#it was a decent film though but not one id rush to see again if you get me
princekirijo · 11 months
I saw the Barbie movie today and tbh I have mixed feelings about it. It was really funny in parts I won't lie and I liked the humor but there was something so... I don't know. I think the message was nice enough but the film felt shallow?? Idk
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beamzar · 7 months
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22nd November 2023
Open Entry: 19:26
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Today was a good day.
Woke up very groggy, my voice was even huskier than the day before. What fixed it was a very VERY hot shower in the morning. I like Wednesdays because usually i dont have to rush to get things done, although this will end soon when i actually start attending my maths class. I wasnt able to prepare breakfast or lunch though, so i had to pass by a corner shop and buy 2 croissants and a strawberry yazoo (2 because the minimum card payment was 3£) (total scam but i gobbled those up anyway, so nothing was wasted in the end anyway).
School was nice, I didnt sneeze that much or anything. I honestly expected it to be way worse because of the large break and barely being able to survive cause of this virus. The only thing that really bugged me was my vision going blurry, and my eyes burning and swelling up. I was dizzy and practically blind the whole day, even started walking on the road (didnt die thanks to my friends lol).
I was alot more talkative and playful too i think. I think my friends are getting very comfortable around me, which is the best feeling ever. I value all of them a ton, so being nice to be around to them means the world to me. We had a nice walk, some nice chats. Film was suprisingly decent too. My eyes were burning up tho and i honestly felt like that clip of Dream, where he kept putting his head in his forearm. Damn Sarah for not warning us about the lights. It was comfy and warm in the class though, which is nice seeing as the outside completely contrasted it.
After the lesson i spent some time with my friends. Again, very fun. I love being around them.
The walk home honestly was alright. It was dark and sketchy as always, i kept getting weird looks from some creepy men. Might have been because i was lip syncing and drumming to Type O negative tho lol. I like listening to them when i have to walk alone in the dark, or metal in general. It makes me feel less scared. I think my favourite bit of that was the part by the park. The hill woth the forest behind it looks like something out of a fever dream. Very creepy, but in a good way sorta.
Got home got dressed, usual stuff. Mh dad called me, as he promised he would yesterday. I had a very nice talk with him, lasted about 1 hour. I love him alot, he kept telling me jokes and preaching life lessons. I ended up showing him one of my recent artworks, which he LOVED. I was so happy he did, he seemed very proud. What did make me sad is him not believing me when i said he was the best dad id ever ask for. Really got to me, because hes been his best for me, hes been the best to me, and in all honesty i wouldnt replace him with anyone else if given the chance to. Hes great, and has shown me a ton.
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Close Entry: 19:45
Heres todays song:
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noonaficcorner · 4 years
Rose-Colored Boy | Part Three
Paring: Mark Tuan | Reader
Genre/Rating: Friends to Lovers |  Fluff, Smut (later on), Slight Angst
Warning: Language
Summary: Working as a Nurse, Y/N's favorite pastime is getting lost in her favorite online game with her online gamer squad. After 2 years of online banter, Y/N finally gets the chance to get closer to and meet her online friend, Mark Tuan. With many things in common and the same twisted sense of humor, one thing still remains a mystery: Mark's career that causes him to constantly travel out of the country. Still, Y/N decides to take a chance on what could be more than just friendship and meets Mark for the first time. (New Summary thanks to a friend)
NOTES: So Sorry for the year later update! Writer’s block is terrible. But I’m feeling inspired so expect some more soon.
Part One // Part Two // Part Three
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“You’re on your phone again? Careful, you’re going to end up needing bifocals.” Bora said as she completed her reports next to your desk. Bora was a first-year resident, and even though you were a nurse, you became friends when you were both going through your respective programs. 
You shrugged off her question and continued with your search. The internet was a blessing and a curse. It gave you everything you could have asked for, but also things you didn’t. 
It had been five days since you ran out of Mark’s apartment. It had been four days since you looked up GOT7. Three days since listening to their music. Two since watching their variety shows on YouTube. And yesterday, determined you have lost your mind. 
Finding out your online friend was actually an idol was every fangirls’ wet dream. However, it sent you into a state of panic and never-ending anxiety. You tried to recall every conversation you ever had with Mark, to pick out the lies or rather the omitted truths. By the fifth day, you could give Sherlock a run for his money with the amount of digging you’ve done. 
Just as you finished reading another interview Mark did with a magazine, his name flashed across your phone screen. This was the twenty-fifth call just today. He was averaging around forty calls and twenty text messages a day. Each one gone ignored until you figured out how to deal with the new information.
“Why don’t you just answer him? How bad is it that you have a celebrity friend? Pretty sure you’re no different than anyone he went to school with.” Bora took the seat next to you and tried to snatch the phone out of your hands. You had to eventually tell her what was going on when she kept suggesting you go to the clinic to get some sleeping pills since you looked like a walking zombie. You told her the whole story, from when you would talk in the game to when you basically ran from his apartment as if it was on fire. She thought you were crazy and that you should be excited to have met someone famous. 
What she said was true but you weren’t ready to handle that part. Could you really just throw caution to the wind and have a friendship with someone who was adored all over the world, but only a half-decent gamer, that you’ve known for two years? You started to question everything and that is what felt crappy. 
Two long years. Now knowing who Mark actually was, it made things more clear. Why he never wanted to say what he did for work. Why that “job” had him disappearing for weeks and months at a time. He could have been on tour or filming a music video. Some things checked out. He did have siblings, that he was from California, and had come here as a teenager. What he failed to mention was the reason he actually moved here. 
Your head hit the top of the reception desk, wishing for something to just whisk you away from this stress. 
“My biggest question in this craziness is, ‘why now?’ All of a sudden he just wants to start talking to you and meet up now? Isn’t that weird?” Bora questioned. Your head popped up to answer, but your mouth hung open, realizing that you didn’t have one. She was right. Why did things all of a sudden change? Things were going fine as an online friendship of when you’d kick his ass and laugh at each other’s mistakes.
Just as your mind started to travel down this new road of speculation, your phone vibrated in hand with an incoming text. 
Y/N. I just want to know you’re alive at least. I fucked up… but I still care.
You looked at the text over and over and before you could talk yourself out of it, a reply was typed in the box.
Why did things have to change?  The message turned blue with a press of your finger before you could overthink and erase what you asked. It wasn’t even a second before the typing dots were shown and you knew he was responding. 
I’d like to answer that question in person. But if you don’t want to meet, I understand. Can you answer my call at least? He pleaded. Before you could say yes or no, your phone was vibrating in your hands. Right when you were about to swipe right and decline the call, Bora snatched the phone from your hands and accepted.
“Bor!” you yelled, but all she did was press the phone to your cheek and got up to run off, leaving you with a voice coming through the receiver. 
“Hello? Y/N? Are you there?” Mark had a slightly worried tone in his voice. 
“Uh, hi?” you didn’t mean for it to come out as a question, but at least you answered, right?
“Hi… I’m so sorry. I fucked up and I want to make it right. I didn’t mean for you to find out the way you did, but you have to believe me when I say I was going to tell you. It was never my intention to lie, I just didn’t know how to explain that part of my life. And when Yugyeom…”
“Mark. Breathe.” You interrupted his word vomit and rolled your chair into the corner so you could have some kind of privacy. You could hear him take a deep breath through the phone, but he didn’t continue speaking, ultimately waiting for you.
“I… I can’t say it doesn’t matter that you’re an id… singer. But what bothers me the most is that on some level you felt like you couldn’t even tell me. Granted, we talked mostly about gaming and pet dogs and random things we saw on youtube, but I think we became a little more than random strangers.” It was your turn for word vomit and all you wanted to do is run away from everything,
“You are. You’re definitely more than just a stranger to me. I just didn’t know how to bring both parts of my life together.” his voice sounded heavy with remorse. Part of you wanted to crack a joke to make the sad tone in his voice disappear but if things were awkward before, they were tripled now. 
When you didn’t respond, Mark sighed through the receiver and asked, “Is there any way that we can meet so I can explain everything?” 
You were still trying to process all of the things and somehow your mouth decided it was now independent from the rest of your mind and the word yes flowed out. Immediately you covered the traitor as Mark sounded relieved on the other end. 
“Really? Tha-thanks. I can meet you or you can come over to the house. I can make sure we will have no interruptions this time as I just explain everything. Whatever works best for you.”
What surprised you as your hand continued to cover your mouth, was the scene that played out in your mind. Meeting Mark at some cafe as he pulled down his mask and a hoard of people swarmed around the two of you, wanting to get a piece of him. You go to protect him and then you’re knocked out with an ahgabong and Mark will be whisked away like a sacrificial lamb and they will put him on some shrine after shaving his head. 
“Yourplaceisfine.” you rushed out, shaking that horrific vision from your mind. Never again will you go down the hole that is KPOP fandom, it’s a scary place. 
“Thank you, y/n. I really am sorry for everything.” the apology came out in almost a whisper and if you weren’t paying the utmost attention, you would have missed it. 
“Does noon work for you?” you asked, slight doubt in your voice. Now that you were aware of his career, you weren’t sure if you would be intruding on some important time.
“No, no. Noon is perfect. Remember how to get here? If not, I can text you the address.” His voice was shaky and it conflicted with the persona that you saw in the multiple videos of him on stage. He was confident when doing acrobatics and the raps that left his lips coated with swag. The duality fucked with your head a bit. 
“I remember. I… gotta get back to work. I’ll see you at noon tomorrow, Mark. Uh… bye?” without waiting for a response, you ended the call and slid out of your chair and crawled under the desk. If you could live under there like a troll, you would. Trying to beat down the anxiety that the phone call gave you was nothing compared to the boulder of worry you had about going back to his place. But you owed it to him and yourself to see this through. He had been your friend for 2 years. Maybe him being crazy famous wouldn’t change any of that history. Maybe...
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angrylizardjacket · 5 years
when i said it i thought it was true [4] {Ben Hardy}
A/N: 2973 words. Listen, I massaged the timeline a little bit, just suspend your disbelief, perhaps it only takes 4 months to be in post production. Also yes I know X-Men didn’t actually film in Egypt, but I didn’t know that at the start of this fic and now I’m sticking with my mistakes because momma didn’t raise a quitter but she did raise a fool.
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3]
“You’re not proposing to me in a sheer shirt.” The moment the makeup team leaves, you turn on Ben, amusement tugging at your lips as you cross your arms, cocking your hip.
“You don’t like it?” He asked, the picture of innocence as he fiddles with the cuff of his jacket. You raise a singular eyebrow. “I think you do like it.” He hummed, a mischievous sparkle in his eye. When you refuse to break eye contact, your silence is answer enough. “I think you like it a lot.” 
It’s been almost a four months since shooting officially wrapped, two since you’d filmed the last of the pick up shots they’d needed, and a full month since you and Ben seen each other in person; you’d been busy with a Netflix series, and Ben had been in talks about a new project, and you’d been messaging every day but seeing each other in person is... well there’s something different. Playful. Easy. Somehow neither of you seem worried about the looming proposal, and are just making up for lost time.
“Love, you’ve gotta take it up with the stylist, not me.” He shrugged, as if helpless, and turned, making his way to the door, knowing without even looking that you’ll be following behind him. He’s chipper, brimming with excitement and looking damn good, and once he gets to the elevator and pushes the button, he offers you his arm while he waits.
“Marry me.” He says it suddenly, watching the numbers of the elevator tick up to your floor. There’s no-one around, and the ring is still in his pocket.
“What?” With a frown, you step into the elevator, and press the button for the lobby, still tucked up against him.
“What if we just show up engaged?” He asks, hand in his pocket where he’s fiddling with the ring box. He’s not nervous, just contemplative.
“And deprive Swarovski of their moment?” You scoffed, and he tipped his head to look at you, eyebrows raised in exasperated amusement.
“I know you hate the ring, ‘too gaudy, too ostentatious by half’, isn’t that what you said?” He snickers after doing as half decent imitation of you. Giving him a shove, you duck your head to hide your embarrassed smile.
“It’s so ‘look at me! Look at me!’” You huff, and he can’t help but laugh at that. The sound of it, in person rather than over Skype, made you feel, for lack of a better phrase, like you were home. Not that there really was a better phrase, you just didn’t want to think about or admit how much you’d missed him.
“Sorry to say, dude, but there’s nothing more ‘look at me! Look at me!’ than a red carpet proposal.” And yeah, okay, maybe he had a point, but that was one night, you had to wear that ring until... they hadn’t told you the DVD release date, but you’re pretty sure it was some time in the New Year. When you bring this up, he just rolls his eyes. “You’re not the one getting down on one knee for a fake proposal; I’m gonna look like an idiot when this is all over.” 
“Well fine, if you’re so worried, I’ll propose.” Instead of dwelling on his words, you step away, holding your hand out expectantly. When he just stares at you, bewildered, you motion for him to hand the ring box over, and he finally cracks a grin, shaking his head.
“If you think I’m gonna be caught dead in that ring you’re wrong.” He spluttered, and you can’t help but laugh at that.
“Fine, I won’t take your first proposal away from you.” You hum with a smile, tucking yourself back against him. He goes very quiet. It takes you a few moments, but you look up at him, brow furrowed. He seems lost in his own thoughts. “It- Ben you’ve never been engaged before, I feel like I’d know if you had been.” Your words snap him out of his trance and he looks at you with wide, bright eyes, and an unconvincing smile.
“Yeah, no, I would have told you by now otherwise.” The silence that falls around you in not a comfortable one, and you’re glad when the elevator comes to a stop. “I got close once, though.” He admits, quietly. You don’t know how to respond to that; you hadn’t considered how much those words would hurt. You want to ask with who, but you already felt an unreasonable rush of jealousy at the thought of someone else stealing his heart enough for him to want to be with them forever. Unreasonable jealousy.
Filming for X-Men started a week ago and he’s only called you once; he’s on a film lot somewhere in Canada and his hair is curly and god he looks cute but the apartment feels so empty. He’s bright eyed and excited. He’s rambling about how busy he is, and he’s still wearing his makeup. The call lasts five minutes; the cast are going out for dinner. You tell him to have fun, but you’re heart’s not in it; he can sense it, and promises to call you tomorrow, before he hangs up.
He doesn’t call, part of you isn’t surprised.
“Marry me.” He asks again, voice low in your ear. The others in the car can’t hear him, but part of you is afraid they might. They don’t technically know it’s not a real relationship, though part of you thinks Gwilym has his doubts, not that he’d ever voice them.
“Not the time.” You shoot him a warning look, and he just slings an arm around you, leaning back in his seat. 
“You’ll regret not letting me be low-key about it.” He warns in return, giving you a blithe smile, and you narrow your eyes at him.
“Low-key about what?” Lucy asks, and you elbow Ben in the ribs. He keeps smiling, though his mischievousness slides to something more fond as he actually looks at you.
“About anything.” You say by way of explanation, and though she, along with the rest of the car, still look confused, they don’t push it. There’s reporters everywhere when you get out of the car, and you and Ben are the last ones out.
“Last chance before this becomes a spectacle.” He murmurs when he steps out after you, straightening the back of your dress just a little, and he sounds amused, but there’s something genuine in his voice, and you take a moment to pause, turning back to him. His hands land on your hips, his touch light, and his expression is so familiar it hurts, and you realise he is a little nervous; it’s a very public setting for what should be a very private matter. With cameras going off all around you, you pull him in for a kiss, and he relaxes somewhat, kissing you back with his grip tightening on your hips.
“We’re being paid to be a spectacle.” You remind him, and he nods, smiling softly, and the two of you make your way down the red purple carpet together. You have to stop every few feet to do interviews, and soon enough you had pulled ahead of Ben; he had a much larger part in the film that you did, it wasn’t surprising the reporters wanted to monopolise him. It still felt strange, to turn and not have him there. Sometimes you’d do interviews with the other boys, sometimes he’ll be there, and as the main photo area loomed, you could finally feel the butterflies in your stomach.
Perhaps too soon.
“What do you mean you’re going to Egypt?” You snapped, wishing your internet connection was better so he could see you glaring clearly.
“I told you about it ages ago.” Ben sighs, clearly tired. It’s there in his eyes, how drained he is, how hard he’s been working, and your expression softens.
“That’s exciting,” you force yourself to take a breath, it was the first time you two had spoken that fortnight, neither of you needed this to be hostile. The days had started feeling so long when you don’t hear from him; all you want is a damn hug and he’s on the other side of the world. “What if I come visit you?”
“In Egypt?” He asks, eyebrows raised.
“In Egypt.” You confirm, a weak smile on your face, he doesn’t look thrilled by the process.
“Don’t bother.” He sighs, and the moment he sees your expression fall, he realises how his words had sounded, and he’s sitting up straight, panicked look on his face, spluttering his way through an apology. “I didn’t mean it like that, I’m just busy and it’s going to be hot and-”
“No, I get it.” Your dejected sigh was followed by a yawn, and you hovered over the end call button. “When you’re less tired I think we should talk.” You tell him, and you see the confusion, fear, and resignation pass over his face in quick succession.
He agrees quietly, and neither of you really say goodbye before hanging up.
He was tapping on your shoulder as you were halfway through talking to E! News, and you’ve never been more anxious and excited in your life, and never so thankful to not be at the main photo area on a red carpet. His timing was perfect.
“So sorry, could I borrow Y/N for a minute?” He smiles charmingly at the reporter, and his expression softens when he sees the relief in your eyes. 
Before he even starts, it feels off, feels wrong, feels like a performance for the cameras more than anything else. 
“Don’t get teary on me, I know how hard your makeup artists worked.” He begins, and you make sure the cameras catch your surprised confusion. He’s takes one of your hands in his, linking your finger together, and the other holds your face. There’s a moment that passes between you two, his expression softens as he looks in your eyes and it’s as if he’s looking past everything that had happened, the whole setup you’d found yourself in; he was seeing you. 
“This is probably the biggest night of my life,” he starts, taking a deep breath, “for more than one reason; you’re my best friend, you’ve been there for some of the highest points in my life, and some of the lowest. I know you, Y/N, I feel like I’ve known you my whole life, and I want to. I want you there by my side for the rest of it,” it sounds... so much more planned out than you’d expected, so much more heartfelt, and you’d be damned if there weren’t tears in your eyes. Despite the fact that this very private moment had a huge audience, which included a reporter muttering ‘holy shit, is this what I think it is?’, you could only see him. Damn if it didn’t feel real.
“I love you; I’ve loved your since-” his voice catches in his throat, and you see a hint of pain flash across his face before he’s smiling again, “since I first saw you in that damn wig they put you in,” it sounds like an addendum, like he doesn’t really mean it, or like it’s not the whole truth, but it’s enough to make you laugh, and when you look down to hide your embarrassed smile, your tears fall from your eyes, “since you agreed to all of this,” he gestures to himself with a self-deprecating grin, though his double meaning is not lost on you, though his expression turns serious after a moment, “since I first kissed you on set, though that feels like a long time ago.” Your breath catches in your throat, and he sounds like he hadn’t mean to say that last part, his voice too raw, his heart too honest for it to be a truly fake statement. You can do little more than whisper his name in reverence. Gently, so gently, he lifts your head, his thumb wiping the tear track from your cheek. 
“Marry me?” It’s a question this time, and when you look at him with confusion, disbelief written on your face at the way he chose to word it, he laughs softly, sinking to one knee and pulling out the ring box, and revealing the single most frivolous ring you’d ever had the displeasure of seeing. “Will you marry me?” He corrects softly.
The crowd behind you is going absolutely mad behind you, and cameras are going off at an almost blinding rate, but his eyes don’t leave yours. Nodding, you can’t even form words, so caught up in the moment, and he stands, pulling you into a kiss. The flash of cameras surround you like a sea of stars and Ben’s the only thing keeping you on solid ground. His grip is tight enough that he almost lifts you off the ground, and you’re on your tiptoes with his arms around you before his grip loosens, his hands sliding down the small of your back, and for the first time since this whole fake relationship began, he doesn’t hesitate before he deepens the kiss. He tastes like mint and you’re so glad you’re wearing that twenty-four hour lipstick or you know you’d be a mess, and when you pull back, you’re both out of breath, looking at each other with a something akin to awe in your eyes.
You’re pretty sure, in this moment, you love him; nothing fake about it. And you can see it in his eyes that he loves you too. This is dangerous territory for you both.
Stepping back, he takes your hands again.
“I told you not to cry, love.” He laughs gently, voice so soft as you dab at your eyes with your right hand, watching as he slides the ring onto the ring finger of your left hand.
“What can I say, you have a way with words; how long were you working on that speech.” You sniffle, grinning brightly as you examine the ring, still holding his hand. After a beat too long of silence, you look up to see him smiling softly at you.
“A while.” He admits, and something about the way he says it makes your chest ache. The moment passes and he looks down at your joined hands. “That’s fucking hideous.” He whispers, shaking his head at the sight of the ring, and you giggle, preferring to throw your arms around him, kissing him again.
The two of you are the last two to arrive at the formal photo area, with the logo backdrop, and Joe’s grin is confused where he greets you both at the edge of where everyone was in a line getting a group shot.
“What was all the commotion over there?” He asked quietly, and Ben stepped into position easily, slipping an arm around Joe’s shoulders and pulling you in. You were still beaming, you couldn’t help yourself.
“We got engaged.” Ben murmurs to Joe, careful not to draw attention to them, which was immediately counteracted by Joe’s loud ‘What the fuck?!’ “Calm down, man, we didn’t want to take all the focus off of the premiere, you know?” 
As soon as the big group shot was taken, you stepped off to the side as the four boys had their photos taken, and you could see Joe murmuring to the others, while Ben just smiled for the cameras and tried not to blush.
Photos were taken with Brian and Roger, of Rami and Lucy, and even some of you and Ben, and when you posed, you both had an arm around each other, and you leaned into him, resting your hand on his chest with your ring on clear display.
There’s congratulations all around as you’re heading into the theatre, but the biggest shock of the night comes in the form of Roger Taylor wrapping you up in a hug while you’re still glowing with pride.
“Before we go in, I want you to know you did an incredible job, dear. You’re a stunning performer and I never had any doubts about you.” As he says it, you can feel Ben give your hand a gentle squeeze. You’re pretty sure you’ve got shock written all over your face. “I’m very proud of you both.” He claps Ben on the shoulder, and Ben thanks him quietly. It looks as though he’s about to head in, but he turns back. “Be good to her, you hear?” He says to Ben sternly, but there’s a glimmer of fondness in his eyes, and Ben rolls his eyes good-naturedly. He’s still holding your hand.
“What was that?” You breathed as soon as Roger had left; you feel like you’ve been doused in cold water, though you can’t help but smile.
“Well I think he definitely approves of you playing Amanda.” Ben moves to wrap an arm around you as the two of you head into the theatre, searching for your seats. “And I think... I think he gave us his blessing?” That sounds more confused than anything else, and you don’t know how to respond one way or the other, apart from softly laughing as you sit down next to Lucy. Part of you, the largest part that had stayed sane and not drunk on this fake engagement, is pretty sure Roger’s going to be the hardest to break it to, when everything’s over; part of you worries that without Ben, you’ll lose his approval, which you didn’t realise you’d been craving until you’d received it. There’s an anxiety that builds in your chest as the lights go down, but Ben’s hand is in yours and you lean your head on his shoulder, and you can ignore that little worry for now.
the rat pack: @hotspacedeacon @strangeandwonderfulconcepts @itssaje @d-r-e-a-m-catchme @callumidiot @rockandrollandshit @bohorap @pietrorunsforme @sweetfierceimagines @itsjackothy @mhftrs @sherlockiantheatrenerd @softbenhardy @multifandomgirlrandomstuff @virtualsheepeat @smile-nine @i-padfootblack-things @deaconsroger @spookyfrances @holyurlbatman @your-idiotic-excellency @cosmicsskies @chlobo6 @screaminggalileochickenwrites
(crossed out means it wouldn’t tag; i’ll try again for the next part, lemme know if you wanna be tagged xx)
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vixxscifiwritings · 7 years
The Fan Sign
AU - Fanboys!AU Genre - Fluff/Comedy Warnings - None Word Count - 1619
Summary - In which Hakyeon decides to drag along Taekwoon to a fan meeting and his bias definitely notices him.
Find all parts here
"What am I even doing here?" Taekwoon asked as Hakyeon clicked away with his DSLR camera to check the angles and lighting.
"You are being a supportive friend" Hakyeon told him.
"I don't see why I need to attend the fan meet. You're the fansite master. You go scream yourself hoarse over 6Keys" he grumbled.
"You do realize that I have a photo of you from three years ago when they held their first fan meet and only thirty people turned up so you got to stand next to Minah right?" Hakyeon asked with an angelic smile. "So stop lying. I know you wanted to be here."
"Fine. I was the one who introduced you to 6Keys but whatever" Taekwoon grumbled.
"They’re here!" Hakyeon said excitedly as a black van pulled up to the parking lot.
The fans began to scream as Minah stepped out. The intensity had surprised her and she stumbled backwards a little, bumping into Haneul. Taekwoon smiled to himself at her cute behavior. Hakyeon giggled too because the vocalist x rapper otp was famous.
"It's just the two of them?" Taekwoon asked in surprise.
"Yeah. Bora and Haru are in another fansign while Ara and Miya are filming a drama" Hakyeon explained.
"How are you here and not in Bora's fan meeting?" Taekwoon teased.
"I have no idea what you are saying" Hakyeon replied with a blush. For a long time, Haneul had been Hakyeon’s bias with him being noticed by her as a regular attendee as well. But of late, Taekwoon had noticed signs of bias wrecking. Of course Hakyeon would never admit it. Taekwoon grinned smugly because his bias was Minah and he had stayed loyal.
"Do you think we will get picked for the sign event?" Hakyeon asked him. Taekwoon shrugged. The girls were on stage and ready to start.
"Hello everyone, I am 6Keys leader and rapper Haneul!" Haneul started, bowing as the crowd cheered. Taekwoon smirked at how smitten Hakyeon looked.
"Hello everyone, I am 6Keys main vocal Minah!" Minah said, waving to the fans. She did a small bow as well before Haneul pulled her into making a heart. It looked cuter today to Taekwoon who hadn't taken his eyes off Minah.
"Don't die by her charms Taekwoon!" Hakyeon said dramatically.
"Pfft. That's you not me" Taekwoon protested while there was mental screaming going on in his head.
Hakyeon got busy as the girls continued the introduction. Haneul got Minah to rap her parts from their new song and the organizers made them play a game of dumb charades. While Minah managed to guess everything Haneul acted out, Haneul failed to guess two out of six and got a bop from the toy hammer as punishment. She went down dramatically, entertaining the crowd.
"Cha Hakyeon and Jung Taekwoon?" someone called out.
"That's us" Taekwoon said, pulling Hakyeon along.
"Ah Hakyeon! Long time no see. I thought it was you!" the person who had called out to them said.
"Nice to see you too! Taekwoon, this is Song Hwanhee. She organizes the fan meets" Hakyeon said introducing him. Taekwoon bowed in greeting, not surprised that the organizers had recognized Hakyeon too.
"The good news is that you both were chosen for the sign. I need to verify your ids and take you to the line" Hwanhee told them. Hakyeon mini cheered before holding out his driver’s license. Taekwoon used his college id since he hadn't passed his driving test yet. Hwanhee gave them directions, signaling the guards to let them through.
"I'm so excited" Hakyeon said, pulling out two albums from his bag. Taekwoon nodded in agreement as he took a copy.
"Whoa. They look prettier up close. The pastel shades really suit them" Hakyeon thought out loud. The fan in front of him agreed vocally so the two of them got talking while the stage was being set up.
Taekwoon zoned out, choosing to look at Minah who was waving to a baby in the front line. He couldn't help but smile at the interaction. He had always believed that Minah was the best with children. Of course Haneul was the more strict mother type but Minah was the fun mother. The type who would teach her children good behavior along with spoiling them. Why didn't 6Keys have it's own Hello Baby season yet?
And that wasn't the only thing Minah was good at. She was silent but wise and good at problem solving. Her interaction with the maknae Miya were always the funniest. She was a supportive friend and member to the rest. And did he even need to talk about the singing? Her high notes were the highlights of any 6Keys song. The agency should really give her a solo album contract, he added with a frown at the pavement.
He looked up at the stage again only to see Minah and Haneul looking in his direction. He immediately averted his eyes, missing the look Haneul had given and the way Minah had blushed. They took their places at the table which had markers set up along with flower crowns that the girls immediately put on their head, posing for pictures.
"Gaaaah. I wish I was on the front line. I could have taken those photos" Hakyeon lamented.
"You can ask them for a picture in person in ten minutes" Taekwoon pointed out. They were twelfth or so in line and they would be on stage very soon. Taekwoon could feel his ears grow warm. Why was this suddenly so embarrassing?
"Ah, it's Haneul first and then Minah" Hakyeon pointed out. Haneul was sitting to the left and Minah to the right and the fans would enter from the left entrance, meeting Haneul first. Taekwoon thanked the gods for that.
Hakyeon kept moving, obviously excited to meet the two. He had frowned when he had realized that he had been too broke to buy them gifts for the fansign but he had been happy about attending nonetheless. The line moved at a decent stage and pretty soon it was their turn. Hakyeon went up, dragging Taekwoon along.
"Hello!" Haneul greeted them. "Hakyeon right?" she asked Hakyeon who broke into the widest smile Taekwoon had ever seen.
"I recognized you from the earlier events! Thank you for all the nice pictures! You made me look really pretty" she said with a smile. "Oh look. We're matching today!"
"Isn't pink your favorite?" he asked her. Haneul nodded and the manager had to remind her to actually take his CD and sign it.
"I hop you enjoy the fan sign! It was really nice meeting you again!" Haneul said while writing down a message for Hakyeon as well as the sign. Hakyeon beamed radiantly and might have skipped ahead to greet Minah happily though he would later deny it.
"Hello! What's your name?" Haneul asked as she leaned forward to talk to Taekwoon.
"Jung Taekwoon. I've been a fan since the beginning" he added shyly.
"Thank you for supporting 6Keys! Taekwoon can I ask you a question?" Haneul asked mischievously.
"Yes?" he asked, unsure of what she wanted to say.
"You're Minah biased aren't you? You're totally her fan!" she pointed out. Taekwoon blinked, caught in the act and unsure of what to say. How had Haneul known?
"Hakyeon! Please back me up here! Taekwoon totally likes Minah right?" Haneul asked, leaning towards Minah and interrupting their conversation about Minah’s pet dog Kero.
"How did you know?" Hakyeon asked surprised while Minah blinked as well.
"I like all of 6Keys" Taekwoon answered weakly.
"Too late. You hesitated!" Haneul sang as she signed his album. "Minah when he comes over, please give him a heart and draw loads of cute things in the album!"
Minah protested indignantly while Taekwoon just wanted the stage to split open so he could fall through and die of shame. Haneul just high fived Hakyeon making the fans wonder what was happening on stage. The manager had to remind them not to take too long as other fans were waiting so Haneul just shot Taekwoon an angel look and he frowned before moving to Minah.
"I am so sorry about Haneul" Minah apologized.
"That's okay" Taekwoon said. He was blushing as he handed over the album to Minah who looked shy as well.
"I think its because she saw you looking when I was talking to the baby in the front row. She just likes teasing people" Minah laughed.
"I thought it was kind of cute" Taekwoon said before he could stop himself. Minah smiled in reply and he felt extremely warm and happy seeing it.
"Thank you for coming to the fansign" she said. Minah attempted to make a heart with her hands, managing an awkward shape. The fans cheered when they saw it and Taekwoon covered his face, pulling his cap further down to cover his face.
"Taekwoon si, please keep supporting us!" Minah said with a small smile. He nodded taking the album and rushing off stage before he could be escorted off.
"Is your heart still beating?" Hakyeon asked receiving a glare from Taekwoon. He groaned, jumping up and down to work off his embarrassment. He ultimately gave in and Hakyeon hugged him out of pity, smiling for his friend.
"I was going to drag you to the Hi Touch event next week but I don't think you will survive it now" Hakyeon said cheekily.
From the stage, Haneul looked over to the side to see Hakyeon pat Taekwoon’s back as he regained his composure. She nudged Minah to make her look. Minah did so and caught Taekwoon’s eye again making him groan and look away again, making Hakyeon and Haneul laugh.
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sk-asx · 7 years
i really loved sam as a boyfriend! that was SO GOOD i just died inside. can you please write a fanfic where sam falls in love with an international fan when he met her at one of the concerts and theyre the same age and everything? THANK YOU SO MUCH ❤
thank you so much! and thanks everyone else!! Now i would like to apologize for how long this is… idk what got over me. I hope everyone enjoys! The next request is in the works~ 
im glad I met u (Part1/5)
You graduated high school a bit ago and things have been working out smoothly for you. Your parents decided to let you go Korea University for the summer program. You were ecstatic and started organizing your plans. You would be staying with another transfer student who you happen to know from online, so you won’t have to worry about that. Your parents provided you with money, but you decided that you would do some english tutoring on the side. 
Now you really liked kpop, like who doesn’t? You were sooo hype that you’ll be able to attend shows and fansigns. Sam Kim was a special one though. It would be an understatement to simply call him your fave. But it’s not like your were obsessed with him in an unhealthy way. You just really appreciated his music and all the intricate skills. And yes, okay, it didn’t hurt that he was extremely good looking. Summer time was the best time for outdoor events, especially for acoustics, so you’ll have plenty of times to see him. You would leave for South Korea in the morning. That night you had blissful dreams about adventures to come. 
After 2 weeks, you got used to your schedule and how things worked.  It was time for you to to attend a performance. Sam was doing a set for some sort of anniversary for a brand. When you arrived the seating area was pack so you decided to sit under a tree in the back. You had a wide scope view of everything, it wasn’t too bad, plus you got some shade. It was a local area so people were walking by going about their daily lives. 
Few minutes later you heard fangirl screams, you stood up in excitement while cheering as Sam walked on stage. You couldn’t help but smile. He looked so adorable! He smiled sheepishly to the fans reaction. He introduced himself with the usual, “Hello, I’m 20 years old Sam Kim, from Seattle. Nice to meet you.” And of course somewhere in there he apologizes for his “bad” korean. Yours isn’t too well either but you can understand most of it. 
He starts off with ‘No Sense’. Everyone is singing along and doing the fanchants. People stop to watch and listen. It’s a nice experience for you. You embrace the music, the people, the environment, and Sam. He continues to play other songs, you watch as he plays his guitar so passionately. As he sings it’s strong, yet gentle. And even if he slips up once in awhile, he smiles and keeps on at it. A true musician, performing with all his heart. 
For his last song he plays “Think About ‘Chu”. It’s one of your favorites, you’re listening and jamming. During that last verse..
“And every single time that would happened, we would listen to this song 
look into each other’s eyes and smile 
the memory makes me feel our love again”
 ..you could swear he was looking in your direction. But you couldn’t tell exactly. When he finished he said his goodbyes; him and his band walked off stage. 
As you were walking, you thought to yourself, ‘Did he really look at me? There’s no way!’. When you arrived at your apartment you told your roommate everything. The both of you squealed together and thought about different scenarios. What would you even say to him if, when, you met him in person? Would you keep your cool or freak out? You thought about his gorgeous smile and fluffy hair, his voice and his guitar playing. You realized your cheeks were killing you, You’ve never smile this much before! Lucky for you, you were going to head down to Busan that weekend for an Antenna Angels concert. 
You take the KTX to Busan. “Train to Busan” you think. You laugh out loud a bit for that stupid little pun. You put your earbuds in and listen to the latest kpop songs on your ride there. The weather is lovely, not too hot and not too cold. You felt such elation and simply couldn’t wait. You loved all of the members of Antenna Angels. They have such diverse skills and when they come together it’s like magic. Once you arrived at the concert only a couple people were there. You picked a decent spot in the front section. You recognized some of the fansite masters there and greeted them. Everyone was really nice and the vibe was chill. 
After a hour and a half seats began to fill up and the crowd was buzzing. The MC asked if we were ready and called them out. They came on stage and waved and smiled at the cheers. You made eye contact with Sam for just a second. ‘Probably a fluke,’ you thought. But you were excited to be there and couldn’t wait to see them perform. They did some songs together, some duos, some english covers, some solos, and a little dance here and there. Everyone was filled with glee. Different types of people in the audience you noticed. Guy, girl; young, old; Korean, foreign. Music brought everyone together. The energy just rushed through your body. 
Sam started playing “Touch My Body”, one of your favorites for sure. The lyrics made the girls swoon. His voice was just perfect. Then his rap verse comes, which you absolutely love. 
“You burn me up
i like you so much that i hate you
you know sometimes i go crazy because of you, you the best
when i -oh-oh- see you in a hoodie -oh-oh-  i get dizzy
I wanna give you to the bed in my room,  i wanna give you my everything
to be honest, i want to see you
baby, you know that you’re my world
if i said that i want you, what would you say?
where you at? whatchu doing?
baby come inside” 
you were filming this through your phone, but then you realize something. You look passed your phone … he was staring directly at you. You looked to the back of you, but no, he was staring right at you. He smiled at your natural antic. There was a tingle in your stomach and all you could do was stare back at him wide eyed. He sang the next verse with such heartfelt. You have already died inside 50 times over. When they were saying their goodbyes, Sam gave you a wave, you managed to wave back. “Is this even real,” you thought. 
On your ride back to Seoul, you were overwhelmed with mixed emotions. You felt like crying because ultimately you were so happy. You told your roommate, messaged all your kpop friends, and yeah you did tear up a bit. You went to sleep the most happiest person in the world that night. Later that week, of course not forgetting a moment of your experience, you decided to walk the city and have a relaxed day. Life was good and you couldn’t complain. 
That evening you decided to visit this corner cafe spot. Not to many people about not since it was getting late. You walk in and the smell of coffee and the light music comforted you. You ordered a latte and a pastry and turned to go sit down… but then you saw him. You swear you were about to have a heart attack. Sam Kim was sitting right there, by the window, at the cafe you were at. You didn’t know what to do. It’s not like you could just walk up and say hi. You calmed down a bit and observed him. He was writing in a notebook slowly and you could tell he was thinking carefully. His brows were furrowed slightly and he spinned his pen. Most likely a new song he was working on. He was wearing a hoodie and his fair was down. He looked perfect. 
You sighed and decided to let your nerves get the best of you. You got your order and was about to go to the other side of the cafe, when all of a sudden you hear, “Hey, wait!” You turn and see Sam looking at you he waves and says, “Come sit here!” You come out of your shock and go over. You say, “It’s nice to meet you.” as you sit down. “I saw you at the event the other week, i was happy to see you at the concert,” he said smiling. Your heart was melting. You smiled back and said, “Of course! I really like your music and the other Angels.” You both chuckled. “Antenna Angels, i can’t get over how cliche i sounds,” he said. “But it’s cute!” you replied. The both of you laughed. 
The two of you talked about you coming to Korea and where you’re from, things like. He was happy to hear you both shared a lot in common. “It’s kinda weird you know,” you suddenly said. “What is?”, he asked with a very slight concerned look. “The fact that i know more about you without having to ask” you said. At this he smiled and replied, “Yeah well, i’m glad i can find out more about you though,” and at this you blushed. The both of you have similar tastes in music, humor, even food! The compatibility was there no doubt about it. He listened with care when you told him some fun things about your past and such. His eyes are focused on you only and his eye-smiles made him look even cuter. 
About two hours later of talking, you both realized it was night. Sam suggests the two of you exchange KakaoTalk ids and you happily comply. The two of you walked outside. “Hey, maybe we should meet up soon? Likes there’s a lot of places out here i haven’t been yet.. And i think it would be nice to go with you,” he asks while scratching his head. You scream a little inside. You smile and say, “That would be great! Just hit me up when you’re free.” “Awesome!” he says smiling wide. The two of you bid your goodbyes and you walk in your direction. You think about it for a sec, but you look back. He’s staring at you with those same loving eyes from the concert. You wave and he waves back, walking his way. As you hit the corner, you stop and lean against the wall comprehending everything that just happen. 
“This is real,” you whisper to yourself.  
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