. Like Frieza’s purple spots on his body is really just a pattern on his body. With this Arctic coat being more fluffy looking up close.
They still have three toes, but their feet are more sea bird like. For example feet like an Emperor Penguin. When they walk, they waddle, although they’re clumsy. So they float more with their Chi or Frieza using his Bubble Car. If you laugh at them for walking, they’ll arrange your for you.
Their arms are longer for swimming and flight. They still have digits, except they’re under their wings. Think of Empoleon from Pokemon. Or they retract their claws like a cat. Their digits are more bird like claws, deadly but hard to hold things. Telekinesis has to substitute for that now. On the up side they are incredible fast when they’re flying/swimming (think of the Great Auk.)
They still reproduce asexually and come from eggs. Yet they still have females, since it’s kinda cannon. Although it is only a backup in case a Male Frost Demon couldn’t a mate.
Life as an Emperor Penguin is unique. Because the father takes care of the offspring than the female, or something like that.
If so King Cold would’ve been sitting on Cooler’s egg incubating it. Because Emperor Penguins have pouches to hold their young.
Just imagine King Cold having an important meeting. Then someone looks down seeing King Cold sitting on his egg. Except the person doesn’t question it, because they don’t feel like dying today.
Emperor Penguins still carry their young in their pouches even when after hatching. So King Cold is waddling carrying baby Frieza. While every one is trying to ignore it. Because it’s so cute and funny they’re holding their reactions. Because they’re not ready to meet King Yemma yet.
Frost demons still have tails, although their tails are shorter. With the tails having more Orca related designs.
Their horns are more Narwhal looking. Although they still do have unique shapes.
Last but not least, there are the beaks. We can’t forget that feature. They still have teeth like some cartoonish birds. Excepts the beaks aren’t long or too big. Where from a distance when they are face front, they look like lips. Although up close by the sides, it looks like a beak.
I would also think that Frieza would eat sea food with his whine. Since Penguins eat sea food as a diet.
If you combine Cannon King Cold and Abridged King Cold. I think he’d be a good father for both Cooler and Frieza. Since Abridged Frieza is a bit Gender Fluid. Since Abridged King Cold calls him Princess, and Frieza is fine with it.
I would think Penguin Frieza would have a design that is both feminine and masculine.
While Cooler would look a bit cool, but still cute.
Also yes their still powerfully scary, as long as your on they’re good side.
What do you think?
I think it's cool but then again I'm not well-versed in Frost Demons/Icejins. I tried to but my creative fields are limited only because my brain can't wrap around the design elements of them because Toriyama made them to an essentric degree of "less is more" for them to where simplicity is the most complex.
But my friend @/itsthenull is better suited for Icejins/Frost Demons diaspora.
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I thought there was a Post-TFATWS space, but there's not, so have another Free Space fill! @sambuckylibrary
Based on a Daily Fluff Diary post! // cw: injury in the last section // AO3 Link
Knock Before Entering
It's not that Joaquin hasn't seen them make out before. It comes with the territory of spending long amounts of time with two people not only deeply horny for each other, but also just deeply in love. He tries not to think about it. Tries to forget that Barnes clearly needs an outlet for adrenaline after a fight. Tries not to pay attention when a closet door shuts on the jet. Tries to ignore the eyes Sam shoots Barnes that has them both vacating a shared space.
They're good about it. Don't get up in each other's space intentionally when he's around. Barely even touch if they're all sharing a room. One time, Barnes had even slept on the floor instead of sharing a bed with Sam. Though Joaquin had woken at some point in the night and found Sam's arm hanging off the bed and Barnes's arm reaching up so they could hold hands anyway. At least it was his prosthetic arm, so Joaquin assumed he didn't need to worry about a blood rush.
The point is, it's not a secret that Sam and Barnes are together. And they're usually pretty good at keeping to themselves.
Which is why it shouldn't be surprising but certainly is when Joaquin walks back into Sam's office from hunting down the new drone prototype he'd been reporting on and finds Sam half sprawled across his desk with Barnes crowded between his legs, following him down.
Joaquin smacks a hand over his eyes like a child. It means he drops the drone, but it's live, so it just hovers next to him. "Guys, gross!" he snaps, also like a child. It did kind of feel like seeing his parents making out for the first time.
He can hear them spring apart, like it's a surprise that he's back. He'd literally been gone for five minutes tops. He just had to run to his room and get this. He'd told Sam where he was going. He hears a slight exchange of shoves and elbows before Barnes says, "Drop your hand, kid."
Joaquin does after several more seconds, when he's sure the coast is clear. Sam's behind his desk again, Bucky leaning a hip up against the side of it like he belongs here.
"Where did you even come from?" Joaquin asks finally when it seems like no one else is going to volunteer anything.
"World War II," Barnes answers like the smartass he is. "Brooklyn."
“I was gone for three minutes," Joaquin clarified through his teeth. He wants to sit down, thinks better of it, stays just inside the doorway. "What if I was someone else?"
Barnes's mouth quirks a little. It's as much a confirmation as Joaquin will ever get from the man that they are kind of their own little triumvirate. If it had happened under any other circumstance, Joaquin would be elated. Right now, he is not. “But you’re not, so relax, Tweety.”
Joaquin rolls his eyes and walks into the office, giving that side of the desk a wide berth. He sets the new drone down, along with a makeshift manual.
“Don’t go gettin’ attached to that side,” Barnes says.
“Don’t,” Sam warns.
But Barnes pushes on. “I’ve hauled him up on that side too.”
Joaquin doesn’t even both to groan. He just leaves the room again.
. . .
“Ready or not!” a small, but very loud, voice calls from somewhere else in the building.
Bucky ducks into Sam’s office because AJ is fast and if he doesn’t take cover now, he’s going to get caught. There’s a gorgeous wardrobe with a false back in the far corner, but Cass had hidden in there two rounds ago, so it’s likely to be one of the first places AJ looks. The desk is too much on AJ’s level for Bucky to hope to hide well under. By design, Bucky is too big to fit into the vents.
The curtains that hang from the windows don’t quite make it all the way to the floor, but Bucky figures his dark boots will blend into the shadows if he stands far enough to the corner. He can hear AJ’s sneakers on the tile, hurrying down the hallways and checking doors, so he jumps behind the curtain and tries to hold it still.
He jumps behind the curtain and directly onto Sam’s feet.
“Ow! Hey! I’m already here. Go find your own hiding place!” Sam hisses, shoving at Bucky’s shoulder futilely. Bucky intentionally digs his heels down into the ground. Sam glares at him, then takes a deliberate step closer. “If you don’t move, we’re both gonna get caught,” he threatens. “And you know AJ will go after you before he comes after me.”
Bucky raises an eyebrow in doubt. He was almost positive AJ and Cass were teaming up to find Sam, who had not been tagged ‘it’ yet in this game. Mostly because he kept cheating by using all his flight training to get up into the rafters where, even if he was seen, no one could climb up to tag him. Well, Bucky could, but it was too much work, honestly.
“I’m faster than you,” he points out. “And I’m not above tripping you.”
Sam rolls his eyes, leans in, kisses Bucky. It’s enough for Bucky to stop digging his heels in, but Sam gets just as distracted. Actually, instead of shoving Bucky out of the hiding spot, he halfway tries to climb up Bucky’s body. It sends Bucky stumbling back, the curtain getting tangled under his foot, and they both end up crashing against the window, curtain falling away in time for the office door to get pushed open.
“Ugh,” AJ says with so much disdain Bucky kind of can’t believe it. “I knew that’s what you two were doing instead of actually hiding. It’s no fun if you don’t try!”
“It’s all Sam’s fault.” Bucky accuses. The elbow into his ribs exacerbates the ache from falling into the window sill too. Still, he puts himself between Sam and AJ. “Go find your brother.”
“Nuh-uh,” AJ insists. “I found you two. I’m gonna tag you two.”
Sam snickers behind him, squirming away from the pinch Bucky’s trying to land on his hip. “You only need one of us,” he points out.
AJ’s mouth curls to one side with frustration. “I can’t find Cass,” he admits. “I need help.”
“Alright, alright,” Bucky concedes. He steps away from Sam, towards AJ. Waits for Sam to relax. Then he grabs Sam around the waist, holding him still so AJ can run forward and tag him as the next seeker, much to Sam’s loud protests.
“Cheaters!” he cries between laughter. “Betrayal!” But it is ineffective in the long run.
. . .
There should be no one else at the compound, so Bucky’s lazily making out with Sam in his desk chair, Sam across his lap. Joaquin is doing Air Force stuff, the other young heroes are out of state or busy, the older heroes don’t really hang out there. There are no meetings scheduled, no tours, no new introductions. It’s just him, Sam, and the sunshine streaming in from the window.
It’s been a while since they’d been able to do something like this. Cap duties had taken Sam away and Bucky had been pointedly kicked off of the jet. He was still piecing it together, but he thought it might’ve had to do with Hydra. Why he was kept out of the loop with those things, Bucky couldn’t begin to guess, but whatever. In the time Sam was gone, Bucky managed to get himself hurt (which is why he should’ve been allowed on the jet) and Sam had come back so exhausted that, even when they were alone, they mostly just took the security of each other’s company to pass out for hours at a time.
But a quiet weekend and a, so far, quiet week had done wonders and now Sam is getting handsy as Bucky absently pets his chest, over his shoulder, and back down his arm. Contrary to what Joaquin thinks, they haven’t ever actually desecrated the office, but Bucky’s willing to break the streak. Especially when Sam’s fingers fall to his waistband and begin to rub out the indentions of his jeans from his hips.
“Come on, let’s break in the desk,” Bucky cajoles, opening his mouth, deepening the kiss as he licks into Sam’s mouth with more intensity than the afternoon had called for.
Sam laughs unexpectedly, sits back, stares. Bucky can tell when the answer is going to be a straight no. This is not necessarily a straight no, which is almost hot enough to get the job done on its own. Sam’s a daredevil. An adrenaline junkie. People think Bucky’s the bad influence, but it’s not always his fault.
Sam’s just about to pass his judgment, is already moving off of Bucky’s lap to sit on the desk, when the door opens. There’s no one there, which has Bucky pulling Sam away, halfway tossing him towards the window for a fast escape. His mind is already racing with the potential threat–a smoke bomb, a grenade, some other small danger that he can’t see over the width of the desk. He hears Sam grab the shield, a sure, defiant presence behind him.
No bomb goes off. Instead, an orange cat jumps up onto the desk.
“Goose?” Sam asks, lowering the shield.
“Danvers’s cat?” Bucky clarifies. “Oh, shit. No, get down!” he shouts, lunging for the cat sitting on top of Bucky’s leather jacket. But it’s too late. The cat vomits tentacles and ray guns and a glove (or maybe a hand) and slime all across the desk.
“Argh!” Bucky shouts, yanking his jacket free, which makes Goose hiss and jump down. Too late for that, Bucky hisses back in his head.
It’s only a split second later that Danvers appears, just as Goose is running out. She watches her with surprise, then looks at Sam. “Cap, I need your help,” she says. Then her nose scrunches and she looks to Bucky and his jacket. “You need to get that cleaned.”
Bucky really considers throwing it at her.
. . .
The reporters are following Sam, who is trying to answer their questions but it’s weirdly difficult to when they’re walking on his heels. The smoke of the battle is still wafting off of him, which he can’t even smell because of the concrete dust in his nostrils. The cameras flashing in his face are doing nothing to help the migraine digging through his head. He needed a med crew to tell everyone he was probably concussed and to leave him alone.
“Captain Wilson,” someone calls. It still sounds weird to hear it. That’s not really his title, but he’d stopped fighting it after the first few months. “You saved more than a dozen people in midair. How did you react so quickly?”
Sam’s shoulders and back ache at the reminder. “It’s my job,” he says. “I’m supposed to save people. These wings aren’t just a fine accessory, y’know.”
“Captain, how did you figure this plane would be attacked?” someone else asks. His office is so close. The door locks now. He has a couch with a weighted pillow that he can put over his face and drown out the lights and the noise.
“When we realized the target wasn’t physical riches, but riches of the soul and mind, it was a quick hop to the plane carrying the summit awardees and delegations.”
“Mr. Wilson, you saved lives and hope tonight. How many future conflicts do you think you stopped tonight?”
“What?” Sam asks. The words just will not slot into a logical order in his mind. “I can’t tell you anything about the future. Very good people were targeted tonight to stoke division and fear. They were targeted by bad people to get back at other bad people. It was a wholly unfair situation. I am grateful for the lives we were able to save. The damage was still large and there’s yet more clean up to do that affects hundreds of other good people. Please turn your attention, time, and resources towards doing something productive too. You don’t need wings to make a difference.”
The reporters mutter amongst themselves and Sam uses the opportunity to get a hand on the door knob, a foot halfway into his office.
“Sir, is there any update on Sergeant Barnes?”
The image of the building coming down on Bucky as he evacuates civilians flashes through Sam’s mind like a hot sword. The crackle of his comm device as it went dead mid-sentence. The silence that followed. Sam’s heart begins to thrum uncomfortably in his chest, rising up to choke out his throat. He can’t cry on camera.
“As far as I’m aware, no one has made contact with Sergeant Barnes as yet,” he starts to say.
Then the door opens. Bucky’s standing there, looking like a sight. There are bandages wrapped around his head and half of his face is bruised into a sickly black and purple. He’s covered in gashes and scrapes. His right arm is wrapped in a sling. He’s hobbling with one boot on and the other foot and ankle wrapped in even more bandages. He’s clearly in so much pain that all Sam wants to do is shove him down on a bed and keep him asleep until the serum can repair everything.
“I was dug out by the same people I had just gotten out of the building,” Bucky chuckles at the camera, like this is a normal press conference. Actually, that’s not true. If this was a normal press conference, he would be in a back room somewhere, glowering at every reporter and cameraperson he saw. He did not like public speaking. But here he is, looking like it’s his natural calling. “They made quick work of it too. Dragged me off to a med-tent. Felt right at home, huh?” he says, directing the last bit at Sam, since it’s usually Sam dragging him to medical.
Sam can’t answer. Can’t breathe. Bucky’s alive. He’s moving. He’s swollen six ways to Sunday, but he’s making jokes. He was in Sam’s office. Waiting for him.
“Excuse me, guys and dolls,” Bucky says with a wry look at the media. Wry, even though the bruising. So unfair. “I gotta do something real quick.”
And then he’s kissing Sam. It’s awkward and too warm. Both of their faces are different landscapes after the fight. They both smell terrible. Sam keeps getting medicinal alcohol in his mouth and Bucky accidentally peels off two of the butterfly bandages on Sam’s cheek as he holds his face.
It’s one of the best kisses of Sam’s life.
This time, he doesn’t let anything interrupt them.
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#sambucky#sam wilson#bucky barnes#captain america#sambucky fanfic#the falcon and the winter soldier#writing#sbvday2024
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Miscellaneous DA:TV impressions so far
Just some thoughts on the game so far, no spoilers (or extremely light spoilers i guess?). I'm writing this particularly for @apostaterevolutionary who's super anxious and worried about DA:TV being bad :)
Keep in mind that I'm still stuck in Act 1 for now because I'm going veeeeery slowly to see everything I can. So at the moment this is just a very messy and 100% temporary list of pros (+) and cons (-) that I found until now.
+ it's good, I really liked some parts (the darkest parts, because it's me) that reminded me of Origins. For the rest the atmosphere is more similar to Trespasser, I think. I like Trespasser, so that's ok. I'm not particularly engrossed for now, but I have hope that I will be!
- it's just "eh", as story intros go. mostly because there are no origins, and Rook needed those more than other protagonists of the series, imo. since their leadership is justified by their heroic actions before the start of the game. It would have been more immersing being able to see them first hand
COMPANIONS (I still miss a couple of them though)
+ those I already in the team are lovely
- for now not enough rough edges or conflicts between them, I hope there will be more later. at the moment the atmosphere is too polite and friendly
+ beautiful, stunning environments, I love Treviso, I love Minrathous
- companions designs are ok with some really good ideas, but all the characters look too... smooth and colorful, almost cartoony in a Pixar/Fortnite kind of way, which i don't particularly like. Also the heads are slightly too big compared with the rest of the bodies? I'm not sure what's going on there but it's weird
+ facial expression are good, though kind of generic. no Andromeda situation thankfully
COMBAT (I'm playing as a mage)
the combat system is just... Mass effect. It's Mass Effect. I mean, ok, I love Mass Effect. But. Why.
- I started playing as I've always done as a mage in the Dragon Age series, staying out of range and attacking from a distance. Turns out that in DATV the devs have decided that the player character should constantly be at the center of the action. Enemies will literally ignore the companions that are already attacking them, and just go for Rook specifically. Thats... not a good situation for a mage. So in the first few hours I just kept dying and dying. Now I'm starting to understand how the game wants me to play it and I'm getting a lot better, but still I don't understand why this choice was made in the first place. I imagine this works better for rogues and warriors, but a mage is not equipped to deal with so much damage
+ I like finishing enemies, it's fun
- my Rook is constantly out of mana and at that point she can only run in circles and give orders to the companions. It's the fight with the Arishok all over again, but this time you get to do it again every 5 minutes!
+ progression is fast, so things do get better eventually
+ the way the game is designed reminds me of Origins and DA2, with those "corridors", branching paths, and some wider areas to explore. It's much more focused than Inquisition
- too many doors, magical barriers of many kinds, blocked paths that you have to unlock using a key, or a magical elven contraption, or a companion ability or whatever. It gets annoying really fast imo. It could be just me though.
These are my main thoughts up until now. There are others but they are minor, or spoilery, or both, so I'm keeping those to myself for now. In general I'm enjoying DATV well enough, with some really, really good moments here and there, and I hope there will be more going on with the story. We are nowhere near Origins or DAII in terms of story and immersion, but it's a good experience all in all! :)
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i completely forgot i had something for sunday six last week lmao but i'll just post it today @four-white-trees @overdevelopedglasses @skysquid22 @passthroughtime @woundedheartwithin i've also seen @jichanxo being tagged in others so i thought i might add- hope that's ok!! 🫡🫡
this has been sitting in my drafts for ages and is a really old snippet. rikiya content was the first writing i did for yakuza 😔✊️
"Riona, what are you doing out here? I asked you to get me your dirty laundry."
Kiryu's scolding seemed to go over Riona's head. She had her hands on her hips, and was striking a pose. "I'm practising my runway walk, Uncle Kaz. I'll need it for when I'm a supermodel!"
Kiryu sighed. "A supermodel."
"I thought you wanted to be a fashion designer?"
"Changed my mind!"
"Right. Well, maybe practice being a supermodel after you've given me your laundry," Kiryu said, with as much patience as a father-of-nine could muster. "You won't get on the runway with dirty clothes, will you?"
"What's this about bein' a supermodel?" A bright voice rang out. Haruka beamed as Rikiya approached the gates of Morning Glory, Mikio in tow. The moment they heard him (Rikiya could be heard from Downtown Ryukyu), the other kids emerged from the house, and Taichi came running to wrestle him, as was his signature greeting.
"Riona's practising her walk for the runway," Haruka chirped, as Rikiya was almost knocked off his feet. "She wants to be a catwalk model one day."
"Ohh, right, of course- Riona's our little fashionista!" Trying (and failing) to fend Taichi off, Rikiya called, "Let's see that walk, then, Riona!"
Kiryu cleared his throat as Riona readied herself. "What about your laundry?"
Riona paid him no heed, starting up her attempt at a runway walk. She looked rather like a wobbly duckling taking its first steps, but Rikiya and Mikio cheered with the enthusiasm of a stadium crowd.
"Wow! You're gonna be at all the big shows!" Mikio said, and Rikiya yelped in agreement, unable to say more with Taichi trying to drag him down.
"Thanks! I keep asking Uncle Kaz to get me a pair of heels so I can practice properly, but he always says no," Riona said.
"Aniki- just doesn't- understand the lifestyle," Rikiya wheezed. Fortunately for him, Taichi had now switched targets to Mikio. "He's an unfashionable old man, y'know?"
"She's too young to wear heels," Kiryu intoned. "Plus, you're pretty far from the supermodel lifestyle yourself, Rikiya."
"Whaaa-" Rikiya let out a theatrical gasp, wheeling around to face Haruka. "Haruka-chan, did ya hear what he just said?"
"I did," Haruka giggled.
"Am I wrong?" Kiryu asked, voice dust-dry. "Anyway, we've had our fun- laundry now, Riona, and if you two are here you can help me with the-"
"Nope, nope, nope. I ain't lettin' this stand!" Rikiya interrupted, pushing his chest out. "I'm gonna show you how I strut my stuff, Aniki!"
"... what."
"I'm gonna do a runway walk that makes you go gaga!"
Taichi finally let up on his assault, dropping off of Mikio's back. "Isn't that for girls, Uncle Rikiya?"
"Don't say that like it's a bad thing!" Ayako scolded him.
"Both girls and guys both do modelling," Mikio told him. "I dunno if Rikiya fits the part, though. You gotta be good looking to be a model."
"Hey, go to hell!" Rikiya protested. "I'll show ya both what I can do!"
Though Kiryu looked like he wanted to protest, the prospect of seeing Rikiya make a fool of himself was enticing. And now Rikiya had his audience, he probably would go ignored anyway.
"Gotta have a good starting point..." Rikiya jogged over to the gates of Morning Glory. "You watch this!"
"Oh, I'm watching," Kiryu sighed.
Rikiya took long, flying strides, head angled so he was gazing dramatically into the distance. He wiggled his hips in a way that shouldn't have been anatomically possible. The kids shrieked with laughter, and Kiryu shook his head in disbelief.
"I'm gonna show you my passion... I'm gonna show you my fire..." He seemed to be going above and beyond a regular catwalk, adding off-key singing to the mix.
"Are you a model or an idol?" Kiryu asked.
"Both, aniki! I'm a triple threat! Singin', dancin', and killin' with good looks!" He turned to the kids. "Wanna join in?"
Izumi and Riona jumped at the chance, running to join him on his little stage. It took a moment of bravery, but Mitsuo followed. Never one to be upstaged, Taichi jumped in next, and soon all of them but Haruka were following Rikiya's makeshift choreography.
"I guess I'm never getting that laundry," Kiryu sighed, but he was smiling so openly Haruka couldn't take him seriously. "Not feeling like a supermodel, Haruka? Or dancer- whatever he thinks he's doing."
"Come on, Haruka-chan! Gotta show your oji-san what's what!" Rikiya called. "I'll have your heart inside of my hand-"
"'Cause I am the queen, oh queen of the passion!" Haruka jumped in, and Kiryu let out a genuine laugh, loud and strong.
It was just like Rikiya to turn a quiet night into one where everyone danced.
So of all the things wrong with his body- the bullet wounds, the blood, the empty eyes- the stillness was the worst part.
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Ok I don’t want to go make art and I don’t want to go find something good to scrounge up and post so I will instead spout assorted madcom headcanons. these are far from the last you will see from me.
- sanmos 4 lyfe (big sloppy heart emoji) they are both like playfully flirty in diff ways with other people but also so so monogamous at the same time they love eachother sooo much have the healthiest relationship known to man. ignore all the killings.
- 2bhank with the same energy as medic tf2 x heavy tf2. but like also 2b is catboy herder for hank. he holds the laser pointer in the relationship. hank isn’t like full creature I’m still the kind of girlie to place him solidly as kind of the stoic and dysfunctional sociopath but he’s got some of those beasty tendencies in him. the two have such strong attachment to each other but they both have such difficulty expressing it. hank doesn’t know how human well and 2b simply isn’t a soft person even when he wants to be. but they work with what they have. deimos and sanford are so invested in their relationship they chitchat about it constantly. in the most supportive way they want it to go well they just talk about the two being cute and try to help when they hit rocky points. the power couple is so stable they can take on other couple’s drama.
- I don’t know what the ship name is for tricky and hank but there’s like a tiny bit of that too. tricky is hank’s crazy ex but they were never in an actual relationship clown has just been desperate for the dick day one and has not let up for a single second. especially after the halo fiasco literally everyone hates them but they stay silly
- whitehank exists because of something along the lines of hank’s genome getting copied to aahw database when he went in the magnifier and using that agency got the bright idea that if they can’t beat hank. they can make their own. I don’t know actually how she should fit into everything but I like the idea it feels appropriately silly for madcom. the only thing I’m really decided on is that she eventually switches sides and 2b, carrying the entire trans community of nevada on his old man spine, hooks her up on titty skittles and him and hank informally adopt her because cold sad clone babygirl needs parents. she’s like all of hank’s feral swagger if you made it sopping wet and also like garage band punk. I can’t decide if she’s musclegirl as I’ve drawn her before or make her skinny legend I need to lock down the vibes. One important design thing that i know is coming however is that since she’s a copy of mag hank specifically, while hank gets demagnified in my little post canon design shit, she does not, so she is de facto tallest out of the. what do you even call the gang. just the gang? agency for hank wimbleton? the motley crew. the dnd party. nevada’s most wanted. that one actually works we’ll go with that
- funny thing I’ve considered for sheriff is that after whatever happens in project nexus dude just. pisses off somewhere. half hooks up with jeb to make a neutral party for people who just want to fuckin live. while jeb’s on the offensive side of that trying to actively stop the madness sherrif is the defensive side just making settlements for normal people to live they lives. something along those lines. it’s quaint. him and whitehank get together maybe. little guy woos the giant cryptid lady with his southern charm.
- the auditor is workplace sexual harassment personified. simultaneously in the fanfic suave way and the restraining order kind. they talk like stephan weyte. they think they’re soo cool and when someone doesn’t think they are when they want them to they run away and cry.
- I wish I could come up with something for jeb to like round out the primary cast but like honestly he’s the one I spin around in my head the least. I like his motive of make shit normal but maybe he’s just like too clear cut. he’s already got a full character there’s nothing for me to add.
thank you for coming to my ted talk
#madness combat#hank j. wimbleton#2bhank#sanmos#headcanon#madcom#sheriff madness combat#white hank#madness combat auditor#madness sanford#madness combat 2bdammed#madcom deimos#i feel so desperate tacking on so many tags but like#i want people to see :<
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