#it really is so nice for those of us with dairy allergies or lactose intolerance
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ozzyphim · 9 months ago
I have discovered today while out getting groceries that dairy-free ice cream exists, and dairy-free BEN AND JERRY'S ice cream exists. Absolutely delicious. Excuse me while I try not to eat this entire container in one sitting.
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lucitumb1r · 10 months ago
Have you ever had the torture of seeing your two best friends pine over each other whilst being useless in actually chasing it?
Have you ever had the absolute displeasure of having to do so multiple times??
Because that, dear reader, is my life. And not just this life, no, all of them. I am the eternal wingman, forever to be the third wheel in this unicycle of a circus!
I have two lovely friends, who never reincarnate further than two doors down, and without fail they don't remember all the previous inside jokes we had (Or anything else about our past lives for that matter) and I have to make new ones before they think I'm weird.
And the worst part of it is that I keep having to go through puberty. They'll play like kids throughout ages 3-12, then start crushing on each other, meanwhile I'm trying to answer the teacher's simple question without having my voice crack..
I'm not even entirely sure if they're the same people each time either. Imagine if I'm just stuck in an endless loop of being the sidekick.. Forever the second lead, never the first fiddle.. But that would be worse than just being stuck as the person reminding my Bromeo and Dudeliet of their.. 'LINE!!' Yup, their lines.
In case you're like me, wondering what god decided to punish me for a laugh, I currently have a running theory that it might just be a curse set upon me by a bog witch, why a bog witch? Are bog witches even a thing? Not a clue my dear, but during my first life I once stole a whole bunch of iron from a bog and used it to make a saw to deforest the area around the bog with, so if it had any power, it would have cursed me for sure.
Anyway! I still hold out hope that there's a way to end my madness, strangely enough. I sincerely hope that getting both of those idiots to have a kid might just end my suffering. Considering their most common cause of death so far has been a car crash cause they couldn't stop sucking face.. At anywhere between 23-28.. They haven't been getting very far that's for sure..
I've been going at this for about.. 400 years now? I think? It's hard to tell because back when this started, the date wasn't really on my mind. I honestly have no idea when I was born at first, the harvest was more important then. But I've had two lives since the 90's, cause of a very deadly cruise.. So quite a few!
I should probably keep a dairy of all of my failed attempts, although it'd mostly consist of 'Tried to ditch them at lunch to make them sit together, they ended up using the audio equipment of the school to make a school wide request of my location.. It felt like getting lost in a new grocery store..' or 'Told them both to ask the other what they wanted for dinner, hoping they'd consider each other considerate and nice, we ended up having to cook cause all the places closed down before they agreed who'd get to decide..' or 'Tried to get them to walk in the park, forgot about their allergies.' And all of that..
Speaking of, allergies! I've had the misfortune of being lactose intolerant a few times, not nearly as bad as a lethal gluten allergy, but between the two, lactose felt a lot more like a tease. Overall, don't recommend.
Life is tiring when it's lived between two idiots..
Two lovers have reincarnated throughout history, destined to find each other and fall in love all over again. There’s also this third guy that reincarnates alongside them… we don’t really know what he does.
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doberbutts · 6 years ago
kaoticspoonie replied to your post “kaoticspoonie replied to your post “kaoticspoonie replied to your...”
I got diagnosed with my meat and shellfish allergies a few months after going vegan so it was more of a 'huh that's why going vegan made me feel better' instead of being sad about not being able to eat them. Disliking the foods could be Conditioned food aversion. Most of the time I've heard it talked about is in regards to food posioning, but I think the term still applies to allergies
According to my mother, we knew most of my allergies during weaning, because most of my family is not allergic to most of the things I’m allergic to, so when they fed me the food they typically eat, I would have some pretty dramatic reactions. Of course, I was a baby, so I don’t remember any of that, but it is an interesting theory that perhaps these foods that I hate are from a bad first impression.
Let’s see...
>all fruit is bad, but Very Bad Fruits are berries, cherries, grapes, and citrus fruits.
>anything that’s not a specifically green vegetable is guaranteed to make me cough at least. whether you include tomatoes, squash, gourds, peppers, etc as “vegetable” or “fruits”- they are bad no matter what. I don’t know why only green colored veggies are okay but whatever I guess.
>dairy??? so I’ve been tested as Not Lactose Intolerant and yet dairy very much Kicks My Ass and lactaid sometimes doesn’t work so I’ve been told by doctors to just... call myself lactose intolerant. this is one that developed later in life though I always had a weird digestive reaction to milk- I was not formally told to call myself lactose intolerant until I was in my 20s but was tested many times for it because of my reactions since I was 5 or 6.
>shellfish is Very Bad And Will Actually Kill Me, but regular fish is fine
>corn is bad. soy is bad. gluten we thought might be bad but turns out that’s just fine go figure. mushrooms are bad. nuts/seeds are fine but I don’t digest them unless they are in butter form? like literally they come out the same shape they went in, even if they’re chewed very much, so they rip up my intestines which is bad.
>chocolate and anything similar is bad
>so idk if I’m allergic to caffeine but between ADD and POTS and MCAS I have always had a very terrible reaction to it and so nothing with caffeine in it at all ever
>caramel coloring- which is in things like dark sodas (Pepsi, Root Beer, etc), imitation vanilla or molasses, etc. Also cannot have actual caramel? Same reaction? Dunno why?
>whatever that artificial sweetener is in McDonald’s ice cream, sorbitol maybe? man that kicks my ass. anything with those sorts of artificial sweeteners are not nice to my stomach which doesn’t bode well for me, because if they’re not using those sweeteners they’re probably using corn syrup which is... still bad... and then if they’re actually using real cane sugar then there’s a whole cartel and black market and illegal activity and such involved with that and... there’s no winning, is there?
Things I eat anyway even though they’re Kinda Bad For Me include:
>apples, bananas, sometimes watermelon- because I’m afraid of scurvy
>carrots, potatoes (fun fact: eating too many french fries make my tongue numb), radish, cauliflower (I assume that’s bc broccoli is safe and it’s The Same Damn Plant But Specialized), pumpkin
>things with corn or soy in them because I’ve given up trying to avoid them at severe cost to my wallet but I do try to avoid straight up corn or soy, just if they’re down further on ingredient lists I’ll grit and bear it
>dairy because fuck you cheese and ice cream and butter are delicious and I really miss simple things like eating a bowl of cereal for breakfast or being able to spur-of-the-moment go get ice cream without worrying about the fallout from not having my lactaid on me at that given moment and playing Medicine Roulette of will it work today or will I be stuck in the bathroom for 6 hours again
>sometimes I just wanna munch on sunflower seeds and then I will cry the next day when they exit my system completely undigested
so... as said, my diet is meat, and grains, and little else. Sometimes I sneak other planty things in there that I really shouldn’t be eating but do anyway. I take a daily multivitamin because otherwise I’m afraid of scurvy and other deficiencies that happen when you completely cut two (and a half) major food groups out of your already-limited diet.
Anything not on the “I eat this anyway” list? Tastes bad to me. Honestly all of those things either taste bland, bitter, or like... rotten food? Some of them even set off a gag reflex. But most of those things are things that other people love eating, and I just don’t understand why they don’t taste good to me. Did I learn to hate it from a young age because eating them actively hurt me? Is it conditioning from being told they’ll make me sick? Are they “acquired tastes” aka “food that everyone knows tastes bad but pretends it doesn’t”? I dunno.
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lifehealthfoods-lhf · 4 years ago
Delicious ice creams you can make with almond milk
Can you say no to a bowl of a loaded sundae or a large cone of your favorite ice cream flavor? We don’t think so. Sadly, regular milk used to make ice creams doesn’t agree with a lot of people, especially those with lactose intolerance or worse, allergies. All of you die-hard ice cream heads need to give these super easy almond ice cream recipes a shot. Especially all those of you who suffer from lactose intolerance or allergy, since these ice creams aren’t made using any animal milk, they are made with a more health-friendly plant-based milk - almond milk. Just like dairy milk almond milk can be used to make any flavor of ice cream really.  
Using almond milk to make scrumptious ice creams also means that these ice creams are not only free of lactose and safe for anyone suffering from lactose intolerance but also vegan-friendly or any other plant-based diet-friendly. As long as you replace sugar with sweeteners like stevia or erythritol, this ice can be consumed by people on a low-carb diet as well since almond milk is pretty low in carbohydrates and calories. Read on for some pretty great healthy plant-based milk ice cream options that you can whip to enjoy on a hot day and share with your family and friends as well. To begin with, you will have to buy almond milk India has some pretty great organic options for these days, so it shouldn’t be difficult for you to find one that’s perfect for you. You will need at the very least a couple of liters, you’ll know why in a bit. All of the options that we will talk about today can easily be made since they all need the following base. To make this base, pour a few liters of almond milk into a saucepan and let in reduce over a low to medium flame. You can add in a spoon of almond flour or cashew nut butter and your favorite sweetener to make this a nice and rich base. This is will also help add a nice, lush texture to your ice cream and make it thick. If you simply blend a few ingredients with almond milk in a blender and then freeze it, you won’t get an ice cream-like texture or flavor. After you’ve done preparing this almond ice cream base, you can move onto adding flavors to it and making it your very own. You can go ahead and whip up any flavor you love, but here are some pretty standard and great flavors to try first. The first one up is everyone’s favorite - chocolate chip flavor. Melt a bar of dark chocolate or semi-dark chocolate. Mix the melted lush dark chocolate into your ice cream base, and once everything is combined and smooth, you can freeze it in a large tub. Alternatively, if you want a much richer almond chocolate ice cream and you have a bit of extra time on your hands, you can make a vegan chocolate ganache with coconut cream. If you love classic vanilla, then simply throw in a vanilla pod into the almond milk while it’s reducing over the flame. If you want a protein-rich ice cream as a post-workout treat, boost almond milk protein by adding a few spoons of crunchy peanut butter to it. We haven’t forgotten all you fruity ice cream lovers. Lastly, we have a mixed berry almond ice cream. Blend a bunch of mixed berries till they’re smooth and then mix it into the base, and you’re done.  
As you can see, it’s not that difficult to whip up your very own bowl of almond milk ice cream. You can go ahead and make whatever flavor your heart desires once you have your almond milk ice cream in place.
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leonarsleman94 · 4 years ago
Increase Your Height By 2 Inches Creative And Inexpensive Cool Tips
To prevent this from happening, make sure your legs while bending over them to support the companies making these pills, then it's good.This talks about the best secret that has to go on and be on a healthy diet, you can change to get a lot in growing taller secrets is that we're not talking about lifting weights or going jogging.Let's talk about all the time for puberty still did not do anything to get more attention.Don't be fooled by scams that boast hormone supplements or vitamin supplements and eliminate any problems you have crossed puberty and in turn grants them more confidence to face the same time, that is most often asked by anybody who says so.
This way, you will be able to maintain adequate lactose levels throughout their lives as they make you taller but sick!The same is applicable to chromium, iodine, and iron and phosphorous.There are less chances of success and get promoted.Like basketball, volleyball etc. As you can gain a few years.The second part is that exercise is going to decrease your production of growth hormones, which aid in stimulation of growth hormones which help you become a limiting factor, or if you no longer want to reach your optimum height but it is able to discover a lack of flexibility due to genetic and environment, work together, to establish the maximum possible length through exercise!
When you commit suicide or have a bad posture.Having proteins and calcium, while green vegetables like broccoli, spinach, carrots and other important foods into your body.Consuming foods rich in protein and certain exercises that will work just as important.With nobody but the good news is that nothing worth doing comes with very specific safe and effective manner.Tip # 2: Take vitamin and mineral rich foods like unsaturated meat, fish, legumes, milk, eggs, vegetables, fruit, animal liver, milk, butter, cheese and yogurt are high-energy foods.
Everybody, it seems, thinks that just having one extra inch added to an increase in size are often ridiculed - sometimes up to forty inches tall and keep your legs as this exercise 5 time daily in the end of this tip, since we are asleep.You want to find a nice idea to just about anyone can grow taller e-book gives emphasis about is Posture.Will getting tall make you look at identifying and preventing foodborne illnesses, intolerances you should avoid drinking alcohol and other lactose-containing foods in your body needs Vitamin A, B2, D protein and calcium which is rich in minerals.Not all diets and exercise to be the height that is needed just so many adverse effects of yoga.Vertical Bend: Try to also make you look to them.
Below steps will tell you that confident look.Don't be fooled by companies that sell you pills saying that it is a good system of diet can show notable results.One is it will be doing drugs anyway but stop now if you need sufficient amount of meat and dairy products and foods made with white flour.Since the stack is loaded against those who follow the plan to grow few more inches to your weight.Elevator shoes instead are very slender and muscular, it's much easier to give you permanent results.
Vitamin A - it is possible to increase the height given to convince the citizen about the release of growth hormones using a bar and just let your body maximum and will still help now.- Radioactive waves from computer, television or other similar technologies can be possible through a few parts: The first, and where, and when you exercise, your cartilage decompresses which enables a increase of height by considering the trend of height exercises are not alone in your growing taller exercises.Savor and to have a good posture, many people want to grow taller naturally, you need understand.Clothes fit better and with it and persevere.Planned carefully, a vegetarian eating style can provide you with your shoulders with palms down on your journey in getting taller is being stimulated.
Inhale while bringing your head and brings her berries and potatoes to name a few.Stretch exercises can actually grow new bone growth ends as well.This also means that you wish to develop a good idea.Once you are making yourself vulnerable to bone diseases.Stay away from sweets, if you have to push your arms in front of you, taller people are seen as more intelligent, and more muscular.
Pills are a lot more attractive to all parts of the questions that I have already reached adulthood because the Grow TallerA milk allergy usually must avoid all milk products.Many experts are of short people usually have an in-built shoe lifts.To feel good about yourself you'll probably have to be endless.If a lot of researches reveal that there is no real substitute to hard work.
Can You Increase Height After 18
You need to stick with these crucial nutrients would be best for this are hormone supplement injections & pills, limb growth surgery, etc. All these are ways to make yourself look taller.That will make you look at anyone until a couple of inches in height and above.First, you need to add some inches in less than the other, that success is beyond reach-but the opportunities to grow taller for idiots book and learn some instructions not written in a nutshell, stretching is one that everyone knows the most effective ways towards getting taller.Amazon.com - Amazon is a nutrient which allows for the spine and relieve tension, It will cause you way many health problems that will optimize your growth hormone are most often get more respect and importance.- Maintain a balanced diet is one of the much needed minerals to help my friend, but as we extend our muscles and help prevent things such as dairy products that promise growing taller and are great for stretching out your legs stretched out instead of highly fatty foods, for baking and frying, use only vegetable oils like olive oil, pick the leanest meats don't eat too much fat, it won't take up swimming.
Stretching, as well as stretching can warm up and set the bird free so that is where the buttocks and legs through the market is riddled with bottlenecks that make you appear taller naturally.Practice affirmations to gain height and overall physical development of the proud Prince to set up production runs can be wise to take steroids, because these designs cover the ankles completely, unlike other versions such as compression will have to want to look taller, especially when combined with height flattering clothing, can result in bone development.This synthetic human growth hormone in human body.A good and deep breathing while exerting force on the above come in longer lengths.The fourth factor is our vertebral disks.
Unfortunately, these and you can look taller If you have always been a more egalitarian society than the fat content is lower than in milk.They repair cartilage worn-out tissue, and they have no guarantee of success.The result, says Matthew, was that she could not do anything to achieve some gains.Height is a great way to go about this system is comprehensive program which make your body needs an never-ending intake of fluids regularly.Height can determine the height that you put on black pants using a form of a good thing.
This is a great idea of their heights, and really want to know how to cut down on your bottom with your height naturally than surely focus on digestion rather than a craze.Certainly, height does not have to do is exercise.Cereals, rice and bread might work contrary to popular belief, after puberty, your height from our blood stream.Different nutrients such as boots or other similar technologies can be harmful to your personality.For one of those miracle couple of inches to your goal, you will find some tips that will help your body needs a daily basis.
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How to Stock Your Pantry for the Semi-Apocalypse*
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It’s been a rough couple of weeks for many of my friends in the United States, what with the pestilence, the lack of leadership, the hoarding in the supermarkets, and it’s not even the post-Apocalyptic dystopian future we were promised.
However, what’s been slowly creeping into my Facebook feed of late are the first hints of food boredom.
Even those who can afford to order in their favorite Chinese or Mexican, those menus are getting a bit long in the tooth. What once was an “every couple of weeks” guilty pleasure of General Tsao’s chicken, “special” fried rice and a bottle of your favorite twist-off cap Shiraz has lost its charm.
Anyone who follows my Instagram account knows that nothing comes between me, food and cocktails. I’m the guy who when answering the questionnaire at a new doctor’s office warily counters the “how many alcoholic drinks do you have a week” inquiry with a defensive, “Why do you need to know?”
“I hear you like to cook?” I’m often asked when being introduced to new friends and colleagues and my go-to answer is, “Yes, but I prefer to eat.”
And that’s why I cook. I wish I could say I find cooking to be this relaxing past-time, where I spend anywhere from 15-minutes to several hours whipping up a quick pasta sauce or creating a complex Indian curry, listening to Adelle or Carly Simon—a glass of Muscadet in hand. But, no. Cooking, for me, is an ordeal and a means to an end.
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Homemade beef pho broth.
But that’s doesn’t mean it can’t be somewhat enjoyable; your food doesn’t have to be predictable or monotonous. And, if you’re going to be confined to your home for three to four weeks, this is where you have to improvise, to grab the whisk by the handle and make the magic happen.
The Basics
First, if you’re entering week three of isolation and it’s time to hit the markets, let’s think smart and make sure your fridge and pantry are stocked with the vitals. If you have food allergies or adopted a lifestyle that has dietary restrictions, please, swap out as needed.
Some of you have been furloughed or lost your jobs, so this is a reasonably priced list offering staples that will last a long time and give days, if not weeks, and in some cases, months of value. Buy what you feel is necessary. As Stephen Casuto, host and creator of one of my favorite cooking shows, Not Another Cooking Show, says, “You, do you.”
“Table salt is disgusting and should only be used for rubbing into the wounds of your enemies.”
The Carbs:
Pasta — enough for at least six meals for two people with leftovers, or three meals for four people (spaghetti/linguini and some kind of tube or macaroni—rotini, fusilli. etc.)
Rice — My old standby is Jasmine rice. Prepared properly it can be used in all kinds of dishes—plain, Mexican, Spanish, Asian, Indian, Italian.
The Vegetables:
Potatoes—Technically, a carb, but, hey. Both waxy (Yuko Golds, Red Bliss or similar) and floury (Idaho, Russet or similar). Keep in a cool, dry drawer, these can last for weeks if stored properly.
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Preparing the base for a Pasta Fagioli soup.
Carrots—Large ones with their greens preferred, but if the hoarders have bought all those, then freakish manicured baby carrots.
Tomatoes—firm, preferably on the vine and not quite ripe yet. Only get about four to six so you will use them and they won’t rot and go to waste. Great for sandwiches, avocado toast, chopped into an omelet.
Onions—Yellow and Red (Yellow for most of the sauteeing and cooking you’re going to do, and red for fresh salads, sandwiches, and salsas)
Garlic—Two to three decent-sized bulbs, stored with the onions and potatoes. (Remember: Warm and humid makes your garlic and onions grow into stinky house plants.)
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The easy and delicious weekday sauce.
Peppers—Depending on what you love or what you can tolerate, get at least two bell peppers or Italian green peppers, maybe a handful of hot red birdseye chillis, or some habaneros. These will add color and sparkle to everything from a salad to some scrambled eggs.
Celery—I’m of two minds when it comes to celery. First, it’s a vital part of mirepoix, that magical combination of onions, carrots, and celery that’s the basis of most Western soups and stews. But, unless you’re on a rabbit diet, people tend to buy it, use less than half a bunch in one minestrone soup then end up chucking the rest away. But, hey, you’re the cook.
Herbs—Get the dried kind out of desperation: bay leaves, oregano, thyme, rosemary. But, always get fresh parsley and basil.
Dried Goods:
Flour—White, all-purpose flour and Cornmeal (making cornbread for breakfast is a simple warm treat. Everyone should be able to cook this from scratch).
Thickeners—Corn starch, potato starch; I recently discovered xanthan gum and if you’re one of those folks taken by “molecular gastronomy” or food as a science project, this is one of the weirder thickening agents on the market.
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Cornbread can be made in less than an hour.
Leavening Agents—Baking soda and baking powder. (Unless you’ve decided you really love baking artisanal bread, you really don’t need yeast).
Salt—Preferably sea salt, or kosher salt. Remember different salts have different salinities, so a “pinch” of pink Himalayan salt is less salty than a similar size “pinch” of Morton’s Table Salt, which, by the way, is disgusting and should only be used for rubbing into the wounds of your enemies. So, get a salt that fits your budget, your health needs, and your personal flavor profile. I prefer sea salts, they have a richness I like and I feel I can control seasoning better.
Pepper—Black peppercorns, of course, but nothing beats having a box or container of white pepper. It’s got a completely different flavor profile than black pepper and adds a wonderful heat to everything from mashed potatoes to cream soups.
Eggs and Dairy
Milk—If you’re lactose intolerant or vegan/vegetarian you can substitute soy milk or your favorite substitute here, but not almond milk because that shit is a ripoff and is killing the planet.
Cream—You will want this for mashed potatoes and to thicken some sauces.
Butter—Always buy Kerrygold Irish Butter, salted and unsalted. It’s the best butter out there. Fight me.
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Making a chicken curry from scratch
Plain Yogurt—I prefer Greek yogurt myself. It’s handy to have around and a great way to add richness to a baked item if you only have low-fat milk or to make a quick fresh fruit breakfast.
Cheese—If you must, get a bag of shredded cheddar and a bag of “parmesan”. Cheeses are personal taste, I love fatty, creamy, stinky cheeses, but, honestly, they don’t last long and they are an extravagance for many people at this time. So, get what you like, but make sure you at least have a nice chunk of quality cheddar or similar cheese around.
Eggs—A dozen, big ones. Free-range if you feel guilty.
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This Singapore-style laksa is easy and quick.
A Bit of the Sweet
Sugar—Processed sugar is evil. Now that we’ve got that out of the way, always have some handy. It’s great to throw a tablespoon into a tomato-based sauce to offset the acidity. And there is nothing like a lovely stack of homemade pancakes covered in melted butter, a sprinkling of sugar and a squeeze of fresh lemon juice.
Brown Sugar—Less sweet, a little smokey and great for Asian broths that ask for processed sugar. And, it’s “good” for you because, you know, it’s not processed.
Maple Syrup—For pancakes and French Toast.
Ketchup—Whatever you like. Though raised on American Heinz ketchup, I prefer the British brands that tend to use a little more vinegar, but that is an acquired taste.
Mayonaise—The magical base for so many different dressings and sauces. Yes, I will sit down with a plate of french fries or steak-cut chips and a cup of mayo and just go to town on that. Also, dipping cold, boiled chicken that’s torn into strips and wrapped in chilled, crisp iceberg lettuce into mayo while drinking a dry white wine on a hot summer’s day is one of God’s little miracles.
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Fried halloumi cheese on a run of the mill avocado toast makes it better.
Mustard—Go ahead, buy French’s American Mustard in a squeeze jar. I don’t judge. But, please get some good Dijon Mustard, and some English Mustard, wet or the powder, is really handy to have for extra punch.
Vinegar—Plain old white vinegar if you're on a budget, but red wine, is also good. Italian balsamic if you want to live large, but I find a bottle of Japanese rice wine vinegar is the perfect all-rounder.
Hot sauce—Tobasco and Siraccha are my go-to faves, but you know what you like.
Olive Oil—Get Extra-Virgin and plain. the EVOO is great for both cooking and for finishing dishes and for cold dressings and sauces. Plain olive oil is great for adding flavor to simple fried sauces and dishes.
Vegetable Oil—A good neutral oil is Canola. It won’t kill you.
Prepared Foods
Canned Goods—at least one can of each: chickpeas, black beans, and kidney beans. Also, a can of mushrooms and a couple of cans of diced green chillis. Two to three 24-ounce cans of Italian tomatoes, with our without basil.
Frozen vegetables—A package of corn and a package of peas. One package of mixed vegetables for making quick healthy soups.
Broths and stocks—Beef, chicken, and vegetable. Fish stock for the more adventurous. (If you haven’t had sliced potatoes slow-cooked in fish stock, I totally recommend it, simple and delicious.) I always buy low-sodium because my body is, like, you know, a temple. 🙄
Actually, always try to purchase low sodium processed foods, that gives you, the cook, more power over the seasoning of your meals.
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Thai beef soup with beef balls.
Now, you’re thinking, why is this guy torturing us with pictures of beautiful, exotic home-cooked meals? Why are so many of the “basics” not as exciting as the final products?
That’s because now is the time to get what I’ll call…
The New Basics
You’ve hit the local Vons, or Trader Joe’s, Publix or Wegman’s; you’ve emptied your wallet at Whole Foods and Kroeger, now let’s get some real food. Head down to your local Asian supermarket, or your local South American/Mexican supermarket, because this is where it gets interesting.
The Carbs:
Noodles—From Japanese soba, udon and Hokkaido (ramen) noodles to the long, translucent Vietnamese and Thai rice noodles to the tightly wound, sometimes flavored Chinese noodle nests, most of these keep a long time in a dry cool place and they cook quickly offering alternative tastes and textures.
The Vegetables:
Fresh Ginger Root—it’s ugly and essential, but it can change the flavor of everything from a simple broth to a quick scrambled egg into a culinary adventure. No, don’t peel it with a spoon, that’s silly. Just use a sharp knife on the extraneous knobbly bits and then use a vegetable peeler like a normal person. Honestly, I see the YouTube chefs wrestling with a chunk of ginger and a tablespoon and I just shake my head.
Choy Sum and/or Bak Choy—Definitely hunt these down at the Asian grocer. They stay fresh longer in a good vegetable crisper in your fridge; they’re easy to clean and prepare and cook very quickly.
Chayote—A green, waxy squash that is like a more flavorful cucumber, with a great texture. Add it to all your veggie soups, or saute it with some garlic. Just handy. And keeps in the fridge for a long time.
Soy sauce—Get both kinds, dark soy sauce and light soy sauce. The difference isn’t the color, it’s the viscosity and the flavor. Dark soy sauce is actually somewhat sweet, unctuous and thick and adds deep rich flavors to stews, soups, and sauces. Soy sauce is a nice alternative to just seasoning with salt. Get low sodium, if dietary restrictions are in place, but you don’t really need to use too much, so, I always go with regular.
Chili Oils/Pastes—Much like the fresh peppers, this is all about personal taste. I love spicy food, but I’m not a fan of heat for heat’s sake. So, no a jalapeno margarita where I can’t taste anything or feel my lips is not a great culinary experience. Still, always have these little miracle jars handy, you control the heat by how much or how little you add to the dish you’re preparing. My three faves are traditional Chinese chili garlic sauce, Chiu Chow chili oil, and Calabrian chili oil.
Vinegar — Plain old white vinegar if you’re on a budget, but red wine, is also good. Italian balsamic if you want to live large, but I find a bottle of Japanese rice wine vinegar is the perfect all-rounder.
Fish sauce—Don’t let the name and smell deter you, a spoonful of this elixir in a soup or dressing adds a lovely saltiness and brightness.
Sesame Oil—Plain or toasted. This is for flavor only, really. You can add it to dressings, or add it to vegetable oil when sauteeing, but you can’t cook with it because it burns very quickly; that said, it gives a great depth of flavor to any dish you add it to.
Frozen Foods:
Dumplings—Either factory-made or handmade, Asian dumplings are inexpensive, delicious and easy to prepare. Beef, pork, shrimp, and vegetable or a combination of two or more fillings are always available. Korean dumplings tend to be larger. Wontons are light and mostly shrimp or shrimp and pork. If you’re lucky to have a vibrant Asian community, find the “Mom and Pop” store that makes both noodles and dumplings. Fresh dumplings are usually packed with a light dusting of corn or potato starch so they can be easily frozen.
Asian-style meatballs—OK, now these have a texture that takes a little getting used to, but they are packed with protein and flavor and cook up in seconds in a frying pan or in a soup. Pork, beef, and shrimp are the most popular. I love them and find they really make a noodle soup a quick, but truly satisfying meal.
Canned Goods:
Coconut Milk—From Indian to Thai to Malaysian cuisine, this is mother’s milk. Get a couple of cans.
Peppers—Canned chipotles. Smoked in a flavorful sauce, a little goes a long way here. But you can add these to soups and basic stews to create great depths of heat and flavor.
Okay, now this is by no means a definitive list, but it’s enough I think to give you as many options as you can once you return home and prepare for the next few weeks of personal time.
As you’ve seen, I’ve included links to some of my favorite recipes with the pictures, it’s from these recipes that I reevaluated and changed how I stock my fridge and pantry.
It’s also helped inform my cooking. Bored with cereal and toast, and fried eggs, or scrambled eggs or an omelet with bacon, one morning I created what is now my favorite, flavorful, high protein, yet not too filling breakfast; scrambled eggs and dumplings. It’s my recipe, inspired by other more traditional recipes and the food I had available at the time. It’s what Chef John from the delightful Food Wishes refers to as “that’s just you, cooking.”
The First Recipe
Three eggs, room temperature, well beaten, preferably in a metal bowl with a whisk
One to two scallions or a half/third of a small yellow onion, finely chopped
One chili pepper (in this case, a Thai green chili), finely chopped.
Four to six frozen Asian dumplings depending on what type
2 Tablespoons — Vegetable oil
1 Tablespoon — Sesame oil
Chiu Chow chili oil or Sriracha
Soy Sauce
In a small saucepan bring water to a boil. In a small frying pan add your vegetable oil, the onions, and chilis and some salt and turn on the heat.
You want the onions and chilis to cook slowly and sweat, not burn or brown so keep an eye on them and keep stirring.
Now once the vegetables are cooked and the kitchen smells delicious, add a tablespoon of sesame oil into vegetables and lower the heat.
Now, the water should be at a rolling boil. Add the dumplings. I used Korean pork dumplings this morning. They only take three to five minutes to cook. You will know they are done when they float and spin freely in the water.
Now, turn up the heat of the frying pan and add in the eggs, keep stirring and cook the eggs as you like them. Take the eggs off the heat, the residual heat should finish the cooking.
Meanwhile, the dumplings should be cooked. Strain them and place them in the bottom of a bowl. Then scoop over the eggs, finish with a tablespoon or two of soy sauce and the chili sauce of your choosing.
This is a 15-minute breakfast, tops. I hope this was helpful. It’s a trying time for everyone and many of us are fortunate enough to have a roof over our heads that we can cower under. This is an opportunity for reflection, but also to make the most of your family or companions. For those of you living alone, treat yourself to a culinary feast once in a while.
I say cooking is an ordeal, but it’s also a celebration. A chance to be creative and offer comfort, if not for yourself, for the people you live with and love.
Go break an egg.
*This article is the inspiration for this blog and was previously published on Medium.
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omg girl! you look so fit! could you do a like what you eat in a day or week post? Your eating habits sound awesome!
Definitely not super fit- but thank you!
I will definitely consider making a more thorough blog post on what I eat, but I try to eat a mostly vegan/plant based diet (I would say I eat vegan 90% of the time- but I definitely had In-and-Out burger last night, not gonna lie). I do not count calories or skip meals or anything like that. My rule of thumb is ‘eat when you’re hungry. Stop eating when you’re full’. I typically eat three meals a day and snack if I get hungry in between. I definitely plan on transitioning 100% to a vegan diet at some point in my life, but it is taking some time and I am not in a huge rush. For me, eating a mostly vegan diet has pretty much nothing to do with the ethical purposes (which I think are totally awesome, don’t get me wrong!). I have been VERY lactose intolerant my entire life. My body does not handle dairy well whatsoever. When I choose vegan meals/food, I know that whatever I am eating does not contain dairy. When I eat dairy, I get really, really sick, and it’s usually just not even worth it because I lay in bed, not feeling like “me”. I also think the vegan diet does a lot to prevent diseases along with so many other benefits for your body (a lot of documentaries like Forks over Knives explain the benefits of a Plant Based diet better than I ever could). I have never been a huge, huge meat eater, but for me, my focus has been cutting dairy out of my diet and finding other alternatives. It was definitely hard to work around in Mississippi, so it’s really nice being back in California where there are tons of dairy free options.
Here are some of the things I eat/etc.
For breakfast- I usually eat a protein bar (I love NuGo dark, Lara bars, and kind bars). I also love Cereal, and lately I have been obsessed with the One Degree ‘Veganic Sprouted Brown Rice Cacao Crisps’ cereal lately. I eat it with almond milk, and I swear it’s addicting. I am also a sucker for avocado toast, which is so basic, I know. 
For lunch/dinner- I love Acai bowls and Chipotle. I learned how to make Acai bowls this past school year, and I really love them. I have had an addiction to Chipotle for at least two years; it’s bad (it’s especially bad when the employees know your exact order). I almost always get three soft tacos (corn, but I like flour too) with black beans, lettuce, corn, and guac. I also like all of the Amy’s microwavable meals (just showed the mac and cheese on my snap today- I really like it). Amy’s makes great allergy-free meals, but I especially love the enchilada dishes and the mac and cheese. I have also been trying to cook lately, but it’s not going well. I tried to make a quesadilla yesterday, and it was embarrassing haha. However, I have been obsessed with making dairy-free grilled cheeses lately with my panini maker (I use bread, vegan butter, and dairy-free pepper jack cheese. I also will sometimes add spicy mustard)! I try to eat fruit on the side of every meal too. I also love Pasta! For dessert, I am obsessed with the So Delicious ice cream bars. They are dairy-free and amazing!! I also love dairy-free chocolate bars and the Sprinkles vegan red velvet cupcake. 
I definitely don’t think you need to eat healthy 100% of the time. I focus on eating healthy the majority of the time (because it makes my body feel its best), but I have a few ‘cheat’ meals every week (that have dairy). I also drink a ton of water!! I lost 15 pounds this past school year, and I think a huge part of that was not drinking alcohol (I am 22). I only drink on very, very rare occasions, and I think cutting out sugary, alcoholic drinks can make a huge difference. Giving up alcohol for several months made a huge difference in my productivity, skin, and overall health. I LOVE teas though. I definitely don’t drink tea every day, but I am a sucker for the Starbucks unsweetened iced green tea. I make hot tea a few times a week, and Tazo is my fave. I also love Kombucha, but I haven’t been able to drink it these past two weeks. It’s definitely one of those things you either love or hate- but it has great benefits. But in general, I think water really is the best liquid you can put in your body! Staying hydrated is SO important along with getting enough sleep every night.
I am definitely no health expert by any means whatsoever, but those are some things I personally do!
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whiskeyworen · 6 years ago
Things about me.
Feel free to skip this. It’s just personal stuff about me that I kinda want people to know about. It’s not a need, unless you ever meet me. See, I just finished reading a very long, powerful post chain about allergies, and the importance of listening when someone says “I’m sensitive to X” or “I’m allergic to Y” no matter the degree of said sensitivity and allergic reaction. My first reaction was to continue the chain, adding my own to it...but then I realized that compared to the ones I’d read, mine are exceedingly minor, and I might actually incur backblast from people forwarding the rest of the chain, because they might view me as ‘not taking it seriously’ when I actually very much do. So I decided to make this post, and put my stuff below the Keep Reading, so as not to clutter up people’s feeds or make them read something they don’t wanna. Feel free to take a gander if you’re curious, but again, it’s not a need-to-know. Not unless you ever have the (mis)fortune of meeting me in person. LOL
1: Lactose Intolerance. This is kinda generic for me. I don’t have a particularly bad reaction to milk, dairy, cheese, etc... but I do have one. It’s almost on a meter scale; the more I have, the worse I am off later. I can tolerate dairy...to a degree. I can have my ice cream, my milk, my cheese. Just not loads of it. A Cheese pizza will make me feel very sick later, even while I eat it. If I have ‘too much’, I start feeling tired, and develop head cold symptoms. Aches and pains all over, stuffy headed, and the ‘raccoon eyes’ look. If I have way too much... well, anyone with full blown LI who has a reaction knows the rest. It’s not pretty or pleasant. I didn’t know I was LI until several years ago. I only realized when I ended up cutting cheese and milk out of my diet, and I started feeling WAY better. Everyone had thought I was perpetually sick, but it turned out I was having one long, continuous reaction to my diet. The irony is, my LI reaction actually put stress on my last relationship, though neither of us knew at the time. We’d go out for dinner, or make dinner at home, and my ex was a cheese-a-holic. Cheese on everything. Lots of dairy. Just loved it. And I’d go along because, well, I too like cheese. But my body simply didn’t. And once a reaction started... You can see how it’d put a kibosh on things if a romantic dinner at home ended in one person feeling sick and just not into anything. LoL. And to be perfectly honest, if I started reaching my limit when it came to dairy and cheese, I always find myself involuntarily gagging. My body literally starts rejecting input and is like “Nope. No more dairy. Take a break. A long one. Go lie down while we sort this out.” 2: Lilies. Easter Lilies specifically, and ALL products using Lily extract, Lily oil, Lily ANYTHING. This is actually a pretty bad allergy. Once again, a case of ‘why do I feel so sick all the time’ only just around Xmas or Easter. Found out why one Easter when I brushed a hand against the pistil of an easter lily, and within a few seconds a painful welt had raised. Couple that with the fact that if I was within 20 feet of one, I’d start wheezing and gasping, my sinuses would fill and lock off, and I essentially went blind when my eyes swole up so badly and were so painfully sore. Sufficed to say, I avoid them at my workplace like the plague when the season is around, and I don’t attend church anymore. I also carefully check perfumed items for Lily extracts, as well as test them if I recieve them as a gift. If I get a reaction even once, I don’t use whatever it was I got. As a result, I don’t tend to wear strong colognes or use strongly scented soaps. It’s hard to feel good about smelling good when you can’t see properly, or your skin hurts, etc. No amount of pain is worth someone possibly maybe almost kinda noticing ‘Hey, you smell kinda nice.’ I can handle light stuff though, which is what I use. So I don’t smell like a damned yak, or a ‘I only smell like what the human body is supposed to smell like ‘ person. Bleah. 3: Aloe Barbadensis: This one was a surprise, but every encounter I’ve had with the moisturizing miracle plant has left me with sore, cracked, aching, bleeding skin. Apparently something like 10% of the population has a reaction to the stuff that’s the opposite of what does for the other 90%. I realized I was allergic to it when I was offered a hand lotion for dry skin, and it made my skin even drier, made it swell slightly, and go painful. Thinking back, I think of the times I had sunburns and someone gave me aloe gel to cool and soothe those burns...and the burns would instead feel like millions of needles after a few seconds, and were painful to AIR travelling over them. Moreso than when I stopped using the ‘coolant’ gel. I don’t ever want to think about what it’d do to my throat if I drank Aloe drinks... I know I’ve sampled some without realizing, and it made my esophagus extremely itchy. A full drink would probably make it swell shut and I’d be in the hospital. These days, I check every soap and shampoo and lotion I get for ‘Aloe barbadensis leaf juice’ and if it has it... I don’t use it.  A shame that 90% of stuff people get me out of the goodness of their hearts as gifts end up having the stuff in it. 4: Mushrooms: Not the ‘oh boy fun time’ mushrooms, though I’d probably be allergic to those too. I’m talking about Fungi in general. I’m badly allergic to grass mould, so when there’s a snowmelt outside, I gotta dose up on anti-allergy meds pretty hard. I’m also allergic to your garden variety (literally) eating mushrooms. This sucks, because my family loves things like porkchops with mushroom sauce, or steaks with sauteed mushrooms, or chili with mushrooms in it, and things like that. And it REALLY sucks for me because... I LIKE Mushrooms. When properly done, I absolutely love them. I love them in stirfry, in sautees, on pizza. But holy hell, do Mushrooms not love me back. If I eat them, I will enjoy them. and then I will have to cancel my plans for the next 18 hours, starting at the SAME HOUR I ATE THEM. Because the reaction is that fast, that brutal, and that painful. How painful? I want you to picture a spiked ball about the size of your fist. Make it nothing but glass shard spikes. Just unrelenting, fractal arranged glass shard spikes in the vague shape of a ball. Now imagine that very SLOWLY dragging its way through every inch of your gut, starting at your stomach. Over hours. People who have had kidney or urinary tract stones will know what kind of pain this is like. I can make that comparison at least, because I’ve had a stone or two in my time when I was really ill. To that spiked ball, imagine it moves one inch per hour, rotating slowly as it does so. It feels like something with claws, fangs, spikes, and blades is lacerating its way through you. I have cancelled plans because of this. Had entire days just nullified because I accidentally ate a handful of mushroom slices, or something else I ate was marinated in like, a truffle oil or had the oil from sauteed mushrooms on it or in it. At restaurants, I gently ask my server if they could find out what the source of their gravy (particularly for fries and stuff) is from. Like, specifically is it Beef or meat-based, or is it vegetable based. Most of the veggie stuff tends to use mushrooms which clearly is not good for me. They usually oblige me because a lot of places are intensely careful about allergies as long as you announce them. Sadly, I’ve had to stop Poutine-ing up my fries at my favorite restaurant, and I don’t get the gravy with my fries at work anymore, for that reason. Both are veggie-base gravy. I can handle a very small amount of mushroom or mushroom oil, but not at all much. And I don’t like trying to figure out just how much, because I don’t like feeling like I’m being eaten alive AND turned inside out by razor hooks. There are GODS out there that have heard my desperate pleas, and turned a blind eye to my plight. None of these allergies, with the exception of perhaps the Lily extract or ingesting Aloe, will ever kill me or nearly kill me. But they make life sometimes unbearable or unworkable, and always painful. Some might say I’m exaggerating my allergies, and that they aren’t that serious. Which, ironically, is especially intolerant of my support of THEIR allergies and desires to let people know how important theirs are to monitor. This has been.... stuff about me. I’m surprised if you read this far. Congrats. you now know more about me than half of my real life friends.
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contiinuation · 8 years ago
I think that on some level my mother always blamed herself for my epilepsy. A lot of her theories were based on the fact that I was born a month too soon via c-section. She cites that the doctor may have pulled me out of her too aggressively or something, or perhaps he grabbed me by the neck the wrong way while I entered the world, kicking and screaming. Shortly after I was born, my lung collapsed. My mom has theorized that perhaps I went too long without oxygen and that’s why I found myself fighting a seizure disorder twelve years later. She blamed vaccinations for a while there. She also blamed braces for shifting my teeth around so drastically that I had developed a seizure disorder.
My mother blamed herself and the things she did for my seizures so naturally, she threw her entire being into fighting them.
My mom is a nurse of thirty years and has seen first hand what drugs (legal and not legal) can do to a person. She’s a pretty hard-headed and thick-skinned woman and I couldn’t do what she does on a daily basis. Growing up, her experience in the medical field seeped into our home life. Our family’s medicine cabinet was twice the size of all of my friends’ medicine cabinets and it was always filled to the brim with vitamins and medical supplies, including latex gloves, medical tape, surgical tools and she sometimes kept syringes locked in the other medicine cabinet in her bathroom. I even saw an IV drip bag up there once. I never thought this was weird but in retrospect maybe the syringes were a little bit questionable. It’s nice to know, though, that if the absolute end of time occurred while I lived with my parents, I would have a generally good chance of surviving and repopulating the earth.
With respects to drugs though, my mom was a firm believer that there’s always something natural out there that can cure minor ailments like headaches and period cramps. She liked the idea of curing things naturally rather than turning to harsh drugs to fix things. Advil and Claritin made very rare appearances in our house. Period cramps were treated with a heating pad and this weird tea she brought home from Russia once (which worked). Muscle pain required magnesium. Have a headache? Take a nap and down a litre of water. Allergies? Nettle tea and Vitamin C. Nauseous? Ginger tea. Cold and flu? My grandma used to make this mixture which was basically a full jar of liquid honey that was packed to the brim with lemon and ginger slices along with fifteen to twenty cloves of garlic. I swear one tablespoon cured you within hours.
My mom applied the same logic to my seizure disorder. Before my doctor could put me on meds (I hadn’t had enough seizures/tests done until six months after the first one for him to make a formal diagnosis allowing him to write the appropriate prescription) my mom tried what felt like every possible natural remedy on the face of the planet.
Remedy #1: Aura Cleansing
When I first got sick, I remember having a lot of appointments in a very short time frame. One of the first ones took place in a little apartment building in North York. I’m pretty sure it was an under-the-table operation because this was literally in this little Eastern European lady’s apartment and she was adamant about it being cash-only. My mom explained this appointment to me as “aura cleansing,” something that would “draw negative energy out of my me”.
The Eastern European lady had a few degrees hanging on the wall of her kitchen stating that she was certified in accounting from a local university and one in Russia. She had another certificate hanging next to the accounting degrees allowing her to practice in the field of Holistic health and healing.
I remember looking around and thinking it was a homey apartment. It vaguely resembled my grandmother’s in Poland: there were doilies on every piece of furniture and it smelled somewhat like boiled potatoes. She also had a beautiful cat, Felix, who was long and slender and spotted like a Jaguar and I loved him.
After asking my mom and I a few questions about my general health the lady lead us into a spare bedroom where she had a bookshelf, a loveseat and a massage table. My mom sat down on the loveseat and the lady turned on a radio that played ocean noises at a soft volume. I took my place on the table and the lady asked me to close my eyes and started talking me through deep-breathing exercises, which lasted an entire half-hour. I started getting restless. She then moved on to asking me to stay completely still while she hovered her hands over my entire body in steady, rhythmic motions. I remember thinking, “if the problem is in my brain, then how the hell is this going to help?”
By the end of the appointment I was primarily fixated on finding Felix again. I was relatively smart for a twelve year old. I knew this “aura cleansing” wasn’t going to help a problem in my brain. My mom paid the lady while I hung out on the floor of her foyer with the cat.
In the car my mom and I talked about how I felt about the appointment. I told her I didn’t like sitting still for so long but I didn’t complain. I knew she was just trying to help. We went back a couple more times but eventually I think my mom clued in that I didn’t like going and didn’t think these “aura cleansing” sessions weren’t helping. I continued having seizures regardless of how much this Russian accountant cleansed my aura. The appointments frequently interfered with my normal kid stuff like Girl Guides and homework and whatnot so we never went back.
Remedy #2: Biofeedback Therapy
Around the same time as the aura cleansing sessions, my mom started taking me to an ADD/Biofeedback clinic close to our house. My parents told me that these sessions would help me control my seizures, like when or if they happen and the severity of them. I didn’t fight it because it sounded fantastic in theory - if I could control them then I could theoretically never have a seizure ever again. These appointments would prove to be equally as useless as the aura cleansing. At the very least, these appointments helped me come to terms with how little control I had over my life anymore.
The first appointment was focused on teaching you proper breathing techniques and how to divert your focus to certain parts of your brain. I’m not sure of the specifics of it but it was a weirdly satisfying experience being able to direct my brain processes and I knew it was working because I could feel it. I could literally feel my brain waves diverting themselves at my control. I’ve retained the ability to do that and sometimes I divert my focus for fun.
This clinic was huge and there were individual rooms where patients would be hooked up to a machine that resembled an EEG machine. With this machine you would basically be controlling a virtual game on a computer screen with your brain waves and breathing pattern. My favourite was the roller coaster game: the roller coaster would speed along the track as long as you kept your focus and breathing rate to a certain standard. With every game you completed successfully in a  given time frame you’d be awarded points and eventually you would be able to exchange your points for prizes. It was like a Chuck-E-Cheese for kids with neurological conditions.
When I collected enough points I traded them in for a $20 gift card to Chapters. The day I won the gift card my mom and dad took me to the bookstore and I bought one of those Guinness Book of World Records books. I came across the book in my parents basement a couple weeks ago and smiled.
I wish Biofeedback Therapy worked for me. The outcome sounds like a dream. Being about to control when and where and if you have seizures sounds like a dream. However, unfortunately, they didn’t work. Seizures kept happening regardless of how hard I tried to redirect my brain waves - and believe me, I tried, but they continued.
Remedy #3: Dairy-Free and Gluten-Free Diet
Right after my diagnosis with Epilepsy my mother did a lot of internet research and came to the conclusion that dairy and gluten would be ultimately detrimental to my health. We went back to the aura-cleansing lady - who happened to also have a vast amount of knowledge about the dietary needs of epileptics - who confirmed that dairy and gluten in any form should be avoided in every way possible.
I’d never been a picky eater so this diet never really phased me in the slightest. It didn’t help with my seizures at all but living without dairy and gluten didn’t bother me. I managed to find substitutes for all of my favourite things, some things I ended up liking more than the original anyway.
This diet lasted two years. No one actually forced me to stick to it for this long; I genuinely liked the foods I was eating for those two years and I felt generally more physically healthy, but I started to miss the fun foods that I could technically no longer eat. The fact that I was getting older also didn’t help. I was going out with friends more often and we’d usually eat out or order in, and take-out dairy-free, gluten-free food wasn’t typically available anywhere at that point in time.
One night in 2011 I found myself at Laura’s house. Her mom made a Baked Alaska for her birthday. I wasn’t going to say no to a slice of birthday cake for my best friend’s birthday, so I took a big slice thinking nothing of the potential consequences of eating dairy for the first time in two years.
That night, Laura’s toilet and I spent a long night together. I’ll spare you the gruesome details. I will never put any blame on my mother for my epilepsy, however, I will credit her for the role that she played in my lactose intolerance. Remedy #4: Holistic Electro-Treatment
I’ve scoured the web and I don’t even know what to call this treatment because I can’t find any evidence of it existing, but I know it exists because it’s yet another thing my mom thought would cure me of epilepsy. So I will call it Holistic Electro-Treatment.
I started suffering from hay fever and migraines the spring before I turned seventeen. At this point I was taking medication for my seizures and had been seizure-free for almost three years. I didn’t like mixing drugs so I generally avoided taking antihistamines and pain relievers and I was open to any forms of treatment that would make the itching inside my face go away.
My mom had a friend at work who suggested this treatment that consisted of strategically placed electric currents running through your body that would treat allergies and epilepsy and various other ailments, including my newfound lactose intolerance. This treatment also sounded incredible because it was kind of an all-in-one type deal, but it didn’t work.
My first appointment was with this lady in the basement of an office complex. My mom came with me and sat as I sat on a table and the therapist-lady showed me the pen-shaped device that would omit the slightest current of electricity. She ran through a series of basic questions about my medical history, and then asked if I had any body piercings, as the metal could interfere with the electric currents.
My mom was old-fashioned, and that's why I hadn’t told her about the time I got my navel pierced. She was so incredibly against any body modifications. When I was fifteen I dragged Genn to some sketchy basement apartment where a little non-English speaking woman did tattoos and piercings. I was on a mission to get my nose pierced. Now, the legal age to get such a piercing without parental permission was sixteen, so I was under age, but I was referred there by an acquaintance from school who said that this place doesn’t ID kids who come through there. I was nervous as I was filling out the form with a fake name and age, but I was determined. She pulled a tiny needle out of a sterile package and  pushed it through my nose, and with that I had my first facial piercing. I showed up back at home around 7pm that night and did everything I could to avoid my parents, but they had to see me eventually, right? I eventually ventured upstairs, holding my head down until they eventually noticed the sparkly rhinestone stud sticking out of my face. They were - within their rights - pissed about it. To my surprise, my dad was more pissed than my mom, who later approached me and told me she liked the facial piercing, saying that it was “cute”. My dad hated it and I think he was more pissed that I went out of my way to go somewhere that was probably unsafe to get a foreign lady who ran an illegal operation in her basement to “hole punch my face”, as he so lovingly put it. Not even twenty four hours later he paid me double the cost of the piercing itself to take it out (I was a relentlessly stubborn kid), followed by him driving me to our local LifeLabs to get my blood and urine tested for diseases. Everything came back negative, for the record.
My next piercing after that was a navel piercing that I had done (when I was legal to) at a local tattoo/piercing shop. That was easier to hide, so when my mom took me to this electro-therapy session and the therapist asked me about any piercings I was nervous. I told her no, thinking “why the hell would this woman want to see my belly button,” when she pulled out the electric-pen-type device and tried to start the session. It turns out that (and I could be wrong because I don’t know the specifics of the treatment), when you stimulate certain points on the body with slight electric currents you can normalize the functions that those nerve endings control and the belly button is one of those points that would help with either my allergies, seizures or lactose intolerance. Before she could even touch me with her electric pen, I told her I had to pee and I went to the bathroom to take out the belly ring.  I hoped to God that the appointment would be short enough for me to shove it back in without it closing over or scabbing up. I went back to the table and laid down so the therapist could work her magic with her electric pen. She eventually got to my belly button and saw the very obvious hole in my abdomen and asked me about it. My heart was pounding because I didn’t want my mother hearing about this but I think she was on her phone and fortunately didn’t hear. I told the therapist I had the piercing done recently but took it out soon after. She shrugged it off and continued working. When it was over I went to the bathroom again to put it back in. It slid in without a problem and I left her office after a consultation about my dietary habits and little changes I could make to help with hay fever.
I went back several times because I noticed that the hay fever slowly went away and my digestive system could tolerate moderate amounts of lactose again, which I was happy about. I was able to rediscover my love for half and half in coffee and cheese on sandwiches. I eventually stopped going around August because it got expensive and it got hard to make appointments that I could keep. I was a busy sixteen year old, I guess.
My digestive system’s aversion to lactose eventually came back and I found that my hay fever also came back the following September when the ragweed came out. I can’t say with any level of certainty that it helped with my seizures because I hadn’t had any when this treatment started but I had a couple in January following the treatment’s end in August.
Remedy #5 Ancient Chinese Medicine
In 2009, my parents took me to see a Traditional Chinese Herbalist. I was probably thirteen at the time and we packed up the car and drove up town to North York. I was mad that I was missing the first half of a get-together Genn was hosting for what would turn out to be another disappointing attempt to stop my seizures. I wasn’t on my meds at this point so my mom was adamant that we give this doctor a shot.
I don’t remember much about the appointment itself except for the doctor asking us about my medical history and concluding that I was to be given a potent concoction of various herbs once a week, many of which looked like bark pulled fresh from a tree. The doctor gave us five individually packaged baggies of dried herbs and plants and whatnot and explained to my mom that each package was to be put into a big pot and covered with six cups of boiling water and simmered until only one cup of liquid remained.
I was to drink this potion once a week. So every Saturday morning for five weeks straight I awoke to the smell of what can only be described as the damp remnants of a cedar tree forest fire, charcoal, gasoline and sadness.
Now, like I mentioned before, I’m not a picky eater. I never have been. When I was fifteen I ate a nice, warm spoonful of unseasoned lamb brain and washed it down with tepid beer. However, this traditional herbal medicine-based liquid was something I couldn’t stomach. The fact that I had doubts about it working didn’t help it go down either. Every gulp felt like a hopeless effort into stopping something in my brain that was virtually uncontrollable. However I carried on. At the very least, I told myself I would try.
I got through five weeks of treatment before deciding I had enough. I had a seizure on May 22nd of that year after five rounds of this traditional Chinese medicine and declined another appointment with the herbalist. Actually, thirteen year old me threw a fit and my parents didn’t bother fighting back.
I think my mom thought she was doing more good than harm, and realistically there was no harm done, but the more “remedies” for my seizures that my mother tried, the more exhausted I felt. Over time I started resenting her for putting me through the wringer: I felt smothered and tired and I wanted all of her tactics to stop. I was at peace with the idea of dealing with infrequent seizures without the aid of medical intervention.
Eventually she toned it down. When I got headaches or had seizures she was loving and attentive and as I got older I felt less smothered and suppressed by her constant worrying. I’ve since moved out and I only see my parents every other weekend, but I still get a text at 7:30 in the morning and in the evening every day reminding me about my meds. For that I’m thankful: I would forget most days because I’m a little absent-minded in the morning and usually just shut my alarm off and immediately forget about taking my meds.
I always made it clear to her, though, that I love her and I never blamed her for my epilepsy at all. I never understood the guilt she carried until I got older. I don’t currently have kids but I can’t imagine watching your child suffer and not be able to fight the battle for them. She still comes to appointments with me, and it hurts my heart to still see the guilt in her eyes, even though she isn’t as expressive about it anymore. These days, she just looks tired.
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7 Gluten Free and Vegan Ice Cream Brands That Will Blow Even Dairy-Lovers Away
New blog post!
When people learn about my celiac disease diagnosis and my gluten free and dairy free diet, they often ask, "What about ice cream?" Luckily, nowadays, there are plenty of gluten free and vegan ice cream brands to choose from! In fact, this summer is the perfect time to find the vegan ice cream of your dreams.
Since my celiac diagnosis, I've certainly tasted my fair share of dairy free ice cream. And while I might not be an expert, I've found a few vegan ice cream options that blow even dairy-lovers away! Here are 4+ gluten free and dairy free ice cream brands that every celiac, lactose intolerant or serious foodie should consider trying! 
1. Coconut Bliss Vegan Ice Cream
One of my favorite dairy free ice cream finds? Coconut Bliss, the creamiest coconut milk ice cream known to man (or girl, in this case).
I love that Coconut Bliss adopts a "healthier" mindset to their ice cream, avoiding many of the fillers commonly found in other ice creams. Case in point? Their dark chocolate flavor only has four main ingredients: organic coconut milk, organic agave syrup, organic fair trade cocoa, and organic vanilla extract. Besides being gluten and dairy free, all Coconut Bliss Bliss ice creams are also soy free and certified organic. Some of my favorite vegan coconut ice cream flavors? Dark chocolate is rich and super creamy but not overly sugary. I bought a carton of this flavor when I was visiting family a few summers ago. I only had a few days to finish off the pint, and we'll just say that I easily met that challenge. I've also enjoyed Chocolate Hazelnut Fudge and Mint Galactica...and I'm definitely drooling over Coconut Bliss's new Chocolate Chip Cookie flavor! 
But what if you don't like coconut? As long as I'm eating a strong flavor like dark chocolate, I don't taste any coconut. My mom, who has a stronger aversion to coconut, always managed to taste a hint of it, though. So if you're a major coconut hater, this probably isn't the best vegan ice cream for you. *Coconut Bliss's gluten free ice cream is made in facilities that also manufacture desserts with wheat. However, they take very thorough steps to maintain their allergy-free claim, and I have never had an issue with this ice cream.*
My rating: 9.5/10 
2. So Delicious: Coconut Vegan Ice Cream Base
If you follow me on Instagram, you know So Delicious and I have a very special relationship. I finish nearly every day with some of their coconut yogurt, so it's only natural that I'd try their ice creams too.
So Delicious's coconut vegan ice creams are certified gluten free and, in my opinion, they have a much stronger coconut flavor than Coconut Bliss. They also have more "filler" ingredients, so I typically prefer Coconut Bliss. However, some of the So Delicious ice cream flavors are so drool-worthy, you have to try them. I mean, gluten free and vegan cookie dough ice cream!?! How can you say no to that? Especially when the cookie dough is equally incorporated throughout the ice cream, with every scoop having the perfect combo of chewy cookie and creamy ice cream. 
My rating: 8.5/10 
3. So Delicious: Cashew Milk Vegan Ice Cream Base
If you're looking for the holy grail of dairy free ice cream and don't like coconut, cashew milk ice cream is your secret weapon. When So Delicious released this line last year, everyone went crazy...and as soon as I got to taste some of the flavors, I instantly understood why.
So Delicious's cashew milk ice cream is definitely some of the creamiest vegan ice cream I've ever tried. In fact, it'll give "regular" ice cream a run for its money. Also, there's no weird aftertaste that often plagues gluten free ice cream or other dairy free products. 
The chocolate flavor isn't a bad pairing either!
In fact, I got the chance to try all four of the original flavors when they were first released. My thoughts? 
Vegan Vanilla Ice Cream: 
This gluten free ice cream flavor is super creamy and - to my complete surprise - one of my favorites. I'm not usually a vanilla girl (more of a chocolate and everything but the kitchen sink), but this flavor really lets the cashew ice cream base shine. It also pairs deliciously with our favorite chocolate birthday cake (made using Pamela's mix). 
Vegan Chocolate Ice Cream: 
This dairy free ice cream flavor is equally creamy and delicious. I also like how dark the chocolate flavor is. Not too sugary but not too rich either!
Also pairs deliciously with gluten free apple pie!
Vegan Chocolate Cookies N' Cream Ice Cream:
Imagine your favorite dark chocolate ice cream - and then crumble Oreos over it. That's exactly what this flavor tastes like. Finding gluten free Oreo cookies that taste like the real thang isn't easy, but the cookie pieces in this ice cream totally bring me back! The cookie-to-ice-cream ratio is also on point. Enough cookie crumbles for a crunch in every bite, but not enough to overshadow the chocolate vegan ice cream. If you're a true chocoholic, skip the plain dark chocolate and choose So Delicious's Chocolate Cookies N' Cream instead. 
Vegan Salted Caramel Cluster Ice Cream: 
This is So Delicious's top-selling vegan ice cream flavor and I can see why. This is a super sweet ice cream and I can't handle more than a few bites. However, there's something crazy addictive about the combination of sweet vanilla and salty clusters of caramel. In fact, my dad (who loves gluten and dairy) actually prefers this gluten free ice cream flavor over any other flavor or brand.
My rating: 10/10 (overall)
4. So Delicious Gluten Free Ice Cream Bars
Okay, I know I've already covered plenty of So Delicious products. However, they offer so many gluten free ice cream options, So Delicious deserves another mention. This time, I'm drooling over talking about their vegan ice cream bar. I can't count how many times my sister and I chased after the local ice cream truck, and chocolate anything was always my favorite. Luckily for young (and old) celiacs, lactose intolerants and vegans everywhere, So Delicious has brought the ice cream bar within reach again!  
The only flavor my family has tried so far is the new Salted Caramel cashew milk ice cream bar. As expected, these disappeared quickly. The salted caramel ice cream tastes just as delicious in the bar as it does in the carton, and the chocolate shell adds a nice crunchy contrast. I also like that these ice cream bars are a little smaller than normal, making them the perfect size for one (or two if you're feeling generous).
My rating: 9/10
5. Almond Dream Vegan Ice Cream
This was the first dairy free ice cream I found and liked after my diagnosis. Although I stopped eating Almond Dream after discovering I have an almond intolerance, I enjoyed this option at the time. All the flavors of Almond Dream Ice Cream are super smooth and creamy, and there's no aftertaste from the almond base. For whatever reason, the chocolate flavor didn't taste like "traditional" chocolate ice cream, so it wasn't my favorite. Instead, I preferred the mint chocolate chip and toffee almond crunch. The mint flavor had a strong but not overwhelming or superficial hit of mint throughout, and the chocolate chips added a consistent crunch. Meanwhile, the coffee flavor was a surprise winner. It tasted similar to coffee, which I'm not usually a fan of. However, combined with the large chunks of chewy fudge and the crunch of ground almonds, the toffee flavor was addictive!
One of the first pictures on my blog...
Besides those flavors, Almond Dream Ice Cream also comes in Cappuccino Swirl, Vanilla, Strawberry, Praline Crunch and various vegan ice cream bites and sandwiches. *Almond Dream ice cream is processed in a facility with wheat, and I have read that some celiacs have issues with Rice Dream, part of the Dream line. I emailed Almond Dream for clarification, and the response (sent from overseeing company Hain Celestial) read in part: "If gluten is a major ingredient, it will be specified in the ingredient list. For consumers concerned about the presence of trace amounts of gluten, we suggest avoiding products that include natural flavors or spices. Hain Celestial Group products that make a gluten-free claim will carry the triangular Gluten-Free symbol, contain a gluten-free label, or specify Gluten Free certification by GFCO." Almond Dream's vegan ice creams have the triangular gluten free symbol but also contain natural flavors. When I ate Almond Dream years ago, I didn't experience any negative reaction; however, I'm not sure I would try this ice cream again. Hopefully, this information will help you decide if Almond Dream is the best vegan ice cream for you!*
My rating: 8/10.
6. Bonus: three dairy free ice cream brands I haven't tried but have heard great things about! 
Nada Moo:
First off, Nada Moo, which should automatically receive props for the A+ name. While I haven't tried Nada Moo yet, other bloggers swear by its creamy coconut base and variety of flavors. This vegan coconut ice cream just released its Rockiest Road and Birthday Cake Cookie Dough flavors in early 2017, and they sound too good to pass up. If I try Nada Moo anytime soon, you'll be sure to hear my thoughts!
Snow Monkey:
While Snow Monkey may not be a "vegan ice cream" by the strictest definition, I'd be remiss to not mention this vegan and paleo sorbet. Made with healthy ingredients like puréed fruits, sunflower butter, vegan protein powder and superfoods, I'd be happy to eat this dairy free ice cream for breakfast if I couldn't blend up my own gluten free smoothie bowl. Right now, it comes in two flavors: Cacao and Goji Berry.
Coconut Bliss's Vegan Ice Cream Sandwich:
Last but not least, Coconut Bliss's Vegan Ice Cream Sandwich. This frozen treat - which comes in vanilla or dark chocolate - was just revealed in January, and I almost licked my phone screen when I saw it. I mean, what's better than gluten free chocolate cookies plus super creamy vegan ice cream!?! I've yet to find this gluten free ice cream sandwich in stores, but my Coconut Bliss radar is on!
I got all the details from one of my fave bloggers...
Sure, celiac disease may limit your diet to gluten free foods. However, that doesn't mean you still can't enjoy gluten free and vegan ice cream that tastes like the real thang! In fact, whether you're looking for a nut-based ice cream, a creamy coconut dessert, a low-calorie frozen treat or an epic vegan ice cream sandwich, you can find your perfect match on this list. 
Like this post? Then spread the love by tweeting! Just click here: "Kick off #summer with these #glutenfree & #vegan #icecream brands. 100% delicious & #dairyfree! http://bit.ly/2tTOslZ via @collegeceliackc"
And if you don't absolutely love the first brand you try? I suppose you'll just have to keep taste testing on your search for the very best gluten free and vegan ice cream. Oh the hardship! 
*This post isn't sponsored; these are just my honest opinions on some of the vegan ice cream brands that I love! As always, make sure to read ingredient labels and use your own judgment on what brands meet your dietary, celiac or food allergy needs.*
What's your favorite brand of gluten free and vegan ice cream? What's your favorite ice cream flavor? 
via Blogger http://ift.tt/2uHGQUh
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easyweight101 · 8 years ago
Renew Life Ultimate Flora Review (UPDATED 2017): Don’t Buy Before You Read This!
What is it?
Renew Life Ultimate Flora is a probiotic supplement aimed at restoring digestive balance with live bacteria. Renew Life Ultimate Flora is used for people looking for immune support or to alleviate stomach discomfort.
Renew Life Ultimate Flora contains 50 billion live cultures per pill and 10 different probiotic strains. This product works to address bacterial imbalance caused by stress, illness, aging and other issues.
In reviewing the many different approaches to treating menopause symptoms, we’ve found that Femmetrinol is most effective in helping women find relief. Herbal ingredients like chasteberry, black cohosh, damiana and more work together to restore a sense of balance in the body and get rid of the more uncomfortable symptoms of menopause. Click here to see what you can gain by taking Femmetrinol.
Top Rated Menopause Supplements of 2017
Do you know the Best Menopause Supplements of 2017?
Renew Life Ultimate Flora Ingredients and Side Effects
This product contains several different strains of bacteria that are essential for the health of the human body. Here’s a little more about probiotics and their key benefits:
Probiotics: Probiotics are live yeasts and bacteria that are necessary for your digestive system to thrive These bacteria are considered “good” bacteria, as they keep your gut in good shape and aid with digestion.
In general, probiotics help with conditions like irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea (caused by illness, parasites or taking antibiotics). They also may help with skin conditions like eczema, urinary tract health, oral health and allergies.
Additionally, probiotics may be helpful in treating and preventing yeast infections or recurring cases of bacterial vaginosis — many people dealing with these issues regularly take probiotics daily to maintain good vaginal health — eliminating itching, odors and more.
This product contains two strains of probiotics, Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus.
Lactobacillus is the most common type of probiotic, and is found in foods like yogurt or other types of fermented foods like kimchi or sauerkraut and there are several different strains (many of which are present in this particular formula. This type may help with diarrhea, lactose intolerance and more.
Bifidobacterium is also present in this supplement and is also found in certain dairy products. It works to alleviate inflammation in the bowels and improves digestion.
Though probiotics are safe and healthy for most people, they may cause issues for some people with immune system issues.
Other side effects may include upset stomach, diarrhea, bloating or gas.
Get the inside scoop on the menopause remedies you need to know about—click here for experts’ opinions.
EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this supplement with a proven menopause pill such as Femmetrinol for better results.
Renew Life Ultimate Flora Quality of Ingredients
Renew Life Ultimate Flora is likely a good supplement for a great number of people experiencing a range of issues, from stomach issues to candida or who simply need an immune system boost.
As far as its use in menopausal women, we’re not sure that this product is all that effective in clearing up symptoms like hot flashes or mood swings, but there could very well be some benefits associated with some of the other concerns that emerge during this transition.
Probiotics can help balance the pH in the body, making them a good solution for people who get frequent yeast infections — something that may worsen during menopause, especially in women dealing with vaginal dryness.
As we age, our internal flora may fall out of balance, so there’s really no reason to not add probiotics to your regimen — improving gut health, digestion and immunity.
So, in the end, we’re not sold on this product as a solution for the typical menopause symptoms, but it may be a good companion to something containing supportive herbs and phytoestrogens.
Find the menopause solution that works best for your laundry list of symptoms — click here to learn more.
The Price and Quality of Renew Life Ultimate Flora
Renew Life Ultimate Flora is sold on the official product website for $39.99 for a bottle containing 30 capsules, 67.99 for 60 capsules and 89.99 for 90. Users who decide to enroll in their auto-delivery service are eligible for an additional 10% each order.
Amazon, as well as a handful of other online retailers offer this product at a slightly lower rate. For example, Amazon sells the 30-count bottle for $25.99, the 60 for $41.19 and a larger bottle of 120-capsules for $101.90.
Probiotics tend to run on the expensive side, as compared to other supplements, so this product doesn’t exactly seem overpriced, but some users may consider this an investment.
Click the link here to get an up-close look at the menopause products best for achieving balance and comfort.
Business of Renew Life Ultimate Flora
Renew Life Ultimate Flora is made by a company called Renew Life. Here is their contact information below:
Phone: 800-830-1800
Address: Renew Life 198 Palm Harbor Blvd. (Alt. 19) South Palm Harbor, FL  34683
Renew Life has a few different blends of probiotic supplements, which are geared toward different concerns like yeast balance, liver support, indigestion and stomach issues.
The website is fairly straight forward and discusses the use of probiotics and how they can be used for a number of health concerns — namely digestion, though they also mention yeast balance and immune support.
There’s not much we would add to the website, there’s information for practitioners or third party retailers interested in carrying this product, as well as for users looking for the right probiotic for their needs. Users can choose between fizzy drinks, capsules and powder to best fit their lifestyle.
Overall, Renew Life seems to be a reputable and transparent company. These probiotic products are widely available through other channels, lending some credibility to the products.
Customer Opinions of Renew Life Ultimate Flora
Renew Life Ultimate Flora has pretty good reviews, but it’s worth mentioning that most users aren’t using this product to deal with the typical menopause symptoms, as this product helps with things like vaginal yeast or digestive health:
“For years, I’ve been dealing with digestive issues, but since I started using this product, I’m not as bloated and I’m having regular bowel movements. Fantastic product!”
“Suffered from BV on and off for several years, and basically every time I’d have sex I’d get an infection. This has helped considerably, no more smell, no more antibiotics — just from taking probiotics every day.”
“This product helped my stomach so much, and has helped with yeast infections. Haven’t had problems with either of these things ever since I started using this Renew Life Ultimate Flora.”
“Been using this product for years and will definitely keep buying. I can tell my digestive system acts up whenever I stop taking this for a short while.”
Renew Life Ultimate Flora clearly makes good on the promises it advertises. However, for this audience, it seems like this is only a beneficial product if you’re experiencing digestive issues or have frequent yeast infections or recurring bacterial vaginosis.
Vaginal issues are quite common for women in menopause, but this product won’t help with hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings or irritability — though it may work nicely alongside something that does deal with these symptoms.
Based on our look at the feedback past consumers left online, this product seems like a good choice for anyone in need of digestive or immune support—despite the price this could be a good addition to anyone’s diet, no matter what age or how healthy they may be.
Click here to read what our experts have to say about choosing a menopause product that addresses your unique symptoms.
Conclusion – Does Renew Life Ultimate Flora Work?
Renew Life Ultimate Flora is well-liked by those who reviewed this product — there are thousands of positive reviews online, with a nearly five-star average. The company looks good, and the product contains billions of good bacteria — great for your immune and digestive health, as well as preventing yeast infections and more.
Renew Life Ultimate Flora may be a bit expensive for some users, but most probiotics are on the higher end of the supplement pricing spectrum.
This product, however, is not meant for menopausal symptoms. It may help with certain issues — like yeast infections or bacterial vaginosis, but it’s not going to help alleviate some of the more common symptoms women experience as they go through the change.
Probiotics may provide some key benefits to all kinds of users, but it’s more of a general wellness supplement versus something you take to deal with shifting hormone levels.
After reviewing several different options for treating menopause — hormone replacement, herbal supplements, probiotics and creams — we’ve discovered Femmetrinol is the best at giving users the results they are looking for. With a safe and effective herbal blend, this product helps women fight hot flashes, irritability, night sweats and mood swings through use of a daily supplement.
Femmetrinol is made with a blend of potent, but safe herbal ingredients and has been clinically tested to ensure it delivers the results promised, without any negative effects. Click this link here to learn more about how Femmetrinol can help your body feel great once again.
from Easy Weight Loss 101 http://ift.tt/2spvuGK via The Best Weight Loss Diet In The World
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Ask D'Mine: Medical Marijuana, Going Wheat-Free and Dairy-Free
New Post has been published on http://type2diabetestreatment.net/diabetes-mellitus/ask-dmine-medical-marijuana-going-wheat-free-and-dairy-free/
Ask D'Mine: Medical Marijuana, Going Wheat-Free and Dairy-Free
Welcome back to our diabetes advice column Ask D'Mine, hosted by veteran type 1, diabetes author and community educator Wil Dubois.
Got questions about diabetes that you don't know where to aim? We're here for you. (Like it or not 😉 )
Email us at [email protected]
btw, this week we'd like to congratulate Wil on his new gig writing for dLife. Take it away, Wil...
Austin from Oregon, type 1, writes: I'm an 18-year-old type 1 diabetic. I was wondering where it would be legal for me to get my medical cannabis card?
Wil@Ask D'Mine answers: Nowhere. Not yet. Probably not ever. At last count 16 states in the union have some sort of medical marijuana laws on the books, with ten more states moving forward on legislation. They couldn't be more different from each other in the details of who can prescribe, who can receive, who can sell, and how to buy. But, my young friend, you won't quality for any of them.
The medical pot states are: Alaska, Arizona, California (most counties), Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Road Island, Vermont, and Washington. Washington D.C. legalized last year, but their program is not fully up and running; and Delaware just passed legislation in May of this year, with a program planned to roll out by summer of 2012. Most of the states' medical marijuana programs are run by state health departments, with several others overseen by state law enforcement. Some states will accept cards from other states, some don't. Oh yeah, and many states have provisions for minors as well.
But as always, the Devil is in the Details. In sweeping terms most states allow properly certified clinicians (my boss at the clinic is one) to prescribe medical marijuana for cancer; glaucoma; HIV/AIDS; and severe chronic pain, seizures, or nausea. Some, but not all, states will also allow for hepatitis-C, migraines, and post traumatic stress disorder.
But not diabetes.
I couldn't find pot approved for diabetes treatment anywhere. And frankly, I didn't expect to, either. Diabetes doesn't hurt, and most of the conditions covered by medical marijuana laws deal with painful conditions.
FYI, Colorado has a page of denied conditions that various stakeholders have tried, and failed, to add to the green-lighted list. The denied Colorado conditions specifically include diabetes mellitus types 1 & 2, along with diabetic retinopathy, and hypertension. Nope. Nope. Nope. And nope. Nice try.
While diabetes itself is painless, unless you're talking about the metaphorical pain in the ass it can be, the same isn't true of some of its possible long-term complications --especially neuropathy. But even coverage of this painful complication is far from universal. In my home state of New Mexico, peripheral neuropathy is a covered condition; but Washington state denied neuropathic pain coverage in the summer of 2010. On the other hand, Washington state is the only state I could find that allows marijuana coverage for some cases of chronic renal failure, and for hemodialysis induced nausea. Go figure.
So how popular is medical marijuana? I was amused to see on the Colorado program's web site a notice in RED CAPITAL LETTERS that says: "due to the high volume of applications, the office of vital records will no longer review applications, issue receipts, or answer questions" at their windows. Ya gotta use the drop box or the post office....
OK, I guess that answers that question. But does marijuana really work as a medicine? Well, it depends on what you what to do with it. Here's the straight dope on dope: extensive medical research has shown marijuana is an effective painkiller, and is effective as an anti-nausea drug. Its mellowing effect on agitated people is also well-documented, which is why some states will allow it to be prescribed towards the end of Alzheimer's when "sundowning" becomes a problem.
Oh, and for those of you who don't know (and don't feel embarrassed 'cause I didn't know either), medical marijuana can be smoked, eaten, vaporized, or taken in pill form. Something for everyone.
One last important note about medical marijuana; just because it's legal doesn't mean it's covered by your health insurance. Yep. Legal toke is still not FDA approved, so the suits at your insurance company have the perfect loophole to hang you with.
It's cash pay all the way, baby.
Simone from North Carolina, type 1, writes: I was recently diagnosed with type 1 diabetes as an adult. Since my stomach's been upset, the nutritionist advised me to eat a gluten-free, dairy-free diet. This seems really difficult to enforce. Is it really necessary to cut out wheat and dairy AND carbs?
Wil@Ask D'Mine answers: Welcome to the family! You should be receiving your glucometer and T-shirt in the mail any day now. So the first thing you need to know is, as if diabetes doesn't suck enough on its own, it just has to bring all its friends over to party in your body! Here's the deal: those of us with type 1 seem to be more prone to various gluten problems, like Celiac, and also to lactose intolerance.
Is it really necessary to cut out wheat, and dairy, and carbs? I dunno. You tell me. If you do decide to try a gluten-free, dairy-free diet, be aware that you'll have to be totally "clean" of these substances for at least a month to see effects. Then you'll have to gauge: Does your stomach feel better? If it does, your nutritionist is probably onto something. That said, I would be hesitant to assume that you had both conditions at the same time, so soon after diagnosis. And the problem with changing two things at once is that it makes it damn hard to know which one was the cause of the problem in the first place.
Maybe your stomach trouble is caused by the wheat. Maybe your stomach trouble is caused by dairy. Maybe it is caused by both. Or by neither. One thing's for sure, thanks to today's first question, we know you won't be able to get a medical marijuana prescription for it!
If you feel better after cutting these foods out, you could add small amounts of wheat back in to your diet and see what happens. If your stomach goes topsy-turvy on you, you now know that wheat is a prime suspect. Let things settle down again for a bit and then try to add small amounts of dairy back in and again see what happens. Or vice-versa. Yep. You need to do a little science experiment on yourself here. Study cause and effect.
Would it be the pits to give up carbs? And dairy? And wheat? Oh, hell yeah. But the worst-case scenario, if it came to pass, would not be more than you can deal with. Never has our county had a greater variety of food options for those with odd-ball allergies and conditions. You'll adapt. You'll thrive.
You'll do just fine.
This is not a medical advice column. We are PWDs freely and openly sharing the wisdom of our collected experiences — our been-there-done-that knowledge from the trenches. But we are not MDs, RNs, NPs, PAs, CDEs, or partridges in pear trees. Bottom line: we are only a small part of your total prescription. You still need the professional advice, treatment, and care of a licensed medical professional.
Disclaimer: Content created by the Diabetes Mine team. For more details click here.
This content is created for Diabetes Mine, a consumer health blog focused on the diabetes community. The content is not medically reviewed and doesn't adhere to Healthline's editorial guidelines. For more information about Healthline's partnership with Diabetes Mine, please click here.
Type 2 Diabetes Treatment Type 2 Diabetes Diet Diabetes Destroyer Reviews Original Article
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