#it was during a conversation where our birthdays were brought up
airenyah · 1 year
a friend of mine just wished me a happy late birthday. my birthday was in june
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vettelsvee · 2 months
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CLIFFORD AND EMILY | Sebastian Vettel
f1 masterlist | ao3 | ask me anything or let's talk!
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ferrari sebastian vettel x race engineer wife!reader
word count: 3195
summary: y/n tells seb that it would be a great present for his birthday to adopt a puppy, and they find the perfect one
warnings: fluff, fluff and more fluff. dad ferrari!seb as i can't get rid of him. based on 2018 season and narrated on seb's pov
a/n: once again, this is part of history series (coming soon as is being heavily edited) and translated by cele! changed my layout to my comfort people so are you like it? also, as always, i'll be waiting for your feedback, as well as comments and chats on that anon button please! and also, don't forget reblogs are truly appreciated guys! tysm <3
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© VETTELSVEE (2024). please, do not steal, copy or translate my works. thanks for reading!
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Normally, I didn't have trouble getting up in the mornings, especially during Grand Prix weekends, but today it had been incredibly hard to leave Y/N and Emily sleeping.
Maybe the problem was that today was my birthday, and, in part, we couldn't spend it like a normal family. I didn't mind working on such a special day, but it did bother me when I thought it was my first birthday with Emily.
Very reluctantly, I decided to start my day, trying not to let my bad mood consume me. As soon as I set foot on the floor, I adjusted the sheets to cover my girlfriend, taking the utmost care not to wake her. Nights with our daughter were exasperating, and I didn't know how Y/N managed to be at one hundred percent during team meetings, press conferences, free practice sessions, qualifying and the race, and especially the briefings and all the data analysis her job entailed.
I trained with Eddie for just an hour and a half. According to him, my birthday present was a less strict training session; even so, we ran a lap around the block where the hotel was located, and then we went straight to the gym.
At half-past seven in the morning, to my good fortune, he told me I could go back to my room to get ready for that Friday.
I entered as quickly as I could, being very careful because it was still quite early, and I assumed my girls would be resting. Deep down, I knew that wasn't going to be the case, so I wasn't surprised to see Y/N, still in her pyjamas, walking back and forth while breastfeeding Emily and trying to eat a piece of toast.
“God!” She quickly swallowed the bite and pretended she hadn't been eating. I couldn't help but laugh at how cute the scene seemed to me. “I'm so sorry, Seb. I had ordered breakfast to be brought up and ready for when you came, but I was so hungry and wasn't sure when Eddie would let you go today…”
I shook my head and approached her. I left a short kiss on her lips and then placed another on my daughter's forehead.
“Happy birthday, sunshine,” she said, wrapping her free arm around me. “How many birthdays have we spent together now? Eight?”
“Seven,” I corrected her, remembering we didn’t get to spend the 2008 one together. “And I hope there will be more because I'm not going to let you get rid of me anytime soon.”
“Do you really think I'm going to get rid of you so soon? In case you don't remember, we not only work together: we also share a house, a cat, a daughter, and we're going to have a dog…”
After that last part, Y/N let out a small scream and covered her mouth with her hand.
If I was the one who could keep secrets perfectly, Y/N Y/L/N was the complete opposite.
“What do you mean by a dog, Y/N?”
“Oh, well, I don't know… I must have mixed up some conversation I had with Aristella about Cherry,” her nerves were quite noticeable. “I got confused, and…”
“Y/N, I know you perfectly, and I know when you're lying to me. What did you mean by we’re going to have a dog?”
Given my insistence and, why not say it, the poker face I probably had, my girlfriend sighed. She placed Emily in the crib next to our bed and, while asking me to sit down and start having breakfast, took her mobile phone and immersed herself in it.
“Well, you see…” she began, sitting in front of me and taking a strawberry in her hands. “Since you adopted Vanilla as a surprise for me, I've been thinking that I would like to do the same for you, but between the chaotic 2013 we had and Emily's birth, I found it a bit impossible. It's also true that it's something I would like to discuss before doing it because it's a matter that depends not only on me but also on you,” she clarified.
“And that means…?”
“Forget it, Seb. It doesn't matter. I haven't told you anything, okay? Forget it.”
It bothered me to see her so indecisive, though it didn’t stop me from finding her idea quite endearing deep down. I knew she was nervous; the constant fiddling with the napkin and her flushed cheeks were proof of that.
“Do you want to adopt a dog?” I asked her, loud and clear.
“It’s not that I want to adopt a dog. Well, I do, but…” she sighed, stopped eating breakfast, and looked at me directly. “The thing is, I know you’d like to have a dog, and you’ve had that idea in your head for quite some time, so I thought that, only if you want, we could adopt one,” she finally explained.
“Do you want to wait until we get back home? If you want, we can talk to Michael and have him recommend…”
“No, no, not at all! I’ve already talked to Lewis about it, and he’s informed me,” she hastened to clarify. “Since I wanted to do all this, if possible, today, I asked him where he adopted Roscoe and Coco. I thought today was the perfect day for the adoption because it’s your birthday,” she repeated.
I nodded as I got up and headed towards Emily’s crib, who had started crying once more.
“I mean, all this is only if you want, of course,” Y/N spoke again. Before I could respond, she interrupted me once more. “But if you want, we can do it when we get back home. I don’t mind, except I wouldn’t have another birthday present to give you…”
Still holding the baby in my arms, I approached her and silenced her with a long, slow kiss, one I took my time with but received no complaints about, quite the opposite.
Y/N always went out of her way with gifts, even during times when her finances weren't the best. I much preferred her giving me something symbolic over an expensive whim.
So, the fact that she wanted to adopt a dog today, as my birthday present, made this thing I had wanted for so long even more special. Plus, thinking that Emily would grow up with the new member of the family made it a thousand times better.
“If my girl says it’s happening today, then we should follow her lead,” I finished saying. “What time do you think we’ll be done with everything we have to do today?”
“I hope there aren’t too many people, because if Britta finds out we’re doing all this without telling her…”
“Y/N, relax. If there’s any problem or anything, I’ll handle the press. Besides, it’s not like they don’t know me: remember I adopted Roscoe and Coco there, so they know me quite well.”
Lewis had decided to come with us to, according to him, ensure his friends received proper treatment. Deep down, I knew it was because he didn’t want to see Aristella, Britta’s niece and Y/N's best friend, hanging around Rosberg even while they were in the middle of their divorce process.
Hamilton’s concern for the girl wasn’t just something a friend would have, and I knew he was fully aware of that.
“Do you have something in mind, Seb?”
Lewis’s voice snapped me out of my trance.
“Sorry, what?”
“If you’ve thought of a name for the dog,” the dark-haired man spoke again. “I hope it’s something different from the usual. You know, the world has too many Tobys and all those common dog name variants.”
“If we’re talking about giving common names to pets, Seb is your guy,” Y/N spoke now, almost shouting. “When he adopted Vanilla just to get me to move in with him, he told me Garfield was a better name. Garfield, like the cartoon cat! If that’s not common…”
“What do you want to call an orange cat, Y/N? Vanilla? I remind you that you wanted to name her Cheeto…”
“Because she looked like a Cheeto and I thought it was a male!” she retorted. “Later, when I realised she was female and not so orange, I named her Vanilla.”
“Vanilla, I like it. It’s an… interesting name,” Lewis intervened. “Can I ask why you named her like that?”
“Y/N's favourite ice cream flavour is vanilla. That, and if you add the fact that cats are her favourite animal…” I answered in her place.
I saw Y/N's lips curve slightly in the rear-view mirror.
Then, she turned around and put a hand on my leg, stroking it.
“I hope you find the perfect name for the new family member, love. Even if it’s the same as every other dog in the world,” she said ironically.
After those words, I realised we had arrived at the shelter Lewis Hamilton seemed to admire so much.
The Brit, as he guided us towards what appeared to be the entrance, commented that we should be careful with Emily, not because the furry ones were aggressive, but because they got very excited when they had visitors, especially if they were children.
A dark-skinned woman with completely dark hair was at the door, as if she had been waiting for us for a while. Lewis gave her a hug and immediately introduced us.
“These are Sebastian Vettel, his girlfriend Y/N, and their daughter, Emily.”
She gave us a smile, and I saw she intended to shake our hands until she saw our little one. She approached to dote on her as soon as Y/N gave her permission with a glance. Emily’s laughter began to fill the room, and she started to move cheerfully in Y/N's arms.
“I’m so sorry for my lack of manners, but when I see such a beautiful baby like this little one…” the woman began to say, still playing with the child. Then, she cleared her throat and looked at both of us. “Nice to meet you, couple,” she finally shook our hands. “I’m Jade, and well, I’ve been a volunteer at this shelter since time immemorial, back in the prehistoric times.”
“Don’t say that, Jade! You look wonderful,” Lewis told her, placing a hand on her shoulder.
“Don’t be so flattering, young man,” she chided him. “I appreciate all kinds of compliments for my age, but that’s not why we’re here. Well, tell me: if I’m not mistaken, and as your friend here has told me, you want to expand your family, right?”
Now she was looking intently at both of us. I nodded in response; at the same time, and by inertia, my right arm wrapped around my girlfriend’s waist, which made Emily start reaching out her little arms to come to me.
“Today is Seb’s birthday, and he’s been wanting to adopt a dog for quite some time,” my girlfriend explained.
“Oh, the adoption is a birthday gift!” Jade exclaimed, beginning to clap and approaching me quickly to give me a hug that I gladly accepted. “Happy birthday, dear! How old are you now?”
“Oh, dear. If I could be that age again…”
I smiled at her response as Y/N handed me Emily, who had started babbling to come to me.
“A daddy’s girl, I see, huh?” Jade chimed in. Y/N was about to answer, but before she could even do so, the woman was already speaking again. “Well, since it’s your birthday, I think I have the perfect gift for you.”
Without saying anything more, the woman gestured for us to follow her, and we did. We passed through several areas with dogs of different ages roaming freely, who approached us to sniff and perhaps convince us to adopt them.
Lewis mentioned that some of them were related to Coco. I laughed at the supposed joke, which stopped being a joke when Jade confirmed it. Y/N lagged behind a few times because she stopped to play with the dogs that approached her, which were quite a few. Emily and I, however, kept a brisk pace, possibly eager to find out what the woman was talking about and why she was being so mysterious.
Finally, we arrived at a kind of room with less light than I expected and, to my surprise, full of what seemed to be soft little beds. On top of them, not only was there a dog lying down that seemed quite tired, but there were also several puppies nursing from her.
Jade indicated before we entered that we should remain silent.
“One of our dogs gave birth last night,” she told us. “I don’t want to give all her puppies up for adoption since I’d like at least one to stay with her, but considering that the puppies and you share a birthday, I’d be delighted if you adopted one of them.”
I opened my eyes wide and couldn’t say anything. Next to me, Y/N seemed to have reacted the same way I did.
Saying we were surprised would be an understatement.
“But… are you serious?” my girlfriend commented, still in surprise.
“Of course, dears!” the woman responded cheerfully. “The only issue, so to speak, though it’s not really a problem, is that it’ll take about a month and a half before you can take him home. You know, the separation process from the mother is crucial.”
“No problem, really. We’ll wait as long as it takes,” I finally spoke. “Besides, I think we have a break around that time, right?”
“Yes, about a month,” Lewis replied.
“We’ve already got our vacation destination, sunshine,” Y/N said to me, apparently much more excited than I was.
“Now, I need you to tell me something important: which one of them do you want to be your little girl’s new brother?”
Still holding Emily, Y/N and I carefully approached the puppies.
To our eyes, they all looked exactly the same. We couldn’t see their eyes, but I was almost convinced they would be similar to the colour of their fur, a light brown skin similar to beach sand. They were huddled together and didn’t seem to be doing anything other than trying to nurse for as long as possible.
“Do you know what breed or mix they are?” Y/N asked the lady with that characteristic curiosity of hers.
“If I remember correctly, their mother is a golden retriever and their father, a big labrador.”
My girlfriend thanked her, turning towards her and leaving Emily by herself for a moment. At that point, seemingly unaware that her mother wasn't watching her every move, the little one began to crawl towards the puppies. Instinctively, I quickly scooped her up in my arms to prevent her from doing so. However, she didn't seem to give up: she started kicking until, just like that, I brought her a little closer to the furry animals.
While Y/N and Lewis chatted with Jade, I remained seated on the floor next to my daughter, who seemed to have settled on a particular puppy. I tried shifting her gaze from side to side, attempting to get her to notice the rest of them, but it seemed the one farthest from its mother had caught her attention the most.
“I think Emily has chosen who’s going to be her adopted sibling, hasn’t she?” I remarked.
As soon as I said that, the three of them turned towards me, crouching down to my level. Emily was still engrossed with that little one and seemed to continue being so until we left.
“Have you chosen for Daddy, Emi?” Y/N asked, almost lying on the floor to join the game that Emily was playing with the one who seemed to be our new child. “Do you want this to be your new little brother? Or sister, of course.”
“He's a boy, actually,” Jade intervened. “And, if I’m honest and don't recall incorrectly, he’s the oldest of the whole litter.”
“Do you want to adopt this little one then, sunshine? Honestly, if you’re not convinced we can wait a bit…” Y/N whispered as if wanting it to be a secret between us.
“Clifford,” I suddenly blurted out.
They looked at me as if they had seen a ghost. Of course, I would act the same if someone dropped a name out of nowhere in a situation like this.
“I want to name him Clifford,” I clarified. “Remember the series about that big red dog you told me you watched with your sisters when they were little?” I asked my girlfriend, who nodded. “Well, if I remember correctly, you told me that the main character of the series, who was also the owner of the dog, was named Emily.”
“What’s that got to do with it, love?” she asked, curious. Did she really not know why I had suggested that name?
“Well, it just so happens that your daughter is named Emily and she seems to have chosen for us.”
Y/N’s eyes lit up and widened exaggeratedly. I swear I saw them get a little misty when she finally seemed to understand what I meant. Immediately, she stood up, took the baby in her arms, and began to talk to her while they played as if they were the only ones in the room.
“I guess I already have a birthday present, right?” I asked the redhead, standing beside her and giving her a kiss on the forehead and another to our daughter.
“Emily and Clifford…” she murmured. “I like it. I love it, actually.”
“Well, I hope that when we have the next baby, I can nail it in the same way.”
Jade, after the last sentence that I had just said, was left dumbfounded. Lewis, for his part, tried to turn a deaf ear and, instead, told me that they would be waiting for us at the entrance to do all the necessary paperwork, not without whispering to me in the least blatant way possible that he hoped that this would be my other birthday present.
Obviously, he deserved a well-deserved punch from Y/N.
“Are you already thinking about the next baby, love? Emily hasn’t even turned one yet!”
“I always think about the second baby, to be honest,” I replied. I was convinced, and I knew as well as she did that we had barely laid the foundations of our family. “A puppy brother for Emily is fine, but a human one would be a thousand times better. Don’t you think so?”
Y/N rolled her eyes and turned away, heading towards the shelter entrance. I quickly caught up with her, and her laughter filled my ears.
“If you're already thinking about our second baby, then we'll have to listen to Lewis and start practising tonight before dinner with my parents,” she suggested.
Her mischievous look infected me, and I couldn’t help but return it.
“As the birthday boy, I vote for squeezing in a free practice session before dinner with my parents tonight. How does that sound?”
“Whatever you wish, birthday boy,” she replied. “But I hope you come up with a good enough excuse for them not to suspect anything when we arrive late, and also when you ask if they can keep Emily overnight.”
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bigtreefest · 9 days
Why Not Both?
Pairing: Curtis Everett x Reader
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Summary: Who are you and Curtis to deny each other of anything on your special day?
Word count: 1,830
Content/warnings: MINORS DNI 18+ ONLY, SMUT, pussyjob, kissing, swears, mentions of eating, mentions of body hair, like…several. Just enjoy it, okay? Okay., a really nice sleepy morning with Curtis that gets a little out of hand but would you really want it to go any other way?, I’m gonna make Curtis himself and the pet names a warning on this one
A/N: SURPRISE!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BEAN!!! @brandycranby I tried to think of what one of the most indulgent things for you could possibly be after our many conversations. I hope you love this and that your special day is amazing!!💗🥳🥳🥳 extra mentions of body hair just for you😘
Comments, likes, reblogs, and asks are so appreciated. Thank you for reading!!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Main Masterlist
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You groaned as the sunlight hit your face, warming you through the cold air of the house. As you tried to stretch your limbs, you felt resistance from a familiar weight above and below you.
Your eyes fluttered open, taking in the sight of the rumpled comforter that had been kicked towards the bottom of the bed sometime during the night, now sitting just below your waist and that of the rock on which you laid. Into your field of vision came a large hand holding something small. You blinked in an attempt to focus the rainbow color assaulting your retinas until it formed a shape: a cupcake plushie with a smiling face and a candle on top. You sleepily grinned and turned, hiding your face into the mound you were sprawled across. In fact, that firm, dense object your were on top of was Curtis’s chest, and you snorted into the space between his pecs where you had tucked your nose.
You felt your head bounce and rumble from his laugh and the sound of his deep, scratchy morning voice. “Happy birthday, Biscuit. I hope it’s a sweet one.”
You playfully groaned, bringing one hand up by your head on his chest, the other haphazardly reaching and searching for his face, fingertips bumping his shoulder and chin on the way to his rough cheek, eliciting near giggles from your boyfriend.
Your thumb stroked his beard and you turned your head just enough so he could understand the words coming out of your squished mouth.
“I wanna push you for being so cheesy with that joke, but I think if I pull my head off your chest, I might die.”
Curtis chuckled as he combed his fingers through your hair, craning his neck to give you a kiss on the forehead. He knew how much you loved being pressed close to him, especially with how cozy and cuddly you often were in the mornings.
“Well we wouldn’t want that. Not today. We can do whatever you want, and if that’s staying in bed forever, so be it. I can cancel the special lunch reservations I made and we can try that new K-pot restaurant some other time-“
You gasped and tilted your head up to see him, still not detaching yourself from how your were latched on, his chest hair gently scratching your cheek as you looked up at his soft smile through your eyelashes you were now batting.
“Lunch, you say? K-pot….you say?”
Curtis beamed. “Yeah, but if you don’t want lunch from there, we can stay here. It’s your day.”
You furrowed your brow, and finally pushed your palms firmly into Curtis’s belly to sit up. He scooted his body up so he was leaning against the headboard and you followed, leaning in for a quick peck while you reached across him to grab the cupcake plushie.
“Thank you for this, Curtis. I love it. And I love you. But who said we have to choose, why can’t be have both?”
You sat back on your haunches, pulling the plushie closer to you and finally examining it. It was adorable, and all that you could imagine was your big, broody boyfriend carrying it up to the checkout counter at the store. Its bright, neon nature was in great contrast to the cold, dark colors he often wore, which brought an even bigger smile to your face. You reached across Curtis once again to place the plushie on the nightstand and he took that opportunity to grab your waist with both of his big hands, guiding you to sit firmly in his lap. You squealed in surprise, but settled quickly when you saw the way he looked up at you with an earnest, reverent smile. The two of you let out a sigh of content as his fingertips gently stroked up and down your sides, teasing the hem of your tank top upwards. His tongue darted out over his bottom lip at the sight but his eyes quickly looked up at you with a mischievous glint.
“Well who am I to deny you that today? We have time for whatever you want. Lunch out and then a little dessert at home?”
You leaned in, both of your hands moving to frame his face as your nose teased his and you nodded.
“Yeah. And maybe a little morning delight?”
He tilted his head to yours to press your lips together before deepening the kiss, his hands coming up to weave into your hair. Lost in the closeness, you began to grind against him, drinking in his low growl. You could feel him growing hard against your thigh. He pulled you away, panting and looking up, his eyes shifting between yours, brow furrowed in a way that concerned you.
“What? What’s wrong? You don’t wanna do this right now? Did you have something else planned? I was hoping you’d let me love on you a little before I have a food baby and meat sweats. We have time for that, right?”
He nodded, awestruck at your acute observation that only sometimes went overboard. You were everything to him and he wanted to treat you like it. “Yes, yes. We have time. It’s just… it’s your birthday. I wanted this to be about you. Let me love on you.”
His eyes shut and he threw his head back with a groan as you continued the slow movement of your hips, your hands moving to his shoulders now. His fingertips dug slightly into your plush curves a little more in an attempt to restrain himself from bucking up into you. He swallowed and took a deep breath to prepare to speak, but you gently placed your lips against his to stop him. His gaze met yours and you could see the love and want to pamper you today in his eyes.
“It’s okay. I promise, big man. This is a treat for me as much as it is for you, and I don’t know what more I can do to show you that.”
His lips simply parted in a breath and he finally acquiesced with a nod as you grinned at him.
“So is that a yes? You’ll let me have what I want on my special day?”
He guided you to rock against him with more pressure, his voice strained.
“God, yes, Sweets. Take whatever you need.”
You bit your lip and giggled, watching Curtis reach an arm out to turn the new plushie away on the nightstand so it wasn’t facing what was about to happen, your hands tracing down teasingly over his chest and abs to the waistband of his boxer briefs.
Your fingers tucked underneath the elastic, not before swiping your pointer finger across his treasure trail, through the soft hair. Curtis shivered and lifted his hips as you used both of your hands to gently pull down the fabric to his mid thigh. You couldn’t move this slowly anymore, though. You needed him as desperately as he needed you, so you pulled your pajama shorts to the side and placed the center of his length between your lower lips.
Curtis could feel the way your arousal deliciously let you slide against him as he guided you along his bare length. Your hands clawed their way back up his abs and to his chest. You found your rhythm grinding against him as you let out a whine the first time his broad tip bumped your clit. You listened to the way Curtis’s breath hitched at the sensation, his soft gasps egging you on to move faster.
As you your nails dug slightly into the muscle of his pecs, your arms were pressing your boobs together, drawing Curtis’s attention, and he pulled down the neck of your tank top to expose them. He leaned his head forward and latched his mouth onto one nipple, tongue laving and teeth gently scraping the sensitive skin, hand massaging the other. You threw your head back, whining at the mixed sensations overtaking both ends of your body. He growled against you, his other hand continuing to encourage your movements that were starting to falter. His breathy praises were mumbled into your saliva-covered flesh.
“Keep going. Come on, Sweets. Are you close? You feel so good. Always so good. Please. Please come with me.”
You clenched your eyes shut and nodded fervently, hands fisting the coarse hair that laid between your fingers.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m close. Oh, fuck, don’t stop that.”
You pushed your chest towards his face again, the back and forth movements of your hips becoming frantic as Curtis planted his feet on the bed and began to thrust to meet you. The pleasureful friction was pushing you towards your peak, as your back arched, pushing you even closer to him. The combined feeling of his tongue and beard against you, the powerful movement of his body, his little grunts and moans on your skin, and just the sheer love of the moment was enough to tip you over the edge as you keened. Your orgasm hit you like a shockwave from your clenched toes to your nose as your body jerked and your knees squeezed against his narrow hips. He released your nipple with a pop to watch you writhe in his lap: one of his favorite views.
Curtis wasn’t far behind you, especially since you reached behind your back to roll his balls in your hand, gently tugging them as he ground your overstimulated cunt on his twitching cock, his spend quickly shooting out onto his lower stomach accompanied by a deep, guttural moan. It was music to your ears and a tickle to your mind with the way you affected him.
You couldn’t pull your eyes away from the sight for a few moments, half zoned out from exhaustion, half mesmerized by the beauty of his firm, yet somehow soft tummy carrying the evidence of your shared pleasure.
You collapsed onto his chest, your head nuzzling into his neck as you happily and dreamily sighed.
“That was perfect, Curtis. Thank you.”
His callused fingertips were now gently caressing your bare shoulders in small circles, lulling you into a content sleep, almost.
“I should be thanking you for that.”
He checked his nonexistent watch. Before you could even register what was happening, Curtis had scooted down the bed, his buff arms easily lifting you over his face as you squealed once again in surprise at the way he could so easily manhandle you. You could feel the rough, yet pleasant scratch of his beard between your legs and the heat of his breath.
“Yeah, Biscuit. We’ve got just enough time for you to ride my face, and probably a bath. Then it’s time for me to take my best girl to lunch.”
Your hands flew to the headboard, knuckles already preemptively sore from your tight clutch as Curtis got to work celebrating you in another one of his favorite ways.
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Taglist: @hawkeyes-queen @ronearoundblindly @mercurial-chuckles
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.⋆。They Can Never Have You。⋆.
Dark!Steve Rogers x plus size reader
Things have been going pretty great recently- you’ve gotten a promotion at your job, you’ve been on a couple dates with the guy you really like and now your best friend has invited you over for a home-cooked meal and a chat! Something was bound to go off the rails.
Warnings: DARK FIC PLEASE READ WARNINGS, dub-con/non-con, sex pollen, unprotected sex, smut, forceful impregnation, implied pregnancy, dark!Steve, kidnapping, breeding kink, reader is tied up, drugging, gags, Steve is delulu, squirting, plugs
WC: 2.6k
Minors DNI
Library- @hannibals-favourite-meal-library
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Steve’s invitation over to his place wasn’t unusual and was, in fact, greatly welcomed. It had been a hell of a long week and you were dying to talk about it with someone. So you happily jumped on your bike and travelled as fast as you could to his home just outside of Manhattan. 
The blond was waiting at his front door for you to arrive with a huge smile on his face. “Rogers you are a life-saver!” You called out as you parked your crumbling bike at the side of his house.
Steve shrugged and accepted the warm hug you offered. “Just doing my duty ma’am.” He planted a kiss on your temple as he ushered you into the warmth of his home. 
You sighed in relief as the smell of Steve’s famous beef stew washed over you, chasing away the autumn chill. A shiver rolled up your spine, shaking off the cold that had settled into your limbs on the bike ride over. “Are you sure I didn’t need to bring anything? I always feel bad when I turn up empty handed.” You let Steve take your coat off for you.
He glanced at you from over his broad shoulder as he carefully hung up the worn coat next to his leather jacket. “Your company is all I could ask for doll, you know that.” You rolled your eyes at him as you toed off your converse.
“You say that every time.” He chuckled and then retorted.
“So you really should have learned it by now. I like taking care of you.” He gave your arm an affectionate squeeze before leading you to the dining room where dinner was already set up for you both. An open bottle of your favourite red wine sat next to what must have been bread rolls he baked himself and an antique soup dish you had given him for his birthday.
“Oh Steve this looks amazing!” A faint pink blush appeared on his cheeks before he cleared his throat and pulled out your chair for you.
“It was nothing really.” You melted into the dining chair, happy to finally be sitting after a long day. Steve took his place to your right at the round table, immediately grabbing the not-so-cheap bottle of red and pouring you a generous glass before pouring some for himself. You took it upon yourself to serve you both a healthy amount of stew.
You raised your glass to your best friend who smiled broadly and brought his glass to your own, producing a delicate sound. “Thank you Stevie. It’s been too long since we’ve done this.”
“I have missed having you around doll.” He took a sip of the wine as you smiled kindly at him.
Silence settled over you both as you dug in. You were two rolls down and almost done with your bowl of stew when Steve spoke up again. “So what have you been up to? You seemed pretty busy during our last call.” 
You swallowed the bite you had just taken and bashfully glanced away. “Not all of us are the retired Captain America, Stevie.” He rolled his eyes and you continued. “Well I got a promotion at work! It’s not a very big one but I’ll have some more responsibilities and a better pay.”
Steve brightened, his blue eyes sparkling with glee. “That’s great doll! You absolutely deserve it. You’ve been working there for way too long without any sort of recognition.” 
“Exactly! And well,” You awkwardly cleared your throat, taking another sip of wine to wet your suddenly dry mouth. “I’ve been seeing someone. It’s not serious yet but I’ve had a crush on him for forever so ya know.”
“That’s great! I’m glad that you’re having some fun.” He swallowed the last of the wine in his glass. “More wine?” He offered and you nodded.
“And what about you, have you been getting out there?” Steve settled back into his seat, readjusting his navy polo which had wrinkled slightly with his movement. His cheeks were flushed once more but this time a little darker. “Oooo has someone captured little Stevie’s heart?” You teased, propping your chin up on your hand.
He scoffed at you. “I’ve had the same crush for 5 years now, doll, things never change.”
“Really? And you still haven’t made a move on her?” He breathed out heavily through his nose, shaking his head.
“You know, I’m not really that guy. And I like the way things are now.” He smiled and then reached to grab the paddle but only succeeded in knocking his spoon from his own bowl. “Shit.” He hissed but you laid a hand on his shoulder.
“Don’t worry, I got it.” You bent over and retrieved the silverware from the hardwood floor, handing it back to your friend as his right hand slipped something into his jean’s pocket. His smile was a little wider now and his eyes held a gleam of something you couldn’t quite recognise.
“Thanks doll.” You waved him off in favour of taking another sip of wine.
“So what else do you have planned for tonight?” You attempted to ask but your voice suddenly sounded slurred. You cleared your throat to try again but this time no sound game out. Your head felt like it was made of lead and the tips of your fingers had gone numb. “Steve.” You managed to stammer out.
“Wow, I didn’t think it would work that fast.” He mused almost to himself as he held a small, half-empty vial of clear liquid up to the light. “Well, it was made by Hydra so I shouldn’t be so surprised.” He chuckled lowly then looked at you.
“Oh doll, it’s ok. Don’t try to fight it, just close your eyes. It’ll be easier that way.” You tried to stay awake but you were just so tired. As your eyes fluttered shut, the last thing you saw was Steve as he took you into his strong arms and laid a kiss on your head. “Sweet dreams doll.”
It was the heat that woke you up. An unbearable warmth that seemed to crawl over your skin and seep into the deepest parts of yourself. You groaned and tried to stretch away from whatever was causing such great discomfort but you found that you could barely move your limbs more than an inch in any direction. 
“I wouldn’t move too much, it’s only going to make the knots tighter.” That was Steve’s voice but everything was pitch black. “Oh sorry doll, let me fix that for you.” A silky fabric brushed across your face as it was pulled away from your eyes and suddenly, you could see.
You were in Steve’s bedroom, that much you could tell. But the curtains were drawn and the only light came from several lit candles that were scattered about the room, distorting your sense of time. You tried to open your mouth to ask what was going on but you couldn’t speak. Another strip of fabric was stuffed between your lips, keeping them only slightly ajar and allowing no sound to escape. “I hope you don’t mind but I would rather not have you screaming and ruining all this.”
Steve stood at the foot of the bed, completely naked. You squeaked at the sight and another wave of heat rushed over you. He just laughed. “Don’t be shy doll, I couldn’t let you be the only one that’s naked.” Your body seized in fear as you finally looked down.
He was right, you were naked as well but unlike the super soldier in front of you, you were bound down. A rope around both your ankles had your plump legs spread wide, exposing your core to him as your wrists were tied above your head. There was a pillow beneath your wide hips, leaving your lower half propped up while your shoulders pushed into the mattress. 
You suddenly thrashed, the reality of the situation dawning on you. But it did you no good, instead the ropes became tighter, quickly cutting off the circulation to your hands and feet. Steve clicked his tongue like a disappointed parent would and grabbed your ankles. “I told you not to struggle, doll, and now look at what you’ve done. See this is what happens when you don’t listen to me.”
He gently pulled the knot on your left ankle back, loosening it just enough for the blood flow to return. He repeated the process with the other side then crawled onto the bed. Your eyes widened with terror as he planted himself on his knees right between your legs and leaned over your soft body to grab at your wrists. From this close, you could see how the dark hair along his chest trailed all the way down past his prominent abs, leading to a thick patch at the base of the largest cock you had ever seen. 
Steve tutted and yanked at the cord and the feeling returned to your hands once more. “There you go, doll. Now I need you to stay perfectly still or else.” He said, laying a gentle kiss to the tip of your nose. He sat back on his heels, his gaze firmly fixed on you.
It was like he couldn’t help himself. The tips of his fingers brushed against every inch of skin that he could touch, marvelling at how utterly soft and warm you were. You groaned through the gag. Each time he touched you, it sent an electric shock through your system that only made your body burn even brighter. “Oh doll, you’re so sensitive aren’t you. Don’t worry I’ll make it all better.”
Huge hands cupped your breasts, his thumbs immediately touching your pebbled nipples. “Perfect. Absolutely perfect.” Steve dipped down and kissed each one before giving a cheeky lick at your sternum. “They’ll be even more perfect when they’re nice and swollen with milk for our baby.” Your mind screamed at your body to move, to fight him but instead, a rush of wetness ran down from your cunt, staining the sheets below you.
“Would you look at that.” He hummed in awe. “You must love that idea too. Well don’t worry, I’ll take good care of you, like I always do.” 
Steve readjusted on top of you so his stomach pressed into yours and his face was right above you. You could feel the hard length of his cock come to rest against your cunt. He groaned and rocked his hips forward. “You’re so wet doll. I bet that I could just slide right in.” Your eyes slammed shut but apparently that was the wrong thing to do.
Steve’s hand was suddenly on your jaw and he squeezed. You yelped behind the gag, pain erupting from under his fingertips. “You keep your eyes open. You watch this. You watch me. Do you understand?” He snarled, his grip getting tighter and tighter until you forced yourself to nod, opening your eyes once more.
Immediately, the terrifyingly angry look on his face dissolved back to a kind smile. “That’s my girl. Now you keep looking at me ok. This is a big moment for us, this is the beginning of our new lives. You’ll see. Everything will be perfect.” He kissed your lips over the gag before pulling away with an excited expression.
“Just lay back and let me do all the work, doll. You’ll never have to lift a finger again.” His hand slipped between your bodies, lining the head of his cock with your entrance. “It’s ok, you won’t feel any pain, the medicine I gave you earlier took care of that. It also had the added bonus of counteracting any birth control in your system.” For a brief moment, you seemed to come back into your body, just as he breached you.
You screamed, Steve just moaned. “S-so tight.” His head dropped between his huge shoulders as his fingers curled into the pillow below your head. He was panting with the effort of forcing more of himself into you as you struggled to take him. The stretch was so much that you felt the air get knocked from your lungs but the further he thrust, the lesser the fire burned within you. 
Pleasure rippled through your veins like a drug, setting every nerve alight with an ecstasy you had never known. By the time he finally bottomed out, his muscular thighs meeting your plump backside, you were already dangerously close to cumming. Your mind was quickly going hazy, like tv snow settling over your thoughts, your conscious struggling to find any good reason why your best friend shouldn’t be doing this.
“I’m going to start moving now.” He whimpered through clenched teeth. You could only wiggle your hips in response. The first thrust was soft, almost tentative. But when you’re back arched and you mewled behind the gag, that set him off.
Steve punched into you, each thrust almost directly targeting the deepest points of your cunt, rocketing you to an orgasm you did not want. “I’m going to fuck you like this every day until I know you’re pregnant. Keep you tied to this fucking bed as you should be. Because I deserve this, I deserve a loving wife and children. And you’re going to give it to me because you love me.”
The knot in your stomach wound even tighter as he shifted backwards so he could now thrust upwards, directly into your g-spot. “All those dates with other boys, those stupid crushes, even getting a job so far from me. It was all to get my attention to get me to prove myself to you. That I could be worthy of giving you all the children you could ever want.”
You were practically drooling now, your eyes rolled back in your head. “And now I have you. I’m going to fucking breed you and keep you that way. You’ll always be pregnant. Fuck! You’ll look so beautiful with a big round belly, letting me wait on you hand and foot while you grow our little ones.” He throbbed within you as his thrusts started to hitch. 
“All you have to do is cum. Just cum doll and we can start our new life together. Cum doll, for me.” And then you shattered. Stars exploded behind your eyes and a stream of wetness escaped your overly full pussy. Steve groaned into your hair as you tightened around him, suckling him in as deep as he could go and he met his own end. One last wave of heat washed over you as he threw his head back and roared his release. 
As you both slowly came down from your highs, Steve carefully slipped from you, going slow enough to prevent any of his seed from escaping. “That’s my good girl. Just stay right there.” He leaned over to the bedside table where he grabbed a small blue plug which he quickly slipped between your sore lips. You hissed as it went into you but he just cooed and lovingly rubbed your hip as he set it in place.
“There we go. Now get some rest doll, I’m not stopping until I know you’re pregnant.” And despite the panic that was quickly rushing back into your mind, exhaustion quickly overpowered you, forcing your eyes closed once more.
Steve smiled as he watched you fall asleep. He kissed your forehead and rechecked your bindings before he walked back out into the kitchen, only glancing at the shattered remains of your phone. That boy you had been seeing had called one too many times for his patience to manage but he would rein in his temper in time for the start of your family. 
The vial still sitting on the dining room table only had one more dose left but he doubted you needed anymore than that. You would fight him when you awoke once more but Steve could keep you down for a couple months, you should mellow out by then. Of course, the baby would help.
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misscammiedawn · 3 months
On trauma anniversaries
Personal (and a little oversharing) post but I thought I'd speak out, even if it's just an excuse to type to myself.
Original was written October 2023. It has been sitting in our drafts ever since then. 6/22/2024 Dawn edit - Given we eventually posted the suicidality draft, I thought I'd finally share this. Especially given how much my mind has been on the end of June 2022 this week, both the good and the bad.
12/26 Dawn edit- this was originally written just after our birthday and then left in drafts. It is posted now due to the December holiday passing with no attempted intrusion from our No Contact family.
Plus I am in the middle of creating a self-harm safety plan with my therapist and wanted to see what we typed last time we were fucked up to reference for this project.
This is all from my perspective and my advice may not be useful to all. My therapist always says "take what you need and leave what you don't" when reading mental health advice. I hope there are things that will help on your end.
I've been finding a lot of joy recently in trying to write educational resources when I'm feeling a certain way and I'm feeling a certain way right now.
To those who don't know a trauma anniversary is a recognized within PTSD treatment as a sensitivity to emotional reactions brought about by the annual reminder of a particularly traumatic memory. A widely understood one is 9/11 though birthdays, Thanksgiving and annual family holidays tend to come up in the conversations too.
I suppose there is a little "chicken or the egg" back and forth on if the anniversary reminds the individual, summoning the symptoms or the symptoms of the disorder provide the reminder. My reading has said that in traumatic situations our minds become keenly aware of the circumstances and build an aversion to the situation as a survival mechanism and even the smallest hints of familiarity can activate those defenses.
Either way it is commonly experienced enough to be considered a sensitivity when performing trauma therapy. It commonly manifests via nightmares, excessive moodiness or defensiveness, avoidant behavior, social withdrawal or to put more plainly an exacerbation of existing symptoms. Danger of relapse goes up during these periods.
I know that very well. I try really hard not to let my negative instincts take over when I get this way.
October 23rd and 24th are bad days for me. One is a birthday and the other is the anniversary of the day my marriage ended and subsequently started the chain reaction that made the family I built for myself in the USA outright tell me they do not consider me family any longer, something which I am still not even remotely over. Bio-Fam can reject me, that's fine... but when the Found Family reject you? How the fuck do you recover from that? How are you capable of rationalizing that in a way that does not hold all of the blame to your own throat?
Both days represent the act of willingly burning my entire life to the ground and letting the fires consume every relationship and piece of familiarity I had built in 2 previous lives.
A little hyperbolic but that's the impact and fuck I am devastated by guilt and regret for having done it and a terror that I will do it again someday.
Prior to this year's birthday I had even made a post where I joked about how I wasn't dreading it this year but as the weekend went on the emotions started to fade in and then The Reminders kicked in via emails and IMs saying HAPPY BIRTHDAY. The sources were as innocuous as companies with my details who email coupons or work colleagues or even loved ones and people who I do not want contact from.
I've learned one thing this year and that is "you can't ignore this shit". I was arrogant and thought my progress through therapy and my recent stability would usher me through without incident. I was wrong. Luckily my ability to communicate is better than it was so I was able to warn people and ask for reassurance and care from loved ones and have them tell me that I haven't hurt them and am not alienating them and they aren't upset with me.
So, here's my handy guide (from me and to me) for how to survive this shit for future.
Get Distracted
The best moments of my past 48 hours were when I was busy doing things. Work was useful for me. My girlfriend wanted to go on a shopping trip so I forced myself to get out of the house even when I was feeling like shit and wanted to scream and cry.
The shopping trip was more annoying than it was fun but the chore got me doing something and that got me out of my own head for a little. Sometimes having something to be annoyed about, even if it's a stress, is better than being left to fester.
I fluctuated between "I don't want to be alone" and "I want to never speak to another human ever again" about 4 times a minute during the worst of it. I was upfront with everyone in my surroundings that my affect would be off and that it was temporary and fretting over me would stress me out more. Everyone was kind and sweet to me. Also everyone at home knows NEVER CELEBRATE MY BIRTHDAY and so getting full compliance from the people in my life helped a lot.
Limit Decision Making and Stress Intake
When work started piling on I started to get a pit in my stomach that created "we're going to get fired!" thoughts that spiraled rapidly. I almost lost my composure with the screen, with myself, with my girlfriend, with the cat over the stupidest things because no matter how much I wanted to admit it, my threshold was in the toilet and I couldn't control it or will myself out of it. This isn't just anger, it's any and all emotion in excess.
Likewise I felt completely incapable of making even minor decisions during this period. Ensuring I had meals planned in advance helped when I would rather starve myself than commit to even buying food.
Commune with the grief instead
We are all quilts patched from every person who has ever loved us. It's okay to accept that there are complicated emotions. Life cannot be as black and white as we force it to be in order to survive. Part of healing is communing with the pain in a way that neither outright rejects it nor fetishizes pain to the point of which you are intentionally triggering yourself. I found a lot of comfort in watching the shows/playing the games that people from before always wanted me to. It's like doing a little bit of finished business, getting to share something with the living memory. It doesn't change the past but it lets you feel a positive connection. It gives positive momentum when the old scars itch and you want to scratch them. Growth off of the scorched Earth without interacting with the past itself and allowing it to intrude on the present.
So whether I support my dad's football team, watch something with the knowledge that she would have loved it or finally see the inspiration for the character he tailor made to be your character's villain in TTRPG, see that game they always talked about liking; I like doing this as something I can DO with the emotional build-up that depends a reaction.
Be Grateful and Show Love To Those Who Stand By You
I have spoken to every partner today just thanking them for dealing with me while I'm like this. I'll talk to my therapist tomorrow. Guilt and paranoia are ruining me at the moment. Assuring people what I lucidly think and feel helps.
Be Open to the Idea That You May Be Wrong
Just... I can tell I'm off. I know I have warned people I am off. I may actually be off. Communicate and offer love and understanding and apologies if needed. It will pass.
It's healthy to understand that while you're compromised you may not be fully yourself. Tread with caution. Do not make impulsive decisions, ask for outside opinions when you need grounding. Allow yourself to not feel guilt when you act in ways you're not proud of.
Help Others
Gotta admit doing the shopping trip with local girlfriend and being love and care for long distance one helped get me out of my own head. I find this one is actually really useful for me and I should think about how I can do it more in the future.
It's extra energy and costs spoons when you're not doing great, but it's applying effort in a positive regard.
Forgive Yourself
If I know myself I will be reading this in a year's time. That's why this post exists after all.
Just... forgive yourself. For abandoning people. For running away. For being imperfect. For choosing to be a woman. For not fighting harder. For not being who everyone needed you to be.
Don't seek to rationalize, don't seek to minimize. Do not even seek to accept what you did.
Just forgive. We are okay. We hurt people and ourselves. We handled things poorly. We broke contracts of the heart and shatters dreams of the future.
But we're alive. We have a chance to be happy again. It's okay to be the villain in other stories. It's okay to not be a perfect victim.
Forgive yourself.
Find something to look forward to
There is always "the next event". Plan for it. Get out of the present and the past. The future is there and it is waiting for you.
It'll be okay. The danger has passed. This week will pass.
It will be okay.
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deanaferal · 2 months
One of the things I am most looking forward to when I am out of the country for 2 weeks is texting with my son’s father. We met through friends while I was in a horrendously violent relationship in my early 20s and he saved me by simply sitting next to me and talking with me about our shared interests when no one else would. The abuser I was with hated everything I was into and when Tyler would try to make conversation with him about certain things he would scoff and say “that shit’s stupid but she likes it, go talk to her” and then had the nerve to act like he was the victim when I had chemistry with the guy that he quite literally directed my way. One night we found ourselves yet again sitting together at the weekly house party, yapping each other’s faces off about who knows what and when the conversation lulled he quietly said “you know you don’t have to put up with that, right?” and of course I knew that but he was the first person to say it. Everyone else blamed me, my own mother told me “it takes two to tango” while the blue and purple evidence was wrapped around my neck. After he said that I nervously tried to explain to him why I had to put up with it, why it wasn’t a choice. I explained to someone for the first time the vicious cycle that had ensnared me. He told me I could live with his grandma if I needed to but that anything was better than where I was. He was the only person that helped me when I couldn’t help myself and we became inseparable, spending every single waking and sleeping moment together. We even worked together. Our longest separation was during lockdown. I spent 7 weeks in the hospital because it was such a high risk pregnancy. We were terrified for our own little life and then the weight of the entire world fell on everyone but it brought us closer because we talked all day long. We watched movies together every night and texted all of our stupid little quips and theories to each other. He has terrible social anxiety but through text he is like a whole different person. He is witty and funny and attentive and sends me adorable gifs and naughty videos. The past 5 years have been rough for us but the last year has been especially ugly. We have both had a hard time with our communication while adjusting to parenthood. We went from a couple that could and would talk through our issues easily and without discomfort to monthly explosive arguments over nothing and yet the arguments somehow always circle back around to every issue that we have ever had. I have been so disconnected from him this year and the loneliness of living in the same small space as the ghost of your relationship has nearly destroyed me and hurts so bad it’s impossible to talk about. I pretend the hurt lies in everything else going on in my life but the worst pain has been losing us and not being able to stop it. I miss the man who loved looking at me so much he rear ended another car after we went bowling because he couldn’t take his eyes off of me. The one who wrote me little notes all the time and handmade my birthday gifts. The one who left me cross-eyed and panting. It’s impossible to recreate any of it but I hope we can drill deeper into this love that we both know is there if it weren’t for all of the shit piled up on the surface. Maybe I can fly back to a more recognizable version of us.
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WIP Wednesday
Fanonwriter2023 on AO3
Where CANON and FANON collide!
FANON speculation for season 7
I wasn’t tagged by anyone but I wanted to share a snippet from chapter 7 of “I’m still in love with you but... I needed to learn how to love myself too!”
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I’m excited to finish writing Chapter 7 because it starts right after Buck’s mental breakdown and even though he pushed Eddie away at the end of Chapter 3, Eddie’s there to help him pick up the pieces. He literally found Buck lying on his bedroom floor practically unresponsive and after almost three weeks of them not talking to each other, Buck finally lets Eddie in and he explains everything that happened to cause his mental breakdown.
Here’s another snippet from chapter 7 of Buck and Eddie’s early morning conversation after one of Buck’s most difficult therapy sessions.
It’s after 2:00AM and Eddie’s sitting on the couch watching an oldies TV channel that plays nothing but television shows that aired prior to the 1970s.  The volume is on low because he doesn’t want to wake up Buck but he’s surprised when he hears his footsteps coming up the hall.
He looks towards the hallway as Buck enters the room and asks, “Hey… what are you doing up?  Did the sound from the TV wake you?”
“No, I woke up to go to the bathroom but I saw the light and uh… I came in here to check on you.” Buck replies as he sits down next to him.
“I’m ok.  I was too wired to fall asleep so I figured watching reruns of ‘The Three Stooges’ would help.”
“But you’re still awake so… I guess it’s not working.”
Eddie chuckles.  “No it’s not.  I never understood why Moe was always so mean to Larry and Curly.”
He looks at Buck but he notices even though he’s looking in the direction of the TV, he’s actually looking past it.  He realized earlier in the week that it’s another thing Buck’s been doing lately, he zones out in thought but after he processes whatever he’s thinking about, he eventually starts talking so Eddie patiently waits.
As he stares off somewhere into oblivion, Buck remembers all the stories other people told earlier today during his first “Savior baby” support group session and he’s still having a difficult time processing all of it.  One story sticks out from all the rest because there was a teenage boy who shared his story and he reminded him of himself when he was 13 years old.
His name is Eric and he explained the way his parents had him so he could save his brother Dennis who’s seven years older than him.  He said they took one of his kidneys right after his 9th birthday and he’s had multiple painful bone marrow extractions since before he could remember but that’s not all.  Now they want him to donate again but he doesn’t want to do it since the recovery time is long and excruciating.  Eric’s story sounded so familiar to his own story that it made him wonder if life would have been better for everyone if he hadn’t been born.
Buck clears his throat and asks, “Do you ever think about how… it’s not worth it?”
It’s like déjà vu as realization sets in for Eddie because they’ve had this conversation before but their roles were reversed and the question hits him in the chest like a boulder has been dropped on top of it.  As he looks at him, he tries to keep his facial expression neutral but he’s not sure if Buck even notices since he quickly glances at him then looks away.
“Not the therapy. I—I mean…”  He runs his hand over his face and continues. “Is being born even worth it?”  He meets Eddie’s eyes then quickly looks away.  “I mean with all the crap we have to put up with when… dealing with our parents… or in my case… the people who brought me into this world.”
Eddie doesn’t interrupt but he does raise his eyebrows.
Buck clears his throat and nervously rubs his sweaty hands on his thigs to dry them on his sweatpants. “I wanted them to love me but they’ve always had their own selfish reasons for bringing me into the world so…” He trails off.
A loud and uncomfortable silence engulfs the room.
Then after about a minute, in a low voice, Buck continues.  “Maybe things would have been better if I was never born.”  He shrugs his shoulders.  “I mean my defective parts prevented me from being able to do the one thing I was born to do and since I couldn’t do that… I’m just wondering what’s the point of it all since I wasn’t meant to be here in the first place?”
Eddie’s heart shatters at Buck’s words because after all these years, he still hasn’t realized how important he is to them.  Not just to him and Chris but to Maddie, Bobby and the 118 since they all need him.
How will Eddie respond to Buck’s comments👀?
Summary: Months after Buck and Eddie were hit by the same lightning strike; they’re still struggling with the aftermath of it.  But before they make their love confessions, they’ll spend time getting to know themselves as individuals first. Eddie learns to enjoy the simple things in life as he participates in activities on his own and with new friends while Buck learns the rest of the 31-year-old deep dark family secret about his conception and birth. Their journey to forever is still a work in progress but once they finally admit they’re in love with each other, everything that follows their love confessions will be cataclysmic.
Chapter Summaries
Chapter 1 - Eddie makes a new friend while Buck receives devastating news regarding the sperm donation he made for Connor and Kameron.
Chapter 2 - Buck does a lot of research to learn more about the abnormalities found in his red blood cells and Eddie starts a new therapy journey that’s all about him and not the traumas he’s experienced.
Chapter 3 - After more than a month, Buck and Eddie finally spend time together outside of work but it doesn’t end well and they part with a lot of uncertainty regarding their places in each other’s lives.
Chapter 4 - Eddie has a few realizations about his life which causes him to consider moving back to El Paso, TX while Buck continues to be reminded of his past which causes him to take an impromptu road trip across America.
Chapter 5 -  Both Buck and Eddie have difficult conversations with their parents and Buck finally learns the truth behind the reason why his mother despised him while Eddie finally tells his mother about the way she tries to control him.
Chapter 6 -  More than two weeks after Buck pushed Eddie away after suggesting they needed a break; Eddie decides to try again. Eddie’s there for Buck when he’s at his worst just like Buck was there for him when he was at his worst and he won’t let Buck give up.
Chapter 7 - Will be posted soon.
I’m enjoying writing this fic because it’s giving me the chance to unravel the mess that was the 6x18 ending for Buck, Eddie and Chris.  Also, it’s taking them places the show refuses to go including Buck finally having a mental breakdown and Eddie being there for him the same way he was there for Eddie in season 5.
Buddie Multi-Chapter Fanfic - Hiatus Reading
Read chapters 1 - 6 are already available on AO3.
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ughirant · 1 year
Warning: long rant.
I'm catching up on episodes and I can't even be mad at Trina during the bar fight ep...yes some of the things she said are an overaction but I think she's just tired. Now I disagree with her going so hard for Joss in damn near every scene and we don't ever see Joss even talk about Trina outside of scenes they have together? I also don't think Spencer's been selfish or entitled whoever said she was just projecting was right. However, him lying about the evidence? When he literally could've just told her "Hey I hear you but I disagree, I say we keep it until we find the real evidence." Obviously, she'd be a little upset but I think Trina can be understanding.
Also, Portia trying to push Spencer and Esme together knowing that would hurt her daughter? Why??? I'm all for making Portia the villain for drama but do they believe she could come back from this? Or be redeemable in some way?
I'm watching clips because I can't with the full episodes right now but the whole Esme walking in on Spencer and him opening up to her...why? and a few people in the comments on Youtube are talking about how it has nothing to do with Trina being a Black woman and mentioning how TJ and Molly don't get anything either; like I said I haven't been watching full episodes for long so forgive my ignorance, but Trina and Spencer just had a major arc?? and afterward it's nothing? Media has a long history of making Black women suffer through being an 'at the moment' girlfriend and then fading to the background when the white woman they were meant to be with finally comes around. And I don't think they're comparable (again correct me if I'm wrong) because TJ and Molly are in love and in love proudly? We get moments of them kissing and hugging and having deeper discussions. With Trina and Spencer, we're holding our breaths hoping that they get a moment alone, or a kiss, or even a hug. All we get are lingering stares and small gestures, and I'm all for slow burns but it's giving period piece with how sloooow. They haven't even said I love you (directly) to each other. It's so frustrating when this couple has garnered new viewership for the show for them to be treated like this.
Someone also mentioned in the Youtube comments, "It's a soap there's gonna be drama."...I feel like people are being purposefully obtuse. Of course, there's going to be drama; but how come Joss and Dex have drama that, yes, has affected them but not torn them apart? it feels like where Sprina is right now they're not growing together at all? Which is crazy because they just went through this hugely traumatic experience together. As soon as they got off the Haunted Star Portia said "This just brought them closer." and it did for that episode and Curtis' birthday episode (which we got all of 20 seconds of them being 'close') since then? Crickets. They almost watched each other die, multiple times and besides the talk on the plane, they haven't really spoken about it? They're so young you'd think that they would've had an emotional conversation about it and how scary it was?
But I digress..
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lea-heartscxiv · 1 year
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SK8 ~Golden Week: Showing Spain. Chokoreeto-iri churosu! 🤔~ - 04/05/23 (May 4th in Spain)
Ainosuke as promised day they celebrated his birthday (Sunday in Spain, during afternoon where in Japan it was May 1st) is showing a bit of Spain to everyone in Golden Week, and this was day 4.
You can read it below cut line or on our Blogger where you can see extras of Day 4. (From me and @van-yangyin)
Blogger: English | Español
You can read below cut line ↓
Small Warning: Sexual allegorical content, don't read if you're uncomfortable with such things. At all times what are shown are churros but as the only thing that varies between churros and porras are that the first carry more flour than water and are thinner and the second more water than flour and are usually thicker, we wanted to just change the name of what they're eating. Everything written in conversations in italics are Spanish words written in Japanese but written with the correct word and not in katakana, so that it can be easily understood when reading
Thursday, May 4th in Spain. Today the "surprise" was at breakfast, a novelty and surprise first of all for guys, Hiromi, Reki, Langa and Miya, since the other four had already tried it. Ainosuke, Kaoru, Tadashi and Kojiro tried it; from the hand of the last one; from the advent calendar they all seven made two years ago to Ainosuke. And since that day, the four of them kept taking it every Thursday at a good hour of the early morning/morning. Although this was the first time they didn't have to get up so early to enjoy it at their leisure.
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And besides, this time Kojiro would not have to do it. The day before, Pilar told them that there was a churreria where she went every day for breakfast and they decided that it would be a different experience. 
So today they were all going to go to that churreria. Although when they went out had to take the umbrella, as it started to rain. When they arrived, saw that it was a very colorful churreria.
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They went in and sat down at a table. Pilar found and told them that they had to go order at the bar, as the waiter wouldn't come here.
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Almost all of them got up to go there.
Ainosuke went to order churros, but at the last minute he saw the word porras, and it caught his attention.... So in the end, he ordered the chocolate with porras. Hiromi, Tadashi and Kojiro brought the porras and chocolate to the table.
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Meanwhile, Langa was reading to Reki the meaning of churro and what they were made of.
Langa: Reki, it says here that churros are made of water, flour, oil and salt.
Reki: Just that? I thought it would have some kind of national ingredient? I ate them in a cafeteria with my mother, my grandmother and my sisters, but I don't know if they would taste different here? Although that day I was more focused on skateboarding than on eating...
Langa: Have you already eaten them? 
Reki: Yes, but not the ones here. So I would like to try them too.
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Ainosuke: My servants, today you're finally not going to eat churros, you'll eat porras.
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Kaoru: But what's the difference between one or the other?
Ainosuke: The porras are fatter and longer?
Kaoru: ADAM... I wasn't asking you, I was asking Carla. But... So... A porra could also refer to Kojiro's fat and long one...?
Kojiro: 💢 ...Churros as you saw, are loop shaped, thin in thickness and have a dense dough.... As ADAM already said, porras are thicker and spongier and contain air inside.... And you don't want to say that in public, especially when there are children in front of you?!
Kaoru: Wait, you're telling me we're paying more for less?! 💢
Kojiro: Kaoru, will you listen to me!!!! 💢
Ainosuke: Cherry, yes about what you said about Joe. Langa-kun, you should dip your porra in chocolate, you'll see it's really delicious. 💖
Langa: Sure. Thank you, ADAM.
Kaoru: Knowing how you defined the word porra before, now it sounds....
Kojiro: Don't think that kind of thing!
Kaoru: Why? As far as I know Snow also has a porra...
Kojiro: Kaoru!
Kaoru: On the hand. who's the wrong thinker now? 💢
Kojiro: Rotten four eyes! 💢
Meanwhile, the others, leaving Kaoru and Kojiro talking more than eating.
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Miya: These porras are really yummy with chocolate!
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Reki: These look like the ones I ate at the cafeteria with my family. They taste a little different, though.... 💖
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Hiromi: The chocolate is just right, though.... Isn't it a bit too hot to drink it hot?
Miya: Well, since it's raining, you can go outside to get wet and then drink the hot chocolate.
Hiromi: Miya... I'm not going out to get wet, I'd rather have more heat....
Miya: Okay, I was just giving ideas.
And Miya continued eating and drinking his hot chocolate with porras.
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Tadashi: Ainosuke-sama if it is too hot I can blow it for you to cool it down.
Ainosuke: I'll keep that in mind.
Tadashi: So... Would you like me to dip your porra in the chocolate?
Ainosuke: Tadashi, I thought you would ask such things in private? But if people around us don't care you anymore... 😏
Tadashi: Ainosuke-sama... I think there is been a misunderstanding...
And Ainosuke opened his mouth and closed his eyes.
Tadashi: Oh, I see... I think the misunderstanding was mine. Forgive my mistake.
Ainosuke: You're grounded tonight.
Tadashi: All right, Ainosuke-sama. I will gladly accept it.
And Tadashi dipped the porra in the chocolate and directed it to Ainosuke's mouth.
Hiromi: Miya, don't look!
Kaoru: «How erotic...» - thinking - Kojiro... Stop arguing and do the same to me, I'm your husband.
Kojiro: I thought you'd be embarrassed by that kind of thing.
Kaoru: Now that you mention it, you're right, only ADAM would be able to do something like that in public.... Well, and Snow, since sometimes he's a bit.... "absent-minded".
Kojiro: *sigh* Go on, try the porras.
And finally Kojiro and Kaoru started tasting the chocolate with porras.
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Kaoru: By the way, Kojiro... These have the same shapes as the ones you made the first time.... I won't think of them the same way again, though....
Kojiro: They have the same shape but weren't the same, if you remember, their mass was denser.
Kaoru: Mmh... You're right. By the way, I'm going to stop thinking that way, I don't want to become a passionate, mono-neural being like you....
Kojiro: And this sudden change of thought...? 💢
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So everyone continued eating the chocolate with porras, though near the end; before leaving the establishment; Kaoru went to order a tray of eight churros so that everyone could try the ones of this country.
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Tomorrow, Friday, would already be their last day in Spain as a full day.
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~End of day 3 of Golden Week~
Would you like to see visually any specific scene of this day that we haven't photographed here? Let us know in comments, either here or on any of our social networks.
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uroborosymphony · 1 year
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A night of Celebration. Quinn's goal was clear from the start : for it to be even bigger than the coronation of the King of the United Kingdom himself. The club is booked and private entirely until dawn and of course, decorated in the Black Dang colors : red, black, and gold. The lights, the music, the fever were intoxicating through the night, in an atmosphere of luxury, opulence and euphoria. Taiyang's birthday. Her King's special day. A time more private was on the list as well, one she decided to keep for later, just the two of them. But Quinn, despite wanting him all for herself knew his special day was an important one to celebrate with the gang, their found family. The members loved and cared for their leader, it was important for them to be here, to honor him, to thank him. Along with the members of Black Fang, friends along with allies from the underground scenes were here as well ; all united, in their fanciest, most expensive Armanis, suits and gowns, finest brands of jewerly on their wrists and necks, and in their hands : stacks on stacks on stracks, down tables for bets and business fun. This world that was reeking of crime and glamourous, of mobsters and schemes and traffics yet wrapped in a crazy festive and celebrating spirit : their world. The main booth was right in the middle of the club under the lights, cushions made of black leathers around the main table where a gigantic cake is being brought, to which everyone is already agitating and gathering around for. And here they were, Taiyang, sitting down the main couch with Quinn, as usual on his lap, her body glued to his the way they always aere - as usual, private conversations in the ear with his arm is wrapped around her waist, mixed with drinking along with the seconds in Black Fang who are sitting with them ; while the rest of the gang and guests gravite around. When the cake is finally put down, it's time for Quinn to stand up. Before doing so she places a kiss on Taiyang's temple, escaping from his grip and finally ready for her speech. Finding herself in the center of attentions, the queen raises her glass to make everyone focus, she does not have to speak nor raise voice as they all keep quiet and listen. Quinn is in her usual apparel, a Prada red dress and her black hair cascading down her shoulders ; Vivienne Westwood around her neck, jewelry gifted by him for Valentine's day.
            for @velvetineblue
"Well, Well, Well," She starts as the music is also turned down to minimum. "I feel like we haven't been reunited like that since we got arrested after the Shinhan heist, God." Quinn announces, which makes the assemblee laugh out loud - she is refering to of course another successful operation of theirs, meanwhile the authorities knew they did it, it was impossible for them to arrest the Gang : they all got freed in less than a few days but Oh, it was fun. "We are gathered here today, Black Fang and friends, criminials and associates, to celebrate the birth of our beloved Leader." She then says, loud, to which everyone around cheers, makes noise and whistles for before calming down again. During the agitation, Quinn's eyes remain on Taiyang, and her smile, so wide. It is rare to witness a Quinn in such a state of happiness and euphoria - she of course is carrying herself as usual : almighty and cunty, but clearly enjoying herself, relaxed, excited to celebrate his birthday, far from the Quinn who is usually Oh so serious and bossing everyone around. Organizing this night for him took her weeks and weeks, to make sure all their olds friends could attend, some even flying on purpose from Taiwan and NYC for him. There is an outrageous mountain of presents too, on a table a little meters furthur, luxury gifts for the King that were occupying all the space, all over the top. "Isn't it funny? Last year I remember celebrating his birthday and it was just the two of us. In that little restaurant we love to go to." Quinn then keeps going, her voice light as she starts pacing around, in order to now look at everyone, share her speech to everyone. "Yeah.. twelve months ago, we were still discussing weither or not to take the lead of the gang. We were nobodies, you know, just two rascals wanting to risk it all by following his legacy, wanting to change the scene, wanting to change this World. And we are doing it, people. Together, we are fucking doing it. Twelve months later, the gang has prospered and is now one of the most respected, most talked about, most uncatchable and most FEARED name on the scene!" Quinn keeps on saying, almost shouting the last words that makes the club go crazy another time, banging down the ground and cheering. Once they are calm again, her steps, in her high black heels bring her back to her initial spot, her eyes going back no Taiyang, watching him. "And it's all thanks to him. Taiyang changed Black Fang. With his passion, with his understanding, with his diligence, he made us a family. He has changed me, into a better version of myself. He has changed as well, into a man I hope he is proud of, the way I've always been proud of him. The Love of my life, right here. " Of course to this line, spoken on a more emotional tone, many many awwwws escape from the crowd which makes Quinn laughs softly, almost gigglish out of sudden timidness, perhaps showing a side of her she never shows to them all. "Alright. Alright. Shut up." She adds on a sharp tone, yet impossible for her to hold her smile, causing them all to laugh in a gentle way. "It's just the beginning you all know that. What's waiting for us tomorrow is bigger than what we have today. Let's thank our leader for that, our Taiyang. Well actually- Mine, I will slice any of you open if you ever call him Yours let's be clear, I'm just being polite here." Another rounds of laughters come along with her lines as they know the Queen is teasing, messing with them. "Especially you Yoona, yeah you think I don't see you over there? Just stop looking at him like that I got a knife of my garter." Quinn then adds on a snap, glaring at the said Yoona who is known to have her eyes lingering on him all the fucking time - which makes the crown let some saucy " wooooos " out, obviously taking Quinn's side on this one, nobody wanted to be in Yoona's stop right now, the poor girl looking down.
"Happy Birthday to you Taiyang." Quinn then says, ending her little speech by raising her speech as she is mirrored by everyone around, raising their drinks as well.
They all shout as they clap, cheer and stand up, loud - the club on fire as they all chant for him. Quinn hurries back to Taiyang in little steps in her heels, not sitting down but right in front of him, placing her hands down his thighs as she leans down to give him a kiss. A passionate and wild birthday kiss, the type that ends up making her catch his jawline for grip with one hand, and pull him into the kiss deeper, her grin enable to be tamed down against his lips, to which the others keep on cheering for. "Happy Birthday my Everything." Quinn whispers agains his lips, her smile impossible to contain. "Mm I wanted to jump out of that cake for you to devour me but I figured that should come for the After party." She speaks on her usual seductive tone, her fingers catching his collar to pull on it, her eyes filled with mischief, always linked with his as her nose is pressed against his. "How about you get the knife out of my garter and slice the cake? I can take care of Yoona another day. I want to share a slice with you."
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poppypopp · 2 years
Poppy's Fic and Fandom Masterpost
Hello hello! I suppose I might as well do one of these to help people find my fics, since I have quite a few at this point.
The link to my AO3 profile is here at poppypopp
My Niloy fics:
Flame and Shadow - In which the mask comes off, the conversation goes differently, and Nil once more follows her into the fight, like a shark following the scent of blood. Where she goes, death follows, and he’s powerless to resist the call. There is also a sequel called The Boundary of Disaster that takes place during a racing event down at Hidden Ember. (BOTH FINISHED)
All the World Aflame - In which the Red Raids never ended. With Rost gone and the Proving cancelled due to the growing threat of the Carja on their doorstep, Aloy is alone and adrift until she comes across a squad of Red Raiders fighting the Braves in the Embrace. She leaps into the battle to help, and in the chaos, one of the Carja kestrels is captured. With war looming on the horizon and a weakened tribe, Aloy must venture out into the wilds beyond the Sacred Lands to follow rumors of a growing rebellion led by Oseram freebooters. If they can band together, they might just be strong enough to bring down the Carja and end the Red Raids. But to get there, she'll need a guide, and who better than the captive Carja who has nothing to lose? He can't be trusted, but perhaps he values his shot at freedom more than being a soldier in somebody else's war. (FINISHED)
My Kotaniloy fics:
Glitter and Gore - When Aloy stumbles across a serial killer who only kills bad guys, she enlists his help hunting down the man who killed her adoptive father. The trouble is, in order to get to him, they'll have to go undercover inside the strip club he owns to get close to him. What they don't know is that Kotallo, the new bouncer, is an undercover cop gathering evidence to bring down the crime syndicate running the club. As they grow closer and hard truths emerge, will they be able to work together to bring down their enemies, or will their differences tear them apart? (FINISHED) Or, the Stripper/Serial Killer AU you never knew you needed. Now with a birthday one-shot called Cocoa for Koko And another steamy oneshot: We Can Take Our Time, Baby (in Slow Motion)
Toward the Sun - Nil has always thought his soulmate's first words were a rejection - a belief that's reinforced when he hears them spoken during the heat of battle at Barren Light. He resolves to go through life alone until he meets Aloy, and though he thinks he could be happy with her - she has someone else's words written on her arm. So he lets her go. It seems a cruel twist of fate when he joins her fight in the Forbidden West only to realize that not only has she found her soulmate, but her soulmate is the same Tenakth warrior who rejected him three years ago. Though it pains him to know he's somehow been replaced, he swore to help Aloy fight, and his honor demands he stay. So he hides behind the Red Teeth mask and resolves to keep his distance from them both. But it's only a matter of time before his long shadow is finally brought to light. (FINISHED) Finished sequel here: No Shadows in the Sun
My Niloyakka fics:
Don't Say You Don't Love Me - With her search for Hephaestus stalled, Aloy tags along with Drakka, commander of the Desert Clan, to visit Hidden Ember for a special event: they’ve set up the Gauntlet Runs as a brand new attraction. Aloy hasn’t been back there since she found out who Red Teeth really was. Her feelings for Nil are complicated, and there’s too much insurmountable history. Or so she thinks, until she’s face to face with him once more. Is it possible for her to have BOTH of the most important men in her life? Or will the specters of Nil’s past stop them from having the future they deserve? (FINISHED)
Strip Strike - It starts with a heatwave. Or, Drakka loses on purpose when there's sex to be had, but it turns out he's a master Strike player. (FINISHED)
My Nil/Teb series, Sugar and Salt, in which Nil and Teb discover they're soulmates, and follows them in a series of slice-of-life oneshots exploring their relationship. (IN PROGRESS)
My Nil/Kotallo fics:
The Feral Carja and the One-armed Tenakth series - begins with a '5+1' fic exploring how Nil and Kotallo might meet and fall for each other. (IN PROGRESS)
The Rocket in a Knife Fight - AU in which Nil is captured by the Tenakth to fight in a gladiator-style arena setting (the Tenakth's version of a sun-ring) and discovers that his former commander and best friend, Fashav, has been living with them and working as a marshal. And to make matters worse, he finds himself inconveniently attracted to one of his captors, a soft-spoken, steely eyed marshal who challenges everything Nil knows about the Tenakth. Sequel: If There's a Rocket, Tie me to It (IN PROGRESS)
Turning of the Seasons - Omegaverse fic. Following the seasons of the year, Kotallo meets the alpha, Nil, who turns all his expectations upside-down, and as they find each other throughout the year, they realize that home is more than a place. (FINISHED)
Hearts and Diamonds - How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days AU (FINISHED)
My Nil/Kotallo/Fashav fics:
Burn Like a Rocket - Follows the events of my fic, 'Rocket in a Knife Fight' but this time, Fashav and Nil were lovers before Fashav was captured by the Tenakth. When they find each other again when Nil is captured to fight to the death in their arena, he finds that General Fashav is now Marshal Fashav and has been involved with Kotallo for over a year. (FINISHED)
My Nil/Kotallo/Fashav/Aloy fics:
Where the Wanderer Goes - When Nil meets Fashav, he is a weapon who learns to be a man. After Fashav's "death" at Cinnabar Sands, he doesn't think he'll recover from the loss until he meets a Nora huntress and learns to love again. Finding out she's the soulmate of his dead lover is a painful but manageable realization -- until they find out Fashav is still alive. Kotallo never thought he would fall for a Carja, but Fashav is nothing like he expected. They aren't soulmates, but that doesn't matter until Fashav meets his soulmate, the red-haired Savior of Meridian. Kotallo is equally unmoored when her Carja companion -- the man who gave him the scar on his lip -- says the words on Kotallo's arm. In response, Kotallo swears to never speak a word to Nil. He can't be soulmates with someone if he never speaks to them. But for some reason he just can't seem to stay away. (IN PROGRESS)
My Nil/Avad fic:
Gilded Shadows - What if Avad and Nil were friends before the Red Raids, and after Kadaman's death, he didn't go to Ersa for help, but Nil? (IN PROGRESS)
My token Nil/Hekarro oneshot fic:
Common Ground - When Hekarro requests an audience with the elusive Red Teeth, Nil expects the worst. But when he arrives, he discovers he and Chief Hekarro have more in common than they thought. (FINISHED)
If you have made it to the end of this thing, I appreciate you very much. I am also a part of a discord server where we ship Nil with just about everybody (as you can tell by the nature and quantity of my fics). We're a pretty chill group who like to hang out and talk Horizon, among other things. We do occasional theme nights, such as fluff night, spice night, and angst night (there's also talk of a crack night, which should be fun). If you're interested, it's called Nilysium, and you can click the link HERE to join us!
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docwritesshit · 2 years
Who needs a soulmate when I got you?
Authors note: Have Shoji on the mind today, wanted a cute little soft fic to read back to. Honestly, one of my favorite works. I am weak for this man.
Warnings: Mentions of bullying, homelessness.
Type: pure and sweet fluff.
Paring: Mezi Shoji x Kusari (OC) (let me know if you want her backstory and timeline I have planned out)
Soulmates. The ones we were going to stay by our side no matter what. The ones who were our ride-or-die, who we dreamed of meeting since the symbol appeared on our left ring finger the day our quirks finally manifested.
Soulmates. The empty promise of forever if yours doesn’t imagine you would be the one they end up with. The crumb this society gives you so you could slave away to make the feast for it to feed on. The red string that remind you of selfish hope that maybe they will find me, maybe they will care for me.
I hate to say that was my reason to keep on going while I was in the streets days after my family kicked me to the curb because of my quirk and it’s ugly “things”, meaning the lines if chains curved around my body. I would run miles to find who I was connected to on my and his birthday, and it would always be the same indigo haired boy with deep purple irises, playing with a cat that resembled the one on my finger. It gave me hope, hope he’ll be the one to care for me.
That dream was pushed aside when i got caught up with the Shie Hassaikai and Kai Chisaki, tasked with caring for Eri along with him and that whole shit show with her blood and the raid. The raid haunted my dreams, the evil look Chisaki gave me as I summoned chains around him to give the heros time to escape after blocking the bullet headed for Eri.
I met with my soulmate again after I was offically enrolled in UA, switching between both hero classes to get a feel of different quirks and so each had a chance to fight with a ‘villain’. I wasn’t that mad about it, I was with Eri and I had stable food and shelter, all I could need.
But my heart still skipped a beat when I saw the boy who was my soulmate walking the halls. His indigo stood up at all sides, and his beautiful violet eyes were now paired with dark eye bags. That just made him stand out more. I subconsciously rubbed my gloved finger where my symbol was.
Honestly, I tried. I tried to strike up a conversation. At lunch, in the halls, hell even walking back to the dorms. He gave walked off and gave me a glower. It took me five separate times for me to just give up.
The final nail in the cofffin was when walking past all the rumors and gossip that was being thrown around of me suddenly appearing in the hero course during lunch, he joined in, laughing with his friends I was in a psych ward until my parents money got me out and into UA, taking his spot in the hero course.
Fuck him, i hadn’t needed him while I was thrown ou, on the streets, or even in the fucking yakuza, who says I need him now?
I focused more on my few found friend in the hero course, all already knowing the story and brushing off the rumors. But one person compelled me out of them all.
Shoji was similar to me in some ways, we both covered the physical consequences our quirks take out on us, his mask and my insistence on wearing leggings and gloves during a heat wave. He even made me more comfortable touching people without my restraints so I didn’t accidentally glean some guilts of unsuspecting people. He was just what i needed after the shit show that was my childhood on the streets and a gang.
Which was why I was standing in front of his door in the middle of the night, after following a red string, only to hear low cries and sobs coming from the other side. I brought my gloved fist up, rapping my knuckles on the wooden door.
“Shoji? Are you there? Can I come in?” I asked, trying to keep my voice low. The crying stopped.
Shuffling, and footsteps getting louder.
The door creaked open to find a dishelved mess of a hero student, hair unruly, eyes red and puffy, and his tank top looking like he hadn’t changed in the last few days. It was clear he just frantically pulled his mask on as well.
“Umm, hi.” He said, his left hand fidgeting with the end of his mask. I smiled, casting my eyes into the room. He got the hint, moving away from the doorway. The rooom stood as bare as the day he moved in, a bed palette and a small table with a mat.
I fully faced the man, taking his hands in mine. He stiffened as I rubbed my thumbs on the top of his hands, feeling the roughness even through the gloves.
“Breathe with me, ok?” I suggested. He nodded. I closed my eyes as I inhaled, peeking a bit to check if was doing the same. I held it in a bit before exhaling with Shoji mirroring my actions. We repeated a few times, me leading him to the palette on the floor and sitting both of us down.
“Ok, do you want to talk about it?” I asked. He looked down at me, the height difference making it so. He nodded after awhile, taking one of my hands and fidgeting with it, an action I did when we were hanging out with the others and just needed to calm down.
“It’s… my soulmates birthday today. And… she hasn’t tried to…” He chocked up, a few new tears pooling in his eyes. I got on my knees to wipe them away before they could stain his mask. He took a shallow breathe, and continued.
“I found her early on, she was following the string to me in the playground, and screamed. She ran off, and every time I would see her after, she would just cower in fear. When we got older, she stopped being afraid, and instead, she was disgusted. Pulling my mask down in front of everyone in the cafeteria and laughing. She would spread rumors, and gained sympathy as who wouldn’t for the girl destined to be with the monster?” He swallowed, taking a few breaths. I bit back my frustartion of the audacity of cruel children. I dealt with a few in school who made fun of my markings before my parents pulled me out and locked the door on me.
“I just.. wanted her to show she cared, even just a little bit.” He let go of my hand, head hung low as tears fell before I could wipe them. I bit the inside of my cheek, throwing caution to the wind. I held his shoulders and lowered his head to my shoulder hoping he couldn’t feel the thumping of my heart in my chest, running my fingers through his hair, trying to style it to it’s normal state.
“She is missing out,” I whispered,” She doesn’t see how much of a great person you are. She doesn’t look past appearances, and that’s someone I personally wouldn’t want in my life.” I started rambling without even realizing it.
“You are in Class 1-A, the clas that went through the most shit and pulled through. So she doesn’t see your resilience, your strength.” My other hand started to trace his shoulders.
“She doesn’t see these ‘monstrous’ shoulders constantly hold the weight of the world during missions. How they can’t break, no matter how people try to.” I traced his biceps.
“She doesn’t see these ‘freakish’ arms as the ones that scout to make sure everything is safe and people can do as they please. The absolute talent it is to control each and every limb to make it do what you want. Even then, they are the ones that give the best hugs on the worst days. These arms that lift your friends up and spin them around just so they could laugh.” I held his hand, fidgeting with it like I always do.
“These hands that you let me play with so I could calm down, the ones that get me my favorite dinner. The hands that lift everyone in this class up, the rocks of this class.” I locked eyes with him, wiping stray tears.
“These eyes that witnessed horrors unimaginable, and still find the good in this world. The eyes who saw my past actions through phots and videos, who saw me still and still looked at me with kindness, fully aware of his other friends apprehensiveness. The eyes I stare at and know I’m safe with you. They eyes I imagine to get me out of my guilt trips. This man in front of me is not a monster, but a gentlemen who is the sweetest person I have ever met.” I finished everything with a smile, his eyes so big, so full of… something i couldn’t pin point. He sat up, taking my hands again.
“Do you mean that? He asked, eyes narrowed. I bit my lip and nodded. He let go of my hands, his creeping up to his mask. I tilted my head, was he really?
“If you’ll allow me, I feel… like I can more comfortable doing this.” He said, fingers hooking under his mask. I nodded, letting him continue. When his mask fell around his shoulders, I took in the view. His mouth was marred with scars, his mouth it self was jagged and wide. I smile, placing my hands on his cheeks and tracing some scars.
“And now I know another thing she couldn’t see. The smile that now brightens my day.”
Shoji’s face relaxed, and gave me a toothy grin. What surprised me was him grabbing me by the waist and lifting me up off the floor as he got to his feet, spinning me around. I yelped in surprise, and tried to stifle my giggles as it was late at night still and I knew Bakugou was on this floor.
Shoji put me down after a bit, wrapping his arms around my waist and nuzzled his head in my neck, his breath ghosting over my skin, causing goosebumps to rise and my heart to beat faster and faster.
“Why couldn’t we be bound?” He mumbled, the soft question making his chest reverberate.
That made a light bulb go off in my mind, and I smiled up at him.
“Who says we need to be with our soulmates?” I asked. He stiffened, pulling away and placing his hands firmly on my shoulders.
“Kusari, no. You still have your soulmate out there-“ I stood on my tip toes and help a finger to his lips.
“Yes I do, and I found him.” I say. He started to back away, but I held his hands in place. I’m out letting him push me away. Who needs that dipshit? I found my true soulmate.
“He doesn’t care for me. I stopped caring for him when I heard him take part in the rumors and laughing with his friends. But we found eachother. We know each other, and we care for each other. Who needs those damn bullies? They can have each other, I want you.” I stated, pulling him back in, and hugged as tight as I could.
He stood frozen for a spilt second before reciprocating, deep chuckles coming low and deep in his chest, the most beautiful noise I could hear. That I was blessed to hear.
“Promise me you’ll keep that energy if your soulmate comes crawling back after he’s seen what he’s missing?” He asked, smile evident on his lips. I smirked, looking away in mock thought.
“I’m not sure.. he is handsome?”
“More than me?”
I grinned, and shook my head, “Nah, your handsome both in and out, his soul is just straight garbage. But promise me the same. You won’t go back, even if she pleads?” I asked.
He looked over to his table, walking over and reaching under it. He pulled out a photo, coming back over and gave it to me. I took it, seeing it was a printed school photo of his soulmate. She was stunning, her face sharp framed by straight black hair and wide eyes that were filled with diabetes inducing sweetness.
“I think I found a better soulmate anyway,” he said, taking the photo and ripping it up. I smiled, collecting the scattered pieces from his hands, stuffing them in my pocket.
He grabbed my hands once again, looking me in the eyes in permission. I nodded, and he slid the gloves off, another arm forming a hand to grad the discarded gloves. I saw the guilts I have seen so many times before, kids shrieking in terror at his attributes. But those same things that made him be called a monster were the ones showing me such affection, taking my hands up to his lips and leaving sweet kisses along the knuckles. I smiled, taking his hands and mimicking his actions. I reached for my gloves, but he held them over his head.
“Nah, not yet. You have one more kiss left.”
I furrowed my eyebrows, but got the hint when his other hands lifted me up a bit and he leaned his head down. I closed my eyes and let it happen, relishing in his softness. He was so gentle, making the kiss linger long after we broke away. I smiled dumbly, and hugged his neck
“Oh my dinosaur,” I whispered. He snorted at the childish nickname I gave him a few weeks before.
“I think I like this better than our original plans the universe had for us.” He said.
“Yeah, me too.”
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euphhorias · 2 years
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and here we go again, another special day, so happy birthday nat @gimbapchefs​​ !! the loveliest funniest warmest scorpio, another october baby, only a week apart, so hi be warned of the sappiness <3
dude, babe, (yes i’m calling u both), it’s been over a whole year already since we met and formed a wonderful friendship; ik we haven’t spoken in a while but can hopefully invigorate the dry dms 🫶🏼 even tho it’s been some time, ur still counted as one of my closest friends to come out of being in this army life, and our countless conversations about the tannies and life in general always hold a deep place in my heart 🧡 still haven’t forgotten about our mutual love for soju aksjksj so have a drink on me to celebrate; i’ll be having one in ur honor all the way from down under 🥂 
i will say, ur very much missed here, on this site, seeing your hilarious tags and beautiful sets and perhaps you’ll come back one day (to see this letter which i’ll let u know about after posting 🤪), ur limited presence is felt but i hope life is treating u so fucking well and that ur the happiest you’ve ever been bc u absolutely deserve it 😘 when i think of u, it brings back memories of streaming in the soop and run behind in the black swan server; oh what FUN we had during those nights, tho afternoons for me bc timezones suck ass 😭 those hours spent together were so lovely, so sweet and make me smile whenever they pop up in my head; and honestly makes me miss u a lot, and hoping we can make more memories like that in the future ! which leads me to the possible seoul trip next year with kris !! still unsure if ur down for it but if u are, without a doubt, we’ll all be planning it and fingers crossed, meeting in such a place where seven boys brought us together, and get to give u that big hug, to make up for all the days and night we couldn’t 💜
to sum it up, i just really love u and really care about u and am so grateful to know u, and be a part of ur life and u be a part of mine ! and u are in my thoughts always, praying ur smiling, or finding a new food u enjoy, or are out and about with friends laughing, and just genuinely living every day to the fullest ✨ and it’s so good to see u popping into both servers every now and again, u see how we all show up to scream hi at u 🥰 to know ur doing good and being cute as hell as per usual (ur supertuna costume with lil rj had me SOBBING GIRL OMG) is a pleasure to see 🥺 may all ur dreams come to fruition this year, may u have more glorious moments and remember how adored u truly are 💖 alright i’m going to stop now but again happy birthday babes !! pls have the most amazing day, i love love u endlessly 😚🫰🏼🎁😇💛 xxx
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acrylicalchemy · 2 years
Talking About Mental Health And Suicide
I don’t really want to have this conversation, but I feel like we need to and I have some things I need to get off my chest so I can feel like I can breathe again. I don’t really know where this is going, so let’s just call it a stream of consciousness exercise.
The suicide of tWitch hit me hard, and for a very particular reason. Over the past decade, there were a number of times I found myself in a particularly dark place. During those times, I have some pretty vivid memories of turning to “So You Think You Can Dance” and seeing tWitch. As a man with Tourette’s, I was bound to love a dude named tWitch. The way this guy moved, it reminded me, in many ways, of how I paint. Now I can tell you with certainty that I have absolutely zero rhythm when it comes to my body as it pertains to dancing, but I do have an incredible rhythm, strongly resembling dancing, when it comes to painting. This is why I am so often drawn to dance. One thing I specifically remember about tWitch, was his smile, and I couldn’t help but feel a little better when I looked at that smile and saw the joy that reverberated through the screen watching him dance. 
Learning of tWitch’s death is a sad and humbling reminder of the battles behind closed doors, and how sometimes the brightest lights are surrounded by the greatest darkness. This man was a treasure and an inspiration to so many…transcending way beyond dance but to all creatives and dreamers. I think that at times, creatives are able to hide these things more than others because we have learned how to paint a smile onto our faces while fighting our wars in silence. I think we also often feel it more, and this is one of the reasons I have had to isolate myself so much more as I have gotten older and fought my personal battles with my demons. 
I have always been pretty outspoken about mental health and suicide/suicide prevention. Although I knew my biological father died on my mother’s 21st Birthday, it wasn’t until I was 28 that I learned it was by suicide…something that I had already been battling with for over a decade. Just prior to learning about my father, I can recall a night with a pistol to my head and being a fraction of a second from never creating all of the things I have brought to life the past decade. As I type this, I can still see 20+ year old self-inflicted burn scars on my hands. I have been lucky and blessed that I have had art as an outlet for my pain and my darkness, but it’s not always as simple as that. 
I think that, for those that follow me, it was pretty evident this past year (for the first 3/4 really) that I was having some struggles. Though I am often candid in those struggles, I don’t think most know just how dark or serious it really was. I can look back now and say that there were many nights during the last year that I pushed and prayed for an overdose. There were many nights that I also gave myself about a 50/50 chance of waking up. I am thankful, today, that I am still here and able to share this with you, but it’s a very difficult reminder for me about a battle I have to face each and every day for the rest of my life…because this war does not end until it does.
I have historically found that when I am trapped in my darkness, people are drawn to that, like a moth to a flame…but the exact opposite. The response increases, and likely because people can relate and because it’s something visceral and real…because it’s something a lot of us feel and face…but not many are willing to acknowledge it to ourselves, let alone publicly.  It can be a real challenge as an artist, because at times I felt like I had to stay there. My “Open Wounds” collection is about tearing myself open and exposing my wounds so they can heal. This past year I ripped myself completely open, and quite honestly, I didn’t know if I was coming back. There was a time that I truly believed there was no coming back. To further this, the increased reach in this time led to a heavy increase in trolling, nasty messages, and the all too familiar joke of “Your work is going to be worth so much more when you’re dead.” I remember hearing this as far back as high school when I was just a lost teen without direction and on the edge. 
When someone dies by suicide, the comments quickly follow…some of them absolutely nasty and without the slightest bit of compassion or understanding. I always see the comments about how if you’re struggling, you should reach out and talk to someone. If I’m being honest, and I can only speak for myself, that has never worked for me. In my experience, I found that people said things like this to feel like they were doing something and because, if you should do something like take your life, they wanted to avoid any possible sense of guilt or responsibility. I noticed the same exact thing with the disappearance of my friend and the woman I loved, Deanne Hastings. People close to her reached out like they wanted to help, but when it was time to help and actually do something, they faded into nothingness, much like Deanne.
 I will say, I understand that people can only communicate through the understanding and openness of their own experiences. I have accepted that. I do hope that others struggling can find someone to talk to, someone that can help. For me, I have found that this is a battle I truly do have to fight alone. I have been let down by too many to risk putting my life in the hands of another. I simply refuse. I have also not been blessed with the resources that some have in terms of having a place to go or even decent health coverage. There are a number of times this past year that, if I had the resources or option, I would have checked myself in somewhere. If you have those resources, I am very happy for you. If you do not, I feel your pain and your struggle. 
After my decades of life experience and learning a few lessons, I am well aware that my life is in my hands and that nobody can save me from myself. It is up to me and I am fighting. The reason I spend so much time training in the gym and on the road running is because I am training and conditioning for life. I am preparing myself to fight the devil on my worst day…because I have had to before and I likely will again. This war continues until my dying breath. I am blessed to have my art as a light with which to fight, but I have to remember that every light also has a darkness and every darkness a light. 
I apologize if this didn’t make any sense. I just had to say some things that have been weighing on me. I think that in the past couple years, we have been isolated, cornered, and pitted against each other. We have been pushed into scenarios where we don’t feel safe, or comfortable, or loved. We have been put in situations where we feel like it is fight or flight and we are fighting for our lives. When this is the case, it is very difficult to communicate or come together…and I think that’s where we are. It all starts with someone taking the step to truly open up the conversation…and I hope I could at least do that.
All my love and gratitude for giving me the strength to fight when I needed it on those dark nights tWitch,
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anniebeemine · 2 months
A little more personal and about my relationship(s), but I have nowhere else to vent.
I had a partner, Noah, from August 2020 to July 2023. He and I were inseparable. We did everything together and he is who I consider to be my first love. In March of 2022, I met the girl who was my best friend, Jane. It got to the point where if I wasn't with Noah, I was with Jane, and vice versa. I brought them up a lot and everyone I met knew about them within the first conversation. I truly love them both.
I noticed that I had feelings for Jane in May 2023. During her birthday celebration, we were drunk and ended up kissing in the back of a bar after sneaking away from our friends. That experience changed everything between us. She was much more affectionate, flirty in texts, etc. She also had a boyfriend at the time which only made it that much more confusing.
I talked to my therapist about it, and considered every possibility under the sun. If I could, I would have moved states and changed my name rather than deal with this head-on. Long story short, around the same time Noah and I broke up, Jane's boyfriend had cheated on her. Noah ended up dating a girl he was close with (and he knew I didn't like her) during our relationship. His best friend hinted that they had been going places behind my back for months and I was deeply hurt. As a result of all of this, Jane and I became extremely close.
We spent a weekend together at a lake house in September 2023, about two months after our breakup. We ended up having sex, but neither one of us mentioned anything for the rest of the trip. We both returned to our normal schedules. I ended up telling her about my feelings for her a few days later, to which she said she doesn't feel the same way and hopes that I find someone eventually. Heartbroken, I told her I understand. She instantly changed the topic and started telling me about her upcoming tinder date, just hours after turning me down.
I spent weeks in bed. I stopped going to class and sorority meetings, eventually getting kicked out of the organization. Anything that involved leaving my room was entirely out of the question. Everything positive I thought about myself was entirely gone in an instant. I thought that if I couldn't be good enough for my best friend, who could I be good enough for?
It's been almost a year since and our relationship never recovered. We stopped talking entirely in May of this year. I've spent the entire summer trying to find the joy in things again, but so much of my life revolved around Jane to the point where I avoid my familiar places. By the beginning of July, around the time I made this account, I finally felt stable.
Today, Jane messaged me out of the blue asking if we can talk. She ended it with saying "I just want to talk to my best friend again."
I'm hurt. I'm offended. I'm scared. I don't want to see her, but I feel like I have to. I spent so long thinking so lowly of myself and just reading the message sent me back to the moment she rejected me. For a year, I locked myself away and never shared any of this with anyone but my therapist. I lost so many friends by refusing to get close again for fear of being hurt. I'm honestly considering deleting the message and leaving it unanswered, but I also want to talk to her again.
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thirsty-hoes-central · 2 months
The one where you get a dog-MV33
Max Verstappen x reader
Summary: When Max’s kids ask him for a dog, he doesn’t know how to react. A little convincing from his wife may sway him.
Content warning: Reader has brown eyes. Other than that it’s all fluff
Author’s notes: This is my first F1 fic and I personally think it’s a banger. It’s combined written fic and smau. Thanks to @maxlarens for being my hype woman. I also have a bunch headcannons for this family, so if a single person sends me an ask, I’ll post them.
Dutch translation: apen = monkeys
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It wasn’t often that Max was able to pick the twins up from school, so he decided that he would pick them up today. Usually the twins would be picked up by either you, or their nanny, Marie, so to say the were excited to see their dad picking them up would be an understatement.
“Papa!” Layla and Luca exclaimed in unison as they ran into their father’s arms. Max let out an oomph as the weight of two five year olds hit him full force.
“Okay, let’s get you two apen into the car,” Max told the kids. He held Layla’s hand in his right hand and Luca’s in his left. With both children in tow, Max escorts them to the car, opening both the back doors of the car. Max took both of their backpacks and put them in the trunk while the twins climbed up onto their booster seats and buckled their seatbelts.
Max got in and started the car. “So how was school today,” Max asked over the Disney song that he knew the kids loved belting to but mysteriously weren’t in this moment.
“Good,” replied Layla.
“Ask him,” Luca not so quietly whispered to his sister.
“Ask me what?” Max questioned.
“Well, you know our friend, Bella? The one with the curly red hair?” Layla inquired leadingly.
“Yes,” Max replies hesitantly, not knowing where this conversation was going.
“Well…” Layla responds with emphasis on the e, “her parents got her a puppy for her birthday.”
“A cavoodle!” Luca interrupts with great enthusiasm.
“That’s exciting,” Max says. “Maybe we can schedule a playdate with her at her house so you can meet the puppy.”
“Well…” Layla says again with even more emphasis on the e which Max does not like the sound of. “We were wondering if you would get us a dog?”
Max’s eyes are comedically wide. He wasn’t expecting to be asked something like that while simply picking up the twins from school. “But we have Jimmy and Sassy?” Max says, hoping that’s the end of this conversation.
“Jimmy and Sassy aren’t dogs, dad,” Luca says. “All they do is sleep all day. We can’t take them to the park to play fetch.”
Max is about to say no, but then he looks into the pleading brown eyes of his children which they inherited from you. He remembers how Luca called him dad instead of papa, something he only does when he’s mad or annoyed at Max. So he cracks. “I’ll think about it and talk with your mother,” Max says with a tone of finality.
Luca and Layla cheerfully high-five each other, having been fully convinced that their father would say no. Max cranks up the whatever Disney song is on so the kids can sing along while he stews in his thoughts of what brought him here.
“WE DON’T TALK ABOUT BRUNO!!!” the kids start belting.
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Max unlocks and opens the apartment door for the kids to come crashing through. You sit on the couch fold laundry while watching some mindless show to keep your mind occupied. “Hello, my monkeys!” You say as you fold the last piece of laundry and put it in the hamper. You open your arms for the twins to run into your arms. The twins run over to give you a big hug, one kid on each side of you.
“How was your day at school?” you ask as Max drops their backpacks by the door.
“Good,” Layla replied. “We got to play with the tea set today during play time.”
“Yeah, and during recess Grayden found a frog that I got to hold!” Luca added.
“That sounds so fun you guys,” you say enthusiastically to your kids. You look up at Max who’s walking over to the couch and is giving you a look that says we need to talk. “Why don’t you two go play in your playroom. Papa got you some new stuffies from his last race.”
At the sound of new toys, the kids run off to their playroom. Once you hear the door to their playroom shut, you pat the empty couch next to you. Max sits next you while you readjust so you’re leaning your left arm on the back of the couch and you’re looking at Max. “What’s up, hun?” you inquire.
Max takes a deep before breaking the news. “The kids asked for a dog.”
“That’s it?” you ask to which Max nods in response. “Oh, I thought it would be something bad. That Luca got into a fight with another kid or something.”
“You’re acting like this isn’t a big deal.”
“Well, it really isn’t. Plenty of children ask for their parents to get them dogs. It’s not like they’re asking for a pony or something.”
“But what about Jimmy and Sassy? How do we know that a dog won’t attack them? Plus dogs have to learn to pee and poop outside, do you want to clean dog piss from the carpet? And we have to walk them to use the bathroom. And…”
“Max,” you interrupt. “I have plenty of friends who have cats and dogs who get along perfectly fine. How about this, I’ll look into breeders that might have an adult dog available for us, that way we won’t have to house train it.”
“You really want this dog, don’t you?”
“You know I grew up with dogs. As much as I love Jimmy and Sassy, they don’t quite scratch the same itch as a dog does.”
Max let’s out a loud sigh. “You would have made a great lawyer,” he tells you.
“So I’ve been told,” you reply.
“This dog will not be sleeping on the bed though!” Max adds.
“Mmm, we’ll see,” you respond.
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liked by maxverstappen1, charlesleclerc, and 43,901 others
yourusername Everyone welcome the newest member of the Verstappen-l/n household, Stroopwafle, or Wafle for short. She’s adjusting to apartment life with Jimmy and Sassy super well, and oh my! She is such a lovebug, especially with the twins. She’s been sleeping with them every night so far.
maxverstappen1 I can’t believe I’m a dog dad now. I guess she’s cute.
charlesleclerc So when can Leo come over for a puppy playdate?
→ yourusername Oh, absolutely! Wafle wants to make all the puppy friends. I’ll text you the details.
redbullracing Already ordering the Red Bull doggy bandannas as we speak 🫡
user1 I did not have Max Verstappen getting a dog on my f1 bingo card
user2 Wafle, my beloved!!!!
user3 Is Wafle a puppy? Where did you get her from? What breed is she?
→ yourusername We got Wafle from an English cocker spaniel breeder in the UK. Unfortunately her first home fell through, so she was sent back to the breeder until she was just over a year which was when we got her
user4 what do Jimmy & Sassy think of her
→yourusername Jimmy is adjusting to her really well. He’s started to try and engage in play with her which is adorable. Sassy on the other hand doesn’t care much for a doggo being in HER house, so she’s been spending a lot of time up high in her cat tree
user5 of course the cutest family adopted the cutest dog
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