#it is 2pm. i start at 3 and i am there. possibly until 8pm so i should. deal with that
pansyfemme · 4 days
ugh i might have to get a caffinated item before my internship. it may be legally required today
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wocfics · 5 years
Step By Step
Kim Namjoon Series
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Arranged Marriage Series
Main Masterlist
KNJ x Poc Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2k+
“Shhh...come on YoungMi, please get some sleep for mommy.” You paced around your daughter’s room while rocking her in your arms. You glanced over at the clock that read 2:43 am and took a deep breath. YoungMi whined and cried quietly in your arms. You knew she couldn’t help it since she was sick and the poor thing couldn’t get sleep. After getting prescribed medicine, the doctor said it should work after a couple of hours but Namjoon, being Namjoon, forgot to give it to her before her bedtime and you were left to fix it. It had only been a few minutes since you gave it to her and she started to quiet down.
Ever since that day at the building, you and Namjoon haven’t been on the best of terms. You avoided him as much as possible, only talking to him when it was related to the child you both shared. You didn’t have long to think about the living conditions since all of your stuff had already been moved in anyways. You did what you had to for your baby, wanting nothing but the nest for her. That was a few months ago, of course and now you had to deal with a sick, crying baby. Although you weren’t talking to Namjoon as much, you were able to figure out his schedule since it was a must. 
5 am- Namjoon wakes up and so does YoungMi
5:30- Namjoon has eaten breakfast while you feed the baby as well and let Namjoon hold her for a while before heading to the studio.
6 am- YoungMi goes back down after being tired from waking up so early and you take a shower.
7 am- You cook yourself breakfast and do any cleaning that wasn’t done the night before while learning Korean through an app and books, with help from Jimin.
7:45- YoungMi wakes up and you get her dressed for the day.
Between 8 am and 10 pm you give MiMi her tummy time so she can learn to crawl, feed her and you make a grocery list for later, make lunch and do laundry.
By 12:30 YoungMi is down for her nap while you eat breakfast and learn more Korean, taking notes.
1:15- MiMi wakes up from her nap and is fed again.
2pm: You and the baby go out to the grocery store and spend some time at the Han River.
5pm: You start cooking dinner and brush up on your studies since you’re still waiting for a few phone calls for your esthetician job.
6pm- You feed MiMi again and turn on soft music for her to listen to while she sits in her bouncer and watches you make dinner. 
7pm- You give MiMi her bath
8pm- You eat and put the rest up for Namjoon
9pm- Namjoon comes home and goes right to spend some time with MiMi before bed while you learn more Korean.
10pm- Namjoon takes another shower and goes to bed while you go to bed in the other bedroom.
You had all of this figured out within the 3 months that you’ve been living together. Sometimes Namjoon will send a text to see YoungMi on his lunch break at the building so you bring her there, but you won’t say a word to him and the boys can tell that there’s a lot of tension between the two of you. They don’t speak on it, since most of them have their own issues going on already with their wives. When you do need a break, Namjoon’s mother, the angel that she is, will take the baby to give you some free time in which you do squeeze in a few sessions with a personal trainer since you wanted to get your body back.
Now, in this room with your daughter slowly falling asleep, you sniffled some since she was starting to make you sick, all from taking care of her. You kissed her head a few times, rocking back and forth. Even if your eyes felt heavy and you wanted to sleep, you knew you couldn’t until she was okay. Motherhood was definitely taking its toll on you and your body but you wouldn’t give her up for anything. It was hard, but you knew you could do it and even if you and Namjoon didn’t see eye to eye he was a great dad, a little forgetful but great to MiMi. 
Laying her down in her crib and placing a blanket over her, you walked over to the humidifier in her room and filled it with more water, turned it on and walked back to your own room. Hearing the other door open, you froze and turned to see Namjoon coming out of the room, shirtless and wearing boxers while scratching his chest and staring at you. “She okay? I heard her crying.” He grumbled. God, why does his voice have to be so deep and sexy at this hour? If you didn’t hate him so much right now you would probably be pregnant again. You hadn’t gotten laid since the night your daughter was conceived but you were sure he got his fill while you suffered.
“She’s fine now, you forgot to give her the medicine she was supposed to take hours ago.” He cursed and rubbed his face. “I forgot...I’m sorry. Hectic day and-” “It’s taken care of now, just go back to bed.” You cut him off, not really in the mood to hear what he had to say. Closing your door behind you, taking a deep breath, you sat on the edge of your bed and rubbed the back of your neck and that’s when your door opened and in walked Namjoon, closing it behind him and clasping his hands together. Was he for real? Right now at this hour and still wearing boxers? 
“Y/N...we need to talk about this now. It’s been months and this is getting ridiculous. I know we don’t know much about each other but we do have a daughter together and I would like for us to get along for her sake. There’s an award show coming up and the company wants us to invite the wives, ever since the announcement people have been waiting to see all of you so I need you on this, Y/N, please. There’s already enough stress with this comeback and the new album dropping soon.�� He paused for a few seconds and looked at you. “We can talk more about it in the morning, you can even sleep in the bed with me and move your stuff into the room. I want to work this out.” He added. 
He looked like a God when he was begging like this. Blinking a few times, you rolled your eyes twice as hard as he spoke and picked at your pajama shorts before looking up at him. “I want you to apologize. Apologize to me for what you said. You wanted me to stay out of your way, you wanted me to stay in the extra bedroom and not bother you while you work and I gave you exactly what you wanted and now you hate it. I’ve been giving you what you’ve wanted besides this marriage that I had no say in...I just want you to know, that as hard as it is for you it was hard for me too, Namjoon. To be pregnant by myself with no help, drive myself to the hospital and give birth alone and then take care of her for 2 months by myself. No help, just sleeping when she sleeps and eating when she isn’t crying. So, with that, the only thing I want from you is an apology. I’ll fix everything else tomorrow and we can figure something out but I just need you to understand that I’m also overwhelmed too.” You climbed under the blanket and looked at him. 
“Please, let me get some sleep, call your mother in the morning to pick up MiMi and keep her for the day.” Namjoon nodded and gave you a small smile. “This will all work out, I promise. All relationships have obstacles and this is one of many that we will get through. Things will get crazier but I promise I’ll try my best for both of you. Um, goodnight, Y/N.” He nodded his head once again before leaving the room.
Great, now you were stuck staring up at the ceiling and thinking about what he just said. Clearly he needed to redeem himself and you could tell he felt guilty about what you went through while being alone and pregnant. Also, you had forgotten about the award show and even the whole announcement. You stayed away from most of your social media except for Instagram, which you kept extremely private and you wouldn’t dare to go on Twitter even though you had thousands of notifications. What were you gonna wear to this award show anyways?
You and the other wives had your fittings in one dressing room, all matching colors with your husband, your color was gold. You were placed in a short dress, black with gold details, the back was only slightly low and the dress itself stopped at your mid thigh, almost feeling like a second skin. Your jewelry was gold as well, a few rings, earrings, a gold diamond choker and a a bracelet. Your shoes were black, keeping those simple. You did your own hair, keeping your curls but less volume and did a simple smokey eye with a brown lip. 
You waited with the other wives, quietly talking amongst them and taking in how beautiful they all were. Jin’s wife was last to get ready, being the diva that you thought she was but once you all were ready, you waited for the boys. Looking over your fresh manicure that you were not used to having, you played with the rings on your fingers while the boys walked out, all dressed in their own style of suits but they matched the dresses overall. Namjoon stared at you, his eyes looking over your body and you glared at him before getting into the vehicle that was to escort all of you to the red carpet.
The amount of cameras and people that were on the red carpet was overwhelming. You weren’t ready at all but Namjoon, kept you next to him, holding your hand while you all walked and waited to take pictures. The screams were insane, your body tensed up every now and then but you kept a small smile on your face while posing and taking pictures. While the boys spoke, you and the other wives took a few photos together, it was weird that people knew your names and asked you to turn and take photos for them. 
Each couple had their interview, which thankfully you didn’t have to speak much and Namjoon did almost all of the talking. He led you inside, his hand on your lower back and waved at a few people. Once inside, you walked to your seats. “Are you okay?” Namjoon asked and you nodded, confused as to why until you heard the fans from afar, some cheering and others yelling bad things at you and the other wives. Scrunching your eyebrows, you held Namjoon’s hand and squeezed it while staring at the stage as they got things together. 
At one point during the show, the boys got up, more than once to accept awards and then to perform. You sat next to Jimin’s wife who was on your right, dancing in your seats to most of the songs and grinning when the boys performed. The whole night was something you never thought you would have the luxury of being in. The idols were nice, at least most of them, some of them didn’t take the time to say hi but it didn’t bother you. You knew why but you didn’t let it ruin your night.
The boys were phenomenal, winning so many awards that even they were shocked. Although it was long, it finally ended and you were able to go home. As Namjoon walked over to you, sweat on his face, you grabbed a napkin and patted it away for him, fixed his collar and jumped when you heard someone behind you call his name. Jackson Wang, of Got7. He jogged over to you two and briefly spoke to Namjoon, asking him to come to the after party. 
Within the two weeks that you moved back into the main bedroom, worked out your schedules and your daughter got over her cold, things were looking better. The fandom was still shaken up, but on your end, this was what you wanted for your daughter, a great life and even greater parents. 
You nodded to Namjoon, seeing as he was looking at you for confirmation for the after party. Of course, you would be going with him since Jackson insisted. 
The after party was a different atmosphere, more relaxed than the award show. There were drinks, actual food and music playing. The building in which it was being held was beautifully decorated, red carpeting and a chandelier in the middle of the room. The first thing you did was grab a glass of wine and took a sip while Namjoon introduced you to a few people. Jackson made his way back over. “You made it and you brought your beautiful wife.” He cheered and finished his glass of whatever he was drinking and held out his hand to you. He kissed the back of your hand and you full on smiled, giggling. “Wow, Namjoon-ah, you really outdid it. She’s so beautiful. Your dress is amazing.” He commented towards you and you thanked him as he spun you around.
From the corner of your eye, you can see Namjoon’s jaw tighten visibly and he pulled you back to his side and stared down at you. Jackson was still holding onto your hand, looking over your rings and showering you in compliments, your face was burning from it all and Namjoon took your now empty glass from you and went to get you another one.
“So how does it feel to be Mrs. Kim Namjoon, huh? Where did you two meet and how come I didn’t see you first?” He joked and you laughed, explaining that you met in California a little over a year ago. You let go of his hand as he talked about his music and the trips he had lined up, you noticed Namjoon standing by the bar, watching you, carefully and you hugged Jackson goodbye, his hands rubbing your back before letting go.
Once you were in front of Namjoon, he leaned down to your ear. “We’re leaving now.” He ordered and grabbed your hand, pulling you with him out of the building and towards the car that was waiting for you. He sent a quick text and the other members came piling into the car with you and you all drove off.
You didn’t know what caused this sudden change in character for him but something told you he was angry about whatever it was. Maybe Jackson being too friendly or maybe he just wasn’t feeling well. Whatever it was, you were gonna ask him once you two got home anyways.
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schoolofmom · 4 years
Last Day Flying Solo
Around 2pm Monday my husband was approved to telecommute! As if sensing my 3 weeks of parenting 4 kids solo were coming to a close, fate treated me to a “very special day.” I feel it is best described via timeline:
1am- My husband wakes up randomly and is able to book us a good grocery delivery day, the window between 6:30am and 1pm 2 weeks from now! It is very hard to get a spot so this is great news
3am- My husband wakes up again, feeds the baby, and commutes to work at his usual time
6:25- I wake up, brush teeth, make coffee, plan dinner etc.
7:45- First kid is up and all kids follow.  At least they slept in today! Start pumping the morning breastmilk
9am- Pump bottles begin to overflow and baby starts crying.  Change and feed him. 
9:30- Make kids’ breakfast with the few items not in 3-day-grocery quarantine (items were just delivered yesterday so have 2 days to go till all possible viruses on them have died)
10am- Kids want more bacon than 3 slices each, and bagels instead of fruit salad to go with it.  This idea comes from my in-laws house, which is the only place they usually get bacon.  The theme there is “eat as much as you can of only things that taste good to you.”  You may feel this is just grandparents spoiling grandchildren but this is actually the way my husband and his sisters grew up LOL
10:15- Go through recipes trying to figure out how much bacon to freeze in order to cook upcoming dinners
10:30- 4-year-old accidentally shatters Corelle bowl on kitchen floor.  Pieces make it as far as the basement stairs and somehow the bacon plate. Sweep then Swiffer floor.
11am- Finish pumping.  Make new Hymn playlist in attempt to bring calm. Worry that milk from earlier is now spoiled.
11:45- Set up backyard gates and check for dog poop, acutely aware that I am still wearing yesterday’s pants/underwear as well as a jacket with no buttons and no shirt underneath. Release kids out to play in backyard
12pm- Make desperate dash for elliptical by basement entrance.  Hymns stop working and I end up with Alanis Morissette’s “You Oughta Know,” Lizzo’s “Truth Hurts” and Destiny’s Child’s “Survivor”
12:15- Start crying on elliptical
12:20- Kids report that they have nothing to do. They have pushed the hand-me-down Powerwheels I can’t stand out from under the deck. Kids would like me to start the engines and allow them to drive until someone hits a fence and has to go the the hospital during a pandemic (estimated time this would take to occur = 30 seconds).  I suggest they clean all leaves/dirt out of them first and give them a broom and wet dish towels.
12:30- Return to elliptical and end up crying in girls’ room
12:35- Kids say they are done cleaning the Powerwheels.  I retrieve rags/sponges/bucket from the shed and give them warm soapy water.  
12:40- Return to crying in girls’ room
12:45pm- 5-year-old says he has an emergency.  His 4-year-old sister has thrown his shoe over the fence
12:50- Discover that said fence is the one we share with our elderly neighbors, and that the shoe is 6 feet away on top of a mass of vines.  There is no way to ask them to get it during Coronavirus and so I use a lawnchair to hoist my self over the rusty chainlink fence, carefully navigate to the shoe, and return
1:15- Power through rest of elliptical workout.  It has taken over 1 hour to go 1 mile
1:45- Make lunch.  Kids with “previous plates” (food they preferred not to eat and so we saved) put up a good fight not eating them before getting more of what they want.  My 4-year-old puts granola from her leftover yogurt on her chili
2:20- Finally get something to eat today.  Wish for shower
2:35- My 7-year-old catches me standing in the kitchen gulping down apples and peanut butter
2:45- My 5-year-old refuses to eat his chili and is sobbing about not getting Pirate Booty cheese curls
2:50- Kids head down for quiet time downstairs
3pm- Feed baby then collapse in bed and pass out
3:47- My therapist texts me to say she is taking MY advice
5pm- Husband is home and I spew out the story of my day
5:15-6:30- Pump breastmilk while my husband cooks dinner
6:45- Attempt to teach conversation at dinner
7:15- 4-year-old’s bedtime, realize that we are still failing to read her any books
8pm- Older kids’ bedtime
8:15- Husband’s bedtime. Change and breastfeed baby
8:50- Get self ready for bed, Pump breastmilk
10pm- Change baby & feed nightime bottle
10:30- Collapse into bed
0 notes
traciedemars · 5 years
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Types of Realtors & Compensation (home buyer/seller education)
Upcoming Free (& non-promotional) Home Buyer Classes:   ...we also have home seller classes available.  Link on left on website page Saturday, May 18th, from 11am-2pm (ish) ​       Vancouver YMCA, conference room       11324 NE 51st Circle, Vancouver WA (corner of SR500 & Gher Road/112th Ave). Thursday, May 30th, from 5pm-8pm (ish)       Marshall Community Center, conference room       1009 E. McLoughlin Blvd, Vancouver WA (kitty corner from Clark College) Saturday, June 8th, from 9am-12pm (ish)       Marshall Community Center, conference room       1009 E. McLoughlin Blvd, Vancouver WA (kitty corner from Clark College) If these class dates and/or times don't work for you, please let us know.  We understand that you have lives, and families, and work.  We will work something out that works better with your schedule.  Just let us know.... ....we also have home seller classes available too...link on left on website                                                             Remember...with reservation...we will throw in lunch, or dinner!  :-D ~~~~~~~~~ Happy Spring...errr....Summer?  Thank you to everyone who attended the Client Appreciation Event last Saturday!  It was a great turn out ... even if it was a week after Avengers:Endgame came out!  :-)  Chris Berg, and I appreciate you all for coming to visit and watch a movie with us.  Our next Client Appreciation movie events are going to be this Winter for Frozen 2 (c'mon...it will be great!  Just 'let it go') & for the new Star Wars: The Rise of the Skywalkers movie!!  I can't lie... I am really excited for this next one!  :-D  We hope to see you there! Before I jump into this week (ish) topic I want to get some feedback from you, if possible....  I only email those who requested this blog/email, but I have been getting asked why I haven't been sending them out.  Well, I have been, but it appears that they're not being received by the emails?  I am not a techy person... my 9 year old probably has better tech skills than I do, so I'm trying a new avenue to get these emails to you.  If you are getting this email, can you let me know? If I know that at least 'some' people are getting it, I am going to assume (yes, I know what that means) that everyone else who doesn't respond is getting it too.  :-)  Not sure how, or if, this is going to work, but I'm always game to try!!   Secondly, as briefly mentioned at the movie event, the banners that Chris Berg & I use for the community events like the Clark County Fair & the Home & Garden Show...and for the movie events is old and tired.  We are in the process of getting new ones, but we need help with the top banner parts for the Home Seller Classes & the Home Buyer Classes.  Any ideas for us?  You can email me at [email protected], or email Chris Berg at [email protected].  What taglines do you have for us?  Make us laugh!  If we choose your tagline for the banners we will have ahhhhmazing gift(s) for you!  What is it?  Ummm...not sure yet, but it will be ahhhhmazing.   So, the topic this week, and last week, and probably next week is education.  Ok, I know every week is about home buyer/seller education, but this week we are going back to the beginning.  So last email we talked about some the True/False statements that I've been hearing from clients, and emails, and random strangers, and we cleared that up. This week we are going to talk about agency.  Who works for whom, and what it means, and how Realtors get paid.   A quick recap of the types of Realtors is probably in order first though.... There are 3 types of Realtors:  The Sellers Realtor:  This is the Realtor hired by the seller (or builder) to represent the seller (or builder) with selling the home.  Their job is to market the the home, or community.  Their main job is to represent the SELLERS (or builder) to the 'best of their ability'.  This includes experience, education, and knowledge.  The Sellers/Builders Realtor works for them.  Now,...  there is a LOT more to selling a home than just sticking a sign in the yard. Honestly, any fool can stick a sign in the yard to sell a home...but 'representing the seller/builder' is different.  There is pricing based on active, pending, and sold homes.  There is niche marketing...who is most likely to buy that home, or in that community, and how do we reach them?  What about showings?  Discussions on how to get the home ready.  What does the home need?  What would be important to buyers?  Is the home up to appraisal?  Is there staging that will be needed?  Is the home show ready?  What would a buyer/buyers agent be looking for & at?  Are there any repairs that need to be done prior to going on the market? Is it time to set up the photographer?  What kind of photos will show the home best?  There's signage, and marketing, and getting the word out. Have we discussed showings? Showing times and availability?  Private belongings?   Have we discussed security?  Part of the Sellers Realtors job is to get the sellers home, and the sellers themselves, ready to go on the market and for showings.  This is just getting ready...  Once we are on the market, and after we get an offer (or more)...  well, there's more there that the sellers Realtor now needs to handle to facilitate the timelines that are part of the sale, and to help with the transfer.  We need to talk about the appraisal.  When that happens, and what if it comes in low?  That's a whole other kettle of fish.  What about if the seller is selling their home to purchase another one?  When do you look at homes to purchase?  Juggling the sale, and the purchase of the new home, and the timelines for both... well, that is just part of what a sellers Realtor does.  What it boils down to is that the Sellers Realtor protects and represents the seller.  A builders Realtor who sits in that model home is the Sellers Realtor.  Their job is to facilitate the sale of the homes for the builder, and yes, to protect the Builders Best Interests. As always, I can not tell you what to do, but it is my opinion that you should ALWAYS have YOUR OWN representation.  When you use the builders Realtor, that builders Realtor first concern is the builder.  It's come to my attention this week, that one of my clients went to the builders model home to 'check it out'.  She told the builders Realtor that she was working with a Realtor already.  The Builders Realtor told her (my client) that if she was interested in the home that she needed to 'write the offer with her so that she (my client) would have a chance since there were "other people interested in this home".  Ok... Builders Realtors are paid by the builder to sit in the model home, and to represent them.  If you bring in your own Realtor they still get paid.  If you don't bring in your own Realtor, then they get paid more.  Why?  Who does that Realtor represent?  Yes, the Builder.  If the buyer has no representation of their own... who do you think comes out ahead?  yep... the builder.  In this particular case, my client called me after she had had time to think and asked me what she should do.  I don't really have an answer for her.  She is in contract on a home with another Realtor... I can not get involved.  I can not advise another Realtors client.  She asked if she could cancel that contract, and write it up with me...  sorry.. not the way it works.  Here's where it gets sticky(ier)... my client has a home to sell.  She asks me about that.  I have all her information.  We talked about selling it last year, but she wasn't ready yet.... we knew she wanted a new home this time, and the new developments hadn't started yet.  However, yes, I can help her sell her home.  Until... yeah... Builders agent calls her...  Builders agent now (of course) wants to help her sell her home too.  Remember..who does this gal work for originally?  Long story short, but my client (who is no longer my client) calls and says she's sorry.  She wanted to use me, but she didn't want to lose this home, and the builders Realtor is pushing to sell her home so that it will help with her purchase and she doesn't want it to be 'awkward'.  Home is now on the market for $15,000-$20,000 less than it should be.  Who is that Realtor helping again?  When going into a Model Home, tell the Builders Realtor that you do have a Realtor, and then call YOUR Realtor to do anything further...or better yet... call your Realtor and let's set up a time where we can go together to go see some model homes.  We will take care of the sign up sheets.  Remember we are here to help.  When you work with a Sellers (or Builders) Realtor, you are really just representing yourself.   So what is the Buyers Realtor job?  A buyers realtors job is to assist the buyer with getting the best home they can in the price range they are pre-approved for.  To work WITH the buyers lender to keep things moving, and to assist the lender with any information they need for the buyers loan.  It's important that the buyers Realtor and lender work as a team for the buyer.  A Buyer's Realtors job to work with the buyer from finding a home to getting those magical keys.  There's home inspection, and repairs.  There's the appraisal... what happens if it comes in high, or worse.. what happens if it comes in low?  What are your options?  What are the legal reasons to walk away?  What happens to earnest money?  Wait!  We still need to discuss earnest money, and timelines.  What happens after the appraisal... who is handling what?  A buyers Realtor job is the represent the buyers to the best of their ability, experience, education, and skills. To work with the buyers lender, and yes, with the sellers Realtor to keep the transaction on track and running smoothly.  When is key transfer?  Possession?  Have we talked about utilities?   Even when working with a builder, having your own representation is important.  Who do you call AFTER the deal is done?  If something goes wrong with the home?  What happens if you can't get warranty out there?  Who is representing you?  A buyers Realtor can also help you negotiate with the builder.... we may not be able to get money off, but sometimes we can get things switched out, or some closing costs, or other advantages that you wouldn't have been able to get otherwise.  What it boils down to is that the Buyers Realtor represents and protects the Buyer I did say there were 3 types of Realtors, right?  So what is the 3rd type of Realtor?   This is the 'dreaded' Dual Agent.  So....remember the Builders Realtor from above?  The Builders Realtor is the SELLLER's Realtor, right? As soon as the Builders Realtor writes up the contract for the Buyer on the home they are selling...now they are a Dual Agent.  A Dual Agency is someone who is representing the Seller & the Buyer on the Same Home.  WHO does the Dual Agency Realtor really represent??? Example...  I know a Realtor who when she lists home, does all she can to find that home a buyer...  Ok, that is her job, right?  Well, yes...of course it is...but she does all she can to bring the buyer HERSELF to the listing.  In this case, she represents the seller (seller agent), and the buyers (buyers agent) and is helping the sellers find a new home too.  So... she took ONE client and transformed that into how many?  Who is she really working for?  How does that work?  WHO is she representing here?  Do you see the possible issue and conflicts here?   If you are married...let's pretend you are now getting a divorce...  Let's say your soon to be ex hires a phenomenal lawyer... I mean, a REALLY good lawyer.  Would you call that lawyer to help you with the divorce too?  No...of course, you wouldn't.  Why?  Because it is Dual Agency!  Ah ha...  ephiphany moment there.  Also, because legally (with attorneys anyhow) you can't do that.  In real estate, dual agency is not illegal..it's just my opinion that it is unethical and immoral.  In some states, Dual Agency is illegal, but in Washington and Oregon it is legal.  You do have to be informed about it, and to sign a paper agreeing to the dual agency.  However, most folks will sign something agreeing to it and have no idea what they signed.  It makes me sad.Dual agency is trying to play both sides.  You can't serve two masters.  Remember Anakin Skywalker?  He tried to serve 2 masters too, and how well did that work out for him?  Just saying...   Compensation:So how do Realtors get paid?  It is a myth that sellers pay both agents.. they do not.  A seller, as part of their contract with their Sellers Realtor, will talk about and agree on a commission rate.  This is called SAC or Sellers Agency Commission.  The SELLERS REALTOR will then offer about half of that to the Buyers Realtor.  This is called BAC, or Buyers Agency Commission.  The Sellers Realtor pays the Buyers Realtor.  A Buyers Realtor is free to the Buyer.  So how come it is this way?  Well, it used to be that there was only one type of Realtor.  A Realtor would list the home and people would call them to buy the home.  So that was the only Realtor that got paid.  Well, unsurprisingly, people were getting taken advantage of.  A Realtor is educated on the laws, and contracts having to do with the sale of homes and the transfer of such.  In general... the public is not.  The more years, or homes a Realtor sales, typically the more knowledgeable we are.  The more you do something, the better you know it, right?  Well, unsurprisingly, there were many people who felt they were taken advantage of by this practice.  They were upset and sued people, and realtors, and the realtor associations.  It was a lopsided practice to say the least.  Out of all of lawsuits, and claims came change...in the form of ... Buyers Realtors.  This way the sellers (or Builders) have their own representation with the Seller (or Builder) Realtor, and the Buyers have their own representation by the Buyers Realtor.  It did stand that the fee that the Sellers Realtor was being paid stayed, but they were now sharing it with the Buyers Realtor.  That is how a Buyers Realtor is free.  I always tell my clients that when you buy your home that I'm free (YAY!), but when you sell your home ... well, you are paying me, but when you buy your next home I am free again (YAYYYYY!!)  ... so 3 homes for the price of one?  :-D Gross vs Net.  I know you all get this one... You ever look at your check and wonder what happened to your check?   In real estate, we are paid gross commission.  We do not get paid weekly, monthly, bi-weekly, or anything like that.  We only get paid if keys get transferred....that's it.  Because we are commission based, that is our gross pay...before taxes or anything else like:  before broker splits, before marketing, before board and association dues, before office bills, before transaction fees, before franchise fees, before business insurances, before miscellaneous office fees,  before all of the other costs of doing business like flyers, signage, photographers, cards, gifts, events, gas, extra vehicle insurance, and of course...taxes which run about 25%-35% of our gross checks.  Because we are self-employed we do not get employer healthcare, employee matched/retirement accounts, paid vacations (any vacation we go on is a working one.  Most of my photos while on vacation show me still on the phone and I have to set up Realtor friends to help me out if there is something I can't handle while I'm gone), we don't get weekends off, nights off, maternity leave (I wrote up an offer while in the hospital with my youngest, Harley, and she went to her first home inspection at 4 days old), no bereavement pay/leave, no sick pay, or any type of company car.  We never get to 'shut off', and we are always on call.  We are a 24/7 industry.  You call, we answer...or we call back as soon as we can.  That's how we stay in business.  We LIVE for your referrals.  We want to build that relationship/friendship with you.  We are hoping you will call with any questions or any real estate needs you have for ...well... forever...     Ok... I apologize...that was a lot of information this week!  Any questions?  Anything you heard that you are not certain sounds 'right'?  Call, email, or text!  I'm hot and cranky (heat is not my friend...my hair you know!  It's a frizzy mess right now)... so you know I will tell you how it really is.  LOL...  at least I'm funny, right?    Remember that this is just a quick overview.... again...and I can't say this enough...please remember that your agent is NOT a salesperson, and should not be acting like one.  Real Estate is not really about houses, it is more about relationships.  Your agent, and your lender work for YOU.  You drive the bus...we are merely GPS to help you get to your goals.   As always...both the home buyer & home seller classes are Free and Non-Promotional.  After teaching these classes for 14 years, we are not there to promote ourselves, or any 'special' agenda like some classes, and while we certainly hope you will call Chris or I, or both of us, to help with your home adventure, that certainly isn't the main focus of the classes, or of these emails.  If you have any questions about this, or something you have heard... or if you would like me to assist you with your home adventure... please call, email, or text.  We are here to help.   Thank you again for your business and your referrals!!  ...and thank you for referring these classes to your friends, family, and co-workers.   .   ..disclaimer...if you have already purchased a home, or would no longer like to receive these emails, please let me know and I will be happy to remove you from any further mailings... Upcoming Topics: Delayed Possession... What is this & what does it mean to you Interest Rates (information from Chris Berg,Cardinal Financial) What do I need to buy a home, Hiring a Realtor...questions to ask, What if I don't have a Down Payment? .....  &....Debt to Income Ratios....What is this? Last Week: Home Buying/Selling True or False?   Have a great day, and I will talk to you soon,   ;-D   Tracie DeMars   Real Estate broker   Re/Max - Van Mall   360/ 903-3504 cell   360/ 882-3600 fax   www.traciedemars.com   [email protected]       “Interested in free and non promotional home education classes?  Go to www.freehomebuyerclasses.com for local upcoming home buyer and home SELLER classes, or facebook: Tracie DeMars Real Estate for my home buyer education blog.” "Listen to the mustn'ts, child. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me... Anything can happen, child. Anything can be."       - Shel Silverstein, American poet, cartoonist and composer, (1930 - 1999).
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savcatalano-blog · 5 years
Blog post #6
In class this week, we talked about nonverbal communication. The ways that non verbal communication serves as many functions are repeating, complementing, substituting, accenting, regulating and contradicting.
The first one that I am going to talk about how repeating works with non verbal communication. Repeating non verbal communication is repeating something that you may have said also with gestures. For example, I use my hands a lot when I talk, so I do this a lot without even realizing that I do it. If I am trying to explain to somewhere how to get somewhere or where exactly to go, I use my hands to tell them along with my words. I never really noticed this until we talked about it in class last week. I personally do not think that I have ever seen anyone has ever given directions in person without using their hands to describe them also.
The second one that I am going to be talking about is complimenting. Complimenting is basically when your facial expression also describes what you are saying. For example, I do this a lot because my friends always tell me that I can not hide how I feel based on my facial expressions because I always tend to give it away. There was one time that I was talking to my friend and she asked me how I felt about a certain food that I have never tried before. I told her it was pretty good but she could tell by the expression on my face that I completely hated it. I should have just told her what I thought of it in the first place because I knew that she was going to be able to tell that I did not like it anyway.
The third one I am going to talk about is substituting non verbal communication. Substituting non verbal communication is when you may not exactly answer with words and may nod or shrug if asked a question instead of actually answering. For example, when I am upset about something I sometimes do not express how I feel right away because I may not want to let that person know how I feel or talk about it right away. So is someone asks me what is wrong i'll just kinda shrug because I do not know what to say or may not want to tell them right away. Another example was when I was at work a couple of weeks ago, and I was yawning a lot because I had also just come from my other job and happened to be working from 2pm-5:30 pm at my one job and then 6pm-8pm and at my other job without a break in between. I also had class from 10am-12pM so I really only got 2 hours for myself that day. My co worker that I was working with that day pointed out that I was literally yawning about every 3 minutes and was about to judge me for it until he found out that I had just come from my other job and was exhausted.
The fourth one I am going to talk about is accenting nonverbal communication.  Accenting nonverbal communication is putting more emphasis on a word or using an action to make one word stand out more than the other ones. For example, I know my mom does this when she is upset and having a disagreement with someone. If my mom were to say something like “I did not” and as she is putting emphasis on the not part, she will slam her hand down on the table or counter or something that she may be next to to express how she feels. I can easily say that I do this also, and I am pretty sure that I get it from her. I tend to use my hands more and wave them around faster when I am in an argument or want to put emphasis on something that I am saying.
The fifth one that I am talking about is regulating nonverbal communication. Regulating nonverbal communication is when you express how you feel not by words but by actions when a person may be talking to you or telling a story. For example, my mom will call me on the phone every single night to say goodnight even though I am only 45 minutes away from home, which I actually do not mind at all because my mom is like my best friend. But sometimes she calls me at the worst times possible because I will be doing homework or about to get in the shower. My mom is just like me when it comes to conversations because she loves talking just as much as I do which sometimes can be dangerous because we will be on the phone for hours talking about anything and everything. One time my mom called me and I was in the middle of writing a paper, and I was really focused and concentrated and she called me and I thought she was just going to say goodnight because sometimes she will call me really fast and just say goodnight. But she called me and started going on and on about her day at work, and do not get me wrong, I love to talk to her and hear about her day, but I really had to get my paper done. So while she was talking to me I put the phone on speaker, and continued with my paper. Everytime my mom said ��okay?” or “ya know?” to make sure that I was still listening I would just say “uhuh” and keep on typing away. My mom did not seem to get the hint that I was busy at the moment, so I let her keep telling the story even thought I was not exactly listening to all of it because I was so focused on my paper. We have all done this to our parents one way or another, and even though I feel bad for doing it, everyone does it.
The last nonverbal communication that I am going to talk about contradicting nonverbal communication. Contradicting nonverbal communication is when you say one thing and express how you actually feel based on your expression. For example, I have had a friend say something that was extremely hurtful to me right in front of me, and as I mentioned earlier I am very bad at hiding how I feel. I was very upset with her about what she said, but I really did not want to talk about it then and there because she we happened to be with other friends and it was just not the right time and place. Later on in the night she asked me if everything was okay, and I said “yeah” clearly not acting like myself and even though everything was not okay. She kept bugging me about it which made me more upset because I so clearly was not in the mood to talk about it, and for her knowing me for so long, should have picked up on my signals. I finally said “ I’M FINE, STOP ASKING” in a little harsh and loud of tone because I was very annoyed. This shows that even though I said I was fine, I clearly showed that I was not by my nonverbal expressions and communications.
We use nonverbal communications everyday in our daily life without even realizing it. Sometimes sitting back and realizing the different ways and different situations that we use these different types of nonverbal communications is important because if there is a better way to handle certain situations or use a different type of nonverbal communication, we should.
0 notes
The schedule is probably the one thing that everyone struggles with, and I’m not going to lie, it is hard when you work from home. But once you can crack your schedule, there is nothing that you can’t do. A while ago, I heard a saying that made my blood boil, “you have the same hours in the day as Beyonce”. Yeah, we know, but I’m pretty sure that Beyonce had one hell of a hustle on her hands at the start of her career too. We are so quick to put people down because we compare ourselves to celebrities and successful people who are further ahead on their success journey than we are.
Because we live in a world where money is needed to survive, Latte Lindsay runs a number of affiliate programmes and offers paid/sponsored content. If you choose to click the links and read the posts, the site may earn a commission or receives a payment. All of the opinions are my own. Opinions expressed here are author’s alone, not those of any partner brands/company(s), beauty & lifestyle brands, airlines or hotel chain, and have not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of these entities unless specified.
Let’s break the schedule down
First of all, you should be getting around 8 hours of sleep. This is non-negotiable because it is for your long-term health. Getting enough sleep at night is one of the foundations for success and I don’t want to hear otherwise. Yes, there are people who claim that they only sleep for a few hours before they get up and start working their butts off, but this is going to damage their mental and neuro health in the long term. As much as we all want to succeed, I still want to have my brain intact when I’m in my 80’s and 90’s, not suffering from dementia which has been linked to a lack of sleep in your 20’s, 30’s and 40’s.
Second, let’s say you should be doing around 8 hours of work a day, five or six days a week. This is where it can get tough for some people because they work full time and they want to overextend themselves. Do not worry about it. If you are working 8 hours or more on your full-time job, then taking 8 hours to work with intention on your day off will give you much better results than trying to push through the tiredness. I know it is tempting to work into the small hours of the morning to be part of the hustle porn community, but it isn’t worth it. I’ve done the hustle until 3 am, cramming everything in, typed until my fingers have gone numb. Do you know where it got me? Nowhere. I was tired and burnt out from it. If you work full time, choose one day a week to really focus on your own stuff and then take one day off to relax.
My third point is about learning. Learning can be done in an hour a day if you study with intention. They say that it takes 10,000 hours to master a skill but this is rubbish. It can take as little as 20 hours to master something if you can push through the initial frustration that comes with learning something new. Learning can be done in so many different ways, there are plenty of free ways to get bite size knowledge to help you and your business to grow. You might scoff at the idea of having to study a little bit every day but this is where most people fall down.
The number four thing that you need to schedule in every day is some self-care. Self-care is something that I am really passionate about. When I was a care worker, I saw first hand the problems that people faced as a result of not looking after themselves properly. I like to take an hour a day to get a shower in peace, fresh clothes, a cup of tea with some quiet time before I have to get the troops out of bed. But I also like to take an hour at night to relax and unwind before I go to sleep.
Number five is keeping the house clean. Within my schedule, I have around 3-4 hours for cleaning, doing laundry, and general maintenance of the house so it doesn’t look like I’m constantly in the middle of an exorcism with an asshole of a poltergeist. A clean house is important when you work from home because having a clear space helps prevent distractions. Plus, having a clean house as a parent is one of those ultimate goals that we wish we could have, why not blow everyone out of the water by actually doing it?
And finally, the kids. I have worked out a schedule for my kids so that they know exactly what is going on. They get bathed, fed, clean clothes. My toddler spends all day with me so I make sure that there is plenty for him to do. When it comes to me sitting working, I keep him in the room with me and give him attention when he needs it. When the older ones are at home, they all play together. I know a lot of women experience mom guilt when it comes to working and not dedicating their every waking minute to their kids, but don’t. In fact, you could use your work to your advantage and get the kids involved. I hand mine dusters so they can “clean” with me. When I am learning something, I get my babies involved because their little brains are like sponges and you never know what information they might pick up. When I am writing, I talk out loud and write things back to them to help encourage their vocabulary. Use what you do as a good foundation for life skills that they can use themselves as adults.
My weekday schedule
5am- Get up and have some time to myself to get showered and organised. I have a beauty routine that I like to do every day that makes me feel like a million quid. 6am- Start work. This might be answering emails or checking what I have planned on my to-do list. Or, if I’m feeling brave, I’ll get stuck in with a few hundred words for one of my books. 7am- Get the kids up and ready. This means showers, breakfasts, getting packed lunches sorted…..everything you could possibly think of for getting little ones ready for the day ahead. Even if it is the weekend, my little ones will be up early anyway (they have no concept of time and lack the ability to lie in). 8am- Multi tasking hour- This is the hour of the day that I have a bit of everything going on. I’m finishing getting the kids ready, having a quick tidy and opening curtains back, making lunches, throwing stuff in the dishwasher, and doing the school run. 9am- Normally by this time, I’m back in the house and I get cracking on whatever book I’m working on. Sometimes I am dealing with my editors and making changes to drafts, other times I am cracking away at the word count. 10am- Cleaning the house. After an hour of work, I stop typing and clean the house for an hour. This can be running the hoover over the floors, making the beds, and dusting the furniture. I also like to get the dinner prepared at this time so there are no excuses later in the day that result in a takeaway having to be ordered. 11am- Now I switch back to work mode and do some work on the blog. I might have a sponsored post that needs to be done or I get try and get ahead of myself with blog posts for the week or month. 12pm- Food and tidying up the house. I need to eat a lunch, and so do you. It is important to stop and take a break during the day for a meal. For around 30 minutes, I sit and have a meal without my phone, laptop or TV distracting me. And after I have eaten, I give the kitchen a quick tidy and clear up any mess that I have made. If the kids are in the house, they get fed at this time too. 1pm- Back to the blog- This is another chance to get some more blog posts scheduled for the week or month ahead. 2pm- Social media, promotional work and the school run is the name of the game at this time of the day. A lot of this is probably considered “busy work” that should probably be done by an assistant but I really enjoy doing this stuff myself. 3pm- Book time again. After going back and forth, different ideas can stew and mature in your head so I find breaking it up can really help, especially if you want to avoid writer’s block. 4pm- Ironing– Clothes get washed and then they need ironed. This is a great time for me to listen to an audiobook or a podcast. 5pm- Cooking and dinner time. Because I prep dinner early in the day, it is normally a case of turning some dials and pushing buttons. 6pm- Book time, and this is the last chance I have to work on a book in the day. 7pm- Kids bedtime routine. It’s bath time, into pj’s and snuggles with a story for the little ones. I can have this done within an hour so the kids are tucked up in bed for 8pm. 8pm- Me time hour- This is hour of the day when I get into my comfy clothes, maybe have a bath, I read or do something crafty like knit. Personally, I like to read most nights, maybe around 5 nights a week and then spend the other two knitting or cross stitching. 9pm- Sleep. Yep, it’s time for some shut eye and if I get into bed now and sleep, I get a full 8 hours.
Is this set in stone? No, I try to be flexible because there are days that other stuff needs to happen. One morning a week I schedule in appointments and pick up the food shopping. My weekends are kind of similar but I cut down on the cleaning and workload to spend time with my family, maybe an hour of cleaning and an hour of work at the most. The purpose of the weekday schedule is to make sure I have time to spend with my family at the weekends.
How to create your own schedule
Building your own schedule is one of the simplest yet most effective things that you can do to make your day easier. Think of it this way, when you where at school, you had a timetable of classes and things that you need to do during the school day. Some days there could be around 7 different subjects that you needed to turn your attention to, and for around 12 years you managed to study a variety of different things within 6 hours. Imagine what you could achieve if you sectioned your adult life like this. Work out what you want to do in the day. These will be unique to you. Use the circles below to work out the first part. I recommend making sure that you get 8 hours of sleep, 1 hour of self-care for a shower and a cup of tea.
Ok, I get that the pictures are not my best artwork, but that is how I sat and worked out my day and what needed to be done. Do not be afraid of being picky about what you do and how you work out your day, it should be work for you and your family to get the best out of your time.
What do you think of the schedule? Would you ever try anything as extreme as this? Let me know what your day looks like in the comments section.
The Ultimate Schedule for Working from Home The schedule is probably the one thing that everyone struggles with, and I’m not going to lie, it is hard when you work from home.
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cynthiajayusa · 6 years
What’s Hot South Florida Oct. 4 – Oct. 10
Thursday, October 4
Stonewall National Museum & Archives (SNMA), with generous support from the Florida Humanities Council, presents visiting Professor Emeritus Geoffrey Giles, Ph.D. who will present Silent Victims: The Nazi Persecution of Homosexuals. The 50 minute visual presentation and lecture will be followed by a Q&A and take place at the Pride Center at Equality Park – Main Room, 2040 N Dixie Hwy, Wilton Manors at 7pm. Free to attend. Suggested donation $5.
As part of their One Year Anniversary celebration the Pub in association with the House of Condeghi present “Turnabout Ball at the Infamous Pub.” The event starts at 9pm and features a 50/50 raffle, a silent auction, and tons of your favorite Pub employees in drag all to raise money for team Cintora for the Smart Ride. 
Friday, October 5
The Pub presents as part of their One Year Anniversary “The Royals Show” at 9:30pm hosted by honorary Miss Village Pub and the current reigning Miss Stonewall Sharde Ross and starring the current Pub court Tayanna Love and Raul Vegas and former Mr. Village Pub Malik Diamond.
The City of Oakland Park in conjunction with Funky Buddha Brewery, presents its 14th annual Oktoberfest celebration featuring music and dancing, field activities including barrel and stein races, the Central Bark Dachshund Dash and the always entertaining apple strudel eating contest. Biergarten guests can select from a variety of authentic German-style and craft beers to accompany the fine Bavarian cuisine, or you may wish to visit their vendor area for some Oktoberfest trinkets and crafts. Oktoberfest starts tonight and goes through Sunday afternoon. For more info go to: oaklandparkfl.gov.
Miami Beach Botanical Garden invites you to celebrate Oktoberfest from 7-11pm in their Botanical Biergarten. A beer lover’s paradise under the stars, featuring South Florida’s finest craft breweries, Bavarian inspired menu, and music by The Tall Boys. Guest admission will be $45 per person, including a sampling glass, unlimited beer and delicious bites.  (You must be 21 to attend). mbgarden.org/calendar/tickets.
Jessie Hoffman, Producer & Artistic Director for Lightning Bolt Productions, today announced the theatrical company’s first major production this season: Little Shop of Horrors presented two weekends in a row, October 5-14, at the West Boca Performing Arts Center, located within West Boca High School, 12811 Glades Road in Boca Raton (33498). Performances will be presented at 7 pm on Friday and Saturday nights, and 2 pm on Sundays. Tickets are $35 each and are now available for purchase at https://lbptheatre.booktix.com/.
Saturday, October 6
Lillusion du Plumage is holding an open call for auditions for males and females over the age of 21 with experience in stage, dance and modeling. The auditions will take place at 12 noon (check in at 11am) at the War Memorial Auditorium (800 NE 8th St). Pre-registration is required at [email protected], as no walk-ins will be allowed.
The Pub presents as part of their One Year Anniversary “Joe Posa as Joan and Thirsty Burlington as Cher” at 10pm.
The Ramrod presents Pig Dance #122 (first Saturday of every month) from 10pm to 3am with this month’s guest DJ Guy DeGiacinto.
The Club Fort Lauderdale features their bi-monthly (1st and 3rd Saturday of the month) Res-Erection Naked Blackout event at 10p.m. This is always a sold-out event, so get there early!  Also, today, Sunday and Monday (Labor Day Weekend) they feature a poolside luncheon at 1 pm. 
The National LGBTQ Task Force presents their annual Miami Gala which is an evening to celebrate being you and honoring heroes and advancing equality. This year they honor Sam Champion and Robin Roberts with the National Leadership Award and Charles Million and Tim Nardi with the Eddy McIntyre Community Service Award. The MC for the night will be Jai Rodriguez (Queer Eye) and American Idols Kimberley Locke will entertain the crowd with her sultry voice. The gala takes place starting at 6:30pm at the Fontainebleau Miami Beach. For more information, or to order tickets, go to: TheTaskForceGala.org.
Noche Latina Saturdays inside the Ivy Dance Room and Patio at the Manor Complex in association with Celebrate Orgullo presents a salute to the one and only Celia Cruz. The night will star Nelly Norell in character, as well as guest DJ Edgar and sexy Latin Go-Go Papi’s.  Saturdays at the Manor is from 11pm to 4 am and feature NO COVER before midnight (FL Res) and only $7 for members after midnight and $10 for non-members (18-20 – $12 all night).
Sunday, October 7
Ramrod presents their annual Mr. Ramrod Contest at 10pm.
Life In Stills is part of the Gay Jewish Film Series presented by Stonewall National Museum & Archives and Congregation Etz Chaim with generous support from the Jewish Federation of Broward County. Tickets: $10 or support the Gay Jewish Film Series and see all four films for $36. Refreshments provided courtesy of Barefoot Wine & Bubbly. Snacks provided. Congregation Etz Chaim – Pride Center Equality Park, Rear Building  from 4-6pm (2038 N Dixie Hwy, Wilton Manors). For more info or to purchase tickets go to stonewall-museum.org.
Broward House invites everyone to join them for their 30th anniversary grand brunch at the Riverside Hotel from 11am to 2pm. For ticket information visit BrowardHouse.org or call 954-568-7373.
Flip Flops Dockside Eatery presents their monthly T Dance (first Sunday of the month) from 4 to 7p.m., hosted by Amanda Austin with DJ Robert Lavalle spinning and this month’s special guests: Taina Norell, Sharde Ross and Fantasia Royale.    
The Pub presents “BrutBears” Bear Necessi-T Dance from 4 to 9pm with DJ Guy Degiacinto, and sexy Go-Go bear Dancers. This followed directly of an encore performance of Joe Posa as Joan and Thirsty Burlington as Cher.
Tuesday, October 9
SAGE/Pride Film Series proudly presents “A Fantastic Woman:” at 1:15 pm in the Main Hall at The Pride Center at Equality Park. Winner of the 2018 Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film and the 2018 Best International Film Winner at the Film Independent Spirit Awards. Marina, a young “Trans” waitress, and Orlando, who is 20 years older, are in love and planning for the future. After Orlando passes away suddenly Marina is treated with suspicion and is investigated for possible involvement in Orlando’s death. The film is rated R and admission is FREE and open to the public as a community service by SAGE of South Florida. Popcorn and soft drinks will be served. 
Wednesday, October 10
The Pub presents Lady Fancy’s “Liza Variety Show” at 8pm with special guests Rae Jean Cox, Nancy Ross and Candy Cox. 
This is HOT
We have been hearing about the remake for about a year and then when I heard who the stars were I got even more excited. Unless you are living under a rock, you know “A Star is Born,” stars four-time Oscar nominee Bradley Cooper (“American Sniper,” “American Hustle,” “Silver Linings Playbook”) and multiple award-winning, Oscar-nominated music superstar Lady Gaga, in her first leading role in a major motion picture. Cooper helms the film, marking his directorial debut. In this new take on the tragic love story, he plays seasoned musician Jackson Maine, who discovers—and falls in love with—struggling artist Ally (Gaga). She has just about given up on her dream to make it big as a singer… until Jack coaxes her into the spotlight. But even as Ally’s career takes off, the personal side of their relationship is breaking down, as Jack fights an ongoing battle with his own internal demons.
The Film is rated R and opens on Friday, October 5, which is the day I will see it!
source https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2018/10/04/whats-hot-south-florida-oct-4-oct-10/ from Hot Spots Magazine https://hotspotsmagazin.blogspot.com/2018/10/whats-hot-south-florida-oct-4-oct-10.html
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hotspotsmagazine · 6 years
What’s Hot South Florida Oct. 4 – Oct. 10
Thursday, October 4
Stonewall National Museum & Archives (SNMA), with generous support from the Florida Humanities Council, presents visiting Professor Emeritus Geoffrey Giles, Ph.D. who will present Silent Victims: The Nazi Persecution of Homosexuals. The 50 minute visual presentation and lecture will be followed by a Q&A and take place at the Pride Center at Equality Park – Main Room, 2040 N Dixie Hwy, Wilton Manors at 7pm. Free to attend. Suggested donation $5.
As part of their One Year Anniversary celebration the Pub in association with the House of Condeghi present “Turnabout Ball at the Infamous Pub.” The event starts at 9pm and features a 50/50 raffle, a silent auction, and tons of your favorite Pub employees in drag all to raise money for team Cintora for the Smart Ride. 
Friday, October 5
The Pub presents as part of their One Year Anniversary “The Royals Show” at 9:30pm hosted by honorary Miss Village Pub and the current reigning Miss Stonewall Sharde Ross and starring the current Pub court Tayanna Love and Raul Vegas and former Mr. Village Pub Malik Diamond.
The City of Oakland Park in conjunction with Funky Buddha Brewery, presents its 14th annual Oktoberfest celebration featuring music and dancing, field activities including barrel and stein races, the Central Bark Dachshund Dash and the always entertaining apple strudel eating contest. Biergarten guests can select from a variety of authentic German-style and craft beers to accompany the fine Bavarian cuisine, or you may wish to visit their vendor area for some Oktoberfest trinkets and crafts. Oktoberfest starts tonight and goes through Sunday afternoon. For more info go to: oaklandparkfl.gov.
Miami Beach Botanical Garden invites you to celebrate Oktoberfest from 7-11pm in their Botanical Biergarten. A beer lover’s paradise under the stars, featuring South Florida’s finest craft breweries, Bavarian inspired menu, and music by The Tall Boys. Guest admission will be $45 per person, including a sampling glass, unlimited beer and delicious bites.  (You must be 21 to attend). mbgarden.org/calendar/tickets.
Jessie Hoffman, Producer & Artistic Director for Lightning Bolt Productions, today announced the theatrical company’s first major production this season: Little Shop of Horrors presented two weekends in a row, October 5-14, at the West Boca Performing Arts Center, located within West Boca High School, 12811 Glades Road in Boca Raton (33498). Performances will be presented at 7 pm on Friday and Saturday nights, and 2 pm on Sundays. Tickets are $35 each and are now available for purchase at https://lbptheatre.booktix.com/.
Saturday, October 6
Lillusion du Plumage is holding an open call for auditions for males and females over the age of 21 with experience in stage, dance and modeling. The auditions will take place at 12 noon (check in at 11am) at the War Memorial Auditorium (800 NE 8th St). Pre-registration is required at [email protected], as no walk-ins will be allowed.
The Pub presents as part of their One Year Anniversary “Joe Posa as Joan and Thirsty Burlington as Cher” at 10pm.
The Ramrod presents Pig Dance #122 (first Saturday of every month) from 10pm to 3am with this month’s guest DJ Guy DeGiacinto.
The Club Fort Lauderdale features their bi-monthly (1st and 3rd Saturday of the month) Res-Erection Naked Blackout event at 10p.m. This is always a sold-out event, so get there early!  Also, today, Sunday and Monday (Labor Day Weekend) they feature a poolside luncheon at 1 pm. 
The National LGBTQ Task Force presents their annual Miami Gala which is an evening to celebrate being you and honoring heroes and advancing equality. This year they honor Sam Champion and Robin Roberts with the National Leadership Award and Charles Million and Tim Nardi with the Eddy McIntyre Community Service Award. The MC for the night will be Jai Rodriguez (Queer Eye) and American Idols Kimberley Locke will entertain the crowd with her sultry voice. The gala takes place starting at 6:30pm at the Fontainebleau Miami Beach. For more information, or to order tickets, go to: TheTaskForceGala.org.
Noche Latina Saturdays inside the Ivy Dance Room and Patio at the Manor Complex in association with Celebrate Orgullo presents a salute to the one and only Celia Cruz. The night will star Nelly Norell in character, as well as guest DJ Edgar and sexy Latin Go-Go Papi’s.  Saturdays at the Manor is from 11pm to 4 am and feature NO COVER before midnight (FL Res) and only $7 for members after midnight and $10 for non-members (18-20 – $12 all night).
Sunday, October 7
Ramrod presents their annual Mr. Ramrod Contest at 10pm.
Life In Stills is part of the Gay Jewish Film Series presented by Stonewall National Museum & Archives and Congregation Etz Chaim with generous support from the Jewish Federation of Broward County. Tickets: $10 or support the Gay Jewish Film Series and see all four films for $36. Refreshments provided courtesy of Barefoot Wine & Bubbly. Snacks provided. Congregation Etz Chaim – Pride Center Equality Park, Rear Building  from 4-6pm (2038 N Dixie Hwy, Wilton Manors). For more info or to purchase tickets go to stonewall-museum.org.
Broward House invites everyone to join them for their 30th anniversary grand brunch at the Riverside Hotel from 11am to 2pm. For ticket information visit BrowardHouse.org or call 954-568-7373.
Flip Flops Dockside Eatery presents their monthly T Dance (first Sunday of the month) from 4 to 7p.m., hosted by Amanda Austin with DJ Robert Lavalle spinning and this month’s special guests: Taina Norell, Sharde Ross and Fantasia Royale.    
The Pub presents “BrutBears” Bear Necessi-T Dance from 4 to 9pm with DJ Guy Degiacinto, and sexy Go-Go bear Dancers. This followed directly of an encore performance of Joe Posa as Joan and Thirsty Burlington as Cher.
Tuesday, October 9
SAGE/Pride Film Series proudly presents “A Fantastic Woman:” at 1:15 pm in the Main Hall at The Pride Center at Equality Park. Winner of the 2018 Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film and the 2018 Best International Film Winner at the Film Independent Spirit Awards. Marina, a young “Trans” waitress, and Orlando, who is 20 years older, are in love and planning for the future. After Orlando passes away suddenly Marina is treated with suspicion and is investigated for possible involvement in Orlando’s death. The film is rated R and admission is FREE and open to the public as a community service by SAGE of South Florida. Popcorn and soft drinks will be served. 
Wednesday, October 10
The Pub presents Lady Fancy’s “Liza Variety Show” at 8pm with special guests Rae Jean Cox, Nancy Ross and Candy Cox. 
This is HOT
We have been hearing about the remake for about a year and then when I heard who the stars were I got even more excited. Unless you are living under a rock, you know “A Star is Born,” stars four-time Oscar nominee Bradley Cooper (“American Sniper,” “American Hustle,” “Silver Linings Playbook”) and multiple award-winning, Oscar-nominated music superstar Lady Gaga, in her first leading role in a major motion picture. Cooper helms the film, marking his directorial debut. In this new take on the tragic love story, he plays seasoned musician Jackson Maine, who discovers—and falls in love with—struggling artist Ally (Gaga). She has just about given up on her dream to make it big as a singer… until Jack coaxes her into the spotlight. But even as Ally’s career takes off, the personal side of their relationship is breaking down, as Jack fights an ongoing battle with his own internal demons.
The Film is rated R and opens on Friday, October 5, which is the day I will see it!
from Hotspots! Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2018/10/04/whats-hot-south-florida-oct-4-oct-10/
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traciedemars · 7 years
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Looking at homes?  What Buyers need to know.  (home buyer & Seller education) Upcoming Free (& non-promotional) Home Buyer Classes: Saturday, June 10th, from 9am-12pm (ish)       Marshall Community Center, conference room       1009 E. McLoughlin Blvd, Vancouver WA (kitty corner from Clark College)
Monday, June 12th , from 5pm-8pm (ish)       Marshall Community Center, conference room       1009 E. McLoughlin Blvd, Vancouver WA (kitty corner from Clark College) Saturday, June 24th, from 11am-2pm (ish)        Vancouver YMCA, conference room        11324 NE 51st Circle, Vancouver WA (corner of SR500 & Gher Road/112th Ave) If these class dates and/or times don't work for you, please let us know.  We understand that you have lives, and families, and work.  We will work something out that works better with your schedule.  Just let us know....                                                                                   ....we also have home seller classes available too...link on left on website                   Remember...with reservation...we will throw in lunch, or dinner!  :-D                               ~~~~~~~~~
Happy sunny weather!!  
 It's that time again (and again!)...  CLIENT APPRECIATION EVENT time... Yay!!  :-D Saturday, June 17 from 3pm-6pm. Chris Berg & I would like to invite our clients to come watch a movie with us.  Didn't we just have one?  Well, yes...yes, we did and we had so much fun that we want to do it again!   Which one now? Well, it involves some Disney, a red car, a tow truck, some really good music, and really good friends along Route 66 .  Come join us for Cars 3!! This is just our small way of saying, "THANK YOU" for your continued support, friendship, and oh yes, referrals. We appreciate YOU so much. Come watch a movie with us!  There's always room for friends and family too.  :-) We do need rsvp's, and those can be made via Facebook or email to either Chris Berg ([email protected]) or Tracie DeMars ([email protected]) for right now.  
We are always excited for the client appreciation events, and it's almost as exciting for us as getting someone's offer accepted on their dream home... or getting an offer signed around on the home they're selling.  I know people think that Real Estate is about houses, and while, yes...that is partly correct, it isn't completely correct.  :-D  Real Estate is more about the relationships we form with our clients, and assisting them with their goals.  
 As we've talked about, once you hire a Realtor to help you with your home adventure, you are ready for the 'fun' part.....LOOKING AT HOMES!  :-)  This is always an exciting time for buyers, and it should be!  Every home you pull up to has the possibility to be 'the one'....The one you make an offer on, the one that you buy, the ONE that becomes YOUR HOME...and it is very exciting.  For the sellers though, it is very stressful because currently it is THEIR home, and they're leaving so that strangers can come in.  As a Realtor, we are trying to make this as easy as possible for both the buyer and seller, but we need help...
From the homeowners (sellers), we are asking that the home be available to show, that the home be clean, nothing of value is being left out, all medicines are put away and out of sight (not left in bathrooms or kitchen cabinets), anything that a seller wants excluded from the sale is noted, that sweet pups are either removed or kenneled, that sweet kitties are noted as inside only or inside/outside ok, and that please, please... homeowners (sellers) be gone for showings.  As always, there is more to it than this, but that is a different class....and email.  You can always call me for more information when you are selling your home.   From the buyers....it gets a bit more complicated...  before we go house shopping, we are asking that you have a pre-approval letter with a solid lender, we are asking that you do not look at homes above your price range, we are asking that you have thought about the Top Three things you want in a home (so we can show you homes that have those items you value most), and that you help us help you....      When a Realtor opens the lockbox to show you the home, we are taking responsibility for everything that happens from that moment on....until we lock up the house and put the key back into the lockbox.  As I say all the time...  Real Estate is NOT like HGTV...  you don't just get to wander the home while your Realtor sits outside...  we must be with you at all times when touring your potential new home.  Sometimes this can be like herding cats, but we understand your excitement...  just please, please as you are touring the home, and we know you have your family with you, please...we must all stay together.  Don't make me sing to you here.....    As cool as those toys look, I'm sorry but the kiddos can't play with them, and sorry...but you can't jump on the beds either.  It's ok to open cupboards, and closets, but we can't open dressers, or go through someone else's personal items.  Touring a home is a VISUAL thing....sorry.  Yes, you can use the bathroom.      When it's wet out (and frankly lately it's been more wet than not), it's always a good take off our shoes before we enter someone else's home so be sure to wear easy on & off shoes.    When we are looking at homes, often we have more than one home to look at, and many homes are owner occupied so your Realtor makes appointments.  We do the best we can to make sure we have enough time to look at the homes, but we need to stay within our timeframes as the sellers are waiting to come home after we leave, or there are other Realtors waiting to show the home.  I promise we are not trying to 'rush' you through the home...we are just trying to stay within the timeframes so that you can see the other homes on your list.      Looking at homes is exciting, and many of you will send your Realtor a long list of homes to go see, but what you don't know.....yet...that looking at homes is exhausting, and they quickly starts to blend together.  Don't look at more than 6-8 in one appointment.  I've had clients look at up to 10 at once, and that is a lot. We can do it....just be prepared.  Your Realtor should give you a print out for each home we see, so be sure to take notes on each of the houses because they will blend together and you will not remember what you liked, or didn't like, about the first couple of homes by the time we get to the last couple of homes.  :-)      With the real estate market being so crazy right now, it's important that if a home comes up that you like, that you let your Realtor know as soon as possible so we can make an appointment for you to see it.  Your Realtor should be sending you a list of homes as they come on the market for you to check....drive by the homes...check out those neighborhoods....and let's make an appointment to go see the inside of the home.    Do not trust Internet photos!  Realtors hire professional photographers for our listings for a reason.  :-)  Internet photos are a lot like internet dating...you don't know what you're going to get when you get there      Like the neighborhood, but not sure about the house?  Let's at least go check out the inside!  You never know as you can't judge a book (or a house) by its cover.      ASK QUESTIONS!!  For heavens sake...this is a home you are thinking about buying...  ask questions!  As your Realtor, we are here to help!  If we can't answer your questions, we can at least set up in the right direction to get those answers.   Buying a home is a very emotional experience.  Your Realtor is here to point out pros/cons, and to help you.... Trust your heart, but use your head...  or your Realtor.  :-)  Remember that we work FOR you.
Thank you, as always, for reading this. Now, as we enjoy the holiday with our family....let's take a moment to remember WHY we have this holiday....to remember our brave men and women who fought, and died, so that we can enjoy our time with our families.  Memorial Day isn't just about BBQ's, fun, and family...  it's about those who have made the ultimate sacrifice.  We Remember....
I hope this helps you this week!  Please, if you have any questions, please feel free to call, email, text, or even facebook me anytime.  I am always here to help!  
Information is power, and I hope that I am help you!  Good luck, and as always...May the odds be ever in your favor out there....  If you are looking for a real estate agent, I would love to be able to help you. I hope that explains this a bit, but if you have any questions, or comments please call or email me anytime!  Please remember that while I mean these emails/blogs to be helpful, and educational, I am still hoping that you will call, or email me.  I would love to help you with your home buying, or home selling adventure!  :-)
   As always....this is just a quick overview.... again...and I can't say this enough...please remember that your agent is NOT a salesperson, and should not be acting like one.  Real Estate is not really about houses, it is about relationships.  Your agent, and your lender work for YOU.  You drive the bus...we are merely GPS to help you get to your goals.  Like the classes, this weekly blog email is to help you with your home adventure.  The goal is to be informative and non-promotional.  :-)  We are, however, hoping you will call and want us to help with your adventure.   Thank you again for your business and your referrals!!  ...and thank you for referring these classes to your friends, family, and co-workers. ....disclaimer...if you have already purchased a home, or would no longer like to receive these emails, please let me know and I will be happy to remove you from any further mailings... Upcoming Topics: Hiring a Realtor...questions to ask, What if I don't have a Down Payment? .....  &.... What does an Agent do for me?
Last Week:  Buyers Due Diligence...what you need to know
Have a great day, and I will talk to you soon,   ;-D   Tracie DeMars   Real Estate broker     Re/Max - Van Mall   360/ 903-3504 cell   360/ 882-3600 fax   www.traciedemars.com   [email protected]       “Interested in free and non promotional home education classes?  Go to www.freehomebuyerclasses.com for local upcoming home buyer and home SELLER classes, or facebook: Tracie DeMars Real Estate for my home buyer education blog.”
"Listen to the mustn'ts, child. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me... Anything can happen, child. Anything can be."       - Shel Silverstein, American poet, cartoonist and composer, (1930 - 1999).
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