#it was being bottlefed still i guess
thereddestpotato · 2 years
Had a real normal one at work
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Sure, someone brought a baby kangaroo with them
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Tried to eat sweaters, did not succeed
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goddessofroyalty · 4 years
So this is probably gonna sound incredibly weird I know pretty much the basics of omegaverse. In the cloud is proms dad verse would cloud have bottlefed Prompto as a baby? In terms of that kinda stuff it’s different for every universe it got me thinking because of how unsure cloud was able to bond with prom as a baby. Something like feeding him naturally would’ve been difficult? Not that he could’ve asked anyone to help take care of the baby of course running from sephiroth constantly
Not weird at all man.
So in my omegaverse at least omegamales do naturally lactate (hell, if you’re particularly stubborn and lucky you can have a male lactate in our world I don’t see why omegamales wouldn’t).
Funnily enough for something I normally have covered automatically I haven’t thought about it in this verse yet.
The biggest question in this particular scenario though is whether Cloud would be producing/still producing milk. Because I kind of go the pregnancy + the period after it being the traumatic shit happening to Cloud to get him to the like... main game Cloud personality. And that level of trauma could very much cause his body to stop lactating.
On the other hand keeping the kind of supply of formula up that he would need to feed a newborn (including getting the bottle to the right temperature, etc, etc) while traveling to Insomnia would be really hard. Sure for bits he would be able to just regularly buy it (or have people buy it for him) but once he crosses the ocean I think he’d be very much on his own and also probably trying to avoid towns as much as he can.
I guess it could be that he nursed Prompto until he reached Insomnia and then switched to bottles but by that point surely the habit would have been there enough that he wouldn’t switch?
So... I guess as a result of all that he probably did nurse Prompto. Although it was probably something he never really enjoyed like a lot of women/omegas do because he’s dealing with so much shit in his own head he can’t just stop and enjoy the moment with his pup. Always feeling like he needs to be looking over his shoulder and dealing with his reclaiming body-autonomy stuff. None of it is Prompto’s fault, and Cloud knows that, but he also can’t fight his own feelings about it all. And it all just makes his conflict about not bonding with his son so much worse.
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