#it’s THEIR season and we didn’t even get enough of them because there are sooo many other subplots butting in
catastrxblues · 4 months
i miss polin already they’re so mean for leaving us hanging like this
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simplydannie · 4 months
Poisoned (Velvets Version #1)
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I haven’t touched on the Poison AU and what ifs in a while. This was inspired by a picture I saw on TikTok here.
Jealousy begins to overtake Velvet. Suddenly, she finds her brother in the spotlight. Does this means she’d be forgotten? A blind uncontrollable rage takes over her… one she can’t protect her own brother from.
The cameras flashed, the voices of fans were heard all around. Velvet smiled and waved, blowing kisses left and right.
“Velvet! Over here!” She’d heard them call. She’d pose for pictures and sign autographs. Yes, this was the life she’s always wanted since she was a girl…. To be somebody. For too long she put this life aside all for her brother… now it was her turn.
Veneer never minded that his sister took the spotlight over him. After all the years she protected him from bullies, she deserved it. He’d take every moment to make sure the spotlight was on her.
“Thank you! Oh, thank you!” She gushed as they took her picture…But something began to change…
Was it her, was she being crazy? She began noticing the camera’s focusing on her brother more, his name being called more often. A twinge of jealousy began to overcome her.
“Veneer, we love hearing your voice in the background? But any thoughts on leading a song in the future.” One interview went. Veneer grew nervous, he side eyed his sister.
“Uh, no, no. I’m more of a background vocalist. Vels has always had the talent to sing lead. It’s just in her nature.” Veneer did is best to redirect the conversation.
“Of course she is! But that’s to bad, fans would really love to hear your voice. I’m I right folks!” The audience applauded and cheered. A curiousness began o grew inside Velvet…what was happening? But it would only get worse from there.
Why him? He was a nobody, always was and always would be. He was a nerd who would get bullied at in school…If it was for her, he wouldn’t even be here. And this is how he repays her. She sat at her vanity and looked herself in the mirror. What does that little weasel have that I don’t, she thought to herself. Why is all the attention on him now? A voice kept repeating and repeating inside her head…You’re not good enough. You’re not good enough.
“Stop it.” She said aloud.
Even with the Troll…You’re still not good enough.
“Shut up! Shut up!” She told the voice…The more she tried to stop it, the more it came back with vengeance.
He was always the favorite. Mom and dad would give him everything.
“He was sick. Of course they did.”
He even had you playing into his little trap…You even gave him everything. Even gave up having friends, being popular, homecoming, prom…
“He’s my brother. He’d do the same for me.”
Would he?
Knock. Knock.
“Vels?” Veneer popped his head through her door. “Vels, are you okay? I heard you talking with someone?”
“I’m fine Ven. I’m just tired.” She replied crossly.
“Oh.” He walked over and sat on her bed, his hands balled into fists on his knees. He kept biting his lower lip, “Sooo, do you want to maybe watch a movie?”
She turned him, giving him a questionable look, “What?”
“We haven’t really hung out or do anything like that in a while. That new movie we talked about is streaming. Maybe we could cook up some popcorn and-…”
“No.” She replied coldly turning back around.
“Oh come on Vels. OH! I know, maybe we can watch that new season of that reality show you love-…”
“I SAID NO! GET OUT!” She screamed. A sense of pain crept into her brother’s heart…She’d change…She didn’t want to do anything they loved doing anymore. He could see how consumed she was with this fame…but it’s what made her happy, who was he to question it? She sacrificed a lot for him, why not sacrifice this much for her…
“Oh…Okay…” With that he left her….She wanted to call him back, because once he left, the voices began to creep back in..
Immature. Freak. And they want him to solo?
“They never said anything about soloing…” She told the voice.
Oh but they did! Imagine when they see the potential he has…Why, it will no longer be Velvet and Veneer…Maybe your name won’t even be included anymore…
“Shut up! That’s not true! He wouldn’t do that to me.”
Oh but he would…It seems that he’s growing tired of you already…You have to do something…
Velvet’s eyes began to glow with a tint of pink hue, what was real and wasn’t began to mix, her mind growing in confusion and rage…She was starting to loose control.
You have to do something…He’ll betray you…He’ll take over, grab that attention of love YOU deserve…and keep it all for him…
“….That backstabber….” She said.
They love him. Adore him. They want HIM, not you…You’re irrelevant now.
“Not I’m not! I made us what we are!” She screamed looking at the mirror, her glowing brighter and brighter. “WE ARE HERE BECAUSE OF ME!”
Does he think that? He think’s you’re irrelevant. You have to show him who’s boss…Rid him, before he rids you….
The last words echoed in her mind. Her breathing grew heavy as the pink hue around her eyes grew brighter…Her body felt hot, she began to sweat…
“….Rid him…” She repeated and walked out the door.
Floyd sat in his diamond, hugging his knees….How did it come to this? Why? He did nothing but care for them, or at least try to… but then again…He did threaten to leave them because he couldn’t follow this path they were on. Instead of trying to help, he just watch change little by little…but the change he saw was, scary…as if little by little they were being replaced by something different. by an entirely different being… especially Velvet… he worried for her… His thoughts were broken as he heard the door open. Floyd looked round to see Veneer walking in, a sad look in his eyes.
The teen looked at Floyd….why did he do this to him? He walked up and sat on the chair, “Something… is wrong with Velvet…”
The small Troll glanced at Veneer, he had seen something into make him notice this, “I’ve been thinking the same thing for a while now bud.”
“But what? Why is she acting like this?….This isn’t Velvet, my Velvet… the one who was always there for me…” A sadness crossed his face, “What’s happening to her?”
“I…I don’t know…” Was all Floyd could say. There was silence between them. Veneer looked at the Troll, he grabbed the diamond. The two looked at each for a moment…Veneer then began to open the diamond.
“Ven?” Floyd said, but his name echoed in a voice behind him.
“Ven. What are you doing?” He turned to find Velvet staring at him… her eyes glowing pink.
“V-Vels.” He stuttered.
“Why do you have the Troll?”
“I was just… talking to him.”
“Nothing else?” She saw how his hand was over the lid.
“Y-yes.” Was all he mustered to say. He caught a glint of metal in his sister’s right hand….a knife? “W-why do you h-have that?”
“…Be honest with me Ven, do you ever think about a solo career?”
“N-no of course not!”
He’s lying.
“All this fame isn’t getting into your head. Making you feel that you’re too good for me.” Velvet continued.
“No. Vels what’s going on? You know I’m doing this for you.” He replied setting down the diamond. Floyd watched helplessly as the next events unfolded… she crept closer to him.
He’s doing it for himself. No one else. He’s such a freaking liar.
“Don’t you dare lie to me Ven! All these questions they’ve been asking you. All the attention you’re getting. It’s all part of your plan isn’t it.” She said, the dark circles under her eyes growing deeper.
“Velvet no of course not! I don’t know what they’re saying that! But… I’d never do that to you.” He walked closer to her, “It’s us against all of them right…” Floyd couldn’t warn Veneer in time, he had gotten to close, to comfortable, she was his sister… so he’d never imagine her doing what she did then…
Reaching up with her left hand, she tightened her hand around his throat. Veneer gasped for air “…V-Vels…”
“No… no it’s not is against them anymore….” The pink hue still around her eyes, a redness glinting across them. “It’s just me.”
“Velvet no!” Floyd screamed….Taking the knife she had, she stabbed her own brother on the neck. Floyd turned away, he couldn’t bear the sight. The shock in Veneers face turned to hurt, to betrayal…
“Why?” He gagged as tears rolled down his face.
“You can’t betray me… You won’t now..” Velvet replied as she dug the knife deeper. He winced and cried with every inch it dug…
“….youre…. My sister….. I…. love….” But nothing else came out, his body grew limp. She released him letting his body fall with a thump on the floor.
Good. There’s only room for one superstar now. The voice told her… then it was gone. Her head spun, she wobbled on her feet…
“What the heck…” she began to say. Velvet then noticed the knife in her hand. She gasped and let it drop to the floor… “Why, why do I have that. Vennie?” She noticed her brother’s limp body on floor.
“Vennie?” She noticed his eyes halfway open, the last of his tears falling to the floor…. A pool of blood forming around him. “….oh my god…” She knelt next to him. “Vennie!?” Picking him she shook him.
No answer…. His body beginning to grow cold. She looked at the knife she had dropped on the floor…. The knife that was in her hand..
“No….no…..no…” She looked up to see Floyd. His little head was leaning against the diamond, tears staining his cheeks, “What happened?….Floyd! What happened!” She saw the look of sadness in his eyes as he stared at her..
“Tell me I didn’t do this. PLEASE TELL ME I DIDNT DO THIS!” She began to cry. Velvet picked up her brother’s body and hugged it tightly, hoping it would bring him back… his blood staining her clothes. “PLEASE TELL ME I DIDN’T DO THIS!!” She cried again.
“Velvet…. Something’s happening to you…. Something bad…”
But she couldn’t hear him… she let the pain in her cries fill the air, her eerie cries and screams. She had always protected him… but in the end… she couldn’t protect him from herself…
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oliviascully · 3 months
Ok here are some thoughts after the IWTV season finale pertaining to Armand/Daniel for all my fellow Devil’s Minion stans.
I have conflicted feelings. It was very exciting to see Daniel turned and know that Armand made him. That being said, it also caught me off guard that this happened so quickly. In both book and show, it is a big deal that Armand has never made a fledgling.
Obviously we didn’t see the turning yet and don’t know the true context, and it is a plot point in the show that now irrevocably ties Armand and Daniel for future development. So in that sense, I am happy.
I just sincerely hope that they are written as having a past relationship after their first meeting in 1973. And not just because I want more DM content or that I’m not happy with a version with old Daniel (full supporter of old man yaoi). I just think it would be a sorely missed opportunity for them not to have past involvement.
Is it interesting for Armand to have met Daniel once in 1973, try to kill him, and then meet him again in 2022, have his relationship ruined by Daniel, and then turn him “out of spite?” Idk, seems weird and not very satisfying.
I know there will be more than that, and I’m over-simplifying things. But I think it would be so sooo much more narratively satisfying for Daniel to loathe Armand and think he has him all figured out only to learn that he loved him once, and that he does know Armand, even more than he thought.
It would be a great arc for Daniel. Him being turned in and of itself is not enough. I want to see his world rocked (lovingly) and realize he’s as much a part of the fucked up, gothic romance as all the others. I want to see Armand have a genuine relationship that challenges and confronts him, and maybe he wasn’t truly ready for it in the past, but he might be now.
Also, I truly can’t believe that all the heated and weirdly charged interactions between Daniel and Armand, even as Rashid, were for nothing and based on nothing. All the glances and fighting/flirting and Armand knowing how “Alice” felt and knowing how to make Daniel’s martinis and why why whyyyy would Daniel feel freer to hold Alice’s hand in Paris????
Anyways this is just my plea of saying that I hope that wasn’t for nothing and that we get to see these two have the weirdest most fucked up and somehow romantic relationship PAST and present not just because it’s canon but because it seems like the groundwork is there in the show, and it would be an amazing storyline to see play out for both characters to develop. And I am so inrigued by the chemistry between Armand and both versions of Daniel. The actors are incredible together, and I genuinely want to see more of both.
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classic-maya · 1 year
When do you think Brian fell in love with Justin?
Omg, a QaF fan??? In my DMs??? It’s more likely than you think. Ok I have many a thought and I’m going to work backwards. It might be controversial b/c I think it happened early on in season 1 because…
By 1x10 Brian is so whipped he drives all night to New York to find Justin and even though he is beyond pissed the second Justin gives him puppy dog eyes Brian is falling over himself to get inside him.
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Look at Justin’s smug little face! He knows that he has Brian wrapped around his little finger. He starts stripping and Brian doesn’t do anything but Justin is so confident he teases him and asks if he needs help taking his clothes off. Justin is the king.
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Before that in 1x08 after Craig beats Brian up outside of Babylon and gives Justin the ultimatum to go home now or never again; Brian storms off yelling an emphatic “fuck!” He thought Justin would go home and in that moment he was mourning the relationship. I think Brian was already in love. It hurt him to see Justin being asked to choose between his family and Brian but really between his true self and being accepted by his family. Brian knows this pain and it’s why he had not yet come out by this point in the show and it tears him up to see Justin go through that.
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Two episodes before, 1x06, we see Brian looking at Justin’s drawing while someone under the covers is giving him head. This scene is the first time we see Brian have sex with someone else while actively imagining they are Justin instead. Also he goes to the art show at the center in this ep and he would not have done that just for Lindsay. He is there for Justin and he is sooo in love.
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In 1x05 Brian kicks a trick out because the guy was rude to Justin. At this point Justin is already much more meaningful to him than a one night stand. After this Brian tells Justin not to rely on anyone else and the only person you can trust is yourself. I think this scene is so telling because ostensibly Brian is talking to Justin but really he is desperately trying to remind himself of this belief. He is already in love but he is also afraid of what that means.
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I think Brian fell in love as early as 1x03 when Justin had the gall to steal two tricks from him. It was a like-recognizes-like moment. Brian for the very first time respected Justin and saw him as more than just some kid. In a scene at Woody’s in this ep Brian defends Justin to Michael and says “Leave him alone…he’s actually kind of sweet.” Justin’s move at the end of the ep was far from sweet and it not only turned Brian on, it had him head over heels. The way he smiles while kissing him on the dancefloor that night and holds him up in his arms like a trophy. I’m certain Brian took him home and couldn’t keep his hands off him the rest of the night.
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For the rest of the season we see the tension between Brian’s love for Justin and Brian’s love for his lifestyle. Falling in love with someone is entirely discordant with Brian’s idea of himself and as we know he feels he can’t be trusted to love someone and have them love him in turn. He is terrified of that vulnerability and he doesn’t want to be hurt especially by someone he has allowed to get this close to him.
This follows them until season 5 when Brian finally allows himself to tell Justin that he loves him. He says it’s because of the bomb, but Brian already had to consider losing Justin once before, and instead of telling Justin that he loved him after the bashing he instead pretends that he didn’t even show up to the hospital despite visiting him every day and watching him sleep. Brian loved Justin from the beginning but he had so much work to do healing from his childhood and the walls he built up before he could even consider letting himself be vulnerable enough to admit it to Justin.
Finally, I just want to say that Justin is god’s strongest soldier. Was he perfect? No. Did he leave Brian and misunderstand him a few times? Yes. But jesus Brian did not make it easy on him. It takes a lot to love someone unconditionally even when they refuse to tell you what you both know is true.
Ok, stepping off my soapbox.
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supercalime · 17 days
i heard about the whole jatp drama, and i totally get your worries in that regard 😭 sooo often a show has something great going for itself, just for the creators to fuck up so badly that it's almost unfathomable sksksk (also looking at the umbrella academy season 4 disaster). gotta say that at this point, i think i will leave 911 behind fr if bucktommy aren't together anymore. i am out with one foot simply because i only watch certain storylines while skipping others, some characters haven't interested or excited me in literal years. but i love buck. after so many years of watching him try to find real happiness, and with the show slowly reaching a point where imo it's seriously time to wrap it up very soon, i cannot imagine that they will manage to strike gold the way they did with bucktommy ever again. tommy is the first love interest of buck that they actually tried to integrate into the world and the firefam. tommy got the seal of approval, we see buck seemingly finally reach that point in life he was searching for. making him go through ANOTHER breakup just to introduce ANOTHER love interest, nullifying all that bucktommy has established? there is a limit for how often you can press the reset button, and we have reached it with buck a long time ago. let the man finally have something else to work towards. we need a breath of fresh air in here. i am optimistic about s8, and i will live no matter what happenes, but i think that would be my final straw to disconnect from 911 amd canon buck ngl 🤔 fingers crossed that bucktommy is alive and well because it's got sm potential!! 🙌
Couldn’t agree more bestie!
Tbf my reaction to the jatp bs is on me haha. Everything was more intense in 2020/2021 for obvious reasons so it wasn’t surprising for me to have latched on to a tv show and relying on it for my mental well being. But all that bullshit made me learn to change my mindset and behavior on how to interact with media and fandom, which is to have the bar so low it’s in hell.
Anyway, back to 911. I wouldn’t blame you for stopping to watch the show at any point if it’s not interesting any more. I’m not even a fan of this one. I saw bits and pieces throughout the years as one tends to do with procedurals and didn’t want to have my experience tainted with the fanon ship that shall not be named. In fact, I’ve followed lone star from the beginning and I think I still prefer it over the og.
Now onto buck and his relationships. I completely agree with what you said about hitting the reset button over and over. Procedurals tend to stall instead of committing to a solid change unless they get repetitive and/or write themselves into a corner (which both apply to buck here). So yeah, it would be a disservice to bucks character if he yet again goes through another breakup and the cycle keeps going, specially since tommy was pretty well received as his LI unlike all the other ones that weren’t meant to last from the beginning (Abby, Ali), were the wrong person for him (Taylor) or were forced down our throats (Natalia - there was so much telling and not showing how “right” their relationship was, it’s embarrassing).
So, unless there’s outside factors preventing tommy to come back and stay for good (contracts, conflicting schedules, etc), it makes no sense for bucktommy to not continue on the path they are going.
I want bucktommy to thrive, but I won’t hold my breath waiting just yet. If they are broken up or eventually will break up (which I must emphasize I do not want cause I ship them with all my heart) I might quit the show as well. Buck and Tommy were a breath of fresh air and I would love to see what could happen to them if we are lucky enough to see their romance continue
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taiyaki-translations · 3 months
Intelligence - Disclosure 8
Season: Spring Characters: Jun, Shu, Izumi, Kaoru, Yuzuru, Kanata, Mao, Nagisa, Kuro Translator: taiyaki-translations ENG Proofreader: verdantcrimson (Yuzuru, Kuro), sunnyskiestls (Kanata, Nagisa), raspberrytls (Shu)
<The next morning>
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Jun: So you found out the identity of that Mendako alien…
Shu: —If you were planning on coming back in the morning, was there any need to worry about the state of your skin, Sena?
Izumi: It’s because you kicked me out. I didn’t get the chance to bring my skincare products with me.
I only came so late at night so we wouldn’t have to face each other. You should be thanking me.
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Why am I being treated like I’m in the wrong? Sooo annoying!
Jun: Oh right, these two are in the middle of a fight, huh~ Honestly, I’d like you guys to make up quickly.
Shu: Hmph, I told you that I made a huge concession for Sena. I see no reason for me to apologize.
Izumi: Hah? In the first place, you were the one keeping the lights on even after it was supposed to be lights off—
Kaoru: Okay, okay, Senacchi, Itsuki-kun, that’s enough fighting. There are more important things to focus on at the moment, right?
Kanata: The identity of who was inside the “mendako costume” has become clear now…~
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Nagisa: …Menmen ♪
Mao: Ooh… Do Mendako aliens make those “menmen” noises?
Nagisa: …So it seems.
Jun: You’re saying it like it's got nothing to do with you. Nagi-senpai, why were you going around wearing one of those costumes?
Nagisa: …It was part of our “Dramatica” activities.
Izumi: “Dramatica”? Wearing those ridiculous costumes and doing those strange activities night after night?
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Nagisa: …In our next performance, we are supposed to play the role of aliens. In order to prepare ourselves for that, we’re pretending to be creatures other than humans, to gain some experience.
Kuro: Is that why ya went outta your way to choose mendako...?
Nagisa: …It is surprisingly effective. When I recommended it to the other members, Wataru-kun and Leo-kun decided to try experiencing it too.
Kaoru: Ah~... That’s why we saw multiple Mendako aliens around.
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Izumi: That Leo-kun, I thought he just went off somewhere as soon as we returned to Japan together, but he’s involved in this?
Don’t go doing weird stuff like this in the dorms without permission. I wish you’d take after my example and try to keep Leo-kun under control?
Nagisa: ...But we did receive permission, from Keito-kun.
Izumi: Hah? Then how come Hasumi didn’t know anything about the Mendako aliens?
Kaoru: …Is it possible that Ran-kun only told Hasumi-kun that they were going to do circle activities in the middle of the night?
Nagisa: …Yes. I informed him that “Dramatica” needed to do some late night practices for our next performance.
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Kaoru: Then it’s no wonder Hasumi-kun didn’t know anything about it. He probably thought you were just rehearsing normally.
Mao: Ah~ I see. If someone told you they were preparing for a role in a play, you wouldn’t expect them to be going around doing activities in costumes like that, right?
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Kanata: Um~...?
Kaoru: Hm? What’s the matter, Kanata-kun? Is something bothering you?
Kanata: It’s not really bothering me, it’s just been stuck in my mind…~ Where did the “costume” come from?
Jun: Ah, that’s another issue. Nothing at Aoumi Aquarium went missing, after all.
Nagi-senpai, where did you get that costume?
Nagisa: …Wataru-kun said that he borrowed it from Kanata-kun.
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Yuzuru: Indeed, we heard from Shinkai-sama that Hibiki-sama occasionally borrows costumes from him, doesn’t he?
Kanata: But, that “costume” is in the “storage” right now.
So, where did the “costume” that Nagisa is wearing come from?
Nagisa: …I don’t know that, either. All I can say is that Wataru-kun prepared it for me.
Yuzuru: This is just a hunch, but perhaps you know something about this, Itsuki-sama?
Shu: …Hm. And what gave you that impression?
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Yuzuru: I thought it was a bit strange. Why would Itsuki-sama go out of his way to stay in that closet to sew costumes?
Kiryu-sama, am I correct in assuming that before all of this, Itsuki-sama had been staying up several nights in a row making costumes?
Kuro: Well yeah. He’d been stayin’ up late even before Sena came back.
Yuzuru: Then that would line up with the time that the Mendako aliens started appearing, correct?
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Kaoru: Huh? So what you’re getting at is… Itsuki-kun was the one who made those costumes!?
Yuzuru: Precisely. Since there was nothing missing from the Aoumi Aquarium storage, it would make sense that new costumes were made instead.
In such a predicament, one would need the assistance of someone who has the skill to sew multiple costumes in a short span of time.
Drawing upon both Kaoru-sama’s eyewitness account and Ran-sama’s testimony, at least three costumes had to have been prepared within the past few days.
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Hibiki-sama must have requested the production of more costumes based on the one he borrowed from Shinkai-sama…
If we were to narrow down the people that Hibiki-sama could rely on to make costumes, the two most likely candidates are either Itsuki-sama or Kiryu-sama.
Furthermore, considering the major lifestyle changes that have been witnessed from him before and after this incident, I am leaning towards Itsuki-sama.
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Shu: …That’s a good deduction. I will say that you are spot on.
Kaoru: So that means those costumes were really made by Itsuki-kun?
Izumi: You’re so contrary and difficult, it’s hard to believe you took on making a costume like this—were you being threatened or something?
Shu: You of all people are calling me contrary and difficult? And no, I’m not being threatened.
Izumi: Then why did you go to the trouble of accepting a request like that…?
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Shu: …Wataru is one of my few friends. It didn’t feel right to refuse a friend’s request.
Izumi: …I’m shocked. I didn’t think that was the reason you were staying up all night.
If that’s true, I still have my grievances, but Leo-kun is part of the cause.
So you could say that he was the one making Itsuki stay up all night, which means I haven’t been managing him properly…
Hah… For now, I’m sorry that Leo-kun made you do something so unreasonable.
Shu: Hm, I never expected you to apologize. That’s fine—as your apology seems sincere, I will accept it.
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Izumi: But this is the only time. If you stay up all night sewing again in the future, you better watch out!
Kaoru: Now, now, Senacchi. You guys went through the effort of making up, no need to start it up again.
Nagisa: …Yes. This incident started because of my activities as a Mendako alien. I apologize for frightening everybody.
…As an apology, I will give everybody tickets to our performance.
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Jun: Oh, how nice~ I couldn’t help but be curious about what the play was about when I heard Nagi-senpai talking about it.
Kanata: Fufufu, I’m looking forward to it…~ I wonder, what kind of “performance” will it be?
Kaoru: Thank you, Ran-kun. I’m also looking forward to it.
Nagisa: …Yes. I would like for everybody to see that the experience we gained from all of this commotion was worth it ♪
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cancerian-woman · 1 year
oooh so i feel like i can guess the answer, BUT how would you rank all of bonnie’s ships *solely* from what we got in canon vs how would you rank them based on fanon/general potential!
Oooh okay, I’ll start with canon ones then go to fanon.
Beremy: It was cute, puppy love at first but in the end Bonnie was doing all the work & his unassigned but assigned babysitter. 3/10
Bonenzo: in theory he did make Bonnie happy she deserved that. Enzo is very much “one size fits all” type of character if yk. They did get together under Stockholm Syndrome purposes and it was just done lazily? I think they would’ve been more well perceived if they started building them up in s5 or something. Killing him last minute to “trigger” Bonnie’s psychic powers or magic again was just another way to aid in her suffering. 5/10
Bamon: chemistry is great. Damon abandoning Bonnie after she needed him after bonding in the prison world’s was a good moment for Bonnie’s feelings to be shown. Knowing she has issues with abandonment. But, Bamon falls into the same category as Delena. Woman is complicit to all of Damon’s bs and a lot of that happened with Bamon. The writers said ok Elena is gone Bonnie can now agree or side with him the most. There’s Anti-Bamons, then there’s people who genuinely like Bamon and then people who ship Bamon just to free Elena of that burden of Damon lol. I do think they work best if Elena isn’t around. 7.5/10
Stefonnie: you can’t pry Stefan’s protectiveness and kindness to Bonnie in 1-2 out of my hands. He actually tried to make friends with Baroline unlike Damon. Stefan’s history with Bennett’s was another good push there too. And it’s sooo underrated that Stefan was the first vampire Bonnie ever trusted. Plus she had a lil crush on him before Elena got him. I do think they could’ve been something really good in those later seasons. Both tend to play a “hero” role to someone else. Stefan promised he would’ve fixed what he did to Bonnie and idk we needed to see that. It would’ve been nice if we could’ve gotten Damon/Stefan discussing that Bonnie’s forgiveness isn’t so easy to earn. 8/10
Bonora: good chemistry but extremely underrated. They remind me a bit of the wlw Bonkai. Would’ve been a perfect time to introduce bi!Bonnie. I liked that Bonnie encouraged Nora to do something outside of Mary. We never really got those “Bonnie’s beautiful!” By other characters but the way Nora said it continously and wanted to engage with Bonnie. It was so good. Long term and fanon-wise I think they both could’ve learned to grow out of those toxic ties to people with each other. We didn’t get Bonnie with other witches a lot and it was nice to see her with one. 8/10
Bonkai: Chris was Kat’s best on-screen partner imo. Kai brings out a darker side to Bonnie that she tries ignore often. While I think Bonnie brings out emotions Kai hasn’t felt in ages. He’s so fascinated with her in an obsessive but good for tvdu type of way. She’s the only way he sees. Bonnie isn’t a pushover either with Kai. She fights him back, she calls him out and tbh she’s even goofier with him. He pushed her more into her agency than Damon ever did. Bonkai would’ve been great for seasons 6-8. Idk if i would “redeem” him per se bc redemptions aren’t real in tvd but being good to Bonnie and Bonnie only is enough for me. Canon-fanon-9/10.
Bonlena & Baroline: I’ll just do these together. Bonlena had the stronger chemisty 1-2 era of them perfect. You can feel how close they are and need each other. Despite the negative tones with Petrova & Bennett lines repeating you can say they could be drawn to each other naturally. But, Elena does end up ignoring Bonnie so…7/10. Baroline is all about fun but they do support each other and can be protective. Caroline does try to get Bonnie out of doing magic all the time. 7/10
Bonlijah: interesting because Elijah like Stefan and Damon have harmed or betrayed Bonnie. Elijah’s done it twice. We don’t get a lot of them. Bonnie would’ve made him work for her forgiveness. Elijah likes acting on his own needs first but needs to be forced to see his wrongings in a situation and Bonnie certainly wouldn’t let up and make him focus on their errors before continuing. He did have to thing positively of her to face his brother alone. 7/10
Klonnie: based on canon I’d say season 3-4 are would be their best moments. Klaus does like witches. Bonnie had more onscreen time with Tyler!Klaus than his actual body. But Tyler!Klaus did sort of hint he admired she defied the spirits. There’s the power dynamics that comes into play here. Bonnie isn’t afraid of Klaus no matter how much power he wants to enforce over her. I can see them fanon wise strategizing together and Bonnie agreeing to help him if it means her friends are good. Canon wise though if nothing comes between them from 2-4 then they’d have to remeet afterwards. Same applies for all the Mikaelson’s. 9/10
Kennett: they could’ve bonded over magic and they do have more scenes than most BennettxMikaelson ships. Kol called out Bonnie’s death too. He saw potential in her and wanted to work with her….that being said they caused that lady to go crazy on Twitter over a 10 second scene LMAO so despite how i feel about that 10 10 10 across the board. Fanon wise i do think other fandoms taking over Kennett has deterred my liking for them. Dollar general Kennett has nothing on them. But Bonnie unlike Davina would want to see Kol for who he is. No rose tinted glasses.
Monnie/Tonnie: we don’t have a lot of Tonnie but they’re always watching each other / protective gazes when they are allowed to share a scene. This is a ship I can see working through college or when they both left Mystic Falls. For the both of them that isn’t their home longterm. 8/10. Now, onto Matt absolutely not. 5/10. Not just because Matt’s useless, but he doesn’t like the supernatural world for himself. He’s accepting of his friends and for others but it’s not something he’s really into. Bonnie already had to deal with this from Rudy. No need in dating a human or anything longterm who doesn’t like that side of her.
Honorable mention: Batherine could’ve played a frenemies with benefits role. Idk if it was the intention to “fix” Elena’s relationships but placing Katherine in these random moments but it was interesting when it did happen.
This was long and it took me a minute but i hope i answered it the way you thought of!! Thank you for the ask!
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aprikosenklang · 7 months
Review: Avatar: The Last Airbender Live Action
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First, some context: I started watching A:TLA when book 2 was airing. Since then, I watched it at least 10 times. Half of it in German and half of it in English. The last time was in 2020. I know a lot of lines by heart—yes in both languages. Zuko was my fist teenage crush and Oncle Iroh’s quotes helped my through a lot of dark times in my life. I might be biased because I love the original series a lot. But I try to reason everything carefully.
The Good
I loved it visually! Bending looked so cool and never felt out of place or weird. All of the shown places could be recognized in a blink. It was beautiful to see this world adapted in a realistic way.
The casting was mostly done perfect. A lot of the characters looked a lot like I would have imagine them.
The Kiyoshi Warriors were really awesome. Especially Suki—even though she didn’t got a name at all?!
I loved the addition with the 41st devision. It gave Zuko‘s crew actually a reason the respect him and fitted to his character and backstory.
Zuko and Iroh give the same energy as in the original. Usually this wouldn’t be something to mention, since I would expect this from and adaption. But due to issues you can read further below, I have to mention it. Zuko and Iroh might be one of the few characters that never felt out of character. I’m happy we got those two true to original at least.
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The Bad
Since there is so much, I structure it even further into story, production and costumes.
I didn’t liked any of the story changes. I don’t even understand why they had to tangle all the storylines. The original book 1 is 20 episodes each about 20-25 minutes—which results in 400-500 minutes in total. The live action had 8 episodes each about 45 minutes to an hour—let’s say about 400-450 minutes in total. So basically, they could have taken the timeline as is is. Don’t get me wrong. I don’t advocate for a 1:1 adaption here. I just don’t get why they saw the need to tangle storylines, pull in things from later seasons and leave out important scenes, places, character traits and even whole characters. Each and every story change felt out of place, out of character and over all pointless. Nothing added anything that made sense. Just like it was changed because they had to change something.
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Aang didn’t even learn water bending!!! Like what is the whole season even about if the main character doesn’t have a real character arc? All he does is having guilt over disappearing for 100 years. Yes that’s also a thing he has to overcome. But it is just half of it. And he even doesn’t really get over it. He has none of his childish fun moments like he does in the original.
Why did Sokka have SOOO much screen time?!?! Sometimes it felt like he‘s the protagonist of the series. Especially with Aang not even learning water bending.
Momo in contrast had like 0 screen time. But than in the last episode when he became important as plot device Sokka was weirdly attached to him.
Katara being her own master made it pointless to actually go to the northern water tribe. Yes there was Aang's vision. But in the original the plot is not mainly driven by what the fire nation does, but by what team avatar needs to do. Like… Aang learning bending!!!
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We didn’t get the epic intro we could have. It felt like they tried to make up for it in the first episode. But having three different versions of the epic lines and finally Gran Gran dropping the original ones was actually the worst. It felt forced and as if she would read them out.
Everything regarding Azula was sooo off for me. She felt like a completely different character with other motivations and struggles. I wish she would not have been so present in the first season.
Uncle Iroh drank not enough tea. Lol. This is maybe a personal one and I cannot reason it to be honest.
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I‘m disappointed by the Lu Ten moment. Fist of all, why did it need to be in season one?! But also: It was a bonding moment for Zuko and Iroh. It didn’t payed any respect for Lu Ten in my opinion. And leaves from the wine was barely noticeable and didn’t make feel anything.
Katara never lost her necklace. Which I don’t mind. But it made a huge plot hole for the headhunter Zuko hired. They tried to cover it with randomly finding a piece of fabric. But how did they know this belonged to the Avatar? This change feels similar to the one with the water bending scroll. Important things just become meaningless.
Agni Kai was once mentioned but never explained. If I didn’t know what an Agni Kai is from the original series, this would probably be either the most missed or confusing thing.
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Hei Bai was never healed!!! Yeah sure, Aang saved the villagers. But what about the forest and spirit?! And why was there no winter solstice? And in general why did everything in the spirit world was so all over the place?
The siege of the Nothern water tribe being a distraction for Omashu is stupid. It would take them way too long to hear about it. So they would not be able to send troops there by time and it would not weaken them in any way.
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The world feels super flat and boring. Because they tangled so many story lines, they got rid of a lot of places. No fire nation prison in the earth kingdom, no nothern air temple, almost no villages. You never get a change to explore the world and learn about the ordinary people.
The directing felt bad. A lot of people say, the acting was bad. But I don’t agree. First of all, a lot of the cast were children. I think it is not fair to judge them so easily and hard. In my opinion the directing wasn’t good. And you could tell because even the older and more experienced actors were really stiff.
The dialogs were almost always awkward. This adds to the previous point and is another sign that the acting isn’t the problem. The lines were sometimes random, jokes felt forced and original lines never made the same impact as in the animated series.
Some of the CGI green screen backgrounds were awful. They reminded you that this is a show which really pulled me out of the immersion.
The costumes felt lifeless. They could have added so much details to the garments and accessories. But of all things they decided to stick to the original with the costume design?! I expected the outfits to be a lot more toned down in brightness too. That’s something you need in an animated series, but not in a live action. So much missed potential.
Why could they not cast old people for old characters? All of them looked so stale, emotionless and almost uncanny.
I was sooo disappointed by Yue! Maybe I’m biased here, because she was one of my favorite characters of book one. But somehow she was the only character that didn’t felt casted perfectly. And especially her hair was awful and looked like a cheap wig.
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Overall, I‘m disappointed. Again, I didn’t expected a 1:1 adaptation. But I don’t see that the same care was put into it like it was for the original. I would have wanted to have something that creates similar emotions and an overall known feeling. But it doesn’t. It’s confusing, flat and carelessly made. I can definitely see why the original creators stepped back from it.
If you think about watching it, I would recommend you the original. Especially because it is not that much longer. So better invest your time wisely.
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threephantomrey · 1 year
my Scooby Doo opinions:
• i don’t like Guess Who. i’ve only ever seen 1 episode in full (the first one) and i thought that was decent. but i don’t like the rest of it after seeing some other clips from the show so far.
• i think the Loch Ness Monster movie is underrated. maybe not AS underrated as other movies but i don’t think it gets talked about enough in the fandom. also it’s one of the best DTV movies
• my opinion on Scrappy is that i am indifferent to him but i think his design is cute. that being said, i love and support all of my mutuals who love him and i will ALWAYS back them up 100000% no questions asked.
• the artstyle for Be Cool definitely fits the tone of the series well and it makes sense that it was used for that series. also i think Velma’s voice fits that series and that version of Velma well too
• Wendy Airs should come back one day and i think her relationship with Daphne in high school should be explored a bit more. i think we should see some flashbacks of them together when they were in high school and how they play a part in the present maybe
• Dapper Jack Rogers is one of the best characters in this franchise and is one of the best members of Shaggy’s family
• the Where Are You Now special was bad and i didn’t care for it
• i hated straight outta nowhere i thought it was bad. i couldn’t even get through the whole thing i had to skip scenes. and it’s NOT because of courage or anything related to him (i have respect for the Courage characters) it’s just a me thing.
• ALL of the gang members are the heart of the group because each and every one of them have so much love for each other as individuals and as a group, the group wouldn’t be what it is without any of them, and they all bring something equally important to the group.
• i’m so tired of crossovers ESPECIALLY Batman crossovers. i don’t have anything against Batman personally it’s just i think we need to stop with the crossovers for a while.
• we don’t need a 3rd James Gunn live action movie
• we don’t need a 3rd season of SDMI. the series is over and has been over for the past 10 years. there’s nothing left for the story, why would it get a 3rd season after all this time?
• people in the fandom need to stop getting mad for the wrong reasons or about things that don’t matter. i’ve seen this happen with some Scooby accounts that use to be my favs on instagram and it’s SOOO annoying.
• the 13 Ghosts series had one of the best and most interesting plots in the whole franchise. am i biased because i am a 13 Ghosts stan myself? NO!
• Scoobynatural was awful and one of the worst Scooby specials ever made.
• the Daphne & Velma movie is the only live action movie i liked
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canonically47 · 7 months
here we go...
DCAS episode 3 thoughts
(no duh.)
first of all, somebody spoiled in chat that lake would be the vote, so i’m pissed off enough as it is
patrons... when i catch you patrons...
seriously fuck all of the leakers & patrons that spoil stuff. i hate you guys. hope your pillow is hot on both sides
anyways!!! genuine opinion time
tom, my baby, my love, the light of my life, you did a good job voting for lake. this might be controversial but i think that, out of everyone, she is definitely someone to get out early. maybe there will be some sort of comeback challenge that she’ll win, because i don’t feel like her story is fully over yet, but for now, i’m satisfied she was the one to go.
connor and riya make me more uncomfortable by the day, but thank you to riya for putting an end to their situationship. not looking forward to connor doing pathetic puppy eyes and sighing broken-heartedly throughout the challenges though. and just between you and me, i truly hope one of them is the next vote.
also why did she say "i’m not your daughter" when they’re supposed to be interpreted as a couple/situationship thing... isn’t that a weird writing choice... or is it just me skull emoji fire emoji
on the note of another weird couple, yul is showing his true colors. i told you it was only a matter of time before he showed his true colors... grett, baby, you deserve so much better. i hope when this ship inevitably crashes that grett kicks him in the nuts at one point. she deserves to crush his balls. as a treat :3
love to see a potential alec-fiore-miriam alliance, and miriam back on her gaslighting shit. i have the feeling she might make the merge, but ellie will have her revenge against her and get her out by exposing her somehow. but for this to work, we would need someone dumb enough to vote for her, and i really wonder who- nvm jake is still in the game!! (and tom could probably be manipulated ORRR he could change his priorities and realize that jake and miriam ain’t shit
DEREK AND TREVOR ARE SOOO FUNNY derek’s voice actor is the best of the bunch and i am dead serious. he is sooo funny his deliveries are always so good (compared to many of the others that i would be burnt at the stake for giving the names of lol) derek forgetting THEY are the interns made me laugh so hard i love them
ashley please stop fueling jake’s dumbass fantasies he’s bad and fucking stupid enough as he is
jake can you just accept some people can be friends or are you going to be arophobic this entire series /hj. only a joke because of the arophobia but has this man never heard of platonic male relationships? not to be mean but [CENSORED] [CENSORED EVEN MORE] [CENSORED AS IF IN THE COMMUNIST ERA] [MY LAWYER ADVISED ME TO DELETE THIS ENTIRE SEQUENCE]
fuck jake
fuck riya
fuck connor
fuck jake
fuck yul
fuck jake
fuck yul
oh and how could i forget?
sorry i know he didn’t do much this episode i just hate his ass
tess was really smart with her vote tbh... love that for her. she gets it
fuck jake
fiore deserves better, she hasn’t even done anything this season, why will nobody give her a damn break lol? ashley and jake when i catch you...
hunter fuck you. you know what you did
ally-hunter-fiore alliance getting out jake WHEN WHEN WHENNNNNN!!!!!!!! not a want but a NEED!!!
fuck yul
fuck jake
also fuck riya and connor and their stupid ass drama
and fuck yul
but how could i forget? fuck jake
that’s all :3
(fuck jake btw)
placing my bets for the next episode...
ally-hunter-fiore alliance blooms but hunter is visibly hesitant about it. thank god he doesn’t have to vote, or he’d have probably already betrayed the alliance...
tom-aiden bonding, tom reluctantly accepts ellie as an ally, and gabby tries to get the two closer to each other, at least to work together if not to be friends
yellow team loses. riya goes home (more of a hope than anything though, realistically i think hunter and/or ally have good chances of leaving...)
alec-miriam-fiore alliance also blooms. throw connor in there too, but only as an ally of alec’s. alec is the one to convince connor to vote for riya.
jake explodes and fucking dies
yul explodes and fucking dies
riya explodes and fucking dies
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spiderlingh · 2 years
jeff davis truly has got to be the most spiteful person out there to make this movie. teen wolf was my absolute favorite show as a teen. i remember being obsessed with it for like three years, at least. i’m glad i’m seeing all the fans of the show hate on the movie because it’s what it deserves.
the fact that jeff davis refuses to acknowledge that scott mccall was never the star of the show is plain stupid. stiles was the star from the pilot to the final episode. he embodied the show, gave it life. to this day, he’s still one of my favorite fictional characters of all time. the show would have been nothing without stiles. void stiles was one of the biggest highlights of the show (as it should). dylan o’brien shined every second on the screen in his role.
what’s even more wild to me is that stiles and lydia, one of if not the most popular pairing from the show, got broken up over something so incredibly stupid and irrelevant that it makes me question if i was even watching the teen wolf movie. stiles and lydia who had a six-season slowburn and were the fan-favorite ship from the very first season (at least that’s how it felt to me) and it got ruined just like that. i just don’t get it. like it was so unnecessary that it’s just funny to me.
and then there’s the also very unnecessary death of derek hale. my beloved. derek who probably went through the most in the show (if i remember correctly anyway, i haven’t watched it in a couple years). like this man had to kill his first love, his family died in a fire, he was sa’d by kate, and now they let him burn to death in front of his son??? respectfully, what???? that is beyond fucked up. i only liked the moment where he spoke about stiles’s jeep. i’m not really a sterek shipper myself but i do get why fans like them.
also the weird thing is — for the longest time i was bummed that i didn’t get my scallison endgame, and now that i did get it, i just… i don’t know. it’s not the same? it certainly wasn’t necessary for me anymore. her death was sad as fuck but to be honest i didn’t need her back.
can’t believe i’m only realizing it now, but i’ve grown to prefer kira over allison. allison used to be my favorite girl on the show for some reason but she definitely isn’t anymore. and the fact that arden cho was offered half of what the white actresses would be receiving for the movie?? what the fuck??? that’s ridiculous. i’m glad she turned the offer down because she deserves better than to be involved in this shitshow anyways. can’t believe all the other actors went through with the film while being aware of that. most of them are jobless anyways sooo
i feel like the movie could have worked if everyone had returned with a solid storyline (honestly everything would have been better than this, the majority of fanfic writers could come up with a better script than this). and when i say everyone i mean everyone. stiles, kira, isaac, you name them. but in all honesty? we didn’t need a movie. even though i feel like the show didn’t end on a high note (season 6 was shit if you ask me) i thought the ending was fine.
the show itself wasn’t fantastic writing or acting (it definitely felt better at the time but i was younger so yk) but its storylines were enjoyable enough, i liked the script and most of the characters and their dynamics were fun. it was a different time with all the supernatural-ish shows and stuff and whatever but i did love it for a long time. it’s sad to know they went in this direction with the movie but my expectations were very low anyways so i kind of saw it coming. i’m gonna attempt a rewatch of the show soon to see whether it was as i remembered it.
these were my thoughts, might add more later!
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summerblueringo · 10 months
*cupping my hands around the mouth to yell from the other side of the continent* How do you rank the GPs of this year on a scale of 'hot chili' 🌶️ to 'not so hot chili'?
I've decided to take some cheeky inspiration from Nando's for this ;)
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On to the reasonings!
Extra Hot
Singapore! The first GP I’ve watched live where my favourite driver won, and let me tell you, the feeling is amazing. We literally jumped for joy and hugged when Carlos crossed the finish line, and the DRS trick was so so spicy. Often imitated but never replicated etc etc, the only non-Red Bull victory of the season yet still a Red Bull junior, the narratives in my head appreciated it very much.
Interlagos the iconic legend that you are, literally everything happened. The Pérez vs Fernando drag race was chef’s kiss, one of the best wheel to wheel fights I’ve seen, it was beautiful and so much fun, I hope we get more of it next year!
Monza also makes it here because of Carlos’ amazing pole that sent the tifosi’s spirits through the roof and his amazing defense against Max that reminded us that dreaming is for free and set the stage for his victory at the next race :’)
Australia was SO FUNNY TBH it was a MESS and Carlos sounded sooo hot pleading on the radio and his big sad eyes were <333
Bahrain got some flavour with Lance hitting Fernando and the engineers refusing to tell Nando who did it lmao.
I’m obligated to put Miami here based on the quali alone.
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Canada. Albon P7!
Britain. My boys didn’t do that well but yours did and I think it was around this time that I started to notice Oscar more! Plus it gave us the iconic pobrecito saga.
Hungary. Daniel was back but Ferrari still need to hire me so I can destroy them from the inside.
Netherlands. It rained, and the marshals knew how to party, and Carlos was very sexy from what I remember.
Japan gave us Sebzuka but ofc I overslept and missed half of the race, but from the highlights it was a bit messy and the Pérez penalty thing was so funny but I still feel cheated by the McLaren boys not kissing the trophy!
Austin. Late penalties DO have rights sometimes :^) Also Max’s PLEASE no talking when I’m breaking!!!!
Mexico. Ohhh that was heartbreaking for Sergio…. but the entertainment value.
Lemon and Herb
Saudi Arabia… I could not tell you what happened in this GP. I’ve watched the highlights and I still can’t remember, but it’s not Flavourless level so it’s here.
Azerbaijan… I legit fell asleep during the race but the exchange between Max and George after GR torpedoed Max’s car in the sprint was funny.
Kimi was right about Monaco, enough Monaco, we as a society are past the need for Monaco, no more Monaco! Carlos had spicy radios and we got Estie bestie on the podium baybeeee, but I cannot put it higher based on that alone.
Spain. Another one I can’t remember, but I don’t remember hating it either so it goes here.
Austria. What do track limits even DO??
Belgium. This race lasted one lap. Brundle gets paid to explain things and said he couldn’t be bothered to do that.
Qatar has no rights. Oscar in Qatar is separate and he was very funny and spicy but the GP itself stays here.
Las Vegas has no rights. Not even “send them my regards” can save it.
Abu Dhabi has no rights. Maranello delenda est.
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chidoroki · 1 year
182 Days of TPN - Day 109
Chapter 109: “Keep Going”
Once again loving the Oliver & Paula team up even if they’re simply keeping watch together while everyone else is trying to get some rest.
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This is such a good moment for Emma. Yeah it hurts seeing how much she’s doubting herself and her choices along with all the fear and anxiety she’s feeling, but it makes her feel more real and human, ya know? She may have plot armor and a boundless amount of optimism like a majority of shonen protags typically have, but this is a great reminder of how she’s still just a thirteen year old kid trying to keep everything together and act like the leader her family needs her to be without falling apart due to all the stress and hardships of recent events. I know I compared this moment to Emma hating herself in s2ep5 once or twice before but that’s only because that moment was the closest thing we would ever get to seeing her doubts like this. Goes without saying but this moment is superior than that randomly added scene by far though. No doubt about it.
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It is so ridiculously unfair to get her hopes (& ours) up like this.
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I get how Emma’s quick thinking to step in is what managed to have the bullet graze Chris’ head rather than it deal a lethal head shot, but I still don’t understand how said graze was enough to put this child in a coma.. like by definition a simple graze shouldn’t cause that much damage or bleeding, much like Yuugo’s bullet that grazed Emma’s cheek when the escapees first arrived at the shelter, sooo what?
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This is all a handful of my favorite Yuugo quotes honestly. He just seems so profound and inspiring. The part about “unfavorable results” and “continuing to strive anyway” makes me wanna believe Emma held onto these words specifically when she eventually creates the new promise and hears about the reward the demon god asks of her.
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Ahh my heart is gonna break all over again, especially with that last head pat. Makes me wish we had a moment like this between Lucas and Oliver, or at least more detailed look of the flashback between them that we’re shown next chapter.
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Don’t feel bad Emma, both bunker dads feel like a dream to us too with how the second season left us feeling.
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I wish had more to say about Yuugo’s last flashback other than it being straight up depressing and making me somehow wonder now of all times if these WM pens have an endless battery life to function properly for so many years, but I’m so thankful the escapees showed up just moments before this man pulled the trigger on himself.
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Honestly a bit relieved all this didn’t get animated because if simply reading his internal dialogue is enough to make my heart ache, then hearing him speak with such a soft, upsetting and regretful tone while some sad as hell soundtrack played over all his memories would’ve definitely made me sob.
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Sseeing/hearing the aftermath of an explosion that took the lives of both your father figures is certainly not the best way to start your morning.
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We’re not gonna talk about it took me a good year or so after first reading this chapter to realize that this dream of Yuugo’s actually gave Lucas both his arms and removed the scar off his face.
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I need to join in on this hug too. This chapter makes me feel many emotions and none of them are good.
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Favorite panel/moment:
Well, okay, of course there’s one good thing about the chapter I guess, but sorry to both Emma and Yuugo and all their precious moments, but this spot belongs to Ray. I love how Ray knows Emma’s not in the right state of mind to give orders or calm everyone down while she’s so concerned over Chris, so my boy steps into the leader role for the time being and everyone follows him without question. Honestly wish we got to see him in such a position more often.
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chemical-irwin · 1 year
oohhhhh i need to spill some thoughts about hsmtmts because the brainrot is real. as a lover of Gina Porter and a day 1 Rina warrior, i LOVED watching Gina getting everything she every wanted, and watching Rina be so amazingly disgustingly in love all season was more amazing than i could’ve imagined
but i also feel like most of the conflict i actually wanted to see maybe be addressed was just… sidestepped?
Rini had a lot of faults as a couple, but i think the bottom line for why they wouldn’t work was because their life goals and levels of ambition made them not compatible.
their communication with each other got bad because they were afraid to tell each other the truth. Ricky tried the long distance relationship and came to the conclusion that he found it difficult. and i think Nini came to the conclusion that she wouldn’t be able to fly and fully be herself while being by his side. (also ricky had feelings for another girl, sooo)
okay but Rina are literally soulmates. the difference is that they love and understand each other so much they are willing to fight through all the hardships and insecurities. they were going to find a way to have it all (and i believe they can)
that’s why i wish that they went through with Gina not being able to be Gabriella. it actually does seem like an alright sacrifice to make when she got the role in the film. just like it wasn’t important for her to be Gabriella in s1, Ricky and Gina making time for each other even though she was on set all day would’ve been a nice thing to see. (but also what is more meta than Gina coming in halfway through the show to sing a Gabriella hsm3 song?)
it would’ve been good to show that Ricky wasn’t worried about their limited time together like he was Nini. and he didn’t need to feel intimidated by Mack, whose ‘at the same level’ as Gina and wouldn’t hold her back. it’s one of Ricky’s biggest insecurities, and he still feels like that in the final.
i also think it would’ve been awesome to see Ricky help Dani. having Ricky’s plot be so Gina focused the last two seasons is fine for showing his character growth with relationships- but i also feel sad a a Ricky fan that he still feels somewhat lost by the end.
i wish somebody would turn and say to him that he’s a leader, and he has this super power to see through peoples hard exteriors and gets them to come out of their shells and connect with others (i loved his and Jets friendship in s3). Dani is supposed to be ambitious and business savvy, she couldve been a good foil for Ricky, instead we got a half baked story with Kourtney that was dropped. Ricky is talented! he should monetise it! (also it would’ve been good to see gina work through jealousy)
the fact Ricky’s conclusion was ‘as long as Gina can help me study, i’ll be able to get A’s go to college’ is definitely a conclusion. Gina getting to film the film in SLC is cool but what about the next film where she won’t have a clever plan for her conflicts? i feel like the show presents these situations to say ‘would this be tough for them? well Gina Porter can move mountains so you won’t have to know!’
sometimes love isn’t always enough for a couple. they actually might be Romeo and Juliet, where they are star-crossed, or they might not be, i feel like we never really got to put them to the test. (the fact that their rain kiss is about a miscommunication about her moms house rules, rather than the actual angst in their relationship was interesting!)
but also this is an 8 episode Disney Plus show soooo y’know
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taiyaki-translations · 5 months
Murmurs of Flourishing Blossoms - 2
Season: Winter Characters: Kaoru, Mika, Tatsumi, Midori, Izumi, Leo Translator: taiyaki-translations
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Tatsumi: Mika-san…
Midori: Kagehira-senpai…
Kaoru: He’s not over here? I couldn’t find Kagehira-kun either. I’m really worried about what might have happened.
Tatsumi: Yes, Anzu-san is trying to contact Mika-san by phone, but she can’t get through. I think it would be best if we can find him quickly.
Being alone in an unfamiliar place where you can’t speak the language… Even if nothing unexpected happened, that would be scary enough. Mika-san must be very anxious right now… May God bless this lost lamb. Amen.
???: Leo-kun—
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Izumi: Sooo annoying. Where did that guy wander off to again? There should be a limit to how much you make others worry!
He even left his cell phone with me. That’s even more aggravating!
Kaoru: Senacchi~ Over here, over here!
Izumi: Kao-kun? Anzu? Why are you guys here?
Kaoru: It’s a long story. Anyway, the biggest problem we have right now is that we lost Kagehira-kun. Have you seen anyone on your way here who looks like him?
Izumi: Actually, since I was looking for Leo-kun, I was paying close attention to everyone I walked past, but there was no one I recognized~
Tatsumi: Hm? Anzu-san, you said that since the road ahead splits into three directions, we should divide into three teams to find them and keep in touch with our cell phones?
Izumi: If you're going to help me find Leo-kun too, then of course I won’t refuse~ It’ll be more efficient that way. Let’s do it.
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Mika: Ngah~ What am I gonna do? I was gonna see Oshi-san soon but in the end I wandered off ‘n got lost… 
Everyone’s probably real worried ‘n it’s all my fault… What if I can’t find everyone? What am I gonna do?
Huh? Where is that harmonica sound comin’ from? The melody… is that a "Knights" song? I’ve heard Ritsu-kun playin’ it before…
Could it be that this maze is a shortcut…? If I get outta here, I’ll find everyone at ES?
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Tsu…Tsukinaga-senpai?! What’s goin’ on here?!
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Leo: Uwah~ It’s Mika! Did Archangel Michael hear my music and send you to save me? 
My stomach started growling ‘cause I was so hungry! So I wrote “The Song of Suddenly Being Hungry in the Rose Garden” outta that rhythm! I can play it for you on the harmonica ☆
Mika: Ngah, after hearin’ Tsukinaga-senpai play “The Song of Suddenly Being Hungry in the Rose Garden” my stomach's growlin’ now and I started feelin’ hungry too…
Leo: Wahaha, Michael’s ensemble was perfect! Let’s get out of here and play this song for everyone!
Mika: Mm! After meetin’ up with everyone, I can go see Oshi-san!
Leo: Then quickly lead the way!
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Mika: Eh—?! No, no, I dunno how to get out either ‘n I already forgot the route I took t’ get in earlier…
Nnah~ I guess we’re stuck here forever… 
Leo: Nah, I’m sure Sena will know how to get us out. I just need to give him a call ♪
Mika: I was tryin’ to call Anzu-chan earlier, but my phone battery died… Is that the reason why Tsukinaga-senpai couldn’t call anyone either? It can’t be helped…
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Leo: Wahaha, the way you’re spinning around in a panic is like a black cat chasing its own tail~
Mika: Ngah, Tsukinaga-senpai doesn’t seem panicked at all…?
Leo: Didn't you say earlier that Anzu and the others are here too? Anzu will definitely find us. There’s no need to worry at all ☆
Right, right, I can play "Valkyrie"’s songs too! I’ll play the harmonica, so would you like to sing?
Just like you followed the sound of my harmonica, our ensemble will surely spread even further. Then you won’t have to worry anymore~
Mika: T’ think we could do somethin’ like that too! Tsukinaga-senpai is so smart!
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Leo: Wahah, of course! I’m a genius!
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Tatsumi: I didn’t expect to be on the same team as Kaoru-san. I’m not too familiar with smartphones, so I must trouble you with helping me use the navigation app.
Kaoru: Haha, of course, it’s no problem. Actually, the one I’m worried about is Takamine-kun. He must be nervous because an unexpected incident happened as soon as we arrived. 
And since I haven’t interacted with Takamine-kun much, I thought it would be better if he paired up with Anzu-chan.
Tatsumi: Kaoru-san is very reliable— Hm? This place seems familiar, wasn’t it near this park that we realized that Mika-san was missing? 
It’s memorable because even though it’s winter, the flowers are still in full bloom.
Kaoru: I think so… But I don’t think there were so many people around earlier. What are they all doing here? I can hear music…
Wait, that’s Kagehira-kun’s voice, isn’t it?
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Mika: The dream that the gods longed for is shaped in this moment~♪ (1)
Kaoru: Is that Kagehira-kun and Tsukinaga-kun? It’s just a simple harmonica accompaniment, but combined with Kagehira-kun’s singing voice, it makes a beautiful natural sound.
Tatsumi: Yes, everyone passing by is entranced. This is the power of music, isn’t it? One that overcomes borders and languages to connect everyone together…♪
Kaoru: Look, Anzu-chan and Takamine-kun also came in from the other side of the maze. 
Haha, even at times like this, Anzu-chan is always filming with her camera. The atmosphere of this moment is so beautiful that it makes people want to record it.
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Leo: Oho, that handsome figure in the crowd… I found you, Kaoru! Here, I'll let you sing the next song!
Kaoru: Eh?! Me…?
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Translation Notes: 1. Taking a stab in the dark, pretty sure Mika is singing Eternal Weaving here.
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feuqueerfire · 2 years
FirstKhao Content Index
Started: Sep 12, 2022 || Updated: Nov 11, 2022
this is... a content index? idk it’s like random compilations and dynamics and thoughts, so not like my other content indices 
I love that they and their fan service remind me of kpop shipping which is like “we’re besties :) i love you a lot best friend” because I’m not really into “ooh are we dating? maybe” fanservice/dynamics, so I hope it doesn’t change.
First crying or getting emotional during sentimental moments
First crying when they pranked(?) him about Toe Laew breaking up
First Birthday IG Live last year where Khaotung wishes him well: "It will be emotional. No. stop." Didn't cry but was basically like stop before I do
First and Khaotung Workshop where they develop emotional intimacy. Khaotung's doing fine but First starts crying. This was the first time I'd seen him cry and was slightly taken aback wondering why he was crying when everybody else was chill but after following him for like 1 month, I was like ah
First and Khaotung event that was live online where Khaotung was wishing First birthday wishes this year and First was like "Tears are coming. Enough."
First expresses wanting "to build a house with the same fences as [Khaotung's]." This is the only time I've seen where Khao's crying too, wonder what the full video will be like.
First getting emotional when reading Tay’s comment to him in Safe House 4 + trying to not cry later when the group sings together
I think it's so endearing that First gets emotional/cries so easily and will sometimes put a stop to sentimental things before he ends up crying.
My longass thread of Khao taking care of or helping First because of his injured arm. It’s sooo important and pleasant to me when people just casually are helpful and attentive to someone’s needs T.T An NCT J/J fic made me realize it and wow I’ve not been the same since because Jeno quietly looks after Jaemin and just... so arrow to the heart fr (the spring i've been waiting by forlilcrickee). Anyway, Khao helping First with everything is adorable.
Safe House Season 4
They’re just cute and together all the time
First’s voice in his head saying Khao is cute and the older guys hosting an interview about it 
Not KhaoFirst but Tay and First are soooo cute and clingy and kissy together. With OffGun, I fell into OffGunTay and GunTay and seems like it’ll happen here too lol KhaoFirstTay and TayFirst. Anyway, here’s a reddit post about it on r/ThaiBL, search up tayfirst on the blog for more, I liked some tiktoks as well. This "tay thought first was asking for a kiss on his cheek when he was telling there's something on this face” TayFirst kiss is sooo good, especially because it’s practically what happened in 21 Days Theory recently like seriously straight out of a BL.
Also Tay/First/Khao are good and cute too. 
IG/Bilibili Lives
The Aug 26, 2022 IG live was a whole Time, spawned some iconic moments as shown in these tiktoks that got hella lotta views/likes and are high up in the firstkhaotung hashtag one two
[Fave] April 29, 2020 Bilibili live. Saw this clip where they’re extremely flirty for no freaking reason, they’re not even a cp, absolutely unhinged. this other clip of first calling khao handsome and them having a mini crisis
May 22, 2020 This Ohm and First IG Live before The Shipper ep 1 release where First is at Khao’s house. They got questioned and teased about it lol like hello it’s supposed to be Ohm/First because of The Shipper yet this KhaoFirst stray agenda T.T Khao didn’t even appear much in the live
Times When First Says Khao Plays Tricks On Him
I think people generally tend to think First would be the one playing pranks on Khao and my mans is on a mission to let everyone know that Khao is, in fact, a trickster and a prankster behind the camera.
Sep 1, 2022 Galaxy A53 live: “First’s happiness is teasing Khaotung, right?” “ Actually, he teases me. I don’t tease him. This is him in front of the camera that everyone sees. He’s not acting but this is a part of him when he’s working. When he's behind the camera, he likes teasing.”
Safe House 4 Day 5 clip: Khao pushes First, First tells the audience to look and see First isn’t the one teasing, Khao drags First out of frame
Before Becoming CP
The IG lives they did before then
July 7, 2020: first tweeted he wanted to see the stars and tagged khaotung
Twitter thread by  swwwwii: A thread of #firstkhaotung 2018-2021
To Watch
StarStruckxFirstKhaotung - It’s an English interview, so I can actually watch it instead of catching a few translated tweets here and there
Praew Magazine Interview of FirstKhaotung
KAZZTalK Interview
เมาท์เรื่องเกินคาธ จากกอง "คาธ" กับ เฟิร์ส ข้าวตัง หลุยส์ นีโอ 
Oct 12 ArmShare KhaoFirst
(ENG SUB) ชวน “เฟิร์ส-ข้าวตัง” มา REACT
Let’s Talk BL Interview - another English one and this time for a podcast I regularly listen to!
Episode 0 Eclipse
ชวน “เฟิร์ส-ข้าวตัง” มา REACT ซีนสุดพีคในซีรีส์ คาธ The Eclipse - Watching this after the LITA Cast reactions. Interesting to see First point out certain things like Neo flexing his muscles or Khao tilting his head a certain way to make a tear fall. First is soooo cute here, my babygirl
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