#it was ALWAYS padmé/vader.
chamerionwrites · 1 year
My foundational read on the Star Wars prequels/TCW/other stuff set in that era (and I don't think this is even in the spirit of reading against the text, so much as just...expanding on themes already present) is that Anakin becomes Darth Vader when he slaughters the Tuskens, and the Republic becomes the Empire when it goes to war to preserve its access to the territory and resources of planets that - when you strip away the narrative device of the Separatist leaders' cackling villainy - have textually valid reasons for wanting to leave. Sure, maybe there was a grace period where the man and/or the government could have been hauled back up the ledge they'd already stepped over. But the fall happens in Attack of the Clones; everything in ROTS, everything in TCW, is just Palpatine consolidating his power.
Which does break a bunch of those big broadly sketched light/dark, good/evil, jedi/sith binaries that the space opera is playing with, so I fully get why people who are responding to that part of the story might find my takes baffling or off-putting. But I also think a good bit of the weird dissonance of the PT is that of a story that is trying to have its cake and eat it too, and what I'm responding to is the political thriller half of the equation, and I think it's legit to say you prefer the mythic space opera side of things but not to insist that's the only valid way to read the text.
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r-2-peepoo · 10 months
Coriolanus Snow and Anakin Skywalker are perfect examples of really interesting characters who had every chance to do the right thing but repeatedly chose wrong even though they were surrounded by good people, all because they had one person whispering in their ear and convincing them to be selfish and to hurt people instead. There is no point where they have to do what they do, it’s their choices that make them compelling.
They’re also both incredibly controlling over the women they claim to love but are quick to try and physically harm them when they realise that they’re actually human beings who will not blindly follow them. It’s very clear they were possessive, not actually in love. To sincerely love is to respect someone’s agency and neither of them were capable of that.
Another trait they both share is that, despite being layered and well written but fundamentally flawed characters who turn to evil by their own free will, if you cast an attractive actor to play them, there are always going to be people who blindly ignore the entire plot just to defend them and justify their actions. Being a victim of abuse or oppression does not excuse you from being a perpetrator.
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casieyfran · 9 months
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She Died from a Broken Heart
One shot
Fandom: Star wars
Pairing: Padme Amidala/Darth vader
He's here
The second he had set his foot on this planet, she knew he is near.
He have come to her
And she was waiting for him.
The chase has come to an end.
Padme didn't cast a glance at the man closing the distance behind her. His step heavy, crushing small rocks in his way, his loud eerie breathing, announcing his presence and she still didn't look back. He was in no rush - he knew there's is no where to run - that she wouldn't run - not anymore. So he take his time, she can feel his gaze at her, burning at the back of her head, assessing every detail, like a predator observing his prey.
The red cloak draped on her entire body down to her feet, hood hiding her face and her long curls, which makes her easy to be spotted despite the angry orange light coming from the lava below and the black sand beneath her feet. Yet it didn't give anything else to see to satisfy the man approaching her.
She continue to stare at the sky, the stars winking at her. Her thoughts drifted to a certain man. It wasn't that long since they left her in this planet. But long enough to avoid any encounter from her husband. This is their moment, nothing will ruin it.
She wonder if they're looking at the small planet among billion of stars in the galaxy. She wonder if among the bright dots on the sky, their ship is one of it. If she was directly staring at it. Where her little angels at.
She closed her eyes, silently uttering a wish
Please, Keep your promise
Her heart clench for her old friend, for pushing responsibilities in his shoulder that will weighted him greatly. Ashamed that she couldn't carry it on her own. She have an important thing to do. And she will finished it today. It has been already been long overdue
Its time to end this
She can't keep running forever
A shudder run through her spine. She remember the day when her name will leave his mouth, each syllbles is like a sigh passing through his lips, soft and tender, her name will sound so sweet,  as if it is chanted in a prayer. She love hearing her name, especially when it comes from him, to his voice that she love so much. that seems like a distant memory. Now, his voice is lace with no emotion, booming in the distance, menacing and demanding
Look at me
And so she did
She open her eyes and turn to finally casted the man she has been running from for so long. She almost open her mouth to call him.
She remember telling obi wan that anakin is still alive
She's not so sure anymore
Because the man infront of her is far from what she imagined, far from what she sees in holonet. But she knew more than everyone else --- the man hiding behind the mask.
He stop not too far from her, as if sensing the line drawn between them.
Has it already been that long? When she used to run to his arms and he would open his as if it was already in his nature to enveloped her in his embrace.
If she run to him would he hug her? Hide her from any danger, from her worries that is clouding her thoughts? bury her in a comfort of his arms?
She almost smile at that thought
It was too tempting
Just to forget everything.
To pretend that everything will be fine. That the man in front of her hadn't kill countless of people mercilessly but a husband she haven't seen for one year. She misses him so much - her heart aches everyday. She wanted to run in his arms and pretend his hand is not tainted with blood of innocent lives.
A lives he had taken
Because of her
"Have you finally come to realize that running is futile?" She flinch at the harshness of his voice yet she didn't let it show how much his indifference affected her.
"I come to take what i want" her voice void of emotion, the tip of her lips lifted slightly, a small smile forming in her lips as she uttered this words an Acceptance
"Obi wan was here with you." His head tilted up looking at the stars she was staring at  "Is the child with him?" She sees how his fist clenches at the thought of it. To him obi wan is nothing but a liar and a thief, taking something that belongs to him.
"Do you wish to protect them?" She asked, watching as his focus switched back to her
"Everything i did, is to protect this family" he says with no hesitation. She wonder if he has been reciting this words, drilling it to his head to convince himself that he done it for them. That he have done nothing wrong
It made her sick
Im doing this for you! To protect you!
The same words he had told her before he had turned agains't her, to the very woman he had sworn to protect
It almost laughable
That she had still yearned to be near him, to hold his hand, the hand that had choked her nearly to death.
And yet, she accepted it. She wasn't blind. She knew who he is since from the very beginning - she only chooses to ignore it.
The day her vow leave her lips, she accepted him whole. When she promised to be with him, to love him, to seal her faith with him. She knew the decision she made. And she will do it again and again. He is the man she choose and she dont regret any of it.
She understand him, what he did for her.
Because of him. She had realized the length she will do to save someone she loves
"I love you, anakin" she utter this words as the smile on her lips never faded. A memory almost forgotten, reappear to stab her in the heart
I truly, deeply, love you
What hurts the most, the words still held true.
No matter what he become, what he had done
Padme still love the man infront of her
And she dont think she could ever stop
That is her greatest sin.
He didn't say anything but content himself to watch her. Somehow she sense that he knows why she's here
and he's not doing anything to stop her
Her heart clench
Padme hand crawl underneath her robe until she grasp something hard before pulling it out. She was watching him so closely that she it didn't escape her eyes the slightest move of his head as he looked down to stare at the thing in her hand
Her gaze move to her hand, as she hold it up to her face. The lightsaber heavy on her palm as she rotate it, scanning its surface
One look from it, he knew instantly who it belongs to
Anakin's Lightsaber
"Do you remember what you told me?" Her eyes never left the saber "You said, This weapon is your life"
finally she took a step to close the distance between them, slowly, every step she made, she felt every pieces of herself is falling, leaving it behind.
Then she stop midway only 5 step away from him as she looked down at the saber, her thumb brushes the switch, and then click!
A blue shine casting the light in the darkness, coming from the blade, she can feel the vibration and the heat as she move it carefully to test it. Then stop, she admire it for a second, her thoughts dwell on its true holder
How many life had it ended? Enemies and innocents?
This lightsaber, is anakin legacy. It had witness his rise, it had been with him since he was allowed to hold one. It had fought countless battles, it had save his life and protect many others. What once a symbol of justice granted to him. It is also what ended the life to those he had once consider a family. It had seen their end. And witness his fall.
It is his life
"And its mine"
You are in my very soul, tormenting me
"You said, you will do anything i ask" her tone cold, as she lifted the lightsaber pointing its tip inches away from his chest where his heart is hidden. She smiled, and a single tear fallen through her lightless eyes
"Will you die for me, my love?"
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shapelytimber · 3 months
Girls girls girls
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First recap was ok, but I'm in the mood to draw characters and I wanted to do a proper lineup/height charts (and then promptly drew maul in heels and Padmé on tiptoe..... I am a genius)
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[PART 1] - [PART 2]
Rambling below vvv
It's always so temping to dress maul in white, and I once again caved kflodkd
Also ! I always draw her pre tpm, because it's a) the time in her life when I see her wear silly/'extravagant' outfits the most (can't really do that when you're a half dead giant spider eating rats in a garbage world fkldodi and after *that* I don't think her spirit is really into accessorizing and wearing cute fits- still a slut tho) and b) mechanical limbs are hard to draw and a pain to render (one day I will draw her old I swear !)- but ! All this to say : she stay "small" even after getting bisected ! The bones are staying in the pussy !! Let her be short, then a spider, then short once again but this time with cool metal legs :)
I usually draw Padme all serious, but she can't be all business like when frolicking in a field with her dumbass girlfriend and I think drawing her silly healed a bit of my soul <3 (also took liberties with the yellow dress design- wanted to make it a bit my own and I kind of hate the original faded yellow ngl)
For Obiwan and Anakin, I wanted them in civilian clothing because Jedi outfits are a bit boring (for what I'm doing here)- but I also wanted to stay in the same color scheme as their Jedi's outfit (and I ended up swaping them because I wanted to see obiwan dressed in black kxkdldk). I am very proud of Obiwan's outfit !! I think it fits her, while staying relatively in character :D and next to her you get no rizz butch anakin :)))
I'm having a lot of fun making these :D even if this rendering style takes so fucking long- next up is either Palpatine, Vader, Dooku, boba fett or leia, han, lando, chewie (and maybe luke, we'll see)
PS : I have never watched the 3D clone war show, this is mostly based on the movies :)
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tossawary · 1 month
So, it was not initially planned for Leia to be Luke's sister in the original "Star Wars" trilogy, and we can relatively easily come up with in-universe reasons as to why Bail Organa never told his daughter that her biological father was Darth Vader and that Darth Vader was arguably responsible for the death of her biological mother, without even needing to read any additional materials like novelizations or EU books.
Firstly, Bail presumably doesn't want his righteous daughter to have even more reason to try to murder Darth Vader. Secondly, Force-users are telepathic sometimes, and it's probably really hard to Not Think about the fact that you're Darth Vader's secret daughter when Darth Vader is right in front of you.
I can imagine for myself that Leia has at least always known that she was adopted, and also that she's aware that she should do everything in her power to keep her genetic material away from the Empire. Just going by the movies alone (in which the fate of Kamino and its cloning facilities is unknown), it seems reasonable to fear that the Empire might create and install clone puppet rulers of various planets. Kill Leia's parents, clone her a few times, and forcibly install a new Queen of Alderaan backed by the Imperial military for "security" reasons? Yeah, that sounds like something the Empire might do. Sure.
But now I'm thinking about what might have happened on the Death Star if Leia HAD known that she was Darth Vader's daughter, had known about Padmé Amidala, and maybe also that she had a twin brother out there somewhere. How well-known is Vader's tendency to murder military officers who piss him off? It's delicious to imagine Tarkin about to destroy a planet, and Leia turning to Darth Vader and, out of sheer, furious desperation, saying something like, "Padmé Amidala's child survived and was taken to Alderaan in secret. If it's destroyed, your child will die."
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the-far-bright-center · 9 months
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'Ill-Starred Love / The Good in Him' by Zoltan Simon (from Star Wars Celebration: Chicago Art)
“Star Wars has so many strong motifs and archetypes, I always find inspiration in them. The idea of this image came into my mind when I was standing in a beautiful garden at Lake Como last September, at the shooting location of the wedding scene from Attack of the Clones. The picture catches the dark and inevitable future in a beautiful and happy moment: Darth Vader’s mask building up like a cracked glass coffin around Padmé’s face. From the opposite point of view, if we try to see through Vader’s mask, we can see the love and the good in him — the good that never left him.” 
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skywalkr-nberrie · 20 days
Fake Anidala fans saying that Padmé needed Anakin’s “whiny ass” as way to undermine her character and sort of bash her for loving and needing Anakin will never be true Padmé understanders. Padmé needing Anakin ≠ her needing a man and isn’t independent. Padmé literally never liked or wanted anyone before Anakin. She didn’t NEED a man to complete her. She was her one person and IS her own person even with Anakin. She crafted a successful career for herself at a very young age, became queen and led a whole planet at age 14. Then become a well known public figure of justice, and served as one of the most high ranking Republic senators in the galaxy. Padmé falling in love doesn’t take away from any of her individuality and independence. There’s also absolutely nothing wrong with her needing Anakin. It’s because she loves him so much. They both needed each other like that equally. Yet it’s only ever talked about as if it was “one-sided” and Padmé is some helpless lovesick damsel in distress who needed a man to fulfil her, while her hero didn’t give two craps about her. NO! That’s NOT their story. 
Padmé loved Anakin so much, and needed him just as much as he needed and loved her (I mean, take a look at where he ended up just because he thought she’d die.) people would call this “co-dependency” in reality, but I’m going to get a little controversial here and say that’s the point of their love story and even be the first to say that it’s not framed as a bad thing either. Because under the lens of fantasy and not reality, this narrative is acceptable. Anakin and Padmé are based off classical love tragedies, and essentially their so called “co-dependency” as people say (not me) isn’t supposed to be viewed as “unhealthy.” It’s supposed to be viewed as a testament to how much they love and need each other. It’s part of the “Star Crossed Lovers” narrative, in literally every single piece of media that includes this trope. What they have wouldn’t even be considered “co-dependency” either within the context of their story, it’s just naturally how they love one another. However, I’m only using the word because that’s what people have referred to them as.
While we’re on the topic of “unhealthy and toxicity.” That’s another misconception of Anidala’s relationship I’ve seen the shippers themselves say against their relationship. First off, Anidala isn’t abusive, and it’s getting tiring to keep hearing that. “Yeah but he choked her.” Yes. Because that’s what happens when you fall to the darkside. You get twisted and corrupted. All your good traits fall away and it strips you from your true self. It makes you behave in a way that’s completely unlike you. Compare the affect of the darkside to a the addiction of a drug. This is how the darkside works canonically. Anakin was never awful nor abusive towards Padmé before this point of no return. They were madly in love. That’s why his actions are considered (in universe) to be so unlike himself because Anakin would NEVER hurt Padmé. Everyone can connect Vader’s redemption to Luke, and say he’s the person who always believed in his father, but Padmé was the one who started that. Padmé was the first to have unwavering faith in Anakin, even after what happened. Because that’s how strong their love was. Anidala was always meant to be seen as “true love” that it transcended and reached their son.
It’s okay if they make you uncomfortable and their kind of love isn’t your cup of tea, but don’t paint them under a narrative that has never existed.
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adragonsfriend · 4 months
Congratulations, It's a Boy!
Anakin: i think our kid is gonna be a girl
Padmé: I think our kid is gonna be a boy
Fandom: aww they were both right lmao
Me: actually Padmé was right, because while she gave birth to twins, neither of them were raised by Anakin and Padme, and when Luke and Leia learned about their bio-parents, only Luke ever called himself their kid.
Leia is an adult with agency and values who does not consider Anakin anything other than a genetic donor, and would actually hate for the person who tortured her and helped kill her parent and destroy her planet to be considered her father.
Genuinely the lack of respect for the concept of her adoptive parents being her actual parents, and the insistence that she gets all her traits from Anakin and Padme is incredibly weird. (Not aimed at AUs where Anakin is not a deadbeat fascist, write on). With Luke, Beru and Owen are so often erased from his story as though he was just always casting about for family—like he didn’t already have one—it’s insane. Like yeah he called them his uncle and aunt, but they were the people who raised him. Emotionally and logistically the roles they filled were those of parents.
This is for the other Double Agent Vader fans, but genuinely one of my favourite things about those stories is that they take the Organas seriously as Leia’s parents while allowing Anakin to also be important to her. They also take seriously that Luke lost Beru and Owen and was, yk, also still grieving at the end of A New Hope
Anyway I’m tired of hearing about how Leia’s righteous anger or her bravery and sense of humor are totally from Anakin and her involvement in politics is all Padme, when she has two caring, brave, intelligent, funny parents who were involved in both politics and the rebellion.
Tldr; Anakin and Padmé have one kid, his name is Luke, and the reason he’s their kid is because he, as an adult with agency and values, decided he was their kid.
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sharpasanaro · 27 days
You know that trending sound with the woman humming into the fan, something slow, maybe mournful? And you know how it’s been sending fanfic writers into a tizzy going, “actually that’s {Insert Character Here} when they were going through {Scenarios}.”
Don’t think about Obi-Wan Kenobi humming Jedi songs of mourning under his breath as he heads to Polis Massa to rendezvous with Yoda and Bail, mourning his brother in all but blood, mourning him in more ways than any one person could count. His brother his friend his son his whole world for an entire ten years his brother in arms his hope for himself and his people is shattered
Obi-Wan singing quietly in the delivery room after Padmé dies, begging the Force for answers, why did she have to go why was it her time why didn’t she tell me did her and Anakin not trust me was this always my fault???
Obi-Wan’s voice finally cracking as he holds the twins together in his arms, the final time he will see them together as children, whispering songs of hope and healing into their soft hair they could have grown up in the Temple they are as strong as their father they need more than I can give them that can’t be given anything more than this why is separation the best option they will never know peace as long as the empire reigns but oh Force what can two Jedi do to stop what an entire Temple could not?
Ben humming for the first time in a decade as he rescues Leia to soothe her to sleep on their way back to Alderaan, finally safe and sound is this to soothe him after having to fight the thing that wears Anakin’s face and speaks with his voice or to comfort a traumatized child welcome home welcome home
Ben singing to Maul after he dies a tragic and wandering soul, forever haunted by a path he never asked to take he joins the Force he is whole at last welcome home welcome home
Old Ben whispering pleasant nonsense while aboard the Millennium Falcon, Han thinks it’s because he’s a crazy desert hermit, but Luke is entranced and can’t explain why the language is Dai Bendu the language of the Jedi the language of the Light the language of the Force the language of his people welcome home welcome home welcome home
Old Ben hears the Force singing aboard the Death Star as he faces Vader one last time, he sees the twins reunited at last, he knows it is his Time
Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi finally joins his Order, his people, in the Force, and it sings with Light and so does he
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yanderes-galore · 10 days
Fandom: Star Wars
Character: Darth Vader
Pairing: Romantic
Type of Fic: Concept (HCs)
Oh no... Anakin giving into the Dark Side... Hope I get things right :( Doesn't really go into it so you can imagine him non-burned if you want.
Yandere! Darth Vader Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Controlling behavior, Manipulation, Violence, Murder, Isolation, Possessive behavior, Forced relationship.
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Darth Vader is an Anakin who lost... everything.
His morals, his wife, his mentors, his mother, everything....
He is now a being of ruthless violence to try and justify his actions.
In a way he still wants to protect...
Even if it means stomping out rebellion for the Empire.
Vader no doubt knows he's become a monster.
Part of him wouldn't blame his obsession, whoever they are, for hating his presence.
But a lot of what he does would be for them... you.
Anakin... Vader... doesn't like change.
He has trouble with attachment and that was his downfall.
He has trouble letting go.
He used to be such a nice person.
Now... much has corrupted him.
Anakin has always had trouble with love.
He never wants to lose the people he loves.
Allowing him to have an obsessive and possessive attachment to those he loves.
I imagine Vader is the same way... deep in him.
He's driven to crave power to try and prevent anything similar happening to anyone with The Empire.
He thought he lost his ability to love when he lost Padmé.
Yet... he finds someone new.
Meaning, as always, his love is only harmful towards those he loves.
Vader would fear losing the one he loves again.
In fact, at first he tries to ignore such an idea.
He can't be attached to another.
A Sith Lord like him doesn't have time for another like Padmé.
But deep down... Deep down he craves it again.
Vader is one of the most powerful Sith Lords in the galaxy.
He is a man who takes what he wants.
Power, love, vengeance...
If he really wanted you, he could have you.
But why does he struggle?
All he feels is suffering.
When he sees you, a Jedi, a civilian, a rebel, someone who works under him... whoever you are...
He thinks of those he loved before....
He... He can't do it again, can he?
He's a selfish man.
A selfish man who hurts and kills those he loves.
If he truly respects and loves you, if he isn't just using you to cope...
He should let you go...
Yet as always he can't.
Darth Vader is powerful, arrogant, impulsive, ruthless, impatient, intimidating... and most of all...
Compared to Anakin, he's quiet no matter how you decide to see him.
It doesn't matter if you see him as you do in canon, or if you choose to use the fandom's un-burned version.
I still imagine he wears the helmet, the suit... and you hear that twisted breathing.
You may never truly know the man who took you from your home, who isolated you for his own benefit.
All you know is a cold mask and deep voice.
Along with his cold touch.
Vader is a man full of conflict.
His feelings for you do not help.
Vader is still a man who refuses to let go.
Once he obtains these new feelings for you, he can't just... get rid of them.
No, part of him still wants to love.
He doesn't deserve it, he knows that...
It never stops him from treating you like you're made of glass.
When the Death Star was around, he gave you your own room.
If not, you're never far from him.
I would not be surprised if he was more overprotective and possessive than he was as Anakin.
Now he's determined not to lose you like Padmé.
He may have been unable to save her.
Yet he'll succeed with you, he refuses to see otherwise.
Those who interact with you are closely monitored.
Any harm that comes to you is swiftly punished.
You're given a high security room and Vader often prefers to visit himself.
Vader likes his privacy with you.
By this point, it doesn't matter if this is wrong.
Vader finds himself obsessed with you and your safety.
He feels he can find love in you.
He wants to love again even if he can't.
It pains him when you flinch away.
He tries desperately to cup your cheek, to hold you close.
Frustration keeps bubbling within him when his attempts to change you, to make things work, fail.
Which often leads to him scaring you when he uses the Force to pull you into his arms.
He needs to be careful with his anger.
He could easily kill you if left unchecked.
Then he'd be repeating past mistakes if he wasn't already.
Vader expresses... desperation towards you.
Desperate for a love he can no longer have.
He can't force what he had to happen again.
You may always hate him... He'll always be a monster.
But he's too selfish to let you go.
Even if you hate him, he still holds on to his twisted view of love.
Vader would kidnap you from your home, slaughter all you love, and isolate you beside him...
He'd do it all if it meant he could feel something again... If it meant he could have you.
Murder isn't something he thinks much about anymore. There's not much guilt now.
He's done it so much already for a cause he believes in.
A safer galaxy.
Don't you want a safer galaxy?
While originally dedicating this all to Padmé, he now makes his purpose revolving around you.
Affection is no longer something he really expresses like he used to.
He'll caress you, hold you close, squeeze you like his life depends on it as you sit on his lap.
Yet kisses are impossible, so is anything else.
You feel like you're just being used to cope.
For the most part... you are.
Vader just would never admit it.
He wants you safe, cared for, and loved.
All by him.
Sure, view him as a monster, he knows he is one.
However, this monster is doing all he can to keep you safe.
You may not be happy now... but you will be.
Soon you'll trust his words, won't you?
If he didn't want to love you, he would've disposed of you for being a distraction.
Unfortunately, his view of love isn't much better.
Vader's new view on love is preventing all harm.
That means killing people in front of you with his saber or powers.
That means isolating you.
That means locking you away for his eyes only.
He calls this love...
In reality, he's still a man afraid of loss, and he can't afford to lose you like everything else.
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thegingerwrites · 6 months
I'm calling this "the grass isn't always greener au" and I'll probably never write it but it was stuck in my head today:
The Clone Wars are over, Palpatine is dead and the galaxy is more at peace than it has been in a lifetime. Anakin is no longer a Jedi. He has been living with Padmé and their children for two years now and everything is fine. Everything is definitely, absolutely fine.
And yet Anakin can't help but feel like he made some kind of mistake in leaving the Order when Padmé told him she was pregnant. He can't regret her or their children. He can't regret the fact that he no longer has to deflect blaster bolts on a daily basis. He can't regret peace.
But he does miss Obi-Wan. The ragged threads of their bond are still present in his mind when he can bring himself to sense them. (And he does, often, like picking at a scab or the empty cavity of a missing tooth. He prods at the empty space, making sure never to go far enough as to make Obi-Wan aware of it. He hasn't seen Obi-Wan in months). He misses having a purpose, a bright shining goal, the feeling of fulfilling his destiny even if the pursuit of that destiny aged him in ways he is still coming to terms with.
He was never the Jedi he should have been but now he is no longer a Jedi at all. And maybe if he had held himself together for just a little longer, he could still be one today.
The Force gives him the chance to find out.
Anakin wakes up in the body of Darth Vader, two years after the fall of the Republic, broken and in pain, fully invested in the power of the dark side.
He flees the Executor as soon as he can. Taking stock of his mechanical limbs, full-body burns, and life support suit, Anakin has no idea where he is or what has happened to him. But this is him, some alternate version of him. When he takes off the helmet and stares into his reflection in transparisteel window of his escape pod, he sees himself. Despite the changes, the burns, the eyes, he recognizes himself.
He seeks out Obi-Wan through the tenuous, broken bond in both of their minds. This may not be his world and this might not be his master, but Anakin knows he could find Obi-Wan anywhere if he allows himself to reach out to that connection again.
Darth Vader appears on Obi-Wan's doorstep on Tatooine, begging for his help. It takes Obi-Wan time to understand what is happening but they sit and talk and everything that happened in the last days of the Republic is slowly revealed. Everything that Anakin did, everything that he became.
They talk for hours, Anakin reveling in Obi-Wan's companionship again, taken aback by how much his master loves him, even this version of him and all that he did, and Obi-Wan nearly brought to tears by the idea of having Anakin back again. What Obi-Wan wouldn't do to sit side by side with Anakin again, to have even the smallest speck of hope that Anakin might come back to him.
By the light of his hearthfire, Obi-Wan asks Anakin to take off his mask, so that he can see his face again. Anakin would do anything for his master but especially this older, sadder version who loves him so desperately and he obliges. Obi-Wan reaches a gentle hand out to stroke Anakin's pock-marked cheek. He presses a kiss to his pale and scarred forehead.
Then Anakin wakes up in bed with his wife, pulled completely from the alternate reality and back in his body again, his eyes wet with tears. Without hesitation, he reaches out to his bond with Obi-Wan and pulls.
Perhaps Anakin didn't make a mistake in choosing peace. But he certainly made one in leaving Obi-Wan behind. And if Obi-Wan's love could survive all of that, it can definitely handle a few years of strained silence and damaged trust.
Anakin races up the steps of the Jedi Temple in early morning sunlight and for the first time in two years, meets his old Master for tea.
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galactic-rhea · 4 months
in regards to your padme post, what if padme WAS put into the space monk order and groomed by the literal devil alongside anakin? How do you think she would've turned out?
#you can't put tags in asks #but I'm doing it anyways #padme and anakin are some of my favorite star wars characters
The galaxy is fucked. That's it, thanks for your ask. /hj
The thing is that Palpatine is so...insidious (lol) that I fully believe he could groom anyone to be a Darth Vader if he has the opportunity.
Look at Luke, with Luke it didn't work because he didn't have years of manipulation and Luke did have more stable relationships and less all-consumming insecurities compared to Anakin, and a much less dogmatic understanding of bieng A Good Jedi (tm),,,AND LUKE STILL ALMOST FALLS.
Even if you want to take the sequels as canon...He also didn't have the time to groom Rey for years, and still almost succeds.
Padmé saw Palpatine as a sort of political mentor but could realize she was being played, but Palpatine didn't warp her into world-changing views.
But regarding your question, I think it would depend a lot and there's a lot of factors playing, like: Do she and Anakin bond? Why did Palpatine pick her? Or is this a reverse situation? Was she also brough as an older kid or was taken as a baby?
If we simplify it to "She was the one super strong in the force so Palpatine picked her for apprentice", yeah, I think we would have had Darth Amidala, perhaps less ruthless and murderous than Vader, more subtle and way more cold, but...idk, look at the other people Sidious got his hand into (Maul, Dooku).
If Padmé and Anakin had bonded, and Sheev had wanted Padmé as his apprentice, then I bet he would've find some way to get rip off of Anakin and anyone close to her, isolating and cutting away any ties to love or comforts is first and foremost.
Even if Anakin had been another apprentice to Sheev, then Palpatine was in for just some fun games and see how to get one of his apprentices kill, betray or in some way get out of the picture so only the best one remains.
Sheev is an incredible villain because he's always playing 4D Chess and he adapts his plan on the go.
When it comes to AUs like this, I think we're talking about the very human and sad nature that is being vulnerable to manipulation, no matter how smart.
Sometimes we want to think "oh if it hadn't been Anakin, if it had been -insert goodie good character-, things would've changed", but the fact is that no one is infalible. Groomers change their game and attack the weakness they see and adapt to their victim needs, and Palpatine is terrifying in that regard. And is a supporting system what helps people to get out.
Padmé is brave, smart and competent, but guess what, so was Anakin. And I think Palpatine would have exploited her weakness if he had chosen her as a victim instead of Anakin. But so would have anyone else. If Palpatine had chosen Obi-Wan, or Ahsoka, or Quilan, or Ayla, whatever, then we would have ended with a sith apprentice anyways; with their own particular personality and quirks, of course, and less unhinged perhaps because one of the biggest things in Anakin/Vader's views is that he was a slave and he sees the world in a very particular way, but yeaaaah.
If I must think of how could an evil Padmé would be...I think she would be very methodical and unlike Vader, she wouldn't be submissive to her "master" at all, she would plot against Sheev and harbour lots of hate and very little loyalty to him. She has the mindset of a queen, not a slave. In a way, that would make her more dangerous.
And I think she would ha v e some sort of…possesive views? Like, idk how to explain, kinda like how a queen sees a bestiary? Awesome, scary and cool beast to keep in a nice sanctuary, but they belong to her. I get this idea because of that bit from one of the novels, where she thinks that Anakin is like a vine tiger, dangerous and capable of murdering anyone else "but that runs to put his cheek against her and pur.r"
But like Anakin, then anyone can turn back as well and get away from the manipulation, and a sith Padmé could as well!
aLSO, before anyone says something because I'm starting to know how this fandom works... no, I'm not absolving Anakin of guilt, because victims can become abusers and should be held accountable. However, I am praising how terrifying Palpatine actually is when you think about it, literally any other character could've become what Anakin became had Sheev (or any other groomer, tbh) decided to play the cards that way.
Sorry for the long rambling I thing i sidetracked a lot, I hope at least it's a good answer nkljgndfjkgdfg
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lazerswordweilder · 13 days
What if instead of his finger Anakin wore his wedding ring on a necklace, because it would be suspicious if he had a wedding ring and he’s worried he’ll lose his other arm and if he loses the necklace that means he’s lost his neck so no matter anymore right.
What if Anakin gifted his mother a japor snippet too (the necklace he gave Padmé in a Phantom Menace), and after her death he added it to the necklace with his wedding ring because now they’re close and how he wishes they got to meet.
What if when Ahsoka left, she gave him one of the Akul teeth (from her headdress) and he added it to his necklace next to his mother and his wife because she was his little sister and his family not just an apprentice.
What if Anakin never got anything from Obi-Wan, symbolism for his loyalty to the Jedi order (which prohibits attachments and presumably memorabilia) and how it distances him from Anakin his master his brother why doesn’t his brother love him as much as he does.
What if the clones have nothing to give despite them being family. Except one day on a mission, one of them finds a piece of wood and together they carve and paint it into a helmet and Anakin adds it to his necklace they said it was a joke but it wasn’t they can’t believe he really cares.
What if after Padmé died, Anakin managed to get both her ring and japor snippet and he adds them to his necklace. Wedding rings are meant to be kept together after all. WHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHY-.
What if even all these years later, Vader cannot bring himself to get rid of these memorabilia, and he still wears them. Hidden from sight by his suit, but always a heavy weight on his neck which feels so suffocating one moment and so grounding the next.
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tennessoui · 2 months
other people have definitely said it better I’m sure but I just rewatched a new hope and darth vader doesn’t look at leia and see padmé in her face immediately because he sees padmé in everything always, right
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shapelytimber · 5 months
I'm in the mood to sketch rn :) so here is a recap of my star wars sapphic au <3
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And the lineup !
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But now, I would love some opinions on who should I add next soooo
Little pitch for each potential new character below vvv
Lando : I think making her a high femme mayor/pilot can be hot af lfkgkfk
I love Lando's character and design, and even tho I don't plan on keeping the mustache (a tragedy I know), I do have some ideas for a feminine version.
She's living the high life until her kinda failure of an ex comes crawling back to her with demands and a new gf :) too bad she already made a deal with Vader
Piett : middle aged stressed navy woman in uniform (even tho it's the kinda ugly imperial uniform fifkfkfk).
Piett is one of my absolute favorite sw characters ! So thank you fanon, you made something really cool for this one <3
And I adore his friendship with Veers, so they might be a muscle woman also in uniform if you pick his option ;)
Boba Fett : post sarlacc digestion butch booba fett. She's old, she's bald, and she will break your jaw <3
Also dykes on (hover) bikes :)))
PS : as always, the Palpatine and Dooku designs were originally made by Stagbeetleboy, so these are his designs
PPS : I drew Padmé in my favorite outfit of hers, and even tho she wore it in star wars 1 she isn't 14 here itjkff hope I didn't have to specify that but better safe then sorry- she's in her late twenties early thirties
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marvelstars · 6 months
Padme & Anakin anger &flaws
I may be in the minority but I do think Padme is principled and brave a lot, she has been that way since she was a kid, she was bassically trained to be that way so she could become a strong/good leader for Naboo and guess what Anakin is/was very principled and brave as well, the fact both of them share this about the other is one of the biggest reasons why they became involved and fell in love but Padme also is flawed, I don´t believe she was without flaws and one those flaws involve being almost as angry as Anakin.
We already saw Anakin´s reaction over Shmi´s death, Padme is almost as angry over Corde´s murder in AOTC, in the novel of Attack of the Clones Padmé has a moment in which she wishes she could murder the trade federation leaders and Count Dooku over Corde´s death and she wonders if that was how Anakin felt with the tusken raiders after they tortured and killed his mother, the main difference between them is that Padme would have to use considerable effort to do that which would lead to her thinking things over better, while Anakin could kill a lot of people just using his mind in the rush of the moment, he didn´t even needs his lightsaber to do that, so his control over himself has to be more constant.
Both Padme and Anakin share a perspective of justice being something that not neccesarily can be always tackled by a system, in fact Padme´s words after leaving the Senate to go rescue her planet was that there wasn´t probably any hope for the republican system, a concept like justice isn´t easily tackled by a system, especially one as flawed as the republic, Padme simply thoguht the republic could be fixed when she grew up and Anakin shared this sentiment as well but he wasn´t as hopeful as her.
So both have this rightheous anger in them and in Padme´s case that included her helping Anakin hide what happened to the tusken raiders, maybe she thought him being expelled from the Jedi Order and going to jail wasn´t the best way to deal with that, I personally think maybe that could have protected him from Palpatine but he surely would have found a way to become Anakin´s guardian and lawyer if that happened but my guess is that Padme simply had compassion for Anakin´s circunstances, because the origin of Anakin´s reaction was precisely being taken away from his mother, leaving her a slave which lead to her death and Padme knew as well as Anakin did that the dead of Shmi Skywalker would not garner justice from Jabba, the Republic or any other system or government body in the galaxy, literally nobody cared she died, only Anakin and the Lars family did which made Padme sympathetic to Anakin.
Padme also is very principled but imo she seems used to have a pov particular to her station which also leads to ignore some things people who had not been in her place experiment daily, she shares this flaw with Bail Organa as well. Slavery for Padme seemed a very horrible and sad reality but it wasn´t one of her priorities to end it, her priority was to help turn the republic into a more equal and fuctional body that could better deal with those situations and many others around the galaxy and she actually came close to discovering many of Palpatine´s schemes for this reason, which was why he and Dooku wanted her dead and she never semed to quite make the connection between slavery and the clones but then again nobody else did except for maybe Anakin and ironically Palpatine and Count Dooku.
Both Padme and Anakin were children forced into adult situations and both were told or were forced to, since a young age, to reppress their emotions, Padme as Amidala, Anakin as a slave who had to control his emotions so he would not bring trouble to his mother or himself and later as a Jedi. Imo this made both of them develop a kind of double life, Anakin in particular hated the Amidala persona, because Padme seemed so emotionless when she was that way but curiously enugh as Vader, one of his main go to presentation cards is to act almost as emotionless as Queen Amidala.
What I don´t view and never will see as part of Padme´s flaws is her love for Anakin or her wish to save him from himself in ROTS.
Those are not flaws, those are part of her strenght as a character imo because while she certainly wasn´t of the oppinion that eveything would be alright after what Anakin did, in fact Lucas commented she would not have stayed his wife had she lived, she definitely could see he wasn´t in his right mind on Mustafar, so their marriage may have been over if Anakin followed her but she still cared enough for him to try to help him get back to his own senses, because she knew if she gave Anakin that opportunity, his own horror over what he did would be as strong as anything she could tell him and he would have directly taken matters into his own hands even if they meant his death and this opportunity is precisely what Luke presented to Vader in ROTJ, which lead to the biggest victory over the darkside in the series, so no Padme´s love and compassion for Anakin will never be flaws from my pov, just like Anakin only could find himself again because he was able to feel compassion again as Vader. Both are connected that way.
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