#it was interesting to see what I came up with
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mattscoquette · 2 days ago
reader going through perv!matt’s journal
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“i’ll be back in a sec, i just need to run downstairs and help chris with something really quick.”
that’s what matt told you over ten minutes ago, and he’s still gone. you were over at the triplets place hanging out with nick, when matt insisted he show you both his new pc set up. it only took nick five minutes to be over it, but you felt bad when you saw matt’s defeatist expression after nick went back to his room. you decided to stay, but soon after matt abandoned you to go do something with chris.
you could’ve gone back upstairs with nick, but you let your curiosity get the best of you, and somehow you were going through matt’s bedside drawers, seeing what he had in there.
you knew matt had a thing for you, he made it very, very clear. although those feelings weren’t really reciprocated, it was fun to tease him. like, really fun.
before you could stop yourself, the leather binding of matt’s journal was in your hands, itching to be opened and read. you thumbed through the pages, reading matt’s chicken scratch handwriting while he wrote about whatever. you didn’t want to be too invasive, but his journal piqued your interest a lot. you wondered if he ever wrote about you, or if he only kept those thoughts in his head.
your eyes skimmed up and down the pages, nothing really standing out to you until you saw your name.
today y/n came over to see nick. she had on this rly short skirt, i think they were going out to a bar or something later. i don’t really care. i overhear her talking to nick about the guys she gets with. i could be so much better than them. i would make her feel so good, where she’d be begging me for more. god her moans are probably so fucking pretty.
your cheeks got hot as they blushed a deep red, fingers flipping to the next entry.
it’s been a few days since i saw y/n, i miss her so much. i’ve probably touched myself to her more times than i can count in the last day or two. i don’t know what it is with her, but she just gets me so worked up. she doesn’t even have to do anything and i’ll literally get hard from her. a couple weeks ago we were at her place and i heard her in the shower. it turned me on so much i couldn’t handle it. i want her so bad.
there’s gotta be something seriously deranged about me. every time that y/n sleeps over here, i always sneak up to nicks room and take a pair of her panties. she has to have noticed by now. i can’t help it though. i use them to get myself off. sometimes she has really pretty lace ones, other ones are really really skimpy. i don’t care though. i wonder what they’d look like on her. she’d probably think im a fucking creep if she ever really found out. i wonder what she’d do.
at this point, your stomach was doing somersaults, and your thighs were pressed together, trying to relieve the ache that had grown in your cunt. maybe it was weird what he was doing, but the level of obsession was turning you on. bad.
you were quick to find a pen somewhere in the bedside drawer, popping the cap off and scribbling underneath the entry in your loopy handwriting.
you naughty boy. you didn’t learn that stealing was wrong? i would probably punish you and not let you cum. i would tease you, get you all wound up and make you hold it. id use my pretty pink panties around your cock to get you off and let you cum in them after edging you for so long. maybe i’ll use my hands too, or my mouth if you’re really good for me.
you grinned to yourself as you shut the journal, drawing your bottom lip in between your teeth before returning the notebook to its rightful place, exactly how you found it.
you knew that matt wouldn’t do anything about it, either. he would see the note, and probably get off to it a million times, but never actually reach out to you. until then, he’d just have to learn how to keep pleasuring himself alone.
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© mattscoquette | taglist
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𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬. ⋆˚꩜。 inspired by this fic from my girl @st7rnioioss ♡︎♡︎ perv!matt is soooo back i miss that freak
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beloveds-embrace · 2 days ago
Ok Duke au but only one of the boys fell for user! Maybe it was when she first came to the castle/ house, yk if Price ain't gonna give her love then let him!
Or maybe feelings showed up slowly, finally realizing that maybe he should go finally interact with her grace, seeing as she avoids any interactions with others.
Sorry if it makes no sense, I tried to make the decision of which boy falls only for user up to you, minus price >:)
i didn't want to make this too angsty fjddkcj </33 so it's more of the normal dukedom au
Kyle knows he shouldn’t; it isn’t part of the arrangement.
You were meant to be a formality, a necessity, a woman to fill a role, nothing more. And for a while, you had been just that. Sweet and competent, always carrying yourself with quiet dignity no matter the murmurs of high society. A wife in name, a duchess in duty, a friend of theirs, but never a true part of their world.
John had expected you to remain at a distance, and in return, you had been given a life of luxury and protection. That was the agreement. That was how it should have stayed.
But Kyle should’ve known better.
He should have known the moment you leaned over his shoulder one evening, peering at his bookkeeping notes with genuine interest instead of mere obligation. He should have known the moment you scolded Johnny for burning his hand, or when you’d pressed a cool cloth to Simon's temple after a headache instead of calling for a servant.
He should have known when you stopped seeing them as just your husband’s lovers.
But the real moment of downfall- the moment that shattered any fragile delusion he held- was when you smiled at him.
Not a polite smile, not a passing pleasantry.
A real smile.
It had been late. You had been working over estate documents at the desk, and he had lingered, pretending to tidy up, pretending to have something important to do. And then, you had looked at him, eyes warm, lips curving in a way that made something in his chest lurch.
"You work too hard, Kyle. Come sit down with me ?"
You had said his name. Not 'Mr. Garrick,' not 'the head butler.' Just Kyle. And it wasn’t the first time, but it was the first time it made his heart ache something fierce and longing.
Because it was too soft. Too familiar. Too much like a wife speaking to a husband.
And now, he is here, standing beside John as you make your absurd little request, completely unaware of the way his hand clenches against his side.
You are oblivious, as you always are, so innocent in your own kindness. You do not see the way John’s gaze darkens, the way Kyle stiffens at your words.
"I am merely a bit… unsatisfied."
Your voice wavers slightly at the admission, and Kyle wonders- if he had been the one to claim you, if he had been the one to hold you at night, would you ever have been unsatisfied?
He bites the inside of his cheek and looks away, even as John’s fingers tighten around his glass.
Something tells him neither of them will let you remain unsatisfied for long.
But he knows the truth.
Even if you are claimed, even if you are made theirs, it will not be by some stable boy.
And that knowledge alone fills him with smug satisfaction.
He doesn’t miss the way John’s grip tightens around his glass, and he knows that if the other two were here as well, Simon's jaw would have tensed and Johnny would have lost all his amusing charm. You are oblivious, of course- always so sweetly naive, thinking you can simply ask for something like this and have it granted without consequence. But this? This will never happen.
John would never agree to this.
And Kyle is relieved. Relieved that your foolish little request will be swiftly discarded. Relieved that you will stay exactly where you belong- here, with them, under their watchful eyes.
You don’t even realize what you’ve done, do you? You think this arrangement is still just convenience, that they merely tolerate you. But Kyle sees it- the way even Simon looks at you during dances, the way Johnny slips you extra sweets as if bribing you into affection, the way John has begun watching you more intently, possessively.
You’ve wormed your way into their hearts, tangled yourself so deeply into their lives that they can’t ignore you anymore.
And Kyle?
Kyle is pleased.
Because it means you are theirs, whether you realize it or not. And no matter how much you pout over John’s rejection, you’ll never be anyone else’s. Because even if he'd been the first to fall for you, he did not need to worry about the others not liking you as well. And now, he will not need worry about anyone else taking you from them.
Not now, and not ever.
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ckret2 · 2 days ago
i am FASCINATED by the little scraps i've heard about bill's uncle. am i allowed to know more about him. and if the answer is no do you have a chapter estimate for when i am
yeah sure, I already made a post on Bill's mom, I've finally got enough material to make a post on Bill's dad.
Bill got his gorgeous eyelashes, warm color scheme, black limbs, and personality from his mom. He got his shape, his brick lines, and his slitted pupil from his dad. His dad's a self-made businessman*! (*His dad got suckered into joining a multi-level marketing scheme and now he makes money by suckering other people into joining the MLM scheme.)
And: his dad has a brother. They're twiiins!
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Bill keeps targeting twins. (The Stans, the kids, TBOB says Pyronica's got a twin sister Hydronica...) I imagine Bill's twin obsession is rooted in something close to home.
Because Euclid & Euler's eye split in half mid-development, they have unusually oval-shaped eyes—a common sign of twins. They've been going to an optometrist since they were toddlers to deal with poor eyesight and floaters in their peripheral vision. They've had a mix of surgery, corrective lenses, and medication to narrow their field of view to the area they can see clearly. So when baby Billy said he was seeing "bright white dots" on "the outside of everything," Euclid went aha! He knows exactly what Bill's seeing!
He did not, in fact, know what Bill was seeing.
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Bill's parents didn't regularly visit family, but Euler was the one relative they saw most often. He was the first person to snap out of the "haha it sure is funny how Bill can guess when somebody's about to knock on the door" rationalizations to realize that Bill really could see things no one else did.
And since Bill's parents are sort of disasters who think starting a cult is a great get-rich-quick scheme, Euler was one of the most emotionally stable role models in Bill's life. It sure is a good thing that Euler was a constant presence and nothing happened to him during Bill's tender formative years!
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"But wait," you say, "you told us that Bill got his shape and slit pupil from his dad. But wouldn't that mean he got genes for a square? And how could he have gotten a slit pupil if that wasn't a genetic trait, but a consequence of an eyeball splitting in half?"
Triangles and slit pupils don't run in Euclid's side of the family. But squares and twins do.
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I imagine Bill's twin obsession is rooted in something close to home.
"So Steve exists in your headcanon—?" No. He's a stillbirth his parents pretend doesn't exist. He's a crime Bill committed before he was born. He's the imaginary phantom Bill's parents are searching for when they look at Bill—starting fires, hallucinating, spitting up his medicine—and wonder what he'd be like if he was different. He's a symbol representing a source of unconditional love and support that Bill deserved and needed, but never had. Steve's all those things—but he doesn't and never has existed.
And there at last is my Euclid headcanons post. If y'all are interested & didn't see it, here's my Scalene headcanons post! And some headcanons about shape twins that still basically work post-TBOB, we just know now that Euclideans don't need a line and a polygon to reproduce.
(95% of my headcanons about Bill's dad & uncle are pre-TBOB. The only difference is that I originally designed Euclid & Euler as green trapezoids that had split from a hexagon. Trapezoids so that Bill and his dad could do this, green so that Bill's dad could be the original color Bill was designed as before the Gravity Falls crew made him yellow & so that his family could be money-colored: gold-colored Bill & mom, dollar-bill-colored dad.)
(After TBOB/TINAWDC revealed his dad's a triangle and either red or blue, I decided to make the twins blue-green (because I wanted to keep in that "bill's original color scheme" reference) and finagle it so that Euler could still be a trapezoid; after Pyramid Steve came out, I suddenly had a really good thematic reason to make them blue-green. I'd been playing with the idea of making Bill a shoulda-beena twin, Steve finalized that decision by giving me a physical design that could tie into Bill's extended family.)
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n0tamused · 2 days ago
can I get prompts sentence fluff no. 21 with Anaxa,Sunday and phainon (if not wrong your limit characters is 3 right?)
Fem reader is the one who ask "can I kiss you" and then the male characters Will be the one who reply It
˖ ࣪⊹Memory of the kiss
21."Can I kiss you?" "You have no idea how long I've waited to hear you ask that."
Contents: Anaxa x Reader, Sunday x Reader, Phainon x Reader, written with a fem reader in mind although gender is not explicitly stated anywhere, fluff, I got another request for the same three with the prompt "first kiss" so I sort of mixed those two prompts together here
Words: 330(Anaxa), 486(Sunday),295(Phainon)
Ko-Fi |  1.5K followers event
˖ ࣪⊹Anaxa
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The question did not startle him or shock him as much as you expected, in fact he barely reacted at all as his gaze fixed itself onto yours, an invisible thread tying the both of you together. For a moment, Anaxa believes your hearts shared a beat, one or two, but for once he is speechless, letting the pregnant and wordless pause stretch on. He is looking at you with this glint in his eyes that is hard to escape, it is softening the lines of his face and making him seem younger than he is, soft in ways you dared not voice. 
‘Can I kiss you?’ - it was such a simple question, too simple for him to ponder over it for this long, but he does. And when he notices the fleeing time he clears his throat and takes a breath, offering you a smile he seldom shared with any other person. 
“Yes” he blurted out, shocking you with his boldness. “Now, don’t act so surprised, although I doubt my next confession will feel any less so to you.” He sighs, half in disbelief of his own feelings and the words his tongue was spouting, but Anaxa was nothing if not honest. “You would not be able to guess how long I have waited for you to ask..” he speaks softly to you now, his gaze only flickering to the side for a moment as you feel quiet in face of his honest display. Your mouth opened and closed, at a loss for words, before you took up the hints of a first blush wanting to creep up onto the scholar’s cheeks.
You giggle, and the sound seemingly makes him draw in on himself with a half frown and a furrow of his brows. But before he can banter and scold, you place your hand on his cheeks and lean in, slowly, your breath tickling his skin before your lips pressed together and the world fell quiet around you. 
˖ ࣪⊹Sunday
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“What seems to be troubling you? You said you had a question for me, did you not?” Sunday asked as he came to a stop before a shelf of books in a lonely corner of the Astral Express, his tone calm and warm but mingled with notes of curiosity for your avoidance of the topic you, yourself, wished to bring up. 
You sighed, debating whether the moment was right, but tonight was so far away, and tomorrow was uncertain - there is no time like the present moment. Walking over to him you feigned interest in the messy pile of records that Sunday was busying himself with sorting out currently, but your heart was pounding in your throat and your focus was on him alone. After your fingers brushed against the old and yellowed paper you looked back at him, seeing him still waiting.
“May I kiss you, Sunday?” you finally ask, and if a person could be red and pale all at once, Sunday would be that person now. The wings on his head gave a little startle of their own, a quick flutter up and down as he digested your question. 
Just as you were about to excuse yourself and save you both the trouble, he looked about the empty Express carriage, as if someone might see, before looking at you with a glimmer of expectancy and hope. It startled you with how clearly it showed. 
“Is this what you meant to ask? This is not another one of your jests, is it?” Sunday inquired slowly, as if stepping around the crack of the frozen lake. 
“This is no jest, I promise you. I would not have joked about a matter like this.. If you are-”
He raised his hand and your voice faded off. Sunday shook his head, fighting back the blush that was unavoidably crawling up his neck.
“No, no.. I accept it” he replied in a whisper, wishing no one else to hear the words but you, feeling like a follower making his confession at the cathedral. His blood was rushing, heart pounding in his ears, the sound and the feeling of ants in his clothes feeling worse the more he waited for his judgement.  “I admit, I have waited for a long time for an opportunity like this to arise- for you to.. ask..” the more he talked, the more tremors he felt in his curled fingers.
“If you were anyone else, I’d say you were the one jesting now” you spoke in pleasant disbelief as you took another step closer, a motion at which he straightened his back for. Your hand touched his cheek and made him freeze, but once it began to guide him downward, he put up no resistance. Your lips graced his, and it was something sweeter than any honey, better than any redemption. His ears fluttered once more and stretched forward, covering his face and yours. 
˖ ࣪⊹Phainon
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Phainon took many things in stride, not being the one to outwardly follow the strict lines of a plan in his daily routines; it was one thing that made him feel grounded and, in a way, free of the worldly burdens, the looming shadow of the future of Amphoreus. The question with which you broke the silence among you was met with a sweet sound of his laughter. It was only natural, but also a way to cover up his surprise as the question repeated itself time and time again between his ears,
As you looked on at him, his face became more serious, his shoulders going tense. “You.. you are serious?” he balked, staring at you as if you’ve grown a second head. Your nod to his question clarified his thoughts, and suddenly everything felt like it was moving, including the ground beneath the soles of his boots. He did not look like was swaying, he wasn’t, he was a warrior of Okhema and has faced foes that would make someone’s nightmares, he did not fall then and will not fall now - but gods, would his knees willingly give out for you.
“You have no idea how long I’ve waited for you to ask me that” he told you in a voice more timid than his usual persona, but all the more genuine for it.  He didn’t move for a while, still stunned and in disbelief but once you took a step towards him, he met you halfway with a step of his own, raising a hand to your cheek that hesitated before pressing against your skin. Phainon lets you kiss him first, but one taste of your lips had him kissing back in search for more, wanting to commit the feeling to memory. 
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Ⓒ n0tamused/jarttavia_. Do not repost, translate, edit, and/or copy any of my works. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
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arc-misadventures · 1 day ago
Demon Sisters
Ren: Dammit!
Jaune: That noble bastard whore!
Ren: He told us to clear up a small cult! Two, three people tops! I've lost count of how many people I've killed!
Jaune: At least fifty three in total!
Ren: You're keeping count?!
Jaune: Yes. Fifty four!
Ren: Why?!
Jaune: Cause I'm going to make that fat noble prick pay a gold coin for every cultist we've killed! And, if he refuses, it'll be one punch per dead cultist!
Ren: We split the punches fifty fifty?
Jaune: Hell yeah we will!
Ren: Awesome! Let's do this!
Ren: Haa haa haa... What... Haa... What's the count?
Jaune: One... Ohh boy... One hundred, and seventy two...
Ren: One hundred, and seventy two gold coins, or one hundred, and seventy two punches... I'm not sure which one I want more!
Jaune: A hundred, and seventy gold coins, two punches if he refuses. Or, two for the hell of it!
Ren: Hell yeah!
Jaune: But, money aside... The hell is with this cult...? When they came running at us most of them were unarmed, little knives at the best, then they grabbed whatever weapons they found along the way.
Ren: I know cultist tend to be... fanatical... But, when they came running at us, I didn't get that fanatical zeal when they were charging towards us. It was more frantic if anything.
Jaune: Their screams... They didn't sound crazy, but... they sounded scared.
Ren: Yeah... They weren't running towards us, more like they were running away from something, and we just happened to be in their way.
Jaune: Hmm... We haven't seen any of the upper echelon, much less the cult leader, just the peons...
Ren: Yeah... Something feels wrong... Very wrong.
Jaune: Agreed. Stay on your guard, we're walking in blind.
Ren: Always.
Ren: Okay, seems to be leading to end of the little cult hideoooooooooout...
Ren: Oh...
Ren: Hey, Jaune, I figured out what the cultists were running from!
Jaune: Let me guess: They preformed a ritual to summon a being of unimaginable power to obtain unimaginable power in turn. However, the being they summoned didn't give them squat, and instead killed them all, and is just standing there gloating over a pile of bloody corpses waiting for a tag of foolish heroes to come by, and fight them?
Ren: Yes. But, the being they summoned was a demon.
Jaune: Typical summoned creature during a cult ritual. Shame though, I was hoping for an eldritch monster personally, I'm tired of dealing with demons.
Ren: Yeah, but uhh... There's... There's two demons instead of one.
Jaune: Peachy.
Ren: But, uhhh...?
Jaune: What's uhhh?
Ren: Well...
Jaune: What's, 'Uhhh?'
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Jaune: Oh... They're, 'Uhhh.'
Ren: Uhhh... Shit...
Jaune: That's one way to say it.
: Oh? What's this? Look sister! A group of adventures are here to kill us~!
: Adventurers? Maybe we'll be able to have some fun dealing with these two than those pathetic little cultist.
Jaune: Uhh... W-We're just here to deal with the cultists.
Ren: And, we're told they're just be two cultists not... What's the final count?
Jaune: Two hundred, and thirteen.
Ren: Two hundred and thirteen cultist, and two demons wasn't in out contract!
Jaune: And, we don't get hazard pay for this either!
Ren: Since when have we ever gotten hazard pay?
Jaune: Exactly! So, we're just going to go.
Ren: See you later!
: Uh uh uh!
Ren: They've blocked the exit...
Jaune: Cue the boss music...
: The cultists didn't sacrificed enough to myself, and my sister for us to remain in the material world for a few more hours. So while we're here we would like some... Entertainment~!
Jaune: Boss music intensifies...
Ren: Alright then! Bring it!
: Ahahah~! Sheath your weapons, we're not interested in any fight. Well, I can't speak for my sister, I'm more interested in something else~!
Ren: She's looking at you.
Jaune: I can tell, Ren.
: Tell me, Sir Knight, what is your name?
Jaune: My name is Jaune Arc! Paladin of the order of the Summer Maiden!
: A paladin?!
: Of the Summer Maiden~?
Jaune: Now, I've told you my name, what are yours?
: Oh how rude of me, my name is Bleiss, Demon of the Ashen Snow. And this is my sister...
: My name is, Weiss, Demon of the Frozen Snow!
Bleiss: And, I think dear sister, we have found our... Entertainment~!
Weiss: Indeed we did sister~!
Jaune: ...
Ren: ...
Jaune: They're talking about...
Ren: They're talking about you, yes.
Jaune: Alright...
Ren: Okay, ladies! I'm going to leave, I'll leave my friend here with you. Try not to break them, Jaune.
Jaune: Should you be saying that to them about me?
Ren: Jaune, what happened to that, Greater Demon we met?
Jaune: She gave me her card?
Ren: She went away with a lim… She gave you her card?!
Jaune: Yeah, it's a summing card incase I want to...
Ren: Smash?
Jaune: Yeah...
Ren: ...
Ren: Okay, I'm going, I’ll see you later at the bar after I beat up that noble.
Jaune: Okay, see you later, Ren!
Jaune: Okay so... How do you want to do this ladies~?
Weiss: Hold on, you slept with a greater demon?
Bleiss: And she gave you a 'booty call card~?'
Jaune: Uhh... yeah...
Bleiss: Oh my, that's certainly an achievement~!
Weiss: Tell us, what was this greater demons name~?
Jaune: W-Willow the Greater Demon of the Ember Snow.
Bleiss: W-Willow the Greater Demon...?
Weiss: Of the Ember Snow...?
Jaune: Uhh... Yeah, that's the one.
Bleiss: That's our mom...
Jaune: She's you're what...?
Weiss: You fuck our mom...
Jaune: I did what?!
Bleiss: And, you got her card...?
Jaune: Seriously, Willow is your mother?
WB: ...
Jaune: Whoa hey?!
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sailoryuns · 1 day ago
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genre. idol!sunghoon x model!f!reader | established relationship
warnings. angst, fluff (moreso towards the end), smut, accusations of cheating, hoon being lowkey toxic, cunnilingus, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, some mentions of crying, not proofread wc -> 1.5k
ps. the position i’m referring to is this (nsfw link), i usually hate vids but this was rly good imo.
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“i think we should take a break...” you admit, voice growing shakier as you spoke. this was never something you wish to say in a million years, you wanted this relationship to work more than anything. but you were at your wits end with everything, talking to sunghoon was like conversing with the wall, never fully grasping any of your concerns.
you noticed the cracks beginning to seep in the midst of six months of being with him. he would often be dishonest of his whereabouts, saying he was out late due to “work” but was actually out drinking at some bar with jake or something. it made no sense for him to lie about such trivial things but he does it without even thinking. this was supposed to be a lovely vacation in paris together but lately you’ve grown tired of feeling like you’re unappreciated. a break from each other might be the best solution in getting his act together once and for all.
sunghoon felt his whole body turn limp as you uttered those words. not only was he blindsided by your decision, but you never indicated before to him that you were ready to propose such a drastic idea. “but why though? don’t you think this is a bit random? i mean this came out of nowhere y/n, i thought everything was good between us, why are you suddenly saying this now?” his thick, bushy brows furrowed in confusion, he wasn’t letting you off this easy and you know it.
“i just think it’s for the better right now hoon, we’re both so busy. we have a lot on our plate, especially you… and this relationship is just— it’s only putting more strain on everythi-”
“are you serious y/n? do you hear yourself? i knew what i was getting myself into the day i asked you to be my girlfriend. i’m well aware that i can’t be with you 24/7, and neither can you—however, i don’t expect that anyway. all i ever wanted was to have you by my side, i want to work through the hardships with you but if you’re so willing to give up like this then… i don’t know. i don’t even know what to say to this honestly..” sunghoon couldn’t help but cut you off, once his emotions take over, all sense of logic and reasoning is thrown out the window.
he was never one to question his worth in the eyes of his partner, but you were his longest relationship, he saw you as his first and only true love. it never occurred to him that he could lose you, the possibility of this break lasting long enough to make your love fade away was a scary revelation. there had to be a way he could fix this, he couldn’t bear to be without you.
“are you seeing someone else? maybe that’s why you’ve been so distant towards me lately…” he wanted to scream for saying that out loud but at least he got it off his chest. he knows how petty it sounds but he didn’t care, he wanted you to give him answers.
“no! i’m not seeing other people, i don’t have an interest in anyone but you sunghoon. i want to do this for the sake of us, we’re clearly not where we need to be and this break could help with getting us back on track and spending time apart could be beneficial.” you try your best to articulate your words properly but he remained unconvinced, he wasn’t on board with any bit of this.
how could you even be okay with something like this? spending time away from you drove him absolutely insane, he couldn’t fathom taking a break—not from someone as important as you in his life. he just needed to remind you that the love was still there, though it may be but a dull flame, he could ignite the spark again, with the little bit of hope he had left.
the foundation of your relationship was built from shared interests, since you both are part of professions that rely heavily on looks, you refused to see each other based solely off those superficial aspects. instead you got to know each other’s minds, your core values and beliefs, what mattered to you the most. you cherished every one of those deep conversations you shared together, it was a beautiful experience, an indescribable memory that shaped your bond forever.
so why is it now that you feel this way? was he really that oblivious to everything? he should’ve done more to prevent this but now he fears it’s too late. he’s faced with the conundrum of losing you and there wasn’t much time for him to stall or ask for a chance of redemption, he couldn’t waste another second.
“fuck that,” sunghoon angrily spat, his face contorting into a look of pure disgust. “you’re not going anywhere.” he reaches out to grab your waist before you could walk away, aggressively pulling you into his chest.
no matter how much you attempt to escape his hold, he’s not letting you go in the slightest. he’s much stronger than you, could easily lift you up without breaking a sweat. there was no use in fighting, you had no choice but to give in and let this conversation go. once his lips crashed into yours, everything faded to black. as if a simple kiss was the cure-all of mending this decrepit relationship.
sunghoon’s forehead pressed against yours as he pulled away, “shhh, lye down baby,” he hushes your quiet mewls, instructing you to do as he says. “gonna make you feel so good,” his hands slid under your skirt, gently rubbing over your clothed core “you’ll forget everything.”
* :.・゚゚・ ✿
“oh my- fuckk, sunghoon!” you cry out, almost on the verge of tears just from how skilled he is, rutting your hips upwards into his mouth as he devours you whole.
the pace of his tongue is relentless, roughly lapping up all your juices like he’s the most starved man alive. you’ve lost count at the amount of times he’s already made you come undone just from his mouth alone. your body’s buzzing with titillation, all you can do is scream and clench your pussy around nothing while he fiercely sucks on your clit.
you couldn’t stop twitching, feeling yet another orgasm approaching. your legs anchored over his shoulders, unable to think or speak coherent sentences as his face was fully buried into your sloppy cunt. he relaxes his jaw a bit more, going all the way from the bottom inching further up as he comes back in contact with your puffy clit. at any given moment it feels as if your heart’s about to stop.
“hoon-” your heads thrown back into the pillow, digging your nails into his shoulder blades from how overly sensitive you are. “n-need to cum.. can feel it. m’so close.” it surprises you when you’re able to even express such words.
a low grunt can be heard underneath, sunghoon loves hearing you— it’s arguably the best part about going down on you. the hand that wasn’t occupied went straight to gripping a fistful of his ebony hair, continuously moaning his name so loud that you genuinely feel bad for whomever the unlucky people that got to hear this.
just when you thought it couldn’t get anymore intense, he slips 2 of his slender fingers inside, making you gasp from the overwhelming sensation. flashes of white invade your vision, violently shaking as your lips form an “o” in the throes of ecstasy. sunghoon knows your body so well that this is nothing for him, he’s got it all down to a simple science. no one knows your body like he does, and especially no one can make you cum as hard as he can.
“go ahead, make a mess for me baby,” he strongly encourages, picking up his pace as his digits fuck into you faster. “just gonna clean it up with my tongue all over again.”
your eyes roll back to the depths of oblivion, feeling an out of body experience when reaching your climax. a string of curses leaves your shaky breath, limbs trembling and faint tears stain your flushed cheeks. sunghoon slows his movements, rubbing his thumb over your clit gently to make you even more sensitive. you love the way he calls you “good girl” and how proud the look on his face becomes while you ride out your orgasm on his fingers. he doesn’t stop showering you with compliments, only ramping up his affection as he plants fleeting kisses to your thighs, hips, and stomach.
once he’s finally come back up for air you grab his face to pull him into your lips again. moaning in his mouth while getting a taste of yourself was probably the hottest thing sunghoon’s ever witnessed.
“can’t believe this is all mine.” sunghoon whispers against you, gently massaging your aching thighs. “i love you so much, baby.”
“love you too hoon.” you instantly say back, feeling more at ease now that things are somewhat back to normal.
maybe a break isn’t necessary after all, how else would you be able to have such earth shattering orgasms?
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- 完 ♡︎
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imsofreakingtired · 2 days ago
Hi! First of all, I love your work so much, you have me crying and kicking my feet at the same time.
I'd like to put in a request for a plus-sized reader? If that's something you can do. Something about yearning from afar? She's so sweet and Sev's so not. She's worried she'd taint the pure soul she watches from across the bar only to find out the lamb wants the wolf just as bad.
(I low-key just want some plus-sized rep :/)
SUCH A CUTE REQ AAA also, “the lamb wants the wolf just as bad” WHAT A LINE HELLO??? i hope i did it justice 🙏
i wish i found love
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content warning(s): none! just fluff, mutual pining, useless lesbians, mild suggestive content, happy ending
"sometimes i wonder if you'll ever let me in i wonder if i'm ever gonna find somebody i cry and i cry and i cry and i cry out to the heavens why won't you just send me somebody?"
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Sevika is sure she is going insane. 
She’d be lying if she said you didn’t catch her eye the moment you walked into the Last Drop that one night. There was something about the way you moved, the ringing song of your laughter that found its way across the room to her ears—a sound she desperately tried to ignore as she scowled down at her card game, puffing away at her third cigarette. She had lost two rounds in a row because she was straining for scraps of the conversation you were in. Trying every possible subtle tactic to find out who you were, where you came from. Cursing the noises of a late night bar that drowned out what you were saying. 
Tonight is like most—there you are, sitting with a new companion on the other side of the bar, perfectly manicured nails tapping idly on the side of your glass as you give the other person a winning smile. When you stand up to order a second drink, Sevika watches your movements and swallows hard. You’re wearing a blouse and pants that hug your figure, showing off every curve in the shifting neon lights of the Last Drop. Making the very air around you look expensive. 
And your eyes. Fathomless yet bright. The innocent curl of your lips when you give the lucky bastard across the table one of those smiles. The secrets sitting in the corners of your mouth. 
Who is she?
“Hey chief,” says Grems, one of her gambling mates. “You’re showin’ all your cards.” 
She glances at him. “Round’s over.” 
“You heard me. Clear out.” 
The men exchange glances with one another, but they obey, grabbing up their winnings. Sevika sits back in her chair and lights another cigarette. 
At the bar, you lean closer and beckon to Chuck. He comes over, glancing nervously in Sevika’s direction. Everyone can already see that Sevika has claimed you as hers—they can see the way she watches you, the way she raises her head to attention when she sees you come into the bar. But when he looks over at Sevika, she turns her head away. 
“Chuck,” you say. “Don’t look so scared. She’s staring at me again, isn’t she?” 
You give him the irresistible smile you throw at strangers from whom you need information. He falls for it. 
“C’mon, tell me. Who is she?” 
“She…she’s Silco’s right hand,” he stammers. “You know. The Brute.” 
You sigh impatiently. “Gotta give me better than that. What’s her name.” 
“Sevika,” you muse. “Thanks, Chuck.” You pat him on the shoulder and take your drink. You make sure to walk the long way round back to your table, and you can feel Sevika’s grey eyes burn in front of you. Just as you pass her, you tilt your head and let your eyes make contact with hers. Time seems to slow down. She looks at you cooly through the cigarette smoke, but her surprise shows in the way her brows lift slightly. 
Then the moment passes, you sit back down at your table. 
Your companion continues the conversation, but you barely hear a third of what they’re saying. Your thoughts keep wandering over to Sevika, who has left her tab on her table and now disappeared up the stairs. You know for sure she’s interested—she’s been watching you since you first began to frequent the Last Drop—why hasn’t she made a move? 
The truth is that Sevika is scared to approach you. 
That’s right, she thinks to herself, a wry smile on her face as she leans back into the couch in her empty apartment, slightly sweaty after touching herself to you, heart racing in her chest. Sevika of the fucking fissures, scared to talk to a woman as if she's some adolescent. 
She has borne the title Brute of the Underground like an afterthought, something she took for granted, a kind of placard to frame over the blood on her hands. But now it feels like a curse or a jinx, because she can’t think of your soft skin without thinking of the roughness of her own. She wants to feel your body against hers, she wants to kneel and drown in your sweet scent. But then she thinks of your laugh. The way you smile, nose wrinkling. 
How could she ever deserve to receive a smile like that? 
She imagines you recoiling from her, disgust clouding your pretty features. She imagines herself, massive and clumsy—nothing but muscle and scars and callused skin. She compares herself to you in a fantasized mirror and she can’t see a possibility of you ever wanting her the way she wants you. 
One night she is at her usual table, alone for once, making adjustments to her mechanical arm. A glass of whiskey sits among the tools and ashtray. She looks up listlessly as she takes a sip, returns to her work. When she looks up again you’re standing in front of her. 
Sevika nearly chokes. You’ve caught her off-guard, and you can see it. You can’t help but smile at her obvious embarrassment. 
“Mind me sitting here?” 
Without waiting for a reply, you sit down across from her.  
“I work nearby,” you say matter-of-factly. “I was thinking since you come here often as well, maybe we could have a drink together every now and then.” 
“Uh,” says Sevika. 
“Name’s Sevika, right? I’ve gotta run now, but can I claim you tomorrow night?” 
You take that as a yes. As you walk by her, she can smell the sweet scent of your hair. She doesn’t see the triumphant smile on your face as you leave the bar. She also realizes too late that she never got your name. 
-> thank you @practicalgauntlet for the request! -> dividers by @bernardsbendystraws
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mr-affogatos-papers · 21 hours ago
Living in the woods, isolated from society, and with Aliens for Neighbours wasn't as worrying as one would think — nor was it any different from living in a city neighborhood, minus the electricity. It was peaceful, a break from society's constant buzz.
The aliens weren't troublesome nor friendly and I kept myself the same. Their otherworldly existence and habits were peculiar and interesting enough for me to keep a track on their whereabouts more often than not. We all did have our personal lives, our habits and quirks. I wasn't one to judge, It ain't my place. But, If I was telling someone about my situation, I'd compare this to your everyday neighborhood. It's like on the rare chance you actually see your neighbor doing groceries, you would look quizzically at them hauling four bags in by themselves --out of which two are filled with only cans of monster or those 0.99$ each stress balls that would pop in a second. You wouldn't really question them, would you? And if you were dragging into your home a box that looks suspiciously like a coffin covered by a blanket, the most that would happen is them offering you help at your pathetic display of strength.
It was the same thing here.
We never crossed paths, usually working at different times and speeds. And on the off chance we did, I did have the decency to act like I did not see them with a 900-pound bear that was suspiciously tame and cooperative.
Though strange, it was peaceful like this. The large area they occupied had all the animals calm and sweet like little pups and cubs. The fear of predators, and the guilt that came with having to shoot 'em when they try to gnaw at me, slowly dwindled away when all they wanted was belly rubs and ear scratches and not my leg to snack on.
So yeah, no predators.
Until now apparently.
The note was a set of scribbles of English, written like a child who just picked up a pencil. But it was big enough for me to recognize the words and that, paired with the metal and another layer of who-knows-what vibrating all around my cabin said enough.
I wasn't one to question it or doubt its authenticity. If danger was presenting itself, and it was something they couldn't placate like those animals, then I'd ensure my own safety with their added protection. I grab the drying meat from the outside rack and the two shotguns I had kept to clean and bring it inside, dumping it by the door as I make my way to the kitchen.
To stay inside for an indefinite amount of time meant ensuring you had the essentials to be able to last so long. I knew I had to restock my necessities soon, do a 4-hour drive to the nearby town and a 4-hour drive back.
8 hours. And the sun was already halfway down. It would be impossible to make it before dark. And it's an unsaid rule to never be out in the dark when you know there's trouble lurking.
I curse as I decide what to prioritize but the moment, I open my cupboards I freeze. It was filled. To the brim. I open another cupboard and then another until all 6 of them are open. And then I open the fridge.
Stocked. Completely.
There was stuff I buy and stuff I don't usually buy. Like the 8 different types of pasta shapes. I don't know whether to be grateful for their foresight or concerned about how they got in without breaking the lock. On the fridge I notice a note written in the same childish handwriting
"It was a matter of urgency. apologies"
Holy pepperoni. I crumple the paper and throw it in the bin as I plan out my next steps. Reload my guns, dry out some fruits and meat, nap for a few hours, and stay on guard for what seems to be a really long time. solid plan. I crash out on my sofa immediately after I'm done with my tasks. Waking up I find out it was unnecessary. Late into the evening, I find a note slipped through the crack under my door, the familiar scribbles highlighting it, "It's safe. You can come out" I'm not the trusting sort, not in the slightest when it comes to believing the danger was gone so soon. But I was curious, so I look out of the peephole and find the fortified defenses around my place gone. I huff, looking back at my note. I didn't hear a single sound of life. I crumble the paper and aim it at the bin, dropping my shotgun on the couch as I walk past. A few more hours of sleep wouldn't hurt.
The aliens you've seen while living out in the woods have rarely been "friendly," but always benign. You have your space, they have theirs, rarely interacting... which is why you knew something was wrong when you found advanced defenses around your house and a hand-drawn warning to stay inside.
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theliving-radio · 2 days ago
The Meaning of “Big Brother”
Part: 1
Warnings: none, just fluff and sillies. Gender Neutral Reader. Platonic relationship. Malleus is now your big brother.
Malleus is an only child. Until he dubbed you as his Baby Sibling, making him a Big Brother.
But what is a “Big Brother”? That’s been on his mind lately. What does it mean to be a “Big Brother”?
Malleus wishes to ask Lilia on the matter, but goes against it as it felt like the old fae would tease him. Silver is also an only child, and Sebek is the youngest of his siblings. So he couldn’t ask them either.
And so, Malleus sets off to ask some of the students that are Older Brothers too.
“What it’s like to be the older brother in the family?” Trey was surprised when the First Years came running to him, saying that Malleus Draconia wanted to see him. Trey was in the middle of making pie crust for a new recipe he wanted to try out when both Ace and Deuce showed up with Malleus in tow. But the question was more of a shocker than seeing Malleus Draconia in the Heartstabyul kitchen
“Yes. I’ve heard from Trappola and Spade that you are an Older Brother to many younger siblings. And that even students have claimed you as “The Older brother of Heartstabyul.”
Trey glances over at Ace and Deuce who were a bit embarrassed by it, but Trey only lets out an amused chuckle.
“Yeah, I have a few younger brothers and a little sister. We all live together with our parents who run a Bakery.”
“Interesting… and what are your ‘duties’ as an older brother?” Malleus questioned as he watched the Vice dorm leader go back to mixing.
“‘Duties’, huh? That’s one way of putting it. But I just do my best to make sure they don’t cause any trouble and aren’t fighting each other. One time, one of my brothers was teasing our sister to the point of crying… then proceeded to punch him. When I found them, they were both tussling in the middle of the Bakery. I had to scold them both.”
After the mixing, Trey takes the dough out of bowl and places it on the kitchen counter where it can be kneaded. He looks over at Malleus who was writing down in a small notepad.
Did he have that the whole time?
“So when it comes to your younger siblings, you have to protect them from each other. Along with correcting their behavior towards one another.
“I mean, I guess? Yeah. Most of the time that responsibility would fall under our parents. But since I was the one to see it happen, I had to set things straight.”
“I see… Have they ever done anything to make you upset?”
Trey was in the middle of kneading the dough, but pulls away from it and places his hand on his chin, trying to think of something. Meanwhile Ace was trying to sneak towards the fridge to see if there were any tarts in there, Deuce wasn’t trying to signal him to not do it.
Without looking away from the dough, Trey picked up small metal spoon and threw it in the direction Ace was at. Causing him to yelp and curse under his breath at getting hit in the head with said spoon, and for getting caught.
Malleus was intrigued by the small exchange.
“There was a time where one of my brothers wanted to go to a Spelldrive game. He really wanted to go. I couldn’t say no to him, and so I got my entire allowance to buy a ticket for him. All the money I saved up for myself, just gone. Of course I was upset about it… but when he came home from the game he had the biggest smile on his face, and went straight to me to tell me everything that happened during the game. And I knew from that moment, I didn’t regret giving him all my money. And I would do it all over again, given the chance.” Trey smiled at the memory, Malleus took noticed and smiles as well.
“Maaan~ what a lucky kid. Wish you were my older brother, Trey-senpai!” Ace interrupted the heartfelt moment.
“Don’t you already have an older brother, Trappola?”
“Yeah, but he’s a dick!” Ace loudly declares as he crosses his arms. “To prove my point, one time while I was laying in bed, he walked into my room without saying anything, approached me, turned around and farted in my a face! He ran out laughing and I had to chase him to give him a what for!”
Malleus looked at Ace in pure horror. His older brother did that?! Is that normal???
He does not wish to lay his flatulence upon you!
Not his Baby Sibling!
“Ah yeah. I’m an only child. But I’ve heard siblings doing that to each other.” Deuce mention, which causes Malleus to turn to him in shock.
“So that is normal behavior among siblings?”
“Well…. Not really, every family is different, and every sibling bond can be different too. Some love each other, and there are some who hate each other.” Trey answered the Dragon Fae’s question as he set up placing the dough in the pan.
Malleus thought about Trey’s words. He does love you very much, he is your Big Brother after all! But even relationships and bonds can change over time. And he hopes his Baby Sibling does not turn to hate him one day.
“I see… Well I must thank you for this insightful information, Clover. I will have to leave now to get more information.”
“If you have any more question, just try to find me.”
Malleus nods as he makes his way out of the Heartstabyul’s dorm kitchen. As he leaves, he hears the sound of a smack and Ace yelling ‘What did I do?!’ While Trey’s response being ‘Do you want to be collared?’
“You came all the way here… to ask me how I treat my younger siblings?”
“Yes. That is exactly why I’m here.”
Out of all the places, Jack never once thought that Malleus’s Draconia would come over to Savanaclaw dorm… to ask about family…
“… why?”
“Recently I have become an Older Brother, and I am asking for advice from others who are one as well.”
“Ah.” Jack… was still not expecting that answer.
It’s no secret from the school that Malleus Draconia, future king of Briar Valley, one of the top powerful mages in all of Twisted Wonderland…
Has dubbed you as his “Baby Sibling” and has taken the role “Big Brother” seriously.
How did this arrangement came to be? Nobody knows.
Jacks ear twitches as he crosses his arms. Before Malleus came by, Jack was actually going to be headed to the botanical gardens to help Ruggie find Leona. Unfortunately the dragon fae stopped him before he was able to walk out of the dorms lounge room.
“I heard from Schoenheit that you have a younger brother and sister,” Malleus took notice that Jack’s tail swayed a bit when Vil was brought up.
“… you heard correctly. Both are in elementary school.”
Jack isn’t gonna lie.
This is kinda awkward, and weird.
“Jack, you’re still here? I thought you were gonna help me-“ Ruggie entered the lounge and stopped in his tracks as he saw Malleus. The Hyena Beastmen looks over at Jack, his eyes saying ‘Help me’. Ruggie doesn’t know what he walked in on.
“Good Afternoon,Bucchi. Sorry to come here unannounced, but I just wanted to ask Howl on his relation to his younger siblings are like.” Malleus answered earnestly.
Ruggie blinks once. Then twice.
“What? Why?”
“Since I am a Big Brother now, I wish to know the responsibilities of taking care of a younger siblings. So I am asking other students advice and experiences they’ve had,” Malleus looked pleased with himself at his own reasoning. Ruggie on the other hand, was confused by the Fae’s reasoning. Really?
“And you’re asking Jack because…?”
“He too, is also a Big Brother.”
Ruggie turns to Jack who just gave him a curt nod. “Ok, but like can’t you just look it up?”
“Ah, I’m not really good with technology…”
Is this guy for real?!
“… both of my siblings are very energetic. They can play hide and seek for six hours straight without getting tired.” Jack goes back to the topic at hand.
“Six hours?!”
“Oh my, how do you get them to calm down?” Malleus asked as he gets out his notepad and pen. Ruggie and Jack just blink at him as the Dragon Fae waited patiently for an answer.
Jack coughs in his fist to clear his throat, “Well, mom sometimes has issues when it’s time for bed. Lately though, she has been sneaking in sleeping medication into their drinks. Just small doses to help them calm down when it’s time to sleep.” The Wolf Beastmen explained as he recounts the events.
Malleus writes down in the notepad, wanting to get it all down. Ruggie leans over and tries to get a small glimpse of what the Fae wrote down, curious on what he has so far.
“So, you and your mom would go to extreme measures to make sure your siblings would have a healthy life style?”
“I wouldn’t say extreme… just, some actions we have to take.”
“Understood…” Malleus shuts his notepad, making Ruggie tense up from the force of it.
“Well, thank you very much Jack Howl for answering my questions. I am going to take my leave now, the sun is still out, and I still have many questions and learning to do. It was nice to see you too Bucchi.” Malleus bows to both Beastmen and begins to make his way to the Mirror Chamber.
“…dude, what just happened?”
“I dont know… giving out family advice?” Jack scratched the back oh his neck, perplexed by the exchange.
Malleus flipped through his notes as he walks out the Savanclaw dorm. He still had a lot of questions that need to be answered. He wanted to be prepared.
Malleus wanted to be the best Big Brother you’ve ever had, after all!
I legit just wanted to write like a small prompt, but then brain kept going “MORE!!!”
Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed part 1! I’ll be preparing for part 2 hopefully soon! So enjoy my idea of Big Brother Malleus!
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lascvitae · 2 days ago
❦ — the beginning of an era
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synopsis. after landing a main role in an upcoming kdrama, y/n moves away from home to fulfill her dreams. upon arrival, it seems that her co-star has taken a newfound interest in her.
pairing. actress!minjeong x actress fem!reader genre. fluff(?) warning(s). none.
word count: 1.3k
── ⟢ ・⸝⸝ katty ᥫ᭡: okay so i wanna make this a mini series and i have a few ideas in mind but if you guys have any scenarios or ideas then please don’t hesitate to send an ask!!
series masterlist.
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it was around twelve pm once y/n finally landed in the heart of south korea, miles away from home for one of the first times ever.
almost a month earlier she received a call that changed her life. she had been casted the main role of an upcoming kdrama and while she had to move to a serviced apartment in the city, it was everything that the girl dreamed of doing since the age of five.
ever since that point she had starred in musicals, as background extras, side characters and even the younger version of main characters. yet with all of that experience, it felt like something was missing. something that she had just found.
the countless billboards gave her a glimpse of the bright future ahead— there were tons of famous celebrities, some who she couldn’t even name. but there were definitely a few that stood out the most.
there was jun jihyun, who owned numerous awards for her talent and not too far away was song hyekyo. everyone that y/n laid her eyes upon had a high level of fame and it filled her heart with hope for what was to come.
today was the day she would meet her co-stars and the place that she would be calling ‘home’ for the next few months.
leaning against her luggage as she patiently waited for the vehicle to arrive, a few buses passed by to pick up the other pedestrians. only one bus caught her attention.
plastered onto the side of the bus was one of the most well-known actresses in the industry — kim minjeong. y/n studied the advertisement for a lip balm with an intrigued smile. she could already see her own face on the side of a limousine bus.
minjeong wasn’t only known for her amazing performance on camera but also due to her kind-hearted nature. there probably wasn’t a single/ bad video of that girl on the internet. even if you hated some of her characters, it was impossible to hate her. though, most co-stars would mention that she is ‘slow to warm up’ and can even come off as rude or bratty at times.
a black suburban parked in front of y/n, snapping her out of her out of the mini-daydream, reminding her that it was now her turn to leave her mark on the world.
while y/n strolled her luggage towards the trunk, a man dressed in a black suit and tie cane around to grab everything for her. “let me grab this for you.” the man extended a hand, carefully taking the luggage with ease and securing it into the back. “thank you.” y/n muttered.
once he assured that his precious cargo was settled, the vehicle began to move and y/n let out a breath she had no idea that she was even holding.
all of the buildings that seoul fostered allowed a crumb of homesickness to sink in, wiping the smile clean off of her face. she looked down at her phone, seeing the message from her mother and best friend, aurora.
rory 💓
‘i miss u already 🥺🥺 u better text me everyday!!’
Sent 9:37 AM
my queen bee ❤️‍🔥
‘Don’t overwork yourself, honey. i’m always one call away if you need me. -Mom’
Sent 6:17 AM
my queen bee ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
‘I’m here to support you in any way you need.’
Sent 6:17 AM
the messages resulted in a pout and y/n decided to put her phone away before a tear could form, forcing herself to look outside of the window.
to her surprise, the car came to a stop a while ago and she hadn’t even realized it. the driver was already working at her luggage, opening up the door for her.
“thank you.” she held her purse as she eagerly stepped out of the vehicle, mouth agape from the tall building that stood before her. while y/n had achievements of her own this felt like a new key to stardom, there were even intimidating bodyguards standing at the entrance. there were paparazzi surrounding the building but it didn’t seem like they could get in.
y/n felt a rush of relief at the security system implemented.
with a singular look they granted the two of them access and they were on the way to the elevator.
the interior of the lobby was gorgeous, decorated with long chandeliers and colors along with gold that were visually perceived as expensive. almost every single intricate detail caught y/n’s eye as they settled into the spacious elevator.
“is this your first big role?” the driver, or what he seemed more like, the assistant asked y/n. she smiled nervously. “could you tell?”
he shrugged, not wanting to offend the girl. “a little bit. don’t worry, you’ll love park seonho. he’s a great director.”
her eyes nearly popped out of her skull.
she had only met the casting director so this was news to her — park seonho was one of the directors that y/n had respected the most. it gave her so much motivation for the show that she had to hold back a squeal.
once the elevator ding indicated that they had made it to her floor, y/n followed the man to her new apartment.
“um, how do these work?” she sheepishly asked as the door swung open, her mouth following quickly behind.
the apartment was huge — and it wasn’t short of how luxurious the lobby was decorated. there were more seats in the living area than y/n could have imagined herself needing, she had just moved away from her hometown after all. the only person she knew was the mother of the baby that couldn’t keep quiet in the plane seat next to hers. all she could do was gasp as they walked further inside.
“i don’t have much information on that part. your neighbor arrived about an hour ago. she’s your co-star.” he set down all of y/n’s luggage before heading for the door.
“by the way, you can call me mr. kim. i’ll be your driver for the next six months, miss y/n.” the girl bowed as he introduced himself, and just as quickly as he arrived, he had departed.
the spacious apartment building left y/n speechless and so that she couldn’t procrastinate about it later, she began to unpack all of her bags. her mystery neighbor proved to be a powerful distraction, though.
to fulfill the never ending curiosity, y/n swiftly traversed to the door adjacent to her own. with three knocks, she put on the brightest smile managable.
after a few seconds passed the door finally swung ajar and y/n wasn’t sure of what she recognized first. the short blonde hair, the rosy pink lips or the shirt that revealed a sliver of the girl’s infamous abs.
“hello.” she greeted with a bow, instantly recognizing her co-star. at this moment y/n realized that she was staring, or even gawking at this point. but how could she not? it was none other than kim minjeong.
“h-hello.” she returned the bow, blinking to confirm the girl before her eyes.
curiosity piqued, minjeong’s lips curled into an interested smile. “i’m looking forward to working with you…” she trailed off, raising an eyebrow.
“y/n. perfect. i’m min—“
“i know who you are, it’s okay! i’m — um, i’m looking forward to working with you too.” the smile on her face widened. “of course.”
y/n chewed at her lower lip. “so, uh, how do these work exactly?” minjeong seemed slightly confused before she understood the question and why you were asking it. “it’s like a hotel. housekeeping will stop by every wednesday and it should already be fully furnished. at least, i hope that was the case.”
y/n wasn’t sure if she was nervous or if she genuinely found her words funny but a light hearted chuckle escaped the lips she had been nibbling at. “it was. thank you, minjeong.”
“no need.” she offered another kind smile. “you know where to find me. you should settle down.” the door closed shortly after that and y/n could feel her heart trying to escape the restraints of her chest, hitting herself in the head a few times.
“why did i stutter like that?” the whispered sentence was only audible to her as she glanced at the end of the empty hallway before hiding inside of her apartment. y/n had just made her first friend in korea. kim minjeong. one of the most talented women in the country.
and they were neighbors.
the next six months were going to be a roller coaster.
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perm taglist — @saysirhc @aedollie @prologue-ae
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muxshwriting · 3 days ago
family after all
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Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw x wife!reader
Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell x daughter!reader
summary: Pete sees his daughter for the first time in close to a decade at Top Gun only she’s not here for him || warnings: reunions, parental neglect, cutting parents off, slight angst, || word count: 1242 || masterlist
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You were anxiously waiting at the gates to see Bradley the moment the carrier docks. As soon as you had the call that he was alive and alright, the stress coursing through your body finally had the chance to fade as your breathing eased. Your husband was alive and alright. He had survived the suicide mission the Navy had sent him into.
Bradley wouldn’t tell you more than that and you’d been so caught up in work that you hadn’t had the chance to fly over to San Diego to join him until two days before his mission flew. You had met none of his teammates and you highly doubted any of them knew about you, considering how Bradley liked to keep you private.
But as the carrier drew closer and you saw the landed planes on the deck, the San Diego sun sent a warmth through you instead of a jab through your skull. The other families waiting all cheered as they spotted servicemen waving from the side of the ship and you let yourself wave back, unable to spot Bradley but knowing he was there. Knowing was enough.
You watched as the naval officers all walked past you and families were reunited with their loved ones. Then the aviators came out, dressed in their uniforms and obviously cleaned up from the mission. Bradley was at the start, sunglasses glistening in the sun and his eyes scanning the crowd, looking for you.
As soon as he spotted you, he broke from his group and started running, a huge smile breaking onto his face. You step out of the crowd as he reaches you, sweeping you into his arms and holding you to his chest, breathing in your scent.
“Baby!” He shouted back at you and refused to let you go, squeezing you again.
You finally pull away, fussing as you run your hands through his hair, visually checking him for any injuries he didn’t tell you about. “You’re okay?”
“We’re all okay. Everyone got out.” He hesitated, like he was something he was afraid to say. “Look, there’s something I didn’t tell you.”
“What? What is it?”
“I- I may have had a little detour running after Mav but-“
“A detour going after Mav? Maverick? Bradley.” You hardly used his full name but the situation demanded it. “That Maverick? Maverick Maverick?”
Bradley was suddenly very interested in his shoes as he nervously glanced around, trying to spot the man you were asking about. “Yeah…” He finally spotted Mav staring back at him, mouth wide open as he recognised the woman he was stood with.
In Mav’s mind, thoughts were travelling a mile a minute as he watched Bradley run towards his daughter and greet you with a kiss. It was only then that he spotted the ring on your finger and remembered the chain Bradley wore always tucked beneath his shirt.
You see where Bradley’s looking and see your father’s eyes staring into yours, the same eyes you haven’t seen in person since you graduated college. “Dad…”
He made his way over, eyes wide as he was still processing your presence. “Y/N? You’re with Rooster?”
“Are you okay? Roo said he had to run after you-“ You stop yourself, realising you don’t actually know what happened. “What actually happened?”
“Uh…” Mav rubbed a hand on his neck nervously. “My plane went down and Rooster came after me. He really saved my ass.”
“Right after he saved mine. It’s what my dad would’ve done.”
Silence hangs between you all as you try to process what’s actually happening. You’re married to Rooster. Rooster has been flying with your father. Your father is standing in front of you for the first time since college. Your father is finding out you and Rooster are married.
“You-“ Mav sounds choked up as he speaks. “You’re married.” He’s speaking to you, begging to reach out but afraid you’ll push him away.
He wouldn’t blame you for pushing him away, he deserved it. Throughout you’re whole childhood, you had reluctantly been pushed second to flying and Mav could never forgive himself for that. There was no way to replace the time of had missed and it took you until college to realise what love and affection you’d been missing out on.
You and Bradley had grown up side by side, your Dad having to leave you with Carol more than he’d like. From a young age, you barely spent a day without seeing that boy and he was the only face you wanted to see in the morning.
Through your teenage years, you’d grown past the awkwardness and finally confessed the lifelong love you felt for him and your relationship was bliss. Then, your father ruined the one good thing you had. He pulled Bradley’s papers for the Naval Academy and overnight, everything crumbled. In an instant, your only constant in life was missing and your father could offer no reason behind his actions.
There was a rage bubbling in your chest every time you looked at the man that was supposed to raise you. Instead, he had been too busy with his work, chasing a ghost of a man who’s family still cared about him. He parcelled you off to the Bradshaw’s and then ripped that family from you when you were in the final formative years of your life. You loved your father, yes, he was a good man. But he was the worst father you had ever met because he wasn’t really one in the first place.
After cutting you off, unintentionally, from Bradley, you moved away from college and slowly cut contact with your father and made your own way in the world. But your mind would constantly remind you of the world you used to have.
Then you run into Bradley in a packed bar and started talking. You had begged for his forgiveness, cried about your father in a drunken state and confessed that you never wanted to lose him again. Brad had held you close to him, whispering into your hair the whole night as you realised what you now had in the world.
There was no need for you to cling on to the spectre of your father that you had because you had Bradley and the chance to make more friends and make your own family for the future. You cut your father off, showing him the same care and attention he had showed you and although the guilt wrecked you, you had to pick yourself up and move on, for your own sake. If you had stayed clinging on to childish hopes, you would never be able to grow up.
“Yeah… I got married. It was nice, small. We had a courthouse wedding a week after Roo graduated Top Gun.” You tell him, hoping he won’t take it too personally.
Bradley loops his arm around you, not taking his eyes from you. “I should’ve told you Mav. But then Y/N couldn’t make it out until right before we left and I thought we should’ve told you together. But then I didn’t;t end up telling either of you.”
“It’s alright. I get it, completely.” Mav quickly replied. “I’m glad you’re happy kid.”
Neither of you could figure out who the last sentence was aimed at. But that’s because it was meant for both of you. Only now Bradley was as much his son as you were his daughter.
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enigmaris · 3 days ago
Lois writes the article. The Justice League freaks out. Investigations are done, meetings are held. In the mean time, a suspected connection between ghosts and the lazurus pits means that there is a very specific person who wants a one on one with Phantom even though all of the heroes agreed to not approach phantom until the anti ecto acts are gone. Jason never follows the rules anyway:
“Daniel Phantom, do not even think about it.”
Her tone of voice made every bone in his body yearn to turn invisible immediately, Lois jumped up trying to catch him. Danny grinned and got ready to fly away, a game of tag would keep Lois from questioning him! Right before Danny’s plan could commence, the sound of Lois's phone ringing cut it off. Danny froze as Lois pulled out her phone and looked at the screen.
“It’s Batman. Wonder what he could possibly need.”
Danny let himself fly all the way to the ceiling, until his back was pushed up against it. He looked down as Lois answered her phone, helpfully putting it on speaker.
“You’re on speaker Bats, what can Lois Lane and her plucky new intern do for you?”
“Intern?” A voice Danny didn’t know answered back. “I thought Superman was the only one for you. I guess you move fast, Lois.”
“Nightwing.” Lois said. “What are you doing calling from Batman’s phone?”
“If B didn’t want me to use his phone, he should have called you himself. You know how he is, Lois. Won’t ever ask for help unless he’s about to die and not even then.” Nightwing snarked back. “Gotham’s got a bit of a supernatural concern that I think I need a consult from your intern for.”
Danny tilted his head, not moving closer to Lois when she looked up at him.
“What sort of concern? I’ll pass along your message if it's interesting enough. My intern’s got enough on his plate getting me coffee to watch after you birds.”
“Fair enough.” Nightwing allowed. “We think one of our own is ecto-contaminated. To be entirely fair we all might be a bit, not that we’ve gotten our hands on a GIW scanner. The real concern is with Red Hood though. I know your report said that ecto-contamination is harmless but Red Hood has had some interesting side effects since he took a bath in some glowing green goop.”
“A bath?” Danny asked, his voice echoing out from the ceiling.
There was a pause on the other end of the call before Nightwing spoke again.
“Yes. A bath. Do the words Lazurus Pit mean anything to you, Miss Lane’s Intern?”
“Never heard of it.” Danny said, trying not to let himself sound ashamed by it. “But I don’t like the name. Sounds spooky.”
“Aren’t you a spook?”
“Different kind of spook.” Danny defended.
“Well. We think it might actually be the same sort of spook actually. The Lazurus Pits are pools of glowing green liquid, no one knows where they came from. There are a dozen or so dotted around the planet. If a sick or dying person goes into it, they are healed sometimes with side effects. If a healthy person goes in, they die.” Nightwing said. “Sometimes if people go into, they don’t come out again.”
Danny... might actually know what those are. Huh.
“What kind of side effects?”
"Homicidal rage. Memory loss. Temporary increased strength. Glowing eyes.”
“Okay. And how long has Red Hood being dealing with this?”
“On and off for about five years.” Nightwing answered.
“I might actually know what’s going on.” Danny said. “But I’d have to see him. I’m not like a ghost doctor or anything, but if it's what I think it is, then I can fix it for sure.”
“Fix it?” Another voice from the phone asked.
Danny could hear a scuffle over the phone as two people wrestled for it. He exchanged looks with Lois until the second voice seemed to get the phone under his control completely.
“What do you mean by fix it?” the second voice demanded.
“Erm. Who is this?”
“Red Hood. Who the fuck else?”
“I don’t know who has access to Batman’s phone dude, chill.”
“Don’t tell me to chill. Tell me what you mean by fix it.”
"Dude. I have ice powers I absolutely can tell you to chill.” Danny shot back making Lois snort.
"Start. Talking.”
“He wasn’t kidding about the anger issues huh?” Danny asked Lois instead of answering. Danny grinned when he heard a growl over the phone. “Look. Red Hood. I don’t know if it is what I think it is. I need to see you in person before I can tell you anymore. Do you know how many glowing green goops there are in the universe?”
“Do you?” Nightwing asked, voice muffled as he was further from the phone. Danny listened as Red Hood told Nightwing to ‘shut the fuck up’ with a hiss.
"I’ll send Lane an address in Gotham. Meet me there in an hour.” Red Hood instructed.
“How do you know I’m free in an hour? I’m a busy intern you know. You’re not being very polite.”
Danny could hear the teeth grinding on the other end. He grinned as Red Hood took in a deep breath through his nose.
“Can we please meet in an hour?” Red Hood asked.
“Yeah sure. I’ll fly by.”
“Now what do we say to people who do nice things for us?” Lois asked. “Especially poor lowly interns who have an entire branch of the government hunting them?”
“Would you like me to blow up a GIW base for you?” Red Hood asked.
"Hood no!” Nightwing shouted.
“Hood yes.” Hood said.
The two vigilantes started arguing with each other, so Lois just rolled her eyes and ended the call.
If Lois Lane had a nickle for every time she had to help an overpowered boy from the midwest with the power of journalism, she'd have two nickles. Which isn't a lot but its weird that its happened twice.
Danny watched as Lois pulled out her phone and pulled up a recording app.
“What are you doing?”
“You came to a journalist and are surprised to get an interview?” She asked him, her tone clearly joking. “What you’ve given me here is great kid, but newspaper clippings and copies of federal laws don’t get the public’s attention. I need a story, Phantom’s the story.”
“I’m not Phantom.”
Lois looked at him, less than impressed. Slowly, she turned the screen of her computer until it was visible to both of them. There, in full clarity, was a front-page story from his hometown newspaper. ‘Danny Phantom saves Bus Full of Children!’ and there was a picture of him in his ghost form, his face crystal clear on her screen.
"Phantom’s a ghost. I’m just a dumb kid.” Danny tried again.
Lois pinched the bridge of her nose with her right hand and muttered to herself.
“Why do all you midwestern boys have the same schtick?”
“I’m sorry?” Danny said, unsure if he should be apologizing or not.
“Changing your last name from Fenton to Phantom does not a secret identity make kid. It might work for most civilians, but anyone familiar with the hero game will clock you from a mile away.”
“I’m not Phantom.”
“Sure, kid. But I’m sure you have a way for me to interview him, right? Because I want to talk to him before I do anything else about your town.”
Danny hugged himself and looked down at his knees.
“Is it really that bad?”
“Not the worst I’ve seen. Wonder Woman’s is paper thin. I'm pretty sure most people in DC know who she is outside of the cape and just don’t say anything because she scares them.”
Danny snorted involuntarily at that, looking back up at the woman.
“What’s going on in your town, Phantom? Why come to a journalist and not the Justice League?”
“The Anti-Ecto Acts got passed like a year ago. They state that only being that produces or contains ectoplasm above a certain amount is considered non-sapient and is to be turned over to the government for disposal.” Danny said. “I put the whole thing in there for you to read, but it's long. Amity Park has a lot of ectoplasm in it. It's seeped into the air and water. Normal human people have it in them now. At first, those agents were just firing at me whenever I finished a ghost fight. I could deal with that. Their aim is terrible anyway. But then they figured out that humans can become contaminated with ectoplasm. They decided that meant the entire town was under their jurisdiction. They've decided that means that no one in town counts as human anymore, that we don’t have rights, that they’re doing us a favor by not just exterminating the entire town like the law says.”
Danny leaned forward, putting his hands on the desk in front of Lois Lane. He looked right into her bright eyes and spoke seriously.
“When it was just ghosts under attack, I didn’t think anyone would care. I’ve tried calling the Justice League for help, but they’ve brushed me off. People need to know what’s happening. Anyone can become ecto-contaminated. You just have to be in the right place at the wrong time. It’s not right what’s happening to Amity, Miss Lane. I came to you because if anyone could get the world to listen, to believe, then it's got to be you.”
And Lois Lane smiled. It was a proud, eager smile. The kind of smile Danny had seen on Sam right after she convinced the school to serve a vegan lunch. He barely held back from shivering.
“Well then, Mr. Phantom.” Lois said, before tapping onto the recording app on her phone and starting a recording. “Let’s begin.”
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rafes-slut · 2 days ago
Count Every Inch
Pairing: Friends Rafe Cameron x You
Warnings: Smut, size kink, degradation, praise kink, mild humiliation, teasing, light roughness, explicit language, friends-to-lovers, slight angst, jealousy, possessiveness
Summary: you heard rumor about rafe that he was small and cant please women so you tease him about it until he proves it to you by fucking you and making you count every inch
You should’ve known better than to push Rafe’s buttons. Teasing him was always a dangerous game—one you usually played just to see how far you could go before he snapped. Tonight, you might’ve taken it too far.
It started harmlessly enough, just you and Rafe lounging in his bedroom, half-drunk from the beers you’d stolen from his dad’s stash. You were sprawled across his bed, scrolling through your phone, while he sat at the foot of it, tossing a lighter between his hands, bored out of his mind.
“You know,” you mused, stretching your legs out, “I heard something interesting at the bar last night.”
Rafe barely spared you a glance. “Yeah? What’s that?”
You smirked, biting your lip before delivering the bait. “Some girl was talking about you.”
That got his attention. His head tilted slightly, eyes narrowing. “What girl?”
“I dunno. Some random girl,” you said airily, waving a hand. “She said she hooked up with you once.”
His brows furrowed. “So?”
You let the words sit between you for a second, dragging it out just to see the faint irritation flicker across his features. Then, with the cruelest smirk, you delivered the killing blow.
“She said you were small. That you can’t even please a woman.”
The lighter in his hands stilled. Your heart picked up when his jaw clenched, a muscle ticking under his skin. His blue eyes darkened, locked onto you like a predator about to pounce.
“What the fuck did you just say?” His voice was low, calm, too calm.
You swallowed, suddenly feeling the weight of your own words. Maybe you had gone too far. “I—I mean, it’s just what I heard,” you said, shifting slightly on the bed, feeling the heat of his stare burn into you. “I thought it was funny.”
Rafe set the lighter down with deliberate slowness, rising to his feet. “Funny?” He scoffed. “You think that’s funny?”
You bit your lip, suddenly unsure whether you should keep playing or start backpedaling. But it was too late. Rafe was already moving, crawling onto the bed, hovering over you. His presence alone made the air thick, suffocating.
“Guess I’ll have to prove you wrong then,” he muttered, his lips ghosting over your jaw as his hand slid down your stomach. “And since you think it’s so funny, you’re gonna count every fucking inch.”
Your breath hitched. His fingers traced the hem of your shorts, playing with the waistband, teasing, making you squirm beneath him.
“Shh,” he hushed, lips grazing your ear. “You wanted to run your mouth, now you deal with the consequences.”
Your heart hammered against your ribs as he pushed your shorts down, his touch rough, demanding. His fingertips ghosted over your inner thighs, drawing soft shivers from you. The way his touch shifted from teasing to controlling made your head spin.
“You know,” Rafe continued, his voice low and dark, “it’s kinda cute how you act like a little brat. But you forget who you’re dealing with.”
Your fingers curled into the sheets when he pressed against you, the sheer size of him making your breath stutter before he even pushed in. His smirk deepened at your reaction.
“Start counting, sweetheart.”
Your voice came out breathy, almost desperate. “O-One.”
Rafe let out a low chuckle, gripping your thighs tighter. “That’s right. Keep going.”
You inhaled sharply as he pushed in deeper, stretching you, making you feel every inch he swore you’d regret doubting. The fullness was overwhelming, a slow, torturous stretch that had you digging your nails into his shoulders. Each number left your lips in a moan, and by the time you reached the last, your body was trembling beneath him.
“Fuck,” you whimpered, your head lolling back onto the pillow. “Rafe—”
He grinned down at you, his hand moving to grasp your chin, forcing your gaze back to him. “Nah, don’t start whining now,” he mocked, dragging his lips over yours without fully kissing you. “You wanted to run your mouth—now you finish what you started.”
You moaned as he snapped his hips forward, forcing a strangled sound from your throat. His fingers traced down your body, gripping your hips as he rolled into you with an unrelenting pace. He wanted to make sure you felt him, that you understood exactly what he was proving.
“Think you’ll be spreading any more rumors, huh?” His breath was hot against your ear.
You shook your head weakly, your body completely wrecked from the overwhelming pleasure. A cocky smirk tugged at his lips as he pressed a bruising kiss to your lips, swallowing your breathless whimpers.
“Didn’t think so.”
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dollyfiles · 21 hours ago
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doll!reader pulls a prank on bf!rafe by wiping off his kisses, but he isn't in the mood for her shenanigans
doll!reader mlist
cw: arguing, explicit language, anger issues, rafe feeling guilty after
it was quiet at your house, everyone else gone, leaving just you and rafe. the silence wasn't lonely, though—it felt intimate. you and rafe were curled up under the covers of your queen-size bed, watching some action movie that rafe swore was a classic.
he insisted you had to see this one, talking it up like it was a masterpiece, but honestly, he was more interested in spending time with you. "i swear, this part's iconic," he said with excitement, gesturing toward the screen.
but you only hummed in response, your focus somewhere else entirely—you were too focused on your master plan. you’d spent all day waiting for the perfect moment to pull the prank you'd seen on tiktok, and now was your chance.
when he got up to use the bathroom, you felt a rush of adrenaline. quickly but quietly, you grabbed your phone and propped it on the nightstand. your hands were almost shaking from excitement as you made sure the bed was perfectly in frame. smirking to yourself, you slipped back into your bed, pretending the movie had you hooked.
rafe returned a moment later, his buzzed hair slightly sticking up from running his hand through it. he flopped back onto the bed, throwing an arm around your shoulders.
"miss me?" he teased, pressing a kiss to your temple. "always," you replied sweetly, leaning up to kiss him on the lips. it was a soft, lingering kiss, and rafe smiled into it, forgetting about everything that had been weighing on him.
he loved moments like this—when he felt close to you, like nothing else in the world existed. but then, just as casually, you turned back to the movie and wiped your lips with the back of your hand.
rafe froze. his brow furrowing as confusion and irritation crept in. "uhh, did you just wipe your mouth?" he asked, sounding almost offended.
"what?" you asked innocently, your eyes glued to the screen. but on the inside you were smiling. "you just kissed me and then... fucking wiped it off," he said slowly, trying to process what he'd just seen.
"i don't know what you're talking about," you replied nonchalantly, shrugging. rafe's lips pressed into a thin line. “okay." he said, eyeing you suspiciously. then without warning, he leaned in, cupping your cheek and kissing you again. this time, it was more intense, almost eager—like he was trying to make a point.
you almost broke character, but you held it together. you kissed him back, soft and sweet, and just when rafe started to relax, you turned your head and wiped your lips again.
"what the fuck?" he exclaimed, sitting up straighter and staring at you like you'd just committed a crime. "are you serious right now?"
"what?" you asked, feigning confusion, though your lips twitched as you tried to hold back a smile. "you’re wiping my kisses off, y/n! what you doin' that shit for?"
"i am not!" you said, trying to look offended. "you are! you did it just seconds ago." he pointed an accusing finger at your lips. "you don't like kissing me now?"
that did it. you couldn't hold back your laughter anymore, giggling uncontrollably at his growing frustration. rafe felt his patience snap like a rubber band stretched too tight. the stress he'd been holding at bay all day came rushing back. "this isn't funny!" he said, crossing his arms like a sulking child, “why are you acting weird?"
still laughing, you reached for your phone and stopped the recording, holding it up to show him. "you’ve been pranked, ray!" you giggled, unable to contain your amusement.
rafe stared at your phone, then back at you, his jaw tightening. it took a second for the words to sink in, and when they did, rafe’s stomach twisted. "wait. you were filming this shit?" he asked, sounding more annoyed. "yea," you admitted, grinning satisfied.
"it’s for tiktok, baby. you should've seen your face. it was actually hilarious!" rafe sat up straighter, running a hand over his buzzed head as he glared at you. "you’re not posting that," he said flatly. "oh, come on, it's funny!" you replied, still laughing.
"no," rafe snapped, crossing his arms. "i’m serious, y/n. you’re not posting that shit. if you do, i’ll delete that fucking tiktok app off your phone myself."
the humor in the situation dimmed as his seriousness sank in. your grin faltered, and you frowned at him. "why are you taking this so seriously? it’s just a funny trend!"
"because it's embarrassing," he shot back, clearly still annoyed. "you don't need to show everyone me looking like an idiot." the argument escalated quickly. rafe could feel the tension in his chest building.
"you weren't even an idiot!" you countered, throwing your hands up. "you’re being way too dramatic about this. honestly, you're acting like a little bitch right now."
rafe’s jaw tightened as soon as you threw out your little comment at him, "what?" his day had already been hell. meetings with his dad had turned into lectures, and work had felt like an uphill battle from the second he walked through the door this morning. so you acting up now as well got him on the verge loosing it.
"you heard me," you replied, not fully grasping how close he was to losing his temper. "you’re being ridiculous over a silly video, rafe."
"oh, i'm ridiculous?" his voice rose, his ocean-blue eyes narrowing as he got off the bed. "i’m the one being ridiculous?" he huffed. "yea, you are!god, you can't take a joke," you shot back, crossing your arms.
rafe shook his head, pacing the room. "you’ve got some nerve, y/n," he muttered under his breath. "oh, spare me," you said, rolling your eyes. "what are you gonna do, fucking cry about it all night?"
that was the last straw. rafe stormed over to your side of the bed, grabbed your phone, and without thinking, threw it across the room. the phone hit the wall with a loud thud before clattering to the floor. you froze, your eyes wide with shock. "are you serious, rafe?"
as soon as it happened, regret hit him like a tidal wave. your shocked expression, the way your shoulders stiffened, the tears that welled in your eyes—it all felt like a punch to the gut.
the room fell into a heavy silence, broken only by the sound of your sharp breaths as you rushed over to inspect the damage. your chest tightened when you saw the shattered screen, panic shooting through you.
"what the fuck is wrong with you?" you yelled, as you scrambled to pick up your phone. rafe immediately realized what he had done, his face falling. "shit, i-i didn't mean to-."
"you didn't mean to?" you cut him off, holding up the pieces of your broken display. "look at this, rafe! you like destroying my shit?"
"I'm sorry, baby. I wasn't thinking-"
"clearly!" you cried out, your voice cracking. "you weren't thinking at all! god, you're such an asshole." rafe carefully stepped closer, reaching out to you, desperate, "baby please, don't cry. i'll fix it. i'll get you a new one, i swear."
"get out," you snapped, shoving his hand away. "what?" rafe’s stomach dropped at your words. "I said get out, rafe," you repeated, your voice cold. "i can't even look at you right now."
"please, i'm sorry!" he pleaded. "i'll make it right. just-" but you weren't having it. "out!" you screamed, pointing to the door, tears streaming down your face.
he hesitated for a moment, looking like he wanted to fight you on it, but the look in your eyes stopped him. shoulders slumping, he finally left, the door slamming shut behind him.
for the next hour, rafe couldn't sit still. the weight of what he'd done pressed down on him, suffocating. he hated himself for losing control, for ruining the peace he'd found with you. he never wanted to become this person again, but sometimes it was hard not to fall back into his old habits.
finally, he grabbed his keys and drove to the store, his mind racing. when he returned to your house, he stood outside your door for a long moment, the weight of the new phone and bouquet of roses feeling inadequate in his hands. but he had to try.
"baby, it's me," he called softly from the other side. you didn't respond, but after another minute, the door opened, and rafe stepped in, holding the shiny new iphone in one hand and the massive bouquet of roses in the other.
"i’m sorry," he said immediately, his voice soft and filled with guilt, kneeling down infront of you, your tear-streaked face breaking his heart all over again. "i was an idiot. i shouldn't have done that." you looked up at him, still sniffling. "you think flowers and a new phone are going to fix this?"
"no," he admitted, setting them down on the bed beside you. "but i'm really fucking sorry. i hate seeing you upset—especially because of me." you sighed, wiping your eyes and glaring at him. "rafe, you can't just lose your temper like that. this isn't okay."
"i know," he said, his head dropping. "and i'm sorry. i'll do better, i promise. i don't want to mess this up. i don't want to mess us up."
for a long moment, you just stared at him, he thought you might tell him to leave again but then your expression softened slightly. "you really need to get your shit together, ray," you said finally, your voice sweeter now.
he looked up at you, his ocean-blue eyes full of regret and something softer—adoration. "i swear i'll get it together, doll. no more tantrums, no more throwing phones. i love you."
"you better mean that," you said, placing your hand on his cheek and stroking it gently. "i do," he promised, leaning into your touch. and he did mean it—because losing you wasn't an option.
and while you were still a little bit mad at rafe, you couldn't help but forgive him—because, at the end of the day, even though he was an asshole sometimes, he was your asshole.
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tags: @gibson-g1rl @girlyrafe @beausling @bambiangels @rafesheaven @rafeysbangs @rafesbowbunny @rafesangelita @chris444evr @dearapril @drewsephrry @littlelamy @maybanksbaby @sematarygirls @cherrygirlfriend @anqelrafe @plaidcowboy @inspiredangel @rafekisser @whinyangel @starzify @prncesschloe @kissyrafe @et6rnalsun @fawnhart @rafesweetie
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amayadrawz · 2 days ago
Mini comic wip???
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I had a dream the other night of a scene of Ithaqua and his mom (that’s how bad the brainrot is) that stuck with me heavy so I’ve been compelled to recreate it in comic form (hopefully).
While caring for her she unexpectedly takes off his mask (it does not end well). First three pages so far(?) dialogue is gonna be added last I suppose..
UPDATE: full comic is up here!
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starconstruction · 2 days ago
can you do a cheating creampie fanfiction with twice chaeyoung
Cheating in the Club
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Twice Chaeyoung x Male Reader (Smut)
smut tags: pussy eating, creampie, frequent references to cheating.
Word Count:1533, not proofread
The night raged on as the pumping of EDM music pounded against your skull, a cup of liquor sat in your hand. You had very little intention of drinking all that much, coming here to try to get lucky. It's been a while since you last got laid so might as well shoot your shot.
You sat at a booth, dark black leather to help masquerade the inevitable stains of various liquids. The people on the rainbow dance floor mingled into a homogeneous ball, bodies grinding up against each other as they tried to dance together. Essentially just groping each other and rocking heads together.
A strange girl busted into the bar, a space case covered iPhone in her hand as she walked around. She was inaudible from here, an obvious look of frustration on her face as she yelled something at the device.
Her shouting continued as she came closer to you, eyes able to get a good view of her. Slick black hair done up in a ponytail with a thick face of make-up all dolled up, her dress exposed her collarbone, a silver chain laying on her smooth creamy skin painted a blue from the LEDs.
"Gooooood you are such a fucking buzz kill! Every time I invite you out you reject or you fucking flake! I'm going to enjoy myself then don't worry about it!" The woman yelled, putting her phone aggressively into her purse. She looked around, eyeing up for a person to harass.
Seems like that person was you, sliding into the seat across. She looked you up and down. "Wanna buy me a drink handsome?" She smiled, turning the seduction up to 11. Voice sweet as honey and felt equally as trapping.
The mudic shifted onto something much more intense, resonating in your bones. The woman in front of you awaited a response, "Sure." perhaps she was the one you were looking for. She beamed, waiting there while you went to buy her something.
You returned, her eyes locked onto the beverage as it slid over to you. "Whiskey ay? Not a horrible choice." She teased, taking a sip of her liquid fire. "Sounds like you had an amazing time on the phone over there." You remarked.
"Yeah it's my boyfriend I keep inviting him to places but he's always 'too busy' like what the fuck I'm your girlfriend I should have priority!" She ranted, not taking a single breath as she continued. "I offered him to come out and he said he was playing Hades?! What the fuck is Hades?!" She was irate, slamming half her drink in frustration. This girl was certainly interesting, it was only now she was inches away that you could see the finer details of her beauty.
Her face was divine, carved out in Aphrodite's image. Her nails were painted a sinfully tempting red and black, all dolled up for her boyfriend. "He sounds like a dick, but tell me more about you. You are the beauty in front of me right now." You asked, her cheeks blushed at your complement. "I'm Chaeyoung, what about you hot shot?"
"Y/N." You replied.
The time slipped through your fingers as you two talked, most of it was dragging her boyfriend for everything he has done. He honestly seemed okay, just a bit lazy.
Chaeyoung had a devilish look in her eyes, "I got all shaved and ready for him! Someone is going to enjoy it! What say you? Want to come back to mine?" A twinge of shame came over you, only for a second though as you immediately nodded. "Good. Let's get moving!"
The apartment heated up as you two entered through Chaeyoung's door. Hands around each other's head as your lips crashed. Tongues fighting in an intense dual for dominance with no clear winner, your leg found its way in between Chaeyoung's legs as it pressed against her crotch.
You two pulled an inch away, catching your breath as your lips laid on each other. Breathing her alcoholic breath as you went lightheaded. "Such a better kisser than him." She rasped, hand squeezing your hair as you two went back in. Your tongue fucked her mouth, entering and leaving her cavern as it dragged against her lips.
Your leg moved as your bodies rolled into each other, clothed cock pressing into her body as you dragged your tongue across her lips, the gentle taste of strawberry doing it's best to fight the whiskey. "T-take me to my bedroom, 2nd door on the left." She whimpered, you stopped your assault on her mouth in order to see. Hands locked together as you dragged her along.
Her bedroom was neat and ordered, well maintained as the white desk laid empty. The wall was covered in various kpop acts, but that was not what you were interested in. Throwing Chaeyoung against the plush bed as she gasped. "Ugh, do what my boyfriend won't! Eat me out please!" She begged, legs lifted up.
You were more than happy to oblige, hands finding the strings of her boots. Pulling them off one at a time as her thick legs came free, your lips kissed just above her feet. You were going to make her beg for you, the dress was an impossible task to remove. The fabric fighting against you as she laughed, "Give me a second." Chaeyoung showed her expertise, it fell to her whims and laid on the floor. Body hitting her bed once more as she laid in her skimpy undergarments.
You got comfortable between her legs, pulling her panties to her ankles as you laid inches from her pussy. "What do you want Chaeyoung? Use your words now." You teased, hands rubbing up her soft thighs. "I.. Want you to eat me till I cum!" She purred, legs locking firmly onto your shoulders. "Say please, don't forget your manners." You growled, your mouth brushing against her flesh. "Please! Please please please." She begged.
Your tongue lapped at her fleshy pink cunt, basking in her taste as your tongue flicked her crotch, "God that feels so good! Your tongue is so good." She shuddered with unadulterated ecstasy. You were getting drunk on her scent, mind hazy as you played with her inner parts. "You taste so good Chaeyoung, your boyfriend doesn't deserve this pussy." You murmured against her body.
"Yeah! It's yours, all yours." She cried out, enjoying your tongue in her slippery folds. Hands grasping your hair as they pushed you further in, grinding your lips against hers. You found her clit, softly rubbing it while you sucked on her pussy. "Fuck! Jesus christ!" She responded to your actions. "Fuck fuck!" Her moans grew sharper, "I'm cumming god fuck!" She released on your tongue, screaming as Chaeyoung's body flushed a scorching red.
Her hand let you go, your wet face backing out of her legs. Chaeyoung's face was completely red, forehead saturated in sweat. "Fuck.. I've never came like that." She choked out, "Want me to return the favor?" She asked, her lips seemed inviting but you needed to fuck her now.
"No, I need to be in this cunt now." You growled, aiming you against her. Tip pressing into her hole as you sunk in slowly, pushing into her body. "Oh! You feel so big, way bigger than him!" She complemented you, inch by inch fell into her coaxing hole. Bottoming out as your crotches touched each other, firmly buried in Chaeyoung's cunt.
"I'm going to fuck this cunt! Make you forget that stupid boyfriend!" You yelled possessively, starting a consistent rhythm as hips slammed into her, "Fuck.. Fuck me hard!" She begged, each thrust becoming a harsh slap. Your hands kneaded Chaeyoung's pillowly asscheeks, squeezing the flesh as you thrusted. "Such a perfect body.." You let out involuntarily, Chaeyoung's eyes were screwed shut in pleasure.
"Yes! Fuck me!" Chaeyoung let out, unable to stay quiet as you kept pounding her sinful body, both of you were transfixed in each other's presence. Full of lust as you two leaked expletives with every in and out. "I'm gonna cum! Cum harder than he could make me!" Her words spurred you on, the rhythm once maintained completely fell apart. Irregular slams as you got closer to the pinnacle of her pleasure. "Fuck!" She screamed, tightening around you as she came undone.
You kept going while she rode out her high, "Chaeyoung.. I'm going to cum!" You yelped, thrusts even more desperate as you rode your own high. "Cum! Deep inside my body, claim it!" She demanded, you filled her walls with your desperate cum. Buried in tight as it shoots deep inside, shared guttural moans ripped through your mouths as Chaeyoung accepted your load.
You two laid entangled, cock rubbing against her inner thigh as your cum leaked into the blanket. "Go get my phone." She asked, you quickly left and returned, her legs laid spread out as her fingers showed her leaking cunt. "Take a picture, do the honours, he can see what he missed." A bright flash shot through the room as you took a picture.
Chaeyoung smirked as the phone hit the bed. "Come, let's go another round."
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