#it’s R&D recharge day!!
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alsaurus-loves-dean · 2 years ago
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uselessmicrowave · 2 years ago
NSFW alphabet with tfp soundwave? Pls I beg 🙏😫
A= Aftercare
Very extensive aftercare, they will clean you up well and help you into a bath, dry you off and hold you until you fall asleep.
B= Body Part
Soundwave likes their visor. They love your arms and legs, the way they look tangled up in their cables is irresistible.
C= Cum
Honestly dislikes it, they think it’s a mess to clean up, but if that’s what you’re into, they’re fine.
D= Dirty Secret
Watches a ton of tentacle/monster stuff. They’ll tell you about it, but only if you ask.
E= Experience
They are not very experienced but, as mentioned, they’ve gotten some pretty good ideas of what to do for you because of videos.
F= Favorite Position
You in front of them, suspended from their cables.
G= Goofy
They’re silly in their own way, turning you upside down or tickling you with cables.
I= Intimacy
They will not be very romantic, but that should be no surprise or deviation from your normal relationship behavior.
J= Jack Off
Very sparingly, like, once a month at most.
K= Kinks
Suspention, sounding, punishment, overstimulation and orgasm denial. Most giving and not receiving.
L= Location
In their berthroom, doesn’t matter where in the berthroom, but that’s the only place where Soundwave will open up to you.
M= Motivation
Not anything in particular, you just being in the mood gets them in the mood.
N= No
Taking the visor off or being in public while interfacing with you.
O= Oral
Soundwave cannot give, they will not take their mask off. They don’t really care for receiving either.
P= Pace
Fast but soft.
Q= Quickie
Absolutely not. They need a bit of time to admire your fleshy body.
R= Risk
None! None at all, getting frisky in a public area or somewhere other then their room is an immediate no.
S= Stamina
They could probably go forever, considering they won’t be the one who’s receiving.
T= Toys
They have toys, but only if you count their cables. Soundwave has modifications to make some of them vibrate.
U= Unfair
They’re definitely teasing when they’ve had a rough day, but they won’t make you cry.
V= Volume
Silent, with the exception of their vents blowing. But even that’s quiet.
W= Wild Card
Is actually kind of repulsed by the idea of using their own equipment to interface.
X= Xray
2’1”/60 cm with surging bio lights going up their spike, their valve
Y= Yearning
They are needy after a long day of work, they just want to love on you and tire you out.
Z= Zzz
Soundwave will want to work or finish reports after they take care of you, but if you ask nicely, they’ll recharge with you in their servos.
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foxsoulcourt · 6 months ago
what if the world supported a kinder framework where listening well was important before the doing of things?
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Today (which will be days ago by the time this posts) was one for long stretches of s o l i t u d e to recharge. As often happens on these days, I went down some rabbit holes. Found this unassuming interview of Ben from Dec 2022 and found it encouraging, particularly from 9:00 minutes to 15:00 (the end).
In these last few months before the next US Presidential election, I am choosing to focus on, invest in, imagine, hold space for envisioning how it will be to have a female President. Not that everything will be All Better Now (it won’t be, not hardly), h o w e v e r, it WILL be different!
And, I for one, am ready for different.
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lizzy-calaxio · 11 months ago
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Name: Elizabeth Frizzle (Calaxio after marriage)
Nicknames: Lizzy, Liz
Age: late twenties
Nameday: Third Astral moon, Fifth Sun
Race: Au Ra Raen
Gender: Female
Orientation: uhhhhhh
Profession: Psychology Expert and Therapist at Sharlayan (literally wrote several books about psychology), Adventurer
P H Y S I C A L     A S P E C  T S
Hair: Shoulder length brown hair with light highlights (previously tied up black hair with red highlights - when she expends a tremendous amount of aether her hair becomes singed and gets red highlights again)
Eyes: Dark Red with bright red Limbal Ring
Skin: White
Tattoos/scars: A ley line symbol on her back, and an archon mark on her right ribs. Aether scarring coming from her ley line tattoo over her shoulders down her arms and ending at the top of her hands (my addition) Notable additional features: Her tail is longer/fatter than most au ra tails
Parents: Simon Frizzle (adoptive, deceased), Amandine Frizzle (adoptive, deceased), two currently unnamed but alive birth parents
Siblings: An older brother and two younger sisters
Grandparents: Unknown
In-laws and Other: All Sylphs (adopted Lizzy before the events of ARR but after her adoptive parents died Pets: A red panda named Tango, a kojin ray named Kishi, a Chocobo named Valerie, an alligator named Mr. Teeth, a Goobbue named Flowers
Abilities: Due to an incident in the coils of bahamut, Lizzy is imbued with phoenix aether, if Lizzy dies she immediately gets resurrected along with everyone nearby to her - though the aether has to recharge after this. After 5 minutes, she becomes so exhausted she passes out. She also has exceptional skills at black magic due to the phoenix aether, and she has exceptional stealth abilities she picked up from the Sylphs
Hobbies: Reading, studying psychology, sparring with friends, finding creatures that will give her a good fight, climbing trees
Most Positive Trait: Incredibly optimistic and energetic
Most Negative Trait: Can disappear for weeks on end if she gets stuck in a new library
Colors: Othard Blue
Smells: The smell of the sea, the smells of Little Solace
Textures: Moss
Drinks: Coffee (excessively: at least 15 cups per day)
O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: Rarely
Drinks: Occasionally
Drugs: Yes
Mount Issuance: Kishi (ray), Valerie (Chocobo), Flowers (Goobbue), Herself (can turn into a phoenix)
Been Arrested: Yes, she got caught pickpocketing in the gridanian markets and was forced to become an adventurer to pay off her debt to society (how she starts ARR) Tagged by: @feathersage thank you c: you tagged me while I had the mental energy to do this, and I had a lot of fun with it c: Tagging: @sorceresslefay @asagao-uetsu @the-littlest-kojin @kharia-adarkim
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spacedustmantis · 1 year ago
Hiiiiiiii how r you????
doin well. spent the day recharging from yesterday, got my snacks and beverages :3
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aprillikesthings · 1 year ago
YOOO time for more she-ra rewatch
lolol at myself bc when I opened Netflix it was clear I'd left it paused right at the end of that sword-dragging scene eheheheheheh
so I watched it again
ahem, anyway
s1 ep 10, the beacon
my headphones aren't buzzing this time, thank fuck
(lol I got real distracted during this one)
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oh right they all think Entrapta's dead
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I mean I can't blame any of them for feeling that way
lol and then I got distracted and wrote a bit on my fic--I got some ideas at work today and wanted to pursue them.
and by "ideas" I mean I suddenly thought "hey remember that one bad breakup when you were 23, how the weekend after when you were alone in the house you cried so hard you worried you couldn't stop and started to panic and hyperventilate, and it only ended because a friend called to check on you? you should put that in the fic :D"
back now.
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I dunno if they meant to do this, but to me it looks like Adora's WAY more upset than Glimmer and Bow are. I know part of it is her blaming herself.
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yeah that's not good
"I'll recharge, stop glitching, and my mom never has to know :)" that's not how that works bb but okay
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(hordak is speaking here)
And...that's a good point. She-Ra is even more dangerous than Hordak thought before, because she was part of the Horde and knows a LOT about them.
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So this is one of the episodes I watched the first time with Daci over rabb.it. (That was actually our first "date," which is THE MOST LESBIAN THING EVER. Literally watching She-Ra online together in voice chat because we were long-distance.)
And I know this because I made a joke post about it to tumblr referencing K/DA, my fandom obsession at the time. That was on April 30th, 2019. I think that was the day Daci bought the plane tickets for their first visit. They moved in with me less than a year after that first visit.
Okay I looked up that date in our discord chats and
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EIGHT HOURS lolol okay we watched the show the day before I made the post. Also Daci had just bought the plane tickets I was right-- that visit was the last weekend in June.
We'd been flirting for months but I didn't actually believe Daci was serious about it until they bought the plane tickets. And then the NEXT WEEKEND after watching she-ra and Daci buying those tickets my dad had a brain hemorrhage and we took him off life support a few days after that, and Daci and I started video chatting EVERY DAY because I was alone in the house and off work for two weeks of bereavement leave.
Fuck one of my keys is acting up and the the paintbrush I use to dig under my keys to fix it is upstairs where Daci is sleeping, if I drop any r's that's why
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I mean that seems fair. Also: Emily!!!
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I'm trying to suppress how hard this is making me laugh and FAILING
Also her nose is wiggling omggg
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Did you know it's canon that Catra is entirely covered in hair like an actual cat? Or at least it's "word of God" via the showrunners on twitter. But outside of fan art by furries nooooobody includes that. Especially not in fic. Which is fine. Because I personally do not want to write that. Her ears are fuzzy, the marks on her arms are just birth marks, but the hair on her body is just normal human body hair and that's it.
THAT SAID I think I've only read one fic that intentionally included her sense of smell being stronger, and it was referenced in ONE LINE for smutty reasons eheheheheheh
Anyway it's this fic and it's by a friend and it's good
(EDIT, nearly a year later: LOLOL yeah so I hadn't read that much catradora fic at that point. Meanwhile, literally every n7punk fic includes the fur and sense of smell, and their fics are hardly alone on that)
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Catra's expression is so often some variation on "...the fuck?"
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Literally read a fic last week with a scene about how getting ill in the Horde was a good way to end up dead from a combination of bad nutrition/healthcare and being a victim of bullies but I cannot remember which fic it was
NO WAIT it's this one I think. I've still got two chapters to go reading that fic because I've been intentionally savoring it, the character stuff is just SO GOOD and it's just such the opposite of my own writing style. (But it's also the fic that has a scene of "Adora has a nightmare and injures Catra in her sleep," and I really hope nobody thinks I copied it considering I wrote mine before I read it in their fic, aaugh)
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oh god there's a gif I can't find of a guy pressing his lips together like he's trying not to laugh and then looking at the camera and if you know the one: that one
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Entrapta and her lack of ability to understand personal space or normal boundaries is just so great but also the phrase "another woman's tail" is just perfection
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Yeah yeah I know Catra's being a manipulative little shithead here but also if I were to meet Entrapta and she didn't mind I would absolutely be twisting her hair CONSTANTLY just like I do my own
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the weird noises she's making must've been so much fun to voice-act
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So like, the whispering woods are like that one forest the hobbits walk through in the book version of lord of the rings where the trees keep like, closing in on them?
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that's the name of a g-idle song
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oh right I see what's going to happen here
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she's trying to comfort Shadow Weaver after immediately insulting her, bc of course she is
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"I was hard on you, I won't deny it; and I won't apologize. I just wanted to prepare you for the world. I just wanted you to be strong. :(" BULL FUCKING SHIT
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well, for a given definition of "strong"
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oh shit
Yeah that's a weird thing to bond over but okay
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I dunno why they did the cute little fangie thing here but I'm not complaining
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Okay so her face is stupid here (couldn't get a screenshot that included the caption and not the terrible face) BUT she really leaned into the sexy voice for this one and I made a noise and my laptop nearly slid to the floor pfft
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the-real-team-galactic · 1 year ago
since Boss Saturn said i could post whatever the fuck i want, i think its time 4....
✨Monthly Galactic Horoscope!!!✨
and b4 ANYONE says anything i know astronomy and astrology r different!!!! we can have both shut up !!!! >:/
but anyways!!! it's time for your monthly horoscopes :3 !! were in Fraxure season atm n mercury is coming into retrograde soon !!! :D communications r gonna be all weird when that happens so remember 2 be patient babes !!! ~☆
♈ Whimsicott: the sun's moving thru a fellow fire sign :D so expect good vibes and high energy coming ur way!!! with Mercury in retrograde it's a bad time for u to start new things BUT!!!!! :O best time to tie up loose ends lets gooo !!!! ~☆
♉︎ Bouffalant: ur gonna b ambitious and work SUPER hard this month !!! dont forgor to pay attention to ur money problems tho!!! >:0 cuz those r gonna be real major for u. if u can reach out to others n tell em u love them !!! <3
♊ Klink: sun is moving away from u so expect to b real fucking tired !!! sorry lol :P shit is gonna be all messed up n weird so be patient and take time to recharge !!! now's a good time to be creative too :3 keep going and do ur best!!!!!!! yahoo !!! :)
�� Crustle: ruh roh ur gonna be super busy !!! be sure not to stretch urself too thin :P you don't hafta help literally everyone all the time even if u want to!!!!! make sure you don't miss your appointments too !!! :O also !! now's a good time to get all your stuff organized: not just ur house, ur physical and mental health too!!! you got this :D !!!!
♌ Braviary: fellow fire sign hell yass!! ur gonna get a nice energy boost this month too >:D you WILL get more rizz this month, the masses will love u !!! be sure to accept invites that come ur way and reconnect with old friends!! don't start any new projects and beware of poor communications ~☆ !!!
♍ Gothorita: the sun's moving to the base of y'all's charts which means it's time for family (if ur family sucks ignore that part LOL) !!! ur gonna gravitate a lil more towards your comfort zone, and now is a good time to reconnect with old friends !! try to focus on reorganizing ur home and your head :3 make some space 4forthe new year !!!!
♎ Lampent: brighter days are in ur future this month !!! be sure to expect a better mood, and try to put urself out into the community or something !!! maybe that's your thing who knows?!?! ur attitude will light up the room and any projects you might pick up so be sure to share that with others !!!
♍︎ Scolipede: ur gonna be stuck on familiarity and that's ok !!! try visiting people and places you're super extra comfy in <3 financial troubles r coming w/ Mercury so don't take ur eye off that stuff it's important !!! save ur money and wait till after delibird day sales start to get the gadgets u want !!! keep it real n simple boiz u got this :3
♐︎ Fraxure: it's ur month let's GOOO !!!! good things are coming for ur birthdays y'all !!! good strong vibes are in ur future and people are gonna dig it !!! if parties and big events are ur thing then GO FOR IT!!! great time to get all ur energy out n have fun with ur buds :D make sure to get on top of all your shit soon !!!!
♑︎ Sawsbuck: time to look back on the year and get ready for the next !!! u may end up hypercritical of urself but cut yourself some slack !!! things are changing and it's natural u wanna change in a way that will make things better but you gotta b patient!!!!! tie up loose ends and make sure to take care of ur mind !! <3
♒︎ Simipour: you've got places to go and people to see this month!!!!! it's a great time to get out there and be social so go have some BLAST !!!!!!!! pinch ur pennies and do ur best to settle unfinished business too :) don't force urself to go too far tho !!!! >:0 especially since u may b getting hit w/ stronger emotions and selflessness but don't push urself !!! take care of YOU first!!!
♓︎ Alomomola: last but deffo not least, it's time to get to work !!! expect TONS of motivation in ur career and eagerness to get shit done !!!!!!! look back on ur methods to see what works and what u should get rid of and focus on finishing things before starting shit !!! structure and security r big for u rn so take care :3
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pharmalliance · 2 days ago
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Unleash Your Energy, Elevate Your Vitality with PharmMen Energy Effervescent! Introduction Welcome to PharmAlliance International Labs (PVT) Ltd., your trusted partner in achieving peak health and vitality. We understand that optimal nutrition plays a pivotal role in supporting men’s overall well-being, from energy levels to immune function, cardiovascular health, and stamina.
That’s why we’re proud to introduce our latest innovation from our cutting-edge R&D division: PharmMen Energy Effervescent. This advanced formula is meticulously designed to revitalize your body, boost stamina, and fuel peak performance, helping you conquer each day with confidence and strength.
Why Men’s Health & Nutrition Matter Men’s health goes beyond just physical fitness—it’s about mental clarity, emotional resilience, and long-term well-being. With the right balance of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients, men can:
✔️ Boost energy levels for daily performance ✔️ Enhance stamina & endurance for workouts and busy schedules ✔️ Support reproductive & hormonal health ✔️ Improve immune function and fight fatigue ✔️ Strengthen cognitive function & focus ✔️ Promote cardiovascular health & circulation
As men age, their nutritional needs evolve, making it essential to incorporate targeted supplements to address deficiencies and maintain peak vitality.
PharmMen Energy Effervescent: The Ultimate Formula for Men’s Vitality PharmMen Energy Effervescent is a powerful, fast-acting effervescent supplement designed for men who want to stay energized, focused, and ready for anything.
Each tablet is packed with 17 scientifically chosen ingredients, including essential vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and herbal extracts, all working together to:
🔋 Recharge energy stores 💪 Enhance stamina and performance 🔥 Optimize metabolism for sustained vitality 🧠 Support cognitive function and focus ⚡ Reduce fatigue and stress levels
With PharmMen Energy Effervescent, you’ll feel invigorated, empowered, and ready to take on life’s challenges!
Power-Packed Ingredients & Their Benefits Essential Vitamins & Minerals for Peak Performance 🌟 Vitamin C (30 mg): A powerful antioxidant that boosts immunity, fights oxidative stress, and promotes collagen production for healthy skin and joints. 🌟 Thiamin (B1) (12 mg): Supports nerve health, energy metabolism, and helps in the production of DNA and RNA. 🌟 Riboflavin (B2) (5 mg): Enhances energy production and supports the reproductive system. 🌟 Niacin (B3) (27 mg): Improves blood circulation, enhances sexual function, and promotes heart health. 🌟 Vitamin B6 (10 mg): Aids in hormone regulation, sperm production, and cognitive health. 🌟 Folic Acid (400 μg): Essential for DNA synthesis, cell growth, and reproductive health. 🌟 Vitamin B12 (30 μg): Supports nervous system function, energy production, and sperm motility. 🌟 Biotin (50 μg): Promotes healthy metabolism, muscle recovery, and sperm health. 🌟 Pantothenic Acid (6 mg): Aids in the production of sex hormones and enhances adrenal function. 🌟 Magnesium (60 mg): Supports muscle recovery, testosterone production, and nerve function. 🌟 Iron (5 mg): Essential for oxygen transport, stamina, and fertility. 🌟 Zinc (5 mg): Supports testosterone metabolism, immune health, and reproductive function. 🌟 Selenium (30 μg): A powerful antioxidant that enhances sperm quality and protects against oxidative damage.
Powerful Energy & Performance Boosters 💥 L-Tyrosine (20 mg): Enhances mental focus, reduces stress, and boosts mood. 💥 Coenzyme Q10 (5 mg): Supports cellular energy production, heart health, and sperm motility. 💥 L-Carnitine (75 mg): Plays a key role in fat metabolism, muscle recovery, and energy production. 💥 Siberian Ginseng Extract (150 mg): A potent adaptogen that enhances endurance, stress resilience, and sexual vitality.
These science-backed ingredients work synergistically to elevate men’s health, ensuring consistent energy, better stamina, and overall well-being.
Who Should Take PharmMen Energy Effervescent? PharmMen Energy Effervescent is ideal for: ✔️ Active professionals needing sustained energy and focus ✔️ Athletes & fitness enthusiasts looking for enhanced performance ✔️ Men experiencing fatigue, low energy, or stress ✔️ Those wanting to improve reproductive & hormonal health ✔️ Anyone looking to boost their vitality & overall well-being
How to Use for Maximum Benefits 📌 Dissolve 1 effervescent tablet in a glass of water daily 📌 Best taken in the morning for all-day energy and focus 📌 Incorporate with a balanced diet & active lifestyle for optimal results
Available Form: ✅ Effervescent Tablets – Fast absorption, refreshing taste, and maximum potency
Each tablet is individually wrapped to maintain freshness and effectiveness, ensuring convenience and quality in every sip.
Why Choose PharmMen Energy Effervescent? 🌟 Scientifically Formulated – Developed by experts for men’s health 🌟 Boosts Energy & Stamina – Enhances daily performance and endurance 🌟 Supports Reproductive Health – Aids testosterone production & fertility 🌟 Reduces Fatigue & Stress – Keeps you energized & focused all day 🌟 Fast-Acting & Delicious – Effervescent form for better absorption & taste
Conclusion At PharmAlliance International Labs (PVT) Ltd., we are committed to empowering men to live with strength, vitality, and confidence.
With PharmMen Energy Effervescent, you can unlock boundless energy, fuel your body, and enhance your overall well-being—helping you perform at your best, every single day!
🔥 Elevate Your Energy. Power Up Your Performance. Live Your Best Life! 🔥
🔗 Visit: www.PharmAlliance.pk 📧 Email: [email protected] 📞 Contact: +92 333 9261419
🌟 Take Charge of Your Health with PharmMen Energy Effervescent Today! 🌟
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bettery-machine · 4 months ago
Fearless Long-Distance Travel: Better-Tech Lithium Battery Enables You to Travel Miles
Introduction: The New Partner for Long-Distance Riding
As the pursuit of freedom and adventure grows, electric motorcycles are becoming the choice for an increasing number of riders. However, ensuring sufficient power for long-distance rides has always been a challenge. The electric motorcycle lithium battery from Better-Tech provides reliable energy support for your journeys, allowing you to enjoy hassle-free rides whether crossing cities or embarking on weekend trips.
In modern society, riding is not just a mode of transportation; it’s a lifestyle and pursuit. Whether for environmental reasons, health, or simply for the joy of riding, electric motorcycles have become the preferred choice. However, long-distance riding demands higher standards for battery endurance, charging speed, and reliability. Traditional lead-acid batteries often fall short in these areas, while lithium batteries, with their high energy density, lightweight design, and longevity, have gradually become the mainstream choice for electric motorcycles.
As a leading lithium battery manufacturer, Better-Tech leverages years of R&D experience and technological expertise to launch this high-performance lithium battery specifically designed for electric motorcycles. This article will detail the various advantages, technical specifications, and user feedback of this battery, helping you understand why choosing Better-Tech lithium battery is the ultimate choice for long-distance riding.
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Why Choose Better-Tech Lithium Battery for Long-Distance Riding?
Long-distance riding not only requires battery endurance but also stability and reliability. Better-Tech lithium battery excels in this regard, and here are several key reasons to choose this battery:
Ultra-Long Endurance, Breaking Mileage Limits
The biggest concern during long-distance riding is running out of power. The Better-Tech lithium battery uses the latest high-energy-density materials, providing a range of up to 150 kilometers on a single charge. This means whether traversing long distances across cities or riding for days through the countryside, you won't need to frequently search for charging stations, achieving true worry-free travel.
· Voltage: 60V
· Capacity: 25Ah
· Range: 150 kilometers
· Weight: 15 kg
· Dimensions: 320x220x110 mm
· Charging Time: 3 hours
· Cycle Life: 3000 times
· Protection Rating: IP65 (waterproof and dustproof)
These specifications not only ensure high performance and longevity but also guarantee the battery’s lightweight and adaptability, making it suitable for various models of electric motorcycles.
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Durability and Reliability
Long-distance riding places higher demands on battery durability. Better-Tech lithium battery features up to 3000 charge-discharge cycles, far exceeding the lifespan of traditional lead-acid batteries. This reduces the frequency of battery replacements, lowers usage costs, and lessens environmental impact, reflecting Better-Tech's commitment to sustainability.
Durability Advantages:
· High Cycle Life: 3000 charge-discharge cycles ensure stability and durability during extended use.
· Stable Performance: Even with frequent charging and discharging, the battery maintains high efficiency, ensuring reliable performance on every ride.
· Environmentally Friendly: Reduces the frequency of battery replacements and minimizes the impact of discarded batteries, aligning with green principles.
Fast Charging Technology
In long-distance riding, time is money. The Better-Tech lithium battery supports advanced fast-charging technology, completing a full charge in just 3 hours. This feature allows you to recharge during short breaks without long waits, ensuring a smooth journey.
Fast Charging Features:
· Charging Time: 3 hours
· Charging Method: Smart charger
· Charging Efficiency: 95%
· Intelligent Protection: Monitors battery status during charging, preventing overcharging and overheating, thereby extending battery life.
Through its intelligent charging management system, the battery can efficiently charge in a short time while protecting against overcharging, significantly benefiting long-distance riders who need quick recharges.
High Safety: Multi-Layer Protection Design
Safety is paramount in the design of electric motorcycle batteries. The Better-Tech lithium battery is equipped with multiple protection mechanisms to effectively prevent overcharging, over-discharging, short circuits, and overheating, ensuring your ride is safe and worry-free.
Safety Features Include:
· Overcharge Protection: Prevents damage from excessive charging, protecting the internal structure of the battery.
· Over-discharge Protection: Prevents the battery from running too low, avoiding damage to battery lifespan.
· Short Circuit Protection: Quickly disconnects the current to prevent damage or danger from short circuits.
· Temperature Control: Automatically adjusts in extreme temperatures to prevent overheating or overcooling, ensuring stable operation in various environments.
Additionally, the battery casing is made from high-temperature resistant and waterproof materials, further enhancing safety and reliability in diverse conditions. Whether in the heat of summer or the chill of winter, the Better-Tech lithium battery operates stably, ensuring your riding safety.
Detailed Product Specifications
To provide a comprehensive understanding of Better-Tech lithium battery's outstanding performance, here are its main technical specifications:
· Voltage: 60V
· Capacity: 25Ah
· Range: 150 kilometers
· Weight: 15 kg
· Dimensions: 320x220x110 mm
· Charging Time: 3 hours
· Cycle Life: 3000 times
· Protection Rating: IP65 (waterproof and dustproof)
· Charger Type: Smart fast charger
· Materials: High-energy-density lithium-ion materials, high-temperature resistant, waterproof and dustproof casing
· Rated Power: 1500W
· Operating Temperature: -20°C to 60°C
These detailed product specifications not only showcase the battery’s high performance and versatility but also reflect Better-Tech's deep commitment to technological innovation and product design. Whether for daily commuting or long-distance rides, Better-Tech lithium battery provides stable and reliable energy support.
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User Experience and Feedback
Real user feedback is a crucial metric for assessing product quality. Here are some genuine user evaluations highlighting Better-Tech lithium battery's outstanding performance in real-world use.
User Feedback 1: Mr. Wang, Long-Distance Riding Enthusiast “Better-Tech lithium battery enabled me to complete my first 100-kilometer long-distance ride; its performance exceeded my expectations. I no longer worry about running out of power mid-journey. The fast charging speed significantly improves my riding efficiency, and its lightweight design makes riding much easier. Overall, I am very satisfied.”
User Feedback 2: Ms. Liu, Freelancer “As a freelancer, I often need to make long-distance visits to clients. The high endurance and durability of Better-Tech lithium battery allow me to travel comfortably for business activities without the hassle of frequent recharging. The smart management system gives me clear insights into battery status, providing peace of mind.”
User Feedback 3: Mr. Zhang, Adventurer “I love going on long-distance explorations on weekends. The ultra-long endurance and reliability of Better-Tech lithium battery let me confidently explore unknown places. Its waterproof design also reassures me when riding in the rain. Overall, Better-Tech lithium battery is my best companion for long-distance riding.”
Technical Details and Innovations
Better-Tech electric motorcycle lithium battery not only excels in performance but also relies on technological innovations for its success. Here are detailed insights into the battery's main technical parameters and innovations.
High Energy Density Design
High energy density is a key characteristic of lithium batteries, determining how much electrical energy can be stored in a limited space. Better-Tech lithium battery utilizes advanced lithium-ion technology, achieving an energy density of up to 250 Wh/kg, significantly enhancing the battery's endurance.
High Energy Density Advantages:
· Enhanced Endurance: Provides longer range at the same capacity, meeting long-distance riding needs.
· Space Saving: More compact design fits various models of electric motorcycles, minimizing battery space usage.
· Reduced Weight: Decreases battery weight while maintaining capacity, improving riding efficiency.
Smart Battery Management System (BMS)
The smart battery management system is crucial for ensuring battery safety and performance. Better-Tech lithium battery’s BMS features multiple advanced functions, allowing real-time monitoring of battery status, optimizing the charging and discharging processes, and extending battery lifespan.
BMS Features Detailed:
· Voltage Monitoring: Continuously monitors the voltage of each cell to prevent overcharging or over-discharging, ensuring safe operation.
· Temperature Monitoring: Real-time temperature monitoring prevents overheating or overcooling, ensuring optimal performance.
· Balanced Charging: Ensures balanced charge among cells to extend overall battery life, preventing premature damage from uneven charging and discharging.
· Data Logging: Records battery usage data to help users understand battery health and perform timely maintenance.
Lightweight Design
In the electric motorcycle sector, battery weight directly impacts vehicle maneuverability and endurance. Better-Tech lithium battery achieves its lightweight goal through optimized materials and structural design.
Lightweight Design Features:
· Advanced Materials: High-strength, lightweight materials are used for the battery casing to ensure durability and portability.
· Structural Optimization: Rational internal structure design reduces unnecessary weight, enhancing overall performance.
· Modular Design: Facilitates installation and maintenance, adapting to different models of electric motorcycles and enhancing user experience.
High Temperature and Waterproof Design
Electric motorcycles often operate in various weather conditions, making battery heat resistance and waterproof capabilities vital. Better-Tech lithium battery uses high-temperature and waterproof materials to ensure stable performance even in extreme environments.
High Temperature and Waterproof Performance:
· Heat Resistance: The battery operates normally in environments up to 60°C, catering to the demands of summer riding.
· Waterproof Rating: Achieves IP65 level, resistant to water and dust, suitable for diverse road and weather conditions, unaffected by rain or humidity.
· Shock-Resistant Design: Incorporates shock-absorbing technology to minimize impact on the battery during rides, extending battery life and ensuring stability on rugged terrains.
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eryxersstuff · 5 months ago
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1. Morning Preparation
I start my day by checking emails for updates or new requests, then head to the sensory lab to prepare. This involves making sure all equipment is working properly, labeling samples, and organizing the testing area for the day’s sensory evaluations.
2. Conducting Sensory Evaluations
Once the panelists arrive, I brief them on the goals and instructions for the test. I oversee the evaluation process to ensure everything is running smoothly and collect the data they provide, making sure all protocols are followed.
3. Data Analysis
After the evaluations, I organize and clean the data, getting rid of any inconsistencies. Then, I run statistical analyses to uncover trends and gain insights into the sensory attributes of the products.
4. Communicating with Co-Workers
Throughout the day, I collaborate with teams from R&D, quality control, and product development. I share the sensory test results, discuss any issues or potential improvements, and help resolve product formulation concerns.
5. Taking a Break
In the middle of the day, I take a break to recharge—sometimes grabbing a meal or chatting with colleagues. It helps me clear my mind before getting back to work for the afternoon tasks.
6. Reporting and Summary
Later, I work on writing detailed reports of the sensory results, making sure they’re tailored for different stakeholders. Before submitting, I review the findings with my team and finalize everything to ensure the conclusions are clear.
7. Planning for Tomorrow
Before I finish the day, I look at the schedule for tomorrow, preparing any samples or equipment needed. I also set my goals for the upcoming tests and any collaborations with the team to keep things running smoothly.
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uselessmicrowave · 2 years ago
Hello, I'm sorry for disturbing, can I ask NSFW Alphabet for TF:Animated Blitzwing? ...If rules not meant the whole alphabet then maybe just with his name letters?
Find it kinda strange that one of most popular character in tfa fandom haven't his own alphabet lol
Relatively good at taking care of you, he asks about human medications and if you need to take any before/after, if he should be careful with you, if you need anything specific afterwards. Treats you like glass, he just doesn’t want to break his perfect little human.
B=Body Part
His favorite thing about his own body changes depending on who’s fronting. Icy likes that his frame has a unique color combo, whereas Hothead (and Random) like how their wings are pointed downward instead of upward like the seeker’s wings. He loves your midsection. He couldn’t care less if you’re skinny or chubby, he loves to wrap his servos around you.
Inflation kink.
D= Dirty Secret
He won’t tell you about his fascination with seeing your stomach distended (whether that’s with food or transfluid or maybe even a sparkling).
E= Experience
Blitzwing’s had some prior partners (most left because they couldn’t handle him), not many though.
F= Favorite Position
He likes to hold you in his lap, or have you on top.
G= Goofy
He’ll make some jokes to make you smile and laugh or to lighten the mood, lots of little jokes to make you giggle during aftercare.
I= Intimacy
He loves you and wants to show it, but he’s not the best at telling you. He’ll kiss and hold and nuzzle, but Blitzwing stumbles over his words sometimes.
J= Jack Off
He’d prefer your hands on him, but he’ll be fine with his own servos. Won’t self service that often.
K= Kink
This was mentioned before, but he has a fasination for seeing your stomach/midsection distend. Whether that be with transfluid or other fluids, he really likes seeing you full. Also loves to be given instructions.
L= Location
Anywhere away from others, deep in a forest, a cave, his berthroom…
M= Motivation
Seeing you blush or act embarrassed, when you cover your face he finds it so cute.
N= No
He won’t draw blood or use knives on you, as long as there isn’t a possibility of you or him bleeding out from it, he’ll try it.
O= Oral
Blitzwing doesn’t like to give, he’s afraid of his faceplates spinning erratically while he’s trying to pleasure you.
P= Pace
Depends on who’s fronting. Random’s a wildcard, Hothead is rough and fast, Icy is slow and teasing.
Q= Quickie
He’s fine with quickies, but this stems from liking morning sex.
R= Risk
It depends on how desperate he is, but a bathroom stall would work.
S= Stamina
Three to four rounds will tire him out.
T= Toys
Has two toys, one has a small knot at the base and it vibrates at the tip. It’s too big for you to use it. The other is a gag, shaped like a bone.
U= Unfair
While Blitzwing does love hearing you beg, he won’t make you cry.
V= Volume
Again, it depends on who’s fronting. Icy is relatively quiet, Hothead will growl and groan, Random is by far the loudest.
W= Wild Card
Blitzwing likes morning s€x, to get the day going. He’s okay with getting worked up or getting you worked up anytime.
X= Xray
Roughly 1ft 5in/43 cm (yes i do the math), he has red bio lights in an upright ladder pattern, surrounded by a stripe of purple (outlined with black). This pattern is semetrical on his spike. His valve has similar patterns and colors.
Y= Yearning
Blitzwing is needy, so going three to four times a week will be regular for you two.
Z= Zzz
Falls asleep quickly after properly taking care of you, and if you’ll allow it, Blitzwing will put his faceplates on your midsection or chest (whichever is softer) and recharge like that. He claims his recharge is more peaceful that way.
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vapehk1 · 7 months ago
ANYX Cobra: Bio Boost Bigger – The Ultimate Pod System for Vaping Enthusiasts
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ANYX proudly presents its latest innovation, the ANYX COBRA , a groundbreaking pod system that embodies the pinnacle of design and performance in the vaping industry. Biomimetic Design Excellence The ANYX Cobra stands out as the first pod system under the ANYX brand to feature a biomimetic design. Inspired by the intricate texture and feel of snake skin, this design not only enhances the device’s aesthetic appeal but also provides a unique tactile experience. Unmatched Pod Capacity Equipped with an extraordinary 5ml pod capacity, the ANYX Cobra offers up to three times the e-liquid storage compared to standard pods on the market. This means fewer refills and more uninterrupted vaping pleasure. Versatile Coil Resistance Options The Cobra’s pod system supports a range of coil resistances (0.4Ω, 0.6Ω, 0.8Ω, and 1.2Ω), making it adaptable for both MTL (Mouth-to-Lung) and DTL (Direct-to-Lung) vaping styles, catering to every vaper's preference. Power-Packed Battery Life With a powerful 1000mAh battery, the ANYX Cobra ensures up to three days of continuous vaping, eliminating the hassle of frequent recharging. Smooth Airflow Control The side-positioned smooth airflow control button allows users to finely tune their airflow, offering a personalized experience from tight MTL draws to airy DTL clouds. Effortless Auto-Draw Activation Thanks to its auto-draw activation feature, the Cobra is ready to use as soon as the pod is inserted, providing a seamless and convenient vaping experience. Intelligent Battery Indicator The interactive battery indicator keeps users informed with clear, color-coded signals: green for full charge (60%-100%), blue for medium charge (30%-60%), and red for low charge (below 30%), reducing battery anxiety. Comprehensive Safety Protections The ANYX Cobra comes with multiple safety features, including over-voltage, over-current, overtime, short-circuit, low battery, and child lock protections, ensuring a secure vaping experience. Detailed Specifications The ANYX Cobra package includes options for single or carton packaging, with specifications available for both pod-inclusive and pod-only versions, catering to diverse distribution needs. About ANYX ANYX is an innovative enterprise specializing in pod systems, dedicated to providing the best vaping experience for users worldwide through continuous technological innovation and high-quality products. With leading R&D capabilities and outstanding product design, ANYX has become a trusted and beloved brand in the electronic cigarette industry. For more information, visit www.anyxglobal.com or contact us at [email protected]. Read the full article
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ao-s · 7 months ago
I have helped friends do chores at their homes before and i wish i could have someone in my life who could do the same. Im overwhelmed with the amount of things to do at home and dont get as much help from my partner as I need. My friends and partner all know this.
Literally the only person who was willing that I was close to and my partner was okay with having in our home is now incarcerated lmfao.
im excited for my 3 day vacation, but i also cant help feeling, damn. i wish my presence was enough they were ok just doing menial tasks or supporting me by just being around to encourage me as I try to get shit done. whenever i see people on a day off i feel like i end up doing so much i end up even more tired returning to work and still have nothing accomplished at home.
tldr, i wish i had a support network that was more than online words. the only motherfucker who was becoming that had to go do dumb shit and get himself arrested. and so now i have just online friends and his letters.
but that doesnt give me hugs of encouragement, or a tea break to recharge with good conversation, or saying "lets go donate these boxes. ill be your copilot", or lending a physical hand which is what I'd like the most. "idk how i could help you do laundry" do laundry with me?? walk with me to the apt washers? help me fold towels? y'know l a u n d r y?
I have a hard time not comparing, knowing they've helped another friend organize or run errands before, but dont seem willing to help me even though ive told them how i struggle doing it mostly on my own. theres still shit from moving that hasnt been unboxed.
but im also practicing taking people at face value and if me asking about errands is met with resistance, then i know i need to not ask again and just accept if someone is unwilling.
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lovebvni · 11 months ago
I just saw your story about affs and you're so inspiring omg!!!!
As for the reading, what an amazing one and it fully resonated. Indeed, I'm being in touch with my intuition lately because I'm doing tarot readings for myself and friends so I try to use more my intuition but didn't know it was pretty strong omg this is so good to know. I have to learn to trust it more though like I mentioned in my ask. So, thank you for giving me all these nice tips, I'll try them all 🥰 never tried astral projection actually but I heard stories about it, sometimes I have lucid dreams though.
As for the Barbie song, I got chills because I'm contemplating which Barbie movie to watch these days (they're my childhood) 🤩🤩 that song recharges me, very nice! And I really like the color purple because of the crown chakra 💜 plus it's close to blue which is my fave color!
Thank you so much, everything resonated. You're definitely an amazing reader and you're giving me many positive vibes 🤗 Sending love and joy your way too. Bless you 💕💕💕💕💕💕
also also also, you literally need to watch all the movies they r AMAZING!!!
and always trust ur intuition!!! :D it’s gonna help u outttt
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slashercult · 1 year ago
Hi, how’s it going? I would like to play your “new year predictions game”. I reblogged,❤️’d, and followed. Something good that’s happening to me in 2023: I spent time with my sisters. It sounds small, but I really cherish every moment I get with them. I know one day we’ll be loving individual lives. So, I want to make the most of the present and show them how much I care about them and bond. A mini prediction for your year: I think a part of the year will deal with you feeling alone or like things aren’t going your way,but things will change. Don’t focus on what’s going wrong or what you lack. Just find gratitude in the small things,and those small things will grow. Your worries will be a thing of the past. After that I see you reaching a milestone. Something that calls for celebration. I think this accomplishment will bring you joy/happiness. I think it will be a time of appreciating all of the good things in your life. The people you love will surround you and be happy for you. You will feel supported and secure. This will be a time of your dreams becoming reality. Your manifestations coming into fruition. A YouTube video that brings me joy is : “Laith and Christina real love story about a couple who fell in love over tumblr”. The original video was deleted, but other people reuploaded it. Channels: miami303mommi, mauricemusa , william t donald. If you type in “Laith and Christina”, it should pop up. It’s a video about a couple who met on tumblr and started long distance dating. And with the help of her friend he surprises her in her city. I’m a hopeless romantic and I first seen this video when I was young so it always has a special place in my heart and makes me feel warm, fuzzy and happy🩷. I would like to know: 🕰️ what is a major change I will experience in the new year?
hello! im glad you got to spend more time hanging out with your sisters, also love the video you sent lol. thank you for the mini prediction, i rlly do hope that my manifestations come true. anyways, let's move right on to your reading.
cards i pulled: eight of wands, the tower, page of cups (r), the fool (r) oracle cards: the deer and the oat, the vulture and the asphodel last year must have been kind of tough for you, but this year one of the changes im seeing is that you will finally be able to move forward from the past and heal. im getting that you may start traveling more in this new year, most likely through plane or in high areas (maybe near a couple of mountains), somewhere of high elevation. there will be many sudden changes for you throughout the new year. it may catch you a bit off guard and you'll have to stay strong and withstand it. you will take some time to grieve and let your wounds heal. after this happens, im seeing that you will become more wise, strong, and look at life differently (but in a more positive way). im getting some kind of rebirth energy, you will probably be going through a glow up and will feel more free from your old ways of thinking. im getting that you will change the more immature side of you and begin to stand up for yourself a lot more. there could be some creative blocks or times in the new year when you see an opportunity but you are too afraid to take it, this could be because of some self doubt or thinking you are just not prepared enough. healing is one of the major themes im seeing from this new year, there's a lot of signs of growth and rebirth. there will be times where you feel a bit overwhelmed from everything but this requires rest so you can recharge and continue to nourish your soul.
that's all for your reading, please don't forget to leave feedback, i hope you enjoyed and have a wonderful new year!
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technoamr · 2 years ago
Traction Battery Market to Discern Magnified Growth During 2021 - 2030
The global traction battery market size was valued at $31.6 billion in 2020 and is projected to reach $69.2 billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 8.2% from 2021 to 2030. Traction battery, also known as the electric-vehicle battery, is used to power electric motors of both hybrid and electric vehicles. It is usually rechargeable and specially designed for high ampere-hour capacities.
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Governments of different countries have emphasized reducing emissions from the automobile & transportation sector. Several regulatory bodies, such as the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA), European Union (EU), and others, have laid down acts and regulations to reduce the emission levels caused due to vehicles. This has led the government to increase awareness of electric vehicles in developed and developing economies. Moreover, the electric vehicle industry is primarily driven by attractive government policies and tax incentives for manufacturers and customers of the electric vehicle sector.
For instance, according to a report published by the U.S. Department of Energy, a minimum tax credit amount of $2,500 (and maybe up to $7,500) is available on the purchase of a new electric vehicle that uses a traction battery with at least five kilowatt-hours (kWh) of capacity. These factors are predicted to notably contribute to the global market.
However, the development of charging infrastructure for electric vehicles is a significant setback in many countries, owing to a lack of space, investments, electrification, and others. According to an article published by Forbes, around 35 million electric vehicles will be sold by 2030 in the U.S. which will require 50,000 direct current fast charging (DCFC) stations and 1.2 million level 2 ports. This means approximately 380 electric vehicle charging ports need to be installed each day for the next nine years but in comparison, the U.S. has installed an average of 30 level 2 ports per day between 2010 and 2020. This factor is anticipated to hamper the traction battery market growth.
Economies, such as China, and India, are expected to drive the demand for traction batteries. There is a significant increase in energy demand in countries, such as China and India, owing to a rise in investment in traction battery projects. The residential and industrial sectors are expected to consume more energy during the forecast period in Asia-Pacific. Furthermore, India has significant growth potential; however, due to its inconsistent policy and business environment in past, the traction battery share in total energy production was less. There has been an increase in investments in traction battery projects in India, owing to which it is one of the countries experiencing rapid growth in the Asia-Pacific market. For instance, a shift in the trend toward the use of localized energy procurements can be witnessed in recent years.
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The increasing demand for electric vehicles has surged the R&D activities for enhancing battery efficiencies by improving the charge cycle and reducing the unit consumption per charge. Moreover, the emergence of batteries with high energy density has increased the competition among traction battery manufacturers for producing highly efficient traction batteries for electric and hybrid vehicles. For instance, according to an article published by International Industrial Vehicle Technology, Ecovolta, a leading manufacturer of battery systems, has launched a new range of traction batteries known as evocation batteries that can replace lead-acid batteries with a standardized lithium-ion batteries, thus cutting costs per charge cycle by up to 50%. Furthermore, customers are becoming more linear toward purchasing lithium-ion traction batteries, owing to their lightweight and long-lasting battery life. All these factors are expected to offer future growth opportunities to the global traction battery market.
The traction battery market analysis is done on the basis of product type, capacity, application, and region.
By Type - Lead acid based - Nickel based - Lithium-ion based - Others
BY CAPACITY - Less than 100 Ah - 100-200 Ah - 200 Ah-300 Ah - 300-400 Ah - 400 Ah & above
BY APPLICATION - Electrical vehicle (EV) - Battery Electrical Vehicle (BEV) - Plug-in hybrid electrical vehicle (PHEV) - Hybrid electrical vehicle (HEV) - Industrial - Forklift - Mechanical handling equipment - Locomotives - Others
By Region - North America (Canada, Mexico) - Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain, Rest of Europe) - Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, India, Australia, South Korea, Rest of Asia-Pacific) - LAMEA (Brazil, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Rest of LAMEA)
Key Market Players: BAE Batteries GmbH, Banner Batteries (GB) Ltd., ECOVOLTA, Exide Industries Ltd., GS Yuasa International Ltd., HOPPECKE Carl Zoellner & Sohn GmbH, Inci Aku, INTILION GmbH, Leoch International Technology Limited Inc, Toshiba Corporation
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Key findings of the study
- The lithium-ion segment is estimated to display the highest growth rate, in terms of revenue, registering a CAGR of 9.5% from 2021 to 2030. - The less than 100 Ah capacity is anticipated to register the highest CAGR of 8.5% during the forecast period. - The electrical vehicle application is anticipated to register the highest CAGR of 8.5% during the forecast period. - Asia-Pacific accounted for 54.5% of the traction battery market share in 2020, in terms of revenue, growing at a CAGR of 8.9%
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