#it has been 10 000 years but i have returned
ganondoodle · 1 year
wait i just realized... the mastersword isnt even important enough to warrant zelda doing to such extreme lengths to repair it bc its NOT EVEN REQUIRED FOR DEFEATING GANONDORF
idk about you but the mastersword being not just this weak after all this but also not even required is like ... hurting the whole plot SO bad for all that zelda knew she was basically killing herself by doing the dragon thing ONLY for the mastersword, which isnt even needed to reach the end why do the dragon thing at all??? she could have put it in some other divine place for it to recover (she knew where the springs are, she knew where the krog forest is, heck she even knew where the forgotten temple is BC THEY WERE ALL THERE* and im not going to belive any of them came into existence afterwards), in botw it took 'only' a 100 years to regenerate the damage it took in botws past which, while not as extreme as in totk, was pretty bad! yeah it gets outright broken in totk but like ... really? far over 10 000 years to recover it? through ZELDA? one of the most divine being IN THE FORM of one of the most divine beings aside from the very gods themselves?? whats the use of it being able to regernate if it takes THAT long?? feels easier to forge a new one for that matter?? and the excuse that "it needed to be able to resist miasma" is like .. why tho? yeah ok fine i could do the entire bossfight with JUST the mastersword, but again, its not required! i can do it with anything else!! and its doesnt cleanse miasma either, like the sword did in tp when you could do away the twilight stuff when it got the super glow stuff so its really like ... she did that JUST for the sword? really? the fact that her becoming a dragon is the way to get her back into her time isnt something she could have known and it working out like that makes it feel like a massive fail of the writers bc it makes it feel less like an actual decision she made for good reason and more bc its a decision the writers made bc the writers already knew where it would end, the writers knew shed be turned back in the end no problem so they had her do the dragon thing despite it being pretty senseless from her perspective
(wouldnt it have felt more in character and logical to put the mastersword somwhere safe where it can recover over all those centuries and search for a way to return to her time herself? like in these two games ZELDA feels like the more important thing that the sword, -zeldas prone to sacrifice herself for other- WHY! its better for everyone if you are alive rather than dead! you got to this time by yourself and also somehow not jsut shifted the time but also PLACE bc you sure as hell didnt appear in a cavern in the middle of the land, you have wielded incredible magic before and are a researcher, surely theres some way for you to at least TRY to return on your own?? how cool would it have been to find little markers and spots where clearly she has left you some sort of message, maybe like a way for you to do something that helps her in the past, USE THE WEIRD ASS TIME BUBBLES FROM THE TUTORIAL AGAIN!! send back something she needs to return! go and talk with impa and purah to determine what shes trying to tell you, help her along the way and in the end she makes her triumphant return, having grown and learned with what she did instead of regressing her chaarcter to the big eyed maiden that you get as a reward at the end through unsatisfying bs reasons and hurray she doesnt even remember, perfect little fairytale of no consequences wahoo- im salty about this let me be salty-)
you can absolutely combine a free to explore open world with good story without restricting it by much, like locking the bossfight behind aquiring the mastersword doesnt feel like that big of a change and its not making it a whole lot more linear, most people do it anyway right?
(also a thing im doing in my rewrite of it is locking certain things for some parts, it just makes sense if you are trying to tell a story, but its pretty clear now they werent trying to do that, just throw you into a box of virtual toys, and i think thats just sad)
*yeah actually whats up with the sonau/rauru putting their little nuclear super weapon storage room inTO THE ANCIENT RELICT OF THE FORGOTTEN PAST TEMPLE BEHIND THE BIGGEST STATUE OF HYLIA IN EXISTENCE?? you cant tell me all those ancient ruins (springs, forgotten temple) were made AFTER all of the shitshow that went down in totks past; putting it behind that statue? building it into there feels incredibly disrespectful, maybe it makes more sense if you just see it as the devs wanting to put somethign new there, but if you consider it in universe its just ??? also HOW is any of it in such a good shape??, it looks like they buried sonia there a year ago, the structures look like they just came out of a 3d printer despite supposedly being older than their recorded history??
on that note ... how does the room with the order and location of zeldas tears make sense .. are you telling me someone of the past ran around after dragon zelda recording where her fucking tears went down and what markings it made on the ground and then built a room next to the nuclear weapon storage room with the laughably unceremonial grave of the fucking queen just to put all that into statue form? also none of the geographical things changed in ALL that time?? the castle is drawn on there too so i guess that was super fresh then since it "was built above ganondorf as a symbol of royal blahbla" at least in botw you had the photos on your SHIEKAH stone to recover them once you found the place they were taken in, it felt so organically integrated ..
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Sean bienvenidos japonistasarqueologicos a una nueva entrega de arqueología nipona. En esta ocasión nos volvemos al periodo Jomon(1600/300 a.c), nos vamos a la prefectura de Kanagawa, a la ciudad de Hadano en la cual se ha encontrado una tumba del periodo Jomon¿Cuándo surgen las tumbas en Japón? Ya responderemos esta pregunta para una próxima publicación. - ¿De cuándo data el asentamiento? data de finales del periodo Jomon(3500-4000) que es un periodo que duró más de 10.000 años, hay unas 40 viviendas en un futuro, se estima que pueda haber más de las encontradas actualmente, dicho asentamiento se localiza al lado del río Mizunashi cerca de la montaña Tanzawa. - El yacimiento arqueológico se localiza a 2,5 km de la estación de tren Shibusawa, el conjunto arqueológico tiene una dimensiones de 28.000 metros cuadrados y 20 viviendas son de tipo Ekagami. Se han encontrado una hilera de piedras de 10 a 20 metros que desempeñó la función para separar las ruinas de la vivienda, es similar a un muro de piedra, en su interior se ha hallado material ritual con forma de maniquí, también hay una hilera de piedras de 50 metros posiblemente sea una conexión con la aldea. - ¿Qué otros restos se han encontrado? 30 hogueras más huesos de bestias triturados, figuras de arcilla con forma de mujeres y 554 cajas de almacenamiento, posiblemente para algún tipo de ritual y cuto. Se han encontrado equipos de pesca. - Espero que os haya gustado y nos vemos en otra noticia de arqueología nipona ¿Qué opinan ustedes? - 考古学のジャポニスタは、日本の考古学の新作へようこそ。 この機会に縄文時代(紀元前1600/300年)に戻り、縄文時代の墓が発見された秦野市の神奈川県に行きます。日本ではいつ墓が出現しますか?今後の出版のためにこの質問に答えます。 - 決済日はいつですか? 10、000年以上続いた縄文時代(3500-4000)の終わりからの日付で、将来的には約40戸の家があり、現在見つかっている家よりも多いと推定されています。丹沢山近くの水梨川の隣。 - 遺跡は渋沢駅から2.5kmに位置し、28,000平方メートルの広さで、20戸の家屋がエカガミタイプです。廃墟と家を隔てる10〜20メートルの石列が発見されました。石垣に似ており、内部にはマネキンの形をした儀式用の材料が発見されています。 50メートルの石はおそらく村への接続です。 - 他にどのような遺物が見つかりましたか? 30の炉床に加えて、砕いた獣の骨、女性の形をした粘土の人形、554の収納ボックス、おそらく何らかの儀式や求愛のために。釣り道具が見つかりました。 - あなたがそれを気に入って、別の日本の考古学ニュースであなたに会えることを願っています。あなたはどう思いますか? - Japanese archaeologists are welcome to a new installment of Japanese archaeology. This time we return to the Jomon period (1600/300 BC), we go to the Kanagawa prefecture, to the city of Hadano where a tomb from the Jomon period has been found. When do graves appear in Japan? We will answer this question for a future post. - When does the settlement date? dates from the end of the Jomon period (3500-4000) which is a period that lasted more than 10,000 years, there are about 40 houses in the future, it is estimated that there may be more than those currently found, said settlement is located next to the Mizunashi river near Tanzawa Mountain. - The archaeological site is located 2.5 km from the Shibusawa train station, the archaeological complex has a size of 28,000 square meters and 20 houses are of the Ekagami type. A row of stones of 10 to 20 meters has been found that served to separate the ruins from the house, it is similar to a stone wall, inside it has been found ritual material in the shape of a mannequin, there is also a row of 50-meter stones possibly a connection to the village. - What other remains have been found? 30 hearths plus crushed beast bones, clay figures in the shape of women and 554 storage boxes, possibly for some kind of ritual and courtship. Fishing equipment has been found. - I hope you liked it and see you in another Japanese archeology news. What do you think?
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lonelylonelyghost · 5 months
The Butterfly Effect
"Some stories were destined to be tragedies since the very beginning."
What price are you ready to pay in order to keep safe the person you love most? What if you are the reason they're in danger?
I've discovered it while trying to recover after finishing the series back in 2018. Needless to say, it didn't help at all, but it hurt so good, holy shit...
I don't know if many people in the Guardian fandom have seen this, but please check those videos out, it's simply amazing. It fits the canon characters so well, it might as well be their story in some kind of alternative but no less angsty universe.
And I still find myself returning to it again and again and again and again
The plot because it might be confusing (there is an explanation in the video descriptions too, this is just my interpretation, and I am insane):
Part 1.
Zhao Yunlan is greatly injured and Shen Wei manages to save him, though at great price to himself. And for a while everything is great until it isn't. Yunlan dies after Ye Zun's attack, and Shen Wei obviously can't let it stay that way, so uses the Holy Tools in order to go back in time and save his life.
But Zhao Yunlan keeps dying, one way or another. And Shen Wei keeps going back to the past. Again and again and again. Further and further. Until Shen Wei accepts that the only way to save Yunlan is for him to never appear in his life in the first place. So, he goes back to their first meeting 10 000 years ago, erases Zhao Yunlan's memories of him and then kills himself. A life for a life. And Yunlan is worth a thousand times over this.
Zhao Yunlan in the modern time meanwhile, keeps getting strange visions about a person whom he never actually met. He sees him everywhere, the visions of them together solving cases, taking walks and basking in the moonlight. Hears a voice saying his name in his dreams. But that can't be true, this person doesn't exist! Those phantom memories persist however, driving Yunlan mad, until one day something clicks and he remembers.
Part 2.
Zhao Yunlan gets all his memories of Shen Wei back when he accidentally comes in contact with the Holy Tools. How they have been together, and how he died and Shen Wei went to the past and sacrificed himself for him. And Zhao Yunlan can't accept that. He will bring Shen Wei back, no matter the cost. Because Shen Wei is worth everything and more.
So he gets the Holy Tools and goes back to the past, 10 000 years ago, when Shen Wei is still alive, and while he can't help but spend some time with him, but because he changed the events, all memories of him would disappear. Zhao Yunlan ends his own life, all for Shen Wei to have a shot at his own.
In the modern time meanwhile, professor Shen Wei keeps having strange visions about a person he has never met. The phantom memories of them together overlap with his reality, leaving him empty and in pain, yearning for someone who does not exist. And then he remembers.
And the endless time loop begins
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garnet-cow · 15 days
Pov : You were supposed to advance your project of Oc on Rise of the Guardian which you have been working on for a year but you find yourself with a new hyperfixation on another show and created yet another OC.
So meet Li Wěi.
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( second and third pictures come from Picrew )
Alright, so before speaking about her, we need to speak about her dad (because every good Lego monkie kid Character need a good daddy issue). So her dad is the result of an illegal experimentation from a god (I didn't find a name for him so we're gonna call him God A) which was meant to be able to compete the 4 spiritual primates. But that experience was a failure and her father appears without any magical potential.
Her father was called Wei The tailed shepherd simian, he had an extremely strong and long Tail, able to break walls and lift up enormous thing. 
When the gods of the celestial realm find his existence and the experiment off god A, they decided to imprison God A and assign Wei as the shepherd of a Mystic antelopes herd owned by another God (God B (didn't find a name either)).
God B was a complicated character, he was extremely bipolar.
Time passes, and Wei begin to feel lonely and dreamt of having someone like him, someone that he could take Care off. So one day he asked to the God B who possessed the herd, a child like him. God B accept to speak about his request to Nuwa.
And so, because he takes really good care of the herd, Li Wěi was created.
She grew up in the palace of God B, with her father and the god servants. She passed most of her days alone in the palace waiting for her dad to come back from the hills with the antelopes. She suffered from loneliness and mischievous action from God B who host them. When her father didn't see it the god harmed her and tell her not to relate anyone.
In her heart grown a feeling of injustice and anger directed to the god, her father and the palace. She didn't understand why she had to live this life if it was to be imprisoned in a palace with only fear and disgust.
One day that anger created a fight between her and her father, where both of them said bad things. She and her father run away from each other, she runs to hide herself in the forest while her father goes to the hill guarding the antelope. But all of this fight torments her father's mind and he let a group of antelope died during the day. Which leads the god who had these antelopes to enter in a gigantic rage. The god decides to punish him. The demonic god decided to punish Wei by directing him to choose someone to curse, as he couldn't choose himself. The god uses his power to read Wei's mind. Her father reflexively thought of Li Wěi first, wanting to protect her from that curse. The god smirk and decide to put the curse on Li-Wei, causing her to die when the god will like.
That spell cursed her to die by the hand of the god any moment he will. He could speak with her head and even control her when he's full of rage. He condemned her to a death she will never choose, and by the same occasion a life completely uncertain. He could ask for her death tomorrow or in 10 000 years if he will.
She couldn't die because of that.
She became the puppet of that god that day.
Her father died of sadness months later that event.
Today she's 4000 years old and she's the shepherd of the sacred herd off antelopes from this same god. He let her travel around the world with these antelopes.
She met a lot of people during her journey and became friends with a lot of them. She became wise and strong, by protecting her herd from dangerous demon all over the world.
Even if there's a bloody scar all over her right arms who reminds her what's her destiny.
She has accepted her destiny and knows that one day she will have to return to this palace which she hates to accomplish what she's meant to do.
She is practically deprived of magic. Instead, she has a really big strength, her fantastic long and strong tail, and her spear. But ( because there's a but ), She is capable of having glamour and a Kaiju form, that is completely smaller than a macaque, MK, or wukong, but still a Kaiju form. However, this form takes up most of her energy. That transformation takes a light and dark blue with a little bit of gold and green.
By the way, she has a good resistance to magic, sometime spells can't affect her. Because of the curse she has.
Since She lived many Years and Travel a lot, she has seen, lived and done plenty of things. She experiments pride, anger, shame, injustice, love, physical love, madness, happiness, euphoria, sweetness, dépression, treason, pain, physical and mental pain. ....... Li Wěi is aware of her flaw and mistakes and her limits. But She also knows that sometimes you have to go beyond it.
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Her appearance might change in time.
sorry for the bad resolution.
Hope you like the telling of her story.
English isn't my first language so please don't hesitate to correct me if I write something wrong / something who don't make any sens.
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scotianostra · 1 year
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September 17th 1873 saw the death of Scottish born surgeon, merchant, explorer and settler Alexander Berry.
Berry was born on 30 November 1781 in Fife, Scotland, one of nine children of James Berrie (d.1827) and his wife Isabel Tod (d.1830). He was educated at Cupar Grammar School and at the Universities of St Andrews and Edinburgh where he studied medicine. Despite his father's opposition he became surgeon's mate in an East Indiaman bound for China and later in the Lord Hawkesbury on a voyage to Madras. His dislike of the flogging of seamen and a recognition of the profit to be won from commerce led him to abandoned his chosen profession.
From 1808 made several voyages to New South Wales with cargos of goods. Travelled to South America and returned to London in 1812, after losing his ship. In 1819 returned to Sydney establishing a mercantile business in partnership with Edward Wollstonecraft. In 1822, Berry and Wollstonecraft applied for a grant of 10,000 acres on the Shoalhaven River in New South Wales. In 1823 they exported coal to Rio de Janiero. Closed their mercantile business in 1828. In 1830 a grant of land of 10, 000 acres applied for on the Shoalhaven in 1822 was approved. Between 1830 and 1840 he purchased an additional 22,000 acres which produced maize, tobacco, wheat, barley, potatoes, pigs and cattle. The area had some of the most fertile and lush farmland in the country.
Berry grew very wealthy from his occupation. He sat in NSW parliament for 14 years and is considered a founding father of the area; they named the town after him in 1888.
This settlement became known as the Coolangatta Estate and developed into what is now the pretty and historic township of Berry , named in honour of Alexander and his brother, two hours south of Sydney It is a popular tourist spot, especially among the short-stay and weekender crowd.
Of course with the majority of Colonial rule Alexander’s success came at a price to the native population.
Berry used Aboriginal people as slave labour to clear the land – whether you consider payment by way of rations as slave labour – but there definitely wasn’t a monetary exchange.
Berry had a different view, but more and more these colonial settlers are being uncovered what for what they were. this was what he had to say in his memoirs;
“For many years I have reaped my harvest on the principle of free Labour. When I made a settlement at Coolangatta, in 1822, [Aboriginal people] were comparatively numerous, and were said to be very ferocious. I was informed that they had recently driven away a number of sawyers or wood-cutters, and my old friend, the late James Norton, told me that they would eat me. I had, however, served a kind of apprenticeship to the management of savages in New Zealand, and I was always on good terms with those of the settlement. Indeed, I found them very useful.”
As well as using the indigenous population he is also accused of raiding the graves of those people in the name of scientific research for the likes of Charles Darwin and others back home in good old “Blighty”
Australian researchers say they have uncovered evidence from Berry’s correspondence and his later reminiscences that he sent the skull of the Yuin leader Arrawarra to Britain in 1827, two years after he died.
We Scots can’t just wash our hands of all this, as well as Berry being a Scot we were involved at the other end, where the skull ended up, a letter of 20 August 1827 indicates Berry dispatched the skull, probably to the Edinburgh Museum, although it has not yet been found.
He was also involved, after the fact of the Boyd massacre, where Maori residents of of Whangaroa Harbour in northern New Zealand killed between 66 and 70 European crew of the Boyd. The massacre itself is said to have been in retaliation of floggings of Maori’s on the vessel. Brery took two local chiefs hostage for a time. He wrote in the Edinburgh Magazine that he had released them on condition that they lose their rank with their people, although he never expected that to happen.
Berry's memoirs were published in 1912, entitled 'Reminiscences'.They chiefly describe his experiences at sea, both with the East India company and his private travels, with only a short section covering his life in New South Wales. In particular he describes in detail his relationships with the indigenous people of New Zealand and Fiji, and his experiences during the rescue at the scene of the Boyd massacre.
Alexander Berry died on this day 1873 aged 91, at Crows Nest House. He was buried in family vault in St. Thomas' cemetery with his wife, Elizabeth Wollstonecraft, who was cousin of the Frankenstein author Mary Shelley.
While some admire Berry as a pioneering hero he has also been described as an “Immoral Hero”
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because-its-eurovision · 10 months
Congrats on 10 000 posts! 🎊 To celebrate, I have a question for you (sorry if you've already answered this): I was just wondering earlier today (while reading the Viisukuppila bulletin board out of boredom), based on the "clues" we have been given of next year's UMK contestants so far, do you happen to have any theories, hopes or sophisticated guesses on who might be participating? 👀
Thank you darling! ❤ My weak spot is that I don't really follow Finnish music scene and only have a vague idea which artists are popular 😅 But let's see what others have to say!
1. A talented artist’s first 90s-style dance song
The Finnish clue specifies that this is the debute song of the artist in question. Reminds me of Keira last year (success in The Voice of Finland and now releasing their first single). Timmy Tattari reached 3rd place in this year's TVoF and has a record deal with Capitol Finland (same as Keira) but hasn't released anything yet. He follows UMK, Cornelia Jakobs and Monika Linkyté on IG but that doesn't prove anything other that he watches Esc. Another candidate is Olga Heikkala, a singer and an actress who announced this month that she's leaving the soap opera Salatut Elämät after five years. No apparent UMK connections or label afaik, but is friends with KUUMAA boys and has performed on their music video.
2. A power song by a true vocal talent
Finnish fans are speculating about Diandra every year, but I have my doubts. Someone suggested Neea River, who rose to Tiktok fame covering Celine Dion. She is Warner’s artist, co-wrote a song for Blanka (Poland 2023), is friends with Benjamin and IG mutuals with Käärijä & Jesse.
3. Perhaps the best song of an indie favourite’s career
Stoned Statues just released their second album. Music magazine Soundi called them “the most promising young rock band of the moment” and Helsingin Sanomat “the new hope of Finnish heavy metal”. They had three Emma nominations and were awarded “upcoming artist of the year” in Indie Awards 2023. I also saw suggestions for Maustetytöt, but are they still considered indie?
4. Two big name performers doing a surprising duo with a serious refrain
The Finnish version of this hint suggests the refrain being “hard”, meaning catchy. Now we only have to find out which artists are considered “big names” 🙃 Abreu & Pihlaja did release a single together in August, although it must be mentioned that Abreu has previously stated that she’s not interested in Eurovision (although people can change their mind like Robin did). Fans are suggesting Sexmane, Isac Elliot and Costee to be the other half of the duo. I just hope we’re not getting the senior department who have no actual chance or desire to compete in Eurovision, like Danny/Tommi Läntinen 💀 Perhaps this is another Pandora & Teflon Brothers situation.
5. A thunderous rock anthem by a world-touring band
I saw rumours considering The 69 Eyes, but-- god please no. Their heydays are over. My own suggestion was Lost Society who could be the Blind Channel of this year. Shiraz Lane is also a possibility and they are from Ranka Kustannus as BC and Cyan Kicks were.
6. A seriously intense song from one of the most listened-to artists in Finland
The streets (X/Twitter) are saying that BESS is back and I wouldn’t mind it at all! Other suggestions are Gettomasa & Sexmane, the latter of which already had his brother Isaac Sene competing in UMK 2022. “Intense” can mean anything though. One possibility could be Bee who just released her first album and was selected as “breakthrough of the year” by YleX. Jodel rumours suggested Evelina, but I have no idea how reliable that is.
7. A hard-hitting club banger by a well-known artist making a comeback
Jenni Vartiainen just returned from a five-year hiatus, moved back to Finland and published a new single. I doubt she’d participate in UMK as a contestant though since she is one of the most successful Finnish female artists of all time and could easily sell out an arena. Perhaps she’ll be the host this year and in return gets to perform the interval number like Antti Tuisku, Paula Vesala & Samu Haber? I'm leaning more towards Tuuli, who was kind of a teen pop star and is now making a comeback with new label and new style of music. One of the nominees for YleX's breakthrough of the year, released her newest album in August.
Bubbling under: At Tapiola Festivaali Käärijä asked the audience how many of us voted for him in UMK, and said “the rest of you voted for Kuumaa and Portion Boys, right?? next year you’ll get Arttu Wiskari and that’s exactly what you deserve” 😌
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bookofjin · 1 year
Annals of Emperor Wen of Zhou, 537
[Showdown at Shayuan. Arguably among the more iconic battles in Chinese history.]
[Datong 3, 27 January 537 – 14 February 538]
3rd Year, Spring, 1st Month [27 January – 24 February], Eastern Wei robbed Longmen, stationed an army at Puban, and built three roads and floating bridges to cross the He. Also they dispatched their general Dou Tai to press on to Tong Pass, and Gao Aocao to besiege Luo province. Taizu set out with the army for Guangyang, and summoned the various generals, saying:
The traitors are now gripping us on three sides, and are also building bridges on the He, showing their intention is surely to cross. With this they intend to bind up our army and make Dou Tai manage to go west and enter, and that is all. To grapple with them for a long time when their strategy is to obtain a march is not a good plan.
Moreover, since Huan raised troops and onwards, Tai has always been the first to chase ahead, and among his subordinates are many honed soldiers, frequently victorious and therefore self-assured. Now [if we] set out for where he does not expect, when we assault him we will surely overcome. If we overcome Tai, Huan will not fight but flee on his own.
Everyone of the various generals said:
The traitors are nearby. To let go of them and launch a far-away assault, if the affair turns out a blunder, regrets will not be enough.
Taizu said:
When Huan earlier twice assaulted Tong Pass, our army did not go beyond Bashang. At present when he comes in great number, the troops have not yet set out from the suburbs. The traitors look back and say we only defend ourselves and that is all, and have no thoughts of distant struggles. And also, accustomed to obtaining their aspirations, they have made light of our hearts. [If we] exploit this and strike them, where would we go and not overcome. Even though the traitors are constructing bridges, they will not be able to cross over straight-away. That within five days we will defeat Dou Tai is certain. Your Excellencies must not doubt it.
On gengxu [9 February], Taizu led 6 000 cavalry to return to Chang'an, and publicly talked of his intention to protect Longyou.
On xinhai [10 February], he paid his respects to the Emperor and then secretly set out with the army.
On guichou [12 February], he arrived at the Xiao Pass. Dou Tai's troops heard that the army had arrived, and were nervous and afraid. They took refuge in the mountain to make their battle line, but had not yet managed to complete their deployment when Taizu let loose the troops to strike and route them, fully taking prisoner their multitude of more than ten thousand people. He beheaded Tai and transmitted the head to Chang'an.
Gao Aocao just then captured Luo province and seized the Inspector, Quan Qi. He heard of Tai's death, burnt the supply wagons, abandoned the city, and fled. Shenwu of Qi likewise removed the bridges and withdrew. Qi's son Yuanli soon after restored Luo province, and beheaded the Eastern Wei Inspector, Du Mi. Taizu returned with the army to Chang'an.
6th Month [24 June – 22 July], dispatched the Ceremony Similar Yu Jin to defeat Yangshi Ramparts.
Taizu requested to lay down Acting Tribunal. The Emperor again repeated his previous instructions. Taizu accepted Recording the Affairs of the Masters of Writing, the remaining he firmly declined. He therefore desisted.
Autumn, 7th Month [23 July – 21 August], summoned the troops to assemble at Xianyang.
8th Month, dingchou [4 September], Taizu led Li Bi, Dugu Xin, Liang Yu, Zhao Gui, Yu Jin, Ruogan Hui, Yi Feng, Liu Liang, Wang De, Houmochen Chong, Liu Yuan, and Daxi Wu, twelve generals, on an eastern offensive. They arrived at Tong Pass, and Taizu then made an oath to the regiments, saying:
You and I are a multitude that serves Heaven's authority and executes the brutal and unruly. Indeed you gentlemen, orderly with your armour and arms, taking precautions with your military affairs, have no greed for wealth with which to make light of the enemy and no violence against the people with which to play the tyrant. Follow the instructions and be rewarded, do not follow the instructions and be humiliated. You multitude gentlemen should make an effort of it.
He dispatched Yu Jin to stay in front of the army and patrol the land until Pandou. The Eastern Wei general Gao Shuli defended the palisades and did not come down. Jin relentlessly attacked him, and he therefore surrendered. They captured 1 000 soldiers from his defence post and sent off Shuli to Chang'an.
On wuzi [15 September], they arrived at Hongnong. Eastern Wei's general Gao Gan and Inspector of Shan陜 province, Li Huibo, resisted and defended. At that time it rained continuously, and Taizu therefore instructed the various armies to dare the rain and attack them.
On gengyin [17 September], the city collapsed. He beheaded Huibo and captured 8 000 of his fighting soldiers. Gao Gan fled across the He. He ordered Heba Sheng to pursue and seize him, and sent off both to Chang'an.
Hence Yiyang and Shao commanderies both came to revert to adherence. Prior to this, many of the prominent and outstanding South of the He assembled troops in response to Eastern. Arriving at this point, each led their sections to come and surrender.
Shenwu of Qi was afraid, and led a multitude of 100 000 to set out from Hukou and hurry to Puban, wanting to cross over from Houtu[?]. He also dispatched his general Gao Aocao with 30 000 men to set out from South of the He. This year there was famine in Guanzhong. When Taizu had pacified Hongong, he lodged and foraged for more than fifty days. At the time his fighting soldiers were not fully 10 000 men. When he heard that Shenwu of Qi was about to cross, he therefore pulled in the army and entered the Pass.
Shenwu of Qi thereupon crossed the He and pressured Hua province. The Inspector, Wang Pi, rigourously defended. He understood he could not be attacked and therefore forded the Luo. The army was west of Xuyuan.
Taizu occupied South of the Wei, and levied the provincial troops which had not yet assembled. He then summoned the various generals and spoke to them, saying:
Gao Huan went past the mountains and crossed the He, coming from far-away to arrive here. It is the time for Heaven to undo him. I intend to strike him what should [I] do?
Everyone of the various generals considered the multitude too few in number amd would not resist. They requested to wait for Huan to once more go west, and so observe his circumstances. Taizu said:
If Huan manages to arrive at Xianyang, people's feelings will turn to agitation and confusion. Now when he is newly arrived, we can expediently strike him.
He promptly constructed floating bridges on the Wei, and ordered the army people to furnish three days of provisions. The light cavalry crossed the Wei while the supply wagons from South of the Wei clung to the Wei and [went?] west.
Winter, 10th Month, renchen [18 November], he arrived at Shayuan, the distance to Shenwu of Qi's army was about 60 li. Shenwu of Qi heard that Taizu had arrived, and pulled the army to come and meet him.
On guisi [19 November], dawn, scout cavalry reported Shenwu of Qi's army was about to arrive. Taizu summoned the various generals to plan with them. Li Bi said:
The others are many and we are few, it is not possible to set up the battle line on level ground. Ten li east of here there is a bend in the Wei. We can occupy it first and wait for them.
Thereupon they advanced the army to arrive at the bend in the Wei, and with the river behind them to the east and west they made their battle line. Li Bi had the right formation, and Zhao Gui the left. They instructed the generals and soldiers to lay down their glaives within the reeds and rushes, and when they heard the sound of drums to then rise up.
Yu Jin and others with the Six Armies joined battle with them, while Li Bi and others led the iron cavalry to strike them from the side. They broke their army into two units and greatly routed them. The beheaded counted more than 6 000, and those approached the battle line to surrender more than 20 000 people. Shenwu of Qi escaped in the night. They pursued until the banks of the He, and repeatedly greatly vanquished and captured. From beginning to then they took captive 70 000 of his soldiers. They kept behind 20 000 of his armoured soldiers, the reminder were fully set free to return home. They gathered up their supply wagons, arms and armour, and presented the prisoners at Chang'an.
He turned back the army to South of the Wei, and then the troops which had been levied from the various provinces started to arrive. Therefore at where the battle took place, he measured the [number of] soldiers at that time, and for [each] person planted a single tree as a symbol for their martial merit.
Advanced Taizu to Pillar of State Great General, and increased his estate, together with the previous, to 5 000 households. Li Bi and others, the twelve generals likewise were advanced in feudal rank and increased their estates. And also their subordinate generals and soldiers were each rewarded proportionally.
Dispatched the Archer-Servant of the Left, the King of Pingyi, Yuan Jihai, as Acting Tribunal. He and the Opening Office Dugu Xin led 20 000 infantry and cavalry towards Luoyang. The Inspector of Luo province, Li Xian, hurried toward Jing province.
Heba Sheng and Li Bi crossed the He to besiege Puban. The Commander of the Serrated Gates, Gao Zixin opened the gates and admitted Sheng's army. The Eastern Wei general Xue Chongli abandoned the city and fled. Sheng and others pursued and captured him. Taizu advanced the army to Puban, and seized and settled Fen and Jiang 絳. Hence Xu He killed Zhang Qiong and used Xia province to surrender.
Earlier, after Taizu had entered the Passes from Hongnong, the Eastern Wei general Gao Aocao besieged Hongnong. When he heard their army had been defeated, he withdrew to defend Luoyang. Dugu Xin arrived at Xin'an, and Aocao again fled across the He. He thereupon entered Luoyang.
Eastern Wei's Senior Clerk of Yingchuan, Heruo Tong, together with a native of Mi county, Zhang Jian, apprehended the Inspector, Tian Xun, and offered up the city in surrender. Zheng Rongye, Zheng Wei, and others of Xingyang attacked Liang梁 province, and seized its Inspector of Lu Yongji. Cui Yanmu and Tan Chen, natives of Qinghe, attacked Xingyang, and seized its commandery warden, Su Ding, all of them came to adhere. From Liang, Chen, and westwards, generals and magistrates who surrendered followed after each other.
Hence the Eastern Wei generals Yao Xiong, Zhao Yu, and Shiyun Bao set out for Yingchuan, intending to restore the surrendered territory. Taizu dispatched the Ceremony Similar Yuwen Gui, Liang Qian, and others to confront and strike, they greatly routed them. Zhao Yu came to surrender. Eastern Wei again dispatched general Ren Xiang to lead the troops from South of the He and combine with Xiong. The Ceremony Similar Yi Feng together with Gui, Qian, and others again struck and routed him. Also dispatched Chief Controller Wei Xiaokuan to capture Yu province. Shiyun Bao killed their Inspector of Dongyang province, Na Chun, and used the province to come and adhere.
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yanderefairyangel · 1 year
Elyos timeline vs Xenelyos timeline
I was bored so i decided to see how much things changed between the main Elyos and the Xenelyos 
and because spoilers ahead, see under the cut
1- Genesis vs Xenogenesis
Elyos was a peaceful lands until Sombron decided to go to war a 1 000 years ago. Chronogically, Sombron arrived in Elyos when he was a child and was taken by humans, but then Emblem 0 gone Sombron choosed violence and spent the time he was here growing and turn to conquest, making kids with Mage dragons. I guess that during his time here since he is as old as Lumimi this allowed people to make him the figure of the cult of Elusia for whatever reasons since Elusia seems to have been worshiping him for as long as he has been here but basically this means that Fell dragons don’t originate from Elyos but from whatever realm Sombron originates from, and Sombron is the sole survivor of his tribe in his world (unless there were others fell kids that survived and they were send into another world idk) whereas Divine one and Mage dragons are native species
Meanwhile XenElyos was a land without any dragon, until a dragon was born and then his descendence got splitted into divine dragons and fell one, making both species native to Elyos and originally of the same kin, which explain better why Xenobron might have been place as the same status as Lumera’s unlike in Elyos where we have to imagine how the heck was it possible for him to gain this much authority. It’s worth noting though that the Realms in Elyos exist as well, but reversed since the map is mirrored in it’s axis, and those realms have a different reputation : Firene is a peaceful land in Elyos but in Xenylos it’ a land of warior, in short they swaped with Brodia.
2- Emblems 
So the accessories and Emblems are different since Elyos was blessed with 12 rings whereas Xenylos was blessed with 7 bracelets. Unlike what was shown of our units, Emblem seems to be unique to their worlds, however the emblems all represent the same world.
Elyos                                                                                                     XenElyos
World of Fe1/Fe3 : Marth’s ring                                                        Tiki’s bracelet
World of Fe7 : Lyn’s ring                                                              Hector’s bracelet
World of Fe 9/10: Ike and Micaiah                                              Soren (yes 10 too since it’s older Ike that appear in Radiant Dawn even if it’s to represent Radiance)
World of Fe 13: Lucina’s ring                                      Chrom and Robin’s bracelet
World of Fe14: Corrin’s ring                                                       Camilla’s bracelet
World of Fe 16: Byleth                                                     Eddie, Dima and Claude
The others Emblem don’t have a counterpart to represent their world but Vero-chan being here to represent multiverse you could argue
3- War of 1000 : case of uchronie
In french we call uchronie a case of alternate history and here the war went way differently. But since it’s parallel world, the events took place in the same time in parallell fashion unlike a classical case of uchronie where it’s “what if things took place differently” in a universe independ, like that one Friends episode of what would have happened if Rachel married Barry and we aren’t in a alternate universe but just a bonus what if episode, so i think you get the difference now.
- Elyos was already peupled with Divine Dragons and Mage dragons since Sombron said that when he was a kid, Elyos was alreday full of it. In his world however, his entire kind as being slewed in a war to control Emblem rings against others dragons whose nature is not specified but seeing how Fell dragon were exclusive to his world and that Divine one are native of Elyos, I am guessing it was not Divine dragons. Sombron brought one of the ring of his homeworld with him, 0 emblem and they stayed together until villagers found baby Sombron and took him within, 0 Emblem left and Sombron went bersek, killed the village and then growing up decided to find a way to return to his world and reunite with 0 emblem. This happened a 1000 years ago, since Lumera and Sombron are of the same age, this means it happened when Lumera herself was very young. Then a 1 000 years later when Sombron and Lumera are both 2000 years old, Sombron started to wage war to get back the rings to open the world’s gate and to do date he mated with Mage dragon and had numerous children so many that he can’t recall the face and names of many despite being the one having given them their name. Overall he was in this world “close” to only 2 of his kids, being Alear and Veyle. By that time, Veyle was still very young and Alear was their last sibling alive since all of Sombron’s children perished in the war of 1000 years ago and that’s during this war that Alear was slayed by Sombron at the cost of sealing him. By that time Alear befriended Lumera and they had agree that Lumera could turn Alear into a divine dragon and adopt them, so in their “dying moments” Alear begged her to so and Lumera waited for them a 1 000 years infusing her essence, turning Alear into Pepsi protag. Also, chapter 24 proved that Sombron’s side had managed to get back a great number of rings, including Marth which was fighting by Alear side until Alear betrayed Sombron and stayed with Alear during their 1 000 slumber and that by that time Lumera was the last of her kind.This also means that Sombron was the sole representant of his kind and that all fell children are actually Mage dragon/Fell dragon hybrid. 
- In Alternate Elyos, there was no dragon. Until a 1 000 years ago a first dragon was born. By that time, Sombron arrive in Elyos in the main world. Then this dragon had among his descendance Divine dragon and Fell dragon, meaning that in this universe Lumeralt and Xenobron are long distant relatives and that Fell dragon and Divine dragon are cousins species. Seeing how 0Emblem was an emblem ring and Emblem are uniques, this meas that Xenobron had different motivation (might make a whole post about it). Just like Sombron did a 1 000 years ago, Xenobron started a war against Divine dragon with his spawn which, because of his different genetics, are all born as twins. Meanwhile, seeing how the chronolgy is different, Lumeralt had a bioligical child with one of her fellow Divine dragon (idk if it was the one that was Lumera’s spouse in MGElyos though) that child being Altlear, however 1000 years ago, during the war, Sombron got sealed, Lumera died and Nil died too, leaving Rafal to switch places and according to Rafal, that happened when both were still children and unlike what happened in the main world, many others of the Xenobron children survived before the twins betrayed Xenobron to joined side with Alear (remember in the last CG Xenobron said that it had been sometimes since Nel and Rafal betrayed him) since there was a CG showing Nel killing at least 4 others fell children. This was after that they joined side with Altlear and Altear fought Sombron at the cost of their lives, which must have happened recently enough for Nel to still be deeply hurt by it. 
4 - The 4 hounds vs the 4 winds
Biggest changes are them. So let’s see.
Zephia vs Zelestia : Zephia was a powerful Mage dragon, so powerful that according to Mauvier, she could have remplaced Sombron and destroyed her own village, before entering Sombron’s side. She fought along side him during the war of 1 000 and was the one that founded the 4 hounds. This happened when Sombron was in slumber, as she also managed to get Veyle back once she met the Fell Dragon sympathizers that took her away when she was a sleeping in the temple. She mets Griss and Marnies as children and took care of them, along with Mauvier to “form a family”
Zelestia however, had a very different life. She for some reason that i think must be biological was way weaker than her Mage dragons fellow. In this world, Mage dragon refused to side with Xenobron (which can only makes me wonder how Sombron got to have stick to their side) which resulted in their kind being exterminated by Xenobron and Zelestia foind refuge by Lumeralt and Altlear side. Unlike Zephia, Zelestia meet with the other members of the 4 winds very late, Gregory saved her during a battle and Mauvier, founder and second in commend, was with Maddie when they encontered. 
Griss vs Gregory : Both were Elusian boys with neglectful parents. Whereas Griss got abandonned Gregory was sold to the worshippers of Sombron. Both had to go though the same ritual, expect that Gregory came to hate pain unlike Griss who become a masochist after experiecning it. Griss was taken care of by Zephia who was both a mother and elder sister figure to him, who still jad quite a sequels as apparently he was unable to speak for a long moments, whereas Gregory meet Zelestia during a battle where he saved her from a Corrupted. But both guys have strong bond with Zephia and Zelestia.
Marni vs Madeline: Marni was the daughter of a poor woman and had numerous brothers. Although she helped her mother took care of the household, the latter saw her of having no value explaining why she was longing for praise. Despite her efforts, her mother ended up abandoning her at a church of the Fell dragon. There she was raised by the clergy and receive the affection her mother never gave her and her abilty attracted the Fell dragon sect, explaning why Zephia took her with her. 
Madeline had a different alternate family. Rather than being the child of Marni’s mom’s double, like Altlear, she had a knight mother and knight father who served the Lumeralt party and had no siblings at all, in short she was a lonely child. She lost both her parents during the war against Sombron, but she was saved by Mauve who took her as her apprentice and according to Zelestia they looked like father and daughter. 
Mauvier vs Mauve : We all know Mauvier. He is a Firene native that moved to Elusia with his mother when his father died due to an illness and then they become member of Sombron’s chruch. Mauvier became a knight serving Veyle and grew found of her as he was the first person she met when she woke up. He doesn’t join Alear’s party until Marni’s death mainly because of Veyle, but seeing what Zephia did to her and how she killed Marni, he drew the line and join Alear. 
Mauve (that’s how I call Parallel Mauvier)’s origins are unknown but his Veyle dying sooner than in the MG, he had no other reason to stay as I suspect that Xenobron was the one to get rid of her and that he was just as dedicated to her than Mauvier to Veyle. He took Madeline with him and founded the 4 winds to protect the Fell twins but it doesnt change the fact that Zelestia like Zephia was the leader as Mauve left her the spot. 
6- Fell dragons vs Fell dragons
Strangely enough, the Fell siblings and the Fell twins don’t quite exaclty belong to the same species because of the difference. Sombron isn’t a native to his Elyos, meaning he can’t be a descendant of Lumera’s ancestor unlike Xenobron and Lumeralt so Fell dragon in MG Elyos have no link to Divine one whereas in XenElyos, Fell dragons are cousin species of Divine ones. After all the only reason why Fell dragon in our world could awake Emblems was because of Sombron having similar rings but Xenobron and his spawn would be able to do it just fine since they have a common ancestor to explain the why. That’s without taking into account the fact that unlike in Elyos where Sombron was the only pure fell blood, Xenobron could have mate with other of his fellow fell dragon seeing how there many others and no Mage dragon, and he killed them way before Veyle and Nel and Rafal were born so it’s more likely. Which makes it very weird because
Alear : Fell dragon turned into a hybrid Fell/Divine dragon
Veyle : Hybrid Fell/Mage Dragon
Sombron : pure fell dragon
The Fell twins : Pure fell dragon but their species is slightly different due to their origins...
If you noticed Veyle and the twins shared the common trait of having weird taste buds, something Alear doesn’t have anymore since Lumera messed their anatomy and seeing how Alear can use both invocations and prayers as well as having only one side with bed hair, being the red one, I guess this means there isn’t that much difference but when you compared Sombron’s dragon froms to the twins, the twins looked more like lizard which i think is because of that change of ancestor because some of the Lumera dragon from feature reapears through their own dragon form. And seeing how Xenobron had that quirk of having only twins unlike Sombron, I guess that’s also proof that Fell dragon in Elyos arent quite the same species as in the XenElyos
And that’s all I spotted for now. 
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limetameta · 1 year
Heres a question!
What's the metallic crimsonverse?
I'm gonna start with this one. Dear Anon!
The Metallic Crimson (universe) is my ongoing and very much growing FMA universe (Brotherhood and Manga, mainly, but I am adding some characters from 03 because of how hilarious it'd be). The main premise is that Solf J. Kimblee (yeah the boom boom white suit guy) begrudgingly returns the philosopher's stone and doesn't go to prison.
Which, in my opinion, would fundamentally change the canon timeline of the FMA universe. So, what do you do with this man, who's not well liked by his colleagues (except Maes Hughes, but Maes Hughes is an outlier and shouldn't be counted)? He's still Kimblee, of course, and that means that the man's got his plethora of issues. But damn it *clenches fist* he's way too polite to cause a scene unless ordered to - so for the bit I write him as just some guy. Unhinged completely when given the all clear by his COs to kill enemy combatant. Hinged beyond a doubt when he's talking about the weather or commenting on a nice concert he managed to catch. Man knows how to mask 10/10. Even in canon he pretends like a champion.
His main role in this AU is basically what the Homonculi should have done in canon - they told a very skilled and highly qualified alchemist to keep an eye on Edward and Alphonse and make sure no harm befell them and in exchange they'd give him a philosopher's stone (Kimblee's in this au has been kind of craving that stone (mineral) the entire time and the more and more the homunculi keep dangling that stick in front of him, the more and more he's closer to snapping unless they give it already)
My main questions when i first began writing this AU were:
If you took Solf J. Kimblee and you didn't give him that chance to self-isolate in prison for many years whilst taking away the main stressor that kind of made him very unhinged (the philosopher's stone, which in canon sounds like a choir of souls constantly screaming at one another - which mind you Kimblee enjoys, but man, come on he was in prison that's the only thing he could listen to) - what kind of situations would he be in? Furthermore how would his addition to the main timeline change the plot? It would definitely complicate things. :) If you go in my tag for asks and scroll some, you'll find some questions where I go more into detail about what my motivation for writing Kimblee as a protagonist for this was. Since he's a very interesting character to write for!
What this has led to is me writing fma for the first time and deciding that worldbuilding wise we get very little. So i developed languages for each region of amestris, folklore with the homunculi and how they've become integrated into amestris, what kind of society amestris is. how fanatic they are towards the army. i went DEEP. i haven't even FINISHED THIS AU and yet it's over 347 000 words. There's a whole reading guide!!
Anyway start with the main story (Metallci Crimson) on my ao3 (limeta), but you can find the reading guide here:
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cyberbenb · 1 year
17 months of Ukraine’s resistance: Russia-Ukraine war in numbers
Photo: Zelenskyi official telegram channel
As of July 16 25671 civilian casualties were recorded as a result of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, including 9 287 killed and 16384 injured according to UN OHCHR. OHCHR believes that the actual figures are considerably higher, as the receipt of information from some locations with intense hostilities has been delayed and many reports are still pending corroboration. Since the start of the war, more than 1574 children have been injured or killed by Russian armed forces. 497 children were killed due to military activities, more than 1077 children were injured mostly due to shelling and airstrikes.
Forced migration.
5 868 000 individual Ukrainian refugees were recorded across Europe as of July 18, 2023.
19553 children have been reportedly taken to Russia according to Ukrainian government figures. As of July 26, 385 Ukrainian children have been returned to their families. 
About 30% of Ukrainian territory, i. e. 173 530 km2 has been exposed to military operations and will require demining measures. The area, contaminated with land mines, unexploded bombs, artillery shells and other byproducts of fighting already amounts the size of Florida or Uruguay, thus making Ukraine the most mined country in the world.
Demining measures are estimated to take approximately 757 years to complete, under the condition that 500 demining teams will continue operating simultaneously. According to the World Bank it will cost $37.4 billion over the next 10 years.
Environmental security.
On June 30, the first meeting of the International Working Group on the Environmental Consequences of War took place in Kyiv. The established International Working Group will focus on three specific areas: (1) assessment of the consequences of war for the environment; (2) developing recommendations for finding mechanisms to bring the aggressor to justice for environmental crimes so that Russia pays in full for the destruction it has caused; and (3) environmental restoration.
According to the Head of the Environmental Safety and Mine Action Department at the Ukrainian Defense Ministry, Russian attacks against the country’s military objects have caused over UAH 305 billion in environmental damage, including over UAH 300 billion as soil pollution caused by waste from the ruined infrastructure; about UAH 700 million as soil contamination with petroleum products and other dangerous chemical substances; about UAH 4 billion as unorganized emissions of pollutants into the air. He also noted that the amount of the damage caused to the forests is about UAH 7 million.
According to the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, as a result of the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Station explosion, almost all the fish in the reservoir were practically wiped out. In total, at least 11388 tons of fish have been lost.
As a consequence of Russians blowing up the Kakhovka dam, 100% of the Lower Dnipro National Park territory has been flooded. The rise in water levels resulted in a massive loss of animal and plant species unique to the area. According to preliminary estimates, the damage caused by the Kakhovka dam explosion to the Lower Dnipro National Park is approximately UAH 46.5 billion.
According to the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources, the estimated amount of losses caused to the environment by the dam explosion is approximately $1.5 billion. Around 150 tons of oil leaked during the explosion. The salinity level of the Black Sea near Odessa is nearly three times lower than the norm, Kyiv School of Economics said in its report as of June 30.
Food security.
According to the Kyiv School of Economics, as a consequence of Russians blowing up the Kakhovka dam, the destruction of crop plantations, livestock, and fish stocks has resulted in agricultural damages of $25 million. Moreover, the Kakhovka Reservoir was used to supply water for irrigation systems and livestock farming across a total area of 584,000 hectares. As a result, indirect losses for crop production are projected to increase by $182 million annually. Other sectors of the industry will be losing up to $49 million per year.
Energy security.
The energy sector accounts for over a quarter of the total damages caused by the explosion at the hydroelectric power plant, amounting to $586 million. Total damages to the sector are $624 mln. The annual economic losses incurred by the state-owned company Ukrhydroenergo due to the destruction of the power station exceed $100 million.
Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, 3536 education institutions have suffered bombing and shelling, 3199 of them have been damaged and 337 have been destroyed completely. 
As of 25 June, according to the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy, more than 664 cultural heritage sites were damaged or destroyed, excluding cultural infrastructure such as libraries or other institutions located in modern buildings. 24 of them were destroyed completely.
As for cultural infrastructure objects, as of June 26, 1582 objects have suffered damage, about one third (585) were completely destroyed. In particular, 598 Ukrainian libraries have been damaged since the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion in Ukraine.
29 objects of the cultural heritage were damaged on a single night of July 23, when Russian missiles attacked Odesa. Due to the enemy attack, the buildings of the 19th and 20th centuries were damaged, including the Manuk-Bey Mansion, the Porro House, the Chyzhevych House, the Zhdanova House, the Kovalevskiy House, the Mashevsky House, and others. In addition, the Transfiguration Cathedral, which was under UNESCO protection, the House of Scientists, and the Zhvanetskiy Boulevard were destroyed.
In the year and five months since the start of the full-scale invasion, Russia has committed 524 crimes against journalists and media in Ukraine. In July 2023 five freedom of speech violations committed by Russia were recorded. Namely, injuring reporters. Moreover, during the seventeenth month of the war, four media workers who defended Ukraine from the Russian invaders were killed on the frontline: Konstiantyn Hnietsky and Dmytro Rybakov. As of July 24, a total of 65 media workers died in Ukraine, with 10 of those dying while reporting. Furthermore, five media workers (both Ukrainian and foreign) were injured in the seventeenth month of the war.
The post 17 months of Ukraine’s resistance: Russia-Ukraine war in numbers first appeared on Share the Truth. Updates from Ukraine.
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hardynwa · 1 year
Opinion poll: Stakeholders kick against Peseiro’s Eagles contract renewal
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A vast majority of Super Eagles fans have asked the Nigeria Football Federation not to retain head coach Jose Peseiro in an opinion poll conducted by PUNCH Sports Extra following the NFF’s decision to use a social media poll to decide whether to renew his contract or not. The NFF announced the appointment of Peseiro as the new coach of the Eagles May 15, 2022, replacing Austin Eguavoen, who returned to his Technical Director role at the federation. The Portuguese coach, who earns $70,000 per month, will see his one-year contract with the federation expire on Friday. Expectations were high amongst the country’s football-crazy populace when a then top official of the Nigeria Football Federation told journalists in Lagos last year that Peseiro was introduced to the football body by compatriot Jose Mourinho, one of the biggest managers in world football. “If he wasn’t good, he wouldn’t have been recommended by a top coach as Mourinho,” an official told The PUNCH December 2021, when Peseiro’s name was first mooted for the Eagles job alongside Serbian Mladen Krstajic. “We spoke to three top coaches and Peseiro, whose name has been going around, is one of the coaches and I can tell you he is a top coach,” former NFF president Amaju Pinnick, whose board employed Peseiro, also told journalists in Lagos. However, the stats and figures since Peseiro took over the Eagles’ job have been unimpressive, raising doubts over his ability to take the three-time African champions to greater height. Under the Portuguese, the Eagles recorded their biggest win ever — a 10-0 mauling of minnows Sao Tome and Principe — during the AFCON qualifiers last year. But they have largely churned out underwhelming performances and have only won four of their nine games since the 67-year-old manager took charge, losing the remaining five, with the side scoring 18 goals and conceding 15. It was also under Peseiro that the Eagles recorded their worst run in 42 years as they lost four consecutive games, including a shock 1-0 defeat to minnows and 118th-ranked Guinea-Bissau in Abuja last March in a 2023 AFCON qualifier. Checks by our correspondents showed that the Eagles were ranked 30th in the FIFA rankings when the Portuguese took over in May 2022, but in the latest ranking released by the football governing body in April, Nigeria now ranks 40th in the world. With the future of the Portuguese uncertain, the country’s football governing body decided to leave it to a public vote, using social media and SMS poll. The results of a poll conducted by PUNCH Sports Extra gathering results from 100 Nigerians revealed that majority of Nigerians would prefer to see a different manager at the helm of the Eagles’ affairs. The opinion poll asked Nigerians, ‘Should NFF retain Peseiro as Eagles coach? Yes, No, Undecided?’ and a total of 64 respondents said ‘No’ while 21 said ‘Yes’. Fifteen others said they undecided whether the gaffer should continue with the national team or not. Despite qualifying the Eagles for next year’s AFCON after a hard-fought and another underwhelming outing by the team, majority of the respondents to our poll, who are keen followers of the team, are unperturbed, insisting that the coach wasn’t worthy to lead the team. Harrison Jalla, head of Task Force, Professional Footballers Association of Nigeria, who also kicked against renewing Peseiro’s contract, said the coach shouldnt have been given the job in the first place, adding that he isn’t better than the local coaches despite earning a humongous $70, 000 (N53.5m) monthly salary in a country where the poverty rate is at an all-time high. “Hiring coach Jose Peseiro was in my opinion an act of sabotage to the Super Eagles of Nigeria. The first criteria in hiring a foreign coach must be his pedigree. Peseiro has nothing to add to the Super Eagles. Many of our Indigenous coaches are better than Peseiro. The NFF should invest the $70k monthly salary on our indigenous,” Jalla told PUNCH Sports Extra. Sports analyst Ufuoma Osusu says he’ll prefer former U-17 coach Emmanuel Amuneke given the job ahead of next year’s AFCON in Ivory Coast. “Between now and the 2023 AFCON is six months away, so, let Emmanuel Amuneke take full charge and forget the consortium of coaches that ruined our qualification to the Qatar World Cup, let Finidi (George) wait a while, we need to avoid rushing people,” Osusu added. A fan Bunmi Akinsemola stated, “The problem with the NFF is that we can always trust them to replace a bad coach with a failed coach. So, I’d rather say, if you can’t get a clearly better coach than Peseiro, then leave him till AFCON 2024. It will cost us little financially, but I really don’t see him taking us through the World Cup qualifiers successfully or even the World Cup except he can do a (Clemens) Westerhof and turn the fortunes of the Super Eagles around given the long time he’d have been in charge.” Sports journalist Sulaimon Alao didn’t mince words about the Portuguese’s future with the team. “It’s should not be up for debate at all. No fan of the team has been pleased with the way the team. Peserio does not deserve a new deal,” Alao said. YES However, some other respondents backed the coach to continue on the job after qualifying the team for next year’s AFCON. “Let’s see what he can do at the AFCON first,” sports journalist Pius Ayinor stated. “Moreover, we don’t really have the cash to hire a higher quality for now.” Another journalist Afolabi Gambari added, ”As much as I don’t like him, I don’t think the NFF should let him go at the moment because they will be making the same mistake they made with Gernot Rohr. The AFCON is months away and the World Cup qualifiers will start soon. He should stay on but must be monitored,” Afolabi Gambari. Bukky Olamide, who is among the 15 respondents who are undecided about the future of the coach, is more concerned about the huge monthly salary of the Portuguese. “I don’t even know if we should be blaming the coach or the players because the situation was almost similar under the previous manager but my only concern is the hefty money they are paying him. “There is no guaranty that if they bring in a new coach things will get better and I am not happy with the money we are paying him. It is more of the NFF doing what they feel is right in the situation because they are the ones paying, but the money is much.” Read the full article
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qocsuing · 1 year
Omega Pro – Scam or Legit?
Omega Pro – Scam or Legit?
Who is Omega Pro?
According to the founders of Omega Pro it is a broker that provides its clients access to a wide variety of trading instruments such as currencies, commodities, crypto, stocks and indices, with well over 200 assets in total. They also offer investment packages, with insane returns of 200% to 300% after a period of 16 months guaranteed, laughable considering that markets are fractal and it is impossible to predict a specific return over a specific amount of time, no body can tell the future and accurately say that the market will be at a specific level in almost a year and a half, what is surprising is that withdrawals are actually encouraged but investors are then also sold on the idea of compounding their gains by either leaving the money in the account to continue leveraging the investment, if clients do withdraw they are only allowed to withdraw 60% of their funds and must reinvest the remaining capital, alarm bells start ringing at this point. Once you have invested and obtained membership you are then introduced to the real motive behind Omega Pro, and MLM or Multi Level Marketing program that earns you additional income by recruiting new members, the entry fee is $29 and packages range from $150 AL the way to $15 000, remember that where any kind of recruitment is involved, it is most likely a pyramid scheme. Although some may operate within legal bounds, 9 out 10 pyramid schemes are fraudulent.To get more news about omega pro scam or legit, you can visit wikifx.com official website.
Honestly, in our opinion this company exhibits every aspect of an well thought out scam, unrealistic returns, compounded gains, ridiculous withdrawal policies, trading platform that is constantly reported as inactive or “coming soon”…. With all these red flags we would like to urge all investors to proceed with extreme caution or just stay away completely.   After all the warnings by international regulatory agencies and people realizing what was actually going in with Omega Pro, the company went silent for a short while, more recently the company has once again surfaced and is becoming increasingly active and heavily marketing in Nigeria and South Africa from posting business proposals on YouTube in April 2022 to holding virtual events come mid May 2022, WikiFX will be attending to help our members identify its legitimacy but after doing current research I can say that the company is definitely active still unlicensed by the FCA and showing all the same red flags as previous years, this company remains a high risk investment, in fact, Omega Pro is currently under investigation in Congo, where two arrest warrants were obtained for two of Omega Pro officials in the region, if you have already made financial commitments to the company please be mindful your funds.
Based on the company history, past and present business models and especially the long warning list made by financial authorities, Omega Pro is does not seem like the type of firm that should be entrusted with investments, there are just way to many red flags to consider when investing with Omega Pro and without the necessary regulations, investments here are extremely risky…
Omega Pro has repeatedly been labeled as a scam, and does not seem to have changed much.
At WikiFX we plan to keep our finger on the pulse and report on Omega Pro as and when the news breaks, download our app to stay in touch with this developing story.
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thekaijudude · 2 years
The Reaprea vs the entirety of the Ultraman canon.
Btw, the Reaprea is ridiculous. None of its abilities have really been described yet, but I do have some of its feats.
First, a mere extension of the Reaprea, which was 7% to 10% of the Reaprea’s full form’s power, managed to kill Father of Ultra, the Leo Brothers, all of the first six Ultra Brothers (with the exception of Ultraseven and Ultraman Adam (OG Ultraman, to refresh your memory)), and hundreds of Intergalactic Defense Force rookies in a battle where it was fighting them all simultaneously.
Second, after the previously mentioned feat, the same extension nearly killed Ultraman King.
Third, after Noa joined King’s side in said battle, the extension was giving both of them a hard time in battle.
Fourth, the Reaprea’s full form is responsible for creating the Dark Lords.
[Side note, the Dark Lords consist of a heck of a lot of characters (most are not named or mentioned, just know the Reaprea has created between 90 and 100), but here’s the main Dark Lords: the First Empera (long story short, this is a version of Alien Empera that not only predated the version Mebius and FoU fought, but was also thousands of times more powerful), Gatanozoa, the Guar Siblings, Rayblood, and Zarkran (a hybrid/soul-fusion of every previous Dark Lord’s powers and energies, but enhanced to godlike status).]
Fifth, the Reaprea’s full form was able to stop King from reviving the Ultras it’s extension had killed with his Childhood Radiation. Btw, this was done by canceling the effects of King’s Childhood Radiation, not by stopping King from releasing it. Either way, this left King in a state similar to the one he was in throughout Geed’s series.
[Side note, King could not and did not return until after the Reaprea’s destruction, which was over 6,000 years later.]
[Last side note, the Reaprea’s full form / true form was sealed away in another dimension, but its extension wasn’t. Basically, the seal had weakened, allowing the Reaprea to not only start creating Dark Lords and extensions of itself in other dimensions, but also allowing it to use its powers to affect dimensions it’s not even currently in.]
Anyway, with all that information on the Reaprea’s feats, how far does it get in the canon Ultra Series?
iirc yr scaling was UB = 10 NG
Referring to this handy lookup table I posted:
Which is basically 100 times weaker than in canon, or 1 000 times weaker if u wanna scale them with Taro
Imma say that yr OC can defeat Noa (highball), so he's basically around 10^102 - 10^103 NG
Which only canon Noa is above him, at 10^105 NG
Other than Ultras, you're probably looking at the Absolutian Lord, Reiblood, or potentially Legend otherwise if u want to take into account the other possibilities of the whole canon, albeit we have no idea how strong they are
Or to take a step further and using this as reference:
If I wanna argue for powerscaling beyond the established canon and say that as the current "ultimate state" of ultras' existence depends on just how active they are after taking on a formless existence, potentially the Absolutian Lord, VoL, Plasma Spark, Ultra Mind, DoL etc would theoretically be stronger than Noa via this line of reasoning thanks to the Decker movie
In fact in terms of the highest postulated power (assuming my method of scaling is correct, even tho it's arbitrary at this point):
1. Dimension of Light (DoL)
Entire pantheons of Ultras have come from it, not to mention its confirmed to be still active even after 30 million years
Just for fun, if we assume the DoL is 30 million years old, his power level would be 10^9000 NG, or equivalent to a 8998-way 1 NG fusion, or literally 10^8895 times stronger than Noa
Ridiculous I know, but we need to remember that it's probably the oldest thing we know in the entire multiverse
2. Absolutian Lord
Powers the entire planet of The Kingdom, which Absolutians are very significantly stronger than your average M78 Ultra (Assumption going based off dialogue from UGF3, can't mathematically conclude until we get the official ages of the Absolutians for a fair comparison)
3. Plasma Spark Ultra
(Entire Planet of fully sized Ultra warriors)
Of course I'm assuming it isn't even as aspect of King in the first place as pointed out in the second linked post
4. Ultra Mind
While only ever granted the full Ultra powers to 9 Ultras, it still enables an entire planet of beings to access the lesser, Ultra Humanoid forms
5. Voice of Light (VoL)
We see that it grants the full access of Ultras and Kaiju to whoever scales the Warrior's Peak. And in UGF2, Fuma hinted that there's more O50 Ultras that we have not seen yet
But I think it's safe to say it isn't an entire planet's worth of successful candidates
6. Reiblood
His reionyx genes have spread across multiple universes at this point, but each reionyx aside from Rei and Belial are very weak ngl
But due to the sheer scale of his influence is not yet well understood till this day, he could potentially even be 2nd place if he could, for example, turn every single Absolutian into a Reionyx
7. Radical Destruction Bringer / Delaxion
Placed them here because they are VERY active even after taking on non-physical forms
But we just don't know yet about the intricacies of how they exactly interact with their proxies to be able to say any further beyond this
Might be on the same tier as Noa for all we know
8. Noa / King
King might potentially be placed lower than Noa as the former has not been seen forsaking his form yet (aside from Crisis Impact, since it was by circumstance rather than choice)
While for Noa, we have seen that he has the ability to switch between form and formless existences
But both have granted powers to Ultras before, but only powerups so I'll just group them together
9. Legend
Have not been observed to grant anyone powers, still exists as Cosmos and Justice as physical forms
Note that I didn't include the Eternity Core or the Victorium Core here because tbh I doubt that they're transcended, energy-based ultras since they don't really "interact" with beings, and their power seems to only be transfered via an external device without showing any form of sentience thus far (Which is why the Plasma Spark is up there if u forgot) despite the former being also at least 30 million years old
So I kinda went above and beyond "established canon" to give you a far more interesting answer, or else the answer would just be Noa, which would be short and boring lol
Thanks for the question!
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peakwealth · 2 years
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Detail, National Museum, Songkhla, Thailand. February 2023
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You blow into Southeast Asia, your head spinning with worry about the war in Ukraine, about inflation, about the decay of democracy and about the climate crisis of course. And then, nothing. It is as if those things didn't apply once you are in Asia. As if they weren't for real. Bad dreams that only happened to old countries full of old people.
If there is any existential angst about the climate here, it is hard to detect. Granted, the afternoons may be getting a little hot, but these are the tropics after all and you just turn up the aircon. Problem solved. Why agonise over it?
As for Ukraine, where is that?
Aside from Japan and South Korea, countries in this part of the Asia still consider themselves 'under construction'. They are free to industrialize, to build new cities, oil and container terminals, airports, motorways, whatever. China's growth may have slowed recently, but the Asian frenzy of development is not over yet. Forests are still being cleared (1), thermal power plants are being built. Solar farms and wind turbines are not yet a common sight around here. More than 90 % of electricity in peninsular Malaysia comes from fossil fuel, mostly coal. Malaysia is 'losing' forest cover at a suicidal rate. (2) The clock isn't ticking loud enough.
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Mural, backstreet, Hanoi, Vietnam. February 2023
I had never seen a actual Rolls Royce SUV until yesterday when one pulled up across the street. It looked a little chunky for such an exalted limousine but out stepped an elegant women in green. She was met by an attendant, in black, who had been standing by on the sidewalk with a parasol. Together they hurried up the few stairs to the door of the imposing Lavender-by-Chang Luxury Spa in Saigon's third arrondissement.
Such is Saigon today.
To think that the USA waged war to prevent Vietnam falling into Communist hands.
The pursuit and display of conspicuous affluence remains a no-brainer in Saigon, just as it is elsewhere in Southeast Asia. Status seeking is everywhere, it is manic and it drives development. Nothing symbolizes it better than having a limo, black as a matter of course, preferably a Mercedes-Benz S Class parked in front of a luxury hotel. (A Rolls or Bentley may be a touch over the top.)
Back in the eighties, I witnessed how the infatuation with lurid wealth took root in China. Soon it spread all over the neighbourhood. Vietnam may have come a little late to the party but it has made up for it in sheer get-rich enthusiasm. Consumed as it is with the unrelenting fantasy of luxury and ostentation, life in Vietnam can appear far from zen. But, clearly, this is not how it is perceived here.
Today Vietnam has one of the fastest growing economies anywhere. The country is hoping to multiply incomes by a factor of eight by the year 2050, raising the GDP from not quite USD 4000 to USD 35 000 per person and per year. For now, the economy is expanding by around 8 - 10 % a year. That translates into gogo capitalism. In practical terms: Saigon is drowning in nonstop traffic and the air pollution is off the scale.
The question is if anyone cares? When Greta Thunberg, the West's favourite climate activist, reminds us that "the house is on fire", it cannot be assumed that her words resonate much in Asia.
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Low lying land south of Saigon. February 2023.
It is no secret that Vietnam is a country particularly exposed to climate change, particularly to rising sea levels. A large part of the south, around the Mekong delta, is projected to be under water by the end of the century. Encroaching salinity is a further threat to agricultural production, beginning with all-important rice cultivation in the delta.
Even though Vietnam has formally committed to carbon neutrality by 2050, there is little sign yet that the economy can or will be rewired for decarbonization. An analysis by the global consulting firm PcW found that the country had no net-zero policy in place at the end of 2021. Nor did any large corporation. Vietnam also remains one of the top-ten coal power generating countries in the world.
Like neighbouring countries, it is dragging its feet, waiting for foreign funding to implement greener climate policies. The logic is that since the West caused climate change to begin with, it should pay for the damage control.
Asia is looking for 'non-disruptive' ways to meet climate targets. You can interpret that as business as usual or else as a gentle energy transition that will create new opportunities for growth rather than interfere with it. Dire predictions about rising temperatures and how they will depress economic output have not as yet been, well, internalized.
In the meantime, the economy motors ahead. Limiting growth, lifting the foot off the pedal of progress and affluence is not a popular concept here. The music must keep playing, 24/7.
____________________________________________ (1) Vietnam enjoys a grace period to stop deforestation until 2030.
(2) source: www.globalforestwatch.org
See, as an example:  https://www.globalforestwatch.org/map/?analysis=eyJzaG93QW5hbHlzaXMiOnRydWUsImhpZGRlbiI6ZmFsc2V9&map=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%3D%3D&mapMenu=eyJzZWFyY2giOiJtYWxheXNpYSJ9&menu=eyJtZW51U2VjdGlvbiI6IiIsImRhdGFzZXRDYXRlZ29yeSI6IiJ9
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scotianostra · 2 years
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September 17th 1873 saw the death of  Scottish born surgeon, merchant, explorer and settler Alexander Berry.
Berry was born on 30 November 1781 in Fife, Scotland, one of nine children of James Berrie (d.1827) and his wife Isabel Tod (d.1830). He was educated at Cupar Grammar School and at the Universities of St Andrews and Edinburgh where he studied medicine. Despite his father's opposition he became surgeon's mate in an East Indiaman bound for China and later in the Lord Hawkesbury on a voyage to Madras. His dislike of the flogging of seamen and a recognition of the profit to be won from commerce led him to abandoned his chosen profession.
From 1808 made several voyages to New South Wales with cargos of goods. Travelled to South America and returned to London in 1812, after losing his ship. In 1819 returned to Sydney establishing a mercantile business in partnership with Edward Wollstonecraft. In 1822, Berry and Wollstonecraft applied for a grant of 10,000 acres on the Shoalhaven River in New South Wales. In 1823 they exported coal to Rio de Janiero. Closed their mercantile business in 1828. In 1830 a grant of land of 10, 000 acres applied for on the Shoalhaven in 1822 was approved. Between 1830 and 1840 he purchased an additional 22,000 acres which produced maize, tobacco, wheat, barley, potatoes, pigs and cattle. The area had some of the most fertile and lush farmland in the country.
Berry grew very wealthy from his occupation. He sat in NSW parliament for 14 years and is considered a founding father of the area; they named the town after him in 1888.
This settlement became known as the Coolangatta Estate and developed into what is now the pretty and historic township of Berry , named in honour of Alexander and his brother, two hours south of Sydney It is a popular tourist spot, especially among the short-stay and weekender crowd.
Of course with the majority of Colonial rule Alexander’s success came at a price to the native population.
Berry used Aboriginal people as slave labour to clear the land – whether you consider payment by way of rations as slave labour – but there definitely wasn’t a monetary exchange.
Berry had a different view, but more and more these colonial settlers are being uncovered what for what they were. this was what he had to say in his memoirs;
 “For many years I have reaped my harvest on the principle of free Labour. When I made a settlement at Coolangatta, in 1822, [Aboriginal people] were comparatively numerous, and were said to be very ferocious. I was informed that they had recently driven away a number of sawyers or wood-cutters, and my old friend, the late James Norton, told me that they would eat me. I had, however, served a kind of apprenticeship to the management of savages in New Zealand, and I was always on good terms with those of the settlement. Indeed, I found them very useful.”
As well as using the indigenous population  he is also accused of raiding the graves of those people in the name of scientific research for the likes of Charles Darwin and others back home in good old “Blighty”
 Australian researchers say they have uncovered evidence from Berry’s correspondence and his later reminiscences that he sent the skull of the Yuin leader Arrawarra to Britain in 1827, two years after he died.
We Scots can’t just wash our hands of all this, as well as Berry being a Scot we were involved at the other end, where the skull ended up, a letter of 20 August 1827 indicates Berry dispatched the skull, probably to the Edinburgh Museum, although it has not yet been found.
He was also involved, after the fact of the  Boyd massacre, where Maori  residents of of Whangaroa Harbour in northern New Zealand killed between 66 and 70 European crew of the Boyd. The massacre itself is said to have been in retaliation of floggings of Maori’s on the vessel. Brery took two local chiefs hostage for a time. He wrote in the Edinburgh Magazine that he had released them on condition that they lose their rank with their people, although he never expected that to happen.
Berry's memoirs were published in 1912, entitled 'Reminiscences'.They chiefly describe his experiences at sea, both with the East India company and his private travels, with only a short section covering his life in New South Wales. In particular he describes in detail his relationships with the indigenous people of New Zealand and Fiji, and his experiences during the rescue at the scene of the Boyd massacre.
Alexander Berry died on this day 1873 aged 91, at Crows Nest House. He was buried in family vault in St. Thomas' cemetery with his wife, Elizabeth Wollstonecraft, who was cousin of the Frankenstein author Mary Shelley.
While some admire Berry as a pioneering hero he has also been described as an “Immoral Hero” 
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niuniente · 3 years
300 years since Isoviha massacre in Hailuoto, Finland
The world’s history is full of wars and massacres. One took place in Murhaperjantai - Murder Friday - in Hailuoto, Finland, part of Isoviha (Great Wrath). The war between Russia and Sweden took place in 1700-1721 and it was the Finnish people in the middle who suffered tremendously.
Isoviha was part of great War of North, where King of Sweden was in war with Russians,
When Sweden lost a battle against Russians in 1714, the horrors of war grew more hideous. Captured Finnish people were systematically tortured by beating, burning and frying. Children and teenagers were captured and sent to slavery to Saint Petersburg. Around 1 700 child and teenager slaves were taken.
Finnish people tried to escape the enemy to Sweden over the sea and to Hailuoto island, which locates near Oulu. The Russian soldiers invaded Hailuoto and killed 800 people in one night. It’s equal to a massacre of 10 000 people overnight in modern the day Helsinki.
August 31st in 1721 the truce was made and the war was over. Locals still tell stories of the events of Isoviha’s Murder Friday till today.
A speech of a priest Stenbäck from 1770 in a funeral of Marjatta Heikintytär Puusti has survived. Marjatta was one of the victims of Isoviha and lived to age 95 despite of her horrible experiences:
“Her husband was cut down by Russian Cossaks with fifteen hits by a spear. He died after three days. The Russians hit Marjatta with whips and rods. Her son, Jaakko, was kidnapped by the Russians as a war prisoner, and they converted him into their religion, but after the war was over, Jaakko returned back home.
When the Russians returned the following winter, they whipped Marjatta with iron tipped cat-of-nine tails whip, stood her naked in the snow, burned with a sauna vihta-bundle made from branches, and blinded her permanently with a hot-burning tallow.”
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When the Russians were gone, blind and beaten Marjatta, now a single mother, tried desperately to find food for her children. The land had been destroyed by Russians and nothing else was left but straws, pieces of leather and bones. In her starvation, Marjatta tried to find dust of flours to eat from a windmill.
When one of the children had already died to famine, the rest of the family managed to escape to Sweden. There Marjatta lived five years as a blind beggar, traveling from place to place to find food. After the war was over, Marjatta and rest of the refugees were able to return back home.
What North Ostrobothnia Finnish had to go through during Isoviha is equal to a genocide. The killing, torturing, raping, enslavement and massacring was systematic. Whenever Russians won a battle, the men were given 4 days vacation for a free robbery, raping and killing.
I love history and I want to share these experiences, especially here in Tumblr, which is very American centrist. In the American cultural contexts, no white people have ever suffered of anything bad. They definitely have never been ostracizes, enslaved, massacred, never faced genocides, never had their culture and language eradicated, never been called and seen as barbarious and uncivilized, never have their religions destroyed, never faced racism etc. Well, not in America but that’s not the story here in Europe.
Perhaps I can share some knowledge, information and some historical stuff you’d find a bit hard to find in English for history nerds like me, too.
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