#it was from an artifact his parents had shipped back
automaticsoulharmony · 3 months
What if I watched 12 episodes of Supernaturals and am immeadiatly planning a crossover fic with Tim
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phoenixcatch7 · 4 months
Okay so I saw this post about dark percy (really him reaching his Limit and fighting full strength with everything he had) and I was imagining the potential fallout of that. Pretty bad, as you can guess.
The thing is a lot of percys strongest moments happen out of view of the olympians, especially in hoo. The hurricane atop the glacier in alaska, the poison scene in tartarus, bending the depression river and the one in the palace of nyx.
Stuff like the St Helens eruption got him washed up on an inescapable island literally removed from reality until calypso gave him the OK, the achillies curse he got tricked into losing by hera. Smaller moments, the minotaur, fighting ares, the stolen pirate ship, walking on water vs hyperion, freshwater sources, him knowing both Latin and Greek, they're more easily brushed off or at least mostly due to cunning, sword skills and sheer luck and grit.
But basically the olympians don't actually know the full extent of percys strength and divine power. They have hints - percy standing on the throne, winning against ares, his many victories - but what they aren't willing to brush aside in the heat of (an important) battle there have been pretty strong consequences for.
Heck, just look at Frank, he's no prodigy with weapons, he's polite and respectful, but his distant relation to two olympians letting him inherit shapeshifting earned him direct divine meddling and his life force tied to a hunk of half toasted firewood. Man is a honey bear with lactose intolerance and he was punished with a mythical death curse for being too strong.
If Percy's true strength came out, he would risk losing everything. His freedom, most certainly. If he wasn't straight up executed he might wind up in a Greek myth style imprisonment, the way of atlas, prometheus, calypso, or something like the myriad of ways Greek heroes met their end. Good scenario he survives a dozen curses and gets on with life with a dozen new disabilities, best case scenario he's stripped of every inch of divine power and dropped back to the mortal world, not even clear sighted. Total separation from the Greeks and Romans. Oh, annabeth would marry him either way, and his friends would hardly abandon him despite the gods wishes, but they'd hardly be able to see him, and no long range contact without the ability to IM him or vice versa.
All of that to say Percy is hiding his true strength from the gods themselves - maybe not consciously, and it's not even power he particularly wants - but if they ever find out?
It's game over.
But why is he so strong? I don't know. What I do know is that the half bloods of the books are so much stronger than the ones of myth. Used to be that divine blood would get you divine favour and a great fate whether you liked it or not. Maybe some cunning and bow skills. A spot of spell casting if you were really lucky. Achillies got his curse after he was born, Perseus had a dozen magic artifacts, orpheus had something going on but hercules is to my knowledge an outlier. Now? Everyone in camp has some special power. Flight, fire, necromancy, hypnotism, dream walking etc. However it's happening, half bloods are slowly but surely getting a lot, lot stronger every century that passes. Meta? I mean I guess. But.
What no one has done before is something that their godly parent couldn't.
Except Percy.
Except Percy, in tartarus, at his mental, emotional and physical limit, controlling poison with his mind, overpowering the goddess of poison in her home, making misery choke on misery. Feeling something in his chest crack. Doing something poseidon could not, and doing it better than the person who could.
Down there, hidden away from the gods, he evolved. For that brief moment, he did something, was something new.
And that was how the gods overthrew the titans.
And that's why they must never find out.
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bonknigirlinthehood · 7 months
//Contains canon divergence// i tried to make it as a gender neutral as possible, i think?. But yeah, if you know me i'm fond of fathers having daughters.
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Have you ever thought about the chance of Jing Yuan having a foxian as a descendant?. It was extremely thin, given only one of his parents is one. Yet how surprised he was when his wife gave birth to a beautiful foxian baby. Doctors immediately do a DNA test, of course, which obviously turns out it's true that the baby belongs to Jing Yuan. I mean, who could've mistaken that fluffy white hair and a little mole under the eyes?. If anything, the baby itself looks more like Jing Yuan than its own mother.
Now here's the catch. His baby is not a normal foxian baby. It has 9 tails. It's a nine tailed foxian.
Its birth turns the whole of Xianzhou upside down. Other alliances are notified immediately, and Luofu itself is treading between celebration and war gossip.
Nine-tailed fox, a rare species of foxian whose existence has become a legend, a fairy tale, as for millennia there are none of them ever in any of Xianzhou ships. Its story is a common legend, a story about a holy fox who could grant any wish in exchange for one of their tails. It is said each of their tails contained almost 1000 years worth of life, meaning they can exist until 9000 years or even more.
Many people sought the holy nine tailed fox tails, for immortality, health, wealth, even it is said the tails can cure mara struck.
And the fact that Jing Yuan, the general of the Luofu has the ancient species itself is very shocking and somehow understandable at the same time.
Other Xianzhou generals even came to the Luofu to see the divine fox by themselves, even giving their blessings to both the baby and their parents. Hell, even the emperor themselves has come to visit Jing Yuan.
It was such a blessing, both to Jing Yuan, his wife and everyone else in the Luofu. Yet also a very tiring time. He has to put extra security everywhere, especially his abode-, to ensure no harm comes to his family. Having a divine fox as a child means there will be endless interview requests, which he easily turned all of them down. The problem is the higher ups who can just barge into his office and have the audacity to ask him to see his baby. For the first time in years his guards at the Seat of the Divine Foresight actually had to 'work' to shoo the unwanted visitor away.
For 5 years, no media or a person can successfully have a picture of the general's infamous baby. The only picture that ever circulated around is the photo of Jing Yuan and his wife leaving the hospital with their baby in hand. Even with that photo people are barely able to see the baby fox.
So you can imagine what kind of uproar happening when suddenly, out of nowhere, the general himself is taking a walk with a toddler--a correction, a toddler with nine tails.
All of the media is immediately filled from front to the back page with the picture of Luofu general taking a walk with his child. All kinds of gossip begins circulating, but somehow also dies down pretty quickly (thanks Qingzu). After this, many other Xianzhou generals paid a visit to Luofu to see the divine fox after 5 years. Needless to say, all of them are happy to see the little foxian with the fluffy tails.
It was a common topic for the people of Xianzhou Luofu wanting to bury their heads on those white, fluffy tails. They really envy the general for being able to do that anytime he wishes (he does), to the point some people actually starting a new business on to fluffed foxian tails to be as fluffy as the general's child.
Every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, the guards in the Seat of the Divine Foresight are filled with anticipation of receiving the precious foxian into the office. They always received a lot of gifts from the general's child, and they've been taking that as a divine artifact or something like that (even though it's just a normal flower or a pretty pebbles that look like a gem) to them, receiving such a gift is a blessing on itself--i mean, who would reject a gift from a divine fox??.
Jing Yuan's quality time with his little one is taking care of those nine tails. It was a lot of work. He even commissioned a special drying machine from the Artisanship Commission so he could practically skip the drying process after giving his baby a bath.
Many lotions, shampoos, and perfumes used are handmade and specially crafted for the little fox uses. They have to make sure the one and only general's heir is getting the best treatment, you know!.
Many Xianzhou alliances have been asking Jing Yuan about the possibility of sending the divine fox as a temporary priestess, giving blessings to other Xianzhou ships. Jing Yuan was not particularly fond of the idea, but he knew the importance of having the blessing of the holy species that barely exists in the whole universe, so he proposed a condition; his child needed to be at least half of a century first, and he HAS to accompany the trip. This means during his leave, Fu Xuan will be his acting general for a while. There will be a temple build exclusively for the said holy species. It was a grand, majestic temple that only exist in Luofu--and now has become a major tourist attraction. Most of the attendants are foxian of course, but there are also normal long life species working there. And just like the father, the famous foxian child of the general is also like to skip work. His wife already scold him several times about it, but it seems like an apple never falls down far from the tree i guess..., the holy priestess somehow always found a way to sneak out of the temple and hide somewhere to play with general's favorite lion, Mimi. But one thing for certain, Jing Yuan's beloved child is already using one of the tails to extend his lifespan, so he can be there longer for his family.
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weirdmorefics · 7 months
Hi! Can I send in a request for being another timelord who travels with the 9th doctor and Rose Tyler being like a sister figure to Y/N?
A/N- Yes yes yes!!! I have actually had an idea for something like this just hadn't written it yet.
Readers Pronouns- She/Her
Word Count- 3.9k
Summary- (BASED ON S1 E6) The Doctor and Rose find themselves in a bunker in Utah full of alien artifacts. They are shocked to find some of these artifacts are alive and not here of their own free will. You just so happen to be one of these artifacts.
The Slightly Behind Timelord
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I used to keep track of how many days I'd been chained and experimented on but the days quickly turned into months and the months turned to years. I've long since lost hope of ever returning to Gallifrey. It was in shambles when I was last home, the war was constant. I was a coward and stole my parent's Tardis to escape from having to fight. A stupid coward who didn't check if it was in working condition to only have crashed and ended up imprisoned by a man who I know as Mr. Van Statten. I should have stayed and fought then at least I would have died with dignity.
I have refused to talk since my arrival. I may have betrayed Gallifrey by fleeing but I refuse to make things worse than they already are there. Nevertheless, Mr. Van Statten comes and talks to me every single day asking about about my ship. They have dissected the TARDIS piece by piece. I secretly hope it burns them alive. When Mr. Van Statten inevitably gets nothing out of me he sends in a man an orange suit to torture it out of me. It never works but they do not stop.
Today was different they had a new man with them, he was restrained and they strapped him to the walls like me. I wonder if this was a new torture strategy.
"Look here we got you a friend maybe now you will do some talking," Van Statten says cheerfully.
I look at the man with pity knowing they are going to torture him as well. Van Statten's men unchain me and drag me to the other side of the room. I don't even fight them anymore I don't have the energy to spare.
Van Statten powers up his inhumane X-ray and says, "Smile!"
The man screams in pain as the red beam scans him and Van Statten smiles in glee at the results.
"Two hearts! A binary vascular system! Here I thought you were special," he shouts a glare in my direction and the man chained up widens his eyes.
The man doesn't look at Van Statten but puts his focus on me, "Where are you from?"
"No point in talking to her she hasn't spoken since we tore her from the rubble of her ship. She put up quite the fight when we started dissembling her ship screaming you are killing her. Then not a single word," he sighs in disappointment shaking his head at me. "I would get rid of her now that I have you but I need more information about the ship."
I suck in a breath they kill without care here, I wonder if everyone on this planet is like that. The man chained is certainly not from here maybe he can get me out. However, he is looking at me like I am unreal so perhaps not.
If looks could kill Van Statten would certainly be dead from this man's fiery gaze, "You're not a collector you're a scavenger."
"This technology has been falling to earth for centuries I am simply just making use of it. Oh the advances I've made from alien junk you have no idea, Doctor," he grins but I quickly interrupt.
I gasp, "The Doctor! Has Gallifrey won the war! How are you here?"
Van Satten's grin turns to a full-blown smile, "First you make the Dalek talk now my longest surviving exhibit! You truly are something!"
"there- there is uh... a Dalek here," I whisper afraid to speak their name.
The Doctor looks at me eyes full of guilt and astonishment, he still looks at me as if I am not here.
"Thank you again Doctor so much for getting her to talk keep her talking for me why don't you? Since you all seem so scared of said Dalek, I think I will go back and try to have a word with it. I find fear is the best motivator to get people spending, " Van Statten is practically glowing with joy and I wish I could smack the joy right off.
The Doctor wrestles with his chains trying to break free, "You can't go in there with it! Now that it knows that I am here it will come looking for me! No one on this planet will be safe!"
His screams fill me with fear if I could throw up right now I would but they hardly ever feed me so there is nothing to throw up so I end up hyperventilating. Mr. Van Statten ends up shocking the Doctor and his angry words are replaced with painful screams.
I struggle against my chains screaming at the top of my lungs, "He tells the truth! You don't stand a chance against the Daleks! The war lasted centuries on Gallifrey here you will be lucky to last day!"
Van Statten looks at me in awe, "Wow full sentences maybe you will prove useful after all these years."
Nothing I say to this psychotic man will ever get into that thick skull of his, I would facepalm if my hands weren't shackled to the wall.
Alarms sound and angry red lights flash, my heart sinks, it's to late.
The Doctor's tone shifts from begging to demanding, "Release me if you want to live."
Van Statten quickly makes work of the chains holding the Doctor down and runs for the door.
The Doctor points to me, "Forgetting someone?"
Van Statten waves him off, "We haven't the time!"
"You need all the information you can get on Daleks, let her out now!" he shouts leaving no room for questions and Van Statten quickly does the command.
My legs feel like jelly as we run into the elevator I can't remember the last time I've walked unchained let alone run. I felt so out of place, especially in a ratty hospital gown.
"You have to keep it caged," he shouts to Van Statten's lackeys.
"Doctor it's all my fault," a blonde says apologetically on the screen.
A guard informs us that he has sealed off the exits and the lock as a million combos no way the thing's getting out. I shake my head at his idiocy I just hope this blonde girl is also a timelord, the more the better.
"Daleks are genius they can figure out a billion combinations in ten seconds flat." The Doctor informs.
The Dalek quickly figures out how to exit the moment I see it on the screen I cover my mouth in horror.
"Don't shoot I want it unharmed!" Van Statten shouts.
"Are you that dense! You would rather a whole planet die than lose a collection piece!" I shout at the man who held me captive for years and swing a punch at his face which earns me the pleasant crunch noise from his nose.
two guards pull me away from him as I smile for the first time in ages. The Doctor doesn't seem to notice the commotion shouting for the blonde whose name is apparently Rose to run.
I look back to the screen to see the Dalek destroying the screen connection. I feared the sucker would go right through the screen and appear before me like a Weeping Angel. I stumbled backward but the guards just tugged harder to keep me in place. I groaned in response to the uncomfortable position.
The Doctor's head whipped in the direction of the noise in high alert, "let her go! You are focused on the wrong alien here!"
The guards look to Van Statten for his approval, "She's got one hell of a right hook, I'll give her that... drop her.
The guards took this a little too literally and dropped me directly on my ass, as the others make their way to the computer.
"Oh my god, it's draining the whole power supply," the woman with us gasped.
"It's not just the energy it's the whole internet, it knows everything," The Doctor states.
"Cameras in the vault our down," the woman relays.
"It's going to absorb everything," I sigh
"We have to kill it now!" The Doctor shouts.
We watch soldiers die again and again through the surveillance cameras. It's Gallifrey all over again I can't escape it, but maybe I can help this time instead of running away.
"Tell them to stop shooting!" Van Statten says but I am seriously praying this is a very cruel joke.
"But it's killing them!" The woman shouted back.
"They're dispensable that Dalek is unique. I don't want a single scratch on it!" he shouts to the lifeless soldiers.
I clench my fists, "You are asking me to hurt you! You are putting lives over a killer," I shout getting in his face his guards instantly stand up preparing for me to strike him again which probably wasn't far off thinking.
"He's an idiot we need to focus," The Doctor interrupts and I return my gaze to the map as they discuss alien weapons.
"There has to be a way to keep it alive, maybe we trap it down there-"
The Doctor cuts him off, "Leaving everyone trapped with it? Rose is down there. I won't let that happen, have you got that?"
That seems to shut Van Statten up for once thank god.
"Who is Rose? Is she from Gallifrey? Did you two come here to stop the last Dalek? Does that mean Gallifrey is safe again?" I ramble many questions at once.
"Doesn't talk for years now you don't shut up," he glares at me like this whole situation is somehow my fault.
The Doctor frowns, "Leave her be Statten." He ignores my questions and tells them to arm all the soldiers with alien weapons it's the only way to beat it. Then he directs the soldiers on how to kill a Dalek always aim for the eye the soldiers shut him down.
"I can't help but think everyone on this planet is insanely dense," I sigh.
The doctor smirks, " There are some good humans out there, you wouldn't know being stuck here with these imbeciles."
Van Statten's glare burns into The Doctor I feel the heat of the glare just from the proximity.
"We have visuals again," the woman informs and all of our eyes dart to the computer.
"It wants us to see," The Doctor growled.
We all stare in shock as the Dalek uses the sprinklers to electrocute and kill all the soldiers at once.
"Perhaps we should consider a different strategy like abandoning the place," Van Statten nervously stumbles over his words. I had never seen him like this he always seemed confident when torturing me. If this were any other situation I would be overjoyed to see him like this. I wish I was the one to make him feel like this, not the Dalek.
The woman glares at him, "Except there's no power to the helipad, sir."
"You said we could seal the vault," The Doctor interrupts their glaring showdown.
"There's not enough power!" she shouts.
"There's emergency power we could redirect it to the bulkhead door," The Doctor defends.
"It would take a computer genius to get through the security codes!" The woman says frustrated.
"Good thing you got me," Mr. Van Statten smiles.
"You wanna help?" The Doctor asks shocked.
"No there is no way he wants to help! It is physically impossible he has no empathy. This has to be a trick!" I shout.
"It's not out of empathy, I don't want to die as simple as that. This could have been avoided if you talked in the first place. I would have known what it was capable of years ago." He shouts back at me.
The camera turns back on and the Dalek's voice fills the room, "I shall only speak to the doctor."
"You are gonna get rusty," he responds to the Dalek who still getting soaked by the sprinkler system.
"I don't think now is a great time for jokes Doctor," I whisper.
"I fed off the DNA of Rose Tyler. Extrapolating the biomass of a time-traveler regenerated me," the Dalek speaks.
"What's your next trick," the Doctor rolls his eyes.
"I have been searching for the Daleks," it responds.
"Yeah, I saw downloading the entire internet. What did you see?" He saunters around the table.
"I searched your radio signals and telescopes," it responds.
I anxiously pick at the scabs already forming from when I punched Satten. What will happen if this Dalek happens to find more Daleks? What if he isn't the last one.
The Doctor seems completely unphased, "and find anything?"
"Nothing, Where shall I get my order from now!" It screams loudly.
"Nothing but a solider without any commands," the Doctor teases.
I look at him in shock he can't possibly think it's a good thing to rile up at a Dalek more.
"Then I shall follow my primary order, the Dalek instinct to conquer and destroy," it responds.
"What for! What's the point!" The Doctor shouts his facade slipping. "Don't you see everything is gone, everything you stood for."
"Then what should I do?" The Dalek actually seemed to have an emotion other than hatred. Many emotions. I would have felt bad for it if not for all they have done against Gallifrey.
"Alright, then. If you want orders follow this one. Kill yourself," the doctor responds coldly.
I look up at him with wide eyes this is not the Doctor they spoke of on Gallifrey the mischievous one who was too smart for his own good. This Doctor was cold and harsh with his words.
"The Daleks must live on," the Dalek shouts in a familiar rage that all Daleks have.
"The Daleks have failed! Why don't you finish the job and make the Daleks extinct! Rid the universe of your filth! Why don't you just die, " The Doctor shouts back such cruel words that I am worried that the Dalek will retaliate immediately.
"You would make a good Dalek," it responds and I think I have officially heard the worst insult anyone could make toward a Gallifreyian.
I put my hand on the Doctor's arm, " I am so sorry."
The Doctor does not look at me he looks broken but yells to Statten, "Seal the vaults!"
"She's still down there," the woman whispers to the doctor.
He calls Rose on his phone to get updates on her location he cares so much about this Rose she has to be a Time Lady like me. I can't imagine the Doctor having much time to visit other planets after the war.
He relays to her that he can't stop the gate from closing she has to run. He waits as long as he can and apologizes before shutting the vault. He frantically asks if she made it but his face quickly sets into a deep frown.
He quickly pulls off his earpiece, "I killed her."
Van Statten says, "I'm sorry." I have never heard him say sorry before I haven't heard the word sorry in so long it sounds foreign.
"I was supposed to protect! She was only here because of me! And you're sorry? I could have killed that Dalek in its cell but you stopped me."
"It was the prize of my collection!" He defended.
I shook my head hard, "You valued your collection over life you are disgusting."
"Man goes to space to be part of something greater," the Doctor spits.
"Exactly! I wanted to touch the stars! That's why I kept her here!" he points to me. "If you think about it, it is all her fault none of this would have happened if she told me how her ship worked."
The Doctor shook his head, "You just wanted to drag the stars underground! Of course, she wouldn't talk you enslaved her and experimented on her! You are about as far from the stars as you can get!" His angry screams turned to sorrowful sighs, "And you took Rose down with you she was nineteen years old."
"She's so young can she not regenerate?" I ask sadly.
"She's human," he sighs.
I can't understand what a timelord is doing traveling with humans I understand now is not the time for questions.
The elevator doors open and the Doctor is quick to yell at the man for leaving his companion behind.
The monitor turns back on the Dalek holding its weapon to the back of the girl, "Open the vault or Rose Tyler dies."
The doctor gasps, "You're alive!"
"Can't get rid of me that easily," she teases.
"I thought you were dead," he shouts.
The Dalek interrupts, "Open the vault!"
"Don't" she begs.
"What use are emotions, if you will not save the woman you love," the Dalek states. Curious what does a Dalek know about love?
"I killed her once, I can't do it again," he states as he presses the button.
This is most certainly not the Doctor who was infamous in Gallifrey how long have I been missing. I hear Van Satten shouting but none of it really matters anymore. The Dalek will kill us and I have been missing so long that no one back home will know the difference. I am not going down without a fight. If my life didn't mean something hopefully my death can.
I adjust my posture to appear taller, "You collect all these dangerous aliens so where are your dangerous alien weapons?"
The woman shouts at me "All the weapons are in the vault!"
"Only the cataloged ones," Van Statten's employee smiles at me. I can't help the blush that appears on my face I can't remember the last time someone smiled at something I said.
The Doctor nods his head at me, "Good idea." He still looks at me like I'm a figment of his imagination and will disappear soon.
We left Van Statten and his assistant upstairs and went to the basement for weapons. The doctor tosses the weapons that are useless but finds a gun which relieves some of my anxiety.
"Stay here! I'll come back for you as soon as I handle the Dalek!" He demands
"You are out of your mind! I've been locked here for years and you're the first timelord I've seen here! If you think I am letting you fight a Dalek alone you're mental!" I shout back it feels strange screaming at anyone after refusing to speak for so long even weirder to scream at a war hero from my own planet.
He takes a deep breath trying to control his rage, "I don't have time for this! I can't have you dying while I am saving Rose!"
I shove him, hold my head high, and walk right by him, "I have more regenerations left than you old man."
He jogs to catch up to me, "No convincing you?"
"God you sound like my parents when I stole their Tardis," I groan as we jog up the stairs.
He smirks, "I stole a Tardis myself once."
"Now that's a story I have to hear," I grin wide.
"Another day," he sighs as we quietly enter the room with the Dalek and Rose.
The Doctor steps in front of me "Rose get out of the way now!"
"No, I won't let you do this," she frowns.
I stare wide-eyed at her she can't be saying this does she know of the war on Galifrey why wouldn't the Doctor have told her.
"That thing killed thousands of people!" He shouts.
"It's not the one pointing a gun at me," she snaps and I kind of want to throttle this girl.
"I've got to do this the Daleks destroyed my home! My people! I've got nothing left!" He shouts.
My head whips to face the Doctor, "What do you mean nothing." My voice shakes no matter how hard I try to remain calm. "We didn't win the war? How are you here then?"
I turn back to the Dalek, "Did they win?"
I stomp towards the Dalek and the doctor pleads with me to wait. Rose looks at me nervously I guess I can still look scary in a hospital gown and no weapon of my own. When she steps out of the way I freeze in my spot I've never seen a Dalek out of its exoskeleton.
"What is it doing?" This has to be a ploy, one they use to seem weaker then snap. Though a Dalek would never do that they need to feel superior or they are nothing.
"It's the sunlight that's all it wants," Rose defends the Dalek as it reaches its hand to the sun I back up. This is not normal behavior.
The Doctors' gaze follows, "But it can't..."
"It couldn't kill me or Van Statten it's changing!" Rose defends yet again. "And what about you Doctor what the hell are you changing into?"
I whip to Rose, "You have no right! You have no idea what these Daleks did to our home!"
"Our?" She questions.
"Why do we survive?" The Dalek asks. "I am the last of the Daleks."
"You're not even that, you absorbed Rose's DNA. You are mutating," the Doctor explains.
"Into what?" it responds.
"Something new," he replies.
I frown I am happy that there are no more Daleks but this is truly a Dalek's worst nightmare.
"I am sorry," The Doctor sighs.
"isn't that better?" Rose asks.
"Not for a Dalek," why am I feeling sorry for the Dalek they destroy everything it's their goal. I can't help but relate to it when we have been stuck in the same prison for years... I thought about burning this whole place down myself.
"So many ideas, so much darkness. Give me orders! Order me to die Rose," the Dalek says pained.
She shakes her head, "No I can't."
"This is not life! This is sickness. I shall not be like you. Order me to die. Obey! Obey! Obey!" The dalek screams and I can't help but step a few feet back the words reminding me of hearing the constant battlefield noises out my childhood window on Gallifrey.
"Do it," she says.
"Are you frightned Rose Tyler?"
"So am I, Exterminate." The Dalek floats up and prepares to self destruct as Rose and I run away from it.
I fall to the ground as I watch the Dalek explode all the adrenaline I once had fades out of me. I look up to the Doctor, "What do you mean you have no one?"
His pitiful gaze that he sent me when he first found out I was Timelord made sense now as he responds, There's no more Gallifrey... no more Daleks. The whole planet gone."
I can sob " I should have stayed home. I should have never ran away. If I stayed at least I would have gone with my family." I turn to the doctor but can barely see him through my tears. "Is there really no other Timelords?"
Rose quickly gets onto the floor and rubs my back, "hey you never know! The Doctor thought he was the only Timelord left but here you are! Plus you get to constantly prove the Doctor was wrong not many people get the oppurtunity."
I sniffle, "That's true, and I do love proving people wrong."
"There you go," she soothes. "We will get you a good cup of tea my Mum always says tea cure anything," She helps me to feet.
"You are really good at this comforting thing. Is she always this sweet?" I ask the Doctor.
The Doctor seems to have glossy eyes as well but hides his emotions well, "Yeah, that's why I keep her around."
"Hey!" she shoves him.
"The grief is very heavy right now but I am thankful to be surrounded by such light that could even turn a Dalek's cold heart warm.
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grimtab · 16 days
"Loving Backstabber" Yandere Jake x Fem Reader (Pokemon Brick Bronze) Part 2
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You had just defeated the Anthian Gym and when you noticed the absence of Jake as the crowd congratulated you, it felt unnerving. Not to mention the strange earthquake that happened during the battle, but it made it more epic.
You check your phone, it was a message from Jake, 58 minutes ago.
(whatever contact you gave to Jake read):
"I'm going to be back. I love you so much."
The messages you sent after were unread and so was the phone call you attempted.
Where was he? You exited the Gym., being greeted with a warm and dark night
Suddenly, you found Tess and her uncle in a bit of a hurry to get to you. You greeted them with a smile, which they returned weakly. They congratulated you for your victory in the badge with a slightly upset face.
"Y/N, Jake ran after Team Eclipse," Tess said with a dismal expression. What? "What!?" You couldn't contain your shock. Jake? Who barely left your side? Just ran off?
"The Team Eclipse ship flew by an hour ago. He wanted to challenge Team Eclipse by himself. I ran into him while he was running off into Park District. I tried to tell him it was a foolish idea but he didn't listen." Tess's uncle muttered.
Jake was always getting into risky shit to prove himself to you.
"We have to find him," Tess said as her uncle shook his head, disagreeing as our safety could be at risk. "Jake is at fault, we should not play into it as you two might get harmed." Tess reassured, "No actually- Y/N is pretty strong. I mean- she just got the badge less than an hour ago."
You couldn't believe Jake got captured. God damnit. He was always by your side and while battling the gym leader, he ran off to find the Team Eclipse and for what?? You pinched the bridge of your nose as you groaned. That explains why he wasn't picking up the calls..
"Jake said he wanted to protect you and save your parents, I would say it's noble but also dumb by him going alone..!" The purple-haired girl muttered, crossing her arms with an anxious face. "Let's hope Team Eclipse doesn't find him much of a threat and simply kick him out of their area of operations." You heard her uncle say.
You try to make sense of things as Tess tries to convince Gerard to let you and her go on the mission to save Jake. Suddenly- the ground shakes as your Pokémon stabilizes you. A huge, and I mean Jesus- it was the size of a football stadium of a ship passes overboard. Is that?
"The Team Eclipse ship, again? What are they planning!?" Tess panics as other civilians lean on their Pokémon or objects. "To steal the museum artifact," Gerard nods as he looks at us, his hand pulling out a steel key. "This is the basement key to my shop, it leads to the sewers. I saw many of them pass by the housing district, so I recommend being sneaky about things. I think they docked the ship at the parking district."
Tess thanks Gerard and converses with him one last time as you both head back to his shop while Gerard says goodbye, wanting to check on a few of his friends.
"Jake is pretty protective of you, huh? I mean, to be the knight in shining armor." Tess chuckled as you two make your way down the stairs which led to a door. You nodded, smiling, "Yeah, he sometimes goes overboard with things, but I do love him." Your nose stung of the smell coming faintly from the door. Ew.. you were about to open the door to the sewers when suddenly Tess grabs your hand and squeals. "Oh my god Jake proposed to you?" You rubbed your neck in embarrassment.
annoyingly you make way through the sewers
dude threes Pokémons every 5 steps
and every 5 steps you keep getting anxious of what's going on with Jake and if he's safe or not
Tess reassures you he is fine and will hold up. She doesn't really know Jake well but she's still friendly and wants everyone to be fine
You covered your nose with an article of clothing so you were still at a good performance of battle
After a few hours and so you reach to the end
It's a shitshow.
When you saw the door, you wanted to jump through it-
"Y/N remember that we need to assess the situation first. You were just nervous as how Jake is doing. You couldn't handle the uncertainty anymore. You slowly opened the door, your anxiety high. Garbage bags. Just everywhere. You sighed as Tess patted your shoulder.
You two walked for a minute until your heart jumped out your chest. Jake.
You were speechless. It was the end of the floating Anthian City and the big ship behind Jake, and 5 Team Eclipse members. Jake looked distraught. You ran towards the scene, Tess following behind you.
"-you could use it to your advantage too, Jake, we see the way you're always over her, furious when someone talks to her- we've been watching you two and we can help ya."
It was tempting to Jake. To have you to himself forever. But he didn't know what you'd feel if he stripped your liberty like that
he still has to marry you..
Jake scowled, shook his head. "I can't betray y/n like that- she means everything to me- you kidnapped her parents! You're using my love for her to try and force me-"
Killing lots of birds with one stone, actually
The admin of the eclipse clicked his tongue. "But you could have her to yourself, no one would ever lay a hand on her if you joined us and took her with yo-" The admin stopped talking as he hears the footsteps behind him. "... Well if it isn't the infamous Y/N, and uhh.. random purple hair girl."
you enter the scene, all heads turning towards you. "Y/N!" Jake shouted, grinning in relief. He attempted to rush to you but was held back by a few members of the Team Eclipse. barely overhearing them as the admin abruptly stopped. "I have a name, and it's Tess." Jake's smile dropped.
Tess? She's here, again?! You've got to be kidding me!
Jake was upset. You seriously are with Tess? after he expressed his distaste for her-
He snapped out of his thoughts- "Let Jake go and I won't beat your asses to a pulp." You said, which made the admin scoff, "Yeah? And what will you do? You're fragile" "Nah, you just need a eye check." You retaliated which made some of the members laugh, "Shut up imbeciles!" The red haired admin shouted as he looked back at me, "Well I'll be damned," He glanced back at you and Jake, "But you're too late, you can't save your lover. The boss doesn't like waiting, we're taking your Jake as hostage, Y/N. Oh and your parents said they miss you." He snickered as you get ready to pounce on him-
"Love, don't give in- he's trying to get on your nerves, trust me, he's good at that." Jake sneered as he glared at the red haired fuck, trying to struggle out of the two members grips. "Y/n! please, I'm sorry, I tried to save your parents but I wasn't strong enough! I thought my training for my Pokémons were enough!" Jake confessed, on the brink of tears as he looked at you.
Owhhh Jake baby..
"ʸᵒᵘ ᶜᵒᵘˡᵈ ᵈᵒ ʷʰᵃᵗᵉᵛᵉʳ ʸᵒᵘ ʷᵃⁿᵗᵉᵈ ᵗᵒ ʰᵉʳ ᶦᶠ ʸᵒᵘ ʲᵘˢᵗ ʲᵒᶦⁿᵉᵈ ᵘˢ, ᶦᵗ ʷᵒᵘˡᵈ ᵐᵃᵏᵉ ᵉᵛᵉʳʸᵗʰᶦⁿᵍ ᵉᵃˢᶦᵉʳ." The male with brown hair holding Jake back whispered to him. Jake stopped struggling. His shoulders slouched as he looked at the floor with glassy eyes. He was dampened and perplexed.
"Jake, you'll be okay!" You said with a desperate voice.
You glared at the red haired admin spewing random shit about your parents. "God you look like Satan's pubes-" you start but suddenly the next thing you see truly shocked you. The gates of the ship opened and came a familiar figure. Brown hair, glasses, no mistake, that was the man who taught you about Pokémons and gave you and Jake your first one. "Ah, Y/N, pleasant surprise," He glanced at you and then Jake, "Your Jake is here too," He said as he walked down the steep. "I'm afraid the game has gone long enough," The manner he walked in was oddly formal. It was uncanny. Standing in the circle of the members. "Professor Cypress?!" Jake exclaimed, his eyes widened as he glared at him.
"Haha, I guess I should explain." He muttered as he looks back at me.
You couldn't process what's happening, just bits and bits. He's the architect and leader of the grand Team Eclipse. He continued to ramble on about how Pokémons should live in harmony and how trainers abuse their Pokémons and shit
Anger was rising in you, he took your parents away and played pretend with you
"Fuck you! You took my parents away and you played the sympathy card!" You cried out. "It was crucial for the progress in my goals, don't fret Y/N. You had multiple chances to join us, to see your parents but you continue to refuse. So I ask again," Professor Cypress showed no empathy, just had a stoic expression on his face. "Will you join?"
"No." You scoffed, acting like he asked the most dumbest shit on earth, which he looked unamused. Jake looked at you, his face upset.
"I agree that trainer's shouldn't abuse their Pokémons but kidnapping people isn't the way to go!" He ignored your comment and then he dropped the bomb on you,
"Ah yes, we felt unwelcomed in this city so we left a present. The city will blow up on our departure." What.. "You're going to kill Y/n!" Jake was distraught, he was struggling again, trying to make his way to you.
After a few minutes of Jake panicking for you, Tess arguing with the Professor, you felt weird. Like something was watching you.
"Get everyone on board and ready to go." Professor Cypress's words snapped you out of your thoughts. "Yes sir." The one with a golden money hat nodded. You shook your head. "No- Jake, NO!" You shouted as Jake did the same. He was incredibly upset that someone's trying to separate you and him. "YOU CAN'T TAKE ME- NO Y/N!" Jake got dragged away by 2 members. you didn't even notice you were trying to rush to Jake but were held by member of the team. She pushed you back as you stumbled slightly, glaring at her. "I'll kill you-" You started but Professor Cypress interrupted you, "Get the ship started. Seems like Y/N here won't leave without a fight, even though I've told her I disagree with the approach." He ordered the girl of Team Eclipse.
What was watching you? Absol
Tess gives you the mega keystone, earning you an advantage in the battle
The battle went on for 20-30 minutes, you defeating him.
"you may have won the battle but not the war"
you were furious
You were atleast 20 feet away from him as you put your Pokémon back in your pokeball again.
"Turn the bomb off! I've won!" You exclaimed, your finger slicing through air as you point at him as Tess just watches in shock
"I told you it was fruitless to combat me against my principles but you didn't listen."
He runs off on the ship with you and Tess chasing him
"I hope you choke on your diahreea ass hair!!" You screamed at the ship, your face red.
"Y/n-" Tess tries to call out to you but then the ground shakes. Oh fuck- right, the bomb! "I'm scared! Y/n!!" Tess clings onto you.
"Y/n, your necklace just sparked!"
Suddenly two purple portals with grey borders appear infront of you.....
Dialga and Palkia. What in the ass
Time paused
you were brought back to the sewers laboratory, it seemed like the Pokémons wanted to help you after all.
You rushed through the lab with Tess and found yourself face to face with the man that had a gold money hat
defeating him obviously was easy
you were back at where you were just at.
At the edge of the city and the ship had already left, so there was.. nothing you could do more.
"Fuck, I.. should've ran quicker."
Tess reassured you that you shouldn't be so hard on yourself and there's not much you could've done
After meeting up with Tess's uncle (again) he shared some information with you and how you should start to go to Crescent Island where their hideout base is. He told you the routes you two should go to. You nodded weakly, just thinking of Jake.
So.. now Tess was with you for the time being
It's been a few days on the route and you've been getting depressed.
You always stare at the ring your beloved Jake has given you, only for it to serve no purposes because it can't bring Jake in front of you
You and Tess have grown on each other, she's always caring for you and is there to comfort you.
When you cried about Jake, she just sat with you and reassure you that you'll reunite soon
Your Pokémons miss Jake too
Aredian City
This route was by far the most annoying. everytime you stepped into the sand, a Pokémon would appear. You've been on edge.
It took a week and a half to get to the city. The sandstorms were brutal, causing you and Tess to camp out on tents and such.
You stop at the entrance of the city's battle gym. Guards were protecting it
"Sorry miss, the captain's not here. Problem with Team Eclipse, hope you can understand." Those words hit your chest. Ugh.
Tess glanced at the guards and back to you, noticing your sour face
"Where are they?" You stepped up, crossing your arms
He gives you a map, thanking you
Aredian ruins, you were stomping the whole way there and thankfully you had your repellant otherwise you'd be death glaring at every Pokémon you came across
Trudging through the thick sand, you came across a ruin temple.
You heard commotion from outside
Tess looked at you nervously as you stomped your way in, immediately turning all heads on you
"Oh shit it's Jake's girl and the purple haired npc again" You heard one of the members of Team Eclipse say as your eye twitched. "Where. The fuck is Jake!?" You shouted as you walked up to the members. They looked smug, like they knew something you didn't. "He's cozy, more than you think, Y/N."
There was a guy with a blue roman helmet dressed in blue who looked at you awkwardly. "So you guys have history." He muttered as he turned to team eclipse. "I'm the gym leader, I was informed someone would come to help," the guy in blue said as a matter of fact, "Well they're stealing the family jewel, which has been passed down generations to generations for their selfish plan.. Y/n?" The family jewels- you blinked at his pants- oh OH nevermind the JEWEL jewel that one of the members of the eclipse were holding. Which was the girl with ponytails as she stuck out her tongue. "Put that nasty shit away." I spoke in disgust as she awkwardly listened. You glanced at him, nodding.
You won the battle with little effort. You take your Pokémon back in your pokeball as you look at the members for answers. They started complaining about losing, then spewed shit about how Pokémons shouldn't be abused and then gave the jewel back to the Prince..
"Shut up, for fuck's sake. Talk too much. Where's Jake, I need to see him. And now. I've defeated you in every of your battles, I deserve an answer." Arms crossed, a stoic expression remained on your face. You just wanted your dumb lover back, why is it so hard. "Shordy, I answered your question, anyways TEAM ECLIPSE NIGERUNDAYOO" The 4 dumbass cowards ran away as you chased after them, but unfortunately your repel wore off so you got caught in an encounter. Thankfully Tess was still chasing after them but you did lose her.
After a day, Tess catches up to you and tells you they ran off to their ship, once again
You decide to battle the gym leader
After a professional battle which lifted your mood, the Prince, you came to known, asked you a question
"I wanted to talk to you about the Team Eclipse," He asked you as you nodded nervously. You examined the pretty badge. "I'd assume Jake is your lover, and, fiancé." He said, glancing at the ring. "Yeah, I.. he got captured a few weeks ago. I miss him." You didn't want to cry. But you had the urge to let out your bottled emotions on this stranger you knew for like a day. "I know he's missing you like hell too. He's trying to get back to you."
Those words rang in your head.
You and Tess set off for Fluoroma  citayy
The smell was so pleasant, it calmed you down.
You could consider Tess your close friend now, obviously she didn't know all about you, but the fact that she was here mattered a lot, she was an angel
She was a bit older than you too (you are 18, Jake and Tess are 19)
Defeated the gym
Tess and you celebrate the day with some cake, she always was fond of strawberry cake and she likes those weird cherry things on top
You figured you would trade with some people as Tess nodded, suggesting that she'd go on ahead and wait for you at the end of Route 14 as she wanted to catch a new Pokémon for her team.
You were starting to gain hope to find Jake and rescue him back to have him in your arms.
"Call me if you need anything, Y/N." Tess says as she hugs you tightly. She steps back. "Don't be too long." With a wave, the glass doors slide as she walked away. You sighed, fiddling with the ring on your finger as you turn around.
After a few hours, satisfied with trading, you were walking through the door to Route 14.
Route 14.
It was a pretty cave with glowing, vibrant crystals plastered onto the wall. There was dripping sound faintly somewhere in the cave, though you couldn't make it where. You were halfway there. The cave was getting darker as you walked.
You feed your pokeamons some sweets, heading further into the cave. you sigh, shivering a bit.. "We're almost to Tess guys. I'll get us someplace to rest, maybe an apartment for a week or something." you walked purposefully as your Pokémons explored the cave, closely to you. you turn a corner- suddenly your stance in a defense potion as you look, far away, Tess..? and a group of- Team Eclipse! Your jaw is set firm, your gaze on them not unwavering. They were infront of the cave exit, it was bright as day around them.
You silently put your Pokémons back in your pokeball as you approached the team, hiding in the darker parts of the cave.
"So you're not going to let me pass?" You heard Tess say. From what you could tell, there was Tess and three team eclipse members. One of them had a bandana and a hood, barely seeing his face, while one had brown hair and the other a golf cap? Ugly shit man.
"Just tell us where Y/N is, and we will leave you alone. I have no use for you." The man in the hood declared tirelessly. He had a familiar voice but was mostly muffled from the bandana. "No! You won't get away with this, You took her family, and our friend Jake!" The guy in the hood rolled his eyes. "You are making this more difficult, purple haired bitch." He cursed her under his breath. It's been 3 weeks without Y/n, and he was growing more agitated. His fingers drummed on his cloak, suddenly--
"I'm right here." You sluggishly stepped out the shadows, hands in pockets as your eyes fixated at Team Eclipse. The man in the hood's eyes widened a bit. His shoulders squared as he stood his height, tall and firm. Under your eyes there were dark circles and bags, like you've barely slept, your frame looked more fragile and a bit weaker, paler. It made his heart ache.
It wasn't obvious to a naked eye but he knew you better than you knew yourself. Your hair was slightly a bit messy, but what he noticed, was the anger in your glassy eyes. "I.. -" The hooded dude cleared his throat, his voice wavering slightly, he couldn't just reveal his identity, he had to convince you to come back to him first. He couldn't just ruin the plan and make it harder than it is
"Look who it is, Y/n." one of the minions beside hooded man said, earning a glare from the one whose concealing his identity.
"Y/n, thank god you're here!" Tess cried as she jumped to hug you. You weakly return the hug. You didn't notice the shooting daggers at the interaction. He felt a knot tighten in his stomach just looking at you and Tess be so close. That used to be you and him. He wished death upon Tess. The hatred for Tess has been etched into her being from his thinking.
"That's enough." The voice boomed, his tone clipped as the man stepped closer, his piercing eyes looking at you. You cross your arms and glare at him. After a moment of silence.
"Jake. Where. is he?" Oh how delighted he was to hear that. His anger simmered as his glare softened. He smiled softy under the bandana. You actually still care about him. "Jake? He's doing fine." You didn't know yet the man you were talking about was a few feet away from you. "We are here to offer membership in Team Eclipse's group."
Your lips parted slightly, your eyebrows furrowing. "You've gotta be fucking kidding me. I've refused so many times, just no--" "You don't have a choice, Y/n." "I wouldn't join a fucking terrorist grou--" You retorted, but end up getting interrupted, "You say like it's a bad thing, all people who are in this group have a safe passage to the new world." You scoffed. You can't believe this hooded figure in front of you was trying to make you join the very same group who kidnapped your parents. "Fuck you, they took my parents." "Your parents are in very good condition, if not the best. They wait for you." You heard a sigh from the hooded figure. He suddenly marched towards you with heavy steps. "I'm doing it to protect you, love."
"What.. do you mean.. love.." That was what Jake called you.. not.. this. "I guess you're going to make things more difficult, thankfully I have the upper hand here." The hooded man grunted as he flicked the hood back along with the bandana that he pulled down.
The pale skin with a few bruises you could see on the side his jaw. It was healing. The black dulled eyes that were once shining, the jet black hair. He looked at you with a gentle expression. "Love." His soft but firm voice which was cleared with the absence of the bandana soothed you.
You bit your lip, your face pale and drawn. You were frozen, your posture stiff. The minions on either side of him stood tall, glancing at the uncovered Jake himself.
Your lips curve into a frown, your eyes glossing. "Jake?" Your weak voice quivered as Jake sighed tiredly. "Y/n, please unders-" You immediately rush to him, wrapping your arms around his chest as you felt tears rushing in.
You immediately felt your body being enveloped with strong arms. He squeezed you, desperate, his face diving in your hair. He was stronger you could tell. "Please don't tell me, Jake, don't tell me y-" "..I had to, it's the best for us, I know what's best for us." He softly interrupted you, his fingers curling in your hair strands. You felt your legs weakened as you shake your head. "No no no-" "It's okay." He shushed you, kissing your head. He wasn't exactly listening to your pleadings, just inhaling your scent after these weeks. Relieved. "It'll be fine, just come with me, love-"
You pushed him back, your cheeks stained of tears. You swallowed, your throat dry. ".. You.. traitor, I can't believe you went against me!" You screamed at him. The cave was beginning to feel claustrophobic. You don't like it. You balled your hand into a fist, angry, upset, betrayed. Tess stood a few feet away from you, watching the whole thing unfold just as the two minions were.
His head shook as he looked at you. He was upset and a bit angry. He's doing this all for you and your words, 'traitor' 'against you' stabbed him. At first he was hesitant to join Team Eclipse as they were your rivals but it's going to work for him, since he has power over you. He didn't have a choice, nor did he regret it one bit after he joined Team Eclipse. In fact, he was pretty happy with the decision and wished he was brought up on the offer sooner. He was upset but still, maybe you could get his point-"I- Y/n, I didn't have a choice but, there's so much benefits. We could have our marriage and live on a beautiful island in peace!" "So what- you'll just destroy Roria? There's Pokémons and people- You said you wouldn't join-" "You are NOT GETTING MY POINT!" Jake suddenly raised his voice, everyone going quiet. You know when Jake raised his voice at you, he was pretty mad and it was usually hard for him to calm down.
"You're calling me a traitor when all your doing is having fun with Tess?!" Jake's glare darkened as he pointed to Tess. She had a hand to her mouth as she looked at you and Jake. She was still processing everything. You spoke up, confused as fuck "Wha-" "Oh? Don't act like all these weeks I've been gone I wasn't watching you! Yeah, acting all lovey dovey, being touchy and shit with her!" ... What the fuck? What is he trying to do? guilt trip you?! And he was stalking you too-
"I don't even recognize you anymore." You spat out, your eyes narrowing at Jake who glared at you. "Y/N, I think we should go-" Tess clinged on your arm. "Get your grubby hands off my wife-" Jake started but you shook your head, taking off the ring and throwing it to the ground. "You're a traitor, you're stupid if you think I'm going to be still with you after you joined the team we all obviously despised."
The minions beside him glanced at Jake nervously. Jake went pale as he looks at the ring you just threw at his feet. His eyes were wide, lips pressed in a firm line. It was quiet for a few moments. His eyebrows slowly furrowed, and his gaze slowly made it's way up to you. "I've done so much for us, Y/N. We could've made this a lot easier, but you're a stubborn brat." He spat as his piercing eyes made you uncomfortable as your heart pounded audibly in your ears. Get out, get out get out get out... Your head screamed. You still loved Jake, which hurt most
He looked back at the ring, sighing deeply as he crouched, picking the ring back up and shoving it back in his pocket. "We'll do this the hard way then," He said as he takes out a pokeball, "If I win, Y/n, you are required to come with me, if you do, I'll let you and Tess safely get out the cave, do we have a deal, love?" He said to you with a sly smile that didn't reach his eyes. There was something off about it, but you couldn't really do much.
You nod as you take your pokeball out as well. He stood as he throws his pokeball, immediately backing away. After a few minutes, you're yelling what moves to do to your Pokémon as Jake oddly didn't look that upset. Even though he was losing, he looked, comfortable. His upper left lip was stretching upwards and his eyes glanced at you ever so often. He must have something up his sleeve... You focus on the battle.
"Use Hydro pump." Jake stated with an aloof expression. He was on his last Pokémon and just stared at his Vaporeon intensely as it attacks your Pokémon. "Try to avoid it!" You yell as your Pokémon steps to the side, barely avoiding the high pressured water from Vaporeon. There were bodies of puddles from vaporeon around the cave. "Don't slip."
As Vaporeon fainted, you sigh in relief, dragging your hand down your face. You defeated his "Good job, Y/n.." Tess whisper-shouted to you. Jake shifted his weight to his other leg as he with no expression puts back his Pokémon in his pokeball. "I expected this," He announced suddenly, and nods to himself in affirmation. "Y/n, you made me do this, I am not sorry."
One of his goons, who was sweating slightly and had an unsure expression on his face, give Jake his pokeball back. You look at the exchange with furrowed eyebrows, trying to make sense of things. "Fuck you mean?" You demanded, on alert as Jake looks at you with a deadpan expression. Tess was silent. So were Jake's goons.
Oh, he thought, it's riduculous if you think he was just going to leave without his precious y/n
"Nothing will stop me." He said, determined, immediately throwing his pokeball in clear precision. Arcanine popped out as Jake shouted, "Use Flame Burst on Tess." Jake yelled at Arcanine.
What!? You look back, your eyes widened as you stepped a foot forward, "TESS NO!"
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helix-enterprises117 · 5 months
Halo Reloaded: Heartbeats
John and Linda found themselves a rare slice of normalcy—or as normal as it could get for two Spartan supersoldiers who had seen more war than weddings. Their living space, though sparsely decorated, offered a comforting sanctuary from the never-ending chaos of their lives. A couple of mismatched armchairs, a rugged sofa that had seen better days, and a few personal mementos made up the decor. It was hardly the cover of "Better Homes and Gardens," but it was theirs.
Linda, barefoot and in her athletic-wear (her personal substitute for pajamas), lounged on the sofa, her legs stretched out as one leg is lazily crossed over the other. Since coming back from the brink of death with those new Forerunner-imbued powers, she'd been different—more distant, like she was listening to a song only she could hear. John, dead on his feet from the day's drills, decided to collapse right there, his head finding a soft spot in her lap. He sighed, the sound more akin to relief than exhaustion.
"What’s that? The fifth sigh in the last half hour?" Linda teased, threading her fingers through his hair.
"Just enjoying the quiet," John grunted, his voice muffled by the cushion. "It’s nice... not having to shoot at anything or anyone for a few minutes."
"Yeah, peace and quiet, the rarest commodities in the galaxy," Linda quipped, her tone light but her eyes betraying a hint of the weight she carried. "This whole telekinesis thing... it’s like learning to walk again, in someone else’s gravity."
John opened one eye and peered up at her. "But you're handling it like a champ. Always do."Linda smirked, a flash of her old self flickering through. "Flattery will get you everywhere, Spartan."
The room was steeped in a comfortable silence again, broken only by the subtle hum of the ship's engines. It was during these moments of quiet that John's senses, honed to near-perfection, picked up something new—a second set of heartbeats, faint but unmistakable.
He bolted upright, his soldier’s instincts momentarily flaring.
"Linda, are we—"
"Expecting?" she finished for him, a sly smile playing on her lips as she touched her stomach subtly. "Turns out, the artifact didn’t just bring me back and give me fancy new party tricks—it also kicked the baby factory into gear."
John’s face morphed from shock to awe as the information sank in. "Twins? Seriously?" he asked, his voice a mix of disbelief and excitement.
"Seriously," she confirmed, her eyes alight with a mixture of joy and terror. "We're going to need a bigger boat."
John laughed, the sound echoing off the metal walls, warm and genuine. "A boat, huh? What about two cribs, more diapers than we can count, and... oh, right, figuring out how to be parents?"
Linda leaned back, her laughter mingling with his. "We’ve tackled ancient alien races and saved the galaxy—how hard can raising kids be?"
"Famous last words," John quipped, his hand finding hers, fingers intertwining. "But whatever it takes, we'll figure it out. Together."
"As always," Linda agreed, her voice steady, her grip firm.
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callunavulgari · 9 months
Top 25 Fics of 2023
1. whatever you want by Wildehack (tyleet) | Wolf 359 | Kepler/Jacobi | 5k
Kepler doesn't fuck him that first day, when Daniel swallows his pride like it's a hot coal he can feel boiling down to the pit of his stomach and dials the number left on the card. Heather Says: Back in 2017, Wolf 359 changed my life. I relisten to it every year. I reread fic. I sometimes write it. And THIS year, I was blessed with one of my favorites writing my favorites from Wolf 359. It's honestly exactly what I wanted out of a Wolf 359 fix it/coda.
2. god was a dog-man by @andthepeople | Teen Wolf | Derek/Stiles | 13k
“Do you have a secret teenage son?” Stiles demands, as soon as Derek opens the door. Heather Says: I did NOT watch the Teen Wolf movie this year. I did, however, relentlessly stalk reaction posts and (very select) gifsets. I also read this fantastic fic, which is now the movie in my brain because since I didn't see it, I'll never know.
3. then out of nowhere, somebody comes and hits you with an ooh la la la, ooh la la la, ooh la la la, ooh by @calciseptine | Deadpool | Peter/Wade | 49k
A man with spider-themed superpowers accidentally breaks into Wade's apartment. Heather Says: Deadpool is one of those fandoms that I'm technically a part of because I like it and I think Spiderman and Deadpool is both hilarious and hot, but it's always just on the edge of my peripherals. But sometimes Steve's fic just kind of creeps on me and demands my attention. This was my feel good fic this spring.
4. By the Laws of Magic by Lenore | The Sandman | Dream/Hob | 32k
It’s 1959, and Hob Gadling is working at a London auction house, amazing his colleagues with his uncanny knowledge of art and artifacts from the 14th century on. When he gets the assignment to catalogue a family library at a place called Fawney Rig, he looks forward to a working vacation in the country. What he finds is a house with a preternatural chill where odd disturbances happen daily, an ornate carved door with a secret clearly hidden behind it, and visions of his mysterious stranger every time he turns around. Heather Says: I honestly love this ship. The fairy tale elements combined with the very compelling idea that in another universe much like this one, Hob Gadling ends up saving Dream from his glass prison made for some truly great fiction.
5. Dawnshot Through the Heart by @sirnotappearinginthisblog | Wax&Wayne series | Wax/Wayne | WIP | 80k
Ten years ago, Wayne fled instead of letting himself get arrested for murder. He’s been an outlaw ever since, keeping one step ahead of the lawkeepers who want him dead or alive—especially Dawnshot. But his luck was bound to run out eventually, and he knows how it always ends for the Bad Guys in stories. Heather Says: I think that this is the only WIP on here but I cannot rightfully leave it off because I LOVED this fic this year. I love the Mistborn series, but I've never really sought out fic for it before. This one though, this one found me. The writing is SUPERB and I wish it was a bigger fandom because it deserves so much love, you guys. It's so so so good. I love Wax and Wayne's dynamic in the series. They're great. But also- what if they had an enemies to lovers thing going on that turned poly? WHAT IF?!
6. One Size Fits All by @entanglednow | Stranger Things | Eddie/Steve | 65k
Steve just wanted to do something nice for a friend, he doesn't mean to get Eddie's ring stuck on his finger, and it's definitely not his fault that everyone he knows is jumping to conclusions. Heather Says: This is not the last time that you will see this author or this ship on this list. I really would have thought that Steddie would have crept out of my brain right now, but NOPE. And part of that is because every couple weeks entanglednow drops an absolute BANGER of a fic that obliterates my brain for anything else.
7. you are spring by @wildehacked | Supernatural | Castiel/Dean | 20k
God makes a wish. His parents work some things out. Heather Says: I got very close to leaving this one off the list, not because it wasn't good or that it wasn't one of my top 25 but purely because I've been out of the Supernatural fandom for so many years. I mean, c'mon. I didn't watch the last FIVE seasons. However, getting to follow along wildehacked's rewatch journey on twitter was a blast from the past and then THIS lovely shining fic that they churned out lured me back in for one last nibble at this ship that took over my life for the better part of a decade. It is so incredibly amazing and since I never finished the series, I will happily go on pretending that this is how it ended.
8. Interim by starkraving | BotW/TOtK | Ganondorf/Link/Zelda | 95k
She has no throne. Girls without thrones should not have knights, but hers won’t go. Princess Zelda – the girl who killed Calamity – would love to fade into legend, but Link’s bought a house, he’s fighting off monsters, and he’s selling giant horses to strangely familiar Gerudo men. She'll never have any peace now. Heather Says: This fic. THIS FIC. Is so richly built. Is so intoxicating. It leans into found family. You spend chapter after chapter watching Zelda and Link traverse Hyrule with the hot Gerudo that they met along the way after the events of the first game. And it is so fucking compelling. Honestly, while I'm happy that they smooched, I would have been completely fine reading another 100k of just these three wandering Hyrule together, being absolute goblins. 10 out 10, will read again.
9. one hundred years past by tciddaemina | BotW/TotK | Ganondorf/Link | 38k
Link wakes up a century early. It changes everything. Heather Says: Can you tell that playing Tears of the Kingdom left me desperately thirsty for any and all Ganondorf content this summer? I'm a sucker for all sides of the poly triforce but I'll admit that Ganondorf and Link scratches that enemies to lovers itch PERFECTLY if it's done well. And this one is done well.
10. Step Right Up by entanglednow | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 3k
Steve had mostly given up on trying to meet anyone new after everything, but it's been six months and his friends had started giving him pointed nudges to get out there again. Heather Says: Told you it wouldn't be the last you saw of entanglednow. I actually think that this might be my favorite fic that they've written? Which is saying a lot because I will scream it to the rafters that any Steddie fan should read their fic. But this is FUN HOUSE MIRROR MAZE and MISTAKEN IDENTITY KISSING. Guys, I have no chill about this fic. I have no chill about Steve's hands in Eddie's hair, or the sounds that he makes, or the smell of strawberry. It is just so so good.
11. the most remarkable thing about you standing in the doorway is that it’s you by @greatunironic | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 35k
Sixteen years after the world didn't end for the last time, Max Mayfield showed up on Steve’s doorstep and said, “You gonna walk me down the aisle in May or what?” Or, it’s 2002 and Steve Harrington attends a wedding, a funeral, and a birth. Heather Says: I genuinely do not think that I have words for this one. It is one of those all encompassing fics that sucks you in and just won't spit you out again. It hurts, an ache just under the breastbone. But god, it's so beautiful.
12. Fight Night by @rlnerdgirl | Teen Wolf | Derek/Stiles | 12k
Stiles starts fighting in college. He doesn't tell anyone. Heather Says: There are three...? Yeah, three Teen Wolf fics on this list. Three. Like it's 2015 again. Like my brain broke and time went ticking all the way back to when I was ridiculously invested in these characters. But honestly? All three Teen Wolf fics on this list are incredibly therapeutic. They get to be the ending for me instead of whatever clusterfuck good ole Jeff tried to pull. This one in particular is fantastic because it's canon-divergence after SEASON one. Yes, we have Erica and Boyd. Yes, Stiles is BAMF. It's a good read.
13. strange fear i ain’t felt for years by Sister | Batman | Tim/Jason | 31k
“Can’t believe a pretty thing like you has to come begging to the Red Hood,” he says against Tim’s neck. “Thought they’d be lining up down the block for you. Thought Daddy would need to get the shotgun.” Heather Says: Oh look, another ship and fandom that I was only peripherally aware of that had me in a chokehold for a good month and a half. I don't even like DC that much.
14. Silver-Tongue by starkraving | Baldur's Gate 3 | Astarion/Karlach | 9k
Astarion fast-talks an abnormal number of enemies into killing themselves in the shadow-cursed lands and the team makes idle (then less idle) conversation about it. Heather Says: Okay, so I STILL have not finished this game. I have however very carefully consumed as much content as I can get my hands on without being completely and totally spoiled. This was the first fic that I really loved in this fandom. It's no surprise that I ship Astarion happily with everyone, but damn is he good with Karlach in this one. Their characterization is perfect.
15. A Sign of The Morning by ToEdenandBackAgain | Stranger Things | Eddie/Steve | 86k
Vecna is dead. The Upside Down is cut off from Hawkins yet again. Steve is trying to go back to normal, whatever that is. He's also trying to figure out exactly how Eddie Munson has managed to fit so easily into his life. Heather Says: Honestly? What can I say about this one? It has 19,000 kudos despite being published last June. It's on a ridiculous number of collection/rec lists. The tension is exquisite. The found family? Even better.
16. Phantom of Truth by Haiju | Danny Phantom | Maddie Fenton & Danny Fenton | 58k
Locked away in a secret government lab with Phantom as her sole object of study, nothing stands between Maddie and the truth... except, perhaps, herself. Heather Says: Oh look, another fandom that I have never ever been a part of. I saw this REALLY NEAT and angsty tiktok (tw for ghosty gore) and basically immediately was sucked into a show that I've never even watched before. The comments lead me to this fic which is perfectly gen, angsty, and honestly absolutely perfect. I cannot get over how much I loved this.
17. Manacled by senlinyu | Harry Potter | Draco/Hermione | 370k
Harry Potter is dead. In the aftermath of the war, in order to strengthen the might of the magical world, Voldemort enacts a repopulation effort. Heather Says: I did the thing. I read the incredibly dark fic that I've been avoiding since 2018. I typically steer-clear of anything that is overly bleak and I do not tiptoe into non-con waters often. But one of our groomsmen who isn't even involved with fandom read this so that his girlfriend would watch Star Wars with him and then spent a good portion of a Halloween party talking it up. So I gave it a shot. Over all, it is too bleak for me. That said, I finished it in a weekend. I loved it. I hated it. I wish I'd broken it up over a longer period of time because the emotional bleed off of it was intense.
18. Ready for Love by @idiopathicsmile | Singin in the Rain | Cosmo/Kathy/Don | 12k
Don and Kathy would move in together. They would have a dog or two and then inevitably, a small parade of adorable little brats who would call him Uncle Cosmo, and they would spend less and less time with him, not on purpose but busy with the rest of their lives, and ultimately Cosmo would learn to make his peace with it because he’d have no other choice and he would have to try to move on and not live too much in his memories. He could picture it so clearly, he figured if the songwriting gig with Monumental didn’t pan out, he could always return to the backwater circuit with a new act: The Amazing Cosmo of the Cosmos—ladies and gentlemen, he sees the future, he reads the stars, he silently pines for his best married pal and all the while tap dancing! Don and Kathy inviting him along on their honeymoon, though—that part was a surprise. Heather Says: I LOVE this movie. It is one of my biggest comfort movies. I watch it to feel happy. I watch it when I'm sad. And I have always shipped these three but NEVER read fic for it. And honestly? I'm glad I waited for a good fic to find me because this one was perfect.
19. A Series of Forgettable Events by @trensu | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 27k
Steve wanted to be a dad more than anything. Unfortunately, he was a single dude in his thirties which meant no adoption agency in the world was willing to give him a chance. Or at least no human adoption agency. Heather Says: Honestly just a delightful little jaunt in a world where Steve wants to be a dad, Eddie is a very overprotective siren, and the kids are, well. Little horrors. I love it. There's a sequel now which I am very patiently waiting to read it until I am less busy in RL.
20. the dry sand of daylight by @andthepeople | Inception | Arthur/Eames | 15k
Arthur is married to Eames for the better part of a decade. Then he wakes up. Heather Says: This fic left me ACHING for the Inception fandom circa 2010-2012. When livejournal was still a thing and the fandom community was alive and thriving. It is so achingly tender and perfect. I had forgotten how much I loved them.
21. brutalist masterpieces by @greatunironic | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 12k
Ten years on, in a town in Nova Scotia, on the edge of the Atlantic, Eddie finds Steve again, and also maybe himself. Heather Says: Maybe that's my thing this year. Achingly sweet tender pieces that leave you reeling in the aftermath. This fic is SO incredibly beautiful.
22. What Made Milwaukee Famous by synthetica | Danny Phantom | Vlad/Danny | 30k
Ten years after establishing a tenuous truce, Danny crash-lands at Vlad's Milwaukee lakehouse with a particularly nasty wound, three days recovery time, and absolutely nothing to do but talk to his long-lost archnemesis. Heather Says: I'm told that this is something of a rarepair. However, from the limited information that I have from the series I can say with full certainty that two ghostly beings locked for years as enemies growing up and meeting in the middle? Fully my thing.
23. then now and always by @raisesomehale | Teen Wolf | Derek/Stiles | 13k
Stiles is stuck. Stiles is stuck in the fucking snow in the middle of bum-fuck-nowhere at night with a broken down car three days before Christmas, and the nearest tow truck company—over fifty miles away—doesn’t open until morning. Heather Says: And here we have the promised third Teen Wolf fic, the most cathartic of the bunch. I am so so sweet on future fic particularly in this fandom with missed chances. And this one is just so syrupy sweet. It's winter! There's horses! Derek's an alpha! They smooch. Anyway, this is how I cope with a series finale that didn't happen and a movie that doesn't exist.
24. Terminus by @rcmclachlan | Loki | Loki/Mobius | 4k
"Keep me here," he begs against Mobius's lips. "You must keep me here." Heather Says: What do you mean you didn't spend all three replays of the Loki series finale weeping into a pillow? What do you mean you didn't spend the next few days trying to find the perfect coda? What do you mean that you didn't find this fic and positively expire from the sheer fucking tenderness in Mobius' voice? What do you mean? What. do you. mean? Anyway, I know I'm not supposed to have number one favorites. This list exists because I cannot condense it further than 25. But guys, this was my favorite fic this year.
25. Eye Of The Beholder by @entanglednow | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 22k
Eddie works himself up to ask Steve if he can borrow his instant camera, because the type of pictures he wants to take are…not the kind he can get developed in town. Heather Says: And to round it out, another Steddie. This one with sexy photos. The tension is killer.
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writtenjewels · 23 days
Shepard was excited when he stepped on board the Normandy. Captain Anderson prepped him on what he would find: a sleek frigate with an unusual set-up for the CIC. Apparently that part of the ship was inspired by the turians. It would definitely take some getting used to, but what better way to flatter your former enemy than to model your command center after their design?
He wished he had more time to read up on the crew before launch. Some of the names looked familiar—no doubt his parents talked about them, or possibly even worked with them—but Shepard wasn't familiar with anybody. He trusted Anderson's judgment, though.
Shepard stepped onto the bridge, where he found the pilot and copilot, along with their Spectre guest. Though he hadn't gotten a chance to talk with any of them yet, Shepard already knew that the pilot preferred being called “Joker” and that the guy in the copilot seat was a biotic. Even if he hadn't read it in the lieutenant's file, everyone onboard was talking about Alenko's biotics. Just one of the many factors that made this shakedown run a little unusual.
After Nihlus left the bridge, Joker declared, “I hate that guy.”
“Nihlus gave you a compliment,” Alenko remarked, “so you hate him?”
“Spectres are bad news,” Joker insisted. “Call me paranoid.”
“You're paranoid,” Alenko obliged without missing a beat. Shepard had to fight back the laugh that wanted to burst out from that. The conversation continued, with Joker warning Anderson that Nihlus was on his way.
“He's already here, Joker,” the captain replied.
“Is it me, or is the captain always angry?” Joker observed.
“Only when he's talking to you, Joker,” Alenko responded. Again, Shepard had to bite back his laugh. He tried to catch Alenko's eye, and the lieutenant looked up to meet his gaze. Alenko's lip pulled up in the barest of smiles and there was a glint in his hazel eyes. Shepard smiled back at him, then they both broke eye contact to focus back on their tasks.
Shepard still hadn't lost the smile when he stepped into the meeting between Nihlus and Anderson. He found himself grateful for Alenko's playful banter putting him in a good mood. He needed it to balance the seriousness of what this “shakedown” run was really about.
No one was in the mood for playful banter after Eden Prime. Losing Jenkins weighed on Shepard, and every time he closed his eyes, his mind would play back the images from the beacon. They had some down-time before reaching the Citadel and Shepard was feeling restless. He left the crew quarters with no real destination in mind.
He found Alenko at a work station. The biotic wiped an arm across his brow and stepped away from the console. His expression was tight and strained, but the moment he spotted Shepard it cleared. He snapped a salute.
“At ease.” Shepard waved him off. Alenko relaxed slightly.
“How are you feeling, Commander?”
“I don't know how I can answer that, Lieutenant.”
“For me, I think 'shitty' would about sum it up,” Alenko commented. Shepard felt his lip twitch and a brief lightness filled him. “Corporal Jenkins was just a kid, eager to get his feet wet on a real mission. And Nihlus...” He let out a breath. “He was a Council Spectre. I can't imagine how his death is going to reflect on the Alliance. Then there's the beacon—a priceless Prothean artifact, and it was destroyed on our watch. So... yeah, things are shitty.”
“Hard to find a bright side,” Shepard sighed.
“We're going to the Citadel,” Alenko reminded him. “The hub of the galaxy, where all the species come together. I've only ever heard about its size and scope before. It'll be incredible to see it in person. And we'll get to see all the other aliens that make up our galaxy. There will be asari, salarians, elcor, and volus. It's an opportunity to learn more about them.”
“Wow.” Shepard let out a soft laugh. “I like your optimism, Lieutenant.” It was more than that. Alenko had clearly been thinking a lot about their situation, both the good and bad. The fact that he could be optimistic made Shepard more hopeful, too.
“I'm just hoping some good comes out of all this, that's all,” Alenko said. “Sorry if I'm being too informal,” he quickly added. “Something about this reminds me of Brain Camp, and we were never big on protocol there.”
“Brain Camp?” Shepard echoed.
“That's what we called it. Officially, it was known as Biotic Acclimation and Temperance Training. I'll tell you about it later.”
“I look forward to it. And don't worry too much about informality. From what I saw on the bridge, it's a strength of yours.”
“Oh.” Alenko looked surprised. His expression softened and he chuckled. “You'd be the first of my commanding officers to even notice, let alone consider it a strength.”
“I'm honored.” Shepard smiled at him. “I hope I can see more of it in the future.” That got Alenko to smile back at him.
Their situation was still shitty, but Shepard was feeling better about it after talking to the lieutenant.
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blackfeatherdragon · 7 months
I'll Become Your Sword and the Shield to Protect You!: An Aztecshipping Manifesto
Happy III day! I wrote up an entire meta post explaining Aztecshipping and why it's good!
(Also available on Ao3 here)
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The Basics
Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal is one of multiple spinoffs of the Yu-Gi-Oh anime series, produced by Studio Gallop from April 2011 to March 2014. The main character, one Yuma Tsukumo, is a thirteen year old boy who breaks from series tradition by starting the series with very, very little knowledge of how to play the central card game (Yugi, Yami Yugi, Judai, and Yusei all knew how at the start of their respective series), but ends up going through massive character growth to become able to more than hold his own through his interactions with the main cast and his teamwork with the amnesiac alien Astral. Basically, Yuma is a very determined guy who refuses to ever give up or admit defeat, pushes on with his special catchphrase 'kattobingu', but at the same time still misses his missing adventurer parents dearly, to the point of choosing to sleep on a hammock in the attic where the artifacts collected through their adventures are stored. His relationship with his older sister Akari is a bit rocky due to her barring Yuma from playing Duel Monsters at the start of the series, but it's clear they (and their grandmother/guardian Haru) do care about each other.
Once you get past the shock of the Zexal protagonist being a highly energetic but unskilled Duelist of a thirteen year old (especially if you choose to start Zexal right after finishing the previous spinoff Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds), he's actually a really fun protagonist to root for. You want Yuma to succeed and help Astral collect the Number cards needed to unlock Astral's missing memories. You want Yuma to find a way to save everyone in the final stretch, even characters like Vector, who tricked Yuma multiple times.
(That's a great protag right there.)
On the topic of shipping, there are many different pairings involving Yuma in some way. The two most popular by far are Sharkbaitshipping (Yuma/Ryoga 'Shark' Kamishiro) and Keyshipping (Yuma/Astral), with Sharkbaitshipping holding 274 fics on Ao3 and Keyshipping holding 239 fics at the time of writing this. Other ships command varying degrees of popularity too, including Skyshipping (Yuma/Kotori, 45 fics), Seraphshipping (Yuma/Alit, 35 fics), Negativeshipping (Yuma/Vector, 169 fics), and Dokidokishipping (Yuma/Kaito, 144 fics). But there is one that is, in my mind, criminally rare: Aztecshipping, or Yuma/Michael 'III' Arclight. At the time this was written in March 2024, Aztecshipping had a mere 29 fics posted to Ao3. (30 fics if you include this!)
You explained who Yuma is, who is III?
I mean, if you're here you probably know who III is, buuut he's my special little blorbo and I'm posting this for III Day so I get to talk about him.
III (birth name: Michael Arclight) is the fifteen year old youngest son of the Arclight family, a group of four people who acted as one of the antagonist groups of the first half of the series. (The other three members being his older brothers IV and V, and his father Tron.) III is the nicest of the family and is seen to defuse arguments between his brothers, but at the same time has his own problems stemming from his broken family situation.
III is shown to be intensely and unwaveringly loyal to his family, displaying a willingness to both kill for the sake of those he cares about and die for their sake. In fact, during his Duel against Yuma, he deliberately goes out of his way to mentally break Yuma and kill Astral out of jealousy towards Yuma's healthier family and desperation to protect his own, only backing down from his desperate rage when a card he played (Final Prophecy) tried to punch a hole in reality to open a portal to the Barian World.
Tying into this, III puts up little resistance to his father's scheme to get revenge against Dr. Faker, often going along with all but the worst of his family's actions. He delivers a dangerous Number card to Shark at Tron's request, knowing that the card would try to control Shark, but later expresses discomfort when Tron performs a ritual to steal Haruto's power, due to the ritual causing pain to Haruto.
(Remember III's loyalty, it's a surprise tool that will help us later.)
Finally, III has a strong interest in ancient civilizations (with a dash of Ancient Aliens style conspiracies about out of place artifacts coming from other dimensions mixed in), much like how his father was once invested in researching interdimensional portals. This is also a surprise tool that will help us later.
The Ship Summary
To explain Aztecshipping, we have to go back to Yuma and III's fathers: Kazuma Tsukumo and Byron Arclight.
Byron was working with Dr. Faker and the explorer Kazuma on interdimensional portal research, and the three eventually went on a trip to uncover one of these portals. Unfortunately, Dr. Faker ended up betraying both Kazuma and Byron, sacrificing them to open the portal.
While Kazuma ended up trapped in the Astral World after this, Byron ended up stuck in the Barian World, and ultimately struck a deal with the Barians where he was granted power to get revenge against Dr. Faker in exchange for gathering Number cards for the Barians, and eventually returned to Earth as Tron.
As for their families that were left behind on Earth, the Tsukumos were able to stay relatively healthy, with Haru taking over as guardian to Yuma and Akari in the absence of Kazuma and his wife, the severely plot neglected Mirai. Yuma still missed his parents dearly, but his family remained functional.
The Arclights were not so lucky.
With no parents in the picture and oldest son Christopher too young to act as a guardian to his brothers/busy investigating what happened to his father while working for Dr. Faker as an assistant, both Michael and his second brother Thomas were left to an orphanage, only returning to their family when Tron came back and Christopher realized the truth. Tron reduced his sons to mere pawns in his revenge scheme, forcibly renaming Christopher, Thomas, and Michael as V, IV, and III respectively and granting them special crests to give them power, and subsequently allowed his family to fall to dysfunction as he obsessed over revenge.
In this way, Yuma and III are mirrors of each other, both losing their fathers in the same incident but reacting in opposite ways. Yuma is connected to the Astral World from the start with his friendship with Astral and his father's fate, while III is connected with the opposing Barian World due to Tron's deal and the fallout of it.
To that end, Yuma and III initially opposed each other, their first significant interaction being a Tag Duel where Yuma (working with Kaito) Dueled III (working with IV) in a bid to rescue Kaito's younger brother Haruto after his kidnapping at the hands of the Arclights. However, it really wasn't long before III became curious about Yuma and his determination, going out of his way to break into the Tsukumo household to investigate (and was subsequently distracted by the artifacts in the attic/started infodumping about them to Yuma. Nerd.)
(This is actually likely where the ship name Aztecshipping comes from, between Yuma's idolization of his absent father and III's love for ancient civilizations/his favourite card being Chronomaly Aztec Mask Golem.)
Desperate to protect his family from being potentially opposed by Yuma and jealous of the actually functional Tsukumos after meeting them, III challenged Yuma to a Duel, in which he tormented Yuma and killed Astral, before attempting to sacrifice himself in a forced tie just to stop Yuma. The turning point came when one of III's cards, Final Prophecy, started trying to forcibly open a portal to the Barian World at the cost of ending the world, forcing III to share his crest power with Yuma to try to revive Astral and stop Final Prophecy's effect.
The plan was a long shot; there was no guarantee that Yuma would be able to take that amount of power. Yuma withstood it though, and with Astral back, managed to work together to defeat III and stop Final Prophecy. This was the true turning point of their relationship, as III recognized Yuma as his first and only friend and trusted him to be able to save his broken family.
Remember III's intense loyalty? Good, we're coming back to that now.
After this, III vanished from the plot for a while, eventually returning to protect Yuma from being menaced by the Barians Mr. Heartland and Semimaru by way of throwing a sword at Mr. Heartland and outright declaring that he would act as Yuma's 'sword and shield' before teaming up with Yuma to Duel Semimaru. In turn, Yuma trusted III to have his Number cards back, after III willingly gave them up to Yuma after their Duel some time earlier.
It seems that by now III's undying loyalty fully extended to Yuma, as he went out of his way to redirect an attack that would have hit Yuma and his monster to strike him instead, once again showcasing his willingness to sacrifice himself for those he cares about. After the Duel, which ended with III and Yuma working together to combine Yuma's 'Number 39: Utopia' and III's 'Number 6: Chronomaly Atlandis' to beat Semimaru, Yuma let III have the new Number card won off Semimaru: 'Number 3: Cicada King'.
III continued to stay with and protect Yuma after this, temporarily living in the Tsukumo household and sticking alongside Yuma at all times to fulfil this. To that end, III calls to mind a knight, someone willing to fight and die for the one he protects without thought for himself. III is also seen to become concerned for Yuma's mental state due to Astral seemingly dying at the hands of Black Mist several episodes prior, and after Yuma returns from a trip to the Astral World to find and bring back Astral, is relieved to see him again.
III sacrificing for Yuma came to a head when he and V went out of their way to stall several Barians to protect Yuma, Astral, and Kaito during the big Barian invasion. III knew going in that he would die doing this, but he didn't care, willingly sacrificing himself to save Yuma one more time.
Initially, III claimed to Yuma that he and V were going to confront the Barians to get revenge for IV's death earlier, saying that he'd grown sick of Yuma's optimism, but this was a lie meant to stop Yuma from following him. When it became clear that the brothers were fighting a losing match against the Barian Mizael, V opened a video link to Yuma to deliver a final message. III took the opportunity to apologize for lying, saying that Yuma was a true friend and say goodbye, before declaring that he'd be with Yuma in spirit as Mizael launched his final attack, killing both III and V.
This sacrifice caused Yuma to break down sobbing at being unable to stop it from happening due to traveling to track down the Barian leader Don Thousand.
Luckily, after the defeat of the Barians, everyone who died in the final invasion came back to life, III included. The final episode reveals that III enrolled in Yuma's middle school, somehow ending up in the same year as Yuma despite being two years older than him. III's literal final scene in the series has him declaring that he'll fight alongside Yuma anywhere, which again. Knight motifs.
Ship Dynamics
Yuma and III start off as enemies, facing off against each other as their goals and family situations clashed. However, it really isn't long before III starts viewing Yuma as a friend due to Yuma's unending determination and aid in preventing the end of the world via Final Prophecy, eventually even extending the loyalty once reserved for family out to Yuma. Once this shift happens, the dynamic changes to that of a knight protecting his charge with the power of his sword and his own life on the line, willing to die to see that charge safe.
In turn, Yuma seems rather okay with III protecting him despite their notable rough start. He allows III to live in his house for a time and even gives III's Number cards back and temporarily shares his school uniform with him just so that III isn't wearing the same clothes the whole time (this is before III joins Yuma's school, by the way). He's distraught when III (and V) sacrifices himself to hold off the Barians, breaking down in tears after watching the final blow.
It's not all III protecting and sacrificing for Yuma, either. They work together very well when Dueling Semimaru, coming up with a plan to join their monsters together via Chronomaly Atlandis's effect to stop Semimaru. Yuma also promises to help save III's family where III could not, seemingly genuinely forgiving III for his actions during their Duel against each other.
They also have a connection via their interests; Yuma idolizes his missing explorer father and has a number of ancient artifacts in his house, while III has a strong interest in ancient civilizations. It's not hard to imagine them working together on explorations and archaeology digs as they get older, helping and protecting each other as needed.
Tldr: Aztecshipping is a very cute ship with protector/protectee themes and two young nerds. They should be together.
-Yugipedia (Crossreferencing canon events and characters) -zexual-shippings (Various ship names) -Ao3 (Fic counts for various ships)
Specific episodes:
-Episodes 41-43: III and IV vs Yuma and Kaito. III starts to become curious about Yuma and his determination at the end of episode 43. -Episodes 46-49: III vs Yuma. III spends most of the Duel proper (47 to 49) tormenting Yuma and Astral, only coming out of his desperation and rage when he realizes what Final Prophecy is doing. III and Yuma work together to stop the effect of Final Prophecy in episode 49, followed by III admitting that Yuma is his first friend and asking him to save his family/giving up his Number cards to Yuma. Episode 46 also contains III nerding out over the artifacts in Yuma's attic. -Episodes 112-113: III and Yuma vs Semimaru. 112 has III throw a sword at Mr. Heartland to defend Yuma and state that he'll be Yuma's 'sword and shield'. Yuma also trusts III to have his Number cards back in 112, followed by trusting III to have the new Number card 'Number 3: Cicada King' in 113. -Episodes 114-116: III continues to stay with Yuma to protect and help him in Astral's absence, including staying over at Yuma's house and borrowing a school uniform from Yuma. III also becomes concerned for Yuma's mental state in the wake of Astral seemingly dying again. -Episodes 126-128: III and V vs Mizael. III claims he's sick of Yuma's optimism to stop Yuma from following him to the Duel, knowing that Yuma needed to go on while he and V stalled for time. III gets the chance to apologize for lying and say goodbye/that he'll be with Yuma in spirit right before dying to Mizael. -Episode 146: III is shown to have enrolled in Yuma's school and is in the same year as him despite being two years older. III later states that he'll fight alongside Yuma anywhere towards the end of the episode.
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atinycafe · 1 year
BENEATH THE SURFACE — ch 02 [lullaby]
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PROMPT; mermaid!reader literally gets robbed by ateez and then falls in love w them after like they didn't just steal from her??
FEAT; pirate!ot8!ateez x mermaid!reader (slight joong + wooyoung focus)
IN THIS CHAPTER; reader in her yandere era?? stalking them FOR MONTHS and shit like girl.. we know you aint doin all that 4 ur necklace.
NOTES; this chapter is a little boring but i promise u the next one is gonna be better, they're finally going to meet her!! i just need to build up a little base
TAGLIST; @cookiechristie @zozoziwa @hiraii-gf @satsuri3su ; lmk if you want 2 b added!
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Determined, the mermaid resolved to shadow the ship's every move, refusing to sever the only connection she had to her long-lost village. It was a decision driven by an unyielding desire to reclaim the stolen relic that served as a tether to her past.
With a fluid grace, she trailed behind the vessel, her iridescent tail propelling her through the depths of the sea. Each stroke brought her closer to the ship, bridging the gap between her present reality and the memories of her past.
The mermaid's heart ached with the weight of her loss, and she knew that surrendering the pursuit would mean severing the final thread that bound her to her origins. The stolen artifact, her necklace, held not only sentimental value but also the last remnants of a life once cherished. Letting it slip away would be an abandonment of her past, a betrayal of her own identity.
The gentle sway of the ocean currents softly calming her heartbeat, a vivid flashback swept through the mermaid's mind, transporting her back to the fateful day when tragedy befell her tranquil village. The memories surged forth, like an untamed tempest, enveloping her senses in a maelstrom of emotions.
[flashback] The once serene waters, teeming with life and harmony, transformed into a frenzied tableau of chaos and despair. The air crackled with tension, filled with the palpable fear that gripped the merfolk. Panic spread like wildfire as the sea witch unleashed her sinister powers, setting in motion a harrowing chase that would forever stain the mermaid's memories. The thunderous sounds of orcas' mighty jaws echoed through the water, reverberating with bone-chilling intensity. Their relentless pursuit, driven by the witch's dark command, sent shivers down the spines of the fleeing merfolk. Desperation mingled with the salty breeze. As the mermaid's parents, their hearts burdened with love and protectiveness, frantically sought refuge amidst the tumult, their hands trembled as they gently placed their cherished baby girl into the waiting jaw of a majestic tiger shark. Their voices quivered with urgency as they begged the creature to carry their precious child far away from the encroaching danger. The water around them hummed with their fervent prayers, intermingled with the scent of brine and the metallic tinge of blood. Neptune's mother, a guardian of the seas, recognized the gravity of the situation. With a sense of purpose, the benevolent shark embraced her role, guided by an instinctual compassion that resonated deep within her. The current surged, enveloping the young mermaid in a protective embrace, whisking her away from the imminent peril that threatened to consume her world. But the wicked sea witch, driven by an insatiable malice, refused to relent. With a savage determination, she lunged forward, her malevolent presence staining the waters around her. Her dark tendrils thrashed violently, blurring the vision of those who witnessed her onslaught. Bubbles erupted in a frenzy, obscuring the view, as the witch's assault left an indelible scar upon the infant Neptune. The phantom touch of the octopus-like sucker imprinted itself beneath his right fins, a haunting reminder of the treachery that forever altered their lives. Amidst the wreckage and anguish, Neptune's mother emerged as a beacon of solace and resilience. She cradled the orphaned mermaid, nurturing her with tender devotion, as if filling the void left by the loss of her family. Gratitude blossomed within the young mermaid's heart, a poignant symphony of love and appreciation that resonated within her being. Yet, despite the solace she found within the shark's embrace, a bittersweet longing lingered, aching for the embrace of those she had lost. [end of flashback]
To this day, the mermaid carried the weight of unanswered questions upon her heart, for the reason behind her village's targeted destruction remained shrouded in an enigmatic veil. The whispers of the ocean currents offered no solace, leaving her to grapple with the haunting mystery that had cast its shadow over her past.
Was her village merely a casualty of the sea witch's insatiable hunger for power? Or did the cruelty that descended upon them hide deeper, more intricate secrets? The mermaid yearned to unravel the truth, to unmask the hidden motives that had robbed her of a cherished home and loving community.
But despite her unwavering determination, the mermaid's quest for answers proved to be an elusive pursuit. The ocean's depths guarded its secrets fiercely, refusing to yield the truth she sought. Neptune's mother, her beloved guardian and guide, had long since departed, leaving behind a void that could never be filled. Only Neptune, her loyal companion and dear friend, remained by her side, their bond forged through shared experiences and a sense of kinship.
So absolutely not.
Her resolve to reclaim her lost necklace remained unyielding.
It was more than just a piece of jewelry; it held the memories, the love, and the very essence of herself. The necklace was a tangible link to her past, a testament to her identity and the life she once knew.
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The pirates carried on with their shipboard activities, blissfully unaware of the enchanting presence lurking beneath the waves.
Hongjoong, the captain of the ship, stood at the helm with a weathered tricorn hat perched upon his head. His gaze was fixed on the horizon, his eyes unwavering in their focus. Clutching a tattered map in his rough hands, he skillfully guided the vessel through the treacherous waters, leading his crew towards their desired destination.
Their destination lay on the horizon—the fabled Dawn Island, nestled in the vast expanse of the East Blue ocean. It was a treasured haven for the weary sailors, a place of respite and opportunity. Specifically, they aimed for the bustling port city of Foosha Village, a vibrant hub where they could engage in trade, restock their supplies, and recharge their spirits. The allure of the village's quaint charm and the tantalizing promise of new culinary delights worked like a balm on their frayed nerves. The pirates, weary from their arduous journey, found solace in the thought of savoring delicious meals that awaited them there.
"Mingi! Look! I can load this cannon with one hand!" San exclaimed, his laughter blending with the rhythmic creaks of the ship. He swiftly moved across the deck, loading cannons with ease and engaging in playful banter with his fellow pirates, occasionally disrupting their routines.
Mingi grinned and wiped the sweat from his forehead. "Hyung, stop being a showoff! You're so distracting, you're gonna get us in trouble!"
San winked at Mingi, mischief gleaming in his eyes. "Come on, Mingi! Where's your sense of humor? A little banter keeps the spirits high, doesn't it?"
Yunho flashed a playful grin, and sarcastically joined in. "San, you're soooo talented. Captain will be so thrilled when we fall behind schedule because of your antics."
San chuckled, his voice carrying over the ocean breeze. "Ah, Captain Hongjoong can handle a slight delay. Besides, who can resist a bit of fun when the sea is calm and the wind is on our side?"
As their playful exchange continued, Hongjoong couldn't help but join in, his laughter resonating across the deck. He leaned against the helm, observing his crew with a glimmer of amusement in his eyes, appreciating the camaraderie and lightheartedness they displayed.
In the midst of their tasks, Yunho and Mingi, the dependable members of the crew, worked tirelessly. They flexed their muscles as they hauled heavy cargo and repaired worn-out rigging.
Jongho and Seonghwa stood on the quarterdeck, engrossed in a conversation. The youngest of the crew couldn't help but voice his suspicion about the sudden disappearance of his beloved strawberry jam. He glanced over his shoulder at the slumbering figure of Wooyoung, nestled in a hidden corner of the ship.
"Hyung, did you see the empty jars of jam" Jongho asked, his eyebrows almost meeting as he frowned. "I bet it's Wooyoung again, he always does this."
Seonghwa chuckled softly at the youngest's whines, his gaze shifting to where Wooyoung lay, blissfully unaware of the conversation surrounding him. "You know, Jongho, it wouldn't surprise me. That boy eats so much, I wonder how he manages to stay so slender," he remarked, his tone filled with both admiration and slight bewilderment.
Jongho mumbled something about a "metabolism of a sprinting cheetah". He excused himself from the conversation with Seonghwa and made his way towards Wooyoung's peacefully resting form.
With each step, the wooden planks creaked softly beneath his weight, the ship's gentle rocking lulling him further into a state of tranquility.
Jongho knelt down beside him to reach out and lightly pat Wooyoung's shoulder. "Hey, sleeping beauty, wake up," he whispered, his voice carrying a hint of mischief. "I heard you might have a clue about the missing strawberry jam. Mind sharing your secret stash?"
Wooyoung stirred slightly, his eyelids fluttering open, a sleepy and confused glint in his eyes as he focused his gaze on Jongho. "Huh? Strawberry jam? Can I have some?" he mumbled, his voice filled with drowsiness.
Jongho let out an exasperated sigh, rolling his eyes playfully. "You still have the guts to ask me about second servings? I should throw you overboard," he teased, standing up and reaching for a bucket of ice-cold water.
Wooyoung's eyes widened in alarm, his drowsiness instantly fading. "Wait, wait, Jongho! Don't you dare!" he pleaded, his voice laced with panic.
A mischievous glint danced in the boy's eyes. With a playful smirk, he splashed the freezing water onto Wooyoung.
A high-pitched scream erupted from Wooyoung's lips, echoing across the vast expanse of the ocean. "What the heck, you jerk! What was that for?!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with a mix of surprise and irritation.
Jongho couldn't contain his laughter, his shoulders shaking with mirth. "Relax, Wooyoung! You had some jam on the corner of your lips. I just wanted to help you clean up," he explained, his grin widening mischievously.
Wooyoung stood up, inching closer to Jongho.
Sensing the impending retaliation, Jongho swiftly ducked down, evading Wooyoung's attempt to land a punch. He chuckled, his voice tinged with amusement. "You'll have to be quicker than that, hyung," he taunted, relishing in the lighthearted banter between them.
The mix of laughter and screams they let out resonated through the ship, mingling with the gentle rocking of the waves.
Yeosang sighed at the noise.
With his keen eye for detail, he meticulously adjusted the sails, his focus unwavering. He moved with grace and precision, fine-tuning every aspect to harness the power of the wind. His nimble fingers danced across the rigging, ensuring each knot was secure and the sails caught the breeze just right.
Although the pirates noticed Yeosang's uncharacteristic behavior from the night before, they chose not to pry or question him. They knew that if Yeosang was acting differently, there must be a good reason behind it.
San, however, couldn't help but pout as he had glanced at him coming out of his room. He still held a hint of bitterness over the fact that Yeosang had taken the necklace he had found. It was a fleeting feeling, quickly replaced by the bond they shared as brothers, but San couldn't resist a playful jab.
"Hey, Yeosang, still hanging on to my treasure, huh?" San teased, a mischievous glint in his eye. "You better make it up to me."
Yeosang chuckled softly, his gaze meeting San's. "Don't worry, San. I'll make it up to you soon enough. Just you wait."
Yeosang's unwavering faith in the little mermaid resonated deep within his bones. He had an unshakable belief that their paths would cross again, and when they did, he vowed to embrace her in his arms, ensuring she would never be left out or forgotten.
With each passing day on their journey, Yeosang found solace in the thought of their reunion, drawing strength from the belief that destiny would bring them together once more.
Yeosang knew that when the time came, he would introduce the mermaid to his crew, sharing the admiration he held for her. He imagined their awe-struck faces and the warmth that would envelop their hearts in her supernatural presence. I mean, she was a mermaid! That's crazy!
In the quiet moments aboard the ship, when the moon cast a soft glow upon the ocean's surface, Yeosang would gaze out into the vast expanse, his heart brimming with hope and anticipation.
With each passing wave and each whisper of the wind, Yeosang's conviction grew stronger. He was prepared to be patient, knowing that their reunion would be worth the wait.
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In the embrace of the moonlit night, the pirates scattered to find solace in their own designated havens, seeking respite from the day's adventures. The deck grew quieter, enveloped in a serene ambiance, save for the presence of Mingi, the steadfast navigator, and Wooyoung, the night-owl cook and surgeon.
Mingi leaned against the ship's railing, his eyes fixed on the starry sky, lost in deep contemplation. The gentle breeze rustled his hair, carrying with it a sense of tranquility. He took a deep breath, allowing the night air to fill his lungs, grounding him in the present moment.
Wooyoung, with his culinary skills and healing touch, prepared a small feast for himself and Mingi. The aroma of freshly cooked meals wafted through the air, mingling with the salty scent of the ocean. Wooyoung's nimble fingers danced across the ingredients, infusing each dish with a touch of magic.
As they sat on the deck, sharing a meal under the moon's watchful gaze, a comfortable silence enveloped them. The soft murmur of the waves provided a soothing backdrop, lulling them into a state of calm. They relished the flavors and savored the nourishment that the food brought, a temporary respite from their demanding lives as pirates.
But then, a delicate whisper echoed from beneath the boat, carried by the gentle currents. Mingi and Wooyoung froze, their senses on high alert. Their hearts quickened, and a creeping unease settled in the pit of their stomachs.
The voice grew louder, a melodic siren song that wove its way through the night air. Mingi's hand instinctively reached for his flintlock pistol, while Wooyoung swiftly finished his drink and swallowed the dried meat in his mouth. They exchanged a knowing glance, a silent understanding passing between them.
Wooyoung stood up, grabbing the nearby coiled cord and tossing one end to Mingi. With deft movements, they secured themselves to the ship, attaching the cord to their waists, a lifeline in the face of the unknown. They knew the dangers that lurked beneath the ocean's surface, and they were prepared to face them head-on.
As the haunting melody persisted, fear gripped their hearts. They were well aware of the legends surrounding mermaids, of their captivating voices that lured sailors to their doom. The cords provided a sense of security, but the trepidation remained, gnawing at their resolve.
Minutes stretched into an eternity, the enchanting song continuing to echo through the night. Mingi glanced at Wooyoung, uncertainty etching lines of concern on his face. He hesitated for a moment before mustering the courage to speak.
"Do you... do you still feel like yourself?" Mingi's voice was barely a whisper, his words laden with both fear and curiosity.
Wooyoung met his gaze, uncertainty flickering in his brown eyes. "Yeah," he replied softly, his own doubts lingering. The ethereal voice had a soothing quality, unexpectedly unraveling the knots of tension in their bodies. It was not the deadly allure they had anticipated.
Confusion swirled within them, mingling with the fear. The melody had an unexpected effect, a bittersweet enchantment that called into question their preconceived notions. They remained tethered to the ship, their grip on reality and their identities tested by the alluring song.
As the haunting melody continued to resonate, Mingi and Wooyoung found themselves in an unexpected state of vulnerability. They were caught between the unknown depths below and the allure of the melodic voice above, unsure of what lay ahead.
"Fuck, why is it not working!" the mermaid suddenly whined, cutting through the sweet melody.
Wooyoung and Mingi exchanged puzzled glances, taken aback by the unexpected interruption. They listened intently as the mermaid's voice grew louder, her frustration evident. It seemed she was conversing with someone, or something, else.
A mix of confusion and amusement washed over the pirates, their initial fear fading into disbelief. The tension that had gripped their hearts moments ago dissipated, replaced by a growing sense of incredulity. They had never anticipated such a comical turn of events in the middle of the ocean.
With newfound lightness in their spirits, the pirates sat back and listened, relishing the absurdity of the situation. The mermaid's continued complaints carried on, becoming a source of entertainment amidst the vastness of the sea.
"Neptune, stop asking me to try harder, I'm literally trying my hardest," her frustrated plea echoed through the night air, her voice filled with desperation. Water splashed around her as the shark bumped into her side, a silent witness to the unfolding drama. Neptune, the instigator of this scheme, had pushed her to use her voice to manipulate the pirates into returning her necklace. But what he failed to comprehend was the truth behind her soothing voice— the tragedy of her village's demise, which had occurred when she was but a young baby, had shaped her vocal cords into an instrument of solace rather than manipulation, not allowing her to unlock that trick as she was never thought how.
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The following night, the deck was empty except for Wooyoung, who sat cross-legged on the figurehead of the boat. A bowl of rice and pickled radish rested between his thighs. Earlier that morning, he had informed the rest of the crew about their encounter with the mermaid.
Each crew member listened intently, their faces reflecting a mix of curiosity and skepticism. Hongjoong, representing the team, voiced his doubts, suggesting that it might have been a mere trick of the wind. However, Mingi and Wooyoung stood firm, their conviction unshaken.
Amidst the reactions, one crew member remained unfazed— Yeosang. Wooyoung, with his keen eyes, immediately noticed the unexpected blank expression on his face. If Wooyoung didn't know him so well, he might have mistaken it for Yeosang's usual calm demeanor. However, their long history together, having joined Hongjoong's crew simultaneously, told Wooyoung that something was amiss. He knew that Yeosang's passive expression concealed something deeper.
He had made a mental note to speak with Yeosang about it later.
Perched atop the colossal mermaid sculpture at the ship's bow, Wooyoung sat with anticipation, his legs swinging freely above the vast expanse of the ocean. The empty plate, which once held his meal, had been pushed aside, forgotten. Now, his focus was solely on one thing.
He was waiting.
He was waiting for her.
Wooyoung's insatiable curiosity always drove him towards the unknown. His adventurous spirit had led him to convince his best friend to join a pirate crew on a whim, simply because it intrigued him. He thrived on the rush of adrenaline that came with exploring uncharted territories, making the discovery of a mermaid all the more enticing. The mermaid captivated him like nothing else before.
His longing to see her, to hear her voice, was undeniable, even if he hesitated to admit it. The enchanting melody she sang had a profound effect on him, leaving him feeling weirdly relaxed, both physically and mentally. It was as if her voice possessed the power of a potent sedative, lulling him into a state of tranquility. For someone plagued by insomnia, this was a blessing.
Despite his usual struggles with sleeplessness, Wooyoung had succumbed to slumber within minutes of her departure. The experience was surreal, awakening at dawn instead of his usual sleepless nights. It was a peculiar sensation, but one that he yearned to experience again, to immerse himself in the tranquility her voice had bestowed upon him.
From the sculpture at the ship's bow, Woo called out into the vast expanse of the ocean, his voice carrying in a hopeful whistle, "Are you here, little mermaid?"
Silence greeted him.
He sighed softly, disappointment tingeing his words as he murmured, "Well, what a shame, really liked your voice."
As Wooyoung reached for his plate and cup, preparing to make his way back to the kitchen, a gentle, familiar melody floated through the air. The sound caught his attention, freezing him in place. A smile curled on his lips as he chuckled softly, leaning against a nearby pole. He closed his eyes, basking in the blissful moment, allowing the enchanting melody to wash over him, "Well hello there.."
Unbeknownst to Wooyoung, his captain had quietly approached from behind, and as the younger brother glanced over his shoulder, he exchanged a knowing look with him. Wooyoung mouthed the words "Told you so" before closing his eyes once more, fully surrendering to the allure of the melody.
The captain, who had purposely remained awake that night, wanting to uncover the truth behind the "mermaid's" voice, had been engrossed in his own activities in his cabin. Surrounded by maps and deep in calculations, he was determined to approach the situation with a rational mindset.
However, the silence was broken by the arrival of her voice, causing an involuntary shiver to run down his spine. The captain's features softened as he listened to the mesmerizing sound, unable to deny the sheer beauty that emanated from it.
Feeling a peculiar sensation coursing through his body, the captain had removed his glasses and had rubbed his eyes, attempting to shake off the sleepiness that had unexpectedly enveloped him. Perplexed by his own reaction, he couldn't comprehend why he felt so inexplicably... good. Driven by curiosity and a growing sense of enchantment, he'd left the confines of his cabin and ascended the stairs, emerging onto the deck beneath the open sky.
As the gentle breeze caressed his hair, playing with the strands that fell across his forehead, the captivating voice grew stronger, reverberating in his ears. Drawn toward the source of the melody, the captain approached Wooyoung, his footsteps guided by an invisible force that compelled him closer.
Seated at Wooyoung's feet, the captain succumbed to a strange sensation of weakness in his legs, as if they could no longer support his weight. He gazed up at his crewmate, his eyes reflecting a mixture of awe and longing. Never before had he encountered a voice so sweet and captivating, and he yearned to catch a glimpse of the face behind that enchanting melody. However, the darkness of the night shrouded the ocean, rendering it as black as coal, obscuring any chance of visual contact.
"Just who is she," as the captain mumbled his question, his voice filled with intrigue and wonder, Wooyoung sensed the longing in his words. Sympathetic to his captain's curiosity, he chose to join him on the floor, nestling his head on the captain's shoulder. The two men found solace in each other's company, the sensation reminiscent of the times they would indulge themselves in the hazy pleasure of stupefied cigars. In that moment, with the melodic voice still resonating in their ears, they allowed themselves to bask in the soothing atmosphere, finding comfort and a rare sense of tranquility in each other's presence and the strong winds.
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As the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, the mermaid's nightly serenades became an integral part of the pirate crew's routine. At first, each encounter with her ethereal voice had left the pirates astounded, experiencing a range of surprising sensations. Seonghwa even cried the first time he heard her. But as time went on, they grew accustomed to her presence, eagerly anticipating her arrival as the sun would begin its descent. They would gather on the deck, where they had laid out blankets in preparation, creating a cozy space to listen to her enchanting melodies.
The mermaid's songs had woven their way into the hearts of the crew, becoming a source of comfort and solace. Imagining a night without her voice felt strangely empty, leaving a void that only her captivating melodies could fill. The pirates had come to rely on her music, finding respite and a sense of peace within its soothing embrace. A bond was created.
In the waters underneath the pirate boat, the shark curiously turned his belly up to the surface and glanced at the mermaid beside him. "I still don't understand why you do that every night," he inquired, his voice gentle and inquisitive.
The mermaid, captivated by a seashell she had torn off the boat, averted her gaze and sighed softly. "I don't know either," she confessed, her eyes fixated on the small, imperfect shell that shimmered with a mesmerizing light. "Maybe one night, I'll manage to make them jump from the boat."
Neptune let out a disapproving "you don't even believe that yourself" and shifted back to his normal position, casting a side-eyed glance at the blushing mermaid. Surprised by her sudden change in demeanor, he gasped dramatically. "Why are you blushing, oh my God?" he teased, eager to uncover the reason behind her embarrassment.
With her face heating up, the mermaid swiftly turned around, her long locks serving as a shield to hide her flushed cheeks. In a slightly muffled voice, she pleaded, "Leave me alone! He said he liked my voice, okay?" She couldn't help but feel a mix of delight and self-consciousness at the memory of the tan boy's comment months ago. The urge to share her voice with him and the crew had since consumed her thoughts, leaving her perplexed about the strange pleasure it brought her. Sometimes, lost in her reverie, she would accidentally bump into the boat, jolting her back to reality and causing her to hurt her head.
She yearned to hear more of their praises, to catch glimpses of their conversations about her when she sang. The soft words exchanged among the crew sent a thrill through her, tightening her stomach with anticipation. It was an indescribable sensation, the feeling of being acknowledged and appreciated by someone other than Neptune.
She couldn't deny the rush of satisfaction that coursed through her when she caught fragments of their conversations. It was validation, a confirmation that her voice held power over their hearts.
The mermaid's confusion and lingering infatuation puzzled her, and she couldn't quite comprehend the emotions swirling within her. The mere thought of the tan boy's appreciation for her voice filled her with a mixture of exhilaration and insecurity.
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greeniegreengreen · 1 year
Landlubber!Gojou x Captain!Reader
Navy Captain!Nanami x Captain!Reader
Headcannons because I need to get these out there so that means that I am typing with no solid plan in mind to what I am doing
Warnings: Suggestive at the end
Reader is Female/AFAB in this
Landlubber!Gojou who is to be crowned King in a month then married to a Duchess his parents picked the month after
Landlubber!Gojou who isn't so fond of idea of having more responsibilities and a wife he's only seen twice
Landlubber!Gojou who hires your crew and ship to voyage for some artifact his great grandfather had lost as one last hurrah of an adventure
Navy Captain!Nanami who is convinced by onlookers and the current King that you have kidnapped their dear Prince a month before his coronation, given a task with safely retrieving Landlubber!Gojou and bringing you to justice
Landlubber!Gojou who is told by the crew that the Captain of the ship was your first mate who happened to be male as to gain his respect as female leadership was uncommon and frowned upon with where Landlubber!Gojou is from
Landlubber!Gojou who along the trip meets you after repeatedly knocking you over on different occassions because he has yet to develop his sea legs, he's never been so far out before
Landlubber!Gojou who tries to make it seem like it was all your fault on all medts, he fully believes as a Prince he should not be seen this clumsy so he'd much rather blame you to keep his image clean much less to the very crew he payed for
Navy Captain!Nanami who isn't too far off your trail
Landlubber!Gojou who is convinced you are a just a crewmate and nothing more which leads him to treat you no better than any other commoner he's met
Landlubber!Gojou who despite trying to treat you like nothing, starts to lust over you
Landlubber!Gojou who tries to drunkenly flirt with you on night admitting he found you "oddly compelling", you aren't too entertained by the sudden change in attitude but drunken words are sober thoughts
Landlubber!Gojou who has no recollection of the night before, he wasn't a lightweight, far from it actually, it was just that the liqour pirates drank was heavier than the wine he had at the castle
Landlubber!Gojou who notices your slight change of behaviour towards him, you constantly tease him about how blacked out he was while he fears he may of said something
Navy Captain!Nanami who catches up to your ship and begins to set his soldiers to board your ship, attack and find the Prince
Landlubber!Gojou learning after weeks of being out at sea together that you're first mate was a stand in as soon as he sees you barking orders to your crew and receiving a "Yes Captain" back
Landlubber!Gojou who doesn't need to be told twice to find a place to hideout, both for his protection and to not be taken back to his homeland yet
Navy Captain!Nanami who is very fast to try and get him aboard his ship causing you to go and prevent that, Landlubber!Gojou was a very good paying client and you didn't want to lose him yet
Captain!Reader who has Navy Captain!Nanami in a real struggle as they manuever swords in hand along her ship
Captain!Reader who gives the request to her closest crew mates to bring holes to the navy ship's sails before disconnecting them and getting them out of the situation, Navy Captain!Nanami doesn't hear any of this as you keep overpowering him in battle so his attention is to figure out a way out of this and to remove you of your sword
Navy Captain!Nanami who doesn't realise that they are now sailing away from his stationed ship before you subdue him with the help of your first mate and let him take im the situation he is in
Captain!Reader who gives him two options, to either choose to swim with the fishes or renounce his title and join them, you were quite impressed with how long he held up against you
Navy Captain!Nanami who was ready to cuss you out before Landlubber!Gojou stepped in to give a third being that you kept him as a prisioner till you reached a port and left him there, he looked at the Navy Captain and gsve him a sheepish smile and wave before initiatin conversation with him to find out the latest news on his country
Navy Captain!Nanami who is beyond pissed to find out that Landlubber!Gojou had left by choice and wasn't kidnapped like his father had said
Captain!Reader who decides to go with the third suggestion and charts a route to a nearby port
Landlubber!Gojou who confronts you in your office once things have settled on why you didn't tell him the truth from the beginning, cornering you against your wall as you try to defend your case annoyed that he had the nerve to come to you with such //audacity//
It's getting to the point you're both almost shouting at each other before he tackles your lips with so much want, you needing to release all that fervor he caused kissed him back
The kiss itself starts to escalate as the small flame that was slowly brewing inside of Landlubber!Gojou the duration of the trip starts to grow bigger with each touch of the other's body
You pull away from him, he follows your movement trying to close the gap again before you speak
"Is that the reason you came in here?" You tease
"No, but it will be the reason I stay" he lunges forward locking you both in another deeper kiss
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mysteryideasgroup · 3 months
MSA X TMNT 2003: Ninja Tribunal Chapter 8: They found Maisy's unknown parents' house was abandoned/Maisy Pepper remembers her former house/They found Maisy's Older Siblings survived
The TMNT Team, Girls' Clues Club Team, and Mystery Teams will find Maisy's Former Home abandoned. Maisy remembers that her Former Home had lived with her Parents and Siblings before her Parents were killed by Tengu Shredder who attempted to attack Maisy's Older Siblings but Maisy escaped. Her Older Siblings are alive, unfortunately, one of 2 Older Brother has turned into a Demon. He has his Bamboo Mazzle not to attack Humans and protect Humans from Demons attacking and killing Humans.
Sarah: ! Wait... I think it’s your Siblings of Maisy...
Laura: Wait... hold...! Oh my God...
Cera: !? They have survived and are alive!?
1 Older Sister Named ___ protects her 2 Younger Brother Named ___ with his Bamboo Muzzle which he has turned into Demon, he never eats Humans and protects Humans from Demons. 3 Younger Sister Named ___ and 4 Younger Brother Named ___ were protected by their 2 Older Brother.
Sarah Q: ! Wait, it’s your Older Siblings! Maisy has Older Siblings!?
Josh: What's that Bamboo Muzzle in your mouth?
2 Older Brother is refusing not wanting to his Bamboo Muzzle off. They are shocked that the Second/2 Older Brother does not want to remove his Bamboo Muzzle and bite attacked Humans.
Bart: What? Do you protect your Demon Brother?
1 Older Sister: Yes, true. We want to protect my younger brother. He was my younger brother! He is never eating Humans! I want to find Demon Shredder to kill! I want to find a cure for my younger brother being removed from Demon and back to Normal Human!
Sarah is shocked that Maisy's Older Sister talking to everyone and that Older Sister wants revenge on Demon Shredder and avenge of death of their Parents
Vera: You want to get revenge on Demon Shredder? They want to avenge them from Demon Shredder murdered your Dad and Mom?
Vicki: I think we need back to Lap of the Gods.
Sarah: Going on.
They backed to the Ship with Maisy's Older Siblings joining them
Lewis: I think Bad Magic Heralds is going to find the Tengu Shredder's Artifacts and Body of Tengu Shredder!
1 Older Sister of Maisy: Tengu Shredder? Wait! They're right! They mentioned mean of Demon Shredder is Tengu Shredder! They have nicknames of Tengu Shredder/Demon Shredder!
Leo: Better back to Lap of the Gods! They wait for us to return!
For @laurasanchez36
All my msa ocs and all my new msa ocs belongs to Me
All her msa ocs and all her new msa ocs belongs to @laurasanchez36
Mystery Skulls Animated MSA belongs to Ben and MysteryBen27 of YouTube YT Series
TMNT 2003 belongs to Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird 
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cresvalkyrie · 2 months
So I've finished all the story quests in Arcane Odyssey, and with that I've re-drafted up Ailyn's lore as well as how she met the crew. Potential spoilers for the Ravenna arc, you have been warned if you haven't finished it yet. Putting it down in a readmore just to be safe
I'll start with the lore behind Ailyn's family first. She's descended from Athena, via Erichthonios - a mortal whom the goddess adopted as her own child and personally tutored in the art of war after she had stumbled upon him half-buried in the earth as a newborn. Under her tutelage and blessings, Erichthonios would later become a legendary warrior-mage during the age of the magic wars, back when Ancient Greece was at its peak. And out of gratitude for Athena, he and his descendants became devout worshipers of the virgin goddess.
Adding on to that, Erichthonios himself was a direct if distant descendant of Zeus. It was through their descent from Zeus that the family line acquired a fraction of the god's powers in the form of Lightning magic, something that would manifest in almost every member born into this bloodline, although it also resulted in a peculiar quirk where they would exhibit two magical affinities: the primary one being Lightning, and the other their natural magical affinity influenced by their inherent natures.
For centuries, Erichthonios and his descendants were a powerful noble family, holding immense influence over the War Seas... but one day the noble house mysteriously collapsed, leaving not a single trace of their existence in the wake of their disappearance and were eventually forgotten to time. However, there are survivors who bear this lineage and had scattered to the winds to preserve their lives; Ailyn's specific bloodline ended up fleeing to a tiny remote island village (so small that it could not be found on maps) that would later be subjugated under the reign of the Ravenna Realm and become one of its many colonies.
Currently her family is no more than peasants, although they still possess an ancient artifacts - one dating back to when the family was once powerful and influential - which served as the family heirlooms. It was a set of bronze spear and shield, said to be gifts bestowed upon their ancestor Erichthonios by Athena in the age of the magic wars. Now it was of no use to the peasant family, its descendants having forgotten its true value, but they were still faintly aware of its importance and kept it within the family for generations.
Now back to Ailyn. She is born on 3rd February 1836 as the eldest of three children, on a remote island village under Ravenna. Her family were quite poor, making ends meet through fishing and offering their services as weavers and alchemists. Even as a child, Ailyn longed to see the outside world, having grown restless from the predictable village life. Something her parents would eventually notice.
Thus on her sixteenth birthday, her parents passed down the family heirlooms to her and their blessing for her to leave the island to walk her own path. And ecstatic, Ailyn immediately left the village by hitching a ride on a passing merchant ship, heading first to Ravenna where she later enlisted into the Bronze Legion.
She served in the Bronze Legion for two years, quickly rising up the ranks and eventually becoming a Legionnaire thanks to her diligence and competence. However, that all came to an end one day when she received a command to siege a suspected rebel base and lay waste to it. At first, she didn't think much of it, having heard it was some remote island... only to realise in horror that it was her home village that the royal family had ordered her to destroy without mercy. And by then, it was too late for her to save anyone...
Disgusted and horrified by what she had done, she deserted the Bronze Legion and attempted to flee Ravenna, only to be caught and detained as someone who she thought as a friend tipped the Bronze Legion off about her plans to desert as they were jealous of her for being able to climb up the ranks so quickly. Ailyn was originally to be sentenced to the Eternal Mines if it weren't for a high lord of the Order taking an interest in her after sensing a peculiar magic in her. Intrigued, they had her be shipped off to serve as the Order's newest experiment subject instead, believing her to be useful in fulfilling the Order's goals.
It was there that she met the rest of the experiments crew (i.e Raju, Acelia, Ambrosia and Reiko). However, at that point, she was still badly in shock from the drastic turn of events that had occurred not too long ago, and was almost unresponsive to anyone whenever they attempted to talk to her beyond simple nonverbal communication. Ailyn spent around a year in the Order's clutches as an experiment subject before escaping with the crew, but she parted ways with them shortly after they woke up on Dawn Island to track down the whereabouts of the family heirlooms she had lost after the Legion had confiscated them upon her detainment.
During ch1 and ch2, Ailyn became a mercenary and bounty hunter separate from the main crew, desperately searching for the heirlooms but to no avail. She was just about to call it quits when she unexpectedly ran into Raju at a tavern in Cirrus, who offered her a place in her crew after hearing that Ailyn had nowhere else to go. Seeing that she had no other choice, she accepted, even if she felt that Raju's kind offer was wasted on her... and the rest is history.
I still haven't figured out how Ailyn plays into the overall storyline with the crew, but if you guys see this I'd like to hear your thoughts on Ailyn!
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trickstarbrave · 8 months
writing is hard bc i am eepy. however. i am thinking about steren and vivienne. again.
so more of the au
vivienne belongs to @mulberrycafe
Steren was not used to being alone.
In this life he was always haunted by Nerevar’s spirit. He didn’t always know, but he would always be left with a lingering sense of comfort at his darkest moments. Every birthday he was alone, every night he was sick, even on the ship to Morrowind, there was a lingering sensation in the air that he wasn’t alone. He could almost feel the phantom touch on his skin; a hand on his shoulder or his forehead, even faintly like someone was trying to hold him. At first, he had assumed it was his imagination, but after getting the Moon-and-Star ring, he knew it was Nerevar always watching over him. 
He hadn’t said goodbye to his father’s spirit until after Dagoth Ur’s defeat, right before being sent to a whole different world. But even then, while suffering in the brothel, Vivienne was with him. 
But here he was, marching up through the mountains, covered in dirt, pissed off, angry, and alone--
Well, he supposed he was not entirely alone. He still had scribbles, dutifully following Steren, though he appeared distraught at Vivienne’s disappearance, rooting around their sleeping roll to look for him.
Vivienne got attacked. And then, somehow, caught in an ambush with what looked like Imperial soldiers and guards from Windhelm despite being so far from the city. 
And then, to top it all off, the town Vivienne was taken to was reduced to fucking ash and rubble by the time Steren had arrived, a huge beast flying away from the destruction it left in it’s wake. 
So here he was, in the logging village nearby, Scribbles in his bag, buying supplies from the small general goods shop. They asked him to try and get an old artifact back from some thieves, which could be good money if he was honest. However, his first priority was finding Vivienne.
Vivienne couldn’t be dead. Steren refused to consider it. He didn’t care if it seemed like everyone in that town had been destroyed. He didn’t care if he didn’t know what that thing was that destroyed it. Vivienne wasn’t dead. He couldn’t be dead.
Steren had lost so much already. He had lost his parents, the life he lived, his world, and even his promise of an afterlife. He spent months suffering in that whore house, wondering if everyday would be his last. He lost his father’s ring and sword too while he was at it, along with the bottle of his and his parents’ hair he was going to place on his hearth when he got a home for himself. Already Steren was anxiously scratching at the damn collar around his neck that had been welded shut, cursing under his breath. 
He couldn’t lose Vivienne too. He had to be out there, somewhere--
“Steren?” Steren turned immediately to the sound, seeing Vivienne walking with someone else.
He didn’t think. Instantly he was sprinting, wrapping his arms around Vivienne and swinging him in a hug so tight he actually lifted Vivienne off the ground, tears rolling down his cheeks.
“Vivienne!” Scribbles had jumped out of his pack as Vivienne threw his arms around Steren too, tears also flowing freely. 
“I-I thought I lost you…” Vivienne whimpered. “I thought I’d never see you again, that you’d leave me--”
“What?” Steren put him back down on the ground, still holding him firmly. “Leave you?” He wiped away the cheeks still rolling down his cheeks. “Khes’m, you know I wouldn’t leave you.” Vivienne glanced away nervously, face still pulled into a look of sorrow. “Shh…It’s alright…” Steren knew Vivienne was a bit insecure, so he was ready to reassure him as much as possible. “You know I’d never leave you. I came looking for you--I’d search this entire frozen country if I had to find you again.” He then pulled Vivienne in close again, wanting desperately to kiss his messy, pale hair. “I thought for a moment I might have lost you for good, after I saw that town destroyed…” 
Off to the side, the nord looked at the pair, puzzled, before clearing his throat. 
“I was just taking our friend here to get that blasted collar cut off.” He said, his voice level. “Would you like to come?”
“Steren needs his cut off too.” Vivienne tugged the scarf Steren was wearing down, revealing a near identical one. He hated the damn thing, honestly, and the prospect of having it removed was already a relief. 
“... By the Eight, both of you have them…” He muttered, looking distressed. “Come, my uncle will cut both of them off for you two.”
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amtrak12 · 9 months
Hey hi! I read your Helena Wells meta earlier, from ten years ago, and I found it so interesting and spot on, and at the end you were so sad that you felt like you didn't have a good grasp on the character - do you feel that has changed, since then? And if so, how? Or, what do you think of Helena these days?
(the meta you posted and linked here: https://www.tumblr.com/purlturtle/736985181321314304/your-helena-tangent-got-me-thinking-and-yes-this )
Oooo fun and deep questions! :D Thank you!!
Obviously, that was 2.5 high schools ago so I had to reread my original meta to refresh my memory. My first thought is: OMFG LEARN PARAGRAPH BREAKS!! O_O But then, as I kept reading and saw how many spaces were missing after periods and how the sentences after the missing space read like a new paragraph -- my second thought is, I think Tumblr did me dirty at some point in the last 10 years of formatting changes and I actually did use appropriate paragraph breaks originally. Rude. -_-
But on the point of your actual questions! lol
I don't remember writing that exact post, but being nervous and uncertain about my Helena characterization does ring a bell. I was DEFINITELY more confident in analyzing/meta-ing Myka or Pete (if it was in relation to Myka). HG made me nervous and that was only like 10% because she's British and I'm American.
Some of my uncertainty probably came from my lack of historical knowledge (which has not improved. Fun fact: this is why I nearly never invented an artifact for fic). A not-insignificant portion of my uncertainty probably also came from how confident the rest of the fandom spoke about Helena. It seemed like she was meta-ed more often and by more people than Myka was. (Which makes sense as -- in general -- Helena was/probably still is the more popular character in the B&W ship.) I don't remember ever feeling like someone was way off base or out of character with Helena, but I do remember reading meta/fic sometimes and struggling to decide if I disagreed with a character trait/action that the person assigned her or if it was an accurate aspect of Helena's character that I hadn't internalized yet.
Basically I had Opinions about how Myka (and Pete for that matter) should be written and definitely noticed when a fic disagreed with me. But figuring out HG was like the wild west to me and I could never pin her down with firm barriers on who her character is and isn't.
I am very, very rusty on my Warehouse 13 knowledge because it's been nearly a decade since I was deep in my analyzation of the show. So, I wouldn't say I have a better grasp on Helena's characterization today than I did in 2014. But there are some aspects I feel like I could understand better if I took the time to rewatch and meta.
Loss of a child -- look I don't have children, but I do have niblings now that I adore. I'm also raising a dog who taught me I do not have the energy or anxiety coping mechanisms to raise a human child, because worrying about her almost does me in on its own. And I'm in my mid-30's now and seem to have a better understanding of parent-child relationships (or I'm at least way more interested in exploring them now, both from the view of the child and the view of the parent). So, exploring Christina's death and just how much that affected Helena would absolutely be on my list of deep-dives. I never ignored this before, but I'm certain I could pull more out of this backstory today than I could've in 2014.
Helena's guilt -- I started rambling at the end of that post about which things Helena felt guilty about and whether she felt guilty at all. As far as I remember, I usually wrote her as feeling some measure of guilt for her past actions. (Although I was also usually writing full AU settings so it was a moot point.) But I also wasn't wrong when I pointed out how she didn't show any obvious signs of regret over her S2 actions, unless it was something that had hurt Myka. If I was going to go back and meta WH13, I would explore this topic deeper for sure.
Interestingly, it's not something I could've explored deeper prior to 2022-ish. But now I've watched the series Lucifer which deals entirely with guilt and has a protagonist with shut down emotions who doesn't regret things and then, through incremental changes over 6 seasons, opens up, learns to feel every emotion again, unpacks a lot of shit etc. And I have been FASCINATED by how the writers pulled that off, because on the surface it is not a show (or a protagonist) that I should care about. (And if I had watched it from ep 1.01 instead of completely ass backwards, I wouldn't have cared about him.) BUT I DO CARE! And I want to know how they pulled off Lucifer's character arc. And then I want to use some of the techniques they used to explore guilt and pain and apply them to Helena to see what emerges in her character. Because I think it would be really interesting.
And then finally, I'm not sure I have anything new to bring to the conversation around what Helena's future with the warehouse and/or happy ending looks like. But I could also never make up my mind on what would work best for her. Does she return as an agent? Does she become a regent? (Probably not, but you never know.) Does she just become the live-in inventor who doesn't venture into the field unless absolutely necessary? I have absolutely no idea what her future with the warehouse would look like if a romantic relationship with Myka is her happy ending. (Which is my personal goal obviously lol).
Because -- and this is where my Opinions on Myka come into play -- our girl Myka Bering is not leaving that warehouse. Ever. She is the new Artie. She will take over as the lead agent when he retires/partially retires. And then she will die there. In South Dakota of old age (because I refuse to let her die on a mission). Pete? Oh, my boy Pete will meet an awesome lady and retire to be a stay at home dad. He'll walk away one day. Myka? Absolutely never. You're burying her at the warehouse. Which means Helena will have to have some kind of relationship with it again, and I would have to figure out what that looks like because both today and in 2014, I can't decide what option fits her best.
I hope this answers your question! It was so deep and I love it :D I just don't have new thoughts on WH13 yet because I haven't looped back around to a full blown obsession with it yet. (It will happen. Round 2 of BERING AND WELLS ARE THE BEST THING EVER will absolutely happen at some point in my life because that's how I roll and they are.) So this is less meta about how my thoughts on Helena have changed, and more about how my approach to her character would change given the experience I've gained in the last ten years.
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badassbutterfly1987 · 3 months
Black Sun Rising Ch. 6-10 (in which I get more critical)
Chapter 6:
I was a bit confused by this chapter at first since we switch to an entirely new POV of an angry merchant upset about lost cargo
apparently the Weird Trio (my nickname for the things from a previous chapter that looked human but weren't) used the ship carrying his goods to reach the city and sunk the ship and other people on it to cover their tracks i think
the monotone voices and general lack of emotion really make them unsettling
Chapter 7:
we get a flashback/dream from the Patriarch's POV
so his mother had a drug addiction when he was kid, then she was killed and eaten by monsters
obviously a formative memory and probably contributed to his zeal for expanding the Church's influence
Chapter 8:
apparently Damien has a habit of staying awake during true night so he could be aware of any users of dark fae nearby; it's mentioned he was taught this by a mentor, I'm presuming another sorceror or Adept since this isn't the kind of thing the Church likes
he's good at reading the fae currents back in Ganji but they're too volatile in Jaggonath, so he's just chilling in his room for a couple pages then goes to sleep (wait it says it's 3am, is this a witching hour reference? neat)
then Ciani's shop explodes and she's presumed dead, mention that there's specifically blue fire. that color was mentioned last time with the earthquake-resistant wards. the emotional part of this is weakened a bit for me because I know the general plot of the rest of the book
For the most part, I like the rest of this chapter. Damian's understandably rattled, he really liked Ciani and there was the potential for a genuine relationship. We even get a nice moment where the Patriarch has a moment of not being an ass and offers his condolences to Damien, recognizing there was a bond despite his hatred of Adepts and the fae.
Damian has the thought that he might have been falling in love with her. Here's the thing, I think they're fun together, they have a nice flirty dynamic and I could see myself writing ship fics for them. But that was all that was there; there weren't moments where they connected on a more intimate level and Damien doesn't read as having a romantic enough personality to fall this hard this early.
extra note since I didn't think to mention it last post: what kind of Church follower taught to fear and hate demons, would then name their kid Damien? Is it going to be revealed that his parents were Adepts/sorcerers who later converted? it would be a neat reveal; I don't think his parents have been mentioned yet, and it could have influenced with his ease about using fae
Chapter 9:
Weird Trio confirmed to have been hunting Ciani and maybe intended to eat her? didn't intentionally cause explosion. maybe she tried to fight back and triggered the wards in a way that overloaded them?
they apparently have another task to fulfill. how ominous!
Chapter 10:
Ciani is confirmed to be alive and hiding at Senzie's place, surprise surprise. but this is a genuinely sad scene, her attackers ripped out chunks of her memory and all her ability/knowledge as an Adept, something that is an inherent part of her identity
turns out Senzie caused the explosion in an attempt to make the attackers think she was dead and wouldn't attack again. unfortunately, this means that any research or artifacts that could have helped Ciani have been destroyed. Senzie insists he did what was best in the moment, which is fair but the way he says it points to a deeper insecurity. kudos to Damian for knowing how to de-escalate, he's like a warrior-poet but religious (is this just what dnd clerics are? I haven't played)
on a lighter note, we meet Allesha. she was briefly mentioned before as a fellow assistant and someone Senzie seemed to be mildly annoyed with. turns out she's his fiancee which makes that previous thing a little awkward
then we meet Karril, Ciani's demon friend who seems like a pretty chill guy; were he a modern guy, he'd probably wear Hawaiian shirts. what exactly demons are in this verse is a little unclear; the Church calls them demons and Damian treats them as such but other people seem to worship them as gods? Karril's domain is pleasure and he does have Dionysus vibes (also I know there's some fics that ship him and Damian so presumably he shows up again)
I really hope Ciani isn't going to be a traumatized husk for the rest of the book because she was a fun character and this already treads the line of fridging the only notable female lead (Almea dies in the prologue and Allesha is only relevant as Senzei's partner)
apparently Ciani investigated the rakhlands before (far too curious about unknown, similar to Damian), was trapped for a few years in which a rakh fed on her memories/substance as a person, and she barely managed to escape. while Karril wasn't able to get her to fully explain what happened, he did help her forget the experience at her request.
this is like that on a larger scale. the only way to fix it is to hunt down the specific creature that caused it. I might be misreading this part but they seem to be implying it could be a rakh or a more general (but still very dangerous) monster. I guess it's a red herring to the characters/audience to suspect Tarrant and while he is an amoral bastard, his brief POV chapters haven't suggested a motivation to do so (and he did notice new competition in the area, probably the rakh attackers)
Also, just for funzies, this is what I initially marked down for general thoughts that I wanted to make sure I expanded:
Senzei acting sus. defensive because insecure
romance where? barely know each other.
close to fridging. Ciani angry when?
where Tarrant?
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