#it was so annoying so i stopped posting on tumblr
sweet-little-raven · 2 days
*Sigh* Wednesday is trending again, which means that the kiddos out there are gonna start drama again. Please just stop; this is one of the reason why the show was called cringe a year ago and people left the fandom.
1- You have the right to ship Wyler et Wavier. This is your opinion, your preference and I respect it. So why, mainly Wavier shippers, are suddenly back at attacking Wenclair shippers for no reason at all on Tumblr, Twitter and basically every single social media? What are you, 12? Is this hard to respect people's opinions???
2- Stop shipping Jenna and Emma. I'm almost certain this is the reason why we can't tag Emma on Instagram anymore. Ever since the Chappell Roan videos got out, a lot of people have made weird comments saying that they kissed or that they were on a date. Just stop. Stop shipping real people, or do it but silently. All of this is making them very uncomfortable and it's just direspectful to assume things like that. We just got them back, don't make Jenna delete Instagram again and make Emma disappear from it once again.
This just needed to be said. Just be respectful, it's not that fucking hard, goddamit. And when I mean respectful, I mean towards the fans AND the actors. Don't make Wednesday cringe again. Stop being kids and attacking other fans for absolutely no reason because you can't accept the fact that they don't ship your ship. And stop using the fucking Wenclair hashtag to say trash about them, this is getting annoying.
This is also addressed to, like me, Wenclair shippers. You should respect Wyler and Wavier shippers as well; don't give the bad example. Everyone is free to ship the characters they want, and this without any drama or violence. Just be kind to each others, it's not that hard.
Thank you for reading this. If you disagree, then just shut the fuck up because I don't have time to lose arguing with immature people on social media. I'm writing this as a reminder to respect Jenna and Emma and the fans, that's all. Y'all seriously needed a reminder.
Also, don't make Tumblr toxic. I already left Instagram and Twitter because people in here are the most toxic ever, I always loved Tumblr because people were nice, but for a week mad Wavier shippers started posting and insulting which is extremely annoying. Oh, and I also had to turn off my anonymous asks because I got very weird questions from probably bots. Don't make this app bad too, it's basically the only good one left with Pinterest.
I suppose that's all. Goodnight. And don't fucking come at me for saying this, because everything I said in here is true and I am just trying to remind people to be nice, not cause any more drama. If you say something mean here, you will be blocked immediately because, as I said, I don't have time to lose arguing with kids who can't respect an opinion.
Goodnight 🤍☮️
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gaijinhunter · 1 day
I am writing this as a Tumblr post because I don't want to make a video, as I feel this person is just trying to engagement bait me so he can grow his channel. Looking at his videos, he has seen an increase in views for videos that have been clickbait or trying to "call out" something. I guess you gotta do what you gotta do to grow your channel, but I am not about that.
Iixxion recently made a video and for the third time already, is rambling on about how he has been annoyed that he ran into people that referred to the portable series of MH games as being developed by a different "B team" than the ones that make the non-portable game's "A team". Of course, that notion is incorrect, anyone with a brain knows that both lines of MH games are created by Division 2 in Capcom Osaka and that there is plenty of overlap between titles in terms of staff. He argues that this misconception is the cause of tribalism and animosity in the MH community and is the single most dangerous issue in terms of growing the user base. My perspective is that there is indeed a divide on people who like the portable series and those who don't (which is fine!), and released platforms also contributed to that division, but no one is writing off any mainline game (MH, MHF, MHG, MHF2, MH2, MHFU, MH3, MH3U, MHP3, MH4, MH4U, MHGen, MHGU, World, Iceborne, Rise, Sunbreak) because it was made by some separate unrelated team.
The issue is that he blames me for this apparent misconception and points to my video from 2020 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhpDnFU6lAo) where I cover the rich history of KH games and how each of the games and the portable series' games, have influenced the franchise as a whole and what features each entry introduced. He says that my video is one of the main sources of this division and that it is somehow my vague wording around the different teams on each MH title has caused horrible damage and that I am irresponsible and lazy for this. (BRUH)
Not only was my video just 4 years ago and focused on the development history and features of each title, if there was tribalism between console and portable games, that existed long before 2020. But he uses a Staw Man argument to "call me out" which is to argue against the notion of an A team and B team that are completely separate from each other, which isn't something I ever said in the first place. When i corrected him, he counters with "so you agree with me then" and that is when I realized it would be useless to discuss with him and took a look across his past videos and found a pattern of engagement farming, so I decided to just delete my comments on his videos and walk away from it.
If you want to make an argument against vague wording, it could be him saying the only consistent difference between the members that work on a "console" game versus the "portable series" games is the Director. That OFC is not true.
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Some fun data looking at staff rolls.
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Very natural overlap in the areas that you'd imagine with game design and programming being the main specialized fields.
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Now if you want to argue semantics, then there isn't even a "monster hunter team"--it simply doesn't exist. Only Capcom developers exist and if you had to split them into distinct teams, that is Division 1 and 2.
He would likely say "see, he is supporting my argument, told you!" or "why weren't you this clear in your history video" but that is because he is making a false connection between some crap he read online, and my video and he sees me as the main cause of this "tribalism". A very disappointing conclusion he came to. My video wasn't about team compositions, it was about the franchise title history, and I pulled and used data all from official sources and interviews with the directors themselves.
I guess when you work hard across multiple years to make fun and hopefully informative videos on a franchise, the more you get targeted with bad faith arguments or engagement farming. Doesn't make it less tiring...
Stop worrying about reddit user tribalism over console/portable games, the games do have a different game design philosophy and on different consoles, so some division is to be expected, and we have so much cool news to focus on than to waste time creating drama for clicks. Be better.
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findafight · 2 days
I do think it's wild that I used to be pretty neutral and even slightly supportive of byler, while not thinking it could (or should!) be endgame. But now I'm like. Actively bitter towards it just based on how I've seen fans act? I'm fed up with it. With theories (however plausible or outlandish) being treated as fact. Of the "canon or youre not a REAL fan" attitudes that are increasingly extreme.
Last July I was sent a dozen hate anons a bit over a year ago for saying I didn't think it made sense for byler to be canon within the final season, because what we have textually seen on screen has not prepared for the 180 Mike's relationships would have to take, but I've seen others get weird hate asks too. I also see what a large portion of shippers are calling "proof" and it's either something that is up for interpretation (which is fun and fine! But not definitive!) or they just made up. I've seen multiple people say milevens are toxic and homophobic etc but here on Tumblr I haven't seen that at all. (I'm sure there have been! But on Tumblr I think there's maybe... Three or so active milevens lol [I am not one] and they stay in their lane unless it's to beg bylers to stop cross tagging)
I've seen bylers make posts about mileven that are incredibly rude and act like they're superior for it! There's ableism and biphobia and homophobia and misogyny and all sorts of shit that always happens in fandom, but the level I've seen from bylers is bonkers (and yes! I am talking about bylers being homophobic! Acting like a character being gay only matters if he's in a relationship is homophobic!) I've only seen bylers consistently cross tag. I've seen them disregard all three characters involved with the love triangle and their motivations just to make byler happen, and it often comes down to them making all three two dimensional tropes and souless boring caricatures. The amount of denial around El's feelings is pretty offensive, and also boring!
I just think. Perhaps. If you don't like when people are consistently annoyed at the group of shippers, perhaps re-evaluate to see if you are the "positive community" you claim to be, or are actively attacking people who do not adhere to the increasingly rigid criteria you have decided are required to be considered a shipper, and immediately declaring someone who doesn't an "enemy".
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thrumbolt · 2 days
Small guide to art posts on Tumblr:
I'm writing this because I keep seeing more and more beautiful art with absolutely terrible presentation on my dash. Presentation that is so bad it makes me sometimes not reblog the post even though I love the art itself. Call me superficial, but the presentation is part of the art as well and usually these posts also have less notes than you'd expect for the quality, so it's probably not just a me thing. That makes me sad and I want everyone to get the attention they deserve so here are my tips on how to present art on tumblr:
Put the image first, then add a small description - NOT the other way around. So many art posts have people yapping and yapping, only to then post an image in the middle of a wall of text. Don't do that! Have you ever been to a museum? Descriptions and titles should be small and below a piece of art. That's because you want to center the art as your main piece in your post.
If you have a long description or context, put it under a cut. Honestly, that is how everyone should do with long text. Nothing worse than making people scroll endlessly if they don't want to and it's also what makes people hesitate to reblog long posts. Short descriptions also give the benefit that people outside your fandom corner will be more inclined to reblog your art as well!
So generally keep text short and clear if possible. If you didn't draw the art, credit the artist above all else! I keep seeing people who commissioned something confused for the artist and it's fucking annoying. No one truly cares if you paid someone to draw something, everyone just wants to know who drew it. Also please for the love of all that is holy, do not pair your art with an embedded spotify link to a playlist. If you really want to share music, put it under a cut as well or in a hyperlink. Last thing you want is some ugly ass album cover to take away from your art!
No colorful fonts. There's a reason the majority of tumblr has ignored them ever since they were conceived (I remember the update! I was there!) and it's because it's ugly as sin and in the terms of artwork, it usually distracts from the piece as well, even if you try to color code. It's also the easiest way to out you as a newbie :D
If you have more than one page/piece in a post, consider the arrangement carefully. You do not have to accept the tumblr default - you can rearrange! In general, if it's not that many pieces, it makes sense to post them below each other rather than side by side. Make people look at your art that you spent so much time on! It's allowed to be eye catchy! If you have a more horizontal piece with short sides, consider adding a detail shot or two to lengthen your post so people don't accidentally scroll by.
Please, please stop using the huge title font in art posts, I beg you.
And that's basically it. In the end you can of course post however you like - it should please you first and foremost after all. This is just meant as tips and tricks of someone who has reblogged and posted art for over a decade on this hellhole of a page now. Some things newer people might not be aware of.
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unlimited-nobu-works · 6 months
ended up installing genshin impact again cuz nobody wants to play warframe with me :(, and the friend i talk everyday only play genshin so why not
anyways, heres my two fave ladies i love them so much ❤️❤️❤️
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magicalgirlfia · 3 months
Guilty Gear XX♯Reload Comic Anthology Translation: Escape Boy
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This is a comic the Guilty Gear XX Sharp Reload Comic Anthology, which I wanted to start translating. The original scans of this comic are by @tillman and can be found on archive.org
By the by, since I don’t have a Japanese folk tale to link to, I’d like to add the fact that in this comic (from 2003) Bridget’s serre-tête has the trans symbol instead of the male symbol. This is off-model for her XX design and (given the other times she is seen in the anthology) this seems to be a purposeful choice by the artist. Make of that what you will.
You can read the previous translation here
And the next translation here
​​Usual disclaimer: I am not fluent in Japanese and all of this is a one Fia job so everything might not be 100% accurate but I always try my best!
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wifegideonnav · 1 year
yeah you say “cringe is dead” but do you still apologize about reblogging stuff related to your “cringy” interests? kill the mindset that you are somehow not included in that statement or we’re never actually going to change anything
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mothscotch · 5 months
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I DID IT AGAIN RAHHHH um haiiiii (*ˊᗜˋ*) bad batters page
((i guessed what theyr inspired by ehehe.. bad hockeyist gives me leopard seal vibes idk why
>ALMOST FORTOG TO MENION U GUYS SOZ @kirfff @plumsliva OH THE TOP LEFT TWO ARE INSPIRED BY @kekamao (stingray.. ehe)
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liquidstar · 7 months
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sleepovers save money on hotel rooms while on missions 👍
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coquelicoq · 3 months
i love it when i can tell that someone purposefully went further up the reblog chain on one of my posts to avoid rbing a version with someone else's later addition. like good for you, i also thought that version was stupid lol.
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feralsteddie · 1 year
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move over, veccy, there's new boys in town
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Okay so Kaos in short:
A genuinely good show on its own, but I hate quite a lot of what they've done with the myths. Retellings are adaptations, and that means that stories change! They're supposed to! But this feels like the writers read just enough of greek mythology to get some characters and then just... stopped reading. (For instance the whole Hera's tacitas with the tongues thing was kinda unnecessary? Came out of nowhere and didn't really feel like it fit logically.)
I was annoyed the whole way through about things in the mythology that just irked me. Good example is Poseidon being "Zeus' younger brother". Why the fuck would you make Poseidon his younger brother? Zeus is generally considered the youngest? If you wish to change things from the source material because you want to show something in the story or plot, sure! Go ahead! But this just felt like there was absolutely no reason at all to make Poseidon younger than him?? Truly the only reason I can imagine is that someone went "Hmmm but Zeus is king so surely he must be the oldest! So Poseidon is his younger brother!" And I hate it. Kaos is littered with changes for no reason like this.
However I've finished the show and I do have to admit that on its own it's genuinely very good, and I do really like some of the characters a lot. The actors are amazing, especially for Hera, the Fates, and Ari. I love this character Hera so much, but also cannot fathom why you would make her this and still call her Hera, because the goddess of marriage and family she is not.
Addition: I genuinely think the last episode could have been made in such a way that it already showed the full fall of the family, and ended the story. I wholeheartedly believe that this show would have been better if it actually got a proper ending after its first season. This open-endedness does allow for a second season, and in this case, that's a bad thing. It should've ended properly.
Oops, not as short as I intended
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helenofblackthorns · 1 year
can't wait for twp in a couple years & for it to be offhandedly mentioned Jace plays piano or something because I WILL be like "Alastair used to play piano 😢😭😔" and have to close the book & collect myself over half a sentence
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Some general Nikolai headcanons because why not! I've got so many more, but I'll try to keep this post short. As always, please let me know if anything posted is harmful, and have a wonderful day!
Can operate many different types of vehicles and holds licenses for many in areas he frequents or that are strategic or significant to any causes he is a part of. No, they are not obtained legally (that'd be too much time and work)
I don't know enough about them to say which one specifically tops them all, but helicopters are his favorite vehicle. His helis are his babies, and he treats them well.
I can't see him liking vodka. He'll drink it if it benefits him (i.e., gaining approval from potential clients, informants, etc.), but beyond that, he avoids it.
Speaking of alcohol, he keeps a high tolerance. Not because he's Russian (though, from what I understand, the drinking culture there may contribute to that), but because it's beneficial to him. It's not uncommon for people to get others drunk, so it's easier to attack or manipulate them. Since it's not always possible to skip a drink, tolerance is the next best thing.
Hairy. I don't have anything else to add to that
Does not have a 6 pack or hard pecs or anything like that. Im sorry, but it's just not something I can see, especially since I learned it's often obtained through malnutrion, dehydration, or like... steriods. Also, I love fat. I want a man with a bit of a belly and soft pecs.
Trains a lot; even if he usually isn't involved directly in a fight, that can quickly change. Plus, it helps him destress.
Gives incredible hugs. Idk what else to add. He just knows how to read people well enough to adjust to their hug preferences. Only gives em out to people he truly cares about, though.
Absolutely a terrifying force; you do not want to be his enemy. The ends often justify the means to him and that often leads to morally fucked up situations. I mean, he literally abducted a man's wife and child. He has no qualms about occasionally being the bad guy and doesn't lose much, if any, sleep over it.(This is pretty much canon, but I still wanted to add my own thoughts to it)
If you've got any of your own, please feel free to share em! And let me know if you want any more; I've also got relationship ones if anyone wants <3
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misspickman · 1 year
hi moss feel free to ignore this but i would love to hear about some kon moments in canon that you really love and appreciate !
oh you absolutely will hear about them. in no particular order but starting with my two fav nerd moments from superboy #66 and young justice #8
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hes great in all of return of superman but this bit is stuck in my brain.. geoffs 'kon was selfish and had to be taught how to care about others' my ass
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first meeting with match from superboy #36!! its so important to me how despite everything kon refuses to see match as anything less than a person and family
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this bit in superboy #69 where kon visits hawaii again and runs into hillary made me so sad there are many issues with this solo but it hits
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ok ive read some very stupid takes on this moment but kon catching cissies arrow in yj #15 was a wonderful moment for their friendship, especially because he offers it back if she wants to actually take the shot + theyre also great in the next issue hes so worried about her,, theyre besties,, listen,,
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not going deeper into why this bit from eradicator #3 is so good bc theres already a great post about it but yeah,, you know
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NOW its time for my 'cass and kon got along well and we should acknowledge that more' agenda ok no not in a romantic sense but in a very 'two lonely teens who are too focused on the mission that has been their entire life to have a healthy private life' way. they should hang out again i think. also these issues are just very sweet and fun
first from superboy #85 bc this whole thing ruled
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and from batgirl #41 where they experience some baby comphet4comphet and decide to just stay friends
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some bits from superboy #88 where hes taking care of baby guardian bc its cute and funny
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also not a specific moment but kon and ma's relationship is very dear to me, there are many things i didnt enjoy re what dc did with kon in 2000s but having him live with the kents and get comfortable in smallville enough to call it home was a good one 10/10
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Question for the artists and writers here. Do you like discussion or compliments in the comments? I know you can compliment on AO3, I love doing that, but I don't really see it on Tumblr.
Is that something you would like? It would it be weird/overwhelming? I've left a couple of comments in the past here, stuff like, "your art style is absolutely stunning and I love the way you frame your comics" or "this literally made me cry. Well done. You understand these characters so well and reading this didn't even feel like reading at all, it felt like I was watching the show."
Those are two I've sent before. There was never a response and it's not like I was expecting one but the anxiety bees are buzzing loud tonight and I'm worried that I accidentally committed a social faux pa?
Is it cringy? I thought people liked compliments but then I also know not every person is like me and that might not be the interaction their looking for or maybe they're not looking for any interaction at all-
IDK, help. If you do like comments what kind makes you most excited? I just want to share his feelings but I'm scared and bad at it.
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