#it is so annoying do u realize the point is flying right over ur head
cyancherub · 2 years
why do ppl always comment the most irrelevant shit that is completely beside the point on my posts
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acciofanfics · 4 years
Spell It Out (Oliver Wood x Reader)
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Request: could you do an oliver wood x female reader where they’re like friends and she’s really little (like thin and short and she’s insecure abt it by the thinks it’s cute) so he’s like kinda protective over her but she’s oblivious and idk maybe like he gets jealous or something (?) idk u can make the plot but they get together in the end and maybe it’s a lil steamy (?) thanks sm!!! i love ur writing 🥺
Pairing: Oliver Wood x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Heavily implied smut and maybe language? I’ll say language to be safe.
Word Count: 1652
A/N: I hope this is what you wanted! I really struggled with thinking I wrote Oliver too OOC. That being said... I apologize if this is too OOC >.< As always here’s a reminder that requests are still open! - S 
Oliver Wood took quidditch quite serious, and would never fault anyone else for doing so. His chest swelled with pride when he found his team already on the pitch practicing, before their scheduled time. Maybe it was that they’d be playing Slytherin next week that had them finally taking the game as seriously as he did (they were Gryffindor’s biggest rival). His chest deflated when he saw (Y/N) playing keeper. How could they let her play?!
It wasn’t that he didn’t like (Y/N), they were good friends. Fred and George often said it was quite obvious he fancied her. Maybe, that’s why he had such a problem with it, quidditch could be a dangerous game! Of course it wasn’t against the rules for students not on the quidditch team to play around on the pitch and fly, but it should’ve been... at least for her. His first game on the team he took a Bludger to the head 2 minutes in and was out for a week!
Oliver found himself just watching for a bit; annoyed but distracted, he was fond of her smile and the wind catching her hair. Well, he was fond of it until Fred was hovering beside her, both laughing as her smile grew. Oliver couldn’t hear what they were saying so he had to make it up in his head and he was irritated that Fred had the nerve to suggest such. Oliver was quite glad he heard George yell and break his trance, “MUM’S HERE NO MORE FUN AND GAMES!”
Oliver tried to seem normal, as they all settled down and got ready for practice. He brushed off a friendly greeting from (Y/N) and tried to ignore the thoughts of her all together while she put the broom away. It wasn’t going to be the easiest task, given the fact that she usually settled in the stands to watch them practice.
It was a brutal practice... he had the tendency to do that: take out his frustrations on the pitch. It was pretty obvious that he was having an off day, but the team knew it was best to just suffer through it and hope next practice he would be in a better mood. Poor Fred seemed to get the brunt of the abuse.
(Y/N) was a bit concerned. It’d been awhile since she’d seen Oliver work himself and them this hard and that was after a particularly hard run in with Marcus Flint. (Y/N) just worked on her potions homework and waited for practice to end. It ran longer than usual, and her worry only grew when she didn’t see Oliver exit the locker room with the rest of the guys. She waited a few minutes before deciding to just walk right in.
“Oliver, you still in here?”
Oliver’s eyes widened at her intrusion, he’d just gotten out of the showers and wore only a towel around his waist, “Bloody hell, (Y/N)! Just barge right on in, will ya?”
She rolled her eyes at his tone. “What’s wrong with you today?”
He thought about responding with a simple: nothing, but they knew each other too well for that. It wouldn’t work. “Why were you out there playing today?”
“Is that what you’re mad about? We were just messing around, practice hadn’t even started yet. It was just a warm up.”
“Yeah, but you shouldn’t have been warming up with them.” Oliver approached her and as he sized her up, he really didn’t feel like he was being silly. She stood a good head or two (maybe three) shorter than him, and all around the girl was just tiny. A good gust of wind could’ve knocked her right off that broom, “You could’ve gotten hurt.”
(Y/N) was used to this, but that didn’t make it any less frustrating. She wasn’t a child, even though everyone seemed to think she was. It was rather disheartening actually to be treated like this by him... she wondered if she was a bit taller and a little more filled out if this was the conversation they’d be having while he stood before her basically naked. “Oh, sorry. I thought something was actually wrong, I wouldn’t have bothered had I known you were just being a git. It’s not different than you playing! You could get hurt, in fact out of the 2 of us you’re the one with more quidditch related injuries.”
Oliver ignored her, they wouldn’t reach an agreement on the subject anyhow. He decided to go in on something else bothering him, “What are you doing here anyways? I figured you’d be back in the common room with Fred or whatever.”
Fred? He was two years younger than her (granted you definitely wouldn’t realize that by looking at them) and sure he flirted with her. It was Fred, he was flirty and goofy. It was the boy’s personality and had nothing to do with anything. “Honestly, Oliver you are too much sometimes! You’re going to act like I’m a child and then turn around and act jealous in the same breath?”
Did she really think he viewed her as a child? That wasn’t it at all. Maybe he needed to get over himself and finally come clean. “I don’t look at you like you’re a kid... and you call me thick.”
“Okay,” Sarcasm dripped from her tongue, “You act like I can’t do anything for myself, you’re mean to any guy that pays me any mind, you hardly let me carry my books for myself!”
“And there’s no other explanation for that?” Oliver’s eyes widened in disbelief when she didn’t speak up. He’d called her thick as a joke, but maybe... “Oi! Just make me spell it out, why don’t you? I fancy you, (Y/N)!”
Oliver Wood just confessed attraction to her. Was it some sort of joke? (Y/N) obviously had a crush on him, plenty of girls in their year did. She felt a little silly for being so oblivious, but most guys adopted her as a little sister of sorts. She’d had a few boyfriends here and there, but it wasn’t like they were lining up for her. And there she stood shocked and confused, “If this is a joke it’s not very funny.”
Oliver chuckled at the girl, she was still there so that must’ve been a good sign. “I’m not joking.”
“Why would fancy me? You guys said I looked like a first year yesterday.” She crossed her arms. Of course she wanted Oliver to like her, but something didn’t seem to add up.
“That one was a joke! And I didn’t say anything I just laughed,” He defended himself, but he supposed that didn’t make him sound much better. “I like your size... I think it’s cute.”
Honestly, (Y/N) had grown tired of being called ‘cute’, but she didn’t mind it that much when he said it. There was only one logical response to this in her mind (although there probably were a few more ways in all actuality). She grabbed his hand and pulled him closer to one of the benches where she promptly stood on top of one. Oliver smiled a bit, catching onto her plan, "You know you could've just asked me and I would-"
(Y/N) cut him off, he was being annoying anyhow. Her lips crashed against his and Oliver immediately a wave of relief crash over him. The doubt that had still lingered in his mind was long gone and all that he could focus on was what happening. He'd held the desire to kiss the girl in front of him for so long and now that he could feel her lips against his, he didn't want to feel anything else.
(Y/N) placed her hands on his chest, firm and still damp (up until that moment she'd somehow forgotten about the lack of clothing he was wearing). She knew this was highly inapproptiate and if McGonagall had any idea what her two students were currently up to she'd have their heads.... or at least a month of detention and quite a few house points. Call it teenage rebellion or maybe just lust, but it only fueled the desire to keep going. Oliver felt the same and pulled her flush against him, his hands felt so large against her clothed body that she shuddered to think what they might feel like against her skin.
For a first kiss, it was quite efficient, their mouths moved in tandom like they like dance partners that had been working together for years. Before she even really aware of what she was doing, (Y/N) found herself shedding her clothes (Oliver helping her out), it wasn't long at all before she'd practically caught up with the boy. She stood before him in nothing but her knickers, and perhaps she might've felt a little embarrassed baring herself in front of one of her closest friends, but Oliver didn't give her much of chance to even think those silly thoughts before his hands and lips were exploring her body.
How they’d gone all this time without each other seemed like a mystery that couldn’t be solved at the moment. Oliver lifted her up, a task easily accomplished given her stature and his training, and instinctively (Y/N) wrapped herself around searching for stability that she easily found. She arched herself into him involuntarily when her back hit the cold wall; the action earning a groan from Oliver.
Fred and George waited and watched from behind the stands. When (Y/N) and Oliver both exited the locker room hand in hand and foolish grins on their faces, their faces lit up. Oh the material they’d have to torment them! Honestly they hoped the couple wouldn’t even bother trying to deny it, they didn’t seem to bother trying to cover it up, or at least the twins assumed by the state of their hair. “Georgie, you owe me a galleon!”
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bakugosbratx · 4 years
OMGOMG so idk if you’ve watched the promised Neverland BUT I RLY HOPE U HAVE anyways I was listening to isabellas lullaby and this au came into my head like how about bakugou x reader who were childhood friends in that au in another life and she gets sent away and he’s devastated but then they meet in another life when they’re older and she hums the lullaby and he realizes it’s her? Please omg ur so talented!!! Thank you!!!
SFW Lullaby - AU Bakugo x Reader
WARNING: Angst, swearing, alternate universe(s), soulmates, fluff, etc.
A/N: I didn’t know what to name Katsuki in the first part so I just called him Kanchan lol I haven’t heard of this anime but I did some reading and I want to see it now! I hope you like it. I kinda put my own spin on it and I hope it fits the image you were thinking. I love the concept. If any of you have request, please feel free to send it to me! ✨
Check out my other works here
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Year: 1900’s
You packed what was left of your clothing into your old, worn out suitcase. You’ve had it since as long as your young mind could remember. You always wanted a new start. Especially away from this orphanage you grew up in your whole life, but new starts never come without a price.
Everyone at school was excited for you. Except for one.
“What the hell you mean you’re leaving?” Kanchan huffed.
Even though you both are only eleven years old, Kanchan had quite a potty mouth with a short temper.
“I got adopted, Kanchan! Isn’t that exciting?!”
“Yeah.. exciting.”
“C’mon, Kanchan, let’s play on the playground. It is recess after all.”
You and Kanchan have been friends ever since kindergarten. It started off with him getting the adult scissors and cutting your ponytail. You cried, the principal was involved, and you both were not allowed around each other for the rest of the school year. Then, you got put into the same first grade class. Even though Kanchan still bullied you, at least he didn’t cause any destruction to your physical features. He only would take your juice box instead.
Once, Kanchan lied and said you were an accomplice to him doing something bad so you both had to stay in during recess and write sentences. What should have been punishment turned into fits of giggles as he found ways to annoy the teacher and cause more trouble. Even though it cost you both a few more recess days this brought you two even closer.
Throughout the years, fate would put you two in the same classes. You would always play on the playground together and work on group projects. Even traded lunches at times. You were inseparable.
Kanchan pushed you on the swings as you sang your infamous lullaby. You have sang it ever since you could talk. Your caretaker would always sing it to you and the rest of the orphans. Kanchan would pick on you for it, but he secretly loved it. It always made him happy.
“Let me sing a lullaby
As you close your eyes
And as you're drifting off to sleep
How I hope that the dreams that you find
Are bright
Love, can we meet again soon in the bluest of skies?
Where a tomorrow waits for you and I
So hold me tight one more time, but don't kiss me goodbye
'Cause I know that I'll see you on the other side
I will think of our song when the nights are too long
I'll dream of you for that's where I belong
Love, can we meet again soon in the bluest of skies
Only, in my dreams, do we meet again”
“Recess is over!” The teachers called.
All the children rushed to form a single file line to go inside. Kanchan couldn’t help but fall behind as you ran ahead.
“C’mon Kanchan! Don’t want to be late!” You giggled.
Kanchan faked a smile.
“I’m right behind you!”
The days seemed to fly. For you, you couldn’t ask for any better. For Kanchan it felt like the world was against him. How could this be happening? As happy as he was for you, he sure as hell hated that his best friend was leaving. He doesn’t get close to anyone else. He doesn’t want anyone else as his best friend. He just wants you.
Kanchan came to the orphanage to reluctantly say his goodbyes. You made sure you had all of your belongings while happily humming your song.
“I get your leaving, but could you not act so damn happy about it.” Kanchan states in aggregation. It was to mask his pain.
“Oh, Kanchan. I apologize. I am just so excited!”
“I’m aware.”
You take a quick glance around your old room.
“Looks like this is what is left of my belongings. Will you help carry my stuff to the car?” You asked, sweetly.
Kanchan nods, taking your heavy suitcase and carrying it to your new parents car. He put it into the trunk and aggressively shuts it. You were saying goodbye to everyone else before you turn to him. You and him were close, but Kanchan wasn’t the PDA type. This time was an exception as you hugged him. You felt his warm embrace around yours.
“I’ll miss you, Kanchan. If you ever go to New York City one day, come find me.”
“I’ll always look for you.”
The hug seemed like years, but you both did not mind. Behind that happy smile of yours there was sadness. As much as you wanted to be adopted, you also didn’t want to leave your friends behind. They were like family to you.
You pull away to meet his gaze and you gently placed a kiss on his cheek. Kanchan was taken back by the sudden action of yours as his cheeks glowed a crimson red.
“Do me a favor and one day when you someday have a wife and a family, will you tell them about me?”
Kanchan processed your words.
“As long as you do the same.”
You held out your pinky and he connected his pinky with yours.
“Promise.” You both say in unison.
You said your last quick goodbyes before you hopped into the backseat of the car. You looked out the window to see everyone telling you goodbye. You could not help the tears that fell when you looked at Kanchan, looking sad. He stood there until the cars taillights were no longer in sight and then some. The caretaker had to convince him to go home.
Life goes on. You both live a happy life with beautiful families and homes. It took you both some time, though, as a tug was always on the both of your hearts. Some say that means your soulmates, some say it’s just a crush, and some say it’s just sadness over a friendship. You both never met in this lifetime again due to you both being so young and so far apart. You both always had dreams of seeing each other again and speaking, but it just never happened. You both were perished by the time the internet came around. Even on your death beds, some of your final thoughts were each other. Both of your children tried finding a way to get you both together, but it wasn’t possible.
Still, you both kept your promises.
Year: 2020
“Class, welcome our new student, Y/N!” Your teacher excitedly greeted. You nervously waved.
“Hello Y/N!” Said the class in unison.
“Y/N, take a seat next to Katsuki Bakugo and we will get class started.”
You looked to see where the teacher was pointing. You saw a ashy blonde hair boy sitting at his desk with a scowl on his face. He did not look like the friendly type so you did not even try to get to know him today, but for some reason, your heart raced at the sight of him. He was not your type so it seemed a bit off for you to feel this way. You decided to ignore it as you took your seat next to the blonde.
“Okay class, we are going to have group projects! You are paired up next to the person you are sitting next to. The project is due in two weeks.”
“Great.” Katsuki groans in annoyance.
You were taken back by his sudden rudeness, but tried to brush it off. You would probably have the same reaction as him if you were lured with the new kid. Plus, you came into the school year late due to the fact you just moved to Japan from New York City. It was a great opportunity for you to study abroad.
“If it makes you feel any better, I am really good at History.” You say nervously.
“It doesn’t, nerd.” Katsuki insults.
The teacher finishes teaching the lesson and the class is dismissed. You gathered your stuff about to leave and Katsuki follows closely behind you. He stops you by handing you a piece of paper.
“What is this?” You ask.
“Open it, dumbass.”
You opened up the folded paper to see it is an address and the words “meet me at my place after school.”
Before you could even question anything, Katsuki was gone. You rushed to your next class as you heard the bell ring. The high school does not give you as much time as you should have to get to one class to another.
School was finally over and you made your way out the building. You noticed Katsuki waiting at the entrance.
“Took you long enough. Got lost?” Katsuki teased.
Your cheeks went red because you actually did get lost.
“You didn’t have to wait for me, you know?”
“I’m aware, but we are going to the same place. I don’t need you getting lost and I fail this project.”
“Fair enough.”
You and Katsuki began walking towards his place. Awkward silence overcame both of you so you started singing a lullaby that calms you down. Your mother sang this song since you were little.
“Let me sing a lullaby
As you close your eyes
And as you're drifting off to sleep
How I hope that the dreams that you find
Are bright
Love, can we meet again soon in the bluest of skies?
Where a tomorrow waits for you and I
So hold me tight one more time, but don't kiss me goodbye
'Cause I know that I'll see you on the other side
I will think of our song when the nights are too long
I'll dream of you for that's where I belong
Love, can we meet again soon in the bluest of skies
Only, in my dreams, do we meet again”
Katsuki stopped dead in his tracks. He has never heard of this lullaby before, but the song sounded so familiar. So did your voice and the feeling in his chest. He has never seen you a day in his life and neither have you, but the familiarity feeling in both of you said otherwise. You both have heard rumors of this feeling before, but you both have never experienced it until now.
You turned to face him.
“Something wrong?”
Katsuki shook his head no. You held out your pinky finger.
Katsuki contemplated before wrapping his pinky finger around yours. He usually would have laughed or insulted someone for doing that, but this was different.
All Rights Reserved
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whittakerjodie · 4 years
Ex Machina
Request: Can u pls do a 13 x reader where when first judoon catch 13, reader is with her and ended up in prison too when u tried to shield the doctor? But 13 negotiate ur release from prison despite ur protest. She assumed ur safe back on earth. After jack broke her out, she found out from the fam that they never see u again. What happened to u?
Words: 1.7k 
Authors Note: This isn’t like, super explicit love stuff I guess? but I really liked the concept and stuff. I hope you like it regardless! Thank you for requesting. SPOILERS FOR REVOLUTION OF THE DALEKS
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Nothing was ever supposed to get onto the TARDIS, through its defenses. Yet the Judoon had broken in with extreme ease, with the sole intent of taking the Doctor away. Although she was usually the one protecting you, the roles were reversed since she was the target. You stepped in front of her as they vaguely stated her sentence, not realizing what exactly you’d just gotten yourself into.
With a flash, you were no longer on the space-time machine but in a dark room. The only light source was a small window, if you could call it that. In reality, it was just a small rectangular cut out of the wall, which appeared to be made of rock. Slowly, though, other lights worked to make things visible for you. You were standing on another rock, in the center of the room. Quickly you stepped off of it, looking around frantically.
The Doctor and the Judoon were nowhere to be found; you were alone.
“Hello?!?” You yelled. You sprinted over to the wall, setting your hands against it. It was cold to the touch and non responsive. Knocking against it hurt your knuckles, but you couldn’t give up. You shouted again, hoping to catch the attention of someone nearby. The only response you got, though, was a loud snarl from the other side of the wall. You jumped back with a gasp. You were alone in the room, but not in the entire building. (Assuming you were in a building in the first place)
“Where am I?” You whispered to yourself. There was another underlying question at the forefront of your mind: where was the Doctor?
Immediately when she arrived in her own cell, the Doctor thought of you. She knew you weren’t dead; the Judoon had simply used a teleportation device. But you had jumped in front of her, and likely experienced the effects of that. At that point, she had to assume that you were in the same place as her, just in a different room or area. If not- no, she didn’t want to consider the idea of you being lost somewhere.
It was a couple of days later when she was able to talk with a Judoon representative. Just asking wasn’t enough, but her questionable behaviour- such as attempting to eat part of her cage- was enough to earn some scolding. It was annoying, but a nice enough opening for her to be able to ask about her situation.
“Where is my friend? Y/N, they were in front of me when you brought me here. I think they might have come here too.”
“Judoon officers are not allowed to disclose prisoner information,” The Judoon grunted. The Doctor tensed against her chair. She could deal with whatever punishment they thought necessary for her. But she wouldn’t accept your imprisonment for no reason. They’d also mentioned a life sentence when they took the both of you. Her life sentence in particular- and that was significantly longer than however long you could last.
“What if I give you something in return?” the Doctor tried. It was her last bargaining chip- her only bargaining chip, in fact. “Y/n didn’t do anything. They don’t know as much as I know about the universe. For all they knew they were protecting me from danger. They don’t deserve to be here, please.”
The Judoon paused, then looked at what the Doctor assumed was one-way glass. They nodded at the glass after a few moments. “What information can be offered?”
“Information about me. Who I am, what I've done. I don’t know everything but I’m willing to tell you everything you do know.”
Almost a day and 7000 extra charges later, she had finally finished telling the Judoon whatever information they asked for. Nearly her entire life; everything she knew to be true as of that moment. It was a lot, and she wasn’t looking forward to dealing with the consequences of admitting it. But the Judoon promised that they would release you, and that was enough for her to justify it all.
Promises are rarely ever kept, unfortunately, especially when it comes to law enforcement and the justice system. Completely unaware of what the Doctor had just given up for you, the days dragged on. At one point, a Judoon officer came. They explained that your charges were minor enough to warrant an exchange to a smaller, less solitary prison.
Your heart rate was nearly strong enough to drill through the rock walls as another Judoon joined you. The two officers lead you through the corridors where you could see nothing, hear nothing, feel nothing except for your own fear. How were the Doctor or your friends supposed to get you out when they were moving you? They would have no idea where you were going…
Your throat felt tighter than the shackles around your wrist as you were brought further and further away from the cell you’d already spent a couple weeks in. Panic was beginning to fully take hold of you, preventing you from making any decisions or ideas of escape. You weren’t sure what to do, if anything could be done at all.
“Prisoner 5506, yes?” A familiar voice. 
“Hi, I was in space jail!” The Doctor said cheerfully. Yaz, Graham, and Ryan were staring at her with wild eyes, the contents of the flat tossed about in the wind the TARDIS had created. She could’ve landed in a better place, but she was much too excited to see you and her other companions.
The confusion set in, though, when she noticed there were only three people in the flat. That confusion was exacerbated when Yaz roughly shoved her back, yelling that they were worried about her. As her face fell, the reality settled in. Clearly she’d been late again. How could she have been so careless flying the TARDIS? She had imagined that everything had been programmed right. She was wrong- and her best friends had paid a hard price because of it.
“How long have I been gone? A week?” the three shook their heads. “Two weeks?”
When they told her that she had been gone 10 months, she felt even more weight be suddenly added to the one she was already struggling to bear. The gap, which she had initially assumed to be small, had expanded into a massive chasm. With you not in the room, she began to feel worried that you’d fallen into it.
“Where’s Y/N?”
Neither of them needed to speak; the confusion in their eyes was enough to answer the Doctor’s question. Any following words were a courtesy that only served to pause her hearts in her chest.
“They were with you,” Ryan said darkly.
“Th-They left, ran after you-” Graham added. The Doctor broke through his words with her own.
“No, no, I know that, they were in jail with me, then the Judoon sent them back” She searched the faces of Ryan, Yaz, and Graham. Even Jack, who seemed just as confused. “They sent them back.” She finished with a whisper.
“I only came there for you,” Jack said. Before the Doctor could protest, he clarified: “I only came there for you, because you were the only one there.”
“No, no, that can’t be true,” She shook her head, panic starting to build. “I was in there for- for years, decades and if I was..”
She trailed off, unable to finish the question. The room felt silent as the horrible probability crawled across everyone.
Had you…?
In hindsight, you shouldn’t have gone with him. You could’ve told the Juddoon who he was, what he did, why he did it. What he was probably going to do with you now. But your mouth would not open, your tongue would not move. Your legs, however, were operating on a different agenda. You followed him into the transport vehicle, knowing that it was not such a simple transport.
When the door shut, you felt like your fate had been sealed.
“Why?” Was all you could ask.
“That’s a stupid question,” The Master scolded. “Not sure what I was expecting, though.”
He grumbled his way through the sentence, though his face portrayed a dangerous level of glee. Like he’d laid a trap. He hadn’t, though. He was simply reaping the benefits of another's. How fitting of the Master, to essentially get another to do his dirty work for him.
“Sit.” He commanded. His TARDIS was still mostly the dirty shack that O had lived in. You were surprised, given the Master’s flair, that he had not improved on the design. The couch nearly sunk to the floor as you followed his command. You supposed, with the speed you followed his orders, that he could’ve hypnotized you. But truthfully, you were just too scared to do anything else. “First try, hm? Is this how far her pets have fallen...?”
“I’m not her pet-”
“But you went to prison for her didn’t you? And you know what would’ve happened if I hadn’t come to get you, don’t you.” By this time, he had walked across the length of his TARDIS to stare down at you from above. Another way to show who had the upper hand here.
“I would’ve…” Hell, you didn’t know. You’d been in there for a week, at least, judging by how many times you’d slept and done the odd daily routine. How much longer would they have kept you in there?
“Aww,” The Master cooed mockingly. “Too bad. One prison to the next!”
“But I’m not worth anything to you,” You tried, voice accidentally dripping with anxiety. “You can’t even fight the Doctor, she's still in prison.”
“Oh, but not for long.” The Master pointed out, returning to his console. The space time machine was in flight, taking you far away from the prison you’d been kept in. Far away from the Doctor. “I think we both know she’ll find her own way out. And when she does, I have a nice little bargaining chip for our next meeting”
You shrunk back into the couch as he threw his head back and began to laugh, wondering when exactly this next meeting would be- and how it would end.
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heathneycanon · 4 years
reasons why phobia factor fucking slaps
ok this lowkey just turned into me rambling abt phobia factor while i rewatched it. putting it under a read more bc it’s super long lmao
like, the entire first five minutes are the campers being friendly to each other?? and vulnerable, to a degree??? you know i love that shit
courtney and trent?? talk to each other?? like. okay they’re never in the same frame together unfortunately, but they do have like, two whole back and forth conversations.
also in that campfire scene at the beginning, cody and trent are sitting next to each other and there are some. good screencaps
“exSQUEEZE me?!” like cody. ur such a dork omfg
duncan vulnerability hours
lindsay asks what a standee is and trent explains it and doesn’t mock her/isn’t annoyed with her at all, in contrast to a lot of the other campers interacting with lindsay. i love them as friends SO much u all have no idea
harold’s little scene with the ninjas. i love him sm. why does he have nunchucks with him when he goes to the bathroom??
leshawna is afraid of spiders and she runs away screaming from. chef wearing a spider suit??? like i don’t love spiders but if a man i knew wearing a spider costume was calmly walking toward me i wouldn’t react the same way as i would to a real spider. anyway i think this is hilarious.
season one heather vulnerability hours.....
i mean, i really wish they’d actually shown her talking abt her fear at the campfire, rather than just having it told by gwen in the confessional, but i get why they did that. regardless that one scene right before the sumo wrestler charges at her where she’s literally shaking.... i want to give her a hug
side note i hope the sumo wrestler is okay he hit his head quite a few times
ok so. trent accidentally leaving gwen buried underground because he’s getting chased by a mime isn’t like. a sweet gwent moment. but it is one of their interactions that i remember most vividly from tdi lmfao
what is a cute gwent moment is trent like. kneeling next to her while chris is burying her. and the face he makes at chris when he jokes abt not digging her up..... i love them sm
also gwen sounds so fucking dramatic when they close the box she’s in like. “goodbye cruel world” gwen ur being buried for 5 minutes ur not dying sdfjlafskj i love her
duncan hyping dj up before he picks up the snake is so cute?? like he’s clapping for him and he’s got what i call “adorable duncan face” which is where his eyes are full circles and he’s smiling. i can remember him making this face at courtney, dj, and alejandro throughout the series and it’s just. ugh loving soft duncan hours
“ah! it blinked” “it means she likes you” sadie where are u getting this information
okay so i googled if this was true and the result i got was “snakes can’t blink” so first of all i have no clue where sadie pulled that fact from and i have even less of an idea of where chris got that fucking. blinking snake from. is that even a snake??
when dj picks up the snake and they all hype him up?????? i love the killer bass so much it’s unreal
more cute gwent moments... gwen and trent talking on the walkie talkies.. they’re so cute
when the mime pops up behind trent and he does that little scream.... it’s loving trent hours u guys
trent is so bothered by a mime literally just. being a mime. me too trent. me too.
duncan and the celine dion music store standee.... everything abt that scene
"DUDE SHE’S MADE OF CARDBOARD” tyler i love you
courtney genuinely saying that it’s okay if he can’t do it (when she was being harsh to dj about the snake earlier..... duncney is so good in tdi u guys)
and THAT is what gives duncan the encouragement he needs to go for it?? they’re so good.
his “okay, okay” right before going for it... duncan’s voice acting is so good in this episode omfg
“duncan, you’re awesome!” and the look of shock on his face at both the fact that he did it and that courtney’s hugging him...... have i mentioned i love duncney yet?? bc i do
i can’t believe i used to dislike duncney omfg
then when courtney realizes that she’s hugging him and steps back jafksdfjlsa she’s so cute
and then the rest of the bass come over and hype duncan up more like. i love how supportive they all are in this episode!!
trent is so excited when he finally gets the mime to leave him alone fakjldjfl like he didn’t have to ROAST the dude. but he did.
chris somehow owns a remote control hail cloud?
lindsay getting excited about the “baby cloud” and calling it over?? she’s so cute omfg
trent fucking. hates geoff. gwent has geoffphobia in tdi ig
when they dig up gwen and she throws the walkie talkie at his head but he doesn’t stop smiling..... your honor i love them
owen and izzy getting out of the plane and kissing the ground together..... adorable.
cody with a fucking. watermelon on his head and covered in trash scares bridgette out of the woods. that will never not be funny to me
the only bad thing abt this ep- tyler should have gotten the fucking point. he completed the challenge. i love courtney, but realistically, she should have gone home this ep and tyler should have stayed.
bridgette hyping tyler up...... im soft they should be friends
“quit being such a girl” courtney im sorry but the only reason you’re still in the game rn is because ezekiel made sexist comments in episode one. what are u saying lmfao
tyler and heather’s reactions to their fears rly make me think. bc like. most of the other campers have a more outward, loud reaction, maybe scream and run away. a couple are just a little wigged out. gwen gets a little snippy and is clearly super freaked out as well. but tyler and heather just. completely shut down. like, curled up in a ball, nonverbal, and shaking. makes u think.
why did cody need a calculator to figure out that the score was 7/3....... cody is canon lgbt+ bc he can’t do basic math without a calculator confirmed
also regardless of how little sense that made. at least that screencap gave us commie cody
when gwen starts trying to psych courtney out and heather like. gasps and looks shocked..... i like to think that heather feels a little bad for courtney here. heathney real.
duncan and bridgette hyping courtney up..... i love the killer bass so much omfg
courtney looks so sad when she walks away from the jelly.......
and then in the confessional right after?? she’s like. crying a little bit :( and she’s beating herself up abt it like..... :( courtney no
LITERALLY she’s like “how could i be so weak” “i deserve to go home” “you’re pathetic” (to herself) and then tells herself to show some confidence and then. she just starts crying again. and then slaps herself?? GOD I FUCKING LOVE COURTNEY SHE’S SO HARD ON HERSELF
owen just. hangin out in the tub of jelly. i love u, u wild dude. fuckin sit in that green jelly. loving owen hours
the little look that courtney and tyler give each other when they’re the last two without marshmallows..... half solidarity half “i don’t want to be the one going home”. i love them sm :(
i KNOW i said this earlier but. tyler should NOT have gone home this episode!!!!!! only bad thing abt this ep
all the fuckin chicken puns are a little bit funny tho
“he won’t be flying high tonight” bridgette chickens can’t fly
when courtney goes “okay, that’s enough” like. tyler’s not even there at this point but she’s defending him. maybe it’s because she still feels she should have gone home instead? maybe it’s because of that little bit of solidarity she felt for him when they were the final two without a marshmallow? maybe i’m reading too much into this? but idk. i think it’s sweet
okay no i have another complaint. what the fuck was the whole boat ride for tyler?? like when sadie gets eliminated the surprise she gets is that katie is on the boat. when tyler is on the boat, CRYING, after literally none of his teammates came to see him off, after he LITERALLY COMPLETED THE CHALLENGE BUT DIDN’T GET CREDIT FOR IT. the fucking. CHICKENS POP OUT?????? tyler deserved better
also some of the challenges were a lot easier, or at the very least, harder to fail than others this ep. i love it but come on. lindsay and sadie vs like. gwen vs owen and izzy vs dj. there were very different time limits, actual fright level, ability to back out once they were doing the challenge.... not a fair challenge
also uhm. if we’re being technical tyler and heather had the exact same reaction to their fears, so why did heather get a point and tyler didn’t? if the chicken had run at him, would he have won? smh
i do love this episode so much but. i had a couple complaints
okay finally lindsay’s little confessional to tyler where she blows him a kiss.... they’re so adorable lyler rights!!
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junosartsthetic · 4 years
Mista Headcanons
Did somebody say appx. nine pages of Mista Headcanons written at appx. 1 am? No? Well too bad, because that’s what I have to offer. These have not been read over so good luck deciphering some of them.
He do be hairy doe 
U know he’s got out of control curly hair that he doesn’t know what to do with
And I ain’t just talkin abt his head hair
Dis mans
Doesn’t understand how hygiene works
I lov him
But he smell
And the fact that he’s got a lot of hair doesn’t help that
But have no fear!
Just,,,, give him bath or shower. 
He will be fresH and make sure to shampoo and condition haiR!
Also get him some curl cream and blow dry that shit.
It’ll be stunNing!
And it’ll smell like vanilla or some shittttttt and it’ll be niceeeee
N u can run your hands through it and play with the curls n u know if u scratch behind his ear his gets all happy like a doggo
He’s a good boi!
He just needs someone to show him some love! And teach him how to properly take care of himself!
Also teach him how to properly shave because u know ya boi doesn’t know how to do that properly 
But it’s okey!
He learns!
After a lot of trial and error…
also u know with all that hair and sweat he’s got some acne
The poor boy doesn’t know what to do but you go out and buy him some skin care products and make sure he knows how to properly apply it!
Monthly spa time!
Give him a mani pedi and a nice deep condition and a face mask and put some cucumbers on his eyes!!!
He deserves it!!!
Also take away some of that greasy food he likes to eat
It’s not good for him
🥺 sorry mista but it’s for your health
But u can make up for it by giving him some smooches!
Tell him he’s a pretty boi!
Because he is!!!
He’s just a poor 18 year old that never learned how to take care of himself!
but u kiss his lil acne scars n u tell him he’s handsome n u play with his hair n give him the love he deserves!!!!
H-he babey. That all. 
N when u two finally ya know,,, get it on u make sure to let him know that u don’t care if he hairy everywhere!
U lov him!
It DONT matter!!!
U think he is stunning!
N of course let him know all the little scars he’s got from bein in the mafia DONT matter either!!!!
U kiss them!!!
And make them all okay!!!
Because it is okay!
Also idk if I mentioned this but u get him that nice old spice deodorant and it smells so good!!!
And it works so well!!!
So he’s no longer stinky!!!!
He’s fresh looking and smelling!!!
Also u help him pick out some clothes that let his skin and hair breathe so he doesn’t break out often and his hair stays nice n he’s hesitant because he’s worn the same clothes for sooo long but u convince him it’s for the best
N when he does he’s so happy!
He loves them!
What do they look like?
Gimme a sec
U get him a blue jean jacket that’s a button up in case he wants to have long sleeves
U find him a breathable shirt with the same pattern as his crop top sweater
U get him some shorts that make him look fashionable but also he can run n stuff in them
U get him some cool sneakers
U buy him a hat that’s loose and he can put his hair down or through the back of it in a lil pony tail n it’s nice
He looks so much better!!!
N u even bought him a holster!!!
It’s good.
n his stands like to chill in the pocket of the jean jacket or the shirt pocket n they’re happy too!
also in ur boobs but that’s not the point of this fic
anyway, he’s good!
And now that he’s all clean you cuddle with him more often n he loves it!
he likes to rest his head on your chest and close his eyes
U pet his hair
His stands also like to vibe inside whatever shirt or top you’re wearing n u honestly don’t mind
They just chill n rest their arms on the collar and wave at mista
Also they catch any food crumbs you drop so it’s amazing
it’s a win-win
But also awkward for Mista because he can feel anything his stands feel so the entire time he’s got a red face
Also the days you don’t wanna shave or even if u quit shaving all together, mista doesn’t give a fuck!
he’s like,,, have you seen me? Grow that leg hair out, grow out any other hair you want.
N ur like,,,, u sure?
N he’s like you put up with my hair so damn right imma love yours
So then you just vibe tbh
He makes you so confident in yourself because you did the same to him
Power couple!!!
Y’all both realize your strengths and appreciate the other for what they’ve done
It’s a good wholesome relationship 🥺🥺🥺
Oh he’s also probably self conscious about his eyebrows cause they r bushy n when he furrows them it looks like he has a unibrow 
N ur like, I can teach u to pluck ur eyebrows but also I love your bushy eyebrows?
Dem caterpillars on your face?
You kiss his forehead right between his eyebrows n tell him you love every bit of him
He just 🥺🥺🥺
anything he ever mentions
U smooch it.
It’s amazing.
His tummy?
Best pillow ever.
You give him a smooch on his tummy.
Literally anything— you make sure he knows that you love it because it’s a part of him and you love him!!!!
He’s also admitted that he wears his hat to hide his ears 
He’s got big ol’ ears and he’s self conscious about them
you give him a smooch on each ear
“What? Babe, you’re the only person I’ve been with that actually listens to me! Those ears are a plus!”
Soft boi need lov 
He was probably bullied when he was younger for how he looked and acted and so put up walls to ignore it
He likes to pretend nothing can get to him but he’s honestly really soft
He needs someone to confide in because he’s full of so many self doubts but he’s so good and doesn’t deserve to be!!!
he also likes being the little spoon sometimes
It’s nice to be held
He’s not used to affection and craves it
Give him all the snuggles
He deserves it more than life!!!!
He acts carefree and likes to live life peacefully but he probably has some sort of undiagnosed disorder like anxiety or ADHD that makes him hyper aware of bad things that could happen
When he was younger, he was less worrisome and such, but ever since joining the mafia he’s gotten more anxious
Who wouldn’t?
It’s the mafia!
He’s shown not to overthink things but I think he’s just telling himself that
A million scenarios are probably flying through his head
He’s a quick thinker!
That’s why people think he’s not too bright, because he chooses the direct route and chooses it fast
I think he’s aware of what he’s doing down to a T however.
He learns to drop his facade and actively talks with people without feeling anxious about it
he can now read and listen to music without horrible scenarios running through his head
Now, when he looks calm, he actually is
He obviously had a rather traumatic childhood whether he wants to admit it or not
When he says he wants a peaceful life he really just wants a break from his thoughts telling him that he’ll never get what he wants and that he’s not worth it
When he did things when he was younger and sort of just went wherever he wanted he thought that would help him get rid of these feelings
It didn’t
U help him to see that any life can be good if you make it so
He cracks jokes and makes others laugh and he likes to feel like he belongs
He sometimes regrets impulsively speaking all the time however, as he fears people find him annoying
He also gets really upset and angry easily
He learns to relax more though
You help him with this, of course, with all of your compliments and such
Also, this has been mentioned before, but cuddles!
Y’all love them
So nice
On the couch? Cuddles
On the bed? Cuddles
You love to be able to access his hair to mess with it and he loves to lay against your chest because free pillows
Usually he’s halfway on top of you, head against your chest as he tells u about his day
You’ll pet his head and play with his hair as he does so
He’ll have his arms around your waist and cling to you like a koala
When you want your hair messed with or just get suffocated from fluffy boi laying on you y’all will switch places
You’ll put a pillow on his chest tho
His stands will also mess with your hair
And probably walk on your back to attempt a back massage
But they’re too light so it doesn’t do much
You appreciate it anyway
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HI!!! I AM CRAVING SMTH SUPER SURREAL AND CREEPY EVEN THO ITS XMAS TIME!! would u be willing to write something that kind of plays on surrealism?? ur the first blog i could think of tht might be able to do this one. if u can could u do it for han from skz because i sometimes think about ur soulmate one
Hello! I am so happy to have been able to write this one for you! I loved this request, and I really loved writing it. So, I hope you enjoy this one as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thank you for this request! Please, feel free to request again or to let me know what you think about it.
Admin Rex
(Word Count: 2116)
Also, if anyone was curious and wanted a song to listen to while reading, I wrote this one while listening to Young and Menace by Fall Out Boy!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
“Don’t leave me!”
The cool air is the first thing that registers, hoarfrost against your skin and in your veins. A leaf rustles as it skips across its fallen brethren, whispering to each one. You push yourself up, squinting against the harsh glare of the sky. Its purple light and the smell of rotting leaves clung to you like wet clothes. Your throat feels like you just got done screaming, but your head pounds like someone just yelled continuously into your ear. This keeps happening. Why? It echoes like your voice, but not your voice.
“Why do you want to leave?” The words keep crossing your mind. Why do you keep trying to leave? Because this isn’t home, is it? Or… rather, this has always been home, hasn’t it? No…
When you inhale again, it’s to breathe in warm, sugary air. Your eyelids feel too heavy, and you can’t force them open. Sounds buzz around you until it starts making sense, like a radio that isn’t tuning correctly. You pick up on words, just pieces, not nearly enough to solve the whole puzzle. Why can’t you wake up?
                                                                                                     “Just leave...”
“...worried about...”
                                 “SW∀Ǝɹp ɹ∩O⅄ O┴ ƎWOƆ˥ƎM”
Your eyes snap open and you sit up. Your eyes first land on a pen pointed directly at you and raised brows. Felix had his arm outstretched, poised to poke you with his pen, and his expression looked both sheepish and shocked. Behind him, Seungmin has one brow raised and his mouth positioned like he’s wondering something. “Good?” Felix asks first, slowly sitting back in his seat. You nod, at him, throat still aching, and you know your voice would sound all scratchy if you were to try talking. Seungmin reaches out to roll a bottle of water across the table, like he could hear your thoughts. You uncap the bottle, raising it to your lips. It never touches your lips because suddenly the bottle is full of… glitter? The dust catches a purple tint and you realize the sky is purple again. You go to move forward. Your foot catches and you can’t move it. Looking down, you realize that you’re in sand now. The purple from the sky becomes less harsh, and is reflecting away from you. An hourglass. You’re running out of time, time is running out, your time is running out.
“Come on! Come on!” You jump, hearing another voice. They’re close, but you can’t see them. Suddenly, the sand starts running from the top, pouring down like a waterfall directly in front of you. The pile builds and builds until another body drops with an “oof” and they sit up to roll out of the way from being buried by the sand. When they turn around, you feel both unsettled and comforted by the mask they’re wearing. You’re struck with a tidal wave of emotion when your eyes settle on his. He looks surprised, like he is feeling the same thing. And, suddenly, the sand begins to rush out from underneath you, and you reach towards the boy, “Grab my hand!” He lurches forward and grips your wrist tightly, and you hope you’ll stay with him this time. Or that he’ll stay with you.
When you land, it’s onto leaves that crunch loudly. A groan slips from your lips before you can stop it, and you hear a groan from next to you, like it was in response. A shadow comes over you, and you’re frozen suddenly, but when you open your eyes, the boy is standing over you with his hand outstretched. You take it, and the world spins as he helps you right yourself. “Where are we now?” He asks, like one of you suddenly had a map, and wouldn’t that be convenient? He snorts, “I wish we had a map.” And, it was like he heard you, “Huh?” He blinks at you, then, “Wha?” A flash of lightning bisects your staring contest. And, the wind, it’s cold, hoarfrost cold. “This is… different.” The boy says. He turns to you, “What do you mean?” You grumble. He shrugs, “Well, you know. It’s usually so bright. It’s too dark here.” And you have no idea what he is talking about, but you nod anyway. It must show on your face because he squints at you, “You… don’t remember.” You think, flashes of dark, spreading shadow, terror, I’m scared, I’m scared, before a warm hand is on your shoulder, “Hey, it’s okay, you don’t need to remember. It’s not important anyway.” You keep your head down, eyeing the yellow stripes on his pants. He smiles at you, “My name is Jisung.” 
Jisung, okay, Jisung. And, this feels like a charm, an amulet, something that will keep you safe. When you open your mouth to respond, he shakes his head, “I know.” And he smiles small at you before looking over his shoulder. “Okay, close your eyes.” And, why would you refuse? You’re tired, but aren’t you already asleep? 
And, suddenly, the world is warm again. There is a TV playing in the background. The cushion next to you settles as someone shifts their weight. Seungmin is sitting there and Felix is sitting on the floor in front of you. A pair of legs enter your vision, and yellow stripes, “Jisung?” You ask, feeling confusion as the name bubbles up from your throat. “Who?” Changbin asks as he stoops over to look you in the face. You feel your face scrunch up in disappointment. “Wow, okay, (Y/N), don’t look so excited to see your favorite friend.” Seungmin speaks up to disagree, and now all three are arguing over who the favorite is. You roll over, facing the back of the couch, and you’re tired again. And you’re
                               “SƎɹ∀W┴HפIN ɹ∩O⅄ O┴ ƎWOƆ˥ƎM”
And when you open your eyes again, Jisung is there next to you. He has his eyes closed, brows furrowed, lips tight. “You’re really good at dragging me back here every time you sleep.” Jisung whispers, quietly, like he’s not sure you’re even awake. “Sorry.” You say when you sit up. “It’s fine, (Y/N). You know I don’t actually mind.” You nod at him, looking around. The leaves aren’t dead, in your immediate area, anyway. Outside of this small area, the trees are bare and the leaves scratch against one another. Jisung remains still and keeps his eyes closed. He still has his mask on, as well as his yellow striped pants. You notice that his gloves match his pants, which makes you smile a bit. Like he can sense your amusement, he blinks his eyes open and raises a single brow, “Yes?” You shrug, your smile growing into a grin. He almost looks annoyed, but the twitch of the corner of his lips betrays him. You look away, taking in the purple sky and the dead trees and the grey clouds. “Jisung, why do you wear that mask?”
Jisung opens a single eye to look at you. Then his shoulders droop, and he opens his other eye, “I have to. Well, that’s not true, really, but when I am here, I have to.” You nod. So, he needs his mask here. Where is here? You think a bit, “And, should I be wearing one?” Jisung shrugs, “You tell me; This is your dream.”
And, when you blink, the sun is blinding you. You sit up, distraught, and look around your room. The sun is warm, but the quiet stillness is odd. Unsettling, even. You expect to hear Seungmin arguing with Changbin, or Felix getting worked up with his game, but: Nothing. And, you hear slow footsteps coming closer to the door. They stop just on the other side of the door, cold dead dread fills you, from your toes to your ears. Four knocks sound out, slowly, intent on making the tension thicker. When the door finally swings open, all that is there is a thick, oily darkness. Nothing more. Except, that’s not true. You see two spots that are darker than the rest that also glint with the sunlight – is it sunlight? – from your room.
“Who are you?” You ask, trying to keep your voice stable and not let it give out like it felt like it would. And, now, you hear breathing, like whatever is in the darkness remembered to breathe. Or, maybe it didn’t need to breathe, but did so any way. The glinting eyes shift, and there is some cracking that makes you wince. And, the darkness from the doorway almost looks like it's oozing into the room, spreading along slowly. It shifts again, before exhaling loudly, and you realize it said something. “What?” You ask carefully, worried about angering it. It moves again, “Marōn.” The voice is gravelly, like it breathed dust, dirt, sand in.
Marōn. Marōn. Marōn. You think about its name. “Who am I?” You shift, coming closer to the edge of the bed. The eyes in the dark narrow, and the darkness comes rushing in. Without thinking, you call out, “Jisung!” And the darkness stops entirely, slowly slinking back towards the figure outside the door. You feel a hand on your shoulder again, “Are you okay?” Jisung’s asking while glaring at the figure that recedes further back into the oily pitch black at the sight of him. When the door closes once more, and the piercing gaze of the creature is hidden, you ask, “What is that? It said ‘Marōn’ when I asked who it was.” Jisung looks over to you, “You really don’t know?” When you shake your head, Jisung reaches toward your face.
“(Y/N), you’ve looked so tired recently.” Felix pokes your cheek again with his fingers. You swat at his hand, and he smiles at the reaction. Seungmin obnoxiously sips on his drink before leaning forward in his seat, “Bad dreams?” He asks. And you shake your head, because he’s neither right nor wrong. In the beginning, it was terrifying, but, now, you have Jisung and a huge mystery you can’t solve because there is no way that you’d have continuous dreams for months on end without it meaning something. Felix looks up from the book he’s reading, “Hey, have you heard this myth…” 
Jisung is pacing when you blink your eyes open. When you push yourself up onto your elbows, he stops and drops into a squat next to you. “You really don’t remember? This?” He motions around him, at the cold and dying world you keep coming back to. “You don’t remember who you are? Not even… me?” The more he asks, the more deflated and insecure he looks. You don’t know what to say, except, “You’re Jisung.” He snorts, and shakes his head, “Well, yeah, but.” He fiddles with the gloves he is wearing. You huff, “Then, tell me. Where are we? Who am I? And, you, if you’re Jisung but also Not-Jisung?” 
“Drømmeverden, that’s what you called this place, (Y/N).” Jisung smiles, and the darkness creeps further away when he does. He always looks so bright, compared to the rest of the landscape, even when darkness is all that can be seen sometimes. You tilt your head, “I called it that?” He nods at your answer. “That’s what you called it from the day we met; afterall, this is your home.” You blink at him, and he continues to speak, likely sensing that you don’t remember, “This is our home. There are others, too, but I don’t know where they are because I left to find you.” You nod at him, vaguely remembering all those times he appeared out of nowhere, like he was searching for you. He smiles, like he’s remembering something far in the past, before it fades away. “You’re the ruler of this place, actually.”
“Who am I?” You ask again. Jisung smiles again, “I think you know, now.” You nod, you’re beginning to remember, now. Just small glimpses, like seeing a slideshow pass by through your mind. “And, you?” He purses his lips, hiding a grin, “What do you remember?” You sigh and resist the urge to shove at him. “I remember that it is just like you to quiz me at a time like this.” He laughs and you join him. “I remember the others, all seven of them. They’re probably in Yellow Wood.” Jisung is smiling wistfully now. You and he both miss them. “I remember that I – no, that we couldn’t have any of this, if it weren’t for you being here with me.” Jisung smiles shy, now, tries to hide his burning cheeks. “I missed you, Baku.” He grinned at the nickname, “I missed you, too, Sandman.”
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The one where he blipped and you didn’t (Ch. 1)
Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Summary: Peter blipped. You didn’t. Now you’re both the same age and he’s confused by the kid he used to know and the girl you are now.
Word Count: 3k-ish
A/N: Okay, this is Chapter One to this series. It’s a little long, I got carried away (sorry not sorry). Let me know what you think! Remember I also do requests, pls don’t get discouraged by my amateur profile, I’m still figuring it all out :)
Read the intro first
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"Y/N, get your ass out of bed, you're going to be late." you heard Rhodey scold through your open door. 
"Language" you mumbled sleepily. 
"Goddamn- I don't have time for this." you heard him grumble under his breath and suddenly the fluorescent lights in your room switched on and you yelped in surprise, flinging the covers over your head. Rhodey chuckled and you heard your door swing shut. 
"If I come back in 20 minutes and you're still in bed, I'm going to personally fly you to school." he said through the door and walked away.
You smiled sleepily. Rhodey, though he was tough on you, cared about you like his own daughter. Nearly eleven years ago your mother had died in a car crash and you were sent to live with your father, Tony. You, being so young, were excited to finally meet your father. Tony, on the other hand, was a wreck. He had just announced to the world that he was Iron Man and the last thing he wanted was to take care of and raise a child, whether it be his or not. He had all intention of sending you off to boarding school but, when he met you, he refused to make the same mistakes his father did. You instantly melted his heart with your smile and your big E/C eyes. After deciding to take you in, he asked Rhodey to be your Godfather, not that he was a very religious man, he just wanted someone else to be there for you if there came a day that he couldn't. 
Deciding not to test Rhodey's threat, you rolled out of bed and stumbled into the bathroom. Your reflection in the mirror, in the such loving words of Peter, looked as if death had walked over you...twice. It wasn't a secret that, since the battle and your dad's death, you haven't been sleeping well. Thankfully, nightmares were a thing of the past ever since Bruce gave you something that evaded them. You remembered waking up screaming, tears streaming down your face, causing Rhodey to come and calm you down in the middle of the night. Every night you were forced to relive a part of the battle, and every night you were forced to see your dad die. Now, your sleep was a void that, although lacked the trauma, was a difficult place to find peace.
You scrubbed your face and brushed your teeth, avoiding your face in the mirror, and walked back into your room. Not really in the mood to dress nice, you pulled on some black tights and a big sweatshirt that was draped over your desk chair. You slipped on your converse and walked back into the bathroom to put concealer under your eyes. The last thing your need is for one of your teachers to send your to the counselors office because of your physical appearance...again.
Deciding you looked presentable, you slung your backpack over your shoulder and started downstairs before rushing back to your room to grab your phone, still charging on your nightstand. You found 6 new messages. 
(1) Spider-thing: Hey are you gonna go to Flash's party tonight?
(2) Spider-thing: Don't tell me you slept in again
(3) Spider-thing: ok nvm I'll see u at school
(4) Ned: Hey Y/N u wanna go to Flash's tonight? 
(5) Ned: Peter might confess his undying love for u, u never know 
(6) Flash: Hope to see u at my party tonight I'll b waiting ;)
You rolled your eyes at Flash's text, and clicked the notification form Ned. 
Y/N: yeah right after he confesses his undying love for Flash 
He replied immediately, making you chuckle. 
Ned: I'm telling u, he's got it bad 4 u 
You rolled your eyes and slipped your phone in your back pocket. You found it funny; Ned's obsession with the idea of you and Peter as a couple, and sometimes you went along with it just to tease Peter, but that's all it was, teasing. Sure, he was hot and sweet and funny and, before the snap, these things nourished a major crush that bloomed in your little pre-teen heart. But things changed, you got older and, when he came back the same age as you, you had to remember that he probably still saw you as that little girl he used to babysit. 
"Bye Happy, I'll see you after school!" you said, blowing Happy a kiss as you closed the car door. Happy rolled down his window. 
"Call me if anything happens. Just call and I'll come and get you." 
"I will." you said watched him drive off. Happy was, despite the fact that it's been a few months since everything happened, still worried about you. You didn't mind it though, you loved him for it.
Sighing, you walked into the building that leered over you. For the first time today, you realized how heavy your backpack was and you made a beeline for your locker. You smiled sadly and recalled how Nat would always get after you for carrying too much and you would get the lecture about how, even though you were an Avenger, you still had to take care of yourself. You stacked the books in your locker, slammed the door shut, and found yourself face to face with Peter. 
"SHIT!" you shrieked as he howled with laughter. 
"You shoulda- you should have seen your face" he said between breaths. 
You rolled your eyes and shoved him into the lockers. 
"This isn't funny you idiot, I could have attacked you" you said despite the smile growing on your lips.
"I can take you Stark" he said, regaining his breath. 
"In your dreams Parker"
It was his turn to roll his eyes. It was then that you noticed the two coffee cups he held. You sighed in relief and gratefully took one from him. 
"Anyway, you ignored my texts this morning. You wanna go to the party?" he said falling in step with you as you walked towards your first class. 
"I don't know. Flash's parties always end with someone almost drowning in the pool or jumping off the roof." 
"Oh c'mon, let's go. Maybe this time it'll be Flash jumping off the roof and it'll put us all out of our misery." 
You couldn't stop the giggle that bubbled from your lips and you were about to reply when someone called you from behind. 
You both turned to see Brad Davis walking briskly towards you. You smiled at him and slowed your pace so he could catch up. 
"Hey Y/N, hey Peter." he said walking up beside you. 
"Sup" Peter grumbled. You sent him a sideways glare and turned to up at Brad.
Despite the numerous times you questioned Peter about his silent grudge against Brad, he could never give you a straight answer on why he hated him. "I don't trust him" he would always say, but you could never figure out why. Brad, like you, survived the snap and, because you were both in the same grade, became friends. 
"Are you guys going to the party tonight?" he asked.
"Jeez, is that the only thing everyone cares about?" you said jokingly.
"Well, it is the only good thing about high school" he said, making you laugh. 
Over the past couple of years, Brad was the person who got to hear all the complaints you had about high school. He had always been an annoyingly upbeat guy and he took all your complaints in stride, turning them into something that you should be grateful for. The last five years gave you very few things to be grateful for, but Brad was one of them. 
"You're definitely right about that. But, yeah we're planning on going" you said, slightly nudging Peter next to you.
"Awesome. I'll see you there then." Brad said and waved as he turned down a passing hallway. 
"Aw, I love Brad" you said fondly as you watched him disappear in the growing crowd of students. You looked up at Peter just in time to see him roll his eyes at your comment. You frowned at him, annoyed of his attitude. 
"Dude, seriously, what the hell is your problem?" 
 "Nothing. He just rubs me the wrong way I guess."  he said with a shrug.
It was your turn to roll your eyes.
 "Oh c'mon. you're just mad that he became hot while you were gone and now all the girls want him" 
"It's just weird. One day he was this tiny annoying kid and the next he's huge." Peter said before bringing his coffee to his lips. 
"Well it wasn't like that for all of us." you reminded him. "And how is that weird for you? You literally got bit by a spider and became hot overnight." 
At your words Peter choked on his coffee and coughed furiously, trying to breathe through the hot liquid. 
"Y-you think I'm hot?" he spluttered in disbelief 
For about the millionth time this morning, you rolled your eyes at him. 
"Dude, have you seen your abs? I had the biggest crush on you and your stupid hot spider muscles" you said with a smirk.
Peter stopped in his tracks in the middle of the hall and stared at you with huge eyes.
 "You had a crush on me?" 
 "Yeah, when I was like 13. You don't think I actually needed so much help on my algebra homework, did you? What's the matter with you?" you said laughing
Peter was staring at you like you had just dropped from another planet.
"I-I just never knew you felt that way about me." he said, eyes still wide.
You rose your eyebrows at him. 
"Yeah, well, I was a kid. I also thought the tooth fairy was real. I grew up. Anyway, let's forget that I was once a pre-teen and move on."
Peter furrowed his eyebrows at you, but let the subject go. He walked quietly beside you and barely even acknowledged you when you turned into your calculus class, telling him you'll see him later. Confused, you shot a text to Ned.
Y/N: Dude Peter's being weird
Ned: He's always weird what's ur point? 
Y/N: true
Y/N: ur right, nvm I'll see u at lunch
Ned: cool
Accepting that Ned was right, you chose to forget about Peter and try to focus on the party that awaited tonight as your teacher started the lecture. 'Derivatives' you thought with a smirk, 'what child’s play”.
"Alright losers, we'll meet at Peter's place at 7 then, right?" you said as the three you you walked out of the school's parking lot.
"Yeah definitely. I'm thinking about bringing back my hat. Betty says it compliments my face structure, whatever that means." Ned said, earning a laugh form you. 
"Earth to Peter. You are being uncharacteristically quiet" you said to Peter who was staring into space as you walked.
"Sorry, right. My place at 7." he said, jolting from his daze.
You eyed him, but, before you could question his behavior, you heard a familiar honk and turned around to see Happy waiting for you. 
"I'll see you guys tonight." you said with a wave, and walked toward the car. 
Peter watched the car drive away, and as soon as it disappeared down the road, he turned to Ned. 
"Y/N used to have a crush on me!" he blurted out. 
Ned furrowed his eyebrows. "Okay, and?"
"What do you mea- she used to like me! Like, like me like me" Peter said 
Ned smirked 
"And you're so freaked out about this why?" 
Peter stared at him. "I don't know. It's just weird"
"Or is it because you just found out that the girl you are head over heels for used to have a crush on you?" 
Peter rolled his eyes. 
"I do not have a crush on Y/N, how many times to I have to tell you. And, anyway, I'm not freaked out, it's just weird." 
"Sure Peter." 
You knocked on the door to Peter's apartment and dusted yourself off, waiting for someone to answer. You were excited to get to the party and relax for the first time this week. You looked down at your outfit for about the millionth time and inspected it. You were wearing a black sheer long sleeve with a solid black stripe around your chest and a pair of distressed light wash skinny jeans and black platform doc martin boots.
You were adjusted the hem of your top when May opened the door and immediately enveloped you in a big hug. 
"Y/N how are you? I feel like I haven't seen you in so long." 
You had actually seen her last week, but you smiled at her comment. 
"I'm good May. Are the boys here?" you asked, walking into the apartment.  
"Yeah they are in Peter's room. Maybe you can help Peter find something to wear, he's more indecisive than I am." she chuckled. 
"I'll see what I can do." you said with a chuckle and walked toward his closed door but stopped when you heard them talking.
"It's obvious that you like her Peter, all you have to do is tell her.” you heard Ned say through the door. 
Peter had a crush on a girl? Why hasn't he told you about it? You didn't really know how to feel about this new information. Peter was your best friend and, sure he had every right to like who he pleases, but you couldn't help but feel a little hurt. You were always the only girl in his life, even when you were younger, and you couldn't imagine Peter with anyone else. I mean, you’re not dating or anything. But, it was not your decision to make, and with that final thought, you pushed your feelings aside and opened the door to reveal Peter standing in the middle of the room in just his boxers.
"Y/N!" he shouted, his face turning beet red. 
"Oh relax Peter, it's not like I've never seen you like this" you said with a playful smirk.
It was true, you were always the one to patch him up after a bad patrol. 
"Anyway, May told me that you couldn't figure out what to wear so I've come to the rescue." you said and walked past him to his closet. 
Peter, for the first time, realized what you were wearing and his face flushed even darker. He took in you sheer top that showed your stomach and back and the skinny jeans that accented your...
"Y/N you look really nice" Ned piped up from the bed, wiggling his eyebrows at his visibly flustered friend. 
"Aw thank you Ned" you said, turning from the closet with an armful of clothes which you handed to Peter who refused to meet your eyes.
 "Okay, put this on" you said to Peter, and walked out of the room to chat with May in the meantime. 
"May, has Peter talked to you about any girls recently?" you said as you walked into the kitchen where she was drying dishes. 
She looked up and gave you a faux look of surprise. 
"No, not recently. Why do you ask?" she said, handing you the plate she was holding. 
She, like Ned, also had her suspicions about the relationship between you and Peter. She’d always noticed the way Peter looks at you and the way his face just lights up whenever she mentions you. She, too, thought the pair of you would make a great couple.
You went to put the plate in it's respective cabinet and shrugged. "I don't know, I was just wondering." 
She smiled at you. "I don't know, I always thought he would end up with you." she said slyly, picking up another dish. 
Your eyes widened, and you were about to answer when Peter appeared in the doorway. He was wearing the simple outfit you had picked for him: dark blue jeans and a black tee shirt. You couldn't help but admire how the shirt accented his abs and his toned arms. 
"You look good Pete." you said and chuckled at the light blush that dusted his cheeks. 
"just one more thing" you said as you walked up to him and reached for his head. He leaned back and looked down at you in confusion. 
"Oh c'mon, don't you trust me? I won't bite." you said, smiling. 
He narrowed his eyes at you playfully, but leaned back toward you and you carded you fingers through his hair, mussing it up. 
You fixed you attention on his hair and you missed the way he closed his eyes and leaned into your relaxing touch. He was also acutely aware of how close you were to him and the intoxicating smell of your perfume. 
"You guys ready?" Ned said suddenly from behind, and you pulled away, ending the moment Peter was relishing. 
You stepped back and admired your work. "What do you think May?" you said without taking your eyes off of him. 
"He's never looked better" she replied teasingly and Peter rolled his eyes as you laughed. 
"Yeah, can we just go already?" he said, faking annoyance and smiled at you. 
"Yeah, let's go!" you said and you grabbed his hand and dragged him towards the door, Ned and May trailing behind you, sharing a knowing glance. 
You led him through the hallway, toward the exit and Peter tried his hardest to ignore the tingling in his hand as it held yours. He didn't want to admit it, but, recently, he couldn't remember what is was about you that reminded him of a sister. It was becoming harder to see you as the little 13 year old he used to know, but he couldn't tell Ned that yet. He didn't want to have to deal with any 'I told you so's right now, so he just relished the feeling of your hand in his and, for the first time this week, began to really look forward to the party. 
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rynhaswritersblock · 4 years
tiktok famous (hc) - part four | p.p.
summary: episode four of tiktoks with y/n and peter ayooooo
warnings: cussing. what's new LOL
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- these are the imagines that i can pretty much just pump out because the plot line is like already layed out for me
- in conclusion i like writing these lol
- okay SO
THESE ARE ALL THE PEOPLE WHO GAVE IDEAS::: spideybparker starbabez mrose12623 elliedevotee lilcassipuff buckybigbutt
^^ if you've changed your username i'm so sorry whenever i get requests i write down the username and it's lowkey difficult to track who is who and if they've changed it ahhhhh
- aight
- lets get into it
- yuhhhhhh get into itttttttttt
- i'm gonna be saying yuh get into it so much in this imagine i apologize in advance
- like it's kinda bad
- oops
- so y'all know those audios that are like the fake calls
- it's like that man's voice he's like "hey whassup shorty your man around?"
- so naturally
- y'all know where this is going
- you and pete are just chilling (this is how all of them start. i feel like a broken record. help)
- you start recording
hey whassup shorty
- peter goes into FIGHT OR FLIGHT MODE
- he's just playing video games (fortnite aye) but the  S E C O N D  HE HEARS THAT RANDOM MAN'S VOICE
- huh wHAT NOW
- ????!!!!!!!!!!
- you fail at keeping a straight face cause the fucking AUDIO
your man around?
- a wheeze FLIES out of you mouth as peter SHOOTS UP FROM HIS CHAIR
- big "FUCK NO!" energy
- mans practically jumps on top of you
- he's like angry and confused at first but then he sees how hard you're laughing and just gets even more confused
"what was that?"
- his voice is all high cause it does that in tense situations
- puppy face is loud n clear!
- babey
- meanwhile you can't catch your breath for SHIT
- so you show him the video as you continue to literally die
- as soon as he realizes he just melts
- he's like laying on top of you and buries his face in the crook of your neck before bursting out into laughter and holding you tighter
"you can't do that!"
- god me thinking about that happening irl is giving me BUTTERFLIES
- sexc
- okay this one is another fake phone call
- just gonna jump into it it's pretty much the same situation
- in this one you two are over 18 btw
- for ~legal reasons~
- the audio starts playing with the ringtone and peter just glances over
- he's too busy watching b99
- naturally
hey this is dr. alvarez! we received your pregnancy test results
- peter has never jumped so hard in his LIFE
- tv is PAUSED even captain holt has the shocked expression (who am i kidding it's holt his facial expression is as dead as a brick)
- 🅱eter literally yells
- audio keeps going
is there a time next week you could come in and talk?
"y/n what"
- he runs over to you and you bust out laughing as he looks at your phone and realizes it's a tiktok
- an annoyed smile pulls at his lips and he groans and wraps his arms around you
"you had me there for a second"
- let's just say peter parker had family on his mind a LOT more since then
- wink wink
- k SO
- queso
- haha
- anyways
- y'all know that one sound
pussy so good i could save that shit for later
- welcome to straight tiktok!
- so y'all just chillin on his bed as best friends do
- on ur phones and shit
- and peter parker is a basic bitch so he has the led lights
- which i want SO BAD btw ugh my room would be such a vibe
- update i'm editing this and i just ordered some ayooooo
- anyways they're currently blue so like
- innocent
- chill
- but THEN
- the audio starts playing from peter's phone
pussy so good-
- you gAsp as the lights turn red
- ur like
- holy shit i didn't know parker could do that
- next thing you know peter's hand is on your chin/jaw (just about ur neck OOPS)
- his mouth is practically ON your ear
- you see him holding his arm out in front of you recording and you can't help but laugh
- but DAMN
his jawline is out and everything and he's fucking SMIRKINGGGG as he whispers the lyrics into your ear
- big mattia vibes (btw that man is NOT attractive i'm sorry)
- moving on
- i know i've written one of the ones where you kiss your best friend
- but time to turn the tables
- oh how the turn tables
- time for y/n to be a bad bitch cause WE MAKING THE FIRST MOVE!!
- hell yea!
- so it's late right
- like late late
- at least midnight (sleep schedule is MESSED from quarantine though so honestly late rn is like 2 or 3 in the morning yikes)
- and ur hella bored
- on tiktok
- the fuck else do you expect?
- and you start doing the thing where you start thinking about getting up and doing something and you think about it so much that you physically can NOT sit there any longer and must Move or Die
- i KNOW i am not the only one
- so that happens
- and you're like FUCK IT
- so you walk out of your room and into peter's next door
- oh to live at avengers headquarters and live next to peter parker
- you just fucking stroll in
- peter's fat ass just goes "hey thanks for knocking"
- meanwhile you can't even stand to look at him because you're afraid that if you do all of your confidence will VANISH
- so you set up the camera and start recording
- at this point peter's sitting up and just watching you cause he's so confused
- and
- it takes everything in you not to RUN OUT
- but you walk over to him
- wrap a hand around his neck
- tilt your head and lean down
- when peter realizes what's going on he's like OH MY GOD
- fight or flight response HITS except its JUST FLIGHT
- he fucking REELS back
- can't even process that his best friend and crush since EVER just tried to kiss him
- sdfjksdkfjsdfg
- you're like fuck! so you turn to start  r u n n i n g   a w a y
- but then his hands wrap around your waist
- you FLY backwards and laugh as the two of you flop into the bed
- and he kisses you
- mwah ha ha haaaaaa
- don't ask why the evil laugh just accept it
- i am tired yes it is only 8:43pm i am still tired
- so y'all know those povs where it's like you find out your soulmate's first words on your bday
- well
- ha
- you and peter are bored because ~ q u a r a n t i n e ~
- chilling at headquarters
- bored in da house and i'm in da house bored
- and peter's like "imma make a pov!"
- okay!
- so i'm just gonna lay it out for you HERE WE GO
- he has the generic countdown thing (text boxes saying 3...2..1! you know the deal) and then he looks at his wrist and it says "hey spider-boy!" and he gets so flustered - next clip it's him running into "you" (obviously you're not actually in it but he does the text box thingy) - you're asking about what it says and try to get a peek but he pulls away - next clip it's right before your bday - and then you find out your quote and it says "it's spider-MAN! cause i'm a man!" - and peter is just looking anxiously/happily at the camera
- i hope that was a good visual idk i tried
- and uhhhh yeah that one stays in the drafts bc he doesn't wanna expose himself
- moving right along by the way it's raining rn and i'm listening to my kind of woman by mac demarco and UGH this song makes me so...... jkdfhsdk
- but it's cute so
- fuck it
- y'all know it
i wanna put you in seven positions for seventy minutes babe
- mischievous as ✨hell✨
- oh my god i got another idea okay i'm writing that after this one
- anyways!
- you and peter are chilling
- note: i yell at myself every time i write that because the AMOUNT OF THESE THAT START THIS WAY GOD
- he's watching netflix or something idk
- fyi outer banks is overrated sorry not sorry
- yell at me if u want but
- it's riverdale for vsco girls
- you set up the camera and start recording
- audio starts playing and you climb into his lap and he's like WOAH
- you like put your hands on his cheeks/jaws lol and you start mouthing the lyrics
- but the THING IS (pt 1)
- homeboy catches on pretty quick
- and
- fuck
- you deadass have to take a second and reel back to catch your breathe
- but the THING IS (pt 2)
- kinda hot doe
- something for u to think about at night
- hey bitch this is a reminder to write about the fairy comments
- thanks past me
- SO
- hmm lemme think
- okay
- so
- okay yes
- so peter-man posts a tiktok of him doing flips n stuff
- like very generic white boy look at me doing things
- and it's very impressive
- but
- you decide to just GO AT IT IN THE COMMENTS
- i'm just gonna write some examples
- fuck me for writing this on a computer finding all these emojis on here is very difficult
- oh well
- here we go:
- oh my god a squirrel just climbed up the tree in my front yard and it caught me so off guard my heart skipped a beat
- wait okay irrelevant
- for real this time here we go:
you ate that 💕🧚‍♀️⚡🌟next time make it me instead 💖🧚‍♀️✨ omg peter you came on my fyp 🧚‍♀️💖✨but make it on me next 🧚‍♀️💕✨🦋 a necklace 💕✨🧚‍♀️⚡but make it your hands ✨💖🦋😌
- and so on
- lets just say when peter saw those
- his face got SO RED
"y/n what is this"
"uh fairy comments"
"but they're so-"
- you just stare at him and like
- shrug
- but knowingly
- okay i took a break to go sit in the rain and eat hawaiian rolls 10/10 experience def go do that next time it rains
- i think i wrote one like this but with the supalonely dance
- so this time
- we doing the savage dance
- first of all that song is a BANGER
- second, the dance is SO FUN
- so it's the same thing as last time
- you set up the camera but have it face peter instead of u sneaky sneaky
- and then u start doing the dance of course
- and obv peter is like yuhhhhhhhhh get into itttttttttt
- clapping along and smiling and whooping
- supportive bby
- but THEN
- OTHER HALF IS SAYING holy shit !
- once you finish you look at peter and he's just like 👁👄👁
- lol
- anyways
- you watch that video MULTIPLE TIMES afterwards
- okay in this one you and pete are 18+ because
- we like being legal 😌✋
- but it's one of those where you walk out in front of your boyfriend naked
- so peter just got home from patrol and climbs in through the window of y'alls shared apartment
- oh to live in an nyc apartment with peter parker UGH
"y/n? i'm home babe"
- the camera is shaking because you're laughing so hard and kinda nervy
- but you walk out of y'alls room and peter just turns to you
- nearly drops his fucking mask
- he's shocked for a second before he gets such a big smile on his face and throws you over his shoulder
- hehe
- okay last one i love this one sm this tiktok came up on my fyp and i immediately though THIS IS Y/N AND PETER
here it be::
god i hope that works and y'all can watch it lmk if u can't like if the link doesn't work or anything
- okay basically it's that tiktok but u and peter
- like that video EXACTLY everything about it is perfect
- that's it lol
- and i recommend watching her other tiktoks with her boyfriend bc their relationship is adorable and it's totally y/n and peter
- okay i think (hope to god) i've written all the ones that y'all requested
- i think i might only do just one more part of these???? idk i feel like if i just keep going on with them (cause obv trends keep coming) half this book would just be the tiktoks lol
- peace out homies i love each and every one of you
- be kind to urself and try to be productive
- i'm gonna go try and write some more so
- yes
- MWAH <3
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hi i hope you guys are doing well
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nickmuch · 5 years
c.z.k. - high school (Part 2)
Note: I was asked to turn this into a longer story, so here’s part 2! I don’t know in what direction to necessary go with this and how to end/wrap it up, so if you have any ideas message me pls! I’ll try to make this a 5-part-imagine.
Also: Edwin crackhead hours have arrived. Again
“So, you’re cool with that?!” Edwin shouted in disbelief.
Nearly four months had passed since my little moment with Zion and a lot had happened during this time. After the party, everything seemed to go smoothly between us. Probably way too smoothly. We spent most of our free-time together, doing god knows what. However, at the end we decided we would be better off as just friends. He reasoned that it was unfair to the boys and only made the whole group dynamic odd. I was okay with that. Okay, scratch that, I wasn’t okay with that. But I wasn’t going to throw a fit or anything and honestly it ended up working out better than I would have thought.
“Sure, why shouldn’t I?” I asked. This only made me earn a scoff from him. “Are you okay? Do you have a fever or something? Did you catch a cold?” Edwin pressed the back of his hand against my forehead, trying to see if I was indeed getting sick. “Stop that” Nick mumbled, swatting his hand away from me. “Bro, she’s okay with that, though!”. The neighboring table turned around giving us glares for being so loud. “Excuse my little idiotic friend over there” Austin apologized in behalf of Ed. He was just about to protest when he got interrupted by Brandon. “She’s okay with what …?”.
He had spent half of the lunch-time in the art room, trying to compose a beat he couldn’t get out of his head and for which he might have earned himself detention from our English teacher for “making too much noise during class”.
“She’s okay with Z and Asya hanging out” “Hanging out? Since when is that a problem? They are friends I thought?”. Edwin slapped him across the back of his head. “Are y’all dumb or are y’all stupid?! They are dating or something, Ion even know. But I for sure saw ‘em swap spit earlier this morning and thinking about it now: B, you can have my lunch. I lost my appetite.” He shoved his tray in Brandon’s direction, who didn’t even notice judging from his perplex expression towards me. “So, you’re trying to tell me that Z is with Asya – the girl who he said was like a cousin –“ “Correction, he said little sister” Nick chimed in. The boy with glasses shook his head. “Alright, who he said was like a little sister. And you’re cool with that? Even though that’s low key incest-y If I might add. Besides, do I have to remind you that not even a month ago he broke things off out of nowhere with the shittiest of the shittiest excuses? You cried for the whole weekend!”.
He was right. I had cried about it for three days straight. I really didn’t mean to, but somehow, I guess I liked him more than I wanted to admit. The first night the boys had made it their mission to cheer me up, but once they realized it wasn’t working, they just joined me and my pity party with some Ben & Jerry’s. At some point, Edwin even shed a tear or two. “I just don’t know if I should be sad that my favorite ship just sank or if I should beat his lanky ass for breaking my twin’s heart!” he exclaimed.
“I know, but I’m over it now” I poked in my salad. “And frankly, he is too by the looks of it”. I really didn’t mean to look over to her table. It just happened for a split second. Of course, it was right in the moment he was leaning in, giving her a kiss on the lips. She was blushing like mad. “This is so disgusting. Here, you can have my lunch” Brandon slid the tray - that originally was Edwin’s - into Austin’s direction. “I just don’t get it, man. Zion really liked you. Why did he pull that move on you?” Nick asked. No one could answer him. All of our gazes were pointed in their direction. After what felt like years, I decided that enough was enough and got up. “Yo, where you goin’? We still need to talk about this” Edwin stopped me to pull me down again. Though, I ended up sitting on his lap instead of my original spot, he seemed to not care. He was determined to get the truth out of me. If there was one thing you needed to know about Edwin, it was that he cared about his family dearly. Whenever one of his siblings was sad, he automatically was sad, too. Ever since I moved in, that same rule applied to me.
“You want the truth?” I said annoyed. All I wanted was to get out of here, in all honesty. The feeling of humiliation was getting stronger by the second. He just nodded cautiously, as if he didn’t know whether or not to answer me. “I feel like shit” I said, feeling a little bit relieved to finally speak my mind. “He’s annoying me. Just last month he was all into me and suddenly he’s with her?! Plus, what type of shitty excuse is that?” my voice was starting to tremble at this point.“It’s unfair to the boys and makes the whole group dynamic odd” I mocked him. “I am really starting to think that I was just pass-time to him and that makes me mad. It’s really unfair, okay?! If you like someone else, why in the flying fuck would you even get involved with me? Ugh, fuck this shit. I don’t even wanna be his friend anymore. Seeing his face makes me wanna beat his ass and I ain’t about that life. My momma raised me better than beating the ass of a bean stick!”.
Once I was finished with my rant, I finally dared to look at the boys. All of them had shock written all over their faces. “Aye, Ma” Nick spoke first. “You should’ve told us earlier. We would’ve checked him and at least made sure he wouldn’t be all lovey-dovey with her in your presence”. All I did was sigh.
“I don’t know what to say. Or feel” Austin looked so helpless. He was struggling to find the right comforting words and suddenly I felt horrible for dragging them into my stupid problems. “It’s alright. You don’t have to say anything. I will get over it at some point. It’s not like he’s the only cute boy in New York”. “That’s right, I’m cuter” Edwin tried to lighten the mood and it actually worked. We were all laughing before the bell rang, signaling that class was starting soon.
After school, Edwin immediately drove us both home, so I could take a nap before the boys came over. As soon as I was in my bed, I of course was struggling to fall asleep. “Can you come over? I can’t sleep” I spoke into the phone. Not even ten seconds later, Edwin barged into my room, getting under the covers with me. The fact we got so close over the last few months was making me happy, to say the least. It wasn’t weird to share a bed with each other, we were siblings after all. “We shared a womb, we might as well be able to share a bed” he had said jokingly one day. The silence was comforting me in a way I couldn’t explain in words.
“Fuck Z”. Him suddenly speaking shook me out of my thoughts. “I mean, don’t fuck him. But fuck him. You know?”. Sometimes, it was hard for Edwin to find the right words. It wasn’t because he didn’t know what to say, but rather the fact he had so many things to say that it just ended up blocking his mind ultimately. “I know”.
“This is some sweet home alabama shit” “Shut up, Austin. They just fell asleep together, no big deal” “Okay guys, but I’m getting hungry. Should we wake ‘em up now?”. His body started to shift beneath me, both of us fully waking up by the noise the others were making. “Good morning, honey bubbas!” all three of them were towering over us. The sight was rather scary, with their creepy grins plastered on their faces. “What time is it?” Edwin asked sleepily. He seemed a bit disoriented. “Time for you to get up and make us some food! Mama Honoret went out with the niñitos, so we’re all by ourselves”.
Slowly, we got out of bed to go find something to eat in the kitchen. Ding Dong. The doorbell rang. “Do you guys expect someone?” I asked confused. None of them were able to meet my eyes, looking slightly uncomfortable and at a loss for words. Instead of waiting for a reply, I went straight to the door to open it. “Wait!” “Hold up!” “Don’t” “No!”. Too late. There he stood, three boxes of pizza in his hands. “Uhm, hey”. My first instinct was to slam the door shut in his face and cuss the others out for not telling me sooner. However, on second thought, I decided against it. “Hi. Come in, I guess”. Awkwardly, he greeted his friends and made his way towards the kitchen to put the food on the counter. “So, uhm how about we watch some Netflix while we eat? On My Block sounds good?” Edwin tried to distract from the obvious thick tension in the air. I wasn’t going to ruin what should’ve been a chill night with my favorite people (minus Caleb) and just said “Sure, sounds good”.
The whole night was spent with Zion staring me down from his seat and Edwin exaggeratedly laughing at the funny moments to avoid the awkward atmosphere. Brandon was busy shoving his face with pizza – probably so that he didn’t have to speak. Nick and Austin were arguing about the gang situation in Freeridge. “If he wants his little brother to live a better life, then why is he dragging him into it? Isn’t he the gang leader or something? Just let your brother go to school and boom, problem solved” “It’s not that easy, bro! You want Oscar to lose his street credibility? Might as well put his clown suit on already”.
When I shifted to find a better position, his eyes were still on me. So, I decided to send him a quick text in hopes of making him stop.
< Dude, stop staring. Ur making me mad >
< I’m not staring, u must be trippin shawty >
< first of all, you’ve been staring since season 1 chapter 2. We’re on season 2 now. Second of all, if you call me shawty one more time imma rip ur ass open >
He visibly gulped at my last sentence, contemplating what to reply but ultimately deciding against it and sliding his phone back into his back pocket. Quietly, he stood up exclaiming to the group that he had to leave. A loud sigh of relief left Brandon’s lips, as if he had been waiting for this moment the whole night. “Thank god” he mumbled lowly, yet everyone could hear him clearly but decided to ignore it. “I’ll see you guys on Monday”. With that, he immediately left.
“I think I’ll call it a night. Haven’t really slept well recently”. It was true, I could barely fall asleep nowadays. Tired or not, the night wasn’t my best friend anymore. Everything was keeping me up. The drama with Caleb, the new life I yet had to adjust to – the boys made it easier, though -, and the passing of my parents. It was all too much at once. How was I supposed to comprehend all of this in just a matter of three months? Exactly, there was no waysomeone could deal with that in such a short period of time. The first couple of weeks I was as good as could be expected under the circumstances, but now it all seemed to slowly catch up on me.
“What! No! This was supposed to be a chill night, followed by the best sleepover of all time!”Edwin stood up, trying to make me stay by hugging my body tightly. “Yeah, you can’t leave! Not when Edwin is acting like a crackhead again” Brandon said, his arms securely wrapped around my shoulders. “Aight, I guess it’s group hug hours”. Soon, I found myself squished between not only Ed and B, but also Nick and later even Austin. “Okay, you guys won. I’ll stay”. They cheered at their victory, all pulling away at once. “But” This made everyone look at me suspiciously. “We’re gonna do a beauty-night!” I exclaimed happily with the biggest smile on my face. “Oh hell nah, I’m out!” Edwin crossed his arms, slightly turning away with his nose all scrunched up and brows furrowed. To be honest, he looked like a baby right now. “… unless this means I’m allowed to use that weird blue face mask from Lush?” he asked full of hope. “Yeah, why not”.
In a matter of minutes, we were all piled up on my bed, discussing what face mask would be the best for whom. “Your skin’s whack! Go put that charcoal one on, do something nice for your pores for once” Ed threw the bottle with the black liquid at Nick who grumpily obliged and started to apply it all over his face. “This feels nice. What exactly is that?” Brandon was looking curiously at the big tube in his hands, examining it in hopes of understanding what he just put on his skin. “It’s clay” I told him. “Clay” he repeated quietly and slowly, to no one in particular. Shaking my head with a content smile on my lips, I turned to Austin to see how he was holding up. We decided to let him try a bubble mask but looking at it now we might have made the wrong decision. Every inch of his face was covered in bubbles, and when I say every inch, I mean Every. Inch. Of. His. Precious. Face. “My eyes are burning, is this normal?”. “… Yes” I lied. Grabbing a wet cloth, I softly started rubbing the mask off of him before he ended up blind.
“Okay, what’s next? Do we paint each other’s nails? Do we play pillow fight? Do we talk about our menstrual cycle?”.
“What the fuck, Edwin?!”.
“Hey! Nothing wrong with talking about periods. It’s a natural thing and frankly, it’s actually good to talk about it with your friends to see, if – “
“Of course it’s a normal thing to talk about, but I think you might’ve forgotten something”.
Edwin looked at Brandon quizzingly. “We don’t have a uterus”.
“… Oh”.
Sometimes, he was just too much, but that’s why we loved him. “I think it’s time for bed, boys”. Reluctantly, they got up and lied on their designated air mattresses. “But Edwin can sleep in your bed? That’s so rude, Ma”. “Shut up, shark boy. I’m her twin, that’s just how we roll” he laughed evilly before turning the lights off and saying our good nights to each other.
“If it bothers you so much, why don’t you just tell him?” B looked at the direction my eyes were trained on. Zion would whisper something into Asya’s ear, making her giggle, then he would whisper something else, making her giggle again and so on. I was getting aggravated. “Can’t. That’s super awkward. I wish he’d just use one of his last functioning three brain cells to consider my feelings and not do all that while we share the same class”. Cleaning his glasses with his cotton shirt, he took his time to say something. “Tell him just that”. Turning around, I rolled my eyes at him. “Caleb, stooop!” she giggled for what felt like the millionth time. Before I knew what was happening, I was right in front of Zion dragging him out of the class and into the empty hallway. “What’s your problem?!” I shouted into his face. “My problem? No, what’s your problem?!”. I was this close to just going back in and ignoring him for the rest of my life, but something inside of me told me to keep going. It was now or never. “My problem is” I began. “You’re so fucking annoying and mean and selfish as fuck, only caring about yourself and never considering other people’s feelings! As if it wasn’t shitty enough how you broke things off, no you also have to flaunt your fling-”I knew it wasn’t just a fling, but honestly? I didn’t give a damn. He was rude, so I was being rude. “- into my face! Be secretive! Or at least just stop when I’m around. That’s all I’m asking from you”.
He didn’t say a single word. Not one. Instead he was searching my eyes, trying to see if I really meant what I just said. Seconds passed, turning into minutes. “Aren’t you going to say something? Defend yourself or whatever?”. Him staying silent made my blood boil because I felt ignored and just really stupid for straight up having an outburst without it affecting him. “There’s nothing to defend because you’re right. About everything. And I’m sorry for not realizing sooner how shitty I was behaving”. To say I was taken aback was an understatement. “That’s all?”. The silence was killing me and all I wanted was to go back to class. “No”. Grabbing my hand, he pulled me towards his chest. “What are you do-“ “Shut up”.
Next thing I knew, (I was pregnant) I felt his lips grazing mine and before I could stop him, he had already fully kissed me. I wanted to feel repulsed, I wanted to feel disgusted, I wanted to feel mad. But I couldn’t. I had missed him and I couldn’t deny it. When I pulled away, he tried to make me stay in place. That’s when my senses came back to me and reality hit me. “Dude, what’s wrong with you?! You have a new girl, remember?”. I pushed his chest, freeing myself. Once I was about to open the door again, I noticed that Zion still hadn’t moved an inch. Turning around, I wanted to tell him to move his ass back to class before both of us would get in trouble. But he never gave me a chance at that.
“I know, but I can’t get my real girl outta my head”.
Also2: I don’t know if I like this part, it’s more of a filler. I tried to put the focus on the relationship between her and Edwin, but also tried to give glimpses of the friendship between her and the rest of the boys. Zion isn’t included much because he’s always hanging out with that other chick. This part is set during the time where both of them try to avoid each other, so I wanted to make it as realistic as possible.
Let me know what your favorite part or line was! Hope you liked it xx
- Cami
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ohhicas · 6 years
I've only been into comics for a few years, but I've read enough of the old Flash stuff where I adore the classic incarnations of the Rogues. Honestly curious here: what's it like to be a fan of James Jesse back when he was retgonned around 10 years ago and see him brought back but now all mwahaha crazy evil? I'm way more used to Axel (and all that off-panel character development in Nu52, thanks DC) but even I find this kinda weird. Was James ever crazy evil in any arc?
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^- me 90% of the time someone says James is coming back to recent media & it’s not a direct continuation of the comics prior to 2004
[ Warning: this is gonna get long and be full of a lot of assumptions. I can never form solid statements and things will get jumbled, because I suck at presenting things ]
[ this is my can of worms hill and you opened it so I’m dYING HERE ]
I mean, back in the earliest ages, no Rogue had a real personality to speak of? They were just “1960s Bad Guy in a different outfit” at the very start, with quirks! Like James having a thing for toys and nuclear powered flying tricycles. It wasn’t until that era ended that they started getting real distinct and into what a lot of ‘classic’ James fans loved and appreciated? 
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(I think at least, I’m just One Person here pretending like I even understand HALF of what the ‘classic’ fandom enjoyed. I’m wildly speculating just going off what fanworks I’ve seen produced.)
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(I don’t have all my scans anymore but I’ll toss in scans when I have them)
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But that’s when we started getting things like James actually having specified friendships with certain people
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or clear distaste towards others, and when you could tell he was more of a wild card than the others. Or when he decided to fuck off and hang out in Hollywood with Blue Devil for a bit, even siding with Kid Devil to deck out Captain Boomerang. 
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Or when he decided to fuck off to Gotham, to mess with Catwoman by pretending he didn’t know who she was, but absolutely knew who she was because of how she walked and carried herself, but James being James was like “mmmmm long con, nope”
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hey lil Cold, gimme all ur guns and don’t question why I’m in drag xoxo
Even then, he wasn’t shown to be vicious yet! He’d hopped around various places, was still considered A Rogue, A Criminal, and as far as any comic reader could tell by trying to count up how many civilians may have been crossfired at, he had no On Purpose deaths racked? Like, the only thing you could really argue was he may have made someone drive their car off a cliff once, but I’m like 98% sure they’re fine. He’s not a murderer, he’s just here for a laugh and a long-con for funsies because he know he can get away with it!
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little more 90s Hair. Little more 90s stereotypical “But what if EVERYONE WENT TO HELL” demon plots against Satanic Hockey Hair Neron. And James? still wasn’t evil? He was a little dismissive when everyone ELSE died sure but he still in the end turned around like “nghgng I’m THE ONLY ONE”, purposely got his ass down there, regretted it, and then beat Neron at his own game to save the entire fucking world. Because! He could! And he did it so well. STILL NOT EVIL, even when he had a chance right then and there to take over everything alongside Neron should he so desire. Like, two words, maybe some under the table BJs depending on how you feel about that pairing (I don’t), and bam. He would’ve bested nearly any other villain in the DCU save like, Satan himself. Or i guess one of those world destroyers. But we’ll get back around to those BOY HOWDY WE WILL GET AROUND TO THOSE. 
So James! Saves! The world! Sorta! Later they fight Neron again and his kid he somehow had somewhere down the road (it sounds like I’m complaining, i’m not, I love Billy and Mindy both I just wish they showed up like… ever again?) and he sTILL SAVES EVERYONE. 
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Piper helps by their 90s ponytails combined. 
Somewhere around here, because dates and timing aren’t my strong suit, he also goes and messes with Bart for a bit. It’s pretty much a Spy Vs Spy episode, but with less bloodshed. 
ANYWAY IT’S AFTER THIS POINT THAT THINGS GET… where I think the majority of “James is a Low Rate Joker” comes from? 
For some unknown goddamn reason, in between issues (James wasn’t a Super Frequent Rogue? He’d show up, sure, but in the huge run of the series he’d just kind of vanish for 20 issues at a time and you’d go “welp, guess he’s still alive”) James went super-cop? like, the FBI? For some reason? Hired James “I am a probably still wanted felon, a man who has escaped jail numerous times, probably never served a full sentence, known Trickster and liar” Jesse. to the FBI. And for so many issues it’s like he legit just. Did this. He threatens to shoot Piper who he was up until this very moment, considerably very close friends with (as far as comics would show Rogue/Rogue friendships), unwilling to help his friend clearly framed for murder of his parents and losing his mind by the day. Despite James talking Hart down a little on the whole ‘THE MAYOR IS ROSCOE ADN NOBODY BELIEVES MEEEEEEEE” thing. 
Also he steals Digger’s dead ass corpse? 
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FBI James is a fucking enigma. Here he is standing up for Gay Rights even though Piper is like “mm maybe I should forgive my abuser??”
BUT. AFTER THIS? WE GET COUNTDOWN WHICH IS JUST. Countdown is. IT’s a problem. James’s personality is IMMEDIATELY HORRIBLY u-turned into “well we need SOMEONE to be the Bad Guy to Piper’s Good!” DESPITE. ALL THESE YEARS OF COMICS.This is the shit you’ll see people who don’t know better or just want a reason to hate the Trickster (despite being 100% okay for them to just say he’s annoying/they don’t like his tights/acrobats are stupid) reference. James is, suddenly, very abruptly, a homophobe. Like an “ew don’t touch me” level homophobe because I’m pretty sure DC snorts cocaine and threw a dart at a board for “how could they make these two fight” and landed on GAY RIGHTS IS TRENDING. 
BUTSTILL IN THE FUCKING END OF ALL OF THIS?After so many issues of James being a complete fuckass prick? 
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springboards himself from his current job of being railroad face putty to catching bullets to make sure Piper wasn’t gonna die. Without knowing the proceedings of this entire plotline, James out of nowhere after so much gaybashing, still finds it in him to leap into the path of multiple bullets and save Piper. Because, yknow, he’s evil!
Later it’s shown he’s been working to take everyone down (y’know, like when he was in the FBI) and left Piper specific helpful notes to do it himself. Because Evil Bad Guy! Helping his gone-good friend! Take down bad guys! 
But yeah that’s. That’s where we last saw James. in 2007, dead, after saving Piper when he could have easily pulled a Joker and ripped HIM down to take hte bullets and etcetc, y’know. Something a Very Bad Person would’ve done, like the characterization we’ve seen now. 
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His ghost (easily argued as Piper’s own mental construction of James sassing him) sasses Hartley to even, in his mental state, saw off James’s hand so Piper doesn’t have to lug his weight around and has a fighting chance at living. And in the end, when Piper’s fighting the thing that can destroy the fucking world, it’s shown only Piper was the one who could save them? Because his flute, and his musical ability, and [enter DC comic science here]. You could argue this was James, once again, somehow knowing the long-con at play here, getting screwed over at EVERY turn, and sacrificing himself so they ‘good’ team had a fighting chance.You could also argue this is me losing my mind trying to make sense of the things they made James do. (my running argument is he was purposely a prick to push Piper away, so he could keep him safe) 
Also Piper plays James a Swan Song of Queen as the final boss explodes and he’s fully prepared to die. So like. There’s that. 
AND THATS BASICALLY THE COMICS? The main, ‘canon timeline’ comics. I’m missing a LOT of little things here and there, but I’m not missing anything like body counts, or murder attempts, beyond the old Silver Age “Bad guy of the week” things like trying to make Flash’s head explode, or you know. Other “nobody really has a personality, we just have quirks”. 
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Mark Hamil|’s OG run as him in the old live action show. That characterization was fun, for the time, and I even enjoyed it cause it was just that off the wall and you could tell it was what they used to decide he should be the Joker for the BATS Joker. Consider it a prototype (combined with all the previous comic jokers but that’s not for this long ass post) 
And if it’d stayed there, that’d be it! That’s it! But then JLU came along, and they referenced the old show for their version of James with a sprinkling of early-era comics, and a lot of people loved and watched that show. That was their version of the Trickster, because it was their first meeting with him! And I can’t fault that! But that guy was clearly off his rocker and I’m sure if the JLU allowed a higher rating, it would’ve been even closer to the old TV show. 
And both of THOSE were heavily, heavily referenced for the CW version, which as I’m at this point now means I need to slap my usual anti-CW tag onto things. I hate the CW James. There is so little comic in him it’s almost disgusting, and they ramped up so much of the Joker side of JLU & OGTV he might as well just be the Joker. It’s not a good representation of him at all. I have, also, only seen his first appearance episode, so maybe I’m wrong? But when you fuck up hard on the first run, why would I return for round 2? 
So with ALL THIS– 
REBOOT TIME. Whatever the newnew remake is calling itself. 
At first! With how James was! In the first panel flash of him clearly behind the scenes tugging so many wires and lines, watching everything with a bucket of popcorn while pulling others to his side, sitting pretty in an old museum? warehouse? highlighted in purples and vintage toys, I was like “holy shit this it. This is My Boy, back from the goddamn limbo-dead. It’s him.” But then“taking over the city entirely” to do? What? Turn it into the world’s biggest Trickster themepark? Make everyone wear striped leggings and combat boots? Martial Law of murder if you don’t carry rubber chickens? This is already veering from anything major James has ever done. As it stands I can’t see the gag here. Its’ weirdly dark and edgy, and way too close to something we saw the 90s TV show Trickster do, in the episode where he basically took over the place. The previews show him being what I’m assuming a Judge, Jury, & Executioner joke– and unless this spins into a Clopin song and dance number and his little hand puppet crops up to slam the button on the guillotine, I’m not having it, DC. 
They’re trying to tie him back into the CW, despite the writer saying he really enjoyed the Neron-era things with James (if I’m remembering the interview correctly). And it’s also why you may see me constantly saying “Well I sure as fuck hope Neron shows up” at anything new that’s released, to explain away all of… this.
This isn’t him. If they wanted a murderous Trickster, they should’ve just used Axel. The kid, canonly, tied explosives to stray dogs and homeless people. AXEL is the not-good Trickster, the murderous Trickster, the one you aren’t suppose to feel sorry for beyond being in way over his head due to his young age. 
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i think I somehow didn’t answer your question
it sucks? it’s also great because there’s a .5% chance that maybe they’ll do it right and won’t reference the fucking 90s noncomic media. But then they do. And all I can do is laugh and shrug like ‘welp I expected nothing’. But when they get it RIGHT it’s like christmas came early.
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angclhyunjin · 6 years
of light and verse | jaebum
desc: you literally end up falling for the boy who sits at the back of your uber hard lit class. college!jaebum litmajor!jaebum. all the fluff. just super fluffy
word count: 1.913
requested by: @jaebums-sunshine​ [Jaebum college au/domestic au fluff!]
note: i wrote this at lit 4am but ummm my love as a lit major was too cute to pass up
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oh my god ok COLLEGE JAEBUM
setting my heart on fire at the thought of my lit nerd headcanon for him
lets get into it!
so its freshman year and ur walking into your first lit class, a bit intimidated bc its like,, a course no first year dared to touch but u just wanted a cool sounding course so bad u jumped at the opportunity
its GREEK MYTHOLOGY!! who wud not hello
and ur excited until the professor opens her mouth
and ur blown away by how,,,,,,, interesting and riveting the whole thing is but shit is it going to be this hard throughout??
the first few classes involves you frantically taking notes and trying to keep up w the impossible pace this class is going
but theres this BOY
he sits right at the end while ur in front so u could pass him off as uninterested,,, taking the course for extra creds??? wrong
this BOY quips in between the lecture with the most fascinating comments, connecting the odyssey to so many modern works, to poetry and to music
and ur like,,, who made u,,,, how r u like this
ur kind of annoyed by how smart this boy is
its not like you dont get wtf is happening here, but how can he get it and SO MUCH MORE
and tbh ur kind of jealous but u didnt hear that from me. also he has the softest voice that creeps up behind u and makes ur body stir
wait what
so u work super hard
and like super hard, u finish all ur readings and do ur own research
but u still feel like its not enough
like idk who u think u are, u start living at the library
cup of tea in hand and a book in the other, it sounds optimal but the stress is lowkey making you lose ur mind
ur looking for a book in the aisles, a VERY specific one on sappho’s fragmented poems
and FINALLY u see it............on the top most shelf
ur 5′4″ self is SCREAMING
and u could ask for help but help is for losers
so u make the very intelligent decision to climb the shelves what?? no ones looking
ur almost there when
a hand
reaches at the same time as urs
u almost scream for real this time, shutting ur eyes real tight, letting go of ur meager hold on the shelf and falling back
like u have accepted ur death at this point
until???? wait??? you feel two hands around you and suddenly you’re not falling
“my god, are you okay??” how tf do i know this voice
you open your eyes to be met with the softest brown eyes, framed by these wire glasses
its him
of c o u r s e
u literally dont know what to say until he laughs a little at you (an adorable, light noise that fills you up)
“this is probably not one of your greatest moments” ur cheeks are on FIRE
suddenly he notices his arms are still around u and he hastily places u on ur useless jelly feet
“were you going for the book on sappho? i didn’t know anyone else here knew it existed”
you’re about to stammer out a reply, not really ready to explain to the lit prodigy that ur trying to be at least half as insightful as him but he
squints at u
“wait, aren’t you in my lit class?? you are, aren’t you?”
he REMEMBERS ur invisible ass??? ok??? what doesnt this boy notice?????
u finally find your tongue, stammering out a “y-yeah, i was planning out my paper and needed a second reference”
wow is he lowkey impressed he stares at u for a bit
ur now hyperaware of ur messy bun and glasses, the old t shirt you’d tucked into mom jeans feeling so inadequate in front of him in his stylishly messed up hair n button up,,, how could someone be this pretty at 4pm on a sunday
“honestly, me too. but its okay, you can have this” 
he barely needs to reach up to get this book and ur like, looking at his shoulders as he faces away from u for a split second and man is he built
“are you sure???” you let out in an almost whisper “don’t you need this?”
“nah its okay i read it over the summer already” o yes of course
“i’m jaebum by the way” he smiles at you and ur stomach JUMPs
“i’m y/n” you try, and then blurt out “and also really sorry for this i’m like,, dumb as hell-”
“its no issue, y/n” his voice is HONEY as it says your name and you can feel urself turning redder
“i’ll see you in class then” hes gone as quickly as he arrived and ur still in shock because what the fuck
did that really happen or did u doze off after a caffeine crash again???
so the next day in class u walk in, heading towards your seat when  ur eye catches jaebum’s
and he gives u the BIGGEST SMILE
ur blushing furiously and manage a quick smile back
and thru/o ur so distracted bc u swear u feel his eyes on the back of ur neck but ur also too scared to look bc WOW WHY IS THIS BEAUTIFUL BOY STARING AT ME
so at the end of the class ur throwing all ur books into ur mess of a backpack when u hear a voice 
“so did you end up finishing the book”
its god jaebum, beanie hiding his tousled hair and trademark glasses on his nose
“no i still have some stuff to cover but its fine!! you can have it u want-”
“no, no i was going to suggest we do the paper together?”
is this ,,,, really happening
“okay great! i’ll meet you in the library at 4?”
“okay see you then!!” u squeak out and dash
wtf was that
this man did not need ur help, he is a lit GOD
but ur there at 4, a little thankful for the heads up bc u managed to put some semblance of makeup on urself
and he walks in and ur heart is on fire again bc hes so pretty and he’s also so excited to do lit, lit makes this boy
u slowly ease into conversations w him, sappho being taken over by more personal deets
ok first of all, this boy has 5 cats
he shows u pictures of all of them, names and all, like a mom showing off her children
ur heart is so so full of this endearing boy
you keep meeting thru the rest of the week
on tuesday, he asks you ur favorite color
on wednesday, he convinces u to tell him ur favorite memory
on thursday, you tell him how vanilla ice cream is everything to you but u cant stand strawberry
on friday, he asks u for ur number
on saturday, he randomly texts you 6 pictures of his cat sitting on two legs
on saturday, you realize u have fallen for the boy at the back of ur lit class
u dont know what to do
this boy is so so dumb at heart but can also recite all of shakespeare’s sonnets by heart
like hes the cutest idiot u have ever seen
and ur falling super hard for him
ur friendship goes strong for a while
gradually u blush less frequently and get comfortable w him, going over to his place at times
the first time u go (for lit probably) he opens the door and ur greeted w the smell of disaster
like really it smells super bad
and hes frantic and panicky bc “i didn’t know how hard cooking was the tomato sauce is all burnt what did i do”
poor perfect boi is bad at cooking???
even surrounded w smoke and in a dirty apron he looks ADORABLE
and ur laughing and taking the saucepan off the stove for him, throwing his failure out and suggesting u just get some chinese
and he agrees w a sigh and ur like ur so dumb
and no ur definitely not trying to think abt how he wanted to cook for u
when u call him over u make spaghetti
red sauce
“wow so ur really out here triggering me like this”
“is it my fault ur an idiot sandwich”
“w o w”
he probably pouted and u probably made fun of it tho ur heart was crying 
so it goes on like this for a while
and ur always wondering ‘does this boy even like me like that’ bc he out here giving u so many signals but never making the move
like ur ass is never sure if he’s into u or just being nice
bc lets face it - im jaebum is the definition of nice
and its honestly getting kind of annoying
like pls tell me if u like me my heart cant take it much longer
u guys are at his, doing ur readings
you glance to the side and see jaebum reading intently, eyes flying over the words, relaxed and so sweet, a ray of light from the window falling on him and making his eyes radiate a dark brown
you dont even notice how long you’ve been staring until u hear his voice
“hello what r u doing”
“nothing! just,,,, you looked really pretty with the light falling on ur face. no i mean, look!! like, you’re pretty”
did u JUST 
"not that that means you’re not pretty at other times!! i mean,,, you’re pretty all the time and its honestly really crazy” WHY ARE U STILL TALKING
hes just.... staring at u in wonder
and ur lik e wow this is it, this is when the ground acc swallows me up and i die
when his face breaks into this beautiful smile
“you think i’m pretty?”
his voice is so soft and pure
u r, on the other hand, about to collapse from embarrassment
and just nod and its like the day in the library all over
and he’s still smiling when he says “y/n, i think you’re the most beautiful person i’ve ever seen”
your stomach SWOOPS
“i’ve wanted to say that for the longest time” he breathes and you notice just how close he is
“thats just,, i mean wow i didn’t know...” u manage to say
he leans in a little closer and his hands r burning a hole resting on ur thighs
the light is very brilliant as his head dips lower, breath on ur lips until he fills the gap between you
and im jaebum is kissing you
you barely remember to respond, but when you do, he leaves light kisses on ur lower lip, hand coming up to cup ur cheek 
ur entire body is on fire as he draws you closer, your hands going into his hair and feeling for the first time how soft it was 
wow u had really dreamed about this huh
he draws back a little bit, face incredibly close to yours and asks u “is this okay?”
“more than okay, this is perfect” you press him closer and all else is forgotten
send in requests!
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wannaonestars · 7 years
the little mermaid au! ong seongwoo
the following scenario is based on the traditional storyline. please keep note that there are many different versions of the story, and not just the disney one.
ok so you’re the mermaid/merman (your preference) who adores humans bc like it’s so cool they have legs?? the idea of having legs and being on land just FASCINATES you and you’re sneaking around the shores to watch humans
and one day you’re just swimming on the surface and saying hi to the cute seagulls when you notice the sky turning dark and the clouds getting shady so like it was basically time to go
but just then you notice a ship floating like nowhere cLOSE to the shore
even though mermaids were always called a myth and you’d get chewed out if anyone saw ur tail you’re like…I need to save them >:((
and so you swim over to save the poor souls when suddenly rain just started POURING and the winds picked up out of nowhere and then you saw a body fall into the sea
you’re like oh shIT and suddenly accelerated in water to save the poor soul
you eventually find him and you get rly alarmed bc he isn’t struggling or anything he’s just kinda lifelessly sinking
you grab him and basically turn into an underwater jet bc you’d never swam so fast no not even when your mermaid mom told you dinner was ready
getting him to shore was so difficult because 1) the human was heavy and 2) you had no legs so you had to crawl to get far enough onto land
the dude (seongwoo if y’all didn’t realize yet) still wasn’t moving and you were panicking like??? he shouldn’t be dead yet
you do the mermaid version of cpr which was to….press your lips against his to suck all the seawater out of him
a minute later you start getting dizzy because you’re getting too dry so you had to crawl back into the sea…and you proceed to go back home but you just…couldn’t get that man out of your head….
meanwhile a princess from a different country visiting seongwoo’s found him collapsed on the beach and shook him awake and seongwoo’s like…what happened??
let’s call the princess rika like that snake from mystic messenger
rika told him that she “”saved”” him from drowning and he’s like…oh and that’s what she ends up telling the his father aka the KING and rumors spread around the palace like crazy like everyone was like damn they probably gonna get married now
meanwhile on yOUR END you were swimming towards the sea witch’s domain to ask for a pair of legs because after being on land and feeling the frustrations of being unable to stay for too long you REALLY wanted to become a human
the sea witch asks for your voice in exchange which was…a huge price
your singing is like the only thing that anyone’s ever praised you for so giving it up would be the same as tossing away half of your identity but…u know what, in the human world no one’s gonna know u anyway  
so she casts a spell and gives you the legs u wanted and then shoots u out of the sea
after you get to shore and struggle to get the hang of walking for like 7 hours you pick up some rags to cover yourself bc that stupid witch didn’t give u any clothes
you just want to explore the village and ur getting looks bc wtf ur wearing some dirty rags with sand all over and wobbling like jello but u don’t rly care
suddenly you find a boy aka sEONGWOO in a quiet part of the area just…dancing and you were like!!! oh my gOD that’s amazing how can his legs and arms move like that…
and without thinking you start…singing a melody to go along with his movements and seongwoo snaps his head around and is like??? holy moly what but a split second later he breaks out into this wide grin and just keeps dancing and going along to your wordless song with a contemporary style
you’re a little weirded out urself bc weren’t u supposed to lose your voice??
the witch from her chamber: SHIT I FUCKED THE SPELL UP
anyways ur like lol whatever my win and when u end your song seongwoo approaches you and is like…hey, who are you?
let’s pause for a second and imagine seongwoo with a long sleeved white collared shirt with the first few buttons not buttoned and like windswept black hair
anyways ur like holy triton he’s hot and you tell him your name and he starts questioning where u live and stuff and why you’re dressed like this and when you’re unable to give him a proper answer he’s like…hey do you wanna come with me? bc he figures that you might be an abandoned child
he smiles that prINCELY smile of his and says “you sing really well. i’d love to have a performance with you again.”
and then he calls his horse over to give you a ride back to the palace
listen…if u thought seongwoo driving a car was good pls imagine prince seongwoo riding a horse
when you guys get to the palace rika dASHES towards seongwoo and swallows him into a hug and you’re both like?????
rika: bABE!!! father agreed to our marriage!!!!!!!!!
seongwoo: what
rika: it’s in two months!!!!!!!!!
seongwoo: wHAT
he’s so confused because his father literally nEVER discussed this with him and then a few seconds later when he finally understood the situation he immediately pushes rika off and sprints to his father’s study to argue
seongwoo: father?? why am I suddenly hearing news of marriage????
father: well, she did save you from drowning
seongwoo: I doubt it wtf her clothes weren’t even WET…like the most she could’ve done was shake me awake dad
father: ridiculous. I believe her claims like i’ve known her for three dayS seongwoo that’s enough for me to be able to tell that she’s an angel >:0. you’re already a young adult my son you need to find a partner soon so unless you can find a better option than rika then this marriage is gonna continue.
ten minutes later seongwoo comes out upset and annoyed and without saying anything else he just leaves for his room
you follow him bc like :((( poor bab. his door wasn’t locked so you just enter and ask if he’s okay
seongwoo smiles a little and just says “yeah…” but you knew he wasn’t
you: hey…it’s okay to talk to me about it
and tbh??? you’re literally the first person who’s ever shown any hint of genuine care for him without any motives…all seongwoo remembered from his childhood was getting spoiled silly because no one dared to get on the king’s bad side
and he tells you how he’s frustrated with all these decisions getting made for him and that he has absolutely no interest in an arranged marriage with someone who he doesn’t even know and for a whole half of hour he kinda just spills to you his entire childhood and the little things that he had been annoyed with but never had anyone to tell
and then he just exhales bc like that was sO much that he just dumped on you…and this is the point in which seongwoo unconsciously develops a special bond with you
and then he lets out a little laugh and ruffles your hair and is like lol sorry…let’s get you some decent clothes to try on ok? and he calls some maids over to get ur shit together
while changing into these weird (BUT EXTREMELY PRETTY) new clothes you realize that he was the boy you saved…but who would believe you?? you couldn’t be like hey guess what i’m the mermaid who saved u but i became a human last night
like the ppl here seem stupid but not that stupid
when you meet seongwoo again at the balcony with your combed hair and pretty clothes seongwoo was like oh my god…..they look gorgeous
he didnt say that tho like this is still ong mcongity the ongth ongster seongwoo
so he just winks and said “you’re gorgeous but….well, now ur next to me buddy ;)”
you shove him a lil and he laughs and then he asks u if you could sing for him again
and he just dances to your music all night long with an expression of pure bliss and at some point he grabs your hands and makes you dance with him hehe
cue ur dumb mermaid butt falling and tripping like 99 times but seongwoo enjoys it so much that he just laughs and pretends to fall with you
the next few days is just you and seongwoo singing and dancing like whenever y'all pass by each other in the hallways he makes the uGLIEST expression and just moves his arms and legs like an octopus and that always makes you giggle so hard bc that actually reminds u of ur octopus friends fredrick and joseph back at sea
he didn’t give a flying flick about wedding preparations and always avoided talking about it by grabbing you and fleeing to the town square to perform in front of whoever wanted to watch
rika always got livid whenever she hears that both the prince and u disappeared and would stay up as late as she could to “talk about it with her future husband” but u know what seongwoo doesn’t give a flying flick about her either so it’s just “yeah yeah” before he leaves again
you two get so much recognition and love from the townspeople they’re adore the performances so much and just get drawn to y’all like they’re in a trance
it’s so much fun!! some people even joke that u two are perfect for each other lmao
seongwoo: folds his ears to hide the blushing red tips
and then it gets to the point where!!! the king!!!!! asks you two to perform for the visiting countries!!!!!!!!!
it’s such an honor but honestly you feel so pressured bc like what if your voice cracks???? but seongwoo notices your nervousness quickly and so he walks over and grabs your hands and squeezes them and just says
“i believe in you.”
and your heart just MELTS bc…seongwoo had the softest and most gentle look on his face when he said that
“i really, truly, absolutely, definitely, totally—”
“stop,,,,right there,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,” like dammit seongwoo DONT RUIN THE MOMENT
and then he takes your hand in a much more elegant manner and leads you onto the dance floor…where the two of you perform with every fiber of your being
once your song and his dance and the thunderous applause ends seongwoo turns to you with this grin that stretches across from one end of his face to the other and u rly can’t resist smiling back as widely as he is
a short while later you two are at the balcony again laughing about stuff when suddenly seongwoo goes “you know…I really wish that this could go on forever…like, just you and i dancing and singing together until my bones break”
you don’t know what to say to that bc his expression is so serious like he doesn’t look like the usual joking dude who eats ur slice of pizza when ur not looking
and suddenly u feel seongwoo leaning closer to you….like his face is INCHES away from yours and u can feel his breath on your skin…….
“if you agree to it…i can ask my father to stop the wedding so that….you and i can be together instead…”
you’re like sweating right now bc??? what is he saying???? and for a few seconds you can’t tell whether that loud thumping sound was coming from your chest or his
“you’re the first person who i’ve been able to confide in and talk to…I don’t care what your background is, I—actually, what am I saying haha this is embarrassing, never mind—”
his eyes pop wide open and he’s like??? what?????
you make this embarrassed lil smile and just go,,, “i’m willing to spend the rest of my life with you, ong seongwoo.”
seongwoo’s entire body just flares up and this burst of joy EXPLODES within him and he’s absolutely unable to contain it so he suddenly pulls you into a bear hug and spins you around and around
and he’s laughing like…after over twenty years of being treated like a he could never be a normal person and enduring the fake kindness being thrown at him for self benefit he finally found happiness and it’s honestly the BEST feeling that he’s ever experienced
and you’re laughing while in his arms but the you suddenly say “"hey…but what if i’m a mermaid?”
he almost drops u like wHAT
but then a second later his wits take over bc hey he’s ong mcongity the ongth ongster seongwoo
and he makes this playful grin and is like “it was my childhood dream to marry a mermaid”
this is probs gonna be like the longest scenario I ever write… anyways, thank for reading this far LOL I hope you liked it!! this is probably 100 times more cliche and stupid than it already was in my head but lmfao i’ve always kinda wanted to put twists in original fairy tales. maybe i’ll do this for other members? idk, we’ll see how much inspiration I can get ٩( ᐛ )و 
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imaginingit · 8 years
happy valentine’s day mothafuckas ;)
i love jeon jungkook are u bitches ready
you first met jungkook when you heard the sound of a moving truck beep its way into the driveway next to yours 
now u were always a child of adventure 
ur parents worked a lot so it was basically u at home with ur grandparents and they were the most chill motherfuckers on the face of the planet
and the front door of ur house always seems to be unlocked so u were the poster boy/gal of “adventure is out there!!!”
cue me ugly crying that movie kills m e 
u loved the outdoors and being adventurous 
u were so tomboy and reckless it was hilarious
u drove every single member of ur family insane 
they got called into school one time to u staring at the ground in the principal’s office next to a kid with a missing tooth and bloody nose 
“he tried to hug me” 
to summarize, u loved causing trouble, but have fun in the midst! 
and yes, meeting new ppl!!
and at dinner, u would hear ur grandpops and grandma talking abt the couple moving in next door 
and how they have also have a 6!! year!! old!! son!!
and u could barely keep ur head on the pillow that night bc omg! you can’t wait to have a new friend the same age as u! 
so on that beautiful sunny saturday morning, at exactly 7am sharp, with ur scabby knees, bruised legs, ripped shorts, mismatched socks, run-down light up sneakers, and ur older brother’s hand-me-down power rangers sweatshirt, you marched on over to the driveway to meet your new best friend
and u see a middle aged man and a beautiful woman trying to carry in a couple boxes together and u guessed those were the parents 
and as u were marvelling at how pretty they were, “man, if they look that good, how good does their son loo--”
u have no idea what came over u but u almost tripped over the tall weeds trying to get into the truck and find the source of the voice 
you went straight to the yellow, flower-y sofa resting in the middle of the truck, with little boy limbs sticking out from under the cushions
u ran up and ripped them away and low and behold, u laid ur eyes on the most beautiful 6 year old there ever was 
and from then on, ur heart decided to plant its FUCKING BOTTOM with jungkook forever
from the first day he met u he literally believed u were the weirdest person he’s ever met 
but without a doubt, you became childhood friends 
like best friends
u saw him naked for the first time when u were 8 and just bursted into his shower at like 8am in the morning 
“omg it’s so smALL?”
he didn’t speak to you for two weeks after that 
your grandparents would always have him over for dinner 
you guys played make believe together and took naps in ur power ranger blanket together 
but it’s also a lot of bullying 
taking turns making ugly faces, whoever laughs first has to go and tell ur grandma they pooped their pants and needs help changing it 
“accidentally” slapping each other SUPER hard in the face
“you had a fly on ur cheek sorry!! couldn’t help it!!”
literally the purest and most innocent friendship ever ever ever 
everyday in first grade, when you had reading time, he would be in the seat behind you and fold a tiny little paper plane with a sticky note and throw it at you 
would keep folding them and throwing it at you until you noticed and turned around and yelled at him and got in trouble by your student teacher 
“i hate u jeon jungkook” 
you didn’t really
but it wasn’t until the third or fourth time he kept doing it that you realized there was a message on each of them 
and they weren’t really anything cute
they were just like 
“hey notice me”
“your hair looks greasy from the back” 
“what book are you reading”
“don’t ignore me”
“am i being annoying?”
“yea? good.”
but your favourite was
“i’m glad you’re in my class” 
because he would rarely ever show affection to you because your relationship was made up a lot of the “we don’t need to say anything to know it”, meaning you never needed to straight out express your gratitude to each other for the other to know that you’re appreciated 
main point is you grew up together 
however, after like the fourth grade
you both somehow decided that you were too cool for each other despite the fact that your crush on him was still there 
there was something so mesmerizing about the fact that 
he never truly ever demeaned you as a person??? like yes he was a tease and you guys always did those things to each other
but for a kid, he was always somewhat of a gentleman and would never make fun of you to deliberately hurt your feelings 
unfortunately doe, in middle school, your group of friends completely changed
and although you guys sort of had the same status in school of being popular but very, very laidback, and your groups of friends acquainted with one another, your interactions would be saying hi, making small talk when you were with a handful of other people and smiling at each other as you pass by the halls 
back then, you would walk home together every single day and spend time doing homework in the bedroom of one of you two 
but as the grades went on and the workload increased, you found music and student council and volleyball whereas he found track and basketball and dance
his family went through troubles and he found it difficult to talk to people at times 
and you were so busy with finding a job and saving up for post-secondary that you spent after school with your clubs or in the library studying
timing and interests for you guys were extremely unparalleled and eventually, things just grew apart before high school began 
and oh dear
high school
periods? check. acne? check. hormones? check. grOWTH SPURTS? check.
now, reader, entering high school, you only had one rule: forget. about. jeon. jungkook.
and it wasn’t like he was being a dick or anything to you, you just didn’t find any way that you guys would work out anymore
despite being best friends and literally showering together when you were 7 and your parents are best friends, you just never ever have proper conversations anymore, and things just naturally got awkward
and also life lesson for u guys omg so philosophical what it wasn’t anyone’s fault, you guys just happened to no longer have the same interests or the time to notice each other anymore - people drift apart. it happens. 
and you were so okay with coming to terms with that 
“oh my gosh is that jeon jungkook?”
“he... grew muscles?”
“puberty hit him like a freight train???”
the morning of sophomore year, after a whole first year of properly avoiding him and being absolutely sure that he wasn’t going to get hot (jungkook is juST A LATE BLOOMER OK LEAVE HIM ALONE), you turned your head to the front doors and felt the wind get knocked out of you 
bc walking in with his friends, with the school uniform seemingly perfectly snug and hugging every one of his curves
was jungkook
and for some reason
yes he looked more mature and yes he got fucking MANLIER
but you were instantly reminded of something that clicked in you when you saw that 6 year old boy stuck in the sofa on the very first day he moved in next to you
was it that innocence? was it the charm? was it the hair-swept-away-from-face thing? you diDN’T KNOW 
but girl you were gone again 
and listen 
you dated people in freshman year and guys liked you, but you were never the type to chase or to fawn
you were just different from other girls like you would much rather be the type to be the one playing ball than the one in a miniskirt cheering on the team on the sidelines
that’s just who you are, heck you fucking punched a dude that wanted to hug you and say thank you, broke his nose and chipped his tooth like kk y/n
it was just difficult for you to grasp feelings, truly, but for some reason, this guy has just got you so weak???
and for some other reason, jungkook and the reminder and memories of you guys as kids just hits you like a truck and you’re already head over heels once again
and you go into first period to shake off the thought of him but ofc!!! he’s!!!! in!!!! ur!!! first!! period!!! literature!!! ihml!!!
so you take the seat diagonally in the front of him to make sure you don’t get sidetracked in ur favourite class and drool at him the entire time
you were taking notes from the board, analyzing and reviewing the literary device and short stories before delving into the actual stuff in literature when you dropped your pencil and leaned down to grab it 
when you saw an arm reach down first 
and hand it to you 
you looked up 
and you guessed it 
biTCH IT WAS JUNGKOOK AND he had such a warm and friendly smile 
and you could barely say anything 
because on one hand you were like oh i’m glad he still remembers who i am??? like ffs? but your other side is like oh my god oh my god oh my god 
so weeks go by and every single day you feel such a burning sensation at the back of ur neck like fufufufuffufufu he’s RIGHT THERE
and jungkook isn’t that type to be extremely boisterous and loud and obnoxious even if he’s hot shit 
so you weren’t worried about him bothering you whatsoever after that like that was a fluke, he was being nice, whatever, it’s done 
a couple weeks go by and you’re starting to feel better now, thinking you’ve got this crush thing under control
silent reading time 
you were just assigned a new book by your favourite author! and you couldn’t wait to begin the book reports on these 
so you dove into the world of fire-breathing dragons and mystical knights and creatures beyond reality
when you felt a poke on your neck
and you had no idea what it was? you were so engulfed in the story that you just scratched and left it, not thinking twice
and then you felt it again
it took you a second, but it hit you
and it hit you hard
you turned your head around slowly and your heart was beating so fast
your eyes fall on a small pink sticky note, folded into a plane, dropped on your shoulder
so you open it, careful to make no noise in the silent classroom
and on the single sticky note it read:
“it’s good to see you again. i’m so so glad you’re in my class.”
you sneak a tiny glance back at the boy behind you, your face flushing with heat and memories 
and from behind his book, he looks up and gives you the tiniest, warmest smile you’ve ever received 
you folded the paper once more and fit it in your pocket and returned to your dragons and knights and witches, all the while smiling like a fool to yourself because maybe, just maybe, you didn’t really drift apart that much at all 
hi guys!! so sorry for the late update, hope you enjoy thisssss:)
also side note: just because it’s valentine’s day (i mean i dont celebrate this) doesnt mean that you need a significant other! buy yourself some hershey’s, make some tea, snuggle up with a teddy bear and a blanket, and switch on some netflix. today is any other day, so don’t demean yourself and your experience with this day because of your status! 
alsoooo don’t wanna get a little preachy but, in this au i kind of hint at the fact that the y/n or reader is someone very tomboyish and doesn’t really seem to find herself chasing after boys. in no way am i trying to vocalize the fact that just because you’re of a certain nature, your personality towards boys reflects that. this is just a fictional work of how one might feel (presumably me lolz) when realizing feelings for someone they truly loved at one point. just because a woman who is normally tougher on the exterior has a sudden soft spot for a boy does not indicate that she’s lost sense of herself or that she succumbs to a boy. just because a woman is a certain way because of a boy that makes her feel different doesn’t mean she is any less of a woman herself. everyone is obligatory to their feelings, and how women choose to express themselves sexually or emotionally to a man they love is their own personal choice as long as they are within consent and are safe. everyone’s decisions and behaviours in love are consensual and their own - that does not demean them as a feminist in any way, shape or form. remember that. 
have fun, y’all, uSE PROTECTION, and i love u!!!
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marktuanlogy-blog · 8 years
RECAP OF GOT7 FANMEET/CONCERT Sorry I'm still a bit hyped and excuse my language OMG HOW DO I EVEN START ON THIS SMH. GOT7 WAS SO FREAKING PERFECT UP ON STAGE ;-; WE CHEERED AND SCREAMED FOR EVERY THING THEY SAID CUS WHY NOT ... RETURN MY SOUL, LIFE, AND VOICE NOW .-. i recorded the entire 2hour thing with one arm smh give me my arm back too got7 First of all, we went to go get our merch (poster, jacket, shirt, and light stick) and got to our seats and all... and then we were just waiting for GOT7. Mark's family came exactly 16 minutes before the fanmeet started and we all went wild for a good 3 minutes. So I just went crazy on my Snapchat story and uh spammed it :O THEN it was 7pm and HARD CARRY started playing and we all were just screaming got7 got7 got7 got7 got7 GOT7 CAME OUT LIKE WTFWTFWT I WAS NOT READY i screamed so much with this girl next to me haha she's a jackson bias <3 IT GOT LIT AF. So they sang Let Me I SWEAR THEIR VOCALS ARE BETTER IN REAL LIFE OMG MY EARS GOT BLESSED MARKS RAPPING WAS SO FREAKING PURIFYING OHHHHHHHHHH YOUNGJAES VOCAL BLESSED MY LIFE LIKE WTF MAN They were sitting in the chairs from left to right: Jackson, Jinyoung, Mark, Jaebum, Youngjae, Bambam, and then Yugyeom. THEN THEY SANG Prove It I SWEAR JAEBUMMIES VOICE IS SO SEXYYY AND CHICCCCC X1000000 I LOVE BAMBAMS RAPS IN THIS SONG IDK WHY I JUST DO OK. AND MARKS OMG THOSE DEEP VOICES ARE JUST SE(ductive)XY AF. (NEW FAVORITE SONG IN TURBULENCE) hey all did self introductions (ALL IN ENGRISH YUS IM SO PROUD) and all seemed pretty shy at first OMG HOW COULD U BE SO CUTEEEEE Bambam (ATTEMPTED TO) get us lit but then it got awkward af. Like he told us to say Got7 everytime he says Ay and the third time he didnt even realize we said GOT7 and he just kept looking at us like SMH BOI SMH. idk their host was annoying af BUT I MEAN HE WAS THE ONE THAT ENCOURAGED THE SEXY DANCE FROM THE MEMBERS SO NO COMPLAINTS THERE. Q&A started .... Jackson's Question: What's your ideal type? Yugyeom: Sexy cutie IGOT7 (I swear I heard someone from the back saying ILL BE SEXY AND CUTIE FOR YOU YUGYEOM) it was super cute when the host was like raise your hand if your a sexy cutie IGOT7 :3 WE ALL RAISED OUR HANDS haha and yugyeom was like "so many heh *nervous laugh*" Bambam: a girl who is cute, but when you get to know her, she's sexy. I'd like a girl with a sexy side. BOI U NEED A GIRL TO DAB WITH U EVERY MORNING. Youngjae: ummm.. ummmm...... OKAY YOU *points to girl* *breaks everyone else's hearts in the crowd* "BECAUSE YOU ARE AN AHGASE" *HYPES UP CROWD MORE SCREAMING* -everyone else starts saying IGOT7/Ahgases- *Bambam trying to calm us down lmao no it didn't work because Youngjae basically just told us he loves us all* Jaebum: I don't really have an ideal type... (he was nervous af) Host: So you like all AHGASES? Jaebum: yeahhhh.... Host: YEAHHHHH... * I THINK I ACCIDENTALLY STOPPED RECORDING HERE OOPS * MARK: (MINDY IS MY IDEAL TYPE) YOU... I love all AHGASES (boi) Jinyoung: I love IGOT7s <3 Jackson: I love everyone, I love you, I love IGOT7 (love me jackson) Next question: Can the members do a sexy dance? Jackson: Yugyeom Yugyeom you first <3 Yugyeom does sexy dance to Prove It (inappropriate content pm me for those details :3) i will never think of that song the same way again. nope nope nope yugyeomie yah. Mark turns around like no i aint seeing this shit again (even though ur hyung man) Jackson looks down at Yugyeom doing his uh-sexy dance- and is very proud of his work. After Yugyeom was done with the sexy dance Jaebum reached out his hand and took it back and made Yugyeom fall again (savageee) but yes, he did help him up afterwards Yugyeoms face was like why am i even living rn Question: What inspires you in writing a song? Jaebum's: Experience and imagination (DEEP) Host: OH AND JAEBUM READS A LOT (JAEBUMBUMBUMBUM) and watches lots of movies... what kind of movies? -Jaebum's face: wtf is he saying...- Jaebum gets translation: La la land (what is that...) -sings a song from that movie SEXY AF VOICE- Question: What do you like the most of the MV music? Youngjae: i like the small parts and the really strong beat and you can bounce around to the music Question: You (meaning Bambam) and Yugyeom.. can you dance to (???some lit af american music which i clearly dont know of since i got into kpop but it was lit i mean yehhhhh...) music Bambam: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASYYYYYYYYYYY *Insert note: YUGYEOM IS SUCH A CUTE BABY OMG I WANNA ADOPT HIM* Question: If you were an American artist who would you be? Yugyeom: *asks crowd* Yugyeom: Kendrick Lamar? someone from crowd: DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP Bambam: oh? what are u guys saying *laughs* Bambam getting ready for a dab like its his routine DABDAB dabs* crowd goes wild* DABDAB IS VERY PROUD OF SELF* MOMMA JINYOUNG SHAKES HEAD* bambam ur ded. BOOM BOOM BOOM (BOOMX3) PLAYS* G7 TURN UP <33333333333 *me singing to the song but rly i probably pronounced everything WRONG BUT NO REGRETS) HIP THRUST DURING BOOM BOOM BOOM PART YUGYEOM AND BAMBAM CALM DOWNNNNNN When bambam sang "turn all the lights on" MARK LOOKED AT HIM AND NODDED AND WINKED WTF YO I CANNOT TELL YOU HOW GOOD THEIR VOICES ARE IT JUST SOUNDS SO GOOD LIKE UGHHHHHHHHHHAAAHHHHHH PARK JINYOUNG IS LIKE A FREAKING PRINCE IN THAT BLACK JACKET WITH SILVER LINING AND RED UNDERSHIRT OMG HE IS A TRUE PRINCE HIS PERM IS JUST HUKUHKHUHKUH then... JUST RIGHT PLAYS CROWD GOES CRAYCRAY AGAIN *MINDY'S NONSTOP SHAKING YO* THIS ENTIRE SONG IS SO WARMING I LOVE THE WORLD NOW lol thats funny. YOUNGJAE SWITCHING UP THOSE VOCALS MADE US DRUNK AF BAMBAM IS BEING EXTRA AF LET ME TELL U WITH THOSE LONG LEGS HE LOOKED LIKE HE WAS READY TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD (JACKSON). IN HIS RAPPING PART JACKSON WAS very inappropro lets make this less inappropro and just say he was like "SAY OHHHH YEAHHH.... SAY OHHHHH YEAHHHHHHH... SAY OHHHHHH YEAHHHHHH. SAY OHHHHHH YEAHHHHH." BAMBAM: "SAY OHHHHHHHH YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (voice cracks* smh boi) SAY OHHHHHH YEAHHHHHHH (voice cracks again*) SAY OHHHHHHH YEAHHHHH (now imagine this in a deep deep voice) SAY OHHHHH YEAHHHHH (this was even deeper) ++++++++++++++++++++++++ GAMES ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Game #1: Guess the Song Game #2: Hacky Sack (each member from GOT7 plays with someone from the audience) Everyone chooses who they partner with MINDY WAS 2 NUMBERS AWAY FROM MARKS NUMBER SMH MARK MARK MARK IF YOU ONLY ADDED 2 TO THAT LAST DIGIT I WOULDVE GONE UP .-. you wouldve hugged meh <3 (that's for lataaa) mindy's heart breaks NO BUT I FEEL HAPPY FOR THOSE IGOT7 WHO WENT UP STAGE MAN NONE CRIED??? I WOULDVE FLIPPED HELL (sorry sab's natural habitat) GOT7'S COMPETITIVENESS IS CRAZY EVERY ONE WAS SCREAMING AND DYING AND KILLING EACHOTHER TO GET THE RIGHT ANSWER OMG But overall, Youngjae won the first round after guessing the most amount of songs correct <3 He even went on his knees for "Beggin' on My Knees" *lowkey feels like Jinyoung, Yugyeom, and Mark were pretty ignored... almost never got called on...* Game #2 begins and the people who were chosen gets up stage :D Every IGOT7 does their self introduction Yugyeom's partner: Amy, favorite GOT7 song is Fly Bambam's partner: Molly, 24 years old *PAUSE HERE FOR A SEC* Bambam: ohhh.... NOONA *continue* Bambam's partner: favorite GOT7 song is If You Do Youngjae's partner: Arianna Youngjae: Arianna, ah, yea, WOAWWWW Youngjae: How old are you? Arianna: Who's that Youngjae: I asked how old are you. Who I am? I'm Youngjae HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH Youngjae: What's your favorite song? Arianna: Who's That Youngjae: You don't like Home Run? Jaebum's partner: C(K?)at Jaebum: Cat? Oh wow oh oh uhhhhh okay What's your favorite song? Cat: Just Tonight Mark's partner: (mindy ;-; jk) Serena, favorite song is Fly Jinyoung's partner: Vivian, favorite song is Mayday Jackson: Sussy, from China, favorite GOT7 song is IDK because she doesn't understand engrish. and her favorite member is Jinyoung (BETRAYALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL) Jackson: Can you be more confident? *HUGS* (i need a man like jackson ;-;) JACKSON SAYS HIS PARTNER IS PRO AND WEARS HER COAT SO SHE CAN KICK THE THINGY JACKSON YOOOO GIRL WANNA TRADE (wait but mark) Scores for the second game: Youngjae team: 5 Jaebum team: *Jaebum trying to be calm but almost trips smh* 3 Bambam team: *STARTS MAKING SHIPS OF HIM AND HIS PARTNER* "Holly, Bambam... Hollybam.... Bamlly. Bamlly you go first" 4 Jinyoung team: *JINYOUNG IS SUPER GOOD AT THIS* 15 (Jinyoung made like 12 im so proud of this mother) MARK TEAM: (mark im so proud) gets 16 ---- PRAISES THE KICKY THINGY hugs the girl up in the air .... mindy is reminded that her last digit was only 2 numbers away sad face XD Yugyeom team: *hits his partner and she fake dies lol* 8 Jackson team: "She's pro" *CONFIDENT HES GONNA WIN* *TAKES OFF HER JACKET AND HOLDS IT FOR HER* *AFTER HIS PARTNER IS DONE PUTS JACKET BACK ON HER* 5 WINNER IS TEAM MARKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK the girl gets marks jacket LUCKYYYYYYYYY WE GOT TO SEE THE "SECRET" BEHIND THE SCENES OF THE MAKING OF HARD CARRY'S MV THEY ARE SO SEXY IN THEM. THEY START PERFORMING FLY JB IS BACK TO HIS EXTRA SELF AND THIS TIME ALSO BRINGS IN YUGYEOM SMH. MARKS RAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP HOW CAN MY HEART TAKE THIS LOL NO I DIDNT I DIED. JINYOUNG'S VOICE IS SO SOFT WTF MANNN even mark screaming at the end was sexy af everything got7 does is sexy af SMIRK FACE INSERTED NEXT THEY PERFORMED IF YOU DO THEIR PERFORMANCES ARE SO GOOD I FEEL LIKE IM REPEATING SO MUCH BUT ITS RLY RLY AMAZING IM SO PROUD OF THEM GAWD GOT7 IS SO AMOOZHING GOT7 say their thank yous and YUGYEOM WIPES HIS SWEAT uughgghhghghg and its sexy af THEY SAID THEY WILL COME BACK JINYOUNG SAID THEY WILL COME BACK THIS YEAR. JINYOUNG SAYS KCON JINYOUNG SAYS SO. *MINDY STARTS SAVING NEW YEARS MONEY THEY START PERFORMING HARD CARRY HARD CARRY HEH WOH HARD CARRY HEH *no jackson did not lift up his shirt like i expected* Jaebum wraps HIMSELF IN A HOODIE AND IT LOOKS SO DARK BUT SO CUTEEEEEE THEN THEY PERFORMED HOME RUN ONE OF MY FAVS <3 JINYOUNG AND HIS SASS OMG JINYOUNGGGGGGGGG BAMBAM TAKES SOMEONES PHONE AND RECORDS HIMSELF BAMBAM KNOWS HOW TO KILL FANS. BEWARE OF THE BAMBAM.. SO DOES JINYOUNG. BEWARE OF BOTH JINYOUNG AND BAMBAM. THEY SAID THEIR GOODBYES AND LEFT </3 -------------------------------------- overall this fanmeeting was a very very very amazing experience and I got to see GOT7 in real life, not through the screen bUT IN REAL LIFE ive been crying since 11 smh i need help it's so surreal I can't even believe it's already over like. HUKKKK. Got7 is probably at Mark's house right now and Mark finally gets to reunite with his parents that he hasn't seen since summer. got7 is probably resting up for their next comeback
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