#it put a big smile on my face eeeeee
signanothername · 1 year
How did the turtles become villains in your villainess brothers au?
Buckle up time for some lore >:D
Admittedly however, I’m still working on it, so what I’m about to write can change over time, other than that enjoy my infodump
It’s actually not a matter of the turtles starting as good guys and ending up as villains, they’re the villains of the story to begin with
How so tho?
Let’s say the Krang didn’t stop at corrupting Oroku Saki
Karai’s story is pretty much the same, of her starting her own clan and calling it the Hamato clan, she banishes Shredder and herself to the twilight realm
That however leaves the rest hopeless, an opening the krang took to strike to corrupt them as well, so instead of the Hamato becoming a clan of Honor that keeps watch for the Shredder and keep peace, they’ve technically become another Foot clan that seeks destruction
So while Splinter’s story is mostly the same, he gets raised under completely different circumstances, instead of being raised to defeat Shredder one day, he’s taught that Shredder could become a valuable ally if released, or their enemy that they should destroy, and by extent destroy the Foot with him, whichever Shredder chooses (if you’re not with me you’re against me mindset between the Hamatos and the Foot)
Splinter story is pretty much the same afterwards, he becomes a star, gets kidnapped by Big Mama then Draxum, sees the turtles and his hearts warms up to them, immediately adopting them, eventually leading to his and the Turtles’ mutation
He raises the turtles the same way he’s raised, still a loving father, but not a great role model or a great teacher when it comes to what’s morally correct or wrong, and with Draxum’s genetic engineering of them to eventually become warriors, and their situation of being mutants, as well as the fact Big Mama is still out there, Splinter taught them to do what it takes to protect each other even if it means taking the lives of others
Teaching them that only the strong remains, and that subconsciously makes the turtles’ outlook towards life and the world negative, that the world is out to get them, so they should be out to get the world first, that eventually leads to their moral values to mush and the line of what’s good/bad or right/wrong very fuzzy to them
That obviously influences their personalities in negative ways, hence why Mikey is a lot more aggressive and openly angry for example
Cause to them? As long as they keep each other safe/ happy and get what they need/ want, then there’s nothing more they care to do
In short, the Krang may have lost the battle but they won the war
Anyway I’m actually pretty happy someone asked about my villainous brothers au so as a thank u here’s these sketches I made a while back that I haven’t at all shared
I actually really adore this au 😔❤️🌷✨
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guppygiggles · 2 months
I've really had a bee in my bonnet about this today, so... Here's a short fic with ler!Avery. /////
I might develop this into a longer story at some point, and I am definitely going to draw something for it, because I'm already almost done with the sketch.
Fair warning: I normally write a lot of lead-up and take time to set a scene. I didn't do that, here... This is very indulgent, hah. There's a little bit of ice play, restraints, and subtle medical theming. No other warnings apply. Enjoy!
“Avery, put me-
DAAAAHAHAOWN!” I squealed as his gentle fingers pressed into my sides again, issuing another brief flurry of tweaks along my flanks. Held aloft by ghostly fingers clamped around my wrists and ankles, I could do nothing but glower into his smirking face. 
“That big grin is taking all the venom out of your glare, you know,” he teased, sweeping a few strands of hair behind my hot ear. I twitched with sensitivity, shaking my head as I choked back a giggle. A glint in his eye told me that he caught it, too. 
“When you asked me to help in your lab, I didn't think using me as a test subject was what you had in mi-EEEEEE!” My screech echoed off the walls of his basement laboratory as he pulled my shirt forward, unceremoniously rubbing a smooth piece of ice across my bare tummy. “That's cold! What was that for?!”
“I'm curious… Does cold make humans more ticklish?” 
I flushed. Oh, god… 
“N-no, it doesn't, I assure you it doesn't, Avery- waitwaitWAHAHAAHAHAIT!” All ten of his soft, chilly fingertips scribbled into my belly, forcing an embarrassingly gleeful laugh from me. With his hands still under my shirt, it tickled with an intensity that caught me off guard. I squirmed, but the cloud-hands securing my limbs held fast as they suspended me in midair. 
“I hate to break this to you, but… that did not sound as distressed as I bet you were hoping it would,” he noted, picking up his clipboard and pen. 
“Oh, don't pretend like you're taking notes! Come on, you know the ice had nothing to do with it. You already know I'm… um…”
He scrawled something, then paused, pen still touching paper as he turned his attention back to me. He raised an eyebrow, tilting his head forward to leer over the rim of his glasses. 
“Already know what…?”
I pressed my lips together; I'd already said too much. I turned my head away as I felt my flush creep down my neck, but as he set the clipboard down again, I knew he wasn't going to let that go. It was all I could do to suppress a whimper. 
“Is there something you'd like to admit… test subject~?” His grin was downright evil, now. 
I tried to steel myself, but I couldn't even meet his eyes as he lifted his hand, slipping a couple silky fingertips under my chin. Tucking my head forward only resulted in him scampering his digits along my jawline instead, giggling at my attempt to impede him. I laughed in ticklish futility, my shoulders trembling. 
“Are you sure…?” 
He scribbled from my jawline, down my neck… and then both sets of digits nestled into my armpits, gently scritching over the soft fabric of my t-shirt. 
“GEEEEE-! YEHEHEHES I'M S-SUHURE! HAHAHA!” My giggly laughter quickly escalated into hearty cackling – Avery's low, playful chuckle barely a whisper beneath. His fingers continued to whirl softly, drawing more uncontrollable hysterics out of me, until I was certain my blush had spread all over my body; the idea of that ice cube grew more and more friendly by the moment… 
Then, I felt the cloud doctor’s hands flatten against my body, stroking soothingly down my sides. I let out a tittering exhale, a dopey smile on my lips as I looked up at him… his eyes ever-loving, ever-kind. As the ghostly fingers restraining me finally released, I fell into his plush, tender embrace. 
“Well, now… how'd you like being captured by a mad scientist?” He asked, snickering as he nuzzled into my neck. A kiss like rose petals brushed my skin, causing me to murmur as I yawned, already feeling the effects of the physical exertion. My heart rate relaxed, slowing to beat in time with his. 
“Well, I’d volunteer again, so… maybe I'm the mad one, after all.” 
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thelonelyshore-if · 1 month
I LOVED the latest update! Everything felt great and I loved playing as my confused MC, this town had been giving him a bad vibe from the beginning and their gut feeling was rewarded in the worst way possible!
I can tell you now that my MC does not plan on dying, he is too worried about Willow to stop and too angry to be stopped. Whether it be an Eldritch being or another person, he'll bite his way out of this town!
Which is really sad to say that Jay, Ravi and Yasmin have lost all of his trust. Jay and Ravi because of lying and Yasmin on bad vibes and treating him like some puzzle to be solved, and it's heartbreaking since I really wanted to like Jay and Yasmin but my little guy is in total fight or flight mode and that means grudges are deep now.
Anyway, the update was amazing so thank you so much for making it and I hope that in the next one I get to meet Croft as she might be the only one I could ever trust in this town and also for my MC to get to fight any of those mentioned monsters!
Eeeeee tysm this put a big ol' smile on my face!!
You're touching on the exact energy I'm hoping for in regards to the MC. I think different MCs will have varied reactions to everything that's happened--fear, anger, despair, etc. But I want all MCs to be determined, whether it be to escape, to get back to Willow, to save the day or solve the mystery...the specifics might changed based on the MC, but they all want something.
All that to say, I'm hyped to hear about your MC! He sounds great.
And that's absolutely valid. Jay will definitely do what they can to make it up to the MC in the future. Hopefully they and Yasmin will be able to regain your MC's trust as the story goes on.
Ravi's a little more complicated though lmao.
Thank you for your kind words and telling me your thoughts!! Reading people's reactions to the update literally makes me so incredibly happy. I promise Croft is coming next update--and they're much more upfront haha. They'll be a good ally <3
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creative-kny-fics · 1 year
Hi! I don't know if you can but do you take the request of an Au where Tsutako is alive after the demon attack and is she a hunter or is she on the farm helping? Lee Giyuu and Ler Tsutako
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Warning: This fanfic contains tickles. Also remind them that I don't speak English, so if they find any errors, let me know to correct it. I hope you like it!
Lee: Giyuu Tomioka
Ler: Tsutako Tomioka
'Ohhh, Giyuu-San, you're here for Tsutako, aren't you?' Giyuu nodded, being greeted by Kanae.
A long time ago, they had both been saved from a demon attack, however, Tsutako had taken great damage from the demon, she had used her body to protect her little brother.
'And I hope you get better soon, don't let these injuries make you think you're weak, take them as motivation', the hunter smiled.
When Tsutako was taken away, Kanae personally attended to her when she woke up, over time they became friends and began to work with them, Giyuu always visited her
'Ahh~ oh... ahhh! Giyuu!' 'Nee-San!', Giyuu ran into his sister's arms.
'Well, I'll leave you to chat alone. Excellent work today, Tsutako' 'Thank you very much Kanae-San', Kanae withdrew and left both brothers in their room. 'And how about your training with Urokodaki?' 'Oh, it was good. Although... it is Sabito who demands the most of me'
And yes, when they were saved, Giyuu stayed by his sister's side but seeing Kanae and her sword skills impressed Giyuu, so he decided to become a hunter so that his sister and her husband could live happily. Kanae was the one who introduced him to Oyakata-Sama and it was Kagaya who put Urokodaki as his cultivator.
'Leave it Giyuu, that's how he behaves' 'I think so... And how about you?' 'I've done very well, thank you', Tsutako then removed her apron, Giyuu saw the scars on her sister's body, he couldn't help but cry when he remembered how powerless he was, how weak he was.
'Giyuu! Don't worry! Why are you crying?!' 'I'm sorry! Because of me... Your pretty body and face is scarred! Forgive me Nee-San!', Giyuu hugged her sister, crying. Tsutako looked at him worried, she felt guilty that her brother felt guilty.
'Giyuu, you don't have to feel like this, please calm down, okay?' 'It's what... you!' 'Calm down... It's over, we're together and that's what matters...', Tsutako wiped away her brother's tears, gradually calming down, Tsutako smiled.
'Hey...Calm down.. Let's go! Show me a smile', Tsutako looked, but her brother couldn't smile, well... apparently he must have applied his big sister techniques
'Mhmhmhm!' 'Ohh~ am I seeing a smirk? Come on! Kitchy kitchy koo~!' 'Nehehehe- Nohohoho! Hehehey! Nehehehe - Sahahan!', Giyuu tried to get away from her, he didn't get much, he just had to accept his fate. 'Ahahahahaha! Wahahait! Stahahahap! I'm hahahappy!'
'Oh no! I don't think so... You still don't feel happy! You know how much I love you, don't you?' 'Yehehees!' 'So how much I love you, I can't allow you to feel bad! I will tickle you until I remove that sadness from you!', Tsutako climbed on his ribs, Giyuu gritted his teeth and kicked into the air, it was only a desperate attempt and without success
'EEEEEE!! NO!! TSUTAKO NEHEHEHE - SAHAHAHAN!! WAHAHIT!! KAHAHANAE-!' 'I don't think it bothers her, she also does the same to Shinobu. And if you're afraid that it'll bother her, then be still and don't yell~', Giyuu tried his best to lower the volume of him voice, but when Tsutako found the space between his ribs, he found it impossible.
'*snort* *squeal* EAHAHAHAHAHA!! NOOOO!!! NAHAHAT THEHERE!!' 'Not here? How about here?', Tsutako climbed up to his upper ribs, right where his armpits and ribs met, Giyuu yelled
'Hey... I heard screaming, are you-? Ohhh, excuse me, am I interrupting something?' 'No, don't worry Kanae!' 'KAHAHAHANAE-SAHAHAHAN!!! HEHEHELP MEHEHEHE!!!', Kanae laughed, but she knew that Tsutako would stop soon and when she was about to leave, Giyuu stopped laughing.
'Fufufu~ my little brother is so cute' 'Yes, did something happen?' 'No no, don't worry. Thanks for asking', Kanae withdrew leaving them alone. Tsutako smiled and hugged Giyuu
'Forgive me Giyuu, I love you so much, my little brother...'
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magnolix · 2 years
Tengen's Birthday Headcanons
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As Spooky Season comes to a close, here's some Tengen birthday headcanons for y'all
tw: afab!reader, tengen x reader, cursing, alcohol, smoking, grinding, bondage, daddy!kink, creampie, a bit of a breeding kink, anal, toys, double pen
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right away, you've been working on this for months
you, Rengoku, and Mitsuri have been plotting planning on what to do for his big day for a while now
you made sure to invite all of the Hashira, some other friends, and a few random people just for the hell of it
everybody had a dress code too, your best costume and something sparkly for extra flair
everybody brought gifts, some were big, some were little, a few people bought the same thing
Rengoku bought Tengen a whole ass fridge
"You can never have too much space to store food, y/n."
as for the food
oh my god the food
you walked into the bakery with a checkbook and a dream
"Give me your best cake and decorate the hell out of it!"
you got it back, and it looked fantastic
so much edible glitter
it tasted like sand
(you got another cake dw)
once the party was only a day away, you finally put your plan into action
Rengoku came by and invited Tengen over to have a boy's night
all of the guys headed out to a carnival and had to make sure tengen didn't get wasted
together, you Shinobu, Mitsuri, and even Nezuko decorated the hell out of the house
one of the earliest issues was getting around the house considering how big it was
I'm talking LEDs
I'm talking ice sculptures
I'm talking bouncy houses
I'm talking every single decoration from Party City to Dollar Store
If they had it, you bought it
and oh the food
fugu-sashi for tengen, lots of it too
pudding, mochi, edamame, miso soup, tempura sushi, sweet potatoes, and ohagi
even some western foods
chips, candy, dip, fruit, etc.
Rengoku spent three days working on the food list. He did not sleep.
once you were decorated, you got dressed
a cute, little, shape-fitting, dark blue, bodycon dress
mitusri helped you dress
you looked fantastic
"Eeeeee, I can't wait for him to see you!"
"Mitsuri, calm down."
"I can't!"
sanemi called you ahead of time telling you they were on their way back
by this point, all of the other guests had arrived and went to hide
it wouldn't be a surprise party if you all were waiting in the middle of the room
you hide near the door so you could see outside
you gave a thumbs up to everybody else as you heard all the cars pull up
"Places everybody!"
and finally,
when the birthday boy arrives
he looked star struck
the cute, stupid little smile on his face made you grin
he looked at his house, at his friends, back at the house, and then ran in
he almost hit you in the face the door flew in so hard
he looked around bewildered before everybody jumped out and yelled "surprise!"
he pulled you into a hug and smiled
"Let's get this party started!"
the DJ you had hired put on some tracks and everything went swimmingly from there
he opened up his presents and loved each one
Giyu got him a gift card
Shinobu got him some tablecloths
Sanemi got him some new cooking knives
Rengoku got him a fridge
Gyomei got him a set of prayer beads
Muchiro got him a blender (he thought it was a housewarming party)
Obanai got him some new swimwear
and Mitsuri got him a mystery box
"What's inside, Kanroji?"
"You'll see."
the rest of the party went as expected
the day turned to night and the drinks were finally brought out
you hung out on the side and watched with joy
Tengen saw you and made his way over before getting behind you and bumping his crotch into your ass
as the guests all danced, you and your boyfriend grinded into each other with him occasionally, gently, bucking into you
you decided to pull the naughty card and went dancing with the girls as you left him with a hard-on
ooooo he was pissed
girl you better start praying
the boys all went outside to smoke and get their stress out
they all had their laugh and slowly began to leave
Gyomei was first, along with Muichiro
then Obanai
then Sanemi
Giyu and Shinobu left together
(they say they're not a couple but we all know where they're going)
the rests of the guests took off
and then Mitsuri
"Thank you, Y/n, you had such an awesome party!" The pink-haired girl smiled as she grabbed her things.
"Oh please, I wouldn't have been able to do any of this without you guys!" You gave her a hug and Tengen gave her a kiss on the cheek before she took off leaving you and your 6'6" boyfriend who was wearing the world's biggest grin.
you two put some music on, paid the DJ, put up any food, and scheduled for some cleaners to arrive tomorrow
but there was one more surprise you had for your birthday boy
"I'm gonna take a shower, babe!"
"Alright, ten!"
you smirked and hurried upstairs, you took off your clothes, let down your hair, and grabbed some rope and the mystery box
you opened it up and displayed the items to show the numerous toys and special perfumes inside
you laid it out, got out a bottle of lube, lit some candles, and tied yourself up into a more than seductive position and waited for your boyfriend
you heard the bathroom door open and a few heavy footsteps before
"Hey daddy~"
damn his hair looked good when it was wet
he had nothing but a towel around his hips and a mischievous look across his face
he dropped the towel and took 3 long strides toward you before pushing you onto your back and parting your legs
your pussy twitched at the slightest movement from him
and oh did he loves watching that
he teased you, traced your folds, blew on your sensitive bits
you were fucking soaked by the end of his taunting and teasings
"Fuck yeah baby, you like that, huh? You like daddy teasing that sweet little cunt of yours?"
"Fuck- mmm- yes daddy." You whined.
he grabbed the lube and gave you a more than generous amount
your pretty little pussy was so tight for him
he had to use some "special techniques" to help you loosen up
and by the time he had gotten inside of you, mmm, pure euphoria
he pounded into you like there was no tomorrow
he was an animal
you threw your head back and saw stars as he tore up your insides
you were moaning strings of curses during the whole ordeal
at one point he flipped you over
ass up, head down, just as daddy likes
every now and then he'd spank you earning a yelp out of your soft lips
as you two got closer he picked up the pace
you felt the tip of his cock kiss the edge of your cervix over and over again
and finally
"Fuck, I'm gonna cum," you whined into the sheets.
"Good girl, cum for daddy. Cum on daddy." He gave you one more spank before thrusting as far inside of you as he could. His dick entered your cervix and you felt his cum shoot up and fill up your pretty tummy. He reached over to the mystery box for a toy and pushed it in as quickly as he pulled out. A big vibrator decorated in a rose print.
as his cum sat inside of your belly, he sat you on his lap and shoved himself into your ass
you were drooling
the feeling of both holes being filled felt amazing
he whispered sweet nothings into your ear and held you around your waist as you were treated like a god
every now and then he'd kiss your neck and suck on it giving you little love marks
sometimes he'd moan gently into your ear getting you all flustered
the first time he did it you tried closing your legs
"Bad girl, you should know better than to do that to the birthday boy."
he was nice though, surprisingly
for the rest of the night, you two just cuddled as your plug kept you filled with his cum
you two hid under the sheet and you put your ass against his crotch, grinding into him until you started to fall asleep
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Hope you all enjoyed that! I was planning of uploading this on the 31st but OH MY GOD HALLOWEEN so, y'know, candy. Take care guys and stay safe, ciao!
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madaboutmunson · 2 years
Ahh ok so this is kind of weird and hard to explain
Lil fic request for reader recently moving into Forrest Hills Park where she’s at the picnic benches smoking where she makes Wayne and makes small talk. Enter: our beloved Eddie pulling up home blasting his music with his usual goofball antics. Reader is smiling like an idiot which peaks Wayne’s curiosity so he asks her about it. Thinking Wayne’s another person who judges Eddie super harshly she stands up for him, not knowing that’s his uncle lolol. y’know just you’re usual fluff eeeeee ok hope that made sense bye 💕
Hello my sweet angel!!
Here you go especially for you 😘
You checked your watch. It was almost time. So you picked up your coffee, magazine and smokes and headed to the rickety old picnic table a little walk from your RV.
Forrest Hills couldn't have been a more aptly named place because that is what it was surrounded by, but the main amusement for you was how the name reminded you of Beverley Hills, but this trailer park contained something much more precious than anything you could ever find there.
You put your sunglasses on, stretch out and light up, flicking through your magazine, and occasionally sipping your coffee. Patiently waiting for your favourite time of day.
" 'scuse me, Darlin'. This seat taken?" You hear an unexpected southern drawl, nearly making you jump out of your skin.
You look up to see a greying man, short cropped hair in jeans and a checkered button-down.
"Sure thing, there is plenty of room" you smile up at him, you are a bit wary at first, but something about this guy's energy just makes you feel at ease.
He's come to the table with his own relaxation set up of coffee, cigarettes and a chunky book.
He puts a cigarette to his mouth, and after a few seconds, you recognise the patting himself down dance of 'Crap, I forgot my lighter.'
You push your chunky metal Zippo lighter over to him, "Here, use mine. Don't get pocketing it, mind you!" you laugh.
He gives you a big smile back. "Much Obliged", he nods and lights up, looking over the lighter and then pushing it back towards you.
You sit in the quiet of the warm afternoon together at the same table, but in very different worlds. Both of you are shielded by the sun beating down on you with the parasol overhead.
The only sounds for the longest time are the birds, one of you turning a page of your respective reading material or the end of one of your cigarettes burning on an inhale.
That is until you hear your favourite sound. You'd only known it was your favourite sound for a month now. There is a squeal of brakes, the sound of gravel being munched and crunched by a vehicle's tires, and you hear the faint sounds of heavy metal on the wind.
A small smile creeps across your face as the music gets louder, and you can hear his raspy voice singing along. It was warm enough to have the windows down today. So you can hear him clear as a bell.
As the van pulls into your eye line, the smile on your face breaks its restraints and is replaced by a huge grin that you quickly hide behind your magazine, flipping it upright to hide it.
The van whines to a halt, its driver door pops open, and out he drops. Your brain lets you slow down time.
He might be the most beautiful thing you have ever seen in your entire life. His dark wavy hair with a hint of Auburn when the sun caught it, or when the wind caught it better still, it made the waves of his hair dance around his face and shoulders.
The afternoon light gives his face that warm glow, shadowing his features just right, picking out his bone structure and highlighting his big brown eyes that blink doe-like at the light.
You must have been holding your breath as the next one you take is a deep sigh of one. Almost like you didn't want to alert him to your presence and scare him off.
He races up the stairs into his trailer and almost leaps in it, making you giggle, and that's usually the end of the show, but not today, it seems.
His head darts back out the door, and he quickly looks from side to side like a meerkat. Then, finally, he rushes down the steps and stands in his front yard a bit. One hand on his handcuff belt buckle, the other shielding his eyes as he looks around.
He seems to shrug and head back inside. The music starts up in the trailer, where it left off in the van.
"Reading the funnies, are ya?" The man asks with a small smile.
"Huh? I mean, sorry. No, not the funnies," you say, jolted out of your daydreaming.
"No?" He says, taking a sip of his coffee, "Well, I don't know much else that could make a smile that big from simply reading a magazine."
A slam of a trailer door turns your head again. The metalhead re-emerges from the trailer, switching his usual long-sleeved outfit to be dressed in a vest and bandana. In his tattooed arms are cradled way too many containers for him to carry, and in his fingertips, a bucket sloshing around with a sponge inches from taking a dive right out of it with every wobbly step he takes.
"Hmmm, maybe it's not just the magazine, huh?" The man at the table grasps your attention again.
He offers you a cigarette from his pack, your instinct is to take one of your own, but you don't have that many left, so you gratefully accept, "Thank you" You smile back at him and light it, passing your lighter back over.
He twists the lighter around in his fingers, "So ya new around here?" He pushes the lighter back and taps it. "Forgive my curiosity. It's not often I hear a different accent round these parts these days, and 'o course your lighter."
"I guess I've been here close to a month now, well on and off" You smile knowingly to yourself, take off your sunglasses and trace your fingers over your home state flag embossed in it.
You had a grand idea of touring as much of the country as you could over the summer, stopping at trailer parks for a few nights, maybe even a week here or there, but something kept pulling you back once you landed here. Well, someone.
One time you even made it out of the state for a week, but you elected to come back, but would take a few day trips around Indiana at least so you could say you'd seen the sights of somewhere, but there was only one sight you wanted to see really.
"Looking to stay much longer?" He asks, taking a sip of his drink
"Maybe. It depends on what happens, I guess?" You take a quick look at the young man bent over the engine of the van standing up straight to wipe the sweat from his brow, only to leave a colossal grease smear.
Your new smoking buddy looks first at you and then over at the young man currently raining down curse words at something on the van he just trapped his finger in.
He looks back at you and raises an eyebrow, "That guy?" He says, a little surprised, "Heard he's a bit of menace."
"A menace, how?" You say, completely dumbfounded. Sure, he was a little loud when he drove in, but so were most people. Just they were listening to pop or country," I found him to be very sweet the time I met him", you add a little defensively.
You remember the night you pulled into the park, it was just one thing going wrong after the other with the RV, and once you thought you'd finally got everything under control, you tried to hook it up to the mains and couldn't for the life of you work out why it wasn't working.
Under cover of darkness, you had let yourself yell out a small scream of frustration and sat on the ground in defeat. Hugging your knees up to your chest and burying your head behind them. You should have left earlier!
"Hey, you ok?" You heard a male-sounding voice say, and nearly jumping out of your skin grabbed the nearest wrench and pointed it at where the sound was coming from.
Your body was ready to engage in fight or flight mode, but it wasn't prepared for the handsome guy that met your eyes. You stood your ground, and your fearful eyes met his kind ones.
He looked you over, and his expression became sprinkled with pity. He took two steps back and raised his hands in submission.
" I'm Eddie. I live just over there" he turned his head and pointed the fingers of one of his raised hands to his right, "I was just having a smoke on the roof, I heard a noise, and when I looked, I saw you sitting on the floor. So I thought I'd come over and check on you. You know, once I'd assessed you weren't actually something terrifying in the night," he laughed, "I am definitely not one for running head first into danger, but trailer park stuff, I can usually help with" he turned on that mega gigawatt smile, and you felt yourself relax a little.
"Sorry, I er, I'm a bit jumpy, and you know it's dark and I'm by myself", you instantly regretted advertising to this guy. You were, in fact, alone. "I mean…I'm by myself now. I'm sure my friend will be back any minute."
Still with his hands held up by his shoulders, he pointed at the electrical hook-up, "Uh huh, sure. Want me to take a look Before your friend gets back? They can be a bit of a pain in the ass, to be honest, but we get so many power outages around here that I'm an expert at fixing them. Would that be cool with you?"
You nodded, "Yeah, that would be cool", still gripping the wrench in your hand.
"Alright, so. You still look pretty terrified… so how about this. You move away a little, and then I'll move forward, and I'll fix it for ya. How about that?" He smiled at you with hopeful eyes that twinkled in the darkness. You just melted and let down your guard. In hindsight a pretty stupid thing to have done but lucky for you, he had been a nice guy.
You lowered your weapon-holding arm to your side and stepped back a little. That's when his smile changed a little, the corners of his eyes creased, and the dimples appeared in his cheeks, "Well, alright then, let's take a look, shall we?"
Eddie spent the next five or so minutes just checking over a few things, and eventually, everything whirred into life.
"Ta-Da!" He said, looking pleased, "All done."
"Thank you so much, Eddie. I was having a real nightmare," you had said and reached into your pocket for ten dollars and stepped towards him, "Here, thank you for your help", you smiled at him thankfully. His eyes looked over your face for a moment as he played with his rings and returned a coy smile.
"You're ok. I…um…yeah, I don't need the money. It's enough to see that frown turn upside down, honestly." He rocked back on his heels with his hands at the small of his back, which pushed open his jacket to accentuate his lithe waist
His change in stance had lit something in you and almost made you feel like a schoolgirl again. You instinctively looked at the ground and tucked your hair behind your ear before looking at him again. "Are you sure? I mean, it's the least I can do," you checked again with him. He was here too, right, and you looked him over. He didn't look the wealthiest, but then who were you to judge?
"I am," he said with a sigh "very sure", his hands still at his back. He moved a few steps away from you again before turning back, "How about this, though, you tell me your name?" He played with a stray wave of hair by his mouth as he looked at you in anticipation.
"It's Y/N," you said much more eagerly than would be deemed cool.
He raised his eyebrows in surprise at your rapid answer and paced around in a little circle before theatrically bowing at you, "An unexpected pleasure to meet your acquaintance Y/N. Maybe I'll see you around?" and with that, your hero had walked back into the night.
"Sweet, huh?" The guy at the bench with you scoffs. "Some round here say he worships the devil, maybe even the leader of a cult," he says, taking another sip of his coffee and looking back over at Eddie.
Eddie, who had completed the van's apparent inner makeover and was now washing her down, had made himself a beard and hat from the foam, pretending to cast spells by wiggling his fingers and blasting water from the hose.
You follow his eye line back over at Eddie having unadulterated fun on his own.
"Are we talking about the same person? The one washing his van right now? They think that guy is a satanic cult leader?" You say, almost laughing into your coffee. Sure he was charming, but evil? Surely not.
"Yep, they're definitely talking about Eddie. Something 'bout the way he dresses or his music." He replies.
You take out your cigarettes and offer one back to him, "You know, I'm pretty sure they said similar things about Elvis, The Beatles and The Stones. Now everyone loves them"
The greying man smiles broadly at you, and there is something oddly familiar about his amusement as he accepts your offer of a smoke saying, "You'd liken him to musical greats like that?"
"I'm just pointing out that people are fickle and sometimes say things that have no foundation in the facts, just for some gossip." You pause for a minute, remembering you had heard his guitar scream out across the trailer park on a few occasions, but sometimes you'd also listened to his gentle acoustic guitar plucking on the summer breeze at night, "Maybe he could be great himself, who knows? He seems talented enough. All I'm saying is I can't see all that evil business myself. The only thing remotely biblical I could liken him to is a good Samaritan."
The man chuckles, "Oh, they strongly doubt that. Callin' him a loser, good for nothin', never amount to anything, punk-" he starts reeling off some unkind names about this angel, and you just lose it.
"Now, sir, I have been polite and endured your company, but I can't sit here and listen to you slander Eddie's name for one more second. You're not even giving him a chance to try!! Calling his fate before he's even had a shot at rolling his dice!" You stand up and start gathering your things, "Shame on you for spreading lies. He hasn't been anything but a gentleman to me, and I have never seen him doing any evil to anyone. Not when he is carrying back someone's laundry for them. Not when he's putting out little shelters with blankets and food around the park for the strays when it's gonna rain. Not when he's playing with little kids when they've been turfed out of their trailer" Your standing with your things in one hand, the other wagging your finger at the man sitting at the bench, your voice getting louder with each sentence, "People in glass houses shouldn't be throwing so many rocks around its-"
"Hey! What's going on here?" You hear a confused voice enter the conversation and turn to face it. It's Eddie, his face looking worried, and his eyes move between you and the older man.
"I think they was just leaving." The man on the bench says, smiling over at you, which makes you even angrier.
"You'd do well not to speak to me again or spreading vicious gossip like that around. Someone could get hurt, " your eyes instinctively flit towards Eddie. "Someone who doesn't deserve it"
"Now, hold on a second!" Eddie says to you, a little annoyance in his tone, "Don't talk to him that way, alright?"
You look confused at Eddie and then at the man leaning forward on the bench, smoke in hand, positively beaming at you, almost laughing. Your blood is boiling.
"You want me to not talk to this guy like that after he's been tarnishing your name since he sat down here?" You shake your head at Eddie and search his eyes for reason, "I don't know you too well, sir, but I know you aren't bad like he says you are." You finish gently. Looking into his eyes douses all the fieriness in you, but your heart still pounds fiercely in your chest, but not in anger.
"Now, I never once said I thought those things. I was just telling you what I heard," the man at the bench interrupts and snatches your attention, but before you can retort, you see Eddie sit down next to him on the bench with a slight smile on his face.
Eddie grabs a smoke from the man's cigarette packet and searches for a lighter. You instinctively hand him yours. He nods his thanks and lights it.
Your eyes dance between the two, who appear to be smiling at one another now.
"Now, what were you doing out here spreading all those lies to this lady, old timer?" Eddie asks the man accusingly.
"Well, I seen her out here near on 'ery day doing the same thing. Brings her stuff out, doesn't say nothing to nobody, waiting for something" you feel your stomach drop and embarrassment floods your system, "an then she goes away again. I seen 'er looking at all sortsa interesting things, and thought I'd have a talk is all' ' a small relief washes over you as he hasn't fully exposed that you had been looking at Eddie.
They exchange smiles again, and you reach for your lighter in a hurry to get out of there. Bewildered as to why Eddie would be smiling at someone who had just been dragging him through the dirt.
He looks up at you through his hair with a gentle smile as you reach over the table, and you're caught frozen in his stare, "This guy", he starts with a small laugh, "Is my Uncle Wayne. I'm afraid you've fallen victim to his mischief today."
"Wait…what??" You exclaim as you hear Wayne's deep laugh erupt.
"Hooo, wow, I got you good, huh? I am at least half sorry, Darlin'. I just wanted to see what you were about, on account of your behaviour, but ain't never heard a stranger defend you so fiercely," Wayne laughs, looking from Eddie to you.
"Defended me, huh?" Eddie's eyes move from Wayne to you, and they sparkle just like that first night as he props his chin on his fist, looking up at you with a broad, adoring smile. Making your heart rate pick up speed again.
"Well, kinda, a little," you say, putting your hand to your hip and changing the subject to escape Eddie's gaze "in that case, I am half sorry I shouted at you like that. I thought you were being mean." You say to Wayne.
"Well, consider me told," Wayne smiles up at you.
You look at the two of them, who are both looking back at you now. Wayne with a happy smile. Eddie's head propped up, staring up at you, toying with a strand of his hair absentmindedly, blinking softly.
"Ok, well, it was nice to meet you both, at least." You say with a smile and wave goodbye, "Until next time."
You see Wayne elbow Eddie in the ribs.
"Ow, geez!" Eddie says, rubbing his side. Then there is some kind of silent communication between them for a bit.
You turn and walk away.
"No-no-no, wait, wait, y/n !" You hear Eddie's voice call after you and a chain jangling.
You turn back to see him in front of you with his hands in his pockets, "So as an apology, we were-, I mean, I was thinking maybe we could have dinner all together tonight?" He says enthusiastically but quickly descends into awkwardness as he rubs the back of his neck, saying, "well, you know, If you aren't busy, that is?"
"I'm not busy," you say softly, and his eyes light up.
As his smile reads pleased on his face, he looks at the ground, pushes his hands into his back pockets, and starts to step backwards towards the table.
"Ok…good…yeah," he says, looking between you and the ground, "So um, say maybe s-" he says as he falls backwards over a rock onto the floor.
You drop your stuff and rush over to see if he's ok. He's currently lying on the floor, running his hands down his face blushing with embarrassment. You extend a hand down to him, smiling kindly, "You know it's not every day someone gets to see someone literally fall for them" you laugh as you help him to his feet.
Your eyes meet with big smiles on both your faces, and you stay there maybe for a few seconds before you say, "So you were saying"
This time he doesn't take his eyes from your face at all, "Well, before I was rudely interrupted by the earth, I was just suggesting maybe you could come round for seven?"
"Yeah, seven sounds great", you agree and receive a squeeze to your hand, which is the first alert that you hadn't let go of his hand since you had helped him up. Now it's your turn to feel a little embarrassed, and you release his hand.
"Seven it is, then" he beams at you and then walks back to his Uncle Wayne, who is waiting for him. Wayne sends you a smile and waves goodbye as his nephew catches up with him, and he promptly grabs him in a headlock as they walk away.
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carewyncromwell · 2 years
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“But when I get my check,  I just ain’t gonna give a heck --  I’m gonna be a party-popping, show-stopping,  Wig-flopping witch for a night!” 
~“Witch for a Night” by Sugar Pie DeSanto
Eeeeee, wittle Carewyn! Look at how adorable my wittle baby Mama Bear is! 🥰
But yes -- this is Carewyn’s very first real Halloween where she got to actually dress up and go trick-or-treating! She was seven years old, and her mum Lane was able to help her daughter put together a Glinda the Good costume with a plastic magic wand and an old flower girl dress they found at a yard sale (the second of which Lane then used Colovaria on to turn from yellow to pink) and a crown that Carewyn cut out of construction paper and decorated herself. Carewyn ended up getting a lot of adults cooing over how cute she was (especially whenever she’d get distracted twirling around in her wide, princessy skirt), but what made the little girl feel really happy were the many people who guessed who she was and called her a “good witch.” She couldn’t stop herself from smiling so big as she said, 
“Yeah! I am a good witch! I am! I’m gonna be the best one!”
This earned only an indulgent chuckle from the Muggle adults who heard it -- but Lane Cromwell was full to the brim with pride, seeing just how bright and happy a flush clung to her daughter’s face. 
Eventually Lane asked another parent they collided with while walking around the neighborhood to take a picture of herself and Carewyn with Lane’s Polaroid camera, so as to send to Jacob back at Hogwarts. The still picture and accompanying letters (one long and detailed from Lane and one messily scribbled-out in orange marker from Carewyn) warmed Jacob’s heart so much that for a moment, he could completely forget about the Cursed Vaults and R’s threats --
Happy Halloween, Jacob! 
Look what Mum and I did! We found this dress and Mum turned it pink with magic! Isn’t it so pretty? It’s so fun to twirl, even if you can’t see it in the picture. I made the crown myself! I wanted to make it out of wax paper, so you could see through it, but it didn’t work that good. It kept falling apart. But I guess this one turned out okay anyway! I got lots and lots of candy, and everybody called me a good witch! It was SO much fun! I wish you were here and could help me eat all my chocko chocalet sweets! I asked Mum if I could save some for when you get home, but she said we’d all be able to enjoy some sweets together this Christmas. Mum says work is going really well! She seems happier now. I think it’s because she’s able to send back all the checks she gets in the mail a lot faster. Maybe when you get back home, Mum can buy you some new jeans, so you don’t have to wear those ripped ones anymore. Your knees will get cold.
I love you THIS much! Please write back soon. I want to know about the candy and the pumpkins and the bats and the ghosts they have at Hogwarts for Halloween! I don’t want to know about the tricks. They’re mean! I’m glad people only ever give treats when you say Trick or Treat at the door!
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radio-navlee · 2 years
Whos the big man?
Fandom: DSMP MCYT!!
Characters: Lee!Jschlatt Ler! Wilbur
Summary: Schlatt needed some help with stuff and asked Wilbur to help. Wilbur finds out something about Schlatt.
We love some Lee Schlatt 😍 Also credits to  @covenofwives  (little lazy) (idk read it?)
Schlatt seemed like the kind of person to watch you trip and then laugh in your face! With no regrets! So when he comes to ask for help, you really wouldn’t expect it!
“Hey uh, Wilbur?” Schlatt walked up to Wilbur, who is sitting down on a bench, and looked up surprised
“Woah, you need something, Big Man? somethings not right!” Wilbur pointed out, Schlatt noticed, and fixed himself quickly.
“Huh? Oh! Nothing! I just needed help with something...” 
“Sure! What’s up Big Man?” Wilbur scooted over for Schlatt to sit down, Schlatt smiled and sat down. Feeling comfortable Schlatt asked
“So I was getting something from my under my sink and when I came up I bumped my horn on the top of the sink, and a bit chipped,” He said embarrassed holding out a chipped piece from his horn. Wilbur looked at it, it wasn’t a big chip but it wasn’t small either, it was about the size of his hand
“Oh, are you ok? Did it hurt-” Wilbur started to ask questions, worried about his friend, when Schlatt cut him off
“DONT make it a big deal! and yes it did hurt!” Schlatt said angrily
“Ok ok! what do you need help with though?” Wilbur asked
“This is where the embarrassing part comes in” Schlatt sighed
“You know how to fix things right?” Wilbur nodded
“Ok well, can you help me fix...well this!?” Schlatt’s cheeks blush from embarrassment.
“Sure man! Do you have anything I can “fix” it with?” Wilbur asked
“...Yeah, here” Schlatt handed Wilbur an unlabeled bottle, it looked like glue?
Schlatt stood up looking back at Wilbur giving a look that showed he wanted him to follow. Schlatt walked into some forests that Wilbur had never seen. Schlatt sat down on the forest floor indicating wanting Wilbur to sit down behind him.
“Where are we?” Wilbur asked
“Don't worry about it,” Schlatt said. Wilbur sat down behind Schlatt and began to start the “fixing process”. Wilbur took another look at the bottle to find some instructions written on the bottle with a sharpie.
1. Put subscene onto broken/chipped piece
2. Wait till almost dry,
3. If almost dry place the piece back onto the horn
4. Rub the horn to take off any unwanted glue, make sure it sticks
5. Rap horn with a bandage to keep in place
6. wear the cast for a few days to make sure it’s well fixed.
Looked easy enough, Wilbur made small talk with Schlatt while he waited for the glue to dry. Schlatt loosed up and started to become regular Schlatt.
“Ok I’m going to place it onto the horn now,” Wilbur warned Schlatt, Schlatt got anxious again going back to worried Schlatt.
“Annnnnnddd! done! Wasn’t that easy-” Wilbur looked over to Schlatt to find him with his hands covering his face giggling,
“Just gehehet it overheher with!!”
“With what?” Wilbur asked confused continuing to fix up his horns,
“Fihihihixing ThehehEHEHEM!! EEEEEE” Schlatt squealed when Wilbur started to scratch the glue off. Wilbur stopped
“Schlatt? You never told me you were ticklish!?!!!” Wilbur asked excitedly
“Youhohou  never asked heheHA!” Schlatt giggled trying to play it off.
‘I guess I just never needed to!” Wilbur teased starting to scratch right where the horns met the head of the ram, a little next to his ears. That made Schlatt go crazy!
“NAHAHAHA WAAAAAIIT!! EEEEK!! NOHOHO STOP STOP WILBURRHERERER!!!!!” Schlatt Franticly blurted out from the tickly sensations.
“Whos the big man now Schlatt?” Wilbur whispered into Schlatt's left ear which surprisingly was more sensitive than his right, Schlatt's ear twitched repeatedly.
“No no, this is pretty cute what we have going on here!” Wilbur joked, Schlatt turned red at the comment. Now, Schlatt had never called cute, let alone while he is getting wrecked, oh no no no there’s no coming back from that! “Awe little rammy boy ticklish?? awe baby rammy boy? tickle tickle!!” Wilbur's teasing seemed to never stop...
(Ghost out!)
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fanfic-chan · 3 years
Ahhh! The platonic Candy Heart event is so SMART OF YOU!! Since you’re like the only other person I know of who writes for Big Windup would you be willing to do a platonic Mihashi/Abe with the 💛 heart? I need those boys so much right now 💖 No worries if not though! It’s a great idea either way and I hope you have fun with it! 😊
Omg thank you so much for the Big Windup prompt! I'm always so excited whenever I get them! I really enjoyed writing this prompt and I hope you like it! I haven't gotten a lot of practice writing for these characters yet so I hope I did well with the characterization. I tried my best though.^^`
Days of Courage
Switches: Abe and Mihashi
"What's got you so cheerful today?"
Mihashi let out a small squeak of confusion as he turned to look at his teammate, who stood watching him from the entrance to the dugout. Abe frowned a little.
"Don't look so startled man, I just noticed you seemed extra happy this morning and I was just wondering if something good happened, that's all."
Mihashi relaxed a little at the explanation. He paused a little as he tried to think of answer, but eventually he just settled on shrugging with a small blush spreading across his cheeks. 
"I-I don't know actually. Today just feels like a good day I guess. The weather's not to hot or to cold, and… I actually slept pretty good last night too! I just feel h-happy, I guess."
Abe nodded at that, a small smile of his own crossing his features as he turned to look out across the field, which was still covered in a thin layer of morning dew.
"Ah. That makes sense."
"It… It does?"
"Yeah. Atleast I think so, and I'm glad that you're feeling happy today. It's already putting me in a good mood as well, so I'm sure it'll rub off on everyone else when they get here too."
The usually anxious pitcher grinned fully at that, forcing Abe to grin as well.
"Alright, enough with the sappy stuff then. Wanna go toss the ball for a while until the other's show up?"
"Oh! Sure!"
The sun was warm on their faces as the two friends made their way out to the field, and they spent the next ten minutes or so just playing a relaxed game of catch. At one point, Abe had to go chase after the ball after he missed a throw, shouting a brief, "My bad!" As he went after it. 
That's when Mihashi got an idea.
Feeling a rare, tiny spark of courage and mischief, Mihashi quietly snuck up behind the catcher, similarly to how Tajima had done to him and his teammates many times before.
Abe didn't seem to notice him as he leaned down to pick up the ball, and Mihashi had to fight down the urge to giggle. 
"Sorry about that Mihashi, that one was on m- eeEEEE?!!!"
Abe shot up ramrod straight when he felt someone taser his sides. He spun around, half expecting Tajima to be there, only to be completely stunned when Mihashi was standing there instead.
Said pitcher was clearly trying his hardest to play innocent like Tajima would do, but his flushed cheeks, fidgety hands, and wobbly smile were a dead giveaway.
Still though, Abe was pleasantly surprised to see his usually anxious teammate feeling courageous enough to be playful like this, so he decided to play along.
"Mihashi? Was that you just now?" He asked, frowning in mock confusion. Mihashi, clearly falling for the ruse, shook his head enthusiastically, eyes practically sparkling at the idea that he was actually being sneaky.
"Really? Huh. I could have sworn someone grabbed my sides just now…" Abe rubbed the back of his head thoughtfully before turning around again, "Oh well, must have been the wind."
Still feigning ignorance, Abe leaned down once more to pick up the ball, but just as Mihashi reached forward to squeeze his sides a second time, he spun around and grabbed his wrists before he could.
Mihashi let out a surprised squawk before tumbling backwards into the grass, having not expected for the catcher to turn around so quickly.
"Not you huh Mihashi?" Abe said as he squatted down in front of the fallen pitcher, smirking in amusement when the pitcher giggled nervously.
Crawling forward to sit next to his teammate, he reached a hand out to pinch at one of Mihashi's own sides.
"EEHEEP!! Hehe!! Abe!"
"What? That wasn't me Mihashi. I told you already it must be the wind. Just like this. And this. Oh, and this."
Mihashi jolted suddenly at the sporadic poking all over his ribcage before immediately breaking into a happy fit of giggles when the catcher switched to scribbling at his tummy.
"Ahahahaha!!! Ahahahabe!!"
"Yes Mihashi?"
"It tihihihihihickles!"
"Oh, does it? I hadn't noti- HEY!"
Abe yelped when Mihashi somehow managed to reach a hand out to squeeze his side again, except this time, he didn't pull away. Instead, he seemed to be gathering all his newfound bravery in order to retaliate against his catcher.
Actually, now that he thought about it, when taking Mihashi's nature into consideration, the entire ordeal was probably more as a way of reciprocating something he associated with fun and affection than out of revenge. 
That thought alone was the reason that Abe resisted the urge to try and tug his hand away out of instinct, and instead let himself break into giggles as well.
After a few more minutes, the two friends both seemed to read each other's minds and stopped almost at the exact same time.
Abe flopped down next to where Mihashi already layed, and a comfortable silence settled over them as they watched the end of the morning sunrise. 
Mihashi wouldn't always feel confident, Abe knew, and some days were sure to be worse than others, but moments like this made the struggle all the more worth it.
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magma-queen · 2 years
Hey! Idk if this counts for your fic ideas thing but what about this dialogue prompt: “Is that my sweater?” For contestshipping? Idk I just absolutely love May and Drew. :)
Hey, boo! I got you! ❤️❤️ it absolutely counts! That sounds so cute!! So here you go! I hope it’s ok!
“Hey, babe, have you seen my-“ The green haired boy stood in the doorway of he and his coordinator girlfriend’s bedroom staring at her while she looked at herself in the mirror. “Is that my sweater?”
May jumped a little before she turned around to face her boyfriend. “Jeez, don’t scare me like that! And.. mayyyyyybe~”
Drew rolled his eyes. “Is there a reason you have my sweater?” He asked, walking closer.
“Yes, as a matter of fact! I’m gonna wear it for my next contest! I plan on performing with Glaceon, so it would be appropriate to wear such a cute sweater! I’ve even got cute snow boots to match!”
“Mmhm, I see.” Drew replied. “And did you think to maybe.. I dunno… ASK ME, before you steal my clothes?” He asked with a smirk on his face.
May rolled her eyes and turned to face him. “Oh, stop being so dramatic. It’s just a sweater!”
“And I’m guessing that you’re wearing this sweater because you’re cold, right?”
“Yeah, I guess.. but I mainly put it on to see how it looks on me.” Seeing Drew’s smirk was not reassuring to her. “Why?”
“I mean.. if you’re cold..“ He came closer to her and wrapped his arms around her. “I can help warm you up.”
May’s face turned bright red, and she felt Drew’s cold hands slip up the sweater and begin to glide across her stomach.
“Ahahahehehehahahah!!! D-Drehehehehehew!!! Whahahahahahat thehehehehe hehehehehell?! heheheheheheheehehee!! Knock ihihihit ohohohoff!”
He smiles, going for her sides. “Mmm.. nah. You’re too cute when you laugh.”
“St-stahahahahahp!! Ehehehehahahahahah!! Plehehehehease!!!”
“Do you promise next time to ask me when you want to use my clothes?”
“Y-yehehehehehes!!” May shrieked. “Ihihihihit’s nahahahahat eheheheheven thahahahat big of ahahaha deheheheal!”
“Well, it is to me.” Drew laughed, tickling her armpits next. “How would you react if I got into your closet and stole one of your shirts?”
She bucked backwards and wriggled in his arms. “Ihihihihihi would lahahahaugh ahahahat you behehehecause I guarahahahahantee thehehey won’t fihihihihihit you!”
Drew playfully gasped and tickled her faster. “Are you insinuating that I’m bigger than you and can’t fit into your clothes? For shame. I’m insulted, love.”
“Eeeeee!! Stahahahahahp!!! Ihihihihihi’m begging yohuhuhuhuhu!!” May shouted, mirthful tears cascading from her eyes. “Ihihihihihi’m nahahahat sahahahahaying yohohohohou’re bihihihihigger than meehehehehehee!!!”
Drew could see that she was about at her limit, so he stopped his playful attack and held her to his chest. “Okay, okay, I’m done. I promise.” He chuckled. “But, do you promise to ask next time?”
“Hehehe.. hehehee.. yehehes, I promise..” She giggled out, twisting her head around to give his cheek a kiss. “I love you, you big dork.”
“Hmhm.. I love you too, May.”
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ellemany · 2 years
Cat Lovers
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Tokyo is a big place. There's a lot to do there and each agent wanted to do something different. From riding a bullet train to participating in Fashion Week. Fade already knew what she wanted to do since they said they were going to spend a weekend in Japan. But she didn’t expect that her path would cross with a certain agent with a blue fringe.
Words: +2200
Available on Wattpad in Portuguese
Available on Ao3
 - Oh, save it.
 That's what Fade said before shooting that clone in the head.
 Fade became suspicious of the placement of the last attacker alive as she entered the spike's point. No one was so stupid to leave the super weapon unprotected to be easily disarmed. The Turkish agent sacrificed the glory of disarming the spike to hunt down the hunter. And it was a far more pleasurable sensation than it should be killing him mid-sentence.
 She twirled the gun on her finger, returning to the point. Yoru disarmed the spike, while Sage resurrected Raze, with Astra next to her.
 - Ah…- Raze sighed, stretching. - What’d I miss? - She gave a charming smile, looking at the other two.
 - Everything, practically. - Astra shrugged.
 - So, it's over? Raze turned to Sage, eyes gleaming.
 Sage sighed, as if she was relieved. She smiled, nodding.
 - It’s over.
 - AEEEEEEEEE! VACATIONS!!! - Raze jumped on Sage and Astra, swinging them.
 - We're only taking two days off. - Yoru grumbled, finishing to disarm the spike.
 - It's more than nothing! - She smiled, pulling them both with her. - Let's go to karaoke! On Tokyo Tourer! Toer! Tower! Ouh ouh ouh I want some pokemon plushies! YORU! - The Japanese trembled when he heard his name, picking up the spike from the ground. - TAKE ME TO A SUSHI BAR!
 - You wish. - He grumbled, walking towards their base, right past by the girls. - Tourists. - He said in a bad mood.
 Sage rolled her eyes with a smile, letting Raze take her.
 - Just use your phone Raze...
 - Oh yeah! Oooh Astra, didn't you mention a club?
 - Yessss! - Astra gave an excited smile. - Ah chale, now you're speaking my language.
 - FADE! - Raze yelled out of nowhere, turning to Fade, pulling Astra and Sage with her. - You're going with us, right? It's going to be sooooooo fun!
 Fade gave Raze a smile, infected by her excitement.
 - I have plans for the afternoon. - She shrugged, putting her hands in her jacket pockets.
 - Nooooo! - Raze whimpered and held Astra's face, pinching her cheeks. - It'll make Astra cry!
 Astra pouted, eyeing Fade. The Turkish agent rolled her eyes, giving a slight smile.
 - But I accept the club later.
 - EEEEEE! - Raze jumped up and turned around again, pulling Sage and Astra with her. - YORU!
 - Holy shit... - Yoru threw his head back, already tired.
 - You'll kill me. - Sage grumbled, trying to free herself from Raze.
 - No worries. - She hugged Sage tighter. - COME WITH US IN THE CLUB! LET'S GO!
 - No. - He kept walking, not even looking back. 
 - Oxi omi. - Raze grimaced and dropped the two, running to Yoru. Sage let out the air, taking a deep breath. - What do you have to do that 's better than being with us? - She started walking backwards, in front of him. 
 - It doesn't matter. - He spoke through gritted teeth, trying to dodge Raze.
 - Aaah c’mon! - The Brazilian whimpered. - Everyone goes! Please! It will be so much fun!
 - I already told you I don't want to! - He snorted, passing by Raze at once.
 Raze whimpered more, making mention to go after Yoru, but Sage grabbed her shoulder, giving her a slight smile.
 - Let him go.
 Raze looked at Sage and then looked at Yoru, sniffling.
 - I wanted everyone together… - She shook her head.
 - I know. - Sage nodded.
 - Let's go chale! - Astra hugged Raze, excitedly. - Party on!
 The three walked away, laughing and talking about what they were going to do.
 Fade, with her characteristic cat eyes, watched everything in silence, following her own way.
 Tokyo is a big place. There's a lot to do there and each agent wanted to do something different. From riding a bullet train to participating in Fashion Week.
 Fade already knew what she wanted to do since they said they were going to spend a weekend in Japan. She carefully researched the place and followed the route traced by the navigation app until she reached her destination. It had an understated facade and looked bigger on the inside. Fade had a burst of joy as she entered the small building.
 A Neko Cafe, with decor and everything.
 The walls were painted in pastel colors, divided between the cat and food areas. Fade did research that would make the FBI jealous about the entire history of the place and CIA agents should learn from her interrogation with the Cafe receptionist about how they treated felines. When she was satisfied, she allowed herself a look at the cats' menu.
 And that was enough for her to melt all of her bounty hunter facets.
 Fade ordered a coffee before entering the cat area, studying the kittens as if she were planning to kidnap each one for herself. She watched the cats from where she was. An elegant Maine Coon strutted around one of the cat toys, enjoying the attention it received from a few fascinated children. A British Shorthair was lying on a bed, allowing a woman to stroke its soft fur. A small Munchkin was struggling to follow a man who was going to drink his coffee with its short legs. Many other stray kittens were at the Cafe.
 Yep. Fade was going to kidnap one of them.
 She watched a cat with eyes as blue as the sky and fur as black as the night moving. He walked slowly, a little tired. Fade guessed he was at least 20 years old. She wanted to take care of that old cat.
 But he walked over to a man sitting in the lotus position against a wall, snuggling into his lap. The man, wearing a hooded Jojo sweatshirt, began to caress the cat with the back of his hand, using circular moves. It was a peculiar movement, as if it were an old habit between them. Fade guessed that those two had known each other for a long time and she thought that was adorable. She kept trying to see the man's face, half hidden by the hood. His thin lips moved as if he were talking to the cat and his down hair had a blue fringe…
 Fade frowned. It wasn't possible...
 The man let out a sigh and leaned his head against the wall, eyes closed. Fade's jaw dropped.
 - Yoru? - She whispered.
 Sora was a great listener. Ryo could always tell him everything, really blurt out. And that was the closest therapy he would ever get.
 - Don't get me wrong… - Ryo could feel the blue eyes on him, staring at him without judgment. - I like the… idea of ​​what we do there… But… Ugh I just wanted answers… - He swallowed, lowering his gaze. Sora's head was resting on Ryo's thigh, with his feline face turned towards him. - And I only got more questions… This is getting more and more difficult.
 Sora stretched out on Ryo's lap, letting out a tired meow.
 - I know. It's too tiring... - He shook his head, going back to stroking Sora's back the way he liked. - But I have to do this...
 - I agree.
 Ryo froze, immediately recognizing the voice coming from above him. It populated the nightmares he had when he was awake and was the newest reason for his insomnia.
 - It's not easy to deal with what we must deal with. - She continued and Ryo felt her footsteps around him, soft and silent, stopping in front of him. - But places like this help a lot. It seems to take that weight off our shoulders. - He saw her sneakers first, right before she sat on the floor, hugging her knees.
 The Japanese man swallowed, looking up at Fade. She looked around curiously, as if she felt comfortable there and wanted to find out more about the place.
 - It's nice to see the sunlight. And the energy here is much lighter than the energy at the base. Fear infests that place. - The Turkish agent turned to the other, swaying a little. - Here and now, I only feel fear coming from you. - She tilted her head theatrically, blinking as if confused. - Why are you afraid, Ryo?
 Ryo moistened his lips, not taking his eyes off her. He moved his hands carefully, as if fearing her next actions, clenching his fists on his knees. Sora sat between his legs, facing Fade as well. He knew well when there was an intruder in his territory. 
 - What do you want? - He asked low, defensively.
 - Me? - She made an innocent face, blinking. - I just came to appreciate kittens. Just like you. - She smiled sweetly, looking down at Sora. Ryo gritted his teeth and Sora meowed. - They have a file for each of them, with lots of useful information. I found it extremely helpful. I should adopt a similar method. - Fade smiled and extended her hand towards Sora, carefully. The cat bristled, as if ready to pounce. Fade noticed the movement, stepping away respectfully. - He doesn't like me…- She pouted.
 - We don't like you. - Ryo snorted.
 Fade turned to Ryo, gripping her heels. She put her chin on her knees, watching him intently, like a curious cat.
 - You know each other well... He was accepted at the Cafe on the same day you were registered. Maybe you two share birthdays. - She looked at the two, giving a slight smile. - Sora... Sky... Yeah. It matches with the Night.
 Sora meowed, looking at Fade as if he planned to rip her neck off. Ryo, with his hands close to his boots where he hid a knife, was thinking the same.
 Fade blinked a few times and straightened her legs, sitting in the lotus position in front of him.
 - I didn't come to disturb your safe place, Yoru. It wasn't intentional for me to end up at the same Neko Cafe as you. I won't be in the way anymore. - She tilted her head to the side, giving a slight smile. - But I'm glad to meet another cat lover.
 Ryo looked her up and down, still tense. She represented danger and all his instincts told him to attack or flee. He stood in the same spot, as if waiting for her to make some offensive move. She looked to the side, with a white cub passing by her. Fade held out her hand, catching the kitten's attention. He sniffed at Fade's hand and licked it, allowing her to pick him up and caress him. Ryo and Sora exchanged glances, having an internal conversation that only those who had known each other since their cradle could have.
 - I'm not a cat lover. - He spoke finally, incisive. Which wasn't a complete lie. He would hate to have to worry about a cat in his apartment. Sandboxes repulsed him. - Sora is my friend. That’s it. - Ryo's ears got hot from the words spoken out loud. Heavens, that was ridiculous. But it was true. So much so that the cat meowed in agreement.
 Fade nodded, letting the kitten play with her coat.
 - You are good friends.
 And how they were.
 Ryo remembered the birthdays he spent playing with Sora at that Cafe. He remembered the few people he'd taken to meet the cat, as if he needed their approval to have a relationship with them. Sora never liked anyone and the two had great fights over it. Ryo always ended up getting all scratched up in these fights and soon he was the first to apologize. Ryo stole a master key from that Cafe because he knew that, at some point, he would be so distressed that he would have to go there to cry into the soft black fur in the middle of the night. Sora was the kind of grumpy cat who would never deny Ryo's hug.
 If Ryo had a friend, it was definitely that crabby old cat.
 - Yes. - He finally spoke, shrugging his shoulders.
 Fade nodded, grinning.
 - 300 credits.
 - What? - Ryo raised an eyebrow, not understanding what she was saying.
 - 300 credits and I don't post the pictures I took of you with Sora. - She rested her cheek on her hand, caressing the kitten in her lap. - And you'll start treating Raze better.
 - What?? - Ryo repeated, with indignation. Sora's pupils narrowed. - I thought you wouldn't get in the way!?
 - I will not. - Fade nodded. - As long as you pay me 300 credits and treat Raze well. - The Turkish agent narrowed her eyes on the two. Even as she looked at them, she didn't know if the growl she'd heard was coming from Ryo or Sora. - The girl is kind to everyone. You have no reason to be rude to her.
 - She's loud and...
 - 350.
 - Fade??
 - 400.
 Ryo stopped talking, dumbfounded.
 Fade gave one more smile. Ryo might be friends with Sora, but the man was still embarrassed to admit that he regularly went to a cute Neko Cafe. Shame was a funny feeling. It was the feeling of humiliation generated by an inhibition created, several times, by the own person. Shame could easily be used to manipulate someone.
 It was called blackmail, and Fade has some pride in being an expert at it.
 - No one else will know about your secret place, Yoru. - Fade smiled gently, letting the kitten climb her arm. - Seems like a small price to pay.
 Ryo pressed his lips together, glaring at her. For a moment, Fade thought he wasn't going to fall for that one. If Ryo used his head a little, he'd realize that no one but him would care if he liked kittens. 
 - Right. - He spoke through gritted teeth.
 Fade beamed, catching the kitten before he fell.
 - Good choice! - Fade held the kitten in front of her, rocking him slightly. - Isn't it, cutie? - She made her voice thinner to speak to the kitten, in a jovial aspect.
 Ryo and Sora looked at the woman with disdain. They definitely didn't like her.
Thx for reading (๑ > ᴗ < ๑)
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bbhyeoliskooks · 4 years
Hey! Can i request a txt reaction to s/o falls asleep in another txt member?🥺❤️
๑꒱و ̑̑  𝐏𝐮𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐨𝐧 𝐌𝐲 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐫 ๑꒱
➶  TXT’s Reaction to their S/O falling asleep with another member. 
ଘ꒰ ๑ ˃̶ ᴗ ᵒ̴̶̷๑꒱و ̑̑ଘ꒰ ๑ ˃̶ ᴗ ᵒ̴̶̷๑꒱و ̑̑ଘ꒰ ๑ ˃̶ ᴗ ᵒ̴̶̷๑꒱و ̑̑
Genre: 3 cups of fluff and 3 sprinkles of angst
Warnings: None
(Big fat stupid cry, I am so sorry that this took a long time... I’ve just been paying attention towards my instagram accounts. But really, I hope you like this one !! I should’ve worked on it earlier, I apologize again.)
ଘ꒰ ๑ ˃̶ ᴗ ᵒ̴̶̷๑꒱و ̑̑ଘ꒰ ๑ ˃̶ ᴗ ᵒ̴̶̷๑꒱و ̑̑ଘ꒰ ๑ ˃̶ ᴗ ᵒ̴̶̷๑꒱و ̑̑
ଘ๑ Yeonjun ๑ଘ
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๑꒱ alright !! so let’s just say that he was coming back to the dorms after trying to get some pizza
๑꒱ it took him quite a while though since there was a long line of people craving different types of pizzas
๑꒱ when he came back at like 7pm, he saw you sleeping in Soobin’s lap while Soobin himself was threading his fingers through your hair
๑꒱ the sight hadn’t infuriated him, he found it kind of cute tbh
๑꒱ like poor baby... you must’ve been working all day 🥺🥺
๑꒱ but but but !! he still didn’t like seeing you in his member’s lap
๑꒱ so he sort of snatched you from Soobin after setting down the box of pizza
๑꒱ while he was glaring at Soobders who was trying to prove his innocence by saying that they were watching a movie and you fell into his lap,
๑꒱ you had slowly woken up, a big pout on your face that yeonjun found to be the most adorable thing he’s ever seen... his 1% frustration easily went away
๑꒱ homeboy is whipped whipped, if you know what i’m saying :))
ଘ๑ Soobin ๑ଘ
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๑꒱ All of the boys and you were watching a movie together !!
๑꒱ The genre was thriller/horror, and you were feeling afraid since you heard from the reviews that it was extremely scary. 
๑꒱ However you didn’t want to be a party-pooper, so you tried to take it in like nothing would scare you :((
๑꒱ You still don’t know how it happened honestly, but you fell asleep... right on Kai’s shoulder (well, since you were next to him)
๑꒱ The boy was easily caught off guard as he hid himself in his blanket, didn’t say anything because he didn’t want to disrupt your little nap.
๑꒱ Soobin looked over at the commotion (though it really wasn’t) and saw you peacefully dozing off on the youngest member’s shoulders... his reaction was a combination of-
๑꒱ o-0 “ma’am what?” >:| “excuse me...?”
๑꒱ “o-0″ this because he was shocked and >:| because he didn’t like seeing you fall asleep on another persons’ shoulders.
๑꒱ He just took you gently by your torso so that you could lean on him instead, and didn’t mention a thing to the lingering gazes on the three of you. 
๑꒱ I feel like Soobders would be the type to pretend nothing happened, so you woke up with him holding you in his arms
ଘ๑ Beomgyu ๑ଘ
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๑꒱ Okay, well isn’t this boy here going to eeeeee and freak out :))
๑꒱ He had to leave to grab some necessary things for the dorms, so when he walked back with heavy bags
๑꒱ all of them went absolutely silent upon seeing him because they knew he would jump to conclusions ._.
๑꒱ Glancing over at the couch, he saw that you were asleep... ON YEONJUN’S SHOULDER because you were watching a movie together, and it was an accident
๑꒱ Bro, honestly... he assumed the worst
๑꒱ Seeing you smile as your nuzzled your cheek against Yeonjun’s shoulder was shattering to his heart 
๑꒱ He had thrown a fit once seeing the two of you together
๑꒱ You woke up in shock that you had slept on Yeonjun’s shoulder, and he knew straightaway that you didn’t mean the event to happen
๑꒱ but he just wanted to see you baby him after the T R A U M A you put him through-
๑꒱ Please, kiss him lots 🥺🥺 he deserves it 
ଘ๑ Taehyun ๑ଘ
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๑꒱ Alright, so another not funny story on what happened a few days ago
๑꒱ You were coming home much later than work, much later than when the boys would usually leave
๑꒱  The day was berry berry tiring :(( you had pitched in your best efforts, and it all paid off !! So, you just wanted to get some shut eye to appease your aching body
๑꒱ Assuming that it was Taehyun clinging against the pillow he was sleeping on, you had wrapped your arms around his waist and went to sleep
๑꒱ Not knowing that??? it was??? Beomgyu??? sleeping with??? you??? instead???
๑꒱ Poor little Hyun was just searching for you after he came back with Yeonjun to grab some instant noodles from the shady gas store
๑꒱ He sprinted to the bed in hopes that you were there, but what shocked him was the sight of the two of you cuddling together??? like... w h a t ???
๑꒱ ... homeboy was absolutely heartbroken 
๑꒱ A whole mess of a situation, wow
๑꒱ With a lot of convincing on both of your parts and some making up to, everything was okay in the end :DD
ଘ๑ Kai ๑ଘ
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๑꒱ Taehyun was home early today :))
๑꒱ And you were there as well !! But berry berry sleepy that it was kind of pathetic
๑꒱ He decided to let you rest in his bed for now since the couch they owned was *disgusting*
๑꒱ Then, without further ado went to his bed where you were sleeping to scroll on his phone
๑꒱ Long story short, he fell asleep too even though he denied being tired
๑꒱ An hour passed, and the rest of the boys came back after too much messing around
๑꒱ You were awoken with Kai shaking you hysterically and sending down an evident pout on his face
๑꒱ “I’m sorry, Hyuka !! I didn’t mean to,” you had said with the most sugary sweet voice you could muster
๑꒱ You owe a lot to him honestly, but all you wanted to do was sleep after an exhausting day
๑꒱ He gladly let you rest in his bed instead but kept glaring at Taehyun for being ignorant
Posted: 10/14/20- 8:53pm
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It was morning. Factory Dedede was closed once a week. When it was, President Dedede would not come out of bed until after noon, but today was different. President Dedede got up early and got ready in preparation for another day of gear searching.
"I wonder if I should go to the eastern district today. I wish I could find even one clue." He put on his hat and a rucksack with a magnifying glass and map in it. Just as he was about to head out, someone knocked on the back door. A loud voice was heard.
"Morning! Good morning, President Dedede!"
"Who is it? Noisy. The factory is closed." President Dedede frowned and opened the door. There stood a small person wearing a large hood and holding a trunk.
"Hm? I’ve seen you before ... " he tilted his head and tried to recall.
"Good morning! I’m Magolor, I sell medicine."
"Oh, that's right." Once, in the past, Dedede ate too much ramen and gave himself a stomachache. Magolor’s medicine helped him cope with the severe pain. "I don’t need medicine. It doesn't hurt anywhere," said President Dedede, however, Magolor clung to the door when he tried to close it.
"I didn't come to sell medicine. I came to tell you a big story." 
"A big story ...? "
"It's about the gears." 
President Dedede’s eyes widened. "Eh? You’re also looking for the gears?" 
"Uh-huh! I know where they are." 
"However, I can’t get them by myself. I’m looking for a partner."
"A partner ... " 
"President Dedede, be my partner!"
President Dedede looked down at Magolor. He didn’t understand why Magolor would rush in so early in the morning, on a holiday, no less, to suddenly ask him to partner up. The usual President Dedede would yell, "Don't be silly!" and turn him away, but the story was different when it came to the gears. He was a little lost, but nonetheless ... 
" ... Come inside. Let's hear more details," he said in a small voice.
"Uh-huh!" Magolor set his trunk down in the middle of the room and sat down on it. President Dedede pulled up a chair and sat down facing him.
"You’re talking about the gears of the ancient machine found in the diamond mine, right?"
"Yup, but my motivation is the prize those gears grant." 
"You said you know where the gears are? Why do you know that?" 
"I just happen to know by chance." Magolor deflected the question and continued. "I want to give you a hint. I want you to find the gears, President Dedede. The prize money, let’s split it in half."
"Hmm ..." He didn't know what Magolor was thinking, but the story didn’t sound bad. President Dedede nodded. "Alright. If you really know where the gears are, I'll be your partner." 
"Wow, thank you! With this, the prize money will be ours!" Magolor was in high spirits.
"So, where are the gears?" Dedede asked.
"One of them is at the clock tower."
"The clock tower? The tall tower in the west district?" 
"Uh-huh. The gear is sealed at the clock tower's precipice."
"Why is that ...? "
"In the old days, it was one of the magic guild’s towers, according to the research I did."
"The magic guild? But there are no wizards in this town." 
"A long time ago, there were lots, and the guild tower was the perfect place to seal the magical gear, however, the magic tower fell into shambles as time passed. After that, the clock tower was built, and the gear was forgotten by everyone."
"But, the guard. The guard should know every corner of the clock tower. Why haven't they found the gear, after all this time?"  
"The sealed gear cannot see it with the naked eye." 
"Naked eye ...? What do you mean?" 
"Magical eye drops are necessary to see it." Magolor opened his trunk and took out a small bottle.
"So, if you use these, the gear will be visible? Then, it’ll be easy to find ... No, wait." President Dedede folded his arms and thought for a moment. "Before that, we need to think about how to enter the clock tower. The guard watching the entrance—those that have no business there will not be allowed to enter."
"Even if you can’t get in through the entrance, there are other ways," Magolor whispered mischievously. "You just have to be able to fly."
"Fly? You, you’re a bad guy, Magolor. But where should we break in?" 
"From above."
"You have an airplane, right, President Dedede? Use that to fly above the tower."
"Hmph ... I see." He laughed. "You intended to do that from the beginning." 
" ... Eh?"
"I guess you needed an airplane, so you came up with the idea of making me your partner?" President Dedede saw right through Magolor’s plan. Magolor was in dismay. 
"Such ... Such cleverness ... " 
"Heh, anger isn’t good, but there are others who have airplanes." President Dedede cleared his throat and said, "For example, you must’ve heard of Kirby ... " 
"Kirby? No no no, Kirby, not at all! This is news to me!" Magolor shook his head exaggeratedly.
"Huh, that's right," Dedede smirked. "His maneuvering skill is also quite good." 
"Kirby pales in comparison to your skills, President Dedede! I wouldn’t have preferred to have anyone else but you as my partner!"
President Dedede smiled wide. For the president, it was the greatest compliment to be told he was better than Kirby.
"You have eyes! That's why you’re my partner." 
"Wow! Thank you, President Dedede!"
"Then, let's go."
He led Magolor to the backyard where the Great King Dedede XIX was stowed. The plane carrying the two headed for the clock tower.
President Dedede sat in the cockpit, while in the back seat, which was usually used as storage, was Magolor with a parachute. The plan was for Magolor to jump from the plane and invade the tower from above when the plane approached, however, President Dedede looked uneasy.
"You really want to split the prize money? You won’t cheat me and take the gear?" 
"No way! I'm not a coward."
"Hm ... Alright, I believe you," he said, but President Dedede’s anxiety persisted. "Hey, give me the magic eye drops." 
"Eh? But I’m the one retrieving the gear ... " 
"The gear—you said it’s on the outside of the tower, right? If it's sealed outside, I need to be able to see it."
"Ooh ... You’re right," Magolor nodded. He used the eye drops first before handing the vial over to President Dedede, who then used the remaining amount. Dedede fluttered his eyes.
"Nothing has changed, but ... "
"The eye drops only react to magical objects ... Ah!" Magolor suddenly shouted. President Dedede jolted. 
"What’s wrong!?" 
"The gear! I’ve spotted the gear!" 
"What!? You’ve found it already!?" 
"Look, look! Over there!" Magolor pointed to the highest point of the tower. It was the face of the huge clock. President Dedede could also see the glittering gear as he leaned out of the plane.
"Ohhhhhh!? Is that it right next to the three!?"
"There’s no mistake! Hooray! It’s the magical gear!" 
"I didn’t expect we’d find it so easily! Go, Magolor!"
"Uh-huh!" Magolor spread both hands and bravely jumped out of the plane. The parachute opened and he landed gently on the lower part of the clock face, around the six. 
"Alright, good! Take the gear, Magolor!" President Dedede shouted.
Magolor stretched his back and reached out, but he couldn't reach it. President Dedede raised his voice as he flew overhead.
"What are you doing!? Jump! Jump! You can do it, Magolor!" Magolor jumped. When it proved to be no good, he grabbed the hands of the clock, stepped on the numbers, and began to climb.
"Way to go, Magolor! You’re almost there! Keep at it! Keep at it!" President Dedede cheered aloud. Magolor desperately reached out towards the gear. He climbed up and jumped. The tip of his hand finally grazed it and the seal melted off.
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"Alright! Now, just grab it ...! " President Dedede shouted. At that moment, the gear slipped through Magolor's hand and fell.
"Wahhh! You fool—!" What are you doing—!?" he screamed.
Dedede’s bloodshot eyes tracked the gear as it flipped and spun on its way to the bottom. The Fugo Railway that connected various parts of the Town of Wind ran right next to the tower. A steam train approached on it, spewing black smoke. The gear slammed onto its roof.  
"T-the— The gear—!" The train, unaware of President Dedede’s feelings, whistled carefreely.
"Noisy train! Shut up!" If this went on, the gear would be carried far, far away. President Dedede couldn't stand still. Without thinking about the rest, too absorbed in the moment, he jumped off the plane.
Without a parachute.
Magolor screamed from atop the clock tower. "Uwaaaaaaa! President Dedede——!" 
President Dedede flew through the air with both hands and legs spread out, and landed on the train stomach-first.
His round stomach acted like a cushion. President Dedede bounced and landed, uninjured. The glittering gear rolled right in front of him. He breathed in roughly.
"Ohhhhhhhhhh—! Finally, I got it! The prize is, ah—!" The locomotive whistled loudly and applied its brakes just as President Dedede grabbed the gear.
The Great King DDD XIX dove sharply into the square next to the clock tower after losing its pilot. The train came to a sudden stop. President Dedede, who clung to the roof, was blown away into the muddy river flowing beside the track. 
"President Dedede—! President, are you alright!?" Magolor ran. He called out to President Dedede floating in the river.
"Oh, no way! Look, Magolor! I have it!" President Dedede spat out water and shouted. He pushed one hand out of the water with a radiant expression. In that hand, he firmly grasped the magical gear. It shone brightly. Magolor clapped.
"Ah! As expected of President Dedede, the greatest hero in Diamond Town!" 
"Hmph, no wonder! It’s a piece of cake if you call me!"
He swam swiftly to Magolor onshore. "Here we go, I’ve got the gear. Let's deliver it to Mr. Fugo immediately and get the prize money!" President Dedede yelled while dripping wet.
"Uh, President Dedede," Magolor said apologetically. "I forgot to tell you something crazy ... "
" ... What?"
"There are two more gears to be located."
" ... What?"
"We can’t get the prize money with only one. Two more, let’s keep going. Let’s find them!"
"W ... wh ... at ……..? " President Dedede’s vision went black.  
Again, with a big splash, President Dedede fell into the river.
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gemgirl28 · 3 years
I’m loving all of these 😍 I feel like 17 is ASKING for a Zutara story though
Hello lovely! Eeeeee thank you so much! I’m having a lot of fun with them! They are definitely helping me get out of my head!
You are absolutely correct so be prepared for this to get out of hand lol. I’m weak for Zutara in the SWT and feeling fueled by all the incredible ZK month content we’ve gotten so here we go!
17. Tucking their hands beneath the other person’s shirt, just to watch them break the kiss and gasp in surprise at the sensation of cold/warm hands on their skin.
“C’mon Zuko! You can do it!” Katara pushed her boyfriend closer to the waiting penguins. “Just hold out your fish, and the climb on the back of whichever one eats it!”
“You promise you’ll be right behind me?” Zuko asked for the hundredth time. Katara resisted the urge to roll her eyes, instead smiling reassuringly at him. 
“Of course. Now let’s go!” Katara pushed him in the middle of the throng. She watched as he nervously held out the fish, hesitating for a moment before climbing on the back of one. Katara quickly followed suit, trying to guide her penguin towards the hill.
“Let’s gooooo!!” She cheered, laughing as they sped down the hill. She was so caught up in the feeling, the nostalgia of being seven again and her biggest worry was whether her big brother would let her tag along with her, that she forgot to warn Zuko about the-
“BUMP!” She yelled, but it was too late. He went over the bump, and stayed up, projected out by the speed he had built up. Katara directed her penguin towards his, hoping she could catch him with her bending. Somehow she misjudged the distance, and they both crashed together, rolling a little before coming to a stop in a pile of limbs at the bottom of the hill. 
“Oww,” Zuko groaned, trying to sit up. Katara immediately gloved her hands in water ready to heal him. 
“I’m so sorry, where does it hurt?” Katara said, not catching the spark in his eye. Zuko chuckled, slowly pushing a strand of hair from her face.
“All over, kind of. But I’ll be ok. Are you alright?” 
Katara blinked, flexing her fingers and toes to make sure nothing felt out of place. “I think so?”
“Good,” Zuko said, and then he leaned forward and kissed her. She pulled back quickly, searching his face for signs of discomfort.
“Are you sure you are ok?” Katara asked. 
Zuko nodded, whispering, “Practically perfect,” before kissing her again. 
For a moment she got swept up in the feeling, the way his warm mouth felt against hers, the way his hands pulled her closer, the way the outside world seemed to melt away.
Then Katara decided to sneak her hands beneath his parka, pressing her cold fingers to his chest. He pulled back with a gasp, shock clear in his features.
“What was that for?!” Zuko cried. Katara plastered on her most innocent smile, looking up at him from under her lashes.
“I just wanted to warm my hands up and you are always so...hot,” Katara said, letting her tone lilt with a hint of teasing. Zuko’s expression shifted from surprise to smug, smirking as he sat up.
“Oh? Why don’t I warm you up then?” He pulled her back down for another kiss. His hands snaked under her parka, heat radiating as they roamed over her stomach, her waist, her back.
It wasn’t quite what she envisioned when she put her cold hands on him, but you wouldn’t catch her complaining.
Send me a kiss prompt and ship!
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hanadolphieron · 4 years
jungeun as a girlfriend~
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how you met;
i feel like the two of you say each other at target
and were like 👁👄👁 a t t r a c t i v e
so your friends who came with you were attempting to make you talk to her
i mean they were forcefully shoving you in jungeun’s direction
she was probably a little worried for her safety
but she still engaged conversation with you
you talked about a bunch of things
starting with small talk and ending up arguing over birds
you got her number after being really tense and awkward for a while wondering when to ask 
then the two of you parted ways, promising to make plans to see each other again
then you went back to whatever you were doing
you friends were cheering too loudly for comfort
you shushed them so loud they teased you for being more cacophonous than them
after buying everything you needed, you headed up to the check out line
jungeun, was of course there too, and your accomplices refused to move
you said hi
awkward x10
but then jungeun saved the whole situation by commenting on how awkward the situation is and you laughed way too hard
the tension was less after that, and you fell for her even more
the basics;
you can’t do anything romantic without her collapsing from laughter
s t r u g g l e s
dates consist of creative random outings that aren’t popular, because while jungeun loves you to the moon and back, having her relationship seen in public makes her <><>>>!?!<!>
long talks
can’t stand conversations without some sort of substance
it’s either really dumb but hilarious memes and creating your own vines
or deep rants about the universe
helping each other with problems is simultaneously heart-fluttering but irritating at the same time
because i think that jungeun is attracted to people different than her, the talents of her s/o would be vastly different
which means that the other person would probably struggle with doing activities the other one was good at
but neither of you are too serious about it
just !!! HOW did you do that!!!?!?!
listening to music and car rides at sunset is a must
you both are addicted to it
you make jungeun show off her dancing skills sometimes
especially when she meets your friends/family
you’re like “this is my girlfriend jungeun! who can DANCE! show them jungeun!”
and she dies from embarrassment
she’ll get you back for that don’t worry 
prepare yourself
your relationship isn’t strictly romantic, you do everything together and are like family? and friends? and lovers?
all at the same time
a 3 in 1 deal
if you get her in an emotional mood, expect endless clinginess
like she won’t leave your side
flops on you and there’s no getting up, you must lay there and hug her while doing playing with her hair or cuddling her or doing another wholesome thing
wants to influence your fashion
she couple outfits but never coordinates them so you’re wearing the same thing but on totally different days
does your hair and makes you look dumb
face masks together 
acts like she hates your friends without meaning to
they’re mega intimidated by her once they meet her properly
but she’s just nervous
and they were a bit scary after that encounter for a first impression
somehow she inspiries you just by being there?
the sight of her invigorates you and your energy levels go weeee!
the meme couple end of story
buying a samoyed together!
you went to a dog rescue together the second you finished renovations on your first house together
and saw an adorable white fluffer in the corner, who immediately came bounding over, bouncing up and down
jungeun was like, “we are getting this one or i’m breaking up with you”
you agreed of course, who wouldn’t want a massive drooly cloud to follow them around everywhere
jungeun called the doggo TICONDEROGA ([i’m kidding you named it milky] unless...)
anyways, jungeun also refused to leave the dog’s side (relatable) and milky sat in her lap the whole ride home
she wanted to put a seatbelt on him
but you unanimously decided that wasn’t a big brain idea
milky accompanied you everywhere
he loved movie nights
you covered his eyes every time a “spicy” scene came on
which happened a lot, romantic movies are some of you and jungeun’s favorites
not all of them are spicy though
most are sweet and cheesy
causing jungeun to squeal in happiness and cringe and shove her face into your chest
which makes you shriek too
it’s just a big mess of eeeeee!
milky starts barking too
then you and jungeun are on the floor laughing at him
then he wigs out because dogs hate it when their humans are on the floor, they’re not supposed to be there!
so he jumps down from his spot on the sofa, landing right on one of your chests and making you choke
the movie is forgotten, and your cheeks are sore from smiling for the rest of the day
used by both of you
whenever you are in romantic moods
or in the morning when you’re all cuddly and sleepy
even though you just woke up but you know how it is
again, used by both of you
i think you pick up a lot of habits from each other
and names are one of them
you couldn’t think of a comeback fast enough when jungeun first called you “tree”
so you just said it back
and that was the start of your nicknames
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milfsamwinchester · 4 years
lesbian dean kissing lesbian sam sitting on sam's lap!! eeeeee!!
. IT MAKES ME SO SOFT. i was inspired to write a fic, its under the cut !!!! it is a bit horny, fair warning (to go w this art!)
okay so late teens lesbian samdean. sam lets it slip one day she’s never tried alcohol before and dean is like wtf i won’t let my baby sister go without enjoying one of the few joys of life, we’re gonna fix that immediately. john hasn’t been by the motel room in a few days and sam’s been bored cooped up, so she agrees. dean is super excited, bouncing from foot to foot, nonstop talking about how good it’ll be.
dean gets a few bottles of cheep beer from the general store down the road. they’ve got episodes of some hospital show on the tv playing as dean opens two bottles of coors light and passes one to sam. she’s full-face grinning as sam takes her first sip.
it isn’t as good as sam was expecting (dean hyped it up too much) and she hides her grimace so dean will think she’s cool, but after a few more sips it gets better. halfway through the second beer she gets giggly and tipsy and the stress of working to get into college and hiding it from dean and john that’s been eating at her for months melts away. she feels floaty and happy. it’s just sam and dean pressed against each other in a motel bed together, talking and laughing like they used to.
when sam starts on a third beer a concentrated pink blush rises in her cheeks and her words slur a bit and her eyelashes start to flutter. her body is warm where dean’s thigh is pressed against hers. sam can’t stop staring at her, at the line of her throat, at her pink lips, at her short messy hair, at the amulet around her neck that sways when she laughs. sam’s eyes are big as moons when she mumbles out, “you’re really pretty, dean, d’you know that?”
dean pauses, bottle halfway to her mouth. “what’re you talking about?”
“i think it’s those f-freckles. all the boys and girls fall over themselves to get to you. and you don’t care about them for more than a fuck, and those girls know that, and they still go for you because you’re so- i don’t blame them at all. i-i think you’re the most beautiful person i’ve ever seen.”
sam feels so flushed. sam’s always had these thoughts, it’s just harder to stop them from spilling out of her mouth with her beer-dizzy brain. she reaches a hand out to brush against dean’s cheek. dean leans into her touch, lips parting, eyes going wide. sam wants to kiss her so badly she’s aching with it.
sam puts her beer on the side table then sways closer. dean’s denim-clad legs are spread and sam’s able to easily slide between them, hand pressing into the bed beside dean’s shoulder. sam’s knees brush against dean’s thighs. she’s warm, so warm. dean still hasn’t said anything, just watching her, an uneasy look in her eyes.
“i’ve looked up to you for so long.... can you blame me w-when- when-” she can’t finish that thought, just desperately looking at dean, hoping she understands.
dean swallows harshly. her cheeks are flushed a pretty pink. “it- it’s the alcohol talking.”
“i didn’t drink that much,” sam says, and it’s true. just enough for her to be open about her desires that have always been bubbling right under the surface.
“sam. i- can’t. i can’t do that to you. i’ll admit, i have- i have thought about it, and i hated myself for it, but i’m supposed to look after you. i can’t fuck you up that much. i don’t-”
“for a little while, could you forget? could you treat me like o-one of those girls? you’ve told me stories about them, you know. about how you’d take a girl on a cheap date to the movies and call her sweetheart and herd her over to the impala’s backseat and you’d slide between her legs and a-” sam starts to tremble. she doesn’t know what she’ll do if dean says no. she doesn’t know where they’d go from here.
“did you know? when you sat down next to me the next morning and casually talked about eating those girls out until they were grasping at your hair and their thighs were shaking, did you know how badly it would make me want to be them?”
the guiltiness in dean’s eyes is apparent. there’s no way she could’ve known her boasting would have this effect on sam.
“please, dean, just for a night, could you pretend i’m one of them?”
“you’re not like them.” it comes quickly. “you’re everything to me, do you get that?”
dean’s tone is intimate and careful and raw, like she’s revealing a secret she’s kept for so long.
“i know,” sam promises, though she doesn’t get what dean means, not really. all she knows is she’s been in love with dean since she knew what love was, and she feels closer to kissing her than she ever has before, and if only she says the right thing she’ll get what she wants. they’re teetering on the edge together. sam wants to fall.
“please,” sam says desperately, looking up at her.
there’s an uneasiness in dean’s eyes before her features soften, and she puts her beer bottle down and swings back to look at sam. “okay,” dean says, voice shaking. “if this is what you need. i’ll look after you, i promise.” dean’s hands are trembling when she cups her baby sister’s face in her hands and leans in and kisses her.
sam gasps into dean’s mouth and her hands come up to hold onto dean’s shoulders as dean kisses her and kisses her. it’s wet and there are tears welling in sam’s eyes, and dean’s lips are soft the way only a girl’s can be. it’s everything sam’s ever hoped for.
sam’s lips are tingling when dean pulls back. sam brings a hand up to touch them. sam and dean look at each other, chests heaving.
“w-was that okay?” sam asks, voice small.
“yeah,” dean says. “more than okay. i liked it. a lot. fuck. how messed up is that?"
“it’s okay,” sam says, looking at her lips. “‘m just as messed up as you are.”
“i made you this way, didn’t i? i fucked you up?”
sam shakes her head. “no. it wasn’t just the stories of the girls. i’ve always been this way, don’t worry.”
dean brings a hand down to scrub at her face. “fuck. well, nothing we can do about that.” she looks up .”i sorta- i sorta wanna kiss you again. is that alright?” 
“yeah,” sam says, smiling big. her body feels warm all over.
“we’re never coming back from this, are we?”
“i hope not.”
dean sighs. she then leans forward to kiss her again, a gentle “i got you, babygirl” slipping out.
they’re smiling as they kiss, and sam pulls at dean to climb into sam’s lap. dean’s legs press down into sam’s thighs. though sam is taller, dean feels big, so big, bracketing her in and keeping her safe, her big sister. sam’s heart feels full. she could get used to this.
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