#it like a diesase
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boobgoogler · 11 months ago
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His very soul
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lucianprompto · 2 years ago
Please discuss in the comments i wanna see y'all's opinions
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hopefulromances · 2 years ago
Could you do a Jamie Tartt x fem reader where he comforts her after a death of a loved one?
K I'm putting this one with a big TW for talks of death and hurt/comfort
I'm in a big sad mood rn so I channeled some of my feelings into this hehehe
You stared at your phone. How were you supposed to reach? How do you react when you find out news like this so calusly. So randomly. From an instagram comment that said 'I'm going to miss you so much' and a text from a friend that said 'Did you hear about this?' And you were supposed to what? Cry? Scream? All you felt was confusion. Confusion and a rising numbness in your chest.
Jamie calling your name snapped your head up. You saw in him in the door way to your room. He looked like he was saying something, or maybe had just finished saying something? He walked towards you and sat in front of you on the bed.
"(Y/N), what's wrong?" It sounded like his voice was underwater. You stared at the blanket as you tried to figure out the millions of emotions bubbling up in your chest.
"Um... Miley... it's Miley..." You finally said. Your voice was quiet, and you had to clear your throat.
"Miley? What about Miley?" Jamie pressed, his hand coming to rest on your leg, rubbing slightly.
You looked up finally finding his eyes. "She died."
Then it happened. The tears finally came. Like saying the words outloud really made it real. She was gone and she wasn't coming back. You didn't get to say goodbye or tell her everything she meant to you.
Jamie's eyes widened. He was not prepared for this. For death or dealing with it. He didn't know Miley well but he knew she was a friend of yours. All he could do was wrap his arms around you, pulling you as tightly against him as he could.
"I'm sorry this is... I'm just so confused?" you sobbed out, hiccuping between breaths. "She had... an auto immune diesase and I knew it was tough but like... I didn't... I never... I'm sorry."
"Stop, stop, stop," Jamie shushed you, keeping a hand on the back of your head. "Just stop apologizin'. Just do what you need to do and I'll be here."
You shook your head. "You have to go to training, I can't keep you from-"
"I don't care, (Y/N). I don't care." He pulled away, holding your head in his hands. "I'm here for you and only you right now." He wiped your tears with his thumbs. "God, I'm just so sorry."
He pulled you back into him and wrapped himself around you. You gripped onto Jamie, like he was your lifeline, just letting the tears fall.
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emo-gals-4life · 4 months ago
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Elizabeth's really likes puppies especially mummy dog as a cute puppy
On the hand though, she must've gotten sick from a cold or any some type of diesase after that...
(Credits goes to the rightful person on nico nico douga)
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kanohivolitakk · 11 months ago
As someone with a terminal "badly written JRPG villain autism" diesase thank fucking god that Cassette Beasts only referenced Greek philosophers everyone and their mom knows about like Socrates or Plato.
And Diogenes because Diogenes is funny.
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butnotbubblegum · 6 months ago
"here is a plea
from my heart to you
nobody knows me
as well as you do
you know how hard
it is for me
to shake the diesase
that takes hold of my tongue
in situations like these"
Jesus Fucking Christ who gave them the right
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um so he makes a lto of projects. agent unrealitty.
lesbian space pirate dating simualtor has been stated by GLITCH AI or in general adam snowfalke the maker of teh arg, to be a "test" of love with chosen romantic options for the cult. what cult? i dont fucking know. he gives the genres differnt names but says in asia rage quit and irony are genres of gaming and stories, and that lesbian space pirate dating simulator was meant to be one such thing.
the options according to my interview with arg staff are:
baren johnson a bisexual he him lesbian
yanderekun a butch lipstick lesbian as two spirit
ahack widow an agender or he him lesbian and or two spirit
mindy starcast the lesbian half romani half black transowmen captain
fonty a dyke
gabby: a latina who breaks the fourth wall
robin wong: a french women who moves very quickly but is voiced with a lesbain accent
enby way; a genderfluid lipstick goth
the premise is that you and your old crew went about sabotoging your new crew right after dyingg your hair and you wake up with amensia held against your will int his pg dating with cussing and no sex but an aseuxal writer, where you are held prisoner on ktichen duty, to assit the crew because pirates have honour and "we dont kill" mindy starcast was voiced by a transraical lebsian naemd kathy anderson who died in a car accident. text was native and voiced achack widow.
the crew are alien space pirates, and you teh surgate player have a unique design and outlook. in adams arg insanity its implied to be the myth of BO BOE or UMPTA. which is antive american gods of harem. basically its an etchi without the porn, its a playbale picture book draw in a toony style, where you can romance lesbians at different speeds based on arhetypes in teh suffereagte movement based off a real native ritual to find a soul mate.
many peoplea re under the impression that it is a short game cus it is coded intentionally like doki doki litereture club to have hidden content and ednings and is hard to dig through the code of but can last hours. it is meant to be a puzzle and rage quit that rewards you with a girlfriend that in achacks tribe would give you a daydream or real life one. it is like that frosty yokai that seduces neets in japan, exept each girl has something wrong with them that adds a challegne to the romance.
enbys routes all end as dark horrror. she is a vampire.
you can kill the blind native chef if you touch her beceause of your diesases.
baren is homophobic as a method of flirting with you.
mindy is a drunk.
robin moves to fast and you can bully her.
so on and so forht. eric dubetey is native american and vocies baren johnson.
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cepheusgalaxy · 1 year ago
(@/BrennanCaldwell on twitter)
we a need a 3 day weekend:
1 for errands
1 for social activities
1 for staying in bed like we've got some Victorian wasting diesase
[End description]
Plus 1+ for cleaning the fucking house
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dreamsclock · 4 years ago
you fool. cc!dream would never want anything good for c!dream. like all oc creators, he suffers from shoving trauma at his character diesase.
cc!dream: i am going to make my character do bad things :)
us: okay!
cc!dream: and i’m going to have him lose everything and everyone he ever cared about and lock him up in an inhumane box to suffer and THEN i’m going to have someone torture him every day and also he’s going to lose his mind and
us, through tears: o k a y
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fukazonoweek · 4 years ago
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19-25 October
Hello! I am the host of Fukazono Week 2020. Nice to meet you! This is a week dedicated to the pairing of Sayaka Maizono and Toko Fukawa from the game Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc.
Don't forget to tag your entries with #fukazonoweek or @fukazonoweek so it's easier to find them!
If your entry was not reblogged, you can dm it to @fukazonoweek directly!
You don't need to post every day!
No graphic sexual content
Entries will be accepted some time after the week is over, so don't worry!
Be kind and respectful
The questions in the prompts section are there to help you! However each prompt is up to interpretation and can be interpreted however you want.
Questions can be asked through tumblr askbox
Have fun!
day 1 (19th October)
first date • first meeting (non-despair au) • crush
Haven't you wondered what their first date would be like? Or maybe their first meeting? Who would be the first one to talk to another? Or maybe one of them had a crush on another before even talking to her?
day 2 (20th October)
future au • cooking • birthday
How would they look like if they've lived some time into the future? Or maybe what dishes would they make together? How would they celebrate birthday?
day 3 (21st October)
picnic • garden • warmth
What would they prepare for a picnic? Or maybe how would they prepare for it? How would it go? What if they had a garden? What plants would they have? What if they sat together with a cup of hot chocolate during winter? Or maybe how would their hugs look like?
day 4 (22nd October)
dancing • holiday • hanahaki diesase
How would they dance? Who would be the first one to ask another out? How would they spend their holidays? Would they go somewhere? What if one of them had hanahaki diesase? How would she handle it?
day 5 (23rd October)
rain • coffee shop au • hobby
What would happen if it was a rainy day? Would they stay home or go out? Or maybe one of them forgot hers umbrella? What would happen if one of them worked at a coffee shop? What would the other one order? What would happen if one of them shared her hobbies with each other? Would the other one like it? Or maybe would they try to find a hobby they can do together?
day 6 (24th October)
animals • halloween • Remnants of Despair
What if they adopted an animal? Or maybe they went to a zoo? How would they celebrate halloween? Would they throw halloween parties? What if they became Remnants of Despair? What would they look like?
day 7 (25th October)
It's a free day! =] You can make anything you like for the otp!
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wisdomrays · 4 years ago
TAFAKKUR: Part 379
Seeing religion and science or scientific studies as two conflicting disciplines is a product of the Western attitude towards religion and science. In order to understand the background of the historical conflicts between science and Christianity in the West, we should first discuss the main reasons why sciences have developed in the West in recent centuries.
Christianity and changing Western way of thinking
When, after years of struggle and the lives of thousands of martyrs, Christianity became the state religion of the Roman Empire, it found itself in a climate where epicurean and naturalistic attitudes prevailed and human knowledge was sanctified.
The teaching of Jesus, which would later to be called Christianity, won the victory in its struggle with the Roman Empire but unfortunately at the expense of losing its original identity and purity. Besides, deviating from being a middle way as a God-revealed religion, theoretically, it restricted itself to love and condemned nature as a veil separating man from God. Also, influenced by Near Eastern religions like Mithraism and Manichaeism, it turned to be a completely mystical religion. However, the earth or nature is seen in Islam and, of course, in God-revealed religions, as a realm where God’s Most Beautiful Names are manifested, a realm on which minds should reflect in order to reach God Almighty, and which is itself a reflection of Paradise.
Certainly, it was the Church which, having announced itself as the body of Christ enjoying his authority, shaped Christianity in the mould explained above and later campaigned to seize, besides its spiritual, the worldly power also. In the centuries during which the West was under the dominion of the Church, a magnificent civilization flourished in the Muslim East. As a result of the West’s contact with this civilization through the Crusades and by way of Andalusia, the West had also the opportunity to learn about antiquity. Greek philosophy, especially Aristotelianism, Roman naturalism and also Greek epicurism and hedonism found their way to the Western thinking. When this Western awakening to antiquity through the translations from Arabic and by way of the Muslim centers of learning in Andalusia and Sicily, was united with Western envy of the prosperity of the Muslim East, the ground was prepared for the Renaissance.
Western ways of thinking changed greatly. The ‘iron wall’ between Western attitude and Islam which the Church had built up over centuries, caused this change to evolve against religion. Having teared that it would lose its worldly power, the Church severely resisted this change. The corrupted Bible was no longer able to answer the questions that arose in inquiring minds about creation and the order of the universe. The Old Testament had been lost long centuries before during the Assyrian invasion of Jerusalem. The texts to hand were written down by Jewish scholars, who certainly had in mind the problems of the Jewish community at that time. None of the Gospels, which had been chosen out of hundreds and accepted as canonical, was the original one which God sent to Jesus, upon him be peace. Besides, none of them was written by the apostles or disciples of Jesus. So, the symbolical language of Divine Scriptures-symbolical because they addressed every level of understanding at all times and in all places-was lost. As a result, for example, in the description of creation, the Old Testament mentions seven days like the days of the world. It says: ‘And there was evening, and there was morning-the first day.’ Whereas, the conception of a day of morning and evening belongs to us, who live on earth. The Qur’an also mentions days and that God created the universe in six days. But it never mentions mornings and evenings and presents ‘day’ as a relative period whose measure is not known to us. For example, in the verses: The angels and spirit ascend to Him in a day whereof the span is fifty thousand years (70.4), and They will bid you hasten on the Doom, and God fails not His promise, but a Day with God is a thousand years of what you reckon (22.47), and He directs the affair from the heaven unto the earth; then it ascends unto Him in a Day, whereof the measure is a thousand years of what you reckon (32.5).
The failure of Christianity and the Bible to answer the questions put by inquiring Western minds caused the direction of scientific developments to be opposed to religion. However, the great scientists such as Galileo or Bacon and others were not irreligious at all. They favoured a new interpretation of the Bible. Certain scientists and theologians tried to do that. For example, Roger Bacon was in favour of experimental methods in scientific investigations but he also defended the notion that one could attain knowledge of heavenly things through spiritual experience. Thomas Acquinas, whom some introduce as the Christian counterpart of Imam Ghazzali of the Muslim East, tried to reconcile Christianity with Aristotelianism. Another theologian. Nicolas de Cusa, opposed the astronomy of Ptolemy but emphasized the profound meaning of the limitless universe whose center is everywhere and peripheries nowhere. Nevertheless, the efforts of such theologians and scientists to reconcile Christianity with science were not enough to prevent science finally breaking with religion. This was partly due to the severe opposition of the Church to scientific developments for fear of losing its power, and partly because of the Western awakening to a material life.
Truly, as Professor Tawney says, quoted by Small is Beautiful by Schumacher, in the medieval period, people usually aimed at eternal happiness in economic activities and enterprises. They feared economic motives that appeared in the form of strong desires. A man had the right to gain enough money to lead a life according to his social status but to try to gain more meant greed for money and was a grave sin. Wealth and property had to be obtained through lawful ways and circulate among as many people as possible. However, the Renaissance changed social or even moral standards prevalent in the Middle Ages, or, we might say, changes in those standards gave birth to the Renaissance. Even a superficial glance at the arts of the period suffices to reveal this fundamental change from the moral and spiritual to the material. For example, sculpture-in the view of Sokorin, the product of the desire to escape death and the mental ‘diesase’ of representing mortals in the shape of young, immortal deities-used the female body to model passionate desires and pleasures, deceit, sexuality and physical beauty. In Renaissance art, Virgin Mary was no longer an image of modesty and chastity, inspiring respect and compassion; instead, she began to be painted as a woman with physical charms. The David of Michelangelo is a powerful, muscular youth, an image representing bodily perfection.
The man of the Renaissance desired to be like Odysseus, well-built, comely, intelligent, powerful and skilful in oratory. He was convinced that to become like Odysseus was possible through knowledge. Nevertheless, as will be seen in the following verses, ‘God’ of the Bible was jealous of man and had forbidden him to eat of the fruit of knowledge:
The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. And the Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die.
And the Lord God said, “(by eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil), the man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live for ever.” So the Lord God banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken.
These verses of the Bible which would certainly be antipathetic to the feelings of a typical man of the Renaissance and remind him of the Greek deities who forbade man the sacred fire. Therefore, what fired the imagination of the Renaissance man was to become a Prometheus, who rebelled against the gods and stole the sacred fire from them. This change of attitude towards religion and life is one of the foremost points to emphasize if we are to understand the conflict between science and religion in the West.
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blue-mint-winter · 4 years ago
If you think about Ben had it rough his parents took 10 years to get together and then his mom got a diesase and almost died. Then his mom died by his cousin who tortured him. Later he fell in love with a girl who betrayed him. And finally when he finally got his live together again his universe get’s rebooted, his mom doesn’t exist in this universe, his dad is a failure and get’s his name stolen by some toxic manchild. That boy needs a hug
Yeah, the kid had a rough family situation for a long time (no thanks to certain authors). And one of the biggest crimes was that they didn’t even give him any friends his age. Like, the first person his age we’re shown he’s close to is Vestara? How unbelievable is that?
Though Discanon stuff isn’t Ben’s concern since he and Mara don’t even exist there and obviously Jake Skywalker isn’t his dad. So I wouldn’t worry about that ;)
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feeling-deeply-about-jojo · 4 years ago
Thoughts as of  Jojolion Vol. 7, Ch. 27
Ok basically, I get it now:
All of Norisuke’s actions up to this point (so far), including taking in Jo2uke, was to get the secret to cure his family of the Rock Disease. He knew Kira and the circumstances of his death, so it makes sense that once information got out about Jo2uke being found at the Wall Eyes with no memory, Norisuke would assume that he must have at least of part of Kira’s memory and characteristics. While his way of going about it was questionable at bet, this motivation does line up with how he’s acted in the past, including letting Daiya use her ability to placate Josuke until he can get the information he wants out of him without letting him escape, attempting to send him to school to keep him distracted, and overall trying to make him feel comfortable at home so that he will be more likely to potentially spill. What concerns me the most is not just Josuke’s straightforwardness with his suspicions despite not knowing the potential harm that Norisuke can bring, but about the nature of the Rock Disease and the status of the Higashikata family. The Rock Disease affects the eldest son of the family. The Rock Disease was initially “cured” when Johnny took the disease from his son onto himself, dying as a result. It can be said that the default “cure” of Rock Disease was the rule of Equivalent Exchange, or the taking of someone else’s life, or at least something of equal value to the person affected. Norisuke is said to have survived the disease, but at the cost of his parents’ lives. Jobin is the eldest son of the present Higashikata family, and so survived Rock Disease. But what cured his diesase then? Norisuke is the sole father of the Higashikata children. The mother, who was named Kaato in the book, is no where to be seen... All in all, a pretty great development in the story. I am honestly invested just for how well this gigantic fucking mystery flows despite its utter...bizarreness, and the new twists thrown in recently with that gross spiky guy. What is his Deal. 
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sp00ks-odyssey · 4 years ago
My tired Au I tried to make while sleep deprived (and yes I wrote it like this 😂😂)
Traumatale/underweather/worldwide Survivetale
the humans and monsters never had a war/they were gonna have a war/storm came and they work together to survive traumatic storm/
monsters helped heal wounded humans/allies/work together to survive all on the surface never went underground/
All monsters died accept for Gaster, Toriel, Asgore, Asriel, Nabstablook, Habstablook (cause they ghosts)
traumas/ storms= dust storms, droughts, tsunamis, famine, torrnados, blizzards, hurricans, floods, diesases, forest fires, more tba
Note Chara is a she (Don't judge meh)
mother of Chara= Pregos w.Chara, hasn't had her yet, thunderstorm happened, she popped chara out died giving birth,
Asriel was with her she named Chara chara before child popped out, told Asriel to take care of child if she died, which she did.
Asriel was with her cause he was taken away by a tornado and persumed dead but survived tornado and returns home w/ baby.
Toriel adopts Chara as baby asriel and chara are siblings (No ship!)
Asgore= King of monster/husbando of toriel father of asriel and chara
Gaster never died, he's the weather boy/science dude/gaster tries to bring back monsters so he takes animals from the wild and tries to make monsters again.
Undyne was just a fish a blue beta fish/ chemical hits the tank of fishes all fishes die/go belly up. undyne drinks chemical water/pee and undyne's here
she flops outta the tank flopping on the floor screaming "Undying (I'm dying) thats her name now cause gaster wrote on clipboard= Undyne the Undyning....I'm dying the I'm dying (insert laugh emoji)
Burgerpants- scrawny cat in a garbage truck, about to be crushed/ gaster or asgore grabs kitty (think of something=turns into monster)
Alphys= just a lizard drowning in a lake/ undyne saves her
how created? tba
grillby- created by fire in lab/something happens in lab suddenly boom little naked flame boy.
muffet- spider, Asriel stepped on spider, picked up dead spider, comes back from dead
Bratty/catty- dead
nice cream guy- dead
rest of monsters- dead im too lazy to bring them back XD
papyrus- (created by muffet, chara and asriel) Chara/ muffet cuts a hole in gaster's hand while he's asleep) use the bone hole/skeleton of a human that they found in the woods (boy skeleton's 7 years old boy killed?) chara tubes determination from her soul into a thingie/ floating skeleton with a bone hole were they cut out and put in right hand cut out part of gaster's bone hole into the now empty hole, water (red=DT) turn on machine starts working blows up boom papyrus.
Gaster tries making artificial souls w/ chemical he used on undyne the im dying and now they all have souls.
Alphys make robots for both habstablook and nabstablook/habstablook called mediocre not mettaton helps/hospital/rescue team for storms
A few weeks/months/years
Sans- gaster/papyrus/muffet/asriel and chara go back into woods finds another human skeleton they think it's mother of last one/ gaster does test its a twin of 7year old skeleton they use on papyrus
first 7 year old was taken by tornado-died, 2nd 7year old went out to look for brother got hit by tree/ out in woods, lightening hit tree timber out goes 2nd one, he was alone, but died cause he woke up in pain because wild animals were eating him= redo last time
red DT water=2nd 7 year old skeleton, papyrus left bone hole = sans
another prego mother - gave birth to frisk she was protected/surviver of a hurricane/ brought to Mediocre = gave birth/popped frisk out-tsunami happened
toriel/mother of frisk/frisk went out for something
tsunami happend mother drown toriel watched her die promised to protect frisk kept promise
Now/present day
Asriel/Chara/Papyrus/muffet- teens in their 20s
Undyne/alphys/burgerpants/grillby - adults 40s
gaster/toriel/asgore- "OLD" 100 years old/over but long lives
sans- kid/teen 13
frisk- baby kid/ 7
Nabstablook/ Mediocre- robots Age not known
( I can't breath 😂)
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lizziedoesvetpath · 5 years ago
Ah I just noticed the url change and blog update! Congrats on your choice of career, I hope it brings you much joy ❤️ But dumb question ahead... It seems exciting, but I have circa zero knowledge on this 🙈 So can you clarify on what does a vet pathologist do, please? 😊
Ahh thank you! For both the congrats and this question, because it’s a great excuse to talk about the wonderful world of vet path!!!!
For the uninitiated: pathology is the study of diesase - why and how it happens. The way I describe what pathologists do to my friends and family not in a medical field is this: if you’ve ever had something taken from you or your pet and “sent to the lab” the pathologist is the specialised doctor/vet who works at the lab and works out what that sample means. There are two main branches - clinical pathology focusses on anything you can take with a needle. So samples of blood, urine, fluid from a cavity like the abdomen, or cells extracted from a mass using a needle are examined by a clinical pathologist. If you take it with a knife, it’s anatomical pathology - these pathologists look at biopsies under the microscope and also do post mortem examinations (aka autopsies for humans or necropsies for animals). 
Now the bit that I suspect @loreleys-road-to-md wanted to know - why do we need veterinary pathologists? The picture most people have in their head of a pathologist is usually the human forensic side - doing autopsies to work out why someone died. And we do that too! It’s not related to crime as much (although a necropsy may be requested for animal cruelty charges) but we do still need to know why animals died! For pets, it can bring the owner closure if the death was sudden or if a treatment wasn’t helping. It also helps teach the vet who saw the animal about what happened, and how they might be able to better help the next affected animal through the door. Necropsies are also really useful for our production species (cows, sheep etc). If lots of animals in a herd are dying, then we can necropsy a few to try and figure out why so we know how to treat the rest of them. 
Possibly the largest section of the work I’ll be doing as a vet anatomic pathologist is histology (looking at the cells of very thin slices of tissue under the microscope). The most obvious reason to do that is for tumours - cut a tumour out, send it to me, and I’ll tell you what it is so you know how to treat, what the prognosis is, and if you got clean margins (an area of tissue around the tumour that doesn’t contain any neoplastic (cancer) cells). But we look at other kinds of biopsy too - skin, liver, gastrointestinal, etc etc etc. Any tissue that people have questions about, we’ll do histology on. And that side is pretty much the same as what a human pathologist would be doing!
And then clinical pathologists still need to do for animals all the things they’d do for a person - look at the numbers you get as blood results (biochemistry and haematology) and be an expert for interpreting what all that gibberish means; do the same for urine and look at the sediment as well for cells, crystals, bacteria, etc;  and read cytology samples.
Basically, if you know what a pathologist looking at human things would do, we vet pathologists do all the same stuff, we just have to do it for animals (and all different kinds of animals, who all do things different ways! For example, birds have nuclei in their red blood cells... weirdos). And then from there we have all the same career paths as well - research, teaching, diagnostic lab work etc.
Does that kinda answer the question? I’ve expanded a bit so that all my different readers can hopefully get something out of this :) Let me know if you guys have any more questions about veterinary pathology, it’s my favourite subject so I’m happy to rant about it!
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smokegetspunandfuckallday · 5 years ago
My horny level is over 9000
If your a female, and like to party n play.
Please hmu for as long as I'm playing with yours or your friends pussy and we all naked. I will party with you.
My only request be diesase/bug free and able to host
PS 8.5+in x 2.75in is my endowment size
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