#it’d be like a celebrity marriage to her - nothing to do with me
spiribia · 7 months
Seraph is also the more likely to get jealous which is funny because she’s also like Princess you should marry a prince you are duty bound to be with someone else this is the manner of things and how it should be. (quiet mournful wolf howl when Luna isn’t looking) and Luna is like what was that and seraphs like What was what.
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ask-alphabetboyluvr · 5 months
If bd jk asks byeol to get married now, will she say yes?
Thanks for chapter 59 ❤️ you’ve healed me in more ways than one! Am I correct this will also be the last chapter we see Jin? Cause it didn’t have the note like what you did in Hayun’s last chapter hehe love you Holly moly ❤️
she loves him, she loves him, she loves him—and yet she’ll say no. neither of them are ready yet to even consider marriage because there are a hundred and one external factors that they’re both too pragmatic to ignore.
jungkook is romantic and stupid when it comes to love but he respects byeol too much to do a proposal without actually discussing the logistics of marriage first. byeol would outline that she’s not ready and that she knows their funds need to used for more sensible endeavours first. they’ll commit in other ways first—a house, a pet, tomato plants in the kitchen, and a flock of origami birds in the corner of their living room with movies names on that they're yet to watch. 
i wouldn’t be surprised if they woke up one morning, tangled in their sheets with a puppy next to jungkook’s side of the bed, and just decide that the time was right. they’d be giggling and jungkook would be toying with her fingers, wondering why they look so bare. all very suddenly they'd think it’d just make sense for them to get married.
they’d call around to see who was free that evening. they’d go to a vintage jewelry store a few lanes away from their home and pick out rings. b would have a sparkly dress in her wardrobe that she’s been saving for a special occasion, and jungkook would go without a tie. danbi would pick up flowers from that market stall jungkook once got b apology wildflowers from and bring them over to help her get ready. jungkook would show up at jimin’s holding a suit and jimin would be waiting for him with a bottle of whisky he’s been saving for a day like this.
they’d go to a courthouse in the afternoon with jimin and danbi as witnesses, and then have a little party in the evening with the friends to celebrate and that would be it. no big grand affair. they might even go to a noraebang. think tae and iu in the love wins all mv.
they’d tell their parents a few weeks later, and the jeons would insist on a party—and this time, there’d be a big grand affair. it'd be fun, but neither of them would consider it to be their wedding.
as for jin, i'm toying with the idea of one final appearance. nothing huge, but also not for certain!!
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firstsprinces · 8 months
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Hello! I am currently losing my mind over "The Tortured Poets Department (hello fellow swifties! I have zero swiftie friends in my life to ever talk to so I'm glad I can celebrate with y'all) like my thoughts are so jumbled between THAT AESTHETIC, all the new fic titles we're going to get from it, ALL POET HENRY CONTENT CREATED BY MY FELLOW WRITERS! And Taylor Swift just made history with her fourth AOTY Grammy!! (I'm also running on exhaustion so hopefully it'll rein my chaos in)
I almost forgot to thank @anincompletelist and @priincebutt for tagging me! LOVED your snippets this week and I hope I'll be able to fit in some much needed reading time to catch up!
This is more than six sentences because at this point you deserve all of the sentences for the Outlaw Alex/Aspiring Journalist Henry fic! Work will be slow this week so I will most likely have time off this week to keep writing. The first chapter is currently at 12K (this is the cut down version) and it's still not quite finished.
“And don’t forget to mention the bake sale. All the women from the church have been working their fingers to the bone for this upcoming weekend.” An elderly woman wearing a navy cloche hat with a matching fabric rose with a silver brooch in its center and a firm knot beside it to indicate her marital status, though this highly valued socialite seems to forget about her husband because she’s quite flirtatious. “You’ll be stopping by, dear boy, won’t you? I’m sure the all the single ladies from the church would love to see a strapping young man such as yourself supporting our community in times like these.” Henry Fox pauses his typing and curls his fingers in and then stretches them back out underneath his desk as he’s itching to crack his knuckles, but he doesn’t because he feels it’ll be rude to do while Mrs. Annette Bellshire is speaking to him. “I wouldn’t dare to miss it, Ma’am,” Henry replies to her, adding in a reassuring smile for extra measure while his eyes fight to check the clock that’s hanging in the upper corner of the behind her head. “You can call me, Annette,” she tells him with a quick wink as she brings her hand forward and reaches across the desk, her delicate and shaky fingers landing on his wrist, her touch cold through the sleeve of his shirt. Her large opal ring reflects what’s left of the dimming daylight, indicating that he most likely should be packing up his belongings and putting on his long coat and cap so he can leave for the night. Henry doesn’t answer, and not just because he’s starting to feel uncomfortable but out of respect for her husband and her marriage. He also doesn’t pull his hand away even though he probably should because an innocent passerby may see it as something far less from innocent. He’s sure it’d be quite the scandal for a married woman her age courting someone who’s young enough to be her son, and possibly even her grandson because Henry’s not exactly sure of her age and is basing his assumption off her wrinkly skin and veined hands. At the sound of a car horn, Mrs. Bellshire leans her body over to look out the window, her hand still touching Henry until she speaks again, “well, that would be Mr. Bellshire. Mustn’t keep him waiting.” She places her purse onto Henry’s desk before she stands up, smoothing her hands down the front of the skirt of her dress. Then she waves her hand at the window to let her husband know that she’ll be out shortly. “Do you mind escorting me out? I swear, the stones are starting to become uneven. I wouldn’t want to sprain my ankle before such an eventful weekend.” She says as she pulls her shawl tighter around her shoulders even though the cobblestones have nothing to do with her body temperature. He can’t help but turn his entire body around to look out the window, Mr. Bellshire is already standing beside the passenger’s side as he waits for his wife. Surely, Mrs. Bellshire doesn’t need Henry to walk her out and she’s only playing with the idea that it’ll look a certain way to her husband. It’s a game he doesn’t want to be part of, but he’s been raised to be polite, especially towards women.
I won't be tagging anyone as it's very late and there's no space in my brain right now to try and think of anything besides AH NEW TAYLOR SWIFT ALBUM and I NEED TO GO TO BED RIGHT AFTER HITTING POST.
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retaliationrp · 1 year
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Suddenly the clouds have opened up and I'm being seen in all of my glory. The time has come for fate to decide if a part of me is even worthy.
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𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄: Ezrak Aziz Gülen 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑 & 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐒: cis man & he/him   𝐀𝐆𝐄: 30 𝐎𝐂𝐂𝐔𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍:  political economy professor 𝐀𝐅𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍:  The Wild Coyotes 𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐊:  collector 𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐄𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐌:  Alepren Duymaz
+  meticulous, analytical, intuitive -   worrier, impatient, fiery
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The worst part about falling in love is knowing time is your greatest enemy and, eventually, you’ll lose them. Ezrak got to figure that out when he least expected; cruel hands of time would carve in him sadness in its most painful form. However, before that experience would be part of his journey in life, Ezrak would mostly appreciate the beautiful moments in life. Although he wasn’t old enough to remember where he was born back in Bursa, he had his parents to offer stories about it since most of his entire life happened inside the city of Phoenix.
While he was a child, Ezrak had nothing to complain about, an easy person to befriend, a curious being always ready to offer questions to whoever was willing to listen to him. Ezrak was a light in his family’s house.
While going through adolescence, Ezrak was mostly forming his personality, allowing himself to reach popularity easily and once he finally graduated and headed to college, he met the woman that would become the love of his life. The young adult years provided him the chance of meeting Alaya; someone that he had never seen before and yet, once he did, his mind couldn’t travel elsewhere but to the image of her. And while it took some time to cause her to accept going on a date with him, eventually she accepted it. And it was simply like they’d been made for each other.
Ezrak knew he had found the one. They balanced each other out, a strong girl that turned into an amazing woman. And when all the goodbyes, as the end of the weekend would approach, made it hard to be apart from her and wanting to share a home would suffice ending such distance, Ezrak proposed to her.
That was the first moment, he understood that life wasn’t as beautiful as he painted it to be. A new perspective was offered once with teary eyes Alaya offered a new layer about herself, secrets that she was so wise to keep that he hadn’t noticed throughout the time they were together. She was part of a gang. It was the way she was able to gain the money needed in case she wanted to help her family and also to be able to build the life she wanted for herself.
Alaya didn’t ask him to join the club, at least not so literally, but she gave him an opening, and there was nothing in this world that Ezrak wouldn’t do for her. And, in his point of view, it’d give him the chance of being around her, protect her and learn more about this side of Alaya that was brand new for him. With that, he didn’t give up on the idea of marriage and she finally offered the ‘yes’ he so wanted to hear. And with that, he moved to Lancaster with her for good.
Ezrak was aware that he had to show his worth to her club, so they knew he’d be a good addition. He relied on his own loyalty to Alaya to make them understand that the same would be offered to them. Besides, with his graduation in Economics, he was in the hopes of being able to work alongside Alaya once he finally reached enough time in the Wild Coyotes to earn the position.
Despite being in the middle of his path and still unable to become a collector, he was offered the good news that made him happier than Ezrak ever thought he could be: Alaya was pregnant with their first child. It took a couple of months for Ezrak to see his perspective of a strong person being shattered and changed by someone who needed his help more than usual. Life is fragile and Alaya wasn’t an exception to this rule. It was supposed to be an evening of celebrations, celebrating their anniversary and counting the days until the moment everyone would meet their child and their family would only grow bigger. But the news that reached him was that Alaya was rushed to the hospital for different reasons other than going through labor.
The next time his dark eyes landed on the doctor that was taking care of Alaya, it was only to hear the bad news, to lose the strength he had. Alaya didn’t make it, neither did their baby. The pain that emanated from him, echoed in the hallway of the hospital. Grief climbed on top of his shoulders and hasn’t left that position for the past five years.
The information about what happened to her was borderline frightening; the subtleness that it could’ve been because of the Wild Coyotes, or that it was merely an accident. It drove him insane that none of the information offered was concrete enough to give him the exact answer of what could've happened to the love of his life.
Becoming a collector, like Alaya used to be, was almost his own way of being closer to his wife and all the memories still collected within his brain. Ezrak knew he could’ve left if he wanted to, run away to Bursa and pretend that this nightmare could remain back in the United States. But despite years passing by, vengeance became part of his blood and with everything that had happened to the club; the retaliation and all the violence contained in the altercation between clubs, caused him to stay. In the end he wasn’t wrong about saying he was a good addition and that he was loyal.
Despite not working fully as a professor the past few years, he tries to give a few classes here and there for the sake of being able to say where his income was coming from.
Everyone can sense a difference in him throughout those years; at least, in case they’ve known Ezrak his entire life. It’s easy to notice how he’s no longer the joyful young man he used to be, often quite hardly sharing his life with others. Mostly, Ezrak focuses on the fact that life goes on. That it’s pointless to assume that simply because someone is gone time will stop for grief. It never does and it never will.
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ventisehe · 3 years
crying on their wedding day, or not / genshin impact / part two
this is the second part of crying on their wedding day. i didn’t add dainsleif and baizhu because i don’t have enough creative juice to squeeze them in. 
requested by: @bakuhoe-is-my-bakubro
includes: venti, kaeya, xingqiu, scaramouche, razor, albedo, chongyun, xiao, kazuha
warning: unedited, not proofread, different variation of not seeing the bride before the wedding ceremony, written before kazuha was released
part one
            Although his wings that have soared through the vast open azure skies was as ancient as the winds that swept ever so delicately through the lands that made up Teyvat, although his curious viridescent hues have become quiet witnesses to numbers of renowned and untold tales of mortals across nations, no matter the countless years he devoted trying to cognize the mortals and their atypical behaviors, Barbatos – or Venti, as he refers to himself now – can never truly understand how so many human beings can stay in one place with one person.
                            Before he had even come to be the Anemo Archon, all that Venti knew was how to heed the call of the wind. To him, it was confounding how mortals do not have the similar urgency as he to follow the winds. Even when he had taken the form of his dearest friend, Himmel, and has elapsed through myriad of seasons and centuries, still he soared gently in the air, lyre in his possession as he sung melodies of his own composition and strummed symphonies for those who yearn to hear his voice, and with his braids billowing in his travel to a destination even he cannot tell yet.
            One has made an attempt - and unfortunately, a fruitless one - to make sense to him why some has gone against the heed of the wind, a very peculiar decision in the eyes of someone like him. His form nothing but a mere wisp at that time, nothing but a small creature with little understanding, and he remembered he was seated on the shoulder of his companion as they perched by the edge of a mountain, legs dangling and kicking gently back and forth. They basked in the caress of the wilting warmth as the sun bid its farewell.
                      Himmel was humming a tune with the corners of his mouth curving up and his eyes closed, and Venti's small frame thrummed with delight at the euphony he made.
                And in the serene quiet, his dear friend spoke, "Someday, you'll find yourself wanting to stay somewhere. For something, or for someone. You don't understand now, but when you come to love one thing, you'll always want to be close to their side." Himmel turned to him, a subdued smile etched across his features, and upon catching sight of the sincerity and fervor Himmel in his bright eyes, Venti cannot help but mirror his sentiments and reciprocate his smile the best he can with the body he manifested in.
     "When that day comes, you'll understand why many choose to . . . stay." Venti tilted his head to the side, and Himmel let out a small chuckle once he catches on the puzzlement that he displayed in his actions. "Don't look at me like that. I know you're curious about the whole marriage thing. Who knows, maybe someday you'll find yourself a nice fellow wisp and - "
            All it took for Himmel to cut his statement short and burst out in laughter was how Venti prodded against his neck as a feeble attempt to make him quiet down.
               And as Himmel has predicted, Venti - in time - did understood.
                        Venti was able to perceive the reasonings of mortals to turn their heads away from the beckon of the wind, to live a peaceful and quaint life, some alone, and some with their spouses. Himmel had done his absolute best to explain to him the wanders which are humans, and gleefully watched as Venti attentively listened to every word he spoke.
      However, at the end of the day, Venti was still a free spirit. He can never be tied down to one place, much more to another living being. He will always find himself favoring the whisper of the winds in Teyvat, adrift and letting himself go adrift.
            It was after he had witnessed the life in Himmel's eyes leave, heard his last breath, the whisper of the triumph of Mondstadt in achieving freedom, and his final request as he stroked Venti's quivering figure - A sad smile has been painted upon Himmel's brims as he gazed at the smaller entity weeping under his touch, "I ask only for one last favor from you, my dearest friend. Look after Mondstadt, after our people, for me, and never let everything we've sacrificed go for naught."
                          Venti was still a free spirit, but with what happened to Himmel, he longed to understand how he saw the world. It seemed he understood it differently than he did. And thus, he took the form of his beloved friend, and ventured closer than he had before to mortals.
      The day he found a place in The Seven, the fateful he became the Anemo Archon, Venti has not once missed an event with his people. He celebrated with them in festivities, cried with them in their sorrows, aided them in battles against transgressors or wars within their own mind. He laughed with them, ate with them, drank with them, and his love for his people grew everyday.
          But still, he can never stay for too long.
                      Venti tried to, he really did, for his friends, as his last gift before he lets go of the pain of losing him. But cannot force himself to remain in one place if his heart kept searching for places to explore, people to meet, discover the secrets of Teyvat.
    Hopelessness was beginning to gnaw inside him as hundred of years has passed, and he has already traveled through long distances and saw generation after generation of his people in Mondstadt, and yet nothing he has yet to fulfill his own promise to hos friend.
           Perhaps this was the way it was supposed to be. Maybe only mortals are giving the ability to be content and stay, but the Anemo Archon was forever to be appearing and disappearing - always, always stringing along with the wind.
                      And Venti believed that thought of his, and it stuck to him throughout many more years in Teyvat.
       Not even a dust of faith was left in the ruins of what he now thought of as a vanquished promise, marring Venti with a wound in his heart, and a doubt in his standing as an Archon. However, it was through this belief that took him by surprise when he met a rather strange woman at the last day of the Windblume Festival, and in Stormterror’s Lair, no less.
                    The Honorary Knight, and their odd traveling companion have long been gone after they bid him farewell and a safe travel in his return to his abode – or whatever dwelling was the closest he could denote as home – leaving Venti by himself to reminisce in the ruins of where Old Mondstadt once stood.
                                        The heavens were a color of black dotted with stars and the moon. The wind has grown softer, as though to accompany him in this lonesome hour, leaving chaste kisses against his pallid skin. From afar, the City of Mondstadt remains lit with lanterns and plethora of flowers. Even in this distance, he can oversee the joy that exuded from the people as they celebrated the remaining hours of the festival and take in the fragrance of the flowers friends and partners exchanged with one another. It was a beautiful sight to behold if one sits in such a desolate and dark place, in the very tower that he had confronted Stormterror – no, it was Dvalin now, Stormterror has perished along with the danger of the past.
                                        But a presence – curious, sorrowful – has intervened in the quiet evening Venti thought he had saved for himself. He stood up from the platform where he has previously perched upon and took off to take a gander in the Lair, and it did not take a moment longer for him to spot a figure nearby. There, standing on top of a boulder clad in a crestfallen expression was a lone woman. She was casting her gaze around Old Mondstadt, and the breeze blew her tears away,
            Venti had never seen her before. He had met every family, every person, in Old Mondstadt, and the same was to be said to the generation that followed after them. He knew them well, recalled their quirks and appearances, and this woman has no resemblance to any of them. Has she come from another nation?
                                   Venti made it his point to glide down and noiselessly land behind her, but it seems his efforts have failed him for this stranger spoke the second his feet made contact with the ground.
        "I wonder how this place used to be." You stated, and Venti was unsure whether you have felt his presence or you were speaking to yourself.
   “So, this is Old Mondstadt.” She stated in a murmur. Her voice was laced with awe, but with evidence of forlornity. “I heard rumors about what happened here, and-and the thing with Stormterror too. Archon, I wish someone would tell me the real story of the City of Freedom. Back in my home, we’re not even allowed to learn much about the Archons of other nations. It’d be foolish to just trust rumors.”
                                  There was something about her that piqued his interest. He did not know what it was. Maybe it was the way she talked about Mondstadt, her interest in the history of his city and his people, the sincere sorrow she felt for what the fallen tyrant of Mondstadt had had done to his former subjects, and how he had forced their hands to rebellion to protect their nation.
                            Venti spoke before he can stop to think. “If you’d like, I can retell the story of how Old Mondstadt came to be. I’m well versed in the history of this city, so rest assured everything you’ll hear is the truth.” He carved a smile to his lips. “And I am a Bard, so you have no need to worry about me chatting your ear off. All it takes is an audience and my lyre to get me started. Of course, a private performance will cost you, but since you’re new in the city, I suppose I can – ”
                                  His breath was taken away when the stranger turned to face him, and his words withered from his tongue. Ever seen a speechless bard? It was a sight people will scarcely see.
                Could he ever compose a song to even come close to the lovely view that was before his eyes? Gleaming curious pair of eyes, a smile so eager to listen, hair flitting with the wind as his heartbeat raced –
             Venti was used to captivating his audience with his songs and stories. However, this time, it was he who was captivated, and when he took out his lyre and played a sweet tune to sing the story of his beloved city, with this gorgeous woman listening to him with bright and shining eyes, Venti knew then that he wanted to play for her every song he knew, every story he saw and heard, to the end of time.
                            You told him your name after his song, and you came all the way from the isolated nation of Inazuma. It took him by surprise how you have confidence in him to reveal to him your identity and place of birth. Surely, not everyone will trust a stranger who has appeared out of nowhere who offered to sing them a song. But then again, Venti trusted you as quickly as you trusted him, and now it was his turn to listen as you confide in him.
  You have escaped from your home nation and survived out in the seas under the heat of the sun and threat of starvation for days until a compassionate Captain from Liyue, and her crew found you and delivered you to safety. And it was after your recovery that you fled to Mondstadt, the opposite of the nation you were born in.
                     Venti found himself sitting down in front of you as you told him your story, sight never leaving your frame as he did so. You were no Bard, and you were no storyteller, but he cannot tell the time or noticed the sun has set as you regaled him with story of Inazuma and your life after and before your escape. He was enchanted with the way you spoke, how you looked about Old Mondstadt with saddened awe, the fervidness in your voice – Have I found myself a rival? Thought Venti, eyes softening as you went on about your admiration for the affability and generosity his people have shown you.
                                                          When you left that day, you promised to come back and when you do, you shall ask him to sing to you more of his songs. At first, Venti was hesitant to believe your promise, but to his relief and happiness, when he saw you in the same place in the ruins undoubtedly waiting for him with your eyes closed and relishing in the wind that rushed past you. Venti always came to Stormterror’s Lair to oversee what remained of his old home, but for once, his sights were held torn and you have all his attention.
                   Seeing you keep your promise of return made his day, but when you whipped your head to face him with a smile, waving a hand as you asked him to sit with you, Venti knew that his heart desired yours. Was it a wise decision to fall for someone you've only just met? Certainly not, but he was an Archon who had too much time but too little for those who he holds dear. He cannot afford to be unsure when his time with you was limited.
     So, he decided – when the day is right and the wind is quiet, he shall make his feelings for you known.
            It became a routine for the two of you to meet in Stormterror’s Lair and share your stories with one another, Venti always telling his in songs, as a Bard would. There was never a dull moment between the two of you, and every story told in the ruins were to be fascinated of. And soon, it wasn't just stories. Soon, he was finding out more about you, knowing you better until he couldn't get you out of his head.
                  It became a routine for the two of you to meet in Stormterror’s Lair and share your stories with one another. Venti always told his in the form of songs, as a Bard would, you will always applaud him after, to which he would respond with a melodramatic bow. There was never a dull moment between the two of you, and every story spoke in the ruins and the silence of the night was to be fascinated of.  He was learning more about you, knowing you better, until he couldn’t get you out of his mind when his head falls against his pillow.
    Venti cherished these times he had with you. He knew it won't be long until you were gone. He knew his fate as an Archon – seeing loved ones perish and more to come, and the cycle continued.
                                           He hasn't even told you about his identity.
                          Venti was grateful for the Traveler for pushing him to tell you about his feelings and his standing in Teyvat, but he was still uncertain. What would you say if he confessed to you? What will you say if he admits to being the Anemo Archon? Will things change between the two of you? Will you leave? Venti can’t think about that.
                                                                       Venti grew worried when you didn’t come to Stormterror’s Lair one day, and then another, and his concern grew as days turned to weeks. Everyday he found himself visiting Stormterror’s Lair in hopes of seeing you waiting for him again, but he was always left disappointed. You did not mention going on an adventure or a commission, so his worry was warranted. Were you safe or were you simply sick of him?
                 When the day you finally appeared in the Lair, relief washed over Venti and he practically jumped off the broken tower he frequently resided and made haste towards you. But his footsteps faltered when he found no traces of a smile on your face. He can see the relief and joy, but the smile was absent. From that, Venti’s own beam wilted as he walked over to you with reluctant steps.
      When he came close to you, he opened his mouth to ask how you have faired for the past weeks and question your abrupt disappearance when you said something that took him by surprise.
                                    “I know who you are.”
          It felt like his entire world has stopped for a moment as he stared at you with disbelief smearing his countenance. How ever did you discover the truth? Certainly, he had similarities with his statues, but none of his people nor visitors from outside ever pieced the puzzle together.
                            He averted his gaze, ashamed. Why was he wallowing in shame? Or perhaps was this regret of not telling you sooner? Did you feel betrayed? Will you cast him away?
                      “But how . . . ”
                                            “The man at the Tavern told me, Master Diluc.” You answered. “I was telling him about you, and I guess he thought I already knew of you being the . . . Anemo Archon.”
           “Is that why you were gone for weeks?” Venti questioned, and when you nodded in response, he winced. He can’t help but think of the worse – She’ll leave me.
                          Venti looked away. “Ah, I shouldn’t be surprised. I mean, it is hard to believe someone like me is an Archon.” He laughed out, but the humor was nonexistent in his statement. “So, how do you feel about that?”
                      Venti let out a gasp when you threw yourself to him and enveloped him in a tight hug. Venti froze at your actions and waited for you to withdraw, but when you did not, he slowly accepted your embrace with gratefulness. He didn’t know what you do this, but he was more than happy to reciprocate your actions before he lets you go.
        It won’t matter, anyway. He’ll hear the winds calling for him somewhere soon. Maybe letting you go now would hurt less in the long run.
                    “Are you not . . . angry?” Venti asked as he closed his eyes and rested his chin on your shoulder.
                                    “Oh Archons, no, Venti. I could never hate you.” You assured him in a whisper and from the brokenness on your voice, Venti knew you were crying. “Those times you told me about Barbatos . . . all the stories about his past . . . everything he had gone through . . . ” You murmured, tone lowering. “ . . . you must have been so hurt and lonely.”
                                              He didn’t know why your words shot through him. He can feel tears streaming down his cheeks as memories of his past and the continuous pain of loss and regret caught up with him. Finally, after thousands of years, his false smile was shattered.
          How pathetic. He thought. An Archon weeping in front of a mortal that he is in love with. Could things get any worse?
                  Your hand stroked his hair, comforting him as he cried against your shoulder and in your arms.
                          “I was . . . ” He breathed out, choking as he tightened his grip around you. “ . . . it never stops hurting . . . I keep seeing Himmel, and everyone, and – ”
                He couldn’t finish what he was saying and just relished in the comfort of your arms, breathing in your scent.
                                    “I don’t understand what you’ve been going through these thousands of years, and I never will, but it’s okay now, Venti.” You whispered in his ear, and he can detect the compassion and love lacing your voice. His heart hammered against his chest. “You have me. You don’t have to pretend everything is okay. I’m here for you. I want you to be Venti and Barbatos with me, I want all of you.”
             He couldn’t believe his ears. Did he hear you correctly? You want him?
                    Venti gently retracted himself from you, but his arms remained at your sides. “You still want me, even after I kept this from you?”
         “I want you, Venti.” You clasped your hands over his shoulders, firmly looking into his eyes. “I’m not going anywhere anymore. I’m staying here, with you.”
                 And so, you stayed, and so did he – it was the first time he stayed, and he will never regret it.
One would think that as a renowned Bard in Mondstadt, Venti would push for a grand wedding where all people of Mondstadt are invited to wine and dine together as bards banded together to regale everyone with their music, and as the Archon who values freedom above everything else, a big part of him wanted to. But he thought of you and what you wanted. It took some time for him to deliberate over how selfish it would be for him to make you uncomfortable in your wedding day and agree a small wedding would be a much better option considering how sacred and intimate marriage is.
However, knowing you cannot simply have the Anemo Archon go against his belief, and of course because of your love for him, you have secretly devised a plan with Jean and Kaeya to invite all the citizens of Mondstadt to your reception to celebrate this joyous occasion for the two of you. There was more than enough food and drinks to feast, courtesy of Master Diluc, and you’re sure Venti will be over the moon with this surprise. 
Venti had no family, and those he did consider as family were long gone, just a memory from the past. Even though it is unusual for a groom not to have a best man in his wedding day, Venti claimed he was fine without a best man. He had no doubts in marrying you. When he proposed to you, there was no touch of regret or doubt. Albeit reluctantly, you were in a mutual agreement in that matter, as well. Until, of course, an unexpected tribute arrived offering his services.
Venti was not the least nervous when the day of your wedding came. He did not waste time when he woke up and immediately got to work on his appearance. Jean was kind enough to have his wedding suit tailored for him, an early wedding gift, as she says.
Venti knew of the rule that a groom mustn’t see his bride in her wedding gown until the time she walks on the aisle. But he was just so thrilled for this day that he forgot all about it. And even if he did remember it, who in the world would stop him from seeing you? He has no best man to stop him anyway -
Venti almost choked to death when a hand came to grasp him by his the back of his collar, and he blubbered pathetically as he was thrown off balance and was dragged back to the altar.
“Who are - Master Diluc? What are you doing?”
Diluc let out a huff as he continued dragging Venti away from your house. “Stopping you from upsetting your bride. I’m sure you know that you shouldn’t see your bride in her gown before the wedding?”
“But Master Diluc, as much as I appreciate what you’re doing, you’re not in any position to - ”
“Actually, I am in a position where I’m allowed to stop you from making a mess of your wedding.” Said Diluc. “I’m your best man, after all.”
Venti couldn’t put to words how touched he was, and more so when you revealed to him after the wedding that Diluc has offered to be his best man by his own volition. As thanks, the next time Venti visited the tavern to drink, he paid for a single bottle of wine once. It wasn’t exactly ideal but considering how he had no original plan to pay Diluc for any of the drinks he will consume, this was as good as it gets.
When the doors opened to reveal you in your pretty white wedding dress, Venti swooned, and a large joyous smile stretched across his lips.
A gentle breeze swept in the altar and Venti felt his feet leave the ground briefly, floating in the air as he excitedly watched you walk down the aisle, and it took Diluc’s hand pulling him down by the back of his suit to stop him from floating up above the cathedral.
“My, my, if I knew any better, I would have thought the Archons have taken favor on me and blessed me with a beautiful bride.” Venti said once you join him in the altar and took your hands in his own. “You look beautiful, darling. I might just write another song about you.”
You shook your head, pink tinting your cheeks. “Haven’t you written enough songs about me?”
Venti inched his face close to you, his large smile altering to a soft smile. “There aren’t enough songs to tell you how much I adore you.”
The wedding went on, and when the two of you kissed, only one thing entered in Venti’s mind - I found my reason to stay, Himmel. I just hope you can see this.
The wind blew gently.
                      Kaeya did not know what to feel when his brother has made it clear once and for all that he wanted nothing to do with him. His dismissive remarks, his heated glares, his cold and aloof treatment – he had known Diluc for so long, and his memories with him in their childhood never grew old in his mind, so it pained him to have his once bright-eyed sibling who aspired to be part of the Knight acting as though they were strangers. No, strangers would have been merciful. He acted as if the bond they had never meant anything to him, and casting him aside and seeing him under the light of contempt was the easiest decision he has ever made.
                                               Even you were not spared from the same fate. The three of you become inseparable the day you and Kaeya were introduced to each other. You’ve done everything together, and it would be a strange sight to see one missing from the group.
                When Diluc has cut ties with Kaeya, you suffered the same fate as he. You poor, poor thing – you tried your best to patch the friendship he no longer wanted to be part of, and Kaeya did not waste time running to your side and picking up the pieces Diluc shattered. It was not an easy feat for both of you to lose Diluc – he lost a brother, and you lost a good friend.
                                 But it was because of your fall out with him that you and he become closer than ever, closer than before, if that could even be possible. The two of you support one another and you go to each other when things get difficult.
             Kaeya will never admit it, and he would rather die than do, but he has loved you for many years. The moment Diluc pulled him into an unknown house, claiming that he wanted to meet someone important to him, and his eyes landed on your form with the sunrays kissing your skin, a wide smile stretching across your face, and a fake sword in your hand, his heart was taken.
                            You were one of the reasons he wanted to become a Knight. Diluc admitted his want to become a Knight, and you expressed the same sentiment, and of course, hearing his friend and brother say so, he became inclined of joining the Knights. I’ll get good training. He thought back then as stared at you, blushing as you braided Diluc’s hair. Then, I’ll be able to protect ( Your Name ).
        Now that Diluc no longer wanted to be in contact with you than more than is necessary, Kaeya grew to be more protective over you. He knew you can handle yourself as you were a Knight yourself and wields a Vision, too, but his heart clenches at the thought of you getting hurt when he could have easily had your back, like he always did.
                                                 Kaeya didn’t knowif you had feelings for him, or for anyone, for that matter. Many times he thought of confessing to you just to rip the band aid off, but he couldn’t. He’ll keep his feelings to himself and continue being the Cavalry Captain that everyone adored, and your own personal protector.
   But it was getting harder and harder to hide his feeling. Everyday he was always under the threat of falling deeper in love with you. Everyday, you always give him more reasons to love you. Waiting for him to come home after taking too long in his work, taking care of him after a nasty battle or when he’s drunk, always checking up on him even if your schedule was hectic, offering him help if you deem the responsibility given to him is too much. How much longer can he pretend that he wasn’t thinking of you everyday and every night?
                                He was pulled back from his train of thoughts when he felt a soft material doused in alcohol perch on the wound blemishing his skin. “Ah, be gentle, ( Your Name ),” Whined Kaeya, stilling himself to refrain from moving and delaying your nurse on his cuts.
                          “We wouldn’t be in this situation if you had only been careful fighting those Abyss Mages.” You reprimanded with a stern glare. “Think of this as your punishment from me. Now, hold still.”
                      “I was fighting Abyss Mages and came back with small wounds. How am I not careful?”
       “You can be more careful.” Quipped you, and finding your chance, you pressed the cotton again his skin, causing the Cavalry Captain to hiss in pain.
                      “Ow, ow, ow – I said be gentle!”
                                         “Oh, you can fight Abyss Mages but can’t handle getting your wounds treated? What a baby.”
                        Kaeya pouted while you pulled away from him. “My dearest ( Your Name ) doesn’t love me anymore.” He cooed. “Tell me, what can I do to make it up to you, hmm?”
                                      You shook your head and placed your hand over his head, beaming. His heart leaped in his chest. “Stop being reckless.” You responded. “You’re the most important person to me, Kaeya. I don’t want to lose you too.”
             Days and days he spent thinking of what you said. He never truly knew how he important he was to you. The thought of that had him sleeping and dreaming of you and your smiles, how the days will be if you loved him the same way he loved you, and the fateful day you owned his heart.
   He had to thank Diluc for introducing him to you. He couldn’t imagine being in a world where he has no one to lean on when he lost the only family he had. You became his rock, someone he could lean on and trust. His friend who he loved more than he should have, the woman he wished to see in his arms someday.
                     But it will never be. He has to protect you. He is always in danger and he doesn’t want to hurt you more if he died and you two are in a relationship. And he had seen firsthand how affected you were when Diluc no longer wanted to be friends with you. He won’t let you go through the same pain if your relationship didn’t work. He loved you too much to let you suffer again.
                                  Kaeya didn’t think he would be able to thank Diluc again after their fall out but he was mistaken.
                            He didn’t know the full story of what had happened the night he got shitfaced drunk in the tavern but woke up the next day to learn he has revealed his feelings for you in front of his brother, and the latter had casually mentioned it to you when you dropped by the tavern to escort him back home.
                      Regret and frustration welled up inside of him and he spent ten minutes walking back in you guest room, trying to explain himself and perhaps even jest about having feels for you but his preparation was all futile when you opened the door just as he was about to.
               Before he can speak, you beat him to it.
        “The next time you get drunk like that, you’re sleeping on the couch.” You chastised, shaking your head and proceeding to turn your back to him to return downstairs. “Freshen up, and head down. I already cooked you breakfast, so hurry up before it gets cold.”
                                              Kaeya stared blankly at the spot you previously stood before smiling. He rushed over to the staircase and looked down to watch you descend the steps. “I won’t keep you long, love.”
                            His smile broadened when he saw redness rush to your cheeks.
Kaeya proposed to you in a way you expected him to propose to you. A fancy dinner at a fancy restaurant where he ordered a fancy bottle of wine and placed the fancy ring he bought into your glass. It was only because you knew him well that you have no accidentally imbibed the accessory. 
Upon receiving your answer to his proposal, the first thing Kaeya did the day after is hunt down for a best man. As a popular and charming Cavalry Captain of the Knights of Favonius, he thought it would be an easy task finding himself a best man but that notion gradually wilted as the date for your wedding approaches, he has yet to find someone to take the position.
In his pursuit for a best man, Kaeya came to realize something. His relationships with others aren’t exactly intimate. They drink and laugh together, but none of them really knew him. Kaeya couldn’t go to them with his personal problems or have their shoulders ready for him to cry on. They were good friends, but not people he would let inside his heart and vulnerability.
There were only two people who knew him behind the title of Cavalry Captain - you, and of course, his estranged brother, Diluc.
The very thought of Diluc sent a shiver down his spine. Diluc hated him and ( Your Name ). He pushed them away, treated them horridly, like they had been nothing to him but strangers with bad memories. Why would he want him to be his best man?
He remembered one day in Angel’s Share, he asked Venti if he could stand as his best man in the wedding and he swore he heard a glass dropping from behind the counter but when he turned, he saw Diluc wiping a wine glass with a blank expression. When Kaeya faced Venti once again, the excitement of being asked of such honorable position has withered and the Bard kindly declined before telling him to ask Diluc to be his best man. He did not.
Who cares about best man? The only thing important to me right now is marrying ( Your Name ).
But when the day of his wedding dawned, Kaeya was in a panic. Behind his charm was a man with a dark past, dark memories, and dark thoughts. He began doubting his ability to give you the life you deserve, began feeling insecurities he thought he had set aside.
He tried his best to remain calm, and for the most part, it worked. Everyone did not find something amiss when Kaeya was interacting with them before the wedding, but someone did, and that someone took him by his arm and dragged him a far and secluded corner after excusing him from who he was conversing with.
“Stop fidgeting with your tie, it’s beginning to bother me.”
Kaeya let out a huff. “Master Diluc, what a . . . surprise that you’re here.”
“You sent me an invitation.” The red head retaliated.
Kaeya had indeed sent him an invitation but he had no recollection of this or whatsoever. He was too wasted to remember.
“The Cavalry Captain losing his cool. Now this is a wedding just waiting to be ruined.”
It was almost like magic how the anxiety that has been eating him up vanished at his brother’s taunt. Kaeya glared at Diluc, opening his mouth to retaliate but before he can even let a single word move past his lips, Diluc turned his back to him and returned to the cathedral, leaving Kaeya in disbelief.
He let out a huff as he stared at his brother’s retreating form. “Bastard still knows me best.”
Kaeya has taken the reins over his emotions again, and he was sure he can keep his composure when you enter through the doors. But he was thoroughly mistaken as he swallowed the lump in his throat when his sight landed on you.
It felt like a dream. How can someone like you love him? In all his flaws, mistakes, and faults, how did you see him as someone you can lean on? Someone you want to spend the rest of your life with?
Surely, he must be dreaming. He’ll wake up in his bed any moment now and realize that everything had been the foolishness of his mind -
Except you continued making your way down aisle, and then you were in front of him with a veil covering your flushed face, and then he was slipping his hands in yours. This was real. You love him.
You leaned forward to him, nose brushing against his. “You look very dashing today, Kaeya.”
Kaeya chuckled. “And you look splendid today, Mrs. Alberich - oh, don’t go shy on me now.”
His smile broadened at the sight of your reddening cheeks. If it wasn’t for the priest speaking right now, he would have flipped over your veil and kiss you.
But there is plenty of time to do that. Kaeya will make sure of that.
          The youngest of the Guhua Clan will rarely be seen without a novel in hand. Everyday, Xingqiu will be seen with his friends with a book near him, always different from yesterday. He had read many novels and heard stories from storytellers, but one story he will never get tired of was his story with you.
       Although it may not seem like it, Xingqiu was a hopeless romantic, and he has always imagined seeking a woman to make his bride. However, it will always be something he can only imagine. As a heir of the Guhua Clan, he has responsibilities to keep and adhere, and he has willingly accepted this. Being given the freedom to choose his bride is something he cannot afford. When his father has informed him about offering him to a daughter of another prestigious clan, he has voiced his discontentment and disinclination to the arrangement but has nonetheless followed.
                  What a horror it would have been if he had followed through with the tiny voice inside his head saying to run away because if he did, he would have missed the chance of laying eyes on you and experiencing what many romance novels he read called – a heart skipping a beat.
           It was a tiring charade of formalities and display of pristine etiquette. All Xingqiu wanted was to retreat to a secluded area and continue immersing himself in the book he has picked up from the local library. With how often he reads, the novels in his own house he has already read, twice.
                                And so, he did. He kindly excused himself from the dinner between the families, making up a lie about feeling unwell and needing rest, and hurried over in the fields near his place. It is not exactly rude for him to skip dinner. It is not exactly ideal for his bride-to-be to be late in an important occasion like this so why shouldn’t he exhibit the same treatment as they did to him?
                    When he came to the spot be frequented, he caught sight of an unfamiliar figure from afar. A girl around his age sat on the bench under the tree, in the same spot he always occupied. She wore clothes similar to the families of the clan his family are negotiating with, so it didn’t take long for Xingqiu to learn this girl was related to them. He just didn’t know what her standing was with them.
 She was beautiful, he will admit, but it was the book in her hand that caught his attention. Thus, he approached her, adorning a friendly mask as to not scare her away. It is rather uncomfortable meeting strangers in the dark of the night and somewhere far from civilization.
           “Her hair billowed as she stood by the precipice, golden hues dimming in the dying light as she was left disappointed for yet another century. Her tears stung her skin and her throat tightened, but another century is simply common for someone like her. She will wait for his return, even if every mountain has eroded and all that was left of her was hope.” He recited a line from the novel as he took even ambles towards the girl, and he did not falter as she turned to face him. He offered her a smile and bowed with the elegance that his family taught. “Apologies for my disruption, my liege, but I can’t help but be thrilled to see someone with such incredible taste for literature. Not many are fond of historical fiction. Well, in my case, not many are into literature.”
                                        Her eyes appraised him with wonder as she perfected her posture. “That’s one of the lines in the book. My, even I haven’t memorized a single phrase from any of the books in my collections.” She remarked.
                                “I like to memorize a line or two from all the books I’ve read. It feels like a part of them will always be with me even if my memories fade in time.” Xingqiu gestured to the vacant spot beside her. “May I sit next to you?”
     She let out a laugh, to which sent shivers down Xingqiu’s spine. “You may. It’s not everyday I get to speak with someone with the same interests as me.”
                      He gladly seated himself beside her and immediately, he was greeted with the fragrance of flowers.
                    The girl extended her hand to him, smilingly softly at him. “My name is ( Your Name ),” She introduced herself. “You’re probably thinking you haven’t seen me around in Liyue, and you’re right. My family is here to meet with the Guhua Clan.”
                                                      Xingqiu took her hand and pressed a chaste kiss on the back. “Glad to make your acquaintance, my lady. My name is Xingqiu from the Guhua Clan.”
      Her eyebrows raised in acknowledgment. “Is that so?” She mused. “Then, I must show my sincerest gratitude for letting my family into – ”
               “Ah, there’s no need for that,” Dismissed Xingqiu as he shook his head. “We’re far from the dinner they’re sharing together. No need to be so formal with me.”
          Her smile brightened. “I have a feeling we’re going to get along splendidly, Xingqiu.”
                        Upon returning together to his house and finding an excuse as to why Xingqiu had been outside did he and ( Your Name ) learn that it was them who were destined to be married when they are of age. The disappointment of meeting his soon-to-be bride has dissipated at the revelation, leaving him filled with utmost joy and pride as to having you as his, and from the shy and gleeful smile that wandered to your lips, Xingqiu can tell you think the same with him.
It was to be expected that the two of you will have a luxurious and grand wedding. With the two of you coming from wealthy families, it was no surprise. If you have insisted for a small wedding consisting only of close relatives and friends, your parents will fear some other elite clans will perceive this as them losing power and money and will take advantage of them or simply cut ties with them. You and Xingqiu had no other choice but to respect their requests. Although Xingqiu was secretly relieved you agreed to a big wedding. For him, you deserved only the best of the best, and in this case, larger is better.
Both families came to an agreement that it would be for the best if the two of you are not to see each other for the week before your wedding day. You found nothing wrong with this arrangement. Xingqiu, however, was the opposite of you.
Many times he tried to sneak out of his house to visit you in secret but Chongyun has thwarted this attempts many times. When he goes to adventures with the Traveler, he find himself missing you in mere hours. How can he survive a whole week without communicating with you?
Oh, how foolish of him. He was now allowed to visit you but he can, however, write letters to you.
For the whole week, Xingqiu will be writing to you without ceasing. You’ll have a difficult time keeping up with his letters but you’ll always find time to respond to him. After all, you missed him just as much as he missed you.
Xingqiu woke up before the sun can call for him. He walked around in his room, breathing in and out as he tried to soothe his joy. Chongyun, who was tasked to look after Xingqiu for the whole week, woke up from the sound of his footsteps. When he stepped inside his best friend’s room, Xingqiu held Chongyun’s hands and twirled him around, startling the half-asleep Cryo user.
“I’m getting married to ( Your Name ) today!”
“I know, Xingqiu. I’ve been stopping you from visiting her the whole week.”
Your wedding was held in a beautiful garden where cherry blossoms flutter and the wind was gentle and cool.
Xingqiu always held his composure in any situations and circumstances he encountered. But he was going to admit that seeing you in your wedding dress with the cherry blossoms kissing your skin and tresses every now and then had him malfunctioning.
It took a worse turn when you finally stood before him, expectantly looking at him. A compliment, a playful jest, a seductive remark - but there was none of that.
Xingqiu stared at you, eyes shining with admiration and his lips parted in pleasant surprise.
“Xingqiu, earth to Xingqiu,” You whispered. “You there?”
It was only after you spoke that Xingqiu snapped out of his stupor.
“Get yourself together, Xingqiu.” Stated Chongyun beside him in a whisper.
It took him a while to find him bearings but when he did, Xingqiu smiled at you and pressed a kiss on your forehead.
“Beautiful, just like the first time I saw you.”
            Scaramouche has dedicated his entire life to seeing through what his majesty, the Tsaritsa, desired. His life shall be nothing but a pawn for her to use in her schemes and may her will be done through him and her subjects. If she must dispose of him to make success of her endeavor, Scaramouche will gladly surrender before her eyes and bare his neck for her to cut. He will do anything she commands without a second thought, and anyone who dares get in his way will face the wrath of an incensed Harbinger.                
         It was all about the Tsaritsa. His entire his existence is for his majesty. It was all he ever believed in when the honor of being the sixth Harbingers was crowned over him. With that said, Scaramouche can never bring himself to admit his resolve has been altered upon his discreet visitation to the City of Freedom to conduct a more intimate investigation over the meteorites and the impact it had on the people of Mondstadt.
                      His skull was throbbing, his thoughts scattered, and frustration was beginning to settle inside of him. Scaramouche has just dispatched his soldiers to continue their research on the meteors after his failed attempt to eliminate the traveler. He was left alone in the tranquility of the night, with the remnants of the astrologist’s escape glittering beneath his eyes, mocking him.
     “I should have acted quicker. The Traveler will continue foiling The Tsaritsa’s plans.” Mumbled Scaramouche to himself. “No matter. There will be another chance in the future to finish off the hero of Mondstadt, and I’m sure it’ll come sooner than I expect. I must prepare for that time. I can’t make this mistake again.”
                  A curious hum that echoed behind him had him stiffening in his place and drawing out his weapon from thin air. “Are you interested about the meteors too?” A voice asked.
          Scaramouche turned around, and he found a woman standing behind him a few meters away. She has a beauty that he favors, a smile so gentle that it thawed a bit of ice in his heart, but a scowl made its way to his countenance. She’s taller than me.
  She didn’t look particularly like anyone he would have any interest in knowing, and when she has introduced herself to him after he supplied her with no answer, Scaramouche predicted correctly. She was merely an ordinary folk in any ordinary city with no Vision or any skillset that could benefit him in anything.
                                                    “I must get going.” Curtly stated Scaramouche and he turned around without even bidding goodbye to the woman.
                          “So soon?” You asked. “I thought we could at least talk what’s been happening – about the meteors, the stars.”
              Scaramouche frowned at the mention of the latter and he spun back around to meet your gaze. “The stars? What about the stars?”
                                        You smiled a secret smile. “The stars . . . they’re fake.”
         Scaramouche stared at you with wonder and amusement in his dark hues. He has always believed in that notion, and only a handful came to agree with him. Now, here a lady stands before him, with nothing in particular to offer him, speaking of the truth many has rejected.
                      He examined you from head to toe, evaluating your form before beckoning you to come over to him, saying, “Perhaps I can spare some time to talk.”
                  What was supposed to be a conversation within an hour or so has extended for a day, and when you requested to accompany him back to ship docked in Liyue Harbor to continue your conversation (it surprised him but has nonetheless allowed you to tag along) about the meteors and the stars, it dragged on for weeks.
     But Scaramouche would be lying if he said that was all you discussed about. There was only so much information they can relate to the subject that has intertwined their fates that it did not take long for the two of you to stray from it to favor a more civil conversation. He learned of your mundane life back in Mondstadt where you were merely another dot in the bustle of the city and he managed to extract from you valuable material regarding the Honorary Knight (in truth, you have willingly told him everything you knew about the Hero of Mondstadt and this he was very pleased with). He learned about your family, your work, your past, and your ambition to adventure throughout the lands of Teyvat even without a Vision.
                He thought it was foolish of you to believe you can ever get out of your city without a Vision. There were too many enemies that a simple adventurer like you could easily be overwhelmed with. Not to mention the Fatuis that he and his fellow Harbingers has placed all throughout Teyvat. The thought of you getting hurt, especially by his own soldiers . . . it did not sit right with him.
                                 Arriving at Liyue Harbor, Scaramouche proposed that you come with him. It is no secret that anyone who do not possess a Vision cannot survive if they were ever to embark on a journey. Hearing your desire for an adventure, Scaramouche has come to decide that as gratitude for your pleasant company and for your compliance in giving him information about the renowned traveler, he shall take you along in his voyage, showing you the grandest landscapes, granting your every need and desires, all the while keeping you at his side where he was certain you were safe.
    It was all to thank you, nothing else. It wasn’t because Scaramouche knew he would find himself missing you and the comfort you bring when you leave, nor was it because he was fond of you. Yes, yes, all just to show his gratitude.
              As his soldiers watched as Scaramouche led you aboard in ship with his hand interlocked with yours, they thought the same thing – Scaramouche is never the one to show gratitude to anyone. You had him smitten.
How you were able to fall in love with Scaramouche in such a short period of time is fascinating. Especially with his horrid personality.
But he was different with you. He was gentle, caring, and never raised his voice. The insults remained but there was no venom behind them. It took you quite some time to get used to his belittling remarks but it didn’t evade your perception how Scaramouche begun lessening his insults, opting for a more playful jab instead.
He proposed to you over at dinner. He had just come back from an expedition and came home to a table filled with your cooking. As the two of you are exchanging your stories of what went with your lives when you two were separated, Scaramouche placed his chopsticks away, looked at you straight in the eyes and said, “Marry me.”
How can you say no to such a romantic proposal?
Actually, you made him redo his proposal before you accepted but nobody else has to know about that.
There was no best man for Scaramouche in your wedding. The man was feared by everyone, and his fellow Harbingers hated him. Childe did insist on being his best man at one point but he almost ended up being fried by a lightning bolt. Apparently, the 11th Harbinger pestered him for a whole week trying to convince him to let him be the best man so his actions were justified - just a little bit.
You have to give it to Scaramouche. Regardless of his busy schedule and the current predicament in Inazuma, he managed to find time and opportunity to plan your wedding and marry you without having to worry about the Electro Archon and her subjects.
Scaramouche scoffed at the tradition of not being able to see you on the very day of your wedding. What good would it be? You were going to be his wife, and he wanted to see his wife. He saw himself above tradition, and visited you first thing in the morning at the day of the wedding.
It was no question Scaramouche was an authoritative man but he was more so as he prepared himself for the wedding.
His maids ran about in the room, providing everything he needed and wanted. Scaramouche was not known for being compassionate, but this was the first time they’ve been on the receiving end of his wrath. Normally, he would ignore their existence and not even bother to call them by their names but today, he was different. He acted worse than when he comes home after a failed mission.
The maids knew he was beyond frustrated with the wedding. So, they called to ask for your help.
“Scaramouche, you’re scaring the maids.” You cooed as you came up behind him and placed your hands on his shoulders.
Scaramouche let out a scoff, but you felt his frame soften. He sat before a mirror, and he gazed at your reflection as he placed a hand over one of yours. “Even they weren’t so terrible with their jobs . . . ”
“You’re making things so hard for them. And for yourself too.” You stated. “Marrying me shouldn’t be hard, should it?”
That statement set Scaramouche right, and when you left to carry on with your own preparation and the maids returned to their duties, he was more civil with them. If that’s what you want, then he can endure it.
The hour has finally arrived. Scaramouche has faced many dangers in his life, but it was only now he felt restless. What is taking you so long? He thought you wanted to marry him. Then what’s warranting your late arrival?
At that thought, you finally appeared by the end of the aisle, holding a bouquet in your hands. Everyone in the venue gaped at your beauty, and Scaramouche was thankful you had everyone gazing at you. He didn’t want them to see the dumbfounded and poorly hidden lovestruck expression that crossed his mien for a moment.
But a sense of pride also touched him. 
That’s my bride.
When the ceremony begins, you and Scaramouche were seated side by side. You smiled brightly at him when you sat, but he didn’t any indication that he saw your smile and continued giving his undivided attention on the person conducting your wedding. You pouted heavily at this but said nothing and followed his actions. However, your smile returned when you felt his fingers hooking with yours. It was a small improvement, but it was intimate and loving.
Scaramouche didn’t cry in your wedding but when his arms held you tightly to his chest when evening came and two of you lied down on your shared bed, it was enough for you to know he loved you as much as you loved him.
Maybe more so.
   Razor rarely experience human interaction, and if he did, it would be abrupt and depending on how the communication was being dealt by both parties, it would either be Razor who parts from them first out of wariness or lacking knowledge of being social or the other would, most of the time for the reason they find it disturbing a human could act so much like a wolf. The humans Razor constantly encounter are the hunters from Springvale and due to their bellowing voices and violence against his Lupicals, he has limited his ventures to Mondstadt unless something calls for an emergency.
        Other than the man who gave him his name, Razor only knew a handful of people – six of them being the Traveler, Traveler’s companion, Bennett, Klee, her big brother Albedo, and the woman he sees as his mentor, Lisa. He can only ever let his guard down when around them, though he was still a wee bit cautious of Albedo whenever Klee drags him to his camp.
                          He didn’t think he could meet anyone else who can consider a Lupical. That was until he met you. You were taking a peaceful stroll around Wolvendom – Archons know why you chose the most avoided place in Mondstadt to walk through – at the same time he was hunting down boars for his Lupicals.
  There was no rescuing or danger involved when he met you. It was a simple encounter, to which Razor was pleasantly surprised with. In almost all occasions, when he is meeting a fellow human being, it would be under rather unusual circumstances. He met the Traveler and her floating friend when they were being attacked by slimes. He met Lisa when she has painted the skies dark as she was singlehandedly fending herself off from a mob of Hilichurls. He met Klee when she was using her bombs to fish. He met Albedo in the middle of a chaotic experiment to which resulted in an evacuation. He met Bennett when he was hanging upside down from a tree when he tried to take an apple from a high branch, and the tree was up in flames.
                   To say, meeting you normally was a breath of fresh air.
      The two of you hit it off almost immediately, or so that is what it seems to you. Although you consider Razor a good friend even in just the few days you have met, he was still very careful of you. He had been deceived by humans before and it may be a little unfair to you since he trusted the Traveler and Bennett almost in an instant, he must first know you are trustworthy.
  And indeed, you’ve proven yourself as such. Perhaps, more so than the Traveler. You have done everything to show him you have no ill intentions against him and his Lupicals – helped him in hunting for sustenance for his family even if you have to knowledge in hunting, helping him broaden his vocabulary, helping him read and write – but it was your sacrifice to protect them that made him truly open himself up to you.
             An Abyss Mage has appeared out of nowhere and has wreaked havoc in their residence. Razor can feel his heart thundering as he raced through Wolvendom along with a few of his Lupicals who he had gone out with to hunt. Upon arriving at their home, Razor has anticipated to see the grass painted with red and wounded wolves whimpering in pain as others try to battle against the Abyss Mage. But to his relief, such image was not implemented into reality. Instead, he found his Lupicals sleeping soundly in their den, and the remains of the Abyss Mage has slowly evaporated in thin air. As the particles gradually disappeared, they made way for your presence to be revealed.
           Razor let out a gasp when he laid eyes on you. Bruised, bleeding, exhausted, but smiling as you happily waved at him with the hand clutching your weapon.
                              You happily advanced towards him, tittering. Razor reached out to take your hand, and reluctantly asked of your welfare. Now he understood why humans ask how one is fairing when they are clearly unwell – they do not know what else to say.
                      “Why would you do that?” Razor questioned as he brought you far from his den to tend to your wounds without waking his family. “You are hurt now.”
    “I can’t let an Abyss Mage hurt your Lupical.” You answered firmly, the smile you wore dissipating as you gazed into his eyes. “I might not be as strong as the Honorary Knight or Acting Grand Master Jean, but I fought well.”
               What was this odd sensation he was feeling? This strong urge to protect you, to take you in his arms and never let you go – what was this? He has never felt like this before. So light, so . . . flustered. He thought this feeling would be gone after a few days, but months has passed and since then, the feeling became more prominent, stronger. All the time he could never get enough of you and there will always be that lingering trickle of pain in his chest when you have to leave for the day. Razor knew you would come back the day after when the night has gone, but it never stopped that little ache.
                          Razor understood that he lacked understanding of feelings, so he confided to Bennett about it. Bennett was almost as clueless as Razor about feelings – almost – but he did know when someone was taking a liking of someone in a more amorous manner. He has filled Razor about exactly what he was feeling for you, and not the kind of feeling that he has for him and the Traveler, but the kind of liking he would have towards a . . . girlfriend? (Bennett had to explain to him the meaning behind girlfriend and it was no easy task).
            “Liking someone like a girlfriend . . . ” Razor muttered, scrunching his face in puzzlement. “ . . . like a mate?”
                                 Bennett flushed at the word but nodded. “Yes, like a mate.”
                                                Bennett tried his best to help Razor confess to you, and this is where disaster happened. Since Razor is mostly uneducated in terms of romantic feelings, he did not feel any anxiety crawling up to him when he decided to admit his feelings to you. The problem is that he has decided to confess in a wrong time and in a difficult situation.
       “You should confess to her after you’ve saved her from danger!” Exclaimed Bennett, beaming at Razor.
        ��          The latter tilted his head to the side. “Razor doesn’t . . . get it.”
    “Well, in the books I’ve read, the guys confess to the girls they like in a dangerous time. I don’t know how that’s safe, but it works. But since we don’t want to hurt ( Your Name ), you’ll save her before confessing!”
                    Bless his innocent heart, Razor trusted Bennett’s word without a smidge of doubt. His opportunity to admit his feelings came when the two of you saw Reckless Pallad being surrounded by Hilichurls getting ready to pounce on him. The thing is you too knew your way around a battlefield and have efficiently begun fighting off the Hilichurls. Razor watched as you made quick work of rescuing Reckless Pallad and he didn’t even notice himself beginning to pout in disappointment until you were right in front of him again, worriedly gazing at him.
             “Razor, what’s wrong?” You questioned, appraising him. “You’re not injured, are you?”
                                     He shook his head. “Razor not injured.” He confirmed.
        “Well, that’s good, but why aren’t you moving? We need to save that man.”
                            “Razor wanted to confess to ( Your Name ) by saving her.”
       Razor explained the plan of his confession he conspired with Bennett, how he would save you from danger and tell you his everlasting love that he didn’t notice the redness tinting your cheeks and the wide smile stretching across your face.
           Razor only took note of the phenomenon occurring on your features when he has finished elaborating his scheme. He narrowed his eyes curiously. “Your face is all . . . red. Sick?” He asked.
                                                                         Razor didn’t have a chance to further speculate just exactly was ailing you before you took hold of his face and softly placed your lips against him, catching him off guard.
                                      There was a blossom in his chest when you kissed him – this is love, right? Razor decided there and then he liked this feeling of love.
                      Needless to say, Reckless Pallad was left alone for the Traveler to save. Again.
Razor had no idea what weddings were. He has never heard of such thing before. The first time he did learn about it was when he was hanging out with you and the Traveler. The latter mentioned that you and him are invited in a wedding. Razor tilted his head in confusion but when he turned to ask you what it was, he froze. Your eyes were shimmering with joy and excitement. Razor liked seeing you like that.
So when you were preoccupied, Razor asked the Traveler what a wedding was. Perhaps a wedding was some sort of food that he can find in the wild?
After Traveler has explained what weddings are and the concept of marriage as well, Razor did not waste time trying to propose to you. Since he had no money to buy a very expensive ring, he asked Bennett for help to find materials so he can make one of his own. In the end, they had Wagner help them form a ring. It wasn’t exactly the best looking but when Razor showed it to you and asked for your hand in marriage (Traveler helped him with his proposal speech and had to explain that asking for your hand doesn’t mean literal), and he saw the pure joy on your face, he thought it was pretty enough for you.
Razor didn’t know you were happy mostly because he proposed to you but you didn’t tell him. He looked so proud with the ring.
Your wedding was small and only a very few people were invited. Klee insisted on being one of the flower girls and Razor almost agreed until she began spouting about bombs which will detonate in the air and will explode with flowers. Albedo advised Razor not to make her one of the flower girls because Klee, for sure, will bring flower bombs (it will explode with flowers, but the explosion is still there).
Razor chose Bennett as his best man. That was supposed to be a good thing but when the two of those pair up together, they can tend to cause a lot of chaos, unintentionally.
At the day of the wedding, nearly all the invitees refuse to enter the cathedral as they claim there was danger inside. When Kaeya and Jean came to inspect this danger they speak of, both wielded their weapons once seeing a pack of wolves huddled at the front, just before the altar, with Bennett and Razor telling them to behave.
You had to explain to Razor why it was dangerous and made people uncomfortable when there are wolves present in the cathedral. Although Razor was understandably disappointed by this, he conceded and brought his Lupicals back to Wolvendom. To make it up to him, you promised a private celebration will be held in Wolvendom with nobody else but you, him, Bennett, and of course, his Lupicals.
Razor didn’t know why Bennett seemed more nervous than him when the two of them were standing by the altar. 
“I’m going to ruin your wedding, Razor! Aren’t you worried?”
“ . . . but you not ruining anything . . . ?”
When you finally arrived in the cathedral, Razor felt excitement surge in his body and he can hardly stop himself from squirming on his seat. 
But he wasn’t smiling. These emotions . . . he was having a hard time comprehending them. It was good, it was nice, but it was overwhelmingly so.
He could have cried, and he almost did but when you were before him, smiling at him, he couldn’t help but smile back.
His beautiful wife, his Lupical.
Bennett was the one who cried in your wedding.
                It was always a fascinating sight to see a traveler meandering through Dragonspine without minding the sheer cold or flawlessly fending themselves off from the enemies lurking around. Even Albedo has some degree of difficult in navigating his way back to his camp without the Fatui spotting him or tailing him. But it was more fascinating to see a young woman standing in the middle of a freezing lake with nothing but her trousers and her brassiere.
                            It was a peculiar meeting, yes, but out of the ordinary people and matters has always endeared him.
    Albedo brought you to his camp as quickly as he can and asked Timaeus to hand you a cup of warm tea and a blanket. After thanking him for his kindness and consuming half of the beverage generously given to you, you introduced yourself.
             You were an adventurer who came all the way from Liyue to embark on a journey to discover the harshness and secrets that laid within Dragonspine, a mountain many do not dare set foot further in. Other than the mentioned reasons, training was a top priority of yours. You claim one cannot go further in their adventure while being comfortable in their current, and he completely agrees with your statement. When Albedo questioned why you had been in the middle of a lake in Dragonspine, you answered that being able to withstand the cold was just part of your training and seeing as he had caught you shivering to close to death, it was not going well.
                            Albedo didn’t think he would see you again after you parted from him, but he was surprised when the next day he found you waiting for him in his camp, a smile on your face as you stand proudly and wave at him.
   Something about you piqued his interest, if his interest was somehow related to how his heart accelerated whenever you come close to him to offer help with his experiment, or when his face grows hot if you offer him a compliment. He thought it was your way of showing him your gratefulness for taking care of you yesterday, so he allowed your presence in his camp, around him. Albedo didn’t expect you to visit again the next day, and the day after that, and so on and so forth. But he can’t say he disliked your frequent visitations, or your presence that always seem to be following him everywhere he went. He very much liked your company and thoroughly enjoyed listening about your adventures and everything you came across in your adventure. They were a good distraction from his experiments. Everything about you set his mind in ease.
             It wasn’t long until the two of you are spending more time together alone. No experiments, no work in mind. It just the two of you keeping one another company and sharing stories about your days, and making banters here and there – whether it be in a walk under the moon, or sharing a meal in Good Hunter, or while he paints somewhere in Dragonspine.
                 Although Albedo was not well versed in the complexity of romance and has deemed relationships to be rather tedious to uphold, but he was knowledgeable enough to know that in the process of his growing friendship with you, he has caught feelings for you.
  This has certainly brought difficulty in his relationship with you. Albedo, although never verbally admitting so, has always thought of feelings as a nuisance. In a relationship, in his own observation, disadvantages trump over advantages. He had seen the irrationality that love has caused, the stupidity. His observation led him to one conclusion – other than being friends with people, relationships is not for him.
           You have put him in a challenging situation. It would have been easy to cut ties with you if you haven’t successfully infiltrated his walls and snaked your way in his heart. The very thought of pushing you away was repulsive to him. Seeing the hurt cross your features – it will haunt him for the rest of his life.
                      The interest he had for you was not interest at all. It was the beginning of love. He should have been more alert, and this wouldn’t have happened.
                                 What if you returned his feelings and your relationship did not work? There was no way your friendship could be salvaged. Isn’t it much better to remain as friends than risk ruining any chance of keeping you in his life?
  No, no, that would be insanely idiotic. It will eat him up. Thus, he treated his feelings for you like an experiment. Dipping carefully, testing the waters – confessing to you.
        He can construct a confession that will perfectly enunciate his feelings for you while emphasizing your freedom to reject him and his desire to remain good friends with you. Surely, you didn’t reciprocate his feelings. All he needed is for you to let him down, and he will hope you can still see him the same way after.
            All his preparations, however, were thrown out of the window when you beat him to confessing.
   Albedo had no idea how struck his expression must have been with puzzlement, anxiety and flatter as he attentively listens to every word that leaves your lips. His heart pounded at everything you were saying – everything he adored about you, you adored about him. Being unable to speak his mind felt foreign to him. After you finished your confession, a beautiful red hue coloring your cheeks as you looked into his eyes with hopefully eyes, all he can do his open his mouth a smidge, and close, and then open again. He must have resembled a goldfish at that time.
                      Albedo couldn’t believe it. You loved him, and here he was expecting to be rejected and thinking relationships were a waste of time.
                                          He was in a dilemma now. Accept your feelings as his heart desired to, or gently reject you for practicality? Having a lover would complicate his life and he will risk so many things that he were used to just to be able to keep his relationship with you fruitful. Was he ready for something like that?
           This was the first time Albedo has listened to his heart. He still remembered how he cupped your face in his hands and pressed his lips against yours, muffling the gasp that tumbled out of you.
                                Albedo might be a stranger to romance but he is an Alchemist and risks are part of his job, and risking coming out of his comfort to be with you was something you deserve, and maybe something he deserved as well.
You knew Albedo was going to propose to you. He was always immersed in his experiments and research that you took the responsibility of tidying up his lab. It did not take long for you to find a small black box nestled in the back inside a drawer filled with haphazardly thrown papers and used pens.
Albedo knew that you knew he was going to propose to you. The two of you were taking a peaceful stroll around Dragonspine and after a heartfelt speech, he knelt down to one knee, he curiously watched as you malfunctioned right in front of him, trying to elect which route of surprise should you take before displaying a less then satisfactory theatrics of surprise.
Nonetheless, the two of you are still happy.
You and Albedo agreed that the two of you will have a small and private wedding. Klee, however, did not. She was less than thrilled to hear about that and went on a whole spiel of the reasons why you should have the biggest and most fun wedding ever, as she said.
“ - then where will a really, really tall wedding cake and Klee is going to make a bomb that will explode in the skies where it will burst out many pretty flower petals - ”
Jean promised the two of you that she will keep an eye on her at the day of the wedding.
Albedo is adamant on two things - a small wedding, and having no best man, and the latter had two reasons. Although he is highly respected in Mondstadt, there was no one he could ask to be best man, and the second reason is that he loves you and is certain that marrying you is something he wants. No doubts. He didn’t need a best man helping him in something he didn’t need help with.
Albedo was also not someone to conform to the ritual of not seeing the bride on the day of the wedding until the very ceremony, but for you, he begrudgingly followed.
On the day of the wedding, Albedo prepared himself without the help of anyone. He prepared his own clothes and had Klee braid his hair (it was a wee bit sloppy and Albedo fixed them when she had her back turned to him and gave her all the credit).
The man reached for the door to visit you but he let out a sigh when he realized that he cannot. He made a promise that today, the first time he’ll see you is when you walk down the aisle. He has to keep his promise. Not to mention Klee blocked his way and reminded him of that (tried to block).
Albedo was a patient man. Patience was nothing new to him. His research and experiments needed patience or they will ultimately fail. It came to the point where being impatient made him uncomfortable. That’s exactly what was happening when he was standing at the altar. Nobody, not even the observant Kaeya himself, can tell Albedo was beginning to lose his patience.
The day had been a little too long. He wanted to see you already. It didn’t matter if the ceremony would take a while before he can kiss you and call you his wife. He just wanted to see you again.
Albedo turned away the moment you stepped inside the cathedral. You were far from repulsive or ugly (and he can never think of you like that), but he had to cast his gaze somewhere but on you. He knew you’ll be beautiful in your wedding dress, but seeing you now with your adorable and shy smile, with Cecilia flowers in your hands, and your eyes fixated on him and only him - Albedo nearly lost his composure.
This time he was sure Kaeya saw it.
“Waah, big sister ( Your Name ) looks soooo pretty!” Klee cooed loudly, causing the guests to let out a few chuckles of amusement.
His impatience was beginning to pierce through him. The moment you faced him, Albedo did not waste time grabbing your hands, and once he did, you saw him visibly soften, as though a huge burden was lifted from his shoulders.
“What happened to you?” You asked, giggling.
Albedo returned your smile. “I’m just very happy to see you.”
The fervor that he exuded when he kissed you certainly supported his statement.
    Chongyun was known for two things – being an exorcist and having a type of condition that needed his keen observation and awareness.
       He has always disliked his condition. Whenever his Yang energy overwhelms, he must immediately consume an icy treat to be able to soothe his nerves. But it seems he can be thankful for it for this one time. If it wasn’t for his congenital positivity, he wouldn’t have stumbled across you, and your hundred homemade ice cream you smuggled out of your own home.
                      Chongyun had been hurrying to meet his friend at that day. He had just finished an exorcism somewhere in Qingce Village and was rushing to where he and Xingqiu usually meet in Liyue. He was already running late, and who knows what Xingqiu will do if he was late again. He let out a pained yelp when he crashed against your form when he made a sharp turn, and his Yang energy has never been in a more unstable state than when he saw you seated on the ground, groaning in pain, with peculiar looking containers littering the floor around you.
                   Chongyun had profusely apologized for his actions and assisted you in gathering all the belongings he had knocked off your possession. He felt the coldness in the small containers you once held and wondered what was inside. He hasn’t seen anything like this before. He knew his Yang energy was starting to ooze out of him but he underestimated its manifestation until you placed your hand over his forehead. He pulled back away instantly, startled by your actions, to which you immediately apologized.
        “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” He repeated, light blue hair bobbing with his movements as he bowed his head over to you again and again, mortification palpable on his features. “I-I didn’t mean to run – ”
                        “No, no, I should be the one apologizing! I wasn’t looking where I was going and I put my hand on you all of a sudden – ” You were about to continue spewing apologies and explanations when you froze, concern etching across his face. “ - oh, hey, you’re really, really red. Are you okay?”
                  Even when it had been years since his encounter with you, he still gets embarrassed when he remembered that, and you and Xingqiu tease him about it.
                                           He explained to you then about his condition and when you offered him a container you owned containing ice cream you made, that’s when your friendship begun. When the two of you snuck out to a secluded area in Liyue Harbor to gorge on the tons of ice cream you have once again brought out of your house despite your mother’s warnings did he know it would be a friendship that will last long. His only regret was that he introduced you to Xingqiu, and now he must endure double the teasing.
                       One thing he appreciated about you was how ready you were whenever you were with him. You made it your point to know what can cause his condition to act up and soothe him by your words, and always having ice cream with you. And the best part was that the ice cream you give him is always homemade, made by you. His popsicles could never compete to your masterpiece.
    He never really thought of you as someone he would be romantically interested in. Sure, there were instances when his Yang energy would flare up because of having you by his side, when your smile brought upon his own, when his heart raced when you held his hand as the two of you were returning from a commission, when he gazed at you with adoration when you took care of him and fed him cold noodles when he was having a fever (he refused to eat hot noodles even in his illness). Surely, all friends do that with one another, right? And feeling this odd sensation in his chest was normal, right?
                      When he confided in Xingqiu with this, the boy laughed at his cluelessness. It wasn’t surprising. Chongyun did not have a lot of friends so distinguishing friendship and romance was not easy for him. The Hydro Vision holder filled him in with everything he has to know about relationships, and he used some pretty unconventional ways like giving him a too descriptive image of how a man and woman would kiss, and other explicit doings of adults.
         But it did bring light one thing – Chongyun liked you, and of course how he handled such revelation was, simply put, disastrous.
                                      His entire body felt hot, and he was stammering to the point even the ever so eloquent Xingqiu cannot understand him. Normally, when things get like this, he’ll rush over to your place and request for some of your delicious ice cream but seeing as you were somehow part of the reason for this, he had to rely on Xingqiu to take care of him.
                      After learning about his feelings for you, Chongyun have never been more uneasy around you, which was odd, and he was sure you’ve noticed, and yet has never dropped any comment about it.
                     He was always nervous around you. Blushing whenever you come close to him, jumping when you take his hand in his, stammering whenever you praise him for anything, feeling the need to run away if you ask him about how he was fairing – he has lost count just how many popsicles he has eaten just to keep his cool. He has stopped asking ice cream from you and declined any offer from you because he thought accepting your homemade ice creams could lead him to falling deeper in love with you until he couldn’t move on anymore.
             Chongyun didn’t notice your growing impatience. He was so immersed in his own feelings that he didn’t take into consideration how you felt whenever he flinched away from your touch and rejected your treats.
   It took Xingqiu for the growing tension between the two of you to alleviate. He made an elaborate plan to get the two of you together in an isolated place (a broom closet) and has made a claim not to let any of you go until the two of you have confessed your feelings with each other.
                      “Just tell me what’s wrong with you, Chongyun! Why are you acting so weird around me?” You asked him but he refused to answer you just as he refused to look at you.
      You let out a sigh as you reached out to take his hand but when he pulled away from your touch, that was the last straw.
               “If you don’t want to be friends with me anymore, just say so.”
          Alarmed, Chongyun faced you, stuttering. “No! Of course, I want to be friends with you - I mean, I don’t want to be friends - wait, that sounded wrong, and so bad - ”
   Your brows burrowed together in question. “You want to be friends but you don’t want to be friends?”
   Chongyun groaned as he buried his face on his hands. It’s now or never.
                “I like you, ( Your Name ).”
           The silence that followed was deafening for Chongyun. He removed his hands from his face and prepared himself to apologize and beg to continue being friends when he felt hands cup his face, and your lips pressing against his. It was a good thing you had ice cream on you even after he avoided you for weeks. He almost fainted in your arms if it wasn’t for you shoving a finger in his mouth with a scoop of ice cream. 
                                   It was one of the few times Chongyun was grateful for Xingqiu’s interest in romantic tropes because if it wasn’t for him, he wouldn’t have left that room with a blushing but happy face with you.
      Xingqiu smirked as the two of you exited the room, hand in hand and redness coating your cheeks. “Well, well, well, look who - ”
                    “Shut up, Xingqiu,” You and Chongyun chorused. The two of you looked at each other out of surprise and then burst out laughing, all the while the Hydro Vision user stood by the side, sighing.
         “Now, I have to deal with these two’s teasing.”
When Chongyun realized he was ready to propose to you after years of being together, he asked Xingqiu to propose to you on his behalf.
His best friend nearly destroyed his book from whacking the Cryo user for thinking such an inane idea could work. Not only was it not romantic, it was also inappropriate. Xingqiu had to reprimand him for an entire hour proposing that idea but being a good best friend that he is despite his mischievous streak, he vowed to help the man propose to you.
It was no easy task and there were times where Chongyun held himself back and risking yet another proposal plan. He was thankful Xingqiu was well versed with romance and everything entailed with it and knew more ways to help him. After a countless of delays, Chongyun managed to get down on one knee one fine evening by the trails leading to Liyue Harbor, spew out affirmation of his love for you in stammers, and asked for your hand in marriage.
When you accepted his proposal and adorned your finger with the ring, Chongyun discreetly showed a thumbs up to a nearby bush. About three hands popped out from the leaves, offering the same action.
Xingqiu let out a sigh as Xiangling and Xinyan giggled. “Finally.” He breathed out. “Now, time for me to be his best man.”
Of course, Chongyun chose him as his best man. Who else would be a better choice than him? 
Chongyun is firm about Xingqiu being his best man but sometimes he can be a little bit . . . pushy, especially when it comes to something he believes in.
There was a tradition where he cannot see you for a whole week until the ceremony. Chongyun was mildly bothered by this arrangement but nonetheless, since you agree with it, he will respect your wishes and do the same. Xingqiu has over and over again tried to persuade him to visit you at home, and he made some interesting points why he should. He almost convinced him a few times but in the end, he refused to be lured in his trap and stopped the temptation of breaking his promise.
He missed you dearly, yes, and his patience will surely be rewarded soon.
Chongyun, as expected, was freaking out at the day of wedding. Marriage is a huge step for the both of you. You’re not going to regret marrying him, will you? What if this marriage didn’t work? He’ll lose you for you.
Xingqiu had to guide him away from the altar and to a corner for privacy. Other than you, Xingqiu was a person who had been when his condition start acting up and how it worked.
After successfully cooling him down with a popsicle, Xingqiu consoled Chongyun. “I don’t know what you’re thinking about back there but you have nothing to worry about. ( Your Name ) loves you.”
“What if it doesn’t work between us?”
“It will. I’ve seen how you two are. You’re perfect for each other. I think you already know that, and ( Your Name ) does too. Why would she accept your proposal if she didn’t think the two of you wouldn’t prosper together?”
Chongyun murmured. “Pity?”
If Xingqiu had a book with at that moment, he would have smacked Chongyun again.
Once his condition has subsided, Chongyun returned to the altar and Xingqiu stood behind him, waiting.
The moment you arrived, Chongyun can feel himself heating up and his heart pounding against his chest. It felt like his condition was acting up but he wasn’t feeling nauseous or at the edge of fainting. It was a pleasant sort of warmth, the warmth he felt when he first met you.
No. It was the same warmth that travels through his body whenever he sees you, but this time, it was stronger to the point he it almost felt like his condition.
Your smile immediately disappeared when you saw Chongyun flushed red and his eyes averting from yours.
Worry encapsulated you. “Is your condition acting up?” You asked in a whisper.
Chongyun blinked, puzzled. “What?”
Discreetly taking a gander at the audience completely unaware of your interaction, you slipped your hand under your dress and showed Chongyun was a small ice cream container.
“I brought this with me just in case.”
Chongyun decided he made the best decision of his life to marry you.
He took your hands in his and pressed a small kiss on top of one.
“Thank you, love.”
After the wedding, Chongyun immediately visited the comfort room. You tried to follow him but Xingqiu told you there was nothing to worry about, and he was right.
When he entered the comfort room, Chongyun locked the door behind him and headed straight to the sink to splash some water on his face.
One won’t be able to tell Chongyun was crying from the water streaming down his face.
He looked up at the mirror, staring at his reflection as he let out a small, and content sigh.
“I’m married. I’m married to her.” Chongyun tried to hold back his smile, but he failed. “She’s my . . . wife.”
And did it sound nice to call you his wife.
              It was his duties to Rex Lapis, to the thriving land of Liyue, that kept Xiao grounded and his mind temporarily fleeting away from the karmic debts that weighed on his shoulders. If it had not been for the responsibilities laid down on him, he was sure to have succumb to the consequences of his bloodshed from the past long ago. It was the reason behind his creation, to serve the people of Liyue and protect them from any transgressors or anything that could potentially lead to their destruction, and it was all he knew. His existence was all for Liyue, and to seek out the desires of Rex Lapis and accomplish them no matter how difficult and by what means.
    Day and night he oversees every part of Liyue and hears every call of his name and seeks refuge in Wangshu Inn. It was a cycle that has never changed ever since the gruesome war between gods has taken place in Teyvat, and all was same until that night when he heard a cry for help from a distant place, and rescued a strange maiden from the peril she found herself in.
                          Love at first sight disgusted him the most. He can understand, to some degree, that mortals can fall in love with people they have built a caring and trusting relationship with but falling in love with someone who one has no dust of knowledge of their identity was simply unwise and incomprehensible. And yet there he was, leaping from the precipice of a soaring mountain and securing the mortal in the middle of her fall.
               Xiao had no clue why it felt like time has stopped and they have gently floated in the air as he took a gander at the woman in his arms. Scratches littered her features, and twigs adorned her mop of hair, but she still shone brighter than the stars and moon behind her.
   He did not let her speak to him after he has placed her safely on solid ground and he quickly took his leave without even a glance back.
                          When he had painted the lands of Teyvat red with the other Yakshas, he did not blink an eye or feel a bead of sweat trail on the side of his face. But that woman has caused his chest to flutter, and he always find himself thinking back to the day he had saved her. If he had been like any other mortal which has sleep as a necessity, he would find himself thinking of you every morning and every night, longing for another chance to meet you again. What has she done to him? He already has to carry the burden of his sins, and now he must endure this painful curse she casted on him?
              But it didn’t matter now. She was already long gone, for all he knows, and he doesn’t even know her name.
    Xiao already came to accept that she was merely going to fleet away from his mind, a distant memory that his heart will ache every time he remembers her. He had many regrets in his lifetime, and this leaving her behind without knowing her name is one of them.
                                    But it seems to him that Rex Lapis has taken favor of him and has graced his undeserving existence. Xiao had just exterminated a Hilichurl camp getting increasingly close to Wangshu Inn when his ears preened and his pupils dilated – that voice, the same voice that he never thought he’d hear again, was calling out for him again. He did not find the time to dispose of the monsters in a more appropriate location where they will no longer continue their venture towards the inn, and quickly made his way to where he heard her.
           When he arrived, it did not take long for him to spot her standing perfectly still in front of him, hands behind her back. His eyes dilated as he took in her familiar form. Her tresses were no longer matted with twigs and mud, the scratches that once marred her skin no longer present, and a smile has replaced the cowering fear that adorned her visage before.
                   Xiao ignored the increasing heartbeat that drummed against his chest and surveyed the area with a flick of his spear. “There’s no danger.” He remarked after assessing the parameter, his mask dissipating into the night as he returned his gaze back at her.
       She rubbed her arm as she averted her eyes from him. “I spent months trying to find you again.” The mortal woman murmured. “When all has failed, I thought back to that night you saved me, and I called – and you came.”
                                         Xiao did not speak another word, but he was afraid that you can hear how loud his heart was racing. He needed to ignore his selfishness, he needed to leave. “If you’re not in any danger, then I’ll be leaving.”
  He turned around to do as he said, but his eyes widened when he felt your hand around his wrist.
                “Wait, please,” She pleaded, and when he looked over his shoulder, any resolve of leaving her again vanished. She was looking at him with hopeful and vibrant orbs. How can he ever let her down when she’s looking at him like that?
      Xiao let out a sigh and turned back around to meet her properly, but her hand never left him. Were you afraid he might disappear as quickly as he did like last time?
                                    “Don’t go.”
                   “Why not?” Xiao questioned. “If you know anything about an Adeptus, then you understand my duties.”
              She bit her lip as he withdrew her hold. Xiao missed the warmth she gave him already. “I know that but . . . ” She trailed off. “ . . . can I . . . at least know your name?”
                                                Xiao did not give her an answer.
            “Even if we never meet again, I want to at least know the name of man who saved me.” She mumbled softly. “But I’m afraid if I ever know your name, I’ll never get to think of any other man but you.”
                                                    Xiao appraised you, taking in her apprehensive frame. A mortal has fallen in love with an Adeptus? This was preposterous. He saved her months ago, and back then they shared little time together. Too little to gain feelings for him.
    But still, he found himself relenting to your wishes.
                                     “Xiao,” He answered. “My name is Xiao.”
            Don’t look for another man. I’m here. I’m staying.
                   That’s how he met his first and last love, ( Your Name ).
Xiao has lived in Teyvat for thousands of years and is knowledgeable of the culture of mortals, one of them being marriage. He had witnessed humans bounding themselves to another, promising to cherish them, protect them, to love them. For Xiao, marriage is something far from disgusting. Although he cannot understand the need for them to be together under an oath, it was undeniable that many great things and opportunities birthed from them.
However, no matter how beautiful it is for them, it will never stop perplexing Xiao. How is it that one can look at another and know that they’re the one? Are they not afraid to be betrayed? Are humans so willing to have themselves get hurt and offer forgiveness for the sake of love? It’s confusing for him.
Not until you came along that it made sense. Every argument, every disagreement, sleepless nights, every sincere apology, every countless forgiveness, every embrace, every kiss - is this what mortals feel? If so, he’ll endure all the hardships of love if it means staying by your side, and he knew that you feel the same.
Unfortunately, Xiao is not one for marriage.
Not that he does not love you - oh Archons, because he did, deeply so - but the consequences of your relationship always hang in front of him.
 It’s already a risk to let you in his heart and love someone as sinful as him, but the thought of you bearing his karmic debt terrified him.
What happens if the two of you are bound together, and under a contract that Rex Lapis will surely oversee? Will the demons that torment him sink their teeth on your pure and innocent soul? Will he see the life in your eyes wither as you strive to remain with him? And what if you try to break the contract to escape karma? Will the both of you suffer in karma and the wrath of the rock?
Xiao can’t do that to you. This is one way he can guarantee your safety. It hurts him to know he cannot marry you, and it hurt more when he saw the disappointment and pain in your eyes when he explained himself. But keeping you safe is his top priority. He deserved this punishment, he can’t put it over your shoulders too.
But that didn’t stop Xiao from imagining how your wedding could have been if things we’re a little different.
A small wedding in a place of your choice with only a handful of close friends and families. You’ll wear a gorgeous dress and walk up to where he is with the same smile you wore when he met you for the second time.
As you stand before him, Xiao could only imagine the happiness and contentment he would feel at that time. 
He’ll hold you close, hear you laugh, and then he’ll press his lips against yours, sealing you to a promise that everything that he is, and everything that he has, is yours.
He’ll find himself retreating somewhere private. He didn’t want you to see him vulnerable, weak, as he cried for the first time in his life, and for the greatest reason.
He could have a chance of happiness, but he can’t.
It was all a dream.
A dream he will never achieve, a dream of yours that he can never grant.
“Xiao, you’re still awake?”
The man looked away from the moon and looked over his shoulder to see you standing by the threshold leading to the terrace. You were tired, and yet you woke up to tend to him. 
“You know I don’t need sleep.”
“But you always lie next to me. What’s wrong? Something bothering you?”
Xiao did not respond, and you didn’t push any further. He adored it how you know when to prod to a subject or not. You know him so well.
After a moment of silence, you walked over to him and sat  beside him on the railing. You looked up at the moon, and Xiao slowly placed his head over your shoulder.
He felt at peace.
Xiao closed his eyes, dreaming of a day that will never come when he can marry you without anything holding him back.
                        Kazuha can no longer remember how long it has been since he was on the run from the shogunate. The Electro Archon and her subjects are on the hunt for Visions of every single person residing in the walls of Inazuma, and he was one of the few who refused to have their Visions confiscated from them. It seems exiling him from his homeland was no longer sufficient and the said Archon has ordered for every so-called transgressor that they banished to be apprehended and have their Visions forcefully taken from them. It was only his luck that Beidou, and the crew she captained, has taken him under their wing and he has been sailing the seas with them since then.
            Has it been months? Days? Or perhaps weeks? Being away from land with nothing but the ocean to take in and his mind seemingly always preoccupied with his doubts and worries has him losing track of time.
   In all honesty, he doesn’t remember the last time he stepped on dry land. Perhaps they did, but it was not a memory that has fleeted a long time ago. All he can think about was Inazuma, the threat of being having his Vision taken, and his past he buried deep within the back of his mind.
            Beidou must have taken notice of his continuous lackluster attitude and has set sail for Liyue for him to take a break from the seas. This, of course, he appreciated though he insisted Beidou that she did not have to dock just for him to clear his mind.
          Back at that time Beidou claimed she knew what is best for him and she should put his trust on him, and with the lack of reasons to refute her statement, Kazuha merely let out a sigh and agreed to land in Liyue.
                         He has never been to Liyue, or to put it more accurately, he has never stepped foot in in the few times the Crux made their return on Liyue. It wasn’t because he hated it there, but he felt more comfortable and more at home inside the ship. The furthest he has gone was on the docks to help the crew load supplies in their next sail. But now Beidou has encouraged him to leave the ship and explore, and implied being forbidden to come aboard if he refused to do as she says.
       When Beidou said she knows what is best for him, maybe she was right. He must admit, even if he was still longing to return to his homeland, Liyue had many sights and delicacies to offer. But the best and most beautiful sight he saw was up on a rooftop when he was resting from hours of mindless meandering in the streets.
                                                              He played with a green leaf that fluttered over to him after it has been carried away by the wind from its tree, and he pressed his lips against it to whistle a melody. The tune was buried under the bustle of the city night but it seems that one picked it up from the terrace just below him.
                    Kazuha saw a girl around his age walk out to the terrace, head moving left and right, as though looking for something. Kazuha did not think much of this behavior assuming she was searching for something else, and he tore his eyes away from her and nonchalantly continued to whistle against the leaf.
                                           “So, that was you who was making that beautiful sound.”
                Kazuha casted his gaze down to see the girl on the terrace looking up at him as she leaned against the railing with her arms crossed, a gleeful smile present on her brims. He pulled the leaf from his lips as he regarded her. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to – ”          
          She shook her head, chuckling. “No, no, it’s fine. You can stay there.” She assured, and Kazuha eased on his spot. She stared at the leaf in his hand. “I didn’t know you can make a tune using a leaf.”
                      Kazuha flashed her a small smile. “It’s something only a few can do. It’s pretty hard to master.”
                     “And you’re one of those few.” She remarked. Silence prevailed between the two until she spoke again. “Can you play something for me?”
      Kazuha was bewildered by her request. It wasn’t common to find a foreigner sitting on the rooftop of her household. One would think that their first reaction should be an accusation of trespassing and a demand for identification, but no. This girl was different, you were different.
                    Kazuha did not question your request, just as you have not questioned him of his place on your rooftop. Instead, he granted your wish. He pressed the leaf against his lips and blew, a tune of his own composition sounding in the air.
      He watched in awe as you raised both your hands to your chest and white particles formed above your palm, creating a shape until it formed and bloomed into an elegant wooden lyre. Without saying anything else, you strum the strings along with his tune, and the people of Liyue beneath their feet are unaware of the small haven the two of them created together.
               Kazuha is more than grateful for Beidou for pushing him to go to Liyue. Ever since that night, he has made constant visits to your house. Early in the morning – that’s when Beidou would barge into the barracks and force them out of their beds – he would always be the one out of the door to finish his tasks and leave immediately to visit you, a prominent smile over his face. The crew, of course, has pestered him to tell him of the reason for his constant leaving and he could only let out a sigh of relief when Beidou shooed them away from him and asked them to return to their work. She winked at him right after and whispered, “Go and hurry to your girlfriend.” To which he denied with a shy grumble before making haste to Liyue.
                               Liyue was brighter than the isolationist Inazuma has become, and one of the reasons Kazuha thought this was you. The Crux was like a family to him, and Beidou was like an older sister to him, but you – he has never felt more soothed than in your presence. You felt like home, and it has been so long since he had felt like he was at home. Seeing you smile, hearing you laugh, seeing how you nod attentively as he talked, your arms embracing him when he opened up to you about his past, the music you played together in perfect harmony even without practice – it was all so surreal.
        Kazuha didn’t have to tell you about his growing feelings for you. He knew that you knew.
  It started with a shy kiss, and then a longer one, and the two of you found solace in each other’s arms. There was no music playing, and there were no stories shared – just him with his arms around your figure and lips connected with yours. None of you dare say it but your days together were slowly coming to an end, and it won’t be long until the day comes when he has to set sail to visit neighboring nations.
                  But Kazuha will always come back to you, that he promises.
After a few years of frequent visiting and writing letters to one another, Kazuha has finally decided that it was time for him to propose to you. Beidou - being the supportive big sister she is to him - upon hearing of his plan, gathered her crew to help Kazuha in his objective. Everything from food, drinks, location (they chose the ship), and atmosphere, they provided. As thanks for their dedication and help, they only ask an invitation to his wedding, to which Kazuha replied will surely come even if they did not help.
The crew claimed that they shall be far away as possible from the ship so that the two of you can have your privacy, but Kazuha, and definitely you, as well, heard loud cheering from a short distance followed by a shushing Beidou when you accepted his proposal.
“I thought they said they’d be at Wanmin Restaurant - ”
“To be honest, I didn’t really believe them.”
Unlike the other boys who were hesitant of not seeing the bride for a week until the wedding, Kazuha was actually the one to push this tradition. He disliked it as much as the other boys, but Kazuha loved being able to give you his all. Not being able to see you for a week is a sure way for him to crave for your presence, and once the two of you see each other again, he’ll pour out every love and care for you then.
You were dismayed by this whole arrangement but since it is important to Kazuha, you respected it.
The crew fought for the spot of best man, but in the end, all of them got to be best man. Kazuha did not have the heart to choose one from the crew, so he had to explain to you beforehand that the almost the entire male crew of The Crux are going to be standing with him at the ceremony.
It wasn’t a common occurrence in a wedding but you allowed it. The crew was like his family to him, and if it’s going to make him happy to have them as his best men, who are you to go against it?
At the day of the wedding, Beidou was the one to fret over Kazuha’s appearance. The Anemo user tried to calm her down but after she continually tried to fix his hair for the wedding, he just sighed and allowed her.
“I can’t believe you’re going to be married in just a few hours.” Beidou remarked in the quiet after a while. “To think you were just a teenager when we met you, and our little teenager is a big man now.”
“Nothing’s going to change. I’ll just be married.” Kazuha tried to ease her worries but he knew as well there are going to be major changes. One of being concerning his frequent endeavors with the crew. Once he gets married with you, he’d want to be with you always, to settle with you. But he was so used to the sea, to be living with the crew in a ship. Can he really get used to this coming change?
Beidou let out a sigh. She placed a hand over his head, patting him gently. She would have ruffled his hair but that would waste her effort on making it as presentable as she can.
“Things are going to change, Kazuha.” Stated Beidou, beaming. “And it’s not all bad. Trust me.”
Kazuha nodded, but he was still uneasy. He was ready to give himself to you, but at the same time, he wasn’t ready to leave the crew. 
This thought haunted him even in the time of the ceremony. He should be focusing on the wedding but he couldn’t. 
He needed to talk to you about this. You need to know what’s bothering him.
Was it possible to feel dread for the future while also looking forward to it?
Because it felt like a gust of wind billowed his direction when his eyes landed on you. Beautiful, you’re beautiful. What else can he say? 
Was he really going to marry you? Whatever did you see in him? He was a banished Ronin from Inazuma. There must be some other man more worthy of you.
But you loved him, nobody else.
“Stop gawking at me like that. You’re making me embarrassed.” You murmured, cheeks flushed. He didn’t even notice you standing before him until you spoke.
Kazuha closed his parted lips as he turned away from you. “I . . . uh . . . ” He swallowed. “You look beautiful, ( Your Name ).”
“At least look at me when you say that, Kazu-kun.”
 He looked at you, breathing in before speaking. “You look very, very . . . uh, pretty.”
You laughed a little. “You look very, very handsome, Kazuha.”
You took his hands in yours and gazed into his eyes, smiling. “Things are going to change once we get married.”
A pang of uneasiness struck Kazuha.
But what you said next shocked him.
“After this, I can finally be part of the crew and join you on your adventures in the sea!”
Kazuha gawked at you again, blinking.
Everyone invited to his wedding gasped when Kazuha suddenly kissed you out of nowhere in the middle of the ceremony.
Beidou, and the rest of the crew, however, cheered loudly for the two of you.
After the wedding, Kazuha snuck away from the reception for a while. He found a tree from a short distance and sat on the branch, breathing in the cool evening air.
He caught a fluttering leaf and smiled as he gazed at it and recalled how the two of you met.
Things will change, and soon, he’ll be adventuring with his wife in the vast ocean. Oh, he has so many things to show you.
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landoncrris · 3 years
heyyy love your imagines. Can you maybe do like something where Mason respects her wishes to wait until they’re married and like just some cute first time smut bc she’s super nervous and a bit insecure on their wedding night? It’s super cold and I need some cute husband!Mason smut content to warm me up lmaoooo thank you ily!!!! Xxx
thanks anon!! ily hope this makes up for the long wait<3 (even tho i hate this but we’ll move)
everlasting memories - mason mount x reader
warnings: english is not my first language, not proofread; 18+ minors dni, unprotected sex, virgin!reader, praise kink, fingering, thigh riding
word count: 4.5k
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“I love you so much.” Mason said before pressing a passionate kiss to your lips as his hands gripped your waist, feeling the soft fabric of your wedding dress under his fingertips.
“I love you.” you mumbled after the kiss had ended, leaning your forehead against his and enjoying the last moments of your wedding day. Marrying the only man you’ve ever loved felt absolutely surreal. From getting lost in his beautiful brown eyes during your vows to having one last dance together that only the two of you could experience.
If Mason wasn’t sure before that you were the one, the love of his life, the one he wanted to spend every single moment of his life with, he certainly was now. Nothing in his life has ever made him as happy as the sight of you walking down the aisle, looking as stunning as ever, while your eyes lit up the whole room and all he could focus on was you. The love he felt for you only grew over the last few years of your relationship and never stopped doing so, making him feel like crying and bursting with happiness at the same time because he loved you so much.
“You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.” Mason whispered, pressing a kiss to your lips, all the while looking into your eyes and feeling himself getting lost in the gorgeous way the different colours in them combined and created the most beautiful colour. At his words, your lips twisted into a smile before you nestled your face into the crook of his neck, breathing in his scent.
In his mind, your whole future life played out in a frenzy, from waking up tomorrow morning when he could finally call you his wife, to all the other mornings you’d spend together in each other’s embrace. To your children running around the house, playing tag with your dogs. To buying an even bigger house that your whole family will fit into. To celebrating all your upcoming birthdays together and supporting him at every game he plays. To getting older, looking at old photo albums with your grandchildren and wondering where the time went. He just wanted it all with you, wanted to be with you forever. Even if eternity wasn’t even enough time with you.
His thoughts made a laugh escape his lips and his breath fanned the side of your head. “I know I’ve said it about a thousand times today, but I really love you, Y/N.”
“I don’t mind you saying it a few times more.” you murmured, pulling your face away from his neck and placing your hands on either side of his face, pulling him closer to you, sliding your lips over his in a loving kiss.
“Shall we go home?” you asked, knowing if you’d stay longer, it’d be too late to sleep at all, something you desperately needed after the stressful but exciting hours today. You couldn’t stop a lump from forming in your throat as he nodded, knowing that this was your wedding night, the night you had been waiting for all your life, which made it even more stressful. Distracting yourself and collecting your thoughts was one of the reasons you wanted to have one last dance with Mason without feeling pressured by the situation and instead just feel his love enveloping you like a bubble.
But that didn’t change the fact that you were glad that you waited until marriage because you didn’t want to be tested, you wanted to wait until you found true love. And you did. You were one-hundred percent sure Mason was the one, and experiencing that memory with him as your first was a dream come true. Especially considering how understanding he was of your decision and how long he waited, which proved to you even more that he was in love with you and that there would never be anyone like him for you again.
You were very nervous on the drive home, and even though you knew it was bullshit, you couldn’t help but think that you would disappoint Mason. What if, after all this time together, your body looked or felt different from what he had imagined? What if he didn’t think you were beautiful anymore? What if you embarrassed yourself? What if all these things made him regret his decision to wait and wish he hadn’t wasted his time with you in the first place?
A few minutes into the drive, after telling the driver your address and checking his phone to answer a few messages from friends and relatives, some of whom sent him pictures of the two of you, which he showed you each time, he realised that your mind was elsewhere. Mason put his phone away, grabbed your hand and kissed your head that was resting on his shoulder. In the remaining time until you were finally home, he tried to calm you down by talking about today, making fun of Declan’s bad dancing most of the time.
When the car came to a stop in front of your house, you got out, being careful not to ruin your dress, while Mason thanked the driver. As he got out too, you were already unlocking the door. “Wait!” shouted Mason, bringing you to a halt as he walked towards you with quick movements. The moment he got to you, he lifted you up bridal style, eliciting a squeal from you and making you laugh, which instantly warmed his heart.
You clung to him as he ushered you both inside, slamming the door shut with his heel before walking towards the bedroom and setting you down on the foot of the bed. Mason pressed a kiss to your cheek before kneeling down and taking off your shoes, brushing his fingers over your ankle, sending goosebumps down your legs. “Can you open the dress, please?”
“Of course, love, come on, get up.” replied Mason, standing up himself and taking your hands to help you up as well. As soon as you were on your feet - finally feeling them again after walking around in high heels all day - you turned around and gave him the opportunity to undo the button that held your dress together at the back.
Mason pressed a kiss to your shoulder and noticed how you nervously took a breath and held the top of your dress because you didn’t want it to show any more skin. “You know, we don’t have to do this.” he told you and kissed you on the cheek, whereupon you turned around and smiled at him.
“No i want to. I’ve waited long enough.” you assured him, whereupon he nodded and kissed the bridge of your nose. “Just give me a moment. Promise i won’t be long.”
“Take all the time you need. I’m not going anywhere.” he said, walking around you and settling down where you were sitting moments ago. He savored the sight of you in your wedding dress one last time as you walked away, smiling to himself as you made him happier than ever.
Once you had closed the bathroom door behind you, you leaned against it, looking at yourself in the mirror and taking in a deep breath. You were nervous before, but now it was on a whole other level and you couldn’t quite place your feelings. All you knew was that you were scared and very excited at the same time. After you had just breathed for a while and relaxed a little, you went to the counter where you had already put your clothes for tonight.
You quickly took off your dress, hung it carefully on a hanger over the shower door, deciding to take care of it later, and put on your matching bra and an oversized shirt. Because you didn’t want to be half-naked right from the start, dressed only in your panties. After that, you thought it be best to brush your teeth too, afraid you might have bad breath, even though that was silly since you’d already kissed Mason a thousand times. But it helped to calm your mind a little.Then you took off your make-up and tried to convince yourself that it couldn’t be a bad first time because it was with him.
As you opened the bathroom door, his head lifted, from where it was thrown back while staring at the ceiling. You noticed that he had changed a little himself, already taken off his blazer and shoes while his tie hung loosely around his neck. Making him look as handsome as ever.
“Come here.” he mumbled with a smile on his face when he saw his shirt on your body. His words made you walk towards him, who was also standing up to put his hands on your waist and kiss your forehead easier.
“What do I have to do?” you asked nervously, just before his lips could meet yours. Your words elicited a breathy laugh from him and another kiss on your forehead as his warm hands stroked your back.
“You don’t have to do anything, baby. Just relax, yeah? This is about you.” Mason replied softly as his hand moved to your cheek, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear before he placed a kiss on your lips. “Okey.” you nodded before kissing him again.
“Do you trust me?”
“I do.” your choice of words made him smile. He picked you up easily and laid you on the bed so that your head was on the pillows, hair sprawled over them.
“I can’t believe I can call you my wife now.” he didn’t give you time to reply and instead kissed you tenderly, “You’re my favorite person ever, Y/N.” the kiss turned into a clash of teeth as neither of you could hide the wide grin that settled on your lips.
“And you are my favourite person.” you murmured between kisses as your hands ran through the soft strands of his hair. His words and kisses calmed your mind a little and let you concentrate completely on him. Your kisses became more passionate by the second and the only thing you could hear was Mason’s breathing and the sound of the rain pattering down on your balcony, creating a chill atmosphere in the room.
“Mrs Mount.” he whispered casually against your lips, which made you both laugh as he waited what felt like an eternity to finally call you that. “Sounds nice, doesn’t it?”
“So nice it might be my new favourite nickname for you.” eliciting another giggle from you as you kissed his temple while he traced kisses from the corner of your mouth down to your neck. Mason continued to gently kiss the skin of your neck as his hands tentatively moved under your shirt and caressed the skin of your stomach. His touch made the nervous pit of your stomach resurface, which he noticed immediately by the change in your breathing and the way your muscles tensed.
“What's wrong?” he punctuated with a kiss on your cheek and took his hands from your stomach, holding himself up with one hand and holding your cheek with the other. At his words you just shrugged, causing him to move his head down slightly to meet your gaze, “Tell me, love.”
“I don’t want to disappoint you.” frown evident on his face as you looked at him, eyes full of concern and confusion at the same time. “What do you mean, disappoint me?”
“Like— ugh. I mean, you could have anyone you want and you might find out I’m not good enough for you. Or what if you don’t find me attractive or-”
“Y/N.” The serious tone in his voice made you pause mid-sentence and sending him an apologetic look. “Listen. First of all, I’ve seen you in your underwear before and I can assure you that you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. No matter what you’re wearing, if you just woke up with messy hair, or if you have food between your teeth."
His words made you grin, kissing his hand that was still on your cheek, the thumb stroking your skin and sending a shiver down your spine. “I love you. You’re absolutely gorgeous to me.”
“But I’m not one of those Instagram models and I don’t have a perfect body..."
“But even these imperfections are perfect. They are perfect because they are a part of you. Believe me when I say that you are beautiful. That for me, there is no other woman who could even begin to compare to you. I mean, why do you think I married you?”
“My good cooking?”
“Well, that and the fact that I can beat you in every single video game there is.” which made you laugh, the doubt slowly leaving your body from the impact of his words. You trusted him completely, whatever he did or said you would never question it.
You took a moment to observe his features, your gaze moving from his eyes to the freckles that adorned his nose, to his slightly parted and moist lips, and back to his eyes. You saw him smile as he watched your gaze intently while your fingernails scraped the back of his head, making him hum. “I love you.” you whispered, though those three words contained so much more than that and summed up all your feelings at that moment.
“And I love you.” whereupon you took his hand from your cheek and placed it back under your shirt, which made him smile and kiss your neck again as well. Although he had kissed your neck several times before, it felt different now somehow. And when he sucked lightly on one spot, brushing his teeth over it, your hips raised off the bed unintentionally and you felt like there was a little lump hanging in your throat that had to come out.
“You can take it off.” you sighed, at which he pulled back and pointed at your shirt to make sure he got it right. Nodding, you straighten up slightly as Mason pulled it over your head, leaving you in your underwear. His lips twisted into a smile at the sight of you and he thought he for sure must be the luckiest man in the world.
“I really trust you, Mase, so you have permission to do whatever you want.” your words made his smile widen as you moved your hands to his shirt, unbuttoning it and pushing it off his shoulders, revealing his perfectly defined abs. You couldn’t help but run your fingers over his six pack and the tattoos that adorned his skin, making him inhale sharply. “But tell me if something’s wrong, alright?”
“Yeah.” at which he pulled down his trousers and you gulped as you saw the bulge in his white calvins. He distracted you by kissing you, tongue gentle against yours as his hand moved to your ribcage, stroking circles on the skin. After a few moments, his fingers moved higher and slowly began to massage your breasts.
Your breathing immediately became heavier at his actions, the feel of his hands on your breasts was unsurpassed. The thought of what else he could do to made you feel like this made the anticipation in your belly rise. He too, could feel his mind going wild by the way you were reacting to his touch.
Mason released his mouth from yours, wanting to move them to where his hands were, but was stopped by you pulling him back by his hair, “Please don’t stop kissing me.” you pouted, feeling him smile against your lips as you kissed him again, not wanting to lose the feeling of safety by his lips on yours.
As his fingers probed the fabric of your bra and you arched your back to allow him access, he took this as his sign to unhook your bra. When your nipples were exposed to the fresh air, you suppressed a shiver and pulled his chest closer to feel a sense of warmth. Mason’s thumb stroked your nipple, feeling it harden under his touch, and the soft whimper that got lost in his mouth made his hips grind against yours, needing to feel some sort of relief.
Sure, you’d been turned on before, but the feeling Mason was giving you now was second to none. You felt a wet spot forming in your underwear and a tingling sensation moved all over your body, starting at your neck and moving further down. Suddenly you felt his fingers move downwards and as they touched the spot below your belly button, you squirmed and held on tighter to his hair. As your other hand moved down his back, his breathing also became heavier, from feeling your soft fingertips on his sensitive skin.
When his fingers reached the waistband of your underwear, you expected him to start touching you where you needed it the most, but instead they moved to your hips before going down your thighs. Mason wanted to drag it out as long as possible to make you feel more comfortable, but you couldn’t deny that you just wanted him to touch you, and that you felt the strange desire to be filled. All the nervousness and insecurity had long vanished thanks to his comforting words and touches.
“God, I can’t believe you’re mine.” he gulped after lifting his head and looking at you without a bra on for the first time. He ran his thumb over your nipples, already quite fascinated by how they hardened and how soft your skin felt. He ran his thumb over the moles and the various marks that adorned your skin, feeling like he was about to burst from waiting for this moment for so long. “So beautiful.”
“Such a beautiful body, Y/N.” those words made your heart flutter and a smile flit across your face. His head bent down again and kissed the valley of your breasts before he brushed his lips all over them, leaving a few soft marks. You tugged at his hair to pull him closer to your chest as his tongue circles your nipple, sucking lightly on it as his hand finally moved to your panties.
“Mason-” followed by a low moan as his thumb touched your clit. The sensation was something you’d never felt before, the fire in your body ignited and your hips bucked due to the sensitivity of your nerves. Mason continued his movements for a while, his fingers stroking your underwear and making you want more, even if you didn’t know exactly how to tell him.
“Can I take your panties off?” he asked softly, pulling back from your chest and admiring the marks he had left before looking at your face, seeing your flushed cheeks and eyes dark with lust. The sight almost made him whimper as he tried not to burst his load just by looking at you, as his last time having sex with someone had been so long ago that he felt like a teenager again who couldn’t hold it for more than ten seconds. “You don't have to ask, Mase.”
“Of course I have to, it’s your body after all.” he pressed a kiss to your lips and you smiled at his sweetness. You shivered as he hooked his fingers into your underwear and pulled them down your legs. He sat back on his knees to pull them off your ankle, giving you a perfect view of his thighs.
Mason’s gaze wandered to your pussy as he leaned over you again and licked his lips, mouth salivating at the sight. But he was pulled from his thoughts as you pulled him down for another kiss, his hand sliding back up your thighs and settling on your core, fingers running through your folds and spreading your wetness. The moment his fingers circled your clit, your body jolted and you bit down lightly on his lip. “Sorry.”
“No, it felt good.” you murmured, shaking your head.
“Yeah?” he asked, pressing down on your clit with more pressure, circling it further, making you wriggle around on the bed and hum in response. Your eyes fell close and your head rolled back as he switched from circles to left to right movements and kissed your neck again, only increasing the pleasure you felt.
You whined as his fingers left your clit, making him chuckle against your skin. Instead they came to a stop at your entrance before he slowly pushed one inside you, making you gasp at the new and strange sensation. You moaned out as he inserted another finger, filling you more with each thrust. “Does that feel good too?”
“Yes— Fuck yes, that feels so good.” crying out as his fingers settled in knuckle-deep, curling them and hitting a special spot inside you. Out of reflex, you put your hand to your mouth to stifle the sounds that escaped your lips.
“Don’t. I want to hear you, love.” he said, taking your hand away from your mouth again and guiding it to his own, kissing over your knuckles as his fingers moved inside you with perfect speed. When you opened your eyes and saw him smiling at you, you knew once again that this was the perfect moment and you wanted him now more than ever. You tried to let him know that by wiggling your hips away, which indeed made him pause and look at you with slight worry in his eyes. “You okay?”
“Yes. Just... I don’t want to wait anymore.” you murmured, seeing his eyes light up with relief that he hadn’t done anything wrong. He nodded, understanding what you meant, kissing you once on the forehead before taking off his boxers and revealing his already hard cock, from which pre-cum was already leaking.
“It might hurt a little.” he informed you and you nodded. Mason took your hand again, intertwining your fingers and using it as leverage. He began kissing you, trying to ease the possible pain as he lined up with your entrance, slowly pushing into you, whimpering because you felt so tight around him.
Halfway he came to a stop and let you get used to the feeling, which was really a strange sensation, but luckily it didn’t hurt as much as you had imagined. His lips parted from yours, panting against them. “You can move if you want to.” you told him as you wanted him to move yourself.
“It doesn’t hurt?”
“Not really.” you assured him, kissing the corner of his mouth as he slowly pulled back out before starting to thrust slowly, that still had you feeling him everywhere as he fitted just perfectly inside you.
“Fuck— you feel so good around me.” he whimpered, head fell against your forehead, and the strange feeling now turned to pleasure, moaning as you felt him inside of you completely . “Doing so well for me, Y/N.”
Occasionally he kissed your lips, which were interrupted by your moans every time. The grip you had on his hand and shoulders tightened with each of his thrusts as you felt them become more erratic, as did his breathing.
“I won’t last much longer.” he panted as his movements came to a halt, knowing that if he continued he would be a goner in seconds. “I don’t mind.” you assured him, running your hand through his hair as your breathing also got heavy.
“Really, it’s fine.” you added as he looked at you, his eyes squeezing shut again, a moan leaving his lips as you clenched around him. That finally got him to move again, and true to his words, he only needed a few more thrusts before he pulled out, tugging on himself a few times and coming on your stomach.
“Holy shit.” he moaned, before his head fell against your shoulder, his body lying limp on yours, and you continued to run your hands through his hair while the other ran over his sweaty back. It took a few moments for him to come down from his high, for his breathing to return to normal.
“Still doesn’t hurt?”
“Good.” head lifting after mumbling the words into your shoulder, he turned around and sat up, his back against the headboard, making you look at him questioningly. “Come here.” he said, patting his thigh, to which you sat down on his lap.
“What are you doing?” you asked him as he shifted your position, making you straddle only his thigh. “What, did you think I was just going to leave you like that?” he said and you shrugged your shoulders as he pretended to be hurt by your reaction.
“Thought you’d think more of me, love... I want you to ride my thigh.” the line between your eyebrows increased, making it clear that you had no idea what he was talking about. He then grabbed your hips, guiding you further down and making you grind against his thigh, your breathing hitching at the sensation. “Like that.”
“Mason” you whined, head dropping against his shoulder as the feel of his bare thigh against your pussy sent you straight to heaven. “That’s it, baby.” those words turned you on even more as you grinded down against his thigh yourself now. Quickly you were a whimpering mess on top of him, your nails digging into his arm as your movements came to a halt from sheer hypersensitivity.
Mason then helped you again by also moving your hips back and forth. As he tightened the muscle in his thigh, you moaned out loudly and felt something build up in your stomach, making the feeling even more intense. It went on like that for a while as Mason whispered soothing words in your ear from time to time and kissed your neck.
“Mase— Oh my god.” movements came to a halt again, not knowing if the feeling of your approaching climax made you want to continue or stop. “It’s okay, Y/N, just let go.” whispered Mason, guiding your hips with his hands as the knot in your stomach threatened to burst.
You cried out as you came suddenly, feeling like you were about to pass out because it was the first time you had experienced something so intense. It felt like fireworks were exploding throughout your whole body as you moaned Mason’s name over and over like a prayer, no longer in control of your body. “Good girl.”
“Sorry I didn’t last that long.” Mason said after you had come down from your high again, lifting your head, looking him in the eye and sending him a soft smile. “It’s okay, it was perfect. Better than I could have ever imagined.” you mumbled, feeling his hand on your cheek as you spoke, keeping an intense gaze on your tired figure.
“It was perfect for me too. I love you.” he replied with a kiss on your nose, which scrunched up adorably. “Come on, let’s get you cleaned up.” making you pout, holding him down by the shoulders so he wouldn’t get up.
“We’re not done yet.”
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robininthelabyrinth · 4 years
Initiative - aka NMJ and JYL get engaged - ao3 or tumblr pt 1, pt 2
Jiang Yanli’s first engagement had been announced when she was three and a half years old – there had been a big party, festooned in color, exquisitely and meticulously planned out in advance, and she’d been obliged to stand on stage next to a baby in a cradle that had done nothing but cry and spit as all the adults around her congregated and congratulated each other on the excellent match.
She hadn’t enjoyed that at all.
Her second wedding announcement was simultaneously more casual and more noteworthy, and she enjoyed it tremendously. 
Madame Jin had sent several invitations to Jiang Yanli to come visit Lanling in advance of the hunt planned for Phoenix Mountain, speaking of how beautiful it was and how much she looked forward to seeing her good friend’s daughter – talking about she’d always regretted how Jiang Yanli had been obligated by circumstances to take shelter at the Unclean Realm rather than in Lanling City, although she’d been pleased to hear from her son that she was doing well – all the right sort of words. The words might have been more welcome if Jiang Yanli hadn’t known that Madame Jin was still intent on securing the marriage she had arranged.
If she hadn’t been engaged, she would have accepted the invitation, hoping to form an alliance for her sect through a close relationship with Madame Jin even if she didn’t have one with Jin Zixuan (no matter what Madame Jin hoped), but as she was, in fact, engaged to another – even if it hadn’t been formally announced – it would be inappropriate to go. So she instead played ignorant and responded graciously, protesting that she couldn’t possibly impose, that the rebuilding at the Lotus Pier needed her, but that she would of course be happy to attend the hunt alongside the rest of her sect.
She arrived at her brother’s side, smiling all the while.
Her second engagement was announced like this: Sect Leader Jin, using his newly legitimized son as his mouthpiece, had brought forward some ghastly ‘entertainment’ that involved shooting at helpless prisoners, tied up in chains. Jin Zixuan had complied, but Wei Wuxian had marched out and disrupted everything by showing off to a ridiculous extent – Nie Mingjue, who had been watching with a black face full of rage but unable to speak due to propriety, had started applauding very loudly and very enthusiastically – and Sect Leader Jin had ordered the prisoners taken away.
“Well, then,” he said, clapping as if he had impressed himself: as if they hadn’t just been subjected to a powerplay under the guise of hospitality, as if everyone would be over-awed by his might now that they had seen him abuse the helpless while they were all forced by the rules of etiquette to say nothing or else risk carrying the blame for trying to start another war. “Absent anything else, we should proceed to the hunt itself, where await you only the finest of prey and the sharpest competition among your peers.”
For the further display of the power of the Jin sect, he meant.
“Actually,” Nie Mingjue said, interjecting in a moment in which Sect Leader Jin had paused to take a breath so that it was technically not an interruption, “there is one thing. A request, in fact.”
Sect Leader Jin’s eyes narrowed in suspicion, but he maintained his false smile. “Of course, Sect Leader Nie. What can I do for you?”
“I’m getting married,” Nie Mingjue said. “The bride is Young Mistress Jiang, of Yunmeng Jiang, and I would like –” He raised his voice to overcome the abrupt explosion of talk that had erupted. “– I would like to have her accompany my sect in today’s hunt. I hope that doesn’t interfere with your plans for a competition between the sects?”
There were those who said that Jiang Yanli’s chosen husband was bad at politics, and they might even be right. But it didn’t really matter in the end if he’d thought of the idea on a whim or if it’d been a prearranged plan by Nie Huaisang, who was cleverer than he liked to let on to people, Jiang Yanli’s future husband had still wiped away in a single sentence all memory of the farce they’d all just endured and of the hunt that was yet to come, ensuring that the only thing anyone would remember about today was the shocking news of the engagement of the leader of one Great Sect to the sister of another.
(And if everyone remembered that at the last celebration hosted by Sect Leader Jin, he had proposed to resurrect the marriage between Jiang Yanli and his own son, instead, forcing her to publicly demur on vague terms…well, that just made it all the more satisfying.)
Now it was Sect Leader Jin’s turn to scowl and glare, and Madame Jin’s expression looked no less thunderous, but in the end Jiang Yanli got to go with the Nie sect on the hunt.
“You know I’ll only slow you down,” she said to Nie Mingjue, who snorted.
“No more than Huaisang will,” he said, and if his face was stern and his voice gruff then she still thought she detected fondness and humor beneath it. “Besides, it’ll be a good opportunity to measure you.”
It turned out that he meant that more literally than she might have thought.
Jiang Yanli was promptly whisked away to the back of the Nie retinue by a small cadre of Nie disciples, men and women both. She was presented with a number of training sabers shaped out of wood and made to hold them in a variety of positions as they murmured things about stability and reach and balance as if they really, truly thought that she would actually use the saber they were preparing for her.
“This one,” Nie Jiahui, a steely older woman with silver in her hair and fierce eyes, eventually announced, and the practice saber Jiang Yanli had been waving around was taken away. She was then presented with one that was twice as heavy, for “practice”.
“Do you always practice with something heavier than the actual thing?” she asked, and Nie Jiahui nodded.
“Strengthens the shoulders,” she said, curt but not standoffish. “Have some candy.”
Jiang Yanli blinked, but smiled and accepted the offer. It was licorice, which she liked.
“Do you often carry candy with you on night-hunts?” she asked, listening to the sound of fighting from up ahead. Every so often, a disciple or two would trot by carrying the corpses of larger and larger creatures, slain in the fighting; it seemed that the Nie sect was not, in fact, being slowed down in the slightest by her presence.
Of course, she also wasn’t being tended to as if she were their chosen lady, either, as she might have otherwise expected – all pomp and flowery language, Nie Mingjue by her side at all times to show her around as if they were on a pleasure stroll – but in all honesty that would have been a little bewildering. It was very much not the Nie sect’s character, all practical and straightforward, and she found that she preferred it that way.
“It’s important to have something to replenish energy,” Nie Huaisang said, having dropped back to join them from the front. He looked tired and grumpy, but his saber appeared to have been put to some work; he immediately climbed up into the carriage that people were taking turns riding and started cleaning it. “And licorice candy clears the lungs.”
“Clears the lungs?” Jiang Yanli asked.
“It’s good for more than that,” Nie Jiahui said. “But that’s one of the uses, yes. Do you ever feel like your chest is too tight, especially when you move too much? Leading to coughing, shortness of breath, your lips turning blue?”
Jiang Yanli blinked. “Yes,” she said. “But that’s just because I was born with a weak body.”
Nie Jiahui scoffed and Nie Huaisang laughed. “Good luck with that,” he said cheerfully. “I was born with muscles that didn’t keep their tone: too flexible, incapable of gathering strength, requiring more energy to do less, making me twice as tired twice as fast – even sitting up straight can be a struggle in some extreme cases, though luckily not mine. And do you think that helped me one bit in getting out of saber training? It did not.”
“Early childhood intervention is best,” Nie Jiahui said. “But the next best is starting today. I’ll show you some low-impact exercises that you can start working on to strengthen your shoulders and stomach, as well as some balance movements to center yourself and improve your posture – that way, by the time your actual saber is ready, you’ll be able to take it through one of the basic routines.”
“I’m happy to learn whatever you have to teach,” Jiang Yanli said, ignoring Nie Huaisang’s dramatic cry of ‘And here I thought you’d be on my side!’ “I only regret troubling you.”
“Not at all,” Nie Jiahui said. “It’ll be good to have someone watching the Sect Leader’s back on night-hunts.”
Jiang Yanli felt a surge of terror and excitement in her belly. “He would trust me with that? You would trust me with that?”
“I did tell you that you’d need to keep up with him,” Nie Huaisang said mildly, and it was true, he had, only she’d assumed it was a bit more metaphorical. “You don’t have to fight or even walk too much, if it doesn’t suit you – my grandmother was lame in both her legs from a childhood illness, she rode everywhere, scariest woman I’ve ever met by far – but you do have to be there. Someone needs to be able to tell my brother to stop. Someone he’ll listen to.”
And wasn’t that something of a thrill to think of?
Jiang Yanli wasn’t someone anyone listened to – not her parents, not her brother, not her sect disciples. She’d always been the one who comforted them afterwards, who supported them; she made them food and tried to convince them to be kinder to each other, and sometimes they even tried for a while before getting into another tiff. They would kill for her if she so much as hinted at it, tear down the sky for her, but it was more in the nature of indulging her rather than actually allowing them to guide her.
Yet here was Chifeng-zun, a war hero and a sect leader, one of the most powerful men in the world, a man admired by men and sought after (even if only in their hearts) by women, and his family was telling her that he would listen to her.
“If you say so,” she demurred, but they insisted, and by the time the hunt was over Jiang Yanli was surprised to realize that she hadn’t needed to resort to sitting on the carriage more than twice the entire time.
“We’ll send Auntie Jiahui to the Lotus Pier after today’s hunt is done,” Nie Huaisang chattered cheerfully in her ear as they headed back towards Jinlin Tower. “She’ll work you through your paces, believe you me, and all the supplemental things, too – making sure you eat the right thing, take medicinal baths to improve your meridians, apply massages to loosen your joints…those parts are nice, actually. Take care of your body as you would your saber, take care of your saber as you would your wife! That’s how the saying goes. Trust me, you’ll be regretting the whole thing soon enough.”
Jiang Yanli didn’t think she would. “You seem very confident that A-Cheng will allow you to do as you please, even in the Lotus Pier.”
“I’ll tell him it concerns secret Nie sect marriage rituals,” Nie Jiahui interjected. “When two women are involved, men tend to run away when the words ‘marriage’ and ‘secret’ are combined.”
Sadly, she was probably right.
“Show me those exercises again,” she requested, and Nie Jiahui climbed up on to the carriage to show her the ones she could do even while sitting down.
Jiang Yanli might never have had the opportunity to strengthen herself before, and she was moderately certain that she wouldn’t have too much success now, as the various tricks Nie Jiahui had taught her were largely body refinement, barely reliant on qi, and her cultivation was still as low as ever.
But she was good at devoting herself to learning something when she wanted to, and as soon the hunt at Phoenix Mountain was over and they had shifted over to the various feasts and meetings that Lanling Jin had planned for the rest of the week, she began her efforts at self-improvement in earnest.
The weak body her mother had always despaired of might always be weak – Nie Jiahui had been quite blunt on that subject, making it clear that nothing she was suggesting was some sort of miracle pill, and furthermore that there was nothing wrong with being weak as long as she made an effort (Nie Huaisang had been the recipient of several pointed looks there) – but Jiang Yanli was determined to at least demonstrate that she was trying.
A gesture of good faith, perhaps. Some small show of initiative.
Nie Huaisang had said that Nie Mingjue appreciated her initiative.
“A-Xian,” she called one morning, only a few days later. “A-Xian, are you going out for a walk? Let me come with you.”
“You’ve gone on a lot of walks recently,” Wei Wuxian laughed, but allowed her to take his arm as they walked into the crowd. “Do you like Lanling City so much?”
“It’s the exercise I’m after,” she said, smiling at him. “The Nie sect is a martial sect, remember? I’ll be going on more night-hunts in the future, if all goes well, and I’ll need to keep up.”
“Oh, but surely they’ll bring a carriage..? I don’t know if you really need to go on night-hunts –”
“I want to! It’ll be nice. Don’t worry about me so much, A-Xian –”
Wei Wuxian was shaking his head, smiling, and he wasn’t looking where he was going; perhaps that was why he bumped into the young woman.
But then she looked up at him, and he looked down at her, and he froze.
“Wen Qing?”
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possiamo-andare · 3 years
Just You (5)
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JJ x Reader x Rafe (love triangle)
word count: 7.4k
a/n: you know I had to sprinkle a couple of jane austen references here and there ;)
The Midsummer festival had been celebrated at the Cameron household for decades, if not longer. Their family was one of the oldest in the small town of Outer Banks and it became tradition for Rose Cameron to organize the event. She spent a majority of her year planning for one night of festivities, relying only on her close friends for help. She bore the brunt of the work, deciding on the theme, caterers, decorations, live band, venue, and so on. After all was said and done, Rose slept for a week, exhausted from all the planning. At one point in her and Ward’s marriage, she had almost decided against planning it at all since the task was so stressful. But she had pushed on, determined to make this year’s Midsummer festival the best one yet.
And, in theory, she succeeded. This year’s theme was regency; an idea that slipped into her mind after she had watched Pride and Prejudice for the first time. Rose had a taste for the finer things in life and although Ward gave her everything he could, she did grow envious of the women who lived in the regency era and got to live in exquisite dresses. So, with further support from her friends, Rose handed out invitations to Outer Banks’s elite, citing on the invitation that this year was regency themed. Now, all she needed to do was plan the festival.
She decided to host the festival in a beautiful hall called the DeClaire Hall. Most of the time, the Midsummer festival was hosted merely from their big backyard that spanned acres of land. But Rose wanted to outdo herself and prove to the snobby PTA moms that she had what it took to host an event for the town. This hall was one of the only ones in Outer Banks and it was rarely used, mostly because the Outer Banks’s Historical Society deemed it a national landmark. It had been a hotel for the elite some 120 years ago and it had not been used in the last fifty. But it was beautiful, the original marble and vinyl floors still in great condition, and Rose knew the festival had to be thrown here. So, with permits from the city council and Historian Society, Rose began planning the Midsummer festival at the DeClaire Hall.
Once word spread of where the festival was being held, everyone was gossiping about it. All the Kooks, even the ones who thought they were too good for the Midsummer festival, had RSVP'd. Well, everyone except Y/N’s parents.
“You’re not going?” Y/N grumbled, entering her kitchen with loud stomps of her feet. She had just got off the phone with Sarah. who had mentioned to Y/N that her parents had never RSVP’d.
“Your father and I decided that none of us are going.” Y/N’s mother spoke sweetly, cutting her daughter's sandwich in half. She placed her plate on the table, but Y/N made no move to sit.
“Why?” Y/N stood tall, watching as her mom and dad walked around the kitchen, preparing lunch. Her siblings were at the table, eating, but she promised herself to go on a hunger strike until her parents let her go.
Her father stopped for a moment and looked up from his plate. “Sweetie, why do you wanna go to a party like that anyways?”
Y/N furrowed her brow. “What do you mean?”
This time, Y/N’s mom spoke. “You said it yourself a couple days ago; the Cameron’s have been nothing but unkind to you since you got here.”
“But not Sarah! She’s been nothing but nice.” Y/N felt a deep urge to defend her friend from her parent’s hurtful words.
“Yes, Sarah is lovely but I’m not talking about her.” Y/N’s dad began. “I’m talking about Rose Cameron, who didn’t let your mom join the PTA and called your mom names behind her back. And Ward Cameron, who bad mouthed me to the country club so I wouldn’t get in. And let’s not even talk about how rude Rafe Cameron has been to you.”
Y/N bit her lip, shuddering at even the mention of Rafe’s name. “Seriously? Firstly, mom didn’t even want to join the PTA. She hates those snobby women. And you,” Y/N points to her dad. “You don’t even like golf. It’s bad for the environment.”
Y/N watched her mom roll her eyes. “That’s not the point, Y/N. Even if we don’t want to do those things, we should at least have the choice.”
Y/N sighed, crossing her arms over her chest. She knew her parents, in some ways, were right but she still wanted to go. She had never dressed but before and she wanted to feel like a princess for at least one night. “But I wanna go. I already stick out like a sore thumb in this town, I just want to fit in for one night.”
Y/N’s parents glanced at each other, sorrowful looks on their faces. They hated seeing their daughter so upset and tried to swallow their own disgust. Finally, after looking at each other for a moment, their eyes returned to Y/N.
Y/N’s mom spoke first. “If you go, promise me you’ll be careful.”
Y/N’s eyes lit up. “I promise.”
Y/N’s mom forced a smile, unsure on whether she made the right decision. She wanted her daughter to be happy, but she also wanted to protect her daughter from the Cameron’s bitterness. “Okay, then you can go.”
Sarah had bought five regency themed dresses for the Midsummer festival. She had the first two tailored, a white and pink one but, when they didn’t look the way she wanted, she custom ordered another three from a small business on the mainland. The three dresses; a blue, green, and yellow one, had been shipped from the mainland to OBX in a matter of days and had come in just on time. Literally. The morning of the festival, a frantic delivery man dropped them off at the Cameron house. This was literally Sarah's last hope. If none of them looked good on her, she would just not show up.
Thankfully, the blue one fit perfectly and looked like a dream on her. It was a sky-blue silk dress that flowed down to her feet. The sleeves, which were this blue lace material, ended just above her elbows. The dress, although flowy, was cinched just a little at the waist by a ribbon. It looked absolutely stunning on Sarah and Y/N made sure to tell her the second she saw her friend.
“You look gorgeous.” Y/N spoke sweetly, marvelling at even how Sarah’s hair was styled. It was in this half up, half down hairdo; the top pieces of her hair held together by the same fabric of her dress.
Sarah blushed, shaking her head. “Have you seen yourself?”
Y/N had and even she had to admit that she was blown away. Sarah had let her choose from all the dresses she had, and Y/N decided on the white one. It was of the same style as Sarah’s dress but much more elegant. Sarah didn’t think she could pull it off but as she looked at Y/N, she knew her friend made a good choice. It was a white satin dress with short sleeves but, over the satin dress, lace was decorated. Stitched into the lace were small red flowers littering the dress. It was beautiful and complemented Y/N so well.
Not to mention, Y/N’s hair looked breathtaking. It was a simple style but matched the sophisticated theme of the festival. The two front pieces of Y/N’s hair were pulled back, the only thing holding them together was the same red flowers that decorated her gown. She passed Sarah for a moment, looking at herself one more time in the full-length mirror. She was in awe of how she looked.
Y/N rarely had an occasion where she could dress up this elegantly. At her old school, she had been invited to prom by a senior and went with him, dressing up in a pink floor length gown, but that had been years ago. Besides, she didn’t exactly have the best time since the senior that invited her never even asked her to dance, too busy with his own friend group to care if she was having fun.
Y/N shook off that awkward memory. This time it would be different. This time she was going to a party with someone who genuinely liked her. She had a feeling that she was going to have a different experience at this party.
“Sarah!” Rose called from downstairs, momentarily stopping Sarah and Y/N’s conversation. “It’s time to take pictures!”
Sarah looks to her bedroom door, then back at her friend. “Ready?”
Y/N nodded, a slight flutter in her chest. She knew Rafe would be down there, and she wondered, for a moment, what he would think of her dress. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”
Unfortunately, Rafe was concerned with other matters. As Y/N and Sarah made their way downstairs, Rafe stood uncomfortably in his father’s study. They had been in there for five unbearable minutes. Rafe dreaded every time his dad had to speak to him alone because he knew it’d only spark an argument. They rarely got along; Ward being too tough on Rafe and Rafe constantly looking for validation from his father.
“You’re going into your first year of university in the fall and you have no plan.” Ward said, rather matter-of-factly.
Rafe gulped. Against his father’s approval, Rafe enrolled in the business program at the University of North Carolina. His father wanted him to enroll in a science program, which he thought was more structured. But Rafe wanted to own his own business someday, just like his dad. Besides, although he was good at science, he didn’t enjoy it the way he enjoyed the business classes he took in high school. What Ward didn’t know was that Rafe had a plan, he was just afraid to share it with his father for fear that his father would disapprove and eventually stop helping him pay for school. Rafe couldn’t do it alone and he knew his dad’s money would help.
“I’m taking courses that will help me graduate. I promise I know what I’m doing dad.”
Rafe pulled at the collar of his shirt. He wore a stunning but simple suit. He wore a white dress shirt, the two top buttons unbuttoned for comfort rather than for style, and a black fitted blazer. The gold cufflinks Rose gifted him shone against the light in his dad’s study. The most annoying part of his outfit definitely had to be the sleeves. There were annoying frills at the edge of them, some type of embroidered pattern sewn into the sleeves. It was supposed to scream regency, he remembered Rose saying, but all he wanted to do was scream bloody murder.
“I’m giving you one year Rafe, if you don’t have a plan by then,” Ward sighed, massaging his temples. Rafe grew sad at the idea that he was stressing his dad out by simply following his dreams. “I’m cutting you off.”
Rafe didn’t try to protest. He knew there was nothing he could do to change his dad’s mind. All he could do was prove to his dad that he made the right decision. He had to be the best and he had to outperform everyone in his class. That way, his dad would be proud of him and support him in university.
Rafe only nodded at what his father said, making no effort to even respond. Over the years, he figured it was best to just let his father get the last word.
There was a knock on the door before any more words could be exchanged between the two. Ward, knowing that it was probably his wife, welcomed the person inside. The door opened slightly, only enough for the person to peek their head through. It was, in fact, Rose. Rafe smiled, remembering to make sure it looked like he was having fun. Rose had gone through all this trouble to plan this festival, the least he could do was play along.
“Oh, honey, we’re taking some pictures before we leave.” Rose’s voice was quiet and mellow, not wanting to disturb whatever conversation Rafe was having with his father.
Ward smiled, nodding sweetly to his wife. “We’ll be right there.”
Rose nods, leaving the door slightly ajar so Rafe and Ward can follow after her. Ward makes his way towards the door, glaring at Rafe.
His words are just as menacing as his glare. “Do not disappoint me.”
Rafe doesn’t even nod this time. He’s too afraid. He knows, not only by his dad’s glare, but also by how his dad leaves the room, that he is serious. More serious than he’s ever been. Rafe doesn’t move for a moment, almost too nervous to take the first step. His legs feel like jelly, and he knows that if he doesn’t calm down soon, he might faint. He wants his dad to be proud of him so badly, that he’s ready to work himself to the bone. His dad has never so much as given him a nod of approval before and he would be lying if he said it wasn’t something he craved. He yearned for the day when his dad would smile at him, telling Rafe he was proud of him.
But that day was not today, and Rafe knew he had to get over it. One day, it may happen, but he had to push all that down for tonight. Tonight, was a night to support Rose and all the hard work that went into planning a celebration like this. So, Rafe began to walk towards the door of his dad’s study, trying to forget about the conversation he just had with his dad.
As he exited the study, he straightened his collar. He felt very uncomfortable in such a fancy suit, but he tried to focus on the afterparty, something he was a little more excited for. Sure, Y/N was going but he knew JJ was jealous and would try to keep them apart all evening. All he had to do was tolerate her now and on the way to the hall and after that, he would not have to think of her for the rest of the night.
Unfortunately, things never go Rafe’s way. The second he walked outside, he felt as though the wind had been knocked out of him. Rose was taking pictures of everyone in their front garden, mentioning to Rafe before that her tulips would look great as a background piece. He had figured that since no one seemed to be in the house, they were all outside. He was right, but at what cost? Well, the cost was his sanity.
She stood there as if it was another normal day. As if she dressed like that every day. Rafe was utterly speechless. How could she be doing something as mundane as talking to Sarah but look so stunning? This was the first time he envied JJ Maybank. Although Rafe had everything a guy could ask for, JJ got the ultimate prize; he got to escort Y/N to the Midsummer festival. He got to intertwine their hands and show her off. He was the one who could dance with her and hold her and tell her how breathtaking she looked. All Rafe could do was watch (more like stare) and pretend to not notice the most beautiful woman in the room.
He hesitated for a moment. His eyes were trained on her dress instead of her face, fearing he would blush too much and make his attraction toward her obvious. Unfortunately, looking at her dress didn’t help. The fabric blew in the wind, enhancing the silhouette of her body. Ultimately, Rafe just looked away. Every moment he looked at her was another moment he was reminded that she was not his.
“Rafe!” Rose called, watching as Rafe stood away from the group. His head was down and only when she called did, he turns it up slightly. “Come over here and take some pictures!”
Rafe nodded, realizing her eyes were probably on him now. He gulped nervously. “O-okay.”
Rose frowned, confused at Rafe’s shy behaviour. She looked to Ward, who was typing something on his phone. She knew how rocky Ward and Rafe’s relationship was and knew that whenever they entered Ward’s study, Rafe would come out a meek boy. She figured Ward had done something again to hurt Rafe. Although this was true, it was not the real reason Rafe was acting so shy.
“What did you say to him?” Rose whispered to Ward once his phone was tucked away.
Ward rolled his eyes. “He needs some tough love, that boy.”
Rose was fuming but tried to keep her cool. Just for this one night. “I swear Ward, this is my day. Do not ruin it.”
Ward smirked, leaning down to kiss his wife on her cheek. “Of course, not darling. Everything will go your way tonight.”
If only they knew what was to come.
JJ Maybank was nervous. He swears, before he met Y/N, he was never an anxious person. Now he seemed to be panicking all the time. He knew it was because of Y/N. She was one of the best parts of his life right now and JJ had a dangerous pattern of ruining all the good things in his life. He knew it was because he was always scared of losing someone or something so special to him and never recovering. This was especially true with Y/N. Although they were not official, they had hung out basically every day since they met, and JJ’s feelings had become clear. He wanted to be her boyfriend.
And tonight, if everything went well, he would ask Y/N to be his girlfriend. He had never moved this slow with a girl before, but he was willing to try. He didn’t want to scare her off, so he played it safe.
Except, for right now. Agreeing to go to the Midsummer festival was probably the least safe thing JJ could do. He was not accepted by the Kooks, his reputation preceding him. He was rarely on his best behaviour when Kooks were involved so he was very nervous that he would somehow ruin the evening for Y/N. He could tell she had been excited for this festival, and he was sure that if he ruined the night for her, she would never want to be with him. So, with a deep breath, JJ promised himself that no matter what, he’d be on his best behaviour.
And then he saw Y/N exit Ward Cameron’s car.
She stood out like a sore thumb. None of the other girls could compare to her. JJ felt time freeze for a moment as he looked at the most beautiful girl in the world. Her white dress fitted her perfectly, it was as if it was made for her. Her hair made her look ethereal, like a fairy glowing in the dimming light. The festival was supposed to start right as the sun set so many people were already using flashlights so they could see the path to the entrance of the hall but not JJ. Y/N was his flashlight, illuminating not only herself but his entire life.
Once their eyes met, it was fireworks. JJ felt his heart skip a beat, the reality of her beauty setting in. He didn’t have to smile at her, he’d been smiling since she stepped out of the car. When she registered that it was JJ who was wearing the goofy grin, she smiled right back.
Although JJ thought Y/N looked beautiful, Y/N thought JJ looked handsome. He wore a black button up with black blazer and slacks. The collar of his shirt was embroidered with white flowers and lace, seeming to match Y/N without knowing. The usual messy hair look he wore so well was brushed back and styled. All the dirt and grime on his face was gone. It was like looking at a new JJ. A JJ that Y/N never thought she would get to see.
Once she’s an arm’s length away, JJ’s arms stretch out towards her, and she gladly accepts the hug. They both seem excited but nervous to be here. Even though Y/N is technically a Kook, she feels out of place. She knows that everyone is looking at her with disdain; knowing her family is from new money. Everyone except JJ and Sarah.
“You look beautiful.” JJ remarks as they pull away from each other.
“Thanks, J. You don’t look so bad yourself.” Y/N blushes, looping her arm around JJ. “Where’d you get that suit?”
JJ smirked. “Sarah lent it to me.”
Y/N rolled her eyes, glancing at Sarah. She was being escorted inside by John B. Y/N reminded herself to thank Sarah again. The festival is starting and every woman with a date is being escorted in now. “Shall we?”
JJ nods, tilting his chin up higher. “Yes, m’lady.”
Whatever image Y/N had in her mind of how the DeClaire Hall would look quickly vanished once they were inside. Large, tall marble pillars stood tall in every corner of the room. They were white, reflecting off the marble walls and vinyl floors. The middle of the hall was empty, only a few couples dancing to the melody of a violin playing. The tables were scattered along the outer part of the hall, decorated with white linen and golden embellishments. Both Y/N and JJ were astonished that Rose pulled it off. It was as if Y/N and JJ had been transported to the regency time period, watching in awe as every person seemed to be playing a character. The women wore long, bright dresses while the men were styled in fitted but elegant suits. Sarah was right; Rose really did go all out for this celebration.
“Woah.” JJ gasped. He had never seen something like this before. Although he was in awe, he was still a little bitter. The Kooks had all this money to spend on a festival that didn’t really matter but couldn’t donate some money to fix up JJ’s school or help out the dirt poor Pogues? He was bitter at the thought of all these Kooks enjoying themselves while his friends like Kie and Pope sat at home.
Y/N nodded; her eyes trained on Rafe. She couldn’t help herself. She wished he didn’t look so good but there he was, standing 20 feet away and looking like a dream. “Yeah, woah is right.”
Before any more words could be exchanged, the soft music stopped, and Rose entered the dance floor. She stood tall, the train of her yellow dress trailing behind her. “Hello everyone!” She had begun to speak but instead of her normal voice, she pretended to put on an English accent. “Thank you for coming to the ninety fifth anniversary of the Midsummer festival!”
Y/N snickered, leaning towards JJ’s ear. “This can’t be real.”
JJ smirked at her, his voice lowering. “We call them Kooks for a reason.”
“Shortly, the festivities will commence but before then, let us go over some ground rules.” Rose paused for a moment, waiting until everyone quieted down. “Firstly, young ladies will not stand up for more than two consecutive dances with the same partner. Secondly, there will be no vulgarity of any sort. And lastly, have a wondrous time!” The last sentence was spoken in her own words, the English accent no longer present in her voice.
Everyone seemed to cheer, some even clinking their champagne glasses together. The music began again, a soft melody flowing throughout the hall. Although everyone else seemed to be taking this seriously, waltzing with their partner and speaking in an English accent, Y/N and JJ were not.
JJ bowed, a goofy grin on his face. “M’lady, would you care to dance?” His southern accent was hard to disguise, even under a fake and terrible English accent.
Y/N giggled, curtsying slightly. “Why, of course!” Her hands rested in JJ’s as he led her to the middle of the hall. With anyone else, she would feel embarrassed, but it was so fun being with JJ that she didn’t care what other people thought of her.
As they pushed past crowds of Kooks, all dressed up in the finest clothing she ever saw, JJ leaned down, his breath fanning against her neck. “This has to be the stupidest shit I’ve ever done.”
Y/N smirked, looking up at him. Their lips were inches apart and she had the sudden urge to kiss him. “That can’t be true.”
JJ pouted, finally finding an open spot for them to sway to the music. He twirled Y/N around, watching in awe as her smile only grew wider. He swore he could watch her like this all day. “You’re right, it’s not.” He knew the stupidest thing he’d ever done was not kiss her sooner.
Y/N grew nervous, unsure of how to actually dance with a partner. She had never done this before. Thankfully, JJ did not hesitate like she did. She watched as he carefully placed one hand on her waist as the other clasped onto her hand. She let her other hand fall to the side, unsure of what to do next.
She looked up at JJ sheepishly. “How do I do this?” There was an awkward giggle at the end as Y/N tried to hide behind her embarrassment.
JJ smirked, his hand leaving her waist for a moment and guiding her limp arm to his shoulder. “Hold me.” Once his hand returned to her waist, he pulled her body closer to him. He could feel the warmth of her chest against his which only made his heartbeat faster. They had never been this close. Never touched each other in such a delicate way.
Soon, the two of them swayed to the music, a lovestruck grin on both of their faces. Y/N wished she could capture this moment forever. She was sure no one else had ever made her feel like this. She felt so protected. So secure. She knew that if she could, she’d choose to be in JJ’s arms forever. She was the happiest she could ever be as she danced with JJ, swaying to a song about unrequited love.
But, about twenty feet away in the corner of the room, Rafe enviously watched as the girl he wanted most danced with another man.
The first two hours of the Midsummer festival went marvellous. Y/N and JJ seemed to be attached at the hip, dancing, drinking, and laughing together the entire time. It seemed that all the nerves the two of them had at the beginning of the night dwindled down when they were with each other and had a few drinks. For Y/N, the best part was she had not run into Rafe once. He had been on the other side of the hall all night, drinking with his friends and dancing with a few girls. And although Y/N convinced herself that she was not watching him, she couldn’t help but feel a tad envious seeing Rafe dance with a couple girls.
The rules that Rose spoke about at the beginning of the night were more serious than Y/N and JJ initially thought. They thought it was all for show, just another way for the night to feel more realistic. But in reality, Rose would not let women dance with the same man consecutively. It was odd the first time she caught JJ and Y/N dancing, both of them ready to lie just so they could dance together again, but Rose shooed them away, telling them to wait for the next song to come on before they danced together again.
After the fourth time of Y/N and JJ trying to sneak past Rose and being caught red handed, they decided to just wait it out. How long could one song be?
“JJ,” Y/N cooed, sitting down at their table. They were seated with Sarah and John B at table two while Rose, Ward, and their friends were seated at table one. “Can you get me a glass of water?”
JJ smirked, crouched down to meet Y/N’s eyeline. “I’ve worn you out already?”
Y/N rolled her eyes, a devious glint in her eyes. “I’m sorry I don’t have the stamina to drink and dance for two hours.”
JJ shrugged, standing up again. “Fine, but you owe me a dance after. That line is so long and I’m gonna have to make conversation with those snooty PTA moms.”
Y/N giggled. “Well, if you come back with a cold glass of water, I’ll do more than dance with you.”
It was supposed to be a teasing comment and it was, but there was a serious undertone to the way she talked. She had waited too long to kiss JJ. If he could just stop being a gentleman for one moment.
JJ’s back straightened, his brows raised. He slightly nods, as if he’s tipping his nonexistent hat in her direction. “I’ll be right back.”
Y/N watches in amusement as JJ scurries across the hall, impatiently waiting in the long ass line. Y/N sighs, thinking she’ll be able to relax for a moment. Although she loves dancing with JJ, she needs to rest her feet. Unfortunately, before she can properly rest, Sarah and John B rush towards her.
“What did you say to JJ that got him so riled up? That man basically ran to the bar.” John B jokes, glancing at his friend. Some of the PTA moms began talking to JJ and he watches as his friend uncomfortably tries to make conversation.
“Nothing. I’m just waiting until we can dance again.” Y/N smirks, watching JJ from across the hall as well.
“But the waltz is on next, and JJ won’t be back in time!” Sarah frowns, glancing at JJ before her gaze returns to Y/N.
Y/N shrugs. She knew her and Sarah promised to dance the waltz together with their partners, but Y/N wasn’t too worried. She figured the waltz would be played many times that night and they’d dance it next time it came on. She tried to reassure Sarah by saying so, but Sarah only frowned deeper.
“No, I’m leaving in, like, twenty minutes. Rafe and I have to start setting everything up at our house for the afterparty. It starts in an hour.” Sarah groaned.
Y/N frowned, now a little upset as well that they wouldn’t be able to fulfill their promise. “I’m sorry. I wish I could dance with you guys; I do.”
It seemed that the second those words left Y/N’s mouth, Sarah’s eyes lit up and she was no longer frowning. “Maybe you can.”
Y/N rolled her eyes. “JJ’s not leaving that line now. I promised him something if he got me some water.”
Sarah giggled, instantly knowing what Y/N was implying. “No, silly. Not JJ. Someone else.” But before Y/N could ask her who she had in mind, Sarah dashed off, disappearing into the crowd of people gathered on the other side of the hall.
Y/N looked to John B, getting up from her seat. Her feet didn’t hurt as much anymore, the little rest she took had helped a lot. “What’s she up to?”
John B shrugged, a smug grin on his lips. “I never know.”
Y/N giggled at John B’s little remark because it was so true. Sarah was a very creative person and someone Y/N could go to whenever she was having a problem. Sarah always came up with the best solutions.
Except for now. Sarah was Y/N’s best friend in OBX but, when she emerged from the crowd tugging on the sleeve of a familiar face, Y/N wished Sarah didn’t have these creative plans. The person she was dragging along was Rafe. She had somehow looped Rafe into this. The last person Y/N wanted to see tonight. He looked confused and it was clear to Y/N that Sarah had not let Rafe in on her plan. This comforted her a little; knowing Rafe would be just as mortified.
When they reached about six feet away from Y/N and John B, Rafe finally understood what was about to happen. Y/N was right, he looked mortified. Rafe didn’t feel as though mortified was the right word. Humiliated. Nauseous. Literally any word that would describe how shitty he felt the second his eyes met Y/N’s.
He tried to run away; he really did. He stopped walking the second he realized what was going on. Sarah was only tugging on him because he let her. If he really wanted to, he could overpower her in seconds. And that’s what he did. He stopped in his tracks, refusing to move even as Sarah pulled harder on his sleeve.
“C’mon, she’s, my friend.” Sarah pleaded, her grasp on Rafe tightening.
Rafe shook his head, glancing Y/N’s way once more. He quickly grew embarrassed that her eyes were still on him and immediately looked back to Sarah. “Well, she’s not my friend.”
Sarah sighed, her lips in a deep pout. “Whatever weird energy you have for her, swallow it. Just for one dance.”
Rafe wanted to argue. He wanted to say that they shared no weird energy. That he just didn’t care for that hippie. But his sister knew him too well and although she might not have noticed his feelings for Y/N fully, she did register some tension between them. Rafe hated lying to his sister so, with a deep breath and a quick roll of his eyes, he agreed. It was just one dance. What’s the worst that could happen?
Y/N, on the other hand, was less flexible than Rafe. The second Sarah was close enough to hear, Y/N voiced her disdain. Which was bold since Rafe was standing in front of her.
“No way. I’m not getting a pity dance from your brother.”
Rafe scoffed, rolling his eyes for what seemed like the tenth time tonight. “A thank you would suffice.”
Y/N shook her head. “Oh, a thank you?” She repeated, her blood boiling. How could someone be so attractive yet so annoying at the same time. “How about this as a thank you?” Without even thinking, Y/N raised her hand and stuck her middle finger in the air defiantly.
Y/N’s anger only made him cockier. Call Rafe a coward all you want but he was damn good at hiding behind anger to protect his own feelings. “Not very ladylike, is it? Especially in this time period.”
“You know what is appropriate in this time period though?” Y/N grumbled. “The guillotine.”
Before Rafe could come up with an intelligent rebuttal, John B cut through the tension by stepping in between the two of them. It was getting pretty heated, and John B was sure Y/N was about to punch him. “Hey guys! The waltz should be on any minute so can we please put a pin in this and just have a fun time?”
Y/N stared at Rafe, her heart fluttering a little at how rosy his cheeks had gotten during their conversation. Although he had said such terrible things, somehow, she knew he had not meant any of it. So, with a steady breath, she outstretched her hand. She had a tiny smile on her lips and this time, it wasn’t forced.
“I’m willing to put it aside if you’re willing to dance with me.”
Rafe gulped, looking at her outstretched hand and gingerly taking it. “Fine.” It was all he could muster out. He was so nervous, and it didn’t help that this was the first time they had touched. She had always felt so far away from him and now their hands were intertwined. Her skin felt soft against his and he swore he felt a buzz of electricity course through him the second their hands touched.
Y/N could feel it too. She tried to ignore it, blaming it on static electricity or anything else. She would blame it on the wind before she would conclude that there was some part of her that was drawn to Rafe Cameron. They both stayed speechless and even as they approached the middle of the hall where everyone was dancing, they barely made an effort to look at each other. Everything felt so tense the second their hands touched.
Finally, the music died down for a moment. The waltz was the next song and Y/N prepared herself mentally. No matter what her brain told her, she did not feel anything for Rafe. She liked JJ. But as the music began and Rafe made the first move, she was not so sure. His hands were gentle but hesitant, scared to place his hand on her hip. They were in each other’s space. Y/N had never been this close to him. She breathed in through her nose, smelling his wonderful cologne.
“You’re gonna have to hold me, you know that right?” Her tone comes off as sarcastic because it’s the only one she’s familiar with around Rafe.
Rafe rolls his eyes. “Uh, yeah. I know.” He places one hand on Y/N’s hip, swallowing harshly before reaching out with his other hand and holding onto her hand. Their thumbs are intertwined, a small gesture that causes Rafe’s stomach to stir.
When the music starts, it’s soft and low at first and Y/N expects them to just sway. She had really only been swaying when she danced with JJ since they both weren’t sure how to formally dance. But Rafe had been to enough of these festivals to know how to lead a girl through a dance. So, as the music’s pace began to grow, Rafe led Y/N across the floor. Their feet seemed to be at the same pace, quietly shuffling like everyone else. He wasn’t going too fast like Y/N expected and she was grateful for it. But she was nervous nonetheless and looked to her feet so she wouldn’t accidentally step on Rafe’s toes.
Rafe chuckled at Y/N’s nervousness. He couldn’t stop thinking that she was so cute. “You have to look at your partner when you’re dancing with them.” The tone was more teasing than he wanted it to be.
Y/N looked up, blushing at her naivety. “Um, I’m afraid I’m gonna fall.”
She was being vulnerable with him. Sure, it was a very small step, but it was a step forward, nonetheless. Rafe beamed, endeared at her bashfulness. She had never been this way with him. He was taking her out of her comfort zone. “I promise you won’t step on my toes. And if you do, I won’t mind.”
Y/N gives Rafe a bashful smile. She’s looking at him while they dance now, never breaking eye contact. But Rafe is the bashful one now and continuously finds himself looking away. He’s so nervous. She’s looking at him. She’s really looking at him. He has to wonder; does she like what she sees?
“Now look at who's not focusing on their partner.” Y/N’s tone is teasing, and he can’t help but blush.
Rafe says the first thing that comes to his head. “It’s hard to look at someone so beautiful and not blush.”
This only makes the two of them blush more. Y/N wants to tell Rafe she thinks he’s beautiful too. She wants to ask him how they could be mean to each other one moment and all bashful the next. She wants to ask him if he’s ever felt like this with anyone else. She wants to know how he feels. But before she gets a chance to do any of that, they’re pulled apart.
JJ was going to let it go. He was going to just wait in that stupid line and get her a glass of water. He even wasn’t going to complain that Rafe and Y/N were dancing even though he was sure he would burst from jealousy. He convinced himself that Y/N was probably just trying to be polite and Rafe was the one to blame. But when he saw that Rafe had made her smile like that, a smile he had never seen her use, his blood boiled and all he saw was red. He left the line, not even saying goodbye to those snobby PTA moms, and bolted to the centre of the room where they were dancing. He knew that pulling Rafe by the collar would cause a scene. And he knew he promised himself that he was going to be on his best behaviour, but he couldn’t help himself. Rafe was not about to take the only good thing in his life right now. He cared so deeply for Y/N, and he wasn’t gonna let Rafe Cameron, of all people, ruin it. So, he did the only thing he knew; he used his fists.
Rafe choked on his collar as JJ pulled him off of Y/N. He fell backwards, a surprised gasp leaving his lips before his back hit the ground. Before Rafe could even defend himself, JJ was on top of the poor boy and punching him. The only thing Rafe could do was shield his face as JJ tried his best to punch Rafe.
Y/N was mortified. She could not believe this was happening. She had never seen JJ so angry, let alone at Rafe. Sure, JJ wasn’t the biggest fan of Kooks but to fist fight one? Besides, she couldn’t remember a time when JJ mentioned such disdain for Rafe. But that didn’t matter now. She needed to intervene.
“JJ! Stop!” She tried yelling, her voice piercing through the air. The music had stopped, and many people had begun congregating around them to see what all the fuss was about. It was no use though, even Y/N’s yelling did not stop JJ.
The only thing that stopped JJ was John B. As JJ threw his fifth punch, John B approached JJ and pulled him away from Rafe. JJ fought against John B, trying to free himself from his friend’s grasp but it was no use. John B held him in a way that was difficult for JJ to get out of.
“Let me go, bro!” JJ continued to struggle as John B’s grasp, unaware that all eyes were on him.
“Dude, stop!” John B tightened his grip on JJ.
JJ finally stopped struggling, noticing that the room got very quiet. Suddenly, his actions came rushing to him and he realized the mistake he made. When John B felt JJ relax, he finally let go. He was unsure what his friend would do but he knew he had to be there just in case.
Everyone was looking at JJ, their judgemental stares burning holes onto his skin. He felt so exposed, so embarrassed that strangers had seen him like that. But he was more worried about Y/N. He knew he made a mistake and wasn’t sure how she’d react. Knowing her, it wasn’t going to be good.
And when he looked at her, her eyes brimming with tears, he knew he had fucked up big time. She was standing off to the side, standing beside Sarah who was trying to comfort her. JJ took a few steps towards her, his face pale.
“Y/N…” JJ began, the look on his face saying it all.
But Y/N didn’t care. She just wanted one perfect night. She had never seen this side of JJ but now that she had, she was afraid. She shook her head, backing away from him. “No, leave me alone.” And with that, she turned on her heels and walked farther and farther away from him.
Sarah stood there for a moment longer, dumbfounded. “JJ, I think you need to give her some space right now.”
JJ wanted to cry. Although he was embarrassed, it didn’t matter now. He had just ruined the only good thing in his life. The dangerous pattern had finally caught up to him.
taglist: @tovvaa @canyoubuymetoast @multisimpinghoe @devcarlsons @pogueslandia @theywantedplayer @lovelyxtom @milkywqze
168 notes · View notes
skyemisc · 4 years
Azul Ashengrotto Birthday SSR Story Translation
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NRC Newspaper Interview
Birthday Interview Feature
~Azul Edition~
Option: ---Happy birthday.
Azul: Why why, thank you.
Screen: How is the party?
Azul: I’m fortunate to say it’s quite enjoyable. The liveliness of it reminds me of birthday parties from my home.
Screen: Would you normally have this many gathered for parties at home?
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Azul: Yes. My family operates a high-class restaurant.
Azul: In year’s past, on my birthday, we’d close the store and celebrate with my family and all the members of the staff.
Azul: Lavish decorations and music… Best of all, with the biggest table of the restaurant lined filled with all of my favorite dishes.
Azul: “Eat that. Eat this”…
Azul: Pondering on it now, I should have said it was too much…
Azul: But to a simple-minded child at the time, I was more than pleased.
Screen: What kind of people is your family? Please tell me a bit about them.
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Azul: My mother is the one who operates the restaurant. In the beginning, she ran it herself and it started small…
Azul: When I could understand more about my surroundings, the restaurant had already grown to employ a large staff of professionals and became the most famous restaurant in the Coral Sea.
Azul: Not only in cooking, but she had talent in management as well.
Azul: She has keen interest in the Monstro Lounge as well. Amazing to see me take after my parent, don’t you think?
Azul: Next would be my step-father… He’s from my mother’s second marriage, therefore there’s no blood relationship.
Azul: He was a lawyer, and they met when my mother was filing for divorce.
Azul: You never quite sure what the world will bring, you could say.
Azul: Usually he’s a kind, sincere individual but… when it comes to work, he’s shrewd.
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Azul: Often, he told me about laws and how to compose contracts. We all get along quite well, and I hold much respect for him.
Azul: Lastly, there is my grandmother. All members of my family are magicians, but her magic is especially superior.
Azul: She’d use her magic to help those in the vicinity with any wavering issues.
Azul: Yes… She’s a benevolent person, just like myself.
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Azul: We may all have different personalities in my family, but we each have our own powerful abilities… We’re certainly a prideful family.
To be continued…
 Part 2:
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Screen: Please expand on your fixations with Monstro Lounge.
Azul: Hm, if I had to mention one thing, it’d be the tableware.
Azul: It’s not just the flavor of the cuisine, but the presentation that is imperative.
Azul: No matter delectable the food, there’s a loss of appeal when on a poor dish.
Azul: As such, at Monstro Lounge we use only the highest quality brand tableware.
Azul: Thinking back on it, when preparing to open the shop, every day was troublesome.
Azul: Gathering information from famous restaurants, visiting different tableware making vendors…
Azul: Carefully looking over the sample pieces…
Azul: Well, it was a grueling experience, but we were able to gather wonderful tableware pieces.
Screen: That sort of fixation… I never realized.
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Azul: Hehe… That’s reasonable. If you new the prices associated, you wouldn’t be holding my teacup so freely.
Azul: There’s no need to know the costs of the tableware.
Azul: The design of the lounge is to give off entirely an air of luxury.
Azul: Though… After the pain of getting the tableware, Floyd will occasionally poorly handle a dish and shatter it.
Azul: I warn him time and time again… Good grief, what a problematic person.
Screen: It seems to be troublesome.
Azul: Well, I do have my breaks.
Screen: Breaks… How so?
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Azul: I read in my room.  
Azul: To relax, I dim down the lights, and read autobiographies from business individuals I’ve borrowed from the library.
Azul: As well, my room is filled with my collectables and decorated to my liking...
Azul: When I look around my room, it calms my nerves and makes for a relieving experience.
To be continued…
Part 3:
Screen: What are your hobbies?
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Azul: Coin collecting. It’s been my hobby since I was young.
Screen: Please share how it started.
Azul: How it started… Ahh, I remember now. When I was a child, I picked up some coins from a nearby sunken ship.
Azul: At first, I thought it was nothing unusual; that it was just money from land but…
Azul: As I looked into it, I found out they were of 100 published commemorative coins from a monarchy.
Azul: The coin’s face value was 100 madol.
Azul: But to collectors, one coin could pull in 500,000 madol!
Azul: When I came to know of the coin’s rarity, I started collecting them.
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Azul: The coins' history and how they are minted, they're worth more than the value stamped on them... Don't you think that's enthralling?
Screen: It is enthralling. How many coins do you have now?
Azul: About 200. For particular coins I like, I display them in cases.
Azul: Incidentally, the value of the coins is influenced by the market and highly sought after. It’s a great hobby if you want to invest in building assets.
Screen: Do you have any other hobbies?
Azul: Hmm… Another thing would be board games.
Azul: Shortly after the entrance ceremony, I toured around the clubs and found my way to the board game club.
Azul: There I found Idia-san…’s younger brother Ortho there.
Azul: There I introduced myself like a businessman.
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Azul: “This can help build my business power!” is what I thought to myself at the time, and I joined the club.
Azul: The club is mostly just playing games but…
Azul: When push comes to shove, I built up my courage considerably for matches.
Azul: More than anything, outwitting your opponent in intellect is very gratifying. Hehehe…
Screen: You have a wide range of interests.
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Azul: You’ll never know what leads to a business opportunity.
Azul: It’s better to experience all kinds of things.
Screen: Thank you for talking to us about so much.
Screen: Again, happy birthday.
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egcdeath · 4 years
first impressions
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pairing: soft!ransom drysdale x reader 
summary: [request] “hmm prompts... Ransom introducing you (a total opposite of him) to his family for the first time, or a Thrombey wedding! if you feel like it” i like where your brain is at anon! but why not a little bit of both? ;)
word count: 3.7k
warnings: pretty fluffy, some angst, toxic family dynamics
author’s note: this has been super lightly edited so pls forgive any mistakes <3 click here if you’d like to be added to my taglist & all reblogs are super appreciated!
You felt slightly out of place driving through the neighborhood of your youth in the passenger seat of Ransom’s beloved Beamer. Thinking of how your parents would react to your boyfriend, let alone his lifestyle of excess, made your heart rate increase, and you shuffled a bit in your seat unconsciously as a result of your nerves. As if he were reading your thoughts, Ransom set a steady hand on your knee and gave it a tiny reassuring squeeze before parking in front of the curb ahead of your home. 
Nervously exiting the vehicle, you watched wordlessly as Ransom grabbed your overnight bags from the trunk, and hauled them over his shoulders. Still saying nothing, you reached out and grabbed Ransom’s hand, constricting his circulation as you strolled up to your door, and rang your own doorbell.
When your mother whipped open the door and offered you an excited grin, you finally were able to let out the breath that you weren’t even aware you were holding.
“Goose!” your mother cheered, squeezing the life out of you while you snuck a glance at Ransom who seemed rather amused by the childhood pet name. “And who’s this?” she asked, pulling away from you and looking him up and down.
“I’m Ransom, your daughter’s boyfriend,” he announced with confidence, offering your mom friendly smile, before glancing back over at you and raising his brows the slightest bit. 
“Finally putting a face to the name, then. I’ve heard all about you from this one. Come on in,” she gestured for the two of you to enter. “Y/N can show you to her room, and dinner will be ready in about a half hour,” with that, your mother was off, and you were once again alone with Ransom.
You showed him up to your room, where he set down the bags and flopped down onto your bright pink duvet.
“Goose, huh?” he questioned, rolling on the hyperfeminine twin mattress. 
“Shut up,” you mumbled, before sitting down next to the headboard of the bed.
“Do you think she liked me?” Ransom asked, seemingly out of nowhere. “Did you tell her good things about me?”
“Since when do you care about what other people think of you?” you giggled a bit, and planted your fingers in Ransom’s hair. 
“I care because…” he thought for a moment, calculating just how honest he wanted to be. “I care because this is the longest relationship I’ve been in, and I want my future parents-in-law to like me.”
“We’ve been together for like, a year, Ran. But I applaud your commitment to me,” you massaged his scalp as you spoke, and ignored the butterflies floating throughout your torso at his mention of marriage. 
“Well? Do you think she likes me?” he asked once again. 
“Mmm, I like when you care about things,” you pressed a little peck to his forehead, and hovered a bit over his face. “She said like, 20 words to you, max. But after dinner I’m sure they’ll like you. At least I hope they will.”
Ransom playfully swatted at you. “How comforting. Wait, stay right there,” he reached up and held the hand that was massaging his scalp in place. 
By the time dinner came around, you seemed to have switched emotions with your partner, as you were feeling much more relaxed, and Ransom on the other hand, was not.
He kept a hand on your knee under the table in what seemed like a grounding technique, squeezing every now and then while your father plated your meals.
“So, how did you two meet?” your father questioned, sitting down beside your mom.
“We met while we were volunteering at the Humane Society together,” you gushed, glancing over at your partner who was nervously sipping his water, then back at your parents. “He always seemed so pissed in the beginning. I mean, the amount of times I saw him growling obscenities while tugging on harnesses, or playing the most unenthusiastic games of fetch I’d ever seen in my life is astounding,” you laughed softly, and looked over at Ransom once again as if you were cueing him to speak.
“Yeah, I really didn’t like it there at first. Not really a dog guy, but my grandad said it was community service or no allowance, and I was not interested in the latter,” he chuckled awkwardly and received confused expressions from your parents, which granted you an SOS squeeze on the knee. 
“Um, anyway, one day we were closing, and I went into the last cat suite, and there grumpy old Ransom was, cuddling with Garfield, you know, the old cat with the three legs, and it was literally the cutest thing I’d ever seen. Especially ‘cause Garfield is so hard to please,'' you paused to take a bite of the food in front of you. “We started talking more after that, then he asked me out, and of course I said yes. I guess the rest is history.”
“Aw, Goose, that’s so cute!” your mom cooed, but the moment didn’t last too long. 
“What do you do for work, Ransom?” Your dad asked, tilting his beer at the man. 
“I’m currently in between jobs. But, uh, I’ve been doing a lot of volunteer work.” 
Your father nodded wordlessly and paused for a second. “Volunteering get you a Beamer?”
“Dad!” You interrupted in a yelp, “please.” You frowned as you looked between the men. 
“Y/N, it’s fine. It’s a good question, but I got it as a gift a few years back. And, you know, my family’s comfortable.”
Before your father could respond, your mom popped in to save the conversation. “No money talk at the table, please. Tell me more about your relationship,” she gave both of you a sympathetic look. 
After that, dinner went on without much of a hitch, and you agreed upon doing the dishes with your mother while your father and boyfriend prepared a little fire outside.
“He seems sweet,” she commented after a long period of silence. 
“I’m glad you think so. He was really worried about you not liking him, and honestly, I was too,” you rinsed the last glass before setting it in your dishwasher.
“I just want you to be careful, okay? When you have that much money, people do strange things, or say things they don’t mean and expect you to just take it. He seems like a good boy, but just don’t let your guard completely down. The last breakup you went through-“
“Stop, I get it,” you sighed softly. 
“This doesn’t mean I don’t like him. I just don’t want to see you that hurt again,” she gave your arm a soft squeeze. “Let’s go stop your dad from catching a murder charge,” she beckoned you to follow her out to the backyard, where your boyfriend and dad were… laughing together? If you weren’t so relieved, it’d almost be off-putting. 
The rest of the night went alarmingly well, Ransom finding a way to bond with both of your parents after an awkward first half of the evening. As the two of you crawled into your tiny bed and spooned while drifting off to sleep, Ransom slurred a tired ‘I think they liked me,’ into your ear. 
From that point on, Ransom’s position within your family only became better. For the first time, he was welcomed into a familial environment that wasn’t more toxic than a Chernobyl cooling tower, and Ransom was loving it. After suggesting to spend that year’s Thanksgiving at your parents’ home, spending the holidays with the L/N family became a frequent occurrence for the two of you. 
Though you occasionally wondered why you were four years into a relationship with the man, and still hadn’t met his family, which to your understanding, was rather large, you had better things to concern yourself with. You understood and respected that Ransom’s relationship with his own family wasn't the best, from the little that he shared with you, but occasionally curiosity often got the best of you.
Yet, things seemed to shift after your engagement. In the midst of dress fittings and cake tastings, Ransom had decided that it was finally time for you to meet the rest of the Thrombey clan, and that there was no better time than Harlan’s book release party, which was being celebrated out in California, at the Thrombey Vineyard.
In your years of relationship, you’d become no stranger to luxury, and the finer things in life, but arriving at the Vineyard put you in awe at just how affluent these people were. Perhaps that’s what happens when you’re one of the great writers of your time, and your offspring go off to become equally “self-made” successes.
You were a bit tired from the three hour difference between Boston and Sonoma Valley, and as soon as you hopped out of the car at the vineyard, you could only think of getting to your room, out of your baggy travel clothes, and to sleep as soon as possible. 
Trailing behind Ransom, you looked around at the vast expanse of crop-filled land around you in astonishment while you walked up the cement path to the mansion, not really noticing the petite woman with curled blonde hair, and an oversized straw hat approaching you. 
“Oh gosh, you must be Y/N!” she said gleefully. “I’m Joni. I’ve seen you all over Ranny’s Insta,” she paused and looked you up and down. “Well, you do look a little different there,” she chuckled.
“That’s great, Joni. Maybe you can Tweet about how exhilarating and life changing this experience has been for you to all your little pyramid scheme friends.”
“You’re always so rude, Hugh,” she sneered.
“I forgot about your chronic victimhood. Goodbye, Joan,” he rolled his eyes, and practically tugged you inside the massive building in front of you, before dragging you up the stairs. You were honestly in a little bit of shock at seeing how nasty Ransom got from just a small interaction.
You set your Louis Vuitton Keepal, and aluminum suitcase down on the granite floor of the bedroom, before flopping down, and spreading your limbs out on the massive memory foam bed that sat in the center of the room, “What was that, Ran?” you questioned as he sprawled out next to you.
“The reason why I didn’t want you to meet them. They’re like sharks, looking for anything that even resembles blood in the water,” he threw an arm around you and yawned. “We can talk about this in the morning, though. Right now, I think that both of us need a shower.”
“Speak for yourself, you stink bug.”
“But what if I get lonely in there?” 
“Fine,” you huffed, moving his arm off of you, and heading off to the en-suite. 
That night, as you stared at the blank wall in a vain attempt to quiet your mind enough to fall asleep, you questioned if coming to meet Ransom’s family was more of a mistake than you initially anticipated.
The next morning felt a bit frantic. You and Ransom woke up a few hours before everyone else, as they’d been in California for a few days now and had adjusted to the time difference, while you two had not. An in-house chef made you two a gourmet buffet of a meal while housekeepers laid out your clothes back in your room, and you were feeling a bit overwhelmed by all of the sudden interferences in your life. Though it was nice to not have to do all of the work, you weren’t sure how you felt about other people doing it for you. 
The majority of your day felt similar to that morning. You quickly realized that Ransom’s fortune was just a small portion of the Thrombey estate, and that his family were essentially a bunch of monsters with money. Throughout the day of horse riding, wine tasting, and wine painting workshops, you couldn’t help but notice how they turned their noses up at you, treating you, and the staff working at the vineyard, like some sort of outsider. 
Your alienation only became more apparent during Harlan’s celebratory dinner, when insults and sneers were tossed at both you and Ransom for being together. 
“Are you trying to get revenge on us, or something?” Richard asked at one point, gesturing to you, and catching you completely off guard, 
“Why would you say something like that?” Ransom asked, trying not to let his offence show as his jaw clenched.
“It’s just not like you to want to settle down, especially with someone like… her,” he spoke about you like you weren’t sitting right there.
“No, I agree,” Walt added. “For once in our lives I agree with you,” he laughed aloud, and a few other folks at the table laughed with him. “Can you believe that after all these years, we’re bonding over Ransom’s little girlfriend?” 
You weren’t even sure how to react, so you laughed awkwardly along with them, and stared blankly at the vast expanse of grape trees behind the row of Thrombey and their friends. What you would give to sprint out into that, and never come back. 
Ransom looked to you in your obvious discomfort, and grabbed your knee, offering it a little reassuring squeeze before he interrupted them. 
“You know what? All of you dickheads can eat shit. Y/N is really the only person who matters to me at this point, and you pricks need to respect that. Hell, you need to respect her.” 
“Look at little Ranny, getting all soft,” Walt chided. 
He ignored the comment and continued on, “And If I don’t start hearing apologies soon, every single one of your wedding invites have a one way ticket to the shredder.”
A silence fell over the table. You were a bit surprised too, since your invites had already gone out, and Harlan was the only Thrombey to receive one.
“...You’re getting married?” Meg asked, breaking the silence. “Why wouldn’t you tell us?” 
“Why do you think?” you muttered, pushing around a few things on your plate before standing up, and pushing your chair away. “Excuse me.”
You knew that by leaving, you were only opening yourself up for more criticism, but you genuinely weren’t sure that you’d be able to take one more second of hostility. You pushed your chair back in, before heading off the patio, into the gigantic home, and up to the room that you’d claimed.
You rolled on top of the bed, and screamed into a feather filled pillow. It wasn’t too long after when tears stung your eyes as you came to the conclusion that these monsters were just a few months away from becoming your in-laws.
You thought you’d heard the most of it after the table, yet a prompt knocking at your door proved otherwise. Letting herself in, you turned to face Ransom’s mother herself, and you just knew that you were in for it.
“Listen, you whore,” Linda began in a sharp, yet quiet tone, “I don’t know what you’re trying to do with my son. Isolate him from us. Try to ‘change him’ like I know you think you’re doing. But just know that at the end of the day, he’ll always pick us. You’ll always be the second choice, especially when Ransom realizes that you barely have a dime to your name, and his bank account starts to runs dry,” she approached you, and pointed an accusatory finger towards you. “You’ll never be anything but a disgusting, sloppy little gold digger. You may be his toy of the week, but at the end of the day, you’re just an afterthought. I suggest that you get out of his life sooner than later. I’m sure Ransom wouldn’t mind, considering we already have your replacement with one foot in the door,” she gestured over to the window facing the back patio, where Ransom was chatting with a brunette woman that appeared to be quite a few years younger than himself.
“You’re cute, Y/N. Really! It’s cute that you’re thinking right now that he would never leave you, cheat on you with some new, younger, hotter piece of ass. Just know that you don’t know Ransom as well as you really think you do. I can promise you, it’ll be much easier to break off an engagement than it’ll be to get a divorce. Especially with that prenup he’s considering dropping on your desk any day.” she tutted as if she cared. “Well, sweetheart, it was great meeting you. I’m glad that these were our first and last words together,” she gave your back a pat before leaving the room, and you looked out the window in shock. 
Shaking as you dig into the pocket of your sundress, you sent Ransom a simple ‘help’ message, before setting your phone aside and trying to pack your belongings in as quick of a manner as possible.
When Ransom opened the door, a steady stream of tears and mascara was staining your face, while you urgently threw things into your suitcase.
“Goose, what happened?” he gasped, hurrying over to your kneeling form, and setting a hand on your shoulder. 
“Why,” you sniffled. “Why would you let her come up here and say all that shit to me!” you croaked, swatting his hand away from you. 
“What?” he watched as you pressed down on the overfilled suitcase and frantically attempted to zip it, to no avail. “Linda said she was gonna come apologize?”
“Telling me that I’ll never be enough for you is just a perfect apology,” you muttered, “I need to go home.”
“God,” he grumbled to himself, “This is exactly why I waited so long for them to meet you. Okay, we can go home then. I’ll buy us tickets right now.”
“This is on you too, Ransom. You didn’t tell them about us, like, at all. You had so much time! You couldn’t give Linda a call and say ‘hey I’ve been seeing this girl’ or even tell Harlan to deliver the message for you?” you hiccuped, but continued. “All of this could’ve been avoided if they had four years to adjust to our relationship. Maybe then they wouldn’t call me a whore and a gold digger every other sentence.”
“I was just trying to protect you from them,” he frowned.
You finally managed to zip up the suitcase, and stood up along with it, “well, you clearly did a great job of that.” 
You dusted off the skirt of your dress, and grabbed your phone. “I’ll let you know when our car gets here,” you huffed before walking into the en-suite and closing the door behind you, just to have a moment for yourself (and make yourself look a bit more put together before you leave.)
A tense car ride, and awkward flight later, you marched straight into the guest bedroom, and cocooned yourself under a copious amount of blankets. You felt like you stayed there for years, only getting out of bed to shower and use the restroom, and living off of the crustless sandwiches and jarred spaghetti your fiancé brought to your door. 
You slept most of the time, and in the moments you weren’t sleeping, you were dwelling on every vicious word thrown at you at the vineyard. Every day, you listened to Ransom apologize through the door, yet every day, you questioned if going through with the wedding was truly the wisest idea. 
A few days into your stay in the guest bedroom, you finally allowed Ransom to stay in the room for more than just dropping off food. He sat down next to you in bed, and cupped your cheek in his hand, rubbing his thumb softly back and forth against the skin. 
“I don’t know how I can make things right for you,” he said softly. “I really did set you up, and I didn’t even mean to. I should’ve made better decisions, but I can’t change four years ago. But I can keep those heinous people away from you. They’ll never have the chance to do, or say anything like that to you again, okay?” his thumb caught on a tear, which he promptly wiped away. “Just… please don’t leave me. The bed feels too empty without you, and it’s just been a few days. I can’t imagine feeling that emptiness for the rest of my life.”
You whimpered and sat up, abruptly embracing the broad man. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have let your idiot family make me question the validity of our relationship,” you muttered into his shirt. 
“I promise you you’ll never have to worry about them again. They had their opportunity to make things right, and they missed it.”
Things were more or less smooth sailing after that fiasco. You found your perfect venue, decided on your ideal Honeymoon spot, and finished your seating arrangements with time to spare, and the next thing you knew your wedding day was around the corner. 
It all seemed to happen so fast, one second you were being walked down the aisle, the next, exchanging vows and rings as aisles of your friends and family members cheered for you, Y/N Drysdale.
Your reception also seemed to slip right through your fingers, your first dance, toasts and cake cutting finding itself over almost as soon as it started. You were grateful that you hired a wedding videographer, as the day was so overwhelming, you weren��t quite sure how much of it you’d remember. 
As you drove off to the airport, Ransom set his hand upon your knee one more time. A warm, fuzzy feeling formed in your chest at the all too familiar gesture. You turned your head from the window to your husband, who was grinning back at you, and couldn’t help but to think of how perfect your wedding ended up, though it felt like it sped by quickly. More than anything, you were grateful that you didn’t give up on Ransom despite his interesting family. 
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cheri-translates · 3 years
One-shot: When you meet your ideal type at a blind date
Original author: 八重垂樱 (ba zhong chui ying)
Original title: 相亲对象遇到理想型怎么办 (source)
🍒 Warning: Slightly suggestive! 🍒
I’m going on a blind date.
Why am I going on a blind date? Why else? Because of my mom.
My mom is someone who doesn’t have lofty aspirations. Ever since she retired, her life goal has been to watch me walk down the aisle. I can’t fathom why she’s so certain that I’d remain single for life without her help. Anyway, this is how conversations typically unfold in my household:
Mom: Auntie Zhang and Uncle Zhang from next door are watching a movie over the weekend.
Me: Which movie do you and Dad want to watch? I’ll order the tickets.
Mom: That’s not the main point.
Me: Huh?
Mom: When are you bringing someone to the movies?
Me: ...
Mom: Whether they’re male or female doesn’t matter. You should know that our family isn’t conservative.
Me: Fine, fine.
I just don’t understand - what’s so good about being married? Are games not fun enough? Are variety shows not interesting enough?
Also, I’m still working hard to save up for an apartment. The earlier I move out, the less I have to watch my parents being all gooey and affectionate with each other.
Spending time on someone who has nothing to do with me - isn’t that silly?
During the New Year celebration, my mom went into a frenzy after my cousin brought her boyfriend home.
During the Qingming Festival, another cousin brought her boyfriend home.
I asked, “Who in the world brings their partner to meet the family during the Qingming Festival?”
[Trivia] Qingming Festival is also known as “Tomb Sweeping Day” - a traditional Chinese festival where people sweep tombs and commemorate their ancestors
Anyway, my mom gave me an ultimatum after the Qingming Festival. I could either go on a blind date, or move out and rent an apartment by myself. 
She knew exactly where to strike where it hurt most.
When I tapped open the calculator app on my phone, I quickly realised just how far the funds in my bank account were from getting an apartment.
Fine, a blind date it shall be. I’d just treat it as though I’m meeting an online friend.
As long as I didn’t feel awkward, it’d be fine.
I never expected the other party to be so handsome!
How should I put it... 
When I first saw him, the phrases from novels I read over the past twenty years seemed to spring up like bamboo shoots after a spring rain. 
Phrases like “sculpted brows”, “eyes reminiscent of stars”, “magnificent looks”, “extraordinary poise”, “a vast sky full of stars reflected on a lake”...
Hang on, the last one isn't correct, sorry.
It’s definitely not because my emotions are akin to an undulating lake with endless ripples.
He’s a police officer.
Police officers are great - they uphold virtue and condemn evil, remain steadfast to justice, look tempting in uniforms...
So here’s where the questions flood in.
With such an appearance and occupation, he doesn’t seem like someone who would be lacking in pursuers. It’d be as easy as throwing a basketball into a university classroom - he’d definitely hit at least three targets with ease.
Excusing myself to touch up on my makeup, I head into the washroom, splashing some cold water on my face. Then, I pinch myself on the arm.
I’m not dreaming. 
Why would he be on a blind date?
I’m utterly confused.
Oh yes, his name is Gavin.
Even his name sounds nice.
From head to toe, he’s my ideal type.
As for why I haven’t found a partner, the reason is pretty simple.
It’s probably due to the “poison” I imbibed since young, which took the form of romance novels, shoujo manga and otome games. They framed my unrealistic expectations of love that there was definitely one person on earth who was 100% born just for me.
The so-called “destined romance”.
If I can’t find Mr 100%, why would I settle for anyone else? Instead, I should work hard and strive to be financially stable.
In this era, marriage isn’t a necessity.
What about Gavin then?
Why doesn’t he have a girlfriend?
While ruminating on the puzzle of Gavin’s unmarried status, I whip out my makeup tools, being only ten times more meticulous than before. Walking back with a strange sense of anticipation, my mind is filled with potential conversation topics with Gavin...
I didn’t expect for reality to whack me on the face the moment I returned.
A slender sized man is standing beside Gavin, his head lowered as he speaks into Gavin’s ear. He looks pretty suspicious. As though sensing something, Gavin lifts his head suddenly, his gaze landing on me from across several tables. The other man follows suit, the paper bag in his hand plopping onto the table, knocking over a glass of water.
I know this person.
He’s the ex-classmate who sat beside me in high school, and traded ten cups of milk tea with my homework so he could copy it.
Gavin: ...
Minor: [stuttering] O-old classmate, long time no see. I... Bro Gavin... we...
I pat him on the shoulder with force, giving him a knowing smile. “It’s okay, there’s no need to explain. I understand completely.”
It couldn’t have been clearer.
It thoroughly explains why Gavin hasn’t had a girlfriend, why Minor would appear during the blind date, and why the both of them look as though they have a guilty conscience.
After staring at Gavin for half a minute, the tips of his ears start to turn red, a hint of indignation flashing in his amber eyes.
Tsk tsk tsk.
At a fiery speed, a tragic play writes itself in my mind. Lovers whose romance was not tolerated by society. One was forced to go on a blind date, and the other watched on in the restaurant secretly, yearning for a love that he couldn’t let go of...
Minor: H-hello... old classmate? Old classmate, why are you in a daze?
I return to my senses from Episode 17 of the tragic play.
Minor: Let me explain. This isn’t what you think...
Me: No need, I understand.
I glance at him, then glance at Gavin. He’s painstakingly handsome. His cold expression makes him even more charming.
I lament in my heart. “Classmate Minor, on account of those cups of milk tea from back then, I’ll help you out!”
It might have been my misperception, but when I mentioned milk tea, Gavin’s expression was a little strange.
Since we aren’t on a proper blind date, there’s no need to eat expensive French cuisine. 
Gavin insists on giving me a treat. After thinking about it, I offer a suggestion. “Let’s go to Lynn’s Kitchen near high school. I haven’t been there in a while, and it isn't far from here.”
Gavin probably doesn’t know of that noodle shop, so I explain. “Minor and I used to go there often when we were in school. The noodles there are really good. There won’t be any left if we’re late.”
Gavin: I know.
Me: Huh?
Gavin: There’s a row of ginkgo trees along the street outside the noodle shop. The falling leaves in autumn are really beautiful. Stray cats often appear at the roadside, and would roll around. When it rains...
“Bro Gavin is two years our senior... I mentioned him a lot back then!” Minor interrupts with a mumble.
He did? I probe my memories, and seem to have some recollection of it. But my memories of high school have been consumed by test questions and novels. Back then, Minor would spout nonsense beside me, his words entering my right ear before leaving through the left.
Have he and Gavin been together since high school?
What a heart-wrenching romance...
To express my amicableness, I hook an arm with Gavin, intending to hook the other with Minor next.
Before I can even reach Minor, Gavin tugs me on the arm, pulling me towards him.
Whoa, so he’s the only one who can touch Minor?
How possessive.
Outside the shop, a question suddenly occurs to me. What if my mom was hiding in a corner and observing this blind date?
Me: Gavin, play along with me. My mom might be nearby.
Gavin arches his brows, strangely cooperative as he places his hand on my shoulder. He lowers his head and leans towards my ear, the warmth of his breath twirling the stray hairs at my ear. It’s a little ticklish.
“No problem. Anytime.”
You can’t blame me. I’m an ordinary salaried worker who has never dated in over twenty years.
If an electrocardiogram was measuring my heart rate, the data would have leapt out of the screen when Gavin spoke into my ear. If I could just pretend that I never saw Minor, I’d have a talk with Gavin about our marriage, which house to buy, whether we should adopt a cat or a dog, and how many kids we should have.
But that’s wrong.
Minor’s my good classmate. I need to be loyal to our friendship.
The boss of Lynn’s Kitchen actually recognised Gavin, which makes me wonder if I suffered from memory loss.
Wait. Since I could still recognise Minor, that shouldn’t be the case.
I heard that Gavin was a famous figure back in high school.
What was I doing at that time?
Probably reading books with a goal to earn big bucks.
Ugh. Why didn’t I know Gavin before Minor did?
Gavin says something to the boss, and the latter returns to the kitchen. While I’m still waiting for him to take my order, the noodles are served.
A bowl of my favourite tomato and pig intestine noodles is placed before me. Gavin has a bowl of spicy beef noodles, and Minor... Minor is just having plain noodles served in a simple broth?
Is this meant to maintain his figure?
Hang on, how does Gavin know that I like pig intestine noodles? Could this be the instincts of a police officer? That’s amazing!
When I lift my eyes, my gaze happens to meet Gavin’s. His eyes brighten, the flowing light in them akin to a galaxy submerged in the ocean.
His lips, which have chilli oil on them, look really nice.
His fingers, which are holding the chopsticks, look really nice.
His Adams’ apple, which bobs as he swallows, looks really nice too.
No way, I have principles.
If I were to continue dwelling on this, the watch on my wrist might automatically call the ambulance if my heart beats too quickly.
I wipe my mouth clean, take a sip of water, clear my throat, and embark on the long speech I prepared. “My mum has always been pushing me to go on blind dates. But I really don’t have the time nor emotional capacity to date right now.”
Unless the other party is you, I add silently.
Me: I understand the situation the two of you are in. Gavin, you were probably pressured by your family to come for this blind date too, weren’t you?
Gavin glances at me, not expressing an opinion.
Me: Here’s what I’m thinking. Since we both need a partner as a cover up, why don’t we collaborate? We’ll treat this as a successful blind date. From today onwards, Gavin will be my boyfriend, and I’ll be your girlfriend. In name only, of course. We just need to fend off our families.
Gavin: Hm.
Me: Don’t laugh. I’m serious.
Minor is about to say something. But after receiving a glance from Gavin, all he does is mumble, “I’m buying milk tea” before vanishing.
That’s good. Without him around, I’d feel more at ease. After all, I’m “borrowing” his boyfriend.
Me: I know that you fancy someone.
Gavin: You do?
MC: Even a blind person can tell.
Gavin: Really?
Me: Don’t beat around the bush. I’ll get straight to the point. I’m pretty low maintenance, so I won’t trouble you unnecessarily. At most, I’ll invite you over to my house for meals, to watch movies, and things like that.
Gavin: Are you sure?
MC: I’m 100% sure!
Gavin gives me a meaningful glance.
Wait, my response seemed a little odd.
By the time Minor returns with three cups of milk tea, Gavin and I have already reached a mutual understanding. I won’t probe into his personal love life, and I’d simply be his girlfriend in name.
To be honest, I’m not happy about it.
The breeze of early summer courses past, and the honeysuckles bloom vibrantly.
Music drifts over from someone’s house.
“The sun’s a little hot, and it might have gone to my head
My heart is beating quickly, and I can’t stop it from dancing
As I accidentally fall into your gentle trap...”
I want to fall in love.
Gavin is a perfect boyfriend.
He’s handsome, has a good figure, personality, hobbies, income, incredible chemistry... as well as double standards.
Quoting from his colleague, “Captain Gavin’s a completely different person when he’s with Sis-in-law.”
I think to myself, your “Sis-in-law” is someone else. And Gavin’s just an astounding actor. Next time, I’ll vote for him as the “Best Actor in the Police Industry”.
If someone was truly willing to place me at the top of his heart, and would treat me differently from how he treats everyone else - what a blessing that would be. 
Especially if that person was Gavin.
Today is a day in which I almost feel like murdering Minor from envy.
If I had to find a flaw of Gavin, it’d be how he’s overly affectionate. When we’re together, he's so sweet that it’s as though all the strawberry ice-cream in the world turned into pink coloured bubbles, exploding into tiny honey fireworks, sweet mist pouring all over him. Who could resist that!
Whenever he sends me home after a date, I’d find myself lamenting. Minor must have saved the galaxy in his past life in order to have such luck.
I have to admit - Minor’s been really cooperative. Ever since Gavin and I agreed to pretend to be a couple, he’s rarely appeared in front of us. Gavin even seems to spend less time with Minor than with me.
I must be overthinking.
Actually, I don’t get to see Gavin much because of work. Sometimes, we won’t meet for a month. When we arrange for a meal, we have to fix a date weeks in advance.
However, we still manage to go through all the motions of what dating couples do: eat, watch movies, spend the holidays together.
He’s met my parents and had a discussion about marriage with them. He’s obtained full marks in terms of work ethic and honouring his word.
Anyway, they can discuss it as extensively as they want, but whether we end up tying the knot is a decision left to us.
They couldn’t possibility take our household registers and force us to get married.
They really can’t take our household registers and force us to get married?
Once, I couldn’t help but ask, “Why do you like Minor?”
He glanced at me from the side, and I quickly continued. “I’m not saying that it’s wrong. I’m just curious.”
He curled his index finger and tapped it against my forehead. Then, he stuffed the candy floss he just bought into my hand. “Let’s go. I want to ride the Small Airplanes.”
Me: Weren’t we going to queue for the carousel?
Gavin: I want to ride the Small Airplanes.
Me ...can I suggest a different opinion?
Gavin: Nope.
Tsk. If he didn’t want to tell me, then so be it.
The lanterns were strung up, and the colourful bulbs in the amusement park twinkled in the hazy glow. I took a fierce bite out of the wolf-shaped candy floss, the other hand pulling on the hem of his clothes as I usually did.
Why did I feel as though he was laughing at me in secret?
Also, why did he take the pink rabbit-shaped candy floss and give me the wolf-shaped candy floss instead?
Over the New Year, I bring Gavin over to my house for reunion dinner. Hearing the news, my aunts, uncles and cousins come over with several bottles of white spirit. I’m sitting at the side anxiously, afraid that he’d expose the truth about us while in a drunken stupor. 
Seeing a red hue surfacing on Gavin’s face, I hastily tug on his arm.
Me: Stop drinking. Your face is all red.
Gavin: It’s polite to drink with the elders. I’m not drunk, don’t worry.
Me: People who are drunk never think they’re drunk. I’ll drink this cup on your behalf.
My relatives start hollering. “Dearie, you’re already siding with Little Gav even before marriage. Truly, girls leave the nest completely once they’re married.”
With this, Gavin’s face turns even redder. It’s clear from a glance that he’s definitely drunk despite what he said. I grumble, snatching the cup of white spirit and downing it myself, thinking it’d just be slightly stronger than beer.
Ack, it’s awful!
A hand pats my back gently, and a cup of warm water is brought to my lips. Amid the laughter from my relatives and my teary eyes, I hear Gavin’s voice.
It’s very soft, and brings with it a smile.
I walk Gavin out.
Winter evenings are incredibly cold. Our breaths form wisps of white mist, just like magic.
Me: Are you okay?
Gavin: Nope.
Me: Huh?
Gavin takes a step towards me, bending down and leaning his forehead against mine.
Gavin: I drank too much. Let me stay like this for a while.
Hey, Gavin. It’s fine to use me as a crutch, but is this position really necessary?
The scent of alcohol seeps from the open neckline of his coat, gradually encasing me within it. Both of our breaths intertwine, and the atmosphere is subtle.
I feel my face growing warm, almost bursting into flames.
It must be the white spirit’s fault.
Fine, this position isn’t that bad.
When gorgeous fireworks explode in the sky above us, Gavin lifts his head, leaving a kiss on my forehead.
“Happy New Year, my... girlfriend.” 
At 3am, I give Willow a call.
“What does a forehead kiss mean?”
“Familial love, friendliness, affection - just pick one.” She yawns.
“I don’t want any of those.”
“Okay. Bye.”
I just can’t fall asleep. The more I think about what happened in the evening, the faster my heart beats.
I grab my phone, making another call.
Me: Can I snatch Gavin away from Minor?
Willow: You can.
Me: Really?
Willow: I’m absolutely sure.
Me: How do I take action? Any suggestions?
Willow: Ask him out, press him onto the bed, then sleep with him.
“I’m being serious!” I shout, slightly irritated. “I genuinely want him to be my boyfriend, and not just to act in front of parents.”
Willow: Miss, if you’re genuine, you should take action! What’s the time now... It’s 5.27am, and you’ve been perplexed about this for two hours on the phone. Why not use this time to knock on his door and confess your feelings? You can still make it in time to share the first meal of the new year together.
Me: I don’t want do that.
Willow: In that case, I’ll call him for you. Give me his number. You’re welcome. Since we’re close friends, just treat me to ten meals of hotpot and a month of milk tea.
Me: Get lost!
I did think of knocking on Gavin’s door.
But what if I see Minor when the door opens?
Come to think of it, it’s been a long time since either of us mentioned him.
Flipping through the yearbook bright and early on the first day of the new year, I discover that Gavin appeared countless times in the photos from my time in Year 1..
The library, basketball court, music room, rooftop...
He’s always in an inconspicuous spot in the background, and I never noticed.
Once a person thinks about love, they will feel lovesick.
After the Spring Festival, what comes next is Valentine’s Day.
Gavin told me since a while ago that his bureau was conducting team building activities over Valentine’s Day at a hot spring resort in the outskirts, and asked me to go with him.
Even though I don’t understand why there’d be team building activities during Valentine’s Day, a hot spring resort sounds very tempting.
Furthermore, I’d get to see how a certain person looks half naked...
I’ll never admit the sheer number of mental images I conjured.
Hang on. Is Gavin secretly bringing Minor along and using me as a cover?
That doesn’t seem to be an impossibility.
Just as I’m holding up a few swimsuits and hesitating on which one to purchase, my phone rings.
Speak of the devil and he shall appear.
It’s Minor.
Minor: Sis... old classmate.
Me: [cautious] What’s up?
Minor: Let’s meet for a meal at Lynn’s Kitchen.
Me: What’s this about? I’m pretty busy these days, so we might have to pick another day.
Minor: It’s about you. I’ll see you at 12pm.
This is the first time I’m applying makeup to meet Minor.
A smokey eye coupled with an appropriate shade of lipstick. Suitable for meeting a love rival.
It’s been half a year since we last met. Minor looks the same as always, albeit a little guilty.
Shouldn’t I be the one feeling guilty?
Harbouring our own ulterior motives, we finish our noodles. After giving it some thought, I decide to initiate the showdown.
Me: I’m going to a hot spring resort with Gavin tomorrow.
Minor: I know.
I’m taken aback. Gavin told him about it? My confidence wanes.
Me: Are you going?
Minor: Why would I be going?
Me: ...then why’d you ask me out?
Minor: [stuttering] If I lied to you about something, would you beat me up?
Me: Do I look like I have the ability to beat you up?
Minor: You could ask Bro Gavin to do it.
Me: He can’t bear to.
Minor hesitates. Then, he sighs. “Anyway, if you ever realise that I’ve lied to you, you have to forgive me. I really didn’t mean to do it. I was forced.”
Mulling over it afterwards, the expression in Minor’s eyes from earlier gave me the impression that he was dealing with two fools.
I take out my phone and send a message: What could Minor possibly lie to me about?
Before Willow replies, my mom pushes open the door to my room and asks if I prefer amber walnuts or salted walnuts.
“Amber. Definitely amber.”
While spacing out, I send another message: Do you think it’d work if I bribe Eli and the others to lock Gavin and I in a room then toss the key away?
While munching on a walnut, two new notifications appear on my phone.
Willow: Nobody knows that Minor is thinking. Don’t mind him. Instead, think of how to handle your boyfriend tomorrow.
Gavin: There’s no need for Eli and the others. I could give it a try.
! ! !
My fingers slipped earlier!
I’m doomed.
Can I change my mind about going to the hot spring resort?
I can’t.
Which is why I’m currently seated on a tatami in the Japanese-styled room, watching as a certain officer sticks the key into the doorknob, locking us in from the outside with a dead serious expression. Then, he opens the window and tosses the key out.
It’s not a good idea to throw things so haphazardly. What if it hits a child? Even if it doesn’t hit a child, the flowers and grass would feel pain too.
Ooh... now’s not the time to worry about such things.
The smile on Gavin’s face has a tinge of slyness in it, and it reminds me of the cartoon I watched in my childhood - how the Big Bad Wolf successfully devoured the Little Red Riding Hood after much effort.
It finally dawns on me that in hindsight, things have been odd since the very beginning.
Me: Gavin...
Gavin: Hm?
Me: Is there something you want to tell me? About the blind date from a year ago, and Minor?
Gavin: There’s no hurry.
He walks over to the door, hand resting on the light switch.
“The door’s locked from the outside. The key has been tossed out. We have an entire night.”
The light turns off.
I used to be curious about how it feels to be touched by skin which was calluses from long-term wielding of guns.
Now, I’m no longer curious.
Gavin actually prepared protection beforehand.
Saying that he planned this from the start doesn't count as maligning him.
I’ll settle the score with him eventually. And with Minor too!
During a break in the middle:
Me: So you’ve been serious since the start?
Gavin: Yes.
Me: I was mistaken all this time? Why didn’t either of you tell me! Senior Gavin, that’s so unreasonable! 
Gavin: You were really nervous when we first met, and you only relaxed after the misunderstanding happened. To me, that wasn’t a bad thing. We could date naturally, and wouldn’t have to treat each other as people who were forced together by a blind date.
Thinking about how I’ve always been averse to blind dates, what he said makes sense.
Me: It’s still wrong to lie! Police officers can’t lie!
Gavin: I didn’t lie. I just...
He flips me over, leaning close to my earlobe and giving it a nibble.
“I just didn’t tell you that your guess was wrong.”
It’s true that he never admitted to dating Minor, and I simply took his silence as tacit agreement. As expected of Officer Gavin!
“The last question!” I struggle to stop Gavin’s hands from roaming further. “Why was Minor at the restaurant that day?”
“Minor has always been giving me ideas on how to pursue you. Since high school.”
Gavin bites my finger, then gives it a kiss. The room is pitch-black, but his eyes are as bright as a midsummer starry sky, filled with a gentle smile.
“Before you even knew who I was, I already liked you.”
I’m getting married.
Marriage is pretty nice. It’s true.
I don’t know if this is my destined romance, but that person is Gavin.
And that’s enough.
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unknown-writing · 3 years
When you Proposed First...
Summary: You and your boyfriend have been together for a really long time. You couldn’t handle just being “Boyfriend and Girlfriend” anymore. So, you took matters into your own hands...And Proposed first!
Warning(s): Fluff, spoilers for Sanji’s past
A/N: Had a thought of how Sanji would react to me proposing to him and giggled lol.
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     Luffy isn’t one for getting the Hint for specific moods in the air. He’s pretty dense when it comes to stuff like that. So, despite being alone together on this very romantic outing on the Island your crew had been staying at for a small vacation after a recent battle. He missed a lot of subtle details you kept bringing up.
“---Luffy! Earth to Luffy! Hello!?” You shouted while hitting his head a few times, wondering why he was spacing out. You panicked a bit because you thought he was angry with you for your question.....You asked him to marry you.
Luffy never expected to find a girlfriend(or boyfriend) while traveling at Sea. Not that he’d ever planned on getting with somebody any time soon. His life was WAY too dangerous for anything romantic anyways. But even so...Meeting you, befriending you, and then falling for you...It all just.../Happened/. it wasn’t planned or expected, he never met somebody as strong as you were, even without devil fruit powers. You just kept surprising him with every day that you woke up.
You stood there while awkwardly holding the box with something /other/ than a ring in it. It was actually a small charm-like Pin that he could pin to his hat or shirt instead. You knew that he wouldn’t wear the ring because it’d easily break with his stretching abilities, he wouldn’t want to break such a valuable gift from his beloved s/o that he loved so much. “Is...Everything alright Luffy? Did I do something wrong?” You asked while tilting your head. Asking that question made him snap back to reality again.
    Before you could respond though, he had pounced you. Clinging to you for dear life with this big dopey grin going from ear to ear. His face was blushing a pink hue as well. Pausing to grab your face and give you a big smooch, he chuckled, “Do you have any idea how amazing you are y/n!?” He asked, making you blink, but then blush as well. “I don’t know how you managed to read my mind but, I wanted to marry you too!” (He didn’t fully know what he was talking about here). Your blush got redder, he paused and blinked, “Y/n....Your face is red....” he commented, making you flinch then glare up at him
“S-Shut up...I just didn’t expect you to know what was going on is all!” You lied...He chuckled as he started giving your face kisses as he still clung to you tightly. You watched him put the pin right in the front of his precious hat. The sun was hitting him perfectly, so you watched a gentle ray glow on the pin.
You kept staring until he pulled out a small box himself that he’d been hiding for the past three weeks, nervous to give it to you as he’d never done something so big before...You held the box in your hand. and he’d gotten you the typical ring as well but, it wasn’t gold or silver. It was oddly enough...Purple? Purple was your favorite color after all, so seeing that he got you a purple colored wedding ring of all things, you knew he was the one for you.
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       Zoro was actually pretty quick when he realized he wanted you as his Wife. Each day passed when you two were dating for more than a few years now, would be met with “Please be my wife” as a small joke despite being pretty serious about it.
Today was no exception. At first he woke up pretty angry because one of his swords had gone missing...His childhood sword wasn’t with him this morning. About to scold you for taking it, he noticed that you were with Franky and Usopp helping fix it after a recent battle, since you couldn’t go on the island due to being sick, you thought these two could help fix it.
“---Hopefully this does the trick. The metal on the handle has been worn out for a while...It may need to be completely replaced when we reach the next Island in a few days.” Franky comments, while pointing to the dents in the golden handle. You picked it up to get a closer look at it. “It doesn’t just look like the metal part is busted either....It’s the cloth too. Which is something that I can easily fix myself.” You comment out loud, unaware that Zoro was listening in on the conversation.
Eventually leaving to go grab some food and booze, now that he didn’t have to worry on who stole his sword, Zoro sighed as he sat down in his secret drinking spot (that he shares with you of course). “Damn...I want her to be my Wife” he mutters to himself before taking a sip of the drink he was holding.
Later that same day, you had brought back the sword that you had “borrowed to try and get it fixed” for Zoro. before heading back from putting it back, you felt an arm grab your leg. And before you knew it, you were sitting right on his lap again as he hugged you tightly. You giggled as he pressed his face against your neck, his grip getting tighter, “You trying to hug me, or strangle me?” You teased before planting a kiss on his hair. “I want you to be my Wife” He asked again, which just made you chuckle because he’s been doing this for the last week now.
     A brief silence filled the room, you squirmed a bit while you tried reaching in your pockets to grab something. A small box. You held it out awkwardly while blushing a deep crimson red from ear to ear. “....W-Why not...You become my husband?” You asked. That caught his attention real quick. He blinked as he started at the small box in front of his face, he reached out to open it and see two rings in it (one for each of you of course)
A big sheepish grin started to form as he ignored the pink hue on his own cheeks. “...I love you y/n...” He simply says while putting the ring on his finger, and then puts your ring on your finger. You giggled before reaching up again to give him a proper smooch that started turning to a passionate kiss. “I’m happy that your finally my wife now~” He jokes as he nuzzles into again and the two of you just cuddled together before dinner time.
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     You knew about the Political marriage between him and Pudding from Big Mom’s family. You figured out that something had happened when you saw that Pudding and Sanji had “broken up” when you two had started getting more serious in the relationship. You were Pissed Off knowing that he might have been cheating on his Fiance with you, but the crew later explained the full context of what happened (Usopp had to tell you the details that Pudding erased from Sanji’s memory so it didn’t traumatize him again).
After a rocky start to your steady relationship. Sanji has been nothing but honest with you for anything that you may have wanted to know about. He even offered to tell you his childhood at some point but you declined, saying “Sanji-kun...Tell me when you feel emotionally ready ok? Don’t force yourself if your not ready.” And after he heard that, he /knew/ the girl he had to be with was with you. No ands ifs or buts about it. You were the one he was going to Marry for Real one day.
Today was a special day for the two of you, and thankfully, you were on an Island to be able to celebrate it. This was your third year Anniversary together after the time skip of being apart. Sanji had surprised you with a /very/ romantic date to the local festival that was happening nearby since he knew that fancy restaurants weren’t your thing as you were too used to /his cooking/. You two had spent the majority of the festival with the crew, but after a while, you two had gone off to have your own little private date on your own. Sneaking off to the nearby forest for some privacy.
You knew that he was a Romantic Sap when it came to dates. You were the type to just stay home and chill there but, this was a special day so, you thought that you’d amuse him this time. By the time you two had managed to sit down and start eating the delicious meal he had prepared for the two of you (which included some of your favorites). Sanji was telling a big story that happened when you weren’t part of his life, doing silly poses whenever he’d quote his other crewmates, making you have a hearty giggle fit throughout his story.
Before he turned around, you got on one knee and held the Ring box in your hands and stayed quiet. You grinned when he turned around to see you but, completely /froze/ at the sight of you on one knee with the Ring box in your hands. A pink hue started to form as you started to get flustered, “Sanji-kun.....” You started, which made him gulp, anxious of what’s gonna happen despite knowing what it may be. “...Even though we’ve only been together for a few years without the Time skip included...” You paused again so you could pull out the ring, which was a nice silver ring with a very small diamond in the middle. he recognized this ring as you used to wear it on your chain. “Y-Y/n...You can’t...” he starts off, making you nervous, “That ring is yours...” he finishes while avoiding eye contact due to being nervous himself
You giggled, “Sanji-kun....I love you....I want you to have this. I’m willing to gift you something precious...Because your more precious than a silly ring.”
     That did him in. That tiny speech of you claiming he’s more precious than one of your rings was what got him to cry. He cursed, flustered with himself, “D-Dammit....I-I should be proposing t-to you...Not the other way a-around” He complains with a dopey grin that showed his true feelings towards this. “...Will you Marry Me?” You finally asked, holding out a hand so that way you can put the ring on his finger if he said yes.
He didn’t technically say /yes/. But he did nod his head as the awkward crying turned into sobs. After putting the ring on his finger, he fell down to tightly hug you. He’d never been given something so precious in his life without it being taken away from him right after. You knew this though, and just allowed him to cry as you pat his head gently and giggled every now and again
“I love you y/n-san! I love you so fucking much!” He’d repeat, making /you/ get flustered with his chanting declaration of love to you. You hugged him tighter, “I know. I love you too Sanji...After all that you’ve been through...I knew that you were perfect for me, as both a boyfriend, and a Husband.”
Hearing those words just made him sob even longer. He’s never had somebody love him /like this/ in a very long time. And he can’t wait to continue to be loved by y/n for the rest of his life.
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megan-is-mia · 4 years
Omggg I love your blog!! I'm new here and I'm already so hooked! 😊💖
Could I please request #14 of the monster yandere prompt with Malleus?? With spiciness of NSFW if possible please
 (I hope you stay hooked cause you’ll be in for a crazy ride, and hell yeah you can get your NSFW. You are lucky cause this fic is loooong) 14. “You know you can’t run from me forever, one day I’ll catch you” (Yandere! Malleus Draconia x Fem! S/o) (WARNING NSFW AND NON-CON AHEAD) ((MILD CHILD GROOMING)) “Malleus do wipe that bitter expression off your face” Lilia said in a scolding tone as he poked the young king whose mouth was fixed in a deep grimace. “I don’t want to, if I must go to this christening then I will but I refuse to pretend that I’m happy about it” Malleus replied folding his arms and looking out the window of the carriage. “You were so excited about going before, why the sudden change?” Lilia said giving the draconic-fae’s face another sharp poke. 
“That was before you told me it was in the Enchanted Dominion” Malleus said, the corner of his mouth twitching with the force of his frown. “You know I cannot stand that bratty little prince Dimitri, and now there’s going to be two of them” he added with a shake of his head. The Enchanted Dominion was the kingdom closest to the Valley of Thorns, and because of that considerable effect was put in by both countries to keep their diplomatic relations at least peaceful if not outright friendly. “Actually it seems that King Klaude and Queen Eden were blessed with a little princess this time. I believe they’ve named her (Y/n), for the Queen’s late mother” Lilia said, his lips quirked up into a half-grin as he noticed that Malleus’s posture had relaxed with this additional information. They rode the rest of the way to their destination without any further chatter. The two fae were escorted into the banquet hall where a great celebration was already in process as various dignitaries approached to pay their respects to the baby.
Malleus let out a sigh as he walked up to the cradle where the infant princess lay half-asleep. As he stared down at the baby, he found himself begrudgingly thinking that she was rather cute. Not as cute as Silver had been as a babe, but definitely deserving of the cooing and coddling that had been given to her by all the visitors. Absentmindedly he reached down to stroke the child’s cheek and her little eyes popped open to look up at him. (Y/n) gurgled and tried to grab the fae’s finger in her tiny fist. It was like a switch was flipped inside the draconic-fae at this action by the newborn and he scooped the child up despite the cries of protest from the seated king and queen. (Y/n) continued to gurgle and stared up at Malleus sending him into a trance of sorts as his heart raced with infatuation for the sweet infant. It took Lilia tapping his shoulder for the young fae to finally return to reality and set the babe back in her cradle even as she tried to cling to Malleus’s fingers and began to cry as he walked away. Even as he put distance between himself and the child, the draconic-fae’s mind was filled with thoughts of the infant princess. He remembered nothing of the festivities that followed after everyone had paid their respects to the baby and he thought of nothing but her until the next day. Well, that wasn’t entirely true… even though he forced himself to focus on his responsibilities Malleus still found his mind wandering to the condition of Princess (Y/n) to the point that even Lilia noticed he was out of sorts. It wasn’t until the young king finally sent a messenger, in secret, to the Enchanted Dominion to inquire about the state of the baby princess that he was finally able to get some peace and complete his work for the day. At first, receiving an update once a day about the state of little (Y/n) was enough to satisfy Malleus’s curiosity. However, as the months passed the daily message he received just wasn’t enough anymore. He wanted to see the young princess, see how much she’d already grown in the last four months. Malleus had to fight the urge to simply teleport to King Klaude and Queen Eden’s castle to satisfy his need to see the child. He forced himself to be patient and wrote a formal letter requesting permission to visit the castle under the guise of a diplomatic visit. His request was eventually approved and the day after he was able to finally see little (Y/n) again. She was crawling now and was just as cute as he remembered her being if not more so. It was clear, even now, that the baby princess would be a great beauty when she grew up. Regretfully the dragon-fae wasn’t able to spend as much time as he would have liked with the little princess before he was dragged off on a tour of the castle by the king and queen. However, this brief second encounter with the adorable child confirmed one thing in his mind: Malleus could not wait for another four months to pass by before the next time he saw young (Y/n). He resolved to begin visiting the child in secret so he could watch over her like a benevolent ghost or a faithful shadow. Five years passed by, and Malleus dutifully watched over (Y/n) as she grew from a crawling baby to a waddling toddler and into an energetic little girl. He came to realize that his infatuation with her was not only growing but slowly turning into something not as innocent as it had been originally. The draconic fae knew it’d be only a matter of a few more years before the princess would be old enough to start entertaining potential suitors, and that was assuming that she didn't end up betrothed before that! The very thought of such a thing happening irked him beyond belief. In Malleus’s opinion, no mortal man would ever be worthy of his darling (Y/n). However, there wasn’t much he could do to stop such an event from happening. Unless… he asked for the princess’s hand before anyone else had the chance and secured his claim on his future queen now. That thought should have disgusted him, wanting to take a child as his bride to be. Yet instead it filled him with immense satisfaction when he really took the time to think about it. Really he was the best choice for the princess. Their kingdoms were right next to each other so their union would allow their countries to merge and prosper under their joint rule. Malleus knew that some of the lower-fae might object to having a human queen at first but he was sure they’d come to adore (Y/n) with time. Even though she was still very young, the dragon-fae could tell she would only grow in grace, intelligence, beauty, and maturity as the years went by. He’d already seen it during the times he’d already spent by her side.
When the time came for them to finally wed there would be no way anyone could object to their marriage. Yet before any of that could happen, he had to ask for King Klaude and Queen Eden’s permission to become Princess (Y/n)’s betrothed. When Malleus went to ask for that honor he did not go empty-handed. Oh no, he wanted to make it quite plain to his beloved’s parents that he’d make for a suitable husband with extravagant courting gifts as he made his request. However, the king and queen did not respond the way he’d hoped they would. Instead of being impressed by the gifts and his heartfelt request they were disgusted by his intentions towards their second-child. Malleus’s eyes narrowed as these pathetic mortals tried to lecture him about how reprehensible they found his offer to be. They threatened death upon him as well as war on his people if they ever caught wind of him getting anywhere close to the young princess again. Malleus found himself consumed by rage and teleported back to the Valley of Thorns unaware that his wrath had taken corporeal form as green flames that sprouted where he’d been standing last before spreading like an actual wildfire through the castle ravaging objects and killing people in its wake. When news of the terrible disaster came to the young king the next day he found himself desperately hoping that (Y/n) had somehow survived the terrible blaze.
Sadly this was not to be. While King Klaude, Queen Eden, and Prince Dimitri had managed to get out alive, the little princess had been consumed in the inferno before it had been successfully extinguished and the Enchanted Dominion held a funeral for their dearly departed princess a week later. Even Malleus attended the event albeit in disguise. He was far from ready to face the reality that (Y/n) was truly dead nor was he ready to handle the accusations from the king and queen for his crime. 
Malleus spent the next decade and a quarter in a deep depression. What was the point of living when you had nothing to live for? He ate little, slept little, and tried to keep his mind busy with work improving the Valley of Thorns. Alas, there were still times when his mind was filled with thoughts of (Y/n) especially when the anniversaries of her death and christening passed by each year. This year would have marked the princess’s eighteenth birthday, the year she’d finally have been old enough to wed. Overcome with sorrow the young king disappeared in the forest that covered the border between the Enchanted Dominion and the Valley of Thorns to wander aimlessly until his mind would finally allow him some peace. When suddenly a beautiful voice caught Malleus’s ear and made him stand straight at attention. The voice was clear as the call of a songbird and soft like the jingle of sleigh bells. The draconic-fae found himself drawn to the voice, determined to find out what its source was. Malleus followed the voice all the way to a glen with a cottage situated at the center but it wasn’t the cottage that truly interested the dragon-fae at this moment. No, his interest was for the figure who had been singing all this time. For a moment, he thought his eyes were playing tricks on him; there was no way the scene unfolding before him was really happening. There in the glen, looking like she didn’t have a care in the world… was Princess (Y/n). Not as he remembered her, but how he’d imagined she’d one day be. Beautiful and graceful as can be, (Y/n) sang for all the world to hear as she walked away from the cottage and toward where Malleus was standing in the shadows of the trees. As she drew closer the young fae was able to see the burned flesh of her left cheek and right arm clear as day. Malleus felt rage begin to bubble in his stomach, he’d been lied to all this time. The princess hadn’t died in the fire he’d created! They’d hidden her away in the forest probably in an effort to make him stop pursuing her. “So this is where they’ve been keeping you all these years… clever” Malleus said, stepping out from where he’d been standing in concealment and making the young woman shriek with surprise. “Hello (Y/n), you’re looking quite lively for someone who supposedly died in a fire thirteen years ago” he added with a smirk as the girl stared at him with bug-eyed disbelief. “Come on, I know you can speak. I just heard you singing quite beautifully before you knew I was here” he finished before going silent to await her response. “King Draconia! How’d you find me?!” (Y/n) said with undisguised horror. She’d spent most of her childhood and teenage years in fear that the dragon fae would locate her. The great fire he’d caused was one of her only vivid memories of her youth and had been the basis of many nightmares when she’d first been brought out into the forest. Her parents had been planning to marry her to a foreign prince this year and she would never have to worry about being in the crosshairs of a fae again. “Fate my dear child of man, we are meant to be together and so fate made it so” Malleus said coolly as he advanced on (Y/n) and grabbed her wrist as the girl’s eyes darted from side to side as she tried to formulate an escape plan. “ (Y/n), I would advise against trying to flee from me for you’d only be postponing the inevitable. You know you can’t run from me forever. One day I’ll catch you, and the longer it takes for that day to come the more pain you’ll cause both yourself and your family” he warned softly. “What do you want from me?” (Y/n) asked quietly even though she already knew the answer to that question. “The same thing I’ve always wanted from you. I want you to be my wife. I need a queen to rule by my side and I want that queen to be you” Malleus said calmly as he pulled the young woman against his chest and wrapped his other arm around her waist to keep her there. “And what if I don't want to be your wife or your queen?” (Y/n) said hesitantly and received a patronizing laugh from the dragon-fae in answer to her question. “I’ll raze the Enchanted Dominion to the ground and still take you as my bride. I’m giving you a choice to either accept your destiny with dignity or to cause massive suffering for your kingdom through a refusal of your destiny” Malleus said gently but firmly making it clear that there was no choice, not really. “I’ll marry you… and I promise not to fight” (Y/n) said quietly, letting her head flop forward to rest against the fae king’s chest. She was dimly aware of him pressing his lips against her forehead before everything went dark. Malleus cast a minor sleeping spell upon (Y/n) with a kiss to her forehead. He knew that she was probably trying to process everything that had just happened and wanted to ease the process by letting her rest for the time being. He teleported the two of them back to his castle and into his chambers where he gently tucked the young woman under the covers with another kiss to her forehead before leaving the room. As much as Malleus wanted to stay by (Y/n)’s side and bask in her beauty, his kingly duties called.
First thing, first he needed to tell Lilia the joyous news and start the preparations for the wedding. He found the older fae hanging around one of the attics in the castle and gleefully told him of his discovery in the woods. Lilia was overjoyed to see his ward smiling again after so many years of sorrow and he eagerly agreed to oversee the arrangements for Malleus and (Y/n)’s wedding. He shooed the young fae away telling him to not worry about it and that he’d handle the specifics of the matter. Next thing to do was sending a wedding invitation to King Klaude and Queen Eden. He kept it simple and didn’t reveal the identity of his bride until the final sentence of the invitation. Malleus handed the letter off to a messenger and sent them off to the Enchanted Dominion to deliver it to his future in-laws. The draconic-fae spent the rest of the day buzzing through his paperwork with a vigor he hadn’t shown in years. By the time the sun had set, Malleus was finished with his work and retired eagerly to his chambers where (Y/n) awaited him.
As he locked the door behind him, the dragon-fae smiled to himself. The princess was still deeply asleep from his spell and there was a little smile on her face. Malleus sat on the bed and ran his fingers through (Y/n)’s hair and found himself memorized by her beauty. The burn-marks on her face and arm did not detract from her good locks, if anything they made her even more beautiful in his eyes. He still wished that things had turned out differently and that he had been granted her hand when he’d asked all those years ago. However, Malleus couldn't say he was totally unhappy with how things had turned out. Sure, (Y/n) was afraid of him for now, but with time she’d come to see how much he loved her and fall just as madly in love with him as he was madly in love with her. The young king was certain of it, he would make the princess a happy bride, happy wife, and happy queen in time. The young fae was pulled from his thoughts by the young woman moving in her sleep and letting out a soft whimper It was clear that (Y/n)’s sweet dreams had now turned into a nightmare and Malleus dispelled the enchantment he’d placed upon the young woman allowing her to wake up from her terrible dream. The young woman blinked slowly and looked around her with an expression of confusion on her features. The draconic-fae did not speak, allowing his darling human to take in the features of the room as he continued to stroke her hair soothingly as she did so. “How do you feel child of man? I’m sorry for the abrupt waking but you were having a nightmare” Malleus asked and felt the princess suddenly stiffen as if she only just remembered who she was in bed with. The young fae let out a sigh as he pulled down the covers and pulled (Y/n) out and up into his lap. “Relax my dear (Y/n), everything is alright, your bad dreams cannot hurt you anymore” he said softly pressing his nose against the nape of the young woman’s neck.
“King Draconia… Did you… did we? While I was…” (Y/n) trailed off her face turning bright red with embarrassment as she tried to articulate her question. Malleus found it adorable how easily flushed the matter made her. He knew humans took such interpersonal relationships more seriously than the fae did and he couldn't resist teasing his sweet human a little over it. “Did I deflower you while you were asleep?” he asked bluntly, making the girl blush even more as she nodded her head.
“What do you think? Do you think I took your innocence already?” the fae crooned, enjoying the way the young woman squirmed at his words and her skin began to heat up from how flustered she was. “Be at ease, I was only teasing you a bit. Your virtue is still very much intact my dear child of man” Malleus said with a chuckle. “And that is how it will remain until our wedding night my love so worry not. I promise to not lay a finger on you until then” he finished pressing a kiss to (Y/n)’s chin. “King Draconia—” a finger was placed over (Y/n)’s lips. “— (Y/n), I’d prefer it if you called me by my first name. We’re going to be married after all so you might as well start getting used to it” Malleus interrupted gently. “Malleus” the young woman said, not quite sure she liked the way the word sounded in her mouth. “Malleus... how long until we are to be wed?” she said even though she didn’t really want an answer to her inquiry. Maybe if the date was far enough in the future, she’d have a chance to escape and warn her family. “We will be wed by the end of the week my dear” Malleus replied, his words chilling (Y/n) to the core. “E-eh-end of the week?! That’s way too soon! We hardly know each other, we can't get married yet! I already agreed to marry you, can’t we take it slowly?” the princess said frantically with obvious dismay in her voice. “I have already been forced to wait thirteen years for you to reach maturity my dear child of man. So on the contrary, I think the end of the week is not soon enough” the fae replied with a small frown. “But, but… I’m not ready to be queen” (Y/n) said desperately. “I can’t be queen! Look at me!” the princess added frantically gesturing at her burnt face and then looking back at Malleus with a pleading look. “I am looking at you (Y/n), and what I see is the soon-to-be Queen of Thorns” the fae said resting his chin on the girl’s shoulder. “You have nothing to worry about, I will be by your side every step of the way through this experience you have my word” he finished as he pressed kisses to her collarbone. (Y/n)’s mouth opened again, but no words came out. What else could she say? The fae’s mind had been made up and there was nothing she could say to change it. Sure she could try running away, but doing such a reckless thing was sure to backfire on her. Even if she got away, Malleus would undoubtedly go after her family and take out his rage on them. The princess felt tears welling up in her eyes and soon her cheeks were damp as the tears began streaming down like little rivers on her face. Malleus forced her to turn around in his lap so he could wipe the tears away and spoke what he must have thought were words of comfort but only brought despair to (Y/n) who sobbed until she was out of energy and passed out in the fae’s lap. The next few days were a blur to the princess, between the lectures on fae etiquette in the morning and being forced to accompany Malleus when he held court each afternoon there was hardly a moment of peace for the young woman. 
The only relatively quiet moments (Y/n) got were the three hours in the evening during the dress-fittings for her wedding gown. The seamstress had the tact not to ask about the burns that covered the princess’s left cheek, upper back, right arm, lower abdomen, and left leg. The young woman knew the fae wanted to ask questions but appreciated that she did not voice them. Instead putting her energy into making sure the dress would fit (Y/n)’s conservative tastes and cover her marred skin. The day of the wedding finally arrived with the finishing touches being put on the dress even as (Y/n)’s face was caked in make-up and her hair was pulled back into an elegant updo. Since her father King Klaude would probably not be in attendance, the ancient fae Lilia Vanrouge had volunteered to be the one to walk the young woman down the aisle and was permitted to help with getting her into the freshly completed gown. Once everything was laced up the girl was permitted to see herself in a mirror. “Well I’ll be, you look exquisite” Lilia commented as he watched the girl stare at her reflection with wide eyes. (Y/n) found herself overwhelmed with sorrow. The woman in the glass looked like a regal queen, not the terrified teenager she knew she was under the makeup and dress she wore. For a moment despite how ridiculous it was, she considered trying to run for it now. However, Lilia’s hand clamping down on her arm and gently guiding out of the room put an end to that notion. (Y/n) let herself be led down the aisle to where Malleus stood with an eager grin at the altar. Distantly she was aware of the sounds of screaming. The princess turned her head and locked eyes with her mother Queen Eden. She wanted to run to her mother and hide her face in the familiar warmth and aroma of cinnamon that clung to the queen’s clothes. However, she couldn’t move a muscle, whether it was because she was frozen with fear or it was because Malleus had bewitched her… she’d never know. When the time came to recite her vows there was no passion behind the young woman’s words, which were in vast contrast to the dragon-fae’s impassioned oaths that had been spoken only moments before hers. They exchanged rings and kissed before (Y/n) was swept off her feet by Malleus and carried up to his chambers before being dropped on his bed. She watched as the fae fumbled to undo the tie on his dress shirt before giving up and just ripping it off before sitting on the bed and kissing her again. This kiss was worlds different from the one they’d just shared at the altar and all the ones he’d given her over the past six days. This kiss was hungry, and it would not be easily satisfied. (Y/n) tried to pull away from the liplock but Malleus’s arm wrapped around her waist keeping her close as he forced his tongue into her mouth and ran it over the roof of her mouth, inside of her cheeks before darting under her tongue in what he probably thought was a playful move. (Y/n)’s vision was starting to go dark from lack of air when Malleus finally pulled back before flipping her over to start unlacing her dress before running out of patience and just tearing the back open so he could feel her skin under his hands. He had planned on taking his time originally, it was going to be his darling’s first time with a man and he did not want to hurt her unnecessarily. However, she looked so intoxicating it was hard to hold himself back and not just rip everything off so he could bend her over and fuck her. He had to force himself to take a few deep calming breaths as (Y/n) quivered beneath him. With his head a bit clearer now, Malleus slowly pulled the top half of the dress down to the young woman’s hips as he peppered kisses down her spine. He sat back on his heels and began unbuttoning his shirt and jacket so he could shrug them off onto the floor beside the bed. The dragon-fae gently rolled (Y/n) onto her back once more before bringing her hands up to his lips so he could kiss them. “I love you” he said in a low purr as he continued to press kisses to the girl’s fingers and gazed down at her with his cheeks now a faint shade of pink. “I love you so much” Malleus added, adjusting his grip so he could pull (Y/n) up into a seated position and kiss her again. He let go of her hands but kept kissing her as he wrapped his arms around her waist and began laying back so she’d fall on top of him. One of the fae’s hands crept down to cup at the curve of the young woman’s ass before lightly squeezing it.
(Y/n) threw her head back and let out a soft squeak at the sudden grope to her rear before hiding her face against Malleus’s neck. The young king smirked to himself as he squeezed again this time with a bit more force, and received a second adorable sound from the girl as her cheeks turned red with embarrassment. Not wanting to waste any more time undressing her, Malleus snapped his fingers making (Y/n)’s dress vanish into thin air and leaving her with nothing but her undergarments to preserve her modesty. The young woman tried to squeeze herself flat against the fae, shivering from how drafty the room was as well as the fear she felt coursing through her veins. Malleus allowed her to lay like that for a few moments before he coaxed her head up for more kisses. He slipped a hand under the cup of her bra so he could grope her chest experimentally. (Y/n) wasn’t the most well-endowed but the bounty she did have was more than enough in his eyes. He playfully pinched her nipple enjoying the way she twitched in response to his touch. The dragon-fae’s other hand retook its place on the young woman’s rump, squeezing roughly before slipping in between her thighs to press his nails against the fabric of her panties and tease her clit underneath. (Y/n)’s body twitched again, this time more violently and the fabric of her panties became damp from the stimulation she was receiving. Malleus pulled back from the kiss to chuckle at this cute response and continued his teasing until the young woman was shaking like a leaf with her eyes rolled back from his ministrations. (Y/n) wasn’t completely oblivious to the carnal pleasures of the body. She’d experimented quite a bit when she was first going through puberty. Yet all of that had been on her own, it was something else entirely to have her body manhandled by someone who knew what they were doing and wasn’t afraid to get a bit rough with her. Thankfully Malleus’s fingers went still and fell from between her legs to rest on the bed as his face contorted into an expression of thoughtfulness before he brought that hand up to her chest With a hand already under her shirt, it was easy for the young fae to pull the princess’s brassiere up and off her body before tossing it aside onto his shirt and jacket on the floor. Malleus pressed his face between (Y/n)’s breasts inhaling her unique aroma of raspberry and blackberry. His tongue flicked out from his mouth as he licked up the valley betwixt her boobs lapping at her delightfully, soft skin before reluctantly pulling back so he could reposition the girl into facing away from him with her legs straddling his chest. The young woman was perplexed momentarily by this sudden shift in position before her eyes focused in on the bulge in the fae-king’s pants and felt his hand on her back forcing her to bend forward. (Y/n) braced an arm on the bed next to Malleus’s thigh and with the other, she shyly ran her fingers over his clothed erection. Her move was rewarded with a soft growl and she repeated it a few times before a squeeze to her leg told her that more effort was necessary. 
Timidly she undid the buttons to the draconic-fae’s pants and let out a yelp at his boner, no boners sprung free. (Y/n) stared bug-eyed at the twin dongs with a bewildered expression before jolting as her panties were ripped off and something wet touched her clit. Malleus’s free hand pat her butt to remind her of what she was supposed to be doing before it trailed down to the nape of her neck and gently pushed down on it so her face was now brushing against the dragon’s double cocks.  Taking the hint she stuck her tongue out to give one of dicks a cautionary lick. The other she ran her fingers over tentatively. Malleus let out a purr and thrust his tongue into her cunt in answer to her inexperienced touches. (Y/n) was starting to understand what was being asked of her and responded accordingly, shyly taking the head of one member into her mouth and the other into her fist before slowly taking more of the fae’s cock until it was all the way in and someway down her throat. She went still for a moment, letting her oral chamber get used to the feeling before she pulled back a little and repeated the process with her hand moving in time to her mouth. While she jerked and blew the dragon-fae, he, in turn, fingered and tongue-fucked. Malleus knew if he wasn’t careful and didn’t probably stretch (Y/n) out beforehand he’d only hurt her instead of pleasing her. His free hand trailed down from her neck to tease her chest again causing the girl to choke a little on his rod. Slowly (Y/n) managed to find a rhythm to her movements and was able to disassociate somewhat from what was happening to her. Of course, it wasn’t possible to completely dissociate with Malleus’s mouth and fingers in her pussy but she was going to take what she could get. Her brain was going a bit hazy now, the combination of being eaten out and having a cock down her throat making her vision go blurry before she felt something burst inside her and she came all over the young fae’s face. A moment later she felt his cocks twitching in her mouth and hand, this was the only warning she got before she found herself coated in cum both inside and out. She had no choice but to swallow the dragon’s load as he lazily licked up her fallen juices and gave her cunt a quick swipe with his tongue to make sure he got everything. (Y/n) pulled off Malleus’s cock and tried to wipe off the cum on her face and hand on the mattress with little success before she was abruptly forced onto her back again. The fae-king stared down at his wife’s flushed face and felt both his heart and cocks twitch at the adorable sight before him. Malleus positioned himself between (Y/n) legs and lightly pressed the heads of his cocks against her now well-prepped pussy. He smiled at her as he began to slowly sink into her inviting depths. The young woman let out a whine, even though she’d already stretched out by the fae’s fingers and tongue it still wasn’t enough to make this part completely painless. Thankfully Malleus took his time sheathing himself, running his hands over (Y/n)‘s skin and pressing kisses to help her relax and take him without injury. The princess’s legs were wrapped loosely around the young king’s hips and her hands had balled into fists that caused her nails to dig into her palms so they were bleeding a little. The fae went still when he noticed this and clicked his tongue scoldingly before he reached down to force her fingers to uncurl from clenched fists “If you need something to grip onto, may I offer these instead?” he crooned bringing her hands up to his horns and gently encouraging her to grab tight to them before resuming the task of slowly burying himself inside the girl’s cunt. (Y/n)’s hands tensed up on Malleus’s horns and she began babbling nonsensically for him to stop. The fae-king ignored these ramblings as his mouth latched onto one of the young woman’s boobs and began to suck lightly as he finally bottomed out inside her. Malleus did not move until (Y/n)’s breathing had stabilized again and her body had finally relaxed again. He pulled back a little, and thrust forward striking her sweet spot directly and making her body arched up into his. The fae repeated this motion again and again with varying speed and intensity. Sometimes it was slow and gentle, sometimes it was fast and rough, and sometimes it was somewhere in between. Regardless it didn't take long until the young woman was babbling for a very different reason. To the fae-king’s delight, his darling human’s hips pushed back against his needily which only egged him on into being wilder and wilder with her. His teeth dug into her neck, her chest, any flesh he could get his mouth on was soon covered in marks. It made for a fitting contrast the burn-marks of passionate rage and the bite-marks of raging passion to cover his beloved one. Even better when (Y/n)’s fingers fell from Malleus’s horns they found a new perch in his shoulders and he let out a lusty growl as she bit down on his shoulder. The two drove each other closer and closer to that coveted high of orgasm before finally going over the edge in a fit of moans and groans that shook the very walls. Neither party spoke for a long while, too busy trying to catch their breaths as the horny haze over them began to clear. Malleus finally gathered the strength to gently pull out, his cocks flopping limply against the mattress as their exit was followed by a gush of cum flowing out of (Y/n)’s ruined cunt. The fae gently scooped the escaping jizz back into his darling’s pussy making her whimper weakly at this attentional stimulation to her already oversensitive body. Malleus chuckled softly as he pressed a kiss to her forehead and grabbed a plug from the nightstand beside the bed. Carefully pressing it against (Y/n)’s gaping cunt until it slipped it and prevented any more cum from dripping out and ruining the sheets. He had a second reason for doing such a thing of course. He knew that the sooner they had a child the better. A babe of their two people was sure to put an end to any objections that the princess’s parents might attempt to raise against him for taking what was his. Malleus knew that the human king and queen wouldn’t dare try to start war if there was an unborn grandchild they might put at risk. Plus… he wanted to be a father, a real father. As he pulled (Y/n) under the covers with him, his mind was full of thoughts of their future together as the King and Queen of Thorns… THE END
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 4 years
❥𝓔𝓻𝓸𝓼 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓟𝓼𝔂𝓬𝓱𝓮
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𝑃𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔: 𝐸𝑟𝑜𝑠! 𝐾𝑎𝑛𝑔 𝑌𝑒𝑜𝑠𝑎𝑛𝑔 × 𝑃𝑠𝑦𝑐ℎ𝑒! 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟 (𝐹𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑒)
𝐺𝑒𝑛𝑟𝑒: 𝐹𝑙𝑢𝑓𝑓, 𝐴𝑛𝑔𝑠𝑡, 𝐿𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑆𝑚𝑢𝑡, 𝐹𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑠𝑦/𝐺𝑟𝑒𝑒𝑘 𝑀𝑦𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑦 𝐴𝑈.
𝑊𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝐶𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡: 11.8𝐾
𝑊𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠: 𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑣𝑦 𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑟𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑜𝑛, 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑝, 𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑠𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠, 𝑚𝑦𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑠/ 𝑑𝑒𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑒𝑠, 𝑠𝑢𝑔𝑔𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑠𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑠, 𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑚𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑠𝑢𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑑𝑒, 𝑑𝑒𝑐𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒𝑑 𝑠𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑘, 𝑑𝑒𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡.
~"𝑀𝑦 𝑠𝑜𝑢𝑙 𝑚𝑎𝑑𝑒 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑠𝑜𝑢𝑙 𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑔 𝑏𝑒𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑏𝑜𝑑𝑖𝑒𝑠 𝑚𝑒𝑡.
𝑊ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝐼 𝑓𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡 𝑙𝑎𝑖𝑑 𝑚𝑦 𝑒𝑦𝑒𝑠 𝑜𝑛 𝑦𝑜𝑢, 𝐼 𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑔𝑛𝑖𝑧𝑒𝑑 𝑦𝑜𝑢.
𝑌𝑜𝑢 ℎ𝑒𝑙𝑑 𝑚𝑦 𝑓𝑢𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑠." - 𝐴𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑎 𝐾𝑟𝑖𝑧𝑧𝑎𝑛.
"Eros, my darling son.......come here for a minute."
The golden haired goddess gently stroke the dove that was nestled in her embrace, her eyes fixated on the ray of light that shone through the crystal windows of her palace.
She heard the footsteps of her beloved child stop right in front of her. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him bend down in obeisance to her, his arm rested across his chest.
"Yes mother?" The snowy white haired deity awaited her instructions.
"I've been rather uneasy lately my love. Very uneasy." She waved her hand and he slowly rose up, eyes meeting hers.
"Why is that?"
The Olympian got up from her seat, sending the little dove flying away to perch itself on one of the trees that decorated the room. Gracefully, she paced around the room, her hands folded in front of her abdomen, fingers tapping against each other as she mused about the current situation.
"There's been....some unsettling rumors being spread in the mortal world and it has reached Olympus..."
Eros waited for her to continue. It must have been something very grievous for her to be so out of sorts, and this was the same goddess who didn't fear the consequences when her long life affair with his father, Ares, was discovered.
She peered down the window, sneering at the city below that was barely visible with all the clouds covering a vast majority of it.
"Apparently one of the daughter's of the King of Athens is said to be remarkably beautiful....."
She paused as she took a deep breath, jaw clenching as she sputtered out the next words.
"So enchanting that they dare compare her to me....Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty itself....
They've even begun to bring gifts and worship her on the day they're supposed to pay respect and praise to me!"
Eros flinched slightly when she hastily turned around and marched past him, tipping over a table that held a tray with a golden tea set. But he didn't stop her, so used to his mother's infantile tantrums, although he was pretty shocked to hear the severity of the issue. To worship a mere mortal, one who was so far below one of the gods, and not just any god, but one of the 12 Olympians themselves, was inconceivable.
Aphrodite clenched and unclenched her fist, trying to control her fury threatening to seek vengeance.
"I need you to go down there and find out who she is. And when you find her.....shoot her." She commanded him.
Eros nodded, understanding what she was asking of him.
"Who would you like me to have her fall for?"
Aphrodite groaned in annoyance.
"Oh! I don't know! Anyone or anything! An old haggard beggar, a toad, have her go mad over a tree stump for all I care! Just make her go insane!" She threw a cluster of grapes across the room, scaring the flock of doves who flew away to different parts of the room.
"As you wish my goddess."
Eros bowed to his mother one last time before retreating out of the hall, and going to his own chambers to prepare his necessary equipment for the journey. He too was curious to find out just how captivating this woman really was.
The young girl sighed softly as she looked at all the smoke coming out from the temple, the light scent of incense could be made out from her bedroom window. She was well aware and against what was going on in there. It was utterly disrespectful of her father to allow them and even encourage his citizens to offer sacrifices to her in Aphrodite's sacred temple, and on her very own yearly celebration. Had they no fear of a wrath from the gods?
She simply looked away and went to her own little corner where she made a small shrine dedicated to the goddess of beauty, love and fertility. She admired the small marble figurine of the goddess herself, and straightened out the roses and pearls surrounding it. She lit fire to a few myrtles and let them burn in a small ash tray as she murmured one of the many hymns in devotion to the deity. If she wasn't so soft hearted, she would have finished it off with sacrificing one of the best doves that were kept in the stables, but she could never bring herself to do that. She hoped the goddess would understand and forgive her, or at least, try to appease her for all the foolishness her father was causing.
She straightened her nightgown and crawled under the blankets of her grand bed. She was exhausted from the day's festivities and from the guilt and fear eating her alive. She shut her eyes, secretly hoping it was nothing but a bad dream and when she awoke, everything would be fine and back to the ways it was meant to be. She soon was fast asleep, only movements coming out of her body were the rising of her chest, signaling her breathing.
A soft thud landed on her balcony. The being looked behind him, making sure nobody had seen him. Not that it mattered, even if they did, they would tremble away in fear. Pushing the window open, he let himself inside the girl's bedroom, the one they reverenced as Psyche. His eyes scanned the room, landing on the bed which he cautiously approached. His hand reached out to pull away at the drapes covering the sleeping figure.
"Let's see who is it that is said to rival Aphrodite."
Eros pulled the drape away, letting the moonlight behind him shine on the face of the occupant on the bed. His arm fell to his side, slapping slightly against his thigh as he took in the beautiful countenance of the woman sleeping peacefully in front of him. He blinked slowly, trying to decipher if what he was seeing was indeed real. She was absolutely breathtaking, almost ethereal, never had his sight been blessed by such radiant and magnificent beauty, and he'd spent some time around Poseidon's Nereids.
Without realizing it, his hand reached out to caress her face or simply push back a lock of her hair, he himself didn't know what he was doing. But a small shifting of position on her part made him retract his hand, elbow grazing on the leather of the pouch on his back.
That's right. He still had a mission to carry out.
His arm reached back and grabbed an arrow from the pouch. He then proceeded to hover his hand above the tip, humming the soft incantation that would allow him to pierce the girl's heart and render her insane for the first object she saw. As he chanted, she began to stir in her sleep, putting Eros on guard, hoping she wouldn't wake up. He took in how her once peaceful expression, showed now sorrow and pain. It somehow pained him to see such a beautiful girl seem so troubled. He was so lost in her gaze that he didn't realise it until it was too late...
Until he felt the sharp tip of the arrow prick into his palm, even piercing the skin. Eros widened his eyes as he quickly yanked the arrow out, flinging it across the room. He looked at his hand, no blood coming out because he was an immortal, but he still clutched it as he felt an overwhelming pain and flutter course through his entire body. His heart started to pump at a faster pace, and his breathing became heavier. He tried to look away, but his mind forced him to look back at the unsuspecting girl on the bed.
"Oh no......what have I done?" He whispered softly.
Feeling dizzy, he scurried out the window, not caring anymore about being seeing in the dark of night, he just knew he wanted to back in Olympus as soon as possible. He flew back into the heavens, discarding only a few white feathers on his desperate flight back.
Psyche stood in front of the mirror, trying not to gaze at her own reflection, which she thought of as more of a curse than a blessing. She simply let her maids comb and adorn her hair as they wished and wrap a golden belt around her lilac colored tunic.
"My lady would you like breakfast brought to you or would you prefer to go down to the dining room?" One of them inquired.
She shook her head.
"I won't be taking breakfast today thank you."
The maids exchanged a puzzled look between each other but decided not to pry any longer. They simple allowed their mistress to wander off to the castle's pavilion located in the center of the gardens.
She preferred being alone these days, avoiding as many people as possible, but especially her father. Lately he had been rambling and complaining non stop at the lack of suitors coming to propose marriage to her. It'd been almost a year since he put out the announcement that she was of age and ready to be betrothed to any suitable prince or monarch, he had even raised the dowry triple what it was originally worth, but still, no one had come to claim her or propose.
"Perhaps it's just as well." She thought to herself. It wouldn't surprise her if this was how Aphrodite was showing her anger, by making her face the humiliation of being unwedded and childless.
Perhaps the biggest thing bothering her was the fact men just came to admire her beauty, but seemed to never really fall in love with her, and she herself couldn't fall in love either. Was she just a pretty face for people to gawk and fawn over? Was she destined to feel lonely and empty for the rest of her life?
"Little Psyche out here all alone?"
She stiffened when she heard the voice of her eldest sister, Amara, from behind her. Small steps let her know she was entering the pavilion and soon enough, she felt her presence stand right next to her.
"I wanted to be alone. That's all." She explained, although she really didn't feel the need to.
Her sister hummed softly.
"Would one really think that to be such a good idea? Father would be concerned if anything happened to his precious and beautiful Psyche, especially after that incident of the arrow in your room."
She was getting irritated at this point, her hand gripping harshly at the side of her tunic, creasing it slightly.
"That was many months ago Amara.....and I've said before that I don't like the title given to me by my father and the people....."
She took a deep breath before stating firmly:
"My name is Y/N and I shall be referred as such."
Her sister was taken aback by her sharp tone, but paid no attention to it. She opted for plucking some of the little violets that surrounded one of the pillars.
"As you wish....after all, anything you say is practically law. Anything you desire, you'll get." Her voice was laced with envy.
Y/N shook her head.
"Not everything."
Although she was referring to the fact her father refused to listen to her in the matter of Aphrodite's temple, her sister wrongly thought she meant the matter of matrimony.
"Oh don't worry little sister. Father is to go visit the Oracle of Delphi to seek help from Apollo in regards to your.......shameful circumstances."
Y/N couldn't stand it anymore. It's not that she hated her sister, but lately she seemed to enjoy in taking delight of her misery and pain, hurting her with her mock pity and double sided remarks.
"If you'll excuse me Amara, I shall go back inside."
Y/N was barely 4 feet away when her sister dismissed her.
"See you later......Psyche."
Y/N refused to eat during the entire day, worrying her loyal and trustworthy maids.
"But Miss....you must eat at least a little. Whatever shall you do if your beauty fades away?"
'Then I shall be content.'
She only thought those words but didn't say them out loud. She felt bad about her maids attending to her with such tenderness that she forced herself to at least eat some of the grapes in front of her. It seemed to put her maids more at ease and Y/N was happy about it.
"Anything in particular you wish for us to do Miss?"
There was one thing she really wanted. Something everyone around her never seemed to do anymore.
"Could you......could you please call me Y/N?"
The two women looked back and forth at each other, unsure of whether to refer to the princess in such an informal way.
Y/N was just craving to be reminded of who she truly was, be assured about her existence and her true person. Both women smiled fondly at her before curtsying to her.
"Lady Y/N."
She felt her heart full with warmth and felt happier in that moment than she had felt in the last 8 months that had gone by. But that happiness was short lived when her door swung open, her other sister, Melia rushing in, looking out of sorts and with fear in her eyes.
"Melia? What's wrong?"
Y/N stood up, but it was her sister who clutched onto her and sobbed on her neck.
"Oh poor Psyche! Why must this have happened to you? To my dear little sister?"
Y/N didn't know what to make of this, but it must be something dreadful if her usually composed and quiet sibling was hysteric. She pulled her back to take in her countenance.
"Tell me. What is it?" Y/N pleaded.
Melia pursed her lips before recounting what she heard and witnessed.
"Father came back from meeting with Apollo's Oracle......and Psyche, it's dreadful!"
Y/N gulped slightly. Although she was expecting the answer to not be a favorable one, she was not expecting this outburst.
"Tell me Mel.......am I not to get married ever?"
Y/N braced herself for the negative response.
Melia shook her head though.
"No Psyche.....it's much much worse than that."
Y/N felt her heart drop at that. What could there possibly be that was worse than not getting married?
"The Oracle told father that your husband has already been chosen for you. He gave us instructions that we are to deliver you to the top of Mount Lycabettus, dressed in black and to leave you there...."
She sniffled and held her handkerchief to her mouth.
"Will my husband meet us there?" She questioned.
Melia shook her head no.
"Well- then how can we be married?" She was beyond puzzled at this point.
"We don't know Psyche, the Oracle only said to deliver you. One thing is sure Psyche. Your husband is not mortal."
Y/N would have rejoiced at the information would it not have been for the terror in her sister's eyes.
"Melia tell me.....who exactly is my husband?"
Melia seemed troubled to reveal more information to her, but she knew she had to say it.
"We don't know. He refused to tell father. All he mentioned was that he flies through the skies and even the gods are terrified of him.....
"Psyche....I fear you're destined to marry a monster..."
The girl watched as her parents, sisters and their husbands disappeared from sight, not even leaving behind their footprints to keep her company. Crouching down, she settled herself onto the ground, her arms wrapping around to hug her knees. She sighed in despair as she thought about what was going to happen to her now. Was her new husband really a monster? It seemed to be the only logical explanation if even gods were afraid of him. The only thing she could think of was....
A titan?
'No it can't be.'
She quickly discarded that thought. All of the titans were locked away in Tartarus. And the world would have definitely known if a titan had gotten out.
She anxiously waited for a sign, a movement of some kind, but nothing ever came. All she had to accompany her besides her solitude was the light breeze that blew some of her hair in front of her face. She shivered slightly, her arms crossing over her chest as she rubbed them with her hands. She faintly noticed that the wind seemed to be getting a little more heavier, and it seemed as though fog started to appear around her. But Y/N couldn't really pay attention to it as she felt herself getting drowsy and tired. She struggled to keep her eyes open, but the feeling was overtaking her. Her eyes ended up closing as she fell back onto the moss underneath her, falling fast asleep without even knowing why.
While asleep, she felt a strange sensation of being lifted up and carried up into the sky, almost as if though she were flying.....but that was surely impossible? But it felt so real. She had a fantastical dream of flying above the peak of mountains, drift through the clouds in the sky and somehow even be close to the stars. She felt as if she were being carried in the arms of some strong entity. And at the end, she could faintly hear a voice assure her:
"Have no fear little one, for you are truly loved."
Awakening hours later, when it was even darker and more deep into the night than before, she sat up and looked around at her surroundings. The green moss from before was no longer accompanying her. Instead, she awoke to find herself placed on an ivory marble resting bench. Beautiful varieties of roses surrounded what she guessed to be a very beautiful and luxurious garden. Her hand reached out to caress one of them, its petals being one of the most soft things she'd ever felt.
Standing up, she followed the stone path that was right in front of her. A tiny river flowed through the garden, a slight trickling sound was the only noise that was heard. She stopped when a grand and extravagant mansion stood before her. It was 10 times more beautiful and seemed more expensive than the very castle she grew up in. Cautiously, she over to the front door, which seemed to be made out of pure gold, pearls adorning the edges of them.
Y/N was about to knock on it, but to her surprise, the doors opened by themselves. She slowly stepped inside, her eyes bulging out as her eyes took in the hall in front of her. Clean and neatly polished marble floor, crimson red silk drapes covering large and vast windows, the furniture looked unlike anything she had ever seen before. Her hand was gliding over the ottoman in the center of it when a voice called out:
"Welcome mistress! We have been expecting you!"
She whipped her head around, then looked at all directions, but found no one standing anywhere near her.
"Who...who are you?" Y/N fearfully looked at the ceiling then at every corner, wondering where the voice was.
"We're your servants mistress." A chorus of at least 5 women rang out, puzzling her even more.
"Where....are you?"
The invisible women giggled amongst themselves.
"We are right here next to you mistress. I'm afraid you just can't see us."
Y/N watched as a silver pitcher was lifted up in the air, pouring what seemed to be wine in a glass cup, which was then hovered right in front of her.
"Wine mistress?"
Y/N hesitantly took the cup, indeed feeling someone's weight let go of it. She took a small sip of the wine, its rich and crisp flavor enticing her to drink more of it.
"Would you care for any fruits?" A platter holding strawberries, grapes, cherries and blueberries were held up in front of her. They looked so fresh and ripe, Y/N couldn't help but reach for one of the grapes, her tastebuds becoming completely engaged at how delicious and juicy they were.
She no longer felt disturbed by the faceless voices talking to her, nor about the objects floating around, carrying articles that were being offered to her, and she did not get startled when she heard music filling the room, playing the most sweet and beautiful melody her ears were blessed to hear. She just let her invisible attendants feed her some exotic foods that she never even knew existed. She also didn't mind them guiding her to a lavatory, where there was a bathtub, the size of a large pond already waiting for her. She nearly slipped into another deep sleep when she stepped inside, the warm water relaxing her muscles while the scent of lavender calmed and eased her mind. After washing her body, her maids oiled and scented her body with vanilla and jasmine while they dried her. She saw as a periwinkle blue robe was extended towards her and Y/N slipped into it, her hands caressing the soft, velvet material, smoothing the folds on her waist and hips.
"Oh mistress! You look so beautiful!" One of them cheerfully exclaimed.
"You're the most beautiful creature we've been honored to serve." Another piped in.
"We're so happy to have you here with us. It shall be a lot more livelier now." She heard someone chuckle.
"I think our job for tonight is done. My lady, please step into the room behind the other door. The master will join you shortly."
Y/N was so filled with bliss and contentment, that she had completely forgotten why she was here in the first place. Recalling her sister words, she begged her maids not to leave her, but they apologized and retreated to who knows where, leaving her by herself once again. Her hand reached for the doorknob, turning it slowly before she stepped into the next room.
Y/N tried to move around in the space, but it was extremely difficult because the room was pitch black. She could barely make out the outlines of the chairs, the bed draped with curtains or the dressers. On the corner, she saw a single window, but the curtains were drawn, and even if it was open, the dark night would hardly help her see any better. Y/N out stretched her arms, grabbing onto the empty void around her to maneuver herself to the bed, where she settled down into, hugging her knees like she did back when her family left her on top of the mountain.
She rocked herself back and forth as many thoughts ran over her mind:
'When will he arrive? Will he be kind or not? What will he look like....
And who was he?'
Y/N rested her hands on her arms that were hugging her knees, her eyes closing, but she wasn't tired at all. She just wished time would speed up faster and someone could explain to her what was going on. She felt a light breeze suddenly pass through the room. Looking up, she saw that the curtains by the window had been moved, pushed slightly open, letting just the dimmest sliver of light pour in, but she still couldn't see anything.
She felt something .....someone else in the room with her. On edge, she quickly sat up from the bed and tried to make way back to the other room.
"You have nothing to fear my dearest Y/N."
She halted at the sound of her name. She was expecting to be called that odious title she was often referred to, but instead, she heard her very own name.
"How....how do you know my name?"
The deep, baritone voice spoke again.
"It wouldn't be fitting for a husband to not know his own wife's name, don't you think?"
Y/N eased slightly at his words but still felt nervous.
"Where...are you?" She took small steps, eyes squinting to see something, anything.
She felt a rush of warmth fill up her body when a gentle hand placed itself on her shoulder.
"I'm right here beside you, where I shall always be."
She didn't tremble at his touch, on the contrary, she relaxed and her fear was suddenly gone. Whoever the stranger was, he slowly turned her around to face him. She could make out a bit of his outline, but still couldn't define any of his features or details.
"Why aren't there any lamps? I can't see you."
Lifting her hand, he placed it on his cheek, his skin feeling as soft as a petal.
"See me with your touch my love."
Her hand delicately traced his features, trying to imagine what he looked like. He had a very sharp jawline, a well defined nose and delicately carved lips that tempted her to reach up and kiss them. She was still confused as to why she couldn't see him though. As if on cue, he spoke:
"I know it must be difficult for you to understand this Y/N. But please don't be afraid of me. I would never hurt you."
Y/N retracted her hand.
"My...my sister said you're a monster."
He chuckled heartedly, his voice full of music and splendor.
"Do I feel like a monster or sound like one?"
Y/N giggled softly, realizing it did seem silly.
"If you're not a monster though......why can't I see you?"
She could feel the man in front of her think about how to answer her. Sighing softly, he took her hand again, holding it with his two hands and running a thumb on the top of it.
"I'm afraid I can't give you the answer to that question yet...."
She felt her heart sink at his words. She lowered her head in disappointment. Not wanting to upset her more, he kissed the palm of her hand and swore:
"Just please trust me Y/N, and I'll promise to love you forever......can you trust me?"
Maybe she was mad or delusional, but in spite of all the mystery surrounding him, she sincerely felt the veracity of his promise and had no doubt in her mind about trusting him. She moved closer to him, accidentally stepping too far and colliding with his firm chest.
"Umph!" Y/N groaned slightly.
He giggled softly at her cute action. He saw as she tried to reach out again to feel him, but instead pulled her hand away.
"You can touch me love."
Her hands once again traced his smooth face, traveling down his neck before resting on his broad shoulders. Although he felt somewhat slim, his body seemed very toned and vigorous. Y/N wanted to drop her hands further but she felt to shy to do it. Once again, he read her mind.
"Y/N....it's ok. We're married." He drew out that last word, more to himself than to her.
Her hands pressed down across his chest. She could tell his tunic was made out of fine linen, even if she couldn't see it. His chest felt strong and sturdy, she bit her lip slightly as she pictured what it would look like in the light, without his garment.
She gasped when she felt him pull her against him, his breath against her lips, just wanting to close the space between them and kiss her. His finger traced the curve of her luscious and plump lips. Although she was content with everything he'd said so far, there was just one more question she had:
"I....... I don't know what to call you."
He raised an eyebrow at her.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean....you know my name....but you never told me yours." She pulled away slightly.
He realized she was right. She felt him smile at her as he brought her face close to his again.
"Please call me Yeosang." Her heart fluttered when she heard his name.
Yeosang brushed his lips against hers.
"Trust me my dear. I love you with all my heart."
Y/N melted at his words and before she knew it, she whispered back:
"I love you too....Yeosang."
As soon as she spoke out those words, Yeosang could no longer control himself as he enclosed his lips over hers in a passionate and loving kiss. Y/N blushed at being kissed for the first time in her life, but happily returned the gesture, surprised that she easily could. Even though she couldn't see him, she knew Yeosang was beautiful, ethereal and very kind...
And she was already falling in love with him.
It had been roughly 4 months into their marriage and Y/N was extremely happy. He'd visit her in the dead of night everyday, as usual, in the pitch black so she couldn't see him, but she had grown accustomed to that. He'd usually leave before she was even awake and before the sun would even start coming out. He'd always leave a red rose by her dresser everyday, attached with a small note filled with terms of endearment and vows of love and adoration for her, always succeeding in making her blush.
Y/N was more than content. Now, whenever she looked in the mirror, she wouldn't turn away nor hate the face she saw. She came to love her appearance now, because there was light and love in it. She was in love, she was loved and there was no greater feeling than that.
During the day, she would either spend time outside in the garden or inside, her maids, or rather, their presence, always keeping her company. She loved listening to their stories about the world she was now a part of, finding them extremely fascinating. They were all so gentle and caring towards her, attending to her every needs and overall staying by her side so she wouldn't get lonely.
"Won't you tell us something about where you are from for once Mistress?"
Y/N was elated, happily telling them all about her home, her family, how she grew up and various other aspects of her life.
"You seem very close to your family Misstress." One of them observed.
"I am. I love them very much, and I have such fondness for my sisters...."
She stopped at the moment. It hit her how she hadn't heard from her family since she got there, nor did they have any idea of her whereabouts or her fate. Her heart suddenly felt sad as she began missing them terribly.
"Mistress is something wrong?"
Y/N quickly plastered a smile back on her face, not wanting them to be concerned at all. Instead suggesting they all play a game together so she wouldn't think about it. But it was futile. Her mind kept thinking back to her family. She missed them more and more. She hardly ate anything else for the rest of the day, instead opting to go to her room rather early, even though it'd be hours before Yeosang got there. She wept silently, her tears staining the pillow underneath her face. She tried to keep a positive and cheerful attitude when he did finally got there, but he could sense that something was troubling his beloved wife.
"What's bothering you my love?"
Y/N sighed softly.
"I miss my family...."
Yeosang tightened his embrace around her, his lips kissing her temple. Y/N nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck, drinking in his scent that always calmed and soothed her mind.
"They must be so worried about me. They probably don't even know if I'm alive or not." She continued to pour out her distress.
Yeosang was pensive for a moment, wondering what he could do to help his sweetheart.
"Would you like to write to them? I can have someone give it to them." He offered.
Although Y/N found it kind of him to offer it, more than anything, she wanted to see them.
"I was actually wondering......if maybe they could come see me?" She reluctantly asked.
She very well noticed how Yeosang tensed up. Even in the darkness, she had learned to read his body language and knew he was hesitating about what to respond.
"I......I'm not sure that's a good idea love..."
Yeosang's heart felt when he heard a disappointed sigh escape her lips. It hurt her to see her in such a state. All he wanted was to make her happy. So although there were going to be risks, he agreed.
"They can't meet me. But if you wish, I can have Zephyr bring them here just like he brought you."
Y/N became so happy at the thought of seeing them again. Cupping Yeosang's face, she kissed him fervently, her reaction making Yeosang chuckle.
"Does it really make you that happy?" He questioned as he caressed her face.
Y/N nodded happily.
"So I take it you won't need anything else tonight?"
Well....there was actually one more thing. Y/N bit her lip as she stared up at Yeosang with a sparkle in her eyes.
"Oh.....I see."
Y/N could hear the smugness in his voice, but she didn't care. Not when he lips made her melt, when his hands caressed and fondled her tenderly and especially not when he slid in and out of her in such a passionate and loving way, bringing her into such a euphoric state. Another thing she discovered about Yeosang: he was an amazing lover, she almost felt drunk in his love whenever his body became one with hers.
Yeosang let out a grunt when he spilled himself inside of her, enjoying the feeling of her walls tightening around him as she also reached her own high. Without pulling out, Yeosang bent down to kiss her again, his hand reaching down to press against her stomach.
"I can't wait until you become pregnant with my child. I bet you'll look even more lovely than what you already are."
Y/N felt her face flush at his words. Suddenly feeling confident, she teased him.
"How about we try again? Just in case."
Yeosang sucked in a breath, his hands gripping at her hips.
"I thought you'd never ask."
Y/N's hands clutched at the sheets underneath her, moans slipping out of her lips as Yeosang moved inside of her once again, this time at a more fast and rough pace than before.
Y/N offered more pastries to her sisters. Melia excitedly accepted them, loving how rich and exquisite the foods at her little sister's place were. Amara however refused, her eyes still looking around at the place. She was very put off by how strange Y/N's circumstances were. The weird wind that transported them there, the invisible servants, the fact they could not meet her husband? It was extremely confusing. But most of all, she was insanely jealous of how Y/N was living. Her mansion was 10 times better than hers, the food was of better quality than what was served at her castle and everything was just so much more expensive.
"You seem to be...very happy here." Amara pointed out, her lips pursed tightly.
Y/N couldn't help but smile.
"I'm more than happy. I love it here. And I love my husband."
"Such a shame we couldn't meet him. Do you know when we will get the opportunity?" Melia asked.
"Oh...umm.....the thing is...you can't meet him..." Y/N fumbled with the sash across her dress.
Her two older sisters looked at her incredulously, then they looked at each other with a suspicious look.
"So is it true then? That he's a monster with scaly skin, serpent tongue and sharp teeth?" Melia looked frightened.
Y/N slammed her fist on the table, outraged that they'd dare think such things of Yeosang like that.
"He's not a monster! He's beautiful, absolutely handsome and the most kind being I have ever met!"
Her outburst made them even more curious.
"Then tell me Psyche, what does he look like?" Amara raised an eyebrow.
"It's Y/N! My name is Y/N. And.....I......I don't know! But I just know he's beautiful!"
Melia seemed puzzled.
"You don't know? What does that mean?"
Feeling cornered, Y/N had no choice but to tell them how her husband would only visit her at night, shrouded in darkness and whisper loving words in her ear. That only served to sprout out more questions from her siblings.
"How can you possibly be in love with him if you've never seen him?"
"I just am!" Y/N exclaimed.
"If he doesn't see you during the day, where does he go to?" Amara pressed on.
"I don't know." Y/N answered.
Not wanting to miss the chance to hurt her younger sister, Amara smirked wickedly at her.
"I bet I know where."
It took Y/N a few seconds to comprehend what her sister was implying, but when she did, it only served to further anger her.
" You're wrong. I know What you're thinking and you're wrong. Yeosang loves me!" She was fuming at this point.
Amara however rolled her eyes at her foolishness.
"All right. Let's say he really is as handsome as you say he is. Why must he be so stubborn about not letting you see him nor know where he goes off to?"
Y/ N crossed her arms.
"I don't know. He asked me to trust him and I do".
Melia now seemed concerned for her.
"Psyche... do you not realize that maybe ...... he could be seeing other women while he's away?"
Y/N now froze at what her sister said. Her brain kept telling her not to listen to them, that Yeosang was faithful to her and would never lie to her. But then she remembered how her own sister's husbands behaved and she couldn't help but think if perhaps Yeosang would do anything similar like them.
"No..... it can't be true...."
Amara suspiciously came up behind Y/N, placing a hand on her shoulder.
"If he really did love you.....why would he force you to live with such doubts?"
That was the final drop that made the glass tip over. Y/N had to find out who exactly it was that was sleeping with her every night.
Y/N waited until Yeosang was fast asleep, his breathing calm and serene. Carefully, she peeled herself from his grasp and crept out of the bed and to one of the dressers. She silently took out a candle and match that she had secretly hid inside. Walking as cautiously as she could, she stood by the edge of the bed where Yeosang was. Taking a deep breath, she striked the match and lit up the candle, holding it up so she could finally see him for the very first time.
Her eyes grew wide as she stared into the most beautiful face she had ever seen. He was absolutely glorious. His hair was white like the snow in winter, skin fair like marble ivory, his jawline was chiseled to perfection with a nose that seemed to have been carved to perfection. And he layed there, sleeping soundly with absolutely no clue that she had just betrayed his trust.
"Oh no.....what have I done?"
Y/N was so horrified with herself that she unconsciously tumbled backwards, hitting herself on a piece of furniture. Suddenly Yeosang awoke, his eyes painted with agony once he realized what was happening.
"I.....I can explain!"
But Yeosang simply sat up without a word, already reaching for his tunic. He sighed as he stood up and walked towards the window.
"Please forgive me Yeosang! I beg you!"
Y/N dropped to her knees, tears pouring out her eyes. Yeosang pinched the bridge of his nose, head full of turbulent thoughts that he couldn't place in order.
"Please just say something!" She cried out, desperate to hear his voice.
"I knew it would be a bad idea to let you see your sisters. I knew they'd turn you against me and actually betray me...."
If they were still in the dark, Y/N would have still been able to recognize the hurt and pain in his words.
"I'm sorry Yeosang! I'm sorry for not trusting you! But I kept thinking about their words, they said you were probably visiting other-"
"You could have chosen to not listen to them! No one forced you to believe them! You chose to act on your own accord!".
It was the first time he had ever raised his voice at her, and it boomed all over the room, making her tremble in fear. Yeosang opened the window and stepped out into the balcony.
"No no! Please!"
Y/N ran after him, her hands wrapping around his neck in an attempt to keep him there. Gently, he pried her hands off him, looking somberly at her.
"My mother told me not to trust you. That you were a mortal woman and would never understand me or us, and break my trust. I could never believe that she was right....."
Y/N saw as tears filled on the brim of his eyes.
"But I was too madly in love to listen to her..... I guess I truly did get a taste of my own medicine."
Yeosang made way to leave again, but Y/N held onto him.
"Please don't leave me! I'll die without you! I love you Yeosang!"
Not able to contain his feelings anymore, Yeosang pushed her off him and turned sternly to her.
"Don't.....ever say such lies again...and don't address me so informally you lowly mortal. I am not your equal and I am no longer Yeosang to you..."
Y/N covered her mouth in terror and astonishment when ethereal and shiny wings sprouted from his back, making him look even more heavenly than he already was.
"I am Eros, son of Aphrodite and Ares, the god of love ......... and you......."
He sniffled as tears streamed down his face.
"I can't stay here knowing that I want to hold you..."
Without any other word, speedily flew out of there, disappearing from her sight. Y/N shouted for him, going mad at the thought that she had just lost the love of her life. She was so erratic that she didn't think twice before she flung herself down the balcony, not wanting to live without her love. Unfortunately for her, a large gust of wind stopped her fall, placing her gently on the ground, thwarting her plan.
"Let me die!" Y/N pounded the ground.
"I'm afraid I can't let you do that Psyche. Aside from being tasked to bring you here, Eros appointed me to make sure no harm should ever come to you."
Although it was supposed to be calming, Zephyr's voice only angered her.
"So I can't even die?!"
Zephyr sent a small breeze, the only physical way of comfort he could bring her since he was invisible.
"Psyche, we both know you don't actually want to die."
"Yes I do! My heart is broken. My love is gone and it's because of my foolishness. I have nothing else to live for!" She declared.
Zephyr sighed.
"My lady....all hope is not lost. I may perhaps.....know a way of helping you."
Y/N perked her ears at his words.
"But first, allow me to tell you a little story, one you don't know about but in which you were the main protagonist."
Y/N watched as a swirl of clouds formed above her, Zephyr trying to make his presence manifested as he began recounting a story:
"Now...it all began when the people began to worship you instead of Aphrodite. I know, we all do you tried to stop them. We weren't blind to it. But Aphrodite is a jealous goddess. She could not stand someone being compared to her. So she sent Eros to you with the task of making you fall in love with a toad or something similar."
Y/N didn't seem too surprised by that. She knew fully well who Eros was and why he was feared even among gods, because no one was immune to his arrows that made them fall in love.
"He came to you one night while you were sleeping. He was so distracted by your beauty that he ended up pricking himself with his own arrow."
Now it made sense to her what he meant when he said he had gotten a dose of his own medicine. She was shocked that this actually happened.
"Eros had fallen in love with you. Curious isn't it, that while you were the most admired woman in the country, no one proposed. Wanna know why? Because Eros stepped in every time, making any suitor fall in love with someone else so they wouldn't take you away from him."
Y/N remembered all those months where no one approached her. Now it all made sense.
"Poor Eros was also begging his mother to let him marry you. But of course, being as stubborn as she is, Aphrodite refused. It became such a quarrel between them that Eros refused to obey her anymore if she didn't agree. Of course, she couldn't have that, so she allowed him to marry you on one condition: your love had to be put to a test....which....I think you know what it was."
Y/N nodded. He asked her to trust him even if she couldn't see him, but she betrayed him.
"Aphrodite probably isn't surprised. She expected it all along. But Eros......he was so in love with you that he put all his faith and trust in your love. And now.....he's probably back home again, moaning and crying just like when he came back that night he met you."
Now the guilt began to eat her up.
"I don't deserve him. I never did. I deserve to die."
Zephyr sighed once again.
"Now now child. As I said. Not all hope is lost. Listen very carefully to me Psyche. Here's what you're going to do."
Y/N waited for the goddess to arrive. Her fingers fidgeted nervously, playing with the belt on her tunic. She suddenly felt a gush of wind pass by her. Light started to emanate from the ground. Y/N stared in wonder as a powerful entity appeared before her, looking so radiant and angelic that Y/N froze in place before remembering who was standing in front of her. She fell to the ground in honor and respect for the goddess in front of her.
"My goddess Aphrodite. I am your humble servant who has offered sacrifices at your temple and-"
"Oh stop groveling like a little bitch and get up." The goddess sneered at her.
Y/N slowly got up. Aphrodite stepped closer to her, one of her slender fingers tilting her chin up as she closely scanned her rival's face. Bewilderment took over her features, a scoff coming out of her mouth.
"Impressive. Very extraordinary. ..."
She let go of her and backed away.
"Pity though that your eyes are still red and puffy from weeping like a child. It really does not suit you....nevertheless, even I acknowledge you're beautiful and pleasing...."
She crossed her arms.
"No wonder my son is so smitten with you."
Y/N glanced up at the mention of Yeosang.
"Tell me, how is Yeosang? How is my husband."
Aphrodite lifted a hand.
"First of all, you have no right to call him by his birth name. You shall only address him by his godly name you mortals know. And second, he isn't your husband anymore, not after you broke your end of the marriage."
Being reminded of her acts, Y/N once again felt remorseful and ashamed. But she was not about to give up.
"If there's anything I can do to mend things, I'm prepared to do it."
Aphrodite rolled her eyes.
"Yes yes I know very well you are willing to. Zephyr didn't bring you here just for giggles or a cup of tea. And either way, sooner or later Zeus and Hera would have been on my ass about intervening, not to mention that his father wouldn't leave me alone if he saw the state his son was in."
Y/N beamed with joy at the thought of being able to mend things with her love.
"Thank you oh most merciful goddess!" Y/N resisted the urge to throw her hands around the goddess and hug her.
Aphrodite, however, dismissed her thanks.
"Don't get so happy yet foolish girl. I haven't even told you what the tasks are yet."
Beckoning her to follow, Aphrodite lead her through a meadow and deep into a forest. There, she approached a tall laurel tree and pointed at something on the floor.
"Before your eyes, you see a pile of different types of grains. Your job is simple: separate them all and arrange them into piles."
Y/N's jaw dropped at the task.
"That's impossible! It's not simple!"
Aphrodite merely shrugged. "If you truly love Eros, you'll find a way."
She turned away and began walking back to where she came from, but not before telling her:
"Oh and Psyche? You have until sundown to finish."
Y/N knew the goddess was probably laughing by now, already gloating in her failure and inability to finish such a task. She slumped down on the ground and began picking at the grains. They all looked too similar, there was no way to tell them apart. Y/N flung the grains back in the pile.
"It's hopeless..."
She wasn't offered a second chance, she was merely being humiliated for the own amusement of Aphrodite. Y/N couldn't help but wonder if she deserved this....
Suddenly she felt something crawl up on her hand. Looking down, she saw a tiny ant perched on one of her fingers.
"Hello most beautiful mortal. Please don't cry. Let me assure you that this grain will be sorted before Aphrodite comes back."
If Y/N hadn't already seen so miracles and fantasy sightings since she arrived, she would have seriously thought she was insane for thinking an ant was actually talking to her. She watched as thousands of other ants crawled up and began carrying the grains out of the pile, effectively assorting them into neat and tidy piles.
"How are you..?"
The tiny ant let out a squeaky laugh. "This is our specialty my lady. We do this every year."
"But...why are you helping me?" She couldn't understand why they would help her.
"Don't fret about that right now. Leave this all to us and just worry about being reunited with your loved one."
Y/N was touched by their tremendous kindness, thanking them incessantly as they eagerly finished what seemed to not an impossible task for her. True to their word, before the sun set, it was already finished. 5 piles stood in front of her. The ants bid her farewell and good luck for any upcoming tests Aphrodite was going to put on her.
When the goddess came to inspect the work, her eyes nearly bulged out when she saw it was accomplished. Scoffing, she crossed her arms.
"I see you finished it....very well. Tomorrow I shall take you to do the second task. But trust me, you won't get very far."
The goddess was so sure Y/N would never be able to finish them, but she didn't count on the fact someone was pulling strings behind the scenes to make sure Y/N would be successful. When Y/N was tasked to collect the gold fleece from the magical sun rams, the mystery person asked the reeds growing on the riverbank near her, to tell Y/N to wait until the rams left the pasture to fall asleep in a meadow, then she'd be able to collect fleece that would usually get caught on the brambles where they often played or fought in. On her third task, she had to collect water from a pit that was guarded by a fearsome dragon. Y/N dared not approach the beast, but once again, the hidden figure sent an enormous eagle to help her by flying her down the pit while the dragon slept so she could fill up the bottle Aphrodite gave her. Y/N asked the eagle, like she did the reeds and ants, why were they helping her, but all of them remained silent, not answering her question. They only wished her luck and encouraged her to stay determined to win back her husband.
Aphrodite took the bottle in her hands, fury in her eyes as she flung it across the room in pure outrage.
"I don't know what kind of tricks you've pulled to accomplish these tasks so easily, but I will not stand for it any longer!"
Determined to make sure Y/N would never see her son no matter the cost, she declared her last mission:
"You must go into the Underworld and bring me Queen Persephone's beauty cream, the one she makes herself. I was going to go there myself....but you can do it for me."
Aphrodite's eyes did not hide her malice or her hatred towards the poor girl.
"But....no human can descend into the Underworld and return!" Y/N exclaimed.
"Then I guess you shall have to be the first."
Y/N touched the ground softly as Zephyr dropped her down.
"Psyche listen to me very carefully. There is a way for mortals to go into the Underworld and return alive. But pay very close attention or you'll never see the light of day."
Out of thing air, Zephyr made 2 coins and a loaf of bread apart before her.
"The coins are for Charon. He's the boatman that will take you to the Underworld and will also bring you back. The bread is for Cerberus."
Y/N gulped at the mention of the dog that guarded the gates of the Underworld.
"You mean.....the one with 50 heads?"
Zephyr laughed.
"You humans sure do like to add charm to stories. No Psyche. Cerberus only has 3 heads. He won't do anything to you while going in, it's when you're getting out that'll be the problem. You see, he's not guarding souls from going in, he guards them from leaving."
Y/N nodded, drinking up all the information he was feeding to her.
"When you're leaving, give a piece to each of the heads, it'll put him to sleep long enough for you to get out of there as fast as you can."
"Got it."
Y/N began walking into the foggy mist, trembling slightly as she realized she was about to be in front of the gates of hell very soon.
"Another thing! Accept no food or drink and do not rest at all! Just go in, take the cream and get out. I'll be waiting here for you."
"Thank you Zephyr."
Y/N wandered through the dense and humid mist that blurred most of her vision. She spotted a light looming out of the water and headed towards it. She stopped when she reached the end of the dock and stood face to face with a dark cloaked figure. Its face was completely hidden by the hood, the only thing she could see were its hands that were holding a staff that was no doubt used to row out boat.
"Are you.....are you Charon?"
The cloaked figure simply nodded very slowly.
"Can you take me to see Queen Persephone?"
Charon did not respond either that time, instead he held his hand out. Y/N now could clearly see that his hand was only bone, absolutely no flesh or skin surrounding it. Although startled, she handed one of the coins to him, which he put into a small purse that he kept tied to his waist. He signalled for her to get in. Y/N had some difficulty getting into the boat, slamming down on it, her bum hardly hitting the wood floor. She was sure if Charon was able to, he'd probably be laughing at her. He waited until she was settled into the boat before he began rowing down the Styx river.
Y/N hugged her knees as her eyes scanned everything. So far only the splashing of water and the silent boatman kept her company. And then a foul and putrid stench filled her nostrils, making her want to gag. As she kept looking around, she noticed what seemed to be people standing by another dock, looking pitiful and some even crying.
"They're the souls of people whose families didn't pay the fee or didn't have a burial upon death." Charon spoke up for the first time, his voice sounded hollow and had somewhat of an echo in it.
She understood what he meant. All people usually put a coin under their deceased loved ones tongue as payment for a ride to the Underworld.
"Will they stay there forever?"
Charon let out a raspy breathe.
"They'll stay there for a hundred years before they're allowed to cross over. Our master is not that cruel as you mortals depict him."
Mention of his master sent Y/N into panic. She was about to meet the actual god of the Underworld and his wife. She shivered as she remembered all she was ever taught about him: her teachers often painted him as a cruel, evil and wrathful god that loved tormenting the souls that were sent to him. The only reason he had a wife was because he kidnapped her, only allowing her to spend time in Olympus for half of the year. Y/N feared seeing him.
"This is the end of your journey."
Y/N saw a colossal black door in front of her. She lifted her hand to knock on it, but wondered if it was even possible for them to hear her. She felt someone or something sneeze by her right side so she turned. First there was only a gigantic dog head that soon turned into three, Y/N almost fainted when it began approaching her. This had to be Cerberus. The hellhound merely scanned her, puzzled as to why an alive human would be there. But he went back to his job and used one of his heads to push open the door for her. Y/N was prepared to see a sea of tormented souls being stirred in fire or some other kind of torture, but instead, she walked in a long and regal corridor, much like the one back home in Athens. Everything was decorated in either black or a deep purple color. At the very end, she saw two thrones side by side, black and made out of hard iron and steel. 2 figures sat by them and when she reached close enough, she was face to face with the rulers of the Underworld.
As per custom, Y/N bowed to them, trembling in the process. The monarchs looked at each other in confusion.
"You are not dead nor dying, what business do you have here?" A male voice inquired.
Y/N swallowed harshly, trying to speak but fear made her paralyzed and unable for recall what she was there to do. Noticing how scared she was, the queen stood up and walked over to her. She gently lifted Y/N up, her hand cupping her chin to look at her. Y/N finally had a glimpse of the Underworld queen and she was mesmerized. She wasn't as beautiful as Aphrodite, but her beauty was so haunting and eerie, unlike anything she'd ever seen before. It made her very unique and therefore more interesting in her eyes. Y/N felt self conscious now. She hadn't properly cleaned up or slept ever since Aphrodite had her do all those tasks, so she probably looked like a mess in front of the beautiful queen.
Persephone merely smiled at her, a genuine and kind smile.
"You're Psyche aren't you?"
Her eyes widened at the mention of her name. The man behind her also became curious at him mention of it.
"How do you know who I am?" But Y/N soon wanted to slap herself for asking that. She was a goddess, of course she'd know.
The lady chuckled. "Not everyday one meets a face that rivals Aphrodite's. I've heard so much about you."
She turned back and Y/N assumed she was going to take her place on the throne, but instead, she shocked her when she opted to sit on her husbands lap, her arms wrapping around his neck. He visibly stiffened, and Y/N was surprised to see him......blush?
"So tell me. Has the mighty goddess of beauty sent you here for another task?"
Persephone looked back to see Y/N with a mouth wide open.
"We know all about your endeavors to win your husband back. News reaches here first before it reaches Olympus. Gives a little entertainment to us and our subjects you know."
She waved her hand and instantly a grey and cloudy figure appeared before her, offering her wine or food from a platter. She didn't want to seem rude, but she remembered what Zephyr said and thus refused any of it. Persephone chuckled softly.
"Very smart." Persephone observed. She above anyone knew what eating food from the Underworld would mean.
"So tell me Psyche. What has she sent you here for?"
Y/N began explaining how the goddess wanted some of her beauty cream. Persephone rolled her eyes, knowing all too well how vain Aphrodite was. Her fingers stroked through her husband's hair, puzzling Y/N more. If she was kidnapped and forced to marry him, how could she be so....in love with him? Persephone only took her attention away from her husband when another grey figure brought out a box to her. Thanking the servant, she held out the box to Y/N.
"Take this to Aphrodite and be reunited with your love."
Y/N thanked the merciful queen and walked back, now more happy at the thought of seeing Yeosang again. Persephone watched her with a motherly gaze, feeling somewhat nostalgic.
"You seem to be very interested in that human." Hades' voice broke her trance.
"She's an extraordinary girl if you ask me. And she's doing everything for love."
She smirked as she cupped her husband's face.
"Reminds me of a certain someone who also went to great lengths to win the person he loved the most."
The Underworld God cleared his throat.
"Love makes us do crazy things sometimes." He justified himself.
Persephone nodded and leaned in.
"I know. That's why am going to vouch for her when Zeus holds the meeting."
Hades looked puzzled. "What meeting?"
The queen let out a hearty laugh before kissing his lips.
"Married life has made you lose some of your sharpness my dear lord." She teased.
Y/N successfully fed the bread to the demon hound and made it back across the Styx with Charon's help.
"Thank you Charon." She handed the other coin to him.
"First time anyone has thanked me to the work I do." Although he tried to be neutral about it, Charon's voice had a lighter and more grateful tone to it.
Y/N crossed the swamp again and came back to the meadow where Zephyr had left her. She called me to him, but he did not answer. Y/N sat on the grass and waited for him, growing tired in the process. It had been 4 very long and tiring days and she was beginning to feel the intensity of them. Her eyes began to flutter, trying to stay awake, but tiredness began to overtake her. Her gaze fell on the box she was holding. Feeling curious, she slowly opened the box to peer into its contents. A sudden burst of light shone right in front of her, the power being too much for her and instantly, she fell unconscious on the floor.
Eros sighed softly to himself, the longing for his wife becoming too unbearable.
"Would you please stop that moaning? It's getting on my nerves." His mother said from the doorway.
"I miss her...." He covered his face with the pillow.
Aphrodite scoffed.
"Seriously this lovesick fool."
Eros ignored his mother, all his thoughts were about Y/N and the last time he saw her. He recalled the harsh words he said to her, regretting them so much, each letter feeling like a stab to his heart. Although it hurt him to have her distrust him, it hurt even more to be separated from her. He wanted her back in his arms, he wanted to kiss her, he was going even more insane than the first time when he pricked himself on his arrow.
Suddenly he heard a commotion coming from the living room, with the way a voice roared like thunder, he knew who had just came in. He got up, ready to intervene in case the two individuals in front of him started getting physical. Not noticing him, they just continued their screaming match.
"I've put up with so many of your antics, but this my dear goddess, is low even for you!"
The anger in his father's voice was unmistakable, but it was even more serious than all the other times he'd quarreled with his mother.
"Oh shut up Ares! I did what I had to do for our dear son."
Aphrodite twirled her hair on her finger, batting her eyelashes at her longtime lover, hoping to seduce him and get his mind off the subject, but this time it didn't.
"No, you did this because you're a selfish, conceited and cruel woman! Putting an innocent girl through so many hardships just for your own amusement! Don't you think Psyche and Eros have been through enough already?"
Now it was Eros' turn to make his presence known.
"What about my wife?"
Both of his parents turned to look at him, one in shock at being discovered and one in sad pity for him and his love. Ares crossed his arms.
"Well? Tell him Aphrodite. Tell him all about the tasks you made Psyche do these past days." He challenged her.
Eros looked at his mother, waiting for her to answer, but she kept her lips shut. Getting fed up, Ares spilled everything to him. Eros immediately got worried.
"Where is she now?"
Ares looked to the goddess in front of him as he did not know what the last task was. Gathering some of the rage he inherited from his father, Eros harshly grabbed his mother and shook her.
"Where is my wife?!"
Aphrodite pushed him off her.
"I sent her to the Hades and Persephone."
Eros wasted no time and grabbed his bow and arrow. The Underworld was dangerous even for a God and he knew he had to go get her before anything happened to her.
"Eros! Don't you dare go after her! She isn't your wife anymore!"
Turning back to his mother, he looked at her in defiance.
"She is my wife. She'll always be my wife. I love her.....and I'm going over to her now."
Spreading his wings, he flew as fast as he could to the swampy forest where she had been hours earlier. He asked the boatman if he had seen her, but Charon only said she had completed her voyage and was headed back home. He breathed a sigh of relief, at least she was alive. He flew back to his mansion, bursting the doors open, alarming the servants who were no longer invisible. He didn't spare a glance at them, he simply ran upstairs to his room. Slamming the door open, he saw as Zephyr, now in his physical form was hovering over an unconscious Psyche.
Eros ran over to her side, taking her hand in his.
"The power inside the box her majesty gave her is too much for a mortal to bear. I've tried everything, but she still shows no sign of waking up. Her body has also been weak these past days due to exhaustion. ....and heartache." Zephyr said somberly.
Eros spilled tears when finding out all she had been through and how much suffering he had put her through.
"I'm so sorry my darling."
His arms encapsulated her in a tight embrace, almost crushing her from the intensity. Eros sobbed uncontrollably. Zephyr decided to retreat from the room, giving him the space he needed.
Brushing out some of her hair, he pressed his forehead against hers.
"Please don't leave me.." he whispered before pressing his lips against hers.
He heard as she started breathing slowly, pulling away to check on her. Y/N's eyes slowly opened, thinking she was dreaming when she saw her love's handsome face in front of her.
"Yeo- Yeosang?"
His heart started beating faster when he heard her call him by his name.
"Oh Y/N thank Zeus you're all right!"
Y/N held him tightly, not wanting to let go.
"Yeosang I'm so sorry! I should have listened to you but I was so stupid!"
He hushed her, his hands caressing her arms.
"It's ok. I've forgiven you my darling. I don't care anymore. All I want is for us to be together again."
Y/N hesitated.
"Will we be allowed to?"
Clearing his throat, they both turned their attention to Zephyr who came back.
"Even if Aphrodite won't like it, she'll have no choice but to allow you two to be together after a power greater than her allows it."
Yeosang and Y/N looked at him in confusion. Zephyr once again began explaining:
"I'm sure Y/N..." He smiled when he called her by her real name for the first time.
"You've been curious about why so many creatures helped you while you were performing the tasks for Aphrodite."
Y/N nodded, none of them had told her why they'd help her.
"They were all sent by none other than Zeus, who had been watching all this happen and agreed it was unfair of Aphrodite to put you through such hardships."
The couple couldn't believe their ears. The king of the gods himself intervened on their behalf.
"He looks favorably upon your marriage and has even called a meeting to determine if Y/N should be allowed to become an immortal herself."
Y/N's mouth dropped unable to comprehend his words, but Eros was delighted. He could finally be together with his wife for all eternity, not fearing that one day he'd lose her in death because she was human. He felt so grateful to Zeus.
"It shall be put to a vote and needless to say, your mother won't say yes."
Of course they expected that.
"But fear not. There's already many who are willing to vouch for you. Persephone and Hades for example, Ares, Apollo, Demeter and I'm willing to bet that Dionysus will show up drunk and will agree to anything."
They all let out a chuckle at that.
"I'll let you know what the results are. Zeus agreed it'd be better if you two weren't there. He wants a peaceful meeting without Aphrodite throwing a tantrum."
Leaving them alone, the two lovers stared at each other for a while, unable to believe how lucky they were. Y/N reached up to touch Yeosang.
"It's ok Y/N. I'm real and I promise I won't ever leave you again."
His hand cupped the side of her face, thumb drawing circles on her cheek.
"I love you and I promise to love you my heart......
For all eternity."
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blood 6 - Strange/Stark!Reader
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Relationship: Dr. Strange/Princess!Stark!Reader
Rating: M
Warnings: Adult Themes, eventual smut, adult language, implied sexual violence, general violence
Synopsis: Reader is the daughter of the legendary King Anthony Stark, Uniter of Lands, The Iron Defender, and leader of the realm. When the king disappears during battle, hope is lost and he is presumed dead.
When the late king’s uncle, Obadiah, takes the throne until your brother Peter is of age, he quickly arranges a marriage for you with a wicked king in a neighboring kingdom.
With the realms politics in question, and rumors of an upcoming siege to overthrow Peter’s rule before it starts, you quickly learn who is loyal to the crown and who is not.
part 5 - part 7 
Chapter Playlist 
6 - a promise
Violet was uncharacteristically tight lipped as she dressed you the next morning. Part of you worried that the nosy maid had seen you on the balcony the night before, but you quickly remembered she’d gone to bed early after drinking too much. 
She kept sending pitying glances in your direction, and you couldn’t for the life of you figure out why. Smoothing out your skirts, she grabbed the knife you’d hidden under your pillow and tied it securely at your side. 
“For good luck?” she joked, though that pitying look crossed her feature as soon as the words left her mouth. 
You’d been struck dumb, expression bewildered as to how she knew about the dagger. 
“James,” she replied simply, patting the weapon for safe keeping. 
The implication was both comforting and terrifying. 
How much influence did her two friends truly possess within the castle walls? 
Accompanying you to breakfast, Violet stopped you outside of the dining hall, hand tightening around your forearm. 
“Please keep your head,” she whispered, glancing nervously around them. “No matter what you find on the other side of this door.”
It was an ominous warning, but you kept it in mind while she pushed open the door,’leading you inside. 
For a moment, you were certain your heart had stopped working from pure horror alone. 
King Brock Rumlow sat by your uncles side, laughing as a plate of meat and eggs was placed in front of him. 
“My dear, it’s so wonderful you could join us,” Obadiah stood and motioned for you to sit across from Brock at the table. “Did you sleep well? I imagine you might have stayed up bubbling with excitement.”
“Uncle,” you greeted tensely, feeling Violet’s form freeze at the casual exchange. Keep your mind. You needed to stay calm. 
Calm, even though your father’s murderer was smirking at you, only meters out of your grasp. 
“Princess, I’m sure you’re familiar with King Brock Rumlow,” he motioned to the king who stood and bowed his head. 
“Your highness,” he reached for your hand and pressed a kiss to your knuckles, lingering a moment too long for your comfort. “I’m sure this has been such a confusing and terrible time.”
You bit your tongue, swallowing down any backlash that stirred. 
“Rest assured, King Brock has a very reasonable explanation for everything,” Obadiah invited the group to eat. You took your seat, trying to ignore the way Rumlow’s eyes devoured you.  Like a lamb to slaughter, he looked positively ravenously at you. 
“Your highness, it’s been a terrible misunderstanding,” he explained with a long sigh. “The Asgardians had been ordered to attack the border villages and I sent my men to help. There was skirmish and your father was murdered by that brutish Thor Odinson. They threw his body into the river before retreating. There was nothing we could do.”
“You see? He was trying to defend the king,” Obadiah tilted his water goblet in your direction. “And to think, those barbaric Asgardians had the audacity to stand and mourn with you.”
“I’m...” you never had been a very convincing actress (Peter had always told you so), but the performance you put on that morning would have rivaled the great Bard himself. “That is certainly distressing news.”
Obadiah eyed you, the reaction catching him by surprise. 
“Brock has come to formally apologize for the confusion,” Obadiah started, watching you carefully for the slightest slip up. “He’s asked me for your hand as a means of reconciliation between the kingdoms.”
Your stomach dropped out, your lungs stopped moving, and you were certain both bellmen could hear your heart hammering anxiously against your chest. 
Marriage... to that monster. The man you knew slayed your father. The man whose rumors of his late wife followed behind whispers of death and deceit. 
Obadiah wanted to marry you off to him, for something. He had to have gotten something. 
Your father out of the way, your brain supplied helpfully. 
“With King Brock’s help, and the Kree army to the north, we will finally be able to stop those damned Wakandans and Asgardians from breaching our trade routes.”
Fingers tensing around your dining knife, you forced a smile on your face. 
“Really?” you asked, throwing as much enthusiasm as you could stomach in the question. “Me? Married to a king?” 
Obadiah paused, furrowing his brows, but Brock seemed unfazed. 
“You’ll be my queen and we will rule this entire region,” he reached across the table and took your hands. “We can make the arrangements post haste.”
“Why not a fortnight from today?” Obadiah suggested, a cruel smile spreading over his face. “I’ll start the servants on things today.”
“If you insist,” Brock laughed, an empty sound that stabbed deep into you. “What say you, my dear?”
You turned to your uncle, a cold mask over your true thoughts. 
“Must we wait a fortnight?” you asked, your lip jutting out in a pout. “Surely a more intimate ceremony can be put together in the next week?” 
You could tell Obadiah was trying to guess your plan, the king trying to call your bluff but agreeing wholeheartedly. 
“Such eager lovebirds,” he bellowed with another laugh. “Bring the wine, we have much to celebrate today.”
You managed to get through the breakfast, face hurting from all the forced and held smiles that fought against your cringing. 
After the meal ended, you excused yourself to lay down for a a while, the excitement having tired you out.
Instead of your chambers, however, you hurried to the observatory, praying to the gods that Stephen was inside. 
You found him curled on one of the cots, red cloak strewn over his shoulders, deep asleep. That peace was broken once you tried to quietly shut the door. His eyes flickered open and he took you in with a sleepy smile. 
“Your highness,” he greeted, sitting up while you moved to sit across from him. Sensing your sour mood, he reached tenderly for your hands. “He told you.” 
“You knew?” you asked, broken that he would keep such pertinent information from you. 
“I found out early this morning,” he admitted. “I spent the evening trying to think of a way to make it right, but have kept coming short.”
“I don’t believe that,” you smirked toward a book open to a page detailing the effects of belladonna. 
“I realized murder would be frowned upon,” he murmured. “And I think the court would be suspicious if the king and his allies turned up dead all at once.”
“They’re blaming Asgard for my father’s death,” you explained. “They intend to invade after the wedding.”
“How long do we have?” he asked, eyes scanning your face for a hint of good news. 
“I uh, I may have made a mistake in that regard,” you replied, expression contorting in guilt. “Initially it was a fortnight, but Obadiah didn’t seem to believe that I would comply. So I suggested seven days.”
“Why would you need to be compliant?” he asked. 
“I don’t know, Violet told me to keep my temper under control, so it seemed like the smart thing to do,” you threw your head back in exasperation.
“You aren’t wrong,” he replied, quickly explaining the dilemma Peter had outlined the night before. “But a week means our timetables must move up.”
He grabbed a piece of parchment and a quill, quickly scribbling a message and holding it in his palm. It disappeared in a poof of smoke. 
“What was that?” you pressed, following him with your gaze when he stood up and paced the room. 
“You’ll find out soon enough,” he assured her. “Just trust me. There are many forces at work. Don’t make any more moves without first telling me. Promise me.”
You tilted your head, reading his exhausted expression and nodding your head slowly. 
How could you not trust him? 
He smiled, a sight that sent your heart rushing, in a good way. Moving toward him, you cupped his cheek and stood on your toes to give him a soft kiss. 
“Careful princess,” he growled as the kiss became more heated and he stumbled back into one of the chaise’s, your body pressed flush against him. “Don’t start what you don’t intend to finish.”
The warmth inside of you screamed to finish the job, but his warning hit a more rational part of your brain and you pulled away in disappointment. 
“Soon,” you promised in a terse whisper, wishing you could ducal your head into a cool pond. 
“I have every intention of keeping you to that,” he replied, shifting slightly and adjusting the front of his robes with a sigh. His face flushed, pupils dilated. 
Gods you could have had him then and there.
Another folded piece of parchment appeared on the table and you quickly snatched it up, reading over the familiar handwriting before Stephen could jump up from the chaise. 
“You’re working with Loki?” you asked, holding up the paper. “You do know it’d be suicide for him to show his face in this kingdom.”
“The guard is on our side,” he explained briskly, grabbing the letter and reading it over. “We need to delay this as much as possible. If he challenges Brock to a duel, the law dictates the match must be honored.”
“Were you not the one worried about Brock’s sudden influx in power?” you asked incredulously.  “He’s up to something sinister. Loki will get himself killed!”
“I said trust me,” he countered sharply. “Please, princess. I’m doing this all for you and we need a little more time. Besides, it will get Loki into the castle undetected by Amora.”
You’d almost forgotten about the enchantress. Brock spoke highly of her during breakfast and you’d had the pleasure of meeting the blonde haired woman at the end of the meal. Even from a distance, you could sense there was something wicked about her. 
“You will be careful?” you asked, knowing that even if the reassurance was empty, it was something. 
“We will do our best,” he promised quietly, both of you knowing full well he was lying.
Natalia hated wandering to this side of the forest. She knew she could reasonably fight off any ne’er do wells or rogues, but she also knew that the mystics and magic users liked to use the thick foliage coverings as a means of hiding from the public. 
Not everyone could serve in a castle and villagers were fickle, superstitious folk. 
Still, it was where Michelle had told her to meet with Wanda, the sorceress having passed the message long in hopes of the pair crossing paths. 
“My cottage is just around the meadow,” Wanda chimed up, breaking Amat’s train of thought with an amused smile. “You’re early.”
“I wanted to make sure the area was secure,” Nat replied, her fingers dropping from the dagger she’d been about to pull. “Quite a way of passing along a message.”
“I needed to ensure its discretion, I apologize for the roundabout means,” she answered sincerely, moving toward a small cottage and opening the door for her guest. “We have much to discuss.”
“Couldn’t you have passed it along the princess or Strange?” 
“It’s not yet the time for them to know,” she hummed, snapping her fingers and igniting the fire under a tea kettle. That had caught the assassin’s interest and she waited until Wanda continued. “You’re aware no body of the king was found?” 
“They buried an empty box,” Natalia nodded, glancing at the teacup places in front of her. “The leading rumor is he was thrown in the river and the Kree are holding onto the remains.”
Wanda pulled a few herbs from her pantry, pulling the kettle from the fire with a wave of her hand and floating it over the red heads cup. The hot water fell from the air, passing through the herbs, and landing into the cup as a freshly brewed tea. 
“There are many whispers about the fate of the great Iron Defender,” she agreed softly, taking a sip from her own cup with a satisfied smile. “But, what I want to tell you is the truth of the matter.”
“Which is?” 
“I’m amazing at dramatic entrances,” a voice cracked, opening the front door of Wanda’s cottages and grinning at Natalia. “Natalia, it’s been quite some time since you were stealing rolls from the kitchen.”
King Anthony Stark himself stood before her, perfectly healthy and strong. 
“How?” she blurted out with a wide eyed look between the pair. “Clint saw you pierced through the chest with an arrow.”
“Did he?” Wanda asked, a twinkle of crimson flickering through her eyes. “The men saw what the king wanted them to see.”
“I needed to ensure my enemies thought I was dead,” he explained, settling at the table across from her. “I knew Brock was planning something across the border and once Odin warned me that Amora had taken the place of Mordo, I needed to act to protect the kingdom and my family.”
“You need to remove Obadiah from the throne, he intends to-,” Nat started but Tony nodded slowly at her words. 
“I’m well aware,” he stated. “I knew he’d been corresponding with Brock for some time and that there would be a plot against me. I needed to make sure my enemies were all exposed in a fell swoop, but Wanda mentioned the engagement and I was forced to move my plans forward.”
“I had hoped to move when Obadiah refused to give up the throne on Peter’s birthday,” he explained. “But, given what Brock intends to offer for my daughter’s hand, we can’t wait any longer.”
“What do you mean?” Natalia furrowed her brows. “You don’t mean to move on him now, do you? That’d be madness, not without our allies.”
“Who said I didn’t have allies?” he grinned back at her. “Black Widow, you’re not the only one with a large web. I’ve secured Wakandan and Asgardian support, as well as the support of the southern Kree empire. Steve has been working under my orders to determine the loyalty of the guard. Everything is ready to be put in motion, so long as Brock doesn’t mobilize his troops before the wedding.”
“Did you expect this?” she asked, dumbfounded by all of the information. 
“I had expected to deal with them separately, but this makes it convenient,” he shrugged. “But I need you to ensure the safety of the princess and my family.”
“It’s being taken care of,” Natalia replied. “Strange and the others have come up with a plan to get them all to safety. The queen and Morgan will be moved to Kamar-Taj and the princess will be taken to Stephen’s family home.”
“Has he come to his senses, yet?” he asked with a snort. 
“Very recently,” Natalia chuckled. “So he has even more to lose with a successful marriage. I’ve never seen him quite this motivated.”
“And what of Peter?” 
“He wants to fight,” she explained. “The others are encouraging him to wait, but already some men have sworn allegiance to him. Some of the major houses are beginning to start preparations for civil war.”
Tony considered her words, fingers twirling around the edges of his beard as she spoke. 
“This is good then,” he decided. “With Peter rallying the families against Obadiah, he has less claim to the throne.”
“Unless Obadiah catches wind and has him executed on the spot,” Wanda supplied dryly. “We must continue to work discreetly.”
“We need someone inside of the walls to help coordinate from within,” Tony explained.
“Why can’t Wanda do it?” Nat asked and Wanda let out a frustrated sigh.
“Obadiah is keeping out all magic keepers except Stephen and Amora, since he is the Master Sorcerer of the castle and she’s a royal guest,” she shook her head. “It’s an effort to prevent any threats against the royal family.”
“The irony was not lost on us,” Tony added with a small smirk. “I can pay you handsomely- after I reclaim my throne.”
“Wouldn’t that be humiliating?” Natalia teased. “All this work and you lose the throne in the end?”
“That ultimately depends on what you say,” he urged and she bowed her head, offering a hand to shake. 
“I want a large parcel of land,” she insisted. “And a title.”
“What about James?”
“I suppose he’ll need a title too,” she paused. “Perhaps another parcel for him as well?”
“I’ll see what I can do.”
“It’s quiet,” you whispered, back against cool grass, fingers intertwined with Stephen’s as the two of you gazed up at the night sky.
“Mandatory curfews,” he murmured. “We’d do well not to attract the guard.”
“Then we’ll just have to be quiet, won’t we?” you rolled toward him, propping yourself up on her elbow and looking down at him with a sly grin. 
“We must be absolutely silent,” he agreed, leaning up and cupping your face. Slowly he pulled you closer until you were practically onto of him. Pulling you even closer, you tumbled a ways down the small hill before stopping with a soft thud on the ground below.
Exchanging bewildered looks, you both burst out laughing. You reached forward to pluck a few leaves out of his hair when he caught you by the wrist and kissed you passionately. A moan escaped you when he nibbled on a more sensitive part of your neck, the chill sending shivers everywhere.
“Don’t do that,” he warned, the nibbles becoming small bits, his kiss becoming more desperate and hungry. “I can’t promise to control myself.”
“Then don’t,” you managed through a whimper when he slipped his hands under your corset. He teased, fingers lightly maneuvering over the sensitive skin. You were about to rip the damned thing off yourself when he stopped.
“Are you trying to be cruel?” you asked, face drained of blood and clothes disheveled.  
“Something’s coming-,” he scrambled to his feet, drawing up a portal and sealing it shut just before a blast of fire struck. “Someone knew we were there.”
“Impossible,” you shook your head. “You’ve disguised your magic, and the wards around the room are some best rune work I’ve seen in ages.”
He paused, catching snippets of what you were saying. 
They hadn’t tracked his signature- they’d tracked yours.
He grabbed your wrist and wrapped his palm around it, muttering a spell and pulling away. 
The rune Loki had cast over you had almost faded away. 
“What is-?” you started but he was scrambling across the room looking for something to prick the end of his finger to get a little blood. 
Spying a needle on your armoire, he grabbing the tiny object and prodded his fingertip, a small bead of blood appearing. 
Approaching, he frowned in thought. He needed to be careful. Too powerful and the seidr wouldn’t be able to protect you. Too weak and the seidr would eat through too quickly and its uncontrolled power in your untrained body could wreak devastation the kingdom over. 
“Why are you renewing a seal?” you asked, recognizing the symbol on your wrist with pointed interest.
Why were you such a dedicated student? You’d read almost all the texts he had read in his life, often asking thoughtful questions about the material he hadn’t thought of. 
This was a basic power sealing rune that had been added on and changed slightly in terms of the magic involved.
“What are you trying to seal, Stephen?” you repeated tersely, eyes narrowed at him.
7- a king 
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@ayamenimthiriel​ @ladynothing 
@im-a-bi-disaster-help @idkwhatthisislol
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ikingsley · 3 years
Ina x MC: You’re It
Ina x MC: You’re It
Summary: Ina and Luna celebrate their dating anniversary.
Warnings: Fluff! Sorta?
Tag: @samanthadalton @domakir @kulaykape @hellyeah90sbaby @dopeyouth @kwaj05 @thedaft1​ @swimmingshoebakerydreamer @kaitlynliaofanxx @barnibumblr
Author’s Notes: Another installment of Ina and Luna’s future series.
“Inaaaaaa,” Luna whined.
“Yes?” Ina replied to Luna after quietly whispering into the taxi driver’s ear.
“Where are we going?”
“You’ll see. I promise you’ll like it.”
“So for our dating anniversary, you get to decide on the place without even consulting me? Talk about a power imbalance,” Luna said playfully.
This goddamn woman. Sometimes Ina thought Luna liked teasing her more than she loved her.
“Fine,” Ina huffed. “Do you want to know where we’re going?”
“No! I like the surprise.”
Maddening. Infuriating. Yet after everything, she was still wrapped around her finger.
“You’re something else, aren’t you Lu?”
“I pride myself in being ‘something else.’ You still love me.”
“That, I do.”
A semblance of silence took over the taxi, a first after a whole car ride of playful banter between the women. Instead, the busy outside cacophony took over...a truck horn here, a driver cursing out a pedestrian there...
“We’re here,” the taxi driver announced. 
Ina quickly thanked him and left a generous tip on the app. No one deliberately signed up for meddling in the business of a couple in love. Luna reached for the cab door, but was promptly stopped by Ina.
“Nuh-uh. Wait a second.”
Ina hopped out of the car and rushed to the other side of the cab to open Luna’s door. Despite being cursed at by drivers behind her as she held up traffic, she maintained her calm. There were bigger, more important things than a little traffic holdup, especially today.
“You know, you don’t need to be all formal and chivalrous and whatnot,” Luna said as she took Ina’s hand to get out of the car.
“Believe it or not, that was not my intention. I actually am here to cover your eyes before you see your destination.”
Ina felt Luna roll her eyes. 
“Always with the ulterior motives, huh?” Luna jested.
This time, it was Ina’s turn to play coy. “Maybe, but you love me regardless.”
“I do.”
The two walked a few hundred feet, Ina behind Luna to shield the world from her. There was nothing she wouldn’t do for that woman. Ina vowed to protect her at all costs, cherish her, appreciate her, love her endlessly...It’d only been a year since Ina finally had asked her officially to be with her, but somehow, Ina knew. Ina knew that this was the woman of her dreams, someone she would happily spend the rest of her life with. However, they hadn’t had the marriage conversation yet. Hell, they hadn’t even moved in together yet. She knew Luna wanted to get married, but that would be one day. Sometime in the distant future. Luna was considerably younger than Ina, and Ina accepted the fact that she may have to wait several years to pop the question. She’d figured that she’d wait decades to tie the knot if it had come to that. 
“Okay. We’re here,” Ina said, uncovering Luna’s eyes. 
“Ina, you did not.”
“I did.”
“I’ve been wanting to do laser tag forever!”
“Well, I had run out of excuses. I figured it was time for me to try it by now.”
Ina took Luna’s hand and led her into the laser tag arena. God, this was so childish, she thought.
“What exactly is that face?” Luna said slyly, smirking up at Ina.
“What? This gorgeous face you fell in love with?” Ina countered.
“It’s a ‘wow Luna, I can’t believe I’m doing this’ face.”
“Well, I wouldn’t say I would’ve come here on my own will.”
“Just keep an open mind. Maybe you’ll like it, who knows?”
“I will. I promise.”
Soon, the two were placed into a larger group. They decided to be on opposite teams just so one could have bragging rights. After a few minutes of Luna’s trash-talking, they were separated into their respective teams. Luna smirked over at Ina as the doors opened to the terrain. Game on.
The siren blared over the speakers system, indicating the start of the battle. Ina was situated near the back of the arena, her back crouched against the wall. She knew Luna - she would definitely come looking for her. Luna was too competitive for her own good and she’d be lured to find Ina quickly. 
Sure enough, two minutes into the round, Luna lurked near the back where Ina was hiding. She thought she was being discrete, silently searching for partner. Just as she reached the back wall, her vest lit up and an alarm went off.
She slowly turned around, only to find Ina smirking at her.  
“Gotcha. See you later,” Ina winked at Luna as she slipped back into the darkness.
I’m gonna get her, Luna vowed.
The game progressed with both teams neck and neck in score. A minute flashed on the countdown. Ina then spotted Luna. Just as she was raising her laser gun, Luna put her finger on the trigger.
And somehow, despite the room full of people, Luna and Ina felt like the only people in the world.
“Truce?” Luna called out.
“Truce.” The countdown slowly approached the thirty second mark and Luna made her way to Ina. She wrapped an arm around Luna, gently kissing her temple.
“Good game,” Ina began to whisper softly into her ear. “I totally got you at the beginning though.”
Luna wrapped Ina in her arms placing a small kiss in her forehead.
Suddenly, she pulled away. At once, Ina’s vest lit up. She looked around, expecting some stranger to have hit her, but was met by Luna’s gaze. 
“You...” she grumbled.
“And I totally got you at the end. Oh look who won!” Luna smirked and pointed at the scoreboard. Luna’s sly shot had boosted her own team 100 points higher than Ina’s.
Ina grumbled again in response. “I suppose, but I think it’s rather symbolic.”
And symbolic it was. They were situated in a room full of obstacles, yet somehow fate, destiny, the universe or some higher, inexplicable being had brought them together. It represented that they’d always find each other somehow, and in the end, it would always be them against the world.
Luna quietly reflected on Ina’s words, understanding how their relationship had come to fruition. They slipped out of the laser tag arena and Luna looped her slender arm around Ina’s.
“It’s my turn to give you your anniversary present,” Luna said.
She dragged Ina across New York City, walking past their favorite places...Times Square, the Natural History Museum, Central Park...Ina lingered at each site, remembering dates they had gone on. All of those small, but wonderful moments had led up to this.
“Okay so we’ve only talked about this a little bit but I think we’re ready for it,” Luna turned back to Ina as she walked backwards. She promptly stopped in front of a small building and held her hands out in presentation.
“Here we are!”
“Your apartment?”
“Yeah! Hold out your hands.”
Ina put her hands out as if she were accepting something when she saw Luna go frozen.
Physically Luna was frozen, but her thoughts moved a mile a minute. Yes, she loved Ina. Yes, she had been the one that took her back to her apartment. Yes, she’d stop at nothing until she was happy. But oh god. Commitment was staring her point blank in the face. Moving in together was a huge milestone.
Their relationship was good - the best Luna had ever been in. But her past relationships kept coming to mind. All the fights, all the deceptions, all the mistrust. Luna was unafraid of most things, but she did fear commitment.
“I-” she began.
Ina’s intuition kicked in and redirected her away from the entrance, leaning against the building.
“Hey. We don’t have to if you don’t want to. I’m ready for the next step in this relationship, but it’s our relationship and we need to both agree on its pace. I’m okay with waiting.”
“Thank you. It’s just all this stuff is new to me. I’ve never been in a relationship this serious and I’ve never gotten this far. I was just a hormonal kid in my past relationships - all I cared about was having fun,” she admitted. “And Ina...I’m scared. I trust and love you with all of my heart, but I’m still scared. I’m scared you’ll find a part of me you don’t like and you’ll want out. I’m scared you fell in love with someone who you think is me, but isn’t truly me.”
Luna looked up with tears in her eyes. These were the kind of conversations the two held curled up together in bed, admitting things they’d never even attempted to say aloud before. They built their relationship on love, but also on trust. They’d taken everything with caution. It was these intimate moments that carved their relationship into the one it was today.
“Do you understand what-”
“I know exactly what you mean,” Ina said as she wiped tears away from Luna’s eyes. “For a long time I only focused on my career. My love life always came second. I always wanted to be that youngster at a convention full of well-seasoned anthropologists. At least, that’s what I told myself. I blocked out the very possibility that the true reason I didn’t want a love life may be because of my parents. People who are supposed to love you unconditionally didn’t love Lilian and I like they should’ve. I was so afraid of yet another betrayal. But then I found you. And everything’s just clicked. I don’t have to pretend to be anyone I’m not with you. And I love you for many reasons, but that may be the most prominent.”
And after hearing a sweet and soft declaration of love from Luna, Ina met her girlfriend’s lips. It was then and there that Luna truly understood how much Ina cared for her. That Ina was different from the young, immature men and women from her past. That she’d finally found someone good. Someone who appreciated her. Someone who comforted her. Someone who protected her at all costs.
“I’m ready.”
“Are you sure? Seriously Luna, this is a big deal. I understand if you want to wait more.”
“I’m sure. For a while now, I’ve dreaded having to come back to my own apartment alone after spending the day at yours. I want this with you. I admit I’m a bit afraid, but that feeling is no where near the feeling that I want to live with you.”
Luna dropped a pair of keys in Ina’s hands as the two rode the elevator up to Luna’s apartment.
“I’m worried, Luna.”
“What’s on your mind?”
“You don’t expect me to live in this shack, right?”
“It is NOT a shack. It is my lovely one-bedroom apartment which is what I could afford in this ungodly costly city after my Belvoire graduation.” Luna giggled as she perched her chin on Ina’s shoulder. “No, silly. It was symbolic. We’re definitely moving into your place.”
“Good. Let’s start packing this place up.”
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