#it has seen what humans have done to earth its not gonna let them do the same to the backrooms
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n9ph · 2 years ago
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blackboxtheater · 1 month ago
mumbo’s newest episode got me thinking (u should watch it got mumbo lore also the context):
since mumbo’s the only one aging, that means that the rest of them are immortal or something, and he doesn’t want to be left behind (since he wants to put his conscience in a chicken)
and that means the rest of them are… god like
pearl is a goddess
she was the one getting worshipped by the mooners
and now mumbo can’t let her or the rest of his friends go, but he’s still is getting older, meaning he would sacrifice his body for the sake of staying where the people he loves live, or used to live when a new season starts
what happens if pearl tries to convince him to stay in his human self? and she embraces all the wrinkles and sunspots? what if she’s there when he eventually dies? would she find a way to bring him back forever? would she accept it with grief?
or what if mumbo stays as a chicken? will they stay, keeping their friend? will they leave him behind or visit? he’s still gonna die there, maybe near big ron’s? how insane will pearl be, that her biggest worshipper, her love, one of her best friends, is stuck to a place that she has to leave someday?
and don’t get me started on everybody else- (gets dragged into the void)
(I haven't seen the episode yet but I wanted to have my first existential meltdown before I watched it, so it could be spaced out from my inevitable additional meltdowns after watching. Basically stay turned and I shall also report back once I have seen it and probably crash out for another 2k words)
"what happens if pearl tries to convince him to stay in his human self? and she embraces all the wrinkles and sunspots?"
My friend, I do believe you are trying to kill me.
Because personally, I come from a lineages of ancestors who have lived long, physically healthy lives while they completely lost their memory and minds long before they were done on the earth. I literally work on detecting and treating cognitive decline. When I think about aging its not just physical changes. So this has thrown me into the existential dread of what something like aging could look like for a redstoner, an inventor like Mumbo.
He's slower with a sword? Okay, well he was never great at PVP anyway so not much has changed. He can't build for as long or lift as heavy stacks anymore? Okay, he'll take it slower. Quality over quantity anyway. His friends still enjoy his company, they tell him his builds and creations are wonderful. It's fine. He'll be fine. The thing he wanted to preserve wasn't any of those traits, it was his mind.
But what happens when he can't remember how the redstone component work just one too many times? When his friends come to ask him to help him build a farm he's sure he's made in the past, but he just can't remember? When he tries to create something new that he's sure will work, but he just can't figure it out?
He knows that a younger version of him wouldn't have had any of these issues. This all would have been easy for a young, spry Mumbo. And now its too late. Before when he wanted to preserve his brain, it was working perfectly. Now? Now it's not. Now there are pieces missing, degraded and lost to time. Sure, if he uploaded his conscious before he would have been a chicken. But he would have been him. The one thing he could wholly maintain when he swapped over into a new body is now gone too.
Pearl said he still looked good when his hair started to grey and the wrinkles around his eyes deepened. She said she still loved him even as his joints started to ache and his strength faded. He wants to believe that she will still feel all those things when its his mind that isn't what it used to be instead of his body. But he has his doubts.
And Pearl, an immortal goddess, would know that everything has a time to begin and end. She would convince him to stay a human and love him until his final moments. She would grieve and also come to accept it. But also...what is a 1000 years of grief if your timescale is eternity? There is no pressure to move on quickly when you will be around forever. So yes she eventually comes to terms with it, but there are whole generations that only know of a weeping moon. (I swear there is a thing about phases of a moon where one one phase looks like the moon is bowl filling up and the other looks like a bowl emptying out. If that's a real thing then entire generations only know of a moon that eternally looks like it is spilling out across the eternally darkness, pearlescent tears shimmering across the sky.)
....And thats just me going off on ONE of the things you said here. Every single sentence of this ask is an entire fic prompt on its own. And I haven't even watched the video yet. Jesus.
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clownboymcchucklefuck · 1 year ago
Zecharias Theory
Before I start rambling, I do want to say that surprisingly a song lyric was what inspired me to write this theory because it made me think of Zecharias and therefore my brain started going off the charts with theorizing. I’ve also wanted to do something with Zecharias for a while now so if this also ends up being a analysis and also a theory at the same time then yall gonna have to deal with it.
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“But you made me want to plan out my last days on earth, eating you. The tips of your teeth fit perfect in me. You’re a shower of light I’d devour any day of the week.” -LIGHT SHOWER by Melanie Martinez.
Now you might be thinking how this made me go into full theory mode. So let me explain.
It’s been mentioned a few times/implied that Zecharias has had muses before MC and in the NSFW alphabet it has even mentioned somebody but I’ve only seen who ever this person is mentioned in this one part and hasn't even been asked about smh.
“He hasn't been able to meet a lot of other people, much less get the chance to do the deed with them. At most, he likely could have done it with one person, but they're as inexperienced as he is.
Who is this person? Well, you’ll find out in the game. :>”
But here’s my thing, if what we know about Zecharias not being human then he’s probably immortal especially that I’ve noticed a few implications that he might be a god or demi-god (Hell, bring Percy Jackson into this and say possibly half-blood.) with one part of Be My Muse and there was a few lines about MC being into greek mythology and he brought up the god Mnenmosyne. (HELP I JUST REALIZED THAT'S HIS LAST NAME WHY AM I ONLY PUTTING THIS TOGETHER WHILE I'M WRITING THIS) Well now that I just figured that out it just puts more evidence to back up my theory and of course with all of those powers he has and everything. Now I know that in the SFW alphabet did somewhat imply that he would die for MC if it was to protect them but I think that just might have been figurative language. .
Zecharias eats people too, but it’s also been said he just does this as a way to survive so I’m not about to bash him about that.
“He’s only interested in adults to be his muse or his meals.”
ANYWAYS, Finally to my main theory that made me write this. Zecharias is likely immortal or lives for a very long time. But (from what we know) all of his muses have been human including MC. It makes me wonder what happened to the old muses, I mean of course it’s very likely they died inside of the backrooms, maybe from old age or something else. BUT that also brings the question of what happened to their bodies so going back to the lyrics that made me think up of this theory. I think it’s very possible that Zecharias could have probably eaten the old muses? Since its for his survival to eat humans and him being obsessed with them could prove this. Or he might just have those fuckers stored somewhere in the backrooms lmao.
I don’t know what else to go on about without going into a full analysis of Zecharias which would include me going more into what we know about his backstory so far and me explaining his motives and all that good stuff but I guess I’ll see how this theory does before starting to write all of that jfnlaajan.
Also keep in mind that this is all a theory, A YANDERE VN THEORY- *gets hit with fridge*
Word count: 647.
Zecharias belongs to @letmeremindyouvn
Taggy tags:
@dont-wannadothis-anymore @mr-ritza @mysticnebula
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thecatbrat42 · 11 months ago
Italy is one of the countries of all time. It has food, it has people, it has buildings. But what if i were to tell you that the italians have a dark secret that no one has discovered.. until now. Well in this post im gonna inform you all on the dark secret of the italians and italy as a whole.
Part 1: Italy’s creation.
Let's start from the beginning. Italy had for all of human history been empty, But then in 1987 the shadow government discovered
aliens and took them captive. But they needed a place to store the aliens, and they discovered Italy, a land without people, this place was perfect to store their aliens. So they made the aliens disguise themselves as humans and start living on the Italian land. The shadow government had control for a long time,
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doing all sorts of experiments on the Italians, but then the bombing of 1999 happened, in which the Italian “people” bombed the headquarters of the shadow government, weakening them heavily. The shadow government was too scared to further associate with the Italians so they left them alone. And then the Italy that we know today was formed.
Part 2: The Evidence
Are you not convinced yet? Well you will be soon. Because this evidence I will give you is earthshattering. My first piece of proof is my brother. He is at the mere age of 6 years old but he is already a genius. He has figured out several different crimes that the shadow government committed and recently he made a new discovery. My family was eating lunch and we started talking about Italy, that's when my brother said.. “Italy? You mean the aliens?”. At first, I laughed him off, but then when I really thought about it, it all made sense. Besides, he is a genius, so anything he says is facts. Now for the second evidence: Has anyone actually seen an alien and an Italian in the same room together? Italians and aliens are both often seen in photos, but they have never been seen together. This is undeniable evidence, because aliens have been seen together in photos with world leaders from all countries,
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except for one.. Italy. What are they so afraid of? That people realize that they really are aliens?? This is truly the best proof we have. Now onto the third proof, for this I interviewed an expert with direct ties to the Italian “people”. And he has confirmed that he has seen them use ufo’s regularly. And the fourth evidence is so obvious and I cannot understand why no one has figured this out earlier. Italy actually has a secret E in its name, you just need the right eyes for it, here is an artists rendition of it:
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“Now how is this proof?” you may ask yourself. Well, what is the name for Italian “people”. That's right, Italians. Now if you replace the A with the secret letter E, you get Italiens. Remove the “It”, and what do you get? “Aliens”! This is true proof.
Part 3: Their plans.
Now you may be thinking “Alright, the Italian’s are aliens, but how does this change anything”. Well, dear viewer, I have discovered the Italian’s true plans: One of Italy’s most iconic foods is spaghetti, and it is enjoyed by people worldwide. But we have actually discovered the true nature of the spaghetti. A brave volunteer ate spaghetti and a camera, recording inside his stomach so you could see the effects of the spaghetti on the human body:
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My scientific research has concluded that it is NOT supposed to look like that, and closer studies show that the creature in the picture is a space worm. Thats right, the Italians are putting space worms in people and have done that for many years. Now what is the purpose of these worms? Well, according to my research, they control peoples brains to believe the lie that is “round earth”. This is why the round earth lie is such a common belief, the space worms made them believe it! But that's not all, the worms have a second (unintensional) purpose. As some of you already know, the government (the non shadow one) has spy drones everywhere known as “birds”. They have previously only fed on the electricity from powerlines, but recently they have gotten a taste for the space worms (spaghetti), and here is the worst part, with their advanced x-ray technology they can spot the spaghetti from inside peoples bodies. This means that if you have consumed space worms, the drones can attack you and get you killed just to acquire the spaghetti.
Part 4: What to do
Now all of this may make you scared and confused, but worry not, for I have some simple things you can do to protect yourself from the Italians! Firstly, don’t use any products that originate from Italy as that actively supports the aliens. Secondly, this should be obvious, but don't consume any spaghetti, you don’t want any space worms inside you. Thirdly, stay away from any Italian, online and in real life. These aliens are dangerous and you do not want to subject yourself to what they can do. And finally, spread the word, reblog this post with people or tell them yourself. The world needs to know about the truth of Italy, and if we get enough people to become enlightened, we might have enough people to form an army and raid Italy, putting a stop to those aliens once and for all. But for now, stay safe, and have a good day!
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days-light · 2 years ago
Orderweek prompt 1: change (for make-up day) @arcaneorderweek
Skrael finds Nari alone in the city and has a change of heart.
~1k (was gonna have more of an ending but I didn't want it getting too long)
The first time he’d seen her again, all it had taken was a single glance to see through her disguise. 
The green on her face had been clumsily painted over with a warm brown, her clawed fingers were hidden under wooly mittens and her antlers were obscured by a ridiculously large hat, but it was still so obvious that it was her. 
She had been playing with a bright yellow songbird on a park bench, its vibrant color standing out starkly from the dull tones of the city around her. Without him having to say anything she turned around to face him, still able to sense his presence even after all of this time apart. 
“Nari. You… you changed your hair.” It was all he could think to say.
She smiled sadly, tugging at the short, dark brown strands that didn’t actually look terrible, although he hated to admit it. “Nice to see you too, Skrael. It was Douxie’s idea. Humans often enjoy turning their hair bright colors, but mine stood out too much, he said.” 
“There’s nothing wrong with your hair,” Skrael scoffed. “Besides, who is he to talk? His own is bright blue.” 
Nari whispered something to the bird and watched it fly away. “He’s only trying to protect me,” she said softly. 
“You don’t need to be protected from us! What you need to do is come back so we can achieve what we’ve wanted to do for millenia, Nari. Come home.” 
She looked almost on the verge of tears. Skrael sat next to her on the bench, unsure if she would let him put an arm around her shoulders or if even that small act of comfort would be too much. “I can’t, Skrael. I know you hate humans and what they’ve done to the Earth, our home, but they deserve to live just as much as any other creature. They have mistakes, but so does everything in nature. They’re capable of creating wonderful things, and they are worth protecting from you.” 
Skrael turned to gesture at the city around them. “You call this blight a wonder? It’s leaching the world of its life force as we speak, tearing the planet up bit by bit for the sole sake of growing bigger. They must be destroyed for magical creatures to flourish!”
“You have to stop talking to me about nature,” Nari hissed, her eyes beginning to flash green. “I am nature. I am all of the creatures of this world and more. I know what every living thing feels, and I know that it’s horrible, but I won’t cause another extinction event because you and Bellroc have hurt feelings! This world doesn’t belong to you. For better or worse, the humans have it now. I won’t let you try and take it back. So you can give up trying to destroy it all, or you can help me make it better.” 
“This is how we make it better,” Skrael said helplessly, knowing that there was no way that Nari would ever listen anymore. “The planet is too corrupted. We have to start anew.” 
“Believe what you want, Skrael. But I know for sure that this isn’t the right way.” 
And she really did, didn’t she? Even before Douxie, before Merlin, before. . . before she left them. Skrael could see in her face that he’d never be able to talk her down - but even the thought of trying to drag her back to Bellroc made his heart break a little. 
“Nari,” he began, trying to sort out his thoughts, “I know that… I know that you believe that. But even if I agreed - which I don’t - I couldn’t leave Bellroc alone. I can’t help you.” 
Nari stared at him before saying slowly, “you don’t think there’s even the smallest chance that they’ll change their mind, do you?” 
Skrael lifted his shoulders uncomfortably. “It’s in their nature to want to burn,” he hedged. “To them, this is the best solution, I suppose. To burn everything down and start anew. And they care so, so much about getting you back that any action is justified to bring the whole Order back together.”
“You know,” Nari muttered, “sometimes I’ve dreamt that I return to the castle and Bellroc’s so happy to see me that they forget all about their plans and the three of us can be together again. But it’s just a dream.” 
She drew back her shoulders, the grass at her feet curling up slightly, and that was what did it. Skrael’s heart, which had been slowly cracking over this entire conversation, completely split in two. 
Nari was prepared to battle him. Not only that, but she thought he would actually try to hurt her. If she was so willing to fight, then there must be no change of them peacefully reuniting. 
“Just- stop!” Skrael held up a hand, and Nari relaxed only the slightest bit. The tendrils of grass and soil that had been slowly winding up collapsed back into the ground. “I’m not going to fight you, Nari. I can’t.” 
“You’re just scared I’ll beat you,” she accused almost jokingly, but her tone had shifted. She knew how much it meant for Skrael to make this decision. 
He stood, robes billowing around his thin frame as he cast one last scathing look towards the glass-and-metal abomination that humans enjoyed calling ‘home’. If Nari wanted to defend it, he wouldn’t stop her - but that didn’t mean he could stop Bellroc from trying. 
Taking a deep breath, Skrael turned back to Nari. “This is important to you. I know that now, and I won’t get in your way. But I need you to know - Bellroc will find you one day. I can stall them as long as possible, but once it happens - they’ll do what they have to in order to reunite us. And I don’t think I can stop them.”
“About time you realized that I’m alright without you protecting me,” Nari replied. She gazed at him sadly, looking to all the world like a human girl sitting alone at a park bench. Her green hair gone, after Skrael and Bellroc had spent thousands of years braiding it into an intricate web every morning for her. Her elegant antler horns obscured by human clothing. It hurt Skrael so, so much that she had chosen this - but it was her choice. He had to be okay with that. 
He had to. 
“I miss you, Nari.” And then Skrael flew away on a gust of wind, searching for Bellroc among the gray, dead monoliths scraping the clouds. He thought he heard her say something as he lifted into the sky, but he didn’t turn around. This goodbye was already hard enough.
Bellroc was sitting forlornly on the top of the highest building, scanning the city stretched out below. It wasn’t too ugly from this vantage point, Skrael considered - there was even a certain charm to the way that the streets were laid out in a haphazard grid. Or maybe that was just Nari in his head. 
“Did you find her?” Bellroc asked, not turning to face him as his feet touched lightly on the colorless rooftop. Their feathered cloak ruffled in the wind, and their voice was splitting so much Skrael almost couldn’t hear what they were saying. 
“No,” he lied. “I think if she was ever here, she left a long time ago.” 
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ace-malarky · 11 months ago
Mist Worlds; The Worlds
I forgot I'd already done a basic run down on the magic types so like. gonna do a run down on the worlds instead!
Then maybe we shall do more indepth on the magics another time but who knows (not I)
There's a page with the basic info linked on my blog but like. for esaier purposes! Maybe a little more info! Here we are
So in the beginning there were twenty-two worlds, all with a funky little elder god at their centre that dictated magic types and maybe a little about who's like. native n that. Some worlds didn't evolve humans but they settled there what with the gates and all, you know?
I. do not have much on like any of them but that can change with your help!
(or with my focus but also like. let's be real here. world building is a side bit for me as I need it)
Magic; Peace Broker (see; Akeri)
Troll/Sphinx/Fair Folk, though humans have moved in (see; Linus, Genevieve, Robyn)
a world largely under the influence of stories, this is where you have to be careful about giving out your name
DAUGHTER OUTLAW and THE TEACHER are both based here
Magic; none
werecreatures/centaurs/mythics, humans haven't really moved in
these werecreatures are animals that turn into humans (see; Kamala, Sohalli'in, Riley)
Magic; Glyph Magic (see; Rhiannon)
human world
Magic; Arch Magic (see; Autumn Saltire, Skir Aracel)
human world
Georgian vibes?
Magic; Sorceror/Warlock (I have absolutely used them interchangeably like a fool. Technically more of a warlock style. See; Vervarys Vulerelas, Algier, Ilromi Hunzruae)
elf/kenku/lizardfolk/kobold/orc world, although humans have settled
where @dorksndisasters is set
Magic; none
harpies, mainly (see; Ara'shi, Ka'sir, the Eternal Queen)
destroyed CY170 by the Eternal Queen
Known Erinty; Jasnah Aleria
Magic; none
humans & flyers (long lived winged humans, not technically angels)
basically 21stC earth
sealed from the rest of the Mist and split into parallel worlds in CY0 when its Elder God is destroyed to stabilise the gates
Known Erinty; Brith Khar
Magic; Charm Witch (see; Tamsin, Ripley, Katida, Lorelei, Kharys, Onni)
humans and dwarves
destroyed CY50, most of the inhabitants ended up in Idriarea or Ekkimund
Known Erinty; Soise Korresan, Truxen, Kaez, Kailean
Magic; Visualisation/Illusionist (see; Razar Ori)
humans, probably others
destroyed CY1526 after a long and poisonous decline. The remaining inhabitants largely scattered
Known Erinty; Estelle Darkyre
Magic; Techno Mage (see; Asin, Fen, Siofra)
the most tech advanced world. Eventually get time machines!
Magic; none but fun little techniques/rituals to make people's blood poisonous to vampires (see; Dust, Ashes)
elf/human/faun/harpy/siren/mermaid/sphinx/undine/(formerly dragons)
feudalistic. There are four main islands sealed from the rest of the world by the Raudkembingur and people can't exactly... get passed them
THE LORD VAMPIRE'S FALL set here, as is whatever the fuck I'm calling Taerne's story
Magic; Soul Magic (see; Rosie)
human world
kinda Regency vibes?
RED STRING starts here, THE SOUL OF THE PARTY set here
Magic; Feral (see; Jasper, Llinos, Kaua, Merrok, Willow, Tamhas, Tadhg)
humans (but also leshy, sphinx, unicorn, hippogriff)
Magic; none
mining world! everything is underground, the surface is toxic
industrial revolution, kinda
magic; none
is, however, a world of floating islands. no one's seen the surface. don't worry about it
the Nightgales end up here and go "sky ships? fuck yeah"
humans/grpyhons/harpy/hippogriff/wyrm/formerly dragons
magic; versatile (see; Merlie, Mylessne, Elfionn) that has multiple disciplines. Shapeshifting and Creation were stolen by Olsea and Harne, and then after the whole magic-destroyed-then-recreated thing, the disciplines become their own separate branches
locked from the Mist until CY1546
magic; none
wyverns created by the Bran Rhi and her brother to hold the stories of every world
formerly high tech, semi-apocalyptic
sealed by the Bran Rhi in CY26, rejoins the Mist in CY1548
Magic; Transference (see; Basil, Lucy)
pre-industry and staying there intentionally so. This is a very forested world and the leshy are very vocal about it
Magic; Green Witch (see; Lisetta)
human, wyrm
Magic; none
Fair Folk/human/unicorn
There is? some amount of modern tech? like maybe turn-of-the-century I think. I just need Basil to have a really shitty computer to do his research on
Magic; Weather Witch (see; Ris, Roxana, Clara, Kite)
looks a suspicious amount like Shekonys
Magic; Sea Witch
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fansideblogtocjcherryth · 1 year ago
Notes From Book 6 Explorer
October the 2 of this year
Okay so done one was able to let me beable to read the book on libby. Also I notices that for some reason on the libby pages are around 652 in this book while it says the book has 408 pages. Could it be a way to move mire words onto a page or something?
Well shits got to be intense if him getting a shower in this book 
Bren going into a mental nite if the back round to the series
Bindanda helps him get dressed for the day. Kind of have to remember that the atevi can make a adult human look like a ten year old in height
He really wants his old job back . He already hates being the lord of the heavens.
Kaplan is there to meet them and jago out side his office on the ship.
Bren has a photo of jase catching a fish from the planet
Holy shit sabin should not have pissed off ilisidi or she would not have been food poisoned.
Bren and jase are trying to look through the records to try to find proof that there might be more things about the situation.
Bren is now paranoid about potential treachery. 
Jase is like currently 30 years old. Holy hell he has daddy issues / what was i made for? Around his dad figure ramirez. 
For some reason jase and Yolanda was taught culture and history from earth 
Seems like sabin and ogun were in a currently unknown relationship of ship politics.
Nine years so the station may have repaired itself.  
Thry plan on confronting sabin about the whole shit show they are in.
Bren asks banichi to tell the staff that everything is under control.
Kaplan makes some tea for the meeting with sabin.  From what happened last time I don't blame her for taking it at first.
Bren explains to her knowing that ramirez faked the monitor output before seeing the survivor's. 
Damn bren is trying his attempt at diplomacy with a roughly tough old lady.
So ramirez may have had contact with something that the guild known about.
Well shit it looked like they ship folk like tamun were planing to help the humans try to take over the atevi continent. That would not have worked due to mostly those humans hatting doing what the ship folk told em too. Luckily sabin kind of gained acceptance of the atevi. 
The situation was a success, they got alot of info and keeping an eye on sabin for anything new.
         Bren talks with banichi and jago about sabin and the situation.
god damn it caljeiri you scared me, thought an attack was happening. even jago is a little done with the bull shit. caljeiri please do not tick her off.
caljeiri tells bren that ilisidi asked for him to visit her at breakfast but that time kind of passed for obvious reason.
currently the kid is seven so its been kind of a while.
bren gives a little word about how aijiin have the security defend them instead of gun's , bows and arrows. also the kid is in brens man'chi
he gose to ilisidis study to visist her with cenedi being by her side as always.  its kind of funny how she has the vibes of a disaproving grandmother twords bren being kind to caljeiri.
they discuses what has been going on and the deception of what has been happening. as well as the contrasting theory's of why ramirez was trying to consider doing what he did.
ilisidi says that its gonna be funny when she gets back to grigiji and rub in his face about all the stars she has seen.
bren kind of feels like that sabin is rather unpredictable and kind of reminds him of tatiseigi , ilisidis maybe old lover and  tabini's wifes uncle.
after talking with her theory on why sabin acts the way she dose , he decided to go to gin or ginny kroger who is on the ship.
ginny is maybe sixty years old by this point.
she is damn worried about all of this shit for good reason. deception is definitely something she is understandable pissed about. happy sabin was able to agree to the idea. 
ginny discusses home and the seasons that are probably going on. bren thinks about the fortress of ilisidi's home with the mecheita .  offers to get him dinner when they get back.
god damn it she knows about jago's and his relationships with each other. ginny is learning ragi and compliments bindanadi cooking.
they have pizza being made for dinner. from what I remember I think the pizza is green instead of red.
bren praises whos been along for the voyage and Ginny practices ragi to praise the dinner. bren is so happy that this has been a social success .
he is hoping that jase gotten to bed.
after going to bed after looking through notes he made of the day, he and jago did the deed of darkness or as the mospheirans say make love.
damn this feels like a love confession even though it technically is not.
oh shit there is a "oh-god" in the morning news of ship moving in one hour. he thinks of his brother and the world and screwed up the family he left behind.
if kind of cajeiri to make racing wheel cars he learned from the archives.
they are looking through the tapes for anything new and cajeiri is viewed wonderfully by ginny's engineers and mechanics
he writes a letter to toby as a way to try to talk about how he feels about everything.
His mom is described as " was one of those women who defined herself by her children. And who consequently cannibalized their growing live until,  ultimately,  the campaign drove the family apart " 
He even writes to tabini about everything. And the work of his son.
Knowing the ship has a gymnasium and he works it off the food.
Oh my god the idea of bren translating the games on the archive to let the staff and the kid use is so damn wholesome. I hope some one gets the idea to maybe make a fanfic something like that. Cajeiri making the planes as well.
whist is brens favorite game.
They just adore godzilla . Hamlet was like, confused by Romeo and juliet and horrified and gratified by oedipus.
He wants to join the atevi and feels he is unable to. He is also desperate for answers.
He talks with cajeiri who wants ginnys crew to help him fix his car. Bren only agrees if cenedi wants to. 
Caljeiri I think accurately behaves like a 7 year old. 
It's funny that he has to avoid showing anything to caljeiri that defys authorities like a parent avoiding things with sex in them. The three musketeers is chosen.
Banichi and jago are playing chess and the staff are placing bets.
Bren writes a letter to toby about his moments of homesickness. 
Bren is done and says fuck it he is talking to sabin with the log. Banichi joins him.
He dose get a copy of a log of the encounter of ramirez of the aliens near planet gamma .
he falls asleep trying to find more information and is advised by narani to get a shower, he falls asleep in there as well.
he thinks for a bit about ramirez actions but even ilisidi thinks he should as the parody book gose "Go The Fuck To Sleep"
he talks with jago about the actions of ramirez but unfortunetly even she wants him to rest as well. but then he falls of the bed when jase tells tells him that they might finnaly have something in sight.
he gets the news to jago and ilisidi and everyone else who may need to know.
he is told that sabin is now in charge and warning the poeple of the voyage to take hold as they start to drop . 
bren is so scared that he starts having flash backs to pre and during book one of this time with tabini and ilisidi
bren and his group go to the bridge to see what is happening
bren tells all that are with them that they may have arrived at the destination that they have been trying to get to.
ilisidi talks to sabin and jase about what is going on and it seems like they are close but not there.
Ginny comes up to visit with moral support and advice as she put it.
ilisidi got a bit snappy with caljeiri about wanting to see the screens of the ship with her cane.
this whole book up at this point is just me adoring ilisidi and caljeiri. 
they got a connection to the station , bren is considering maybe trying to give sabin advice. she just loves calling him bitch or bastard doesn't she?
oh crap something else just caught a signal for them, and its not from the station they are trying to get to.
he suggests to use lights on the ship to try to send a patter response to who ever it may be.
something may have happened and the lights may have worked enough so that they may have to be cautious around what just contacted them . 
bren is gonna try to contact them and not ghost them like ramirez did before. bren is impressed that a phoenix caption actully told the truth. 
ilisidi wants to join the action as well as ginny. also for some reason the station has not even answered any of there questions.
okay so a dude called guild-master Braddock answers them with maybe not get close to where they are trying to go towards.
the aliens flashed more lights that are more better of a message then braddock's.
sabin is complaining about how bren , her , cenedi , banichi , jago , gin and jerry are in the same room as her , saying it ain't a tour. 
bren is still tired as hell but still trying to do what he dose.
sabin is doubting his hope for cooperation with the aliens. 
"works in downtown jackson traffic" such a funny line when you plan to use lights to try to communicate with aliens.
banichi and jago being able to sandwich him between them to keep him from shivering is so funny.
he is able to rea sure banichi about the situation 
hey station , maybe take sabins instructions if you want her to take yours. they say fuck it lets take the aliens route instead
 the aliens are coming to them.
ilisidi gets some tea for bren to talk about the situation at hand. they think it might be a robot or aliens.
the alien ship mimics there ships actions so that it migh be good. 
to not lose more fuel they use beeps from radio to make sounds and images to communicate with the aliens. 
they realize the delays may be because these are aliens instead of organic.
oh shit the aliens are innovating the images they got. they are trying to communicate what happened 10 years ago with ramirez . they drew a little stick figure of themselves.
well shit the guild might be hiding bullshit, great. welp blowing up a random due is one way to piss off an alien and vow vengence.
banichi gives some advice to maybe keep communicating.
yep the guild might have stolen a body or dude. great job guys
bren is goona try to negotiate the body back from the guild.  and is worried that they may be getting over there heads. 
ilisidi is hopeing he is goona sleep.
lies , lies everywhere, here there be lies.
he is awoken by ginny who is telling them that sabin is not telling the guild anything by giving them the silent treatment.
the station is pissed with there current actions. and they are gonna try to get on board. 
sabin warns everon on the speaker that the stations situation in unknowable so to be cautious.
Its so funny that jase hats the situation that he wants yolandas current job and bren wholeheartedly agrees
jase is corrected by bren the word is eavesdroppers instead of bureaucrats.
ilisidi calling caljeiri a blood thirsty child is so damn funny to me. 
and now things are suspicious , damn it station master Louis Baynes Braddock.
baraddock is already lying , fantastic . sabin is not taking the red tape shit.  they are threatening them with a bomb.
sabin is ignoring his advice and he gets pretty sad a bit.
sabin tells them if they have her they can atleast escape with akers , one of the captions and jase. 
ilisidi is adviced to go below deck. she and almost all of the atevi come along with her.
banichi is also explained about the situation.
they get bren dressed and even give him a gun to protect himself from what ever could happen. 
he wakes care of somethings before exiting the ship. he really hates how lonley he is with out those he cares about. 
he realises that some one in his office could see the photo of jase with the fish and realize more stuff was going on then what they though.
he encounters a bunch of humans in the gallery and asks for some basket of sandwiches to take back up to the bridge of the ship. he also warns them that the station might try to take the ship by force and to be carfuel.
well one of the damn station guards is here and jase is trying to keep him from getting mad. its funny seeing bren act like a low ranking , cheery crew member . 
jase is being so damn cool , there is gose off to being damn cool.
hey guild maybe being lying little shits can't help you know.
the gaurd might be suspecting everything. oh shit dose one of the crew members esan might have something contagious.
holy hell bren , kaplan and jase lock the intruder in jases office.
they don't care, whats stopping them from from collectivly beating the shit out of the security from the station is sabin isn't answering?
kaplan , polano and press men with also a few others dragged out the neeted men with out armors or weapons.
jase gose out to tell everyone that they got control of the ship back and to get sabin back. ilisidi also aproves
they call jase taylors son, the man who sacrificed himself long ago to save others and is the source of jase's existence . 
jase is worried that sabin might be a traitor. 
he goes back to the atevi who are pretty happy to see him back. cenedi and cajeiri go to him to congragulate him for his sucess by ilisidi. even ilisidi her self praised him.
bren explains to ilisidi about the little hostage situation for sadin if the guild master tries shit with also the pissed crew.
bren hopefully tries to get to bed.  and thanks ilisidi and cenedi for the advice. 
banichi suggests to take over the station as they help him to bed . thank goodness the gets the rest he needs.
jago is sad to have to wake him up. jase wants to tell him to to try to interrogate there guests.
he tells jago to hide while he deals with this with there guards they have with the ship crew. he also tells her to please sleep. 
jase is waiting for him and bren has given him food to eat and also  the prisoners.
he has the little hard fruit candies and give them to kaplan . polano and jase in a way to calm down.
oh shit they have ave got some sick crew members. from the archives in maybe origins.
he is taken to where the prisoners are , in the medial bay. bren tries  to tempt them with food. they do not want to take it.
he is rubbing in their face about how much things are better are back at the phoenix.
damn bren knows how to guilt trip these guys.  he is also just getting to them. 
he dumps the bomb about what is happening to the whole thing that happened those thousend years ago.
becker may not have budged but bren might keep trying.
he is getting dressed to plan to see what is going on with jago and banichi to see what could be.
I need to count when ilisidi hits caljeiri with the cane in this book, cuse it happens a bunch.
ilisidi is a hundred percent done with the stations bullshit and says fuck it we are going to tell the prisoners to stop getting in her way.
its so funny that kaplan calls ilisidi gran sidi . he is also worried they are not gonna be polite as he puts it.
those poor bastards have no idea what they are dealing with. and the crew are fucking cheering for her to beat their ass. 
turns out the guild members are looking for the log and they may have found it.
holy hell one of them named coroia who has kids and kind of admit they need help. becker do no fucking shout in front of ilisidi , the fucking atevi hate that when superiors are shouted at.
polano you doing amazing sweetie. go crew go!
becker is shocked that cajeriji is a 7 year old kid . 
one of the prisoners dropped a bomb shell that there was no dead alien , because the humans managed to get on and hold them prisoner.
they give them a deal to get the families a chance to get on the ship so that they get the fuel and the alien prisoner. hell even becker says fuck it he is helping these poeple to not have there loved ones not be on that damn station anymore.
okay ilisidi wacked cajeriji with her finger this time.
ren comes up with a plan to carry out to invate the ship.
bren admits to jase he took the photo from his office to protect them when the thing would happen. also to tell jase to get some rest.
they talk about the nightmare fuel of senarios that could be dealing with the situation. he also asks jase to get a sleeping pill to rest better.
he tells narani to try to make a bunch of written paper for jase idea on how to get the atevi to not be seen as a threat.
jase sleeps , thank goodness 
he talks with jago to explain to her the disappearance of sabin. 
banichi is so insist on to taking the station. he suggests to use the access to get control of the ship and seek out the location of the prisoner.  banichi is at first weirded our by the plan but he gos around to it.
he suggests to go with banichi to help with the who thing. they also get help from gin and cenedi. 
gin is upset about the robots being used and the translating for robot is roboti
to annoy the gaurds.
he writes a letter to both tabini , toby , his staff and jase about this plan if it gose to shit.
jase Aproved of the plan and warns him of the fact that ramirez's key maybe with ogun or sabin.
the fucking brochures look like travel brochures except for a planet.
 he gets anxious when the numbers are not an odd number. gin , the atevi and him go through. with barnhart with them. 
there is a damaged station waiting for them while they are in a pod. and a shoot out happens.  jago grabs him to shield him from harm.
they slowly make there way to the place . bren Give a brochure to a guy in a man at a desk. stop the guy from trying to call security and get him to find the prisoner. 
is funny how he get some one to look at the brocure befor seeing a scated bren aming a gun to the guys head.
they get to the prisoner then get the hell out with them. seems to blow gas out. they succeed but something might have happened and jase wants to speak with them.
oh shit jenrette is there and hurt with kaplan. esentually the robot plan helped jenrette to get back to the ship to try to help get a message from sabin.
bren suspects that ramirez wanted to go back to take the station from the guild .  he also supects that jenrette may have killed ramirez and is fucking lying. 
wow jase is not having it with jenrette shit. deskbound is a new one. it may have hitted jenrette . holy hell jentrette is one back stabby bastard. wow as a traitor deserves as they say, making him go out to spy again for a parden.
they plan to try to talk to the alien in what way they could.  
bren meets back and finds that his staff got clothes that do not look like shit.
the laine tried to bite poeple. gin is also grieving her robot who heroicly was destroyed to help them. 
sigaiji . a work for a leader who could not get more followers. or  a rouge
poor bindanda having to make new clothes quickly.
cajeiri wants to see the alien but cenedi looks at him to say no.
the aliens name may be prakuyo. its kind of sad and funny that prakuyo just says "Damn Dumb Shit". also brings up Madison 
they get Prakuyo to go to the the dinner and serve the guest tea cakes. they get him some more stuff to eat. 
they use stuff to illustrate and try to explain what happened. ilisidi joins and trys to help in what she can
jases comes up and tells them that he needs bren because the ship is back.
there is a little of a bit of chaos and jase is haveing to explain to braddock to deal with the ship.
during the argument sabin Finnaly is heard. and tries to get the situation for braddock but jase is not taking it.
prakuyo seems okay in ilisidi company . 
braddock is a little pissy that jase gave him the hand in a way. jase and bren try to fidue out what could have happened to cause the situation.
welp a bunch of the poeple are boarding the ship because fuck the guild master. gin says fuck it she is getting the suit to try to fix the shit herself.
bren gets his security and himself to help go with gin. 
it takes a good minute to explain how this mob of umans may have come to the ship's door. 
banichi , jago , bren , barnhart and three of ilisidi's men desabi , anaro and kasari are in a lift to see the humans.
getting poeple to evecuate the station is a fucking night mare.
they get into a nasty as hell pelleting of the gaurds and thankfully bren is protected  by his gaurds and still tries to act politely . they are tool that braddock is in his office .
yeah fuck you baraddock fuck you. jag thank you for getting him. barnhart gets the speaker in the office to announce to everyone to start getting of the station.
while he is around he heard sabin and finds jenrette . thay also kind of do not know where gin is. and jenrette is already in everyone's shit list so no one mourns his death
sabins okay and helped them get the fuel for the ship. says hato . word for good in ragi. she just wants her wounded crew aboard the ship.
they kind of startle the refugees but they do make it to the medial. 
the situations a bit chaotic and bren explains what is currently happening and seems like they are still talking to the alien ship.
banichi got a minor cut that bren got a bit worried of. banichi tells branhart that he owes him a drink for the help.
oh my gosh ilisidi , cajeiri , parakuyo and ilisidi and brens staff are watching black and white cartoons.
he finds out jago and banichi with held injuries to keep him from worrying about them 
he explains the situation to ilisidi and what they need to do for parakuyo. parakuyo is a fast ish ragi learner. ilisidi says fuck it lets call up the alien ship for parakuyo. 
bren theories that ragi is easier for patakuyo then english .  jase is a little worried about ilisidi and cajeiri and bren to visit the ship.
they get ready for they whole shit show on the alien ship.
parakuyo Poeple are called the kyo . seems to not want to be included or maybe assimilated .
the ships here to take them abroad to try to settle the 6 year bullshit once and for all.  cenedi , ilisidi , cajeiri and bren are with parakuyo . 
is in a bit of an argument with the ship owners who probably have a long ass grievance with the humans .
the aliens offer the group  a drink to chill the fuck out.
after explaining that the humans and atevi are gonna fuck off back to their solor system cajeiri gives parakuyo his toy car . 
they explain the good news the jase. 
Bren writes a letter to toby and tabini explaining the good news that . the assimilation part is due to the kyo being poeple who have a tendency of assimilating others into there nation. 
he fell asleep at his desk writing it for tabini's letter . he gose back to meet with jase , sabin and ilisidi. 
he gets into the seat to get ready to travel back to earth and carejiri got in trobule with dice fron what jago told him. 
0 notes
vampirecatprince · 3 months ago
Spoilers ahead, but I'm gonna just record my thoughts as I read this
*chanting* MOON EGG. MOON EGG.
Oh! This is that red forest from the The Love You Want video!
Oh- there's no dialogue. At all. Huh. I like the choice. It feels right.
WAIT A FUCKING MINUTE. THE DANCERS FROM THAT VIDEO. *points between them and the ambush fighters rapidly*
BROS FACE EXPLODED INTO... SOMETHING. (Ah- this is that flavor of cosmic horror!!!!)
Oh- exposition! First- this font is AWFUL to read? That said- ooh, there's some juicy stuff in here. So, lunar anomaly. I like this Director character however. He definitely reeks of tragic cosmic horror protagonist and I don't want to call it early... But Vessel vibes? I like the effort to make this guy feel very empathetic.
Also- looking directly at the moon is what happened to that guy. Okay. Also implies that the people who did the ambush are cultists of some sort which I also dig!
Okay- so I just rewatched the The Love You Want video and I think this arc is supposed to be that video, just in a more literal sense? I don't know if I'm making sense here...
Okay- looks like we're in a new story now.
Gotta say, I really love the spatter effect on Sleep in these moon shots
Oh- I have a bad feeling about his bc doggo is not following them wherever they're going.
I stg- I am getting such specific vibes from him. Like- specifically, the No Face that chases Chihiro mixed with Dark Souls vibes?
jfc- I'm getting even MORE Adeptus Astartes vibes from this fucker /pos
This would be a badass anime battle ngl-
I know that this band is known for its brevity but I would love some explanation here /pos
Ooh- more worldbuilding. Okay- he's not just a "director", but a biologist of some sort. I know it's probably just technobabble that I'm not supposed to be able to make much sense of, but I enjoy that it is very technical sounding. Especially in comparison with how poetic a lot of this character's previous writing has been, it really establishes him as someone who knows what he's talking about.
I also enjoy the reluctance he has about what happening? His reluctance to accept the world that he's been thrust into plus the very scientific sounding jargon he's just used really grounds him as a real person and it's in very effective choices with character writing so far.
Okay- part three.
Oh. That's a lot of dead people.
Oh DAMN- I LOVE this double page before and after spread???? It is objectively a tragic and really well done spread but there's also a part of my brain distantly chanting meat moss meat moss meat moss
Ohhh- it's growing out of their faces?
Oh- their protective masks stopped working?
I think they were transformed? But these bug things have six eyes!!!!!!
More exposition! So it appears that the actual laws of physics and reality are beginning to breakdown somehow? Also - there it is! There's that nihilism and existentialism I associate with this genre! I do like that this character isn't having the nihilism crush him though. He's sure he's going to die, yes. But that's a reasonable assumption given his situation. But he's choosing to face whatever happens instead of giving up and I like that. A steeliness under what we've seen so far.
Part four!
Ohhh-beady hidden eyes and scribbling repeated text is never a good sign
Oh. Reality is BROKEN BROKEN. It's a STUNNING spread though! I can't wait to see people post the spreads from the digital version because I'd really love to see a version of this without the page spine in the middle.
Oh- I vibe with this.
Oh- I love this. I really love this? Them embracing and sinking and them the moon embracing a rotted out Earth? Ohhhhh it's sooo tasty??? THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I WANTED.
Ohhhhh that last page at the end- Oh, my heart. "... will you let me keep my human fear"? This is some fantastic cosmic horror, holy shit.
I SO many questions, but in a way that I think was very intentional. And I really liked this! I like the character of The Director and the oddly sweet ending he got, especially for a cosmic horror protagonist? Like- he is broken now, he can never go back to what he was- but, he was treated with an odd amount of compassion by the entity. The idea that the world isn't dead, just... changed and he's somehow returning home even if home is something new and alien to him now is unusually compassionate feeling for this genre, but tracks with the vibes I've always gotten from this band?
I really liked this, honestly.
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Damn- this cover is so clean
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nimble-stuff · 2 years ago
I can taste victory.
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Whipping || Donnie & Leo A ringmaster shows Leo the consequences if he doesn’t perform in his show.
Also on AO3
Leo only had a peripheral idea of where they were going, as he’d been blindfolded since he and Donnie were ambushed and captured a few short hours ago. The situation was embarrassing in retrospect, but he felt confident that Raph, Mikey, and April were coming for them.
They were inside a tent. A huge one. Leo saw the underside of a yellow and red canvas encompassing three rings on trampled earth. The burliest and most foul-smelling humans he’d ever seen restrained both him and Donnie. However, Leo reckoned they were the least of their problems.
The ringmaster in front of them was a caricature, a larger-than-life fictional figure made lifelike, something Leo had only ever seen in reels of long-dead history. He didn’t think there was any human in living memory who’d seen someone dressed as audaciously as the man before him: donned in an all-red suit and top hat, the handlebar moustache deliciously twirlable. He half-expected the guy to start bragging about the home for widows and orphans he’d bombed the other night.
Instead, he opened his mouth and went, “Well, well, well, well, well! They’re not quite what I expected.”
“Nice moustache,” said Donnie.
“What I wouldn’t do to grow one like that,” said Leo. “Fuck being bald!”
“Mikey swears he grew a hair yesterday.”
“I’m pretty sure that he just glued that on.”
The ringmaster did a double take at them, stunned. “…Merriweather, why are they talking? Why can they speak?”
The henchman holding tight onto Leo’s shoulder shrugged. “They…came that way.”
“They’re not supposed to speak! They’re supposed to be dumb animals! You assured me they were dumb!”
“They looked pretty dumb from a distance.”
“Leo’s the dumb one,” Donnie supplemented. “You must’ve been looking at him.”
“Someone had to be pretty in this family, and that someone is moi,” said Leo.
The ringmaster had a whip curled around his belt, which he bunched up and struck Merriweather with it a few times, not enough to leave a mark, but enough to sting. “You idiot! You know I hate it when things talk back to me!”
“Sorry, sir!” Merriweather cried underneath the strikes.
“Oh, nevermind.” The ringmaster stopped his half-hearted attack, massaging his temples. “Will the nightmare never end? What did I ever do to deserve these setbacks?”
“For starters, that moustache,” said Donnie.
“Donnie, play nice with the bad guy,” said Leo. “I’m sure he’s sensitive.”
“You’ll be quiet unless spoken to,” the ringmaster snapped. “Allow me to introduce myself—”
“What if we won’t allow you?”
“What if we want it to remain a mystery?” Donnie asked.
“Maybe we don’t want to know your name.”
“Mayhaps we should name you ourselves, such as Señor Tophat.”
“How dare you slander the good name of Señors everywhere. You take that back right now, Donnie.”
“Be quiet!” the ringmaster barked, slapping his whip against the floor. “You two are far too loud. My name is Snapperton, and this…” He spread out his arms, gesturing to the dark tent around them, the empty bleechers, the three rings. “Is Snapperton’s Sensational Circus, the last of its kind.”
“Performance art has come a long way since the days of the three-ring circus,” said Donnie. “Have you considered updating your business model?”
Snapperton cracked down his whip. His aim was true. Precise. He’d done it before. It caught Donnie across the legs, making him cry out as two long gashes appeared in his broken skin.
“Donnie!” Leo exclaimed. He struggled a little, but Merriweather was unnaturally strong for a human, kept him pinned to the spot. He turned his anger on Snapperton. “Hey, what the fuck?!”
“I said not to speak unless spoken to,” said Snapperton. “If you can’t live with the consequences, then don’t speak.”
“Oh, I’m gonna enjoy hurting you.”
Snapperton ignored him. “Let me tell you a story. It’s a sad one, about a boy with a dream, who spent his childhood watching old movies about circuses, only to grow up and find that they were out of style. But he persisted! He founded a great three-ring circus like the good old days, something to trigger a nostalgia trip in the audience…except there’s all these pesky laws in place, ones that prevent me from giving the performances that excite audiences. Who cares about animal rights?! Animals aren’t even humans! Why do they get rights?! It’s all so very limiting.”
Leo glared at Snapperton, then glanced at Donnie, who looked more confused and pissed off than hurt. The clean slices bled down his legs. He locked eyes with Leo, looking off-balance.
“But then I heard about these creatures that were running around New York City after the aliens invaded, neither human nor man,” said Snappertons. “Perhaps you two are aliens yourselves? No matter. Audiences love freaks of nature regardless of where they came from. I certainly invested quite a sum to track you down. I thought I would be lucky to get even one, but two is just an bonus.”
“You…want us to perform?” said Leo.
“I get stage fright,” said Donnie.
“Donnie gets stage fright! Morally I think you should just let us go on that grounds alone.”
“You’re not human,” said Snapperton. “You don’t get a choice.”
Leo didn’t think that there was any phrase in existence that could hurt him. It was to his immeasurable surprise that it did sting, stung so badly that he looked down to make sure Snapperton hadn’t struck him with the whip.
“You have the privilege of performing in the grandest spectacle the circus world has ever seen. I’m told you gave my men quite the runaround when they came to find you! With your acrobatics, it won’t be too difficult. I would’ve thought myself lucky if I could present a turtle-thing in a cage, but to have one doing flips and walking the tightrope?! Oh, I can hear the roar of the crowds already!”
“Listen, dumbass,” said Leo. “We get it, you think you’re a hotshot, and you’re such a loser that you can’t even make a circus performance interesting without abusing pathetic animals like us, but there is no way in hell that we’re performing in any circus of yours.”
“Not to mention that we have two very temperamental brothers and a sister with a baseball bat,” said Donnie.
“Yeah, and they’re probably looking for us right now. This is your warning to cut us loose, otherwise, I’m gonna tell her to hit a home run. With your skull.”
“If they’re coming right now, then that just more than doubles the performers in my new show,” said Snapperton. “You will do this.”
“I’d sooner swallow a rusty razor blade.”
“…If that’s how you’ll be, then I suppose it’s advantageous that I have two of you. For an opening night, I think one will do…It will leave the audience thirsting for more.”
Snapperton looked between the two. He pointed at Donnie with his whip.
“The soft-shell,” he said. “What in Heaven’s name is that thing on its back? Take it off.”
“Excuse you,” Donnie drawled.
A guy swooped in and tugged at the Battle Shell’s clasps, and no sooner than he did when an electronic facsimile of Donnie’s voice rang out. “Forceful Battle Shell removal detected. Activating security protocols.”
A boxing glove sprang out of a compartment on the Battle Shell and nailed the henchman in the face. Another guy snapped the clasps off and tossed the Battle Shell to the side.
“Why does everyone assume I can just ‘fix’ everything that gets broken?” Donnie asked as the henchman grabbed him by the arms and dragged him off. “Has it never occurred to you that my tech should be treated with the respect it deserves? Now remove thy phalanges from my being!”
“Oh, I’m going to enjoy making you be quiet,” said Snapperton. The guys stretched out Donnie’s arm, exposing the blank expanse of his leathery shell to Snapperton. Snapperton unfurled the whip and grinned at Leo. “Now, let’s try again.”
“You lay a finger on him and I promise that anything you do, I’ll do to you ten times over,” Leo said darkly.
“Perform in my show and there won’t be a problem.”
“No one’s gonna perform in your stupid show.”
Snapperton pulled back the whip, and it curled through the air in a long black line, drawn like ink from a fountain pen, and cracked down across Donnie’s back. The first strike made his entire body lunge forward, held fast by the two guys holding tight onto his arm. The noise that came out of him was the worst. A pained yell, overlapped with swears. Donnie twisted as if wrestling with the instinct to attack Snapperton, but the henchmen were strong, hands large and practised and able to curl around the entire circumference of his arm. A long, crimson gash stretched from his shoulder diagonally to his lower back.
It was just one strike, one that left Donnie pulling hard against the men restraining. Every muscle in Leo’s body went rigid. Donnie’s shoulders heaved. He caught Leo’s eyes over his shoulder and they held the shocked stare for a long time.
“Will you perform?” Snapperton asked.
Leo was breathless. “I’ll perform a jig on your corpse.”
“Tut, tut.”
The whip snapped down a second time. Donnie unleashed the worst vulgarities on the silence, squirming and trying to pull away from the whip. Leo’s mind went blank, but he could count the number of strikes by the thick slices on his shell. He struggled, and when he struggled just a little too much, a third guy appeared to keep him on his knees, pinned and helpless. It took ten strikes before Donnie’s swearing became incoherent yells, and, fuck, Leo was so glad that Donnie was facing the other direction so he wouldn’t have to see the look on his face. He was sure that whatever look he wore, whatever expression was making the cries, was infinitely worse than the cuts weeping down his back, dripping off the edge of his shell onto the dirt.
“Wait,” Leo said. “Wait!”
Snapperton didn’t wait; he was insane with glee. Leo shouted louder but was physically incapable of yelling louder than Donnie. What he wouldn’t give for Raph to swoop in, for Raph to solve all their problems, but he wasn’t and it was just him, and fuck it all, Leo should be able to handle this, shouldn’t have provoked Snapperton, shouldn’t have let this happen.
Leo would’ve done anything to trade places with Donnie. He would’ve given up his swords, his home, his relationship with his family, he would’ve chosen the prison dimension over this, would’ve accepted exposure, torture, a lifetime of fear, would’ve offered anything to be in Donnie’s spot.
The crack shot out each time. At twenty, Donnie crying grew weaker. By thirty, it stopped. It felt like gunfire straight to the heart. Donnie was only semi-conscious, strung between two burly humans that they definitely should’ve been able to handle. Leo could no longer count the number of strikes on Donnie’s back.
Leo knew he yelled that whole time, crazed with anxiety. Most of it composed of senseless threats and shouting Donnie's name. Finally, Leo tuned into what he was saying, the thing he was saying over and over again as Snapperton kept going.
“You made your point, you made it!” Leo was yelling. “I’ll perform, I’ll do it, just stop. Please stop! I’ll perform!”
He said it again and again. He didn’t know what number they were at when Snapperton stopped, finally cognizant of Leo speaking. He removed his top hat, his balding forehead shining with sweat, and wiped it on his sleeve.
“I’ll perform,” Leo said again, voice warbling. “I’ll perform. I’ll do it.”
“That’s the spirit!” Snapperton said gleefully. “More of that agreeableness, please. I don’t want to cut tongues to make you behave.”
For once, and perhaps ironically, Leo was at a loss for words.
Snapperton settled his whip back on his belt. It was dripping red. “Cage them up, boys. Our next show is going to be historical.”
The guys dragged Leo upright and hauled him and Donnie out of the tent. His awareness blacked out for a short while, and when he came to, he was in a wrought iron cage, like an animal. There was some sort of tarp overtop it, blocking out most of the light except for a small sliver, which he peered through to see a campsite, and excited circus performers running back and forth. More importantly, Donnie was laying face-down in a pile of hay in the corner, bleeding freely.
The wounds were deep and severe, staining parts of the hay red. Fortunately, he was very much unconscious and Leo hauled him into his lap, careful to keep his shell facing up. He had nothing to stop the bleeding, except cool air. He picked a strand of hay out of one of the open wounds. Donnie gave a deep shudder.
“Raph, Mikey, and April are coming,” Leo told him, unsure if Donnie could hear him. If he was lucky, he’d stay unconscious. “You got to stay still.”
A loud bang, then a scream from outside. Distant, but close enough, and familiar. Leo looked up sharp.
“They’re coming,” he said. “They’re coming for us.”
Leo looked out of the sliver in the tarp, waiting for the rescue and the full-blown righteous fury of his siblings.
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sdv-mostly-shane · 4 years ago
not sure if this has been asked or written before, but what a about a 'sort of cryptid like farmer' and shane? a farmer that's just a little bit more on the non human side kinda thing, if thats alright
A special Spooktember treat for you guys- I hope you enjoy. Been saving this one until it was appropriately close enough to spooky season. Also- TIL that goblincore is a quite delightful aesthetic-read til the end to get the full ✧・゚:*✧・゚:* vibes *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ they’re feral AND charming.
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Just Goblin Things
Summary: There’s something sinister in Cindersnap Forest, and Shane is the one to come face to face with the creature. What he finds is a more than just a little magical, and he can’t wait to discover more.
Trigger warning : very brief, vague insinuations of alcohol; general spookyness.
“Seb, how many more until we can go back to my house?’
“Just a minute, Sam. I can hear one croaking just over there…“
“Yoba, what was that!-look, there in the bush!” A flash of green had caught Abigails eye, followed by a loud scrambling noise. She pushed herself off the ground, using Sam’s shoulder as a boost, and leaped toward the sound, searching for its maker.
“What kind of frog was that?”
“I didn’t even see anything. Probably just some raccoon or something.” They watched Abby crawl around a small thicket of bushes, peeking in between branches as she went. “Leave it alone, Abby, you don’t want to catch rabies.”
“Raccoons don’t have green eyes, Seb,” she said, as she perked her head up to listen to a faint crinkling of leaves. “Listen, do you hear that? It almost sounds like.. hissing?”
“What, like a snake?”
“No, like a-AH!” Abby shrieked, and fell back. The two boys ran towards her. “No, get back, it might see you!” She was referencing the massive pair of green speckled eyes that were now accompanied with a gnarly, toothy grimace emerging from the bush. From it, came an ungodly snarling and hissing.
“Alright, time to go,” Seb yanked the two teenagers away from the creature, and they started to run. Once they had made it inside Sam’s house, the trio slammed his bedroom door and jumped on the bed. They sat for a moment in silence, listening to each other’s panting breath. Abby began to say something, but Sebastian interrupted, “we’re not gonna talk about it. Just don’t-nothing happened. We didn’t see anything. Got it?” Abby huffed in frustration, and protested with him, arguing that they needed to get back out there and figure it out. All Sam could do was stare at his floor, stunned at what had just happened.
The next day, Sam went to start his shift at the Joja Mart on edge from the night before. Shane was working the freezer when he spotted him-he had picked up a packaged of individually sealed pancakes seven minutes ago and was still staring at it, unmoving. “Uh, you alright, bud?”
“I’ve never seen anything like it…” His voice seemed far away, but he managed to finally move, making to put away the product. He turned to him, “Shane, you live in Cindersnap Forest. Have you ever seen anything… weird�� there?”
“You mean besides Mayor Lewis sneaking out the back window and crawling around the house, thinking I can’t see him?”
“No, never seen anything.”
“Well we did, Abby, Seb, and I, last night.”
“Well, nothing really actually happened-it just scared us, really. Made a really ugly sound and showed it’s teeth to us. It must have just been some animal… but the thing is… gah, I can’t even say it.”
Shane tossed a bag of multipurpose detergent at him, demanding, “C’mon, say it.”
“Ouch, Yoba, alright. I didn’t tell the others, but when we were running away, I looked back and.. and well, I saw it run away and it was on two legs like a person.”
“Hah, okay you got me. There’s nothing in that forest, kid, don’t think about it too much.” Shane slapped the back of Sam’s shoulder, bidding him to just do his work, and went about finishing the stocking. He’d look over, occasionally, to see the golden-haired teen zoned into space again, but he didn’t have the mental capacity to really care at that point; he just needed to get through his shift.
Shane looked at his phone-11:26 PM. He’d gone out, not able to sleep, and forced himself to take a cold walk through the woods to avoid the saloon. Shivering, not just from the cold, he made his way over to the edge of the lake. He enjoyed watching the little sparkling fish swim, their silver scales glisten underneath the shallow water… Swishing and splashing and crashing-crashing? He flipped his body around to see the source of the crash-in front of the big tree, in a disheveled pile, sat the farmer. They were brushing the leaves out of their hair and dusting off their knees.
“What are you doing?”
“Oh! Goodness, Shane, you scared me.”
“You’re the one who fell out of the tree.”
The farmer finger-gunned, “You got me there,” and stood up, gathering the belongings that tumbled from their satchel.
Shane watched them, and smirked at seeing them covered in Earth matter-leaves, moss, dirt-it all seemed to have managed to stick to them as they tumbled down the tree. “You’re covered in dirt.”
“Oh, yeah I am.” The farmer brushed off their apron and body. Dirt, rocks, and leaves fell from their arms, but the moss stayed firmly attached.
Now with a clear view, Shane could see that their skin wasn’t quite right. It looked jaundiced from their shoulders down, where the color faded to a sickly vibrant green down to their finger tips. The moss had attached itself to their elbows and seemed to grow down to their fingertips. As the farmer moved about, their arms coming in and out of scattered streaks of moonlight, he could almost see it blinking at him. Was it growing on their arm? He blinked trying to make sense of it, “No, no I meant your arms have-“
“Oh, Hey Franklin.”
Shane’s jaw hung open on his words. Emerging from the Farmers.. arm moss?.. emerged a little frog. It opened and closed its mouth a few times before letting out a tiny ‘ribbit’.
“Yeah, I found this little guy a few weeks ago and he just didn’t want to leave. He likes to come with me on our nightly mushroom hunts.” Franklin went cross eyed as he focus on a little bug flittering past before catching it with a satisfying crunch. “Oh, that was a good one, Frankie.”
“Okay I’m gonna go now,” Shane regained control of his jaw, resolutely shoved his hands in his pockets, and started to turn away.
“Wait! You’re not gonna tell anyone my secret are you?”
“Tell them what, that you keep a secret frog hidden somewhere in your arm?”
“No, everyone should know about Franklin, he’s precious. I meant-you know what, can I just show you?” The farmer reached out their hand in an offer for Shane to grab.
He hesitated-he only barely knew the farmer, having really only seen them run past him at full speed with a pick axe held high above their head-but he was in desperate need of a distraction tonight.
The farmer, seeing his reservation, offered up, “come sit down with me, I’ll make us some tea.”
“I don’t drink tea.”
“Well I’ll tell you some of my other secrets?”
He was in too deep now, his curiosity overtaking his tentativeness, “Alright.” He accepted their hand; his fingertips flexed atop their hand, cushioned by the lush, damp covering of green.
Holding his hand, they led him to their crash-landing zone under the tree, where they sat down. As the farmer sat, legs tucked into each other, Shane thought he saw their body hesitate mid-air for half a second. He then was sure that he saw a little fairy ring of mushrooms pop out of the ground with a glimmering puff of orange dust as the farmers body finally made contact with the ground.
“Please, sit.” Shane pretended to not be concerned, but the farmer smiled to themselves as they spotted him cautiously glancing down to the ground as he gingerly lowered himself to sit. Satisfied, the farmer opened up their satchel and pulled out their trinkets for tea-two wooden cups, a shiny silver teapot with a mismatched spoon, and a box of vials and jars. Opening, smelling, taking, and closing the little jars, they began to make the tea. The beautiful earthy colors of the roots, grasses, and leaves peeled out over the edge of the cups. Craning their body, they reached over to the other circle of mushrooms where they crashed, and plucked a purple one.
As they filled the teacups, Shane watched in horror as the they grasped a moth straight out of the air, ripped a wing off, and shredded it into the two cups. He hoped to Yoba the ‘tea’ was done, but they pulled out one final vial. Swallowing, he asked, “Who’s hair is that?”
“Don’t worry about it.” The farmer pick up the teapot, cradling it in their palms. As the silver started to glow red hot, the farmers hair flew up, standing straight when the teapot began to steam. They poured the hot water into the cups.
“Okay, I get it, I know what this is.”
“What is?”
“I just had a few too many today, and I’m actually just super hammered right now and it’s making me see things. I’m gonna go to bed, now”
“But I didn’t see you at the saloon today?”
“Well, no, but if I think about it too much I’m gonna freak out a little bit,” he pushed his hands off to stand, “so I’m just gonna say that this isn’t real and-“
The farmer reached out their hand to him once more. He stood, frozen, as he watched twigs emerge from their fingertips, growing into branches, followed by leaves, and finishing with a delicate flower unfurling inches away from where he stood.
“It’s beautiful.”
“Take it.”
“Take it? But it’s.. attached.”
“Just take it,” the farmer smiled.
He picked it, cupping it in his palms, and brought it to his chest. He watched in awe as the flower petals began to sway, and tiny white fairies sprouted from the pollen. Transfixed, he stood holding his breath as the hazy creatures danced around the petals.
While he watched, eyes big and lit up, the farmer quietly pulled out from their satchel a little carved wooden chair. While Franklin hopped down and plopped onto the chair, the farmer plucked another tiny mushroom, removing the stalk, and tipped a mini-portion of tea from their cup into the cap. They handed it to Franklin who busied himself with dunking his head in and out of the tea and screaming into it.
Shane, remembering his need to breathe, finally gasped and attempted to sputter something intelligible out, but just as he thought of a semi-formed sentence, the dancing fairies suddenly burst into a frenzy of colorful fire. They continued their elaborate dance until the last of them fizzled out, and there was nothing left of the dancing flower except misty smoke and white ash.
“You can keep that-here, pour it into here,” they handed an empty vial to Shane, “sprinkle it on your doorstep and it’ll protect you and your loved ones.”
He did as he was told, not even questioning it at this point-he wanted to know more and how and why and what. Finished, he sat back down, facing the farmer, watching them lift the teacup to their lips. “So uh, does the tree thing happen a lot, or just at night, because I’ve seen you during the day and it doesn’t look like that.”
“No, you’re right, see the thing is, it’s when I- HHREEEEEEEEEK!”
Shane tumbled back in shock, catching himself with his elbows and hands. The farmer had let out an awful screech, showing their (formerly enchanting smile) now fanged row of gnarly teeth. In an instant, their eyes grew and melted into dinner plate-sized puddles of green. Shane yanked his head to match the direction of the farmers leer, where he saw a scruffy-looking opossum attempting to sneak their grubby hands around Franklin. The caught-and foiled-thief returned the farmers screech with a feral ‘hiss’ of its own, before it clambered back into dark bushes.
As quickly as the transformation happened, the farmer returned to normal just the same, meeting Shane’s stunned eyes with their own-now regular sized-smiling eyes. “Can’t be letting Franklin become someone’s snack, now can we?” They laughed and smiled to themselves, giving Franklin a little finger pat.
He was stunned, again. He blinked his way around the farmers face and body, searching for something that would make sense of his feelings. Was it repulsion? Fascination? Perhaps even a little attraction? The farmers little twinkling laugh would normally be very charming to him, but the circumstances of it were overwhelmingly frightening… if not still partially alluring. He settled his searching to focus on their smile-they offered it up so freely to him.
The farmer had waited for him to get settled back into a relaxed position before they continued, “Now what was it you were asking me, dear?”
“I was asking about your arms, that they normally aren’t literal trees,” he stoped, “dear?”
“Well, yeah. We’re friends now, aren’t we? Would you prefer me to call you something else?”
“… no, that’s fine.”
They sat together for a few moments in silence while the farmer drank their tea, and Shane gathered the courage to at least sip the leafy moth water. (It wasn’t good, but it wasn’t bad. He swished his tongue around his mouth to feel for any fuzzy winged remains, but couldn’t find any. It was smooth, and still hot. While he pondered, Franklin made a few flighty hops over to where his foot was resting, and jumped up onto his sneaker-he was trying to bite the laced up shoestrings.
He let out a little laugh-what a strange little animal. He looked up at the farmer and thought ‘what a strange little.. goblin.’ He let himself stare a bit-they didn’t seem to mind. They had taken off their hat by now, and revealed a pair of little pronged antlers that were hidden underneath. They were encrusted with clusters of crystals, which glittered with every turn and tilt of the farmers head. He continued to drink his tea, getting more accustomed to it with each sip, and watched the scattered moonlight refract off the crystals onto the ground. There, where the prismatic light met earth, a misting of teeny white flowers sprouted and bloomed. Shane had always been appreciative of the wonders of nature, but he had never seen it this beautiful. The farmer seemed connected to the earth, each breathing life into the other. It was humbling. And it-they-were beautiful.
The farmer finally caught his eye, and looked down, now a bit embarrassed. They didn’t mind the scrutiny-it wasn’t out of judgement, they knew, just curiosity. Truth be told, the feeling was more of self consciousness than anything. It was always daunting to show anyone their true selves, but to Shane? His gaze was so honest and searching that it was intimidating. Still feeling his eyes on them, the farmer briefly looked up through their lashes to give him a shy smile, and then turned their attention to the lake.
Shane broke the silence, “Any other goblins in their you wanna tell me about,” he motioned to the lake.
“Nah, that lake is occupied already.”
“Ah, I was just playing. Of course, it’s occupied with fish.”
The farmer was silent
He turned to them, only slightly panicky, “With fish right?”
“Mmhmm yeah fish, lots of fish.” They pursed their lips tight and took a nervous sip of their already empty tea.
Shane squinted to the water, studying it, and caught a glimpse of some bubbles rupturing on the distant surface. He scooted closer to the farmer.
With the shoulders pressed up against each other, the farmer reassured him, “Don’t worry, I got you,” and took hold of his hand.
Shane eased his body deeper against their shoulder with a sigh. He took a peek at the farmer’s face just in time to see an attractive blush warm their cheeks. He smiled, and rubbed his thumb over the tops of their knuckles. They sat together, watching the lake, while the moon rose higher in the sky.
“Did you call me a goblin?” The farmer broke the trance.
Shane let out a hearty laugh, “What other kind of magical creature sneaks around in the dark and scares neighborhood children?”
The farmer returned the laugh, and finger gunned once more, “you know what, you got me there again, Shane.” The pair filled the foggy air with the sound of their laughter, pushing their bodies still even closer together.
“If you don’t want your cover blown, you should probably stop doing that, you know, screeching at teenagers.”
“No, I don’t think I will,” the farmer said with a small growl and a wink.
It was Shane’s turn to blush, now. He looked down at their hands, still cupped together, and smiled. “What other magic secrets do you have?”
“ ✧・゚:*✧・゚:* Let me show you.*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ “
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the-insomniac-emporium · 4 years ago
Wounded Love (Lady Dimitrescu/F!Reader) Pt. 3
Fandom: Resident Evil: Village Rating: T for blood/violence and language Genre: Action with a lil bit of fluff Warnings: Lil bit of blood Notes: There's an unnamed character in here who may or may not end up as recurring in my stories. I don't really have anything in particular planned for her, she's kinda just here to fill a role/allow for some easter egg type shit in the next chapter. Previous Chapters: Pt. 1, Pt. 2
{Wounded Love 3: Bloody Valentine (No, not that Valentine)}
“Mother Miranda, I must insist, if these lycans stray any further they might start feasting on the village as well! Pray tell, who will you use for research then? We can’t just-... Forgive me… Mhmm. Yes, I understand. Of course… Have a good night, Mother Miranda,” Lady Dimitrescu said, before setting her phone down with a loud thunk. Her hands shake a little, and for a moment you worry that her vanity won’t survive the coming moments. Then you make eye contact with her reflection, giving her an encouraging smile, watching as her gaze softens. “I’m afraid there’s nothing she can do, my dear. I cannot allow Heisenberg’s negligence to go unpunished, but we will have to take care of it on our own, without Mother Miranda’s support.”
“Is that wise, love? To go behind her back like this? I can’t imagine she’ll be terribly pleased if we cause chaos for one of her favored few,” you replied, clicking your tongue as you thought things over. Again you see anger cloud Alcina’s face, though she makes sure not to direct it at you.
“We are not the ones who started this mess,” she reminded you, through clenched teeth. “But we will be the ones to end it, one way or another. I don’t care if I have to gut that wretched man-thing and bring Miranda his corpse as proof of his incompetence! He has shown his lack of loyalty hundreds of times… and now he will pay.” Gulping, you rise to your feet, wanting to comfort your girlfriend. While you had understood that your injury angered her, you hadn’t (until this moment) realized the sheer intensity of that rage. How much blood would be shed before this was over?...
Crimson drips down the beast’s side, across matted fur, before hitting the wooden floor. A stench as awful as you had ever found filled the air, only made tolerable by the nearby presence of scented candles. What a mess, you think, glad that you wouldn’t be the one to clean it up. Why had the girls insisted on bringing the damn thing inside? Couldn’t they have simply snatched a few teeth from its jaw as a prize? Somehow you doubted that the thought had even crossed their minds. Violence was a passion of theirs, and they preferred their trophies to be as large as the effort they put into getting it.
“How close to the path did you find it?” You asked after finishing your examination of the lycan. Next to you, the eldest daughter is rapidly taking notes in a leather-bound journal. Both of her siblings stand near the fireplace, hands held out next to the flames, needing to warm up after being outside for so long. It wasn’t even that cold of a day, with temperatures averaging around eighteen degrees celsius. All the snowfall from the prior week had now melted. While you knew of the family’s weakness, you also knew that they had bundled up before leaving, and had even taken a torch with them in the hopes of using it on a lycan. Their powers had taken somewhat of a hit, temporarily, but not nearly enough to prevent them from killing a single lycan.
“Heard it howling almost as soon as we left the castle. We couldn’t smell it until halfway to the village, though. Once we could we tried to track it, only for the stupid thing to come charging at us. Must have been eight, maybe ten, meters away by the time we collided,” Cassandra answered. There’s a bit of a shiver to her voice, and you can’t help the rush of sympathy you feel in response. Being out on the path, wearing little more than a dress and scarf, had been absolute hell for you. Even if it was warmer outside now, you imagined that being weak to the cold just about made up for the difference. “There was a little more howling once we started walking back here. Louder, if not closer. Heisenbitch isn’t even trying to keep these fucking things in check.”
“Cassandra, language!” Came a voice in the distance, making everyone present look up at once. Strutting down the stairs was a clearly miffed Alcina, eyes narrowed, body tense. “Did you three really have to bring the mutt inside? Surely you advocated against this, Bela? Or did you think I wanted new bloodstains right by the entrance, where everyone can see them?” Next to you Bela winces, but doesn’t respond, too worried about angering her mother further. “And you, my dear, what on Earth are you doing on the floor? You should be resting, in an actual chair, if not lying in bed awaiting my return. There’s enough for me to worry about without you limping around on a useless leg!”
Now it was your turn to wince.
“Please, love, I know you’re stressed, but I can still help. Given enough time I could help ascertain these things’ weaknesses. At the very least I could pass on what I learned during my fight with one,” you pleaded. Then you tried to stand up, wanting to prove yourself, only to stumble, barely avoiding a faceplant- and only doing so because of Bela’s quick reaction time. She helped you to your feet, letting you lean on her, then lead you towards a bench. Begrudgingly you sit back down. “You’re only doing this because I got hurt. Helping you in your endeavor to avenge me is the least I can do.”
“Don’t be foolish,” Alcina snapped, now just a couple meters away from you. Even with that space between you, her presence was intimidating, and you almost felt like a child being scolded. “Were you to get hurt again, how would we avenge you? If you fall by your own hand, there will be naught I can do other than lock you away somewhere without any dangerous elements. What sort of existence would that be for you? I simply can’t allow it, no exceptions.” At this you pout, feeling rather disappointed. It’s not as if you were asking to carry a gun and shoot Heisenberg yourself! Not that you would be opposed to doing so, of course. “Try to put yourself in my place, my dear. Could you live with yourself if you failed to protect me?”
“I suppose I could not, love. Very well, I shall simply root you on from here, and kiss away any injuries you return with,” you replied, at last giving in. Then you found yourself smiling… and on the receiving end of a very soft forehead kiss. “Nothing will separate us, my love. None can tear apart that which the universe has stitched together.”
“Like I said, my Lady, I already want him dead. Did you really think that your family was the only one to suffer because of his machinations? I know half a dozen people who would love to put a bullet in that fucker’s skull, bare mims,” the huntress said, white teeth showing in her half-smirk. There was an odd coolness to her voice, like this whole ordeal was just another job, and you couldn’t help but feel uncertain about her. Could she really be the solution to Alcina’s problem? You couldn’t even judge her arsenal, considering she had been instructed to come unarmed. After all, she was a hunter of monsters, with a sizable history to her name. If not for her hatred of Heisenberg, you would never have felt comfortable letting her come within two hundred meters of your girlfriend.
“How can I be sure that you’ll succeed? The last thing I want is to have that wretched man-thing come crawling out of the filth he lives in, angry and coming for vengeance,” Alcina responded, scrutinizing gaze locked on the huntress.
“Didn’t Duke give you my file? Or at least read the good bits out loud? I’ve been in my fair share of scraps, with all sorts of bioweapon mutant freaks. Besides, I don’t plan on leaving any receipts behind. If he manages to survive, which is already one hell of an if, there’s no way he can prove that you asked me to do it. Considering he’s already seen my face, and knows I want him dead… yeah, he won’t bother accusing you, not when I’m in the picture, and certainly not when you’ve got such a big reputation for following Mother Miranda’s word down to the very last letter. So, you gonna make this official, or what?” The huntress asked, gesturing her arms wide. Although you’re still not convinced, Alcina nods quietly, seeming ready to make her decision. Regardless of how you feel about the stranger in front of you, you’re more than willing to support your girlfriend in whatever she planned.
“Very well, huntress. Show us just what you’re capable of.”
Flames licked at her heels, even as she charged forward, tickling like hot breaths against her skin. Behind her half a dozen lycans roared and screeched in unison. Smoke and ashes flew upwards, into the air, but could not poison her lungs, not when she had come prepared. Still, the mask was not as easy to breathe in as she had hoped, making her chest heave with effort at each intake of air. Good thing I’ll be gone soon, she thought, sparing a glance behind her as she ran. Dozens of trees were aflame, and countless glowing eyes watched from between the branches. They wouldn’t be there for much longer, not with what she had done.
Soon enough an explosion would shake the Earth. Then, finally, both the lycans who had killed her father and the man who desecrated the remains would be dead. And if a certain countess happened to pay her for her services? All the better, really. Funerals could be expensive, especially in such a remote village. More than that… there was no guarantee that she’d be able to outrun Mother Miranda on her own. A little money would make the flight out a hell of a lot nicer.
Assuming she made it that far. There was another scream behind her, this one more human, though somewhat warped by mechanics. It wasn’t a pained cry. No, it was filled with rage. Clearly Heisenberg had come out of his lair, hearing the fireworks, finding his scrap metal and werewolf army in chaos. From the sound of things- metal against metal, electricity crackling- he was coming her way.
“Fuck fuck fuck!” She muttered, desperately trying to get to higher ground. Even if the lycans succumbed to the overwhelming fire, it wouldn’t be hard for their leader to overcome. But the huntress was still too close to her explosives to risk activating the detonator. Just a bit farther, she thought, ignoring the way her lungs ached. Rocks kicked up with every step, loud enough to be heard from a distance, and made traction harder to keep. In the end she had to scramble to get up the side of a short cliff. A few scrapes appeared on her hands, making her curse under her breath.
But with one last movement, pulling herself up with both arms, she was finally far enough to be relatively safe. In one clean second she turned around, pulled the detonator out of its pouch and clicked the trigger. Just like that, a forest blazing turns into a mushroom cloud of pure hellfire. The setting sun makes for a beautiful backdrop, and the sight almost brings a tear to the huntress’ eyes. For a few moments she just enjoys the view. Then, without hesitation or remorse, she starts to walk away, mentally congratulating herself for a job well done.
Until something shoots past her head with terrifying speed. Before she can react another sharp piece of metal flies past her, grazing her arm, and there’s a blood-curdling roar from behind her. Then she’s running, fast as she can, pulse pounding harder than it ever has. One hand goes to the rifle on her back, pulling it out as quickly as she can. The area is rocky, with plenty of outcrops, perfect to hide behind (assuming there weren’t any hidden metal deposits). Quickly she ducks behind one, crouching to keep her head out of sight. Mere milliseconds later another metal spike slams into the ground just beyond her cover.
In the distance, more screams pierce the air, and something heavy drags itself across the ground. It almost sounds like a tank rolling through the woods. The thought alone worries the huntress, but she had never been one to let her fear control her. So she double checks her rifle, adjusts the scope, and pops out of cover. Less than a second later she has her target in her sights. It’s Heisenberg, for sure, more metal than man, but dripping with red. One press of the trigger sends a bullet straight for his ugly head. Unsurprisingly, it’s not enough to pierce his cranium, instead making him mad as hell.
Which is why automatic guns were invented, probably. The huntress holds the trigger down this time, though briefly, before dashing to the next piece of cover. She repeats the process a few times, hoping to kill the man before he could climb the cliff she stood on. If he managed to get up there with her… no, she couldn’t think about that, not now. She had to focus.
Hidden among the trees, the Dimitrescu sisters watched as plumes of smoke rose in the distance. Even though they had been aware of the huntress’ plan, they hadn’t expected this much carnage. It was certainly exciting! But they really couldn’t see much from where they were. Getting closer was probably a horrible idea, and yet Cassandra shared a meaningful look with Daniela. A split second later they were forming a swarm, rushing into the trees, leaving their elder sister to yell after them.
“Mother’s going to kill me,” Bela said, before rolling her eyes and following. Maybe she could at least keep them out of trouble?... Probably not.
Metal hands wrap around the huntress’ throat, squeezing hard, but do not twist or otherwise break their prey. No, Heisenberg does not intend to end this that quickly. This rodent had taken so much from him, set his plans back by decades. He was going to kill her slowly. When she still fights back, pulling a knife from her boot and trying to stab whatever she can reach, he does little else but laugh. It’s a crazed cackling that echoes through the surrounding rocky hills.
Just barely loud enough to drown out the sound of insects buzzing.
“Fuck that guy!” Someone shouted, right as a sickle descended upon the monstrous Heisenberg’s neck. The first slice isn’t enough to sever the connection, which is why it’s immediately followed by a second, from another sister, then a third, from the eldest, that finally does the job. Just like that the hands release from the huntress’ throat, and she gasps for air. Coughs leave her distracted as the sisters move to surround her. “Good thing we wanted to see the show up close and personal, eh?” Daniela asked, twirling her sickle with a little giggle.
“You idiots are just lucky I followed you,” Bela added, glaring at her sister. Internally, she was relieved that the end result was a success. Still, she worried about what her mother would think, and certainly didn’t intend to voice her satisfaction at delivering the killing blow. “Now let’s get back, before mother assumes the worst and comes to get us herself.” Sighing, she extends a hand to help the huntress up. Though their mutual enemy had been defeated, there was still much to be done. Who knew how Mother Miranda would react? Who, if anyone, would take Heisenberg’s place? There was plenty to be unsure about, and Bela let her mind wander the whole way back, hoping that things would only get better from here...
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fruitcoops · 4 years ago
If you're still taking requests, could you do one where someone is making Remus really uncomfortable and someone from the team helps him out? (Preferably Sirius, Leo, Logan, James, or Dumo but everything you do is so good so it really doen't matter 😂❣)
Yep! Please take a look at the TW below before reading, since there are parts of this that are a bit intense. SW credit goes to @lumosinlove!
Combined with protective Sirius and Leo/ Loops friendship!
TW for a super creepy guy, unwanted handholding, unwanted flirting/ not taking no for an answer, innuendo, moderate panic attack, and alcohol
The folding chair next to Remus creaked as a tall man in a perfectly-tailored suit sat down hard in it. He was clearly a drink or two past tipsy, and something in Remus’ throat itched at the way the man’s eyes flickered across his chest and arms. “You’re Lupin, right? The new Lion?”
Remus set his drink down. “That’s me.”
“Stan Martin, nice to meet you.” Stan held his hand out and Remus shook it; his palm was clammy, and he held on just a second too long. Remus was the first to pull away after he felt a light squeeze from wrinkled fingers.
“Pleasure’s mine,” Remus said with a polite smile. Sirius was nowhere in sight, and everyone else was occupied in their own conversations. He swallowed hard. “Do you own a team?”
“Nah, I just fund ‘em,” Stan snorted. “Too much work otherwise, not enough time for play, if you know what I mean.”
Remus forced a laugh. “Right, yeah, totally. Are you involved with the Lions? I’m a bit new to the whole administration thing.”
“Even after being a PT for so long?” Stand gave him an incredulous look, but beneath it there was a shadow Remus didn’t like.
“Yep. I was pretty contained to my tape pallets and charts.” Joke it off, Lupin.
A hand, heavy from alcohol and lack of inhibitions, fell on Remus’ forearm with a few clumsy pats before settling on his wrist. Stan looked directly into his eyes. “If you ever need someone to, ah, show you the ropes, give me a call.”
Remus cleared his throat and tried to pull his arm away, but the hand didn’t budge. “I don’t think that will be necessary, but thank you for the offer.”
“No, really. The NHL is a complicated world. I’d be more than happy to take some of that weight off your shoulders.” Stan leaned closer and Remus tensed as his eyes roved his face. “Your freckles are much more striking in real life, Lupin.”
“Please let go of my arm, Mr. Martin.”
“Call me Stan.”
“Let go of me, Martin.”
An awful little grin spread over his thin lips. “You’re a spitfire, aren’t you? Too much for Captain Solitude, I bet.”
He jerked his head to the side of the room, where Remus saw Sirius making polite conversation with a woman in a long dress. A spike of fury bubbled up. “Are you talking about my fiancé?”
“Easy, tiger, I’m just saying—” He hiccupped and Remus tried to pull away, but Stan’s grip tightened by a fraction. “—I’m just saying, you could do better with someone who knows how to handle you.”
“I can handle myself just fine. If you don’t stop talking shit about my fiancé, I’ll—”
“What? You’ll do what?” Stan leered at him and Remus paused to shove down his nausea. “You know, you were much prettier before you tried to be like the rest of these jocks.”
“I’m leaving now.”
“I’m just being honest,” Stan huffed, never releasing Remus’ arm from his hold. Remus could feel his shoulders starting to shake. “You’ve got those cute little cheekbones. Very delicate, like—almost feminine. Those training regimens they put you on ruined it, in my opinion. Look, Lupin, when you get tired of tall, dark, and boring over there, gimme a call and you can be pretty aga—”
“What’s going on over here?” a falsely bright voice cut in. The chair on Remus’ other side clicked at its joints as Leo sat down, looking between them with icy eyes. “Am I missing out on all the fun?”
“Hey, Knutty,” Remus managed, wincing as his voice cracked. Stan leaned back in his chair and Remus quickly yanked his arm away, tangling his fingers together.
“Lupin and I were just having a chat,” Stan said, glancing back down at Remus’ lap until he tucked his hands under his thighs. “Nothing big and important.”
Leo’s knee pressed against his own. “Sirius was looking for you a minute ago.”
Stan’s jaw tightened. “What, we can’t finish our conversation?”
“No.” Remus channeled all his roiling discomfort and the urge to knock the creep’s teeth in as he stood up. “No, this conversation has been done for a while. Have a nice night, Mr. Martin.”
Leo’s arm was steady across his shoulders as they walked away; Remus’ vision tunneled, sparkling black at the sides. “Are you gonna be alright?” Leo asked under his breath, his accent soothing. Remus nodded. “You’re shaking, Re.”
“No, I’m not.” He grabbed a plastic cup of water off a nearby tray and nearly sloshed it all over himself. “Jesus fucking—”
“Re.” He could feel his teeth starting to chatter and sweat rolled down the too-tight collar of his shirt. Leo’s hand closed loosely around his own and took the cup. “C’mon.”
“Sirius was looking for me,” he protested as Leo led him down a side hall.
Leo shrugged. “Probably.”
“…he didn’t talk to you.”
“You came to get me anyway.”
The clog in Remus’ chest grew and he nearly tripped over his own feet. “Thanks, Knutty.”
A sharp puff of air cooled his burning face. “I’m sorry I didn’t get there sooner.”
“I tried to leave.” The words tangled around his tongue as Leo pushed open the bathroom door and led him to the sinks, dampening some paper towels. “I—fuck, Leo, I’m stronger than him but he was holding my arm so tight and I was so fucking freaked.”
“Easy, Re.” Leo sounded like he was trying to calm a spooked horse.
The towels were a balm in Remus’ hands and on his face as he pressed them over his mouth to muffle the wheezing noises. “I’d rather be called a slur to my face than have that happen again.”
The gentle circles on his back stopped for a second. “Do you want to talk about it?”
He shook his head. “I don’t—no. I just wanna go home.”
“Deep breaths.” Leo handed him a new towel to blow his nose, then pulled his phone out.
“Has anyone told you that you’re a kickass friend?”
A weak smile pulled at the corners of his mouth, but his face was still troubled. “Once or twice.”
Remus’ lungs were tight with a mix of fear and disgust; he felt a little like he wanted to throw up, and while Leo’s hand on his back was an anchor to the world, the rest of him screamed ‘don’t touch me’.
Barely two minutes later, the bathroom door swung open. “Honey? What happened?”
“Holy shit,” Remus managed as gray eyes swam into his field of view. Sirius. Sirius meant safety. Reality zoomed back at double speed and the dam broke—tears poured down his cheeks as his whole body began to shake again. “Holy shit.”
Sirius shushed him softly, pulling him close with a kiss to the top of his head. “D’accord, mon loup, je t’ai.”
“I love you,” Remus sobbed. The fabric of Sirius’ suit was probably wrinkling under his tight grip, but he couldn’t bring himself to care. “I love you so much for exactly who you are, okay? Don’t ever doubt that.”
“I know.” Confusion edged his voice, but he kept it low and gentle. Remus loved him for it, wildly. The door creaked as Leo left, and then there was silence.
He finally pulled his face out of Sirius’ chest, kissing his jaw, cheek, and lips before resting his forehead in the curve of his neck. “Thank you.”
Sirius’ hands eased through the curls above his ears as he cupped Remus’ face in his hands. “What happened, Re?”
Remus shook his head as revulsion rose again. “There was this creep and he wouldn’t let me go. Said some shitty stuff.”
“He was homophobic?” An angry furrow appeared between Sirius’ brows.
“I wish.” Stan’s words rang in his ears and made his mouth bitter with shame. Remus closed his eyes. He didn’t want to see Sirius’ face during his confession. “He, uh—he propositioned me. Kind of.”
“He what?”
“I didn’t catch on until he already had my arm.” Remus sniffled, pressing the heel of his hand below his eye to stem the tears. “He followed it up with some bullshit about you, and then some bullshit about me, and just wouldn’t shut up. I just froze. I’m sorry.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for, mon amour.” Sirius’ touch was so gentle on him, warm and broad compared to the crushing discomfort of Stan Martin. His hands were heavy, but they let Remus move however he liked.
“I love you,” Remus said again.
“I love you, too. Are you ready to go home?”
“I need a minute.” He rubbed his face against the soft lapels of Sirius’ jacket, desperate for comfort around the guilt wedged in his chest; his next words spilled out before he could choke them down again. “You still like me, right?”
“I love you so much—”
“That’s not what I’m talking about. You—am I still nice to look at? Now that I’m not, y’know, pretty and kinda twink-y.” There was a long stretch of silence. “Is that a yes?”
“Sorry, I had to take a second and stop myself from putting that fucking idiot through a table.” Sirius took a step back and met Remus’ eyes, fixing him with a hard look. “First of all, I love everything about you, and you will always be the most beautiful man on earth. Second, your muscles are the hottest goddamn thing I’ve ever seen. Third, you’ve never been—what word did you use?”
“Twink-y. It’s like…delicate. Femme. Etcetera, etcetera.”
More anger sparked in Sirius’ eyes. “Yeah, and you’ve never been delicate. You are the strongest person I know, Re. Whatever he said to you, it wasn’t true.”
“Can we go home now?”
The ballroom was still crowded with high-end management and people Remus never wanted to see again when they finally left the bathroom; thankfully, the throngs of sparkles and dark suits made it easy for them to slip away with minimal human interaction. Stan Martin was over by the water cups, dabbing uselessly at a large wine stain across the front of his crisp white shirt—Remus saw Leo watching him like a hawk with a suspiciously empty wineglass in his hand and internally vowed to give him the biggest hug of his life at the next practice.
Remus slowed down to take in the fresh nighttime air, holding Sirius’ hand tight in his own as they crossed the parking lot. He paused at the passenger door and tugged him in for a slow kiss. “I love you,” he mumbled, breathing in the scent of his shampoo and cologne.
Sirius’ arms wrapped around him and Remus melted into the hug. He felt him trembling slightly, and he was pretty sure it wasn’t from the chilly breeze. “You are the best part of my life, Re,” he whispered, his voice thick. “The best part, no matter what. I’m so sorry for what happened tonight.”
“It wasn’t your fault.”
“It wasn’t yours, either.” Sirius kissed the top of his forehead once before giving him a squeeze and going to the other side of the car. “I’m sure Hattie will agree with me once we’re home.”
Two hours, one hot shower, and thirty minutes of puppy cuddles later, Remus curled up against Sirius’ ribs and felt his chest rise and fall under his palm. “I love you,” he said quietly.
Sirius let out a slow breath and entwined their fingers, kissing the inside of his wrist. “Love you more.”
“Love you most.”
He could hear Sirius’ smile, even in the darkness of their bedroom, and fell asleep to the steady sound of his heartbeat.
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deansawthetvglow · 4 years ago
Just Let Me Say This
——— a little ficlet based on 15x18
“Everybody's gonna die, Cas. Everybody. I can't stop it. She's gonna get through that door,”
“I know.”
“And she's gonna kill you, and then she's gonna kill me.”
“I'm sorry.”
Silence floods the room between the drum, drum of Death’s fist against the door.
Dean looks to Cas, his blue eyes are trained on the floor, hopeless, and quiet and beautiful.
“Cas,” those eyes find his own, “I need to tell you something. Before—“
Castiel nods, understanding. Before this all ends, before Death breaks in and takes them, before the little time they have is gone.
Dean takes a step closer. Castiel stands firm.
“I’ve always wondered if I could find happiness, or peace, or freedom, and I always wondered what it’d be that would give me all those in one. Always asked what my true happiness could even look like.”
Dean pauses, taking a deep breath and clenching his fist where it hangs at his side.
Dean averts his eyes and steels himself, Death’s fist pounds on the door and reminds him of the deep beat of his heart.
“I never found an answer because the one thing I want... It's something I know I can't have. But I think I know... I think I know now. Happiness isn't in the having, it's in just being. It's in just saying it.”
Dean can finally feel Castiel’s presence moving closer, taking cautious steps into his space. His proximity forces Dean to bring his eyes back up, and he almost grins. He takes inventory of the angel, the tilt of his head, the squint of his eyes, the mess of hair. Everything that makes him seem so human, so human but not quite. Everything that makes him Cas.
The low rumble of his voice wakes him from his reverie.
The lilt of Castiel’s voice prompts him to continue.
“Cas, I know. I know how you see yourself. You see yourself the same way our enemies see you. You're destructive, and you're worthless, and you're alone. You're “the broken angel with a crack in his chassis.” And you think that you’re only useful when you’ve got your mojo, that.... that if you don’t have it, you’ll lose yourself. You’ll lose everyone around you. That’s not true. And everyone who knows you sees it.”
Castiel is staring, not saying anything. Dean presses onward.
“Everything you have ever done, the good and the bad, you have done for love. You raised me from hell for love. You fought for this whole world for love. That is who you are. You're the most caring being on Earth. Hell, you outrank your whole family in heaven for the most caring Angel in the entirety of the universe. You are the most selfless, loving being I will ever know.”
Dean can’t stop himself from stepping even closer still. His eyes are burning, tears threatening to spill over. He hears his father’s voice trying to break into his mind but he pushes it away, lets himself melt into this rare moment alone with Cas.
“You know, ever since we met, ever since you pulled me out of Hell... Knowing you has changed me. And yeah, I told you not to change, but you have. In the best ways, Cas. I’ve seen you grow so much. I’ve seen you love this family more than I ever thought possible. You...You’re always here Cas, always at the ready. And even when I’d lose hope, I’d just have to look to you to find it. When you told me that this...this is real? We are real? I found the strength to fight on. Because you believed, I believed. I believed in you. I believed in Sammy, I believed in Jack... I believed this whole damn world was worth it, even when it seemed like the dumbest thing to do, because of you. You changed me, Cas.”
Cas is quiet. And then—
“Please don’t do this, Dean. Please don’t say it.”
Dean tries not to let that hurt bubble up inside of him. Tries not to think of the time Cas stopped him from confessing in purgatory.
“If this is goodbye, Castiel, then I want it to be worth it.”
Castiel inhales, ready to argue, but the words rush out of Dean before he can.
“I love you.”
The angel’s reaction is nothing that he expected. Cas has started sobbing, and Dean finally lets a few tears fall down his own cheeks as he watches Cas break down.
Dean moves to place his hand on Cas’ shoulder only to be met with a sharp pull away and an even sharper look in his eyes.
“I told you not to say it. I told you. I told you”
And then his gaze is softening and his tears are falling and he’s pulling Dean into his chest and hugging him furiously.
“God dammit, Dean Winchester. You idiot. I love you too.”
And Dean’s confused but he’s not gonna take it for granted, and he hugs back just as tight, his heart clenching when he hears Cas say those words. He feels stupid for saving this for the last possible moment but at least it’s out there, and who knows, maybe Billie won’t survive long enough, maybe they’ll be able to escape, maybe this isn’t the end—
Dean pulls back for a moment to smile at Cas as he hears the warding on the door reaching its last legs.
And then—
There's a wet noise coming from behind Dean. He keeps his arms around a tearfully, smiling Cas, not willing to let go yet. There’s a gap in the brick, black and gooey and empty. His eyes widen, what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck. He pushes himself out of Cas’ grip, frantic, and confused and scared out of his mind.
“What the fuck. Is that the god damn Empty?”He grips Cas’ arm and tries to pull him to behind one of the shelves. Who knows, it may help shield them for at the least a moment, but Castiel is steadfast, unmoving. He tugs a little harder, meeting Cas’ eyes, feeling the fear course through his body, “Cas, come on! We gotta move!”
And then, it’s calm. Dean feels like he’s in the ocean, head under water, everything drifting away around him. Cas is placing his hand on top of Dean’s where it’s grasping, and he’s smiling.
“I made a deal, Dean.”
“No...no... what?”
The goo is seeping from the brick, spilling out onto the floor, making its way over to them, black and viscous and slow.
“To save Jack...I made a deal, and when I experienced a moment of true happiness, The Empty would be summoned, and it would take me. Forever.”
Dean can’t speak, can’t move except to press his fingers stronger into the muscle of Cas’ arm.
The door behind them bursts open, and the Empty is suddenly quickening its pace.
He can’t breathe as Castiel squeezes his and hand then pushes him to the side, onto the floor with barely restrained angelic force.
“Goodbye, Dean.”
Dean is scrambling to stand but he’s being held there by flickering grace and The Empty is flowing like the Colorado, rushing past him. The rapids engulf Cas, and then Billie and, as if they’ve become part of it, it’s pulling back, just as liquid as before, retreating into the brick, returning to the void.
Dean sits, alone. Dean sits, empty.
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cjtheghost-14 · 4 years ago
Chocolate Covered Espresso Beans - Pidge Gunderson x Reader
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Requests: None (but please give me some)
Notes: This came to me while I was eating chocolate covered espresso beans at 3:42 am last night, why do you ask?
Summary:  Your the White Paladin on team Voltron, and you also happen to be dating the little gremlin piloting the Green Lion. Pidge Gunderson. Lately, you haven’t been able to have much alone time, what, with saving the Universe and all. The only downtime the two of you have is at night, and the castle has run out of coffee. Your body can’t handle it, and you pass out as soon as you get in bed with your girlfriend. Pidge, on the other hand, doesn’t need coffee to stay awake. It’s not like she has a choice, anyhow. She’s always up late working on upgrades for the castle. You’ve been upset about the lack of contact the two of you have been having lately, and mad at yourself for always falling asleep. What are you meant to do without coffee? Then you remember something you smuggled aboard when you left Earth.
Warnings: Some good old fluff, being sleep deprived, stress, caffeine over load,  swearing
(sorry this took so long, blame my hectic life!)
Is it 11:00 pm already? How could that be right? You check your watch again, your vision beginning to blur from exhaustion. You take a sharp breath in, being able to just make out the time. It was, in fact, 11:00 pm. You rub your eyes in an attempt to just simply wipe the sleepiness away. Today was an unusually long day for the whole team. Zarkon apparently didn't know the meaning of sleep since his attacks have been relentless. Just today the team saved two planets. Although afterwards, the castle had been so severely damaged that we spent the rest of the day trying to fix it. Coran only let you stop a few minutes ago. He could’ve kept you longer, if not for that fact that you were practically falling asleep while re adjusting the teludav. You didn’t know if your girlfriend, Pidge, was even going to be in her room but you drag your feet in it’s direction anyway. She was always the busiest when it came to castle repairs, leaving you alone with your thoughts. After leaving your family, maybe some quality time with your depressing brain wasn’t the best idea. You have never felt more alone. Loneliness was corrosive, eating away at your heart until it left only a shell of a human. It could arguably be the worst feeling someone could feel. And ever since you left earth to become a paladin, that very feeling has taken over your already fragile mind. You depended on Pidge to pull you through, but you’ve barely been able to see her lately. Now, of course, you had the rest of the team beside you. You loved cooking with Hunk, listening to Coran’s weird stories and Allura’s beautiful ones. You loved spending time with Lance, he was your best friend after all, and you grew up with Shiro and Keith. Shiro was like a Dad to you, as Keith was like your brother. You loved them all with your whole heart. But those bonds paled in comparison to your feelings for Pidge. Your heart ached thinking about her. All you wanted to do was hold her in your arms. The thought made you walk faster, rounding the corner and not hesitating to barrel into Pidge’s messy room. You stumble over a box of electronics, your eyes landing on Pidge sitting on her bed, fiddling with something glowing. Your face breaks into a huge grin as you see her sitting there, her face bathed in blue light, glasses askew on her nose, pictures of you and her stuck on the wall behind her.
“Pidge!” You exclaim, surprised that she was actually here.
Her head shoots up, the lazy smile you love making its way onto her face. “Y/N!”
You run over to her, jumping on the bad, grabbing her face and slamming your lips onto hers. She laughs, pulling away slightly to look at you. “As much as I loved that, Y/N, I have work I need to do.”
“But I haven't seen you in days!” You say, your hopes sinking like lead.
“I know, love, but I really can’t relax now. Coran needs this by tomorrow morning. Just give me a few minutes, I’m almost done.” She says, turning her attention back to whatever she was working on.
You sigh, laying down. You can feel all of the anxiety from the past month weighing on your chest, crushing you with no hope of escape. You had hoped to talk to Pidge about it, but she was too busy, yet again. It wasn’t her fault, of course. It was Zarkons. But it didn't matter, you just needed someone to talk to. You knew that wasn't going to happen tonight though. When Pidge says she only needs a few minutes, she means she needs a few hours. Yet you decide to try to stay awake anyway, her presence was enough to make you feel better. But before you get to have any say in the matter, sleep grabs you by its claws, dragging you under.
You peel your eyes open, only to be met by complete darkness. You blink once, twice, trying to understand what happened. Then you realize, you fell asleep. You sit up suddenly, slamming your hand down on the mattress.
You bring your watch up to your face, squinting, reading with difficulty the numbers 5:33 AM. Not again! How did you fall asleep again? Every rare time Pidge is actually in her room when you are, you end up falling asleep before you can talk to her. In a rush of adrenaline you bolt out of bed, maneuvering through the dark and into the hallway. Your footsteps echo through the castle as you round a corner into Lance’s room. You power off his white noise machine with a slam of your hands as you shout, “Lance!”
He bolts up, his eye mask sliding off of his face as he cries out in alarm. “I remember our bonding moment!” His head whips over to you, eyes widening. “O-oh! Y/N, w-what are you doing here?” He asks, voice rising an octave in embarrassment.
“I fell asleep!” You shout, throwing your hands in the air as you plop down on the bed next to him.
“That's why you woke me up?” He yells in exasperation, laying back down. “Go back to bed you freaking maniac” He says, kicking you off the bed with his foot. “I need my beauty sleep.”
“Too late for that.” You say sarcastically, standing up and grabbing his pillow from under his head, hitting him. “Get up!”
He yells out, bolting up, grabbing the pillow out of your hands. “I will shoot you!”
“Noted. But Lance, I fell asleep again. Now who knows when I’m going to even see Pidge again. Weeks? Months?” You sigh, sitting back down on the bed, staring at your hands.
Lance’s expression softens at the tone of your voice, resting a hand on your shoulder. “I’m sorry Y/N, I know it's been tough. But don't we have coffee in the kitchen? I swear Hunk smuggled some in.”
“We’re out.” You say sadly, shaking your head. “I have no way to stay awake, bu-” Your eyes widen suddenly, an idea forming in your head. “Wait, Lance, you're a genius!”
“I know.” He says triumphantly, crossing his arms with a smug smile. “Wait, why am I a genius?”
You chuckle, getting up, beginning to walk out of the room as you explain your idea. “The coffee Hunk smuggled in might be gone, but I totally forgot about what I smuggled in. Chocolate covered espresso beans, my mom made them. God, it's perfect! Thanks for the idea Lance!”
“Anytime. And, oh, Y/N?” He calls out after you.
You stop before you reach the door, turning around. “Yeah?”
“About what I said… I absolutely do not remember Keith and I’s bonding moment that didn't even happen.”
“I’ll be sure to tell Keith you remember, he’ll be happy to hear.” You smirk, running out of the room.
“Y/N! I said I don't remember! Y/N come back!” Lance shouts, sticking his head out of the door. “Y/N!”
A Day Later
You skip into Pidge’s room, a new sense of energy engulfing you. To your delight, you find Pidge sitting on her bed.
“Hey, lovely.” You say, plopping down next to her.
“Hi, (Y/N)” She says, looking up momentarily from her project to kiss you on the cheek. “Sorry to do this again, but I’m gonna be busy for a while” She explains, frowning slightly, her nose scrunching up in the way that you adore.
“It's alright, I’ll be waiting.” You say, leaning back on the bed to watch her work. She smiles softly before turning her attention away. You watch her slim fingers for a moment, fiddling with another glowing object before you decide to pull out your small packet of chocolate covered espresso beans. Pidge stops for a moment, turning to look at you.
“Uh, whatcha got there?” She asks, peeking into the bag.
“Some chocolate covered espresso beans.” You say, smiling softly before popping one into your mouth.
“Oh.” She says, reaching a hand into the bag before stopping, looking up. “Can I have some?”
“Of course.”
She smiles brightly, taking a handful, popping a few in her mouth as well. “Ooh, these taste like the ones your mom makes. These will help me stay awake for this project, actually. Thanks love.”
“And these will also help me stay awake long enough to spend some time with you.” You say softly, your eyes drifting over her lips.
She smiles more, leaning forward and kissing you, sending an electric jolt through your body. This was just what you needed. You melt into the kiss, running your fingers through her soft hair. You were convinced this had to be what heaven felt like. And when you pull away, theres a lingering taste of chocolate covered espresso beans.
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where-theres-smoak-2 · 3 years ago
Top 10 Eternals Scenes (Spoilers, Obviously.)
Here are my top 10 favourite moments from the Eternals movie. Each of these scenes are my favourite because they brought out some kind of emotional response in me and left a lasting impression on me.
No 10: Friends From College
Ok technically I am cheating here because this is actually several scenes but I am just going to chuck them in all together but I really loved the running gag every time the eternals collect another member of ‘oh look its my friends from college.’ The best was definitely Kingo, I love the scream he lets out when he sees Ikaris, Sersi and Sprite. Also the hug a gives Ikaris was cute. The gag was also often made funnier by the presence of Sprite because she is clearly not of college age. But yeah defo got a giggle out of each of those. 
No 9: The Final Battle
The fight between Ikaris and the others was so good. Like even after everything he had done I still loved Ikaris but I can’t deny there was something exciting and well cool about watching them go up against each other, especially because all throughout the film they make it clear that he is the strongest so you have that anticipation of how on earth they are going to beat this guy? The other thing I did like and respect is they did commit to the whole he is the strongest claim. In alot of films you have it where they do the whole this guy is the strongest, unbeatable the odds are so against this team of heroes that they might as well not even bother trying to stop them, like they do with Hela and with Thanos for example and somehow the team always gets the strength to defeat them. What I liked about this fight is that whilst they get some good hits in, ultimately it is true they can't defeat Ikaris, he is the strongest of them and in the end its his love for Sersi that stops him. This was something I hadn’t really seen before so I really appreciated that. I also liked the idea that in the end it wasn’t brute strength that defeated him and saved the day it was something as simple as love. The other thing I enjoyed about this last battle was how chaotic it was. They weren’t just dealing with fighting each other, there were moments where they had to stop a moment to deal with debris from the exploding volcano nearby or the deviant that shows up. Not gonna lie when the deviant comes out at the water and you see the eternals fighting from his pov I couldn’t help but laugh. Like what on earth must that deviant have thought? This team have been hunting his kind for thousands of years and he’s hunting them down in revenge and when he finds them they are going at each other. I don’t know there was something about it that was really amusing to me. Some of the stand out moments of this final battle though was the Makkari vs Ikaris scene, Phastos pinning Ikaris down, Thena killing the Deviant and Ikaris breaking free from Phastos’ bonds. 
No 8: Phastos’ Goodbye
The scene where Phastos is tucking in his son and kissing his husband goodbye as ‘The End Of The World’ played was so beautiful yet heartwrenching. Like there was a lot of warmth and love in that scene but then over the top there is this sadness and ominous feeling because you know the world could be ending and if it does then this could be the last time he sees his family. This is one that really did hit me in the feels and is a stand out moment in the film. I also think its one of the most human moments of the film. 
No 7: When You Love Something You Protect It. 
Speaking of scenes filled with love and warmth, the conversation between Thena and Gilgamesh in the amazon where he reassures her that she is still Thena and that she can still fight and she thanks him for always looking after her was amazing. I felt my heart melt when Gil said he would do it again on any planet. I also like the line Thena says later, that Gil has said to her in past when she had asked why he had stayed to look after her, ‘when you love something you protect it, its the most natural thing in the world.’ It’s just such a beautiful line. This film had so many scenes like these where its just quiet moments between the characters but there is so much beauty and feeling in these scenes that for me they steal the show so much more than the action scenes.   
No 6: My Beautiful, Beautiful Makkari
I loved, loved this scene. Again it was short, it was simple but it was so flirty and playful and the actors had great chemistry with each other. I also thought Kingo and Phastos’ reactions were hilarious. Like Phastos saying ‘What are we watching here’ and Kingo’s ‘Is this new, because I hate it.’ Peak comedy however I do not agree with you there Kingo because I happened to love their lil flirty flirt moments. Also have to mention that forehead touch in the final battle. All for this couple. 
No 5: Family Dinner
The scene might not have had any huge significance to the plot but the scene where several of the Eternals are just sitting around a table having dinner and bantering about thor and the other avengers, Sprite turning Gilgamesh into a big baby as the others laugh. This scene holds a special place in my heart because it really was just about a family. It was relatable, it was light and fun and there was something uplifting about seeing this family just enjoying being back together. 
No 4: The Uni-mind And The Death of Tiamut
This one actually gave me chills, seeing all of the Eternals united as one and the way they floated up in a kind of ethereal angel like way, then Sersi using the accumulated power to smash back to the ground and turn Tiamut to stone, it all just looked so cool ok. The music in the scene only added to the awe inspiring visuals. But also, and maybe this is just me, but I couldn’t help but feel sorrow for Tiamut. Yes his birth would have brought about the destruction of Earth but when you think about it he was as innocent as the humans and the Eternals, just another piece in Arishem’s grand design. What is even sadder is his fate is decided by others, he is not given a choice as to what will happen to him whether that is being born or being killed. The other thing I noticed is that when Sersi is turning him to stone you can hear Tiamut let out this sound like a scream, like he’s in pain, then there is that image of his eyes going out one by one. This scene to me was both very epic but also very sorrowful.    
No 3: I Am Very Beautiful/ The Life I’ve Shared With You. 
Yes I know I am cheating again by putting two scenes together but I think they are so linked with each other that its ok, right? The first scene is the one showing Ikaris and Sersi starting their relationship and the second is the one towards the end of the film where Ikaris tells her he is grateful for the life he’s had with her. I really see these scenes as kind of book ends of their relationship in this film. The beginning and what Ikaris believes to be the end. The first I love you and the last. The first scene is so cute, I loved how awkwardly nervous they both were, it was very much that tentative new relationship, the whole I like this person do they like me too. I thought it was sweet how he fumbles his words and says ‘I am very beautiful’ (which you know he’s not wrong) but then when he tells her she is very beautiful he looks so in awe and in love with her. Then of course there’s that line where he tells her he is hers if she’ll have him as he takes her hand. I just adore the way the scene played out with the way their breaths catch as he touches her hand, their kiss it was just perfect like I really believed that  these two people have an intense love for each other. Then you come to the scene where Sersi seeks out Ikaris and finds him at their spot where he is contemplating how much has changed. For Ikaris this was the last moment he was going to spend with Sersi, he knew the emergence was coming and that it would be over soon. So this was his goodbye to her and again I love how the scene plays out, the performance the characters give. The slight shake in Ikaris’ voice when he says he wishes that when they leave this world he could remember her. The intensity when he says he is in love with her and the sincerity when he says he is grateful for the life he lived with her. It’s a melancholy scene but there is also something poetic about it happening in the same place as where they began. It is also so beautifully shot with the golden sun behind them and the shot of their hands linking. I could gush about it forever. 
No 2: Love Is The Death Of Duty
Sticking with Ikaris and Sersi, the scene where they face each other in the last battle. This moment was soo tense that I was actually holding my breath. Ikaris knows that he can protect the emergence but that means hurting Sersi. The moment when his eyes start to glow is when the tension really reaches its peak, then you see them fade out, he tries again but that realisation comes over him that he just loves this woman too much to go through with it, he can’t stay true to Arishem because despite his words earlier in the Domo he doesn’t exist for Arishem he exists for Sersi and the love he has for her. This scene was just so angsty and I really felt my heart clench when Ikaris’ eyes fill with tears and you see them both close their eyes and the montage of all the moments they’ve shared together plays, its beautiful yet bittersweet. 
No 1: The Reveal
In case you haven’t figured it out yet I really like those scenes that are full of emotion and angst and completely break my heart. No scene in this film does it better than the scene where the other Eternals discover that Ikaris killed Ajak and knew about the emergence. I mean the acting in this scene blew me away because every character just has so much emotion, you can feel how betrayed the Eternals feel, you can feel Ikaris’ pain and regret at having done what he believed he had to do. The moments that really got me were the moment Ikaris says he had to in response to Druig saying Ikaris killed Ajak, one because you could hear the pain in his voice, like I really do believe he thought he had no other choice, but also one of the other characters and I don’t know who it was let out this kind of strangled sob/gasp at realising what Ikaris had done that just tore right through me. Also when Sersi says ‘she loved you’ and Ikaris replies ‘did she?’ I just think it is so sad that Ikaris came to doubt that, for in his mind how could she have loved him and then burdened him like she did, she knew he had given up Sersi and how much he struggled with that, she knew how important it was to him to protect Sersi from knowing the truth, how important the mission was to him, yet she changed her mind about everything just 7 days from the completion of that mission. I think Ikaris even at this point was still trying to wrap his head around that. Kingo’s line about how you don’t turn on your family is also another moment that kicked me in the feels and then lastly the moment when Ikaris says he will kill any one of them if he has to and Sersi’s reaction to this, she lets out this choking gasp, like she’s finding it hard to breathe. I just cannot express how much this scene got to me, it was just so intense. 
So that’s my list of the top ten moments, very curious to know what scenes left an impression on everyone else. 
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Two Shorten the Road
part 1
joel dawson x reader
warnings: cussing? idk, bad writing.....fluff, cuteness, monsters(is this a warning), mentions of death, SPOILERS
word count: 2154
prompt: when your best friend decides to leave your colony to go find the love of his life, you decide to join him on his journey even if you aren’t so happy about where this journey is going
Welp I did it, I took it into my own hands. I am writing a joel dawson series. Because we👏need 👏more👏joel👏fics👏 it’s basically the movie, almost the same script but obviously slightly different…ENJOY! <3
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No one in my generation or later had a typical upbringing, I mean some of us did but then the world ended. This type of thing sounds straight out of some apocalyptic movie, but we basically live in one now. Agatha 616, an asteroid heading straight for earth, I know, so original. So we all came together and did what we do best, blow things up. Yup, we blew up teh asteroid, and humanity was saved! We thought. But here’s the thing about rockets, they are made of a bunch of chemical compounds which eventually rained back down on earth. Suddenly there were these Aileen creatures that mutated and started eating us. Ants, lizards, roaches, crocodiles, you name it. Our president was even killed by a giant moth. Ya….not so original now huh? We suddenly need tanks to kill ants, oh man I remember the good old days when a shoe would do just fine. Sometimes even the tanks didn’t work. Eventually the really big ones and our military took each other out and we lost 95% of the human population in a year! Those of us who survived hid, bunkers, caves, panic rooms, all around the world. So for the last seven years I’ve been hiding in an underground bunker. It’s really not as bad as it sounds, and it’s better than getting eaten alive. It’s a great group of people and we all love each other.
“Are you sure they’re asleep?”
“Y/N and joel!”
“Oh ya I’m sure”
“Joel? Y/n?”
“He’s asleep”
Actually we are both awake. Me and my best friend joel have kinda mastered faking being asleep. Our beds are right across from each other so we normally just lie there and make stupid faces at each other. We are the only two single people in our bunker. Nice huh? Joel is my best friend. I met him when I joined the colony. He’s the sweetest. It’s funny cause everyone thinks we should just have sex already because that’s literally all everyone else does. But we are way above that. Anyway, joel is in love with his girlfriend from before the colony, her name is Aimee. With one “I” and two “e”s. He loves to talk about her, he writes her letters. So in reality, I am the only one who is not in love in this bunker. I’ve never had a boyfriend, ever, even before the world ended.
We don’t really get any sleep. The moaning kinda keeps us awake. I got up and out of my bed and headed for the kitchen. I heard Joel’s bed creak and then his footsteps as he followed behind me. Another annoying thing about being down here is that to get to the kitchen from my room, you have to walk though other people’s bedrooms. Oh shit, they are busy, why would they leave their door open. Me and Joel stopped.
“Oh” joel and I said in unison
“Hey Y/N! Hey Joel!” Ava said
“Oh hey Ava” Joel said, we didn’t dare look over to our left.
“Y/N how’s it going?” Tim asked
“T-totally good tim, h-how are you doing” I asked
“Yeah, good” he responded
“I uh we couldn’t sleep” said Joel looking at the ceiling
“Ya we know the feeling” Ava said with a laugh
“Yeah probably not for the…..same reasons” joel said looking straight ahead
“Your guyses door was open, did you…did you know that?” I asked
“Yeah we know” they said
I shook my head and knitted my eyebrows together
“Okay” joel trailed off
Ever since Tim’s parents were eaten by a swarm of termites he and Ava have gotten really close, in every way.
“Okay, goodnight” joel said as we walked
Basically everyone is coupled up down here, a baby was born last winter! Welcome to the apocalypse kid. Ok if we ever get out of this, that would be an awesome story to tell your kids. “Oh ya I was born in an underground bunker doing a monster apocalypse” “yes exactly like World War Z but with bugs bigger than a 5 story building”. I mean come on.
So your probably wonder how the hell we get food, we’ll we have a cow. Gurdy. Gurdy is great. We also have a hunting party that brings back whatever they can from the surface. It’s gotten harder and harder, cause we ran out of bullets. And facing one of those things with a handmade weapon is just as hard as it sounds. It’s very very difficult. I go with them….sometimes. I still get scared. But I’ve been out quite a lot, especially compared to my man joel over here. I’ve been out maybe 30 times, he’s been out…maybe once, or not even. He’s the chef of the bunker. He makes super good Minestrone.
Me and joel like to hang out with Mavis. A robot. Yup. Not much for conversation, her batter is shot. Just like every other mavis I would imagine. When I’m not hunting we hang out with her. But sometimes I just go read. Reading and joel keep me sane. I mean sometimes joel drives me insane but I still love him. I have quite the collection of books too! I’ve got Emma by Jane Austen, a couple random ones that we found, all the hunger games and Harry Potter books, some mysteries that stopped being mysteries after a while, and then of course some smutty romance books for personal entertainment.
Joel likes to say that his thing is target practice. He has never hit the target but ya know, gotta entertain yourself. I think his thing is drawing though, he has this book that he draws in from Aimee. It’s really cool actually. He’s really good.
I sat watching Joel as he tried to hit the target, laughing a little every time he missed. It was cute how hard he tried.
“Shut up” he said shaking his laugh away
I laughed again, but then suddenly the lights started flickering. You could hear screeches and creeks echoing through the bunker. Joel turned to look at me. Worry and determination in his eyes. We both scrambled out of the room and into the kitchen where everyone was preparing.
“Hustle, hustle people we’ve gotta move”
I turned to look at Joel but then realized that he wasn’t next to me. Where did he go? Worry flooded through me. Suddenly the clanking of our weapon started behind me.
“Hey guys!” Joel said as he rammed into the railing, I shook my head. “Guys! I’ve got the weapons” he smiled at me
A few people walked over to him taking them out of his hands
“Stay” said Tim
“W-what?” Joel asked looking around in confusion
Everyone was talking and barking orders “grab what you need and let’s go! Y/N you coming?”
My eyes shot open “yes! Yup!” I jumped up and grabbed the bow and arrow from Joel.
“W-what's happening?” He asked innocently “what’s going on?”
“There’s a breach” said Tim
“What do you mean? Like inside the bunker breach?!” He asked
“Yes joel! Now come on!” I told him, patting him on the pack as I followed the others
He followed me and watched the plan get arranged
“Anna, Y/N and I will engage. Anderson and Tom plank him”
“Plank him, ya ok where do you guys need me? You want me to uh come through the rear or..?” Joel asked eagerly
“I don’t think your going to pass this joel” I told him
“Pass what? You guys need help, let me help” said clutching his crossbow
“You gonna make me say it?” said Sam
“Say what?!” God he was so adorably clueless
“You can’t handle it joel, your shook” said Sam, we all began getting into positions
“Ya ok, yes so you guys don’t get scared..ever?” He asked still getting ready to fight
“We get scared, we all get scared joel, but you get really scared” said Sam
“They are trying to make you feel bad joel” I said sweetly, trying to calm him down
“We love you joel”
“But your a liability”
“Ok why did that speech feel so rehearsed? And what about Y/N? She’s like…ya know?” He said bobbing his head
“Joel-“ suddenly the bunker shook and the lights flicked again
“Ok 30 meters out! Let’s move!” And we were off
Leaving joel and some others behind. You could hear the growling of whatever we were up against
I followed the others and listened carefully. I was freaking shaking. Don’t ask how I got sucked into becoming one the the hunters. Kinda just happened and I was just-
“OH SHIT!” I heard someone yell, it was too dark to see. Someone was gone, that thing took them. I couldn’t even see it. Oh fuck my life. Everyone began scattering, running away from the monster. I stopped running to take a breath, when I realized I was alone. Nicely done Y/N. The lights kept flickering. I heard something blow up in the distance.
“Conned? Conner?” I heard a whisper, one I knew all too well. Shit, joel. I ran toward the sound, and had no idea I was also running toward certain death. I stopped running. There it was, that thing. I’d never seen this before. I didn’t recognize it. I stayed silent, not moving at all. It slowly crawled over a shower curtain. Oh fuck. He was going toward joel! I quickly grabbed my bow and arrow and shot it. Right though the face. Next to its….eye I guess you could call it. Joel stood there, frozen.
I slowly walked over to him “Joel, hey are you ok?” I asked as I slipped my hand into his. He was trembling. Tears ran down his cheeks. He has a bad freezing problem, so I've been helping him work on it.
About an hour later I sat with Joel, still holding his hand as he stared out into space. We could hear everyone talking. How could this have happened?
“It ripped through steal”
“Anderson and I resealed the Breach point, nothings getting in that way again”
“But why did it happen?”
I tried to toon it out, and I hoped Joel did too.
“Joel, do you wanna talk about it?” I asked squeezing his hand, he looked so sad, which just crushed me
He shook his head
“Ok….” I nodded, I leaned into hug him but was interrupted by his voice
“How far away is Aimee's colony?” He asked
I pulled back, looking at him confused. The talking stopped and everyone look at him
“What?” Tim asked
“Aimee’s colony, how far away is it?” He repeated
“About 85 miles” he said as he furrowed his brows
“How long will it take to get there?”
“What do you mean joel?” I asked leaning closer to him
“Just humor me, how long?” He insisted
“7 days” said Tim
“Someone who’s armed and trained would hardly last 50miles, but you…joel” Ava said, I felt bad for him, he really didn’t deserve any of this
“Alright” Tim continued “now I need volunteers”
“I’m gonna go” joel said
No one said anything, they just stared
“It’s an impossible journey joel” said Tim, crossing his arms
Joel stood up, moving around my chair. “No im serious…I love you guys but there’s only one person in this world who ever truly made me happy and she’s only 85 miles away” he said strongly “I’m gonna go see her” I could see his mind was made up
God he was such a romantic, how could you not love this guy? Sure it hurts when your best friend tells you that you didn’t make him truly happy. Especially when you maybe sorta kinda have a crush on him.
He let out a breath “woah, that felt awesome” he said as he walked off to start packing
I stood there for a second processing and thinking, but then suddenly my mouth took over and well….
“I’m coming with you!” I said, he froze “I mean you can’t leave me here with these middle aged people, and your my best friend so” I shrugged
“I’ll come back for you I promise” he walked over to me “I can’t let you put yourself in even more danger” he said grabbing my arms
“I can’t let you put yourself in danger knowing that I could have helped protect you” I said, he stared blankly at me
I smiled “o-ohK…then I guess…” he trailed off
“Cool I’ll go pack” I skipped past him. Was I scared? Hell yes. But like I said, I needed to help joel and protect him in every way I can. And sure I wasn’t so happy that he was returning to his long lost love but if it made him happy then I would live. And anyway, two do shorten the road.
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