#it’s been years it’s been years it’s been yyyyyears
museoftheprophet · 4 months
How am I supposed to explain to those around me why I’m distraught/ shut down without having to explain my fictionkin situation and the horror it entails (this happens regularly)
“Give me a minute I feel nauseous because others who I do not recognize are wearing my name and face. They do not recognize me, and neither will those I love, who I need to recognize me, so I can recognize myself. They are calling my loved ones from my phone number, but that is not my voice. That is not my voice!”
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inonibird · 2 years
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HELLO CAN I TELL YOU ABOUT ALL OF MY CURRENT TTRPG CHARACTERS?? COOL I’M DOING IT. ((this is art from the past yyyyyear that I have not posted, oof))
Ahem so, in order, in the four campaigns I am currently a part of (not counting ones on hiatus), we have:
1. Sagan Nethersall (5e) my cursed Half-Elf Bard, my precious, selfish asshat who was the first DnD character I ever created and who has been reused and recycled in campaigns for over 15 years now. He has descended into Avernus reluctantly alongside the rest of the party, who he is gradually growing to care about. He cannot sing without coughing up blood, and he just found out his lute is actually a unicorn-in-hiding. Sagan is awful. I love him.
2. Zasuba (4e) is a newly-formed Shardmind Psion who resembles a lanky salt lamp. Think of them like an ancient computer that has rebooted and is verrryy slowly downloading all of the information that was once known to them. All they know and understand is framed around “vibes”, from magic to emotions and everything in between, so Vibe Checks occur frequently. To the party’s simultaneous delight and regret, Zasuba remembers everything they teach them. They have a negative in Charisma. Zasuba is adorable. I love them.
3. Harahel (In Nomine) is a Mercurian Servitor of Trade (translation: a guardian angel who is good at talking to humans and whose specialty is m o n e y) who accidentally died in his vessel back in the early 90s and went into Trauma (basically a heavenly coma) for 30 years. Scarred and Discordant from the mishap, he’s now back on Earth helping out fellow angels with a seemingly simple job. Lucky for him the 90s are just wrapping around to being trendy again. Harahel is doing his best. I love him.
4. Sunshine (5e) is...oh boy. Sunshine is a race called a Graveborn that has been tweaked by the DM and myself to suit her homebrewed setting, and he is a Death Cleric who was raised in a city ruled by necromancers. People aren’t born there. He was. And when he was three years old his supposed mother, who died in childbirth, returned to his side as an obedient skeleton. In present day, Sunshine is a good-natured 15-year-old who has devoted himself to both the god of death (Ghen) and the necromancer who apprenticed him (Tarsus), who loves wearing pink, whose mother (Mama aka Skelemum) sticks protectively close to his side, and who has a rather unsavory but necessary habit of consuming raw flesh. Sunshine is an uncanny delight. I love him (and will be posting quite a bit more of him).
((ttrpg has been the only other Significant Thing other than Sahuldeem that has served as a creative outlet since 2020, so I’m well past due posting about my babies x’D))
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zsaszattack · 4 years
gatsbygal’s reply on this post
OMFG AHHHHH this has been a fave zsasz song of mine for yyyyyears, i love this so so much
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Thanks! It’s been a favorite song of mine for years as well. Thought it would fit him perfectly after listenin’ to it again.
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expfcultragreen · 4 years
Hey what if i stopped being nice and just started acting exactly like my terrorist buddies in the natz sphere huh? Moved in allllll my friends from all over (its an island, international boarders only work if someone sees you cross it)? Midnight block parties with guns going off, suicidally angry 30 year olds whaling on punching bags drunk at 1am, smashing bottles, selling mountains of meth to fund it all, desperate for a fight or someone to rape.
Wow. People would string me up. The natz cops would have my ass.
Must be great to have the local cops backing you huh
Why, 40 people could subdue and run a whole island, with sufficiently evil deeds. I happen to have it on excellent authority that people are so conflict avoidant theyll just pretend its not happening, if theres nowhere to turn because the cops are nazis too.
A lot of them just sell and move, if they feel too close to the fire. But that wont be happening in a couple years.
In a couple years, this is gonna be a boat access only island and the shoreline is going to be a lot higher and the gas will all have dried up and there wont be "buying" and "selling" and "realestate". And it'll be us and the elements. If you survive plague 2. Then it'll be 40 nazis, give or take, and a few thousand regular people. No more meth ingredients. No more nothing.
And what kind of behavior is the kind of behavior no one wants to deal with during a crisis. Kindness? Orrrrrrrrr nazifilth fuckery.
Go ahead and gut me, pigs.
Let your uniformed battalion have "first crack"
It'll come back on you tenfold, i curse you now for whats already passed, but you dont believe in magic so dont think about that right now ok?
I know how anxious and scared you all are and how violence against minorities makes you feel in control. So here i am. You clearly want to control me. You have that craving bigtime, its all you seem able to focus on lately. The freak youre hunting for sport to pass time.
How will you blame me for this one?
Quick, threaten to give me a glasgow smile its been yyyyyears since someone talked proper nazi to me
And stay out my dreams and off my property. i will be increasing the presence of spikelined pits.
Happy? Is this excuse enough to do what youve been gearing up for? What you have parties for, because maybe someone'll get proactive about your "recent infestation"?
Make an example of me, filth. Let the whole world know youre still here and the same as ever.
Show them what youre made of.
Youre already famous. Dot the I.
Maybe then you'll finally get to fuck someone, tho i dont expect to still be warm by then (ps if you tie me between two of your deerkiller trucks and pull me apart, there'll be more holes to fuck and each piece can have more people standing around it, getting that sweet desperately-needed release. Hey im into efficiency, and i love to help make things easier for people. And youre such good, worthy, sweet people, arent you. Let me help you make this easy on yourselves. You like that, right? The path of least resistance? Can you still see it ahead of you, telling you its safer to be a nazi methicentre? Or is the path of least resistance gone, stranding you with your expensive habits and a dangerous social network to entertain (aka get scared of & deflect onto more distant targets as you run low on meth to distribute...gee...whats close enough to a meth high to be good enough for your comrades to leave you alone for a minute unscathed? I bet slaughtering a freak is a good high, right? Try it, try me)).
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