#it was always lopsided
paint-music-with-me · 2 years
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alwayshinny · 2 months
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Harry James Potter - Happy birthday m’boy 🎂 🎉
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mydream-synopsis · 2 months
30 yr old togame jo who has the best sleeper build human kind has ever seen
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ghostlywhiskey · 3 months
single girl dad simon. that's it, that's the thought. either you agree with me or you don't. stay well x
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bleaksqueak · 1 year
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I've put a decidedly Halloween twist on my desk's right hand side, considering that the stores are putting all their pumpkins out. Bog Witch to Halloween Party City mode: Engage! (The shaky hand is a feature, not a bug.)
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skunkes · 1 year
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chucklesbuckles · 1 year
Tim drake could be so interesting, something more than “shows up 15 minutes late with a venti espresso & designer eye bags to solve a problem that the entire bat team was stumped on” in fanons case, or “the only Robin who was worth a damn, the only teammate who was ever close to Bruce’s level” in canons case.
He was like, what? 13 when he forced Batman to take him on as robin? 13 or 14 when he belittled and put down a dead kid? 14 ish when he belittled and talked down to Steph? 17 when he fought a 10 year old and put him on a hit list?
Tim was an upper middle class to wealthy white kid. He didn’t know shit about shit. Being exposed to the wider world as Robin, and by being on teams with people from different strata’s of life could have opened his eyes to experiences different from what he grew up with and helped him to realize that he doesn’t know shit and isn’t better than others.
Teenagers are stupid and self centered, and Tim realizing that, that the things he said and did were rude and mean (in Steph’s case) or downright cruel (in Jason and Damian’s case) could be really interesting.
But fanons stuck in a “Poor tim! Little baby Tim! He’s so meek and timid!” Like this mother fucker didn’t tell Jason that he is the better Robin during a brutal beat down. And DC’s stuck in “Tim’s the best of us all! And still Robin! And will one day be Batman!” Like this mother fucker doesn’t turn into an authoritarian dictator with that mantle in the future.
I don’t like to yuck other fans yums, and I get that Tim’s Robin is a self insert Robin, but I really will rip out my eyes if I see anything even approaching ‘Dick wanted to throw Tim in Arkham’. Dick told Tim to consider therapy, for fucks sake. Or, ‘Tim could have withstood getting beaten by the Joker’. Could Tim have withstood the bomb? The bomb that killed Jason? Tim’s got special bomb proof skin and organs and bones? I didn’t even read the Damian one. What would be the point? I don’t like seeing many interpretations of that run of Batman comics on tumblr since most Tim stans just butcher Damian and blame a kid raised in a cult who was being iced out by his father for acting out. Like, Damian was a kid. A kid kid, not a teenager close to being a legal adult.
I am just tired. I want to like Tim, I want to like the canon bisexual Bat! but by god it’s hard when other characters around him are flattened to make him seem more capable, or villainized to better baby him.
Just. Read a comic. Enjoy what you enjoy, but just read a comic.
(Side note: Cass should be Batman. Dick’s the best of them all, save maybe Superman. Every Robin was great, and did an amazing job. And Damian’s still a fucking kid and deserves better.)
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steelycunt · 2 months
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left side paragraph arrangement is evil and sickening and foul right side paragraph arrangement is perfect contentment blue skies & birds chirping & somewhere a gentle babbling brook can anybody hear me
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cashweasel · 2 months
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Healing abilities could not heal this fast enough
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nerosdayinanime · 1 year
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At the end of the world or the last thing I see You are never coming home, never coming home Never coming home, never coming home And all the things that you never ever told me And all the smiles that are ever going to haunt me
Never coming home, Never coming home
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#tomioka giyuu#sabito#kny sabito#giyuu#sabigiyuu#sabito lives au#last light au (angst)#loserboy giyuu posting#fratboy sabito posting#neros art tag#i dont like the shading. whatever tho#they fought a lower moon and giyuu got a nasty hit to the stomach. angst ver the kakushi dont get there as fast & giyuu bleeds out#a quiet little 'i love you' and sabito frantically assuring him he loves him too. so much. so please dont *leave*#giyuu left a letter for him. detailed how much he appreciated him as a friend and a confession of everything he held back from#how badly he wanted to hold him as they fell asleep and wake every morning to his lopsided brighter-than-the-sun smile#how badly he wanted to reach out and hold his hand as they walked side by side#how badly he wanted- but always hesitating#sabito's inconsolable. now not only mourning what he had but what couldve been as well#once the grief abates hes just hollow. and he hates it so much. very grateful of tengen dragging them out for dinner & drinks after meetings#bringing back the vigi au coping mechanism- hes not ever happy anymore but he smiles and fakes it#not too much to make it obvious but not too little as to worry people- makes him feel somewhat like a person again#'ever get the feeling that youre never all alone?' giyuu never leaves him. always in his shadow#sometimes he catches glimpses of shadows in the corner of his eyes but always brushes it off- animals notice giyuu and dislike him for it-#tengen sometimes hears faint whispers- zenitsu hears two heartbeats- inosuke's always on edge around him
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motherhenna · 4 months
Just found a listing for a tri-pod great pyranese mix that's good with cats ╥﹏╥ might have to go meet him too
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fujifroot · 2 years
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shes exploding u with her mind btw 
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charliecharmeleon · 6 months
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ive been very inactive here (and everywhere) lately and one of the (many) reasons why is bc i was busy making this little calico critter house/kitchen for my friend katie's birthday! it took many weeks and a lot of work and i learned a lot of new things in the process lol but im pretty pleased w how it turned out!
i bought some things secondhand (the bunnies (obviously), the bigger furniture (fridge, sink, oven, table+chairs, big shelf), and the food/drinks/kitchenware), but a lot of it is made by hand! a number of things here are made of modeling clay which is something ive been working with more and more and i think im starting to get the hang of
some detail shots:
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and also this foil dispenser and this oven mitt i made!
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and here is the cake i made for her too ft her dog! ive been a busy little bee
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wizardlyghost · 18 days
need to be put in the machine that twists your bones and muscles into symmetrical and healthy positions
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atopvisenyashill · 2 months
see i’ll be like “haha sucks when the writing for your team gets sloppy doesn’t it” and then people will be like “yeah alicent has clearly overstayed her welcome in the narrative, she’s useless” that’s a completely different sentence bro, i’m saying i think her arc has been sloppily written not that she shouldn’t be in the season at all. she hasn’t “overstayed her welcome” when she has several more significant scenes from the book to play out, like her title is quite literally the queen in chains and we haven’t gotten to the goddamn chains yet, clearly she’s still relevant. the point is i think they’re doing Whatever It Is They’re Doing With Her This Season in a way that isn’t as engaging as last season.
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keep-ur-head-low · 2 years
I once saw a youtube comment wish that Doubt Comes In didn’t include Eurydice’s part so that we could experience the trial from Orpheus’ perspective and feel the same doubt of whether she’s actually following him. I thought about this for a bit and would like to appreciate that Hadestown doesn’t go down this  route. All things considered, Eurydice is the true main character of Hadestown: she gets the dramatic final introduction in the opener, Any Way The Wind Blows is very much a traditional protagonist “I Want” song, and Act 1 closely follows her changing perspective of Orpheus whilst he just kinda stays static throughout. Although Act 2 sorta forgets about this set-up and leans more towards Orpheus as the story’s hero, she still gets an upward journey from a jaded woman bitter towards the lonely world into an intensely passionate optimist who would walk with her lover to the end of time. It would be a disgrace for her voice to be taken away at the very end of the story, as the suspense comes not from dreading that Orpheus’ doubts may actually come true, but from hoping that Eurydice’s renewed faith and assured attempts at comforting her broken lover will be enough to save her.
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