#it was a joy to be one of the creators of this au
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spacekiku-blog · 2 days ago
My brainrot worsens with each day so there are my ramblings about Beasts and Shadow Milk Cookie
TW: Spoilers I guess??
Okay, Beasts. When I first saw this name for the new antagonists, I thought "lol fate series got even cookie run" and when they were finally released I was sucked in so hard.
I love the concept of corrupt gods or higher beings. Not just being controlled by something, corrupted or going crazy but specifically their ignorance of using powers or disappointment in how mortals perceive their domains. And while I won't say that the plot of Kingdom and Beasts is a complete mind-blowing thing and the most awesome scenario but compared to the previous plots of Devsisters, this is a big step-up and something that is interesting and well-developed.
Not only in terms of plot but the concepts themselves. Yes, the three Beasts that have come out are based on fairly common things (Buddhism, Hinduism and Christianity). But man they did their homework as hard as they could.
And naturally, even though we already have three Beasts, a lot about them is shrouded in mystery. Especially Shadow Milk Cookie, since we were given absolutely no information about his backstory. The new costume that came out? Honestly, it looks like an AU written by him for shits and giggles. A sort of “What if?”. While it may shed some light on how he behaved as a Fount of Knowledge it says nothing about his past.
With White Flour Cookie and Burning Spice Cookie everything is relatively clear. We were given their plot and what caused their corruption on a silver plate. And, frankly speaking, I think that based on the change in the other two elements of the Beasts, it is relatively clear what most likely happened in their domain of rule that caused their corruption.
Eternal Sugar Cookie was initially “Happiness” – which represents, well, happiness, joy. It is quite possible that her task from the Witches was similar to White Flour Cookie in that she was meant to spread happiness and joy among the Cookies. Well, too much jollity can easily become boring and it also requires a huge amounts of energy which could lead her to Laziness.
At the same time Silent Salt Cookie had the element of “Solidarity” – which essentially means unification, community. It also often means support and mutual assistance. And as we know, if you support everyone around you then it will begin to be perceived as given and in return you get a whole nithing. And because of which he could correspondingly close himself off.
Of course I might be wrong about this predictions. We will see when they will come out.
The fate of the Beasts is tragic. They are Deities created by even Higher Beings with one specific purpose. To distribute/preserve the elements entrusted to them. They were given a huge responsibility reinforced by the expectations of mortal cookies. Give knowledge, grant wishes, monitor changes, spread joy and cultivate friendship. Were they allowed to do anything else? Most likely yes. Were they aware of this from the start? Most likely no.
We, as mortal individuals, often have a hard time breaking away from the expectations of our “creators” (parents) and society. So how can you immediately realize that you are allowed to be someone else, to do something else when you were created with a fixed personality and a certain purpose? So frankly it is not surprising that the Deities saw the one and only way to break the expectations of others and be "free". After all, from the descriptions of White Flour Cookie and Burning Spice Cookie, they could not even realize that there were other ways to release their frustrations.
White Flour Cookie went into depression and apathy as a defense mechanism. And the only way she saw was that if everything was purified (dead), then everyone would be happy. Including herself.
Burning Spice Cookie, feeling the first stimulation in centuries of monotone whatching and waiting, latched onto it, becoming obsessed with it. Addicted to it. He concentrated on this one feeling and forgot that he could find something else.
But Shadow Milk Cookie is a different story. You see, Knowledge is a very powerful thing. In my humble opinion, Shadow Milk is the strongest Beast and God among all if you put aside his personality and focus only on his powers. Unlike other Beasts, from whom Witches could keep some information that they simply do not need for their role - Shadow Milk Cookie knew everything from the very beginning. About what Cookies are grown for, how this world works, how personality develops and many, many other things.
Unlike other Beasts Shadow Milk Cookie knew there could be another way. And it's just such a rich soil for theories, headcanons and the reason I'm so obsessed with him.
Was he trying to save his brothers and sisters by trying to show them another way? How much knowledge did he share with them? How much did he keep back? And how much did he lie to them?
After all judging by the description of Shadow Milk Cookie knowledge consists of truth and lies. Lies appeared at the same time as Shadow Milk Cookie himself as a Fount of Knowledge. Which means he could have started lying from the very beginning. I like to think and headcanon that the first one to start "corrupting" was Shadow Milk Cookie. Or rather, that he was initially already corrupted by the knowledge he had access to.
This is what makes his personality so interesting to me - he knew everything. He saw everything. Not only the destruction of his domain of knowledge but the signs of destruction of other domains. How White Flour Cookie finds it increasingly difficult to fulfill wishes and not receive even a simple thank you in return. How Burning Spice Cookie became increasingly bored with the same cycle of history. And perhaps how Eternal Sugar Cookie gets tired of the eternal celebration and Silent Salt Cookie loses control over attempts to unite everyone.
How desperate was he about all this? Or was there a cold pragmatism deep inside him that said, “this is what has to happen”? Or was he fascinated by it? How were his Deity friends changing? Maybe he was egging them on because he, too, was bored with his knowledge?
Beasts are lonely. Deities are lonely. Even their own race can barely understand each other since their minds were created for specific purposes. And you don't want to lose face in front of equally powerful beings.
Only Shadow Milk Cookie could understand them all. And yet no one can understand him.
No one can carry as much knowledge as he does. No one can even come close to understanding his burden. To come close to him. I wonder becouse of this did he became a jester and a showman? After all, the truth of his existence is as bitter as sour milk.
I wonder if he was always a "jester"? Judging by his behavior in the new costume, there is still some "softening" in his actions, intonation, expressions. Not exactly condescension, but as if embellishment of his words, his "truth". In the end, information is best absorbed through play. Through associations. He playfully invites you to debate with him, he gestures while telling about something.
Is Shadow Milk that far removed from his past as a Fount of Knowledge?
Maybe he was always like this? Less cunning and selfish but just as playful, humorous, and perhaps even deceitful. It's just that when everyone finally became "monsters", Beasts, there was no longer a need to satisfy the needs of mortals and it was time to focus on his own.
Maybe he helped other Beasts become corrupted so that he himself could finally allow himself to "play" for himself and not for others?
I squeeze him like anti-stress toy. I don't know for what purpose this ramblings of mine but maybe you will able to take some interesting insights for yourself.
And I'm not even starting about his relationship with Pure Vanilla Cookie not even as a ship thing.
Man I need help
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tamlinweek · 1 day ago
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Tamlin Creator Appreciation: achaotichuman!
Today we want to celebrate a fantastic author and person, @achaotichuman!
"Asher is one of the most welcoming, resourceful, thoughtful and kindest members of the community. Whenever I think of the Pro Tamlin community, I think of his fic rec list which is super inclusive, and he always has awesome activities that gets everyone involved. I mean, he started a whole unofficial Tamcien month that got everyone participating! Thank you for everything you do!"
We couldn't have said it better ourselves! Asher is such a joy in the Tamlin fandom, constantly supporting other Tamlin fans and finding ways to engage with everyone. His writing is fantastic, especially his next-generation ACOTAR fics. You can check out more of his fic on his AO3 A_Chaotic_Human, but we wanted to highlight one of our favorites of his fics! I Wanna Be Yours is a modern AU Tamlin/Lucien fic that not only gives Tamlin and Lucien the true love they deserve, but breathes life into all our favorite Spring Court side characters!
Summary of I Wanna Be Yours (30k words, rated E, incomplete)
Lucien's fucked up. Royally fucked up. And his father, already on the hunt for a reason to get rid of him, takes the opportunity to finally disown him. Now, jobless and wondering what he's supposed to do without catching more of Beron's attention and bringing his wrath upon him, Lucien finds himself venting to his oldest friend. What he didn't expect was for Tamlin to offer him a position as his personal assistant. It's just temporary, of course, but it's not long before the two find themselves entangled closer and closer together, and the more Lucien learns about Tamlin's friends and family, the more he finds old feelings rising to the surface faster than he can push them down again. He's only gotta hope that Tamlin doesn't learn of what he did...
Submit your own favorite Tamlin works right here!
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lucinfernos · 2 months ago
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finally put together this handy dandy info sheet for your ease of access!
Jayce a.k.a. ManOfProgress (benevolently referred to as MOP by his fans) — 31 years old, he/him, bisexual trans man, Mexican-Brazilian — Started content creation in 2020 as a hobby to battle the pandemic boredom but blew up and decided to make it his full-time gig — Streams games and goofballery on Twitch [623k followers] and posts & streams more personal and unrelated content on YouTube [102k subscribers] — Found Viktor’s channel ~6 months before they started talking and feels very comforted by his voice; sleeps to his videos every night and puts one on whenever he’s anxious or angry — Got into a bad car accident as a child that was fatal to his father and left him with chronic pain on his left leg; now wears a knee brace and a calf compress periodically
Viktor a.k.a. TheMachineHerald — 32 years old, he/him, gay trans man, Czech-Polish — Was unable to leave the house during the peak of the pandemic and found joy and inspiration from Jayce’s content, and chose to start dabbling in content creation in 2022 — Creates very technically advanced and meticulously crafted ASMR videos; usually fully focuses on the mechanical sounds and tech aesthetic but lately has been brancing out more [12,3k subscribers before he gets in kahoots with Jayce] — Started showing his face only around the time when Jayce started watching him and is a bit irritated over the boost in popularity it granted him — Has many health problems, including scoliosis and rheumatoid arthritis (which has caused lung scarring and severe cartilage damage to his right leg and spine from when he was younger and could not access the necessary care to get the inflammation in control)
Mel a.k.a. Melicious (to this day her fans argue whether this is a reference to delicious or malicious) — 33 years old, she/her, bisexual; Jayce’s ex-girlfriend, African-American w/ Algerian roots — Was with Jayce during her time in Piltover but they made the mutual decision to part ways when she was accepted into an art school in London; are still close friends — Made very high-quality weekly diary-style vlogs, often related to art [837k subscribers]. Went on a semi-hiatus after moving but is active on other social medias like Instagram [1,4 million followers]
Jinx a.k.a. GETJINXED — 19 years old, she/they, agender aroace; in a queerplatonic relationship with Ekko, American — Gained popularity on TikTok and later on Twitch when people realized she’s the sister Vi is always complaining about; has no niche and does literally anything she wants to do that day, which usually has to do with either art or engineering [166k followers on Twitch, 850k on TikTok] — Working on an independent music career on the side with their debut single Get Jinxed going viral on TikTok — Lost her finger ON STREAM when working on an art installation, the clip has millions of views
Ekko a.k.a. The_Boy_Savior — 20 years old, he/any, probably nonbinary but he has a job so he doesn’t care abt that rn, bi & asexual; in a queerplatonic relationship with Jinx, African-American — Creates well-researched and thought-provoking video essays about worldwide issues, especially dedicated to the health of the planet and its people [317k subscribers] — Surprised everyone by appearing in one of Jinx’s tiktoks because nobody knew they knew each other let alone that they were in a QPR — Frequently holds fundraisers and has done a lot of good for his community
Caitlyn a.k.a. KillshotKiramman — 23 years old, she/her, lesbian; Vi’s girlfriend and Jayce’s best friend, Chinese-British — Makes videos about weapons (mostly guns and shooting) [176k subscribers] and plays games on her Twitch [29k followers] — Moderates Jayce and Vi’s streams, and completely destroys both of them at FPS games — Had a gun misfiring accident which left her blind in her left eye
Violet a.k.a. vistandsforvideogames — 24 years old, any pronouns, gender-apathetic (call her whatever you like) lesbian; Caitlyn’s partner, American — Gamer on Twitch, but also shares about her side job as a boxer [212k followers] — Sometimes mods for Jayce but mainly just shows up to kick his ass in Mortal Kombat and exude chaotic energy
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transcendence-au · 5 months ago
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It’s that special time of year, folks–time for our annual TAU ficathon! But, what’s this… we’re turning 10 this year? That’s a milestone if I’ve ever heard one!
To celebrate, we’re going to offer a couple extras this year… we’ve got contests, raffles, and prizes! Here’s a quick peek at what’s going down this eventful birthday of ours:
Fanfic contest (with prizes!)
Fanart contest (with prizes!)
Three raffles!
Alcor charm preorder!
Here’s what the schedule is going to look like:
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October 5th: Fanfic and fanart contests open! Alcor charm pre-orders open!
November 2nd: Alcor charm pre-order close + payment deadline
December 14th: Contest submissions close
December 21st: Contest winners and raffle winners announcements
Click the read more to see all the details of these events!
★ Fanfic contest ★
→ Submit your fic to the fanfic contest here! ← 
This time, you can submit your ficathon fic into a contest for some fun prizes!
The winner will receive:
An Alcor charm (free including shipping)
Their fic featured in the “Introduction to TAU” page soon to be unveiled
Art for their fic, drawn by TAU creator Zillychu
Bragging rights! 
Unlike the usual ficathon though, there is a theme all contestants will need to follow. 
☆☆☆ The theme for this contest is: Introduction to TAU! ☆☆☆
This means your fic can be read by anyone who has no prior knowledge of TAU, or even Gravity Falls! It also means you need to give the reader a taste of what TAU is all about – this includes:
Something that explains the Transcendence (or at least shows the reader that the supernatural is now commonplace – this can be achieved anywhere from a single sentence, to a major plot point)
Alcor’s general predicament of being a human-turned-immortal-demon (could be in conversation, or in the general narrative. Does not need to go into detail on the events that lead up to this, but it can!)
At least one familiar or common theme abundant in this AU, which includes but isn’t limited to: 
Family (however it’s defined), friendship, and platonic love
Finding joy amidst grief, hope despite loss
Demonology and eldritch terrors
Supernatural politics and how they fit into the mundane
The existential horror of being a human turned semi-omnipotent immortal demon who must fight the demonic desire for chaos vs. the human desire to pack bond with everything!
A wonderful example of this includes Mod K’s series Bentley & Friends! The story plants you in the center of the TAU world through the eyes of a character named Bentley, and slowly unveils the setting through his perspective. Bentley himself is familiar with a post-Transcendence world and Alcor’s reputation, but only comes to learn the truth about him and Mizar through ensuing shenanigans. 
Another example would be MaryPSue’s Return, Rewind, Rewrite, which starts with an emotional demon summoning, and follows characters who find they're more closely linked to the Transcendence than they expected. Remember: Showcasing the story of TAU through narratives and character interactions is always better than simply giving the reader a summary! 
Please note that there is no word minimum. Longer fics will generally leave a better impression on the mods, but quality will always trump quantity. 
Here’s a list of all the prerequisites for your fic when entering the fanfic contest:
Only one entry per person
Adheres to the contest theme
Only new work created after this announcement post (or within a month if tagged as anniversary content) will be accepted!
Is rated G to M (no explicit sexual content please!)
No word minimum
Is submitted via the Google form by December 14th
OCs are welcome, so long as the theme is met and the story is easily distinguished as TAU-related
If you end up winning the contest, we will reach out to you for your name and address so we can send you your charm!
If you win the contest and you elect not to receive a charm, we will award the free charm to the runner-up.
★ Fanart contest ★
→ Submit your art to the fanart contest here! ← 
Not much of a writer, but still want to join in the festivities? Perhaps you’d like to write and do a little something extra?
Here’s a list of all the prerequisites for entering the fanart contest:
Only one entry per person
ANY art (that isn’t fanfic) is accepted! Illustration, mixed media, animations, emojis, music… if you create it, you can enter it!
Only new work created after this announcement post (or within a month if tagged as anniversary content) will be accepted!
No explicit sexual content
Is submitted via the Google form by December 14th
OCs are welcome, so long as it’s easily distinguished as TAU-related
★ Raffles ★
→ Click here to enter the TAU fan appreciation raffle! ← 
While the mods of the TAU blog will be picking winning contest entries, we’d like everyone participating to have a chance to win a free charm, as well as fans who have created fan content in the past!
There will be a total of 3 raffles:
If you enter the fanfic contest, you will be automatically entered in the fanfic raffle!
If you enter the fanart contest, you will be automatically entered in the fanart raffle!
Yes, that means if you enter both the fanfic and fanart contest, you will be entered twice! If you apply to the TAU fan appreciation raffle, you'll be entered three times!
The TAU fan appreciation raffle is open to everyone who has created at least one piece of fan content in the past! You will need to enter this raffle manually, and share a link to something you created in the past (must be something with a timestamp, like a blog post or AO3 link). 
☆☆☆ If you pre-order a charm and end up winning a raffle, we will refund you on Paypal for the full amount.
☆☆☆ Only one charm will be awarded per person. If you win one raffle, you cannot win in the others. 
★ Alcor charm pre-orders ★
→ Click here to pre-order your Alcor charm! ←
Want to ensure you still get a charm whether or not you win a contest or raffle? Go ahead and pre-order yours!
Price: $15
(includes shipping inside USA, additional shipping fees for international)
Note that since this is something Zilly wants to do in appreciation for the TAU community, the price listed is purely production price. This will cover the cost of the charm, and shipping. If you live outside the USA, we will calculate your shipping separately and disclose this in the Paypal invoice. If the price exceeds your expectations, you are welcome to refuse/cancel the invoice.
Your invoice must be paid by November 2nd! (We need to know how many charms to order!)
The charms will be sent in early January – We will do the contest winners and raffles first, so if you pre-order and then win one of the contests or raffles, your invoice will be canceled and you will be sent a charm at no cost. 
Here’s what you need to do to preorder an Alcor charm:
Fill out the following Google form (You will need to share your Paypal email! Make sure your name and address in your Paypal is correct, as we will be using that to ship your charm)
Wait for us to send you an invoice in Paypal
Complete payment of your Paypal invoice by November 2nd
Estimated delivery date will be January 2025!
★ And now... the true stars of our AU ★
That's everything for this year's celebration! But now, if you'll let me get a little emotional... I'd like to thank the heart and soul of the Transcendence AU:
To all the fans of TAU, new and old. To everyone who spent years active in the fandom, to everyone who even briefly enjoyed TAU content in passing. To everyone who created fanfic and fanart, to those who created music and animated MAPs, to those who organized events and meet-ups, to everyone who reblogged and liked posts made by the TAU blog or any of TAU's wonderful fans.
Thank you. You created this AU. You created something more than an idea. You created a community. Without you, none of this would have been possible.
From the bottom of my little rat heart, I love you all. From all the mods of the TAU blog, we thank you! Here's to another ten wonderful years!
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podsn · 4 months ago
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How I imagine Banished Athena’s death.
Now I’m not the creator of this au so idk how her death would actually go but this is my idea for it. I imagine she gets shot sometime during the chaos of the suitors being killed. Maybe she is helping Odysseus fight them. In my head since she can’t move very well despite being more skilled than the suitors they eventually overpower her with time and numbers or maybe she protects someone. I even thought that maybe they attack her before Ody even gets there and he’s the one to finish them off.
Basically she ends up getting shot with arrows and instead of having others worry about her or ruin the family’s reunion and joy she goes off somewhere and dies quietly. I kinda imagine it like an animal or like Leone from Akame Ga Kill if you’ve ever watched the anime lol. Kinda a sad death but I also imagine it’s kinda peaceful for her? Like the pain is finally gone. Odysseus finally made it home and her sacrifice paid off.
Idk if she would become immortalized again after this or go to the underworld. I kinda like to imagine she dies as a mortal for a more realistic ending but also a bit of a happier ending if she is re immortalized.
Original AU is made by @coquexari so if you want to know more about the au go check out their info on it. All my stuff is what I gathered from the stuff they’ve made and questions they’ve answered mixed with a little bit of angst from my own head 🤏
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valeriele3 · 5 months ago
Yellow Carnations
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A Hanahaki disease + SAGAU/Cult AU
Notes: Wanderer will be called Wanderer, or you can imagine the name you gave him, and Traveler will be referred to as Traveler since no one knows their real name except their sibling (and maybe Paimon?). Sorry this is rushed
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A story where ones hope to love another turns hopeless.
"Traveler, can I.. tell you something?"
"Hm? Of course!"
You whip your head around to make sure no one else but the traveler can hear and whisper to their ear, "I like Wanderer."
The Traveler's eyes widen at your sudden confession and excitedly say, or rather, exclaim, "You do!?" She laughs bubbly. "I knew it! Sooo, when are you planning to confess?" They ask, their eyes practically sparkling.
"C-Confess!? No, no, no. I can't do that. Or at least, not yet!"
"And why not?"
"I don't even know him that well; I doubt he even remembers me."
"As if. you're practically hovering around him 24/7. I'm sure he remembers you. I would even go as far as to say that he likes you back!"
"Really? You think so.?"
"Mhm! If he didn't like you, he would've told you so, harshly, or even ignored your entire existence."
"Then..do you think I have a chance? You're really, really~ close to him, right?"
"Wha, so I really don't have a chance..!"
"Kidding, kidding, I think you have a high chance."
You continue to panic inside and overthink the possible endings if you were to confess. The traveler, noticing this, tells you, "How about this? I ask him if he's currently into anyone and maybe even pry enough to get him to say the name, ahem, your name, ahem."
"Really? You would do that for me?"
"Of course, you're my best friend."
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"Of course I like, no, I love them. That isn't even a question worth answering; it's a given." Wanderer rolls his eyes and walks away to who knows where.
After waiting until the man was gone, you slowly walk out of your hiding spot, bubbling with joy. You and the traveler share a look and high-five each other.
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After finding out about Wanderer's feelings for you, you consistently hung around him more; he always acted annoyed, but it wasn't any different from past interactions you've had with him.
You figured that this truly is just how he shows affection, somehow, like a tsundere!
And so you bid your time, waiting for the perfect opportunity to confess.
And when the time came, you faced a great humiliation.
It turns out he wasn't in love with you at all. No, he could never fall in love with someone like you; he said it himself after all.
You felt sick in your stomach, like it was churning, your throat was aching, and it felt dry.
While it was true he loved a Y/N, the Y/N he loved was not you. He loved the Creator.
How did you not know about this Creator? They even have the same name as you.
Wait, no, something's weird. What's this about a creator? You don't remember Teyvat having anything like that.
But before you could ponder anymore, your train of thoughts was interrupted by a coughing fit, covering your mouth with your hands. You tried to stop coughing, but the itching feeling was too much to handle.
You pause, 'petals?', where did the petals come from? There's no flowers around you
Clutching your hand, you began to spiral in your thoughts.
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The traveler spoke
"Are you alright..?"
The Traveler kept calling out to you but received no response.
'My head..it hurts..throat..water..'
'Is someone calling me..?'
"He— Y/N!"
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Opening your eyes, you see an unfamiliar ceiling above you.
Now on alert, you begin scanning your surroundings.
Surprised by the sudden sound of the door, as if by reflex, you quickly pretended to be asleep, just like the times you pretended to be asleep when you still stayed at your parents house when you were younger.
"Oh, you're awake."
They begin to move closer to you, and your breath hitches, but you remain unmoved.
"Chill Y/N. It's just me."
Now able to listen to the voice more clearly, you realize it's the Traveler.
Slowly opening your eyes, you're greeted by the sight of Traveler smiling at you beside your bed.
'I knew the traveler was good-looking, but damn. Imagine waking up to this sight.'
"Here, drink some water." The traveler offers, and you reach for the water in their hands, of course, saying thank you in the exchange.
"What happened?" you ask.
"You passed out out of nowhere; oh, don't worry, I made sure to get you checked out by a doctor, and they said that you probably just overworked yourself."
"I see.."
"Oh! The petals..! Did the doctor say anything about it?" You inquire.
"Petals? What petals?" the Traveler tilts their head in confusion.
"Before I passed out, I think I coughed up some flower petals."
"Ah..you must still be a bit dazed. Don't worry, you didn't cough up any petals. And if you did, well, that's a bit worrying. We can get you checked again if you want."
You shake your head, "No, its alright, I trust you. I probably just imagined it or something.."
Deciding to trust your friend, you try to move onto another subject, "By the way, where are we? I don't recognize this place."
"Oh! We're at my teapot."
"Hmm~ You decorated this place wel—I mean, what?! Teapot!?" Realizing that the Traveler might find it odd if you don't question how being inside a teapot works, you acted surprised in the middle, hoping that the Traveler would fall for your clumsy acting.
The Traveler stares at you for a second or two before answering. "Yup! I got this as a... gift of friendship. It uses adeptal energy to maintain the place, I guess? I don't really know the complexities about this place, so you can just ask Tubby about any questions regarding this place." The Traveler explains
"Hmm..Adeptal energy, huh? I've heard of that before..Liyue, right?"
"That's right!"
As you and the Traveler engage in casual conversation, you start to feel an itch in your throat, but you decide to ignore it. It's probably just a common cold about to come.
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After resting for a few days in the teapot at the behest of the Traveler, you began engaging in your normal everyday life, or as normal as it could; you no longer hang around the Wanderer and try your absolute best to avoid ever running into him. Some people either look at you mockingly or with pity. But it's fine. You don't care about them; they won't have an effect on your life.
Another thing that's different from normal, though, is the fact that you're coughing up blood-stained flowers.
You didn't know the cause; you didn't want to worry other people, so you didn't tell anyone, but you did go see a doctor secretly, although not even they could provide the cause.
All you knew was that, upon looking back, it all started with a small cough, flower petals, and then as time went on, you started coughing up petals with blood.
You were worried that the next thing that might come out of your mouth might be full-grown flowers, but surely that's not possible, right?
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A/N: SO..This was supposed to be an idea post like Live Stream, but the past me decided to write about it at the time with no planning whatsoever. Even the character chosen (Wanderer) was not planned. It was originally Xiao, but I couldn't do it since the dialogue didn't feel "Xiao," so I just swapped it with Wanderer since he has a very veryyy blunt personality.
So yes, this is technically unfinished, and I don't think I'll ever get back to it if I just continue to leave it inside my drafts.
Additional notes regarding this fic are in the comments
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joshth647 · 2 months ago
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Thank you so much to everyone who's supported me throughout this entire year, I really cannot put into words the appreciation I feel for you all. May 2025 be full of joy and wonder!
2024's been a wild year... I mean come on, 3 Digital Circus episodes in just the span of a few months? CRAAAAZY, I know. Episode 5's looking good right now. I also got to know lots of cool AUs with their own share of charm and originality... I am autistic about one of them (YOU KNOW WHICH ONE IT IS HEHEGDHXHEHS)
Now I would just like to take a moment to tag some of my favorite bloggers (and of course, my friends):
@sm-baby (creator of the Carnival and Siblings Episode AUs) @endomentendo (creator of the Digital Wonderland AU) @venseee @an-albino-pinetree (big fan of Jax [just like me WEWEWEWEWE) @sol-stars @deduukk (creator of the Amazing Ice Skating AU) @burrotello (creator of the Fight Club AU) @tadc-funfair-au @iamespecter (creator of the Harlequin AU)
See you in 2025!
(I apologize if anyone gets bothered by being tagged here lmao)
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dixons-sunshine · 2 months ago
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You hummed quietly to yourself in the kitchen of the small two-story house you and Daryl occupied in Alexandria. After a harsh, intense period of fighting with not only the undead but the Saviours as well, it was nice to have some semblance of peace in the aftermath. It had been a grueling process to rebuild the remains of Alexandria from the ground up, but with the help from everyone in the community, as well as from people in other communities as well, Alexandria stood tall and proud once again. With all the houses rebuilt and with additional houses built as well, you and Daryl had opted to claim one of the smaller properties as your own, a sanctuary away from the bustling crowd of Alexandria after an exhausting day.
The paragraph of my first ever work in the The Walking Dead writing community. The story that kick-started this blog into what it is today. in SICKNESS and in health, posted February 25th 2024. Honestly, it feels like a lifetime and no time at all has passed since then. It’s such a surreal feeling.
When I wrote that story, I definitely did not expect anything to come of it. I remember being on season seven at the time of writing that, and feeling my heart break with what happened to Daryl in the sanctuary. I wrote that little comfort fic for myself at first, just to feel better about the hurt that was season 7, but then I thought “hey. I might as well post it. I’m sure someone out there will enjoy it.” And that’s what I did. I posted it and exited Tumblr directly after, and did not touch it again for a whole day. And when I did…
I saw my notifications showing me a bright blue ‘99+’. And I had gained a whole 20 followers, putting my follower count at the time at 29. Seeing that made my heart burst with joy. I could not believe that people were actually enjoying what I wrote. Also, I remember scrolling through my notifications and stopping dead in my tracks when I saw that @angelwings-crossbowstrings, aka one of the people whose stories inspired me to try my hand at writing for Daryl in the first place, had not only liked it, but reblogged it and followed me. My poor mom got bombarded with “holy shit, this amazing writer just followed me!” messages that day. She had no idea what I was yapping about, but she was supportive.
After that, I tried it again. Wrote something, posted it, and it got notes. And then again. I wrote my first installment for my “Shopping Spree, Hangout Dreams AU” as my third ever fic, which is still my most popular series to date. That fic also served as the gateway to people sending me their amazing ideas via requests.
And the hits just kept on coming after that. And I still can’t believe that I get to say that people like my writing. Take that, my third grade English teacher.
This year had its ups, and it definitely had its downs. Due to the fact that I was so excited to get this blog up and running, I pushed myself too hard a lot of times, and I have burnt myself out on more than one occasion. I told myself that if I didn’t pump out fics every day, people would be disappointed in me. I had set high expectations for myself, and I felt so bad when I couldn’t live up to them. However, through lots of reassurance and guidance, I realized that it was unhealthy for me, mentally speaking. I was pushing myself way too hard, and I needed to slow down if I wanted to keep the fun of writing alive for me.
This year, I also had a moment where I was scared. I found something that made me realize that my blog could have potentially been the next target for a known plagiarist, and it made me fearful. I pour my heart and soul into every story that I write, so having the safety that I associate with writing threatened was a terrifying thing. However, thanks to the vigilant creators behind the @fanfic-plagiarism-watchdog blog, my worries were settled. (Although I still keep my eyes peeled for any suspicious activity on that other blog.)
Now, for the ups. Let’s get the negativity out of here. We’re ending this year with a bang.
I never celebrated this, but I reached 1k followers this year! It happened so quickly, I barely had time to register and think of how to celebrate it. At the time of posting this, I’m a little less than 70 followers away from 2k, and I just wanna say thank you to each and every one of you for deciding to stick around. Your love and support means the world to me.
I had a work of mine surpass 2000 notes! That number is still so surreal to me, oh my god.
Not something writing related, but I moved this year. It was definitely a good decision and I don’t regret it at all. It was hard moving everything from one house to the next, but in the end, it was definitely worth it.
I also met some amazing people because of this blog. I still can’t believe that I get to say that I know them on a somewhat personal level. @lazyneonrabbitt, @angelwings-crossbowstrings, @enlightndone, @shadowcitrine, @dixondystopia, @dix0nvix3n, @deansapplepie, @snailss, @remnantsofsleep and @yevmarie.
And I can not forget about my girl @holdmytesseract. You’re one of my absolute favourite people ever and I love you. Keep being your awesome self, sweetheart.
And @thevegandarkelf. I still can’t believe that I get to talk to her on a daily basis. What started out with a comment about how our angels (our OCs, Vec and Georgie) would have been friends in an alternate universe spiraled into, if I may be so bold, a friendship. Taylor has become a huge part of my day-to-day life, and I honestly can’t believe that I get to just text you randomly throughout the day about anything at all. I love you.
I would also like to give the biggest of thanks to @daryl-dixon-daydreams. Her fic entitled “Plan A” was the first ever work of Daryl I read here on Tumblr, and she was one of my biggest inspirations to start writing after my long hiatus. So thank you for blessing us with your amazing writing, and I can’t wait to read more of what you put out.
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Now, to finish this off, I thought I’d give my personal favourite fics I wrote this year:
Daryl Dixon:
Hazelnut—Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
Was It was Boogeyman?—Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
Shopping Spree, Hangout Dreams—Young!Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
Needs To Be Perfect—Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
Crushes Are For School Girls—Daryl Dixon x Georgianna Hawkins (OC)
Scud Frohmeyer:
Look At Me—Scud Frohmeyer x Fem!Reader
Perfect End—Scud Frohmeyer x Fem!Reader
Performance—Scud Frohmeyer x Fem!Reader
Murphy MacManus:
Make A Move—Murphy MacManus x Fem!Reader
The Safety—Murphy MacManus x Fem!Reader
Irish Man In A Closet—Murphy MacManus x Fem!Reader
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Thank you all so much for sticking with me this year. I love each and every one of you so much, and I can’t wait to embark into the new year with all of you.
Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays, and happy new year in advance!
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biowaredisasterbisexual · 21 days ago
It is time for our first ever Sharing Sunday, where you all tell me what you made and want shared from any BioWare fandom. This isn’t a rec list, or a review, it’s the pure joy of boosting folks in fandom because there’s something out there for everyone and promoting oneself can be hard.
Shout out to all the creators who put themselves and their work out there this week!
- A tender and soft Rookanis piece, inspired by the almost-kiss scene, by @fangbangerart/ @fangbangerghoul can be found on their art blog here.
Note: NSFW
- A Life After, a Davrook series, by @thatgaymerguyb, taking place after the game and following the two as they try to live the life they talked about. The series currently has four parts, with a fifth underway.
Note: Some portions of the series are NSFW and/or have AO3 archive warnings applied.
- Hamin Vhenan, a Bellarook flash fiction piece by @popcorn-milk, taking place during a quiet moment at the Lighthouse.
- From @hyperions-light, Language of Reverence. Rook/Teia/Viago/Lucanis, Explicit. From the author: “After Rook almost dies (again) trying to get Viago his crown, relations between their favorite Crows are somewhat strained. Obviously, the solution to this is to arrange a foursome.”
Note: NSFW
- From @heylavellan, Until Forever Falls Apart. From the author: “Are you also obsessed with whatever Mahariel and Tamlen have going on? Me too. Time to make Saliin Mahariel figure out he wasn't as over Tamlen as he thought with his new friends at his side.”
Note: Major character death, graphic violence AO3 archive warnings
- @drowsybowser brings Edge of Heaven, a Cullen x Dorian 80s AU. The sequel just posted its first chapter, as well.
Note: NSFW
- From @timeandmusic-x3, a Neverook fic titled Growing from the Ashes. From the author: “Tormented by her memories of Elgar'nan and shaken by the events of the past few weeks, Neve finds that she can't face sleeping alone after the final battle. Rook is there to support her - if only Neve can work up the courage to ask. One year later, Neve returns to Rook’s Minrathous apartment triumphant on the heels of solving a difficult case. They share a special evening together, but much is still left unsaid from a year ago. There are things Neve needs to tell Rook, and she struggles for the words. But when Rook finally breaks down from regret, she finds them.” There may be more coming in this world state from the author as well, so keep an eye out.
Note: Rated M with an archive warning for graphic depictions of violence
- Brought to you by @skullypettibone, Lucanis Is Not Smooth. From the author: “Lucanis wants to look good for Rook, and fortunately Davrin's here to help. Or: the story of what happened to Lucanis's Antivan fur."
- “Lucanis Dellamorte and the mortifying ordeal of processing an emotion and receiving a hug. A very Lucanis's interior world exploration piece of writing, immediately after Inner Demons,” can be found here by @corvus-frugilegus.
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padfootagain · 4 months ago
Love in Verses (XXIII)
Chapter 23 : ‘Even the dearest that I loved the best are strange – nay, rather, stranger than the rest’
Hi! Here is a new chapter! One of my favs, to be honest, it’s one of the first chapters I wrote for this fic, so it had a special place in my heart.
Also, Saoirse and Sean are back! I’m also making a reference to a documentary in this chapter, I was thinking about Brainwashed directed by Nina Menkes, you can check it out if you’d like!
I hope you like this chapter! Tell me what you think!
Pairing: Hozier x fem!reader (professor!AU)
Warnings: slow burn, angst, hurt, hurt/comfort, tooth-rotting fluff in later chapters, some scenes in later chapters will have heavy sexual themes even if it’s not explicit nsfw description, so minors here
Summary: Your life seems perfect. You're engaged, your career is thriving as you become an assistant professor at Trinity College, and this Andrew Hozier-Byrne you're sharing an office with seems to be a nice guy you hope to call a friend soon. Life seems to be smiling at you... until everything goes sour. When your fiancé breaks up with you, your perfect world shatters. And when your colleague also gets his heart broken soon after, your shared office seems to be a curse rather than a blessing. But Andrew seems determined to mend your broken hearts... Will things finally go according to plan?
Word Count: 3694
Masterlist for the series – Hozier’s masterlist – Main masterlist
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I am
I am—yet what I am none cares or knows; My friends forsake me like a memory lost: I am the self-consumer of my woes— They rise and vanish in oblivious host, Like shadows in love’s frenzied stifled throes And yet I am, and live—like vapours tossed
Into the nothingness of scorn and noise, Into the living sea of waking dreams, Where there is neither sense of life or joys, But the vast shipwreck of my life’s esteems; Even the dearest that I loved the best Are strange—nay, rather, stranger than the rest.
I long for scenes where man hath never trod A place where woman never smiled or wept There to abide with my Creator, God, And sleep as I in childhood sweetly slept, Untroubling and untroubled where I lie The grass below—above the vaulted sky.
John Clare
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Andrew was fucking panicking.
Bloody panicking.
Desperate times called for desperate measures, and it had to be useful at one point to have an older brother… right?
Andrew would never admit that he needed reassurance, that he needed guidance, a protective figure to pat him on the back and tell him what to do next, and that it was the reason why he had driven to his brother’s on that Monday night. Of course not. Jon was his brother after all. Andrew would never admit any of that out loud, even if it were true.
The hike had happened the day before, that moment he had realised he was falling in love with you. That he was in love with you.
Bloody hell…
“So, let me get this clear…” Jon spoke with his elbows resting on his knees, bent over and leaning towards Andrew, struggling to gather his thoughts. “You thought you were still in love with Sam. Who left you for your colleague’s ex. And you thought ‘hey, what dumb idea could I bring to the table today’ and it led you to try to get back with the woman who cheated on you…”
“She didn’t cheat on me, she left me before she got with Frank.”
“How do you know that? Did you ask her?”
“Frank told Y/N he broke up with her before anything happened with Sam.”
“And she dumped you two weeks after he dumped her. You don’t know what happened.”
Andrew felt a lump creeping up his throat again, and he averted his gaze, rubbing roughly at his collarbone.
“Anyway, let’s move on…” Jon brushed the argument away with a quick gesture of the hand. “You tried to get back with Sam and to help Y/N get back with Frank… and then you fell in love with Y/N. Your colleague. Whom you share an office with.”
“I mean… yeah, kind of… I guess…”
Jon buried his face in his hands.
“I swear to God, Andy… it looks like you purposefully want to ruin your own life.”
“I can’t control the way I feel, Jon!”
“This is madness! She’s in love with her ex!”
“I know!”
Andrew’s voice was shaking more than he wanted it to. Jon looked up at him, reading him like an open book, and Andrew hated it.
“I know, okay?!” Andrew went on, voice still shaking while his throat tightened. “I know! I know I’ve fucked up everything with Sam! I know she got better than me! I know I’ve never stood a chance at getting her back! And I know Y/N is too good for me! I know we’re colleagues and that would complicate everything! And I know, I fuck… fucking know that she’s in love with someone else! I know! I know but I don’t know how to fix this! So can you, for once, be useful and tell me what to do now? Cause… I… I don’t know… Jon, I don’t know…”
God, Andrew hated himself for breaking in front of his brother, for letting the tears escape, but he couldn’t help it. This was too much. He simply couldn’t handle this…
Before he could add anything, Jon had stood up from his armchair and was sitting next to his brother on his couch. He didn’t say a word as he pulled him into a hug.
“Come on, Andy… it’s gonna be fine. You’ll be just fine.”
“Christ… I’m so fucking lost… I don’t know what to do Jon…”
“Do you truly love her? Y/N? Or is she just a rebound.”
“I don’t know…”
He was lying. Of course, Andrew was lying, because he couldn’t say it out loud, how could he? He couldn’t say it to himself… he couldn’t feel like that again…
“Say it. Say it out loud.”
Jon would get it out of him, and Andrew knew that he needed to let it out, to embrace the feeling, but it was so painful… pulling on a knife stuck in a bleeding wound…
“Andy… say it. Answer me.”
Andrew closed his eyes, resting his cheek on his brother’s shoulder, looking across the room. There were posters in black and white of old movies on each wall, and across from Andrew, James Dean was staring at him, a cigarette in his mouth. And Andrew stared at those eyes in black and white, and they stared back. Unwavering. Immortalised on paper and ink. Young, free, rebellious, without a cause…
“I love her,” Andrew whispered. “I love her, Jon. I’m falling more and more every time I see her.”
“Is it serious? Or just a crush?”
Andrew shrugged.
“I’m in love. I feel… like I could love her more than I’ve ever loved Sam… How can I feel like that? I thought Sam was the one! I thought we would stay together, I… I thought about marrying her at one point!”
“She wasn’t good for you, Andy.”
“You sound like mom. And dad.”
“When were they ever wrong? About anything?”
Andrew sniffed, knowing damn well the answer, refusing to admit it.
“She was nice enough,” Jon conceded. “She was smart, beautiful, successful… but she didn’t care enough, Andy. She didn’t care enough about you. She was selfish, in her way of loving you. You deserve better than that.”
Andrew pondered these words, wanted to believe them, couldn’t…
“What do I do now? It’s a mess…”
“Yeah, it’s messy… But you’ll be fine. You need to do whatever makes you happy.”
“What a shitty answer. Did you find it in a bloody fortune cookie or something?”
“Do you still want to be with Sam?”
Andrew took a moment to think.
“I’m not sure. I don’t think so… I don’t know…”
“Do you want to be with Y/N?”
“She doesn’t want that…”
“That was not my question.”
Andrew struggled to swallow, but nodded.
“Yeah… yeah, I want her.”
“Then, love her. Maybe, with a bit of time, she’ll love you too.”
“What do I do to make her love me?”
But Jon chuckled.
“I’m single, remember? How am I supposed to know that?”
Valid point. But Andrew reckoned that he could at least try. He could find the things you didn’t like, he could change… maybe… be better for you…
There was silence for a moment, Andrew sniffed, looking at James Dean still. It was raining outside, as per usual. On the windowpane close to the poster, raindrops formed lines that turned the world into a blur. Dublin was but rough shapes and patches of brown, grey and white.
“How did you realise?”
“What?” Andrew croaked.
“That you love Y/N.”
“I won’t tell you. You’re gonna laugh at me.”
“I won’t laugh. You’re crying.”
“Like that has ever stopped you before!”
“Come on, I know you’re truly upset, I won’t take the piss. Tell me.”
Andrew heaved a sigh.
“We went hiking yesterday. And the day was so great, she was so funny… and then we took a break and she had brought snacks, and… she had all my favourites. Like… it was so fucking sweet…”
Jon started chuckling.
“She brought you snacks, and you fell for her?”
“You don’t understand.”
Andrew broke their hold, got up in a jolt. He was rubbing at his collarbone again.
“She… she did that for me. And she… she knows me… like… she knew what I liked. That’s… I don’t know how to explain it. I felt so… understood… like… Like I wasn’t on my own for a moment, you know? Like there was actually someone who cared enough about me to go through all the trouble of learning what I like and showing it… just to make me happy. Like…”
Andrew heaved a sigh.
“Anyway… I knew you’d laugh at me.”
“If I give you a cracker, will you declare your undying love for me?”
“Fuck off!”
Before he could tell his brother another insult, Jon was throwing a cushion at his head, making Andrew huff as he lost his balance for a second.
He was laughing again as he picked up the cushion and threw it back.
But that didn’t answer his question.
What would Andrew do now?
When he eventually got home, he wasn’t sleepy at all. Instead of going to bed, he scrolled aimlessly on his phone, wasting his time on social media. Once he had enough of it, he decided to organise his photos on his phone. He put them into files, kept some messily saved without any home.
And then he reached the pictures he had taken the previous day, of your hike. Landscape, trees, clouds, and you… you standing on top of that hill, while the world laid at you feet. Your red scarf, Elwood sitting by your feet. Your beanie, your warm coat. You were a silhouette on this picture, and yet he loved it, loved that feeling that you were towering over the world. His world.
He pressed his thumb on his screen a few times, and then admired his work. When he unlocked his phone again, instead of seeing Sam’s smiling face, he was seeing your frame among the Wicklow Hills.
He heaved a sigh.
What would Andrew do now?
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Saoirse was fucking panicking.
Bloody panicking.
Essays were piling up and it was a bloody nightmare. A FUCKING NIGHTMARE.
She was going to fail. She was going to fail all of her exams, and especially the one about 20th century literature, because… who the fuck was mad enough to make a class about the fucking modernist avant-garde, huh?
Professor Hozier-Byrne was, of course. Of bloody course. It had to be the nicest of them too, and the hottest, and the one who actually gave two fucks about his students… which meant that she couldn’t even be mad at him and curse at him for the suffering she was enduring as she struggled with this James Joyce novel… For Christ’s sake…
She heaved a painful sigh, hitting repeatedly her head against her table. Sean merely laughed at her.
“Come on, it’s not that bad.”
“It is that bad. It is worse. It is DEATH! I don’t understand a bloody thing about that fucking novel.”
“It could be worse, we could be studying Ulysses, it’s only The portrait.”
“Yes, and I could catch the plague and meet my certain death, but I can still die if I catch pneumonia.”
“You’re exaggerating. Wait until we switch to Beckett. And apparently we’re gonna study The Third Policeman as well…”
She let out a long moan, faking a sob, her forehead pressed to the table, where her notes and books were scattered. She looked up at her computer screen.
“As if Woolfe was not enough already… Please… kill me… death will be a sweeter fate than this torture…”
She didn’t notice the way Sean smiled, with something tender tugging at his lips. But he did. He did, because warmth was spreading across his chest at her antiques, and he thought about how adorable she looked like this, being silly while studying and being ten times smarter than him.
“I’ll help you with that essay if you give me a hand with Y/L/N’s… Oscar Wilde is kicking my arse.”
“Ha! That I understand!” she sat up, happy again, and speaking a little too loudly in the busy but quiet library.
She mouthed a silent sorry as a couple of students glared at her.
“Y/L/N’s class is so much easier to me,” she went on. “I can’t with this bloody… stream of consciousness and whatnot.”
Sean was about to answer when he noticed that Saoirse wasn’t listening anymore, looking over his shoulder.
“What…?” he made a movement to turn around, but the girl stopped him with a hiss, reaching across the table to grab his forearm, and the contact dazzled him too much to allow him to move again.
“H-B and Y/L/N are right behind you.”
“And… I want to listen on their conversation, obviously. Don’t you want to know the tea?”
He rolled his eyes, but focused to catch their words too anyway.
“Mr. Darcy? The Jane Austen character? Really?” Andrew said in a whisper, clearly unimpressed. “You’re saying that the perfect man, the fictional character that sets unreachable standards… is a guy from the 19th century? That’s not very modern of you…”
You turned around, eyeing him up and down in a judgemental way.
He was following you across the library, the book he wanted to borrow tucked under his arm. He didn’t need to go through the 19th century section, he wasn’t working on that. But you did. So, Andrew followed you around, just to keep you close for a moment, just to keep talking to you for a little longer than your impromptu encounter in the hall of the library about fifteen minutes ago, when you entered and he was about to reach the counter to borrow his book. You didn’t know that though. He had pretended that he had another book to look for but had asked for help. You had believed him, of course, why wouldn’t you?
And now you were giving him a lecture on the female gaze in literature, apparently…
“Mr. Darcy is the perfect example of the use of the female gaze, as opposed to the male gaze.”
“I mean… he’s kind of a jerk at the beginning. He fixes his mistakes, but he started as a gobshite.”
But you shook your head, scanning the shelf while you kept on talking.
“But that’s the point. He fixes his mistakes thinking it will change nothing. He doesn’t improve and changes because he thinks it’s going to lead to Elizabeth loving him. He changes because she makes him see how much of a jerk he can be, how he acted from only his point of view, without taking her into account. And her rejection makes him reevaluate his decisions. He fixes things because he realises he hurt her and those she loved, but his intention is not bound to have what he wants, only to stop her suffering. Female gaze, versus male gaze. And that is, obviously, without mentioning the treatment of female characters in Austen’s novels. Characters with minds, and feelings, and wants, and wills… who make mistakes, and take decisions. Instead of a passive vessel under a male gaze, either to project a want, a longing, lust, love, fear, morals… ”
You were expecting Andrew to argue, because men always did. No matter your degree, and your expertise on the female gaze, on this very question, they always did.
Female gaze versus male gaze. Bloody misogyny…
But Andrew merely stared at you, and you could see in his slight frown that his brain was working at full speed. And when he spoke, it was to ask a new question, not contradict you.
“So… the fact that Darcy acts in a self-sacrificing way is what defines the female take on a character of his type?”
There was no judgement in his question, you were surprised by it.
“You can put it like that. It’s more… the fact that after being rejected for good, he steps back. Yes, you can see it as something like sacrifice, or genuine altruism or compassion. He still loves her, but he understands that she doesn’t, and instead of showing off and trying to make her change her mind, he steps back, accepts it, and reassesses his choices accordingly, without the occasion of winning her heart by doing so. He fixes his mistakes and keeps on protecting her because he loves her, not because he can get her back that way.”
Slowly, Andrew nodded.
“I think I get it. And that’s… unreachable for any real man for you?”
His tone was less serious again, drawing the conversation towards something less theoretical. You scoffed.
“Well, I haven’t found a counter-example yet.”
Andrew seemed to hesitate before speaking again, but he couldn’t hold back his question.
“Do you think Frank would have failed that test? That he would have disappointed you in that situation?”
You scoffed again.
“Like he hasn’t already disappointed me…”
You heaved a sigh, picking up a book and checking the summary on the back.
“Anyway, it’s alright. That’s why Mr. Darcy is fictional.”
Andrew gave you a smile, nodding and deciding to stir the conversation away from Frank again. It was making his heart ache a little too much…
“I saw yesterday that there is a documentary on TV on Sunday afternoon, about the male gaze in cinema. It seems very interesting. Would you like to watch it with me? I could cook us lunch too.”
You looked at him, blinking in surprise.
“Yeah, I… I saw that but… you want to watch that?”
He frowned a little, tilting his head, puzzled by your surprise.
“Yeah, totally. It seems to be very interesting. And… I mean… you’re literally an expert on the subject, even if you’re specialised in literature rather than cinema… So, it would be nice to have your input on that.”
You blinked, still surprised.
“I… yeah… yeah, that would be great.”
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Andrew chuckled to hide his burning cheeks. “Did I say something wrong?”
“No! That’s… surprising, that’s all.”
“How so?”
“You… never mind.”
“No, tell me. How is it surprising? I think your research is very interesting, and very much needed. I… I genuinely want to hear your take on this.”
“That’s…” you heaved a sigh, but gave him an earnest answer. “It’s just that… coming from a man, it’s pretty surprising.”
His face fell.
“Oh… I see.”
“Misogyny in the academic world is more common than feminism…”
“Yeah… yeah, I understand. I get it.”
“It’s just… usually men try to pretend that they are the expert on the subject I study for a living. So… that was impressive enough to hear you recognise that I’m the expert here. But then you’re even curious about women’s point of view… yeah, surprising, to say the least. I shouldn’t react like that though. I know you’re a feminist, I’m sorry. It’s just… a biased reflex.”
“I’m sorry you have to go through that. What a band of fucking pricks…”
You raised a surprised eyebrow again.
“Wow… he can curse like an actual sailor!”
Andrew rolled his eyes at your teasing, an amused smile on his lips still forming.
“Right… so, are you coming over on Sunday? Or am I making you work extra-hours and you’d rather just sleep and eat your weight in ice-cream?”
“I’ll come. And if you’re nice to me, I’ll even bring dessert.”
“Deal. Can’t wait.”
You opened your mouth to speak again, your eyes glimmering happily, but Andrew shut you down.
“No, you can’t buy a new toy for Elwood! My dog will end up loving you more than he loves me.”
“That has been my devilish plan from the beginning.”
You tucked the book you had been looking at under your arm.
“Okay, I’m all set.”
But Andrew had one more question, another one that he hesitated to ask, but he took the risk anyway, nervously rubbing at the back of his neck as he spoke again.
You turned to him again, silently inviting him to continue.
“If you were Elizabeth, and Frank was Mr. Darcy, what would you ask him to change for you?”
You blinked, surprised at his question, and you pondered on his words for a moment. But your answer was still earnest.
“Not breaking my heart.”
“Fair enough,” he smiled.
“And just… I don’t know… to…”
You hesitated, but answered anyway.
“To ask me about my day. I would have really liked it if he had asked about my days when we were together.”
You exchanged a sad smile. And Andrew spoke his next question the final one, the most important one too, the one that made him truly scared of your answer.
“And if you were Elizabeth, and I was Mr. Darcy… what would I need to change?”
You frowned at his question, and opened your mouth to answer, before closing it again.
“I… I don’t know. Honestly, I… I don’t know. I can’t really think about anything. I mean… you were never a jerk to begin with, so…” you added with a warm smile.
And at first, he smiled back, but then you turned around and he clenched his jaw. He tightened his hold on his book as you moved along the shelf. He couldn’t help the longing in his eyes.
Despite that answer, despite having nothing to change in him at first sight… you still wanted Frank, instead of him… God, he wished you could have told him what was wrong with him. What had made him unworthy of Samantha, but most importantly… what made him unworthy of you.
Andrew heaved a sigh, followed you with his head and shoulders bent, and he tried to hide his feelings when you turned around again, stirring up a new topic of conversation while you exited the room.
Meanwhile, Saoirse and Sean had listened to the conversation. When she focused on him again, Saoirse grabbed both of his arms and energetically shook him, shouting in a whisper.
“OH. MY. GOD!” she whispered, her voice made raspy by the cry she was refraining. “DID YOU HEAR THAT?! DID YOU SEE THAT?!”
“Huh… yeah, they… were… talking…”
“God’s sake, stop shaking me!”
She let go of him, out of breath.
“Oh my God, they are so CUTE! Do you think they will end up together? I hope so, they seem so cute! They would be so cute! And they’re both so nice, they totally would make each other happy! I hope he’ll make her change her mind, cause the girl seems fucking oblivious…”
“Don’t you think that you’re… overreacting? Overreading into this?”
She rolled her eyes, slapping her palm against her forehead.
“Men are so fucking stupid,” she complained.
Truer words were rarely spoken…
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orbital-inclination · 10 months ago
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Moltendreams - Ink Sans Alias: Fable Pronouns: he/him Personality: Upbeat and Absent Minded Ink seems perpetually Cheerful, Optimistic and full of energy. Frivolous and playful. He may came across as Tone Deaf or inappropriate, seeming unaware of sensitive subjects. However Ink is rarely, if ever intentionally mean or callous. Notes:
Fable carries a notebook he uses to record things he doesn't want to forget. His memory issues aren't as severe as Ink's, but he is still prone to forgetting things easily, specially: names to faces and important dates.
Fable loves watercolor.
His eyelights change shape and color to anything! (stars, exclamation points, swirls, etc.)
He also loves Fashion and even designs his own outfits.
He knows how to sew and stitch and usually has a comment on the tip of his tongue about your fashion choices.
Broomie is hollow inside and filled with diluted paint. Can be any color but usually the paint is associated with a positive emotion. - More info Under cut! -
The Doodleshere: In Moltendreams, Fable must travel to AUs directly to collect paint from them. In this multiverse, the Doodlesphere is scribbled on top of Fable's original AU, and rests in a sort of OUT OF BOUNDS space between AUs. Through the Doodlesphere, Fable can access every AU he has discovered so far. The Doodlesphere is an endlessly expanding liminal space; a series of interconnected empty indoor spaces, shops, malls, palaces, endless variants of regions of the underground, each reflecting an AU, through a door in each room. Despite how confusing the layout of Doodlesphere may seem to the outsider, Fable instinctively knows where everything is. Nothing is ever lost in the Doodleshere.
About: Fable acts as a Muse for Creation, he does not create AUs by himself but rather, assists in the creation by attempting to cox a Spirit of Creation (in-universe term and stand-in for the creator of a particular AU) into taking action. Most Spirits of Creation will create AUs on their own, but many will hesitate, abandoned their world before it's finished, or simply sit still while a world remains incomplete, seemingly waiting for some unknown que. While the Spirits can be influenced and encouraged, ultimately, they cannot be controlled, even by Fable. Fable has a similar history as Canonical Ink. He originated in a discarded AU, soulless but willed to life by a Spirit of Creation before it departed. Fueled by the desire to never experience the empty monotony of an unfinished AU again, Fable travels the multiverse to encourage Spirits of Creation to finish their work. Though the consequences of his actions were unintentional, Fable initially favored Positive AUs and could be said to be partially responsible for the state of the Multiverse as it is today. Happiness feels good. Joy feels good. Fable wants to feel good. He wants others to feel good too. Outcode Politics: Fable places equal value on all creation, and for that reason, he is forced into a position where he feels obligated to respect all "characters" he comes across, even "characters" like Error. Can art destroy itself? Should art destroy itself, if that is the intention of the creator? What do you do when one Artist's art can only be appreciated through the destruction of another Artist's work? Ink doesn't think of it in exactly those terms, but that is the gist of his internal conflict. Passive interference in any given AU is a problem for Fable. He believes the "narrative" should be left to play out organically without outside interference. To interfere could jeopardize the AU's stability. Or worse, antagonize the Creation Spirit that made it. Which can be dangerous for the inhabitants. But for the average encounter, Fable is a wild card. He follows no strict rules, and is just as likely to chase other outcodes off as he is to befriend them and attempt to guild them. Paint and Vials:
Specific AUs give Ink specific paint colors tied to certain emotions. Underfell will give Ink shades of red/anger/righteousness for example but won’t give him yellow/euphoria. Horrortale will give him deep blue/loneliness/grief and shades of purple/fear but won’t give him green/envy etc.
the more common the au is, the more of a specific color Ink will be able to collect from it.
this means that if a certain AU is rare he will use up the color associated with it more quickly. He will try to avoid situations that drain that specific color because it will be harder to refill it later.
Ink drinks a little bit of every color at the same time, daily. Rather than one at a time as it applies to a specific situation
it’s easier for Ink to collect paint from AUs in the “WIP” phase because the paint hasn’t dried yet AFCRUFTAFH
He can gather paint from a “finished” world but he won’t get as much.
Like Canonical Ink, when Fable is drained of paint he will become doll-like, an empty unresponsive husk. with a couple caveats. 1. Fable is aware of things that happen during this period. he just can’t react to them.
2. if what’s left of his magic feels threatened, (the minimal stuff that is keeping his body together) he will react to defend himself. it’s more reflex/instinctive than thought out, however.
3. if Fable had been focusing on a task, goal, or thought prior to going dry, he will react to external things related to that specific task/goal/thought.
Fable doesn’t immediately bounce back after getting his vials refilled. He’s sluggish, and there’s a noticeable buffer period between when something happens and when he reacts to it. He remembers what happened and what was said to him. This is the second most vulnerable period for him. if someone wanted to manipulate or influence him that would be the time to do it. OG Ink Sans/Inktale @.comyet Moltendreams @ me
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do-you-ship-it-polls · 6 months ago
Do you ship it?
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reason under the cut!
okay SOME OF YOU might think "oh wahh wahh this is a proship its not allowed" NO!!!!! ZIM IS A KID HE'S CLEARLY A KID ZADR IS OKAY and I, @b0ylik3r, WILL die defending that. if you need proof here's my essayish piece defending it. if you wanna argue about it dm me so its not cluttering up the post (if it gets through, i totally understand if not but i do believe its not a proship + i have proof of it being not a proship so).
anyways, ZADR. ZADR is a ship from a fandom ive been hyperfixated on for a while, and it brings me such joy every time i gaze upon it. here are 5 reasons to ship ZADR.
1. zim and dib could be amazing friends or partners if they just got along. zim and dib have already shown to be close through their rivalry through episodes like mopiness of doom (The zadr episode), where they
2. the voice actors and the team working on the movie all ship it!! the only one who doesn't seem to like the ship is jhonen (the creator), but numbers so
3. enemies to lovers man!! they're the epitome of enemies to lovers in my mind. they shaped the genre. they are toxic yaoi incarnate. they are PERFECT!!!!
4. they have so much potential to be awkward kids having their first crush, and who doesn't like that trope?? dib being like "i hate you!!" while also yapping to gaz about him every single DAY. EVERYONE BUT THEM KNOWING ABOUT THEIR CRUSHES?? ZIM NOT KNOWING HOW TO DEAL WITH THIS???? i love it SO MUCH
5. if we're thinking about a bit of an older au, an unhealthy obsession on Dib's end is a very VERY fair idea to consider, especially with his stalkerish tendencies towards Zim in the actual show.
in conclusion, zadr is an awesome ship with lots of potential that was screwed over by it's creator. i hope this post gets through, i hope the "zadr is a proship" people dont get ahold of it (both the proshippers that ship zadr and the zadr antis) and i hope i convinced you that zadr is okay to ship and a good ship to like!! thank you for reading :3
propaganda by @b0ylik3r
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beef-brisket · 2 months ago
Tormentor of souls au
Darkness surrounded him like a blanket. Only he was no way comfortable or felt safe. He felt fear grip him like iron as he tried to make even a sliver sense of his situation. He could barely a muscle, if he had any muscle to pull. It felt like he had nothing to move, was this what happened to the souls he exorcised? 
Were they to end up here for eternity, slowly being drove insane with nothing but your thoughts to keep you company? Adam couldn’t even try to open his mouth to speak, well he did try, but the only words that would escape from him were from within his mind. In his mind he sighed, he was just so tired, he didn’t have any strength to fight, to argue that he shouldn’t be here. Yet what exactly was the point? He’d only tire himself further out. 
He had to admit it, he was stuck here, for all eternity. Much the same as a sinner. 
That was when he saw it a flicker of light. Not just any light, a pure white light. A light that was so familiar, one that brought him joy when it spoke to him in his booming voice.
His creator 
Adam didn’t care he was just so thankful to be in his creator’s presence.
He tried to not flinch at that. Thinking about his first life brought too many unpleasant memories.
Adam could not believe what he was hearing. His own creator believed that they, the murderers and rapists, deserved to be redeemed!?
The hell born, Adam thought taking in the Lord’s words
Adam had never put much thought into the hellborn. To him they were simply there and as long as they got in his way during the exterminations they weren’t a problem. There was the princess, but he didn’t really count her. He was curious however as to what the Lord wanted him to do.
 With a simple snap of his creator’s fingers Adam felt something shift within him, in his very essence he changed. A warm feeling engulfed him whole and then he knew no more.
((Oh shit- I love everything about this! God needs to fuck off and let our boy rest!
Sorry this took me a hot second to get to- and I hope my reply does yours justice 😝))
Charlie is in full work mode and has been since the failed extermination ended. Since finding out Sir Pentious ended up in Heaven.
For months, she had been working hard. It was so hard that she somehow missed the latest gossip going around the Pride Ring.
Sinners ending up missing, only to resurface months later completely different. Scared. Traumatized.
Many didn't think much of it. This is Hell. There's always some crazy bastard out there doing shit.
But, it was when they became too scared to even function, too scared to ever be normal again, too scared that they would rather turn an angelic blade on themselves than to live with the possibility of going through whatever it is they've gone through.
Charlie was actually getting quite concerned. Especially when she heard Angel talking about it one night at Husks bar.
Angel: I fucking tell ya, kitty. People a shit scared. I've never seen the clubs so empty!
Husk shook his head: Must be the worst of the worst, huh?
Angel scoffed, downing his drink: Nah, babe. It's something else. It ain't no sinner.
Husk: Hellborn?
Angel: Those guys are freaky. Don't get me wrong, but their not THAT freaky. I had a client who said he was taken for three months. Three. That's fucking child's play. But the shit he said happened to him... fucking skinning, to pouring acid down his throat. Fuck mam, the sick ficker even dug around I'm his muscle and tendons!
Angel shook his head: There's something going on... even Val has lowered the workload.
Husk: Pft. Fuck. That's how you know it's serious.
Angel: Damn fucking right.
Charlie stood at the top of the stairs, listening to Angel's story. She was shocked but not surprised. She wasn't sure why this person has the sinners so scared, but sury it's nothing new.
She probably should make sure Al isn't behind this. She's only heard a few tales of his exploits so she wouldn't put it past him.
Alastor: Hm. So you've heard the rumors, too. While I'm flattered, I don't appreciate being confronted in such a way.
Vaggie: Just- fucking answer her, Alastor.
Alastor sighed, leaning on his cane: No, it's not me. I've been too busy here! And my kills stay dead when I'm finishing them~.
Charlie wasn't sure if she liked that answer, but it was good enough.
She apologized to Alastor, ams watched him leave.
Vaggie: ...I don't know, Charlie.
Charlie: I don't know either...
Vaggie: I'm sure it's nothing. Besides, you have more important things to deal with here, hun. You shouldn't get mixed up in sinner issues.
Charlie sighed: I know. I just... surely, it's a coincidence that this starts after the failed extermination... that was my fault. Simmered died because of me- I put my friends in danger! I feel like I owe it to everyone to at least try and solve it.
Vaggie smiled and pulled her girlfriend onto a soft hug.
Vaggie: I know you feel like that, hun. But you don't owe anyone anything... besides, if it's that bad, you could just ask Lucifer. He said he was looking for something to do.
Charlie: Hm... that's... a good idea, actually! I'll get dad on the case!
Lucifer: Me on the what now? Charlie, why should I care about whatever is going on with those sinners? Their... you know... sinners.
Charlie: Dad, please? Our guests are sinners. We need them to be safe. So please. Look into this for me? Even just a little bit?
Lucifer sighed. He really didn't want to do this. But, seeing the hopeful, pleading look on his daughters face, eventually changed his mind.
Charlie: Oh- thank you, dad, thank you!
Lucifer smiled as Charlie pulled into a hug. But when she felt and heard his back crack, she slowly put him down.
Charlie: S-Sorry dad!
Lucifer laughed through the pain: It's okay, Charlie - nothing I can't handle! I-I better start hunting a... whatever the fuck this is!
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briastar-artz · 29 days ago
Since you all have seen my TGAMM X GF AU, here are other TGAMM AUs I drew that I come out with.
Friends In Time
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Post The End Swap (I need a better name)
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Also here an extra drawing I made of Todd/Scratch. Sorta like a deltarune sort of thing I think. This one is not an AU btw, I just wanted an excuse to draw him with a sword.
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Below will have an info about these 2 AUs, so I'll be rambling bout it below. :)
Friends In Time
★ This AU is inspired by the Gravity Falls AU called Twins in Time. I love that AU and be like, "Hey what if Young Scratch and Adia got sent to the past but they ended up with eachother present self?"
★ This AU takes place after the 'All In The Mind' episode.
★ Scratch and Molly was messing around with the rare curses (Molly's idea) and Scratch accidentally messed it up, resulting for a portal to open up in the past and young Adia fall in it and she ended up in the present with Molly and Scratch. Past Scratch sort of witness how his friend just dissappear through a portal infront of him, another portal open up behind young Scratch and he falls in it. But instead of ending up with Molly and present Scratch, past Scratch ended up with present Adia. This left everyone confused. Especially present Adia.
★ Molly was kind of excited with the situation since she got to meet her ghost best friend old best friend. Though Scratch suggested for Molly to not reveal anything to Past Young Adia. (I mean hey, seeing your best friend kind of 'died' in the future isn't very nice to know.) I think they'll try to change Scratch name incase. He called himself Duke. They'll reveal about it later.
★ With Present Adia and Past Young Todd/Scratch, despite being confused, they both went on an adventure together while trying to get back to Brighton and find Past Young Adia.
★ Past Young Adia stick around until 'The End' episode. Present Adia with Past Young Todd/Scratch finally reach Brighton during The End too and they visit Todd's house, which also the same time Molly and Scratch and with Past Adia were there to see them.
★ The End would be a bit different than the original. Adia and Scratch finally have a talk before he goes back to his body. The Past selves are sent back to the past. And both Adia and Molly would try to help Scratch remember his time as a ghost before he and Adia went on their adventure together.
Post The End Swap
★ This is basically a personality swap between Scratch and Molly after 'The End'. Or a swap, literally. Thanks to Bill, one of the TGAMM creator for telling us what will Season 3 be like if Disney gave them a green light. This just gave me an idea on how this story would go.
★ In this AU, Scratch did not die. He is still alive and healthy and did not get into any hang-gliding incident.
★ But in this AU, Molly finally gave up her soul after experiencing the rough aftermath of how it gets harder to try to enhappify people, making Brighton better and losing people she love. (Patty becoming a ghost and Ollie moving away) She became lost and hopeless as years went on till high-school. Feeling less joy also made her wraith form change colour to pink like her eyes but a bit dull and a bit gold.
★ Idk how Scratch and Adia will meet Molly yet, but when they did Molly put a curse on them. The same curse that made Scratch got pull to Molly's side whenever she calls for him, but it's Molly who got dragged to Scratch's side when he said her name.
★ Molly had been a ghost for about a month or two. Ofc her family and friends are aware and tries to find Molly's ghost but unsuccessful. The Chens who now stay in another place after the move also being informed by the Mcgees about the situation too.
★ As for being a ghost for too long, Molly's memories started to become fuzzy and she had a hard time recalling them, slowly losing her memories and forgetting who she is. Though it's not as bad as Scratch, but she just had a hard time recalling. She forgot her name and only remember that it probably starts with a M. So Scratch just called her Moll and his reasoning is, "Idk, you just look like a Moll person." Which confused Molly, Adia and himself with it.
★ And yes, these two duo has no idea who the other are due to memory lost. Molly having a harder time to recognise Scratch since he is Todd now and alive instead of the ghost buddy she always remembers. (Same with Scratch as deep down he remember his friend being a human instead of a ghost, and the change of her wraith colour instead of gold is also less helping.) But the name sorta ring a bell for her a bit.
★ Together they tried to uncover Molly's memories as Molly follow Scratch and Adia through the adventure. Plus without them realising, they're also gonna uncover Scratch's memories too! Now it's The Ghost and and Todd/Scratch Mortenson, with Scratch being the optimistic one and Molly being EMolly or realistic and hopeless, or just season 1 Scratch but it's Molly, and Scratch is Molly but in Scratch own way, yk?
Welp these are the info I have about these 2 AUs for now. There are still more TGAMM AUs that I would love to share more in the future! Like there's ALOT in my notes. Wish I could make a fic for all of 'em. Anyways cya and have an enhappifying day/night!
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unabashednightmarepizza · 1 year ago
A/N: This is like the backstory of both AUs I'm writing, minus the Dainsleif love from hundreds of years ago in "Last Champion" and the one with the regular SAGAU.
And yes, this is me begging for some SAGAU, Creator!Reader ideas/requests alonsgide with Dainsleif and Baizhu, or any other characters
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Okay so, in both of the Creator!Reader AU's I'm writing, reader favoures Khaenri'ah more but never outly says it in fear of a War or the Archons not taking it well. They are the "pride and joy" of Them, (the people worships Them, and yes they are godless in a way but they devoted themselves to the Creator so who is mightier? Mondstadt? Natlan?) and when not even the Archons or the Four Shade knew of the Creator's face, They were sitting with Dain eating peacefully or playing with the children of Khaenri'ah as They let the younger ones play in wonder with Their powers, the makeshift toys and park with Their golden powers, with Their starry hair and braid it as they liked.
It wasn't a norm, nor was it forbidden to be touchy with their Creator since They insisted on it. Every day, the Creator would come and watch them, or up on the throne, as they accomplished more and more each day.
And in the meantime, They also understood their ambitions and love for the nature of life. They had become much more humane, understanding of feelings and why they did what they did and why they reacted in certain ways.
The first time They felt pain was one that gave Dain nightmares-
But the day They felt love was... even more chaotic and also wholesome.
Platonic love when a mother rushed to her child when the kid fell and romantic öne when They... saw a couple kissing.
"Dain, what's that?" You pointed softly with a confused tilt of your head and Dain had to refrain from smiling softly at you.
He had a reputation to uphold, even if it included his God.
"Hmm? Oh, a couple, Your Grace." He stated obviously, watching you hum for a second before your starry eyes found his blue, star-shaped one and caught it in a soft and intense way. You held his hand thightly in yours, your heart beating loudly inside the mortal cages of this body as a foreign feeling coursed through you... Unknown to the way Dain's heart as well beated harshly under his own as a blush rose to his pale cheeks.
"And what are they doing?"
"They are kissing... It's what people who love each other do." He said breathlessly and stared at your lips. That was wrong, but you were just so kind... so understanding and loving.
And all the time you two spent together made hım slowly fall for you, all the time he watched you force someone in the palace to have a walk with you or play pranks while trying to stiffle his own chuckles captured his heart.
"So... does that mean we can do that too?"
*shocked Pikachu Dain as he tried to explain that you can't do that with everyone but your lover*
But, no one could deny the fact that their captain was so obviously in love with Them. So captivated and enchanted by them that it really touched their heart whenever they saw him carrying You between his arms with a lovesick smile as you laughed serenely, lighting their souls and heart up, while pointing to somewhere that caught your attention.
There were some that preferred you to show the same affection to the Royal family, but most were pleased and happy that it was someone they relied on. So much so that there were many festivals on both of your names, though you two sneaked away and under a white canopy...
Had your first kiss ever, with a promise ring soon gifted to each other that represented eternity with your pure love.
You foolishly believed everything would be better, no one would suspect anything and you would get to court him peacefully. You didn't slack on your job, and Dain understood that. Of course he did! He was glad and happy that he had the eternal love of the Creator after all, and the times you two spent time together in either his or your bed, talking idly with him tracing shapes on your back and you listening to his heart as you laid on his chest, creating even more memories to look back to, the lights of the City reflecting on your bodies as your love for the man warmed him in a protective cacoon...
It was true heaven for both you, Teyvat and Khaenri'ah.
But nothing good lasts forever, not when you forgot one trivial thing
Celestia knows tho, all the times you ascended down It watched you with jealousy and hatred as all your affection was poured on them and this Dainsleif. It was your first creation, It was there before Teyvat, that Dainsleif was there. It was who you loved the most once...First the Archons, and now Khaenri'ah took you away from Them.
And if They had to get rid of them, and all the people that took you away... So be it.
And shit goes down to when the Cataclysm happens and as the Creator, who also had to fight Celestia so that your children would be safe, at one last attempt at defending and protecting Khaenri'ah who had become more like an actual home that people you should have never cared for in the beginning, you give away your powers so that they would be saved from the evil clutches of Celestia and live.
(Even though it wasn't enough to prevent the "immortality curse" and "eroison".)
But! That also means that Celestia would be able to easily overpower Them and torn the Creator!Reader apart, to make Them even more weaker to chain them forever with them, or maybe away from Teyvat to where they could watch Them forever.
And Dain, as your beloved, is obviously angry. Angry at everything, at the curse on him that slowly ate his memories with you away, his humanity away but then... Then he remembers, he remembers the time you worriedly told him that Celestia had been acting strange, like what they called "a spoiled child".
But you never even for once thought about the possibility of your first creation to betray you like that, even when he talked about his concerns about your safety, to be more cautious.
"They are my first ever, we have been side by side for so long, They would never do that!"
And now, you were forced to watch as they... everyone screamed in pain and agony, begging for help and loosing their minds, and their lives... Dain becoming the shell of the man he once was as he became a nomad... Ei loosing Makoto, Morax loosing his friends and Guizhong, Barbatos loosing that batd friend of him that thought him of Freedom, Buer giving herself away...
But none of them, not even for once blaming you.
But, if there was one thing Celestia didn't think about... It was the fact that you would never leave your people alone to die, to perish.
And as you waited in the shadows, in a deep slumber, until your time came, you silently made your plans.
For now... You let Celestia believe that They were victorious.
For now... They wouldn't face the true wrath of the Creator, as they too, changed.
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pretzel-box · 5 months ago
Hello everyone.
This will be a rather long post about some things I wanna adress, including the fact that I plan to stop writing for Pressure, my OCS and other peoples Ocs in the near future.
Down under the cut is a list with my personal view, issues and some other things that lead to this decision. Maybe I miss a lot or don't go too deep into detail but the main points are covered.
But before I would like to add that this is MY opinion and MY choice. I let you think of it what you want but I also request that you respect my actions.
The first point is probably already clear from the start. Maybe some noticed, maybe not but I fell out of love with the fandom and the game itself. It became boring to play, the characters lost their charm and I can't come up with any creative scenarios anymore and the ones that already exists have lost their meaning. This may sound like the typical burnout thing and maybe it is but I'm more than certain that I wanna step away from the game and the fandom to focus on other things that bring me more joy. Maybe I start a multifandom writing blog or I just learn another hobby.
The second thing that is close connected to the first point is the fandom of the game, including the community on tumblr. A huge part are super sweet people with a very creative side. I would go as far and say that I brought some of those together with my projects and writing and it really makes me happy to see everyone interact so friendly on my blog.
But something that I haven't adressed is the fact that there are also plenty of hardcore fans, haters and weird people in my askbox or general in the fandom. It is to be expected when someone gains a massive amount of followers. But I do not accept the fact that people judge me based on what I write, who I write for, when I write and if I write at all. I delete those asks. Some telling me that my community project is awful, unserious and pulls other ocs into dirt. Other people are claiming that I don't write Sebastians Character right and oh wow seriously? I am not Sebastians creator, I do not have that ultimate deep lore and mindset to write a person 1:1. I get hate for my own stories and of course the fans could now come to my protetion and say „But Chea don't listen to the haters, you are amazing“ but it doesn't fix the thing in a slightest.
Also regards the people that praise me, some of them ( I won't name anyone) are counting to those weird people that force me. There were 2 or 3 people that acted all sweet in public only to try and take control of some story plots etc.
Also, I started writing when Pressure was first raising to be popular. There weren't many pressure writers out there. I am usually not someone that posts their work online, I don't comment on stuff and I rarely like something. But I really wanted to see more pressure fanfictions. Now we reached the point where there are more than plenty amazing writers and I can quit. There is no need for me to continue something that only makes me hate myself more because everytime I open my notes to write a story for pressure it feels like a mental torture. I leave the writing to the other blogs.
The status for now:
AASB gets discontinued.
Reverse AU gets discontinued.
Streamer AU will recieve 6 more chapters to end the story on a good term.
House of Entities will get continued for a small period of time, probably till I am done with the Streamer AU. There is no plan for the chapter count yet.
All requests in the inbox will get deleted and the inbox itself will be closed after Streamer AU finished.
Any other unnamed project will get discontinued as well.
All stories, one shots, series, drabbles and other works of mine are free to use. Other authors can pick them up, re-write them or just make an own story out of those. I drop all rights for the ideas and I won't demand any credits either. Maybe someone else would like to continue House of Entities as well.
My final word, which may sound repeating: I do not change my opinion, there won't be any motivation talks or sugar coated words that will change my stand in those things. I know some of you will try and comfort me but this is really not needed. I wish for you all to accept the outcome of this situation and move on more or less.
I apologize dearly because this is very sudden and I hope you all will understand.
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