#it just means i can pour hours and hours into a game. lol
seagullcharmer · 2 years
sometimes i get upset with myself for not being able to figure out how a puzzle is Supposed to be solved (or knowing how, but being unable to do it) and then other times i just have to be glad it's solved
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drurrito · 6 months
Are You The One? - Two
A/N: Little installment for this, all mistakes are mine--thanks! Edit: excuse my poor attempt at tagging people. It might be a tumblr thing or very, very much a me thing.
Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Warnings: Alcohol, cursing, Jerk!Vision lol
Your side of the bed is empty when Wanda wakes up.
Wanda sits up with a groan, rubbing at her burning eyes. She can hear the sounds of silverware clanking against dishes and conversations about "how drunk was I last night?" coming from the common areas. Wanda throws her hair into a messy bun before padding out to find you sitting next to an empty chair. You smile at her like she's the sun peeking out after a long stretch of gloom.
"Good morning," you greet her softly, pouring her a glass of water, "everyone just woke up, figured you wanted to rest a little longer."
"You were...you were going to wake me?," she asks, gingerly taking the glass.
"In about...20 minutes, yes," you turn off the timer you set on your watch while Wanda tries to process why you would even bother to do something like that for her. She gives you a tight-lipped smile before leaving to pour herself a cup of coffee.
The view from behind the carafe keeps Wanda entertained while her coffee brews. Eyes bouncing around the table, cautious touches, smiles finally reaching eyes, and scattered lips to ears -- there's a different air about the house after last night. The clock is almost through ticking and aside from the prize fund, people are determined to find their match.
"How was last night?" Steve snaps a finger in your direction with a mischievous grin. You roll your eyes.
"We talked a lot, I think we're on the same page about trying this out for the ceremony."
"For what it's worth," Sharon cuts in, leaning over Steve who just puts a meaty arm around her shoulders, "I think you two would be a cute couple. Plus, you can't argue with a genius like Shuri."
You hum in agreement, "thank you," you lean back and take a sip from your glass. You glance at Carol, she greets you with a wink that can wake the moon up at this point. You feel your cheeks radiate enough heat to fry eggs.
"I don't see it," Steve interrupts with a mouthful of food.
"You don't?"
"No, I mean-the chemistry is there for sure, but Carol can have chemistry with a toaster if she really wanted to," Steve rips into his other piece of toast, "personally, I have trouble seeing it between you and Wanda, but love is complicated, plus, I'm not going to argue with Shuri's logic."
Steve continues eating, ignoring the way your head tilts and your face does the perfect impression of a question mark. Wanda misses it too as she sits back down. Her eyes don't travel far around the room after almost catching Vision's pitiful look he's been wearing since last night.
"Game day!" Tony pops the top off a bottle of beer and cracks it over the mouth of Scott's beer, making an impromptu volcano. Tony only chugs half the beer before slamming it down to head outside, where the camera crew is waiting.
That's right, it's another game day. Wanda twists the fork in her hand idly above her food while everyone else begins to file out of the house.
"Hey," you watch Wanda's eyes soften a bit when they meet yours, "you ready for this?"
Wanda was in fact, not ready for this.
Her hands ball into stiff fists, sitting at her sides as she watches you pick Carol's pickup line over hers. Wanda doesn't miss the twitch in your jaw the moment Carol stepped forward, maybe you were hoping for a date with Wanda too?
Wanda's eyes are locked onto the flight path of Carol's hands on your body when she feels someone nudge her side, "Val picked you," Maria whispers.
Wanda makes sure she's smiling big enough for the cameras to see as she walks over to Valkyrie. She doesn't spare a glance at you as Val throws an arm over her shoulder to pull her in.
Despite everything that's happened in the past 24 hours, the boat ride is a little fun, if only a little.
"So," Val drawls, "talk to me about y/n."
"We don't have to, I'm on this date with you," Wanda drums her fingers against the side of her champagne glass that's been full since she first boarded. Val gives Wanda a gentle smile and leans forward.
"For what it's worth, I think you and y/n make a cute pair. Something is there, I'm sorry you weren't able to chip away at it on a date today."
Wanda's head tilts as she chews on her lip for a moment, "thank you," she says, "we have a little bit of time, we talked for a while last night."
"Trying to feel for a connection within a week is probably not ideal, given you spent so much time with Vision up until now."
Wanda's shoulders begin to droop, she puts a little more space between her and Val, "I feel awful for only listening to my heart," she says to the floor of the boat.
"I mean, Vision didn't really give you a moment to breathe, let alone think. This might be the most we've spoken since we got here," Val flashes a crooked smile before taking a sip from her glass. Wanda lifts her head, eyebrows furrowed.
"Is that what everyone in the house thinks too?"
"Some more than others, we just got worried about the both of you never finding your match--and costing us the prize fund, but still," Wanda shakes her head with a giggle while Val refills her glass.
"You think Shuri is right?"
"I think Shuri is more tuned in to everything going on in the house than the lot of us," Val leans back against the seat, her limbs sailing across the leather of the seat into a more comfortable position.
"I spent too much time trying to play the field instead of fostering any type of connection," Val takes another sip, throwing her head back with a groan. Wanda cracks a small smile when she remembers the foursome facilitated by Val and Carol within the first week of being here. She remembers watching everyone eavesdropping by the door while she tried to listen to Vision's monologue about the many lives he's lived before now.
"Who did Shuri say your match was?"
"Carol," Val barks out a laugh.
"I can see that."
"What?" Val picks her head up, "we're both recovering playboys, that seems like a recipe for disaster."
"I think it will lead to change more than anything. Neither of you wants to keep doing the same things forever. You might even share a deep understanding of your ways because you're so similar," Wanda shrugs, finally taking a sip of her champagne.
Val hums with a cheeky smile on her face. She keeps Wanda under a watchful eye while she sips from her glass, "you know you're pretty wise when you look around for longer than a few seconds."
That gets a playful scoff from Wanda, there's no point in defending her behavior, "I wish it would have happened sooner, maybe we wouldn't be racing against the clock."
Val only nods once, "it's a hard game to play," they both share a look at the horizon for a few moments before realizing their date is about to end.
"Tell you what," Val sets her glass down and takes Wanda's too, "tonight, I'll find Carol and bare my soul to her and you try to deepen your connection with y/n, deal?"
The boat is being docked by the time Val finishes her sentence. She's holding her hand out to Wanda. Has she just made a friend? Is this what everyone else has been doing while she was too busy with Vision to care?
Wanda docks her worries and reservations by putting her hand in Val's. They both walk to the house with a new sense of determination, this game isn't over yet.
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yrrtyrrtwhenihrrthrrt · 3 months
AO3 is down but my vibes are not and I have a shortfic! Will post to AO3 once it's possible lol
Goldenheart Week Day 5: “I wish — we could just go back. I wish things could be how they were."
(beneath the cut)
Ambrosius Goldenloin smacked his alarm clock as it pierced through his slumber and summoned him for the day’s responsibilities. He pushed his sleep mask off, unbuttoned his silken nightshirt, and stood up in the elegant room of his mansion, just as he did every morning.
He stumbled over to his bathroom, rubbing his face, and grimaced in the mirror at the sight that last week’s hickey still hadn’t faded. Just another in a long series of regrettable decisions, he couldn't even remember the name of the man who gave it to him.
Ambrosius sunscreened his face, determined to keep wrinkling at bay for as long as possible, applied foundation once again to cover the mark of his shameful affairs along with the dark circles beneath his eyes, donned his Knight's tunic, and left the building.
He oversaw some squires in training drills from 7:00 to 10:00, he had to sit in on a council meeting about zoning violations from 10:15 to noon, during which time he found it practically impossible to look halfway professional and not bored out of his mind. Then, it was a patrol from noon till three, and as usual, nothing of note was going on. He reported some signs of a gremlin infestation in the sewers on South street.
Ambrosius got some respite in his lunch hour, when he went home and looked up a new recipe to cook himself– lobster with lemon and herb butter sauce. On their anniversary, Ballister took him to a restaurant that had served him something similar. He smiled as he cooked, and wondered if Ballister would like it, too. Maybe he'd make it for him someday soon–!
Ambrosius blinked. That wasn't right, was it?
Ballister was a villain, he mustn't forget.
After lunch was mandatory training drills, which he didn't mind terribly. It was just exercise, he rather enjoyed jogging through the campus, although weight-training was never fun.
Then there was the photoshoot for that dumb magazine. He didn't even know which one it was this time. Nothing too embarrassing, at least. He was just advertising some luxury clothing brand. Still, it was standing in front of harsh lights in a room full of critics, all for the sake of plastering his face and name on their product, barking orders disguised as requests and muttering commentary to each other as if he wasn't there.
“Do you think you can smile wider?”
“Can someone brush his hair?”
“He's less muscular than I thought, maybe we should pad his shoulders.”
“Get him to hair and makeup for the spray tan, he's totally washed out.”
“Can you flex your neck a bit more?”
“Do you think they can fix his teeth in editing?”
He ended the day on another patrol, and he dragged his feet. All he wanted to do was get home, pour himself a glass– or two– or a bottle of wine and wander off to the speakeasy two districts over and see if anyone there felt like spending a night together. Or, at least a couple hours. Maybe, if he was really, really lucky, Ballister would do something nefarious and they'd get to fight again. It was always such a fun game, Ambrosius wished he were able to initiate it more, but the Director never let him start shit up with Ballister, so he always had to wait for him to instigate.
It wasn't much of a relationship, but it was something. They had an understanding, and that was better than nothing at all.
The sound of his footsteps crunching the gravel stopped as he contemplated.
It used to be something more.
There used to be a time when he could make lunches for Ballister, and Ballister would eat them, and he'd compliment them, even if it didn't mean anything, because Ballister was happy with canned tuna half the time anyway.
There used to be a time when the sight of hickeys in the mirror spurred embarrassment, but also pride instead of disgust and shame.
There used to be a time when he had no room to be insecure about his body, because he was constantly reminded of how beautiful it was.
There used to be a time when he didn't need to drink, and he didn't need to meet up with strangers, and all his needs were met, all the time, every day, and life was beautiful. Waking up every morning wasn't a chore.
There used to be a time, until…
Ambrosius cursed and kicked the ground. He rarely tried to remember that day, but whenever an attempt was made, it was unsuccessful. He remembered being on the horse, he remembered the sound of Ballister's lance breaking on his chest, and then there was nothing but static, as if his eyes and ears were full of wool, until he was standing in the field looking at Ballister's–
Ballister hated him for something Ambrosius couldn't even remember! What right did he have!? What right did he have to walk away, and take away all of Ambrosius’s happiness with him!? What right did he have to be so wonderful, only to just leave!? What right did he have to kiss Ambrosius every morning, and stroke his hair, and whisper “I love you,” and then act like his-- like the accident somehow undid everything?
Ambrosius blinked mist from his eyes. He needed to forget that villain, but he wouldn't. One day, Ballister would drop the act. One day, he'll accept that Ambrosius didn't mean to—
Ambrosius swallowed. One day, maybe whatever he had with Ballister wouldn’t be a game anymore. One day, maybe life could be beautiful again. Things could be good again.
Maybe one day, they could go back to that peaceful time when they were young, when nothing was ever bad or wrong, when life was perfect for both of them.
Before he realized it, Ambrosius completed his rounds. He took a deep breath, and headed home.
A bottle of wine waited for him there.
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themaskstayson · 6 months
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"Arise now, ye Tarnished. Ye dead, who yet live. The call of long-lost grace speaks to us all." - Narrator (Elden Ring)
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"The oath you awoke with is some faded instinct. What does it even stand for?" - Narrator (Baldur's Gate 3)
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Decided to combine my two favorite things (Elden Ring and Baldur's Gate 3) and bring my current tarnished, Faith, to Faerûn.
Maybe I'll write some more silly stuff than just what is below.
It'll be pretty funny to have a tarnished so ready to unalive everything on sight to have party members telling them you gotta chill.
Faith: See, I told you everyone around us will want to kill us! She pulled a branch with poison on me!
Shadowheart: Okay... You got me there, but maybe telling everyone we have Mind Flayer tadpoles in our skulls is a bad idea.
Gale would have a blast learning about the Land Between.
Gale: You're telling me your people were banished from your world and this Golden Order you were fighting for?
Faith: Yup.
Gale: And then you were brought back to the Land Between, but the very order they exiled you, just to restore order by fighting countless of enemies without rest?
Faith: I mean... My plan was to burn it all down because I became maidenless again...
Lae'zel would enjoy the tales of all the battles the tarnished been through. Maybe not so much the dragons, but knowing you can learn dragon spells might appeal to her dragon girl heart.
Lae'zel: You would hunt these dragons and kill them?!
Faith: Yeah but then I can consume their hearts and use their power! Rot was very useful against Bloody Finger Invaders.
Oh man, for the tarnished to use their own spells instead of D&D would also be so much fun. Wyll talked about how he could do all these amazing things before he got nerfed and Faith would reminisce with him.
Faith: Ah, I remember when I was able to use the flame of frenzy... I wonder if I can get that back at some point and how effective it would be against your kind.
Wyll: What did that do?
Faith: Fire of madness would spur out of my eyes and kill the tarnish with ease. A heresy spell from the three fingers but... Those invaders were so annoying.
Wyll: That's terrifying...
Faith: You just told me about opening a gateway to the darkness between stars and anyone in it would suffer unknowable horrors...
Karlach and Astarion I'm not too sure what those interactions would be like.
Astarion would do this normal thing with Faith's I honestly don't see Faith to be okay with being fed upon but I don't think Astarion would be stupid enough to trust her to not kill him. He would hit on her and it would go over her head completely.
Faith would probably want to kill Karlach and someone else would need to step in and tell Faith and Wyll that they're idiots and Karlach is clearly a tiefling. Probably Shadowheart tbh.
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Faith is from my coop game with friends. They're is a Confessor (thus the name lol) and basically I just wanted to do faith based spells with some sword and shield game play since my first tarnished was a pure intelligence mage. But I might lean more into the Confessor lore build for funsies since there are 4 of us playing at a given time. I guess Faith's pronouns are they/she depending on my mood.
It only seemed right to make them a paladin in BG3. Vengeance makes sense for a tarnished trying to bring back Golden Order and Oathbreaker if I decide to to the Lorrd of the Frenzied Flame ending.
They're also a dark urge cause blood thirst and amnesia.
I poured many hours into Elden Ring and barely knew the lore, but I think it'll be a fun crossover to think and maybe write about. And I'm getting too many ideas, gonna have to go full self-indulgent with this one... And take more photos lol
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ophernelia · 1 year
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I heard you want to make a machinima. I think I could help with that. Welcome to the first session of machinima bootcamp!
Alright, stop booing me. I know I kept you waiting for months. It took time and I had so much more learning to do myself! I am by no means an expert, but I think I could offer some helpful advice. This is just how I do things so feel free to use what resonates. “Where do I start? It’s as easy as opening the game up and recording, right?” That’s one way to do it for sure. The way I do it requires a lot more planning. Blame it on me being a Capricorn lol. A LOT of work goes into making Lykaia. Episodes usually take me a week or two to make. From writing the script, to filming and editing, it takes hours upon hours to produce. I love doing it. It's like a passion project, so the hours of free time I pour into it are really healing. Whatever you create, make sure it’s something you really do love. Here’s how I made Lykaia and how I intend to make other series going forward. 
*Lykaia specific info is annotated.
One thing you have to have before anything else is a story. One that you are genuinely interested in and enjoy telling. It’d be best to refrain from doing whatever gets views or whatever you think the community might enjoy. In order to stay consistent, you have to enjoy what you’re making. You have to know what story you want to tell. You don’t have to have everything planned out from start to finish, but get a good idea of what you want to explore first. The first season of Lykaia was just for me to try out machinima making. I didn’t have much direction with the story. Lykaia is just the cinematic version of my gameplay save. Lou and Imogen were my current household, so I figured I’d tell their story. It can be something as simple as that. A favorite household you love playing. A favorite story trope you’re into. Whatever inspires you. Try not to focus on how the masses will react to it. There’s an audience for everything. The viewership will come. Don’t let that discourage you or be your main focus. Enjoy the process of creating. Create for creation’s sake, not for praise or viewership. 
What makes a good story? I’m not sure. Sorry! I still wonder if Lykaia’s story is good. Though, even if it isn't, I just like telling it! Having interesting or complex characters is a good tip though. I quite like the idea of there being very few or no true villain in a story. Complex lives, complex people. It’s good to get an idea of who your characters are. What do they like? What do they dislike? How do they behave around people they’re close with? What was their childhood like? How do they speak? What do they look like? Where are they from? How do they handle conflict? How do they handle romance? There’s a bunch of questions you can ask to work on building out your characters. Once you’ve got a good idea of who your characters are at this starting point, you can build outside of their world. Make their friends, make their family. Figure out where they’re from geographically. How does their environment impact their life? What’s the place they live in like? Do they like living there? Where is it? What’s the climate? Are you using in-game world names, making up your own, or using real life places? How does all of that impact the story line? Are they a small town person or a city person? Go in depth thinking about all these questions. I’ll include a list of these questions for you to answer. You don’t have to share these with me! It’s simply for you to plan things out on your own. Again, you don’t have to have everything planned out. Nothing has to be permanent. Watching characters grow and their environment change is entertaining. Just know where you want to start at least. Playing the game can help give you some inspo too! The sims have a habit of being pretty messy on their own. Once you figure out what story you want to tell, you’re ready to move forward. 
*Like I mentioned previously, Lykaia is essentially the cinematic version of my gameplay save. The stories I told myself when playing their household, I am now telling to you. However, over the course of making the show for the last few months it’s really grown and developed. With the addition of characters like Savannah and Owen, to developing a thoughtful storyline for Rory, all of that has come as I’ve worked on the show. I’ve always had a thing for storytelling growing up. Won young authors competitions all throughout my schooling, but never did much with it in adulthood until now. When I say I take the time out to really develop the cast, I do. Lykaia takes place in several worlds. I even develop those out too. I think about the culture there. How close they are to other worlds. All of that really helps build a deep lore for your series that your audience and yourself will enjoy. 
As for making the cast, I won’t go in depth about actually making your characters in CAS. That process is pretty straight-forward and solely up to you. Make your cast look however you want them to. Use cc, make the cast with vanilla TS4, it’s up to you. I can’t offer much advice about that. It’s a pretty personal process. (Personal as in, you do what you wanna do lol. Not in a ‘I don’t wanna share my process’ type of way.) 
The next step after that is world building. This part should be a lot more simple if you’ve planned out your story. I mean literally world building. If you want a really unique looking series, it’s time to start building babe. Build your own lots, edit the worlds, do it all. I mean really go in! You can use inspo from Pinterest to help. I do that often. Check out the world building inspo for Lykaia here. On occasion I’ll use a build made by the community, but for the most part I make my own. It makes you feel like you’re actually immersed in the world of Lykaia. It’s a different San Sequoia, a different Copperdale, etc. It’s important to make your worlds your own. Get an idea of street layouts and everything. Try to envision the world your characters live in. “But there’s only so much you can do with TS4!” I actually disagree (Well, since discovering these mods.) and there’s a few mods that really help drive that home. These are the most pivotal, but there’s a variety of other ones that are helpful too! Like the Better Build/Buy mod and even CAW by TwistedMexi but it isn’t out yet. Still in development. 
The TOOL Mod by TwistedMexi. The TOOL mod allows you to take objects off a lot, but that’s not all you can do. Rotate, duplicate, scale objects and more. If you ever wonder why my game looks different from the EA base worlds, it’s because I edit all of them. Add more trees, add more deco buildings, add more debug objects, etc. World customization is essential. However, it is a very tedious process. Editing San Sequoia for S2 of Lykaia took me about a week in total. Primarily because I’m still learning how to use TOOL effectively, but because I put a lot of details into my worlds. I add cars around. I use S4S to make hidden objects show up in-game. It’s a long process, but having a world that’s really unique is so rewarding. Sure, we all have access to the same sandbox but we don’t all make the same things. That’s the best part about the community. The creativity is boundless. Have you seen that one person with an Ancient China savefile? Bonkers. So creative. You can do some crazy stuff with this game. Don’t be afraid to push it to its limits. 
The All Worlds are Clickable Mod by Awingedllama works so well in conjunction with the TOOL Mod. I’d say it’s almost necessary to have both. This mod does just what it says on the tin. It makes all worlds in TS4 clickable. No longer will you see that red circle with a line through it. You can walk anywhere. It also helps to place objects using the TOOL mod. Sometimes figuring out the grid is hard, it's easier to point and click. I highlight an object with TOOL and click wherever around the world I want to place it. Now, this will cause some routing issues with your sims. They’ll walk through stones, lakes, etc. Taking the mod out is an easy fix for this whenever you want to just play your game normally. I rarely play my game these days, but when I do I leave it in, it’s kinda funny to see Victor Feng running through the lake in San Sequoia. 
Emptied Newcrest & Willow Creek by Awingedllama is also a great mod if you want to take things a bit further. It gets rid of everything and I do mean everything. Think TS3 empty create-a-world. It does so by hiding certain objects, so don’t be surprised if they don’t show up in game for other worlds. It makes things look a bit wonky, but if you really wanna start from scratch, then this is a great way to do it. You can completely customize the look and layout of your world. Add more tropical vegetation or more tepid vegetation. It’s up to you. It does take an immense amount of work and I’d recommend following this tutorial to get the backdrops for the worlds in game. Also this tutorial if you’d like to add custom debug houses.
* Lykaia’s world is based on TS4 worlds, but with real life influences. Copperdale is meant to give that east coast small town vibe. Heavily wooded areas that experience a lot of rain. (Just because I love really gloomy weather irl.) It also makes doing ambience easier. The sound of rain is easy to throw in. San Sequoia is meant to be like San Francisco. Del Sol too. I usually just go in and add more trees and vegetation. Place more cars and deco people to make the worlds feel more full. I also add in other little objects that are specific to the series. More places to sit. Just to overall make the worlds feel more lived in. TS4 can feel like a ghost town at times. Green Haven is a new area within Lykaia that I am currently working on. It’s a full town I’ve built from scratch using the emptied Newcrest and Willow Creek mod. Inspo for it is on my pinterest. It is supposed to mimic small towns in upper Cali. 
In the next session we'll start talking about filming, sets, lighting, etc. If you ever have any questions, just send me an ask!
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cbedfordart · 1 year
Hey! Question from one wannabe game design graduate who is also an artist and wants to make their own (very simple) little game one day - how is it like working on a game set to release one day? Did u feel discouraged learning a new skill (?) after already being a pro artist? Was the game a random idea or have you guys been planning this since a long time? Btw super excited for Sorry We're Closed and I'm obsessed with the retro look and artstyle <33
Firstly THAnk you so much for being into Sorry We're Closed - it's my lil bby pride and joy so I'm glad someone out there in the wider world is looking forward to it! I'll try and answer your questions in order and not ramble too much! I'm a little older now, and gotten to that point where deadlines aren't so scary anymore. There's a point in which you learn to live with what you can make, rather than trying to make something that's not what's within your ability (which is why we always want more time to get better while we work). But after a while you just realise its better for the idea to be out there in the world where other people can see what you were trying to do! Admittedly i will do a lot of hours sometimes if i REALLY want something to be a certain level or if I'm particularly stuck on something , but a deadline keeps me realistic. It allows for the thing to be good and exist, rather than perfect and existing only in my mind. Learning a new skill was actually extremely exciting. I wanted to absorb everything like a sponge. I hadn't done any 3d modelling before 2020 seriously (i tried zbrush once in like 2015 and i kept crashing my computer lol). I just wanted to keep going because it was so fun seeing my creations come to life! I always dreamed of designing game characters and it was literally happening before my eyes. Also, the indiedev community is extremely kind, helpful and resourceful. There's lots of free knowledge out there, and people who are willing to talk to you and help you figure things out! Being trained as an artist honestly only helped the modelling endeavour. Having an understanding of anatomy helped my understand how I wanted to approach the form of my models - what needed to be shaped and what I could get away with painting on.
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So my knight is about 934 verts/1,861 tris (sort of like a ps2 character) but painting can give some fun depth. I've found this method to be really tricky though as it's highly prone to unflattering angles - but thats partly cause I'm still learning and relying too much on my skills as a 2d artist I guess. This model I made a bit later on, the Sorry We're Closed models I made were far earlier before i really knew what i was doing so they rely even more on my painting skills
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but I felt it was okay since we were going for a nostalgic game feel which means some funny deformities like this
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but it's whatever, i think it's kind of cute lol. We started planning the game in 2020 as well, literally after I saw my partner Tom make a character model move around in Unity (it looked pretty terrible) so i said I'll make models and he would code. Then I came up with a story, and from there we came up with how the game itself would play. Game design itself is something we were both lacking and real experience in so that has been the biggest wall to climb so far but its been a really fun and rewarding journey so far. Anyway sorry for the ramble!! I really hope you get a shot at working on a project you really love and want to pour everything into!
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hellhound5925 · 1 year
One shot - Sargent Hunter
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Warnings: Violence, soft smut.
Summary: I used one of the scenes from my Hunter fic because I’m really happy with how it came out and I want more people to enjoy it lol I have tweaked it some but incase you are wondering it comes from my chapter “Pabu Pt. 1”. I hope you enjoy! Please leave me feedback!
During one of our missions we came across some intel that Echo thought would help the Rebellion and their cause. We agreed to meet at a bar on some back world where the Empire wouldn't likely be looking. Which brings me here...I sat at the bar swirling the liquid in my glass. Wrecker and Omega are across the room pretending to play a game of Dejarik. Echo is supposed to be meeting the contact and Hunter is not too far from me at a table.
"We've been here for hours..." Wrecker complains. "Where is this guy? Did he spook?" I ask looking around. "I'm not sure. He didn't give a distress signal" Echo tells us. "There" Hunter chimes in. I look over at the door and see a man who fits the description enter. He looks nervous. I watch out of the corner of my eye as he heads over to Echo and they talk. I sigh, hating the silence, "What's going on Echo talk to us." "He says he thinks someone found out about our meeting." Hunters voice fills my ear "He's putting us in danger...we need to go now."
He visibly shifts and I immediately know something's up. I pull a few credits out of my jacket and put then on the bar top before getting up. I head over to Hunter and lean on the back of his chair - so it looks like I'm trying to hit on him - "What is it?" He motions with his head over toward Echo and the contact, there's a bug of some kind crawling up the back of the contacts chair. I sit on his lap and he reaches under my jacket where he knows I have a stash of blades.
With perfect aim the blade grabs the bug and buries itself in the wall opposite Echo. "Nice shot" I wink at him before we both get up and move toward the table. Before we get too close, blasters are being aimed at us and I'm shoved forward. Hunter catches me and gives the guy a nasty look.
Echo jumps up from the table and looks around "We've been compromised" he yells. "You should have brought more muscle" one of them scoffs. Wrecker chuckles from behind me, "they did." He cracks his neck before knocking out one of the bounty hunters from behind. A smirk dances across my face and I turn to hunter, he nods.
I roundhouse kick the guy in front of me, knocking his blaster out of his hand before knocking him out with a right hook. Hunter takes out the guy who shoved me and smirks. "Do you feel better now?" I tease. He chuckles "Couldn't get him get away with that." I shrug and it's an all out brawl - Tables are being knocked over, blasters are being fired and stormtroopers start pouring in. Out of the corner of my eye I see one approaching Hunter - sliding over the table he is using for cover, I grab his vibroblade from his vambrace and stick it in their neck just below his buy'ce (helmet).
I draw my blaster and shoot a few more, using the body as a shield. Dropping the body, I jump back behind cover, returning the blade to Hunter. He gives me a look and I shrug "What?" The look on his face says it all...he thought it was hot... "Now is really not the time Hunter!" He chuckles and continues shooting.
Hunter opens the comms "Tech, we need a pickup." "On my way." Standing back to back - Hunter and I try to take out as many as we can but theres too many. "I think it's time to go!" Omega yells. Hunter looks over to Wrecker and nods. They throw smoke to give us cover. We race out the back more on our tail. Tech drops the ramp to the Marauder just in time and we are quickly headed off world.
Panting we all take a moment to collect ourselves. "That was awesome!" Omega sounds completely thrilled. I laugh and shake my head "Mandokarla". "What does that mean?" Tech chimes in "it is a state of being the epitome of mandalorian virtue." Hunter takes his seat in the pilots chair. "Now what?" Omega asks. "Well hopefully our contact gets that intel back to the Rebellion. Other than that...there's not much we can do." "We need to go somewhere to lay low for a while. They'll be looking for us." I explain. Hunter nods his agreement. Echo heads to the Navi computer and begins typing. "There's a planet in the next system that looks like is mostly dense forrest. We can lay low there for a few rotations" he suggests. "Chart it."
When we arrive, we all pile off and set up a camp. Omega wanders off some, but is still in sight. "This place almost reminds me of Kashyyyk" Wrecker thinks out loud. Tech begins typing in his datapad "Actually this planet it quite different you see...." I stop listening because honestly as long as it's safe, biomes are irrelevant...but not to Tech. Hunter was just about to sit down when I approach, placing on hand on his chest "Hey, I think I'm going to go get a shower. He quirks a brow "That an invite?" "If you were looking for one, yeah." He looks at his vode (brothers) "We'll be back." "Ugh guess that means the ships off limits for a while....." Wrecker complains. I giggle and grab Hunter's hand, dragging him up the ramp.
The minute it closes he turns to me, pressing me into the wall behind me, face only inches from mine "You did good work today" he says, his deep voice sending a shiver down my spine, tingling to my core. I bite my lip in anticipation, he leans in a little closer "you can use my blade anytime." A smile creeps across my face "So that's what did it huh?" I tease him running my index finger down his torso, stopping just above his bulge. He grunts when I stop "I guess I'll have to take it more often then." He tips his forehead to mine panting heavily. "Who knew it would get you so wound up, Sarge." He wastes no further time, lifting me off the floor, carrying me to the fresher as my fingers tangled in his surprisingly soft hair and struggling to open the door. I can't help but let out a laugh. Reaching, I press the button opening the door. He gently sets me on the sink and undoes my boots and slides them off followed by my socks, while I undress my top half. But in this moment filled with pure ardour all I could think about was is he as skilled in bed as he is on the battlefield. This filled my veins with liquid pleasure. When he's done, I hop off the sink and take my pants of standing there completely unclothed in front of him. His eyes wander for a moment and I reach for the hem of his shirt, tugging it off. I let him kick his boots and socks off before reaching for his belt. Making eye contact while I slowly undo it and slowly drop his pants to the floor, followed by his briefs.The fire in his eyes running rampant. Reaching into the shower, I turn the water on so it’s scalding hot - just the way he likes it. He reaches from behind me to test the temperature of the water, leaning into me slightly, the contact making my breath hitch in my throat. Hunter chuckles softly likely being able to sense it. He leans down and peppers kisses along my neck down to my shoulder. I hum my satisfaction before climbing into the shower.
He follows and immediately leans in to kiss me, backing me into the shower wall. His kisses hot and heavy, I know he doesn't want to wait a moment longer... and neither do I. Effortlessly he lifts me up to align himself with me. I break the kiss leaning my forehead into his, pupils blown wide making his irises look like little brown halos. Placing my right hand on his cheek I trace his tattoo with my thumb. His eyes close for a second and I whisper to him “Fill me with every inch of yourself…Sarge.” Hunter does exactly as he’s asked, keeping a steady rhythm. The feeling of him fully sheathed inside me brought me a high I never experienced. Sweet sinful nosies I wasn’t even aware I was making came from somewhere deep within me that was drowning with pleasure. “I like it when you sound like that Cyar’ika” his voice dripping with lust in my ear. “Only…for you…” I’m barely able to speak the pleasure numbing my brain. “I’m close…” he grunts and just then I come completely undone for him and he follows. A wave of complete and utter pure bliss overtakes me, a feeling I have never felt until Hunter.
Credit to @cloneloverrrrr for the assist 🫡 🖤
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vodika-vibes · 2 months
Hello there Vod'ika
Just a quick warning I am dyslexia so I hope I type this right.
So just imagine Alpha 17 or Jango (or any of the hot clones that you can choose) "Take it off or I'll make you sweetheart". just if you're taking ask right now. If not I love your work.
Only Girl In his World
Summary: Life on Kamino is horrifically dull. Oh sure, you’re more than happy to share an apartment with Jango, but right now you don’t have anything to do since his son hasn’t been born yet. So you have to make your own fun.
Pairing: Jango Fett x F!Reader
Word Count: 1245
Warnings: Spicy ish. Reader is a brat, intentionally
Prompt: "Take it off or I'll make you, sweetheart."
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @kimiheartblade @mire-draws-things
A/N: You gave me the choice of writing Jango and I couldn't not do it, lol. I love him so much. Anyway, I hope you like it! Also, I have a fever of 102, so I'm so sorry if it doesn't make sense in some places.
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You are so very bored.
You twist on your bed and kick your bare feet up against the window. It’s cool to the touch, which tracks with the rain pouring from the sky on the other side.
Kamino sucks.
It does.
There’s no nightlife, which means you can’t go dancing unless you want to dance on your own, and it means no drinking because you are incapable of drinking the bitter swill that Jango calls alcohol.
There’s no entertainment at all in Tipoca City. No movie theaters. No cafes. No libraries. 
You heave out a heavy sigh and allow your head to fall off the bed, your hair brushing the floor and you look out the bedroom door and into the main part of the apartment that you share with Jango.
He’s not here now.
Oh. He’s on Kamino, but he’s not home now.
He has to go and get some testing done before the Kaminoans start gathering his genetic material to start the cloning process. A fact that he bitched about while you made breakfast for the pair of you this morning.
He hadn’t been very impressed when you pointed out that he was the one who agreed to a ten-year contract. Still, aside from a scowl and a tug of your hair, he wasn’t overly upset with you.
You still don’t have any regrets about agreeing to come with him.
Jango is Jango, after all. And you’d follow him into hell without question.
You try not to think about how you probably are before this whole thing is over.
You stay on your bed for a moment longer, before you heave out an explosive sigh and roll so that you topple on the floor. There has to be something here for you to do.
Some video games, some movies, something.
You poke around the living room for half an hour, and, upon finding nothing that will help you banish your boredom, you sit on the floor with an unhappy huff. 
“I should make Jango order me a game system.” You grouse to the empty room as you hit the button that will open the closet door, hoping against all hope that there might be something in there for you to do.
The only thing inside the closet, aside from towels and other linens, is Jango’s armor. 
He couldn’t wear it to the testing, after all.
“Honestly, would it kill him to put his armor in his room? What if I needed a towel?” You stand and lightly grab his helmet, absently turning it in your hands. 
It’s heavier than it looks. Jango always acts like it weighs almost nothing.
You lightly trail your fingers over the paint around the visor, easily finding scoring on the metal that wasn’t noticeable from a distance. You knew, logically, that Bounty Hunting was a dangerous profession.
And Jango is one of the best bounty hunters.
Somehow those two facts didn’t connect until just now, when you’re looking at the old damage to his armor.
Is that why Jango hired you for this role? So that his son will still have a guardian even if something happens to him?
You jump when the apartment door slides open, and turn to look at Jango as he steps into the apartment.
Somehow he looks more annoyed now than he did when he left.
“I’m back.” Jango greets you and then pauses when he sees you holding his helmet, “What are you doing?”
You glance at his helmet and then at him, “I was looking for something to do.”
“And you grabbed my armor?” He asks amused.
You huff, and turn to place the helmet back on the stand, “I was hoping there would be something to keep me entertained in the closet, your armor nearly gave me a heart attack.” You say as you round back on him.
“That right?”
You set your hands on your hips, acid on the tip of your tongue, but you let the vitriol die when you see the look on his face, “How was the testing?” You ask instead, “You look exhausted.”
He makes a face, “I feel like a prized bull.”
“Do not.” Jango warns.
You shrug, “Look, we both know you’re here as their stud, Jango.”
He groans, “You went there. Of course you did.” He walks over to you and drops his forehead on your shoulder.
Absently, you card your fingers through his curls, “They can’t want that many more tests before they start gathering specimens for the cloning,” You offer in a, hopefully, soothing voice.
“At least two more months of testing.” He corrects as he shifts slightly so you can feel his warm breath against your neck.
“You poor thing.”
He pulls away and flashes a small smirk at you, “Distract me.”
“What? You want, like, stand-up comedy or something?”
You start when you feel his warm hands against the bare skin of your waist, one of his hands sliding up under your thin shirt. “I had something a little more entertaining in mind.”
“You know, at this point I might as well just move into your bedroom,” Your breath hitches as his thumb brushes the underside of your breast.
“Mm, sounds like a plan, we can get you moved after.”
You squeak as he crowds you back to the couch, bumping you against the back, “You’re going to be too exhausted to move me after,”
He growls against your neck, actually growls, and you release a shaky, and highly aroused, breath. Jango tugs on the hem of your shirt, “Take this off or I’ll make you, sweetheart.”
You should obey him. Jango likes it when you obey him. He gets all hot and bothered and gives you exactly what you want. Which is generally his mouth pressed against your pussy…but you don’t want to obey him today.
Today you’re feeling a little contrary.
You giggle and press your lips against a spot just under his ear, and you suck a mark onto his skin. Jango groans at your actions and pulls his face back away from your neck.
You lean in so your lips are just over his and a broad smile crosses your face, “Make me.” You whisper.
His gaze snaps to yours, and something predatory slides through his eyes, “If we weren’t on Kamino, ad’ika,” He almost purrs, “I would put you outside and tell you to run while I hunt you down.”
You feel a thrill of desire at the thought and are disappointed, once again, that you’re on Kamino.
“Don’t be so disappointed, brat,” Jango warns as he smoothly pulls your shirt off and tosses it to the side. He bites down on your shoulder, pulling a startled yelp from you, “You’re still going to be punished for being so disobedient.”
You giggle, “Oh no~”
There’s a spark of amusement on his handsome face, and his hand lands, heavily, on your ass, making you squeak. “Bedroom, ad’ika. I need to find my binders so I can punish you properly.” He roughly grabs your chin, “And you’d better be naked when I get in there.”
“Or what?” You ask cheekily.
He chuckles, a low noise that makes you shiver, “Well if you want to find out, continue disobeying me.”
He really isn’t making you want to obey him today. But a broad grin crosses your face as you turn and flounce into Jango’s bedroom, this is definitely a cure for your boredom.
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Just Friends (Part II)
AN: So this is hella angsty (for me, anyway), I am so sorry. Also, before y'all yell at me, please know there is a third part in the works lol
“You’re really not going to try to stop me then?” you challenge, your voice wavering a little. Fury slices through him at your words; what was this to you? A game? 
Rated: M+ (this is smut so, i mean, you’ve been warned?) Words: 2,471 Pairing: Santiago "Pope" Garcia x F!Reader Warnings: alcohol, cursing, kissing, semi-public sex, p in v, friends with benefits, angst. AO3
I’m yours, he’d said, his face buried in your neck as you’d come around his fingers.
And he is. Wholly. Completely. 
He won't say the word though—can't say it. But he feels it, that much he can admit to himself.
He has no claim over you though, not really. Sure, he can play your body like a well-loved guitar, knows all your sweet spots—the ones that make you sing, that make his name fall from between your lips in breathy moans—but your heart? That, you keep under lock and key, hidden away with the darkest, most broken pieces of you. 
He gets it. Really, he does. He’s the same way.
Or at least he was.
Now, he’s yours.
‘Your’ what, though? Your friend? Your fuck buddy? Neither option seems to fit, especially not when you’re the one saying it. 
“Just friends,” he mutters, scoffing as he lifts another shot to his lips. 
The liquid burns as it slides down his throat, warmth spreading slowly through his chest. He closes his eyes, savoring it, savoring the momentary silence in his head. He’s tired, so tired. Tired of feeling this way, of having you but not having you. He’s not sure how much longer he can do this, ignore his feelings.  They’re overwhelming sometimes, especially when he’s with you (and not even just when he’s inside you, but when he holds your hand, makes you laugh, when you’re pressed against his side on his couch as you watch a movie—).
He sighs, running a hand over his face. When he opens his eyes again, they catch on the bartender’s and he signals to her that he’d like another. She nods, acknowledging his request before turning away to grab the bottle. He studies her absently as she makes her way over, her lips curling in a sultry smile. She’s cute, but not really his type (no one but you is his type these days, it seems). 
“You alone?” she asks when she reaches him, eyeing him appreciatively as she pours him another shot.
He nods in response, muttering a ‘thanks’ as he brings the glass to his lips.
“Wanna change that?”
He wants to laugh, almost does at the cheesy pickup line, but he doesn’t want to embarrass the woman. 
“I’m good,” he says instead, smiling as he nods at her in thanks. 
She pours him another, looking at him from beneath her lashes. “You sure?”
He hums, nodding again as he fingers the rim of the glass. “Positive.”
“Okay,” she shrugs, leaving the bottle on the bar within his reach. “Let me know if you change your mind.”
He doesn’t respond, just watches her back as she walks away. He needs to get out of here, clear his head. Sitting up on the stool, he grabs his wallet. He pulls out some cash and tosses it on the counter beside the bottle. As he moves to stand, he catches her eye again, noting the flash of disappointment in them. Nodding goodbye, he turns to exit the bar.
The air outside is humid, a vast difference from the coolness of the bar. The streets are relatively empty given the hour, only a few people meandering about. He walks slowly, aimlessly, in no particular direction. He just needs to think. He doesn’t know what to do about this, about you. He wants you (God does he want you) but he doubts you feel the same. Maybe you just need more time, time to figure out what he already has—that you belong to each other, with each other.
A car’s horn honks as it passes him, jolting him from his thoughts. He halts, glaring at it as it passes and mentally cursing at whoever is behind the wheel. When they round the next corner, he sighs, defeated (in more ways than one). Running a hand through his hair, he takes in his surroundings and sees….you. There you are, sitting at a table at some restaurant, chin cradled in your palm. 
He hasn’t seen you since the other night at the bar, and it seems like fate that he’d stumble across you like this…that is, until he realizes you’re not alone.
Possessiveness burns in his gut at the sight of you with another man on what is clearly a date (a bad date, if your bored posture and fake smile are any indication). The waiter stops by, effectively distracting your date and you take the opportunity to excuse yourself, heading toward the back where he assumes the restroom is.
Resolved, he walks over to the door and pulls it open, stepping into the room beyond it. He tells the hostess he’s meeting friends who are already seated and she waves him in, telling him to come back if he can’t find them. Instead, he heads straight for where he saw you heading a moment ago, down the back hall and into the women’s restroom.
You’re at the sink when he opens the door, hands braced on the counter as you stare at yourself in the mirror. When you spot him, you spin around to face him, eyes wide with surprise. 
“Santiago,” you breathe, something unreadable in your eyes. “What are you doing here?”
He shrugs, leaning against the wall behind him. “I was walking by, saw you in the window.”
You bite your lip, looking away in what he can only describe as shame. “I’m on a date.”
Something in his chest cracks at your words, the confirmation of his suspicions. “Yeah, seems like it’s going well.”
You cross your arms over your chest, suddenly defensive. “We were actually just about to head back to his place.”
His nostrils flare at the implication, jaw working as he fights to keep his anger at bay. “Yeah? Well, I hope you have a great time.”
You scoff, eyes narrowed as you push off the counter. “Oh, believe me, we will.”
Silence permeates the room as you simply stare at one another, unsure of what to do next.
“You’re really not going to try to stop me then?” you challenge, your voice wavering a little.
Fury slices through him at your words; what was this to you? A game? 
"No,” he growls, stalking over and pinning you against the counter with his body. “I want him to fuck you, cariño. I want him to fuck you so you know I can do it better."
Something that looks a little too much like hurt flashes in your eyes and a part of him—the part that’s still your friend, the part that wants to be more than your friend—instantly regrets his words. But there’s something else there too, something that’s clearly aroused by this, and he wonders just when this had all gotten so fucked up.
The scent and feel of you is overwhelming, especially given where his thoughts have been all evening and he can’t stop himself from leaning in and kissing you, your breath hitching as he covers your mouth with his. You don’t stop him when he licks inside, instead sighing as you wind your fingers into his hair. He grunts when you scratch your nails against his scalp, his hips jerking involuntarily against yours. You break the kiss with a gasp as he grinds his half-hard cock against you, his name falling from your lips in breathy sighs. He drags his lips down your neck, teeth worrying a mark onto your skin, one he can’t help but hope your “date” sees. 
You claw at his shoulders, trying in vain to bring him closer as you grind against him. He smothers his groan in your neck, lifting you onto the counter and pushing himself between your legs as he returns his mouth to yours. He swallows your moans as he shoves his hands beneath your skirt, his fingers trailing up your thighs. When he makes it to your panties, he wastes no time hooking his fingers around the waistband and pulling them off, stuffing them into his back pocket. You moan as he runs a finger through your soaked folds, hips tilting as you chase his touch.
He briefly considers teaching you a lesson—of bringing you to the edge and leaving you unsatisfied, to go back to your “date” with your cunt throbbing and your slick running down your thighs—but when you beg so sweetly for his touch, for his cock, reaching out to fumble with his belt and the button and zipper of his jeans, he realizes he could never deny you anything. 
He’s yours, after all.
You grumble as you struggle with his jeans, the waistband getting stuck on the swell of his ass as you try to push them over his hips. He sniffs a laugh, moving your hands away and pushing the offending material down his legs. You take him in your hand, pressing your forehead against his as you watch his face from beneath your lashes. He groans at your touch, eyes fluttering shut as he loses himself in the feel of you. Your breaths fan against his lips as your hand moves up and down his shaft, your feet notching at the backs of his thighs to pull him closer.
“Santi, please,” you breathe, his cock still clasped in your fist as his eyes open to meet yours.
He grunts, reclaiming your mouth as he palms your hips, pulling you to the edge of the counter. As he moves you closer, his cock bumps against your wet slit, ripping another muffled moan from you. You squeeze him in your fist, dragging him through your folds and down to your entrance. He groans, hips involuntarily pushing forward, seeking your warmth. You whine when he stops, just the tip of him inside you. He stays that way for a moment, enjoying your breathless pleas in his ear. 
When he finally pushes into you, it’s quick, hard, punching the breath from your lungs. He snaps his hips into yours repeatedly, his cock hitting you so deep you can probably feel him in your stomach. You cling to him, legs wrapped around his hips as he plunges into you, holding him in place so he can’t leave you (as if he would). You’re close already, the tell-tale flutter of your cunt dragging choked groans from him.
He’s not gonna last, he thinks, not when you feel this good around him, not when you’re so wet he could drown in you (would drown in you, if you’d let him). 
“Fuck. Santi, don’t stop. Please.” 
His pace falters at the desperation in your voice, but he regains it, fucking into you even harder as he whispers encouragement into your ear. You come apart with a choked moan as his thumb circles your clit, cunt spasming around his cock. He tries to keep up the pace, fingers digging into your hips as he fucks you through your orgasm. The feel of you around him is just too much though, and before he knows it, he’s spilling himself inside of you with a growl. 
He holds you for a moment as you both come down, your face buried in his neck as you catch your breath. When he moves to slip out of you, you tighten your hold on him, fingers fisting in the back of his shirt as you hold him against you.
“Not yet,” you whisper into his skin, your voice sounding a little shaky as you cling to him.
He nods, wrapping his arms around you as he tucks your head beneath his chin. 
“You okay?” he asks softly, pressing his lips to your forehead.
You whimper in response, shaking your head.
He sighs, running his hands soothingly up and down your back, content to just hold you, to be whatever you need him to be. After a moment, your hold on him eases, fingers untwisting from his shirt as you slowly pull away. When you meet his gaze, there’s a sadness there he hasn’t seen before. He furrows his brow, hand reaching up to cup your cheek. You lean into it, seeking his touch like a flower seeks the sun. He swallows thickly as you melt against his palm, your eyes falling shut in contentment, and for a moment, he dares to hope.
He should say it, he thinks, say what he’s been denying for months, what he feels. 
I love you.
It’s on the tip of his tongue, his lips parting, air filling his lungs as he takes a breath—
A loud knock at the door cuts across the room, abruptly bringing you both back to reality. The words are still there, ready to fall from his lips but there’s panic in your eyes now—panic at being discovered like this, but also panic over something else. He watches you close yourself off, pulling away from him in more ways than one, and another piece of him breaks.
He shouldn’t be here, shouldn’t have done this, shouldn’t have said the things he said. 
Regret burns in his throat like acid and he can’t believe he almost told you, like somehow it could make up for coming here uninvited, for the things he said that hurt you. 
“I should go,” he rasps, not meeting your eyes as he tucks himself back into his pants.
You’re silent as you slip off the counter, pushing your skirt back down over your thighs as your feet touch the floor. Once he’s finished, he hesitates; he doesn’t want to just leave, not after what just happened, but he also can’t stay. Hell, he can’t even look at you right now.
“‘Night,” he says, throat choking on his words as he makes a beeline for the door.
He practically runs through the restaurant and back out onto the street, afraid you’ll follow him…and also afraid that you won’t. He’s never hated himself more than he does right now. What had he thought was going to happen when he went in there, anyway? Had he really thought that you were going to just suddenly confess that you had feelings for him too? You were on a date with someone else, clearly that’s not the case. Anger surges through him again at the thought of anyone but him putting their hands on you, of kissing you, of fucking you, of making you laugh, seeing you smile (your real smile, not the fake one he’d seen in the window)—
He stops walking, leaning up against the building he was passing as he tries to catch his breath, tries to keep his thoughts from completely spiraling. 
“Fuck,” he mutters, running his hands through his hair.
Not knowing what else to do, he heads home, intent on filling the empty hole inside him with the biggest bottle of whisky he has in his liquor cabinet.
Review (pretty please)?
🌟 Masterlist 🌟
i am no longer doing a taglist. please follow @charmingupdates for updates and turn on notifications.
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invisibleraven · 2 months
cuddling on the couch together for the Molina pairing of your choice lol.
"Family movie night!" Ray called up the stairs as he poured kernels into the popcorn maker.
"Please tell me it's not Carlos' turn to pick this week," Rose requested as she poured up mugs of cocoa, topping each with whipped cream.
"I think it's Julie's," he replied. "Which means some teen drama or High School Musical again."
"I'll take singing tweens over the weird talking food cartoon," Rose replied.
They both shuddered at that-they loved their son, but he had the weirdest taste in media. At least he was over trying to make them watch streams of video games during his turn. There was only so many hours of Minecraft they could endure.
Julie came down the stairs, and stopped, looking sheepish. "I...I can't stay for movie night."
"And why not?" Ray asked, looking disappointed. Movie night had been a staple since the kids were young, not an every week occurrence, but often enough that they treasured their bonding time together.
"I...have a date," Julie stated.
Rose squealed, bringing her in for a hug. "He finally asked?"
"He did," Julie said, smiling so wide, and then stepped back. "Do I look okay?"
"Glorious as always mija," Rose assured her. "You go have fun, movie night will keep."
There was a honk of a horn in the driveway and before Ray knew it, Julie was bouncing out the door, into a waiting red truck, and off. "He didn't even come to the door?"
"I think if he had you would have roped him into movie night," Rose snorted. "Let her have some fun, she'll only be young once."
"I just thought she was too young for dates and would stay that way," he grumbled back.
Rose giggled, but guided him to the couch where Carlos was waiting, already face and eyes in the snacks Ray had set out.
"I get Julie's pick right?"
Rose nodded, "But your papi and I get veto rights."
Carlos groaned, rolling his eyes, but picked the new Ghostbusters movie, which Ray was okay with, having loved the franchise in the 80's, and Rose was cool with it being something she wouldn't suffer through.
"Even if I don't like it, I can just stare at Paul Rudd!" she teased, receiving a popcorn tossed at her face from Ray, but she dutifully caught it in her mouth, grinning from ear to ear.
The movie wasn't bad, but it had some scenes that even Ray found upsetting, and soon found Rose burying her face into his shoulder, and Carlos clung to his side, a pillow over his eyes as the scarier monsters came on screen.
Ray was honestly ready to turn it off, but Carlos protested, wanting to see it out, even if Ray was sure the boy would end up with nightmares later on. A good thing he and Rose had invested in a big bed that would fit their kids as well as themselves.
He just pulled his family in closer, and prayed that the movie's more gruesome parts would conclude soon.
Thankfully the movie drew to a close before too long, and they all untangled on the couch, Carlos yawning through the credits, and Rose offered to put him to bed.
"I'm not a little kid anymore mami," he protested though he rubbed his eyes.
"So no to being tucked in?" Rose asked.
"I didn't say that."
Ray chuckled, cleaning up the mess as the other two went up the stairs, sure that Rose would fall asleep right next to Carlos and he would be carrying her to bed in a few as well.
He then heard a car door shut, and well, he totally peeked out of the curtains as Julie walked up the drive, a blissful smile on her face. Though it couldn't compare to the familiar crooked grin on her date's face-especially after Julie granted him a kiss.
Ray was tempted to flick the lights or open the door, but he restrained himself, merely grinning wide as Julie came in, sighing as the door closed behind her.
"Good date?" he asked, leaning against the door to the kitchen, crossing his arms and still smiling.
"The best," she answered dreamily. "But he felt bad that I missed movie night-and so do I. I know how important it is."
"It's okay mija," he assured her. "We can always have another. He can even come next time if you think it's serious."
"It might be," Julie said with a blush. "Just know that if we do invite him, we'll be watching Star Wars."
"I love Star Wars," Ray stated. "You tell your new beau he's welcome any time if I can have backup in getting your mother to sit through Jedi."
"I'll let him know. Buenos noches papi."
Ray nodded, going back to cleaning and shutting down the house. All in all, not the usual movie night, but a successful one none-the less.
But next time he was looking up the warnings before he let Carlos have free reign on the movie choice.
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eviltiddyproductions · 9 months
on most days of my life I absolutely hate and will complain to anyone who listens about dramas releasing weekly (because I am an impatient monster) except the day my show releases!
it’s my demon fridays besties !!!
love the fact that it’s a Friday Saturday release schedule so that I can cry a bit more for my Sunday sadness moments
the intro cut from yoojung’s eye to song kang is so beautiful actually
LMAOOO I forgot how during the weekly release pattern you sometimes lose the rhythm of the show for a second because Do Dohee going with the tv tropes classic ‘everyone I love is dead’ 😔😞😭 made me just bust out laughing 😭
and you’ll die because of me too! 😔
‘i don’t care’ 👿🤷‍♂️
two gorgeous people kissing
the droplets suspended in the air looks so beautiful
aww they look adorable! wet little puppies 😭
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medical undressing but with actual dressing time 🩹
oh they’re making out again, that’s actually pretty realist for kdrama standards 😂
most of them go designated kiss over, back to talking; here they’re actually making out again, like normal people do
song kang has a heart warming smile
lmfaoooo we went from fun time to eerily creepy clock room
we’re back in their room and i adore them !!!
my man went from ‘humans suck! losers!!! boooo 🍅🍅🍅 to they’re not that bad actually, love is kinda cool and i sorta get them and while we’re at it can i get a couples set dinner with my wife?!’
and let me just couple bike with my wife as well!
i will always be a sucker for anyone who’s down for cheesy things! #mypeople
wait woah my sister was going that in heels !!!
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this fuckass quality…. giphy you will crumble !!!
they’re actually truly having the world’s most loveliest date. just having fun and taking walks and admiring the breeze !
same sister, if I saw someone that beautiful irl I’d also thank them 😭 [context : guwon says thankyou to the barista for his couple coffee set and she’s like no thank you 😻]
him saying do dohee always takes me out
they’re so cute y’all, they’re slow dancing
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i’d be kinda surprised if there’s no criminal from the eldest son’s family like they rank a little higher on the possible murderer scale for me than everyone else. seems misleading rn because all shows tend to do this but y’all need to be in checked 😭
my short term memory is memorying because I was wondering why he was following her into her office and then remembered he’s her bodyguard 💀
I mean she didn’t have to give up everything but if it makes her happy!
two gorgeous people in one frame!
y’all are not subtle at allll with the wrist thing at all 😭 how many times has the seokhoon seen it already?
I adore the wolf gang lmaooo
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lmaoooo they’re so dramatic, I love them!
the beautiful theatre dancer has a point and doesn’t have a point at the same time 😭 jin gayeong you’re beautiful, go live your life !!!
my sister said one shot while all she poured miss shin was foam 😭
miss shin I <3 u
doo hee the nut job 💀
lmaooo did he rush to her because he was happy to be called husband lmao, my man looks shook seeing them drunk 😂
he said my wife is embarrassing let me take her home and then she called him a blinding sun and he just glowed (he’s just like me fr)
all of the happiness and love he was uncomfortably bottling up inside in denial is coming out right now and I love it.
she could ask him for a toothbrush and he’d give her a loving smile and do it
poor boggy I omg 😭
your honour, this demon is whipped !!! 😭💞
the bag on his neck lol
it has taken me over an hour atp to finish this episode lmao maybe I could’ve written this later
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miss shin is a mood
my wolf gang is back
the dad’s just laughing after choking someone ? 😭 this family…
it’s always fun to watch the murderers be hunted 🤷‍♂️
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oh he killed his mom too, he was my first guess but the son was a strong case too
this cartoon villain ass laugh
my married lovebirds have a pretty strong knit game like his cardigan rn and hers during the sprinkler kiss scene
slay you found the bug
the wife seems normalish compared to her son and husband
damn did they vanish because of the card thing
him knocking at the cardboard door 😭
did they fumble the continuity or something changed when they were walking at the bar because our homeless mystery queen’s teeth are back to normal rn
is she god
need that snapping finger power so bad like I also want a galaxy in my room thankyou
butterflies just follow song kang in tv shows
the second male lead kinda needs to let it go, bae it’s not that serious
why would the theatre girlie just tell that to him flat out 😭
honeymoon period over
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bitchapalooza · 2 years
More Larry headcanons
Despite saying he's done with baseball and he's never going to touch a bat again, he still has some memorabilia from his childhood in his closet, the rest is in storage.
Uses cheap dollar store reading glasses. He doesn't need prescription ones yet. Its caused by overusing his eyes so much.
He's a nail biter. One of his stims, actually.
His special interests are: baseball, food, and puzzles.
He can finish a 200 piece puzzle within an hour. Crosswords take a little longer.
Hats are a total nightmare to his senses.
He does play minecraft. He started playing when Giacomo left the game paused and forgot to turn it off before leaving for his mom's. He likes to build houses, specifically brick ones.
He's got a whole world that's practically a neighborhood!
Also plays at work when he really shouldn't be. Does not listen to Geeta's warnings. He does it on purpose to upset her.
Was forced to learn an instrument growing up but his mom wasn't specific. So he took the easy way out and picked the triangle.
Doesn't mean hes any good at playing the triangle. .....Somehow.
His ideal day off is sleeping in until noon and staying in bed dissociating until the evening. Then sitting on the shower chair the previous owners left, letting the water hit him on the head as he tries not to think about his next work day.
Drinks more energy drinks than he does coffee.
Neither do better than the other, he just likes the taste of the energy drinks more than coffee. Yeah it makes his heart race and is putting him at risk of a heart attack, but everyone dies in the end, hes allowed to ruin his body just a little. He doesn't someone stop him before he gets hurt
Hassel and Rika have banded together to steal and pour out his energy drinks from the workplace fridge. Larry is none the wiser.
Besides Katy, I think he's pretty close with Rika and Hassel. Rika because she makes it a point to get to know herr coworkers. Hassel because hes genuinely a good guy to hang around once you get past how loud he can be.
He considers Iono a friend, however he actually sees her more as a child still. Shes only a two years older than his son so sometimes Dad Mode™ comes out lol
Dad Mode™ also comes out around Poppy, too. He's instinctively taken her hand before crossing the road and sometimes a Kiddo or two slips out when talking to her. He tries not to baby her, after all she is his coworker. Buuuuuuut that's hard to do when she's literally 6...
Which brings him to the confusion as to WHY Geeta has allowed her 6 year old niece into the damn elite four— YES she's skilled, she's a child prodigy, she deserves the recognition, BUT SHES SIX. Larry really can't wrap his head around it. He thinks Poppy should be in school with other kids her age, not homeschooled while working as an E4 member. Should be living her childhood to the fullest.
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sunsetno4 · 4 months
If ur playing the sidestep ask game, can I get 1, 3, and 12 for ur step?
Absolutely! :D Thank you so much for the questions! <3
what is their secret identity? do they have any nicknames? what is the meaning behind them?
Vendetta Frey (ne/they). c: Ven is the only nickname anyone outside of Anathema has gotten away it. Themmy used Venny and Vendi a lot. Ortega tried 'gummy bear' once (once) but that only got her the nickname of Jello in return, lol.
As for why, Vendetta was one of the first words they remember hearing and ne just loved the way it sounded. It was so pretty and melodic, and ne just really liked repeating the syllables over and over again to nemself. It's just special to nem, like the first spark of the inferno that would be nir future self. There was never gonna be another choice, as much as Vendetta also wishes ne picked something a bit less noticeable sometimes.
On the other hand, Frey is simply because Ven needed a last name, saw nir hoodie sleeve was fraying and was like 'sure sounds good :)!' lol.
3. what is their villain name? why did they choose it?
Ichor! \m/ Ah, Vendetta just really loves words that are just fun to say and a bit archaic too, which Ichor fits that bill perfectly. The number of hours ne spent pouring over words to find the one that just clicked right… :')
Ichor is also like the spicy fluid that is supposedly the blood of gods and immortals, so Vendetta does enjoy the cheeky-in-a-nerdy-way implications that ne isn't human and that ne is toxic to actual humans like ichor is supposed to be.
Ichor can also imply an infection, which I personally enjoy a lot, and probably why Vendetta keeps allowing trippy drippy glitchy static bs through their armor, ngl. Why fight it? It is a fun visual~~~
12. do they prefer to solve things diplomatically or through violence?
Vendetta's ruthless score is like ….18%, so I wanna say diplomatically?? Ne really doesn't enjoy violence for violence's sake (probably why ne ended up gravitating more towards being a thief, well-thought heists avoid people entirely).
Buuuuuuuut, sometimes you just have to bite people and/or slug them in the face to make a point stick and ne certainly isn't above that. Plus, violence is a faster solution a lot of the time. Like you could spend time talking to someone, or you could knock them out. It's simple and it's efficient. :)
It's probably a 50/50 split, entirely depending on the situation. ^^;;
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
Alright I finally got done with work my goodness it was long but u said I can still participate in the event so here I am 😁 I don't rlly know what type of stuff to write in these match up esk requests but here I go ig-♡
So I'm a 16 yr old dual college/ high-school student hoping to be a forensic pathologist so I'm doing a pre med chemistry work at a community College in my city while attending in person half in half college and high-school I work part time at a game stop [very fun btw would recommend] I am 5'4 I have red hair and blue eyes I love reading I compete in battle of the books club for my high school I also if not more love video games [why I work at gamestop] I dress in a goth style tho my room is mostly pink lol I love doodling my school work is covered in it
My ideal date would prob be cuddling and watching cheesey movies or playing our childhood video games together while remembering how we played when we were younger -♡idk if I needed to write more or not lol my bad if I did 😅
notes 💌: hello love!! you are one hard working girl!! im so glad you had time to send this in after all of your work. thank you for all of your support in my time of being on tumblr it seriously means the world to me <3 i hope you have a lovely valentine's day and I know you will love who i matched you with!
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we all knew i was going to say this lol
like after reading your matchup, no wonder you request him all the time!!!
you two fit together so well omg
this man would support you 100% in everything you do
he thinks that it is fantastic that you work so hard for what you want
but he will make sure you dont overwork yourself
he will make sure breaks are taken and that you are healthy as can be
your happiness is his happiness, so he wants to make sure you stay with a huge smile on your face <3
give him discounts on video games
he will always visit you at work because god knows he is there to buy more games
you also give him insight on new games coming out and all that
you have the best video games knowledge for him and he loves you even more for that
read to him
or read with him
he loves reading the same books as you because he wants to see what you are reading
he loves your goth aesthetic
like he's obsessed with it
he just has a goofy smile on his face whenever he sees you all dressed up
doodle in his notebooks too
he thinks it's cute
he ADORES your room
that pink room is just everything to him
it's just so cozy and cute <3
he would write you a cute note and get you your favorite flower and snacks. it would just say "do you want to be my valentine? <3" and then i think he would ask you with words too :)
Kakyoin had brought snacks and a smile on his face when he walked into your lively room with pink covering the walls. He had helped you set up some old consoles of yours from when you were a kid so you two could spend valentine's together just playing old video games and reminiscing on the good times. You smiled and gave him a quick hug before setting up the snacks in front of you and loading up nastolgia. You just played old video games for a couple of hours, laughing at your childhood self who couldn't pass the levels that you were now passing with ease. Kakyoin got turns too, where he would just talk about remembering when that game came out for the first time and how he waited in line just to get his hands on it. It felt like you had played every game by the time your thumbs were exhausted. You took a breath and curled up in Kakyoin's arms, seeing the sun set through your blinds. "That was fun," you said, pressing your cheek to his chest. "That was fun." Kakyoin said back, squeezing you closer and pressing a kiss to your forehead. "What now?" You asked, walking over to open up the blinds and let the golden sun pour into the room. "We could just watch cheesy movies until you fall asleep." "Best Valentine's Day ever." You smiled, running into Kakyoin's arms for the entire night. <3
mystery date rules | pinned post @tonberry-yoda
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bmpmp3 · 6 months
ive been a little frustrated in these latter years of my fine arts major because theres this weird... contradiction? discrepancy? something like that...
but like i've got like only two modes of making art really: 1) fuck around mode and 2) drawing my ocs like im a 10 year old on deviantart in 2008 mode AND LIKE okay Fuck Around Mode is just like. trying weird techniques for the sake of trying weird techniques - its very fun and i learn a lot that can be incorporated into the second mode and i mean i like the things i make in Fuck Around Mode they're nice and neat but like. theres no passion behind it except for THE PASSION OF THE GAME..... you know? im just playing ball with that art, i don't think all that much about my Fuck Around Mode pieces after im done making them until i need something for a portfolio or something LOL and to be honest i dont put all that much effort into it.....
but that leads into my '08 OC Mode where i do, in fact, pour my entire heart and soul in making images and pieces of art..... of just like an edgy angel oc or something. i do include techniques from Fuck Around Mode so they often get pretty interesting! but the subject of the piece is no longer "I Don't Really Care I Just Want To see What Happens If I Do This" and is instead. an anime boy i made up when i was 19. and i really do love the work i make in this mode, it means so much to me truly
but this is where the discrepancy i havent been able to grapple with quite yet comes in: to the IRL layman and to the citizens of the internet, both professional artists and otherwise, my '08 OC Mode is pretty strongly engaged with compared to any Fuck Around Mode stuff i put out there, even if people dont like it they take it seriously and earnestly you know!! but the second i step into school its the opposite - my teachers and peers seem to adore the Fuck Around pieces and many Do Not give a shit about the rest until i really push em to actually look at them.... its kind of bizarre.
i like getting critiques and i like when people interpret my art in whatever ways but its a bit frustrating when instead of giving useful advice on what to improve technically or compositionally or whatever i just get people ascribing passion and personal intent at art where there is very little.
where was that post of the comic where someones showing their art with all their heart and the other person says "this lacks truth" and the first person beats them up. i do feel a little like that LOL
i know not everything i make will always be effective at conveying the personal truths i put in to them, and effort put in does not have to equal an audience resonating with a piece: 2 minute doodle getting a million views and a 4 hour painting getting like 3 max online is a tale as old as time after all and i never minded it LOL i kind of post art on the internet using the same method as the wonderful ms paint fetish artist on deviantart who has been posting for 15 years without fail -> just keep posting what i do and what i like whenever i feel like it and whoever is interested will find me sooner or later <3
but it is a different feeling getting the IRL academic equivalent of this...... maybe its just the way the community in my faculty has been shifting? I've noticed there is like, an assumption, a bit among my undergraduate peers but mostly among professors and graduate students, that the reason one makes art is because they have something specific, clear, and pointed to tell the world. i do not make art because of that. i make art because i need to get it out of me.
i like it if a viewer can get something out of it, anything, whatever it is. im a big loud alien beast of a person like everyone else, desperate for connection and understanding only to be stopped by the barriers between molecules and atoms and everything as usual. but still i cannot make art with the intention to connect with others, with the express goal and desire to understand and converse and comprehend. i can only draw a cartoon character shoulders up facing three-quarters to the left.
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true-blue-sonic · 1 year
hi blue, hope you have a good time I just remembered about something very funny, and why not talk about it :D Yesterday, I had resisted my mother to let her go to sleep and take care of the dishes alone, it didn't bother me XD, I threw some soap and by mistake I pressed a little too hard on the bottle and bubbles came out out lol, but the first idea that came to my mind with these bubbles was a vision of silver, with big round eyes, beaming and fascinated by these weird and intriguing little things, he was suspicious at first when one of them had exploded at the contact with his pointed feathers, espio had to explain to him that they do nothing wrong and will find it so adorable how much his love is facinated by these small transparent and sparkling balls exploding at the slightest touch and that's also how I dropped a bowl and broke it into a thousand pieces HEHEH hihihihi
and also the idea about espio and silver' mothers was an exelent idea, i think i will draw them❣
Hello ^-^ I'm doing fine, I hope you are too!🍀
That's adorable! I doubt Silver has ever really used something like soap before, let alone fancy green apple-scented dish soap. Espio needs to show him how much to pour, since Charmy has long taught him that children will just pour half a bottle right into the sink for the heck of it, but he's very careful, so there won't be any bubbles from him. But when Silver gives it a shot, a few of them pop out! I can imagine he freezes and just stares in wonder, because they're indeed so glimmering and pretty. And Espio definitely has to laugh if one explodes right on top of Silver and this hedgie jumps back all startled, because now that spot is wet!
The next time they go to the store, Espio buys Silver one of those bottles of bubble blower. Ours in Holland have little mazes in the screw-on lid, where you need to guide a tiny ball into a hole through a small parkour. It'll give Silver entertainment for hours until he eventually kind of cheats by using his powers to nudge the ball to the goal! And of course he and Charmy blast through the soap solution in the bottle at a frightening speed too, culminating in a game of "Who can blow a bubble that spats apart on Espio's horn" (not everyone participating gave their full permission, lmao). So altogether that makes for a fun-filled afternoon, and I think Silver would like doing the dishes as well if it means he can make more bubbles! <3
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