#it mademe so happy
syunkiss · 6 months
Arthur kinda checked it on their acc and yes I probably did something wrong .
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jils-things · 27 days
this feels too soon to say because its still not well over a month that i started uni but like...
im quite happy by how things are going now- it doesn't feel all too restrained unlike my past school years. and apart from that, i feel a lot more independent being able to travel miles away from my home which has been my biggest anxiety as i got older. just the fear of getting lost spooks me a whole lot! even if i'm travelling through a planned route, going all by myself is probably the bravest thing i did this year and i say this as an introvert who doesn't go out all too often
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hanselsbike · 2 months
Can we have a scene jimmy pretty please, i love ur art sm actualy. especially the eyes they looks so pretty i wanna stare into them forever
-ur fellow saiki k jeremy
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silent-browser · 2 years
Playing with so many ideas right now... First up on the "get out of my head" list. Also warning. My writing bad. This is me venting basically. So writing bad.
Child noble reader x yandere child servant
The sun was warm in the garden as the children were let out from their stuffy academy classrooms to roam, play and socialize. Curiousity, energy and connections were important in this life after all. However two children seemed to be standing away from the large cliques that the other children played and laughed in. Sitting in the shade of a very large flowering bush a young girl sits, carefully observing the flowers and the leaves and occasionally looking down at the book that lay in her lap.
"Maybe viburnum..." She ponders softly, looking closely at the illustrations. "Butterfly bush..?"
The other child, a servant who had been deemed ready by the head butler of her household to serve her stands quietly watching her before he finally speaks softly. "It can be what ever flower you wish it to be my lady. Hydrangea, snowball bush, viburnum, butterfly bush. Any of them can be or become what every you wish."
The young noble giggles back a response, "silly, that's impossible. If it's one kind of flower how could it ever become some other kind. That's like saying that a chesnut tree is actually an apple tree" she giggles on at the absurdity of the statement.
"I would do it" the young boy whispered, far too entranced with his master's laughter to ever think of disturbing it. "If only you continue like this for me"
Their peace was soon cut short by alarmed shrieking coming from the other children. Professors urge the children inside, warning of a sudden invasion of bees on the property.
"What is everyone so afraid of?" The young girl huffed to herself, annoyed at the sudden loss of her reading time. "They are only bees. They don't want to hurt anyone."
"Still, they may be dangerous." The boy fretted. Knowing what his precious lady might do if left outside with the insects. "Let's get you inside where you won't-"
"We need bees don't we? At the house?" The girl humed to herself, unknowingly interrupting her companion. "The chef always complains of honey prices right? And keeping bees on our property would make for better, brighter flowers in mothers garden." Nodding with growing excitement she smiles. "Yes, bees would be a fantastic addition to our home. Fetch Cassidy and tell her that I will be bringing along some friends home and to prepare a very large wooden box. I already have a match box that we can keep the queen in. All I need to do is find her!" After giving her orders she hops up and carefully dusts off her dress before clutching the flora book to her chest and rushing off in the direction of the bees.
With exasperation and deep affection the young boy she left standing by the yet-to-be classified flower bush sighs and moves to follow her orders. The master and madem would not be happy with this, he thought, but if it made her happy that is all that ever mattered.
The next day, after a very long trek home and an even longer explanation as to why there was suddenly a box of bees in their home the noble girl was back in school. Proud of her successful relocation of the bee swarm with no stings AND successful convincing of her parents to let her keep them she sat at her homeroom desk and drew. The next task was designing a bee box with removable frames so that they might harvest and profit from the bees and fully impress her parents with her find. As she quietly was drawing up some very crude plans for the bee box she had not noticed the two boys sneaking up behind her desk until they had unceremoniously dumped a sizable spider onto her desk.
"Here," a jeering voice called from behind her, "since you like bugs so much we got you this one."
A second voice mocked "maybe now you will finally have a friend"
As the pair laughed at their prank the girl sat frozen in her seat, staring at the spider as it lay motionless on top of her half drawn and very messy plan. Unable to scream or stand she was forced to sit and watch this large dead spider. She wanted help. She needed help. She doesn't do well around dead things. Even worse if they are some kind of spider or crawly thing. In this moment time froze for her. Her lungs felt as if they were made of lead, her heart racing as though preparing for a life or death fight, her mind blank. Before a hand crashed into view, blocking her direct line of sight with the spider.
"How dare you" a rumbling demand that caused the laughter to stop. "You knew this would scare her. You used it to your advantage. You are supposed to be the best of the best. The smartest, strongest, most clever in all the kingdoms. You are, both of you, acting like common idiots. For scaring a girl. How. Fucking. Dare you."
He was enraged. He wanted to rip their heads off. He wanted to feed these thoughtless insects the spider they were so proud of. He wanted to display their tortured bodies on the flag pole of the school to show any and all those who would ever touch his lady what would happen if they made her upset. She was supposed to be celebrating her victory. Not nearly passing out because of some stupid boys idea of a prank. But as much as he wanted to force them to grovel at her feet his first task and priority was to move her elsewhere so the wretched creature could be taken care of and she would have time alone to breathe. He quickly scooped her up into his arms, taking only a moment to relish the act of protecting her before quickly making his way back to the garden and quietly resting her once more under that flower bush where she finally allows herself to fold into a small ball and weep openly.
Those boys will pay, he thinks. But not right now, right now my duty is to my master. My sweet, thoughtful, beautiful master.
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tastescomics · 4 months
Hi! Just wanted to pop in and say I'm loving the subtle character changes you've madem it really reflects how people change over time.
Enjoying the new comic so far! Wishing you and your team a very happy Monday x
Thank you x) We put a good amount of thought into them. And there will continue to be little changes as the series goes on~ Everyone thanks you, we hope you have a good start to your week as well uwu
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brainimpediment · 2 years
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sevdambeyzamaait · 6 months
Saat 01:31 (yine uykusuz kalıyorum senin yüzünden, iki saatden beri buraya birşeyler ekliyorum)
Herşeyi geri alıyorum. Bırakamıyorum... Ben seni halendaha çok seviyorum, kalbimdeki olanı nasıl birakiyim? Kalpsiz yaşanmıyor ki. Sana sarılmak istiyorum, seninle gülmek istiyorum, seninle gezmek istiyorum, seni istiyorum! Beni delirtme, artık yeter dört ay oldu. Beni seviyorsun, bende seni. Ne konuşuyorsun benim hakkında arkadaslarlan heee, anlatsana bana beni ne kadar sevdigini. Arkadaşlara değil, bana anlattttt. "Bizden olmuyor, imkansız, meh meh meh" dinlemek istemiyorum artık. Hadi bahçende nişanımızı yapalım, Medine'de de nikahımızı. Junge du machst mich verrückt, ich hab seit September letzten Jahres kein richtigen Kontakt mehr mit dir!! Artık harbiden yeto yetooooo. Gel beraber mutlu olalım. Ich will so unglaublich sehr mit dir sein, boahhhhhhhhhhhhh delircemmm ama. Şuan öyle böyle değil, aşırı aşka geldim. Seni ne kadar sevdiğimi söylemek istiyorum, ilk gecemizin hayalini yine anlatmak istiyorum. Updatetim var. Ve tabiikide o hayali yaşamak istiyorum. Baksana ya, halendaha seviyoruz bir birimizi, bu nasıl bir iş??? Seit Septemberrrrrrrrrrrrrr, das sind siebennnnnn Monateeeee. Wir haben mehr Kontaktabbruch als Kontakt mittlerweile alter. Sinirleniyorum baya şuan. Bence dieser Kontaktabbruch hat uns genug Lehren gezeigt. Daha fazla lernene gerek yok. Severek ayrılmak ne demek ya. Böyle birşey mi olur???? Wir leben in 2024. Meryeme yazık oluyor hem. Wir gründen eine eigene schöne und glückliche Familie inşâallah. "Yok Enes olmuyor, kabullen artık" tövbe estağfurullah, kabul etmiyorum lennnnn. E T M I Y O R U M! Bide 19 yaşındaki Doğanı tavsiye ediliyor. Tövbe tövbe tövbeeeeeeeeeeeee. Çocuğun hakkına girmek istemediğim için birşey söylemiyorum, ama çocuk lan. Beni daha fazla delirtme, hadi evlenelim artık. Düşünsene wie Happy wir wären wenn es zwischen uns klappt. Bu günleri hatırlarız, du würdest mich auslachen weil ich immer so emotional wurde. Izin veriyorum, auslachen edebilirsin, yeter ki beraber oluyoruz. Yoksa beni başkasıyla mi görmek istiyorsun???? Madem ki için aciyor beni başkasıyla görmeni, ozaman görme, kendinle beni gör. El ele gezelim. Ich weiß doch, dass du mich immer noch willst. Bir gün kararını değiştireceğini düşünüyorsun in deinen tiefen Innern. Kontağımız yok, aber ich weiß was bei dir im Herzen abgeht. Willst du wirklich, dass ich dich aufgebe? Willst du, dass ich mit einer anderen zusammen komme? Ich war so kurz davor, dich wirklich für immer loszulassen ya. Bunu bana yaptirma. Eğer gerçekten birakmami ve başkasını sevmemi istiyorsan, ok. Aber ich weiß, dass du es nicht willst. JUNGE ICH WERDE VERRÜCKT!!! TÖVBE ESTAĞFURULLAH. HALENDAHA REELER SPEICHERN EDIYORUM BIR GÜN SANA YOLLARIM DIYE. ÖĞRETMENLIK NASIL GEÇIYOR, ONU BILE SORAMIYORUM SANA. HAYATIN NASIL GEÇIYOR BILMIYORUM. HIC BIRSEY BILMIYORUM. ARTIK YETER. Weißt du noch unser erstes Treffen? Das war soooo schön. Ich habe immer noch mein Geschenk aus Bosnien und mein Brief für dich hier rum liegen. Çöpe mi atayim? Natürlich nicht. Sana vermem lazim. Junge abow bide o Zehra ablayla yasadigimiz. Voll die romance story haben wir, gerçekten. Bunları baskalarla yasamayiz. Hep Liebesfilm gibi bir aşk hikayesi istedin, işte al sana aşk hikaye. Happy End ama gerekiyor. Artık gel lütfen. Dayanamiyorummmmmmmmm. Ich brauche dich. Harbiden ich brauche dich. Şaka yapmıyorum, ich brauche dich so sehrrrrr. Du hast mir so gut getan. Çok masum hayaller kurdum seninle. El ele gezmek, gezerken sen benim koluma böyle sarılıyorsun, seni güzel çiçeklerlen hediyeleşmek istiyorum, saatlerce gözüne bakmak istiyorum, saçını taramak istiyorum bile ya, gecenin ortasında çiğ köfte almak istiyorum seninle, veya aciktigimizda gecenin ortasında bir yere gidip yemek yiyoruz (zaten hep acikiyorduk ya gecenin ortasında), veya seninle Roadtrip yapıp saatlerce araba sürmek istiyorum, seninle şarkı söylemek istiyorum, seninle (evimizde veya kimse olmadığı yerlerde) dans etmek istiyorum, seninle Wrestling yapmak istiyorum, okadar basit ama benim için çok özel hayallerim var kiiiiii. Einfach alles ist schön, solange es mit dir ist.
Ich will so sehr mit dir wieder telefonieren, wirklich. Ne özledim be seninle gülerek konuşmayı. Konuşalım yine ya, çok istiyorum. Kalbim acıyor sensiz...
Beni başkasıyla bırakma lütfen...
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blueskittlesart · 2 years
there's something so tragic about aki admitting to makima that he just wants to protect denji and power and for them to be happy and then immediately being turned into a weapon to hurt them in the worst way possible
glad we are all in agreement this mademe start crying again btw
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daffenger · 2 years
iwtv episode 1 spoilers (incoherent list of things)
so that episode was an amazing start.... 🥺🤧 i so love the work they did on louis & his family ! the way they sketched out the dynamics between louis, and his relative influence, and how he must navigate the racism around him ! the mommy issues ! the daddy issues ! paul & his birds (just like francis of assisi except the other way around) !!! the idea that louis and lestat spent weeks just walking around new orleans and chatting ! and louis just accepting his new (boy)friend has weird time-stopping, ventriloquist skills ! (and when paul straight up tells him he's the devil)
there's just no way i can pick a favourite scene... the very opening, with the sound cue of the orchestra tuning up, but growing progressively more strident, really mademe feel like i was settling inmy seat at the opera. the dance scene between paul and louis at their sister's wedding was such a breath of happiness. i loved how they showed louis' love for his brother & family, & vice versa. louis going from favoured son to being made responsible for his brother's death & shunned. every single one of the actor's faces. lestat crashing in louis' life like a big cat in an aviary. the moment we veer into horror, when louis learns miss lily is dead of the so-called (rat???) fever. lestat's nbc hannibal-like joke about six feet tall rats much earlier on (ways to tell if he's a serial-killer, and also so damn lonely)
old man Daniel Molloy, the pink kid's bike helmet buried deep in his closet and his auto immune disease !!! i like that they put the pandemic as a background setting. it's the first time i see it in a movie, and it feels both so real, and also like we're looking in a kind of alternate plague universe...
and louis kissing a vampire on the mouth in the middle of a scene of carnage just because he's told him he's loved 🤧🤧🤧
also biting my nails at the mystery about the true reason louis wants to redo the interview... when he talks about reconciliation, as in, maybe this is meant as an olive branch for [censored] !!!
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lemon-grey · 1 year
Aw thank you so much anon!!! This makes me so happy to hear and especially because I worry that I’m just super annoying with all my constant zelgetsu content lol
It’s such a small rarepair but I’m so glad you ship it now too!
If you ever wanna chat off anon about this ship let me know because I will literally talk about it nonstop if given a chance—
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hello i just wanted to say i love your art so mucj,,, its so cute and the way you colour stuff is so pretty and cozy and. it just makes me so happy ur one of my favourite artists on here and it sort of inspires me to draw more stuff myself bc it’s so nice,,, sory for long message 🐟
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iheartmyipod · 2 years
wat r ur thoughts on frontiers so far??? i havent been 2 invested in recent sonic stuff but im watching a live playthrough and the atmosphere is sooooo cool it def seems like a step in the right direction 4 the series XP
dont want 2 spoil someone accidentally:P VVV
OMG LITERALY ITS SOOOOO GOOOOD sum aspects kf it reminds me of unleashed which is awesome 2 me cus rhats one of my faves… i dont pay much attention to actual gameplay in sonic i mostly like the storys and characters but frontiers is supeeer fun and i love being able to explore and do the challenges and the stages are pretty cool too … im not the best at them thiugh…. Seriously ive been talking myselr so much about how much i adore it its like they made a game just for melina i never play video games but this is so so fun to me. I was kind of confused at first tho ill be honest it is overwhelming with how big the islands are (im on the second one right now i forgot its name:P) but ithink im getting the hang of it its SO FUN EXPLORING SOOOO FUN and i like how sonic even mentions he likes how muchcroom there is to explore … omg the characterization im not too sureabout for amy i dont know if its her voice or what but THAT IS NOT AMY ROSE! I always get sad when she is written as more mature i miss 12 year old amy…She is so sweet though i still love her forever.&knuckles is so silly i love seeing sonic knuckles interactions OMG jusy so happy to see sonic characters talking to eachother and being friends i LOVEEE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also sage js so interesting i have no idea what is going on with her i didnt keep up with anything about the game before it released cus i didnt want spoilers but i like her. Very interedting veeeery interesting i like how they bring back phantom ruby stuff(i assume) along with lore established in sonic adventure i think it really ties the world together in a way i always craved im so hapoy they are building more on chaos and angel island and master emerald lore seriously … ALSO I LOVE THE DESIGNS FOR ALL THE CREATURES SO MACH OMG the koco are adorable i want keychains of them and in the second island the enemies are so sick oh mai god . … the little kocos true old form or whatever look like chaos mademe go nuts i got so excited i wonder wat it allll meaaansss…. Hopefully i will FIND OUT! Also the msyic so badass im so hapy after i finish the game i know i will be listening all the time its just too good>< i love how huge the game is too and there is socmuch you can do in it if you want to. Also im super into the weather and time changes i think it is so cool but makes you think sonic is staying awake for days and in the rain so gross he needs a shower .. I HAVE SO MUCH MORE TO SAY THANK YOU FOR SENDING THIS ASK I HAVE BARELY TALKED ABIUT IT TO ANYONE Nothing beats sonic adventure though🤷‍♀️lets be real.actually i miss sonics adventure attitude wah but i think in frontiers it is kind of saying they are older and not so much kids anymore which could explain why amy is like that… still not into it personally but i always think its interesting to hear them acknowledge past events.okay im done.okay. ITS JUST SO COOL before it came out i kind of thought i would not apply anything in the game to how i view the sonic world in my head (cus thats how i feel about sonic forces LOL i just ignore it) but its surpriseing me how much i like it i havent liked a sonic games  world building this much since sonic unleashed ... still i dont think frontiers will be like the basis of sonic for me but it gives super intruiging bits and pieces that i will hold on to forever in my brain. OKAY.i played at schol today in my math class its so hard playing in public cus i need to chill💆‍♀️OKAY IM DONE. okay but also like for me i usually dont really care much for new sonic stuff i like the old stuff wayyyy more but i agree this game is like a huge good step for the series GAH OKAY
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localvoidcat · 2 years
You are THE most fucking being i have ever encountered and i wish you nothing but the very best and finest in your human (or otherwise) life. One of the nicest people ever, and I hope more than ANYTHING, ANYTHING AT ALL, that you get nothing but eternal happiness, even if you're sad now <3
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volkswagenital · 3 months
imvery glad that people are gradually becoming nicer about being objectum. that makes me very happy ^_^ it always mademe so sad that most discussion abt it was either blatantly rude/mean or just making fun :(
objectum ppl i love u. have a niceys day
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yeetdasweet · 8 months
Unfortunately, I was unable to do the Valentine cards because of several irl stuff going on, but what I will share is what my lovely characters are doing for the day.
Madem Spider doesn't really celebrate holidays (nor is she aware of the existence of a such special days) she would probably spend the day doing what she normally doses, but if she were to ever be told about it she'd be ecstatic from hearing about it, so much so that'll she'll go on a hyperactive spiral making a bunch of gifts for everyone, heck she might even try baking (but it probably won't be good, like it'd be burnt on the outside and raw on the inside somehow.
Riley just doesn't like the holidays in general. She finds them a waste of time when she could be doing something important instead of joining in on silly festivities. But they do use the day to relax a bit. Maybe she'll sit down with a cheese sandwich (which is just a block of cheese between two peaces of untoasted bread) and some documentary about space or something.
Ozzy, unlike everyone else, they actually has plans for the day. Rushing around town getting a bunch of stuff together, chocolate, roses, rocks, just all the nice stuff one would get for someone, finally they go give all that to their special somebody and spend the rest of the day with that person.
Happy Valentines Day everyone! 💗
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videostak · 1 year
listening to songs from my second album and am like wait some of this shit is actually good and i enjoy it fr... like i like ummm the first track and then terrain study im really proud of ^_^ like idk that track feels like the summation of all the philip glass steve reich repetition type stuff i liked playing constantly when i first got into steve reich lol. like it obv doesnt sound anything like them obv but like i like just the way it came out. then i rly like ornament tooo. i mean those are porbably my three favs o ya and counterpoint toooo like that one i like how natural it sounded mademe happy. i thnk overall my first album has kinda ultimately more natural sounding recordings sorta since like 90% of the ones on that werent even recoreded with the intention of being like on an "album" so lots are lil snippets and stuff i dont remember how to play anymore so i think i enjoy listening to my first album more even if it is a bit too long but like i do like my second one tbhhhh
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