#it started from a random lil sketch in my sketchbook
wilsons-journey · 2 months
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Closeup under the Cut:
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Hey ☽ ! I loved reading your recent ask posts and wanted to know if you could write something with a MC (gn or male whatever makes you more comfortable) filling their sketchbook with drawings of Ais or Kuras (or both if you're inspired enough) and them reacting to it, please ?👉🏽👈🏽 Cute bonus if they draw small details only an attentive observer would notice hehe 👀
Thanks have great day ! >:)
EEEEEEE! Yes!! This is such a cute idea so tysm for the ask !! Also tysm im so happy you liked the other headcanons, and I hope you have a great day too !! <3
Ais And Kuras Reacting to an Mc’s Sketches of them
Warnings: None 😙 —though Ais does get a lil flirty in his
Notes: Gn Mc, fluff, maybe OOC but imma try my best— also not proof-read
This one is kinda inspired by that one scene in across the spiderverse- because I’m also kinda obsessed with that movie—
Things have come up, things that have been taking you from Ais for longer than comfortable. You miss his laugh, smile, the way his eyes roam over yours and how he speaks and just generally -exists-
So one night, when you need comfort, you get out your sketchbook and pencil, and just start drawing. You don’t mean to draw him at first, but suddenly the lines start to sharpen into his features, his smile looking back at you through the paper
Suddenly your filling up pages of pages of just random Ais sketches. Him petting Princess, him lounging about his cave, you even chuckle to yourself when you draw the first time you ever saw him. (You casually name that one: The Bastard—lmao)
When you finally meet Ais again, and have gone back to your usual routine of hanging out—he’s settled nearby, a few smaller soulless nestled into his lap.
It’s definitely something you don’t want to forget—and thankfully, you’ve got your sketchbook with you.
As your sketching, you’re trying to be sneaky, keeping your glances to a minimum. But your eyes tend to linger, capturing the strands of black hair that shifts to white, the sharp red eyes, the -tired- red sharp eyes.
No one really notices the tiredness in them, but you do. Along with every thought and voice that parades endlessly behind their ruby curtains.
They’re kind, but haunted—exhausted.
But they always still light up when seeing you.
“Hmm, looks nice.”
You jump at the sound of his voice, his breath tickling your ear.
You instantly snap the book shut, but it’s too late. Ais is already smirking. His hands up in mock surrender as you shoot him a nasty, embarrassed glare.
“Easy, sparrow. Wasn’t going to judge.”
Your shoulders slowly relax, and since he’s being nice—nice enough—you eventually do decide to show him. A warmth of pride blooming in your chest at his expressions, both amazed, impressed, oddly enough— a bit shy.
Once he’s finished, he sets himself in front of you, relaxing his shoulders, tilting his chin in a cheeky grin. As he holds it—you finally realize he’s posing.
“looked like you enjoyed drawing me.” He explains once you raise a brow. You scoff, but it -is- a lovely pose. Would be a shame if it were wasted.
As you sketch, he lets out a breath. “You’re good at expressions,”
“Yours are easy to read.”
That earns a bit of a chuckle, before he raises a brow. An idea sparking in his gaze. Uh oh.
“Mm, yeah? Well—“ he shifts, eyes sliding up and down your figure before they latch unto your face. Taking in every last detail with some kind of burning. Like coals set aflame. His gaze makes you feel like glass, a thin white sheet that he looks straight through. Revealing things underneath. “—tell me what this one means.”
With that, heat goes to your cheeks, and a thin line of pencil scratches the paper as you toss it at his now, laughing face.
“Damn bastard.”
You two are on your daily stroll, the evening painting golds and bubblegum pinks across the usually dreary sky.
Birds, dusty grey and white flock toward him, some even landing on his head before he politely shoos them off. A smile lifting his lips as you snicker.
“They must mistake you for a tree.” You tease, earning a small chuckle.
Eventually, you near the area you always walk to—a small, old wooden bench that looks over the wastelands. Doesn’t make for the best scenery, but it’s that or the bustling city.
As you sit, you pull your art supplies from your bag, Kuras opening a book beside you.
You start sketching the sky, a breeze tossing strands of your hair into your face and making the task rather difficult.
As you huff, Kuras glances your way, a smile playing at his lips as he gently tucks your hair behind your ear—fingers just barely brushing your jaw as he pulls away.
You can’t help but stare, a bit flustered at the gesture. And as he returns to his book, you watch as the golden light gleams over his features, turning his eyes into two, small suns.
A few birds have returned as well, perching either nearby, or on his shoulders.
An opportunity, an art piece you cannot miss.
You quickly ditch the sky drawing and start sketching Kuras instead. His towering form, the golden teardrop underneath his eye, the waves of his dark hair—and the way he holds himself, so regally, refined—but still somehow, with a small playful air that would go unnoticed by many.
But not unnoticed by you.
The sky darkens as you finish, and you hear Kuras close his book, slowly standing. A soft palm reaches your shoulder before freezing.
You look up to see Kuras, eyes wide with wonder as he slides his glasses back onto his nose. Taking a closer look.
Feeling both excited and a bit nervous, you clear your throat from probably an hour of not speaking. “Do you like it?”
He reaches for your sketchbook, “May I?”
When you nod, he gently takes it from your hands, looking over the picture like it were some complicated medical drawings.
You don’t have time to stop him as he then searches through the rest of the sketches, the wonder brightening up his expression—you can’t help but feel amused—it’s almost like he’s a child seeing snow for the first time. “You drew all of these?” He asks, hesitantly giving you the book back.
You nod, standing beside him.
“It’s…I’ve never seen anyone draw the world like you do.” He glances away before regaining himself. “Could you teach me?”
yes Kuras I will teach you <33
I rlly hope you enjoyed that !! Sorry if they were OOC, I’ve been kinda scattered recently. But these were sO MUCH FUN
Tysm again for the ask 😭
And I hope you have an amazing day, find your favorite color in nature, smell your favorite flower, and enjoy the sunset !!
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daydreaming-en-pointe · 9 months
A very Spidey Christmas - Hobie
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Pairing: Hobie Brown x GN!Reader (1610!Miles, Gwen, 42!Miles, Margo, and Pavitr are here too)
Word count: 992
Warnings: One cuss word, usage of nicknames (peng, dove, my love) Hobie calls Miles ‘Peter Pan’ (not a warning per se but I just thought ppl might now understand it bc it might be a lil obscure or smth idk) slightly ooc Gwen, mild ghostflower/gwiles and some (subtle) prowlerbyte stuff <3
A/N: Can you tell I put the most effort into this 💔
VEE I USED YOUR GUIDE 😁 very helpful 10/10 would recommend so everyone go give it a read!
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The sun was slowly sinking on the horizon, lighting up the frozen patterns inside the icicles hanging on the branches of trees as you finished determinedly constructing your snowman. Or rather, snow-building.
You had been hard at work for almost an hour now, and with the first traces of the evening starting to graze the darkening sky you stepped back to admire your handiwork, then decided to go over to everyone one by one to see their creations.
You had made an elaborately-designed snow-igloo, complete with miniature city built from snow surrounding it. You had painstakingly replicated the Brooklyn Bridge, the Statue of Liberty, and the Empire State Building out of small sticks and carefully-placed blankets of snow.
Your pride and joy of your entire display, however, was the diverse cast of tiny snow-people that sat on the ceiling dome of the igloo in various candid poses.
Snow-Hobie was distinguished by giant boots and a leather vest, the spikes on his mask and shoulders - made from twigs that were meticulously selected - sticking out at random angles as he played his little guitar for his audience. Which was, of course, namely the snow version of you - sitting cross-legged in front of him, every bit as supportive of him as you were in real life.
Ballet slippers and a hood set Gwen apart from the others as she danced en-pointe on the edge of the igloo, the perfect muse for an artist’s sketches. You had managed to replicate Miles’ hairstyle to a tee on his snow doppelgänger as he sat with his sketchbook in front of him, drawing Gwen as she posed for him.
Snow-Pavitr hung off one of the lower levels of the igloo’s walls, a thin web connecting him to the ceiling as his hair - and the fabric of his dhoti pants - all flopped to one side. Snow-Margo with her Afro puffs and the tiny version of the other Miles with his Prowler suit and braids were engaged in a conversation on the other side of the igloo dome, random parts of machinery scattered around them as they compared notes on everything they knew about technology and tinkering.
You wandered over to where Miles was working away at his snow sculpture, looking over his shoulder at the sharp edges and added flair of various leaves, stems and flowers which made his unique art style all the more recognizable even off the paper.
“What’re you making, Miles?”
“Oh, hi, Y/N! I’m actually trying to build Gwen… I’m not sure if it’s coming out well though.” He sat back and rubbed the back of his neck as he critically examined his creation. You took in the petals forming her hood, the leaves wrapped over each other to form her chucks, and the stems woven together to imitate a web shooting out from her wrist. “Well, I think it’s really cool.”
“Wait, really? Miles, that’s so sweet! I’m trying to make you too!” Gwen, who was sitting only a few feet away, gave him a warm smile and Miles just about lit up brighter than a Christmas tree. You chuckled under your breath at his reaction.
“I made a dog!” Pavitr piped up, proudly gesturing to his snow-dog. “His name’s Gulab Jamun!”
He was unfortunately sitting right in one of the sun’s last dying rays, so the dog’s face looked a little bit like a melted candle, but everything else had turned out pretty well.
“Pavi, I think now might not be the best time,” Margo murmured with a soft laugh, crouching to look at his sculpture. “It’s a good dog though.”
“They’re so in love it makes me sick,” Miles remarked, standing and looking at Gwen and Miles skeptically with his arms crossed. Margo lifted her head to glare up at him and he raised his palms in mock surrender. Though the small, fond smile that tugged at his lips as he looked at the purple spidergirl didn’t quite escape your watchful gaze.
“Don’t worry about ‘im, Peter Pan! ‘E’s just taking the mick,” Hobie called out reassuringly to Miles, who was now frowning slightly at the version of himself from another universe. “Lay off him, bruv! Man’s trying his best, innit?”
You joined Hobie a few metres away from everyone, where he appeared to be taking a break. “‘Ey, dove!” He called, his eyes lighting up with a grin when he saw you. You went to sit next to him and he wrapped a long arm around you. “‘Ow’s it goin’?”
“It’s good! I just about finished.” You turned to angle your gaze down at his… sculpture? Was that the right word for it? Maybe the term abstract art piece fit better? “Hobie, love, what’s yours supposed to be?”
“Oh, it’s a me’aphor for capi’alism.”
“Did it… fall apart?” You asked carefully, not wanting to come off as rude but also trying your best to understand what was in front of you.
“What d’you mean, peng ting? I actually patterned up and made it as thought-provokin’ as I could,” He sounded so genuinely puzzled by your questions that you decided to stop beating around the bush.
“Okay, I’ll bite. Hobie, that’s a pile of snow throwing up a middle finger.” You leaned forward slightly to see his masterpiece - a deliberately messy pile of snow flipping the world off, complete with a Norman Osborne figurine drowning in the snow in the centre, it’s eyes scratched out in Sharpie with bold X’s. “And is that… an Osborne action figure? Is this supposed to be something about him drowning in money he doesn’t deserve or even need? And the snow is supposed to symbolize the money saying, ‘fuck the world’?”
“See, now ya got it!” Hobie said proudly, not at all offended by your confusion and slight skepticism. “Now let’s go inside, shall we? My fingers are startin’ to freeze.”
“Your fingers are always freezing. Honestly, you’re somehow always so cold it’s a wonder that you’re not perpetually an ice cube.”
“All I’m ‘earin’ is that you think ‘m cool.”
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@vhstown @l0starl @tatumis-a @deritosmi @hobiebrownismygod @therealloopylupin2099
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manosaldibujo · 11 months
How do you get inspiration to draw stuff?
(↑ can't stop drawing the same thing everytime)
Well, I could say that I consume a lot of stuff that I like and get me in the mood to draw new things but honestly I really recomend having a dirty sketchbook.
One you have NON respect for it, (I use mine as a cupholder and as a tool to smash clay sometimes) like you gotta almost insult that bitch.
You can have others sketchbooks that are more expensive and fancy buy at least ONE that is your bitch.
Sooo eventually, since you don’t care about the output of anything that comes from that sketch, you start to get brave and a lil crazy, so the creativity starts to flow. What am I gonna lose after all? I dont care if it’s good or bad, let’s try something I’v never done, something whit out anatomy or sence, whatever nothing matters here !
This mindset has reallyyyy help me a lot because I get inspired by the feeling of random freedom that I created, no longer relying on pinterest or other artist that much. I feel like I’m free of doing whatever garbage I want because is for me and only me ! And that estimulates me so much whit new and crazy ideas. So after almost abusing my sketch during the day, I can use the ideas made there for a good, clean, and finished piece ( in the expensive sketch jaja).
So yeah, just don’t be afraid of braking the rules sometimes! Give you the chance to make whatever you want regardles of what your art teacher or youtube tutorial says, at least from time to time !
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Here some of my sketches! I hope this help you in some way, every one get’s inspired by different things so don’t give up and find what rally fits you 💜
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animaxvi · 2 years
Morning y’all, I wanna talk about some things today (mostly art block and a lil bit of art school). This might be a long one so grab a snack and/or a drink lol
So I recently graduated art college in December 2022, and I’m happy and very grateful that I had the chance to do so. It was a very long 6 years of constant drawing, studying and balancing the workload of classes.
And now I do have more free time to use and make my own schedule which is great. But the thing is I spent every semester pushing myself beyond my limits and nonstop drawing, which I know isn’t healthy. It wasn’t until near the start of my senior year that I started to prioritize my own health (mental and physical). I would go through burnouts and art blocks after every other semester. And when the end of the last semester came around I could barely find the motivation to pick up a pencil.
This was the biggest art block/burnout I have ever had.
The worst thing was that deep down I wanted to draw. I am so used to drawing every day and even after the stress and heavy workload of the last semester I still wanted to draw. And I tried… I really tried to draw. I started sketching in my sketchbook little random doodles of stuff on Pinterest and that worked for the time being. But the art block was still there. I wasn’t completely satisfied with anything I sketched, it was ok but it wasn’t what I wanted.
About halfway into January my closest friends noticed I was going through it with this art rut lol and they were so sweet and suggested that maybe I could draw my OCs or try something new with my art. So I was like “ok lemme try it”. And the funny thing is XD it actually worked. It wasn’t the answer to my art block but it helped me start to break out of it.
I realized then that what I had needed was to give myself time. Time. Something I barely allowed myself outside of class. I didn’t give myself the space to step away from my hmwk and say “you know what maybe I need to take a break and step away for a bit”
I know that art block happens to other people differently and that no two people will usually have the same experience with it. But if any of y’all ever do go through an art block/burnout please please give yourself some time to heal and relax, play a video game, read a book (or fanfic lol) etc. whatever healthy mechanism that you need to help yourself.
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lemonandlime22 · 2 years
Can I request headcanons of Leona, Malleus, Riddle and Azul with an artist s/o who makes very realistic drawings. Also sorry if my request is bad, English isn't my first language.
Leona, Malleus, Riddle, and Azul with an artist s/o That has a realistic style
Warning(s): got a lil carried away with azuls
A/N: ty for the request!
He honestly didn't even notice you drew at all in the beginning of your relationship
but after a few months a situation comes up where he can see it,
he realized you had left a book in his dorm room
he was originally just going to leave it be and you could get it the next time you came over, but then he got a little curious about what was inside
and when he looked inside, it was a ton of sketches of random students, teachers, areas in the school, and even a few of him, mostly of him sleeping.
He thought it was cool and then just told Ruggie to give it back to you.
Overall, He's not really one for art or anything but he does think it looks really good and he likes to watch you draw from time to time,
it's relaxing and he usually ends up falling asleep on your lap.
He knew you were an artist before your relationship started but had never seen your process, just the finished resalt from time to time.
One early morning, he noticed you were doodling in a sketchbook at the entrance of the school
and when he asked what you were drawing, you showed him a very realistic beginning sketch of the raven gargoyle that was right ahead of the two of you
he was very impressed, he has met hundreds of artists throughout his years so, id take that as a compliment.
btw the moment you showed him your drawing of the gargoyle, he knew for a fact he was in love with you.
He noticed you doodling in your sketchbook while the two of you were having a lil tea party date
now, he knows your an artist but has never seen any of your art
out of respect, ofc, you had never shown any to him and he didn't want to invade your privacy.
But he had accidentally looked down and saw a few sketches of what looked like different scenes around heartslabyul and even some of him
which he was blushing a lot about-
Overall, he's a fan of most forms of arts, and he understands how much work you put into yours. also, he could look at your art for hours and never get bored, he just adores it so.
similarly to Riddle and Malleus, he already knew that you were an artist
he just hasn't had much time to truly look at your work
tho he has glanced at your open sketchbook from now and then.
rn he's making his way into the ramshackle dorm for a surprise cuddle date
as he was looking through the dorm for you he found a rec room of sorts, filled to the brim with half done paintings, a couple boxes of sketchbooks, and a bunch of art supplies scattered all around.
he couldn't help his curiosity and started to look through some of the sketchbooks
it was a very enjoyable thing to do to pass the time waiting for you.
whelp! he didn't have to wait any longer
cause you had been leaning on the door frame for like 15 minutes waiting for him to notice you.
aaannddd, long story short, he got super flustered but after he calmed down and showered you in compliments.
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Picture Perfect
AYO! its me back with more content for the second time this week while i ignore my other wips again. this is a lil gift for @queen-o-leen who i promised wholesome content for! I hope you like it!
Timinette/Timari Oneshot 1.9K words (not related to my other timari oneshots)
“Tim spends a nice day in a park in Paris and takes a picture of a pretty girl.
He somehow gets an almost date out of it.”
no warnings this time. completely family-friendly. I know i surprise myself with this one too.
without further ado
He would be the last to admit that Jason was right and that time away was what he needed at this point in life but it can’t be ignored that, for the first time in possibly three years, Tim was having a wonderful day. He was having a wonderful week actually. After one too many unsuccessful cold cases and the simmering anxiety of off-world missions, his family, primarily Jason, for some reason, demanded that he take some time off and away from his unusual brand of normal. How that meant being sent across the Atlantic Ocean to Paris of all places, he wasn’t entirely sure. Alfred probably had a hand in that decision given that, as part of his forced vacation, Tim was not allowed to actually plan any of it. Him. Timothy Jackson Drake. The guy who stalked and manoeuvred his way into Batman’s house and team. The guy who tracked and found said man when the universe thought he was dead but was actually drifting through time. Yeah, Tim was not pleased about being led blind on his vacation. 
At least Paris was a nice city. And he brought his camera. He figured he could use this time to get back into old hobbies and what better hobby to start up again in the city of love than photography? He’s taken pictures of every tourist attraction worth visiting by his second day and began to take candid shots of people and animals. Would Damian like the animal pictures? Maybe, if they came from someone who wasn’t Tim. Is he going to try and give them to him anyways? Absolutely not. He liked his liver where it is, thank you very much. They would serve as great bribing material however. But that’s a thought for another day. 
Right now he was working on capturing what could possibly be described as the stereotypical outing with friends. He’s sitting along some bushes near the entrance of a park and staring at a group of teens his own age hanging around. He spots a brunette with thick curls of hair animatedly speaking with a guy in a vibrant cap. She’s waving a camera herself, and he appreciates her taste in equipment. Her eyes spark with fox-like mischief while the cap guy has a peaceful aura about him; like an old turtle. Next he sees a blonde, her hair is in a ridiculously high ponytail and she’s in a deep conversation with a red head off to the side of the whole group; her words are rushing out of her and she’s a buzzing bee with excitement. Another blond is in the area, but he sits in a broad patch of sun possibly napping with an open book on his chest. Very cat-like Tim supposes. He barely pays them more than a second of thought however. No. 
His focus is on the quaint beauty directly in his line of sight. She’s poised up against the giant tree trunk with a sketchbook in her lap and pencils surrounding her. Her hair hangs by her shoulders in twintails and it’s a colour so dark it seems to absorb the shade of the tree. She’s scribbling furiously on the page before her and her tongue is slightly peaking out to the side. Her forehead is creased with stress lines and her shoulders hunch slightly over her frame. She’s the vision of deep concentration and dedication and Tim would be a fool not to capture her. He’s gotten wide shots of her companions but now he wants to focus on her. 
Looking through the lens of his camera he zooms in on her profile. When his camera focuses, he spots a constellation of freckles across her cheeks, barely there, almost blending in with her complexion but Tim is nothing if not hypervigilant. He goes to take another photo when a bug flies into view. It’s a ladybug. It lands precariously on the tip of her nose and it’s just the thing that breaks her out of her work-induced trance. Tim is watching her now, long forgetting to click the shutter. Her eyes cross as she stares intently at the black-spotted creature and its presence seems to amuse her. She’s giggling to herself, as if sharing an inside joke with the bug and reaches a slim finger to swipe the insect gently from her nose. She inspects it and smiles a smile so soft that not even a feather could compare. He feels like an intruder. More so than one who takes pictures of cute strangers in public. 
Coming back to his senses, he takes another picture, the final picture, and lowers the camera from his face. He looks back at his temporary muse and finds that she is already looking at him. Her head tilts in confusion. Apprehension. Possibly a bit of fear. Which is valid given that Tim was pointing a camera at her from across the public park. What should he do though to quell her fears? 
He felt his face lift into a grin; he didn’t need to look at himself to know it was awkward and forced. A shrug of his shoulders and a flimsy wave of the camera in his hand was the only thing he did. Before he could begin to stumble over himself in apology, however, she surprised him. With a cautious hunch, her shoulders brought up to her ears, and an embarrassed smile to match his own, she slowly flips her sketchbook around and he comes face to face with, well, his face. It was a portrait of him. She had drawn a portrait of him. And she was showing him. Feeling embolden, he flips his camera to show her the screen but she’s too far away. He gets up on unsteady legs, cramped from his uncomfortable position, and begins a slow stride towards her. She meets him in the middle.
“Hi.” He barely speaks those words. They’re more like an exhale or a sigh of relief that he hadn’t scared her off. 
“Hi, I hope you don’t mind the drawing.” Her voice is high and light. Like a spring breeze. She’s daintily waving at him and he sees that her fingers are rough, and calloused. Unexpected but he finds it rather charming. Before he could get another word in, she’s off like an engine. “I just saw you there, and you had your camera so I figured you were taking pictures of us and thought that if you were then you wouldn’t mind me sketching you in kind but I should have asked and I’m sorry for breaching your privacy—” 
“Wait, slow down.” He fears that if he hadn’t interrupted her when he did she would run out of oxygen. Did she even breathe during her spiel? A voice in his head, that sounds like Cass, utters a soft ‘pot, kettle’ and okay, he sees a lot of himself in her mile-a-minute style of speaking. 
“No need to apologize. I’m flattered, truly. You were right, I was taking pictures of you. And your friends!” he hastily adds that last part. He turns his camera so the display screen faces her and he feels himself hold his breath in anticipation. 
A blush rises to her cheeks, red like the ladybug that interrupted her. He quite likes that colour on her. His eyes drift to the sketch and he’s further impressed by her skill. She has an eye for detail. He notices a bird in the background. It’s a robin. That piques his interest and lights a flicker of fear within him. 
“May I ask,” he begins slowly, unsure of what that little addition could mean. Did she know? How could she? Was his identity compromised?
“Why did you draw a robin in the background? It’s lovely but I’m curious,” he finishes. He’s going to play dumb until he has more information. She seems taken off guard by the question and raises her shoulders to her ears again in an embarrassed hunch.
“Well,” she starts, but she seems unsure and the words die on her tongue. She tries again.
“I just saw it fly by and then it landed behind you. So I thought ‘why not?’ and drew it. It seemed fitting.” She wasn’t looking him in the eye and now he felt kind of felt like a jerk for baselessly accusing some random girl. Of course it was just a coincidence. This bat-paranoia was going to be the end of him one day. It’s by sheer miracles and luck why it hasn’t already. 
“Oh, no worries. It just surprised me because it’s my favourite bird.” Right. Lie to the pretty French girl. But what else could he do? Tell her the truth?
“Then it’s a cool coincidence, huh?” She seems encouraged by that tidbit of information.
“Yeah, pure luck on your part.”
“What?” She seems more startled at that than Tim thinks she should be but before he can think deeper into it she speaks again and he would be a fool to not give her his undivided attention.
“Why did you take a picture of me with the ladybug? If you don’t mind me asking.” That stumps him because, to be honest, he does not know why himself. It just felt right. So he tells her as such.
“Well that would be another coincidence because ladybugs are my favourite insects.” She gives him a full smile alongside that statement and the brilliance of it almost blinds him. He wants to capture that smile for eternity. 
The thought strikes him. He doesn’t want this moment to end. He knows by the Friday of next week he’ll be flying back to Gotham where it’s business as usual and Red Robin won’t have time for commitments and puppy love. But right now? Right now Tim Drake is on vacation with a week and half left and all the time in the world to entertain the idea of a spring romance. Making the decision, he goes for it and takes the chance.
“I was getting a bit hungry. Do you know anywhere that’s good to eat at?” It’s an offer, open to interpretation. If she just lists some place, he knows where her interests lay. If she offers to escort him somewhere, then she’s taken the bait for exactly what it is, an invitation for more; whatever more is. He hopes she takes the bait. 
“Yes I do actually! My parents own a bakery just outside the park.” Her enthusiasm is uplifting and the offer of a place so personal is a good sign in Tim’s book. “Let me show the way, and I could join you if you would like.”
“Perfect. That’s wonderful. It will be my treat since you’re going out of your way on my account.”
“Nonsense. Like I said, it’s my parents’ bakery. They’ll be more than happy to give some complimentary snacks.” She loops her arm around his and begins to drag him to the park gate. She’s strong and her grip is firm and Tim feels lightheaded at the ease with which she pulls him. He can’t help but be swept up in the tides that is this girl. 
“I’m Tim, by the way. Tim Drake.” He offers his name, something he should have done at the beginning.
She looks back at him over her shoulder and he’s caught up in the oceans of her eyes. They’re alight with joy. 
“Nice to meet you, Tim. I’m Marinette Dupain-Cheng.” 
“Nice to meet you too.”
They’re almost by the bakery now, he can smell the fresh baked goods from here, and he can’t wait to sit down and get to know this girl better. Maybe get her number by the end of their lunch.
Yeah. Tim was having a wonderful day.
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bl597 · 4 years
Hello, sweetheart. I was wondering if you could write something about Sirius. Basically he is really good at painting and he is in relationship with the reader. He goes like- you'll be my muse. And while he paints, he keeps on muttering how beautiful the reader is and all that fluffy stuff. Bonus points if the reader is a lil insecure of her features. Thank you!
hello, honey!! hope you enjoy it!! 💖
warnings: so sweet it might rotten your teeth, young!sirius x reader, english is not my first language, so I'm sorry for any mistakes! requests are open!
my masterlist ♡
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Sirius Orion Black might look like a bad boy and a heartbreaker to whoever looks at him. But, in reality, he was the biggest sweetheart you've ever met. You and Sirius have been dating for almost two years now and ever since the first moment you two started dating, he treated you like you were the most precious thing in the whole world.
One of the things he's the best at is drawing and painting. He adores it and makes the most lovely pieces you laid your eyes on. He had this natural talent to transform anything in something so beautiful and exquisite in just a few lines and brush strokes. It was extraordinary and you admired it a lot.
Sirius have been hiding himself behind a sketchbook for the last weeks, always drawing something randomly. You sometimes tried to look at it to see what had him so concentrated, but he never let you and always hide it from you. It was a bit weird, but you would never pressure him to do something he didn't want to, so you just stopped trying to look at it and respected his space.
Even though you wanted so badly to see what he had been spending his time on, you didn't want to see anything without his consent, because that was wrong and he would get really upset if you did. So you decided to try and ignore it, just focus on something else so you could 'forget' about it.
You were just chilling now, wearing his oversized red and gold sweater while reading a book when you heard someone murmuring something you couldn't really hear. Looking up you saw Sirius drawing something, brows furrowed and bottom lip between his teeth, quill softly tracing the parchment in a shape you didn't know.
“Beautiful” you heard him say quietly, quickly glancing at you before turning his attention back to the parchment in front of him.
“Honey? What're you doing?” you asked softly, watching as his lips curved themselves in a smile when you two locked eyes.
“Nothin', love” he winked at you before turning back to the parchment once again.
You huffed, trying to ignore your curiosity while you opened the book again to read it.
Today was yours and Sirius' 2nd year anniversary and the the day couldn't be more lovely; it was a Sunday, which means you have no classes for the rest of the day, the weather is fantastic and the flowers in the garden outside look as beautiful as ever. You woke up earlier than you would do in a weekend just so you could plan the perfect day for you and Sirius.
First, you would have breakfast and then you would walk around the castle for a while. Second, you would have a small picnic next to the Black Lake. Then you would give him the gift you had bought: the set of paints and brushes and a new sketchbook. You heard him saying he needed to buy more things for painting, since his were almost at the end, so you just bought it to him. Then, after that, you would go to the Astronomy tower to stargaze while having dinner and stay there before coming back to the common room.
You had just finished your breakfast and were ready to start your day. Gently pulling Sirius by his hand, you lead him to outside the castle for a walk. He whined, telling you it was too early and that you should be sleeping right now, to which you only replied with a playful eye roll.
After a few minutes you two arrived at the perfect spot for the picnic: under a big, beautiful tree. You both then started unpacking the things, putting all the food and drinks on top of the tablecloth before sitting down next to each other, so you could lay in each other's arms while enjoying the view and the food.
You spent a good part of your day there, just goofing around and kissing, telling how much you love each other. Sirius then suddenly got up, saying that it was already time to go and you furrowed your brows, asking him what happened.
“Well, I have a surprise for you too, and we should go to where it is now!” he exclaimed, packing the things up and putting it back in the bag you brought them.
“Wait, Sirius! I forgot to give you your gift!” you grabbed the bag and started looking for the red small box with a golden ribbon, before handing it to him with a nervous smile “I think you may like this.”
He smiled, giving you a quick peck before carefully opening the box, smiling widely when he saw what was inside. “You didn't have to, love.” he said softly, pulling you into a hug.
“Yeah, but I wanted to. Besides, you've been talking about it for months, and since it is our anniversary today, I thought it would be a nice gift.”
“Thank you, baby.” he kissed you once again before pulling you with him to the "secret" place.
About five minutes later you arrived at the Gryffindor tower, but Sirius didn't stop; instead, he led you to the boys' dorm, not stopping untill you reached the door of his dorm. He then turned around to you, telling you to close your eyes, which you, a little unsure, did.
Then he held your hand, gently leading you to the right way so you wouldn't bump into something. Before he told you to finally open your eyes, you heard someone – probably James – yelling something like “Please don't do anything on my bed!” and then someone – probably Remus – telling him to shut up and you giggled.
When you finally opened your eyes, you gasped, already feeling your eyes watering. The beds were at the corner of the dorm, and there was a small table and two chairs in the middle of the room, petals of red roses all over across the floor, leading you to the table. The room was dark, only illuminated by the light of small candles placed on random places. It was the most romantic and beautiful thing someone ever did to you, and you were almost crying right now.
Two strong arms wrapped around your waist pulled you closer to Sirius' embrace, a smile on both your faces. Turning around to face him, you wrapped your arms tightly around his neck, hiding your face in his chest. “The dumbasses really know how to decorate places.” he chuckled whilst placing a kiss on your cheek “Happy anniversary, love.”
“Happy anniversary, honey. I love you.”
You both had a lovely dinner, softly talking about your weeks and all the exciting stuff that happened to you. After eating and quietly talking for a while, he got up and looked for something on his drawer and then came back to you, giving you a little box with a wide smile.
“What is it?” you asked, already smiling.
“Open it!”
You started delicately opening the box, trying not to demage the package so much, furrowing when you saw what was inside it. You took the small black sketch book out of the box, raising a brow at Sirius. “Your sketchbook?”
“Open it, silly!” he excitedly said, trying to hide his enormous smile.
Giggling you turned your attention back to the sketchbook you were holding and started carefully flipping through the pages, smiling when you saw the first one.
“To my beautiful and amazing muse who makes me happy everyday and who inspired me to do all of this, (Y/n) (Y/l/n). I love you.
– Sirius Black, 1976.”
He gave you a small smile, as if encouraging you to keep going, which you gladly did.
The pages were mainly filled with draws of you. You on dates with Sirius, you alone, you discussing about something with Remus, your eyes, lips, nose, mouth, hands, thighs, just you. It was amazing how he could turn all the little flaws that you insisted on pointing into something so beautiful and graceful, or the way he perfectly manages to capture all your emotions in only one page.
There was a draw of you sleeping on his bed, cuddling his pillow while wearing his shirt, and then another draw of you studying with him, brows furrowed as you were too concentrated on the potions homework to even notice your boyfriend drawing you. And then there was the sketch of you in his red sweater last week, peacefully reading your book with a small smile.
When you finished carefully looking at every page, you were left speechless. It was the best gift you've ever received and you couldn't seem to find the right words to express how grateful and amazed you were. You then looked at him with teary eyes and a weak yet big smile on your lips before throwing yourself in his arms, whispering how much you loved it and how much you love him.
“I'm glad you loved it.” he chuckled quietly, kissing the top of your head before cupping your cheeks with both his hands softly, making you look at him. “You are my muse, love, and when I just think about you I am able to do the most amazing works in the world, because you inspire me. I am the luckiest man alive to have someone like you by my side. I love you with all my heart, (Y/n).”
At this point you couldn't stop the tears from falling anymore, every word he said making more and more happy tears freely run down your face as the big smile on your face never faded. “I love you so much, Siri, you're the best boyfriend and best friend someone could ever ask for, and I am so glad to have you with me. I am completely and utterly enamoured by you, my love.”
And that was how you spent the rest of the night: hugging each other as tight as you could, kissing and exchanging “I love you”s all the time. You couldn't think of anything better in the whole world than being in Sirius arms for the rest of the night, just loving each other.
taglist ♡
@bwitchd @fific7 @iamak20 @msmimimerton @grierpilots @idontknowwhatthisisfam @imseeinggred @kashishwrites @tsuukichan
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orbitariums · 4 years
𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐦 | 𝐜𝐡.𝟏𝟑 𝐒𝐍𝐈𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐓 | 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 (𝟏𝟑)
hence the title! this is a sneak peek/snippet of chapter 13 which has been in the works for a while and i just haven’t updated!!! but i’ve been so inactive on here, i figured i could at least share a snippet. plus i missed yall :’))))
no telling when ch. 13 will actually be done/out! but i hope y’all like this lil sneak peeeeek <333
words: 3.6k 
warnings: smut!
playlist *updated recently, go check it out!*
𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐦 | 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐬𝐧𝐢𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐭/𝐬𝐧𝐞𝐚𝐤 𝐩𝐞𝐞𝐤 | 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬
       You woke up to the feeling of Steve’s body heat against yours, the flimsy fabric of his sheer white t-shirt bristling against your bare skin. He was laying next to you, a book open in his lap and a pencil in his hand. You weren’t quite paying attention, still settling into the day as the blur in front of your eyes slowly disappeared. Memories of last night flooded your mind fondly— Steve’s soft touch against your thighs as he carried you in from the car into the bed, the thought of someone caring so much to even do that for you, the plush feeling of his pink lips against yours. 
       You felt your heart swelling just to think of it, so pleased by the events of yesterday and last night especially. You felt like everything was just right at the moment. Before, some part of your brain was afraid that since things were going so well, something would inevitably go wrong later on, but you were past that fear stage. Now, you were just settling into enjoying the good moments and expecting nothing but good to come next.
      Since yesterday, especially after the grand afternoon you’d had, and the way Steve treated you carrying you into his apartment, there had been a shift. It was almost imperceptible aside from the way your heart seemed to surge even higher when you were around each other. Yesterday had been such a relief once you both met Bucky and cleared that up. Any unnecessary fear or anxieties that would’ve stemmed from that dilemma were removed. 
        And now you felt so drawn to Steve, so inclined to trust him impossibly further— again your mind ran back to thoughts about his touch on your thighs as he carried you inside, his soft but strong hands against your smooth skin. And you thought about how you wanted his touch all the time. You’d been physically close multiple times, but only once in the intimate sense, and you were yearning for more of his touch. Though you both wanted to go slow, you found each other irresistible in every sense of the word. And you only had two weeks together—why not get closer? 
Steve noticed you shifting, and looked over at you, the side of his lip quirked up into a grin. You stretched out like a cat below him, batting your lashes inadvertently. 
       “Morning, sleeping beauty,” Steve teased, and you chuckled. 
You were still getting comfortable with each other, but it was easier with each and every day. The more time you spent together, the more you felt used to each other, like waking up next to the other was the norm. The thrill wasn’t gone, but the atmosphere was comfortable at the very least. 
       “Morning,” you said back. 
You snuggled into his shoulder, hesitating a bit in case he wanted personal space, although you were craving an even closer proximity to him. But he squeezed you in closer to him, sensing your hesitation and reassuring you that there was no reason for pause. You noted how much you loved to be near him. The last few days had felt so unreal, almost childish in nature, like a silly little schoolgirl crush that wasn’t anything more, though you both knew you had strong feelings for each other. Yet now, you were sinking into the realization that being near him felt like being near a source of warmth and light that you were so grateful for— you needed it. And he needed the warmth you gave him too. 
Your eyes widened as you realized Steve was drawing in his sketchbook.
       “You’re drawing?” you grinned excitedly, and he laughed sheepishly and shook his head. 
      “Yeah. Haven’t done it in a while, it’s just random sketching… it’s a mess, honestly,” he brushed it off, but you frowned.
      “I like it. I like your random sketches. You should do it more often,” you tilted your head up and kissed his cheek, another leap of courage that made Steve’s cheeks heat up, along with your words of encouragement. 
     “Maybe… I got time. But,” he grunted, closing his sketchbook and turning to face you. “I wanna spend time with you. Go head, get dressed. I wanna take you out today.”
      How ready Steve was to take you out made you perk up. His tone, his demeanor, just the prospect of going out with him on this lovely day full of sunshine amped you up. The fact that Steve had plans for you was so refreshing. He really did want to show you just how much he cared, and he was putting in the effort, day after day. He was doing everything to make sure you knew how much he wanted to be with you and be around you. Even though it seemed as though the bar was low, that wasn’t something you were used to. Just thinking that he made time to plan things out between you and him made you feel all warm inside. 
      So you got ready with ease, taking a shower and getting dressed, putting on just a bit of makeup. Steve complimented your dress when you came out from the bathroom, looking you up and down with the purest, kindest admiration in his eyes. 
        “You like it?” you echoed, flouncing around, unable to fight off the urge to grin. You didn’t struggle with confidence in the physical sense, but Steve made you feel so sure of yourself, like even in these strange circumstances you two were under, he still wanted to show you off and make you feel good about yourself internally. 
       “You… look gorgeous all the time,” he shook his head as if he couldn’t believe it, pulling you close under his arm. 
     “You’re sweet,” you grinned, and laid your head in the crook of his armpit, letting him lead you out of the apartment, letting him lead you to bliss. 
When you got in the car, you saw that in the backseat there was a picnic basket and a blanket. You gasped, clasping your hand over your mouth and gaping wide eyed at Steve. 
      “Are we going on a picnic?” you cooed, grinning wide. 
He smiled back, 
         “You figured it out. Listen, it’s nice out, and I know a great woodsy area where we can be alone and in peace.”
You raised a brow,
       “And here I was thinking New York was a concrete jungle.”
       “Gotta go up north for the good stuff,” Steve shrugged. “It’s nice and secluded, so we won’t have to worry about laying low. Just wanted to take my girl out officially.”
You leaned your elbow against the window, facing Steve as you pressed your palm to your cheek with a smug smile,
       “Your girl, huh?”
Part of you was teasing him, the other part of you just wanted to hear him say it again. Neither of you had had the conversation about labels yet, but it had only been a few days. It was safe to say you weren’t quite worried about labels. You just liked each other’s company. Steve was a man of formality and tradition though, so there would be a point where he probably made things official between the two of you. But for now, he was taking it slow out of respect for you. 
Steve glanced over at you, dimples forming at his cheek as he smiled back, 
      “My girl.”
      “I like the sound of that,” you cooed, your eyes glimmering with admiration for him. 
       “Me too. Glad you like it,” Steve replied, his chest warming up with satisfaction. 
     He was testing out how calling you his girl sounded, and he loved the thought of it. Even though you were his girl, you were still entirely your own woman. That’s what he loved about you. 
      Steve’s hand shifted over to your lap, a gentle grip on your thigh, tapping his foot absentmindedly. He thought nothing of it, but it made your head swarm. Even days after meeting him in person his touch was electrifying and every thought of being close to him thrilled you. You’d been intimate only once with him and not again since then, but every kiss since then seemed to last longer and each one was somehow better than the last time. But even though Steve’s hand on your thigh made you feel warm all over (all over), you just grinned to yourself and faced the boundless road ahead. 
| | | 
     “Oh, this place is so beautiful,” you said for probably the third time since you’d arrived. 
     The woods where Steve had brought you reminded you of California. It was bright and full of summer colors, yellow flowers springing up from the earth and surrounding the verdant grass that crushed underneath the soles of your Converse. The sunlight peeked through the forest canopy through gaps in the leafy honey locust trees and tall redwoods. Everything was lush and green and the air in the woods felt and smelled fresh and much better than the city. Steve knew you all too well, because this was the kind of place you’d go on a weekend with friends back home. You were definitely down for an adventure in the woods.
Steve set the things down on a nice clear patch of grass — he had refused to let you carry anything no matter how much you insisted — and started to set up. 
     “I was hoping you’d like it,” he grunted, spreading out the blanket and gesturing for you to sit down as he started to unpack the picnic basket. “I was planning this for the other day when it rained and we stayed in and…”
      Steve trailed off, his cheeks threatening to go red as he remembered what you did instead of a picnic that day. He couldn’t deny that he thought about it often—that he thought about touching you over and over again because there was nothing better than that feeling you gave each other. But nothing much had happened since then, mainly due to lack of time— you just recently had to deal with Bucky finding out, but now that that was over, you’d have more than enough time. You both felt like the fact that that situation was over called for celebration, and you knew just how you’d celebrate. 
Luckily, you had been distracted by a flower poking out by the tree Steve set up the blanket next to, and you wouldn’t poke fun at him or make him any more hot and bothered than he already was just from thinking of that night. 
      “For you,” you stood in front of him, tucking the flower right at his ear. “Aw, Steve. You look so soft.”
As soft as someone like Steve could look. It was funny— you watched him consistently and he constantly switched between looking like this scary macho man to becoming the softest Golden Retriever puppy when he looked at you. Your chest swelled with pride at this hunk of a man you’d managed to get. Nothing screamed Alpha dog more than Steve Rogers and while manliness wasn’t your top priority, you liked knowing that you were with a man when you were with Steve. So many people would die to get to know him on a personal level, but it was just your luck that you were actually able to. 
Steve grinned, fiddling with the stem of the flower behind his ears for a moment before settling down and opening up the picnic basket. He pulled out all the food, along with a bottle of sparkling rose and two wine glasses for the both of you. You sunk down to the blanket, sitting on your knees and marveling at the miniature feast before you. Steve was constantly putting in the effort and making it look so effortless, and you couldn’t help but watch everything he was doing with a smile glued to your lips. 
      “Not too early for a drink, is it?” Steve asked, tilting his head up to the sky, glistening with sun. 
      “Never too early,” you grinned mischievously, biting down on your lip as you watched Steve pour two glasses of rose. 
He handed you yours and then raised his own, and you reached forward to clink the glass in a toast.
     “To us,” Steve said, and you nodded in agreement.
     “To us.”
You took a sip of your drink and sighed in satisfaction, smacking your lips. Looking at Steve in front of you felt like such a sight to see. Your heart swelled as you took in your surroundings—the beautiful woods around you and the picnic Steve had somehow put together without your knowledge. And Steve was looking at you just the same way, so unaware of your nonchalant beauty as you leaned back, your skin glistening in the sunlight. You humphed, wanting to be closer, and practically crawled over to him. Steve’s eyes lowered as he watched you approach him, then settle into his lap with your legs on either side of his thick legs. The faintest grin appeared on his lips as you slung your arms around his neck lazily, holding the glass of wine between your fingers in one hand behind him. 
      “You really did all this for me, huh?” you asked, letting a finger trail along his chin, prickly from the beard he was growing. 
He bit down on his lip, his hand traveling to grasp your wrist softly and keep your hands touching his face, coming down to cup his chin. 
       “I hope you love it,” he replied, and you giggled,
       “Are you kidding? We have to go out here again before I leave,” you decided then and there. 
You still had loads of time left with Steve, and luckily there was so much you had yet to do together.
      “I promise we will.”
      “Steve,” you sighed out his name, leaning in closer to him. “I’m so happy here.”
You kissed his lips, a sweet and full lipped kiss that left both of you wanting more. Your lips tasted like cherry flavored gloss and rose. You giggled to yourself at the way that Steve leaned in, searching for more when you pulled away. His voice was low and soft, 
      “I’m happy you’re happy.”
You both laughed quietly and Steve pulled you in for a kiss, his hand on the back of your neck making you lurch forward as he led you with his lips. 
      Your tongue slipped in against the roof of his warm, firm mouth. His grip on your neck got stronger, his hand drifting down to the nape of your neck and squeezing just right, eliciting a lush moan from you. The touch of your body in such close proximity to him combined with the vibrations your moans made in his mouth got him hard. Like a reflex, he shifted his hips upward, pressing the outline of his hard length into the white cotton underwear that was exposed when you fit your legs around him. 
       “Mmh,” you whimpered when you felt him. You unlatched your saccharine lips from his, which tasted faintly like rose, and threw your head back only slightly, which urged him to lurch forward and press his lips to the exposed skin there, all sunkissed and warm. You grabbed at his hair. “Fuck, Steve.”
     “We haven’t even eaten,” you realized aloud, a giggle bubbling up in your throat that became a moan as Steve purposefully nudged his knee against your clothed clit again, finding the sensitive bundle of nerves easily underneath the fabric that hid it. 
     “No, not yet,” Steve shot back in a suggestive tone, and you raised a brow.
     “Steve, are you trying to tell me something?” you teased him, choking on your words halfway through because Steve was practically making you ride his thigh, rocking your body back and forth between his erection and his thighs after you slid down his knee. 
     Every movement he made, he did it with ease, bringing you closer to climax just by rocking against you. He could feel every contraction your pussy made against the outline of his erection as you squirmed and bucked your hips and rolled into him. Any logical thought process had left your mind— here you were, riding Steve’s thigh in the middle of the morning during what was supposed to be a sweet picnic in the woods. He had you gripped close to him, so even with all your squirming there was no way you were going to be able to move away from him, not with how strong his arms were. 
     He didn’t seem to notice, but this was just another way he asserted that nonchalant dominance over you that you died for. His hands fit perfectly around the small of your back, keeping you in place. He kept suckling at your chin and occassionally leaving tiny love bites on your neck as you rolled your hips euphorically. The slow, tantalizing pace he kept you at only drove you closer to your impending orgasm, the friction between his body and your own unbearable. 
     Steve had this unbelievable control over you while you helplessly, wordlessly rode his thigh, brushing up against his dick every now and then. And to think you were doing this in such a beautiful outdoor surrounding, removed far enough from others that no one would walk up on you. The silence was filled with restless panting from you as your orgasm drew closer, and the ambience of wilderness - the birds chirping, the greenery scuffling in the breezes of wind that drew past. 
      “Gonna come, princess?” Steve whispered hotly into your ear, reaching his fingers down and feeling the wet mark that had formed in your underwear, pressing against your throbbing clit. 
     “Mm, mhm,” you groaned, arching your back as your hips rolled in tune with his fingers. You came with a shuddered moan, soaking your own panties as your climax coursed through your veins. Your whole body seemed to shake, only stabilizing once Steve dug his fingers into your hips to ground you again. 
You stayed there for a moment, still grinding your hips against his and kissing him, holding him tight against you until you pulled away and pushed him back, still straddling him. He was laying on his back and marveling at the sight of you on top of him as you began to kiss him, your lips leading the way down against his toned body where they’d soon reach the place you wanted your mouth the most. How desperately you wanted your lips against those muscles, kissing there and really being able to feel him. You could feel Steve’s heart pounding when you layered kisses on his chest, and he was glad you couldn’t hear the thoughts in his head because they were positively swarming with nerves. 
     “There’s— oh,” Steve groaned when your lips reached his v-line, unsure of how he was still even able to talk with the way that his voice felt so constricted. “There’s still food—”
     “Just relax,” you interrupted, and he accepted without argument, throwing his head back and letting you do the work. 
| | |
     Today, Steve was out at work until further notice, but he made up for it by ordering breakfast for you, accompanied by a lovely note that he left on the kitchen table that morning.
Had to go in today. Promise me you won’t miss me too much. Be back soon. 
- Steve Rogers
The note had made you chuckle—he was such an old man, signing his first and last name like you were colleagues and you didn’t give him the best head of his life just a few days ago. With each passing day you were growing more and more used to each other, more comfortable with expressing intimacy and acting like… well, a couple. It was just, you hadn’t exactly given what you had a title. And while you thought about labels off and on, you weren’t rushing. Steve probably thought about it much more than you did—even though he was adapting to this modern world and the products of modernity (ie: cam girls), he was still traditional in a sense. 
      He didn’t want to string you along in a weird, titleless relationship. And while he knew that what you had didn’t need a title because of its unconventionality and the fact that you truly liked each other, he knew he’d feel a whole lot more secure when he could call you his girl, and have it be official. So he was brooding on it, because he knew that you didn’t want to rush things either, and in the back of his mind he knew you’d probably be fine going through these two weeks without an “official” title, but he decided the time for a conversation was due soon. 
      Though right now, he decided he’d take it easy, leave the harder conversations for later. He had something he wanted to show you. Now that you both seemed to have settled down, he wanted to take you out as much as he could. At least, while keeping a low profile. 
You had only spent a few hours alone when Steve came home through the front door. You sauntered over to him and wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing his cheek when you saw him. He kissed you back, wrapping one arm around your waist. 
     “Hey!” you chimed. 
     “Hi,” Steve grinned, smiling down at you with that very same look in his eyes— it was funny, neither of you seemed to notice how infatuated you looked when you set your gaze upon each other, but you always noticed it on each other. “How was your day? Didn’t miss me too much, did you?”
You smirked, placing a hand on his chest,
     “Maybe a little. Maybe.”
      “Well, I missed you,” he grinned, his voice getting softer. He nodded towards the open door behind him. “Get dressed, I wanna take you someplace.”
mkay i hope y’all enjoyed that suuuper short lil sneak peek i miss y’all tons & missed posting my writing on here. i can’t wait to get back to normal <333
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nekoabiwrites · 5 years
Battle Bonds
Ahhh! It feels so good to be back and writing again! Panto was great fun and I’m kinda missing it but also, I’m so happy to not have to watch the same show 60 times anymore...
Anyway, this fic was inspired by a freaking adorable piece of art by @artistictaurean with Roman and a lil cute Swablu: https://artistictaurean.tumblr.com/post/190329454010/holy-crap-i-actually-finished-something-just-a  Mega thanks to them for not only being super talented at making such darn cute art, but also for being chill with me writing this (even tho I was on anon asking but mehhhhhh details)
AU: None Pairing: None Words: 2644 Warnings: Remus and Deceit are in here. Anything else, please let me know!
Summary: Thomas has been on a bit of a pokemon kick recently and it has affected his imagination more than he would ever think of...
Due to the recent release and information about new titles in the Pokemon franchise, Thomas had been thinking about and playing a lot of the series – much to Logan’s dismay. It had just been something he was doing, not once did Thomas even give a thought to how his gaming habit would affect his sides.
Roman lightly chewed on the end of his pencil as he tried to work out the perspective of the next detail to his sketch. It was rare to have all of the sides in the imagination with him after all, even more so that it was for social reasons rather than important ones. He dropped his head and added detail to the figure of Logan in his artwork, doing everything to capture the bewildered expression that was currently resting on the logical side’s features and the open book in his hands.
The prince couldn’t fault Logan for this, as he could hear the excited squeals of Patton off to his left as he discovered yet another new species that he didn’t realise existed.
“IT’S A PUPPY!” The paternal side yelled, holding Rockruff high above his head in order to show it off to the others. An amused snort and swishing of grass told Roman that Virgil was heading towards Patton to get a closer look at the small animal.
Time passed leisurely as the cycle of Patton finding new species, calling out that he found a new one and then being told which pokemon it was continued to repeat itself, all while Roman continued sketching. Eventually, Patton and Virgil settled down in view of Roman, allowing him to finally add them to his piece. Then there was an odd breeze that ruffled his hair and a weight was added to the top of his head.
Roman dropped his sketchpad and held his arms up, yelping loudly in surprise. He knew deep down it was fruitless to try, but his instinct was to attempt to look up and see what was perched upon his head.
Another Patton squeal had Roman freezing in place. The moral side jogged on up to Roman and coo’d at the creature on his head, “It’s so fluffy and – Oh! – It’s just like a cloud, and its so soft! Virgil, Logan! What’s this one?!”
“If memory serves, it is a swablu, Patton.” Logan approached, flipping the pages. It took seconds for him to find what he was looking for and he began to read aloud, “It is a primary normal type with a secondary flying type that was introduced in the third generation. Its category is the cotton bird pokemon. According to several entries in the pokedex of various games, swablus are very concerned with cleanliness and enjoy perching upon the heads of people.”
“I thought you didn’t care about this stuff?” Virgil asked slyly, gently brushing a finger along the tops of the swablu’s fluffy wings.
Logan flushed slightly and cleared his throat, “I do not recall saying that I didn’t care about it. I was simply attempting to get Thomas to understand that playing such a game for long periods of time is unproductive and-”
“I was just messing with ya, Logan. It’s okay.” Virgil snorted and rolled his eyes good-naturedly.
Roman was remaining fairly motionless as the others fawned over the pokemon perched upon his head. After getting confirmation on what pokemon it was, he’d regained his composure, sure that there was little to no threat. The prince reached up to pet the extremely friendly pokemon, feeling the cloud-like wings for the first time while also bringing the attention back down to himself with an exaggerated clearing of his throat. “Not that I mind being surrounded by attention, but my art was almost completed and now you have all moved from your positions. I place the blame upon you all if this turns out absolutely horrendous.” He gestured to the forgotten sketchbook resting in the grass.
Shortly after Roman had begun yet another round of bantering back and forth with Virgil and Logan, Patton saw a new pokemon that excited him, and he ran off. Virgil trailed behind, watching with amusement. Logan eventually moved in the same direction once Patton called for him yet again. Roman was now alone with the creature atop his head.
He summoned a floating mirror before himself and saw the blue bird for the first time. It looked to be starting to dose off, clearly comfortable in its position. The royal reached up again and gently stroked the bird, who seemed pleased with the gentle attention as it chirped in response. “How do you like the name Alto?” Roman asked rhetorically. The swablu perked up and flew in a small circle, just above Roman’s head, before seating itself again and almost nuzzling into the creative side’s hair. “I’ll have to take that as a yes.”
It wasn’t long until the hype died down and Thomas went back to his usual level of enjoyment of the series. This meant that if the sides wanted to keep all the random pokemon, Roman would have had to start working extremely hard to keep them all around. Thankfully, Patton wasn’t going to push his fellow side like that, and they all compromised on only keeping certain pokemon that they’d all become attached to – mostly due to the fact that their attachments would take some of the strain off of the creative side.
Out in the dirt courtyard of the castle located near the entrance to the imagination, Roman had placed a battling area for the pokemon, giving all of them a place to battle in a regulated, enclosed space.
“Servine is unable to battle.” Patton called out, “All three of Deceit’s pokemon have fainted! Roman wins! Yay Roman!” The moral side applauded, causing the Lillipup currently resting in his lap to yap alongside.
Roman laughed heartily, “Of course I won. What were you thinking, putting your grass type out against my superior flying type?” Alto soared over to rest upon Roman’s head, allowing her trainer to give her well earned scritches.
Deceit rolled his eyes, “It was because I have no knowledge of typing and most definitely had nothing to do with the fact I only had one pokemon left and therefore had no other options.” As he spoke, he returned the pokemon to its pokeball
“Now Deceit, be nice…” Patton chastised.
“Apologies.” Deceit sarcastically responded before stalking off to who knew where.
Patton went to say something to Roman, but was cut off by the creative side, “It’s quite alright, Patton. Not even the attitude from a slippery snake can dampen my mood!”
“Well, good! Let’s heal everyone up before the final match!” Patton hopped up from his cross-legged position on the ground and took Roman off to the side. Instead of battling on his own, Patton had taken the role of judge and healer. He found it was far more rewarding to help the fainted and injured pokemon than be the reason why they were hurt in the first place. Due to the fairly decisive victory, Roman’s pokemon took very little time to heal.
“There you go! All better now!” Patton handed the pokeballs back over to Roman, who replaced them back into their places on his belt. The moral side then looked around and bit his lip a little in worry, “I’m sorry, kiddo… but I need to go and find out where Dee went. Are you alright to wait just a little longer?”
“Of course he is!” came a third excited voice, who made both sides jump with his sudden presence and arms over their shoulders.
Roman’s smile fell and he sighed heavily, “I hate to admit this… but, for once, my brother is right… It’s more than fine for you to attend to business, Patton.”
“If you require a moderator, I am free to fulfil that role in Patton’s absence.” Logan cut in.
“Ooo! Yes! Let’s murder both of these birds with the stone!” Remus gleefully clapped his hands and hopped in place, whilst the other sides simply agreed to Logan’s proposition.
The two sides of creativity took a spot at each end of the field, staring each other down; Roman with a hardened glare that aimed to strike fear in his brother, Remus with his signature unhinged grin and twitching fingers hovering just over the balls resting against his side.
“The usual format and rules apply. Three pokemon per user, first to have all three faint is the loser. Are we agreed on this?” Logan called out. Both of the participants nodded. “Let the battle commence!”
Roman tossed out his first ball, summoning his precious swablu onto the field. Both looked as determined as the other. Remus, on the opposite side, released his first pokemon and everyone in attendance immediately grimaced.
“What in the heck is that thing?!” Roman yelled.
“It’s an Arctozolt! Isn’t he just a precious little monster?” Remus coo’d, making kissy faces at the abomination before him.
Logan’s eyes darted between the two for a moment, clearly having knowledge that Roman did not. The prince was going to ask what had the logical side looking as though he was nervous for him but decided against it. Instead, he steeled his resolve.
“Alto, Cotton Guard!”
Using her wings, Alto managed to surround her entire body in layers of almost invisible cotton, using it almost as a shield against anything that would attack her. She then seemed to brace herself, watching the pokemon before her carefully.
Time seemed to stop for a second as Roman heard the command. He hadn’t even considered the fact that Arctozolt had the type advantage, especially since he’d never seen it before. Now that he was helpless to do much other than stare, Roman managed to notice the thunderbolt-like growths on the pokemon’s top half and that it was shivering, which may indicate that it was also partially ice type. His thoughts were cut short as Alto screeched in pain as the electric attack hit her square on.
“Alto!” Roman cried out. He watched as the swablu dropped in the air slightly but managed to catch herself before hitting the floor. He let out a soft sigh of relief, “Shake it off and use Round!”
Alto did just that, physically shaking her body to clear herself of the shock before soaring in circles for a few seconds, ending up heading directly for Arctozolt, hitting it square in the chest. The odd pokemon recoiled slightly after the hit, but still seemed to be feeling alright. The same could not be said for Roman as he saw the smile on his brother’s face grow even larger.
“Arctie, use Avalanche!”
Once again, Roman cursed himself internally. “Alto, avoid as much as you can!” He called out, trying his best to get his beloved swablu to not take as much damage as humanly possible.
It was effective somewhat as Alto did avoid several hits, but it always put her in the path of another part of the attack. Overall, it was a severe hit and Alto’s energy seemed to be waning as she was taking far more effort in order to keep herself in the air. Thankfully, the cotton that surrounded her body did help in staving off some of the damage.
Racking his brain, Roman tried to think of the best way to win the battle that seemed almost completely impossible.
“What’s wrong, brother?” Remus jeered from the opposite side of the field, “Having problems?”
Roman glared harshly at Remus before issuing another command, “Alto, sing!”
Alto responded immediately. She swooped in to hang in the air just a short distance from Arctozolt and began to sing a soft melody, attempting to put the creature to sleep. However, before it could really take effect, Remus called out for Arctozolt to use another move.
“Use Echoed Voice!”
The abomination began to screech loudly, the sound causing most everyone in the surrounding area to cover their ears. Alto drifted backwards, clearly in pain from the hit to her senses, her song being cut short. She began to float downwards towards the ground, looking as though she were about to admit defeat. She turned slightly and was able to notice Roman staring at her, worry coursing through him. Her eyes started to shut as she fell closer and closer to the ground.
“Alto, no!”
Her body touched the ground for a brief second before erupting in a flash of light. Yet again, everyone in attendance flinched and avoided using one of their senses until the light died down.
Remus’ grin dropped completely off of his face as his mouth fell open once he’d caught sight of where Alto had once been.
In place of the small round fluffy-winged bird was a far larger version. Its neck extended upwards, causing her to look far more intimidating as she could look down upon him and its cloud like wings curled around its lower body, looking as though the wings were what made up the creature instead. Just behind, his brother was also as shocked.
“Uh Logan. Information please!”
“Alto evolved into her final stage, that being an Altaria. Her typing has now changed, becoming a primary dragon type with the same secondary flying type as its pre-evolved state.” Logan offered.
“That has to be cheating! That’s his second pokemon now, right?!” Remus pouted, stamping his foot like an angry child.
“Not at all. Evolution is a natural process of the pokemon species as a whole and it cannot be timed, at least in the case of the majority of evolutions. In terms of our ruleset, it is the amount of fainted pokemon that provide us with the final result. As Alto has only evolved and is, in fact, still very much present and aware, it still counts as Roman’s first pokemon.” Logan side-eyed the moustached side as he explained.
Roman was still a little surprised but was more than ready to fight back with his now larger cloud bird. Something in him just knew that Alto had learned something new, so he acted without much thought, “Alto! Dragon Breath!”
Alto reared back as she took in a large breath, physically puffing herself up in preparation. She stared straight ahead at the Arctozolt before letting the blue flames pour from her beak, engulfing the odd creature entirely. Remus also yelped and attempted to shield himself as the edges of the attack came close to reaching his position. The flames dissipated after a moment and Arctozolt seemed to be wobbling back and forth slightly before it fell over and was removed from the competition.
After two more quick battles, Roman was declared the victor of the small tournament and Remus went off to lick his wounds – everyone was sure that wasn’t just a turn of phrase when it came to the intrusive side. Patton returned shortly after the match and was more than a little enamoured with the giant cloud bird. Shortly after, the sides returned to their jobs and things went back to normal.
Later in the evening, Patton headed back into the imagination to call Roman for dinner, since he was nowhere to be found in the regular mindscape.
“Roman? Where are you? Dinner’s ready!” Patton called out into the distance as he wandered around the edge of the castle. He rounded a corner and had to clamp a hand over his mouth in order to muffle a happy squeal.
Alto was sleeping soundly, resting at the base of a tree on the edges of the forest. Curled up in her cloud-like wings was the figure of Roman. Evidently, he’d tired himself out and Alto had offered her soft wings as a base for him to nap. Patton quietly headed back, making a mental note to put Roman’s plate in the fridge for when he woke up.
My other stuff: http://nekoabi.tumblr.com/myworks Mobile Accessible Masterlist: http://nekoabi.tumblr.com/post/181954641376/fic-masterlist
General Tag List: @not-so-innocent-bi-sander @didsomeonesayprince @llamaly @justanotherpurplebutterfly  @iaminmultiplefandoms @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2 @lowkeyvirgilobsessed @louisthewarlock @fangsandrainbows @xxladystarlightxx @sleepyssnail @ao-koshka @notalwaysthevillian @pumpkinminette @doces-e--tuga @coloursintheblur @safesandersides @hogwarts-my-love
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tamakisuwu · 5 years
— sketchbook. | shouto todoroki.
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Shouto Todoroki X Gender Neutral! Artist! Reader
Summary : you start seeing shouto in the park everyday and start drawing him only to have him find your sketchbook.
Content : fluff, one shot
Warnings : none :D
so this request was adorable and its not excatly high school au since-- the first draft of this didn’t really work out so I apologize. honestly, when I saw this my heart was like “tf? this is adorable.” anyways-- I hope you enjoy like always! (◍•ᴗ•◍)
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As a fellow artist, you loved exploring new places. Why? well-- whenever you explore a new place, you always drew the scenery so one day, you decided to visit the park that you used to visit when you were younger.
Walking over to the park, you could see at the distance that there wasn’t too many people. Sure, the park wasn’t the most popular place out there but you remembered it being so peaceful that you would always sketch the scenery when you were younger. You grinned to yourself as you arrived.
Everything was still the same. Trees standing tall, grass, which was still green as ever, a small fountain that stood in the middle, and your most favorite place of all, the bench that stood in front of the entrance.
You walked over to the bench, your art supplies in hand. You sat down, staring at the scenery before taking out your pencil. As you opened your sketchbook, looking at the scenery in front of you, you immediately started sketching out your work.
Smiling softly as you drew, your pencil softly gliding against the paper, you looked back up at the spants and some boots. What caught your interest the most was his hair and eyes.
cenery, immediately noticing the change of the scenery. You saw a man-- or a guy your age, he was wearing a light brown sweater, gray 
His hair had white on the right, while his left had a red color. You started sketching without even thinking, your pencil drawing the scenery as well as the man. You looked at him again, taking notice of his eyes, his eyes had a dual color- one gray and one blue but what caught your interest more was his scar. Still sketching while looking at the rather handsome man, his head turned slightly, catching your gaze.
Your eyes widened, cheeks going red as you looked down at your sketchpad ‘Great. he caught me-- he’s gonna think I’m a freak now.’ You thought before looking back at up to see him looking in another direction, making you sigh in relief, however his little action didn’t go unnoticed. He was drinking his water, looking down at his feet-- that looked so adorable. You drew again without thinking, this time on another page.
Finishing your drawing, you looked back up only to find the man-- gone. You tilted your head, wait, why were you thinking about him? You probably looked like a freak, drawing a random stranger out of nowhere. You looked down at your drawing, about to rip it off and throw it away but-- it was beautiful. It wasn’t your drawing that was beautiful, it was the man that was beautiful.
You sighed, closing your sketchbook. You wouldn’t throw your sketchbook away even though it looked creepy, drawing a random stranger out of nowhere. It just looked so beautiful. You stood up from the bench before walking away from the park, promising yourself that you would never draw a person or more specifically him. Or so you thought.
Well, you were so wrong about that, you see-- you ended up drawing that man a lot of times. He always went to that park to perhaps relax or something, basically anything he did, you would always draw him.
One day, however, you had a lot of things with you as you had just gone back from school, though going home, you immediately went to the park to relax after a stressful day. Not knowing that the man you always drew would be there.
Sitting down at your usual bench, you immediately noticed the man-- he looked more adorable than before? You shook your head, snapping out of your weird thoughts. Grabbing your sketchbook from your bag, you began to draw him and the scenery behind him. However, what you didn’t notice-- was the cat that took one of your belongings which was your ultimate weapon for your drawings. Your coloring pencil.
As you began to reach out for your colored pencil, your hand gently reaching out for the object, only to find-- nothing? you sighed rather loudly, realizing that you must’ve dropped it somewhere and that was your favorite coloring pencil! and not to mention the price. You stood up, not realizing that you’ve caught the attention of the red and white haired man. You began walking away to look for your pencil, leaving your sketchbook wide open on accident.
With you walking away, the man who was named Shouto Todoroki, observed you. It may have sounded creepy but since he was more of the observant type, he always observed you as he would always see you everyday, drawing. If he had to be honest, he was curious as to what you were drawing or what made you come back to the park to draw everyday? nobody knows except for you.
They all say curiousity kills the cat and thats excatly what happened with Shouto. Shouto found himself walking towards your sketchbook, your wide open sketchbook that showed your recent drawing of him-- wait him? picking up your sketchbook, Shouto’s eyes widened, his lips slightly parted as he flipped through the pages.
All the pages were-- beautiful. They weren’t the stickmans or some childish drawings, they were just beautiful. They all had details and color and everything blended in nicely, but what Shouto noticed the most was a man that looked like him or technically, him. Shouto gasped slightly, realizing that the man in the picture was him.
Shouto continued flipping throught the pages, not noticing you walking over to him. He was just so entranced with your drawings that everything around him just seemed to disappear. He didn’t find it creepy or anything, he was just left curious. Why did you draw him? out of all the people, why him? just the question ‘why’ was in his head until he heard a small and awkward cough.
He immediately turned his head to find the owner of the sketchbook, you, standing there with rosy cheeks and an embarrassed but awkward smile on your face. “Um.. Hey? I see you’ve um.. Seen my drawings” You say, awkwardly staring at your sketchbook, avoiding his eyes.
As for you, well, you felt like you were going to die out of embarrassment. I mean who wouldn’t? the person you draw literally was flipping through the pages to see drawings of himself. You closed your eyes tightly before bowing, making Shouto tilt his head slightly at your gesture. “I’m uh-- I’m really sorry for drawing you without your permission! If you want me to throw them away or sue me then go ahead! I-I.. I don’t mind. I’m just really sorry!” You said, still bowing while Shouto’s eyes widened at your apology.
You knew you were probably overreacting but still, the situation was just so awkward and embarrassing that you just did anything that could get you out which was apologizing. Still thinking to yourself, you felt a hand touch your shoulder, making you jump before looking up to see Shouto or the man you didn’t even know.
“Hey, its fine. You don’t need to apologize or anything, if anything, these drawings look amazing and if its alright.. I would like to be a model for you or something like that.” The man said, his cheeks going pink as he stared at you. Your brain was going in circles-- was he asking you out? no, no, no. He definitely wasn’t.
“I guess you could say I am?” The man asks, his head tilting slightly. You gasped, your cheeks going even more red. Oh god, were you saying your thoughts out loud-- “So whats your name? maybe we could catch up sometime and I can model for your drawings or so and my name’s Todoroki Shouto.” The man named Shouto says, cheeks still pink like yours. “l/n y/n and um-- sure! of course we can.” You say cheerfully, smiling widely at him.
You were still embarrassed, yeah sure but you were actually happy that a guy that you drew all the time would actually ask you out well-- sort of.
You and Shouto grew closer and closer until one day, while you were drawing him-- he asked you out! and of course, you also gained feelings for the half and half boy so you said yes. You were shocked but happy as you two were now in a official relationship and you were happy as you could be.
And all this happiness came from that small little sketchbook and you were thankful for that.
omg the ending probably sucks lmao. again I apologize if this isn’t the best-- I was busy this whole day and rushed the writing a bit, thats also the reason why its late so I apologize, I hope you can forgive your author hehe-- ANYWAYS, the next story will be a lil spicy as its nsfw so get ready ;) , also feel free to request as requests are open 💛💛💛
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They said it was called love
So guys, in recent news...I have a qpp! @toiowo-v707 is an amazing human being, and as a lil gift I wrote them some soft analogical content. 
So for any of you are craving something soft, something analogical...I have just the thing for ya. ^^ Hope you guys enjoy it.
(Also for those of you that both have and haven’t heard the song I suggest listening to Darkside by Alan Walker when you read this, if you can.)
Characters: Logan and Virgil
Relationships: Oh yeah baby it’s Analogical
Warnings: This is fluff. Pure fluff. All fluff. Happy things only here.
Mentions: A bit of insecurity, and I’ve implied here that Logan is neurodivergent...sorta like myself.
They were sitting on the couch, cold tea getting colder on the coffee table while they sat quietly on the couch and a documentary played softly in the background. Neither were actually paying attention to it; just sitting quietly. Thinking. He needed the background noise, Virgil had said earlier. It helped with his anxiety, somehow. Logan didn’t question it, like he didn’t question a lot of Virgil’s other “eccentricities,” as Roman had called them, much in the same way that Virgil hadn’t questioned his own. 
He appreciated that more than he’d ever admit. 
Something flashed across the screen and Logan turned, catching a glimpse of a commercial for some show on space before he turned to Virgil again. 
“I...have I told you about the stars before?” He saw Virgil’s brow furrow as he considered the question, before he looked up. 
“The stars?” he repeated. 
“Yes...space,” Logan said awkwardly. He glanced back at the TV screen again, but the commercial was gone. “Have...have I talked about it much?”
“Um...I don’t think so,” Virgil answered after a moment. “I mean, the time you explained seasons to me...I think was the closest you got.” Logan’s eyes widened slightly at his reply. 
“Wait...you… you remember the stuff I talk about?” Virgil’s eyes snapped open and his cheeks turned red, and he suddenly looked away. 
“Only that one…” he muttered. “And maybe...a couple others…You...you talk okay I guess...” 
“You know, your eyes make me think of stars,” Logan blurted out suddenly. Virgil looked up, his face still red, eyes getting even wider.
“I…” now Logan was blushing too. “I...when there’s lights...and they reflect in your eyes...they, um, they kind of make me think of stars...sometimes I sort of...imagine whole galaxies…” he quickly averted his gaze, his cheeks flushed a bright red. 
“Um, but anyways,” he said suddenly. “Something reminded me...have you ever heard of a pulsar?”
“I don’t think I have,” the black-and-purple one answered. 
“They’re a type of star,” Logan went on, his eyes lighting up as he seemed to remember more of whatever it was he’d been thinking about this time. “They’re highly magnetized neutron stars or white dwarf stars that rotate, and they give off these beams of electromagnetic radiation…” he spun his fingers around, trying to show Virgil how it worked. “Kinda...like this.”
Virgil listened quietly to Logan’s little lecture, glad for a moment that Logan was so wrapped up in his space facts that he couldn’t see the way he looked at him...the little flicker of adoration in his dark eyes whenever Logan looked back at him, wanting to be sure he was following, trying to help him understand as he painted strangely beautiful pictures in his sciency words…
Wordlessly, Virgil found himself reaching for his sketchbook, pulling out a pencil and quietly scribbling on the pad while Logan talked. He knew how other people tended to treat Logan (especially the kids at their school, don’t even get him started on that) when he got excited about things and made sure to pay attention and let his friend know he heard him, nodding and sometimes asking questions about this or that. 
Logan loved it when he asked questions; Virgil could see it in the way his eyes burned with excitement, the way his words tumbled over each other just a little bit faster, just a little bit more happier than before. Nobody else ever asked him questions, ever cared about what he loved, ever smiled at him when he went on about random science facts...always it was the same, with people getting annoyed or snapping at him, or even just leaving... 
God, Virgil hated it when people treated Logan like that. He deserved so much more than those...those…
He turned his focus back to his sketch, forced himself to turn his attention away from those angering thoughts. Instead, he let his pencil glide over the paper, watching as the image inside his mind gradually took shape on its white surface. Adding shading while Logan ranted about magnetars, sharp lines as he lectured on red giants, little details here and there while black holes and spaghettification and event horizons were explained in intricate, incredible detail. 
“And I…” Logan suddenly stopped and Virgil looked up, realizing that he’d noticed the sketchpad in his lap. 
“Don’t worry, I’m still listening,” he said softly. 
“I...can...can I see?” Was all Logan could say. His eyes sparked with a curiosity that Virgil had only ever seen when he was talking about bird winds or bees or...
“Wait, you--you like my art?” “Well...I…” Logan looked aside, blushing again.  “You have talent, is all. I’m intrigued by your technique.”
“Well…” Virgil hesitated. “Um...promise you won’t laugh?”
“Of course.”
“Okay…” He slowly held it up for Logan to see. “Um...there.” He looked down, then suddenly up again when he heard Logan gasp. 
“Is...is that me?” he asked meekly. 
There, scrawled across the paper, was a portrait of Logan, looking as excited as he had just a few moments before, and around him were scattered stars and comets, what Virgil had guessed a pulsar looked like, and a few little planets, twisting between nebulae and galaxies. 
“Uh...yeah…do...do you like it?”
Logan slowly reached out with one hand, and seeing the question in his eyes Virgil let him take the picture. He looked at it for a long time, and though Virgil knew he’d deny it vehemently he could see how his eyes watered as they traced the image over and over again. 
“You just...uh...you seemed so happy…” Virgil stammered awkwardly, and before he knew what was happening Logan’s arms were wrapped around him, pulling him close, and before he knew what he was doing he was hugging Logan back, the familiar smell of chalk and old paper, of Logan, surrounding him in something so safe and warm he almost never wanted to let go. 
“I…” Logan whispered; hesitated. 
“...love you…” Virgil finished. The two pulled back, and Virgil knew he’d gotten it right by the look Logan gave him. 
“Yeah…” Logan said, giving Virgil one of his rare smiles. “love.”
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lolakasa · 6 years
Hello dani! I was wondering if you could give some tips on how you draw traditionally? Your drawings are always so clean and beautifully shaded! Do you only use color pencils to draw on paper?
Hey! Sorry I’m replying super late :xI usually use a mechanical pencil only when I start to draw the base circle for the head bc idk why that takes me a few tries and I do it softly bc it then fades without needing to erase it c: 
The way I do my forbidden comics is by using only one color: 1) Sketch v softly, coloring a bit where the shadows are gonna be. The random lines usually become whole strands of hair, shadows, or are left ignored bc they are actually v light. 2) Draw the lines following the sketch in hopes it keeps the flow, especially on the hair. 3) Follow what I did before but with more confidence. I like imagining the hair is formed by layer of leaves or like the hair of sculpted figurines
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This is a v lazy method and it’s the one I used in my lil sketchbook when I knew where it was (the colored draws from this tag) :’v Pick a dark color like before (brown in his one) + one that I like (red) + one picked at random (if this green didn’t look questionable at the beggining…). I sketch using the three colors, but the main for coloring is the one I like ;3 Then I use a fourth color if I think it needs it (black bc didn’t feel like thinking too much about it after that moss green)
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Similar as before but light version~ the darkest colors are cinnamon and purple, and there’s very little of both. I generally start with orange and I try coloring everything in this case so I use more colors and blend with white when I won’t add more colors
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These are super easy to do and useful to do as practice and feel accomplished at the end xD I draw like this when I don’t want to think too much c:
Hope you can get something out of this and sorry also about the quality of the pics! I drew this quickly at 1am last night :x
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boe-someone · 7 years
got any tips for other artists on how to keep lineart from smudging? my markers always end up smudging the lineart making my stuff look grey, even with good quality ink pens. your traditional work looks so clean though!
Ok, my whole thing is about working with inexpensive materials.( still carry my pens and markers in an ice cream tub 🍦✏)
I do all my sketches with mechanical pencil, use micron pens for my line work, then erase with magic rub. Been usin’ microns for 10 years and nothing else has worked as well for me. They’re excellent for tiny details and thick lines. Very reasonably priced, dries quickly and doesn’t smudge.
 ** If you can, keep your brush strokes light when going over the line work. Leave a lil space to let the color spread a bit
** lightest colors first, black spaces last to avoid creating a void
**sharpies are great for wider spaces, but use them last when the piece is done and dry cuz they like to bleed for their art
** have a king sized black sharpie for large spaces. 
** colored pencil will give pop, good fades and texture on top of marker. but marker over colored pencil is death to your marker. 
Some more tips🌷–
**After inking a piece, I recommend 5 to 7 seconds of hairdryer on it if you’re unsure about it being dry, or play a song and then start erasing the pencil.
**Random office pen doodles on any kinda paper are like vitamins toward steady and fluid lines
**If you can draw on it, try to draw on it it. note books, copy paper, people, cardboard, sketchbooks, plywood, couch cushions, drywall I mean ANYTHING YOU CAN DRAW ON, DO IT. (As long as you won’t get in trouble for it. Y'know, try to be respectful )
**ALWAYS HAVE SOME KIND OF WHITE OUT. And a white gel pen and/or white paint and a toothpick for those tiny effects.
** A smudge can be your friend too. You can work the piece around it, blend it in, use it or turn it into something else, disguise it, draw over it or white-out parts of it and bravely continue.
Hope these help ya~ 💗 everyone’s style and method is super different. Just have fun💗
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warmau · 7 years
ahh your kang daniel au was so cute, i absolutely adore all of your university au's anxiwmxomw 😭 if you wouldn't mind, could you maybe do one for ong seongwoo as well? thank you so much, angel, have a great day!! 💖
like ten people asked for ong,,,so here’s his mini college au~~ find kang daniel (here) ^^ 
major: interior design 
sports: did football team with daniel for like a week,,,,dropped it and picked up swimming instead LOL
when people first meet him they all think he’s a serious like physics major who wants to be an engineer or a doctor,,,,,like he’s handsome and smart,,,,straight from a webcomic kinda boy
bUT jokes on them he’s into interior design and likes looking at textiles and getting excited over his new ikea catalogue coming in the mail
actually despises the fact that you need to take college algebra for the major because like ugh maTH 
tried to bribe daehwi into doing his homework for him but daehwi was like 50 bucks or i suddenly cant do simple addition and seongwoo was like im bROKE
and daehwi was like hmmm too bad ask daniel or something
is bestfriends and roommates with daniel which is really funny because one side of the room is covered in drawings and designs with messy canvas bags full of fabric samples and sketchbooks ,,,,,, while the other side is strung up with posters on medical safety procedures and daniels leaning tower of paramedic course books 
but their friendship is super cute seongwoo keeps going like “bro if we’re both sad and alone at 40 lets just adopt a dog together or something-” and daniel is like “that sounds good but no dog. 12 cats.”
but again they’re both like heartthrobs on campus,,,,there’s a fanclub dedicated to gushing over seongwoo when he’s in the library studying just because everyone wants to see that handsome side profile tbh
little do they know that virtually every close friend of his has like 3943 photos of seongwoo doing the ugLIEST faces on snapchat and shit for the Memes
jisung and him are in an ongoing rivalry for who has the superior shocked face they have contests like every time they meet up LOL
you’re actually friends with seongwoo through a class you take together,,,that dreaded college algebra,,,, and one day seongwoo tells you that he likes to drum
which is ,,,,,,like a dream of yours,,,,,you’ve always wanted to learn how to play and you practically beG him to teach you
and seongwoo being seongwoo is like ,,,,,,,, give me the answers to this weeks homework and i will
and ur like FINE but ,,,,idk if the answers will be write and seongwoo shrugs like it doesn’t matter as long as i don’t need to look @ numbers,,,,im good
so you agree to meet up in the music department later like at 8 and when you get there thankfully the drum set for the college band is free
and you sit down eagerly,,,,trying to do a flip of the sticks before seongwoo takes them away and you’re like HEY and he’s like “first things first - cool drummers dont flip their sticks in the air like fools”
and ur like -____- fine whatever where do we start then
and for a couple of weeks you and seongwoo meet up in the evenings so he can teach you
and at first it’s super casual and fun,,,you guys talk about how much you hate college algebra,,,how you keep seeing minki’s face on flyers for student government elections,,,,,how the lights in all the dorms flicker for like a good three minutes before actually turning off
like the usual,,,and then one day you’re sitting,,,,trying out a technique seongwoo showed you but you keep skipping a part
so he comes over,,,,,putting his arms around you from behind and settling them on your wrists so e can guide your hands
and for the first time,,,,,you’re hyper aware of how,,,,,close seongwoo is
how he smells like fresh laundry,,,,how the vein running up his arm looks,,,,and when you make the mistake of turning your face to see him 
,,,,,,you highlight the sharp curve of his jaw,,,his dark and alluring eyes,,,,the perfect slope of his nose,,,,and his neck,,,,,
the warmth of his body makes you suddenly freeze up and when seongwoo notices how tense your arm has gotten he lets go,,,,
and for a second neither of you say anything 
seongwoo opens his mouth but you just shake your head before he can speak 
and you’re like “no, i know. don’t say it,,,i know you,,,,aren’t interested,,,,and i made it awkward,,,,,im sorry- im going to go-”
and seongwoo seems like he wants to grab you before you can go but you escape his outstretched arm just in time to run out
seongwoo left standing in the room,,,,,,confused and hurt as you make your way toward the dorms telling yourself over and over
that you ruined it,,,,a good friendship,,,,,with the sudden realization that you didn’t want just friendship at all did you,,,,
and it’s not like you skip college algebra because of seongwoo noooo haha you totally got sick and had to not come
but,,,,,,you know sooner or later you’re going to have to see him but you really r e a l l y dont want too
unfortunately,,,, it comes even sooner because someone knocks on your dorm and you think it’s your roommate,,,but when you open it 
seongwoo is there,,,,
and you’re like “w-what is it?” and he’s like looking down but when he meets your eyes he gives you that smile,,,,the one with the dimple and it makes your heart hurt but he waves the textbook he brought with him and he’s like “since you were sick,,,,i thought i should come and help you catch up?”
and you know seongwoo hates that class,,,that he’d never tutor someone else in it,,,,,let alone you so you want to shut the door and tell him you’re still sick
but seongwoo pulls a mask out of his pocket and is like ‘i can wear this so you don’t cough on me!!’ and you cant tell if he’s being silly or if he really just wants to talk to you
so you end up sitting beside each other on your bed and it’s,,,,,awkward until seongwoo finally takes a deep breath and turns to you
“you said you knew i wasn’t interested,,,,,but how could you say that?”
you kind of frown and you’re like,,,because we ,,,,,are just friends? you’ve never made any moves and you’re swarmed by people liking you all the time what is there-”
but seongwoo puts up his hand and is like “ok, but do i devote my time to those people? to teach them to play drums? to laugh with them in class? outside of class? do you know i blew of daniel for you,,,,,that’s a lot coming from me that dudes my soulmate”
and ur like ?????? wait so is it daniel or - and seongwoo is like nO like my bro soulmate but you,,,,,,it’s different i,,,,
he seems to suddenly get shy,,,,scratching at his cheek and you’re like ??? and he’s like “when i was,,,,,teaching you,,,with my hands on yours,,,,,,,i wanted to,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,it’s hard to say this but i wanted to pull you closer,,,,,,,,god this is embarrassing,,,,,”
and you’ve never seen seongwoo blush until now and like,,,,,it’s so fREAKING cute that you just need to scoot closer
and seongwoo is like ! 
and you’re like “,,,,,i,,,,,wanted you to hold me closer too.” 
with a small smile he turns his body toward you,,,opening his arms and he’s like “well,,,,i can still do that. come here.”
and you can’t believe it but you and seongwoo fall back onto your bed,,,,you in his arms laughing at how silly this is
and seongwoo leans down,,,,brushing your hair from your face and he’s about to kiss you when the doorknob turns and you’re like mY ROOMMATE
and you throw him a bit and soengwoo ends up on the floor,,,hair a mess and eyes wide and you’re like sitting on the bed and ur roommate is just like oh,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ill come back in twenty bye
and with that you and seongwoo let out a sigh but he climbs back up on the bed and starts tickling you because oW thrOWING HIM OFF WAS thaT NECESSARY 
dating college!seongwoo: he totally misplaces everything like he cant even find his own notebook so you’d probably have to be the one to be like seongwoo no no your laptop is under the desk drawer and your sketch book is on the shelf no no not the bottom shelf babe listen to me-, he looks extra fluffy in the mornings when he’s still got his hair uncombed and his eyes are sleepy but he’s also super soft because his voice gets lower and he just wants to cuddle, like seriously seongwoo just always wants to cuddle and hold hands, you could both be sweltering out in the sun on the quad and no matter how sweaty your palms get he’ll be like no we need to hold onto each other i need everyone to know you’re with me, pretends to not know that he’s being sexy when he’s laying down and his shirt is pulled up a little and he keeps pocking his tongue out to run across his lips and ur like seongwoo dont do that i need to study and he’s like do what~ and ur like oh my god,,,,,sends you random close ups of parts of his face and is like am i handsome~ do u still love me~, is a lil jealous that you and daniel get along so well but also is really happy because whenever you guys hangout together it’s a blast, does the occasional corny thing like buys you a big teddy bear that he names after himself or does a dance to try get you to give him extra kisses but it’s all worth it because he’s adorable, wants matching sweaters soooo bad and keeps dropping hints, likes when you sit in his lap and he plays with your hair while you read outloud to him, whenever you’re a little upset or scared he sings gently against your ear and it calms you down, when you can you take baths together and he keeps trying to get you to make him a bubble beard LOL 
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IMPORTANT NOTE ((Update on what my activity for this blog will be after summer))
Fyi, I'm still on summer vacation so I'm able to have all day to work on these ((which is exactly what I'm doing, i started this at like 3 pm today)) However, during school i will rarely have time to make digital art, but i draw on lined paper in every class every day of my life, and in my sketchbook when im at home, so don't worry, I'll still post a bunch of traditional paper sketches on here :3 I'll still do digital drawings, but it will take longer for me to do so during the school year, which starts the day after Labor Day for me :P I won't exactly go on Hiatus though, I'll try to be as active as possible. Feel free to ask me stuff though! You could also visit my OC RP/Ask blog @interstellactic-oc-ask Or my BATIM OC Ask/RP blog @ask-astral-and-the-space-gang They will mostly be sketches or plain text answers doing the school year, but I'll try to post digital art when i can. Request are open and will still be open until further notice, and I'll make a request sheet that's kinda like a commission sheet, except ya know with no prices or anything, just so y'all know what details you can do in a request. Like if you want a character bust or full body, an ink drawing on paper, digital art, a specific color pallet, group drawing, etc. That's all for now, if u hav any actual questions bout requesting or just want to ask a question from the post I reblogged to here that has 96 different questions u can ask me, feel free to drop an ask in my ask box. Or if u just have a random question for me then go right ahead and ask that too :P I'm still on summer break for a lil while longer ya know.
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