#it hurts Kel that he cant comfort his older brother
mariazalea143 · 16 days
"A picnic with Kel" 🪦🧺
[ Henry and Mari often have picnics with Kel, just to enjoy some quiet time and catch him up on everything thats been happening in Faraway Town since he left... ]
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sydstachio-blog · 5 years
K + k +B
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Fandom: The Umbrella Academy
Pairing: Klaus x sister!ofc x Ben 
Description: The 8th Hargreaves child, Kellin is an empath who bonded closely to Klaus and Ben growing up. Amidst the tension, the three still find solace with each other
Word Count: 1158
“What good were we to the team anyways? What use was a guy who could talk to the dead, and I girl who could feel them die? Hell we might as well have been up on the rooftops with Vanya, we didn’t do shit.”
 “Kel, you known that’s not-”
 “No Diego, it is true, its very true. Do you even know how he feels? I mean clearly he’s high all the time, and you guys have always chalked him off as crazy, but do you know what dad did to him? How he tried to train him to use his powers? While you were learning how to throw knives, Klaus was locked up in a tomb, forced to listen to the screaming dead. He was in agony Diego. And you know how I know? Because dad would make me sit there, right outside that tomb, and make me feel his pain. He told me I had to control it. But god it hurt, it hurt so much. I couldn’t get a grip on his emotions, I couldn’t even get a grip on my own. So I tried to leave. And you know what dad did? He tied me outside. He wouldn’t even let me in the tomb to try and help. He said Klaus didn’t deserve any comfort until he conquered his fear, and I didn’t deserve any until I conquered his fear too.”
She paused to take a shaky breath.
“Dad didn’t love us, or care for us in any humane way. We were just his favorite tools. Except we were rustier than he would have liked and  he used excessive amounts of toxic polisher to get us just right. And even then, at the end of the day, we still weren’t good enough.”
No one said anything. Diego’s pacing had come to a stop, Fives fiddling had halted. They all just stared, as if seeing something for the first time. She could only stand it for so long before the bile began to rise in the back of her throat. More than a little disgusted, and on the verge of full out panic. Kellin turned abruptly on her heel and strode from the room, her long strides turning into a run as she broke through the threshold and sprinted up the stairs, her breathing getting more rapid and sporadic as she felt herself slipping.
Her feet mindlessly carried her into her room, her brain in too much of a frenzy as she shoved her door open, flinching as it slammed against the wall and bounced back. The sudden sound only added to her emotional state and it was all she could do to throw herself in her bed and curl up in a ball, desperately trying to control her breathing as tears streamed unnoticed down her face.
She wasn’t sure how long she had been sitting there when she was alerted by the soft creaking of the door getting nudged open. At this point she had gotten a grip on herself, when anger turned to sadness and fear which gave way to exhaustion. At the sound of the presence she felt frustration bubble up in her all over again, and with clenched fists she sprang up in a sitting position to tell one of her vacuous siblings to fuck off. She cut herself short, however, because when she sat up, she was met with the warm chocolate eyes of Klaus.
He approached her slowly, as if approaching a wild animal. He didn’t say anything, he didn’t attempt to touch her, he didn’t do anything other than slide down to sit with his back against her bed frame.
After a few more moments, Kellin silently slid beside him. 
Klaus finally spoke up. “Remember those good ole days?” He let out a soft chuckle. Back when it was just you and me against the world?” 
“Yeah,” Kellin sighed, “and what type of fucked up heroes are we now? Drunk boy and psycho girl?”
Klaus let out a snort. “I would pay to see that movie.”
They lapsed into another silence, Kellin resting her head on Klaus’s shoulder as she blankly stared at the dresser before them.
Suddenly Klaus shifted, and she nearly tipped over as he stood and trotted out of the room.
She sat, tilting her head in curiosity as he left and returned again with a knife in hand. Rather than inquiring Kellin decided it was better to let Klaus do his thing, and continued to watch as he dug the knife into the wooden dresser and began to carve. Finally, after quite awhile of chipping and grunting, Klaus seemed satisfied with what he had created, and he slid back to sit beside Kellin, slinging an arm around her shoulder to admire his work. She couldn't help but smile at what she saw.
Carved into the frame of Klaus's bed was a small K + k. There was no heart around it, nothing special, or flamboyant. It was just those two letters. Those two letters that fit so well together.
"K + k... if we had one more k we could start a terrorist group!” Klaus suddenly exclaimed.
"Oh my god!" Kellin turned to punch him on the shoulder, but she couldn't help the laugh that escaped her regardless. "You can't say shit like that!"
He just flashed her a big beautifully goofy grin before tugging her a little closer and lapsing back into silence. A few more minutes passed.
“‘Who’s the big K and who’s the little k?" he inquired.
She arced a brow, "I’m the big K, obviously." 
"Why is that obvious?"
"Because I'm older"
 "We were born in the exact same year, on the exact same day, at the exact same time.”
 She paused.
"Well, I have bigger balls,"
 He paused,
"Yeah I cant argue with that.”
Silence took them again, staring fondly at the two K's carved in the wood.
“Is it true, Klaus?” 
Kellins large eyes turned on him, the unspoken part of the question swimming at their surface. ‘Can you really see Ben?’ 
He nodded.
 Kellin stared at him a little longer before determinedly standing picking up the knife from where Klaus had left it on the floor. He watched her quietly, much like she had him, while she began to chip away at the wood some more. When she finally pulled back and retook her spot beside Klaus, he was met with a slightly more crude but certainly no less significant + B carved beside the two K's.
He felt his chest swell as Kellin let out a soft yawn, and curled into him. Klaus's chest as his arms automatically wrapped around her as she began to drift. He rested his chin atop his sisters head, and looked up at a sniffle, eyes meeting their brother. 
Ben had his knees hugged to his chest, tears spilling from his eyes as he stared at the carving with a shaky smile on his face.
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