#it was one if the first anime series I ever watched properly. that wasn't on kid's TV
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badninken · 2 months ago
of the animes you've watched, which one do you think you liked the most in terms of art style?
Samurai Champloo
No contest. No other anime comes close for me. It's a 10/10 in every aspect but especially in terms of art style.
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Just seeing the intro for the first time rewired my brain and solidified my infatuation with edo-era Japan, hip hop and graffiti by combining all those things into one extremely well polished anime everyone needs to watch.
Mugen is in it, and even though I've barely posted him on this blog, he's the blorbo that has squatted rent free at the back of my mind since 2004, sounding exactly like Zoro but like, slathered in even more chaotic pirate energy and dango sauce.
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Just look at this scrawny ass stray dog of a man. He fits right in with the rest of them, because he was the first.
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Jin is also very cool, and here shown drawn with extremely dynamic lines with weight variation so sexy it hurts. Look at the thickness of the ear outlines compared to the thin strands if hair. The shape of the lines of his eyelashes and eyebrows. Hair detail! And this is all animated! Well and beautifully animated too!
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It's just one single, well plotted and super polished season with a satisfying conclusion. You should watch it. Everyone should.
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romancemedia · 8 months ago
Well good news, I just finished reading SAFT Volume 6. It was such a great read and I really enjoyed getting a deeper look inside the world of the series, especially the events when Lafall had taken Anne and Shall captive and the last few chapters revealed quite a bit.
Anne and Shall Almost Kiss Confirmed!
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In episode 23 of the anime, the scene showed it looked like Anne and Shall were on the verge of sharing their first kiss. That's what I always suspected and after reading the book, my hunch was right! Anne and Shall did in deed want to kiss each other, but because of Lafall's words, it caused them both to back off in fear they'll make the other unhappy. DAMN YOU LAFALL! YOU RUINED ANNE AND SHALL'S MOMENT!
Shall will stay with Anne Forever!
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In the anime's last episode, when Anne and Shall both expressed their wish for each other's happiness and Anne told Shall that after fufilling his promise to her, that he should leave to properly live his life the way he wants, Anne had no idea of Shall's meaning when he said "forever". It turns out even if that day ever come, Shall would never leave Anne's side, but instead, Shall would continue to watch over and protect her happiness from the shadows. HE NEVER WANTS TO BE APART FROM HER!!!
The ending is so bittersweet. Anne and Shall's love has become so incredibly, amazingly strong. Their love is undeniable, but now because of Lafall, there is a wedge between them. (I HATE YOU LAFALL!!!) It's going to take a while before they can bridge the gap and Volume 7 will be the first step to helping them.
Also one last surprise twist. In the final pages Keith announced he had quit the Radcliffe Workshop and asks Anne if she'd like to open a workshop together with him!! I was wondering when this would happen. I found out from past spoilers that Anne and Keith would form a partnership together, but I just didn't know when. I assumed it was going to happen in Vol 7, but I wasn't expecting this!
I'm looking forward to getting Volume 7 in November this year and again, I REALLY WANT TO ANIME TO RETURN TO COMPLETE THE REST OF THE STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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thora-sniper · 19 days ago
Hello everyone!
Crosshair rent free in my mind after that moment when I rewatch 1st and 2d seasons of "The Bad Batch" in 2023 so it was only a matter of time for me to give him property friend, so that's why Tho'ra Vidjany was birth.
I have to say that before that moment I never ever was involved in something like this. I wasn't Star Wars fan, I haven't watched "Clone Wars" animated series, and all other films are were just another interesting movie which I can watch on TV when it shows and I have time for this. And I haven't making fanarts and don't write fanfics at all.
What have changed? I don't know, really. I just registered here for others fanarts and stories. And meet so many creative people.
So my "Clone x OC" week will be about CT-9904 Crosshair and his apprentice, friend and battle mate, and stupid and brave girl, and so on Tho'ra Vidjany.
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Disclaimer: this is little excerpt from the first chapter of the series called "Hard Choice", it was written in Russian and I still have no enough time translate in properly. All arts in this series created specially for this event.
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That was ordinary day in dining room for Imperial cadets, when one of them heard by speakerphone that someone called CT-9904 to the admiral's cabinet.
3548-19 breath caught in her throat, because with the thought of this number, she fell asleep almost every night, the image of a man in black armor with red stripes instantly rose before her eyes. She couldn't help but look around to see if anyone was moving in the cafeteria, even though the fighter could be anywhere at this time of day. But he was here. A tall, gloomy, overgrown with stubble, haggard clone got up from the table, where he was sitting completely alone. He left the tray almost untouched to rush to a meeting with his superiors, not every fighter is personally called by the admiral himself. Sniper went out without looking back, he had no one to say goodbye to.
For several days, the group did not cross paths with CT-9904 in the dining room. 3548-19 didn't dare to look for him on purpose. Many in her group spoke negatively about these artificial creatures, did not recognize any rights for them. But the girl was not going to discuss politics or world order issues with them, but she was much more interested in the combat experience of the clones..
And now he appeared again. He sat alone at the table in silence. 3548-19 quickly finished her lunch, rushed to get a second cup of caf, but did not return to her table, resolutely took a seat opposite the clone. That was the end of her understanding of the situation, and the first words stuck in her throat.
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—Well, — piercing look from under his eyebrows did not add courage, but this unwillingly thrown word broke the awkward silence.
«Speak plainly as you are», - the girl admonished herself, taking another sip from the cup, as if the drink could give her courage. She held onto the mug as tightly as if her life depended on it and trying not to look directly on him.
—Final exams in three months, our instructor is a complete idiot in combat training and tries to do everything only according to the textbook. I need some useful tips and tricks from an experienced fighter to show my effectiveness and bring the group alive to...
—Hmm, — sniper muttered under his breath. — The protocols and manuals have definitely been successfully hammered into your head. What do you want from me? They don't let me teach anyone anymore.
—But how about...
He didn't let her finish, drained his glass in one gulp, stood up heavily, leaning on the table, and left the dining room in silence.
3548-19 bit her lip, annoyed at the absurdity of this conversation, her stupidity and ghost hopes. In the eyes of the veteran, such a truth really looked like childish. Don't waste your efforts, she told herself. It's worth focusing on training and learning the whole theory all over again, since this exam again depends only on her. She's not going back to the farm, and she's not going to die before time!
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Thanks for reading, or looking through to everyone 🫶
And more thanks to them who making "likes" and "reblogs" 😍
Thanks @clonexocweek for this event!
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gojuo · 6 months ago
omg im that person who sent you an ask like months ago about how I was catelyn and Robb trash before I became aegon and alicent trash. You've been one of the few hotd blogs I can stand because woahh why is this fandom so pleased with mediocre nonsensical work???
Reading your thoughts on each episode was healing because it was like FINALLY, AN INTELLECTUAL, and even though I never fully read the books (yet), the show pissed me off so much (and I have a twin bro who loves it *sigh*)
Anyway, I just discovered that you used to be an aot fan because I stumbled upon an old gifset you made, and YOU'RE AN EREN FAN TOO? Like being a fan of Eren post finale is so bad because all the content creators and meta writers just do not understand my boy. So, this just me fangerling over this lol.
Lastly.....I had a couple friends who only watched the show, but haven't read the manga practically beg me to give jujutsu kaisen a chance. Seeing your blog posts have made me hesitate. Would you recommend? T-T
thank you, and im sleep deprived, so that might explain the atrocious grammar.
OH AND, THAT GRRM BLOG POST. I AM SO GLAD HE SAID SOMETHING. Everyone calling him whiny or unprofessional can stfu. It's his work. His art. I'm glad there are those defending him. Because the nonsense being pulled isn't acceptable.
Omg thank you for the compliments that's literally soooo sweet I really don't think my takes are all that so your words are very flattering, thank you very much 😭🫂 and omg yes I know you sent me an ask and I'm soo sorry I haven't responded yet 😭 I get a lot of asks my inbox is always full plus I'm a workaholic who does a lot of overwork that's why I'm barely online/on hiatus in the first place so asks get buried all the time and I tend to ignore my inbox because I get so overwhelmed it's literally a never-ending cycle I just can't get out of 😭😭 I'll try to answer this weekend but no promises 😓
Oh man don't remind me of those AOT days.... You couldn't even say you understood why Eren did what he did or why there were flaws with Armin's group et al or why there was a point to the Yeagerists without getting hounded ... but to be fair I do think Isayama sorta failed in conveying his messages and themes properly but oh well ... It's done and gone I AM FREE and I will never discuss AOT ever again lmao
About JJK...... man.... it hurts.... It was so good...... until it wasn't 😭 Listen it starts out as a 6 or 7 out of 10 until it grows into a pure 10 out of 10 score for the Hidden Inventory & Shibuya Incident arcs ... and then it falls down a steep cliff right into a, in my generous opinion, 2 out of 10 score 😖 Post-Shibuya is so bad I can't even explain it bc it hurts too much to think about... I used to love this series so much and it turned into... this... It's heartbreaking. I only recommend JJK to you if you're aware that it's not that good and it's mostly carried by its battles rather than its plot or characters. And tbh the community is fun. I've had the time of my life when JJK was at its peak in summer '23 and even if the manga is ending in a few weeks, the anime is still ongoing for a few years at least, so there's that too if you care about that ❤
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clqveris · 1 year ago
stock dancing but it's all the fandoms i've ever been in
despite tumblr's accounts being called blogs, this is probably going to be the only "blog post" that I'll ever post. at least in the near future.
it's going to be a long one. disclaimer, it will contain some talk of things like fandom discourse, as well of mentions of Dead Dove topics, so scroll away if you need.
it will also be pretty personal, so I'm not adding all the tags for the fandoms and characters. this is mostly to those who know me.
I'll start at the beginning, in the best chronological order that I can remember. Not by order of appearance in the video, because I kept forgetting what came first when drawing the frames.
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My Little Pony (Rarity) and Warrior Cats (Firestar)
These were my very first "fandoms." Before I even went to school, I discovered MLP on the television. I then proceeded to draw those stupid little ponies on the desk and some plastic containers. Thankfully it was with pencil, and not on any important containers and whatnot. Very glad I'm not a brony now, and very glad there was a human version so I didn't have to make a pony awkwardly dance.
Warrior cats was a series I read for a long time. I don't remember when I dropped it, but I just ended up losing interest. It has been stretched out by a lot by now, I believe. Warrior cats was also the first fandom that I "participated" in, by using Amino. Somehow, miraculously, I got out unscathed. By that, I mean no "safe adults" or suspicious people approached me. Not that I would've fallen for it after listening to internet safety week. Firestar is at the end of the animation because, well, it's difficult to make a non-anthro cat dance the same way as people do.
It's funny, because these two are most associated with people becoming furries later on in life, and somehow I am the only one who doesn't take much of an interest in furries within my friend group.
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LittleBigPlanet (Sackboy) and Vocaloid (Miku)
LBP wasn't something that I was really "in a fandom" for, but I definitely really enjoyed playing it with my best friend and even made my own username based on it. I remember playing LBP, LBP2, and LBP3, and the disaster that was LBP3 because after finishing the story, none of it would load properly. Tons of surfaces and props would just be missing. Still, it's a nice game to look back on.
I will be honest, this is probably the first Miku I've drawn. Vocaloid has just been a thing in my life since discovering it back... I don't remember when, but the first music that went in playlists of music I liked to listen to was generally made with vocaloid or other voice synthesizers. Miku has always been there, somehow.
*not to be mistaken with AI voice generators, as people actually agree to provide their voice for the voice synthesizers
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Marvel (Winter Soldier), Pokemon (Misty), Yandere Simulator (stand in- Vera)
I never drew anything for Marvel, except for the above frame. My family watched it when I was younger, everyone watched it before it started falling off after the infinity stones thing got resolved. The only reason I put it here was because I definitely read fanfiction for it, and definitely thought there was something fruity about america and his best friend. I mean, you find yourself in the future and everyone you've ever known is dead except wait, your best friend isn't, but he's brainwashed and now you have to kill him, so you betray the government and all your new friends instead to try and reach him. Shame that kind of story was stuck in the mcu.
Pokemon was an interesting phase. I drew Pokemon in ms paint, but never any of the humans. I had (still have some) Pokemon plushes and watched the first Pokemon anime on Netflix when it was still on there. I also watched the one with Serena. This was also the fandom that I first discovered porn. And tentacles. So if you ask me why, it's because of Pokemon. It's rather funny, because once again, I seem to be the only one in the friend group who doesn't take an interest in Pokemon anymore.
Yandere Simulator was discovered in elementary school. Because it's been shown that the dev was found to be interacting inappropriately with minors, I have not drawn the protagonist of the game and instead used an OC of mine as a stand in. All you need to know about Vera is that he is not a good person. I used to draw for this fandom back in my Amino days, just a bit, but ended up dropping it because of more and more people pointing out his incompetency. Plus, the complaint that to do anything in game you would have to watch the videos on YouTube, thus making a blind playthrough impossible. As well as his "sex license" comment, which was more than enough to turn me away from that game.
That aside, YanSim was my first exposure to the "yandere" trope- the obsessive, possessive type characters. In the game, it was done in a very bland way, but I like the general idea of the trope. Its influence still drives me towards certain preferences of mine in other fandoms, but I'd rather attribute that to Araki, who apparently popularized the trope with Yukako. I guess this is probably where my interest in "bad things happening in fiction" started.
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Don't Hug Me I'm Scared (Sketchbook), Don't Starve (Willow), Cookie Run (Roguefort Cookie)
Initially, DHMIS was going to be my second or third fandom on the list, but I realized that I got into it when I was old enough to have an email address, and not before. Hence, now it's down here. I ended up using that popular design of the human sketchbook to be recognizable. It was an interesting fandom, and also another from my Amino days. I don't know who came up with the idea of the sketchbook and the clock having a love-hate relationship, but looking back on it, they might've been cooking. I remember joining a discord server for it, having my phone get taken away, and then coming back and the server was about the grinch. I also remember that this was the first time I actually interacted with the community and talking to the others within the fandom, since the Amino community was pretty small. I look back at it and cringe, because there are so many things I did for attention. Instead of linking back to a person, I would put emojis around the link with sunglasses and pointing hands saying "This idea came from 😎 👉 this person." All that aside, this is probably where my interest in horror started.
The only reason I remembered that I was technically in the Don't Starve fandom was because I went looking in my folder of drawings and found some there. Then I remembered that yes, I had also read fanfiction for it. Mostly, though, it was a videogame that I played with my family. I ended up using the charcoal pencil brush here for Willow, instead of the pen, to mimic the artstyle just a bit.
Cookie Run is a fandom that I was in, and only get back in briefly whenever Roguefort is in an event. I also first discovered it due to an artist on tumblr who I followed for DHMIS. No idea where they are now because I can't remember the correct spelling of the username. Other than that, I just play the game, which I have been playing since before high school. Now I am out of high school. It was also the fandom that I believe was probably responsible for a good amount of my early art improvement, due to some art challenge where you drew every cookie. Overall, fond memories, but I'd rather not return to the fandom. Too much drama, too many people making big fusses over dumb shit. The Valentine's Day video being an especially dumb one, especially when you consider that maybe, putting in offensive stereotypes contributes to bad perceptions of real life people vs some ship between biscuits. I even remember asking, when I was younger, "Should I ship Pink Choco cookie with White Choco cookie or Hero cookie? I can't decide." Poor little me didn't know about multishipping, and the answer I got was that "Some people headcanon the Choco cookies as siblings, so it's safer to ship her with Hero." Well, now that I'm older, I have decided that I don't have the energy to act like fictional ships anywhere near the same level as real relationships and problems, and would probably ship both were I still interested in the fandom.
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Team Fortress 2 (Sniper), Doki Doki Literature Club (Monika), Jojo's Bizzare Adventure (Kakyoin)
Yes, I was in the TF2 fandom. I barely played the game but I usually played as Medic when I did. I also realize that as I type this out, this might have been the original old men thing. Or at least, some of the oldest. I drew them a lot, and I wrote a fic that I orphaned some years later out of shame. It had a werewolf in it for some reason, and was multiple chapters. Although each chapter was only about 1000 words, compared to my current long-term multichapter fic which easily have 2000+ a chapter. Well, aside from that, I don't know why I liked Sniper the most. He throws piss in bottle and I will say, piss is something I avoid if I can. It's in my muted words somewhere.
I never personally played DDLC. I did watch playthrough of it, and seeing people's reactions to some of the stuff was always enjoyable. Yes, Monika was my favorite, and still is. I can't say with certainty why she is, but maybe I just found her the most interesting out of all the characters. This fandom I remember drawing for because this is where one of my OCs originated from, although that character I am only really remembering as I type this out, despite repurposing her.
JJBA. I cannot say that I look back at my time here happily. This is probably where I first started learning about the current state of fandom (ie, Not Good) and getting a bit of personal experience with it. At the time, I did enjoy it. I enjoyed talking in a ship server (A) about it, and another general server (B) about it. It was great and all, until A started blowing up. Which wouldn't be a problem if it didn't have a blacklist of topics that anyone could add to. They're useful in smaller circles, yes, but in large public servers, most things are going to end up being blacklisted. I remember dresses and "positive talk about mothers" being blacklisted, and eventually I got too anxious that I would say something on the blacklist to speak at all. B was okay, and I even tried to get over my fear of talking to strangers in voice chat by joining one during a whiteboard or something similar where everyone draws on the same canvas. I later ended up deleting all 200+ of my messages there and leaving. Why? Because the members of the server did not know the concept of "block and move on." "Scroll away." "Ignore things that you don't like online." A popular artist in the fandom was brought up and the people started trashing on them because of their wedding, which was apparently themed with the favorite JoJo ship. (But honestly, if someone wanted to theme their wedding to a ship I would respect the hell out of them.) The reason I ended up leaving that server was because they started saying stuff like, "It's creepy and weird, because the characters are minors so there's probably something wrong with that person," and implying such things over a JoJo ship of all things. (And, it gets into the territory of the "violent videogames are the cause of vioence" argument. Do you think that because I particularly enjoy using shotguns in videogames because I find them satisfying means that I want to go out and shoot real people with a shotgun? The state of gun control in the US is awful, and if anything, I want less guns.) And, generally, judging things by how "weird" they are rather than whether it harms or helps people is too arbitrary of a measure. Unfortunately, this was far from the last time that I would see serious accusations made on the basis of dumb shit, and now I am doubtful of most callout posts.
Other than that, at least I know all the Jojo references people complain about seeing all the time. Although, now that I'm not into JoJo, I don't actually see that many jokes about it.
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Helltaker (Malina) and Weak Hero (Alex)
Malina gets two frames because she unluckily got the one that did not show her face. I can't say I remember much about the Helltaker community, but this was the community that I posted on Reddit to. Since then I have not used Reddit, but it was a good game and people seemed nice, at least from what I remember. Azazel was the one I drew the most, but Malina is a gamer girl, so I chose her for this.
I only remember Weak Hero because I saw that I drew a total of two images for this fandom. I discovered it on Webtoon, and joined a server which I have long since left, and that's all I can remember. Other than that, it was a webtoon with fighting and that's all I can say.
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Omori (Omori) and Genshin Impact (Xinyan)
Omori was the first rpgmaker game I actually drew things for, although most of these drawings consisted of Sweetheart. Although I do like Ib and The Witch's House and Corpse Party, I never really went into the fandom. There wasn't much else to it, but the plot of Omori was good and it led me to discover one of my favorite artists, who, unfortunately, has left the internet. I wish them well.
Xinyan is here because she was and still is one of my favorites from the game. I wish she got better treatment from the game, especially gameplay-wise. I haven't drawn much for this game, due to the level of detail on outfits, but I did still play it for two years and read fanfiction for it. Lately I've just been watching videos for the story quest, though. Uninstalling it gave me 50+ GB back of space on my computer. About the Genshin fandom... JoJo may have been my first real bad experience with how online communities are, but this was my first time seeing how widespread it was. Lots of baseless accusations, fighting over headcanons, telling people awful things because they dislike a character... Well, the post that says the best way to enjoy fandom is to enjoy it with a small circle becomes more and more correct.
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OC era (Left to Right- Aster @/sepialkali, Lucy @/hattiestgal, Alason @/moonlightguardianmoon, Zion @/sweet-pattycakes, Bisu/Sparrow @/monarch-orien, and Danaus)
For this one I realized that I had leftover blank frames at the end of the animation, and asked my friends for their ocs to fill in. This era lasted a very long time, and started because I discovered Tupperbox. Since then, my characters have become a lot less watered down as I drifted away from roleplay, and most of the things I do with them is just art now. Two of them are getting a sort of visual novel story thing made of them though, if that counts for anything.
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Nu:Carnival (Kuya), Stardew Valley (Elliott), Wildfrost (Tusk)
Despite playing this game for a sizeable amount of time, the most I've done for this fandom was read fics and draw an event character once. Somehow, despite the bland gameplay, I have made a habit of continuing to play the game. I used Kuya because he's the only character I consistently roll for.
I first played Stardew Valley a long time ago without mods, and then forgot about it for a few years. When I came back to it earlier this year, I thought it would be funny to install mods that makes characters into crazy yanderes. It was definitely entertaining, although most of them were pretty standard. I will give massive props to whoever made the Elliott one, because they added events and schedule changes and a lot more than just dialogue changes. Anyways, the reason this is here is because I decided, on a whim one day, to start writing a very long fic for Stardew. This was at the beginning of the year, and it is not even halfway through right now. Then I lost interest in the game while retaining an interest in writing the fic, somehow.
Wildfrost I picked up near the beginning of the year. It doesn't have much of a story, and there's little fanart because of that, but the character designs are pretty good. I still play it daily, and Tusk is still a good unit, because it's basically free damage.
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Honkai Star Rail (Peepaw Welt), The Greatest Estate Developer (Lloyd), The Coffin of Andy and Leyley (Ashley)
Honkai Star Rail remains on my computer, but I cannot find the energy to open and play it. Each new character becomes its own meta, and the gameplay loop isn't that enjoyable anymore. During the time that I did, however, I had my 50/50s ruined twice by Welt, which is why he is here. Otherwise I would've chosen Tingyun or Yanqing instead. Gameplay aside, I am lucky to have found a good community for this fandom through a ship server, as an almost complete mirror of the previous servers I was in for JoJo. They are what keeps me in the fandom.
TGED was a very short era that lasted for less than a month. During that time, however, I was afflicted by the demons, and drew and even wrote a decent amount (at least for my standards.) Funnily enough, what drove me away from it was the server I was in for it. This fandom is a very small one, and so the server had probably the majority of active fandom members that could speak English. What made me leave was the poor moderation and some immaturity from some members. Links to NSFW fanart was allowed in the same channel as SFW fanart, NSFW conversations wouldn't always be in the NSFW channel... Which, if it was an adults only server, would've been fine, but it is not, and I feel that this server is a genuine safety concern with the NSFW problem.
TCOAAL was a game I watched a playthrough of when it first came out, and then I saw the chaos that happened when it blew up with the release of the second chapter. I personally found it very entertaining, with the way people didn't have a problem with cannibalism and murder and cults until they found out there was an ending with incest, and suddenly the game was a bad game you shouldn't play. Although if you look at the Steam reviews most people don't care because, well, it's only a game. This game also served as a bit of a precursor. I find codependency in ships interesting, but I am only slightly interested in the game. I don't think about it that much, for some reason. Maybe that'll change when more chapters are released.
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The S-Classes That I Raised (Han Yoojin)
If you take a quick scroll through my account, you can probably tell that this is my current fandom. Funnily enough, the server that brought me into this was one I joined while trying to get out of TGED. I suppose it only worked because I read it on Webtoon awhile ago. This server is a lot better kept, although maybe it's because it's strictly an 18+ server. As well as that, it's a smaller community within the fandom, because the server's subject is inherently tied to one of the Big Dead Dove topics, so there's a lot less worrying about drama starting over that sort of stuff. To my mutuals, I will not talk about weird dead dove stuff that I'm into unless asked to, so don't worry about it. Some sort of codependency just makes me go crazy. Unfortunately, I was not able to fit him next to another image to make Tumblr make him smaller, and had to remove one of Malina's frames to fit the 30 image limit.
If any of my friends are reading all the way down to here, thanks! I'm very lucky to have you guys as friends, and I hope we can stay friends for a long time.
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goron-king-darunia · 4 months ago
Annon-Guy: Have you ever watched Edward Scissorhands?
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And have you read the IDW Sonic Comics?
I have seen Edward Scissorhands, but not recently. I would fail a pop quiz, but I know the general premise and plot. As for the IDW Sonic Comics, I am aware of them, and the Metal Virus Saga was a big enough thing that I have a few reviews and summaries of it in my Watch Later on Youtube because everyone was talking about it. But no, I've never actually read any of the Sonic Comics. The closest I've gotten to reading them independently was reading some of the pages from that notorious comic by Ken Penders where Sonic wasn't allowed to be properly devastated that his children got erased from existence, same comic that is also notorious for being the jumping off point for Ken Penders' Lara Su Chronicles comic that took a bajillion years and a giant middle finger to Sega to get published. And I only read the pages that were shown in a devastating roast of Ken's material in a sort of "this is why you need to 'Kill Your Darlings'" type post on Tumblr because, like, on the one hand I 100% understand the appeal of exploring what domestic life is like for the cast once they're able to actually grow up and have lives. But when the overarching plot is badly explained timey wimey nonsense that comes out of nowhere, isn't allowed to have a proper emotional impact anywhere that it should, and gets resolved in a handful of too-short and yet way-too-long issues, yeah. A story like that isn't going to do any of its elements well.
I've heard good things about the Sonic comics, and even the ones Ken Penders got his mitts on have some good in them. You can tell the Echidnas were Ken's Special Little Guys, and honestly, as a Knuckles fan, I 100% understand. I've just never actually had the time to dedicate to reading them. Hence why video summaries are my current go-to for whenever I do have the time. It's amazing but a bit bittersweet that there's so much art out there and so many stories, but I'll probably never get to all of the stuff I want to get to. There's just too much cool stuff for one human being to experience. Homestuck was a massive thing, and I have quite a few friends who were into all of it. And I tried picking it up once. But it's such a massive undertaking that I might just have to settle for a synopsis if the interest ever hits me again. Hell, One Piece is a massive big deal now, with the Live Action version on Netflix roping a lot of first time viewers in, and I think the main appeal is how much it truncates. You definitely miss out on the finer details and elements of story-telling with the live action version, but for a manga with chapters and episodes in the THOUSANDS, I 100% understand why the Live Action series or even the movie arcs are a much more appealing way to get into the behemoth of One Piece than reading or watching the whole thing. I was into One Piece back before it was "cool" here in the states and even I'm so massively behind on One Piece because it started becoming more important to save up and not spend money buying the physical manga, so I stopped reading, and the availability of the anime was locked behind crunchyroll or funimation's own service for a long time, so it became harder to watch too. Because back when I was watching it, it was a 4Kids Dub that was free on over the air broadcast. So I'm only able to catch up on anything now because it became such a massive success that it's easy to get to the stuff I need now.
That said, the Sonic Comic dub you sent my way with the Halloween story was cute. A little simplistic story-wise, but, hey, there's only so complex you can get with a Halloween Story. Especially in a comic that targets all ages. So if you're asking because you want to hit me up with some stuff, I can try to keep up. No promises. But I'd be willing to take a look at a few of the good IDW Sonic Comics if you've got some to recommend.
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bitty-bits · 1 year ago
The First and the Last of the Year
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And possibly last ever... on Tumblr at least.
Where did I go?
Nowhere in particular... if you've seen my socials all year, that is. This blog/newsletter however, took an extended vacation, not just from a lack of interest (and personal real life stuff getting in the way) but also from a technical standpoint - I really wanted the email newsletter aspect of this to work, but I still couldn't. I was considering using TinyLetter ...until they announced that was shutting down. If I had a nickel for every time a newsletter service shut down out of nowhere I'd have two... you know the rest. And with Tumblr getting worse as the year went by, maintaining this wasn't exactly motivating enough.
That said, it was a less than ideal year for my productivity, inconsistent pace, money issues, the lowest amount of notable dreams to write down on my dream journal to date... you get the idea.
So I can only hope for things to be better. For me to be less lazy... and work not only on stuff I make, but on myself. And I do have a bit of optimism, since a lot has, so let's see a couple of stuff, although everything else you should expect to see in a "rebooted" version of this blog...
Also, Free Palestine!
What I've Been Playing / Watching
So while I haven't fully completed a LOT of things this year, this will be going back to the beginning of the year, essentially, so strap yourselves. (Some of it I'll be grabbing from my media thread that I've made on Twitter as well)
Lucky Star (Finished)
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I have posted about Lucky Star in another issue, but I was still in the middle of watching it. Now that I've actually finished watching it (in February) I can say more about it: When it comes to this anime, it was either pretty ahead of its time, or we just have Regressed as a species since then. Maybe the latter.
And sorry folkz, Lucky Star is pro-ship/pro-fic culture and there’s nothing you can do about it. I watched the entire series including the OVA, and while I’m definitely still not sure I’m exactly the "target demographic" what I saw was still very enjoyable. it really just is whatever the fuck and I'm all for it.
At first my kin™ was Konata pretty quickly because of course. That was until Minami showed up and like, she’s basically the weeb version of Ongo Jelly Jamm™!!! I actually can say I got attached to and care about most of the characters, even if just a little.
Like I said in a previous issue, in 2015 I had watched part of an episode of it english dubbed and it didn’t click with me at all. Turns out the dub just sucks as I should’ve expected lol (And I really wasn’t used to segmented "several short stories in one" type anime and stuff to be fair - that and I was dumber too of course so I couldnt properly appreciate the ART........)
My rating is Timotei/10 - and Nichijou is next!
Pizza Tower
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Easily the biggest loss for gaming this year was this game not winning "Best Debut Indie" at the Game Awards. Oh well.
I was already highly anticipating this game - having first heard of it when it had a demo at SAGE 2019 I’m glad the game turned out great and is getting the recognition it deserves. I pretty much finished the game in early March. P/10
The Owl House (Finished)
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Well... it’s over... for better or worse. I do think they managed to deliver a satisfactory ending all things considered. This was definitely a great cartoon to kick off the new decade.
And of course, fuck Disney as always.
This show got me to break out of, I guess an habit, you could say, or a superstition, or whatever the hell it is, when it came to media with too much ""occultism"" in them. You know the drill. I guess it opened up the little my mind had left that was still a bit closed. Even if it’s mostly involuntary.
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But this isn’t even new. As a child I’d actually have an "imaginary friend" that i made (that kinda just Existed, didn’t really "interact" much with them whatsoever cuz i was Dumb™) that their backstory was literally that they were a demon in hell "gone rogue" so they were "not an evil one". Again, I was a kid. I never thought too much about the implications of me thinking about stuff like that already at that age. But it is interesting to think about now.
Anyways, been gay, did witchcraft. ⛥/5
Invader ZIM (Series + Enter The Florpus)
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Well I did it. I finally watched the funny hot topic show™ (Finished in late May)
What can I even say about it that hasn’t been already said by everyone else? ...well maybe I have one thing: for some reason I didn’t find That One Episode that people always bring up the MOST disturbing one. I thought the one with a literal character flatlining and Zim being ":)" about it got to me a bit more.
Anyways yeah it’s Cool I liked the characters especially Gaz, and GIR obviously Why Wouldn’t He Be Here. The show can be stupid and end episodes in Whatever The Fuck ways that leave you like "That's it? That's the episode???" but I think that’s one of the unique aspects of it that I Enjoy - also the movie is cool. ☮️>🐔+🍚/10
The Super Mario Bros. Movie (2023)
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So I watched it first when we only had shitty cinema bootleg recordings (that aren’t even that shitty anymore at this point in terms of quality, the Shit comes in the form of godawful intrusive illegal casino ads™ placed.) even though a bit later the raw movie would sometimes be uploaded in full to YouTube with no consequence for days. And at this point I’ve rewatched it plenty of times in proper HD (though only once in English cuz I’ll be honest, the Brazilian dub really is phenomenal really and blows the original "star talent cast" out of the water in my opinion, where it falls short is the voice for Luigi, as I know the dude’s voice too well and he’s just doing his normal voice with an accent, not to mention he’s the brazilian Sonic voice already!!!)
I think Charlie Day is the superior Loogy here but I’d still say the dub is better, not only for the fact there are "real voice actors" cuz you know, that’s Their Job, but also like, Charles Martinet is still in there cuz in case you didn't know, he voiced that jumpman dude’s only line in pretty much every language possible which is absurd/admirable.
It’s a fun movie if not mostly for looking at Mario Things happening that you know and recognize, because otherwise the story is pretty ridiculously basic, though even for "Mario game story" standards it’s definitely refreshing to see Luigi as the one to be rescued... though that Also sucks because Luigi deserved more screentime. The main Toad too. Oh well. Also disappointed that the "wise Toad" in the movie isn’t Toadsworth… or maybe he is but hasn’t aged yet and maybe in a sequel we’ll see him get older and then main Toad becomes Captain Toad. Who knows 🍄/10
Honorable Mentions - Stuff I've Watched That I've Yet To Write My Thoughts About, I Don't Have The Time Now
Spy × Family (Season 1) - Not the type of anime I'd see myself watching, but I was forced roped into it by one of my partners and found it to be VERY enjoyable.
Sparkle On, Raven: The Life of Drillgirl - Charming, shitpost-y, but genuine and fun
The Amazing Digital Circus - A very promising series with unexpected popularity, and equally unexpected high quality Brazilian dub with recognizable talent.
Murder Drones (Season 1 - 6/8) - A series I've been cautiously optimistic about since its pilot - it has endearing, enjoyable characters and settings, but flawed writing and pacing - more on that at a future date.
Scott Pilgrim Takes Off - An amazing take on a series that I'm not so familiar with (haven't seen the movie or read the comics, only really knew that the franchise "exists") and judging from what I've heard from others, it probably is the best take on the main storyline. Especially when it comes to the representation of who turned out to be my fave - Roxie. Watching the live action now is... probably gonna be very weird. Not sure if I want to.
Kunshikter (Күншіктер) - A new, yet very obscure cartoon from Kazakhstan. It's cute. It's for children but at this point I don't think y'all care. It's still ongoing and there are not many episodes so far. I recommend giving it a watch. Now!
Future YouTube Updates
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As some of you saw in a xeet tweet from early October I was planning to do something significant on my main YouTube channel which has been stagnant for a while now, only for that to, surprise, not happen. I do have a set goal now: In very early January, a video to explain exactly what happened and what was the video I wanted to make, and... why it's hard for me to get a video like that out in the first place. The short answer (that doesn't actually account for Everything) is autism. The long answer is... stay tuned for it, lol
Song of the Issue
Although this section was supposed to be for sharing music that isn't mine, I thought I'd share snippets of music stuff I've been making since the beginning of 2023 until now, that you can look forward to!
I dunno. All I can say is... happy new year! It's been a tradition to make a stupid amateurish collage at the end of the year with the highlights, but this year there's been... less of them, that I took note of at least. But that won't stop me I think. Once I have that done, I may edit this to include it.
No comment on anything related to Twitter (which I'll never call "X") and the billionaire that happened this year as you all probably already know by now, and by the way you can now follow me on the social butterfly of bluesky. See you next year!
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neospokenworld · 5 months ago
So just like last season, I'm gonna put here a post with my final thoughts of every anime I saw this season and just like last season, I'm gonna start with the ones I dropped so yeah, let's begin!
Mayonaka Punch: Don't get me wrong, it was good but I was getting busier and when I noticed I was like 4 episodes behind lol, what I saw was good so I'll come back in the future surely. Also just wanted to say that this anime had my favorite ending of the entire season lol, it's just so cute and the spoken word like song is one that I really enjoyed
Suicide Squad Isekai: Okay, maybe I shoul've given this the 3 episode rule but counterpoint, I wasn't even liking the first episode at all lol
I just found it boring while watching it and why force myself into watching something I'm not enjoying? so yeah I dropped it lol. Two good things from the series tho: One, Harley Quinn's design looks super cute and two, the ending was such a banger it's crazy. Other than that yeah I didn't like it so it was dropped
Okay, now we can truly begin:
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Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan
Okay, was this a disappointment? I don't think so, was it the greatest anime of the season? not at all lol.
Honestly I saw someone say a few days ago that ''the show peaked at episode 1'' and it is kinda true, episode 1 came in really hard and made everyone thought this was gonna be the next Nichijou or Pop Team Epic... And in the following episodes it became more and more clear this was gonna be a SoL anime with the absurd humor being somewhat relevant at times.
In my opinion once you get out of your head that the show is gonna be absurd humor with tons of changes and just see it as a Slice of Life with random elements the anime becomes much better, and even then from episode 5 onwards it found a good balance of chill and absurd which I liked in the end. The OP was a banger, the ED was fun, and each episode had at least one joke that made me chuckle so yeah, while not as good as it was hyped up at the beginning it still was quite fun in the end.
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I started watching this 'cause the premise looked kinda fun and after watching it, I think this might be my 2nd favorite anime this season.
I loved this so much, this may be because I was getting more in the vtuber rabbit whole while watching it (two separate things btw, just a coincidence) but this was really, really good. The humor on one hand was most of the times really spot on for me, it really brings that sort of unhinged behavior you can get through Hololive clips, and going outside of it the characters were really lovable too. Really liked everyone in the agency one way or another (even the one who always said that she's a baby lol) they all had good chemistry with Awayuki and even if there were a few that barely appeared in general (the catgirl one rarely appeared and Hikari while being the first properly introduced besides our MC, appeared very briefly throughout the anime) all of them were very likeable in the end.
I also appreciate a lot how this anime did something similar to Chainsaw Man and had a different ending on each episode, it's nice to see and imo it shows that love was poured into the adaptation, the way this wasn't explicitly a gl anime is something that most wouldn't appreciate but imo it's perfect this way, not everything has to revolve between romance to be good and the friends that Awayuki made throughout the series clearly shows it (altho I personally would like the Mashiron x Awayuki ship lol) in the end showing very little to no romantic intentions worked wonderfully here.
Nothing else to say, this was super good and loved it all the way.
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more of a 2nd cour but eh, still works good imo lol
Honestly I'm not a big fan of the superhero stuff, but ever since seeing Shy last year I knew this would be something I would adore, the first season was amazing and definitely an underrated gem and this one? this one was just a good
What a banger of a season 2/cour 2, the characters were still on point, the new ones on Ai/Mai/Tokimaru/Century and the new Amalareiks were real good to see and this arc was just super good. I always expect Shy to be just like this season was, starts off slow and steady and it sneakily goes up until it becomes a real gem altogether. Hopefully this gets renewed for a new season 'cause this was really good to follow, for now I'll more than likely go follow the manga from here on out. This was really good.
One thing I forgot to mention is that I really like how there were different EDs here too, not like one each episode but there were a few here and there, which was really cool to see outside of the art that is always resent at the EDs since season 1, nice detail there
Just like last season, the next batch will probably be out next week lol.
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harleiquina · 2 years ago
All TV series I've ever seen II
Let's see how many I remember from this time period.
1940 - 1970
1980 - 2000 (this post)
2010 - Now
1983 - V
Aliens have come to Earth but they are nice and willing to help us... or so they say.
Everybody remembers Diana eating rats, the dramatic face reveal of any reptilian, Freddy Krueger beeing a good guy (this time) and I'm sure Stephenie Meyers wish that Reneesme/Jacob had the same level of acceptance than "the child from the stars" (name given in Latinoamerica, don't know if it was also used in the original show) and whats-his-name.
Saw it on TV but we also bought the bootleg DVD because my mom and aunt never saw the ending of the show as kids.
1985 - Amazing Stories
I hardly remember anything (I was too young when it was played on TV) but I do remember beeing traumatized by Christopher Lloyd's severed (and reattached) head.
It was created by Spielberg, some stories land better than other ones. Maybe I should try and rewatch some?
1986 - Sledge Hammer
Is he sexist, violent, gun-lover and conservative AF? Yes... but he's also hilarious! This is satire people! Don't be like the NRA that gave somekind of award to this fictional character because they have the same level of comprehension than a brick.
Saw it on TV but it is also available on Youtube.
1986 - ALF
Alien finds himself on a typical american family house and chaos begins.
Do you live under a rock? Don't you know who ALF is? Just go watch it.
It was on TV when I was growing up, I'm pretty sure you can find it anywhere.
1989 - The Simpsons
I will keep on saying it, we argentineans speak in 3 languages: Spanish, Lunfardo (a Buenos Aires dialect but each province has their own as well) and Simpsons' quotes (latin spanish obviously, everyone agrees that it's the definitive Simpsons). Earlier seasons are better, we all know that... they kind of lose us when the original latin dubbers were replaced (it would seem that Disney brought them back but I hardly watch TV now, so I don't know)
1989 - Eureeka's castle.
I don't remember a THING about it but my family says that I was obsessed. It's a Muppet-style show of a young witch apprentice and her friends.
Upon further looking, it was co-written by R. L. Stine? So I didn't got into Goosebumps as a child but got this... who knows?
1989 - Agatha Christie's Poirot
I haven't watched everything just yet (it's been on for 20 years, people!) but I do like David Suchet's Hercules Poirot (my family disagrees because for them Poirot will always be Peter Ustinov). Hey, at least it's not Albert Finney!
1990 - Caloi en su tinta (Caloi in his own ink - Argentina)
It wasn't a series properly said... it didn't have a story to follow. Caloi was a very important artist in my country (his character Clemente became a staple in our comics just like Mafalda) and he had this TV show where he curated animations of all kinds, from all over the world. I remember seeing a stop-motion version of Barber of Sevilla and I think that I also saw Queen's Innuendo videoclip for the first time in here.
Some stories were funny, others melancholic, elegant or grotesque... but all of them were Art, with a capital A.
1990 - Twin Peaks
I don't understand the hype around this show. The only thing that I though was cool was to have a season and a half to find the killer.
Before someone tells me "you have to think how ground breaking it was in the time it came up" or "it's high end art, open your mind to it" trust me I can do that... it doesn't change the fact that I don't see why so many people like it so much.
I'll grant it a few points for showing us David Duchovny as a trans woman FBI agent that saves the day on the episode she shows up. I did like the character.
1993 - The Nanny
What would happen if instead of María taking care of Von Trapp's children in the Alps, we had a jewish it-girl from Flushing, Queens? That was Fran Drescher's pitch, the rest is history.
I got to confess I usually get bored with sit-coms but this is the only one that I can watch over and over again (and the final episode still brings single tear in my eye). Yeah, the whole plot of Fran trying to get pregnant was dragged for too long, but still it's like 3 or 4 episodes, no biggy (unless my memory fails, it's been a while).
1993 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
For whatever reason a alien (?) race decided that teenagers are the appropiate warriors so they choose 5 Angel Grove locals to kick Galactic-Witch Rita's ass. Monsters that grow size but still look like rubber suits, the Rangers use spandex but for whatever reason they release sparks when a blade touches them. Still sweet little 4 year old me loved this show.
I checked a few episodes on Youtube not too long ago and I was pleasently surprised by the fact that each monster represented a struggle the Rangers where having on their civilian life... so facing and defeating them actually helped these kids in their ordinary life. A nice message that I completely forgot while self-convincing myself that this show was a lot dumber than I remembered.
Oh! By the way when it was on TV I watched -maybe- up to season 2. When the movie came out I was shocked that Jason, Trini and Zack were not in it.
1993 - The X Files
The most recognizable tune ever, the OG monster-of-the-week format, a skeptic + a believer, some comedy, another bit of drama and , in ocassions, straight-up horror = one of the greatest TV shows ever made.
Regardless what people think I preffer Agent Dogget (there, I said it!!) to Mulder, but of course that sunflower-seed eater, porn aficionado, spooky guy will always be loved either way.
Of course I didn't watched on TV (my mom and aunt had that privilege, I was literally a baby) but I got the whole series on bootleg DVD.
1993 - Frasier
I only watched a few mixed up episodes and I have the first 4 seasons on bootleg DVD but it was my aunt who liked it the most.
A psicologyst with a radio TV show has to live with his dad and his brother visits very often.
You might recognize them as Sideshow Bob and his brother as well.
1994 - Friends
Watched it on cable when I had it, mixed up as usual but still... for whatever reason sitcoms bore me... and this is not the exception. Again, I don't understand the hype.
1995 - Xena: Warrior princess
Ancient Greece, a female warrior... my (probably by the time we got it in Argentina) 6 year-old self loved this show. Until certain fling with Hercules... I didn't liked romance then (or now, but I'm a little more tolerant as an adult) and it ruined the show for me.
Yes, now I see certain undertones that my youngself didn't. I get it. Leave me alone!
1995 - Hercules: The Legendary Journeys
Yeah... I didn't liked Hercules but I watched a few episodes either way. I always liked a good fight on TV.
1996 - Sabrina, the teenage witch
Who didn't wanted to have magical powers growing up becuse of her?
I can't really tell how many season I've watched because, as I said, in Argentina you were lucky if the TV channels bought more than 2 season to repeat on end. Still... I didn't quite liked it as much once she left for collage. Kinda lost its magic *wink, wink*
1996 - Millenium
The year 2000 was upon us and the promise of the end of the world, so Chris Carter decided to play a little bit with it.
Frank Black is a retired agent that has a peculiar way of getting into the mind of the criminals (the audience is the only one that knows that he can see what the criminals see... live) so he is called over an over again to help on different cases.
It ended too soon (got cancelled I believe) but it has its final episode in season 9 of The X Files (if I'm not mistaken). It deals a lot with religion (mostly Christianity) and its a lot darker than Mulder & Scully's adventures (with the exception of that one episode where 4 demons get together in a coffe shop -desguised as old men- and tell their latest works done).
1997 - Meego
I got to be honest with you... I hardly remember anything from this TV show. It was basically ALF but with a human playing an alien instead of a puppet. Still we remember it fondly at home so I guess it was good enough?
1998 - Charmed
Argentina beeing Argentina, I saw a few seasons... maybe... I do remember that I liked more the original 3 sisters.
It's fun... sometimes cheesy... as any tv or film of that time.
1998 - Will & Grace
As I said, sitcoms end up becoming boring and repetitive. But that doesn't take away that sometimes jokes are good... some are very 90, but ah, well...
2000 - Dark Angel
Maybe I saw 2 season on TV but I was obsessed.
Typical supersoldiers experiments developed this superhuman creatures that got tired of beeing an experiment and broke out the facility when they were children, so now as grown ups live in our society. The lead Max (Jessica Alba) has a job as a courrier but every now and then steals, that's how she meets Logan a journalist with vigilante tendencies that needs someone to do the dirty work.
2000 - CSI (later known as Las Vegas)
Have I ever watched a show just to laugh at it? Yes, and it was called CSI, the original (I saw a lot of Miami as well).
I had a few glimpses here and there from this procedural that were the definition of Deus-ex-machina and later I decided to give it a shot just to see if, within this universe, it made sense. And nope.
If one of mom's doctors dissed House for his nearly-impossible diagnosis... I'm pretty sure some forensics did the same with Grissom's team.
Side note I really love Ted Danson, that guy is awesome.
2001 - Law & Order: Criminal Intent.
At first I thought it was a yet another The Brain + Person that explains him like many others... but Goren and Eames are the best detective duo. PERIOD.
You get to see them investigating (so Goren, mostly, doesn't know everything off the bat... he does go to the library, kids) and Eames is not just a blank space for the audience to jump in and have Goren explain everything to her. My favourite moments are when she can add up to his theory by just having the female side of things.
Goren isn't the typical I-only-think kind of detective (like, let's say Poirot) he can -and will- get into dangerous situations when needed.
You have to watch for D'onofrio's performance.
I like Jeff Goldblum as well... but his season was kinda... meh
2002 - Los Simuladores (The Pretenders - Argentina)
What if there was a group of people to solve any kind of situations? And what if this situations are quite basic, borderline stupid, like meeting the in-laws, giving a hard exam at the end of the year and such?
This is it, that's the plot.
This was a huge hit back in the day but it took me a decade (almost) to watch because if you knew argentinean tv and film as I do... you wouldn't believe that there are actually some good ideas burried very very deep in the mud.
2002 - Monk
A detective with OCD is soooo good at his job but cannot be a detective again because of it (it got worse once his wife died in a attack). Fun and wholesome... maybe it did dragged for too long.
And no matter what... we are Sharona stans in this house!
2002 - CSI Miami.
Just like CSI I watched it just to make fun of it (and because in cable they will put all CSIs together in one afternoon so it was easier to compare them).
At least this one didn't take itself too seriously!
2003 - Tru Calling
Med student has a weird ability where dead people can reach her and make her repeat the day to try and save their lives.
It ended too soon on a great cliffhanger that we will never see resolved. Damn it!
2004 - Lost
We all know Lost... it started great... and it ended.
Luckily for me the TV channel where I was watching it stopped after season 4 and I never bothered to try and catch up again.
2004 - House MD
Sherlock Holmes goes to med school and instead of solving crimes, he solves impossible diagnostics.
Gotta give it to Hugh Laurie for beeing a lovable a-hole the whole time.
It did lasted too long for me, I didn't watch the final seasons but I did watched a few mixed up episodes in cable so I kinda know what happens after, lets say... season 4? (the final one I've watched, maybe).
2004 - CSI New York
Same as the others. Just watched for Gary Sinise and Edward Furlong's guest appearence.
2004 - Miss Marple
I was never a fan of Miss Marple in writting... but on TV she is less annoying.
How come she is never suspicious? She's always around when a crime happens!
2005 - Invasion
Does anybody else remembers this TV show set after the Katrina hurricane that, apparently, also uncovered a race of aliens living underwater that have a body-snatching way of taking over the world? It's only 1 season, got cancelled I believe and I watched it on TV at 6 or 7 AM while getting ready to go to school. Ah, old times!
2005 - Mosca & Smith (Argentina)
(Mosca can be translated as "Fly" -the bug- but in this case is the character's Last Name so I'll leave it as it is)
Buddy cop with two overly eccentric characters. A silly comedy with some really in-depth meta humor of argentinean justice system. Some jokes are in poor taste... and I think it got raunchier in it's second season (I didn't watched it because one of the leads was replaced and the 2nd actor didn't had the same punch)
2005 - Bones
A forensic anthropologyst helps the FBI to solve crimes.
This is the BrainTM taken to an extreme. Dr. Temperance Brennan just can't be good at eeeeeverything. This kinda changed as seasons passed but still... who says smart people is always entirely clueless about how to be a normal human? And why so egocentric? (Most truly smart people are usually super-humble because they know that there is a lot more to learn).
In any case, it is fun. Watched on TV (earlier seasons) and continued on bootleg DVD.
2006 - Ugly Betty
The main reason why I didn't listed Betty, la fea in here it's because it is a telenovela (soap opera) everybody in Latinoamérica watched it. Some things are not so good (maybe I'll write about it one day) but overall it had a good story.
Those dubious things got changed in the U.S version... and it changed the whole story. It was easier to create something new than trying to bring people on board using a name that is well beloved to a certain ethnicity... just saying.
2007 - El Hombre que volvió de la muerte (The man that came back from Death -Argentina)
Think of a mash up of The Count of Montecristo and V for Vendetta.
It was a remake of a TV show done in the 60s... 70s? By Narciso Ibañez Menta, a Spanish actor that was naturalized as argentinean and was our very own mix of Boris Karloff (with his love for make up) and Vincent Price (he did a lot of Edgan Allan Poe stories as well). The original story was about Elmer Van Hess, who was subject to different experiments. The lab caughts on fire, he's inside and survives. For whatever reason his organs end up being given to other people so he embarks on a quest to retrieve them.
The remake also had Elmer Van Hess who was a happy fool about to get married, his boss and associates set him up and ends up in prision for fraud. Not happy with that, his boss strikes a deal with a Doctor so Elmer can be his human guinea pig (in order to do so, he asks other inmates to torture him while in prision so his only escape would be to go with the Doctor). He's experimented on as results he gets superhuman strenght and, of course, the chemicals affect his brain turning him into a very dark and blood-lust creature. The lab is set on fire, everybody thinks he died but he comes back 10 years later ready to take revenge on all of them. He was very cruel and his idea of revenge was very Saw-like... but deep down he's still in love with his almost-wife and she's the only one that can sort of ease him in the worst moments.
For an argentinean fiction it was very good.
2008 - Fringe
The X Files but even crazier? You got it.
Mom and I did got lost after season 4... but we still have the bootleg DVDs, it's just that we should start all over again and we don't have a lot of time 😝
2008 - The Mentalist
A guy is so good at reading people that decides to ripp them off saying that he's a medium. He got the wrong guy, this guy kills his family so now it's personal!
Patrick Jane's quirks might be amusing in the early episodes but after a while you, just like everyone else on the show, will want to punch him in the face.
From my little corner of the Earth I scream: Justice for Cho!! He also deserved a happy ending!
2009 - Doll House
A bunch of people got their memories wiped and now they receive other memories (fabricated sometimes) to take on dangerous tasks.
Dubious consent galore... but overall the premise was engaging. It lasted 3 seasons, the third one included a time-jump... the end didn't quite landed for me but... meh! It's entertaining at least.
2009 - Flashfoward
The entire world fainted at the same time. Everybody had visions of the future... so now some things need to be prevented for whatever reason.
Only one season, got cancelled. I don't remember a thing except the tribute to one of Jorge Luis Borges stories (El Jardín de los senderos que se bifurcan/ The garden of paths that bifurcate) and another to David Bowie's song Scary Monsters and Super Creeps. That's all I remember, I swear.
2009 - Modern Family
Sitcom that broke some barriers on what a typical family looks like. It's fun...but yeah, it also bored me.
Note to everybody: not all latinos sound like Sofía Vergara... not even Sofía Vergara sounds like Sofía Vergara the whole time.
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piro-piroooooo · 1 year ago
90s Sailor Moon Re-watch Thoughts by Piro
I was around 13 or 14 when I first watched Sailor Moon. I stumbled upon the first episode on YouTube and ended up watching the whole series, ignorant of the massive impact this manga/anime had on fiction and popular culture.
Most episodes of the Latino American dub were available on YouTube. Sure, the quality was terrible, and the videos were surrounded by copyright frames (Is that the right term?) but my standards were low back then. I cried at the end of every season.
I decided to re-watch the whole thing last November and just finished. I now proceed to share some of my thoughts now that I'm a more grounded maho-shoujo enjoyer. This time I watched it in Japanese.
Thoughts about each season under the cut!
Sailor Moon Classic:
-Absolute masterpiece. Perfect. I loved the finale. As a child, I wasn't able to properly comprehend why Usagi longed so much to go back to her previous life. She had the power to revive all of her friends. She could have kept their memories. But she didn't because in her eyes the greatest gift she could give them was a normal life.
-Usagi is one of my favorite fictional heroes, maybe my favorite one, for a simple reason: She is weak and selfish. Sailor Moon always needs someone to strike the enemy before she uses her all-mighty magical spell to solve everything. But she isn't useless. She is the hope that keeps everyone else fighting.
-Sailor Moon doesn't actually care about ideals like justice (clearly stated in the manga finale). Her sole motivation is the love she has for her friends and the world, a selfish desire to enjoy a happy life with her loved ones. She's just a girl in the world, let her go home and have a yummy treat.
-The shitennou are a lot more interesting in the anime. In the manga, they serve as romantic interests for each senshi. That s a little bit too easy and heteronormative for me. Having two of them be gay for each other and giving Nephrite an actual character arc is a lot more fun to watch!
-I used to be very neutral about Mamoru. Now I enjoy him a lot. His character is really fun. As far as I understand, he gets into a cosmical fight to find some gem and try to have back his memories from before a car accident. He finds out that he is the reincarnation of ancient royalty and has an equally ancient demigod girlfriend. And he still doesn't recover the memories he was searching for in the first place. That's fun.
Sailor Moon R:
-The Tree arc is good. It also helps fill the season. The Dead Moon arc would have been too long without the tree arc.
-Chibiusa is fine. I disliked her as a child. Not anymore. I love how much we can see Usagi's growth in this season. Sure, she and Chibiusa are a little bit mean to each other sometimes and have petty fights, but you can see they care. Usagi goes as far as trying to trick Rubeus to protect Chibiusa. No one has to force Usagi to transform and fight.
-The Ayakashi sisters are really good. I think their struggles kind of represent being undervalued by an organization/company you have given your whole life.
-Not exactly about the season itself, but the Sailor Moon R movie is one of my favorite anime movies ever. Great animation, great design, great homoeroticism.
Sailor Moon S:
-I've read that having this season as your favorite is seen as pretentious to some people. But sorry, it's just an excellent season. That episode, where Haruka and Michiru are about to find they are the talisman holders. Woah. So aesthetically pleasing. Those shots, those angles, that timing, and edition. Great episode.
-This season delivers one of my favorite Minako episodes. The bad guys finally target her, and she runs off clutching her pure heart in her hands laughing like a maniac. I love her (She later does something similar on SuperS). It inspired me to donate blood, but I couldn't do it because the nurses said my veins were too thin.
-Again, great relationship between Usagi and Chibiusa. I love the friendship between Hotaru and Chibiusa too. I don't care about shipping, but in my heart, she has two hands. Third-season Chibisusa is my favorite Chibiusa.
Sailor Moon SuperS:
-The season I disliked the most as a child, the season I like the least now too. They made the girls so fucking dumb. Usagi's only character trait is being jealous of girls around Mamoru all the time. The inners' personalities are erased over wanting to have a boyfriend. Usagi and Chibiusa fight over the stupidest things.
-This is by far my favorite arc in the manga. I love the lore and how each character has a chance under the spotlight. Extremely sad they wrote out Mamoru's role.
-I'm very indifferent about Helios and his relationship with Chibiusa. I don't dislike them but every time I find myself liking them I realize it's because I'm seeing the Usagi and Mamoru on them.
-Why are the antagonists so creepy? like, they don't even NEED to seduce their targets to see their dreams, so the whole tactic comes off as creepy. Sadly, they had to include Fish Eye in this dynamic. I like her.
-One thing I do like about SuperS is the visuals. I love the opening and the little guys doing their silly performances at the circus. Very good.
Sailor Moon Stars:
-The opening song makes me so emotional. Every time I listen to it, I feel like I'm surrounded by my allies preparing for a deadly fight against a big enemy. The enemy is formidable, but the fire inside our hearts is stronger.
-Big fan of the second Nehelenia Arc. I love seeing the senshis all fighting together, using their unique skills and strengths instead of being defeated immediately and leaving Usagi to do the rest. I also like how they tie the return of Nehelenia with upcoming events.
-It will never be not funny to me that Kunihiko Ikuhara didn't get to direct the season where Mamoru does die.
-I do enjoy how Stars feels a little bit more serious and mature with the absence of Mamoru and the girls being in high school. The Three Lights' music is perfect to build that melancholic atmosphere that characterizes this season for me. But I believe it would have been nice to have Chibiusa a little bit more, it's not her character's fault that the previous season felt so childish.
-Something I did dislike was how the inner senshi were neglected a little bit because most screen time was dedicated to the Three Lights. I like them don't get me wrong. But the opening bit where you see the inner senshis holding hands, while throwing themselves into the void, makes me think I would have preferred to have them on the final fight. They barely did anything on the final fight.
-The Sailor Moon finale is very dear to me. I deeply appreciate the message of the manga of not waiting for a 'peaceful time' or a 'happy ending' to enjoy life with your loved ones. Conflict will always arise again, and life is a constant fight you can only win by accepting the eternal struggle of existing. I think the manga version conveys this message better, but the anime is a worthy adaptation with its own merits.
I will be rewatching Crystal soon after I get some rest from Sailor Moon and watch something else for a little while. I haven't watched the Cosmos movies. I'm looking forward to doing so. I will also be watching the live-action for the first time soon. I will post my thoughts about those too.
Thanks for reading if you made it this far! Remember english is not my native language and I might have made grammar and spelling mistakes on this post! I'm open to suggestions regarding that ^^
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pownicmania5000 · 2 years ago
My Mario Animated Series - Super Mario Starlight Announcement!
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Imagine making your Mario cartoon project for years and never properly revealing it until #MAR10... which on this site specifically you forgot to even post on that day
Well 3 days left aside, with the timing being right, I wanted to finally present a project of mine that's been in the making for many years. It's my take on a Mario animated series, called "Super Mario Starlight". It's a 2D animated action-adventure/slice of life series based around the Mario series, and it's a completely revised version of my old series, Super Mario Animated, an old project of mine from 2019. The plot centers around it taking place 2 years after Bowser's failed attempt to take over Yoshi's Island, he seemingly vanished after that; nowhere to be found. While the Mushroom Kingdom is happy about their biggest threat being gone, able to finally relax, there's just one problem... his Koopa Troop is still here, causing mayhem as they always do! With this lingering in mind, this causes a question to be raised: "What happened to King Koopa?"
The show will feature a variety of characters from the Mario series, whether flagship or more obscure. There will also be entirely original characters specifically made for the show. Starlight will also have a focus on building the Mario World, whether it's from the main games or spin offs. We obviously have the Mushroom Kingdom, but for more places, Mushroom Bridge and City are there (Both from Mario Kart Double Dash), and Sarasaland, Daisy's empire. Expect PLENTY of references and easter eggs throughout the show, whether on the actual Mario series or media elsewhere. Would love to see what you all are able to find! The show is primarily for Mario fans, but also something potential newcomers can watch as well. For the visuals, there's plenty of inspirations, but it's mostly built from the current main 2D artwork, Mario & Luigi, Mario Hoops, and Wario Land Shake it. How the show is animated is like an anime, but with full lip-syncing and bouncy movement like cartoons.
Lastly, why did I create this series? Well I just thought it'd be cool. I've always wanted a modern Mario cartoon and anime series, taking influence from various Mario media, but especially the games, having it's own canon, fun plots and characters. When I first conceptualized the show, I knew Nintendo wasn't going to make one themselves for a long time, so I figured "How can I make one myself?"
Considering the massive scope of this project, I'm gonna need all the help and resources I can get. As I already mentioned however, I have a casting call opened and ready to go! You're able to audition for both voice roles AND for the technical side of things, like artist, animator, and writer. There is no limit on who can join the project at this time, and the page will get updated for more roles, so feel free to audition! I really appreciate the support, and no worries on rushing or pressure on yourself, just have fun!
Anyway, thank you all so much for your support! Truly, it really means a lot for me, especially since I wasn't ever sure if this project would get anywhere. If you have any questions, feel free to ask here! https://www.castingcall.club/projects/super-mario-starlight
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morallygreyvigilante · 2 years ago
idk what the genre name is but u know pokemon? what's some stuff like that you're (or were) into
For me, the main one was Bakugan. I started watching the anime when I was a kid during the transition period between season 2 (New Vestroia) and season 3 (Gundalian Invaders) and I thought it was the coolest thing ever at the time. A few years after it finished airing I decided I wanted to watch it again, so imagine my surprise (and delight) when I found out there was a whole other season I never watched. Now? Well, I've watched the original series all the way through to completion at least five times (that's when I stopped keeping track anyway). And, as I've mentioned a lot on this blog, Bakugan will always have a special place in my heart for being the very first anime I ever watched (even if I didn't know it at the time).
As for the game itself? I've never played it. I mostly just enjoyed watching the bakugan pop open over-and-over haha. By the time I started looking into the game, all the G point values on my bakugan had started to fade so I never really bothered much with it after that. Besides, it wasn't like I had anyone to actually play it with.
The next one I came across was Monsuno a relatively short period of time after Bakugan had ended. It was recommended to me by a friend who also liked that kind of stuff and while it wouldn't be my first choice of show within that genre to re-watch, it was still enjoyable.
Again, I didn't really play the game for this one either, but I did enjoy collecting the cores even if I never could quite figure out how to launch them properly.
Then, of course I can't leave out Yu-Gi-Oh! This one I discovered a few years after the other two. My school had a games club at the time and of course that was one of the games I'd sometimes watch a few of the other students play.
I looked into it and discovered it also had an anime series, so of course I immediately watched it. I really enjoyed Duel Monsters so it wasn't long after that before I was checking out Season 0, the Capsule Monsters spin-off, as well as the movies featuring the Duel Monster's cast. Unfortunately I watched it during the time where I was only really interested in a series while my favourite character(s) was still involved, so currently I have yet to check out GX or anything after that (although I have noted them down to check out at some point in the future when I have some time). I even managed to snag a few volumes of the manga from a book store in my hometown but I never did get the rest of them.
Now, this time I did get into the game. I got a Blue Eyes starter deck that I built on and it was essentially my go-to deck while my school's games club was still running. Whether or not I was actually any good at the game is another matter entirely, but it was fun. Sadly I haven't had the chance to play it for a few years but if the opportunity ever presents itself to brush the dust off my favourite dragon cards I'm taking it.
And finally, Pokemon. Unlike with the others, I never really got into the anime with this one. I don't know whether I just left it too late or whether it just wasn't my cup of tea, but whatever the case, I just couldn't get into it.
I did used to collect the cards, and I will never forget how happy I was the day I opened up a packet only for a Primal Groudon EX to slip out. But as for the card game itself? I didn't really play it. I did however, get two of the 3DS games (Y & Sun) and while I never actually completed them, I had a lot of fun playing them.
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artisticcrybabyqwq · 1 year ago
Talking About Some Bullshit:
[Content Warning/Trigger Warning: Slight mentions of racism, proshipping, and kink. I didn't participate in any of this, but it is still relevant to this post.]
Some of y'all might recognize the account Gloopy_Teaz, as well as the blog Spicy_Teaz. These are both my old blogs from when I was twelve to thirteen years-old. I tried to at my old account, but it was probably taken down, or something, which is a good thing.
To start off, I used to conflate terms like "DDLB", "MDLB", "DDLG", and "ABDL" with terms like "Agere", and "Cglre". The first four are kink terms; I am not one to kink shame, as you may already know. However, minors should not be participate in these kinks, because that is incredibly dangerous. An anon on my old blog sent me an ask, stating that I shouldn't be participating in kink. Although I never participated in kink, and was just misusing kink terms, I'm still glad that they sent me that. They did the right thing.
Age regression (agere) is completely SFW, and involves a person mentally regressing into the headspace of someone younger than their physical age. Caregiver-Little-Regression (Cglre) refers to someone taking care of another person because that person has regressed. When I said in my bio, on that old account, that I used "ageplay" to cope, I was actually referring to fictional depictions of my characters age regressing, and being taken care of by their caregivers. This is why you shouldn't use terms you don't fully understand.
On this same blog, I would address controversies taking place in the art community. I haven't always been entirely wrong, but I have gotten plenty of information wrong about different situations.
The Maltose Cat situation is one of these situations. I used to be on the side of the accusers, because I wasn't doing my due diligence before spewing out whatever bullshit people were spreading about Maltose Cat. They made a video that had a link to a document, in the description, which disproved most, if not all, of the accusations. Please check it out, if you have the time. So, to Maltose Cat, I am deeply sorry for spreading misinformation about you, even though it was unintentional.
I have also unintentionally spread misinformation about someone who I believe went by the name Mari Akutsu, before they deleted (or privated) their YouTube channel. From what I remember (please take this with a huge grain of salt), they were being accused of making nsfw of the minor characters from the animated series "Glitch Techs" on Netflix. They were also being accused of writing a 500-page document on a minor. I can't verify or debunk the second accusation, but the first was false. I would reccomend watching Just A Robot's video on the situation. If I had done my due diligence and properly researched the situation before taking any sides, I would realize that this situation wasn't what it was being portrayed as. So, to Mari Akutsu, I am deeply sorry for spreading this misinformation about you. I can imagine that it must've been devastating to see so, so many people turning against you, over stupid bullshit like this. I regret ever contributing to that shitshow that absolutely could've been avoided if people like myself had just done the goddamn research necessary.
Now, this isn't necessarily related to my old Tumblr blog Gloopy_Teaz, but I thought I would address it, anyway. On my old Twitter account (which I will never use again, but I've chosen to stay off of Twitter), I saw a tweet someone posted, alleging that the artist Puppychan was fetishizing queer people (I think they were referring to queer women, in particular, but I can't verify that because I don't have any screenshots). I was a fan of Puppychan, at the time, and I made the stupid, ridiculous decision to basically accuse this random Twitter user of spreading misinformation about Puppychan, and misinterpreting the artist's artwork. On top of that, I was essentially accusing this Twitter user of infantilizing queer people by "implying that queer people can never be sexual or that fictional queer characters can never be portrayed doing sexual things". In retrospect, calling this an overreaction would be a massive understatement. I was being a dick to a random ass person on the internet over stupid bullshit, instead of just investigating the claim they were making. I already apologized for this on my old Twitter account, but I wanted to apologize for it, here:
To that Twitter user, I am sorry. I shouldn't have lashed out at you over an understandable concern. That was incredibly immature and unwarranted. I would state your username if I remembered what it was, but I don't have any screenshots, so I'm not sure what your username is. If you do see this, though, I am very sorry; I genuinely hope that I didn't cause you any severe distress. You don't deserve that.
Now, about my old Spicy_Teaz blog... I used to do a lot of oc redesigns; that, in of itself, isn't inherently wrong. However, many of the ocs I would redesign were owned by other people, and I would redesign their ocs without permission. I wasn't doing it to be intentionally malicious, mind you; I wasn't trying to bully anyone. I genuinely thought that I was giving these random children on the internet good criticism. But I really wasn't. What I was doing was just plain disrespectful; it's something I deeply regret. I should've asked for permission to do so, at the very least.
After some reflection, later on in my life, I came to the conclusion that I wasn't even doing this because I actually enjoyed it. I was doing it because I was upset; I was doing it because I thought I was correcting some wrong. I did it because I thought I was salvaging characters that didn't need to be salvaged. I had redesigned characters made by artists like Kittydog, because I didn't like the artists, themselves.
It is important to note that, at the time of writing this, I'm actually a big fan of Kittydog. I find their art inspiring, their animations fun to watch, and their music relatable and lovely. I used to hate them because they were once a proshipper, but they have changed for the better (check their community tab, on their main channel). They, as well as many other people, have inspired me to branch out in regards to my art and stories.
I now have a new project: I plan on redesigning all of the "oc redesigns" I made of other people's characters (except for that one character that was a redesign of a racist caricature in an old cartoon). I want to bring real passion to these characters, and I want to make them completely different from their origins. I will no longer be doing redesigns of other people's characters; only redesigns of my own characters, as well as redesigns of the old redesigns I made.
(Sorry if that was a huge mouthful.)
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chuuyrr · 3 years ago
Ooh! How about baby fushiguro meeting Megumi for the first time?
Just read her meeting Gojo for the first, and it was adorable!!!
scarlet witch! baby fushiguro! reader meets megumi for the first time
jujutsu kaisen x reader
masterlist of the series
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warning(s): major anime/manga spoilers for jjk
aaaa thank you so much for the feedback! i'm glad you found scarlet bb fushiguro's meeting gojo for the first time adorable :) happy reading anon, writing this was fun <3
(p.s. this is a short written work, sorry!)
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when gojo cared for you, he didn't introduced you to megumi right away. he was uncertain how megumi would react knowing that he has yet another half sibling and just like he had anticipated, megumi expressed disinterest at you when he first heard you from gojo.
but, that changed when gojo brought you to megumi for the very first time. megumi wasn't sure if it was because of your age gap to him, the fact that you were so young compared to him or the fact that you were a being of chaos with a betwitching charisma and aura.
"megumi-kun! meet your younger half-sister, [name]!"
"i told you i didn't want t—gojo immediately handed you to the older fushiguro kid he took custody with despite his protests of not wanting to hold you.
megumi let out a sigh, shaking his head before bringing you to his face to get a good look at you. "so, this is [name].."
"yeah, i have kikufuku under my wing so you don't have to worry about thing. all i ask is for you to be nice to her, your dad almost sold her off to the zenins just like you, you know?" gojo explained a bit too nonchalantly, prompting megumi to widened his eyes.
"but why? i don't sense any cursed energy from her." megumi furrowed his brows, peering at your big [color] eyes that was staring at him with curiosity and interest.
"probably to make kikufuku over here just like your dad." gojo sighed, reaching a hand to ruffle your hair. "luckily, he asked me to look after [name] instead. she's just a baby. your dad is quite the jerk, yeah?"
"you better take good care of [name]."
gojo looked at megumi in surprise, watching him hold you more properly and firmly this time in his arms, which caused you to smile and start clinging onto him.
"what's with the change of heart? i thought you didn't like her?" gojo raised a brow, a smirk tugging on his lips.
"well, [name]'s my sibling, isn't she? and it's.. it's my personal feelings." megumi turned his head away from the white haired man.
"you know what? it's the same for me. i get it. not even i could resist your little sister when i first saw her." gojo found himself chuckling at the older fushiguro. "i'll take good care of [name]. i did promise your dad that."
"i have one more thing to ask." megumi interjected.
"geez, what is it?" gojo sighed in an exasperated manner.
"i want to see [name] from time to time too." megumi says, looking at you with a small smile.
"consider it done, i already planned on making that happen whether you were going to ask or not." gojo smiled at him and you. "i'll bring kikufuku over when you're not busy, okay?"
"okay.. and why do you call [name] your kikufuku?" megumi gives gojo a weird look.
"i suggest pinching her cheeks, you'll understand why she's a kikufuku." gojo states, clasping his hands together before bringing a hand to pinch your cheek, prompting you to giggle and coo.
"weird nickname but okay." megumi mumbled, shaking his head before looking at you once again.
"you want me to give you a nickname too?" gojo asked.
"what? no!" megumi scoffed.
instead of gojo, you were the one who gave him a nickname.
"gumi!" you say adorably, making grabby hands to your older half-brother.
"aww! look at you two. [name] has a nickname for you already." gojo claimed, "but actually, you should call him 'gumi-nii'. megumi-kun over here is your older brother, kikufuku." he tells you.
"gumi-nii!" you repeated after gojo.
both him and megumi had the biggest smiles after that.
ever since then, megumi warmed up to you. he was genuinely glad whenever gojo brought you to him at jujutsu high during his freetime amd it didn't take long for it to become a routine.
megumi contacts gojo whenever he hasn't heard about you or when you haven't visited him yet in a week (it worries him, but also mostly because he has grown attached to you and he wants to see you)
he was much closer to you compared to tsumiki and has the same urge as gojo to protect and look after you. he regretted not acknowledging and not wanting to see you sooner. because he was much closer to you, megumi lets his guard down and smiles more often around you, showing his softer side. he gets angry at gojo whenever he's being irresponsible at his parenting on you.
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1000sunnygo · 5 months ago
Ooo stories! 🍿Let me open my history book lol
IIRC, tpn replaced Bleach and the then-popular scan site Mangastream was promoting a new series. The image was the good old first chapter color cover (Emma sitting on a cliff), the editorial texts gave away something eerie going on. I read the first chapter the exact day it came out on mangastream pre-official release (back then, manga+ app didn't exist and we only had the fan scans).
I wasn't blown away but that Cony panel left an unsettling feeling, so I kept coming back to read its updates every week.
It was... mostly text-heavy and boring, almost all chapters felt the same. But I wanted to know how they escape. The moment I really got hooked was Norman's shipment announcement, and the remaining chapters of escape arc were all extremely good. I wasn't convinced by Norman's 'death' at all but Ray's suicide as a cliffhanger got me good 😅 I thought the arc's ending was amazing.
The came the Forest arc, I wasn't sure what exactly should I look forward to. Yugo annoyed me (he was like that in early chapters), GP chapters weren't extraordinary, Norman's Lambda update didn't excite me much either (because ofc he was alive. Why did anyone ever doubt?) Some time after following the series, I eventually dropped it.
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Me in the Haikyuu server lmao I used to get mad at tpn chapters always coming out before Haikyuu (back when KnY was far less popular than tpn and used to release last hahah)
Fast forward to inevitable anime announcement, I checked the PV (because I still loved the escape arc conclusion) and was thrown off by adult female seiyuus voicing the boys..
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the funniest thing is that I ended up never watching the Dr. stone anime.
Early 2019, TPN was on my watchlist but I didn't immediately start it. I tuned in to watch the clip of Norman catching Ray in ep. 4 when it came out (one of the few moments I remembered), and I do think I watched episode 1 pretty early. Then finally decided to binge it along with Dororo around episode 6/7 release week.
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One thing the anime made me realize that I didn't until then: Norman was so. Freaking.
He'd always been my favorite of the three but I never particularly cared him until then. Anime Norman completely rearranged my brain program. Look at that ball of marshmallow, how can you not.
I checked out the latest manga chapter (ch. 119). I didn't know TPN had a timeskip so, for some reason, Emma's tall legs in the hugging panel caught my attention more than Norman's growth spurt lol. I kept peeping the spoilers on and off without properly catching up.
That's also when Norman's sudden reappearance bummed out some fans are the controversies started brewing. I was immediately on defensive mode lol.
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even though I wasn't sure about his developments myself..
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But thanks to the anime my protective instincts were all time high... and Shirai did the Cruelest thing Possible - releasing Norman and Emma's 'argument' chapter the same week Norman's shipment episode aired. I remember sitting with my lunch box when some spoiler panels came out, I was so sad I completely lost my apatite...
Alright I'll cut the topic there and move to my, uh, "rise in the fandom"... *coughs*
Long series like OP and Naruto were rich in background information, and Haikyuu had an outdated but an excellent masterlist. Luckily, TPN wikia's interview page was a good collection of links. I started reading them even before I caught up on Goldy Pond, and made a Google doc to store the important links myself.
I found that novel 1 of TPN hadn't been translated and heard rumors that it had some noremma scenes. I browsed Eastern sites and finally found some untranslated pages. I could read some Japanese but didn't consider myself reliable, so I made a Twitter account and replied to the most popular translator to catch her attention. Luckily I did, and she then bought and translated the entire novel. So it was partly my contribution that novel 1 story 3 got translated during a bad noremma weather kk
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I joined TPN's reddit server, and sometimes translated fanarts on twitter. Around this time, the "TPN telephoneland" event was released, where you could call a number and hear recorded speeches of the main characters. I understood most of the Japanese audio but others were struggling with it, so I decided to translate them myself, those were the official TPN content I translated. If the server hadn't been so supportive, I probably wouldn't have taken the risk.
I posted the translation on twitter too, and found the courage to pick up TPN's drama CDs for translation. The Spanish-speaking Norman fans found my Twitter account and were mostly responsible for spreading my posts, so I was slowly becoming more active on twitter.
Early 2020, I watched the YouTube video "Five Norman facts you didn't know" (?) and cringed at how basic it was. I wrote some lesser known Norman facts on the comment section, but decided to delete the comment and make a Twitter thread instead. The post popped off, people loved it a lot haha.
One of the @tpnmanga translators were on the reddit server and talked about me with the account owner YAG. He DM'd me and invited me to the mod team. I contemplated but eventually joined so I could spread the drama CD translations I still think my arrival was a factor behind that translator slowly leaving tpn fandom she felt she was being replaced ;-; oh well
Later, some of us from reddit server made our own niche server. We began circulating and sharing information among ourselves. I could bridge the connections between server fans, TPNManga team and Twitter's fans, which greatly helped in gathering source materials and (later) translating the extra chapter (Dreams come True).
All the books I translated had been gifted to me. I had always been moderately active in fandoms but TPN fans really helped me to step up properly. I'll forever be grateful that they'd been so so supportive even though I'm clumsy as hell and my posts are full of silly mistakes 😭
Then TPN season 2 happened, idk how (probably thanks to YAG) my twt followers increased threefold and I started feeling uncomfortable by the over-exposure, so I hid behind a private account lol.
When and how did you get into TPN? For me I discovered TPN in 2021 through the Fandom page where I spoiled myself about Conny and some other stuff which I forgot and in 2023 I purchased the first two volumes of the manga and I fell in love. And the rest is ancient history!
Sorry about my little history lesson!
You're good! (If anyone else wants to share how they got into the series on this post I'd been down for that too)
My sister and a friend recommended the anime to me at some point (I want to say after it was on US Netflix) as something I might like. I did not pay any attention to this at all lol. They did lord this over me when it became one of my favorite series. But I managed to avoid all spoilers for it other than the orphanage being a farm, which wasn't a big deal to me since it happens so early on.
Fast forward to March 2021, within the ballpark of a day or two of the season 2 finale airing in Japan. I finished watching another series on Netflix, and it recommended TPN to me. I thought, I vaguely recognize this title, the description sounds interesting, and the thumbnail looks cute, so why not check out the first episode.
(dmotta3's blind reaction lives rent free in my head and inspired this post)
I got to the end of episode 6 and realized that my idea to just check out one episode at 1am was terrible because it was now 4am. But I had the day off from work, so after going to bed and doing everything else I needed to do that day I wrapped up the rest of season 1 because was hooked. I had to know what the fuck is up with these little babies with the mental fortitude and emotional maturity to handle this fantastical dystopia they found themselves in so well. And the final six episodes delivered and then some for me.
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Me within watching the first ten minutes of S1e01: oh this kid with the black emo hair is going to be my favorite :)
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I noticed the second season wasn't on Netflix, so while avoiding as many spoilers as I could I took a peek around and discovered that a lot of people were unhappy with season 2. I asked some friends who had watched it if they liked it, and they said it was all right, but not as good as season 1. So what I ended up doing was figuring out where the first season left off in the manga, and then read a few chapters before watching the corresponding parts in the anime to see where it really diverged. By the time I got to the bunker in the anime and saw there was no dad to go in it, I dropped it entirely to focus on reading the manga. It took roughly four days from me putting on the anime on a whim to me reading the bonus chapters and epilogue, and I was initially kind of bummed about it for reasons I've discussed here.
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(Chart I made to explain to a friend group my personal enjoyment of the series by arc because it's one of the silly things we do with each other, while avoiding some spoilers by removing the names of the last few arcs. I'd rank Cuvitidala and the human world arc a bit higher now and Return to Grace Field arc lower, but the rest is still largely the same.)
But even with my gripes with the series, it had nestled itself inside my heart and mind, and I was endeared to it enough to buy the blu-ray of season 1 and import the soundtrack.
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Another crucial aspect for me was that @1000sunnygo was translating the mystic code book around this time as well as a plethora of other content that wasn't receiving official English releases. This kept me engaged with this silly little shounen that had endeared me so deeply, as I had new official content and information to look forward every now and then in addition to latching on to some fanfics that proved to be foundational for my personal interpretation/enjoyment of the series. It also helped explain some of the issues I had with it, one of them being the pacing toward the end due to Shirai trying to salvage his health after being in serialized publishing for almost four years while still maintaining his sense of artistic integrity by ending the series on his own terms. I don't think this frees said choices from critique, but it helped me personally accept them more.
And then after almost ten months after first watching season 1 on a whim, I made this blog, though I didn't really start using it until February 2022. It was a first for me since I usually just keep everything on main in a random hodgepodge, but the brainrot wasn't going away, and I couldn't put my mutuals through another major interest, so here we are roughly 2.5 years later.
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cartoonfanorwhatever · 3 years ago
I've been meaning to finally watch all ghibli movies. And o want to get trough them all by end of August. I've seen bits and pieces of some of them, have watched many a video essayist talk about them.
I'm going to talk about each of them as i watch them, mostly all in chronological order.
But first i'll quickly say something about the ones i *have* seen. In more or less the order i've seen them.
First one i ever saw was 'laputa: castle in the sky'. I saw this one years ago so i don't have many specific things to say. But it's absolutely wondeful. And the action is fenominal
Then i saw either 'Kiki's delivery service' and 'Howl's moving castle' i don't remember the precise order. But i saw both either this or last year. Both once again beatiful stories. I empathised with Kiki so much and it's such a nuanced yet heartfelt coming of age story. Howl's moving castle however might so far be my favourite. It's such a unique take on a beauty and the beast type story and the magic and the world keep me endlessy interested. Also the main theme (Merry go round of life) slaps and every few weeks it starts playing on loop in my brain.
Then i also watched 'Lupin the third: castle of cagliostro' which, yes, i do count.
I'll once again be frank and admit that i don't remember if i watched it before or inbetween or even after the last 2 but whatever, time-blindness is a bitch.
Anyway it's amazing probably the Best Lupin III content out there and it's so influential on animation as a whole. Even if you know nothing about Lupin the third it's fully enjoyable. I'm very angry Netflix doesn't have it anymore because i really wanted to rewatch it (don't worry i did pirate it but i kinda didn't want to because i want to puch Netflix's algorythm towards animation as much as possible. But that's neither here nor there.)
A couple of months ago i saw 'nausicaa of the valley of the wind' which is underappreciated in my opinion. It's based on Miyazaki's own manga. It's a truly epic story with an important message about environmentalism that's as relevas It's ever been. The main character, Naussica is so cool (and I'm fully planning a dnd character greatly based on her). The alien environments and inhabitants of the fungal forests are breathtaking. Nuff´ said.
Then finally, this friday i watched 'My neighbor Totoro' and what can i say that hasn't already been said? A beatiful view in the life of young girls going trough a rough time in their lives juxtaposed with the innocence and beaty of childhood mixed with Japanse mythology. Let's just say Totoro is ghibli's flagship mascot for a reason.
This movie hit particularly close to home because of my job of working with kids their age. And the fear, confusion and even despair the youngest feels about their situation that they're just too young to properly grasp just kept rending my heart in two. Not to mention the older sister who has to be the responsible one and has to keep herself together despite that it's clear how hard it is on her as well. The characters in this film are real in a way that only Miyazaki has mastered portraying.
(Fun fact: the person who voiced the father is 'Shigesato Itoi' who is also the creator of the 'Mother' video game series.)
Finally, finally, to switch things up; today I watched 'a silent voice' i'll probably elaborate more in the future on a different post. But needless to say it's exactly as good as people say it is, maybe even better.
It was a touch longer than i thought it would be but it wasn't really a problem. It's a super interesting story with a nuanced take on redemption, attonement and friendship. Rended in a way that only animation can truly accomplish.
Up next: I'll go in proper release order from now on so next thing is 'only yesterday'. A more slice of life film and one i might even be to young to fully appreciate seeing i'm only just in my mid 20s and the main character is in her early thirties i think. But i've heard nothing but good things about it so i'm sure i'll be fine.
And concidering that i'm sick and won't go into work tomorrow I'll most likely watch it then
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