#it has no effect on altaïr and really
teecupangel · 1 day
Hii teecup!! Hope you're doing well!!
May I ask some a/b/o AltDes stuff please (alpha! Altaïr and Omega!Desmond) because there's not much of it out there :'D
Now I'm sure Altaïr would more open minded and much less of an asshole to omegas then most of the people back in his days..... HOWEVER, please hear me out, what if he wasn't
He could be low-key about it, unlike most alphas who are very vocal and open about their 'opinions' on Omegas and such. He's very aloof when it comes to omegas in general, not having strong feelings on anything (very Altaïr behaviour honestly). That is until he meets Desmond.
Now instead of time travel, this time Desmond was born in Altaïr's time. This means Desmond would be raised as a traditional and submissive omega, but he still fought back. He could be born in Alamut (because Eagle of Alamut XD) as the son of the mentor (who is not Diya al-Dīn because he would never) who trained and became an assassin... sort of because idiot bigots.
Desmond is the best assassin in his entire brotherhood, BUT he's not officially an assassin. His father/mentor isn't as strict like most and let him get away with his antics, usually.
That is until Desmond was 'of age' and that's when it starts getting bad for our boy. His dad became more controlling and won't let him sneak off to do missions or fight anymore. He was to be married to whoever the assassins could use as allies. Basically just a bargaining chip. Desmond would fight back harder then ever, even with one of the best assassins guarding him and monitoring his move all the time, he would still be able to sneak off to continue doing missions to make them see just how capable he was.
He could runaway, he probably should runaway, but deep down all he wanted was for his father to love him again. To look at him with pride and treat him like a son again. (Altaïr would use this fact as an advantage later on)
But then it all comes crashing down when he finally gets betrothed. (Idk who he should be betrothed to LMAO it could be whoever. Someone very powerful that the assassins could use)
And all was going to shit for Desmond but it all went to super shit when Altaïr showed up. Because oh boy, Altaïr was a Strom of his own.
Now I honestly don't know how he and Altaïr meets, but it definitely left an impression on Altaïr because he was smitten from the first time they made eye contact. Man was obsessed from here on out kajsksjssoakakak.
And uhh yeah that's all I've got, plot wise
Some notes.
- Desmond pulling all the alpha assholes like catnip.
- Altaïr, manipulating Desmond as a sign of affection
- Malik suffers because we love him <33
Honestly teecup, I just wanted a toxic a/b/o au but it grew plotty legs and ran out of my grasps, my apologies.
And that's all for now!
Sorry in advance if my English is very trying, I'm typing on my phone and it's not the best experience.
PS please make it as toxic and horny as Tumblr allows you to, and I would give you my kidneys.
PPS if you think you know who I am by how I write..... No you don't/lh
As horny and as toxic as Tumblr would allow it? I don’t even know the limit of Tumblr’s tolerance hahahaha
So for this one, if you want Desmond to be born in Alamut as a son of the mentor but not Diya al-Dīn, we can make him the son of an older brother of Diya al-Dīn instead. Born more as a way for the older brother, who was passed over because Diya al-Dīn was more worthy of the title, to try and get power with his son being the next in line for the imam since Diya al-Dīn was still childless at that point.
Diya al-Dīn would be the kind uncle who tried to do right by his nephew but can’t truly intervene because his brother was controlling and had a firm grasp on Desmond’s every day life. It was going well, all things considered.
Desmond wasn’t a genius nor was he inherently talented but he was a hard worker and he always went beyond what was required of him.
His father rewards his hard work by giving him a bit of leeway, all the while making him drink medicinal tea that was meant to change him into an alpha.
It didn’t do anything but hide his scent… which had been easy to do in the first place because those not yet of age only had a hint of scent to show their ‘status’.
Diya al-Dīn tried to be accepting of Desmond’s wish to be an Assassin even if omegas aren’t exactly… well… only omegas that could control their ‘base instinct’ could become Assassins which was hard for an omega without the help of some kind of medicine that would leave them in pain or groggy.
Desmond, unfortunately, is one of the omegas that cannot be medicated. Even if he drank more than he should, that only leaves him in unbearable pain.
That’s why his father pivoted from Desmond becoming the next imam to having some talks with certain powerful rulers. Finding Desmond an alpha that would take him as their official wife or one of his concubine.
His father was less picky of Desmond’s standing and more interested in creating a political bond with a powerful ally (whether he plans to use this to usurp Diya al-Dīn or he simply wants more power outside of the Brotherhood is up for grabs)
And he finally finds one but Desmond would enter into that household as a concubine. His marriage proposition wasn’t a good one all things considered, the alpha was a powerful one but it was well known that his official wife and the older concubines were dangerous. Newer concubines either die from poisoning or accidents or childbirth and, more often than not, their children would not survive more than five summers.
So Desmond escapes. Maybe, just maybe, Diya al-Dīn had a hand in the patrol routes that night and it left certain large windows of opportunity for Desmond to use.
Alamut, of course, will look for him. That’s why Desmond would try to hide from them.
That’s how he meets Altaïr.
He was desperate and his heat was upon him. Altaïr’s scent was overpowering and he could feel it within him that this was an alpha that would fight tooth and nail to keep his omega safe.
He wasn’t a romantic.
He had already accepted the very idea that his alpha would not love him.
He doesn’t need it.
Love did not bring his omega parent any happiness, no matter how overflowing their love for Desmond’s alpha father had been.
What he needed was an alpha who would take care of him and any child he would bear.
So he used his scent to weaken the alpha’s defenses.
It was Desmond who made it impossible for Altaïr to resist.
And so Altaïr claimed him.
Unorganized Notes:
Desmond escaped a few weeks after Altaïr killed Rashid but before AC Bloodlines. (So late Sept, early Oct)
He was on his way to Alamut to talk to Diya al-Dīn about being the new mentor (he doesn’t want to be the next mentor) and they actually spent Desmond’s heat in a random abandoned home
Alamut Assassins found them afterwards and, by that point, Desmond was sooo thoroughly claimed that there was no way to say that Altaïr wasn’t his alpha.
This also changed Altaïr’s desire to not be the mentor because the easiest way to keep Desmond by his side is to be the mentor of Masyaf with his marriage to Desmond being a way to ‘mend’ the broken relationship between Alamut and Masyaf.
Desmond’s father was not pleased but fuck him, by law, Desmond was now the property of his mate and Altaïr has no qualms killing the asshole if he doesn’t stop yapping about how he raised Desmond and should have the final say on everything.
He returns to Masyaf and… sorta kicked all the Flowers of Paradise. To be more exact, they were transferred to another part of the fortress while the entirety of Paradise became Desmond’s new home. (Desmond and his most definitely growing child)
That is the second headache Malik got.
The first one was the fact that Altaïr returned with Alamut’s blessing as the mentor (which Altaïr had stressed he would never take) and an omega mate (which he had always said would never happen)
Desmond is free to go anywhere in Masyaf but he will always have guards on him because security reason.
Desmond believes Altaïr’s affection stemmed from the fact that he did more or less coerced Altaïr to biting him during the throes of heat-induced passion so he wants a child to further keep Altaïr ‘happy’ and satisfied (not knowing that the mentor title isn’t passed down from father to son in Masyaf, he honestly believe Altaïr is Rashid’s adopted son)
Altaïr was never fully enthralled during Desmond’s heat. He has been trained to have high tolerance as part of Rashid’s plan to make him the ultimate ‘attack dog’. He marked Desmond fully knowing Desmond was desperate and was trying to ‘seduce’ him.
Honestly, Altaïr just wanted Desmond because his scent had been the sweetest ambrosia he had ever smelled and he believed that meant they were meant to be.
And he will not let anyone get between them, no matter who they may be.
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sc4llywag · 9 months
Since I got Tumblr and have free range to rant however I want, its time for the Assassin's Creed main characters and how they walk post!!!
With each of the games, they change the main characters walking animation to fit their vibe and I need to be able to study them beheehe
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I don't have too much to say about Desmond's other than his is simple and similar to Ezio's and Altaïr's and I like to think that this is due to the bleeding effect(it happened to me too I walk like the assassin's all the time) his is a little more confined and he keeps his arms closer to himself so he's very typical in the way he walks
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In his walk he has a sway to his hips and steady hands(probably to keep himself ready for any assassination), but goddamn the SWAY I never noticed it.
His shoulders also sway with his walk and I love how fluid he is in general, this ties back to his robes for me and how flowy they are to show the grace of an assassin in high profile but when low profile they stay to his sides and he's all in the shadows and I REALLY love that about him.
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This gif is all I could find so i can't really remember if Ezio's walk is different in Ac2 from Altaïr's because ubisoft is the king of recycling things but whatever. He still has the outward stance but I do notice his head is pointed low to try and keep himself hidden(shadows shit be like) but ofc hes holding the apple here so it's hard to tell if he's trying to swing his arm a lot lol, anyway body language is important to Ezio so hes very good at looking broody as well as fluid in his movements
(Walk Cycle Research | PKlover4078)
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My man my man my man my man😍‼️‼️
The way Connor walks with his hands stretched out and then clenching his fists every moment because he's always ready for a fight goddamn this MF could take me in an alleyway and I'd be happy. I'd like to note with this gif, it doesn't show his slow slow walk and I remember it pretty well, he has a slight cautious aura in his walk, he's really careful in his foot placement(I think) and he's super awesome and I love him a lot. Since we have him running I'd like to talk about that too. He has such an efficient sprint it's so mesmerizing, he keeps his head low and just fuckin vrooms across the colonies<3
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You can barely see her here bc the damn community doesn't care for Aveline much but I like her even tho I haven't played Liberation, I enjoy the way she walks in a proper manner and she's got that strut the runway strut is everything. I also like how she has a wider swing in her arms, more carefree and comfortable.
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This is such a great quality gif thanks so much Ac fandom!!
Anyway, I really love the difference in Edwards walk compared to the rest of the assassins because he's a pirate, he hasn't had the teaching of grace and secrecy. Therefore his walk is staggering in his footwork but still proper bc he's a sword fighter and very good at it. In a longer gif you'd be able to tell but his footing is a little messy, showing that drunken sailor pirate personality shows in his walk. He has a close arm swing due to him always needing to be close to his weapons, ready for a fight(like his grandson<3)
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I can barely see how he's walking but I'm pretty sure he had his hand on his sword hilt which says so much abt his character, again always being ready for a fight. He has a very straight posture due to his pompous nature, quick in his form to be efficient because why walk if you don't look proper and efficient?
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Ok he's a Templar and so is Haytham but fuck you I love them.
His walk is so GOOD his walk has a heavy step and he's very prominent, got that straight posture again, not much to say about his arm sway other than the added shoulder sway, love that for him bc he's just so intimidating.
(For reasons I'm not doing Arno, Evie, Jacob, Kassandra, and Eivor since I haven't played their games)
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Bayek's walk is very different from every other assassin and that makes me love him so much more. He feels very carefree and relaxed but when in combat good lord does he go off!! He puts more sway in his arms than his hips and that's probably why he has a combat centered walk, like Edward.
If you've reached the end thank you for reading my rambling ass get over excited over walk cycle animations :) follow for more rambling!!
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Some modern assassin head cannons because I just finished replaying AC2
Desmond is at least half Hispanic (because I am) and can Speak Spanish almost fluently. He will cuss people out in Spanish without them realising and struggles with Ezio’s bleeding effects because Italian is similar Spanish
Desmond is definitely Bi *remembers when his voice actor Nolan North wanted Deadpool to be into dudes in that one game*
Desmond has been fired from multiple jobs (not just bartending) this means he can do a lot of random (useless) shit
Desmond has ADHD
Shaun and Altaïr have Autism
no one knows if Shaun is gay or not and he likes to keep it a mystery (he has no idea either)
Lucy is definitely the only straight one in the modern gang
Since Shaun has very punk ideologies, I like to think he used to dress that way as a teen (healed over ear piercings)
Most of Shaun’s family is definitely dead, you can’t snoop about in an all powerful, secret organisation and not have severe consequences.
Rebacca had a German Mastiff or a Rottweiler
Desmond’s eyes reflect light in the dark (like a cat) after he unlocked the ability to use eagle vision
Desmond is a shit drawer
Desmond has very himbo/caveman energy
no one knows if Lucy is a natural blonde and she likes to keep it that way
Once Shaun got really fed up with the rest of them and they all heard Limp Bizkit blasting from his room
Desmond would definitely listen to Chappell Roan (femininomenon and good luck, babe!)
Shaun had an aneurysm when Desmond told him he’s never watched Star Wars
Desmond has never celebrated Christmas (his father probably thought that holidays were a waste of time)
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theconfusedartist · 1 year
y'know something that annoys me about assassins creed?
they always make it seem like desmond wasted his life away after he left the farm to become a bartender, that he wasn't fit to be an assassin until he was training in the animus, and that he didn't have any ambition (as said by William in the AC3 remastered opening)
but like. none of that is true. at all
I mean I was just looking at the wiki to see Desmonds accomplishments and bio and apparently it was Daniel Cross that brought him into Abstergo. which. kinda puts Desmond skills in perspective
Daniel Cross was considered the most successful Templar member and, before Desmond, had a really great track record with his missions. Save for the ones that involved PoEs
they had to send him in to get Desmond
also Desmond managed to stay hidden from the assassins AND templars for 9 going on 10 years, since he was kidnapped on like August 30 brought in for the animus September 1, and the only reason he got taken in was due to them getting his fingerprints from the DMV
like. That sounds stupid but think about it. If he was going to the DMV he had to have an entire false identity in order to use a license, bc you need proof of birth, SSN, and multiple legal documents
he just. had that made on the run. Like that actually takes skill or connections or both to be able to effectively be in the system without being found with fake legal papers
And he DID have ambition: he wanted to live normally. Yeah its not some big dream or anything but he managed to stay hidden from two secret shadowy organizations that is all over the world in order to make it happen. that's determination and he only got caught due to his fingerprints being matched
and he easily fights off the abstergo agents in the opening of the first game. I'm not saying that Desmond was near as good as Ezio or Altaïr or Connor at this point, but he can clearly defend himself very well. at the end of AC2 he has no qualms with killing, he just does so with the hidden blade.
look, all I'm saying is, at the very least Desmond had to he quite skilled even before he started using the animus
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saberamane · 1 year
Okay, so Johnny’s DLC got released a few days ago and I’ve gotten back to replaying Guilty Gear Strive theme songs on loop again and… well… my brain definitely went “this reminds me of them!” for these songs (I have no idea how to embed videos in a submission XD):
Ratonhnhaké:ton: Find Your Way 
These lyrics just feels like Ratonhnhaké:ton talking to Haytham and the Templar Order.
“You and I both just have our views / That’s all”“Give me my place back and I won’t take your special place. Deal?”“You’re not me / You’re not the law / You’re not my downfall, either”
Ezio: The Roar of the Spark
Everything in this song just feels like Ezio during the latter Brotherhood era and entire Revelations era. There’s the persistence and the hope that everything that has happened and the sacrifices he made would mean something but special mentions to these lyrics:
“Under the lonely moon / In an influx of words / This road shines with my colors / Bearing a pale fire / I’m going as far as I can / To keep the glow alive”“Under the sacred briars / Never stop, just go / I don’t care how many more scars I get / Bearing a pale fire / I’m going as far as I can / It will be endless / And it’s not an easy journey / Hoping to fill the world / with all kinds of light”
(The song just gives the whole Ezio being Desmond’s prophet and guide vibe)
Altaïr: Play the Hero
I mean… this feels very Altaïr XD
“I stopped counting so long ago / Enemies kept coming after me”“Life never goes the way that you want, that’s how it is / No matter what life throws at you, take it all”“I don’t believe in any miracles / I’ll risk a loss any day / Gambling’s only for fools, take nothing for granted / If you don’t seize the chance, it’s over for you”“Fight like a tiger! (fight like a tiger!) / Fight like a tiger! / Fly like an eagle, soar through the sky! / Be free! / ‘Till I die!”
But yes, it’s mainly because of “Fly like an eagle, soar through the sky” XD
Desmond: The Town Inside Me
Okay, give me a chance to explain (and it’s more than just the song being catchy as hell)
“The town inside me / And everyone’s voice / Only I’m not there / Just watching from afar” - can signify both the Farm AND how Desmond’s Bleeding Effect is pretty much him looking from the other side but never being able to be part of the memories themselves.
Also these lyrics feels so Desmond-y:“I never wanted to run away / I was very motivated / Then what is, this feeling? / Who would I ask?”“I can’t go home / Because I’m afraid / Something will change / Me without me / I’m the one to blame”
And this feels like what we hope Desmond would feel and the ending he should have had:“The night falls, the place where I belong / No matter what changes, will no longer change me / No matter what, change / no, no, no longer change me / I can feel the light / even after the sun goes down”
(But also, the OP theme Smell of the Game feels like it could be a Desmond song especially the “what am I” chorus and “Do you know who you are? / When you speak your words / Don’t sound like your own / You’re trapped in a dark cell created by this world/ “That is who you are”“. I just feel like The Town Inside Me feels more Desmond-sy and Smell of the Game could be for the entire Brotherhood)
Additions by SaberAmane:
(This is my third attempt at responding to this, because I keep not finishing it, then going to bed, and then my pc not saving what I had written, so I have to start over lol)
I have to say, all the song really fit, but I especially liked Desmond’s. And the character was hilarious to watch, fighting people with yo-yo’s.
I don’t know the franchise, but by the looks of it it seems like a mortal combat/street fighter like game?
Now for my own additions! I’ll be using…DUN-DUN-DUNNNNNN!!!!!~~~~
Final Fantasy!!
Ratonhnhaké:ton: Final Fantasy 7′s 'Cosmo Canyon’ Theme
Now this one doesn't have lyrics, but it suits  Ratonhnhaké:ton SO much. And maybe it’s because it sounds kind of...native american? to me, and the character from Cosmo Canyon definitely has ‘native american’ vibes, even though he is a lion...wolf...charmander...thing. Nanaki is cool, and I love him, but I’m not sure what he is.
ANYWAY! This theme is just so nice. It starts slow and low, and the drums are so calming. And the flute! Is it me, or does it sound so hopeful? And just the way the instruments play, it sounds like it’s telling a story all on it’s own, no words needed.
Ezio: FF X-2′s ‘Real Emotion’ (Though it fits so well for all of them, we arguably see Ezio grow and mature more)
What can I do for you? (x4)
I can hear you
What can I do for you? (x3)
Far beyond the hazy borders of my heart
I could see a place that’s something like this
Every now and then I don’t know what to do
Still I know that I can never go back
How Ezio feels post family hanging. They get to Monteriggioni and it feels sort of like home, but distantly. He’s lost and confused and angry, he wants to know why this happened to their family, why Uberto turned on them. He knows he can never truly go back to that carefree teenager he was before, where he played with Petruccio and got into trouble with Federico and exasperated his father. Now he has just a bitter, angry sister and despondent mother. 
But the things I’ve seen in those hazy dreams
Can’t compare to what I’m seeing now
Everything’s so different
That it brings me to my knees
The dreams could be the glyphs Desmond found in the Animus, maybe they weren’t completely corporeal to Ezio, but hazy, confusing dreams? He knows they’re warnings for something, but not sure what. But those dreams can’t compare to the Assassin tombs he’s found, to the strange metallic object he’s taken from Rodrigo. Everything has changed so much, Ezio doesn’t know what to do.
And though I know
 the world of real emotion has surrounded me
I won’t give in to it
Now I know that forward 
is the only way my heart can go
I hear your voice calling out to me:
"You’ll never be alone”
After the conspiracy is dead, for the most part, Ezio knows he can’t continue to let his anger and thirst for revenge consume him. He has to let himself feel other things. He has to listen to those around him, take advice, gain control. He has the brotherhood now, for real. He’s not alone anymore.
What can I do for you? (x3)
I can hear you
What can I do for you? (x3)
I don’t plan on looking back on my old life
I don’t ever plan to rely on you
Even if by chance everything should go wrong
You’d come anyway and try to save me
Ezio is confidently taking control of his life now. He doesn’t want to go back to being a clueless boy only worried about girls. He’s done relying on people to do things for him. He’s taking charge, but he knows there are people to catch him, should he fall. Even if he doesn’t want them to.
Though from time to time it’s an upward climb
All I know is that I must believe
‘Cause the truth I’m seeking
Always was inside of me
He get’s Minerva’s message. It was difficult, but he receives it. He knows he has a purpose now, even if he doesn’t quite understand what it is. What he doesn’t know, is his purpose is to live and continue his lineage. To make sure Desmond is born.
And when I find 
the world of real emotion has surrounded me
The many things that you taught me then
Will always be enough to get me through the pain
Because of you I am strong enough to know I’m not alone
Reflecting on the many lessons of his father. Of Federico. Of Mario. Of Paola. The skills they taught him, that have carried him this far. They will not let him fail. He will carry on, even if it’s hard or hurts.
What can I do for you? (x6)
I can hear you
And if I find the real world of emotion
 has surrounded me
And I can’t go on
You are there the moment that 
I close my eyes to comfort me
We are connected for all of time
I’ll never be…
Ezio knows Desmond is watching him, like a shadow. Silent but there, comforting even if Ezio can’t physically feel him. Ezio has never truly been alone,  and it brings him peace, knowing someone else shared his pain and the burdens he took on for himself. That someone else understands.
And though I know the world of real 
emotion has surrounded me
I won’t give in to it
Now I know that forward is the only way my heart
 can go
I hear your voice calling out to me:
“You’ll never be alone”
Monteriggioni is destroyed, Mario is killed, Ezio has lost another home. But not all is lost. He has more support this time than he did before. A whole Brotherhood to lend a hand. He must continue moving forward, finish what he started. The fight continues, and Ezio does not stand in the shadows alone. Not anymore.
What can I do for you? (x3)
I can hear you
What can I do for you? (x3)
I can hear you
Altair: Final Fantasy 7 ‘The Chase’ AKA the escaping Midgar on a motorcycle song.
No lyrics. But this is Altair. Straight up. Why? Because of how often Altair had to either run after his target, or run away AFTER his target was killed. It’s literally the perfect song for him. Well, concerning FF music anyway.
A close second was ‘Electric de Chocobo’ from remake. Because it’s about a giant bird...and it’s kind of chase theme too.
Ok, third choice. This is a good one. Final Fantasy 8′s ‘The Mission’. Because isn’t that basically all Altair (or any Assassin) does? They have a mission, an objective. And they go do that.
Or the FF 8 boss theme, ‘Force Your Way’. God that song is badass. And Altair uses a lot of...force.
Desmond: FF IX’s ‘Melodies Of Life’
Alone for a while 
I’ve been searching through the dark   
 For traces of the love you left inside my lonely heart   
 To weave by picking up the pieces that remain   
 Melodies of life–love’s lost refrain
Desmond’s life after leaving the farm was very lonely, and a little scary, learning how to be a human not trained to fight from birth. He looks at the people around him, how they interact, how they show love, and looks inside himself to see if his parent’s ever showed him love like that. He takes what little he finds, and tries to make something meaningful from it.      
Our paths they did cross, though I cannot say just why   
We met, we laughed, we held on fast, and then we said goodbye 
And who’ll hear the echoes of stories never told?   
Let them ring out loud till they unfold  
In my dearest memories, I see you reaching out to me   
Though you’re gone, I still believe that you can call out my name
This is going to elude to the woman Desmond was with in order for Elijah to become a thing. It was a one night stand, but Desmond maybe wished for more. For something normal. His wish was not granted, he never heard from her again, and in the end never knew about Elijah.       
 A voice from the past, joining yours and mine     
Adding up the layers of harmony     
And so it goes, on and on     
Melodies of life,     
To the sky beyond the flying birds–forever and beyond
This can so easily allude to Minerva joining Ezio and Desmond together, creating a ‘harmony’ between the Cypher and Prophet that will unlock the potential of the apple to open the Grand Temple. The flying birds symbolizing both Ezio and Desmond as Assassin’s, in life and in death.        
So far and away, see the bird as it flies by    
Gliding through the shadows of the clouds up in the sky    
I’ve laid my memories and dreams upon those wings     
Leave them now and see what tomorrow brings
Both Altair and Ezio spent much of their lives rebuilding and improving the brotherhood, which in the end led to Desmond. Desmond being the bird flying through the shadows, carrying their dreams with him.        
In your dearest memories, do you remember loving me?    
Was it fate that brought us close and now leaves me behind?
Desmond asking his father if he ever cared for him?? Loved him?? Did his mother??       
If I should leave this lonely world behind    
Your voice will still remember our melody    
Now I know we’ll carry on    
Melodies of life    
Come circle round and grow deep in our hearts    
As long as we remember
Desmond’s death, and how his life and actions touched everyone he left behind. Desmond gave his life to save the earth, and he will always be alive, so long as people remember him, and his sacrifice.
Bonus! Clay: FF X’s ‘Otherworld’
All alone, cold fields you wander
Memories of it cloud your sight
Fills your dreams, disturbs your slumber
Lost your way, a fallen knight…
So obviously, Clay was alone in Abstergo, Lucy having turned to the Templar’s. The cold fields being the Animus, the memories you saw in Clay’s dlc and the symbols Clay leaves in the room and around the Animus clouding his sight. Juno’s words invading his dreams until he loses his mind, to both the Animus and Juno. I like to think he was Desmond’s knight, giving up his life to save Desmond and show him the way.
Hope dies and you wander
The otherworld it makes you
Dreams, they rip asunder
The otherworld it hates you
So the dying hope is obviously referring to Clay losing his mind, finding out Lucy is a Templar, and knowing there’s not going to be anyone saving him. The other world is again the Animus, and ‘it makes you’ referring to Clay putting his memories into the Animus as a digital avatar. And the dreams ripping asunder, and ‘otherworld it hates you’ could be taken to mean Clay being unhappy on Animus Island, and the Animus actually deleting the island and Clay.
Bonus 2, Cause I can’t help myself: FF X-2′s ‘1000 Words’ being a song echoing through the years between Altair, Ezio, and Desmond. (I’m leaving out Haytham and  Ratonhnhaké:ton because they never really knew of Desmond’s existence, the apple of eden only being in the dlc.) Also, I’m posting the whole song lyrics, it’s just so moving.
I know that you’re hiding things
Using gentle words to shelter me
Your words were like a dream
But dreams could never fool me
Not that easily
So the first two lines could be Desmond’s early life on the farm, not really being told much, just the iconic ‘your an assassin and this is our creed’ lines from Revelations. And Desmond, of course, not believing the same dream everyone else on the farm was living in. So, he runs away. He’s not being fooled.
I acted so distant then
Didn’t say goodbye before you left
But I was listening
You’ll fight your battles far from me
Far too easily
So, this could be Ezio talking about his father and Federico before the Pazzi Conspiracy. He was close with his family, obviously, but maybe didn’t tell them everything because he knew they were keeping things from him as well. It could also be from Claudia’s POV after the hanging’s, knowing Ezio is fighting the people who wronged them but he’s been distant since going to Monteriggioni, leaving her alone with a despondent mother and an uncle they didn’t really know.
“Save your tears 'cause I’ll come back”
I could hear that you whispered as you walked through that door
But still, I swore
To hide the pain, when I turn back the pages
Shouting might have been the answer
What if I cried my eyes out and begged you not to depart
But now I’m not afraid to say what’s in my heart
I just feel Altair in these lyrics. The first line being said to him by his father, who doesn’t actually come back, having sacrificed himself. Altair tries to hide how pained his father’s death has left him, showing a cold façade to everyone when he just want to cry in frustration or yell his anger. Instead, it turns into arrogance, into aloofness. And then Altair begins to question Al Mualim, asking questions and speaking his mind.
Though a thousand words
Have never been spoken
They’ll fly to you
Crossing over the time
And distance holding you, suspended on silver wings
And a thousand words
One thousand confessions
Will cradle you
Making all of the pain you feel seem far away
They’ll hold you forever
This one is more ‘symbolic’, the words not being spoken because they’re the codex pages both Altair and Ezio have written and collected in turn. The silver wings being both symbolic to their names and their affinity to heights. And also an allusion to the genetics that allows Desmond to hear their words and thoughts across hundreds of years. And those words stay with Desmond, ‘cradling’ him through the long nights and helping him deal with the various pain. Of being forced into the Animus, of being ignored or talked down to, pushed aside and left out. Because while he is just a means to an end to his ‘team’ and ‘father’, he meant something to men who never even had the chance to meet him.
The dream isn’t over yet
Though I often say I can’t forget
I still relive that day
You’ve been there with me all the way
I still hear you say
This one is more centered around Desmond. The dream being the Animus sessions and bleeding effect. ‘I still relive that day’ could be many in the lives of his ancestor’s, but is likely the day of Solomon’s Temple, when Altair messed up and lost a brother and a friend, as well as his rank. Or when he returned to Masyaf in his later years to a lost son and then murdered wife and friend. To losing his home.
Or for Ezio, the day his family was brutally cut in half. When Cristina died. Seeing Minerva’s message in the vault.  When Mario was killed and his home taken from him again. Risking his life to save Caterina, and then being tossed aside. Of meeting Sofia. Finding Altair’s library. Finally having children.
They happened to his ancestor’s, but the events happened years and decades apart from each other. His ancestor’s were able to heal from each painful day before the next came. For Desmond, they came in a matter of days, never being able to heal from the devastation before the next tragedy hit him.
“Wait for me, I’ll write you letters”
I could see how you stammered with your eyes to the floor
But still, I swore
To hide the doubt when I turn back the pages
Anger might have been the answer
What if I’d hung my head and said that I couldn’t wait
But now I’m strong enough to know it’s not too late
Again, this could be for any of them. Kind of feeling like a friend or lover saying they’ll be back, and the assassin knowing they won’t be. Either by choice or death, the assassin won’t see this person again, and they know it, but they let them choose to leave. They stop themselves from being angry, because free choice is why they fight. They can’t deny someone their choice, even if they want to.
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esamastation · 2 years
Some Desmond centric AC fic ideas again...
1 Desmond is a muggleborn wizard and doesn't know it. His parents figured the letter to wizard school was a hoax, so it never came up. At the age of 24, he's still suffering from accidental magic, which he can dismiss as weird coincidences - until Bleeding Effect + Accidental Magic leads into him having some really dangerous, completely autonomous patronuses just wandering around him doing whatever they please.
2 Sugar daddy Desmond. He's in the past, he's using his future knowledge shamelessly to his advantage, he's collecting priceless art - he's funding Leonardo's every whim monetarily, like, "Here's a bag of florins for you, why don't you build yourself something nice :)". (Ezio, on other hand, gets armour and weapons and poisons and sexy lingerie and bombs and)
3 Desmond breaks time, and is desperately trying to unbreak it. Somehow, this is Malik Al-Sayf's problem, and now this damn copy of Altaïr with terrifying insight (and maybe powers but Malik refuses to believe in them) keeps popping in and out of his bureau, spouting ludicrous nonsense and probably stealing all his cushions.
4 Desmond wakes up in an alternate universe where the Isu Trinity's world saving, self building machine went into overdrive. Now the whole planet has been turned into a megastructure and no one has control over it. Aka, I read Blame! again and want to do a crossover. (Behind the scenes, this world's Minerva has been for centuries trying to bring Desmond into existence to stop the megastructure's expansion. There are now versions of his ancestors all over the City earth has been turned into.)
5 Desmond gets summoned to alternate realities, like Harry Potter in all those "summoned saviour” fics. Sometimes it's by his team, sometimes it's by Minerva, sometimes it's by his ancestors. And sometimes it's by Templars. And usually it's for the same purpose. Activate the grand temple and save the world from the solar flare.
I have so many feelings and I want to write something so bad 😩 When will my writing mojo come back to me...
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vodkassassin · 4 years
9, because NB might die and that's hilarious to me.
You enjoy NB’s suffering too much, Cher 😂💕
Snippet: Desmond BAMF (assassins creed)
Two semi trucks and one red volvo have already passed him by, but Desmond is patient. He’s had a lot of practice with waiting for things. He’d waited to leave the Farm. He’d waited for a real life for himself outside of the “cult” he’d been raised in. He’d waited for a chance to get off the streets. He’d waited through all the memories of his ancestors. He’d waited for whatever message the precursors had for him, whatever solution.
To Desmond, it seems like he’d been waiting his entire life. He isn’t even sure what for, anymore. Then, he’d died, so… he supposes that it doesn’t actually matter, in the end.
Maybe he’d been waiting to die.
Another semi truck comes veering down the desolate highway. The squeal of the breaks kicking into gear catches his attention, and Desmond gives his himself a mental shake. He watches the truck roll slowly to a stop before him, and stares up at the passenger door. It flings itself open after a moment, and the driver peers down at him.
“Hop in,” the man says amiably, with the unconcerned air of someone who is in no way new at this. This isn’t his first hitchhiker, Desmond assumes.
The driver crawls back, and the young time traveler wraps his hand around the bar on the side of the truck and hauls himself up into the cabin. He pulls the heavy door shut behind him, and gives the trucker a quirk of his lips once in the seat.
“Thanks,” Desmond says, because he may be an assassin, but he is an assassin with manners.
“No problem,” the trucker says, pushing the clutch into second gear and urging the semi back onto it’s journey. “Name’s Raoul.”
“Denny,” he supplies in turn. “Bet that’s familiar enough to remember, huh?”
Raoul laughs. “A trucker’s paradise, huh? Eh, I’m more of an Applebee’s guy.”
The ride is quiet for the next few miles, Raoul not seeming to be very nosy or interested about his backstory, which Desmond is grateful for, because it gives him some more time to think. Calm comes easier now than it had while still so close to the Farm, and with the dull roar of the truck engine in the background, Desmond finds he can finally plan.
He hefts his backpack into his lap and pulls out the notebook and it’s wad of pens. It’s a small thing, 7 by 4.5 inches with just a hundred pages. Easier to fit amongst his other supplies, he guesses. Desmond flips the book open and pauses when he notices that it isn’t blank like he had assumed it would be. There was writing on the first page already, in pencil, and as Desmond peers at it, he realizes with growing incredulity that it’s a journal entry.
Well, reading through it, it’s less of a journal entry and more of a report than anything, but as Desmond assumes that he’s the only person that was meant read the contents of this notebook—it’s not like he had anyone outside the Farm—it’s obvious what it’s meant to be.
He resists the urge to bury his face into his hands even as a strong feeling of disappointment not his own comes pulsating from the back of his head. He too distracted by his younger self’s stupidity to decipher which of his ancestors it came from, but he’s putting his bet on Altaïr.
Ezio was a bit too vain to really and truly get why exactly it was a bad idea to write about oneself, and Connor probably wouldn't really care all that much, but Altaïr knew the dangers of having any sort of personal information on such a tangible and accessible location as paper record, not unless you were intending for others to read it. Well, his Syrian ancestor has always felt more… involved, with Desmond, than the others. Almost like he cares the most about what’s happening to him, always perking up with something that feels like distant pride when Desmond accomplishes something particularly skillfully, or a pulse of chiding when he does something incredibly stupid. Or perhaps that’s just Altaïr‘ inner-Mentor peeking through. Connor has his moments with that, too, come to think of it, and Ezio-
Desmond clutches the notebook tightly in his hands, focusing his gaze on a word in the middle of the page as the rest blurs around it in a odd, physical sort of tunnel vision. There he goes again, thinking that long dead men were actually, mentally with him, acting like having the voices of his ancestors in his head, giving him guidance, is normal. Thinking that this was something other than just another fucked up side effect of rifling through the history of his bloodline, through memories that aren't actually his.
The murmuring goes quiet in his head for the first time all day, and Desmond refuses to think about how it seems definitively wrong to feel so alone in his own head.
He loosens his grip on the notebook, slowly prying his fingers from where his sweaty palms have adhered his hands to the paper. He flips to the next page—he’d deal with the entry later—and pulls a random pen out from the bundle of them he shoved between his thigh and the seat.
Uncapping the implement, Desmond draws a bullet point in the first line and taps the pen on it for a moment. He stares at the ink dot for what feels like a few minutes, before finally starting to write.
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kiatheinsomniac · 5 years
The assassin’s + Shay (if you’re okay with that) on what they would call their S/O?
Did my praise/petname kink influence this? Absolutely maybe.
Altaïr isn’t too keen on pet names for you, he prefers to call you by your name because he adores seeing the effect that his voice has on you and it makes him feel in control. The way your body reacts to his voice just fuels his ego, really.
Ezio would bring out each and every nickname he has for you but his favourite would be dolcezza (sweetness). If you don’t speak Italian fluently, bonus points for him teasing you to try and guess what they mean.
Around the crew, he’d stick to something more platonic like lass but when the two of you are alone, he’d call you siren. (Because he knows damn well that he’d crash a ship onto the rocks if it meant getting to you).
Shay likes to slip into Irish when it comes to pet names for you but won’t hesitate to call you something romantic in front of his fellow Templars. He likes to call you mo chailín (my girl) the most because he likes to see your smile and little shiver.
Connor’s never really understood using pet names so he prefers to use a shortened version/variation of your name. Usually, he’ll only use it when the two of you are joking around so you adore hearing it in such a cute voice from him or through his laughter.
Let’s face it: Arno’s a full-blown romantic so, just like Ezio, he’d bring out each and every little name for you if it means seeing you some and/or blush. However, the ones he likes to use the most is ma chérie (my darling/sweetheart). If you don’t speak French fluently, he’ll get you to guess what they mean and reward you with a kiss if you get it right.
Jacob likes to keep up his tough appearance with his Rooks so, like Edward, the nicknames stay rather platonic when you’re out of the train. He’ll call you love in front of the Rooks because in Britain, it’s casual enough but when you’re alone he’ll call you beautiful or doll.
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writerjodie · 5 years
Preferences: How You Meet (Modern AU)
uhhh this is a really old piece of writing (from Aug. 2018) - so it doesn’t have Kass or Alexios (sorreh) I hope ya’ll enjoy! - Preferences - How You Meet (Modern) Altaïr Ibn-La-Ahad You meet in a bar late at night, long after your girlfriends have bailed and gone home. You sit alone at the dark bar, sipping your favourite drink and losing yourself in thoughts of sunny beaches and handsome men. You're so lost you fail to notice a certain beautiful man slide up beside you. "You, um, want another?" He elbows you and nods at your drink, gaining a nod from you in response. "Not seen you here before, sweetheart, what's your name?" You ask, smiling up at the kind stranger. "Altaïr, and you are?" He pays for your drink and hands it to you, settling onto a stool beside you. "(Name),"you smirk at him, taking a sip of your drink in what you hope is a seductive way. Needless to say, by the end of the night you two are strangers no more - and he even leaves with your number and a promise to text you in the morning. You grin to yourself as you stumble out into the dawning streets, you have a feeling you'll be seeing a lot more of this Altaïr.
Ezio Auditore da Firenze 
(Bc Ezio would totally be a model) You had seen Ezio’s pictures in magazines, and it was your dream as a model to work alongside him, but you’d never considered it would ever happen - no, not until your agent called you about a wedding photo shoot. The dresses you were to model were new takes on traditional styles, experiments with new colours and fabrics, they tell you. In fact, the first dress you try on you love so much you almost want to get married to any old stranger just to wear it. As you make your way to the set for the photo shoot, a familiar accented voice calls out to you. "My, if I had known I would be working with such a bella donna today I would have tried harder," Ezio calls out to you, a mocking pout on his plush lips. "Ezio stop jesting, you always look immaculate! Nice to see you again, its been a long time," you chuckled back, disappointed when your conversation is cut short by the photographer calling you to action. Most of the shots are generic, run of the mill poses, until you get to the final shot. "Now, look in love! Kiss!" The photographer calls, and you feel your cheeks burn with the thought of Ezio kissing you. "Finally!" Ezio sighs, before pulling you into a soft embrace, his lips plastered onto yours.
Ratonhnhakè:ton | Connor Kenway It was your first day as a volunteer at Davenport Animal Sanctuary. As a child your parents had told you about the Sanctuary's work, and you had been distraught to find that it had closed down and left to ruin for several years. Despite that setback, the Sanctuary reopened three weeks prior to your arrival, thanks to the help of a local young man - known to the masses as Connor. "(Name), I presume?" A sweet looking man waves at you, "Welcome to Davenport," "You must be Connor! It is a pleasure to be here, and I think it's wonderful what you're doing here," you shake his hand eagerly, finding yourself extremely excited to start your work here. Connor looks as if he doesn't expect your compliment, for his cheeks quickly redden and he blinks a few times in surprise. "Thank you, (name), follow me to the manor, I need to talk through insurance with you then you can begin work. I think you are with me today," he lumbers off on his large legs, beckoning you to follow. Excited, you skip behind him and try not to stare at his beautiful face for too long. Oh yes, you are going to be so happy here.
Edward Kenway Sighing, you glare down at the bulky life jacket around your midriff. There was no point in you being here anyway, you have no interest in sailing whatsoever, you're just here out of politeness after you won a few free sailing lessons. "Ready for your lesson, Lass?" the voice of who you presume to be your instructor appears out of nowhere, causing to you turn around to find him. Once you turn, it is as if the whole world stops on its axis. Your breath, laden with the salty tang of the sea, catches in your throat as if unable to escape. Widening, your eyes take in the sight of the man, who ticks every single box ever. Sandy blonde hair? Check! Sun kissed skin? Check! Tattoos? Obviously! Muscles that only a GOD could possess? You bet your damn toenails he has them. Swallowing, you attempt to speak to him, only to stand their with your mouth flapping like a fish. "Oh...I tend to have that effect on lots of people," he smirks at you, holding his hand out for you to shake it, "The name's Edward Kenway, by the way. Shall we be starting?" Dumbfounded, you follow Edward onto the little boat where you will start your lesson. Oh...maybe you do have an interest in sailing now.
Arno Dorian (Sorry but Dorian would totally be that irresponsible carer, who somehow keeps all the children alive) This softè baguette works in the nursery down the road from you, a nursery which your little sibling attends every day. Each night they come home, telling you stories of Arno, and each day you think about what he would be like to meet. Luckily, your mother sent you to pick up your little sibling from nursery, giving you a chance to finally meet the famous Arno Dorian. "Are you not too young to have children, mon amour?" A sickly sweet voice welcomes you into the foyer of the nursery, a voice belonging to none other than Arno Dorian. "Oh, no she's only my sister," you stammer, holding the hand of your sister as Arno approaches. Your sister seems to approve of this action, and she turns to Arno with a smile. "Mister Dorian! I've told (name) all about you! I think you two should get married!" Your sister squeals, sending your cheeks into a flurry of burning embarrassment. "What? I barely know him!" You squeak as your sister laughs on. Lucky Arno is unfazed by the whole ordeal, and shoots you a crooked grin. "Well, I would have to take you for dinner first, at the very least. Is tomorrow okay?" He winks at you, sending your sister into overdrive. "Uh...yeah, sure," you stammer out, before scooping your sister up and skipping out of there. "(Name) has a boyfriend! (Name) has a boyfriend!" Your sister giggles and squirms in your arms. You can't help but smile...maybe you do have a boyfriend.
Jacob Frye The Rook, what a nice name for a pub. At least, it's better than the last one, the Blight. Damn suitable name too. Since the pub changed hands, and was swiftly refurnished, you decided to try out the new bar to see if the landlord was any better than the last. "Why on earth did you buy a pub, Jacob? You don't know anything about running a business!" Someone argues from inside, but you ignore it and take the plunge through the door anyway. "I know a lot about drinking, and a lot of that happens in pubs," the response comes, stopping short when you enter, "Ah! My first customer! Welcome to the Rook! What can I get you?" He continues. "Just a rum and coke please, it's been a long day," you chuckle, settling down into the first seat you see as one of the pair get to work behind the bar. Even in the dim light of the pub you can tell he's handsome, with a swagger and smirk to match. "Welcome, I'm Evie Frye," the woman who was arguing first sits down beside you, "That, over there, is my brother, Jacob Frye. He's the landlord," Accepting your drink from Jacob, you laugh as he pours himself a drink and joins you. "Jacob! You can't drink on the job," Evie sighs, rubbing her face into her hands. Raising his brows, Jacob shrugs at you, glass in hand. "Where's the fun in running a pub then, dear sister," he laughs, downing the whole glass in one go. As the night crawls on, more and more customers join you until the whole ordeal turns into a jolly drinking competition - which you obviously won.
Evie Frye (The cliche hurt in this one....but I love Evie) Libraries, oh how you love them. Their wall burst with undiscovered adventures and unstarted quests, just waiting for you to stumble across them. Turning away from the bookshelf, you accidentally walk straight into another girl, sending her armful of books scattering across the floor. "I am SO sorry! Let pick them up for you!" You bend down and scramble for the books, hoping your blush is hidden from sight. Alas, fortune is not in your favour today, for when you stand up and finally get a good look at her, your blush deepens at the sight of her. Pretty freckles, pursed lips, little dimples! Oh she is adorable! "Don't sweat it," the girl calls over her shoulder, already leaving the library. Oh, you might start coming to the library more often!
Bayek of Siwa (I have yet to explore AC:Origins yet, please forgive me if Bayek is out of character) Smiling, you tickle the eagle some more. It's absurd really, how such a graceful bird of prey is reduced to a soft sweetheart once you give her a few tickles. You continue for some time, uttering soft words at the bird as you go, until a voice begins to speak. "She is a beautiful bird, no?" Someone asks, and you look up to see none other than Medjay Bayek of Siwa. "My apologies, Medjay, I did not know she belongs to you," you stutter, knowing full well the man could kill you at any second. He waves his hand at you, as if batting away your apology. "Her name is Senu, by the way. Come, hold out your arm," he whistles, and Senu sets of flying until she is soaring far above your heads. "Keep your arm still," he orders, whistling again at his eagle. With a swish of her wings, Senu has rapily descended and landed with a satisfying ploof on your arm. Eyes wide, the stare at the bird close up now, and Senu stares back, seemingly giving her approval. "She likes you, may I have your name?" Bayek asks, sending the bird soaring high again. "(Name)," you smile, casting your eyes away from his. "Well, (name), it has been a please meeting you, I hope our paths may cross again," Bayek finalises, before waving and heading back into his house. Excited, you run back to your house, replaying the meeting over and over in your head.
Shay Cormac (I can so imagine Shay on a motorbike...in all his leather gear...oh lord I need a cold shower) Distracted by your phone, you don’t look properly when you cross the road - resulting in you nearly getting ran over by a flash motorcycle. Frozen in shock on the curb edge, you nearly drop your phone as you watch the bike wobble a little as it comes to a stop, the rider kicking on the breaks and hopping off to check you. His words come out muffled, forcing him to repeat himself once he removes the helmet from his head.
“You alright lass?” he asks, his dark eyes searching you for scratches. God - he is good looking.
“Y-yeah,” you stammer, “Are you? I should’ve looked where I was going,”
He merely nods, confirming he is unscathed. Biting your lip, you watch him stride back over to his bike, his broad shoulders encapsulated in the shiny leather of his jacket. With a wave of farewell to you, he puts on his helmet and kicks the bike into action once more - speeding down the road in a flurry of dust. Afterwards, every time you hear the roar of a motorbike, you can’t help but wonder if it’s the chocolate eyed stranger, you wouldn’t mind running into him again...
Haytham Kenway Your first day as cafe manager was mostly uneventful...that's if we gloss over the poor lad who spilt his tea all over the floor in protest at something his father said. "Oh for God's sake Connor," he mutters, trying to mop up the spillage with a napkin. "Don't worry about it! It's what we're here for!" You chirp, sliding over to the table with a proper cloth, "Can I get you a replacement tea?" "No, thank you, I was just leaving," the younger one, Connor storms out, leaving you and the mam to clean up the mess. "Teenagers, eh?" You chuckle, wiping away the last of the tea. "Yes...quite," the man looks at you for a second,"I presume you are the new manager here? Do you know what happened to the last one?" "Oh, yes Ziio left for another coffee shop, were you two friends?" You ask, picking up the discarded tea cup. "No no, we just knew each other. Haytham Kenway, by the way," he holds out his hand for you to shake, before swiftly departing from the shop - no doubt to look for his son. "Strange," you utter, heading back to tills with the tea.
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truthfox870 · 3 years
Assassins Creed Odyssey Cd Key Pc
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Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Crack Imdg code volume 1. is an action-adventure video game developed by Ubisoft Montreal and published by Ubisoft. Assassin’s Creed is an open-world action-adventure game played from a third-person perspective, in which the player mainly plays the role of Altaïr, as experienced by the protagonist Desmond Miles. The main objective of the Assassins Creed Odyssey Crack is to carry out a series of assassinations ordered by Al Mualim, the leader of the assassins.
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Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Crack Download the player must travel from the Brotherhood headquarters in Masyaf via the Holy Kingdom site known as the Kingdom to one of three cities – Jerusalem, Acre or Damascus – to find the Brotherhood agent in that city to find. There, the agent not only provides the player with a safe house, but also minimal knowledge of the target and requires him to perform additional reconnaissance missions before attempting the assassination. These missions include wiretapping, interrogation, pickpocketing, and doing chores for informants and other assassins.
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Each character has a personality, subtle quirks, and ticks that make each of them totally memorable. These are the kinds of characters and little stories that you discover and want to tell your friends about. And it’s possible due to the amount of content on offer in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Free Download for PC that they haven’t taken this quest yet, or found the Odyssey area to be really that big (seriously, your quest screen can be crazy sometimes, and the fact that it can get so crowded and disorganized is perhaps the only awkward design choice the dev team made with Odyssey).
Additionally, Assassin’s Creed Crack no cd players can take part in any number of secondary objectives, including climbing tall towers to map the city and rescuing citizens threatened or harassed by city guards. There are also various “extra memories” that don’t advance the plot, such as hunting and killing Templars and collecting flags. Upon completion of each assassination attempt, the player will be returned to the Brotherhood and rewarded with a better weapon and / or upgrade before pursuing the next target or receiving a different set of targets. The player can freely choose the order of certain goals.
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Crack for PC
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey PC Key lives up to its name. It’s a huge, winding journey through ancient Greece at the start of the Peloponnesian War as the struggle between Sparta and Athens begins to reshape the Greek world. It will shock you with its breadth and depth: the sea hides sunken ruins, the detail of the temple paintings is impeccable, authentically dressed figures roam huge cities while chatting in Greek, soldiers clash on the roads as the citizens disperse.
You play as a mercenary, choosing between Kassandra or Alexios, equally sculptural and confident. There is an element of family drama within Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Free PC that propels the story up as a counterpart to the overall historical drama of the set. The script is exactly the same for both characters; In choosing Kassandra, found her to be a great mix of sharp writing, subtle character animation, and an outstanding performance from voice actor Melissanthi Mahut. It’s so easy to get sidetracked by every little marker you come across as you travel through Greece, as every mission you choose has a depth that has never been offered before in the series.
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey PC Key Features
Gaze in Wonder Experience the action in a whole new light with Tobii Eye Tracking. The extended view feature of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Crack gives you a broader perspective of the surroundings, and the dynamic effects of light and sun immerse you in the sand dunes depending on where you are staring. Marking, aiming and locking your targets becomes much more natural when you can do it by looking at them. Let your vision lead the way and improve your gameplay.
Choices matter Your contribution and behavior in Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey Crack have a big impact on the game. During the main storyline and side quests, players will be able to make decisions about how to tackle certain difficulties and with whom to build relationships. positive and negative. These decisions will even have an impact on the end of the game.
Choose your character Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey lets you choose who to play with. You choose between Kassandra, the female protagonist, or Alexios, the male protagonist, both descendants of Leonidas I, the famous King of Sparta during the Second Persian War. The choice won’t really affect the game, but it does allow players to further customize their experience.
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Propellerhead recycle 2.2 mac. Great battles Odyssey is set during the Peloponnesian War, which means there will be full-scale battles like the series has never seen before. Players can help the Spartan armies fight against the Athenians in these battles by taking out random soldiers as well as key commanders and heroes to turn the tide of the war in favor of Sparta.
Fight on New Scale Demonstrate your warrior’s abilities in epic full-scale battles between Athens and Sparta with hundreds of soldiers, or race and fight your way through entire fleets in naval battles across the Aegean Sea.
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Assassin's Creed Odyssey Gold Edition Pc Cd Key
New combat abilities Odyssey spices up the series’ combat with new special abilities. During a given fight, you build an ability gauge that can be spent on a handful of abilities like a powerful Spartan kick that sends enemies flying, a ranged attack that lets you hit multiple arrows in one. single hit and melee move where you steal your enemy’s shield and hit him with it.
Forge your Legend Your decisions will have an impact on how your odyssey unfolds. Play assassin’s creed odyssey ps4 crack for multiple endings thanks to the new dialogue system and the choices you make. Customize your gear, ship, and special abilities to become a legend.
The boats are back in style Taking a note from Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag, naval warfare is back, baby. With the Aegean Sea close at hand, it is only natural that naval battles are a feature of the landscape. You can build a crew in Assassin’s Creed Crack, shoot down pirate ships, board other ships, and throw enemies into the sea to watch them get eaten by sharks.
Travel to Ancient Greece Assassins Creed Crack from lush vibrant forests to volcanic islands and bustling cities, set out on a journey of exploration and encounter in a war-torn world shaped by gods and men.
Mercenaries Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Crack has its own system of checks and balances with the inclusion of mercenaries. Since there is no official police service in Greece, citizens will employ mercenaries to eliminate the people who have wronged them, including you.
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey PC System Requirements
Operating System: Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 (64-bit versions only)
Processor: AMD FX 6300 at 3.8 GHz, Ryzen 3 at 1200, Intel Core i5-2400 at 3.1 GH
GPU: AMD Radeon R9 285 or Nvidia GeForce GTX 660 (2 GB of VRAM with Shader Model 5.0)
Resolution: 720p
Target frame rate: 30 fps
Video preset: low
Operating System: Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 (64-bit versions only)
Processor: AMD FX-8350 at 4.0 GHz, Ryzen 5 – 1400, Intel Core i7-3770 at 3.5 GHz
GPU: AMD Radeon R9 290 or Nvidia GeForce GTX 970 (4 GB of VRAM or more with Shader Model 5.0)
Resolution: 1080p
Target frame rate: 30 fps
Video Preset: High
How to install Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Crack
First of all download the latest version form the given download links.
Uninstall the previous versions (if you have any)
After that extract the files using winrar.
Run the setup file and wait for installation process.
Now copy the crack file and paste it into the Assassin’s Creed Odyssey PC directory.
Done. Have fun with full version!
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Assassin's Creed Odyssey Ps4 Cd Key
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katherineshep · 6 years
I was tagged by @voidslantern , thank you, dear! 😘
Three Fandoms:
1. Mass Effect
2. Doctor Who
3. Assassin’s Creed
The First Character You Loved:
1. Garrus Vakarian. Love from a first talk.
2. Ninth Doctor in the episode "Dalek"
3. Altaïr Ibn La-Ahad
The Character You Never Expected To Love So Much:
1. Miranda Lawson. Her story and the choices she makes, and also her strength amaze me.
2. Rose Tyler. I can't say I disliked her, no, but at first I had nothing to grip at in her. Then, in time, her kind heart and adventurous soul have shown themselves, and I fell in love with her. She is my favourite Doctor Who companion of all the newschool DW.
3. Ezio Auditore. His path was laid in darkness and had so many mistakes, but up to his last journey he found the essence of the Creed and walked a way of assassin leader. I respect him greatly for this.
The Character You Relate To The Most:
1. I wish it was Shepard, but no, there's so much to learn for me to be at least partly like Shepard... The most of me is in Garrus Vakarian: "So many things in my life went wrong", we have similar life principles, we both were betrayed in our lives, we both hope to do some good in this life despite how hard it is, we both have rebellion souls, we both wish there was more justice in this life.
2. The Doctor. Ninth particularly. I've had my hard times, I've got a hole in my chest just like he has. I wish it took some Rose Tyler to heal that hole, but I don't know. Maybe in real life those holes aren't healed with people.
3. Guess there isn't a character in AC that I can relate.
The Character You’d Slap:
1. Kaidan. Horizon mission. Please, man, just listen to Shepard, trust her as you did before!
2. Of RTD era? Martha Jones. Okay, I can understand that love not always comes in convenient time and not always with the right people, but goddamit, Doctor has just lost the one he loved and who he died for once, could you pleeease be more careful about Doctor's feelings?
And of Moffat era - Clara. There are lots of things I'd slap her for, but the moment when she has thrown the keys into lava, she died for me. I don't care that Doctor cares about her so much to forgive her for that. I love him. And I don't let anyone hurt the ones I love. Clara almost left Doctor without his life and his home. She demanded him to rewrite the timelines which is the worst thing to do as there's a danger of paradoxes (the fact that after that time Doctor messed with time freely is BAD WRITING). There's no excuse for treating Doctor with such a cruelty. He deserved for a better companion and friend.
3. Connor Kenway. For Haytham. For hot-headedly made decisions.
Three Favorite Characters (in order of preference):
1. Shepard, Garrus, Liara
2. Ninth Doctor, Rose Tyler, Tenth Doctor
3. Ezio Auditore, Altaïr Ibn La-Ahad, Haytham Kenway
A Character You Liked At First, But Don’t Anymore:
1. Tali. Idk why, maybe there's something to do with Freedom's Progress meeting. Shepard not only needed help of an experienced soldier - she needed a friend (though she'd never admit that), a person she could trust. Tali wasn't there for her. I understand why, but I do not accept it - because my heart hurt for Shepard then.
2. There isn't such a character in all RTD era. I never liked any of Moffat's companions. Something about writing.
3. Connor.
A Character You Didn’t Like At First But Do Now:
1. Miranda Lawson. She pissed me off so much at my first ME walkthrough! But then, in time, when we spoke enough and it became clear why she seems so uppity at the meeting, I understood why she has such an attitude. And due to her decisions in ME2 I knew what person she really is, so she earned my respect and love.
And Jack. She's amazing. Of course she behaves in ME2 like a cutthroat bitch, but well, there were reasons for that and she worked much on becoming more like normal human.
2. Martha Jones. She's good. I don't like her much, but she made great things and sacrificed much for tge Doctor.
3. Ezio Auditore. His path of bloodshed and anarchy in AC2 was pointless. But in ACB he becomes a clever leader and in ACR he finally learns what the Creed is really about. That's where, in the last game, he earns my love.
Three OTPs:
1. FemShep/Garrus Vakarian (I don't know how I lived without this beautiful pairing!!!), Liara/Javik (from her side at first, then mutual, lol), Joker/EDI
2. Ninth Doctor/Rose Tyler, Tenth Doctor/Rose Tyler, Thirteenth Doctor/Rose Tyler (I don't give a damn that it's almost impossible, it just has happened inside my head and I can't stop this train anymore, lol)
3. Altaïr/Maria, Ezio/Sofia, Desmond/Lucy
I'm tagging: @shepurdvakarian, @tarysande, @illusivesoul
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W-WELL...*coughs* well please do what you want 😂😂
Right away,dear~Kimiko Jones x Jacob FryeRaven/Kangee x Connor KenwayKitsune x Altair
Raven and Kitsune were both lying on the fluffy carpet,bored out of their mind,and listening to Lana del Rey songs in the dark room and singing along,seductively.
Kitsu:Hey,cuz?Raven:Hm?Kitsu:*giggles*Remember your first kiss?Raven:*snorts*Could I not?Kitsu:T'was funny,huh?Raven:Great circumstances.Kitsu:*winks*Bet that was the best kiss you’ve ever had.Raven:And the only one.Kitsu:Eh?!You and Connor didn’t kiss yet?Raven:Did you and Altaïr?Kitsu:*chuckles*Got me,cuz.Raven:I don’t really mind,y'know.I’m ace.Kitsu:Ye,but I want to get that dumb Arab!I need to see his reactions!He’s always so stoic and conposed,it’s pissing me off!Raven:*smirks*Get Malik to flirt with you.Maybe he’ll get jealous.Kitsu:N I C E !Raven:Need help?I mean,I could seduce you right now,but I’m not sure it’ll be as effective.Kitsu:*giggles*I wonder if Connor would get jealous~?Raven:*shakes head*Nah…He’d think I’m not interested in him and back off.Kitsu:Pity.Maybe I can get him to make the 1st step~?Raven:I’m not desperate,Kitsu.Now let’s go see how we can talk to Malik…and stop having sexual fantasies while listening to West Coast.Kitsu:But it’s making me feel so high and nice!Raven:Yeah,I get you.Kitsu:Like the high feeling too,huh~?Raven:Otherwise I wouldn’t listen while tipsy and smoking a joint.Kitsu:Fair point.Let’s go~!
They both left the room and found Malik sitting alone on the couch with Ezio,playing video games.
Raven:Just the men I was looking for.Ezio:Mia bella,ciao~!Raven:I’ve a…favour to ask of you.Ezio:And that is?Raven:I need Malik to flirt with Kitsune and make Altair jealous.
They both cheered in shock and agreed,letting Kitsu stay between them both,with Malik’s arm draped around her,and her legs resting over his lap.They both held a seductive smirk.Just as Raven giggled in amusement,Kim strutted to the living room,looking annoyed.
Raven:Hey,Kim,wanna prank J.J. and have Ezio flirt with you until he becomes J.J.Jealous?Kim:*shocked*Wait what?Raven:Kitsu’s already having her plan unfold.It’s your turn.Kim:Hellz ye!That smug bastard deserves it!Raven:Then get to the Casa Nova and let the plan flourish.
She started jumping excitedly and jumped clumsily next to Ezio,throwing her legs over his,but less classy,like Kitsu,and more playful,and started giggling and making jokes with said Italian.
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Seeing her plan growing,she puts Lana’s hot songs to boom around the room loud and clear,to set up the mood.She left the room,to go back to her room,when she met up with Connor,who was engrossed in a book and didn’t notice her,bumping into her.
Connor:Kangee,I’m sorry,I wasn’t paying attention.Raven:Don’t worry,it’s fine.What were you reading?Connor:Oh,the title says ‘Lord if the rings’.It’s the first volume.Raven:*smirks*You went to my room,dear~?Connor:*nods*I was looking for you.Raven:Oh~?Then let’s return and see what you wish to tell me.
They returned to her dim-lit room,that still had a strong sweet scent from the many lit scented candles in the room,and Lana’s songs weren’t helping either.She sat on the bed and pat the spot next to her making him sit next to her.He seemed oddly flustered and more awkward than usual.She took his hand and intertwined their fingers together and looked at him with a soft smile.
Raven:So,what was it you wanted to tell me?Connor:I uh…the Frye boy…he asked me something when we were alone…he asked me to ask you a favour,actually.Raven:*surprised*Eh?What does he need?Is it about Kim?Connor:*nods*It is.Raven:*smirks*Oh,I know very well what it is,then~.Connor:Then,should I tell him something?Raven:No,don’t bother.Let’s just say…I already helped him.Connor:How?Did you use your shamanism powers?Raven:*giggles*Maybe~?Connor:You’re truly remarkable.Raven:*bites lip*Did you ask him something too,darling~?Connor:*shocked*H-How did you…?Raven:*gets closer to him*I’m a powerful Shaman,remember?Our feelings are connected.I feel what you feel,Connor~.Now,is there something you wish to say,dear?Connor:Um…I’m…not good at understanding feelings.Raven:But are you good at showing them~?
By this time,the girl could no longer hide her smirk upon seeing her unofficial lover be so innocently awkward and flustered.She wanted to push the subject as much as she could,seeing how much she could tease him until he gave in.
Connor:Kangee…you…remind me of a young lioness,prowling and spying her pray.Raven:Are you the pray,Connor~?Connor:I may be.Raven:Are you afraid,Connor~?Connor:If it’s you,then I am not.Raven:And what are you going to do?Run away?Connor:Perhaps not.Perhaps,you should run,before it’s too late.Raven:And why should I?Connor:Because the pray is not as helpless as it seems to be.Raven:Then,what are you going to do?Fight back?Connor:Would you wish for that to happen?Raven:Purrhaps~.
With a devilish feline smirk still on her face,she purred the last word dangerously low in his ear,which made him lose sense of his calm and collected nature,and gave in to his feelings.One hand on her waist,pulling her closer to him,and the other on her face,feeling her pale,delicate skin and,her hands both around his neck,they both closed their eyes and indulged in a soft,gentle kiss…the kiss that they’ve been longing for since the very beginning.She used her slender fingers to untie his pony tail,then pushed him back on the bed,staring lovingly deep into each other’s deep dark eyes that held nothing but passion.He held a permanent gentle smile,as she let her hair drape over his face,then playfully meow-ed and softly bit his lip.He held her close to him,embracing her warmly,playing with her hair and humming
Connor:Kangee,I should tell you something.Raven:Yes,Connor?Connor:Konoronhkwa,Kangee.Konoronhkwa.Raven:*chuckles*I love you too,Connor.Even if it’s not going to be for a long time and even if you won’t return,I still will.Now and forever.Connor:Now and forever.I will make sure to return.Nothing will keep me away from you.Raven:*smirks*Maybe only a young lioness.Connor:*chuckles*I’ve killed enough to know I’ll survive.Raven:Uh~.So dangerous,please don’t kill me.Connor:Won’t dream of it.
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Meanwhile, the 2 pairs of pranksters were actually enjoying the (partially) fake flirting.That is,until a certain British man came and got shocked at the display in front of him.He was scared that the Italian might have charmed his crush and he couldn’t let that happen!HE is the Unstoppable Jacob Frye!HE is the Master Prankster!And most important-HE loves Kim!He started making a strate-…Ha,nice joke.Don’t make it again.Jacob and plans?Grandma and the rifle.Ha.That’s Evie,not him.What he did was strut up to them confidently,with the best mischievous smirk,and cleared his throat.
Jacob:Hey Kimi~!Kim:Yes,J.J.~?Jacob:Wanna prank Altair?Kim:Hmmm…I dunno…I was having a nice conversation here…Jacob:*puppy face*C'mooon,Kimi~!You can have a nice conversation with me too,while we annoy that guy!Y'know you want it~!Kim:Hmm…fine,you got me!Leggo,British Frye!Jacob:My Lady~.
He kissed her hand and pulled her towards the kitchen,where Altair was enjoying a cup of coffee.He whispered the plan in her ear,making her shiver at the closeness and the intensity of his sexy baritone voice,which made her bite her lip and blush a bit.He hid around the outer corner of the room,while she carried out the prank,making the Arab’s coffee explode all over him,making him angry and chase the giggly girl.(Un)fortunately for her,she skipped to make the turn around the corner just as Jacob came out of his hiding spot,which resulted in a collision and Kim on top of Jacob,kissing.When they realized what was happening they both gasped in surprise and embarrassment,while Altair simply smirked and chuckled,going to change into clean clothes.
The redness on their cheeks was easily highlighted due to their pale skin,which made it all the more adorable in each other’s eyes,but it was too difficult for the troublemakers to utter any word,apart from incoherent apologies.
Getting a burst of confidence,he smirked faintly and put a hand at the back of her head,and kissed her again playfully,then gazed at her flustered face,enjoying every bit of it,then hugged her tightly.The girl was a blushing mess,so embarrassed that she almost fainted.
Jacob:Oh,toots,didn’t know you had a crush on me~!Kim:Shut up,you smug bastard!Jacob:By the likes of it,I think you sooo did~!Kim:Shut up!Don’t be silly!Jacob:There you weren’t trying to make me jealous,toots?Kim:Eh…eh…Eh?!Jacob:*winks*A little Italian bird told me.Kim:*gasps*That jerk,Auditore!!I’ll kill him!Jacob:Naaah,toots.If it weren’t for him,we wouldn’t be together.Kim:To-Together?Jacob:Oh yeah,right,I forgot to ask.Will you be my eternal pranking companion,toots~?Kim:But I’m the Pranking Master!Jacob:You’re the Pranking Queen,and I’m the King.YOUR King.Kim:Let’s see if you deserve that title,kid.Jacob:Kid?!I’m older than you!Kim:*sticks tongue out*Not by much.Jacob:*pouts*C'mon,toots!Prank time!
With glee sparkling in her eyes,she jolted up and ran to get her pranking kit.Behind her,Jacob held a smug smirk on his face,happy with his accomplishment.That damn girl made his heart skip a beat everytime he saw her.This love has surely taken its toll on him.
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In the meantime,Kitsune and Malik forgot they were supposed to flirt,and just discussed Assassin missions in each country and era,their huge differences and they talked and talked,until Malik sighed.
Malik:I don’t think that idiot can get jealous.Kitsu:Oh riiiiight.I totally forgot why I came here.It’s too great talking to you.Malik:*chuckles*I know I’m great,little fox,but we’ll have to see how we can get that bastard see you.Kitsu:*shrugs*I could just sneak up on him and strike.Malik:That could work.Good luck,Foxy.Kitsu:*winks*I don’t need it.I make my own luck.
She silently and swiftly made her way to Altair’s room and saw the door half open.She knew it was time to strike.Being small and thin,she managed to get through the door without opening it further,and she saw the Arab in cause was going to throw the shirt in the laundry basket.She quickly hid under the bed and tried to study his moving pattern.That is until,instead of getting out of the room,he went to bed,to watch TV.The girl silently jaw-dropped annoyed,having to stay hidden,till she came with a brilliant idea.She used the sheathe of her katana to touch his foot,grabbing his attention.Once.Twice.Thrice.Until she finally managed to gain his attention,by making him stand up and look under the bed-Only to find nothing underneathe.The fox girl was,unbeknownst to him,on his bed,ready to strike.And she did,by jumping on him as soon as he raised up,making him stumble backwards in shock,with the knife to his attacker’s throat,whilst he himself had a dagger to their throat.The girl giggled,drawing back her dagger and sheathing it,as the man rolled his eyes,letting his knife drop to the floor.
Altair:What are you doing here.Kitsu:I got bore~d.You?Altair:It’s my room.I don’t remember inviting you here.Kitsu:*smirks*Memory loss?Altair:Not in the slightest.Kitsu:Such a pity~Altair:None at all.Kitsu:You’re hurting me,Altair.Deeply.Deeper than the Mariana Trench.Altair:I’d add salt if I could.Kitsu:You’re salty enough.Altair:Huh?Kitsu:Oops~.Modern expression.Nevermind~!Altair:Can you get off now?Kitsu:What,you don’t have enough strength to carry a 40 kilo girl?
He didn’t even blink and he took the girl just like Rafiki took Simba,then put her down,all while she was holding the most confused face.
Kitsu:How mean!Altair:Says the one invading my privacy.Kitsu:It’s not nice to talk like that to short people!Altair:And what would you expect me to do?Kitsu:On your knees,bitch.Altair:You wish.
The girl clicked her tongue,then jumped again in him,this time circling his torso with her legs,and resting her hands on his shoulders,looking at him from above and smirking.
Kitsu:Who’s the tall one now,huh?Altair:Still me.
He sighed and went to the bed,lowering her on it,then looked at her again.
Kitsu:How rude.Altair:You know what else is rude?Kitsu:You?Altair:You,teasing me.Kitsu:Eh?
He then got on the other side of the bed and put his hands on her face,slowly leaning down to kiss her.Needless to say,she was shocked,but she giggled,and while kissing him,she stole his Assassin necklace and bolted out of the room,with him on her tail,cursing in Arabic.She quickly climbed a tree outside and jumped from branch to branch.Soon enough,Altair made his was to the small forest and started looking around for the giggly girl,who striked again.She jumped down on a lower branch,then she swung down,and kissed Altair Spiderman-like.Then,she let go and started slowly dangling her fire hair around.
Kitsu:*smirks*By fire,be purged,bitch.Altair:If it’s your fire,I’d get purged every damn day.Kitsu:Oh my,since when are you such a charmer?Altair:Fate has brought me a gift to be cherished.Kitsu:A gift that you don’t want to hug and keep close?Altair:Come here.
He gently put his hands in her waist,and as she let herself fall off the branch,he caught her holding her bridal style.
Kitsu:Not bad~.Altair:I know.
With that,she threw her arms arounds his neck and started kissing him playfully,nibbling on his scar from time to time and teasing him.
With that all 3 ships have officially sailed.
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Of Essays and Vending Machines
Anonymous: Altair x reader soulmate au where they have each other’s first sentence to them on their skin? And reader is a mouthful and mean? I love your writing by the way, and I hope you will get the job of your dreams :)
A/N: Took a bit of a while, but if finally came through! Thank you for your wishes and your honesty, sadly it didn’t work out… But I’m still looking and some responses have been positive, so I plan to keep going! I’d like to say that the situation where I have stormed out of a classroom never happened, but I can’t say that. In fact, this happened two months ago, so. Oh, and warning for lots of swear words! Have a good read!
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Your name: submit What is this? // <![CDATA[ function replaceAll(find, replace, str) { return str.replace(new RegExp(find, 'g'), replace); } function myHandler() { var input = document.getElementById("inputTxt").value; document.body.innerHTML = replaceAll('Y/N', document.getElementById("inputTxt").value, document.body.innerHTML); } // ]]>
“You what?!” you snapped, eyes wide and angry as you turned to look at your political science tutor from across his desk. The man gave you a tight smile, nodding as his gaze shifted downwards to your papers; eyes critical and analyzing.
“I’m afraid I can’t let you turn this… essay in.” The way he said the word didn’t go unnoticed by you — as if the work you spent hours into was little more than a poorly made joke. Letting go of the pages and pushing your essay back to you, Mr. Keane tilted his head to one side and sighed heavily. “I know you worked hard in this this, although I can’t simply accept your work. It is well-written—“
“But?” you interrupted with an angry hiss, lips tightening as he sighed again.
“Look, Y/N.” Mr. Keane started, pushing his graying hair back “I know you have lots of potential and it breaks my heart to see all of this go to waste because— Where are you going?!”
You slipped one of the slings of your backpack in, snatching your jacket from the chair as you sneered at him “Out.”
You walked briskly out of the classroom, huffing and frowning as if someone had accused you of cheating on a test you clearly hadn’t — although you couldn’t say you never did cheat on a test. “Fucking college, I can’t fucking believe this. Lazy and sloppy?” you grumbled alone, walking down the grassy path out of the building without a look over your shoulder “I’ll show him lazy, that stuck-up asshole. Can’t believe I’ll have to write all of that shit again, I swear…”
You wandered towards the cafeteria, mood closer to the center of earth than any human could possibly ever hope to approach one day. As if waking up late wasn’t enough, you still had to deal with stupid Mr. Keane giving you his “I have such high hopes for you, don’t give up now” speech before 8 in the fucking morning. You weren’t even supposed to be up that early but, apparently, college professors — specifically a certain political science professor known as Jonathan Keane — did not have any other purpose besides making their students lives miserable.
Luckily, the cafeteria was nearly empty — not more than a couple of students having breakfast —, so you approached the vending machine, dropping your backpack on the floor with a dull thud as you fished your wallet from your back pocket.
“Can’t believe I’ll have to go back and check all the fucking sources again, what does he take me as? A stupid and clueless college girl who doesn’t know her business?” you kept ranting, taking a note and pushing it into the slit of the machine. “As if I need any guidance in writing an essay, I didn’t land into this hellhole yesterday” you pressed the buttons with a little more force than necessary, the machine shook slightly and started, unceremoniously, pushing a can of soda to the edge and you watched, powerlessly, as it got stuck midway. “Un-fucking-believable.”
This day just kept getting better and better.
You groaned, throwing your arms up, walking around the vending machine. “That’s great. Simply great!” You pushed it, doing little more than shaking the huge thing slightly. “It just has to be me. Are you satisfied now, Universe?!” you asked to no one in particular, pushing the machine again “because, believe me, I’m having the time of my fucking life!” You grunted, kicking the infernal thing one last time before realizing people were likely staring. Sighing in defeat, you rolled your eyes up, moving to pick up your hoodie and proceeding to slip into it as you caught eye of someone staring at you — staring judgmentally at you. His ambery eyes shining with mocking interest at you and, suddenly, you didn’t care.
Oh right now, you couldn’t care less.
“What you staring at, pal?” you grumbled “take a fucking picture!”
The man’s eyes widened slightly and, for a moment, he seemed genuinely surprised before one eyebrow went up, his deep voice coated in sarcasm as he spoke. “I never expected you to be such a little ray of sunshine.”
Your jerky movements came to a brisk halt.
Now, of all the times. It simply had to be now.
You could hear the cosmical laughter coming from somewhere far away in the galaxy as the Universe mocked you. “This just… isn’t happening.”
The man huffed, one hand sliding into the pocket of his sweater. He had black, short hair and deep ambery eyes — almost like liquid gold, if you dared to say so. He didn’t have a dark skin, but it wasn’t fair neither; you deemed it to be the color of coffee when you put too much milk in it.
“Believe me, I did not expect to meet my soulmate as they kicked the shit out of a vending machine” he mocked, walking past you and pushing a few coins into the machine himself. Wasn’t he a smug little bastard?
You suddenly felt your face burn in embarrassment, an ungodly and unstoppable need to hide yourself from everyone else as you finally took in the show you put up for yourself. You tsked and look the other way before he came back with two identical cans of soda — yours that got stuck and one for himself — and offered one of them for you. “Care to tell me your name as we start our day in the most healthy way known?”
You scratched the back of your neck, taking one of the cans from his hands after scooping up your battered backpack “I’m Y/N” you started, with a small smile, eyes quickly closing in frustration and you gave out a breathy laugh “I can’t believe I met my soulmate while beating a vending machine, I’m sorry. This is just… I didn’t expect that, not even from me.”
He smirked at you, chuckling slightly before speaking again. His voice was oddly attractive “not what I had in mind for our first meeting, no. I’m Altaïr, by the way.” He sat down at one of the tables of the cafeteria, motioning towards the seat in front of him. “I would really like to know what troubles you this early in the morning.”
You smiled in a gawky way, opening your own can of soda and tried to ignore the idiotic flutter in your stomach. “It’s just… an essay.”
Altaïr quirked an eyebrow up at you, lips tugging up slightly and you noticed he had a vertical scar on the right side of his mouth. “I doubt the essay obliged you to try to murder the only vending machine of the cafeteria that has decent drinks.”
You rolled your eyes up, gingerly sipping your drink as the conversation carried on. You doubted your whole life you’d be able to get along with someone you’ve just met, that being the main reason why you never trusted this soulmate bullshit; but there were, talking with a stranger and already acting like a fumbling teenager all over again. “Have you had political science already?”
He tilted his head to one side and took a sip of his own before grimacing and looking at you “Keane?”
“Keane” you agreed, voice weighing as if a death sentence had just been spoken. “He’s been nagging at me because my ‘work is very well-written, but sloppy and lazy’” you quoted, signaling his words as you moved your fingers in the air for comical effect.
“You know,” Altaïr started, a small smile playing on his lips as he watched you “I have this afternoon off. What do you say we meet at the library to work at this essay of yours? Maybe we can go grab a bite afterwards.”
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Based on the prompt: Assassins and Templars experience their own repercussions brought on by the Bleeding Effect. (Aguilar x Maria One shot)
All at once, he feels him in his bloodstream, in his veins, in his mind. It's sudden; enough to make him jolt upright, his rough Assassin clothes clammy on his flushed skin. Heart radically pounding, his eyes adjust to the darkness surrounding him, the cool night air of the desert hitting his skin. The sound of Maria pausing in sharpening her blade is just a soothing reminder that it was, in fact, just a dream. It was just a dream. But it feels like so much more. Not a vision; it isn't the future. It isn't events, it isn't a warning of things to come. Too deep to be a dream, too uncertain to be the future, too tranquil to be a nightmare. Yet he knows that he is not alonw in this. Where he has one, Maria has three, and they are not the first to be like this according to Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad. According to the hushed voices that in another brotherhood closer east there is one like them as well. Someone that holds a connection- Maria is there, her warm presence at his side almost instantly. "Was it the dream again?" He doesn't have to say but he does anyway. They have a bond together. A connection that has surpassed that of a mentor and her novice. He pushes back against the hard cot, unable to handle laying down any further. Pacing around the small desert area that they have claimed for the night, he can only make a few strides before having to turn. Maria waits, patient and unwavering. He envied that about her; ever since he laid eyes on her collected and stoic features. Even if there was emotion deep within the frame that was an Assassin who-by the oaths they all make-is sworn to the Creed. Tightening the muscles of his jaw, he turns to face her again. "It's not a dream. You know that. You see them too, Maria." There's a shift in her eyes, so slight that most people would miss it, but Aguilar isn't most people to Maria. He knows that she feels the same thing that he does. That occasionally there are two others lingering in her mind. Though he never ask what she sees in her dreams. What she feels. "You know it's not a dream. Tell me what it is. Tell me what the...feeling is that you experience." He wishes that her words didn't sound correct. Laced behind the tone she used when she was acting as his mentor. Because Aguilars does not wish for it to be more than just a dream. Maria blinks before drawing to her feet and Aguilar knows this conversation has been over since the second it started. "You know that I go through the same thing. That there are differences for me. So tell me-Aguilar-trust me." "It feels like worry-a lot of worry-that makes me feel defensless. There are bright lights too and then I see him." Aguilar chokes up on his own words. Feeling his own worry build up, yet what had been before felt just like him too. Burning away at the back of his neck until he told his hood from his neck at a hope for it to stop. Those vivid blue eyes that can only belong to Maria appear in front of him with a glint of worry hidden in them. She places her hand against his cheek, ring finger missing just the same as his own, drawing him away from whatever it is. "I see her-she looks just like me-the other does to though she is much younger. There is a young man too. He has my eyes as well. It hurts. To feel whatever it is, but perhaps that is the price we must pay." The worlds curl into a broken sound. As if the master assassin had just been punched in the stomach. "The price that Assassins and Templars must pay for their dealings with Pieces of Eden." Part of him regrets this, this moment of weakness that they share together in the darkness of isolation. Moments that can only compare to when they have small moments of relaxation in a mission, hidden touches in her archive chambers, and more intimate moments in her room. Though those moments always burn in comparission to the intense feelings that rip away at his mind. What comes with it will be unspeakable levels of pain; Aguilar can sense this and it holds him back. The Assassins. The Templars. The Apple of Eden. The Inquisition. For everyone else, it seems to be so clear cut and vivid. Everything for the others is separate. There is no balance, no equal footing when looking upon the Templars tyranny. They don't need it either-he doesn't need it-though do Templars experience this? The presence of something that holds no exclamation? After Maria goes to lay down, he can't sleep. Walking is something he's grown familiar with; his entire childhood was an eternity to walk for miles across the blazing hot desert sand. Though the Assassins were nomadic, and his parents were no different. His feet have permanent calluses from years of friction, which as an adult, has it's advantages. Underfoot, the rocks and sharp pebbles hardly faze him as he moves around the perimeter of their campsite. Grey clouds cut across the sun which is just beginning to touch the horizon with its golden hands. Sunrise has always been Aguilar's favourite time of day. To him, it's a start, a beginning of something, unsoiled by the negativity that encompassed his life after the death of his wife, then his parents and what had remained of his family. Though now he had Maria- his mentor in the Brotherhood, the mother of his daughter, the woman that he would have settled down with if they had been born in another time. Swinging his legs over the fallen tree, his hands plant on either side of him, fingers grazing the patterns the wind and sands have etched into the wood ledge. Rolling his shoulders to release the tension between them, he closes his eyes and breathes. In and out. In and out. His chest rises and falls in a synchronised pattern. Moments like this, when it's silent with nothing but the sound of the ground beneath his boots and the occasional caress of the wind on his face are when he really feels the peace he so desperately searches for. 'Aguilar. These are your first steps to becoming an Assassin. To letting go of your rage for revenge' The words replay, over and over, in Maria's collected tone as she gives him the chance that Bennidicto never did. Then another voice rises up, flowing against Maria's although the language comes from a foreign tongue. 'What happened in there-it felt real.' He doesn't know who whispers that into his mind but it latches on at once. Tugging against the edges of his mind until the voice becomes more clear and the words bend into something he understands. Though the questions still remain because Aguilars doesn't know what it is. Or what had felt real. What could even possibly be real for it. Maria had warned him about surrendering to it, she warned him about completely letting it envelop him. There is too much room for letting whatever it is completely in, yet when he does that all he does is remember. But now, as he sits alone, he just wants to listen to his surroundings and the sounds that roll in like a slow tide in the back of his mind. Letting it wash over him like the tide and this time, have it reach out to him. He is aware of the dangers of it. Of giving into the unknown that lurks with whatever this is, because with the few records that exist it follows until death and Aguilar is tired. Aguilar is tired. Physically. Mentally. Spiritually. He wants to sleep, sleep for hours and not be lost inside the maze in his mind. A night desperate to sleep, Maria had warned of this. Once she saw the signs that had begun earlier in her own life. A pain, a flash, suddenly overcomes him and his eyes fly open. The sun is completely covered by the grey clouds; time has passed. Aguilar doesn't know how much until he sees Maria approaching with horses. Horses that must have taken her four hours to aquire. By the time that she reaches him the feeling finally subsides, but judging by her facial expression her own has returned. "Is the Sultan ready?" The confirmation is in a quick nod. The Sultan of Granada knows what he must do for the sake of the Apple. For the sake of which side will survive the Inquisition. "His son will be ready for us to move into the village. From then-we protect him for the sake of the Creed." Maria hands him his own horse before getting into her own. An expression unknown to him flashing across her face before it disappears. "Let us hope that this all ends." Aguilar agrees though a part of him-a part that he isn't sure is actually his-nags at his mind. He gives a prayer to whatever lurks within him that Maria survives this. That they both do.
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esamastation · 6 years
What are your personal headcannons for the bleeding effect and on how it works? Since, everyone probably has differing thoughts on it.
Pretty much the canon EXCEPT I wish they'd taken that bit of Desmond bleeding Altaïr's and Maria little date and just run with it. Shaun or Lucy or somebody mentioned at some point something about the Bleeding Effect and how if you could harness it and use it to your advantage, then... something. You wouldn't even need an Animus.I really thought for a while that that was the direction they were heading with Desmond, that eventually he'd learn to just access his genetic memories whenever with no side effects, and be a complete bad ass with access to all of his ancestors knowledge and abilities. It would've been sweet. :(
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I Saw a Chapel All of Gold
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2OqDbrT
by SinningSaint
Once upon a time there was a boy who woke up one day with the knowledge that he had the blood of Gods running through his veins and the memories of his sixth-sense wielding ancestors - all of whom had fought for humanity in one way or another.
If patterns are to be believed, then so would he.
The one where Izuku is just the latest in a long line of Assassins™ left to deal with yet another weirdo trying to kill off or otherwise enslave the human race.
Words: 12476, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Assassin's Creed - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Ezio Auditore da Firenze, Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad, Desmond Miles, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Shinsou Hitoshi, Hatsume Mei, Ratonhnhaké:ton | Connor, Edward Kenway, Isu | Precursors | First Civilization | Those Who Came Before
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku & Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Midoriya Izuku & Shinsou Hitoshi, Hatsume Mei & Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku
Additional Tags: General Education Department Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku Has a Quirk, Except it's not really a Quirk, Eagle Vision (Assassin's Creed), Genetic Memory, Izuku accidentally achieves Synch Nexus, What do you do when your ancestors judge you constantly?, Izuku doesn't get OFA, But that's okay because Eagle Vision is a cheat anyway, Accidental Vigilante Izuku, Bleeding Effect, Parental Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Izuku wants to be a good son, But his morals keep getting in the way, y'know because...assassins
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2OqDbrT
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