#it’s a little less warden-y than I would’ve liked but BUT
sweetest-honeybee · 2 years
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Haven’t done a big price on an adopt for a sec so I doubt this guy will go too soon but anyways Bedrock Warden 👀👀
Same rules as always:
DM to claim
Payment via PayPal, CashApp, or Venmo
I’ll email the original file
I’ll tend the transparent file via Tumblr or Discord (pls tell me which)
I’ll only allow up to a 3 day hold
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honney-pies · 9 months
Ma Cherie ❤︎₊ ⊹
Chapter vi: Absence
Pairing: Inuokku/ F! Reader
Summary: the loss of someone in your life can be hard to navigate around, even more so when a relationship had only recently blossomed.
Length: 3.09k
A/N: hey y’all, i know it’s been a long time since i posted and that partially because things kept on popping up and i kinda forgot this fic even existed lol. I’m really sorry guys, I know it’s a short chapter, but i’ve had a lot of stuff going on this week and was unable to really sit down and write. Luckily my finals are now officially over, so i’ll have more time to write. I’m currently writing the next chapter, so that’ll be out sooner rather than later—if I remember to post lol. also the start is kinda weird and repetitive, i didn’t really know how to start it and i felt bad for making y’all wait this long
Ma Cherie Masterlist
While it’s only been three months out of the eight scheduled months of Yuta’s time abroad, Toge is going insane. He misses Yuta’s warmth, his reassurance, love, and his ability to understand (Y/n) in ways that he is unable to — even after all these years. The two still text and FaceTime regularly, but it’s not the same. (Y/n) helps to ease the pain, but their relationship had been so new when he left, it pains them both. In the days before Yuta left, (Y/n) scheduled them full of random date ideas, but this did nothing to slow the flow of tears at the airport as Yuta left for Africa with Miguel. 
(Y/n), like her beloved, is losing her sanity. Don’t get her wrong, she loves Toge — she would’ve figured a way around the marriage if this wasn’t the case — but Yuta’s a breath of fresh air. A breath the young couple both desired and consumed to the fullest. 
The dynamic between the two hadn’t necessarily been awkward once Yuta left, but after spending nearly every waking moment with someone, the relationship molds itself to have the other in it all the time. Yuta leaving made them reform their relationship for the fifth time. At first it had been (Y/n)andtoge and yuta, then it became (Y/n)andtogeandyuta. It was still the three of them, but with newfound distance they had been unprepared for. 
One of the ways the trio compromised with the thousands of miles of useless space was many calls, texts, photos, and videos. This led to (Y/n) ‘asking’ her adoptive dad to upgrade her phone plan to accommodate the plethora of content growing in her phone. 
“Toru-nii, I changed my storage plan. I got 2TB.”
“It’s an extra forty dollars, so just a warning.” 
“… Okay?” 
“You’re paying for it.”
“When am I not paying for something?” 
“ ‘Kay, thanks!”
With the accompanying spare time of one less person to be with, (Y/n) has been filling her days evolving her cursed technique, working on her friendship with her older brother, preparing Megumi for the dorms-
“I’m an empty nester!”
“You’re literally my teacher.”
“(Y/n)-Chan and Megumi-Chan are abandoning me!” 
“We’re still seeing you everyday, Toru-nii.”
“Oh, I can still hear their voices haunting me. Dear Fates, what have I done to have been handed such a cruel deal in life?” (This can be applied to many situations in JJK, and frankly, it hurts).
Megumi grumbled before shuffling towards his warden, who’s on his knees in fake hysterics, and placed a gentle hand on Gojo’s head. No infinity stopping him. (Y/n) smiled softly and walked over to her small family. She wrapped her arms around her boys tightly.
-which has been fun. He got a room the hall over from his adoring, darling, dearest sister. However, this does little to thwart (Y/n) appearing at random. She felt it was her sisterly duty to materialize from thin air and either claim a spot in his room and play with his shikigami or would request his assistance. 
Toge and (Y/n) had more time together than they’ve had in a while, but that did little to squash the ache in their chest for the absence of Yuta. Their beds were bigger and colder. Their rooms were more barren, and their days more boring. There wasn’t anyone else besides the two of them for a long time then they found another, only for them to leave and it hurt far more than they anticipated. 
Toge and (Y/n) had been togeand(Y/n) for as long as they could remember; promised to each other at the ripe ages of three and four. Even though they never considered an addition to their love, Yuta wormed his way into their hearts and lives before leaving soon after. They didn’t know what to do, they didn’t know how to function. 
Yuta wasn’t there to hang out with Megumi and make (Y/n)’s heart soar beyond belief. Yuta wasn’t there to get the things that the two of them couldn’t reach because they were both fairly short. Yuta wasn’t there to help ease the pain of Toge’s sore throat. Yuta wasn’t there to help on the days where (Y/n) could hardly get out of bed, so wracked with guilt and despair that the very thought of leaving the world hidden away beneath her covers was impossible. 
Some times (Y/n)’s glad that he isn’t there, to be honest. She already feels bad enough that everyone has to see her on the days where everything is too much and she just wants to fade from this life and wait for the next one. After Yuta left, it got too much to handle. One less person to distract herself by giving every possible ounce of affection and adoration she could. (Y/n) tried to keep it to herself and deal with it in the early hours of the morning and the late hours of the night, but this did little to stop her melt down.
She became erratic during training, sloppy running drills, and has less self preservation. (Y/n) didn’t mean for any of this to happen, at least she doesn’t think so. She doesn’t want to die. She wants to grow all gross and wrinkly with her friends, family and lovers. She really does. However, in the hours where everything is still, in the hours where she has time to feel and remember, she can’t help but hurt. 
One day on a job with Noritoshi, everything came to a head. She lost control for the first time in a very long time. Her older brother, who had never seen this happen, did the only thing he could and called his teacher. Utahime arrived to see the siblings covered in blood, all the curses had been slaughtered and laid dismembered around them. Noritoshi held his little sister as tightly as he could as she sat quietly. Utahime, who also had never seen the girl like this, did the only thing she could and called Gojo.
“Ah Utahime, to what do I owe the pleasure-“
“Kamo-san, she’s… she’s…” The rustling of fabric and small voices in protests could be heard on the other end.
“What about my daughter? Did she get hurt under your watch? Where are you?” Gojo’s voice becoming that of a stern one laced with desperation gave Utahime whiplash.
“She’s not hurt, in fact I don’t think anything even touched her-”
“Spit it out.”
“She’s dripping in blood and there’s carcasses scattered everywhere, Gojo. Is there something I need to know?”
“I will be there soon. Call me again if there are any spikes in cursed energy.” Before Utahime could respond, the line clicked and an annoying jingle could be heard. The teacher and student watched as (Y/n) slowly blinked and reached into her skirt pocket, pulling out her phone. 
Obviously it’s the one that came out just a few days ago, only the best for Gojo’s little girl. 
“Dad.” The two strained their ears to hear the other end of the conversation, the girl rarely refers to Gojo as her dad around others. 
“No, I’m not hurt.”
“No, it’s not my blood.”
“Yes, I’m with Nori-nii now.”  
“I’ll see you soon.” Utahime wondered just how often this child has seen tragedy befall others for her to still be able to converse while being so clearly not okay. It’s a thought that made her uncomfortable, so she removed it from her mind to contemplate at a later date.
Like so many others.
Gojo arrived soon after and strode straight towards (Y/n). Noritoshi hesitantly handed her to him. Gojo pulls her taught to his chest and cradles her as he used to when they were younger. A time that felt so long ago. (Y/n) curled her hand into his clothes and cried. This made even more weight fall heavily on Satoru’s heart. 
((Y/n) is a girl who cries often, this is true. She cries when: she watches a sad movie or show, when she reads a sad book, when she sees something adorable, when she’s angry, when she laughs hard enough, when she’s on her period, and occasionally when she shits. Despite this, she doesn’t typically cry when others think she should. (Y/n) has days where most can predict her tears, and most of the time they’re correct, but those are only a handful of days. Her family and friends have familiarized themselves with these dates and plan everything they can around it. She cries on her birthday, Christmas Eve, mid November, and her fallen loved one’s death days. Unfortunately, (Y/n) will soon not know life without tear stained cheeks and red eyes. She will survive, for better or for worse we do not know, but not without a trail of immense pain that will try to drown her at every turn). 
“My sweet, baby girl. You’re safe. I’m here,” he murmurs softly for (Y/n)’s ears only. However, the silence that surrounds them allows the others to hear. Noritoshi feels slightly envious that (Y/n)’s father is so warm. He quickly banishes the thought, remembering some of the things she has had to endure to get the loving family she so rightfully deserves.
Satoru slowly turned and began to walk, not before turning back into his ‘strongest’ facade and looking at the other two. 
“I don’t need to worry about a report on this.” This is not a question, nor is it a request. He stated it as an absolute, an indisputable fact such as the sky being blue or him being able to kill them without so much as lifting an arm. Utahime nodded quickly, so Noritoshi followed suit. 
The father and daughter make their exit, letting Utahime finally ask questions. 
“(Y/n) is in so much pain and I don’t think I will ever know just how deeply she has been hurting.”
This was the only information Noritoshi was willing to divulge to his elder. Utahime pats her student on the back, sighing, before getting back up.
“We will not breathe a word of this to anyone, not even your classmates or your father. Do you understand?” Noritoshi nodded his head.
“Yes, sensei.” 
(Y/n) had spent the remainder of the day at home, in the luxurious penthouse Gojo had bought for their growing family. Her room, like the one at school, is covered with many different things. The only difference is that these things are far more personal and bittersweet than the ones at her dorm. Mementos of special occasions and intimate reminders of those she lost. It even smells of the past, of a time where all she knew was her mothers death, Suguru’s downfall, and the warmth of those close to her.
Rumor has it that Miguel spent hours either restraining or pleading Yuta to stay with him in Africa rather than be at his girlfriend's side. Toge is the person who ultimately convinced him to not come home. As much as he wanted him to, it would have only led to an extension of his time abroad. 
It’s not a very apparent thing, her pain. Only to those who know her well enough. So when she, and the rest of her classmates, gets summoned away for a mission and leaves her brother on his own, she’s fine. However, when she gets a call where all she can hear is her little brother wracked with sobs, she is far from okay. Her first thought is that Satoru is dead, which is quickly proven wrong when Ijichi pulls up with a message from him. She rushes to pile her necessities from the hotel which they were staying at and hurriedly gives her friends a goodbye and Toge a kiss on the cheek. Maki wouldn’t let her leave until she promised to give her a text when she got back to school and another text later that night. 
Megumi, to put it gently, is a complete and utter wreck. He has snot dripping down his nose onto, and most likely into, his mouth. His eyes are puffy and his soft, porcelain skin has become red. (Y/n) desperately wants to whip out her phone and take a picture in order to blackmail him at a later date, but her first priority is to make sure her brother is okay, which he clearly isn’t. 
“ ‘Gumi-” He practically launches himself through the air and into his big sister’s arms, seeking any comfort he can. 
“He-he’s gone, nee-san! He’s gone!” (Y/n)’s brows furrow. “Who’s gone, ‘gumi?”
“Itadori!” (Y/n)’s eyes widen slightly, she has heard of the boy and how remarkable he is from her dad and brother. She didn’t think that Sukuna would have let his vessel die so soon, but she pushes the logic away from her mind for the moment. Megumi comes first, all else comes second. 
“Oh, ‘gumi.” Megumi’s voice cracks repeatedly as his cries become louder. They might have only known each other for a small period of time, but Itadori clearly made a long lasting impression on her brother. 
“He left me, (Y/n)!” (Y/n)'s heart aches with the remnants of her brother’s. She cradles him in her arms through the tears, even when he tires himself out from crying. Satoru arrives later in the night, noticeably distraught. He watches silently from the entrance of the room as (Y/n) and Megumi curl tightly around each other in his room. Satoru gently closes the door behind him and slips off his shoes, moving quietly towards the bed, wiggling his way behind his kids. He moves them closer to him and holds them tightly to his body. 
The next day, after a little bit more crying, (Y/n) is introduced to Kugisaki Nobara, a sweet, headstrong girl. The two get along splendidly and the older of the two listens dutifully as Nobara speaks of Itadori. Even though she calls him an idiot, moron, and dumbass, (Y/n) knows that his death has rocked her deeply. 
Later she questions Satoru about the incident, and his answers are vague at best. 
“You’ll be very upset with me when you find out the truth.” (Y/n) sighs before placing a hand on his arm. 
“You’re our dad, so I trust you blindly, but please think of Megumi in your choices.” Satoru has a solemn look on his face when she says this.
“I’m doing the smartest thing I can, I’m trying to keep everyone safe.” (Y/n) hums softly.
“So he is alive?” Satoru looks at his daughter, a slight twitch in his expression is all it takes for (Y/n) to know she’s correct. Sometimes Satoru can forget just how brilliant his daughter is.
“If you think it’s best to keep it quiet, I’ll follow your lead, but if I find out otherwise I’m telling them.” He nods. “I’d expect nothing less.”
Two days later, The other second years make the journey home while (Y/n) is in a meeting with the higher ups. An awful, boring, useless meeting. They desire to make  her feel small and worthless, and above all else try to make her feel weak and (Y/n) hates feeling weak. She knows full well she can kill them. She knows her place above them, Satoru and Suguru had made sure of it, but that does little to help her when all they do is berate her and piss her off. 
“For the last time, I don’t know anything about the circumstances of Itadori Yuji’s death, I can only assume it was during a mission. No, I have never met him. All second years have been on a mission for the past couple of weeks. Yes, I arrived home earlier than my peers to comfort Fushiguro after receiving news of his state. Should I find out that you had a hand in the death of an innocent child and our only way of stopping Sukuna, I will gladly let you know of my stance on the matter. However, I can save you the time and remind you who raised me. Now, I excuse myself from this unnecessary meeting.” Gojo is, of course, right outside the door when she steps out. 
“That’s my girl.” (Y/n) smiles at him and walks with him to the car. The two play hand games in the back seat and make their way towards the school. When (Y/n) steps out of the car, she looks at Gojo to follow, but he doesn’t exit. 
“I have a job, but I’ll come see you when I’m done. Keep an eye on Megumi?” (Y/n) frowns, but nods nonetheless. “Of course.”
She closes the car door with a slightly harder than necessary shove and walks up the stairs towards the entrance of the school. 
“Wait… someone did die?” (Y/n) immediately recognizes her best friend's voice and hurriedly walks over. 
“I told you in my text, or did you not read it?” Maki looks over her shoulder and rests her arm on (Y/n). “I skimmed it.” (Y/n) scoffs, “Rude.” Maki shoves her playfully.
“(Y/n)-san, are you friends with this girl?” (Y/n) looks at Nobara and nods. 
“They’re my classmates. Don’t mind Maki, she didn’t mean to appear insensitive. Well at least, I don’t think she meant to.” Maki swats at the girl. She feels her fiancé’s hand intertwining itself with her own and she can’t help but smile. Nobara clearly sees this exchange due to the now grossed out expression on her face. (Y/n) just smiles sweetly at her and can hear Megumi gag faintly. She subtly sticks her tongue at the demon spawn. 
In the future, (Y/n) will look back on this memory with fondness. In the future she will weep at the thought of how her brother once was and the fading remnants of Megumi in her mind. She will mourn her short lived friends, the impact they had on her with the small amount of time she had with them. She will think of the plethora of ‘what ifs’ that continuously plague her mind. (Y/n) will remember the final moments of her childhood and innocence with that lingering bitterness that follows nostalgia. 
In the future (Y/n) will have one single wish of having that Time Turner from Harry Potter her Suguru would read to her as a small child.
Tysm for reading and i hoped you liked it! The next chapter, phosphenes, will be posted eventually. As always, this is crossposted on ao3 and nothing else. Please let me know if y’all find this somewhere else!
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brywrites · 3 years
Lock and Key I
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Summary: In which Spencer Reid stumbles upon a GED class at Millburn and feels something like hope for the first time in weeks.
[Series Masterlist]
The prison library is a haven, for the few minutes he’s allowed to visit twice a week. It’s quiet, secluded, and full of his favorite things – books. The selection is nowhere near as nice as his personal collection at home, or the public library, but it’s better than nothing. Without words, he’d go mad. He needs stories to keep him sane, to give him a route he can escape by.
Today though, he’s startled to walk into the small space and find twelve other prisoners inside – accompanied by a face he’s never seen before. A woman. What’s even more surprising is that she doesn’t wear the uniform of a guard or an employee. Instead she’s in Converse sneakers and a lavender polka-dotted dress. It’s been so long since he saw that color – any bright color, really. But it’s his favorite and it isn’t until that moment that the realizes how much he’s missed the simplest of things. The sight of his favorite color. Bright images in dull spaces. Things that look hopeful.
Reid isn’t sure what’s going on, but the other prisoners seem to be too absorbed in the books to notice him. Just as he’s thinking he can back away quietly and return tomorrow, she turns around, smiling at the sight of him.
“Well hello there!” she says. “Are you Luis?”
Reid tilts his head, confused. How does this stranger know his friend? “Uh, no, no I’m not. I’m sorry, who are you?”
Her smile drops, though she doesn’t seem annoyed. Merely disappointed. “Oh. They told me Luis would be joining us today, but he never showed up. I’m Y/N. I’m one of the teachers here.”
This is the first he’s heard of such a thing. “You teach?”
She nods. “That’s right! I teach a couple of different groups – a few college classes here and there, a resume workshop. This is my GED class. We’re starting a unit on British Literature so they’ve all come to pick out a novel. You must be new here,” she notes, looking him over. He can feel himself flush under her gaze. It’s been a while since someone looked at him just to see him and not to evaluate his potential as a threat or a tool. “If you’d like, you can join the class. I’ve got plenty of open seats.”
“Oh no, I don’t need a GED.”
“It’s never too late to graduate,” she says. Then, considering him, “But that’s not what you meant is it?”
The way she’s studying him makes him nervous, though he’s certain it’s the same way he’s studied suspects and victims, trying to see beyond the obvious and understand what lies beneath. How strange, to be on the other side of that stare. “I’ve graduated high school already,” he informs her, hoping he doesn’t sound aloof. “And college. Actually, I hold three PhDs.”
“In what?”
“Mathematics, chemistry, and engineering.”
Y/N holds his gaze, taking this in. It’s as though she’s trying to decide whether or not to believe him. He figures in this environment, perhaps it’s not unusual to be told blatant lies by some prisoners. Delusion and paranoia aren’t uncommon. To teach in a place like this, she would have to be insightful and observant. For whatever reason, she must decide to trust him, because she smiles again.
“Well that’s rather impressive. You’re more qualified than I am. Just a Master’s for me.”
Reid decides against commenting in the irony of the situation, that despite his qualifications he’s nothing but a prisoner here. The same category as every drug-dealer, murderer, petty thief, and gangbanger. No better. But the way she looks at him, it at least makes him feel normal again. She looks at him like he’s a human being, with no disdain or disgust in her gaze, and no air of superiority in her voice.
“What did you study?” he asks her.
“English literature in college, education in grad school. I specialized in literature and languages, though I’m not too shabby when it comes to history. If it’s the STEM field you’ll be wanting though, you’ll have to check in on Tuesdays and Thursdays, my colleague teaches those classes.”
Glancing down at her watch, her eyes widen. “Goodness, we’re almost out of time.” She turns to the other inmates and instructs them to make their choices before she has to dismiss class for the day. To him, she adds, “It was nice to meet you – um…”
“Doct-” he begins, before stopping himself. This isn’t a normal introduction. Here, he holds no title, no position of importance. “Er, Spencer. My name is Spencer.”
“Well, Doc –” He tries not to smile at her casual acknowledgment – “if you ever change your mind, we meet Mondays and Wednesdays in room W15 during the afternoon rec slot.”
Despite having no need to attend a GED class, and for reasons he cannot quite explain, he finds himself slipping into that very room on Wednesday afternoon. Y/N glances up from the whiteboard she writes on, faltering for only a brief moment when she catches sight of him slipping into an empty seat in the back row, but she carries on. They’re talking about common themes in Brit Lit, and she’s explaining the Canterbury Tales, which they’ll be reading parts of. From what Reid gathers, there aren’t enough copies of books for them to all read the same novel, but she’s printed out large sections of the Tales for them to read together. It’s familiar, and for someone whose life has largely revolved in academia, it’s soothing to be in an environment where learning is taking place and discussion is happening. Even though he sits silently in the back row, observing.
The other inmates have all picked out books to read on their own and report on, from King Lear to Brave New World. A few have even selected Bronte and Austen novels, which Y/N applauds them for. When she divides them into groups to read and discuss “The Knight’s Tale,” she slips over to join Reid in the back of the room.
“I didn’t think you’d make it, Doc,” she tells him.
He shrugs. “I – I’ve kind of missed the classroom. I figured it wouldn’t hurt to sit in. If you don’t mind, of course!”
“Not at all.” She smiles, dismissing his worry with a wave of her hand. “The more the merrier. Besides, it’s rare that I have students with such an extensive education beforehand.  You’ll need to file an enrollment slip though, just for official records.”
She hands him a piece of paper and a commissary pen. While he doesn’t need the credit, he could use the normalcy. Discussions about books with other people in a space that feels a little safer – even if it doesn’t look like the classrooms he’s used to. The walls are stark white and bare save for three posters of famous writers and scientists. The two windows have thick bars on them. The desks are bolted to the floor. Every man in the room wears prison issued blues. But there is a whiteboard and a bookshelf and a clock. And Y/N, in a bright blue turtleneck. It makes him think of the sky, which he only gets a glimpse of for a few hours each week. Suddenly, she’s become the most vivid connection to the outside world.
“How long have you been teaching here?” he asks as he writes down answers to the form’s printed questions.
“Almost three years now. It started with just GED classes, but some volunteer programs have helped us bring new opportunities to the guys. It took me a while to convince the warden, but they’ve been a huge success. So are you coming from another facility? I know we had some transfers last week.”
He shakes his head. “I uh, I haven’t been sentenced yet. But there was overcrowding at the jail so they sent me here.” Reid pauses. “I assumed you would’ve known that.” The inmate records are publicly available. All she’d have to do is search his name or the number on his clothing and everything she needed to know would be right there – his charges, his admission date, his identifying information and that ID photo from his first day.
But she just shrugs. “I make a point not to look up what my students have been convicted of. I let them volunteer that information if they choose to, but I respect their privacy. Besides, I’d like to believe all of us are more than the worst thing we’ve ever done.”
He’s struck by her words. After all, for the last decade his job has been to see people precisely as the worst thing they’ve ever done. To delve deep into those actions and develop a profile of a person on that alone. He has an impulse to dismiss her statement as naïve, but it reminds him of Garcia, of her boundless optimism and her ability to see the best in the world even after looking at the worst of it. That memory and the smile Y/N looks at him with softens the heart he’s been carefully hardening since he arrived here. And so rather than dampen her spirit he asks, “Does it matter if I’ve read all of the books you’re discussing already?”
Her eyes widen ever so slightly with surprise. “All of them?”
“My mother was a literature professor,” he says. “And I just really like books.”
“Well, typically I’d encourage you to take the courses we offer for college credit but they’re full. Since you already have your GED, I suppose we could treat it like you’re auditing. It might help some of the guys to have someone with a little more academic experience…” She trails off and then gasps. “Oh wait! How would you feel about being the TA for the class? It’s been so long since I had one for the GED classes.”
“Like… grade papers and things?”
“No, not like that,” she says. “There are strict rules about who sees what here. Being a TA for me would be less typical TA duties and more of mentoring the other students, helping me clean up after class, re-shelving books, things like that. It’s not an official job so there’s no pay, but you would get good time credit.”
Though he doesn’t know what his sentence here will be, if he’s sentenced at all, he knows that any good time credit he can obtain to reduce the length of it is worth it. And so he says, “Okay.”
Y/N’s eyes light up. Her smile is the prettiest thing he’s seen since he got here. “Perfect! Oh, this is so exciting. I’m glad you joined us.” When he finishes the paperwork, she leads him to an empty seat at a group of tables.
“No, no, you’ve got it all wrong, Porkchop. It’s a love story,” one of the men is saying to another.
“Come on now, Xavier, you know the rules,” Y/N interrupts. “Nicknames stay outside the classroom. We use first names here.”
“Sorry, Teach,” Xavier says. He tries again. “It’s a love story, Carl.”
“That’s more like it. Carl, I can’t wait to hear your response. But first, I’m going to have Spencer join your group, alright? He’s our newest student and our TA for the class. He’s read a lot of these books so if you’re having a hard time or want to talk to someone about the material outside of class time, he’s a great person to ask.”
The group welcomes him – Xavier, Carl, Richie, and Luis. Reid is grateful to be with Luis, the one person he knows he can consider a friend inside. They talk about Chaucer and “The Franklin’s Tale,” and he’s surprised by the critiques and connections his peers make. Their debate is certainly different than the conversation he’d expect to find at a university class, but their ideas are still insightful and interesting. They make connections to their own lives, to the sacrifices they have made and the power of love they have witnessed firsthand. Mothers who never stop fighting for their appeal cases. Friends who send money so they can afford commissary. The difficulty of skipping commissary so they can send money home to their own families outside.
When their discussion finally winds down, Reid asks, “What’s the rule with nicknames about?”
“It’s Miss Y/N’s way of humanizing people,” Xavier says. “She says when we use first names like that, we’re all equals. But it’s different outside of class. We stick to nicknames because that’s what you do, y’know?” Reid shakes his head. Xavier chuckles. “You’re fresh meat, huh. First time you been down? In here, COs turn you into just a number or a last name. So nicknames inside are a way to hold on to some of your identity. Beyond that, there’s some guys in here you don’t want knowing your name, you feel me?”
“Nicknames gotta be given to you by someone else. Can’t make your own. Course, that means they’re usually a little insulting. They call me Porkchop,” Carl says. “Xavier’s Hammerhead. Richie is Spiders. And Luis, he been christened Slim Jim yesterday at chow. But don’t worry, we’ll find one for you soon.” Reid isn’t sure how to feel about the assurance. He doesn’t want to belong here, doesn’t want to fit in or get comfortable. On the other hand, he may be here for a while. Maybe laying low and finding allies wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.
He knows one thing for sure – as he walks out of class, Y/N flashes that bright smile at him again. And for some reason, it makes him feel hopeful. More hopeful than any session with lawyers or judges has made him feel. Monday can’t come soon enough.
Tags: @calm-and-doctor​ @averyhotchner​
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pure-kirarin · 4 years
Forbidden fruit - Doflamingo x f!reader (nsfw)
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Summary : You fell for the trap, caught like a butterfly in a spider web, his spider web. You, a new counselor at impel down, met with the ex warlord Donquixote Doflamingo for a counseling session. However, he had other plans in mind... TW: smut, manipulation, unprotected sex. 
A/N : Heyo !! I am finally coming back with a DOFFY X READER smut this time. Actually it’s my first *blushes* and...honestly this is so..sinful...please don’t judge hahah. Buuut...any feedback is welcome and I had LOTS OF FUN writing this, so enjoy <3 
Why was the taste of forbidden fruit so tantalizing ? Why did the mere thought of him make you shiver and yearn for his touch ? What was with the tone of his voice and with his flesh thirsty lips that just drove you insane ? You cursed yourself for the time you set a foot in that place. If only you didn't wake up that day...It all started a month ago when you got a new job in the great prison also known as « Impel Down ». You were surprised at first when you heard from some of your sources that the prison  was recruiting a counselor for its prisonners. You were even more surprised when you heard that your candidature was taken. In fact, you have just got your diploma and you only worked in some local hospitals for a few months. It didn't even occur to you that no sane person would want to deal with the criminals of Impel Down. You were an idealistic and optimistic girl that had a strong faith in humanity. You were empathic and devoted to make these people's lives a little better. You didn't care what anyone did, who were you to judge after all ? At this point, you have never dealt with criminals and it showed, your innocence was going to get the best out of you.
A few days in, you learned that your presence was needed for a program set up by the world government to incorporate the less dangerous inmates in society later on and to help the most dangerous ones collaborate.
In just a few weeks you did an amazing job with the level one inmates. You became trusted and loved. These men were thrilled to see what they called « fresh meat », however, they didn't lay a hand on you as you were given a bracelet that called the gards whenever you felt in danger and also because you only accepted to meet up in your own office. Weirdly enough, you felt like you were making a change, it was a selfish feeling, the feeling of a girl that needed to prove to herself that she was needed. You started bringing the newspaper to some inmates that wanted it and even sneaking in some of their favourite food. You never felt endangered by these men. You started to gain confidence in your skills and in yourself. You were playing once again the rôle of the nurse, as if you were responsible for other people's mis-steps.
After a month of that rather fulfilling daily routine, you discovered on your planning that you were meeting for the first time an inmate from level six. It was a name that you knew well...Donquixote Doflamingo, the famous former warlord of the sea. No inmate from level six has ever wanted to take part of the program, so you were puzzled. You felt a bit scared just like your first day there, but then, you gained confidence when you remembered your good experience till now.
That day, you were convoked to Hannyabal -the chief warden's- office. He was a weird and disgusting looking man. He was also extremely gullible and easy to seduce. You knew it too well since that's how you convinced him to have no guards with you when you were working. You wanted to make the inmates feel comortable enough to trust you and talk with you after all. You stepped into Hannyabal's office, It was cold and gloomy, he asked you to take a seat  :
-Good morning Mrs. Y/N. You are looking good today.
-Good morning Sir. Thank you sir. You say, uncomfortable.
-So today you are meeting with an inmate from level six, Donquixote Doflamingo, he is extremely dangerous. Don't hesitate to use your bracelet if you feel in danger I will come to save you-- I mean, everyone will be right there to assist you ! This whole counseling thing is a formality, so please don't feel pressured or anything. The world government obliges us to offer counseling for inmates that ask for it...However, no one from level six has ever asked. If you'd like, If you're ready I will escort you to Doflamingo's cell.
-Thank you Sir. I would like that. You get up from the chair and take a folder with the ex warlord's information from the chief warden's insistant hands.
You both got going till you reach the elevator. You suddenly felt a bit stressed but you try not to show it. Level six was humid and extremely cold. Your legs were shivering a bit under your skirt. The blue atmosphere, lighted by the faint flame coming from the lantern, made you feel extremely uncomfortable.
- Doflamingo is staying in a solitary cell. He slits the key in the key hole opening a first door. A unique cell was there, at the back of the corridor in total darkness. I will come look for you after two hours. Are you sure that you don't want assistance ? I mean, it's true that he is chained in sea stones and can't do anything but still....
-Don't worry about me sir. I have some experience now Sir. Also, I have the bracelet with me. However....Could I ask for a little favor ? You said, getting closer to him.
-Y-yes of course ! He answers with heart-shaped eyes.
-You won't need to come get me later...I will do it myself...I just need those keys...your voice was sensual and soft.
-B-but...Mrs (Y/N)...
-I will be alright please...
-Alright...alright...He gives you the keys and the lantern. But don't tell anyone and give them back to me once you are done...Are we clear ?
-Thanks a lot ! You say with a bright smile, leaving a kiss on his cheek. You really are the best.
The chief warden leaves you after that, heart still pounding from your burning kiss. You have a little victorious smile then get close to the cell. Only the sound of your heels slamming against the stone floor was heard. As you get closer, you start hearing the slamming of chains. You bring the lantern closer to the cell and slit the key in before getting in and closing it behind you. You discover what you have guessed to be Donquixote Doflamingo. He was chained on the floor with a crazy smile on his face and curved sunglasses that prevented you from catching his sight. The cell was medium sized, there was also a little table and two chairs, which was probably a new addition just for your consultation. The man's face turns towards you, at his sight, you felt an incredible energy that made you take a step back. But you tried to bring yourself back to your senses. You had to assert yourself and your position. You weren't here to be scared but to help.
-So, it's Mr. Donquixote Doflamingo if I am right. You get close from the little table and put the lantern and the files on it. Then, you get closer to him, and you bend over to be at his height. I am Mrs. (Y/N). I will be your counselor for today following your request. I will unchain you but keep your handcuffs on...I would like to have a talk with you as we are sitting right there.
Even the worst criminals needed dignity, you thought. You were here to help your clients, and you were ready to treat everyone as human beings. You didn't feel comfortable speaking to a chained man on the ground. Once you unchain him, he gets up. He was extremely tall, even more than you have expected. He must have been around three meters tall and next to him, you looked like a little mouse, fragile and harmless. You didn't want to make him see through your intimidation, so stepped back and held your arm up ;
- This bracelet, if I press this button, the guards will come and an alarm system will be set off. So let's have a nice session and cooperate, Mr. .
His smile was crazy, No, no normal man would smile that way. You then heard his laugh, a throaty and menacing laugh. He looked at you with the look that you have never encountered in the eyes of any other inmate. You could feel it through his sunglasses, and that's when you realized that he wasn't just another inmate.
-Oh, drop the threats already, Miss (Y/N)...Let's have a nice session....
He just repeated what you said but out of his lips, it was so indecent that it made you blush, realizing the sloppiness of your phrasing. You cleared your throat and took a seat, then made a gesture with your hand pointing towards the other seat.
-Please take a seat. Make yourself comfortable Mr. Donquixote. You say, ironically feeling extremely uncomfortable. You took advantage of the few seconds of silence to  examine his appearance discreetely. He looked a little different from the newspapers pictures. In person and without his usual eccentric attire, he looked more menacing. You didn't notice that you held your breath as he took a seat in front of you. His face was partially illuminated by the lantern. His tan skin looked like that of an oil panting under the dancing flame. Don't lose your calm. Don't get destabilized by that aura of him, you repeated in your head endlessly.
A pen was resting between your thumb and your index. You pretended to look at the files for a moment. Then, his voice came, low and intense.
-Oh...I will get comfortable. My. If I knew that you were this beautiful I would've asked to see you earlier. He says with a smirk, looking at your clevage without even a trace of embarrasment.
You gasped, surprised, it wasn't the first time that an inmate complimented you, in fact, it was common. Imagine a place full of men without even a woman in sight. Some of these men haven't seen a woman in more than ten years, they looked at you like caged beasts, but his look was different, he had a strong energy that made you feel naked. You were quick to put him back in what you thought was his place.
-Mr. Donquixote. That is inappropriate. Let's start the consultation right now.
-I do like the sound of Mr. Donquixote...But you can call me Doffy. Make yourself comfortable.
He says with an enigmatic smile, and you weren't sure what was his motive, but as naive as you were, you  kind of believed that maybe after staying so long alone, he wanted some kind of company, or to feel like someone he knew was there...After all, there weren't visits allowed in Impel Down unlike any other prison.
-So..Mr. Donquixote, you repeat, ignoring his request and turning the pages, looking at his info, you were incarcerated for opposing the world government, underworld illegal activities, allying with one of the yonkos and overthrowing a legitimate king and stealing his throne, am I right ?
He looks, amused, at your shaky hand, you were almost endearing to him, he almost wanted to take a bite. He corrects you then, smiling as always, looking at you and leaving you harmless as you couldn't look at him back, his eyes hidden behind the shaded glasses ;
-Oh I see that you reviewed your lessons pretty well. You just have something wrong right there. I didn't overthrow a legitimate king. I am the legitimate king of Dressrosa. I also orchestered the mass murder of my subjects by controlling them, just like this. He holds his hand up, amused, looking right in your fear-colored eyes. He suddenly gets close to your face, almost jumping towards you and you couldn't stop a little shriek of fear from crossing your lips. He then starts laughing, his laugh echoeing in the small cell.
-God, look at you, poor little lamb, are you already scared ? I'm just teasing you right there...There is nothing to be scared of...
He was getting close, too close for your own wellbeing. You weren't able to hide your turmoil anymore. He leans back again on the chair and looks at you, you were quite the entertainment. He surprisingly found you to his taste and he didn't even try to hide it. He was going to get his way anyways, but it was a nice bonus that you were of a delectable beauty. Looking at your lips, he licks his own, disarming you yet once again. You try to asses your now diminishing control and clear up your throat.
-Mr...Let's start shall we !! Well, why did you ask to see me ?
Alright, that was extremely stupid, but it was as if you almost forgot how to use words in his presence. You bite your lower lips, you felt so uneasy but you didn't want to be so transparent under his hungry gaze. You really did feel like a lamb and he was the starved wolf, you felt as if you were his prey right there.
-Do I need a reason to ask to see my counselor ?
-Oh..No you don't I was just...curious...
And here you are, acting totally unprofessional in his presence. You should assert yourself, you are the one asking the questions, you are the one in charge, even if that man is more than one meter taller. Your start twitching your leg as you keep writing something on your paper, it was a quirk that you had everytime when you felt stressed. The smallest of details caught his eye, as they say, the devil was in the details. He liked destabilizing you and he was surprised at how easy it was. He wondered how did you make it up to one month in this place full of dangerous criminals.
Your job as a counselor consisted at first of understanding the motives behind your client's actions and to create a trusting relationship in order to help integrate them later on. You didn't lose any further time and asked :
-So, tell me about your family. It was a basic question to get him to open up. Generally, relationships with relatives and family were meaningful for understanding the mind of a criminal.
-My family ? He laughs, so that's what you want to chat about, beauty ? You flinch at the sound of this word out of his lips. Alright. I will satisfy your curiousity. I killed both my father and my brother. I am sorry to disappoint you Miss (Y/L/N), if you are looking for a sad  story to feel empathy over, this isn't one. Everything I have done I did out of my own will.
He gets closer to your face, once again, and you feel paralyzed, as if you were just a puppet and he was pulling the strings. He have commited the worst thing a human can commit, parricide, and for a second your eyes looked at his restrained hands and you wondered how could a human's hands do such a thing. He had long and slender fingers, he had the hands of an artist, was that what the hands of a murderer looked like ?
-Oh sorry miss, did I scare you ? I was just playing a little bit, no need to feel so tense.
His voice was suave, dripping with poison. He was having his fun, you thought. He was pushing your buttons and enjoying every second of it. He was toying with your mind, knowing how little experience you had. He was reading in you because he wasn't one of these other patients you had dealt with, he showed you how tough you had to become in order to handle the tension from such manipulative creatures, monsters that would kill mother and father to get what they want.
-Mr Donquixote. I am trying to do my job right here, this isn't a game. Shaky voice, fake toughness.
But if you were aware of such things, where did that thrill come from ? Why did you see him as a man and not as a demon, despite his evil laugh and impredictable behavior ? Was it the demenaour of a charismatic male that was a warlord and a king just a few months ago that had that effect of you ? Or was it the same kind of irrational and stupid attraction that a middle schooler feels for bad boys ? But you weren't in middle school anymore and he was a criminal. You weren't the protagonist of some popular soap opera. You were a counselor and he was a man whose hands have killed more men than you could've imagined.
-Look at yourself trying to act tough and to impress me....Drop these little games already, we both know that it's useless... Miss (Y/N)...I didn't just want to talk to my counselor...I think that you would've guessed it by now...? You're a smart girl after all...
He says in a voluptuous whisper, and you forgot how to breathe for a second. No word crossed your lips,  you froze, skin cold while his breath was so hot on your flesh. What was wrong with you, getting flustered by his tricks ? You couldn't get caught in his spider web, you couldn't let him lead the session and act as he wanted. But...Why was everything he said so sensual ? Why did the way he talk make you feel helpless, make you feel like you wanted to see what is coming next ? You were flirting with fire, some morbid curiousity made you keep your mouth shut, waiting for the gratification of his next words just to push him away afterwards.
He leans in and licks your neck, from the starting of your clevage to that area behind your ear. You shiver, feeling his hot tongue on your skin and his steady breathing on your cheek. Your body that was so cold starts tingling, was it fear or anticipation ? He was a dangerous criminal and Hannyabal has warned you more than once. What were you waiting for to press the button on your bracelet ? Were you too scared to do it, or perhaps, did you want a taste of what's forbidden ?
-It's alright to indulge from time to time sweetheart...Come on...I see that you're dying for it.
You try to push him away, putting your tiny hands on his broad chest, blushing from his insinuations. It was unaccaptable, assuming that YOU were dying for it when HE was the one making these filthy advances. Your ego couldn't take it, and the thrill that was once there vanished as you threatened ;
-Are you out of your mind Mr ?! What you are saying is unacceptable ! If anyone ever found out about this you will-
-No one would. He cuts you right there. You made a huge mistake my dear. I will tell you what it is right now....You should never play with fire if you don't want to get consumed by it...
He places his cuffed hand on your throat, applying just a bit of pressure on it. Those hands that he used to...they were on your skin. The tension in your body released as you looked at him as if he had hypnotized you. His touch was extremely warm and you were curious for such a man. You were curious about how a man like him could love a woman. You wondered for a second about how such a man treats his lovers, and if the hands that killed were capable of taking someone to heaven. You didn't realize that you were slowly falling like a ripe fruit in the palm of his hand.
-I will press the button...
-You won't. His voice was firm, almost like an order. The pressure from his hand releases and his hand lays now on your cheek, caressing it softly. You didn't move, you didn't press the button. You felt a knot in your stomach, your cheeks extremely hot and your heart throbbing. You were ready to give years and years of life just to see what was going to happen. Before you even realized, you already hankered for that throbbing.
He placed his hand on your collarbone and it was slowly slipping, deliciously moving towards the fraction of your exposed chest, making you shiver. You felt terrified by the carnal desire that took over you, pure instinct. You felt frightened by your lusting over that forbidden fruit ; a complete stranger, a patient, a monster. He was thrilled by the look on your eyes, only encouraging him to go on. His hand now explored your bare chest under your shirt, making your breath heavier. It was the point of no return. You left your head roll back a little, letting out of a whisper of ease. He brushed and pinched your hard nipples, pushing your buttons, making you want him more and more. You bite your lower lip and murmur softly ;
-We really shouldn't be doing this...
-Do you want me to stop ? He said as he took off your shirt.
You cursed him for letting you have that choice, but he knew all too well that you were already dancing in the palm of his hand. You weren't able to say anything. He lifted you up easily and put you seated on the table. Your were startled by his move, scared and thrilled about what's going to happen. He softly caresses your neck, kissing it softly, whispering into your ear ;
-Say it and I will stop...He repeats.
Shit..Shit...shit ! I am not going to give in...no ? I am not going to give in to him, he is a criminal...I worked hard to get this job...I will lose my job...I won't give in to him...Will I ?...Your eyes were veiled by lust, he was dragging you in as if he was pulling you towards him by invisible threads. You were charmed and intimidated, he has such a sexual presence, you felt it through all your body and especially down there. You mumbled, your voice shaking, feeling ashamed but tempted ;
-Don't...your voice was a bearly audible whisper, to which he smiled, victorious.
-See ? It's not that hard....What a good girl you are. Here...I'll give you what you deserve...
His praising made you blush. You were yearning for his validation and affection. You moan softly when he slides his hand under your skirt, caressing your inner thigh. He squeezes your warm skin, getting closer to your slit.
He lays a finger on your dampening panties, feeling your depths over the fabric. You couldn't help but bite your lower lip, shameful.
-I haven't touched you and you're already so worked up doll ? He smiles in that detached way of his. I am very flattered.
-Please...touch me already. You look away, unable to face him.
He chuckled at your desperate words and one second after your skirt was down and your legs up on the table. Quite the sight. He licked his lips seductively before caressing your slit slowly over the fabric.
-What an impatient girl you are...It's almost cute.
He slides the fabric away now gently pressing on your entrance. His fingers were experienced and precise, he knew where exactly to touch you. He started caressing your clitoris in circular motions snatching moans out of your lips. You swallowed hardly, you weren't holding back anymore, fuck it. You already gave in to his touch. He continued to stroke you while his other hand gently squeezed your breast. You didn't understand how such hands could bring pleasure and also bring mourn. You whined, unable to wait more, wanting him to touch you more, to love you more. He slit a finger inside of you, effortlessly and you whined and squirmed under his touch.
-You are so wet that I feel like you're swallowing me...Such a horny slut.
Your blushed violently as he started thrusting his finger in and out of you in slow motions, driving you insane, leaving you yearning for more. Your hips were shaking with every thrust, he then suddenly added a second finger, carefully preparing you for his lenght.
-Oh....my...are you sad because I called you a slut ? He brushes your hair softly, but then why is there such a hungry look in your eyes ? You certainly enjoyed it, don't try to hide it...The eyes say it all.
You tightened around his fingers, feeling the pleasure coming in waves, taking over you. Your legs were so weak and you wanted to close them already to make the motion stop as his increasing paace was getting overwhelming. He stopped you from that, forcing you to take in the pleasure that you were asking for. All logic and reason was away, your head was so clouded to even think about the danger that you were putting yourself through. As you were close to climax, he took off his fingers, leaving you puzzled.
- I...
-Do you think that you deserve it ? No I don't think that you do..not yet...
He smirked, getting closer to your face then captured your lips in a passionate kiss. You were  taken aback as you kissed him back, hungry for more. You gathered your courage and slid your hands under his shirt, exploring his manly torso. You then lifted his shirt slightly, inviting him to take it off so you could feel his skin against yours. You just wanted to see all of him. If it was going to be a one time thing then, you wanted all of it...
Noticing this movement, he pulled back and took off his shirt, revealing perfectly sculpted abs. You were amazed by how good he looked despite being in prison. He was flattered by the eager look in your eyes and without giving you time to rest he started licking and sucking on your soft bud. You didn't expect him to do that but you couldn't say that you weren't waiting for it from the start.  He sure knew how to pleasure a woman as his tongue made you quiever. His movement were once again slow, it was some kind of soft torture and you wanted more of him. Your nails digged into his shoulders, trying to contain your sloppy moans. His hands were holding your legs spread out quite firmly so you don't move. He then proceeded to slide two digits into you in conjunction to his tongue circling your clit. At this point, you were moaning so loudly that you got scared that anyone would heard the two of you. You almost fell backwars rom how much you were trembling and Doflamingo gently held you with his strong arm ;
-Careful honey, we're just getting started...
-Please what ? He says with a smirk, teasingly tweaking your nipple before giving it a lick, reinserting his fingers inside of you.
-Hmm...Please..I want...I want you to..put it in...
-Shh...he whispers.
You felt shameless and humiliated but you felt no need to hold back as you were already playing with fire. You looked at the bulge forming through his pants and judging from the size you started to wonder wether you could take it in or not. You have never seen anyone bigger. He inserted a third finger, preparing you carefully for his lenght. He then took off his pants giving you a glimpse of his massive cock.  He laughs at your shocked look and pushes down his fingers in your mouth, which you instinctively start licking tasting your own wetness. You were panting in anticipation, your chest going up and down, heavy breathing.
-Don't be scared...It will fit in just fine..He says as he presses just the tip on your entrance. You slightly moved to slide it in but he kept you forcefully in place with his free arm.
-Who told you to move already, (Y/N) ?...
The sound of your name out of his lips made you want crave for him even more. He continued teasing you by sliding it in just a bit, making you expect it to go in then stopping. This sweet torture was making you lose all control but he seemed calm and in perfect control.
-Please...Please Doffy..I'd do anything I..I just...I want you
He looked to the side, unable to contain a little smile, an endearing smile. He puts his hand on your cheek with his thumb on your lips and can't help but say ;
-You are so cute. So desperate for me to fuck you, huh ? You would do anything...What a shameless girl...Wanting me to fuck you so badly while you were acting so tough earlier...He gently starts to push his cock inside, earning a moan from your sweet lips, Alright, I'll give it to you...
He suddenly thrusts it inside of you, making you let out a soft cry of surprise but also that of discomfort because of his size. It didn't take you long to accomodate to his size since he prepared you so well. You finally felt relieved and complete, having him fill you so perfectly. You encercled his shoulders with your arms, finding support on him. His thrusts were getting more and more intense and deep, hitting that spot that made you feel so good. You couldn't help but moan in his ears, showing him how much you felt good, engraving each sensation into your brain so you never forget about him. It was hard to believe that it was the same controlled man that was going in so slowly only minutes earlier. His pace was aggressive and unpredictible. You felt overwhelmed by pleasure, sinking your nails once again in his tan skin.
-You're taking me so well...You are getting so tight around me.
He groans and holds your hair back tightly, forcing you to look at his face ;
-Look at me while I am fucking you
Your heart was pounding so fast as you felt him go in and out. Your moans were getting louder to the point that you were biting your lower lip quite hard in a failed attempt to contain yourself. As you were getting closer to climaxing, he just stopped all movement and completely slid out of you, leaving you empty. You looked at him with huge eyes as he sit back on the chair, his erection dripping with precum.
-If you want it so badly then come get it, dear.
Without any hesitation, you stepped on your feet, almost falling, legs shaking in front of him. You then sit on his lenght taking him in entierly, making him smirk and groan. You felt hesitant to move at first, ashamed of that slutty side of you that no one before him, a stranger, a criminal, has ever seen. And maybe it's only because you knew who he was that you were able to be so decadent. You started moving your hips slowly, feeling him against your walls, nipples brushing against his strong torso. He caressed your hair, almost lovingly and grunts ;
-You're a good girl...Fucking yourself like this-
He then suddenly lifts you up while still inside of you.
-But you're going too slow, I'll fuck you good, because that's what you deserve...
He then holds you against the table once again, his pace much more intense than yours. You held onto the table really tightly letting a cry of surprise and pleasure. He spread your legs wider filling you with every inch of his warm cock. It was a feeling you have never felt before with any man, the feeling of being with someone who knew how to pleasure you, someone that could break you with a snap of his fingers but who decided to take you to heaven instead. At this point, you only wanted him to free you from that longing in your loins.
-I..I am going to...
You couldn't even finish your sentence. He was going deeper inside of you with each thrust. Now, his hand was around your neck. He was losing control as well as you swallowed him inside.He was also getting close to the paroxysm of pleasure.
-Come for me, sweetheart.
You got overwhelmed by his pace and you finally could let it all out, you felt your insides twitch and pulse with every thrust. You held him tighter, letting out high-pitched moans, feeling your legs tremble as you came around his cock. Your whole body was spasming and your breath louder but that didn't stop him from pounding you even harder. For a moment you felt as if you were going to pass out but you managed to say nonetheless;
-I..I..Please..Come inside...
Were you out of your mind or did he really unleash that dark side of you ? Maybe a bit of both, but you knew that you wanted him to fill you up. He was surprised himself, but your words turned him on even more. He then let out a loud groan as he filled you with his seed in a last thrust.
-You're naughtier than what I expected...
He caresses your cheek and slides out of you, some of his essence dripping out all along your thighs. You felt so satisfied and out of breath, letting yourself fall back on the table. He looked at you with a smirk .
-You did so well...Now I will take this...
He pulls his pants up and bends down to where your bag was. He flips it over and its contenants spill on the ground. He takes the key of the cell and hold it up while looking at you ;
-I'm gonna take this now as my payback...Thanks doll..
You were too tired to even move, thinking that you were fucked, unironically. You have succombed, you have lost, but why didn't you even feel even a slight shadow of guilt ? You looked at him turn his back to you, walking all along the hallway. The only thing that you were able to think of was wether you were going to see him again. He has just unleashed the beast inside. -------------------- Thank you for reading <3 Leave feedback if you liked it hihi
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Alistair ~ That’s What Couples Do
1,300 Followers Challenge!
Round 3 – Bonus fics!
Words: 1,032
Warnings: Neutral Aeducan Reader, mild angst, fluff
Alistair watched as you stressed on the other side of camp.  It was written clearly on your expression, even though you were trying to hide it, and he hated that he honestly had no idea what to say.
He couldn’t blame you for not wanting to go back to where you’d once called home.
You hadn’t voiced anything out loud about it yet, but Alistair knew it was a similar feeling to what he’d had before they’d reached Redcliff.  He thought about that for a long time too, before blurting out the truth to you, and while you weren’t the type to do that, he hated seeing you so lost I thought about it.
Alistair knew that you were middle child of house Aeducan, knew that you were royalty, and all of that was suddenly turned on its head when you exiled to the deep roads.  He didn’t know the reason why, but he figured this was what you were mulling over so deeply.
Briefly, he met Wynn’s gaze across the fire and she gave him a slightly stern look before nodding at you.
He rubbed the back of his neck, unsure, while silently cursing Wynn.  The two of you had only been together for a couple of weeks, and, in all honesty, he was used to you coming to him.
The longer he looked at you though, the more he knew that Wynn was right.
Sighing, he stood and went to you, you seemingly unaware of his presence until he sat.
“Hey,” he said gently, a note of concern in his voice.  “You do much more thinking over here and I’m going to start guessing what your plan is.”
Your laugh was quiet and brief, but it gave him some relief that your thoughts hadn’t consumed you entirely.  “I’m making a getaway plan; I’m going to leave all this to you.”
“Can I voice an opinion and say that’s a terrible idea then?”  He said with a smile.  “We both know that would only end in disaster, not to mention my compulsion to come after you.”
You laughed a little more this time, but the worry and stress still returned as you sighed heavily.
Alistair gave your shoulder a small nudge.  “Come on. Talk to me.”
“I…” You hesitated before you looked at him.  “I was accused of murdering my eldest brother, that’s why I was exiled, when in reality it was my younger brother, but nothing could be proven.  The…rumours that have reached me during the course of all this, of what is happening in Orzammar, despite what I am now bound to, I just know that they will try and get me involved.”
“You know we don’t have to be,” Alistair said gently.  “We can just walk in and request they honour the treaties.”
You shake your head. “If Orzammar is in political turmoil, they won’t allow it.  There’s...well, there’s a lot of traditions that they follow.  Having seen the outside world now, it does seem a bit...ridiculous.  Due to who I was, no matter what I was accused of doing, I can guarantee if things are as bad as I’ve heard, then they try to do everything they can.”
Alistair frowned, knowing where you were coming from, but not really understanding.  “If they exiled you, why would they want your opinion on things?”
The corner of your mouth twitched a little, as if to smile.  “I was...heavily into the politics Alistair, I enjoyed it.  I know the laws as good as any of them and being a Grey Warden on top of that gives any party involved an advantage if they can get me onside.”
He hesitates for a moment. "If you were exiled, will they let you in to even do that?"
"They won't have a choice,” You grimaced.  "To them, I'm already classified as dead, or as good as, and honour demands respect to the Wardens."
It was then Alistair truly understood just how much you had lost, and he honestly didn’t know how you were actually keeping it all together.  His chest ached for you the more he thought about it, and so he shifted closer to your side and wrapped an arm around your shoulders.
“I’m sorry that all this has happened to you,” he said softly.  “And that you still have to deal with so much else on top of it.”
You relaxed into him, making him give a silent of relief.  “And I’m sorry for what happened to you.  I guess we really are as an odd couple as some of our companions think.”
Alistair chuckled and kissed the top of your head.  “There’s more than one way to skin a cat if you know…if you…uh…” he faltered under your gaze as you looked at him, and he suddenly realised that he didn’t need to say anything at all.  “Never mind…”
Smiling, you rested against him.  “Whatever happens in there, don’t think less of me Alistair.”
“I could never think less of Y/N,” he said softly.  “And you know I’m going to be right here for whatever you need.  That’s what-what couples do for each other right?”
You smiled, but he couldn’t see it, nodding.  “Yeah, that’s what couples do for each other.  I’m glad you’re here with me.”
Alistair chuckled after a moment.
“I was just thinking of the irony,” he said.  “The two of us, technically with royal blood, thrown out on the road to a life that neither of us expected or should’ve probably had.”
“Ah, the bastard and the criminal?”
Alistair laughed.  “Something like that I suppose.  Can you imagine if we’d met under different circumstances though?  What would things have been like then?”
You thought for a moment.  “We would’ve caused quite the stir I’m sure.”
The two of you laugh together, and while he knew you were still worried about what the two of you were going into, Alistair was just glad that maybe he could make it a little easier for you to deal with.  He hated to think of you trying to do all this on your own, and now, more than ever, he realised he was right where he wanted to be.
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a-libra-writes · 4 years
Trouble - Tywin x Wife!Reader
this was requested by the dear @girlonfireice. per usual, I went a little nuts with it 😅
So real quick!! There’s this super awesome Chrome extension I’ve discovered, made by @interactivefics​! It allows you to replace “Y/N” with whatever name you desire, it also works for things like “E/C” and “H/C”. I can’t figure out how to insert it into my fics so here’s the link! 
Summary: Tywin takes a second wife for a purely political alliance, and ends up with far more than he expected.
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This would’ve been much easier if she were a fool. 
It would have been more irritating, yes, and Lord Tywin’s patience would have stretched thin. He could deal with that, silencing fools and distracting silly women was easy, if not necessary. As distasteful as he found the idea of a second wife, a new Lady of Casterly Rock, she was sorely needed - not just to run the keep, but to provide another heir. 
Such was the life of a second wife. Usefulness and obedience was expected of her. 
Lady Y/N gladly disregarded such things. She was a defiant woman, he should have seen it the day their marriage was agreed upon. He made his disdain for her House known, considering their loyalties to the Starks, but they were still exceptionally wealthy and held influence over the North. Tywin didn’t believe for a moment that they were truly loyal to the Iron Throne, or even the new Warden of the North. Her family was a threat to the stability he installed.
Even if she was essentially a hostage, Lady Y/N arrived at Casterly Rock with a tilt of her chin. She regarded the soldiers escorting her with just as much disinterest, as though they were her own guards. When she met him at the entrance of the old keep, she tilted her head. Long hair draped over her shoulder as she tilted her head. The wild style of the North, free of any Southern braids and accessories. He should have known not just from that curious little gesture, but the way she met his gaze and held it as she spoke.
“A fine afternoon, Lord Tywin,” She said. “Thank you for coming to see me.” 
He played into her courtesies.  “Your possessions will be brought to your room once the handmaidens attend to you. The ceremony will be tomorrow.”
“So soon?” Y/N said, but there was no distress in the question. “All the better, I suppose. My father and brothers would surely drink the whole cellar.”
Tywin didn’t humor that with a response. The ceremony was a minimal affair, in spite of the grand wedding gown her family sent. The majority of the guests were the extended Lannister family that resided in Casterly Rock, some neighboring lords and Y/N’s oldest brother. The man glowered at Tywin the whole time, but said nothing, nor did Y/N spare him a glance. 
Effectively, he was handing a prisoner over, and he begrudgingly left the next morning. Y/N watched him for only a minute before turning to Tywin. “I’ll be in the parlor if you have need of me, dear husband.”
Dear husband. She was fond of that one. Y/N said it prettily, with all the manners she was taught, but her eyes held a challenge that he didn’t miss. Y/N was quick in many things, he began to realize. She familiarized herself with the servants, the castellan and maester, even the servants who scurried here and there. 
“Dear husband,” She’d start, lounging on a chaise lounge in the parlor she liked so much. It had a grand bay window that overlooked the sea, bringing in fresh salty air and the distant sound of gulls when she left it open. It quickly became her favorite spot, and was steadily being rearranged with furniture and books more to her taste. “I understand Lord Marbrand wishes to dine with us in a fortnight. I’ve made the arrangements with the steward.” 
Tywin studied her. His immediate lack of answer didn’t bother her in the slightest. She returned to her book, letting her fine dress splay over the lounge. Perhaps a woman of less decorum would be considered lazy if she did the same, but Y/N was a contradicting mix of proper and relaxed. Perhaps the right comparison would be a cat flicking its tail. 
At the dinner table with the Marbrands, she was all charm and smiles, a proper hostess who watched what she drank while allowing her guest’s cups to flow. It was like that with anyone who came to dine in Casterly Rock, and more than once he’d begun to hear the court whisper about The Lady of Lannister. It had  been so long, after all. They were eager to lap up her smiles and courtesies, hoping it put them in her husband’s better graces. Tywin felt he was the only one who noticed the devilishness in her eyes. 
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“You’ve kept yourself busy,” He said to her one evening. “Most ladies would be content with their needlework and gossip.”
She was facing the mirror, but he could see her smile in the reflection. Y/N ran her brush through her hair one last time, feeling for any tangles left. He could see some of her bare back when she brushed, as her nightgown did little to hide it. “You know as well as I that I’d become bored, and you should know I’m troublesome when I’m bored.”
Tywin stepped forward and brushed her hair over her shoulder, letting its softness run through his fingers. It was the only thing softer than her skin, and he watched the slightest blush creep on her cheeks. The candlelight could’ve been playing tricks on his eyes, but then she shivered when his fingers ran down the bareness of her back.
“You’ve already proven yourself troublesome enough,” Tywin said, murmuring close to her ear. From here, he could see her slender neck, and the marks he’d left on it before. The jewelry she wore today covered most of it. 
“What a thing to say.” Y/N turned to him, the candlelight only highlighting her bright eyes. He wasn’t so senseless as to deny himself her beauty, or how much she pleased him, and he was certain she enjoyed herself just as much. It wasn’t the sort of thing he’d expect from a practical arrangement, a glorified alliance, but he couldn’t be too careful.
She had a positively devilish smirk, the one she only showed when they were alone. All the guests and servants saw was her sweetness. Tywin turned her around and brought her close, not missing the soft gasp that came from Y/N’s lips. 
Her hands touched his chest and she leaned in. They hadn’t kissed often, but he took her lips eagerly this time. He could smell the oils in her skin and the soaps in her hair. His hands slipped to her waist and he could feel how warm she was under the cold silk of the nightgown.
She met his eyes directly, like she did at dinner and when they stood together in the great hall. Y/N never showed fear around him. Tywin touched her chin, and he knew her pretty lips could twist into a smirk at any time. Her eyes could go back to that mischievous glint whenever she pleased, but for now, both were regarding him warmly.
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Y/N balanced on one foot and sat herself up on the desk. It took a little bit of undignified scooting before she was comfortable. Well, as comfortable as she could be with a hard desk under her thighs and a tied up ankle. She sighed as she looked at her foot hanging unladylike from under her chiffon skirts. Wearing her usual stiff shoes would be out of the question for the next week. 
The guard who was kind enough to carry her to the Maester and then to her husband’s office had left her on the settee, but it was uncomfortable. Y/N pulled her dress back and lifted the ankle higher, trying to relax it as best she could. The maester had wrapped it tight, maybe a little too tight, but she didn’t want to undo the bindings.
She glanced about the desk, noting how tidy the papers were and how not even a quill looked out of place. She closed her eyes, taking in the scent of the office, mostly sandalwood and patchouli, but with some old leather because of the vast number of books. It was strange how it was almost soothing to her, how she liked to come in here to talk with him and even pester him. She loved the way those green eyes would fall on her, a subtle warning, because she still seemed to surprise him.
Y/N frowned at her thoughts suddenly. Not love. That would be …
Foolish, wouldn’t it? And she wasn’t a foolish woman. Y/N touched her abdomen absently. That was the purpose of this marriage, and she shouldn’t forget it. It had to be soon, not that he was an impatient man, but there would be trouble if there were no results in a year.
Y/N sighed and leaned back on her hands. Results. I hate that word. What happens will happen, and not a day sooner. 
Finally, there were footsteps on the stairs and the door was turning. Y/N felt silly for sitting up in anticipation. Her husband entered, no longer surprised to see her making herself comfortable on his desk, but he did glance down at her ankle. In spite of his age, he still had the broad shoulders from his youth, and she liked the doublet he was wearing. It was one she had made for him, and the black suited him well. 
Y/N dangled her ankle a little, not shy about the way her skirt danced around her calves. “There’s my dear husband. Come see what I’ve managed to do to myself.”
“You ought to be more careful,” Tywin said, his voice steely to anyone who would have walked in, but Y/N recognized this tone. He was only lightly scolding her, and was more occupied with the letters he was now sorting through. “Especially if you’re with child. Did the maester tend to you properly?”
“He’s always been helpful. This was no different.”
Tywin didn’t respond right away as he walked to the other side of the desk, facing Y/N as he touched her ankle. He gently held it up and watched her face as he touched it. “What were you doing?”
“I lost my balance on the stairs. It was the shoes more than anything.” 
“Did you walk to the maester?” Tywin frowned.
“No, no. One of the guards heard me, and he carried me there, then I had him carry me here. I wanted to tell you I wouldn’t make it to supper, I can’t have the whole of Casterly Rock seeing me limp about like this.” 
She smiled, then tilted her head at the way Tywin tensed his shoulders. “My lord?”
“Who carried you?” Tywin asked.
Even when his green eyes had such a cold look, she liked them. Y/N was not afraid of him, in fact, she was curious by this reaction. “I believe his name is Ser … Harys. Hallard? Yes, Ser Harys.”
Her husband had a distinct look of displeasure, and Y/N leaned in. She held his shoulders and brought him closer so he stood between her legs. 
Tywin’s lips pressed to her ear and she tried to suppress her shiver, but likely failed. “You had another man carry you to my chambers?”
“A lady doesn’t crawl,” Y/N said easily. She pulled some of her hair aside, and predictably, he kissed there, giving her another involuntary shiver. Damned if she couldn’t control it, but he figured out her weak spots fairly quickly. “You wouldn’t want me to do such a thing, would you, my lord?”
He responded with a firm kiss to her neck, gently pulling aside a necklace that was attempting to cover a lovebite. It was still tender, and Y/N let a satisfied noise escape her lips as he not so gently bit it. She slid her hands up his arms, still firm and strong, and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. 
Tywin’s bright green eyes met her’s, and Y/N felt she froze a little. He set her necklace back into place. “If Ser Harys touches you again, I’ll have him guard the fish docks.”
Y/N smiled and tried not to chuckle. It may have escaped anyway. “You’re upset, dear husband.”
Tywin shot her a warning look, but as usual, she didn’t heed it. She loved irritating the great Tywin Lannister, giving him the feelings of petty jealousy that were usually reserved for young men. She relished in the way his words bit as he said, “A guard who bought his knighthood and can’t even properly strap his sword to his waist should not be handling the Lady of Casterly Rock.”
Y/N leaned in, pulling him closer and nuzzling against him, like he had just done to her. “You’re jealous.”
She gasped and a pot of ink rattled. Y/N glanced to the side, watching the ink settle before turning to Tywin hovering over her. She curled a leg around his waist and kept it there. 
“I see you’re still full of cheek,” Tywin said, that scolding voice replaced with something far more heated. Y/N took in a breath, relishing in the strength and warmth he was using to hold her down. 
“Next time, I’ll call for you, Tywin,” She said, all sweet coolness in contrast to his rough, burning eyes. “I’ll ask for my dear husband to take me to my room.”
She gasped again, sighing in delight as his hand slipped under her dress and grasped her thighs. Y/N’s ruby necklace fell off to the side and he made quick work of teasing her bruise again. “Tywin!”
“You really are a troublesome little wife,” He said as he pressed his fingers up her thighs and squeezed her where she liked. He felt her moan when he kissed her throat, and her leg as it snaked around his waist. 
Y/N smiled to herself, full of contentment, forgetting all her earlier worries and doubts, as she often did when he wrapped her up. Even the aching of her ankle was far away as her dress was pushed up and bites were trailed down her chest. 
Practicality. Results. The words didn’t even occur to Y/N afterward, when he smoothed out her dress and carried her to her room, not missing a step in spite of his age, carrying her steadily enough that she felt comfortable enough to rest her head on his shoulder. 
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She quickly glanced in the direction of a suit of armor, using its dull reflection to check her hair. It was a bit pointless, considering the age of the thing, but she’d forgotten to do a final once-over back in her room. She was running late as it was.
Y/N lifted her dress a few inches and threw caution to the wind, scurrying to her husband’s chambers. They shared their sleeping chambers now, but he still had a separate room that he would do business in, or simply give her space as she had a small army of handmaidens descend on her hair and dress. They had to leave now if they were to attend the gala on time. 
Normally he was an incredibly punctual man, but he had an exceptional dislike for being distracted from important work, and lately he’d been busy with business involving the mines. Y/N entered the chambers and blinked in surprise.
A serving boy startled from the noise she made. He almost knocked over an empty goblet. “M-My lady, my apologies.”
“I did not realize my husband was taking dinner here,” Y/N said. Sometimes she ate before a gala, not wanting to stuff herself during and feel sick during the dancing. She didn’t recall seeing Tywin do such a thing in their year and a half of marriage.
The boy bowed deeply, his face red with embarrassment. “I was told to bring it here, Lady Lannister.”
“Very well, you may go.” Y/N stepped aside, and the boy flushed all over again, anxious that she held the door open for him. He scampered away like a spooked mouse. 
Y/N watched the boy go for a few moments, noting his messy chesnut hair. He didn’t seem familiar, but she didn’t know all of the young servants. They were usually not so young, nor so scruffy, and typically kept to the shadows. 
She sat in the comfortable chaise-lounge and sighed deeply, feeling too warm in her tight dress and the intricate braids pulling on her head. She always got a headache from these things, but it was Southern fashion. She glanced at the flagon full of wine and poured herself a cup. 
Hearing footsteps in the other room, she called, “My lord?”
“Making yourself comfortable?” Tywin emerged as she expected, wearing a fine crimson and gold doublet that matched her own fancifully embroidered gown. He glanced with amusement at how cozy Y/N made herself in a room that he occupied far more often than she did.
“I try. Dear husband, isn’t it a little early for wine this strong?” Y/N made a face, but she kept sipping on it. It wasn’t a terrible taste, but there was too much sweetness. It wasn’t Dornish, she knew that much, nor was it what he often drank.
Tywin set down a bundle of papers and a map on the table beside Y/N. There was a rare humor in his voice as he said, “No one told you to help yourself to it.” 
“Hmm.” Y/N’s lips and head were already feeling fuzzy, so now was a good time to stop. She should’ve started with the food first. Y/N picked a few plump grapes off the plate and ate one, noting how she couldn’t taste them as well as she should have.
She didn’t notice Tywin’s careful gaze on her. “Did you bring this in?”
“No, I thought you called for it.” Y/N set the rest of the grapes down. “A little  mean, isn’t it, eating dinner without your wife?” 
Tywin frowned at the plate of food. Y/N stood and smoothed out the doublet, admiring the fine embroidery. She gave a kiss on his jaw, and he tilted his head to give her a proper kiss in return. 
“We’ll be late,” Y/N started, but the words were difficult to say. She glanced toward the sweet wine that she could still taste on her numbing tongue. The fingers she pressed on the gold embroidery were tingling. She let out a heavy breath, air that took too much effort to exhale, and she tasted the wine again. 
The room began to go sideways and Y/N felt fingers digging into her arms, pulling at her. She felt the jewels fall from her hair and tangle in the braids. She heard the sound of something falling to the floor - one of her hairpins? - and she could smell the sweetness, overwhelming now. It was disgusting, and she wished she had the energy to get away from it.
Y/N could only rest against something warm as she was jostled, the room still spinning and the halls and doorways beginning to merge together. 
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His fingers ran over her soft hair as he carefully pushed it aside, keeping it out of her face. Her complexion was unlike he’d ever seen, clammy and too pale by far. His thoughts were distant and he recalled the past few hours, the awful charcoal and ginger concoction that the maester mixed to force down your throat. He could still smell the ginger wafting in the air long after the maester had removed the bucket from the room. 
Y/N’s breath was shallow and her eyebrows were still drawn, but it was better than the sudden unconsciousness and the sickly way her head rolled when Tywin picked her up. The maester had re-entered the room, and he was talking in that meandering way that these old men often did. 
It was all platitudes, his voice a drone until it finally reached Lord Tywin. 
“... It is fortunate, my lord, that --”
His sharp green eyes turned to ice as he looked at the maester. “What part of this is fortunate?”
“W-well, the fact that - she drank so little, and it was - well, the dose was not - whoever mixed this concoction, the dose was improper, my lord.” The maester stumbled. “I will have to watch her for the next few days to be sure -”
“You’ll do nothing but that, do you understand? If she so much as breathes differently, I want to know.” 
The maester nodded fearfully, but Tywin was already turning his attention back to Y/N. He heard her stir, and she pressed her face against the pillow, sighing deeply as her brow furrowed. Her eyelids fluttered and she glanced around the room. 
His hand touched her back and gently stroked it. “Y/N.” 
“Tywin?” Y/N was talking, that was good, at least. She relaxed into the pillow as his hand went back to petting her hair. The maester tried to reach for her as well, but Tywin glared him into submission.
“Be still,” He said, low enough that the castellan and maester had difficulty catching his words. The relief was already washing over as Y/N recognized him. He touched her face, and she rested against his cold hand. 
“With the maester. I’ll move you to our chambers shortly.” He kissed her brow, pausing for a moment to murmur, “I won’t leave you alone.”
Contented with that, Y/N nodded, resting back and curling up to her side. She already looked far better than she did before. Some color was returning to her cheeks.
With great difficulty, Tywin pulled himself from Y/N’s bedside. He nodded toward his castellan, the senior knight of his guard. “I’ll oversee her being moved to her bedroom, but after I speak with all of her handmaidens and the servants.” 
The castellan spoke brusquely. “They’ve been gathered in the cells, my lord, and are awaiting your questioning.” 
Lord Tywin took one last glance at his wife, uneasily nestled under the covers. He touched her shoulder and gritted his teeth, his careful touch contrasting with the burning thoughts crossing his mind. He leaned in, brushing a kiss on her brow. When he straightened up, the castellan stepped aside as his lord harshly brushed past him.
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abbeyfangirl · 5 years
dragon age: all characters (companions)
I’ve been in this fandom for a hot minute now and I want to update my opinions on characters :)
Alistair: super sweet dude who literally is not the stereotypicalchantryguyfightme. He’s a great example of healthy masculinity and I totally wish he was bi because I have an entire essay on that— also: he’s a poc! His mum was brown. In game he’s got dark features. if you really want a blond/blue-eyes/white guy, make your warden that. or accept that brown people can be noble and moral. or just draw cailan, idk. just because BioWare whitewashes doesn’t mean you should.
Leliana: someone hug my singing girlfriend before I crush her under with my own hugs. Also: nugs. Yes! Shoes. Yes! She likes how I style my hair? YES!! I honestly think she’s super duper and it pisses me off whenever someone’s like: yeah she enjoys killing people and the Game. ok. and michel de chevin willingly participated in genocidal marches through the alienage he grew up in with his elvhen mum. 
Morrigan: dirty swamp witch that i stan and also have a v big crush on. tiddies. Have a son with a GW so we can raise him with our tiddies out in the forest. she’s also white-passing, as her father was chasind and all people we’ve seen that are chasind are black. therefore, she is biracial. therefore, poc can be goths and don’t shy away from giving morrigan a darker skintone. if the devs had of been thinking, she’d have a darker skintone.
Zevran: Actually is the best romance, I think. Loves consent, therefore I will stan him so hard my skull cracks a little. Also: he is a very brown boy and if he’s white in da4 I’m seriously going to throw all canon out the fucking window. genuinely a good person who needs to be told so. 
Wynne: grandma who only likes my friends who go to church. but also super sweet and I’d rest my head on her bosom (in a platonic way omg ZEVRAN)
Sten: angry quiet boi. the bestest boi. I totally would give him a kitten for a gift and bake him cookies. Thicc softie. I think if I had DA:O and i knew how to use mods i would mod the fuck outta him. sorry.
Sha(y)le: who’s gender? idk her. See also: fuck birds and authority. pound ur ass into the ground you feathery meatbag little shits. fuck songbirds.
Dog: such a good boi. thicc. thinks Alistair is a whiny fuck and is Morrigan’s only friend. love him. he’s the cutest companion. bet.
Ohgren: honestly forgot about him bcc he’s such a shitbag. also: he could’ve been a really cool addiction recovery type but NOPE. probably would have a trump shirt in a modern au and would catcall wlw and hit mlm. no thanks.
Anders: he acts like rlly straight but he’s so gay I can smell it. also he’s rlly cute and fun and I love him so much.
Justice: MAYBE i’M selF CONSCious OF THE twitchING. is the friend that genuinely doesn’t get dick jokes but is ur 110% ride or die.
Nathaniel Howe: honestly is sort of a white knight/neck beard a little, but it’s kind of charming with his whole velanna m’lady?? grump boi. annoying soul patch that I’d mod out SO FAST—
Sigrun: would have ROMANCED the FUCK out of her. why she even entertains the idea of fucking with ohgren makes me realize most of the writers are dumbfucks.png. peppy little emo. 12/10 would die if she kissed my cheek teasingly.
Ohgren: why. why. why. I’d have brought Shayle over. Maybe Zev? Definitely Dog.
Velanna: she was written to be an annoying feminist and you can tell but I deadass am a kindred spirit with her bcc I too am deadpan annoyed with Thedas’ general population too. love her. Would’ve loved to romance her. She’d totally be one of those who’d get all tsundere and be like “n-no i hate you” *kisses the fuckin soul out of you then blushes so hard she’s now a tomato*
Dragon Age II
Anders: fuck the cops. i don’t care. fuck the cops. (vine reference). also: do i hate him for blowing up the chantry that would eventually annul a huge collection of his people? no. read dalishious’s meta on Anders. v intriguing. didn’t they retcon the fuck out of the reported deaths too? like there was like eight Templars and Elthinia in there. Templars killed more “abominations” in a day than Anders in the game canon—
Aveline: initially thought she was fine and then realized she’s shit to my lil brother and I will fucking clap her ginger ass. See also: whorephobia isn’t a joke so fuck off with treating Isabela badly, you tit.
Bethany: sunshine. Literal sunshine. I feel my freckles grow in her presence and i love it. she’s my little baby sister and I’d slam that ogre so fuckin hard before it touched either twin.
Carver: there has to be a mod where both twins survive. I love them both to bits. My babies. carver is my bitter, angry little brother and I can relate because I too am very angry and would totally clap my own ass. hes so genuine and I don’t get the competition between Beth and Carver. Like, both are fuckin stellar in different ways. In this essay I will—
Fenris: honestly, I don’t get the general hate between him and Anders. Fenris’ main arc should’ve been a recovery arc, not drunken moping and revenge. he deserves better. give him a soft sweater instead of his spikes and let him love himself as much as I love him for MAKERS SAKE. like when you really think about their relationship, it could’ve been an eye-opener for fenris and finally some legit sympathy for anders. but we all know that if they had of teamed up that Meredith would’ve been dead before the end of Act 1 so.
Isabela: whorephobia is not a joke. oversexualizing your only appearing brown woman is so poorly written. how about we appreciate her and her lovely bosoms but also let people tease her about her heart of gold? her innate understanding of freedom? instead of just a wave of dick? please?? can we give her some pants for when she fights? can we accept that i fall for rogues who hate themselves?? fuck. also whomever draws her x femHawke x Merrill literally is after my own heart.
Merrill: my fucking babygirl MARRY ME. Fenris could’ve been her older brother type, but NO. she and Isabela should’ve been canonical gfs instead of Isabela/Fenris (no shaming the pairing tho!!). I love how she’s written as neurodivergent. V nice. Sometimes I just look her up and cry because she’s fucking everything. Also: she’s in the Dalish origin and she’s far from being white. Why did they make the most innocent/naïve character really white? hmmmm.
Sebastian: whew that boy. Would totally be that annoying Mormon at your door but you still let him in bcc he’s super sweet. Also: huge ass bible thumper and should get his head slap because you said the maker loved all his children why do you defend a complicit old hag you annoying attractive fuck—
Varric: totally is a bard and the devs couldn’t handle the idea of him being one bcc it might make him look less straight. is the only grey morality person I don’t want to fucking bash in with a fry pan. he sees people and I like that, but you totally know he’s siding with mages every time bcc him and Anders are like besties. I’m sorry. I don’t make the rules. “Professional Younger Brother”.
Tallis: I know nothing about her but she seems okay. I think she was an escaped slave and honestly? Fucking props. Spy on a shitting organization, idk what you’re doing, but your VA was that cool lesbian from SPN so I think ur okay?
Blackwall: Redemption Arc 101. Love him to bits. Sad dad bunwall. good man. actually atoned for his sins by actively becoming a good person. his initial design is 80% hotter im so sorry but so not.
Cassandra: was way browner in the last game. would romance the fuck outta her. I love me a butch lady who melts at my dorky recitation of poetry. BioWare is a coward. also is the worst choice for divine. but not a bad person. could use some more guidance or get her ass whipped by a dalish elf about religion or a circle mage kid whos like “yeah bud i didn’t ask for the templars to whip my ass everyday for existing.”
The Iron Bull: I think the Qunari/Vashoth were a little based off black people (the whole anti blackness thing where ppl are scared of them bcc of whatever reason) and it pisses me off that he had a weird ass dubcon thing with Dorian in banter. It doesn’t make sense— he’s an A+++ dom and would not jump straight in role play without at least checking in at first like wtf BioWare.
Cole: his mother was chasind so he’s like not supposed to be that white? or like biracial? albino? idk. love him to bits tho. He’s neurodivergent and I deadass love him. romancing him? idk. I see why ppl think it’s fuckin nasty but also like as a writer I’d age him the fuck up so fast before my inquisitor even THOUGHT about that. like idk. I’m down with him being a sweet little bro character tho. he’s a babe. love him.
Sera: had the worst fucking writer I’ve ever seen and I willingly read the twilight saga twice by a shit ass racist white lady who okay’d pedophilia. like. Fuck you Kristjanson suck your own dick you fuck. had the worst options in regards to speak to her. has a thicc case of internalized racism that literally most of the fandom just loves to use against her. my lesbian neurodivergent queen. Would write a thousand fix it fics for her. Love her to bits. im gay.
Varric: I haven’t played DA2 so i don’t get why everyone wants to romance him but like. a dwarf romance? yes please. Idk he reminds me of my uncle so I only see him as fun uncle material. Deadass should adopt Cole and Merrill and co parent with Blackwall for Sera. dads? fuck yeah. love me some wholesome, present fathers.
Dorian: is a gay stereotype that I love/hate so much. and he’s also just as bad about being a creep bcc he sexualizes qunari men (in banter). I attribute that to shit writing tho. I want to protect him from all the “omg gay best friend!” people. he’d clearly be that tired gay that wouldn’t give a diddly damn about ur het romance. wanna talk about politics? he’s ur guy/gay.
Solas: “me, an intellectual:”. I don’t hate him, but I’m not about him. He comes off as mysterious and suave (which he totally is) but I deadass would not save him from himself because he’s a racist, exclusionist eggshell. idk. not my cup of tea, but I can totally see the appeal. And he’s interesting, I’ll totally say that. “I think the Dalish are garbage but they made you” is not a compliment. it’s so offensive. and such bait for “quirky girls” which I’m no fan of. Would be Achilles and let Patroclus (Lavellan in his case) die before he realized how his pride is literally a waste of time. If he gets a redemption arc I hope Lavellan gets to slap him before getting him to teach all about ancient Arlathan and show that the Evanuris weren’t all total dicknozzles. (Aka I really have a hard time believing that they’d be slavery cult things. especially since they’ve compared elves to indigenous ppl, Jews and the Romani.)
Vivienne: it’s so racist that they’d make a black woman be pro-slavery. That’s such internalized racism. She could’ve been the cool ass “educate yourself first before you speak, fool” ice lady, but NO. the devs could’ve kept the “Templars are a tool that I proudly can mandate” and the “circles are very good education” and we. Could. Have. Romanced. Her. Like. Fuck. Sake. I just wanna give her a hug and say “love yourself omg!!” and not even in a romantic way. Also: she and morrigan should not have been so antagonistic towards each other. I’d expect them to have great respect for each other, as they both moved up in the world through hardwork and very little help. They could learn different magic from each other too and still maintain that rival respect “oh you” mood. Sidenote: probably the cooler option for Divine. if her approval is high enough she’ll love and be loyal to you forever and i can’t see her agenda being bad. she improves the circles exponentially and tells all the antis to suck her pretty painted toes.
Josephine: an actual disney princess. romanced her my first playthrough. I love her so much. she just makes me so happy. And she’s like: “Integrity, Loyalty, peace. That is what it means to be a GREY WARDEN good fucking person.” she’s the person who would let you hold her hand if you got anxious and she’d be that person who shouldered the whole group project with finesse and poise and would probably lie for everyone as to not be mean. i love josie. her and leliana’s relationship is so cute, too. whether it’s romantic or not: women supporting women.
Leliana: if you leave her hardened you must hate her. why. she becomes so against herself. i like how shes feminine and lighthearted because that’s so powerful-- to remain hopeful when the world is hopeless. (its hard to know when to soften her/harden her so i get it but. google it. she deserves to be happy and sweet again.)
Cullen: uwu war criminal with shit ass “redemption arc” that was actually a half-assed (at BEST) recovery arc. Recovery isn’t linear, it isn’t pretty, and even the broken need to be told they are wrong in order to heal right. Like I’m offended by that bullshit. I’ve had to do some mental health recovery in the past and unlearning lots of toxic ideologies— which I’m still unlearning— and it bothers me that he gets an easy pass because he’s hot. It’s one thing if you like Cullen, it’s another thing if you hold him accountable.
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lockewrites · 5 years
For the DADWC: “Stay here tonight.” with the pairing of your choice!
From this prompt for @dadrunkwriting
Warden x Alistair || SFW || 1294 wordsAO3 & FF
Alistair comforts Genevyve after dealing with the near-destruction of the Ferelden Circle.
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To be so close but still outside of Kinloch Hold was strange, like she was a young girl who’d run away from home and hid in a little fort just behind the house. Genevyve tossed and turned in her bed, unable to settle her mind enough to even think of sleeping. Frustrated, she got up and crept through the docks’ inn and out the front door.
The night was draped in a heavy fog that crawled across the lake and to the Circle tower. It was eerie and unsettling, but she was already in such a disturbed state of mind, it mattered little. Genevyve wandered along the road between the inn and the docks until she reached damp wood and sat down.
Her feet dangled over the edge, the toes of her boots just barely skimming the water’s surface. She looked out across the lake and at the imposing tower.
Never did she imagine she would see her home, for lack of a better word, flooded with abominations and Templars so eager to eradicate every last mage under their watch. Never had she seen Greagoir so hateful or Cullen so… 
She shook her head. Death piled upon death; those she had grown up with, spent her entire life with, dead. Some felled by their fellow mages-turned-abomination, others by the Templars who embraced the chance to slay “dangerous” mages.
Her eyes burned as tears welled up and spilled onto her cheeks. Genevyve wiped the back of her hand under one of her eyes and took a deep breath.
“Can’t sleep?” a voice asked from behind her.
Genevyve shook her head.
“I don’t blame you,” Alistair said, sitting beside her. “It can’t have been easy to see the Circle like that.”
She gave a sharp laugh. “What do you mean?” she asked. “The Circle’s always been full of Templars just waiting for a reason to kill mages and mages looking for an excuse to turn into abominations and exact revenge on the Templars.”
Genevyve wiped her eyes again.
Alistair lifted his arm, as if to wrap around, but seemed to think better of it as he returned it to rest on his leg. His feet kicked at the water as the two of them sat in silence. 
“I’m sorry,” she said. “I didn’t mean to snap at you, I’m just… you’re right. It wasn’t easy to see that.”
“I understand,” Alistair said, glancing at her.
She didn’t return his look, rather she remained fixated on the tower. She wanted to tell him he didn’t, he couldn’t understand. She wanted to argue that, yes his fellow Wardens died, but he didn’t watch them die. He didn’t have to kill some of them himself. He didn’t lose the people he grew up with: he had only been a Warden for a year. These people had been her family. This had been her home.
But he didn’t deserve such malice. He’d come to comfort her, and she was simply in too much pain to readily accept it.
Too long had passed with no word from her, but she could think of nothing to say that wasn’t fueled by anger and despair.
“Is there…” Alistair began, seemingly pondering his words. “How can I help? Is there anything I can say? Anything I can do? I’m… I’m at a loss, but I want to help.”
With another deep breath, Genevyve tried to push her unkind thoughts aside. She looked at Alistair, meeting his eyes and finding them full of sincerity, and she felt a guilty twist in her gut.
“Not sure I deserve it,” she muttered. 
He raised an eyebrow at her. “Why wouldn’t you?”
Rather than answer, Genevyve let her head fall against his shoulder. As though taking it as permission, Alistair wrapped his arm around her, giving her a soft squeeze.
“I wonder,” she began, “if I should’ve allowed Jowan to perform the ritual.”
Alistair tensed beside her, but she didn’t acknowledge it.
“I couldn’t have cared less that it involved blood magic,” she continued. “I was just afraid the arl would refuse to help us if we let the arlessa die. But she was willing… and who knows how many of Redcliffe’s people have died since we left. Having to travel here, and then having to clear the Circle? We’ve been gone for so long.”
“I’m sure the others have been handling things,” Alistair assured. “Leliana is probably working with Teagan to protect those that can’t fight. And Morrigan and Sten probably have a disturbing amount of fun killing those walking corpses.”
Genevyve chuckled, but Alistair’s lighthearted words weren’t enough to settle her mind.
“Maybe I should’ve sent Morrigan to convince the Circle the help us,” she said, shaking her head.
“That would’ve guaranteed Redcliffe’s destruction,” he said. “She would’ve pissed off the Templars, and they would’ve destroyed Redcliffe themselves in retaliation.”
She let out an actual laugh this time.
“You made the right choice,” Alistair said. “The Circle needed us anyway.”
“Not everyone would agree,” she replied. “I think Cullen would’ve preferred it if we hadn’t shown up. He would’ve wanted the Right of Annulment invoked.”
“You know him well?” Alistair asked.
“I thought I did,” she said, casting her gaze downward. “I never would’ve thought him capable of being so hateful. He came to the Circle about a year ago, and he’d been one of the kindest Templars. And I… cared for him.”
Geneviye lifted her head, and Alistair let his arm fall from her shoulder.
“We should get some sleep,” she said.
“Yes, we should.”
Alistair pushed himself to his feet and held his hand out to help Genevyve up. He held his arm out for her to take, offering with it a goofy grin. She took it and smiled at him, feeling a little lighter after speaking with him, even if she didn’t share all of what was on her mind.
He led her back to the inn and to her room.
“Stay here tonight,” Genevyve blurted.
Her cheeks burst into a deep shade of red as she realized what she’d said. Alistair’s own did the same, just as deep despite his darker skin tone.
“Y-you want me to…”
“I meant, uh,” she stammered, “i-if you’re comfortable… I don’t, uh, I don’t want to be alone.”
“You want me to sleep with you?” Alistair asked, his voice cracking a bit.
She waved her hands in front of her.
“Not like that!” she said. “I meant actual sleep. Forget it. It was a stupid thing to ask.”
Alistair adamantly shook his head. “No, no,” he said. “It’s fine. I can… I’ll stay with you. I did say I wanted to help.”
His voice lost some of its panic, and he stepped further into the room, stopping beside the bed. Genevyve hesitated, but she too moved toward the bed and clumsily climbed under the blanket. Once she was situated, she held the covers open to invite Alistair into the too-small bed.
Crawling in beside her, Alistair adjusted himself to try and fit comfortably. Genevyve turned to her side, giving him just a little bit more room. No matter how far to the edge she clung, her body rested against his, and there seemed to be no avoiding it.
‘Are you… are you comfortable?” he asked.
Genevyve nodded. “Thank you, Alistair.”
“You’re welcome,” he said. 
He continued tweaking his position. After a moment, he added, “I’m not really sure where to put my arm.”
In an act of boldness, Genevyve took his hand and pulled it across her torso.
“Better?” she asked.
He nodded, rustling their shared pillow.
Genevyve closed her eyes and tried to use the awkwardness she felt as a means of distracting her from the nightmare of the Circle. Eventually, she slipped into sleep.
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grace-nakimura · 5 years
for the oc meme ; sophie amell.
questions submitted by @highevre
idek i got ahead of myself am s o r r y also tw for mentions of abuse of authority (ser alrik tbh is a tw on his own) and trauma. also tw for the last bit in which the hero of ferelden is painfully a teenage girl.
someone describing the time your OC helped them.
“I was in a sorry state when she found me.” His back is turned, hands clasped behind, his posture stiff as if he is relieving that moment for the hundredth time. “I - I was hardly kind, you see, and please - please don’t make excuses. Hers is a face I thought I’d never make cry...but I did. Maker, I was young, but she was younger. No matter all the vile things I said, or did or would do later on, she did not deserve my anger.” 
The Spymaster hums, arms across her chest, relieving the first moment she would meet the boy that would become the Inquisiton’s Commander. “I remember. She cried for weeks.” When the Commander turns, he’s crestfallen, but he knows the Spymaster did not mean for such a blow to be malicious - it’s just her stating facts.
“She saved us, all of us, and I never got to properly thank her.” He thinks of Kirkwall, of Ser Alrik, of how he did his best to not see Sophie in the face of every young mage with a sunburst mark on their forehead with that vile smug on his face. He knows what he told the Hawke twins, knows that there was a part of him that believed his words, but he can’t help that the person that came out of Kinloch hold was the same man he sees in a looking glass. (You haven’t changed. You still flinch when the mages raise their staves and staffs and for every petite, young mage girl you saw in the Gallows you also saw Uldred. That’s why you ignored the children that came to you crying, or the Hawke’s when they brought evidence. You still ignore it now.) - No. No he’s trying. He’s trying and trying and - “I don’t think she would want to see the man I’ve became. I’m not a good man.
The Spymaster’s smile is sad, but she doesn’t disagree. Not fully. “Then I’ll accept Cassandra’s request for you to join the Inquisition. Know that I will keep a close eye on you. One mistreatment...” she trails off, but she doesn’t have to finish. He understands.
someone describing the time your OC hurt them.
The man that would’ve been King smells of ale and piss and sweat. Kirkwall, well, he has no idea why he’s in Kirkwall.
 That’s where she’s from. 
I don’t consider myself a Marcher, he remembers her saying as she does her best to to light a fire without the Maker given magic out of his comfort. He remembers assuring her that she being a mage doesn’t bother him, but she was so young and so insecure with everything she did. I haven’t been there since I was four. Maybe three. I don’t think my parents wanted another mage child. Alistair remembers that pang, how he knew in an instant they were a sort of kindred spirits, and how he made a promise to the Maker he’d do his best to protect that soft heart because the thought of her hardening made him feel all - well, it made him feel not well. 
He laughs at the idea now. 
“Fuck Loghain. Fuck the Wardens.” He mutters, bitterly, and he means it. “Fuck that stupid - that stupid girl and - and other things!” Now he only means it a little bit, just a little bit, because when all is said and done and he is sober enough to remember how she grabbed his hand before the Landsmeet and promised him, King or no King, she’d support him either way; how she would spend nights at camp imagining what their Griffons would look like; how he held her sobbing form after the Circle ordeal and how a traumatized Templar broke her heart (to which he still doesn’t regret punching him for. Well, maybe a little bit.) 
I can’t, Alistair, and I can’t let you do it. We’re better than that.
He is a murderer - a traitor! Are you telling me that you’ll give him the honor of joining the Wardens?
Everyone deserves mercy! He remembers her saying, her face red and tear stained, those indigo eyes of hers pleading with him and - Maker. He never had a little sister before, never had a family, but whenever those eyes broke something inside him did too. He surrendered. Please. I’m tired of hurting people. I don’t want to be a monster.
Too late. 
Those were his last words and all she did after the fact was cry. 
Good, he remembers thinking. Let her cry. Not like she cared about him. (When he’s sober he knows that’s a lie. He knows that, up ‘til that moment, she proved above and beyond how much she cared. That’s what hurts the most.)
your OC’s description of their game’s events.
When the magical protegee isn’t manipulating elemental magic and felling enemies with the offensive arcane mostly avoided in the Circle, she does her best to keep small. Hidden. Careful not to draw too much attention which, of course, proves useless again and again with bounty hunters breathing down their necks. 
By the time she meets Zevran, she’s newly seventeen, still bruised and tender and sore from spending her birthday in the Deep Roads, and while the first three assassinations gave her pause this - this only serves as an annoyance. When all is said and done and only the elf that coordinated this fiasco lives. He’s bound, tied, and her mabari hound Dread Woof bares his teeth as does her Qunari companion. She and Alistair, just as bruised and exhausted, do their best to be stern and mature. Commanding. (Sophie doesn’t want to admit she’s just copying him; sometime later she’ll wonder if he’s doing the same to her.) 
“Who sent you?” The elf - Zevran, but Zev to his friends - paints a story of another one of Loghain and Howe’s attempts to snuff her and Alistair out. “You- You’re not very loyal, aren’t you?”
“Maybe. Maybe not. I know when I’ve been outmatched, however,” his voice drawls to almost a smolder, which makes her belly feel jumpy. Cheeks flushed or no she doesn’t let herself break. She listens. “I propose a deal, if you will?”
“Sten, you can rip his arms off -”
“Hold on!” He raises his voice, wiggling against his binds, which she supposes is for show since something tells her if he wants to be free he would’ve done so by now. “How about I work for you? Surely I’d be much safer with a famed Grey Warden -”
“- I’m young, not stupid.” Sophie interjects, doing her best to make her face sterner and less constipated looking (thanks Morgan). 
“Ah, true, as well as lovely. Beautiful, even. I am your man as long as you’ll have me, yes?”
Her freckled face is a shade of a tomato when she accepts the elf’s offer. “Are you serious?” Alistair pulls her aside. “Please don’t tell me we are letting an assassin who just tried to assassinate us live because he called you beautiful.”
Sophie says nothing, but continues to try to be small, and squashes any guilt at being unfaithful to Cullen’s memory with every time her heart flutters when Zevran looks her way.
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c-bani-mation · 6 years
Necklaces and Butterflies
Rating: Mature(M)
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug
Relationships: Adrien Agreste/Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Alya Cesaire/Nino Lahiffe, Tom Dupain/ Sabine Cheng, Gabriel Agreste/Emilie Agreste, Tikki/Plagg
Language: English
Summary: The aftermath of Adrien and Chloe's get together. We meet a certain red magical sweetheart. Mari develops unwanted emotions that she should just deny to save herself from the heartbreak and torment, but as the saying goes, the heart wants what it wants, but hey what does the heart know anyway? Using your head is much better(we all know how that ends up Mari), or is it?
***WARNING THERE WILL BE VIOLENCE IN LATER CHAPTERS(But I’ll make sure to label the chapters that contain that, it won’t be for a while down the road)***
                                        Chapter 2
                                                         Mari’s POV
Chasing Chloe and the prince was not how Mari was planning to spend her day. Of course she shouldn’t be complaining about this turn of events, her afternoons were usually much worse. Prince Adrien had a pretty good gain on Chloe, but she started picking up speed as he started to tire out. Luckily, for the prince, Mari knew a scenic route that would bring her just ahead of Prince him, so she could come to his rescue..
Just as he passed her, Mari reached her arm out and grabbed his wrist pulling him into the woods with her, as well as making him crash into her and them both ending up on the ground. To silence him, Mari had put her hand over the prince’s mouth.
“ADRIKINS! Where did you go?” The watched Chloe’s feet as she ran by them on the main street. Mari kept her hand over the prince’s mouth until she was sure that Chloe was out of sight. The prince blinked up at her and suddenly she realized she had not yet released him, letting go as if his touch burned her skin, the prince stood up and offered her a hand.
“M-My sincerest apologies, y-your highness. That was very improper of me, I’m very sorry.” She bowed and screwed her eyes shut waiting for him to yell at her for the act of a peasant putting her hand on a noble, the prince no less.
“Sorry? Why on earth are you sorry? You saved me from Miss Bourgeois. I can’t thank you enough, Miss Dupain.” He took her hand and brought it to his lips.
“Oh! Well, it was no trouble at all, I know how Chloe, I MEAN Miss Bourgeois can get, but at least she didn’t call her ‘Daddy’.” Adrien gave a little snort.
“I don’t think her father could have done anything about it. Anyway, I must bid you farewell, Princess.” He gave her a cheshire cat grin that made Mari’s whole face turn bright red.
“I know now why you are called Chat Noir, it’s not for your so called bad luck, I bet you are very catlike.”
“Oh really, now?” She laughed.
“Really. Also, I’d think I’d know if I were a princess.” He smiled and took her hand.
“But you are a princess in my eyes.” Mari’s face was officially on fire now. “Goodbye, Mlle. Dupain.” He let go of her hand.
“Goodbye, your majesty.” She curtsied and he bowed back. He smiled at her and then walked away. Once he was out of sight, Mari had a panic attack.
“Why is my heart racing?! No! no! no, I cannot fall in love with the prince, no way. He’s betrothed and I’m only a servant, not to mention he’s a noble. Come on, Mari! You’re supposed to hate nobles! What’s wrong with me?! UGH! I need to talk to Tikki, she’ll know how I can forget about him.” Mari turned and went to walk to her friend Tikki’s house. Tikki had taken care of her up to the age of five and then she was handed over to Monsieur Bourgeois, she didn’t blame Tikki, she wasn’t her kid and she was a single female living on her own, how was she supposed to support a child? Mari would always visit Tikki when she felt sad or just wanted to say hello. Tikki worked at the town pub along with Mari’s friend Alya.
After a short walk, Mari finally arrived at Tikki’s little house. She knocked gently on the door three times and then waited. After a few seconds Tikki opened the door and smiled.
“Oh Mari! I wondered if you were going to drop by this week.” Mari sighed as Tikki stepped to the side and made a motion with her hand, inviting her inside. Mari walked in and dramatically plopped face down on the couch.
“Tikki, I need your help! Something terrible has happened!” Concern grew in Tikki’s eyes.
“What do you mean by terrible, Mari? Are you hurt? Are sick? What happened?” Tikki started to rub Mari’s back in soothing circles. Mari groaned and dry sobbed.
“I think I like Prince Adrien!” She blurted out really fast. Tikki raised her eyebrow.
“And why is that horrible? The prince is a very kind young man.” Mari scoffed.
“Tikki I mean ‘like’ as in almost love! That’s the problem!” Tikki sighed.
“Mari, even that isn’t that bad.”
“He’s betrothed!” Tikki looked like she’d wanted to say something, but she bit her lip and kept quiet. “Besides, I’m supposed to despise nobels.” That made Tikki scowl.
“Listen here Mari. Adrien didn’t ask for his title anymore then you asked to be a servant. Stop stereotyping the upper class before you get to know them, true most are snobby, but don’t act as if they’re all Chloe. Chloe and her father are the worst case scenarios and I am very sorry that I put you with them, but it was the only way to pay your parents’ debt. Also how long have you known him? How do you know it’s love?” Mari blushed.
“Well, today was the first day that I’ve actually spoken to him, before I wasn’t allowed to be around when he came over. We talked a few times and he’s actually really charming.” She’d started to play with a stray piece of her hair. Tikki crossed her arms over her chest, her long red hair was pulled up into a tight bun with a few stray pieces falling out of it. She was wearing a simple red skirt with a black top piece with off the shoulder flowing red sleeves. Her big blue eyes were staring skeptically at Mari, though she was intimidating she was no taller than Mari herself.
“Mari. That is not enough time to say you truly care for him, sure he might be suave and charming, but there is more to him that meets the eye. So before you go off and put him on a godly pedestal, think, do you really know him?” Mari looked at the ground and thought about those words.
“I suppose you are right.” Tikki smiles and lifts her chin.
“What I think you’re feeling is respect and overall admiration for him being kind to you. These feeling can often be confused with love, especially to a person who has never been in love.” Mari pouted.
“How do you know I’ve never been in love?” Tikki gave her a devilish smirk.
“Because you would have told me already. Tell me, do you feel the desire to marry him, bare his children, or even the mere thought of him makes you giddy?” Mari thought for a moment, but ultimately shook her head. Tikki gave her a small smile.
“Then, I’m afraid you are not in love. But, that doesn’t mean that you couldn’t grow to love him, once you get to know him.” Mari looked at her with a confused look.
“Are you trying to make me fall in love with a betrothed man?” Tikki laughed.
“I guess that’s not the brightest idea, is it? Oh well, now you’d best be going to see Alya, she was starting to get annoyed that you’d hadn’t visited her in a while.”
“I know, it’s just that I prefer to visit her at work, I don’t like disrupting her and Nino’s time at home.” Tikki giggled.
“You do realize that just because she’s married, doesn’t mean that she doesn’t want you to come over her house, right?” Mari frowned.
“No, that’s not it, I just don’t want to come off as too… clingy.” Tikki nudged her with her arm with her elbow.
“Sweetie, there is no way Alya would think of you as clingy, if anything she’s the clingy one. Go on, spend time with your friend.” Mari sighed and stood.
“I think I’ll do it tomorrow. I have to get back before Chloe or Andre notices I’m gone.” Tikki grabbed her arm to stop her.
“No! I’m taking you out tomorrow, you’d better see her today.” Mari furrowed her brows.
“Really? Why?”
“It’s a surprise that I’m not about to spoil. You’ll just have to wait and see.” Mari chewed on her soft, rose colored bottom lip as she looked dejectedly to the near spotless floor below her.
“As truly wonderful as a day away from everything sounds, Tikki, I honestly don’t think the warden and his little princess are going to allow my absence, even for a day.” Tikki crossed her arms and cocked her hip, her white apron, covered with the remnants of off-white flour.
“I’ve already handled Andre, so don’t you worry about that, just meet me in the grove at seven o’clock sharp tomorrow morning.” Mari eyed Tikki wearily, doubt and fear hidden behind her bluebell eyes. Tikki let out a frustrated huff. “Just trust me and see her today, okay?” Mari slowly smiled and nodded. Tikki’s eyes brightened just before she released the younger one’s arm.
“I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then. Have a good evening, Tikki.” She bowed her head as she went for the handle of the slightly rusted door.
“Of course, dear. Oh and do take a cookie or two on your way out, they’re fresh out of the oven and you are far too thin.” They both laughed as Mari complied with the woman’s request and headed on her way.
                                                     Adrien’s POV
     Adrien quick walked back to the palace with sweat creeping slowly down his neck and it wasn’t until he was safely past the gates that he let out a breath of relief. He hadn’t expected that his and Chloe’s get together would’ve ended that way, if he’d known it was, he would’ve just just stayed and practiced the piano. It wasn’t that he didn’t appreciate or enjoy Chloe’s company, they’d been so close when they were younger after all, but it wasn’t the same after all these years. As they grew, the more clingy and touchy she’d become, not that it really mattered to Adrien that much. What really bothered him, was how much his title mattered to her. As kids they never cared about the position of the other, they were in their own world, but now that they’re basically adults, her only concern is that of climbing the social ladder that she was already very high on. To be honest, he didn’t really blame her, most women felt that marrying a wealthy, nobleman was their only way to a successful life, even though the kingdom allowed women to work and own businesses, it was still very hard to build up one’s statis. If Chloe was the usual woman, he would’ve understood more, but with her already being a wealthy aristocrat, he found it especially confusing as to why she thought she still had to marry for statis. Shouldn’t she feel lucky, perhaps even grateful, that she doesn’t have to do that?
Adrien’s mind continued to swirl with these questions as he made his way to his chamber, not paying any mind to where he was going, eventually colliding with a firm, warm object that,inevitably, was a person for the third time that day.
“I am so sorry, I don’t know what’s wrong with me toda- Nino?” While scrambling to help the person he rammed face first into, he failed to notice, until after a few seconds after he was being given the most unamused look that anyone(except maybe his father) has ever given him, that it was in fact his best friend and palace musician, Nino Lahiffe.
“Oh no, please do finish your apology, or is being your friend not worthy of that? Or perhaps I’m the wrong sex to warrant such attention, from his highness?” Nino’s chocolaty brown eyes sparkled with amusement and mischief, unlike Adrien’s steely green glare.
“I’m so very sorry, sir, how dare I wrinkle you’re burnt mustard, colored suit and is your navy feather crooked?! Oh the nerve of I! I shall lock myself away for such injustice!” Nino haughtily crossed his arms and played along.
“I would expect no less of a punishment for such rudeness to someone of my stature. I shall tell the fair Marinette that she’s to marry another for our, dear prince has committed such a crime, such ASSAULT, I am honestly so disgusted.” Adrien sat there on the floor with the back of his hand rested, dramatically against his forehead. They stayed in their respective positions for only a mere fifteen seconds before Nino snickered, which caused Adrien to break his composure as well, the end result was that of both men on the floor, laughing so hard that tears had appeared at the corner of their eyes.
“But seriously Nino,” Adrien choked out through his laughter. “Who is to blame for that hideous outfit?” Nino tapped a finger on his chin.
“Oh I do believe this was your doing, if I remember correctly.” Adrien raised his eyebrows in surprise.
“Was it?” He feigned innocence.
“Ah, yes indeed it was. One of your worst tricks to date, but alas the great Chat Noir strikes again.” By this time, Adrien was back on his feet and walking in the direction that Nino was headed.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” His cheshire grin was blinding, the pure joy of just joking around with his friend was evident, but sadly all happy moments must come to an end.
“Of course you don’t.” Nino shook his head. “While I have you here, your father told me to tell you that he wants to see you by the end of the day.” Adrien’s smile dropped and he rubbed his hand against his cheek.
“You don’t think he has any news about her, do you?” Adrien looked to his friend with large hopeful green eyes. In Adrien’s disheveled blue vest a top his wrinkled, white button up that was partly tucked into his black slacks, whose cuffs were also partly tucked into his velvety brown boots, he looked almost fragile, like a small kitten left out in the rain and denied shelter.
“I honestly have no clue, except he sounded more cold than usual. I’m sorry.” Adrien sighed.
“This is not what I needed after a day like today.” Nino looked at Adrien, puzzled.
“Was it seriously that bad?” Adrien slowly nodded.
“It’s been getting worse the more we age, ever since her mother died…” Adrien’s voice trailed off. He knew what it was like to lose a mother, his had died when he was ten years old and there wasn’t a day that went by that he didn’t miss her, most of her portraits were taken down from the walls, but some remained, like a ghostly shadow throughout the main hallways. With his mother’s death, his father became a mere shell of his former self and became an overall cold and unsettling person. Though things in his life changed for the worse, he still tried to remain positive and happy, after all he wouldn’t be in this position forever, soon he would find the contentedness he’d been longing for.
Chloe was the opposite though. She became bitter and shallow with her mother’s passing, denying the effect it had on her mental health. Slowly she descended into despair and made everyone’s lives around her miserable, like that kind maid of her’s, many others including her staff too and probably even her own father as well. He didn’t understand how he could end up a fairly decent person(in his opinion at least), while she turned into something horrid.
“I get it.” Nino looked ahead as they walked into the open courtyard. “It’s rough. At least Alya and I have each other and our families with us. Some aren’t so lucky. We aren’t as wealthy as, say, you or Chloe, but at least we have that and soon you will too.” Nino smiled at Adrien.
“You think so?”
“If Marinette is any sort of decent human being, she’d be lucky to have you.” Adrien sighed with a dreamy look in his eye. His left thumb traced the edge of the silver ring on his right, middle finger in thought.
“She must be amazing, to go through this and come back from it all.” Nino placed a hand on his shoulder.
“Just, please to get your hopes too high. No one knows really what to expect from her. I just don’t want you to be let down if she isn’t completely to your expectations.” Adrien waved him off. His eyes a sudden vibrant green and distant.
“Nah, I know she’s great.” Nino raised an eyebrow.
“How so?”
“Because...I haven’t even met her yet and she’s already my hero.”
                                 Previous Chapter  |  Next Chapter(Not out yet)
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anodyne-sunflower · 7 years
Judgement-AlistairxReader (Warden)
A/N: Requested and fulfilled! Enjoy, my dear. Hope I did a decent job at doing your request haha.
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MOOD MUSIC: Roses of May by Taylor Davis
“He should be alright, dear. Don’t you worry.” Wynne’s comforting tone did little for your stressed mind, though her words usually offered hope in such trying times. That would not be the case today, because nothing anyone said could wash away the guilt you felt. You were their leader, the one they all looked to for guidance and strength in this blight. How could you be so reckless as to let him get hurt, of all people.
“You’re certain?”
“Of course.” She smiled warmly, her hand coming to squeeze your shoulder gently before letting the flap of his tent fall behind her. Wynne was aware of your blossoming feelings for your fellow warden, not that she’d ever insert herself completely into your affairs. But, she knew you’d enjoy some time alone with him, even if it was in an awkward silence.
“Thank you.” You called after her, hesitating at the entrance of Alistair’s tent. Talking with him was a pleasant business, only now you felt this burden upon your heart this time. You could not ignore or hide from him forever though, but that nagging sense of self blame was only growing stronger in your mind with every movement you made. You owed it to him to at least check upon his health.
“Alistair?” With whatever nerve you could muster, you opened the flap of his tent, mouth going dry the second you saw him laying on the pelts. He was perfectly adjusted to the ground, head laying upon a feather pillow that barely added any comfort. Yet, he never looked so content the second he laid eyes on you.
“Y/N!” He smiled eagerly, the corner of his lip tugging down as the pain came rushing back to his side. His fingers clutched tightly at his rib cage, a grimace now replacing that adorable grin he often wore. “Heh, you’d think I’d be used to this by now...oh, look! Here comes a darkspawn, better use my ribs to block its blow! Heh...” Alistair tried to make light of the situation, as he always did, but that pained expression wasn’t likely to leave for a couple of weeks this time.
“Don’t get up!” You rushed to his side almost instinctually, trying to help him back down as he grunted softly from his suffering.
“No need to worry, I’m-“ Alistair twitched in agony, trying so desperately to ignore the pain and act casual about the situation. It was impossible not to smile at him, but you couldn’t just allow him to pretend it was nothing. The large gash to his side was enough evidence of that fact.
“Please, Alistair...lay still.”
His eyes followed the trail from your hands on his bare chest, to your lip currently being worried between your teeth. You looked different then, so solemn, detached and he realized quickly it wasn’t an expression he liked on you. World being torn apart or not, he would not allow it to taint that strong, happy woman he had come to care for. “I’m glad you’re alright...” It was all he could think to say, when any smooth or sappy words failed him, but he didn’t want you to feel any burden of his injury. It was a foolish thing to do, that wasn’t worth arguing, but in that moment he didn’t think deeply on it. All he wanted was for you to be safe, and if that meant taking the blow from a Genlock’s arrow, he’d do it all over again.
“You could’ve...” Your breath hitched in your throat, gaze no longer brave enough to look him in the eye as you finished your sentence. “You could’ve died, Alistair.”
“I suppose that’s true, would’ve been rather bad, wouldn’t it?” He chuckled, wincing once more as he attempted to sit up. He didn’t like this position, laying about while others at least tended to the camp. Being useless was not entirely his strong suit, he could brag about that at least.
“Would you stop?!” You never meant to sound so cruel, but his lack of seriousness on the possibility of death...it pained you deeper than you cared to admit. Alistair was the first person you bonded with over your travels, losing him meant losing part of yourself and you weren’t sure you were ready for that half of the journey just yet. Death was inevitable in war, but you had promised yourself to do everything to keep your companions from harm, as best you could. All it took though, was one slip of judgement and you allowed him to get hurt. The guilt that formed in you, it was unlike any emotion you had ever had the displeasure of feeling. “I-you...” A sigh fell from your lips, fingers rubbing gently at your forehead while you trained your mind back into a calm. You always envied and adored his casual nature, but right now you wish he’d understand how much this matter meant to you. How much he meant to you.
“You’re right.” Alistair spoke up, daring himself to reach out for your hand and holding it delicately in his own. It was an action he would’ve never had the nerve to commit before today, even if his mind had often conjured wonderful, romantic scenarios involving you. But, there was a softness in your eyes he hadn’t seen in a while, one that used to grace those lovely features before the world went to shit and he was left tagging along on a mission to save Ferelden from a bloody blight. Not that he would entertain the idea of ever leaving your side, he only wished fate had brought you both together in a less chaotic setting. “Forgive me-“
“No, it’s-Alistair, I just want to apologize for-“
“Apologize? To me? Now that is possibly the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard you say.” He caressed your knuckles soothingly, a small blush appearing on his cheeks as he ventured further along your arm and stopping just at your jawline. He detested being on bed rest, but if there was one good thing about the whole ordeal, it was seeing you from this angle. That sad expression seemed to lift, and that light he often saw in you had come back to those enchanting eyes. Maker, he loved your eyes...if he could devote his time to staring into them all day he certainly would. “Please don’t feel guilty on my behalf. I did what I had to, and I’d happily-well, not happily take an arrow to the ribs, but you get my point...I’d do it all over again, so long as it meant your survival.”
His words hit you rather hard, knowing that below all that bravado was something deeper. Alistair was a courageous man, foolish at times, but courageous. You had no doubt he’d take a hit for any of your companions, but the subtle nature with which he touched your cheek offered a heavier meaning to his confession. It made your heart race, a sensation you hadn’t felt in quite some time, but you didn’t dare shy away from it just yet. There was obvious unspoken words between you both, you never thought either of you was unaware, but amidst war and political conflict there was never a moment in time that felt right to hope for anything more than friendship. But, here he was, all smiles and pained grins that conveyed how badly he wanted you to forget your guilt and the past.
“Yes?” He responded weakly, trying to push the discomfort away.
“This is...” You leaned your cheek into his palm, closing your eyes as the fire outside seemed to die along with your other companions conversations. As they turned in for the night, it left you painfully aware of how awkwardly quiet it had gotten inside Alistair’s tent. Though he seemed content with the soft silence and your touch. “I’m sorry. I do not know how to be grateful for your actions knowing it could’ve meant your death.” The word was hard to speak, almost as if it was a curse to even mention aloud. But, it needed to be said. You would see this blight through no matter what hardships you faced, but you preferred to endure them by his side. Always.
Alistair watched you carefully, his thumb fixating on the curve of your cheekbone as you finished your piece. He never expected gratitude for his potential sacrifice, least of all from you. That moment was a flash in his mind, because the truth was he hadn’t really thought any of it through. His body had reacted mainly on its own accord, with only a sliver of his thoughts pushing him to protect the one thing he truly cared for. It was as simple as that, and he didn’t deem that deed worthy of anything but your survival. “As much as I love watching you be at my mercy, there is no need to be sorry or grateful to me.”
An obvious wise crack, with a hint of honesty that you had come to expect from Alistair. He had a way of easing your mind, and you could at least be grateful for that talent. Even if you had to hide such notions from him. “You saved my life, Alistair.”
“And you’ve saved ours dozens of times I’ve gone and lost count.” He glanced up in thought, pretending to go over the numerous times you apparently saved him from some disastrous fate. “Funny how that works. Besides,” He brought his attention back to you, a smile forming on his lips as he finally gained enough strength to sit up against the poles of his tent. “If anyone is going to stop the Archdemon, it’s you. I’m no hero, I’ll leave that hard part up to the experts. Anytime I try to be heroic, I get hurt. It’s annoying really.”
You had to laugh, if only at the feigned expression of irritation he held on him. “Well, funny thing that...” You paused dramatically, removing his hand from your cheek and holding it tightly between yours. With a slow movement, you leaned into him, causing a nervous flush to rush over his skin and leaving him speechless for once in his life.
He couldn’t fathom what you were doing, and perhaps his constant teasing had earned him this punishment. Not that he loathed your proximity, quite the opposite in fact, but he wasn’t prepared for the sudden change in your demeanor. And judging by the twinkle in your eye, you had finally trapped him in his own little game of wit.
“Whether you want to be one or not, you are my hero, Alistair.” It was just the right amount of cheesy one liners he’d no doubt enjoy. Consider it your way of thanking him and bestowing a gratitude he hadn’t originally wanted. Alistair wasn’t one for overly deep conversations all the time, and you could humor him this once you supposed. Granted, the mere inches between your lips was simply a plus for you. Watching the warden blush was just a sweet visual you’d delight in forever.
Alistair blinked stupidly for a second, your words finally registering in his mind as he attempted to conjure up some smart retort. That was a harder task than usual, knowing that you were now sitting close and he could feel your breath tickle over his lips. He appreciated the deviation from the serious nature of your previous conversation, but now he was at a significant loss of words. Was this part of the joke, or was he supposed to make a move? Women were an enigma for him, and you worst of all. He was almost content letting his feelings for you simmer inside him, but the more time went on the more he wanted to pull you in and kiss those pretty lips of yours. “Heh, well, that’s-“ He gulped, eyes constantly traversing the cute trail between your eyes and pout. “That’s a title I’m willing to carry then. The hero of the hero of Ferelden. Perhaps they’ll write a song about me, wouldn’t that be nice.”
“I’ll have Leliana start on it right away, my hero.” You teased him further, no longer preoccupied with the negative emotions from before. He was right in a sense, the moment had passed and he was alive. That was all you could ask for, and you might as well enjoy it.
“You know,” Alistair cooed, raising his eyebrow and finally gaining some initiative as you leaned further into him. “I could get used to this.”
Your heavenly giggle sealed the deal for him, and with one final wicked grin, he tugged you forward and into an overdue kiss.
A/N: Hope y’all enjoyed. Thank for reading!
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jungnoir · 8 years
college boyfriend!minhyuk;
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man have ya’ll ever met a human puppy cause this!! ^^^ is it
for the boyfriend!minhyuk request~
literally everything screams boyfriend to me about minhyuk
try and tell me he wouldn’t be the sweetest thing since peach cobbler (i sound so texan when i say that)
okay, okay, okay, so minhyuk, this angel is an RA
at first his friends were kind of like??? RA? minhyuk?
it’s not that minhyuk is bad with people it’s just,,, most people think he’s bad with,,, rules,,, and the enforcement of them
minhyuk is extremely friendly all the time, but sometimes he sees students blatantly breaking some rules
usually a short scolding will at least get them to keep their shit to themselves, so he doesn’t obsess over the small things
like he’s such a sweetie pie and most people think that they can do whatever they want and walk all over him
and most people do tbh!!!! they don’t care about the curfew or how many times they lose their key or anything
most students in the building think “oh lol i ain’t gotta worry, the RA is lee minhyuk. what’s the worst he can do? pout???”
which, btw, is what minhyuk initially does
but one guy whose really been pushing it for the last month comes in wayyyyyy past curfew all smug and minhyuk is literally like “!! excuse me, i’m gonna have to write you up for that”
and the guy laughs and pats minhyuk’s shoulder all patronizingly like “hehe whatever bro i wasn’t that late, just let it slide”
and then the guy tries to walk off
and minhyuk grabs the kid by the back of his hoodie and reels him back in
the guy is about to protest but minhyuk smiles this huge smile
not like his usual… like it’s actually pretty unsettling
“i said, i’m going to have to write you up. would you like me to mention the situation from last week? i distinctly remember catching you with a bag of something… hm, idk… green? didn’t look legal to me”
the guy visibly gulps and starts shaking his head back and forth really fast
and minhyuk release the guy finally and puts on his usual charming smile and pats the guy’s back excessively hard, shooting him a wink, “try to make it on time next time, hm?”
when the guy mentions this to other residents in the building, those little instances start to reduce to almost none
because most people thought that oh!! minhyuk is my friend, if he sees me doing something i shouldn’t he won’t be a hard ass about it right?? he’s never mentioned it before”
but minhyuk def keeps a record of wrongs in his building, and he always has some sort of ammo against someone if they get too out of hand
which is lowkey scary to his friends but also highkey cool as hell
his friend, jooheon, once told minhyuk that he would make a great undercover agent or something with how great he is at keeping things concealed and minhyuk just deadpans “how do you know i’m not one?” and minhyuk is that good that jooheon is actually stunned into silence until minhyuk starts giggling like man i’m just fucking with ya
minhyuk just really does his job well, keeps a good rein on all of the more troublesome students living in his building, and is not a force to be reckoned with
all wrapped up in a cute little bow of tall and cute 🎀
and then you move in
you don’t really know too many people on campus and you’re not aware of the notoriety of your RA
all you really care about is getting some rest and unwinding
you’re so tired from the long drive from your home to your new dorm that when you set the last box outside of your dorm, you drop to the floor in a heap and curl up against the box, telling yourself you’re only going to take a quick nap
your eyes shut and suddenly it’s half an hour later and someone is shaking you awake
you’re super disoriented at first, having just had the best, restful sleep in days
and it gets ripped away from you like that?? rude
you’re about to curse out the blurry figure before you when the person comes into view
there’s this dark haired beauty kneeling between your legs, one hand on the wall beside your head and the other holding your shoulder
he’s wearing the school’s sweatshirt in a blindingly yellow color and his dark ripped skinny jeans stretch and writhe around his long, skinny legs as he crouches this way and that to examine you
his tufts of brown hair resemble bedhead but it suits him
suits him so well in fact that you’re not even aware you’ve been staring this whole time until he’s like “is the dorm hallway comfier than your new bed?”
you don’t realize that you’ve got drool on the side of your mouth or that you look absolutely freakin’ out of it while he laughs at your distant and sleepy expression
carefully, he takes the sleeve of his hoodie and wipes your mouth with it, shocking you into sitting up straight
you instinctively shove his hand back but he just looks at you super confused like??? i’m?? help you??? chill?
“who are you?” you demand, voice groggy from disuse but clear enough for him to hear
“your new RA!!” he grins, his shiny teeth glinting in the setting sunlight from the hallway’s window
your eyes shoot open and you quickly push him away, scrambling to wipe at your face and eyes in embarrassment
of course you’d fall asleep in a hallway and have to be woken up by a cute RA
no less while you’re drooling
“h-how long have i been out?”
he shrugs, shoving his hands into the kangaroo pocket at the front of his hoodie, “dunno. a resident came to get me a few minutes ago, claiming there was a girl passed out in front of her dorm door. you made quite an impression on your new roommate by the way”
internally, you’re punching yourself in the face but you manage to steel your expression into one of nonchalant understanding, as if pretending the situation wasn’t as embarrassing as it was would help you
“well, you should get inside and take a proper nap. need any help setting up?” he asks suddenly, twisting his torso this way and that with his lip between his teeth
and wow, i mean, wow, he’s really cute
probably way too cute to be humanly possible
you quickly reject his offer, hiking the box off the ground and into your hands with a smile “nah, i’ve got this… uh, thanks for not writing me up on my first day, by the way. i shouldn’t have fallen asleep, but i just-” “happens to the best of us. you seemed pretty tired so i’ll give you a break” he smiles softly, winking at you
your eyes shoot wide out of slight shock in reaction to his wink but then you melt into a fit of giggles, turning to go inside your dorm, before the cute RA calls out “I’m minhyuk, by the way!” on his way back down the hall
“(y/n)! nice meeting you!” you say, watching him wave and wave and wave, walking backwards until he eventually bumps into the wall at the end of the hallway and has to take a turn, his cheeks lighting up in a warm red before he leaves
when you get the door open to your dorm, you see your new roommate splayed on the bed upside down, her phone in hand as she types away without much thought
it’s only when you set the box down on the bed that she looks up, and her eyes widen completely
“oh my god!! what are you doing here?”
you’re like??? i’m your roommate??
but then she’s like “you fell asleep in the hallway and the RA caught you. i’m surprised you’re even still here”
“why? it was an accident?”
she rolls her eyes at you, falling back onto the mattress of her bed with a dramatic sigh, “yeah, but didn’t he write you up? or threaten you? or your family? don’t tell me he threatened your family”
“he just said that i should get some rest, is all. why would an RA threaten me over something like that”
she gives you this wide-eyed look that literally borders on crazy, “i’ve heard things. people say he’s the warden from hell”
you literally have to ask if she’s talking about the same person that you’re thinking of; the tall cutie with the sunny yellow sweatshirt similar to his disposition
but this girl is deadass convinced that minhyuk is secretly evil and that you probably weren’t really let off the hook after all
you try not to let her words get to you, but deep down you feel something so unsettling about the whole thing
not even toward minhyuk!!! you just feel like there’s more to the equation than your given variables
but you brush it off and actually introduce yourselves to each other and as you settle in for the first night, your mind is swimming with all the things you have headed for you tomorrow, though all of that takes a backseat to the mysterious RA that your roommate had warned you of
for the next few weeks, you see minhyuk in passing often
he’s always seen greeting students and asking about their lives in detail, like he’s pretty much best friends with everyone in the building
he’s just so open and friendly and excitable and it’s crazy to think your roommate is so convinced he’s a “warden from hell”
minhyuk even takes the time out to sit down and talk with you when he sees you at lunch, or asks if living there is any fun or if you have any concerns
he seems to really care about the residents and their wellbeing
in fact, had your roommate never said anything, you probably would’ve never assumed that there was anything particularly different about minhyuk
but you happen to be around one night when something goes wrong
you had trailed into the building after a few exhausting hours of studying in the library and you were fully prepared to sink into bed to rest and just forget the day
when you walk out onto your floor, you can instantly hear loud thumping music coming from somewhere and you internally groan, knowing it would probably be a long night, but you hold hope that minhyuk would diffuse whatever party was being held soon so you could actually fall asleep
however, when you round the corner to where the music is coming from (even worse, it’s coming from the hall your dorm is in), you see minhyuk being shoved against the wall by a group of guys, all looking too drunk out of their minds to realize the severity of physically threatening their RA
you throw caution to the wind and run in front of the guys, catching their surprise, which you use to your advantage
“are you guys insane? do you want to get kicked off campus because of this? possibly even expelled?”
then one of the guys is like “he was being a fucking killjoy, as usual”
“it’s his job. it’s damn near eleven at night and i don’t know about you guys, but other residents in this building have exams all next week. if he doesn’t shut it down, someone else will, and not as nicely” you defend, the tiredness from your day weighing in on you as you glare at the boys
most of them look irritated still, but when they realize you have a point, they grumble and back off, walking back into their dorm to settle down their party
when the door shuts, you look over to minhyuk
his back is leaned against the wall, his eyes shut with a heavy sigh, “thank you” he mumbles
“of course, they looked like they were gonna beat the shit out of you for doing your job!” you shove his shoulder a little, frowning at his complete lack of emotion
but minhyuk just shrugs, forcing a smile, “i’ve caught them doing shit like this a bunch of times, this is nothing new. no matter what i do, i look like the bad guy to them”
your roommate’s words resurface in your mind again, and you decide that you won’t leave tonight until minhyuk explains himself, so you take him by the wrist and start dragging him with you toward the lounge, his eyes narrowing when you lead him into the elevator
he’s about to ask what this is all about when you nudge him with your arm, “i’m gonna buy us some snacks, and then you’re gonna tell me why people call you the warden from hell”
and it’s really strange to him bc like?? you’re the first person to ever really want to hear him out about why he does what he does on his job?
like he kind of expects people to misinterpret what kind of person he is by word of mouth from the assholes who intentionally make his job harder
and if anyone sees him getting pushed around or talked down to they usually assume that it’s his fault and he’s just being a hard ass
but you buy him his favorite snacks and you sit down with him in the lounge and just allow him to let it all out, and he doesn’t realize how good it is to talk to someone and be heard
i mean his friends do it for him too, but even they sometimes think that minhyuk is just too enthusiastic about the job and can sometimes go overboard
but you understand him in a different way, and he’s thankful for that
“i’ve always been the class clown and the guy that was always super nice and did everything everybody expected of him, so when i got offered the job, i was excited. most people did what they were supposed to do, and if anyone even slightly slipped up, i let it slide. then, i guess, people got the wrong idea and assumed that they could walk all over me. so i stopped being so lenient and i stood up for myself, but as you can see, that doesn’t always go as planned”
as minhyuk tells you, you notice he doesn’t look you in the eye once, his hands fiddling with his green tea or fixing and re-fixing his fringe
“i never really found the middle ground, you know? where i could be nice, friendly, lovable minhyuk and where i could stop people from taking advantage of that. i don’t know… how do you find that balance?” he asks
“well… first of all, not everyone is going to like you. know that much is true, especially in your position. there are going to be days when no one likes you, and if you don’t like that, you should probably quit but… that’s life, minhyuk. you can’t quit life. you’re always going to find that bunch of assholes that take you for granted and push you to your limits. you just need that one person in your corner who will pick you back up when you get pushed down”
“do you have someone like that?” minhyuk tilts his head to the side, eyes wide and curious as you giggle “yeah, my best friend. do you have best friends?”
“i have six. they’re all insane” he says, but his words are betrayed by the wide smile on his face, full of fond and warmness, and you smile with him
minhyuk and you end up talking for a little longer, about his friends and how minhyuk’s doing in his classes while juggling his job
then, suddenly, something comes to mind
“ah, minhyuk? when you didn’t write me up for sleeping in the hallway… why did you do that?”
minhyuk blinks at you like it’s obvious, “because you seemed like a nice person who had a tough day. and because i thought you were really pretty, but i can’t really admit that because i’m supposed to be objective on my job”
you kinda freeze when he says this, the hand that was clutching your candy bar suddenly closing in and crushing the snack in between your fingers, but minhyuk doesn’t even look
he just… smirks
the lil shit
“we should head to bed soon, can’t very well write myself up, can i?”
he ends up walking you back up to your dorm and you’re happy to notice that the party from before has since died and cleaned out, so you can finally get some rest
as soon as he turns the corner to go to bed himself, you slink against the door to your dorm and heave a loud, wistful sigh, your mind replaying the scene of minhyuk smiling at you, cheeks bright and calling you pretty, his raspy voice letting your name roll off his tongue in an undeniably attractive way
your hands are still sticky from squishing your candy bar, and all you can think of is the rush and jolt of something you haven’t felt in a while coursing through you once more
your cheeks start to burn as you look down at your hands, contemplating if what you were feeling was actually what you were feeling
then you hear a soft whistle from the other end of the hallway, and when you look up, minhyuk is there, eyes glittering with mischief “you have two minutes before curfew”
you quickly scramble up and grab your doorknob, shooting a squeaky and hurried goodnight his way before slipping into your dorm none too gracefully, the look of playfulness on minhyuk’s face teasing you well until you finally get to bed
and well, after that, you become subject to some… suspicion
minhyuk doesn’t change how he greets you by much, at least in your eyes, but to everyone else there seems to be a hidden meaning behind it
your friends notice that minhyuk is a bit more touchy when with you, or that he might look over at you and instantly smile when he sees you
it’s small, barely noticeable things that he does and you think that he’s just being a friend, but your friends beg to differ
“did you see the way he looked at you? like the universe is in your eyes?” “he’s totally gonna ask you out” “what’s his sign again? i think you guys are compatible”
minhyuk’s lips could turn up like 0.000000004332992 degrees and they’ll be like !!!! see!!!!! obviously you two are hooking up!!!
and it’s not that you don’t like it!! it’s just that omg your friends are so embarrassing
it’s gotten to the point that if you’re with friends and you see minhyuk, you have to run in the opposite direction because you just know they’re going to find a way to push you two together and you will not have it. over your dead, embarrassed body
your friends are always like!!! ohHHH LEE MINHYUK??? THE RA??? THE CUTE ONE THAT YOU-
your friends nearly get whiplash with how hard you yank them around the corner
and minhyuk startles at the sound of his name and sees you naruto running with your friends being dragged along, watching with a tiny amused smile before he moves onto his next class, not really thinking too much of it
for a while, this works for you. as long as he caught you when you were alone, you’d be safe
but your friends are nothing compared to his friends
one just so happens to be good friends with yours :))
you’ve only seen him hang around your group a few times, and your friends referred to him as the supermodel in training, but you knew him by the name shin hoseok
you knew he was on a dance team for your school, along with a few other guys that all looked way too beautiful to all go to your school at once
hoseok was quite the looker himself but you would Not Admit that to his face
but anywho!! your friends are talking when the subject of minhyuk comes up bc hoseok knows him and they’ve been buds for a few years
well, one friend spills to him that they think minhyuk is into you, so hoseok is immediately like 
blackmail 😈
he offers to investigate for them and asks for a few subtle facts about you as well
hoseok starts out pretty timid, doing stuff like spelling out the first few letters of your name to see if minhyuk would perk up, or describing your figure to minhyuk when talking about some new girl he’s on
hoseok would be describing exactly how you look and minhyuk would perk up and his eyebrows would start to furrow and his mouth would turn into a lil pout
and then hoseok would be like “oh!!! yeah, i remember her name. she went to middle school with us” and minhyuk’s shoulders would fall and he’d let out a tiny breath and mumble that he’s listening and hoseok will be like jackpot :))
then hoseok will be sitting with minhyuk in the quad eating lunch and hoseok will point somewhere vaguely and scream “(y/n)???!!?”
and minhyuk whips around so fast it’s not even funny
then hoseok scratches his head when minhyuk glares at him and tries to play all sheepish
he, of course, relays all of this to your friends, who have also been secretly investigating you too
in the end, it’s pretty clear that you guys are cute, you guys are single, and you guys are checking each other out... so.... why aren’t y’all dating
hoseok decides to split up to find minhyuk and your friends split up to find you, both with one mission: get one (1) of you to confess before the other does
your friends go to you, 100% expecting a fight or something so they’re prepared to like restrain you and everything until they actually get to you
you’re sitting at your desk, neck deep in a psychology research paper and about three empty plastic cups drained of iced coffee to the side and without looking up you’re just like “yeh i like him, so what?”
“then why are you always running away from him when he comes around?” “i’m running away because of you guys, not him. you’re like a group of over-excited soccer moms when i get around a guy i like”
and your friends are like oh ok yeah that makes sense
but also!! they got a confession!
they then tell you that they have intel from an insider (which you end up making them spill that it’s hoseok) that minhyuk likes you back, and if you confessed to him first then they’d win the bet- i mean, y’all would finally be together :))))
they continue to ramble for what feels like an hour, listing off all the good reasons why you should do it, and maybe it’s because you’re super spent from writing your paper or maybe because you can hear minhyuk’s loud voice through the walls, but you end up jumping up and going to the front door, your friends trailing along like little ducklings
as soon as you spot minhyuk, your breath stifles in your throat, but you force yourself to exhale and inhale, exhale and inhale
bc if minhyuk didn’t make it weird, it’d be fine right?
he’s currently waving goodbye to one of the dorm residents when he sees you, and his expression lightens up immediately
he even jogs halfway to get to you, looking all the more excited to speak to you now that you weren’t running away from him again
“hey! i haven’t been able to really speak to you in a while-” “minhyuk, i like you”
cannot compute
404 error page not found
the boy is so shocked that he doesn’t even move for what feels like an eternity
your hands are sweating at your sides and you try your best to discreetly wipe them off on your jeans, hoping that he wouldn’t notice how nervous you actually were behind your steely facade
you’re about to crack a joke that this is the quietest you’ve ever seen the boy when he takes a step back, whispering a soft “...no” and disappears down the hall
you’re not really sure how long you stand there, but when your friends get their hands on you, you realize that the throbbing in your chest is no longer from a fast beating heart, but from a rather cracked one
you want to ask him why “no”, why he couldn’t consider you, why he had run off so quickly
you want to be mad at your friends for lying to you to get you to confess, and you want to slink back into your bed and hide away for a while, at least to recover from such a harsh rejection
but your friends are furious
“that asshole told us minhyuk liked you! i swear, we weren’t lying to you” one of them says to you, rubbing your back to comfort you, while another is clenching her fists, looking like she’s ready to fight
and then, she’s bolting around the corner after minhyuk
when you realize what she intends to do, you immediately break away from your friends to catch her, hoping to keep the damage of minhyuk’s rejection to a minimal
cause it’s not like minhyuk was obligated to like you in the first place right? if he didn’t feel anything for you, it wasn’t his fault
you catch sight of your friend when you turn the corner, but almost as quickly, you see minhyuk... and... hoseok?
hoseok looks absolutely furious, and minhyuk looks completely distressed to say the least
your friend freezes and backs up with you, the both of you tuning your ears in to hear exactly what was going on
“...what do you mean you said no? i literally told her friends you liked her!”
you quietly prepare yourself for what minhyuk might say next, maybe something about how he was only nice to you because he felt bad for you or something that would put you into even more of a rut-
“i do like her! but i’ve been planning my confession for like two weeks now and i nearly had everything set and then she just comes up to me and confesses and what am i supposed to say?? i panicked! i was going to take her hiking and set out a picnic at the top of a cliff and we’d watch the sunset together and i even asked my mom how i should confess but she was no help cause the last time she confessed to someone was way back in the 1800′s and-” “minhyuk-” “-i know turning her down probably wasn’t the best idea in response to her saying what i’ve wanted her to say since i fell for her but i told you i panicked! you know i start hiccuping when i panic! it’d be worse if she had seen me go into a hiccuping fit, how would i recover from that? i’d probably hiccup so much i’d accidentally swallow a fly and choke and then die and oh my god how would she even sleep after the guy she confessed to died right in front of her? i’d be a ghost haunting this school for the rest of my damned afterlife because i choked on a fly in front of the girl i-”
“you like me too?” you whisper, catching the boys’ attention
minhyuk’s face is suddenly beet red, and his eyes nearly blow out of their sockets when he sees you
he’s all fumbling legs and clumsy steps as he attempts to run over to you, looking so completely apologetic and torn up that he can’t even look you in the eye
“i do, i’m just an idiot who panicked! i’m sorry if i hurt you, i really truly didn’t mean to” he says, voice strained with worry
you were going to watch his face, check for sincerity, but you believed the little monologue he’d given a few moments before had been all the sincerity you needed
“can this panicky idiot make up for it with that picnic date he called his mom about?” you ask, a small smile growing on your face
minhyuk lets out a rough exhale of air, looking so relieved that you weren’t turned off by his mistake, so much so that he tugs you into a hug, catching you completely off guard as he squeezes around your torso, muttering a plethora of apologies, no matter how many times you tell him it’s alright
but minhyuk finally does end up taking you on that picnic date, only it’s a little more impromptu
and minhyuk didn’t get to make those dumplings you always go crazy about :((( he made extra sure to get the exact recipe for you too
but you’re fine with your chips and boba teas and you just sit out in the cool air, drinking in the sky and talking about anything and everything
he shyly reaches for your hand at some point, and you hold it back, looking over at him ignoring your gaze, biting his lip to fight the crazy smile that takes over his face
now, dating minhyuk is easy
first of all, he is The Cutest
even though he’s a bit older, he’s used to having younger friends, so he tends to be loweky like a dad
he’ll always ask if you need help with any homework, and if you want a study buddy
if you’re studying particularly hard one week, you’ll leave the door unlocked and he’ll come in, leave your favorite snacks on the desk, kiss your temple and tell you he’s rooting for you before leaving
and even though you might be too busy to really say much back, it always leaves a warm feeling in your heart to know he cares so much
he sometimes abuses his power as RA to be a good boyfriend
he’ll claim he’s just making some early morning rounds but really he’s running to your dorm and banging on it really hard bc he just knows you slept in again for your one early morning class
or he’ll let you know when that annoying guy from down the hall that always asks for your notes is lurking outside your dorm door, and try to get the guy to go away so you can get back before the guy sees
on his nights off, you two will grab lots of unhealthy food and chill in his dorm room, watching anime or playing video games
you always make him clean up his room before you come and even though he complains, he does it
bc the one time you came over and he didn’t clean you tripped on what you thought was a dead rat and nearly got a concussion
he shoves everything under the bed but you don’t need to know that
there was an attempt
since people know you and minhyuk are dating (i mean the boy practically flaunts it tbh), they sometimes try to sucker up to you so that you can get minhyuk to let them off on some things 
or they’ll try to get you to berate minhyuk if they think he seems like a tyrant that day
but you’re able to see through it all and you know when minhyuk needs to be kept in check and when he can afford to be a bit lenient
and if anyone tries to give him shit, they have to go through you
minhyuk may be a peacemaker but you certainly are not
you once threatened a basketball player within an inch of his life if he ever tried to put his hands on minhyuk bc the guy couldn’t keep his loud music down for once
it was a sight to see, this gigantic 6 foot basketball player cowering at the sight of you, minhyuk’s soft lover
he always gets 😍😍😍 whenever you get violent :D
minhyuk is KING of kisses okay
he will kiss you everywhere, in every place, at any time, with zero embarrassment
like boy will grab you by the waist while you’re eating lunch and place a big kiss on your cheek, or if you’re being particularly distracting that day he’ll lead you off to a random janitor’s closet and this is pg-13 you nasties
nvm that ok some details,,,,
minhyuk is definitely voical
as a kisser or... other :)
he’s always groaning, growling, hissing, whining
his whines are pretty delicious when you leave hickies on his neck
his lips get wet and his pants blow your hair out of your face and his fingers grip and squeeze at your hips and he bucks into you like he’s going to burst
but anywho!
minhyuk can get jealous but he doesn’t really like to
like he’ll get pouty and a lil :((( at best
sometimes, if he notices someone is being really touchy on you and you’re not cool with it he might :)) have a word :) with them :)))
if you don’t have a word :) with them first lmao
but he knows his boundaries, and he knows what is and isn’t right when it comes to dating you
he tries his very best to be the best supportive and loving bf you could ask for, and he works super hard so that he never lets you down
bc you make him proud, and you make him want to be the best he can be
bc when he looks at you, he sees a future
and he doesn’t know what kind of future or what it really entails but he knows that he wants it, whatever it is, with you
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thederailedtrain · 6 years
The Mark of Oblivion: Loose Ends [Two]
The Great Lawn was oddly still before people flooded in. With dawn breaking on the horizon, Cedric could see signs of the battle that had just taken place. Nymphs and dryads worked together to mend the sod where it had been torn, regrowing patches that still bore scorch marks, and hiding any other evidence. By the time the park opened in the morning, no mortal would be any the wiser.
But Cedric had a hard time imagining anything else. He stared out across the field to where Layla had made her grand entrance. Her presence still lingered in the air around the Great Lawn like the heavy morning fog. Cedric kept a wary eye on that spot, as she’d return the moment he looked away.
Nine hundred years had dulled the edges of his memory. Before last night, when Cedric remembered Layla, he remembered her power. But he hadn’t remembered just how powerful she was. And now that he’d seen a display of her strength again, he found himself recalling all kinds of other things from the last time he’d faced her. The biggest thing was the fear. The overwhelming hopelessness that came from facing insurmountable odds and-
“Alright, Kubrick stare,” Toni called, her voice breaking Cedric out of his trance. “I didn’t just teleport our asses all the way uptown for no reason.”
Cedric turned back around to glare at her, only to find Toni already walking in the other direction. He jogged a couple paces, but said nothing once he’d caught up. His eyes were fixed firmly in front of him, Cedric could feel Toni staring up at him.
“So I heard a little rumor when I was still working for the other side that Mill’s your former boy-toy,” Toni began, grinning up at Cedric. It looked like she was about to say something more, but she didn’t get the chance.
Anger coursed through Cedric, hot and blinding. “Don’t call him that,” he spat, shocked at how loud his voice had gotten. Cedric took a calming breath. He wasn’t in a place where he felt like offering a full explanation, much less an apology, but he definitely owed Toni something. “I didn’t...I never used him.”
“I never said you did,” Toni muttered, brow creasing.
Thankfully, that was as far as the conversation got. Toni’s transference spell had been pretty location-accurate for not knowing which part of the lawn they were looking for in advance. They only had to follow the presence of magic a couple hundred feet before finding exactly what they came here for.
When Cedric entered the clearing, he felt another jolt of panic at the memory of the last time he was here. It wasn’t as strong as the looming anxiety over Layla’s resurrection, but it was there. He’d faced death in amongst these trees a few hours ago. It was only natural.
The fact that Alvaro and Mill were in almost the exact same positions as he’d left them only intensified the memory. Alvaro had an arm up, channeling his binding spell. Meanwhile, Mill had decided to sit down and was brushing his fingers lazily through the what sparce grass he could reach. He looked up at Cedric’s entrance and the pair hastily looked away from each other.
“Oh, thank the gods you’re here,” Alvaro said, gaze firmly locked on Mill. Cedric didn’t need his empathy to tell him how exhausted Alvaro was - he could hear it in his voice.
“How long have you been channeling this spell?” Cedric asked, voice soft with concern.
Alvaro spared a quick glance at his watch, letting out a mirthless laugh when he read the time. “Oh, about two hours now.” Before Cedric could apologize, Alvaro added, “Can I stop sooner rather than later?”
“Seconded,” Toni spoke up. Cedric blinked to clear his focus, then shifted his gaze to Toni. “This guy’s not a Harbinger - not the way I am, at least. The rest of those guys had no idea where he was after the battle. But now that I do…Well, you might want to head on back to your shop soon.”
Right, Cedric sighed. This place could be swarming with Harbingers any second. “Think you can make back to Vestibulum Venenatis?” He asked.
“You used chaos magic to get here, right?” Alvaro fired back. The silence was all the answer he needed. “Then, no. Definitely not.”
Well, that didn’t leave them with too many options. Cedric’s mind spun in circles. Would Toni be able to transfer two people and herself while still holding onto a binding spell? And then continue to channel it while they figured out some way to bind Mill semi-permanently at the shop? Dammit, Cedric wished he had Kira here too.
“There’s another option I don’t think you’ve considered,” Toni said. Her hushed tone and the conspiratorial look in her eye sent Cedric’s thoughts spiraling. She didn’t mean… “Come on,” she continued, dropping her voice so low even Alvaro couldn’t to hear it from several feet away. “I know you’re not above bending the rules every once and while.”
Cedric flushed with both anger and chagrin. Toni’s statement wouldn’t have hurt so much if it didn’t also ring true. And as much as he hated the easy way she saw straight through him, Toni was probably the only one on the team he felt comfortable showing this side in front of. There was only one stipulation.
“I can’t,” Cedric whispered so that Alvaro couldn’t overhear. “Not to Mill.”
Toni’s eyes widened slightly. “Oh, I was talking about my binding talisman. The one I hit you and Kira with that one time. Remember?”
And the one he never managed to get back from her. In any other circumstance Cedric would’ve...Well, he didn’t have time to think about that now and he was running out of options. “Go,” Cedric nodded. He couldn’t bring himself to look at Toni when he said it.
“Ooh, I knew I liked you, Mr. Warden,” Toni smirked before disappearing in a cloud of black smoke.
It was Alvaro’s voice that brought him out of his steepening guilt spiral. “Cedric, what are you…what are you going to do with him?”
“Well, it’s not just for me to decide,” Cedric replied. “Mill’s a member of the Council. He betrayed all of us when he chose Layla’s side, not to mention all the other crimes he’s committed since then. We’re going to need a proper trial to sort it all out.” He glared down at Mill, but the nymph didn’t look up. “Until then, I’ll keep him under my supervision.”
“Great,” Alvaro strained through a smile. He switched his stance, holding his other hand up. His breathing was heavy.
The guilt came flooding back, and fast. “Hey, Alvaro,” Cedric spoke up. He got a hum in response. “Why don’t you head home?”
“Y-you sure?” Alvaro stammered. “I can keep this up until that Harbinger gets back.”
“You’ve done enough already,” Cedric assured him, placing a hand on Alvaro’s shoulder. “Please get some rest. I don’t want you to strain yourself any further.” And I don’t want you to see what happens next…
Alvaro didn’t need much more convincing than that. He waited until Cedric started chanting before dropping his arms. A second later, the witch fell to his knees, breath coming out in harsh gasps. Out of the corner of his eye, Cedric could see him shaking.
“Do you need any help getting home?” Cedric asked between verses of his incantation.
“I can just…call a cab,” Alvaro managed. He struggled back to his feet.
Once he was standing again, Cedric could feel his stare on him. Alvaro was hesitating, trying to figure out how to say goodbye. Cedric didn’t blame him. If he could speak, Cedric would let him know it was alright; he didn’t know what to say either.
“I, um,” Alvaro began before changing gears again. “I’m glad you’re alright…Blessed be.” All Cedric could do was nod back to Alvaro as his form disappeared through the trees.
It didn’t take long for the situation to wear down on him. Cedric’s magic wasn’t made for weaving spells the way Alvaro’s was. Within a few minutes, Cedric could feel himself waning. Not that he would’ve made it particularly long on a good day, but the earlier battle hadn’t left him with much.
Even worse was the company. The wounds from his earlier match with Mill were still fresh, and Mill seemed determined to give him the cold solder. Maybe Cedric wasn’t the only one with guilt weighing on his conscience - not that he particularly wanted to talk with the man who just tried to stab him either.
Between the heavy silence and the drain of the spell, Cedric found himself begging for Toni to make a quick return. Thankfully, she didn’t let him down. Cedric had only just started counting each repetition of the chant when he felt the presence of chaos magic at his side. He had just started verse eight by the time Toni was fully corporeal.
Instead of a snappy introduction like Cedric had been expecting, Toni was silent. He spotted something out of the corner of his eye that she was passing back and forth between her hands. There was a shift in the magic next to him, then he watched as Toni threw a small object underhand. It sailed towards Mill, changing course in midair, as if drawn in by a magnetic field.
Mill jumped, realizing what was happening a second too late. The small wooden cylinder was already between his wrists, locking them in place. Cedric could see the runes carved along the talisman begin to glow, the energy spiraling outwards and around Mill’s wrists like a pair of magic handcuffs. He flinched at the heat Cedric knew the spell emitted, but didn’t otherwise resist.
Breathing a sigh of relief, Cedric finally stopped chanting. “You shouldn’t have that talisman,” he said, lungs burning with the effort he’d just exerted. “If you’re going to commit to our side, you have to play by our rules.”
“Yeah, yeah. Put it on my tab,” Toni waved him off. There was a solid five seconds of silence before she added, “Well? Aren’t we bringing him back to the shop?”
Cedric rolled his eyes, but she was right. He walked over to Mill, picking up the crystals he had dropped earlier while Toni helped Mill to his feet. As tense as he felt in this silence, he could also feel Toni’s amusement at the same time.
“Alright,” Cedric said, pocketing the crystals and placing his hand on Toni’s free arm. “Let’s go back to the shop.” He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and let the darkness wash over him.
When Kira had warned Gus to buckle in for this one, she meant it. Medieval history didn’t make many appearances in casual conversation, so Kira didn’t get to break out her thesis research often. This was one of those rare chances.
It was only recently that Kira decided on the topic of her master’s thesis; reconciling early Christianity and traditional folk belief in medieval Britain. Her advisor’s eyebrows nearly flew off his face when she proposed it to him. (He’d been her professor for the infamous “Myths and Superstitions” course, after all.) But it wasn’t like she could explain her sudden interest in the occult, so she told him about a primary reference on folklore she’d come across that sparked her curiosity. Not entirely a lie - Cedric’s old journals had been fascinating.
In the last few months, this thesis had been Kira’s primary focus. Well, aside from preventing the apocalypse. The persecution of certain folkloric traditions - and, by unwitting extension, Otherworlders - was something Kira knew a lot about. Of course, she couldn’t write about how this period of history had informed Otherworld exposure laws in her thesis. She could, however, explain them to another Otherworlder.
Gus sat, rapt with attention. During a tangent about medical practices, Kira realized that this was Gus’s world now too. He just didn’t have the benefit of lessons with Cedric and Markas was probably more focused on werewolf lore.
“So why is the Otherworld still so strict about exposure?” Gus asked as Kira was winding down. “This was hundreds of years ago. Shouldn’t laws change with the times? People are a lot more accepting these days, you know.”
While Kira knew where he was coming from, she couldn’t quite agree with him. There were several arguments she might’ve gone with, but she was tired and grouchy. Instead, she just fixed him with a stare. “Are they?”
It took a moment for the wince to fully cross Gus’s face. He looked like he was gearing up for a response, but Kira found herself turning instinctively towards the doors at the back of the shop. Gus seemed to notice a second later, angling his own body to face the entrance. Whether he picked up on the sound or smell first, Kira couldn’t be sure. For her, it was the sensation of chaos magic nearby. Dark, cloying, familiar.
Cedric burst into the room without a word, a grimace deeply set into his features. He was determinedly pushing Mill ahead of him while Toni trailed behind. They made it halfway up the stairs before the Harbinger looked back over her shoulder.
“Well?” She asked. “Aren’t you gonna help with this?”
The two friends exchanged a glance before moving at the same time. Kira made it to the stairs first, Gus close behind.
Even without sensing him, Kira would’ve been able to follow Cedric as he made his way up to his apartment. His heavy footfalls were audible from the other end of the shop. She wasn’t sure where exactly he was headed, but he was headed there fast. By the time they finally made it to one of Cedric’s spare bedrooms, Kira almost needed to catch her breath.
His first words upon entering the room seemed like a non-sequiter at first. “Gus, get the succulent out of the room,” he directed. “And the ficus.”
While Gus did as instructed, it clicked; Cedric was removing Mill’s ammo. Then he turned his gaze on Mill, eyes flashing. This was the first time Cedric looked at him since they’d gotten back, Kira realized. Mill met his glare with a level look that quickly wavered. He was the first to look away. Cedric didn’t as he continued speaking.
“When your bindings are removed, you will not attempt to escape. You will not attempt to attack us. You know there’s no way out for you now and your sentence is already weighty enough.” Cedric said it like a cop speaking to a perp they’d just caught. Maybe this was some kind of Otherworld Miranda Rights. “Do you understand?”
Mill said nothing, only nodded.
“Good,” Cedric nodded back exactly once before turning to Kira. That spark of anger was still in his eyes, and he had his Warden-posture on, but his words were softer. “Kira, do you think you can bind this room using your specialty? No getting out, no magic.”
A neutral magic barrier? Well, it didn’t sound too hard, particularly for such a small room. Kira gave him a hopeful shrug.
“Okay, when you’re ready, let us know,” Cedric said. Gus walked back in, only for Cedric to gesture for him to leave again. He motioned to Toni and began heading for the door as well. “Once the ward is in place, Toni’s talisman should lose power. Kira, you’re going to need to grab it and throw it to Toni through the barrier to make sure no one else gets hit with its effects.”
Toni’s talisman? Kira’s brows furrowed and she looked back to Mill, finally noticing what she’d failed to spot until that moment. Her heartbeat picked up at the familiar sight. “Is that-” she cut herself off, turning back to Cedric with wide eyes. “I thought you said those were illegal in your Ward!”
Before Cedric could say anything to defend himself, someone else spoke up. “Hypocritical, isn’t it, Cartacos?” Mill asked, turning all eyes to him. “That we should both consort with Harbingers and I am the only one who will pay for-”
“We are nothing close to the same!” Cedric bellowed.
The room fell silent as his words echoed in everyone’s minds. This was not the kind of anger Cedric typically reserved for his former lover - the simmering, heartbroken betrayal. This was a raw and fresh rage. Kira wondered if, whenever he looked at Mill, Cedric could see the moment he’d nearly died by his hand. That was her own experience.
Cedric took a breath to calm himself, but the anger was still in his voice when he spoke again. “Don’t you dare conflate the two of us. What matters isn’t the tools we use, but what we hope to accomplish with them.” It was a thoughtful statement - almost poetic - but a lot less convincing when Cedric couldn’t look anyone in the eye to say it.
He still hadn’t recovered enough dignity to face Kira to give the go-ahead. All Cedric could do was gesture. Kira was almost grateful. She was afraid she wouldn’t recognize the man staring back at her.
But they had more pressing concerns. Kira would have to table her own introspection if she was going to help the Otherworld at large. And it was going to take a lot of focus if she wanted to pull this spell off. This was something she’d never done before and she was exhausted in every way imaginable. Distractions of any kind weren’t something she could afford.
Kira closed her eyes and tried to dredge up all the remaining magic she had. There wasn’t enough within her to accomplish the spell - she already knew that. She would have to rely on ambient magics to help her with the rest. Good thing the shop was crossed by so many ley lines.
The moment Kira opened herself up to ambient magics she realized her mistake. She was more than familiar with the sensation of spells shattering and seals breaking. It came with the neutral magic territory. But when it was a seal that she was so closely connected to-
Fire erupted in Kira’s chest and she gasped, eyes flying open. She clutched at the area above her heart. The searing pain only increased and she stumbled, grimacing. Catching herself again, Kira closed her eyes and willed the incoming flow of energy to reverse. No, no, no, she thought as the magic burned in her veins, not right now.
By now, the other occupants in the room seemed to catch onto what was happening. “Bloody hell,” she heard Gus mutter just as someone else asked, “What is it?” That was probably Mill. Everything was hard to make out over the thrumming of the magic.
Kira forced her eyes open and sent a panicked look at her allies. The men were all frozen in various mixtures of fear, indecision, and confusion. Toni was the only one moving, glancing between Kira and everyone else. Those three emotions were present on her face, but they were masked with a thin veil of annoyance.
“Shit,” Toni hissed. She broke away from the rest and headed right for Kira, who was currently trying to stay upright as the Mark threatened to burn another hole through her chest.
Before Kira could understand what was happening, Toni had thrown an arm around her. The force of the impact caused Kira to take a step back. Instead of meeting solid ground, however, the floor dropped out from under her feet. She looked up just as tendrils of shadow wound themselves around her. The last thing she saw before the chaos magic swallowed her were the looks on her friends’ faces.
Then everything went black. A feeling of falling into darkness, not unlike the kind she had in dreams, overwhelmed the pain radiating from Kira’s heart. It was over a second later and she found herself standing on the concrete floor of the shop basement. She only had time to blink before Toni was disappearing in a cloud of mist and shadows once more.
Kira was alone and not a moment too soon. A sudden surge of power ripped through her and the following explosion blinded her with light and magic. Her cry of defeat became one of frustration and purpose. She would not let this new magic overwhelm her twice in one night. She was not going to die in the shop’s basement.
How had she done it before? A shell- a protective shell of neutral magic. The screaming, both inside and out began to fade into a hum as Kira bathed in the comforting light of her neutral magic. She let out a long exhale, finally opening her eyes once more. She surveyed the damage. One more light fixture had been blown out in the latest explosion, but that was it. Not as bad as the last time.
Exhaustion was quickly catching up to her. Kira placed her hands on her knees and focused on breathing normally. That same night, she’d stood in this basement, surrounded by every willing member of their Ward for the largest battle she’d ever faced. Or maybe it wasn’t the same night anymore; it hadn’t seemed that dark out the window of Cedric’s spare bedroom.
How long had she been awake by now? Kira didn’t know. Would she ever be able to sleep again?
The sound of approaching footsteps halted her train of thought. Kira looked towards the door and stumbled back to her feet. She gathered the strength to call out and let the person know it was safe to enter, but the door flew open first.
Cedric didn’t hesitate, running down the stairs the moment the door was open. He was alone and, based on what she could sense, Gus and Toni were still upstairs guarding Mill.
Before she could even finish the thought, Cedric was standing in front of her. A steady stream of questions poured from his mouth, and maybe an apology or two as he worried over her. Kira could hardly keep up, nodding along every time he asked permission to touch her or move her neckline over to check the progress of the Mark.
Did it really have to take almost dying for Cedric to be this comfortable in close proximity? Kira thought amidst it all. He smelled like sandalwood; she’d nearly forgotten.
“Kira?” Cedric was calling her name once her attention found the present once more. “Kira!” She let out an annoyed hum, not looking forward to Cedric yelling at her a third time. His features softened in his hesitation between calling her name and deciding what to say next. “Are you...are you okay?”
“I’m-” Kira started out of habit, but stopped herself. She really wasn’t fine, was she? And there was no point in lying about it.
How did she feel, though? It was taking every ounce of her focus to see through the dazed fog that had settled over her mind. She had found a new layer of exhaustion she’d never experienced before. She was sick with worry over a man she’d learned only hours ago was her father - not to mention the Otherworld as a whole. Then there was the overwhelming fear of herself and the power placed in her hands. And something like relief at the sensation of Cedric’s fingers brushing her hair back into place.
Kira said none of those things. They bounced around her mind, dancing together in a jumbled mass she couldn’t string into words. There was one strand of thought from earlier, however, that she kept finding herself coming back to.
“Cedric,” she said, her mouth suddenly dry. “I don’t think I can sleep.”
0 notes
Zevran ~ One Thing At A Time
1,300 Followers Challenge!
Requested by @aspiring-ginger
Words: 1,230
Warnings: Neutral Dwarf Reader, minor insults, minor violence, minor angst, fluff.
It had just been a passing comment, one that shouldn’t have stood out against the noise around the four of them, the city life just passing by, and yet, it did.  Zevran didn’t know how you heard it, he barely heard it himself, but he knew as soon as you stopped in your tracks, Alistair almost crashing into you that you most definitely had.
The glare that you sent the two men, who seemed very unaware of the situation they’d just put themselves in, would’ve had lesser men scrambling for the hills.  
“Do you want to say that to my face?”
Both men froze, going pale as they looked over.
Your eye narrowed on them, your arms folding across your chest, and you ignored Wynn as she tried to remind you that you weren’t meant to be drawing attention to yourself.  “Answer me arseholes.”
“I would suggest you do,” Zevran said, rather cheerfully, enjoying the sudden change from running, what he thought, were pointless tasks.  “Y/N is not someone who likes to be kept waiting."
The two men didn’t seem to know what to do about it, both of them stepping back, drawing some attention from others in the street, as you marched closer.
“Oh, is it a little different now that you have my full attention?”  You snapped, eyes flashing dangerously, fingers practically itching towards your blade.  “Not as brave now that you’re actually facing the consequences of your actions?”
One of them seemed to gain some of their courage back.  “We didn’t say anything, and I’d like to see you prove it dwarf.”
Your anger was practically palpable, Wynn sighing as she kept herself back, Alistair looking a little nervous, and Zevran watching you.  “Is that so?  That’s why you’re both cowering in your boots.”
“Look, you clearly don’t know who are, so we’ll give you some leniency, so just run along and-”
“Then say it to my face.” You growled.  “If you want to try and play those cards, say it to my face.”
The two men shared a look, and the other one finally found their courage, stepping forward and trying to tower over you.
“Get lost dwarf,” He snarled.  “Move on if you know what’s good for you.”
“You’re getting close,” You said, and Zevran just knew you were toying with them now.  “But clearly you lack the intelligence to actually remember that far back.  I can spell it out for you if you want?  Do you need me to do that?”
“You have no place here,” The second man said.  “Get lost shorty before you get yourself into some real trouble.”
“Close enough.”
Your movements were fast, and before the first man could react, your fist sunk into his stomach, winding him and sending him to his knees, the other one taking a split second before practically falling over as he turned to run.
You crouched down next to the man.  “Don’t call me short you arsehole.  I’m twice of what you’ll ever be.”
Zevran couldn’t help but chuckle as you walk away, a barely noticeable grin on your lips, Alistair and Wynn sighing.
“Can we please go back to the task at hand?”  Wynn asked.
“Absolutely.”  You said, leading the way again.  “I feel better now.”
Zevran kept chuckling, and the rest of the day passed mostly uneventful, so much so that he almost put the incident out of his mind.
Back at camp, you went and sat by yourself, something that was unusual on it’s own, normally preferring the company of others, but it was the slightly sad and troubled expression that had him think back on what had happened.
He didn’t think about it, going and joining you without asking.  “Ah, feeling pensive this evening?”
You cast him a small smile, again, unusual for you, normally greeting him with a wide smile, once you’d gotten past the initial nervousness from your first meeting.  “Maybe, I guess I’m allowed to occasionally.”
Zevran chuckled.  “You are indeed, considering how much danger we seem to run into it.  It is good to reflect on it occasionally.”
A soft laugh told him that everything was not okay, so he shifted a little closer, giving you a small nudge to your shoulder.  “Talk to me. I would be ashamed if you only had to listen to me and my adventures.”
“I’m okay,” You said softly. “Just…a little overwhelmed today. Those two brought up something I had been trying to ignore.”
“Oh?  That your height makes you remarkably adorable?”  He smiled at you as you give a slightly embarrassed laugh.  “Or perhaps it is that you finally acknowledge that my arm fits around you perfectly.”
As if to prove a point, his arm wraps around your shoulders, pulling you close, making you smile at him.
“Well, I’m glad someone appreciates my height,” You chuckled.  “But it wasn’t so much that…”
Your gaze goes distant again and Zevran knew that this was something that was truly weighing on you.
“Talk to me Y/N.”  He said gently.
Drawing in a breath, you let out a deep sigh.  “Those arseholes today, it just got me thinking about what it’s going to be like when it’s all done, if anyone will even remember…remember who I actually was. Those two, all they saw was a dwarf that they could insult as they saw fit, and it just feels like…it’ll stay like that.”
“And that…bothers you?”
You nod slowly.  “It shouldn’t be that way Zev.  For anyone, not just me.  We should be acknowledged for who and what we are.  It shouldn’t be overlooked just because...because others think it shouldn’t, like we’re less than something because we’re not within their specifics.”
Zevran takes a moment, thinking about the right words to say, his thumb brushing over your shoulder gently.  “I will admit that it is something I have mostly learnt to ignore, the only acknowledgement I need is from myself and those I care about.  Anyone else and their opinions, is irrelevant.”
“Yeah,” You said softly. “I usually do the same, but the longer I’ve been on the surface, the more I’ve learnt and seen, the more it’s been bothering me.  Today, I guess, was just the icing on the cake, although, I guess I should just be glad they didn’t recognise me as a Grey Warden, given our situation.”
“I’m sure they did after you hit one of them.”  Zevran said, smiling and making you relax a little, chuckling.
“Hopefully, might make them think before insulting someone again.”  You looked at him.  “I know I can’t fix everything Zevran, I’m already trying to save the world, I shouldn’t be worrying about righting it too, but…”
“It bothers you,” He said softly and kisses your temple.  “And that’s okay.  Perhaps once we’ve managed to save the world, then we focus on righting it too, if that is what you want.”
It takes you a moment before you smile, leaning into him, your head resting on his shoulder.  “One thing at a time.  I like that.”
Zevran shares your smile and rests his head atop of yours.  “You should, you taught me that.”
You chuckle.  “Well, I’m glad I’m glad I’m having some sort of influence.”
“So am I.”  He said softly and feels you finally ease completely, the two of you quickly sitting in comfortable silence, enjoying the sounds of the night.
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