#it is one of her MAJOR character struggles and has been since the beginning
Character Hasn't Experienced Major Trauma
Anonymous asked: I have two of my three characters' arcs worked out, but not the protagonist's. She's just a random teenager before the story starts (normal life/family/parents, yet to be traumatised) so I'm struggling with what background to give her. I don't want to pull the orphan card and can't think of a proper inciting incident since I don't know what her situation is before it all. Any tips on writing ordinary characters?
[Ask edited for length]
First, it's important not to think of a character's past trauma as having to be some horrific event. That's not what emotional wounds are about. They can be, but they certainly don't have to be and normally aren't. Your character's emotional wound can be literally any moment in their past that made them believe something about themselves, someone else, or the world that isn't true, and as such has a profound effect on who they are when the story starts and how they navigate the story in the beginning. It's the starting point of their character arc.
Second, almost everyone has experienced a moment like that by the time we reach our double-digits.
Some examples of emotional wounds that aren't big, horrific events:
emotional wound: strict religious grandma tells you "if something makes you happy, it will probably send you to hell"
lie you believe as a result: you can never enjoy things that make you happy
emotional wound: trusted aunt has a bad break-up and, with mascara running down her face, tells you, "true love is a lie. No one is ever truly happy in love."
lie you believe as a result: when someone says "I love you," they're lying and it's time to bail on the relationship before it falls apart.
emotional wound: best friend's "#relationship goals" parents go through a bitter divorce.
lie you believe as a result: relationships always end in disaster and no one can live happily ever after.
Finally, your story's inciting incident doesn't have to be related to your character's past, and in fact most of the time it isn't. Their response to the inciting incident may be guided by the lie they believe, but even that's not always the case. Sometimes, the emotional wound/lie they believe simply influences how they navigate the story's events and how they are changed by those events.
I hope that helps!
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ssivinee · 9 months
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BEBE! Bada Lee x F Reader: Two girls whose families were close at one point, but when their families lost touch, the girls almost forgot the other existed. You are just in time for their party, where you will perform and meet up with the past.
Word Count: 5k
Note: Tatter is portrayed as a MAJOR bitch in this so PLEASE do not take this seriously. this one has also been in my drafts for so long. OH and pov switches in this🤓. everyone's ages are also adjusted to the early 20s. the reader is older than Bada.
TW: Pertains smoking, alcohol usage, catholic religion?????
ANNOUNCEMENT: Reqs are closed for now!
Character Vision Board
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"Are you telling me you came home last night, and the first thing you did was party with Haechan?" Yena asks as she sits on your bed with Yunah sitting at your desk, continuing to study for her finals. "I couldn't help it, okay? He asked me while picking me up, and I just went for it."
"Let her be. She came back from a work trip, dude," Yunah rolled her eyes at her sister. 
"This is why you never ask Haechan for a favor. You're just gonna party at the end of the day."
You begin to text your cousin as you laugh at the two girls.
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This made you laugh. "Dude, these finals are gonna kick my ass; I can already feel it in my bootyhole," Yunah complains, and while her sister gives her a disgusted face, you stifle a laugh, just staring at the two.
"I'm gonna have to head out soon, but you two can just wait for Jieun unnie if you want?" "Nah, I wanna study in the comfort of my room."
"Well, I have to make up a choreo for this week's dance class, so I'm just gonna head out as well."
The sisters began to pack and head out, hugging you as they exited the apartment. You started to change into a black velvet tracksuit set with just a white tank top underneath, then put on some slides as you drove to the studio.
When entering the building, you checked in and went to the room to see Soobin and Jihoon chilling on the black couch. "Hey~ Welcome back," Soobin hugs you as Jihoon continues writing in his notebook. "You can't even look away from the lyrics FOR TEN SECONDS to greet me, your ass," you say as he feels a slap on his head, forcing his cap downward, causing him to sigh.
"My bad, I've been struggling with this song and must finish it by Friday."
"When are you never struggling, dude?" You question as you tie your hair up into a messy bun. With the statement, Hoon flicks you off, causing a laugh to arise. "All jokes aside, why do you need it done by Friday? You never have a deadline for your music."
"It's for Mrs. Lee's birthday party," Soobin says casually, but you grow shocked at the familiar surname. "The Lees?"
"Bada reached out to me through Instagram, telling me she wanted a mini-concert for the surprise birthday party."
You think for a second. You remembered the girl's name but had not heard it for years.
The memories of hanging out with her often were there when you were kids since your families were close, but as you grew up, both sides drifted apart for some unknown reason.
"They said we're all invited too," Jihoon states while quickly writing notes. "Is that so?" You ask, confused, but the two nod in confirmation. 
"Well, this weekend is gonna be interesting."
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"So why is she coming out with us later rather than now?" Minah questions as she points at me as Bada paces around the room. "She's preparing for her mom's birthday party... Have you not been listening to her the past few weeks?" Lusher counters at the girl, pairing it with a massive eye roll.
"I have to get the invitations out and find some music," Bada mumbled, biting her lip in anxiety. "You still haven't found anyone?" Tatter asks her, and she shakes her head, "Why not try asking Park Jihoon?"
The tall dancer stares at her with a puzzled look as she shows her phone, "Park who?"
"You don't know Park Jihoon?" CheChe asks the older while thumping her forehead. "She barely knows anybody but us. What did you guys expect?" Minah points out while applying her gloss.
"Jihoon is super known on campus for his music. He has songs that aren't provocative, and he does small concerts at parties if you ask and pay him."
Kyma explains as you begin playing a few songs that didn't have the explicit next to them, and Bada admits that she found a good tracklist for the party already, plus she thought her mom would like it. "Alright, I guess I have to reach out."
She DMs Jihoon on Twitter, and thankfully, he responds within a minute.
"Well, he said yes, quick," She told the girls, and Minah shrieked. "We really get to meet Jihoon???" Lusher asks, almost as excited. "Yeah, and he says I don't even have to pay him; he just asked to bring his partners and friends."
"So strangers? Maybe you should ask him for names," Sowoen shares worryingly, and Bada agrees, going back to texting him. 
While waiting for Jihoon's list, Bada returned to her computer, checked the lists of people, and sent out invites. That was until her phone got a notification. Since Tatter had her face ID on the phone, she opened it immediately to see Jihoon's friends.
"Bada... you're gonna have to see this," Tatter tells her surprisingly, causing the other girls to look at us curiously.
She rushingly checked the DM to find a list of nine names and saw familiar ones among the eight. "Choi's? Like the ones that used to hang out with us years ago?" Tatter takes Bada's phone and checks the first user, eyes widening. "Is this the Gyuhan Minhyun-oppa used to hang out with?"
The latter grabs the phone out of her hands and looks at the page. "Holy shit, no way," as soon as Tatter connected the dots, Bada checked their names on Instagram. She kept scrolling down to see the final one. "Y/n..." The page was private, but she would always remember that girl.
"Choi Y/n??? As in, the kid you used to hang with?" Tatter asked again as she checked the phone. Bada spaced off, trying to remember my last memory with the girl.
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"Okay, so we're gonna have the girls line up and hold the basket of flowers; they'll slowly make their way to the altar," the project leader told the families, and the girls could be seen in pretty dresses.
It was for a holiday at church, and the girls had to dress up and get all pretty to walk around the church. Almost all the families were there, but they were missing one. You sat next to Yunah, wearing a velvet pale yellow dress with a white cardigan, while your cousin wore a long sage green dress as Yun was taller then.
Every family was only waiting for one more group, the Lee’s. They were a well-known family who always helped with fundraisers and beauty pageants. So everyone knew that the youngest girl in their family would wear the prettiest dress by far, and they weren't wrong.
Bada Lee entered in a light blue gown-like dress that reached the floor and white mini heels. She had her hair in a braided bun and wore a light pink gloss with mascara. Sure, it was minimalistic, but everyone always found Bada cute. You, on the other hand, were already growing into her features.
You were a year older, and many boys found you attractive. After all, you were a child model at some point, which should say a lot in itself. "Y/n!"
The two hugged, and Bada sat beside the two Choi's. "You look pretty in your dress, unnie," Bada compliments, but all you can do is look down with a whinny face starting to form. "Thanks, but I already wanna rip off the dress and set it on fire."
Bada giggles, but you were so serious deep down. Being at the now, age of 12, self-identity was a struggle.
Not that you hated the dresses. You even felt pretty in them. Still, there were times when they were beginning to become uncomfortable for you.
"Girls, we need a photo of you three, please," The three smiled wide, not knowing that was the last time the two families would see each other.
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Neither you nor Bada knew why the families stopped contacting each other. To their knowledge, Bada’s parents and your aunt were close friends, but that was the only thing keeping the two connected.
"So let's do your lines, then the adlibs for this song?" Soobin's voice was snapping me out of my trance. "Yeah," you sip the bottled water and head into the booth where she stayed for almost the rest of the night.
Once the three of you finished and headed home, you opened the door to be welcomed by Jieun unnie setting up the table for dinner. Once she notices you, she rushes forward with a tight hug, "Gosh, it's been so long."
"Unnie... it's been 3 weeks," you tell her sarcastically, and she hits your shoulder with a tiny grin. "Did you call Mom while you were there?" 
You stayed silent momentarily, knowing you were about to be scolded whether or not you said the right thing. "Y/n!" "Unnie~ you know Mom is just gonna lecture me about dating a boy instead and tell me to take over the company, so why even stress myself."
She sighs, "Look, I understand speaking to her is frustrating, but one, it's not like you don't like men, and two, all you have to do is text her for her to at least know you're alive."
"I doubt she cares," you mumble as she gathers the last pot of food. Come on, let's just eat and talk about this later. 
"Wait, unnie, did you know about the Choi's party?" She nods.
"Jihoon got us all invited," Jieun takes a bite of rice and meat, not noticing the smirk on your face. "So~ you excited to see Minhyun-oppa?" She chokes a little, making you rush to give her water.
"Don't do that~" Jieun keeps hitting me as you laugh. "How about you? You were a little close with Bada when you guys were younger."
Hearing that, you pause for a second. "I honestly don't know how to feel... it's been years, and I'm 95% sure it's gonna be awkward." 
"Why do you think that?"
"Well, Bada wasn't the most outgoing either. We were both shy. She only hung out with that Tatter girl while I hung out with Yun and Ye. We only talked when we were comfortable with the people around us. I just know it's inevitable, unnie."
She nods in understanding, and you both continue to eat in comfortable silence. 
The next day, you woke up, got ready with some coffee, and headed to the studio. You, Jihoon, and Soobin were working on 2 more songs today, and you had to tweak an individual project before sending it to a large record label. And that's what was done for the next few days leading up to the party.
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It was the day before the party, and Tatter went to Bada's house as usual. Bada scrolled on her phone, taking a needed break from the hectic days due to the party planning while Tatter rummaged through the girl's entire closet.
Tatter was usually content with her style, but knowing the Chois were coming put her on the edge for some reason. It seemed like everyone was becoming like that due to them.
Minhyun seemed agitated and made sure he looked good in the mirror every day since Bada told him about the family coming over. Then Sunghoon kept cleaning his room and secretly bought alcohol for him and Haechan. 
Bada seemed to be the only calm one in the house right now, not seeing what the big deal was.
"Why are you like this? It's people we used to know as kids, not celebrities or anything."
"That's what you'd think with a private Instagram," Tatter said as she walked out with one of the maxi dresses Bada owned. "But search Y/n on Twitter."
She returns to the closet, and as Bada is about to do what she is told, Minhyun stops by her room. "Does this shirt look good on me?" Bada peaks up at her older brother with a confused yet disgusted look.
"Uh, you look fine?"
"You're literally no help," Minhyun leaves disappointed. At the same time, Bada shrugs her brother's antics off and begins to search, but she finds this massive account just by typing half of your name on Twitter. She sees your partially covered profile pic, but Bada could tell you definitely grew up "nicely." 
Maybe sexy was the better word for that.
Though, no matter how hard she looked, she found no other photos of you. You shared paintings, drawings, pottery, photography, and book quotes. Still, the most significant thing was the collaborations you've done.
Bada only discovered that you were a songwriter, producer, and singer. Even working on projects with prominent artists like SZA, Labrinth, Jhené Aiko, Dani Leigh, Giveon, and Khelani.
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This intrigued Bada; she never knew you were so artistic. The things you created drew her in without even noticing she was in the depths of your Twitter. "Well?" Tatter comes out with the dress of her choice and sits next to her best friend. 
"She's definitely something."
"More than something, she's sexy as hell," Bada knew Tatter was attracted to women. Still, she also knew her best friend had never pursued one. "Are you gonna make a move?"
"Nope, I'm gonna sit there, look pretty, and have her come to me," Bada shakes her head at her best friend's words, "Of course, that's your plan."
"It always works."
Well, let's just see about that.
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"Yo, Y/n, what's the fit for the party?" Saerom asks, eyeing you as you stress over the wardrobe choices. Meanwhile, Mia's just chilling on the Choi’s couch, scrolling through her phone.
Mia's rocking dark blue denim shorts, a light blue long-sleeve vibe, and some killer platform sandals. Saerom, on the other hand, is flexing an ivory long-sleeved bodycon dress with off-the-shoulder action, paired with cute baby pink heels.
You, usually the style queen, are surprisingly indecisive today. "Why you lookin' so anxious?" Mia calls her out, but you keep it mysterious, not saying a word. Saerom and Mia exchange raised eyebrows, like, what's going on with you?
Finally, deciding on a fit: baggy ripped jeans, a tight-cropped white v-neck, and a Yankees jersey left unbuttoned. Mia's like, "Seriously? After all that stress, you pick something so casual? Work trip vibes, for real."
You grin, "Hey, sometimes you gotta make it look like you didn't try too hard." Saerom jumps in with a flirty smirk, "Impressive. Trying to keep it low-key, but still looking fine."
You fire back, "Well, what can I say?" Saerom chuckles, "If that's the case, I wanna steal you away for tonight." You laugh, "You know I'd let you, babes," you tell her, slightly joking.
You look at Saerom with a slick gaze. The flirting is nothing new. Mia then gags at the sight, "Can you two like not? At least not until we get to the party?"
You laugh and change, then slip into some air forces, "Are you ready to see her?" Saerom asks. She knew Bada existed in my life, but they were never friends.
As you were in your head, your phone began to ring, and you saw that Yena was calling me. "Yo, wassup?"
"Tell me how I saw Tatter at the store, and we didn't have the greatest interaction," you were taken aback, "THE Tatter? As in Bada’s other half, Tatter?"
"YES, what other Tatter is there?"
"Wait, so what happened?" You went to the kitchen to get a drink and sat on the bar stool. "So I was picking up some iced coffee for Yun and me when I was waiting for my order, and she walked in. Bro, I tried to be friendly, say hi, and ask her how she's been... SHE LOOKED AT ME UP AND DOWN, MADE A DISGUSTED FACE, AND THEN SHE RESPONDS 'I've been fine,' IN THE SNARKIEST TONE IVE EVER HEARD."
You reacted in disgust and scoffed, "Ew, dude." "I KNOW, RIGHT?"
"Just don't talk to her at the party later," You try to reason with her, but all she says is, "I wasn't planning on it," making you laugh. "Alright, I'll see you later, girlie." "Bye~"
You head back into the room and find Saerom applying lip gloss in front of the modern vanity, "What was that all about? I literally heard Yena screaming from all the way here."
"Apparently, she saw Bada's best friend, and it wasn't the greatest interaction." "Oh, what happened?" Mia perks up, loving to hear some tea. When you told them the situation, both of their faces went sour. "Ew."
"That's exactly what I said," you tell them, giggling at the similar reactions. "Makes me not want to go to that party, honestly," Saerom says.
"Hey, she's not gonna be the only one there. Maybe you can hook up with one of her friends," You tease Saerom, and she scoffs. "Please, you know there is only one person who knows how to please me, right," she raises her brow, and you reciprocate the same look, causing Mia to groan, "Ugh, not again, guys."
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As the party was already beginning, Bada and her brothers were helping Jihoon set up the stage and equipment. He was the first out of his friends because he wanted to ensure there were no technical difficulties.
"You think appa is doing a good job distracting eomma?" Sunghoon asks his older siblings. "I mean, she hasn't texted us yet, so that's saying something," Bada tells the two, and they laugh in agreement. 
"Yo, Soobin and Jaeseok are here. I need to help them get the setup out of the car," Jihoon tells us, walking through the driveway gate. 
"So~ You guys ready for the Chois?" Minhyun oppa asks us. "I'm ready for the chaos they're probably gonna bring," Sunghoon smirks. "Kinda ready for some drama, too," Bada shrugs. 
"Hey, girl~" Bada looks at the entrance to see her friends walking in with gifts in their hands, "Hey guys, just put everything on that table over there."
Soobin and Jaeseok begin to walk in with large boxes, with Jihoon behind them carrying Mics. "Hey, Soobin and Jaeseok," I say with a wave, and the two boys smile. "Wassup Bada," Soobin greets her with a hug while Jaeseok looks at her, "You grew up nicely, puppy," This causes Soobin to elbow him.
"Don't mind him. It's just Jae being Jae," Bada laughs at this cause of the nickname and knowing Jaeseok never changed as a child. "So when are your cousins getting here?" Minhyun oppa asks as he greets Soobin with a bro hug. "They should be here in about 30 minutes. Maybe 10 for Haechan. The dude can never resist being early to a party."
"He better get here soon 'cause I have whiskey in my room, and it's waiting for him," Sunghoon butts in. Bada rolls her eyes, and the girls help us set up to help with the time.
By our hour deadline, everything was finished, and family began to roll in. Bada went inside to prepare while Sunghoon and Minhyun oppa entertained the guests. 
She wore a plaid mini-skirt, a baby pink tee, a white denim jacket due to the breeze, and some plain sneakers. Then, she styled her hair in a simple high ponytail to complete the outfit. 
As she returned to the living room, Bada saw all the girls waiting for her, and Tatter excitedly ran up. "They're here. I REPEAT they're here." She moves over to the window in the front and sees two cars with a group coming out of each. That's when her eyes landed on the familiar individual.
As if on queue, her heart begins to race, and the palms of her hands get sweaty. You were even prettier than I imagined you to be... also taller than she thought.
No way she was gonna survive this day without having a tiny panic attack.
The Chois enter through the back, greeted by some Lee family members. "Holy shit, is that who I think it is?" The cousins hear a familiar voice and turn to the backyard door to see the infamous Lee Sunghoon. 
"Yo, Hoon! What's up?" Haechan gives him a bro hug. "Dude, long time no see," you greet him with a small hug, "Don't mind me, gonna help Jihoon with final touches."
Sunghoon stares as you walk away and turns back to Haechan, "Bro, she's so fine now." 
Haechan's face goes sour, "That's literally my cousin. Shut up, please." "Besides, she likes women more than men," Yena perks up and kills Sunghoon's mood slightly. "You were always so fun, Ye," both give each other a sarcastic smile. "See, that's why Yunah was my favorite."
"You're not my favorite, though," she butts in again, killing Sunghoon's mood. "I'm hurt."
Jaeseok laughs at the interaction, but before anyone can say anything, Bada and her friends come out, and she rushes to the mic. "Guys, eomma is coming home with appa in a minute. So we would appreciate it if you guys get ready to surprise them."
You look to the front of the stage and see the middle child. Safe to say, you were mesmerized by Bada. You couldn't help but check the girl out as she gave the announcement. "Take a picture. It'll last longer," Jieun says as she sips her juice. "I just might," the latter smirked, causing her older sister to choke on the drink and elbow her. "OUCH."
Everyone began to hide, and as people heard the more mature voices, they all got ready in anticipation. "Oh, jagi, did the kids do this for me?" A woman's voice could be heard, and that's when everyone pops out.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" The Lee couple comes into everyone's view, and tears can be seen in Mrs. Lee's eyes. Once she sees this, Bada runs up to her mom for a hug while her siblings are behind her. 
This puts a smile on your face, a daughter with a loving mother. Something you wish you had at times. The family then tells everyone to enjoy themselves and go eat. 
You then go over to the family and greet their mother with a happy birthday. "Oh my gosh, Choi Y/n? How has the family been?" You smile as you hug her. "My cousins and I have been good, but I'm unsure about my eomma and ajumani." Before the older woman could reply, Jihoon called you over for the song that had to be performed. 
"You're gonna sing for me?" Mrs. Lee gets excited and smiles as you nod. "Well, come get a drink later and catch up with Bada." She hugs her daughter, causing you to grin, and says, "I'd like that." 
Bada's face forms a rosiness at the seductive tone and lingering gaze. 
You hop on stage and smile at the crowd, "Hello, I'm Choi Y/n, and today I'll perform 'Longevity' with my cousin Soobin and best friend Jihoon."
The youngsters crowd around the stage and jam out as Bada joins her friends. "Did you know she can sing?" Kyma asks while jamming, "No, actually."
"Well, she's hella good, too," Lusher says as she jumps. The Lee couldn't agree more with her. Your voice had a raspiness to it, and she noticed Tatter looked like she was about to eat you up. 
After a few songs, you and Jihoon stopped as Bada, her friends, her twin, and the Choi cousins went inside to drink since the party in the yard was full of kids and older adults.
The two singers walk in, and the group cheers for them, "You guys were sick as always," Soobine tells them. "Thanks, Binnie." You make a rum and coke, then greet Bada with a wave. "How are you?"
"I've been good," the two give each other a quick side hug, and Bada whiffs your fruit-like scent. You sit near her and beside Yunah, while Tatter sits beside Bada. Jieun, Minhyun, and some older friends were still outside with other guests, not wanting to be with the "youngins."
You all chat a little, even catching up with Bada. The multiple topics discussed led to talk about school. "You're in uni, right? What are you majoring in?"
"English," Y/n pauses, "You seem more like a performing arts kinda girl, no?" 
Bada thinks, "I could be pursued to change majors." You smirked at her and were about to tell her how fun it was, but you got a call. Seeing the name causes you to roll your eyes, "Sorry, let me take this call."
You walk out the front door and answer the call, "Yes, eomma?"
"So you weren't even going to invite us to that party?" You scoff and furrow your brows. "It's not my party to invite you to; only Jihoon invited us."
"You're still hanging out with that lazy no future singer? I told you several times to stop being friends with him."
"And I've told you you can't control me like your puppet many times. If that's all you called me for, I will go."
"Wait, Y/n, I'm not finished-" you immediately hung up. The wave of anger washes over you, and you take a puff of the flavored smoke.
"Isn't it bad for a singer to smoke?" You hear a voice behind you, and you turn to surprisingly see Tatter walking over to you. "Eh, I'll manage."
"So~ You did amazing out there, by the way." "Thanks." You cut short, seeing her twirl a strand of hair around her finger. She gives you these seductive eyes, "So, are you seeing anyone right now?"
"Uh, no?" You shift slightly, remembering not liking the story Yena told me about their interaction. "Well, do you maybe wanna go out sometime?"
"No, thank you."
Tatter moves back in shock, "Wha- what, why?"
"Not really looking for anything right now," You make up on the spot, and she smirks, "This could be a casual thing?"
"Again, no, thank you," you head back into the house, leaving her there. As you sat back in my seat, Tatter was storming into the house, angrily making her way up the stairs to the second floor. Bada's face is painted in concern, "let me go check up on her."
After she leaves your side, you decide to get food with Yena and catch up with Gyuhan and Minhyun. As you ate some noodles, Bada came out and said, "Hey, can I talk to you for a second?"
She pulls you to the side as you continue to eat, "Can I ask what happened between you and Tatter? She told me not to worry about it, but I just wanted to ensure it was all good."
"Your friend tried to make a move on me, and I said no," you say bluntly. "Sorry to say, but my cousin and her didn't have the best interaction, and I didn't want to deal with that."
"That's fair, actually. I thought it was worse than that."
"Sorry about her, though," you wave her off as if it wasn't her fault. "Wait, you like girls?" You pause at the sudden question, "Yeah." 
"How'd you know?" You stare at Bada for a few seconds, "Are you questioning your sexuality, Bada?"
She plays with her hands in nervousness, "Kind of." You smile at her, "And that's okay. You have to go through with it yourself. Someone usually makes you realize it, though."
"I see," she thinks for a second, "We should go back to drink a little bit."
"Sure," you giggle at her nervousness.
After a few hours, everyone had a few drinks, and you could tell Bada was feeling it as her flirtiness became bolder after every sip of the alcohol. She would caress your arm if you made a joke, stare at your eyes and lips, biting her lips after her little giggles.
It almost drove you mad.
You excuse yourself to use the bathroom and go upstairs. After doing your business, you washed my hands. You heard a knock on the door, "Hold on!"
As you dry your hands, you open the door to find Bada rushing inside. "I need to know if I like girls now."
You stood there shocked, almost not knowing what to say, "How do you want me to help you?"
The two of you stood there for a few seconds as you waited for an answer when suddenly Bada grabbed your face and aggressively kissed you.
Your eyes widened open in shock. You couldn't reciprocate fast enough as she pulled away. "Are you not okay with this? Like I can always stop-"
Without another thought, you pulled her in by the waist as your lips attacked hers. Your bodies generate some heat, and you carry her hips to set her on the sink counter. 
"I've been waiting for this ever since I walked through that gate," you mumble into her lips. You feel a smirk form on her lips and think more devious because of this. Your tongue made its way to hers, showing clear dominance as it played with hers. The wet feeling makes it difficult for either of you to keep your hands off each other.
Bada moaned at the feeling, grinding her hips onto your body as she pulled you closer, wrapping her arms around your neck. Your hands placed themselves on her waist, and Bada almost whimpered at the feeling of your grip. You bit down on her bottom lip, slightly, and moved your way to her neck.
The girl bit her lip, trying to keep in any whimpers or moans that could possibly leave her mouth, trying to make the least amount of noise. Your hands were about to unbutton her skirt, but you paused as you both heard Tatter's voice outside the bathroom, making you pull away slightly. "Will your friend be okay with this?" 
"She doesn't have to know," Bada says, causing you to smirk. "I didn't know you were so naughty, Bada," you teased, and she smiled.
You help her fix up, knowing people would look for you two. You adjust Bada's top with your long fingers, pulling the shirt down a little as she stares at herself in the mirror. "Well, did I help answer if you liked girls?"
"Oh, most definitely."
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Fun Fact: this was originally a Yeji fic🙈.
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Callum & Viren: Are they similar? Is Callum on the same path as Viren? - Star Wars Analogies
I know there have been posts made before in the Dragon Prince fandom comparing characters from tdp to Star Wars characters, esp Callum to Anakin/Vader as someone who will eventually get corrupted/turn to the dark side and become a potential apprentice to Aaravos, as well as Rayllum to Anidala in terms of Callum being seen as being bound to doom the world for Rayla.
I wanted to share a different perspective of mine as to which characters/relationship dynamics (outside of romantic ones included) from tdp I believe compare the most to which Star Wars characters as a massive fan of both sagas myself.
The number one character from Star Wars that I see Callum being most similar to is Luke Skywalker, whereas a character I think is the best comparison to Anakin/Vader, especially after watching Season 6 of the Dragon Prince, would be none other than Viren himself. While I do know for a fact that the tdp characters aren’t carbon copies of the SW characters I’m comparing them to, I still think that their overall arcs are quite matching.
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Starting with Callum and Luke, on the surface, both are the hero who prevails and saves everyone & the whole world/galaxy from doom, but on a deeper level, they both struggle with a dark side inside of them & temptations to give in to it. And before I continue, I wanted to emphasize that I DO NOT see Callum as someone who’s morally dubious, as there are several instances in canon which prove otherwise, specifically his immense guilt over using dark magic and his fear of becoming corrupted and consumed by darkness in S6 (his nightmare at the beginning of episode 3 perfectly illustrates this), the latter of which is a challenge we also see Luke dealing with in The Empire Strikes Back.
Throughout the Original trilogy, mainly in ESB & Return of the Jedi, we see so many “hints” and “indicators” that Luke might turn to the dark side, who unlike Callum, actually shares many personality traits with his father such as his impatience and recklessness. We see Yoda fear that he might follow in his father’s footsteps before reluctantly training him, we see Vader and eventually Palpatine try to lure Luke to the dark side, even pointing out that they could sense his anger which is a major precursor for that. But in the end, despite all of those temptations, despite all of his anger and eventual fear & rage for his sister’s safety, he ultimately resisted and refused to join the sith.
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Along with seeing many protagonists who may be put in similar situations or even in some cases share some similarities with the main/major antagonist, such as Harry and Voldemort being another example of this, this is why I am a firm believer that Callum will be tested in Season 7, he may be faced with temptations to use dark magic again perhaps as a quick means to defeat Aaravos or potentially save Rayla if it gets to that, or even Aaravos trying to bribe him to join him, but in the end he will ultimately resist, since dark magic, as stated several times before, is merely a shortcut that leads to much bigger long term harm (which I don’t think there would be enough time to even flesh this out in the final season of the Mystery of Aaravos arc). As we’ve seen Callum reject succumbing to his dark side after he used dark magic for the first time, and seeing him willingly do the purification ritual to rid himself of his darkness/corruption in his soul, I do believe that Callum has the power to reject dark magic once and for all and do the right thing (this does not necessarily mean he would sacrifice Rayla if the plot does get to that, but I do think he would find a third option aside from dark magic to save her, like he did back in S3 when he cast the mage wing spell to save her). After all, a major theme in the Dragon Prince is breaking cycles and not repeating previous mistakes, so what would be the point in having those themes or specifically Harrow’s letter in the first place, or better yet have the whole “destiny’s a book you write yourself” line be brought up multiple times if Callum’s just fated keep repeating past mistakes over and over again?
Now onto my next analogy: Viren & Anakin/Vader, the characters who I genuinely saw as those whose corruption & downfalls may have started out of desperation to save a loved one from dying, but ultimately grew into greed and hunger for power.
I could go on about the complexities of Anakin’s character, specifically the ones that got fleshed out even more in the Clone Wars and how there are multiple factors that led to his turn to the dark side, but that’s not the whole point of this post. I know that there are some differing factors between both Viren and Anakin in terms of their dark sides/stories, but ultimately the last straw that led to their corruption was the fact that they were both terrified of losing an important loved one and both were completely unwilling to let that happen, whatever the price they had to pay. We also see them seek some sort of counsel/beg for help, like when Anakin vaguely told Yoda about his visions and fears, and Viren telling Kpp’Ar about Soren’s condition and needing the staff, ultimately both Anakin and Viren were told that there wasn’t really anything that could be done and they both needed to learn to let go. However neither of them were having that, so we somewhat see them both resort to another counsel, both very different but leading to same outcome. Anakin starts to open up more to Palpatine, who in turn manipulates him and convinces him that he has his “solution.” While Viren on the other hand, may have offered advice to Harrow to “do what he must” over his own dilemma, he in turn used that same advice but in a more twisted, corrupted manner. So then, both Anakin and Viren resort to darker approaches to solve their own problems and completely give in to their own darknesses.
I won’t go into deep detail about what they each did, since you can just rewatch these scenes in Revenge of the Sith and Episode 6 of TDP for that, but now I wanted to talk about how despite having the desire to save their loved ones, they ultimately caused massive harm to them. Anakin desperately did whatever he could to save Padme, but in the end, when he thought she betrayed him, he force-choked her then afterwards, she was shattered and heartbroken over his downfall that it led to her death, the very thing that Anakin tried so hard to prevent. While Viren on the other hand may have succeeded in healing and saving Soren, he grew to treat him coldly and abusively to the point where he completely damaged & even destroyed his relationship with his very son that he corrupted himself completely to save in the first place.
Even though I primarily focused on the similarities between Viren saving Soren & Anakin trying to save Padme, I also wanted to point out how similar the impacts were on Lissa and Padme as well, namely how they were both horrified when they saw what became of their husbands.
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Sadly both of them ended up getting assaulted by their corrupted husbands, which then led up to the destruction of their families. And ultimately both Viren and Anakin continued on their dark paths and grew more ruthless, evil, and corrupted until they finally reached their eventual redemptions (I know not everyone thinks that Viren got redeemed but I do believe that his redemption arc was him accepting that he’s done far too much and accepting the consequences for his actions).
So far these are the thoughts that I have on which Dragon Prince characters/relationships I think compare best to which Star Wars ones. And I know that Claudia would also be a good comparison to Anakin since she too struggles a lot with loss and refuses to let go, but at the same time, I see her still being in Anakin’s early villain phase during Revenge of the Sith, not yet having reached the Vader levels that we see during the Original Trilogy era. The way I see Vader & Viren relationships with Luke and Callum’s characters, it’s that the former two represent what the latter two fear of becoming if they do not overcome their dark sides.
But to answer my questions in the header, I do not think that Callum is bound to be on the same path as Viren or that he will let himself be consumed by darkness. Season 6 dealt with his overall guilt over using dark magic, his fear of being consumed by it/being used as by Aaravos, and ultimately his choice to purify himself of his darkness and understanding the consequences of doing dark magic again beforehand. Just as many protagonists get put through the wringer in their final battles, but ultimately persevere and do the right thing, I do believe that Callum will win and not fall victim to his temptations once again.
That’s all I have folks! Thanks for reading this far if you have! And an important friendly reminder (as mentioned already in my bio) if you have differing opinions and would like to disagree and discuss, please be sure to do so respectfully. Otherwise scroll by or I’ll be more than glad to press that block button! 😊🙌🏽
(Screenshot+caption of Lissa scene by @stuck-in-jelly)
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anotherbluesunday · 5 months
✨Moodboard Teaser: In Technicolor✨
With the release of the first chapter coming in hot with its expected release being this Friday at the latest or sooner (possibly as early as tomorrow) I wanted to take the time to acquaint everyone with the primary couples in this story. Usually I cap it at two couples and have auxilary couples and characters on the fringes. But because this is a crossover between two of my favorite shows, I have expanded it to three—possibly four—couples with auxilaries (secondary) on the fringes. These couples will include original characters i.e. Wynn Galpin who is Tyler Galpin’s younger sister. There is a crossover couple that joins the Wednesday group with the Riverdale group. This couple is where I expect to receive the most backlash but idc. Their my crossover otp and I hope you all trust me enough to keep reading and join me/the characters on this journey. I have also switched some things up with one of the Riverdale characters because the ship only got screen time in the last season and it did more for their character than their actual failed relationships did the entire season. Fight me. But don’t. Or do.
Anyway, here are the couples moodboards, as promised. The visuals were inspired by Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo + Juilet because these past few months since January I have been on a 90’s and 2000’s kick and I am dying for how that movie captured the beauty, grit, grime, and excitement of LA. So enjoy and let me know what you think! 💜
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We open with our crossover couple who are the star-crossed lovers—Cheryl Blossom, the queen of the Palisades and star tennis player and Pugsley “Lee” Addams, the king of Elysian Heights and leader of his grunge sleeze band Texca. Born second generation to a working class defense attorny and day-time caregiver to the elderly, Lee Addams has just wants to make it through his senior year of high school and hangout with his friends on the weekend. But when he and his twin sister Wednesday step a little too far over the line at their old school their parents pull some strings to have their three children—Wednesday, Pugsley, and Pubert “Bertie” attend Morticia’s former high school. There, Lee unwittingly comes face to face with the campus queen, the indomitable and untouchable Cheryl Blossom. Born into privilege with the face of an angel and the bite of a viper, she has everything and anything. Influence thanks to her parents name. Adoration by way of her beauty. And power because of her abilities to manipulate others. But what happens when a hurricane meets an immoveable force? Will they fold? Destroy one another? What happens when the pretty vicious face isn’t all it seems to be and the cutting confidence is stripped away? Who are the real people that lie beneath it all?
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Next are our second pair of the four star-crossed lovers. While it is never a good idea to fall for your twin flame, for Tyler and Wednesday it isn’t so simple. Twin flames and soulmates fused into one as if it were a sick joke, their story begins at a party—the raven haired twin sister with her face painted like a Catrina (see: Dia de los Muertos symbols and iconography) and the Galpin golden boy dressed like Sir Lancelot with the sacred heart etched into his chest plate. Like her brothers, Wednesday grew up living a modest life where nothing was taken for granted and family sits at the heart of all major decisions. For Tyler, he has forgotten the importance of family and community after starting university where his life has evolved into an endless stream of parties and hookup’s. Never struggling but also never being challenged to be better or grow, he’s hit a wall. A mid-life crisis of sorts but at the already chaotic age of 18 with his 19th birthday right around the corner. But from the moment he lays eyes on Wednesday she is all he can think of. All he breathes and dreams of—a beautiful stranger that won’t free him. Yet when this silver tongued Casanova tries to approach the dark beauty he’s shot down. Challenged to question who he is and what he truly is doing with his life that matters. What is in store for the idealistic social revolutionist and her troubled admirer? Where will they land when the walls of his kingdom come crumbling down?
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The youngest of three siblings each yet one is protected and coddled like a greenhouse flower while the other has flourished amidst hardship and bouts of poverty. Wynn Galpin is caught in a never-ending loop of compassions to her twin older siblings, Tyler and Enid. Both are straight A students. Both star athletes with Tyler winning championship after championship for swim and Enid earning a full-ride scholarship to UCLA for volleyball. Both are charming and charismatic. Both are perfect and Wynn can never compare despite how she tries. She doesn’t have the passion for swim or volleyball so she chooses cheer. “That’s not a real sport” she’s told. Her siblings get A’s but she can hardly scrape by with B’s while battling her depression and anxiety. At all times, her mind is screaming for her to just run off and disappear. And after the loss of her friend and pseudo-sister Polly, the darkness has become more persuasive. More invasive and vicious. But it is during a spiral that forces her out of the gym during cheer practice that she runs into the new kid. The brainiac junior in her senior level AP classes. Pubert “Bertie” Addams. A carefree class clown with a heart of gold and the virgin Guadalupe drawn in vibrant neons on the bottom of his skateboard. Where will this new path take them when the class clown and the beauty queen who seems to always be in tears meet to form an oddball friendship? And what happens when their hearts begin to long for more than just friendship but their worlds couldn’t be more different? How will things turn out for the greenhouse flower and her sidewalk dandelion?
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What’s the worst that could happen when you fall in love with your best friend? What happens when you think they love someone else? When you think they could never see you the way you see them in return? Do you stand there and wait for them to turn around? Or do you walk away while piecing together your heart that will never know real closure? Reggie has asked himself these questions nearly every day for the past six years since his family moved to the fringes of the Palisades and enrolled him in the affluent junior high nearby. Archie Andrews was his first friend at his new school all those years ago. The first one to get up during lunch time and sit down next to him. The one who didn’t care that his parents weren’t from money and had only recently come into their fortune. The one who didn’t care that he didn’t have the newest clothes, phone, or hairstyle. Like a guardian angel come to save him from perpetual solitude, Archie befriended Reggie with a bright smile and a silly joke. And since that day, Reggie has kept his love for the redhaired boy wonder to himself. Has been the picture of what a bestfriend should be. Has supported Archie and defended him. Joined their high school swim team with him just so that they could live out Archie’s dream of being the one’s to break Tyler, the former captain’s, record and win more championships than him and his team did. Reggie has lived a beautiful but painful lie for nearly a decade and the cracks have begun to show. The devotion now agony. The love a barbed dagger twisted liettle by little every time he has to play third wheel on Archie’s dates with his girlfriend Veronica. But one night their eyes meet across a sea of moving bodies at a house party. Archie kissing Veronica but can’t stop looking at Reggie. There’s a spark. A sadness. Hope. But is there truth? Is there a willingness to be honest? To accept this attraction that has been there waiting from the start? Does Archie know what real love could be like if he just turned around? Or will the lovefool angel look away once again and leave the poor friend and saint in the dark?
Stay tuned for more because this is only the beginning. Next will be the auxiliary couples, characters, and family boards for the three main ones at play. But the next next post that will be following this one will be the official titlecard for Chapter One. Can’t wait to see you all again there. 💜
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neotomiccccc · 8 months
All Saints Street Infection Au!
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I know I cant be the only one whose tiktok fyp is full of mlp infection videos atm and if theres one thing i love its SMASHING my interests together like theyre fucking cymbals SO HERES THE FIRST POST OF MY WSJ VIRUS/APOCALYPSE AU...
The breakdown is this:
A virus breaks out which can affect humans and monsters alike. There is no known cure except for swift amputation of the infected area. Once a certain amount of time has passed, it's too late for this to happen, and the diseased will slowly succumb to a mutated state, before finally death.
Angels, for the first few weeks of the viruses existence, are found to be naturally immune to the disease. It's theorised that this is because of their purifying properties.
Neil is infected with the disease by the fourth week since the outbreak, and by week five is in the middle stages. He hasn't told anyone out of fear, and also out of denial and the belief he'll just get better. He doesn't. At some point, he struggles to hide his symptoms anymore and Lily is the one to discover his infection. Together they make the difficult decision that Lily will have to kill Neil as an act of mercy before he gets any worse and becomes dangerous. Lynn hears Lily crying, and finds her sobbing over Neil's body. The two return to camp and are forced to tell Nick what happened - they are unable to bring Neil back with them because of the infection risk.
Lily has taken the role of defending the makeshift camp from the mutated late-stage diseased. She is ambitious, but Neil's death is traumatic for her and she often finds her brain foggy and dull where she used to be concentrated and sharp. After a small injury, Lynn begs and even forbids Lily from fighting off the diseased until she is fully healed, but Lily can't cope with the thought of putting more people, especially her brother, in danger by not fighting. While defending the base, Lily becomes overwhelmed and while her death is brutal, it is at the very least, swift.
Nick is bitten on the lower leg very early on, and Lynn has to amputate in order to stop the disease from spreading. This is successful, but it does leave Nick with a severe disadvantage. Despite this, he is very resourceful, a fast thinker and a great resource at the base. After Neil's death, he goes into denial, partially blaming himself for not keeping a closer eye on his little brother. As time goes on, the nightmares and dreams about Neil become too much for him, and he almost stops sleeping altogether. This only furthers his worsening mental health, and he slowly becomes more impulsive and aggressive.
Lynn originally served as a medic and healer for the group, being the one to deal with wounds and examine potential infections. Despite being the most calm and put-together individual at the start of the outbreak, he suffers a brutal downfall. Shortly after the news comes out that the virus has mutated so that angels are no longer immune, Lynn loses the vast majority of his wings to a mutant - and only a few days after, Lily is killed in a similar incident. After losing Lily and suffering severe physical and psychological trauma, Lynn is reduced to a state where he very rarely speaks or does anything other than stare off into the distance. Nick and he still spend a lot of time together despite this, even if there is not much conversation to be had.
Characters that I haven't drawn in this AU yet:
Abu's anxieties become his saviour - by barricading himself in his own shelter and rarely leaving, Abu manages to survive despite minor injuries through sheer isolation. This does mean however, that he is needed more and more as others begin to succumb to the illness. Will he be able to overcome his fear, or is it better to stay holed up until a cure is found?
Ira gets infected during the fifth week, but the virus goes unnoticed in him for quite a while, as he does not show regular symptoms and is a bit of an anomaly. He also does not know he has been infected until he begins to lose himself. By the time Ira knows what's happening, he's already too far gone.
Damao is infected by a stray dog very early into the outbreak. He quickly notices his body beginning to rot and fearing for the safety of his friends, he runs away and goes into hiding. The next time the group sees damao, he has to fight for internal control in order not to hurt anyone, and does so for just enough time for the group to escape. The time after that, the group run into a horribly mutated monster that barely resembles a canine anymore.
Luis is confused at first about his potential immunity - he's already a zombie, but as it would seem, this virus is a different beast entirely, so he's not as immune as he thought. He manages to last a while, despite losing several body parts, but he too eventually is infected by a mutant, and transforms before the group.
Momo was one of the first to be infected, catching the virus from a stray cat. She is the reason that the group realise the severity and true horror of the virus - seeing her mutilated state is enough to convince anyone to abandon the city and run for a rural area to go into hiding.
Crystal is tough and is used to fighting. She doesn't hesitate to put mutants out of their misery, even though their screams haunt her later. By virtue of her toughness and perseverance, she is able to be one of the few survivors, but she struggles to deal with the amount of blood on her hands, even if she knows it was the only thing she could have done.
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iiitsnotbase · 3 months
Iyengar and the Portrayal of Class and Power in her Games.
Since its origin in 1974, Dungeons and Dragons has been used to tell multiple types of stories, all depending on the players at the table and the dungeon master at the head of it. Most of these games (and other Tabletop roleplaying games, of course) tend to have a central theme in common, which is the theme of power. Whether that be a power over the world, for example, a king or nobility or dragon terrorising the nation, or the gods having power, or anything in between those, power always comes into play. Especially when it is commonly argued that one person at those tables, the dungeon master, or the game master, has the majority of the power over the table (excluding dice rolls, obviously. Dice rolls are left to the whims of fate.). 
There is one Game Master who portrays power in not only her games, but her characters, and she portrays it well. Though at times the way she portrays this power is often subtle and un-noticed, it is there; As intrinsic to her characters as the fact that they are alive, as threaded into the worlds she builds as the people (or even stoats!) that live in them. The way is not too heavy-handed, but it is not so subtle that you cannot see it, it is a delicate balance that she always manages to strike. I am of course talking about the Game Master of (most recently, at the very least) Candela Obscura; Tide and Bone, Aabria Iyengar. Though Candela Obscura is her most recent project (as of writing, 30/2/24), she is also known for her work on Dimension 20’s A Court of Fey and Flowers, Burrows End, The Ravening War, Pirates of Leviathan, and Misfits and Magic, as well as her appearances on Critical Role and being a main cast member of World Beyond Number. She is also widely regarded in all of these fandom spaces as (jokingly) ‘One of our own’, due to her frequent appearance on fanblogs. This is also sometimes colloquially referred to as ‘getting Quiddied’. Although Iyengar’s portrayal of power is always there, it is never more obvious than in Dimension 20’s A Court of Fey and Flowers.
Whatever you are imagining for A Court Of Fey and Flowers, times it by 10, add much more court drama, secrets, espionage, and one single, drugged-up, horny Grandfather who is all the worst parts of birds, and you might have something somewhat close. The table for this season of Dimension 20 includes frequently famous fliers (bird pun fully intended) such as Emily Axford (Lady Chirp Featherfowl), Brennan Lee Mulligan (Captain K.P. Hob), and Lou Willson (Lord Squak Airavis), as well as newcomers such as Surena Marie (Gwyndolin Thistle-Hop/BINX Choppley), Oscar Montoya (Delloso de la Rue), and Omar Najam (Prince Andhera), with Aabria Iyengar at the head of it, controlling all of their fae fuckery (both literal and metaphorical).
A Court of Fey and Flowers is Bridgerton on steroids, with magic and dice and eating feathers, and it is exactly as insanely wonderful as you think it would be. Interwoven with the romance inherent to the regency genre (BINX/Prince Andhera and Delloso de la Rue/K.P. Hob), there are themes of class and social standing, not only among the general population of the courts, but among their peers. This is there right from the beginning, in fact, as across the series illegitimate marriages, secret engagements, and whole secret children are revealed. Being the Game Master of this season, Iyengar portrays these struggles with a gentle touch and an ice-cold grip, never letting you forget that they are there, waiting to be shown, in the background. 
In the very first scene we have with Axford and Wilson’s characters, we learn both must marry for power, which tips many off to the way this society works. Their Grandfather (portrayed by Iyengar), demands they marry for power. This move, on Iyengar’s part, is a masterful portal of class, and hints at the social standing the characters have in the show. Unlike every other character mentioned, these two do not belong to a court. The implications of needing to marry well so they are not tarnished and banished from future social events do not go unnoticed by the players or the audience. Axford and Wilson would both later go on to reveal their already secured, entirely inappropriate matches, and cause many issues for their Grandfather. 
Another, darker moment of power is the power that the parents have over their children in this world. ‘Parents’ is a strong word for what some of these relationships are, ‘maternal’ being an even stronger word, so we will, for the purposes of this essay, say they are the people who watched over these characters as they grew and now hold power over them. Starting with the positive parental relationships, Marie’s character is shown to have a very unique relationship with their parents and family.
Unique in the fact that they are dead, and still holding power over her (in a somewhat positive way). Marie’s character’s grief spurs her to action on multiple occasions, at one point almost causing the end of her life through a power more powerful than grief. This is also down to Marie’s performance as BINX, her grief is interwoven with her character, holding court on her seat with her. Iyengar, several times, uses the care Marie’s character shows to her old family against her; Particularly in Episode 10, when she brandished a weapon for the first time against Najam’s Characters sister. The scene is incredibly impactful, as Iyengar cuts across to use the moment BINX (Marie) removes Andhera’s (Najam’s) shard to show Suntar (Andhera’s sister, Iyengar) losing the little power she had over Najam’s Character. 
Though Suntar is not the only person who held power over Najam’s character, his Mother, the Queen of Air and Darkness (again, Iyengar) is shown to terrify them. In fact, the power The Queen holds over her son is so deeply rooted into his character, it is a part of his design, a shard shoved into his neck that rains on him when he gets upset, or any strong emotion. This allows Iyengar to offer reminders to the cast, even when Najam is portraying the emotions, that there is always someone more powerful than the main six out there, waiting. This impact is made even heavier by the fact Najam plays one of the most powerful characters at the table himself, a Prince of a court that is widely well known and highly regarded. There is a case to be made about how he might play the most powerful character at the table, because while Marie’s Character is the leader of their court, that court is diminished, and Montoya’s character still answers to other people. 
Speaking of Montoya’s character answering to other people, The Chorus are some of the most prominent threats despite never being explicitly stated as villains (like characters such as Prince Apollo (Iyengar) are). They run one of the most powerful courts, The Court of Wonder, and help put together the entire event the story takes place in, The Bloom. The power they have over Montoya’s Character (Delloso de la Rue) is never unnoticed. It is integral to the character, given that they wore a glamour (a magical illusion to make them look like a green-skinned elf) every single day, to hide the fact they really are an owlbear, which are typically considered monsters. The Chorus only really exert their power once in a threatening way, but just because something is not said does not mean it is not felt. For example, Wuvvy (Iyengar) is a member of the Court of Wonder, and although she is Delloso de la Rue’s assistant, she is still a member of the Court of Wonder, which means she also answers directly to The Chorus if she is asked. Though all the examples mentioned so far are subtle in their power, one court likes people to know they have power, perhaps because the people in it are so very tiny. 
Mulligan portrays Captain K.P Hob of The Goblin Court, which holds the most explicit power in the season. Before we have even learnt the name of Mulligan’s character, we learn he is a Captain, which might mean something in another, kinder universe. This ties back into the Goblin Court holding all the power, K.P is a captain of their court, and this is so important to him we don’t learn his first or second name until much later. Iyengar and Mulligan work together to portray the court gaining and losing power rapidly, and using its members with significant ranks to find and hold that power. This is shown when the Viscountess Grabalba marries the Head of the Trickster Court after her previous engagement is called off. It is shown, in a much more solemn light, when K.P Hob is promoted to Major and ordered to marry for the court, which he does. 
There is also power in the way the cast chose to do their romances in this world, which Iyengar facilitates with several events throughout the ten-episode season, such as a Masquerade Ball and a Hedge Maze. There is power in the way Axford’s character has her own, secret family, in the way Wilson’s has a lover in every court, in the way Marie and Najam’s characters find each other, and in the way both Montoya and Mulligan’s leave their old lives behind for love (in Montoya’s case, in an almost direct parallel to Wuvvy). You could write an essay on the romances in A Court of Fey and Flowers, but this is an essay about power, and while love does have power, I would next like to discuss another Dimension 20 season headed by Iyengar and featuring Mulligan that heavily plays on power. 
Dimension 20: Burrows End is Chernobyl (the TV show) meets Chicken Run (but replace the chickens with stoats) meets Peter Rabbit (but they are stoats) meets 1984 (but with stoats). There are a lot of stoats in this season. Almost every character is a stoat, with exception of the two named humans (one of whom is secretly a stoat). Again, this cast includes some frequent flyers, such as Brennan Lee Mulligan (Tula), Isabella Rolland (Lila), Siobhan Thompson (Jayshon), and Erika Ishii (Ava), as well as the transition of Rashawn Nadine Scott (Viola) from Play It By Ear to Dimension 20, and 3 Black Halflings’ Jasper William Cartwright (Thorn Vale). All in all, this cast is best described as a powerhouse. 
Iyengar portrays class and power in this season in a subtler, more intimidating way. It is not so obvious at the beginning, as all the power seems to be in the hands of Cartwright’s Thorn Vale, the leader of an exclusive cult that worships The Blue. There is an argument to be made here that The Blue is the one with the power, despite not being a technical character in the season, it holds its place by being constant, whether that be through Cartwright and Scott’s character’s cult, or whether that is through forcing the beating of Mulligan’s character’s (Tula) heart. In this, the force which holds all the power is not a character at all; It is similar to what holds all the power in our world, which is simply nature. 
When the main six reach a location known as Last Bast, or The Last Bastion of The Light, or Warren Peace Nuclear Power Plant (we’ll continue to refer to it as Last Bast), some of the first characters there that they meet have the least power. They meet the working-class of stoats first, before anyone else, and thus begin to see Last Bast from their perspective. They meet these working class stoats when they are dying, when it is implied they are expendable because they have no power. In reality, they have all the power, being the ones to provide the food for the rest of Last Bast, and being the ones to provide the food, which keeps the area going. In reality, as much as the ruling class don’t think the working class have any power here, they have all the power. 
One of these working class stoats (as a reminder, these are all stoats) is an outspoken adolescent named Sybil, who loses her brother in the first meeting with the main six. Though initially she is portrayed as weak and powerless (literally being dead in her first appearance), we learn that she is resourceful, and if she is not strong in the literal sense, she is strong in the mental sense. She is also used to show the power that the leader, The First Stoats, have over their people, when they kill her in front of the Main Six to prove a point. Her death is explicitly described as being “The price of treason,” (Iyengar). Though Sybil is often argued as just simply being ‘a narrative device’, could the same not be said for all the characters in this story?
Sybil is also used to portray the idea of love conquering all, an overused trope but a trope for a reason. One of the most popular phrases in Last Bast, and a phrase used to guide other stoats towards it is “Follow your instincts towards the light.” Sybil takes this extremely literally, following her brother and breaking rules for her family, such as saying Curtis’s name even after he died (an act forbidden by The First Stoats).
Which brings me nicely onto the next point, the way The First Stoats attempt to hold power over death. The first way this is shown is through the disallowance of names for the dead, for the people who don’t technically exist anymore. This furthur shows their dictatorship and need for power and control; The way they cannot control death so they outlaw the names, taking away the family’s process of mourning and grief. The second way they do this is through Sybil’s aforementioned execution by them. They capture and kill her, showing again how they have the level of power and control that other stoats in Last Bast do not have. 
Candela Obscura; Tide & Bone is not only a masterclass in relationships and trust between players at the table, but a masterclass in power. The cast includes Sam Riegel (Oscar Grimm), Noshir Dalal (Professor Rajan Savrimuthu), Gina Darling (Madam Cordelia Glask), Ashly Burch (Dr Elsie Roberts), and Liam O’Brian (Professor Cosmo Grimm). This cast includes Critical Role old and new friends, all voice acting powerhouses in their own right, and is headed, as all these tables are, by Aabria Iyengar. 
Tide & Bone does not only choose to focus on the power of human emotions, but on the power of nature, and the freakish things we cannot control even when trying our best. To understand the portrayal of power in this game, we first need to understand the characters and their relationships to each other, since one of the long-standing themes across the circle is what power, and how much power, do our emotions have over us?
This theme is most obviously portrayed through Burch’s performance as Dr Elsie Roberts, a young Doctor with Cullet and a panic disorder that materialises as a terrible monster when she gets too stressed (take it literally), and Dalal’s performance as Professor Rajan Savrimuthu, a professor with a hive in his chest. I highlight these two not because they are the only people to portray the theme of emotions holding more power than they are worth, but because they are the most obvious. It is well stated that the professor and the doctor were together (romantically), “For a time.” (Burch). 
The scene that highlights this the most is the opening scene to Episode 3, Candles in The Dark, where it is revealed to the audience that, for an unknown reason, Professor Rajan Savrimuthu spent the whole night outside Dr Elsie Robert’s bedroom door, after him leaving in the previous episode. This scene, or the opening to it, shows how people are easily manipulated by their emotions, especially people such as Professor Savrimuthu and Dr Roberts. 
This theme is further explored later in the scene with the line “(Oscar) is interesting. He has certainly earned your trust.” Said by Dalal as Professor Savrimuthu. Oscar Grimm is one of Dr Robert’s best friends, and the only person to have ever seen her transform into the beast outside of herself (“I would have seen it before, right? So I know.” (Reigel as Oscar Grimm, narrating his internal monologue.)). This is further questioned by Dr Roberts, when she wonders why exactly ‘Raj’ is choosing to bring up this moment now, when they are about to go on the run, saying Elsie’s internal monologue is asking “Is this an inopportune moment of jealousy? What’s going on here?”.
However, romantic emotions are not the only emotions shown to have power over people. When Dr Roberts transforms into The Beast for the first time on-screen in Episode 1, it is not Professor Savrimuthu who comforts her through it, it is (one of) her best (and only) friends, Oscar Grimm. ‘Comforts her through it’ is a generous term to say ‘he is the one who takes the fall, not only for Elsie but for the rest of their circle, as she kills him’. Oscar Grimm cannot die, but he can still be killed, and he is. As he is being killed, though knowing she cannot hear him, he whispers, “It’s ok. I’ll be fine.” and then promptly dies and comes back.
This is another way that Iyengar portray’s power in this story; The power of death, and those who defy it, through Oscar Grimm, Empress Iomene, and Cosmo Grimm. While many other themes are ran rampant throughout their story, the main one is death and mourning, and finding power over those things.
For Oscar, the man who never dies, death is not something to fear. He cannot comprehend or remember what happens when he dies, and though he is often not alone, he dies far more than any one person should. Both him and his son, Cosmo Grimm, have power over death in separate ways. Whilst Oscar does not actively seek death, it seeks him, and he keeps coming back, whereas Cosmo actually seeks death and does not find it. The constant death for the elder member and the constant undeath for the younger one make this duo interesting and give them some of the most power in this circle. 
The last character to explore power in a unique way in this circle is Gina Darling’s Madam Cordelia Glask. She shows us the power of the gods, who took her entire family from her. Darling also, during her portrayal of Glask, holds a necklace like a rosary, showing how she still has faith in the gods that raised her and ripped her family from her. This point also further proves the power that our childhoods hold over us, even when we are in a different location, as Glask is. 
There are then the themes of communal power that are portrayed in the story, most obviously the power of names and titles. In Newfaire, there is a literal divide between the Eaves and the rest of the city, the literal divide being the staircase into the Eaves. This is evidenced in the circle by the fact that only one of them is not titled in any way shape or form; That person also being the eldest in the circle, Oscar Grimm. Whilst all the other characters are titled somehow, with either Professor or Doctor, offering academic achievements, or Madam, offering social achievements. This creates a divide in the circle, which is particularly emphasised when you realise that Oscar works for Madam Glask.
In conclusion, although power has multiple meanings, somehow Iyengar is able to portray all of them across the games she leads. This essay only covers the elements of her games, it mentions nothing of her characters, the ones who destroy themselves for power (Suvi and Laerryn) and the ones who let power destroy them (Karna). Power, as most things are, is a storytelling device that can often be overused. Iyengar does not do that. Iyengar’s take on power is refreshing, and in so many words (3410 to be exact), oddly comforting.
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sweetwriter · 9 months
Prologue: the beginning
Single dad! Reiner x black! Reader
Description: Reiner has been feeling lonely ever since his divorce- and he’s recently found someone who’s caught his attention; however, there’s a problem, he has a major crush on his daughters babysitter
A/N: I guess I’m kinda making a series out of it. But I like the idea of characters being parents, having to struggle and then finally have a second Chance of happiness. I guess I’m pretty naive to believe in happy ending, and even though they sometimes don’t happen in the real world, maybe it can happen on my little space on the internet :). This series will be apart of a collection of stories. Let me know if you guys have any ideas on what the collection name should be called. Enjoy the reading-even if it’s kinda short lol.
Ever since the divorce from his, now, ex-wife, Reiner has been trying to stay afloat. He has custody of his daughter 5 days out of the week. Being a single dad, working a full time job that also asks for overtime, he wants to be there for his daughter, but he can’t do all the things she wants to do. Sasha is 7 years old
He loves his daughter. But everyday, he wakes up by himself in his king sized bed.
Makes breakfast him and his daughter.
He doesn’t know when it started, that he began to realize he wants to share a different type of love with someone.
And on a completely different day, that he wanted to share that type of love with his daughters babysitter, YN.
YN, she has to be one of the beautiful people he’s ever come across.
“Mr. Braun” Reiner snapped out of his thoughts, “ye-yes, sorry I guess I zoned out.”
“Yeah you were really out of it,” She giggled. His heart is pounding out of his chest, his chain is bouncing at the rhythm. He’s hoping she doesn’t notice. She did.
“I was asking if you wanted to go to the store with us. We were going on an adventure.” The thought, of them going to the store together as a family, being shoulder to shoulder pushing the cart with Sasha being in the cart. He’s been dreaming about domesticity with her for months.
He wants YN, not only for her body. He wants her love. He wants her gentleness.
“The grocery store is an adventure?” He chuckles, “Of course, sometimes we get stuck in the manotiny of life, we forget to live it.”
YN grimaces,”That sounded super cheesy didn’t it” they both laugh, “yeah just a little bit”
“Ok just forget I said that part, do you want to- want to go with us”
“Yeah let me just grab my keys.”
A/N: was that a lil rough-just a smidge lol- but it will get better I promise. Thank you for reading
Much love,
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the-muppets-present · 11 months
The Muppets Present: Chess the Musical
Chess the Musical is an underrated gem, and we absolutely love it. The concert version, considered by most to be the definitive version, can be found on youtube in this playlist, which has nearly the entire complete concert (part 12 has been removed, but the only song missing is "The Deal (No Deal)") and I highly recommend you give it a listen, because the music is honestly top tier. The concert version is what we will be referencing here, since all the various stage versions are so different from each other (this show really suffered from over workshopping). If you're new here, take a moment to review our rules for casting. NOW, onto the show.
The Show
Chess the Musical is the story of the chess world championship tournament in 1979. The cold war is raging, and the two world champions are from the US and Soviet Union respectively. The story focuses on these two players and their personal lives and dramas set against the backdrop of the political strife between the east and west, as they are unwillingly used as pawns in the conflict.
The show has a core cast of seven characters and an ensemble with a few interesting standouts who can be filled out by muppets and humans alike. These are the key players:
Anatoly Sergievsky - "The Russian": The champion from Soviet Russia—a troubled husband and father who despises the propaganda and politics of the tournament.
Freddie Trumper -"The American": The champion from the United States—a self-absorbed, fame-and-fortune-seeking, short-tempered bad boy.
Florence Vassy - Freddie's strong-willed second and possible paramour, who is strained by Freddie's brashness and begins to feel a pull towards Anatoly as the tournament progresses.
Alexander Molokov - Anatoly's conniving second who is also a manipulative KGB agent and a major force in the political games being played behind the scenes.
Walter - A financial administrator in Freddie's delegation and in some versions a secret CIA agent who serves as a political counterpart to Molokov.
The Arbiter - The coldly objective, no-nonsense referee of the championship tournament and also the president of the International Chess Federation. He is essentially the narrator, the Voice of the chorus.
Svetlana Sergievskaya - Anatoly's estranged wife who, under Molokov's machinations, must persuade Anatoly to return to his homeland and family in the second act.
The Cast
Anatoly = Kermit. Kermit usually isn't the protagonist in Muppet adaptations, because the type of character he is just doesn't fit that role as neatly, but he's the perfect fit for Anatoly. Anatoly is competent in his own work, but is really out of his depth in the situation at large, and struggles to be true to himself amidst what he feels to be his duty. An arc that Kermit himself has played out in many a muppet film. Really, the only muppet who could adequately pull Anatoly off is Kermit himself.
Freddie = Gonzo. Freddie is bombastic, abrasive, quick to speak and slow to apologize, and overall extremely selfish. He walks into a room and his personality demands the spotlight immediately. I don't think I really need to give any other reasons why Gonzo should play this character, but I'll give one anyway: imagine Gonzo banging out "One Night in Bangkok" with Camilla and the Hens as the backup singers bawking out the chorus.
Florence = Miss Piggy. Yes, she's the only female muppet of note (who can speak english, sorry Henrietta), but also she'd genuinely be a good Florence. Florence is driven, a strong independent woman who don't need no man, but that doesn't mean she don't want one, and the fact that Anatoly is played by Kermit....well, you see where I'm going with this. Also, she and Freddie have an increasingly antagonistic relationship through the show that would be great to watch with Miss Piggy and Gonzo. Again, imagine her singing "The Model of Decorum and Tranquility" and getting more and more frustrated and gravelly in her delivery. And don't forget to picture Kermit in place of Josh Groben in that scene too...again, the dynamics are top tier here.
Svetlana = Miss Piggy. I'm invoking rule 5, not only because again, the lack of other english speaking female muppets, but because I love the idea of two Miss Piggies both singing for Kermit's attention and lamenting that he'll never see her the way she sees him, that his attention will always go to his work first. "I Know Him So Well" is a duet between the two women about Anatoly, and imagine two Miss Piggies singing this in duet with each other, each knowing that the other has something to offer that she doesn't have, but also knowing that even that isn't enough, that Anatoly (Kermit) will never be able to commit to her the way she wants to to him.
Molokov = Uncle Deadly. Honestly I don't have a lot to say about this choice, it's just Perfect. Molokov already borders on cartoonishly evil, he is an immediately untrustworthy character and everyone knows it, he's the world's worst spy. Uncle Deadly is a shoe in for the role and I'll hear nothing else about it. (Also, while generally irrelevant in casting muppets in a musical, since you can re-key as needed, Uncle Deadly already fits Molokov's voice type)
Walter = Sam the Eagle. While Walter is not as overtly patriotic as Sam, in adaptation, there should be a muppet who is equally as enthusiastic for his country as Molokov is for the Soviet Union. Walter is in some ways the least emotionally complex character aside from the Arbiter, he exists to serve the plot and the ways the plot creates character conflict for Anatoly, Freddie, and Florence, so Sam (who is generally a one note patriot character) fits the role nicely. Also, just like Uncle Deadly, he fits the voice type perfectly.
The Arbiter = Daniel Craig. I call upon the power of the One Human Celebrity. Daniel Craig would be perfect for a muppet adaptation of The Arbiter, he is the type of human actor who could be surrounded by muppets and you'd 100% believe it. The Arbiter's songs require some gusto, but Craig can carry a tune and if you give him a vocal coach and 6 weeks (and re-key his solo), I think he'd be great. However, this casting ONLY works if there are NO OTHER HUMANS in the chess federation. Daniel Craig must be surrounded by muppets at all time. Just look at his solo, and tell me that it wouldn't be the best thing ever to watch Daniel Craig do this while flanked by dancing muppets.
Additional Bit Parts:
Statler and Waldorf as The Consulate. When Kermit's Anatoly is speaking to them about defecting to the UK, imagine them having this exchange. You could either rewrite the song to be a duet OR have two Statlers and two Waldorfs to fill out the quartet.
Non-Celebrity Human as The Soviet Machine. This must be a big, nondescript burly man who can sing one glorious falsetto note. He must stand stoically as evil muppets dance around and sing the Soviet Machine. Moopets can fill out the Soviet chorus line.
The Ensemble: Merano and Bangkok both have human backup dancers and chorus members as well as muppet, because these are location setting songs, and you want to establish that humans are here in this world. Mike Tyson can have a celebrity cameo in Bangkok for old time's sake.
Chess Dancers: the Hens and the Penguins supplement the human chess dancers that take stage during the two chess matches.
Reporters: a mix of humans and muppets, but no cameos during this scene, it's Gonzo's first big solo and the spotlight needs to be on him.
Fozzie Bear as the governer of Merano and as an authority figure in Bangkok: his presence in Bangkok is commented on and he loudly says "Oh no, you must be thinking of my brother!"
And that's The Muppets Present: Chess the Musical!
What other celebrity cameos would you add to the show? We'd love to read your thoughts! Also let us know if you have another musical or movie you'd like to see a muppet fancast of, we love doing these!
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ataraxiaspainting · 1 month
The World is an Oyster.
Yan (Mafia AU) Juno x F Reader.
Warnings: Yandere themes, stalking, unhealthy relationships, manipulation, blackmail, and mentions of minor character death.
Word Count: 400.
“You essentially left me for dead.”
Seeing you shake like an abandoned puppy was something Juno never liked looking at, but she was used to it by now after these few years of knowing you. You never liked the people who always had a way of getting between the two of you – for some she wanted to be around them and for others not so much. She hasn’t seen you in a long time, since university, but it feels like she has never been separated from you to begin with.
You two were friends; perhaps even more than that if she considers all the late nights spent in your dorm room and her own with you. Juno always chuckled when she reminisced about sneaking past the other housing buildings to get to the one for nursing students. You had vastly different majors back then and you have vastly different values now too. 
The doors in her apartment were unlocked for you to come into her parlor on your terms; she knows you don’t have the heart to call the police on someone whom you shared such delicate intimacies with.
You don’t want anyone to find out what you have done, and she doesn’t want pryers going into her work either. The motives are so similar they melt together, fusing such a trinity consisting of you, her, and greed.
“How did it feel to leave everything you said you loved behind for some… man you hardly knew? How did it feel to dissect corpses, only to blame it on the one who was investigating their deaths without any relevant evidence?”
“June-” A hand slammed on the table that is between the two of you – Camus’ because Hisoka was too busy looking around her apartment to care less about your struggles and crying.
“Let her speak.”
The hand skitters away, but the glare from black eyes remains.
You don’t speak after that. Juno is used to you not facing the truth by now.
Juno is used to a lot of things you do by now – including attempting to run off the smooth and steady path she set up for you.
“Did you really think I killed them, [First]?”
Against your better judgment, you nod.
She sighs. “As expected.”
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sammerific · 2 months
Fic rec list for @spnficrecfest! This is just a list of some great spn fics I recently read + older reads that I may have recced before on my old deactivated account that I still love. Most of these involve hurt, so I decided to post this on the whump day. This list is mostly gen except for the fics labeled with "Major Relationship(s)."
Recent Reads:
struggle and succumb. by TheQuietWings Major Relationship: Sam/Lucifer (M/M) Major Warnings: non-con, graphic depictions of violence, dead dove: do not eat Summary: There's only so long anyone can fight in the Cage. Sam Winchester breaks.
you could live a better life than you do by TheQuietWings Major Relationship: Lucifer/Nick/Sarah (F/M, Other, Multi) Summary: The arduous process of convincing the devil that you love it.
circle, broken by AreYouReady Summary: A series of conversations and resolutions. Cas haunts the fringes of a new Heaven.
rip your heart out. by sp8ce Major Relationship: Sam/Lucifer (F/F) Major Warnings: non-con, suicide Summary: Lucifer is trapped alone in a time-compressed vacuum, so she muses on her one true vessel who will understand her like no one else ever could.
more than the world by spnworks777 (alexmeg) Major Warnings: major character death Summary: A few simple choices not made, and Dean is left wishing that he had turned around sooner, had never left, had asked him more. Now he's sitting beside his brother in the hospital, his body burned beyond what his chances of survival should have been.
The Darkness Followed by procrastin8or951 Major Warnings: suicidality Summary: "Hell is forgetting yourself and Heaven is only remembering, but all Dean needs is to stop. Never to be what he isn’t, but not to be what he is. He just needs to stop."
What of this is real? by angelszn (artbabe) Major Relationship: Nick/Sam (M/M) Major Warnings: past non-con Summary: Nick feels empty without Lucifer. All that's left is him and Sam.
D'Arc by Xenerik Major Relationships: Jessica/Sam, Ruby/Sam (F/F) Summary: Sometimes she feels like she’s in drag, an elaborate performance, layers and layers. A girl dolled up as a boy dressed up as a girl disguised as a boy, and on and on.
Older Reads:
The Way Back by rainylemons Summary: AU in which Dean gets between Lucifer and Cas, preventing Castiel’s death and eventual return to full-blooded angelhood. In the following months, a mostly human Cas gets a job at Taco Bell, Dean recovers from wounds given to him by Lucifer, and a silent, shell-shocked Sam wanders in from the cold.
The Space Around Him by rainylemons Summary: Two years ago Sam Winchester went blind after an opportunistic infection ruined his optic nerve. He and Dean have since settled down, but Sam's still struggling to learn the difference between adapting and coping. Fortunately, he has an awesome brother, a therapist, a few exotic dancers, and a canary named Phil to help him out.
Head Space by ameliacareful Summary: A witch curses Sam leaving him blind, deaf, and bedridden. Left with only the inside of his own head and the occasional touch, Sam begins to unravel.
You & I by howldax Major Warnings: major character death Summary: Dean wakes up slow. He’s still in the car; he knows that straight off just by the smell of her, the feel of her against his back and thighs. She’s still sleeping, her engine quiet, and the sky is still mostly dark, starting to get orange-yellow at the edges with the upcoming sunrise. For a moment he’s not sure why he’s awake.
Beyond Words by notyouranswer (gorgeouschaos) Summary: Dean said no to Alastair for thirty years. Dean picked up a phone, dialed Bobby, and couldn’t make his voice work. (Dean doesn’t talk, after Hell.)
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lazilybeinglassie · 3 months
It's sad I'm mostly through the second season episodes (if there is more coming, idk) and my investment has been dried up. Like, I stared at it thinking "this is the continuation?".
Say what you will about this season, but it feels like a disappointment in some way. And it's not that it's got poor ideas. I can see the chaos terrains and Starscream's betrayal to be great concepts for this show. Hell, Spitfire honestly is an interesting a neat character, and seeing the Decepticons try and go for a round two is fine for me since Shockwave is only recently awakened and Starscream is . . . Well himself. The remaining Faction members doing a 180 feels feasible.
But all of that falls flat for me in the matter of presentation. The season's weakest point. It focus' on the wrong things, and skips over the true potential of it all.
The time skip at the beginning was a terrible choice in hindsight as it glazed over the establishing struggle. Not only do we not see Starscream's betrayal unfold, but we shove his plans into exposition. There are way better ways to do this. Like actually showing it. Speaking of the screamer, I'm not a fan with how he is willing to attack the terrains, despite the fact he could literally be the one trying to convince them to take his side. But that is also just not present at all.
Also, Megatron is really underutilized for a majority of this. Like I wanted him and Spitfire to have more than a single banter. I wanted him to try and reach her. Feeling like she could have potential if guided properly. Why is megs just passive and not engaging all that much? The gauntlet doesn't count cause that felt way too lame of a plot line.
I'm gonna watch more of the series, give things a second shot. But I feel like these were the right ingredients, but cooked wrong or needed more time to cook.
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toaarcan · 6 months
You ever think about how extremely traumatic the first two arcs of the Archie reboot would've been for all the characters?
They're just living their normal lives, when one day Sonic starts babbling about a completely different history where most of them were in extremely dire straits, and starts using Nicole to overwrite their extant memories with those of the previous universe.
Like, imagine being Sally in that situation. You come home from a dangerous but routine mission to find all your friends acting like you've just come back from the dead. They hand you your computer and suddenly your mind is filled with memories of a much different world to this one, a much darker and more painful one, filled with death and constant betrayal. Your last memories are now filled with weeks of watching your mechanised, vivisected body mindlessly serve your nemesis, and try to kill your friends and family. You were (probably) awake when Eggman carved you up with a blowtorch, while monologuing creepily about how smart you are, right before he crammed a cannon in where your brain should be. You almost died because Eggman designed your new form so badly that you ran out of power on your first mission as his pawn, only to be 'saved' by someone who loved you, and now doesn't exist.
But it's not just that. That would be bad enough. You also remember that this other version of you had a living mother. A mother who loved her and supported her and tried to be there for her. Yours has been dead since you were a child. You're still a child, but you've never felt less like one than you do right now. You had a brother too. He had a wife and a daughter, you had a niece and and a sister-in-law. They're gone. In fact, they're not just gone. They never existed. You have memories of people that never existed. All your friends apparently do. These other versions of them all had families. Here, they're all orphans, except for Rotor, who now remembers a world where his father wasn't an abusive bastard that serves Eggman out of some warped sense of social darwinism, something he can never have in this one.
On the other hand, your father, whom you know as a kind, generous, and reasonable man, was in this other world a controlling, emotionally abusive asshole, a major factor in a massive mental breakdown you endured and struggled with for months on end.
And then shortly afterwards, these memories begin to fade. Maybe you're okay with forgetting Mecha Sally. Maybe you're okay with forgetting that Nigel was ever Maximilian. But now you're also forgetting Alicia and Elias and Megan and Alexis, people who only existed in your memory. You won't remember how many people Eggman killed with the Super Genesis Wave. There will never be justice for them, and in a few short days, you won't even remember their names.
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inkedreverie · 11 months
Tumblr media
𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐲 𝐢𝐧 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐀𝐫𝐦𝐬
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: bucky barnes x female reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Bucky struggles to cope with the pain after Steve dies.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 & 𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐬: friends to lovers, sad/grief sex, angst with a happy ending, p in v sex, unprotected sex, major character death,
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫❜𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: Anon requested smut with heavy feelings and my inspo immediately chose this. I hope you like it!
𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐈𝐧𝐛𝐨𝐱 | 𝐀𝐎𝟑
It’s not the same.
That’s what he keeps telling himself over and over in his head. It feels like a part of him is missing. And deep down he knows a piece of him died the day Steve left. It also doesn’t help that everywhere he looks reminds him of Steve. Around his apartment, on the TV, and outside when he decides to walk, down the sidewalk.
He buries himself in his work and, for the most part, it works. His mind is preoccupied with mission reports, training, and taking care of his weapons, but then, when he’s on a mission, that’s when it kicks in. A painful reminder that his best friend is no longer by his side.
But then again, he still has her. Over the past few months, he finds himself coming to her for comfort. Bucky pours out his heart to her, and he knows she won’t judge him because everyone is grieving in their own way. Everyone on the Avengers can feel the absence.
So, when he asks her if she wants to join him at one of his favorite bars, she’s not surprised. And a part of him knows it’s silly. Bucky can’t get drunk because of the super serum but at least he can relish in the feeling of the alcohol, burning his throat, the soft music reverberating off the walls.
Tonight, though, something shifts. The tears that he usually tries to hold back, his throat constricting and his heart feeling heavy once more—it becomes too much to bear.
He looks over at Y/N, gulping hard before he breaks the silence. “I miss him...” he croaks out, looking up at her through dark eyelashes. “I still see him. Everywhere.”
There it is. Out in the open for all the world to hear. Except, of course, the world doesn’t seem to pay attention when he talks. Except when his skin begins to feel sticky from the sweat, he can hear the vibrations through the wood beneath him, the warmth radiating off his body when her fingertips make contact with his cheekbone, slowly turning him around. His mouth goes dry, eyes trailing from her lips and moving slowly up her face until he’s staring at her eyes once more.
She reaches up with her other hand, thumb gently swiping under his right eye, collecting the tears that have since fallen down his face.
Her voice is soft and reassuring and he’s almost sure it’s the best sound in the world. “I miss him too,” she pauses, letting go of his face. “C’mere...” she trails off, her hand moving from his knee down to the back of his head.
Without hesitating, his arms slipped underneath hers, face resting against her chest, letting the warmth take hold of his entire body. She gently rocks him back and forth while humming a soft lullaby, making him feel safe and secure.
It’s been a while since he’s let his guard down like this and he finds himself snuggling closer to her warmth. Bucky doesn’t care that they’re in public, that people are staring, or that Steve’s face will show up on the television screen nearby—because that all goes out the window when his only thought is to seek her comfort.
He may have lost a part of him with the death of his best friend, but she’s doing an excellent job of keeping that part alive and breathing. It feels natural and comforting to have her touch. Her lips press lightly against the top of his head. And not once does she shy away at his body resting against hers. If anything, she doesn’t let up, just tightening the hold around his shoulder, bringing him into her even more.
But with it being their first time getting this intimate, neither one of them fully knows the effect it’ll have on them. “I miss him too,” she whispers. The way her thumb softly rubs the back of his head in slow circular motions, nails running lightly across his scalp.
Bucky feels an overwhelming need for affection, like an addict chasing that next high. So much so that he presses further into her touch, needing her to soothe his inner demons.
There’s a weird feeling, but it isn’t necessarily an unwelcoming one either, the way their heartbeats are syncing. That’s never happened before. It almost seems like it’s intentional. And for some reason, the thought of their bodies connecting that deeply, as simple as a synchronous rhythm, scares and thrills him at the same time. There’s something there.
She always says the right words that put him at ease. Makes his heart feel less constricted, and the pain starts to dwindle. Her hand glides across the nape of his neck. Bucky tries to relax as much as his body would allow him to, but then his eyes flash to her lips and it hits him... hard.
How in the last month did he not realize how beautiful they look? All full and plump, inviting him, welcoming him, drawing him in. Why didn’t he ever think of kissing her or hell—why he didn’t act on impulse is beyond him.
Slowly, but deliberately, her head tilts slightly, and he finds his head moving forward as well, stopping only a breath away, nose brushing ever so slightly. That’s where everything comes to a screeching halt.
At one point, his hand slides up to her shoulder, gently squeezing as his forehead drops against hers. Her breathing begins to hitch and now that he’s been in her bubble, there’s no doubt their faces will probably burn together. Her eyes slide open. “Are you sure?” Her voice is raspy.
When he finally catches his breath, his thumb and forefinger find the purchase of her chin, gently coaxing her lips towards his. This is probably the dumbest thing he’ll ever do. But somehow he has a gut feeling, he knows it’ll feel different.
She can only exhale sharply before Bucky’s mouth meets hers. At first, he can only kiss her bottom lip. She sighs with contentment. For someone who’s rarely ever done this in his lifetime, his self-confidence grows with each kiss.
Her hands shoot up his chest to snake around his neck, and she’s clutching the fabric there like a vise and he knows his clothing will be wrinkled afterward. Her chest brushes against his. And holy fuck, she’s not wearing a bra, and the way her hardened nipple makes contact with him sends a shockwave down his spine.
She deepens the kiss, her tongue stroking along the crease of his mouth, gently nibbling the supple flesh that’s soft, warm, and perfect.
She tastes better than he imagined. Fruity and crisp from her drink. He traces the curve of her spine, savoring her body, when a moan leaves the back of his throat.
Just barely though. She parts her lips, her teeth grazing his lower lip. Bucky has been trying so damn hard to ignore the aching pain between his legs. A carnal need takes hold of his entire body and when he’s about ready to push her into her seat, he takes his chance to sneak a little deeper. Just a taste. And fuck him, because she gives him everything in return. She’s bold, and strong, and like fire.
Before things can go too far, he pulls away. Partially gasping for air and completely head over heels in love with the woman sitting across from him. Bucky watches with hooded eyes as her swollen lips turn into an ethereal smile that not even the brightest star can shine upon. “We should probably go...” he suggests with a small smile. The first smile she’d seen since Steve’s funeral. She nods.
Once he slips his gloves back on, she turns towards him, her chest pressing against his. “Thank you, by the way. For earlier, it meant a lot that you asked me here,” her voice is a faint whisper.
Bucky tilts her chin upwards to connect their lips once again in a gentle, intimate and private way. Only for him to have. Only for her to share. “You know I wouldn’t do this with anyone,” his hand shoots out, brushing a stray strand of hair behind her ear.
“Come on,” he says, grabbing her hand as they make their way out of the bar and onto the sidewalk.
A feeling settles deep inside his chest as a strong gust of wind causes her body to move forward, crashing into his. He can tell by her soft giggles, and the crinkle of her eyes that she’s cold, and he would do everything to protect her. “Sorry,” she mutters as another harsh blast causes her hair to sway dramatically.
Her eyes flicker momentarily before he envelops her frame in his own, his chest pressing firmly against hers, sending her further into the hard surface of his chest, enveloping her entirely. “Oh...” she trails off. She blinks repeatedly, struggling to find the right words before he drops a light, affectionate kiss on her cheek. Her soft hair blows delicately in the night air.
Her fingers thread through his, pulling him gently, never once letting go of his hand. “What?” She frowns as the two stop right in front of Avenger’s Tower. “I’m just really lucky to have someone as kind, considerate, and funny as you in my life. My heart’s been shattered.” A faint blush crosses his cheeks, ears turning a faint shade of pink.
He smirks, watching her tuck the piece of her behind her ear as a sudden heat travels up her neck, warming her features. She reaches out to smooth the stray hairs, tenderly gliding her fingers along the stubble before reaching the small spot on his jaw.
“Can I touch your arm?” His laugh is loud, yet bright and refreshing, like a cold beer on a hot summer day. She lifts her gaze to his face, her smile growing bigger and brighter.
“Are we already at the part where we explore each other?” He muses playfully. She shakes her head in response before leaning into his touch. He wraps an arm around the small of her back, gently leading her over towards the building, up the short set of steps, and into the building.
She is grateful that the elevator ride is silent, even though she can feel the unwavering tension coursing between the two. She briefly looks at the mirrored surface before sneaking a glance at him and this time, she is pleasantly surprised at the sincerity reflected back. She tilts her head, meeting his gaze.
Her stomach suddenly filled with a new sensation, leaving her body to move against his. They sway slowly from side to side before leaning her forehead on the solid wall of muscle that is his chest. She smiles when a burst of laughter fills the small space, followed quickly by his sharp gasp as the doors open and the lights illuminate the floor.
“Who the hell designed this place, anyway?” He exclaims, stepping past the doors.
“I’ll have you know, Tony Stark designed this,” she declares, rolling her eyes in faux annoyance. She stifles the grin, then clears her throat, focusing her eyes elsewhere instead of meeting his challenging stare, lest her whole facade collapse.
His gaze doesn’t linger long, though; instead, his stare shifts down her frame. He sighs. “Well, I guess it could be worse.” Her smirk widens even more at the slight hint of uncertainty beneath his teasing tone. She forces out a snort when all she wants is to giggle.
Bucky shakes his head before taking her hand in his, leading them to his bedroom. There isn’t any sense of awkwardness, not with her. She is, for lack of better words, natural. Simple. Easy-going. Not pretentious like all the other women he used to bed.
Her movements are deliberate, slow, and calculated. He has to remind himself that what he felt back then is nothing compared to how she makes him feel right now, right here, right now. They both sit on the edge of the bed, knees touching.
Their chests are heaving, his mind fogged with desire. Her hand glides through the rough scruff along his face, causing him to lean in the comfort of her embrace, kissing her back. She trails soft kisses up along his jaw and neck, savoring the way her lips fit perfectly along his heated skin, causing shivers to run down his spine.
There are so many ways he wants her to touch him, but the most urgent need is for her to touch him where he’s needed the most. He grinds against her once more, feeling the heat radiate off her body, his breath hot and labored as his hips rock harder, and his mind becomes overwhelmed with her.
It’s strange; the way her eyes still meet his, burning with fiery intensity and he cannot look away, doesn’t want to, as her hands continue to roam free down his neck, and his skin erupts in goosebumps with the trail her fingertips are leaving in their wake.
“I need you, Y/N. I need you to take away the pain. Even if it’s just a few minutes.” He shudders and leans forward, capturing her lips in his, devouring every inch. Their bodies were alive, consumed in the sensations and neither was thinking clearly; their emotions had taken a firm grip on them, leaving them to give in to their desires.
His lips moved down her neck and shoulders, finding a sensitive spot that had her shivering under his attention; a small whimper escaped from her lips. His mouth soon found hers again, the passion between them growing stronger with each kiss, each touch.
The muscles in her abdomen clenched at his words and his touch, which seemed to intensify with every brush of his hand along her skin. “It’s alright, Buck. It’s okay.”
His hands move down her body, unzipping her jeans before pulling them down. He lays her back gently before shedding the rest of their clothes, skin against skin.
“You ready?” he whispered, pressing a soft kiss to her shoulder. Her heart jumped and her pulse quickened, beating frantically in her chest, her blood flowing hot with excitement, lust, and need. The only reply she could muster came in the form of a shaky nod.
She wanted it. Wanted it so badly, that the slightest bit of friction against her slick folds made her arch her back slightly and bite her lip in anticipation.
She looked down to see him leaning above her, looking down at her with eyes clouded with desire. His shaft pressed against her entrance, and she moaned again, wanting and craving more. “God, Y/N. Please, please, let me hear you say it,” he growled lowly into her ear as his hands slid under her backside, lifting her slightly.
“Please, Buck, just take me,” she gasped out.
“I love the sound of those words from your pretty little lips,” he smirked. “Tell me again.”
He placed his hands on her thighs, spreading them apart before driving himself inside her, relishing in her whimpers of pleasure as he slid deeper. The warmth and tightness of her wrapped around his cock almost took him over the edge. “Fuck, that feels good, baby,” he groaned, slowly thrusting into her.
His movements were agonizingly slow as he began rocking back and forth, each time burying his length deeper within her warmth. The familiarity of their connection, the way their bodies were so close, and the way she responded to his touches sent bolts of electricity throughout his body. He felt her shudder, her eyes closing tightly, and she let out a long gasp of satisfaction.
After several minutes of steady pumping, Bucky shifted so he could lean over the top of her, and he brushed his thumb across her lips. “Open your eyes, Y/N,” he murmured softly in her ear. “I want to see the look on your face when I make love to you.” He heard her breathing become shallow, and she obeyed, her eyelids fluttering open.
“You’re beautiful, doll.”
She arched her back slightly, pushing herself down onto him. “Yes,” she breathed out, her voice quivering. “More,” she pleaded, gripping onto him tightly.
“Anything you want, sweetheart,” he rasped.
Bucky rocked his hips faster, sending the bed rocking into the wall with each hard thrust, causing the wood to bang loudly, echoing through the room.
He watched as she writhed underneath him, biting her lower lip as his rhythm increased, sweat dripping off his chin, mixing with the fluids from their passionate sex. Her body trembled violently and her heart was hammering in her ribcage. Her eyes flew shut, and her hands rested on his chest, feeling his heartbeat.
“Fuck!” she hissed between gritted teeth.
The muscles in her thighs tightened as the wave of euphoria spread throughout her whole body. He felt her walls contracting around him, and he smiled against her throat. He loved hearing her come undone by his hands... no, his touch... no, his words.
It drove him insane how easily he could get lost in her moans, and her whimpers. He loved her sounds. They sounded so fucking angelic. And oh god, how he loved the way her fingernails would rake down his back and leave angry red marks, bruising his flesh and bone, painting the canvas that is his skin.
For a moment, he forgets about the pain and grief that lingers in his chest. His mind only filled with thoughts of her, wanting and needing him and only him. Nothing else. Nobody else. “Sweet Jesus. Shit...” His breaths turned heavy, and ragged, and his hands gripped at her hips, pulling her body into his as the final tremors coursed through him.
The scent of sweat, sex, and her perfume swirled around the air creating a perfect blend of aphrodisiac aromas that invaded the chambers of his brain, imprinting themselves into his memory forever, along with the image of her lying beneath him, her body trembling as the aftershocks continued.
She could feel the energy surging between them, and she sighed contentedly, opening her eyes and gazing at him lovingly, a serene expression on her face.
They stared at each other silently for a long while before he finally leaned in to capture her lips, kissing her deeply, and when they parted, he moved away from her slightly. Her eyes locked onto his, searching them for something... anything, to grasp onto as the waves of euphoria swept over her, pulling her under, drowning her in its blissful embrace.
There was a subtle twinkle in his blue irises shining brightly, as though they contained specks of gold dust and flecks of light from the morning sky; an ethereal glow, dazzling, beautiful, and powerful enough to send shivers down her spine and make her insides flutter uncontrollably.
Bucky could sense the changes taking place within her, although he couldn’t exactly pinpoint the specific cause of such sudden reactions, nor could he figure out whether it stemmed from pure physical exhaustion or emotional overload.
Whatever the case, his breathing became steadier as her eyes met his once more and the corners of his lips lifted into an adorable grin that was unlike his typical stoic expressions.
Her face relaxed, and the tension left her muscles. Her hand reached up and cupped his cheek, running along the coarse stubble before landing softly against his face. She let out a heavy sigh, feeling somewhat relieved as her vision grew blurry, and tears fell freely from her closed lids.
The emotions threatened to overwhelm her, but she fought to regain some sort of composure, swallowing heavily as a deep pang resonated within her chest and reverberated throughout the room. Bucky rolled off of her, now lying beside her as he pulled her into his arms.
“Shhh,” he murmured soothingly into her ear as he ran his hand over her bare skin, trailing down towards the curve of her hips.
“I’m fine,” she whispered, although she knew it wasn’t entirely true.
“No. You’re not,” he retorted sternly, as if admonishing a small child.
Y/N glanced back up at him, wiping away some of the tears that fell. “Bucky,” her voice cracked, barely above a whisper.
“What do you need, baby?” He whispered, leaning into her ear. “Anything you want, you can tell me. I can make anything happen for you, I promise,” he swore earnestly, his eyes glittering with hope.
She shook her head slowly. “I don’t know what’s wrong. Maybe I’m just tired or overwhelmed or something,” she mumbled.
Bucky sat up slightly, adjusting his weight on the mattress. “Is it about Steve?”
At that moment, she felt a lump in her throat, knowing deep down that she owed it to him, at least to have an honest conversation regarding her feelings and to try her best to express herself without keeping her emotions hidden behind a mask of strength.
She nodded reluctantly, exhaling deeply as she squeezed his bicep. “Everything’s going to be fine, okay?”
A tear trickled down her cheek and landed on her leg, leaving a warm wetness against the cool skin of her thigh. “I’m scared, Buck. What am I supposed to do when everything changes? If I lose you and everyone else, then where will I turn?” She swallowed hard, wiping her eyes dry. “I’m sorry for sounding weak, but it hurts...”
Her bottom lip began to tremble, and she chewed anxiously on it as her body wracked itself with tiny hiccupping sobs. Bucky enveloped her in a hug, squeezing tightly, allowing the comforting silence to fill the void between them.
He understood that this type of intimate relationship didn’t necessarily require constant communication or dialogue; sometimes, simply sitting together quietly like this gave a sense of peace and security to both parties involved. And he needed that comfort right now. He wanted Y/N to realize how much he loved her. How special she was to him.
“I understand, sweetheart. It’s hard losing people.” He kissed her forehead gently. “It’s terrifying, knowing that nothing will ever replace the hole their departure creates. But you never have to worry about me. I’ll always be there for you.”
She sniffles, looking up at him with glossy eyes.
“Just as Steve always was. No matter what.”
There are no words exchanged; instead, they remain entwined together. Neither one of them knows which movement to make first. Whether it’s initiating further physical intimacy or moving past the heaviness of the situation.
After a while, they decide that doing nothing is better than being awkward, so they stay in this position, enjoying each other’s company while silently praying that this will last.
Bucky presses a delicate kiss to her temple, murmuring a soft “goodnight” against her hair. 
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yuikomorii · 10 months
Let's judge fairly. Yui had her development too. It's not like she didn't have any development.
// I wouldn’t necessarily call it development, I would rather say the story itself advanced and she grew accustomed to the circumstances. Over the course of the games, she got better at managing the Diaboys since you get to know someone after spending a lot of time with them and well… she also started acting more cheeky and bolder with them, for the reason that they started dating. She didn't know Karlheinz well in HDB and MB, so she didn't have any opinion about him, but in DF and CL, she called him out after Karl revealed how much of a jerk he is. It's not like she wouldn't have done that earlier if she had known the truth about him from the beginning—she called out Cordelia in the first game, after all.
However, I do think there are two particular scenes where they tried to highlight some major (?) development.
One is from Ayato's MB route, when she acknowledged acting in a selfish manner and concentrating solely on her feeling rather than on Ayato too, who was also having difficulties. She came to the realization that Ayato isn't perfect, despite being cute and giving her pleasure, and learned to accept him for all of his good and bad traits.
The other one is from Laito’s LE route, in which Reiji tries to make her understand that not believing in your lover can be very painful and that it’s not okay talking like that behind his back.
The message itself was good but this is the type of forced character development I have mixed feelings about. They didn’t have to make Yui act like that because it only portrays her as the bad one here. Yui is the first person Laito has ever opened up to and she was well aware that Laito hates Karlheinz, so getting his powers would undoubtedly damage him, yet she kept failing to understand that, despite the fact that they’ve been dating for some months and should have known better. The scene in which she says that Laito knows everything about her, yet she knows nothing about him only makes her appear so foolish in order to generate conflict. Like… come on, how can the heroine claim such a thing after dating a guy for SIX games?? Plus, the reasons of Laito’s actions were OBVIOUS that not even Reiji could entirely put the blame on him based on his situation.
As for Ayato’s MB route, I can’t entirely put the blame on her; I mean… Ayato is super good-looking and could probably pull anyone, but I can’t comprehend how she failed to realize that he has negative traits too?? It should be crystal clear that nobody is perfect and that everyone has their own issues, so you can’t beg someone to consider you special if they don’t feel like it.
It would have been 10 times better if Rejet actually tried to overcome her weaknesses, instead of adding new flaws. No, writing the heroine to suddenly have a shallow or selfish mindset only to make her “become a better person after realizing her mistakes” was not needed at all. And it’s also not fun making a character learn the same lesson in more games.
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Credit to: dialovers-translations on Tumblr
The best scene, in which they could have genuinely made her evolve as a person, was in Carla’s LE route, when she admitted wanting to help him and the ghouls. It would have been nice seeing Carla putting faith in her and giving her an important yet hard task. Seeing Yui try her best to do it right, even if she was struggling at first, would have been such a cute moment. But nope, they decided to push her aside instead.
Other than that, idk if becoming a masochist and less sane as in the beginning count as development, lol, but if it does then it works like that too.
I get that it’s an otome game and most people play it for the guys but I feel like the heroine deserves to have her own storyline where she discovers herself and improves. DL feels more like the Diaboys' journey than her own, which is ironic because she’s the HEROINE, and in her most recent appearance, Rejet literally described her as “Ayato’s lover” without even using her name. I don’t really think the developers care that much about her, otherwise I doubt they’d be ok with all her character inconsistencies.
Yui is my favorite heroine because I find her really cute and likeable, plus I relate to her, but I’m aware of the fact that a likeable character does not equal a good one. She’s your average early 2010s heroine, who could have been indeed better written but serves her purpose, which is still good.
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morethansky · 5 months
Realized I never wrote up my thoughts on "Into the Breach," which was the first episode I've liked since "Extraction"!!! Probably because all I could think about was Echo for 72 hours afterward.
This episode gave me such Rebels vibes, and that's truly the highest compliment I could pay any Star Wars media. I present my case:
There's an objective laid out from the start that is a small but crucial piece of the larger plot. The beginning of the episode presents this problem, and by the end of the episode, that specific problem solved.
Everyone is competent, and every character gets to do something vital to the mission. Whether it's a small thing doesn't matter; it's the fact that if that character wasn't there to do that small thing, the mission might be screwed that matters.
The action is meaningful—it conveys something about the characters while also driving the plot forward—and there's suspense that ratchets up the tension. And then to diffuse it, there's humor, and each joke is funny, but it's not overdone.
Infiltration episodes are such a Star Wars staple, and it's a real shame that TBB hasn't had more of them. They tried to make up for it by putting THREE infiltrations into this episode lmao. The fact that they show one long-term infiltration, one short-term infiltration, and one super short-term infiltration is very clever and makes the writing feel cohesive and dynamic, something this show hasn't always been able to achieve.
Also important, they do both a space/flight mission and a ground mission (two of each, technically), which is something that always helps make an episode feel like it's set in the GFFA and not just, you know *cough* Space!Louisiana. Or Tatooine scene #700.
There's also some nice storytelling going on with the environment—they go from being outside on the cloud city (free) to inside a space station (trapped with enemies), and for Omega, inside a cell (in which she actually enters another cell, visually—her bunk). The wide outdoor shots make the close, indoor shots feel much more claustrophobic, which is exactly the atmosphere these particular indoor settings should be giving off.
Other thoughts and meta:
Daytime Tantiss is a good sign! Forecast: Not death?
Prison Break Omega is just such a good vibe, and this would just be so fucking cool...except we've literally already seen her escape once this season??? And it was already really well done??? This is like the flip side of my complaint that Omega was too helpless in the first season, and it was annoying how she constantly needed to be rescued. Now she's too competent and is always escaping lol. It just really, really cheapens the dramatic effect either escape could've had.
Needless to say, the Batch's driving purpose once again being that they're struggling to rescue Omega is just. I'm tired. If there are going to be two major captures and two major escapes this season, at least one of them needs to be a narrative flip!!! The Batch rescuing her at the front end of the season and Omega escaping herself at the end, or vice versa, would've made it much less repetitive (and stopped cutting the Batch off at the knees in order to show Omega's competency). Omega even gets captured in the same fucking way—she gives herself up in "Plan 99" and "Point of No Return"! Ughhhhh
Okay I swear I actually like this episode lmao, I just. Editor instincts.
Thinking about how Omega left Lula on Pabu and has essentially left Straw!Lula to Eva, and how it shows that she's shed her need for comfort and is now ready to provide that comfort to other children, which is very lovely. But I'm also worried about Lula and Tech's goggles being on Pabu, because there are only three thematic options here: Everyone returns to them (sanctuary), everyone leaves them behind (leaving the past behind), or Omega returns to leave more items, say a bandana or a Firepuncher (memorial). The link between Lula and the goggles is actually not that natural (unless you're a Techwrecker shipper like me :D), so I've been pondering this choice a lot.
The symbolism of everything inside Tantiss being in the shape of the Empire cog and every character within its walls being a cog of the Empire is so heavy handed...and I am here for every moment of it!!!
Truly did not expect Rampart to stick around for so long. He's going to be a main character in the finale at this point?? I like how he's like a Kallus foil here—despite being scapegoated by the literal emperor he's still loyal to the regime and takes such pride in it. A very Jennifer Corbett & Brad Rau–esque character.
The way that when Echo came down the ramp I literally said, "Oh, thank god."
Hunter and Echo doing the clone hand clasp (and not wrist clasp, you'll note) isn't as emotional given that we already know how strong their bond is at this point, but it's still nice to see this visual callback to the Batch respecting Cody so much despite him being a reg that Hunter would use this hand clasp to greet him. It's a great shorthand (ha) for Hunter's feelings, since he is particularly suspicious of outsiders, and Echo is now fully "one of his."
I really love the mirror of the scene when the Batch is in the cell on Kamino and they escape by breaking into the wall—Omega effectively does the same thing here. These are the satisfying kinds of repetition, rather than entire arcs!
Every time I think about the Tech-is-the-mustachioed-doctor theory I giggle. It would just be. So anticlimactic?? But absolutely hilarious.
The costume change is so unnecessary, buuut I'll be first in line to buy the variant figures! Also it's nice to see some canon clone armor painting after writing and reading so many fics about it!!
I really like Hunter sensing Rampart plotting and how it brings his powers even closer to Jedi precognition.
Not too much Crosshunt in this ep, but I like how in both shuttle scenes, Crosshair stands in a position that blocks Rampart from getting to Hunter in the cockpit (while Wrecker blocks Rampart from getting to the exit).
Not particularly significant, but I like the visual detail of Hunter, Echo, and Crosshair bracketing Rampart in a triangle and it looking like they're his bodyguards but them actually forming that position because he's their prisoner.
The way I screamed when Rampart tries to get Echo to say "sir" and he just says, "I don't think so." Echo did not go through everything he's gone through up to this point to take anyone's shit!!! And the way Rampart just takes it and looks down all ashamed is peak comedy to me. Even he sensed that he was treading on dangerous ground there. (Just for a second think about Fives on Umbara and how he refused to take Krell's shit from the very start...)
The commandos being on this space station (that's orbiting Coruscant??) makes me very sad because it kind of foreshadows a dark ending for the Tantiss arc by showing that the commandos are spread all over the galaxy. So even if they rescue all the commandos from Tantiss, it still wouldn't save all the others. In which case, writing wise, it feels way more unlikely for them to save the commandos on Tantiss at all.
Wrecker tapping his foot while scrolling through the comments on his AO3 account is very cute. Also in the last episode the mining foreman was on his datapad like a phone and I thought it was supposed to convey that he was lazy lol but maybe this sort of thing is just going to show up in SW a lot more now haha
The lieutenant demanding to know where the captain is is kind of silly because wasn't he the one to let him go inside?? Why would he be back at his ship? But I love me the Rebels-esque gag of knocking him out on the ship.
Everyone is screaming about Crosshair having faith in Echo getting them through, but I would also like to contribute the fact that Crosshair says, "You can't go alone." A very poetic line of dialogue because being alone in the Techno Union is what the Batch saved Echo from being, and it's what Crosshair chose to be for two and a half seasons of this show. Not wanting to be alone again was also what made him turn against the Empire! We also see this anxiety in the previous episode, where he (in that very ridiculous reveal) admits he doesn't want to go back to Tantiss (and be alone again).
ECHOOOOOO!!!! About fucking time they gave him another action feature!!! I rewatch that opening sequence in "Tipping Point" constantly. And not only that, it's a very character-driven action feature for once!!! We see him showcase what it means to be an ARC trooper and also what it means that he's "part-droid." A test I like to consider when I gauge the quality of action-ensemble media is, Could any other character have done that? In this case, the text is very loudly telling us absolutely not! Also the way he exudes confidence about it ("But I can") is also just. Super hot, 10/10
Tbh the Echo feature felt so out of place for this show that at this point I was suddenly filled with terror that he was about to die. Thank god he did not, but he's still separated from the others by the end, so it's not out of the question for something terrible to happen in hyperspace, and I do not want it!!! But altogether that was a badass third act and a very good episode!
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acourtofthought · 1 year
Elain and Lucien were given a mating bond in book 2.
Their story has always been and will continue to be about them because it's not just about it being Elain's bond but Lucien's as well and we know that males struggle to a greater degree.
It is about what happens when two strangers from two different worlds were shocked to find they share a rare and special link to one another.
Where neither was in a place to really explore or give in to what that means because they had been dealt trauma after trauma in their lives and had to make it through that darkness first. Feeling drawn to one another but knowing they weren't ready and needing to navigate their paths alone before confronting what it is they might mean to the other.
Elain avoiding her traumas and instead latching on to the idea of something easy with no strings attached in her crush with Az is not the major hurdle of her character arc.
Her crush on Az is the most minor and insignificant detail of Elain's story.
The rejection from her fiance who she pledged to love forever when accepting his ring.
The loss of her father who she loved and cared for.
Being made into a species she once feared and living in a land she never wanted to be in.
Stabbing someone when cruelty greatly bothers her.
Being given powers she doesn't fully understand and that not one person in the IC has bothered to try to help her learn.
Being surrounded by people who don't really see her and often speak for her even when it goes against what she herself wants.
Having a pull to someone, that pull being something she doesn't understand as she wasn't raised on the idea of the mating bond, a bond that forces her instincts to react in a way she's unaccustomed to.
These are the big issues we need Elain's thoughts on.
A near kiss after a year of nothing more than a few glances and lingering touches is dust compared to the heaviness of what I'm guessing is Elain's inner turmoil with the rest, that she's desperately trying not to think about.
In my opinion, Az has only been her attempt at a band, used to hold back the water in a dam and after Solstice, that dam finally exploded.
He wasn't the quick fix she hoped to get and now the real work will begin because she can no longer run from her past and the things she needs to face head on. That includes her mate and the real reasons she's avoided him.
Her story started with Lucien. It doesn't matter that she met Az in the human lands because Az walked away as no one to her. She still looked forward to her marriage to Graysen, still slept with Graysen, Az did not register as anyone more than her sisters fae friend.
The thing that suddenly threw a wrench into the life Elain wanted had nothing to do with Az and everything to do with her being turned and finding out that Lucien was her mate:
“I don’t care what his name is.” The first sharp words from Graysen. “You are his mate. Do you even know what that means?”
Her story started with Lucien and as we've seen for SJM mated pairs (even ones as poorly matched as Rhys's parents since some love to throw that out as proof of why Elucien won't happen though they ignore what is said about his parents incompatible personalities), I believe her story will end with Lucien. Because it's not just her bond but his as well and SJM is not going to give her version of Jamie Fraser anything less than the best.
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