#it’s a cutesy vtuber voice. I can do that
fisherrprince · 1 month
my sister is an actual singer like she’s taken classes and whatnot and I’m surprised every time when I come over to her and am like hey how. do I make my voice not sound like it’s coming out a tube when I belt higher. and she’s like Visualise Your Waist and it works
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spicedfink · 1 year
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I've come up with an alt for Topher: Vtuber He'd have an anime catgirl model and talk in (mostly) his normal voice
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meirimerens · 1 year
it seems to me that the deal with pathologic 2 english dubbing is entirely dividing all of the characters into three categories: British, South Park character and Women (with intended derogation). honestly drives me insane a bit because with russian well we don't really have that distinct of accents so everyone kinda sounds the same in that manner... and it almost feels less theatrical (maybe it should. but the way english dubbing sounds theatrical To Me is. well. NAWT GOOD) in russian voice over, especially with the kids. (still thinking about british 20 y.o. oxford student that is Notkin and south park caricature voiced by an adult woman that is Khan in english dub. *[metaphorically] holding a cig in between my fingers pensively* still not dealing very well with it emotionally.) the only voice that set me absolutely fucking insane in russian voice over was Eva's – WHY DOES SHE TALK LIKE THAT!! WHAT DID THEY DO TO HER!!!!! misogyny in casual ways etc. etc. but with english dubbing every other character forced a fight or flight response out of me. idk maybe i am a bit biased but with the way it is just so different.... pathologic 2 (RUS) and pathologic 2 (ENG) are like two siblings who are mostly the same but one of them is objectively . uglier than the other. speaking of siblings, it turns out Stamatins have DIFFERENT voice actors in english. this feels like a crime....
i could talk about the voices for Hours bro i played the game russian voices/english subtitles and most of the lp's i watched also went this route except One so i discovered the english voices like second-handedly and Scared Me bro scared me... i've already talked about the kids' voices like I Know. I Know how hard it is to VA kids especially if you have to work with regulations making it harder to hire child VAs (for the better of the kid mind you, i'm not saying #bringbackunregulatedchildlabor here) and i'm sure the women who voice teenage/child boys are doing their absolute bests but man. i think the suspension of disbelief works way more when working with for ex. anime voice acting bc you can See the characters are only vague simulacra of children, but in a game that has pretty detailed 3D models and strives for a certain realism in the faces and whatnot, it is Jarring...
i think the use of British/generally Non-American english accent is like a commin trope to denote a foreignness or a different social status (because most of the anglophone players Will Be americans because. bigger country) but like. come on. look_how_they_massacred_my_boy.mp4... i'm sure there are subtleties within the russian voices that i'm not gettin because. well i'm not russian i guess that helps that would be Complicated to transpose in english but like. worarrgh.
i'm Very Glad both of these games had a release with an english voice acting cast because we like. Know. the tendency that americans have wrt Foreign Media / refusing to interact with things if they are not Dubbed in english even if they are subtitled [i think the whole Parasite movie release put that on the carpet again but i knew of it way before that] so it allowed for More People to check out the games [again. for the better and the worse...]
can we talk about eva and the twins let me talk about eva and the twins. can i talk about eva and the twins?
p2 russian eva has a light and high-pitched voice but it's kinda like. airy and hazy like she's deep in thoughts like she's daydreaming... her english voice sounds like the squeaky voices anglophone VTubers make so sound like cutesy anime girls. she sounding more like a child. and when you pair it with her neotonous face with her fit that looks like a child having dressed themselves and the general "youthening" of her personality. well i ain't saying anything but i'm making the biggest side-eye known to man rn!
p1 russian andrey has a sort of like high almost mighty and haughty attitude, kinda towering, p1 russian peter also has this sort of height with pride to it but fraying on the ends like mouth woolen (the Drink)... p1 english andrey has some of that height and restraint, kinda high in the throat like he's being above... p1 english peter is Squeaky. he's so squeaky. almost sounds giddy from time to time but also. The Drink. my man an arm on the wall drink in the other at a party telling you about shit only his drunk mind can comprehend...
p2 russian andrey has a depth and a certain Mystery but it still looks natural/like he's Deep In Thoughts... p2 russian peter is way #deeper than his p1 counterpart but it still looks natural/that's a Depressed voice if i ever heard one. scraping the floors with it.
p2 english andrey is so raspy it's kinda comical like he playin toughguy and p2 english peter while still Deep is like Theatrical to a goofy extend like IT'S NOT THAT SERIOUS. YOU SLEEP IN A BATHTUB 😭😭
while it. is normal for siblings to have different voices and would make sense for two siblings to have different voices, and as such voice actors... it doesn't for the stamatwins!! are you crazy? you SEPARATE the stamatwins? you make them into two people instead of two sides of a same coin? JAIL!! JAIL FOR THE VOICE ACTORS
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fox-pr1nce · 3 months
what games do you think andrew, ashley, and alice would like playing (in canon time and modern/present time)? would they try to take advantage of their Gamer Abilities™ and stream it to make money? would they stream in general?
... if they did would you watch? :3c
-- coff-in
In canon time:
 Andrew: I’m not sure if Andrew is a video game guy tbh. But if Ashley and/or Alice ask him to play with them, he’ll do it. He’ll criticize the writing and plots of the rpgs Alice likes when he watches them play.
Ashley: She enjoys video games, but I can’t think of any specific ones she likes. She’s very happy to join Alice on the couch though when they invite her to hang out with them, and often just invites herself onto the couch. Alice, of course, doesn’t mind in the slightest.
Alice: Def the biggest video game nerd of the trio. Legend of Zelda, Pokémon, half-life, Diablo, and Castlevania are their big faves. They also love playing any multiplayer game with their siblings
In modern time:
Andrew: I actually think Andrew would like Stardew Valley. For once he can relax and feel in control. By that line of thought, I think he’d also enjoy the sims 4. He’d vehemently deny that the sims he made are based on his younger sibs, why would he do that? We all know the truth, Andy.
Ashley: One game that kind of comes to mind is Agatha Knife. I think she’d like any horror game with a cute aesthetic. Ashley and Alice having a Danganronpa phase is a cursed but also fun thought to me
Alice: They’d still love all the video games I mentioned in canon time, but as for other modern games, Alice would also love the sims 4! They’d make their ideal house and make them and their big sibs, maybe even give their household a little kitty like they’ve always wanted irl. And um. Download the wicked whims mod for… things. They’d definitely make Julia and kill her in as many ways as possible :)
I could see Alice being a streamer, but it’d purely be to make money. They’d have a super cutesy vtuber avatar and put on a fake voice to get attention from icky men online and make money that way. Sort of like Needy Streamer Overload (take this comparison with a grain of salt i only watched RTgame’s playthrough like once a long time ago) Alice would completely separate their private life from their online persona, with the exception of maybe a tumblr blog. But even then, that blog is kept completely separate from their vtubing, and they wouldn’t post often or post their siblings’ faces.
I can see Ashley doing something similar to Alice, but would probably lean way more into nsfw stuff. Andrew disapproves of both their methods, and tries to shut it down the second he catches wind of either of his younger sibs doing nsfw stuff online.
I can’t really see Andrew being a streamer, tbh. He just doesn’t strike me as the kind of guy who likes having a lot of attention on him. Granted, neither does Alice, but that’s why they’d have that alter ego thing going.
If any of them had a stream tho, I’d def watch lol
Thank you for the ask, coff-in! I wish you a wonderful day ^-^
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parkerryland · 2 years
A comprehensive Look at all the different universal versions of me
So. I have been dealing with different multiverse versions of me for a while now. I've got the ones who like me and the ones who want to kill me.
I thought it would be a fun little activity to go through all of them in order for the ones that I know exist.
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Philip Russel
Philip is from the "Soft" universe, from what I can tell everything there seems to follow this really cute, pastel color looking theme. Not a whole lot of bad people live there and Philip himself is just an absolute sweet heart. He speaks with this really soft voice and is constantly reassuring. He's a really nice dude.
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Pan Rake
This motherfucker... Pan Rake comes from a "low budget" universe where everything looks like it was drawn by a kid using a mouse. He walks around like Mr. Game & Watch and when he talks his mouth just opens and only closes when he's done speaking, AND WHEN HE SPEAKS HE SOUNDS LIKE HE'S TALKING THROUGH AN XBOX LIVE MICROPHONE, COMPLETE WITH LOUD PUFFS OF BREATH AND BACKGROUND FANS FOR SOME UNGODLY REASON
He is the most annoying motherfucker I've ever dealt with.
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Starry Knight
I don't know this dude's real name but Pan and Philip found him in a universe full of super heroes and super villains. From what I can guess he's some edgy ninja like motherfucker. If I had to make a direct hero comparison it would be Robin... Damien Wayne Robin.
I don't know enough about the dude yet, I don't see him nearly as much as I see Pan and Philip, apparently Pan sees him more and I'm surprised the dude hasn't decapitated Pan by now.
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Another person I barely know about. This dude isn't really a "real" person, he only appears on my computer. But every time I talk to him Dog gets real upset.
Who's Dog? Well.
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This guy's been living in my computer for god knows how long now. I thought he was a virus at first but honestly no computer virus is gonna steal your goddamn face. I dunno what universe he comes from or why he's on my computer, but he used to hate me, and ever since we've been dealing with Cancer Prince he's been helping me and the others.
And for some reason he absolutely despises PURA, still got no idea why.
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Cancer Prince
Now we're onto the people who actively hate me and wanna cause me harm. Cancer Prince is from a universe where the world is represented by 4chan and its various boards. Cancer's basically "/vt/-tan", he's the one who represents the /vt/ or Vtuber board. He's a snarky asshole whos full of himself and uses that crown of his to harness his powers. That crown being some kinda copy of the original Cancer Lord's crown.
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He also has this fuckin cat person henchman or something named Calvin.
I know the bullshit 4chan's done to this site so I'm preying to all of you, please don't fucking simp for Cancer Prince the way people on twitter did.
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No idea who this fucker is but this year he kidnapped me and threw me in my basement. He's the reason Pan and Philip has to find Starry, just so they could save me and get me the hell out.
From what I can tell this fucker knows magic and I heard him monologuing about how his universe was "Terminus" or something like that, I think that means his universe was fuckin destroyed. I dunno why he still serves Count Psyche if the dude destroyed his universe but whatever.
Speaking of
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Count Psyche
The ringmaster of the previous evil parkers. This fucker is some sort of deity of the multiverse and can do almost anything he wants. One minute the dude's acting all cutesy, making pillow forts, having tea parties, the next he snaps his fingers and completely erases you and all memory of you out of existence because you forgot to remind him about something.
This fucker is pure evil and he wants to capture me, Philip, Pan, Starry, and apparently more Parkers for some sort of...reason? I dunno, none of us know why. I don't even think Cancer and Karprex know why either AND THEY FUCKING WORK FOR HIM.
I hope you enjoyed reading this. From what I've been told Philip and Pan are gonna start their own blogs soon so keep on the look out for that. Hell maybe even Starry will?
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harway · 1 year
Having a huge argument with a friend. Free drama read.
Through Discord text chat. The start of the argument was over if the VTuber, Koseki Bijou, sounded younger than 7 or if she sounded 12. My argument was the former, his was the latter. I am bias against high voices and I am deathly allergic to girls that speak high and cutesy perpetually.
It was a decent length argument going back and forth, and my friend said the VTuber sounded older than 12. He would know because he went to a 12 year old's birthday party.
Meanwhile I recently went on vacation that included children ages 2, 7, 9, and 11. The VTuber sounded younger than 7 pit against them. If you're reading this, you can look the VTuber up and make your own judgements.
Anyway, I made a really dry joke that I was sorry the 12-year-old my friend knew was disabled. (The high voice being the 'disability'.) He got really offended because apparently that's his goddaughter and I shouldn't assume she's disabled because she has a high voice.
Now, being upset I made a mean joke is perfectly reasonable, what's not reasonable is how he handled shutting down the conversation which was strong-armed. Words like: "Stop. No, we're not talking about this." "The conversation is over."
Being treated in such a way triggers me really badly. I don't handle being treated like that very well and it snaps something in my brain. It manifests as anger like a fire that sucks out all my oxygen and my head shifts into a hard "you should not exist in this world" / "I don't want to live in a world with people like you in it." I get heavily suicidal, and go insane. I have enough consciousness to not start destroying things or committing to self harm, but the feeling is there—and this only happens when that type of language is used against me.
Should probably get therapy about that type of reaction—why it is and how to avoid situations like that—but that's not important right now.
Anyway, since I got triggered really hard, I ended the conversation and left for the night; I can feel when my sanity is slipping. I had to extract myself from that conversation because I didn't want to say anything I regret. I considered him a precious friend. I said something along the lines of that I was enraged and that I was getting off for the night.
The reason I used the language of "enraged" is because that's what I felt at the time! The feeling is extremely visceral and can be difficult to explain as a result.
Off the computer I was wailing to my friend about it—screaming—Friend B didn't even take me seriously until I dug my fingers into his sides and shook him as hard as my little arms could. I was very not okay. Sliding off the deep end, but he talked me into calming down until I returned to normal after bitching and crying for several hours about it.
End that event.
Six days later Friend A messaged me. At this point I'm extremely stressed because of my job. My boss was asking me to move across the country for an unreasonable amount of money (45k a year), but the company is a start up. The stress of that, I did not have the emotional capacity to explain to my friend he triggered an extreme mental breakdown. How do you explain that to someone anyway? "I had a mental breakdown and it's your fault"?
I did my best to allude to that it was more than just anger, but also firmly said I couldn't talk about it and didn't have the emotional bandwidth. I would discuss it with him later when I did.
I also went over with him in-depth about the other major stressor in my life in which he gave absolutely no sympathy towards. He moved across a few states for an (apparently) bad wage at a hospital (not a start-up company), and lived with a family member in his current state until he could get a house. (I have no family or friends where I would have been moving aside from my boss who has has a wife and 2 kids; I'm not staying with them.)
Also, something, something, I made some assumption and Friend B says that I need to stop making assumptions. He has a habit of lecturing me about how I should be. How I need to use words around him to dictionary definition to prevent misunderstandings. He needs to be interacted with in a precise way and if I don't, I get a small lecture about how I'm interacting with people wrong.
End second event.
Back to the main point, it takes a lot of time for me to think of a super triggering event like that and not go into a flurry of insanity just at the thought. It was important for me to have space so I could get to a point where I don't get suicidal thinking about the event. So three weeks past and I messaged him today asking if he's going to play Armored Core. I know it's within his special interests and it's a good question to test the waters with.
His answers were really short. Okay, fine, I know things aren't good between us, so I just bluntly ask if we're just not going to talk anymore. His response is exactly, "I'm talking with my parents. Not everything revolves around you."
There was not even a hint that he was busy doing something else, only that he was being short. Last time he was short too, which creates the assumption he's angry. These are normal assumptions, and people make and draw conclusions naturally.
But the "not everything revolves around you" really fucking ticked me off. My assumption was a symptom of a greater issue (us being on bad terms) and I explained that.
And then later he writes back to me the giant thing about how I was taking advantage of him, how I have no self-awareness, and goes on this huge rant about how pretty much he makes so many sacrifices to make our friendship work. So patient and tolerant. He even says he wasn't even mad that I insulted his goddaughter. He was drawing his boundaries and calmly letting me know and tried to move the conversation away. If you've forgotten already how that went, he shut down the conversation hard and refused to talk about pitch and age corelation of high voices. If it didn't make him mad, why did he have such a violent reaction to it?
So then I wrote him a 3 page essay response about what happened during event one, how it made me feel, and that if anything I actually felt betrayed. Not too long ago we were talking about hwo we enjoyed each other's company. There were things we could talk about that we couldn't any other. He was also happy I didn't freak out over alone-together silence and generally I was super grounded.
I have no clue what he was talking about regarding everything else. And so, more context:
Friend A was a very special friend to me because he was one of the first people to treat me like a person and want to do things with me back when no one would talk to me in high school. To me he was like a shining sun and I had a lot of fun, happy memories.
I pay special attention to how I talk to him as a result to preserve who he is and our relationship.
I never want to shame him for his hobbies—like once he was really into painting his nails; I encouraged him to do it if it made him happy. I don't really like that in a guy, but my opinion doesn't matter when it comes to his happiness.
I do my best to listen to him talk about games he's interested in, at the very least keep an open ear even if they aren't my kind of game. He does the same for me. I am admittedly bad at engaging and have bad auditory processing, but I will never tell him to stop talking about them even if I'm not all that interested.
I even talk to him about topics he doesn't feel like he can talk about with others. The appreciation for good doujin or weird web comics. I think they're fun too and it's enjoyable!
I don't really like table top games, but I gave Lancer a try for him. It went really badly for me in particular, but the group and story was just not a very good for introduction for a newbie. I ended up having to withdraw and did my best to explain it wasn't their fault, I'm just not used to TTRPGs enough for it.
During this event Friend A actually got upset for not going to him for help. He is just not someone great to ask for things to be explained to from, and last he tried to help me with Lancer it wasn't a very good learning experience. Also I have a lot of trouble with self learning and focus.
Meanwhile he's great at it! Tried playing Kingdom Death with him. I tried to talk to him while he was reading the rules though once and I get a really terse, "I'm not done reading the rules" in the same tone a parent might tell a child that they're busy and to go away because they're a child. Then while playing the game he insisted we follow the rules to a 'T' rather than focus on making the game fun for us. Friend B was there too and not having a great time.
And another great interaction with Friend A was when we were talking about VTuber rigging. He said that IRYS' first model wasn't expressive enough and that was the fault of the modeler. I said that it was the fault of the rigger and 2D rigging is similar to 3D rigging (my main trade), which is how I know. He insisted that it was the modeler's fault, but we both didn't know enough about Live2D to argue about it. He was going to ask another friend who made and rigged her own model. I didn't bother arguing with him about it, but later he said his VTuber friend said it was the fault of the rigger. OK. I don't even think I rubbed it in that I was right or that it was how I said because I'm not looking to pick arguments.
And then us not being able to play a game together he's complained about, because I used to move games a lot... Well, we had different schedules so I just stopped inviting him to try different games. I wasn't going to make a big deal of it. Says it's my fault, whatever, maybe in the future if there's a game we both really like—shelving the idea.
I'm just griping now honestly. Friend B says I shouldn't be friends with Friend A if he brings no joy to my life. The idea of Friend A is probably where the joy is and we have just such different communication styles we probably should just stop being friends.
In the end though, the start of this whole damn thing could have been avoided if he communicated his boundaries with different phrasing. I don't have a problem with his boundaries, but I also got mine. No one else I talk to treats me like I'm below them, even my boss.
It got worse because I needed to look after my mental health since I could easily become actively suicidal. Maybe I didn't communicate that well when I was overwhelmed and stressed. I'll take that L too; I need to get better at controlling my emotions and handle stress better.
But seriously, how are you supposed to tell a precious friend "Your language towards me caused a serious mental breakdown" when just the thought of it caused insanity to ebb at the edge of the mind?
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skenpiel · 2 years
im gonna be honest with you im so fucking sick of vtubers. they were funny for like a month now its just repetitive and annoying and everyone wants to be one. that one post about how vtubers making weird noises being the weeb equivalent of markiplier screaming at games gets it.
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shigure · 2 years
vtubers aren't actually as cringe as you want them to be especially indie vtubers lol. there's very much a critique to be had of the cutesy designs and baby voices some of them do+why they do that. and there's very much a critique to be had of the insane idol culture a small but significant group of fans perpetuate. but outside of that on the whole it's literally just "streamer that isn't showing their real face." nobody has a problem with that when you use a cartoon animal doodle stand-in. if i told you there's an orc vtuber you'd probably think that was cool because he's "doing something interesting with it." and i can agree with that. but if you've got an actual problem with the idea of using an anime character avatar in and of itself, that's on you for being so self conscious about liking anime as a teenager that as an adult you can't even witness someone else having fun without reminding them that they're lame nerds.
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prettyniji · 2 years
authors note: aaa my first post !!!! hello i am maia and i love silly vtubers so i decided to write for them ! feel free to request anything anytime ૮₍ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ₎ა also im too lazy to learn the html stuff so my post doesn’t look as fancy (╥﹏╥) and i wrote this all on my pc so i hope it doesnt look silly on mobile ......
all writing is mine and mine only !! no reposting ,,, this isnt proofread very well sorry for any mistakes hehe
characters: vox akuma; mysta rias; ike eveland; luca kaneshiro; shu yamino; shxtou
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗  luxiem + shoto needy for attention ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
ʚɞ vox akuma ʚɞ
i can’t decide if vox would be stubborn about wanting your attention or he would just annoy you till you give him what he wants ....
he would definitely either ominously stare at your from across the room until u ask him what’s wrong, or he would contantly poke your cheeks until you look him in the eyes, in which he then just give you the biggest, cheekiest smile you’ve ever seen he’d be like (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
if you were sitting on the bed on your phone and he had just finished up a stream or playing a game, he would definitely do that cliche thing where he just sighs over and over again until you sigh yourself, look over at ur needy boyfriend and reluctantly ask him what’s wrong.
he would only sigh again and tell you how his partner is paying more attention to their phone than him !! despicable right ? :((( how dare they ! 
OR ! if he’s feeling extra pouty and stubborn he would try to do anything possible to put aside his neediness, playing games with shoto, tweeting weird 5head tweets, but eventually he would get impatient (with a decision he made...) and flop beside you on the bed and lay his head on your lap
he’d grab your hand and force it towards his head, forcing you to play with your boyfriends long hair and fall asleep as you braid his hair, making him realise it would be a lot easier if he just asked for attention hehe (*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ*.゚ 
more under the cut !!
ʚɞ mysta rias  ʚɞ
the fox-like detective would be another one to refuse to ask for your attention, but unlike mr voice demon he’s not stubborn, he just wouldn’t want to bother you :(( 
even if you weren’t doing anything in particular, mysta would still not really want to bother you, so you would have to be the one to approach him. it wouldn’t be hard to notice when mysta’s feeling needy, as he spends a lot of time staring at you, and instantly looking away when you make eye contact with him. he also sits next to you with a sligh gap in between you, fidgeting with his hands trying to form a million plans in his head trying to find ways to make you give him some attention (⸝⸝ᵕᴗᵕ⸝⸝)
when you eventually notice his nervousness and neediness, doing any simple thing such as grabbing his hand or pulling his head to lie on your shoulder, will make him let out a sigh and mutter a “thank you” 
pls treat him right and give him the attention he needs 24/7 he deserves it (❀❛ ֊ ❛„)♡
ʚɞ ike eveland  ʚɞ
i can imagine ike being slightly open about being needy for your attention, however he wouldn’t outrightly say it. he would find ways to constantly touch you, such as sitting closer to you than normal and laying your head on his lap as he reads.
ike will have just finished up a long drinking stream, the alcohol in his system making him feel extra warm and cutesy, wanting to be held in your arms (୨୧ ❛ᴗ❛)✧
he would stumble his way towards your shared room to find you lying in bed, and he could already envision cosying up next to you and feeling warm and fuzzy from your undivided attention. 
however, unfortunately for the poor novelist, whatever you were looking at on your phone (he was too jealous to look..) was slightly more important than your tipsy boyfriend. \(๑•́o•̀๑)/ 
ike, now glaring holes into your poor phone, laid his head on your shoulder, his cheeks warm to the touch, and buried his head into the crook of your neck
if that wasn’t enough to grab your full attention, what else was he supposed to do rather than grab your phone and aggressively sit it somewhere behind him on the bed (he didn’t care where, as long as he got your hand in his hair hehe)  
the second you let out a laugh and wrap your arm around your slighly dizzy tipsy boyfriend, you feel him sigh against your neck and plant a small kiss against you (୨୧ᵕ̤ᴗᵕ̤)
peace at last for the drunk novelist !!!
ʚɞ luca kaneshiro  ʚɞ
our big mafia boss is just about the biggest cuddle bug around around would not be afraid to jump into your arms whenever he feels he hasn’t had enough attention from you ( ๑ ˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و ♡
if you were slighly busy with work on a laptop or something, he would lather himself all over you like a koala and whine about how much he wishes he was your laptop in his next life so he could lie on your lap peacefully.
he’d bury his head in your neck so far you could smell his shampoo, and place kisses all over your neck trying his hardest to tickle you to make you give him the tiniest sliver of attention 
big scary mafia boss would wrap his arms around you and slowly close your laptop like a cat that’s hoping you don’t notice him (very obviously) dramatically closing your laptop —ฅ/ᐠ. ̫ .ᐟ\ฅ —
when you snuggle into his hair asking what’s gotten him so cuddly, he simply whines “babyyyyy you haven’t paid me any attention to me on my day off!! if it’s my day off that means it’s your day off too” /ᐠ. .ᐟ\ฅ
and if you somehow resist the cute mafia boss you must have all the strength in the world to turn down his puppy dog eyes .... because i wouldn’t be able to i’d jump to give him all the attention in the world hehe
ʚɞ shu yamino  ʚɞ
the cutest sorcerer in the world would probably start feeling needy after playing games on stream for a while, but he’s not the type to end stream because of his neediness. why would he when he can just make you come to him? ( ˶ˆ꒳ˆ˵ )
shu knew you were doing your own work in a different room so he’d text you to bring all your stuff into his room, not replying when you ask why
when you quietly enter his room hearing him talk to his chat, you see a space next to his desk that’s been obviously cleared to fit all of your work, and a chair sat next to his.
smiling like a dummy at your boyfriend clearing his desk mid stream just so you can sit next to him, you sit and immediately see him judge how far your chair is from his, and pull you closer to him.
STILL smiling like a dummy your try your hardest to go back to your work but cant find the ability to focus when your boyfriend woke up today and decided to be the cutest man on earth, his hand tracing random shapes on your thigh and his shoulder touching yours.
as soon as shu finishes up his stream you decide you can spare some time to give attention to the most cat-like sorcerer in the world, who immediately turns to you and gives you the brightest smile you need to look away before you go blind ପ૮๑ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ๑ აଓ 
“are you almost done love? do you wanna watch some movies when you’re free?” and it’s impossible to say no to your boyfriend who looks like hes about to jump out his seat the second you say yes <3
ʚɞ shoto  ʚɞ
this boy is the human reincarnation of a puppy,so when he’s needy you can count on the fact he will follow you around everywhere you go, asking “where are you going baby?” everytime you so much as lift a finger to go get food or leave the room at all !
your boyfriend would practically have his hypothetical tail wagging back and forth the second you even look at him ૮⍝• ᴥ •⍝ა
he would chat your ear off talking about anything and everything, slowly inching closer and closer to you until he’s sitting in your lap, arms wrapped around your neck, kissing all over your face and grabbing your hands to put them around him. 
shoto would kiss every part of your body he could reach, talking about how much he misses you and bargaining anything to make you pay attention to him, even though he doesnt need to bargain anything since who wouldn’t pay attention to the cutest boy ever ??
your hyper boyfriend would lay his entire body on you and invite you to play games with him or watch any anime he can think of, telling you that you should take a break after working for so long, even if you are simply working on a hobby rather than work stuffs ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
as soon as you close your laptop and pat his legs to get him off you, he gets up and grabs your hand, dragging you to bed to watch all your favourites as you cuddle him like a big teddy ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ
thank you for reading !! have a good day ♡〜٩( ˃▿˂ )۶〜♡
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eyestrain-addict · 2 years
Rating VTuber designs
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So Ironmouse is probably one of the most popular english VTubers, and has a couple different models to choose from. I believe this is her second if the wiki is to believed. I really like the outfit especially the skirt, but the headpiece horns are kinda distracting because of how un-detailed they are compared the rest of the highly detailed design. But overall great color palette and design with a fun concept of kawaii demon.
Ironmouse Demon Form 8/10
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Every demon was once an angel, and this applies to Ironmouse too. I feel like ironmouse deserves two because she’s an OG. I really love this design, you can see the clear correlations between it and her demon form I.E. asymmetrical stockings, puffy sleeves, same overall shapes, etc. Even better it fixes my fault in her first design, the headpiece. Looks much more cohesive now.
Ironmouse Angel Form 10/10
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Zentreya is fairly unique among VTubers, for multiple reasons. She never uses her real voice and has a fully 3D model. But the reason she’s unique design wise is that while most VTubers are designed to be very cutesy and young looking, her design is that of an fully adult woman, errr dragon? While not my favorite design, I do really like it. My one gripe is that her top feels very fantasy, which fits with the dragon thing, but the rest of her outfit is metal inspired. So its kinda a weird disconnect.
Zentreya 7/10
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Oh man, this really making me feel old. I remember when nyanners used to make funny nicki minaj covers in her room, now she’s a famous VTuber. How time flies... Anyway, I love her new design. Its intricate without being overwhelming, with a fantastic color palette. Maybe it’s a simple design, but I don’t care, I really like it, so it gets a ten.
Nyanners 10/10
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Despite Gawr Gura being the most subbed VTuber on twitch, I don’t actually know a lot about her. But design wise..... eh, she’s alright. The shark hoodie is cute, but nothing really outstanding. I do like the little shark pet she has and the water trident is a unique touch. Very simple, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, just not my thing. Sorry Gawr Gura 😞 
Gawr Gura 5/10
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SO, I know literally NOTHING about this chick. The only reason I know she exists, is because Max0r showed pictures of her multiple times in his elden ring videos. Which isn’t saying anything about her, I just am not that deep in the VTuber community. Her headpiece is really the draw of the whole design. Cat ears are common, but deer ears, with the horns? Very unique. Sadly the rest of her design does not keep this momentum going. I feel like this is a great starting place though, like you have some great potential here for an outstanding design. Like a forest spirit. Soft color palette with a great concept. It feels like a unfinished painting. In a way it feels wrong to rate this one yet.
Haruka Karibu 6/10, but has the potential to be a 10
Do you guys have any other VTuber designs you think I should look at?
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Subject: vtubers (I can call already at lease 2 of these)
I don't really watch V-tubers but I guess my hot take is remove all the ones backed by big companies, then remove all the ones that do that stupid cutesy anime voice, then remove about half of whats left and you have the like 3 watchable V-tubers in the world.
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For me its not much the pitch of her voice, but the cutesy uhs and uhms like ome on I know you ain't five. Also very funny trying to "prove" vtubers are real personas, while including one of the most obvious fake ones ever lmao
I mean, like i had said most big internet personalities definitely put on an act like uh Pokimane. I watched a video on her earlier today while I was doing laundry and for someone who tries to come off as positive and sweet she really has a petty, vindictive personality when it comes to dealing with any criticism.
but what makes it worse about major vtubers is that they're really blatantly manufactured like any other type of idol. they get big marketing pushes before their debuts with their rigs and models done by professionals, probably focus tested too. they purposely look for girls who can sing as well game. You know hololive does concerts featuring their talent? everything is calculated for the sole purpose of making money.
it's like trying to defend the artistic integrity of marvel movies when there isn't any to be found.
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explosivebubble · 2 years
Ch 1, Prologue I : Make Me the Cutest!
Inside a family home, it was silent, multiple rooms filled with items that would give a glimpse of the life of the family who resided there, though in most of these rooms was a thin layer of dust like the family had gone on vacation, the dust had settled for no longer than two weeks.
In one of the many rooms in the home, was an assortment of otaku and video game related paraphernalia, from posters of cute anime girls to a large glass cabinet showcasing figures of what seemed to be mechas, or "Gundams" as they are called by a certain group of otakus.
There were also various other goods in the room such as display cabinets with figurines of various characters from strong-looking protagonists, to skimpily clad ladies, to even figurines of popular superheroes. There was even a bookcase filled with manga and various popular fiction books and Japanese light novels.
An expensive-looking gaming setup was also part of the room, with three large monitors on top of a large wooden desk together with a mouse and keyboard of high quality and varying items like figurines, drinks and snacks, speakers, and miscellaneous trinkets. The wooden desk had a custom-built PC just underneath, built for gaming.
At this gaming setup was a middle-aged man that looked to be in his late forties, sporting short brown hair and a pair of deep brown eyes. Though his looks were not exceptional, the good habits he had formed from not wanting to become like a stereotypical NEET had made him more presentable and likeable to others, though he was not really a NEET by technical terms, since he had a job.
Though he had a bit of a gut from unhealthy eating, from fast food to usually fatty self-cooked meals, he was relatively fit for his age from regular exercise due to wanting to be able to continue doing his bi-weekly camping trips and to stay healthy.
"Hi Hi everyone! Today I've decided to continue playing 'God's Descendants' and try to beat the next raid boss! If any guild members in the audience want to join, you better join soon!~"
He spoke into his microphone with an energetic and cutesy tone, which might be off-putting to those who heard it, including the speaker himself. It was not a problem as instead of a middle aged man trying to sound cute, they heard the bubbly and high pitched voice of an anime girl.
Though there was a webcam attached to the middle monitor, it did not display his image to the audience and instead was only tracking the facial movements of the grown man, and applying them to a virtual character with an anime art style, the character, in particular, had long blond hair and wore a stylised outfit that was hard to describe, and had black cat ears instead of human ears.
The middle-aged man was indeed a Vtuber, someone who took on the persona of a virtual character to entertain people online through interactions or playing games, he was quite a popular Vtuber due to multiple factors such as his technical computer skills and skill in games, to focusing completely in his role as a character by not disclosing his personal life and always being in character.
His popularity can also be attributed to the long time he'd been a Vtuber, having been one for over two decades. He had always loved Vtubers due to the joy and happiness they were able to give others, from their cute or bubbly virtual avatars to their cheerful and energetic voices, fake or not, the pure positive emotions Vtubers give can never be faked.
He had just started streaming a popular MMORPG that came out a couple of months ago which was renowned for its unique gameplay and was currently preparing for a raid boss together with his guild that consisted of high-level players in his audience.
After their preparations had finished, the guild had gathered at the dungeon entrance and had started to enter when suddenly the game had frozen, the image on the screen not changing. Thinking it was a lag spike, he waited for a short time before noticing that his stream chat had also frozen, finding it strange he tried to move his mouse to click on the chat window and saw that even the cursor was no longer responding.
He sighed deeply to himself when he noticed his whole computer had stalled, deciding to manually turn it off by pressing the power button. When his monitors still showed the unresponsive screen instead of turning dark he was puzzled at the situation, wondering if he had to spend a day repairing his PC.
Unplugging the main power plug that provided power to his gaming setup, he looked up again to check expecting three black screens but instead saw still the exact image they had frozen on. Staring in disbelief and starting to believe something was going on he tried to power on his smartphone when it also refused to respond.
He went over to the window in his room with closes curtains, hesitantly holding them before pulling them open and seeing a blank white wall, but unlike normal walls this white wall had no texture or depth, being unsure if it was a wall or a white expanse. He tried opening the window but it would not budge.
Picking up his trusty multipurpose survival shovel, he swung it as hard as he could at the window but instead of feeling broken glass or a sturdy wall, it was like hitting the most shock-absorbent pillow in the world as the moment his shovel had touched the window, all force and momentum was negated. He tried opening the door as well just in case but couldn't even turn the doorknob.
The situation he was in was both unfamiliar and familiar to him, having read similar events in novels and stories yet never expecting it to happen to himself, his heart beating in excitement despite the less than favourable circumstances. In the back of his mind, he was thinking of the possibility of waiting locked in his room before dying of starvation after having rationed his small stash of snacks.
"H-hello?... Is anyone there?..." He called out in his room, looking all around as if some entity would suddenly pop out to greet him.
Having received no response he sat down at his desk, pulling open a drawer and taking out multiple notebooks of varying conditions, from those that have been well used and yellowed to those that almost seemed brand new.
These notebooks were filled with his ideas of stories and various scenarios and powers, such as what to do in an apocalypse, imaginary plans of how to make a living in a medieval fantasy world, or using scientific knowledge to improve magic in a world of little science.
Going through his book to refresh his memories of powers he would like and various scenarios and what to do in them helped him calm his slightly nervous but mostly excited state of mind. As he started logging his current situation in his book just for fun.
After nearly an hour of reading through his notebooks, the speakers on his desk started playing, static noise coming out as he jumped up in his chair in surprise. The static noise started clearing up and he began to hear an androgynous voice start speaking.
'Testing testing, can you hear me? I apologise for the delay as i had other matters that required my attention' The voice spoke out apologetically.
The nervousness he had been covering up with excitement had died down to nothing after knowing he wasn't left to die in his currently locked and isolated room.
"I-It's fine!! I'm more thankful that you finally came, and it hasn't even been an hour and I occupied myself in the meantime." He answered politely, his engrossment in his notebooks and imagining scenarios of what was to come had thankfully kept him distracted, it probably would have kept him distracted for a few more hours if nothing had disturbed him.
'I'm thankful for your understanding, I will delay no longer and explain the circumstances you find yourself in, the questions you have for me will be answered by the following explanations. You may ask me for clarification during the explanation or ask any other questions I had not answered afterwards.'
He nodded in understanding as he sat down on his gaming chair to listen to the otherworldly being's explanations, taking out a fresh notebook and getting ready to take down notes.
The being chuckled lightly as they somehow watched him do this and spoke out.
'That will be unnecessary dear player, please direct your attention to your monitors' The monitors that had been on the same frozen image had finally changed as it showed a chat log of the things they had both said since the start.
The otherworldly being was referred to as '???' while he was referred to as 'player'
'Now I shall begin. You, dear player, have been randomly chosen to travel to another world'
'Along with that, you will also receive power and abilities to be able to thrive and survive in the other world'
Though he had expected something like this, the cliche-ness of the situation had left him baffled, It was so cliche he finally started to doubt the reality of the situation.
"I was just... chosen? by chance? I'm even just going to go to another world and be given powers just like that? It all sounds very cliche..." He stated his thoughts honestly, as he expected some kind of unique situation in comparison to what he had read, though as he thought of it, it was hard to have a truly unique situation as he's encountered all sorts of unique starts.
'Though I understand your confusion at the unexpectedly unremarkable circumstances that bear great similarities to a certain genre of fiction in your world, I am sad to inform you that i am unable to tell you the reason behind it.'
Such an unsatisfying non-answer didn't affect him too much, as regardless of what would have happened, he was likely to go along with it in order to escape from the world he mostly interacted with through a screen, no longer having anyone of importance to him left alive.
Regardless if there was a twist or consequences, he didn't bother to ask either, as whether or not he had received an answer or was lied to, he would take any risk to be able to experience what he had always wished for.  As they say, don't look a gift horse in the mouth.
"That's alright, I was mostly curious, can you continue?" He asked with a slight smile toward the monitors, not knowing where else to look.
'As you wish, upon being selected, they are assigned a random number of points within a predetermined range, meaning there will be a maximum and a minimum number of points you can receive. Along with those random points are additional points based on the life they had lived up to being selected, based on their achievements in life regardless if it was raising a child or murdering a thousand people.'
He flinched upon hearing that, wondering if any psychos and mentally deranged had been chosen, knowing for a fact that there would be a few for sure.
'Due to certain rules, I am unable to inform you of how your life is scored and how it translates in points but am able to tell you, dear player, that you are in the 65th percentile, meaning you have more points than 65% of other selected players when scoring your life.'
He thought it made a bit of sense if he thought of the selected players, thinking a lot of them were either people down on their luck and working dead-end jobs, or teens and youths who have yet to live their life. Though the otherworldly being had told him he had been randomly selected, he couldn't help but assume people like those he had imagined were fated to be selected for this kind of thing.
Not only has he lived half a life, but he's also been relatively successful, having everything he desired, from entertainment and satisfying his vanity to living what he considered to be lavish.
A graph appeared on the monitor that displayed the differences between him and other players, showing that he was in the upper percentile, but compared to players at the end of the graph, he could not even be compared to them.
He wondered what kinds of lives they've lived and if some of them had been billionaires, tyrants or even wise rulers, he didn't assume all players chosen were from his earth and wondered how many of them came from alternate earths or entirely different alien worlds.
'The random number of points you have obtained has already been determined. Congratulations! You are in the 92nd  percentile which means you have more random points than 92% of players, putting you in the top 10% of players with immense luck. May you use your points wisely'
'Combining both random points and life points, you are in the 85th percentile which is once again a monumental achievement which puts you in the top 20% of players with the most number of points.'
Frozen in shock and disbelief at hearing his ranking, he couldn't imagine being one of the beings blessed with luck, despite knowing he had luck better than others from various lucky situations he's experienced in his life from being lucky in gacha games, frequently getting rare drops from monsters in MMOs or that one time he found a hundred dollar bill while camping, he didn't think it would affect his random points too greatly.
He would have been happy getting an above-average number of points which would put him in the 60th percentile or so, he would just thank lady luck for this opportunity, and though he still did not know what these points represented, it was obvious from context that the more points you had the better.
'With these points, you are able to spend them on anything you desire within your imagination and more, though powers and abilities are the most common things that players spend them on, and that we encourage for them to spend their points on.'
"Wait, did you say anything I desire? Anything at all?" A tremble could be heard in his voice with his eyes wide and his mouth slowly forming into a grin.
'Yes dear player, anything and everything, there are no restrictions.'
"Can you make me the cutest?! The Cutest in the Omniverse!!"
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