#it’s a kickstarter I think
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thementalistscandidate · 1 month ago
You joke but this is the Misery Tarot deck which is meant to be used as a booster pack for tarot apparently, which is not a thing I thought extisted but. Here you have it
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smeagles · 3 months ago
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new old photos of gerard & mikey from quinn allman’s new book “a book full of sharp objects” via maybemizery x x x
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enidtendo64 · 2 months ago
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Amphibia Falls AU where Dipper and Mabel accidentally send Pacifica through the multiverse into Amphibia, and somehow tear a fabric for Calamity trio to get sucked into, but they all end up getting separated and Anne and Pacifica have to work together to get the gang back together
Meanwhile the Planters take a trip to Oregon—
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yourlocalabomination · 11 months ago
May I present to you one of the dumbest things iv ever drawn.
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i-spilled-the-starjuice · 8 months ago
Twisted lil meow meows
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look at all the silly little guys
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vigilskeep · 3 months ago
as a fellow rook de riva player i’m really curious how sol took the whole… house egrativi being founded with the specific intention of taking in orphaned kids to become crows. final nail in the coffin moment for my rook personally
this plot thread was the first and easiest target of my mental rewrites because it just... doesn’t make sense, to me? functionally, regardless of thematically. like, i think it suffers the most obviously from the writers not really getting into how the crow power structure works. crow houses are business ventures that require money and manpower. you can’t just start one with a name and a dream while everyone smiles approvingly. also, you can’t just not have belonged to one in the first place! i spent all game trying to figure out if he belonged to the de rivas or the cantoris or the dellamortes or someone else, and when he started his own house at the end of his arc (again, ???) it was very apparent to me that this is just a misinterpretation that there is a general force of crows and the houses are simply nobility among them. no, somebody paid for your training and they want back on that investment so they own you. also, taking in orphans being your grand new venture for the crows is both insane and doesn’t make sense because the crows already do that as one of their main recruiting strategies. teia cantori is standing right in front of you as the evidence!
my provisional rewrite which i think works fairly smoothly without losing too much is that jacobus & his cousin are the sole surviving heirs of one of the three houses whose talons were killed in the antaam plot in tevinter nights: balazar, valisti, and arainai. (my self-indulgent vote is balazar, because the tevinter nights context of the dynamic with teia and viago is juicy. there’s no real reason for it to be arainai and bringing in that name for no reason would be cruel, but you could definitely cook with it if you really wanted to go for it.) naturally, these kids already have a grudge against the antaam, one that teia and viago are struggling to corral while having to treat them like crow hierarchy equals (iirc a balazar or valisti would actually technically outrank them both), and the elder cousin goes and gets himself killed trying. we’re now forced to operate with one of the four houses present in treviso being led by an even younger grieving child who is obviously a liability. this should be good for paralleling lucanis’ immediate future and highlighting what the crows do to their younger generations. in my most ideal of worlds where the crows are truly crow-ish on screen, maybe you’d have a plot choice with no good answers like...
a) teia would present this option. you decide to take a risk on this kid and believe in him and let him stand on his own two feet, and this actually pays off with sudden help in your fight against the governor like it does in the game. he chooses this idealistic, childish direction for his house where they’re taking in kids who have lost their families like him and it will all be one big family again! and he says some suddenly very nervewracking things about how they’ll understand it’s the best place to be eventually and one of the kids got hurt in the governor’s estate but heir has promised they’ll take care of it and train them all so hard they’ll never lose anyone again. he’s going to make sure of it. you’ll see! they’ll take the best contracts until they’re godslayers just like you! there’s a final shot of him standing very small and very alone. and that’s on you
b) viago would present this option. you decide this kid is too much of a risk to count on while you’re trying to save the city and the world, and maybe you care that he’s also a danger to himself. you back house de riva to forcibly seize jacobus’ house and all its assets to get the job done with, while jacobus himself is locked up out of harm’s way until the fight is over. this route also helps in your fight against the governor, there’s no sudden chaotic helping hand but everything goes smoother and cleaner, and hey, there are no children in the fight, if that kind of thing matters to you. however, all the ferocity of jacobus’ grudges turns on you and viago. he hates you. and letting him loose afterwards and giving back his house would be viago, the most paranoid man in thedas, handing a knife back to someone who wants to kill him. (which is, i suppose, the utmost charitable interpretation of viago’s main reasoning to keep hold of a bunch of assets, but no less true.) so they’re just keeping hold of jacobus... indefinitely. and that’s on you
but that’s me being self-indulgent and making it a bigger choice lmao. in answer to your actual question about my rook rather than this massive tangent, yes it was dizzying to stand there as another child was given full crow status and already planning to train other children. the cycles are cyclinggg
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femmchantress · 15 days ago
I hear my pussy’s twice as tight if you have a knife in your free hand
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b1ttle · 2 years ago
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this man was fully about to say i love you barely a month after their first kiss. he is insane.
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nextstopparis · 2 months ago
kilgharrah looking at arthur in 2.13 like he wants to inspect him under a microscope isnsndbsjs
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sinnbaddie · 9 months ago
Thinking about anbu Kakashi and his struggle with the amount of love he has for Gai. So I made a comic about Kakashi being presented with a rare opportunity
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Kakashi: … Gai…
Gai: mhm?
Kakashi: *stumbles off his back*
(At the same time) Gai: Kakashi! | Kakashi: … *incoherent noises*
Gai: what did you say?
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Kakashi: I said… I said I… I love you.
Gai: what?
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Kakashi: you mean a lot to me and-and well I like being by your side. I like your laugh and your face. You give good hand massages, you’re really funny and you’re thoughtful… you’ve always been there, I don’t want you to go away. I like you Gai and I think-I think I want to kiss you
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pabsterrr · 19 days ago
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mindwave fixation so bad i saw the contest post, replayed the demo for the seventh time, got my art idea, essentially did the whole thing in a day and a half
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all the other submissions on tumblr so far are super neat competition is tough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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midnight-mourning · 19 days ago
The Thought That Counts
💘💘Midnight's DCA Valentine's Day 10💘💘
This one was super interesting for me as someone who's ace to sit and think about, shout out to the aroaces, this one is for you, little hurt/comfort just because that's what i was feeling
Prompt: Sun and Moon discussing with an Aroace yn why they dislike romance? Or maybe just watching some really bad romcoms on a horrible day
Word Count: 1753
Read here if you prefer ao3!
The sound of happy love songs has started to grate on you recently, you're not going to lie. You get maybe like, a couple days worth, but all week long feels a bit, excessive. Not to mention the barrage of lovey dovey advertisements, decorations, and so on you've seen everywhere you've went.
Sure, it all wasn't intentionally done to annoy or make you uncomfortable, but sometimes it certainly felt like it. 
As you walk into the Daycare for work, you do your best to ignore it as per usual. Today would hopefully be the last day—since it was Valentine's, after all—and then you could go back to living in peace. 
Again, it wasn't necessarily a hate for the holiday, rather it was just a general discomfort. Not typically feeling, if ever at all, attraction for other people just made you feel like you were getting pressured into a game everyone else was playing. Except for you that is. 
It just wasn't your holiday, and that was fine, you just simply wished others would see it that way too. Instead of having to constantly be on edge if you said the wrong thing about not wanting the persistent reminder that you don't fit inside the box everyone else puts you in. 
It was a bummer, and it hurt quite a bit. Losing friendships and the likes in certain cases. Just because of the fact you didn't experience the world the way they did. 
But, you'd deal with it. Just like you've always done. 
If you could, that is. 
Unfortunately, your favorite coworker(s) had made it a bit difficult to keep your head down and avoid like you typically did. 
Valentine's was their favorite holiday—though, you think they said that with every holiday—and thus they had to go all out for it. 
Every inch of the Daycare was covered head to toe with decorations, streamers and paper hearts covering every surface. Instead of the Daycare theme, age appropriate love songs played through the speakers up above softly, adding to the overly love-filled atmosphere. 
For them, you were sure it was great, exactly the vision they had in mind. For you, it was just, too much. 
But the decorations and the music weren't the problem. Unfortunately, it was Sun and Moon themselves causing the 'issues' you were dealing with. 
All week long they'd been leaving little things for you to find throughout the play area. Little handmade cards with endearing notes. Paper roses folded neatly by your belongings. 
It tore you up inside, mainly because you knew what this all was leading up to, and you were almost dreading having to tell them. It wasn't that you didn't care for them. You really, truly did. A lot. So much. 
But not like that. Not at this point, that is. Sure, maybe it was possible, but at the current moment, the idea of such just made you feel, off. 
So when Sun came up to you near the middle of your shift, something hiding behind his back, you already had a guess as to what it was. 
Before he said anything, he seemed to pause, almost deflating upon getting closer to you. 
You speak first, trying to keep your tone light. "Everything alright, Sunny?"
"Of course, Sunbeam!" Still, he keeps his hands behind his back. "But, is everything alright with you?"
You nod with a smile. "Of course. I'm just a little tired is all."
"Oh... are you sure? You've seemed a bit, upset all week long. Would you... like to talk about it?"
Your brows raise, both in surprise and in fear that you'd been found out. "I, no, that's okay! It's not um, something I really want to talk about right now."
"Right. Of course." He steps back, then another, then turns around but manages to keep whatever he was holding hidden from you. "Well, enjoy your break, friend!" 
He walks off then, before you can stop him, and your heart sinks a bit. 
The rest of the day proves to be, incredibly stressful. The party for the kids goes great, but it leaves you with a terrible disaster to clean up. It sours your mood more than you expected, especially after finding the mess of glitter glue hiding underneath one of the tables, you spend nearly thirty minutes scrubbing on your hands and knees to get it cleaned up. And when you emerge you remember all the rest of the clean up you still have to do, stressing you out even further.
With a sigh and a stretch to crack your back, you trudge over to where the trash is and deposit the used paper towels into it. You turn around to get back to work, but are shocked to find Sun standing there, looking a bit cheered up compared to your last 'official' conversation earlier. 
"Hello Sunshine!" 
You smile, tired. "Hi, Sun. Need something?"
"It's not what I need, but rather, what you need, friend." He pokes your chest once, rays spinning. "I have a little surprise for you. If you'll accept." 
Your brow furrows. This seems a bit different than earlier, so you're curious. "Oh?"
"Yup! Now come on!" He takes both your hands and starts pulling you out of the Daycare, heading in the direction of the theater, you in tow. 
You don't protest physically, too tired and stressed—as you quickly realize—but do speak up about it. "Woah! What about cleanup?"
"Clean up can wait! You obviously don't feel well, and we need to fix that immediately!" Sun pushes open the theater doors with his back, leading you inside. "And Moon and I have just the thing for it."
After your eyes adjust to the lighting, you're surprised to see there's a film pulled up on the large screen, with a couple of beanbags and blankets piled near the middle of the room. There's a smell of popcorn in the air that makes your mouth water. 
Sun finally stops once you're over by the beanbags, pushing you to sit down in one, covering you with a blanket once you comply. He sets a bag of popcorn and a couple boxes of candies in your lap. When he's done he pats your head and sits down in a bean bag not too far from you. But you do note it's not his usual spot beside you, but you let it go as he claps his hands. 
His rays spin. "Ready to get started? This is just for you, but we went ahead and took the liberty of picking the first film."
"I, yeah, I guess so. Thank you guys, I uh, needed a break." You take a bite of popcorn and turn to look at the screen. "More than I expected—Is this 'Valentine's Day'?!" You almost choke from your laughter. 
"Of course! It seemed fitting, and the reviews we read were very passionate!"
You shake your head, settling in. "Passionate is the key word there, I think."
The film passes by quicker than you'd expect, chatting with Sun every so often to explain why the story makes you laugh so much, explaining what exactly a romcom is, and just in general decompressing from the day. 
They let you pick the next one—with Moon getting to be out to watch this time instead—and you choose another classic bad movie, 'Bride Wars' to keep the theme up. 
Again with Moon though, he keeps his distance from you, settling in a respectable few feet away. Which, you did appreciate in the beginning, after being overwhelmed with the amount of in your face love-dovey stuff the past several weeks. But now, you're feeling, lonely. 
About a quarter of the way into this movie, you decide to speak up, turning to your lunar companion. 
"Hey. What's going on with you guys today?" You ask, reaching a hand over to rest on his. 
Moon flinches, not making eye contact with you. "We're just, we thought, it doesn't matter. We don't want you to be uncomfortable with us, Star."
"Uncomfortable? With you?" You shake your head. "Never. I mean, yeah I was a little worried when—" You stop, realizing it's not helping as he shrinks in on himself. "I, let me explain, I guess."
Moon nods, and you sigh. 
"Romance, just, isn't my thing. Not usually, if ever. I just, I don't really get those feelings for other people. And when it gets constantly shoved down your throat, you start to realize how uncomfortable with it you actually are. Really uncomfortable. I just wanna be me and not feel like I have to be something I'm not, that I can't be." You shake your head again. "I mean, don't get me wrong, I can still feel attraction and the likes, and I, I care about you two a lot. Especially you two. But it's just, not like that? I want to be close with you, be around you all the time, I like your jokes, your teasing, talking to you, but the idea of romance, in general, just, gives me a bit of an ick sometimes, does that all make sense?" You lay back, running a hand through your hair. "I mean, I—I think I'm in love with you both, but not in the way that I have romantic feelings for you? Sorry this is a word vomit of an explanation I'm sorry—"
You feel arms wrap around you, pulling you up into a hug. 
Moon's voice is soft, just a murmur. "We're sorry."
"Moon, it's not on you—"
You can feel him shake his head against you. "Not that. We mean we're sorry you have to deal with that. It's not fair."
"Oh, yeah. I guess so."
He pulls back, hand resting on your cheek as he looks down at you. "We care about you too, a lot. It, doesn't have to be anything more than that. It's enough just to be able to say it. Does that make sense?"
"Y-yeah. It does. More than you know." You feel your face heat up, either from embarrassment or excitement at understanding. You bury your head against his chest. "And as for like, the gifts and stuff, that's still okay. They're still sweet, and they mean a lot. I promise."
Moon snickers. "Sounds like you just enjoy getting things."
"Not true! I really do like it! It's the thought that counts." You protest, now fully embarrassed. 
Moon hugs you a little tighter, humming. "I suppose it is."
Thank you for the request @starspindle! It was interesting to tackle in that through writing I learned a bit about myself and my own indentity, plus i just enjoy writing hurt/comfort hehe ^^
My writing Masterpost
DCA Valentine's Masterpost
Tag list (if you would like added, simply say so!):
@scarletcowboy @beemyhuneybee @fishm0ther @deviouscrackers @elsajoyagent8 @luckyyyduckyyy @zenkaiankoku @jogimote @local-shrub @milosmantis @robinette-green @everlightreader @sinister-sincerely @starredeclipse @dangerva @juukai @crystalmagpie447 @mothgutz236 @lizyxml @divinit3a @amarynthian-chronicles @crystalfay @that-one-unknown-artist @rosescarletful @buzzybee3
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cocogum · 23 days ago
Why you should care for Season 5.
When Tot announced that Season 5 would be Wakfu's true finale, I saw some fans expressing that a fifth season was unnecessary and that it seemed like a way to profit more from the series.
While it may be true from a financial perspective and given that it was previously stated that the fourth season was intended to be the conclusion, it’s always possible for Tot to change his mind if he receives support and attention from new partners and regional funding. He did mention at one point that he initially wanted Wakfu to be a trilogy, and yet he eventually made a fourth season.
Some people might overlook the fact that a fifth season could resolve several lingering storylines. The World of Twelve is expansive and filled with numerous conflicts and mysteries among its characters. A fifth season with 26 episodes could be just what we need to address these unresolved issues. Additionally, it's been quite a while since we had a season with 26 episodes. The last time we experienced this was in 2011 when season 2 concluded.
And speaking of unfinished business, it seems like based on the teaser we have received today by the Ankama team, Count Harebourg will be our antagonist of the season! For those who haven't watched it yet, here's a link to it that brings you on Ankama's official insta 👇
Based on the teaser, several hints suggest that Harebourg will be the antagonist of the new season. The fact that he is in Waven assigning missions, along with the wording from the teaser video that indicate his return, both clues point towards this conclusion. Additionally, the ice-themed visuals of the teaser and the mention of Harebourg’s name in the eleventh chapter of the Great Wave further support this idea. So it is completely safe to say that Harebourg will be our antagonist for the finale and will pose a far greater threat than he did in the first episode of the OVAs released in 2014.
The fifth season will likely explain how Harebourg survived Oropo's bomb and how he came back to the World of Twelve. We will also most likely get to learn how Frigost's situation has been growing worse without him and how he will react to it once he'll reunite with his people.
And most importantly, we may get to see the Eliacube again. This artifact had completely been forgotten by the Brotherhood despite how it had played a significant role in their lives (but especially to Yugo and Adamai). I say this because when we take a look at the Season 5 kickstarter's information, we can see that the cover for the kickstarter has the Eliacube featured on it.
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Adamai had only been capable of retrieving the six dofus eliatropes in Season 4 because he was capable of sensing their energies. He wasn't, however, able to get the Eliacube because it doesn't come from eliatrope origins. Because we're now seeing the Eliacube make a sudden comeback, it's very possible that Harebourg may have been the one to have found it first before anyone else. This would explain why the Eliacube is even presented so clearly to begin with.
(Speaking of the kickstarter, if you don't know already, it will launch on February 12th and has many great rewards depending on the amount you may decide to contribute. You can find the kickstarter here 👇)
You can even find some more clues in the kickstarter cover that suggest Harebourg will be involved. For example, there's a feather that could reference the time Echo gave everyone feathers to bring them into the Inglorium, except for Harebourg. Additionally, the cover features a destroyed piece of architecture that Oropo used to create a portal to reach the realm of the gods.
Also fun fact: at the time, I didn't believe that Harebourg could have died, so I came up with a theory about how he might have escaped unnoticed (and then only recently wrote it all down). Now that he’s actually returning, I find myself believing my theory even more! If you're interested, you can check it out right here.
So here you go! If you're unsure whether Season 5 is worth it, then I hope that my reasons will make you consider seeing it.
Please keep in mind that it's perfectly okay to feel that the fifth season may not be as enjoyable as the others. If you've already made up your mind about this final season, then at least you know what to expect! However, for those who are still uncertain, I hope my reasons encourage you to keep an open mind and consider giving the season a chance.
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airy-was-heree · 2 months ago
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Brud is my favorite Sprunki character and I needed to draw him so here are many 1 AM doodles
I think this is an amoeba
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tehcherrya · 15 days ago
It is 100% possible for them to create a movie out of the Scouring of the Shire.
I know most of the Hobbit actors are now too old to reprise their roles accurately, but you know a solution to that? Flashbacks! Have the pitch being the older Pippin, Merry and Sam telling the stories of the Scouring of the Shire to their children and or other companions-- Having younger, similar looking actors play them in the flashback sequence. Which makes sense, as it's just the form of a memory--
And this within itself brings up a myriad of different elements at play too. Different perspectives. Different hobbit family members being introduced. Fatty Bolger lovers! He'd be included too! His sister Estella too (she later became Merry's wife after all!)
What truly happens when lands so fair and peaceful, never having to see war in ages, are suddenly ravaged by brutal violence? How do Hobbits, who once lived very simple lives, then force themselves to become warriors and heroes? How do they then recover to semi-normalcy? And in present day... have they ever truly come to said normalcy?
All the fun-loving hobbit content combined with the very real level of a Hobbit who has seen war, describing its reality, and recovery, to his children. While yes, the actual "scouring" would have ended with the Battle of Bywater, that's not where the actual story ends, as the title has a double meaning. The physical Scouring of the Shire... as well as the scars left behind not only on our heros, but on the land. How does one, after seeing death, manage to make home feel like home again?
We need a Scouring of the Shire movie-- And it wouldn't be too impossible.
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aliceisaperson · 2 months ago
Cinderella’s Castle.
The only musical I know that had the guts to make the I want song about how much the main character wanted to murder a bitch
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