#it’s a (recreated) megalodon jaw!!
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third-king-of-salmonids · 8 months ago
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dammitadolfnomorecake · 4 years ago
Once Bitten, Twice Stupid prt 155
What Lance didn’t know was that Keith was also having a hard time focusing solely on the fish. The aquarium part wasn’t hugely fancy. Nice, but a little repetitive with the main attraction being the big tank you went past when you came in. The place used to breed stock for international and domestic populations, with some fish way cooler than others. The sharks were cool. Kids in awe as they came near the glass wall of the tank that arched up and over the walkway. Keith could have totally dick punched a shark of the glass wasn’t in the way. Irrational fear of the glass breaking had him holding his breath until they’d passed from under the tank. Even Lance seemed jumpy as he flinched as the hugest stingray Keith ever seen turned the tunnel black as it passed overhead.
Tank after tank sat alcoved in the walls. The amount of colours and shapes were ridiculous. Everything was amazing, still Lance managed to bombarded his field of vision. Keith wished Lance hadn’t hidden his face away behind sunglasses, he wanted to see Lance’s eyes, see if his boyfriend was mesmerised by all the thousands of fish or if he was hiding his disinterest. He knew his boyfriend loved water. He loved all things ocean related. He also knew Lance was secretly addicted to documentaries. He hadn’t predicted Lance would be caught up watching him in his date plans. God. How was his heart supposed to cope with this? He felt flustered and way too happy to be the centre of Lance’s focus.
Holding Lance’s hand, Keith interlaced their fingers together so Lance couldn’t wander away. Sometimes he swore his boyfriend did it just to scare the crap out of him, and he never wanted to feel the way he had when they’d gone to the shopping centre together. Dragged away from the lower tanks and crowds of families, Keith was off in his own head taking a long moment to realise they’d stopped in front of a recreated set of jaws
“What the fuck is that?”
Meaning the painting behind the jaws that were kind of intimidating as hell with those big fuck off teeth and a whole lot of nope
“It’s the jaw set of a Megalodon. In front of it is the jaw set from a Great White”
Documentaries were one thing. This... was... Keith wasn’t sure how he’d look at the beach again. Megalodons better bloody be dead. There was no way he was letting kids in the water at any beach with those huge bastards swimming around
“You know how I said I’d punch a shark for you... I would, but those teeth...”
Lance snorted at him, his boyfriend tugging his hand free
“I’m the only one who gets to sink their teeth into you... plus, I won’t tell if you punch it. I’m going to punch it”
Keith panicked hard. Punching an exhibit seemed a good way to be booted out
“What?! Babe, you can’t... They’ll kick us out!”
Shrugging him off, Lance waited until no one was close to them before walking over to the set of jaws. Covering his face, Keith didn’t want to look, but that didn’t stop him from peaking through his fingers, watching as Lance punched the lower jaw with all the aggression of a leaf. Grinning at him, Keith realised he’d been had. Lance obviously wouldn’t punch an actual exhibit. Groaning, Keith dropped his hands as Lance covered his toothy smile. What the heck had he been thinking? Why was he acting so totally lame and uncomposed
“You can touch you know. Because it’s not an actual jaw set. Didn’t I mention that?”
“No. You conveniently forgot to. Stand still, I’m going to take a photo and tell Pidge you’re being mean to me”
Moving his hand to his forehead, Lance faked a staggered swoon
“Oh no! Not the Gremlin! How ever can I apologise?”
Talk about dramatic. His boyfriend should have been an actor
“You fear the Gremlin as much as I do”
Keith pulled out his phone to snap a few shots as Lance posed as if scared he was about to be eaten. What an idiot. A big dorky idiot that was his
“I do, but it’s a healthy fear built up over the years and smothered in love”
“Oh, so no love for Hunk?”
“Excuse you. Hunk is the embodiment of sunshine. Now come over here and let’s get a photo together. You can even punch a shark in the mouth”
“I’m not into destroying the displays like you are”
Lance rolled his eyes at him, holding both hands out until Keith finally started moving towards his boyfriend. He’d gotten a good spread of Lance. He’d be screwed if his boyfriend wanted to look back at today’s photos. Ninety-nine percent of his photos were of Lance
“You break into a school once and they never let you forget it. Lotor never did bother clueing us in on that. A bit like how I still have no real idea about Rome”
Posing for photos with Lance, Keith didn’t know what to say about Rome or why they were going back to that again
“Rome is done with”
“I know. I still don’t know much about what happened though. I know. Today’s not the day to ask”
“Nope. I can’t even remember what I’ve told you, but I don’t know how much that matters when the most important outcome is that you’re safe”
“And Curtis is all demony. Do you think he’s stronger than me now?”
Keith stowed his phone away. Curtis shouldn’t have to feel obligated to tell him more than he was ready to. So he hadn’t pushed it
“Maybe. Does he feel different to you? I mean, you can like tell can’t you? About the demon?”
Humming, Lance looped his arm around Keith’s, the pair of them starting to move away from the fake jaws
“A bit. He’s still Curtis though so that’s all I need to know. I’ve given up on me ego being a weirdo. I mean, Matt and Rieva sometimes set it off and that’s whack seeing they’re family”
“Our family is weird as hell”
Lance nodded with a laugh
“Our family is close to hell. Seriously. A vampire who senses death and sees fuzzy things. Pidge who is a raging gremlin with no coffee. A demon from hell. Matt and Rieva are much more powerful under the light of the moon. You’re all dark and broody...”
“What about Shiro?”
Lance’s tone was strained and reaching, words slightly spaced
“He’s got dark hair?”
“That’s all you’ve got?”
“Yep. I know. I’m lame. I don’t know. Sometimes I did want to shake him, but he’s your brother and he’s family. I can see why he’s such a weirdo after meeting the Blades. I can’t imagine a whole bunch of them. It scares me”
That hurt. To Lance they’d always be distant and weird... then again, that was the truth, even if him being a Blade was what brought them together. They’d let a mark be put on his head, he’d always be a case on their files that someday someone might change their minds over
“Then it’s a good thing you don’t have to. How does Hunk work into this?”
“Ummmm... The sun is hot and the flames of hell are? I don’t know. He’s like all the good things in one... Didn’t I tell you I was low on brain cell power?”
Turning to face Lance, Keith pretended to feel for a fever, teasing his boyfriend lightly as he did
“You’re not warm... I think you got away with using that brain power but you should probably give it a rest. I don’t know how to explain to people that your head exploded from thinking”
Lance gaped at him, then huffed as he pouted
“You’re so mean. It’s not my fault. I’m like smart and stuff. It’s happened before”
“Maybe. Maybe not. How will we ever know?”
Lance hummed lightly, before clicking his fingers
“Oh! I’ve got it! If I’m so dumb, why did I choose to spend the rest of my undead life with you?”
Keith shrugged, cheeks warm as he tried to play down how happy he was that Lance had
“I’ve been asking myself since the moment you liked me back. Maybe your dumbness wore off on me?”
“This coming from the guy who thought I’d turned him after he punched me in the mouth. You were such a cute little anger loaf. All broody and pouty...”
Ugh. He’d never ever live that down. Lance would drop it in an instant if Keith asked
“Like you’re any better you idiot crumpet. At least I had my reasons”
Because vampires had been the sworn enemy and had robbed him of the most family like family he’d known. He’d loathed them. Thrown himself in recklessly and nearly lost his life, only have everything he’d taught be wrong
“I know. I’m really glad you opened up to me. This is much nicer than jumping out of windows to avoid you, or rescuing you from would be muggers”
“That happened once”
Did Krolia really count? They hadn’t known it was her soooo maybe?
“Ahem, twice. First at the cinema. Or did you forget my manly attempts to save you”
Keith snorted. Oh. He barely remembered that. He’d been pissed at being forced to move at Lance’s speed
“Manly? I thought you were the biggest moron ever”
“Rude! I was very manly and stuff. You’re breaking my heart”
That was lie, Keith biting back with
“Better than staking your heart”
“Don’t go staking my heart!”
Lance sounded like he was singing something, Keith staring at him blankly
“Elton John? Babe, you do know who that is, right?”
“A singer?”
“Oh babe... oh, my sweet idiot. I have so much to teach you”
“If you say so”
“I do. He is legend. I’m shook. I’m shook and going to need to educate you on the way of Sir Elton”
Of course he knew who Elton John was. He kind of knew the song yet was sure the lyrics didn’t go like that. Keith muttering under his breath
“I’ll shake you”
“Nooo. No shaken vampires. It’d be like shaking one of these tanks. Our little cupcakes are gonna be all swished up”
“Fine. You get a free pass for now. Where do we go next?”
“They’ve got an exhibit on Orcas. Did you know they’re not a whale but a dolphin?”
“Yeah, and that they attack moose. They’re like the family member you don’t invite anywhere”
Lance nodded quickly
“I know, right. Dolphins are supposed to be all cute and then you’ve got killer whales. They’re nasty. Man, jelly fish have the right idea with no brains”
Keith wasn’t about to be “out facted”. Not when he knew stuff about stuff
“Did you know people used to stand in whales like it was a magical cure”
“Well, did you know Moby Dick was based on a real whale named Mocha?”
Keith wanted to protest that one. Mocha was a delicious coffee drink... instead he moved onto his next fact
“Did you know a Blue whale can live up to 90 years?”
“Mhmm. Like how their tongue can weigh the same amount as an elephant. You know people think Nessi is a sturgeon”
“Nessi can’t be explained. Nessi doesn’t need explaining”
“Just like Mothman?”
“Yep. Somethings just are”
“You’d make a cute Mothman. Jumping off balconies and all”
“That wasn’t my fault! I blame Shiro”
“Suuuure. Blame your brother. Let me know how that works out for you”
Keith huffed in defeat. He had no one to blame other than the bottle of tequila
“Whatever. Which way to the Killer Whales?”
“To the left. You know, they can weigh up to 6 tons”
“And that they’re teeth are like 4 inches long. And sharks don’t even like eating humans”
Keith felt kind of smug being able to match Lance fact for fact, until he found himself choking on air as his boyfriend delivered the final blow and Keith without a comeback
“If you want 4 inches, I’ll give you the longest four inches of your life”
Whelp. There was nothing smart he could say back to that. He had nothing. His brain had short circuited and his blood was fast draining down to his other brain. Laughing, Lance tugged him along, Keith stumbling as he let himself be moved. How did he reply to that? He didn’t have a reply for that. Now he was popping a semi in his jeans and he wasn’t sure he was going to be able to look at whales the same way ever again.
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inhumansforever · 7 years ago
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Lockjaw #4 Review
spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers
The wild ride comes to an even wilder conclusion as Lockjaw and D-Man face off against the dreaded Annihilus!  The final issue of a terrific miniseries  from the creative team of Daniel Kibbelsmith, Carlos Villa, Roberto Poggi and Chris O’Halloran.  Recap and review following the jump.  
A mysterious signal has sent Lockjaw on a quest to ensure his siblings are all safe.  The down on his luck retired superhero, Dennis ‘D-Man’ Dumphrey, has stumbled into accompanying Lockjaw as the adventure has traversed nearly every corner of the multiverse.  
It turned out that the signal was sent by Lockjaw’s sister, Doc Jaw, a highly intelligent doggo from he anthropomorphic universe (just roll with it, okay?).  Anyways, Doc Jaw had sent out this signal hoping it would beckon Lockjaw so he could save his brother from the Negative Zone where the evil Annihilus was trying to use him to gain an unlimited portal through which he hoped to conquer the multiverse.  What, what?  
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But first Lockjaw must remember how to teleport tot he multiverse and recalling this information requires venturing into the dreamscape where the memory can be unlocked from his unconscious.  Huh?  
Whatever.  In the dreamscape, Lockjaw and D-Man meet Sleepwalker, defender of the dream-realm.  As Sleepwalker explains the dreamscape offers visages of distant memories and Lockjaw is able to see the circumstances of his origin.
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Many years ago, an Inhuman of the lower caste named Myrren Barabus ventured beyond the confines of Attilan into the forbidden world of mankind.  There she saw  a mistreated dog and mistook it for a human infant.   Myrren took the dog back to Attilan hoping to save her.  
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Myrren was arrested by the Royal Guard and the dog she abducted was handed over to the Genetic Council and it’s unscrupulous Surgeon Supreme.   The Surgeon Supreme had been made privy to King Agon and Queen Rynda’s efforts to expand upon the potentialities of Terrigenesis by exposing their unborn child to the Terrigen Mists whist still in the womb.  Before they conducted this experiment, however, Agon wanted to ensure the process was safe and tasked the Surgeon Supreme to conduct preliminary trials on in vitro Terrigenesis.  
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The Surgeon Supreme utilized animals as test subjects in his experiments and the dog Myrren had unwittingly brought to him proved a successful subject.  The Surgeon Supreme used cloned cells to make the dog pregnant and then subjected her to a specially rendered form of the Terrigen Mist.  The experiment was a success and one of the puppies gestating in her womb was endowed with Inhuman powers.  
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This pup was Lockjaw and along with enhanced strength and size and the ability to teleport over vast distances, he was additionally empowered with a preternatural sense of awareness.  Even as a pre-born pup, Lockjaw was able to ascertain that his siblings were at risk of being test subjects for the sinister Surgeon Supreme’s ongoing experiments.  So to save his brothers and sister, Lockjaw used his teleportation powers to transport each to a safe location… his brother was taken to Brooklyn, his sister was taken to the Savage Land, his other sister was brought to the Larval Earth and anthropomorphic universe, and his other brother was taken to the Negative Zone (which Lockjaw had mistakenly believed a safe location).  
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Seeing and reliving these memories is difficult for Lockjaw, but does achieve a goal.  Doc Jaw has been monitoring his and D-Man’s journey through the dreamscape and when Lockjaw relives the process of depositing his brother in the Negative Zone Doc Jaw is able to get a fix on the frequency of the teleportation which can now be used to enable Lockjaw to return there and save their brother from Annihilus.  
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Which they do… barely giving D-Man a moment to catch his breath…  And before you know it, the duo are facing off against the dreaded Annihilus.  The villainous lord of the Negative Zone is just as fond of exposition as Doc Jaw and he explains that he utilized technology stolen from he High Evolutionary to recreate a temporary version of Lockjaw’s teleportation powers rom his brother (or something like that).  
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But Annihilus wants the real deal, he wants to use Lockjaw himself and thus have unlimited access to the multiverse; and is pleased that D-Man has been so foolish as to so deliver his dog to the Negative Zone.
D-Man declares that Lockjaw is not his dog, he is his own dog.  And with this, the time for exposition is done and battle is on.  
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Lockjaw attacks Annihilus, mayhem ensues.  D-Man can barely breath in the toxic atmosphere of the Negative Zopne.  He realizes he still has the special inhaler Doc Jaw had given him.  He doesn’t know what this inhaler does, but is desperate enough to try it.  It turns out that the inhaler contains a temporary DNA recombinant formula that transforms D-Man into an anthropomorphic dragon-like creature.  Holy crap!
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The dragonnized D-Man jumps into the fray.  Lockjaw’s powers seem to surge during the battle.  The whole lot of them are transported all over the multiverse as the fight rages on.  They bounce from Asgard to the Ultimate Universe to the DC comics universe and even the realm between universes where Val and Franklin Richards have been kicking it with their parents ever since the Secret Wars event (great to see them again!).  
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The finally end up in prehistoric times.  Lockjaw head butts Annihilus off of a cliff.  Yet Annihilus can fly and he goads him for his stupidity.  No sooner does he do this  then a giant Megalodon springs up from the ocean below and gobbles Annihilus up!
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The villain has been defeated and Lockjaw’s brother has been saved.  D-Man’s dragonization wears off and Lockjaw teleports him back home where his sister is quite relived to see him.  D-Man is a good guy and has been a good friend; and Lockjaw is confident leaving his brother in his care.  
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Lockjaw then returns home to Arctillan and waddles by Luna, Karnak, Black Bolt and Medusa to make sure all is well.  
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He gets a knowing nod of approval from Back Bolt and then snuggles up for a well-deserved rest whist thinking about his beloved siblings.  And it is here that the adventure comes to its conclusion.  
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Bananas.  Lockjaw is a wonderfully wacky character and Daniel Kibblesmith and company craft a story that is equally wonderful and wacky, very wacky.   The plot is hugely complicated, overly intricate and relies too heavily on exposition to explain itself.  Yet the plot is sort of beside the point.  It’s just there as a means to tell Lockjaw’s origin, introduce his siblings, offer up some action, show off the more bizarre corners of the Marvel Universe and re-present D-Man as a character we need to see much more of in the future.  
The convoluted nature in which Lockjaw’s origin is shown notwithstanding, the origin itself is extremely cool and inventive… it succeeds in rooting Lockjaw into the darker, more unsavory backdrop of The Inhumans of Old Attilan.  Like Black Bolt, Lockjaw is the product of cruel experimentation, both victims of science without scruples and the ruling Inhumans’ unyielding quest to advance their genetic evolution.   Kibblesmith does a neat job of linking up Lockjaw’s backstory to Black Bolt’s origin (as it has been told in previous tales) yet does so in a fashion that remains true to the tenor of the story at hand.  Which is a rather fancy trick considering how easily the matter of animal cruelty can derail a story (looking at you, Wes Anderson).  
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The art by Villa, Poggi and O’Halloran matches perfectly the tone of the story, fun and silly but with pronounced hints of real peril.  The script makes some serious demands of the art squad, packing in a lot of action in a lot of different settings... including illustrating the interior of a dog’s womb... but Villa and the gang are more than up to the challenge.  
Despite the overly hectic plot, this series was just a joy to read and I just loved meeting lockjaw’s brothers and sisters.  Most surprising was how much I liked D-Man and I do hope his story gets picked up on elsewhere some time soon.  
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The Death of The Inhumans is right around the corner and I’m already steeling myself for the direness that tale is certain to bring about.  In the meantime, I’m just going to bash in the unadulterated silly fun that this series has offered up.  
Four our of five Lockjaws for the issue…
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Five out of five Lockjaws for the series as a whole.  
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stalkerkyoko · 7 years ago
It was alive once....Megalodon
My god  so  theaters trying to recreate Jaws
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goneco-art · 8 years ago
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MerMay 2017 day 16 Megalodon Once again, I'm feeling a bit ill. And once again, I had a character who could be the fish that was chosen for today. So I recreated the Jaws poster with the biggest shark, and as a result, the biggest sharkman
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tomthefanboy · 8 years ago
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Recreation of megalodon jaws at the Oregon Coast Aquarium. (OP for scale)
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popculturenet · 6 years ago
In Partnership with Feld Entertainment, Spin Master’s New Monster Jam Trucks are the Real Deal
TORONTO, Jan. 15, 2019 /PRNewswire/ – Spin Master Corp. (TSX:TOY; www.spinmaster.com), a leading global children’s entertainment company, is launching a revved up line of Monster Jam® toys, commencing a 10-year licensing partnership with Feld Entertainment Inc. (www.feldentertainment.com). Spin Master is the new worldwide toy partner for Monster Jam, the most accessible and family-friendly sport in the world, delivering edge-of-your-seat, adrenaline-charged excitement to fans of all ages.
Camden Murphy takes control of the powerful Bakugan Dragonoid for the 2019 season (CNW Group/Spin Master)
Life-like Monster Dirt mimics real Monster Jam track conditions (CNW Group/Spin Master)
Monster Jam 1.64 Scale Megalodon (CNW Group/Spin Master)
Simulate real Monster Jam action with Champ Ramp Freestyle Playset (CNW Group/Spin Master)
Spin Master is unveiling the first of the official Monster Jam toy line in stores beginning in January. With a commitment to detailed design and an authentic Monster Jam experience, the trucks incorporate realistic features and new technology, giving fans the opportunity to recreate the magic of the stadium show in their own homes.
World of Monster Jam Trucks The all-new Monster Jam play trucks embody the style and swagger of their real-life counterparts. Complete with BKT tires, stylized chrome rims, an authentic chassis with chrome detailing and a molded driver, they are just like the real thing – only fun size! With over 100 Monster Jam trucks to collect, including Grave Digger®, Max-D™, Megalodon®, Monster Mutt® and El Toro Loco®, each 1:64 scale single pack truck also comes with an exclusive collector’s poster and driver figure. Ages 3+, 1:64 Scale MSRP$3.99 USD (one pack) / $8.99 USD (two pack), 1:24 Scale MSRP $9.99 USD (one pack).
Rev ‘N Roar Monster TrucksIntroducing the Rev ‘N Roar 1:43 scale, authentic Monster Jam trucks. Rev forward or backward and listen to the iconic sound of Monster Jam trucks as the Rev ‘N Roar comes to life. These loud machines feature four wheel drive and a powerful, internal driving system so they can smash and crash like never before. Ages 3+, MSRP $8.99 USD.
Monster Jam Monster DirtFrom the makers of Kinetic Sand comes the all-new life-like Monster Dirt that mimics real Monster Jam track conditions. This gritty set includes a storage container and a ramp mold that adds a new level of fun and way to play with Monster Jam trucks. Mold, build and jump over realistic ramps for fast, high-flying action. The included, exclusive 1:64 scale die-cast Monster Jam truck is detailed with dirt-stained BKT tires, giving it an even more life-like appearance. Ages 3+, MSRP $9.99 USD Starter Pack / MSRP $19.99 USD Deluxe Set.
1:64 Scale Vehicle PlaysetSimulate real Monster Jam action and deliver jaw dropping fun with the new Vehicle Playsets. Launch into the terrifyingly awesome gaping mouth of the Zombie Madness playset and perform gravity-defying stunts or aim for the nose and see an awesome, explosive crash. The mega-fun Champ Ramp Freestyle playset features four unique ramps, a connecting bridge, truck launcher and launch stabilizer so you can perform endless stunts – just like the pros! Ages 3+, MSRP $19.99 USD.
“We’re thrilled to give Monster Jam fans an elevated play experience with the official launch of Spin Master’s authentic Monster Jam toy line,” says Ben Gadbois, Director, Global President and COO of Spin Master. “Our commitment to continued innovation is reflected in the meticulous details and features of the trucks and the exciting experiences our partnership with Feld creates. We thrive on pushing the boundaries of imagination and fun, and now Monster Jam fans can simulate real action and play beyond the events they know and love.”
“The amount of excitement, passion, authenticity and innovation that the Spin Master team is bringing to the Monster Jam brand through more detailed and larger vehicles along with great new play patterns which include the introduction of all new Monster Jam Monster Dirt is inspiring,” says Jeff Bialosky, Vice President Licensing and Business Development, Feld Entertainment. “We can see this 10-year partnership going well beyond a decade.”
Monster Jam produces 350 events each year across five continents to millions of families in attendance. For the 2019 Monster Jam competition, Spin Master is introducing a new competitor with the Bakugan Dragonoid Monster Jam truck. From the animated series BAKUGAN, which debuted on December 23, this mysterious alien creature is the most powerful in its universe. Fans will recognize the unique aspects of the Bakugan Dragonoid including a prominent horn, sharp teeth and steely eyes that mean business. The Bakugan Monster Jam truck will be called upon to face formidable foes in each Monster Jam competition.
Taking control of the powerful Bakugan Dragonoid for the 2019 season will be Camden Murphy, the 2017 Monster Jam Rookie of the Year. Murphy will be competing in the Stadium Championship Series as he returns after two years of Monster Jam Triple Threat Series competition. Bakugan Dragonoid will debut in Anaheim, California on January 12, 2019. See the expected schedule here.
The Monster Jam larger than life experience continues at over 30 Monster Jam Pit Parties taking place in stadiums and arenas across the United States including the World Finals in May. The experience will include all new authentic Monster Jam products including three scales of the Monster Jam trucks, multiple playsets and Monster Dirt, awesome downhill ramp racing, photo opportunities, remote control racing and more.
Instagram/Twitter: @MonsterJamFacebook: www.facebook.com/MonsterJam/ YouTube: www.youtube.com/monsterjam
Spin Master reveals new revved up Monster Jam® toy line In Partnership with Feld Entertainment, Spin Master's New Monster Jam Trucks are the Real Deal TORONTO, Jan.
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emmagreen1220-blog · 7 years ago
New Post has been published on Biology Dictionary
New Post has been published on https://biologydictionary.net/extinction/
Extinction Definition
Extinction is a term applied to a known species, of which there are no known living individuals. Some species which have suffered extinction are known only from their fossilized remains. Others were at one point known to humans, but are gone now. Still others suffered directly at the hands of humans, driven to extinction. An extinct species, or one that has suffered extinction, no longer contributes to the evolution of organisms, but can help us understand the relationship between extant, or living animals.
Extinction has many causes, some of which are caused directly by humans and others which are parts of natural cycles or apocalyptic events. An extinction event is when many species are driven to extinction by a particular species, natural disaster, or other phenomenon. While these mass extinctions sometimes wipe out a large majority of life, extinction itself is a continual part of evolution. Extinction happens on some scale all the time, as organisms adapt and outcompete others. It has been estimated that extinction has claimed at least 99 percent of all species that have ever lived. However, new species are also being generated through the process of speciation. As they spread, diversify, and recover the niches lost to extinction, the tree of life flourishes. However, it might flourish in a new direction.
Examples of Extinction
Welcome to Tasmania, mate! The year is 1800, and the island of Tasmania is overflowing with a variety of interesting marsupials. Among these is the thylacine, an apex predator resembling a mixture of a tiger and a wolf. Like other marsupials, the thylacine had an external pouch. Its newborn young, underdeveloped and tiny, would make their way to the pouch to continue developing in safety. Unfortunately for the thylacine, human expansion in Australia and Tasmania would lead to their extinction.
As seen above, the thylacine was often hunted. Thylacine were top predators, and the sheep and livestock of the new human population seemed no exception. As the human population spread on Tasmania, the competition grew fiercer, and bounties were put on the thylacine by the 1830s. Less than 100 years later, the thylacine would go extinct in the wild in 1930. While there were populations in zoos these too would die off by 1933. Thus, extinction for the thylacine was complete.
Passenger Pidgeon
Once a species that formed the vastest flocks known to man, the Passenger pigeon went extinct almost entirely at the hands of man. Before 1800, the Passenger pigeon enjoyed a range from New York to Denver, across most of the Continental United States. First described by Carl Linnaeus, the bird had been known to mankind for a long time. As the Europeans arrived in the New World, the saw the pigeon as useful and plentiful food source. At the time, hunting technology and population size would not allow for the mass harvesting of the birds, and they sustainably provided food.
Fast forward several hundred years, and man had multiplied across the North American continent. Where Native American populations were small, and more sustainable, the new colonizers needed vast resources to maintain their way of life. As such, the passenger pigeon started to see steady declines into the late 1800. By the end of the 1800s, there was a massive drop off. While bills were drafted and passed to protect the Passenger pigeon, it was too late. The biology of the Passenger pigeon made it an animal prone to gathering and flocking, driven by millions of years of evolving to escape solitary predators. This social feature of the bird which had protected it for so long, made it easy prey for human hunters. Extinction quickly ensued. By the early 1900s, the last Passenger pigeon had died in a zoo.
The largest known shark to ever live suffered extinction. Carcharocles megalodon, or simply Megalodon, has been identified from fossilized remains of its jaw and teeth. Possibly related to the Great White Shark, its teeth suggest it was much bigger. One of these teeth can be seen below, next to two Great White teeth.
Comparing measurements from these teeth and the jaw, scientists have estimated Megalodon to be somewhere around 60 feet long. The largest living shark currently, the whale shark, is only around 30 feet long, and even the Great White tops out at around 21 feet long. Scientific data suggests that extinction for Megalodon occurred around 2.6 million years ago. At this time, humans did not exist. It is suggested that extinction occurred because of a shift in the food supply for Megalodon as well as increased competition from other megapredators, such as early killer whales.
Interestingly, like other extinctions, there is always an air of doubt. Just because humans have not witnessed an animal thought to be extinct does not mean it is actually extinct. Extinction, in this regard, is simply a category used by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and other agencies to categorize an animal thought to be extinct. For example, the black-footed ferret was thought to be extinct for several decades, until a population was found in Wyoming. Due to the unknown and vast nature of the ocean, even Megalodon is outliving its extinction. Often, claims of large sharks and attacks on boats are still attributed to Megalodon. However, no actual evidence has ever been found to refute that Megalodon suffered extinction.
Causes of Extinction
Ultimate Causes
Ultimately, every species has three “choices”. They can adapt to a situation, somehow evolving a novel or more efficient way to live. They can migrate, in the hopes that other areas will provide the resources they need with less competition. Or, as is the case for many animals, they can die. Extinction, as has been demonstrated in the fossil record, far surpasses survival for most species. While this may be seen as a negative thing, remember that extinction not only leaves new niches open to colonize, but can also be caused by a species becoming more successful. While one species may take over for a while, they usually undergo speciation into a variety of forms.
Proximate Causes
There are many more proximate causes of extinction. In mathematical terms, extinction happens any time the rate of reproduction is lower than the rate individuals are dying. This situation inevitably leads to extinction, but there are a number of factors which can drive these rates.
Predation, for example, is a major cause of extinction for many animals. Many species of fish in the Caribbean are currently threatened by the emergence of a new species, the Lionfish. Lionfish are not native to the Caribbean, and have no natural predators of their own. As such, they have pretty much free reign on the fish of the Caribbean. Many of these endemic species are being wiped out by the lionfish, and extinction is the likely result. In a similar story, extinction is plaguing many species of birds and lizards which have been exposed the brown tree snake. The snake, transported on cargo ships during WWII, has no natural predators on the islands to which is was transported. As such, the snake population has exploded and driven its prey items towards extinction, if not into it.
Other causes, which are directly the result of human action, involve habitat destruction and fragmentation. As we destroy the resources animals need to survive, we decrease the capacity an area can hold. As we further divide these areas with roads, fences, and other boundaries, we decrease the ability of species to migrate and successfully reproduce. This phenomena, as well as hunting and exploitation of animals for meat and game, has cause the extinction of a massive amount of animals. Scientists now speculate that, due to human interactions with the rest of nature, the world is entering another mass extinction event.
1. How do we know an animal is really extinct? A. We have no documented and confirmed sightings of the animal in recent times B. We can never know C. We find its fossils
Answer to Question #1
A is correct. While it may be believed by some that the thylacine and Megalodon are still out there, there would be so few individuals that they could not survive anyway. Due to the effects of genetic drift and bottlenecks in a small population, it is unlikely that a few individuals will survive an extinction. Remember that all animals leave fossil evidence, even animals which are still extant.
2. When considering extinct organisms which do not leave good fossils, how can scientists claim to pinpoint their extinctions? A. Voodoo Magic B. Only organisms with fossils can be determined C. Chemical evidence points to many extinction events
Answer to Question #2
C is correct. While small microorganisms like bacteria and algae rarely leave reliable fossils, scientists have other ways of determining which organisms were most prominent. For example, by examining the composition of the air in modern times and comparing it to depositions in the soil, scientists can estimate the gas content of ancient times by looking at the composition of the soil and rocks.
3. Scientists want to revive the Woolly Mammoth. To do so, they supposed that they could use the DNA found in a frozen male mammoth to impregnate a female elephant. Would this “reverse” extinction? A. Yes B. No C. Only if the baby comes out a Mammoth
Answer to Question #3
B is correct. First off, it is unlikely that the embryo would be viable, simply because the animals are separated by millions of years of evolution. Further, mixing two species is not actually recreating a mammoth, it is creating a hybrid. Lastly, a real way to bring the mammoth out of extinction would be to clone the mammoth DNA, and grow a new organism.
Feldhamer, G. A., Drickamer, L. C., Vessey, S. H., Merritt, J. F., & Krajewski, C. (2007). Mammology: Adaptation, Diversity, Ecology (3rd ed.). Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
Pimiento, C., & Clements, C. (2014, October 22). When did Carcharocles megalodon become extinct? A new analysis of the fossil record. PLOS One. Retrieved from http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0111086
Pough, F. H., Janis, C. M., & Heiser, J. B. (2009). Vertebrate Life. Boston: Pearson Benjamin Cummings.
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