#it looks like it didn't do much except change her pupils to that of hearts
darkmoonravewolf · 11 months
Me:I just need to finish one oneshot so I can start my fanfic please just one
Brain: What if Weiss... Got actually love.,sick?
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thepouletgalactique · 11 months
Annular Eclipse Fairy / Kreslas Reference
I'm finally releasing a little project I've had in mind for a long time. @ayyy-imma-ninja's incredible universe inspired me, so I decided to make a crossover between our two universes.
I hope you like this little project, @ayyy-imma-ninja 🥺
For now, this is just the prologue. The plot will feature @ayyy-imma-ninja's 3 fairies as well as characters I've invented myself for the sequel. Please be patient~
Warning: this little story is not canon to @ayyy-imma-ninja's, please don't associate what I do to what Meg does. My work is less qualitative than what she produces, so please consider this plot as fanfiction. Respect her work.
Now good reading~✨
(Production dated 11/02/2023)
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-- Prologue Part 1 --
Kreslas : You're not in bed yet?
Gysper was leaning against what looked like a miniature handmade desk, lit by a firefly set against the wall of their den. 
He quickly turned his gaze to where the voice emanated from.
It was Kreslas, crouching at the edge of the entrance.
The two fairies lived in a tree cavity with other congeners of several different species. Fairies tended to live alone; nevertheless, over time, they had organized themselves into a community, like an isolated village in the middle of a forest. Each had its own den to live in, with the exception of the Rain Fairy, who had long since decided to take in the wild Eclipse Fairy, which was frowned upon in the village.
Gypser : And you're back late from your rounds.
Night had now fallen for several hours and darkness had blanketed the sleepy village. Only the gleaming pupils of Kreslas and his imposing silhouette stood out in the night.  
The Eclipse fairy went inside and answered.
Kreslas: The surveillance team and I were quite busy this evening... 
For Kreslas, strange things had happened today, but he preferred to avoid the subject, as Gypser was usually quite anxious. He turned the conversation to what was keeping his companion awake... He approached to look over his shoulder, placing one hand on the other, and asked.
Kreslas: What's keeping you up so late? 
Gypser hurriedly put away the parchments he'd been scribbling on a few moments ago. 
Gypser: Nothing special, I had things to do.
Kreslas raises an eyebrow with an amused smile, he wasn't fooled. In fact, he knew what the little fairy was up to. 
Kreslas: Ho "nothing special” ? Like how to organize food supplies for this winter? You know there's still 5 months to go.
Unmasked by his intentions, Gysper tried to justify himself by stammering. 
Gypser: Autumn is approaching soon, I can feel the seasons changing. Rainy, cold weather is just around the corner. We need to make sure all food stocks are full for the village. And also calculate the expiry of food; organize stocks by type of food; calculate rations; above all plan for emergency reasons; also plan for potential problems and...
Still smirk on face, the big fairy watched him explain himself, gesturing all the while. He straightened up, then crossed his arms, unconvinced by his answer.
Seeing that Kreslas didn't approve of his excuses, he stopped, sighed and placed his hands on the desk. His fingers tightened slightly in concern over the parchments on the desk. 
Gysper: I'm just forward-thinking... And worried... Especially after the thefts that took place there a while ago…
Kreslas: I know, I just don't like to see you so stressed... Don't worry, we'll find who did this.
He says, trying to reassure him. 
Gysper: I'm not so much worried about who did it, but about the repercussions it could have. I've got a bad feeling about this. I don't want the village to be endangered in any way.
Anxiety growing in his voice as well as in his being, he closed his eyes, calmed down for a moment and then smiled slightly. 
Gypser: But I don't doubt you, you've always been a good hunter.
In a burst of tenderness, he rose from his chair and embraced the waist of his partner. 
Feeling those tiny hands clasping me, his heart vibrated from within his chest. Teasingly, he continued.
Kreslas: On the other hand, when the prey come to me on their own, things simplify considerably.
Easily, he lifted him up and nibbled lightly on his neck with his sharp teeth, all the while making comical mouth noises that made Gypser burst out laughing. 
Their sizes were very significant. Kreslas usually towered over the other fairies by a head, measuring around 20 cm/7.9 inch, while Gypser was a head shorter than the others, measuring more like 13 cm/5.2 inch.
They enjoyed the moment embracing each other for a few seconds, before Gypser asked curiously.
Gypser: Tell me what happened, it's not often you're home this late...
Kreslas lifted his head from his shoulder to stare at him. Hesitant to answer, he put him down. 
Kreslas: The patrol and I found a trap... In the stock that was stolen a few weeks ago...
He tilted his head.
Gypser: Do you think it's the same fairy who came to steal? Could it have come from other villages in the area?
Kreslas: No, I don't think it was a fairy, the trap was far too... heavy and sophisticated to be a trap built by a fairy. I also found footprints. Footsteps from "bigger than us".
Gypser jumped.
Gypser: Could they be fairy hunters?! I thought there hadn't been any for a long time! 
Kreslas: It could be one of them. The "bigger than us" are evolving, but we're still desired creatures. The village has faced hunter attacks in the past, so we need to be on our guard. The theft last time may have been a way of knowing that this stock belonged to fairies or an animal, so I was stupid to suggest that the village ransom the entrance...
Gypser: You're not stupid, you wanted to do the right thing to keep the village safe. It's a good thing this stockpile isn't close to the village. We need to alert the other villages around here. 
Kreslas: I don't understand why they didn't warn of a potential intrusion earlier. The day shift hasn't heard from them for a while... They've sent signals again today, with no response.
Gypser: That's really strange... I hope nothing's happened to them. 
A few seconds of thought passed before the Eclipse fairy spoke again.
Kreslas: Tomorrow I'll go and check on you, flying high in the foliage so as not to attract attention. You, spread the word in our village and try to get out as little as possible. We have to be careful.
His heart raced at the idea of Kreslas moving away from the village; he'd done it to parts before, but not in such an urgent situation. 
Gypser: Please, be careful... 
Seeing Gypser's anxiety grow in his eyes, he smiled slightly and stroked one of his petals.
Kreslas: I promise. 
Gysper remained tense all the same. Staring into space, he was already thinking the worst, biting his thumbnail in stress. Kreslas took his hands, slipping his fingers between his own. 
Kreslas: But now it's time to rest.
Trying to dodge Kreslas' directions, he turned back to his desk. 
Gysper: But first I just have a couple of things to finish-
He let out a small gasp of surprise before finishing his sentence. Kreslas had already caught him before he could reach his chair, pinning him down with his arms and lifting him off the floor. A teasing smile played across his face. 
Kreslas: Where are you going? No more excuses now. At ease! 
The little fairy jiggled as she tried to shake him off. 
Gysper: Hey, it'll only take a few minutes!
Kreslas: You always say the same thing and end up falling asleep with your nose on your desk! You can continue tomorrow with a clear mind. 
A small chuckle came from Gypser's mouth, then he sighed, defeated. 
Gysper: Okay, okay, but I need you to put me down so I can change. 
He chuckled before putting it down gently and setting up his extinguisher. Gysper looked for something to change into for the night. 
Krelas, for his part, didn't have any specific clothes to rest in, so he contented himself with watching his partner frantically rummaging through his belongings.
But his attention was suddenly drawn to something outside, far away in the gloom. He began to stare intently at the outside of the den.
An unexplained shiver ran down his spine.
Something was bothering him, the wind was blowing abnormally for him, but he couldn't explain it. Krelas was very familiar with the sounds of foliage from his wilderness days, before he met Gysper. The sound of nature was no longer a secret to him. 
He continued to examine the void, unable to look away. A bad feeling was slowly creeping up on him. Was it paranoia?
Gypser had chosen his outfit and was about to put it on when he watched Kreslas furtively scan the entrance. Curious and concerned, he asked. 
Gypser: Is everything all right? Did you see anything? 
His companion's voice roused him from his torpor, and he shook his head to regain his composure. 
Kreslas: No, everything's fine. I'm just a little tired. Let's get some sleep...
He didn't want to worry any further with unfounded premonitions. 
Yet Gypser's anxiety had not subsided. Kreslas still had some wild attitudes, including his sensitivity to the dangers and things around him.
Just as he was about to ask the same question, a rumbling sounded behind the trees. Something was approaching at high speed, a creature looming up in front of them. The two fairies had never seen anything like it before. 
The creature before them was black with spinning wings, linked on either side by metal rods, producing a deafening din. It also had a sturdy, smooth black frame. A silver logo representing two Laurel branches, a crown and a pistol bullet were visible on its sides. Finally, an intense red light resembling a eye seemed to be watching them intently with lifeless and emotionless.
The creature was facing them. Blocking the only exit, pointing something at them.
Taken by surprise, both were frozen, time seemed to stand still for a moment. Gypser's eyes widened. Petrified on the spot, he clutched his clothes tightly. For Kreslas, the only priority was to protect Gypser. Instinctively, he rushed towards Gypser, hoping to reach him in time. 
Kreslas: Gypser! Get down!
In his rush, the metal monster fired. An explosion followed by a dazzling flash then a thick cloud of nauseating smoke gradually filled the room. 
Kreslas was thrown against the wall of their lair and lost sight of Gypser.
Other vermin of the same type arrived on either side of the village and fired into the other dens. Taken by surprise, few fairies managed to escape. Those who did were either captured by nets and dragged to the ground, or crushed by the flying things hurtling at them.
Disoriented, Krelas got to his feet despite the pain. His head was spinning and nausea was rising in his throat, the shock had weakened him. He groped the walls for his companion. His vision was blurred by the thick smoke and the wounds inflicted by the explosion. 
After a few minutes of fruitless searching, his strength suddenly left him due to the cloud of gas.
Sore and feeling his body getting heavier and heavier, he collapsed to the ground while, outside, the cries of other fairies echoed under the explosions. 
The cold ground kept him slightly awake.
Powerless, he used the last of his strength to concentrate on the surrounding noises, the cries and explosions continuing for a few minutes until silence returned. Then the ground began to tremble, as something climbed the tree where he was standing. A white light blinded him and swept across their now messy dens. Unknown voices broke the silence.
??? : There are still some here. 
??? : They are completely stunned? 
??? : Yep! The drones did their job well, I see.
Kreslas felt his body leave the ground as a large, warm hand reached out to examine him. He barely had time to make out the man's silhouette before he lost consciousness. 
This was the beginning of the end...
-------------------------------------------------------- Prologue Part 1 - Prologue Part 2 (Soon) - Chapter 1 (Soon)
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13meigo · 2 years
A snake’s plaything | Fifth year || Sebastian Sallow
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Chapter 6 | Jealous
Some time passed after Ominis got his wand again. The first-year Gryffindors hid it somewhere in the greenhouses. They all got in trouble from that what Violetta heard.
Also, Ominis still proceeded to be around her but Sebastian got colder and colder. Sometimes Violetta had the feeling that he sometimes tried to get her attention by causing noise in class like correcting the teacher or making comments about other students. He doesn't even sit with Ominis anymore and he seemed to pick more fights with other people. Somehow Violetta knew that this situation would explode sooner or later.
And today, a day before the autumn holidays it would happen.
The classes had finished and the students got ready to leave the school this evening to go back home. Violetta watched the student walk towards the great hall. She leaned on the railing next to Ominis. 
'And? Are you going back home?' She asked and brushed her hair behind her ear. 
'No, I prefer to stay here. Everything is better than my 'home'.' Ominis said and turned to her.
'No. I will stay here too. I can't go actually, I have too much schoolwork to do. I have the feeling that I am drowning in it.' She laughed. 
'I never saw a Ravenclaw struggle with their schoolwork.'
'Then let me be the great exception!' Violetta said and shook her head. 'I have the feeling that I am not only drowning there but also in my feeling.' 
'Sebastian is still in your head isn't he?' 
'Oh, you could bet it.' Violetta sighed and covered her face with her hands. 'I have the feeling that she pull a spell on me since we saw each other the first time. There was something in his eyes that I can't describe. Something that just messed with my head. Something dark.' Ominis's expression changed to concern. 
'Something dark?' 
'Yes, I... I just can't explain.' Violetta looked at her friend. 
'Violetta, listen, there is something that I didn't tell you about Sebastian. But you need to promise, that you keep it for yourself no matter what!' 
'Of course.' Violetta answered worriedly. 
'Sebastian is interested in dark magic, and curses since the things with Anne happened. I don't know how far he would go but I know for a fact that dark magic messes with your head. It makes you lose a part of yourself and replaces it with its darkness.' Ominis explained. Now it made sense, his aggressive behavior, his snarky comments, everything. Violetta looked surprised but also sad down. She never suspected that. Somehow it hurt her to hear this. 
Of course, Anne was his twin sister but why would he go to his own limits for her? Isn't he realizing that he is hurting himself? 
'Violetta, could it be that you are falling in love with him?' Ominis asked and touched her arm. Violetta looked up. What was he saying? No, this couldn't be. 
'What? No, this is ridiculous. Never would I fall in love with Sebastian Sallow! He hates me and our friendship is none existent.' She laughed, trying to brush off this topic. Ominis tilted his head. 
'I think you are not so honest with yourself, Violetta.' Ominis said and crossed his arms. Violetta couldn't believe her ear. Was he really suspecting her of not knowing herself fully?
Violetta was at a loss for words. What should she answer to that? 
'Ominis, I think I should go now... You know I have... uh... work to do!' Violetta felt her cheeks turning red. With those words, she left him. 
'Think about my words!' He yelled after her but she pretended to not hear them.
Violetta fumbled with the hem of her cardigan. 
She thought about Ominis's words. Somehow she wanted to deny them but she couldn't because he was right. Violetta was never in love before and didn't know this feeling, but it was there. She felt this heat in her heart when she was near him. Her heartbeat quickened and her pupils dilated. She craved to touch him somehow. All this was so confusing to her. 
This wasn't any innocent crush anymore, it was full-on falling in love. 
And now she was on her way to find Ominis. Maybe he could help. Violetta walked down the stairs in the direction of the Slytherin common room. She entered the dimly light grand staircase. She walked down the stairs and thought about how she should explain it when a loud noise made her stop in her tracks. Violetta listened. The noise came from lower. She peeked over the railing and saw shadowy silhouettes by the trophy room. Maybe someone needed help? The curiosity got the better of her. 
Violetta hurried down the stairs but stopped shortly before she reached the level of the trophy room. She hid behind the railing and listened. 
'I can't stand the way you look at her.' It was Sebastian's voice. It was filled with anger and jealousy. 
'I am literally blind I don't even know how she looks!' Ominis answered anxiously. Violetta's heart raced. Was Sebastian threatening him? Why?
'Don't act stupid now.' Sebastian hissed. 'You are constantly together and don't say that you don't enjoy all the attention that she is giving you.' 
'Sebastian, what do you mean?' Ominis's voice was shaking. Sebastian laughed darkly. 
'I mean the way she helps you in class, the way she talks with you and I remind you when you fell onto her. Don't act like you didn't enjoy how close you were to her pretty face.' 
 'You are losing your mind! We are just friends!' Ominis answered fearfully. 'You engaged yourself in the dark magic too much Sebastian, you need to stop!' 
Suddenly a short yelp escaped Ominis's lips. Sebastian pushed him into the door frame by the collar. Sebastian came really close with his face to poor Ominis. 
'Let that be my first and final warning. Stay away from Violetta or I will hurt you like your family hurts the muggles. Understand?' Sebastian growled.
'I do.' Ominis whispered in fear. Sebastian released his grip and Ominis sloughed onto the floor. Sebastian dropped Ominis wand and Walked down the stairs toward the Slytherin common room. Somehow he didn't see Violetta. 
She waited until Sebastian's footsteps were gone then she ran to Ominis's aid. She grabbed his wand and kneeled next to him. 
'Ominis, I am so sorry. I am causing all of this.' Violetta said sadly. Her friend needed to suffer just because of her. Ominis reached for her and petted her head. 
'No, you are not. It's him, not you.' He spoke. She saw that his lip was busted. Ominis reached now forward with his other hand and cupped her face. 
'You truly have a pretty face.' He joked and smiled lightly. Then his face turned to worry 'Why were you here? I guess you saw everything.' Violetta nodded and swallowed. She removed her face from his hands. Ominis looked with sadness in her direction. 
'You are in love with him. I knew it.' Ominis said and took her hand. 'You need to realize, no matter what you choose, you need to be happy. Not other people, you Violetta. And if you choose him I will still support you because that's what friendship means.' 
Violetta was so torn. Her heart wanted him but her brain saw what he did to some innocent, would he do that to her too if they had a disagreement? 
Now, she needed to be honest with herself. What would she choose?
If you enjoy the content please leave a heart and follow to not miss any updates! xx Meigo
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dzpenumbra · 2 years
Man, I swear. I spend like my entire life in my head. I just swim in thoughts all day every day. Its just never ending. There are no quiet moments, except for art, or music, or video games. Honestly, not even then. Music can be very pure. Like a moment of JUST sound, and creating sound, and the song is just a centerpiece focus. Like a meditation focus, it really is for me often. And I like sorta submitting to it. That's why I liked jamming on the drums with a MrSuicideSheep mix. That was like... my shit for a while. I used to play drums ----
Welp, Max just interrupted me trying to get under the sheets.
Actually, now that I think about it, she hissed just like... at nothing earlier. And she didn't get playtime tonight. And it's 7AM. This is probably like a clusterfuck for her. I'm trying to pay attention to her needs. She's very active now compared to where she used to be. I don't like talking about it, times change and people grow. She gets all of my attention now. I feel bad she couldn't be the star when my dog was around, but we're getting reacquainted. That made me sad. I miss my dog a lot. Max does too. I just want her to have a good life. I got the same feeling with Cerry before she passed. I'm so grateful I did. I'm sorry it was so late, because I was not the best partner for her for a long time. But I'm so grateful I woke up to my own... coldness and distance. Human arrogance. And, to be blunt, poor teachings.
I want to make sure Max's needs are taken care of better. I really do need to make an appointment for a checkup. Her hips have been very stiff for a long time, she grunts when she hops off counters now. She still plays, but I'm worried that I'm not taking the best care of her that I could be. Like if my kid were limping around the house and I didn't bring them to a doctor. I just... sorta go on the honor system with her. Like, if she's in pain, she needs to let me know. The second she starts showing like she's really not happy, I will take her to the doctor in a heartbeat. So I hope she's not soldiering too much. She doesn't need to, and she deserves the best. She is a beautiful spirit.
Well shit, that took a chaotic turn. I'm really trying to lean into those. Fuck it. And my thoughts just turned to spaghetti, so I guess I'm learning why I'm practicing --- relaxation, and grounding, because the fast thoughts are me starting to panic.
Oh... boy. So I'm starting to panic a bit and I think it's because of my cat. There's the adrenaline, and shaking hands. I'm worried she's sick because she's old. And the hips. And the hissing earlier. Heart is pounding. Welcome to a live broadcast of a panic attack. I get these a lot, but in varying degrees. This one is pretty severe. I see a flower, a post greyed out behind this post of some flower - it reminds me of an iris in an eye, and a pupil. And I keep looking over at it, like it's reminding me of my eye that I keep having problems with. Like waking up this morning with like a scratching feeling in my eye and my eye just watering for like an hour and a half in bed and I'm fucking just scrolling social media with one eye because fuck getting out of bed with that shit. I'm waiting til my eye chills. So maybe I'm a bit overwhelmed today. XD
I'm mostly worried about my cat, I have promised to make an appointment this week, I think today (after I wake up) would be best. I'm afraid for some reason. Maybe because I'm afraid I won't sleep or I'll sleep in and miss the appointment. I don't really know. There's a lot of natural pushback from me on those. Feels like lack of confidence or something, but I can't put my finger on it. Maybe because it's where I put my dog down. Fuck. Maybe that's it. And I'm going back with my cat. To where my dog died. Fuck, okay. That's a big one that I can see myself having a self-protective panic attack about. Yeah, I should get my mom to go with me for that. I really do think so. She was there when it happened. If she's okay with that. I can see her in my mind's eye. Me and her are bonding a lot. She is really close to me. I'm going to miss her when I move. I know our relationship is very complicated, but I can feel her in my heart right now. And it's very powerful. It's a cripplingly powerful feeling I'm in the grips of right now. Love, Fear - all wrapped up in a tangle, like a chemical reaction in my chest. Like some kind of unstable isotope or something. Swirling pulses of complementary energies, straining and morphing with eachother. Until they find a stable equilibrium. Like Mentos and Coke. Like vinegar and baking soda. Kinda. That's what that feeling is, best I can describe right now. So I should really reach out to my mom early - I think she's gonna try to contact me around 2 - it's 7:30 right now. I should see if she can make the appointment and go with me. Because I need to do this, and she could really be supportive. And bringing Max to the vet is so hard that she hasn't been in like 8+ years, probably closer to 10.
Well that made me feel like a bad pet owner. But she's in really good health considering she's 16. I need to get over this shit, this avoiding vets because I'm insecure. And I will get over that, I have been and I've been getting better. But I'm kinda just done fucking around with that. My anxieties aren't more important than her health, and I need to get my priorities straight there. That's a big lesson I need to constantly be working on.
So I'm gonna bank on linking up with my mom and I think once I translate to her exactly what this reaction I'm having to making a vet appointment is, I think things will snap into place a bit and she'll know exactly how she can help. In the meantime, I can clean Max's crate. The thing is disgusting, it has my high school soccer hoodie in it and I need to just get it over with and do it. I was supposed to today, but I worked on my hoodie a bit more... and played Minecraft and watched Twitch all day. So... kinda feeling like I could've been better about that. I had tons of time, and I just didn't do it. So maybe I need to do reminders on my phone or something. Maybe I'm getting too cocky with this no structure plan, and my whole life is kinda falling through the cracks.
I see the benefit of it now, and I guess my whole life just became fluid. I need to find a balance to it. I really do. Doing a tasks list, with daily check ins. That's what I fucking need. I need QUESTS. I need a little bar on the top left of my screen that bulletpoints my objectives for the day. And if I had glasses with those on them, I would legit give a LOT of money for that. So I can stop sticking plastic crap in my eyes, and instead, have a HUD for my life. Maybe Google Glass is a thing, maybe I should look at that. If they do prescriptions, i'll buy that shit straight up today. Get my list of shit to do on the top left of my glasses, maybe I have a button to push to show and hide them. So my life is a bit more like an RPG, not just as a fun novelty - which people will definitely make fun of your nerdy ass for - but like... using it practically, to make your life more like types of chores you like. Like organizing chests in Minecraft for me. Dude, imagine if you could like... inventory your house... and like... when you're near a set space - using like the measure tool to set the zone and recognizing it when you're near it. Like an AR thing. Idk how you'd pull it off, but if you could just have a visual overlay with transparency that pulls up the inventory of that drawer. Good lord, for the kitchen, like... where is my spatula... I could check drawers without having to open them. How crazy is that shit. That's all totally doable with current technology.
Max is kinda kicking in her sleep. I'm much more calm now. This is a really weird feeling, I don't think I've ever captured a panic attack this vividly before, and I'm really glad I chose to make the sacrifice to journal tonight. I feel like this could be a really useful look into the life of someone who has... a lot of pain, and guilt, and fear. And tries to reason with them every day. To learn from them, and live with them. To grow despite their consumption. I feel much more in-balance now. Like the waves are settling, the water surface is starting to become reflective again. I have a lot of feelings. They are very strong. But they are all given fair time to speak. They all have to have their own voice. I think. Giving fear, pain, and guilt a voice. That's... not an easy thing to do, is it?
Keeping all of them in harmony is a constant battle for me. I am spending a lot of time doing self-care. And just trying to heal, build morale, work on art things, eat real food, check in on the cat periodically, make sure I acknowledge and talk to her when she comes in. Not ignore her. We sing back and forth all day long, it's lovely. :D
I have many beautiful things in my life. I have love. I have friendship. I have the ability to bring beautiful things into existence. As much as pain and guilt and fear, and sorrow, all of those voices we don't want to hear are loud and all encompassing, and demand attention, and importance. There is a bigger picture. And it's really important to take the extra second to acknowledge the good, the highlights, the accomplishments. My conversation with my mom went really well today, and is starting to get a bit surreal at times. She opened up to me a lot today. It's alien, so... I'm not reacting to it with as much praise as I normally would, or affirmation either. I'm engaging with it willfully and positively, but I haven't really communicated my appreciation of that as much as I would like. My fear may be manifesting as small-talk, I think? We do small talk quite a bit.
Mind is racing again. I'm overtired, I think. Feels like I'm nodding off. So I should probably take a hint from myself... I feel like signing off here on a good note though. So... I hope you can find a ---- I'm forcing my writing. I don't know, stream of consciousness writing is really hard, okay? Let's just end on something curious and interesting then, let's end with passion. So there's this thing with stream of consciousness where it's like... do you go in with a plan? "I want to cover this..." Like, do you plan on what to write about in your journal? I've been sorta winging it and testing both sides. Some adding in afterthoughts. Some with a prompt, some with a focus. It's hard to choose. I was writing something like... profound. Trying to. Like making a custom proverb or something. And I cut myself off. So do you let yourself sorta craft something poetic and artsy? Or do you follow the stream of your mind without planning? I guess there's really no wrong answer, the more I think about it. Maybe getting stressed out about it is the only wrong answer.
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vogueinnie · 4 years
The Favor
       ━ WARNINGS ;  changbin x fem reader, dom!changbin, college party, smut, a looooot of teasing, mention of alcohol and drugs, finger sucking, fingering (f. receiving), voyeurism, degradation, dry humping, light choking      ━ WORD COUNT ; 1.8k      ━ NOTE ; note : here is my first “real” work, please be kind !! this is so cliché lmao, but who doesn’t like cliché? keep in mind that english isn’t my first language soooo there will surely be some mistakes. if so, tell me !!
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Every minds present were dizzy, just like the smoky room they were in. The grey smoke was like a cloud above everyone. We couldn't see anything except the dancing bodies that were stuck together to the defeaning music who had taken possession of the place. Even the most shy and discreet ones were totally unrecognizable. It was unbearable for anyone who wasn't in the delirious atmosphere of this friday night.
Whoever once thought that youth was decadent had been right, and they were the proof of it. No more exams, no more stress, no more angry teachers, no more homeworks. This night, they all needed to act like the young adults they were ; partying like there is no tomorrow.
Everything was made for everyone to be at ease. Indeed, Christopher Bang, the night's host, was well known for his crazy parties. His student apartment had soon turned into a nightclub, hopefully his neighbors were the same age and they probably were here, enjoying this moment. Even the open windows weren't enough to let out the smoke of all the illicit substances. Everyone was in their own world, laughing, smiling, screaming, jumping with a glass in hand, and it would be bold to assume it was water. They were free minded, for one night at least.
You were in the middle of all these excited people, in the same state, mocking the ridiculous dances moves of your bestfriend, Jihyo. She had one goal and it was to seduce the " beautiful dark haired boy over there, oh my god he's so freaking hot ! " also named as Seungmin. Jihyo burst out of laugh and without knowing why you just did the same, way to tipsy to understand whatever she was saying. You were both looking stupid but who did really care, after all ? You were here to have fun.
The mood changed drastically as the electronic bass music changed in seconds to something much smoother, much slower, much more sensual. The couples present were not shy to stick body-to-body, swaying their hips without shame.
" Wait for me I'm going to see the man of my dream ! I'll be back soon ! Well I hope no, but... Yeah... I mean... You understand what I mean ! " Jihyo said.
You didn't fully understand what she said so you laugh, nodding your head. Without controlling your body, your hips starts to move to the sound that were playing. Your movements were slow, almost erotic as you roll your head back, exposing your neck to everyone that was looking at you. Your free hand were in your hair and you unconsciously bit your lip with a little smile when you start to feel all the curious eyes on you. Thanks to the alcohol you've drinked, you didn't feel ridiculous dancing alone.
The special attention that the predators around you, men and women, were giving you, only increase the urge to reveal more obscenity.
Apparently Jihyo seized the opportunity to talk with Seungmin and you couldn't stop smiling at the view. Finally, she was not letting her shyness took the lead. But your smile fades away the second your eyes meets two dark orbs.
Seo Changbin.
You didn't know why but you both never get along together. You didn't know each other, but you weren't compatible. Everyone knew that. Changbin was naturally sarcastic, raw and must of the time he speaks without thinking twice. And you were the exact opposite ; sweet, easy going and always ready to meet new people. The funniest part between the two of you were probably the fact that you were always craving for each others attention, a little nothing could make you argue, sometimes rudely, sometimes more in a teasing way. You were stuck in a cat-dog relationship, and anyone around you could sense the tension from Changbin and you.
The black haired boy was sitting on the sofa, right in the living room’s center. And he wasn’t alone, a girl was sitting on his thighs. Even if you couldn’t see her face you could already tell that she was pretty and totally his style, long light pink hair and a body to die for. But even the goddess on him couldn't make him take his eyes off you. And there we go for a battle of gaze.
« Dude I’m so high…» Felix next to him giggled, whispering these few words in a completely derailed deep voice.
Changbin took the drug stick his bestfriend gave him and he lets the substance slide down his throat in a relaxing way. His originally brown pupils were dilated in a deep black tone, and without taking his eyes off you he spats out the smoke with controlled slowness, gripping the female’s ass on him. But he gradually lost interest in her, thanks to the show he had in front of him.
You now understand why all the girls were head over heels for him. He was hot, indeed.
You felt your heart race so fast, the adrenaline running in your blood, thanks to the alcohol you’ve drinked. Why were you hanging like that in his eyes while moving your body, giving him a hot show of your own despair ? His attention was all you ever wanted right now. Boldly you slowly put your hand around your throat, almost wishing it was Changbin’s fingers wrapped around you, you give no pressure but you can see his thigh twich at the view.
The music changed again to go back to something more happy, and the bodies around you start to jump again. But you were standing here, like an idiot almost choking yourself just for your not-so-ennemy pleasure. The man in front of you seemed to be in the same state as you, glued to your eyes without even giving the pretty girl on him some attention.
With a courage you didn’t not know you have, you walked with an almost feline step to the sofa. What would have taken a few seconds if you were sober turned out to be more difficult with alcohol in your veins. 
However, you finally stand behind the one who you recognized to be Sana. She was, indeed, one of the most beautiful girls, but it wasn't her who caught his eyes. It was you. Sana probably felt that Changbin wasn’t responding to her neck kisses, so she sits up slightly to face a surprising sight. You, staring down at your new prey. 
The boy raised his eyebrows with a certain provocation in his eyes, silently asking you by this gesture what do you wanted. But you didn’t blink a moment, and the young woman felt too much in this intense exchange.
« You could have tell that you didn’t want me, for real. » She mumbles, standing up.
«  Me ! I want you Sana, c’mooooon ! »
«  Felix… she sighs, you’re not even straight. »
« Ah, yeah… I’ve almost forgot that detail… » He shrugs his shoulders, not bothered at all, and he tooks a sip of his drink while standing up too to follow Sana.
Even Sana and Felix couldn’t distract you.
You were too far away to correctly think, your brain were so fuzzy and you didn’t even understand why you get on your knees in front of him, but youd did. With a cocky smile, he spreads his legs apart, you were offering him such a delightful view. One of  his hands reached your face to slowly brush your cheek, almost lovingly. His index gives your naturally swollen lips some caresses and you immediately took it in your mouth, gripping on his wrist like your life depends on it.
He couldn’t help but broke the contact between your eyes to fix it on your lips sucking on his index, adding his major within. You rub your thighs together, and the thought that anyone could see you in this position, in front of Changbin, makes you unbelievably excited. But people were too busy having fun to care about you. His free hand goes around your neck, like youd did few minutes ago, and you let out a little gasp, keeping his two fingers deep down your throat.
« I’ve always known that you were so desperate. But that desperate… » He tooks his wet fingers back, wiping them on your cheek.
It was almost humiliating and you gulps silently when you felt your dripping core under your dress, your wetness stucking unpleasantly on your pantie. What was wrong with you, really ? You see in his eyes that he wanted to play. So you’re gonna give him something to play with. Your body moved closer to one of his legs, still on your knees, rubbing against it almost like a puppy waiting for some much-deserved reward.
« You want everyone to see how much of a whore you are, hm ? He pats his thigh with a mocking grin, come here. »
Without any hesitation, you straddle one of his thigh with your legs and he catches your waist between his two hands so he can trapped you against his body. His fucking hot body. Thanks to his black shirt you have a perfect view on his arms, and you can feel yourself wetter if that’s possible.
Slowly you started to move against him, you wanted to feel some friction, just a little something, the bare minimum. One of his hand slowly slide under your dress and he pushes your lace underwear aside to fully have acces to your heatness.
« So pitiful. Who would want to touch you ? You still move against him, letting his fingers slip between your wet and hot folds. Right in front of anyone, they’re all looking at you. You’re burning inside even though you know people are having fun. They see how much of a slut you are just for my fingers. »
« S-shut up… You whines, your head burried in the crock of his neck. More, I want more… »
« Can’t you be fucking polite for once, uh ? Or you can’t properly talk ? »
Changbin didn’t wait for your answer and you can feel two fingers deep inside you. You were so wet that it wasn’t unpleasant at all. Hell no, it was a relief. As if his digits were made for you, not too long, a little chubby, just the ideal length to meet your most sensitive spot. He starts kissing your jaw, his thumb were added to give your red bud some rubs. You were a mess in his arms, practically crying cause you were overhelmed by your pleasure and after a few pump inside you, you were cumming hard on his fingers, gripping his shoulder to keep your mind on earth.
« You owe me a favor now, looser. »
You now understand why you didn’t like him.
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caesthetix · 3 years
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GREAT DESCENDANT — Pt. 2 Extra Bread
↪Attack on Titan series
↪content; warrior!reader, aged-up character, graphic description of violence, slow burn, season 4 spoiler
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"T-Thank you, sir!"
He stuttered out and bowed a little to the soldier who gave him five loaves of bread. Though the older man did not acknowledge his gratitude at all, instead he just sneered at him, making him flinch since he was reminded of the fact that this island filled with demons.
His long feet stride out from the line, wanting to get back to where his friends waited. Today it was his duty to get the food for his companions, and it needed all of his courage to utter how many people in his family were left when the soldier asked him.
Four, it was the right answer that he was supposed to say. But he couldn't help but stutter five instead. It had only been a few weeks after they breached the outer wall, Maria, and yet he still couldn't believe that it was only the four of them now.
Each of them was grieving. Annie would now scowl a lot and buried her face in her hands, not wanting anyone to see the vulnerable look on her face. Reiner was different, he tried to act tough despite the nightmares that often accompanied him in his sleep. While him? He hid his sadness and pain deep inside his heart because he knew that someone suffered more.
You, you didn't talk at all for days as if you were just their shadows. Annie made sure that you were not hurt when he and Reiner crushed the gate. And even though you were not uttering any words, you could do your task ideally without a hitch, and that was to sneak inside with battered clothes, acting like a child who lost everything.
But maybe you were indeed lost everything, that was what he thought when he saw you just staring into spaces without any expression on your face. The bubbly and warm person that he met back then in Marley was nowhere to be found at this point and he hoped that someday he could meet her again.
When his pale green eyes fell to the familiar strands of your hair, he started to run, wanting to give you the bread for today since the sun was up for hours yet no one ate anything just yet. The shelter where all of them were hiding was an abandoned barn just outside the main city, no one knew who the owner of it was, but when Reiner found it empty, they decided to use it as a temporary house.
They just needed to survive for a few years and they could enroll in the military after that. But now they had to make a plan about what they should do in the meantime. Now they were just four orphans who lost everything from wall Maria. A few days ago a soldier gave them a form to fill out, consisting of some questions about names, birth, and the residence they used to live in before.
And that was the first time he heard your voice after weeks wallowing yourself in silence. When Marcel was alive, he told you that you needed to change your last name. Just for a disguise, it was the safest option because who would have expected if someone knew the weight of your name.
"No." You whispered out, one hand scribbling down the paper to write your name. "I am not going to lose my identity. No." There was a lingering pain in your voice that everyone could notice. "I will do anything, Reiner, but not this. This is my last name and I will lose it if someone takes it away from me."
The blonde frowned when he heard your rebellion, you seemed fine when Marcel asked you to do that back then, but now you changed your mind and he wished he knew the words that could sway you. You continued to write down your information without stopping while the boys stared at you with wonder.
Annie knew that you couldn't be forced to do something that you wouldn't do, so she just shrugged it off and focused on her paper, not wanting to spend her time filling forms if she could do it fast. She really thought Reiner would drop it after hearing your statement, but sometimes he just didn't know when to stop.
"Hey, but Marcel would tell you to do the same."
Bertolt could imagine his friend getting beaten up again at this point. But this time not from Annie, instead, he would get it from you who was now gripping so tight on the pencil that he was afraid you would stab the armoured titan inheritor on the neck with it.
"That's the thing, Braun." You gritted your teeth, avoiding yourself for kicking him on the face. And when the poor boy heard you called him by his last name, he knew that he was done for good. "Marcel is not here anymore, and you are not Marcel."
Bertolt made a note on his head that he would never want to get on your bad side. He felt a shiver down his spine at that time when you completely disregarded Reiner, and those words were not even for him. He couldn't imagine what his friend felt, must be hell for sure.
"Hey, I-I got the food for us today." Stopping on his track right in front of you. You were currently cleaning up the dust on the window, he recalled you said that you despised dirty windowpane last night, and he raised his eyebrow since he wondered how you got some clothes to clean it up with.
"Thank you, Bertolt." You gave him a soft smile, and from just that gesture he could feel his cheek burning from — goodness, he didn't even know what he was feeling right now. "Oh? You got five? How?" He was still in a trance when you threw the question, making him baffled for a second there.
"I said that there were five members in my family." He averted his eyes, ashamed to confess that to you. That and the fact he would see the sadness inside your eyes if he did so."I didn't mean to, really, b-but I only realised it after the soldier gave the portion to me."
"Oh, Bertolt." You let out a long sigh and grabbed two pieces of bread from his hand. "You know you could correct yourself after that, right?" He knew that you were scolding him, but with how soft your voice was, he just accepted it, not even once trying to correct himself. "I will give it back to the soldier, okay? You go inside, Reiner and Annie are waiting for you."
"But shouldn't you eat first?" He was concerned for sure, and despite knowing the fact that you could handle this harsh world by yourself, he was not sure if it was the right choice to let you go alone. "I can drop this off to them and I can accompany you, right?"
You chuckled at this, and his pupils widened at that since it was the first time you expressed some kind of joyful gesture since Marcel's incident. Your eyes closed as you chuckled at him, he didn't know what he did to make you like this but his brain short-circuited to even think about it. He just stood there with mouth agape, enjoying the pure, melodious giggle that slipped from your mouth.
"Bertolt," And how much he loved his name rolled down your tongue was uncanny. "It's okay, I will eat mine on the way. And I can handle myself, I am going to be back before you know it! You don't have to be concerned about me." You gave him a gentle pat on the shoulder, and his body went rigid at that. "See you later, tell the others where I am going, okay?"
He was too frozen in the spot even when you already strolled down the street with the loaves of bread in your hand. There was no time for him to answer you, and he felt like all the words were stuck in his throat. You just touched him, that was the only thing that he could process right now.
Yes, it was nothing special since you always held Pieck's hand back then or gave a pat to the other warrior candidates (especially Porco, for as long as he remembered even though the boy seemed to dislike your presence and unfazed by it), but to him, feeling your touch like that was everything.
It gave him some kind of boost, maybe it was the warm tingle that he felt whenever you were around or the fact that your existence just screamed comfort — he didn't know exactly what caused him to treasure your touch. What he knew for sure that in the end, he enjoyed your company.
"Oi, Bertolt! Why are you standing there like a statue?!"
"S-Sorry, Reiner—"
The wind caressed your hair as you wandered down the street, turning left and right to the alleyway that would lead you to the plaza. This place had been your home for a few weeks now, and you started to enjoy living here, greeting some people here and there despite how many times Reiner told you not to.
They would ask, of course, where you were from. And you always answered it without hesitation, without a pause, as if the one who talked was an entirely different person with how you always lost all the light in your face when you gave them your answer. They would sympathize, and you took their pity and kept acting it out.
You had a different approach in this mission compared to the other warrior. While they decided to keep a low profile, you were going all out and showed yourself as a victim from the fall of wall Maria. Lots of benefits coming your way with how some adults asked you to move in with them or offering you a job so you could fend for yourself.
Their offers were always so sweet, but you didn't want to leave your friends inside a cold barn with nothing to lay on except the pile of hay. You always ended up cuddling with Annie, not caring that she wanted to kick you on the face at first for not giving her enough space, she ended up liking to sleep in your embrace days after that, so for you, it was all worth it.
Maybe though, their offer about working for them could help you. There were some of them and you sure at least one of the jobs had good earnings. You could buy food for your friends if that was the case, all of you didn't have to rely on free food anymore. And so, you decided that you would go to the adult near the plaza after this, asking if the offer was still up.
"I am sorry! It was already late and there was only one bread left for us!"
Your ears caught the distressed tone that came from the alleyway near you. The plaza was empty now since it seemed like the ration already finished for the day. To know that a lot of people couldn't even have one bread to eat made your stomach churned with guilt and anger for yourself.
"It's alright, Armin. We can share it."
"Yeah, it's not like I eat a lot anyway."
There were three of them, three children that looked like they were the same age as you, and they only got one piece of bread for the whole day. Knowing that the soldier was not there anymore and the commotion already dispersed, you decided to give the bread to them instead.
Your tiny feet waddled toward them, they were currently deep in thought about how to divide the food fairly. And you were thankful that you haven't eaten your fair of bread, so now each of the kids could have one.
"Excuse me," You interrupted their discussion, three pairs of eyes immediately turned to face you. Two of them looked at you with confusion while the other one had her eyes filled with caution. "I am sorry, I heard about your problem before, and I have two extra pieces of bread that you guys could take."
The two boys, one with blonde hair and the other with short dark brown hair — looked at each other without saying anything. It was like they had this kind of bond, talking through their minds before giving each other a nod. Maybe they were debating if it was alright to accept your hospitality or not.
"It's fine, but is this bread really alright for us to take?" The boy with the ocean blue eyes spoke up, taking one step forward to your figure. "What about you then, have you eaten yet today?"
"Yes, it's fine. If not, I am not going to offer it in the first place." You gave him a gentle smile before answering his next question a little bit too quickly to your liking. "Don't worry about me! I already got breakfast before and ate mine. You don't have to think—"
"You are lying." The girl that had been silent the whole time suddenly cut your sentence. "Don't tell me I am wrong because I am sure that I am right." She didn't sugarcoat her words at all, and you couldn't understand anymore if her words mean good or bad. Because surely her onyx orbs looked at you as if you were a threat.
You closed your eyes and exhaled loudly, knowing that you couldn't lie anymore with how sharp the three of them were. But this fact wouldn't stop you from wanting them to take your fair.
"Well, yes, I haven't eaten." Surrendering yourself to honesty, you continued. "But I am going to be fine, an adult in this shop near the plaza offered me a job and food, so I could get it from them after this." You explained truthfully, handing them the bread thereafter.
"Then how come you had extra bread in the first place?" The short-haired boy now squinting his eyes, wanting to understand your hidden motive in case there were any. "You had one for yourself too despite knowing that you could get food from this adult you told us about. So why should we trust you?"
Ah, so the boy's name is Eren. You thought, couldn't believe that someone would even doubt the others for giving free food. But then again, you couldn't blame them for being extra cautious. No one knew what could happen inside these walls. The worst-case scenario from this was that you poisoned them to get rid of another life to prevent any more hunger.
"You don't have to trust me, of course." You answered him with a soft and calm tone, something that you learned from your house back in Marley. That even when someone raised their voice at you, you needed to handle them with care. "My friend was the one who got the food from me, and he didn't check that he got extra food, so I am here with the first mission to give it back to the garrison soldier."
You gave them the answer that they want, both hands still pushed forward, waiting for them to take it. "Promise I wouldn't disturb you anymore, I just want to make sure you guys get enough food. That's all."
There was a long silence engulfing the four of you. That was until the blonde took the bread out of your hand and gave you a smile of gratitude, which you answered with the same gesture as him. The other two were now looking at you with a softened gaze, finally stripping away their caution towards you.
"I am sorry that I sounded rude before." The brunette started, giving you a cheeky smile as his ears tinted with a pinkish hue. "I just need to be careful around strangers, everything just messed up at this time, you know?" He chuckled bitterly, his eyes darkening as if a terrible memory fleeting through his mind for a second.
"It's fine. I know where that thought is coming from." You kicked the pebbles near your foot before, making it bounce to the wall as you looked down. "Everything is just a nightmare after the breach." And you tried so hard not to break down, not in front of anyone, especially those who were the victim of your action. "All of you — didn't deserve any of it."
Your voice that was so warm and comforting before now turned into a completely different tone. There was sadness, at least that was what they could hear from you. They couldn't see the expression in your eyes since you persisted in looking down at your feet, avoiding their gaze at all cost.
"And you didn't deserve it too."
The blonde, that if you recalled from before was called Armin, telling you words that you thought you wouldn't need to hear. "No one wanted this to happen, no one deserved to live like this." He continued, and you were ready to crumble even more. "But this is our life, for now, so we can't do anything else but move on."
You wanted to get down on your knees, hugging his legs as you begged for forgiveness. Just like what you saw in some of the memories from your ancestors, there were just normal human beings inside these walls. Just like in Marley, just like on the other continent, there were good and bad people, and nothing differentiated them except the fact that they had a titan's blood flowing inside their veins.
Nothing else but that — and the dangerous truth that lies within the walls.
"It's called rumbling, right?"
Just one month from now, you were going to inherit the war hammer titan, and you have been studying a lot, reading the journal that your ancestor wrote. The book was so helpful, preparing you to know the truth that this world had to hide. Sometimes your twelve years old brain could not even understand it.
The past few years you had been training hard privately. You got the best instructor, honing your mental and physical build at the same time. But since you reached the age of ten, your father introduced you to Commander Magath who was in charge of the Warrior Unit, the unit for those titan inheritors.
And you trained with them ever since then. Creating a bond and friendship to those who would fight alongside you in the upcoming battle. The majority of them were easy to talk with like Marcel, Pieck, Zeke, Reiner, and Bertolt. While the rest — not so much.
Annie was fine though, she still talked to you here and there and taught you about some certain techniques of hand-to-hand combat that you deemed remarkably useful. Porco on the other hand, you wanted to grimace at the interaction that you had with him. Yet despite all that, you couldn't stop yourself from smiling for just thinking about him.
But this moment was not the right time to reminisce about the warrior training, not when a few months from now, you would embark on a mission to reclaim the founding titan.
"Yes, when the founding titan decided to unharden the walls and released millions of colossal titan, it was called rumbling." Your father sat across from where you were, filling out papers from the military about you. "If that happened, the whole world would turn into nothing."
You gave a nod of acknowledgement, fingers tracing the ink that seeped on the worn-out paper journal.
"So it was risky to let the founding titan stay in Paradis since no one knew if someday they would activate the rumbling or not." You stated the sentence as a matter of factly, absorbing the information that sometimes made your head pound. "It was risky since they closed themselves inside those walls and no one knew what happened there."
"Yes, my dear." His voice cracked like any other time, having so much burden for throwing you to the frontline of the battle like that. You, his little star, his precious daughter that he never wanted to turn her into a war machine that could only live for thirteen years. "That is why you need to prevent it from happening."
But it was something that needed to be done — and there was nothing that you could do except embracing the cruel truth like an old friend.
"Yes, you are right." Fixing your composure, you were back to the kind girl from before. "Thank you for telling me that, I think I need it." You chuckled softly, fingers tucking the strands of your hair behind the ear. "I-I will go now, then. Hope all of you survive and continue on living!"
Bowing yourself a little before departing (a trait that you couldn't shake off that easily), you waved at them and turned your heels, walking away from the three children that you really hoped would have a beautiful life ahead, for as long as they could have.
"Wait!" But you halted your feet to move forward when you heard Eren's voice calling out for you.
"Yes? What is it?" You were still not that far from them, so you decided to use your normal volume as if they were still right in front of you.
"We haven't got your name!" Yet despite how calm you were, the boy seemed to choose to shout at you anyway. "I am Eren! This is Armin and Mikasa, they are everything that I had left! Now, what's yours?!"
Hearing how excited he was made you giggle, such a complete opposite for real compared to him a few minutes ago when he looked at you with caution. Now he became the child he was supposed to be, with a wide grin on his face as he just wanted to know the name of his probably new friend.
And so you indulged him with it, answering his question with a clear and solid tone.
"It's (Y/n)!" You decided to shout back, equaling his enthusiasm. "(Y/n), (Y/n) Tybur!"
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Paradis Citizen(s)
↪@yumaryko ​@may-machin @cuteissei
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↪Back to Great Descendant Masterlist OR Wall Maria
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manikas-whims · 3 years
Troublesome New Girl
Sequel to A Place Good Enough
[Read on AO3]
Characters: Inej Ghafa, Jesper Fahey, Kaz Brekker
Summary: Inej has newly joined the Dregs. She goes to return Kaz's coat in the presence of many members. *cue the teasing & jokes*
Jesper meets Inej & evidences of Jesper's crush on Kaz (tiny bit of angst).
Kaz is his usual self & sets an example. A violent one :)
I just noticed this complete written fic has been sitting in my drafts for a month now. I'm so dumb 〒_〒
Hope you guys enjoy!
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The constant noise of banging against wood rouses Inej from her sleep. She looks around haphazardly only to find herself lying on a cot in an unknown room, her torso covered by a grey coat. Sun's rays blind her eyes momentarily as she turns her face, an open window staring back at her, not the daunting walls of the Menagerie. Memories of the previous night flood back and her shoulders deflate in relief. She takes a long breath to calm her rapidly beating heart. She doesn't need to endure Heleen's beatings or sell her body anymore. She is free of that life. Free.
“Oi new girl!” a voice calls, followed by more knocking at the wooden door to her small room. “Brekker told me to bring you some clothes. I’m leaving a pair out here.”
Right! Kaz Brekker had promised her better clothes. She leaves the comfort of the cot but by the time she unlocks the door to thank whoever was on the other end, the person is gone. She catches a short glimpse of a feminine figure with blond hair at the stairs and vows to thank her later. Picking up the clothes, she closes the door.
When Jesper had heard his fellow Dregs gossiping about Dirtyhands bringing back a girl with him late at night, he hadn’t given it much thought. He had ignored Anika when she had said that she was literally asked by Kaz himself to provide the said girl with some clothes. In fact, he had completely shooed away anyone who came up to fill his ears with rumors about this unknown Suli girl and the bastard of the barrel. So when a small, bronze-skinned girl bumps into him on the third floor of the Slat, he's stunned.
"Ohhh—", The girl waves her hands frantically, her pupils dilating in concern, "I'm sorry."
But Jesper doesn't bother with apologies for he's too busy appraising her. Now she does match the rumored descriptions and is even donning Anika's lame clothes. But what actually piques his interest is a neatly-folded coat in the deepest shade of grey held between her dainty hands. He doesn’t need to think long to guess who it belongs to. There’s only one person who doesn’t indulge in the colorful fashion sense of the barrel— Kaz “Dirtyhands” Brekker.
He feels his insides fuming. But no way is he going to act like an idiot and jump to conclusions. Just because here's a girl he’s never seen before and she happens to have a coat, doesn’t mean that every single narrative he's heard about this whole situation is true.
He narrows his eyes in what he assumes is his best look of suspicion as he towers over the girl. “Where did you get that?”
"Um", she looks down at the piece of clothing and mumbles in the most innocent tone, "Mr. Brekker lent it to me."
Mr. Brekker!? The hell kinda way is this to address a man you slept with? Or whatever the heck it is that Dirtyhands prefers to do with girls..
"Why?" he asks. From Jesper's experiences, the young lieutenant of the Dregs isn't big on kindness. "Why did he lend it you?"
The girl's brows narrow in thought. It seems she herself is unsure of the reason. Her left palm clutches her right forearm in apprehension. "I guess..because I wasn't in a very decent attire."
Alarms go off in Jesper's head again. What exactly happened between her and Kaz? His heart needs answers yet he knows that its none of his business so he suppresses the unease welling in his belly.
"Well Kaz is up there." He gestures in the direction of the attic. "I'm headed there right now so I can give it to him."
The girl frowns. "I can't let a stranger do that for me. Besides," she twirls a strand of her hair, her eyes alight with some indescribable emotion, "I must properly thank him myself."
Jesper is familiar with this look. It mirrors his own when he was still a newbie at the Dregs and wanted to prove himself, wanted to repay Kaz for saving his ass. And not just by helping him pluck stupid pigeons but also by adding extra sums of profits to his ledger. Jesper can empathize with her on this.
"He saved you too," The Zemeni asks carefully, "didn't he?"
She stares at him, gauging the understanding in his expression and simply nods.
He rubs the side of his neck awkwardly. "Well, wanna go up together?"
Her eyes widen and she involuntarily takes a few steps back. Distrust. Fear. He can empathize with this action as well. In the barrel, it'd be foolish to believe a complete stranger within few moments of the first encounter.
"Then," he smiles the smile that many have called charming and starts his ascend upstairs. He only looks back once to wink at her, hoping it'll quell her anxious mind a bit, "follow my lead?"
"I can do that." she mumbles, more to assure herself and takes the first step of many that will become the foundation to their sibling-like friendship.
When it comes to change, development and fresh ideas, Per Haskell always cowers and dismisses the topic. People like that will never achieve anything if they aren't willing to take risks. The restoration of that abandoned fifth harbour would already be in motion if Kaz hadn't chosen to waste another of his precious mornings trying to convince his boss that investing in it may prove fruitful to the Dregs. And so, after a pointless argument he had had earlier with the old man, he's decided to take matters into his own hands.
Huffing audibly, he continues explaining every member present in his room their respective job for the day. The boisterous throng huddled around him, begins dispersing all of a sudden. Curiously, Kaz looks up to find his faitful right-hand man Jesper Fahey walking in, a mischievous glint in his silver irises.
"We bumped into each other on our way up here." Jesper gestures behind him.
And it is then that Kaz notices her presence— Inej Ghafa, the strange Suli girl he had brought back from the West Stave. Oddly, he had felt her presence moments ago but had brushed it off as a mere byproduct of his rest-deprived mind playing tricks on him. Turns out his intuition hadn’t been wrong at all.
"Its that Suli girl."
"The one that Brekker took up to his bed?"
"Who would've thought Haskell's rabid dog had such exquisite tastes."
The one that Brekker took where? Haskell's rabid what? Kaz isn't sure which remark he finds more insulting towards his reputation. Although he does realise he has no one except himself to blame. He should'nt have let the girl follow him up to the attic last night. As usual, he'll have to cover this small err with fresh tales about himself that are even more gruesome than the previous ones. But for now he must find out why the new girl is here.
Anika’s clothes are baggy on her small frame— a deep green shirt so loosely-fitted that she has tied its ends into a double knot just above her belly-button whilst the fawn-colored trousers hang tastefully around her hips. He watches her long, silky hair sway behind her as she walks gracefully in his direction, determination glimmering in her dark brown irises. Shock briefly flits across his gaze but before he can even think of stopping her, she shoots out her hands in which he (dreadfully) recognizes, she’s holding his coat. He can feel all eyes in the room already settling on him. They collectively stare in a mix of shock, curiosity and..is this jealousy he's witnessing on a few faces?
"What do you think you're doing?" He grits out. He hears a muffled snickering which he's sure is Jesper's and wonders if the two somehow managed to become friends in the short span of their climb up the stairs. And that they both planned this prank together on their way.
However, Inej only furrows her brows, debunking his ridiculous theory. She seems to be wondering what she's done wrong as she answers confidently, "I forgot to return it last night."
More interested staring ensues. The new pen in his palm snaps.
Is this girl serious right now? It took him long, unrelenting years to rise to the position he's at. He's spilled his blood, sweat and tears to scatter the seeds of terror about him throughout the expanse of Ketterdam. Even people who come across him for the first time, visibly shiver and turn pale. So what part of their last conversation has given her this courage to approach him so casually? She seems to have forgotten the fact that he’s an infamous barrel thug, feared by merchers, stadwatch and gangsters alike. She isn’t supposed to saunter up to him and return his coat, making this whole exchange appear to be a scandalous affair to the curious bystanders. She isn't supposed to crumble Dirtyhands' hard-built reputation with just a few words!
"Stand aside, I'm busy." He mutters, because he truly has no idea how to get out of this predicament and hopes that his caustic tone will get the message across just like it does with everyone else.
To his utter dismay, Inej seems to be far more tactless than Jesper, who still hasn't stopped snickering. She tucks the coat back in her arms and bites her lip as if suppressing herself from saying something mean. Her eyes quietly regard his own, an unspoken understanding settling between them. She is aware that if she doesn't wish to be thrown back into the Menagerie, she must behave properly with him. And yet, her nostrils flare as she responds, "I just wanted to pay my gratitude-"
"You can pay your gratitude," Kaz hisses back, glaring up at her from his perched position, "with your services." And its only after uttering those words does he realise the ambiguous implications hinted in them. Jesper's shoulders are shaking uncontrollably now, his palms tightly clamped around his mouth to muffle his laugh.
"Slow down, Dirtyhands." comments someone from the back and the whole room bursts into a howl of laughter. Inej brings a palm to her lips, gasping in mortification.
Kaz massages his eyes. Dealing with these ruffians has already been a headache. Now this new girl just walks in and takes the cake. She's proving to be far more dangerous– scratch that– far more more troublesome than he had expected.
He lets them have their fun as he pulls out a knife from his coatsleeve and gets up. He ambles towards Dirix, his steps slow and deliberate. He's sure it was Rotty who'd made the joke but Dirix is standing closer and it doesn't really matter who said what. Dirtyhands just needs to set an example.
The young boy is suddenly looking very pale. Kaz grabs his right hand, the dominant one and digs the blade along the joints of his fingers. The knife easily tears through his skin and goes deeper into the muscle beneath. Dirix is now screaming whilst everyone else hold their breath. From his peripheral vision, he catches the horror on Inej's face and rolls his eyes. Surely she must've heard of his violent endeavors at the menagerie. She shouldn't have approached him in the first place if she's going to be so shocked everytime he spills someone's blood.
He roots out the knife before it can completely sever Dirix's limbs. "Get 'em patched up." The boy is already running out.
He walks back and tosses the knife to the desk, its loud clang making everyone flinch in fright. "Pipe down before I actually start chopping tongues."
The threat silences everyone.
"This is Inej Ghafa." He points at her and the girl cowers slightly. Not at all the abrupt attention on her, he notices, but from him. "She's to be a new spider."
This one simple statement seems to piece together everything for them. Though he has an inkling that his previous act of brutality also plays a major part. They nod and whisper amongst themselves. He almost scoffs. Of course its easier for them to believe that Kaz Brekker took up a girl to his room for information. Not some spicy dalliance.
"Now get to work." He orders and one by one they shuffle out of the room, Rotty nodding respectfully. He knows he was spared merely by luck.
Jesper is the last one. He winks at Inej before taking his leave. "See you around, new girl!"
And with all of them gone, Kaz turns to Inej. She inhales a breath in anticipation.
"Let's start your training."
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So hopefully that was as fun reading as it was for me writing :3
Coming parts will have Inej's training and ofc her picking her canon outfit.
SoC Masterlist
( divider by @firefly-graphics )
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the-slasher-files · 4 years
Yall... Andrei has sex. This is not a drill! Once again we get to have much more insight into Andrei and his demons and the control he has to put himself under on a daily basis's and it’s very interesting... I hope you guys enjoy this chapter as much as I do 🔪💕 make sure to read part one and two
Please go read this chapter from @horrorslashergirl oc Xaviera;s perspective HERE
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“Andrei.... drei!!!”
“chto, chert voz'mi, on delayet?! (what the hell is he doing?!)”
“slezt' s nego volk! Andrei! (get off him wolf!)”
“otpusti yego! On mertv! (let go! he’s dead!)
Muffled yells fell into the wolfs ears, not registering. The twisted, mangled and broken corpses laid around him. The blood was dripping from his canines, oozing from his wounds, flowing on the floor into a massive river. Mixing and burning together from the all the carcasses surrounding. The wolf was maiming with his claws and pressing, waiting for the end, waiting for the look of the souls departure from beneath him. Desire burned. The knife wound wasn’t enough. The bullets. It wasn’t enough. The wolf was greedy, and it was costing lives. He was becoming too dangerous. Feeding into every desire and letting it consume him whole.
Teeth bared and fur raised, hunched over and neck stiff. The prey wasn’t gone. Not yet. The feel of the pulse under him was a euphoria. It ran fast, strong and heavy. The burning and stinging of the bullets within the wolf could never stop him from the kill. Feeling the muscles and tendons straining in attempt to save themselves as the prey gurgled and gasped. Eyes bulging and hands clawing. The body thrashed and writhed. Nothing was like this. Nothing was this perfect.
The wolf was pulled away before the last look. The best part. He turned. Full height towering and threating. Claws dripping with hot crimson and pupils blown in lust and feverish desire. He huffed. Nothing would stop him. Not now. Stalking for the man in front of him. One from the pack. He grabbed and twisted him broken. Fighting back dangerously. The sound of metal knifes clashing and scrapping. Bodies thud with powerful force and the blood rushed. The heart pounded. The wolf had him down. Attempting to recoil with brutal intent. It was too late. The wolf had taken what was his. The blood and desire. It was his and his alone.  
“volk pokrasnel! volk pokrasnel! (the wolf has gone rouge!)”
The bullets were aimed his way from his pack. One he lived with for years. It was over. It was broken. The wolf never cared. What had been done was done. The blood was on his coat. This is what he was made into. This is what he did best.
The bowls clinked together on the nightstand, pulling Andrei from his memories and taking a deep inhale. It was the woman. She was feeding him again, taking care of him for a reason neither of them knew. Observing her with a raised brow she sat again in the old arm chair, a familiar scene from not that long ago, but he wasn’t going to push away some good soup.
“Thank you myshka.” Andrei took the warm bowl onto his lap and taking a spoonful.
“None deserves to die by starvation.” Xaviera spoke and he nodded back, just enjoying the silence for a moment, savoring the rich flavors hitting his taste buds, but she broke the silence  “So…Are you going to tell me what you are doing here in Himalaya?” 
Meeting her curious eyes with his harsh cold ones, Andrei stopped for a minute. The truth was a hard pill to swallow for most people, but she was different and had pleasantly surprised him in many ways, plus she was a killer too, so maybe she would understand. 
“My job…it’s um, well I’m a…I kill people for money.” Andrei explained, lacking the English word for ‘mercenary’ but he continued. “The poachers are from Ukraine, and the job took me here.” Taking a sip from his spoon he waited. Waited for her to twist her face in horror or stammer on her words but she didn’t.
Xaviera tilted her head like a curious cat. “I see. Well, they are dead so I am more than content with that, although there are more leeches that need to be crushed. Once the snowing stops I am out to balance the ecosystem.” She replied matter-of-factly, turning her lips into a dark smile. A darkness that was familiar. Her fight and passion was unlike others he had seen, except just in himself. A primal desire deep within the core. 
“So much fight, so much promise within you, little mouse…” he spoke, taking another spoonful of soup. “The fire you have is strong… don’t ever let anyone take that from you.” It was something he wished more of people. Standing tall, Andrei walked over to her and the wolf saw her stiffen a little in the chair, a fear of him that sparked his desire for the hunt but he held it down. Handing her the half-empty bowl, he smirked and ruffled her white soft hair and heading downstairs. 
Andrei went over to the couch and looked over his weapons, seeing if Xaviera had messed with them, or if the avalanche had destroyed any. He had his  SR-1 Vektor pistol, a Russian special forces gun only given to certain groups and he was luckily one of them, the gun was small and fast. Next he had his AK-47M, the main rifle of the Russian army, he checked it thoroughly as this gun had proven to be the most useful in this hunt. Then his eyes sparked seeing his knives, they were so near and dear to his heart, a form of intimacy the knife gave was unmatched.
Gentle footfalls brought Andrei’s icy gaze to Xaviera who had brought the dishes down and moved over to the sink. Her back was to him and her white long locks were pulled up, exposing her delicate neck and shoulder from the large shirt had slipped down. The wolf’s favorite part of the body on full display. 
Skillfully playing with the knife in his hand he spoke  “Y'know the knife, this one here, it is my favorite weapon...” Standing tall he licked his lips and eyed Xaviera’s neck. “Only certain soldiers are skilled with these….” he continues walking over to the small woman. “It is very intimate game of life, death and the blade in hand…almost like a dance.” stilling himself behind her he smirks, bareing his teeth and sharp eyes seeing through Xaviera as she stopped, holding the bowl in hand, he can feel the preys breathe shake quietly, she was trying to hide it. So cute.
Towering behind her, Andrei gently placed a hand on her hip and his other, holding the knife, went in front of her so she could see the blade glinting in the low light. Trying to get her to see the beauty in the Russian blade. “This knife has saved me more than hundred times.” His breath was hot along her bare neck, lips teasing to graze the soft skin. “And my favorite part… seeing the knife slip quietly between the bones, slicing skin like butter, dripping in hot blood as you pull it back…” The wolf kisses her neck, feeling the small prey tense “it’s a beautiful sight”    
He wanted her. He needed her. It was a carnal desire to see her scream. Andrei put the knife down, he didn't want to hurt her or lose himself.
She stammered in a weak, fragile voice "W-What are you doing?" This made Andrei just huff in a laugh, he was getting to her.
"Well, little mouse, we are probably going to be stuck here for a few days, and there is no TV or entertainment..." His raspy voice low against her neck and the hand that used to be holding the blade gently grazed her thigh, moving upwards. "I am not a big fan of reading, so I thought you could be my entertainment." Finishing his sentence he kissed her neck again. The preys breath hitched and her knees started to shake.
"I-I..." stumbling on her words it fueled the wolfs fire. Reeling in the state he had Xaviera in; Andrei knew he was good with women but by the way her words caught in her precious throat, it was sending him over the edge.
"Cat caught your tongue?" He sarcastically asked, playing with the hem of her shirt, gripping tighter with his other hand on her hip, making sure she was firmly planted against him, needed to feel her every move and breath. "...Or should I say wolf?"
Andrei laughed, his canines grazing her delicate skin, nipping and kissing her bare shoulder, and the prey dropped the bowl in the skin. The weakness. It was over. He had her in his jaws.
"N-no... it's just..." Continuing to stumble, the wolfs patients was wearing thin. Swiftly in one movement he whipped her around and placed her on the counter. He waited. Looking down at her he was still towering over her, and she was shaking, Andrei settled himself between her legs and his large hands rubbed her thighs. Gulping down she continued "I-I... I've never..."
Andrei's heart stopped. She couldn't be serious. He stepped away slowly, eyes still predatory, then suddenly his rare full laugh loudly broke, showing his teeth with eyes squinting. Holding his chest and walking back.
"Y-you.... you what???" His laugh boomed as Xaviera’s fair skin was heating up.
"S-Stop laughing... I said, stop laughing, jackass!" She yelled hopping off the counter, and walking over as he continued.
"Ba-baby girl... oh my god." Andrei was almost at the point of tears, not having this good of a time since he was with his army buddies laughing over a stupid bet. Before he knew it she grabbed his shirt and he allowed her to push him against the wall.
"Stop laughing, asshole!" She snarled up at him and his laughter instantly stopped, turning his smile into a grin on teeth, snarling like a wolf. Two predators looking for a fight. She fueled the fire and the wolf beneath his skin that was now nipping and howling at his neck, claws forming and teeth bared. The animal was close as his eyes changed to darkness.
Breathe Andrei... Easy with her.... Easy...
She was so small with so much fight, and he loved it, loved the challenge but he needed to control himself. He had seen what the wolf could do.
Swiftly, the wolf grabbed her throat and whipped her against the wall he was just against. Placing his large thigh between her legs, feeling her heat, she gave a soft mewl. The hand on her throat eased as he controlled his demons, but still huffed in her face.
The cats claws were clawing his wrist and she choked out looking directly into his sharp eyes "W-What?"
His breath hissed through gritted teeth, swallowing down harshly trying to keep the beast at bay, for now. Andrei removed his hand from her delicate throat and cupped her jaw, rubbing his thick thumb on her cheek.
"You're so beautiful, Xaviera." It was the first time he had ever spoken her name. It felt so right on his tongue, a sweetness he has never known. Uncomfortable with his own vulnerability, he roughly grabbed her ass and she wrapped her legs around Andrei's waist, the wolf growled deeply as she ground against him and he claimed her lips in a rough kiss.
"A-Andrei..." she squeaked against his lips. Fuck, his name sounded so good from her sweet little mouth. The wolf continued to kiss her, waiting to devour her whole, a desire he could never rid himself of, but something made him stop. A strange softness she pulled out in him, he wanted to make sure she was ok, so he pulled away nipping at her bottom lip.
"I have you, little mouse." Andrei whispered lowly, walking over to the couch, placing her on his lap. His ice blue eyes fixated on hers, the look in Xaviera’s eyes were like home, a foreign feeling he wanted to savor, to be grateful for. Grateful for the hunt.
Slowly Andrei closed his eyes and kissed her again, slower and passionately, his thick fingers laced through her soft white hair, as she clutches his shirt. Dancing their lips together Andrei still had the question of 'how?' In his head. How could she be untouched? In Andrei's life beautiful things were often ripped apart and broken long before he could ever touch it, and if the beauty did stick around it was just a sick delusion.
Pulling away he rests his forehead against hers, and grabs her chin "But how myshka?... you're so beautiful"
She looked up at him innocently to answer "I-Ive never found someone... well... compatible to say so..." The wolf saw the opportunity for fresh untainted meat, offering it's soul up on a sliver platter to be forever imprinted.
"I will take care of you... sssh" Andrei responded back, stopping her from rambling on further, it was all he needed to know. Running a thick thumb along her soft lips to silence her Xaviera opened for him, taking his digit into her mouth, licking and sucking it. He felt the familiar crawl up his spine, the fur starting to rise, his icy blue eyes went dark with lust.
Andrei relax.... Go easy.... Push it down... Push it down...
The beast was ready to snap by her innocent action, wanting to flip her over and ruin her there, Andrei wouldn't let it happen, not with her, not yet. Removing his hand away from her mouth he leaned down to place open mouth kisses along her jaw, neck and shoulder, as his hands went under her shirt, desperately trying to feel as much skin as he could in a primal desire. Her soft moans fueled him, encouraged the wolf that was creeping up. Xaviera moved her head back in a submission, letting him take what he wanted as her small hands ran through his light brown hair, a silent praise that sent him over the edge. The wolf ripped her oversized shirt off her small frame as if it were paper, he needed her. His claws moved to the back of her bra, tearing the hooks off swiftly instead of unhooking the clasps, the beast was taking what it wanted.
The innocent prey tried to cover herself but instinctively his hands were fast, grabbing her wrists holding them away, his eyes devouring her chest, an insatiable hunger for the unmarked delicate skin presented, he licked his canines, ready to take what was his. The prey gasped as the wolf took one of her nipples in his hot mouth, sucking and biting feverishly, while his hand skillfully twisted and tweaked the other nipple, he needed to hear her. Small hands tugged through his hair as she grinded against him, feeling her heat and the friction of the fabric made Andrei lose his control for a moment, biting down roughly on the nipple in his mouth and producing a deep growl as she screamed and whimpered as he lapped around the bud with his tongue.
Moving along her chest, he kissed, sucked and nipped, marking his territory in an animalistic desire, not satisfied until she was covered in paints of black and blue. "Myshka" he growled against her neck, the sharp canines grazing her strong and increasing pulse, she whimpered. 
The last whimper the wolf could take before the feast, he stood, carrying her to the bedroom upstairs, kicking the door open loudly he felt the prey jump slightly in his arms and he wrapped around her tighter.
Placing Xaviera on the bed gently Andrei took her in a sloppy kiss, patients wearing thin. His rough lips moved along her jaw and to her ear, licking then nipping on the cartilage wanting to produce any sound he could from her, she squeaked and ran her soft hands down the wolfs broad chest.
"Sensitive there, baby girl?" He lowly whispered, knowing what he could do it her, Andrei sucked on her earlobe while his hands ripped off her pants, only leaving her innocent body in a pair of white panties. Pulling away something caught his attention. Huge scars littered her hip all the way down her thigh, almost to her knee, his eyes widened. Andrei ran his hand down them gently, someone so innocent with marks so deep and long it made him wonder what they were from, but that was a question for later, his need in his core was burning and aching.
His sharp eyes moved to her covered heat, smirking at the innocent colour, she was so cute. The wolf ran two thick fingers down her covered pussy, feeling the heat and wetness soaking through. "So cute, little mouse."
The sweet blush painted her cheeks as he moved away from her, only to throw the preys legs over his shoulders and pulling her panties aside. His insatiable sick desires needed to feast on the forbidden area. Stroking his thumb along her folds it spread the preys juices.
"You're so wet for me, baby girl... I wanna have a taste of this juicy pussy of yours" the wolf growled hot breathes on her unclaimed cunt. His tongue lapped up what she produced, all for him, the taste was so sweet. The wolfs canines grazing her folds as she moaned and fisted the sheets, letting his experienced tongue devour the prey, suckling and biting her tender spots, she dug her heels into his back and her legs closed around his head. The prey writhed and cried for him as he took what he wanted from her innocence.
"A-Andrei!" She squeaked as the wolfs sharp teeth nibbled on her clit, his name so sweet on her pretty mouth it made him growl. The vibrations sent shockwaves up through her core as he grinned.
"W-Wait... S-stop... O-or I am gonna-" she warned but the beast persisted, the need for her was too strong, he pushed one finger inside her and curling it and continuing the assault on her clit. The prey let out a final loud and long cry as she came inside his mouth, hard and strong, he lapped up her juices and slowly raised between her. Mouth and chin shinning with her in the low light, the wolf had his feast but he wanted her to taste it.
"S-sorry..." she breathed heavily, making the wolf grin, baring his teeth in pride, Andrei leaned over Xaviera and crashed his lips upon hers.
"See how good you taste, pussycat?" He asked against her sweet lips, her half-lidded eyes burning into his own. She was his.
The prey tugged on his shirt and whined softly, making Andrei get up and throwing his black shirt on the floor, displaying his large scars and muscles to her then his hands went to unbuckle his belt and unzipping his cargo pants, kicking off his combat boots and undressing fully. The preys innocent blue eyes went to the length that was standing against his abdomen, her mouth was a gape filling him with a deep pride.
Her eyes flashed upwards to his own as he spoke "Close your mouth, myshka before I put something to occupy it" she closed it quickly making the wolf chuckle lowly. Moving back over top of her, pinning her small wrists beside her head in his large hands, his length rubbed against her heat making the prey gasp. "Feel what you're doing to me, darling? This is all your work" he growled merely an inch away from her lips.
Swiftly, one of his large hand released her wrist and yanked her panties off, completely and utterly baring her body to him before placing his hand back along her wrist.
"P-please..." she whimpered, legs opening perfectly for him in submission.
"W-what was that myshka? You have to be more precise" he teased, toying with the helpless prey beneath him.
She paused for a moment, maybe planning to challenge him but he moved his mouth in the delicate skin around her ear and she gave in "P-please... I-I need it."
"What's that you want? My big cock, baby girl? That's what you want so badly?" He snarled, canines brushing up and down her neck, watching her come completely undone by his power, throwing her head back.
"Yes, Please! Now, hurry up!" She yelled breathlessly making him smile, before roughly pushing into her, legs wrapped around his waist and the cats claws dug down his back. Looking into her eyes it was a primal desire to see this, the first time she was ever taken, but he needed to breath, Andrei wasn't going to allow the wolf to hurt her.
She choked on her breath as tears ran down her flushed cheeks, one of his large hands cupped her jaw and whipped her tears away. She was a different prey, one he didn't want to hurt, even though in his core the wolf was burning and ripping his insides out.
"Shhh... Breath myshka... Breath. I'm here." Andrei whispered, letting her small but tight muscles relax around him, he waited her, only her.
Xaviera gave a nod, silently telling him she was ready, so he gently thrusted inside her, dragging his cock against the tight muscles. His jaw tensed and muscles contracted in the only way he knew how to control himself from such a tight perfect pleasure. The prey closed her eyes as he sped up slightly and her moans filled the room.
"Fuck... You're so tight." He growled leaning into her neck, speeding up with intense pleasure in and out of her sloppy cunt, skin slapping together now in rhythm, hilting inside her over and over again.
The wolf was too close for his own comfort "So dripping for me." He breathed, large hands grabbing her ass
"Yessssss." The prey mewled under him, her hands running and tugging at his faux hawk. With her every noise he was losing himself more and more, the claws forming through his hands and the fur lifting tall, he breathed harshly and gripped her tighter moving the prey up and down along his length. She was so light to him, like nothing through his hands. The wolf could feel the sweet muscles start to tighten again around him.
"Are you close, little mouse?" The small hand fisted his hair tightly "I can feel you squeezing around me so eagerly." Growling against the prey hearing every breath and moan deliciously.
"Mhmmm.." she whined, but he needed to fill something more within him.
"Who do you belong to?" The wolf asked, canines dangerously hovering over her artery. Ready to tear and ruin the prey apart.
"W-what?" She innocently moaned. Wrong answer. Pissing off the beast he harshly thrusted within her, hitting her cervix roughly.
"I asked... Who do you belong to?" He snarled, losing himself.
"Y-you... I'm yours. I'm all yours." The prey whines as he places just the tip of his massive cock inside her, resting there teasingly, until he snapped, pistoning deeply and roughly inside her, hitting every sweet part he needed. Andrei was gone. It was just the beast and his prey in the tangled sheets. He was taking want he wanted. She came hard around his length as her fingernails were leaving hot scratches down his muscular back, a dangerous cocktail or pain and pleasure mixing.
His cock twitched inside her and he was done. His hot thick seed painted her insides, with a deep animalistic growl, snarling and showing teeth in warning. The wolf had stolen greedily again from the world. His head believing it was his to take and devour.
Breath... Come back... Andrei... Breath.... Come back
Looking down at the woman beneath him, the man slowly came back from behind the beast. The fur settled and his lust coated eyes became clear again, the claws moving away as he breathed. Taking in the appearance of the woman under him; she was flushed, swollen rosy lips and eyes showing a deep satisfaction. The wolf made her a woman, and he smirked at that fact.
"Speechless, koshechka? (Pussycat)" Andrei asked, as she just gulped down and nodded, pulling a low chuckle from him.
So innocent... So cute.... So perfect.... Be grateful for this hunt... and this release..
Andrei ran his fingers through Xaviera's soft white locks as he leaned against her forehead whispering sweet nothings in Russian, his other hand went to her neck, feeling his marks and stopping his thumb on her pulse. It was slowing perfectly. The hunt was over. She ran her soft hands over his chest and feeling her fingers dance along his largest scar.
"Moy prekrasnyy snezhnyy bars (my beautiful snow leopard)" he whispered against her neck, admiring and kissing the wolfs bite marks that littered her skin.
Xaviera sighed contently as she played with his hair again. His mind raced again, but not with trauma or pain or once. He was content. He was at home here, just with her.
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thethreemages · 4 years
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W O O, so I'm back a bit from the art-grave to finally upload this piece I had completed a lil while ago... the pic in question being some slight redesign/touchups for two of my central side characters of TTM, Noira and Raider Crane~ 💙 Just to keep things a lil fresh and reflecting a bit better of their current character portrayals, so I hope you all enjoy! ^^
More info about both characters can be found below (and here on DA too)~
-Noira Crane (age 16) is Raider's younger sister, Princess Zia's best friend and currently enrolled at St. Ravilda's Mage Academy. A generally stoic and poised young lady with a rather sharp tongue than many would expect... often expressed through well-placed snark at those trying to interrupt her and Zia's "fun" (aka: sneaking around and setting up pranks around the school). When she's not busy hanging with Zia and keeping up their rather limited cheer squad these days, Noira could often be seen competing heavily for maintaining her place up above the top ranked students (of which a certain white-haired prince keeps trying to secure that spot for himself). Underneath her "well-to-do" exterior, however... lies a deep-down insecure girl who often feels pressured to bottle up her feelings, especially with the amount of pressure her parents (Lachlan & Vinia) put on both her and her brother Raider growing up. Combined with the strain put on from Raider's falling out with their parents a few years back... it's left Noira rather scared to delve too much into her own natural Water Mage abilities for fear she can't measure up (even with her folks trying their best to "dial back" for her sake, since she's their only remaining child living with them now). The few things in life that can truly bring a sense of peace and smiles to her face are Zia's company, the success of beating her rivals, and the never-ending bond she and Raider share between eachother... no matter the distance, no matter what.  (Fun Facts about Noira): -She's usually never seen walking around without her beloved dog companion, "Misty Belle" (courtesy to my pal @littlechaoticwitch for helping to come up with the name :3 ). The fluffy pup given to her as a gift from her folks a few years back, Misty is quite a sweet lil lady for most who are allowed to be near her. Always eager to follow her mistress around faithfully, snuggling and goofing around the room when left idle, and occasionally chewing at the ankles of those who try to mess with Noira (like, again, a certain white-paired prince who never ceases to push his luck lol).  -She was named after one of the earlier Crane family ancestors, "Noira the Victress". Said to have been quite a powerful blood pirate, the present-day Noira Crane has... always been a bit unsure of how to feel about her namesake, despite her father and some other distant relatives seeming rather proud of it. She's still a lil curious to try and research more about her ancestor though, given how popular she was as a subject for numerous campfire stories.  -Noira has been diagnosed as nearsighted from the time she was in elementary school, and thus is never seen without her favorite pair of horn-rimmed glasses (an aesthetic picked up from her favorite aunt, Freya).  -While her parents have officially stated for Noira to be the heir to their Crane Corp Industries business, Noira is still conflicted in herself of what she wants to do in life by the time she graduates. Whether it'd be to try out being a traveling Mage, or join more of Zia's royal court down in Asteria... its hard for her to decide atm.  -Being born a rather tiny and frail baby, Noira was always watched like a hawk by the family-hired medical professionals to keep her safe and protected. She's required to carry a couple EpiPens with her on the day-to-day with how many allergies she has, and Zia always tries to remember to keep a nice lil bag of snacks with her too in case her friend's blood sugar dips too low (as does Raider when he and Noira get to hang out on their own).  ============= -Raider Crane (age 21) is Noira's older brother, one of Kain's old school friends and currently making it big as an extreme stunt performer/traveling Electric mage. A bright, cheerful and fun-loving young man who lives to make others smile... whether it'd be for his own friend group or the crowds of audiences who clamor to come see his shows. Yet even with so much going well for him now... it wasn't always the easiest for him growing up before. Living under the roof of his folks who
always kept a tight grip
on him being "the best" (especially by his father), and even facing it worse with some bullying by Kaz's crew at school... it left Raider pretty timid and reclusive for the longest time. Only once others like Kain, Lyra, Briar and a few others taking the time to approach him did his true loveable goofball nature started to sprout for good... but at the same time, something just felt "missing" within Raider that didn't really sit right with him. Knowing how much of a rut he'd be bound to stay in if he kept up things how they were now... he decided by his last few years of Ravilda's to "change" himself for the better. From getting a new "bolder" punk look, working out and bulking over the summer, and taking some social sessions with fellow popular girl Dyani to gain some confidence in himself... Raider returned to the halls of the academy with a brighter, more-outgoing outlook on life now. He started gaining popularity left and right, taught Kaz's crew a thing or two when they tried one last chance to mess with him, and by graduation he was already on his way to make it big after getting signed on by an aspiring tv crew. All was going fine for once... yet back at home, things escalated between his parents (who still didn't seem understanding of Raider's personal dreams over their family business) to where Raider just... couldn't take it anymore. Many words were exchanged that night that prompted the young man to up and leave the family home for good... and never turning back except to now and then check up on his baby sister Noira. As the few years passed up until now, things are still going good for Raider in terms of his work and bond with Noira... though things remain relatively strained and awkward in regards to him and his parents. Whether things will ever truly improve or not with them is unclear as of now... but for the time being, Raider is at least content with himself on being able to finally shape his life the way it should be; fun, free, and fulfilling in its own way~.  (Fun Facts about Raider): -Back at his own personal trailer, Raider has a trio of cats he adopted awhile back named "Sprocket", "Buzz", and "Zipps". Having always been a strong cat person since he was a boy (but never getting the chance to own one growing up, given his mom's allergy to them), it was a big dream of Raider's to get his own feline companion by the time he moved out of the house. He went to the shelter to find three kitten siblings who were tossed aside and overlooked among some other animals... and being the big sweetie as he was, Raider was all too eager to scoop them up to adopt them all together. They're quite a funny bunch who tend to get into some trouble if left unsupervised, but are very much loyal to Raider either way with how often they'll form some "snuggle piles" with him once he's off-of-work.  -Raider gained his name from his paternal great-grandfather, Raider "The Swiftest" Crane. Originally was going to be named "Odin" (after Lachlan's own father, as was the old man's request many years ago)... but due to a falling out between the two not long before his son's birth, Lachlan decided against that and gave his boy "an even prouder name" to look up to instead. As for the present-day Raider himself, he's always been curious to know more about his great-grandfather given some accounts about him being a "commander of the skies" (via-riding dragons).  -From birth, Raider has carried an eye condition known as "Anisocoria"... in which one of his pupils is permanently smaller than the other eye and thus leaving him with some partially-blurred vision. For certain shows of his that take place in some heavy-weather conditions, Raider is required to wear some specialized goggles to help him see through his performance.  -His current neon/cyan blue hair isn't his natural haircolor, as Raider was actually born with darker/blackish-blue hair instead. Used to grow it out pretty shaggy and long up until his teens (in where he often hid his face behind his locks at times when he was down on himself)... but by the time his last
few highschool years rolled around, he cut most of it off and styled it to the look its at now as a nice change of pace. Got quite a few compliments on it's initial debut, so Raider has long since kept it around as his own lil "brand".  -As most of his friends have all long since went their separate ways after Ravilda's, Raider is the main one who likes to keep arranging for them to meet up on the few downtimes they're able to take off from their schedules. Often likes to greet any of his buddies with the biggest, crushing hugs imaginable (being lowkey touch-starved as he is)... and while not always the most logical thinker in terms of planning, he's the main heart to keep the group afloat in times they start bickering or feeling lost with one another.
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nine-mp3 · 4 years
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- a one-shot inspired by OnlyOneOf’s Love going back to black hair recently
- vampire!love / jisung
- reader!witch/warlock
- word count: 1755
- warnings: blood mention, narrator only curses once, other than that it is very pg-13 
Lifting up the hatch to the roof of the cabin, you carefully move your way up to the surface. The cool night air of the forest is inviting; promising for days when you couldn't sleep, too many thoughts in mind. You walked across the ceramic tiles, careful not to slip. In one of your hands was a can of Coca-Cola, a favorite drink of the mortals in the world. And it so happened to be the same for yourself though you were a witch/warlock. As for your other hand, you held a medium-sized juice pouch with dark red liquid contained inside; it was made of primarily cranberry juice and other herbs, a known supplement for blood that only witches or warlocks can make. A very popular consumable in the supernatural market. 
You sat down at the other end of the roof, a few feet away from the trap door, and set down the juice pouch, while opening the coke. As you take a sip, the carbonation hits your nose strongly, making you wrinkle your nose for a moment. A black and tawny cat, Chestnut, leapt up from the trap door. She walks over, joining you, brushing against your arms. Though it seemed like the cat was accompanying you, she in reality was waiting for someone else. But you give the cat what she wants anyways; attention, rubbing her head generously.
It wasn't long till said person came, as they had promised to do so the other day. You barely had enough time to blink when someone appeared besides you without any warning. Most people would be shocked, or perhaps fallen off the roof. And that is speaking from personal experience, from when you first befriended Jisung. 
You eventually got used to it; being friends with a vampire simply just came with these surprise appearances. It’s one of the lesser terrifying things in the world when you think about it, considering the life you live as one kind of supernatural being as well.
Chestnut leaps out of your arms without another thought and into his, purring endlessly into his chest. Jisung laughs, happy to greet an animal who wasn't afraid of him. Hands running through fur, he hugs the cat with the same amount of affection. 
"You made it. And on time," you said, a smile reaching your face upon seeing him. 
"Did you think I wouldn't show up?" Jisung asked, his dark crimson eyes moving away from the cat to look at you. 
He idly played with Chestnut's paws as the cat rested on his lap now; it was quite scary to see a cat be in the hands of a vampire literally, wary of Jisung's long dark nails. But over time, you came to know that he was one of the gentler vampires in the world. And cats knew better than all of us; Chestnut wouldn't approach Jisung if she felt he was dangerous. 
"No. It's not an easy travel route to here, I mean," you said, setting down your can of coke to poke the straw into the juice pouch you had reserved for him.
He scooted over closer and was mindful not to jostle the cat in his lap as he did. Jisung smiled giddly, teeth and fangs showing, as if he was a child receiving sweets, and took the juice pouch from your hands to take a sip. You watched as his image changed once he took a generous glup and swallowed; he ran a hand through his black locks of hair, before leaning back against his arms. The light from the night stars made his pale skin glisten, even more than usual. It's hard not to look at him. 
And here's the confession; you thought Jisung is very beautiful. Vampires just came with good looks. He's not the first vampire you've met in your life either. Safe to say most of them are assholes and only have one goal in mind: to survive. As for him, he is both beautiful inside and outside; the supernatural transformation did not take away his ability to be kind or blurr the meaning of it. You assumed it took a great amount of willpower to do such a thing. Comparing the life of a mortal to a vampire, it was drastically different.
"Worried that I can't handle a couple of forest demons?" Jisung asked then, elbowing me playfully. 
"I guess it's something like that... anyways, do you know what day it is?" you responded.
"March 20th? Or is it one of your witchy / warlocky holidays?"
"...Witchy / warlocky holidays? Name one."
"Huh? That one applies to all supernatural creatures-"
Jisung snickered, seeming to enjoy the confusion on your face. You knew he was joking then and shoved him to the side as hard as you could with your shoulder. Unfortunately, vampires have insane super strength in this world also; your physical shove did nothing to him. It might've hurt just your own shoulder in the end. The vampire, unmoving, laughs even harder.
"God, you're annoying. I'll send you across the field with a fireball if you don't shut up," you said, folding your arms and rolling your eyes in irritation.
"You like me too much to do that," Jisung responded, his smile turning into a knowing one.
In moments like these, when he was making fun of you, it was easier not to look at him out of spite. Jisung teased you relentlessly, but it was part of the friendship. You did the same back, except this moment was particularly different. The meaning of this day. The vampire notices your demeanor, the seriousness, and stops laughing.
“Aw, come on...I know what day it is, y/n. March 20th, the Spring Solstice. The anniversary of the day we first met," he said now. "I remember and...it's not something I would forget."
You didn't immediately look at Jisung again when he said that. It was because no one had ever said anything like that to you, the level of genuineness you felt from his words; it caught you off guard. Warmth had crept up on your face, paired off with the sudden acceleration of your heart. This wasn't something you can hide from a vampire though, it was more out of embarrassment to not look at him now. Out of the corner of your eyes, you saw Jisung's face become written with surprise.
It was probably also good to note that a witch’s /warlock's blood was particularly toxic to vampires, which was another reason why it wasn't hard to become friends with him in the first place; you didn't have to worry about him thinking of you as a midnight snack. 
There was a good moment of silence as you attempted to muster the courage to find a way to respond to that and of course, explain why in the world you were reacting this way. You were trying to figure out for the longest time about how you truly felt about Jisung; if you were confusing feelings of friendship for...something else. The last thing you wanted to do was to ruin it all. 
This had happened several times and before Jisung could ask any questions, you teleported away from him. And you were about to do that again. He seemed to have anticipated the move and grabbed your hands, a tight grasp, preventing you from casting the spell. This forced you to look at him, though mainly out of your own surprise. There was a concern on his face now instead, and you couldn't miss the dilation of his pupils either; this made you know, whatever you were feeling, Jisung mutually felt the same. You felt stupid for not seeing it sooner; it made sense since you did literally disappear every moment before you could see his reaction every single time. But you were only scared. 
“Sorry,” you blurted out, breaking the heavy silence. “I’ve just been confused and I don’t know what this all means and you’re like my best friend and I don’t want to lose you and you know how complicated it would be for beings like us and-”
Jisung removed one of his hands to cover your mouth, stopping you from talking. 
“Okay. Now when I remove my hand you’re going to breathe. Sound good?”
You nodded, complying with his words. When he takes his hand from over your mouth, you inhale and exhale as directed. Looking back over to Jisung, he has an assuring smile on his face. He held both your hands in his again, his thumbs gently stroking in comfort. You noted that Chestnut the cat had gone from his lap; she must’ve thought you two needed to work something out when sensing tension from you and fled. It was one less thing to worry about. 
“So, all of that...was the reason why you kept running away?” he asked. 
“Yes. It was,” you admitted, the feeling of embarrassment returning. 
Jisung laughed lightly and you saw it now, his own shyness visible. 
“It’s hard to find the words...but I honestly wondered if you’d ever really think of me that way. I know that I have this irresistible beauty-”
You rolled your eyes for the second time today at that statement, almost wanting to retract your hands, yet he again prevented you from leaving until he finished his sentence. 
“- let me finish! But we both know it’s the vampire charm, blah, blah. Anyways, what I’m really trying to say is that I do have the same feelings- I mean at least what I sense your heart is telling me and all your stinky blood rushing around like that in your veins. Since day one, if you really want this to get anymore cliche...a vampire falling for a witch/warlock, vice versa...happens once in a blue moon, doesn’t it?”
Of course, Jisung still manages to joke while making a confession out of awkwardness. Yet you couldn’t be any more happier though. You pulled your hands away from his to wrap your arms around his shoulders for a tight hug, not minding how cold he was. There was no hesitation from Jisung either, his own arms immediately moving to loop around your frame, enjoying the warmth that emitted from your body, tucking his head against yours. The two of you spent a while like that, enjoying each other’s presence, before beginning to talk again about memories, addressing the moments where you both were dodgy; overall, catching up with each other’s feelings as the night continued on.
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Every First, Every Last (Part 2)
Even in his old immortal form, he had always detested this young man. Maybe because he could hear his thoughts and how they refuted his actions towards Dong Kyung. How he acted indifferently, while in his heart he was completely smitten by her.
What a hypocrite, Saram thought to himself as he took a deep sigh to alleviate his annoyance.
To his amusement, the young author then approached their table.
"Noona!" Park Young greeted Dong Kyung with a big smile. And a bear hug.
Dong Kyung could only lightly rub his back in response while avoiding Saram's glare from across the table.
"Jagganim. Glad you could make it," she greeted him when he finally pulled away.
Saram could barely keep his temperament in check. Especially when the young author had the audacity to sit next to his wife.
"I asked my manager to fix my schedule for this," Park Young said proudly. "And I don't have to wear a mask since I am here as a donor."
"You should still wear a mask because your face is hideous," Saram interjected with a smirk.
Park Young just snorted at his disdainful remark. "You should wear glasses. You obviously have poor eyesight. Probably because you're old," he retorted.
"Do you want to wear a cast? Because I can crush your bones. But I'm a doctor, so I can also treat you after. "
"Do you want to wear handcuffs?"
Dong Kyung could not bear to just watch the ridiculousness in front of her. So she belligerently stood up from her seat causing the two gentlemen to fix their eyes on her.
"Ya! Do you want to wear a leash, both of you?" She erupted.
Both men responded almost simultaneously.
"Now the two of you, make nice with each other," she glared.
"Mhianada," Park Young was the first to apologize.
Dong Kyung then turned to Saram who then gave her a questioning look. But he quickly understood when her eyes narrowed.
"Mhiane," he muttered without actually meaning it then took a slug of beer.
"I'll go back to my table now, noona. I just really wanted to greet you," the young author said, then stood up and slightly bowed his head before walking back to his table.
Dong Kyung then moved to the chair beside Saram, who was obviously still fuming while chugging his second bottle.
"Ya, you can't drive anymore with that amount," Dong Kyung pointed out. "Give me the keys."
So he fished out the car key from his pocket and handed it to her. "Yeogi."
The fundraiser took more than half of their day but both of them had so much fun during the auction of first editions from popular authors who attended the event. Saram's inner bookworm was so excited to get his hands on some new books. While Dong Kyung received a copy of Park Young's first novel to be published in print. She was delighted to say the least, but her husband didn't exactly share the same sentiment.
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When they got home from the event around five in the afternoon, Saram went straight to the shower to sober up. Dong Kyung just washed up in the small bathroom and changed into her house clothes, then went to the kitchen to fix a quick dinner.
She decided to cook instant ramyeon for her tipsy husband, some egg rolls and spam gimbap, since they were the quickest to make. Saram stepped out of the shower 15 minutes later and joined her in the kitchen.
"Are you sober now?" Do Kyung asked as she stood in front of the stove while watching the ramyeon simmer.
"I wasn't drunk at all," he responded while taking out a bottle of water from the fridge. He then walked towards Dong Kyung then leaned his back against the kitchen island behind her.
Dong Kyung turned to him and only then did she realize that he had nothing on except a towel around his waist.
"Are you going to eat dinner without a shirt on?" She quipped, after giving him a once-over.
"Are you hungry?" Saram asked, ignoring her question, then took another gulp of water as he tipped his head back, while looking at her down his nose.
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For some reason, his question got her all flustered. Not to mention the way he was gazing at her without blinking.
"Food is ready."
"You didn't answer my question," Saram muttered, then put the water bottle on the kitchen island. He then took a step closer and gently pulled and pressed his wife against him, as he reached for the stove knob behind her and turned it off. He then put his arms around her waist and pulled her even closer as he leaned back on the kitchen island again. "Are you hungry, Dong Kyungie?"
Dong Kyung looked up at him, a little distracted by his still damp and messy hair. Her eyes followed the driblet of water that trickled down his temple, down to his jaw and how it briefly hung there before it trailed down his neck.
"Yes, I'm hungry," she answered, when finally, she managed to hold his gaze.
Saram's lips broke into an indelicate dimpled grin. Here he was, thinking he was sober, when he was clearly intoxicated by his love for his wife.
He had been aching to hold her all day while they spent hours outside with other people. And now that they were alone together at last, that ache had only grown into a burning greed.
So he lifted her from the floor and raised her to the kitchen island. Dong Kyung was quite delighted with how she could look at him squarely now without having to crane her neck.
"Eoh," Dong Kyung nodded with a cheerful smile. "Do you...want some ramyeon?"
"I'm starving, Dong Kyung," he said with a rasp, while eyeing her lips with a hungry gaze.
Still at a loss, whether she should fix him up a bowl or kiss him, Dong Kyung decided to go for the latter.
She cupped his face with her hands and her husband closed his eyes in anticipation. She then planted a kiss on his forehead, then slowly moved down his nose, then both of his cheeks, then the corner of his lips.
But Saram could not hold out any longer. Using his index finger, he gently angled her face so the next kiss landed on his mouth and he welcomed her lips with ardent greed. His thumb swiftly tugged at her bottom lip, making room for his tongue to slide into.
Dong Kyung held onto his bare shoulders, while he held onto her waist. It didn't take long before he had to pull away to draw a quick breath. He took that brief opportunity to lift her sweatshirt off of her then pulled down her pyjamas, before plunging back in, with a new resolve to make her just as breathless and needy as he was.
His mouth started wandering down her chin, as his hands traveled around her back to unhook her bra. Dong Kyung tipped her head back when his mouth began to trace her neck, his warm breath making her skin blush a delicious shade of pink.
He then buried his face between the delicate mounds of her breast and licked the dip all the way back up to the base of her neck where he lingered for a bit more. He quite enjoyed the feel of his wife's chaotic pulse whenever he pecked at that area.
He decided to explore how far he could stretch his restraint by deliberately keeping his hands off of DongKyung's breast. He then hinged her thighs around his waist and swooped her from the kitchen island. He was determined to leave a trace of their lovemaking everywhere in this house. Surely, he couldn't leave the couch off the list.
Reenacting their position from their interrupted shenanigan this morning, he made DongKyung straddle him again. Only this time, it was just that towel restraining him aside from his wife's underwear. Even the slightest move she made was creating a delightful friction.
To his surprise, Dong Kyung suddenly pulled away from kissing him. She then looked him in the eyes as if making an important decision, before she finally dismounted from his lap.
His brain went into an overdrive when like a shot, she kneeled between his thighs and divested him of his precious towel. Her eyes widened in surprise when he sprung stiff and proud upon exposure.
"It's not like it's your first time seeing me," Saram nearly laughed at Dong Kyung's reaction.
"Not this close," she retorted while looking up at him.
Her gaze from that position created some interesting sensations all over him, making him breathless.
Dong Kyung then lightly gripped him by the shaft and gave it a gentle stroke which made him tip his head back against the headrest of the couch and groan a little louder than he intended. It was all the push she needed to keep going a few more times. Every move her hand made was rewarded with Saram's resounding moans that filled the spacious living room. And when her hand reached the swollen head, Saram grabbed her by the wrist.
Was this the extent of his restraint?
"I can't take it anymore," he panted then pulled her up. He then maneuvered her so she was sitting on his lap again, then planted a swift wet kiss on her mouth. "Ride me, honey."
Dong Kyung stared at him for a few moments. She had that same look in her eyes as if she was pondering a very important decision.
This was the first time he asked her to take control and it was wracking her nerves for that reason. Not to mention that he wasn't exactly average in size.
Ottoke? I can do this, right? She thought, giving herself some much needed peptalk.
Although he couldn't read minds anymore, Saram could tell that Dong Kyung was nervous about his request, just by how dilated her pupils were. He was getting ready to draw back and take her to the bedroom instead, when she suddenly moved and properly positioned her knees on either side of his thighs.
"Are you sure?" He inquired, unable to hide the need in his voice.
"Eoh," she nodded. "I know you'll be careful."
Saram smirked smugly at his wife's confidence in him. "I really can't promise you that right now."
And with that statement, he pushed the crotch of her underwear to the side and rubbed the head of his penis against her slit. Both of them groaned at the sudden contact.
He then guided her on how to sit on him properly, as she held onto his shoulders. They were both gazing at each other intently, eyes wide and breaths hitching in anticipation. And when finally, he could feel her wet opening slowly swallowing him, he pulled her by the waist and pushed himself deeper with a sudden jerk.
Dong Kyung whimpered weakly as she propped herself against him for support. Saram helped her keep a steady pace by meeting her halfway as she moved up and down on him, every inch of him gliding delectably in and out of her.
Her whimpers quickly turned into a series of moans when Saram started to fondle her breast while he suckled on the other. He needed a distraction from all the sensations quickly building up in his groin.
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talesofsonicasura · 4 years
Diamonds and Voodoo
You Do Voodoo
A mysterious visitor comes to Morioh. Paths diverge and intertwine with the various townfolks of this crazy, noisy bizarre town. And it all started with a good deed touched by a bit of magic.
Good deeds tend to create ripples throughout what we know as life. Sometimes an act of kindness can lead to great rewards. At rare times the road to hell is often paid with good intentions. Nevertheless, this type of charity has a habit of changing the future of one or many individuals. For sometimes, a grand adventure begins with that very act of kindness.
"Look out!" Morioh, a small town amongst the middle of nowhere quite unlike many cities found in Japan. A type of place that tends to be quiet but also hosts some oddities within its dwellings. Unlike many small towns, Morioh would become ground zero for a strand of very bizarre events and each with their own level of danger.
A car was parked awkwardly sideways between the road and crosswalk. Upon closer inspection, this was a crash as the front end was inward from the telephone pole currently wedged inside the bright red metal. To the side was an abandoned bicycle alongside a police officer and what many from this town could call a foreigner. The officer holded the visitor close to his chest almost awkwardly, the telltale of being grabbed.
The officer was an older and surprisingly buff male, darkened grey hair hidden under his cap, eyes that had a natural glint of kindness despite the concern now shining for the person in their arms. A would-be victim of the car accident was a young woman around her late teens, between 16 or 17 from the bits of remaining baby fat still left on her face.
Her skin was slightly tanned in a more climate related basis, such as sun exposure than natural skin tone, hair a short messy lime green hidden under the top jaw of a dinosaur-esque skull, a 5'8 body that was slim, lean and had moderate bust along with curves, but it was her eyes and her arms that drew the most attention.
The young woman's arms were decorated in wavy almost vine patterned tribal markings with a four toes pad on each shoulder and her eyes had a unique case of heterochromia with the right being a normal orange but the entire left eye was blue except for a single white pupil. Her outfit consisted of dark blue fingerless gloves, red sneakers, light brown cargo shorts, a black bra and opened orange vest outlined in red.
"You okay there missy? That car almost hit you if I didn't pull you away in time." The officer questioned, his voice soft and kind in a sort of grandfatherly way. She merely looked up at him with a large impish smile. Not even scared or off-put that a speeding car almost made the teen paste on the street.
"I'm good mister! Just glad no one else got hurt either. Car accidents aren't something normal folks can handle and I rather get hurt than somebody else! I'm more than capable of taking some nasty hits!" The woman's peppy, slightly loud and light chuckle paired with the slightly morbid words had thrown the officer for a loop before he strangely found himself chuckling too.
"Hahaha. Well aren't you an odd but thoughtful young lady? I wish some of my friends on the force had that kind of energy. Everyone's been down as of late and honestly needs a pep talk or two." The greenette looked at his badge for a moment as if scanning for his name. Something that was quick to find apparently as it read 'Ryohei Higashitaka'.
With that in hand, she then reached into the pocket of her cargo while silently whispering his name. The officer or Ryohei honestly looked a bit surprised when the youth produced a peculiar item. It was a small brown wooden charm carved into a smiling mask. The mask was painted with red lips, yellow with green outlined eyes, large reddish eyebrows and four small feathers ranging from yellow, orange, purple and red.
"Please take this mister as a sign of gratitude. It's a good luck charm carved into the likeness of Aku-Aku, a spirit of protection. This charm shall ward off a great disaster in your future." The older man took the odd charm with a soft smile and looked it over. He softly chuckles before patting her head.
"Why thank you! It's pretty adorable and well crafted! I'll make sure to keep it close. Good luck is something a lot of people nowadays…" His eyes widened a bit upon realization. "Whoops! Careless me! I forgot to ask for a name. I am Ryohei Higashitaka, an officer of the Morioh Police Department. What's your name missy? I need it to file a report for ya and if you want to press charges." She merely gave an impish smile with a bit of her tongue sticking out.
"It's Taki-Taki, Taki-Taki Bandicoot."
Budo-ga Oka Middle and High School, one of the few schools within Morioh. A joint school where grades between 6 and 11th are together instead of being separate. It was also a place that had a quite an amount of delinquents which make up some of the school's student body.
Walking towards this destination from the local town square was a mountain of a man in very odd clothing. Hair was jet black and well groomed, eyes a bright ocean blue, body sculpted like a Greek God from every single inch out of 6'5 and a natural scowlish look on his face. Nearly all his clothes, from his coat, pants, shoes and torn back hat with golden pins stylized to spell Jo were white except for the man's shirt which was pitch black.
The man was currently looking over a paper, a report or letter from highly detailed it was in both text and a few select photos. His brows wrinkled in aggravation before muttering a soft 'Yare Yare Daze' under his breath. "Godamnit old man. You're too old to be causing this type of bullshit." He hissed, rough, husky and slightly aggravated tone to his voice making a few people steer clear of his vicinity.
Well… not just that. Unknown to the raven in question, there was something odd looking over his shoulder. This peculiarity was a mask of sorts. It looked vaguely human but the light blue material used to craft it was spectral from how it softly glow like wisps in the night sky.
An Aztec type crown at the top with four flat points as if it was a piece from a gear, large carved ears with faint spiral at the center, pure white eyes and mouth outlined in mauve, and the same mauve color to imitate flat eyebrows. Bystanders seeing the mask either quickened their step or blamed this bizarre sight as 'too much coffee' or 'no more liquor in the morning.'
"Huh. Guess an old man in his late 60s can get laid. Oh, so that's where the gardens are!" The young man nearly bit his tongue in shock from both the raspy, light and almost nerdy sounding male voice but also the fact it came from a floating tiki mask that took a closer look at his document.
He couldn't get a word out of his mouth as the mask flew off with surprising speed. "A Stand?! That means there's a Stand User nearby! You ain't getting away from me!" A bright golden aura began to burn around the adult upon giving chase to the airborne oddity. On the sidewalk, the man's shadow grew with the addition of a more peculiar one.
A few minutes passed when the chase was called off upon the mask being too far in the air to pursue, the extra shadow vanished as the adult male let a growl in annoyance. He lowers his hat with a curse. "Damn it. If that thing's responsible for the recent incidents going on in this town…" The man then went to a payphone before dialing in a number.
"This is Jotaro Kujo. Tell the heads of the Speedwagon Foundation that there is confirmed Stand activity in Morioh. Look into the database about a Stand in shape of a glowing blue mask and the possibility if it's connected to Dio." The phone was slammed down as the white coat of the man fluttered while he left.
"Poke!" A finger poking the little snout of a box turtle that had swam up from the water of the makeshift pond seated by a small bus stop. Sitting on the curb of the pond beside was the odd Taki-Taki, currently petting the small reptilian much to its pleasure. "You're a handsome turtle, aren't you? Much nicer than the big ones back home." She cooed while the turtle rubbed itself against her hand clearly in love with the kind contact.
A little whimper had the young woman look around in utter confusion. Soft heterochromia eyes soon met bright baby blue ones tinged with a bit of fear. That fear directed to the little reptile nipping at the greenette's fingers.
A 5'11 muscular young man with blue violet hair tended neatly into a large pompadour, a dark violet gakuran pinned with a yellow heart and gold peace on each side of his chest, sunshine yellow shirt that peeked through the gap of his uniform coat, and dark boots were the owner of these baby blue orbs.
"You okay? Look like you're about to pee yourself." Taki-Taki questioned upon the fidgeting male still looking at the turtle as if it tried to eat him. He immediately calmed down a bit now noticing he wasn't exactly alone, cheeks dusting a bright red. "I'm so sorry! Reptiles just give me the willies that's all, mostly turtles." His soft and slightly rough almost if still adjusting practically rattled with nervousness.
She merely chuckled whilst waving off any concern. "It's alright! Everyone is afraid of something so no harm done. Plus this little handsome fellow is much more kinder than the ones I've seen in Turtle Woods. Those turtles were mean and one tried to steal my hat!" Her spare hand pointed at the dinosaur skull on her head since the other was still petting the shelled reptile.
The pompadour wearing young man shivered upon the two words 'Turtle Woods' but was honestly thankful that she wasn't making fun of him for his phobia. Taki-Taki then stood up whilst petting the turtle's head one more time. "I better go! Promised to get some stuff with my friend Lani-Loli and we're supposed to meet up at the gardens! Chou!" And she was gone with a pep to her step.
"My name is Josuke Higashitaka… And she's gone. Maybe I'll see her again." The sound of male cursing grew as the purple pomp prince noticed a bunch of male students coming over to him. Delinquents from their rude, downlooking and glaring faces, something that only made him sigh. Days like these tend to suck.
The Higashitaka household, home to the Higashitaka family which consisted of the older police officer Ryohei, his daughter but also single mother Tomoko and Tomoko's son Josuke. A lively place from the unique personalities of the three living inside. Well, it wasn't like this right now.
Peculiar water slipping away from the house window almost like a cobra finished with their prey. A fact so true upon the still body of the family matriarch lying lifeless on the floor. Face carved in blood coated horror slowly changes to a pristine clean outlook through a soft golden aura. Almost if the man died in his slumber and not of gruesome supernatural murder.
The golden aura belonging to a bubblegum arm coated in crystalline diamond armor soon vanishes inside the body of Josuke. Behind Josuke was Jotaro, the man clad in white being a relative, his nephew shockingly taken into consideration that his grandfather was the pomp prince's father. Who knew?
And the older man could only look at the teen that was his uncle trying to coax his dead grandfather back to life with sympathetic pity. Aquamarine eyes that always seemed stuck in a perpetual glare now softened at the scene. The look of someone who had seen a death like this before. Or to be more precise, had experienced such a grizzly sight.
Jotaro knew that this wasn't the time for grief fueled hysterics. There were more pressing matters and dangers ready to drown them from the inside. "Josuke…" Any further words from the older man, alongside any actions from the teen immediately stopped upon one thing. Subtle movement originating from the chest of the officer's corpse before them.
A sickly sweet scent reminiscent of cherries filled the air along with the soft sizzle of something burning. Thin wisps of smoke coming from the body's chest pocket spurred Josuke to go into the clothing's pouch. Baby blue eyes widened seeing a small brown tiki charm in his hands but specifically the feathers that were turning to dust.
"A voodoo charm?" The purplette's attention immediately went back to the corpse of his grandfather. His still chest slowly began to rise and fall almost as if… "He's breathing." It was the only conclusion Jotaro came to upon the subtle movements. The charm in the teenager's hands fully became ash once his previously deceased grandfather sat up looking purely confused.
"Ooh my head… I don't remember my favorite booze having that strong of a kick. Josuke? What are you doing here since I thought you were going out? Who's this guy? And why are you crying?" Ryohei didn't expect to wake up to such a scene or his own grandson to hug him so hard thinking he was about to kick the bucket.
He was quick however to notice the scent of cherry in the air alongside a missing weight in his breast pocket. "Did someone light a scented candle and where did my good luck charm go? Was I mugged or something Josuke?" The elderly man's inquiry had the two younger men share the same look. They needed answers.
/"You want to know who gave me that charm? Well, it was a young girl around my grandson's age. She had green hair, heterochromia with her eyes being orange and blue, and had what looked like a dinosaur skull on her head. Said her name Taki-Taki Bandicoot and came into town looking for ingredients. The charm was based off of a guardian of protection... Aku-Aku I believe she said."/
Information that had both Jotaro and his younger uncle running through the streets of Morioh in a hurry. Ryohei had been put into protective custody with a short call from whoever the raven had pretty high connections to. Something that man would have refused if it wasn't for the fact his son was crying. Josuke only cried when things were at the absolute worst. This made it easier to search without the man being in danger once more.
"I never thought my life would have gotten this insane. First an escaped death row inmate capable of killing his victims from the inside with water and now a Stand User capable of bringing back the dead! Things weren't like this until you came to town!" The highschooler quipped as if to ignore the harsh ache going through his legs.
"Your life was bound to become bizarre the moment you awakened your Stand, no, the moment you were born with Joestar blood. A curse everyone in this damned bloodline has. So don't blame me for the shitshow." Jotaro fired back in absolute annoyance. Their destination was the place mentioned by the woman when Josuke encountered her, Morioh's Springroll Garden.
"Maybe she can remove it? She does know voodoo and it does involve a lot of curse thingies? Do you think Taki-Taki can get rid of my fear of turtles?" The teenager's question was merely met with an eye roll from Jotaro. He was going to shout back an insult until something caught his eyes.
A lone figure standing amongst a large collection of various flora and vegetation belonging to one of Morioh's famous landmarks. More accurately a lonehuman figure and a soft blue floating oddity by them that was very damn familiar to the male clad in white. "There she is and that's the Stand I saw earlier!"
Taki-Taki was currently plucking a few mushrooms from underneath the bushes that provided their moist dark home and placed them into a small straw basket. Springroll Garden was a place where people could pick their vast garden by purchasing a special ticket and take home an entire basket full of items.
"It's kind of cool that the town has such a garden like this. Especially when it guarantees a free basket of fresh goods for first time visitors too!" The luminescent mask said with a big smile while looking at a bush full of white roses. His green haired friend merely let out a chuckle in agreement before speaking. "Same here pal. Makes it a lot easier to find the things needed to work my magic."
A loud shout had the two look up to see some familiar faces running their way. "Wouldn't you know? Hey Pompadour Prince, fancy seeing you here!" Taki-Taki's nickname immediately had the boy stop in his tracks. Face burning in anger until the words finally hitting turned that anger into pure confusion. The sudden confusion didn't stop the mask from cowering behind the greenette.
"Pompadour Prince?" He questioned while pointing to himself, clearly confused. "You kidding? That's the best pompadour I've ever seen. Also, calling you king is going a bit too far since we've barely known each other and aren't in a relationship." Her words caused the male teen to blush a bit paired with a smitten look and cheesy smile.
Jotaro merely elbowed Josuke's shoulder as the highschooler remembered what they were supposed to be doing. "Taki-Taki Bandicoot, we need you to come with us. We already know about you being a Stand User since your Stand is hiding right behind you but also that charm you gave Ryohei Higashitaka before he was attacked."
The greenette merely had a confused look before it immediately narrowed into glare after the words Ryohei Higashitaka and attacked. Her emotions were clearly being felt through the odd mask as it came out of hiding to glare at them. "I knew something bad was bound to happen upon seeing that dark aura. Tell me what you've done to that kind officer before I rip ya putzes a new one!"
Josuke was thrown off guard by the sudden aggression consuming Taki-Taki's features. It was as if a cloak of pure madness just overshadowed that sunny aura of the greenette. The change didn't deter Jotaro who refused to back down at her threat. As if proving his point, a gold aura started to radiate from his body.
"You need to calm down now. We aren't your enemies but I won't hesitate to knock you out even if you're a girl." The man spoke as something appeared from his body like an apparition. It was a humanoid spirit of sorts that appeared to be an Aztec Warrior or barbarian with similar origins.
Just as big and buff as his summoner but a bit more, soft blue skin that outlined a coral inner pink, black hair that flowed like smoke but sparkle as if it was stardust, soft ocean blue eyes and a body armed with white pauldrons painted in gold spirals, black fingerless gold studded gloves, a white scarf around their neck, black knee high boots and a long white loincloth alongside a dark tasset.
Yet, the strange being seemed to only piss off Taki-Taki even further as she went into her pant's pocket to pull out a small crystal orb. "You're going to threaten me with a giant in his skivvies? Alright jackass, hope your ready to party. For this Ooda-Booga Boogie of mine is going to send ya to the hospital!" And she crushed the crystal orb in her hand.
Both men only had seconds until a large blackish pink fist had punched Jotaro's spirit in the face, the ghost and summoner were sent flying out of the garden before kissing the street concrete. Josuke could only blink before seeing the thing responsible for sending his nephew airborne. "Holy shit!" For what stood snarling in front of Taki-Taki was an absolute monster.
A heavily built 9'6 tall slightly deformed anthropomorphic porcupine with vibrant magenta skin overshadowed by a darkish gray hide. A long singular black horn tipped with hot pink, burning crimson eyes that glared down at the man in white, a magenta muzzle overlapped with an giant overbite of fangs, multiple pink tipped black spikes across their back, their right arm covered in black armor in the form of a riot shield, and crimson hakama trousers with a black paw print on the side.
The beast snarled angrily at Jotaro while a trail of drool came down from their razor sharp maw. It then let out a loud and deep inhuman roar almost if challenging anyone foolish enough to face the beast's wrath. Jotaro had gotten back onto his feet, spitting a bit of blood on the road before wiping the remainder from his mouth. Some of it stained bits of his hat a dark crimson. His spirit staring at the beast with an analysistic glare.
"That's one hell of a sucker punch you got there. Quite an ugly bastard of a friend you have, makes me question which one it is though. Is the beast your actual stand or a byproduct of its power?" The question only seemed to aggravate the greenette and the large creature she called upon.
"That 'ugly bastard' is my friend Quill and what is with this Stand garbage anyway?! What I want to know is did you attack Mr. Ryohei?! My charm doesn't just vanish without fulfilling its purpose even if stolen. Now answer me or I'll beat the truth out of you!" Taki-Taki declared with a snarl that held inhumanely sharp teeth.
Josuke didn't have to be a genius to know if he didn't stop these two right now then things were going to get a lot worse. His nephew's Stand went in for a punch while the greenette's large beast followed suit. Neither attack landing their blow as two diamond covered pink hands caught both fists.
The culprit was a giant pink skinned warrior whose body was covered in Corinthian style diamond armor. He was huge with the same type of muscle like Jotaro's spirit, eyes were a bright baby blue that shone through the darkness of the heart top helmet with concern, wires connecting the back of his neck to his back, heart shaped diamond pauldrons with spikes, armor that over lined the side of his arms, legs and back, and diamond plating rings around the fingers.
Unlike Jotaro's Stand or Taki-Taki's giant beast, this one exuded a gentle and kind aura akin to that of a guardian or protector. Something that made sense from the soft magenta aura radiating from Josuke. "Please stop fighting! I don't want to see my nephew or the person who saved my grandpa hurt each other for something stupid!" The pomp prince's words carried strong as they were sincere.
Something the greenette easily felt upon Quill taking a step back as if backing down from the fight since there was no longer any hostility. Jotaro's Stand disappeared soon after while he muttered a soft 'Yare Yare Daze' under his breath. "Holy shit… I thought things were going to get ugly there. I don't think this garden deserves to be wrecked by a Spike." The mask's quip not being lost on anyone.
Later at the Higashitaka House, cups of tea were placed on the table. Sitting at the table on mats were Josuke, Jotaro and the odd woman known as Taki-Taki Bandicoot. To their left side strangely enough was the greenette's mask and both men's spirits that were conversing with each other or goofing off upon the playing cards between them.
"I still don't believe that Stands are basically the spiritual energy of someone given form. You sure they aren't warrior ancestors? Jotaro's Star Platinum looks like an Aztec barbarian and Josuke, your Crazy Diamond reminds of those old Greek soldiers from his armor." She said while looking at the three oddities playing Go Fish.
A Scrabble holder was being used for the mask or Lani-Loli's cards since he didn't have any hands. He would ask either Star Platinum or Crazy Diamond to put any of his matching cards down and when he needed to 'fish' a card. "Pretty sure. Couldn't I ask the same thing about Lani-Loli over there? Floating masks that can talk aren't normal either." Josuke quipped while pointing to the mask in question.
"Hey! I'm right here you know and I'm way older than all of you combined! And I would have you know that I was human before becoming a Quantum Mask! If I still had hands I would smack all three of you on the head!" The mask fired back in aggravation, some of the cards disappearing in blue wisps of smoke... alongside Josuke's clothes.
"Eeek!" He panicked immediately covering his crotch, Jotaro hiding his embarrassment under his hat while Taki-Taki turned her head away with face hot red in embarrassment. "Great Tikimon! Lani-Loli! Phase his clothes back now!" The mask quickly undoing his magic in sheer embarrassment. Josuke's clothes and the cards popping back into reality with similar blue wispy smoke.
Poor teen let out a sigh of relief knowing he wasn't nude in front of a girl anymore. "Sorry! Sometimes I accidentally poof things out of existence when I'm stressed! And nothing says stress like an escaped convict who kills people with living water!" Jotaro rolled his eyes at the smartass remark. For an all mighty ancient mask, Lani-Loli was an anxious nerd that was a scare away from passing out.
The reason why they were holed up in Josuke's house was that all of them were targets of the Stand User Angelo and his Stand Aqua Necklace.
Angelo was a psychopath with a taste of madness and penchant for violence. The man was arrested repeatedly for brutal acts like murder and even sexual assault before he was landed on Death row. Sadly his execution didn't work properly, allowing the maniac to escape the morgue and reach Morioh. He attacked Ryohei as the cop was the reason Angelo got arrested.
Due to the nature of his Stand, none of them could use water that came from anywhere but a bottle in fear of accidentally swallowing the dangerous entity. "And when do you think it's safe for us to go home? Unlike you guys, my dad will go nuts if I ain't back soon. None of us want to deal with an angry father much less my pops, Crash Bandicoot." Taki-Taki wasn't blind to the nervous look on the pompadour prince's face while he took a sip of his tea.
"Until that Stand User is caught." Jotaro didn't foresee the spray of tea hitting his face from the greenette's spit-take. The grown man was growling in his seat while the young woman tried to settle down her coughs. "You nuts?! That is the stupidest thing I ever heard and this is stemming from the fact my partner does insanely stupid stuff on a daily basis!"
Lani-Loli had flown over to the table so fast that the card pile dispersed from the sudden gust, much to both Stand's displeasure. "You said this guy's Stand is pure water right? What do we do when we run out of water? Wait, here's a better one! What happens if it rained? Shelter becomes a deathtrap in two seconds!" Both men's eyes widened upon the mask's words.
After settling down her coughing fit, Taki-Taki let out a soft whisper. "I think this is what that putz wants. Turn ourselves into sitting ducks and swoops in for the kill until it's too late. And it's going to rain in three days." Silence filled the room upon that very knowledge. The convict was planning to turn their stakeout into a trap.
Josuke could only sigh at the difficult hand. Sure, they now know the guy's plan but if they ignore it then finding Angelo would be even harder. It also meant that the psycho will find out Ryohei is still alive and won't hesitate to attack him again. "Then let's turn the tables back. Turn the hunter into the hunted." All eyes were on Taki-Taki in seconds.
She had a goofy smile on her face with her tongue sticking out in an impish manner. There was also the fact that another crystal orb was in her hands. An item that produced the monstrous Quill but unlike that one, this jewel was a shade of toxic green. Lani-Loli, upon seeing what his friend held, grew a mischievous grin of his own. The odd duo clearly had a plan that almost made Jotaro and Josuke feel an ounce of pity. Almost being the keyword.
Rain had finally fallen upon the house once three days had passed by. Taki-Taki had called her father about being home a few days late since some issues had cropped up. Neither Josuke or Jotaro heard the man's voice but what they gathered upon how the greenette talked, 'Crash' was kindly lenient. Although, both males would have to see him once she got back home.
They spent most of their time keeping themselves from getting bored. Board games, reading, or Taki-Taki crafting some… mysterious concoctions and trinkets with whatever she found in the Higashitaka household. Josuke could honestly admit that he didn't know there was a den of possums hiding in his walls but the witch doctor managed to get some possum fur and nail clippings after one landed on Jotaro.
The greenette at the moment was alone in the bathroom, various ingredients that surrounded a lone bucket. Each item was odd in their own right, rat tails, frog eyes, shiitake mushrooms, yew branches, spoiled milk and a bottle of water. Taki-Taki began pouring the ingredients into the vat starting with the rotten dairy.
She was chanting in an unknown language that eerily sounded like a mix of Arabic and Pig Latin. Bucket began to bubble from her words as the color shifted upon every ingredient dropped into the vat. Taki-Taki's water bottle was currently halfway empty through the process and the cap left abandoned to the side.
Unbeknownst to the woman, rain began to patter outside and something opaque began to build up by the window. It looked like water but it held a more bluish hue and moved too much like a living creature to be normal. Then a pair of sinister pink eyes and a grin full of sharp teeth slithered through.
"You sure this isn't a mango?" Josuke currently sat in the front room alongside Lani-Loli who floated over the teenager's shoulder. Standing on the table was a large orange fruit with a yellow bottom similar to a mango but two leaves that hung from a stem. The teenager currently poking at the fruit that had come from Taki-Taki's home.
"Nope! It's a Wumpa Fruit, a pretty common thing to find on the Wumpa Islands. They're much sweeter than mango and the juice is pretty tasty too. Especially when used for a Wumpa Smoothie, those are really good." Being curious upon the mask's words, the pompadour prince took a nicely sized bite of the fruit.
Tangy sweetness was the first thing that hit the highschooler's taste buds then a rich zesty flavor kicked in a matter of seconds. "Holy shit! This is actually pretty good. Yo Jotaro, you have to try this!" The raven poked his head out of the kitchen upon hearing his name. He let out an annoyed sigh before snatching the fruit out of the teen's hand.
"Did someone put salt in your oatmeal today?" Lani-Loli couldn't help but point out at the man's awfully sour mood added by the harsh bite he took out of the poor fruit or the vicious vice grip. "No. None of you are taking this situation seriously and last I checked didn't get an angry rodent trying to claw up your face." He hissed before taking another aggressive bite.
The sound of footsteps had gotten the two humans and mask turning their heads. Approaching them with an eerily quiet and dead stare was Taki-Taki. Her feet moving sluggishly to the point it was close to that of a sleepwalker… or if heavy weights were tied to the woman's legs.
"Taki?" Lani-Loli's voice thick with concern while he spoke his friend's nickname. Her response was to open her mouth slowly with evil pink eyes glaring back at them in the darkness. "Sorry but your little friend's life is now mine!" A vile, raspy and deep male voice coming out of the greenette's mouth, all to the horror of her friends.
"Aqua Necklace?! You bastard, get out of Taki-Taki now Angelo!" Josuke could only burn brighter in rage from the deranged laugh of the psychopathic water Stand. "And get rid of my only hostage?! Hell no! This bitch is the reason why Ryohei Higashitaka is still alive! She has the power to bring back the dead, a ticket to immortality!" The mask could only roll his eyes as if sensing a monologue.
"I've been watching you this whole time. I saw the giant beast she summoned and that mask phasing things through existence. With her as my slave, I'll be invincible! The world will be my toy box and every single person my toys that I can break for eternity! Once you're all dead, I'll break her until she's a mindless bitch who will follow my every…" The monologue was caught short upon her mouth snapping shut.
Yet, it wasn't the lips that closed the space but an eerie green substance reminiscent to goo. "The hell?!" Aqua Necklace tried to dive down the woman's throat only to run into another gooey green wall. Then he heard laughter. Pink eyes turned to see it was Lani-Loli who was responsible. He was cackling mischievously that tears looked ready to fly from how hard his laughter, much to the confusion of his friends.
"Haha! Hehehehe! You really thought it would be so easy! Taki and I faced way worse than your miserable hide. Oh, and that's not Taki-Taki you putz! Drop the charade Toxic!" Jotaro and Josuke immediately jumped back upon who they thought was Taki-Taki began to melt. All color draining away into a puddle of green slightly clear goo.
Crazy Diamond and Star Platinum were quickly summoned when that sludge started to rise up in the process of a transformation. The slime forming three toed misshapen legs, dripping fat arms with chubby fingers, a large yellow green belly that from its almost clear texture and Aqua Necklace being held inside looked more like a prison, and a roundish hippo like head paired with short pig ears, large deformed inhuman teeth and two alien yellow orbs looking back at it's observers.
The beast or Toxic's appearance could be compared to a 8 ft tall ogre or even an Oni, supernatural beings that tend to punish wicked humans. "Meet the Sludge, a creature made of magic infused ooze with a love for eating utter garbage, like your ugly face! I told Toxic here about your little plan involving my best friend."
Almost on cue, the large oozing beast let a loud snarl before smoke began filling in its tummy. "Aaaaaaah! What the hell is that smell?! It's getting hot in here! Don't tell me this is acid?!" The mask only had a vicious smile on his face that solidified the fact. "People like you make me sick. I've read your entire file and I bet it would even make Uka-Uka himself furious to see your deeds!" Aqua Necklace could only shiver in horror at the mask.
It was like Lani-Loli's nervous self had been overshadowed by pure animalistic rage that his eyes were narrowed slits and teeth were now large fangs held in a snarl. A deity ready to smite a sinner with divine punishment. Even Jotaro and Josuke were taken aback by the sudden shift.
"I may be a scaredy cat but I am still a protector. My name is Lani-Loli, the Quantum Mask of Phase! For ruining the lives of many, threatening my friends and having an unsavory plan for my contractor, I mark you Angelo and his Stand Aqua Necklace, guilty of your sins! And boy do I have a nice punishment for your wicked soul."
The mask then faced the two Joestar blooded men. "Josuke. Jotaro. Taki-Taki left earlier to find this cretin's owner hence my friend Toxic here taking her place. I know where she is and I'm going to need your help with something."
On a street a few blocks from Josuke's house sat a large boulder. This rock had laid on this spot for centuries after a stray storm left it stranded on the land that would become Morioh. Tied to this very stone was an unsavory dark haired man in a milkman uniform bound by chains and gagged with a black cloth. Bruises decorating his body no doubt from the slightly bloody fists of the witch doctor.
Taki-Taki turned her head and smiled upon the sight of her friends coming into view. Aqua Necklace was still trapped within the prison that was Toxic's stomach, who seemed mighty pleased at the abomination's struggle. "Damn, you did a number on the asshole." Josuke said much to the greenette's pleasure.
"I aim to please. Now then, Angelo, since you made a living of ruining people's lives I believe your punishment should be providing good luck." Taki-Taki then pulled from behind the rock was the bucket filled with her concoction. It was a bright bubbling pink and had a smell akin to rotten lavender. She didn't resist dumping the nasty vat all over the convict much to his displeasure.
The man was struggling in disgust before his movements slowed to a crawl as if his whole body was paralyzed except for his mouth and eyes. Taki then yanked the gag from Angelo's lips allowing the man to speak. "You...crazy bitch…! What have you done?" His raspy dry voice almost sounded like a dying cat from how quiet it was.
"A simple potion made to turn you into an eternal good luck charm for all the folks in Morioh! Bet you now wished that your original execution didn't fail. Josuke, this last part is all up to you. Today you will have to make a choice on how this man goes out." Taki-Taki's eyes narrowed as they glowed inhumanly under the dark cloudy sky.
"Ryohei Higashitaka was the one who put this man in jail and stopped his rampage. In vengeance, this scum tried to rob a righteous soul of his life. As Ryohei's grandson, will you fulfill his task and put an end to the man that escaped the grim reaper's blade? If not, then I will perform the deed with Lani-Loli. What do you say?"
The pompadour prince was a bit off guard by the witch doctor's words. Why would she ask him if he wanted to be the one that dealt Angelo's punishment? "Josuke?! Are you seriously going to let her kill me? Sure I tried to kill your grandfather but if you go along with this bitch's plan then you'll be a killer just like me!"
None of them were blind to the man's false pleas knowing it was a trick to let him go. A rat that will only wreak havoc if given a shred of mercy. Angelo's rants were caught off by a fist breaking both his hand and a chunk of the rock. The shocking thing was that the stone merged and encased itself around the appendage much to the psycho's horror.
"Aaah! My hand!! What are you doing?" Josuke merely ignored the man's painful cries. "You really think that we're going to let you go after all you've done. This town used to be a peaceful place before you came and played with people's lives! So for the rest of your days, you're going to pay back every family that you destroyed! Taki-Taki." The greenette smiled knowing what the young man wanted.
"Let's do this Lani-Loli! Armor up!" The cyan mask flew around Taki-Taki with trails of aqua wispy trails that followed from behind. The mask situated himself onto her back while the ghostly ribbons wrapped themselves around her body. Each wispy streak solidified to form a black jumpsuit of sorts which was highlighted by glowing aqua blue chunks of armor reminiscent of Lani-Loli's crown.
Taki-Taki's eyes were now completely glowing blue while velvet sky blue energy followed through the tattoos on her skin and turned her hair into luminous bluish mist. The sudden change to the witch doctor had the restrained Angelo sweating in terror and nearly pissing himself when Josuke's Crazy Diamond materialized.
"Dorarararararara!!!!" The armored spirit let out a battle cry as both him and the armored greenette let loose a barrage of vicious punches. Each strike was as destructive and fast as machine gun rounds, blowing off huge chunks of the stone and merging to the man trapped in the dead center. Neither of them stopping their assault until every piece of stone had been reassembled.
With one last brutal punch, the stone fragments had fully merged Angelo turning the once human male into a deformed boulder. This new shape of the large stone was a malformed face with wide eyes held in different angles, a large flat nose at the bottom similar to a maui and stress lines just like the person it used to be.
Aqua Necklace, who was still trapped in Toxic's belly, quickly melted away in seconds. No doubt the Stand could no longer survive without the life force of its user, thus following its master into hell. Jotaro could only grimace behind the guard of his cap.
[Morioh Landmark 1: Angelo's Rock. No one knows where this mysterious stone appeared from or why. Despite its unnerving appearance, this landmark is a hotspot for couples both old and new.]
'These three are bat shit crazy and have the strength to back it up. Luckily Josuke has a good head on shoulders but…' The raven's eyes drifted to Taki-Taki, her sludge summon and most importantly Lani-Loli still hanging onto her back. She was conversing with Josuke who took the time to look at her changed form and the living sludge Toxic in rapt curiosity.
'Taki-Taki isn't a Stand User but she's just as dangerous as one. Those beasts, Quill and Toxic, whatever they are no doubt has a connection to her origins. And then there's Lani-Loli. I don't exactly know what a Quantum Mask is but I have a feeling he isn't the only one. Just who are you?'
And that is it! This ended being super long since the story revolves around two whole episodes instead of one. It does take place in the beginning of Part 4 and I wanted to stick as close to canon involving them.
Yes, Taki-Taki can call upon Titans, the enemies normally found in the Crash of the Titan series. Unlike a large chunk of people, I actually like the Titan games. They were the first Crash games I played and 100%. I did play Crash The Huge Adventure for the gameboy advance but it got destroyed in the wash sadly before I got the last crystal.
Any version of Crash of the Titans is good but I suggest playing the DS version of Mind Over Mutant considering the console version is more of an annoying chore with tons of backtracking.
My favorite Titans are Spike and Rhinoroller. I especially love the boss version of Spike from the DS Mind Over Mutant but I haven't found the concept art of it yet.
Just like a witch doctor, Taki-Taki does craft all sorts of potions and charms. The Aku-Aku charm acts like a second chance. If someone who has the charm experiences death, the charm will revive them. Deaths done through murder are a bit different.
The charm will hold onto their soul until its safe to revive the holder. Any extensive damage is done and the soul is returned back to the body once repairs are complete. After use, the charm will disintegrate or dull out depending on how much damage was caused.
The Phase Armor given by Lani-Loli is much different for Taki-Taki when she uses it. Reason for it is that she's contracted to him thus the power and magic he provides is much stronger than someone who doesn't have a contract.
Even if Lani-Loli is quite a skittish character,that doesn't mean he won't get serious when needed. Angelo did a lot of horrible stuff that I bet even Uka-Uka wouldn't do. Uka-Uka may be evil but he has standards.
I wanted to try a different writing style for this considering Part 4 is more of a murder mystery. So I wanted to introduce particular areas, new landmarks and important information in a traversing to the next scene.
Until next time folks! Tell the world that your unbreakable!
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minghaoss-archive · 5 years
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phantasmagoria(M) -kim doyoung
Part 1
prince!au - vampire!au
summary - you are a maid, perhaps, the most invisible one there is-you are as transparent as innocent as they get- perhaps not.
note - i wrote this part as an experiment, perhaps a pilot¿-hence, I will only continue this series if i get good feedback or something or else this is where it stops :((( im sorry
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You dust your dress off as you scurry up the lengthy hallways to the princess's quarters, she'd requested a cup of tea from the finest stocks the castle had- in the middle of the night.
You'd curse her for it was because of her that you'd been woken up from a sleep you'd gone far too deep in but- you sympathized with the woman greatly. She was getting married to that horrendous prince, notorious, sharp tongued and obnoxiously handsome prince- Doyoung. His voice, his pretty, veiny arms and those inky black eyes of his made your toes curl, and that laugh. That gummy laugh-you'd rather not speak of which unless you had wanted to be hung like a witch.
(And albeit , mostly an imagined scenario)- you swore the prince's eyes bore into you for too long, they stayed glued to your bare skin as your dress flitted past your knees- for all too long-but you shrugged it off for only a delusion- for you knew you couldn't afford a loaf of ryebread on your own-let alone the prince's heart. The tension ripped you to shreds, the dreams of him undoing your gown- all of this made him much more maddening than he already is.
Hence, if the woman asks you for tea to stop herself from wringing his neck, who were you to complain?
You twirl around in the empty hallway, careful with the tray in hand as if it was your suitor. You pretended to be in a ball dance, imagining your raggy dress to be a gown sewn out of unworldly lavishness.
It felt nice to not have a watchful eye plastered to your back, you think, completely unknowing of the pair of shoes which follow right behind you.
"your highness." You call, with your back pressed against the wooden door, with a few taps of your feet in waiting, a faint voice comes, asking you to come in.
You don't turn to her as you pour warm water from the kettle to one of the small pinkish cups of hers. "princess had asked for this tea but it may be a bit bad smelling, I fear." You laugh, trying to converse with her like all the other times you've done chores for the woman in these very quarters but she doesn't answer.
"m'lady is very tired today, I suppose, a head rub may be of help, if her highness may permit, shall I turn now?" You question, pouring the leaves into the water and watching the liquid turn into a deep red.
"turn." The feeble voice says, and you grin at the possibility of having helped her. You grin wide, toothily,a grin so innocent, a grin which falters just when you see that there is-in fact, no princess, no voice, just you and the empty room. A shiver runs down your spine.
However, you quickly dispose the idea of a ghost when the sound of her bath runs- she's just bathing. Your shoulders slump and you decide on leaving her chambers. "I shall leave the tea by princess's dressing table then, please excuse me." You say, resting the cup on the wooden table with a clank. For when you catch the sight of it, you couldn't stop but stare at it in awe.
The red ruby, Victorian era styled choker necklace dazzling in the light provided by the candles, she wouldn't know if she doesn't see. - you think, but greed is a funny thing because the moment you'd place that necklace around your neck, your life would change forever.
The necklace wraps around your throat in a tight grip and you cough, patting your chest, when it let your throat loose-you feet freeze in place and your taste of metal forms in your tongue, you shiver in petrification - that very laugh-the very familiar ringing sound of a laugh ricocheted off of the walls.
You notice a distinct change in the room, the candles before you had gone off for a cold, chilling wind whisking the bottom of your dress up. You knew who it was when you felt his fingers touch the side of your hips as he spoke into your ear. "What are you doing, princess?" He says.
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The necklace wraps around your throat again, at the feeling fo his cool breath. You push away from him, hands clammy. "Sire, I'm not..I'm not the princess, I wasn't.. I wasn't.." you start, tears welling in your eyes and blurring your vision. You were going to be killed by dawn for thievery, without a speck of doubt.
He smirks at you. He's picked up a wine glass from the table, one you're sure you didn't see sitting there before whilst he spins the reddened alcohol around like he were preparing for a feast. Then you watch his Adam's apple bob downwards. Doyoung downs the liquid, placing the glass neatly in its place.
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"stealing? Of course, not. Albeit, one thing, you are wrong about, little lady, you are the princess." You wince at the sight, again as you watch him take cautious steps towards you, your bum hits the dressing table as he grips at your throat, matching ruby ring around his slim finger. He grazes the metal with his thumb, tipping your head back as it hits the mirror with a little clank. "You are my princess."
You curse at yourself for the way your heat clenches at the feeling of him pressing his knee to part your legs, you've thought about this for too long. "Do you know how hard it is to keep myself from fucking you when I can hear every little filthy musing you have about me?"
You whimper, half in an offended and aroused manner. You hate the way you were feeling, the way he made you feel. He kisses your jugular, his tongue laving at the vein, his teeth clambering down on your skin a bit too hard, peculiarly hard.
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The pain shoots up your body and spreads all throughout your neck like a bullet shot, you almost screech. There isn't one thing on your mind except the pain and Doyoung's mouth.
You almost forget that there was in the princess in the bathing room when he pushes your dress up your thighs and thumbs at your clit.
"the ..the princess." you whimper again, and doyoung smirks, shaking his head-"there is no one here, no other princess but you." You watch him get to his knees, your head in a mess of stormy clouds, doyoung lifts your dress up, rolling it upwards so you hold it away from him. He pushes you back on the satin silk of the bed, the feeling of luxury under your skin for the first time in your life. You feel like a thief who had robbed the princess not only of her fiancé, but of her jewelry, of her bed. You are none but a thief. And stealing has never felt so good.
Your insides clench when he parts your lips, his mouth travelling up your inner thighs as he nears your cunt. You watch your reflection in the mirror, your brows scrunching up when he kisses your dripping core, two of his thick fingers push into your cunt as he mouths at you like his life depends on it. You dig your fingers into the sheets as doyoung's tongue finally pushes into your core, his third finger causing your tiny little cunt clenching around his hand.
You squeak his name out, watching your belly fill with the pace of his fingers in strong thrusts. Your stomach fills with an unfamiliar heat, fire spreading throughout your body, to you finger tips like basking in warm sunshine.
Your feel your hips lift off of the bed and you say his sweet name one last time before you're getting to your high in no time.
It's when the delusion of your orgasm wears off that you recall that you are a maid, not a princess, that you just let the prince fuck you on his fingers, that he will act like you don't exist the next day. You start to panic, before doyoung pulls your dress down and lifts you up because there's that glint in his eyes that you've never seen before. "Stop thinking." He says sternly, the grip around your thighs tightening. He kisses you with so much meaning, so much passion that your head buzzes.
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And then you see it.
The crimson glaze in his eyes, the pitch black in them disappearing, it's as if his pupils bled out and spilled red on their typical colors. "Are you afraid?" He asks, and truthfully, you are not. Just astonished.
"w-what..are you mortal?" You ask, touching his face, his cold, pale face, and then doyoung smirks, his voice deepening into a baritone, his gummy smile he shows, almost soothing you - almost.
Pearly white fangs creep out of his gums and teeth graze his red mouth with your essence smeared on it, "princess, you insult me, deeply, do I look to you a mortal?" He says, bemused, then he looks back to the mirror, there is not a trace of either of you on it-there is no reflection. "More importantly, princess, do you feel like a mortal?"
In his eyes, you see yourself, your eyes the same crimson as his, your neck, you touch with your fingers, the love bite- you're his princess because
he's claimed you.
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austenpoppy · 6 years
Unpopular - or very rare - opinions about Ron, even for a Ron-lover or a Romione-lover
I am quite a strange person, because I have the impression that no one agrees with what will follow. I won't even list the obvious, since I think most of the people who will read this are Ron-lovers like me.
I am not going to explain everything in details, mostly because I will post some comments and analysis to do so... soon ;) !
1. I am glad Ron dated Lavender, and I am slightly unnerved every time I read that he has been a "prat" in sixth year. Why ?
Because of double standarts, people.
Why is it okay for a girl to want to feel good about herself, to feel special, to be assured that she can achieve things and look good, and not for a boy ?
Feeling okay with oneself is a very important part of one's teenage years. My mum, as a teacher, often talks to pupils who loathes themselves (I have no right to spill their secrets here, but I hope everyone understands)... and that is heartbreaking.
Ron reminds me of them.
Ron dated Lavender at a moment in his life when he thought he was "pathetic", when he thought the girl he loved thought him pathetic too (and he had reasons for thinking so...) when one of his teachers was unable to remember his name and kept looking through him as if he didn't exist while lavishing praise on his best friends and sister, when nobody except Lavander told him he was worth something, when his own team hated him, when his sister had humiliated him, when everyone was looking at Harry in awe, when he had just got scarred for life (scars oddly reminding me of cutting) and had lived through a traumatic event, when nobody except Lavender was doting on him, when nobody seemed to care about him but her.
It did not solve everything. Ron is extremely prone to self-hatred, and I don't believe it ever disappeared after the locket. But for once in his life, Ron actually felt good about himself for a while.
It is not that he did not care about Lavender's feelings. Not at all. Just see the way he felt when they broke, extremely guilty about having made her cry. She fancied him, he appreciated her and he was trying to get over Hermione. (and realised he couldn't, but that is another story...) Why would dating her be wrong ? He did not use her. He did not manipulate her. He appreciated her.
Why would that be wrong, although Hermione and Ginny did the exact same thing ?
I am all for Hermione when she dated Krum at the Yull Ball and Ron tried to guilt her over it, and she yelled at him (even if it I don't want to imagine Ron's feelings the night after, crying himself to sleep because "he would never be good enough for her"... Yeah, Schopenhauer was right: you only fully realise how much something is important once you lost it - or think you lost it). It was important for her to realise that she was not just a "bookworm", but a person who had just as everybody the right to feel desirable, and special.
Ginny dated other guys than Harry, and she was fully aware she had absolutely no feelings towards them (see Dumbledore's funeral) and ... ? She was trying to be herself, to get over Harry. She did not use guys, she genuinely appreciated them and it was important for her. It helped her becoming the person she became.
It was important for Ron too, and I wish people saw that.
2. I don't blame Ron for leaving in DH. It is not that I am cutting him slack, or that I just forgave him. It is more than that. I am admirative.
I think, and this is something I will defend to death after some research I made, that Ron has been mentally tortured by the locket.
Yes, I repeat it, tortured. This is not a hyperbole.
Note that I don't blame Harry or Hermione for the fight. They were manipulated - not tortured yet. The only one I blame is the locket
People don't realise that things could have gone horribly wrong. Under torture, people are led to do awful things. And that cannot be judged. Their pain is so huge they are not in their right mind.
When Ron faced his torturer again after he left, in a state of mental exhaustion, terror and anguish, for another mental torture session, he went very close to possession -actually he has been possessed one moment - and he could have killed Harry. That was exactly what Voldemort wanted : killing the Boy-who-lived by all means, weakening him, destroying the Trio.
It is out of sheer courage and thanks to his golden heart that Ron resisted torture and possession.
Wow indeed.
It could have been another way : with all the self-loathing stuff he always thought being repeated over and over again, he could have committed suicide. I think he could have attempted to do it if he had not left, but this is Ron who never gives up we're talking about, so who knows ?
3. Ron is not insensitive at all. It is the other way around.
Another thing I am ready to die defending it
We have a problem of vocabulary : being insensitive means that you don't care about others' feelings, that you don't feel empathy for others, or that you don't feel empathy at all. Sociopaths are often insensitive.
So... Ron, according to this definition, insensitive ???
I think it would be better if people just said that he was tactless sometimes.
4. Ron is not carefree. An optimist, yes, a boy trying to see the fun in life, yes, often immature, yes, sometimes insensible, yes...
But carefree ? No.
Look at the way he is often very anxious, the way he feels so very strong feelings, the fact that he is overly emotional, the fact that he worries so much.
The emotional range of a teaspoon, my arse.
Ron is a mix of raw emotion, passion, fire, and sunshine, wind and freedom.
5. Ron is romantic.
I see you laughing in a corner, because really, Ron, who had so much problems with dealing with girls, romantic ?
Well, being romantic means that you have idealistic ideas about love (I know what I'm talking about).
And look at Ron, squealing with delight on the floor when Harry received his first kiss, getting desperate when he learnt that Hermione had given het first kiss to another, playing matchmaker (this SCENE at the end of OOTP), grunting because "he thought that (Ginny) had a crush on Harry...", being ready to commit himself to love for eternity at seventeen...
6. Ron was not "the prat who walked out on Harry out of jealousy" in fourth year.
Both boys were to blame here. And acted out of a feeling of betrayal.
Better even : Ron first tried to swallow his bitterness.
7. Ron was not that prejudiced towards giants, house-elves and werewolves
Giants : what did he say ?
That they were violent and "awful", because they were killing one another.
Well, look at what Hagrid, a half-giant, says about it (conversation after his return in OOTP)
House-elves : what did he say ?
--> that they didn't want to be freed : apart from Dobby, whom he respected very much, he was right
--> that they loved doing what they did : once again he was right
--> that they were not human beings, and that you could not talk to them the same way : he was both right and wrong. You have to consider them as equals, and if you don't see them as human beings, you can be prone to forget it; however, house-elves are another species with other needs and expectations; and you have to be careful about what you say to them and the way you say it (house-elves are much more naive, innocent and emotional)
Werewolves : what did he say for people to think that ?
--> the "get away from me, werewolf !"
Ah, the hypocrisy. Let me remind you of something :
"'NO!' Hermione screamed, 'Harry, don't trust him, ge's been helping Black get into the castle, he wants you dead - he's a werewolf !"'
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, J.K. Rowling
But people, think about it one second : these circumstances were NOT normal. They were hurt and TERRIFIED teenagers who had just seen one of their teachers hug and being really friendly with a seemingly mass murderer. They felt betrayed.
Imagine if Sirius had been a mass murderer : Lupin would have been like Greyback, who identifies himself as a werewolf and as a beast.
Ron and Hermione did not really think what they said. They were just TERRIFIED.
--> the "Dumbledore hired you, he's crazy"
Same thing.
It is crazy to expect perfection from terrified and feeling-like betrayed teenagers.
8. Ron does not lust much after other girls
I won't count Fleur, because the state he was in when he was seeing her was only due to her Veela-abilities (and let's face it -Harry too was influenced by it - just look at the way he described her when she entered his room at the beginning of HPB; Ron was just more sensitive to it)
He had a cute crush (oh god I hate this word) on Mrs Rosmerta.
He found Lavender nice, but did not lust after her.
That's all.
Full stop.
9. Ron's Boggart is not a spider
It may have been the case in the first books, but not in the last ones.
Otherwise let's assume that Parvati's Boggart will always be a mummy, that Seamus's will always be a banshee and that Dean's will always be a severed hand...
Nope. People grow and change, and their fears too.
I think that Ron's Boggart, once OOTP ends, has most likely been a dead or hurt Hermione that he had not been able to save, or a locketlike vision.
10. Ron is not so relatable and ordinary.
Well, maybe he is relatable for the way he feels inadequate, and his tendency to self-hatred reminds probably some people of their own struggle.
The fact that we can read him like an open book is perhaps relatable as well.
His arachnophobia ?
Maybe his bad luck.
But I never thought him ordinary. Or else being ordinary has never been so extraordinary.
The day you find a boy who is ready to die for others and to sacrifice himself at the age of twelve, call me.
The day you find somebody who is arachnophobic and is ready to follow spiders into a dark forest without complaining and even trying to appear enthusiastic, call me.
The day you find a fourteen-years old with a bitten arm and a broken leg, and standing on it without complaining once to tell somebody everyone thinks is a mass murderer and that he had seen with a knive above his bed some months ago, "If you want to kill my best friend, you'll have to kill me too", call me.
The day you find a boy who begs to be tortured instead of the person he loves and who is ready to give up everything he is for her or him, call me.
The day you find somebody who defies a dictator and a murderer when all hope is lost, call me.
And then I dare you to tell me they're ordinary.
I am sure some people imagine that I think Ron has no flaws, mostly because the things people blame him for are things I am often glad he did.
That is not true.
But the things I criticize Ron about are often smaller : imitating Hermione in Charms in HPB, his comment about Neville to feel better about himself before asking Hermione to the ball, his comment during a party during the Scabbers/Crookshanks fight...
However, I do worship Ron to the stars.
And I am proud of it.
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fly-pow-bye · 5 years
Powerpuff Girls 2016 - “Bucketboy!”
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Written by: Haley Mancini
Written & Storyboarded by: Benjamin P. Carow, Caitlin Vanarsdale
Directed by: Nick Jennings, Bob Boyle
Oh, bucket.
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The episode begins with Barry serving up some bakery items from his own recipes, one of the traits he managed to keep between Can't Buy Love and this episode. Unfortunately, that appeared to be his only trait!
Mayor: I'm a-twitter for these fritters!
Barry: Thanks, whoever you are!
This is as close as we get to Barry's potential "beware the Illuminati" character, as he would be the person most likely to see the Mayor as a body double. More likely than not, and judging by how this character acts in the rest of the episode, this is just a "Barry is silly" joke.
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Suddenly, a monster named Gothra shows up to grab that silly boy. The Powerpuff Girls just as suddenly show up to tell him to stop bugging their friend. Before he could even tell his side of the story, unless he's one of those mythical non-talking animals, these bug-eyed freaks rush in to swat this bug-eyed giant bug out of the sky. I wince for the inevitable scene that seems to follow such scenes...
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But, in a surprise twist, we actually do get a psychedelic slideshow beatdown! A punch in the face, a kick in the eye, and then a rotating image of Gothra zooming across a shot of Townsville. They must have been playing some more of those overly violent robot fighting games; it's far from their usual "stay in one place and/or assume he's a good monster" strategy. This fight must turn out to be a bad thing.
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Well, kind of. Not that grateful about being saved, Barry sadly states that he wants to be a hero just like the Powerpuff Girls, and not just the useless Barry that can't even protect his gingerbread cookies. They give him a similar speech to the one they gave Bubbles in Memory Lane of Pain, except this is a lot more deserved, as Barry is just an ordinary boy. An ordinary boy with a Korean ninja mom, but they do not really talk about that anymore.
They let Barry go, thinking that their message about how he could be a "Super Barry" will not go misinterpreted. The next day at the cafeteria, Barry barges through the doors with a new identity, something he desperately needed.
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Indeed, he took the identity of Quailman from Doug, complete with him wearing his underwear over his one-piece suit, and a towel for a cape! No, it's just SuperBarry. It's a wonder why he decided to wear a mask if he's just going to use his real name anyway. As he makes a feeble attempt to cartwheel across the room only to fall flat on his face, the Puffs realize calling him Super Barry was not a good idea.
Blossom tries immediately to talk some sense into him, but there's already danger a foot. Yeah, that's not as catchy as "there's evil a-foot".
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It's a generic bully wanting to get his generic lunch money from a generic wimpy kid who may or may not have a generic diary. This bully kind of looks like a Ren & Stimpy character, and it's a missed opportunity that he doesn't get any exaggerated reaction shots. Left with no choice, he decides to use his superpower: his fists of fury! Clearly, with the help of his Korean ninja mom, this has to be some impressive Taekwondo!
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Yeah, more like Taekwandon't. As Barry aimlessly wanders around the cafeteria circling his arms, the Powerpuff Girls show up and stare at the bully angrily, their pupils filled with fire, and that alone causes the bully to run away crying. I wouldn't blame him; he couldn't have possibly known to throw crayons at them.
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The kid getting bullied opens his eyes and sees Barry in his superhero costume, and assumes he was the one who "scared him away". Everyone then joins in with his cheering. Buttercup isn’t too pleased, though she does awkwardly say that even her heart melted a little when she saw that he was happy "and crud".
However, Blossom assures her that no harm could possibly be done if Barry thinks he’s a superhero. Sure, he might think he could fly, but that never seems to cross her mind. After all, sometimes humans just fly in this universe, just ask Princess. They get a call from the Mayor that a monster is attacking the city, and not just any monster.
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Once again, we see the creative genius of the monster designs. After we saw a goth Mothra, we get a giant sentient garbage can that does the Can Can. Well, I can't say this garbage can is not in an appropriate show. Honestly, monsters like these make me wonder about their origin stories. Maybe Barry threw some uranium into a trash can. Wouldn't be the first time that ended up making a monster.
Before Buttercup can dent this vile beast, they hear a familiar call from the brand new superhero they accidentally made. SuperBarry tries to use his trademark Fists of Fury again, but the Can Can Man kicks his building before he could even attempt to do any contact.
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Barry isn't too happy that crime fighting was so much easier with the bully than with a giant monster. Bubbles tries to calm him down by saying that he still makes great pies. Oh yeah, there's a running "joke" where Bubbles is eating pies that have been dropped on the ground from the first scene. The joke is that Bubbles is so silly, eating those rotten pies.
Blossom also tries to comfort Barry by saying what they really meant. They really didn't mean that he could be a superhero like they are. However, that hurts his feelings, which tugs at one of the Powerpuff Girls' hearts too much. Specifically...
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...Buttercup's? So now Blossom’s the one that doesn’t want him to be a superhero, and Buttercup's the one that wants him to be one? This total change of character comes out of nowhere, especially since Buttercup's usually the one to put people down. Well, I guess there's one reason, and I'll get to that later.
While the Powerpuff Girls can't exactly transfer their powers by letting him eat a strand of their hair, hey, you can't prove that can't happen, Buttercup has one idea.
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She puts a bucket on his head, covering his eyes. She then puts him right in front of a garbage can. See, there’s a reason why this villain had to be a garbage can: so Barry can punch a regular-sized non-dancing garbage can and believe he’s actually punching the giant one. How convenient! They then go and defeat the monster off-screen. I would assume this giant garbage can was too powerful for them to not use the "off-camera power boost".
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The monster defeated, SuperBarry raises his hands in victory. I guess nobody in Townsville was watching anything but the aftermath, as they all believe this guy who was punching this garbage can defeated the terrible Can Can Man. He’s renamed Bucketboy by the citizens of Townsville, and he just rolls with it. It's heavily implied he can't get that bucket off with his fists of fury, but that doesn't stop him from continuing his pretend crimefighting.
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We then see various scenes featuring our new favorite superhero fighting crime with his Bart Simpson-inspired fighting style, while the Powerpuff Girls help him out every way they can. It comes with a song that pretty much spells out the inner psyche we see later, about how he fights crime by himself. Sure, anyone could possibly see that the Powerpuff Girls are doing all the work, but as later episodes would prove, and even original episodes have proven, the people of Townsville are not too bright.
As an aside, is there even any reason why Barry has to be the superhero? They never really tie in the conspiracy theory or the baker aspect of his character to this hero, so this kid could have been any of the muggles. It could have been Jennifray, or Maylyn, or Jared Sh...okay, Barry was the perfect choice.
Speaking of perfect choice, Barry is busy signing autographs. I will admit, there is a joke that's actually funny here. A small one, but one that made me chuckle nonetheless. Not making anyone chuckle is seeing the Powerpuff Girls tired from all of that helping. One of them seems to have a slightly different outlook on this.
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Yeah, I think they're trying to make ButterBarry a thing. Yes, because they had so much chemistry before! I guess they just decided that since they happened to share the same voice actress, they might as well make them love each other for this one time and, as far as I can tell, only time.
At least this subplot never becomes "Blossom sure loves that Jared" blatant or creepy, and that shouldn't even be an accomplishment. I mean, it's pretty much just because Barry never does anything on the level of "trying to kiss Bubbles on the lips as a final joke". Yes, that happened.
Speaking of Bubbles, while she's also too tired, she has another reason to spill the beans to Barry: he hasn't been making those pies, and she's still eating that one pie from weeks ago. Despite making her want to vomit, she still says it's good. Oh, that Bubbles! But wait, if those pies were so good, how come she ate it so slowly? I can't believe there's a flaw in that running joke!
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They go up and confront Bucketboy, and tell them the truth. While it looks like he's just about to realize the error of his ways, they decide to completely meet our expectations, because he's now the jerk of the episode. He just thinks they're jealous of how high and mighty he is. To prove his super-heroism, he's going to do the one thing the Powerpuff Girls could never do!
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We jump to Discount Jojo's lair, as he built this "build-your-own-robot" that can destroy Townsville. All he needs is a disposable brain. Okay, Discount Jojo, give in yours. You’re the one who needed that cork fork. Thankfully for him, an equally disposable brain shows up at Jojo's doorstep, as Bucketboy decided the one thing the Powerpuff Girls never did was send Discount Jojo to his doom. I'm guessing it's the most TV-Y7 way of saying he's going to kill him.
Thankfully, he never really goes anywhere with that plan, and Jojo decides this brain will do! Wait, is he going to actually cut his head open? Wow, that's actually kind of dark! Sure, Barry did have a lot of potential, but it's clear that they weren't going to do anything with it.
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Nah, he’s just going to stick that body into the head part of the robot. Thankfully, it happens to be a bot that can use Bucketboy's unique fighting style. Wow, what a coincidence! I think what they tried to go with was that Barry was full of rage because his friends didn't believe he could be a superhero, but that never really comes through. For all we know, he's just brainwashed in there.
Why would Jojo even need that disposable brain aside from plot convenience? Funnily enough, there's an answer to that! As this bot is controlled by another person's brain, he can now spend his free time doing what he loves best: online shopping! We never quite figure out what he's shopping for, but the way he says "online shopping" suggests something feminine.
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Speaking of feminine, the Powerpuff Girls show up to stop this menace, only to see that Barry is inside the robot! At least there's more of a point to the Monster Punch, Girls Down, as they don't want to fight this robot.The big hang-up is that Buttercup really doesn't want to hurt Barry, and neither do the other two! I mean, Barry is their friend, supposedly! It seems that the only solution is to convince Barry to not destroy the city and realize what he's really good at, possibly with an emotional plea.
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Or, they can just tear off both of the robot's arms, and just grab Barry out of there. Potential difficulty averted! Of course, Buttercup is teary eyed after saving that hunk of a man.
Buttercup: Keep it together, Buttercup!
Oh, we get it already! The robot lands on Discount Jojo, but don't worry, Jojo says "I'm okay". The robot then explodes. I guess there's some comedic timing there.
Back at the Powerpuff Girls' home, Barry reveals that this whole ordeal made him realize that he could be a superhero just by baking pies. Everything turned out okay. Even Bubbles gets her happy ending by getting that fresh pie she desperately wanted. However, she felt that something was missing.
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It needed some dirt. Well, at least the Bubbles rotten pie gag has a payoff. I'm sure everyone is pleased to hear that.
Does the title fit?
It's another “name of the character” episode title, though that additional exclamation point helps a little.
How does it stack up?
This episode could have went in directions that would have made it really annoying, or we could have had a good Don Quixote type of story with a fleshed out character to love and/or hate. They decided to do neither option and played it extremely safe. This is sort of a problem in itself, because this episode ended up being boring.
This episode has a similar problem to Brain Freeze, in that it is mainly one joke over and over again, and it's not funny. It's a little better, but not better enough to avoid the same rating.
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Next, a brand new villain!
← Lights Out! ☆ The Fog →
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Time taken- 5 hours
Applications used- MediBang Paint and Inshot
Music listened to- Horror show by Komono Chords, and Amen by CG5.
*Andromeda is not my real name, but is what you and I will refer to me as.
A little more to the piece:
All of these characters belong to me so, if you would like to draw one of them, go ahead, but be sure to put the original creator on your piece. (We don't want Grand Theft Art on your hands!).
Take a seat, coz' this gonna be a long one.
Kitty is the cat looking oc (duh, Andromeda, we know that much.), and was originally going to be a rabbit, but I changed my mind.
Backstory: Originally the daughter of Wally Franks, her name was Lucy Franks. She enjoyed playing outside and exploring. When Father son/daughter day came, she was amazed by everyone and everything. She explored the ink machine's room and fell down five stories after tripping and falling into that pit of ink and emptiness. Wally Franks was devastated and knew what that machine could do. He pleaded with Joey to fix her up, no matter what the cost. He begrudgingly agreed, but when the time came, he would have to lay down his life for the sake of the company.
Machina is the robot looking one, (Again, with the names Andromeda...), originally had gears that were behind her head and mid back, a wore a sort of tuxedo dress, but I changed my mind.
Backstory- Before she was a metal monstrosity, she was Bertrum's daughter, Alexis Piedmont. She was usually in the studio, helping Bertrum with his works, and offering him great inspiration. Letting a child design an amusement park was fun for the both of them. When working on the carousel, the system glitched, and she was flung with such force, that she hit the ceiling hitting a hidden pipe in the ceiling, and falling a good 50 feet. Bertrum took four steps to get across the room, his determination and terror echoed in every step. The left half of her was torn badly, because of the parts she landed on. In a mad rush, he created a machine full of fictional mechanical organs. Making it look like her favorite cartoon character, Machina. He was in a rush, so it wasn't finished. He took her to the infirmary, where he operated on her, turning her into the first living cyborg.
I actually used Shifty's original design, that my friends, was what Shifty first looked like.
They were the studio's Jesus when they were born. But only Melody interacted with everyone in place of Joey. Because of this, Melody got very close to everyone. Joseph was exactly like his father, helping him with his works. But Melody brightened the days of all around her. Everyone except one Samuel J Lawrence. She was his biggest distraction. He cared not if her intentions were good, they were annoying. Unfortunately, little Melody Drew liked Sammy. Again and again she would stop at nothing to crack his heart of stone, seemingly doing worse every time she tried. Melody grew depressed because of this. She begged Joey to give her another purpose, because if she couldn't make people happy, she wasn't worth the clothes on her back. Joey agreed, and put her in the ink machine, in the middle of the process, the machine jammed, and everyone thought she was dead. Joey wanted Shifty to be real, so he put her twin brother Joseph in as well after a heavy drugging. The next day, the machine dumped hundreds of gallons of ink, and out came Shifty and Joseph Drew. They each took half of Shifty's look, and the other half of her was what it was, but colorless and a different looking hair. For Joseph, it was a failed other half of Shifty.
The only change I put into Cane was her eyes. Originally they were white with black ovalish pupils, but I decided that It didn't look very good.
Backstory- Cadence Pendle's mother was a talented voice actress who took the role of Alice Angel's voice. Allison stood up for what she believed in, and never gave up. Which wasn't very easy, because her daughter was a little hellion, and earned her nickname Cane, with relative ease. The person she looked up to most? None other than Bendy the dancing demon. She couldn't get enough of his hi jinks. So one day, she took an entire episode's worth of frames home, and Joey lost it. He randomly scribbled down what she would look like, and put her in the ink machine. She came out a monster. Which gave Joey an excellent idea on what the star of the show could be.
Besides the cheeks, Zippy had nothing change about her. Which either means, I'm a lazy artist, or I did a good job on her.
(Probably just lazy...)
Zoey had a rather fun father. He made toys, of course he was fun. Zoey and Shawn Flynn were rather close, and one was to wonder how the father could be so loud and proud, and the daughter short and sweet. Zoey Flynn was a girl of few words, but when she did speak, it was powerful and provocative. When her father went missing, she was so torn up, she decided to never speak again. And to make sure not even the demon himself could taint her vow, she sewed her mouth shut.
Cartoons Backstory-(last one, I promise.)
The five girls mentioned previously were as thick as thieves. They spent most of their time with each other while they're parents worked in the studio. The best part was the cartoons.
Melody Drew brought the kindness, leadership and creativity. She made everyone they're very own cartoon characters, making sure each of them fit their personality perfectly.
Zoey Flynn brought opportunities and sensibility, each of them recived a plush of thier character.
Cadence Pendle brought outrageousness and fun, she wrote the storylines to their wacky adventures.
Machina brought intelligence and strategies, thinking of clever ways to hide hints of their existence in the actual cartoon
Kitty brought a sense of ease and hope, making everyone want to keep up this game.
And thus, the Final Five was born.
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