#it was one of the only things that annoyed me about GOW
beauzos · 1 year
my one regret with that Grapes of Wrath fic i wrote was that when i described the guy who gave Connie a lift that i didn't spend a page's worth of words describing him. i failed John Steinbeck by being normal about describing characters 😔
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I am Kind Not Complacent Chpt 2
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I am Kind not Complacent chpt 2
Heimdall gow x reader
word count: 6 k
hello and thank you to every single person who has liked, commented, and reblogged my silly little story. I'm so glad I can make a few people smile and share my little fic. if anyone would like me to tag them to make finding the next chapter easier in the future please don't be afraid to ask!
as always, enjoy and have fun reading!
@engardeitsme as always, love bouncing ideas off and getting to share stuff with you before I post it! thank you for helping again! @lunaryasha @nokolla I hope you enjoy Thank you so much for your support and kind words <3
As YN got closer to the training grounds, Her limbs got ridged and her steps were more sluggish.
“Um, Mal?”
“I don’t think I can do this.” She froze in her tracks, whimpering as Mal tried to move her forward. She sighed and grabbed hold of the girl’s arm. YN leaned against her pulling, digging her heels into the mossy floor. “I-I mean I’ve only fought to get away, I don’t know anything about combat!” she looked up at Mal pleading, Her cheeks going rosy in embarrassment, “A-and I don’t know these people…” Mal huffed, looking back at Thor and Heimdall as they seemed to be waiting for YN, getting more and more annoyed the longer she took to get there. 
“I’m afraid you don’t have a choice really, do you? No come on, I'll introduce you. But you need to act properly. They are the Aesir princes and as someone under Asgard they now rule over you as well, you should know,” Mal tried to encourage the girl while also pressing it was important not to keep the princes waiting, “I’m sure they won’t go hard on you, dear little thing.”
“Oh? Are they nice?” YN asked, a bit hopeful. Mal looked at her as if she had grown a second head.
“Ni-? No, they’re princes. But you’re so small and sweet, so they may lose interest in you. Where did you say you were from again?”
“...Mmh,” Mal just hummed, now getting s bit nervous herself for the girl.
YN frowned at Mal’s lack of help. She almost felt like she was going to throw up. Meeting new people? who were mean? And she had to spare with them? 
“B-but why do I have to? Why now? I-I just got here, d-don’t you think-”
“Ah ah ah, don’t you go doing that negotiating thing. I saw what you did at breakfast. Now let’s hurry on, I rather not keep the Aesir princes waiting.” YN swallowed thickly, looking down at her feet as she allowed Mal to drag her the rest of the way. They stopped at the edge of the sparing area, where the dirt had gone wet and muddy from constant trampling. Thor quickly blocked a hit from young Heimdall and looked over at Mal and the girl. 
“Lord Thor, Lord Heimdall,” Mal lowered her head and put her hand on YN’s head to elicit a bow as well. “This is YN, a guest of the All-Father’s. She is to train with you today for an introduction to Aesir's fighting tactics.”
“Took you long enough, come here, I don’t have all day.” Thor didn’t even glance an eye at Mal, his focus purely on YN who gulped as he pointed to a spot at his feet. Heimdall didn’t even spare her a glance as he made his way to the opposite side of the circle across from Thor. YN felt Mal give her one more nudge as she finally moved to stand in front of the thunder god. 
“I will take my leave,” Mal stated, before turning back towards the great lodge. YN tightened her fists as she watched Mal retreat. Thor crossed his arms as the girl stood in front, craning her neck up at him. She gulped and dipped into a deep bow. ‘Just introduce yourself, don’t speak too much, and maybe this won’t be so bad. Maybe they’ll go easy if I’m polite.’ YN thought she heard a scoff come from behind her at the thought. But that was impossible. 
“Hello, my name is YN of Vanaheim and I am the goddess of peace. I was brought here to-” She peeked up at the sound of Thor clicking his tongue in annoyance or boredom, she wasn’t sure. She swallowed thickly, focusing on her feet, “U-um to be of assistance in some way t-to the All-Father?”
Yn gasped at a sudden large hand on her shoulder, roughly twisting her to face the blond boy on the other side of the sparing circle, and nearly tripped into the mud as she was shoved forward. 
“Quickly, let’s see where you are. Heimdall, keep her face intact. We don’t want to be scolded by Father, do we?” YN could almost hear the smirk in Thor’s voice and tried not to show her fear as the boy in front of her picked up two swords, the blades dulled for training. He tossed one to the girl and she caught it before it hit the ground, surprised at the weight of it. YN was shocked as the boy seemed to disappear from in front of her and yelped as she was kicked sharply in the back, skidding in the mud but staying on her feet. She whipped around to see Heimdall starting to circle her, smirking with his lips but glaring at her intensely. 
“Gods you pathetic. ‘Maybe I’ll go easy if you’re polite’? Ha!” he laughed sarcastically, before sneering and rushing YN. She moved quickly to try and block, their swords straining against each other as he leaned in, overpowering her easily. 
“Wh-what are you talking about?” Her eyes widened as she processed his words. What would happen if she failed? Would she be shunned again, would she be shut out? Didn’t she want to go home? Why did the thought of isolation suddenly scare her so much?
She thought of how to get out of the stalemate, wanting to parry and jump back to put some distance so she could have more options. But as she moved to do so, Hiemdall was quick to twist her around and shove her back from him. While she stumbled, her back turned, he moved quickly again, grabbing her by a fistful of hair and kneeing her hard in the ribs.
“And thinking we could ever get along? That you’ll ever belong here? Don’t make me laugh. Crawl on your belly like a dog and maybe I’ll tell the All-Father to send you back to your hovel in one piece, Vanir scum.” there was venom in his voice. Even at this young age, godly strength knocked the air out of her and she sputtered, coughing up drops of blood onto his once pristine tunic. He scoffed in disgust and pushed her back. Her mind raced as her vision blurred. She dissected the situation, his movements, reaction time, and words. She caught her breath, feeling him approach again behind her, and whipped around, knocking him in the brow with the hilt of her sword. Heimdall stumbled back in a daze and stared at the girl in disbelief. He wasn’t planning on retaliation, so he had stopped reading her movements. 
He watched her as she panted, her face contouring into a snarl as she squared her shoulders and changed her stance from submissive to feral; like a beast trying to get away from a hunter. Desperate, scared, angry. 
“That’s a dirty trick,” she growled out, straightening to stare into his eyes, “you have some nerve crawling into spaces you’re not welcome.” he was caught off guard by the statement, shocked that she had found him out so quickly. Thor meanwhile just rolled his eyes on the sidelines, thinking his brother was a fool for talking too much and revealing his hand so easily. Heimdall flushed in embarrassment as he heard Thor’s thoughts prodding into his head and growled, lunging in frustration. YN was able to narrowly dodge and the two circled each other.
“You catch on fast,” Heimdall offered with a sneer.
“You talk too much,” YN bit back, guarding her body just in time as Heimdall attacked again. 
Thor noticed the following pattern:
Heimdall would always attack first, getting a few good hits in. he moved fast, and precise; then got cocky and didn’t remember to put space between him and his opponent. He had a bad habit at his young age of underestimating enemies and didn’t use his foresight as fluidly as he should be,(or so Odin thought, and told Thor to push him harder.)
YN was the opposite. She seemed to almost run away, backing away and refusing to keep her eyes off her opponent for as long as possible, and constantly whipping around to try and keep up. She would try to defend herself, taking a slash to the arm, or leg while protecting her core, and when Heimdall got careless she would go in to retaliate. Her movements were hard-hitting and violent, going for jabs hard enough to push Heimdall across the field or knock the air out of his lungs. That said, she was precise in her own way. Thor also noticed that as Heimdall seemed not to care where he hit the girl, aiming for arteries, joints, and soft spots; she only aimed for places that would discombobulate him, throw him off balance, and put space between them. Thor stroked his beard in thought, calling out to Heimdall. 
“You need to use your powers, Heimdall,” He scolded, “you underestimate too much, and you need to do so quickly, process the information, and act accordingly.”
“Underestimate?” Heimdall scoffed and dropped his stance to stifle a sarcastic laugh. YN stiffened at the mockery and growled.
“Well, what kind of god who can read minds lets his opponent land hits on him?” She barked, blocking another attack and ducking to elbow him in the side.  Heimdall was quick to pary and kicked against the length of her sword, knocking her off balance.
“Maybe you just think yourself too highly. What is a goddess of peace supposed to be able to do in a real fight? You haven’t attacked me once! Goddess of pushovers more like!” He cackled, nearly doubling over. YN dropped her stance, her cheeks searing red in anger and embarrassment. 
“Try goddess of logic and tactic, you oaf!” Her heart pounded in her ears as her anger started to rise. She wanted to stand up for herself. She wanted to reason with him. She wanted to rip his tongue out from his teeth and-
“Ooh! Such snark! Not very peaceful of you, Queen Kindness ~” 
“I’m warning you!” ‘Be calm. Be calm. Be calm. Don’t let your anger get the best of you. It will only end badly. Just breath.’
“Oh or what? You’ll sign a peace treaty? Bake me a cake? Cry and beg for forgiveness?” Heimdall was almost out of breath from laughter, and YN saw red. Suddenly time stood still as Heimdall’s laughter was cut off by a mound of mud flying into his face. YN watched satisfied as the dirt dripped down his chin and smeared down the front of his tunic. 
Thor snorted and threw his head in laughter as he watched Heimdall swipe his hand down his face, his fiery pink eyes searing holes into the girl's face. 
“I told you to shut up!” she shouted, She reeled her hand back with another pile of mud. Heimdall dodged, running at her full force and grabbing her face, slamming her down into the mud. 
“You repulsive little worm.” he snarled, watching her sink into the ground under his weight. With her face still covered under his palm, she blindly grabbed another fistful and slammed it into the side of his head, knocking him off of her and deafening him in one ear momentarily. Thor was wheezing, doubled over the fence. YN stood slowly, the weight of water and dirt seeped into her clothes and hair dragging her down. She looked down at her grimy hands and shook them once, spraying mud and hitting Heimdall with droplets of muck.
“I don’t bake cake” she stated, smearing mud off her face nonchalantly. “But you’ll find I’m quite good at mud pies,” She smirked as Heimdall shook his head, regaining his senses. The next three minutes were full of pure chaos.
“ Sire, are you certain that Lord Thor and Lord Heimdall were the best suited for the job of testing the girl’s abilities?” A man with curved horns spoke, walking a foot behind Odin at all times. 
“Of course. Heimdall and her are nearly the same age, so it’s a fair fight wouldn’t you say?”
“Yes sir, but Heimdall is young and doesn’t know how to hold back at times. That with his fighting prowess and Thor’s…buffoonery, may cause a bit of disastrous cocktail.” Odin laughed at Mimir’s statement, holding his belly. 
“I always appreciate your bluntness, dear friend!” Odin regains his composure with a sigh, still smiling slightly. “That may be true, but I need Heimdall to read the girl’s mind. And because he is progressing so slowly, he still needs to be close and be able to concentrate, making the whole ordeal less than ideal. And Thor? He’s just grounded and I knew he would hate the job of babysitting.” Mimir frowned at this, not sure why Odin was so carefree about having his two most hot-headed sons be with their new guest. “ I fear Tyr or Baldur would go far too easy on the poor creature. I need results quickly to see where she stands. I just hope they haven’t beaten her too badly.”
 Mud flew in every direction, both from wads being thrown at each other, or residual splatter from tackling each other into the ground and wrestling each other like feral little goblins.
“Ugh!! You are such a little weasel!” YN screamed as Heimdall managed to slip behind her, shoving mud down the back of her shirt, but not before she flipped around and tackled him to the ground, shaking his shoulders violently and slamming him into the mud. He growled, his eyes glowing as he flipped her over, pinning her to the ground under his hips and yanking her hair, smearing it with dirt. 
“Oh yeah!? Well, you’re nothing but a squawking raven!” 
YN reached up, yanking at Hiemdall’s mud-caked hair, pulling so they flipped and rolled across the floor. Heimdall elbowed her in the eye. She yelped and punched him in the nose, pinning him to the ground, and closed the gap between them. Her hands found home around his throat and she didn’t feel herself squeeze, tighter, tighter, tighter. Heimdall gasped for air, kneeing her in her already bruised ribs. She screamed out in pain, her grip loosening and Heimdall threw her off, making her skid into the mud, curling up in pain as her side throbbed. 
“Hey, alright, that’s enough,” Thor called, getting closer to the two, still chuckling at the state of his brother. Heimdall heaved, grabbing a sword that lay forgotten in the mud. 
“Heimdall, come on, put the sword down,” Thor spoke firmly this time, reaching to grab the sword, Heimdall yanked free of his hold and trudged over, raising the sword above his head to swing down, YN nursed her side and prepared to dodge and tackle him again. 
“ What is the meaning of this!?” A voice boomed, making the children both freeze. YN watched as Heimdall’s eyes widened in horror, dropping the sword and stepping away from her immediately, getting down on one knee in the mud and bowing his head, eyes screwed to the ground. Thor followed, not even the hint of a smile on his face anymore. YN finally looked up, seeing Odin approaching with a scowl on his face, followed by a man with curved horns atop his head, his eyes shining with what looked like opals. 
Odin turned immediately to Thor, his arms crossed and his foot tapping as he waited impatiently for an answer. Thor straightened, deciding to look at the children instead of his father.
“They were just sparing, All-Father. Nothing but some roughhousing.”
“Roughhousing?” Mimir drawled out as he walked closer to YN. “They’re covered head to toe in filth. And this one’s eye is swollen shut!” He grabbed YN's face to get a good look at the bruising. He tutted and walked over to Heimdall, looking him over as well. Heimdall winced as the man checked his nose. “Oh lovely,” he spoke sarcastically, looking back at Thor and Odin. “his nose is broken!”
Odin sighed, bordering on a groan as he pinched the bridge of his nose. YN couldn’t explain it but despite what only looked like mild frustration, there seemed to be electricity in the air. She was not blind to the way Heimdall seemed to cower under his father’s gaze, and Thor seemed so small all of a sudden in the All-Father’s presence. The way everyone reacted to him unnerved YN and she hated the feeling of tension closing in on everyone.
“Boys, I told you to train her, not maim her. Mimir helps her up, will you?” 
Mimir gently grabbed her arm, helping her to stand, and walked her over to Odin’s side. 
“ S-sir it was my fault. I-I’m no good at fighting! I fought desperately and my temper got the better of me, I’m deeply truly sorry.” She tried to reason. Heimdall peaked up at her, confused as to why she would bother to take the blame. She didn’t know him or his brother. Didn’t she know what would happen if she spoke out of turn? Heimdall couldn’t help the pang of jealousy he felt at the way his father acted towards the girl. How his voice softened. Was she manipulating him? Heimdall tried reading her mind but he was still dazed from the scuffle the two had had. 
Odin cut off the girl’s apologies by holding his hand up, shushing her silently. 
“ I won’t hear it. You are a guest and in a strange new land. You were taken from your home and told to fight without any time to understand what was going on. I simply wasn’t thinking. And for that, I am sorry. I was supposed to come here to introduce you and watch you spar, not fight! But I thought to myself, ‘Surely my sons will do well in some friendly competition. I mustn’t worry so much!’ Isn’t that what I said, Mimir?”
“Yes, sir.” Mimir nodded, but YN felt his hand tense against her shoulder. Odin nodded and scowled at Heimdall and Thor, shaking his head with a sigh.
“But I suppose I was wrong to trust them with such a simple task.” YN was caught off guard as she felt Odin’s hand rest on her head.
“Are you alright, child?” YN looked up at him and nodded meekly. He smiled and pushed the girl over towards the two still bowing in the dirt. “Get up.” They stood quickly. Thor looked his father in the eyes, while Heimdall struggled to do the same, his hands squeezed tight at his sides. Odin nudged the girl forward. “I’d like all three of you to apologize to each other.” 
At this, the girl immediately bowed, apologizing for letting things get out of hand. Now that her anger had subsided all she felt was anxiety at the tension in the air. YN wanted nothing more than to apologize and hopefully get along with everyone. She turned to Thor and looked up with big round eyes. 
“ I apologize, Lord Thor, for not paying better attention to your encouragement and advice, and instead letting my nerves take over. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to teach me.” Thor let out a harumph, looking away. But then sighed and lowered his head in a passive bow.
“Yeah… sorry I didn’t keep a better eye on you both.” Odin scoffed, not satisfied but knowing that was the best he’d get out of Thor. He looked down at Heimdall expectantly, who just seemed to be frozen in place. Yn stuck out her hand as a peace offering. 
“I’m deeply sorry, Lord Heimdall. I hope I didn’t hurt you too badly.” Heimdall tsked at the statement and didn’t move. YN looked him in the eyes and he heard her thoughts.
‘I know you can hear me. Shake my hand, and play along. Unless you want to get in more trouble.’ He clicked his tongue in annoyance but with the nudge of her thought and the searing eyes of his father, he grabbed her hand and shook it.
“No my…lady…” he strained with a smile, his brow twitching “The fault is mine for thinking you could withstand a fight with me. I must remember that you are a woman, and therefore, weak and delicate. Like a baby bird,” She smiled back, squeezing his hand so tight that the tip of her fingers turned white. 
‘I’ll show you delicate, you little weasel.’She thought, her brow twitching as she pried her hands away and noticed him flex his hand subtly at his side to subside the aching of her anaconda squeeze.
“There, see? All better now! Mimir, take our guest to the infirmary will you?” Mimir nodded, guiding YN away. When they were out of earshot, Odin’s smile disappeared and he looked at his sons expectantly. 
“What have you learned?”
“She is reactive in her fighting.” Thor started his report, “ only attacking after her opponent makes a move. Otherwise, she’s a bit of a chicken shit. Kept running away from Heimdall until the only choice was to fight back.” 
“Hn…” Odin looked down at the younger boy. “So she was trying to run away and you still ended up like this? Honestly, Heimdall.”
“B-but father-“
“ I don’t want to hear it.” Heimdall shut his mouth stiffly. Odin repeated his original question, directing all his attention to Heimdall. The boy swallowed thickly and remembered her thoughts and the way they rushed one after the other.
“She…she’s a goddess, and she’s from Vanaheim. She wanted to avoid fighting me, kept trying to find a way to introduce herself, and thought being polite would stop me from hurting her. She kept trying to calm herself down, so I provoked her to see where she would go from there. She’s hotheaded and immature. I don’t think she can be trusted. You should just send her back.” Heimdall fidgeted as he spoke and Odin lost his patience, grabbing the boy’s chin roughly to look up at him. 
“Unfortunately that’s not in the cards just yet, son. She’s a child, and a goddess, therefore powerful and unpredictable. We need to keep an eye on how she grows and see if we can use her for the betterment of Asgard before one of our enemies finds her and uses her against us. You understand, don’t you?” Odin squeezed Heimdall’s chin as he posed the question. Heimdall whimpered slightly at the pain of Odin’s bony fingers digging into his skin and just barely was able to nod. Odin abruptly released his son, smiling brightly. “Good. So then, anything that we can use to get her to trust us? Get her to work with us?” Heimdall nodded again, reaching up to rub his sore chin. 
“She’s very lonely and pathetic…, which you can use to gain her trust, All-Father.  She seems passive in her solutions but she is also quick to anger and frustration so it would be important to keep that in mind during any negotiations…” 
Odin looked down at his son, taking in the information. He hummed in satisfaction and nodded.
“ alright. Good. I can work with that.” With that, Odin turned to walk away, paused, and spared Heimdall a glance over his shoulder. “Clean yourself up. You’re filthy.”
“What’s his problem, anyway? Is everyone in Asgard as… volatile?” YN asked as Mimir prepared an ice pack for her. He snorted and shook his head. 
“Heimdall is a special cocktail of issues, lass. Best to keep away from him. He’s a spoiled little prince, and I’m afraid the way he’s going it will only get worse.” He walked over to her with a white cloth. He dipped it in a bowl of warm water, rang it out, and pressed it to the girl’s swollen eye. She hissed, pulling away slightly, but Mimir kept her head gently in place, blotting the wound. “Stay still, I know it stings but I need to get all the dirt and blood off.” YN stayed tense but allowed Mimir to clean the wound. There was silence in the room, save for the slow trickle of water from the towel being run out every once in a while. YN interrupted the quiet.
“Are you allowed to say that about the princes?” She asked meekly, looking up at Mimir with her good eye. He raised a brow, dipping the cloth in the water again and going back to cleaning.
“Are you going to rat me out?” He posed, grabbing the ice he had prepared and holding it up to her face. YN shook her head slightly and smiled as Mimir simply shrugged, “Then I have nothing to worry about. Besides, my loyalties lie with the All-Father, not his band of brats. Like I said, best to just keep away.” YN thought for a moment and shook her head, holding the ice to her face as Mimir walked away to grab some medicine for the cuts on her face.
“That doesn’t seem right. Why should they be able to do whatever they want at the expense of others? Because they’re royalty? They should be held to even higher standards considering the power they have.” 
“What we think is right and what will end up happening are two different things. Best to forget the whole thing to save yourself the disappointment.”
“And who taught you that? Was it the All-Father?” Mimir stilled, seeming to be in deep thought. YN pouted, guilty at the tension she had caused.“ I-I’m sorry.” Mimir shook his head, a smile returning to his face. 
“It’s alright. It’s just… you’re quite forward for a young goddess in a new place.” YN frowned at that. She wasn’t really sure how she was supposed to be acting. She had spent so long working off instinct, that it may have made her a bit blunt in her words and actions. Mimir let the silence hang as she fidgeted with her ice pack before deciding to elaborate.
“… I’m not from here… Asgard, I mean. Hel, I’m not even from the 9 realms.” He looked back at YN and chuckled as she straightened her posture, her interest peaked. “ I’m a Fae, a Goodfellow. I used to be a fool to a Celtic faerie king.” He got a faraway look in his eye, as he slowed the grinding of herbs. She swung her feet as she waited for him to continue, tilting her head in curiosity. “What’s a Fae? What’s Celtic?” Mimir snorted at this, shaking his head. 
“That’s too long a story. The point is that I’m an outsider, like you. And I wasn’t happy where I was so I left… things may seem rough here, but they are better than they were. That’s what I hold onto. This is all new to you, and new is strange. The All-Father told me a bit about your background. Going from complete isolation to being surrounded by people and sparing lessons is a lot, and I apologize for your rushed introduction to Asgard thus far.”
Yn nodded, thinking about her own home. There was nothing for her there, really. And though Heimdall and Thor were less than pleasant and Odin had not yet shown he could be fully trusted, there were already things YN felt would be hard to let go of. The food she was able to eat here, the feeling of a warm bed and a crackling fire, the sound of people moving to and fro in the morning. The sound of people living around her, unbothered.
“ Odin called you Mimir…that means wise one doesn’t it?”
“ yes. I am Mimir, the smartest man alive.” He said proudly. He saw as the girl raised her brow in confusion and chuckled, “I am the ambassador of the gods and the nine realms, I know every corner of the realms, everything that has happened, every language spoken, every moment in time past now.” YN’s eyes widened in awe, to meet someone who claimed to know so much of the world after she had been isolated from it for so long, it made her mind soar. YN pulled the ice from her eye and balled her hands together in anxious excitement.
“ Would you… Would you be able to teach me? Please?!” She pleaded, nearly shaking with excitement. Mimir pretended to think about it, stroking his beard.
“ Oh? I dunno, it’s a lot of information I’d be throwing at you. Could be a bit boring.”
“Yes, that’s what I want! I want to learn about the realms, I want to help build connections, That’s what Odin said I’d be able to do here! Will you please teach me, Mimir?” 
The truth was, he was tasked with keeping an eye on the girl and taking her under his wing. Odin wanted him to teach her about the relations of Asgard to the rest of the realms and see if she could aid in Mimir and Tyr’s growth of Agard’s connections. He looked back down at the girl, guilt buried at the back of his mind. She was only here to be used. But then, weren’t they all in some way? 
“I suppose I could use an apprentice. But don’t whine when you feel you're being thrown over the deep end.”
“Yes!” she cheered, hopping off the table. She bowed deeply, before looking back up at the man with a hopeful smile. “Thank you, Mr. Mimir. I hope that your teachings allow me to be more useful, so that I may continue to stay here. Maybe my first day was hard, but I’m sure I can find my place here.” She beamed, the pain of her wounds already subsiding thanks to godlike healing and the creams that had been applied.  She runs to the exit, hoping to find Mal. She wanted to tell her about her fight with Heimdall and tease her for being too scared to stay and watch. 
“Oi, wait, your eye! I need to put this on it!”
“I’ll be fine! I have to go! Thank you again, Mimir!” she gathered her things, a new skip in her step. 
“Ah ah ah, at least take it with you.” He grabbed her by the shoulder, handing her a metal tin with the cream he had made with the crushed herbs and some bandages. “The great hall! Tomorrow at 6 am. Do not be late!” he barely got it out before she left, the heavy door slamming behind her. 
The sun had set in Asgard and YN was on her way back to her room from supper with Mal, who had apologized for leaving in a hurry and gave her an extra serving of potatoes as a sorry. 
YN yawned with a stretch. The swelling in her eye had gone down, but the bruising was now a deep yellow and purple. Mimir had also found out she had two broken ribs, but with the ointment and bandages he had applied, the girl felt fine and knew they would be fine by morning. 
YN was about to retire for the night, walking to her door, when she heard a loud hiss come from across the hall. She quirked a brow at the sound and turned. Dim candlelight flickered from under the door and YN walked over at the subtle sound of a pained groan. 
“Hello? Are you ok in there?” She asked with a knock. There was silence for a beat, and she knocked again, “Hello?” The person on the other side clicked their tongue in annoyance and YN could hear the loud screech of a chair dragging across the wooden floor. The door swung open and YN was met face-to-face with Heimdall, scowling with a blood-stained handkerchief over his nose. She tilted her head in confusion. 
“What the Hel do you want?” he grumbled, but his voice was slightly nasily because of his broken nose. YN had started to regret ever knocking but quirked a brow and pointed at his handkerchief. 
“You’re still bleeding.”
“No! Really?” Heimdall gasped in fain surprise.
“ I didn’t know we lived across the hall from each other.” She spoke again, ignoring his rudeness. Heimdall rolled his eyes and went to slam the door in her face. 
“Seriously, just get out.” She held her hand up to stop the door from fully closing. “What the- hey! I said, "Get out!”
“Why didn’t you go to the infirmary?”
“Tsk! Are you serious? I’m not a baby, I don’t need bandages and a cookie for staying still.” YN just rolled her good eye at the statement, pushing further against the door. “Hey!”
“You know we heal too fast for you to leave that alone. Your cartilage is going to grow back crooked.” Heimdall’s eyes widened at that, but he frowned as he looked away. 
“That’s not true. You're lying.” 
“Why would I lie about your nose growing back crooked?” YN watched him fidget in place. It didn’t take a genius to know that he cared about his vanity. The bright white shirts with gold trim and intricate braids in his hair when she first saw him were enough of a hint. And despite everything, she still wanted to make peace, if not to become friends then to at least have to worry less about being tackled at a moment's notice. Heimdall groaned in defeat, knowing she was right. 
“ Alright, fine then. What do you suggest I do, pestering raven?” YN sighed at yet another insulting name and crossed her arms.
“ May I come in?” She asked, annoyance obvious in her voice. Heimdall frowned but opened his door wider. Yn walked in and noticed the room was nearly the same as hers, save for a vanity in the corner of the room with the chair pushed back. She grabbed the back of it, dragged it over to the bed, and sat down, turning to Heimdall and patting the spot on the bed across from her. He shut the door and trudged over, sitting across so that their knees touched.
“Can you move the handkerchief?” Heimdall hesitated but slowly did so, his face showing discomfort as he removed pressure. His nose had in fact already started to bend slightly and YN couldn’t help the concerned hiss she let out. “ I really am sorry…”
“ Whatever. Just fix it.” His bright eyes glared through her.
“ I’ll have to break it again.”
“Like hel you will!”
“OK, if you don’t mind a deep bend at your bridge.”
“… fine.”
“What was that?”
“ I said fine already!”
She just nodded with a smirk, touching at the soft cartilage, and pressing it into place. Heimdall winced and tensed at each prod, his hands squeezed tight on his thighs. 
“If you keep scrunching your face, this won’t work.”
“Well, it hurts! You're doing it on purpose.”
“ I am not. Do you want a towel to bite down on?”
“ Shut up- ow! Hey!”
“OK, take a deep breath, This one is gonna be the worst but it should open up both nostrils so you can breathe better.” 
“H-how do you even know what you're doing is right?” 
“ I’ve been alone for a long time. I’ve always had to heal myself. And I’ve fallen on my face many times, my nose looks pretty good if I do say so myself.” She smirked slightly at him as he only gulped. YN grabbed the bridge of his nose and when he braced himself, she twisted her hand sharply, effectively knocking a piece of cartilage that had grown crooked out of place. Heimdall screamed as blood rushed out his nose. He brought the handkerchief back up to his face.
“Are you crazy?!”
“If I didn’t do that, your nose would have looked like a tree branch. Keep pressure on that for a moment.”She pulled the small tin from her pocket. “Look, Mimir gave me this to apply to my eye and ribs before going to bed. It will help with the pain.” She grabbed some bandages that were tucked in her pocket and ripped them into two strips, rolled them up into tight coils, and dipped the ends into the concoction. “Take that off, please. The bleeding should have stopped, and this will stop the soreness.” YN had started to think the boy’s brows were permanently knitted together in annoyance by this point as he moved the kerchief from his face. YN quickly pushed the wads of bandage up his nose to keep the cartilage from collapsing and to promote healing in the correct direction. That being said, he looked ridiculous and she couldn’t help the giggle that bubbled out of her mouth. His face went red and he pushed her chair away from him with his boot. 
“ Alright, you’re done, right? Get out.” he hopped off the bed, pushing her towards the door. 
“W-wait a minute, do you think we could-” she gasped as she was shoved out the door, but twisted and jammed her foot before it could slam. Heimdall let out an exaggerated growl, throwing his head back.
“Gods- now what do you want?” she swallowed thickly and offered a small bow. 
“My name is YN, goddess of logic, tactic and peace. I will be staying across the hall from you. I hope we can learn to get along.” She stood back straight and smiled nervously. Heimdall pulled together a sickly sweet grin.
“I am Heimdall, god of foresight, and my time is too precious to be wasted on you. Good night.” And with that, he swung the door wide open before slamming it in the girl's face. YN winced and then sighed in defeat, fidgeting with her hands.
“Good night…” she called softly back through the door. At no response, she turned toward her room to retire for the night. Maybe the next day would be better. 
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stupidrant · 1 year
I have to talk abt this as this has been in my mind for months and this i think is the only safe space to talk abt the fandom and their weird antics towards the characters/actors and overall games.Im not against criticism but theres a line between criticizing and going overboard with hating.
One thing i dont understand abt the god of war fandom is that they complain about alot of things not being “accurate” and thats doesnt make sense to me bc when has gow ever been accurate? I thought it was obvious from the beginning that SMS wasnt going for that and never truly will. Its always their own interpretation. They also have this weird hatred / ignorance towards atreus that i also dont understand? Yea he was a little annoying in the first game but thats understandable as hes… a kid. Ragnarok expanded his character pretty well imo and i feel like alot of these people for some reason cannot get past him in general? Maybe because they are afraid of him taking over the series and “forgetting” kratos (idk why thats in their minds LOL) or they just hate him just because. I feel like the fandom wants kratos to forever be this god who destroys things and whatnot and its all so weird. like they never gave him a chance. thankfully he has fans but majority hates him. Dont even get me started on how they treat angrboda. Its really so ridiculous to me that they can be so hateful for no true reason. they call her a bitch for yelling at atreus when all the women in the game get annoyed or disappointed in him atleast once. And they dont understand that she has only known this prophecy shit for her whole life and she couldnt do anything outside bc of the threat. ofc shes angry bro LOLL its also in her name like i dont understand 😭.  Atreus helps her get out of that mindset and assures her she can do whatever she wants now. Laya is so strong idk how she does it :( I also noticed they treat thrud as this “replacement” of angrboda bc they dont like her either cuz shes black or bc they hate her and everything related to atreus but as long as he has a character they can like thats not angrboda its fine. Its all so weird bc theres no competition between the two. There never was. I dont think they actually like thrud for her character they just want to be weirdos and i feel kinda bad for her and mina bc they really dont give a fuck. Im so shocked chris sunny and others even INTERACT with this bullshit of a fandom they are all really strong bc id say fuck all of you and go 😭 im not against criticism at all and i try not to take this shit seriously but its hard when you see a insane group of people take alot of this shit to the next level. this fandom is a bunch of whiny babies who hold onto their precious destroyer too much. The hate everyone has gotten recently is just so stupid and they often times try to make it their goal to hate. I see that SMS is trying to diverge their fandom to a broader audience and they are taking a bit more risks esp with atreus and i love that despite the backlash against him, they continued with his character regardless. I hope they do the same thing with the other characters as well and expand them no matter how much these people want to hate and act all high and mighty. I can understand certain critiques like the ending being too fast or maybe they couldve done blah blah better and whatnot but i think alot of people are overreacting and being ridiculously nitpicky with alot of things when it comes to ragnarok. 
Last thing and also kinda random thing SMS is very wrong for what they did to TC Carson and i acknowledge that completely and i hope they never do smth like that to any of the current cast either bc i would be fucking pissed if so LOL
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ninjahiccups · 1 year
Hi there! I saw in one of Songbird of Asgard's chapters that you headcanon Heimdall as demi - do you have any other Heimdall headcanons you would like to share with us? Sincerely, a definitely-not-Heimdall-content-starved anon.
I have a few, though I don't want to share some of them just yet since they would give away things that happen in SoA later on.
-Like I said, I hc Heimdall as demi. Gender identity really doesn't matter to him so long as he can tolerate someone and trust them enough to accept them (which is the real hard part lol)
-Heimdall is a little shit, that much we know. I like to think that applies to people he's close to as well, but in a different way. He'll give them sass and do annoying things to them just for the fun of it. Short? He puts things on the top shelf just to watch them go crazy looking for it, then casually reveal that he moved it after they've lost their mind just to watch them blow up. Have a pet peeve? You better believe he's doing the exact thing that pisses them off every chance he gets. Neat freak? He will 100% walk into their space and fuck it up. If they're someone who will push his buttons right back at him for revenge it turns into a never-ending war of pranks and sass and just messing with each other, and he's too prideful not to have the last laugh.
-Speaking of caring, Heimdall is an all or nothing kinda person, so if he cares, he goes all out. He'll be a selfish, snobby prick to everyone else, expecting them to meet his needs and expectations because they aren't worthy of his time and effort. But if someone's earns his trust and becomes important to him, he will do anything for them. There are limits to how far he'll go depending on the circumstances, but he is devoted to the people he values.
-The same can't really be said for animals, unfortunately. Yes, he respects them, but in the end he sees them as tools that can outlive their usefulness, hence his reaction when Gulltoppr dies. T_T Though he could grow to care for an animal as well, but it would take a lot. It boils down to how he perceives external bonds, seeing them as valuable only if they benefit him (we can thank ol' Odin for that) and he has to get very, VERY close to people to let go of that idea be as devoted as I described above.
-I see him as being 6'0, 6'2ish max. I know Kratos is 6'4, and it looks like Heimdall isn't *too* much shorter than him? (This would make Eivor about 5'5 in SoA)
-Based on the God of War: Lore and Legends book, I'm guessing Heimdall is not too much older than Baldur? The book states Odin and Freya were married about 125 years before GoW 2018 and Baldur came along 5 years later. Freya clearly knows Heimdall, and considering she doesn't care for him at all makes me think she never saw him grow up (if she did I honestly think she would cut him some slack since she has a soft spot for children). That would mean Heimdall would have to be an adult by the time Freya came around, making him at least 135ish? BUT he still seems a lot younger than the other gods like Tyr and Thor based on appearance alone, so he can't be too much older. I hc he's 150ish, which is still very young compared to most other gods.
-My mans is touch-starved and you can't convince me otherwise. So force this man into a hug for god's sake, he just can't admit he needs it so someone has to take it into their own hands.
-He appreciates the arts. Literature, architecture, visual art, music, anything like that. He's just very picky about what he likes.
-I subscribe to the idea that his fate would have been different if just one person cared about him. He would have had one reason to trust someone other than Odin, and that could have changed his perspective completely. Odin likely never allowed that to happen specifically to keep Heimdall under his thumb.
-He does drink, but it's more of an Asgardian culture thing than a letting loose thing. He never gets drunk and has no desire to be.
-His favorite color is gold (shocking, I know).
-He had to learn how to control his foresight in his youngest years. It's always warned him about anything that's coming at him, but actually *reacting* to it in an efficient way was something he had to work on. He wouldn't have been able to catch arrows when he was a teenager, just duck out of the way of them. Of course, his mastery over this skill is part of what makes his ego so enormous.
-My dude is an indoors enjoyer. He very much likes neat environments, clean floors, organization. Outdoors is only nice in the short term, but ask this man to go camping? No way, bruh. You'd have to work to get him to sit on the ground, let alone SLEEP on it.
-Between Heimdall's snarkiness and Atreus's smart mouth, I see so much annoying sibling energy between them. If things had been different, Heimdall would have definitely been like a smartass, I'm-better-than-you older brother, and Atrues would have been the flat-out irritating, Nuh-uh-your-face-is-stupid younger brother. I will ride or die with the idea that the god of order and the god of mischief would piss each other off like brothers who beat each other up for fun. I may or may not plan to hint at this is SoA at some point ;)
(Side note, this blog DOES ***NOT*** support Heimtreus shipping. That last headcannon is strictly in a platonic and familial kind of way)
That's all I can think of right now, other than the ones that would give some things away is SoA. I hope you enjoyed that anon!!!
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samieree · 2 years
Goddess of Muspelheim || GOW Ragnarök
Heimdall x OC
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-> Chapter 2
*Chapter 3 || Baldur*
There was no denying that they didn't get along very well, but they were doomed to each other's presence. Well, at least in theory, because Heimdall seemed to have made plans to stay away from Amaris for as long as possible.
That day, he said it was a great time to visit his pet. He seemed much nicer to him than to people...
"Gulltoppr...! Who loves me very much? Yes, you love me very much!" she stopped when she saw him walk over to him and pat the animal on the side.
"You prefer... Animals?" she asked uncertainly, not knowing what to do with herself. She was about to ask if they needed a moment alone, but she didn't only because that's what he probably wanted - to get rid of her.
"What's up with that empty head, kid?" She said nothing as he turned to her.
Because what was she supposed to say? She didn't feel confident enough to question his... Likes? Taste? Besides, he'll probably figure out what she meant anyway, and...
"Okay, now you made me laugh!" Of course he started laughing at her right after he read her mind or guessed what she was talking about. "And when they said that children are extremely creative, I didn't believe them!" He shook his head, still laughing. "But I'll satisfy your curiosity so you don't accidentally imagine some dirty things in your limited mind. Animals are so much better than humans: They don't lie, they don't cheat, they are always straightforward in their actions." and they are easily controlled... "Yes, that too."
"Is there any moment when you don't read my mind?"
"When you're silent, but not long enough to concentrate on some complicated scenario in your head, sunshine. Any other maybe smart questions?" He clasped his hands in front of him, leaning in slightly and smiling too sweetly.
"I want a ride!" A grimace appeared on his face, which appeared so often in her presence. He pursed his lips a little and closed his eyes for a moment, then sighed heavily and looked up at the sky.
One of them won't survive her time in Asgard, and he wasn't going to be the one to say goodbye to life. One fine day, he'll get over his nerves and gag her, tie her to a pole, and finally rest in peace.
Animals are definitely better than humans or gods. First of all, they aren't complicated. True, they can have character, but they don't annoy that much.
Heimdall didn't like Amaris, she was... Well, mostly too positive and lively. For a while, he considered having some races to get her to run around in a field and leave him alone for a while.
But basically, he really had nothing against her. She even amused him at times how she would start arguing with him, and then when she couldn't come up with a good answer, she would get offended. She always seemed to have clear intentions, but what else could he expect from a fourteen-year-old?
Only when she grows up he'll find out how she really is and form a complete opinion about her.
"Or would you rather spend time with my dear little brother Baldur, hm? He will definitely find himself in babysitting." he offered, resenting the fact that Amaris began petting his animal.
"You said you love taking care of children. And Gulltoppr likes me." she replied with a shrug. "You could give me a tour around Asgard, you're not doing anything anyway."
Please, someone give me patience. A lot of patience.
"You didn't think there was a reason for that? Maybe...”
"Are you old and tired of a boring life?" She cut him off, turning to face him again. Seeing how he was probably counting to ten in his head again so he won't hurt her, she smiled sweetly. "Please, take me on a trip! If you're so smart, show off your knowledge!"
"I can already see your interest in the history of Asgardian architecture, for example." He replied skeptically, eyeing her carefully.
"If you tell me something interesting, maybe I'll tell you something too, about my realm."
"What new can you tell me, child?" He still had the same expression. Why did she care so much? Did she really just want to spend time on productive things with him somehow? It's hard for him to believe...
"I'm sure there will be something..." She lowered her gaze only realizing that it might be hard for her to surprise him with anything. Then she came up with another idea, something she was sure he'll like. "Or... I will be quiet for the rest of the day?"
"Aside from the fact that if I want to learn something, you should appreciate it. Especially since I want to learn it from you." she pointed out, lifting her head to meet his penetrating gaze.
He stared at her for a long time, considering all the possibilities in his mind. He didn't like being a teacher, and personally felt he wasn't very good at it. Anyway, just like at babysitting.
Finally, he sighed heavily and spoke up, presenting his proposal.
"We'll do this... We'll go for a ride and maybe I'll tell you something interesting, but since I have something to do afterwards, I'll leave you with my brother for a while, hm? Won't you cry, sunshine? May be?"
"Yes!" She tried to come closer and hug him in her excitement, but Heimdall quickly took a step back. "No touching, yeah... 'I'm not a cuddly'" she said, trying to imitate his voice as she walked away towards Gulltoppr. She didn't notice it, but those words made Heimdall smile, barely noticeable, but still.
Let it be, make her a day of kindness to animals, let her remember at least one day, however well. Even so, that morning, for fun, when she wasn't looking, he moved her cup on the table so that, turning around, she nudged it with her elbow and splashed herself.
So... Let's say it's compensation for a shirt and pants that had to be washed.
By the way, it was even quite nice to see that someone was happy because of him. He was used to rather hateful looks, so something like this was... An interesting change.
But he won't make much effort to make people rejoice over him. Not when they don't deserve it with their fakeness.
With a typical sigh, he helped her into the saddle, and soon after mounted the Gulltoppr himself, sitting behind her and grabbing the reins.
"Why am I sitting in the front?"
"First: I don't want to pick you up off the ground if you fall. And two: I don't want you touching me when you're in the back seat. Now stop complaining or I'm about to change my mind." She said nothing more, determined to enjoy the ride she had persuaded him to take.
* * *
As Heimdall mentioned earlier, he had to leave Amaris with his brother, Baldur, and go do something for the All-father.
Surprisingly, his brother had no problem with it, claiming that he would be happy to take care of the fourteen-year-old girl.
And it was like that...
When Heimdall returned, he found a sight that surprised even him. The teenager sat on Baldur's shoulders, using her fiery powers to roast the chicken that his brother held in his hands.
It was unprecedented, but he was literally at a loss for words. He stood there and stared at the whole scene, unable to process what was happening before his eyes.
"Something wrong, brother?" Baldur asked, turning with Amaris still perched on his shoulders. Since he felt no pain, he wasn't afraid to hold the chicken in his hands when the girl finished grilling it.
"No, I see you're getting along great." he replied, still confused. He'd expected a lot, even to find her gagged because Baldur couldn't take her talking, but...
That they get along? Seriously? He was surprised like never before.
"Jealous?" Baldur spoke again, a slight smile on his face.
"Never." Heimdall muttered in his usual tone of voice and started to walk away. Looks like he's off from being a babysitter for a while...
"But wait, we can share the chicken with you!"
"There's no need to! You don't have to give the brat back to me either, as long as she's in one piece and gone to bed by the ten o'clock!" he replied to his brother without even stopping. He just waved his hand and went in the direction only known to him.
He had to digest what he had just seen. Definitely.
"But ten in the morning or in the evening?" Baldur asked again, but got no answer, so he just shrugged. "What's the point of it anyway, right?"
For him, taking care of Amaris for the last few hours was even... Funny. Especially considering the powers the girl wields.
Perhaps he was already so desperately thirsty to feel anything that he pinned his hopes on this special fire?
"Mr. Grumbler will come himself if there's a problem." She replied with a shrug. In fact, she was even glad that Baldur would be taking care of her for a while longer today.
"I heard it!" Suddenly, they heard Heimdall's voice, which obviously hadn't gone that far...
~Author’s note~
Another chapter from the past 😄 Is Baldur right, his brother is... Jealous? 🤔 Maybe he's starting to like being a babysitter...?
-> Next chapter -> general masterlist -> God of War: Ragnarök masterlist
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proxylynn · 5 months
What is your opinion on those male power fantasy video games where the male MC gets multiple girls? Me as a women I really hate it but hey it’s fictional so who cares but I still wanna know your thoughts on it.
[Oh boy, as a tomboy gal I'm gonna have very interesting perspectives on this due to mainly going for guy games when growing up. That said, I'm not gonna let them slide when I see shit that isn't necessary, so even games I love are on the chopping block.
Now, I see nothing wrong with power fantasy-themed games. I love the Overlord and God of War series. Nothing quite feels as satisfying as just being this all-powerful force that dominates the world by being OP. But when they add this extra bit because they want to appease the "maidenless", then I get annoyed. God of War, the OG games, and Overlord are products of their time. Kratos fucking women in between slaying is a way to get bonus blood orbs doesn't make a lot of sense to me narratively speaking. He's on a revenge kick for being tricked into killing his wife and daughter, so why is this grief and rage-filled man stopping to get his sword wet with randoms? I don't think I'd be on a god murder quest for the sake of my fallen husband, spend countless hours killing monsters, swearing to commit to my cause, only to be sidetracked by finding a random bed with horny guys on it. I'm just gonna be "You guys have fun" and walk away. I'm on a revenge my love guest damn it! I am not fuking around. The new God of War did this so much better. All the power, the emotion, the trauma, and it's written with consistency that I'm ashamed when I first hear about it that I expected it to still have Kratos fuck around. Bad me.
Overlord is interesting in YOU are the bad guy, so naturally I fell in love with that instantly. Game one I think handled this best (there are like 5 games but I only know the first and second so that's my insight), in the first one you are rebuilding the Empire of Evil after the last overlord was killed. You have a mortality level, you can be an evil prick that causes so much damage that it's not canon to the sequel or a force of power that is a threat by your people like you more than the fallen heroes who have been terrorizing them. So far, sounds awesome. Then you find Rose and she becomes your mistress and, aside from how your minions act (Fuck you, Gnarl!), you treat her as an equal. Eventually, you find Rose's sister and you get to make a choice, the tower can't hold both of them, so do you stick with Rose or replace her with her vain sister Velvet... whoever you pick will then thank you with sex. Now why is this okay? Because it only happens once and isn't a main game mechanic. In Overlord 2 however...It's still not a game mechanic but now it's a reward for vain reasons. In game 2, you can now have up to 3 mistresses (the childhood friend/crush who's a badass that does like you, the vain rich hot noble bitch that only likes your money and power, and a fae goddess who hates you but gets corrupted and now is thirsty for your dick) and the game doesn't handle them or anything right, lots of sexists and fatphobic jokes but that's a rant for another day. To get the sex all you have to do is buy all the furniture for their rooms and getting all three unlocks a fourth scene as they group on you. (I should note the sex is offscreen like GoW and derpy, so why bother) This basically plays on something Gnarl says about female being simple and to keep them happy you just have to give them shiny things. (Again, fuck you, Gnarl!) This sucks as it was very incel before incel was a thing but, remember what I said about the Fae mistress? Her corruption is something we can't stop and it's US that does it, we drain her power to fuel our tower heart but doing so taints her with evil, and it's here we have a choice. We take only enough to fuel the heart or we take all her power and kill her as she becomes a banshee...either way, she loses who she is and just wants to fuck us. This is fucked up as her people are there and begging this to stop, for her to fight back and she's too pure to sink so low, and it's worse if you kill her because as a banshee she's tied eternally to the Overlord...she can't leave us even if she could. Why? Why does it have to be so fucking dark and insulting? They even represent this in the new morality system, no longer is it based on acts of Selfishness and Selflessness, now it's based on Domination and Destruction. You even learn a magic to force your will on others and if you use it too much on a target they die!
Things like this are so damn needless and I'm convinced it's just some devs tapping into their own fetishes when they do it. You can do power fantasies without pointless sex or dehumanizing actions. In fact, it's hypocritical that there is none for women players. If devs feel uncomfortable with such things happening for male characters, then they shouldn't do it for female characters. This is an age of all genders playing games. Grow some damn balls and either stop doing this pointless piss poor excuse you call "fan service" or be equal by doing this treatment to guys in games as well as gals. I have mounted this hill and I shall die on it, but I shan't die without making my point.]
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greatwyrmgold · 2 years
I've been thinking about fan music.
Specifically, I've been thinking about "AD INFINITUM," a Deltarune song that wormed its way into my ear by being pretty good, then into my brain by having some flaws that are both obvious and interesting.
If I wanted to sell someone on "AD INFINITUM," I'd describe it as three parts "Rock Island," two parts other songs Robert Preston talk-sang (affectionate) in that musical, two parts the start of "Welcome to the Internet" (the wiki-walk through things you can do online), one part high-budget-Lin-Manuel-Miranda-imitation lyricism, flavored with the most iconic/annoying online advertising trends and a dash of overstimulated meltdown.
And if you know anything about Deltarune's second chapter, then it should be pretty clear why this fits Spamton. And it does! It sounds like it should be absolute chaos, but it's directed chaos. It comes together.
Except for the references.
See, if I described "AD INFINITUM" that way, I'd be lying by omission. It's also, conservatively, five parts overt reference to Deltarune. These references range from "Maybe someone unfamiliar with Deltarune would assume this was just marketing exaggeration or lolrandom humor" to "[HYPERLINK BLOCKED]". (By which I mean, even as someone who knows everything there is to know about Deltarune, the [HYPERLINK BLOCKED]s were distracting and irritating. Not enough to make me throw out what the song does well, but still.)
Contrast this with something like Gavin Dunne's "To Be Better."
On one hand, the musical style doesn't feel as tailored to Kratos as "AD INFINITUM" was to Spamton. It still fits, but it doesn't fit smoothy. On the other hand, it doesn't [HYPERLINK BLOCKED]. Despite the lack of [HYPERLINK BLOCKED], it evokes Kratos's post-2018 character and arc; learning to accept the past without binding the future.
It's a Kratos song as much as "AD INFINITUM" is a Spamton song, just not in ways that are fun to describe. But if you don't know GoW, you might not know if it wasn't for the game footage. There aren't any references that stand out as something unnatural to non-fans.
But this isn't exactly a fair comparison, is it? Miracle of Sound has been uploading songs for literally twice as long as the Stupendium. By the time Stupendium's first song was uploaded, Gavin had released an album of 100% original metal songs (not counting the ones based on Irish folklore/pirates) and wrote a song for a notable RPG (Wasteland 2, for the record). And it looks like Stupendium's first year was all covers (plus one Christmas rap)
Let's not forget, Gavin's breakout hit was goddamn "Commander Shepherd". If you haven't heard it before...well, it's called "Commander Shepherd." You can block a hyperlink, you can Mike '97, but you'll never be blunter than "Commander Shepherd". (..."leopard" is literally the only common word that rhymes with "Shepherd," I'm working with what I've got.)
And it's not even the bluntest song in Gavin's first album; that's probably either "The Ballad of Clay Carmine," "Mind of the Bat," or "Necromorph Soup". (Or "I Suck at Call of Duty," if we call that a CoD song and not a song about playing CoD.)
By the same token, the Stupendium's early songs are a lot...I don't want to say worse, but I don't like them as much, and they're definitely closer to "Commander Shepherd" than "AD INFINITUM" was.
This isn't a matter of Stupendium being worse than Miracle of Sound. It's a matter of original fandom songs being a weird thing. It's a friggin' oxymoron, it would be weirder if it wasn't a weird thing! And I've never participated in it, so maybe I shouldn't speculate about why this particular weird thing is weird...
...but I can't help myself.
I feel like it's got something to do with confidence. You make something like "Commander Shepherd" when you're writing for an audience that wants a Mass Effect song. Over time, you accumulate a fanbase that you can start writing for an audience that wants a Miracle of Sound song. Only then can you write something like "To Be Better".
Gavin Dunne clearly knows there are people who want Miracle of Sound songs. Basically every album he's released since Metal Up includes at least one song not inspired by a video game/movie/etc. This gives him confidence that he can write a God of War song that isn't the first thing you imagine when you hear "a song about God of War".
The Stupendium doesn't have that—doesn't have a dozen years of experience, an album of non-IP-based rap, songwriting credits in a medium-name game. "AD INFINITUM" is the best version of the first thing you imagine when you hear "a song about Spamton G. Spamton," but it is still a version of that thing, in ways that make it weaker.
If "AD INFINITUM" played its Spamton closer to the chest, I have to imagine it would be better—better as a sensory overload, as a Music Man homage, as music someone would play in the background, as a rap. But instead, it wears its heart-shaped object on its sleeve.
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desultory-novice · 2 years
Compared to other Nintendo series (and possibly others if you feel like talking about them), how would you rate Kirby lore? While I'm aware that there are some other series with more groundbreaking lore, I feel that lore in Kirby is just as well-balanced. If anything it leaves us fans to crave more of it and with each game it gives us more answers as well as questions.
:hopes this shows up:
I was going to immediately jump to saying "Kirby lore is great! The best!" but then I realize I've never played Splatoon (I'm sorry! I have an aversion to online battle games!) and that series seems like it has lots going on in it. And I could spiral off into a dozen other franchises I'm not familiar enough to rate them against Kirby lore. (And the only Mario "lore" video I've ever watched was the Double Cherry off a cliff one. Which is probably my favorite Mario video ever.)
I do feel like Kirby has become famous in recent years because of its lore. It's almost sad, though...? Like, people prop up the lore (which IS great) as a defense against all the people saying Kirby is a kid's franchise.
(It is and has always been an "all-ages" franchise. To say "that's the same thing as saying it's a kid's franchise" is, imo, very narrow-minded.)
"Hey, it's got "plot" so you can feel safe playing it!" But you should ALWAYS feel safe to play Kirby, whether you enjoy it for the lore or the characters or the gameplay! (People who want to make you feel bad for enjoying Kirby are the real jerks. I don't have a very high opinion of people who just write it off for the lowest common denominator jokes, either - looking at you, Honest Game Trailers)
This reminds me that I was just in a conversation with my SO about the gameplay "hints" in GoW Ragnarok and how intrusive and annoying they are and comparing them with Kirby's "say nothing" puzzles that I'm very fond of! I mean, people don't have a lot to say about puzzles in Kirby because they are "obvious" but what they actually are is puzzles that provide the solution via observation. Do you know how hard that is to get right?! That's why modern games HAVE those side characters telling you want to do left and right!!
Err.... I got off on a tangent.
To be honest, I'm not sure I can say for sure "ground-breaking lore" is? Are we talking Braid, where the whole game is either a metaphor for a) abusive relationships that ignore your partner's will to put them on a pedestal or b) the construction of the Atom Bomb?
I think the bits we get with each Kirby game are worthwhile. Look at how much we've built up this far over the course of dozens of games! Squeak Squad may be considered the most lore-lite title in the franchise, but when you think that Daroach was an early reveal for the FL animal kingdom, it becomes more interesting! (And who knows! Kumazaki may revisit Dark Nebula down the line, ala Triple Deluxe rescuing Amazing Mirror's plot!)
In that sense, I do agree with you that it is well-balanced! I haven't been "in the fandom" for a long time, but it seems to me there's always been enough cookie crumbs so we don't have a long dry spell between games. One of the longest (I believe?) was Star Allies to FL, but Star Allies also gave us three years of content to talk about, so!
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danadriel · 2 months
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"I got pregnant...thats one of the consequences you must take in to consideration when you do sex work and you have a womb, I did a fuck up with my birth control pills and shit happened, ok fine, my plan was to just go to a clinic and get an abortion, simple as that, but as things cant simply go straight foward in my life I was running dry on money, and it was taking ages for me to get money enough for the abortion so as consequece the pregnancy progressed, when I was able to finnaly borrow some money from a friend I was already 5 months in the pregnancy, and it was clear I was carrying multiples because my belly was really big for this stage of the pregnancy...this was disturbing me, back when my pregnancy was just a clump of cells inside me I was ok with the idea of aborting it...but now they were much more than that and I was feeling really guilt with the idea of gettting rid of them...
When the day arrived I went to the clinic trying to keep my mind focused on other things, but for my misfortune I met Sarah in the waiting room, just by looking at her I could see she was wealthy woman, just her purse alone was worth more than 3 months of my rent, she was also pregnant, contrary to me, she came to make prenatal exams and she could not shut up about it, she was so happy with the idea of being a mother she could barely contain her tongue, she started conversation with me asking about my babies and stuff, I lied to her alot and didnt told her I was there to have an abortion...talking with her made me feel even worse, to be honest I wanted to keep the babies, if I had the means to keep a family I would birth those children...But I cant! I a fucking wretch living in a shithole apartament with almost no food to speak of, I barely keep myself aflot even selling my body every night!would be cruel of me to bring children to this misery...thankfully my turn arrived before I started to cry and I was driven inside the procedure room to end this...last thing I remember was the nurse injecting something in my arm...then darkness.
I woke up with the sound of an annoying siren and its intermittent red light, I looked around and I was in some sort of medical room, but it was different , as I tried to lift myself from the bed I felt a imense weight in my belly, I looked down and my tummy was enormous! not just I was still pregnant but now I was like full term with triplets! had something went wrong with the procedure? but how the pregnancy could have progressed?? as I tried to understand my situation I noticed there was another bed at my side, and Sarah was there too! we were both hooked up to several medical machinery, once we were able to unhook ourselves we began to especulate what happened, but nothing made sense! we were both at full term pregnancy, it was like we spent months sleeping somehow! and all our stuff was gone, we were both wearing some sort of hospital gow with a armband, my one was orange and Sarah's was green, we tried to call for help but the place was deserted and the siren kept going, so we decided to leave the room and look for answers.
I was clear we were in a different place, there was no windows and no one in sight, there was several empty rooms like the one we wake up in...almost like a medical prison, we kept going for a while until we found an automatic door, as I opened it a body fell on my feet, my startle was only interrupted by noticing the corridor was riddle with bodies, they were all dressed like us, but they were tied and all had bullet wounds on their heads, they were executed! it was like some sort of war crime documentary in real life, Sarah was in shock, but we kept going trying to not trip in the dozens of bodies, in the end of the corridor there was another automatic door, and we could hear screams on the other side, we rushed to see what was happening, we entered the next room and there was a large feline woman with an axe absolutely butchering an security dressed man in the floor, we tried to retreat slowly, but the auto door locked behind us and the feline woman slowly turned towards us, she was tall and her fur was pitch black, her face had creepy yellow eyes with dark scleras and she had 4 of them! at first she seemed enraged for our intromission but as she gazed our bellies her eyes widen like a puppy, then she broke the silence:
- Oh hello...I was not expecting to find survivors in this level...especially such rotund ones! how are you both survived down here? - I don't know we just woke up!...look we don't want any trouble... - Oh I'm sorry for this rather unelegant first impression!...also I'm sorry to inform you are both are already in alot of trouble and it has nothing to do with me! - Who are you?...and where are we? - I don't know exactly, my arm band says I'm Danadriel Montresor...and we are in some sort of giant lab facility...from what I gathered they were making all sorts of experiments here and we were their guinea pigs... - Experimenting on us!? isn't this illegal? I didn't consent for any of this shit!...whos is behind it? is this some sort of government thing? - This is what I'm trying to discover by torturing the surviving employees! this place has no markings or logs of any kind, even the documents on the tables are unmarked...whoever made this place took alot of effort to keep secret. - alright...but what exactly is happening here? if we are guinea pigs and we are loose something must gone wrong in this place! - Some kind of containment breach happened around 48 hours ago...one of the black armband experiments escaped their cell and is wreaking havoc all over the facility, then I got loose and I'm now doing the same... - Black armband experiments? - Yes, you may noticed you and your friend have armbands, green means no periculosity, orange means medium periculosity, red means high periculosity, and the black armbands are for the super fucked up mutants...avoid the subjects with black armbands at all costs! they are DANGEROUS ok!? - alright...but I noticed you also have a black armband.... - oh...yeah I kinda shot myself on the foot right now...but listen I don't wanna hurt you, I'm still sound of mind...but I cant say the same for many of the others subjects...they did alot of horrible shit to people here, the corridors are full of crazies ,be careful when meeting others, also dont trust the security personel, they are shooting everyone on sight. - right...thanks for the tip, but do you know how to escape this hellhole? - I would gladly guide you both to exit if I could, but I have no idea where it is! this place is a maze of airlocks after airlocks...but I suspect we are underground, so your best bet is try to go up! - Thanks, we will try it. - I will try to meet you both again soon, but first I have a lot of security personnel to rip apart...oh yes, please take my axe, you both will need for locked doors and for extra safety! - Don't you...need it? - Nah, I recently discovered I can kill people with my bare hands!...anyway, I'm going now, good luck!
Before I could say anything Danadriel jumped over us grabbing a vent in the roof and contorting her body in unnatural ways to fit there, she was gone, but our misfortune was still in full swing, I took the axe and we continued exploring the instalation always going for stairs up, the place was full of signs of violence, bullet holes, spent cartridges and blood stains, it was like someone fought a war inside those corridors. After a while walking we found ourselves in a nicer part of the instalation, full of offices and mundane furniture, thanks to the axe we were able to break some vending machines and fill our massive hunger with potato chips and soda, not the healthiest meal but not much different from my routine, as we kept going we noticed the blood stains on the floors and walls was getting worse, we found a body of one of the security guards, he had a semi automatic shotgun and some shells on him, what upgrade! I'm no gun nut myself, but my dad was your usual gun lover redneck, and in the rare ocasions he was sober he teached me how to shoot all sorts of guns, and this experience came in handy in this situation, thanks old man!
In our quest to find an exit from that installation, we stumbled into a particularly stinky corridor, the place was covered in blood and viscera and the stench of death was unbearable, I had the impression we found ourselves in a nest, and I was right...as we turned a corner we stumbled upon 7 crazies eating and fucking mangled corpses in the floor, that was the worst case scenario, they laughed as they saw us, without wasting time they ran towards us, I pointed the shotgun and told them to stay back but they were clearly out of themselves..so I started blasting....the first one near us got a load of buckshot in his face, sending his body flying backwards, the next one I hit in the chest ending his live instantaneously, the third one got hit in the neck and his head flew away, the next 3 stood no chance, before they could even get near I shot them square in the chest, but before I could dispatch the last one the shotgun ran dry, in a rush I tried to load another shell in the chamber but the guy was already upon me! in this moment out of nowhere Sarah took the axe Danadriel gave us and split the head of the crazy who was upon me, she saved me!
I'm no stranger to killing, I became a prostitute when I was 15 and I met trouble very soon in my career, there was once a big guy who refused to pay me, so I threated to tell his wife about our encounter, he got angry and tried to choke me to death, to defend myself I broke a beer bottle and shoved it in his neck, the pig bled out to death,since that night I lost all locks that prevented me from hurting people, I had no remorse for just mowing down all those guys...but Sarah was different, she was a model wife with a picket fence life, the only violence she ever witnessed was on tv...and now she just killed a man with an axe, before she could stop and think about what was just happened I interrupted her and tried to keep control of the situation, we were able to walk few more steps but as we tried to cross the crazy nest she broke down, I can blame her , the place was like a scene from a trash horror movie terribly mangled and violated corpses everywhere.
She sat on the floor and began to cry profusely, she was holding well until now but the whole experience took a toll on her, she kept repeating she just wanted to go home and other stuff, I had no way to calm her down, I gave her some minutes, but my patience was running short, all my survival instincts were telling me to leave her behind, and I almost did...but them I remembered how many shit happend to me because people just "left me behind" because it was convenient for them...I hate my mother so much for it, and to prove myself I'm not like her I went back to Sarah, I promissed myself I would leave this place with Sarah or not leave at all!
When Sarah calmed down a little she was still without forces to continue, I sat by her side in that gore filled corridor and I asked more about her life, she told me about her 3 floor home, about her rich husband and how she used to cook something special for him everyday, her life was so perfect it sounded like something straight from a soap opera, and now she was afraid she would never see nothing of that again, then I told her about my reality, she was kinda shocked how fucked I was, and she asked what motivated me to keep going...I had no real answer for that, but them I looked at our imensely round bellies and said "we have to fight for our little ones now ", being reminded of her motherhood gave her some energy to continue, we stand up from that filthy corridor and contined our search...because that nightmare was far from over..." (Maia)
I had this idea in my mind for quite a while, finally I was able to finish it! XD
I hope this story don't give the impression I'm trying to pass some sort of "pro life" message, I'm firmly pro choice, but my characters don't need to necessarily carry the same opinions as me.
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infiniscribe · 1 year
Lyrics to Red Light Cafe Show: April 5th, 2009
These are the lyrics to songs I wrote back in 2009. Still Alive: Such a simple incantation promoting life without inclination of needing something more burning my walls bringing everything down Such a myriad emotion the state of confliction is absent to no one being something more how electrifying I hear you knocking on my door i can feel it burning, and rolling and gowing deep within i can feel it flowing, controlling underneath my skin i'm still alive i'm still alive W-o-n-d-e-r-f-u-l    E-l-e-c-t-r-i-c Down Doesn't Seem So Bad: I tried to stay by your Bedside but your bedside burned and banished me back to where i came from The hole i crawled out of didn't welcome me home with open arms just criticized with countless curses When you wake and wind up someone you hate When you wait up and wise up and realizing that down doesn't seem so bad anymore no, down doesn't seem so bad Just let it run away You'll feel it again someone Just let it go Let yourself breath Just get out of here September Sixteenth: These echoes sounding in my soul Can't bring me to my knees anymore But my eyes are swollen and paralyzed with the touch of feeling nothing at all Of being nothing Of sounding like nothing at all In fear of being nothing like you turned out to be I cannot correct the cracks and breaks that i have done to myself Only gasp at the man behind the mask that they have created The face that they distorted the lives that they have altered the face that they distorted i can't bare to face My head is bruised By the constant beating of repetitive bastarding Worn down to size the likes of what is left of my shallow heart Of my measured ego of my askew spirit of my measured ego thats shattered into place War Cry: this has no beginning it has no end no confrontations has no friends stripped of what it means to be human having no one ever to defend numb is the feeling you pretend when vitality is at its end having no courage having no hand to help the war inside your head im choked unprovoked and so uninspired lack of attention depressed for awhile go to the bar to find who we are and  just start over again I Fell So Far: I fell so far so far enough where you couldn't pick me up i was ripped and worn tired and torn and still your face ceased to come quit convincing its not your fault could of been avoided if you just would talk now its your choice to stay or to walk please don't walk please don't sit there and watch me fall im going crazy im sizing the walls can't figure out how i got in this room 'cus all im seeing are things reminding me of you I fell so far so far where i couldn't see myself anymore i was wrong and timid angry, unforgiving so simple but too complex to admit it Letter To Adam: First of all, Im convinced that i think and worry about things too much. Even incredibly trivial things; i have this overwhelming experience. And i imagine that this email alone is probably annoying and disheartening. But i felt more compelled to write you my apologies. My apologies.
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tf2-hmmm · 4 years
What would happen if s/o can't understand some of the mercs' accents? 😂 would they slow down when talking?
finally done, here you go :)
His ma used to remind him to "talk slowa" for his pa as a child. Even his pa couldn't keep up before.
Give this man his bonk beverage and his words per minute will double.
One time he casually asks them a simple question: "Wheah dow you want to gow fah suppah tonight? It's six-fahty.”
If his S/O truly wants to keep up with the conversation, they better be honest and ask what some of his phrases meant.
He does appreciate being asked, cause it means that his S/O is actively listening. Unlike most of the members in his team. At some point, he’ll become self-aware of how fast he talks.
The way he responds to his S/O next is determined by the current topic at hand. 
When the topic is serious, he’d gladly repeat himself for his S/O, but slower this time.
However, when the topic isn’t important, he’d use the opportunity to mess with his S/O. They shouldn’t expect a direct answer from him at this point. “Why? Does my accent sound that good? Maybe you just like hearing me talk.”  If there are other mercs around, they'll find the scene between the two endearing or sappy.
If the other members from his team constantly misinterpret his clear message (usually Heavy and Pyro), he gets annoyed.
He is the type to speak loud because he hates repeating himself, but when it's his S/O, his treatment of them is entirely different.
When his S/O inquires, he asks which part they don’t get and attempts to explain it to the best of his ability.
They can always rely on him to give them a straight answer.
Tones down his voice reserved only for his dear cupcake.
Most of the team members tried their best to understand their verbal cues. They opted for the arsonist’s non-verbal cues instead.
They stopped trying to communicate verbally long ago, but they're glad their S/O never gave up.
The only three people able to comprehend them is S/O, Engie, and Spy.
S/O does most of the translating for the team, but there will be times they misinterpret Pyro too.
Having a very expressive body movement, they will draw objects or do sign languages that are related to their point to get it across their S/O.
Will use fingerspelling when the message they’re passing to S/O is urgent.
When his S/O wanted him to repeat his previous stories, the way he answers will depend solely on the question: How much alcohol did he consume?
1-4 bottles: Is still articulate with his words. Paraphrases his earlier ramblings and takes the time to use common words for his S/O. Still sober. 
5-8 bottles: Shows signs of being a wee bit steamin. His Scottish accent thickens. Will tell more additional side stories and compliments S/O before fully recounting his previous ramblings. Does a lot of hand gestures. Struggles getting back on the topic.
8-XX bottles: He tolerates his alcohol extremely well, but at this point maybe his S/O is better off asking him when he's sober. But he may never remember what the topic was about.
He has basic knowledge in English, enough to be understood by his S/O. Calls S/O his pretty little flower.
When his S/O got confused by his statement, in his mind, he pauses to reword everything from Russian to another language. His knowledge in his mother tongue is complex, which is why it takes time for him to process everything in English.
Not a shy learner. His S/O can guide him to construct his sentence and correct him. Once he hears the word, he keeps it in mind. He isn’t afraid of being corrected when using new words.
His fluency towards S/O’s language gets better each day, making him able to process his sentences faster. 
Also planning to impress his S/O by learning to flirt in their language. He learns from his private lesson with Spy.
In his usual conversation, there will at least be one technical jargon included in his sentence.
If that’s not confusing to his S/O, maybe his Texan accent and slang will.
Will apologize to his S/O as soon as he catches himself slipping uncommon terminologies.
Will only notice his S/O not being able to keep up when they’ve gone fully silent for at least a minute.
His experience in teaching back in his younger days made it easy for him to explain some Texan phrases to his S/O in layman’s term. If his S/O still doesn't understand him on the first try, he'd be eager to attempt again.
Among the mercs, it's Engie the S/O will learn from the most. The longer they stick with him, the more his accent also sticks to his S/O.
His speech is easy to understand, but when the topic between him and S/O is related to his hobbies (aka. experiments) he gets into an excitable mood. In his manic state, his accent becomes harder to understand to his S/O.
One of his pet peeves is to be interrupted by the listener so they can ask mundane questions. Soldier's the #1 repeat offender of this.
S/O will have to listen to everything. By the time he finishes, his S/O will have most of their answers.
At the back of his mind, he includes S/O's confusion as part of his tally for his statistics. He's been keeping count of the phrases that make him hard to understand.
May have tried different ways of telling a story to S/O so he can know which tactic is understandable to them as part of his social experiment.
Most of the time, it’s his mumbling of various phrases the S/O would ask about.
His reaction with S/O's confusion to his phrase/accent will depend if he is currently speaking to them personally or professionally.
If S/O is speaking to him in his free time, he either makes his explanation simple to understand for his S/O, or makes it even more complicated. Explaining things is not his specialty, but his S/O can make it easier for him by asking more specific details instead.
When they are currently working with him, all they’re getting from him are short responses. His current priority is somewhere else. He’d tell his S/O to save some of their more complex questions after the battle.
When the topic at hand is serious and complicated to S/O, he’ll excuse himself to smoke a cigar. He'll think of a better way to reiterate the information.
When he’s ready, the explanation he makes will be a detailed one for his S/O. If his S/O is multilingual, he gives their other language a try and hopes his S/O finally understood him. (also secretly does it to impress them)
Also, he’ll curiously inquire which part of his accent made him unclear to his S/O. After all, part of his job is to be an eloquent speaker and report any intel.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Thursday 6 September 1838
6 5
10 55
fine morning – had quite undressed and slept very comfortably – went downstairs and boiled our 4 eggs, and we had eaten them (with cold water to drink) taking neither bread nor anything else, by 7 25 they said the wind had been so high last night, the very cows had been blow off their feet – they were sure we could not have passed the port – the mistress of the house a widow with 5 children – very civil and reasonable – she charged 9/. reckoning 2/. each for our eating and 1/. each for the 3 beds – I asked what she would have charged if we had had a regular dinner – answer for soup, jambon, and oeufs fits, pommes de terre à la maître d’hotel and 6 truites, she would have charged us 2/. a piece for breakfast café au lait and bread and butter 1/. each – the same breakfast with strawberries 1/50 each – for a roast chicken to take away with us 1/. and for a petite omelette à dix oeufs 1/. – off from Grip (very well satisfied) at 7 ¾ - at à la fraiche, the  other little Inn newly or 2 years ago established (but said Charles, dirty) in 17 minutes at 8 2 – at 8 18, a little before l’Artigué (18 or 20 neat white washed granges with every one or cattle shade) the source minérale lately discovered at the foot of the cascade de Grip, and .:. the adour river turned a little aside by a dike of walling so as to leave the mineral spring, and run in a new cut nearer to the highroad – at 8 20 at l’Artigué , and in 5 minutes more, turned off here (left) to the cascade de Gare (pronounced Gar) and alighted in 4 minutes 40 or 50 yards from the cascade – good near view of the top part of the pic du midi – to the right – beyond l’Artigué –
the cascade very pretty down pine and beech wooded cleft in the rock – the who[le] fall perhaps about 90 or 100 ft. – one [pit] about 30ft – very pretty – prettiest fall the Adour makes?   off from here at 8 ¾ - back into the highroad in 10 minutes – and at Tramesaigues [Tramezaigues] at 9 10 (about 200 yards below where we turned back last night) and here, at Tramesaigues [Tramezaigues] the pic du midi bouches the valley – nice little breeze this morning and now at 9 ¼ - these granges (16 at Tramesaigues [Tramezaigues] – 18 or 20 at l’Artigue [Artigué]) inhabited till Tous saints – at 9 28 cabane and shed and fresh breeze – at Tramesaigues [Tramezaigues] turn (left) Tourmalet to the Tourmalet valle cirque-headed – the top part bare rocky crête – left, partly grassy rock – right, ditto but chiefly covered with heather then wind (right) to Lescalla [Escala] 10 or 11 cabanes with cattle shades, at 9 55
this little basin to the right also cirque-headed, the grassy cirque forming the col or port up to (lying between) hoary rock right, and more particularly left joining on to crête and larger massif of bare hoary rugged rock – at the top of the port at 10 ¾ - we both alighted and walked – down in a line with the 1st batch (4 or 5) of cabanes at 11 10 and a line with 2nd ditto (5) at 11 ¼ - A- remounted at 11 20 and I at 11 55 at the little bridge of Tournebout just after passing the broader and better little wooden pont de Labosse [La bosse] (or as I had called it pont d’Escoubous (pronounced Escooboos) at 11 40 about ¼ hour before the pont de Labosse [La bosse] (A- some way behind me) had a minute to spare to stop and look at the Neouvielle only seen from just here – 4 points of it – 3 of them about the same height enclosing glacier – the other point lower – at home at 12 ½ - A- and I ate some Spanish grapes (brought here every other day or every 2 day – from Balbastro, they say) then sat reading the five Galignani-messengers of 28, 29, 30, 31 August and 1 September till 4 10 A- having 1st read her 3 letters from her sister and 2 from S.W. the Sutherlands going from London to the Rhine – then Sackville poorly, and the Rhine put off and Sackville to be taken to London per steam from Cromarty – A- to direct chez les Plowes – the schoolmaster Mr. Hutchinson in London 2nd time getting a patent for an invention of his as SW. understood that would turn sun, moon and planets all at once! – then sat by A- I reading the paper of 30 August till 5 ¼ - dressed – put on first time   silk gow[n] made by Josephine – dinner at 6 ½ -
sent for Mr. Pagès and had him for 10 minutes till 8 – he had called twice to see if we were returned – A- to begin her baths at 5am tomorrow – begin with staying in 20 minutes and get to ½ hour or more to wash her face while in the bath – to take one glass of water on leaving the bath ¾ water ¼ milk, guimauve sirop de would do neither good nor harm might be added or not – but the water to be taken pure, as soon as A- could reconcile herself to the taste – another glass of water to be taken after breakfast about 12 or ½ before riding – on returning from the bath to go to bed for 2 hours – then breakfast at 9 which we told him was our usual hour – then sat with A- in her room – then came to my own room, and had my hair cut – Pierre had not been attentive to Josephine – on returning from the Pic du Bergonz on Sunday morning (home at 11 off about 5 10) had let her ride from Esteré [Estérel] to Barèges alone – and had let her walk alone, promising to follow her when she set off in the morning, as far as the foot of the Bergonz mountain – annoyed – said I should speak to him about all this – She blames George – but this I had nothing to do with – Pierre was the guide – Putting my things in order till 10 10 fine day till rain and fog here before 5pm damp foggy evening F65 ½° now at 10 1/4pm
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gronjon44 · 3 years
Ok like... I gotta rant cause its just super annoying.
Overwatch is dying and Archives 2021 was the nail in the coffin.
Yes I'm aware the fan base is still alive and I'm also aware someone else probably beat me to this but just... Archives 2021 feels so lazy this year.
While yes you can argue the skins are great (which they I love Samurai Genji) that doesn't change the fact that these just feel so out of place in the event.
These are skins that SHOULD be in the game I will say that, but they better suited for different events. The Historical Skins are all great but here's the thing that sticks with me.
They said they weren't releasing anymore new events based around holidays (which I think is stupid as is)
But look me dead in the eye and tell me-
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We could have gotten a full Historical Event themed around just, history in general, and it could've been separate from Archives And besides its not like Jeff would complain about more people forking money over for the game and in game events
It always bugged me when they said "Oh we won't make anymore holiday events we're just sticking with what we have"
Y'all realize how much your limiting yourselves right? You could give us more 3 week Challenge events and add skins like these. Give us more mini events to fill the gaps with how LITTLE you actually give us nowadays.
And as far as the Genji and Zarya skins are concerned I think they're the two best skins by far this year, but they feel just as out of place (they'd be more at home in Anniversary or Lunar New Year I think)
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And these aren't the only other skins I think that would've benefited from this (Mountain Man McCree and Conductor Reinhardt I think would've benefitted from this treatment as well)
And just...
This whole event just feels empty.
The skins are all great but nothing feels like Archives to me.
The Mutations are just kinda eh (they're not bad but compared to last year the only one I personally think is fun/challenging is Sympathy Gains (Retribution but killing enemies heals other enemies))
Impenetrable Barriers is more difficult when a Shield Unit is protecting a Bastion
Thunderstorm is just... Everyone is Winston thats it.
They don't compare to modes like Storm Raging, Blood Moon Rising, Surgical Strike, and Glass Canons
And if I'm gonna talk about the other skins let me just say that Corrador and Sub-Aquatic are really awesome and Camouflage is just... its a love it or hate it skins I think (kinda like Lightning Tracer)
Look me in the eye and tell me they're adding actual recurring content nowadays to the game that isn't related to the OWL or a standard event.
They don't add heroes anymore cause they're dumping so many resources into OW2
They don't update events anymore with actual new gamemodes (not including minor mutations to old events)
All they really give us is new skins, while fantastic, are becoming fewer in numbers and they don't actually match the events nearly as much as they used to (case and point this event)
I get they wanted to release a sequel and continue the story, but here's the thing.
You could have very easily just added a campaign mode to the main game and slowly updated it with new Missions/Campaigns. That's what Doom Eternal and GOW 5 have done so far.
And even if you made it so you have to buy each mission/campaign (like the Telltale games or Life is Strange) I don't think the player base would have had any issues (so long as the price was within reason)
But just... I feel like this year is a final straw for me (and I doubt I'm the only one who thinks this way)
I understand they wanted a sequel to profit off the success of the initial game but the problem with that is that it was too soon for the game to get a sequel.
Yes you can argue that alot of franchises have short gaps between new releases (like Borderlands, COD, and GOW) but those are all Solo Campaign games that focused more on the individual campaign and only had simple multi-player.
Overwatch is a Multi-player based game that built its storyline into the Multi-player with no actual solo campaign.
I'm not saying that they shouldn't add a campaign but I'm also saying that for a game like Overwatch the campaign should have been integrated into the original game and not crammed into an entirely separate project.
Archives was the ideal place to start off cause it told historical events in the games plot (all of which are fantasticly done)and the idea of a solo/4 person multiplayer campaign is an amazing idea.
Dropping everything to abandon your old game and shove viable new content into a second unnecessary game and leaving your player base dry for content... not an amazing idea.
This has turned into a massive rant so let me end it off on this:
Jeff Kaplan is a hack who doesn't know how to run a game and they just need to move OW2 onto the original OW platform
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mst3kproject · 4 years
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The Navy vs the Night Monsters
Of course, it’s not like bad things stop happening now that 2020 is finally over… we just get to start counting again from zero. Kind of like how I’ve started counting thirty-six Episodes that Never Were per year, beginning with this one. It was co-directed by Wyott Ordung from Robot Monster and features familiar faces like Russ Bender and Mamie Van Doren, the latter for once not playing a teenage delinquent.  It also has one really obscure MST3K connection: it was based on a story by Murray Leinster, which the sharp-eyed will remember as the name of the ship attacked by Evil Count Zarth Arn’s lava lamp weapon at the beginning of Starcrash!
A plane carrying specimens of Antarctic flora and fauna makes a rather rough and unexpected landing at a naval base on remote Gow Island in the south Pacific.  There appears to be nobody on board except the pilot and a few penguins – the former is in a catatonic state, and the latter are... well, penguins... so what happened to the rest of the passengers and crew is a complete mystery.  Did the pilot go mad and kill them?  Did the penguins?  Or did it have something to do with those mysterious ancient trees discovered growing around a geothermal spring in the heart of the frozen continent?
The first ten minutes of this movie are spent trying to be a comedy.  Before we get anywhere near the plot, we first have to listen to the guys on the plane try to be funny about their lunch and their tastes in women.  Then on the island, we watch a guy who can’t seem to figure out how to inflate a balloon, followed by a dude talking to his dog, and then a really icky bit where two women convince a man he had sex with both of them, which he buys because he was too drunk to remember.  Only then do we finally establish what’s actually going on.  The impression one gets from this beginning is that The Navy vs the Night Monsters is going to be peopled entirely by Jackass Comic Relief characters, and I actually turned the film off and sat on it for a couple of days to psych myself up to watch the rest.
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When I finally turned it back on, to my relief the movie turned out not to be quite that bad, but it’s still pretty damned bad.  The dull and unfunny opening is followed by an abrupt shift of tone, as a man maddened by terror jumps from the plane to his death!  The only thing set up by the opening that turns out to be relevant is Spaulding the meteorologist’s crush on Nora the nurse, when she’s in love with the base’s second in command, Lieutenant Brown.
I complain frequently about useless love triangles in movies.  This one is very useless, and all the more so because the script totally forgets to resolve it.  Spaulding hates Gow Island but stays because he’s in love with Nora – he wants her to go back to Miami with him and marry him.  When he puts this idea to her, however, it becomes obvious that Nora can’t stand him, and it’s clear enough why: Spaulding is an asshole and he treats Nora not as a partner but as a possession.  Never does he show any sort of tenderness towards her.  Every time they speak to each other, he seems to end up shouting, and his jealousy of Brown repeatedly leads to violence.
Brown, on the other hand, treats Nora with respect and actually shows vulnerability around her.  He’s been left in charge while the base’s commander is on the mainland attending an important meeting, and he’s really feeling the pressure as the base is surrounded by tree monsters in the dark.  He talks about his anxiety and Nora comforts him, and the audience rolls their eyes because it’s perfectly obvious which of these guys she’s going to pick.  And sure enough, at the end she’s in Brown’s arms… but nothing about the whole situation is exactly resolved.
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Brown and Spaulding did get in a fist fight, though it wasn’t explicitly over Nora, but nobody ever talks about the problem. Spaulding never realizes that he’s treated Nora badly, and it never seems to even occur to him that she might prefer Brown over him, or even that she has emotions or preferences at all.  He definitely never seems to understand that he’s lost.  Brown and Nora seem to feel a need to hide their love affair from the other base staff, but we’re never given a reason why (although I guess ‘Spaulding’s a dick’ is reason enough).  Nora never tells Spaulding that she prefers Brown… maybe she’s afraid he’ll assault her?  I hate everything about this situation, but nothing more than the fact that as the movie progresses we get hints that Nora may be warming up to Spaulding, as if she’s supposed to consider these two guys equal contenders for her affections!  Fuck everybody who wrote this, seriously.
It’s kind of sad to see Mamie Van Doren in a role like this after meeting her in things like Untamed Youth and Girls Town.  Those movies were gross and exploitative, but Mamie’s characters were central to their plots and she filled those shoes reasonably well.  She wasn’t Oscar material but for what the films were, she was enough to carry them.  The Navy vs the Night Monsters is a little closer to being a ‘real movie’, but in this respect it represents a step down for her, as she is relegated to being something for two men to fight over.  Furthermore, Silver from Girls Town and Penny from Untamed Youth were both characters who required some range – Nora the nurse mainly spends the whole movie being annoyed with the men in her life.  Van Doren could have done much more if anyone had bothered asking it of her.
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Let’s see… what else do I hate about this movie? I hate Private Chandler, the guy who stays a Jackass Comic Relief character once that opening is over. Shockingly, The Navy vs the Night Monsters actually kills him off, but he’s not nearly as annoying as Dropo or the guy from Outlaw, so his death merely feels mean rather than having any entertainment value.  The guy was just about to actually get laid by one of the women who’d made fun of him earlier – though she, like Spaulding, showed no sign of being sorry for past jerkitude.
I hate the monsters.  Normally I have a soft spot for plant monsters.  They’re a cliché in their own way, I guess, but they’re a fun idea.  The ones in The Navy vs the Night Monsters kill and digest people with acidic sap, and a character theorizes about how and why such a thing would evolve, which is cool. The execution, however, sucks. While the poster for the film shows us a humanoid Treebeard-looking thing, the actual monsters in the film are dumb-looking stumps that waddle along like a couple of guys trying to move a piece of furniture corner-by-corner because it’s too heavy to lift.  The result reminds me of The Creeping Terror, in that you have to want to get eaten by these things.  At one point a guy walks right up to one, inspects it, and escapes its clutches merely by backing away slowly!
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The trees reproduce using insect-like larvae that are, themselves, lethally venomous.  This is also a neat idea which is, once again, ruined by the execution. The tiny ones are being pulled along the floor by a sometimes-visible string, and then they grow into stumps that look like they should be stools around a boy scout campfire, which move even slower than the adult trees!  There’s a scene where the characters are holed up in the base under an onslaught of these, with planes arriving to napalm them just in time, and it is ludicrous in its attempt to feel threatening.
I do like that Gow Island is a bleak middle-of-nowhere rather than a tropical paradise.  The landscapes kind of remind me of the Falkland Islands, though the weather on Gow is evidently better.  You can see why some of the characters hate it here, surrounded by barren scrub inhabited mostly by ten thousand smelly, raucous seabirds. Unfortunately this backdrop makes the ‘comedy’ opening seem even more out of place, though it’s also kind of nice that they didn’t give us any stereotyped ‘natives’ as either comedy or monster fodder.
As for a theme… well, The Navy vs the Night Monsters is clearly about an invasive species.  The biologist, in suggesting how the tree monsters evolved, points out that they are suited to the hostile environment of Antarctica in ways that make them nearly unstoppable anywhere else.  We’re told that they devoured all the penguins the scientists were bringing back for study, and as well as eating the people, they wreak havoc among the Gow Island seabirds and reproduce out of control.  The parallels to things like cane toads in Australia, or housecats just about anywhere, are obvious.
This isn’t something the characters care about, though, even the ones who profess to be scientists.  At the end, enough of the trees are destroyed that the humans can safely evacuate, and what happens after that is clearly Gow Island’s problem, not humanity’s. I really would have liked to see the script go into this a little more, but then, The Navy vs the Night Monsters is not a movie that wants to go into anything, even stuff it sets up in some detail.
At the end, The Navy vs the Night Monsters feels pretty half-assed.  Somebody wanted to make a movie, and then put in the bare minimum effort possible to have all the parts present.  They clearly understood how movies work, but they didn’t have the money and didn’t want to go to the trouble.  The result is deeply mediocre.  There’s a few laughs out of the dumb stump creatures, but mostly it’s just bad.
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byuntrash101 · 3 years
Cat, you're a capricorn, right? As a cap, which other astrological signs do you find the easiest and the hardest to get along with? And do you have any interest/like astrology?
Hi babyyyy 💖💖💖
Yes I'm a proud Capricorn!! Being a cap as its ups and down (like every other sign tbh).
Soooooo let me break it down to you!!
Disclaimer: I am NOT an astrologer and what i'm saying is purely based on my (very) little knoledged and personnal experience.
Let's start with some FACTSSS about the Caps.
Most Caps are introverts (lol me). SOme can look extroverts but are actually just doing tremendous efforts to socialize. Think about other Cap idols like Kyungsoo or Jongin theyr are both clearly introverts but they are very sociable and fun around people they are comfortable with like yours truly.
Also caps have BOUNDARIES. They are independant creatures who don't fear being alone.
The thirs thing about being a Cap is that they are literally keeping EVERYTHING for themselves and always act tough/unbothered when they actually care deep down but they rather die in a isolated ditch like a wounded animal rather than actually ask for help.
That's why for instance i'm very uncomfortable with the idea of being vulnerable and always use humor to hide my negative emotions. I hate to admit that i need help so much that mys siter developped this technique where she won't ask if i need help and she will just provide it.
Now lets get down to it.
The sign I find I get along with easily :
Cancer: Cancers are not an easy sign to understand because they tend to be very sensitive and the cap is sometimes a little too honest but I think the dynamic we have with cancers is healthy. Also both us are homebodies we like to stay in and don't need a lot of friends ad lost of alone time. Thats why I love cancers
Scorpios: lemme tell you theseeee *mwah* a great match! they get our twitsted dark humor and they can even top it. Scorpios can be a little controlling for the independant cap but overall they both have to work on the same thing aka letting people in their (mushy) hearts cause scorpios can be even more secretive than the cap.
Taurus : maybe that one is only for me as a cap idk if it can applies to the others BUT taurus and me we share the same appeal for everything that is sExY i day dream about dirty things all day longggg and taurus do to haha. We share many of the same values as we are both earth signs only taurus can prove to be a LOT more social than us and also a LOT more hard headed (dont try to change the mind of a taurus)
Honorable mentions to : geminis and aquariuses and other caps
The sign I find more difficult to get along with :
Virgos : Virgos can be a little selfish which doesnt float with me. As the cap is shy to ask anything for themselves they need somebody that will be attentive towards that and virgos are mostly not. Also they can sort of know-it-all and the caps hates to be patronized
Leos : they are known for their big egos thats not for nothing. I think at the end we just hurt each other without thinking. Leos will be hurt when the cap is concentrating on themselves and their business and Cap will get annoyed when leo gets clingy when in fact they only want to share some love/friendship
Libra: what a cap values the most is being dependadable. every cap i know (including me) pride themselves on being always their for their friends/loved ones. They are RELIABLE. And libras they are the definition of free, most of them are scared of commitment which what a cap (all earth signs tbh) thrive on. Cap will feel like they make all the efforts to keep the relationship going and libras probs won't even realize they are draining the caps energy because it's just not a big deal to them.
Honorable mentions to : aries and pisces.
What it really gets down to
I think you can get along, (not necessarely be bff) with ANYBODY if everybody involed TRIES! You have to ackknoledge your own flaws and not only point out the ones of the others. That's a difficult exercice but it(s the best way to learn and gow.
SOOO I actually never judge based on the zodiac sign!!!! I honestly can get along with everyone mostly because i am easy going (or at least i like to belive that haha)
Also, some people are just assholes regardless of their zodiac signs... and thats that on that.
THANK YOUUUUUUU for asking that it was really fun thinking about all of this.
It also kinda gave me an idea ofr a ff.... I'll see. Now i have too many things going on haha
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samieree · 1 year
Goddess of Muspelheim || GOW Ragnarök
Heimdall x OC
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-> Chapter 5
*Chapter 6 || Friends?*
It should be explained that Amaris felt most betrayed by Heimdall in her life. After all, by the end of her stay in Asgard, they were getting along really well. Of course, there were still snide remarks, but... in a friendlier way.
Anyway, even people from the outside noticed that they were such "gossip besties". Besides, despite appearances, Amaris learned a few things from Heimdall, such as those related to combat. Of course, she had to fend for herself with her fire-related abilities, but controlling them wasn't a problem away from her home world.
But to sum it up: They bonded. They really got used to each other's presence almost every day.
Even Heimdall himself had to admit that it was nice to have someone he could talk to freely, someone who said what he thought.
They sat at the tavern that day, Heimdall reading a book, and Amaris kept looking over his shoulder and reading with him, though she didn't like the content much, and she never liked philosophical gibberish anyway. Funny, she's been told she'll like this stuff when she grows up - and here she is, she's practically an adult and still doesn't understand it. Or does everyone mean a few hundred years old by growing up, not eighteen?
Her gaze wandered over to some two men who were standing in the corner on the other side of the tavern, glancing in their direction from time to time.
"Are they dishing us?" She asked, moving a little closer to Heimdall.
"Of course." He replied, turning a page in his book.
"Can I beat them up?" She asked another question, not taking her eyes off the two men.
"Have fun." He said, still busy with the book.
In fact, that was quite often the case. Amaris was going to fight some people, often causing a fight throughout the tavern, and Heimdall... He was sitting in the middle of it all, reading a book. Every now and then he would bend down when the bench passed overhead, or he would put his feet on the bench he was sitting on so as not to disturb the fighting men.
Of course, he occasionally peeked to see if Amaris hadn't accidentally gotten herself killed. Usually he didn't have to intervene, and they sat there until the girl got bored or Heimdall finished reading.
This time it was the latter possibility.
"We're leaving, kid!" He shouted, before getting up from his seat and dodging the combatants, heading for the exit. Amaris joined him after a while, running across the tables that were still in place.
After such an exciting first part of the day, they spent the second one on the wall. Amaris sat on its edge, staring down and lost in her own thoughts, while Heimdall strolled past, traditionally eating an apple.
"Do you think my parents even care about me?" The girl asked unexpectedly. This time she really surprised him, because he wasn't reading her thoughts at the moment, he was busy thinking about his own life.
"Why wouldn't they?" He answered by asking the question, continuing to walk along the edge of the wall, but this time towards her.
"They left their only child in the care of 'strangers' for almost four years. I have never been home during this time. I'm not complaining, I'm enjoying my life here, but..."
"You feel unwanted and rejected?" He finished for her before tossing the apple core somewhere over the wall, beyond the city limits. He didn't even have to read her mind to figure it out. In a way... He understood her. Understood her pretty much.
"Yes... And... You can laugh, but... Really, do they even like me?" She still didn't look at him, even when she heard him sit down next to her and stare at her intently.
She has changed a lot since she came here. Okay, she was still an annoying kid sometimes, but she'd surprisingly gained some brains in addition to her height.
Of course, part of that was due to his interesting stories, yes.
"Sometimes you can't understand your parents. You care about what they think about you, and they seem to give absolutely no care what you think about them." He replied, shrugging his shoulders. It's no secret that he spoke from experience.
After all, it is known how he always wanted his father's approval, and he never got much of it. In fact, sometimes he compared himself to Amaris, and actually... The first time he did it, was the time that his attitude towards her began to change. He stopped being mean only because it became a kind of defence mechanism for him against the evil world and lying people.
And then he saw a girl in a family situation similar to his, and it fell to him to take care of her here. It was a bit like a slap in the face from fate, he himself wasn't very well brought up, and he practically got to raise a person with similar feelings and experiences as him.
"You speak from experience?" She asked, finally looking up at his mesmerizing violet eyes.
For the first time, she had the feeling that he was speaking to her completely seriously. He wasn't mean to her, they didn't exchange gossip and biting remarks, they just talked seriously. For those few, maybe a dozen or so minutes, she felt as if she had an older brother or friend in him.
He trusted her.
"Yes." He admitted, though the word was heavy in his throat. "You'll always care about them because they're your immediate family, but don't let them define your life. After all, they don't define you, you are your own being."
It's kind of ironic that he was the one giving this advice that he didn't follow himself. He was afraid of his father, and he had to admit it even to himself. You could say that he allowed him to get into his head and now he couldn't handle it. Perhaps he would do something about it if he saw any alternative, another life, a way out of the situation.
And if he wasn't overwhelmed by other people's thoughts at times. Maybe then - and if his destiny wasn't so closely tied to Asgard - he would have found a place to live somewhere else, escaped his father's eternally appraising gaze. Escape his sometimes nasty thoughts, which he never mentioned aloud and tried to push out of his memory as quickly as possible.
Who knows, maybe in the future there will be a way, an opportunity to change his life? Perhaps he will find enough trust in himself to confide everything to his young friend?
And maybe she will change his life to better in the future?
-> Next chapter -> general masterlist -> God of War: Ragnarök masterlist
~Author's note~
Okay, but I love them and their little friendship before everything went wrong 💔 Probably one of the last/the last chapter from the past, unless you would like to know some other aspect of their relationship from those times 😊
Tags: @violet2507 @zoleea-exultant @dijanur
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