#it would have been funny to have 4 gens of first born daughters
deathbypufferfish · 11 months
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Ume and Marinella are expecting a baby boy! ☺ The Terzi matriarchy is dying...
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genevievemd · 4 years
Does Ethan's demeanor change towards coworkers and interns after they get married or before, and does it after having Elizabeth?
I forgot this question in the last ask does Bryce go from easy loving to paranoid after having his daughter?
What habits of Ethan and Genevieve change after having Elizabeth? Not routine habits habits like things they despised but now loved. Like my cousin's husband he's not a dude who liked taking pictures but after having his son he takes pictures of my nephew almost every day and is very enthusiastic about it in fact the first question to my cousin after coming from work is 'did you take pictures of him?'
While Genevieve's pregnant, is Ethan the cool calm collected husband or the freaking out, paranoid, over protective partner. I went to one of my cousin's appointments with her when her husband couldn't make it mannn the types of father's to be's I saw was funny and terrifying 😂 I can assure you every single one of them was scared😂
Does Genevieve get an image problem with new interns who don't know about Ethan's and gen's history?
How did they choose god parents and who? Also do both if their kids have the same god parents?
Is Genevieve close to Natalie's mother?
Natalie as a maid of honour.
Do have bachelor parties. Idky but I don't think Ethan's the type of guy to have one.
Does Ethan see her in her wedding dress before the wedding.
I want to know what happens when they are having sad days and how do they heal from it. Like today I was having a sad day because everybody was fighting today and fighting for me just dampens my mood so when I'm having a sad day I can't smile, I mean it doesn't reach my eyes as it usually does and I can't bear noise like not even listen to music because noise hurts I heal from it by talking to my bestie or you guys but she sleeps early and isn't available to talk so I'm talking to you and I'm feeling better!☺️
How well can Ethan read her body language? And how well can Genevieve read Ethan's?
What is their comfort food, place and activity?
Does Natalie play the piano like Genevieve? *Gasp* do they do a duet!!
That's it for now my thumb's hurt from all the typing and yours will too after answering these😂 have fun! And I'm sorry for this😂😂 I'll ask the remaining ones later
Alright I have returned from war, and am ready to tackle the second part to the ask you sent me earlier today. Lets do this....
Does Ethan's demeanor change towards coworkers and interns after they get married or before, and does it after having Elizabeth? I think before they’re married it changes slightly, you kind of see it now. He’s softer after meeting/falling in love with MC. I think he’ll always hate interns and be the domineering Dr. Ramsey but Gen has definitely softened him a bit.  And once they have Elizabeth, he definitely gains more patience, but again he’ll always be who he is. Especially with the interns. Just a softer version with more patience
I forgot this question in the last ask does Bryce go from easy loving to paranoid after having his daughter? I think so, I think the first year of Kaili’s life, Bryce is paranoid to a degree. 
What habits of Ethan and Genevieve change after having Elizabeth? Not routine habits habits like things they despised but now loved. Like my cousin's husband he's not a dude who liked taking pictures but after having his son he takes pictures of my nephew almost every day and is very enthusiastic about it in fact the first question to my cousin after coming from work is 'did you take pictures of him?' Why is that totally an Ethan thing too 😂 he rarely uses social media until Lizzie is born and then turns into one of those parents that’s constantly posting photos of their kid. And honestly? I don’t know... I think this is another one I’ll have to get back to you on. 
While Genevieve's pregnant, is Ethan the cool calm collected husband or the freaking out, paranoid, over protective partner. I went to one of my cousin's appointments with her when her husband couldn't make it mannn the types of father's to be's I saw was funny and terrifying 😂 I can assure you every single one of them was scared😂 He’s a mix of both. Gen is incredibly nervous and worried her entire first trimester and so he tries to be as calm and caring as he can be to soothe her worries. But he’s also overprotective. He’s always been her protector in a way and that definitely amplifies once she’s pregnant. But he’s incredibly doting and does whatever she asks, gets her whatever she needs.
Does Genevieve get an image problem with new interns who don't know about Ethan's and gen's history? I’m saying yes and no. I’m sure there are a few landry type interns who think she’s using him, coupled with rumors of Gen “Betraying” Esme and her image is definitely perceived differently by some interns. But also once they see the way Ethan looks at her, and she him, the rumors die down and no one questions her imagine that much.  Beside’s Ethan shoots down any and every rumor or negative claim thats aimed at her. 
How did they choose god parents and who? Also do both if their kids have the same god parents? Ethan wants to choose them based on practicality and who would be best at taking care of Lizzie and Grayson. He makes a pro/con list for everyone. Gen wants to choose people she loves and trusts. They compromise and pick someone they trust and who they know would love their children as they do. Sienna is Lizzie’s godmother, Natalie is Grayson’s and Bryce is both their godfathers. But they both know that should anything happen to them, their entire circle of friends would help in a heartbeat. 
Natalie as a maid of honour. Yes. But so is Sienna. Gen spent weeks mulling over whom to choose for weeks. She wanted Natalie because they’ve been friends since they were 4, but also Sienna because that’s her other best friend. Ethan came home one night to find her crying into a glass of wine because she needed to make a decision and was stressed. He then suggested she have both, it’s not an uncommon thing these days and this way no one’s feelings would be hurt. (my cousin had two). 
Do have bachelor parties. Idky but I don't think Ethan's the type of guy to have one. Oh Ethan is definitely not the type to have a bachelor party. Bryce and Naveen try to convince him to have one but he never backs down.  Gen on the other hand, she has a bachelorette party. Well not a party, per say. She is not the type for strippers or anything crude. She and the girls do a weekend away at a spa. Mimosas and massages. 
Does Ethan see her in her wedding dress before the wedding. He does not. She spends the night before in the hotel suite her and the girls are getting ready in. He doesn’t see her until they do a reveal photo. Just her and Ethan and a photographer to capture the moment he sees her all done up in her dress. (One of the few times Ethan has ever cried)
I want to know what happens when they are having sad days and how do they heal from it. Like today I was having a sad day because everybody was fighting today and fighting for me just dampens my mood so when I'm having a sad day I can't smile, I mean it doesn't reach my eyes as it usually does and I can't bear noise like not even listen to music because noise hurts I heal from it by talking to my bestie or you guys but she sleeps early and isn't available to talk so I'm talking to you and I'm feeling better!☺️ Okay first, I’m sorry you’re having a sad day. Sad days are the worst. I am sending you lots of love Second, Ethan is the type, I think, when he’s having a bad day to want complete silence and a glass of scotch. To be alone to just digest the day. On those days, Gen cooks him dinner and lets him be. Sometimes he wants to just hold her the rest of the night and enjoy the quiet comfort she gives him. Other days he doesn’t. Gen can always tell which kind of sad it is by the way he greets her when he gets home.  Before they’re living together, like in current canon time, if he’s having a day when he wants to just be alone with her - he’ll either text her to come over and ask her to come over before he leaves the hospital.  Gen is the type of person that feels things deeply and needs to talk about them. No matter how silly the emotion may seem to someone else, she needs to talk about. Otherwise, she’ll get stuck in that headspace for a long time. In the beginning of their relationship, like current canon, she’s very hesitant to lean on Ethan as much as she wants to. She’s all in with him, no going back, but she doesn’t feel like he’s there yet. So now, she tends to talk to Sienna or Bryce even if the only person she wants is Ethan. There are some days, the worst days, are when she doesn’t care and goes straight to him. And he is quick to give her whatever she needs. Which is usually to let her vent out her frustrations and then just hold her the rest of the night. She finds the most safety and comfort from touch. 
How well can Ethan read her body language? And how well can Genevieve read Ethan's? Extremely well. Gen is not a hard person to figure out, not once you get to really know her. Ethan knows what every frown or look means. I think it freaks him out at first, how well he just knows her, but overtime he loves it.  Gen knows him just as well, though sometimes he can be hard to read. But 80% of the time she can read him like a book. Especially when he finally stops pushing her away and lets her in.  Plus they’re both amazing diagnosticians, it doesn’t take long to figure out the problem
What is their comfort food, place and activity? Gen - her favorite comfort food is peanut butter cups, and as silly as it sounds mac and cheese. When she was a kid, she spent everyday after school with her grandparents - her mom’s parents - and whenever Gen had a bad day, her memere would make her mac and cheese and they’d sit and watch tv until she felt better. (Ethan found this out after he met her grandma, and on a day when Gen seemed to be struggling, he told her to come over and he made her a fancy version of mac and cheese. She cried.)  Her comfort place is the beach, she grew up in a coastal town and no matter they weather, the sound of the waves could calm her down.  Her comfort activity is watching some mindless comedy show. Something where she doesn’t have to think can just escape for a bit. (her other favorite is snuggling with ethan while he reads to her, from whatever book or medical journal he’s currently reading) 
Ethan - does this man have a comfort food? Can I say scotch lol I don’t know.  His comfort place is probably his apartment. Its his own space where he doesn’t have to be Dr. Ramsey, he can just be Ethan.  Comfort activity, I’d say its probably like reading or something like that. 
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Waxing Crescent
Ø  Pairing: Kim Seokjin x Witch! Reader
Ø  Genre: Gang!au, Supernatural!au,
Ø  Warnings: None
Ø  Word Count: 6455
Ø  A/N: Hey guys, this is just something random I wrote!! I didn’t know who it was going to be for or what it was going to be about, but it ended up being something for Kim Seokjin!! There will be a second part to this, and it might take a while for it to happen but I really hope you guys like and support this!! 
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The things people would do for money in this day and age. She was born in that grey area that wasn’t exactly a Millennial but also not a Gen Z, drifted between both in an everlasting fight between existentialism and nihilism.
It might be why she does what she does.
It was a generation that had one defining factor, a trait that made her numb to the world and her own personal suffering. Until the sun rises and the smile on her face lets people believe they can change the world.
And maybe they can. She wouldn’t personally know, not with where she stood now.
Or it was the simple fact that her father was an absolute asshole who never shouldered on inch of responsibly.
No, that was her job. To take care of herself. To make sure that what happened to her mother never happened to her.
It was the main reason, the only reason she worked 2 jobs and took online classes. One of her jobs was all together fun, easy and it was honestly the reason she hadn’t packed it all in and just left. Working in a library isn’t something people around her normally think is something good and fun. Actually, she was never seen as someone normal who came out of the town she lived in, anything but, and yet she knew how to survive this life.
There was always something around her that no one, not even she could explain to them. Found at 8 years old, wandering the woods that surrounded the town, dirty, cold, no shoes and no will to talk. She sat under the root of a tree, surrounded by a pack of wolves who seemed to have taken her into their pack. One of the bigger mothers had wrapped herself around Y/N, shielded her from the cold of the forest floor.
When police found her, it was because a wolf had led them to her, recognising that she was one of them. Y/N never spoke a word, never looked anyone in the eye, barely accepted the food they tried to give her. Not until the woman who would become her mother walked in the door, a motherly smile and shock to see an 8-year-old with no shoes on in the middle of winter.
She did what any mother would do, fussed over Y/N, getting her showered and into the warmest clothes an 8-year-old had felt. She cooked her food, watched as she ate, brushed her hair, and stayed with Y/N until she had fallen asleep. It was only a matter of time before Y/N’s mother adopted her, and Y/N had a family in such a small town.
Then there were the reoccurring unnatural disturbances that happened when Y/N was around. A freak storm could be written off as just that, a freak storm; though a freak storm to only hit one small town in the middle of nowhere after a girl was attacked by others. Y/N had muttered something under her breath the kids hadn’t heard and the next thing they knew her eyes glowed.
It only solidified her status as some freak who didn’t belong in such a small town. Her eyes glowed, whenever it rained it seemed her skin started to turn a lovely blue, and someone swore once she had scales.
Though Y/N was always the least of the towns worries. The biggest concerns being the gangs that seemed to run the town completely over. Violence and all out wars happened on the streets and suddenly a girl whose skin turned blue when it rained was nothing to worry about. The spike in dangerous animals around the forest edge, every single one of the predators, every single one of them dangerous.
Doing a final round of the library, Y/N was kinda annoyed. It was supposed to be her day off from her second job, she was supposed to leave the library with a warm smile, stop at her favourite restaurant to pick up her favourite food. Then she was supposed to drive home, draw a warm bubble bath, set up a movie to watch as she ate and soaked in the bath.
But there was an unfriendly word there… “Supposed”.
No, on her one day off out of the month, she had been called into work because some of the other girls couldn’t work today. She understood why the girl had asked for the day off, but Y/N was always a last resort to call. Then she heard the others were either working as well or out for something else.
The girl she was covering for was taking the next few months off, needing to be at her grandmothers bedside, she wasn’t doing well. Another girl was out being 7 months pregnant; their boss having put in a rule when he took over nearly 3 years ago that after 4 months, he would happily pay maternity leave. Another girl had fallen in love, her boyfriend didn’t want her working anymore, and with the line of work they were in, Y/N could see why.
With so many girls on roster and even replacements if needed, somehow on Y/N’s one day off, she was still called in.
Park Jimin would so owe her.
Finally saying goodbye to the older ladies of the library, Y/N walked the few blocks to a small diner that her mother owned and worked at with her best friend. Smiling as she walked into the familiar smells, she remembered growing up around, seeing the familiar people working.
“Y/N, how have you been sweetheart?” Y/N was greeted by Mrs Kim, her mothers best friend since they were children.
“I’m good Mrs Kim.” Y/N took a seat at the counter.
“How many times do I have to tell you, little miss.” Mrs Kim smiled, a flash passing across her eyes that Y/N never missed but never bought up, a motherly smile at the young girl who looked like her childhood best friend. “One, I am your aunt, two, where have you been?”
Y/N laughed a little as she got comfortable in her seat before speaking; “I’m sorry, Aunty. I’ve been working and studying a lot lately.” Y/N’s eyes were wide, trying for innocent. “I promise to visit you more often.”
“Aish… What am I going to do with you?” Mrs Kim laughed a little as her hand moved to cup Y/N’s cheek, warm, always warm, like her mother’s hand used to feel. “You’re working too much, sweetheart. You need to take some time off.”
“I know. When everything is fixed,” Y/N knew Mrs Kim knew about everything she was going through, her mother having asked her to take care of her only daughter. “I promise I will take a holiday.”
“Good. You deserve it.” Mrs Kim leaned over the counter to kiss Y/N on the forehead like her mother used to before standing back. “The usual?”
With a grateful nod, Mrs Kim moved to the kitchen to put in her order as Y/N pulled her phone out. She saw that she had a message from Jimin, no doubt making sure she doesn’t back out on her shift tonight. Reading the message and reading it again and again for good measure, Y/N understood why Jimin was so on edge about her coming in tonight.
They were coming in tonight, the members of what the girls called, the 7. Her friend and boss, Park Jimin, was apart of the 7, but he was the man in charge of the entertainment tonight. It always put him on edge when his friends came to town, there was usually only one of two reasons for their visits.
One being someone had died. Two being someone was going to die.
Y/N had made it her mission to never have to work the days the 7 were in town, and not for the reasons people normally thought. They were known as ruthless killers, the only affection they had were for each other and a strong drink at the end of the night. They had fun in their work, enjoyed what they did and always looked the part of a group of men who did bad things for a living.
Though like any woman who grew up around here, she knew them, or at least knew of them. Y/N was thankful that it was the latter in her case, she knew off them, knew of the danger they possess. She knew that once all 7 were together, all bets were off.
Y/N had been, rather lucky to have meet Jimin nearly 3 years ago when he was by himself without the others. He had been assigned the clubs that they owned and he particularly like the one she now worked at. It became easy to see why in her first few weeks of service to the 7, it wasn’t the girls or the alcohol or the money or the gambling. It was the connection, the communication the club allowed Jimin to have with his own and with those in other gangs.
With her food ready and messaging Jimin to tell him she was on her way, Y/N hugged Mrs Kim before walking the 6 blocks to the club. Y/N could see people already lining up, the bass of the music already on the street as the sun set. The illuminated letters on the front of the club “Eternal Rest” was supposed to be funny, at least that’s what Jimin insisted.
And maybe, the clientele they receive it might be funny to them. But to Y/N it was plain and simple… it was where she would die. She was already working there against her will, to pay off debt her father had happily acquired as he stole her life away from her. It was also a place that would drag her to hell.
Moving around the building and to the back entrance to the club, nodding at the security guard before he allowed her in. Going straight to the dressing rooms, knowing full well that the other room would be occupied by now, Y/N took her time getting ready. Savouring her food, she ate slower than normal before getting ready, the last thing she wanted was to look bloated on the floor and having one of the important clients complain. She knew the type of pressure Jimin was under, hosting such important clients, and she didn’t want him to be in trouble.
Y/N could see herself in the mirror as she leaned over her leg, raised onto her chair to slip her shoes in place. So much skin was revealed, the skin-tight black lace that clung to her body like a second skin was surprisingly easy to breath in, the amount of cleavage that showed was due to the lace. Or mostly due to the fact that her breast had grown larger than she ever wanted, but it helped with this job, it helped when they tipped her. Every part of her body, every part she would frown upon looking at, was always used to her advantage to get one more step closer to freedom.
Placing her other leg onto the chair as she slipped her second shoe on, there was a knock at the door; “Are you decent?”
“Everything important is covered.” Y/N allowed Jimin to come in the dimly lit room before standing tall in the red bottom boots.
“Wow, you’re not messing around tonight, are you?” Jimin’s eyes lingered on Y/N’s breast, the lace following the curve of them.
“You said you needed me on my best behaviour.” Y/N shrugged, sitting back on her chair, finishing her final touches.
“Well remind me to ask for you to be on your best behaviour more often.” Jimin gave an appreciated nod to Y/N in the mirror before moving closer to sit at the chair next to her, seeing the question in Y/N’s raised eyebrow. “They arrived 10 minutes ago. I greeted them and the girls did what they do best, swarmed them to entertain.”
“But...?” Y/N knew there was more to it, seeing him hesitate. “Jimin we’ve talked about this, you don’t lie or keep things from me,” Y/N put the last of her jewellery on her fingers and wrist. “And I don’t make up bad lies not to be here.”
“One of them requested you.” Jimin watched how Y/N’s whole body seemed to stop, an uneven breath leaving her lips.
“Which one?”
Without so much as an answer from Jimin, Y/N simply nodded. He had been asking for her for months, having seen her around the club once, bought her one drink and he hadn’t let it go. It was just unfortunate for him that she was already on someone else’s arm that night, a rival man’s arm, but someone’s else’s arm, nonetheless. Every time they had come in, he had asked after Y/N, yet she was never working, smart enough to never let that happen again.
Tonight, she hadn’t been as lucky.
“What do I have to do?” Y/N asked, finally turning to look at Jimin fully.
“It’s just a candy night.” Jimin quickly took everything else off the table, holding up the necklace of the 7, of him. “He asked what you normally did, and I told him you don’t go any further than entertainment. He won’t push past candy.”
With a nod Y/N looked at the necklace, well more collar, before speaking; “Where is he?”
Jimin stood again, moving around her chair to hold the necklace against her skin, his touch was cold, it was always cold, clasping it behind her neck. He looked into the mirror, seeing Y/N looking at the pendant on the necklace, the small pearl seemingly shining against her tanned skin. It was even easier to see considering her outfit she had chosen was all black, and Jimin knew what it would give to everyone to see Y/N with this necklace and on his brothers arm.
She was the angel in the darkness.
“He’s in the VIP.” Jimin took a few steps back as Y/N stood, coming to her full height that was a little taller than Jimin himself. “He made one request of you though.” Y/N stopped before she had the chance to move, intently listening to her instructions before going to the floor. “He asked if you would go to the bar and…”
“And allow you to play the room. He wants you to have fun before he summons you.” Jimin finished the odd request from his brother, but he was never one to judge.
Y/N nodded, summon you, like a dog with a bone, taking it in before giving a few calming breaths to slow down her racing heart; “I’ll follow you out after 2 minutes and head straight for the bar.”
“Thank you, Y/N.” Jimin smiled sweetly before leaving her to herself.
Y/N had been sitting at the bar for around 10 minutes by herself, nursing the vodka soda she had ordered when she sat. The bartender had smiled when he handed her the drink but then looked over her shoulder to the pair of eyes that burned into them. He hadn’t looked Y/N’s way since.
It’s been happening the whole time. Someone would sit next to her, press against her, and offer to buy her a drink, whisper something dirty into her ear. Then she would have the pleasure of watching their eyes widen as they saw what sat on her next, the pearl a reminder to them all. They would soon turn to see the same pair of eyes staring at them before making a quick, fumbled apology before seemingly to run away.
Y/n never once had to say a thing, never once had to remind them of why she sat there at the bar, alone and nursing her drink. They all knew the boundaries that were placed on her, she was claimed, she was his.
Not even the other girls she had worked with for years had made a move to talk to her. They knew that not even they ran the club tonight, they had to do what they did best. The girls put on a show, sitting on the arms of the rich and famous, being the men’s lucky charms, being a pretty face. They knew when to cheer, when to press against one of the lucky men, what to whisper into their ear to get more money from them. They knew when it was time to offer one of the many luxurious rooms past the dark entrance to the left of the club.
But they also knew, that when another girl was claimed by the pearl, they did not disturb the waters.
So, Y/N sat alone at the bar, taking in the atmosphere around her. People were winning, people were losing, girls cheered when a man won a game, chips flicked together, diced rolled. There was even girls dancing on the many smaller stages around the club, girls dancing upstairs on the second floor, rich men ogling the women who performed.
Y/N wished she had been lucky enough to be one of those girls, just to dance where none of them could touch her. It was the rule of the club, no man could touch the dancers, the other girls were free game. But tonight, she was claimed.
“Hey, so,” A very handsome looking man came into Y/N’s view, leaning against the bar, resting his head on the palm of his hand as his elbow leaned on the bar. “You’re the girl my brother claimed for the night, huh?”
Y/N looked at him with wide eyes. Kim Taehyung, one of, if not the most dangerous executioner sat next to Y/N, all smiles, and bright eyes. She should have run away, especially from all the stories of the blood that ran along the streets, just from his hands.
Up close Taehyung looked so childlike, she could even see a small freckle on his cheek under his left eye. And his smile, boxy and playful, no wonder women fell for him, no wonder women never headed the warning to stay away from him.
“Oh right, Kim Taehyung, at your service.” Taehyung offered his hand for Y/N to take, something changed in his eyes, once a golden brown but seemingly flashing a dark red, then it was gone.
“Y/N.” Y/N offered only her first name as she shook his hand.
“Just Y/N?” Taehyung’s grip on her hand tightened a little, pushing his own body slightly against her right side.
“She doesn’t have to tell you her full name, Hyung.” Another voice, although not as deep as Taehyung, just as chilling, came from her left. “But I would love to tell you mine, Jeon Jungkook, at your service.”
Jungkook took Y/N’s other hand into his warm one’s, now Y/N’s arms were crossed over her body, trapped between two, although handsome, extremely dangerous men. Unlike Taehyung, Jungkook was an enforcer. He enforced the law of their ways, enforced punishment to those who are against them. He was the best fighter they have and a little too, uncomfortably, well versed with sharp objects.
“So, Miss Y/N,” Jungkook, like Taehyung, did not let go of Y/N’s hand but kept talking. “Would you mind if we kept you company until our brother comes to you?” Jungkook’s eyes becoming a golden stare.
“There are plenty of pretty girls around and yet you two stand around, in the hands of a claimed woman.” A voice behind Y/N caused both Taehyung and Jungkook to release her hands and turned to face it. “Now, beat it you two.”
“Aw, come on, Hyung.” Taehyung whined. “We’re simply keeping Miss Y/N here company.”
“We would never tread on the claims of a woman marked by our own brother.” Jungkook laughed a little, still leaning into Y/N.
“Well what did you slip into Miss Y/N’s drink then?”
The question caused Y/N’s blood to run cold, her wide eyes moving straight down to where her now warm drink sat. It was untouched and would remain untouched as she pushed it further away from her. Y/N pushed both men away from her as they laughed, seeing this as a joke, as Y/N finally turned around and came face to face with the unmistakable voice of Kim Namjoon.
Just like Taehyung and Jungkook, Kim Namjoon was unmistakeably handsome, taller than the others and a voice any woman would gladly throw her panties away for. As Jungkook and Taehyung joked, moving away and into the crowds of people, of women, Y/N was then left with Namjoon. His dark stare trapped her to her seat, but she had to move, standing as her heels touched the ground.
She was still a little shorter than Namjoon, but with her back straightened and her eyes steeled, she spoke; “Is he not coming down tonight?”
“He has asked me to come fetch you.”
“So, no cat and mouse game tonight?” Y/N boldly asked, stupidly looking the leader of the 7 in the eye.
“He did not say where for me to take you.” Namjoon smirked. “You are of course a little mouse, Miss Y/N. You just did not realise what game you were actually playing.”
Namjoon’s eyes were beautiful, dangerous, a golden that Y/N could never miss. They flashed a dangerous glint that told Y/N she was in the company of something not entirely human.
There were rumours, stories told that the men of the 7 were not entirely human, that they were something more. As were the customers of “Eternal Rest”, an ironic name was what they called the name of the club. They were something more, and it looked like Y/N was getting a firsthand look at just how true rumours and stories really were here.
“Come on, little mouse,” Namjoon smiled wide. “My brother is waiting for you.”
Namjoon had turned without looking back, expecting Y/N to follow him and she did just that. She knew when to fight and when to follow, and right now she followed Namjoon to the VIP area. Namjoon have pointed her in the direction she should follow, after that he had turned on his heels and moved away to where the rest of the 7 sat, loudly laughing and gambling with Jimin.
Making eye contact with Jimin, he gave her a nod before she walked off down a very dimly lit hall. She knew these parts of the club, the bedrooms in which the girls truly service the clientele. The VIP was just beyond the bedrooms, and from the sounds coming from them, the giggling girls as they stood at the doors waving off satisfied men, Y/N continued to walk.
Y/N was by no means a fool, she was no stranger to sex and nor could she be working here. Yet it was still something she shed away from when it came to this club, these men, this circumstance. She was not one of those girls, she was merely paid to be a candy girl, and at the door of the VIP, she looked upon the man who wanted her on his arm.
“Sir,” Y/N stood at the door, leaning down in a bow as she had been told to do when greeting a client.
“Someone ordered some entertainment?” A voice pierced through Y/N’s ears as she remained bowed. “Good.”
“She is not for entertainment.” Another voice spoke. “She is claimed.”
“It would seem our young, Mr. Kim here is going to be busy.” The first voice spoke again. “We shall leave you to it.”
Y/N finally stood back to her full height as 6 men moved out of the room and past her. Her eyes remained to the floor, like she had been trained to do when she first started there.
She never once spoke until she was spoken to; “Y/N, would you like to have a seat next to me?”
Y/N finally looked up and into the eyes of the man who claimed her for the night. Kim Seokjin sat on a leather couch, under the dim light his eyes flickered between a brown and a gold. His legs were crossed, his arms spread out over the back of the couch and a smile on his face. His gaze was predatory, watching Y/N as she moved closer into the room before standing in front of him.
“Sit.” Jin pointed his eyes down next to him, following closely as Y/N took a seat next to him. “Would you like something to drink?”
“As long as your brothers don’t handle the drinks.”
Jin raised his eyebrow at that, knowing about the mischief his brothers get up to, also liking the confidence she had. Jin had meet Y/N a handful of times and each time she had been the only woman to ever speak to him as if he were just another man. She was different, not liking how every other women to walk around this club, this town, treated him as if one wrong move and she would be dead.
“It’s okay, I’ll be the only one to handle your drinks.” Jin’s smile was breathtaking, absolutely heartbreaking.
He stood from next to Y/N as she leaned back into the leather couch, watching Jin move to the bar in the VIP room. She watched the way his wide shoulders shrugged out of his jacket, placing it over the back of a chair. He unbuttoned his cuffs, rolling his sleeves up as he rounded the bar, his smile still on Y/N.
“Any requests?” Jin caught Y/N eyeing the straps around his body, the guns in the holsters just under his chest. “I’m surprisingly good with cocktails.”
“What’s your best?” Y/N smiled, leaning her elbow against her knees, resting her chin on her palm, engaged in Jin as he twirled and spun bottles around his hands.
“You seem like a whiskey type of girl.” Jin smirked at the slight widening of Y/N’s eyes.
“Am I that obvious?”
Jin shook his head as he picked up each bottle as he worked and kept talking; “No, not really. You just order a vodka soda when you sat down at the bar. It must be what they make you order here?”
Y/N was surprised. It was something that Jimin made sure every girl did, order something not too strong, enough to keep the men they entertain involved, but not to strong it makes the girl sloppy. Vodka soda was Y/N’s set drink, the one she would nurse as she (un)happily played candy. But she loved whiskey, it always reminded her of her parents at a happier time.
Maybe that was the worst part about it.
“So, I’m assuming you like something older, smoother, something that can hold up to the men you would never find around here.”
“Not all men here are that bad.” Y/N leaned back into the couch again, watching Jin pour the pale-yellow liquid into a glass with ice.
Now it was Jin’s turn to look at Y/N with surprise; “Do you really believe that?”
“Absolutely not.” Y/N watched the lithe movements of Kim Seokjin as he walked towards her again, a drink in each hand.
“Good.” Jin said as he offered Y/N her drink. “Whiskey sour for the lady.”
“Thank you.”
Y/N nodded before bringing the drink of her lips, taking a small sip. Jin seemed to be full of surprises it would seem, as Y/N took a better drink of the whiskey sour, savouring it as he sat next to her again. His leg pushed right up against Y/N’s own, giving off such a warm heat to her exposed skin. He was confident, confident enough to sit his hand on her knee, as he too took a swig from his own drink, like it was the most natural thing in the world.
“What do you think?” Jin gestured to the drink in Y/N’s hands.
“It’s delicious. You really are amazing.” Y/N swirled the cherry around the glass. “How did you learn to make them?”
Jin shrugged, comfortably leaning back into the couch; “I wasn’t always where I was now. Everyone has a story of their beginnings.”
Y/N nodded, understanding that not everyone has a happy beginning, or a happy middle. But Y/N wanted to give herself a happy ending, and everything she was doing now was a lead up to her happy ending.
“Well however you learned, I’m kinda thankful for it.” Y/N moved her leg over her other, Jin’s hand moving off it for only a moment before running over her exposed thigh. “You were right, I do like whiskey.”
“I’m always right.” Jin smiled wide, bringing his drink to his lips again as he seemed to smirk over the glass.
“Well, Mr. Always right…” Y/N sat her smaller hand on top of Jin’s, stopping his movements as she stared into his eyes. “What exactly is it you want me to do for you tonight? I’m only a candy level, and a man of your status shouldn’t want anything to do with a candy.”
Jin shrugged, comfortably leaning into Y/N, both of their heads leaning back on the couch, lips mere inches from each other. Y/N could feel the warm breath of Jin on her lips, she could smell the whiskey on his breath. He was so close, and he seemed to have no thoughts of moving.
“Is it wrong for me to want to get to know you?”
Y/N could hear footsteps, though she didn’t move she could count how many walked with a purpose towards the room they sat it. She didn’t know what was going on, and she knew that Jin himself could hear the footsteps himself. Yet, neither of them moved, neither moved away from each other, neither moved to look at the door. They seemed to both only look at each other, almost like there was something familiar between them.
But Y/N only knew of him. So why did he look at her as if she had all the answers to every question of his?
As the door opened, only Y/N moved, looking up and feeling Jin get comfortable next to her. His hand never left Y/N’s skin, even as she sat up to look at Jin’s brothers as they walked into the room. They barely gave Y/N a second look, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook moving to the bar themselves, Namjoon and the final 2 of the 7, Min Yoongi and Jung Hoseok, sat at one of the other chair.
“Hyung,” Yoongi sat on the couch next to Jin, handing him something.
Y/N knew her role, to stay quiet and only move when her client needed her to. Like now, she reached her hand out, taking Jin’s drink like it was normal as he took whatever it was that Yoongi handed Jin. She didn’t look at it, she knew better then that, instead, finding the contents of her drink fascinating.
“Seems we’ll need a females opinion after all,” Jin spook loud enough for everyone to hear, seemingly all turning to look at Y/N as he continued to talk. “What do you think, Jagiya?”
She didn’t realise straight away, but when she finally looked up, all eyes on her, Y/N finally looked back at Jin. He smiled at her, taking his drink back and putting into her hand a file. The rather thin file almost felt like she was holding the fate of the world on her shoulder, even if Jin gave a reassuring nod from his laid-back position.
Sitting her own drink in front of her on the small table in front of her, Y/N opened the file to find the last thing she would have thought.
There were 3 different cakes, with what looked to be intensive background information of the cakes in the file. Y/N looked over them each before looking at Jin again, raising her eyebrow in question.
“It’s my sisters birthday, apparently I have to plan it.” Jin laughed a little as he sat up, still leaned back enough Y/N had to turn her body to him. “I’m not the best when it comes to this. I could use a female’s opinion.”
Y/N looked back at the cakes, looking up and catching Jimin’s eyes. He gave a quick smile, looking over Y/N before nodding, to trust the situation, if not then to trust him. Taking a deep breath, Y/N looked back at the cakes before reading which bakery they were choosing from, the choice so much easier.
“The sponge from Serendipity.” Y/N handed Jin back the file, reaching to pick her drink up again. “If you’re not a fan of something too sweet then it’s perfect. If you want something sweeter, all you have to do is ask for Mrs Kim. She always makes it a little sweeter.”
“I told you Serendipity was the best.” Hoseok laughed, leaning back into his seat as Taehyung handed him a drink, all of them sitting with a drink in hand.
Jung Hoseok. All smiles and laughs and sweet words to the lucky woman he decided he wanted for the night. It was sometimes way to easy to forget about the small detail of his crimes. That had never once been proven that is. It was always too easy to forget that Jung Hoseok could hack your entire life and still play with sharp edges. He was, in short, a hacker, with a dangerous pass time of blades.
“You only like Serendipity because they give you extra tarts whenever you go in.” Namjoon spoke from Hoseok’s left, shaking his head as he sipped the scotch Jungkook had handed him.
“But now we have an outside opinion.” Jimin raised his glass in gesture to Y/N, winking at her. “Can’t be the worst place.”
“Aren’t you a little bias though?” Min Yoongi, who still sat on the edge of his seat, looked at Jimin with a smirk. “I mean we can all appreciate a nice pair of breast but even you shouldn’t be bias to the tits you see every day.”
“At least I have tits to stare at, Hyung.” Jimin leaned happily against the bar with his drink, seeming to toast to Yoongi. “Stuck on the streets where you are, I’d rather you shoot me now.”
Y/N didn’t recognising Yoongi until he saw the rest of them. He was a ghost, almost quite literally. You never saw him unless he wanted you to, he never let you know when he was going to attack. He was a sharpshooter; he was the type of man that you would always want to watch your back. Min Yoongi was the one of the most lethal men sitting in the room, and he was joking about Y/N’s boobs.
Before anyone spoke, Y/N noticed how the room suddenly shifted, it got tense and almost dark. Y/N saw how Jungkook sniffed the air, standing from his seat, a deep growl clawing from his chest. Jin, who was once relaxed, shoot up to his feet, pushing Y/N behind him, her eyes peaking over his shoulders as they all seemed to moved into a position, of sorts, around Y/N.
“Why do they always send corpses?” Yoongi, who was the closest to Y/N and Jin, sighed as if he were bored.
The door burst open, a blur rushed through the doors and a voice spoke from behind YN; “Because we’re bottles of fun.”
Y/N hadn’t turned around, but she knew what was behind her, could feel the cold, death of the body behind her. Everything happened so fast, fast enough that everything was sorted out by the time Y/N’s drink smashed on the floor besides her feet.
Y/N could feel it, the life forces in the room, only 5, which meant that 2 of the 7 were just like those who surrounded them. Vampires.
From the claws, the growls Y/N could feel Jin, Namjoon and Jungkook. Their own life force connected to one another, pack, protect the pack. Werewolves.
Taehyung and Hoseok seemed to enjoy it most, they seemed to still be smiling and Y/N could feel why. They were connected to the earth and the stars and the water as much as she was. Fae Folk.
Y/N made eye contact with Jimin then, he seemed to be checking in on her. He and Yoongi barely moved, they didn’t even breath. Y/N had them figure out, so it was time for her to do what she was meant to do.
The glass in her hand dropped and no one could move a muscle. Y/N stepped back a little, enough to turn her body hold her hand out to the vampire behind her who had spoken. A beautiful woman looked into Y/N’s eyes with a smirk, before widening in fear as she saw the sparks fly around Y/N’s hands.
The sparks were purple and ancient and the death of many in that room that night. Y/N found it easy to lock onto who she needed to, her eyes changed as she whispered and incantation under her breath before she moved like the ocean would against the shore. One by one the vampires dropped, meeting a true death as they burned into the floor as if the sun had caressed their flesh. The molten puddles of blood drifted against the floors as did her drink now at her feet.
Taking a calming breath, Y/N centred herself before she looked back up to the room full of men who stared at her wide eyes. Only then did they see it.
The witches mark.
An ancient mark that had been lost over the centuries. The last known witch to ever walk the earth was nearly 300 years ago, the horns that sat atop the witches head now sat, forgotten, a prize to the vampire king. Yet here was Y/N, and her mark was clearer now than ever before.
The blue of her eyes had become clearer, like a storm on the sea. Around her eyes, like every time she used her magic, different blues graced her skin, her scales. Even her ears seems to point a little more like Taehyung and Hoseok they noticed. The water that was a current on her body swayed, sensing to feel if there were anymore coming, if they were in any more danger.
“It would see I have a bit of explaining to do.”
Y/N couldn’t hide anymore. She just sent out a very loud, very public signal to all who magic touched. She knew that everyone in the building, everyone within a 200-mile radius would have felt the shift in the air. She knew they would talk, would question, would find Y/N. She also knew that the men in front of her were the best option at protection.
And from the looks of each man staring at her, she needed to explain quickly.
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okayoonoh · 5 years
a/n: after i this is posted, the first gen of kids scenario should be posted soon :) stay tuneddd
also, here’s the masterlist to all of my nct dad stuffs! i have several other parts out rn so go and check them out if you’d like!
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he has four kids, 3 boys and 1 girl. wong liwei is the oldest, then 5 years later, wong liqiang was born and 5 years after that, the twins wong lijie and wong lina were born.
(when lijie and lina were born, liwei was 10 and liqiang was 5)
WONG LIWEI: >> as a baby <<
pure and utter sunshine
so energetic
but so happy and giggly and ah
he was a tough baby
as weird as that sounds
like if an accident happens
for some reason
liwei just didn’t cry?
like if yukhei was tossing liwei in the air or something
and he threw him a little too hard
and liwei’s head it the ceiling
liwei just wouldn’t cry
he’ll like try to reach the spot that hurts, but he simple just won’t cry.
liwei was honestly a puppy
like he was filled with endless amounts of energy
he was indestructible
he didn’t bruise easily either
like he just was made of steel or something
liwei was a really fast baby
like the second he could pick up his head and do some “tummy time”
he was already trying to crawl
the second he mastered crawling
he was already trying to stand
the second he could stand
he was already trying to walk
the second he could walk
he was already running
liwei slowed down for NOBODY
not even mom or dad
thank god yukhei had long limbs and was also full of energy
but baby liwei could out energy the most energetic dad
liwei had pretty tan skin as a baby too
like he tanned easily
you and yukhei adored him
>> as a child <<
still literally the sun
gives haechan a run for his money with the title of full sun
is best friends with kun’s oldest, qian lei
liwei is kinda aloof and happy go lucky
but lei is super logical and such
they are polar opposites, but the do be vibing tho
lei often questions the choices of of liwei
like why did liwei just roll around on the grass in his white shirt?
why did liwei decide to decorate his bag with all of the stickers?
but liwei is honestly just living his best life
liwei is just trying to have the most fun as possible
he was still a handful
like you and yukhei didn’t want to go out with him a lot because he was just so much
liwei remained super handsome
all the girls had crushes on him
but he was just clueless to all of them lol
liwei loved all things superhero
and he loved music and playing music with lei
like liwei was honestly really good at music too
like naturally
he was naturally really good at rhythms and such
he joined all bands possible at his school to be a percussionist
like usually, there are like 3-5 percussionist who cover a whole bunch of different percussion instruments
but liwei had so much energy that he honestly was able to cover most of them on his own
liwei was born with SUPER DUPER thick hair
like you had to take him to cut it almost twice a month
his hair grew so quickly
on the days where everything was just too hectic
you would just give him some of your hair clips
liwei wouldn’t complain
when liwei learned he was gonna be an older brother he was HYPED at the idea
but when liqiang actually came out?
liwei didn’t care lol
he was like “that is my baby brother?”
liwei didn’t understand why liqiang couldn’t like run or dance
lol liwei probably went through a whole phase where he did not believe he could have been a baby before
for example (this is like a week or so after liqiang was born)
liwei: mom, why is liqiang so dumb?
you: liwei! don’t say that about your brother; he’s just a baby.
yukhei: yeah, you know, you were just like that before, liwei.
liwei: there is absolutely no way that i used to be like that. there’s no way i could have been that small
you: liwei, babies grow. do you honestly believe you’ve looked like this your whole life?
liwei: *nods with all confidence”
he simply just didn’t believe he was a baby lol
it took you and yukhei a lot of convincing him and when liqiang finally grew up, liwei agreed haha
once he warms up to it, he’s honestly a really good big brother
liwei is so helpful especially with all of his little siblings
he helps with the little things while you help them out with all of the other things
he was just a big ball of energy just trying to have the most fun
>> as a teen/adult <<
that’s it
that’s the post
he’s so good looking it’s insane
he’s honestly just yukhei with your eyes
he grew up to be tall just like his dad too
he somehow lost all of his energy
it’s crazy
as an adult, he’s one of the most chill and relaxed people in the group
even when situations get energetic, he’s just chill
all of his energy was used up when he was a child lol
like the “real” him is chill lmao
even he doesn’t know what happened
he just suddenly became chill
he’s not like constantly tired or anything like that
liwei is just chill
not like 4/20 chill
just one of those people you vibe well with lol
he and lei still remain best friends
his energy sometimes returns whenever he hangs out with her
as a model tho, he’s so successful
like noah seo and him do a lot of modeling gigs together
and like the world just adores their faces
they’re both just so handsome it’s insane lol
he’s a pretty responsible big brother
like he makes sure his siblings are always taken care of and makes sure that they always know where to go if they need anything
he’s the type of person to never text first tho lol
like obviously if one of his siblings is going though something, he’ll check on them
but if any of his siblings wanted to have a normal chat with him on just any given day,
they have to text him first
it’s funny because his siblings are still super energetic
but he’s just somehow remained so chill
he’s very loving to his family tho
he inherited his dad’s laugh
he’s so tall and just big
but he laughs in tiny
he knows that he’s handsome and when people point it out it doesn’t bug him in the slightest
he actually likes being called handsome lol
in terms of relationships, he’s okay in them
he’s always asking lei for advice
she’ll tell him as it is lol
but yeah
liwei was one of the craziest kids, but somehow something in his life changed and now he’s one of the chillest.
>> as a baby <<
also really happy and energetic
a super active baby
a lot like his older brother
music appealed to him way more than it did to liwei
he was able to grasp music so easily at an early age
like he responded so positively to music
he learned through music 
like legit
if you were not singing 
he wouldn’t learn
he inherited his dad’s huuuuge eyes
from an early age he had such a boyish charm
when liqiang smiled, he smiled
he wouldn’t just smile with his mouth
he would smile with his whole face
his little nose would scrunch up
his eyes would make adorable little cresents
his two teeth would show proudly
liqiang just had the sweetest and most endearing smile
he was a rather small baby
like when he was born, all yukhei had to do was cup both of his hands and liqiang could fit comfortably
it was a little scary at first with how small he was
but that didn’t stop little liqiang!
from the second he could open his eyes, he was already closing them with all of his smiles
he brought so much joy to you and yukhei
liwei was still a little confused why liqiang was like he was
liwei genuinely did not believe that babies were a thing lol
but when he warmed up to the idea, liwei was an alarmingly good brother
liwei didn’t understand volume control at all lol so he was just constantly yelling at liqiang
he thought that liqiang’s lack of response meant he couldn’t hear liwei (you had to explain to liwei that liqiang just has an inability to speak as a 4 month old)
that didn’t stop liwei in the slightest
he would keep trying to talk to his baby brother
until eventually, the first time liqiang ever responded to a vocal cue with a noise of his own was when liwei was talking to him
liwei was so proud that he did that lol
liwei may have been skeptical at first, but he quickly became an amazing brother
>> as a child <<
still super goofy and energetic
he is just a big puppy
like he’s so clumsy
but he’s just so full of love and happiness it’s just so cute
he’s not as loud as his older brother, but he matches up with the energy
he’s always trailing behind liwei
liwei makes sure liqiang is included and taken care of 
liqiang is still on the smaller side as a child
don’t worry, he was just a late bloomer
liqiang was really smart and talented at a lot of things
but all he wants to do is to make his older brother proud
he’s best friends with kun’s youngest daughter, qian fen
qian fen is mild mannered, kind, and caring
when liqiang is around fen, he’s so different
when he’s around his brother, he’s full of so much energy
but when he’s around fen, he becomes sweet and mild
they became best friends because their born the same year
fen always had a crush on him growing up
she thought he was so handsome lol
liqiang probably was just a big dummy and didn’t even realize it
both him and fen agree that food is the best thing ever and that’s how they relate to each other
liqiang learns how to bake with fen
when liwei learned how to use a phone, the first person he called was neither you or lucas
it was fen
it’s refreshing to see your energetic son calm down around his best friend
even tho yukhei was busy on tours and stuff, he did all he can to be with you guys as often as possible
yukhei loved taking his sons out for little play dates
that’s when the boys were the most energetic
when they were around yukhei
yukhei was definitely not the scary parent lol it had to be you
even if you didn’t have it in you to be the scary parent, there was no one who would do it for you guys
even if liqiang didn’t do anything wrong, he would say that he was equally at fault
he was a compassionate little bean
still was obsessed with music
he was really smart and can learn in any way
but if there is a song version to anything, he almost learns it instantly
>> as a teen/adult <<
business. man.
he ends up being the CEO of an entertainment company
(he’s not in competition with moon yoojin tho, dw)
(^if you wanna know more about her, you should read the other parts ;))
he’s not a bad CEO tho
like he doesn’t abuse his artists or anything
he’s really empathetic and he’s genuinely okay with his artists not being at the top
a lot of his stuff is like DPR’s 
like they produce high quality, beautiful music
with visuals that are insanely beautiful
so like
imagine DPR style things with boy groups
liqiang is a rather young CEO too
a lot of people think that he’s an idol himself lol
but he’s like “uhh, no, i’m the guy who’s gonna discuss your benefits and the budgets...”
when he’s serious, it’s lowkey kinda scary
like he works hard constantly
he’s always making sure his artists are okay and taken care of 
a lot of people sleep on his group because they’re not considered the most popular
but they really do be producing bops tho
when he’s working, he tends to be really really serious
but when he’s around fen, his puppy personality comes back
helps qian fen run her cafe
she was able to establish it herself, but she got in the mix with a bad landlord and stuff
so liqiang bought the whole building so she could stay there and do as she pleased
he works there from time to time with his best friend
he is happiest when he’s working in the cafe
fen’s restaurant starts to open up and open more locations
one of her locations is where liqiang sends some trainees that want to make some money
they work there part time lol
no one really realizes it 
like imagine
someone was a regular at that cafe
then all of a sudden, all of the waiters/baristas aren’t working there anymore and are replaced with a whole new bunch of young men
that someone looks on their phone and sees the waiters and baristas on their debut stage lolol
liqiang wants to help as many people as possible
his goal in life is to provide people an opportunity to express their voice and to become successful in anyway they can
he’s just such an empathetic and hard working guy
WONG LIJIE: >> as a baby <<
a weird chill for your family
you were not ready for twins
well, you were not ready for twins to be just like liwei and liqiang
but when lijie came out just so chill everyone was so confused lol
he definitely was yukhei’s baby tho because he definitely looked just like his dad
liwei and liqiang are both a mix of you and yukhei
but lijie????
he’s literally just yukhei
like there is NOTHING that resembles you in that child
(if you have a chill personality you can say that he inherited that from you lol)
imagine if you gave little baby yukhei a chill pill
that’s lijie
lijie was just like peace love and flowers as a baby
he had his dad’s big eyes
but they were droopy like 23/24 hours of the day
even if his twin sister would be pestering him
he wouldn’t really care
he only cried when things got real heckin bad
lijie is the older twin
and from an early age he already was making sure his sister was okay
like he was already doing subtle things to make sure she’s okay
like they would share a crib during nap time
and like all of the stuff animals would somehow end up with lina
lijie didn’t mind tho
he was a godsend to your chaotic yet beautiful life
he learned everything first tho
like he learned how to crawl first
he learned how to walk first
he learned how to speak first
lijie learned everything before lina
he was just so attentive to the youngest tho
lijie inherited yukhei’s sweet and caring soul
>> as a child <<
still chill
he’s so close with lina
like they’re your perfect example of twin siblings
they have the twin telepathy thing lmao
but he’s just so freaking chill like all the time
nothing phases him too much
like lina is so active and just like her brothers
but even when lina is like pushing all of his buttons
lijie just brushes it off lmao
he’s just vibing 24/7 at this point
lijie favorite thing to do is sleep
but he’s honestly the most talented at everything amongst all of your kids
when he puts his mind into something, he’s so talented
he just doesn’t really care tho lol
lijie is so lazy at times
but when things need to get done, he’ll get it done
he loves his brothers tho, you don’t need to worry about that
he may be lazy, but if his brothers want to hangout, he’ll go and hangout with them no questions asked
if his energetic brothers wanted to play soccer, he would either keep score or be the goalkeeper
lijie is definitely the most energetic when he with with his older brothers
even though he prefers to be lazy, he’ll do anything for his brothers
family is the biggest priority in his life
the most common thing he says is “i’m sleepy”
everytime he walks into a room
any room
any place
“i’m sleepy”
he’s best friends with jeno’s oldest, lee jungho 
they became best friends because they were born the same year and they’re the most calm in their generation
every single baby in their generation has crackhead energy
but lijie and jungho would just be vibing on the side
jungho is the oldest of the group and everyone thought he would be the one who leads the crackheads
but the crackhead group leads themselves lmao
lijie is still attentive and caring towards his twin sister
they really do have the twin telepathy tho
like when you would take the two of them to a doctors appointment
they would have conversations with each other without even talking
lijie and lina just knew exactly what the other one was saying
as the youngest in the family, they related to a lot of things together
>> as a teen/adult <<
he joins a boy group
his vibe is like hyungwon from monsta x
but he has his dad’s work ethic
(just a quick lucas fact if you didn’t know, but when he joined the agency with his legendary 3 pose audition, they originally were gonna make him just a model but lucas worked so hard in his dancing and rapping in order to join nct so he wouldn’t be “lonely”. lucas has such a good work ethic even tho he seems to just be a big ole goof most of the time lol)
he was scouted just like his dad was
and he was going to just be a model just like his dad
but with his dad’s advice, he worked hard to join a boy group
he starts out at a small entertainment company 
and he enjoys his time there
jungho is also in the group
they were honestly so happy that they were able to join a group together because that almost never happens amongst friends
but eventually something happens within that company and the group has to choose a different label
the fans were sad because lijie’s group was starting to get big
lijie didn’t really like to use his connections, but he also wants to make as many people happy as possible
by that time, his older brother liqiang’s entertainment company already took off and had a couple solo artists that was making the label known
lijie asked his brother if he could take in his group
liqiang accepted it immediately because there honestly was no bad side to any of this
under liqiang’s company, lijie’s group became hella big
like hella big
like winning at least one award at every single award show
lijie definitely was not the leader of the group
but he was the lead dancer alongside jungho
they’re like moonbin and rocky from astro
best dancing friends destined to dance together
lol they probably were thrown into a group full of crackheads too lol
it’s okay, they grew up dealing with them they know how to deal with their group lol
jungho and lijie always do vlives together and stuff
like it’s obvious to see that they are best friends
he still is so caring towards his little sister tho
they collab together and stuff but no matter how busy he is, he makes sure he goes to visit her at least like 2 times a month
WONG LINA: >> as a baby <<
yukhei’s actual princess
like he’s so happy to be the father of 3 boys
but he’s secretly wanted a girl for the longest time
and when he got a daughter?
he was over the moon
but she inherited the nature of her older brothers excluding lijie
so like
there were 4 suns in your life
yukhei, liwei, liqiang, and now lina
lina was a sweetheart with an endearing smile
she resembles you more than she resemble yukhei
but when she talked
she freaking yelled
especially if she was excited
while her brothers were running around the house
she would waddle over to them as fast as she can
and if she can’t keep up
she’ll just be super giggly but then suddenly she’ll plant both of her feet, take a deep breath
for no reason lol
just to let you know that she can yell
she had huge eyes and always wanted to watch someone 
lina loved to people watch from an early age
like the times where the energy wasn’t too high and it was only the twins in the house because the older boys were at school
she would just have her eyes on anyone in the house
the first game she ever learned was a staring contest game lol
yukhei insisted that she learned that game simply because she loved to stare at people lol
yukhei is a really good girl dad
like sometimes you can just tell with some guys
but yukhei is really gonna be a good girl dad
usually, dads who have all boys tend to not be good girl dads
but yukhei is 
he’s so caring and attentive to all of his kids, but he’s even more so with lina
when he heard that you were gonna have twins, he was honestly over the moon
regardless of how you reacted, yukhei couldn’t hide his true feelings and let you know just how happy he was
the second he heard that one of the babies is a girl, he teared up a bit
when the twins were born, there were literal heart eyes coming from his face
he was so gentle with them
he was even more gentle with his youngest baby
lina was a sweetheart who simply had a bit of a staring problem but it’s just because she finds everything so beautiful
>> as a child <<
like her older brothers
so energetic
she’s just in a forever state of excited
she adores yukhei
like he could literally just be cooking dinner for the family
and she’s just sitting and watching him thinking he’s saving the world
yukhei loves it tho
she’s taken care of so well by all of her older brothers
like you can just say “liwei, please get your sister ready for breakfast”
and liwei has the whole family ready before you’re even done cooking
liwei was 10 years old when the twins were born and he embraced the role as the oldest brother
he knew where everything for his baby sister was easily
liwei was also super proactive in making sure lijie still got as much attention as lina did
he knew that since lina is the youngest and the only girl, the attention would go to her even if it’s not intentional
liwei would make sure that lijie’s opinion was heard and all that good jazz
lina is another puppy in the family
she’s like a really sweet tiny dog
whenever she sees her brothers, she’s like actually over the moon
like if her brothers are picking up her and lijie from their elementary school
she’ll scream at the top of her lungs just because she’s so happy to see them
lina emphasizes happiness in people lives lol
she knows how to say “please be happy” in a ton of languages lol
she’s best friends with hendery’s youngest, wong zhangjing
do i have to explain why their best friends? yes? 
lol their so close just like their dads are close
except, lina’s personality can be a bit closer to hendery’s while zhangjing’s personality is closer to yukhei’s.
lina is closest with her twin, lijie
they really do have the twin telepathy
like if lina was chilling in her room and lijie was just taking a nap on the couch, without any form of communication, lina would go and get some water for lijie
they know each other better than anyone
growing up, they were known as the attractive twins lmao 
everyone had a crush on at least one of them
if someone had a crush on lijie, they would go to lina to try and get close to him
lina is a rather clever kid so she sees right through it lol
like lijie, family is top priority for lina
she seems that she’s so innocent and everything like that
but she lowkey is just as crackheaded as her siblings
>> as a teen/adult <<
she joins girl group
she’s the visual and dancer, just like lijie
when her group first debut, everyone thought that lina was just so pretty
they all thought that she was super innocent and would always maintain a princess image
that was quickly shut down with their first interview
lina is that member that a lot of people know about even if they don’t know the group
for example, jackson from got7, jay from day6, etc.
a lot of people have to know her even if they don’t know the group
with the first interview, everyone saw her big personality
she doesn’t even introduce her normally
lina would say something like, “hello! my name is lina and i’m the youngest of my family and i have 3 older brothers and i’m a twin and also i am lucas from nct’s daughter and...”
the leader of the group would have to cut her off lol
she has no boundaries whatsoever lol
lina doesn’t really have physical boundaries nor emotional
she’s honestly really good at fan service
she is also rather tall because she got those tall genes
but her personality is so little
like she definitely has a rbf 
like people who don’t know the group think that she’s like the scariest member and stuff like that
but she is actually like rays of happiness and love and ahh
lijie and her debuted the same year
both of them made it KNOWN that they are siblings lol
lina is in the same company that lijie is in so it makes lives and stuff easier
they also move to liqiang’s company together 
lina was so happy to work alongside her brothers 
when lina gets her instagram account, literally 90% of her pictures are pictures with her family
5% is food 5% is cute animals lol
oh and sometimes she posts about her group
she also models from time to time 
she has a really hard time doing serious concepts because she’s just happy all of the time
she’s the one who made the family group chat and she’s the one that make sure it remains active
like since liwei is always busy, she does her best to literally @ him
her brothers still spoil her
they never let her pay for anything ever
lina is honestly the female version of lucas
who resembles you a bit more
sorry this took so long to take!! life has been so hectic but now i don’t have school for a month for circumstances and now i have more time!
i hope you guys liked lucas’s family! he’s such a sweetheart and i definitely feel like his kids would all inherit the sweetheart trait as well
with this update, the first gen of kids is complete so i’ll go ahead and post a guide to the kids and their best friends and such!
requests are open!
- amy <3
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It’s been a real fucking stressful week so I’m finally gonna be drunk-watching and reviewing Breaking Dawn Pt. 2. However, I will likely only be slightly drunk(ish) (if at all) because I’m all out of liquor and only have one beer at the moment, but hopefully it’ll be enough to counteract how terrible this movie is lmao. As usual, here is what I remember from the movie the first (and only) time I ever watched it: 
1. The battle scene happened but it was all in Alice’s vision and never actually happened.
2. Imprinting bullshit that none of us want to talk about. Let’s pretend it never happened.
3. Some weird dude makes fake IDs on demand.
4. All the vampires with cool powers get together, yet, sadly, they do not take down the Volturi to form a better, democratic government.
My thoughts as I’m watching are below the break: 
- The opening credits triggered a forgotten feeling of sadness. Was it sadness over a terrible plot or sadness over the series being over? I couldn’t tell you.
- This fucking soundtrack excuse me. The orchestral opening piece? BEAUTIFUL. I want to choreograph a ballet to this. Or do the TikTok twerk challenge to it. Idk. 
- I’m actually kind of sad that this was the last movie and it hasn’t even started yet. Most of the plot is shit and smeyer wrote some horrible garbage, but I want more of this universe. Can some of y’all who are creative write the next book and not be racist or sexist? Thank you.
- Fuck this part of the soundtrack I’m literally going to cry.
- I can’t believe smeyer produced this movie. Who let her? 
- When Bella opens her eyes that shit makes me want to be a vampire @Carlise. 
- Her first instinct is to grab Edward’s arm I’m crying. They love each other so much and it’s so fucking pure. I hate how they look at each other. It makes me sick but it’s all I want.
- This is the most relaxed Edward has been in any of the movies.
- I actually feel really bad for this deer and I wish they did eat mosquitos :(((((
- Edward’s so proud of her for her control. He loves her so much.
- aww fuck no now they’re gonna talk about the imprinting bullshit. I won’t even comment on this because y’all already know my thoughts. We hate it and we hate canon and smeyer is fucked up for what she wrote.
- Carlisle looking fine as fuck as usual, thank you. I don’t love the hairstyle here, but he’s still fire.
- Rosalie looks so happy and we love to see it. She deserves it.
- Emmett loves this fight and I love Emmett
- Damn Edward’s actually openly being turned on by something for once in his life
- The Loch Ness monster line isn’t that funny anymore tbh. I did not laugh.
- There was a lot of quivering.
- Bella literally said we’re gonna keep going for the rest of eternity. 
- Everyone knows when they get back. So far, Emmett is my favorite in this movie lmao. Even Carlisle who’s always sick of his kids’ shit cracked a smile.
- Poor Charlie. They’re about to tell him she died and they’re all moving.
- Jacob’s about to go tell his secret to Charlie and then shit gets lit. I remember this part now. 
- Taylor deserved an oscar for this scene. This movie might have been trash, but his conversation with Charlie deserved all the awards.
- “Jacob put your on clothes on” fucking SENT ME LMAOOOOO.
- Charlie’s so confused, poor man.
- Jacob straight up invited Charlie over with no warning while Bella was a newborn vampire lmao. 
- The way Carlisle opened the door and said “Hello Charlie” did something to me. I wish my name was Charlie.
- Charlie’s so happy to see Bella though. I’m happy Jake told him tbh. 
- Poor Charlie now he’s all upset because he saw Jacob turn into “a very large dog” and he’s concerned about what this means for Bella.
- She finally called Charlie dad and hugged him like she loved him.
- Emmett really is my fave in this movie lmaoooo. 
- Everyone is laughing and smiling instead of being all depressed. We lov to see it. This is my favorite scene in any of the movies now. 
- When Bella said she was born to be a vampire, it would’ve been way more effective to start playing “Born to Die” by Lana Del Rey tbh.
- Irina’s about to go tattle-tale to the Volturi. Tbh I’d be pissed too after what those racist fucks did to Laurent. He wanted to join the Cullens and adopt their lifestyle. And by racist fucks, I mean smeyer and the writers of the screenplay.
- Aro is such a dramatic bitch.
- Carlisle could read me the damn phone book and I would listen.
- Honestly smeyer is fucked up the fuck up and I’m starting to think she nejoys writing about children losing their childhood. The immortal children storyline is one of the most fucked up parts of canon and we really need to expose it more. 
- Carlisle and Esme are so damn cute. 
- Uh-oh Sammy boy’s there. Jasper and Alice just bounced? I completely forgot about this.
- The fucking volvo.
- Okay SUPER BIG FUCKING PLOTHOLE HERE. So when they were in Alaska, Edward basically said Renememe had a beating heart so like, wouldn’t the Volturi be able to hear it? Wouldn’t that end the battle before it ever started? Smeyer really just wrote shit without thinking it through lmao.
- We hate to see all the cultural appropriation but we love Rami Malek.
- Senna and Zafrina are STUNNING and the fact that Smeyer wrote them as being anything else is a fucking crime.
- I don’t remember this Garrett hoe but I’ve seen a lot of memes about him so I think he’ll be my second fave in this movie next to Emmett. He’s high key a bitch though for treating people how he did.
- Yeah, I’m with Jacob on this one. The red-eyed bitches don’t need to be killing people. ALSO FUCK SMEYER’S RACIST SHIT AGAIN. MORE WOLVES DUE TO MORE BIOLOGICAL WARFARE THIS IS BULLSHIT SMEYER.
- Garrett really fell in love with this bitch Kate and said idc what you do to me, just do it.
- Vladimir and Stefan are EXACTLY the vampires I’ve been waiting on. OVERTHROW THIS MONARCHY OLD ASS SHIT AND FORM THE DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENT. This scene made me like Carlisle slightly less, but in my headcanon he did want to overthrow the Volturi. I would still stare at him all day and listen to him read the phonebook. But he could’ve been a little more badass. It wouldn’t have hurt.
- Edward actually grew a pair and asked everyone to fight. 
- Is Aro’s hair different in this movie? It looks different and I kinda love it.
- I hate the Volturi and all of them for varying reasons, but I do love Aro’s dramatics.
- Emmett is living for Edward being shocked by Kate which is why, again, he is my fave in this movie lmao.
- Bella reading to Renememe is the sweetest moment in this movie and it deserves more love.
- “Yeah I just do it so much better.” This cocky bastard.
- When Jake and Bella are laughing together it makes me smile. It’s so genuine.
- Sue knows what’s good. I can see it in her eyes lmao.
- Alice was smart af though for hiding that clue for Bella. 
- JENKS. That’s the dude’s name that makes the fake IDs.
- “Unusually well-preserved” that’s one way to put it lmao.
- This is so sad. Bella thinks she and Edward will die.
- Alistair is such a bitch. Why is he even here?
- This little house looks so cozy for Christmas. This is all I want.
- I love the Clearwater family so much and they deserve nothing but our love and respect.
- “No one does rebellion like the Irish.” I love this guy too lmao.
- DAMNNNNN 1500 years waiting on revenge?????? They really could’ve overturned the Volturi in favor of a democracy but Carlisle was too damn diplomatic. But he’s still my fave.
- They did Kristen’s eyebrows dirty in this movie.
- Garrett loves Kate so much and it’s so pure. 
- Emmett and Rosalie look so sweet.
- Look @ the Volturi dramatic asses wearing cloaks and shit. Hoe. It’s the 2000s. Not the 1600s. Fix your shit. If a human saw you, you’d expose the secret you’re supposedly trying to keep.
- When Carlisle raised his voice though.
- Bella tried to shield Edward but it wouldn’t stretch all the way to where he was :(((((
- I deadass would not let my child anywhere near Aro period. It would’ve been on sight at this point and the Volturi would’ve been cleared out for democracy.
- I wish Edward would just punch this hoe.
- Jacob seems more concerned than Edward and Bella and that’s really a problem for me. Her parents should’ve torn Aro a new one and that’s on period.
- Bella’s protecting all of them. YAAASSS QUEEN. DEFEAT THESE BTICHES.
- Aro basically verified the headcanon that Gen Z would expose vampires lmaoooo.
- Alice and Jasper save the day.  
- This whole fight scene is intense but I already know that none of it really happened and it was all a vision so I’m kind of just tuning it out lmao. 
- Y’all weren’t playing. When they get Seth that shit really does hurt.
- Alright I’m over this. They’re dragging it out. I’m fast-forwarding lmao. 
- BUT ANYWAY. Nahuel is actually cool af. Like most of smeyer’s characters, he deserved better.
- Good boy Aro, just walk the fuck away. 
- I really wish Carlisle would’ve just listened to Stefan and Vladimir and kicked the Volturi’s asses. 
- Everyone is so happy and in love. We love to see it. #simpasshoesfandom
- Oh fuck here we go with the flashback. I’m gonna cry for sure. It really would’ve been better with Flightless Bird American Mouth though.
- Damn I’m actually crying. #simpasshoesfandom 
- She showed him all her thoughts and love for him I’m crying. 
Ummm. So I really thought I would hate this movie. It is mostly problematic as fuck. But some parts of it were good. Like it had funny moments and sad moments and simp moments and it was not awful. Content wise I rate it like a 3/10. Overall rating I give it like an 8/10. If smeyer’s fucked up shit didn’t get in the way of the movie, it could’ve been a 10/10. 
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alexsonghq · 4 years
hi peeps! sophie here to bring you a little baby. i’m new here and i plan to stay here for a while. anyway,feel free to contact me here or discord!
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⌜JENNIE KIM, CIS FEMALE, SHE/HER⌟  welcome to chatsworth academy, ALEX SONG. it says here, that you are TWENTY-TWO, in THIRD year and that you’re here for your ARTISTIC skills? is it true high school you were voted most likely to LEAD A PROTEST, well, that’s interesting.╱  PLATINUM BLEACHED BANGS,FISHNET TIGHTS,SKETCHBOOKS FILLED WITH CHARCOAL DRAWINGS ╳  ◤ sophie, 22, gmt, she/her . ◢
Full name: Alex Song
Date of Birth: 17th January,1998
Place of Birth: Daegu,South Korea
Nationality: Korean/British
Age: 22
Languages: English,Korean
Height: 1.63m/ 5ft 4″
Hometown: Oxford,England
Orientation: Bisexual
Religion: Atheist
Occupation: Student
Club: Art,theatre,captain of the debate team
Happily in love and with a kid on the way,Alice finally told her partner about the pregnancy and after those words escaped her mouth,she never saw him again. What she thought was going to be a fairytale ended up being a nightmare in which she cried herself to sleep every night,even after giving birth to her daughter.
Sports: Swimming
Back in 1996,when Alice Choi,a twenty year old born in South Korea but raised in England,travelled back to her hometown of Daegu for a small vacation with her family,she never thought she would fall madly in love and get pregnant in the span of a year.
Alex,who was now reaching her first birthday,came with her mother to live in Oxford,away from her family. With a little struggle,her mother managed to open her own little restaurant where she cooked only famous Korean meals.
Growing up,Alex didn't have much and spent most of her time helping out her mother in the restaurant. She was always a lonely kid,finding refugee painting with her mother's old painting kit. The walls of the restaurant are covered in her paintings,the general theme being her home country and its traditions.
When Alex was fourteen,her mother decided to marry her high school sweatheart that had been searching for her for years. It was all good until Alex realized that he really didn't like her. The second her mother wasn't home,he turned to her and made her into a slave,making sure she knew that he was dying to get rid of her.
Life seemed like hell during the time she lived with him and she didn't lose a second in moving into campus after knowing she got a scholarship in such a big university. Her mother was truly proud of her while her stepfather just wanted to see her leave his life.
All her mother wanted was for her to drop her obsession with art and become a doctor but disappointment was inevitable when Alex pursued arts in college.
They still keep close touch and see each other at least once a week but she refuses to see her stepfather again.
Alex has always been one to speak her mind,with or without any filter. When she sees something she doesn't agree with or some sort of injustice,there is a hundred percent chance that she will debate her way into changing the other person's opinion.
If there is a word that can define Alex is 'funny'. She is a big fan of dark humour,sarcasm and gen z humour. At all times,she is the one that makes stupid remarks that can make anyone laugh.
All her life,Alex was always stubborn and always had something to say on the tip of her tongue.
Wanted Connections
Hookups,exes,best friends,ride or die best friend,acquaintances,casual flirtationships,frenemies,enemies....anything really!
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neelcatsims · 2 years
List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to 10 simblrs whose sims you adore ♥♥♥
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I've always had a soft spot for both Meredith and Kimber, but I'll focus on Meredith for this one! idk if these will be facts so much as me rambling about my sims bc I love them, but it works lol
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Meredith's main thing has always been music and I genuinely enjoyed listening her to her sing, lol. she started piano as a kid because I had one in the house, and ended up becoming a proper celebrity through her music by the time she reached adulthood and throughout her death (more on that later)
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2. I'm only on gen 4 right now, not including my founder, but so far Meredith (who was gen 2) was my favorite child to play! I don't know what it was about her, but she was just more fun than the others have been. Part of it was that she grew up with an almost-twin brother and I got to play out their relationship. I always saw her as kind of spunky, a little bit of a tomboy, but not particularly outdoors. She was the first sim I had marry a childhood best friend, and I have a lot of fond memories of Meredith throughout her entire lifespan <3
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3. She actually married my simself's kid, Alana, which I find kinda funny lol.
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4. she died on her wedding day of laughter when Nora and Royce were toddlers , but I was too attached to her to let her go so quickly, so I kept her ghost in my household for a long time. That's when her career REALLY started to take off and at a certain point, she was just making too much money too quickly and I brought her back to life so that she would be able to die naturally someday (and not keep inflating my household funds with her immortal celebrity cash). But it was fun and played a lot into her daughter and heir Nora's backstory having been a ghost for most of her childhood.
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5. she seems to have really strong genes because Nora (not pictured above) is the only kid who didn't inherit her red hair at all. The red hair was kind of a fluke, too, because neither of her parents had it, she just was born with it.
Anyways, Meredith is an elder now and her days are numbered at this point, but I'll always adore her!
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maspwinj2 · 8 years
the beginning of the end
Am I the only one who is very happy about what gen is doing right now? because with her starting this instagram she is FINALLY doing what people do when they accept to be a beard for someone. 
Nowadays people make a living out of their instagram thanks to brands they advertise to their hundreds of thousands (or millions depending on their popularity) of followers. And Genevieve “Padalecki” has now started her own instagram account. 
She has started posting 4 days ago and she already made 7 posts, so she’s very active and involved. She wants this to work. Hence the professionnal shoots she has done so every pics look perfect and be appealing to portray gen’s life that everyone wishes they could have. lol right
so gen has her lifestyle instagram, she puts aesthetic professionnal pics of her, her kids, her hobbies, talks about motherhood, woman stuff, she’s relatable, funny, down to earth (look she has chickens!!! incredible!!), her fans like her she’s inpiring bla bla so she has sponsors, she’s making money, she’ll get popular (with jareds help) and maybe she’ll write a book, have a brand... 
and she starts her instagram RIGHT when her first daughter is gonna be born, the people following her will get attached to this baby, seeing her grow for years and gen will talk of “i can’t wait to have “girl conversations” and teach my daughter good values #transmission #feminist” whatever works
And look! she’s already making money thanks to the sponsored post she made about organic products (OMG and she uses organic products???!! she’s SO amaaaaaaazing!!! i LOVE her!! Let’s buy it! lmao) and she will post more brands as time goes by and the more followers she will have the better paid she will be. And she already has a connection with a magazine, she even put the link in her description lol
All of this is good news!
It means she’s starting a real career right now, she’s starting her life as #inspiringstrongwoman, #perfectmom and #everyonesbestfriend (i think she completely dropped acting) and will earn HER own money with the ads she will do, and she will have her own followers that will stick with her even after the divorce that obviously will come. So she uses jared’s fame while she can to the max to build her following.
To me the live at kelly and now all the promo jared does is the summit of PR for gen and when you reach the top the only way to go is down. It’s like the last huge pr push to launch and establish gen’s status as best mom so they use this last kid (because there won’t be any new kids now i guess?) to put her in the spotlights for good and help her start her thing.
And the fact that there has not been any jared’s pic on this instagram is SO important. Because why don’t they post a pic together? If fans knew they could see pics of jared with his family they would be more likely to follow her right? But she hasn’t, it’s only her, HER kids, HER life no Jared. I really hope I’m not jinxing it but I think that gen wants this instagram, her potential source of income and fame to be HONEST and true and jared is NOT her family and will never be. So she just uses his name in her description and jared makes a lot of promotion for her on his social media (which is why people agree to be a beard in the first place)  but that’s it, no pics of him. Honnestly, i hope she will never post a pic of him on this insta because if she does it would kill this theory lol
So tl;dr: Jared was just a sperm donator (with genes you can only dream of), wallet and spotlight for gen but now, they won’t have any new kids, and gen is working dilligently to have her own following and earn her own money, so soon enough she won’t need jared and when spn is over Jared will lay low so no need to pretend he’s straight so he won’t need her either and they will finally divorce.
i’m very optimistic about all this (sue me lmao) and i really really hope i’m right, i think we are witnessing the beginning of the end of jared’s longest bearding realtionship
so im gonna end this by doing what jared does: GO FOLLOW GEN, the sooner she has millions of followers the sooner she won’t need to be jared’s beard to exist anymore!
I may sound extremely naive but i want to believe! and I know i should at least wait the baby’s birth to talk about that and to have the big picture and that this whole post will be proven wrong in like 2 days lmao but i was thinking and needed to let it out 
ps: by the time i wrote this gen got 10 000 new followers
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krissysbookshelf · 7 years
Free Ebooks (7/26/84)
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