#it seems he never outgrew his self-centeredness
the-badger-mole · 2 years
Thank you for your response to my previous query. Hope you are ding well.
I read a meta saying that the finale of The Last Airbender should have not paired anyone up with the exception of Sokka and Suki, and I feel that is a point, because there was no need, they should have left the Gaang reflecting on their friendships made during the war, and if Legend Of Korra is to be used, then the sequel should be used to confirm who the final pairs were. Also, LOK made a huge mistake of making the Gaang bad as parents, especially Katara of all people would not be a bad parent, given what she went through with the death of her mother, and her father leaving to fight the war leaving her and her brother with their grandmother. She would rather be sure to be there for her kids. I would like your thoughts on this.
With the caveat that I don't care enough about LoK to do a deep dive, I don't think the evidence is there that Katara a bad mother. Kya and Bumi had a specific grievance against Aang, but they seemed okay with Katara. I think the issue there is that she wasn't good enough to offset the damage Aang did. That's not that surprising. Katara was never really able to stand ten-toes down against Aang, and I think the right move here would've been to confront Aang about his mistreatment of his oldest children and then to leave if he didn't change. We don't know if she did the first part, but she certainly didn't do the second. No matter how good a mother she was to her children, his emotional neglect and favoritism was always going to leave the deeper mark.
Also, since we never get to see Suki and Sokka as parents, and Zuko seems to be a great father, Aang and Toph were the only actual bad parents that we can confirm. Toph being a bad mom actually surprised me. I figured she'd be an unconventional mother, but not a bad one. Although, if I'm being honest, I'm a little surprised she had kids at all. Of all the members of the Gaang, Toph is the one I figured would be child-free.
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