#it turned into some backstory stuff oops
mossymandibles · 2 months
What's gender affirming care like on hallowed carrion?
Good question, it can be a little wild west out there, even just with regular hospice/holistic care, depending on where you’re at and which species or community you belong to. I’d say on Mors Astra (name of the planet), sexuality and gender expression can be as eclectic and varied as most animals/humans irl….Um, I guess I’m going to info dump about my individual trans characters and their experiences as well as how some of the main species would view it over all and hope that it answers your question. I’ll also be creating other sophont species that could have different views on things so there’s that too.
Also content warning ahead for forms of transphobia and gender dysmorphia topics.
For the Myce I’d say for the most part getting something like a cosmetic change is no biggie to them, as they don’t tend to have strict guidelines for gender expression. It probably wouldn’t go as in depth as it does with mammalians, surgically and medication wise. Their nerves and vessels grow back easier and such. Even their genitalia is strictly geared towards pleasure, like a miniature sexual mycorrhizal network of nerve endings. There’s no sperm or eggs involved. Their genitals may go by human guild lines in terms of appearance, but they can get pretty wild looking. I haven’t quite thought it through entirely just yet but I guess they might have their own form of T and E, if they cosmetically wanted breasts or a more phallic attachment, etc. I feel like they’d go more along the route of genetic expression rather than hormones though. There isn’t really a huge societal rift between who expresses themselves as feminine, masculine, etc. (although there could always be some strange cults and eccentrics out there!) I’d say to them it’s more important that you look conventionally humanoid. If you’re a bloom face (like Heidi), or have a tail/ horns or look more ‘animalistic’ and ‘othered’ for that matter, you’re more likely to face some stigma in certain regions populated by Myce. This derives from early on when the Myce were first coming into being. They were called changelings, ‘faefolk’, fairies, etc, and caused a lot of widespread fear and misconceptions. They associate such terms with being considered monstrous, diseased, etc.
They don’t reproduce like mammals, as they technically aren’t mammals, so luckily for them natal affairs and giving birth aren’t tied to any specific gender and are entirely up to the individuals who want to go that route.
*takes another deep breath*
In the case of Vveashuls, I think they’re a little more ‘traditional’ so to speak. (Tbh I think I’ve ended up expressing some deep seated frustrations with what I’m surrounded by everyday in them, oops! No fault of the Vveashuls ofc.)
With Vveashuls, many pockets of them tend to put a lot of value in procreation, having several kids, being able to breastfeed them on your own, etc. One should always put the family first.
In the past, while they lived on Zenith as one species, having litters and as many healthy kits as possible meant their survival. Often times their young would be culled by the Furies in order to keep their numbers down and keep them under control. Mind, not ALL Furies kept Vveashuls in servitude, just certain rooks.
Where they’re out from under the Furies control now, they hold pride in keeping big families, staying together, the next generation raised by the previous, etc.. A lone Vveashul is seen as strange, or that something is wrong with them. In the modern day, this creates a lot of pressures.
In Jago’s case, he grew up in a town of very traditional views; the idea of a Vveashul that can get pregnant getting rid of their breasts or their ability to give birth/ taking hormones was unheard of or seen as a selfish act of self mutilation. Males transitioning to females were seen as ‘useless’ or strange pretenders. Even just starting out, his family was very small, just him and his father.
Jago didn’t even really know what felt ‘off’ about himself until he met Kraw, Titus, Mayv and her crew. Puberty only made it more painfully obvious. Once he was old enough and sure of himself (this was after he and Kraw had parted ways the first time) It was very difficult for him to get any kind of treatment for such things geared towards his kind, even in Ladder occupied cities. He had to go under the table for most of his surgeries and medications, which put him in many dangerous situations. With his primary breasts still intact, he still feels like he’s not where he wants to be. The fact that the last surgeon to remove his secondary ones left him with obvious scars is frustrating as well. The whole process had just exhausted him overall. So he focused more on work.
On top of taking hormones, he would often have to take suppressors (yeah, those.) otherwise he’d go into heat and get all swollen and sensitive (it’s also fairly normal for female Vveashuls to take suppressors lest they deal with going into heat in day to day life, which can be very inconvenient in the modern day.)
He absolutely hates how he gets without the suppressors, as it only adds to his dysmorphia.
He’d occasionally have to deal with his old work mates making fun of him about it. They referred to him as a male, sure, but he still felt like they saw him as playing pretend. They would make comments like “oohh you’re grumpy today, are you off your meds?” Where they were mostly Myce, they didn’t deal with the average hang ups of mammalian sophonts and usually found it strange or funny.
Jago wants to be completely severed from the idea of having and mothering kids, the expectations of female Vveashuls, etc. I’d go as far as to say he’s had legitimate tokophobia his entire life. But he’s feels somewhat apprehensive of further surgeries for the time being, at least until he finds someone trustworthy and experienced. Who knows! He might find one in Marrowtide.
*deep breath*
THANKFULLY, where he lives now with Kraw and the others in Marrowtide, he’s in a MUCH more accepting/progressive environment, so I’d say that definitely helps him with the dysmorphia and anxieties of how his body looks. Despite being intimidated by Sylvaine, he gladly take his hormones and suppressors from her, where she also supplies them for Kraw in order to temporarily stave off his occasional ‘rut’ aggression (they’re almost like a birth control). Even other Vveashuls in Marrowtide wouldn’t care that Jago’s gotten surgery. Most of them probably escaped to Marrowtide in order to get away from stifling environments as well.
Disclaimer ofc: I don’t see having kids/ a big family etc as inherently stifling or negative by any means, I’m only referring to harmful beliefs and pressures that may come from growing up in a family with very controlling traditional viewpoints.
In Durja’s case, pockets of Fury cultures vary from rook to rook (‘rook’ being similar to a clan). Most are matriarchal. Durja herself was a sentry and the occasional personal concubine for the ‘Crowned Matron’ at the time (matriarchal leader of the rook). They don’t really perceive being trans, only caring that you are strong and tactical. Though, I’d say if you were looking to transition to female it would be very dangerous, as most of the females would take that as a challenge. In that same way a female transitioning to a male might be seen as weak. Within the Furies species, most of the time the females are bigger, stronger and tend to be more aggressive, even possessing pseudo-penises. They’re also polygamous.
I’d say she’s gotten most of her ideas of what she wants for herself by having watched Sylvaine in relationships for a while, thus deciding she wanted to be loved romantically in such a manner rather than the usual domineering way she had been used to. Taking in the strengths she’d see among the female Furies and she’s got her own image she’s made for how she presents herself.
She hasn’t personally dealt with any type of body dysmorphia and wasn’t interested in taking hormones from Sylvaine despite her offering, deciding she was fine with herself. (In fact, having a noticeable bulge as a female would be seen as desirable among Furies and Sylvaine definitely doesn’t complain).
Anyway, I hope that gives some insight for how it may be in some regions of Mors Astra. I think I just like to imagine animal hierarchies applied to creatures with human intelligence is all idk lol.
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dominantslasherking · 11 months
Billy and Stu with dominant Male S/o
My Stories are meant for the much more mature audience, 18+. Backstory: You always manage to catch Billy and Stu's eyes on you, whether it be in the college classroom, or when you're purchase horror stuff, they always seem to follow you. Even in your house you still feel their gazes
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The dimly lit college classroom was buzzing with chatter, but not loud enough for the professor to call on anyone. Minding your own business as you were taking notes and sketching little side characters on your notebook out of boredom. Eyes were lingering on you, It wasn't the typical glance or side glance.
The lingering eyes were strong and made you feel a cool sensation run down your spine. With a simple turn of the head, you spotted the two. Billy and Stu, how could not know them? Not only did they garner attention all over the college campus. You would always, always catch them staring, although they may be fast to react and look away.
It can't be a coincidence they just always stare at you, not to mention being in the areas you were, your favorite locations, dining areas.
But the really not-so-funny part is, every time you do end up making a friend at this college, they end up disappearing. It had gotten so bad that even your fellow students grew weary of you, believing you were the infamous 'scream' killer.
However after a night in jail and the kills were happening when you were locked up, you were cleared of suspicion but of course not from the college students.
Once the class ended. You made your way out slinging your bag over the shoulder and sighing.
Almost meticulously, with severe calculation Billy had bumped straight into you. He gave a pretty smile as Billy watched you pick up his books. "Thanks, hah," Billy said his eye gleaming with an intense undertone of desire and pure want.
"It's my fault, I should watch where I was going...lost in thought." Your husky voice mutters, stacking Billy's books neatly in your hand before returning them, noticing the subtle hand movement of Billy where his hand brushed against yours.
Turning your gaze to Billy's friend Stu. Stu was silent, his eyes roaming you. The typically loud and humorous friend was silent strange enough, he licked his lips and gave a big smile. "Wow! I love that shirt!" Billy's face fell at Stu's words, elbowing him in the stomach, not enough to cause him severe pain but make him go 'ow'
"What was that for?!" Stu muttered with a pout. "You idiot, his shirt is just plain gray! what do you mean you like it?" Billy scolded, hinting that he knew Stu was checking [Name] out, and now you probably knew that Stu was eyeballing you.
"Ohhh." Stu muttered, as they continued to whisper and bicker among themselves.
Your chuckle made them pause. "sorry, sorry, you guys are just--funny that's all." You spoke softly, you thought they were cute. Bidding them goodbye, you walk out of the classroom.
Billy stared at stu.
"Whattt? Not my fault he's so sexy!" Stu grumbled out.
Later that day. You were at the DVD shop, looking through the thriller/horror second, making sure to get your hands on some classics.
With a loud and abrupt clank, your gaze faltered on the row across from you.
"Oops, did I ruin your guy's peeping session?" Randy had asked Billy and Stu. Stu gritted his teeth, Billy gave a urked glare. But the two of them knowing, your gaze was on them resisted doing something they were dying to do. They would just have to get back at him later.
"Wow! [Name], Thriller & horror movies? Nice dude!" Stu cheered pretending as if he didn't already know that about you...
Stu had started to chitter-chatter with you, while Billy was shooing and waving Randy off. Soon after Randy complied (after rolling his eyes and snarky comments) leaving the three of you alone.
"Ehm,--Well Billy and I, we love those types of genres!" Stu happily said as Billy's attention was now drawn to you, his feverish gaze landing on your lips every time you spoke. Taking a pause you spoke, "Really? why don't you two, come over sometime, we can watch them together?" You ask, as the two slashers freeze, slowly turning to look at each other and then back at you.
"What's the matter?...you don't want to---" Before you could finish what you wanted to say, Billy cut you off. "No-! No, we would love to."
Nodding you smiled, "Sure next time in class, we should set up a time and date." After bidding farewell, and purchasing the movies you got, you left, leaving Billy and Stu to celebrate together.
Pausing the movie, you itched the back of your neck, a feeling of a sense of dread washed over you. You had it again. Like someone, was watching, analyzing, observing you.
"Fuck." a whisper, under your breath, as you got up to check your popcorn. Walking to the kitchen, you take out the bowl of popcorn, setting it down as the phone rings.
"Hello?" "What's your favorite scary movie, [Name]?"
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newbornwhumperfly · 2 months
with a minimum of interference...
this was a very exciting project for me, so i had to make it so, so sad 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 for this @whumpmasinjuly prompt - day 28: fill a whump prompt - i chose this beautiful prompt (self-imposed sleep deprivation) by @teine-mallaichte 😍😍😍 please forgive me in advance for turning into some heartbreaking backstory material for my boy morja...💔💔💔
CW: sleep deprivation, childhood neglect, accidental parentification trauma via latchkey kid syndrome, childhood poverty, oops it's all so sad folks please proceed with emotional caution <333
title insp. by this concept art quote by jenny holzer - “when you’ve been someplace for awhile, you acquire the ability to be practically invisible. This lets you operate with a minimum of interference.”
Makuahine was supposed to be home already. 9 PM, maybe later. She said it would be at nine. I'm sorry, Morja, I hope to be back as soon as I can from work, okay? It is eleven, beaming in the dark of the kitchen, and Morja is still waiting. 
It isn’t bad that she isn’t here at ten. Sometimes…it takes longer, sometimes. That’s what jobs are like. Morja knows that the buses are long and that sometimes work is longer than Maku thinks because bosses say stuff that's different, all the time, and that's a job. 
He’s not stupid. He’s able to understand. He's smart and responsible and knows money has to happen.
And still, even with money and obeying and jobs and taking care of the apartment and of Lehua, his eyes are itchy and burning. 
In the small walls, the hum of wires is quieter, the lights off, the small space all shadows. There’s so little space to walk around, just seven steps to the wall, seven steps to the other wall, where he can touch the buzzing fridge, the cold tiny sink, the table squished into the corner. 
Walk to the door. 
The latch, closed. The lock, turned. The other chair pushed under the handle, jammed up tight, secure. 
Morja walks to the corner by the door and, quiet, slow, rearranges the toys again. The little squishy floor-mat of blue and yellow stars was folded small, the little plastic basket had every toy stacked up. But maybe the trucks should go on the bottom and the soft toys on top. 
Trucks. Then the beanbag toys, laid in a row, little bunny, little cat, little dog. No, f-o-x. The two squishy stars. The big plastic ball on top. Neat, nice. Maku will be happy the corner is clean! He swept the floor with his little broom and got all the dust, even the tiny gritty bits, in the can. 
Morja likes when it is clean too. 
Stand up, knees and shoulders making the crackle noise, sore neck, rubbing his eyes again and his back hurts from bending. Walk quiet, so quiet, to the bedroom to check on Lehua. She cried and cried and was mad that Morja wasn’t Maku. Needed to be carried, wailing, until his arms hurt too much to hold her, hearing thumps and yells from the wall behind the kitchen at very loud screams. 
Morja doesn’t scream. He could. He could scream if he wanted but he’s too old for screaming. 
Lehua’s face is pink and clean on her tiny pillow, because Morja played and played and read and read the little book with its cracking spine and bright pictures and by the time she fell asleep, her cheeks were scrubbed from the snot and tears by the washcloth, snuggly and soft, and Morja did a good job.
The light through the blinds makes orange stripes over the tiny body, snuffling, curled around her blanket. Morja is extra quiet when he kneels next to the mattress to touch her head. 
Not hot.
Morja blows out, soft, cause that’s good. This mattress is so soft, bigger than his, with springy bounce. He knows he’s small for his mattress but this one is just nicer, wider, more room for stretching. 
Morja pillows his cheek on the mattress, his nose just so close to Lehua’s balled-up fist, and her chest rises and falls. Sometimes Morja lays awake and watches, when he can’t fall asleep. Watches Maku breathe, the weird rasping wet noise it makes, like a gasp. Watches Lehua breathe, so small it’s sometimes hard to tell it’s happening. 
Morja doesn’t like that kind of breathing, the air that happens when you’re sick. 
The mattress is soft under his cheek. 
Not so scratchy. 
No, c’mon, get up. Keep watch. It’s not Morja sleep-time.
Morja wants to keep the lights on, because, well, he knows he has work. Brightness will help. But it’s so important not to keep the lights on too much cause of money. He chews his lip, thinking. The school has given him pages to practice his language skills, he thinks the tall pale man with a pale shirt and pale hair said. Pale sheets of paper in his hands and so, so many lines. 
Even when it’s dark and there’s a throb behind his eyes, Morja can still be helpful and finish these lines for tomorrow. If he shoves himself into the very corner of the wall, where the bad-wet-smell of the room is strongest, a strong streetlight pokes through slats of window-blinds. 
It’s orange and white and burns in a way that thumps the inside of his head. But it’s bright enough to see the paper. Black lines thump against his eyeballs, neck sore as it bends low to the paper, one fingertip tracing.
What is the right answer to a stranger asking “how are you?” 1. “I am good, thank you.” 2. “I am good, how are you?” 3. “I am good.”
The clock on the top of the stove beeps, red and gleaming through the grills. 
12.00 AM
Morja huffs through his teeth and rests his head against the wall. The stink and the hum makes his head throb harder but it keeps him up. Pangs shoot through his belly and his hand, sore, thumb and finger raw and indented-red from holding his pen, rubs over his stomach. Hungry is good, it keeps him- he can stay awake if he thinks about eating and how Maku will have maybe a snack from one of the late-car-places.
Dry noodles and powder rattling in a box.
Meat in strips, hard and dry and hot.
Chocolate in shiny wrapping, crunchy nuts and sweet goo and soft fluff, that is so rare.
N-e-w A-t-h-e-n-s.
Salt and sugar and butter and stuff that isn't on the list of what's allowed that Maku takes to the store.
1:00 AM.
Swimming black letters. Orange paper. Icky smell. Head hurts.
Maybe if he closed his eyes for a second.
But what if- Morja grunts and digs his fingers into the burn, sniffing hard. What if the door’s locked and Maku can’t come in? What if Lehua rolls off the bed? What if there’s a fire? 
What if something bad happened?
It’s the ache, like being hungry but worse, that keeps Morja up, more than his head hurting or his eyes itching or his butt and his legs getting sharp prickles. The what if thudding in his small chest, keeping his heart fast and his eyes watery. The worry keeps him awake, keeps him doing a good job, the worry helps.
By the time the sky gets oranger than the streetlamps and the chain rattles in return, Morja has learned how to keep the stomachache constant. By the time it is safe to lay down, he passes the hours to school with his hands over his stomach, the sharpness in his belly, in his chest, pressing, pressing, pressing. By the time he doesn’t need it anymore, it sticks. 
By the time he turns in his papers, clean and white and perfect, Morja learns more than one lesson to be perfect at.
so sincerely hope you enjoy what i've done with your excellent prompt, @teine-mallaichte!!! 😭🥰💖🥺
taglist: @much-ado-about-whumping @haro-whumps @whump-tr0pes @whumpzone @i-eat-worlds
@whumpthisway @whumping-every-day @whump-me-all-night-long @liliability @stoic-whumpee
@thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight @whatgoeswhumpinthenight @whumpster-draganies @scoundrelwithboba @kixngiggles
@redwingedwhump @suspicious-whumping-egg @straight-to-the-pain @wolfeyedwitch @tears-and-lilies
have a very merry @whumpmasinjuly everyone! 💖💖💖
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alixennial · 1 year
🌱 Indie Von Galen ⭐️ Seeker Of Hidden Truths
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The only things I'd decided up front for Indie was (1) that she'd have A Past (not necessarily traumatic, but definitely a learning experience that she'd carry into ARR - oops sorry Indie, I did intend to be gentle) and (2) some basic stuff about her character--she's positive, optimistic, and kind. She may not be the prettiest, smartest or most talented in the room, but she's resourceful and adaptable and she always tries her best.
I didn't know much about naming conventions when I created her, but the 'Von' thing gave me a fun opportunity to invent some backstory about how she might have had some Garlean involvements whilst ticking the 'Has A Past' box.
Indie was born and raised on a small crop farm in a quiet backwater outside of Ala Mhigo. She grew up in isolation; a home-schooled only-child of ageing parents. For the first few years of her life her family was pretty much self sufficient, but then the Garlean invasion brought about an end to their way of life. With no strength in numbers, Indie's family submitted to Garlean rule in the hope that they could somehow peacefully retain their livelihood.
"'Tis better to bend with the wind than stand tall and be broken. Therein lies… hope. Therein lies freedom."
Before long, Indie's father was removed from the farm and forced to work in an imperial factory. Indie's mother continued to home-school her and work the farm, but this increasingly became a struggle, especially in times when soldiers would regularly pay them a visit to claim their lot.
Indie had to step up at a very young age to ensure the farm covered enough for them to survive as her mother's health deteriorated. What she lacked in knowledge, in education, she made up for in strength, practicality and resourcefulness. This continued for many years until her mother passed away when Indie was a young adult, her father following just a few weeks later.
"People are pragmatic creatures at heart. They hold on to hope only until they taste true hardship. Then comes fear and regret. Safer not to dream, they conclude at last. They learn to abide the indignities and injustices, the pain and shame."
The farm was taken from her, and with few neighbours remaining, she turned to allies her father had made - a faction of imperial soldiers that had been ensuring the dignity of Ala Mhigan factory workers as well as keeping her village suitably stocked with provisions - one of which, the ringleader Christos van Galen, she later married. (Indie's title of Von was a gift from her husband which he claimed meant Princess - a position earned rather than born into)
Indie continued her endeavours to provide for the ever diminishing community whilst her husband worked on rallying like-minded Garleans and ~whatever else he was doing that he kept Indie firmly away from~, but when the group's activities were discovered, Christos was executed by way of an example. As conditions became less safe for Indie, she journeyed to Ul'dah in search of Ala Mhigan refugees and to find out what became of the Resistance.
She carries the title "Warrior of Light" with some trepidation. She doesn’t feel special but while it gives people hope she will embrace it. She has certainly struggled with imposter syndrome in the past.
As Indie learns more about her abilities and blessing of light, she wonders how much her late husband knew of them and whether he was protecting her, or protecting everyone else from her.
Age: 27 when she travelled to Ul'dah, 29 now.
Race: Highlander Hyur
Home world: Seraph, Dynamis
Hair: Red with highlights of Red
Eyes: Dark
Height: 5 fulms 11 ilms
Distinguishing marks: None?
Common Accessories: HAT
Profession: Monk
Hobbies: A very keen gatherer and crafter, allowing her to make good use of her more practical skills. She also enjoys having a small garden plot to grow crops, it reminds her of home in less complicated times.
Birthplace: Arse end of nowhere, Gyr Abania
Religion: Spiritual but not religious
Fears: A return to isolation
Spouse: Deceased
Parents: Deceased
Siblings: None
Other relatives: Unknown
Indie's Tag
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what would your ideal lmk season five look like? specifically for mk's character arc because I love your takes on that
I've said it before I want that boy centrifuged by the narrative
I didn't get the title of "MK death spiral blog" that one time by that one guy for nothing. I am 1000% on the "MK getting centrifuged by the narrative" pain train.
Now, in all honestly my ideal lmk s5 is the one they give me. These writers are so talented and they know more about their story than I do, so whatever they got planned is going to make me lose my mind!
But, indulging myself a little bit, here's a list of some things I'd love to see in s5 (or beyond???):
Sun Wukong V MK fight. Anyone who has followed me for any amount of time probably knows this. I need a SWK and MK fallout and then I need them to build their relationship up stronger.
MK Guilt Over Azure's death. That boy felt guilty for "releasing DBK from the underworld" when it was definitely Red Son who did that. MK arguably had a huge hand in Azure's death, being the one to cause Azure to finally lose his grasp on the Jade Emperor's powers.
Samadhi Fire Part 3. Anyone who has followed me for any amount of time also probably knows this. I want MK to be in the position of Samadhi Fire Mei and Jade Emperor Azure, unable to control his own powers, and needing to be talked down by Mei or someone else. We got one half of a 3x10 parallel in 4x08, and I need more!
Mei Dragon Form. Please for the love of god I want her to turn into a dragon so bad—nonnegotiably while she's protecting the people she cares about, for the sweet 4x05 callback. In my heart of hearts, I want Mei to unlock dragon form while trying to reach MK during Samadhi Fire Part 3. If we don't get another "We will figure this out together" what's the fucking point.
MK Subodhi Training??? Or honestly, MK interacting with real Subodhi in general. Did you see his face after the world reformed in 4x14? That was not a face of confidence.
Sandy Backstory. Which partially includes Pigsy. I just want to know what his 2x08 PTSD flashbacks were all about. *pulls out conspiracy board* I want to say those flashbacks take place at the 1x09 battlefield, which has helmets that we then see in 4x01, but who knows!
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Sun Wukong homeless arc. Flower Fruit Mountain was destroyed during the s4 special, and I want to see the consequences of that, especially if MK feels guilty about it! Which he probably will!
MK Spiral! This isn't as much of a prediction/want as it is just a fact. MK is going DOWN next season and I'm here with popcorn and tears. I need a FULL harbinger of chaos meltdown.
Macaque is just there, hanging out. After everything that happened last season I hope we see Macaque around a lot more, because I love him but also because I need MK to yell at him too. Also because "Whatever they're scheming we can handle it."
Yellowtusk helps Ne Zha maintain the seal. Yellowtusk had an important skill in helping Azure contain the Jade Emperor's powers—I'm wondering if he could do the same with Ne Zha's lotus seal.
MK Flashback. You know, how he got to Pigsy's, the circumstances of his birth, an explanation for what the fuck the stone monkey is/all those stone animals were, all that good stuff.
Bye Bye Bandana. If/when MK snaps and completely loses himself to whatever he is, I'd love for the headband to come off. Really cement it.
MK Relives His Nightmares Again. Oops. After going "So we never have to live our nightmares again!" in 4x12 I now need the opposite of that to happen. Sorry MK. I need his new "Better than we found it" resolve to fold like the soggy french fry it is. That ain't lasting.
Hurting The People You Care About Theme. So with "hurting the people who care about you the most" and everything being "to pain", I really want this to go a "hurting people is a part of life" route. We're already almost there with "Mistakes happen but as long as you leave the world better than you found it then it's all good." Like that's SO close. Come on s5 give it to me.
Wukong Killed Macaque Reveal. *twirls hair* This would sooooo not bode well for MK.
MK Gets Out of His "Good Guy" "Bad Guy" Way of Thinking. I think 4x11 as an episode really highlights this. MK views people as one or the other, ignoring the vast grey area that a lot of people fall in. Wukong in his past wasn't just "a bad guy", just like he isn't currently flawless or wholly "a good guy" now. He's just a guy.
I could probably go on forever, so I'll cut this off here!
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thisisnotacampaign · 7 months
Some basic backstory notes because if I try to write anything with a plot I will actually die very much to death so-
- The campaign is basically Baldur’s Gate 3 without being bg3. I don’t know enough about bg as a series to make it take place there, and I haven’t finished the game yet either, so most of the story elements are just very vague and made up.
- The gist of it is that Lyra starts as the main protagonist, a half elf warlock who has been captured and experimented on by a group of mindflayers. Lyra recalls very little of the capture and experimentation and wakes in a forest feeling incredibly weak. Over the next several days she encounters many other victims. Larkspur, a half elf bard, child of a nobleman in the royal city of Hawk’s Rest. Enoch, a tiefling warlock and scholar from the mage city of Civitae. Sparrow, a human paladin and former soldier dedicated to light and the preservation of life itself. And Wren, a drow fighter who, before this, had never left the Underdark.
- They learn of a dark sorcerer, a Lolth-sworn drow, named Cael who is rumored to be working with the mindflayers in a bid to take over the royal city and insert himself as Emperor.
- Convinced that Cael is the one behind their abductions and dark magic controlling the illithid parasites waiting in their heads, the group finds and attempts to kill him.
- Spoiler alert! Cael did originally intend for this to be the case, but apparently mindflayers don’t really take kindly to being told what to do by egotistical and narcissistic drow, so they’d taken him and stuffed his head with a parasite too.
- First, actually. He’d been the first one taken. And he’d used his magic to bind the tadpole to stop the ceremorphosis. And he’d kind of managed to do that to all the tadpoles. Oops?
- Now the mindflayers had a bunch of cursed tadpoles and they can’t resist an experiment, so… sorry everyone else, it’s eye worm time!
- Cael escapes the group. Wren is severely injured during the attack. They break off to regroup. Sparrow takes all of Cael’s journals for a bit of “light reading” and learns all this plot stuff.
- They find Cael again, this time after the drow had been captured (again) and tortured (again) and learn that if he dies then the magic binding their tadpoles will release and then they’ll all become mindflayers (oops).
- And that’s most of the plot, really. There’s probably some deus ex machina in the third act where they find a cleric or other healer that tells them they can remove the tadpole if the spell is broken so Cael has to decide to either sacrifice himself to save the other five, or just allow the spell to continue for the remainder of his natural life and damn the others into not knowing if or when they might be turned into mindflayers, and because character development he lets himself die and it’s all very sad and satisfying. (Can’t there be another way? Shhh. No. It’s about the character arc. Cael has been killing others for centuries to prolong his life, and has the chance to do something good to save the people who he himself had damned okay let me have this.)
- And that’s that. Heroes saved. Probably some mindflayers get killed. Everyone goes off and lives happily ever after (and I get to write the vignettes 🥰)
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incorrectinfinity · 2 years
I have been hinting at this for over a year now. Now it's finally here.
My full Timekeeper backstory
Buckle up mother fuckers
Extra Info
Setting: around ~1940's time period technology and style wise, Croissant at this point has no idea what the TBD is but is a plane mechanic training on becoming a pilot. She lives in California (RIP/j) and is friends with Hero Cookie and has a crush on Sandwich Cookie (could be anyone else if you don't like the ship), they're all in their mid twenties. String Gummy Cookie doesn't even exist yet to the story btw.
Info you need to know: the Blessing of Time is what I call Timekeeper's yellow eye thing. You can get it if your eye gets vulnerable to the vacuum of time and you have Time's favor. If you don't you can get blinded (in some cases temporarily others not), spared, or lost to Time itself, think of that like being sucked in a black hole. Once you get Blessed once you cannot get Blessed again (if you get one eye only you can't get the other). The Blessing provides the ability to open time portals and do time blinks without tools. It's special abilities are immunity from time paradoxes and the ability to escape time pockets. Also if you learn it's power well enough you can learn how to stop aging, neat stuff. It affects other physical aspects like causing rapid hair growth or hair yellowing if there is prolonged exposure. Also you can see every timeline at once, which is a bit overwhelming, but you can learn to control and ignore it over time.
Time Infection is a symptom that occurs when a recent/open injury is exposed to a time vacuum. It hurts like hell but instantly seals the injury which can prevent blood loss. It looks like the thing on Ruler's face (or Timebreaker's arm). It has a small chance of spreading beyond the initial injury over time but it is incredibly rare.
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Part 1: Croissant Cookie
Croissant was just living their life, building and repairing a variety of aircrafts, getting the hang of piloting controls when it happened.
Every day felt the same, nothing felt special. It was just day in, day out, time passing on as they moved along with it. Sometimes things would change up, like maybe Hero would visit and give them suggestions. Maybe they would go to Sandwich's shop after work. Maybe Cosmos Gear would spill oil on the ground and change up their routine a bit. But those joys and struggles merely made the feeling of monotony come back stronger.
It was agony.
Nothing mattered, even when they got their piloting license, it was just another thing prolonging the inevitable.
That is until Croissant tried something new. They used some of Hero's advice and ideas and changed them up a bit. Nothing special really, anyone could've done it. But it was *something* new.
It was barely anything, a simple pet project. A car that could move without the use of gas!
They finally decided to test it....
And found themself in 1972.
Part 2: Something New
After realizing they had no idea what had happened, they calmly parked the car (which looked like nothing compared to the ones that they saw on the street around them), turned off the motor, and LOST THEIR MIND. Where were they!? What had happened!? Why did everything look so weird!?
After their crisis they decided to look for answers. They passed by a newspaper stand and found a clue, November 23rd 1972. Thirty years in the future. They bought the newspaper, which seemed awfully expensive, and tried to get some sort of clue of what was going on. None. They went back to their car and found it surrounded by strange people. They walked up to them, and immediately got arrested. Oops.
They were still just trying to grasp a sense of what the hell was going on when they were questioned. They were informed that they accidentally built a time machine, they were in the custody of a facility that prevented time anomalies called the TBD, and that they had a choice to make.
Go back to their life knowing what the TBD was and be under surveillance by them to be sure that their existence is kept secret.
Or join them as a mechanic, have access to their old life but keep the TBD secret all the same. But, if they do tell anyone the consequences would be more dire.
Old life of monotony or new life of excitement, it was barely even a choice.
Part 3: The TBD
To say it was a learning curve would be one hell of an understatement. There were new guidelines, new people, new everything! If was overwhelming, stressful, scary, and the best moments of Croissant's life. With the unknown brought experience, with the people brought friendships, with the new brought exhilaration. Hero and Sandwich just thought they had a hell of a promotion, the kind of stuff that requires secrecy. Life was good.
After a few months they finally got a rhythm in their work, a sense of how the TBD operated. It was like a machine, the separate parts seem to make little sense, but when put together all were necessary.
They learned about history, past and future, they learned about the beginning, the Millennial Tree, the Great Dragon of the Future, a web of mystical beings that balanced the flow of time. The magic hidden in every day life!
Eventually they built up enough confidence to go back to their first time craft.
The "car" hadn't been touched in months, the poor thing had so much potential and now Croissant was ready to bring it there.
Their old pet project was coming back from the dead.
Part 4: Rebuild
When they weren't at work they worked on their pet project. If they weren't doing that they were with Hero and/or Sandwich. There was so much excitement they could barely even sleep. There was always something exciting to get into, always something new!
But one day, something changed.
Sandwich had asked to talk to them, in private. She confessed that she'd developed feelings for them over time, and that even if they didn't end up together she wanted to be honest about how she felt. To say Croissant was excited wouldn't cover it. They said that they felt the same way, and their relationship grew from there.
Life continued on. Over time Croissant felt bad about keeping the truth from Sandwich, and finally asked upper management if they could tell her, and at this point Croissant had shown that they were an integral part of the TBD and a very trustworthy employee, so they agreed.
Sandwich obviously questioned this but eventually believed them after being shown some evidence. She had to adjust to it a bit but eventually she just kinda accepted it and agreed to keep the TBD hidden.
Croissant was still working hard on their own projects, after calling the time craft done they decided to move on to a more comfortable pair of goggles for the TBD employees to wear. An easier project than an entire time craft but still important! After prototyping and experimenting for a few weeks they finally had a working model, now it was just time to test it.
Part 5: Blessed
The test went well!
Of course trying it out in a time void wasn't the only thing they had to do to make sure they worked well, but still! A working prototype was very handy. After another few weeks it was time for the final test.
It was just like normal, it worked well! And then it happened, a lense cracked.
They lost conscious immediately.
This was it, they were done. They were going to be ripped to shreds, spread across time, remain separated until the sun combusts, and be in conscious agony the entire time. Their hubris had finally caught up with them. Their endless desire for more in life brought about their end. Kind of poetic if you think-- wait they were alive.
Their auto emergency response in their aircraft turned on and brought them to their home timeline.
They woke up crashed in an empty field. At least they think they did. They couldn't tell. Not because they couldn't see, but because they could see everything.
Every possible outcome that could spawn from where they layed. Some where they had died, some where they got up immediately with nothing but a few injuries, some still where they were still unconscious, some where they looked incredibly different, and some where they weren't in the crash site at all. They stayed in that field for a long time, everything was happening and everything was visible. They saw beautiful things, horrible things, impossible things. All at once.
They had achieved the Blessing of Time.
As they remained there, they thought about a lot of things. How they got here, how everything in their life had been foreseen how most of those things have resulted from incredible luck or insane coincidences. About how their attempts of control were meaningless. About how their life was meaningless.
They don't know when they lost consciousness again.
Part 6: New Normal
When they woke up they could see better They found themself in a TBD hospital, their time craft had set off an emergency beacon. Besides the Blessing, they only had minor physical injuries. Their craft was worse for wear but it still worked without much issue. Their exposed eye though, that's where things were strange.
Their brown iris turned yellow, their pupil was replaced with a swirl, their sclera was slightly red. Very much not normal. Croissant had to hide it, people would ask questions that they couldn't answer.
Hero would ask questions they couldn't answer.
The cookies at the TBD and Sandwich would be the only ones to know. It's for the best. They were given an eyepatch at the hospital, maybe they could make one of their own later.
When they were about to leave the hospital they were informed that they had been unconscious for three days, and nobody had been told where they were. Lovely.
They immediately went to go see Sandwich and explain what had happened. She had been understandably terrified when Croissant had been gone without a trace for three days, but she regained composure after Croissant explained what had happened. She still didn't fully understand what the Blessing meant or did, but to be fair nobody truly does. They told Hero that a stray bolt had shot out of an engine due to unregulated pressure and had hit them near enough to the eye that it'd mostly blinded it. He didn't ask many questions about the incident after.
Now it was about adjusting. They had two weeks off work (it was going to be a month but they cut it short themself) and they learned what affects the Blessing had on them. They felt constantly on edge, they sometimes lost control and had visions, they found it harder to sleep and eat, and overall it Wasn't Great. But after getting more and more used to it, they decided to test their new abilities.
It started with blinks, which they learned they could do on accident (they were walking in a hallway and then suddenly found themself on the roof). They figured out how to move certain distances and directions and soon they were barely even walking around their workshop. Then it was portals, not an accident. They had read about it many months ago and decided that there was no harm in trying it themself. They were harmed, of course.
It took longer to figure out than the blinks, but when they did they immediately lost consciousness, to add insult to injury it was barely even a portal, it was only around the size of a tennis ball. But they were ecstatic, they made a PORTAL. With their HAND. It was just another skill to learn and master.
All things considered, were ok. They took it slow. They were ready for things to go back to normal, and maybe they could. Hell, maybe even better than normal. They were alive against the odds, and they weren't letting their life go to waste.
Part 7: Promotion
[Two months later]
It had been a relatively good month, nothing had gone catastrophically wrong so far which was a good sign! The only thing they noticed is that that their hair was starting to look pale, but they accounted that to general stress.
This was the first period of time they'd had in a while where things could be described as "good." They saw less visions, had less accidental blinks, and their ability to open portals was improving with every attempt! They also learned to balance their work life with their personal life for the first time, like, ever so that was pretty nice. They had good relationships with the people at the TBD and their friendship with Hero had never been stronger, they were even talking about moving in with Sandwich.
And then, like all things do, it changed. Not for the better, not even for the worse, but things did change.
The Director retired. Croissant hadn't known them well but she seemed nice, if a bit eccentric. She had done a good job despite barely being there which had to be worth something.
But now it was time to pick a new Director, and to their surprise, Croissant was a candidate.
Croissant had no idea how that even happened,* but they had apparently applied weeks ago and it was too late to back out according to HR. Well then, ok. Croissant barely payed attention to the election, it was no use worrying about.
And then they won it.
They were the Director now. Yet another learning curve to conquer. They had the promotion of a lifetime, the only promotion they didn't want. But it was far too late to back out now.
Their TBD friends seemed to act more timid around them, it hurt. Hopefully it wouldn't be like that for long. They wouldn't be someone to be afraid of, they'd just be a person like everyone else. Trying to do the right thing like they'd been doing for what felt like thousands of years now. It was overwhelming and stressful but it was just one more thing to help evade the endless pit of monotony they fell into oh so long ago.
After a few days they gained a sort of rhythm. A different rhythm than the one they had before, but it was something. Croissant's life had taken such a sudden left turn they were practically grasping at straws at this point. Every new day brought upon a mountain of paper work to sort through, it felt like there was no time for anything. The balance they'd built had been thrown off, but it wasn't anything they hadn't seen before. Croissant might've been a position they didn't feel qualified for, but that's how they felt when they began at the TBD. They were determined to succeed.
And they did.
Miraculously they did, they regained control. It felt easy, almost too easy, just a bit of patience and a lot of learning, but they did it. With their balance regained, Croissant finally got to work on improving the TBD.
First of all, don't kidnap potential employees. That seemed like a no brainer.
Secondly, and this saw some push back, start to be more honest about the existence of the TBD. Allow employees to tell those closest to them the truth if they wanted to. Of course it would be regulated, you needed permission, but maybe that would make the TBD feel less like a secret government organization and more like a place of safety regulation instead, less intimidating.
But Croissant wasn't the only one who got a promotion. Sandwich had been making strides with her sandwich shop and even started talking about multiple locations! But there was something she was hiding, something that she didn't even think would happen, but it did.
She had received investments, big ones. With them she could open a shop out of state, it was an opportunity she couldn't give up.
The catch was that as her business moved, she moved with it. She had to move.
And it was finally time to tell the truth.
Part 8: The wave
Sandwich brought Croissant to the beach, somewhere beautiful. Somewhere neutral.
Sandwich told Croissant what had happened, most of which they already knew. They were as excited as Sandwich was, but then Sandwich confessed what she had kept from them. She had to leave, and she wanted to know if Croissant was willing to go with her, and they couldn't. Sandwich understood, but she also knew a romantic long distance was practically impossible for her.
Their romantic relationship was over.
And in the weeks that followed after Croissant lost their balance again. They began working more and more, ignoring other responsibilities. When Sandwich finally left, they said goodbye with Hero. In that moment, knowing that it was truly over, they felt a piece of them die.
They let work completely run their life. Wake up, eat, work, sleep, repeat. Sometimes they didn't even leave their office for days on end. Their hair became a pale yellow, it was longer than they'd ever had it before, but they didn't care enough to cut it. If Croissant couldn't take care of themself, they would take care of the TBD. That was their only priority. So they started working on something that could help them do it.
Months passed by, and at this point, the monotony that they had experienced so many years ago had began to creep back in. They barely left the TBD now, and someone had started getting especially worried.
Part 9: The inciting incident
Hero had been having it rough as of late. He had recently lost most of his arm forearm in a battle with Cyborg that nearly cost him his life, so he had to build a completely new one. He had to say goodbye to one of his closest friends, and his other friend... was in a "complicated headspace."
Hero Cookie hadn't even heard from Croissant in months. He had even heard from Sandwich that they hadn't responded to any of her telegraphs, which seemed especially strange. It was clear Croissant needed time to process, despite what they tried to tell him, but it had been a very long time. Croissant was the most reliable person he knew, the fact they'd ignored their friends for so long was concerning. So he decided to visit. He'd sent a letter saying when he'd come over, no response. Only more reason to go.
He arrived at their apartment and miraculously they were home, they never seemed to be home. The apartment itself had seen better days. There were papers everywhere, some with blueprints for machines that he could barely even process, others forgotten paperwork (that seemed pretty important). There were machine parts on the ground, like they'd dropped a box or something and didn't bother picking them up. And Croissant themself seemed undeniably... different.
Their hair was much longer than it was since he had last seen them, it was completely blonde, and instead of their classic braid it was held in two loose loops. And they answered the door without their eye covering. Hero had never seen anything like it, their iris was a golden color with a white swirl. Clearly not the result of a bolt.
They welcomed him in warmly, they didn't seem surprised to see him in the slightest. Hero thought that confirmed that they'd been purposely ignoring him and Sandwich's attempts of contacting them, Croissant was hiding from both of them.
They both sat on the couch and Croissant immediately began the small talk. Something felt off. They seemed almost too eager to lead the conversation, which seemed didn't really feel like something that would be out of the ordinary. It was something about how they talked that seemed almost scripted, like they'd been practicing. That was when Hero noticed the letter he sent on a table, completely unopened, barely even touched.
How did they know that he'd be there?
That's when he took control of the conversation.
Where had they been? Why were they ignoring their friends? What the hell happened to their eye? What were these blueprints? What was their secret job?
And after a long pause, they answered them all truthfully.
Working. They didn't matter. They were Blessed. A personal project. They were the director of the Time Balance Department.
That only left Hero with more questions than answers, so Croissant elaborated.
They had been lying to him for years, they were not a pilot or a mechanic in the traditional sense. They specialized in "time crafts," machines that can withstand the void of time and were powerful enough to open time portals. The Blessing was a side effect of eye exposure in a time vacuum, it could allow them to do a few special abilities, and they'd been lying about it for a long time. Their special project was a unique time craft that worked without having to use something similar to a traditional vehicle. When they showed him the final prototype it looked similar to a pair of scissors, just much larger.
It was at that moment Hero realized how desperately Croissant needed help. Time travel??? He practically refused it.
He shifted the conversation a bit towards how they were actually doing. If they were they eating, if they were sleeping, the last time they had talked to anyone, how often they were spending working on their project. This time Hero didn't get a relevant response. All he got was a short sentence.
"I'm leaving this timeline, and I'm not coming back."
They said it with venom in their voice, it went silent. They continued, they said that there was nothing left here for them but pain and boredom. Here was actually the only thing keeping them here, but he had apparently made his choice. There was nothing left here.
Hero couldn't react before they opened a portal.
They both stood in front of it, a swirling oval that lifted off of the ground, it seemed impossible, it was so flat it looked two dimensional. Croissant said their farewell, but as they stepped towards it Hero's instincts kicked in. His mechanical arm had multiple uses, and he had a hidden blaster in the wrist.
Croissant turned back right as the blast came toward them.
It hit dead in their good eye, and shot them through the portal with their scissors just as the portal closed. They were gone. Hero was alone in Croissant's apartment. Hero had just killed one of his closest friends.
What had just happened?
Part 9.5: Sandwich Cookie
It had been a long day. As Sandwich got home from a business meeting they were greeted with a letter from Hero.
As she read through it, she found it harder and harder to process what the words said.
When she finally understood what it meant, it still felt unreal.
Then it hit. The understanding hit like a tsunami.
Croissant was dead, and Hero had killed them.
She collapsed on the floor in tears.
Part 10: Timekeeper Cookie
Croissant woke up in a ticking void, if a void could have a floor. Their eye hurt like hell, it didn't even work. The noise of ticking clocks drilled into their ears. They thought about what had just happened while on the cold floor of the void as their injuries were slowly consumed by time infection. As they thought through the pain reality set in. This wasn't a normal time vacuum, it wasn't even a time pocket, time pockets don't make noise. Where were they? From what they could see it was... purpley. Oh what did it matter anyway? Nothing mattered. If they live, if they die it will all continue the same. The only people they had truly made an impact on were traitors, they'd known about this possibility for a long time. The possibility of Hero crossing the line and asking questions he doesn't want to know the answer to. They studied how that conversation could've gone over and over, but in the end they couldn't change the outcome. They were too afraid to look beyond it that possibility, the future was a mystery even to them. So now what? There's nothing left for them at their home timeline. Maybe it's a shame, or maybe it's an opportunity.
No oblivious old friends to meddle with things they don't understand. No need for relationships that end for unfortunate reasons. No responsibilities to manage. No taxes to pay. No people to please. No planes to crash. No innocents to fail.
All they had was the TBD and they knew it. They were painfully aware. They looked at their prototype from across the floor. As they did they saw other versions of themself in the same situation, sometimes there were people with them, sometimes they were in a different void, but all of them knew what they had left behind. And they all new the gift they had been given, the gift of a fresh start.
Croissant got up. Croissant. Hm. What use did that name serve now anyway? Croissant. It didn't describe them at all anymore. If this was going to be the mark of a new beginning, they might as well start there. Hmmmm, oh!
Timekeeper got up and limped over to their pride and joy. The thing that would get them out of here. The thing that would change their life forever. But before they could touch it, they heard something strange.
L̴͓̀ḯ̴̡͖v̷̞̗́̀ė̸̡̩,̸̭͖͝ ̸̱̭̉y̶̭̍͋ͅȏ̴̹u̸̙̜̓n̶̡̖̒g̶͉̔͝ ̸̭̓ò̷̡ń̷̙͚̚e̵̻̦̋
A voice had appeared from the ticking. A loud, booming voice that came from no where. It was hard to understand, and impossible to know where it came from, but Timekeeper understood what it was.
They were in the living breathing presence of Time** itself.
And as the ticking returned to its normal rhythm again, Timekeeper smiled. They had Time on their side. They had the most powerful time craft at their disposal, and they had a lot of fun to be had.
No more hesitation.
No more rules.
No more Croissant Cookie.
Timekeeper used their precious weavers, and got back to work.
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*the previous Director was another Timekeeper Variant. They signed Croissant up for it themself. Timekeepers are the worst.
**Yes Time is a living thing in this universe, no it is not a cookie lmao. It has no real physical form besides a floating eye.
Oh and Hero's blaster is weak. Powerful enough to take out an eye, not powerful enough to take out a brain. Also by the end of the story Timekeeper had been working at the TBD for around seven years, ik it's not clear in the story but I am not writing seven years worth of character growth I am TIRED.
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Ok: what just happened?
So basically Croissant was ruined mentally because of the break up. They gave up on trying to have any sort of healthy balance with their work and personal life. And once they got back into a cycle of just working, after a while it got boring again. The most exciting thing they have experienced because monotonous. That ruined them. They began trying their best to make it more interesting. Peeking into the future with their Blessing, blinking everywhere, learning how to float, and working on their own project: the Time Weavers. During this period they began realizing how small and insignificant their life was. They were having one hell of a terrible time.
After seeing the possibilities of Hero's visit, it terrified them. They began prepping for it weeks in advance, but it didn't do much. Most of the situation was out of their control anyways, besides one thing.
Turning back.
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How does Clockmaker fit in this?
Clockmaker is a Timekeeper variant that emerged when Hero decided to actually use his brain and shot Croissant into a wall instead of the portal. They actually got help and learned to actually enjoy life. After a while they began to forgive Hero for taking out their eye and they rebuilt their friendship!
There are other endings where Croissant is shot through the portal but is actually found by Fire Sprit or Eternal Tree (a version of Millennial Tree me and my brother made a long time ago)
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That's pretty much it, thank you SO much for reading. This is the longest thing I have ever written by FAR and I just wanna thank you for sticking with me through my spaghetti thoughts.
And for those who are curious:
4.7k words and 27k characters
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wilchur · 1 year
Saw someone else do it and I think I've done this before too, but the list has grown since then a bit so here's my current lineup of read dead wips that I'm working on!! :D Minus the stuff that's already posted on AO3 cuz I see no point in doing a synopsis for things that have left my google drive and you can go and read ahah.
Turned out loooooong so lookie under the cut if you're interested in knowing what I'm up to.
Morston Soulmate AU (title tba, multichapter, around 20-30k when finished) - An AU where you can feel all the injuries your soulmate gets, both minor and major ones. There's no soul marks, seeing your soulmate get hurt and connecting the dots is the only way to find out. Has a lot of time skips and focuses more on feelings than events, but starts out pre-canon when John almost gets lynched and works its way towards the end of the canon story. Chapters alternate between Arthur's and John's POV. Canon compliant :)
RDR2 "Modern AU" (title tba, multichapter, long as shit) - I only call it a modern AU for the sake of simplicity... I'm not sure if it counts as one. Set in 1999 and focuses on the case of Arthur Matthews -- a 36 year old adoptive son of the infamous criminal defence lawyer Hosea Matthews, who went missing without a trace for six months and then reappeared miles from his hometown, seemingly unharmed, but also... not quite right. Delusional, confused, suffering from some sort of memory impairment. The story is about Arthur struggling to adapt to being back home in a reality that is apparently foreign to him. Outsider's/John's POV, but not really shippy. It can be read as pre-slash, though.
My Self-Indulgent Jesse/Arthur fic (another title tba lol, it's too early to tell but I'm thinking multichapter? A collection of scenes from 1878 to 1899) - This one is for me and me only, though I will eventually post it 😂 Written in second person, like a reader-insert and can be read as one if someone wants to, but I am including Jesse's backstory and feelings that are way too specific to be immersive for anyone but myself... I'm working real hard to write it in a way that portrays growing up queer in that time somewhat realistically, so it's not always pretty, but I do try to keep it not that depressing. Features: Jesse's early-life backstory, the story of the scar, his first Gay Experience, how his brothers died, the ups and downs of his relationship with Arthur, why they eventually broke up for what felt like last time, how he got arrested (altered RDO storyline bit) and how he got back up with the gang. I'm planning to do a rough rewrite/fix-it of the canon story with him in it too, but that's... an "one day" thing ajsddjfk
Morston Omegaverse (title tba, one shot, around 10-15k probably? I can't keep things short, sorry) - Young-ish and freshly presented Alpha John, "Closeted" Omega Arthur. Ngl this one is smutty as hell... but! I think my take on omegaverse is rather fun (very transgendered) and it's porn WITH not without plot so something for everyone there lol. John's POV again + lotsa feelings, misunderstandings and some angst :) Just the way I like it.
Vandermatthews Daemon AU (had a title but ao3 yeeted my draft and I forgot what it was, oops)- I say Vandermatthews, but it's more of a "curious couple, unruly son" genfic than real slashfic 😅 This is supposed to be the beginning a series of oneshots from different characters' POV. This one is maybe a 1/3 done (needs a serious rewrite tho) and written from Hosea's POV. It's about him and Dutch finding and taking in young Arthur -- a very traumatised child who has undergone intercision and therefore lost his daemon. More of a collection of vignettes from that moment to when they take in John than a real coherent fic tho. The next one is going to be John's POV coming of age thing and we'll see where my brain will go from there. I want to do a separate big ass post about this one later because I have Opinions on the gang members' daemons that I need either challenged or validated...
1907!John/Isaac fic (title tba... a two parter, one set in the epilogue and the second is a RDR1 fix-it) - NOW HEAR ME OUT!!!!!! PUT DOWN THE GODDAMN PITCHFORKS FOR A SECOND PLS This is a plot bunny that Refused To Fucking Die. Isaac is obviously an adult in this (22), they have never met before, and the story begins in the months where Abigail and Jack were gone and John worked alone on Pronghorn ranch. It's not so much a romance (despite the slash) but more two people dealing with different types of grief in Very Unhealthy ways, okay. It's supposed to be a bit iffy because of that and the... 12 years of difference between them in this universe. I'm not trying to make this shit uwu or anything. It's also a bit of a daddy issues vent piece for me and I've been working it for MONTHS because I want to write this one right. This is the the fic I redacted in my last WIP showcase, but now decided that... fuck it. Here you go.
(Doubt anyone has made it this far, but if you did ily.. please lemme know what you think? My ask box is open for questions too... I love talking about the stuff I'm working on even if it's not posted yet ❤)
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yanderelovlies · 1 year
I AM ALIVE! Anyways how are you doing Vivi? Have you been eating and drinking water 👀? Also (ignore if you are not in the mood) what is Bo like with a mythical nature type of MC? Would he be glad and how would he act around them if they like to some what rough-house with him for playing? Sorry for this and I hope you have an amazing day!
(PS... I need help with the development of an oc backstory since it's a mess for me as this is going to be my first time actually making a proper oc sheet and stuff.)
~Raven Anon 💜🖤
I can try to help you with your oc story if you would like! If not I might recommend people who I think would do a fantastic job helping if they can.
𝓘'𝓭 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓷𝓸 𝓶𝓪𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝔀𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓶 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓽𝓪𝓴𝓮.
Note: I'm obsessed with Nagas so that's what the reader is 💅✨️also this more medieval then modern oop
Fandom(s): DachaBo
Character(s): Bo
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Bo had met you while on an expedition with his boss. They had wanted to find the treasure that lies in the heart of the Forrest. Until they were run off by the prettiest creature Bo had ever laid his eyes on. Your tail was long wrapped around so many times around a branch as the scales glistened in sunlight. Your upper half was just as amazing from your hair to that beautiful glare directed at him. He wanted to see you up close. so despite your hissing and fang bearing, he still walked closer, almost dazed.
"Didn't you hear me, dog?! get out of my forrest."
he nodded yet kept coming closer, causing you to recoil slightly.
You watched curious yet weirded out by dazed hybrid as he got closer until he was standing in front of you. "What....are you doing?"
He smirked. "Getting better look at the treasure." he watched at your whole face turned red taken back by his response.
his smirked grew as he nodded. "I can see why they call you the heart of the forrest."
You blink a couple of times before you glared at him your ames crossed over your chest, your face still red. "Flattery won't get you my treasure dog."
"That's okay. I'll try as many times as it takes to get you."
"I-im not the tressure!"
It had been months since then, and Bo had made his home near that tree. He occasionally leaves to get things he needs, but he always comes back his tail wagging.
At first, you seemed cold and disinterested in him, but slowly, you began opening up to him. He even noticed that you hung around him more often.
"And that's how you stitch the holes in a coat."
You looked at him in aww before looking ver close at his handy work. "You could hardly tell it was there!" You felt the line work before looking at him still in wonderment.
He smiled at you. "Would you like to try?"
You nodded eagerly. You wrapped your tail around him so your top leans comfortably on his back while your hands come around so the cloth is in front of him.
He holds the needle and thread in a palm as you take it. He then takes your hand as he guides you on where to start.
He could feel your eyes on his face. "You know, treasure, it will be a lot harder to learn if you aren't paying attention." He chuckled, looking up at you.
Before more could be said, your lips met his for brief moments before you pulled away. "O-oh gods above! I-Im so-" You didn't get to finish as Bo pulled you down for a longer, more passionate kiss.
It took a while for the need for air to kick in, making you pull away. "I've been waiting for that for so long treasure."
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Sooo I finally got to read the Simon fic, and it was so good! You made me warm up to him more and understand him a little better. It was a nice way to save him too, I like that the protagonist isn't this perfect individual, they get jealous, a lil bit stalky, which quite honestly is very relatable and realistic. Couple questions:
Do you think there's a character that is beyond saving? Denham, Willy, Dave from Heavy (lol jk) Is there hope for everyone?
Do you plan on writing for characters that have died and if so, will you come up with a way to bring them back or have the story take place before the death or alternate universe?
Every time I get love for my fics with one of the lesser loved characters my heart grows three sizes and I want everyone to know this Q//w//Q This answer got long so I'm putting it behind a cut, I've never gotten to answer something like this before other than my Simon one from yesterday so this was a lot of fun to think about! 💗
Going into writing readers I honestly thought I'd just be writing me over and over, but as I do more of them I'm so glad that it's easy to fit someone different into whatever role the character needs them to be, which is so different from my usual stuff since I'm very used to fitting the plot around purely existing characters, or my own ocs, and getting to write up someone new who can mesh with these guys while also having that bit of me and what I hope are bits of the people who read them is so incredibly refreshing and a constant challenge I welcome 😊
I feel like some are beyond saving, but only because I have a horrible fear of getting attacked for wanting to find a way to save the unsaveable just because I'm into villains and think they're hot lmao
It's a challenge for sure, but I don't see myself being able to do any villain redemptions for Denham or Willy or even Realtor Dave since they're so surface level evil and love the hell outta it (even though my villain-lovin ass can probably still give them fully fledged proper backstories oop), unlike Simon or Kyle Slade or Logan Reeves, who all have short parts and did very bad things but also have peeks into how they got there, and I can always work with that.
I love doing deep dives and finding out how a character in the present got to where they are, figure out where they can go when they miss that One Event that made them a villain, and doing it with DD's roles has been so much fun since he loves playing rounded out characters and is always adding so much to them so they're not Just Evil, even if we get a few who're exactly that just for funsies hehe
This is why Gensan is such an interesting character to me despite The Big Flaw, because I see him get reduced to only that when there's a ton that made him that way. I'll never ship with him, the super rare character I don't since DD lures me in that easily, but I can't hate him either, and that's just the honest truth because he's so much more than Uh Oh Plot Twist because DD's such an amazing writer. This movie and Animals stuck with me the most after I watched them, I was just thinking about them for like a solid week afterwards, constantly turning over what I'd just seen in my mind whenever I stopped thinking of other things and putting those early pieces together so I could see why he reacted that way, or did what he did, and I'd love to try and watch it again soon and catch all the stuff I missed the first time.
And then there's Cam, who just really fuckin sucks lmao he's the absolute worst, 0 stars, kick to the balls, what an asshole 😂
As for characters who died, of course! Two of my biggest loves are Abner and Wojchek, and I'm also madly in love with Bob now as well, so they'll all have fully fledged fixits with my selfship sona Addy as I get back to all her plots, Abner first and foremost oh my god my heart I love him so much he needs to be alive and happy forever 😭
Outside of her, yes absolutely I'll find ways to save them for my readers, their canon endings will not stop me QwQ A lot of them don't deserve their ends with or without redemptions if they're a villain (looking at you Dwight you maniac I love you), and definitely not if they're good people who're just in the wrong place at the wrong time like Lonny or Lester or Coco now that I've finally watched BR2049. I'll probably mostly stick to saving them before their deaths rather than bringing them back or delving into aus (apart from the starting au of having the reader in their lives lol) since those kinda ideas can get away from me fast and start series, and I wanna save all the big series for my boys the Three River Phoenixes and all of Addy's plots~
This is where I'd love to get more requests, since I'm still mainly writing for who I love, so getting that random challenge to fix or save someone evil or who died before any real character of theirs was established would be hard but I know I'd have a lot of fun with them 😊💗
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bakafurai · 3 months
ooooo you wanna tell me about your ocs so bad ooooo
it wasn't until i got this ask that i realised oh shit i have. a lot of ocs,,,
ANYWAYS,,, i've decided i will now talk about my ocs ethos, pathos and logos :3 putting it under a read more bc. I like to ramble haha,,,
little backstory time: these three are actually one of my oldest ocs dating from.... late 2017 I think? I remember it was during my Sanders Sides brainrot era (it's a youtube series by thomas sanders that is very good i def recommend it), i was watching on the behind the scenes videos and they mentioned Ethos, Pathos and Logos and i thought "oh that sounds neat" and looked up and then boom. ocs where made...god they were sooo different back then, my oc lore has gone through many changes XD
oh here are the name meanings btw (taken of this site bc i am terrible at describing things lmao)
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My human drawing skills has gotten better since I made this but the designs stay roughly the same so here they are!!
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for slight context: they are fairies (not the typical kind you see in fantasy though), they come in all sorts of colours (passed down genetically and each of them have special abilities they get from around 6 or 7 years old, kinda similar to MHA's quirks in a way (I made this up before i got into mha btw), it starts to develop for them at the age of 4, where a symbol shows up on their bodies, when a fairy gets older they'll learn the ability to hide this symbol if they so wish (otherwise it's shown through clothing, though this act is not the most common). And yes they do have things but are generally pretty tiny (but powerful enough to let them fly for a decent for time), there are some who have larger pair of wings (this is. a whole other can of worms relating to the in universe magic that i won't go into too much details here haha), but short wings double wings are the norm (nobody has a set of 4 of wings, just 2, there is an exception but again is another can of worms haha).
uhh that's about it i think? there's some random slightly unrelated stuff like they can summon a shield or bladed weapon via their symbols (developed in the same sense as their magic, but comes along later when they are like 15 or so). also they can glow in the dark ig (except for fairies with darker colours, like black or dark grey, but these coloured fairies aren't the most common.)
They're able to cover their whole body with a pretty tough metal to protect themselves, sometimes spikes will come out (they cannot control this.), also they coincidentally have a circular shield they can summon and grow at will.
I'll start with Ethos first: Ethos is non-binary, aroace and 20 years old (at the time of their first appearance). they live in an apartment in what i can only describe as the fairy version of england with their childhood best friend Pathos (who i will get to in a min).
Ethos is currently studying to become a defence lawyer. They're generally a pacifist and try not to take sides (ironic i know, it was Pathos who encouraged them to go for it), that being said they can be sassy if allowed- generally it's when they're at home with Pathos or their qpp (they don't have a name and design yet but i'm working on it). Ethos and Pathos have known each other since they were kids, and Pathos was the first person Ethos came out as non-binary too, and in general Pathos is kind of like a brother to them.
Next up is Pathos my silly little guy!!! Pathos is cis male, pan, and also 20 years old. As mentioned previously, he and Ethos are roommates and childhood best friends so i won't get too much into it. oh also he has undiagnosed adhd.
Pathos is,,, a special case in terms of magic abilities, they were born with a unnaturally large amount of excess magic (which is. another can of worms. hm.), without going into too much detail. by normal means Pathos has empathic abilities, when they turn it on it shows up as different colours depending on the emotions, he's able to sense it similarly even with his eyes close so he can use it as a second pair of eyes if he wants to. With enough concertation he can extend the area he's able to detect emotions, but he tries not to that too much because it can be overwhelming for him (or at worse it will turn into full on telepathy he has no control over).
If someone's emotion is strong enough it will show up as a glow around that person for Pathos, it can overwhelm Pathos if he actually activates his ability. The excess magic generally comes into play when he feels too strongly, his colours will change and he will gain another ability (ei; anger will make him turn red, and will gain pyrokinetic abilities. the angrier he gets the more monster like his body also gets, generally he gets fangs, a devil tail and smoke will come out of his mouth, but over time his hands/feet will turn into claws, his fangs n horns will grow, his body heat will grow hotter and the smoke will become more intense. that's definitely an extreme case, a more lighter one would be turning yellow when he's overjoyed/excited and gets a pleasant warm aura around him).
Pathos has a bladed weapon he can summon, but i haven't decided on what yet (it hasn't really come up in my stories yet), Pathos is a strong fighter, has been trained in martial arts since he was 11 to defend Ethos and other classmates from some bullies (fairies are generally very accepting and kind but it takes some time for some young kids to learn these things).
Pathos, when he's not doing martial arts, studies animal care- his class each have assigned animals they care for on the side based on their abilities. Pathos cares for a mother earth dragon and her 3 young ones, Dragons in this universe are heavily sensitive to emotions of others so generally Pathos' abilities comes in handy. Dragons in protective care in this planet and it is considered illegal to hunt them- this doesn't stop poachers from other planets to sneak in (pathos has managed to stop them a numerous amount of times,). Pathos is also unnaturally talented at flight despite his average sized small wings (doctors believe it may be due to the excess magic he has)
oh fuck i have no talked about his personality yet damn uhhh. Pathos is super friendly and all over the place, a big lover of food/baked goods, and is very good at making friends. Being an empath he's very quick to pick up emotions of others and if they are uncomfortable or not, which makes me a pretty easy guy to go to for a lot of fairies who know him. A huge lover of hoodies and sometimes gifts close friends hoodies, also he has a pet pigeon named "Buddy" whomst he loves very much.
LASTLY WE HAVE LOGOS,,, god I have rambled so much lmao,,,
Logos! She's not actually fairy, and more so an android made to look like one. Her body is genderless but her AI is set to female so she uses she/her pronouns. Logos was created to assist the queen of what i will for now be calling faeland (basically fairy england,,, fairy uk,, the planet is a lot like earth in many ways), originally she was grey with no ounce of emotions but the queen thought that was sad so she used her magic (not fae magic, sorry this is another can of worms) to give her the ability to feel. Logos' "brain" is connected wirelessly to a large internet archive holder owned by another oc that is connect to a lot of places- due to this she has access to an enormous amount of information (fun fact: originally she was all knowing but this concept became to confusing to me so i changed it. this might not make that much sense either in terms of logic but i wrote this bit when i was like 17 i think so uh. shoosh ig.) to which she uses in a large variety of ways.
Her look as seen from above is her more casual look, the hoodie was a gift from Pathos, she uses in day to day activities- including detective/police work, being an informant for the queen, assisting the queen in her tasks in general. However some may know her as the one-man-army knight general of the queen, she can shift to a more knight like look when she fights, there are plenty of soldiers around but Logos could probably hand a large amount of enemies by herself.
Speaking of fighting! As she is not actual fairy she is not born with magic or a weapon- instead she has a katana stored in her body symbol that glows to give off the effect of a regular fairy summoning a weapon. After the queen fused some magic in her body, she has been able to let out electricity from her body (she does this only in dire situations, but at most she might use it to taze someone if needed), her symbol also oddly shows up through her clothing but works the same way as before.
Personality wise, Logos is somewhat stoic and logical, but is perfectly able to read the room. Her eyes will change colour if she feels something strongly (it is a magic user thing), but it doesn't happen often. Generally speaking Logos is one of the few emotionally stable characters I have. When Logos is with Pathos she often ends up become his babysitter or having to stop him acting on impulse, she also becomes a grounding presence for him as she learns more about him and helps him through some of his mental health issues when they come up. Logos come off as cold but she's decently friendly and kind hearted, she just has a resting serious face.
aaand that's about it I think????? wow I sure rambled a lot lmao it's been what. about 2 hours????? since i started typing??? whoops
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bigmilk-13 · 3 months
No Time To Die just started playing on my Spotify and I was like
so basically he was a CSIS agent the WHOLE time, undercover at V.I.L.E, joined by giving the harddrive filled with information about any criminals and projects the organisation has. Hecs accepted into V.I.L.E because he's a conman and trickster, so he tricked them into paying a load of money for the harddrive.
anyways, she tells him that V.I.L.E killed his father and yah-
*cue bigass mental breakdown*
and Carmen's worried, the whole of Team Red is.
Julia has a whole different backstory, she's an MI6 agent working for Interpol, then ACME
but you must be thinking, "oh my god! but isn't Roundabout the head of MI6!?"
Yah, but before him is Alan Blunt, the head of MI6 in the Alex Rider book series. Then V.I.L.E does some stuff and puts Roundabout as head, after Julia is at ACME working undercover and Roundabout doesn't know about that.
Also Roundabout is her father.
Anyways, I'm getting off track.
Jules finds him, and turns out he made his own team and all. He contacts CSIS and is told to have Team Red join his team, Team Purple, as an individual kind of team, but just so they can keep an eye on what she's doing and help her if they can.
Of course, they don't tell Florian that- so he doesn't tell Carmen and she disagrees. They get into a fight and Florian meets with CSIS again saying that she denied their request at cooperation.
CSIS told him to go undercover at V.I.L.E again, to go back and say that he was taken away and tortured (they had to get rid of one of his fingers to make it believable, which is why he has 4 fingers in his left hand) but he never gave away anything.
He goes back to V.I.L.E and well, they don't trust him.
So, they do the usual.
They brainwash him.
Oops, well he's not undercover anymore- is he.
He meets Carmen at another caper, again on different sides. She had no idea what's going on and why he's on V.I.L.E's side, but doesn't say anything. Loses the fight with him and runs away.
Carmen tells Jules, who was told everything by CSIS. She reveals that she's actually an MI6 agent and explains the whole thing to Carmen.
there's so much more but I think I'd have to write a fanfic about the Florian Lafayette-Meadows CS&AR OC au.
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I haven’t actually been watching D20, I don’t have the attention span for it. Can you recap this season up to the latest episode for me?
oof. um. this isn't gonna be a great recap, but here we go. (this is all from memory god help me i'm sure i'm forgetting things and having to leave out really funny and great bits for length)
sleeping beauty, the frog prince, mother goose, little red riding hood, pinocchio, and puss in boots all met on a caravan to shoeberg. (Destiny's Children is the group name)
shit's Bad and most of them are looking for people they care about and/or answers as to why things are So Bad And So Wrong. but puss in boots and pinocchio are best friends and conning rich people. simply vibing, we love it for them.
mother goose has a magic book (that he got from making wishes with The Gander who is a Force Of Evil trying to resurrect his dead son and he's got one more wish but it'd kill him to make it) that seems to be the key to this whole thing and it can suck people into it and record their stories, and he gets sick new spells when that happens
things go to shit on the caravan, they all end up together and needing to go find a shard of glass that's in cinderella's fairy godmother's chest.
first combat happens, total party kill. they all fucking die. but the frog prince gets the shard, so it's not all bad. they learn that it's a multiverse situation and they all get thrown into a new timeline where things are Worse but they remember each other and what needs to be done. they get red beads and brennan gives NO explanation
well, pinocchio doesn't restart like the others. his stepmom (the stepmom, she's all the stepmoms) is his fuckin warlock patron and instead of him dying and being in a second story he replaces that universe's pinocchio.
they all meet up again and compare notes, turns out a bunch of princesses (including cinderella, snow white, rapunzel, and the beast) are aware of the multiverse thing and how it sucks that they're stuck in stories where they have no agency. plus things are getting So Much Worse. it's unclear what their plan is, but they want to fix how bad everything is (they need seven princesses, including sleeping beauty), whereas the fairies (there are 8 of them) are more or less fine with how things are and want them to stay that way.
they learn that the stepmother is a horrific eldritch being who eats mothers. pinocchio cuts his strings, she's not his patron anymore. (uh-oh, she might hurt his dad about that)
mother goose gets a text on his book from scheherezade, turns out there are other people with books in different universes and they can communicate through it. scheherezade and her companions are stuck and somehow destiny's children fighting a huge fucking spider would help her out? idk i'm arachnophobic i had to skip all that
they go through the book (?) and end up in The Lines Between, which is sick as fuck and sort of... the central hub for the multiverse? it's super fucking cool. they meet scheherezade and aesop (who also has a book).
ally nails a nat 20 and learns that there's Special Ink used by The Authors (shhh don't say that out loud it'll bring Trouble) to write all of everyone's stories.
there are cutbacks and something Really Bad is going on with it all.
they leave scheherezade and aesop and go to explore more, oops the stepmother is here and pissed that they're trying to put things back to normal (she... eats stories? definitely eats mothers)
puss in boots nails a sick nat 20 and pinocchio's patron is now his own story and the concept of destiny itself.
the stepmother yeets them the fuck out of the lines between, they do some sick backstory stuff, learn that the baba yaga's HUGELY powerful and is why the stepmother is as powerful as she is.
they land in a heavily industrialized city. they go find the person in charge, the baron of bricks, and they lean he's got the big bad wolf, who is Death incarnate, chained up because military industrial complex, i guess?
they free the wolf, who says he can get them to the baba yaga, but they decide that first they want to go find snow white. snow white seems chill, says they need more princesses to save the multiverse. so she yeets them the fuck to toy island where they meet the little mermaid
but oops sleeping beauty accidentally triggered a spell that was looking for the little mermaid (princess detector) and fight what was initially him but ended up really being against the terrible dogfish from pinocchio's story. but they beat it, get the little mermaid's voice back, and make their way back to snow white.
they all get there, and the princesses, including the frog prince's estranged wife, reveal that they actually want to fully destroy the entire multiverse. blow it all up to shit using the ink and mother goose's book.
they tried to fuck up their apocalyptic plans by putting cinderella in the book, but it fails. so they have to fucking haul ass out of there, just a little bit of combat almost killed sleeping beauty and the frog prince.
they get out of there, leaving the little mermaid behind, but only then do they realize rapuzel and her freaky ass hair stole mother goose's book. so they're kinda fucked. but they keep running and end up in the land of giants but hey they're the giants
after a really cool combat, they find and free The Golden Goose, the gander's counterpart, and after they also get back mother goose's husband and some of puss in boots' old friends, the goose, because she and mother goose are one and the same in many versions of their stories, makes the third wish and dies in order to get mother goose his book back.
they learn that the princesses have gotten to scheherezade and have her with them and she's also technically a princess, so they now have enough princesses to end everything.
so destiny's children track down the baba yaga to try to get her help. miraculously, pinocchio nat 20s the persuasion check. they all have to give things up to get her help, and it's heart breaking and beautiful and watch The Trials of Baba Yaga.
baba yaga gets them to the lines between, murph rolls TERRIBLY and gives the princesses a head start for the apocalypse. taking us to the most recent episode.
combat with cinderella, snow white, rapunzel, elody (frog prince's estranged wife), the little mermaid, the beast, and scheherezade begins. snow white is doing magic with the ink and it's all about to go to shit.
they talk the little mermaid and elody into being on their side, dispel the magic that was making scheherezade cooperate, and kill the beast, rapunzel, and snow white. leaving just cinderella.
the baba yaga so far has helped destiny's children, but said she's the only one who's gonna survive all this, so. that's ominous.
the episode ends with the fairies showing up in the room. round two is going to begin in the finale next week.
and that's what you missed on glee!
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So I love the concept of eyes of heaven. A multi part crossover of the Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure. But the game is lacking in a lot of departments i should know, I love video games and studying game design after all. Also I platinumed the game on the PlayStation. The UI is a nightmare, all the fighting moves are Jojo references/ quotes, sure the “Ora Ora” that Jotaro has is a given but excuse me for not remembering what “the hell is your problem” does for Josuke 8 in the middle of battle. The button maping is just horrible for some characters, mainly old Joseph he has a whole button that isn’t used and in order to use hamon breathing you need to hold down two other buttons. There are terrible tutorials, an unskipable one always acures when you open the game…
But one of my biggest gripes is with the story. I know that Jjba is mostly focused on fights and the crazy powers, but I would like the story to be more then just: our companions are being revived and being turned against us! Save them using a corpse Time travel to another part! Find and team up with the jojo, fight the characters of that part! Find a new corpse part, get in the Turtle. repeat until all the Jojo’s are here with corpse parts, oops! Have to reclaim them all again! Fight the remaining enemies, free our last allies, fight Dio over heaven, everyone in the Turtle gets brainwashed! Fight your allies again, it’s a trap, Jotaro and Jolyne fight Dio over heaven with des ex machina powers! Finally use the info from Funny Valentine! Win! Everything is better now.
I am oversimplifying the whole thing, it did have some great moments, with Jotaro and Jolyne, old Joseph in part 2, and the part 5 crew reacting to part 3 Polnareff. I do recommend checking it out. But I kinda wanted more….
So I came up with my own reimagining of the story! I would make a whole fan comic about it! But I have collage, other projects, and I keep shifting from thing to thing, I may be into Jojo now but in a few months I’ll be back focusing on something else. But it might happen! For now I have made a bullet point list of stuff I want to happen in the story.
Anyway here have some unorganized bullets on what will probably happen in the story:
An in depth look on what exactly happened in the reality where Dio won
An unclear beginning where no one knows what’s happening and no clear way to travel between time and other realitys, sure they will learn that time space is screwy but they will have a time figuring out how and why
OC’s; will they be new enemies or allies?
Every main jojo having a moment with each other
The world over Heaven redesign, Dio over heaven is cool but his stand is just an alt color palette of his original stand. When Puchi achieved heaven his stand changed to look completely different, why should Dio be spared a stand makeover?
Cameos from other fan works (Jota, Blood sun vendetta, but really really fast, Nathali monet (oc), Crimson Jungle, City living, the 7th stand user, ect)
Characters getting more dellvement/expanded backstory’s
Unlikely friendships
The zeppills bonding
(Mostly) Everyone getting one badass moment
Corpse parts are focused much less on. Seriously since when ever did they help travel though time in the main series? I mean I guess D4C and love train is sorta it. But that doesn’t make sense to work in this situation.
Dual heat attacks
Horror elements
Jonathan meeting old erna
Old man Joseph revealing why he had an affair to his younger self
Jotaro(part 3) getting hit by his future selfs (part 4 and part 6)
Josuke being a sweetheart and dealing with all the drama
Giorno not telling anyone about his relationship with Dio. He probably would be suspicious of his relationship with the Jostars after seeing their birthmark. That boy will definitely be skeptical after what he went though with the bio family he grew up with. He probably keep his linage a secret while trying to figure out where he was on the family tree. It will be revealed eventually.
Joylne bonding with the other characters(and tormenting part 6 jotaro about the stuff she learned from the part 3 gang mostly from their jotaro) as well as learning new tricks
Johnny meeting his future wife.
Johnny singing
Josuke8 doing something (I haven’t fished part 8 just yet…) but mostly being him self and hanging out with part4josuke
Part 9 somehow being involved (not enough story yet for me to make something solid)
More shenanigans
Fun with traveling ✈️
The hero characters will have to fight different opponents from what they already fought. We already saw heroes part 4 vs part 4 villains, swap it up! Put them in new situations. Already I have Old Joseph vs Naracha and Johnny vs wheel of fortune fight in mind, if they are an opponent the hero has fought before, they either have a new trick or in a different circumstance.
Jobros appreciation 👊🏻
A sacrifice so hope can live
New unseen threats
The Noble ones over heaven being the ultimate big bad. Dio wasn’t the only one who has the power over heaven, he would need some help rewriting reality entirely. He would reward the ones who were the most loyal to him. His right had man Pucci, and his stand White Snake Over Heaven will send down his commands down the line of nobles.
Bonding with family and friends 💕
Dio over heaven being a different person from Part 3 Dio
The birthmark⭐️
Victorian England Sucking
A$$es getting absolutely kicked
Feels 🥹
Over heaven squad being an active threat, always working towards something. As well as some serious messed up stuff not even the power of overwriting will fix.
“You are way Out of your league…. And that is just a gross oversimplification.”
Legends, myths and fairytales 📖
Kids being kids and people just having a good time
Hair insults, roasts and more.
Alcohol 🍻
Anyway, that’s probably it for now…. I could honestly keep writing on this list, got a lot of story beets and the ending in mind already. I ultimately would love and see this be the ultimate tribute to JJBA and its community. Hope you got some good ideas from this. Feel free to let me know what you think/what you would like to see in something like this. It’s still a big project that I may not even start but I wanted to share this idea with all of you. Have a great day/night or whatever.
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zarvasace · 1 year
This is partly for accountability and partly just to get all this out of my head! This last month or two have felt so hectic, getting used to a new work and sleep schedule and all. I'm still not quite there.
If you're curious about what I've been working on and what my plans are in terms of writing and art for the rest of the year, read on. :)
I will say, though, that if you want more of a specific AU or story, the way to get it is by asking questions and leaving comments! Asks and comments remind me about things I'm doing and get me excited about them again! I have these plans, but I also am very good at chasing inspiration to unknown (and sometimes unimportant) corners!
By Fandom
Linked Universe Projects
I've been feeling less motivated to work on LU stuff, but I still plan on at least finishing what I have open, so you can look forward to some of that!
Disability AU—one small mobility trio fic in the works. A few vague ideas for doing backstory fics.
Council (1931 vampire AU)—this is still the "backburner to backburner" fic, but I do have some fun ideas. I just have been distracted with other things! I think this AU is a lot of fun and I'd love to do more with it. We'll have to see.
The Marvelous Misadventures of Wind and His Merry Band of Maybe-Human Misfits—chapter 7 (out of 9 or so) is in progress. I have it all outlined out, and it's fun to work on, but I have (again) been distracted! This is, I hope, going to be my main December project. It'd be nice to finish before it turns 2 years old next summer. Oops.
I have several other WIPs that aren't very exciting and probably won't see daylight, but they're there if I feel like them
Coloring book—I'm part of the coloring book project! :) I have already finished 1/2 drawings, and they went so well, I'm considering doing more.
Shatterproof manga page—still on my radar! I'm doing the end scene from dazzling diamond danger, and my ambition keeps outgrowing my time.
Four Swords Projects
Fairytale AU—man I've started this Vidow BatB fic literally five times. I have an almost-complete draft sitting at like... 20k?? iirc, but I kind of hate a lot of it. I also like a lot of it. It's a bit difficult for me to work on rewriting something in that situation. Anyway. Another December thing probably.
Fright Fight—I have ideas for every week, but am currently unsure if I want to draw or write for them. Most of my October will be focused on filling these prompts!
Vampire Lords AU—I have strange as severe is this my fate open right now, with a fair amount of material... it just needs to be edited a bit. I do want to keep working on that, I've just... well. Distraction. A common theme. XD I might be feeling another little bite fic coming on, too.
Fright Fight—see above
Fright Fight part 2—I have a few side things to do for this, like making graphics that I haven't quite finished yet. They shouldn't take long, I just gotta do em!
Stickers—I am in the process of drawing some stickers! Yay! These are for my work, but also just for me. I want some Halloween stickers. This is a backburner project.
Nanowrimo project—I need to spend some time figuring out a few things to really get going on my princess-verse. I'm going to be doing Nanolympics this year, so hopefully some of their preptober stuff will help!
Hearts Linked Together—my super-cool Linkverse. XD I love my dumb timeline, and all the characters, they're just filler drawings that I haven't had time to continue.
Secret Zelda project—I really really need to do this! I can't say much right now, but it involves a fair amount of work, both writing and art. I think I haven't gotten very far on it yet because I'm intimidated. Stop that.
Zine edits—I worked really really hard on an art piece for a LoZ zine coming up! This week is critique, and I anticipate a few edits later.
By Month
Facebook posts—a lady I know wants to commission pretty quote images to post on her Facebook. I need to reply to her text. And do them.
I primarily worked on the fic Blood-Sucker's Guide to High School. I also worked on and submitted one fic and one piece of art to two different zines, which I hope you'll see soon.
If you care, you may have noticed I'm not doing Whumptober this year! Part of this is because I'm a bit burned out from the above, and part of it is that the prompts just didn't seem very inspiring to me this year. Maybe that's just my mindset. I haven't been in a very whumpy mood.
I'm planning on filling weekly prompts for @fsfrightfight this month and maybe chipping away at some other fics, in addition to one more zine contribution. I'm also going to be planning for November and doing some scattered art work here and there.
NaNoWriMo! I considered skipping this... but I'm feeling really inspired and motivated to do it, especially with October as a break. I'm going to write some original work, and that will be the focus of my November. I'll likely get some other art done, too.
I hope to dedicate this month to finishing things up from this year! That means working on "backburner" projects.
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bubblesxo · 7 months
What r ur hyper fixations???????
ooooh recently i have been all over this tv show called gotham (which people can probably tell... oops lol)!! i really like it, it's basically about bruce wayne when he was a kid from when his parents died up until when he became batman (but with a time skip so you don't have to watch all 10 or so years of training in there once he turns 19). basically all of the batman rogues are included and it is such (!!) a good show wowwowow. it is very graphic though so it's deffo not for everyone! (i can talk for hours abt this but i'll stop there haha)
i'm also into a lot of batman media in general. some comics, etc. esp the batfam! i love tim drake maybe too much haha
i've also been into this anime called bungou stray dogs recently. it is also very good (!!) and i love the main character so so so so so much i just want to hide him away from the world.
more long-term, of course i still have jason grace at the back of my head. his backstory?? is so good?? there was so much potential there and i just feel like rick wasted it! and now he's dead 😭😭 which is honestly what kind of killed my love for the rest of the series. that was a long-term for me for such a long time!! i loved it from like fifth grade until i got the book maybe a year after it was published and i was crushed. my favorite character killed for a side series. 💔which also might be why i've been reluctant to get into book series for the past few years
honestly, i kind of cycle through hyperfixations every few months. over the summer i was really into my hero academia and was into jujutsu kaisen for a while after that. i had a brief invincible (a superhero cartoon) phase that might be reignited soon with the next part of the season coming out (? we'll see if the spark is there). i also periodically go back to the descendants movies (except i actually hate the second and third and can't watch them? but i love the lore and i can't not talk about them?). i also hyperfixate on my garden around the late summer/fall and got bit into food preservation last year so i'm hoping some of my Christmas books will come in handy and i can learn some new skills later this year.
okay okay i think i've taken up enough of your time. thank you for this nice ask!! it really made my day <33 thank you for giving me the chance to chat about this stuff for a bit!! i'm sure there's way more than i mentioned but honestly sometimes i lose them so hard that i forget they exist... and then months later will go ?? how did i forget about this gem?? time to make it my personality for the next few weeks/months
anways. i'm done for real now. thank you so much again!! :D
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