#it looks like we're getting some alternate timeline stuff maybe?
nyaskitten · 1 year
New Teaser For Ninjago 2023
I have exactly NO clue what is going on here, but I'm gonna TRY.
First off, a rift of some sort opens up, revealing some weird, glitchy area. Then we see Jay in his Core Titan Mech chasing after something, while the Bounty floats around in the background. Jay slices through a storage crate of some sort, then we cut to Cole with his lava arm powers seemingly active (because his scar is glowing). Jay cuts through another crate, and we cut to Nya using her powers to create a water bubble to catch two civilians. Next, we see Kai on the head of the bounty using his fire powers for something, then we cut to Cole carrying two civilians, while on a crate, in front of a floating building.
Next, we see Lloyd sliding down the Bounty anchor holding who appears to be Arin (based on the orange sweater), and in the background we can see what appears to be a giant mechanical dragon through one of the rifts. Next, we get a banger zoom-in shot showing the ninja (minus Jay) on the Bounty with Arin, a scene where a truck and barrels can be seen floating into the sky, and Lloyd can be seen looking into the distance watching the rifts to reveal that we have NO clue what the FUCK is going on. The rifts close in an explosion (which is also my banger banner no WAY OMG)
ALSO it seems like for the most part they're gonna be using their Core gi.
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blue-howlite · 1 month
Rambling about my new obsession because I'm the sole lord of this glorified trashcan and I can.
Sylus from Love and Deepspace.
Warnings: spoilers for his two story chapters, spoilers about Dawnbreaker, generic spoilers about the game, a lot of self indulgent thinking, error.404 coherence not found, we're hopping from one thought to the other like the sparrows on the window, inaccuracies are likely to happen I'm just a silly guy.
So, from the blurred scene we see as flashback when we're on the rooftop with him and stuff, someone made out the figure of a "Wanderer" Sylus on his knees, stabbed with a sword in the chest by the MC. I'll add the link to the Tumblr post with the video here. The video is from TikTok but it's easier to see here if you ask me and besides this is what triggered all my thinking.
Now, hear me out.
We know the other guys (well you guys probably know, I landed on the game for Sylus and saw almost nothing of the in-game lore of the guys, I only know spoilers from social media and something from the anecdotes) all sacrificed something for MC in her past lives. Faith, power, people... They had all to renounce to something to protect MC. Some people were wondering what Sylus sacrificed for her in her past life with him.
This would be the explanation.
He literally died for her.
Like in the flashback he tells MC to press on, so she didn't kill him as an enemy, but he LET her kill him. And for some reason she HAD to kill him too. We can see his clawed hand cradling hers and making her hold the hilt of the sword.
Now if we go down the wanderer theory, y'all are familiar with Dawnbreaker anecdotes right? How people started turning into wanderers and the alternative Zayne had to kill them even though they still had human looks for the most part.
So what if Sylus was, in another life, that kind of wanderer? A human turned into a monster, that MC had no choice but to kill?
The surroundings, for what little we could see in the blurry flashbacks, weren't of Linkon, or any place on the current in-game earth for that matter. A very post-apocalyptic vibe, right?
AND we know from Dawnbreaker that his world is going in a similarly dystopic direction: the government is hiding the fact that people are turning into wanderers, Linkon in ruins, normal wanderers roaming free and people forced inside their houses. We've seen suspicious wanderers in the new story chapters too, when we were at the club fighting the other faction of Onychinus. Just reminding y'all.
Now I won't reach THAT much by saying that Dawnbreaker is in the same timeline of wanderer Sylus and MC (though...) BUT what if in their timeline they found themselves in that similar situation, just way further ahead and way worse? MC as one of the few surviving humans with Sylus as her companion, both of them trying to "press on", with ultimately Sylus turning into a wanderer and getting killed by MC, then her dying later on.
This feels like a mashup of Doom Breaker and Eternal Afterlife but it's probably just me.
And all the possible simbolysm, as the person in the video noticed, like the claw gripping a heart on Sylus's necklace? Could it be symbolic of his wanderer self clinging to his humanity? Or maybe his wanderer self, still somehow conscious, offering his heart to MC to be killed, like he did in the flashback?
Also, just to mention the other necklace he has, with the heart being impaled; I don't know how strong vampire lore is in China, BUT a stake to the heart is what is traditionally believed to kill vampires. And vampires, traditionally, are represented as parasites, or rather humans that are possessed by a parasite, and killing them is putting the human soul at peace and saving it. So apply it to Sylus and the earlier reasonings about his past life with MC.
It's the theme of losing humanity and being saved through death before it's too late.
Also it would be such a good parallel with the scene from their first (not exactly first but you get it) interaction, when Sylus presses MC's gun to his chest and encourages her to shoot. Like MC killed him at the first chance she got.
Which would support the wanderer Sylus theory.
And that thing about not being killed by the same thing twice in Lost Oasis??? Hello???
Yes he didn't actually die and can use his energy manipulation to heal himself quickly but you get my point:
He coerced her into shooting at his heart. Where she likely stabbed him in the other timeline.
Okay now that we've talked about this (AAAAAAAAAAAAAA THE LORE THE SYMBOLISM THE PARALLELS THE DEPTH I JUST CAN'T WITH THIS GAME) let's go to something lighter!
Like, did you know that crows are one of the smartest and most loyal birds out there?
They have a great memory and will remember you if you help them, becoming loyal to you (following you around, giving you trinkets...) and sort of adopting you as their god in a way (since they give you offerings and expect food in exchange so you are getting my point I hope). What does this say about Sylus? EVERYTHING.
He comes to MC when he needs help and always rewards her, he literally says that he adores her (not in the main story), has his "flock" (Luke and Kieran, and Mephisto if we want) looking out for her, not to mention the stalking...
He's that perfect mix between adorable crow husband and tormented gothic antagonist.
Alr thank you for coming to my LaD talk, have a cookie 🍪
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residentialsinyomakai · 2 months
My Thoughts/Kind of a Summary on "Katie's Yokai Butler"
This will all be from memory, so I apologize if some things are off, out of order, or otherwise incorrect `~` Edit Yomo here! I watched it about halfway through this but i have an awful memory ahhh! Anyways, screenshots n stuff might be included now! This'll basically be somewhat of a summary as well as a few observations I've made. Also, I'll be using the English names for characters! Keita is Nate, Fumi-chan is Katie, Warunyan is Baddinyan, so on so forth—☆
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The alternative timeline in summary is basically if Katie had gotten the yokai watch instead of Nate. It's first (and last) anime mention to my knowledge is in the Season One episode "Katie's Yokai Butler" if my memory served correctly! The episode follows Whisper through his 'dream' in what is presumed to be a look into the alternate Whisper's life. After a little argument with Nate about his messy room, Whisp cream goes to bed upset. He first wakes up to the smell of roses, and quickly realizes he isn't where he should be. (Probably bc Nate's room smells like cheeto puffs/j) He looks around to find himself in Katie's room. ( >Д<;)
This brings us to the first major difference in this timeline; it takes place in Katie's house obviously! Makes sense since she got the watch instead of Nate >u○ Her room is a lot cleaner, and even appears to be more spacious than her male counterpart. That aside, Katie comes upstairs at some point to wake Whisper, to which he responds with confusion as to where he is and how she can see her. To this universe's Katie, she thinks he's acting strange. She pinches him upon request to make sure he's not dreaming, to which he didn't wake up. That confirms that!
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(* ̄∇ ̄)ノ
After a bit, Katie returns back downstairs when she hears her father calling her. This leads Whisper to wonder about another difference; the inclusion of Baddinyan. Besides the obvious fact of it not being Jibanyan, this also means Katie is probably going to interact with other yokai in a rather different manner than Nate! I say that because Nate met Roughraff in Season 1, Episode 3. He didn't even get Baddinyan's medal! (which sucks because that's one of my favorite yokai! Goofy little cat,,, °□°)
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Baddinyan's first appearance in the episode 💞🐛👾
If we're talking on all timeline differences—not just the ones in Katie's house—then the meeting with Roughraff might be a good point to bring up. Considering the fusion was involuntary in Nate's timeline, what happened in Katie's? Did they decide to stay fused after that for whatever reason, did Katie fuse them at a place like shonen temple (which doesn't exist in the anime I think >~>), or did something happen pre-canon for them to have became friends and fuse? Sometimes, a fusion can be in the same place as the yokai that fused them in the anime due to certain yokai like Baddinyan forming a separate consciousness from either original host ( 〃=▽=〃) (I probably sound like a huge dweeb rn </33) Maybe Katie said something to the newly existent Baddinyan to make him give her the medal, and thus hanging around her from now on!
After some vague threats at fighting Whisper from Baddinyan, the yokai butler in question wonders about who replaced Hidabat in the closet. He goes to open it leading us into our next difference; Shadow Venoct. There isn't much from me to say about this one to be honest, he doesn't have any lines except for maybe the hissing of his snake-scarf thingies hissing at Whisper (¤o¤|||. I've noticed that a lot of Katie's friends seem to be more powerful, or at least a higher rank than Nate's. [Ex: Shadow Venoct being S Rank, Baddinyan being B Rank, and another S Rank we'll get into later—!♡]
Sometime after that, Katie calls Whisper down to help her investigate the strange way her mother was acting. Whisper attempts to use the Yokai Pad to identify the yokai...although Katie swipes it away just as quickly. <°[O□o;]°> She says that Whisper (or this timeline's original version of...) promised to try and memorize the information instead. It seems un-Whisper like, but to be fair, alternate Whisper probably formed a different dynamic than the usual! She identifies the yokai with the watch, to which Whisper (discreetly uses the pad and) figures out it's Noway!
To deal with him, Katie said that she'd summon a special rare friend. This turns out to be Robonyan's timeline counterpart; Goldenyan! Upon asking the golden robot cat for help, he says that this was 'beneath' his capabilities and basically that his power shouldn't be wasted on it...;  ̄Д ̄ Anyways, he leaves to the future and the episode ends with Katie using Whisper as a special attack against Noway, much to his dismay >u<. Oh, and it's revealed here that Whisper was dreaming.
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Although it may have been a "dream", I'm 99% sure that was a plot device to not have to script in 'Whisper going to another universe!!' to the episode and how he eventually gets back. I personally believe it would be cool to see a spin-off dedicated to something like this! There's Nyanderful Days I guesssss but that doesn't really count cuz it just has Whisper and Jibanyan and it's just inserting Katie into the og series plot (¬_¬) There's a lot of potential, and I'm sure viewers over here in the west and Japan would be happy to see our girl the the spotlight for once wwwwww. Maybe it'd also be an opportunity to have McKraken put into the anime? Hint hint? That, as well as several yokai who might not have been seen by Nate due to him going different places as Katie, hanging out with different people, etc! Anyways, that's all for now!
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alexanderwales · 4 months
Book Review: Metropolitan Man
[content warning: sexual violence]
It's been 10 years since I wrote Metropolitan Man, and last night I read it for the first time in almost that long. Since writing it, I've written over 4 million words, and hopefully, grown as a writer. I've also forgotten parts of the story, so was looking at it with as fresh of eyes as possible. These are my overall thoughts.
I should say, before I start, that I've read tons of comments and discussion on this story over the years. I don't know how many of these thoughts are my own, or how much I've internalized things that people have said.
Writing Style
There were lots of changes I thought about making while reading, but people hate change, and this story is about ten years past when I wanted to be making editing passes on it. In many places I kept thinking of little extras I would add, things that would make the dialogue pop a little more, or provide characterization. I had this idea for a line where I describe Lois typing out two letters like she was letting loose with both barrels of a shotgun. There's dialogue to clean just a bit more, a few places where words are repeated or something is just a bit awkward, and where it could have been tighter or more clear.
The biggest thing that stood out to me was how little time got spent on scene setting and how short some of the snippets were, just five paragraphs to get a scene across before we're onto the next thing. I might have webserial brainrot, but those are definitely places where today I would give a little more breathing room and maybe use the same amount of words to describe something in a more oblique and stronger way. One that stood out as a clear example was a private investigator going home with Jimmy Olsen even though she was done pumping him for information, which could have been twice as long and benefitted from it. Another was a brief little thing about a Superman spotter on the roof, where I'd now describe everything he was doing, and only get to the conclusion of "he was a Superman spotter" at the end of the section to let the reader have this mini mystery of what they're being shown and why.
I would describe things more if I was writing this today, trying to get those nicely tight and evocative descriptions and ditch the stuff like "she wore a white blouse", but I often feel that way about stuff that I'm revising from last week, so it's not surprising.
The plot is very tight, which is good. I tend to prefer my plots tight, but it takes work, and webserials aren't conducive to it because it's difficult to know when you're writing a scene whether it's really pulling its weight as far as moving things forward. The initial idea for MM was to move as cleanly as possible through a series of events: Superman -> Superman is invincible -> Superman is Clark Kent -> Clark Kent grew up in Smallville -> the ship is in Smallville -> the ship has a Kryptonite power source -> Kryptonite can kill Superman -> Superman is dead. The only thing that would make it any faster would be if we dropped the Lois Lane subplot, but that's like half the novel.
Superman is OOC
I've gotten tons and tons of comments on this story over the years. If I hated myself, I would go back through my email and count them up, but there are some death threats and "kill yourself"s in there, and I prefer not to reread them. The major thing that people hate is the ending, which I don't care to talk about, but the other major thing is that Superman isn't Superman.
In this, I largely agree, but then, I'm pretty sure I've always agreed. That said, Superman has had a ton of interpretations over the years, and there's a wide range of acceptable behavior from "a Superman", even if we're not counting the really out there variations like Red Son or some of the alternate timelines.
... but I still would probably make him more like a canon Superman if I had to do it all over.
There are a few things that raise red flags at the beginning, which is where I think they're inexpertly placed. Superman takes Lois off the roof and flies her around, making her very afraid, and this is fine, I think, a misunderstanding that might be stronger if we got his insight into what was happening before we got hers to help bridge some of the disconnect there and characterize them both better. But there's a little note after that, where Clark makes a joke about "Superman's girlfriend Lois Lane" that I think is a HUGE red flag, and which probably comes too early in the story. It would be better as a joke someone else made that Clark laughs along with, which raises the red flag to half mast.
The other major moment I would change is when the bombs start going off. Superman pulls back, unsure whether he's actually immune to mustard gas, and I think this is one of the moments that most goes against the character of Superman. Canon Superman would just say "welp, guess I gotta find out whether I'm immune to mustard gas in a hurry". Superman making the argument that he doesn't know the bounds of his powers and so should exercise caution reads as either cowardice or as him being way too bitten by the rationality bug.
This would then obviously have to change the plot of that section a bit, because in the novel as it stands right now, Superman is convinced by Lois Lane that he can't just sit on the sidelines for game theory reasons. Better to either scrap that section or have Lois convince Superman that for game theory reasons he should offer to have testing carried out against him in a way that doesn't harm civilians, which canon Superman might submit to if it saved lives. Then the rest of the plot can proceed as normal, because Superman is immune to everything and that's the whole plot beat anyway.
I'd definitely clean up some of Superman/Clark's dialogue to nail the character voice better, but I don't think it's that bad, and it's mostly a few places where the wording is off. I think in particular the points where he's feeling anger go too far, and are not how someone internally conflicted about the anger might talk.
And then, oh yeah, Superman punches a guy's head clean off, which I think is the biggest sticking point for most people.
I've thought about that scene a lot. I personally like it. But if I were ever trying to sell this story to DC, it's one of the things I would almost certainly change. Superman doesn't kill, except in that one movie that came out just before this story was published where Superman snapped a guy's neck.
The change I am most happy/comfortable with is that Whitman, the governor whose children were [REDACTED], is the one to kill Calhoun. This happens just outside the courthouse with Superman watching and not intervening in the slightest, or maybe catching the bullets as they go through Calhoun so no bypassers get hit.
I don't know, as I type it out, it doesn't have the same weight to it. It's not cool. It's not a watershed moment. Maybe there's a plot thread to pull there, where Superman has tacitly endorsed other vigilantes, and it would be a great time to pull in other mundane street-level heroes ... but that's an entirely different story at that point.
Another option is for Superman to simply fly off with Calhoun and put him away, but that lacks punch too, and gets talky, and ... it's about the rage, right? The feeling of injustice, not just at Calhoun, but at the entire world, and it's not just an unhappy side effect that there's blood everywhere, all over the clamoring press, that's part of the point.
Social Justice
I really enjoy how wide-ranging the novel is, and how many things it touches on. Good job me. There was a line I had completely forgotten about where Lois asks "Why doesn't Superman stop abortions?" that I had completely forgotten I had ever written, and which brought a big smile to my face (but no wonder some Superman fans hate this story).
There are a few other things that I raise my eyebrow at a little bit, at least sitting here in 2024. There's a particular line that Superman gives when talking about this whitewashed mural of the past they're walking by, and he says "It's easy to forget that slavery ever happened, you know?" Now, I will grant you that this is a part of a conversation where he's saying that maybe he should have been a better student of history, and is saying this as a white guy in 1934, but I wanted him or someone else to tear that statement apart. It never really happens.
"It's easy to forget that slavery ever happened [if you and your people have not been affected by slavery]". The novel takes place ~70 years after the end of the Civil War, which means that when Clark was growing up there would have been freed slaves who were in their fifties, probably many of them in Kansas, though Smallville is (notably) small. I don't know, it wouldn't have been historically accurate for them to have a discussion of privilege, but there's way more meat on that bone, and it's all left as subtext.
Also probably the case that if I were writing it now, I would pay more attention to race in general, but that I'm less sure on, because it would mean some major structural changes to be done well. There's a single black guy in the whole thing, who is barely a character and has no speaking lines: the farmhand Ma Kent has before he gets lured away with the promise of being an actor. I have never felt that any novel needs racial balance to it, but if you're going to be talking about slavery and whether Superman would have done anything about it, you start to make black people look like props, which is not a good look.
I mean look, I think it's fine for a given story to not actually take a stance on political issues or have a diverse cast, but this story goes from abortion to the Equal Rights Amendment to Prohibition to Nazis to the death penalty, and then despite being set in 1934 sort of talks around the subject of how shitty race relations were. As a white guy, I never feel comfortable talking about race, but I think it would have been appropriate to have here in more than the cursory way it was handled. But the cast is just not that large, and the way that modern Superman stories handle that is usually making Jimmy Olsen black and then not actually talking about the fact that he's black so it's just a palette swap, which I don't think would work here, especially since Jimmy is such a bit character, and also it's 1934.
Sexual Violence
Alright, I will say it: there's too much sexual violence.
Chapter 7 is when the two Whitman kids get kidnapped. Their driver gets his throat slit, the boy gets dismembered, and the girl gets raped. I knew it was coming and I was still horrified by it.
I would not remove this part. I would foreshadow it better with a few scenes with Calhoun, the brutes, etc., and I might change some of the details to be a bit less awful and gruesome, but I don't think I would remove it. There are a few core ideas here that I think all work:
The better class of criminal has left the city now, and all that are left are the worst of the worst, the people who will not respond to incentives or symbols or rational thought.
If you cannot strike at Superman's physical self, you strike at his mind instead, and one of the ways to do that is psychic damage. In Calhoun's case, this is irrational, a pure desire to hurt Superman in any way possible while his empire collapses.
The amount of evil in the world is enormous. The pain and suffering cannot be comprehended. I love what Superman says, that this isn't really unique, that these things happen to children all the time. He's upset about not being able to save them, but they're a drop in the bucket.
I think you have to be careful with sexual violence, whether it's depicted or hinted at or just briefly mentioned. There are tons of people who are not on board with that in their media, and even of those who are on board, it has to be handled carefully and can feel very cheap, as though you're just going to the worst and most transgressive thing you can think of for the shock value. People will see it as lazy and trivializing and making entertainment out of this horrible thing.
I think the world is shit. I think terrible things happen. I have always felt both oppressed by the weight of evil in the world and powerless to stop it. I think that's the thing that I'm gesturing at here, and it feels weird to me that sexual violence would get put on a pedestal as the one thing too horrible to mention, even though we're mentioning all the most horrible things.
How do Superman comics and shows and movies deal with this? My impression is that they don't. Surely Superman must be stopping rapes from happening, but I cannot think of a single time I've seen it happen. I'm actually having trouble thinking of a time it was implied to happen. I think this is probably a good idea on the part of the people who make these bits of media, but it's absolutely not realistic if you're thinking about how Superman would operate in the "real world". Sexual violence happens, child abuse happens, and I guess we just sort of assume that these things are dealt with by Superman off-screen.
Though ... I mean it impacts the characters, right? Does Superman not have a trauma response? Does he have a superpower where he can bottle it all up? He's definitely too late to stop certain crimes, and he definitely can't make things better for some of the victims, and I guess in the comics when he shows up to a burning building he generally has a 100% success rate and people come out with only minor injuries, but ... alright, this is definitely the sort of thing that led me to write this fic in the first place.
It's a question that the fic doesn't have an answer for: how do you go on living when you know that there's so much evil in the world?
I think dialing that particular scene back is, maybe, fine. But it's the sort of thing that would feel like I was being less authentic in a way, as though I wanted to grapple with the big questions but not that one, wanted to consider ethics and morality but silo myself away from things that actually are on my mind. I see the point of blunting that scene, and I rebel against it because I don't want to be blunted, I want to be sharp.
I would, however, remove a lot of the earlier references, or blunt those, because they didn't need to be sharp. There are, before the Whitman stuff, about five references to sexual violence, and maybe even just using "sexual violence" would be enough, rather than "rape". One of these references is to what crimes Superman is statistically most likely to stop, another is to a plot to besmirch his name, both can be massaged or they can go.
I don't know if I think about these things differently because time has passed or I've had a bunch of discussions about these issues, or whether it's just having the outside view. It's weird to think about what a conversation with myself would look like, if we were working on the story together.
I understand why Superman fans sometimes hate this story. There's the Superman OOC stuff, sure, but there are also a lot of questions about Superman that apply to canon equally well, and people hate that. Superman is a fantasy, maybe the ultimate comic book fantasy. He stops crimes and bullets bounce off him! You're not supposed to think about his stance on abortion rights. You're not supposed to look at the Clark Kent mask and say 'huh, that's strange'. I mean it's media, you can do whatever the hell you want, but if Superman is a fantasy, then there are a lot of questions that are fantasy-ruining.
I stand by the story as written about 80%, which is higher than I thought it would be, though there are certain things that I stand by more than others. There are certain structural changes and many line-by-line changes, and I'm glad that I didn't have the story open in edit mode, because it would have taken me three times as long to read and when I hit "save changes" people would grumble about archives or bad changes or whatever, because you can't please people.
About five years ago, I started writing A Common Sense Guide to Doing the Most Good, which was meant as a companion piece to MM. It ended up being all mechanics, no plot, and the plot that I wanted it to have was divorced from the center questions it wanted to answer. It didn't feel as grand, I guess, and the cats were out of their bags a little too quickly.
One of the Answers that MM gives is that the thing you should do in the face of overwhelming evil is to grind relentlessly, grind until your bones are scraping the grindstone and there's nothing left of yourself. The story does not believe this answer, but it's one of the places I ended up ten years ago, and am still sort of at now. The other answer is to live as best you can, be aware of the evil and do what you can against it without letting the idea of it (or the battle against it) consume your soul.
When I was finished reading, I kind of wanted to write an uncritical Superman comic. Something where Superman can be as his most loyal fans see him, someone who is Good and doesn't often have to grapple with what Good means, where the thorny edges of moral quandaries never come to light and the hero is always there in the nick of time. Where Clark Kent is a bold and noble expression of humanity rather than a deception and a mask. Maybe I will go do that.
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beemovieerotica · 5 months
I think part of the tricky thing with colorblind casting is that it also lets studios say, 'look, we're casting so many actors of color' without them actually telling any stories from a POC perspective. There's definitely a p clear difference between the way it's handled depending on who's behind the camera. OFMD skims over a lot but also doesn't try to pretend racism doesn't exist, and in bridgerton it's just not mentioned in a way that feels really hollow? Like, wow, look at this diverse group of beautiful rich people. How are they getting their tea and cotton and silk and sugar? Don't worry about it!
RIGHT ... there's so much to be said about brigerton, like they did address how racial barriers and slavery were ended in england BUT WHERE ARE ALL THE LUXURY GOODS COMING FROM.. as far as i remember they didnt talk about any of the colonies in their AU?
and yeah the way they explain it and conceive of this alternate timeline is very much just to get the world set up for people to move on and get to the main romance plot. i havent seen the Charlotte prequel series but i've heard theyre digging more into the racial history of that universe, maybe because people asked for that and they wanted to correct for skimming over it in the main series.
i have so many thoughts about this and im right in the middle of recording a video on colorblind casting on broadway and talking a lot about the ways it's been done really well and really poorly across media...but yeah if you want some good commentary on this, august wilson & benny sato-ambush had a great dialogue on colorblind casting and how it's possibly a barrier to getting authentic black stories actually told, this stuff is from the 90s and people have been talking about it for a while
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matrixxsystem · 4 months
Luck Runs Out Part 5
Everyone squeezed into a booth in one of the corners of the restaurant and took a look at the menus laid on the table, Leo and Usagi looked so.. Natural? At this sort of thing, they were chatting away cracking jokes and not even worried about anyone else who looked their way. When the waitress came over to ask about drinks everyone basically froze up, save for April, Leo and Usagi. Which in all fairness they were all fairly terrified of the human population seeing as if they were found out, anything could happen, including something terrible like what happened to Leo. That was more than enough to make them worry about being found out. After they decided on drinks the waitress smiled and left not even giving thought to the tables weird demeanor. 
"Wow" Leo started with a little chuckle, "That was- Hard to watch, see this is exactly what I was talking about! You guys have like no social skills, I mean we're shut ins and hermits so I get it- No ones fault- But we really gotta work on that." He smiled over at Usagi feeling his boyfriends hand against his own, "Anyway- Casey! How've you been adjusting?" Casey perked up from inspecting a salt packet like a deer in headlights. "O-Oh, well... Good? I mean- I kind of didn't think I'd be, y'know, here? Not like- I just.. When the timeline was reset and stuff I thought.."
"That you'd cease to exist?" Donnie cut in, "It's a common trope in movies and media that once the time branch is disconnected or ended that all its inhabitants 'poof' from existing, but after seeing the timeline be actively altered I started thinking that may not be the case if it'd just now an isolated timeline.."
"In English Donnie-"
"Eye roll.. Fine. If he changed the future that might not mean that his past doesn't still exist somewhere. So there's a few things that could happen since he's still here in the past alive and well." Casey tilted his head a bit, "Oh? Like.. What?" Donnie gave a little shrug as he tapped away on his phone, "I'm thinking that because there's no other you in this timeline this is still your timeline in a sense, but once you're born into this timeline if you ever do now that the future is changed, you could cease to exist. So you might only have a few years left. Or you might only exist as long as you don't interact with any other versions of you? Since there aren't supposed to be two versions of you in one timeline it might try correcting itself if you two came into contact."
"Or..?" Casey asked, really hoping for a better alternative. Donnie gave a not so reassuring shrug as he spoke, "Or, because you're from a different timeline all together it might have no effect on us and the timeline might not even register you as the same person, which is how it seems. No rifts or world shattering events have happened since you got here, y'know, besides the one.. But that's unrelated to you." Casey nodded a little as he listened, getting a little tense again when the woman brought everyone's drinks and took orders, Leo taking the lead and ordering for nearly everyone since he already knew what his brothers would want to eat. Once she left again they all took a moment testing the drinks, nothing new about water and Pepsi. Casey still made a face at the carbonation of his drink, but then took another sip making the same almost painful expression, like watching a toddler try a lemon or a pickle for the first time. Leo let out a little chuckle as he pulled his phone back out, "Anyway- Since were all here I wanted to talk about the festival coming up, and about the plans we all had." Casey perked up a little, "Plans? Was going there itself not the plan?" He asked, his head tilted a little. Leo shook his head with a little chuckle, "I mean, before and after that plan we wanted to.. y'know, make.. more plans? Usagi had an idea if you guys would wanna go eat out somewhere before going, then maybe split up for a bit, get back together for some games and the firework show they're gonna do, then go our ways for the night? Or something like that?"
"Oh, yeah I guess that makes sense too." 
"There's a few places we were looking at, since Leo was trying to check out the East end of town for a while now and they have a pretty good mix of food it might be fun, and not to far from the festival.. Only if everyone else was okay with that of course." Usagi said with a little nod as he spoke. "The expensive end of town?" Donnie asked, head still turned downwards looking at his phone, "Well-Technically yes, but since Leo's been helping me with a some work here and there we have a bit saved up. We wouldn't ask any of you to pay" He glanced over to Leo who was busy staring back at him, apparently lost in thought. He rolled his eyes with a little chuckle and booped his nose, "Anyone home~?" Leo blinked a few times, crossing his eyes to look at Usagi's finger then back to his eyes, "Ah- Sorry- What were you saying-?" The woman came back over with the food and everyone got quiet again for a moment till she was gone. "Nothing important" Usagi said once they were in the clear, "Are you okay though?" Leo nodded, taking a fry off Usagi's plate, "Mhmm, no I'm good" He put his phone away as Usagi took Leos plate without him needing to ask and help him cut some of the food he knew Leo would struggle with. He slid the plate back over to Leo stealing a small piece with his fork before Leo could protest, as a tax for the fry of course.   "So.." Casey glanced between them a little then over to April still a little confused on the overall plan. "We're gonna.. Go eat first? Or go to the town first? Then watch some.. good explosions? Then go home?" Donnie nodded, "That's about the jist of it yes. We're just deciding the order of those events so everyone is clear on them. "Casey nodded a little as he started to eat, even after all these months of him being back in the past he was still amazed by the small things like the variety of foods and drinks available. He paused for a moment to savor it before continuing, having to remind himself that things like this were just the norm now. He smiled a little as he listened to the boys argue about what they all wanted to do first, and what time would be good for everyone. It took a good while but eventually they all gave in to the plan of running around the festival first then meeting for dinner, watching the fireworks then going their separate ways, weather they wanted to stay till the festival was well past over or go home right away it didn't matter too much. "So, future boy." Usagi said after a bit of silence, "I wanted to ask you something."
"Oh-? Sure Usagi-san"
"I know I shouldn't ask much about affairs that could endanger the present, but I'd really like to know about the other versions of me and Leo, we were together in that timeline if I'm not mistaken?" Casey nodded a little as he ate, "Yeah, well, you weren't like.. As close as you are now- Physically I mean. Showing affection wasn't really something people did in the open, it showed weakness, sentiment that could be exploited.. So we didn't really know just how close you guys were, and for how long. I mean in the hideout it was different, and you guys seemed... Happy, sharing glances and helping the other with stuff when they didn't have to. I was still pretty young when you died so I-" He froze for a moment and looked up to see everyone's concerned expression, only Usagi and Leo didn't seem as phased as the rest. Right, they didn't know much about the grim ends they all met fighting the Kraang.. "I'd like to know if you're okay to continue" Usagi said softly, trying to sound as calm and honest as possible. Casey just nodded again after a moment of hesitation, "One of the big ones, the fights I mean.. There were a handful of full-scale battles before I left, I wasn't old enough to fight in this one, but I got to go with as a medic and to carry wounded home so.. I got to see it happen, I was right there..." Casey looked back down at his plate, "He rushed to help sensei fend off what we called kroggs, animals that'd been infected and sicked on us, tearing apart everything in their path. Sensei was already hurt, and half the pack was running at him, Usagi-san saved him. He saved a lot of people that day and gave us all time to retreat. When I circled back to make sure everyone alive had been taken back I saw them both, laying there on the ground. I wasn't close enough to hear it but Usagi-san grabbed sensei's hand in his and told him something that made him start crying.. I called for backup, I wasn't strong enough to take sensei back myself yet."
"How old were you?" Usagi asked, seemingly unphased by the rest of the story. "..I was eleven." He said back, there was another pause between everyone. "I guess it's comforting in a way, to know that Leo was there with me, and that I would be able to save him, and that we ended up together regardless." Leo took Usagi's hand in his giving it a gentle squeeze, "I should also say, sometimes after talking to Casey about his future you might uh.. Get some memories from you're future self, it's totally normal though and its usually just like, having weird dreams or something just so you're warned about that-"
"Oh? Interesting.. Is that what happened to you the other night Leo? Or was it just a weird dream making you talk out loud?" Leo shrugged a little, "I honestly don't remember, what'd I even say?"
"Something along the lines of dismantling a robotic version of your oldest brother I think?" They turned back to Casey, "Well Jr-" Leo asked with a little smirk, "Ring any bells-? Uh- Casey..?" Leo quickly wiped the smug expression off his face, a slightly concerned one replacing it immediately seeing his reaction. "Wait- I become a robot in the future?" Raph asked, nearly choking on his drink hearing that it was in fact something that the future held. Donnie put a hand on Casey shoulder and nodded, "Yeaaah, so I'll take this one, I analyzed some of the logs from Casey mask that my future self apparently modified for him and there's... A lot of information that was there but there was a good amount on the schematics and general upkeep instructions for an oversized Raph-bot of sorts. It seems his body wasn't able to be fully recovered but they devised a way to keep his consciousness in a container and allow that container free reign over the metal form. One that was eventually used as a last resort power source once I was no longer around to fix things myself."
"Wait you died?!" Raph looked a lot more concerned that he did about his own 'death' it seemed, Donnie just shrugged, "What did you expect? I'm an autistic softshell who'd lost his ninpo and been infected, my physical form was crumbling months before you died, it was only a matter of time, I'm honestly surprised that my future self managed for as long as he did. Me personally, I'd just take the L and call it a day haha-" 
"You wHAT?" Raph said putting his drink down, causing a few heads to turn to look their way. He quickly quieted down and tried to compose himself to look as normal as possible before continuing in a whisper. "What do you mean you were infected??" Donnie rolled his eyes, "Oh relax Raph that's not now, it didn't happen in this timeline, so we're in the clear on that. But Casey informed me the Kraang had engineered a bioweapon that I happened to fall victim to." Casey nodded, "They used it to limit out food in hopes that we would start fighting among ourselves for resources and fall apart or starve to death. A few got infected, but they all died within maybe a month or two, Donnie managed to fight it for nearly three years... He was bigger and stronger than the others though when he got sick.." Donnie nodded and started doodling on his napkin, "Yeah apparently I was like, twice as tall as I am now, like, Raph sized- But the infection sucked the life outta me so I got really weak and thin, near the end I was at the point where I couldn't even walk without help. I used the last of my time writing code and all of my notes on how to keep things running. Which I don't know why my suture self didn't just log all his instructions as he went to make everything so much easier, it would have saved to much time to write everything as he was going to if anything happened that was unexpected or if he needed to be away doing who knows what, that things would still be taken care of. Whatever, it's in the futures past now, it doesn't really matter."
"Doesn't matter??? Donnie you basically got alien cancer!" Leo said flicking one of Usagi's fries at his head, "But I didn't in this timeline and that's what matters-" He said flinging the fry back at Leo. Usagi caught the fry before it hit Leo and set it on a napkin, "Lets not use the food as ammo and risk a food fight and getting kicked out." Leo and Donnie both huffed a little but listened, since he was right obviously. Leo latched onto Usagi looking up at him with his usual dramatic pout. Usagi just rolled his eyes and gave in, kissing his head, and letting out a little chuckle when Leo decided that was clearly not enough to keep him behaved. He leaned down giving him a quick kiss, not wanting to over do it in front of his family, "Now behave." He said in a whisper, "You can do that for me can't you~?" Leo huffed again and nodded, "Fiiiine" He said as he sat back in his seat, finishing his food as the conversation got more light hearted and they started talking about thinks like April finishing college this year and Casey starting a business with Donatello for his inventions and skills in coding. He was easily able to get a part time job doing coding and since he'd been trained by Donnie it was like doing first grade math to him so he was quickly offered better positions and it seemed to be going well for him. Leo couldn't help but think about Usagi's voice and kept getting distracted, once everyone was done Leo pulled out his phone and texted the group without Usagi. 
Leon: Hey would you guys be down to like, go somewhere else? Like the movies? I know you guys wanted to see that new JJ movie and show Casey around, you don't have to but I figured I'd ask cause we're already out
Angelo: Ohmigosh we should!! The JJ movie looks soooo good!! Can we? Can we? Can we?
Raphie: I mean... I guess, if everyone really wants to it could be nice?
DonTron: Might as well, it'll give me a chance to try out a new feature on my headphones that filters out chatter and random noise. 
Angelo: Awwww yiiisssss babey I can't wait 
Leon: On another kinda related note, would you care if I wasn't there? I uh, kind of wanted to try some of those what ever its called, the practices Donnie made me do when I was in the med bay recovering the past few times? Physical therapy right? That's what it's called? Well, that- But- it just looks real stupid so maybe don't be in the lair while I do em okay-
Raphie: Oh so it was a trap to get us outta the house huh? 
Leon: ...Is it working?
Raph sighed out loud and looked over to Leo with an unamused expression, while Leo had his signature shit eating grin. "Just- make sure you clean your room when you get home first got it?" Leo nodded and hailed a waitress over paying for the table and leaving a tip too before getting up and taking Usagi's hand and waving them off. "Oh are we going?" He asked, since he wasn't really aware of what happened over text. Leo nodded as he walked out leading Usagi towards his place, "I'm gonna be honest, and you can say no but you got me in a mood to make out and I really didn't wanna wait so I told everyone else to go see a movie cause we were gonna do some physical therapy stuff.."
"So you lied so we could be alone?" He asked with a little chuckle, Leo wrapped an arm around Usagi's waist as they walked, "Well physical therapy can be a lot of different things, who's to say exactly what I meant versus what they took it as y'know~?" 
"Ohh, you sneaky little~ Fine, only for a little bit, you've only bought us about an hour or two so we'll need to be carful, and quiet" Leo nodded, "Yeah and I know dads gonna be out too, or at least dead asleep in his sound proofed room so he won't bother us~"
"In that case~ I have a little request~"
"Oh? What is it?" LRO Part 1 Part 6
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Hi, just wanted to remind you that I still love all the ego stuff you wrote. I was a big lurker during the time you actively wrote it but dude it was so fucking good.
When I think about the egos, I mostly think about your stuff bc it made the characters come to life. It was so good. I can’t say it enough.
The stuff I’m pulling from memory rn is Anti’s time in The Forgotten. Like my bro, my dude, my homie. That shit pulled at my heart. The fact that he was only gone for like a day or smt in our dimension but he had actually been gone for like 10 years in that dimension experiencing horrors unknown. AND NOBEDY KNEW???? Good shit.
The relationship between the Host and dr. Iplier. Still one of my fav bromances. Like the trust between them and how it was made through hardships. It came to a point where Host even trusted Doc with his name??? Which gave him power over Host, something he was so afraid of. Doc made him a better man. Stopped him from being too cruel. But than he had to forget it bc he went insane. BUT BECAUSE HOST IS AN ASS, HE MADE DOC AND ANTI FORGET EVERYTHING. My guy, that’s your platonic husband and adopted son. Yes I was screaming about that. That still gets me going.
There is so much other stuff too though. Like Anti and Doc becoming family. The egos all getting closer. Phantom being an absolute menace every time he appeared. The Googles becoming more and more human over time.
You introduced me to Wiggles. Didn’t know anything about PJ before I started reading your works.
What it all boils down to, is me wanting to thank you. I don’t know how you look back on those ego stories but it got me through some dark times. You updating it always made my day better. I still carry a piece of it with me everywhere I go and has also inspired me a lot. So thank you!
Oh man, thank you so much for taking time to send this! It's honestly insanely encouraging to hear those stories stuck with you. I still love them a lot myself, cringe or no, because they're such a fun time capsule of that period in my life, and this blog and all the people who followed it (lurkers and all) also helped me get through college in one piece.
Gosh I did put Anti through so much, but in my defense, it was for character development! He and Ollie were always one of my favorite dynamics to write, personally. I mean, the computer glitch demon and the sentient android with a heart of gold? I still haven't made up something that good since. Also the Mare and Phantom dynamic, which they were always managing to screw up somehow. Unhealthy sibling dynamics are the best.
It's also insane that so much of the Host stuck with you because he was always my favorite to write and the one that felt the most like mine at the end of the day. The fact that Mark announced he'd retired him as a character and we all collectively agreed to kidnap him and give him a story is still one of this fandom's shining moments in my mind. In fact, I've kinda snagged Host for different original stories I'm writing now just because I miss writing him so much. I've also kept The Forgotten as a concept, which is definitely getting used in a setting I'm working on now because the angst potential is indeed too good to deny.
Also, while we're strolling down memory lane, what one writer gets to wipe their entire canon midway through and start over again in an alternate timeline whilst using references to the previous timeline to terrorize their readers? Ending one timeline of the blog to begin another was a wild but fascinating experiment on my part to see how I could use it to play with foreshadowing and all that jazz. Plus nothing will ever quite beat letting the audience reach into the narrative and start making their own waves from time to time.
But even though I do mostly original stories now, I'm still loving writing found families and platonic soulmates and maybe the redeeming of one or two villains, so I appreciate all the practice and the feedback I got from these stories! I'll probably keep sneaking Ego references into my stories forever. I'd also be curious to know which story arcs stuck with other people??
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thankskenpenders · 2 years
The first proper trailer for Sonic Prime came out yesterday, as I'm sure you've all heard. I've gotten several messages asking me my thoughts, so... here's some thoughts! Thoughts on how the show's looking, and a certain bat whose presence is somehow the biggest news to me.
First off? This looks phenomenal, visually speaking. I'm kind of in awe of how good the visuals in CGI cartoons are getting. The scenery looks great. The characters move so fluidly. Everything's beautifully lit. I could go on and on. I wish the in-engine game cutscenes had animation half this good.
I continue to be pleased with how slavishly faithful to the games the main universe is - to the point that they're saying this is, in fact, just set in the game universe. Yeah, we're all getting tired of Green Hill Zone, but we've never had a cartoon that was this faithful. The closest we got was Sonic X, which I like, but it's hard to look at any random episode about Sonic having to save the extensive human cast from another generic robot and say it really has the feel of the games. Seeing Sonic and co. fight some classic Badniks in a cartoon with (mostly) their normal designs feels special after all these years of never quite getting that.
That slavish faithfulness to the classic iconography also makes the differences with the multiverse stuff hit harder, and thank GOD they're finally showing some of that. This teaser is pitching it as a show about Sonic meeting alternate timeline versions of his friends who form an underground resistance against the Eggman Empire (funny how the franchise keeps finding itself back in Freedom Fighter territory), which is fun and all. Tall cyborg Amy! A version of Tails who can walk like a spider on a set of robotic kitsune tails! Hell yeah! But if the synopsis blurbs about a "multiverse" and "new worlds" and that pile of leaked concept art from a year and a half ago are anything to go off of, this is presumably only the first of multiple alternate worlds that we'll be seeing. I'm very excited to see more of them!
We also hear a little more from the new voice cast. Brian Drummond is kinda doing his own thing with Eggman. I like it. It sounds compatible with the usual Mike Pollock take without aping it 1:1. He seems maybe a little more sinister here, which fits what we've seen so far from this take on Eggman. And Deven Mack still sounds great as Sonic, although I kind of wonder if he's being instructed to sound like Roger since the delivery in what we've heard so far is pretty similar. I get that desire for consistency, but I hope he's able to inject a bit more of his own spin on Sonic in the full show, even if it's supposed to technically be the same Sonic as Roger's.
Meanwhile, the roles for the rest of the main voice cast have been confirmed elsewhere, and they mostly match up with what I expected because these casting choices just make perfect sense. I already know Shannon Chan-Kent, known primarily for playing Misa in Death Note and Pinkie Pie's singing voice (and Smolder) in MLP, is perfect casting for Amy. Ashleigh Ball's one brief line as Tails sounds a lot like her Rainbow Dash voice, but like... hey, it fits! I'm excited to hear more from her. And Knuckles... well, I don't know his VA as well and also he has no lines in this trailer.
But by now y'all know which characters I stan the most, and you know what I'm gonna be excited about. The big surprise here is the fact that Rouge is on the main cast. The main cast.
The cast posters revealed that she was in the show, which was big enough news, but then the trailer drops and she's on the damn team. Every hero team in a kids' show needs three boys and two girls, and this time they rounded out the group with Rouge. AND she's being voiced by Kazumi Evans, yet another MLP alum on this show - this time Rarity's singing voice and the voice of Adagio Dazzle in Equestria Girls. I don't even need to hear any lines, I know that's another perfect fit.
I'm just shocked. Rouge hasn't been in a TV series in almost two decades since she was kept out of Boom, robbing us of the "Rouge somehow ropes Team Sonic into doing a goofy heist with her" episode the world deserved. Ian's even said that he pitched some ideas for Boom Rouge after being asked to pitch more Boom-ified game characters, but it went nowhere. While she's continued to show up in the comics and (to a lesser extent) the games due to her fan favorite status, it's kind of felt like she was being swept under the rug. Fewer major story appearances than in the '00s, not much merch, it took them until the fifth Mario & Sonic game to make her playable. And she's probably seen as less broadly marketable as a mascot character because of... well, two big reasons.
And so, understandably, Rouge is here with a new outfit that covers those two big reasons up more than usual.
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Yeah as a Rouge fan, a person who's talked at length about the fanservice in Archie Sonic, and a sapphic furry artist, I can't avoid talking about this stuff lol
I mostly like the new outfit and think it was a smart call. We can have lots of nuanced discussions about objectification and sexual liberation and the fact that seeing some cleavage isn't gonna kill you and how being the flirty femme fatale is a core part of Rouge's character and whether that's objectifying or empowering and all the other things that get brought up every time a new Bayonetta game comes out. But at the end of the day their main audience is 8-year-olds, and because of that I really can't blame them for dressing Rouge slightly more modestly. I've always loved Rouge as a character the way she already is, but people (particularly non-fans, and also just... Sonic fans who aren't also furries lol) often write her off as "that weird bat lady with the tits that people are really horny for." Hopefully the writing will show non-comic readers that she's a genuinely fun character when used well as a foil to the rest of the cast, and hopefully her new outfit(s) will allow people to focus on that.
I do think something's a little off with the new outfit, though, even if I think it looks solid overall. Is it just that the heart motif is more abstract and less of a central focus here? That might be part of it. Maybe the suit just looks slightly overdesigned next to Team Sonic. Unsurprisingly I've also already seen multiple pieces of fanart giving this outfit a boob window, with one arguing that showing more of her skin tone on her torso gives the design better color balance, and... yeah, on that level I do kinda agree lol. Although I think a similar balance could be achieved just by having her upper arms be exposed or something. (Which is a feature on her bad timeline counterpart's outfit!) But, yeah, overall I do think I like it.
I also don't think they actually made her boobs smaller compared to most of her modern appearances despite the many, many, MANY claims to the contrary but I am not getting into that debate lol. Also she's literally still wearing a skintight catsuit and doing cool flying kicks you are not allowed to say they made her less hot
The fact that they're putting Rouge front and center has me VERY curious about her future prospects in the movie universe, though, given the particular projects currently in the works. To me, this makes it seem WAY more likely than it previously did. But who knows?
Uhhh anyway yeah the show looks good. I like pretty much everything we've seen so far. I like basically all of the previous Sonic cartoons except Underground to some extent, but if they stick the landing with this one then it seems like it'll pretty easily be the best one. I guess it's kinda lame that they made Sonic say "gotta go fast" in the trailer, but idk, it's a modern Sonic project, they gotta pay the obligatory lame meme toll. I am mostly fixated on Rouge because she's one of my favorite characters and her being on the main team is somehow the biggest curveball this show's previews have thrown so far, like seriously what.
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bulletbilltime · 1 year
Pikmin 4 verdict: Ok this is gonna be the best game in the series isn't it
Stray thoughts below:
The caves are... actually interesting and well designed?? no more half-assed roguelike random cave attempts (sorry pik2 fans but that game's caves just cannot compete IMO)
That being said... I'm a bit disappointed so far that we're only seeing the same styles of caves as Pik2. They do look gorgeous though, mind you.
Industrial Maze was such a cool cave, simply by virtue of actually having a proper puzzle it's already my favourite cave in the series not named Submerged Castle.
Oatchi my beloved!!! he actually works way better with the game flow than I expected when I first saw him in the trailer. He doesn't feel too overpowered; he's basically an upgradable super pikmin but he doesn't ever particularly feel like he truly outshines the actual Pikmin. (Maybe he could if he gets all the upgrades but
The 20 pikmin in the overworld thing might feel super limiting after being used to squads of 100 piks in the previous games... But honestly I think it's a very inspired design choice! It makes it so the early game stuff can still wreck your shit if you're not careful. You can't just easily roll up with a squad of 100 piks on day 3 and destroy everything in your path. It allows for your in-game character to become progressively more powerful which I think is more satisfying in the long run
I love how you don't just automatically get the onion upon finding new Pikmin types. Makes them feel more precious. Basically: the wild pikmin mechanic is really neat! And it could allow for the return of Purple/Whites without feeling too unbalanced.
"Olimar is the fuckin leaf boy" basically confirmed. Question is: what's with Moss? My current theory is parasite pikmin are involved.
And speaking of... the wild pikmin mechanic means we could possibly get overworld bulbmin if they add them... if this happens, I imagine the entire fandom will go nuclear (in a good way)
If you look through the controls, the Form Line controls basically confirms that you will obtain some form of SWARMING as an upgrade!!! C-STICK FANS REJOICE (The text mentions cardinal directions only but I feel like the odds are high that you will be able to actually swarm your crew with this mechanic. I'd say 70-30 odds of it being true. Don't quote me on that. But if true, then fuck yeah)
Honeywisp is back 🥹
Collecting raw material is so much fun, and
I feel like this game is really leaning on fan service, but also manages to balance it with new things to make it feel fresh!
Someone said it felt like all 3 previous games mashed together and yeah I absolutely get that feeling
Very disappointed that they only have the co-op star bits thing. This game in genuine co-op would rule.
So far the music of the game doesn't quite strike me quite as strongly as the themes from the previous games. Hopefully this will change with time.
Is this game like... an alternate timeline to Pikmin 1? Moss was definitely NOT in Pikmin 1, and the story segment seems to hint that Olimar met Moss during that first crash... Giving the "bad ending" theorists more food IMO.......
This game really, really drags out the wait between Y/N landing on the planet and the first Pikmin huh. It felt a bit too much that you went through the first cave before even getting a single pikmin IMO.
I really like the crew in this game!! They're fun, though they do talk a lot and I could see that bothering some ppl.
Honestly I was super disappointed when I thought there were only 6 crewmates to find in the entire game... but then I found the first castaway and I was back to being excited
I like that you have a little base to meet ppl and discuss tasks!
One of the castaways I saved wrote notes on the Treasures I collected. This implies that we will probably get a biologist who will make notes on the creatures 👀
TL;DR: July 21st can't get here fast enough. The 2 hours or so I've played of this game is already my GOTY and it could genuinely challenge for GOAT (game of all time) if it sticks the landing with the rest of the game.
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popculturebuffet · 28 days
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Boom! Retrospective: Issues 4 and 5: The Power Rangers Explode!
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It's morphin time once again you happy ranger. TLDR iv'e been covering Boom Studio's Power Rangers for my good patron brotoman.exed in between transformers reviews. This will be the last for a while as I have Transformers One Next month, possibly Transformers: The Movie after, and Transformers: More than Meets the eye returns after. But the power will protect us again in 2025.
For now though we wrap up the round of mighty morphin with a giant cliffhanger and a flashback. And get used to those clliffhangers as Mighty Morphin, both during this run and when Ryan Parrot takes over tends to be one big continuous story. But rather than just.. do power rangers then get back to more than meets the eye in a few years, we're going back and forth so expect a lot of cliffhangers from both.
So to breifly recap for those just joining us, i'll collect the link to this arc in one post later, in an arc set in an alternate timeline where Mighty Morphin takes place in present day but green with evil still happened Tommy laser eyeing bulk and skull into a trashcan and all, Tommy is dealing with his ptsd in the shape of a rita ghost haunting him and hid it from everyone, while the real rita plots her hideous revenge using a mysterous black crystal powered by the green energy. As for everyone else Billy and Trini are hanging out and being good buds, Jason has doubts about tommy, Kimberly is thirsty as hell and Zack is
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Constantly bitching about "WELL MAYBE TOMMY'S EVIL GUYS". And spoilers despite being called out on it he only gets worse in this one now he thinks he's been proven right. And on top of all of this, Rita has hyjacked the dragonzord and sent it the rangers way. And shit's only gonna get worse as we see how our heroes save the day only to still loose while we find out WHY Zack won't shut up.
So we begin the issue with the dragonzord having wrecked a cruise ship. There were some surivors but scorpina defintely just killed some people. Unless that boat was just haunted then the ghosts are fine.
Point is shit is bad as the dragonzord is headed for land and our heroes head to stop it.. minus tommy who Jason benches.. not unfarily given you know, the untreated ptsd he just confessed to and the fact the one strategy Tommy does have, telport into the cockpit, isn't available.
The rangers strategy after a badass looking half page of the zords
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Such a cool panel. I've given this comic's art some crap but it's megazord art is incredible. So their solution is rather than you know, form the megazord since last time they fought the dragonzord it was on par with it they ... use their zords to drag it into the sea to hang out with godzilla and cthulu.
Rita is actually ready for this as she NEEDS the dragonzord to kill people so she has finster... send a bunch of generic shark monsters and make them grow because.. rita can do more than one at a time now?
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Look i'm not the kind of nerd who goes nitpicking every minuta of a plot. I like to analize stuff yes, find deep meanings, character arcs, that sort of thing. I'll poke fun at stuff I don't like, i'll call it out but I try not to nitpick. There's stuff in power rangers like "Why don't they just call the zords right away", "why dosen't rita make her monster grow right away" i'm willing to handwave or can be explained in a more grounded take like this. This very comic , in the only issue i've read besides this arc pre-ryan parro, has a great issue we'll get to in a few years i'm sure that explains WHY Zordon picked 5 teenagers with atittude instead of experinced adults. I'm not saying it's not fun to try and fill said holes with your own theroes, but it's weird to mock a show with a pumpkin rapper. Some later power rangers series do deserve more praise and scruitny but mighty morphin is camp personified so it can get away with weird lore swings.
This series takes it seriously.. and thus really can't jus tsay "oh finster could always make more and didn't because shut up" I dont' mind saying he can do that.. but you have to explain HOW. Rita building a new dragon dagger made sense and they gave it the limit of being far more unstable. This is just plot convience and the comic just proved with said dagger twist it can do better.
So with Rita pulling out the cheat codes, our heroes are in a bind, angle grove's about to be attacked and Tommy is getting impatient.. and for the final time has a confrontation with his PTSD Ghost... and it's confirmed that I was right, I had genuinely forgotten but yeah.. PTSD Rita..is just that.
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It's a great scene and pays off the PTSD Ghost rita well: doe sit mean all of Tommy's problems are solved? No. It isn't that easy and I don't think the comic is implying "oh well solving your PTSD is just as easy as confronting it". But it is right in that simply burying trauma.. dosen't fix it and from personal experince same with self loathing. The only way to deal with it is to face it head on. It's.. honestly inspired me a bit. I may not like this comic on the whole.. but it has it's moments of greatness.
So Tommy decides fuck it, he's going to ingnore jason's orde rand go to help. Zordon.. isn't so sure, partly because he knwos damn well this will rattle the stick firmly planted up Jason's ass, and partly because he's worried about the ptsd ghost. Granted Tommy could've given him more than "I'ts handled now", but what I like is this isn't Tommy trying to prove something entirely. This isn't a one side thing: Zordon is right this is going against his friend and commander and that's going to have consequences.. but Tommy's right that if he CAN save lives, he has to. No question.
So Tommy ports in directly on top of the dragon zord to try and control it proving Tommy Oliver being the biggest badass of any reality he's in is a multiversal constant. This gets him bucked off the thing but kim catches him in what I feel's also a sweet moment. While Sure Tommy could've just been winging it, given his next step it feels like he KNEW kim could catch him and tells jason he has a plan to just trust him. Jason reluctantly agrees and Tommy... well TOmmy tops himself
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FUCK YES. The climax here is awesome as the rangers take down generic shark man while Tommy takes down scorpina. She does the normal villian bragging "It's too late" "our plans can't be stopped" and tommy just.. breaks her dagger stopping the zord while the rangers can this fish.
Back at the center though.. it's sadly not a happy ending. Jason at his limit with Tommy is pissed he defied him. Tommy does make a valid point: he wona nd had no hallucinations.. but he is being a bit of a dick basically saying "We won shut the fuck up" instead of being apologetic that he broke orders.. but still making his point. Still he does try to walk away, and while dickish it PROBABLY would'e solved things. The divide would've festered a bit... but cooling down and not biting each others heads off was the right call. Jason however.. just can't let it go saying we're not done. Which they arne't, Tommy is being a dick but as i've learned when your getting into a really heated fucking argument sometims it's best to take a break and circle back later. Don't ignore it, running away, as we established in this arc, dosen't help either, but the two of them bickering over whose right isn't going to help anyone. Unfortunately.. SOMEBODY DOSEN'T AGREEEEEEEEE
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I will lay into this bitch in a second, but as a DIRECT RESULT OF HIS ACTIONS, Jason and Tommy resume their fight, Tommy is a petulant ass saying jason isn't a good leader, which apart from not adressing the zack thing better, isn't true, and Jason wonders if they really need 5 while Zordon begs his kids to stop fighting.. and as they prepare to throw hands.. the crystal is fully powered. The villians have won: the black dragon.l.. is awake and the comman dcenter explodes as Jason has the rangers put their helmets on and we meet the big bad this has all been building towards , the black dragon
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Yeah while he is intimdating to a point... his deisgn is so damn generic and clashing with power rangers as a whole , like the other monsters it feels like a let down. We'll see if he gets better next year.
For now though... let's circle back to why this is Zack's fault and why i'm tired of his bullshit. Tommy was walking away. Tommy was a doucheballon, I havne't sugar coated it, but he was walking away.. ZACK is the one who grabbed him and ZACK is the one whose been doubting tommy, constnatly assuming he's evil, being a prized asshole. Jason's only leadership failing is not recognizing that and reining it in, telling Zack it's okay to have some doubts but to TRY or having the two talk it out. The last part's a bit understandable given how much has been going on, but Jason KNEW Zack was constantly being a dick to tommy, was saying shit behind his back, being passive agressive as fuck did nothing, and then ends up fighting his new friend because of that. Zack didn't START the fight, both tommy and jason share blame, tommy for his ego, jason for not accepting tommy made a good call and sometimes the rangers need to make a hard call by themselves. Being a team means both respecting your leader AND knowing when to break rank if it saves lives. On those two arguing it's well done: Tommy seroiusly rankled Jason by not telling him then disobeying while Tommy solving his issues dosen't solve his tendency to lash out, he just switched targets from himself to Zack, who deserved it and Jason, who didn't entirely.
But Zack's petty grudge against Tommy, his refusal to belelive tommy was a victim and not evil because of his own backstory, his own moment of weakness we'll get to caused it to escalate. It's fine to be wary, tommy was hiding serious hallucinations from everyone and his own doubts, and while he had reason to, he shoudl've been honest. Tommy did get cocky and did defy jason. But Zack isn't doing this because he's jason's friend he's doing this becauasse he WATNS tommy to be evil, wants to pick a fight with him and has ever since zordon recurited him. Billy and Trini have doubts, but genuinely tried to be welcoming: Billy apparently also put Tommy in their group notifications and Trini had that nice heart ot heart last issue. Kim is the most welcoming due to her crush but tried. Jason has clear doubts that explode here, but tried. Zack didn't give a fuck, was a petulant toddler and now the whole team is going to pay for his bullshit. The character gets way better under Ryan Parrot thankfully and will HOPEFULLY get some development from this debacle, but for this first Arc zack is easily the worst part: I don't mind having a ranger doubt tommy, but they take it WAY too far with Zack who spends the entire arc being a giant dick then caps it off by causing the next one. Fuck.. this.. dude.
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Now I will say this last issue of the arc proper.. is pretty damn good. The conflict that ultimately leads to the bad guys winning is well built up and I like it more on this read through: Jason has shown to be way too far up his own ass in trying to be leader, and Tommy has shown to have a loner streak, so both's actions, Jason taking Tommy's last ditch move personally and Tommy being a spiteful dick and then getting utterly pissed Jason keeps having Zack's back all feel natural. Zack still sucks, the three sharks thing makes no sense.. but the rest of the issue IS pretty great and does give me hope when we get back to power rangers, i'll enjoy it more. That Higgins simply needed time to sort things out or was building his story slowly.
This first arc.. still has issues but their more structural: boom shoudl've just started from scratch instead of trying to dance between the raindrops of ranger history, though it does a decent job of it and would sustain 100 issues, so it worked out in the end, but I still feel the fresh start their doing now is a good call. Let them use the wide canvas instead of just the most profitable one. But it's not as bad as I remembered.. which I know, it's faint praise, but there's a lot more good character work than I remembered: Zack aside, the other rangers all feel like distinct well built indviduals building their sterotypes from the show out into something: Jason is a scott summers style leader, good at what he does tactically, carring for his men, but also with a tendency to expect military precision and obdience when that's just not always fesable. Kimberly is sassy, won't hestiate to confront her friends on their shit, but warm and kind. Trini is the team's heart, helping both billy and tommy with their self doubt issues and wanting to help the world as a whole. And Billy is the brains but is self concious, knowing he's the only one in the team whose not a trained martial artist or gymnist. Zack is an ass but at the bare minimum the next issue gives us context for that, showing he has a deep well of resentment and is quick to anger. It's not good still, and I hope the character grows and I prefer Ryan Parrot's take, but I appricate fleshing these 6 teenagers with attitude out as people. I've been hard on this book and might be again, but I respect what it does right and hope it fixes what it does wrong.
So onto our last issue. It's a flashback that takes place one month before Tommy arrived. The prime minister of italy is speaking out against Rita.
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Now THIS... this is really neat. I like this idea: that while yes Rita tends to target one american town's abandoned warehouse district constantly, other countries probably WOULD have throughts on giant fucking monsters being real. Honestly it woul'dve been neat if we saw how other countries responded, maybe saw some try to make their own rangers, though that last part at least DOES get used much later in the continuity. But this little snippet is still fun as is Rita's response. After sending more generic monsters with no real creativity previously we FINALLY get a goodun.
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That my friends is leonado da vinchi's vitruvian man, which I and you likely know better as this
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See THIS is the kinda camp we were missing. I'm not asking the monster break tension, but i'm asking for some creativity. Just throwing a generic monster or a shark, and I love me some sharks, at the rangers is boring and you could do better. now throwing a fucking da vinci design at them spouting out generic quotes Squatt and Baboo got off the internet as it attacks italy with twin swords and a crossbow. Fuck yes. And it's still intimdating. Rome is still in deadly danger and this thing still comes off dangerous. But you can have fun and make a threat for your heroes. It's what I love about superheroes; you can have dark gritty stories dealing with police shooting a masked criminal they unleahsed to cover their tracks and getting away with it or a ghostly highway man who hates the poor who has to be defeated by batman using a magic ritual with alfred's help. BOTH of those are plots from the recent series Batman Caped Crusader, which slaps by the way, and both work swimingly. Even in a moody work you can have camp and when your heroes are the power rangers.. it's kinda demanded. It's why I hope while this new reboot seems serious it still has some fun with it.
Our heroes head to italy to fight the giant naked man.The finish is also awesome. The Vitruvian man is about ot kill the prime minister so jason leaps out of the cock pit, also a nice parallel to tommy leaping in last issue, and fucking stabs the bitch. Tommy may be the supreme badass of all power rangers universes, but Jason is easily #2. Carter Grayson is #3 of course.
Zack also gets a moment of triumph out of this, piloting the zord, and I like the touch that it's shown doing so isn't easy, it requires them all working in concert and thus zack filling in for both himself an djason with a killer swipe is impressive. Sadly.. he gets no credit and stews a bit as Jason did the flashier heroics.
So as Goldar admits they already have a sequel in the works, Rita decides nah... she notices Zack's quiet stewing.. and has an idea. So the next afternoon Zack is kidnapped by putties and brought to fog machine dimension from Green with Evil. Rita is being nice.. which can't be good and it's not: She tries to play zack admitting she only did so because he wouldn't likely come to hear her out willingly and wants to show him her place. Which is creepy given she's a grown ass woman and he's a teen, but I feel the predator vibes are intetnional without overplaying them or making them actual text.
Zack to his credit.. dosen't buy her sales pitch that she's misunderstood, the world would be better than her and Goldar's entirley bs claim she didn't start growing monsters until Zordon pulled out zords. Especially since... most rangers are linked to some set of Zords. While zordon didn't build his, most ranger teams are both some sort of ancient force and have zords attached from the get go or linked to them in some way. I mean there are wild ones from wild force wondering the world at this point. So Rita, especially since they fought before, KNEW Zordon had them and Zordon knew she could lkely make them grow. it was an even repsonse and Zack figured it out without any of that evidence.
Rita does try to make a good pitch: that yeah she wants to conquer the world.. but to make it better. Is it really that good without her? It's a great sequence too as she tempts him, shwoing a vision of him and the green ranger. She even sympathizes: she knows what it's like to be an underated second in command, a nod to Zed before he properly debuts after the time skip and something I like: while working in the confines of the original show limits the series slightly... it also means they have the whole map: everything that will happen and things they never built up to because the show was only lightly seralized: having strong continuity but only occasional story arcs before season 3. They ddin't plan for zed, master vile or rito. But they can hint at that, hint at dark specter or other future events and other rangers.
Zack things about it and decides.. nope. not going to betray his friends and tries to yoink the dragon coin away. Zack does go straight to Zordon which explains why the others didn't know during green with evil. I'ts also why again I wish they'd adapte dit: it would've been a decent starting point and while most fans know it, ther'es a lot you could do to deepen the character and stakes. Still it works:W hile Zordon is midlly stupid for not telling them about the power coin.. it makes sense he'd be careful.. and is also being respectful knowing Zack's probably ashamed they came to him. Zack in turn is honest: he WAS tempeted by the power and the good it could do for the world, and Zordon assures him, as a good mentor should that he's only human: of course he considered it, what matters is he didn't and zack honestly wants to DO more, again setting up the peace confrence that'll never happen here. And Zordon to his credit agrees they should, he just has to think it over. Unintended consequences and all that.
So I do like this explination: that zack was offered the coin, reseted and thus resents tommy as he probably assumes he wasn't so easy and is projecting his own insecurties about nearly saying yes. It dosen't fix things: Zack is still a giant ass even with that explination as he's projecting all his bullshit on tommy instead of empathizing with him and using this incident to help assure his new teaamate. Zack still sucks.. but this does show the potetial for the character when given some more depth and that he could be fleshed out well if given the chance.
It ends sweetly though... Zack goes to meet the others who welcome him and praise him for what he did, making it clear their a team... Jason may of gotten the glory but they needed each other. A shame neither jason nor Zack remembered this lesson, but it's some good irony. We also end on another om inous hook, the black dragon talking to rita saying the green ranger will fail.. and when he does.. he'll be waiting as Rita plans to grab tommy.
So now for Bulk and Skull which to my delight is not ending after 6 issues. We pick up from last time as trini and Kim despatch the putty.. as they shoudl've. Like again your martial artists, it's fesable. But they use baskeptball. and spot bulk used some of the same streamers on the putty as he did on himself, so not only are the girls pissed.. but our heroes.. get arrested.
We gloss over Bulk and Skull go to jail sadly, but it's compesnated for by something truly awesome I forgot happened a sthis was the last issue I read monthly before giving up. (I also tried the trade later and thus didn't even get this far). So the judge sentences our heroes to 1993 hours of community service, a bit excessive.. but also a fair punishment given their jackassery would've gotten someone who wasn't a power ranger hurt bad and I like said judge, the principal's brother, 's logic: thedy want to be heroes, they get an actual shot at it. And their officer monitoring this? LT STONE
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For those who forgot him, Lt Stone was Bulk and Skull's boss in season 3. Our heroes joined the junior police to meet women, and Stone thus served as their straight man. Stone would actually last a shockingly long time, being their boss still in Zeo and running a juice bar in turbo for some reason. So it's a neat way to get him in early, with Bulk still afraid of him this early, clearly havnig met him before. It's a fun way to bring in a character from later that makes perfect sense and frankly our heroes having a straight man does help their comedy. They work fine without one, but with the rangers kinda busy unless your giving them a bigger story, putting stone against them is great.
So that's MMPR for now. We'll be back I assume next year for more, and i'll see if it improves. For now may the power protect you and thanks for reading.
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warmglowofsurvival · 1 year
Twenty One Pilots reminisces about early days in Ohio on latest tour
Josh Dun and Tyler Joseph of Columbus indie-pop act Twenty One Pilots.
(Fueled by Ramen)
CLEVELAND, Ohio – It's a sunny day in late August and Josh Dun, drummer for indie-pop band Twenty One Pilots, is walking around Columbus wondering what time it is.
"We just got home from doing some of our own shows in Australia and then traveled to Japan for a festival," says Dun. "I'm still all completely messed up time zone wise, but it was really fun."
When Dun joined TWP founding member Tyler Joseph in 2011, the thought of global domination was a mere dream. Dun had just replaced original drummer Chris Salih and Twenty One Pilots was self-releasing music via websites like SoundCloud.
Then the record deal came. The duo signed with Fueled by Ramen, the home of pop-punk heavyweights like Paramore and Panic! at the Disco. The deal paved the way for "Vessel," Dun and Joseph's 2013 breakthrough album that spawned two top-10 singles on Billboard's Alternative Songs chart.
The album's success also gave Twenty One Pilots a bigger platform to showcase its unique blend of rock and pop. The band performed at the 2014 MTV Movie Awards in March and at the inaugural AP Music Awards in Cleveland this past July.
Twenty One Pilots stole the show at the APMAs when Joseph climbed to the top of the scaffolding, shocking everyone, including Dun, who relived the experience with us during a recent phone interview:
Take me back to the AP Music Awards.
That was a really fun night. It's cool that it was the first year for that show and it was cool to be an Ohio band and kind of represent our home state. Our families were there. It was nice for us to rub shoulders with bands that we don't know of or know, but might not play with.
Were you surprised by the nominations or the invite to perform?
I don't know if we really fit with what else was going on. In a way, I kind of like that and I feel honored that they would have us there even if we don't fit the mold of that scene.
There was a lot going on during your performance. Do you plan something like Tyler climbing the stage?
Some of the stuff we do is really dependent on the venue and what it looks like. I don't always know what Tyler's going to do. Sometimes we're in the middle of a song, I look around and he's already halfway up the scaffolding.
Do you worry?
One time, we were in Korea and for that particular festival, we had him strap a GoPro on his chest and watched him climb all the way up the truss. Watching that footage makes my hands sweaty. That guy scares me sometimes, but I trust he's going to be safe.
The first two shows of your fall tour, in Columbus, sold out in a matter of days.
It's crazy. When we started we never knew how many people were going to show up. There were times when no one came or maybe just three or four people. Now it's kind of cool and exciting for Tyler and I to look at each other and realize there are actually going to be people there.
Does it feel different when you perform in Ohio?
It's interesting because I'm not in Ohio very often, but I love coming here and thinking about the times where we would only play Ohio at the Grog Shop multiple times and would love it. Anytime we come back to Ohio, in Cleveland or Columbus, it's a special time.
What can people expect on this tour?
We're changing a couple of things. I think until we're done playing music, which will be when we die; our goal is going to be to keep outdoing ourselves. It gets to be challenging to put together a different set list each time. We try to get creative with how to approach a song. We try to be more strategic and intentional with how things look aesthetically on stage with the setup and the lighting. We're constantly brain storming. For us, performing and playing is our favorite thing to do.
"Vessel" has been out for about a year and a half. Is there a timeline for new music?
We're always working on stuff. There's a bunch of songs written. The next step at the end of this year or the beginning of next year is to partner with a producer that meets us where we're at from a stylistic standpoint. I personally want to up my game drumming wise on this next record. We can't wait to get back to the studio and bring these ideas to life.
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cosmicallyavg · 3 years
okay i have seen/have my own theories that once, upon time is going to be like.. showing alternate universes of what could happen/is happening because of time being messed up?
and since yaz is a part of the mouri (spelling?) now, and therefore is influencing time, i think were going to see a bit into her brain, and maybe how time would be different if she were in charge? (hence the promo pic of her and the doctor playing video games? like i bet it's gonna be like where they're roommates or something because that's the vibe i get from that picture this would be a perfect chance to explore her being in love with the doctor but i don't want to get too hopeful)
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and maybe we get to see some of vinder's mind too? because some of the trailer/promo pic stuff seemed to be centered around him
so i think this is where the blue coat comes from, you can also see in one of the promo pictures that the doctor has what looks to maybe be a vortex manipulator around her wrist? so maybe in the alt universe she doesn't have a tardis ?? or maybe that's how they all get to the alternate universe ??? i have no idea
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the title of the episode really gives me like....... alternate timeline vibes so i think that's where we're going for the next chapter of flux
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loverboyromanroy · 3 years
if roman is gonna be exploring his sexuality w men in s4 do you think that means romangerri is dead for good 😭😭
i'm gonna start by saying it is so so way too early to speculate on full storylines in season 4 considering the writers just barely got back in the room and i'm guessing they don't have the full season figured out...but for funsies let's do it anyway lol
short answer: i don't think j is going anywhere and i think roman and gerri's stories and character development are too tied up in each other to suddenly go to nothing. there will be things in season 4 for them together and in regards to each other. that being said...no happy endings is the motto!
long answer about a couple things i think we could possibly see for roman and gerri in season 4 below the cut. and when i say long answer, i mean long answer lmao sorry!
first and foremost, i think they're gonna have to acknowledge the fracture that results from the way season 3 ended. they've had minor tiffs (shareholder meeting, dick pic convo), but i think it would be very sexy delicious for them to have a proper fight about it. kieran and j have both said something to the effect of "gerri wanted to help him, and roman knew she wanted to help him, but there was just nothing she could've done", so what is the outcome of that? i think even if roman knows gerri's intentions weren't to hurt him, he could very well be embarrassed/hurt by how it all went down, and we've seen that when he's embarrassed/hurt, he runs and/or shuts down. or, alternatively, he could confront her about it, they could argue, but it would be a moot point because, again, there's nothing she could've done. i think if they have a real argument about it, they hit an impasse and decide to put some distance between themselves slash take some time apart from their relationship/alliance/whatever you want to call it.
then there's the mencken of it all...
so in rewatching the roman/mencken exchange in 3x06, i think it makes sense that he may became a major player in roman's season four storyline. one of the things that stood out to me when it aired and again when rewatching was the way he does the "i wanted to talk to you about something" line that he does to gerri in 3x02. it's not the same kind of conversation and he's not really asking the same thing of mencken that he was asking of her, but the familiarity of the way he so easily finds himself conspiring with jeryd (sp?) from that point is obviously reminiscent of the way he is used to conspiring with gerri.
i also think the whole pick the president thing will come back big because, if we're following the show's timeline and caroline's wedding was in june, a theoretical "republican national convention", which they reference frequently in 3x06, would likely take place in august, and obvi election would be november. if they lean on needing the president's help to get the deal done, or to keep the regulatory antitrust stuff from stopping them, whatever, then yeah maybe the focal point (because for two and half seasons the focal point was the shareholder meeting lol) is the election.
it's also like...we're moving past the point where the titular succession is about succeeding logan. i think if they hone in on the politics of it all in season 4, it would be about "succession" in the sense of who will be next to succeed the role of president
all that to say MY idealized roman/gerri season long arc for season 4 would be that they have a little fight and take a little "break", roman gets in too deep with the politics/mencken of it all, becomes a little bit enamored with him, tries to fuck him and gets fucked over because of it. i think if something went disastrously with mencken, especially if it had to do with sex or something he was embarrassed/ashamed of, he wouldn't look to his siblings for advice, he'd come back to gerri looking for help. alternatively, maybe it looks like roman going down the politics rabbit hole and gerri, realizing that she does genuinely care about his wellbeing and seeing that he's going a little insane, tries to pull him back out of it.
and that's really more if it goes down the roman/mencken route! i think there's a case to be made that he goes in that same direction but with lukas – he's like i'll endear myself to the new boss because i've got good ideas and he likes me and instead of taking over for dad i'll just take this all over from him in a few years, things goes haywire, he comes back to gerri for help or gerri has to save damsel-in-distress roman
all of that also to say that doesn't factor in a lot of other show-wide things! like sibling stuff – i genuinely don't know what the writers have in mind for the three kids and the fallout of logan deciding to sell, which could also dramatically shift all of their storylines. what about logan and gerri's relationship in the wake of her sexting with his son? do we come back to that at all? where does tom's thing come into all of this? who knows!
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petrichorpetals · 3 years
So from the evidence I've collected, I'm very sure my Yeosang came here from another timeline/world theory is correct.
This mostly stems from what we learned from fever part 3 and the deja vu mv but honestly the Yeosang being sus about this had already been foreshadowed in his diary entry of fever part 2. (You'll have to forgive my terrible pictures I have fever part 3 in front of me and I'm too lazy to grab fever part 2 to take better pics)
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Basically our setup to this was how at the end of the diary film we switched dimensions into the world of fireworks which I'm fairly sure is called Strictland. Everyone basically says how much the new world feels like their old one but different. The first time I read this I wasn't sure what he meant by "Everyone says this is a new world but somehow, I'm familiar with the scenery here. " line and just took it at face value to be metaphor. But given his repetition of staring down the camera to say "I remember" in Deja Vu, it would make a lot more sense if we take it quite literally too mean I remember this place because I'm from here. There's also a lot of talk about the word world in "wanting to escape the world I've lived in, the world I've been trapped in" as well as "the friends who have willingly invited me to their world". Basically the tldr of the matter is that yeosang escaped from the world of Fireworks into the world of school!Ateez using a chromer that breaks. (IMO we see this exact moment where it breaks at the end of Deja Vu) I say it's likely a chromer since Yeosang shows an at least approximate knowledge of what would happen if he breaks one when he breaks the one the black pirates/halateez gave to hongjoong while the android guardian/white mask holds him hostage.
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Yeosang seems to have an approximate knowledge here of what would happen if the Chromer broke, to the point where he doesn't even call it the Chromer when he's thinking about what they know about the object, he specifically calls it a sandglass when any other mention of it has been the Chromer.
There's also the matter of him going out of the way of saying "My friends would not have been all scattered if I had not met them at first". This could very well be talking about where they lost Yeosang and scattered in the hallway but given his wording of at first, I'm putting this as evidence that Yeosang was a newcomer to their world when he got here with the chromer and wasn't a part of their friend group originally.
This theory gets backed up by the ending bit of Not Too Late playing at the end of Deja Vu and if you do a quick look into the lyrics, Not Too Late comes across very much as the beginning of school Ateez where they're all lamenting about being lonely before they all get together to make friends.
Except for two things.
One of which is Wooyoung and Yeosang talking about not being able to get out or escape (Which lines up for Yeosang if he's trapped in this new timeline and adds some interesting implications for Wooyoung I'll get into on a post about him later).
The second of which is Mingi's part. Mingi brings up killing and saving, both things that happen and we see happening during Inception and Thanxx in Fever Part 1 when Hongjoong keeps resetting the timeline using the chromer. There's two implications here: one, Mingi is aware of the timeline resetting (something that I already suspected but is now confirmed) and two, while this might seem like a song from the very beginning of school Ateez, Mingi gives us the added context that it is very much not. (It's also interesting that Yeosang's the one that pulled out Mingi's headphones to make him past attention to the world around him in diary film but like Wooyoung, I'll get into Mingi later in another post)
Since we're assumedly several timeline cycles in, why is this song playing over Yeosang breaking the Chromer? I posit that instead of this being the moment where Yeosang breaks the Chromer while escaping the white Android, this is instead either the moment Yeosang crash lands into school Ateez's world via his own "sandglass" for the first time or this still is that moment, but due to time shenanigans, the Yeosang that escaped just so happens to have escaped back to when he first got to their world making him trapped not only in school Ateez's world, but in an endless cycle of breaking the Chromer to get there in the first place.
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We see that Yeosang doesn't go back to their original world and warehouse with them afterwards. Likely because he wasn't a part of their world to begin with to return back with them.
There's other bits of evidence that say that Yeosang with the broken Chromer at the end of Deja Vu is going to school Ateez like the hand that reached for Yeosang had a sleeve similar to their school uniform in Inception.
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(Interestingly enough, Yeosang has an emblem that isn't like anyone else's on his uniform and Wooyoung has several emblems. Not necessarily relevant to my current point but food for thought.)
I'm not one of those people that obsess over hands, so idk whose hand that is exactly, but I do have suspicions.
If we're looking at the rings and at how one hand kind of mirrors the other, we can come to the conclusion that it might be the same person. We can go so far as to think that maybe, that hand might even belong to another version of Yeosang. Potentially even the hala!Yeosang that we catch a glimpse of in the diary film giving Hongjoong the chromer. (Side note: I only just realized that it was actually hala!yeosang that gave hongjoong the chromer and not hala!hongjoong like I thought going in. Yeosang really does just have a longstanding history with the Chromer huh.)
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Edit: it's now basically been confirmed by the making of deja vu mv that the hand is Hongjoong's so basically depicting the moment Hongjoong reached out for yeosang when the timelines reset. I still standby the rest of my theory. Here's the screenshot I grabbed off the alternate hand angle in the mv making video:
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For me personally, a lot of things start to click into place when we consider the possibility that Yeosang is actually from another world. Even his like a bird in a cage stuff makes sense when viewed in this light. He has the freedom of song and dance that he didn't have in Strictland, which banned any form of music or dance thinking it would lead to human emotion, but is stuck in this new world with no other option but to potentially repeat the cycle of when he got here.
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the-lonelybarricade · 3 years
darling dearest, i am in need of some advice and you were the first person i thought to ask (your fanfics are so deep, you have unrivaled wisdom. also you are an adult, which is very useful right now)
so, acting means a lot to me. in fact, it means the world. one of my first coherent sentences as a baby was, "mommy, i want to be on tv," so of course i developed an interest in theater.
it's my first year of high school, and my first thespian convention, and it's 500 dollars. for some context here, my parents had their first kid in high school. my mom never graduated, my dad joined the army instead of going to college. and then they had four more. on top of that, my dad's retired so we're all around dirt fuckin poor hahah. in other words, no one in this family has 500 dollars to send me (except for my middle sister, but that really is too much to ask for).
except for me! i had the money! only, it's in my college fund (which is 660 right now, no one set up a college fund for me as a baby--i only started saving two years ago). like i said, we're dirt poor and no one has the money to put me through college. my sister is a lawyer and has been practicing for years, and is still 200,000 dollars in debt from student loans. i'm having to rely on being smart to apply for scholarships and grants, and if i'm really special, i can get into harvard for free. which is such a huge deal, and one i'm kind of counting on.
even if i don't go to college, i need the money for when i ditch my home state and live in the big city for my big shot at being a successful actress. i can't do this every year. i've already decided to drop cheerleading and adv math next year so i can get a job (i'm not allowed to get one until i can drive). but i don't know if 3yrs of work will even be enough if i want to do normal teenager things and still go to college. chances are, i'm not getting into harvard, much less for free. i'm not gifted like i was as a little girl, and i think the stress would be too much. my mom says she'd help but she's saving for her own house and already getting me my own car, and she doesn't have money either. i don't think i can ask her for that.
thank you for even bothering to read this, thank you times one thousand if you respond.
Goodness lovely, I'm so sorry to hear you're going through this. This is such a big burden to carry and I know it must be really intimidating to think your future is restricted because of money. But take a deep breath, we're going to talk about some things, okay? I'm still new to being an adult myself, I'm in my final year of uni and money is hard.
So first let's talk about this $500 for your Thespian Convention. First, if this is a school event, a lot of schools do wave or reduce fees like this for families that can't afford it. They also may offer scholarships. I would look into seeing if that's possible, but otherwise let's talk about covering that cost from your college fund. I'm assuming from your language that you're American, which means that if you're earning the federal minimum wage (7.25/hr) it will take 60 hours of working to pay that off. That could take anywhere from 2 weeks to a month to work off if you're working part time, so you need to ask yourself if you feel like the thespian convention is worth a month of work that you could be putting towards your college fund. (Also, I know you said you can't get a job until you can drive, but maybe see if there's anything local you can do for extra money, like maybe tutoring or babysitting?). And if you can't go to this Thespian Convention, see if theres a less expensive alternative you can pursue.
Another important thing to consider is that, if acting is definitely what you want to do, you don't need to go to college to be a successful actor. Leonardo Dicaprio, Emma Stone, Ryan Gosling, there's plenty of major A-list actors that skipped college alltogether to pursue their careers. Here's a list. And if going to college is something you really, really want to do, you also don't have to go to college immediately after graduating high school.
This is something they didn't push a lot when I was in high school, and this would have been mind blowing for me when I was a freshman. In my high school going to college was like the expectation for families that could afford it. And they also offered great support for struggling families and first generation students. But I did something super unconventional for my town and I took a gap year. And that gap year changed my life. So my love, you don't need to worry about 3 years being enough time to do normal teenager things while working your butt off to pay for school. You can give yourself as many years as you need to get that money together, or to pursue your acting career or both. College is ready for you when you're ready for it. There's no set timeline. And I wish they told high schoolers that more often. I wish I was told that sooner.
But let's say that you really want to go to college and you really want to go as soon as you graduate high school. That's totally fine too! Let's talk about your options. Getting a full-ride scholarship is competitive and a lot of pressure to put on yourself. I say go for it! Go for as many as you can and apply for every scholarship available! But also give yourself the breathing space to think about other options. This is a list of no-loan colleges in the US. These are schools that will meet 100% of your financial need if you get accepted. Now the tricky thing is you still have to pay for your EFC (estimated family contribution) and sometimes your FAFSA (federal application for student aid) grossly overestimates how much your family can actually contribute. But it will definitlely eat a big chunk of that money away and there are still loan and scolarship options for that remaining sum. Also when applying for these schools a lot of them do offer an application fee waiver for families that can't afford it.
There are also loads of private scholarship available options from various companies. Talk to your high school counsellors, they *should* have great resources for finding this kind of stuff. I wish I could remember where I found all of my scholarship info, but it's been almost 5 years since I've done that research. I think maybe fastweb was something I found useful? And I also found this website and this website after a cursory google search just now. I'm sure you'll find good sources too! Freshman year is not too early to start applying to private scholarships. A lot of them are directed at seniors, but there are all kinds and sometimes they're just fun contests with small rewards, but it all adds up!f
You can also try killing two birds with one stone! See if there are any acting jobs available either in your local area or even just online! Maybe set up a fiverr and read scripts for people, or see if you can work as a counselor for a theater camp in the summer. My first job was as an acting job as a dancing penguin at a local summer festival when I was 14.
Okay and now I feel obligated to tell you something. You don't need to go to college in the US. This probably sounds outrageous as a freshman, it definitely would have to me. But I'm literally typing this from where I now live in the UK, after taking that gap year and realizing that american school is ridiculously expensive and way less cool than european schools? Do your research, there's lots of options available to you and the US is not your only one. I've saved loads of money going to school here and I'm happy as a clam. Here are some fun links.
Anyway my love, I know that was a lot of information and I'm sure none of it magically solved your problems or took that burden of your shoulders. But take a deep breath. Everything will happen in its own time and there will always be opportunities for you to pursue being an actor. There will also always be the option to decide to go to college at any point in your life. The biggest and most important thing is to just not give up. Focus on the here and now, focus on your grades, and the rest will follow. You got this, I know you do. And please, always feel free to come to me with any questions or even if you just need to rant in my inbox, I'm here <3
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