#and when you accidentally meet his gaze he gives you a lopsided smirk
mydream-synopsis · 2 months
30 yr old togame jo who has the best sleeper build human kind has ever seen
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herlondonboy · 2 years
Secret’s Out
Pairings: Rowan Laslow x gn!reader / Xavier Thorpe x enemy/ex!reader
Summary: Nevermore’s heir falls for the outcasted Outcast.
Warnings: Xavier is a bit of a bitch, slapping, suggestive themes, tooth-rotting fluff. Rowan’s nicknames are Obi-Wan and Row Boat because I said so. (Tagging @unfixqble)
Word Count: 0.7k
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You were the crowned royalty of Nevermore, the school for Outcasts. Both literally and figuratively. Your great (x whatever) grandparents founded the school and you always got the highest scores in class. Everyone praised the ground you walked on. Once you accidentally bumped into someone and before you could apologise, they mumbled out sorries and kissed your shoes. You had to deliver an assembly on why kissing people’s shoes was wrong, weird, and downright disgusting.
But with you being, well, you, it came as a shock to the whole school when you turned down Xavier Thorpe’s proposal. He was the only one in the entire school that could even compare to you. But the news of you dating Rowan Laslow, the outcast of the Outcasts, made the school tremble. Seriously, there was an earthquake the day everyone found out. Pathetic fallacy at its finest.
Rowan rushed up to you the day after with scarlet filled cheeks and watery eyes. “I swear I didn’t tell anyone.” He said hurriedly and you scrunched your eyes together before widen them. “y/n?”
Your eyes wrinkled at the sides as you smiled widely, dimples on full display. “I don’t care that everyone knows, Obi-Wan.” You tiptoed up so you could kiss his lips. All of his worries flowed away with that single kiss until people surrounded you. Some booed, some cheered and clapped, but it was all static in your ears. “C’mon.” You held out your hand.
Rowan gave a lopsided grin and took your hand as you pushed through the crowd. The two of you were on cloud nine. Somehow even more in love with the other than before. Nothing could bring you down.
Nothing apart from Xavier.
A stack of papers dropped onto your desk whilst you were waiting for your History teacher. You looked up in confusion, meeting Xavier’s hard glare. Before you could speak up he raised his hand, stopping you. “That’s why you won’t date me?” He scoffed. “Rowan Laslow of all people?”
“Back off, Xavier.” You rolled your eyes. “I won’t date you because I’m not attracted to you.”
“Bullshit!” Xavier slammed his hands down on the drawings, paintings, and photos he dropped onto your table. “Did he drug you? Is this some fucked up Harry Potter thing?” He asked.
“Humble yourself, Xavi.” You stood up, pointing at him. She waved it away and in retaliation, you slapped him.
The whole class gasped as you retracted your hand in shock. Xavier looked at you, holding his cheek. “Fuck you.” He spat, storming out of the class.
You were lying on Rowan’s chest later that night, watching a movie on his laptop. You thought for a second, drawing circles on his abs with your finger before mumbling, “You know I love you more than anything, right?”
You heard Rowan laugh slightly, kissing your head. “I know. And I love you more, my moon.”
You smiled at his words, melting into him. “Wrong. I love you most.” You looked up at him with a grin, giving him a peck on the lips.
“Oh, yeah?”
“Oh, yeah.” You nodded surely.
“Prove it then.” Rowan murmured, kissing you.
You rose your eyebrows at him as he smirked. You scoffed, straddling him and kissing his neck. “You like that?” You asked after you left a hickey, gaining a moan from the boy underneath you.
He nodded, looking at you with a lustful gaze. “I love you more than you’ll ever know.” He whispered, capturing your lips in a passionate kiss. You grounded down on his crotch, causing him to groan and blush. “y/n…”
“What is it, baby?” You asked, rasping, lips pecking and nibbling on his neck. “Use your words.”
“Please.” Rowan begged before the door slammed open with a bang. You jumped, falling into the floor as Rowan covered his top half. “Miss Weems.” He said in embarrassment.
“Excuse me. I don’t mean to barge in here, but the two of you know the rules. After nine o’clock, you stay in your own dorms.” Headmistress Weems said accusingly. “y/n, allow me to escort you to your dormitory.”
“Ms. Weems, I-“ You stopped at the look she gave you. “Bye, Row Boat.” You mumbled, kissing Rowan softly
“y/n.” Weems said sternly when the kids started to deepen.
You groaned and pulled away, whispering another ’goodbye’ before being lectured on all the way to the other side of the school.
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sytoran · 2 years
𝐎𝐅𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐄 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐒 ⌇ natasha romanoff
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summary: natasha romanoff is your new secretary, and she's willing to help with your every need.
☰ PAIRING: sub!secretary!natasha x dom!ceo!reader
☰ TAGS: smut (18+), office!au, smut, risky sex, strap-on sex, rough sex, slight degradation kink, attempt at humour, cunnilingus, oral sex, overstimulation, cocksucking, spanking, bending natasha over your desk while she's in high heels and nothing else
☰ WARNING: 2.5k words of pure filth
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you slumped down into your armchair, letting out a groan so heavy it shook your seat with its weight. frustratedly kicking up your feet onto the desk, you tilted your head back, letting your eyelids flutter shut.
that day had been absolute hell, conference after meeting after documents. being the CEO of stark industries was far from heaven-like, when you actually took responsibility. (yes, that was a jab at tony.)
he was an eccentric man, never staying in one place for too long. deciding to travel the world with pepper, tony left you to his devices after reluctant agreement from your part. but then again, earning more money than you could keep track of was something you would never really complain about.
“dr. y/n? are you alright?” 
ah, yes. there only one thing better than being the CEO of the biggest company in the world. it was having a secretary by the name of natasha romanoff.
blood red heels clicked against marble tiling, stopping right before your desk. you eyes trailing up the low-cut, tight-fitting dress she was wearing. your wandering eyes were hardly discreet, trailing over the curve of her hips and the generous inch of cleavage she had decided to show off. 
natasha flushed slightly under your watchful gaze. she would be a liar if she said she didn’t enjoy being admired by you. 
she knew it was wrong, pining after her boss, much less the CEO of such a big company, but she couldn’t help it. you were just so alluring, an enigma of your own accord. 
looking up at her through half-lidded eyes, you sent her a slow smirk. “hey, nat.” 
fuck, that was hot. natasha’s hands on a binder tightened. you had been so demanding today, yelling that your voice grew raspy, commanding and dominating – if natasha was being honest, she wouldn’t mind being yelled at like that by you.
but then again, you were so good to natasha. a soft spot, some might say. an obsession, you called it. 
so maybe it wasn’t so accidental when natasha bent over to pick a pen up, right before your eyes, rounded ass in full view. or maybe during meetings, when the room was dark and she whispered a little too close into your ear. or even after hours, when she offered to give you massages but let her hands linger far too long.
but the way you looked at her sometimes, with the deliciously darkened eyes and the dangerous smile, it made her think her silly crush wasn’t so unrequited after all.
“good afternoon,” she said, giving you a cordial smile – or at least, she attempted to give you one. you could see the way her teeth dug into her plump lip while eyeing you in a black dress-shirt. it made your pride swell a little. or well, maybe a lot.
“been a tough day,” you murmured absent-mindedly, folding up the sleeves of your black shirt to your arms. natasha’s gaze burned holes into your forearms, then your partially unbuttoned shirt, then to your lopsided grin.
you chose not to respond to that, shifting in your seat to sift through some papers, leaving natasha to bask in her adorable embarrassment. oh, you were obviously showing off for natasha, but who could blame you? she was too good to be true. 
“is there anything i could do to help?”
natasha’s question had barely left her lips before your expression morphed into the one she had imprinted into every inch of her brain. 
the one where your eyes narrowed and digressed into hues of jet black. the way your lips curved, tongue darting to wetten dry lips. the one where you looked like you wanted to devour her. 
the one that she had spent countless hours dreaming of with two fingers shoved up her pussy, in the dark of the night, where her secrets got locked up with a gold key.
“i can think of some ways,” your murmured, under your breath, just loud enough for natasha to hear. the reaction was almost immediate, the redhead shifting her legs a little bit closer, thighs pressing together. god, she was so wet.
“oh,” she whispered, almost a whimper. you swallowed at that divine sound, throat suddenly running dry.
just as you were about to make your move properly, natasha’s phone began buzzing with the ringtone of a call. then the moment was gone as quick as it came. your secretary fumbled for her phone, almost dropping it once. 
“bruce needs some help with the project of JARVIS.” natasha tells you quickly as she ends the call, her cheeks flushed a rosy red that quite matched her hair. "i- i'll go now."
natasha turns haphazardly, not even waiting for your response before moving her feet to the door. fuck, why was she so aroused? she was probably just imagining it, of the possibility that you wanted her as well.
the redhead moved to grip the door metal, the cold metal feeling foreign in shaky hands.
but then cold fingertips were suddenly tracing along the back of her bare arms, up and down, sending tingles all through her body.
natasha gasped, not daring to turn around. god, those fingers were sinful.
"stay," you murmured quietly, right up against her ear. your secretary tensed up in your arms, knees bumping against the door. she could've buckled, there and then, folded right into your arms.
"unless i am reading this situation wrong, then you can take your leave, ms. romanoff,” you clarified with a husk in your voice, deft fingers leaving her hot skin for a moment. even those mere seconds without your touch left natasha feeling empty. 
two could play at this game.
"i don't know, your perception skills have always been quite good," natasha murmured in response, almost a purr, as she pushed back up against you. you could feel the curve of her rounded ass against your crotch, and it only made you crave her more.
the edges of your lips twisted upwards into a devilish smirk, and your hands dug into her hips so hard it was sure to leave bruises. "let me hear it," you breathed, hands exploring the area of her lower stomach.
"shit," the curse fell from natasha's lips in a hasty breath right before she could answer you, a snarky remark dying on the tip of her tongue. you had slotted your leg between her thighs, pressing right up against the wetness of her sex.
"let me hear you say it," you repeated, the lower decibels of your voice sending a jolt of arousal straight to her core, giving her a shallow thrust to temporarily appease her needs.
"hear me say what, daddy?" 
the moment those sinful words left her lips, natasha wanted to take it all back. god, why had she been so forward? why would she-
before natasha could finish the walk of shame down memory lane, you had let out a near animalistic groan, twisting her around and pushing your oh so beautiful secretary up against the wall.
pinning her wrists up against the wall with a singular hand, a long, steamy moan escaped natasha's mouth. you tilted your head to kiss her with a passion you didn't know you harboured.
the first kiss was ebb and flow, your bodies rocking like the gradual descent of a wave. it was a smoldering heat, not quite out of control, but just enough to make the both of you crave more.
the second kiss was harder, with natasha finally tugging onto the collar of your dress shirt, dragging you impossibly close. you licked and sucked at the sides of her open mouth.
the third kiss had natasha falling apart. you properly pushed her up against the wall, never ceasing to kiss her for all it was worth. your left hand tightened on her wrists and the other gripped her hip so hard it could bruise. 
and the fourth kiss, well, there wasn't a fourth kiss. because you had already lifted natasha off her feet by then, roughly setting down onto your desk.
"wait, wait," natasha breathed, pulling away from your wandering hands with a shaky exhale. "we should lock the door."
"right, right," you huffed, listening to her nonetheless. it was probably a bad idea to bend your secretary over the desk when anyone could walk by at a given time. 
when you turned back from closing the door, your jaw quite literally dropped. there natasha was, bent over your desk with paperwork pushed to the side, supple ass in your direct line of vision.
she turned back to look at you with a teasing smirk, hiking up the end of her scandalously short dress. you caught a flash of black lace.
"i'm waiting," she murmured, shifting her legs open wider. you stepped closer, drawing a gasp from natasha as you ran your hands over her ass.
"...i know, doll. you're dripping."
suddenly slapping the curve of her ass, natasha cried out, driving her hips back to reach you once again. you denied her of that particular pleasure, instead pushing the lingerie to the side and spanking her again.
purplish hues of red blossomed upon her pale skin. you did it again. 
natasha moaned out your name, begging for you to touch her properly. you did it again. 
you had a lot of fun watching the confident woman succumb to a mess of frenetic moans and incoherent whines. so you did it again.
by the time you were satisfied with spanking natasha, there wasn't an inch of skin left unblemished, all flushed and crimson from your ministrations.
"fuck, just touch me already." natasha whined, undulating her lower half against the tent of a strap in your pants. 
"so impatient," you commented teasingly, eyes darkening several hues when you noted the wet spot on her panties. "you're so naughty, wearing lingerie to work. you've wanted this, mhm?" 
the words died on her tongue when you thrust your hips forward, the thick strap entering her sodden pussy.
"please!" pretty mewls fell from natasha's mouth as you fucked into her, gripping at her sides with sprawled hands.
in no time at all, natasha was cumming all over your strap, dripping down her thighs. she had been stimulated by the spanking already, your actions only bringing her more arousal.
"cum already, pretty girl? so greedy," you groaned, fucking her thourgh her orgasm. using your teeth to pull down the zipper of her dress, natasha gasped at the cold air making contact with her heated skin.
you let your hands explore her body, going to grasp at natasha's tits. toying at her nipples seemed to be too much for her, the redhead spasming under you, gasps and whimpers escaping her mouth.
fuck, natasha could already feel another orgasm building up.
she had wanted this for so long, for you to rail her until she couldn't think, in your very office, over the very one you were fucking her into.
you forcefully pushed her back into the glass counter, her pebbled nipples being stimulated to no end. when you gave a particularly hard thrust, a lewd moan sounded from natasha, echoing around the confines of the room.
"hush, baby." you murmured, giving her two fingers to suck on. "don't wanna let everyone hear you, mhm?" your secretary nodded through bleary eyes, warm tongue tracing over your fingers.
just as natasha was about to cum, her phone that was in her pocket started ringing again.
"answer it," you said after two rings. even without facing natasha, you knew she was wearing that adorably sulky expression.
"don't wanna," natasha whined, still trying to chase the fragments of her second orgasm that were fading away. you frowned at her disobedience.
"answer it or i'll take out my cock."
the threat left natasha clenching even harder around you, which in turn only made you push the cock an inch further. "don't you dare stop," natasha gasped, hands reaching out behind to grab you.
deciding you had enough of her back-talk, you simply reached into her pocket, pulling out her phone and answering it for her.
"hey, nat? are you almost there? you told me you would come." bruce's voice crackled over the static of the call.
natasha's mortified expression quickly morphed into one of pleasure when you traced a finger over her glistening folds.
'you will be cumming,' you mouthed to your secretary with a shit-eating grin, as she rolled her eyes at you.
propping her up onto the desk, natasha was fully naked, save for her high heels, long legs hanging off the edge of the table. you had entrapped her in your arms, palms resting on either side of her body, still fully-clothed and standing.
"uh, nat? you there?"
you pressed the speakerphone next to her mouth, before gently stroking her clit. natasha bit back a moan, eyes accusing yet submissive.
"y-yeah," natasha managed to say somewhat steadily. then she fumbled. "i'll be there in a sex- sec! i'll be there in a sec,"
you bit back a chortle, distracting yourself by spreading her legs and moving to suck hickeys onto her thigh. natasha tried to push your head away, but she didn't really deny your touches.
"uhh okay, are you sick? you sound unwell."
natasha wasn't even half-listening at this point, eyes trained onto your mouth that was leaivng kisses higher and higher up her thigh. so close, yet so far.
you gave her a soft lick mid-thigh, and natasha nearly fell apart there and then.
"i'm - oh, fuck!" natasha trailed off into an airy moan when you delved your tongue into her folds, far too impatient.
"sorry, sorry! i'm- i saw a bug- it's very - jesus christ, it's moving very fast. bugs are pieces of shits who have no manners - ah! - you know what, i'll call you back later! bye!"
natasha was the one to break first, desperately pressing the 'end call' button. you smirked.
"oh, so i'm a bug now? can bugs make you scr-"
before you knew it, natasha was pulling you in to taste her further in. your tongue explored her warm cavern, lapping at all the juices she left in your wake.
when you found that one spot, it was then that her overstimulated cunt met its climax, the orgasm taking over a hold of her body in spasms of pleasure.
you shoved two fingers into natasha's open mouth to shut her up as she drooled, mouth dumbly sucking. her screams were muted into a blabbering mess of pleasured sighs.
before your secretary could even properly come down from her kaleidoscopic high, a knock on the door captured your attentions within a matter of seconds.
your eyes locked with natasha's, and fear flashed in hers. but all you did was move to sit at your desk, with an eerie calmness, hand hovering over the automatic sensor to unlock the door.
natasha spluttered as you gestured for her to crawl under your desk with a smirk of sinful delights. 
so when one of your co-workers walked into your office with a file report in hand, they were blissfully unbeknownst to that ever-willing secretary of yours, hidden under the desk, quietly sucking on your cock once again.
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taglist: @gayestfeels26 / part 2 / masterlist
if you want to be added to my taglist, feel free leave a comment or an ask. as always, thanks for reading :)
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rosenongrata · 4 months
eyes of the beholder.
a/n: just a lil blurb... almost 500 words. very short! but very sweet, even a bit bitter.
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“You know, you have the most captivating eyes I’ve ever seen…”
Aventurine blurts out with a sly grin on his face while he plays a card game called “War” that Malachy introduced to him tonight. He soon discovered it can be quite the lengthy game, and then he caught onto how speedy his opponents draws are – so he upped the ante and now matches their speed.
“Mhm,” Malachy hums, their eyes trained on the cards that are being played, “Very funny. Should we be playing Liar’s Poker instead?” Their bright blue eyes laden with their usual fatigue – their glow dimming behind long eyelashes.
“Huh? I wasn’t lying,” He pouts a little, his card drawing hand faltering in the moment from a slight tremble, “I swear. I really wasn’t lying.” He promises weakly, his voice barely above a whisper.
“Eh?” They blink repeatedly before finally staring at him from their hunched position over the table, “Sorry, sorry.” They sigh, “But, I’d say your eyes are a lot more magnetic than mine.”
“What?” He blinks like they did, a blush threatening to creep onto his cheeks, “You…really think that?”
“Yup.” They nod, “I’ve seen many eyes, but yours strike me as the most unique and vibrant.”
“I…” His words die on his tongue, leaving his mouth gaping.
They blink at each other as Malachy watches a pink, flustered blush finally creep onto his cheeks. They chuckle behind a card before laying it down face-up on the growing deck of cards. They give him a few moments to register their words, yet he remains speechless.
“Hm? It seems I’ve silenced the chatty one for once,” They lean in close to his ear, a very hot breath almost searing the sensitive skin there when they whisper, “I win again.”
His head whips at them, their lips almost accidentally brushing against one another from the close proximity.
“Haha… You’re funny…” He laughs half-heartedly – weak and unimposing.
“Sometimes,” They sigh, backing away from him, “But, I’m being honest, too, Vasha.”
“You’re strange…” He smiles a little at them – soft, sweet, and adoring, “But, y’know… Your peculiarity is…growing on me like moss.”
“Yeah? I could say the same about you.” They smirk – lopsided, knowing.
“You flatter me too much for someone like me…” He sighs, his smile fading.
“I’ve met worse people – trust me.”
He perks up, but his eyes remain pinched with worry – he struggles to meet their gaze at first, yet he finds himself drawn back to their starry eyes just like every other time in the past.
“Malachy…” He whispers.
Without warning and certainly without restraint, they pull him out of his chair and almost onto their lap – all so they can embrace him. Their warmth is like fire against him, setting both his mind and heart ablaze – even his clothed skin prickling with surprise.
“You’re doing your best, Vasha,” They whisper, their hold growing in tightness yet remaining diligently aware of his body’s fragility, “And that’s all you need to do.”
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ptergwen · 3 years
I think your requests are open (I didn’t see anything that said otherwise but I suck at this app lol) but I was wondering if you could write a peter x reader (likely college-age) where they have an academic rivalry and just tease each other a lot and lots of fluff and shit? It can be an established relationship or like a friends/rivals to lovers or really whatever you want. Sorry if this is super specific! Anyways, I love your writing, it always cheers me up :)
friends close, enemies closer
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ik this is cherry BUT i had to
w/c: 1.6k
warnings: swearing and hints of suggestiveness
a/n: thank you my love ! i’m actually obsessed with this concept so i’m super super happy with how it came out n i hope you are too :,)
you wipe sweat from your upper lip, peeking at peter’s laptop screen. he’s more than halfway through the paper your english professor tasked your class to write. he looks to have not a worry in the world as he continues to type away. growling at this, you dive right back into work.
you’ve been at each other’s throats since the beginning of classes when you both wanted the same spot. first row, middle seat. peter had officially claimed it in the end. you’d flopped down next to him and his irritating smirk.
the dude is smart, you’ll give him that. his knowledge of literature is almost as impressive as yours. almost. he raises his hand any chance he gets, effectively stealing your thunder if you dare to participate.
peter is also a bit of a people pleaser. he’ll chat up your professor at office hours, fascinate her with his hot takes on things or stupid anecdotes. you often get so annoyed that you bail before you even attempt to woo her yourself. the sight of you storming off is something peter thoroughly enjoys.
bottom line is, golden boy peter parker never loses. underneath the sweet, innocent persona he hides behind is a ruthless fighter. you’re determined to end his winning streak, thus sparking your ongoing competition to be better than the other in every way possible.
this time, your goal is to meet your ten page paper requirements the fastest. they aren’t due for weeks, but you and peter are banging them out in one sitting.
you’re hauled up in the campus library, sat side by side despite your wishes for peter to get his own table. he’d insisted on sharing with you. why, you haven’t a clue. you can’t stand him, and he isn’t the fondest of you either.
that’s what you tell yourselves, at least.
“progress report?” peter requests from you. “page three. you?” you grunt back. he props his feet up on the table, arms flexed behind his head. “finishing up page seven. you already knew that, though... creeper.”
god, you can hear the shit-eating grin in his voice.
you glance over at peter, doing your best to ignore how his biceps bulge under his hoodie. nerdy little parker is ripped.
“worry about yours, i’ll worry about mine. thanks.” you reread the sentence you wrote prior to peter’s chiseled body distracting you. “oh, the irony,” he sighs and nudges the edge of your laptop with his sneaker. scowling, you shift the screen away from him.
about a minute of silence goes by until it’s unfortunately filled by peter. he stretches his arms out, finally removing his dirty shoes from the table.
“i’m gonna take five. maybe, you could use it as an opportunity to catch up to me,” peter cockily suggests. “spare me your charity, peter. i’m doing just fine without it,” you retort, letting out a scoff. peter raises his hands in defense. “if you say so, princess.”
here you were, naively thinking peter couldn’t become any more insufferable than he already is.
you slam your laptop shut and jab a finger at his chest. “jesus christ, how many times do i have to ask you not to call me that?” a patronizing pout adorns peter’s lips. “aw, i love it when you get all bossy on me. so cute.”
he grabs your hand still on his chest, pressing a light kiss to the back of it. you’re quick to wipe it off on his hoodie. nevertheless, there’s an undeniable heat rushing to your cheeks.
“well, i hate it when you call me princess,” you deadpan. peter tilts his head to the side. “do you?”
of course not. deep down, you live for the fuzzy feeling you get whenever the nickname slips from his tongue. oh, his tongue and the things it can do. poking out as he focuses hard on a question, running across his pink lips…
you have to reel it in. this is peter parker you’re fantasizing about, your mortal enemy.
“yes. i hate it, and i hate you,” you unsuccessfully convince the both of you. “no, you don’t,” peter rasps, darkened eyes scanning over your features. his stare is intense and intimidating. he grasps your chin between his thumb and index finger, slowly leaning in closer.
he’s not going to stop until you make him. you don’t want to, but you will.
you shove his shoulder, dragging your laptop towards you again. “on second thought, i could use that catch up. you’re not gonna throw me off my game, parker.”
your rejection seems to disappoint peter. his expression matches that of a kicked puppy, brows furrowed and arms crossed over his chest.
“we’ll see,” he murmurs and swings a leg over his chair. “alright, i’m gonna run to the caf. you want anything?”
he’s offering to buy you food now? what’s his angle here?
“i’d say yes, but i’m afraid you’ll poison it somehow,” you half joke. peter hops to his feet. “don’t give me any ideas,” he warns, snatching his backpack off the floor. “i’ll just surprise you.”
although you’re curious what his mystery snack choice for you would be, you can’t accept. you’d be going against your entire dynamic.
would that be so terrible?
you wave him off towards the double doors. “i’m good, peter. really. i’m not that hungry, anyway.” shaking his head, peter throws a backpack strap onto one shoulder. “y/n, your stomach’s been grumbling for the last hour. you gotta eat.”
he’s not wrong. you’re starving, but you’ve been too preoccupied by your essay to break for dinner.
“fine, surprise me,” you concede. peter flashes you a smile, this one void of its usual condescendence. “i’ll be back. try not to miss me too much,” he calls as he walks backwards to the library doors. “i won’t. shoo already,” you dismiss him, a laugh falling from your lips.
peter winks at you, then disappears into the night. you’re left with a serious case of butterflies and a certain freckle faced know-it-all on your mind.
that’s a problem.
you’ve managed to get another page done when peter reappears. he sits back down and slides a bag across the table, you closing your laptop. you dig into it to figure out what he picked for you. you’re not too pleased with his selection, however.
“oh, yummy. vomit in a cup,” you announce as you hold a green smoothie in your hand. peter reaches over and pats your thigh. “it’s good for you. drink up, princess.” you slap him away. “hard pass. i’d rather you have gotten me nothing.”
narrowing his eyes, peter pulls two cookies wrapped in a napkin from his pocket. “i’m guessing you don’t want these either? more for me, then.”
they’re chocolate chip and m&m, your favorite in the cafeteria. they just came out of the oven, so they’re still warm.
“how… how did you know i…” you trail off, peter setting the cookies in front of you. he offers you a lopsided grin. “i know a lot about you, believe it or not. i pay attention.” you surprise yourself by returning his smile. “thank you, peter. how much do i owe you?”
“nah, it’s on me,” peter assures you. “enjoy.” pushing aside your unappealing drink, you seize the cookies instead. “you have to eat, too. let me at least split these with you.” there’s a beat before peter nods. “fair enough.”
that results in you two munching on your cookies while pretending to write your papers. you’re sneaking glances at each other whenever the other isn’t looking, in reality.
once it’s about time for the library to close, you’re on the verge of passing out. peter is concluding his essay until he hears a thump from your side of the table.
he finds you with your cheek smushed against your keyboard and hitting random letters, snores escaping you.
chuckling to himself, peter places a hand on your shoulder. “hey, y/n?” he speaks in a hushed tone. you awake with a gasp, drool pooling at the corners of your mouth. “easy there, princess. it’s only me.” he rubs circles on your back, and it’s oddly comforting.
“keep doing that,” you purr, momentarily forgetting how much you’re supposed to despise peter. he lets his fingers dance across the exposed skin of your lower back. “we should probably head out. it’s kinda late,” peter decides.
you sit up, bones aching and eyes forced open. “not yet. have to beat you first.” you start to delete the gibberish you accidentally typed. peter cups your cheek to turn your head towards him, your movements halting. “this one’s a tie. you did good, y/n/n,” he coos. “finish the rest another day.”
“why’re you being so nice to me?” you nearly whisper. peter uses his thumb to swipe the drool from your lips. “‘cuz i care about you. i might not show it, but i do,” he admits with the hint of a smile. “besides, i need you… for the, uh, the healthy competition.”
laughing softly, you twist his hoodie strings around your fingers and tug. “your intentions are pure as always. sure that’s all you need me for?” peter’s gaze darts to your lips, then your eyes. “we’ll see,” he repeats.
rivalry be damned.
“mm. i care about you too, parker. thanks again for tonight,” you hum. a blush coats peter’s cheeks, even in the dim library lighting. his sweet and innocent side might truly exist. “no problem.” peter links your pinkie with his, the gesture giving you that fuzzy feeling. “i’ll walk you back to your dorm?”
you lean over and kiss his pinkie intertwined in yours.
“lead the way.”
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cafeacademia · 4 years
Laundry Day
Fred Weasley x Reader (SMUT)
Summary: After you accidentally catch your best friend and roommate, Fred doing his laundry in just his boxers, you turn into a flustered mess, but it’s when you make the next clothing slip that either of you act on your feelings.
Warnings: Straight up smut!!! Oral (female receiving), sex, a bucket load of fluff, quite a bit of embarrassment and awkwardness at the beginning.
Word count: Approx 3500
Please read the drabble that sparked the rest of this story (it doesn’t make a huge amount of sense otherwise!)
A/N: Hello my loves! My god was this fun to write! I love some Freddie smut and I hope you enjoy it too! This was inspired by my lovely friend, Holly’s made up title ask, which turned into a drabble and is now followed by this full fic! Enjoy 💖
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Fred was rather annoyed with himself. He’d been far too wrapped up in teasing you in your flustered state when he had been standing nearly naked in front of you, and yet he’d not taken a second to actually see if you felt the same way that he did. Albeit, was doing it mostly naked in front of your best friend a good idea? Fred thought, probably not.
But now, only a few hours later, Fred regretted it even more, because his poor roommate, his poor best friend couldn't even look at him without looking as if you were about to keel over in embarrassment.
And while Fred was annoyed with himself that he’d not done anything about months, years even of being completely and utterly in love with you, you on the other hand were reprimanding yourself in the other room over how you had blatantly drooled over the poor boy.
He probably thought you were creepy or weird. Or both. Both were definitely plausible, you thought as you climbed out of the shower, having taken one in the hopes of getting the embarrassing moment off your mind. Unfortunately for you though, it had only given your mind more time to replay and over exaggerate the interaction.
But as you dried yourself off and did your usual bathroom routine, you quickly realised that being so stuck in your own head had led you to a near similar situation that Fred had been in just mere hours ago. You were stuck in the bathroom with nothing but a small bath towel that barely covered you while you had forgotten your clothes. The worst part was you had walked into the bathroom naked while Fred had gone out for a little while and you just hoped to Merlin that he was still out of the apartment so you didn’t have to face him with embarrassment while being nearly naked.
Unlocking the door and opening it by just a slither, enough to see into the main room, you poked your head out for a second to survey and thankfully, to your relief, there was no Fred in sight and you let out the breath you had been holding on to as you pulled the door open fully and stepped out of the bathroom with the towel loosely wrapped around you.
“Alright there, love?” Fred’s voice came from behind you and your movements seized as you froze on the spot, eyes going wide. Shit. “Fred,” You practically squeaked his name out in shock before pausing, half turning towards him. Fred noticed you were still unable to look at him fully, as if meeting his eyes might vaporise you on the spot or turn you into a puddle.
If you hadn’t already felt rather exposed with just a towel on before, you felt as if you were completely naked and you swallowed thickly as he took a step closer to you. It wasn’t even that you didn’t like or want his attention, you craved Fred. You wanted him in every capacity possible, but this was not the way you had spent many nights and lonely showers and hours working imagining how it would go. And quite frankly, you were sure your cheeks were still as hot as they had been earlier that day when you had walked in on your best friend.
“That’s an awfully short towel, love.” Fred smirked and you managed a quick glance at his features before you shyly looked away again and you suddenly felt very aware of where the fabric fell against your skin. Did it hide you well enough? You supposed it was really a bit too late to be wondering that now, though.
“Sorry, I might’ve… Forgotten my clothes.” It came out quieter than you had meant it to and Fred could see how flustered you were. “I don’t mind.” Fred told you with a lopsided grin, using your own words on you. “Are you embarrassed, princess?” He questioned, taking another step closer and reached out, his fingers gently brushing the tip of your chin, lifting just enough to get you to meet his eyes. “There’s no reason to be, I promise.” Fred spoke softly, his grin dampening into a gentler smile, one that was reassuring. “Besides, I quite liked you seeing me earlier.” He added. “Can’t say I hadn’t thought about it before.”
“Thought about what?” You asked, your throat dry as you looked up at him, your eyes fixed on his now that he’d finally managed to get you to look at him. “Me seeing you… Like that?” You asked. “Well, sort of. I think about you a lot, sweetheart.” Fred replied, not really giving you a straight answer, but the answer he did give sent a shock through you, your stomach flipping in the most pleasant way and for a moment you just stared at him. “Do you think about me?” He asked, his fingers gently moving up from your chin, his thumb resting against your cheek, brushing your skin delicately with the pad of his thumb.
Of course you thought about Fred. Sometimes it felt like he was all you thought about. He was impossible not to think about, especially when he was the perfect mixture of charming gentleman and absolute rascal. But you supposed that was what attracted you so much to him, that and his tall stature, the way he looked at you sometimes making you weak at the knees. Merlin, you wanted him to absolutely ruin you. It wasn’t as if you hadn’t ever done anything sexual yourself before, you had, but Fred and George had always had a running joke about your innocence, that you just seemed too pure, too much like a sweet princess with the way you always became so shy and giggly and flustered whenever they teased and joked around with you, especially Fred.
“Mhm.” You could only hum, your eyes looking away from him for a moment as you tried to gather yourself a bit more. “Is that so, princess?” Fred chuckled softly, watching you tug your lip lightly between your teeth and he almost groaned, already very riled up from earlier in the day.
“I do, I think about you all the time, Freddie.” You finally got yourself together, eyes doe like and sweet as you looked up at him. Fred smiled, his thumb gently caressing your cheek as he leaned in a little closer, his heart leaping when you leaned a little into him too, because besides from friendly hugs and leaning on one another, you’d never had much close contact with Fred and he wanted to hold you so badly. “Can I kiss you, love?” Fred asked, speaking so softly that it was barely above a whisper, his words brushing against you as he spoke and you nearly melted, nearly combusted because Fred Weasley had just asked you those words.
“Please, Freddie.” And your words were all he needed to close the gap between you and capture your lips with his in a loving, gentle kiss. He was slow at first, lips indulging in every feeling it sent through him to have your lips moving gently against his. Fred felt you press yourself up against his chest and his heart fluttered, unable to stop himself from smiling into the kiss as he his hands wandered, softly tracing over your skin and resting at your hip as he cradled your head with his other hand.
And as your hands found the nape of his neck, fingers dipping into his thick ginger hair, Fred groaned against you, deepening the kiss, his tongue finding yours. You felt warmth rush through you, the kiss pushing every thought, every lingering worry out of your head. Fred was not overconfident with his kiss, instead, he was gentle but still charming and you could just imagine the smile he was wearing as your lips moved against his, Fred’s tongue gently brushing yours.
Parting, Fred having kissed you breathless, you sighed softly as you pulled away. Your towel though, was forgotten and with your hands having rested over Fred’s shoulders, his chest no longer there to hold it up, the fabric fell into a pile on the floor. You glanced down, for a second to see it below you, shyly looking back up at Fred, who was fixed on you with a stunned look in his eyes. He made it quite clear, just from the way he was looking at you, keeping his eyes on yours that he wouldn’t look at your body unless you wanted him to.
But part of you wanted him to look, you wanted him to see you and your gaze softened from surprise to something almost lustful. “You can look, Freddie.” You whispered the words, Fred taking you permission, his lips parting as he finally looked down to admire you, his eyes wandering your figure as you stood in front of him. “You’re gorgeous, princess.” Fred complimented, his words making you smile shyly as he tentatively reached out for you, giving you ample time to tell him to stop. But you didn’t and you moved forwards into his touch, letting his fingers meet your bare skin, his fingertips gently brushing against your collarbone and Fred’s breath hitched in his throat for a moment as he took you all in, nothing but admiration and pure, sweet love in his eyes.
He looked at you as if you were the most beautiful person he had ever seen, his eyes softened, he looked almost awestruck at the sight of you and his eyes slowly drew across you, unsure of where to look first. “I want you, love.” Fred spoke the words, eyes looking up to yours, waiting for permission. He was well and truly in love, he always had been, but seeing you like this, nude with that sweet, shy smile of his, he felt like he was really seeing you. Vulnerable, beautiful and Fred wanted to know if he could have you for himself like he had always dreamed. “Then take me, Fred.” The words passed your lips, Fred’s admission going straight to your belly, a little shiver of anticipation, of excitement rushed through you.
With your permission, Fred didn’t spare a moment longer, his hands gently smoothing over your skin to grip your hips as he leaned in, his lips meeting yours in a slow, gentle kiss. Fred was in no rush as he kissed you, his fingers trailing upwards, thumbs gently brushing over your hardened nipples and he groaned as you moaned softly into the kiss at his actions.
“Let me take care of you.” He mumbled it softly against your lips, his warm touch gripping your sides and gliding lower until he reached the curve of your ass, squeezing gently. Moving lower still, Fred leaned down a little to pick you up and pull you into his arms, his eyes fixated on you as he carried you carefully to your bedroom and lay you down on the bed.
Beginning to remove his own clothing, Fred caught the way you looked at him the way you had earlier, lost in your own little dreamy haze as your gaze trailed over his bare torso as he let his shirt slip off his arms and fall to the floor. And as he pushed his trousers off, his boxers going with them, Fred was glad he caught the way you gently bit your lip at the sight of him, your reaction going straight to his hardened cock.
“Can I taste you, please princess?” Fred asked, gently pushing your legs upwards. “Please Freddie.” You nodded, lips parted as you let out a little breathy moan as he parted your legs, kneeling down between them. He held your gaze for a moment longer as he dipped low, close to your aching core as he parted your lips with his thumbs, watching as you gasped at his warm, gentle touch.
Swiping his thumb over your clit tentatively, he watched your reaction to the small touch and it made his length twitch as you watched him with pleading eyes. Finally, Fred leaned in, his thumbs exposing your bud for him as he pressed his tongue against you and began to work you up. “Oh fuck, Fred.” You whined out at the contact, your hand reaching down to hold him there, your fingers sliding into his hair as Fred circled your clit, building up his intensity as he played with you.
His gentle movements became a little faster and within moments Fred had you writhing and moaning at his touch. His tongue flicked against you and you shyly cast a glance down to him to see Fred looking up at you with hooded eyes, savouring every second of pleasuring you. “Is it good, princess? Am I making you feel good?” Fred asked, his thumb taking over and circling your clit as he spoke to you, making you whine at the difference in contact. “Freddie, god, you’re so good, please don’t stop.” You whined, too caught up in pleasure to worry about being shy with your words.
Smirking, Fred leaned back in, taking your soft bud between his lips and gently sucking, flicking his tongue over you. Your soft moans, the way you panted when he did something to make your knees quiver, it felt as if Fred could cum just at the sight of you blissed out with pleasure under his touch. Releasing you, he slid his tongue over you and flicked his tongue over your clit relentlessly, watching as your hands gripped the sheets in reaction.
Fred worked you up and up, so high that you lost yourself in the pleasure he was giving you. Looking up to watch you as you climbed, now teetering on the edge of your orgasm, Fred loved the way you looked like this, spread out for him and falling apart from his teasing, from his soft touches.
“Are you going to let go for me, princess?” Fred asked, his hot breath against your aching core before pulling you clit back between his lips and flicking his tongue quickly against you. “Yes Freddie, please.” You whined it out, panting and moaning as he brought you to the edge and saw you over into your euphoria, the orgasm pouring through you, trickling like warm honey through your senses as you came undone beneath his gentle touch. His name was a cry on your lips, eyes teary as the haze clouded over you, every muscle, every sense relaxing as you came down from your climb, Fred gently bringing you back down with soft touches.
It was the most beautiful thing he’d seen, watching you, his best friend orgasm from his touch. It was better than he had dreamed and he hoped as he slowly climbed up the bed, holding himself above you, capturing your lips with his for a slow kiss, that taking you, making you his would be as amazing as he had imagined. Fred couldn’t deny, he’d had vivid dreams about you, waking up in a flustered, panting state with beads of sweat on his forehead, George thinking he’d had a nightmare, when in reality it was the exact opposite. The sound of your moans, fabricated in his mind, he could have only imagined how you sounded when he teased you, but now that Fred had heard you, now that he’d seen the way you crumbled for him, he knew he’d never get enough of you.
“Make me yours, Freddie.” The words were sweet and almost melodic as you hummed them out in your gentle voice. The haze seemed to settle over Fred too, his eyes unable to leave yours, unable to look away, you were just so perfect to him and Fred was unsure he even deserved someone as absolutely wonderful as you, but he was grateful that you wanted him, that you needed him, because you were all he really needed too.
“I’ll make you mine, sweetheart.” He said it lovingly as he pressed hot, open mouthed kisses in a trail against the warmth of your neck. “My princess.” He hummed the words out, heavy in his throat but coming out as a light whisper, one that made you moan his name to him and Fred hoped he could always hear the way you said his name in the heavenly way that you did.
Gently, his length pressed against your core, allowing himself to slide through your folds, pressing against your sensitive clit and you gasped at the contact, lips parted and eyes sliding closed and Fred watched as your lashes fluttered against your skin so beautifully. Guiding himself into your entrance, your moans met the air together in a beautiful symphony, your eyes opening to look up at the man above you as he slowly pushed in until he was in as far as he could go. He met your eyes, his expression swimming with complete awe, the feeling was like no other, no one else felt as perfect as this and Fred swore on the spot that perhaps you were always meant to be.
After a moment, Fred began to move, his thrusts gentle and soft at first while you relaxed around his size. Leaning in, Fred left tender kisses against your skin, worshipping you as he pulled out nearly to the tip and allowed himself to sink back into you slowly, his head tipping back as he let out a low moan at the feeling of your walls fluttering around him. “You’re so perfect, sweetheart.” He said the words only semi coherently as he began to move a little faster his thrusts slowly speeding up. “So perfect, you take me perfectly.” He mumbled, the words falling from his lips, his eyes closing as his hips met yours with a gentle slap of your skin against his, your moans filling his ears.
“Freddie,” You gasped his name out, his eyes opening at your voice to look you in the eyes. “I need you.” The words were desperate, but Fred knew what you needed. “I’m here, princess, I’ve got you.” Fred spoke softly, his hands pressing yours against the mattress, your fingers intertwining as he thrust heavily into you, pulling a whine from you as he positioned himself to best reach the spot that made you gasp. “Oh god, Freddie.” You gasped, closing your eyes for a moment as you basked in the pleasure of his thrusts, gentle but firm as he sped up, dragging moan after moan out of you with each stroke.
“Come on, darling, can you cum for me again?” Fred asked, working you up with his gentle words, contrasting so heavily with the way he was edging you closer, his length stroking you faster towards your release. “Please, yes Freddie.” You were lost in your own haze, barely able to string a sentence together as he worked you closer and closer, his thrusts speeding up more and more.
Fred held in his own orgasm as he drew closer, wanting to see the look of euphoria wash through you again, just once more for him and as he watched you, your hands gripping him tightly your moan higher pitched as you reached your peak and your orgasm rushed through you in a heavy warmth, your walls fluttering around Fred as you arched your back into him. He was sure he’d never see a more beautiful sight than you coming undone beneath him. “That’s it, sweetheart, there you go.” He whispered, your orgasm sending shockwaves through him as it brought Fred his own release, the feeling of you squeezing him, pulsing around his as you moaned his name out, fingers clinging onto him as you came down.
Looking into your eyes as he followed you, he saw the stars in your eyes, you looked at him as if he was everything to you, because to you, he was and for Fred, you were everything to him too. His thrusts stuttered as he came and his head tilted back, letting out low grunts as he worked himself through his orgasm, your gentle touch reaching up to cradle his face as he came down slowly, savouring every feeling, every moment spent with you.
You lay your head on Fred’s chest as you both came down from your orgasms, his chest rising and falling with each breath, his heart beat gentle as he calmed, his soft touch trailed over your delicate skin. “Please stay with me, Freddie.” You broke the silence and Fred clocked the worry in your voice, the worry that told him this all might have been a one time experience. But as he gently rolled over onto his side and reached up, brushing the backs of his fingers against your cheek, Fred smiled sweetly to you. “I’ll stay as long as you’ll have me, sweetheart.” He said, his smile growing as he watched you gave him a shy little giddy grin at his response.
“I love you, my sweet princess.” Fred hummed the words out softly, leaning over to press a gentle kiss to your cheek. “I love you too, Freddie.”
And for once, you were both thankful for it being a laundry day.
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Taglist (OPEN):
@kitkatd7​ @paintballkid711​ @thesewaywardskies​ @coldlilheart​ @victorialynn7​ @pandaxnienke​ @megantje123​ @loving-life-my-way​ @chaotic-fae-queen​ @theweasleyslut​ @amourtentiaa​
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breakyeol · 4 years
Sweet, Sweet Relief
Pairing : chanyeol x reader
Summary: in which your gorgeous best friend knows just what to do to help you relax. 
Warnings: strong language, shy yeol towards the end, explicit sexual content; mild muscle kink?? i think??, dry humping for like two seconds, oral (f. receiving) aka pussy eating king back at it again, fingering, park chanyeol bc the man deserves a warning all his own 
Word Count: 3.3k
a/n; ah yes, best friends to lovers, my favorite cliche. i can’t stop writing for Chanyeol lately?? which really isn’t that out of the ordinary bc the man is literally my muse, but it seems a bit excessive at times yikes. but i also think it’s a good thing because i’m making some leeway with his prince au!!! yay!!! hopefully it won’t be too terribly long of a wait! until then, i hope these drabbles turned one shots will hold you over :) enjoy!
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“You’re stressed out.”
It wasn’t a question.
You sighed, head shaking as you spared Chanyeol a glance from the corner of your eye.
“I’m fine.”
“You’re obviously not.” Was his abrupt response, concerned eyes dragging over the length of your tensed features, pausing on the visible lines above your brow and at the corners of your mouth.
He was right, of course. You weren’t alright. In all honesty, you hadn’t been alright for the past month. Your latest assignment was beating the absolute shit out of you, draining your mind and body of all its viable energy and leaving you an exhausted, stressed out disaster of a person.
Unfortunately, you knew that if you admitted it out loud to Chanyeol, he would not let you spend another second staring at your stupid computer screen. But you really had to get the project done by the end of the week or you were totally and royally screwed. And if he couldn’t make you feel better, Chanyeol would end up feeling like shit and that in turn would make you feel even more like shit than you already do and it would be an endless cycle of the two of you feeling like shit and does anybody really need that right now? You were already struggling enough without having an extra pouty, sulking best friend to tend to.
“Chanyeol—“ you began, running your palms over your face as you concocted a number of things to say to get him to stop worrying. But, he didn’t give you the chance.
“I can do it again.”
Your hands fell away from where they’d begun to press against your sore eyes, a look of confusion crossing your features.
He swallowed, shifting where he sat beside you on the plush sofa. You followed his every movement through narrowed eyes, your confusion building as a shade of pink dusted over his cheeks.
“I–if you want me to... I can do it again.”
It took you a second. To put the pieces together. To remember. For the shock to settle over you. It took a second, but it was with a jolt that you realized what he was talking about. Warmth blossomed beneath your skin, but you forced your expression to fall into that of gentle chiding.
“Yeol. We agreed that it was a one time thing.”
The near rejection had him crumbling in on himself, the blush coating his cheeks intensifying tenfold as he fiddled with his fingers in his lap.
“I know but... I don’t mind. If it helps.” He suddenly straightened his back and you damn near jumped out of your skin as one of his hands fell across your thigh. He stared into your eyes, determination and sincerity burning in his own. “I want to help.”
“Yeah but you don’t have to help like th— ah!” You yelped in surprise as he suddenly pushed you and you fell backwards onto the couch with a soft ‘oof’. “What the h– ell…” your voice gave with an embarrassing crack as Chanyeol crawled on top of you, straddling your hips and caging your head between his arms. The sudden change of position caught you completely off guard, and you found yourself grappling hopelessly to try and get your mind back on track.
“Let me help you, y/n. You know I’m good at it.” His voice had dropped an octave, softening into a near whisper. Heat pooled in your cheek, and you blinked rapidly, mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water.
Sure he was good —probably one of the best you’d ever had if you were being completely and totally honest—, but accidentally fucking your best friend while you are both wasted and horny beyond rationality is completely different than committing the act while sober and capable of discerning between right and wrong. And this— this had to be wrong.
Even if it felt so deliciously right.
Quickly ridding yourself of the thought, you pressed your palms against his chest with every intention to pushing him away, only to falter at the feeling of taut, bulging muscle beneath your fingertips that you were almost certain hadn’t been there the last time you’d laid your hands on him.
“Have you been working out?”
The question was so out of place in the situation that Chanyeol couldn’t rein in his laughter before it came bubbling from his chest in several loud, contagious eruptions.
“A little…” his lips curled into that familiar, boyish grin, “wanna see?”
Asking proved pointless as he sat up before you could conjure up an intelligible response and took hold of the bottom of his hoodie. In one soft motion, he pulled it over his head and tossed it aside without a care. You couldn’t help but gawk like a fool at the sight you were left with.
“W–wow.” You coughed out, blinking rapidly as you absorbed the expanse of the tanned, toned body on top of you. ‘A little’ had been an understatement. The last time you saw him shirtless, you can’t quite seem to recall there being such a defined six pack… or such impressive biceps… fuck.
“Wanna feel?”
His large hand was already wrapped around your wrist before the question escaped his lips, though this time he actually waited for your verbal approval before proceeding. Was it really the best idea to be feeling up your shirtless best friend after he’d just propositioned you? Probably not. Were you going to do it anyway? Abso-fucking-lutely.
Allowing him to guide your palm to his impressive pectorals, you almost moaned at the feeling of the hard, warm skin beneath your greedy fingertips. “Not bad, huh?” He asked, smug smirk twirling at the corners of his lips.
“In a word.” You offered mildly, far too absorbed in tracing the defined ridges of his abs to come up with one of your usual smart ass responses. The faintest of gasps fluttered from his lips as you caressed over a particularly sensitive area, and you didn’t miss the goosebumps that rose across his sun kissed skin— nor the pressure of something hard suddenly nudging up against your hip.
Swallowing thickly, you tipped your head up, making the deadly mistake of meeting his eyes. They were dark, darker than you’d ever seen them, and hooded, pretty eyelashes fluttering across his flushed cheeks with every lazy blink. Something dangerous yet tempting swirled within them, and you found yourself too overwhelmed to hold his intense gaze for much longer, quickly diverting your attention elsewhere.
But, just your luck, your eyes happened to land directly on the second most dangerous feature on his face— his lips. They were a dark, lovely shade of pink and deliciously swollen from the relentless assault of his teeth. The unexpected urge to tip you chin up and kiss him crashed over you with all the strength of a tsunami, heat flooding down between your thighs. Instinctively, you tried to close them, but the shape of his body prevented you from doing such. Unfortunately for your sanity, the pressure of your legs squeezing around his hips gave Chanyeol a different idea all together, a whole new way of absolutely wrecking you.
You almost— scratch that, you quite literally choked on air when he suddenly rolled his hips down, grinding against you. It was more experimental than anything else, testing the waters, seeing just how far you’d let him go. When you showed no signs of pushing him away and telling him to go fuck himself, he did it again, and this time, you really did moan out loud. Chanyeol shuddered at the sound, positively delighted that he’d been the one to pull such a delicate, sexy noise from you.
Encouraged and invigorated with newfound determination, he set a steady, confident rhythm with his hips, rolling them into yours in hard, deliberate, fluid motions.
“Let me make you feel good, y/n.”
A shiver wracked your body, and you found yourself utterly helpless against the deep rasping bass of (what you liked to identify as) his sex voice. It was at least an octave deeper than his regular voice, with a deliberate yet natural hoarseness that shot straight to your core. And no being on earth was immune to it, including you.
“Okay. Fuck, okay,” you caved, breathing heavy and uneven just from that juvenile dry humping alone, “but this is seriously the last time, Chanyeol. We can’t keep doing shit like t–this.”
A triumphant grin twisted onto his rose petal lips, “that’s alright. Just this once is all I need.”
Contrarily, you feared this little indiscretion would make you crave him all the more.
You sighed softly as his head fell into the juncture of your neck, painting hot, open mouthed kisses across the vulnerable skin. “No marks.” You huffed lightly when he resorted to sucking and nipping, and you could feel the pout that downturned the corners of his lips, but he made no objections nonetheless. A trembling breath flooded out of your chest as he descended your body, pushing up the loose fabric of your t-shirt to press searing kisses across your belly, all the way down to the elastic of your leggings. He glanced up at you, and somehow the angle made him look more attractive than he already was.
“Don’t be nervous.”
You shot him a lopsided grin, “who’s nervous?”
He didn’t look convinced, thumbs rubbing soothing circles into the skin of your hips. “If you don’t want to do this, that’s completely alright, just tell me and I’ll—”
“Don’t stop.” Chanyeol’s eyes widened at the sudden interruption, staring up at you with all the excitement and hope of a puppy getting a treat dangled in front of his nose. Sinking your teeth into your lower lip, you allowed your thighs to relax, falling open before him. “Please… don’t stop.”
He literally whined, though it quickly pitched into a rough, heavy groan somewhere deep in his chest. Long fingers slipped beneath the tight elastic of your leggings, making quick work of tugging them down the length of your legs. The air was cold against your bare skin, prickling goosebumps shooting up across your freshly shaved and lotion lathed legs (you silently thanked yourself for making yesterday one of your monthly self care days). The chill of the air was warded away by the warm press of his hands against the flesh of your thighs, grip tight enough to bruise.
“Fuck.” You hissed as he feathered his mouth over your clothed pussy, the heat of his breath rippling through your core in tiny shockwaves. Something dangerous glinted in his hooded eyes, and you let out a shaky moan when he flicked his tongue experimentally. The thin grey cotton darkened with a mixture of his saliva and your arousal, and he moaned quietly when your faint flavor hit his taste buds.
“Baby,” he purred softly, rolling his thumb over your clit and prodding the tip of his tongue where he estimated your entrance was. Your head tipped back against the cushion, mouth opening in a silent gasp. One of your hands reached down to weave through his thick black locks, while the other grabbed hold of the armrest behind your head. “Can I take them off?”
“Yes.” You breathed, removing your hand from his hair to brace it against the couch as you lifted your hips, allowing him to pull the black cotton down your legs. He tossed them aside haphazardly, a low groan rumbling in his throat at the sight of your bare core, wet and exposed in front of him. The first time you’d done this, it had been too dark and he’d been too drunk to really appreciate you. So, he’d take his time now. Really take his time.
“You’re so pretty.”
Warmth blossomed beneath your cheeks and you scoffed softly, trying your best to act like the compliment hadn’t made your heart flutter. He dragged his index slowly through your arousal, mouth falling open with a breath of amazement as he admired the glistening wetness that coated it. Chills rolled down your spine, an almost embarrassingly desperate whine resonating in your throat.
“Chan.” The urgency in your voice made him smile, and he looked up at you with eyes sparkling with mischief. You could only watch helplessly as he dragged his finger away from you, and slipped it between his lips, humming in delight.
Fuck. He was definitely trying to kill you.
Luckily for you, that one little taste proved to not be anywhere near enough for his insatiable appetite and, without warning, he pressed his face in close and began lapping eagerly at your pussy. Your mouth gaped, hips bucking up uncontrollably as his nose ground into your clit, his hot tongue licking hungrily at your entrance. Pleasure ignited in your veins like a wildfire, explosive and untamable and all consuming. It stretched through every part of your body, setting your skin ablaze in the wake of his touch.
“Oh my god, Chan—” he groaned against you in response, hooded eyes fluttering blissfully as he lost himself in the taste of your cunt. He was eating you out like his life depended on it, fierce and unrelenting, the sound of it wet and messy. You were moaning his name, thigh tightening spastically around his head, but his strong, calloused hands kept them apart, forcing them open so he could have his way. You almost lost it completely when he wrapped his lips around your clit and started sucking.
Strangely enough, you found that without the intoxication of alcohol in your system, everything he did had that much of a more intense effect on you. It was like every touch, every sensation was amplified by your mere sobriety; the heat of his mouth, the softness of his lips, the eagerness of his tongue, the pressure of his fingers. You felt all of it, every one of your senses going into overdrive.
And god it was so much. And yet, you still wanted more.
“Y– your fingers, Chan, your fingers, please—” you panted, brows knitting as you felt that familiar tightening in your gut. He quickly obeyed, sinking his long middle finger inside of you with such ease you almost felt embarrassed. But there was no room for such emotions when you were so enthralled in the hot rush of pleasure bursting like the most brilliant of firecrackers in your veins.
A second finger was swift to join the first, stretching you out so deliciously that your toes curled. With his free hand, he tugged at your knee, bringing it up to rest over his shoulder. The new angle forced your hips off of the plush cushion below, his skilled fingers burying themselves deeper, pillowy lips sucking harder. It was over the second his digits curled, stroking up against that perfect little spot that had white hot electricity crackling in your blood.
Your orgasm hit you hard and fast. It was hot and overwhelming, the persistent, eager pressure of his mouth and hands drawing it out as long as it could possibly go. He dragged it out until you were limp and trembling beneath him, moaning and whining out broken fragments of his name, too lost in the bliss inducing thralls of your high to feel even the slightest hint of shame.
His ministrations seemed to grow even fiercer through your orgasm, his ravenous moans increasing in volume right alongside yours. He only pulled away when he knew you wouldn’t be able to withstand anymore, resorting to pressing soothing kisses and murmuring breathless praises against the soft, trembling skin of your thighs.
“Fuck you, Chanyeol.” You laughed breathlessly, tossing an arm over your eyes.
“Fuck me? Fuck you, I almost busted in my pants when you came. That was so fucking hot.” He groaned, sinking his teeth into his bottom lip as he crawled back on top of you, caging your head between his arms. You chuckled, warmth spreading through your cheeks. A sweet smile upturned the corners of his mouth. “Did it help?”
The question was less than a breath against your lips, so soft you had to strain your ears to hear it. You swallowed, gaze momentarily dropping to his mouth before returning to his eyes, only to find that they’d honed in on your lips.
“It helped. You helped.”
He inhaled shakily, tongue slipping out to trace the seam of his bottom lip. “Can I help a little more?” He asked, and you felt his bangs feather over your forehead as his head lowered. Hot breath rushed over your mouth. Instead of answering, you reached up and cupped his face, pulling him into a kiss. It was short, shy, sweet. Such a stark contrast to the fierce hunger he’d displayed going down on you not two minutes ago that you couldn’t help the giggles of amusement that came bubbling from your chest. He broke away from you with a bashful smile, gently resting his forehead against yours.
“You suck.” He mumbled, pouting childishly.
“I’m pretty sure you’re the only one that’s done any sucking.” You teased.
“Who am I to argue with the facts?” He sighed dramatically, feigning defeat.
You laughed loudly, an obnoxious cackle that had to be one of the most unattractive sounds you’d ever made, but it was abruptly cut off when he reattached his mouth to yours. You hummed contently, carding your fingers through the short hairs on the back of his neck. The taste of you lingered on his tongue, and he painted the inside of your mouth with it. Warmth spread through your chest, your heart picking up speed as you melted into his kiss, melted into the warmth that the presence of his body provided you with.
“I lied.”
Your eyes blinked open, surprised by the sudden admission. “Huh?”
The look on his face stirred to life a strange, but vaguely familiar emotion in the depth of your chest. A crimson blush darkened his cheeks and his gaze shied away from yours. For a moment, you were reminded of the little, goofy looking boy that shyly handed you a heart shaped box of caramel chocolates on Valentine’s Day all the way back when you were thirteen. He had the same big sweet eyes, the same crimson cheeks, the same large pink tipped ears.
“I said that just this once is enough...” he swallowed, adam’s apple bobbing as he nibbled nervously on the corner of his lip, “but it isn’t. It isn’t enough.”
“What do you mean?”
He cupped the side of your face, thumb tracing the line of your lip. “I want you. I- I want to be more to you— to be more to you than just a friend.”
You narrowed your eyes at him, offering him a sly smirk. “Are you… confessing to me, Park Chanyeol?”
“On what?”
He smiled down at you bashfully. “If you say yes.”
“Hmm…” you squinted your eyes and pursed your lips as if you needed to think it over. But you had a feeling that a moment like this was long past due, so you resisted the urge to draw it out and torture him, opting to give him a more straight forward answer to put his racing heart at ease. “Yes.”
“Thank god.” He groaned happily, smooshing your face between his massive palms and tugging you into a deep, but playful kiss that made your skin tingle. You giggled noisily against his lips, draping your arms over his neck to keep him close. “Does this mean I get to eat you out like that whenever I want?”
“Oh, without a doubt,” you snickered as he pumped his fist, hissing out an eager ‘yes’. You grabbed his chin between your thumb and forefinger, drawing his attention back to you. “And next time...” you tipped your head up to nip at the sensitive lobe of his ear, letting a downright wicked grin curl across your lips, “I’ll gladly return to favor.”
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Hi Moosh! Congrats on 666!! Can I maybe ask for Yamato, GN reader and training together? Reader isn't that strong but does their best for Yamato, who in all his enthusiasm accidentally hurts them? Nothing too serious though and they laugh it off. just some casual fluff and banter~ Thank you so much!
Did this become a comforting Yamato fic? Yes, yes it did.
(Wano spoilers beneath cut!)
So first of all I like to think with Kaido's genetics in him, Yamato has tons ridiculous amounts build up strength, strength that he sometimes has trouble with controlling sometimes when he gets into his usual moodlets of being too excited he accidentally hurts things and people he necessary doesn't want to which in the end leaves him feeling a little bit guilty about it especially when it comes to accidents with his s/o. 
If there's one thing Yamato loves most, it's training. Since he has spent most of his life held up ok Onigashima, with no kids his age to play with or really anything else to do beside go off and reread through Kozuki Oden's old journal it was kind of his only real activity to do. Though of course not that he doesn't mind, he does want to get as strong as Oden after all so when you come to him to ask him to train you, he's completely overjoyed! 
Most times Yamato doesn't know his own strength, to him the lightest of touches to someone of average height (and a little bigger) can come down full force and knock them into the nearest wall, or hell there was that one time he sent Sasaki all the way across the island and they had to get a rescue boat to go get him near the mainland of Wano and his father didn't stop yelling at him for weeks because of it (not because of Sasaki's injuries but because as when he was flying where he landed just so happened to be the Yonko's next shipment of Sake...which made him go into dragon god pissy mode on the coast of the mainland)
So Yamato has to keep his strength in check in at all times but with you around he has to make extra triple hard not to use more force that the absolutely bare necessity when it comes to handling you, which over time the son of the Yonko has become quite positive that he does a good job in doing, and that's why he thinks himself capable to train with you. 
Since it's just training and you're just not all that experience with close corters, he doesn't use his trusty kanabo just setting it aside to the nearest pillar, still in grabbing distance just in case the two of you get interrupted by his father's 'company' and instead the two of you just use wooden practice swords. The swords are very clunky in Yamato's hands, too small for him if he really wanted he could easily break the thing into splinters with nothing but a simple flex of his fist if he really wanted to, but he doesn't want that he's training you after all. So he has to hold the wooden blade with the lightest but steadiest of grips so it doesn't fling out of his hand with the first clash. 
Once he goes into battle stance he watches as you look him up and down and try to mimic his stance but you're doing it more lopsided and too crouched down, he can't help but to squeal with laughter at how ridiculous you look, making you frown and demanding to know what's so funny (which only makes him laugh more) After a quick apology and quick kiss to the cheek saying;
"I can't help it when you look that adorable!"
This earning a harsh heat to build up on your face.
Yamato helps fix your stance to be just like how he was standing previously, giving up spine chilling instructions as he bends down to meet the height of your ear. 
When your boyfriend steps back in front of you with a wide smile on his face with a - 
"You catch all that, (Name)?" You can't help the uncontrollable thumping of your heart as you instantly nod your head along. 
"Uh huh." 
"Great! Let's do this!" 
You were not ready to do this - all the information he said had just zonked right into one ear and out of the other, with him being so close like that it was almost hard to breathe with his large hands moving your limbs around like a mannequin doll and his sweet voice tingling in your ear you couldn't help but feel all given information immediately just melt away. 
Wing it! Just wing it (Name)!
As the large man quickly got back into his battle stance, you felt your joints begin to freeze up absolutely determined to keep yourself in the pose he put you in. 
"Three," He counts. 
It can't be that hard right? Just copy how you've seen the other's fight- it's fine. 
It's basically just a giant glorified stick anyway, if you get hit it's not like you're going to die or anything relax. 
And besides it's Yamato, he-
Before the word is even registered to you the Yonko's son dashes at your sword in hand and already down low in preparation to just swing. Your mind rushes for some sort of reaction you rotate your wooden blade to block but when your lover clashes into you with a quick rough and hard strike that cuts the wood in your hands in half, the mer force itself sending a mighty shock and sending you rocketing onto the ground, your body sliding across the wooden flooring. 
Yamato's whole world slows in that moment, seeing your body just ragdoll on the floor like that makes him immediately drop his weapon and he springs over to you, gently cradling your head and his copper eyes darting around for any faintest hint of blood.
"(Name)?! (Name)!! I'm sorry! I'm sorry I shouldn't - shouldn't -" 
He knew better. He thought he was being gentle enough but he knew better! This was a terrible idea he shouldn't have went through with it he should have agreed he knew the risks and look the immediate first thing that happens he hurts- 
Your sudden laughter cuts his thoughts short, he looks down at you to see you shifting around to feel at your head. 
"I know I said that I can take you hits but do you have to treat me like a damn baseball, Yama?" 
He immediately pulls you into a hug before flinching and pulling back lightly to see if you're absolutely okay before going in to hug you more gently. 
"I'm sorry," his voice is muffled by your hair. "-I got too excited to finally train with you because I've never really gotten to train with anyone other than my father and-and I thought about Oden and what I strong warrior he was and how pretty, fun, and exciting you are and how- and I just-" 
"Hey, hey, hey, Yamato it's fine. I'm fine." Your hands come up to cup his cheeks, making his verge of tear blurred eyes look at you. 
"I'm fine. I promise it's just a bump. Besides I've been through worse than falling on the floor, this is nothing but barely a bruise." You begin to get yourself up with your lover's help to your feet, his hands never leaving your back. You smirk to yourself as you point to the remains of your training sword. 
"Although I wouldn't say the same about that though." 
When you turn around you see Yamato's frown deepens and his gaze meeting sadly at the floor, once again you have to tell him that's it's okay and this took most of the hit away, which get him to cheer up a little bit but not long enough to plop himself cross legged on the floor and entangle his fingers through his long white hair, you slowly come back down to sit next to him. 
"I really thought I'd had control of my strength around you - I thought that everything was under control and I wouldn't be able to hurt you that I could hold your hand without fear of crushing it or cuddling and hugging you without fear of squashing you to death but I don't - this proves that I-" Your hand clasps with his. 
"You're fine, I'm fine. We're both fine. Look, you're not hurting me now are you?" You hold up your entwined hands, which after a long pause Yamato gives the gentlest of squeezes. 
"Yeah, but-" 
"No buts, you do have this under control. And if we can't directly train sword to sword together that's fine! Yes sword skills are useful especially in the New World but, Yamato, that's not the main reason I wanted to train with you - I love you and I just want to spend time with you, doing the things you enjoy doing!" 
Copper eyes widened in shock as he meets your gentle gaze, he looks down for a second as if pondering something before looking back up at you with the smallest gape of his mouth, speechless, as the one not twine with yours hesitantly reach up to cup the side of your cheek but with a flinch he immediately attempts to pull his hand back, only for you to catch it and place his warmth to the side of your face, his thumb slowly grazing your bottom lip. Ever so slowly his lips flush against yours, quite awkward with the movement but one your hands leave to wrap around his neck you pull him closer he starts quickly catching up with what to do with his tongue. 
When you pull back is all the sadness is lost, with instead those wide pupil blown eyes and white that slowly cascades to a deep neon that frames his face and falls over his shoulder, his lips now plump and kissed does his expression show nothing but pure loving infatuation. 
Which with one look, it all becomes clear how bad this man has it for you. His head tilts as he eyes dart your face, as if he were taking your image if were for the very last time. Finally a small smile appears over his lips as he bumps his forehead to yours.
"I love you too, (Name)." He closes his eyes before breathing through his nose. "Though I am a little sad that I can't train with you, I was looking so forward to it all this week but - I guess that excitement was the exact problem." You peck a quick kiss to his lips before letting your fingers play with his hair. 
"We'll work on it, alright? You've already come to practice with being as gentle as you are right now I'm sure we can also practice that in a train sense. I promise you're not going to hurt me." At first there's a look of subtle doubt in his eyes when he looks into yours but he pushes it back with a nod. 
"How about this? For now let's just focus on positioning - like this!" 
You stand back to your feet, grabbing Yamato's forgotten wooden sword off from the floor, trying your best to mimic his stance from previous, the Yonko's son watches how you stand before bursting into laughter. Your eyebrow twitches before yet again demanding to know what's so damn funny. Your lover stands to his full height towering over you to gently move your limbs around to where you're in proper placement. 
"Oh nothing, just that you look like my father when's he's doing his drunk impression of Charlotte Linlin begging for her 'child support.'" 
Okay that got a giggle out of you.
For the rest of the day the two of you practiced your stances together, once you were comfortable with that you took the next step to attacking stances and even though with him being so close and talking into your ear and moving your limbs around like a doll you forced yourself not to get lost in the inner screaming of your heart telling you just to continue kissing the man until the world's end you listened to his teaching words. 
From how he currently spoke, his tone sounded nothing like how it did previously if you just so happened to walk in now you wouldn't even ever be able to tell he was on the verge of tears a mer hour before. He just looks...so happy. With that handsome smile on that handsome face, you look back at him as he happily blabbers on about some techniques that Oden described in his journal, do you can't help but to smile with glee like an idiot around him. He's just so excited and happy and it's so contagious and it's a feeling that you never want to go away. 
And you're sure of one look of how bad it all looks for you of how bad you have it for the man, something you also to never go away. 
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chemicalpink · 4 years
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Pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader
Genre: SMUT (with plot *question mark*)
Warnings: unprotected sex, public sex (inside a bathroom at a party), kinda power dynamics bc Yoongi’s a CEO
Word Count: 3.2k
A/N: AHHHHHH I ACCIDENTALLY DELETED THE OG SO THIS IS A REPOST Missing Boongi hours but lowkey also horny hour. This took various unexpected turns but it ended up being just what I had first pictured, perhaps a second part may follow after I’m done with the series. I would love to hear your thoughts on this! As usual! Stay safe and enjoy this lil something!
Summary: I want the world to go away. I want to be a real fake. Baby, don’t you wish you’d been a prom queen fighting for the title instead of being sixteen and burning up a bible?
As a producer, Yoongi would like to say that he’s got an eye for it. Like that time he stopped his friend Namjoon, now his producing partner, from pursuing a vocalist career when the kid was around 15 and instead showed him the paradise that holds being a rapper (and man, did the kid got some talent for it) or how he is in charge of Kim Seokjin’s full career now that both him and Namjoon got a pretty stable and constantly growing entertainment company in Seoul.
So yeah, you could say he was quite pleasantly surprised when he met you.
You had been working at the company for some time, he was sure of that since they weren’t that big of a company and he had most probably interviewed you back then, but either now there was something that wasn’t there before, or he was slowly but surely losing his touch for spotting upcoming artists.
“Hey Y/N? Yoongi was asking to see you in his office” a girl that you recognised from somewhere on the fifth floor of the company said as she placed down her working papers next to you, with you nodding thanks to her way before standing up and making your way towards the elevators. Min Yoongi was the mastermind behind the whole company, so to say that having him ask for you made you nervous was the understatement of the century. You had only encountered him a few times after your initial interview, here and there, dishevelled hair, pouty lips at some ungodly hour in the morning, most probably from sleeping in his studio (which Namjoon said he did quite often). The elevator dings to let you know you’re in the penthouse level, trying your hardest to keep your heart from beating loudly whether from him being your boss, office crush (enabled by Kim Namjoon thank you very much) or both, you push the small button on the right for a few seconds before a buzzing sound is heard, unlocking the door and coming face to face with Yoongi’s back, carefully making your way to the nearest chair, across from him, on a glass desk.
“Y/N? right?” he said as he turned around to face you, stoic face in place, just the way he liked to carry himself out there; you nod a little disappointed, who can blame you if you were at least hoping for a small smile from him seen as he personally asked for you “Y/N, it gets hard to remember everyone sometimes, which department are you on?”
“Oh I’m-uh, just an intern, I help here and there” and may the ground swallow you up after the fakest laugh you’ve laughed in your life, to which Yoongi smirked at.
“Let’s say, I’m looking for a personal assistant” he trailed off, locking his gaze on your face as if to watch your every gesture, and from the lightning, you could see your reflection on his blue light glasses that refused to fall off even when barely standing at the tip of his nose “Would you be up for the challenge, Y/N?” and you knew, deep down, that his offering had little to do with your abilities, seen as you were only on an internship, barely fresh out of college, and being the PA of a very famous, very busy, CEO of an entertainment company was indeed a challenge, to say the least; which then lead you to assume that Min Yoongi had much more different reasons for giving the newest intern such a high position so yeah, perhaps with better judgement you suppose you would have said no, but Min Yoongi was a respected man that was constantly under the spotlight so there was nothing to worry about. Right?
And you sure did, envious whispers and glances from most of the company aside from how fast you ascended in the business hierarchy, being producer Min Yoongi’s personal assistant was quite a wild ride, something in the back of your mind had told you that it might even be a fun one, given that he was just two years older than you and most of his and Namjoon’s signed artists were always invited everywhere, sadly, Min Yoongi turned out to be that type of person that would only go out if it was strictly business, while Namjoon handled year-end award shows and afterparties, Yoongi maned the board meetings and the correspondent (and mostly boring) New Years company dinner. Coming to think of it perhaps it would have been much more fun being Namjoon’s personal assistant. Or Seokjin’s hairdresser. But may your daddy issues and love for power dynamics of seeing that man dressed up in a black suit, glasses perched on his nose and Rolex on his wrist while you imagine the most inappropriate things to think about your boss win, right?
So yeah, perhaps over the months it had become fairly monotone the way you just schedule meetings, lunch and organise files for Yoongi, nothing out of the ordinary (or out of your wet dreams that no one should know of) up until yet again the end of the year came around and Yoongi, in full CEO mode, was supposed to attend a gala with the stockholders and sponsors of the company, which, from what you and anyone working there could tell, Yoongi was pretty much begging Namjoon to spare him from going. You approached the door to his office while the younger was still there, smirking at his business partner 
“Yoongi-hyung, you can’t just evade them like the plague for the rest of your life”
Yoongi’s eyes closed in on Namjoon’s face with a challenge in it as he straightened his posture “Just watch me”
Namjoon just rolled his eyes and let out an airy laugh “Do whatever you want hyung, but remember the company please” and as fast as that he was gone out the door.
You, of course, having grown fond of the man in front of you, had your brain short circuit as you blurted out “Love problems?” trying to keep it cool, pretend that deep down you weren’t feeling your heartbreaking at your office/boss crush having an interest in someone that clearly isn’t you while he turned to look at you in a funny way, making you feel as if you had just started a conversation that was going nowhere, that he didn’t want to have with you “Sorry, I overstepped”
“Ah, no it’s fine, yeah, you could say that, yeah” he cleared his throat as he fixed his uptight posture and god did the man had to do the bare minimum to get your fantasies going “My ex is going to be at the gala and I just- don’t wanna seem like there is nothing more in my life other than work” 
“Well that is pretty much all you have going on in your life though” you joked and effectively made him crack a lopsided smile at you “But I would admit for a second there I thought it would be funny to see you pulling a fake dating card to make your ex jealous”
“A what?”
“You know, an arm candy, be the centre of attention, the new item, make your ex think there’s a lot they don’t know going on in your life” you laughed to yourself at the image of a man like Yoongi pulling a high school scheme in the middle of a company gala, that would surely make the weirdest thing you could witness in your life. CEO, Min Yoongi, pretends to date someone just to get his ex jealous. That would be a hell of a headline.
But your inner image came to a halt as you turned to your boss and felt something shift in the air, quite indescribable but his feline eyes scrutinizing you sitting on the armrest of the sofa near his desk, his lip clasped between his teeth for a few seconds too long “And you think you’d be able to pull it off?”
You swore your heart skipped a beat at that “Well- I wasn’t...really referring to myself” your eyes unable to hold his stare any second longer “..sir”
“You have quite a childish mind, Y/N” he laughed lightly as he took his phone in his hand, the heavy air dissipating from the office “But I must admit, you got me at the textbook high school jealousy act, I was never the type to do it back in the day”
“Yeah, it kind of is childish” your mind was racing a hundred miles per second, unable to decide whether to take him calling you childish as an insult or him suggesting to do it and have you with him as his partner in crime as an insinuation of reciprocating your feelings.
“Well, Y/N I sent you the gala info, sleep on it and let me know your plan, okay? consider it work stuff” The guts of this man to disarm you with a glance and a few words was beyond incredible “Oh and while you’re at it, can you tell Seokjin-hyung to come to my office for a second?” And that was your cue to leave. Just like that. As if he didn’t just basically asked you to attend a yearly gala with him. To make his ex jealous.
As it turns out, there is a worse thing than to feel butterflies in your stomach due to your boss wearing a dark suit and that is having an overwhelming need to kiss him stupid while he just bleached his hair, dressed in a tailored grey suit and pulling up in a sports car to your apartment building as you wait outside, dressed in something that feels so expensive you would have to work a lifetime and still wouldn’t be able to buy again if it wasn’t for Yoongi sending it to your house sometime in the morning.
“Oh it fits,” he says as a greeting as you round the car and get in after fixing your dress and smiling at him, trying (and most probably failing) to conceal every racing thought in your head and feeling in the bottom of your tummy.
It was a very predictable silent ride with just a lo-fi tune coming from the radio as he drove both of you through the streets and ended up in a secluded real estate area deep in Seocho-gu “You know, I kept thinking this whole idea was stupid and so so childish but Joonie says that now is the time to let loose before I’m actually old” he turns to look at you at the red light, shamelessly scanning you up and down and may you thank the universe for taking that acting class back in college, mustering up both knowledge and courage to get you through tonight, playing the part. You may also thank that unlike Yoongi, you had your fair share of teenage escapades and jealousy acts back in the day.
“It’s going to be fun, oppa” you say the last part teasingly sexy just to watch him react to it and both of you burst out laughing. Him muttering something about getting dragged into the whole situation.
For the most part, the gala consists mostly of you smiling and greeting people while Yoongi talks to them about things that your sober brain couldn’t comprehend, and as the champagne flutes kept coming, stock numbers and share percentages just flew by you as you stuck to your boss’ side. And listen, one can only hold so much liquid for so long. And the whole gale fiasco seems to extend until the end of times. Now you can understand just why Yoongi practically has to drag himself to these things.
“I’ll be back in a sec, I’m going to the restroom” you whisper to him as you lean into him, smiling your fakest but brightest smile at the man in front of him
“Sure thing, sweetheart” he replies back, eyes glistening and you have to pretend that the nickname just didn’t affect you enough for your legs to give out before walking away.
That quick face refreshing was not nearly enough to stop you brain shortcutting again at the sight in front of you, a very notably awkward Min Yoongi and a bubbly dark-haired lady laughing non stop at him (or with him, but he clearly wasn’t getting the joke) and you instantly had to channel your inner cheap rom-com actress to get the poor man out of his misery. Not the greatest plan that’s a given. Kind of on the childish side, as Yoongi liked to put it. But hopefully, it would do the trick.
“Yoongi-oppa! I thought you had left the party!” Yoongi turned his face to your higher-pitched voice in disbelief before you clung to his side, the girl flinching and quickly stepping back, Yoongi’s face just amused at your weird approach and decision to do aegyo in the middle of a business gala. Not that he was complaining, you were definitely playing the part. Him soon realising that he had to play the part too.
“Y/N, baby, this is Ara, my ex” he said as he slipped his left hand around your waist, you faking surprise and extending a hand to her very surprised face.
Not having enough of the way Yoongi seemed to enjoy her starstruck face, you decided to step it up a notch. “Ara, I’m so sorry, I’ll steal Yoongi from you for a second time, okay?” if her face was anything to go by, she was either about to implode or become a tomato, which to be honest was most probably the first one. Yoongi bit his lip amused, trying to hold his laugh in and ignore the way you two had pretty much caused a small scene that went on for the expecting eyes as you dragged the man away from his ex and very much openly into the women’s bathroom.
“I thought I was going to faint for a second there,” you said as you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding in, walking up to click the door to the small bathroom closed. You definitely needed a second “Yoongi?”
“Oh no, totally, she was most probably plotting your funeral right there” he smiled that gummy smile everyone knew he had reserved for his acceptances speeches on best production at you and your heart did a whole backflip inside your chest “But that was also hot as shit, Y/N” now that right there was a novelty, Yoongi behaving his age or a few years younger, language and all, away from the whole Oscar-worthy act you two had pulled.
“Oh so he curses”
You could feel the air shift again like that time inside his office, the air heavy with something recognizable as lust but the reality far away from it. Your boss was on the other end of it. An invisible line you knew was stupid to cross. “You just wait until I get a string of curses out of you, Y/N”
His eyes seemed even more feline-like as he stared intently at you a few steps away from him, your weight on the small counter, reciprocating his lustful stare. “Well doesn’t that sounds like a challenge, boss?”
Something inside him snapped and in a second he had his lips on yours, hands keeping you the closest to his body, tongue tracing your mouth as ragged breaths filled the room, his mouth making its way down your jawline and latching onto your exposed skin just beside your shoulder, big hands cupping your ass from beneath your dress as you let out a whine.
“You’ll have to be quiet for me, doll, as much as I am enjoying the whole reckless adolescent ride, I would like to stay clear from any sex scandal” You simply nodded as he placed you on top of the counter, dress bunched up on around your waist as his skilled fingers began playing with your clothed folds, wetting them with your already dripping juices “You have no idea how much I’ve dreamt about this”
Your head whipped back towards the mirror as the air hit your cunt when he removed your panties, ringed fingers teasing your entrance, his free hand pocketing the small thong inside his slacks, your hands gripping his hair tighter every time he pressed your nerve bundle against his palm. Under the whole lust haze, still, a bit conscious of your surroundings a door clicking open, a voice on the other side and you had half a mind to back both of you into a bathroom stall as you heard steps approaching, turning back to signal Yoongi to stay quiet. The whole teenage breaking loose taking a whole real adult implication of getting caught and ruining the company’s reputation. But he didn’t seem to mind as he pressed himself against you, his hard cock grazing your exposed ass as you were pressed against the door, Yoongi rubbing himself on you and you could feel him smile against your shoulder.
“I’ve let you lead me Y/N, but right now you’ll just have to keep quiet for me doll, be a good girl for daddy, okay?” You could only inhale sharply midway into trying to tell him how much of a crazy idea this whole situation was as you felt the tip of his cock against your entrance, him expertly placing your leg at a somewhat awkward angle around his hips in order to have better access. Him taking a few seconds for you to adjust after inserting himself whole, moving at an experimental pace that had you clawing at the door in search of some support from the thrusting but finding none as he set a faster pace, a moan threatening to fall out of your lips every two seconds, your mind hazy and exploding with every possible feeling at the realization that Min Yoongi, your boss, whom you have thirsted over for moth on end, was fucking you stupid at a public gala, inside the bathroom, with people just outside the stall, the thought enough to make you clench around him and have him groaning lightly at the feeling.
“I thought I told you to be good” he muttered against your skin before pushing you down further so he could balance his pace while grabbing your hips, deepening his reach and hitting your g spot each time, a hand coming down between your legs to play with your clit to throw you against the edge at the same time as him, legs trembling and barely keeping you up if it weren’t for him holding you in place. 
“I’m not sure I’d call this a remembrance of being a ten idle,” you said as a way to lighten the post-sex awkwardness that had built up as you cleaned yourself and tried to make yourselves look somewhat presentable, “I thought I had locked the door”
“Oh no, you did, I unlocked it though,” he said, a cheeky smile to accompany his words and gummy smile, “Thought it would be fun to experience the whole high school experience, now come on, we’ve still got the whole walk of shame in the middle of an international gala as a bonus activity to this”
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mikauzoran · 3 years
Lukadrien: Your Hands Hold Home: Chapter Twenty-Seven
Read it on AO3: Your Hands Hold Home: Chapter Twenty-Seven: Goodbye
“G Flat. Sup?” XY greeted, leaning on the frame of the door to his flat.
“Hey, Xavier-Yves. Sorry for coming over so early,” Adrien apologized guiltily, gaze downcast as he scuffed at the marble tile of the apartment building hallway.
XY shrugged. “It’s whatever. Something wrong? You look all…floppy.”
Adrien winced, meeting Xavier-Yves’s eyes with a grimace. “I’m kind of rough lately, actually…but I came because I need to talk to you about something. May I come in?”
With another carefree shrug, XY straightened up and stepped back out of the way. “Yeah. Sure. Come on in and make yourself at home. You want some soda?”
Adrien shook his head as he made his way straight to the couch. “I’m fine, thank you. I shouldn’t be long.”
“Meh. Suit yourself.” XY went to fish a bottle of orange soda out of the fridge as he prompted, “So what did you need to talk about?”
Adrien swallowed, shifting anxiously. “Luka.”
XY paused, looked back over his shoulder at Adrien, and cursed in English. “Is that why you look like they ran out of those nifty little umbrellas they put in your drink?”
Adrien could think of at least a dozen more fitting analogies for his current countenance, but he decided not to squabble over word choice. “Yes.”
He took a slow, measured inhale. “I didn’t mean to eavesdrop the other day, but I accidentally overheard that song you wrote for Luka.”
XY quirked an eyebrow, taking a long pull from his bottle of soda as he came over and sat down in the armchair across the coffee table from Adrien.
Adrien dropped his gaze to the ugly chartreuse area rug as he confessed, “I heard you tell him you loved him, and I saw you guys kissing.”
“Did ya see what happened afterward?” Xavier-Yves hummed.
Adrien shook his head and forced himself to look up.
He searched his rival’s eyes. “…Are you and Luka…dating?”
The word was almost physically painful to get out.
A smirk in miniature turned up one corner of XY’s mouth. “No. What gave you that idea?”
Adrien opened his mouth to reply but then shut it again to more carefully consider his response.
“…It just seemed like the obvious outcome,” he finally answered. “He really likes you, you know? I don’t think he knows how much he likes you, but he does.”
Xavier-Yves nodded, sinking back comfortably into his armchair and spreading his knees wide. “Yeah. I know…but he picked you.”
Adrien’s eyebrows rose to meet his hairline. “…Sorry. What?”
XY lifted his right shoulder and then let it fall. “He picked you.”
“I don’t…I don’t understand,” Adrien replied, heart quickening, chest tightening.
XY rolled his eyes. “Okay. Look. I’m going to do you a favor, G Flat, and tell ya something good. Don’t tell Luka I told you, but he’s in love with you. He’s been crazy about you since you faceplanted on his deck or whatever. Okay? So, he picked you.”
“Luka loves me?” Adrien breathed, gripping the arm of the couch to keep himself upright.
Xavier-Yves let out a loud snort of laughter. “And they say I’m dense. Yes, Adrien. Luka’s over the moon about you.”
Adrien’s jaw nearly skimmed the floor in his astonishment. “Really?”
“Really,” XY sighed, quickly tiring of this little game. “So go out with him already. Make him happy.”
Adrien’s expression suddenly tightened into a tense ball of confusion and suspicion. “Wait. Why in the world would you tell me that? Isn’t it against the bro code or something? Nino would never tell me about Marinette’s crush on me, and he didn’t say anything to his girlfriend about my feelings for Marinette. I don’t think you can just say stuff like that.”
Xavier-Yves looked utterly unimpressed. “Okay, look. If I don’t say anything, you and Luka are never gonna get together because you’re both dumb and like to make yourselves suffer. I don’t really have friends besides Luka, so I’m not so sure about this ‘bro code’ thing, but I think I’m doing you both a favor, telling you Luka’s in love with you.”
“You are,” Adrien agreed, still skeptical. “What I can’t figure out is why you’re doing this.”
With another sigh, XY rolled his eyes in an exaggerated fashion. “Duh. You’re my friends. I love Luka, and I want him to be happy, and you’re what will make him happy. Plus, the sooner you two start dating, the sooner you can screw everything up and get Luka to break up with you. Then, I can swoop in and sweep Luka off his feet. Super romantic.”
Adrien burst out laughing. “Xavier-Yves…you’re really something.”
XY gave a lopsided, pride-filled grin as he shot finger guns at Adrien. “You bet I am.”
Adrien slowly shook his head from one side to the other, a nascent smile taking form on his lips. “Thank you.”
XY made a shooing gesture. “Don’t thank me. Go ask Luka out or something already. My genius plan only works once you either make Luka happy or screw up and get dumped so I can make Luka happy.”
A grateful grin settled on Adrien’s lips as he stood. “Thank you, Xavier-Yves. Seriously.”
“Yeah, yeah.” XY took another swig of his orange soda. “Maybe we can have a threesome sometime or something. You two still have to hang out with me once you’re a couple, you know.”
“We will,” Adrien promised, a spring in his step as he rushed back to Luka.
 Luka looked up from where he was preparing chestnut paste crêpes for brunch as Adrien came around the corner into the main cabin.
The nerves didn’t hit Adrien in full force until he saw Luka; then, it was all fluttery sensations in his chest and butterflies in his stomach.
Their eyes met, and Adrien nearly swooned.
“Hey. Everything okay?” Luka tentatively inquired. “You were gone when I woke up.”
Adrien ran a hand through his hair and swallowed before he managed to compose himself enough to answer. “Yeah, no. It’s fine. I’m fine. I just…I needed to get some fresh air?”
Luka nodded, making a neutral sound of acknowledgement. “Did you eat already?”
Sheepishly, Adrien shook his head. “Food was kind of the last thing on my mind this morning.”
Luka beckoned Adrien over with a tip of his head, indicating the crêpe he had just made. “Go ahead and take this one. It’s still hot.”
“I’m not going to take your food, Orpheus,” Adrien scoffed, coming around into the kitchen.
“I have enough batter to make another one. It’ll only take a minute, but you might as well eat this one because it’s going to be cold by the time I finish this second one,” Luka reasoned.
“Or you could eat that one, and I can make one for myself,” Adrien countered, giving Luka’s hip a little bump with his own, encouraging Luka out of the way of the stovetop.
With a chuckle of amusement, Luka stood down, leaning back against the counter as he ate his crêpe and longingly watched Adrien work.
“I’m really good at making crêpes,” Adrien bragged. “It’s one of the first things Tom showed me.”
“I have no doubt about your abilities,” Luka assured, eyes tracking Adrien’s graceful movements.
Before long, a nearly perfect crêpe took form, and Luka had to applaud his crush. “That looks even better than mine. I should have you make me breakfast next time.”
“I’d be happy to cook for you,” Adrien easily agreed, eager to please. “I like it a lot. Mostly, Tom’s been teaching me down in the bakery, but Sabine’s showed me recipes from time to time too, and I’m finding that I like cooking about as well as baking.”
“Well, if you want to take some of my family meal cooking shifts, I’m not going to stop you,” Luka half-joked.
“Maybe I could join you for some of your shifts and we could cook together,” Adrien suggested. He always had a good time in the kitchen with Luka.
“I mean…if you really don’t mind. I don’t want to put extra work on your plate,” Luka responded tentatively.
“I don’t mind,” Adrien stressed. “I like cooking, and I like spending time with you, so…win-win, you know?”
“So long as you think so,” Luka chuckled, a slight blush building on his cheeks.
“I do,” Adrien replied decidedly.
He then bit his lip, his confidence abandoning him. “…Hey. So…would you want to go on a walk with me after we clean up here? Are you busy?”
Luka shook his head. “I didn’t have anything planned for today. Where did you want to go? Anywhere in particular?”
“The Parc Monceau?” Adrien asked uncertainly. “Sorry. I know it’s kind of out of the way.”
“It’s fine,” Luka assured with a calming smile. “The Parc Monceau sounds nice.”
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 While not completely free from tourists, the Parc Monceau was definitely more of a spot for locals than some of the better-known parks of Paris.
Luka and Adrien took the motorcycle up to the eighth arrondissement, parking outside of the gates and beginning their stroll around the grounds.
The scent of damp earth from the previous day’s storm still lingered in the air.
“I’ve always wanted to come here on a date,” Adrien remarked as they walked past the semicircular, eighteenth-century colonnade at the northeast end of the pond that had been made to look like Roman ruins.
“Oh, yeah?” Luka hummed, trying to keep his expression and voice neutral.
Adrien nodded as they made their way onto one of the main avenues that ran through the park where many a Parisian was walking their apartment-sized dog.
“I’ve done a couple photoshoots here, and I always thought the atmosphere was romantic,” Adrien explained. “It’s kind of whimsical with all of the miniatures of exotic architecture and the pond and the trees and flowers and everything…don’t you think?”
“Yeah,” Luka agreed. “It’s—”
He abruptly lost his train of thought as Adrien slipped his hand into Luka’s.
Luka stared in bewilderment at Adrien, and Adrien responded with a shy smile.
Still wondering what the hell was going on but not wanting to jinx it, Luka returned the smile and laced his fingers through Adrien’s.
Adrien’s smile grew, gaining confidence as it morphed into an effulgent grin reminiscent of that day in the Jardin du Palais Royal.
It was so good to see Adrien smile like that after two weeks of feigned cheerfulness and cloudy, distant eyes.
“Come on.” Adrien gently tugged Luka over to the footbridge. “I want to show you my favourite spot.”
They ascended the steps and moved over to one side so that others could pass behind them as they gazed out at the man-made pond and the classical columns through the foliage.
“Sorry,” Adrien chuckled, releasing Luka’s hand and placing his own on top of the bridge railing.
“Why ‘sorry’?” Luka wondered, suddenly uneasy.
Adrien turned his head to give an impish grin. “I feel like I tricked you into coming here.”
A small frown creased Luka’s brow. “I seem to remember agreeing to come of my own free will.”
Adrien shook his head. “Under false pretenses. I brought you here because I wanted to talk to you.”
Luka gave a snort. “Because it’s not like I would ever consent to that knowingly.”
Adrien pursed his lips.
Luka’s levity instantly faded. “Hey. What’s wrong?”
Adrien shook his head, training his gaze down into the murky water.
“…Is this about what happened yesterday?” Luka hazarded a guess.
“Kind of.”
Luka winced. “Adrien, I’m sorry. I didn’t—”
“—May I tell you something?” Adrien cut in, needing to get it over with.
“Uh…sure.” Luka couldn’t help but feel off-kilter as he struggled to follow what was happening.
“And could you maybe let me talk without responding until I’m done, please?” Adrien requested through a grimace. “I’m sorry. I just…I need to get this out, and I’m not sure I can do it if you interrupt me, so… Sorry.”
Luka gently rested his hand on Adrien’s shoulder, giving it an encouraging squeeze. “Hey. You can tell me anything, okay? I promise I’ll let you finish.”
Adrien shot Luka a grateful smile before taking a deep breath to steady his nerves. He tightened and loosened his grip on the bridge railing, swallowed, and then began.
“You know how I’ve been acting even crazier than usually these past two weeks?”
Luka frowned reprovingly. “Okay, I’m not going to stand here silently and listen to you talk down about yourself, so—”
“—I saw you kissing Xavier-Yves,” Adrien blurted out, needing to continue before he lost the courage to do so. “and it completely crushed me because I’m in love with you.”
Luka stared, blinked, and finally found his tongue. “You…what?”
“I’m in love with you,” Adrien repeated more slowly as the most vulnerable smile spread over his lips in complete surrender. “I’ve had a crush on you pretty much as long as we’ve known one another, but, recently, I’ve realized that, somewhere along the way, I really, truly fell in love with you. I’m not sure when exactly…but…here we are.”
Adrien shrugged and then awaited Luka’s response.
It took a minute, but Luka finally pieced together the words. “You’re sure?”
Adrien’s head cocked slightly to the side. “What do you mean?”
“Sorry.” Luka shook his head, mentally kicking himself. “I just mean… Not that I don’t believe you, but…”
He took a slow inhale and tried again. “Adrien, I don’t need to tell you that you’ve been through a lot this past month, and I know I’ve kind of been there supporting you through this. A lot of times, in that kind of situation, people can start thinking they have feelings for the person taking care of them, and I don’t—”
“—Luka.” Adrien reached out to cup Luka’s cheek. “My feelings for you aren’t new. You triggered my sexuality crisis, after all.”
Heat burned in Luka’s cheeks, and he gulped. “O-Oh?”
Adrien nodded, his smile returning. “Yeah. I’ve always known I had a crush on you. It’s just that I recently realized that my feelings weren’t just a crush. I don’t think they have been for a while, so you don’t have anything to worry about. I’m not going to improve mentally or emotionally and suddenly realize my feelings for you were fake or anything like that.”
“Oh,” Luka repeated quietly, gaze getting caught on Adrien’s eyes and the way their glittering green was perfectly set off by the trees and the water and the sky.
“So…I love you…Middle C,” Adrien whispered, angling his body to face Luka.
Instinctively, Luka stepped in, his hands going to Adrien’s hips. “I love you too, Perfect Fifth. From the moment I saw your eyes light up when you spotted that keyboard the day we first met.”
“Luka,” Adrien breathed as their eyes slipped closed and their noses gently bumped.
A shred of his higher brain function remained as he cautioned, “I don’t know if I should be doing this. I still need to talk to you about—”
“—Please,” Luka pleaded. “Adrien, please kiss me.”
He did, and it was sweet and slow and perfect, a gentle nibbling of Adrien’s lips against Luka’s.
Luka kept his eyes closed for a moment after Adrien pulled away, and when he opened them, he found Adrien searching his face apprehensively.
Luka blinked. “Everything okay?”
“Perfect,” Adrien sighed. “Only, now, I’m going to ruin everything.”
“I promise you that there’s nothing you could do to ruin that kiss,” Luka scoffed lightly.
Adrien winced. “What if I tell you we can’t kiss again for a long time?”
“Well, that wouldn’t ruin everything,” Luka assured. “But can I ask why?”
Adrien pulled back, looking out at the pond and the columns again as he explained, “I don’t want to keep you in limbo. I need to be completely honest with you: I can’t date right now.”
Luka stepped in closer so that his shoulder brushed Adrien’s.
Adrien tentatively peeked up at Luka. “I’m sorry. You know about as well as I do that I’m not in good shape at the moment with everything going on. It wouldn’t be fair to either of us to try to start anything right now.”
Luka gradually began to nod. “I think that’s a really mature decision. I don’t necessarily like it, but I’m really proud of you for being able to come to that kind of conclusion.”
Adrien sighed, a melancholy smile hovering on his lips. “I’m serious about you, you know. I don’t want to mess this up, so…I think I need to wait until I’m healthier. I don’t want things to always be the way they’ve been the past month.”
He met Luka’s eyes as he elaborated, “I can’t express how much I appreciate everything you’ve done for me, but healthy relationships are partnerships. I need to be able to pull my own weight.”
Luka opened his mouth to respond, but Adrien shook his head, insisting, “I can’t always be needing you to help and comfort me. That’s not right, and it’s not fair to you.”
Luka’s eyes widened.
“You deserve a partner who can be there to support you too,” Adrien stressed. “I think I could be that person someday, but right now…”
He shook his head sadly.
“I can wait however long you think is necessary,” Luka assured.
Adrien shook his head again. “I’m not asking you to. If you want…I mean…Xavier-Yves is actually a great guy, and you like him, Luka. You shouldn’t have to wait around while I get my stuff together.”
Luka rolled his eyes. “Okay, yes. I will admit that Xavier-Yves is an attractive prospect, but…Adrien…my heart chose you.”
Adrien’s mouth fell open in surprise.
Luka leaned in and pressed a kiss to Adrien’s temple. “I’ll wait for you.”
Still taken aback, Adrien stammered, “I’ll do my best to be worthy of you.”
Luka pulled Adrien into a side hug. “You already are, P5.”
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liebegott · 4 years
Ya know a lil post war Lieb where you’re married but he’s flirting with you would really water my crops... bonus if he says the word titties hehe ~ twin
Bell Peppers & Balconies. | Joseph Liebgott
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(click here to read on wattpad)
pairing: liebgott x fem!reader
wc: 1.7k
tw: none except he mentions titties so idk oops!
a/n: ahh i’m so sorry, for some reason, when i wrote this, my eyes completely focused on the titties line instead of the married line! so i accidentally wrote them not married. i’m so sorry 🥺 huge thanks to @vintagelavenderskies who reminded me that stargazing existed!
this is probably my favourite oneshot i’ve ever written, so i hope you enjoy it! thank you all for reading. 💓
tagging: @floydtab @alienoresimagines @order-of-river-phoenix @julianneday1701 @hellitwasyoufirstsergeant @wexhappyxfew @rarmiitage @mavysnavy @punkgeekchic @vintagelavenderskies @georgeluzwarmhugs @ray--person @wecomrades @jussipogideonlaufeyson @happyveday @snafus-peckuh @little-babydolly @kathikon
feel free to message me if you’d like to be added to my taglist!
Water splashed against your foot, the contents of your watering can spilling onto the balcony under yours. You quietly cursed, stepping aside and rushing to turn off the faucet. It was like any other day, summer just around the corner, and as usual, you tended to your small garden, a couple of planter boxes fastened to the railing of your balcony. 
It was 1945. The war had just ended, and though everything was normal for a while now, the difference soldiers coming home made was striking. You had moved to San Francisco right after most of the men shipped out, so their return made a difference to everyone but you.
With summer rolling in, you worried about your bell peppers that had started sprouting. It was rarely bright and sunny where you lived, but your small apartment faced south, allowing your tiny, makeshift backyard to receive as much sunlight as possible for your vegetables.
You lived in a corner apartment, and the apartment beside yours was empty, so your floor was quiet, noise coming only from the bustle of the streets below. Today was no different. 
Or so you thought.
“You water them any more and they’ll drown,” a voice said to you, and for a moment, you thought you had hallucinated. On the balcony beside yours stood a skinny man, still in his military uniform, leaning on the railing. “I’m serious, that’s way too much water.”
Tilting your watering can, you placed it on a wooden stool, surveying the damage. It was one of your bad habits- getting so lost in thought, staring off into the distance. It was a surprise any of your vegetables had grown at all. 
“Oops,” you said sheepishly, rubbing the back of your neck, “They’ll be fine.. I hope.” The man chuckled, the sound of his laugh so clear despite the honking of the traffic on the streets under you. 
He leaned down on the railing on his elbows, taking out a cigarette from his pocket and lighting it in such swift movements. You never liked smoking, hated the smell of cigarettes, but briefly, as you watched him exhale, you loved it. The man saw you eye him from his peripherals and turned to you, throwing you a wink.
“I hope so too,” he mumbled, flicking spent ashes to the ground below, “Can’t have spaghetti without tomatoes can we? Those are tomatoes aren’t they?” 
You shook your head gently. “No, bell peppers. My tomatoes didn’t grow,” a frown appeared on your face and the man clucked his tongue. He moved in his place, resting on his back on the warm metal to face you. “Did you just get back?” You cursed yourself in your head for such a stupid question, as he was in fact, still in his hat.
The man nodded absentmindedly, taking another drag from his cigarette and exhaling before speaking. “Yep, just moved in as well,” he smiled kindly, the smile-lines around his mouth deepening, “Glad my ‘ma chose this apartment.”
Turning back towards the horizon, you sighed happily. “It has the best view,” you replied, “You’re really lucky.”
“I sure am,” the man grinned, but his eyes remained trained on her, “I’ve got a pretty neighbour with bell peppers as well.” You couldn’t fight the blush appearing on your cheeks. 
“Would you like to come over for dinner?” you suddenly blurted out, surprising the both of you, you a little more. He seemed pleased, flicking away his cigarette and watching it drop to the ground. 
Rubbing his hands together, he walked closer to his balcony ledge, a smirk on his face. “That’s a surprise,” he said, your cheeks heating up once more, “I was just about to ask you the same thing. Except, I don’t have any furniture.”
“Ask me then,” you said, unsure where this boldness was coming from. He was a complete stranger, and you had only been speaking for a few minutes. 
The man chuckled again, and you wish he wouldn’t stop this time, the sound sweet in your ears. “What’s your name?” he asked, a twinkle in his eye.
He smiled, and you curled a strand of hair behind your ear. “Well, Y/N,” he began, leaning in as close as the gap between your balconies would allow, “Would you like to have dinner with me?”
Fidgeting, you gently brought your knuckles to the door and knocked. You heard shuffling inside before he swung the door wide open, a large grin on his face. “You really came,” Joe breathed a sigh of relief, puzzling you.
“Of course I did,” you said matter-of-factly, “I’m literally four steps away.” He ushered you into his bare apartment and looked around, slightly embarrassed. Joe looked different out of his uniform, without a cigarette, and without any furniture.
He looked like a young man, not the confident one he had introduced himself as on his balcony. You weren’t sure which version of him you liked more.
“I made food,” you smiled at him, lifting a warm bowl of pasta, “No tomatoes. It's bell pepper and cream though, if that’s okay with you.” 
He whistled. “You made something too? I swear I was joking about the spaghetti,” Joe laughed, a smile growing on your face as well, “But thank you. I really appreciate it.”
Leading you through the sparse living areas, which only had his suitcase and a mattress on the floor, Joe’s face reddened. “Haven’t gotten the chance to buy furniture,” he gave you a lopsided grin, “But I promise, the next time you come over, I’ll at least have a couch you can sit on.”
Everything he said came out so easily, and yet every word made you blush. Stepping onto the small balcony, your heart skipped yet another beat. 
Joe had placed down blankets and pillows on the metal floor. You looked up at him, your eyes wide. “This is amazing, Joe,” you breathed. And it truly was, despite how simple the whole thing was. 
He settled himself down on a pillow, patting the one beside him for you to sit as well. You placed the bowl down between you, taking out plates and forks. From where you were seated, you could see the whole San Francisco skyline, the sky pink as the sun slowly hid for the evening.
“Well,” he began, a wide grin on his face, “I had a beautiful girl comin’ over. I figured I’d have to impress her even without furniture.”
There he went again, with each word, crawling his way into your heart. “Good job, Sergeant Liebgott,” you winked at him, “You can consider me impressed.”
“Oh boy,” he piped, facing heavenward, “Being called Sergeant has never sounded so good.” You no longer fought back a smile, your heart feeling warm as you scooped up some pasta for him.
The two of you sat there, and once the food was finished, your stomachs both full, you and Joe peeked through the railings to see who could spot the number of cabs that passed by first. Joe eventually got tired of losing, despite you knowing his eyes were far more observant than yours-- you realised later on he was letting you win.
Leaning back down against the glass sliding door, a pillow between the two of you, you both watched the night sky, illuminated by the bright lights of Mainstreet. Joe was easy to talk to, your conversations ranging from his family to before the war. You were apprehensive, skirting around the edges of his actual time in Europe, but learned a thing or two about the men he served with.
“It's always bright here, is it?” he mumbled after a moment of comfortable silence between the two of you. You looked at him to see him gazing towards the darkened sky, his face blank. You nodded, not saying anything. “It was never really ever completely dark in Belgium either.”
You knew of the ‘Battered Bastards of Bastogne,’ almost everyone did. But you never realised the man beside you, so young and so alive, had been one of them. “What was it like?” you asked him, your voice quiet and unsure. 
He turned to look at you and gave you a reassuring smile-- ask me, his eyes seemed to say. “Sometimes it’d be so dark, you wouldn’t be able to see your hands in front of you,” Joe said, extending his arms in front of him to glance at his hands, “And then a light will pierce through the sky. You’d see it through the trees, and hear a high-pitched whistle.” 
You tried to imagine everything he was saying, looking up at the sky and pretending you were surrounded by a canopy of trees. Joe put a hand on your shoulder and shook his head. “Then when it’d come down, you’ll force yourself to think of a reason to stay alive,” he finished, his eyes trained on you, yet looking somewhere else, somewhere far. Belgium.
Cupping his cheek gently, you whispered, “What reasons did you give yourself?”
“My family,” he sighed, shutting his eyes, leaning into your touch, “But also the idea of driving my cab around again. Meeting a girl with soft titties and a smile to die for. All the little Liebgotts we’d make.” Joe said the last sentence with a cheeky smile, no malice, and you pat his cheek gently, pulling away. You eventually learned Joe had the capability to make everything sad happy again. 
Both falling once more in a comfortable silence, the night drew nearer, and you realised you had to go. Standing at the door, your own just a few steps away, a strange feeling of sadness surrounded you. “Thank you for tonight,” you forced a smile.
Joe tapped your nose once. “Don’t frown,” he grinned, and you couldn’t help but grin as well, “We can have dinner again, this time. I’ll cook.”
“I sure hope it isn’t one of the stews you guys had in the forest you were telling me about.”
Joe feigned offence, a hand on his chest. “You’re missing out, I swear,” he scrunched his eyebrows together, “The bones give a real nice crunch.” You let out a laugh, your voice echoing through the quiet hall. You waved him goodnight, taking a few steps to your own apartment, and turning the key. 
“And Y/N,” he called, and you turned to see him, his eyes soft as he leaned on the doorway, “Finally met the girl.” 
You were wrong, sneaking a glance down at your chest. Today was definitely different.
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botwstoriesandsuch · 4 years
Oblivious Actions Part 2 of 2
Revali x Reader
5827 words (hey you asked for a big boi so)
Part 1
Thank you for your patience! I really love how this turned out, even though I suck at endings. Critiques and any typo finds are appreciated if I missed anything. Anyway, enjoy!
Music filled the air, the stable was lively, and full of chatter. Understandable, considering it wasn’t everyday the Champions would grace the common folk with their presence. Many travelers were already making their way up the bridges to Rito Village, in anticipation for the Champion celebratory party set for that night. Around Rito Stable, workers had begun lighting up amber lanterns, in preparation for the sun setting in a few hours. A few Hylians were walking about. One Sheikah was playing his instrument by the campfire, humming a familiar tune, while others watched and danced along. Rito and Hylian children zigzagged between the large, wooden crates, painted with the Hyrulean crest. A worker with a maroon tunic was stirring a large pot of stew, its savoury aroma filling every part of the woods. The winds rustled through the dancing trees, creating its own, cutting melody. However, the chill was not felt from within. 
Inside, the curtains by the stable entrance were half drawn, people lounged around tables, talking and eating. Warm, yellow light illuminated the room, the lanterns occasionally flickering. Workers and guests clattered about. A few men in the corner were on their third pint of ale, while a few Rito women were giggling from across the room, staring at a particular Rito and Gerudo. 
He hadn’t bothered to wear his blue scarf, even though he adored it (and he would never say so out loud), he found that its emblem attracted much unwanted attention. Urbosa, on the other hand, had her sky blue skirt on, draped across the stool she was sitting on. It was the figure of a Gerudo so far into the Tabantha Region, combined with her Champion status that attracted attention. So in essence, it was her that negated any efforts Revali made to stay away from the crowds. He leaned back in his seat, staring at the ceiling restlessly, waiting for her to be finished with the last of the lingering fans.
With a flick of her wrist, Urbosa finished writing her name across the piece of parchment. The black ink at the tip of the quill soaked into the paper, leaving Urbosa’s cursive name in large letters. A thin and lanky Hylian man took it excitedly.
“T-thank you, Chief Lady Urbosa ma’am! Really! Truly! This means a lot, I’m going to— I mean… my kids are gonna love this.”
The Gerudo gave him a kind look and tilted her head, her emerald eyes gleamed. There was not a sliver of annoyance or mocking on her face. “It’s not a problem at all, sir. I find it encouraging whenever people come up to greet and support us. Don’t you think, Revali?”
Although the blank, wooden image of the ceiling was very entertaining, Rito pried his gaze away and narrowed his eyes at the two of them. The man was rocking back and forth on his heels, hugging two pieces of paper to his chest. One, already autographed with Urbosa’s loopy handwriting. The other, blank and waiting. His posture was jittery and nervous. The Hylian was switching his gaze between the Rito and the quill on the table. 
“Why yes, Champion Urbosa. It’s always nice to meet the adoring fans.” Revali enunciated the end of the sentence carefully. He continued with a regal tone. “Especially, since we’ve wasted the last hour of our free time watching you write the same word over and over. Theoretically speaking, we have greatly supported the ink business with our presence alone.” He leaned forward, speaking directly to the Hylian. “However, I think we’ve taken enough of this gentleman’s time, so why don’t we send him on his way. After all, I’m sure there are more actually important matters that we all need to attend too.” He flicked his wing in a motion towards the stable exit. 
A beat of silence. Then, the Hylian started to sputter, his cheeks reddening. “O-Oh... oh-oh yes, yes! Of course! I’ll just…” he took a shaky step back, “...be on, my, way, then. Thank you very much for your time!” He shuffled outside, nearly tripping on the step out the exit. 
Letting out a huff of air, the Gerudo Chief muttered under her breath. “Ink business...hilarious as always, Revali.” He let a smirk cross over his feathered face, “Yes, I already knew that, thank you.”
Revali turned his gaze back towards the ceiling, finding comfort in the fact that all the pestering fans were gone. Urbosa rolled her eyes. “Would it kill you to be nice? Or at the very least, polite?” He scoffed. 
“I don’t think having to endure lines of mindless devotees is part of our job description. Last I checked, I was chosen for my masterful skill set and bond with Medoh, not my penmanship.”  
She gave a tired sigh. “We both know that’s not the point, it’s about inspiration and giving people hope.”
“If people are so eager to have my name on a piece of paper,” he picked up the quill the Hylian had accidentally left on their table, “they can write it out themselves. By this point most people have the ability to spell, correct?”
The two continued their idle banter for a bit. The conversation at this point was mostly out of a lack of other things to do, as no food or drink had arrived yet. Then, another Hylian approached their table, cheerfully.
“Excuse me, Champions, I have—”
“OH for the love of Hylia!” the Rito interrupted, “I’m afraid I’m not in the mood to deal with whatever requests you have for me.” He held his head towards the ceiling, exasperated. 
“So pardon my bluntness, but why don’t you—”
“Revali,” Urbosa interjected.
He looked back towards her, a sarcastic response already at the tip of his beak. That was when he caught a glance at the Hylian woman in question.
She was holding up a wooden tray, dark and stained. A large pitcher sat on top of it, and she balanced two cups on either end. Her leather cap sat lopsided on her yellow hair. The symbol of a horse etched onto the fabric of their hat and tunic. The look on her face was that of confusion.
The stable worker cleared her throat with a forced cough. “Um, you ordered the apple cider, right Champion Revali?” She set the cups down without waiting for a response. The Rito fixed his eyes on his drink, mumbling. “Yes, thank you Lucile.” At least, that’s what he thought her name was. He couldn’t bother to remember all of [Name]’s friends. The bronze colored liquid swirled in his cup.
Attempting to lighten the mood, Urbosa quipped in. “It wouldn’t be very responsible of me to let him get drunk, lest he become even more dramatic than usual.” She exchanged a quiet laugh with the waiter. Revali clicked his tongue. “I am in no need of your motherly supervision, Urbosa. Besides,” he laid his wing across his chest, theatrically, “I’m sure I can handle my drink much better than anyone here ever could.” At that, Urbosa gave a wink towards the waiter, whispering something about ego.
After pouring their drinks, the Hylian that was probably named Lucile put the pitcher back on the tray. “Alright, well, call for a refill when you want it. And don’t worry about the price or anything. [Name] said to put the rupees on their tab.” 
At the mention of their name, Revali perked up. “Wait, Lucile, I noticed I haven’t seen [Name] around yet. Are they…?” he let his voice trail off. It’s not like he cared that much, he was just curious. He hadn’t seen them all day. It’s not like he was looking forward to their interactions or anything. Yeah, curious, that was the word.
“If you’re referring to your little get together later, they’re still on for that.” Lucile gave a warm and knowing smile. “The place is busier than usual, thanks to you guys. So it’s ‘all hands on deck’ if ya know what I mean.”  She gave a quick nod outside, where a savoury aroma was starting to swirl its way inside. “They’re making your on the house dinner right now, so just wait a little bit longer.” Lucile tucked her blonde hair behind her ears, and picked up the tray. “Okie dokie, then. I’ll be seeing you.” 
The Rito allowed himself to look outside. The view was partly obstructed by the purpleish curtains on either side, but the unmistakable glow of embers and flickering firelight could be seen. Craning his head forward a bit, he caught a glimpse of a coffee colored boot in front of a cooking pot, tapping along with the music. Huh, only one stable worker he knew would still be dancing along to the music despite working all day. Revali thought back to that time when [Name] would force him to sing along with the sparrows, just to annoy him. Or how he would invite them to Warblers nest to listen to the Rito kids chirp their tunes. I wonder how they’re doing, have they been working all day? Have they taken a break yet? I know I’ve been caught up with Champion duties, but maybe tonight—
“Wandering eyes kill, little Rito.”
Snapping back into reality, Revali quickly blinked and turned to face Urbosa. There was a calm and almost pitiful tone in her voice that he wasn’t exactly thrilled to be at the end of.
“Ah, my apologies. I should have asked for your permission to use my sense of vision.”
Unbothered by his comment, she kept the smirk on her face. “You know, I’ve never seen you laugh so easily until the other day.” He let out a loud scoff. What was that supposed to mean? Am I not allowed to express emotion on duty? Perhaps I should don the same stupid expression as that little knight.
“Well, perhaps that’s because everyone else in the group is boring.”
Urbosa leaned forward in her seat, letting her elbows rest on the table. “Let down the act, Revali. Everyone can see the big picture but you.”
“What are we even talking about?”
“Uh-huh. Right, I think it would save us both time if you bothered to be specific in what you mean.” He lifted his wings in fake surrender. “What about them? You insulted by their choice in flower crowns? ”
Putting his wings down, he went for his drink. Taking up the cup of cider, Revali lifted it towards his face, using it as an excuse to not continue further into the conversation Urbosa so clearly wanted to have. Urbosa let out a huff of air. “Look, I’m just trying to compliment you two. You really are a cute couple.”
Instinctively turning to the side, Revali spat out his drink wildly. His coughing fit caused the surrounding conversations in the stable to trickle into curious whispers. A few other Rito in the back were giggling. Thankfully, he hadn’t sprayed anyone as no one was in range. He wiped down the front of his clothes and part of the table with his wing. He cleared his throat and half stood up, addressing the people that were looking at him quizzically. Revali’s voice raised in pitch and his speech quickened.
“AHEM! Wow, that was absolutely appalling and disgusting. I can’t believe the staff would be so careless as to let a dragonfly swirl around in my cup! I WILL be sure to speak with someone later concerning the cleanliness and hygienic practices of this place. So...yeah…” he let his voice echo in the room for a few more moments before sitting back down completely. Urbosa’s hands were folded as if in prayer, but her fingertips were pushed in front of her lips, as if to keep from laughing.
“Great save.”
“Shut up, will you? What in the hells did you just say? Couple? I think you’re clearly misreading things.”
She let out a short laugh. “Well, the fact that you reacted so enthusiastically says otherwise.”  
“Wha—what…?” He shook his head quickly. “Urbosa, whatever you think you saw the other day isn’t what you think. [Name] and I are very obviously not dating, or seeing each other, or whatever your proper terminology is.”
“You both are very obviously into each other. You always hang out, you have cute banter. You’re dating, no?”
“NO!” He quickly shushed her comment, lowering his own voice and glancing around to see if anyone else was listening in. “The answer is NO because I don’t even like them that much. They’re very stupid, and unattractive, not to mention a Hylian. They’re an acquaintance at most. Maybe a friend.” He propped his own wing on the table and rested his beak on it. “Or close friend. A confidant...or—agh! Point is we’re not whatever you think we are!”
Urbosa let out a huff of air, letting her shoulders slump. “For a Rito, you are quite blind.”
He went for his cup again, fiddling with the chipped white paint that decorated the side. Revali didn’t bother to look up at Urbosa, for fear of unconsciously communicating something with his eyes. “Fine, then. Please, enlighten me into what I am so blind to.”
She furrowed her brows in confusion. Was he seriously not getting it? “You and [Name] seem to talk and visit each other all the time, considering you even know the staff here. You both have known each other since childhood, no doubt you’ve formed a bond. Both of you were so incredibly flustered just being in each other’s presence yesterday. Also,” she held up her head to imitate Revali’s posture, “You look pretty too!’ Does that comment ring any bells? Come on, Revali. And this is only the stuff I’ve seen in one day.” 
Shocked and speechless, Revali let the silence between them settle for a bit. He considered her argument, thinking over what to say next. “OK fine, I tolerate them. Sure. That doesn’t mean it happens both ways…”
The Gerudo Chief looked as if Revali had just told her that the current King of Hyrule was five stacked cuccos. “They practically invited you for a date earlier.”
“But, we do that all the time.”
“You do!?” it was Urbosa’s turn to be shocked.
“Wait,” Revali narrowed his eyes, wheels turned in his head. Did that time he invited [Name] to watch his archery practice count? Or when [Name] had baked him a fish pie when he came to visit them even though they were sick? Wait, wait, no. Friends do that all the time, that’s absurd. Yet, he couldn’t ignore the incessant fluttering in his stomach whenever he thought about braiding their hair...or laughing beside them...or— ah! What did it all mean? He scrunched his face in confusion, lowering his voice to a whisper, “Have we already...what does...are we dating?”
Urbosa held the bridge of her nose with her fingers, sighing. “Everyone with eyes can see it. You are.”
Revali practically squaked. “WE’VE BEEN DATING?”
“Oh, you’re... dating Urbosa?”
Both Revali and Urbosa whipped around in unison to face [Name], who was standing behind them holding two hot bowls of spicy meat stew. 
Spirits bless his quivering soul, [Name] was here. There were still droplets of cider on his clothes, his braids were probably all frizzled from the trip down here. Was what he was wearing too formal? Too casual? Maybe he should have worn something more colorful. Hold on, was [Name] wearing their hair differently? When did they start wearing that yellow ribbon? It looked nice...should he say something? What was that new leather pouch on their belt, did someone give them that? Why all these changes? Are they seeing someone? Well it would be fine if they were...considering they were just friends. Right, they were friends— Wait a moment, did they just ask if he was dating Urbosa??
The Gerudo Champion, ever quick to regain her composure, was the first to respond. “Unfortunately, no. I’m afraid I’m a bit out of the Rito Champions league. We were talking about something else.”
The slight tension in [Name]’s shoulders relaxed, just barely noticeable. They chuckled, setting down the stews. “Ah-ha, well that’s good. Hylia knows Revali’s much more trouble than he’s worth.”
The Rito in question, who had still been sputtering over the several revelations he had come across over the last few minutes, finally regained the ability to formulate words. “...What? Hey! I’m right here!”
“Oh, sorry about that!” [Name] leaned down to face him, “I didn’t see you there. When you’re sitting down, you’re even shorter than usual! ” To further add to their quip, [Name] booped the tip of his beak with the end of a spoon. The feathers on his neck poofed up from embarrassment, though probably no one but him noticed. After placing napkins and silverware on the table, [Name] gave a deep, exaggerated bow. Their leather pouch hung out, half-open, revealing a few colorful hair ribbons. “Enjoy the meal, and thank you for staying with us, esteemed Champions,” their words were more of a tease towards Revali. “Just holler if you need anything, Revali! I’ll see you...later.” And with that, [Name] strode back outside, the brisk breeze fluttering the edges of their maroon tunic.
Revali’s thoughts were racing. Mainly centered around one word.
Urbosa looked at Revali, a twinkle in her eye. “Truly, you are made for each other. They’re the only one I’ve seen with the ability to actually make you shut up.”
Ignoring her comment, the Rito continued to stare at [Name] as she bantered with the other guests and workers outside. Then, he exhaled quickly, muttering comments that would make any mother click their tongue. Attempting to alleviate the tension, Urbosa asked, “Can I ask you a question?”
Quickly rebuilding his walls, Revali let out the usual quip. “You just did, but you have my permission to ask a secondary one.”
“Do you believe they like you back?” 
He rolled his eyes. “Ugh, spare me your useless fledgling gossip and prattle. What are you going to do, exchange handwritten love letters between us? Unfold the schoolyard drama? Maybe later we can skip around in circles as we talk about our crushes before bedtime.” 
She rolled her eyes. It might as well be an exercise when around Revali. “How about you answer the question?”
He turned away, looking outside and watching the dancing trees and people. “[Name] and I have been friends for years. I think I’d know if we had mutual feelings.”
Taking a napkin and placing it on her lap. She focused on enjoying her meal. “Oh but you do. You’re both clearly head over heels for each other already. Considering you're already basically dating.”
Turning back to face her, he started sputtering. “Wait, wait. Let’s back up, shall we? If we’re, as you said, basically dating, does that mean they know this? Do...do they already consider me their significant other? Do they know we’re…” he lowered his voice again, gesturing at himself wildly, “...you know.”
Urbosa slurped her stew, but held Revali’s gaze. She enjoyed its warmth and savory smell for several, several, several long seconds, still looking Revali in the eye. He spread his wings, exasperated. “Your condescending stares aren’t improving the situation.” 
Finally, she finished her sip, giving a satisfied sigh. The spicy taste tingled in her mouth. “Mmm. Delicious. [Name]’s cute and a good cook. You have good taste.”
“Did you just make a pun?”
“Pfft, like you haven’t done that before?” Revali responded with a grimace. 
The Rito asked again, “Can you just please take this seriously and help me with all this? You should already be flattered that I’m even bothering to continue this conversation with you. I don’t just babble about [Name] with anyone. So just...tsk...I don’t know, grace me with whatever wisdom you have.”
Urbosa raised an eyebrow, “Oh? Why should I? I’m not your mother or anything…” She flipped her velvet hair and looked away dramatically. Seems the Rito’s personality rubbed off on her.
Revali rolled his eyes, “Are you really going to make me—”
“Yes.” she said bluntly.
“Well, I’m not—”
“I said—”
“Can you—”
Revali sat there, eyes narrowed. Seems there was only one way he was gonna get her to talk. Urbosa gave a hearty laugh, her chocolate smooth voice echoing through the room. She kept her eyebrows raised, looking at him expectantly. After letting out another sigh, the Rito grumbled, barely opening his beak. “Can you please help me with all this...” Urbosa cupped a hand around her ear, a smirk plaster on her face. Revali quickened his speech. “...ugh you’re insufferable...considering you are the closest thing to a parental figure in my life and you’re more of an expert in this than I am, please tell me what in the hells I should do about [Name]—THERE! Happy?”
She started chuckling again, laughter must come easy for her. Shooting him a wink, Urbosa mused, “I think that’s satisfactory. Was that so hard?”
She snorted. Leaning back in her seat, she jeered him further. “Alright, maybe I won’t let you crash and burn this cute relationship of yours, considering it’s my responsibility to look out for all the little children in my life.” Revali scoffed.
Before he had the chance to nag her further, Urbosa continued. “So, Revali, from my own expert deductions on your whole,” she moved her spoon towards him in a circular motion, “situation, I’ve concluded that you’re both idiots.” He grumbled and shot daggers at her.
“Thank you. Very helpful.”
“You’re welcome. Now,” she set down her spoon, “Listen close and listen well, Revali. You’re both in the same boat here. [Name] didn’t react that badly at the prospect of you going out with me. However, their eyes immediately lit up when I clarified that you were not, infact, taken.  
“This means that they also don’t realize the obvious fact that you’re dating each other. Yet, they reacted with a hint of jealousy, so there’s no question they’ve got it for you.” Revali shifted in his seat, but allowed her to resume.
“They were completely oblivious to Daruk’s earlier comment about you being cute together. Yet, they’ve continuously made moves that suggest they really like you. Did you see their face when you put your wing around them yesterday?” She sighed. “ Who knows what other signs you’ve both been oblivious to all your lives.” Finally, she leaned forward and pointed a finger at Revali.
“You’re both too lovestruck to see how lovestruck your loves are for you.” Then, she went for her drink, sipping it slowly.
Taking her silence as a cue to speak, he asked softly. “Alright, so what do I do?”
“I don’t know,” was all that came from behind the cup.
He practically squaked again. “What? But? You just? Why—”
She held up a finger to shush him. “The best I can say is that you should probably openly confess so there’s not anymore confusion between you two fools. How, where, and when? Well that’s entirely up to you. Maybe at the party tonight you can whip up something.”
The likelihood of someone like [Name] showing up to a party filled with stuffy nobles, pestering fans, and overall loud people seemed slim. From experience, Revali probably thought [Name] would spend the night in the woods or something, searching for wildflowers. “I can assure you that’s not going to happen.”
Urbosa gave a final shrug. “Well then, good luck.” She went back to eating the rest of her meal.
Revali cast his eyes to the floor, deep in thought. What was he gonna do? 
Several minutes passed, and Urbosa basked in the rare occurance of the Rito Champion's silence. Thoughts and anxieties swarmed his head like bees to a courser honey comb. Then, the wind swept past the curtains and through the stable entrance, fluttering something under Revali’s foot. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a feather. It was a familiar deep blue, bordering on indigo, the edges were stroked with white. The color and hue was unmistakable.
Losing one or two happened everyday, sure, but what was peculiar was that this particular feather was that it seemed to be from a fledgling. The white marks faded to grey slightly, indicating the not yet fully formed colors of a young Rito hatchling. 
Tsk. I’ll admit I have youthful looks, but I’m not that young.  
Picking it up off the floor, he studied the stiff end of the feather, he was surprised to find it was decorated. A yellow ribbon was wrapped around its end. At one point, it was a brighter, daffodil like color, but now it had faded with time to a more pastel shade. The color matched well.
Why on earth does someone have my—
Suddenly, Revali stood up, almost flipping the table. “Hey!” Urbosa held the table steady. “Revali? Are you alright?”
Earlier, they were wearing a new leather pouch. It was half open, there were trinkets...ribbons inside.
When they were joking around, they fake bowed. Did this...did this fall out?
“Are you alright? Where’d you get that feather? Is it yours?”
[Name] kept this? After all this time? That idiot, don’t they know about Rito custom by now? Someone might get the wrong idea.
Or the right idea...GAH! Whywhywhywhywhy—
Breaking his eyes away from the feather, he pushed in his seat and started to leave. “Well, you’ve had your free meal, hope your food was good Urbosa. Now I have to go.” Revali started shuffling out towards the exit, hastily shoving the little feather into his own pocket. “I’ll meet up with you at that idiotic party later. Right now I need to be somewhere.” 
Urbosa started to chuckle. “So, heading out early to your date?” Nearly outside, The Rito abruptly stopped and turned to face her. Her eyebrows were raised in suspicion. “And Urbosa, if you tell anyone at all, and I mean even the slightest whisper in the breeze, about our conversation, I have a bomb arrow nocked and ready for you.” He gave her a death stare, but she just laughed.  
Her chocolatey voice resonated through the air once more, laughter must truly come easy for her. After shooting him a wink, she smiled.
“Good luck, little Rito.”
- - - - - 
Ironic, that the Champion of the sky would frequent the area of his first failure. But, the woods had their own calm and beautiful atmosphere, made all the more pleasant when he and [Name] would hang out here through their childhood. Revali knew these trees all too well, from when he first crashed into them as a child to when he practiced his archery in the time before the Flight Range was built.
Walking along the dirt path, he spotted them up ahead. Their secret spot wasn’t that secluded, it was by a small grassy clearing within the forest. Tall pine trees swayed in the wind, the setting sunlight was cut apart by the shifting shadows. The rose, orange, and yellow light coated the sky and shimmered through the branches. The bushes during this time of year held small buds, some had already bloomed into more colorful yellow flowers, although most were still a young green. Kneeling on the ground [Name] was shuffling through a leather pouch, spilling the contents on the ground and searching for something among the mess. A few hair ribbons, a spare quill, a comb, empty elixir bottles, and other junk cluttered the forest floor. Sensing a presence behind them, [Name] spun around to find Revali, standing there with his wings folded behind his back. 
“I don’t suppose all that is to help the fertility of the forest?”
[Name] rubbed the back of their neck, brushing aside their hair, embarrassed. “No, I was just...organizing my things.” Trying to move the conversation away from that, they asked, “So, how’ve you been, Master Revali?” 
The Rito brushed his wings against the pocket on his side, where a certain item was tucked away. Tilting his head, he innocently asked, “Are you sure you weren't looking for something just now? We both know you have a habit of being terribly irresponsible.”
[Name] started to formulate an excuse at the tip of their tongue, but one glance at Revali’s expression told them it would be useless. “Alright, fine. Yeah, I lost something, but I’ll find it later. We don’t need to worry about it right now. Why don’t—”
“What did you lose?” He didn’t mean to come off so blunt, but he needed to know. He wanted to be sure. He needed to remove any doubts from his mind. [Name] gave a hasty shrug.
“Uh, just an old trinket. It’s nothing, really. It’s just this dumb thing I had as a kid—”
“So what is it?”
“Nothing! OK? You don’t need to push it, there’s no need to concern yourself with it…” their voice trailed off.
“Was it blue?”
Both their hearts stopped. [Name] suddenly looked up into Revali’s eyes. The looks they both gave each other confirmed their wordless questions. Letting the silence fall a bit longer, [Name] finally dared to whisper.
“How did you...?”
He reached for his pocket. He meant to do this confidently, to swoop in and present it with flair. Perhaps say a quip like “Aha! Of course you kept this. My feathers are of the most dazzling color and quality after all!” Yet, no words escaped his beak. He held out his feather, the pale yellow ribbon hung lazily in the wind. He held it out in front of him, his usual confidence left him. No need to get my hopes up early, just please tell me, if it’s true.
The feather stood between them, shifting back old memories. The sounds were only that of the forest. Crickets softly chirped, and the wind danced through the trees. The sunset trickled through the leaves. Revali let out a cough.
“Ah, well....I believe you left this at our table.” 
Neither of them made a move. [Name] was just standing there, bewildered, their gaze constantly shifting between Revali and the feather. They rubbed their boot on the ground awkwardly, unsure of what to say. Finally, the Rito started to speak again.
“Did you know—”
“Yeah,” they said. “Yes...I’ve known about the whole Rito culture thing since when we were kids. You exchange feathers to show that a piece of you is bound to that person for eternity. Then you can, like, braid it into their hair or something? You only do it with your soulmate, or significant other, or whatever the proper terminology is.” Memories started to stir in the back of Revali’s mind, but they continued, waving their hands in front of them in surrender. “I mean, when I first asked you for it, I had no idea about the custom. I just thought it looked nice,” they rubbed the back of their neck, their cheeks rosening. “When I got back to the stable, some elderly guy told me about it. But I didn’t have the heart to throw it away or anything. I just kept it under the floorboards so no one would find it. 
“Ah, but tonight there were so many people, plus the Champions… I thought it would be safer on me.” They gestured to Revali, “And, of course, I was wrong, haha….” They let their shoulders slump. “Goddess above, I’m sorry, this is so weird huh. I didn't want to tell you in case you...took it back. I probably should have, I don’t have the right to keep something that should be sentimental...but…”
Their voice trailed off. Revali continued to say nothing. Taking this as a cue to say something more, [Name] added, “I’m sorry, obviously when we were kids you didn’t mean anything that way. I should have told you sooner.” 
His heart was racing. Well, both of their hearts were. Taking in their words, Revali could feel his stomach start to flutter, the winds played with the end of his braids. Still holding the feather in front of him, he extended it towards them shakily. “Well, take it. It’s yours.”
They looked up from the ground in shock. “R-Revali! Don’t feel obligated to do anything just because I—”
“And there’s a comb among the junk you’ve littered on the forest floor, correct?”
They took a step back. “Wait, wait. Does this mean you—”
He suddenly took their arm and twirled them around, facing them away from him. “Yes, now sit down already. I’m not gonna do this standing.”
His feathers were poofed out, from the mixed emotions of pride, embarrassment, and adoration. Plopping [Name] in the grass, he went over and picked out the wooden comb among their belongings. 
Seeing [Name] about to churn out more excuses and questions, he held up his wing to shush them. “Shut up will you? This is long overdue.” He sat down behind them, the grass prickling against his feet. Revali started to carefully undo the yellow ribbons in [Name]’s hair. Softly, they asked “So for you, how long? When we were kids? Teens?”
“A while,” he simply stated. “It just took me some time to really accept it I suppose.” Silence overtook them once more, though its atmosphere was much more pleasant and warm. Parting their hair into sections, Revali started to lighten the mood with a quip.
“Did you know we’ve already been dating over the last few years?”
“Yeah, you’re pretty much an idiot for not seeing it. I mean, all those times we’ve been in each others’ company. I don’t know how you’ve gone this long without realizing.”
They laughed. “Maybe the idiot Rito I’ve been hanging out with rubbed off on me.”
Finally, he placed the feather within their hair. After braiding it halfway, he twisted the yellow ribbon with it, and finished off the braid. The colors of his feather and the ribbon matched perfectly.
“Is it done?”
Before he could give an answer, [Name] brushed their hand against their hair. They both sat there, in the grass, for another eternity. Suddenly, [Name] turned around, and planted their lips on his beak. After releasing him, they stared into each other's eyes for a moment. “Heh, I’ve been waiting a long time to do that.” they mused. “What’s with the look? Should I enlighten you on the Hylian custom then?”
His feathers were now fluffed up mainly from embarrassment, but he regained his composure at their smile. “I’m quite aware of what a kiss is. It’s just that Rito have something better.”
Revali wrapped his wing around the back of their head, moving it gently towards his. Pressing their foreheads against each other, they both smiled, half flustered. His soft face tickled their skin, but they smiled for more reasons than that.
“This works too.”
“Of course, I’m an expert at this sort of thing.”
A beat, and then they both laughed. The sun was almost completely swallowed by the horizon . The Rito Champion was probably going to miss the party, but it didn’t matter. He was busy with more important matters, anyhow.
277 notes · View notes
twoidiotwriters1 · 4 years
Young Blood -(PB/WITS Crossover)
A/N: Here’s our surprise uwu we’re tagging people from both series and we hope you guys enjoy our fluffy, ‘Voldemort never existed/Lupin isn’t a werewolf’ au -Val & Danny
Words: 6,158
Twoidiots Masterlist // Next Chapter
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September 1st, 1971
The train is about to leave. Sirius and Percy finish their goodbyes and hop on the train, both searching for an empty compartment.
“Percy, here,” says the boy, opening one. The girl walks closer but soon realizes it’s not exactly empty.
“Hi,” Sirius says, “can we sit here? All the others are taken...”
Both kids sit in front of the other boys.
“I’m James, James Potter,” says the kid in glasses.
“I’m Remus Lupin,” The boy in the middle waves awkwardly, he has a small scar on the bridge of his nose. 
“I’m Matthew,” A boy with chestnut hair and clear blue eyes smiles at them, he’s seated at the opposite corner. Persephone can’t help but think that he’s really sweet-looking. Very cute.
“I’m Sirius Black, and this is Percy,” Sirius responds, the girl smiles politely. She looks around and feels a bit awkward being surrounded by a bunch of boys.  
“Is your name really Percy?” asks James. She laughs and shakes her head.
“It’s short for Persephone.”
“Cool,” He gives her a lopsided grin.
For the next five minutes the group divides into tiny conversations, James and Sirius animatedly talk about what they’d do at school, Sirius can’t help but get excited about not being under the gaze of his mum and James has tons of fun ideas. 
Meanwhile, Persephone, Remus and Matthew share the joy of being able to learn everything that the books are promising. They couldn’t wait to start the school year.  
Suddenly the compartment door opens at once and a little girl with thick, auburn hair steps in.
“I know you!” She exclaims, looking directly at Matthew. “You’re Albus Dumbledore’s son!”
The group looks at her in surprise, staying deadly silent.
“Er...” Matthew blushes lightly, “he’s not my father, he’s my uncle… uh, nice to meet you?”
Persephone nudges Sirius side and whispers excitedly. “You think he could keep us away from detention?”
“You’re already assuming we’ll get in trouble?” He grins.
“Oh, please, I know you’re thinking the same,” She responds.
“Sorry, I knew you’d be here and I was excited to meet you, your family is a legend!” The new girl looks around. “Oh, right. I’m Emily Sultens, and you are..?”
“James Potter, nice to meet you,” The boy shakes her hand and then moves the trunk from the seat in front of him so she can join them.
“I’m Remus.” 
“Sirius,” The boy waves lazily.
“Hi,” The girl stares at Emily curiously. “I’m Percy.”
“I’m Matt— but I guess you knew that already…”
“Yes,” Emily giggles, “the Prophet mentions you all the time.”
“Of course they do!” James exclaims, “He’s the son of the greatest wizard that’s ever existed! Aberforth Dumbledore: the guy that turns people into goats…”
“Actually,” Remus spoke up, “that title belongs to Merlin. Uhm, the one about the greatest wizard, not the goats.”
“Yes!” Sirius threw a fist in the air, “you’ll be the witty one of our group.”
The boy hugs Remus so fast he accidentally drops his books. Matt picks them and places them on top of a trunk.
“Don’t be clingy, Sirius!” Percy scolds.
“Don’t be jealous, Percy, I’m just being friendly,” He teases.
“You’re being annoying,” She rolls her eyes. “Stop it.”
“Thanks, Percy,” Remus grunted, pushing Sirius away. “Thanks, Matt.”
“No problem,” Matthew smiles.
Emily sits comfortably next to Percy and quickly starts talking to her. 
“You guys knew each other?” She asks.
“No, I only knew this idiot,” Percy kicks Sirius’ leg softly. “Are you a first-year too?”
“Yes! I’m excited, my dad told me thousands of cool stories about Hogwarts…”
“What house do you want to be sorted in?”
“Oh, I don’t know much about the houses,” Emily tilts her head. 
“It’s really simple, you know there are four houses?” Emily nods, Percy continues. “Well, it’s really common to be sorted into the same house as your family, I’m the youngest, and all my siblings had been in Slytherin, so it’s very likely that I’ll be one as well—”
“Slytherin?”James makes a face of disgust. “What’s your Lastname?”
Percy frowns a bit. “Singh.”
James’ face changes into a more tense expression. “Oh… okay.”
“What’s wrong with my name?” She questions.
“Nothing! Nothing…” Then he adds in a not-so-discrete whisper, “apart from the fact that they’re all ugly snakes.”
Percy gasps loudly, the boys stare at them not knowing what to answer while Emily appears to be slightly confused. Sirius is ready to defend his friend, but Matthew intervenes faster.
“I don’t think Slytherins are bad,” He says. “I assume your whole family was in Gryffindor, right James?”
The boy puffs out his chest defiantly. “Yeah, so?”
“So that explains why you’re so judgy,” Emily says brightly, happy to be able to participate.
“I was just saying!”
The conversation is interrupted by a girl with bright, red hair and a quiet boy, both occupying the last seats available in the compartment. James insists on continuing the argument and the new boy (who introduced himself as Severus) argues back in support of Slytherin. 
They’re both really annoying, the three girls share a look of exasperation and the redhead (who said her name was Lily) decides to put a stop to it.
“This is really stupid, neither of you even know if you’ll be sorted into those houses! You could be Ravenclaws for all you know!”
“No way, I’m obviously Gryffindor!” James argues. “Only brainys are sorted into Ravenclaw...”
“Okay then, you’re obviously not a Ravenclaw,” Lily remarks.
“Exactly!” James blushes when he realizes his mistake. “No, wait—”
“You have an ill opinion of every house except for Gryffindor,” Emily points out.
“Because Gryffindor is the best house!”
“Why are you arguing about it with her anyway? She’s a muggle-born,” Sirius states matter-of-factly. “She doesn’t know what she’s saying.”
Lily loses all colour as she glares at the dark-haired boy. 
“You know what? I won’t waste my time arguing with spoiled prats. Let’s go, Severus,” Lily stands up, Emily and Percy share a look of shock and amusement, both girls immediately knowing they have to befriend this girl.
“See you, Snivellus!” Sirius says out loud as the pair leave the room. Persephone punches his arm. “Ouch! What was that for?”
“You idiot,” She scowls. 
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September 1973
“I’m telling you guys, this is the year, I can feel it.”
“Sure thing, Matty,” James snorts. “I don’t understand why is it so hard for you, Emily spends half of her time with us and you still get all anxious around her…”
“I could ask you the same about Lily,” Remus mentions casually. 
“It’s just that she’s always talking with the girls and I can’t ever speak to her without the others watching me!” Matthew huffs. “But I’ve had enough, this year is the year Emily and I become best friends.”
“But you don’t want to be just her friend,” Sirius smirks. “You want to date her.”
“I have to start somewhere…” He mumbles.
“Here’s a different idea,” Sirius puts an arm around his shoulders and pulls him in for a hug, he continues in a whisper, “why don’t you try and flirt with other girls to see if she gets jealous?”
“That’s a stupid idea,” Remus responds. 
“You’re stupid,” Sirius frowns. “And I was talking to Matthew. What do you say, Matt?”
The young Dumbledore looks at the boy and shrugs. 
“Dunno, I don’t want to give her the wrong impression…”
“She already has the wrong impression,” James rolls his eyes. “She thinks you don’t like her!”
“How d’you know?” 
“I heard her talking with Percy the other day while we were on our way to potions, she thinks you can’t stand her and that’s why you always hide from her.”
“No!” Matthew’s eyes widened. “I’m an idiot!”
“Listen to me, Matt,” Sirius insists, squeezing his shoulders. “If you flirt with others then you’ll be more interesting to her, if not, well, you’ll have a bunch of girls chasing you around, it’s a win-win!”
“And how’s that working for you?” Remus questions.
“What do you mean?” Sirius frowns.
“Uh— oh, nevermind,” The boy retorts, hiding behind the book he’s currently reading.
“Well,” Matthew shifts on his seat. “It’s not a terrible idea, is it?”
James shrugs silently, shoving half a sandwich in his mouth.  “Can’ be ‘at ‘ard.”
Matthew rolls his eyes, but he’s finally made a decision. 
“I’ll do it.”
“Cool,” Sirius smirks. 
“How should I start?”
“I have no idea, mate,” Sirius replies, patting his back harshly. “Good luck!”
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“Girls,” Emily sat down between them, looking over her shoulder at the group of boys a few feet behind. “Is it me, or is Matthew Dumbledore acting really weird lately?”
“Weird how?” Percy asked.
“I saw him flirt with a fifth-year prefect the other day,” Emily said, her brows furrowed. “He actually convinced her not to send him to detention!”
“I haven’t seen much of him lately,” Lily shrugged. “I’ve been trying to stay away from that lot this year, Potter is driving me crazy—”
“Here we go again...” Percy fell back on the grass with a heavy sigh, Lily ignored her.
“He stole my bag the other day! I had to chase him around! He’s such a child, I don’t understand how Matthew and Remus are his friends...”
“Matthew’s no saint either,” Emily said. “He helped them escape from McGonagall, apparently now he loves pranks as much as Sirius and James…”
“Well, we always knew there had to be a reason why they were such good friends,” Percy replied sitting up a bit.
“...And I saw him sneak a rat’s tail in Dorcas’ drink last Monday, the poor thing screamed so loud!” Lily continued without really listening to the girls.
“I used to think he didn’t like me because I’m usually the one who pranks others with Sirius and James,” Emily was also talking to herself at this point. “I thought he considered me childish and that was why he didn’t want anything to do with me…”
“Mmhmm,” Percy grabbed her hat and covered her face with it, deciding to take a short nap while her two friends continued their rambling.
“—Don’t even get me started on how he treats Severus! He’s always trying to humiliate him and he thinks he’s being funny while doing so—”
“Severus is an idiot most of the time, though,” Emily retorted, briefly coming back to the present. “Even Remus can’t stand him.”
“They never offer him the chance to be better!” Lily argued. “He’s a really sweet boy once you get to meet him, you know?”
“Matthew’s a sweet boy, right? Did I had the wrong impression all this time? Is that why he hates me? I dunno, I don’t find him as fun to be around as I used to...”
“Dear Merlin!” Percy sat up in exasperation. “Emily, if you’re so eager to get to know him better just go and talk, you never shut up anyway— Lily, I’m seriously considering to arrange a date so you and James can shut up about each other.”
 Both girls stared at her in shock, Emily blushed in embarrassment while Lily got red with anger.
“I hate James Potter!” She rummaged through her bag and pulled out her charms book. “Look at what he did to my book! He’s an animal!”
“I don’t need to know Matthew better, he’s clearly becoming Sirius and James’ triplet, that’s all I need to know,” Emily huffed.
“Very well,” Percy rolls her eyes. “Whatever you say — Can we talk about something else now?”
“Okay,” Emily mumbles. “About what?”
“I have no idea,” Percy mutters.
“Afternoon, girls,” Matthew approaches blithely, Percy lets out the faintest groan. “Is this books yours? I found it outside Slughorn’s classroom and I’ve been trying to find its owner…”
“No,” Percy replies without even looking at it.
“I don’t think so,” Matthew seems to have his full attention on her and Emily honestly can’t look away. “Are you sure it doesn’t have any initials on it? No names?”
“No... It looks rather new, that’s why I’m trying to return it, I don’t think the student would like to buy twice the same thing?”
This is the longest he’s ever talked to her without stammering, Emily takes it as a good sign. Maybe he doesn’t hate her after all, perhaps he’s just too much like he’s father, a bit shy, maybe even a bit grumpy…
“I could help you if you want?” 
“W-What?” Matthew’s eyes widened, he wasn’t expecting that. He looks down to the book in his hand and swears internally. If she sees the book is James’ then she’ll think he’s an idiot. He can’t let her do that!
“Matt!” One of his classmates from Ancient Runes walks up to him, a black girl with beautiful eyes. “Hi! I was on my way to get something to eat, want to join me?”
Matthew immediately adopts his charming smile. He fixes his tie and nods.
“Sure thing!” He looks back at Emily and nods. “Maybe we can look around later?”
Emily doesn’t know why she’s so frustrated, she wanted to spend time with him. She’s been trying to be his friend for two years and every time she gets close something always happens! It’s exasperating.
Matthew leaves her there and both, Percy and Lily stare at her with knowing grins. She refuses to meet their gazes.
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“You’re such an idiot, Sirius, why did you tell Matthew to flirt around?” Percy slaps the back of his head. “Emily’s getting so many mixed signals!”
“I thought it would catch her eye!” He grunts, rubbing his neck. “Merlin, you have a heavy hand…”
“You deserve that for being such a fool, why does your solution always involve flirting with other people?” She rolls her eyes.
“It was the first thing that came to mind!”
“It’s the only thing you do lately,” She grumbled.
“I think you’re overreacting. It’s not a big deal, not like you fancy her, do you?” He raises a brow, Percy hits him again. 
“I don’t like her, but I don’t think it’s fair to play with other people’s feelings,” She sighs and closes her eyes in distress. “Anyway, now we have to fix it! This is the plan— I’ll sit with you during charms. That way Lily and Emily will have an empty seat and Matthew won’t have another choice but to sit with them!”
 “He’s a coward, he won’t do it.”
“A galleon says he will,” Remus adds. 
“Deal,” reply Sirius.
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When Emily walks into the classroom she finds the strangest scene in front of her.
Percy is seated next to James, Remus and Sirius, who looks strangely grumpy. Across the room, Lily, Jenna and Matthew are sharing a table, and the only free spot is right next to the boy.
Unsure of what’s happening, Emily sits down next to the young Dumbledore trying to look as casual as possible. She smiles at him and Matthew smiles back. She really likes his smile. 
“Did you find the owner?” 
“What — Oh, yeah!” He chuckles. “It was one of James’ pranks— I guess he ran out of smart ideas. You look pretty today.”
“Oh,” Emily’s voice comes out slightly high-pitched. “You look pretty too. I mean— Handsome. Yes. Well pretty is also acceptable, isn’t it? I’ve never understood why boys don’t like to be called pretty—”
“You can call me pretty,” He says immediately, behind him Lily bursts into a fit of silent giggles. “I mean, whatever you prefer, I don’t mind. I don’t hate you —”
“You don’t?” She asks in relief. “That’s great! Does that mean we can be friends?”
“Let’s be best friends!”
“I would love that!”
“Our first visit to Hogsmeade is next week,” He continues, encouraged by her excitement. “Would you like to have a butterbeer with me then?”
Sirius, Remus, James and Percy stare at them in incredulity.
“Dear Merlin, I think we’ve created a monster,” Sirius gulps. “Look at how fast their mouths move!”
“Lily’s going to pee her pants if she doesn’t calm herself,” Percy grins.
“I can’t believe I just lost a galleon!” James scoffs.
“I can’t believe it took them almost three whole years to start talking,” Remus snorted. “You two cough up, you owe me a galleon each.”
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November 1976
“I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m dying alone.”
A general groan surrounds James when his friends react to his comment. 
“Don’t start this again,” Sirius sighs tiredly. “Being single is the best! Why’re you crying about it?”
“What would you know about being single? You’re practically married to Persephone!” James scoffs.
Sirius guffaws. “What? That’s not true! Who’s Persephone? I don’t know her.”
The dark-haired boy changes his position on the couch awkwardly, next to him Matthew laughs. 
“Don’t listen to him, being in love isn’t so bad, you know?”
“Please, Matt, tell me your secrets,” James implores dramatically. 
“What secrets?” Matthew snorts. “Mate, I haven’t the faintest.”
“What do you mean you haven’t? You’ve been with Mily for two years!”
“Doesn’t mean I know what I’m doing…”
“Sorry, Prongs,” Remus says in amusement. “Looks like you’re on your own.”
“That’s it then, I’m destined to die as a spinster with twenty cats,” He turns to Sirius. “I’ll have to live in your basement.”
“What?” Sirius exclaims. “You’re rich! I thought you were the one who was going to let me live in his basement!”
“I’m not rich, my parents are!” James scoffs. “They’ll kick me out by the time I turn thirty. Mark my words, Sirius, I’ll die alone.”
“C’mon, have faith, James!” Matthew insists. “Listen, why don’t you ask her to join you for a butterbeer next weekend? The last visit to Hogsmeade before our Christmas break, maybe the holiday’s spirit might convince her to be nicer with you?”
“Right, because six years of deep loathing are that easy to forget,” Remus teases. 
“I was just saying,” Matthew shrugs. “Emily reckons Lily is open to try new things…”
“That’s only when it’s her or Percy asking her to try them,” Sirius retorts.
“That’s it!” James claps once in excitement. “Let’s convince Percy to help us! Let’s organize a double date! You ask Percy —”
“Not so fast,” Sirius frowns. “Why would I ask Percy on a date? That’s weird, Lily would know right away what we’re doing.”
James snorted. “No, she wouldn’t.”
“How are you so sure?”
“You’re so up Percy’s arse she won’t think it’s weird if you ask her out. I bet the girls have been expecting this for ages.”
“No, I’m not,” He scoffs, then hesitates. “Am… am I?”
He looks around at the rest of the boys. A general mumble of agreement spreads around them. 
“I wouldn’t say it like that,” Matthew starts politely. “It’s just that you appreciate her a lot.”
“Well, she’s my best friend!”
“Cheesy,” James fakes a cough.
Sirius punches his arm and raises his voice slightly.
“Stop it, you prat!”
“Be honest, Sirius,” Remus leans over. “You’ve never considered dating her? Not even once?”
“No?” He pushes his hair back and shrugs tensely. “Obviously.”
Matthew and James share a look. 
“You definitely dream about dating her,” James declares. 
“James...” Matthew warns him.
“We’ve heard you mumbling her name when you sleep!”
“James,” Matt insists.
“Can I go with you on the honeymoon? I promise to be quiet —”
Sirius stands up abruptly while talking.
“No! You hear me? I won’t do it!”
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“I can’t believe I’m doing this.”
Sirius stands in the middle of the snowy path with James anxiously waiting next to him. He’s standing on his tiptoes waiting to catch a glimpse of Lily’s figure, but he hasn’t succeeded yet.
“Oh, please,” James smirks. “You’ll thank me later. Have you thought of any destination for the romantic trip in which you’ll take your fiance?”
“We’re not taking you on our honeymoon!”
“We?” James grins. 
“I— Oh, sod off,” Sirius looks ahead and whimpers. “They’re here.”
Percy waves at them happily, she’s got her arm locked around Lily’s, who looks at James as if he were her personal hell.
“Afternoon, girls,” James greets them cheerily. “You look beautiful, Lily.”
Lily stares at him and scowls, making a brief throaty sound to let him know she heard his compliment.
“Percy,” Sirius squints. “Are you wearing makeup?”
She stammers her reply. “Y-Yes? Is it too much? I’m not used to wearing this stuff, I —”
“You look good,” Sirius replies innocently. “You look pretty — Er, I mean, it looks nice.”
“Oh,” Percy blinks. “Thank you.”
Lily and James stare at them with matching grins, when the pair look at each other James beams, but Lily’s smile vanishes completely. 
“What are we waiting for, then?” She asks grumpily. “Let’s go, I’m freezing.”
The redhead walks past the boys firmly and James follows her right away like a lost puppy. Sirius and Percy look at each other without knowing what to do now.
“We should go too, before Lily kills him,” Sirius offers. 
“Yeah! You’re right, yes…” 
Both teenagers quickly catch up with their friends, ready to forget whatever happened five seconds ago.
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“I can’t believe you got me into this, why me?” Lily whines as she watches Persephone wash her hands. 
“Give poor James a chance, Lily,” Percy smiles. “He’s trying so hard to behave!”
“He’s an idiot,” Lily rolls her eyes. “Listen, I’m here because you were clearly dying to go on a date with Sirius, but don’t ask me to flirt with James, I can’t do it.”
Percy grimaces. “I wasn’t dying to date Sirius! I — I just couldn’t bring myself to reject him, it was unexpected, you know? I didn’t know he wanted this...”
It’s a lie, of course. Percy knows this date was James’ idea, but she can’t tell Lily that! 
Although she does wonder why James asked Sirius and her instead of Matthew and Emily, maybe they had to use the excuse of ‘first dates are always awkward so we had to bring our friends along’ and Gryffindor’s golden couple wouldn’t have been helpful considering they would’ve spent the whole day snogging in front of their mates.
In that case, it made sense it was her and Sirius, they had to pretend this was their first date and not James and Lily’s. Mostly because Lily didn’t even want to be there in the first place.
When the girls went back to their seats Percy found a piece of chocolate cake waiting for her on the table. 
“Hey, I didn’t order this,” She says, eyeing the food with interest.
“I did,” replies Sirius casually. “I know it’s your favourite, and I know you get all whiny when you get hungry so I took the liberty to buy you lunch.”
Percy’s chest tightens with affection, she beams at him but briefly catches Lily’s taunting smile and quickly composes herself. 
“That’s nice,” Percy looks around the table, “you guys want anything?”
“I’m not hungry,” James replies happily, he only has eyes for Lily. “What about you, Evans, you want anything? My treat!”
Lily’s face shows a hint of a smile, but she quickly covers it by looking away. 
“No thank you, I can pay for my own stuff.”
James laughs lightheartedly. “What are you saying? Everyone knows girls don’t pay on the first date!”
Lily pales at the statement. 
“That’s ridiculous! Don’t try to mess with me today, James, I’m not in the mood.”
“I’m just trying to be a gentleman!” James frowns. “Why do you always assume I’m trying to upset you?”
“Because everything is always a big joke to you,” Lily huffs. “I’m sorry, but until you grow up I won’t be able to treat you as anything more than a child.”
James stares at her in surprise, then his brows furrow and his eyes turn cold. It’s not a normal look on him, but Sirius has seen him like this before, whenever Snape insults him.
“Fine,” James replies shortly. “I get it — You don’t like me. Brilliant. Why didn’t you say so instead of coming all this way only to insult me?”
“I didn’t want to come! I’m here because Percy asked me to!”
James’ cheeks flush red. 
“Well I’m sorry you got forced to spend your last weekend before Christmas with me! You’re free to go, I’m leaving,” James puts a galleon on the table and stands up, hastily pushing the chair away.
“Mate,” Sirius starts, but James raises a hand to silence him. 
“It’s okay, Sirius,” He smiles at him, but it’s small, and it looks tired. “You can stay if you want, I think… I think I need to be alone.”
Lily watches him leave in shock. Percy speaks to her softly. 
Her friend lowers her head, and to her surprise, Percy watches as Lily blinks back a few tears. 
“I’ll see you at dinner...”
She stands up as well, leaving the establishment. Percy and Sirius stare at each other.
“Well,” Percy starts. “That was awful.”
“Tell me about it,” Sirius leans back on his chair and runs a hand over his face. “I won’t hear the end of it tonight… James is going to be devastated! And of course, it’ll be my fault, the boys will find a way to blame this on me...”
“I know what you mean,” Percy rolls her eyes. “I don’t know why they always choose me to do this stuff, I’m the one who’s single and not in love! Emily’s the one who’s always talking about Matthew, Lily just needs to vent about her feelings for James and sometimes even Jenna starts acting all lovey when Marlene is near…”
“Matthew’s the same, always with that stupid smile and ogling at Emily, annoying as hell,” Sirius scoffs. “I wish we could go back to being kids when neither of them was drooling over each other…”
The pair delved into different topics as the hours went by, it was just the two of them, but it was the first time in a long while that they truly felt comfortable and at ease. Neither of them was spotted until Sirius entered the boys’ dormitory.
“Hey, you’re back,” Matthew says from his bed. “Where were you? James came back hours ago and he looked like he wanted to set himself on fire…”
“Oh — hi!” Sirius gives a start and quickly hides his face, turning his back to the boy. “I’m okay, I’m not the one who had a bad date — Nor a good date! I didn’t have a date.”
“Okay?” Matthew closes his book. “That’s not what I asked, though.”
“I was around,” Sirius shrugs. “How’s James, then? Where is he?”
“Think he’s gone to the secret passageway behind the old witch to cry his eyes out, people will probably think it’s a very loud ghost or something,” Remus replies from his own bed. “At least that’s what he said, dunno, he wasn’t making sense…”
“The date went bad, that’s what I understood,” Matthew says grimly. “What happened, Sirius?”
“I’m not sure,” He stands there trying to remember, “We were talking, and James wasn’t even acting that childish in my opinion, but Lily was determined to argue with him — in the end, I think James lost his patience and left.”
“He willingly walked away from Lily Evans?” Remus raises a brow. “Does this mean he’s moving on?”
“I wouldn’t call ‘hiding in the hidden passageway to cry’ moving on, would you?” Sirius snorts. “But maybe he will afterwards, who knows…”
“So Lily just stayed with you the whole time?”
“Oh no, she left as well, and she even cried a bit,” His smile fell. “It went downhill very quickly.”
“What did Persephone and you did afterwards, then? Because none of us saw you around?”
Sirius tenses and starts to undress without looking at any of them
“We just talked, I ordered food and we didn’t want to waste it…”
Remus and Matthew chuckle, Sirius looks over his shoulder at them. 
“What’s so funny?”
“Nothing,” Remus smirks. “How was the food?”
“Good, I guess?” He frowns. 
“Did you have fun?” 
“Well, it’s Percy. I always have fun.”
Matthew laughs louder and Sirius grabs a pillow and throws it at him. 
“What are you laughing at?”
“You had a date!”
“No!” He protests. “It wasn’t a real date! James forced us to go —”
“And you stayed after he and Lily left,” Remus continued. “Just the two of you.”
“Did you share the food?” Matthew smirks.
“Well, I only ordered her food so what else were we supposed to do?”
“You could’ve ordered a second plate?” Matthew offers with contained laughter.
“Sod off, you two!” Sirius groans. “It wasn’t a date, okay? We just talked and then — then we came back! Nothing happened!”
“That’s a bit rude,” Remus pouts mockingly. “You gave her food, least she could’ve done was giving you a hug!”
“Not even a goodnight kiss?”
“We didn’t kiss!” Sirius blushed uncontrollably, if it weren’t for the dim illumination of the room, the other two would’ve noticed right away. “Just leave it, will you? I’m going to look for James, if we don’t bring him back he’ll spend the whole night outside...”
“Alright, no need to be so moody,” Matthew replies. “We’re just teasing, you know we don’t actually believe you and Percy want to date…”
Sirius freezes at that. “You don’t?”
“Nah,” Remus shrugs. “Percy’s smarter than that.”
The boy looks even more insulted at that statement. 
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The next morning a battered-looking James is having breakfast when Lily Evans approaches carefully. She clears her throat and James looks at her sideways.
“I’m really not in the mood today, Evans, just let me eat in peace…”
“I don’t want to fight,” She replies a bit aggressively. “I mean — I came here to say I’m sorry.”
Remus, Matthew, and James all stop and stare at her. Behind her, Emily, Marlene and Jenna all stand in a circle of unity, encouraging Lily to continue. 
“What I said yesterday was uncalled for and rude,” She takes a deep breath. “You were trying to be friendly and I didn’t give you a chance — Although you have to admit that given your prior attempts to be ‘friendly’ I had the right to be hesitant about you—”
Emily nudges her side and Lily stops abruptly, blushing a little. James takes the opportunity to speak. 
“I want to fix all that,” He says. “I know I was a twat before but I promise I grew out of it — even Matthew says I’m getting better!”
“That’s true I did say that,” Matthew admits. 
“I’m willing to give you a second chance, to be friends,” Lily puts extra emphasis on the last word. “Friends, you hear me? Just that.”
“I’ll take it,” James smiles. “I’m sorry for… well, everything.”
Lily stares at him intently one last time before nodding and walking away from the group of boys, the girls follow her, Emily stays behind just a second to kiss Matthew’s cheek and quickly catches up with the rest.
“Well,” Remus tries to hide a smirk. “That was unexpected.”
“I love her,” James states. “I’m going to marry her one day.”
“Sure, because nothing says friendship more than marriage,” Matthew jokes. 
Sirius and Percy walk up to them just then, laughing quietly as they reach the table, the three boys stare at them and they stop. 
“What?” Percy frowns. “Did we miss something?”
“I think you should ask that to Lily,” Remus taunts. 
“What’s happening?”
“Sirius, my life’s about to change,” He replies dramatically. 
“Congrats,” Sirius smiles at Percy as she leaves, the memory of their first kiss from last night invading his thoughts. “I feel the same way, mate.”
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December 1980 
Remus reads the letter Persephone sent him as he waits for his train to reach the station. He can’t help but feel eager at the thought of seeing his friends again after a year and a half without talking in-person to each other.
He’s had a busy life, Remus signed a contract to travel the world and write a book about the different ways the wizarding community deals with dark magic, so far the trip has been wonderful and successful, he’s met thousands of different people and places, but if he’s honest, he’s been homesick for a couple of months, he missed a bunch of important events and he’ll try to make up for it now that he’s on vacation. 
Sometimes he forgets that his friends are all adults now, they have jobs and families. He’s single but he’s never really cared for it, his life is always interesting even without a romantic partner, and it’s not like he’s alone, today is the living proof of that. 
Today he’s going home to meet the new members of his family.
“Remus!” Lily is the first to welcome him in with a big hug. “Oh my god, look at you! So handsome!”
Remus laughs. “Don’t let James hear you say that.”
“Oh, James is too distracted at the moment,” Lily grins. “Ever since July he only has eyes for —”
“Remus!” Persephone enters the room holding a plate with sandwiches and quickly puts them aside as she sees her old friend. “You’re tanned! Where have you been?”
“Everywhere!” Remus smiles. “México was my favourite no doubt, but you have to be careful with the food —”
“Mate!” James walks into the room. “Look at this!”
James holds up a baby with striking green eyes like Lily’s and thick dark hair.
“Dear, Merlin,” Remus drops his trunk in the middle of the living room and stops in front of James. “Is this Harry?”
“Yes,” Lily smiles lovingly. “Harry, this is uncle Remus!”
“Wait!” A voice comes from the hall. “We agreed we would show the babies at the same time, you prat!”
“Sorry, Matty,” James smirks. “Got excited.”
Matthew and Sirius walk into the room, both holding their own children. 
“You really kept yourselves busy while I was gone, didn’t you?” Remus teases. 
“Oh, hush,” Emily is the last to appear, she’s holding a half-empty bottle. “Just shut up and come meet them.”
“This is Mel,” Matthew smiles.
“And this is Perseus,” Sirius’ face glows with pride. “Isn’t he the most handsome baby you’ve ever seen? He’s all his mum.”
“Dunno, Sirius,” James frowns a bit, holding onto his son. “Harry’s cuter.”
The two men start discussing it and Remus laughs, the truth is that the three babies all look the same to him, but he’s too happy about being with his friends again that he doesn’t want to stop their argument. 
“You know, now that you’re here is as good as any other moment,” Emily puts a hand on his shoulder to get his attention. “Matthew and I were wondering if you’d like to be Mel’s godfather?”
Matthew discretely moves away from James and Sirius and gets closer to him. Remus stares at the couple in surprise. 
“Godfather?” He asks. “Are you sure?”
“You’re my best mate, Remus,” Matthew smiles. “I would trust you with my life, and even if it’s unlikely, I’d feel better if I know it’s you who’s going to be looking after my daughter.”
“And you’re okay with this, Mily?” Remus raises a brow.
“Hey, as I see it, the kids will grow up having a famous writer as their uncle, if anything, are you sure you want this?” Emily snorts. “We’re choosing you because you’ll be richer than us in no time, and we’re selfish.”
Remus smiles, he looks down at the baby and his hand reaches out to her. 
“Can I hold her?”
Matthew happily obliges, he carefully gives him the baby and Remus holds her like it’s made of the finest glass. This is the smallest human he’s ever carried, Mel is barely five months old, but she looks at him as if she knew exactly who he was. A tiny hand moves up and gently touches his cheek, almost following the tiny scars Remus has gained during his adventures around the globe. 
Mel is too tiny to look like any of her parents, but for some reason, the thought of her adopting any of his quirks warms his heart. He wants to see all of these kids grow, they’re extensions of his best friends, of course he wants to be their family!
“What d’you say, Mely?” Remus asks quietly. “Do you think I could be a good mentor?”
The baby doesn’t make a sound, just stares at him intently, Remus looks up at her parents and nods. 
“Alright, but just so you know, I’m taking her side in every future argument that she may have with you.”
Sirius and James stop fighting after a while, they’re now showing off their babies to Remus, who has to take turns to hold each one. He loves them dearly already, and he can’t wait to see what kind of people they’ll grow up to be.
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Next Chapter —>
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haileyyanneupton · 4 years
close my eyes - part two
“It’s you, Hailey. It’s been you since the day I first met you.”
The second the words left his mouth that night, it was as if time froze in place. Hailey couldn’t help but stare into Jay’s eyes as he did the same, her heart squeezing in her chest with a million different emotions that were trying to rush through her body all at the same time. Everything was silent — but the good kind of silent, the peaceful kind — everything motionless except for Jay and Hailey. She didn’t know what to say, neither did he. But what they did know was that they didn’t want their romance to be born out of the sadness that still lingered in the room. After verbalising her feelings to Jay, who agreed wholeheartedly, Hailey already had a good feeling about what was to come — none of her ex-partners had ever made her feel so safe, so comfortable that she could communicate as freely as she could with Jay. It was a good sign, leaving the two optimistic when Jay left later that night though it was made very clear the the conversation wasn’t over, nor were they on bad terms.  For the first time in far too long, Hailey felt a glimmer of hope within her heart.
They took it slow at first, not wanting to rush into things in case it wasn’t what they wanted after all. Monday nights became designated movie nights for the new couple, and despite the fact that Hailey always insisted that she would be able to make it though the entirety of whatever film they had chosen that night, she would always fall asleep with her head against Jay’s chest and the bowl of popcorn they had been sharing in her arms every single time. Jay didn’t mind though — not one bit. She was a surprisingly heavy sleeper, meaning he could finish the movie before he too fell asleep on the couch, nothing but a blanket draped over the two of them as they slept through until the early hours of the morning. Jay took the time to admire the woman, running a hand through her hair absentmindedly as he studied every inch of her face, her lips and even her long eyelashes that would tickle him when they pressed their foreheads together and kissed each other goodbye in the morning. He was infatuated with her, with every part of her — this was what he wanted.
Hailey found herself staring at Jay from afar while he went about daily tasks. He was intoxicating, like a drug, making her feel euphoric whenever she was near him. She’d watch him pour a cup of coffee, watch him pin clues up at work. Everything he did was just so captivating — she could watch him forever and never get bored. And when he would catch her staring at him, he’d shoot her this lopsided smirk that make her heart go crazy, squeezing and pulling with the upmost force as she forgot how to breathe momentarily. Hailey had always been one to appreciate the grace and beauty in others — Jay was no exception.
Vanessa and Trudy had a great time when it came to discussing Jay and Hailey. Both of them knew what was going on despite the fact that Jay and Hailey hadn’t said a word about it to any other living soul, but both Officer Rojas and Sergeant Platt were just too good. They saw the looks. The smiles. Vanessa even caught the two of them just holding each other one time in the locker room after Jay had been shot at for the millionth time while working a case — it had really freaked Hailey out to know that the man she had fallen for could be taken away from her at any moment.
“Look at them.” Trudy rolled her eyes playfully as she turned to Vanessa who was standing beside her behind the desk as the pair of them looked over at Jay and Hailey. “Unbelievable.”
“If I catch them kissing, then I’m going to be simultaneously grossed out and very happy for them.”
“Why’s that, Rojas?”
“Because Jay and Hailey are my unofficial parents and I’m an unofficial child. Therefore kissing passes on cooties, and that makes kissing gross.”
“Right, because you and Kevin totally aren’t —“
“Oh crap! I think I left the oven on at Hailey and I’s place, and if it burns the house down then I’m in big trouble. Gotta go, Sarge.”
Slowly, more people ended up finding out. First it was Kim, then Adam, then Kevin after Vanessa had accidentally blabbed to him. Before they could do anything, practically everybody knew except Voight — well, that was until Voight silently slid a set of HR forms onto their desk one morning with a smirk before going on about his daily business. Jay in particular knew that was their boss’s way of giving them his blessing, the gesture one that made them all let out a breath they hadn’t known they were holding. Kim had said something at Molly’s about Voight kicking all of their asses when he found out that the rest of the unit and half of the patrolmen knew, but both Hailey and Jay had a theory that he was simply turning a blind eye to it for as long as he could to save himself the paperwork. Voight wasn’t exactly the kind of guy who enjoyed that side of the police work.
Still taking it slow, Jay and Hailey started spending more and more time outside of work together. Some days, he would stay at her house while other’s would be spent with the two of them at Jay’s. Hailey knew that on days that she was at her partner’s house, Vanessa loved it because she could invite Kevin over and they’d have the place to themselves. Jay loved it too — being able to wake up in the mornings after sleeping the entire night peacefully with Hailey by his side, her hair skew across her face and onto the pillow messily was perfect. Everything about her was perfect. Hailey knew that the sleep she was getting beside Jay was the best sleep she had ever gotten — being  in his arms made her feel safer than she ever had before. She had always been a light sleeper — growing up in a house where you had to watch your back all the time to avoid being hit would do that do you — but when she was with Jay, she could let her guard down. She didn’t have to worry about anything while she was with Jay — if she could have it her way, she’d never leave his side.
One night, the Intelligence unit had gone out for drinks in celebration of closing a case they had been working for over a month. Adam had bought a round of tequila shots to start off the night, a decision that only ended in chaos for anybody who wanted to stay at least a little bit in control of the words coming out of their mouth that night. An hour in and Hailey was already three shots and a bourbon down, Jay coming in close behind with two shots and a beer. While Kim was definitely the most drunk out of everybody at Molly’s, the woman dancing with her arms wrapped around Adam’s neck while Kevin and Vanessa laughed at the two from the pool table. Hailey and Jay sat up at the bar for hours, long after everybody else had left as the couple got lost in conversation. Though they had started off talking about their opinions on different drinks, soon enough they had migrated to the topic of them, together.  
“What — what even are we?” Jay asked, his words slurring into each other ever so slightly as he took another sip from his beer bottle. “Are we friends with benefits? Boyfriend and girlfriend? I never know what to say because we’ve never talked about it.”
“I don’t know. I don’t care. I like what we are. Who says we need a label? We’re Jailey and — Hay — Hailey and Jay.”
Jay let out a small chuckle at Hailey’s drunken name-mix-up, his eyes twinkling in admiration. “I know, but. . . I wouldn’t be opposed to being your boyfriend if — if that’s what you wanted.”
“It wouldn’t be so bad to be your girlfriend, either.” Hailey’s cheeks flushed red. “It’s about time, hey? We’ve only been seeing each other for six months.”
Jay and Hailey shared in a laugh as they caught each other’s eyes, staring for a while as they each took in the moment. Things had gotten so much better since they had stopped fighting their feelings and instead embraced them — a heavy weight had been lifted off of both of their chests.
“Hey Herrmann,” Hailey called out to the man behind the bar as she broke her gaze away from Jay’s eyes. “You still have that gumball machine thing that gives you a plastic ring with a cartoon character on it that Otis bought?”
“'Course I do,” Herrmann nodded over at the blonde. “I still don’t know why he bought that thing. Nobody ever used it except for him — I’m just glad I didn’t pay for it. It’s in the back. . . I couldn’t get rid of it.”
Hailey shot a sympathetic look over at the man. “Do you mind if I use it real quick?”
“Be my guest, Detective,” Herrmann picked up the towel he was using to wipe down the bar as he threw it over his shoulder and gestured for the woman to follow him.
Hailey smirked at the bewildered look on Jay’s face as the followed the firefighter into the storeroom, the man pointing at the red machine with a knowing expression. As Hailey fed in a dollar, out came a round ball with a Mickey Mouse ring inside of it, taking it into her hand as she thanked Herrmann and came back out to Jay, who was waiting patiently.
“What are you planning?” Jay teased lightly, his head tilted to the side curiously as Hailey pulled the ring from the plastic ball. “Wait a minute — isn’t this meant to be my job? Why are you proposing to me with a Mickey Mouse ring?”
“Okay firstly, I’m not proposing. We just established the fact that we’re girlfriend and boyfriend, so don’t get ahead of yourself. Secondly? Shut up and let me be romantic for once, you idiot.”
Jay pretended to zip his lips with a laugh as Hailey began.
“I never thought I would meet someone who makes me feel as amazing as you do. Every time you’re around me I feel safe and warm and I can never stop smiling, even if most of the time it’s because I’m laughing at the dumb things you do. Right before I fall asleep at night, just as my eyes close, I see you and your smile and your eyes and I wouldn’t have it any other way. With this Mickey Mouse ring, I promise to be yours and only yours, forever. Even if we’re taking it slow right now, I’m still just as in love with you as I was yesterday and as I’ll be tomorrow, Jay Halstead.”
Though the ring didn’t even fit halfway down his finger, neither Jay or Hailey minded too much. Jay pulled Hailey up onto his lap as he kissed her, Hailey wrapping her arms around his neck loosely before her head found the crook of his neck with a goofy, slightly inebriated grin. The alcohol had washed away all of her anxieties and inhibitions, leaving her to be able to say what she wanted to say to the man without restraint.
“Hailey Anne Upton,” Jay started, his voice only loud enough for her to hear as he whispered by her ear. “Every single day that I spend with you, you teach me something new. Today, you taught me that no matter what happens, no matter how crazy things get — I’ll be fine as long as I stick by your side.”
Hailey scrunched up her nose as she tilted her head back slightly to look up at Jay, his arm still cupping her hip to stop her from sliding off of his leg. Jay bent down just a little bit as the couple pecked each other’s lips lovingly.
“I love you.”
“I love you."
hahaaa okay so this one wasn’t very good but i tried i’m sorry eeee
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7wanderingpaws · 3 years
⭐️ I’m curious about about a “directors cut” for Let’s Have Some Gentle Fun and Captain Bucheon as well.
Jamie, not gonna lie but if I had to guess what youd be asking about, I would say these two! I feel like I owe you with the "Lets have some gentle fun" one shot since it was for you ㅠㅠ (this will be long, sorry)
Directors cut for: Lets Have Some Gentle Fun
(Can I just say I want to explore Jiyongs character in this one? lol totally unrelated but still... "Dragon" and his own adventures haha)
Baekhyun smiled at you kindly, his eyes following your movements the entire time despite having a beautiful chick sitting on his thighs. Gulp. Those thighs.
“Thank you,” he made sure to say, when you stood up to your full length. Shooting him a very pressed, almost painful smile, you nodded once, accidentally meeting his gaze that you thought was not on you any longer.
You were wrong. But were you wrong as well when you always felt electricity curse down your veins whenever you would look at each other? Was the attraction just from your side? Why was he so hard to approach yet so easy to talk to once you actually managed to spike up a conversation?
Right. Your friends always snatched him away. While he was the center of the circle, you were the edge; the misunderstood one yet always invited. Doing chatty-chats with the famous ones in the circle of your friends seemed to be hard because if they didn’t really vibe with you, they’d made sure you could feel it. Baekhyun not once did, yet his apologetic smiles whenever someone wanted to talk to him when he was about to start a conversation with you, hurt more than any of your other friends’ attitude.
Reciprocating his stare a little longer, you finally turned, thinking he would be paying attention to the pretty lady on his lap. Yet again, you were wrong. He was looking even when you were far gone and back to the bar to continue your shift.
Okay, stop here. This right here screams interest and Baekhyuns badly hidden attraction towards OC. He had been doing that in other scenes where he stares at her and says words that clearly mean his interest, but there is something holding him back which is his girlfriend; the one sitting on his lap, the one who will appear at the end of the storyline. Meanwhile, OC isnt as focused on his girlfriend, as she is on the reality of everyone stealing him away from her. Baekhyun can only offer apologetic smiles - why is that? OC can only interpret that as his disinterest; he isnt much different than the others. Baekhyun is being very vague again in the next scene:
“You have a man here?”
Both of you were quiet now. He was staring into your eyes, something so hard for you to decipher flashing in those deep orbs. His eyes seemed almost black, swallowing up every light that dared to enter including you.
“It’s what you all think about me, isn’t it?” you mumbled quietly. “That I bring men home, that I’m the quiet before the storm. I know that’s what you all say behind my back. I’m just living up to your knowledge.”
Baekhyun’s face became unreadable. His features evened out. “Way to ruin the mood.”
You laughed. “Whatever mood you’re talking about-“
Baekhyun made OC believe there was something happening between them in that moment. He is always unconsciously flirting with her, making baby steps to get to know OC better; it felt like he put the blame on her when in reality, he is the taken man and he is the one never offering more. And he had the audacity to act hurt at the idea of her having someone there?
He stepped closer, silencing you right away. “I know people are judgemental fucks but I would have always said otherwise about you.”
He gave you a lopsided smirk, not reaching his eyes. “I can hardly judge you when I know so little about you. I never believe those rumors and you shouldn’t give a damn either. If anything, you’re the most intriguing among our friends.”
He couldn’t tell, but breath hitched in your throat from the way his eyes were drinking you up, their intensity burning every sane thought you could produce. “Then why do you always yield to those friends? We had many chances to talk. But it wasn’t me who always turned around at the last moment.”
The tension was almost palpable when you were looking up at him.
He didn’t reply and you realized the headache you were gifted with today. Sighing tiredly, you smiled up. “Whatever. Don’t answer that. Go. I bet your girlfriend is waiting.” When he didn’t move, you snorted a laugh. “Why are you even baking at this hour? You’ll be late to work.”
Poor OC. Baekhyun was darn lucky she decided to speak up and not let him answer. He wouldnt be able to offer anything she would want to hear in that moment. I really liked these scenes because they set the diversity of Baekhyuns character, they set up the confusion, and at the same time they are enhancing OCs struggle with her crush towards him. She knows she cant have him, and she also thinks Baekyhun is just like her other friends, while she has no clue the man is attracted to her. Just for the funsies - we dont know whether he actually meant it, or whether he just wanted his desire to be satiated by her as a one night stand. I still love this plotline so much! And I think it is the most realistic kind of crush - from OCs side and from Baekhyuns side.
Directors cut: Captain Bucheon
“Then why would you do it if you don’t want to do it?” he asked, genuinely confused.
“Because I’m in the student council,” you replied almost in a whine. “They asked me and I couldn’t say no!” You threw your arms around, making it sound like a big deal. And for you, it was a big deal. You didn’t like how you were easily pushed around.
Baekhyun nodded, a small smile stretching his lips when he saw your comprehension. Sweet university life. “You must be very liked by everyone.”
You froze at that. That wasn’t true. How would you tell your ex the reason everyone was all over you was because you had huge tits and you were friends with Chul? “It’s not like that…”
Baekhyun nodded, noting your discomfort but deciding against questioning it. He didn’t think he was anywhere near the position to stick his nose into your business. For all he knew, he’d scare you away like that time in the bar but, frankly, he didn’t even utter a single word that night to give you a reason for your abrupt fleeing.
“So you run here often, huh,” he heard you say and then saw you shuffling your feet, the small stones of the track field rustling under them.
So much is happening here I want to CRY! The first question Baekyhun asked is something he would definitely ask her if they were dating. He cares about her so much, he needs to ask for her reasons. Yet, Captain Byun isnt the type to be too nosy; from Burn Your Bridges we saw he was a passionate lover but very mature and responsible which also shows in the part where he didnt question her about her discomfort when he sensed it. But he still cares too much. These scenes prove how tables turned; Lee Nari is the one who is harder to reach now, while Baekhyun seems to be losing his mind a little with having the young girl back in his life. It shows in this scene:
Baekhyun was fast. Before you realized the warmth of his hand leaving yours, you heard a loud snap, his fist landing with the dude’s face. You squealed, covering your mouth in shock and just like that, Baekhyun had professionally put the lad down, having both his arms locked behind his back. It vastly made you remember when he did a similar move with your brother in his office at the police station, and chills ran down your spine.
Right. Baekhyun first arrested you, and then your brother who was still in jail until now. Baekhyun lied to you to get closer to you. Right. Right, right, right.
“Don’t ever even imagine her in your filthy mind,” Baekhyun’s voice thundered through the space.
Baekhyun lost it. And this is also a huge trigger for the OC. If you read the story, you would learn that Baekhyun would never pull this move on just a random person he needs to protect as a cop. But we are talking about Lee Nari and he would sure as hell manhandle anyone who dared to talk about her badly. Even her brother.
Your palm landed on his cheek and Baekhyun’s face snapped to his right side. “I hate you!” You shouted shakily, more tears spilling down your cheeks, the snot out of your nose. You were a mess. “I hate everything you put me through, Byun Baekhyun! You lied to me! Why did you lie to me?! I loved you!” You shouted again, and squeezed your eyes shut.
Your palms were still, pressing against his sturdy chest but you couldn’t make him move anymore. You were crying now, your voice shaking and your eyes still squeezed shut. “What did I do to deserve this… when all I did was love you honestly, purely,” you wailed, your voice sounding almost like a wolf’s howl in the empty streets of the campus. “I was just seventeen…”
Baekhyun was quiet the whole time, emotions of guilt eating him away just like they had been for the past year. His own heart was in pain and he knew how hurt you were but seeing you like this made his heart split into two. You were a complete, utter mess.
Even I felt heartbroken as I wrote that, angst at its best!! Baekhyun could finally witness just how damaged the girl is. Nari needed this. Thank God Baekhyun provided her the chance to finally speak up. I just loved the slap that she gave him, I loved how passionate and aggressive she was - with all his previous kindness, she finally erupted like a volcano. I love how she became so tired of her emotions, so tired of hating on Baekhyun that eventually led her to be in his arms. That last sentence is just as heart-breaking; your lover realizing just how much they ruined you but they still hold you in their arms. Its a little ironic, isnt it? The delicious pain of enemies/lovers trope <3 God I love them!!
- ASK ME: Fanfic Writers: Directos Cut
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abbacchiosbelt · 5 years
Mista teaching you how to give him a blowjob because you’ve never sucked a dick before...Horny levels through the roof
Try | Mista x GN!Reader
i’ve loved this ask since the second i got it — please enjoy~ mista is a very good boyfriend! ♥
18+ under the cut!
There’sclear desperation in the way Mista is grinding his clothed erection against youas you straddle him on the couch, not to mention the way he’s practicallywhimpering into your mouth and the grip of his hands on your hips — you werejust as into it as your sensitive boyfriend was, but the travel of your handson his chest was much less assured than the way he was touching you.
You’d madeit to several heavy petting sessions with Mista and gotten far enough to haveMista hungrily kissing your bare chest whilst your rubbed him through hispants, but you’d be lying if you said you weren’t a little nervous. It’s notthat you didn’t trust Mista, or that you didn’t want him. No, it was becauseyou were entirely new to touching someone at all and you didn’t want to disappointhim.
Mista pullsaway from your mouth and purposefully grinds your clothed center against himselfand whines as he stares at you with dark eyes. “Please touch me, tesoro.”
And hell ifyou could resist him — oh, you knew he’d stop the second you showed any sign ofdiscomfort, but you feel a strange surge of confidence from reducing your boyfriendto such a desperate state as you slide off of him and slot yourself between hisknees on the floor. Mista groans when your fingers brush over the zipper of hispants, which spurns you to unzip them.
You swallowwhen you realize Mista isn’t wearing any underwear and that you’re one slide ofhis pants away from revealing his full cock to you. Mista looks down at you andgives you a crooked smile, his face flushed.
“Babe, please?”Mista lets out a high-pitched moan when you wrap your hands around his lengthto pull him out of his pants — oh god, he’s big. You had felt hissizeable bulge many times but seeing his heavy member in your own hand wasanother story.
It’s thenthat you realize you have absolutely no idea what to do with it.
“Um,” youstammer, earning a gasp from Mista when you slide your fingers tentatively upand down his cock. “Mista, I—”
“Are youokay? We can stop if you need to.” Mista reaches down to cup your cheek andsmiles at you — despite the blush on his face and how much you can tell he wantsthis; you know he’s being earnest. You shake your head and Mista quirks aneyebrow up.
“I’ve neverdone this. With, uh, anyone.” Your face feels red hot from embarrassment, butMista doesn’t laugh like your insecurities were telling you that he would. Instead,he places his hand over yours on his cock and shoots a sly smile your way.
“Do you wantme to teach you, amore?” This time your blush isn’t from embarrassment butinstead from the lewd words your boyfriend had just uttered, making you shiftas they traveled directly to your own arousal. Mista grins when you nodeagerly. “Aah, you’re so cute! Tell me if you need to stop any time, yeah?”
With anothernod from you, Mista gently guides your hand to the tip of his cock, using hisown fingers to roll his foreskin down and reveal his dark pink head to you.
“I don’t thinkI need to tell you what’s what?” Mista asks, and you nod. You know what things are,you’re just not sure how to touch them. “Okay, perfect. The head is verysensitive, amore.”
Mista guidesyour hand so just the tips of your fingers are resting on the glans of hiscock, earning a shudder from him. “Unless you’re teasing, you don’t want to useyour fingers too much here. But,” he guides your hand to the underside, and youfeel a small ridge that earns a whine from Mista when your finger runs over it.“That spot right there feels good, whether it’s your finger or, um, your mouth.”
While you hadn’thad any actual experience, you’d be lying if you said you hadn’t thought about takingMista’s cock in your mouth while you were touching yourself, or how it might feelto glide your hand over his member while you kissed him. It’s Mista’s gentleinstruction that gives you the confidence to ask what you’re thinking about.
“Could you… tellme how to use my mouth?” Mista inhales sharply at your words and the hand that’sover yours twitches before he replies, his cock stirring in interest under yourfingers.
“Y-yeah, ofcourse.” Mista hesitates before he brings your hand to his mouth and holds yourgaze as he slides two of your fingers inside. You gasp at the warmth and wetnesssurrounding you and squeak out a noise of surprise when Mista’s tongue wrapsaround the digits. He holds your gaze as he works your fingers in his mouth,sliding his tongue over them gently as he pumps them without taking them allthe way out.
Mista moansaround your fingers when he sees you fidget, the ticklish yet pleasant feelingmaking you ache for his touch. With a pop, he slides your fingers out of hismouth and blushes. “L-like that, but around my… cock.” His voice pitches up fora moment, almost like he’s nervous to be saying it.
“Okay,” youbreathe, no longer staring at Mista but instead his sizeable member. You lean forwardand brace a hand on his thigh, bringing the hand still wet with his saliva towrap around the end of his cock to hold it steady. You’re still a littleunsure, but the quiet whimpers Mista is making just from anticipation areencouraging.
You dip yourhead forward and lick a stripe over his head. Mista practically yelps, moaningout your name loudly. Feeling even more confident, you busy yourself by licking stripes up his whole length, lookingup at him through your lashes as you work. Mista’s mouth is hanging open andhis hands are gripping at the fabric of the couch as he watches you, lost inhow good it feels to finally have your mouth on him.
“Could youtry—” Mista gasps when you start lapping at the ridge of skin he’d told you wassensitive. “A-ah, babe, that feels so…” Whatever Mista was going to say is lostwhen you suck on that spot and he keens forward with a loud moan.
“Babeeee,”Mista whines, panting. He looks down at you with those dark eyes, pupils blownwide with lust. “Please put it in your mouth.”
The factthat Mista is reacting so well is filling you with more and more confidence, sowithout hesitation, you slide your mouth over his cock and earn the loudest moanyet from your boyfriend. It tastes a little salty, but it doesn’t stop you fromswirling your tongue around his head.
“Ohhh god, p-pleasemove, it’s so sensitive.” One of his hands moves to rest on the crown of yourhead and you gingerly slide his length further into your mouth as youexperimentally swirl and swipe your tongue along the warm skin. You’re able totake about half of it in your mouth before your throat tickles and warns younot to take any more (at least, not this time, you think) so you slide your headback up and begin to bob your head in a slow rhythm.
“That’sgood, ooh, you’re doing such a good job,” Mista croons. You chance looking upat him again and see that he’s completely flushed now with his mouth stillhanging open, looking at you with a mix of adoration and lust. “T-try usingyour hand too.”
It takes amoment for you to find a rhythm, but after a few experimental strokes, you finda rhythm that has you pumping the excess of his cock with your hand while yourmouth and tongue work the top half of his length in tandem.
“Merda,”Mista hisses. The hand in your hair tightens just a little when you increaseyour pace and hollow your cheeks out. Mista lets out a pleased sigh as you workhim, not minding when you accidentally break your rhythm or awkwardly stutteras you get used to the feeling of him in your mouth. Mista’s thigh starts totremble under the hand you have resting on him. Unsure, you slow down and lookup at him. “Please keep going, but ah, with your hand, just a little tighter,amore.”
You tightenyour hand and watch until Mista eagerly nods before slowly picking up yourspeed again — it doesn’t take much longer until Mista is whining and strugglingnot to buck his hips up. The hand in your hair is clutching at your over andover again and your own satisfaction at seeing Mista come undone like thisdespite your inexperience had you feeling hot.
“I’m, ah, I’mgonna cum, m-move if you don’t want—” Mista throws his arm over his face whenyou meet his eyes and keep going — a moment later he cries out your name andyou feel his cock twitch before the first rope of hot cum hits your tongue. Theflavor is salty, and the texture is new, but it’s not unpleasant. You eagerly suckand milk his cock in your mouth until Mista is whining loudly that it’s toomuch.
When youmeet his eyes and pointedly swallow, Mista groans and his spent cock twitches. (God,he was sensitive.)
“You’regonna be the death of me, amore.” Mista gives you a lopsided grin and helps youback onto the couch, surprising you when he pulls you into a kiss. From whatyou’ve heard most guys wouldn’t do this — but this is Mista, and he’s kissingyou with just as much enthusiasm as he always did. When he pulls back, he cupsyour face in his large and calloused hands and strokes your cheek. “You didsuch a good job. Grazie.”
You can’thelp but to giggle, earning a playful pout from Mista before he rubs his noseagainst yours in a sign of affection. Feeling a little bold, you wink. “The pleasurewas all mine, caro.”
“Aaah, babe!You’re so cute. It’s not fair.” Mista gives your side a playful poke before hissmile turns into a smirk. “Would you like me to return the favor?”
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