#it gives me so much...supernatural inspo LOL
willowser · 1 year
screaming and crying @ the vampire!dabi title.................. early sunsets over monroeville is my fav mcr song of all time and i'm 1) rly happy to see anyone else appreciate it 😤 and 2) being very very Normal™ about it re: dabi also, you are absolutely making us fellow monsterfuckers spoiled for choice with all of these!!!!! thank you so much for sharing your writing with us 🤍
LITERALLY SCREAMING OMG — i know that song isn't about vampires...okay...i know...but !! the vibes of the bullets album is so akfhakrhaka it is...the whole reason i wrote this fic LOL i loved that era for them 🥺🥺 and i wanna write about vampires !!! 🥺 that song is also one of my ABSOLUTE FAVES !!!! we are holding hands and jumping up and down !!!
i'm so excited to share it with you !!! 🥺 to hear your thoughts on him and the lil mess he gets himself into !!! 🥺 ty for being here with me 🥺
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mayflysdie · 6 months
Familiar contact- A John price fic.
Random inspo I had, but hopefully people enjoy it. I stayed up till 7am writing it lol. Might make something out of this but I idk yet.
I have attention span issues so if it veer off, please don’t come at me for it. I’ve skimmed over it, but there’s probably some things I missed and grammatical mistakes. Thank you❤️
Word count: 3k+
MDNI- mature themes, language, choking, supernatural beings, dark themes.
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I told myself to be home by midnight, before the hunting hour started. To lock myself safely in my home, surrounded by wards.
Sigils adorned the doors and windows, passed down from generation to generation by witches determined to protect their dwellings.
The eerie stillness of the night was broken by distant howls and screams, while sinister whispers lured unsuspecting victims into their grasp. These cunning creatures preyed upon human greed, offering promises of fulfilling desires before revealing their true, malevolent nature through blood-red eyes hidden within the shadows.
"I'll give you everything you desire"
" You will desire nothing else, if you come closer"
I pay no heed to their twisted tongues, for I know the moment I look their way, or so much as utter a word, I'll be trapped in their soulless hell. Become a mindless creature like them, existing only to feed on souls until the earth turns to dust.
And I refuse to become one.
I pull my coat tighter around me, trying to shield myself from the biting chill. But it seems to seep through every layer, penetrating deep into my bones. Come to us.
The gusts seem to have a life of their own, swirling and dancing around me, almost taunting me with their strength. As I trudge through the forest, trees now look twisted and tortured under the relentless assault of the wind. Nothing on this earth is truly safe from their wicked powers.
Their branches whip back and forth, creaking as if in pain. Some of them have already succumbed, their broken limbs littering the ground like casualties of war. Despite the fierce resistance of the trees, the wind shows no signs of letting up. It blows with such force that I struggle to keep my balance, stumbling over rocks and roots that are hidden beneath a carpet of leaves. My hair is wild and tangled, whipped into a frenzy by the wind's powerful grasp. 
As I stand in the midst of this chaotic scene, I can feel the energy of the whispers pulsating through the air. They seem to be growing more desperate by the second, their voices becoming more urgent and insistent. These phantom entities, longing for control over my soul, reach out towards me with ethereal hands that pass right through my body.
But I refuse to acknowledge them, refusing to give them the power they so desperately crave. Meanwhile, the trees around me struggle against the relentless force of the wind. Some bend and sway gracefully, while others are unable to withstand the intense pressure and break, crashing to the ground with a loud thunderous sound. My heart aches at the sight of these ancient trees, some of them hundreds of years old. Despite surviving in such a harsh environment, they stood tall and thrived, only to be struck down by the dark forces of hell.  Life is truly, cruel.
My small home, tucked away in the dense forest, comes into view. Smoke curls out of the chimney and warm light spills through the windows, creating a comforting glow. Thick moss clings to the weathered stone walls, leading up to the old black roof. A protective barrier of sturdy stone surrounds my home, making it feel like a fortress. My pace quickens as I approach, eager to escape the eerie whispers and relentless winds that seem to follow me. But as I near my house, all sounds of nature cease and an ominous silence settles over the land. My steps falter as my eyes narrow, scanning for any signs of danger.
Suddenly, a swirling mist materializes to my right, coalescing into the form of a tall, muscular man. Curled horns protrude from his head and his bright red eyes lock onto mine with malicious intent. My heart races as I realize he is a demon - not just any demon, but one of great power and influence. I recognize him from my extensive research on the seven gates of hell - standing before me is none other than John Price himself, ruler and master of all seven gates.
In a deep, smooth voice with a British accent, he sneers at me with a wicked grin. "Well hello there, little witch," he says mockingly as he takes slow steps towards me. Fear courses through my body like ice water. Why does his voice sound so familiar? That nickname….
“ John” I say, somehow holding my voice steady despite the tremble in my body. my hands twitch at my sides, ready to defend myself. “ what do you want?” I hiss. but he just smiles even wider, tilting his head at me. 
“ Can’t I visit a lonely little witch? whom lives by herself in the forest”. He steps closer. 
“ no, you cannot. I have no business with you, demon” 
A sharp gasp escapes my lips as he materializes in front of me. He leans down, bringing us eye-to-eye, his intense gaze locking with mine. The scent of smoke and fresh pine fills my nostrils, mingling together in an intoxicating combination. His long fingers, slender yet strong, grasp my chin firmly yet gently, his thumb lightly caressing my cheek. His touch, it feels familiar too. But why?
“ Been watching you, darling. A nasty little witch you are” His breath fans my face, our close proximity jolting my senses back into place. 
I grit my teeth, taking another cautious step back as his hands fall from my face. His amusement is evident in the glittering mischief in his eyes and the sly curve of his lips. I feel a surge of electricity tingling at my fingertips, slowly spreading up my arm until bolts of raw energy flicker and dance beneath my skin. With a few whispered chants, I channel the power and unleash a dazzling bolt of lightning towards him. The air crackles with anticipation as the bright beam strikes the earth where he stands, sending up a cloud of dust in its wake. The ground trembles beneath me, humming with residual energy. 
my eyes narrow as the dust fades away, and there he stands. a cloud of mist surrounding him in a protective barrier.  This grimy little bitch.
“ Now darling, that wasn’t very nice”
“ Oh really? thought i’d give you a proper welcome” I sneer, my fingers twitching again. my mind reeling for a plan.  My grandmother never said anything about defending myself against the king of hell. What the hell am I supposed to do.
The mist around him disappears into the earth. He crosses his arms.
" Well you could do me" he retorts and I frown. Get out of my head!
I send another bolt his way, and he deflects it with a flick of his wrist. John's laughter echoes through the forest, sending shivers down my spine.
" What do you want John. I haven't broken any laws, nor did I summon you".
His eyes gleam with amusement as he takes a leisurely stroll around me, his steps echoing in the unnatural silence that surrounds us.
"I do love a feisty one," he muses, his voice smooth like silk yet carrying an underlying edge of danger. "But I'm not here for your misdeeds, dear witch. No, I am here for something far more intriguing."
My heart pounds in my chest as I try to maintain a façade of calmness, even as his presence threatens to overwhelm me. "Then what is it that you seek from me, demon?" I demand, my voice steady despite the fear gnawing at the edges of my mind.
John Price's smile widens, revealing a row of perfectly straight and gleaming white teeth that seem to glint in the dim light. As he approaches me, his footsteps fall with an air of confidence and authority. He stops in front of me, tilting his head to reveal the sharp angles of his jawline beneath his beard, and the way the moonlight catches in his dark hair.
"I have come to claim you, little witch," he purrs, his voice low and smooth like velvet. I can feel his warm breath on my skin as he speaks.
"Claim me? What the fuck are you talking about?" I snap back, my anger boiling over at his bold words.
"Your coven, centuries ago, promised me a bride if I granted them power," he explains, his eyes never leaving mine. "Twenty generations from then, a woman will be born with powers stronger than any witches before her. And only she will be worthy of becoming my bride." A knowing smirk tugs at the corners of his mouth as he finishes his declaration.
And if I could've sent every last bit of my powers away, I would have on spot. Simply bag them and ship them off to the next person.
The earth trembles beneath my feet, my anger coursing through me like molten lava. My eyes blaze with a fiery red intensity as I bring my hand up to meet his chest. The wind responds to my rage and strengthens, pushing him back with a forceful gust. He stumbles several feet before landing gracefully on his feet, a smug smirk plastered across his face. I grit my teeth, wishing desperately to wipe that lecherous expression off of his creepy features. "My, my," he purrs, "those eyes are like untamed flames."
He watches me with a mixture of amusement and fascination as I confront him with a strength that surprises even myself. The air crackles with tension as we stand facing each other, a silent battle of wills raging between us. I can feel the power coursing through my veins, a primal energy that demands release.
With a fierce determination, I raise my hands towards the sky, calling upon the elements to aid me in this dire moment. The wind howls in response, whipping my hair around my face like a dark shroud. The trees sway in a wild dance, their leaves rustling in a chorus of support.
John Price's eyes widen with recognition as he senses the ancient magic surging around me. In a swift motion, he raises his own hands, summoning shadows that twist and coil at his command. Darkness engulfs him as he prepares to strike back with his formidable powers. No, he’d never hurt me. But how do I know that?
Emotions wage a war inside me.
But I am ready for him. With a primal scream that echoes through the forest.
With a fierce cry, I unleash a bolt of lightning so powerful that it reverberates through the earth, leaving my body trembling with its force. The smell of ozone fills the air as electricity crackles around us, sending shockwaves into the ground and trees. And then suddenly, I am flying backwards, my back slamming against a rough bark of a tree. The impact knocks all the air from my lungs and I land on all fours, gasping for breath.
Through the haze of pain and confusion, I see John lying on the ground, his body smoking from the electric blast. Despite my own discomfort, anger surges within me. I grit my teeth as I struggle to stand, my muscles protesting from the jarring impact. God that hurts like a bitch.
But even as I rise, determined to keep fighting, I hear him chuckling. It is a sinister sound that sends shivers down my spine. My eyes narrow as I face him, ready to take him down. As if I could, I know I’m not strong enough.
"That's what I need," he groans as he stands, brushing off his clothes with an air of nonchalance. His red eyes have returned to their normal state, but they seem even darker now - like staring into a void.
"You want more?" I growl, raising my hands to strike again. But he raises his own in a mocking surrender. "I don't wish to fight you, little witch," he says with a sly smile. "A man should never harm a woman."
His words are like a slap in the face to me. This man is supposed to be the king of Hell, yet he claims to be against hitting women? I scoff in disbelief.
"Oh please," I retort. "Don't expect me to believe that for a second."
He shrugs as if it doesn't matter to him one way or another. And then suddenly, mist begins to form around my feet and up over my body. It spreads like a thick fog, rendering me immobile. Panic sets in as I struggle to break free.
"Let me go!" I shout, squeezing my eyes shut as I try to force myself out of the misty grip. But it seems to have a will of its own, keeping me firmly in place.
" I can't do that, love". He appears behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. I hiss at the contact, his touch sending jolts through my skin.
“Now sleep, my love” He whispers. and I curse myself, as my eyes start to grow heavy. “w-what”. 
I am jolted into consciousness, my body drenched in a cold sweat. My mind pulsates with a throbbing ache, as if being relentlessly pounded by a massive block of stone. With wide eyes, I frantically scan my unfamiliar surroundings.
It is then that I notice John seated in the corner of the room, engrossed in a book. His calm demeanor reveals no trace of concern or surprise, almost as if abducting people is just another routine task for him.
The audacity of this man! I want to strangle him.
"Where the hell have you taken me?" I shout at him, but he simply ignores me. Fine, if we're playing games now.
I curl my index finger and softly whisper a few words. Suddenly, his chair bursts into flames, scorching his backside. He springs up from his seat, dropping his book and grabbing his now charred rear end. As he curses and flails about, I smirk at him.
"Are you going to keep ignoring me?" I mock with a smug tone.
The fiery gaze of John meets my own as he casually pats his still-smoking ass. My questioning eyes shift to the discarded book on the ground, my raised eyebrow expressing confusion. "A cook book? Is that truly your book of choice?" I prod. He responds with an eye roll, snatching the book from the floor in annoyance.
Maybe I'm unhinged for being so casual at the moment, but my head hurts too much to really care. I'll unpack this after ibuprofen.
“You insufferable woman, you ruined my favorite armchair,” John seethes, pointing to the charred remains. I roll my eyes, unimpressed by his dramatics. You just kidnapped a witch and you're over here fretting over a chair.
“Take me back home,” I demand, standing my ground.
“No,” he replies firmly, a hint of anger in his voice. What is wrong with this man?
“Yes, I refuse to be your unwilling wife,” I argue, climbing out of bed and trailing after him as he storms into his closet. He pulls out a pair of unburned pants.
“You don’t have a say in this matter,” he declares. I cross my arms in defiance, scoffing at his arrogance.
“Because forcefully taking a wife against her will always make for a happy marriage,” I retort sarcastically.
My cheeks flush with embarrassment when he casually removes his burnt pants, standing only in his undergarments. "Jesus!" I exclaim, quickly turning around to face the wall. He chuckles behind me, clearly amused by my discomfort. " Jesus is not here, darling"
oh fuck right off.
I hear the sound of a zipper, followed by his footsteps approaching. I turn around, bumping my nose into his chest. not expecting him to stand so close. “ the hell” I mumble, rubbing my nose.
“ let me see this contract my coven signed. there’s got to be a loophole. I mean, why me? there’s other witches out there”.
I follow him out of the closet. He spins around, pushing me against the wall. I narrow my eyes, lifting a finger to zap his ass when he slowly pushes my finger down. as if I just showed him an ugly photo.
he then places both his hands on either side of my head. “ be a good girl and hush, yeah?”.
his low husky voice sends a shiver down my spine. fuck me, what’s wrong with me.
“ You be a good boy and release me, yeah?” I mock, smiling.
his hand slithers up to my throat, grabbing it tightly. he growls, I feel the rumble in his chest against mine. 
"You wouldn't dare," I gasp, struggling to breathe as his grip tightens around my neck. The fear in my eyes is unmistakable, a raw and primal emotion that courses through my veins like poisoned venom.
"Try me," he snarls, his voice low and dangerous. I can see the darkness within him, the deep-seated hatred and anger that has been simmering inside him for centuries. So much for not harming women, huh? bipolar asshole.
And then, without warning, he lets go of my throat. There's a strange mixture of relief and disappointment that washes over me as he steps back. He crosses his arms over his chest, his eyes firmly fixed on me.
" All I want is for you to accept your fate and become my wife. I want no one else but you" His voice is calm, almost soothing, but there's an underlying edge to it.
His words prick at something in my brain, erupting pain through my skull.
I glare fiercely at him, mustering all my hate into my eyes. As if that alone could poof him into dust. " Fuck you, you crazy bipolar demon"
He shakes his head, walking away from me. leaving me standing against the wall, mind reeling and grasping for any ration response.
I mean, not even ten hours ago I was freely walking through the forest on my own, collecting herbs. And now, I'm stuck god knows where with a demon who claims I'm his bride.
But why does it feel like I know him?
My head pounds, sharp pain piercing my temples. I cry out, grabbing the sides of my head as I crouch down. Whispers ringing in my ears, the voices of my mother and grandmother.
As fragmented images race through my thoughts, I am transported back in time. Current reality intertwines with hazy flashbacks, creating a tumultuous whirlwind of emotions. In one vivid recollection, I am young and standing in my mother's bedroom. Her screams echo off the walls as she fiercely argues with my grandmother.
Tears stream down her cheeks, "I will take her away, far from his reach." With a forceful shove, she pushes my grandmother out of the way and storms into the closet. Mom, why are you crying.
Overwhelmed by the intense scene before me, I tremble and cry silently. Despite my limited understanding at the time, I know that something is gravely amiss, and it involves me. "There's not a place in heaven or hell where he won't find her, Eylean. Our ancestors made the deal, and there's nothing we can do to stop it" My grandmother argues, chasing after my mother.
Come outside, sweetheart. A voice whispers in my head, gentle and comforting. Come to me.
I do as the voice says, running out of my mothers room. My little legs struggling to keep up with the fast pace, threatening to misstep. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as I ran, adrenaline driving me forward. The sound of the back door slamming echoed in my ears, a reminder of the argument that had just taken place, the booming voices inside. Tears blurred my vision as I stumbled towards the stone fence, desperate to get away from the chaos inside.
Why, why me?
With trembling hands, I gripped onto the rough edges of the stones and pulled myself up and over the fence. My clothes snagged against the sharp edges, leaving small tears and scrapes on my skin. But I don't care. All I want is to reach my safe haven. As I reached the other side, my feet hit the soft grass and I took off running again. The cool air brushed against my tear-stained cheeks as I made my way towards the massive red oak tree. It stood tall and proud, its branches reaching towards the sky as if welcoming me with open arms. With shaky breaths, I collapsed against the trunk of the tree. The vines that twisted around it provided a sense of comfort, almost like they were hugging me. I wrapped my arms around my knees and buried my face in my legs, letting out loud sobs as I tried to calm my racing thoughts and emotions.
The wind started to howl, the force of it whipping through my hair and stinging my cheeks. I could feel tears sliding down my face as I tried to make sense of what was happening. The wind calmed, replaced by the sudden cold chill in my bones. Raising my head slowly, I glanced around through my blurry vision. Through the mist that had settled in front of me, I saw a figure emerge. It was a man, his large build crouching down in front of me. As he placed a comforting hand on my knee, I caught a glimpse of his bright blue eyes. They were like pools of clear water, sparkling and drawing me in.
Despite my fear and confusion, I couldn't help but gaze into them, feeling strangely captivated. A small smile tugged at the corners of the man's mouth, as if he were trying his best to offer comfort. His voice, deep and soothing, was one that I recognized from earlier. The sound of his accent brought a slight sense of familiarity. He spoke softly, reassuring me, "It's okay sweetheart. You're safe here." But I couldn't stop the sobs that wracked my body, my mind still reeling from the events that had just unfolded. "But they're fighting," I hiccupped, shaking my head. "Mommy says a bad man is going to get me." My words came out barely audible through my tears, but the man seemed to understand.
He moves to sit down beside me, our body’s brushing against each other.
“ I’m already here, little witch”
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you really got me thinking now about what i even like lmao. i'm really not very picky with tropes, tags, genres or shy of warnings, very much someone who will give everything a read at least once and see where i end up.
it's usually all thanks to the author's own way of writing, planning, detailing and imagination that has me continue reading their works - so it's really not me exaggerating when i tell you, you (and loren btw.) won't disappoint me since your writing gets better and better the more i read. <3
if i wanted to pitch some ideas to you, i might just have to dust off my own archive from when i used to write years ago lmao i'm sure i can find unfinished wips and mapped brainstorms somewhere neglected inbetween paragraphs lol but to maybe give a general idea or inspo so far..
my favorite ateez songs (you haven't written for yet) are: illusion, with u, to the beat, don't stop, halazia (outlaw, empty box)
my favorite yumi discography fics (currently at least) are: hala hala, dazzling light, horizon (duh), deja vu, be with you. guerilla, new world
genres/tags/tropes/aus i tend to be drawn towards: angst, slow burn, suggestive, corruption/manipulation/betrayal, hurt/trauma, comfort/fluff, mythology, thrillers, forbidden love, enemies to lovers, past life regression, paranormal/supernatural, like witchy/faerie/demonic elements just to name a few..
atz bias line: hongjoong🐿️ yunho🐶 wooyoung🦊 jongho🐻
damn.. after all there are things that i like and the more i write down the more strings connect, just gotta let it cook on low heat for now ig lol
○ chron 🃏
you're just like me then (most of the times when i want to read i dont even look at the wc/warnings and then sometimes i stumble upon sth traumatic (like a few things in smut that i don't like) and i'll be like ehh *continues to read it anyway pretending that part/scene didn't happen LOL*
honestly the two of us appreciate you so much AHAHA whenever you reblog one of our works and we read it we're like "hey did you see chron reblogged your fic" and then we're all :')) for a while AHAHAHA. i hope our writing never disappoints!
YOU USED TO WRITE HELLO? give me the key to the archives i need to see that right neowww LOL but okay of the songs that you like that i haven't written for yet, i have a few ideas for some of them [ateez come with new songs so quick i am convinced i can never write for all songs they have and that makes me SO SAD]
i'm honestly surprised dazzling light is a fav of yours (it's an old work and i personally think it's cringe as the writer LOL) but i see you have a thing for fantasy/royal-medieval i see the pattern hehe and you've got quite the taste chron i love that
i've honestly been wanting to cook up some fantasy bc it's been a while (says i who's written far too much fantasy) and i have one idea for san which i'm not really feeling yet (perhaps brain will be back to work after the break) and i have a really spicy flavourful fic for yunho planned whenever i feel like writing it but i'll try to think of more plots!
we can both let it cook, we have some time huehuehe and good things come to those who wait (pls i hope i get some good ideas after the break) but anyways if anything comes to mind or anything inspires you, lemme know! i'll see what i can do with it <33 and thank you for this <33
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wheelercore · 1 year
Rosegate Masterpost
I talk way too much about this theory so I figured I might as well make a list of all the posts that I consider relevant and important so nobody has to slave through my blog for context. Turned out to be way too fucking LONG though. RIP to you I guess (please read about this theory please please please *gives you the biggest wettest saddest eyes*).
Really the only purpose of this post is to pin it.
Anyways. All the information is under cut:
Basic Summary: The basic premise is that the Wheelers are connected to the Creel home somehow. However since the similarities (as you will see in the post links that I am sharing below) seem to be with the objects that were in the Creel home before the Creels even moved into Hawkins in 1959 (eg. the grandfather clock, the wheelchair, the wedding dress, the rose wallpaper, etc etc) it seems that the Wheelers actually may be connected to the home in a way that may not be related to the Creels themselves at all. Now, every guy and their mother knows all the Karen theories out there so hey why not throw out a Ted theory ya know spice it up a bit.
This theory? The Creel home is Ted's childhood home- *gets boo-ed off the stage*.
This show is for Freaks and Weirdos so I'm 100% in the right for being a Freak and Weirdo who hyperfixates on this lol.
Now more seriously, not only are there the parallels to the Creel home, but also this theory surrounds an urn that has been sitting on the Wheeler mantle place since s1. This urn is decorated with pink flowers (could possibly be roses), which is not only a repeated design in the Creel home itself (the rose door being particularly important), but it also in the Wheeler home: the upstairs/ dining room wallpaper and the variety of other fake urns-vases around the Wheeler dining room that have rose designs on them. And yeah this could all be a coincidence, but the show all but confirms the urns significance when they intentionally switched it out with a different urn in the ST4 climax.
Other usage of rose symbolism can be found particularly surrounding female characters- and even more smaller in scope is the reoccurring motif of the Blonde Mother (tm) whom are also associated with roses *eyes The Urn again*. When looking at the similarities at how these female characters are dressed you start to notice that there are certain trends- pink/white/blue color scheme, certain hair styles, and jewelry. Which is why I believe that Rosemary's Baby may be a huge inspiration for this ("Rose" Robin aka her fake identity in Penthurst being my favorite because literally- Rose Wheeler Weaver). Given that Holly is a blonde to two brunette parents its not a stretch to believe that Ted had a blonde mother who's urn sits on that mantle place. There are multiple gags in s3 made about a "nana" who has cancer and I just think its veryyy interesting that one of the things that Victor pays particular close attention to in the attic is an old wheelchair. Anyways, think of this as a "haunting the narrative" sort of thing.
Also Rosemary's Baby is a classic horror movie literally about forced female conformity in the 20th century, so I find it really hard to believe that it would be left out of the show that is literally a period piece about conformity. So if you see me referring to "rosemary" or "rosemary wheeler" I'm talking about dead blonde nana in that urn.
Also The Shining is on the ST4 inspo board and I wrote a bit about how the Creel & Wheeler homes may have been inspired by the Overlook hotel. Not only that but The Shining possibly being a huge influence since S1 and all the stuff that comes with that including themes of abusive cycles in families and supernatural manipulation (detailed in the posts below).
This could also be related to by Mike seems to be able to sense El in the void despite not being supernatural as far as we know- especially since Nancy and Holly (I mean Holly is a bit weird too but imo not like Mike) are not shown to have a sense for the void like Mike. Mike and Ted are repeatedly paralleled throughout the show via clothing and scenes.
The crux of this theory is very metaphorical as a lot of it is about using visuals to portray generational cycles (hence Mike-Ted parallels which I don't really get into on here but its all over my blog just search up either character or mike-ted or whatever key word).
This summary is a bit of a mess and I'm pretty sure I've missed a lot but whatever. Please feel free to drop any questions in my inbox I'll be so happy to answer them.
It would not be fair if I don't give credit to @boysdontcryboycry as the co-founder of this theory because they do So Much and they're Great!!
Anyways here are the links:
A humorous brief overview
Also Something Longer I Wrote
Rosegate General
The Urn Watch Post (TM) aka the Rosegate Bible (Post Credit Goes to User boysdontcryboycry)
More Wheeler Home-Creel Home Similarities 
Fake Urns with Roses on Them All Over the Wheeler Home
More Urn Shenanigans (aka T(urns) Outs the Mantle Urn Has Pink Flowers (Roses?)) on it! (Post Credit Goes to User boysdontcryboycry)
Mantle Urn Changing/Holly and Her lite brite/”Mothergate”
The Urn Intentionally Changed for the ST4 Climax 
Blonde Mothers Association With Roses
S4 thoughts surrounding female conformity (pink/white/blue color symbolism+roses etc): Part 1 
S4 thoughts surrounding female conformity (pink/white/blue color symbolism+roses etc): Part 2
Dustin Ringing The Wheeler Doorbell Scene in ST2 Possibly Referenced Three Times in ST4 (Steve + Jonathan + Victor- The Duffers confirmed they're returning to things left out of ST2 in ST5 so I just think this is very interesting plus Shaun Levy has said every scene has a purpose- read "PTSD" Pt.1 & 2 under Long Misc if interested)
Billy’s Mom/El Rose Symbolism
Possible Oedipus Reference
Virginia Reflections + Grandfather Clock in Creel Attic (Trailer)
Short Thoughts on Rose Symbolism in Creel Home Pt.1
Short Thoughts on Rose Symbolism in Creel Home Pt.2
El’s S1 Blonde Wig Confirmed to Have Belonged to Nana Wheeler? Lol Pt.1 (Post Credit Goes to User coldninjaruins-blog) Pt.1 
El’s S1 Blonde Wig Confirmed to Have Belonged to Nana Wheeler? Lol Pt.2
Shared Characteristics Amongst Some Female Characters (Clothing, Jewelry, Hairstyles) Pt.1
Shared Characteristics Amongst Some Female Characters (Clothing, Jewelry, Hairstyles) Pt.2 
Shared Characteristics Amongst Some Female Characters (Clothing, Jewelry, Hairstyles) Pt.3- Nancy/Karen Edition
Shared Characteristics Amongst Some Female Characters (Clothing, Jewelry, Hairstyles) Pt.4- Nancy/Karen Edition
Karen/Angela Clothing Parallels 
Victor = Spiders??
Rosemary’s Baby
Initial Rosemary’s Baby x ST Thoughts 
Karen/Nancy/Terry/Rosemary All in Blue Nightgowns
Possible Steve/Guy Woodhouse Parallel
Rosemary’s Baby Pink+White Outfits 
Grid Symbolism in Rosemary’s Baby
Long post on Rose Symbolism (plus others) in Rosemary’s Baby and ST
Thoughts on Nuclear Family Dynamics in ST and Parallels to Rosemary’s Baby 
Pendulum Clock and Other Time Symbolism in Rosemary’s Baby
Rosemary’s Baby and Stranger Things Clock Symbolism
“Aren’t You His Mother?”
Gingham/Roses imagery?
Mr Castevet’s Speech
The Shining
Holly- Henry “Explorers” Parallel Possibly Being a Reference to The Shining
The Shining Visual Parallels (Karen = The Woman in the Bathtub? Jack Torrance = Victor?)
Will Byers/Danny Torrance Parallel?
The Shining and KarenTed
More Karen/The Woman in the Bathtub 
If you are also interested I suggest you read Rob Agers analysis of The Shining because its very fascinating and goes into mirror symbolism, bathroom symbolism, and intentional production "errors" and how this all intersects with denial that is also utilized in ST. Warning for discussion of CSA, sexual abuse, and physical abuse. You will find that it is pretty enlightening, even if you don't subscribe to a lot of it.
Long Misc (rosegate related thoughts pre rosegate itself)
“Bad” Blonde Mothers Reoccuring in The Show
TODFTHR (Post Credit Goes to User stranger-chichka)
PTSD Parallels Pt.1
PTSD Parallels Pt. 2
*Some of this stuff may be repetitive, I'm just collecting posts*
The Curious Case of The Dead Wheeler Granny
Are the ages in TFS weird age fuckery or just canon inconsistencies/retcons? (link to @/aemiron-main's blog because for some reason this iteration of the post wont link to mine -.-)
Alice Creel Haunting Funerals
Oedipus the King in ST
Henry and Jason's Monologues: Are They Mirrors of One Another?
Some S4 Rosemary Coding Thoughts
The Talisman
Wheeler Family and "normalcy"
Rose Connie
Mike, Victor, Fred, and Ted: weird murder/killing & PTSD subtext
The Changeling/Rosemary's Baby/The Devils Advocate/The Omen: Anti-christ media
Short Misc (random small thoughts/shitposts etc etc, may not have context to them but I think they're neat)
In short:
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vacantgodling · 7 months
For the Behind the Scenes Asks:
📜"how did you get started on your WIPs?"
📖"what has surprised you about your WIPs?"
thank you 💛💛
📜"how did you get started on your WIPs?" / 🖋️"what inspired you to write your WIPs?"
oof this is kind of difficult to answer. tbh actually, many of my wips start off with me being like *engages with media* “omg i wanna make something like that!! but…. i wanna make it different/suit my tastes more” ie:
vampires don’t take road trips stemmed from my love of percy jackson, and specifically percy himself. (though the wip has changed a lot since then, first iterations of it were more focused on a school aspect of being a supernatural creature etc etc). darren started off Much More like percy tbh but he quickly mellowed out and became his own person. they definitely have SOME similarities but not many anymore lol.
tcol started because i specifically played the dungeon crawler etrian odyssey, made an in game team of 5 (piper (as her og name, alice), deux, san, forte, and clear) with specific classes (which are actually similar but now more fleshed out to what they actually were in game) and then i got attached to them and wanted to give them a story. a decade later and now we have a behemoth 💀
paramour even was specifically supposed to be like my own version of crimson peak meets beauty and the beast but also hamlet????? yeah but then hya became a mean bitch and i kid you not that changed the ENTIRE direction of the story 💀
other wip ideas will either stem from a specific character i like and want to create a world around them, or i’ll see something and be like oh that’s an idea and run with it. tbh i tend to get a lot of my ideas from seeing something and wanting to make it my own lmao.
edit: tbh this is probably not the Right answer bc my reading comprehension is shit. so to save myself i’ll just say i answered the inspo question too. the actual answer is probably i daydream a shit ton and get fixated on one particular scene or dynamic and start building around it. i don’t actually start writing writing until i have an outline tho, unless its exploratory pieces where im trying to figure out vibes, prose style, and who these characters ARE.
📖"what has surprised you about your WIPs?"
ngl kind of the underlying themes, messages, and commentary that slowly take shape as i make a wip. i never start off one with the intention of it having shit to say about irl or my beliefs in shit per se, but they always end up in there, woven into the plot lol.
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btsgotjams27 · 2 years
2022 Year End Recap
Rules: post the top 5 works you're most proud of that you released in 2022 (not necessarily your most popular), your top 4 current WIPs that you're excited to release in the new year, your top 3 biggest improvements in your writing over the past year, your top 2 resolutions (ways you wish to improve your writing/blog) for the new year, and your number 1 favorite line you've written this year!
Thank you @amethystwritesbts for tagging me!
This might be long, so my answers will be after the cut
Top 5 Works You're Most Proud of
01. This Is Us - I changed my writing, starting with this fic! I used to write in a script format but I wanted to challenge myself and tell oc + Jungkook's story in detail.
02. Fool For You - This mini-series was so unexpected, but it was nice to write something so cute and fluffy with some angst, haha. It wouldn't be a story by Jess if it didn't involve angst.
03. Sweet Tooth - This series has been challenging but fun at the same time. It's my first supernatural au, and I'm having a lot of fun writing it.
04. Safety Zone - I couldn't believe how fast I got this story out. I usually struggle with writing smut, but when inspo hits, it hits.
05. My Plus One - There was a deadline for this one, and I'm just surprised at how much I wrote for a one-shot. It still makes my head dizzy just thinking about it.
Top 4 Current WIPs You're Excited About
01. My Pretty Boy(s) - I've written SO much for this series, but I'm still far from being done. And, ofc, it stars my two fav people - Jungkook and Namjoon. It's going to be a wild ride!
02. Keeping Up Appearances - I've always wanted to use NIKI's La La Lost You as inspo for a song, and now it's coming to life! I hope you'll all give it a lot of love.
03. We're Not Really Strangers - This will star Min Yoongi, loosely based on an IRL experience I had with a guy friend.
04. Big Fat Liar - HUHUHUUUUU - con artist au, anyone?
Top 3 Biggest Improvements
01. I wrote this in a previous post, but I've written over 200k words this year. I'm just so so proud of myself!
02. Making writer friends! It's nice to talk to other writers, brainstorm, and be silly.
03. Looking back and how I used to write and my writing now, I've come such a long way, and I can't wait to keep writing :)
Top 2 Resolutions
01. I want to start using betas to read over my work. I'm always so scared to share my work because I'm already critical of my work, and having someone look it over and possibly have to rewrite some things scares me. (so if anyone wants to be my beta, let me know lol - I need one for My Pretty Boy(s)).
No 1 Favorite Line
A silly little line from Sweet Tooth:
"I'm not Jesus, nor should we fuck Mary. Hardly a saint, more of a sinner," JK said smugly.
Tagging (no pressure): @here4btsfics @sweetieguk @mercurygguk @cherrysoulth @sunshinerainbowsbts and anyone else who would like to do it!
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remnants-rps · 2 years
it's me, hi.
a b o u t
alias: t.
pronouns: she/her.
timezone: pst.
age: 21+
obviously, i am older than a lot of people in the community. that being said, i was an avid rper back in the early 2010's through about 2016. i took a long hiatus to finish college, and really truly lost inspo after graduating. i'm back now, though, hehe.
(read guidelines & rp info under the cut)
g u i d e l i n e s
i can't stress enough that i am older than a lot of people in the community lol. because of that, i have a hard rule of not rping with anyone younger than 21.
i am in pst. i work full time, but have flexibility in my availability with my job, so my responses could range anywhere from 10am-7pm pst.
while i have flexibility in my availability, i would like to make it clear that i function off of inspo. this means, i may not always reply right away. it might also mean i respond in a few minutes. and i extend this method to my writing partners. writing with me means riding on the no stress express.
i am not in the business of writing smut (no matter the age of my writing partner). i like to look at it as giving my spicy writing a rating of pg-13. i'm totally fine alluding to those scenes, but i will definitely 'cut to black' after anything remotely close to second base. on this same vein, i will not write incest, either.
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r p i n g
I prefer rping on discord (it's less of a hassle than creating tumblr accounts), and use tupperbox for my characters.
my favorite things in the world are mumus. i love creating little circles of characters that all know/know of each other.
i only write oc x oc. you won't find any canon/fandom characters here.
i am comfy writing m or f, but require that my partner match 1:1 for every male i play. this might be dated, but it goes a long way in making me feel like i am not being used for my males lol.
i prefer m x f or f x f ships, if our plot is relationship based.
i write in third person/past tense, but have no issue writing with different tenses so long as it's third person.
my writing tends to be on the longer side (as much as i try to keep things short). that being said, i never expect my writing partner to match my length, and instead encourage them (and myself) to write what feels right to keep the thread going and moving.
i'm open to most plots! here are some of my faves: apartments, covens/supernatural, science-fiction/apocalypse, slice of life, breakups, & basically anything that has the potential for a lot of emo pain lol.
take a look at the fcs i love to play and the fcs i long to play against. these are definitely flexible, and i do a poor job of keeping these updated, so i'm always up to discuss options!
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all right, that's it for me. hmu if you think we'd vibe based on the above!
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elix8r · 2 months
Hi 👋
I hope you're well 😊.
I absolutely adore your rare and pure one shot and I was wondering whether you would ever consider making an Enha member in the werewolf universe? Because your writing is just amazing.
As for the sports vibes that Enha gives off? I could definitely see them as a bunch of hockey boys or soccer boys or 😂 volleyball boys....they gives off such straight male energy, it's crazy 😂
Take care of yourself and ignore the crazies who seem rather obsessed whether you could pull Yeonjun or Jake (you definitely could💅)
hello!! omfg thank you so much for liking rare and pure!! any compliments about it will always bring like the biggest smile on my face 🤭 but honestly i haven't thought about putting enha in the universe just cause they're so vampire coded but i wouldn't be opposed to it cause this universe is probably my fav like i'm such a sucker for supernatural au ESP werewolves (i will never be team jacob tho) so maybe if i get some good inspo and a plot comes up I'll def consider it! LMAO yes enha literally gives off such BOY vibes like hockey is a really good one and like soccer hmmm the cogs in my brain are working rn lol and thank you hehe literally the whole yeonjun jake thing is such a joke atp to me but thanks for the boost of confidence 🥰 you're so sweet and hope you have an amazing day!!
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cuteookielove33 · 3 years
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Okay so this is like one of my most favorite scenes from Supernatural in S5 which was the best in my opinion lol. Even tho Raph appeared also in S6... But I loved this scene especially because it have us a different view of Heaven and like it felt so mysterious and like as of it was way more than just this bureaucratic stuff we saw before which I'm absolutely not a fan of. I didn't like it st all how they always were so formal and like almost robotic. I have this headcannon that maybe this vision of how Heaven was reflects like Chuck's way of controlling everything like the Angel's the free will speech and stuff. But this scene reflects what Heaven actually is which is still a mystery to us haha but like how it was before everything and outside of Sam and Dean's and Castiel's point of view. Like a very complex environment and family and I just love it and no one can convince me that there is not much more because we also saw a bit more factions in S9 than we did before even tho they weren't explored at all which is a shame. But like I can totally see so much potential in this and a much more interesting family and place that humans cannot grasp in reality like how they can't see their real form or hear their voices they cannot comprehend their world and culture lol. I jus love this scene and I wish we knew more about the Angel's in a more personal and less bureaucratic way because there is so much more behind them! I also wish we saw more of Michael and Raphael's way of dealing with leading the Host because it was only mentioned but never really explored! And I want to know haha....like I'm sure it wasnt as bad as the writers made it seem like.
The picture is from Season 5 episode 16 if I'm not mistaken!
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no-psi-nan · 3 years
@disgruntledtwig tagged me in this fanfic meme and I'm taking a break so I'll fill it out under the cut!
(Thank you for the kind comments btw 🥺🥺)
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Link to my post-canon Saiki K fics: CardiacCrisis on AO3
1) Out of all your works, which story would be your favorite?
Well, if we talk Saiki K, it's going to be Extra Love Stories Volume 2 because I'm having a blast writing it, even if not much has actually gotten posted yet. 😂
For my other fandoms, it has to be "GC249 - Cross Cultural Communication", a yugioh college AU fic. It was sweet and fun to write, and I got a lot of nice feedback for it. (:
2) What’s the easiest genre to write for, in your opinion?
Romance for sure! Might just be due to having more practice though. 🤔
My stuff has always had some comedy in it, but this is the first time that I've written strictly gen comedy actually. 😂
3) What is your opinion on self-insert fics? (Reader x Character)
Not my thing. I'm not personally interested in romancing any of these fictional characters. I'm interested in how they would get along with other characters.
Also, no one would be able to write me in character lmao. Perhaps if my besties workshopped something XD XD
4) How do you get inspiration to write?
I don't go looking for writing inspo usually. If I'm not driven to tell a story, I'll find something else to do lol.
5) Do you ever suffer Writer’s Block? How often?
If I'm having trouble writing something, it's typically because I haven't thought it through yet. I usually leave it until it's ready or work on something else for a bit.
6) Which fandom is your favorite to write for?
Whatever I'm brainrotting on at the moment. So currently Saiki K!
7) How long are your chapters, usually?
Generally around 3k but often scope-creep sets in and they can end up being 7k+. 🙄
8) What is your most favorite genre to write?
Also romance and comedy.
Actually I guess I should mention supernatural as a genre. 🤔 I like the flexibility and challenges of magic (and magic-adjacent things like ESP).
9) Do you write only for one fandom, or for many?
So far I've written for Yu-Gi-Oh!, Good Omens, and Saiki K.
10) Do you take requests? Commissions?
No, and I probably never will. Who could afford me??
Well, I'd write Netflix a new season of Saiki K for free. (please please please please please)
I have done a couple of gift exchanges / writing events (ex. big bang) before though.
11) What is your most popular fanfiction?
Looks like it's also GC249 - Cross Cultural Communication.
In the Saiki K fandom, it's naturally the Moving Forward series!
12) How many stories have you written?
14 posted on AO3.
No comment about what's languishing away in my wip folder.
13) Would you consider fanfiction as your “thing,” or just like a hobby?
One of my top hobbies for sure.
14) Do you read other fanfictions?
Hmmmmm.... Yes, but it's complicated.
I've been in fandom for many years and my tastes are very specific and particular. My exclusion filter list is a mile long lmao.
In large fandoms, it's less of a problem, but for smaller fandoms, the pickings can be sparse. Not many fics in the Saiki K fandom overall, so I'm just writing my own, lol. Very few people can suit my wildly niche tastes better than I can anyways.
15) What is the best advice you can give to other fanfiction authors?
Have fun with it! At the end of the day, fanfic should bring you joy. You should want to go back and reread your own stuff most of the time. Make it for the most important audience: you!
16) Do you believe the stereotype that all fanfiction is smut?
Nah. There's all sorts out there, bless.
17) Do you write smut/mature fics?
Yeah, absolutely lol.
Though, like every other genre, there is so much variety in it. It's just another kind of character interaction that aims at different feelings in the reader, so it's really a shame that there's so much stigma around it.
I personally tend to write stuff that is very playful and indulgent and banter-y, because for me, ⓢⓔⓧ is just a fun way to explore how the characters trust and love each other. Almost like Fluff+, it's advanced and slightly messy cuddling in my book lmao (probably because I'm ace myself). I usually go for a nice balance of sweet, hot, and funny!
Also I find it really fun to figure out how to make physical intimacy work in supernatural situations like when there were more souls than bodies or when one partner has difficult-to-control powers. 😂 A sensual puzzle for a romantic soul lmao.
You'll never catch me writing fics that are mature due to violence though. Not my thing at all.
18) Is there a story you’re not exactly fond of? Have you gotten rid of it?
There's one old fic I wrote that is... Hmm... Not to my standards. I didn't migrate it to AO3 but it's still out in the web.
19) How many years have you been practicing fanfiction?
My AO3 account is from 2014, but I've been writing since a bit before then...
Also I love that the question is about "practicing" fanfiction like it's a religion or something. 😂
20) How often do you update your story(ies)?
Usually I post stories after they're already complete (Saiki K has been the exception). So then I would post them weekly. Otherwise, it's the weekend after I've finished the next chapter.
21) Does it bother you when you read another fanfic and the characters aren’t in character?
Instant back button for me unless they've made the characters way funnier lol.
22) Is it easy or hard for you to write?
Usually easy. A lot of it is just fancy roleplaying imo, and I have lots of experience there lol. Sometimes I have to go research things and it can be tricky if it's obscure or complicated stuff. More time-consuming than actually hard though.
23) Do you write original/fan characters in your stories?
Only to fulfill a role for which no canon character would fit, never as a main focus. Like, I did invent a photographer for the first Moving Forward chapter, and Aiura will mention some old homegirls, and they're given some personality of course, but that's about it.
24) Have you ever written a fic about your favorite couple/ship?
This is p much all I write usually lol.
25) Do you ever take inspiration from your life and write it into your stories?
I don't think there's anyone alive who hasn't. You can only experience the world through your own eyes, after all.
My own life rarely inspires any fic for me though lol.
26) Who is your favorite fanfiction author? Or regular author?
My bestie is also my fave fanfic author~ 💜
My favorite "regular" authors are Terry Pratchett, Tamora Pierce, Diana Wynne Jones, and my bestie again~
27) Do you have any inspirational figures?
28) Have you made any alternative universes or headcanons for your fics?
I always have lots of headcanons, but I've only done AUs for yugioh. 🤔
I think it just depends on how long I'm in the fandom. When I run out of post-canon ideas and still have brainrot, I start coming up with AUs. My bestie still roasts me about my bonkers motorcycle AU. The result of many, many years in the yugioh fandom lol.
29) How long does it normally take you to write a story?
Ages lol. I'm usually very slow. But my Saiki K fics have actually been churning out super fast, comparatively! Not sure if I've leveled up or the brainrot is just That Bad lol.
I don't usually do these but this was fun! Thanks again for the tag, Disgruntled!
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lostmykeysie · 3 years
➶*✧*⤪・*✧*2022 FIC GOALS*✧*・⤪*✧*➶
first up, thanks to @theonlywolfpants and @wolfstarhaven for being generally all round amazing, but also for tagging me in this
1. finish Trust is Earned
so this is a two in one, because i need to finish this, but i also need to learn from it: never plan a beginning and an ending for a fic and then just dive in. i need structure!! i need plot!! and yet here i am, without either!! as much as i love writing fluff i cannot write multi chap fluff, i am directionless. but i will finish it!!! i originally told myself i'd do it in time for christmas, but that's not going to happen. 2022 it is.
2. finish and publish my regulus black redemption fic
so this one i am excited about. i have learned from past mistakes and have planned the entire thing, every single chapter, but it means so much to me that i'm worried i'll be writing and re-writing and editing forever and just never post. i've never read anything reg focused/centric and it's all very new but i already love it so much and i'm hoping it'll be my best so far. just need to take the plunge! i have decided i will do it today. promise.
3. read non-wolfstar fic
so my issue is that i have a lot of problems with focusing and attention. i love fanfiction! it completely made my life during lockdown when i was in a situation (that i'm unfortunately still in) where i can't watch any tv or films because my mind just can't focus for long enough. imagine lockdown but without netflix or disney+ or anything - that was basically me. subscriptions to every streaming service out there but no brain that will let me watch, i was genuinely just lying in bed every day staring at the ceiling lol. then something or other got me onto ao3 and i've always been a wolfstar fan in concept but never in practice but next thing i know i'm hooked, and i've finally found entertainment my brain is happy with!!! but now i'm seeing all these talented writers with so much to give and i really want to branch out and read something else so i can appreciate them fully but i need a good introduction to trick my brain into caring about something other than wolfstar. i would really love some fic recommendations for non-wolfstar HP ships (and preferably not remus or sirius because wolfstar are endgame) fic that is short/semi short that you think showcases the characters or pairing and could kickstart my interest - please please please!!!!!!!
4. interact more
i honestly think i've only had tumblr for about a month which is insane. i had it when i was a teenager (makes me sound so old, i am still in my 20s ok leave me alone) - this super angsty depressing black and white blog. i'd love to find it but i can't remember my url and i don't have access to my old email :( but anyway, i've not hopped on here for long, but i am so glad i did, because it's great, but i am so out of the loop. so my plan for 2022 is to interact more and get to know everyone (lame)
5. write more!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Meeting With a Stranger is honest to god the first thing i've ever written. it all started after many bottles of wine with two of my greatest friends. we were talking about ff and how we'd love to write, but didn't have the stones to/didn't have anything to say. (they're completely different fandoms - V is all about supernatural (destiel!) and L is a huge k-pop fan (loves BTS)) and i was saying how i'd love to beta work but could never write because my brain was empty of plot. then it got me thinking, and then the first MWaS scene with remus and james came into my mind, and then i would think of some stupid/funny line and be like haha sounds like something remus would do, and then boom, i'm writing a whole ass fic, and the rest is history.
i have a doc with prompts and inspos and scenes that i would to build on, mostly oneshots (i love writing fluffy oneshots so much) including a christmas wolfstar that i'm going to try and write next week and my reggie redemption fic eek! so i think this one will be my easiest goal only because now i've started, i canny stop
6. beta fics
i want to beta fics!!!!!!! in reality i want to live out my secret dream job of being an editor. i've never beta'd a fic and i'm not sure what the level of involvement is but it's something i really want to start in '22 so... if anyone is in need of a beta hit me up in 2022 :D
sorry this ended up really long, i am apparently an oversharer. all my mutuals have already been tagged and posted their 22 goals which tells me i need to get cracking on #4 asap!
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*bursts thru the wall kool-aid man style to ask about your WIPs*
OKAY SO please tell me anything at all about:
In From the Cold part 2 because I am obsessed with your Whiskey
INSATIABLE because your inspo tag haunts my horny dreams (are Frankie and Santi both shifters? Are they together before they meet reader, or do they all get together at the same time?)
And the untitled Whiskey fic because I admit I don’t actually know what a fetish flea market is? (I mean I assume it’s exactly what it sounds like, but I’ve never heard of such a thing before, and damn if Whiskey doesn’t sound like he’d be a fucking blast to take to one)
Please and thank you!!
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Leslie said
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Ok I don't want to spoil a little plot thing for In from the Cold Ch 2 but I will say that all that slow burn pays off. Really it's so much smut and I love that for them 😅Which is maybe why I haven't written it yet? Because I know it's going to be So Much Smut lol. To give you a sneak peek beyond that- these two still have some work to do before they can actually function in a real relationship.
Ohh, Insatiable. I've been letting this one cook because I really want to do it right, and I needed to figure out a lot of things about the reader and her dynamics with the guys. I think I'm getting almost ready to start ACTUALLY writing though.
Yes, Santi and Frankie are both shifters in this setup, and they're together when they meet the reader. She's not part of that whole supernatural scene and Santi wants to keep it that way for her sake (which she'll just love /s). Frankie's smitten immediately and more ready to jump in with both feet, despite a laundry list of complications.
Have I mentioned I'm playing with soulmates/mating bonds? Basically this is a blend of me indulging my love of stories like A Court of Thorns and Roses, supernatural stories, and those two handsome fellas, along with me working out some being in my 30s and stuck in a rut vibes. Other things I want to work in include: other shifters/supernatural characters, cool small city vibes a la Charles de Lint's Newford, and just so much mutual pining.
And smut, obv. So, so much smut. Because I'm a fiend for those two and I KNOW I'm not the only one.
And then for the Fet Flea thing- I don't know if that's like, a universal thing? But there is a fetish flea market in New England (or there was, pre-plague) and yes, it's exactly what it sounds like. Think a convention for kinksters. There are talks and panels and demonstrations, and sooooo many vendors. I went with some friends a few years ago and it was so much fun!
I'm imagining Whiskey getting roped into helping out at a shibari workshop (see what I did there?) and/or a flogging demo, and both him and the reader exploring some new kinks together.
I hope you enjoyed these teases, and if there's anything else you wanna know about these or other WIPs, my inbox is always open 😘
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Get to know me:
Tagged by talented/total babe @offansandflames ♡
Rules: answer 92 83 statements (i skipped some boring ones srry), tag whomever you please.
THE LAST. 1. Drink: pabst blue ribbon, yes im white trash 2. Phone call: mom 3. Text message: my bestfriend 4. Song you listened to: keaton henson, to your health 5. Time you cried: erm a lil yesterday but like deep convo tears
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice?: a relit ciggarette never tastes the same 7. Kissed someone and regretted it?: Not enough to recall at the moment. 8. Been cheated on?: I haven’t taken many partners, so to my knowledge, no? 9. Lost someone special?: Yes 10: Been depressed: :,) 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: my life from 15-19 tbh, not in the party, neurotypical fashion more along the Wtf Pls exPlain type way or for shits n giggles
LIST THREE FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14. Baby pink and blue, black.
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends?:Yes if online counts? Very beautiful and enchanting spirits who i already love 16. Fallen out of love?: never do if its real, cuz im a romantic//also think u always care a little for those you really loved 17. Laughed until you cried?: yesterday actually like rllllly good because my girl dropped her entire jug of wine right before opening it. The universe flicked us off dirty. 18. Found out someone was talking about you?: Yeah, some good, some bad, some wild. Idk. 19. Met someone who changed you?: Yes some beautifully, made me fonder, some not so lovely but thats ok (try to make it ok) 20. Found out who your friends are?: I have fucking one bestfriend who i hold to that certain standard shes my lover/ soul mate and weve been through a fucking ride n shes still my number one. If others let me down i find ways to make it bittersweet. 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list?: yus GENERAL 22. How many Facebook friends do you know in real life?: Idk some r family and people from all the schools i went to. I dont care for facebook much. 23. Do you have any pets?: one black, perfect cat with lil rays of auburn going down her back, i named her clementine. Also 4 dumb n rlly cute dogs live with me. I like one a lot, Luna, shes my princess. (Yes i admit favorites idgaf/ she also knows she’s my fav n takes advantage) 24. Do you want to change your name?: mydad originally wanted to name me Xena (after xena princess warrior) whom i developed an intense crush on later. 25. What did you do for you last birthday?: yo lol i dont know i turned 22 i just had drinks and smoked with my bestfriend 26. What time did you wake up?: didnt check, i usually wake up multiple times n go back to sleep If i can 27. What were you doing midnight last night?: either in my gfs car or just getting home 28. Name something you can’t wait for?: my classes to start again, mini roadtrip to Gainesville and maybe being able to see my little cousin soon. 29. When was the last time you saw your mom?: lik e 2 seconds ago. 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life?: sjdufjekwns 31. What are you listening to right now?: Keaton Henson 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom?: lol nah not that i remember 33. Something that’s getting on your nerves?: the state of the Union, how 2 get my smol dogs to stop barking, why do ppl have to live w abusers and when will my witch powers allow me to cast them off into The Void, my general discomfort n lack of motivation. To casually name a few ,, 34. Most visited website?: ao3, Tumblr RANDOM SHIT: 35. Mole/s?: lol?? Moles can b cute, i have a few. 36. Mark/s?: plenty, one in particular tho i have on my upper forehead not like harry potter sttle unfortunately, its all hidden near my scalp 37. Childhood dream?: i always wanted to do something that would let me swim with humpback whales in natural habitat ofcourse or track the lives n rituals of wolves and then i was like mayb ill just be aschool counsler, all of which i still kinda wana do. 38. Hair color?: blonde 39. Long or Short hair?: i have medium length hair but i like both 40. Do you have a crush on someone?: I literally always have a crush on someone, idk crushes to me means you make me happy and blushy and if you make me laugh, i crush. 41. What do you like about yourself?: i could say i like how i am when im with someone i love. N that some ppl are able to confide in me, id say my empathy but idk i can be a fuckface too. 42. Piercings?: tongue I got snakebites, industrial, bellybutton, reg ol ear piercings too. 43. Bloodtype?: i dont know o.O 44. Nickname?: cookie monster when i was younger, lali, lion, coocoomanga(my dad) renren, rin, my mom says lil shit endearingly and i got the habit. 45. Relationship status?: basically married 46. Zodiac sign?: Aries 47. Pronouns?: She/they 48. Favorite t.v show?: i binge and am not ashamed, supernatural, classic spongebob, south park, parks n rec, modern fam, a haunting, me and my mom watch ancient aliens 2gether , Steven Universe, Adventure Time, the fucking x files, malcolminthemiddle, etc, my animes as well are all shoved in here in my heart. Naruto/free/haikyuu/oourans host club/ HxH etc 49. Tattos: 5 and one on the way, matching one with my love 50. Right or left hand: Righty most def 51. Surgery?: luckily no 52. Hair dyed in different colors?: I maintain the blonde i had at like six, its naturally dirty brownish? At one point i dyed it platinum tho 53. Sport?: In my anime MORE GENERAL 54. I’m about to?: Finish some arts and crafts for some letters im making (: and then a smol walk 55. Waiting for?: some inspo, 56. Get married?: its not very important to me. But if my partner became passionate about it i would be rite there w em 57. Career?: I’m majoring in psychology/minor in education WHICH IS BETTER? 58. Hugs or kisses?: depends on who but I’m a sap for both 59. Lips or eyes?: Eyes, give me them soulful orbs 60. Shorter or taller?: no preference 61. Older or younger?: You can be a shithead at any age, so no preference. 62. Nice arms or nice stomach?: eh,, not sure to be honest. I love hands and forearms, so i suppose arms? 63. Sensitive or loud?: u gotta be both at least every now and then. Either extreme will be bothersome though 64. Hook up or relationship?: eh past experiences make hook ups generally uncomfortable n left me feeling ace/aceromantic for a good portion of my teen yrs but im not impartial 65. Troublemaker or hesitant: ive calmed down but im not hesitant unless my gut says so HAVE YOU EVER? 66. Kissed a stranger?: yes 67. Drank hard liquor?: yes 68. Lost glasses/contacts?: glasses, yes. 69. Turned someone down?: as a chick in miami ¿¿¿ of fucking course 70. Sex on the first date?: lol yes 71. Broken someone’s heart?: seems dramatic i dont feel like i have sincerely done that, just hurt them. 72. Had your heart broken?: In a way mostly by close friends / family 73. Been arrested?: when i was 15 for dumb shit like trespassing 74. Cried when someone died?: yes 75. Fallen for a friend?: i crush on all my friends because i love alot DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 76. Yourself?: Yes because Rock Lee would want me to 77. Miracles?: i think miracles are a byproduct of a fucking amazing universe. 78. Love at first sight?: i think of it as a magnetic pull n interest not love 79. Santa Clause?: i fucking love christmas, idgaf 80. Kiss on the first date?: yup OTHER 81. Current bestfriend?: @mariekankerr 7 years n countin babe 82. Eyecolor?: blue 83. Favorite Movie?: Lilo and Stitch, Pulp Fiction, The Iron Giant, A Fish Called Wanda, Murder By Death, Knights of the Round Table, mel brooks in general, The Changeling (bt like the oroginal one not w Angelina jolie it came out in like the 90s?) Spirited Away, Clue, Hot Chicks, A Bronx Tale I tag: @shamelesssasukestan @hotmessmuffin @narutoandsasukearecanon and i suck at this so just go for it and tag me so i can lurk on u
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goldenscript · 7 years
i love crying so anything emotional is an instant read/watch for me ;;; AHH I KNOW I NEED TO WATCH AVATAR I HEARD IT'S AMAZING highkey hyped about it bc of zuko, heard his redemption arc is the best. and im a bitch for characters looking for redemption!! hit me with that character development shit!! and lmao nah gsnk is the funniest shoujo anime ive come across. oh yeah that winter sadness came in real strong for me this year too i was just so unmotivated? AND HAHA AJ RAFAEL'S WE COULD (1/?
HAPPEN HAUNTS ME TO THIS DAY BC EVERYONE PERFORMED IT AT THE TALENT SHOW. it was a bop back then tho. and ofc i’d notice bby!! honestly that song gives me such good vibes like :-( let me be in the mcu universe pls :-( omg wow thank u i’d love to have a friend like u tbh!! rbf duo lmao but HAHA THE OTHER DAY I WAS SO WEAK IN THE LIBRARY bc i went on my old aff account (come on i kno some of yall read/wrote fanfics on there) and i was cringing soo hard. my stories were so embarrassing (2/?       
and i just cringed bc who would reaD THIS??? APPARENTLY A LOt oF PEOPLE?? Mind u this was in like middle school-freshmen year. lmao but at the same time i was like…. mildly impressed bc….. wow i had a lot of shit saved up that could’ve been so much more. It was all like bts, exo, bap, and block b hahah and being the fantasy nerd that i was, i made my own world and terms and?? there were also a bunch of angsty sad stories?? like damn who hurt past me?? thinking about going back to rewrite (3/?            
them tbh. and i saw a convo between me and this writer and we were complaining about the lack of bts fics during the time LMAO this was probably like 2014? anyways, im so into the supernatural, dystopian, fantasy genres man!! like imagine bts (or anybody) bein some head ass demigods/high beings that are being punished for various reasons and the punishment involves them working mundane ass jobs lmao like mcd cashier, retail worker, cafeteria lady, janitor, delivery boy, etc on earth -sjsu             
honestly, forgive me for being so crap about not responding to this yesterday! i was so tired i actually slept at 11 like my energy was so depleted, i didn’t want to sit up on my laptop or really open my eyes. it’s a first. usually i’m up until like 3 AM on weekends bc i get so energetic? but anyway, i hope you had a good friday!!!!!!!!! and i hope saturday’s treating you kindly :D
okay, me. i hate crying about emotional / personal issues, which is why i don’t really cry over that stuff?? like it’s too painful for me. but crying over shows???? idols??? done and done kjsdfhksjfha i cried like a bitch BOTH times i watched haikyuu!! and kuroko no basketball and…. ok i cried when i watched the second season of free! and voltron (did you know season 5 is up cuz i haven’t binged through it yet but aHHHHH!!!!) so you can see my priorities tbh. and yeeeeeeeees! i love redemption arcs too. i love anti-heroes bc they’re so multi-faceted like i know that’s expected but seeing them reveal different parts of themselves is just so nice and you come to love them bc some of their motivations are just so mislead i.e. zuko and wanting to please his father like he tries so hard and still it isn’t enough and he’s precious ok :( love him.
broooooooooooooo, same! i could do 9 AMs no biggie fall quarter (and one 8 AM discussion) but this quarter just having three of ‘em throughout the week is so hard. winter depression really hit me too. i don’t mention it on here a lot but it’s there and Strong. my coping mechanism is to just distract myself and keep busy tho.
WE COULD HAPPEN JFGKSHDKFJSH i remember when the mv dropped and all the uke players like………………….. died and ascended into another plane bc aj was the uke god back then. still talented af tho so good on him!!!!!!!! & (’: even just commenting on that change of my makes me so happy so thank you!!!!!!! i’d die to be in the mcu universe ok, lemme see a filipina hero or antihero pls n thx - that way i can truly say i’ve lived tbh. grhsgoshduj lmao yes let’s be the rbf duo!!!!!!!! me and you!!!!!!!!!!!
i actually never had an aff but my best friend read some stories on there LOL. i posted on quotev and fanfiction.net tho. like ff.net was how i got my start into the world of fanfics back in like 3rd grade??????? so 2008???????? but omfg when i posted fic on tumblr it was 5sos n teen wolf n yes sports anime…………………….. i kinda cringe with the pieces just ‘cuz i read this one 5sos one and it was just Cringey kdsjfhsjkhf the sports animes were fine-ish just cuz they were a little more recent but god just thinking about my older writing both horrifies and gratifies me bc i came such a long way to where i am now. i totally support going back and re-vamping them tho!!!!!!!!! i have a story from high school that was kinda a fanfic / venting piece and i posted it on my old account but never re-posted it here so whenever i touch it again i might just re-vamp it.
GIRL YAS. i fuckin’ love that!!!!!!!!!!! i love slice of life pieces cuz that’s my shit but i really want to do more fantasy pieces. i feel like i don’t have the guts to bc i have a few fantasy / dystopian wips that i have yet to touch but i aim to whenever the inspo’s there
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