#it was less stimulating than my apartment somehow
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iguessitsjustme · 2 months ago
Me: *is horrendously stimulated*
Also me: *goes last minute christmas shopping*
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k9wa · 8 months ago
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⠀ — “you get all excited for me to fix you up and call you a good boy.”
⠀ OR
⠀ — a sensitive spot during a repair leaves him melting into your callused little hands.
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⚠︎ mechanic!reader, so much flirting im kind of sick, he whimpers i have an agenda, this is like 90% dialogue sorry, he wants u sooo bad. wc 1k, from this req.
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“y’know darlin,” boothill managed to breathe out through a taut jaw and clenched teeth. “you bein’ this close ain’t exactly helpin’ me focus none.”
your fingers were slow, careful, precise as they pushed a few tiny wires apart, giving view deeper inside the little panel on boothill’s throat.
the position you two stood in was one all too familiar, boothill perched on your workbench with you between his thighs— the only new variables being your face way closer than he’s used to and your fingers proding around in his surprisingly sensitive wires.
it was an…odd sensation, to say the least. a small unpleasant stinging that simultaneously stimulated a rather pleasant shiver up his back with every small poke.
“time and place, cowboy.”
you responded quietly, tone a little flat with your tease from concentration.
“can’t help lettin’ my mind— wander, can i now?” his breath hitched a bit as you nicked a particularly touchy wire.
“if you let me finish this,” you lifted your head enough to meet his eyes, free hand gently smoothing out the crease in his brow. “i’ll let you show me just how wild your imagination can get.”
boothill bit back a scruff chuckle at that. 
“that enough incentive for you to sit still?”
“well, i reckon that’s plent— mmgh!”
a pair of mechanical hands tightly grab onto your hips as his shoulders tense, a knee-jerk result of your tweezers finding the out of place wire you’d been looking around for.
your hands paused, opting to ignore the way he audibly whimpered for raising your gaze a second time to check on him.
“you hangin’ in there?”
boothill’s fingers flexed as they held onto you, relaxing from squeezing your pants to a more gentle cradle of your hips.
“you know,” he swallowed thickly— as if his throat could even dry out, likely just a natural reflex— “you got a way of makin’ fixin’ me up feel real special.”
the slight waver to his voice isn’t lost on your ears— it was quite loud in them, actually.
“i’m hangin’ in fine, don’t worry your pretty head none.”
carefully retracting your tweezers, you stood up straight enough to lightly push his hat up, giving view to his face and cupping your hand over a blue-hued cheek.
“wanna take a break?” 
he nearly had to clutch his chest with the gentle concern that laced your tone.
boothill knew he was flushed, was purposefully avoiding looking you in the eye because a few pokes to some sensitive spots had him sliding his hands to your waist like a lifeline— not that what he could distantly feel of your skin against the synthesised nerves of his palms weren’t doing much to cool him off anyway. but he did…relax, somewhat. 
he always enjoyed when you’d touch his face, getting to feel all the unique little details of you; the gentle drum of your pulse and the little calluses from your tools. it somehow always manages to make the tension in his body ebb away, draining with an exhale that lightly fans against your wrist.
he shook his head with a quiet clear of his throat— another unnecessary function that served more as a tick than anything.
“nah, nah i’m alright.” he assured. it didn’t make him any less embarrassed to be having such a reaction. 
big bad criminal until you get a little too fudgin’ touchy, apparently.
“let’s just get this finished up, yeah? maybe we can move onto somethin’ more pleasant.”
your thumb gave two gentle taps to his cheekbone before it pulled away, reaching for your tweezers for the nth time.
“that’s my boy.”
oh how boothill’s chest bloomed at the simple praise, the endearing ‘my’ that slipped in with it licking up his ribs and curling to rest along where a drumming heart should have been.
“jus’ be gentle with me, will ya sugar plum?”
“you know i've always got ya.”
each plug or untangle of a little yellow or red cable had his systems humming, fingers occasionally curling into your hips every time a little surge left him biting his cheek a little harder.
“we’re almost done,” your voice is icing on an already cavity-inducing cake, though he’ll gladly take a toothache if it’s for you. “just a little longer.”
boothill was going fist to fist and losing with the urge to completely melt under your deft fingers.
“…keep talkin’ to me,” he requested with a murmurmurmur, cautious not to move too much. “helps me stay on t—” he had to bite back another whimper, cheek going between his teeth and eyes going to the ceiling. “—task.”
boothill didn’t miss the little tug of your lips.
“you know, you do this thing when you get shy.” you mused quietly, breath meeting the shell of his ear. “you bite your cheek ‘n look away. it’s cute.”
boothill couldn’t help but let out a breathy chuckle at your deduction. he tried to regain some of his composure, though the colour in his cheeks continued to betray him.
“i don’t know ‘bout shy,” he rumbled, keeping his voice steady as he could. “but i’ll take cute if it means i get to hear you keep sweet talkin’ me. keep this up and i might start enjoyin’ these repairs a lil too much.”
his voice was a little strained, though still held his usual humour.
“like you don’t love em already.” you teased back, gently closing the panel on his neck as it re-sealed with a small hiss. “you get all excited for me to fix you up, call you a good boy and send you on your merry way.”
“i’m still waitin’ on that last bit, y’know?”
you shook your head, popping his hat off his head and placing it on your own.
“good boy,” you pinched his cheek endearingly. “you’re all done. do you want a lolipop too?”
“think i deserve somethin’ a lil sweeter than a lolipop, don’t you sugar?” boothill’s face unknowingly deepens at the sight of you in his hat, brave words betrayed by a nervous tap in his finger and more blue to the apples of his cheeks.
“we’ll save it for when you’ve got a real booboo,” you took his hat off, using the brim to lightly tilt his chin up and give him a tender kiss on the cheek. for such a heavy hunk of metal, he nearly began to float.
“but there’s something to hold your sweet tooth for now.”
“y..yeah, sweet pea?”
“you’re overheating.”
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hotwritergf · 6 months ago
you could write a one shot where the reader (who is part of the bau) always acquits or does what Spencer says, letting him talk for hours and Do you also write down facts that you find interesting? I think that's a very nice thing. (also if there is some smut afterwards I don't complain somehow).
p.s. I love your stories<3
Pretty as a vine, sweet as a grape🍇
(Hi! I’m sorry I know I don’t usually add comments onto my fics anymore but I just needed to say that I loved writing this. This concept was so fun to write and I’m quite happy with how it came out.)
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“How is everything you say somehow so profound but yet so socially inept?” You chuckle, shaking your head through your laughter as you look up at him. Spencer laughs along with you sarcastically, an unamused fake grin painted on his face. He takes a step closer to you, lifting the umbrella over your head, protecting you from the unforgiving Quantico rain. Spencer leads you forward, guiding you with his hand on your lower back as he rubs his palm against your damp jacket. “Back to my place?” You speak, looking up at him through your eyelashes. “We’ll get sick if we’re out in the rain too long Spence.” Accepting your offer he links his arm around yours and you begin to walk down the street together. “Sickness is not directly caused by rain, but being outside in rainy conditions could increase your exposure to airborne viruses that might be present.” Spencer explains in his trademark, matter of fact tone. Giggling, as you fiddle with your keys, searching for the right one to unlock your apartment door. He sneaks them out of your hand, inspecting the lock on your door and the keys in hand, picks out the correct key and unlocks the door with a timid smile. “Clean towels in the bathroom if you want to dry yourself off.” You recommend him the blue one, it’s new and fluffy and completely unused, knowing he’s more likely to feel comfortable with the knowledge that it’s new. You want him to feel nothing less than comfortable. Spencer nods his head and makes his way to the bathroom. At the loss of his presence you reach into your bag, pulling out your notebook and pen. Scribbling down some nonsense as a scrappy, badly written diary entry as quickly as you can. Your journals were the one thing that held every detail of your life, not even your social media pages held that much information on you. You dot your i’s and cross your t’s, swiftly closing the book and burrowing it inside your handbag again.
A few days pass and you’re not feeling up to scratch. With the pharmacy not filling your prescription, mixed with the depths of your unrelenting depressing you’re struggling to keep your head above water. The files of paperwork stack up higher than they should on your desk, coffee rings stain the wood on your desk as it wobbles under your writing. Each case seemed to be more emotionally demanding than the last. But there was Spencer. He stumbles over to you, clumsy and un-spatially aware as ever, placing a bag of baked goods in front of you. The smell of cinnamon hits you immediately and you melt into the back of your chair, your lips pin up into a beaming smile. The monster in your head silencing just for a moment under the soft, dulcet act of Reid. “You’ve- you’ve seemed down. I didn’t want to pry incase you didn’t want to share, but sugar stimulates feel-good endorphins associated with reward. So, cinnamon buns!” He announced, his voice airy and angelic as he scratches the back of his head with his left hand; his right fiddling with the buttons on the stomach of his cardigan. He needn’t say anything more, the smile on your face and your back finally resting against the chair, regaining posture, says all the gratitude he needs. Spencer simply taps the bag on your desk with a grin and returns to his desk. Not only did he leave you with a sugary treat, he left with you with more of off the top of his head statistics that you couldn’t get enough of. Each one of them showing he cares, he thinks of you. He puts thought into everything he says, whether or not his words land with the people he speaks to is irrelevant. He shows he cares in his own unique way and you simply cannot get enough of it, you find your journal once more, leaving todays page decorated with his facts about sugar. Reaching into the bag from the local bakery, you take out your bun, wrapping the base with the napkin. With your first bite, you grin. Even if it didn’t ‘stimulate your endorphins’ it still tasted like heaven.
Friday night rolled around eventually, this week had felt never-ending. Slotted next to Spencer on the jet, you reach out and poke his side, demanding his attention. He jerks back with a giggle, you always forget he never grew out of being ticklish. You smirk and tease, “Oh right… ticklish. I forget you’re a little baby.” His cheek gain a new pink blush that reaches all the way to the tips of his ears. “You can’t grow out of your nerve endings in your skin sending electrical signals to the somatosensory cortex. Plus- most adults are t-ticklish.” He stutters over his words, almost as if they are too shy to be spoken. His hands rise to protect himself as your fingers threaten to poke him again, he chuckles in anticipation. “Whatever you say genius, deny it all you want. It’s still adorable.” Your voice soft and teasing as you smirk at him again. “Movie night tomorrow?” You suggest, your hands moving back to your lap as he begins to re-adjust himself and relax. Spencer nods, “Can we watch Star Wars?” He asks, sounding like an excited puppy. You roll your eyes playfully and smile, “Fine. As long as its Revenge of the Sith.” Spence chuckles, shaking his head and rises from his seat, heading to the jet bathroom. As is your new routine, your diary finds its way to the table in front of you. Scrambling to write today’s entry before Spencer returns, you try to remember his every word as you write. As you hear the door unlock you practically throw the book behind you and sit in front of it. Praying that the man with the 187 IQ doesn’t notice, should be fine, right?
Settling the bowl of popcorn on the coffee table, you get the TV set up ready for Spencer’s arrival. Everything is perfect, you’d bought his favourite popcorn, salted obviously. You’d also brewed a pot of the tea you’d made him last time, it was just English Breakfast tea but he’d sworn it was mind-blowing. The door is knocked, three times, Spencer’s lucky number. “It’s open!” You bellow your voice and put your feet up onto the sofa. Spence walks in, lifting your legs and placing them down on his lap when he settles next to you. He places his bag down on the floor beside him, but something bashes against it. Reaching down to find the offending item, you find its your journal. “Hey, y/n. I think you left this book on the floor. Where does it live so I can put it back in its rightful home?” He questions, you feel the blood drain out of your face, you pale immediately. “No- its okay! Just gimmie.” You respond, but he notices your shaking hands reaching out to snatch it. Spencer pulls away, opening the first page. “What are these huh?” He teases uncharacteristically. “You writing little love letters?” He jokes, before looking down at the pages and blushing when he reads his own name. He reads at an alarming speed at the best of times, but when he’s transfixed on text, he can read even faster.
“You’re- you’re writing about me? I said every word here.” Spencer’s eyes widen, the hazel irises expanding as he turns the pages rapidly and skims the text. “Oh you just had to write that. Didn’t you?” He chuckles, reading your interactions from yesterday on the jet. “I. I just find you interesting Spencer. I know everyone teases you and interrupts you when you speak, I know they don’t appreciate you enough. They take your words for granted, even when they’re so profound.” Your pale face begins to blush, it was enough that Spencer had read your private diary, but having to admit your feelings that you’ve been trying to repress and ignore, it was seemingly impossible. “I want to remember the things you say because they’re important, and every time you say something personal to me, I want to treasure it. Bottle it and keep it forever, you know?”
Spencer, for once, is at a loss for words. His cheeks burning under the heat of his blush, he opens his mouth to speak, but no words come out. His brain searching for anything to say, its like he’s frantically looking through the filing cabinet of words in his head and still coming up empty. With no vocabulary on his tongue, he leans forward and crashes his lips into yours. They’re soft and ample, featherlight against your own. No concerns of the lip gloss smearing and decorating his lips. Pulling away with a confused expression, “Spencer?” Your one word question is all you can say as you run your fingers through his hair. Your nails scratching against the back of his head softly and he leans into your touch wanting more. “I can’t help myself. I’ll stop if you want, if you didn’t want that I apologise profusely and I take full responsibility of my actions and I’ll do anything to make it up to you…” He gets in his own head about the moment just gone. “No, I definitely wanted that. Definitely.” You smile cheekily, rubbing your thumb against his heated cheeks. Spencer leans in once more, gasping into your mouth trying to dig deeper and deeper into your soul. “You have no idea how much I’ve wanted this. I just don’t- I don’t know how to get here. You know?” He explains, his hands find the small of your back and pull you closer to him. Your index finger reaches up, shh-ing against his lips. Silencing him to keep him from rambling for the first time ever. You scramble up onto his lap, leaning over him playfully. “You’re perfect Spencer Reid. Without even knowing it you’ve taken care of me for years. Let me take care of you.”
You roll your hips slowly underneath him, smirking as he fiddles with the back of your bra strap. Even with an IQ of 187 he can’t figure out how to unbuckle a bra. You smirk and let out a giggle and he blushes, “So needy already?” You tease, your voice hoarse and desperate. He grips onto your hips as if he’s deprived, pushing into your lips, kissing you like a man starved. Spencer’s breath is shaky and weak, you take his chin into your thumb and forefinger, lifting it up, deepening the kiss. “I want you.” He speaks shakily, “I know. I want you too.” You say, holding his cheeks in the palms of your hands. Rutting your hips against his bulge again, he convulses underneath you. He gasps and rushes his hand over his mouth and you know what’s happened. Not wanting to embarrassed him, you slide off of him. Slotting yourself next to him on the couch, trying to figure out the social expectation is when your crush finishes in his boxers before you’ve even touched him. You settle on pulling him into a cuddle, rubbing your palm up and down his back, feeling his boney spine through his skin. He looks up at you, his eyes wide and full of adoration, looking like pools of honey. “I need a few minutes, and maybe some of your magic tea.” He chuckles and you sigh in relief at the self depreciating humour he responds to the situation with. “Of course pretty boy.” You press your lips on the top of his forehead softly, breathing in his shampoo and cologne. He smells like coconut and sweetness. You jokingly reach out for your journal. “Today Spencer ended up cumming in his boxers.” You giggle together, your bodies rising and falling with each breath and your legs intertwined. The next hour could take a lifetime to arrive and you’d be a-okay with that.
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thebreakerofchains · 6 months ago
Lights Down Low
A/N: So, I was listening to this song, and I was hit with the thought of Nesta and well...Less than decent thoughts. So, I mused to myself "why not?" and wrote this self indulgent one-shot. Keeping in mind that while I am a pro at reading smut, I am all but a novice writer of it, at best.
Nesta Archeron x Fem!IllyrianReader
Warnings: SPICY!! DNI if you are a minor.
Cassian had woken you up that morning frantically spewing about how he wouldn’t be able to go to training – you were barely awake let alone properly hearing what he threw at you full speed at those ungodly morning hours – all you got was that it had something to do with the Illyrian camp and Devlon and that he really would appreciate if you could cover for him seeing that leaving the females with Azriel being the only instructor was as dangerous as lighting a match near gasoline. And, if you knew something about Nesta, Gwyn and Emerie it’s that do they burn and blow easily. 
So, you decided you were in a generous mood today while you dressed up in your fighting leathers and headed towards the training area at the House of Wind. He also owes you one, naturally, and you had almost the perfect idea as to what favor you’d call in for that, you think to yourself with a wicked grin. 
“Good morning, ladies.” You say with a smile to your face at their already sweaty state, considering they have been here for forty minutes at most.  
Azriel gives you a once over from where he is standing and an inquisitive look, “I didn’t know you were joining us today.” 
“Nice to see you too, Az.” You feign an expression of hurt, “Glad to know you have missed me.” You had been on a diplomatic trip with Morrigan to Vallahan for a few weeks and had only recently got back as of two nights ago, and the only people you got the chance to see were Rhysand and Feyre for the report, and Cassian this morning as he groveled at the end of your bed for you to cover him for training. 
“I am glad you two are having a great time chatting away, definitely don’t mind us.” Nesta said from where she stood in a stretching position that looked about as painful as it probably was. “Should I ask the House to bring you some biscuits and tea so you can get properly acquainted?” 
You bite the insides of your cheeks in an attempt to control your grin from growing any wider. How you missed those snide comments. Not that Mor wasn’t stimulating company during that rather boring trip, but no one could entertain you so effortlessly like Nesta Archeron. 
Rhysand says you are a different brand of masochist for enjoying the blue-gray-eyed woman as much as you do. Well, you and Cassian, who also never shied from a mostly healthy banter with her – without dramatic repercussions, at least. 
“If you gave the same attention that you do us to your stretching you would see more effective results, Archeron.” I wink at her and she eyes me with a look I do not know how to describe other than ‘I will make you eat those words’; I shiver inwardly. 
I am distracted, or rather saved, by Emerie to my side as she groans out, “This is insanity.” She moves out of position with a deep intake of breath, and I see my opening. 
“Here, let me help.” I move to her sitting on the ground, silently asking for permission as I move my hands to her arms. She nods slowly in recognition and I start adjusting her sitting stance spreading her limbs wider apart and then holding her upper members up from behind her. My chest is pressed on her back, and I move my head to the side of her ear before asking, “How does it feel?” 
“Fine.” She breathes out low and quick. 
I hum, slightly puzzled with her reaction wondering if I am somehow making her uncomfortable. I look above her shoulder and see Gwyneth’s teal eyes gazing at us, cheeks red adorning a mischievous smirk. I clear my throat and get up from my position behind Emerie, “Now, you only have to keep it up exactly like that, and you will see that as nagging as it is, it won’t be quite an unbearable pain as before.” 
I circle around the field correcting the priestesses here and there, mostly giving them verbal instructions on how to improve their stances and the whole time I could feel a much familiar fire burning on my back. I was being watched. 
The training ended on a positive note, and much to Azriel’s dismay, the priestesses all left with a thankful and hopeful murmur that I should lead the sessions more often to which I just smile shyly at. As soon as they left, I start tiding up until I hear the swish of a small blade, looking back to see who my companion is, I meet the face of Nesta and her intense eyes as she plays with a dagger. 
“Can I help you with something?” I ask, mentally cursing myself from being that affected at the sight of her in training leathers. 
“So, this is how I find out you are back home?” She runs the blade on the wooden table where the other weapons laid, slowly approaching me, closing me in a lot like a predator hunting its prey. 
“I didn’t-” I start and she pauses me raising the blade to my lips, the sharp end meeting my skin with a blazing cold touch much like Nesta’s own. 
“I don’t care.” She eyes me in a silent dare to try and explain myself again. 
I for one, get so completely lost in her eyes and the smell of her that all I do is take one of my hands up to her face where a strand of her golden-brown hair slipped from her updo and remove it from where it laid on her sweaty forehead. Nesta sharply intakes air and I lose mine altogether, as if she sucked in my very breath to her lungs, her full breasts touching my own, her nose brushing on mine. 
“Did you miss me?” She husks. 
I nod gradually. 
“Hm.” She hums out, “Is that why you were feeling up Emerie at practice earlier?” 
My eyes widen at the implication, “I would never!” 
She merely grins wickedly to me, her leg moving between my own and I feel her leather covered core press down on my thigh. I let out a gasp, and she strokes my hair gently, “I wonder if you didn’t look for me because you were too busy with Morrigan. You did spend two full months with her at Vallahan – so eager to help, volunteering yourself like that – and we both know you don’t last long being on your own, don’t we, baby?” 
She blows soft air to my face, as if it would help me cool down. “That is absurd, Nes. Morrigan doesn’t see me that way, or any other female, that we know of.” I muse out. “Well, maybe Emerie if we are being honest, but I know better than to raise the question to her.” 
She presses herself further into me in a way I didn’t even know that was possible, I see stars and my hands find her hips in a possessive grip, “Nesta...” I mean to sound warning but it comes out a tad too desperate to be anything else other than pleading.  
“Yes?” She drawls out sensually, hips moving away and right before I answer she pulls them back down deliciously deliberate and steady. A growl leaves my lips and I switch our positions, her back now touching the stone-cold rock walls. “I thought you could help me out with my stretching exercises, unless that special attention is reserved for Illyrian females only.” She draws out and I swear I hear a hint of jealousy to her tone. 
“I can always make an exception for you.” I decide to tease her back, “If I am not too busy. You high fae do bend different.” 
“Oh?” She lifts one of her perfect eyebrows at me. “Care to elaborate, professor?” 
“For example, you are much more sensitive here,” I say as I slid a hand down her ass touching her inner thigh from the back, “than most Illyrian females I taught before.” I drag my hands upwards again, purposefully grabbing her ass and she lets out a small squeal. “Or maybe, that is just you.” 
She moans out, “You are right, just me.” Enunciating the last two words roughly with intent as she pulls me for a mind-numbing kiss. My grip to her back tightens and my other hand finds its way to the mess of tangled hair that was once her braid, deepening the kiss, she gasps in surprise and I take my opportunity to slowly enter my tongue in her mouth giving her lower lip a teasing lick before sucking on her own. At this point, we are both frantically panting, all I can see, sense and smell is Nesta as her nails scratch my back until I can feel blood coming out. I draw back from the kiss and she glares at me in her dizzy state, I give her a mirthful look and she seems to understand exactly where my thoughts went to just as I rip her top apart and am met with her creamy perky breasts waiting to receive my undivided attention. 
Wasting no time, I take my mouth to her left breast as my hand that was in her head seconds ago playfully twists and teases the other one, her hips still moving, relentlessly searching for any kind of relief and contact they can find. 
“I reckon you missed me as well, Nes.” I breathe out between my ministrations as I move to the right side and suck hard on her hardened nipple. She moans out my name, “Ah, Y/N!” 
“I want to hear you say it, Nes.” 
She looks down to me, and it’s like something snaps between us. I have fucked Nesta thoroughly and often for a while now, in many occasions – and positions – but never have I felt such a feeling like the one engulfing me right now. It’s like the time we spent apart left the thing desperate, as desperate as I was when I thought of her, especially in the night when my hands drifted between my legs and I would come time and time again at the memory of her. 
I move my head to her neck and with a bite I order, “Say. It!” 
She screams in pleasure and I pull back to look at her dazed eyes while she says, “I missed you.”  
I waste no time as I take her into my arms, and fly to my room, the House apparently ever attuned to Nesta had the whole ambient ready for us. From the corner of my eyes, I could see red candles were lit all over the place. The curtains were now closed and there was a dizzying smell, but that was no one else’s credit but Nesta’s as her deep arousal hit my nostrils. 
Her hands that laid with a tight grip on my back move up to plant a feather-like touch to my wings and I shiver out a moan, “Illyrians and their wings.” She breathes out teasingly. 
With a snarl I rip her leather pants off her finding her glistening exposed sex so fucking ready for me. I ghost touch it and she arches her back trying to draw my hand closer to her center, “How long do you plan on making me wait?” She lets out petulantly. “Weren’t two months of touching myself at the thought of you enough punishment?” 
I raise my eyebrows at her, smiling wolfishly like a starved madwoman, which I am sure is the exact definition of what I am right now. I lower myself, kissing her inner thigh leisurely, and she grips my head her nails scratching on my scalp. “Y/N, please, I need you.” 
“That was fast, maybe I should go away more often, it seems you finally gained some manners while I was gone.” I say before planting a teasing kiss to her clit. 
“Baby!” She screams. 
I decide to put both of us out of our misery and draw my tongue from bottom to top before closing in my mouth on the bundle of sensitive nerves, I hungrily move up and down, circling and sucking in different points and directions before moving one finger close to her entrance. 
I look up to what is one of my favorite sights in the world, her golden-brown locks sprawled on my pillow, body glistening with sweat, her forehead creased in pleasure as she bites on her lower lip punishing the plump part before locking her gaze with mine and saying, “I need to feel you inside of me, love.” 
I suck at her clit before speaking, “Only ever me?” 
“Yes, yes, only ever you. I don’t want anybody else. Just you!” 
I groan on her pussy, a low guttural sound that has never come out of me before as I insert one finger inside her soaking wet pussy. “You are mine, Nesta Archeron.” 
“Yes, I am yours, all yours.” 
I put another finger inside her, mouth working mercilessly on her sensitive bundles as she screams chants of pleasure, and I can feel she is getting close and I am not far myself, she takes one of her hands to my wings and strokes a particularly soft spot and I moan loudly on her pussy. 
“Cum with me, baby.” She lets out breathy, mind close to succumbing. I move my fingers faster, harder and she continues stroking the spot on my wings, my climax borderline here until I feel the knot on my lower belly tighten impossibly and in a blinding flash of life I come just as her juices flow out of her and I divert my mouth lapping as much of it as I can. Licking her clean, fingers now moving slower and softer to help her ride out her high. 
I let go of her, a string of saliva between me and her intimate area, she pushes my head upwards and I meet her with a searing kiss. Her legs engulf my torso pushing me closer before she bites down on my lips strong enough to draw blood, and as the metallic tinge of it fills my tastebuds Nesta says lowly: 
“If you ever leave me for that long again, I will hunt you down, and I will kill you with my bare hands.” Her blue-gray eyes locked on mine, daring me to protest in any way. 
“I wouldn’t dream of it.” I give her a slow kiss. 
She gives me a smile that bore nothing good, and I knew I would be in for one long, long night. 
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locketsvault · 9 months ago
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pairing: ayato kirishima x male reader
tags: male reader reader, established relationship, first person, amab terms used, smut
warnings: sexual content, descriptions of sexual acts
request: hai pookie :3 Its my birthday today, and this is my first time requesting for anything on here, but can you write an ayato and his male s/o doing the deed (ahem...) and him cooking for his s/o on his bday?? Preferably hcs but whatever makes you comfortable <3. (original request found here.)
word count: 838
a/n: I wanted soooo badly to write this the second I got the request, except I got it while suffer by a nasty viral infection and my eyes could barely stay open, I’m so sorry.
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It’s surprising just how well this man is at cooking human food. Even he was shocked and kind freaked out. I’m not kidding either, he’s a wonderful cook. And eventually it grows on him as a love language for you.
Which is how your birthday started off simple, yet quite wholesome.
Your apartment was set up for the night, pillows and blankets decorating the couch so you can snuggle and watch him cook. He knew you loved watching, and who could blame you.
Also, screw eating at the dining room table today, he totally brought you your food to eat on the couch. He could care less about manners lmao.
Also also, somehow you managed to talk him into being comfortable enough to eat with you. Ayato is not one to care about freaking humans out or not when eating yk, people, but you’re different. He doesn’t want to scare you off. Yet you’re comfortable with it, and you always reassure him.
You put on a random movie to have on in the background as you both sat on the couch and ate the amazing food.
I should also probably point out there Ayato is not one for extravagance. If others are than fine, but he isn’t. So your apartment is going to be decorated with cute happy birthday signs and balloons. He believes that of service and quality time is all you need. And he isn’t entirely wrong… he just missed one thing.
Somehow during dinner time both of your plates ended up on the coffee table, you in his lap, and him having a burning hard on in less than five minutes. I would say oopsies but was it really?
It didn’t take long for him at all to flip you over on the couch and go down on you. You wanted sex? That’s fine, but since it’s a special day you’re getting extra taken care of. You poor thing.
He started off by sucking you off, which side note, getting a blowjob by this man is heavenly. So I think I’ve said this before, but he runs hot. And that includes his mouth. It’s not scalding hot, but it is hot enough for stimulation. And he knows how to use his mouth. He knows exactly how to pleasure you in the ways that make you curl and scream his name.
Once you’ve came from him giving you a blowjob he swallows by the way he will then work on opening you up for him. Not at the same time, he’s dragging this out and worshiping your body.
This boy… he snickers and smirks at your whines and complaints. He feeds off of it. Genuinely. But he makes up for it by making sure you feel amazing.
As I established before, no condoms. He sees them useless. Oh and, simple missionary because he wants to see your face while also doing all the work and having you under him.
He’s the kind of guy to brace both of his forearms next to your head while connecting your foreheads. And yes, he’s locking eyes with you the entire time, especially when he pushes in the first time.
There’s definitely been times where you’ve had angry sex or just been rough to let off steam, but this is not it, and he wants to make it clear. He’s grateful you were born and that he has you.
He starts off with slow deep thrusts, wanting to feel every inch of you and vice versa. He’ll kiss you a bit rough but still tenderly. You probably feel like you’re going insane by how much he’s drawing it out.
He picks up the pace eventually though, throwing one of your legs over his shoulder. Another thing he loves about you, how flexible you’ve become for moments like this. He likes the greedily believe it was all for him.
Now here’s the extra fun part. Ghoul stamina. He can go many rounds and he can keep himself from cumming as quick. You’ll most likely have two more orgasms before he even allows himself one. And he can keep going after that.
His cum btw, is also hot. You can feel it filling you up. Oh, and no, he does not pull out after, especially if you’re going more rounds. He loves filling you up before inevitably watching it leak out of you.
Sex with Ayato is always amazing, but your birthday was probably the best you’ve had since your first time with him. He did everything he could to take care of you. That includes sex all night. You probably got about two hours of sleep? He’s not sorry.
I want to be sappy real fast though, he was probably whispering I love yous and praises on what he loves about you and what you do to him in your ear as your crying out. And considering how much this man can be emotionally constipated, that’s a big deal for him. And it was his birthday gift to you, his love.
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i did wind up having to do some work into monday & a little on tuesday, and should prrrrobably do a mid-break admin catch up session tomorrow, but even so i have been having a very nice time off! we were able to head up for family stuff on christmas eve into christmas day, which was very exciting because our nephew is now JUST old enough for real legos if he gets some help :) thursday i took for chipping away at chores (i conquered dish mountain and finally did All my laundry and hopefully can now settle into doing one load once a week like a normal person….); friday i went over a friend’s to watch cinema classique xtina/cher vehicle burlesque, in which among other miraculous happenings dr. sam from new girl fucks stanley tucci; saturday i split a pot of tea & a slice of pistachio-chocolate cake with a friend at a yemeni coffee shop & saw her again at the party after which some of us got a nightcap at a local bar and i wound up drunkenly booking a haircut at 4:25 in the morning, which is very silly but you know i’ve been putting it off for months; today i slept off last night and did some end of year journaling & reflecting and then headed into the city to catch babygirl with some friends, at which i had somehow an even better time than i had hoped for. i have mostly been extremely physically lazy but i did get my five workouts in even through the very worst of the luteal times; i have been extremely intellectually lazy more or less without exception. in my head when i pictured my Staycation i thought i would go to museums and such but i really forgot how much i need an effort shutdown at the end of the year and also hate leaving the apartment when it’s cold and i feel fortunate to have had fun find its way to me anyway. i have zero plans tomorrow and then fun plans four days in a row and then one final mostly empty day (which realistically speaking will also be spent sleeping off the night before), which seems basically ideal for me in terms of the relaxation-stimulation balance.
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fillinforlater · 2 years ago
Female Reader x Choi Yena
Length: 2791 words
Tags: intense dancing, very hot choreography, wicked love, lesbian sex, rough sex, finger fucking, clit stimulation, face sitting, abs worship, marking, scratches, a bit of shaming, mentions of toxic relationships, freaky kinks, wicked_lover!Yena / dancer!You
TW: mentions of blood by scratches + toxic relationships; I guess shaming
Inspiration: "WICKED LOVE" by Yena, especially the Dance Practice (I have watched it like 30 times for this fic, fuuuuuuck)
(A/N: female reader bfh that came out of nowhere. Yena had no business being this freaky for her pre-release. (BTW: the title of her actual title track is also quite inspiring...))
“You are going to do the part during the bridge with me.”
Rumor has it that Yena had a break-up before writing this song. Although it has not leaked out into the general public, the message of the song should even get the most delusional or densest fans thinking. However, inside the company building, everyone knows that there's more to the story. 
Yena’s relationship was wild, toxic and violent. She and her lover grew from being extremely close and intimate, something the company struggled to hide, to avoiding each other because of the drama that would unfold if they locked eyes. Somehow, they still found ways to make up, but after a few months nothing could salvage this relationship anymore.
As a dancer who regularly works for the same label as Yena, you remember passing Yena’s studio and hearing the vile insults they would throw at each other, audible even through the thick walls. An hour later you’d pass the same door and hear her  moans and screams of pleasure. You never dared to peek inside; it would have fueled your envy.
“S-sure,” you answer the imposing idol standing in the midst of the dance practice room, surrounded by dancers just like you who had hoped to be assigned the same part. “I’ll give it my all.”
“Stay after the main practice,” Yena adds in the same stern, professional tone. “I might want to change it up a bit.”
You lock eyes with her through the mirror and nod. The perfect length for eye contact is supposed to be 3.3 seconds, but why is it that Yena makes you weak in less than half of that? If you’d really focused on her for 3.3 seconds, you’d lose your footing and would have to admit that there was more than adoration for her success and (not anymore) adorable visuals. 
Through all the curses you’ve heard her scream when there are no cameras, through the rumors of her leaving scratches all over her former lover's face, through the thought of her maybe being the more toxic partner, you’ve continuously grown more obsessed with Yena. You are not better than all those delusional fans out there.
Well, you might not be better, but you are a lot closer now. The rest of the dancers have left the room. The track is still in loop, so you and Yena continue to dance as if it was a normal practice up until the bridge. Luckily, dancing always pulls you into a powerful trance in which you can escape the hold Yena has on your fragile heart. Even when the two of you are close to each other, even when her hands are on your body, hell, even when she tears off your top, the music keeps you going. 
However, it’s a lot different now. 
During the first part of the choreo, Yena positions herself and you do a couple of quick movements around her. Then the two of you start facing each other, showing off something like an intimate fight before smoothly switching to the finale where Yena circles your body with her arms three times—untils she rips the black top apart. 
The moment you start to face Yena, you can see or rather feel how the choreo has changed. Yena is a lot closer, she is literally pressing her chest into yours and moves her knee up to reach your core in between your legs. Doing the hand motions becomes difficult, especially Yena continues to have this dull, bored expression on her face, like it’s just practice. 
Yena’s cheek really touches the palm of your hand and you almost forget to continue, your spin out of her imminent reach is amateur-like. You almost stumble when Yena gets on one knee, grabs your lower leg, quickly brushes up your body to grab your waist and then, with perfect timing, destroys your top with a single pull. 
The tatters fall from your chest, shoulders, arms. Your breath is heavy and your face is red—not due to dancing anymore. Without a care in the world, Yena hurries towards her phone and stops the music. 
“What do you think?” Yena asks, her hands on her hips, her breaths deep, her eyes a bit softer. “Are these changes good?”
You’re frozen in the final pose. The white crop-top with its spaghetti strings suddenly feels too revealing, so you hide yourself with both your arms, unable to truly understand what just occurred.
“Uhm, I-I think it’s good. It adds to the, uhm, intensity of the br-bridge?” you ask, hair and words in a mess, then your heartbeat as well when Yena approaches you again, the track already booming once more.
“I think so as well,” she whispers. “Let’s try it again.”
The two of you get in position. When your muscle memory kicks in, you remember that she just shredded the top and now you’re more exposed and vulnerable to her than ever before. But it’s too late to change it now, the bridge has already started. 
This time, Yena is even bolder. Her face seems to go in for a kiss during the second part before she pushes you away and then pulls you back in with her aura, her scent for the finale, which is now way too intimate. From your leg, her hand intentionally rubs over your folds, then grabs the hem of your baggy pants to slightly tug them down and the moment you shoot your hand up to leave your backside wide open, Yena—
“Ah, fuck!”
You scream out in pain. Yena’s painted nails pierce into your skin and mercilessly dig through it up to your neck. You throw your head back as you feel tiny veins burst and droplets of blood leak out of the fresh wounds. Sink into Yena whose arms have not yet left your nape.
“What about this?” she asks with a lewd smirk. “I think it brings out all the intimate anger from the lyrics.”
You nod, eyes narrowed in pain. Yena looks at the mirror and eyes your back. She immediately removes her hands and gasps. 
“Oh shit, I’m so sorry! I didn’t want it to be, like—”
“No, no, it’s fine,” you hiss and look into her eyes, level with yours, an inch away from yours, she looks so into it, so needy—
That is more than 3.3 seconds. Your legs melt like butter, your chin falls to Yena’s chest. She not only looks bigger than you, her soft pillows are more voluptuous and the tight crop-top is perfect for showing it off. 
“We should…” Yena hums, her voice deeper than ever, her hands deep in your hair at this point.
“W-we should fu—” you try to finish the sentence, but she is too fast.
“We should go for a final attempt. There is something I still want to change.”
The looped track is at the second chorus. You need to push all love and lewd thoughts and tension and pent up stress and the feeling of Yena’s boobs out of your mind. The tug she gave your pants shows a string of your thong, your hair is disheveled, your eyes spin, your muscles try to follow the rhythm but there is no need to follow it. The bridge has already started.
Yena is off beat, grazing your jaw with her lips before spinning you around with her own two hands. Those same hands grab your leg, feel everything up to your inner thigh and even pull at the string of your thong. You’re about to explode, but Yena isn’t done yet. Her sweaty palms rub over your sweatier sides, grab both your top and bra and pull them over your skyward arms. 
Your heart skips a trillion and one beats when you see through your messy hair that Yena has her eyes closed and lips sucking your lower lip, fingers on your breasts, cupping, poking. You fall backwards, the mirror catching you after a couple of steps. Its cold surface meets your scars, you groan at the ease in pain, the increasing pain, whatever it is, you don’t care.
“Yena, I—”
“No words, nothing.”
Yena pulls down your pants, fiddles with the string of your thong before putting her hand into the front. She sighs a little and you open your eyes to find yourself in the mirror, flushed in red with excitement, confusion and arousal. 
“From now on you will shave,” she commands, lips inching towards your ear. She adds, her voice in a husky whisper: “And you will only wear the thongs I give you. I think my pretty girl understands.”
“Y-yes, Yena,” you moan as she rubs your labia.
“Now, let’s get into the storage room.”
Yena starts to circle your entrance while guiding you towards the storage room's door. You were always confused why it was lockable from the inside. Now it makes sense. What also makes sense is the big box with pillows, dresses and stage outfits Yena empties onto the floor before pushing you into it. It’s soft, a worthy replacement for a bed.
“Get those off,” Yena groans but her hands are a lot quicker at undressing your pants than yours. “Spread your legs.”
Open shaky knees slowly. Yena is a lot less hesitant, her fingers pushing away your thong and going straight into your pussy. When she curls them upwards, your feet shoot upwards as well. When she thrusts them in and out, you move the same way to engulf them. When she starts to moan—well, you’re already moaning louder than her.
“Fuck, that’s just two fingers,” Yena groans her complain out loudly, not louder than your moans, but she makes sure you learn that she is in control of your neediness. “What if I actually make you cum with just these two, huh?”
“Ye-Yena, I—”
“No words.”
Yena puts the palm of her hand on your mouth, sealing it shut. The only way to get air is to breathe through your nose, the only way to voice your pleasure is by frantically swinging your legs through the air. However, Yena seems to be amused by your struggle to breathe coherently or release your tension. Feverishly, she starts to pump her fingers in and out of your cunt, while her thumb pokes your clit again and again. 
“Are you really going to cum just like that?” Yena huffs and rolls her eyes. “God, I haven’t even undressed and you’re already this weak. I bet the fucking filthiest of my fans would do better than you.”
There is this ounce of pride in you that wants to fight back and argue that you are definitely not on the same level as those creeps lewding her, but in all honesty, you also don’t. Yena is so right, you are wet for her, your soft walls milking her two fingers like you need to do it for your survival. Your hands are free to do everything, you could push her arm away or put yourself upright, but they flop around uselessly, like weak straws. 
Yena removes her hand from your whimpering mouth and puts it on the hem of her crop top.
“—I want you to cum, perfect little girl.”
With a single pull, she gets the tight piece of clothes over her surprisingly big, bra-covered breasts and you get to see something all her fans can only dream off. Too bad you are just too weak, her upwards-downwards curling fingers stretching your cunt and her left-right flicking thumb have you on the edge and with a final, painfully hard push, you start to cum all over her arm.
“Oh, so hot,” Yena groans as your juices run over her skin. “It’s so sticky—did I tell you that you smell fucking lewd? Just from your sweat while dancing, I knew you’d smell perfect down here as well.”
Yena blows on your sore pussy when she pulls out her soaked fingers. The final spurts of your arousal leak onto the stage outfits below, but Yena does not give a fuck. Rather, she continues faster than your orgasm-shaken brain can react. Her face hovers above yours, it looks like she is about to take you missionary—if only she could.
“The next time, when you are shaven,” Yena whispers, cum-covered hand creeping over your chest to your chin. “I’ll fuck just like this. I’ll make you cry with nothing but my pussy. I bet you’re yearning for it already.”
You nod mindlessly before sucking yourself from her fingers. Yena is right, everything about you is lewd, so you might as well make a lewd expression while cleaning each of her fingers individually, then lapping off the rest from her palm. Her expression changes from a fascinated smirk to something a lot more sinister. Suddenly, she pulls your hair while trying to get out of her own pants.
“I know you want it, but I’m not going to give it to you. I’m just going to use your slutty little face to fuck myself and you’re going to be a good, perfect little girl. You will do the fucking things I say.”
“Y-yes, Yena.”
Wordlessly, Yena stands up and finally rids herself of all her garments. When her panties fall, you immediately want her crotch to be closer, but it comes a bit too close. Though the light is dim in the storage room, Yena makes sure that you can see her shaven pussy, her folds, her ass upclose when she starts to sit on your face. 
“Stick your fucking tongue out!”
Yena starts to moan loud and deep and louder and deeper when she rubs her labia on your nose and her clit on your tongue. She is incredibly wet, dripping on your face and making you more than a sweaty mess. All your eyes see is her subtle ass ripple as Yena goes faster, her clit chasing for more stimulation from your mouth.
A sudden sting on your sides fills you with pain. It feels like you are bleeding again, but this time Yena's nails feel intentionally torturous. Right above your hip bones she is leaving scratches, as if she is a tiger attacking and slashing you. You try to show your pain by grabbing her thighs, but she immediately swats you away.
“No! Only I mark you! Fuck, your abs make me so fucking jealous. Be a good little girl and move your stupid tongue.”
Yena suffocates you with her sweaty, pink cunt while her glossy lips begin to kiss all over your midriff. Enticed by her worship of your abs, you start to worship her lower lips with everything you have. Lick it, nibble on it, suck on it, blow on it, just to make her thighs shudder at the sides of your head. Then it’s Yena’s turn to slobber all over your abs, leave painful hickeys and even more painful scars when you strike at her most sensitive nub.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck! I’ll fuck your face forever, don’t stop, fuck!”
She likes that word so much—just like she likes thrusting her hips down, smacking her juices all over your features until her unannounced yet definitely noticeable orgasm that leaves you with a blurry vision of her trembling crotch. Yena’s smell and cum fill your nostrils as you try to take deep breaths, a grave mistake which leads to you falling into a coughing fit. Not a good final impression, but the idol does not seem to mind. With unsteady feet she gets off of your face just to sink to her knees beside you as the orgasm still rattles her mind.
Half a minute later, your coughing fit finally subsiding, Yena’s hands do not subside—like claws they cling to your abs and hips, making you hiss when she goes over the fresh wounds. She looks at you, brushes the wild strands of pink hair behind her ear and does what you assume is an apologetic gesture: Eyes still locked with yours, her lips gently kiss where faint droplets of blood come from and you throw your head back at—again—pain and pleasure. 
“I can’t get enough of this,” Yena hums and you continue to groan.
“I-it hurts, Yena.”
“I like marking my girls.”
Suddenly, her hand creeps in between your legs and you lock it right there with your thighs. Shit, you’re sensitive, needy for another round of her fingers getting you off. Yena however only brushes the bush of your unshaven pubic hair. Once more, she sighs, but this time it’s a lot less demanding; maybe she sounds hopeful?
“If you want another round,” she whispers. “Shave yourself ‘till tomorrow.
“Understood, my perfect little girl~?”
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hwnglx · 2 years ago
can you do a quick reading on ryujin and haechan’s relationship or the rumors?
was there any truth to the ryujin + haechan rumors?
based on tarot. i do not know these idols personally. energies are always changing. what i say is NOT straight fact. pls take it with a grain of salt!
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did they date? 10ofp, 2ofc, 4ofw
big yes. a lot of mutual feelings, joyful times. "wow we were meant for eachother" kinda vibe. also surprisingly stable first.
what was their relationship like? 7ofp, queofc, 5ofp
main theme here is patience. i think they both were willing to work on themselves and their relationship (in the beginning stages at least) in order to make things work, since they can both be incredibly strong personalities, which are often ought to clash. being ready to work through any difficulties brought them a lot of emotional understanding for the other. a lot of their connection was based on compassion. tolerating each others differences. however, i'm getting a big on-and-off vibe here. like, once things started falling apart, they were either perfect or a complete mess.
what drove them apart? kingofp, 5ofc, 8ofw+4ofc, aceofp, 9ofswrx
their communication starting breaking apart. things were starting to get veeery dysfunctional between the two. messages were starting to get ignored and left on read, they weren't communicating in a clear manner and giving mixed signals. it made them feel like everything they worked on just went to waste and they were back to step one, somehow trying to keep the relationship stable.
i can't lie, something's telling me haechan began putting less and less effort into the connection. being a gemini stellium, he can be quick to grow tired of things if they don't stimulate him enough anymore. he isn't really the type to hide his lack of enthusiasm as well, so his obvious lack of effort seemed to frustrate ryujin. she's miles more mature than him it seems. she felt like she was talking to a brick wall. haechan was being extremely stubborn, unwilling to listen to her side of the story. big feelings of "i'm sick of it." especially on ryujin's side. she felt like all the negativity wasn't worth it anymore.
my spotify started playing my boy by billie eilish while i was reading, so i looked up the lyrics and.. yeah lol, pretty much describes their dynamic imo
“my boy, my boy, my boy
don't love me like he promised
he ain't a man and sure as hell ain't honest”
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mirrorballwhoistrying · 4 months ago
10 Months Sober (01.11.24)
huh, it's been 10 months in 2024? Lowkey, I have lived so many lives in 2024 for real. So much has happened in October that I should have processed it one by one before.
I passed the AAS now, then what's next? The idea of "I make it!" is absurd somehow or at least to me. No amount of achievements could keep me stimulated. I always keep looking for what's next.
October started with Pchum Ben. On the first day, I went to a pagoda with my mom and brother. Then I started swiping on Tinder as usual and matched with a foreign guy. Normally, I would respond very slowly until they lost interest, but maybe the energy I got from meeting Suchi made me braver. We went on a date in the evening at Bassac Lane. He's from Syria and working here. We lowkey clicked tho.
On the 2nd day, I went to Frog Restaurant with K Y and D L. I started spewing on plans for the rest of the year. She was totally on board and it was understandable. I can't expect people to see things exactly as I do.
on the 3rd day, I went on another date with that guy. We had steaks at his apartment and yeah then sxx and movie. It felt so good to meet someone great but not when I was about to leave this country in 3 months. I had to break the news to him that day as well.
I also met March and went on test-running that weekend. Things started great though. I went on 3rd date with him and even slept over.
What did I do in the 2nd week? I think I just spent time panicking because my first choice of university is no longer available. I reached out to seniors for advice. It stressed me out so much to study outside of Melbourne for less than 1.5 years.
I went on another test run with Kouy Y at Koh Pich and met that guy again. This time my anxiety and insecurity were over the top. His ex is a famous MC here and he has many famous friends. I think I just had too much free time and let my mind roam free to dangerous places. We had a little fight or at least it was me. I felt like he wouldn't want to see me again.
on the 2nd week Sunday, we went to pick a booth for the Bookfair. It went okay.
On Monday, it was AAS Induction Day. I wasn't chosen as an AUS4ASEAN awardee. I'm not sure I need that though.
the 3rd week of October was the last straw for real. I started preparing invitations for the 1st run club and also booked tickets and prepared for the trip to Thailand with my family. At that moment I realized I was really broke, broke. My savings weren't even enough to book flight tickets for my family. It went okay.
I sent out the invitations and October 20th came. NONE OF MY FRIENDS SHOWED UP! I said I was okay, but my first thought was that wasn't I good enough of a friend for anyone to show up for me? I had a fight with Hato too. I was really emotionally at rock bottom. I messaged that guy and he didn't respond to me at all. I knew he was at the opening of a new store though.
Maybe these feelings are all fake news, maybe it’s because these incidents just happen at the same time, maybe because these 4 walls of the room that surround me every day forged these negative feelings that make me forget to count the blessings that I have. I know I’ll get over these soon. Everyone faces different sets of problems. I feel so vulnerable writing this but also feel empowered at the same time. Writing this down does help the clarity of my thoughts and makes me feel so much better. 
Emotionally, I was on the ground. I knew I'd get out of it but it didn't make that time any easier. I posted a story about my feelings and some friends responded back and apologized.
Then came the Thailand trip. I arrived there on Thursday and Friday. Suchi was busy with her workshop. Over the weekend, my family arrived. We traveled around and I took them to tourist spots. I did great and did what I could though. We checked all the famous spots. After they left, it was another 2 miserable days. Suchi did all that she could though to accommodate me but it was just bad timing because I was only available on weekdays.
That was how October ended. I think if there was one running theme throughout this month be that, expectation leads to disappointment.
When I had expectations of of how people should treat me or behave I was setting myself up for disappointment. They have their own lives and actions and could never live up to what I imagine them in my head. The best thing we could do is to let people show us the ways they show love in their ways and we just have to be ready to receive it.
I was walking in the mall in Thailand then there was this realization came. How comforting it would be to know that I'd be okay no matter what even if I'm alone. I'm going to spend most of my time with myself. Isn't it comforting to know that I'd be okay no matter what?
I feel kind of better now. at least I get out of the basement? I'm looking forward to the remaining 2 months of 2024.
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noellawrites · 2 years ago
Contempt - Yandere!Rafael Barba x reader
summary: Barba lures you into a compromising position then exploits it, forcing you to rely on him
warnings: manipulation, trickery, lying, forced engagement
requested by @ourjovialpoetrystudent
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“What, now they’re hiring teenagers over at Torricelli Law?” Barba joked, laughing as he slipped into the elevator with you just before it closed.
You were both leaving the courthouse at the end of the second day of this horrendous trial. The defendant had hired you through your private firm, and Barba was opposing counsel for the DA’s office and the alleged victim, Kelly Peterson.
“Mr. Barba, I’m twenty-six years old. And I don’t appreciate your questioning of my merit as an attorney,” you sighed, crossing your arms over your chest.
“I’m just surprised, is all. You’re defending an obviously guilty man with a flimsy piece of evidence,” he chuckled, straightening his blazer.
“I wouldn’t call security tapes ‘flimsy evidence.’ We both know Kelly had closed up the store before my client could get inside,” you argued.
“I would love to continue this stimulating conversation over a drink. My treat,” Barba offered, looking at you with that twinkle in his eye.
Your gut told you to walk out of that elevator at the next floor and never look back, but something in your heart wanted to stay. You had always secretly found Mr. Barba attractive, but now you were on opposing sides.
“And why would I want to do that?” you countered, a small smile lingering on your face.
“Because you and I both know how much we find the other attractive,” he offered.
“I really do think the jury can feel the sexual tension radiating off of us,” you laughed.
You both stepped off the elevator at the lobby floor and headed in the direction of Forlini’s.
You and Barba were quite a few drinks in, sitting together at a back table in the bar. You both had your briefcases and some papers spread out on the table, remnant of a long-forgotten argument about the case.
“That client of yours, he say anything about the rape? C’mon, you can tell me,” Barba urged, suddenly seeming more sober than you.
“Ah-um, which case?” you asked slowly, narrowing your eyes and flitting through your case files.
“This one,” Barba pointed to a yellow paper file, “the Peterson rape.”
“I don’t remember, it’s late. Can’t I go home?” you asked, frowning and rubbing your head. You could feel a headache coming on.
You slumped against the wall, going in and out of consciousness. The last thing you could remember was the look Barba gave you before reaching toward your briefcase.
“I’m just here to pick up the transcripts of the first two days of trial. Sergeant Benson picked them up at the courthouse and offered to photocopy them for me,” you explained to Detective Rollins as you walked into the squad room.
“You sure that Barba didn’t send you?” Detective Amaro teased as you walked past his desk.
“W-what did he say?” you demanded, trying not to sound surprised.
“Oh nothing, we just noticed his… fondness towards you. Barba doesn’t like many people, take it as a compliment,” Amaro laughed.
It was an odd statement, but you decided to ignore it. After all, you had to thank Mr. Barba. He had somehow gotten you up to your apartment and into your bed without harm and with your briefcase intact last night.
“A two-day recess is pretty uncommon, right?” you asked Barba. It was your second night in a row getting drinks with him, and you had vowed to drink much less this time.
“Yes. Don't they teach you anything over at Torricelli?” he laughed.
“I was just checking,” you mumbled.
"Don't worry, we all start somewhere. How would you feel about becoming more serious, you and me?" Barba offered, raising an eyebrow before taking a swig of his whiskey.
"What, on day two?" you laughed.
"Indulge this old man. We've been circling each other for who knows how long," he sighed.
"Probably since the McNamara case."
"That was your first case, right?"
"How could you tell?"
"Can you handle the truth?"
"Just put me out of my misery," you sighed dramatically.
"The heels, one size too big. Hand-me-down briefcase from daddy. And the hair, why a chignon? Young female lawyers tend to go for waves, maybe a modest ponytail. This isn't a beauty pageant."
For a split second you were mildly offended, but then you realized that Barba must've paid a lot of attention to you to notice all those details.
"And what do you think of me now?" you flirted, leaning closer to him.
"You've grown into your heels, so to speak. Company briefcase, better-fitting hairstyles, you definitely cleaned up nice in the last two years. Putting that NYU law degree to good work."
"I'm flattered, Mr. Barba."
"You should be. You should also be flattered that I've even considered dating you."
"Wow, dating the all-powerful, mighty king of the District Attourney's office? I might faint unless you carry me home on horseback!" you joked.
"Well, what do you say?"
"About what?"
"Princess of Torricelli Law, care to be my girlfriend?"
"I would love to, Mr. Barba."
"Call me Rafael."
The next morning, you found yourself sitting in the courtroom next to your client. You leafed through the file to make sure all off the papers were there, but strangely one of the written statements from your client was missing. You frowned, checking some other files to make sure it hadn’t gotten mixed up.
“Your honor, I would like to request an approach,” Barba said, standing up and buttoning his blazer. It was his signature move.
The judge nodded and Barba approached. He opened his file in front of her and they whispered back and forth.
“What’s going on?” your client asked, turning his head to look at you.
“I-I’m not sure,” you said hesitantly as you noticed both Barba and the judge staring straight at you.
Barba went back to his table and sat down.
“All rise,” the judge commanded.
You and your client both stood up, as did Barba and his.
“Ms. (y/l/n), I hereby hold you in contempt for breaking attorney-client privileges. You are sentenced to immediate dismissal and a $1,000 fine. This court is adjourned until Mr. Bardoff can find a replacement counsel,” and with the bang of her gavel, your career was practically over.
Your mind was racing, but only one thought seemed to prevail: Barba must have taken your client’s statement from your file and told the judge you’d given it to him.
You were escorted out by security, looking to the left on your way out and seeing SVU's surprised faces. You couldn't believe it either. You'd probably be disbarred, the years spent pursuing your dream deemed irrelevant.
"I'm out, jeez!" you snapped at the guards once you were outside the courtroom. You ran to the women's restrooms, crisp heels clipping on the marble floors as you held back tears. How could Rafael do this to you?
You cried in one of the stalls for a good ten minutes before fixing your makeup in the mirror and walking to the elevator. Thankfully, no one else boarded the elevator and you were able to seethe in peace.
As you stormed down the courthouse steps, you noticed Barba talking to some news outlets that had gathered, shoving microphones in their faces. You reached into your pocked and turned your ringer on. You would probably get a call any minute from Vince Torricelli, firing you from his office.
Upon noticing you, Barba shooed off the cameras and hurried to follow you. He seemed perfectly pleased with ruining your career, and it pissed you off to no end. How could he get off on this?
"What do you want, Barba?" you sniffled, tears catching in your throat.
"Is that any way to treat your fiancée?"
"Fiancée? Barba, are you an idiot? Thanks to you, I'm going to be disbarred and fired from my job. No place in the state is going to want me. With any luck I'll be stocking nights at the local bodega," you cried, tears now falling freely from your eyes.
"You should be thanking me. I'll be the one taking care of you. You won't have to worry about being a lawyer, it's much too cutthroat for you anyway. You'll do much better as my wife. Now, will you be a good girl and let me put your ring on?" he insisted, grabbing your left hand and slipping a large, glittering diamond ring onto your fourth finger.
You sobbed, holding your right hand to your mouth in terror. Barba took your right hand in his and led you down the steps.
"Let's head home and we can start packing up your boxes to move to my place, okay?" he asked, but you didn't have much of a choice anymore.
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toru-oikawas-milkbread · 3 years ago
Sangwoo’s Birthday Special: Lingerie
Pairing: Oh Sangwoo x f!reader
Word count: 5.1K
Warnings/contents: Smut: Oral/face fucking, squirting, daddy kink, masturbation, use of dildos, clit stimulation, fingering, pussy penetration. Light fluff, strong language, 18+
Notes: Happy birthday to my favorite psychopath 🥰 this is a lot longer than I originally planned to make it, but I kinda lost track of, well, everything as I wrote it, so… I hope you guys enjoy this 😅
This one doesn’t have a great deal of fluff and it starts off almost immediately, so I did put the read line right up here.
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You looked anxiously at yourself in the mirror, fiddling with the straps on the rather revealing lingerie. Somehow, this was worse than being plain naked, though you knew that he was going to love it. The choker around your neck for him to hook his finger in and pull you in, the small heart shaped gap between your breasts, the flowery pattern that left very little to the imagination over your breasts. The red lace that hung loose around your waist and hung open in the back. The panties with a flowery design that barely covered you— but you felt awkward. You very rarely wore lingerie, but your friend said that she thought it’d be a good present for your boyfriends birthday.
A knock on the door shocked you, mainly because Sangwoo wasn’t known to knock in your apartment let alone his own house. He swung open doors, claiming it was his house and he could do as he pleased. The door wasn’t even locked, though you knew he hated locked doors. After all, what would you need to lock the door for and hide from him? He’d touched every inch of your body, his mouth had been on every inch of your body, he deemed it worthy enough to have access to every room you were in.
“You’ve been in there for, like, a year. What are you doing?” He asked, leaning heavily against the door, his hand on the door handle ready to open, and yet you had taken such a long time he was curious if you may be doing something secret in there. He didn’t think your period was going to start quite yet, but what if it had? Damn if that was going to stop him from fucking you tomorrow, but if that was what this was, it could explain why you took your sweet time while he watched tv and waited for you to come back.
“I…” You stole another quick, worried look at yourself in the mirror. “I just… I have something for you, but… I’m nervous.” With a tut of his tongue, Sangwoo turned the handle.
“Why are you nervous?” He asked as he entered the room. You flushed, quickly turning to look at the man as he walked in. His eyes almost immediately fell to your breasts as you crossed your arms beneath them and looked away with flushed cheeks. Sangwoo reached over, gently prying your arms off of your body and giving a soft sound. You looked at him, eyes slightly widening when you saw how quickly he had gotten hard. “I’m gonna ask you again— why are you nervous?” He asked, nearly drooling at the sight of you.
“I, uh…” You mumbled, looking away from the man as he eyed your body.
“You’ve been naked in front of me a million times before.”
“Yeah, but that’s not… this.” You mumbled. “Being naked feels less… revealing.” Sangwoo hummed, his hands cupping your breasts and pushing them together, the soft lingerie blocking your skin from his calloused fingers. “But, uh— happy birthday.”
“It isn’t my birthday until tomorrow.” He said, eyes still staring at your breasts as he played with them how he pleased. He didn’t even shift as his cock twitched, spitting quickly down onto your cleavage and smearing it with his thumb. You bit back a flush and looked at him even if he wasn’t looking at you.
“But I’m gonna be fucking you all night, so… by time we’re finished, it will be your birthday.” Sangwoo gave a soft hum, leaning down and licking slowly along your cleavage.
“Then let’s get to bed,” he said, sending you a small smirk and offering you a hand. You laced your fingers with his, walking along with the man from the bathroom and up the stairs. You wrapped a single arm around yourself, flustered that you were so bare and yet just barely covered by lingerie that left little to the imagination. But you didn’t need much to be covered, Sangwoo had seen every inch, licked and kissed and sucked every inch of your body. There was nothing to hide from him. Nothing to be ashamed of, really, but you couldn’t help it.
Sangwoo brought you to the bedroom, the door wide open behind you as it always was. You were anxious about the door being open for some reason. Despite no neighbors, no pets and nobody else in the house, you had always had sex with the door shut; but when you mentioned shutting it in the past, he had been confused and asked you why and you couldn’t really think of an answer.
Your cheeks were warm as you sat on the bed, back pressed to the pillows and your teeth anxiously biting your lip. Sangwoo sat on the end of the bed, legs stretched out and arms back behind him while he eyed your body. You moved your legs, spreading them for the man as he eyed your thong. He met your worried gaze, brushing aside your anxious thoughts he knew you had.
“Take those off.” He said, looking back to the thong you wore. You did as he said, sliding the underwear off of your legs and tossing them aside. “Rub your clit.” He said, eyes watching as you shifted on the bed and licked your fingers, bringing them down and pushing back the soft lingerie top. Your fingers pressed to your clit, teasing yourself like you knew he wanted with a soft moan.
His eyes never left your pussy, cock twitching in his pants while you rubbed your clit and gave soft little sounds.
“Finger yourself, too.” He said, but he quickly stopped you with more. “Wait— I have a better idea.” You watched as he stood, but he quickly shot you a look. “I didn’t say stop.” You nodded, rubbing your clit again. He watched for a second before turning his back, going to the closet. You knew exactly what he was doing and it flustered you. He came back quickly, tossing the dildo at your feet and sitting on the edge of the bed. “Fuck yourself with it.”
You brought the pink dildo to your mouth, embarrassed as you licked it and brought it down, pressing the tip to your entrance and pushing it inside with a soft whine. It wasn’t as thick as he was, not as long either, but it stretched you out and made you whine as you forced yourself to take it so you didn’t get scolded by the man, starting to immediately move it inside of you. He licked his lips, resting back against the wall and watching as you rubbed your clit and moved the dildo inside of you, breasts lightly bouncing with your movements as you leaned your head back and squeezed your eyes shut.
“Ah, fuck,” you moaned quietly, biting hard on your bottom lip.
“Move it faster.” You did as he asked, moaning out as you moved the dildo faster inside of you, toes curling on the bed while Sangwoo stripped his shirt off. You glanced at the man as he took his sweatpants off as well, meeting your eyes and sending you a smirk. “Moan for me.” You gave a quick moan of his name, making him twitch in his boxers as he tossed his sweatpants off the bed with his shirt. He sighed contently, watching as you fucked yourself with the dildo and moaned out his name again. “You’re such a fucking slut,” he said suddenly, eyes meeting yours. “Rub your clit faster. Make yourself squirt.”
You had a feeling in your gut earlier tonight was going to go somewhat like this, but since it was Sangwoo and on top of that his birthday, you did everything he asked, rubbing your clit faster and moaning out his name as you made yourself squirt, prolonging your orgasm and giving the man a show as he licked his lips. You panted as you stopped, head laid back on the bed and legs shaking. Sangwoo moved, moving your hand off of the dildo.
A moan was quick to leave you as your eyes shot open, meeting his as he quickly moved the dildo inside of you. You gasped, wet hand reaching for his shoulder as you moaned his name out. He licked his lips, leaning in and kissing you. It was a kiss quickly broken by a moan as you clutched at him, head leaning back as you squirted quickly again, the dildo moving too fast and deep inside of you to ignore. He leaned in again, calmly licking and kissing along your neck while you panted and almost screamed his name.
“Yeah, scream just like that,” he said, prolonging your orgasm as long as your body would go with the dildo, not knowing how hard you were clenching around it as your mouth hung open with loud moans that hurt your throat. You worried you may scream your throat sore— again. “Scream like a fucking slut for me.”
Your toes were curled tightly, breasts bouncing with how hard he was pushing the dildo inside of you. Tears were quick to slide down your cheeks as the toy stretched you out, but it wasn’t enough; it never had been, not when you got with him and not before him. There was something so different about a real dick even back when you’d been embarrassed to have sex. Something that just felt… off. And once you felt Sangwoo inside of you, you considered the dildo’s pointless.
Unfortunately for you, he didn’t. As little as you cared for them, Sangwoo quite enjoyed this— making you fuck yourself with it while he watched, occasionally masturbating in front of you, otherwise simply eyeing your body and saying the usual disgusting things to you. And he enjoyed this, as much as it surprised you. Sangwoo liked to fuck you with the dildo rather than putting himself inside of you, but thankfully he didn’t do it every time. Sometimes it was considered a punishment because he knew you didn’t like it as much.
Another orgasm was quick to gush around the soft toy he rammed inside of you, his lips kissing your skin and humming occasionally by your ear. As much as he loved your voice, he knew you loved his. While he wasn’t always vocal, he gave you bits and pieces and made sure you enjoyed yourself as much as he did. In the very least, almost as much as he did. For once, Sangwoo cared about someone else’s enjoyment, shocking both of you, truth be told.
A soft sigh left Sangwoo as he stopped the dildo inside of you suddenly, leaving you panting and giving a quiet whine as he pulled it out of you and tossed it aside on the bed, uncaring about where it landed. He pulled back, meeting your eyes as you tried to catch your breath.
“Look at these shaky legs,” he said, giving your thigh a quick pat with his wet hand. “Why don’t you get on them and suck me off. I know you want my cock. Give me a reason to give it to you.” With a flustered whine, you nodded.
“Yes, daddy.” You spoke softly— too softly. Sangwoo squished your cheeks between his fingers and raised an eyebrow at you.
“What was that? I couldn’t hear you.” He loosened his grip on your cheeks to let you speak, though his intense eye contact made it hard for you not to look away in embarrassment.
“I said yes daddy.” With a couple quick pats to your cheek, Sangwoo pulled back. He watched as you moved off of the bed, legs shaking almost pitifully while you eyed the erection in his boxers. You got on your knees, hands shaking as you reached up to slide his boxers down, though quickly pressing a kiss to the bulge. His cock was hard, precum beading up at the tip while he kicked the boxers aside. You leaned in immediately, taking as much as you could of him down your throat and sucking hard. You thought maybe if you did it good enough right from the start, he may not feel the need to ram his cock down your throat like he often did, but you knew you were being too hopeful as he reached down and grabbed tight onto your hair.
A sound came from you as he tugged on your hair, your eyes closing while he gently nudged himself deeper down your throat. He hummed as you gave a soft whine, but clenching your eyes shut when he held your head still.
“Hold still,” he said, rocking his hips gently and gagging you, but you did as he said. He didn’t take his time, starting to thrust his hips quicker into your mouth and welling your eyes back up quickly with tears as you choked around his cock. He was thick, almost too thick to even take into your mouth, making the man give a hiss as your teeth lightly scraped along his shaft. You did your best to keep them out of his way, but your jaw couldn’t open much more and he wasn’t a slow man who let you do as you pleased.
You gasped, gagging quickly afterwards as you squeezed your teary eyes shut. Spit slid down your chin and wet the lingerie you wore, breasts jiggling with his harsh movements. You held tight onto his thighs, gagging so bad you worried you might even throw up. You were good at deep throating Sangwoo’s cock by now, able to take a lot into your mouth, but when he did things like this, it was as if you were back to when you were a virgin with him, unable to take much without gagging. Your resistance was tested now, tears sliding down your cheeks as he groaned and leaned his head back.
You were certain come tomorrow your throat was going to be bruised, your voice was going to be soft and it was going to hurt to speak, but Sangwoo gave soft sounds that made your clit throb for him.
With watery, half-lidded eyes, you peeked up at the man, meeting his eyes as he already watched you. Gently, his thumb stroked your forehead as he gagged you, a soft moan of your name leaving his mouth that made all of this worthwhile, even as you gagged loudly around him and squeezed your eyes shut again.
After one more hard thrust deep into your mouth, Sangwoo came, his warm cum filling your mouth. He pulled back, watching as you swallowed the cum in your mouth and panted pathetically, sinking down onto your legs on the floor and hanging your head. Sangwoo reached down, wiping some of the spit off of your chin before you peeked up at him.
“Come here,” he said, sitting on the edge of the bed where he always slept, leaving you the comforting corner to sleep by even as you always ended up in his arms. You moved, sore legs and aching knees as you sat beside him, quickly leaning into the kiss he pressed to your lips. He reached for your shaky hands, holding them both in one of his own before he pulled back and looked back to your breasts. “Mmm, this is so sexy,” he said, easily pressing you back against his side of the bed, almost exactly where you were before.
You panted in anticipation as he got between your legs, hands playing with your breasts while he rubbed his cock against your aching pussy. You bit your lip, glancing down before meeting his eyes.
“Daddy, will you please put it in?” You asked, a begging tone to your voice as you eyed him desperately. “Please, I wanna feel you so bad, daddy.” He seemed to think for a moment, reaching down and aligning himself with your entrance while you spread your legs further for him.
“Well, you have been a good girl,” he said, nudging the tip inside of you, teasing you with less than an inch of movement before he let it slip back out of you. “Why don’t you beg some more? You want it so bad?” You were quick to nod to his question.
“I want you so bad, daddy,” you said, mustering up the most pathetic, desperate look you could. “Please daddy, I want you to fuck me and make me feel so good.”
“You wanna feel so good,” he hummed, barely pushing the tip back in and teasing you again. “You’re such a greedy little slut, aren’t you.” He almost teased, meeting your eyes with a mischievous look in his own as he made you whine and whimper with every tease of his cock inside of your warm pussy that he was aching to feel. “I always knew you were a little cock whore, I just didn’t know you’d get so used to it,” he said, gently brushing a hair back from your face and trailing his fingers along your cheek. “Such a scared little virgin when I met you,” he teased, lightly slapping your cheek and making you give a soft moan as he nudged himself a bit deeper this time. “Now look at you, you’re so desperate for it, you can barely even keep your legs closed.”
You flushed, knowing he was teasing you about earlier. He’d innocently, for once, rested his hand on your thigh on the sofa earlier and you had spread your legs a ways for him. He’d barely stifled a laugh as you closed your legs and hid your face in his arm from embarrassment.
“It’s alright, you know I like it when you’re slutty.” He said simply, pushing all of himself inside of you suddenly and making you nearly scream in shock as he slammed deep inside of you, balls hitting your ass with the harsh movement. “But I like it more when you scream.”
Your toes curled hard as he steadily started to thrust inside of you, mouth open with loud and desperate moans. Your breasts bounced inside of the lingerie from his harsh movements, your hands grasping desperately at the sheets beside you. Sangwoo kept his distance, watching himself move inside of you and giving a soft hum as he slowly trailed his eyes along your body. He looked to your face, eyes rolled back into your head with every harsh, quick thrust from him.
“Why don’t you be a good little slut and squirt around my cock.” He said, his mind on anything but the way your pussy was aching almost painfully from all of the stimulation.
“Mmm— can’t daddy,” you mumbled, tired from how many times you’d already cum tonight, unable to force yourself again so fast. You met his gaze, half-lidded eyes as he raised an eyebrow at you. “It’s too much, I can’t cum anymore.” He seemed to think for a moment, tugging you closer by the legs and making your body jerk as he roughly slammed inside of you, eyes rolling back into your head again as you laid it back on the bed, back arching with each rough movement.
“Then just hold still and let me cum.” He said simply, giving a soft sound as you clenched tight around him. Your body was aching for another orgasm you couldn’t have, pussy sore as you nearly sobbed from the stimulation, eyes clenched tight as he slammed himself inside of you quickly. He watched a tear slide down your cheek, hands clenching tightly onto the sheets. He leaned down a bit, grasping your hands and resting them up by your head on the pillows. You barely peeked your eyes open at him as he held your wrists down on the pillows, eyes not even lagging shut as he eyed you with barely flushed cheeks.
Your lip quivered as he stared at you, intense eye contact that made your heart race. He leaned in, quickly kissing you. Slightly rolling your wrist in his grasp, you were quick to kiss him back, tongue licking his lip. He opened his mouth, letting your tongue in before he sucked on it and left you moaning freely. Your breasts bounced, fingers gripping at your palm while his thumb gently stroked just below them. One of his hands moved, sliding up and pushing his fingers between yours.
You moaned into his mouth, eyebrows furrowed inwards hard as he thrusted inside of you. With a soft hum, he broke the kiss, slowing his movements inside of you. Peeking open your eyes, you saw him looking at you as if he was contemplating.
“What are you thinking about?” You asked quietly, but he didn’t answer your question.
“Come here,” he moved, letting you go and pulling himself out of you. He reached over, grabbing the dildo and sitting back up in front of you, placing it near your mouth with a silent hint you immediately got. You licked it, spit slowly sliding down the toy while he laid back and looked at you.
“Come here.” You moved closer, placing one of your legs on the opposite side of his head, eyes looking at his cock. He was hard, aching for you as you rested over him, breasts pressing to his lower stomach while you took his cock into your mouth. Sangwoo teased your entrance with the dildo, his other hand groping at your ass. You moaned as he pushed the toy inside of you, slowly starting to move it while you sucked on his cock, hands grabbing at the sheets beside his thighs while you moaned around him, eyes closed and eyebrows furrowing inwards. “Suck it harder.” He said, moving the dildo more steadily inside of you while you did as he asked.
You sucked hard on his shaft, bobbing your head the best you could in this position. He twitched in your mouth, his fingers reaching around and rubbing your clit, making you give a blissful moan around his cock and damn near stop sucking on him from the extra stimulation. Shocking you, Sangwoo didn’t say anything, the dildo pushing deep inside of you and slowly working you towards another orgasm that you were sure was going to leave you breathless.
Sangwoo’s fingers rubbed your clit faster, making your eyes roll back into your head. His cock slipped from your mouth as you moaned out, leaning in and pressing your forehead to his body. Again, he kept quiet, moving the dildo faster inside of you and making you give another loud moan.
“Oh, fuck!” You moaned out, reaching up for his thighs and grasping onto them tightly. Sangwoo gave a soft grunt at the feeling, but he didn’t scold you nor did he slow down, instead pumping the dildo quickly and steadily inside of you. “Daddy, fuck! It feels so good!”
“You wanna cum?” He asked, listening to your almost incoherent begging. “Then beg for me to let you cum.” He said simply, and you were quick to do as he asked.
“Please daddy, please— please let me cum, I wanna cum! You’re gonna make me squirt, please daddy!” You begged the man, teeth lightly biting his skin and making the man give a light hiss. “Please daddy, I can’t hold it back for you anymore— daddy— please!” With a content hum, Sangwoo moved his hand quickly on your clit, both of his arms burning from the constant movement as he stimulated you.
“Go ahead and cum then,” he said so simply, as if he hadn’t asked you, or rather told you, to beg for him and instead you’d done it freely.
Nevertheless, you could barely deny the orgasm, moaning out his name and making him throb for you.
You moaned loudly, hands clenching tight onto his thighs, leaving marks in his skin that neither of you worried about. His cock twitched as you pressed your forehead to his hip, toes curling so tight it hurt by his head while Sangwoo quickly moved the dildo inside of you. You couldn’t even think as you finally squirted out, nearly screaming his name against his thigh as he prolonged your orgasm and rubbed your clit quicker, chuckling as you nearly soaked his chest.
When he finally stopped, you were panting and shaking on top of him, hands barely able to hold onto his thighs as his cock twitched by your head. With a soft sigh, Sangwoo helped move you off of him, sitting up and looking at you as you panted, barely peeking your eyes open to meet his before he spoke.
“Come here. I’m gonna fuck you in doggy.” He offered you a hand, one you took gratefully and sat up on the bed, moving onto your knees and resting on your elbows. Sangwoo got behind you, his hands groping your ass, spreading your cheeks and making you give a soft sound in return to his rough gropes. He suddenly slapped your ass— hard, making you give a moan in shock. “Such a slut,” he mumbled to himself, aligning his cock with your entrance and rocking it inside of you easily.
Despite how easy it went in, you were left moaning in almost pain in the new position. You panted, hands grasping the sheets while he seemed to tease you. Before, you were expecting him to slam it all inside of you, but instead he was taking his time, slowly and almost sensually thrusting himself inside of you, letting you feel every inch so slow and making your eyes soon roll back into your head as you moaned in pleasure.
Sangwoo thrusted slowly inside of you, your hands grasping onto the sheets as you looked back, desperately rocking back against the man and making him give a light chuckle, hands groping at your ass and letting you lean back into him, his cock pushing deep inside of you and making you moan out. You were tired from the stimulation, toes curled tight and legs burning, but as he held still, you were desperate for more.
“Such a fucking greedy slut,” he teased, slapping your ass and making you give a soft moan at the sensation. “Hold still,” he said, steadying your hips. He didn’t give you any warning, quickly and roughly slamming himself inside of you this time. Your body jerked, eyes widening and a yell coming from you as the bed creaked with every movement from him inside of you.
Finally, you felt his fingers undoing the clips that held the lingerie in place on your body, glancing back as he let it go.
“Take it off.” You did as he asked without hesitation, carelessly letting the clothing fall to the floor. He pressed your shoulders down, your face pressing to the bed as he tugged your hips closer. It wasn’t all too comfortable, but you were desperate for another orgasm even if you were exhausted and unsure if you could cum again. With a sigh, Sangwoo pulled himself out of you, leaving you clenching for nothing. You quickly looked back and watched him sit back on the bed. “Come ride me.”
You knew this would happen at some point— truthfully you were surprised he’d waited this long. You moved, legs shaking and arms sore, but you easily rested down on his cock. He immediately reached for your bare breasts, squeezing them and pushing them together. He gave a soft hum when you immediately started to move on him, giving soft moans and pants while he played with your nipples.
You hung your head, eyes closed as your legs ached. Sangwoo watched you for a moment, reaching up and gently holding your face. You looked at him, only getting a moment to look into his pretty eyes before he leaned in and kissed you. He reached down, steadying your hips with one hand and starting to thrust up into you almost immediately.
You broke the kiss with a moan, eyes wide and meeting his. He chuckled, reaching back up for your breasts that bounced with his harsh movements. You grasped tight onto his shoulders, pussy clenching around his cock as you nearly sobbed from the overstimulation. Sangwoo gently slapped your cheek, bringing your attention back to him and forcing your eyes back open.
“Tired?” Was all he asked, earning a quick nod from you. He licked his lips, eyes quickly flicking to your breasts before he gave a soft hum. “Make me cum one more time and we’ll take a break.” He promised as your nails dug deeper into his shoulder, barely even making the man bat an eye. You could barely help it, leaning your head in and pressing it down to his shoulder with a whine as the man thrusted up into you.
You were already sore, tired, aching for the blissful stimulation to stop. You squeezed around him, earning a soft sound from the man by your ear. He mumbled out a soft praise in your direction, hands groping at your ass hard as you nuzzled your head into his neck, tears sliding down your cheeks from the intensity of his thrusts inside of you. Desperate to cum but unable to give anything but another tight squeeze around the man.
Sangwoo gave a grunt, sounding almost desperate. With a few more thrusts, you felt him cum inside of you, relaxing back against the bed with soft pants. His arms wrapped around you, holding you close while you clutched tightly onto him. With a sigh, Sangwoo kissed your head, hands gently rubbing your tense shoulders.
“You’re a good girl,” he said softly, pressing another kiss to your head.
“Happy birthday.” You mumbled out almost pathetically. He gave a soft, amused hum and looked at the clock.
“It isn’t my birthday yet.” You bit back a groan, but Sangwoo shocked you, gently helping you off of him and setting you back on the bed. “Come on, I wanna go watch a movie. Let’s get cleaned up.” You frowned lightly in confusion at the outstretched hand he offered you after standing.
“But… it’s not midnight yet.”
“I was gonna fuck you until midnight.” He was quiet for a second before ever-so-slightly wiggling his fingers at you.
“Come on. For my birthday I just wanna be watching a movie with you in my arms.” You reached up, grasping his hand. He brought you with him downstairs to the bathroom and gave a sigh as he turned the water on. “We should shower kinda quick. I’m tired.” He leaned in, pressing a kiss to your head and stepping in, gesturing for you to follow. You stepped inside of the shower as well, shutting the curtain and getting gently pulled back against his chest.
Sangwoo pressed a soft kiss to your shoulder, nuzzling into you and making you give a small smile.
“I love you.” He whispered so soft you barely heard it over the running water, but you reached down and gently grasped his hands that rested over your stomach.
“I love you, too.”
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silverdelirium · 4 years ago
Can I request a very filthy smutty blaise with ass kink and size kink? 🥺
SUMMARY ➠ coworker!blaise teaches you a lesson and fulfills his dreams of fucking you silly.
WARNINGS ➠ oral (male receiving), tad bit of shoe fucking, dumbification, degradation, praising, rough sex, ass kink, size kink, lots of dirty talk, rushed ending. this if filthy lololol
blaise took a deep breath before slamming his fist down on the wooden desk of his office. the papers that were placed on top of it went flying around at the sudden movement.
his hands were shaking with irritation. if that fucking landlord could just shut the fuck up about his rent for one second-
the male’s thoughts were cut off by small, rapid knocks against the door. his brows knitted in confusion at the unanticipated invasion.
“come in!”
the door creaked as you entered the room, peeking your head through the doorway at first before going in, shutting the door behind you.
your presence emitted a groan from him. he knew that the moment you both spent time together it would somehow end in a screaming match, and blaise was not in the mood to be dealing with anything right now.
you gave him a sharp glare in response before opening your mouth to speak. yet you were cut off by your own silence as you studied the state of his office.
everything seemed so rustled and chaotic— there were papers thrown in the floor, some were even crumbled and a few candy wrappers were tossed around. “what is this mess?” you spoke, tone lacing with disgust as you picked up an old folder from the worktable; his hand was quick to swat you away, scowling you before leaning back on the desk.
“what do you want?” he squinted at you, roaming his eyes down your body suspiciously— mentally slapping himself for staring at your breasts longer than planned.
“what the fuck is up your arse today?” you scoffed, crossing your arms and walking closer to him until he had to crane his neck down to look at you.
blaise’s chest heaved up and down as he quickly undid the top button of his shirt, turning away from you and taking long strides around the room. he closed his eyes and really hated himself for wanting nothing more than to shut that smart mouth of yours with his hardening cock. it was too much for him— and if there was one-way blaise loved to take his stress out on, was sex. and god— that stupid little skirt of yours that was begging to be lifted and reveal that sweet cunt that plagued his mind at the worst moments was the last push he needed to man up and fuck you as he had always wanted to.
you observed him in silence, watching how he mumbled something to himself about ‘i can’t think of her like this.’
quietness ran across the walls for a few moments before blaise was back in front of you, muttering a “fuck it” and connecting his lips to yours.
the fleeting kiss had you bewildered for a few seconds, eyes wide and mouth unmoving as the tall man held the back of your head in his palm. you didn’t kiss him back at first, but you didn’t protest either. and you’d be dammed if you didn’t take advantage of the opportunity to get fucked brain dead by blaise zabini.
but who could blame you when you kissed him back with the same— maybe even more— force; it was messy and heated all at once, the frustration that you sensed from earlier was being poured in that kiss. teeth were clashing together as his tongue pressed down on yours, drawing out a breathy moan from you.
blaise cupped your rear with both hands, lifting you in an unforeseen manner, causing you to squeal lightly until you felt your bum being pressed against the cool surface of his messy desk.
he was the first to break apart from the kiss, breathing steadily as he stared down at you— even from your perched up position he was still a few inches taller.
“i’m not gonna hold back” he warned, searching your eyes for any sign of regret or hesitation that you might feel. but he was far from finding any, you wanted blaise to fuck you until he was poking out of your tummy and you wanted it now.
“i don’t care” you breathed out, reconnecting your mouth to his and almost missing out on that keen groan that came out of his mouth.
his large digits scurried under your skirt, unzipping it in a quick motion and pulling it down your legs until it pooled on the floor.
he teasingly ran his index finger up and down the soaked cotton that covered your pulsating pussy. “blaise— please” you shamelessly plead, throwing all your morals out the window and not caring about anything else but being rutted over and over again.
“look at you. begging like a well paid whore when you were being a smart ass with me not even ten minutes ago.” he chuckled, taking pride in the way you whimpered in response, bucking your hips up onto his fingers. “what is it, baby? you want me to fuck you until that dumb baby brain can only think about my cock, yeah?”
his words struck a bit of sense into you and you huffed in response— “are you actually gonna give me what i want and fuck me properly or are you all talk?”
you messed up and you messed up big; you could tell by the way hir pupils dilated and the slow touches against your clothed pussy stopped. his tongue darted out to poke on his left cheek as he laughed lightly, stepping back and harshly bringing you down the desk.
“i’m gonna fuck your throat until you learn how to keep useless stuff to yourself, princess” he warned, signalling down to the floor as he unbuckled his belt.
you tentatively got down on your knees, lightly scraping them against the wooden floor as you rubbed your thighs together, pawing at your lap as blaise’s erection appeared in your view of line.
was that supposed to fit in you?
blaise seemed to notice your unsureness— “you alright there, pretty girl?” his tone was softer, less stern yet with the same accent of authority he always carried.
“i— it’s… big.” you let out, feeling the tip of your ears grow hot as he chuckled before picking up a more alluring timbre “oh i’m gonna make it fit” he winked.
you swallowed thickly, already picturing the delicious stretch this man was gonna provide you. he stroked his large cock sensually before making a beeline with it to your lips, which were already parted in expectancy; he went to tease you for it but was cut off by his low moan that got provoked as the warmth of your mouth enveloped his pulsating tip.
his digits tangled themselves in your hair, good girl’s and just like that’s slipped from his mouth every time your tongue swirled around his head. and the slickness that was pouring out of you was suddenly too much to ignore— hence why you reached down to attempt and soothe the burning sensation. blaise was still enthralled with the way your worked those lips that he had dreamed of having against his around his cock— his hands tightened around your scalp as he thrusted rapidly against your mouth, desperately probing for an orgasm.
a muffled whine came from you as he fucked your throat repeatedly, causing him to look down at your teary eyes, eventually settling his irises on your hand rubbing your greedy cunt.
blaise tutted with a hint of disappointment, making your movements halt as you batted your eyelashes up at him innocently as if your mouth wasn’t stuffed with his cock that was ready to shoot its cum down your fucked out throat.
you went to furrow your brows when he kicked your hand away gently, replacing your fingers with the point of his leather shoe, your wetness already leaking down on his footwear as you whined around his cock, making his hips buck involuntarily at the vibrations— “i was gonna reward you for sucking me so well, but since you’re such a desperate slut you’re gonna have to fuck yourself on my shoe while i throat fuck you, yeah?” he asked demanded.
a weak nod was all he got in response before he was back to gripping your hair in his fist, spit drooling down your chin at the abrupt pace he set without even a warning— not that you minded.
your hips rolled slowly into his shoe, swollen clit fizzing at the stimulation; his shoe hit every right nerve ending, the sounds you made around his cock were filthy and lewd, only making his balls grow tighter as he stilled his hips, rope after rope of cum flooding your mouth.
you moaned lowly against his cock at the feeling of his warm cum spraying down your throat.
he gave tattered breaths and moans as he pulled out of your mouth, barely even taking notice of the whining mess you became, his foot now long gone from your oozing cunt.
“get the fuck up” he breathed out, staring down at your already fucked out-state— saliva all over your chin, along with a few tears decorating your frowning face as you stood up. his large hands came to cup your face, delivering a small kiss on the corner of your mouth before placing his mouth next to your ear and whispering “i’ve been trying to translate your frowns and find out what your fucking problem with me was before bending you over my desk and fucking you stupid.”
you could’ve easily moaned at his words alone if it weren’t for his lips linking with yours in a crazed kiss as he guided you towards his messy desk— which was about to be a whole lot messier.
his hands reassuringly squeezed your waist as he turned you around, his once again hard cock rubbed against your ass as he planted kisses against your neck, sucking on certain spots that had your eyes rolling onto the back of your head— his fingers making quick work of getting your shirt off, throwing it somewhere around the room as he separated himself from your now marked neck, leaving you in your undergarments that didn’t leave much to the imagination.
“i’ve been waiting to fuck you senseless for so long, baby. you don’t know how many times i spent with my hand around my cock dreaming about your tight pussy around it.” he groaned out, pushing you forward until your breasts squished against the desk, shuddering at the cold of it.
his palms massaged your left ass cheek before a harsh slap was delivered to it— and his mouth wasn’t there to cover the pornographic moan that came out of you this time, pushing your bum against his hardened dick in anticipation.
blaise grabbed a hold of his cock and steadied himself with a hand on your bum, squeezing. before he moved your panties to the side and teased your pulsating entrance with his tip, groaning slightly at the way your pussy almost swallowed him in as he pushed the tiniest bit in, coaxing a loud cry from you.
“so so tight, princess” he praised, pushing himself all the way in with a single thrust, arousal already gushing down your thighs.
the male wasted no time and in a few moments he had you with your mouth gaped open, eyes going crisscross with every un pitying snap against your hips of his.
“can you feel me all the way up in your pretty guts, baby girl? you like having this slutty cunt being taught a lesson, huh?” he growled out, eyes trained on each bounce of your ass as he sped up— the clapping sounds were enough to give away what was happening to any passerbyers outside his office; not that any of you minded at this point.
“oh! fuck blaise— right there! right there!” you babbled out, shutting your eyes tight as he brought you up with his bicep against your throat, making you loll your head back on his shoulder as his dick continuously hit that spot inside you.
blaise’s other hand snaked around your midriff, pressing down on the evident outline of his cock going in and out of your tummy. “look at me destroying your pretty little insides, sweetheart, bet you won’t be able to sit on this pretty little pussy for the next week” he cooed at you before slamming you forwards until your cheek pressed against his rattling desk.
“don’t stop! don’t stop please!” you sobbed out, squeaking lightly when his palms crashed down roughly on your ass, groans and moans echoing around the room like a chant— the pit in your stomach growing tighter and tighter by the second.
“i’m cumming blaise, i’m fucking cumming” you gasped out, lifting your head back up and pointing your nose to the ceiling as you came all-around blaise’s cock with a loud ecstatic moan.
a whimper passed by your lips as blaise continued to fuck you through your high; and it took him one look to look at the mess you left running down yours and his thighs for him to be pumping you full of his cum, steady thrusts that had him hissing as you clenched around him for a final time.
he pulled out of you to watch his cum blow out of your overstimulated pussy, the aftershocks of the intense orgasm still causing your muscles to spasm every once in a while.
“you made my office a whole lot messier” he grunted out, pointing down to the puddle that fell in between your legs, causing you to flush instantly as he chuckled and pressed light kisses to your temple.
🏷: @methblinds @marrymetheonott @adrianscumslut @wh0re4blaise @youreso-golden @saggyb1lls @selenesheart @dracomalfoys-wh0re @dlmmdl @lolooo22 @darlingmalfoy @littlemissnoname13 @i-love-scott-mccall @underappreciated-spoon-321 @daddybutmakeitagirl @fredshufflepuff @dracosafety @riddleswh0rekrux @lostaurorax @alexavolturisblog @s1ater @marauderswh0re1 @andineverwould @starless-starkov @black-rose-29 @tattooedkermit @purpleskymalfoy @emma67 @mypainistemporary @mauvea @teenwolfbitches28 @lissa-duh @paniicing @rav3nclawwhore @fizzleberries @malfoy-girl @alohastitch0626 @caosfanblr @memorycharm @whoreforgeorgeandfred @elizabethrosedarling
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yootaesowlwrites · 2 years ago
He’s So Cute... Oh, Never Mind - Ji Changmin
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A/N: Okay, so the beginning is rocky, but it gets better. But happy friendiverasry @atinyfantasytothemoon​
W/C: 5.1K
Warnings: AU, friends to almost strangers to lovers, angst, smut, nipple play, marks, explicit language, descriptive scenes, nudity, light fingering, clit stimulation, oral(female receiving), protected sex, sensual sex, aftercare, fluff, humour.
Age Warning: I will not take responsibility because you wanted to read this, but if you’re under the  age of 18+, DO NOT INTERACT OR READ. Do not take this as educational, this is fiction!
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“You changed so damn much, Min,” You say as you stare at him. Those words have been building for months now, after years of friendship, he had suddenly started to change, going from the sweet Changmin you knew to a more cocky version of it, and it had caused you to drift apart over the last few months, you didn’t want to, but you couldn’t bring yourself to want to spend time with him, not after he had altered himself so much to become someone so unrecognisable.
But maybe it could make more sense if you went back to where it all started.
You and Changmin were sitting on the couch in their dorm, Juyeon, Sunwoo, Chanhee and Sangyeon were all there with you two, and you were playing a video game and taking turns, it was currently yours and Changmin’s turn, and you were beating him, just about.
“Hey, hey, are you cheating?” He asks, and moves his hand in front of your eyes, but ended up compromising himself by doing that. “Wait, no!” He yells, grabbing his controller with both hands, but it was too late. A round of laughter goes around at his mistake and as you won the game.
“Oh my gosh,” You laugh out, handing the controller to Chanhee. “How are you so freaking cute to make such a mistake, Min?” You ask, turning towards him, missing the frown that formed on his face. “Gosh, that was just too cute,” You bring a hand to your face to cover your eyes as you laugh, completely missing as his frown deepens, he stood up, giving the controller to Sangyeon.
“Excuse me for a minute,” He grumbles out, you pull your hand away and only caught sight of his back disappearing around the corner, you look at the other four in confusion, and they end up shrugging.
“What’s up…” You whisper, Sangyeon passes the controller to Sunwoo and stood from his spot. You all usually joked and laughed about being too cute, but never once did he react the way that he just did.
“I’ll go hear, take my spot, Sunwoo,” Sangyeon says. Sunwoo wouldn’t be told twice to begin a new game with him and Chanhee, you move out of the spot and sit down on a single chair, your mind running a million miles an hour, wondering what was wrong with the person you’ve been calling your friend for years now.
Changmin looks at you, he could feel his frustration building. Did him changing himself not help at all? Did spending weeks, months, trying to be the opposite of cute not do something for you? Was it all a waste?
“I changed because of you,” He breathes out. Fuck, he felt so damn defeated, he felt like he didn’t have anything left to fight for. For months, he tried to be less cute and sexier, but it seemed like it only drove you away from him, and somehow in the arms of another person. “I wanted you to stop seeing me as cute,” He whispers, your hard gaze softens as you hear those words.
“Min… you didn’t need to change yourself…” You whisper. “I liked you so much more than this version of you…” He could feel a pinch in his heart forming. Where had it all gone so wrong for him?
Sangyeon pushes the halfway-closed door to Changmin’s room open and finds him sitting in front of his Chucky doll, a doll he found cute, but everyone else found creepy, but if it made him happy, then no one was going to complain… too much. Changmin’s head snaps towards the door and saw Sangyeon standing there, with a questioning look on his face.
“I’ll be back in a minute, just… give me a few,” Changmin says. He turns his head back to look at the doll, and Sangyeon could see the pout on his lips. “She only sees me as a friend… or even a brother, which is worse because then I’m not a dating option…” Sangyeon sits down next to Changmin.
“You like her?” Sangyeon asks, Changmin nods his head and lets out a frustrated sigh. He grips onto the bed and looks down at the floor.
“But she thinks everything I do, no matter what it is… is cute,” He mutters. “I should stop being so cute,” Sangyeon immediately shakes his head. “Especially around her, I need to be sexier, more attractive.”
“I don’t think that’s such a good idea,” Sangyeon says, hoping he could talk his friend out of this decision. “Don’t change yourself, Changmin, you wouldn’t be you if you change,” the world knows Sangyeon tried, but Changmin had his mind set on changing himself.
Over the following weeks you had noticed a drastic change in Changmin, the things he did, said and started to wear, things that were quickly making him less appealing to you, which made you wonder why or what had happened to the cute sweet person you used to know and spend endless hours with. Everything was leading to a boiling point, and it all boiled over when he had seen you out with someone else in the park, laughing with them. He balls his hands into a fist before storming towards you and this unknown person, he pulls you away from that person and turns you towards him.
“Changmin, wha—” You begin to say, only to be cut off when he slammed his lips against yours, kissing you and shocking you with the action. You immediately place your hands on his shoulders and push him back, making him break the kiss. “Changmin!” To say guilt suddenly swallowed him was an understatement, he could feel it eating away at him for what he had just done.
“I…” He breathes out, you turn towards the person you were with, only to find that they had left. You let out a sigh and turn back to Changmin, you couldn’t even explain how angry you felt towards him.
“What’s wrong with you?” You ask, he could hear the anger and disappointment dripping from your tone as you spoke. “What happened to my friend from years ago?” He could feel something shift inside him. “ You changed so damn much, Min,” You say, he looks at you, feeling conflicted. “Changmin… what happened?” You watch as he almost lowers his head in shame before lifting it.
“I changed because of you,” He breathes out. “I wanted you to stop seeing me as cute,” He whispers, your hard gaze softens as you hear those words. Fuck, why did he change that drastically for you, all to seem less cute to you?
“Min… you didn’t need to change yourself…” You whisper. “I liked you so much more than this version of you…” You had liked him so much more when he appeared cute in front of you, and now… Now he may have fucked it all up. “This version of you… it fucking sucks,” You sounded harsh, but he needed that slap. “Do I sound cold?”
“No… no,” He slowly says, lifting his gaze to look at you. “I deserve it, I changed when I didn’t need to,” You take in a deep breath and step closer to him, you place a hand on his shoulder, hope quickly entering his eyes.
“The moment… you can find your true self again, come find me at my apartment,” You say and softly squeeze his shoulder before walking past him, leaving him alone to his thoughts in the park. Maybe you had some part in it, but you would have preferred he talked to you about it instead of making such a drastic change to himself.
A few days passed when you received a knock on your door, you put your phone down on the couch and make your way towards the door, you weren’t expecting company, nor a delivery. You pull the door open and found Changmin on the other side of his, back to what he usually wore.
“Hi,” He whispers, ever since you had left him in the park, you were wondering if he would actually come by your apartment. “I have a question… Did you like me when I was being cute?” You take in a deep breath. You did, you had a crush on him, and each time he had done something cute, your heart fluttered, and you couldn’t help but admire it.
“Yes,” You whisper. He nods his head, processing your words. You reach out for his hand and pull him into your apartment, closing the door behind him. “You didn’t need to change… You should have spoken to me about it,” He takes in a deep breath.
“I know that now,” He says. “I should have, spared us both this… heartache and pain,” You release his hand and cross your arms over your chest.
“Are you done with that, though?” You ask, he rapidly nods his head. “Are you going back to being yourself?” He quickly nods his head, you bite the inside of your cheeks. “If that’s the case… I won’t mind if you kiss me again,” His head whips up as he looks at you.
“Ar… Are you sure?” He asks, this time not wanting to disrespect your boundaries and force himself onto you.
“I’m sure,” You whisper while nodding your head. He steps closer and cups the side of your head and pulls you into a kiss, his lips slowly move with yours, both your eyes shut as you almost get lost in the feeling of each other. He slowly pulls back from the kiss, your hand shots up and pushes down against the back of his head, pulling him in to continue the kiss. He begins walking you backwards and towards the couch, you fall back onto the couch as the back of your legs hit it, he was quickly on top of you, pulling you in for a deeper kiss and slipping his tongue into your mouth.
His hands begin tugging at your shirt as his tongue slides along yours and over the roof of your mouth, he pulls your shirt upwards, breaking the kiss to remove your shirt, and silver strings of saliva break off and onto your chin, before he pulls the shirt over your head and tosses it aside, he was about to lean down and kiss you again when he pauses and looks around, taking in your living room.
“No, no, I’m not doing this in your living room,” He says and quickly moves onto his feet, he holds his hand out for you to take, which you quickly do, and he pulls you onto your feet. “We’re doing this in your bedroom, so, let’s try this again,” You were about to laugh at his cuteness when he pulls you in for another kiss, your mind quickly falls blank as he begins guiding you backwards and towards your bedroom, your back hits the wall a few times, he stumbles into the doorway also, you manage to remove his shirt and toss it onto the floor while he removed your bra and left it right in front of your bedroom door.
You hit the bed, and he quickly straddles one of your legs and begins kissing down your neck, his knee rubbing against your clothed pussy, you could feel his jeans rubbing against the inside of your bare thighs, and you weren’t sure if you should be thankful you had word shorts today or if you should have regretted it with how it was making your skin flare up. His hands slide up your sides, and he cups your breasts in his hands, rubbing his thumbs over your nipples and feeling them harden underneath his touch. His lips move over your collarbone where he pauses to suck a mark into your skin.
His fingers knead into the curve of your breasts while his thumbs were circling over your nipples, he unconsciously begins moving his hips against you, practically grinding against your thigh, the rough fabric of his jeans rubs against your bare skin, and you could feel yourself growing wet at the movement.
“Min… oh,” You softly moan out, reaching up for his hair and running your fingers through his hair. You lift your leg, rubbing your thigh against him and feeling a bulge slowly forming in his pants. “Min…” Your breathing had slowed and became shallow, your skin was slowly heating up, his lisp move away from your collarbone and down to one of your breasts, his lips barely leaving your skin, his lips reach your nipple ad he flicks his tongue over it. “Ohh,” You breathe out. His hand squeezes your other breast before moving his forefinger to pinch your nipple between his fingers. “Flip, Min,” His tongue flicks over your nipple again, sending a warm jolt straight to your clit.
“I should have just confessed to you months ago,” He mutters, looking up at your face. You look down at him and watch as his tongue slips out once more and slowly slides over your nipple before he blows against it.
“Better late than never,” You whisper and drop your head, your other hand grips onto the sheets. His other hand slides down and hooks into the waistband of your shorts, slowly pushing them down, his fingers brushing over the crease over your hips, causing you to suck in a deep breath.
“What?” He quickly asks, lifting his head to look at you. “Do you want me to stop?” He asks, concerned he had crossed a line.
“No, no, please, don’t stop,” You say. “Just felt… nice,” He lets out a breath of relief before his head drops once more and his lips brush over your nipples, his hand slides lower over the crease of your hip, pushing your shorts and panties down along with it.
“As long as it continues to feel nice,” He says. “Let me know if you want to stop,” You nod your head, letting out a quick hum as you do. He smiles before taking your nipple into his mouth and softly sucking on it, his fingers that held your nipple between them slowly roll the bud between his fingers and pull at it. Fuck, you could feel yourself growing wetter and wetter by the seconds. “Hmm…” Your eyes flutter at his hum, the room tempter quickly rises, and you could feel your skin becoming clammy.
“Min…” You whisper. His fingers release your nipple, and he slides his hand down to your waistband, also pushing it down, only stopping when it got caught against his leg. He quickly lifts his leg while moving his head away from your nipple, causing you to release his hair, and pushes your pants and panties down and removes them completely before he moves between your legs, he sits on his knees and places his hands on the crease of your hips.
“Gosh… you’re absolutely beautiful,” He says as his eyes flash over your body, unsure where he should look first. His eyes fall down to your pussy, and he leans down, pressing his lips above your mound before kissing a trail over your mound, he slides a hand over the top of your thigh before moving it to the inside and sliding it up towards your pussy cupping it and pushing his fingers past your folds. “Oh fuck,” He moans out as he feels his fingers becoming soaked with your arousal.
“Hmm,” You hum out, your insides flipping at the feeling of his fingers sliding against your pussy, collecting your wetness onto them. He slides his fingers against the inside of your folds before he leans down, dipping his head between your legs and pressing his nose against your folds.
“Ohh… you smell so good,” He mutters. Your toes curl as you feel his hot breath right there, your hand flies down, and you twist your fingers into his hair. You press your heels into the bed as you feel his hair tickling the inside of your thighs. His fingers spread against your folds, pulling them more open for him.
“Ohh,” You whimper out and bend your knees, sliding your legs against his sides as you bring your feet up to rest next to his waist, making your folds spread more for him, his nose pressed at the top of your pussy and slowly slides between your folds, his lips brush against your folds before his tongue pressed below your clit. “Min…” You gasp out, your lids fluttering. He drags his tongue up towards your clit, over it, making it twitch with pleasure.
“Ohh. So responsive,” He mutters. His head dips lower and your grip on his hair tightens as you feel his tongue against your slit, pressing against it and causing a squelching sound to come from you as your wetness was moved.
“Oh, oh, my fuck,” You gasp out, heat moving up your neck and over your entire body, sweat slowly breaking out on your skin. “Min…” You whisper as you feel his tongue sliding upwards, fuck, the wet noises were causing your insides to shift, and for you to grow wetter by the second.
“You taste so good also,” He says as he lifts his head, you could hear him licking his lips, but refused to look at him. His head drops back down, and you feel his shoulders press against the back of your thighs, almost as if he was trying to reach deeper inside you.
“Min, oh, fuck,” You gasp out, pressing your head into your pillow and gripping onto the sheets with your other hand, his tongue slips past your folds and slowly slips into your slit, pushing between your walls. “Oh, my fuck, Min, oh,” You babble out, fuck, it felt so good, his tongue felt so fucking warm inside you, and you could feel him moving it inside you as he wiggles it. “Oh, hmm,” Your fingers starting to hurt from gripping the sheets so hard, his fingers slide along the inside of your folds before you feel them touch your clit, making you lift your hips off the bed for a brief second. “OH!” A jolt of pleasure shoots up your spine, you press your head harder against your pillow as you feel his fingers rubbing slow circles over your clit.
Your walls begin pulsing around his tongue, and you’re sure his chin was dripping with your arousal by now, his tongue slides out only to push back inside you, the pleasurable feeling hitting you stronger and harder, fuck, you couldn’t believe how good he was making you feel, how much your mind was spinning from just his tongue and fingers. You lift your head to look down at him, only to drop it immediately again, the sight of his head between your thighs… fuck, it’s so much.
“Min, oh my fuck, oh,” You moan out. You could feel your insides tightening and pulling together, a warmth was going up your legs as you were slowly approaching your high. The wet noises had quickly filled the room, making it sound sinful as he ate you out and played with your clit. It was like he already knew what he was doing. “Miiiinnn,” Your hips lift off the bed once again, causing his tongue to slip deeper inside you.
“Hmm,” He groans against your pussy as he feels your walls clamp down around his tongue. The vibrations cause your clit to twitch and the pressure inside you to grow.
“OH!” You moan out, fuck, you were dancing at the edge of ecstasy. His fingers press harder against your clit, and it seemed like a switch was flipped inside you, your eyes roll to the back of your head before your lids shut. “MIN!” You moan out, you tug at his hair and at the sheets as the pressure inside you snaps, and you come undone, your mind is shot into the clouds as your body falls into a wave of pleasure. “Oh, hmm, uhh, fuck, Min!” You couldn’t form a proper sentence about how good you felt. Pleasure. That was the only thing you felt and could think of, everything around you seem to have melted away. “Ohh,” Your body was coated with sweat as you were coming down from your high, your hand had dropped away from his hair and he was no longer between your legs or on the bed.
“Min…” You whisper, you open your eyes, blinking a few times to adjust your blurred vision. “Min…” You lift your head and look around, finding him next to the bed with his pants and boxers off and his hand around his cock as he slowly palms himself. “Fucking hell,” You groan and turn onto your side, feeling your arousal dripping from your thigh down to the back of it. “In the drawer,” He quickly opens the drawer and pulls out a sealed box of condoms. He quickly opens it and takes a silver packet out and tears the foil open, your eyes drop and watch as pre-cum drips from the head of his cock. “Miinnn,” You whine out and close your eyes for a minute. He rolls the condom over his cock, making sure it was secure before he climbs onto the bed, rolling you to lay back on your back before moving between your legs, placing a hand on one of your knees and slowly sliding it down your thigh.
“Fuck… you’re just so…” He trails off, you feel his bare skin more against your thighs, and the warmth of him quickly engulfs you. The head of his cock touches your folds, and he pushes it past them, pushing it right against your clit, making you jolt. “Beautiful,” He finishes before slowly wrapping his hand around himself and sliding himself down to your entrance. “You’re so unbelievably beautiful.”
“Says you,” You mutter and feel him pushing the head of his cock into you. “Fuck...” Your eyes flutter as you feel him slowly filling and stretching you, inch by inch, he leans over you, placing both hands on the bed next to your head and continues to slowly sink into you.
“Ohh, oh, uhhm,” He grunts out, his eyes fluttering at your walls squeezing him and sucking him in. “Hmm,” His stomach touches yours, and his chest rubs against your chest, the warmth from his body, his warmth surrounds you. “Are you sure?”
“Of co- ohh- urse,” You moan out as he shifts inside you, he slowly lifts his hips, making you feel his cock slide out of you halfway before he slowly thrusts back into you. “Why would you ask?” You reach up and wrap one arm around him, burring your fingers into your hair, while your other hand rests on his shoulders.
“You always… fuck… call me cute,” He says. Fuck, his voice sounded so strained as he spoke. His hips meet yours before he lifts them again, finding a slow and sensual rhythm that caused heat and pleasure for you both.
“Because you are,” You whisper, your nails lightly scratching at his scalp. “But occasionally… oh, my fucking…” You swallow as you feel friction against your clit, your insides flip, and you could feel your eyes wanting to roll to the back of your head. “You’re fucking hot,” You gasp out.
“Fucking hot?” He groans out. Your walls were squeezing around him, which was making his mind spin, and he was losing all of his senses. “Fuck…” One of his hands reaches up, and he cups your cheek, slowly sliding his thumb over your cheekbone. “Fuck, you feel so good, unbelievably good.”
“It’s you, it’s all you,” You manage to say. His cock was rubbing all the right spots inside you, and somehow, something was stimulating your clit also. His elbow presses into the mattress, and he reaches down with his other hand, sliding it over your thigh before hooking the back of it and pulling it over his waist before thrusting deeper into you. “Oh, my fuck, Changmin,” Everything felt so slow and sensual, even the heat going through your body felt like it was travelling at a slow pace.
The sounds of your moans and his groans mixed filled the room and bounced off the walls, while the sound of your wetness squelching added to the sinful sounds. His hand slides down from your thighs and slips between your bodies, making you aware of his stomach muscles pulling and twitching. His hand slides over your mound, and you squeeze around him.
“Ohh…” He lets out a low groan and drops his head against your shoulder, his hand faltering for a moment. “That felt so good, ohh, fuck,” He groans out before moving his hand over your mound and sliding his fingers between your folds, stopping just above your clit.
“Changmin… oh, my…” You moan out, your eyes fluttering as you feel the pressure inside you building, your entire body waiting in anticipation for him to touch your clit, and he could feel it as your walls tensed around him. “Ohhh.”
“Fuck, you’re squeezing me so hard, ohhh,” He moans out, he lifts his head and slams his hips against yours, not meaning to lose control over his slow pace. “Fuck…” His finger touches your clit, and you were tipped over the edge, the feeling of being filled with him and his fingers now against your clit made you cum undone, and you came around him, your grip on his shoulder tightens and your eyes squeeze shut.
“Chang… Min,” You gasp out, your lungs didn’t feel big enough to carry all the air you wanted to breathe in. “Oh!” His body rubs against yours, and the feeling of this closeness was getting you through the high, his thrusts became uneven as he feels your release surrounding his cock and spattering against his balls.
“Ohh… fuck,” He groans out, his eyes shutting as he feels a heartbeat forming in the head of his cock. “Oh, that’s it, that’s it, you’re doing so good,” He coos out, trying to ease you through your high while trying not to slam his hips into yours to get to his own faster.
“Ohh… my fuck, Min… fuck, don’t hold back,” You whimper out, your grip on his hair tightening as you feel him lift his hips. He didn’t need to be told twice before he slammed into you, the sound of skin slapping against skin quickly echoes around the room and your walls clamp down around him, causing the throbbing feeling in the head of his cock to snap, and his cum quickly fills the condom.
“Oh, my fuck… oh, fuck, so good, hmm,” He groans, his head dropping, and he pushes it into the crook of your neck, his lips press against your skin as he mumbles incoherent words you couldn’t hear. You slowly come down from your high and feel his hips rocking against yours as he eases himself through his high, your walls pulse around him, helping him through his high even more.
His movements slow down until he eventually stops with him still inside you, both of you breathing hard as you bask in the afterglow of everything that just happened, it all felt so good, just being in each other's presence and against each other, the warmth of the other left a comforting feeling behind. He slowly begins pulling out from you, making you whimper as the filling feeling leaves you feeling empty, and his warmth disappears.
“Oh…” You sigh out, watching him. He stands from the bed and carefully takes the condom off, tying it before tossing it into the trashcan, he looks at you, a dazed look still in his eyes and a lopsided smile on his lips.
“I’m just gonna go get the cloth, okay?” He says more than asks, you nod your head and watch him disappear into your bathroom, you hear the water running and splashing before it stops and reappears with a cloth in his hands, he places one knee on the bed and leans over you, and begins cleaning the inside of your thighs before moving the cloth between your folds.
“Hmm,” You let out a hum of contentment and close your eyes, the lukewarm cloth felt so good against your skin as he cleans you, you open your eyes to look at him as he focuses on your body, on cleaning you. “You’re cute… yet very handsome, Changmin, you don’t ever need to change, not even for me,” You whisper, he pulls the cloth away and looks up at you, his hair was sticking to his forehead from the sweat.
“I know that now,” He says. “I was a fool for changing myself when I should have just come to talk to you about it,” He gets up from the bed. “I’m not sure how I’m going to make it up to you, for being an asshole… kissing you without your permission also,” You lazily smile up at him.
“I’m sure there is a way,” You say, letting your eyes fall to his cock for a moment before moving back up to his head, he quickly turns around and dashes into the bathroom, making you laugh as he most likely tried to hide his reddened cheeks from you. You could hear the water running long this time, and assume he was also cleaning himself. “Do you think we should change the sheets?” You call out. The water closes, and he steps out of the bathroom and makes his way toward the bed.
“No,” He answers and lays down next to you, wrapping his arm around your middle. “Not now, maybe later,” His leg moves over your thigh, hooking it with your leg. “Right now… I think we need to cuddle and rest,” You softly chuckle and nod your head, agreeing with him. “And I need to ask you a very important question also.”
“Hmm?” You hum and turn your head to look at him, his face only centimetres away from yours.
“Will you be my girlfriend?” He asks, which makes you pause.
“Really… That… that is your question?” You ask. “I thought it was obvious when we were having sex.”
“Well… I didn’t ask you before we had sex, so I’m asking now,” He says with a sheepish smile on his lips. You slowly nod your head and lick your lips.
“Yes… I’ll be your girlfriend,” You whisper, he leans closer to you, and his nose touches yours.
“Perfect,” He whispers before pressing his lips against yours, softly kissing you.
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wildernessuntothemselves · 4 years ago
I'm Yours, You're Mine | 7
Word Count: 4k
Genre: Smut, angst
Warnings: yandere!felix, sub!felix, dom!felix, sub!reader, dom!reader, mentions of violence, character death, drugging, noncon, breeding kink, binding, doggy
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GIF CREDIT @christopherbanq
You wake up in a warm embrace, surrounded by the sweet, vanilla scent of Felix. Opening your eyes, you’re met with the splatter of his freckles that seem to glow under the sunlight. Everything feels perfect. It feels right, and you wish you could stay in this moment forever, protected from all that has happened or will happen. But you can’t, the memories of last night’s darkness creep around the corners of the brightly lit room, seeping the warmth out of it until everything is plunged into darkness.
Felix opens his eyes, his bright sparkling eyes, unaware of the darkness surrounding him, his ignorance protecting him. But his light diminishes as his gaze focuses on you.
“Noona, why are you crying?” He asks, arms pulling you even closer to him to the point where you don’t know where your skin ends and his begins.
“Chan…” You sputter, little sobs rattling your chest now. Felix frowns sharply, “Did he do something to you?”
You shake your head, your tears now flowing down your cheeks. “He’s in the hospital. Someone attacked us while we were coming back from the cinema yesterday.”
Felix bolts upright, pushing you at an arm’s length and scrutinizing every inch of your body. “Are you hurt?”
“No, but Chan is.” You wail, throwing your arms around him and burying your face in his shoulder. “He’s hurt really bad.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” For the first time, Felix doesn’t comfort you, his body rigid in your embrace and you hesitantly pull back to look at him. He is completely still, a numb look on his face. And you suddenly realize how thoughtless you’ve been. Despite their fight, Felix and Chan have been best friends for years, way before you met either of them. You should’ve told him as soon as it happened.
“Is he going to be okay?” His lips quiver as he speaks, his eyes terrified and looking through yours for help, and you could smack yourself for being so selfish.
“Oh, baby.” You breathe, pulling him into your embrace again. “I’m sure he’ll be okay.”
He wasn’t.
Chan hasn’t woken up by the time you both visit him in the hospital, and the doctors were giving you vague responses every time you tried to ask about his condition--if he’s going to be okay, if he’s even gonna make it--and that petrifies you.
“We’re doing the best we can, but I can’t say anything for certain. He’s in a really bad condition.” The doctor informs you after you’d asked for the millionth time. You nod heavily and he lets you know that he’ll be there if there is anything else you need before he leaves. Yeah, right. The doctors were basically running from you at this point. You weren’t stupid. You knew what it meant.
“Thank you, doctor.” You mumble. You feel guilty, like this is all your fault for wishing for Felix to come back, like somehow this had been a bargain by a cruel god, giving you Felix back but taking Chan away.
As soon as the doctor leaves, Felix falls to the floor beside the bed sobbing. You run to him and wrap your arms around him and he immediately leans into your touch. “I did this.” He wails and your body goes stiff, your breath stuck in your throat, choking you.
But then he continues, “I wished for this the night he threw me out. I was so angry at him, but I never wanted it to really happen.”
Your body turns to jelly, the fear that had gripped it was so intense that it left no energy in its wake, and you can’t even caress Felix’s back to comfort him.
The police interview you over and over, asking you to remember if there is something about the man who mugged you that you’re forgetting that could help identify him. You don’t have to force yourself to remember, you see him in your dreams every night, and every night you wake up screaming, poor Felix having to comfort you and kiss you back to sleep, never once complaining.
Through it all, those few agonizing days, you held a terrible secret close to your chest. You felt wretched just thinking about it, but you couldn’t help it. You knew he was going to die anyway. You just wished it would happen sooner than later so you could properly grieve instead of being stuck in this fake limbo, pretending like you think he’s going to make it, even to Felix, so that he wouldn’t completely break down.
You go to visit him less and less until you stop completely, which doesn’t paint you in a very favorable light in front of law enforcement or the doctors, letting Felix go on his own to the hospital every day. But fuck them. What do they know about the pain you’re going through? The guilt?
When it finally happens, you can’t believe it. They say he coded in the night and they tried to do everything to save him, even brought him back a couple of times, but it was ultimately useless. He was gone.
You had to see him for yourself to believe it. You went alone. Felix couldn’t bear to look at his best friend’s now dead body. He begged you not to go but you needed to.
As you gaze across his face, you’re thrust back to that night. You had heard that dead people often have a peaceful look on their face, but Chan didn’t look peaceful. It almost looks angry, accusatory, asking you why you weren’t there for him.
He doesn’t forgive you, but it’s okay. You don’t forgive yourself either.
The case officially turned into a murder investigation following Chan’s death. His body was handed over to the coroner to do an autopsy and try to gather any forensic evidence left, but neither yielded much information, and the police had no leads.
Soon, the case turned cold.
As for you, you had moved in with Felix,, unable to step back into your apartment without Chan. Fearing that in doing so you’d be acknowledging that he’s gone, and then his spirit would remember to come back to haunt you.
Felix takes such good care of you, even though he’s the one who has the right to be hurt more. He stuck around you all the time, making you feel safe and comforting you. He also kept his distance as much as he could. You could tell he wanted to seek comfort in your body, to help each other through this pain, but you were selfish as always. You only let him comfort you. You never comforted him back.
As the months passed, Felix started getting more and more needy, making you feel even more wretched even though he never said anything. He loved you and you loved him, but Chan’s death had pushed a wedge between you. You couldn’t touch the younger boy without feeling guilty. It felt like you were cheating on Chan more than you ever did before, and so you kept Felix at a distance.
For his part, Felix never outright made an advance on you, respecting your need to grieve, but you could tell from the boner he’d get every time you kissed him even a sweet innocent little kiss or put your arms around him that he needed more, and it made you feel even more horrible. You couldn’t help Chan when he was alive and now you can’t help Felix. You felt like the most selfish fucking human being in the world.
So when you’re woken up from sleep one night, feeling hot and with something hard poking against your ass, you decide to finally give back.
“Noona...” Felix whimpers into your ear, nuzzling his face in the nape of your neck, making goosebumps erupt along your body. You weren’t ready to go all the way yet but at least you could give him some release.
Turning on your back, you guide him to straddle you and let yourself slip into the right headspace. "You dirty little thing, humping your noona in her sleep?"
His eyes light up when he realizes that for the first time in a long time, you’re reciprocating, and he sighs in relief, starting to grind his hips against yours. Tantalizing, you lower the straps of your nightgown, a delicate pink satin piece that Felix bought for you, to expose your tits for him. He hums appreciatively, reaching out to touch, but you slap his hand away. “Only look.”
He shudders, nodding, and humps against you faster. "Noona, please, fuck me. Fuck your dumb baby."
"No whining." You reprimand, lifting his shirt up to his mouth and he obediently bites on it, muffling his noises. With the shirt up, his boxers are exposed, and you watch as every time he thrusts forward, the tip of his dick pokes out from his boxers, red and leaking. “And I thought you’d thank me for being so nice to a pervert like you.”
Felix pants around the fabric in his mouth, his dick dripping over your panties. Placing your hand on his ass, you feel the muscle clench and relax as he ruts desperately against you. “Is this how you wanna fuck noona? You think your little dick can make me feel good?”
He pushes the shirt out of his mouth with his tongue and babbles. “I can noona. Just let me put it inside.” He grabs his dick and runs the head of it over your clothed slit, making you shiver at the stimulation. Then he pushes the head against your hole but is prevented from pushing in because of the underwear “Just let me put it in, noona.”
“You’re a greedy little kitten aren’t you? Put your hands up to your chest, kitty.” You order, and he reluctantly obeys. “Now stick your tongue out and pant for me.”
He does so with a flush, looking like a cat in heat. Absolutely filthy.
“That’s it. That’s a good, boy. Putting on a show for noona.”
He nods happily, high off the praise you’re giving him. "I'm gonna cum for you noona. Watch me cum for you."
“I’m looking, little whore. Cum for me.” You purr, cupping handfuls of his ass as you encourage his now sloppy thrusts.
Felix cries out, cum spurting out of the tip of his cock and landing on your pretty silk nightgown. You tut disappointedly, “Look at the mess you made, kitten. You ruined my nightgown with your filthy cum.”
“I’m sorry, noona.” Felix pants, not looking sorry at all. In fact, he looks enraptured by the sight in front of him. “I’ll buy you a new one.”
He falls over your chest, suckling on your breasts gently as his breathing slows down and becomes deep as he falls asleep.
That’s how things go for a long while. Just you helping Felix take the edge off without actually going all the way. You can tell he’s disappointed. He must’ve thought that this was the start of you reigniting your relationship, but you still can’t get yourself to be there for him in the way he needs you. And despite you acting romantically together and going on dates, you never officially acknowledged that you are in a relationship, and you can tell that this, more than anything, hurt him the most.
You feel pity and self-hate fill you up as you play with the boy’s hair, his head resting on your lap.
“How do you like the cocktail?” Felix asks lazily, taking you out of your thoughts.
You blink and take another sip of the drink he made you, appreciating the taste on your tongue. It’s actually pretty good, and you tell him exactly that. “But it seems quite strong. I’m a little lightheaded already. What’s in it, kitten?”
Felix giggles as he presses a finger to his mouth, making a shushing sound. “It's a secret.”
You smile fondly at him, soaking up his laughter along with the afternoon son, the calming rhythm of lix's breathing and the strong drink making you feel sleepy. You decide you’re gonna ask him if he’d like to take a nap with you, but before you can form your words, you abruptly get much sleepier, your eyelids turning to lead as they struggle to stay open to the world spinning around you.
You finally manage a little groan, attracting Felix’s attention. He looks up at you in question and his curious eyes are the last thing you see before it all goes black
You wake up feeling hot and sticky. Groggily coming to, you blurrily see a mop of blonde hair over your exposed chest and feel wetness over your nipples. Despite your heavy head, you can immediately tell it’s Felix, and your thoughts trudge along as you try to think of what you were doing last but the memory is too fuzzy.
You’re easily distracted when you feel his moans against your skin as he kisses and suckles on your breasts, his hips dragging over your thigh needily. You try to move your hands to push him away, confused and mad that he is touching you without permission, but you only hear the sound of metal clanking as your hands stay above your head, and with a panic, you realize that you were shackled to the bed.
At the sound, Felix lifts his head up and smiles at you sweetly, as if nothing about this was weird. “Noona, you’re awake!”
You stare at him in bewilderment, and he finally realizes what’s wrong. Sheepishly, he explains, “I’m sorry. You were taking so long to wake up and I couldn’t help myself.”
His words don’t really make the situation much clearer. "What is happening? Why am I bound?"
He smiles, moving up your body so his nose is touching yours. "You've been bad noona, rejecting me for so long. I tried to wait. I tried to be good for you but you still kept rejecting me. So I decided to push things along a little."
"What?" You ask, throat dry.
"I put a sedative in your drink so you'd pass out and I can play with you." He explains cheerily, like that was a completely normal and benign thing to do.
"What the fuck, Felix?” You shout, pulling on your shackles in alarm. “You're crazy."
"Crazy over you." He giggles, pinning your hands to the bed so you wouldn’t struggle. “Now stop or you’ll hurt yourself.”
“You’re the one who is hurting me!”
He frowns. “Don’t say that, noona. I’ve been taking good care of you, haven’t I?”
“And you think that gives you the right to drug and assault me?”
His frown deepens at that, all air of playfulness gone from around him. “Stop. Saying. That.” He grits, “I can’t assault you when you’re mine.”
He leans back and palms at your breasts greedily, his thumbs brushing over your wet buds, and you struggle to not arch up into his touch, a fresh wave of arousal sticking your shorts to your pussy even more. “You’re so perfect, noona.”
"Let me go." You cry, gradually getting more and more panicked.
"I'll never let you go again." His voice is gruff and it sends a shiver down your spine as he rubs his fingers over your clit coarsely. “So stop this or you’ll make me really angry, noona.”
You still immediately, thinking back on what he did last time he got mad. You could still feel the suffocation gripping your throat.
“If you’re wet, noona. I’ll know you want me too.” He pulls back from your chest and slowly peels your shorts down your legs, a gasp escaping him when he is undoubtedly greeted by your underwear sticking to your slick, puffy lips in arousal. “I knew it. Fuck, you’re so sexy.”
He grabs the top of your panties, pulling them up so they’d rub over your pussy, teasing you and delighting in watching you involuntarily squirm. “You’re so sensitive, noona.”
“It’s okay. I’ll take care of you.” He slinks your panties down your legs then pulls your thighs up, spreading your legs wide for him, and moaning out in appreciation. “Ah, fuck, noona…so hot.”
His fingers slowly rub over your exposed, drenched pussy, driving you crazy with the deliberate, wide strokes. You have to fight hard to not close your legs around him. “Want more, noona?”
You bite down on your tongue. You won’t give him the satisfaction of admitting it out loud. Resolutely, his fingers trail down your pussy and into your warm, tight heat, and you can’t fight back the gasp that is ripped from you. You shake as his fingers ever so slowly pump in and out of you. And when he puts his mouth on you, your moans flow out, not caring anything for your ego.
Felix moans into your pussy, eating you out slowly too, maddening slow as if he was kissing you. The wet sounds of his lips and tongue on you make you burn in shame and arousal.
He stays between your legs a long time, driving you mad, his tongue deliberately moving along your folds and and his lips sucking on your sensitive skin, while his fingers stay inside your pussy and relentlessly but equally as slowly rub against that sweet spot inside you. You feel the burn gradually build in your body, it fries your brain and by the time you cum, your entire nervous system is on fire.
He climbs up your body, looking down at you with the most fucked out look on his pretty face, his eyes absolutely glazed over with lust as he bucks his crotch against you and kisses your mouth the same way he did your pussy. You taste yourself on him so clearly it feels like the taste is imprinted on his tongue forever.
Pulling away, a trail of saliva and cum connects your lips. “Need you to fuck me.”
“Let me go, baby.” You coax gently, hoping he won’t get upset if you’re sweet. “Let me go and I'll fuck you."
He shakes his head, "I know you're lying to me, noona. I know I have to break you in first before I let you go."
You pale, bile rising up your throat at the ominous words. "Break me in… how?"
"You’ll see." He giggles, craning your neck up and kissing your skin harshly, growling in between the sloppy kisses, "But when you're over those worthless boys, maybe you can fuck me again. I hate being a bad boy but this is the only way to make you see."
Pulling back from your stinging neck, he presses his dick to your entrance. Your pussy spasms around the tip of his dick, and he chuckles deeply. “Look how needy your pussy is for me. Noona was wasting time being a little slut and letting those bastards touch her when she could've had me." He says reproachfully, as if you were a misbehaving child, and it makes your anger flare up and overpower your fear.
"I don't want you, you freak." You spit out and he slaps you, hard, the force of it busting your lip open. Taking a deep break, he calms himself down and smiles again. "Now that's not very nice, noona. After all I've done for you." He leans down and licks at the drop of blood that sprung from your lip, moaning at the taste.
"You made me wait for so long, noona. I can't wait anymore." He shakes a little, as if it really was hurting him physically to hold back. Pushing into you, he lets out a shuddering cry. "I love you so much. You're finally mine."
You arch your back as he buries himself all the way inside of you, and he takes that opportunity to bend down and pluck one of your nipples into his mouth. You whimper against him, making him speed up his thrusts.
“I’m making you feel good, aren’t I, noona?” He grunts, keeping your legs wide open as he fucks into you but you don’t reply, angering him. Suddenly, you’re flipped onto your stomach, and he pushes himself between your spread legs so you can't close them, plunging his dick back inside you. “You will not ignore me, noona. I will not allow it.”
He steadies himself on both sides of you and leans over you, trapping you under him and fucking you hard and slow, trying to get as deep inside you as possible despite his size and making you shiver as his dick drags against your walls. He gradually speeds up, his dick gliding easily over the track it made, overwhelming your poor pussy.
He fucks you so well, and you’re entirely, completely ashamed of how good it feels. It seems like he is intent on humiliating you, his dick hitting the sweet spot inside of you perfectly with each thrust, and your pussy keeps clenching around him more and more as the sound of your flesh smacking together fills the room. You’re transfixed under him, eyes squeezed shut and mouth hanging open with your back perfectly arched to receive his thrusts, and soon, he grunts into your ear, "I'm so close."
Your eyes snap open urgently. “Pull out. I'm not on birth control. You can’t cum inside me." You explain hastily. You had stopped taking the pill ever since Chan had passed away. You weren’t fucking Felix so you felt no need to take it.
"I know, noona." He says and you almost sigh in relief, fully expecting Felix to whine but pull out. But to your horror, he continues, "Gonna breed you so you'll never leave me again."
Your breath catches in your throat and your nerves go numb. You sob, “Felix, please no. Pull out, baby please. I won’t leave. I’ll stay.”
“You will.” He promises you, and doesn’t pull back. Instead, fucking you harder and spanking your ass as he grunts loudly, "Take it like a good noona."
He empties himself inside of you, his hot cum flooding your pussy, and to your great shame, that pushes you to cum too, your pussy milking him obediently. He praises you happily, "Good noona, taking all my cum. Your pussy knows you belong to me."
You think he’ll be done now, having fucked you and filled you up. But to your horror, he turns you on your side and embraces you from behind. Lifting one leg up in the air, he starts fucking you again. With how wet you were and his previous ejaculation, wet lewd sounds fill the room along with his low grunts and your breathless gasps.
He spends the whole night fucking you, taking you in every position conceivable and making sure to empty every little drop inside of you, apologizing for being a bad boy and promising you that he'll take any punishment you give him once you’re pregnant with his baby and he can be sure you'll stay.
The worst part is that he makes sure you cum too, seeming intent on not allowing you any space to later claim like you didn’t enjoy yourself, murmuring praises into your ear every time you orgasm. "Good noona, cumming around my cock. Kitty is so happy with you. You wanna cum again?"
You are almost passed out when he’s done fucking you. Leaving you used up and sprawled out on the bed, he gets up to retrieve something. When he gets back on the bed, you purposefully don’t look at him, expecting him to now try to suck up to you and get you to forgive him.
But he doesn’t say anything and you suddenly jolt at the sharp sting you feel along your inner thigh. You look down in horror to see felix carving something with a knife onto your skin. His own name.
You shout and begin to struggle, only to quickly realize that you shouldn't be moving around with a sharp knife so close to your genitals, and Felix is aware of that too. He ignores your tearful pleas and pained screams until he’s all done. Brandishing the now bloody knife, he whispers conspiratorially, “Wanna know something, noona?”
You don’t reply but he doesn’t care, smiling as he pushes the knife to your throat. “This is the knife I used to stab Jisung.” Your stomach drops and your blood beats frenziedly against the knife pressed to your skin. “It’s also the same knife I used to kill Chan.”
You stay frozen in place, not even breathing, not even blinking.
"I didn't want to kill him. I really loved him. He was the only one I was willing to share you with but he left me no choice.” He goes on, pouting slightly as if he was lamenting losing his favorite mug. “But it’s better this way. Now you’re all mine. And once you're broken in, I'll let you use this to mark me up too."
A/N: let me know what you think of the ending. I love to hear it!
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tteokdoroki · 4 years ago
💜- the only thing that has been going through my head today is poly kiribaku but royalty au
Like I do why, but the thought of the kings of two very powerful kingdoms both falling for a servant or maybe a royal florist is so pleasing.
They both have different ways of showing their affections too, kirishima will ask you to show him the different plants that are in stock, and ask questions. He would probably try to be as close as possible to you, not enough to touch you but enough for you to feel how tall and powerful he is.
Bakugou is more blunt, and upfront. Often times when you get back to your chambers there will be an outfit with a note telling(not asking) for you to accompany him during breakfast.
Once they find out about the others affection for you, it just works out for them. Neither of them would object to you three being in a relationship, not to mention they have already have feelings for each other that go deeper than friendship.
They will (or at least attempt to) spoil you as much as possible. Anything you want will be what you get. They also love seeing you wearing each of their families crest.
They are the most attentive partners anyone can ask for. But you do have to give them both constant attention and affection. Especially Bakugou, he gets very grumpy when he doesn’t get enough affection.
You will be sitting on one of their laps while they sit on their thrones. You’ll be sitting on Bakugou’s lap while Eijiro holds your hand. Or vise versa.
They love fucking you while you wear your crown, or one of theirs. Even though their crowns are too big for your head, but when they are fucking you while one of their crowns is slanted and looks like it is slipping off your head, just makes them want to fuck you harder.
Adorned in jewelry, they fuck your pretty holes till you’re babbling nonsense, asking for your kings to let you cum again.
When you really want to rile them up call them “my king” , “ your highness,” or “ your grace” but do not think that calling them “my king” is a way to get out of a punishment. No. They will spank you, making you count and say,”thank you my king” while the other makes you keep eye contact while he pleasures himself to the sight of you being so helpless.
They love making you wear no panties or bra underneath your outfits, knowing how you’re embarrassed and paranoid about being caught turns them in. They love knowing that you’re naked underneath your clothes.
this is an old ask but im currently trying to work my way through them 🥺✨ this one is hella long so imma put a read more and tag some warnings
katsuki bakugou x gn!reader, eijiro kirishima x gn!reader
royalty!au, fluff, smut
warning(s): 18+ smut, exhibitionism, public sex, power play dynamics, oral sex ( male + reader receiving )
i see it as their kingdoms are merging or something and you somehow get caught up in the mix, the palace needing more staff to accommodate for the two lovely princes. katsuki is a brat, no manners but all the money in the world while kirishima is the more polite of the two and is quiet popular amongst the courts. they both need a bride and the one thing they can agree on is that they’re not interested in someone of royal blood, but you, a simple servant trying to get by and earn some money for their family.
their attempts to woo you were often difficult, with eijirou you constantly made fun of him; calling him things like ‘little prince’ to make him blush or to call him out on being flustered. he was kind to you and while eijiro genuinely shared an interest in the tasks at the palace— you often teased him for ‘pittying you’ which made him flustered and turn as red as his hair. katsuki on the other hand is the prince you butt heads with the most; he spoils you with riches and you insist that you don’t need them since you make a hefty living and he can’t seem to get that through his head. He’s rude to you and probably has almost made you cry on several occasions— but he often redeems himself with kind words and apologies that he nearly trips over.
when the two princes are finally coronated is when they actually confess to you and it isn’t a problem for the three of you at all. they promise to wed you and love you unconditionally. you probably encourage bakugou to do his duties and actually act like a good king to his people— he probably finds it one of your most attractive traits that you’re able to lead people so well. kirishima confides in you a lot about his insecurities as a king and you always manage to cheer him up and reassure him that he’s doing the best for his kingdom :((
now when it comes to fucking, you certainly are into a royal treat. the two kings love exhibitionism, they’d gladly rail you in front of the entire court if you’d let them and mayhaps you already have. 
bakugou forcing you on your knees. like a barbarian, telling you to take his cock during a meeting about battle plans. he doesn’t care that some of his most loyal soldiers are watching you gag around his thick length, that they can see tears streaming down your cheeks while mixing with the masses of precum and drool that paint your chin. he loves it. so do you.
kirishima prefers to have his way with you in the throne room, practically splitting you open while he forces you to bounce your sex up and down on his cock as he sits proudly on his throne. whoever walks in will either get to watch you fall apart on royal dick or is banished from the palace forever, depends on what mood he’s in.
but when they’re together, katsuki and eijiro are eagerly spreading your thighs apart and devouring you with tongue and teeth, you could be in the royal gardens or in the middle of a banquet they couldn’t care less-- misbehave and they’ll have you face down and ass up in an instant, greedily slurping at your sex for all to see and hear, forcing orgasm after orgasm from your stimulated holes as the shove their tongues deep inside you, both at once.
only god knows how many precious family embelms and darling royal clothes you’ve ruined from cumming all over them at katsuki bakugou and eijiro kirishima’s hands.
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elysianslove · 4 years ago
Hello! Could you maybe write something for sukuna with a dom s/o? He’s so cocky and that just makes me wanna see him put in his place lmaoo
oh my god ❤️👅❤️ also im sorry this is so late hdvjahd im losing track of requests i am so sorry pls forgive me
nsfw under the cut, my loves! <3
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━ he’d agreed to this. you desperately want to remind him that, especially with the way he won’t stop glaring at you like you’d committed treason. as you tighten the rope on his wrist, securing his arms to the headboard of the bed and limiting his movements, you lean back, and stick a tongue out at him childishly. 
“you do realize you’re only going to make things worse for yourself if you keep squirming,” you point out, and push your hips rougher against his. sukuna huffs, his mouth twisting into a snarl as he continues to glare at you. the first thing you’d done when you’d managed to convince sukuna of this had been to stuff his pretty mouth with your underwear, and he’d fought against it, his canines tearing through some of the fabric. eventually, though, he’d relented, somehow, and fell back against the bed.
wanna see your cute self try, he’d said. you almost want to laugh at where he is now.
you’d considered a blindfold too, but being deprived of his noises was more than enough. besides, you wanted him to watch as you ruined him, picked up apart piece by piece. honestly, you weren’t even planning for anything grand or over the top, nothing that could make him back out should you ask of him of this a second time. 
humming to yourself lightly, you drag your nails along his chest, tracing the dark markings, before you reach his nipples. your hands massage his pectorals, your thumbs dancing over his nipples as they harden beneath your featherlight touch. ever so slightly, his chest heaves, and without warning, you grab his nipple between two fingers and squeezing roughly, enough to shoot pain thoroughly through him and have his chest buck up into your touch the tiniest inch. you hum again, nonchalant about what you’d just done, before dipping your head, capturing the hard bud between your lips, before pushing past and encasing it between your teeth, tugging sharply. 
sukuna grunts above you, his hips swaying as if to push you off. his arms strain from above him, and it’s not that he’s fighting to let himself free. he’s fighting so he doesn’t accidentally tear through the bindings. it’s another reason you weren’t too wary when sukuna had agreed, because you knew, at any given moment, he could push you away and let himself go. but here he is, succumbing to you, leaving himself as vulnerable as it gets. the idea drives you wild with power. 
mouth still latched onto his nipple, you glance up at him, only to find his head thrown back, his jaw tight around the fabric in his mouth. your brows furrow with dissatisfaction, and you unlatch your lips, shuffling up to him to grab his jaw in your hands, roughly shifting his head to have him gaze at you. at the look in your eyes, his own widen, before he frowns deeper and fists his palms. “i want you to watch,” you order him, but he doesn’t listen, urging his chin out of your grasp suddenly and looking away. even rougher than before, you grab his chin again, your nails digging into his cheek as you stare into his eyes. “don’t be a fucking brat,” you spit out. “watch.” 
once confirming for yourself that his eyes will remain on you, your mouth finds its way back to his chest. this time, instead of fixating on one single spot, you leave a trail of wet kisses and darkening bruises all along, licking and sucking on wherever you could, especially the areas where his moans went up an octave, like his lower abdomen. finally, you come face to face with his dick, straining hard and proud against his stomach, the tip oozing a steady flow of precum. you give your lips an anticipatory lick, and watch as his hips buck up in excitement, but instead of reaching for his dick, you place open mouthed kisses along his inner thighs, decorating and painting him pink and blue and purple. his grunts are louder now, more desperate and needy, less careful. he bucks his hips up again, and angrily, you sit up, placing your hand directly on his hip, right next to where his throbbing dick lies untouched and twitching.
“stay still,” you sneer, and he growls loudly. a few incoherent noises and words tumble out, but you don’t bother to try and understand, only mesmerized by the way drool has spilled on either side of his face, smeared by his constant movement. his cheeks and chest are flushed, nipples perked up and back slightly arched. he looks so good. lost in a slight daze, you lower yourself again to his dick, and slowly, you grab it. one steady hand grasps it at the base, and sukuna outright whines when he finally feels the pressure, his head thrown back momentarily. until you bring your other hand up to the tip of cock, and graze your fingernails along the weeping slit, the pink of the head so alluring. 
sukuna’s eyes widen at the feeling, and he shifts his gaze back to you, watching as your nails and the tips of your fingers dance along the skin of the tip, your other hand occasionally squeezing the base. both your hands are wet and messy with precum, and sukuna, for a humiliating moment, wonders if you were actually capable of making him cum like this. the embarrassment flushes his face even redder, and his hips push against the mattress, trying to get away from your touch.
“isn’t this what you wanted?” you tease, tutting lightly. “for me to touch you?” your grip on his is so firm, no movement shifts you whatsoever. his eyes widen further as the telltale signs of his orgasm approach, and fuck, fuck, fuck he does not want to cum like this. you can hear his chest heaving harshly, the underwear in his mouth completely damp from his spit and drool. he continuously makes shocked and almost scared noises? it makes the heat between your legs strengthen. 
you lean forward slightly and press the flat of your tongue against what isn’t being stimulated by your hands, the muscle in your mouth running along the ridges and veins of his cock. you can feel his cock twitch and throb and jump and it’s so beautiful, sukuna’s the most beautiful like this. 
you are, however, quick to change your mind about that when, unexpectedly and surprisingly, he cums, thick spurts of it staining the fingers that had been tickling at his tip. it travels weakly down his cock, which remains hard as ever in your right grasp. 
with a grin, proud and satisfied eyes meet his, and you see a single tear slip out of his eye. no, he’s much more beautiful like this. absolutely ruined. 
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end note; got way too carried away rip. but i hope this satisfies some of y’alls fantasies even if it’s a little ooc 😼 
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