#it involves the shotgun :3c
smoresie · 7 months
⚠️ suggestive⚠️
idk if I can post the whole thing on here (nothing exposed but it's way too out there to call it suggestive i just dont want it to get censored um) so I'll leave you with a cropped bit of it (the piece is on my twitter so-)
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ichorblossoms · 1 year
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What’s the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do?
yarrow: not long at All. grimm's nickname "honeybee" is well earned (he has adhd)
grimm: grimm can easily sit still for awhile, but i don't think they ever sit still and do nothing. it's always Observing, partially out of mistrust for nearly everything and partially bc a lot of its hired work involves scoping places out and gathering information so that part of its brain is always on
How easy is it to earn their trust?
yarrow: it depends on what point in the story you meet them, but overall it's not too difficult. he's been burned by plenty of people by the end of the story, but he's always willing to give strangers the benefit of doubt, especially if they're kind. his clinic door is open to everyone, but there's a shotgun next to it
grimm: it takes several months for them to let yarrow hug them and over a year of living together to trust yarrow with the knowledge that they're a humod (in-universe name for animal-hybrid humans, also called humutts, subject to change), which is astounding given grimm has extra teeth in their mouth and a small tail and they share living quarters. shortly after that ordeal grimm gets run out of town and uses that as an excuse to fuck off and not see yarrow for five years bc the idea of being more than slightly vulnerable with anyone scared them shitless. they eventually make their way back to town (and yarrow) and even then it takes a Minute for them to fully drop their guard around yarrow.
which is all to say: unless you're yarrow (and also later their adopted daughter lucy), you won't have their trust (and for good reason, nasty past and all that)
How easy is it to earn their mistrust?
yarrow: it depends on who they're dealing with. if it's an average person, they're pretty trusting; if it's some company bigwig in town yarrow's going in to that encounter expecting to deal with some slimy bastard
grimm: you already have it.
What animal do they fear most?
yarrow: haven't thought about this much, i'm not sure they fear them the most, but yarrow has a healthy respect for horses. that's probably bc the carnivorous thracian breed (horse-dog hybrids) is pretty prominent in this universe
grimm: this is not set in stone, but rabbits. it's not a paralyzing fear so much as a disgust, a creeping dread that reminds them of a past they spent at the end of someone else's leash
How do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first?
if i had voiceclaims for either of them i would share them but i unfortunately don't
yarrow: lowish voice with varying levels of western accent depending on who he's talking to. tends to talk fast and will occasionally say odd things but most people brush it off bc he's polite
grimm: low, rumbly voice with a typical western cowboyish accent, doesn't move their lips when they speak much to hide their extra teeth. grimm isn't social, but is actually well-versed in talking to people and can have an entire conversation without giving someone any information about themself. socially skilled but uses that to get out of talking to people
and for meee :3c
Why are you excited about this character?
they both just !!!! have me in this chokehold!!!! a person who has experienced so little kindness meeting someone who is so willing to give it just because and not knowing what to do with the fact that after so long you're human and Feel Things so you run away for five years but you come back because the guilt is eating at you (for once)! meanwhile the person you left behind gave up on waiting bc they've never been anyone's choice and will make themself useful in other ways to distract themself from that hole inside them, but then you come back and then they don't know what to do with the fact they're actually wanted! and you're happy together for a year before they're ripped away from you because of your past so you hunt them down to bring them back and when you do they're irreversibly changed! and that change haunts you because it's your fault but they're actually so excited to be part bee monster now? not to mention the fact that you love like a dog and will gladly hand over your leash to their caring hands because you know they'll fix you up when you get hurt. and then you two decide to blow up some of the people responsible for this and adopt a Weird Little Girl along the way.
also i just think people with fucked up monster/animal characteristics are fun tee hee <3
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ryvgvji · 4 years
Heyooo! How about some scenarios of your favorite mha boys as dad's? :3c
ouuuu. this is something i could get behind. thank you for requesting this<3
(apologies for any grammar errors.) requests are open
hcs about how they would be as dads and what type of dad they would be
characters: Eijirou Kirishima, Shouto Todoroki, Katsuki Bakugo
Shouto Todoroki ❄️
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the CLUELESS father
//❄️ Todoroki wouldn’t really know what to do being that he never really had a father figure
//❄️ he’d always try his best
//❄️ he wants to be better than his father, show him that even though he was never there to show him fatherly love, he can provide that for his child
//❄️ but gradually as time goes by, he becomes more confident and more skilled in taking care of his child
//❄️ the best way that he would entertain his child would probably involve him doing tricks using his quirk
//❄️ i could see him using his ice side to make snow fall from his hands or use his fire side to make s’mores for movie night
//❄️ he loves his child and loves to see them happy
//❄️ when they start school he’d help them out with hw and teach them how to do things which absolutely loves to do
//❄️ but when they get older, boy oh boy
//❄️ he would totally freeze up whenever he hears his child talk about a certain someone that they like/have a crush on
//❄️ can be a bit protect over them
//❄️ when they go through their first heartbreak he’d be there with them talking through the pain, comforting them the best that he can
//❄️ he’d also be the type to to say let’s go out for a drive/walk and clear our minds
//❄️ overall, he’d be a very caring and laidback parent, he wouldn’t want to envade their space so for the most part he’d let them be to themselves
Katsuki Bakugou 💥
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//💥 this man would totally be very protective of his child
//💥 i could see this man going to beat up his child’s school bully
//💥 he’s the father that if his child did something bad he’d give them a lecture
//💥 to be honest, he’d probably scold his child if they ever did something like very bad, so it’s best that the child not get on his bad side
//💥 but apart from that, he’d be a father that you could call in the middle of the night and he’d be there not every 10 mins later
//💥 i feel like he would not be the affection type but his kid would pull that side out of him
//💥 he has a very soft spot in his heart for them
//💥 i bet whenever his kid hugs him and says that he loves them he turns into a HUGE softie and get super flustered
//💥 i think he wouldn’t be bad at helping his kid with hw, but he’d simply hate the fact that it makes zero fucking sense. he’d agree that homework is pointless
//💥 in times like this he’d tell his kid to ask you for help
//💥 when his child starts dating he’d be so nosey
//💥 be trying to listen in on the conversations and give his kid significant other death stares
//💥 when his they get their heart broken he has his shotgun ready and uncle Kirishima on speed dial
//💥 he’d do anything to make them feel better, which results in him buying them lots of food
//💥 he’s just a father who doesn’t want to see his child hurt or in pain period. he could be tough sometimes but it’s because he loves them with all his heart
Eijirou Kirishima 💪🏻
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the EVERYONE’S father
//💪🏻 spoils his child
//💪🏻 he’s the type to buy his child what she wants, at least if he can that time
//💪🏻 he wants to give him what he never had
//💪🏻 he’s cool with everybody and everyone likes him
//💪🏻 he’d bring his child to play dates and treat both of the kids to ice cream
//💪🏻 kids with he was their dad too
//💪🏻 absolutely loves his child and would give the world for them
//💪🏻 he would praise his child and shower them in love and affection
//💪🏻 but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t make sure his kid is in check
//💪🏻 he’s will pick his kid up from school and help them with homework as long as it’s not math
//💪🏻 goes on trips with them and interacts well with the other kids
//💪🏻 when his kid starts dating he would be okay with it but hover a bit most definitely
//💪🏻 their first heartbreak would break him too
//💪🏻 be there with snacks and tissues and his shoulder for them to cry on
//💪🏻 even invites auntie Mina and uncles Sero, Bakugou and Denki
//💪🏻 overall he’d be very affectionate towards his child and free spirited with him
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stagekiller · 5 years
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▌ real name: Jerome Valeska ▌single or taken: Verse dependent ▌abilities or powers: Superficial charm, genius level intellect, excellent marksmanship, astounding performance skills, volatile nature, eidetic memory, indomitable will || Post resurrection: meta human pain resistance, immunity to neurotoxins & a variety of chemicals ▌eye colour: Green ▌hair colour: Ginger ▌family members: Lila Valeska ( mother / deceased ), Paul Cicero ( father / deceased ), Zachary Trundle ( maternal uncle / deceased ), Jeremiah Valeska ( identical twin / alive ) ▌pets: Mr. Mime | Verse dependent: Bud & Lou the hyenas ( crimescupid ) ▌something they don’t like: Being ignored, not getting his way, being upstaged, being outsmarted, being proven wrong, people in his personal space, people thinking they’re allowed/entitled to his Cult/resources ( Jerome doesn’t share his toys ), being asked to do things for sb, being told what to do in general, being patronized ▌hobbies/activities: Bragging about his criminal endeavors, hosting musicals in the funny farm ( usually an indirect means to gloat as well ) , playing ( cheating at ) card/ board games, experimenting with different mutilation methods/tools, scheming, scheming some more, hosting fatal game shows ▌ever hurt anyone before: Rhetorical question. Next. ▌ever killed anyone before: he started with all the family members listed above as deceased — official on show kill count: 36  + ‘collateral damage’ that’s not been documented ▌animal that represents them: Crocodile ▌worst habits: Vanity, thrill-seeking personality, complete lack of empathy, doesn’t learn from his mistakes, can be very impulsive, chronic smoker & prone to drug use/abuse ▌sexual orientation: Does not identify as anything specific, can experience attraction towards any gender, has not stated or demonstrated a preference ▌thoughts on marriage/kids: Anyone who’s involved with him will eventually receive a proposal ( there is only ONE acceptable answer ) for the simple reason that getting married whilst being a notorious criminal is a hilarious way to prove the whimsicality of state laws. And Jerome LOVES a shotgun wedding :3c Not to mention, if his partner is rich enough, he gets married into wealth as well. As for kids, anyone who knows what’s good for them would not touch the subject. Jerome himself has never thought about it and isn’t interested in it. ▌fears: Being forgotten, remaining unseen/ invisible, being overshadowed, commitment, abandonment ( we don’t talk about this one ) ▌style preferences: Flamboyant, performance oriented costumes, traditionally formal suits with an obscure twist, pays a lot of attention to detail ( i.e. jester skull shaped cuff buttons on the show ), prefers bright colors, style adjusts to occasion in the most corny way possible but always remains flashy, enjoys experimenting with stage makeup - if the occasion allows it ▌someone they love: Himself & his art | Verse dependent: Harley ( crimescupid ), Oswald ( eloquentyrant ), Garfield ( gothamburnt  - listen he says it’s a fling but fireboy grew on him ) ▌approach to friendships: They can be very useful. He considers most people his ‘friend’ unless proven otherwise. However Jerome’s definition of friendship is far from the norm. ▌thoughts on pie: A versatile weapon with a lot of damage potential. ▌favourite drink: Strawberry Faygo ▌favourite place to spend time at: Arkham, abandoned carnivals, Jeri’s nightclub, ON STAGE! , on live TV | Verse dependent: Trevor’s ( almostthesurvivor ) apartment, Mr. Oswald’s manor ▌swim in the lake or in the ocean: He would enjoy the stillness of a lake, but stagnancy gets boring. The thrilling depths of the ocean would lure him in, instead. ▌their type: He would only be interested in people he considers equals. That said, he is drawn in by those who provide explosive reactions, who have a predisposition to violence,who are twisted and sadistic in nature. Extreme acts of cruelty arouse him. He needs someone who can keep up with his antics and survive them, because being ‘chosen’ by Jerome does not exclude you from his list of victims. He needs someone who can both keep him steady and thrill him with a touch of unpredictability. Jerome’s biggest weakness is his inability to follow through and stick to his own plans, so he tends to be attracted towards ‘builder’ type personalities that can compensate for that in his stead. ▌camping or indoors: Camping !
TAGGED BY:  @eloquentyrant ( Thank ! ❤ ) TAGGING: @fearlessisabella , @rxsciisms , @secondbcrnpiracy, @scldsouls { do you wanna do Sofia, when you have time ? UwU } , @feltcalling , @mxdxmeguillotine { For Ophelia , perhaps ? }, @sociialpath & anyone else who wants to do this
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