#it looks like mikey has 3 fingers on that one hand but i promise the 4th finger is there lol the ref pic has it in shadow tho
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nero-neptune · 5 months ago
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…we’ll show ‘em what we all mean!
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dancingdonatello · 6 months ago
hiiii!! I really like your works and I wanted to know if you could write the rise turtles where their crush meets their future selves and their crush is giving all their attention to the future versions. They get jealous and some time after the future versions leave, they confess-
Sorry if you've already got this before!! And thanks for reading this :3
rise tmnt x reader
Raph pouted to himself as you touched all the scars and spikes of his future self. Sure, it was cool to see he got even bigger, even spikier, and even cooler in the next few years, but it wasn’t as nice to watch you fawn all over him.
How could he even convince himself he was better than his future self? They looked nearly identical but Raph was missing an eye. So he was younger, less experienced, and minus an eye. Clearly, he was losing this make believe battle.
When you passed him, Raph made sure to grab you and hold you against his side. You looked up at him in surprise but he looked away, pretending it wasn’t out of character for him to manhandle you. He risked a glance at his future self and looked away embarrassed at the knowing look. Ugh.
No way he could hide his crush any longer from you.
Leo rolled his eyes as his future self recounted yet another tale of saving a baby from a Kraang monster. You ate it up, eyes shining up at future Leo with adoration.
Leo may have started the invasion, but he also managed to stop it before it could kill all of humanity. So, ha! Future Leo had failed… It was weird to bully himself.
Whatever. He continued to glare at himself, tapping his fingers impatiently. You and him were supposed to go out to eat in two-ish minutes and yet you were still chatting it up with him. He’d have to make sure by the end of that day that you were his and his alone. No future version of himself included.
He crushed up a napkin in front of him and threw it at his future self’s forehead. The larger turtle glared at him and he stuck his tongue out at him. He grabbed you, opened a portal, and took you far, far away from the other turtle. Finally, he was alone with you. So what if he was jealous of himself? He was a looker, that’s for sure.
Did you have to feel up his muscles so obviously? Donnie glowered from a distance, arms crossed and posture tense. And you were talking about all of his tech that he made. Well, Donnie could probably do better than that old turtle could do in a wasteland. Why weren’t you talking to him instead?
Not long after the future Donatello gets distracted by something Mikey is doing, Donnie uses a metal claw to drag you away into his more private lab. “You’re allowed to touch only me.” He glared down at you while you blinked at him innocently, clueless.
“I’m the only one allowed to touch you?” He slapped a hand to his face. “Oh!” Your eyes gleamed. “Were you jealous?”
“No,” he grumbled, leaning away from you as you tried to press close to his face. “I could care less about you.”
“So you COULD care less? So you do?” He froze at his mistake as you joyfully giggled.
Mikey bit at his lip, watching anxiously as you ‘ooh’ed and ‘aw’ed over future him’s magic. Come on! Future him totally knew what he was doing at this point. He knew Mikey couldn’t do any of that cool stuff.
He stood off to the side dejectedly as you finally returned to his side. He’d probably learn all of those eventually, but he couldn’t help but still feel like an idiot who didn’t know how to do it just yet. He looked at you with sad puppy eyes. “You still think I’m cool, right?”
“Of course? You’re the same person?” You were confused. He pouted.
“You don’t love him more than me?”
“Mikey… you’re a lot cuter than your future self.” You stared at future Mikey who had somehow grown hair and then balded. Unlucky, very unlucky. “Just promise me you won’t grow hair.”
“Deal!” He hugged you tight and picked you up, dragging you away from his future self.
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goodlucktai · 1 month ago
could you please do prompt number one with the a team duo? (raph and leo!!!) i just think leo is in need of big brother love sometimes <3 prompt number one: "Shit. Shit, shit, shit, c'mere." (btw, ur writing is amazing im literally blown away every time!!! tysm for all the writing u do)
dialogue prompts
1. “Shit. Shit, shit, shit, c’mere.”
Something bad happened to Leo in the prison dimension. In the minutes—the minutes—between losing him and getting him back, something bad happened to him.
“This isn’t right,” Casey had said that first night in the medbay, staring at the X-rays on the illuminator as if he could change them by wanting it hard enough. “These breaks aren’t new. They can’t be.” 
“He wasn’t running around with a spiral fracture in his tibia before the alien invasion,” Donnie replied tersely, more high strung with every second his twin remained limp and unresponsive on the infirmary bed. 
Mikey was glued to Leo’s side like a miserable orange barnacle, Splinter rarely venturing more than two steps away at a time. April had been torn in two with worry for Leo and worry for her mom, and had only been convinced to leave when S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N pinkie-promised to feed live updates to her phone at the top of every minute. 
If Leo had woken up even for just a minute back on Staten Island, it would have been a reassurance his family could stack all their hopes on. Instead, the brother they dragged out of the void had about as much life to his limbs as a ragdoll. His head lolled in Donnie’s hands like something out of a horror movie—and Mikey’s breaths started to shudder, and Raph thought for a fleeting, hysterical second that the world had ended, after all—and then Donnie found a heartbeat. He showed a weeping Mikey where to find it, their fingers pressed in the soft hollow of Leo’s throat where the carotid artery pulsed loud and clear. Raph kept his own hand there for the entire trip home. If that stubborn heart stopped he didn’t know what he would do. He didn’t know what he would do. 
“But the bone has already formed a hard callus,” Casey said. “I know sensei and my uncles healed faster than mom and Aunt April did but still. Leo shouldn’t have reached this stage of healing for another week at least.” 
Donnie’s face, already stormy, reached a level of dark anger Raph had never seen before. He studied the charts on the wall without speaking, memorizing them. Ninpo sparked around his fingers like he was only barely resisting committing violence, and only because the desired target was well beyond his reach. 
“What does that mean?” Raph asked hoarsely. His hands were squeezed tight between his knees so no one would see if they started to shake. 
“It means that either Nardo broke his bones in about eight different places a week ago and no one noticed,” Donnie said in a brittle deadpan, “or that monster put its hands on him in the prison dimension and Leo healed from it somehow.” 
“But he was only in there for like, for like ten minutes,” Mikey warbled. He sounded heartsick and confused and too young to carry the weight of the world on his shell. “We got him right back out, we—we didn’t leave him in there long enough for all that.” 
“I have a theory,” Donnie said, and then didn’t say anything else. He dragged a chair over to Leo’s bed with an unholy screeching sound, tucked his head against his twin’s at what couldn’t have been a comfortable angle, and started to tap around on his phone. 
“Okay,” Casey said at length, recognizing an immovable object when he saw one. He turned to Raph instead, a child-sized soldier whose mission wasn’t quite finished yet. “Raphael, could I look at your eye?”
He had finished cleaning Raph’s eye and patching up his shoulder and moved onto wrapping Mikey’s hands when Donnie surged up from his chair so suddenly that everyone in the room jumped. His phone crunched into two distinct pieces in his hand, military-grade case and all, and he flung them away. 
“Woah, hey,” Raph said, “Dee, are you—” 
“I ran diagnostics on Leo’s gear,” Donnie said. It was his flat, toneless voice, the one that meant he was feeling so many things he had to shut something down to prevent a total systems failure. “The timestamps didn’t make any sense. So I ran them again. And again. And everything seems to be indicating that Leo was in the prison dimension for over three hundred hours.”
No, Raph thought. He stared at the shape of his little brother in that bed, at the vivid black and blue bruises on his face—noticing for the first time the faint yellows of much older ones around his neck. 
Horror crept up Raph’s throat. 
Please, no. 
“What?” Mikey blurted, sounding as hysterical as Raph felt. “What? No, he couldn’t. He couldn’t have. It was only—”
“For us, thirteen minutes,” Donnie said bleakly. “For Leo, thirteen days.”
Since then, Raph has learned a lot more about temporal differentials and post-captivity recovery than he ever wanted to know. Donnie made four different PowerPoint presentations that the entire family was forced to sit through. All of them are budding experts on several subjects that they might otherwise not have been, studying as feverishly as undergrad students cramming for a final, desperate to be helpful. 
So this is Raph’s fault. He knew better.
If he’d taken even a second to think before following the unmistakable sound of a turtle falling out of bed into Leo’s room, before lunging over to the crumpled-up form of his little brother on the floor, he would have recognized the blackout for what it was. He, of all people, should have seen it. 
The episodes are few and far between, but only because Leo is rarely left alone when he’s awake, and sleeps even less than he did before. It’s easier for him to keep his head straight when he’s ensconced in a turtle pile, or curled up in Splinter’s lap for reruns of really bad soap operas that he mumbles along to in Spanish, or keeping Mikey company in the kitchen, taste-testing everything that gets pushed his way (handily supplementing all the meals he only picks at, Michelangelo is a genius for discovering that work-around). 
It’s when he’s asleep and the nightmares come knocking that they have to worry. If Raph had known he was in here taking a nap, he would have made sure Leo had company. He probably would have curled up around the slider himself, giving Leo’s highly strung subconscious a hand,  soothing him back to sleep before the bad dream could dig its hooks into him and yank him awake. 
But the sleepiness probably hit him in a sudden burst, the messy pile of pillows and stolen purple blanket too tempting to resist. He must have curled up to rest his eyes and drifted off. 
And he woke up alone, in the dark. The shape of someone much bigger than him looming above everything else. Raph knew better. He did. Of course a cornered animal was going to bite. 
“Fuck,” he breaths out, white hot pain shooting up his arm from where Leo had buried his teeth a moment ago. It hurt, but it had nothing on the way his heart was breaking. 
He’d seen Donnie lash out like this a few times before, overstimulated and fully ready to bite whoever was stupid enough to put their hands on him, but not since they were kids. Mikey used to handle all fits of temper by hiding in his shell and closing the little hinge to keep everyone else firmly out, grumbling ticked-off turtle noises until he was left alone. 
When Leo was little, on the other hand, he wanted attention when he was feeling bad—he wanted to be picked up and held and would cry and pout until he got his way. Whether he was feeling upset or angry or scared, the solution was always more or less the same.
There’s no recognition in his eyes now. Leo has never looked at Raph this way before, even when Raph was the Krang’s puppet, even when Raph had him dangling by a strangling grip on his throat—even then, Leo didn’t look at him like he was a stranger. 
He had to fight like this in the prison dimension, didn’t he? He had to tear survival out of that place piece by bloody piece.
Raph hates that he had to do that and loves him for it in equal measure. 
“It’s okay, Leo,” Raph murmurs. “You did just right, okay? You stayed alive. However you have to do that is okay. You got mixed up just now, but it’s not your fault. I shouldn’t have scared you. Raph’s so sorry.”
Leo is staring at him, eyes wide and glassy. All the gold in them is edged out to black, pupil swallowing iris whole. There’s blood on the corner of his mouth. He smacks his tongue, tasting it. Like the worst version of giving him ice cubes to hold or peppermint to smell, it grounds him, bringing him back to the present moment. 
Raph watches Leo realize where he is and what he’s doing, sitting on the floor in the corner of the room with blood in his mouth. 
“Raph?” he says, small and scared and sixteen years old. 
“It’s me, I’m here,” Raph says, too fast, “you’re safe, Leon.” 
Leo’s eyes drift lower. He clocks the teeth marks in Raph’s arm and starts to cry.
“Shit,” Raph says, scrambling forward frantically on hands and knees. “Shit, shit, shit, c’mere.” 
Leo spills willingly into his hug, like it’s ten years ago and he’s had his heart broken by an argument with his twin and nothing on earth could possibly console him but he was willing to let Raphie try. 
Except Raphie knew all the tricks. Raphie knew that tearful little turtles just needed to be squeezed tight and rumbled at and snuffled until they couldn’t help but giggle. 
It isn’t such an easy fix this time. Leo’s shoulders shake like he’ll never stop crying, his wet sticky face smearing salt and blood where he has it crammed in the crook of Raph’s neck. He clings as if he’s half-afraid something or someone is going to wrench him away. 
Not in this lifetime. Never again. 
“I’ve got you,” Raph tells him. Heart settling now that his little star is in his arms, safe and sound. They could come back from anything as long as they had this much. “Raph’s always got you. Don’t be scared. Don’t be sorry. We’re okay.” 
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arlerts-angel · 10 months ago
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ken is having fun celebrating his birthday. . . but there's one gift he just can't wait for.
❥ warnings: 18+! | dubcon ? (ken has 3 shots) | fem, otherwise physically ambiguous reader | oral sex (f!receiving) | protected penetrative sex (piv) | pet names: baby, princess | praise
❥ note: HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY DADDY 🐉🩷 pretend like this isn't 3 days late okay ... 😭
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the clink of shot glasses rings in your ears. you promised your best friend you'd take one shot for his birthday, but that you didn't want to get drunk.
he accepted under one condition.
"happy birthday draken!" you and your group of friends cheer, then collectively throw back the drink.
he nods thankfully and joins in the group shot. he glances over at you and smirks. "you ready to hold up your end of the deal?"
you throw your head back and groan playfully, but oblige. draken offers his hand to you, leading the both of you to a lone table. "they're gonna love this," he grins, "but not as much as i will."
draken helps you up onto an empty table and lays you down gently. you raise your shirt enough to expose your midriff, squirming as he pours the alcohol into your navel. "i can't believe i agreed to this," you giggle. ken grins back at you.
your friends take out their phones to record and cheer him on as ken gets ready to take the shot. he presses his hand gently beneath your navel and looks you in the eyes as he drinks the alcohol from your body. the pressure from his hand earns himself a soft moan from you.
"don't let them catch those pretty sounds on camera princess," he teases. your stomach twists into a knot and your cheeks grow warm. you start to apologize, but ken interjects. "don't be sorry. you wanna feel me right here, baby?" he asks softly as he presses down on you once more, smiling at you. sickeningly and seductively.
you nod eagerly. you don't know where this is coming from, but you're not going to ask. not now, anyway. "maybe he's a lightweight," you think. ken pats your thigh, offering to help you sit up. "i wanna do one more body shot, if it's okay with you."
"anything for you, birthday boy." you agree.
"anything?" he repeats, smirking at you. "so you'll let me sneak you away and fuck you out of your pretty little head?"
you nod and squeeze your thighs together. ken grabs another shot from mikey, then approaches you. "from your tits, yeah?" you give him the okay, then he pours the shot into your cleavage.
you can hear the faint sound your friends cheering him on as he puts his face between your tits and downs the alcohol, but your heartbeat is louder, pulsating through what feels like your whole body. draken looks up at you from your décolletage and winks.
he sneaks you away from the party into his room, leaving a trail of hungry kisses from your lips to your collarbone. "couldn't wait for you any longer, you sure this is okay with you?"
"as long as you're not drunk," you reply. ken laughs softly and shakes his head.
"there's no way i'd let my first time with you happen while i'm drunk! you have nothing to worry about, princess. just relax... let me make you feel good," his voice trails as his hands begin fumbling with your clothes.
the way he unclasps your bra makes the butterflies in your stomach flutter. his hands feel so big on your back as they slide to the top of your pants. "these are my favorite... 's that why you wore 'em?" he asks as he gently smacks your ass. you moan softly in response, arousal pooling in your panties. "fuck," he groans, urgently sliding your bottoms off your body.
he gently, but quickly, lays you down on his bed and gets between your thighs. "want a taste of you, need it... just a taste baby..." ken presses his nose against your clothed clit and kisses the wet patch on your panties. he groans and pushes them to the side, sliding the pad of his slender finger down your wet slit.
"fuck... you're soaked baby," he grins just before planting his mouth onto your clit. he teases your bud, flicking his tongue in short strokes. you buck your hips, begging him to quit teasing. he gently pushes your hips down onto the bed then sucks on your clit, licking up and down your cunt hungrily, moaning at the taste of your sweetness.
you feel him gently sliding a finger inside you while his tongue laps at your clit. he starts pumping in and out slowly, gradually gaining speed as your moans become louder and more needy.
"fuck! ken!!" was all you could let out as you start to drown in intense pleasure.
"never gonna get tired of hearing that... you're so goddamn perfect. so fuckin' sexy." he praises, rolling a condom down his length. ken grabs your waist and slowly slides his cock inside you, letting you adjust to him.
"like a champ baby... taking all of me the first time...? you're a dirty fuckin' girl... my dirty fuckin' girl, yeah?"
"yeah," you moan as he bottoms out, then fucks into you at a quick pace. he grunts and groans in pleasure as your cunt contracts around him.
"fucking tight," he hisses. his fingers press deep into your skin as he holds you against his cock. draken's gaze shifts from your face to your tits bouncing, to your finger on your clit as he fucks you, and back to your face, taking in each beautiful sight.
"so pretty, baby. so fuckin' pretty, all of you is so. fucking. pretty." he emphasizes. you respond with little grunts and moans, too blissfully cockdrunk to formulate words.
your cunt tightens around him as you reach your second orgasm. ken curses and inhales sharply, his hips stutter as cum spills inside the rubber. he falls into you, kissing the beads of sweat on your skin.
"been waiting a long time for that," ken admits softly. "i want you to be my girl. will you?"
you smile and look him in the eyes. "of course i will, ken ryuguji."
you share a soft kiss, then hear a knock on the door.
"draken? you in there? where's [name]?"
you look at each other and laugh quietly.
"we'll tell them someday..." you whisper.
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dividers by cafekitsune
taglist: @milky-aeons @lees-chaotic-brain @katkusuo @priv-rose @reiners-milkbiddies
@toji-girl-main @blueberrisdove @darkstarlight82 @i-literally-cant-with-this @kodzukein
@trevengersprincess @tetta-kissaki @little-miss-chaoss @ravereina
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valentiyne · 1 year ago
𝗅𝗂𝖺𝗋 ❀ 𝗅𝗎𝗄𝖾 𝗁𝖾𝗆𝗆𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌
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Luke Hemmings x Fem!Reader Summary: Requested! Luke goes M.I.A for the second leg of their world tour, sparking a one sided tear in his relationship Warnings: Sappy Luke & happy ending I promise :-) Word Count: 1.3k (not proofread) Copyright © 2023 Valentiyne. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻
Luke Hemmings had a secret.
Not a small one-He didn't eat the last of my leftovers, nor did he use my expensive face wash in the shower. His secret was something his heart couldn't keep any longer. He'd been away on tour for 3 months now, and every night the only updatesI'd recieve about him through the boys.
"Mikey, you gotta tell me what's going on with him", I plead into the phone, biting nervously at my nails.
'Y/n, I have no idea.. I'm sorry." Im met with yet another click and I groan in frustration
I had begged each of them to tell me what's going on, all of them shrugging their shoulders or brushing off my question. I was one phone call away from hopping on the next international flight available and causing a scene at soundcheck.
"Hello?", I crammed my phone into the nook of my neck and shoulder as I heard shuffling on the other line. I stood in front of the coffee table, cleaning up the mess from the cheese and crackers I scarfed down while watching their newest interview. Luke seemed so out of focus- the boys having to nudge him to snap out of it and answer questions thrown his way.
"-oh you know what I mean", I heard a woman giggle from the other side of the phone as well as Luke's wholesome laugh. Pulling my phone away quickly, I scan the screen at the Caller ID to confirm that it indeed was my Luke calling me.
"Luke? Hello?", I try again, ultimately putting the phone on speaker to hear better. I was trying to ignore the uneasiness in my stomach forming, placing the crumby plate back down on the table before I sat down on the couch to steady myself.
"I mean she really has no idea about any of this", he says cooly, his voice speaking a little louder. I heard the woman with him laugh once more before speaking,
"Does she even know you've been in town for a couple weeks now?"
My heart drops, putting the phone on the coffee table in front of me, I bounce my legs up and down before slamming my finger down to end the call. It was one thing for him to be lying to me- but to cheat?
I cross my legs on the couch, ignoring the numerous calls from Luke that started to pour in. I couldn't stop laughing to myself- laughing about the fact I was stupid to think he'd casually be gone three months without contacting me once.
My eyes wander over to the display of rewards that littered the shelves, each one I can name the exact date and album they were granted for. I stood by his side since the release of their very first EP, recorded in his childhood bedroom. I stared at the photographs, a moment in time that was perfectly capturing our happiness. I couldn't tear my eyes away from the walls, not even when the front door swung open and a sweaty Luke stood in the doorway.
"Baby?", his tone is soft and sincere, nothing like the Luke that I overheard on the phone. I don't bat an eye towards him, my jaw clenched as he dropped his bag and moved closer.
"Baby please, look at me?", he steps in front of me now, crouching down to meet my dark eyes. He gives a sheepish smile before putting his large hand against my cheek,
"How much did you hear", sighing as he now pulls his hand to his hair now, waiting for any kind of response from me.
"When did you get back?"
He stares at me for a moment, trying to put on a shocked expression on his face. I stare at him now, my eyes meeting his baby blue ones.
"I got back on the 1st." He replies slowly, almost as if he's catching himself in a lie. Today was now the 13th- of February.
"Were you going to miss Valentine's Day too?", my voice is shaky, mentally beating myself up as I told myself I wasn't going to cry.
He pulls me into a tight hug, inhaling my scent for a moment before hoisting me up and carrying me towards our shared bedroom. The furniture we picked out together, stopping into four different stores before we found the exact materials to make it our home.
"No. Baby listen to me. Im going to make this up to you okay? Tomorrow morning I want you to dress up pretty like you always do and meet me at that resturant you love- the one on 21st street okay?" He whispers into my ear, placing me down on the bed slowly.
"Who is the girl?", I look towards the floor, watching him rub his eyes tiredly with a sigh.
"It'll all make sense tomorrow, okay?"
I give a mere nod before turning away from him and pulling the blankets closer to myself.
The resturant appeared closed on the outside, the February air littering my thighs with goosebumps as I look around for any indication that Luke was already here. I spotted what I thought was Michael's Tesla in an alleyway, but I brushed it off thinking it was someone else's. We didn't talk all morning, his side of the bed was empty when I woke and I didn't put up a fight about it this time. He held me all night, not loosing his grip no matter how many times I tried to push him away.
"Are you inside?" My fingers move slowly, having the push harder on the screen to get my cold tips to be detected.
He reads the text, not bothering to respond. I let out a large sigh and push past the revolving doors, spinning around until I'm met with the hostess. She gave me a nervous smile before leading me towards the back of the empty resturant, turning behind her to look me in the eyes numerous times.
The sound of plates clattering and people talking caught my attention, my eyes averting their gaze to the long dinner table. There, sat the boys, their companies and close family friends. I stood in confusion before Michael smacked Luke's arm quickly, causing him to turn around and face me.
"Y/n", He was breathless, staring down at me with a goofy smile on his face before he finally put one foot in front of the other. Reaching down, he grasped my small hand and dragged me to the front of the dinner table, his hands sweaty and body shaking.
"Luke what's going o-"
"Shh, please don't talk or Im going to forget everything I memorized and start crying" He laughs softly and I peer behind him, taking note of the numerous phones pointed towards me. I give his a confused look, my eyebrows raising as he takes my hand again.
"You have the core of my heart beating for you, a love beyond what a metaphor can express. I love you with every fiber of my being", he starts, clearing his throat before fumbling with his pants pocket.
Oh god.
He slowly falls to one knee, keeping one hand in mine as he speaks. I couldn't tear my eyes away from his, it felt like we were the only two people on the entire planet.
"You are my rock, my constant source of strength, and my guiding light. I'm sorry for lying to you for so long, I just wanted it all to be perfect just like you. I needed to make sure the ring fit you perfectly and the sales lady was so excited for us. I want nothing more than to spend every day with you for eternity... Y/n", His eyes meet mine, a shaking hand reaching up holding a small box with a diamond ring in it. I gasp almost immediately, hitting his shoulder softly.
'Luke oh my god! Yes", I laugh and shove him again.
He wipes a tear with the back of his sleeve, smiling up at me with glistening eyes "I didn't even get to ask properly yet! Y/n, will you marry me- please?"
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raccoon-eyed-rebel · 1 year ago
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Part 15
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Series Masterlist
Part 14 🟣 Part 16
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A reverse harem vampire AU ft. Mikey, Marshall, August and Sherlock
Series summary: Somehow, you've managed to live with your boyfriend and his roommates for months before finding out they're vampires, but the real shock first comes when they find out you have a special quality. A quality the guys would love to make use of...
Warnings: Ongoing vampire shenanigans, mentions of blood, biting, angst. SMUT, NSFW, 18+, MINORS DNI, fingering, oral (f and m receiving), face fucking, Dom!August, p-in-v sex, and we're finally putting that special little talent August has to good use. I think that's all necessary warnings, but as always; tell me if I missed something, please!
Word count: 4334! (hm, yes, beautiful number <3)
A/N: Alright! We're finally fucking some vampires - ones who don't answer to the name "Mike", that is. So I guess it's a moment we've all been waiting for... Or like... Y'all have been waiting for, I knew it was going to happen. Enjoy, loves.
@geralts-yenn @deandoesthingstome @summersong69 @mis-lil-red @ellethespaceunicorn @sillyrabbit81 @livisss @itsrubberbisquit @ktficworld
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“Hello, princess,” August yawned as he stepped into the kitchen. “Everyone’s out.” It was not a question, but rather a statement – of something so glaringly obvious that you had already figured it out before you set foot outside of Sherlock’s bed, where you had woken up. He’d been the last to feed last night, after Mike had gracefully accepted – save for some slight protesting – that you wouldn’t share his bed that night, no matter how happy you were that he was home again. Now, he was probably out to talk to some teachers about his recent absence. Sherlock had kissed you goodbye that morning at an absolutely unholy hour, to make the commute to his new workplace – a university in another city almost two hours away. Marshall was… where he always was, working some case or another until he could barely stand on his feet.
August was the only one of the guys who had taken a vacation these weeks, and you found yourself oddly grateful that you weren’t all by yourself this morning.
“Hey,” you answered, “want some breakfast?”
He laughed, taking your hands in his and leaning his forehead against yours. “Allow me,” he muttered. For the first time, you dared to ask him why he always seemed so happy to cook for you – the question made him laugh. August didn’t laugh often, but when he did… The sound was something mystical, in a way you couldn’t quite explain. “It’s my second-best way of showing you how I feel about you,” he chuckled.
“What’s the first?” You realized your error too late, and by the time you figured that out, August had you pinned between the counter and his body, with no possibility of escape.
“I could show you,” he said, grinning widely.
“You know how I feel,” you teased, hoping to get him to do the heavy lifting, which – surprisingly – he didn’t. Instead, he took a step back.
“No, princess,” he sighed, shaking his head. “That’s not gonna work.” He stepped closer to you again, putting a hand against your cheek. “I want to hear the words. From you,” he mutters, his voice dangerously void of emotions – until you look into his eyes.
“August?” With your thumb, you gently wiped the tears away. “What’s wrong?”
“Yes, I know how you feel, but talk to me, please,” he whispered softly. “I want your feelings for me to be important enough for you to say them out loud. Despite my already knowing them.”
“Oh, August, I didn’t think…”
“No one ever does,” August replied to you plainly, although there was an apologetic smile on his face. “Promise me, princess… Share your feelings with me, your desires with Mikey and your thoughts with Marshall the way you talk to Sherlock.”
Slowly, you became aware of August’s hands, resting on your hips. Resting your head on his shoulder, you leaned into him, and he responded by wrapping his arms around you. “All of them?” you asked quietly. His answer was a simple nod. You hummed – a half-chuckle that didn’t seem to surprise August at all. “You make my heart beat faster, and when you touch me, it sends shivers down my spine – even if you just hold me like this… When I think about you at night, I feel butterflies. I am so completely, incredibly and undeniably attracted to you, and I want to know you in every possible way.”
Before you had good and well finished your sentence, his mouth was on yours, eagerly moving against your lips, the coarse hair of his mustache scratching your skin. There was something uniquely romantic about the way he kissed you, as if you could feel the walls he normally had put up around him fall away – as if he was really letting you in for the first time since you’d met him.
After some time, he broke your kiss, holding your face in his hands. He moved away, leaving you looking into a pair of hungry blue eyes. “Can I take you to bed?”
You gasped your answer – a clear, resounding ‘yes’ – and nodded as his eyes begged you to temporarily waive the ‘human speed’ rule in the house, which you gladly did for him in this instance.
When your back his the mattress, you laughed. “You need this, don’t you?”
“’Need’ is a strong term,” he chuckled, laughing when he saw your puzzled expression. August pulled you into his side, where you quickly got comfortable.
“There’s something about you, August,” you sighed. “Something that’s not entirely like the others. Something…”
“A little deviant?” he asked, using your words from the day before. You nodded. That was exactly what you were getting at. “I’m surprised you noticed. Most of my kind… or kinds, I suppose, don’t.” He absentmindedly ran his hand over the arm you had lying across his chest. “I’m not a full vampire.” Now that was surprising… “I wasn’t bitten, I was born. About four hundred years ago. I am a vampire – my father was one. My mother, however… She was a succubus.”
“Succubus as in… female sex demon?” you asked, slightly confused by the revelation that those, too, existed.
“Put bluntly, yes,” August chuckled softly. “They’re quite rare, and there’s not a lot known about them, unfortunately. It’s said they need semen to survive, which we know isn’t true, but it’s a rather persistent piece of folklore. They feed off energy of a sexual nature – orgasmic nature, to be precise.”
“Do you?” It didn’t sound like much of a problem to you if he did.
“Yes and no,” he answered vaguely. “It can’t sustain me, but it’s a very nice snack. My gifts to feel and influence other’s emotions seems to be a result of my mother’s proclivity for perceiving those energies…”
“So, when you say ‘nice snack’…” Your voice trailed off, but August laughed understandingly, anyway.
“I mean I’m going to make a point of making you cum so many times you won’t be able to stand,” he growled in your ear before chuckling. “You like it when I talk to you like that, don’t you, princess?” Instead of answering him, you squirmed in his arms. “I love how comfortable you are around us,” he said suddenly, taking you by surprise – to say the least. Nevertheless, you knew exactly what he meant.
“It’s very… liberating,” you said slowly, “not being able to hide from you guys… At first it scared me, but now – ever since the agreement, I’m sure you noticed – I don’t want to hide anything from you anymore.”
“Nothing at all?” August asked, raising an eyebrow suggestively. What could he possibly be up to now? Hold on…
“What’s the… range on this gift of yours, Walker?” you snapped, slapping him on the shoulder out of reflex, hurting your hand in the process. “Do you just go around listening… feeling in on my, eh… private time with Mike?”
“I try not to,” he replied apologetically. ‘Try’. A very nice word to hide a ‘yes’ behind. “Sometimes I can’t help it… You and Mike – especially Mike, unfortunately – are very loud in your affection for each other. When you first moved here it was so bad I had to leave the house on occasion…”
“August!” you shrieked, pulling the pillow from under your head and putting it over your face to hide your embarrassment – completely unsuccesfully, of course. Your cheeks were burning, and you were overwhelmed by shame – not just because August knew some extremely intimate details about your sex life, but also – if not mostly – because you found that really, really hot in a way you couldn’t describe, even if you tried.
“Marshall couldn’t stand the two of you, either,” he chuckled, “but he didn’t feel the same way I felt about you back then.” Right… August had a thing for you when you first moved into the apartment… “I can tell you’re curious,” he laughed, “it wasn’t a crush so much as a… craving. It’s not gone – it never went anywhere, if I’m being perfectly honest with you.”
“A succubus-craving?” you asked, putting the pillow back where it belonged.
“Incubus, technically, but yes.” He turned his head, laying his forehead against your temple. The soothing baritone of his voice seeped right into your bones, making you shiver, and an involuntary moan escaped you. “It’s a very intense need to see that you’re taken care of.” August startled you by gently sucking your earlobe into his mouth, and biting down on the soft flesh, making you gasp. “And I would have preferred to be the one doing it myself, but as long as he managed… And from what I’ve gathered over the past months, he manages just fine…” His voice was nothing but a low growl now, with a jagged, feral edge to it that effortlessly caused goosebumps. “But today…” “It will finally be you,” you sighed. Fact of the matter was that you had been waiting for this moment as much as he had – although maybe not for quite as long.
“Well… I need you to do something for me first,” August said softly while he grabbed your hand and guided it between your legs. “Touch yourself. Cum for me. Let me know how it feels…”
“You know how it feels,” you muttered. It had only been a few months since you first had sex with the lights on, for crying out loud, and now August, who wasn’t your boyfriend, wanted to watch you finger yourself until you came so he could what? Get off on it himself? This was beyond scary…
“I want to know what it feels like when you know I’m watching you,” he growled, “you’re different like this, just like you’re different when you’re by yourself. Sometimes I wish I had Marshall’s gift, too, so I could know if it’s different depending on which one of us you’re thinking about.” With every word your heart rate climbed higher and your cheeks burned hotter. “You do think about us, don’t you?” There was no point in lying, but there was also no way you could speak, so you nodded. While August was talking, your fingers had started to move as if by magic, drawing circles around your clit. Soon, you found yourself restricted by your underwear, and you slipped your hands underneath the fabric. “All of us?” Another nod. “Separately?” The question pulled you away from your self-induced pleasure; your eyes flew open and your muscles cramped. When your eyes met August’s, it was like he’d tapped directly into your most private thoughts. Maybe you hadn’t been speaking the whole truth when you said you had nothing to hide from them anymore. But it was no use trying; August may not have been able to read your mind, but he had certainly felt your heart skip that proverbial beat when he mentioned it – as if your eyes didn’t give away everything anyway. Despite your obvious terror, August didn’t seem prepared to drop the subject. “Hm, I’d be up for it.”
“What?” You hadn’t really expected that to be his response to your half-admitting to having thoughts of fucking more than one of your housemates at the same time…
“After a few centuries…” he made a vague gesture you were not sure you understood the meaning of.
“Does it get boring?” you asked.
“Never,” he nuzzled your neck, occasionally pressing his lips to your skin. “It always feels different.” His hand covered yours and gently guided it back into your panties. “Please,” he muttered, “keep going. I need to know.”
Your fingers seemed to move on their own again, but this time, you didn’t get distracted by the words August muttered into your ear: “You’re killing me, princess. Cum for me, please.” After that, he showered you with praise, every word of it bringing you to new heights until you finally exploded. August let out a loud gasp. “Fuck, princess you’re delicious.”
“Right,” you chuckled while trying to catch your breath, “incubus-snack.”
“And a catalogue-building moment,” August chuckled mischievously.
For a moment, you wondered what he could possibly mean by that, and then you felt it; another orgasm building inside of you, steadily and very quickly, and without a single touch.
“Are you serious?” you laughed.
August responded with a dark chuckle. “Until you can’t stand, princess,” he reminded you of his promise from before while he continued to push you towards your sexond climax without so much as lifting a finger. “Be a good girl and cum for me again.” Naturally, you were more than happy to oblige, and August roughly pulled you into his side – almost hurting you – when you came again, whispering another comment about how good it was in your ear as you did.
“Are they as good as the… manually obtained ones?” Weird way of putting it, but for lack of a better way to say it…
“Every bit as good,” August hummed contently, “I could do this all day.” Honestly? So could you… Sure, your muscles would get tired eventually, but the lack of friction meant you could likely keep this up for quite a while. Besides, you doubted that August’s gift would let itself be stopped by a little leg-cramp. “The one thing that’s better…” His voice trailed off as he slowly kissed his way down your neck, his hands slipping underneath the old t-shirt you wore to bed. Without thinking, you reached for the hem and pulled it over your head, leaving August chuckling at your sudden eagerness. Your hands moved to undo the buttons of his shirt, but you soon got distracted and allowed tourhands to roam his chest.
“The scars…” you whispered as your fingers trailed the raised crescent lines on his chin.
“Paris in the nineteenth century was a dangerous free-for-all,” he sighed wistfully, “it was swarming with vampires and other creatures. Succubi, incubi, werewolves, vampires, some monsters you’ve never even heard of. Feeding was a criminal offence, and this was France, so breaking the law didn’t typically end well.”
“Yet you seem to remember it fondly,” you said bitterly, biting the inside of your cheek to keep yourself from saying something stupid. “What was her name?”
“Miriane,” August answered. “And his name was Elias, in case you were going to forget about that question.”
“Was she like me?” you asked. “Or was he?”
“He was,” August remembered, “but she found him, and he was hers – and so was I. Admittedly, I was first, but… like I said. Free-for-all. My gift made it easier to find willing victims, but as you can see, I got attacked a lot. That ended with him. Until…”
“What happened?” you asked breathlessly, looking at August with wide eyes.
“I left,” he snapped. Clearly that was the end of that line of inquiry…
“Who attacked you?”
“Other vampires. Ones without powers. Ones with powers that were less useful in those particular instances. Most of us didn’t want to kill to survive, but few had the option. I guess one would consider me lucky, even though I hardly have what’s considered an ancient gift.” He scoffed, then smiled, sensing your confusion. “Sherlock’s is – the compulsion, I mean. My father has it, too. Unsurprising, since he and Sherlock were turned by the same man.”
“So Sherlock is more or less your uncle?” you asked with a barely discernible smile on your face.
“Oh, please, no! Trying to impose human family ties on vampire covens is next to useless and will quickly make several things very, very awkward,” August laughed, laying his head on your chest. His hand moved up to cup your breast – which he somehow managed to do incredibly casually.
“Awkward, how?” Why? Why did you always have to know? The answer would probably make things awkward and…
Luckily, August was smarter than you in this particular instance: “After, princess.”
And that was the end of your conversation; August turned his head to wrap his lips around your nipple, and that was your cue to cease any and all rational thinking. So, this was wat patience felt like? Several centuries of practice in restraint? Paired with the ability to feel exactly what each move did to you… All those things put together should have made him better than Mike in more ways than one – maybe even more than the obvious – but weirdly enough, they didn’t make him better so much as exquisitely different. You’d become used to the way Mike would spend a whole lot of quality time with your boobs, so the fact that August moved on relatively quickly only to tease you relentlessly when he settled between your legs was almost disappointing in a way.
“I’m not Mike, princess,” August laughed when you tangled your hand in his hair in an ultimately unsuccessful attempt to pull him to where you needed him most.
“I know that,” you huffed, scowling down at where August was busy scraping his teeth over the sensitive skin of your inner thigh. Immediately, his icy blue eyes shot up, meeting yours.
“Do you?” He raised an eyebrow in that way that made you want to punch him and bit down harder on your leg. “I might even try Marshall’s favorite technique,” he said indifferently, a grin spreading on his face as you struggled to remember what he meant by that. Oh no! August chuckled when your expression told him you finally remembered. Another nip at your thigh was followed by the wet warmth of his tongue soothing the sting of the playful bite, and finally another stinging sensation as he sucked on te sensitive skin.
“Do you know you’re not Mike?” you chuckled. He rolled his eyes at you. Why did it make you so happy when he did that? Simply because he looked so incredibly hot while doing it? Then again, when did this man not look incredibly hot?
He stuck to that one love bite, and seemed to decide that that was plenty of teasing for today. As it turned out, being able to feel exactly what you felt was as good a gift as being able to sense desires. Honestly, it was such close competition that you wouldn’t dream of trying to figure out which was better – even more so because it would cut into your ‘enjoying being eaten out’-time. As if you had a prayer at thinking straight while August worked your pussy with his mouth, anyway; as soon as he flattened his tongue against your clit, it was over for you. Your back arched off the bed and you tangled your hand in his hair to pull him closer.
He finished you in no time, chuckling as he kissed his way back up your body again.
“I need you inside of me, now.” Whoever this breathy, more-moan-than-anything-else voice belonged to, it couldn’t be you, could it?
“Good girl,” August murmured. A few swift moves later, he was naked. You let your eyes travel down his body and sighed. He looked just as good as you’d imagined. “Let me take care of you.” Another orgasm hit you out of nowhere as August teased you by sliding the tip of his cock along your slit. It startled you – unnecessarily, of course. You just hadn’t noticed him putting on a condom. Fucking vampires – literally.
“Please stop teasing me,” you pleaded, “and come here.” Pulling him in was a fruitless endeavour, as always – annoying the everloving hell out of you, as always. And as always, the alternative – him indulging you – would have made matters so much worse. So he stayed put, teasing you more, until you were a squirming, whining mess underneath him, and he had an insufferably cocky grin on his face as he made you cum again, and again. You’d already lost count – but his eyes clearly told you that he hadn’t. “God, I wish you were Mike,” you blurted out. It was a lie – you were happier than happy to be here with August right now, but damn the man could do with half the patience he had.
A sadistic chuckle escaped him. “You’re so incredibly desperate for me,” he whispered. “I didn’t know it could feel this good.”
“Another snack:?” you asked sarcastically – and before you registered any movement at all, August’s hand was on your throat.
“It’s that attitude, or my cock, princess,” he snarled, “you can’t have both.” The pressure on the sides of your throat increased slightly, and you gasped. The next orgasm felt different – heightened, in a way, no doubt by the way he handled you right now. “So, which is it?”
As far as you were concerned, this condescending asshole could go to hell – which you didn’t neglect to tell him. Did it have the predicted effect? Absolutely. Did it have the desired effect? Not even close.
He dragged you up by your hair. “Knees.” Not a question. Very, very much not a question. It was also impossible to disobey him, as he still held much of your hair in a tight fist at the back of your head. “Open.” You had to give Mike credit; when he’d done his little failed experiment, his August-impersonation had been eerily on point. Which, of course, you hadn’t known at the time. But now… now you knew. And God, it suited August so much better – although he’d already shown you he could easily do ‘sweet and caring’, too.
Despite the orders shooting straight for your clit, you opened your mouth with the utmost reluctance, helped along by August’s piercing glare and a very persistent thumb that all but forced its way into your mouth. You made a few quick mental notes for comparison – you simply couldn’t help it. Mike was all about sensations; temporarily taking senses out of the equation, heightening others, playing with them, blending pain and pleasure… August didn’t give a damn about sensations. And who could blame him. He could already make you feel anything he wanted without lifting a finger… This was about control. And he was going to have to fight for it. At least that’s what you would have bravely thought about the whole situation if you hadn’t had cock stuffed balls deep down your throat, tears gathering in your eyes, and a ruthless man hovering over you, making you gag around him.
He fucked your mouth like he owned you – and he wasn’t wrong about that. You couldn’t move away from him, you couldn’t breathe, and the tears blurred your vision to the point where you couldn’t see, but you didn’t panic, finding comfort in the thought that August could feel exactly what you were feeling. A few months earlier you’d never thought you’d feel this way, but now you trusted him to take care of you on such a deeply intimate level, that you instinctively relaxed around him. He wouldn’t hurt you.
“That’s my good girl,” he said softly as his grip on your hair relaxed a bit. Oh, he still held you in place, but not with the same iron grip he’d used before. This was softer, gentler and something vaguely reminiscent of a kind of trust.
Surely enough, he soon let go of your hair altogether. “Keep going.” His voice was gentler now, but you didn’t dare make the mistake of assuming anything was up for negotiation. Despite your realization, his hand found its way to the back of your head again rather quickly, nudging you along. “You can do better than that,” he said as he pushed himself deeper into your throat until you were taking all of him again. “Perfect.”
When he let go of your head again, you quickly found yourself in the same predicament. “Just because I let go of you, princess,” he grunted, a tinge of annoyance to his voice, “doesn’t mean you don’t have to take every inch of me. Come on.”
He didn’t allow you to stop sucking him off until you were taking all of him, all by yourself – and for a good while. As you did, he kept giving you those little compliments that made your heart beat faster. Somehow, knowing he knew exactly what his words did to you made it even more exciting. By all means, you should feel terrifyingly exposed, unable to hide from him and his gift – or any of the others – but you didn’t. It was, as you’d mentioned before, very liberating to have them know everything.
After some time, he pulled away, sinking to his knees in front of you, cradling your face in both hands as he wiped away your tears with his thumbs. “You did so well, princess,” he whispered, leaning in so he could press his lips to your forehead. “Now be a good girl for me and get on your knees on the bed so I can fuck that pretty little pussy.”
You had to admit, as you very willingly – eagerly, even – crawled onto the bed again, that August had already done a very good job of fucking the attitude out of you, and something told you he hadn’t even really started.
This time, he didn’t tease you. He just sank into you with one smooth thrust.
“Fuck, princess,” he grunted, his tone suggesting he was going to say more, but he didn’t – or, more accurately; he couldn’t. His near-continuous stream of moans was interrupted only by the occasional swearword as he set an intense pace. With every thrust, your walls clenched around him, your thighs quivered and your fingers’ grips around the sheets tightened. “I’m gonna make this short,” he growled as his hand found it’s way into your hair, and he pulled you up until your back hit his chest. His final thrusts into you were merciless, and another orgasm rippled through you – his doing – exactly at the same time August reached his own peak.
Moments later, the vampire had taken care of cleanup and he held you snugly against his chest, where you quickly threatened to doze off, if it weren’t for Mike, who came home at that moment.
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goldberrg · 2 years ago
your face
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summery : When you tell your best friend Eddie that you haven't been kissed since seventh grade, he offers to kiss you. There's only one catch : you don't know when he'll do it.
part one, 2 , 3 , 4
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Eddie couldn't help but notice your expression as you watched Andy unknowingly pull little Mikey into the cave. You looked too melancholic for someone who was actively watching "Stooges". Bella sighed as the characters shared a sweet, childish kiss, resting their heads on their shoulders.
— Does Brant wear braces?
Eddie kicked you. — Can you stop thinking so loudly? I'm trying to watch a movie.
You snorted, teasing him. — Not all of us have blissfully empty brains, Munson.
— Not all of us look longingly at the TV when they watch children's films.
You rolled your eyes, blushing. — you interrupted a memory, asshole.
— Ah. — he nodded as if that was a perfectly reasonable explanation.
— I see. Have you often kissed your unsuspecting peers in caves? — this time he deserved a kick, an evil giggle escaped from his hands.
—I just… — you trailed off, watching Andy rush to his girlfriend, his eyes flashing in the light of the lantern.
"Steph, that was great."
You pulled your knees up to your chest, looking at Eddie. — I have to tell you something awkward.
His dark eyebrows arched in interest, and he tossed his sneakers onto the coffee table. — Please tell me, my lady.
The movie was moving in the background as you looked into those big brown eyes. — You'll laugh at me.
He shrugged his shoulders. — Probably. — he grinned when you hit him on the shoulder — What if I promise not to do it?.
— You studied his expression suspiciously. — I don't believe you, but I'll tell you anyway, because you have the privilege of a best friend.
— Damn it. He shook his fist triumphantly. — Come on, splash it out! I have a privilege.
You hesitated, cheeks flushed as Eddie stared at you. You are prepared for the coming ridicule. — I haven't been kissed since seventh grade.
He frowned, pausing to count on his fingers. — Oh, my God. — his voice wasn't teasing. It was half sad, which is even worse. You'd rather take a good-natured poke than be pitied.
— Are you serious? It's like seven years.
— Trust me, I know. — you muttered, crossing your arms over your chest.
Eddie looked confused. He bit his thumbnail. — What, you haven't found anyone you'd like to kiss? Not a single "worthy soul" has appeared since you turned thirteen?
— No, it's not even that. — your ears are warm with embarrassment. — I was interested in a lot of people. I think I'm just.. impossible to kiss.
There was a long silence. Eddie frowned. — Kissing isn't that good anyway, you know? Saliva, teeth and too much tongue… It's disgusting.
— Don't make me laugh. — you narrowed your eyes, and he sighed.
— Yes, you're right. It's unbelievable. — he should have known better than to try to deny the pleasure of one of his most favorite activities.— But you can't be kissed! You can really be kissed! Look at you!
His heart ached. He couldn't let that happen. His best friend, the girl he'd been fixating on for as long as he could remember, thinking it was impossible to kiss her? It's just ridiculous.
— I'll kiss you. — he said it before he even realized it. Your eyes widened, but he kept his cool. — What?
— You heard me. — he kept his voice even. — I'll kiss you.
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farfromstrange · 2 years ago
Chaos Theory | Michael Kinsella x Reader
Chapter 3: I'll Show You Every Version Of Myself Tonight
Masterlist ° Chapter List
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Pairing: Michael Kinsella x Reader
Summary: Michael recalls what happened during the day, and he tells you the truth (kind of).
Warnings: Angst, mention of death, non-sexual intimacy, Michael just hates himself, description of a seizure, slight hint at a panic attack (?), Everyone telling Mikey what to do (and they're being assholes about it)
Word Count: 7.7k
A/n: As promised, this is the day from Michael's POV, and explaining why he was so desperate that night (and wanted to get away for a few days). I struggled a lot with so many characters and writing their accents, so I apologize for any mistakes! Also, we have some plot in here and some of the other Kinsella family members, but nothing too major. Also, I do not accept any Birdy slander!
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His hand strokes leisurely over your bare thigh. You’re lying with your head toward the headboard while he’s lying the other way around; He’s propped himself up on a pillow at your feet and draws absentminded shapes on your skin. 
Silence has settled over you. Your eyes are closed, your breathing steady, but you’re not asleep. He can tell by how you react to his touch. 
Your skin feels like silk under his fingers. You offer a little bit of calm, the end he had been begging for after this awful day, and being with you now, still close but not holding each other, he revels in the intimacy of it all. You share time without talking, and maybe that’s a bad idea with how many secrets are between you, but that is not what bothers him. 
“What are you thinking about?” your gentle whisper breaks through the silence, but it doesn’t burst the bubble you have formed around yourselves. 
Michael sits up, He’s wearing boxers and nothing else, and the closer he gets, the more the temptation rises to run your hand through his hair – all of his hair. You reach out to touch his torso. His chest hair feels soft under your fingers. 
He sighs wearily. One of his arms hooks around your bent knee and he places his head upon it. You look at him from your comfortable place on the pillows. There is something about your eyes that puts him into a state of awe. Your hand is still stroking his chest, but it’s not sexual, it’s caring, it’s a silent testament. 
“Today was…” he’s not sure how to describe it. Every single one of his days feels weird somehow. 
You pulled him somewhat back into the present, but deep inside, he still lives in the past. In his mind, he finds himself back in prison sometimes, and that’s terrifying. He has adapted behaviorisms that he would have never thought possible like keeping the untouched food out instead of throwing it away, not shaving, only showering at certain times and most of all, he still struggles to sleep in a bed. He tried. After meeting you, it became easier, but he feels himself slipping back into the same patterns from before. 
“What?” you ask. 
He shrugs. 
“Talk to me, please.”
With you, nothing can hurt him, he thinks. 
“I went to see Anna this mornin’,” Michael says, and if you hadn’t focused on him, you wouldn’t have been able to hear his voice. That’s how quietly he admits it to you. 
You frown. He can tell the thoughts are connecting in your mind. 
You know a little about family law in the UK, but you have never thought about what it would look like in Ireland. 
You know from experience that if you’re single, unemployed, fresh out of university, and merely twenty-one years old, a court probably won’t grant you custody of a one-year-old. Even if you’re related. Even if you tell the court that the biological parents – or one of them, at least, even though ignoring abuse can also be counted as such – are abusive and controlling toward their other children. Without proof, they won’t believe you, and if they don’t believe you, you won’t get custody. 
And if you were in prison for eight years after being convicted for the wrongful death of your own wife… well, chances are that getting custody or even visitation rights as the biological parent is going to be a hard task unless the child isn’t safe where it is now – but Anna is safe, from what you heard from Michael. And the court isn’t sure if he bettered himself enough to be a father to her. After all, he connects to very serious trauma that a child her age shouldn’t even have to carry, and even though the courts are sometimes unjust when it comes to custody battles, they are very vigilant in this case.
You get it, but you also see a side of Michael the authorities don’t seem to get. He’s a good man. He deserves the chance to at least reconnect with his little girl after being deprived of her for so long. 
You know how much it hurts not being close to someone you love, although in your case, it was your own choice to leave. Still, the pain is grand and anyone who has to carry it might tend to make stupid decisions along the way. Like seeing the very same daughter he is not supposed to even be near. 
“Are you allowed to?” you ask because maybe he is and you read it all wrong. 
But then he shakes his head and he says, “No.” 
“I’m sorry, I just can’t– I needed t’see her. I didn’t talk ta her, I just sat there t’see if she’s okay. I had ta–“ he breaks off. “I do it to convince myself she’s real and that‘m not dreamin’. I just want her back. Is that so wrong?”
“It’s not wrong, but you could risk everything just by watching her from a distance. If someone finds out–“
Your eyes soften amid the initial frustration when he moves his head to press his forehead against your knee. You can no longer see his eyes, but the tears pearling off of your skin tell you he’s crying. 
You touch his head. “Michael, darling,” you say, “please, talk to me so I can understand.”
He sniffles. Slowly, he lifts his head and crawls over to you. He reminds you of a cat like this. His head finds support on your chest as he curls into a ball, and you wrap your arms around him. 
“It’s okay…” You run your hand through his hair. “I’ve got you.”
It surprises him how comfortable he is in being vulnerable around you. You unveiled his guarded heart and started slowly breaking down his defenses. He let you in enough for you to see parts of him he had long kept hidden, and you are on your best way to pull it all out of him. 
He shudders under your gentle touch. You are so soft. Not just your skin; your touch and your soul are soft. You cradle him like he is everything to you, but he can’t believe that he would be or should be everything to you. He’s not deserving. He tried today but failed again. 
The foundation that kept his face stern before and added a supposed strength to his demeanor burns under your touch, and soon he is standing in the ashes of pretense and he feels it all.
He denied himself to feel the pain all day and now you’re here and you are so fucking soft– He starts sobbing into your chest, allowing him to fall further and further and further without a ground to land on. But there you are, catching him as often, and you don’t let go until you’re sure he’s safe. 
Your arms have become his forever sanctuary. Feeling comfortable with you has been a hard task from the start and he still struggles, but he can’t help but let himself go in your embrace. You know exactly what he needs. You know who he is and you still stick around, and you know what he needs. It’s not just sex, it’s comfort, something he tried to hide by taking you against the wall, and it was good and he needed it, but he needs this so much more.
And he realizes that he needs to talk to you, too. He can’t just rely on you to touch and comfort him, something he has been lacking for eight years and perhaps even sometime before that while he was burning his life to the ground with a bad decision after bad decision and lost what was dear to him – he has to talk to you to earn that comfort because if he doesn’t, it feels like he’s using you and he once again starts hating all aspects of himself with a passion unmatched. 
You’re doing this because you feel like you have to, he figures; because he’s broken and he looks like it most of the time, and you like to fix when something is broken to earn yourself a little love back, but you deserve more than you think you do and he doesn’t want you to please him just for the sake of pleasing him. He wants you to feel comfortable around him, too, and he wants to give back what you are giving him, and not just through countless orgasms. You’re worth more than that. 
He contemplates, then makes a decision that is hard to swallow, but you deserve it. And so he tells you exactly what happened.
— Earlier that day —
Hearing the lack of trust in your voice when he admitted that he didn’t want to go home moved something in him. Of course, you’ve only just started to get to know each other, but there was something else in your voice that made his heart sink. 
Darkness attracts light. The sun gives way to the moon at night, but the sun always finds a way to shine the brightest. Too much darkness can kill the light, and without light, darkness would take over and then there would be no happiness. 
You’re kind, you put love into every little thing you do and you care about people. That’s the kind of person that people who are much darker than you feel like they can use, and knowing you, you probably let them. But even you reach your limits. 
He could see in your eyes though that you meant it when you said you would help him get a proper job and fight for Anna, and considering you barely know him, that’s a big display of trust – you trust in his ability to be better, at least, and that is something he holds very dear to his damaged heart. 
It’s been a while since someone was so endlessly willing to forgive him and to actually put in the effort to try and be with him; he knows how exhausting it can be, that sometimes being with him can become draining, and that it runs the people around him dry. At least it used to be this way. He hurt you, but you seem to have faith in him. You believe in him, you don’t think he will run you dry and you’re not exhausted. You may be a little weary, but he would never blame you for that. Even more now, Michael wants to stay true to his promise. 
He feels alive with you. Safe. Loved. Cared for. And whenever he is close to you, he feels the desperate need to protect you, not just from him and this stupid life he has been born into but from any other possibility of harm that might come your way. He wants to make sure you’re okay, and that you have someone you can rely on, too. But there is something you’re hiding, he could tell. He’s not an idiot, he can tell when someone isn’t being entirely open with him, it comes with the Kinsella name; he has to know people, be able to read them, and judge quickly but with precision. 
He tried not to let the nagging feeling of you hiding something more serious from him get to him because it is your life and he still feels like he needs to prove himself to you more than anything, though the inkling he has won’t leave him. 
The way you froze when he finished the sentence for you, “We haven’t reached tha’ level of trust yet?” This small moment of hesitation told him that there must be more to it. But he can’t think about that, not now. 
Anna is wearing her usual school uniform as she strolls past the restaurant with two of her friends. He suspects they are her friends because she’s laughing. A sad smile finds its way to his lips. She looks happy. 
He remembers the day she was born. Every parent is somewhat afraid to screw up, especially with their first child. Some are more nervous, others less. Michael was the kind of first-time Dad that found himself thinking too much about what could happen. He was scared of not being enough, of subjecting his daughter to the dangers of his family, and he questioned if he even had what it takes to be a good father. He read books, asked Jimmy and Amanda, and he annoyed Birdy almost every day until the day Anna was born. 
He remembers repeating one sentence in his head, “I can’t do this.” 
But then he heard her first cry, and it took him only a second to realize that he was a Dad now. He remembers the moment he first saw her face, and he forgot everything around him. 
The most pivotal moment was though when he got to hold her in his arms for the first time, so small and fragile, she fit snugly into the crook of his arm. Was he afraid of breaking her? Yes. More than anything. But all she had to do was open her eyes and look at him, and his previous fear of ‘I can’t do this’ evaporated. Left behind was only endless love and a sense of needing to protect the new life in his arms. He swore he would do anything to assure she would have a good life, no matter what. 
And then, almost as if the first-time-parent jitters were an omen, he failed. He failed to be a husband and a father. Jimmy has always managed to coordinate his children, his wife, and the Kinsella life just perfectly, and Michael believed he could do it just like him, just like his brother – but he failed. He always wanted to be just like his brother. 
At first, things went great and he gave everything he had to give, but then real life settled in, and he fucked up all the good things in his life. He fucked up his marriage and he fucked up as the Dad he promised his daughter he would be. In the end, he lost both of them. He lost Allison permanently because he was too caught up with himself and his family, and he lost his daughter, too, because he just wouldn’t listen to his gut, and his fuck-ups turned into a complex construction of dominos that were set out to tear his life and his soul lower than the ground. 
If he could turn back time, he would. But he can’t. He can only try to turn what little of the steering wheel he has left around to get back what he has left of what he lost, and that is Anna. His love for her has not changed since the first day he held her in his arms, only his attitude toward himself and his life changed, and he feels even more miserable now than he ever did before. 
Before he can register it, Anna has disappeared behind the trees. Once again, she didn’t see him. Part of him hopes that one day, if he keeps this going, she will catch sight of him and that maybe she will be happy to see him – does she even know what he looks like? Does she remember? Does she remember the times he told her he loved her? 
He’s not sure how a child’s brain works, or what the trauma did to her, but he would like to know. He would love to understand what makes his little girl tick, even though she is less of a little girl now and starting to grow into a young woman. He missed so much, and that makes him so fucking angry. 
He missed her, but he’s not sure if she missed him. Allison’s mother has never been a fan of him, but after she found out he was responsible for her daughter’s death, her dislike turned into pure hatred. She would have killed him if she had gotten the chance, he’s sure, and she would if she ever saw him again, he is even more sure of that. But he wouldn’t blame her; he deserves it. 
All of this pain, he deserves it. He convinced himself a long time ago that he is suffering for a reason, and that led to a strict belief that every bad thing coming his way will be because pain is the only thing he deserves, and happiness was not made for a man like him. 
Michael empties his double espresso that tastes cheaper than the brew you can get at a grocery store. You make much better coffee, even if it's just a boring double espresso. 
But you are a good thing, and good things wither in his presence. He tries to shut the voices out, but after seeing Anna pass by happier than he has ever seen her before, they just grow louder.
He makes his way to Amanda and Jimmy’s house then. His hands are buried in the pockets of his jacket that still smells like you the day he lent it to you. His brown eyes are sunken as he crosses the corner to the street his family lives on – most of them, anyway. 
He rings the doorbell and the gate opens to let him in. When he steps toward the front door, Jamie greets him. 
“Hey,” Michael smiles softly. 
“Hey,” Jamie acknowledges him. “Mam’s in the kitchen, Da’s downstairs with Eric, Uncle Frank an’ Birdy.”
The boy doesn’t even question his appearance, so he probably doesn’t know about the fight that drove Michael and Jimmy apart only a few days ago, and neither does he seem to know about the call he made to Amanda before deciding to drive his life against the wall – if it weren’t for your desperate need to fix people, he would still be stuck there. 
He nods. “Thanks, Jamie.”
It is weird to see him so grown up after all these years. He’s almost his height now. The feeling of looking at Amanda or Jamie or the life his brother has built for himself is something he can’t describe, but it runs deep and it finds its way into his bloodstream to poison him. It makes his limbs heavy with the weight of lies and the unknown on his shoulders, and his heart turns into the cloudy Dublin sky. 
Michael steps inside. 
“Which one are ya here to see?” Jamie asks. 
“Your Dad,” he says. 
“Okay, cool.” He leaves just like that, with no questions, not even a glimpse of suspicion. 
Ignoring Amanda in the kitchen, he makes his way through the house and into the basement. The stairs creak slightly under his weight. The closer he gets, the more can he make out Frank’s voice. The wood of a cue stick hitting the object balls on the pool table fills his ears. Some of them seem to fall into the pockets, and he hears Jimmy clap proudly to himself. Frank’s tone of voice is concerned though, and Michael stops to listen. 
He’s come at just the right time because the next thing he hears is his name. “And what about Michael?” Frank asks. 
The sound of one of the balls flying off the table echoes through the room. Jimmy sets his stick down and sighs. “What about him?” he retorts.
“I’m askin’ you.”
“I’m not the boss of him, he made tha’ very clear.”
Their argument wasn’t even about that. Whatever Jimmy had been on that day, he chose his words to hurt him. Talking about Allison and Anna the way he did, and then talking about you as if there would be no good in being together with you cut Michael deeper than he showed at that moment, and he almost lost you because of that. Maybe he didn’t mean it, but he deserved that broken nose nonetheless. 
“Whatever fight ya two had–” Frank begins. 
“It doesn’t matter,” Jimmy cuts him off. “I haven’t heard from Mikey in days. I dunno where he is. He’s not answerin’ my calls either.”
It’s Birdy’s voice next that tries to diffuse the obvious tension. “Maybe he just needed t’get away,” she says. “Away from all this, I mean. He just got out of prison. Cut the poor boy some slack.”
From the start, Birdy has always been the woman with maternal instincts, and Michael often found comfort in her kindness. She took care of him with a love he lacked during his childhood, and when he got out, she made sure the house didn’t look like an empty, haunted space anymore but that he could actually live in it again. She cares, and it shows in the way she speaks about him. He’s grateful, but he knows it won’t warm Frank’s heart the same way. He doubts the man is possible of positive emotions; he’s always been a rock, and he doesn’t care. Even the topic of family is just a job for him. 
As expected, Birdy gets ignored. 
“Is he still workin’ fer Amanda,” Frank asks, “washin’ cars like I told her?” 
“He was,” says Jimmy. “Until a few days ago, he took it very seriously. And then he left.”
“Good. Maybe he’s finally thinkin’ ‘bout what’s best for him, and that’s not washin’ cars. He belongs here, with us.”
Michael can only imagine Birdy’s disapproving glance. “He wants to get Anna back,” she argues. 
“He can do tha’ while he’s workin’ with Jimmy.”
“No, he can’t.”
“Birdy’s right,” Jimmy says. “Amanda tried tellin’ him she’d put him on the books but he didn’t have ta work, but he wants to. He’s takin’ this very seriously and I can’t say I blame him.”
“This is bullshit!” Frank stops to take a sip from his beer. “Ya’ve grown soft. Let’s jus’ hope Michael will come to his senses. We have bigger fish ta fry.”
He hears Jimmy scoff. “Wha’, like Eamon?” he asks. 
“No, Birdy’s new washing machine–”
By now, her eyes must be bulging out of her head with how hard she’s glaring. 
“Of fuckin’ course, I mean Eamon!” The glass of Frank’s beer bottle hits the counter of the small bar before he says, “And fuckin’ Moor, that bastard.”
“We’ve had this conversation before, right after Michael got out, remember?”
“We all remember tha’,” Birdy cuts in. “And I was seemingly the only one who cared enough about his well-being to check on him.”
“Yeah, Birdy, we know yer a saint,” Jimmy sounds almost bitter. 
“Don’t get smart on me now, Jimmy,” she says. “He’s your brother.”
“I know.”
“Eamon,” Frank says, acting as if the topics of conversation aren’t all over the place, “has us by the balls. We have ta do somethin’. Remember that dealer down on Parnell Street, hm?”
Silence follows. 
“Yeah,” he says, “he’s dead. He got shot this mornin’ around eight. While he was buying a fuckin’ drink at the gas station.”
Parnell Street. Michael knows a lot of streets by heart, that comes with the territory, but that name strikes a chord. The gas station on Parnell Street is about a fifteen-minute walk from Merrion. He knew before that Frank has people there, but Merrion isn’t just a street anymore. 
House number 13, that’s where you live. You drove past it before you parked a good length away from the café and he walked you there. That was at seven-thirty. 
He connects the dots and the second he does, his heart stops. 
Are you in danger?
Michael is convinced now more than ever that he needs to get out. He can’t protect you if he does the very same thing that he is trying to protect you from. He needs that job and he needs to try to distance himself. What if you get caught in the crossfire? Or Anna? He can’t relive the same hell again. It’s bad enough he dreams of that cruel night eight years ago every time he closes his eyes; he doesn’t need to add you to that list, too. He can’t bear to lose one more person he loves. 
“What do ya want me to do?” Jimmy asks, exasperated. “Want me t’start a seance and bring him back?”
“I need Michael,” Frank states. “We need manpower. He’s good at what he does. Not only does he throw a mean punch but he actually takes this shit serious when he needs ta. And he’s a damn good shot. He needs t’come back, otherwise–”
“Dead meat?” Birdy finishes.
“Yeah, dead fuckin’ meat.”
He steps out behind the shelf that has kept him hidden from their prying eyes. He doesn’t let him finish his sentence. 
Birdy is the first to catch a glimpse of him, her grim expression lighting up almost instantly. “Michael,” she says softly. 
He nods curtly, trying to smile, but he fails miserably. 
All eyes are on him now. He feels like an animal in the zoo, judged for existing, judged for being himself, and the only person excited by his sight is Birdy. She’s the one visitor at the zoo that seemingly enjoys every caged animal she sees. The sight of Michael’s dark features is not pretty, he knows that, but the looks he receives leave a bitter taste in his mouth. They pity him. He hates that just as much as silent judgment. 
“Hey,” he says. 
“How have ya been, pet?” Birdy asks. “Or more like where? We were worried ‘bout ya.”
She steps up to him and cradles his face. She traces the butterfly bandage on his forehead, chuckling a little, then moving on to the cut on his nose. She clicks her tongue. “How’s the other guy?”
It’s meant as a joke, but Michael takes it seriously. He looks at Jimmy, then back at her. “I’m grand,” he says. “And the other one’s good, too. ‘t was just a brawl.”
“Hm,” she disagrees, but she leaves it at a gentle hum. 
Frank’s smile is fake when he looks at him. “We were just talkin’ about you,” he says. 
He wants to tell him he heard, but he keeps his mouth shut. If he pretends he isn’t angry, maybe he can get out of this without any trouble. 
“Oh, yeah?” Michael asks. 
“Yeah. How’s the job?”
“Yeah.” You asshole, he thinks. 
“You enjoy washin’ cars?” Frank is really pushing it this time. 
He feels so small under everyone’s eyes. Jimmy looks almost regretful and Eric is someplace else, his eyes focused on the snakes in the terrarium, but everyone else makes him feel so damn small. He feels his shoulder slouch, but then he thinks about Merrion Street, Parnell, the gas station, and then you. 
“It’s not bad,” Michael lies, “but I’ve decided t’work someplace else.”
Everyone looks shocked now, even though Birdy’s eyes scream more surprise than the sense of betrayal he sees in Frank’s eyes, and even Jimmy looks like he didn’t see this coming. Considering Michael was once willing to do everything they told him to, he doesn’t blame them. It’s a big chance for all of them, but especially for him. 
Change is good, change is what he needs. He turns it into a mantra or else he won’t believe it, cave, and then return to the same man he was before. The thoughts of, “They’re your family. Would it really be that bad?” 
But you would never approve. Or would you?
No, he can’t think like that. He wants to be just Michael for a while if not forever. 
“I came to tell ya that. I quit,” he repeats. “The job with Amanda, I mean. I quit that.”
“Come again?” Frank asks. 
Jimmy curses under his breath, “The hell, Michael?!”
Michael caught them off guard. Good. The almost defeated expression Frank carries along with his anger and exasperation almost makes him gloat. Maybe he is already gloating a little inside because he found something more important than blood, in more ways than one, and he is fighting for it now. 
He hasn’t fought for something in so long. 
“Where?” Jimmy collects himself first. “Where are ya gonna work?” he asks. 
“I’ve got somethin’,” says Michael, “that’s all ya need to know. That’s why I came here. I didn’t want t’ leave ya in the dark.”
“You came here to tell us ya quit the job with Amanda?”
“Pet,” Birdy prompts. 
Michael shakes his head. “I need to get Anna back. For tha’, I need a more stable job. Appease the courts an’ all that. I can’t let anything, not even the smallest mishap get in the way of that. I’m sorry, but I can’t.”
Would you be proud of him if you heard him stand his ground? He likes to think you would be. It makes the heavy heart he gets from the look on his brother’s face a little easier to just accept. He needs to burn bridges, not appease others. And this is one of the bridges that need to be incinerated. 
“Are you sure about this?” Birdy asks. 
“Yeah, I am,” he says. 
“Fuck,” Frank curses to himself. “Can we talk about this, Michael? Just for a minute?” It sounds like a question but it’s actually a perfectly concealed demand. 
Michael sees through his charade. He shakes his head again. “I made my decision, Frank.”
“When we put ya to washin’ cars, this is not what we meant to happen–”
“Oh, I am well aware of tha’,” he sounds bitter now, and he can taste the copper of blood from where he bit his cheek in an attempt not to yell or throw another punch. “Things change,” he says. “People change.”
Birdy tries to pour some water on the fire that is starting to consume everyone in the room, but it has been fueled by oil and gasoline and water only makes it worse. 
“Anna belongs with Michael,” she says. “I’ve said it before, but she’s a Kinsella. Mikey deserves a chance to prove himself to get her back, don’t ya think?”
Jimmy nods at the same time that Frank starts to shake his head. “Eric!” he calls out and his son flinches. He’s still standing close to the snakes. “Don’t ya have anythin’ constructive to say?”
“It doesn’t matter,” Michael says. 
Eric closes his mouth again. He doesn’t look like he wants to be there, anyway. His skin is sickly pale and he appears almost… guilty. 
“That’s all I came here for. I quit. I’m sorry.”
He’s not sorry. He feels sorry, but not for this.
“Maybe if we take a calm minute to think about this–” Birdy tries again. 
He shakes his head. “No.”
“I’m sorry, Birdy,” and with her, he means what he says. “I can’t,” he says. 
On his way out, the weight that is lifted from his shoulders only lasts a few seconds before his brother’s voice puts twice as many bricks back onto his shoulders, dragging him further down. 
“Michael, wait!” Jimmy calls out. 
Michael clenches his jaw and halts. “What?” He turns around. 
“I’m sorry for wha’ I said the other day, about Allison and Anna and that girl Amanda saw you kissin’,” he says. “I was on edge and it wasn’t fair, especially not blamin’ ya fer Allison’s death. I know yer strugglin’ and I’m sorry, but ya can’t just leave because of tha’. It was just a fight.”
“I’m not leavin’,” he clarifies, “I just quit my job with Amanda. There’s a difference. I’m still here. Fer family.”
“Is there a difference? Ya’ve been gone for days. I was worried. We all were.”
“Were ya, really?”
They stare each other down. The rope of tension is so visible, it could be cut with a knife. 
Jimmy takes a step closer, his voice softer now. "Look, I didn't mean half of the things I said. I was angry, and I lashed out. I want you back in our lives. I want ya back where you belong, workin' with me. We're family, Michael."
“This isn’t about you, it never was,” Michael snaps. “This is about me and Anna and… and–” He knows he shouldn’t have said your name, but it slips before he can think, and his voice echoes through the house. 
“So yer still on about her?” his brother asks. 
He screwed up. You were just a stranger seconds before, and as a stranger, you were safe. Now Jimmy knows your name and probably everyone else, too, and being a Kinsella is already dangerous enough, he doesn’t need you involved with every single member of his family, but now that Jimmy knows you are one of the reasons he wants out… his brother might not become the problem, but Frank might, and Michael could shoot himself for being such a fool. 
He shakes his head. “Doesn’t matter,” he says. “Point is, I’m gettin’ another job and ya can’t stop me. I want t’be better.”
“We’re family,” Jimmy repeats. 
Michael scoffs. "Family, huh? Is that what ya call it when you drag my personal life into our fights? When you use my dead wife, daughter, and her against me?"
“Ya heard what Frank said about Eamon–”
“I’ll cross that bridge if it ever comes to it, but I’m not playin’ that game. I can’t get involved, and I won’t. Why can’t you just accept tha’?”
“Because Anna, I get, but this woman, Michael,” Jimmy says. 
His eyes darken. “Careful,” he growls.
“I stand by wha’ I said. This relationship is doomed. People have died already. What if someone starts a war? They’re not gonna give a fuck about whether or not yer goin’ straight now. You know how it is; they always find a way t’ destroy us and what we love. You’ve experienced it yerself.”
His words cut deeper than a knife. Michael's heart aches as he realizes the truth in his words — love and happiness within the Kinsella family come at a devastating cost. He stabbed a dagger straight through his heart and pulled it back out. As if the demons in his head weren’t saying the same thing, Jimmy had to go ahead and drill the hurt even deeper, the fear and the uncertainty. 
He thinks about Allison, her blood heavy on his hands. He went down too many wrong roads and ended at a point of no return. Now that he has found a way out, that way seems to be the same one-way street heading in another direction, but the end is still a huge wall he will run into, and then he will lose everything dear to him. 
But these thoughts are poison. They’re toxic. He can’t let them get to him, even though he has never taken his brother’s words more seriously. He’s always valued Jimmy, even when he’s angry. What he loathes is the truth of his words. It would be kinder if he was lying; it would make the decision so much easier. It wouldn’t make him rethink what he said, what he chose and is going to choose – he wouldn’t question what he feels for you, which is the part that tears ripples through his soul and the home you’ve made there, shaking his world and inevitably, yours. 
He understands the risks. But he yearns; he yearns so desperately for a chance at redemption. The threat of violence used to be his life, but now it hurts even him to think about the chance of the monsters jumping out of the shadows and cutting him and his loved ones apart piece by piece. He saw the worst of humanity and he knows it can get worse. 
The pits are sheer endless. There is no going back no matter where you are, no matter how hard you try to pull out - It's a door that reads "pull" but you push, and even when you pull, the door won't open. It isn't locked, you're simply trapped, and it's the same with his emotions. 
Michael knows he has a hell lot to lose, and he needs to acknowledge that instead of listening to the voice in his head that continues screaming, “Run!” 
But it isn’t him who should run. 
“I deserve a second chance,” he says. 
“Of course, ya do,” Jimmy says, “but–”
“No, that’s all. I deserve a second chance. Period. So does Anna, and so does she.”
The sound of heels clicking against the floor follows the sound of a closing door. Amand rounds the corner, her brown curls swaying with each of her movements, and she stares at the men before her in bewilderment. 
Michael feels his throat tighten when he sees her. 
“What is goin’ on here?” she asks. “I can hear ya shoutin’ through the whole house.”
“Michael quits,” Jimmy tells her. 
It’s as if he had been waiting for a moment to snitch. Two against one, and if he adds everyone in the basement, he’s standing alone against five Kinsellas. Just because he made a decision. He chose something for himself. It’s almost as if they can’t live with that. 
“Quit wha’?” Amanda asks.
“His job.”
“What?” She crosses her arms and looks at him. “Michael–”
“Don’t,” he cuts her off. His expression hardens. "Don't act like you care, both of ya. Don't. You may mean it, but no matter what I do, yer just gonna continue sabotagin' every attempt I make at bein’ happy. I can't keep lettin' ya dictate my relationships. I won't let you ruin what I have right now. Don’t tear her away from me.”
Why he sounds like he’s begging, he’s not sure. But standing alone against the force of his family feels humiliating enough to shatter his confidence. 
“Is it about the girl?” Amanda asks. Her body is turned to Jimmy, asking for his approval, and he nods. 
Michael rolls his shoulders. He doesn’t want to get angry, he doesn’t want to hit him again, he just wants to go home – he wants to go to a home that isn’t a place but a person, and he needs it now. He’s not sure how he survived up until this point, but it’s getting harder to breathe as the current drags him down. 
“It’s about more than tha’,” Jimmy adds to his initial agreement. 
At least he got that right. 
“It’s about family and the choices you’re makin’, Michael.”
Michael's voice rises, finally, his pent-up frustration spilling over. "No, Jimmy!” his voice bounces off the high walls that turn into a microphone with the force with which he delivers his words. “I'm choosing myself, fer once,” he says. “I've spent my whole life doin’ everythin’ fer this family, but I failed the people I care about, I lost everythin’ and now I just want to fuckin’ fix things! I won't let ya tear me down just ‘cause you can't handle the choices I make."
"Michael, we all care about you," Amanda says. Her voice is gentle, but he often likes to compare her to a venomous snake. Her words can sound nice, but the meaning behind them can be deadly as soon as it reaches your bloodstream. "We want what's best for ya."
"What's best for me is to be with her, with Anna- I want to be just Michael. I wanna be free from this toxic cycle. I won't let you or- or anyone else dictate what makes me happy. I've had enough. This is my life, for fuck's sake, let me just have tha'!"
"But yer a Kinsella," says Jimmy, "You can't change that." His anger transitions to silent anger. "No matter how badly you wanna escape, you can't."
Michael turns on his heels. "Maybe not, but I can sure as hell try," he says, ready to leave the house behind. 
He feels trapped, not just in there but on this street. He feels trapped everywhere, the walls caving in around him. He's breaking, as is the world, the universe, and reality; everything seems to be falling apart, and he is reaching for the only lifeline he has. As he walks away, he can feel their stares burning into his back, but he no longer cares.
He thought he could at least breathe once he was away from the house, but then his walls are caving in, too. He’s started tearing what little clothes he has into a bad – just enough for a few days – when he feels the room… shift.
The air grows thick with his mounting anxiety, his heart pounding in his chest like a trapped bird desperately flapping its wings against a cage. His vision blurs. A sharp pain shoots through his skull, but it’s only momentary. 
Somehow, he manages to make his way into the bathroom. Maybe cold water will help, he thinks, but then the room shifts again and again and again, and his now wet fingers slip from the tap. The water is still running into the sink, but he can’t move. As the room shifts, so does his brain. He can’t think, his eyes only able to scan silhouettes, and his knees give out. His body betrays him. 
The world around him warps and distorts. The sound of running water turns into a shrill melody as if someone is blowing a flute directly into his ear. The tiles beneath his feet become unsteady, their patterns dancing and morphing before his eyes. His fingers twitch as he tries to somehow lean against the toilet, but he has no power over what he’s doing. The spiral keeps going further down, dragging him with it. 
Time seems to both stretch and contract, the seconds drawn out agonizingly, yet passing in the blink of an eye as his body convulses. He doesn't exactly register what's happening. Sometimes, it feels like he's watching himself seize uncontrollably from the outside, other times it feels like a very vivid dream and then there are times, like now, when he's conscious but also feels detached and not conscious at all. 
Fragments of pictures flash before his eyes like a movie. He feels the fear deep in his bones, and it turns into personified matter dancing through his daydream - but it feels more like a nightmare that doesn't belong to him like Freddy Kruger messing with his head and threatening to cut him up. The body he's in can't possibly be his own. He fears losing control; he fears being consumed by the darkness that lurks within his bloodline, and it grips him tightly. He fights against it, struggling to retain a sense of self amidst the overwhelming chaos, but he's tired. 
He's not sure how long he's lying on the floor, but eventually, his muscles ease up and he slumps. The world returns to his senses, but he still feels disoriented and takes a moment to realize where he is.  As he lies there on the cold bathroom floor, the tears mingle with the sweat on his face. He wipes it off his brow, but he is still sweating. 
It isn’t the first time this has happened, but he hates it more and more every time. If only he could understand what’s happening, but asking for help isn’t his strong suit and he has other things to worry about. His ‘episodes’, as he dubbed them, are the last points on the list. 
He’s not at home here anymore, Michael reminds himself because he doesn’t feel like it. He feels trapped in his own house. The bullet holes are so close, he feels he can touch him through the walls. 
And then he decides, he really can’t stay here anymore. Not tonight, at least, and not tomorrow either. His head is all over the place. In every corner, there is an invisible trigger and he is haunted by the ghosts of his past. They follow him everywhere. 
The past follows him everywhere but into your arms, and so he fights against the ache in his muscles to rise back to his feet and packs his bag. 
By the time Birdy comes around to check on him, the light in the kitchen is dark, the blinds are drawn close and when she knocks, no one answers. Michael is gone again, and she wearily leaves it be just like that – who is she to keep the poor boy from happiness? If he doesn’t want to stay, he shouldn’t have to stay. 
But that’s just what she thinks. She knows as soon as Frank or Jimmy finds out he has disappeared again, kindness is the last thing that will follow Michael wherever he goes now. 
When he tells you about it that night, he leaves out the part about Eamon and whatever else is threatening the existence of the family business right now because you don’t need to know that. He tells you about the fight and Jimmy and his decision to quit his job with Amanda and move on to be with Anna, and you listen without a word. 
You listen and when he reaches the point of talking about packing his bag, he stops. You think that’s it, that’s what you believe, and he wants to keep it that way. He doesn’t tell you about the seizure or the taunting memories. 
Michael ends the story at a point he knows will suffice but still keep you safe, and you don’t seem to notice that he’s holding back because damn it, he’s crying, sobbing even, and all you want to do is comfort him.
He feels guilty for lying again, but it is for your own good. If you knew what was going on right under your nose, close to your own home and close to your heart with him here, you wouldn’t be able to deal.
But there are things Michael doesn’t know about you, and he can’t even begin to fathom how wrong he is about you not being able to deal with the violent lifestyle of his family. No matter how scared you might appear, it is not always because of the reasons he thinks it is. 
You’re a good liar, excellent even, but there is a gut feeling inside of him that won’t go away, and he holds onto the hope that one day, he will learn who you truly are, as much as you wish to know who he truly is. 
Only then can you both be unconditionally happy with each other – honesty is key, and it is still lacking in every one of your conversations.
Michael just hopes you will be able to survive whatever rocks life might throw your way because losing you is not an option he wants to concern himself with – in more than one sense. 
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Tagging: @bellaxgiornata @shouldbestudying41 @your-not-invisible-to-me @glowstick-lesbian @ms-murdockswift @acharliecoxedfan @loveroftoomanyfandoms @mattmurdocksscars @roseallisonparker @1988-fiend @norestfortheshelbywicked
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kshira · 3 years ago
request: can you please do “tokyo revengers boys making their partner flinch / cry / scare her during an argument and then they would feel really bad and get all soft?
ft. mikey, kazutora, hanma, ran, rindou, sanzu
tw. fem!reader, cursing, slight angst, hurt to comfort
an. scary soft boys for the win <3
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the darkness clouds his vision with every step mikey takes towards you, your back firmly pressed against the wall and you have nowhere to go. he raises his eyes up to you, shoulders rolling with anger, “i’m not arguing with you.”
mikey’s words feel filthy spewing from his lips, the warmth of his breath fans over your lips but you stand your ground, balling your fist to your sides and clenching them, “how is this arguing when i just want to know if you’re okay?” you shiver when mikey steps one inch closer, caging your body in with his own form.
“just do me a favor and leave” mikey scoffs before stepping away, freezing when he process what he just said but it’s too late, a soft bellow erupts from your throat and you resolve to the floor—crying into your palms, mikey’s heart capturing the shattering of your ache.
his eyes revert back to a bleak black, static circling into the orbs, reality hits harder as mikey listens to another ill sob rip from your chest, “if that’s what you want then fine, i’ll leave” you look up to him, his body trembling as mikey bends down to drape his arms around you.
“please don’t leave” he cries, the salty tears streaming down his pink cheeks as you pull away, “i’m doing you a favor manjiro, just like you said.” mikey doesn’t budge, gripping you harder against his cheek, “the only favor i want from you is never leaving me, i’m nothing without you” mikey chokes, burying his face harder into your neck and finally you drown his body with your arms, engulfing him into a hug.
“i’m sorry angel, i’m so sorry for saying something like that—i promise that my life is yours, i can’t live without you” mikey muffles into your skin and you sigh, running your fingers through his hair. an impulse dark and livid courses through his veins, but with a light casted amongst the shadows, mikey knows he can burn through it with you there.
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his hands are splayed across the table while you bite back an answer, kazutora darts his golden orbs through you. it’d been like this for an hour, the bickering back and forth over something so ignorant and thoughtless.
but you didn’t want to avoid the topic and your boyfriend wouldn’t budge—kazutora’s hair curtains around his face, dark eyes focusing on your form lingering closer to him, “why can’t you just shut up and listen, huh? all you do is bitch at me” kazutora seethes, and a gasp falls from your lips— “you’re a fucking asshole.”
kazutora opens his mouth to speak but slowly closes it when he watches you look at him with pain glossing over your face and before he can even blink the audible slam of your shared bedroom door rings in his ear. kazutora winces once more at the agonizing silence welcoming him, his hands crowding around his face, screwing tired eyes closed at the choice of words kazutora used blisters his mind.
he hates the way he lashes out sometimes, careless words fumbling from his mouth before a second thought—kazutora has spent years with you but the knife like words always feel fresh with the sorrow look on your face, and usually he gives you space before apologizing but kazutora is tired of suffering the same path.
the door quietly creaks as your boyfriend pushes it open, soft pads of his feet bounce against the carpet until he reaches you, a gentle hand brushing over your head tucked away under the covers, “i just want to let you know princess that you don’t bitch at me, and i don’t ever want you to shut up” kazutora bends down to place a kiss on your head.
“i want to listen to you everyday of my life, telling me how much you love me—how your day is, if i can ever make it better” kazutora rises to his feet, smiling to himself when you shuffle under the covers, a hand slithering from the fabrics, gripping against his wrist as you drag it back under the covers with you.
peppering his skin with your lips kazutora snorts, “you’re so cute angel, tell me how i can make it better—okay?” kazutora lifts the covers up, bending back down with his hands cupping your face, “always want to make you happy, i promise i’ll never yell at you again.”
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hanma allows the conversation to take a sharper path, his jaw clenched while the argument had drawn heated, he can’t help but want to run away—go back to the peaceful moment. you go to reach out to him, fingers finding solace on his cheek but hanma steps back—in fault, you flinch back from his hand raised.
his eyes grow wide, concern flooding hanma’s mind while you move further away from him, his voice still booms inside your head—the quake, pure rupture of a single yell trembles your body. “w-why are you flinching, baby?” hanma croaks, wiping a single tear sliding down your cheek.
“you scared me shuji” your voice shakes, hanma can’t help but feel his chest sink, “you’re scared of me? angel, why?” hanma presses, bringing his hands up to cup your cheeks as his thumb swipes over the resigning tears, “you kept yelling, i was scared..” you trail off, avoiding your boyfriend's piercing gaze.
“that i would hurt you?” hanma finishes your sentence, deepening his golden hues to search for answers amongst your expressions. “do you think i’d ever hurt you? i’d want to put my hands on your body like that?” hanma fingers indent on your flesh, mirroring your eyes as tears flush down his face.
“because i wouldn’t, i want to protect you—i’d never let anyone hurt you” hanma sniffles, and for once your lips tug a warm smile, “i know shuji.” hanma flashes a cheesy grin, the feeling inside the room has shifted back to a peaceful moment and hanma could relish just like this, holding within his hands—a reason to live, the will to fight—you.
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“another trip? ran, i haven’t even spent an entire day with you in weeks” you look down at ran as he packs clothing inside his luggage, “it’ll go by fast, my love” ran murmurs, rising to his feet and giving you a weak smile.
“can’t you just ask for a day off for once?” you protest, hand covering your heart while you follow ran to the other side of the room, his shoulders drop as he spins around, “you knew what you were getting into when i asked you to be my girlfriend” ran says dully, his eyes are so lifeless and you can tell how much his work has drained his soul.
“i thought you’d make time for me” you whisper, dropping your head as tears fall from your face and crash around the floor, ran flinches listening to you cry, “hey princess, don’t cry—i-i’ll try next time, take some time off for you” ran grips your chin with two fingers, tilting your head to meet his.
“but when will there be a next time?” you sob, choking on the tears while they fumble from your eyes, it feels like this is it—ran has chosen what he wants, and that isn’t you. a single decision alters your fate between ran, and he can only watch as pain riddles your body.
“it’s now, work can wait. i can’t lose you princess, i fuckin’ can’t” ran chokes back tears, wrapping his arms around your body—you both crash to the ground as ran holds you tighter, “please believe me when i tell you that you’re so important to me, you’re my everything” ran nestles his face into your neck, leaving the flesh with fresh tears.
time moves just a little slower while ran holds you close to his heart, he hates the time he’s lost with you—disgusts swarms his stomach at the nights you’ve spent alone but today marks an eternity he never leaves you alone because without you, he’d be nothing but a working husk of a man.
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rindou rarely gets mad but when he does it all topples over at once, his voice growing in volumes, items being scattered and words never unspoken are loud and clear. rindou doesn’t even realize he’s already pushed you against a corner of the room, crowding around you.
“i said what i fucking said, im done” rindou’s head throbs with anger, voice reaching into your ears—fear coursing through your viens, you feel trapped. but rindou doesn’t notice, continuing to pick at you—stab you where it hurts.
“rindou, stop” you scream back, raising your hand to his chest as you push him back, “you’re getting too close to me, i’m scared” you stifle the last words, watching his eyes flash from red back to his normal color, flickering concern on his face.
rindou takes a step back, looking over your hands holding your body for comfort and eyes swelling with tears, “you’re scaring me rin, please stop” you cry, choking on the incoming sob rippling through your chest and rindou breaks down right on the spot, eyes softening at you.
whatever the argument was, rindou doesn’t care anymore, he only walks closer to you, asking softly if he can touch you and when you allow him—he’s pulling you into a hug, vision clouded with his own tears when you tremble under his hold.
“i love you” rindou whispers, leaning his chin on your shoulder, using his palm to soothe a circle on your back, “i love you so much, angel.” rindou’s hold never falters, he’s afraid if he ever let go you’d disappear and rindou knows from now on, he couldn’t ever possibly do this again because even though he acts like he could, living without you isn’t an option.
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“please” sanzu raises his voice, rolling his shoulders causing your hand to slip from him, you turn your body completely away from him in the bed, quietly letting a sob be captured through your hand plastered on your mouth.
sanzu doesn’t like to be nurtured for too long, he’s far too independent for his own good and just a slice of kindness shown to him, cracks his insecurities wide open and one of the only ways he’s been able to get his point across is to yell—loudly.
“i just want to be here for you but you make it impossible” you croak, leaning up on the bed and looking over at sanzu, he grunts before climbing out of the bed entirely. “you treat me like a child” he mumbles, reaching for a blanket and his pillow.
“what did you say?” you reach for his hand but sanzu jerks it away, chest rising with anger, “i said you treat me like a fucking child!” sanzu screams now, the sonic boom of his voice bleeds through your ears, throwing your hands over them while sanzu begins raising his voice higher and higher.
sanzu eyes color black, he doesn’t even recognize his voice anymore as it succumbs through his throat, targeting your cowering body, “haru, please stop yelling—it hurts” you sob, and without another moment passed sanzu freezes, pausing to look over at your body huddled against the bed.
“fuck—princess, i didn’t mean to yell like this, i-i don’t know what came over me” sanzu slowly crawls back on the bed, peeling your hands from your ears and smiling when he’s met with pretty doe like eyes, “there’s my girl” sanzu whispers, thumbing away the broken tears and pulling your hands into his own.
“i take you for granted sometimes, you’re the only person that’s ever showed me love” sanzu brings your fingers up to his mouth, pressing a kiss on each digit, “i’m going to show you how much i deserve you” sanzu whispers, peppering his lips intentionally on one certain finger.
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bokuroskitten · 3 years ago
𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲’𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬
ft. Draken, Mitsuya, Mikey, Hanma, Sanzu
Here’s the Tokyo revengers version, as promised. These were just as fun as the first one, I hope y’all enjoy
𖤐 warnings: sanzu is a little possessive, it does get a little suggestive, but nothin crazy <3
𖤐 member of @tometpd
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Draken: Gold chain
It’s a heavier gold chain, thick links, sits along it collar bones and rests in the middle of his sternum. There’s a small engraving of your name on the clasp, originally you wanted the first letter to dangle, but decided that it just wouldn’t suit Draken. (He woulda worn it regardless, of course) He loves that you fiddle with it whenever you have the chance. When the two of you shower together you run your fingers over the cold metal, when you sit in his lap you wrap it around your pretty fingers. But best of all? He loves when it hits against your parted lips as he fucks into you, loves it even more when you bite your teeth into into, trying so hard to suppress you cute whines.
Mitsuya: one of your earrings
Mitsuya already likes wearing earrings, typically he wears something plain. A simple black hoop, a cross, sometimes even a diamond stud. One day he’s at your place, you’re getting ready, fixing yourself up in the mirror. His eyes travel to your little jewelry stand, where all of your earrings dangle and look so very tempting. You’re saying something to him, but he’s not paying attention, approaching the stand and eyeing up which unique piece he likes the best. “Baby, you listening?” You finally say with a pout, looking back at him only to find him faced away from you. When he turns he has a large, familiar sunflower hanging from his ear, a large grin on his face that makes your heart flutter. “Can I keep this angel? It looks kinda cool, doesn’t it?”
Mikey: wears your hair tie in his hair
He was so used to Baji giving him an extra hair tie, him or Draken. You knew this, knew Mikey could handle himself but forget something so little like a hair tie. But it was something he seemed to always need, so you just started to give him yours. The first time you handed him a bright pink band he blinked, black orbs emotionless before a smile broke out in his lips. “A pink one, really?” “Shut up, it’s all I have”. He’s worn that same pink hair tie on his wrist, ignoring the snickers from his friends from how it stood out against his blonde hair. He was so devastated when it snapped during a fight, but he should have known you’d be prepared, having a brand new one ready to slip onto his pale wrist with a grin.
Hanma: a tattoo of your name
He thought he was done when he got his hand tattoos. They were simple, told enough about him, especially when they were smashing in the jaw of some random jackass. But he was so very wrong. He noticed how much you loved those damn tattoos, you would always trace them without realizing it. You ran your thumb over the black ink when he held your hand. You always, always scowled when your had to clean the scabs that would form on them. “You need to be more careful.” You would say into in palm, so focused on cleaning away the blood. So, when he came home with your name inked over his collar bone, that large grin plastered on his face, you couldn’t help but fall more in love. “Now ya can’t ever leave me sweetheart.” “Wasn’t planning on it, loser.”
Sanzu: your blood in a necklace
As soon as he figured out this was an actual thing you could do, he wanted to do it instantly. Sanzu was possessive, if he could have you attached at his hip he could. But alas, he couldn’t, so what better way to keep you close than to have your blood constantly around his neck? When the vile was completed he stared, holding it up for both you and him to see. You were in his lap, head slowly lifting from his shoulder to laugh softly. “It’s a little creepy babe.” “No, it’s not.” He simply muttered, giving the vile a kiss and then your lips. A grin curled, crinkling up his scars in its wake. “Now I’ll always have a little piece of you, that’s not creepy.” “Hm… it kinda is.” He made sure the necklace was secured around his neck before pinning you to the couch, letting your laughter die out against his lips.
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meowdarame · 3 years ago
cockwarming bonten’s holy trinity
pairings: ran x f!reader (w/ hair), rindou x f!reader, sanzu x f!reader
warnings: NSFW, 18+ MINORS DNI!; hair pulling in ran’s, degradation in rindou’s, w33d usage/smoking in sanzu’s
notes: today was a fucking mess!! so here’s me coping by writing for some of my fav tokrev boys <3 likes and reblogs are always appreciated (also i promise i will write for hq again soon!! tokrev brainrot beating my ass rn tho so sorries!!)
also tagging coco bae per her request 🤍 @sanrionymph
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haitani ran
as much as you love your boyfriend, ran absolutely loves pushing your buttons. he’s sadistically playful and playfully sadistic, savoring every moment he can push you to the edge of almost breaking. it’s why he has you splayed out in front of a full-length mirror, your legs straddling his as you sit on his cock while he french braids your hair. “how much longer ‘til you’re done?” you breathily exhale, growing impatient while he takes his sweet ass time playing with your locks. “mmm,” he hums as his skilled fingers weave strands of your hair. “i’m halfway done, princess.” you bite your lip as he runs his lithe fingers through your scalp to collect your strands, “m’kay, but please hurry up. don’t know how much longer i can wait.” he smirks to himself before giving a harsh tug on the lock of hair he’s holding. your pussy reflexively clamps down on him at the sharp pain, making ran chuckle softly to himself as he ties the end of the braid with a hair elastic. “there,” he coos, “so pretty for me.” you open your mouth to reply, but before you can thank him for the compliment, he pushes you forward on all fours, sending your face just a few inches from the mirror. “since you’ve been so patient while i played with your hair,” he murmurs while he wraps the free end of your braid around his hand, “let me give you your reward.”
haitani rindou
rindou’s a busy man. between running errands for mikey, going on long missions with his brother and sanzu, and dealing with your needy and clingy ass, he feels like he doesn’t have enough hours in the day to deal with all the bullshit of his daily life. so what better way to kill two birds with one stone than by having you cockwarm him while he sits in front of his laptop, idly typing away as he reads bonten’s status report for the week? you’re perched on his lap, sitting still like the good girl he trained you to be. you know better than to squirm— doing so would result in him edging your poor cunt ‘til you’re begging for him to stop. “hmm, some of these numbers aren’t adding up,” he mumbles to himself as his eyes thoroughly analyze the text in front of him. “i’ll have kokonoi look into that division’s financial records tomorrow.” you fiddle with the hem of your skirt while you wait for him to finish with his work. “is bonten in trouble, rin?” you ask softly, knowing that whether rindou will be merciful or abusing to your pussy depends completely on his answer. “don’t think so,” he hums lowly. “but fuck!” he annoyedly curses as he shuts his laptop. “dealing with these low-life leeches will be a pain in my ass!” he taps your ass twice indicating for you to get up and bend over his desk— another trick he trained you to do. as he sinks into your tight walls once more, he leans over and growls against the shell of your ear, “you’re gonna let me take out all my stresses and frustrations on this pretty little pussy, right slut?”
sanzu haruchiyo
you don’t understand why sanzu insists on you cockwarming him while he smokes— he says that the feeling of your warm, plush walls wrapped around his thick cock makes the high ten times better. “haruuu,” you whine, making your boyfriend giggle at your incessant begging. “please, i can’t wait much longer! just fuck me already!” he presses the neatly rolled paper to his lips, taking a long pull of the joint before exhaling the smoke in your face. “don’t worry, pretty. i’ll fuck you after i finish this.” he’s silent as he stares at you with hooded lids, but then his brows quirk up when he comes up with a brilliant idea. “you know though, babe, i’d kill this shit much faster if you’d help me smoke it.” he’s never let you smoke with him before, but you’re eager to get him to start thrusting up into you, so you part your lips slightly, allowing sanzu to delicately place the rolled up paper in between them. you take a sharp inhale and then another after he removes the joint from your lips, trying to hold in as much of the hot smoke as you possibly could. but due to your inexperience— you’re his sweet, innocent girlfriend after all, untainted by his druggy hedonism— you hold your breath for a second too long, causing you to huff out all the smoke in a cacophony of struggled coughs. as you choke for air, your pussy squeezes around his cock, making sanzu hiss at your tightness. he absolutely can’t take it anymore; you just feel too fucking good. he hurriedly puts out the joint on an ashtray sitting next to you before wrapping his arms around your waist, immediately picking up an abusing pace with each thrust kissing your cervix. “h-haru!” you squeal. broken sentences are all you manage to let out since his erratic pace won’t allow you to think properly. “t-thought you wanted to f-finish the joint first!” he dips his head onto your tits, sucking and flicking your perked nipples with his semi-dry tongue, groaning, “that can wait. sex will feel so much better if we’re both high.”
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fueledbyapplepi · 4 years ago
hellooo if you can could write on mikey, ran, shinichiro, takeomi or any characters you like when their s/o has gone for some time and they have to take care of the baby:,))) have a great day <3333
Daddy Duties | Timeskip Hanma, Bonten Ran, and Takeomi
- Taking care of their kid while their s/o's away.
genre: fluff, crack
warnings: minor cussing, manga spoilers
A/N: Hi! Someone made the similar request as yours so I kind off like combined them. I hope it's okay. Also, this is my first time writing for Takeomi and I hoped I pulled that one off. Thank you so much for the cute request, anon (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
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Hanma Shuji
Being daring and adventurous is something that Hanma has always done throughout his life.
However, when it comes to fatherhood, he tries his best to not be too audacious. Something that he fails to do most of the time.
Most of the time, rather than baby-talking with your 1-year-old son, Hanma would talk about how amazing he is at fights.
Most of the time, rather than baby-talking with your 1-year-old son, Hanma would talk about how amazing he is at fights. Sometimes, he'll even tease you by telling the baby stories about how he gets involved in fights and how he punches his men whenever they fail missions. Stories that would make you clutch your hand in his mouth just to shut him off.en whenever they fail missions. Stories that would make you clutch your hand in his mouth just to shut him off.
So it was natural for you to worry when you had to leave your son in your Husband's hands when you had to go on a vacation with your friends. But, Hanma, being the considerate husband that he is sometimes, promised you that he'll take care of your son.
You were quite unsure, but you love your husband so you had to trust him. It's also his son after all.
Surprisingly, Hanma handled it well. Two days after you left, he was able to manage taking care of your son as well as his gang business.
Currently, Hanma was busy teaching his son his first word. He made a note to annoy you that by the time you get back, your son would be able to speak.
"C'mon now, say papa. Pa-pa." Hanma tried to get the toddler's attention by making gestures with his hands, only for his son to stare at him.
"Papa. Say it. Pa-" He caressed the baby's face softly, as if he's touching something fragile "..pa. Pa-"
Suddenly, Hanma was caught off guard when one of his subordinates barged into his office. A look of panic on their face. "Sir! One of our clients has called for an emergency meeting."
"Bitch! Do your damn job and learn how to knock." Hanma glared at one of his workers, causing the man to tremble. "I'll be there quick. Geez."
"Yes, sir!" The subordinate quickly shut off the door. Leaving Hanma and his son alone again.
Hanma stretched his arms to carry the baby when his son suddenly spoke.
"Bitch." The toddler casually said as it nibbled on his pacifier.
Hanma's eyes shot wide. Sure, he wanted his son to learn to speak. But not like this.
"No. No. That's Bad." He waved his finger onto the toddler as if he's going to understand him. "Say pa-pa, instead."
The baby stared into Hanma and held his thumb. "Bitch."
Hanma kneeled and facepalmed in front of his son.
Oh, he was sure fucked when you get back.
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Takeomi Akashi
In contrast with his how strict and tough he looks, Takeomi was rather a sweet and loving husband.
So when you asked permission if you could go out on a 3-day vacation with your girlfriends, he immediately agrees. After all, it's your well-deserved break for looking after your daughter.
What he didn't put much thought though was how is going to deal with your baby daughter now that he's Bonten's advisor. He's aware that the gang's full of scary guys and bringing his daughter to their meeting isn't a good idea.
But much to Takeomi's dismay, he didn't have any choice but to bring his 2-year old daughter. His right arm carrying his daughter while his left hand holding her bag of toys as they walked towards Bonten's office.
As he opened the door, Sanzu immediately snickered at his brother's look. A tough man carrying a cute girl in a princess-like outfit.
"Hehhh, daddy duties aren't we?" Sanzu grinned at Takeomi.
"Shut up, you idiot." Takeomi rolled his eyes off.
The other Bonten members gave Takeomi either a weird or funny look. While Mikey, who seemed to understand the situation, allowed Takeomi to bring his daughter.
As he sat down, everyone was surprised, including Takeomi, at how his daughter looks.
She stood up on her toes on his father's lap. Her eyes gleaming and dazzling at everyone while her hands supported her on the long meeting table.
"Tea party!" Takeomi's daughter beamed.
"Huh?" Rindou gave Takeomi a questioning look.
Takeomi sighed at his daughter. Patting her head, he tried his best to explain the situation. "Baby, this isn't a tea party. You at daddy's work."
"But...", she looked at everyone with a sad look in her eyes. A pleading look on her face as she made eye contact with Mikey "...I brought my princess toys."
With a faint blush on his cheeks, Takeomi pinched the bridge of his nose as he tries to hide his embarrassment. "Princess, we don't-"
"Okay. Where's the tea?" Mikey cut him off.
Takeomi's eyes widened, along with the other Bonten Executives. "Mikey is it okay?"
Mikey nodded. Smiling as he looked at Takeomi's child preparing the toys that she brought. "Yeah."
Takeomi exhaled. Sitting more proudly than earlier. "Then, it should be okay for everyone."
Good thing that the meeting doors were heavily guarded.
As no one would expect to see these scary men with crowns and flowers in their heads and teacups on their hands as they proceeded with the meeting.
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Ran Haitani
Ran was too positive with his parenting skills. Maybe even too overconfident.
So when you had to accompany your best friend for their check-up, Ran immediately insisted that he'll take good care of the kid. Leaving your 6-month old child to your husband alone quite worried you as you weren't sure if Ran knew the basics of taking care of a baby.
But your husband claimed that it'll be "a piece of cake". And oh boy, how he wished he could take those words back.
With the spacious office that he has in one of Bonten's hideouts, the baby had enough space to crawl and play with. So Ran let his son roam around while he was busy doing some paperwork.
However, he can't focus as some weird smell bothered his nostrils. He just can't seem to find the weird source though.
A faint knock was heard before the door opened. Welcoming Rindou into his office.
"Eh, Rindou? What do you want?" Ran bore his eyes into his younger brother as he put his chin into his right hand.
Rindou walked towards Ran with a number of folders in his hands. "Mikey wanted to - wait, what the fuck is that smell???"
"Do you smell it too?" Ran stood up. Leaning into his decks with his arms as he pondered where that weird smell came from.
Rindou roamed his eyes in his brother's office until he landed his eyes on his nephew. An imaginary lightbulb suddenly popping on his head. "Ran, I think I just know now."
Ran landed his eyes on the space Rindou was staring on. Until he saw his baby crawling quietly on the carpet with an evident lump on his diapers.
Ran looked at Rindou with horror. His eyes pleading for help from his younger brother. "Rindou..."
"No." Rindou immediately shook his head. "I don't know how to change diapers. And I don't want to."
"Fuck. I even told Y/N I'm the better parent." Ran carried his son and placed him into the crib beside his table. His mind wandering off as to how would he be able to change his child's diapers.
"Rindou, ask Sanzu for a face mask. I'll need it." Ran immediately took out his phone. His fingers swiftly typing on the keyboard.
"Hehhhh. So what's the better parent's plan?" Rindou took a peek at what his brother was typing.
"Tutorial on How to Change Diapers" Ran immediately hit off the search button.
"I am the better parent. And I'll prove it to Y/N." Ran said cockily as he scrolled through hus phone. Rindou could do nothing but only roll his eyes at his brother's remark.
Ran knows you're the better parent. But there's no harm in trying.
He's still the dad after all.
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mikeys-bike-slut · 3 years ago
Untitled Part 4
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Warnings: none, Baji centered chap 💙
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Once I climbed onto the roof of the abandoned shopping centre I soon found Baji. He stood near the edge, the wind softly blowing his long raven locks. The setting sun lit up his face and I can clearly tell something serious was going from his stern expression.
"Kei?" I call out softly and he turns around forcing a small smile for me. "What's going on? It's not like you to be this serious" 
"I'm going to leave Toman and join Valhalla" he says as he gives me a serious look.
"Like hell you are!" I snap at him immediately. "Are you out of your mind?" 
"Kazutora asked me to join and I accepted it-" I just slap him without even thinking. Hearing Kazutora's name has made me lose every bit of rationality I had. Baji stayed quiet, normally if anyone touches him he greets them with a punch but he just stood there. He knew... he knew how much I despise Kazutora. "Things are not right in Toman and I do not trust Kisaki either, he came from Moebius, and I have to find out what's going on. I have to protect Toman and Mikey. Tell me you wouldn't do the same" he asks as he looks at me with his amber eyes.
I stay quiet before I reply. "You're not wrong... But dammit Baji..." I sigh then I just hug him tight burying my face in his shoulder. "Take care of yourself, you fucking idiot" 
"Of course, you too" he says softly and hugs me tight. "Watch out for Mikey for me, I will announce my departing at tonight's gathering. I just wanted to tell you before hand. You're the only one I trust and knew won't try to stop me" he says as he caresses my cheek. "Whatever happens do not tell the truth to anyone, especially Mikey. I want him to be fueled to take down Valhalla otherwise Toman is going to fall. Someone is trying to take down Toman from the inside and get rid of Mikey and I have a feeling it's Kisaki but I cannot know for certain until I join Valhalla and do my own investigation. We might have to fight each other" he says in a serious tone. "Stay with Mikey" 
"I wish we could just kill Kisaki" I say coldly as I clench my fist. 
"Yeah, that would be so much easier but that would violate what Toman stands for, you have to keep in mind he is part of Toman now. Promise me you won't do anything rush, NO matter what happens" he says in a serious tone as he looks at me. I growl then let out a sigh and just nod. "Good girl" he smiles then chuckles. "Once this is over I promise I'll be back by your side and we gonna kick ass again together." 
"I'm gonna hold you to that promise" I smile then I link our little fingers together. "Promise?"
"Promise, bitch" he grins. "Now, how about we watch the sunset together? For old time's sake" he asks with a big smile then pulls me back to him as he walks behind me and wraps his longs arms around me then dropping his chin on my shoulder. 
I know we were to suppose to watch the sunset but I can't help but close my eyes and relax in his embrace as I lean back against him and lift my hands up and caress his arms. I missed this. These lazy afternoon with my best friend, letting our worries being washed away by the last rays of the autumn sun, burning away the anxiety and fear of the unknown. 
"Remember when we used to sneak out up here and get drunk?" he speaks up, his deep voice resonates in my ear making my smile and I slowly open my eyes. 
"Until Shinichiro found us and smack both of us. He was so pissed" I chuckle as I remember back to those good old days. Baji and I were only 13 and we would steal Shini's beers and sneak out at night to meet up here and get drunk. We were stupid little shits who thought they were cool.
"He always said we were both bad influence on each other" he laughs. "That we were a match made in Hell"
"Hell yeah we are" I grin then I lift my fist up and he fist bumps me. "We're the indestructible duo"
"Now that, we are" he chuckles then slowly he quiets down and I can sense his mood shifting. 
"You okay, Kei?" I ask softly.
"I can't believe you forgave me..." he says quietly, and I just turn around confused to face him.
"What are you talking about?" I caress his cheek worried. Is he beating himself up again for some shitty mistake he did as a kid?
"After what we did to Shinichiro..." his voice is serious and quiet as he looks at me, his beautiful warm amber eyes now filled with sadness and regret. I don't think he ever forgave himself for what happened.
"No... what he did" my tone slowly shifts and a cold undertone shakes my words. "It wasn't you, it was Kazutora... I could have probably forgive him, after all, you were stupid little kids who had no idea what the hell you been doing, but after taking Shinichiro from us he had the nerve to treat Mikey the way he did... As for you? I care about you too much to ever hate you no matter what would you do. You are my best friend, my brother, my partner. You're literally my other chaotic half" I smile at him as I reach up and caress his cheek again, and finally a small smile appears on his lips. "That's my boy" I smile and he shakes his head with a growing smile.
"Hate to admit but love when you call me that" he chuckles. "Tell anyone and I will beat you up" 
"Oh really? Come at me then Baji" I grin then I jump back and playfully put my fists up. 
"You really don't want this..." he smirks then put his hair band between his teeth while he puts his hair in a ponytail then tie it up.
"You might be my best friend, but it's so fucking sexy when you tie your hair up" I chuckle. 
"Oh my, thank you" he bows theatrically then I use this to take off and jump on him but he easily dodge me then puts me on my back and stands above me.  "Look, your favourite position, or at least that's what I heard from Mikey and Draken" he winks at me and I gasp offended.
"You did not go there!" I snap at him then laugh. "You fucking asshole!" I chuckle then smack him playfully and he just sits on top of me weighing me down. "It's not true!"
"Oh come on, you think I'm an idiot?" he laughs the gives me a grin. "The sexual tension between you and Mikey is so fucking obvious then the way you and Draken look at each other, it's like you two are telepathically fucking each other" he says with a grin. 
"Oh fuck, it's that obvious?" I groan.
"Just a bit" he winks at me.
"I kinda hoped it wasn't obvious. Jesus, this is awkward" I groan and he just laughs.
"Hey as long as they treat you right... And fuck you good" he winks at me and I just smack him again laughing.
"You're a little shit, you know that?" I laugh as I look up at him.
"I am aware" he grins then gets off of me and lays down beside me looking up at the orange, red sky above us.
Baji and I laid there in silent until there was only a faint red line on the sky, signalling that the horizon has swallowed the sun, also signalling that we should be going. The meeting's going to be in a few hours and we both need to get ready, plus I should go back to Mikey. 
"Not gonna lie I needed this Kei" I let out a relieved sigh as I turn to my side then lean over and kiss his cheek. "Thank you for always being here for me"
"Of course, and I always will be, you'll never get rid of me" he winks at me then pats my arms. "You should go back to Mikey now. I think he wants to fuck you before the gathering" he teases me and I just smack him playfully.
"Shut the hell up, asshole" I laugh then I give him one last hug before I stand up. "Be safe Kei, and come back home soon" 
"I'll be back home soon to watch the sunset with you again, I promise" he smiles then gives me one last long embrace before I pull away and run off. 
Just as I got on my bike I got a text from Mikey which read:
"Come to mine" Not even a hello, or a please, I swear he has some horrible manners sometimes. I shake my head then shove my phone into my pocket and ride off to Mikey's and Emma's place. I park my bike up outside next to Mikey's precious Babu then I walk up to the door and ring the doorbell. To my surprise Emma answers the door. 
"Heyy Em" I smile excited as I hug her.
"Hey Angel! What bring you here?" she smiles as she returns my hug and gives me a curious look. 
"Your dumbass brother. Is he in? I mean Babu's outside" I say as I motion behind me. 
"Yeah he is outside in his 'dojo'" Emma says while rolling her eyes which makes me chuckle. "Go and kick his ass, pleeeaaase" she playfully begs then leads me to the backdoor that leads to the garden where their shed stands which Mikey and Draken turned into a training place for Mikey, not like he needs any training.     
"Thanks Em" I smile at her then I walk out to the shed then walk in, finding Mikey shirtless, sweaty punching the heavy punching bag hanging from the support beam. "Hmmm delicious" I smirk as I watch him. My only weakness was seeing Mikey shirtless, he knows his toned upper body and his muscles turn me into an absolute mess. 
"I know something that's more delicious" he smirks as he turns around to look at me then runs his tongue over his bottom lip. 
"Well, we have time before tonight's gathering~" I purr as I take my jacket off but he just turns around and goes back to punching the bag. 
"Sorry, I'm busy" he shrugs then gives me a cute smile. Asshole.
"Then why did you call me over?" I cock a brow with a smirk as I sit down on the beanbag and watch him. The way the sweat drops slowly run down his toned upper body almost made start drooling. I just want him to attack me and fuck me into oblivion.
"To tease you" he gives me a smirk then continues punching the bag. The nerve and audacity of this man, I swear. 
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mina-star · 2 years ago
Oh requests are open ummmm
How about just platonic headcanons or oneshot (if you can) for Mikey with someone the same age as him? Since all his friends seem to be older
Yes!!!! I love this.
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Mikey is pretty happy to have someone his own age to talk and hang out with!
Though nothing is really too different when comes to like adventures other then you guys being the ones trying to keep the happy vibes
If you are into art. Art buddies. Sharing art supplies,art ideas and helping each other brainstorm!!!
You don't treat mikey like he's a child which he really does appreciate
You both tends to vent to each other about how you guys isn't taken serious at times
His brothers love the fact mikey has a friend his own age and they enjoy having you around!
You guys have a secret handshake and tons of inside jokes.
You guys met him when you were walking home!
You were happily walking down the street enjoying the city sounds and lights. You were humming till you heard a loud BANG! You spun around and looked down an ally way where trash cans were knocked over and and orange spray can rolled to your feet. From the shadows you saw a hand grab quickly and it..was green! And had....3 fingers? "Hello?" "Hi!" You heard a very happy voice reply. You didn't think that you would get a response! You took a step forward to hear two step being taken back. " So..who are you?" "I'm Mikey! And you?" "I'm Y/n! Nice to meet you Mikey! So uh follow up question why are you in ally way in the shadows?" You asked quickly both excited and a bit worried. He could be a new friend or a mugger could go either way in new york. You didn't have valuables for a mugger to take anyway. "Well uh..ya see lets say if people see me they tend get a bit freaked out. Im not dangerous!! I just..it hard to explain without seeing me but I don't wanna scare you" "You won't scare me!" "Promise..?" "Cross my heart!" What stepped out of the shadows wasn't what you were expecting. This turtle with stickers on his plastron and orange mask with a orange spray can in his hand. " Hi..?" He nervously laughed. You blinked "...I love your stickers!"
Mikey now will just say that as an inside joke to you. "Hey Y/N?" "Hm?" "I love your stickers" "Pffft-"
You said it because it was the first thing that popped into your head!
And Tah Dah!! Writing platonically is pretty new to me so this was really fun!!!
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redrobin-detective · 4 years ago
the only ghost in Amity Park
Continuation of Half Of
Only in Amity Park did the revelation that a local teenager was sorta, kinda a ghost just blow over in a few days. Sure, people still stared at Danny Fenton as he walked by and everyone was still wondering what exactly he was, but overall life had moved on. Star sighed to herself as she organized her notebooks, waiting for class to begin. Just another day.
Star herself really didn’t want to get involved in whatever was going on with Danny. She didn’t like him before he was a celebrity and didn’t plan on starting anytime soon. While Paulina still relentlessly, and vainly, pumped him for information on her dead boy crush, Phantom and he and Dash formed some weird macho bond or whatever, Star avoided him. He’d given her the chills since the day he’d walked into Casper High. When Danny’s secret had been exposed mid-attack, Star hadn’t been surprised. She didn’t need some ghost to tell her that there was something deeply, unsettlingly wrong with Danny Fenton.
Danny didn’t seem particular bothered, by his inhuman nature or by suddenly having his secret exposed. If anything, the nerd looked more relaxed than ever. Star had been watching him, they all had, but Fenton kept his ghostly antics to a minimum when in public. The occasional flash of green eyes when emotional, a grin of sharpened teeth. He made Mikey’s locker lock intangible the other day when the kid had forgotten his combination and he floated down the stairs instead of walking sometimes. It had been a week and it was  frightening how quickly such strangeness had become almost normal. 
“Alright kids, phones and notes away we’re starting class with a pop quiz. Hope you’ve all kept up with your weekly readings,” Faluca announced cheerily. The whole class, including Fenton, moaned and packed up their bags. Star supposed being an undead being haunting his own life didn’t make him immune from normal human problems. She was biting her lip trying to remember which antibody caused allergic reactions when she got an uneasy feeling. She looked up and was not surprised to see Danny Fenton looking around too. It had been a solid week without ghost attacks, looks like Fenton’s supposed vacation time was up.
Star stopped her writing and adjusted the bag at her feet to prep for evacuation. She briefly wondered what Fenton would do, what he could do? Did he also hunt ghosts, like his parents? Like Phantom? There were no blasts, no screams, no monologues but the dread increased when a ghost shield descended over them. Actually, it looked like it was just covering their classroom. Now everyone was looking up from their quizzes and out the window at the flickering, green shield.
“You’d think the administration would’ve warned me we were going to do a drill,” Faluca said but his voice was hesitant. Clearly this wasn’t planned so despite the lack of alarms, there was a good chance this was real. “Pencils down for the moment while I figure out what’s going on.”
“Mr. Faluca, I need to go,” Danny said, raising his hand. Star was so used to hearing the request she almost ignored him but the dread curling in her stomach made her look again. His face was pinched, sharp and his eyes burned with an icy fury like a sudden storm blowing in without warning. 
“Mr. Fenton, I don’t think...” Faluca murmured uneasily. Danny frowned harder.
“It wasn’t a request, actually,” Danny said roughly as he stood up and began walking towards the door. He was almost there when the door slammed open and Fenton had no less than 3 ectoweapons pointed in his face. A few kids jumped back in alarm but Danny held his ground as half a dozen Guys in White agents entered the room and surrounded him.
“Spectral scum formerly known as Daniel Fenton, you’re coming with us,” one of the agents said. 
“Danny not Daniel and it’s still my name,” Danny quipped, eyeing each of the government officials and their weapons. “And no, I’m not. I’m still alive, somewhat anyway, so I have rights. The courts backed me up.”
“Everyone who signed for your freedom doesn’t know ghosts like we do,” Another agent said so forcefully, some spittle flew out of their mouth and hit Danny’s cheek. Star watched it freeze and fall away the instant it hit his skin. “Your kind are too dangerous to wander around, you need to be contained and eliminated. Don’t worry, your parents will receive a sizable check as recompense.”
“I’m the one who needs to be contained?” Danny said slowly, evenly but there was a static to his voice that caused the hairs on the back of Star’s neck to rise. When she breathed out, she saw her breath was misting. Everyone’s was as the room temperature continued to plummet. “When you come in here and take hostages to threaten me?” Danny hissed, he took a step forward and his eyes took on a neon green glow. “You didn’t come to my home or on the streets, you came to take me in the middle of biology when I’m surrounded by civilians, kids.”
“You delude yourself into thinking you’re still human,” another agent scoffed. “Everyone knows ghosts are weaker when giving into their obsession.” Danny laughed, it was loud and mocking and like fingernails running down a chalkboard. Faluca, stuck in between Danny and the agents, was white as a sheet and gripping his desk like it was the only thing keeping him from collapsing.
“You know nothing,” Danny hissed, his voice barely recognizable as human. His hair and shirt floated in an invisible but angry breeze. Frost crawled up his arms and his face. Various ecto alarms were ringing on the belts of the agents and they started to look a bit nervous. He looked nothing like the kid who, minutes before, had clearly been struggling with their bio quiz. “You have no idea what you’re dealing with. You cannot come into my haunt and threaten my people to get to me. Protecting what is mine will always make me stronger!” 
“This whole town is constantly under attack because of things like you!” One particularly brave agent said even as a few others had backed up. “Amity Park is on the verge of collapse because of all the ghosts!”
“There is only one ghost in Amity Park,” Danny said, he tilted his head, his black and white hair dangling in his face as he gave a sharpened smile. “There is only me and the ghosts I allow, ghosts who know the rules, who respect my authority here by keeping damage to people and property down. I am the only ghost haunting this town and why do you think that is?” One agent threw down his gun and ran through the open door.
“You’re-you’re a monster!” Another woman shouted, shaking as she stepped back before fleeing.
“I’m not the one who needs to threaten innocents to get to their target,” Danny sneered. “It’s a good thing you did though, I wouldn’t hold back if I wasn’t worried about collateral.” Another three agents turned tail and ran. Until there was only one left. His gun was still trained on Danny but his hands were shaking. 
“You don’t scare us,” the agent trembled through the obvious lie having been abandoned by his comrades. “We’ll get you monster, if it’s the last thing we do.”
“Looking forward to it,” Danny drawled sarcastically as some of his horrifying aura dissipated along with the freezing grip on the room. Within moments Danny has settled back into more human form. While he’d been angry before, now he looked almost bored. At no point had he seemed afraid. 
“You take your people and your equipment and you leave Amity’s borders by sunset tonight,” Danny declared resolutely. “If you have continued problems with my existence, you take it up with the courts. We settle this as humans but if you treat me as a ghost then I will fight back like one.” His eyes turned green again as a threat. As a promise. 
“I don’t take orders from spooks!” The agent shouted, securing his finger on the trigger and preparing to fire. Star had ducked to avoid the blast so she missed exactly what happened. All she saw was the green glow and heard a strangled scream from the agent followed by a series of thumps. By the time Star had gotten back into her seat, Danny was aggressively pulling apart the ectogun with his bare hands. There was no sign of the agent and, around them, the ghost shield fizzled away. 
“Jerks,” Danny grumbled, kicking at the remains of the ectogun he’d destroyed. “Sorry about that, Mr. Faluca. I knew they’d cause problems but I didn’t think they’d come to school.” Their teacher stared at Danny like a rabbit facing down a lion. “You okay?”
“Fine, Mr. Fenton, just fine!” Falcua grinned in a high pitched voice. “Shall we get back to our quizzes?” The bell rang just then and Danny did a little fist pump.
“Tomorrow then? After I get a chance to study more?” Danny asked with puppy dog eyes. It looked wrong on his face that had just threatened the government with bodily harm. Faluca just nodded dumbly, not sure what else to say. “Yes! I’ll pass tomorrow for sure. The attention kinda sucks but it does come with some perks.”
He walked back to his desk, ignoring the wide-eyed looks of the class when he stopped and gasped, his breath fogging in front of him. His lips pursed again with annoyance. A few people jumped in surprise as the Box Ghost, a familiar annoyance, poked his head through the wall.
“Child! Your requested reprieve is up and the Box Ghost is here to cause insurmountable square shenanigans!” He laughed heartily, stopping when the room temperature dropped again. Danny didn’t even turn to face the ghost. 
“Your watch is off, Boxy. I have another 10 hours before I have to deal with you annoyances again,” Danny growled. “I’m feeling good right now, take advantage of it and leave in one piece.”
“Uh right okay then,” the ghost stammered, sinking back into the wall. “See you tomorrow.” Danny cracked his neck before he walked to his desk, grabbed his things and walked to the front of the room.
“Late bell’s gonna ring any minute, you guys should hurry if you don’t wanna be late,” Danny said as he left. Falcua’s strength gave out as soon as Fenton was gone and he hit the floor, one hand clutching at his chest.
“Jeepers,” Mikey surmised appropriately before stuffing his things in his bag and leaving as well. Star watched everyone loosen up themselves and begin gathering their things to leave. No, she would never like Danny Fenton but he and his ghost weirdness was just part of the deal now, whether they wanted it or not. Such was life in the most haunted city in America which was only haunted by a single ghostly entity.
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akeijies · 4 years ago
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mitsuya t. x reader
summary: mitsuya and reader are in the same club, cute pining, secret kisses, hushed confessions. college au but toman is still a thing hehe
contains: fluff, lots of fluff. the tiniest bit of angst like a sentence tiny draken appearance, headcanons and a little drabble
you and mitsuya are in the same club and you always admired how nice and soft spoken he was, he’s so nice to everyone and offers so much encouragement and big smiles and it just made you fall
the both of you start talking when he offers to help you with a sewing project, or he asks if you could model something for him so he could see how it looks on someone
eventually you both talk a lot more, he cracks little jokes, flashes his smiles, runs his hands through his cropped hair. you tease him about his little yelps whenever he sticks himself with a needle and the way his eyes light up like a kid in a candy shop whenever a piece he’s working on comes out perfect
the first time takashi kissed you was when he had a custom piece that he just finished and you wanted to be the first person to see it in all of its beauty
he thought your excitement was really cute and you were just showering him in little praises and he got all blushy and bashful like
“it’s not that great— it just a little something”
“yeah a little something that you made!”
his lips were really soft and it was this sweet soft kiss that made your eyes flutter shut and you only opened them after you both pulled away with a little sigh oh my
after that day you both spend a lot more time in the club room, shoulders pressed together, quick kisses once the club room frees of everyone but the two of you, fingers that brush against the others neck when they go to fix a collar or grab the measuring tape that hangs on shoulders
you both normally leave the club room and go your separate ways but one day it’s raining and takashi offers to take you home on his bike because no one‘s out on the street and he doesn’t want you walking in the rain by yourself
it’s a quiet ride home the both of you just the tiniest bit awkward in this environment outside the comfort of the club room but it’s nice, with your arms wrapped around his waist and your head resting on his back
you don't pass anyone who stands out on the street, but someone pulls up next to the bike that you and takashi ride and it's two guys one with longer blond hair and the one behind him has the end of a ponytail barely poking out from the bottom of his helmet
they don't say anything and you feel a little off so you tighten your arms around takashi an a few seconds after that the other bike rides off leaving you both behind.
eventually you both get to your house and takashi helps you off the bike and he offers you a hug and he can tell what you're probably thinking and he gives you a small smile and just "those were my friends, they were just reminding me that we have somewhere to be tonight is all. don't worry."
you know he’s in toman, it’s something that never ceases to worry you but you never ever bring it up because it’s not your business. takashi is grown enough to handle himself
the next day takashi isn't at club and your heart is in your chest and you can barely stay in the room after everyone leaves and when you walk outside the door and the same guy who was on the back of the bike from yesterday and he's cut up a little bit and he's got some scratches on his face and it doesn't make you feel any better.
"mitsuya's okay."
"he's fine, he's outside actually. he didn't want everyone to see his face and ask questions."
"you're not helping at all."
you see takashi, outside and your heart leaps because he doesn't look like your imagined and he only has a couple of cuts and bandages on his face and he's deadpanning at the guy next to you and it makes a little laugh bubble out of you
"i could have went and got her myself, draken."
"yeah but you were taking too long so i did it." draken gives you a tiny smile that turns into a little smirks when he looks at mitsuya. "i'll see you later"
"you need to be more careful," you step closer to him; space smaller than it's ever been without any excuse to be.
your hands slowly come up to graze his jaw where a small bruise is formed and your heart aches when he winces away from your touch.
mitsuya sees the hurt flash in your eyes and he immediately grabs your wrist and places a small kiss to your palm, like he's telling you your touch could never hurt him.
"it was just a little fight, it wasn't too crazy." he sees how that didn't really help anything and he gives this cute, kiddish, quirk of a smile before, "--you should see the other guy."
that makes a laugh bubble out of you and you close the gap between the two of you and pulling him into a hug, that must hurt a little bit by how tense he is but he wraps his arms back around you, squeezing you back.
you both stand in the shadows for a while trading kisses, hands ghosting against each other's backs over sweaters and jackets.
mitsuya walks you home again once you both finally pull away from each other. legs move at a lethargic pace, backroads get taken, knuckles brush against each others. he tells you about draken and how they actually have the same tattoo, he laughs at your reaction because it's expected but so cute, and how mikey is a really great leader and friend and how he's really thankful for toman, and how he knows it's a dangerous thing to be involved in but he's happy he's involved in it with them.
you're at your house and you welcome him inside to press more kisses against his cheeks and his neck. your fingers trace where you imagine his tattoo to be.
he tucks his face into your neck and whispers about how he wishes he could take you out on a date, and that these little happenings couldn't only happen in little shadows and clubrooms and your bedroom, but he wouldn't know what to do if someone after him saw you and did something to you to hurt him.
you shut him up with more kisses, each one more heated than the last and explain to him that you understand and that you're fine with this and you're more than fine with him and that he's worried about bridges that you may or may not have to cross.
mitsuya leaves later that night. both of you drunk on intricately places touches, lips swollen with love, eyes full of comfort and smiles laced with the small promises of tomorrow.
you fall back into bed, body sprawled and limbs loose and you allow your heart to ease once you finally receive the "i'm home <3" text from mitsuya and you shoot back a response before letting your eyes droop shut.
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